July 17, 2020 Strathmore Times

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Page 2 New seniors’ lodge

planning underway
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The Wheatland Housing Management Body

(WHMB) is evaluating proposals for a new seniors’
housing facility – and the project could be “shov-
el-ready” as early as the fall.
Town building on time WHMB had a demographic assessment performed
that showed a high current need for seniors’ accom-
COVID-19 Update modations in the region, explained WHMB board
chair Glenn Koester.
in Strathmore & In 2019, there were 1,720 senior-led households in
Wheatland County the region, 430 (25 per cent) of which are in need of
(as of July 14, 2020) senior housing, according to the report prepared for
WHMB by Gordon and Associates Consulting Servic-
33 Cases es. In 2016, 240 households were 85 years or older,
9 Active | 24 Recovered showing a need for designated supportive living care
0 Deaths units that provide on-site personal care and health
care services.
This need is expected to increase, as the area has
one of the highest growth rates of senior populations
in the province, said Koester, who is also Wheatland
County Division 6 councillor. By 2026, the region is
expected to grow by 2,136 people aged 65 years and
older, requiring 1,411 housing units, 20 per cent of
which will require subsidized housing and care, ac-
cording to the report. The 75 to 84 age group is pre-
dicted to increase by 91 per cent by 2029 and will
require a combination of supportive living.
The idea for the new facility is to accommodate “ag-
ing in place,” said Koester. “You won’t have to move
to Airdrie, Vulcan or wherever some of the residents
have to go when they are looking for more care.”
WHMB is in the process of hiring an architect for
the design of the facility. It has received proposals
from 20 different architects in response to its request
for proposal (RFP) and will interview some of them.
We offer digital imaging, intra-oral camera, patient education
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sedation, chairside computers, quiet electric headpieces.
“We’ve got a short list and we are going to try and
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come up with a good plan,” said Koester.
#105f 100 Ranch Market, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 0A8 Strathmore town councillor Denise Peterson, anoth-
Dr. Ashkan Hamzehi DDS;
er member of the WHMB board, said she is hopeful
Dr. Sharif Faizi DMD; Dr. Simarjyot Randhawa BDS
the successful RFP candidate will be someone with
deep experience in the work of building senior’s fa-
Look on Pages 6+10 for cilities.
Town of Strathmore WHMB requested the facility to include about 100
Municipal Notices large rooms, about 40 DSL 4 and DSL 4D (designated
Contact Us Today!
supportive living 4 and 4 dementia) rooms, and about
25 independent living rooms, as well as a hospice fa- Sky’s the limit
403.934.5589 cility. But it is up to the architects to determine what Logan Pouwer performs a bar spin on his scooter to the amazement of mesmerized
[email protected]
[email protected] the facility will look like and what its exact specifica- onlookers at the Strathmore Skatepark on July 9. Pouwer, known as one of the best
tions will be, said Koester. skaters in town, has been perfecting his craft for five years.
www. StrathmoreTimes.com Continued on Page 4
Sean Feagan Photo
Page 2 • Strathmore TIMES • July 17, 2020 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Municipal building on schedule

SEAN FEAGAN Radon mitigation measures are being installed
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter throughout the building footprint and rough
grading is also taking place around the site, said
Strathmore’s new municipal building is on Person.
track to be finished this fall. Council is getting regular reports from the new
“The building construction is on schedule, and project manager, said Fule.
I hope you get a chance to either walk by or “We’re very much more involved in the pro-
drive by and see the progress for yourself,” said cess,” he said.
Fule during a Facebook live address on July 9. The town has established a steering committee
The projected timing of completion for the for the project composed of senior management
building is early November. and council members to which the project man-
Work onsite is ongoing. The building’s steel- ager reports monthly.
stud framing has started on the second level, As per the town’s June update document, the
and roofing membranes are being installed, said projected overall cost of the project is $14.73 mil-
Geoff Person, Town of Strathmore communica- lion. This was reported as a slight reduction from
tions strategist, in a statement. a projection made in mid-May.
The concrete for the upstairs floors has also Of this total, $7.9 million is for building con-
been poured, with the bottom floor scheduled to struction, $2,587,000 is for site servicing and reha- Strathmore’s new municipal building is taking shape as construction at the
be poured next, said Fule. Two of the walls will bilitation, $1,897,000 is for Strathmore Commons site continues, with completion on-track for early November. The steel-stud
be closed-in the next few weeks, and the entire and north Kinsmen improvements, $1,492,000 is framing is nearing completion, the second-level concrete floor has been
building is expected to be closed-in by early Sep- for soft costs and $850,000 is for furniture, fix- poured, and two of the walls will be closed in during the coming weeks.
tember, he said. tures and equipment. Sean Feagan Photo

