Strip Check - EIL - TQ PDF

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Item : Valves -Critical (Gate & Globe)

RFQ NO: SM/A307-000-WB-MR-3415/1315
RFQ Document No
Sl No Subject Bidder's Query EIL Reply
Part / Vol Page No Clause No
API RP 591 clause no 6.2 refers that the Bidder shall furnish the details
compliance tests shall be conducted in a of the qualification facility
1 14 (i) API RP 591
facility mutually agreed by purchaser & along with offer, for our
supplier. Please clarify. review/evaluation.
During Strip test , the
following shall be
1) Complete valve shall be
2) Check All Trim material &
In the absence of approved Procedures, the
condition of mating parts
2 14 (v) Strip Check test scope of testing during factory inspections to
,stem & Wear Travel
Page 182 be clarified.
of 248
3)Stem material & all wetted
A307-000-16-43-ATR- components shall be free
3415 Rev A from all dirt/water particle
and no score marks on mating
Clause refers that the stem shall be free of
moisture/dirt during strip test. Strip test is
conducted after Hydro-testing and in the During Strip test, Stem
3 14 (vii) Strip Check test absence of any available method / material shall be free from dirt
instrument to check the quantam of & water particle.
moisture / dirt, kindly clarify the acceptance
criteria for same.
A307-0IF-16-43-SK-4001 is not refering to the Confirmed. Bidder shall ensure
Page 181 end preparation of Nipple. Considering the that length, material,
4 10 Flushing port requirements
of 248 testing requirements, nipples ends shall be thickness etc. of nipple shall
threaded and plugged. Please confirm. be as per MR.

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