ABL Annual Financial Statements 2019
ABL Annual Financial Statements 2019
ABL Annual Financial Statements 2019
• Directives issued by the State Bank of A soft copy (PDF) version of the report is
Pakistan and the Securities and Exchange also available in CD (compact disk) format
Commission of Pakistan. for those who would like to maintain an
easily- portable digital version of the Report.
Financial and Other Reports Unconsolidated Financial Statements
Consolidated Financial Statements
Pattern of Shareholding
Notice of 74th Annual General Meeting
Form of Proxy
Allied Bank Limited 01
Total Assets (PKR) ABL is the 4th largest private sector commercial bank and 5th
1,481 largest bank in Pakistan in terms of total assets which accounts for
approximately 7.3% of sector assets.
As one of Pakistan’s leading bank, we understand the intricacies of
the local market and provide a wide range of financial services with a
Total Deposits (PKR) nationwide coverage and customer outreach.
4 million
In Pakistan Pakistan’s Widest
Network with
coverage in
128 547
Present in 4 markets globally with 2 overseas branches (Bahrain & Karachi Export
processing Zone) and 2 overseas representative offices (Peoples Republic of China & Dubai).
Districts & Cities/Towns
02 Report 2019
To become a dynamic and efficient bank providing integrated solutions in order to be the first choice
rd of Directors
Mohammad Naeem Mukhtar (Chairman) Mr. Sheikh Mukhtar Ahmad
Muhammad Waseem Mukhtar Mr. Abdul Aziz Khan Mission
Muhammad Akram Sheikh Mr. Zafar Iqbal To provide value added services to our customers
Nazrat Bashir To provide high tech innovative solutions to meet customers’ requirements
Tahir Hassan Qureshi (CEO) To create sustainable value through growth, efficiency and diversity for all stakeholders
To provide a challenging work environment and reward dedicated team members according to their a
riah Board To play a proactive role in contributing towards the society
fti Muhammad Iftikhar Baig (Chairman) Mufti Tayyab Amin
fti Mahmood Ahmad
Core Values
ef Financial Officer Integrity
Mehmud ul Hassan High Performance
Excellence in Servic
Innovation and Growth
mpany Secretary
Muhammad Raffat
G Taseer Hadi & Co. Chartered Accountants
al Advisor
dviwalla & Zafar Advocates
re Registrar
Share Registrar Services Limited
gistered and Head Office 3 Tipu Block, New Garden Town, Lahore, Pakistan
al Code 54000
tact Details
-42) 35880043
: 111-225-225
Up 54%
123,555 million
Volume of PIB
Up 81% Up 29%
9,303 million
No. of PIB
POS Volume
Up 46% Up 25%
426,853 2,396,966
6 New to Bank Up 33%
Customers 427 million
Self-Service Volume of
Branches Up 14% Up 53% Transactions
1,742,335 123,179
Cards in e-commerce
97% Circulations Transactions
ATM Uptime
Up 10%
100 417,510
New Debit
Branches e-banking
with Kiosks Transaction
Up 7% Ratio
Up 46% 53,189,236
675 Number of
Up 10%
Up 43% 605,180 million
182,800 Volume of
No. of BIB ATM
Up 46%
16,423 million
Volume of
06 Report 2019
Service Delivery
Allied Phone Banking is working 24/7 to serve its customers and provide First Call Resolution
(FCR). Allied Bank customers may get in touch with Allied Phone Banking using telephone
service, email, webchat, social media and state of the art ABL Video Phone Banking.