County looking to loosen cannabis production regulations

SEAN FEAGAN parcels only. tivation,” defined as land, buildings or for cannabis operations. The setback
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
But some prospective producers structures for licensed growing of can- distances that production and culti-
have eyed other areas of the county, nabis. This is a more narrow use than vation facilities could be sited from
Wheatland County is considering explained county Reeve Amber Link, that of the existing “cannabis produc- schools (or other institutions involving
easing its regulations surrounding can- in a statement. “When cannabis first tion facility” use, for which producing, childcare) and houses would decrease
nabis production and cultivation. became legal our staff received several processing, labelling and packaging, from 500 metres to 150 metres and 100
During the Wheatland County coun- inquiries regarding building cannabis testing, researching, destroying, stor- metres, respectively. These setbacks
cil regular meeting on July 4, a bylaw production facilities on agriculturally- ing and transporting is also permitted, would be measured from the bound-
to amend the county’s land use by- zoned parcels,” she said. “Though the besides growing. ary of the proposed development area,
laws to ease restrictions on producing initial excitement has died down, staff “From the outside, the infrastruc- rather than the property line.
and cultivating cannabis passed first is still looking for ways to support ag- ture (of a production versus cultivation The requirement for all activities at
reading. The bylaw proposes several ricultural diversification.” facility) may not look different,” said cannabis production facilities to oc-
changes affecting where facilities can While the changes might make Link. “Cultivation operations aren’t cur within fully enclosed, standalone
be sited in the county and how they Wheatland County more attractive to necessarily smaller in area, but they buildings would also be removed un-
can be operated. prospective cannabis operations, the are restricted with the types of uses al- der the bylaw amendment. This in-
The changes would open more of county is not actively working to at- lowed within the development itself.” cludes loading, receiving and shipping
Wheatland County to cannabis opera- tract growers or cultivators, said Link. The proposed changes would allow of cannabis or other materials. It would
tions. Currently, facilities are permit- Rather, the changes will make the production as a permitted use in all in- also remove the requirement that all
ted in the West Highway 1 Area Struc- county’s land use bylaw closer match tensive industrial land use districts and garbage containers and waste materi-
ture Plan Area, located to the west of the regulations and experiences of oth- would allow cultivation as a permitted als are contained within an enclosed
Strathmore, in industrial general zoned er municipalities. use in industrial general districts, and building. Under the bylaw, cultivation
“No other municipalities that we are as a discretionary use in agricultural operations would not require a waste
aware of restrict their cannabis pro- general districts and rural business management or landscaping plan, as it
duction facilities to a geographical districts. is considered an agricultural use.
area, and other than concerns raised Cultivation would be excluded as a The proposed changes remove a
during the development permit ap- use within agricultural operations, ag- requirement in the county’s bylaws
plication circulation period, few com- ricultural processing, greenhouse and for air filtration systems. However,
plaints have been received after the nursery land uses. Under the bylaws federal regulations require air filtra-
facilities are built,” said Link. “They at- and federal regulations, outdoor culti- tion to prevent the escape of odours
tribute this to the rural location of the vation is permitted, although this type associated with cannabis plant mate-
facilities.” of operation is rare, if not non-existent, rials to the outdoors, so the county’s
The bylaw would introduce a new in the province at this time. requirement was seen as redundant,
discretionary land use, “cannabis cul- The bylaw would also ease setbacks explained Link. Facilities would thus
Strathmore RCMP is investigating still require systems to prevent the es-

Early Bird Air Ltd.

the theft of a vehicle that took cape of odours.
Furthermore, the land use bylaw
place on June 14th, 2020 from the prohibits “off-site nuisances,” includ-
Maple area in Strathmore. ing odours, contraventions of which
The truck is described as a are enforceable by the county. If a
Serving our customers complaint was made, the county would
2012 Brown GMC 2500
with license plate Aerial Crop Spraying ensure the complainant is a resident
within the area, typically within a mile
TGD922 attached. Requirements with an of the development, said Link.
TWO AT-802A AIRCRAFTS “A person who drove by and then
If you have any information that Aerial Crop made the complaint wouldn’t be con-
could help locate this vehicle, We’ve got it covered! Spraying sidered an affected party,” she said.
They would need to explain how the
please contact the odour is affecting their day-to-day life,
Strathmore RCMP. Call NOW for all your Fungicide Spraying Needs! and potentially need to defend their
views in court.
The federal government provides
File: 2020779978 Ground
TWO “micro” licenses that restrict opera-
JOHN DEERE R4045 tions to 200 metres square. But the
county has decided to treat all oper-
1-800-222-TIPS HIGH CLEARANCE ations the same in terms of require-
(1-800-222-8477) SPRAYERS ments, which includes proving the
facility can be serviced with water
120 ft. boom for less tracks and wastewater, and potentially a bio-
physical impact assessment or traffic

impact assessment, depending on its
proposed location, said Link.
A public hearing to discuss the
Phone: (403) 533-2400 Fax: (403) 533-2401 changes is proposed for Sept. 1, 2020,
403-934-5552 to be held in the Wheatland County
120 - 2nd Avenue, Strathmore email: [email protected] council chambers.
July 17, 2020 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 3

Strathmore ag society excited for upcoming events

JACOB MILLER deos. directly getting on the animals and son begins,” said Schmidt.
Times Reporter “So, things are coming back to life in practicing with feedback right after The school will host 50 kids this
the ag grounds and we’re very hopeful, and coaching beforehand from coach- year.
With the government of Alberta but it’s definitely been a tough period es.” The school will be following the Al-
launching Phase 2 of its reopening for us that we had to struggle through. The coaches attending this year’s berta provincial guidelines for social
strategy, the Strathmore and District We’re coming through that and we’re rodeo school are Scott Schiffner, two- distancing.
Agricultural Society has started to pretty optimistic about the future and time Calgary Stampede bull riding In the classroom they will be mak-
open up the ag grounds for events. our relaunch,” said Schmidt. champion, the Johansen Brothers, ing sure participants stay apart. In
Due to the restrictions put in place One of the events coming up at Zeke Thurston, two-time world cham- instances where that is not possible,
with the number of people allowed at the ag grounds is the Rodeo School, pion saddle bronc rider, Skeeter Thur- they will require masks to be worn.
events from the start of the pandemic, which takes place Aug. 17-20. ston, Levi Hale and Jake Vold, cham- “The outdoor limit is 200, and we’re
the society has had to cancel events “This is our second annual rodeo pion bareback rider. only talking about 50 kids and coach-
and rentals, including the Strathmore school and we’re hosting bull riding, The school is beneficial for the kids es; it’s an outdoor space where there
Stampede. bull fighting, saddle bronc and bare- because they’re allowed to get onto as is a ton of room to socially distance,
“It’s only been with the Phase 2 re- back clinics,” said Schmidt. many animals as they want with train- so, it’ll be manageable and we’ll make
launch in Alberta that we’ve been able The school is a chance to get the ing and feedback from the coaches. sure that safety is top priority,” said
to resume some activities,” said Ryan kids ready before the High School Ro- “So, it allows them to get a lot of Schmidt.
Schmidt, ag society general manager. deo season begins. practice, a lot of tips from experi- The ag grounds is also hosting the
These activities include baseball, “They’ll get on-the-ground class- enced athletes, and a chance to get Senior Pro Rodeo that runs Aug. 22-
barrel racing and non-spectator ro- room training, but mainly they’ll be tuned up before the high school sea- 23.

