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Clinical Longevity of Removable Partial Dentures Retained by Telescopic Crowns: Outcome of The Double Crown With Clearance Fit

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Clinical Longevity of Removable

Partial Dentures Retained by

Hans J. Wenz, Dr Med Denta
Telescopic Crowns: Outcome of the Katrin Hertrampf, Dr Med Dentb
Double Crown with Clearance Fit Klaus M. Lehmann, Prof Dr Med Dentc

Purpose: It was the aim of this study to investigate the long-term success of a telescopic
crown system that can be used for both rigid and resilient support and to evaluate by means
of a literature review whether the use of resilient support may be advantageous compared to
other double crown systems when the restoration is placed on only a few remaining teeth.
Materials and Methods: Patient records were used to evaluate 125 dentures (with 460
abutment teeth) based on the Marburg double crown system. The loss of abutment teeth,
endodontic treatment, and fracture of the metallic framework were investigated with regard
to the different types of denture support. Results: The probability that a patient would have
kept all abutment teeth was 84% after 5 years and 66% after 10 years. No significant
differences were found for the two groups “resilient support” (≤ three abutment teeth) and
“rigid support” (≥ four abutment teeth). For abutment teeth with a double crown with
clearance fit, the risk of loss was 4% after 5 years and 15% after 10 years for rigid support,
and 10% and 24%, respectively, for resilient support. The risk of endodontic treatment was
7% after 5 years and 9% after 10 years for rigid support, and 3% and 7%, respectively, for
resilient support. None of the denture frameworks showed a fracture during the observation
period. Conclusion: Removable partial dentures retained by double crowns with clearance
fit and constructed without major or minor connectors provide good clinical longevity. The
survival rates of abutment teeth were comparable to those reported in the literature for other
double crown systems. There was no significant increase of the risk of abutment loss when
the restoration was placed on three or fewer remaining teeth and the concept of resilient
support was applied. Int J Prosthodont 2001;14:207–213.

C linical longevity of removable partial dentures

(RPD) is essentially influenced by the applied
restorative concept of connecting the removable den-
alignment, and periodontal status of the remaining
teeth, the clinician has to select the appropriate re-
tainer for a long-term successful restoration, also con-
ture with the remaining teeth. With regard to number, sidering the esthetic demands and financial limitations
of the patient.
aAssociate Professor, Department of Preclinical and Maxillofacial Telescopic or double crowns have proven an ef-
Prosthodontics, Marburg School of Dental Medicine, Philipps fective means of retaining RPDs. They transfer forces
University, Marburg, Germany. along the long axis of the abutment teeth and provide
bAssistant Professor, Department of Preclinical and Maxillofacial
guidance, support, and protection from movements
Prosthodontics, Marburg School of Dental Medicine, Philipps
that might dislodge the denture. Three different types
University, Marburg, Germany.
c Professor and Chairman, Department of Preclinical and of double crown systems are used to retain RPDs. They
Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, Marburg School of Dental Medicine, are distinguished from each other by their differing re-
Philipps University, Marburg, Germany. tention mechanisms. Telescopic crowns achieve re-
Reprint requests: Dr Hans J. Wenz, Department of Preclinical
tention using friction of parallel-milled surfaces, and
and Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, Marburg School of Dental conical crowns exhibit friction only when completely
Medicine, Georg-Voigt-Strasse 3, D-35033 Marburg, Germany. seated using a “wedging effect,” whereas the double
Fax: + 49-6421-2867033. e-mail: wenz@mailer.uni-marburg.de crown with clearance fit exhibits no friction or wedg-
This article was partially reported at the Eighth Meeting of the ing during insertion or removal. Retention is achieved
International College of Prosthodontists, 7–10 July 1999, Stockholm. by using additional attachments.
BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY Volume 14, Number 3, 2001 207 The International Journal of Prosthodontics
Longevity of RPDs with Double Crowns with Clearance Fit Wenz et al

Fig 1a Restoration of maxilla and mandible (male patient, age Fig 1b Restoration of maxilla and mandible.
75). The MDC system is a complete-arch reconstruction; dou-
ble crowns with clearance fit are usually fabricated for all re-
maining teeth of the respective arch.

Fig 1c Because of the high rigidity of the framework, major con- Fig 1d The marginal periodontium of the abutment teeth is not
nectors can be avoided, and outer crowns serve as minor con- covered by the denture base.
nectors. Adjacent to the abutment teeth, the denture base is pe-
rioprotective—similar in design to fixed partial dentures to
facilitate cleaning and other hygiene procedures.

