The Effects of Gender Inequality On Students' Welding Performance

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The Effects of Gender

Inequality on Students'
Welding Performance in
Technical Vocational 2 of
Shielded Metal Arc Welidng
Strand in Bacolod City
National High School


Background of the Study

The research is about the

effects of gender inequality on
students' welding performance
in Technical Vocational 2 of
Sheilded Metal Arc Welding
Strand in Bacolod City National
High School. The researchers
chose this topic to give better
understanding on how gender
differences vary from one
another, gender stereotyping
and their different perceptions
in the workplace. According to
Adigun, et. al. (2015) gender is
one of such factors also
mentioned in literature to have
considerable effects on
studentsʼ academic
performances especially in
science subjects. Gender is the
range of physical, biological,
mental and behavioural
characteristics pertaining to
and differentiating between the
feminine and masculine (female
and male) population. The
importance of examining
performance in relation to
gender is based primarily on the
socio-cultural differences
between girls and boys. Some
vocations and professions have
been regarded as menʼs
(engineering, arts and crafts,
agriculture etc.) while others as
womenʼs (catering, typing,
nursing etc.). In fact, parents
assign task like car washing,
grass cutting, bulbs fixing,
climbing ladders to fix or
remove things etc. to the boys.
On the other hand, chores like
dishes washing, cooking,
cleaning and so on are assigned
to the girls. In a nutshell, what
are regarded as complex and
difficult tasks are allocated to
boys whereas girls are expected
to handle the relatively easy and
less demanding tasks. As a
result of this way of thinking the
larger society has tended to see
girls as a weaker sex”.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine

the effects of gender inequality
on students' welding
performance in technical
vocational 2 of Shielded Metal
Arc Welding in Bacolod City
National High School.
Specifically, this study aimed to
answer the following question:
S. Is there an impact on their
performance? In terms of
these factors; a. Gender
inequality b. Gender
stereotyping c. Gender
X. Is there a difference
between them? a. Yes b.
No c. Maybe


Gender issues affects students'

welding performance in
Technical Vocational 2 of
Sheilded Metal Arc Welding
Strand in Bacolod City National
High School.

Conceptual Framework

Scope and Limitation

This study is conducted to

know the effects of gender
inquality to the welding
performance of Shielded Metal
Arc Welding to (Grade 12 SMAW
– B Students of Bacolod City
National High School for the
School Year 2018 – 2019).
This study will be conducted in
Bacolod City National High
School. The participants of this
study will be exclusive only for
the Grade 11 - SMAW students
of Bacolod City National High
School. The researchers chose
them as the participants
because the students are
applicable to the study and also
to know how they percieve
gender inequality. The
researchers will convey with the
issues involved in Gender
Inequalty like stereotyping, and
the likes.

Significance of the Study

The results of the study may be

beneficial to the following;

Welders. This study will help

them understand how gender
inequality affects one's own
work peformance.
Students. This study will serve
a gateway for students his/her
welding performance. This
study will help student to
enhance their performance
regardless of their gender.

Future Researchers. This

study may be used by future
researchers as a reference
material and guide in
conducting a study similar to
the previously conducted one.

Definition of Terms

The following terms shall be

used in the study may help the
researchers to define meaning,
to provide a clear direction, and
to contextualize the meaning of
such terms. Each term is
conceptually and operationally

Gender. It is a grammatic term

referring to whether a word is
masculine, feminine or neuter. It
has nothing to do with whether
an organism is male or female
or should be never be used in
this way. The correct term is sex
(Cohen, 1994). In the study, it is
the state of being male or

Welding. It is a process of
joining two or more parts by the
application of heat and/or
pressure, Such joints are
permanent in nature. Usually
coalescence is achieved by
fusion. Very often filler metals
are used during welding
(Anand, 2007). In the study, it is
to join pieces of metal together
by heating the edges until they
begin to melt and then pressing
them together.

Gender Inequality. It is allowing

people different opportunities
due to perceived differences
based solely on issues of
gender (Radhakrishnan, 2017).
In the study, it is that men and
women are not equal and that
gender affects an individual's
lived experience.

Review of Related Literature

This chapter includes the ideas,

finished thesis, generalization
or conclusions, methodologies
and others. Those that were
included in this chapter helps in
familiarizing information that are
relevant and similar to the
present study.


This chapter clearly defines the

research methods used to
conduct the study. The
researchers explain how the
data and information was
gathered and analyzed.
Explanations for the research
design, research instruments,
participants of the study, and
the data collection procedures
used are given.

Research Design

In this study, the researchers

used Descriptive Research
Design. Descriptive research
design is a quantitative method
used to describe and discuss
the results of the study.
According to Pedraza (2015)
The descriptive research
method refers to the method
used to describe data and
characteristics used to describe
the population. The purpose of
using the descriptive research
method is to acquire accurate,
factual, systematic data that
can provide you with an actual
picture of the data set that you
are reviewing. It is advice that
the descriptive research
method should not be used to
create a causal relationship,
where one variable affects the

Participants of the Study

The participants of the study

were the Grade 11 – SMAW
Strand Students currently
enrolled in Bacolod City
National High School – Senior
High School. The participants of
the study included 5 male and 5
female students. The
researcher will use simple
random sampling to identify the
participants of the study. It is a
sampling method in which all of
the elements in the population
—and, consequently, all of the
units in the sampling frame—
have the same probability of
being selected for the sample. It
would be along the lines of
having a fair raffle among every
individual in the population: we
give everyone raffle tickets with
unique sequential numbers, put
them all in a basket and draw
numbers from the basket at
random. The individuals whose
numbers are selected become
our sample (Ochoa, 2017).

Data Gathering Procedures

The following procedures were

observed in gathering the data.
Pre- Data Collection
1. The researchers will select
their respondents through the
use of simple random sampling
where the researchers will
include 5 male and 5 female
Grade 11 – SMAW Strand
Students currently enrolled in
Bacolod City National High
School – Senior High School.
2. The researcher will make
their research questions and
use the survey questionnaire as
the instrument in conducting
their study.
Data Collection
1. The questionnaires will be
distributed and the
respondents will be given
enough time for them to answer
the following questions in the

Post- Data Collection

1. The raw data will be gathered
by the researchers using the
test output and were carefully
tabulated. The score will be
tabulated manually and were
processed by a machine- the
computer, particularly by the
used of SPSS v.2.0 software
and Microsoft Excel.

Statistical Tools

The researchers will analyze the

data gathered according to the
specific objectives presented in
chapter 1. For objectives, Paired
T-Test statistical tool will be
used for data analysis.

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