Town’s recreation facilities reopening in stages

SEAN FEAGAN “We’re cleaning and disinfecting the facilities and prepar-
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter ing to safely welcome you back,” said Strathmore Mayor Pat
Fule in a Facebook live address on July 9.
Recreational activities are returning to Strathmore one fa- The Strathmore Family Centre and the Strathmore Civic Gord Morck
cility at a time. Centre reopened on July 13.
The Town of Strathmore announced the reopening sched- At the Family Centre, the blue Arena will be open to user Capsule Comments
ule of several recreational facilities across town, as part of groups. Recreational skating will restart on July 20, but par-
the town’s relaunch from COVID-19 shutdowns. ticipation will require pre-registration through the online About 1/3 of cancer patients use complementary
or alternative therapies. Herbal supplements are
Each facility will have new protocols in place to incorpo- PerfectMind system (strathmore.perfectmind.com). the most common form. If you take supplements,
rate the province’s COVID-19 guidelines, according to town For now, the town is keeping the change rooms closed. be sure to tell your GP and oncologist you are
administration. These will affect how residents register for “When the blue arena opens next week, we’ll be asking doing this. This is especially true for patients
activities and how many people can participate in a given patrons to come into the building with their gear on, then receiving radiation treatments. Sometimes, high
activity, among other changes. lace up their skates once they’re in the building,” said Geoff doses of antioxidants may have a detrimental ef-
fect on how well the radiation works.
Person, communications strategist with the town, in a state-
With all the concern about pandemics this year,
Gleichen RCMP arrest man ment.
Two of the three halls at the Civic Centre will be opened
one of the myths of the “Spanish Flu” is that it
started in Spain. It didn’t. The reason Spain got

in firearms incident for community rentals.

The Lions Splash Park reopened on July 15. It will be open
tagged with it was that it was a neutral country
during WWI so it was one of the few countries
that announced the presence of the flu in the
daily, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturdays to Thursdays, and
JANET KANTERS charged with 17 Criminal 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Fridays. Two lifeguards will monitor country. Other countries suppressed this news so
Times Editor Code offences and three of- as not to give the enemy any strategic advantage.
the site and perform sanitization duties. Public restrooms
fences under the Traffic Safe- During the hot days of summer, it’s good to
will be available. As the electrical system was destroyed by know the signs that you are exercising too hard
A Siksika man is in custo- ty Act, including unauthor- a vehicle collision with the town’s pumphouse, it will be and when to stop immediately. Warning signs
dy and faces several charges ized possession of a firearm powered by a small generator. include discomfort or chest pain that might be
under the Criminal Code in motor vehicle (x2); point- The Strathmore Aquatic Centre is tentatively scheduled to signalling a heart attack. Significant breathless-
and Traffic Safety Act. ing a firearm; possession of reopen on Aug. 10. The Strathmore Motor Products Sports ness and very rapid or irregular heartbeat are also
On the evening of July 8, a weapon while prohibited Centre will host summer camps starting on July 20 and is signs. Before you start a workout regimen, check
with your doctor so you know your limits. And
Gleichen RCMP responded (x4); unsafe storage of fire- scheduled to reopen to the public on Aug. 17. keep hydrated.
to an incident where it is al- arms (x4); fail to comply All recreation memberships were put on hold when the There are many unpleasant side effects from
leged a male driver of a car with release order (x4); dan- facilities were closed in March, and will be “unpaused” once smoking. One that isn’t mentioned often is that
was in possession of a fire- gerous operation of convey- each facility opens. tobacco smoke (and marijuana smoke) irritate the
arm and was pursuing a sec- ance; operate conveyance voice box causing a localized thickening of the
ond vehicle after an interac- while prohibited; misuse of vocal cords. This thickening can lower the voice
tion had occurred between plates; unregistered motor Thinking of Buying or Selling your making it sound harsh and raspy.
the occupants. vehicle; and, uninsured mo- Hours:
Police located the sus- tor vehicle. home but not sure where to start? M-F: 9 - 7 pm • Sat: 9 - 6 pm
pect vehicle outside of a Following a judicial hear-
residence on Siksika Na- ing, Yellowfly was remand- I would be happy to sit down with you and Sun & Holidays: 11 - 5 pm
tion, and around 3:15 a.m. ed in custody to appear in provide you with the information you need to Strathmore 132 - 2nd Ave.
on July 9, evacuated the Siksika Nation Provincial make the right decisions for your situation. Strathmore
residence and arrested the Court on July 16 at 9:30 a.m. No obligations of course!
suspect as he attempted to Gleichen RCMP are asking Ph: 403-934-3122
flee. A .22 calibre rifle was the public’s assistance for Fx: 403-934-6474
seized during the ensuring any information in relation Tammy Lambert - Realtor Get the latest new products, special
savings, contests and more sent directly
search. to this incident. Please con-
Preston Joseph Yellowfly tact Gleichen RCMP at 403- 403-934-0937 to your email. Sign up today for the
Value Drug Mart E-letter.
(34) of Siksika Nation was 734-3056 or local police. [email protected]

Mario Prusina Publisher

Janet Kanters Editor
Kristina Bezic Financial Manager
Sean Feagan Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
Adelle Ellis Reporter / Office Manager Rose Hamrlik Advertising
Jacob Miller Reporter
Jody Schneider Production
Leela Sharon Aheer, MLA

Contributors: Doug Taylor, Laureen F. Guenther, John Godsman, Manny Everett, Miriam Ostermann, Florence Kalia
125 2nd Avenue, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1K1 • 403.934.5589 Meetings by appointment
Strathmore Times is published every Friday by Strathmore Times Inc. and is distributed by Canada Post to Strathmore, Carseland, Cheadle, Cluny,
Gleichen, Hussar, Lyalta, Namaka, Nightingale, Rockyford, Rosebud, Speargrass and Standard. We also have various pickup locations throughout our 403-962-0126
coverage area. Our 10,910 issues are printed by Star Press Inc., Wainwright, Alberta. The content in the Strathmore Times is copyright and reproduction Chestermere.Strathmore@
without the proper written consent of the Strathmore Times is strictly prohibited.
The Times welcomes letters to the editor for publication. All submissions must be signed and a phone number included for verification purposes. We reserve the right to
edit letters for length, legal considerations and taste. Please try and keep your letters under 400 words to ensure that it will appear as close to its original form as possible.
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Local Journalism Initiative. MAILING ADDRESS:
PO Box 2527,
Strathmore, AB
www.StrathmoreTimes.com T1P 0H3
Page 4 • Strathmore TIMES • July 17, 2020 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Learning to live with COVID-19