Contrary to other telescopic crown systems, double system is a complete-arch reconstruction. With very
crowns with clearance fit can be used to retain both few exceptions, double crowns are fabricated for all
tooth-supported (rigid support) and mucosa-supported remaining teeth of the respective arch. All occluding
(resilient support) RPDs. A previous study1 described surfaces of the complete-arch removable device are
a concept using a perioprotective denture design and usually fabricated in composite resin to facilitate oc-
double crowns with clearance fit as retainers for the clusal adjustments. The marginal periodontium of the
restoration of the partially edentulous arch. abutment teeth is not covered by the denture base.
It was the aim of this study to investigate the long- Adjacent to the abutment teeth, the denture base is pe-
term clinical success of this double crown system and rioprotective—similar in design to fixed partial den-
to evaluate by means of a literature review whether tures to facilitate cleaning and other hygiene proce-
the use of resilient support may be advantageous dures. Distal extension saddles are functionally
compared to other double crown systems when the extended to provide maximum support (Fig 1).
restoration is placed on only a few remaining teeth. The inner crowns and framework of the denture are
precisely cast in a cobalt-chromium-molybdenum
Materials and Methods alloy. The inner crown, which is luted onto the abut-
ment tooth, is a thin, cast coping. The framework, in-
Treatment Concept cluding the outer crowns, is cast in one piece without
any soldering or welding. Because of the high elastic
All restorations were based on the Marburg double modulus of the Co-Cr-Mo alloy and the resulting rigid-
crown system (MDC system),1 which was first de- ity of the framework, major connectors can be avoided,
scribed by Lehmann and Gente2 in 1988. The MDC and outer crowns serve as minor connectors (Fig 1c).
The International Journal of Prosthodontics 208 Volume 14, Number 3, 2001 BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY
Wenz et al Longevity of RPDs with Double Crowns with Clearance Fit

Table 1 Patient Characteristics by Denture Support Table 2 Observation Period (y) and Service Time (y)
Type by Denture Support Type

Rigid support Resilient support Rigid support Resilient support

(n = 55) (n = 70) (n = 316) (n = 144)

Age (y) Abutments per denture

Mean 54.5 ± 11.0 58.5 ± 13.3 Mean 5.8 ± 1.5 2.1 ± 0.7
Range 25–78 18–81 Range 4–9 1–3
Gender Observation period
Female 19 (35%) 22 (31%) Mean 4.0 ± 3.7 4.2 ± 3.6
Male 36 (65%) 48 (69%) Max 14.4 14.1
Jaw Length of service
Maxilla 39 (71%) 38 (54%) >5 97 (31%) 45 (31%)
Mandible 16 (29%) 32 (46%) > 10 44 (14%) 19 (13%)

The outer crown fits onto the inner crown without for male patients. The distribution of the parameters in
any friction or wedging. This clearance fit is precise, the rigid and resilient groups is illustrated in Table 1.
allowing a minimal, invisible lateral movement and Of the 125 dentures investigated, 33 (26%) were fab-
a smooth, effortless gliding along the axis of the path ricated to restore partially edentulous jaws that in-
of insertion. To achieve retention, the authors use the cluded intraoral defects. They were placed at least 2
TC-SNAP system (Si-tec). To enable resilient support, years after tumor surgery, and their distribution into the
the RPD is fabricated with an occlusal space of 0.3 rigid support (41%) and the resilient support groups
to 0.5 mm between the inner and outer crowns.1 If (59%) was very similar.
occlusal load is applied, the denture moves in an oc- The mean observation period of the dentures was
clusoapical direction, depending on the resilience of 4.1 ± 3.6 years, with a minimum observation time of
the denture-supporting mucosa, and returns to its 0.5 years and a maximum observation period of 14.4
former position after the load is removed. years. Thirty-four (27%) of the dentures had been in
service for more than 5 years and 15 (12%) for more
Study Population than 10 years. Observation period and service time
were practically identical for both groups of den-
The records of patients who obtained an RPD retained tures. The 125 RPDs were retained by a total of 460
by double crowns with clearance fit between 1984 abutment teeth (with a range of one to nine per den-
and 1998 in the Department of Preclinical and ture). Their distribution into the rigid and resilient
Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, Marburg School of groups is illustrated in Table 2.
Dental Medicine were checked as to whether en-
dodontic treatment and extraction of abutment teeth Statistical Evaluation
had taken place. The restorations were subdivided
into two groups: (1) RPDs that were supported by four The survival estimation of Kaplan and Meier3 was used
or more abutment teeth were fabricated to be tooth to evaluate the survival probability of the dentures and
supported, with a definite terminal stop between the risk of abutment loss or endodontic treatment. This
inner and outer crown, and constituted the “rigid nonparametric method calculates the survival proba-
support” group; and (2) RPDs that were supported by bility for each time between incorporation of the den-
three or fewer abutment teeth were fabricated to be ture and the maximum observation time. The statisti-
mucosa supported and constituted the “resilient sup- cal unit was either the denture or the abutment tooth
port” group. RPDs with observation periods of less (the vital abutment tooth for the risk of endodontic treat-
than 6 months were not included in the study. ment). The period of observation started with the date
Seventy (56%) of the restorations were classified of insertion determined by the record’s notes. It ended
into the resilient support group, and 55 (44%) were clas- with the last documented recall examination (positive
sified into the rigid support group. The mean age of the censored event) or with the date of extraction or pulp
patients at the time of insertion was 56.7 years (stan- extirpation of the abutment tooth (negative uncen-
dard deviation 12.4 years, range 18 to 81 years). sored event). The program STATA4 was used to cal-
Seventy-seven (62%) of the dentures were fabricated for culate the survival curves including the 95% confi-
the restoration of the maxilla, and 48 (38%) were for dence interval; the significance of differences between
the mandible. About two thirds (67%) were fabricated survival curves was determined with the log rank test.5
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Longevity of RPDs with Double Crowns with Clearance Fit Wenz et al

