Jpfarmasigg 160035
Jpfarmasigg 160035
Jpfarmasigg 160035
3 : 139 – 144
ISSN-p : 2338-9427
DOI: 10.14499/indonesianjpharm27iss3pp139
Research Article
FBG± SD (mg/L)
t (-1) to t1 t2 t3
Normal 103.67±15.33 117.92±8.07 107.83±7.15 97.42±13.75 93.5±8.24
HG 115±2.45 429±106.88 267±106.10 207±104.24 130±16.85
HG+KPE (high dose) 112.2±12.76 384±137.48 174.6±111.84 111.2±24.22 116±13.93
HG+KPE (medium dose) 112±10.05 259.4±48.53 134.4±30.00 115.8±17.88 116.2±10.40
HG+KPE (low dose) 112.2±6.57 353.8±163.69 142.4±35.67 113.6±16.36 124.6±10.26
HG+ Acarbose 109.5±16.99 262±36.79 121.83±22.25 105.67±14.51 97±8.65
Figure 1. Effect of KPE treatment on FBG level in alloxan induced rat. HG=Alloxan,
KPE= Kalanchoe pinnata extract, high dose = 33.2mg/kg BW, medium dose= 11.6mg/kg BW,
low dose= 5.8mg/kg BW, Glibenclamide = 1.35mg/kg bw, Acarbose = 13.5mg/kg BW. t(-1)
=base line, t 0= after alloxan injection, t1 or t2 or t3 = 5 or 10 or 15 days after test sample
administration. Data are expressed as mean ± SD. * & x, p < 0.05 (* indicates comparison between
normal and HG; x indicates comparison between HG and treatments).
Figure 2. Effect of KPE treatment on number of pancreatic beta cell langerhans in alloxan induced
rat. HG=Alloxan, KPE= Kalanchoe pinnata extract, high dose = 33.2 mg/kgbw, medium dose= 11.6
mg/kg bw, low dose= 5.8 mg/kg bw, Glibenclamide = 1.35 mg/kg bw, Acarbose = 13.5 mg/kg
bw. x, p < 0.05. (x indicates comparison between HG and treatments).
Figure 3. Pancreatic Beta cell Langerhans stained with Hematoxylin eosin (HE).
It is worth noting that oxidative stress plays a Camb. and Kalanchoe pinnata (Lamk.)
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