LEELA SHARON AHEER than the cure. There are no hospital beds available does not work. I am not a doctor, so I surely do
Chestermere-Strathmore MLA
here. I am deeply touched by your good wishes, not have the answers, but I will say that doctors,
and I am certain my recovery will give me strength nurses, dentists, oilfield workers, construction
COVID-19 has seen 12.9 million cases, seven million recov- and get me back to being as active as ever.” workers and many more wear them all the time,
eries and over 500,000 deaths worldwide. The reason I am writing this is because every long before COVID-19, and I’m fairly certain those
What is it like to have the coronavirus? Some of you may single day I am told by at least one person that protocols have protected these folks from all man-
have had friends and loved ones that have been through it there is too much hype around the COVID-19 vi- ner of infections, dust and other things.
and recovered, and to those of you who have lost loved ones, rus and how various governments have handled We are now recovering from the impacts of CO-
Pass the Salt
we send our deepest condolences and love to you. The stories
are unique to each individual, and as we come out from the
shadow of this horrible virus, we also have to understand that
the situation. I am honoured to be in a province
where the people here respect each other and
their health deeply, and the prevention strategy
VID-19, and we are relaunching our economy.
We have invested billions into infrastructure and
transportation projects across this beautiful prov-
weWHY are DID
far SARAH LAUGH? the world
from ridding to reveal who this guest
of COVID-19. truly
However, we
is – theeachLord, other
something neither
has for the most part, helped us to return to our ince, because we believe in our province, our peo-
areThe question in
learning tothe titlewith
live is oneit, keeping safe, and re- lives faster than we imagined. Our province has ple and our collective recovery. We know that the
asked by
igniting the Godeconomy Sarah nor Abraham
in one of theafter the devastation had any of so
and sacrifice
scripture readings set for the reason to suspect up to that point. given out more PPE than any other jurisdiction in resilience that is in the DNA of every person in this
many to keep our communities safe. Canada. We are doing regular testing, and I en- province will be what leads us forward to future
second Sunday after Pentecost. And then the passage uses that
If you have any signs of sneezing, mucus, headaches or fe- courage you to be tested, as asymptomatic testing prosperity. We can do this together by elevating
Abraham has extended generous revelation as a segue to a far more
vers, please make sure you are tested
hospitality to three strangers, one
ASAP, as the signs for a
important question, “Is anything is as important as testing someone who is already each other, protecting each other, and being con-
common cold are so
of whom announces that by this similar to this virus.
too wonderful It for
is not easy –toa iso-
the Lord?” sick. scious of our own health and that of the person
next year,and I would
Sarah, childlesslike to question
take thewhich opportunity
demands the to share I wear a mask everywhere I go, especially if I standing beside us. It’s time to come out from the
a story
and well withpast you aboutwill
menopause, one of my family
answer, “No!”members who has cannot distance myself from people. I take off my shadows with a greater understanding, knowledge
give birthrecovered, living in India.
to a son. Overhearing Myascousin,
Here, elsewhere after one month
in Genesis,
mask in my cohort groups, and if I have enough and appreciation of life.
of this while alonegave
recovering, in her metent, some and indeedinsight
Sarah incredible throughout intoscripture,
the virus distance between myself and the next person. I (Leela Sharon Aheer is the MLA Elect for Chester-
why we have needed to take this
andlaughs. theGod reveals himself
precautions wetohave,
women and wear a mask to protect the other people in the mere-Strathmore, Minister of Status of Women and
why Thethis
is not passage
just likedoesn’tthe common and men cold.as the
ThisGodiswho hisdoes the
tell us took
why Sarah laughed, turn impossible, as “themy Godlungs,
who gives room. I was told the other day that wearing masks Minister of Culture and Multiculturalism)
“The a serious infiltrating and
but that has not stopped Biblical life to the dead and calls into being
thanks to the team of doctors, who were able to secure my