7➞6 1
3➞1 2
2➞1 1
4➞3 1
2➞1 1
3➞0 3
3➞0 1 2
5➞2 1 2
5➞3 2
7➞5 2
2➞1 1
6➞5 1
8➞0 1 2 2 3
2➞1 1
6➞3 1 1 1
9➞7 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Years after insertion

Fig 2 Length of observation period and individual distribution of time and number of lost abut-
ments for the 16 dentures that lost abutment teeth. AO = No. of abutment teeth at the time of in-
sertion; AR = No. of abutment teeth at the end of observation period.
Survival probability of denture

Survival probability of abutment

Extraction of last abutment tooth

Extraction of first abutment tooth
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Years after insertion Years after insertion

Fig 3 Survival probability (Kaplan-Meier) of losing all abutment Fig 4 Survival probability (Kaplan-Meier) of the abutment tooth
teeth of the denture retained with double crowns with clearance (double crown with clearance fit), calculated for all abutments (n
fit (extraction of last abutment tooth) and of keeping all abutment = 460) with 95% confidence interval.
teeth (extraction of first abutment).

Results The estimated risk of abutment loss was 6% after

5 years and 18% after 10 years for all abutments (Fig
Sixteen (13%) of 125 dentures lost a total of 35 abut- 4). It was nonsignificantly higher in the resilient group
ment teeth. Three dentures lost all of their abutment than in the rigid group (Table 4).
teeth and were transformed into complete dentures. Of the 460 abutment teeth, 53 had endodontic
The individual distribution of time and number of lost treatment in combination with posts and cores prior
abutments is illustrated in Fig 2. to the insertion of the new restoration. Of the 407 vital
The estimated probability that a patient would abutment teeth, 17 (4%) needed endodontic treat-
have kept all abutment teeth was 84% after 5 years ment after the insertion of the denture. The estimated
and 66% after 10 years. The estimated probability risk of endodontic treatment was 6% after 5 years and
that a patient would have lost all abutment teeth was 8% after 10 years for all abutments, with similar val-
3% after 5 years and 6% after 10 years (Fig 3 and ues for the two groups (Table 5). None of the metal
Table 3). No significant differences were found be- frameworks showed a fracture during the observation
tween the resilient support and rigid support groups. period.
The International Journal of Prosthodontics 210 Volume 14, Number 3, 2001 BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY
Wenz et al Longevity of RPDs with Double Crowns with Clearance Fit