1.79 1.83
1.83 CAF Rating
CAF Rating
CAF Rating (Product
(Culture) Service
& Design)
35,023 3.87 100
Number of Customer Branches
Complaint days Mystery
Resolutions Complaint shoppings
158 85
Customer Branches
support with EQMS
Women 17.44% 1
Director Female to Male Female HOD
Staff Ratio
47 4
Diffrently abled
Female Employees
reporting directly
to HODs
Board Risk
Management Committee e-Vision Strategic Planning & Human Resource and Audit Committee of
Committee Monitoring Committee Remuneration Committee the Board
Management Asset Liability Fair Treatment Compliance
Committee Committee Committee Committee
IT Steering Administrativ
Committee e Action
Service Standards
Treasury Banking Services
& Quality
Corporate Affairs
08 Report 2019
ahim Group and renamed as Allied Bank Limited in 2005. Its journey from Awain Shah Chiragh Building, Lahore to Head Office Building, New Garden Town, Lahore is worth-emulation sag
10 Report 2019
He is Chairman of the Board of Allied Bank since August 2004. He has done MBA from Cardiff
Business School UK, Post Graduate diploma in Textiles from UK and Chartered Textile Engineer
(CText ATI) from The Textile Institute in Manchester UK. He has over 34 years of experience of
finance and industrial manufacturing. Besides Chairman of Board of Directors of Allied Bank Limited,
he is also Chief Executive Officer/ Director of M/s. Ibrahim Fibres Limited and M/s. Ibrahim Holdings
(Pvt.) Limited, In addition, he is also on the boards of M/s. Ibrahim Agencies (Pvt.) Limited, ABL Asset
Management Company Limited, Karachi Education Initiative and Pakistan German Business Forum.
He is also a Member of Board of Governors of National Management Foundation, the parent body of
Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS). He is also representing ABL at Pakistan
Business Council and is Industry Co-Chair Banking Sector of NUST Corporate Advisory Council
(CAC) as well as Senior Fellow at Global Think Tank Network (GTTN).
He started his business career immediately after migrating from India at the time of
independence of Pakistan in 1947 and contributed to the industrial and business growth of
Pakistan through his entrepreneurship skills and business acumen. He has over 58 years of
experience in establishing and successfully managing various industrial and financial
companies. He has been on the Board of Directors of Allied Bank Limited since April 2005 and is
a “Certified Director” from Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance. He is also Chairman of
the Board of Directors of M/s. Ibrahim Fibres Limited, Ibrahim Holdings (Pvt.) Limited, Ibrahim
Agencies (Pvt.) Limited and ABL Asset Management Company Limited.
He is MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Illinois, USA. He also holds a
Master’s degree in Total Quality Management (TQM) from University of Glamorgan, Wales, UK, and
has 22 years of diversified experience of Finance, IT and Industry. His strategic guidance played a
vital role in technological up-gradation of the Bank. He has been on the Board of Directors of Allied
Bank Limited since August 2004 and is a “Certified Director” from Pakistan Institute of Corporate
Governance. He is also Director on the Boards of M/s. Ibrahim Fibres Limited, Ibrahim Holdings (Pvt.)
Limited, Ibrahim Agencies (Pvt.) Limited, ABL Asset Management Company Limited.
Mr. Abdul Aziz Khan has enriched and diversified experience of more than 56 years in the fields
of General Banking, Credit, Lease Finance, Business Development and Administration. His
accomplishments include 16 years of experience as Board Member of ABL, 11 years of
experience as Chief Executive Officer of M/s. Ibrahim Leasing and 9 years of international
banking, holding key positions. He is on the Board of Allied Bank Limited since August 2004.
12 Report 2019
Dr. Muhammad Akram Sheikh
Independent Director
Dr. Muhammad Akram Sheikh (Hilale-Imtiaz) has over 54 years of work experience in the public and
private sectors. He has founded Global Think Tank Network (GTTN) and currently chairs its Board of
Directors. He is also Director on the Boards of Quality School Foundation, Tricon Boston Consulting
Corporation (Pvt.) Limited (a 100% subsidiary of Sapphire Textile Mills Limited - STML).
In addition to the above, Mr. Akram Sheikh is a member of KPK Search and Selection Committee for
Vice Chancellors and Pakistan Engineering Council Elders Committee.
He has held prestigious senior positions including Federal Minister/Head of Planning Commission,
Federal Secretary of the Ministries of Communication, Water & Power and Industries & Production,
Managing Director and Chairman of some of the largest public sector industrial establishments.
During the period from 1998 to 2008, he also spearheaded many strategic policy initiatives including
Medium Term Development Framework and Vision 2030 which lays down strategic directions for the
future of the Country. He is on the Board of Directors of Allied Bank Limited since February 2015.