Federal economic and fiscal snapshot

commentators, mostly men, from the things that were not”, as Paul
medicines, frequently reviewed and changed the medicines
censuring her for it – certain that will summarize later in Romans 4.
as they
her laughter me to beclosely
of a for
In a24/7 for alifemonth.
time when seems I am 60
years old, and with additional
cynical, disbelieving sort – indeed support from
constrained and turned my family,
upsideI was MARTIN SHIELDS recovery will be driven by Canadians’ hard work, innovation
pulled back to a path
an affront to God. But the passage of recovery. down, the generous hospitalityatof the
After a 12 day stay Member of Parliament Bow River Riding
itself makesandno10 such days post hospital
judgement. this God stay,
whoI walks
am finally feeling
with us still and entrepreneurial spirit.
In the and
context haveof thebeen
story itable
is to stop
invitesmost medicines.
us to laugh Due to
in anticipation Over the past month, I’ve spoken with business owners
Last week, Finance Minister Bill Mor- across our riding. They are hardworking, innovative and
limited possible
strengththat Sarah ability toof speak,
andlaughs a wondrous I wasjoy yet
notto able
come.to Forre-
neau tabled the government’s econom-
spond to ashe allows
large herself aof
number calls. neither
brief This isdeath,a bad norvirus.
life, norItangels,
spreads ready to create jobs and prosperity again. To be competitive,
ic and fiscal “snapshot.” Morneau con-
verymoment of anticipatory
fast and attacks joy over
breathing; itnormakes
rulers, nor
weak present,
and norif not firmed the Liberals are running a deficit
we need to unleash the power of the private sector. We need
a long-held
timely treated desire, even though
spreads further. I things
was tovery come,careful.
nor Covid-19,
All nor
May, I of $343.2 billion this year, and for the
to give Canadians incentives to work, not punish and dis-
logic tells her it is impossible. And anything else in all creation is incentivize productivity. Support small businesses. Get our
stayed away from any meetings except a brief meeting with a first time the net federal debt will reach
three chapters later, God himself able to separate us from the love energy sector firing on all cylinders. Support our agricultural
fewjoinspeople on one occasion.
in Sarah’s laughter when the
I can’t believe that my moments
of God in Christ Jesus. Indeed, over $1 trillion.
would attract COVID-19. It was hell for me. The virus oper- producers and supply chain. Lower taxes, cut red tape and
child whose name is laughter is “Is anything too wonderful for the Whether the government’s efforts
ates at a very quick pace, and if not
Lord?” treated within the first make Canada an attractive place to do business. One of the
indeed born. Whatever her reason, to combat the pandemic were reason-
it will isquickly
known only moveto into the lungs. Getting tested in best things the government could do to get our economy go-
able is, of course, a matter of debate. ing again is to get out of the way and let Canadians produce
herself and is very complicated. Please
to God. Rev. Malcolm stay Kern,
protect each My Opposition colleagues and I heard
And so,
other, and rather
keep than judgehealth
your Sarah, intact. St.The
Michael & All Angels
prevention is far better prosperity.
from individuals and businesses across Unfortunately, the governments snapshot accomplishes
the passage uses the question Anglican Church
the country that gaps needed to be none of these things. Conservatives will continue to press
fixed. Many could have been addressed for a real, transparent plan back to prosperity, not more defi-
without substantial cost. I think that cits and debt.
BOW RIVER ALLIANCE CHURCH SACRED HEART CATHOLIC our country would be in a much better
105 Main St. Carseland Holy Cross Collegiate School Gym As always, my Ottawa office can be reached at martin.
403-934-9337 709B - 2nd Street, Strathmore position if the Liberals had listened to [email protected]. My Brooks office can be reached at 403-
Pastor: Kevin Enns 403-934-2641 input from the Opposition throughout 793-6775 or [email protected], and my Strath-
[email protected] Pastor: Fr. Wojciech Jarzecki this crisis instead of shutting down par- more office at 403-361-2980 or martin.shields.c1B@parl.
Broadcasting services on Suspended mass services. liament. However, regardless of where
church Facebook page. gc.ca. Please don’t hesitate to contact me.
www.bowriveralliance.com ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS ANGLICAN you stand on the COVID-19 response,
103 - 227 3rd Ave. the current fiscal situation should con-

Planning continues
587-727-0649 cern you.
[email protected] Canada has the highest unemploy-
325 1 Ave • 403-934-3543
Rev. Malcolm Kern
Corner of 1 Ave & Wheatland Trail ment in the G7. We are the only G7
for new seniors lodge
All services are cancelled until further notice
Lead Pastor: Mike Wiebe country to lose its AAA credit rating.
“Becoming fully alive in Jesus Christ”
Associate Pastor: John Duerksen And we are the only G7 country with
Youth/Worthip Inter: Connor Hyde HOPE COMMUNITY
Cancelled all operations and services no recovery plan. Add on an astronomi-
COVENANT CHURCH Continued from Page 1
until further notice. 245 Brent Blvd, Strathmore • 403-934-2424
cal budget deficit and unprecedented
www.strathmorealliance.com Pastor: Heidi Wiebe national debt and it’s clear this govern-
In person services have been cancelled. ment has left us in an untenable posi- WHMB held one community meeting, before the COV-
Preschool cancelled. tion. Action must be taken to get our ID-19 pandemic sidelined consultation efforts, to help direct
(1 PET. 2:9) Online services available.
economy working again and to rein in the decision-making process, he said. But now, the organi-
322 A 2nd Avenue, Strathmore www.hope-community.ca zation has partnered with Community Futures Wild Rose to
spending, while still protecting Cana-
STRATHMORE UNITED da’s most vulnerable. restart engagement. The engagement approach has yet to be
Pastor: Sunday Adeola decided but may include surveys and group meetings.
Wheatland Trail & 3rd Avenue Right now, the Liberals only plan is to
Will be offering online services
until further notice.
keep spending huge amounts of money “We want to get the whole community involved – we want
Rev. Pamela Scott to know their wants and desires and hopes and dreams,”
www.rccgstrathmore.com to keep our economy on life support.
All worship services and gatherings
cancelled until further notice. Instead, we need to help get workers said Koester. “If we want seniors to move to the area or stay
Phone messages checked weekly. and local businesses back on their feet here, we have to accommodate their wishes.”
112 Lakeside Blvd. • 403-934-2374 as quickly as possible. Our economic The site for the new lodge has yet to be determined but
Pastor: Dawn Nelson HARVEST HEALING CENTRE CHURCH will be off-site from the existing Wheatland Lodge. “We didn’t
All worship services and gatherings are 102 Canal Gardens want to uproot any of the seniors there,” noted Koester. How-
closed until further notice. 403-901-0893 / 403-880-3171 Residential ever, once the new facility is opened, the existing 95-suite
The office will be open part time. Pastor: Elizabeth Karp
Join us in Praising our Lord, Jesus Christ! Pastor: Dave Mackie Acreage lodge will no longer serve as a seniors’ lodge, according to
Worship Sundays 10:30 am WHMB.
Youth Tuesdays 7 pm Award Winning Several sites are being assessed, but the design and en-
STRATHMORE SEVENTH-DAY Come Join us for a spirit-filled time
gagement process should narrow down the possibilities, said
Meeting in the Lutheran Church
112 Lakeside Blvd. 587-227-6956 STRATHMORE FULL GOSPEL CHURCH “When we come up with the design of a building that the
Pastor: Donald Pierre 50 Maplewood Drive • 403-934-2225 community wants, it will probably only fit on certain pieces
Senior Pastor: Rev. Les Fischer REALTY HORIZON
Services held every Saturday of land – that will take the political scrum out of it, maybe,”
Youth Pastor: Rev. Kyle Lomenda
Sabbath School: 10 AM
All services and gatherings are
Alisa Wurz he said. “When all those factors are put together, maybe the
Worship Service: 11 AM
cancelled until further notice. (403) 934-7903 land will pick itself.”
[email protected] www.strathmorefullgospel.com alisawurz@ Funding for the project has not yet been secured. WHMB
hotmail.com is trying to garner support from the government of Alberta,
said Koester. “We’re hoping for a grant to build it.”
Visit my Website to find your WHMB is hoping to have the project ready for construc-
The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints DREAM HOME @ tion in the fall, said Koester. “Once the community engage-
60 Maplewood Drive | Bishop Justin Hansen | [email protected]
403-983-2746 | LDS.org | Worship Service Sundays 10 a.m. www.alisawurz.com ment is done, the architect can draw the schematic and we
(can) get the land sewed up, then we will be shovel ready.”
July 17, 2020 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 5

Tasty fresh and frozen

Ukrainian food, just like you
would find in

Reds baseball keeping kids busy Baba’s kitchen!

during pandemic people from their family home.