Discussion Table 3 Survival Probability of RPDs

Estimated %
When double crowns are chosen to retain an RPD, probability of survival 95% CI
two different treatment concepts are typically ap-
Having kept all abutment teeth
plied. Either double crowns are fabricated for only After 5 y 84 67-94
two or three selected teeth of the remaining dentition, After 10 y 66 38-84
or they are fabricated for all remaining teeth of the re- Having lost all abutment teeth
After 5 y 3 1-10
spective arch. When evaluating clinical longevity of After 10 y 6 3-21
double crown systems, it has to be considered that
abutment selection differs essentially for both treat-
ment concepts. Similar to combined fixed-remov-
Table 4 Survival Probability of Abutment Teeth
able restorations with precision attachments, abut-
ment selection is crucial for the long-term success of Estimated risk After 5 y After 10 y
the whole restoration when the removable denture is of abutment loss % 95% CI % 95% CI
retained by only two or three selected abutment teeth All abutments 6 4-11 18 12-27
of the remaining dentition. Because abutment loss (n = 460)
will usually result in costly repair or redoing of the Rigid support 4 2-9 15 9-26
(n = 316)
complete restoration, only teeth with an excellent Resilient support 10 5-20 24 13-41
prognosis should be selected to retain the RPD. (n = 144)
On the other hand, when double crowns are fab-
ricated for all remaining teeth, it is easy to compen-
sate for abutment loss because this concept enables Table 5 Risk of Endodontic Treatment
easy modification with maintained function of the
restoration. Thus, indications for its use include den- Estimated risk of After 5 y After 10 y
endodontic treatment % 95% CI % 95% CI
titions with few remaining teeth, often with unfa-
vorable locations and doubtful or heterogeneous All abutments 6 4-10 8 5-13
prognosis.6,7 Complications such as loss of one or (n = 407)
Rigid support 7 4-13 9 5-15
several abutments may therefore occur more fre- (n = 282)
quently.8 Despite the described differences, survival Resilient support 3 1-11 7 2-18
probabilities for the abutment teeth reported in the (n = 125)
literature9–13 are surprisingly similar for the two con-
cepts (Table 6). Nevertheless, a similar risk of abut-
ment loss will not necessarily result in a similar den-
ture survival. In this study, an estimated risk of Milling of inner crowns in the dental laboratory ac-
abutment loss of 18% after 10 years resulted in the cording to the path of insertion, which is necessary
conversion of only three dentures (2%) into complete for conical crowns and friction-fit telescopic crowns,
dentures, and no costly remakes were required. On typically leads to cervical overcontouring; this may
the contrary, a risk of abutment loss of 19% after 8 increase plaque retention and make hygiene proce-
years resulted in the complete remake of 15% of the dures more difficult, thereby increasing the risk of
investigated dentures because the success of the caries at the margins of the inner crowns.8 Because
whole restoration depended on the survival of se- retention of the double crown with clearance fit does
lected abutment teeth.11 not depend solely on the geometric form of the inner
One major advantage of the double crown with crown, cervical overcontouring of the inner crown
clearance fit is that insertion and removal of the den- can be reduced or avoided.
ture are easy to perform for the patients because re- Whereas the clinical longevity of the different dou-
tention is achieved by an exchangeable attachment. ble crown systems as described in the literature is gen-
Retentive forces of friction-fit and conical double erally excellent, with survival probabilities for the abut-
crowns are clinically difficult to control. For conical ment teeth of more than 90% after 5 years and 80%
crown-retained RPDs, different authors report a after 10 years, less favorable results are reported when
marked or extremely marked retention, which in the restoration is placed on only a few remaining teeth
some cases necessitated a percussion-type crown re- (Table 6). A significant reduction of the survival prob-
mover, even after 2 and more years of service, to re- ability is described when the restoration is placed on
move the superstructure.6,7,13 On the other hand, a three or fewer conical crown abutments,12 a result
marked decrease in retention because of wear after that was confirmed by the same authors in 1999.16 In
long-term use is described.14,15 another study, 36% of abutments were reported lost
BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY Volume 14, Number 3, 2001 211 The International Journal of Prosthodontics
Longevity of RPDs with Double Crowns with Clearance Fit Wenz et al

Table 6 Survival Probability of Abutment Teeth for Different Types of Double Crowns (Rigid Support)

No. of abutments Denture Mean age at Observation Kaplan-Meier survival

Study (mean per denture) design time of insertion period (y) probability of abutment