Nazrat Bashir
Independent Director
Ms. Nazrat Bashir belongs to Pakistan Administrative Service. She retired in BPS-22 from the
government Service. Her academic qualifications are Master’s in economics from New York
University, USA and Master’s in Psychology from University of Peshawar. She is a Certified
Director from the PICG.
Ms. Bashir has over 36 years of diversified civil service experience to her credit. During her
career she served in different Ministries. She remained Additional Finance Secretary, Internal
Finance, Finance Division, Government of Pakistan, Managing Director, Public Procurement
Regulatory Authority (PPRA) and Senior Advisor, Wafaqi Mohtasib Secretariat. She also held
directorship in various Government and Semi Government Organizations and attended
numerous Conferences, Workshops Seminars in Pakistan and abroad. She is on the Board of
Directors of Allied Bank Limited since August 2018.
Zafar Iqbal
Independent Director
He has 34 years’ experience in senior management positions in financial and power generation
sector. He was the Managing Director/ CEO of Pak Oman Investment Company Limited, a DFI owned
jointly by the Governments of Pakistan and Sultanate of Oman. During his 8 years stay at Pak Oman
he led the company in becoming the leading DFI in its peer group. Over the past 27 years, he has
served on the Boards of number of listed and non-listed companies and financial institutions. He is a
Fellow member of Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW) and the Institute of
Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP). He is a “Certified Director” from Pakistan Institute of
Corporate Governance. He specialized in Investment Banking, Corporate Finance, Capital Markets,
Leasing, Aircraft Financing and Energy & Power Generation. Presently, he is associated in advisory
business and extensively travels within Middle East, South Asia, Europe and North America for
business negotiation. He is on the Board of Directors of Allied Bank Limited since August 2015.
14 Report 2019
As governments and businesses seek
continuous growth in an evolving framework governing e-financial services; hence, Global Financial Inclusion Database
global economy, many have turned to further efforts are needed to reach the scale (FINDEX), only 14% of the adults
digitization; the digital economy now necessary for transforming the cash- have access to a formal account,
constitutes 23% of the global Gross based economy to digital economy. with the percentage dropping as low
Domestic Product and is expected to as 7% in case of females.
grow by approximately US$ 5.5 trillion to Country’s economic growth has
increase its share in the world economy witnessed a slowdown as the incumbent With a population base of more than
to 25% by end 2020. Global Banking Government, paying heed to the 220 million, around 2/3rd of the total
landscape is also being reshaped to deteriorating economic imbalances, population falling below the age of 30
yield a new business normal; displacing undertook restrictive policy actions and and one of the fastest growing mobile
banks focus from a closed operating several reforms; consumption led Gross markets globally with over 150 million
environment to more open ended and Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate mobile phone subscribers accounting
agile e-banking platforms. thereby moderating to 3.3% in FY 2018- for 73% tele-density, Pakistan’s low
19 from an un-sustainable level of 5.8% ranking in the Digital Infusion Index and
Banks are developing long term achieved in FY 2017-18. Mobile Connectivity Index (MCI)
strategies to strike a balance between highlights vast potential for growth in
brick and mortar branches and e- Curtailment of non-essential imports, the e-banking spectrum, while at the
banking platforms. Furthermore, exchange rate adjustments, initiatives same time reflecting immense challenges
disruptions posed by Fintechs and encouraging remittance inflows, and support faced in achieving transformation from
heightened customer expectations are from friendly countries reduced infancy to pioneer stage.