JACOB MILLER our practices we’re running and now
Times Reporter we’re starting to play some games Players are also recommended to RESTAURANT OPEN
against neighbouring communities like bring and use their own equipment. 12 noon to 8 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday
Baseball is back in Strathmore after Chestermere,” said Bodie. Bodie said that about 80 kids regis- for Dine In, Take Out and Delivery
the future of sports was unknown due Currently, under Baseball Alberta’s tered this season, which is a little low
from last season, and there are four
to the COVID-19 pandemic.
With the second phase of Baseball
guidelines, the teams are only allowed
to play exhibition games against other teams, U11, U13, U15 and U18 groups. $9.99 Weekly Specials
July 14 to 19
Alberta’s Return to Play Plan, which communities within the designated co- “It’s down overall because we didn’t
- 12 wings, fresh cut fries & dessert
went into effect on July 1, the Reds are hort, up to 50 people, but are not al- run a program for the younger kids,
- Lasagna, caesar salad, garlic toast & dessert
back playing once again. lowed to have league games. like T-Ball and rookie ball,” he noted. - 12 perogies, garlic sausage & dessert
“The kids seem to be really happy Under these guidelines, teams have “But considering the season was can- - 2 cabbagerolls, 6 perogies, garlic sausage
to be back out on the field,” said Jeff to stay two metres away from each celled at one point, we’re pretty happy & dessert
Bodie, the president of the Strathmore other, players are not to have contact with the turnout we got.”
Minor Baseball Association (SMBA). with players on the other team, and The Reds plan on playing the season $9.99 Friday BBQ Special
“The season has been going well, players are recommended to eat before out till late August. BBQ chicken and ribs with fresh cut fries or
we’ve been getting good turnouts at the game at home and travel only with “Right now, we’re planning to run as perogies & dessert
long as the kids keep coming out,” said
Bodie. “It’s been really good to have $9.99 Saturday

Silver Sharks swim team the kids out and give them the oppor-
Ukrainian Cuisine Special
Chicken Kiev, perogies or fresh cut fries
& dessert
looking forward to new season CONTEST TIME
Take a picture of our magnet sign by Rona,
JANET KANTERS course” season refers to competitions share it, and post “done” in the comments of
Times Editor that take place in a 25 metre (m) pool. A our Facebook post. Your name will be entered
little over halfway through our season, Commercial | Farms Industrial | Investment to win one of our $99.99 freezer packs.
Like every other sports team in the they transitioned into a “long course” Draw on August 1st @ noon
area, the Strathmore Silver Sharks swim season which refers to competitions in Bob Sheddy C0-Owner/Commercial Broker Retail Products available!
club’s 2019-20 season was abruptly end- a 50 m pool. BobSheddy.ca 403-324-2222
ed earlier this year. “When we were shut down in March [email protected]
But the team is looking forward to (dates coincided with the school shut Search: Dobre Food and Catering
on Facebook for all our SPECIALS!
a new season while continuing to cel- down, last practice was March 14), KaraLee Foat, MA Co-Owner/Broker
ebrate its athletes’ positive results in we were about to head into our short
PowerRealty.ca 587-390-0596 135 3rd Ave, Strathmore
2019-20. course provincial competitions,” said [email protected]
“We have been working with Swim Mertz. “Today, like everyone else glob- 403-902-9963 or 403-870-6343
to book events, make reservations, or for more info.
Canada, Swim Alberta, Alberta Health ally, we are doing our very best to stay 403-983-2121
123 2nd Ave,
Services, local government and our lo- active and connected.” Strathmore, AB

cal facility to determine the best way to The swim club has 31 athletes in the
return to our sport safely,” said Jenni- top 50 in the province in at least one
fer Mertz, head coach of the Strathmore event, including Asher Jensen, Jonas
Silver Sharks Swim Club (SSSSC). “Cur- Peterson, Olivia Fahl, Rhysian Wilkin-

rently we are working on registration son, Sydnee Skiftun, Harvey Kavanagh,
for next season. We will be working Abigail Alexander, Lara Kiteley, Paige
with all the groups mentioned above to Flaws, Ali Kardas, Cale Yorston, Char-
align our program with all proper safe-
ty measures in an effort to bring our
lie Yorston, Cole Sparrow, Miya Han-
sen, Camryn Elder, Addi Robison, Ella
‘swimming family’ back together for the Peterson, Jack Cook, Jack Yorston, Will ONLINE ONLY AT STARLINGAUCTIONSLTD.COM
beginning of October.”
After the club wrapped up its season,
it was able to celebrate its top 50 ath-
Karkut, Mia Grant, Boston Marshman,
Effram Hook, Sydney Getzinger, Josh
Kennedy, Ty Nott, Megan Mertz, Martina
letes provincially and nationally. “We Sidorenko, Anna Wegner, Erik Meyer LOTS BEGIN CLOSING @ 10:00AM SATURDAY, JULY 18
have athletes who wrapped up their and Katie Drover. Register to bid online at starlingauctionsltd.com
‘short course’ season in the top 50 in “Compiling this list reminded us how
the whole province in their age group,” many goals are on pause, but also how STARLING SALES & STORAGE 11500 116 ST NE CALGARY
noted Mertz. “After compiling all of the much we have accomplished already,” We will be selling a large quantity of Industrial Equipment,
results we learned we have 31 athletes said Mertz. “Being an athlete requires Vehicles, Farming Equipment & SO MUCH MORE!
in the top 50 in the province in at least determination, dedication and a con- CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME JESSE STARLING,
one event and one athlete who is Top 50 stant re-evaluation. Now is time to use CALL 403-808-3134 Proudly serving Auctioneer
Western Canada!
in Canada – Megan Mertz.” these results as fuel to get motivated for NEXT SALE AUGUST 1
Mertz explained that the “short as soon as we can get back in the water.” IN CLARESHOLM STARLING AUCTIONS 403-808-3134