Present 316 (5.8) CF PPD 54.5 ± 11.0 4.0 ± 3.7 (max 14.4) 97% (5 y) 85% (10 y)
(≥ 4 abutment teeth)
Stark and Schrenker9 258 (3.8) FF MCD* 60 6 96% (6 y) —
Möser10 1739 (2.2) FF MCD 44.5 ± 12.3 1970–88† 96% (5 y) 84% (10 y)
Nickenig and Kerschbaum 11 402 (4) FF MCD/PPD 43.4 ± 6.3 5 ± 2.8 95% (5 y) 81% (8 y)
Igarashi and Goto14 674 No info CC No info 62‡ 12 (min 10) — 86%§ (12 y)
Bergman et al13 78 (4) CC PPD 68.6‡ 6.1–7.7 91%§ —
Hultén et al8 188 (3.0) CC No info 67 ± 10.3‡ 3.3 ± 1.5 82%§ —
Heners and Walther 12 655 (2.8) CC MCD No info 2–7 94% (5 y) —
Heners and Walther12 894 (4.8) CC PPD No info 2–7 91% (5 y) —
(≥ 4 abutment teeth)
With few remaining teeth
Present 144 (2.1) CF PPD/res 58.5 ± 13.3 4.2 ± 3.6 (max 14.1) 89% (5 y) 76% (10 y)
(≤ 3 abutment teeth)
Pöggeler22 236 (2.4) CF ODD/res 66.3 ± 8.9‡ 2–11 90% (5 y) 71% (7 y)
Igarashi and Goto14 62 No info CC No info/rig 62‡ 12 (min 10) — 65%§ (12 y)
Heners and Walther 12 545 (2.2) CC PPD/rig No info 2–7 78% (5 y) —
(≤ 3 abutment teeth)
*Study included 19 resilient-supported overdentures.
†Period in which the investigated restorations had been placed.
‡Age at time of examination.
§Mean survival rate (not calculated by the Kaplan-Meier method).

CF = double crown with clearance fit; PPD = perioprotective design (no major connectors, double crowns for all remaining teeth, marginal periodontium
of abutment teeth not covered); FF = double crown with friction fit; MCD = design with major connectors (double crowns only for selected remaining
teeth); CC = conical crown; ODD = overdenture design (double crowns for all remaining teeth, marginal periodontium of abutment teeth covered); res =
resilient support; rig = rigid support.

after a mean service period of 12 years when the by three or fewer abutments. For this group, the risk of
restoration was placed on few remaining teeth.14 In the abutment loss was slightly higher, but a significant in-
study of Hultén et al,8 the 12 dentures that failed (out crease with decreasing number of abutments, as re-
of 62 conical crown-retained RPDs) all had few abut- ported for conical crowns,12 was not observed. It is re-
ments (one to three) and a large extension of the re- markable that, although the dentures were designed
movable denture. These characteristics are less favor- without major and minor connectors, none of the metal
able with regard to the distribution of loading forces, frameworks fractured during the observation period.
and in combination with the rigid connection between Perioprotective designs play a key role in ensuring
conical crown and RPD will act as predicting factors the long-term periodontal health of the abutment
for early failure.8 Nevertheless, survival rates of dou- teeth.1,2,21 A marked decrease in survival probability,
ble crown–retained RPDs are still favorable compared from 90% after 5 years to 71% after 7 years, for dou-
with those reported for alternative treatment concepts ble crowns with clearance fit and resilient support was
in distal extension–base prostheses. For extensive can- reported when the denture design is similar to that of
tilevered fixed prostheses, a survival rate of 56% after complete dentures, completely covering the remain-
7 years was described,17 and Studer et al18 observed ing abutment teeth and the marginal periodontium.22
a high number of failed combined fixed-removable re- There is little information available on the risk of en-
constructions with a rigid type of precision attach- dodontic treatment after placement of double crowns,
ment, especially in cases with free-end situations and with only one study reporting an estimated risk of 3%
a dentate opposing jaw (survival rate 30% after 8 after 5 years and 7% after 8 years.11 In the present
years). study, the risk of endodontic treatment was 6% after 5
To reduce extraaxial loading of the abutment under years and 8% after 10 years, with no significant dif-
function, double crowns with clearance fit can be con- ferences between the rigid and the resilient support
structed to allow a distinct vertical movement of the groups; the risk lay well within the range of other types
denture under load and therefore to retain a mucosa- of cemented restorations.23 It is of interest that in this
supported denture in cases with few remaining teeth. study, only 12% of the abutments had endodontic
This concept of resilient support using double crowns treatment prior to the prosthodontic treatment, whereas
with clearance fit was first described in 1966 in two sep- in another study 51% (127) of the abutments had been
arate studies.19,20 It was applied in the present study in endodontically treated prior to the placement of the
combination with a rigid metal framework and perio- conical crowns.17 Many practioners still believe that
protective design when the restoration was supported double crown restorations require “preprosthetic”
The International Journal of Prosthodontics 212 Volume 14, Number 3, 2001 BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY
Wenz et al Longevity of RPDs with Double Crowns with Clearance Fit

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