0 84
Page 6 • Strathmore TIMES • July 17, 2020



Archie & Other medical conditions suffer employment/licens-
CARLSON, Marion Hall causing TROUBLE WALKING ing loss? Travel/business
or DRESSING? The Disability opportunities? Be embar-
Ida Johanna (Joy) celebrated
Tax Credit allows for $3,000 rassed? Think: Criminal Par-
65 years of
September 13, 1939
– July 9, 2020 marriage 16 Madison Court yearly tax credit and $30,
000 lump sum refund. Take
don. US entry waiver. Record
purge. File destruction. Free
Ida Johanna (Joy) Carlson passed away on July 9, on July 8th. Saturday, July 18 advantage of this offer. Apply
NOW; quickest refund Na-
consultation. 1-800-347-
2540. www.accesslegalmjf.
2020 at the age of 80 years. Joy was born on Sep- ca
tember 13, 1939 in Elnora, Alberta. Happy 10a m - 3 pm tionwide: Expert help. 1-844-

On March 6, 1957 she married Charles Carlson and www.strathmoretimes.com

they raised four children on the farm north of Night- Anniversary!! Lots of large household items,
ingale, Alberta. Love your family
jewellry, books, lots of goodies NOTICES
Joy is survived by her children, Marilyn (Ian) Chizma- and friends
zia, Glenn (Donna), Ken (Kathleen) and Marlene
(James) Millis; eleven grandchildren, Evan, Erin (Gar-
ry), Josie (Mike), Laurel (Kyle), Ryan (Michelle), Kyle, BIRTHDAYS
James, Joel (Aly), Wyatt (Kassie), Megan and Cody;
six great-grandchildren, Spencer, Olivia, Sophie, SATURDAY,
The Volunteer FRIDAYS
Maddison, Logan and Abigail. She is also survived
by her sister, Doreen Mose and sister-in-law, Joanne
Duncan and numerous nieces and nephews. King has
- 3 PM - 6:30 PM

She was predeceased by her husband, Charles; par-

ents, Alex and Pearl Duncan; four brothers, Gilbert, arrived to 10-4 pm A few Changes to this years Summer Market
New Location(Ball Diamond Parking Lot

Elmer, Johnny and Lyle Duncan. South Side of Kinsmen Park)Rain Or Shine
She enjoyed her flowers and gardening in the sum- Due to Covid 19 All Patrons will have to abide by
mer and watching hockey and curling in the winters. all the Health & Safety Regulations set by AHS
when entering the Market
614 Edgefield Gate
She enjoyed playing cards with friends and family
and enjoyed her family coming for lunches. Love from your Patron Parking along Lakeside Blvd & Holy Cross
Due to Covid-19 limited number restrictions, a pri- wife, family Collegiate School Parking Lot.
vate service will be held on July 21, 2020 at 1:00 pm. & grandchildren www.strathmorefarmersmarket.ca
All are invited to view the live stream video of Joy’s
funeral service and or send condolences by visiting
Joy’s obituary at www.wheatlandfuneralhome.ca and
clicking the link at the bottom of the obituary. The Look Who
live stream link will not appear on the obituary until
approx. 12:45 pm on the day of the service. In lieu
of flowers, donations may be made to the Heart and
is Turning 100!
Stoke Foundation or the Kidney Foundation. HAYING
We will miss you.
Strathmore, AB. 403-934-5294
Van Bavel Joint Venture Alberta’s only licensed and
Custom or Crop Share approved Locally Owned
Custom Haying Residential Memory Care Home
since 2000
See Why We Care!
In loving memory of
Jewel Evelyn Comstock
❀ Thank You ❀ 3 John Deere MeadowlarkCare.com
August 23, 1930 - July 13, 2018 to everyone who reached
In loving memory of out to us during the
difficult time
Disc Bines
Jewel Evelyn Comstock

of losing our mother.
August 23, 1930 - July 13, 2018
The phone calls, cards, emails Betty McKay will become a 3 John Deere Balers
and messages left on
Wheatland Funeral Home Centenarian on July 19th.
website were deeply appreciated.
Thanks to the doctors and
Her family will celebrate with her Call Doug Saturday, July 18
by Cecylia
nursing staff at the Strathmore on this momentous occasion
(403) 934-7610 Sunday, July 19
Hospital for the wonderful care
and attention you provided.
Saturday, July 18th from or Glen
1:30-3:30 pm at the 9 am - 6 pm
The family of (403) 934-8234
Gone are the days we used to share
But in our areyou’re
hearts the days
always there
Esther Koester Community Circle,
Never we
than to share away
a thought
Parklane Pl. Strathmore. 3 gallon pots, $20-$25
Loved and in our hearts every day. MISC
you’re always there.
GoneAlways loved
the days&we
more remembered
thanto share
• Norway Spruce
But in our & all
the family
you’re always there
away CLASSIFIED ADS IN socially distancing outdoors or call and would like this message seen across Alberta. The Blanket
• Dahurian Birch • Swedish Aspen
Never more
Loved than
and a thought away
remembered THE TIMES! • American Elm
Loved and remembered every day.
every day. 403-934-5589 Laura at 403 983 6565 to extend Classifieds or Value Ads reach over 600,000 Alberta readers
• Scotch & Lodge Pole Pine
weekly. For as little as $269.00 + GST for a blanket classified
Always loved & remembered their good wishes. or $995 for a Value Ad, get your message out! Business chang- • And More
George & all the family
MEMORIAM es, the need for staff, items for sale, cancellations, Tendersµ.
As people are increasingly staying home, they will rely on West side of Muirfield

In loving memory of Like Us on this information even more to stay informed in your area and
across the province. KEEP people in the loop. The 89 Weekly
Lakes, on RR 265,
beside the WID canal.

Community Newspapers can help. Call this newspaper NOW
Text 403-616-9409
3” wide versionGREEN 3.75” wide version
or email [email protected] for details. 1-800-282-6903,
780-434-8746 X4. www.awna.com. Cecylia
May 15, 1949 – July 20, 2017
You left us beautiful memories,
your love is still our guide,
although we cannot see you, DEAD OR ALIVE DEAD OR ALIVE

Canadian Prairie Pickers

you’re always by our side.
In our Book of Life those memories
iness andofFamily
the happyMediation
days we once knew,
are recorded with special fondness,
Business and Family Mediation
are once again touring the area!
Canadian Prairie Pickers
are once again touring the area!
Court hearing delayed indefinitely because of • Court hearing delayed indefinitely because of
next to our love for you.
COVID-19? Paying Cash For Coin Collections,
COVID-19? Paying Cash For Coin Collections,
• Can’t get your divorce / separation moving?
Forever in our hearts
Can’t get your divorce / separation moving?
Silver & Gold Coins, Silver & Gold Coins,
Isolated with the person you most want to • Isolated with the person you most want to
“Socially Distance”? and sadly missed, Royal Can. Mint Sets.
“Socially Distance”? Royal Can. Mint Sets.
your family
Serving rural Albertans as well as the cities • Serving rural Albertans as well as the cities
Also Buying Gold Jewelry Also Buying Gold Jewelry
Mediation Works!! Mediation Works!!
Be done by the end of summer FOR SALE
We can come to you or video conference
1/10th the time… 1/10th the cost!
$ $ We purchase
or boxes of
rolls, bags $ $
Be done by the end of summer
silver coins $
We can come to you or video conference
1/10th the time… 1/10th the cost!
$ $ We purchase rolls, bags
or boxes of silver coins $
$ $
Green, Heated or Spring- with a classified ad. Only
thrashed Canola. Buying: $269 (based on 25 words PAYING HIGHEST PRICES PAYING HIGHEST PRICES
Call 1-800-RESOLVE
oats, barley, wheat & peas or less). Reach 90 weekly
for feed. Buying damaged newspapers. Call NOW for
Call 1-800-RESOLVE
To arrange a free, discrete in-home visit To arrange a free, discrete in-home visit
offgrade grain. “On Farm details. 1-800-282-6903 Ext (1-800-737-6583)
Pickup” Westcan Feed & 4; www.awna.com.
n the going gets tough, the tough start mediating!”
the goingat
tough, the tough start mediating!”
call Kellie at 778-257-8647
Grain, 1-877-250-5252. Bonded since 1967 Bonded since 1967
July 17, 2020 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 7
Toddle Inn
Day Care
Duties include pen



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Businesses supported Wild Rose
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Page 8 • Strathmore TIMES • July 17, 2020 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Physical Physical
Distancing Distancing

6' 2m

Town of Strathmore Community Page

Reopening plans for the Strathmore Aquatic Centre and Strathmore Family
The Town of Strathmore is working to protect our community Centre as well as an update on the Lions Splash Park repairs are available on our
website. Please visit our website strathmore.ca/COVID19/ or watch the Mayor's
and slow the spread of COVID-19. We are moving into stage two weekly Facebook Live update, every Thursday at 1pm, @TownOfStrathmore. You
of the Government of Alberta relaunch program. can also sign up to receive our weekly newsletter via email.
For more COVID-19 information: Strathmore.ca Sign up at: https://mailchi.mp/f14856ec9861/strathmore
The Strathmore Motor Products Sports Centre is host to summer camps this July
Questions? Email us at [email protected] and August. The public will not have access to this facility, only those enrolled in
a summer camp program.
Our updates will be posted every Monday. For more information on
COIVD-19 visit our trusted sources at www.AlbertaHealthServices.ca
and www.Alberta.ca

COVID-19 Testing is Available for You TOWN OF

All Albertans can now seek testing for COVID-19, even if you don’t
have symptoms. This expanded testing will help to trace the spread of STRATHMORE
the virus to control potential hotspots. For information on testing visit:
https://www.alberta.ca/covid-19-testing-in-alberta.aspx SUMMER CAMPS!
COVID-19 Cases in our Area Camps run four days a week, 9am-5pm
Camp dates are as follows:
AHS has provided a separate area specifically for Town of Strathmore July 20-July 23 (Outdoor Adventures theme)
information on their interactive map. Click the ‘Geospatial’ tab to see July 27-July 30 (Rockin' the 80's theme)
August 4-August 7 (Mad Science theme)
local information at https://www.alberta.ca/stats/covid-19-alberta- August 10-August 13 (Make a Splash theme)
statistics.htm Ages 6-12 Wecome


Next Council Meeting LIMITED
COTW and Regular Council Meeting | July 22, 5:00pm REGISTRATION OPENS
The meeting will be streamed live. Access will be provided JULY 6
online at Strathmore.ca. To slow the spread of COVID-19 the TO REGISTER CALL
Town of Strathmore Municipal Offices are closed to the public. 403 -361 -2121
Camps to be hosted at the
Strathmore Motor Products Sports Centre

We’re planning for the

next million residents
in the Calgary Metro Region
Summer Fun Scavenger Hunt
Summer is here! Enjoy Summer with our Summer Fun Scavenger Hunt!
When the next million people come to the
Every week, we'll post a new letter on our Facebook Page for everyone to
Calgary Metro Region… find around Town. Take a photo of any item that starts with that letter around
Town. Even things indoors will work.
How will we all get around? Make sure to post the photo on Facebook using #StrathmoreScavengerHunt
and every week, a draw will be made from the entries. At the end of the
Where will people live and work? contest, residents who have entered every week will be entered to win the
grand prize!
How will we balance the needs of
vibrant communities with the Aspen Commons Family
ability to pay for services? Resource Network Family
We are excited to say that we have been Support
Have your say between July 20 and August 18 at able to provide new programming starting Available
mid July, with safety restrictions, of course.
Crisis Support - Childhood
calgarymetroregion.ca Programming - Workshops & Training

Check it out in our newsletter!


680 Westchester Road, Strathmore AB T1P 1J6 . 403 934 3133 . For News Updates Visit Strathmore.ca

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