gradually impacting banks traditional external vulnerabilities, while Extended
approach of growth and efficiency while Finance Facility (EFF) program agreed Engulfed in a challenging macroeconomic
concurrently raising concerns about cyber with the International Monetary Fund and operating scenario, banking sector’s
security, data governance, high (IMF) to support Government’s growth trajectory has remained stressed;
transitioning structural reform agenda paved way for with repricing lag between earning assets
and infrastructure costs, complexity of country’s access to international and remunerative liabilities, rising risks
technology migration and skills markets and concessionary financing to credit profiles and increasing cost of
shortage. from other multilateral partners. doing business amidst emerging
regulatory requirements focusing on
Long standing structural weaknesses compliance, leaving a marked impact on
Technologies like Internet of Things continue to impact fiscal discipline; as
(IoT), Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), interest margins. However, stabilization of
lowest taxes to GDP ratios in the interest rates, during first half of FY 2019-
Advanced Machine Learning, region, burgeoning debt servicing
Blockchain Technology and Cloud 20, have helped ease pressure on
and unavoidable expenditure leaves banks bottom line and assisted in
Computing little fiscal space to address economic in-
are having a growing impact on digital consolidating revenue growth
efficiencies. Primary deficit and overall momentum.
ecosystems in general and particularly deficit worsened to reach 3.5% and 8.9% of
the traditional banking processes GDP respectively in FY 2018-19.
including credit expansion, low cost Credit growth has registered a sharp
slowdown which had averaged 16%
funding mobilization, compliance and A legacy of unsynchronized policy over the last three years. Muted
risk management. decisions has led the country into the demand and flagging economic activities
current economic dilemma and while weighed down on private sectors credit
Cross-divisional integration of e-banking the stabilization measures adopted uptake; which has grown by only 2.2%
processes and company-wide by the incumbent Government have during the first half of FY 2019-20 as
information linkages are enabling swiftly placed the country on the path compared to a growth rate of 8.5%
gradual launch of virtual branches of macroeconomic adjustment, it still achieved in the corresponding period of
facilitating customers faces a long and arduous journey to FY 2018-19.
to perform transactions without human lay the foundation for driving structural
intervention through Graphical User and governance reforms to improve Although, Non-Performing Loans have
Interface (GUI), applications and documentation, broaden tax net and witnessed a gradual buildup on the back
remote helpdesks; thus, improving increase exports base to support a move of deteriorating asset quality indicators;
productivity, efficiency and offering from consumption driven to exports the incremental formation is primarily
customers an omni-channel experience driven economy. driven by idiosyncratic factors rather than
based on their individual needs. a systematic risk.
While threats emanating from digital
Amidst high penetration of smart disruptions are more visible globally; Rising currency in circulation due to
phones, banks continue to tap into the Pakistan’s banking industry’s transition
digital domain by offering innovation, enriched un-documentation in the economy
is at a comparatively slower pace in and prevailing income tax regime
mobile applications and web access to view of country’s unique population
a wider community in order to remain has remained a key challenge to
competitive and increase financial demographics and aforementioned deposit mobilization, which has
inclusion. economic dynamics. depicted a
growth rate of 10% mainly due to rising
In a digitally disruptive environment Encouraging strides have been made by Minimum Saving Rate (MSR). Currency
the sector in its e-banking drive through to deposit ratio has increased to 37%
banks’ ability to manifest opportunities investments in sophisticated tools and in December 2019 as against 34% in
by progressively transforming processes, processes for provision of digital
leveraging intelligent analytics, incubating December 2018. This factor has also
support, extension of branchless impacted the growth of low-cost private
robotic assisted environments and banking to far flung areas, creation of digital
forming strategic external partnerships sector deposits, which has depicted a
innovation labs and digitization of muted growth rate of 5% against a period
to create customer value will payments along with initiatives to
eventually determine their end growth of 15% in public sector
educate consumers about the benefits of e- deposits as at December 2019.
sustainability. banking. However, the progress remains
hampered by an underdeveloped financial Your Bank’s robust asset quality
Pakistan is considered to be amongst ecosystem, both on the issuance and
the major emerging global economies. depicted by industry leading coverage
acceptance side; trailing other countries and infection ratios, diverse revenue
On the digital participation metrics, with similar macroeconomic profiles and
however, the country still lags other streams, resilient deposit-based funding
supporting one of the lowest financial inclusion structures and a solid capital base,
regional economies. Cash transactions ratios in the region. supplemented by high standards of
continue to heavily dominate
corporate governance have contributed
Pakistan’s US$ 275 billion plus According to the recent World Bank towards maintaining a strong financial
economy; characterized by country’s position with stable profitability despite
large informal sector, infrastructural aforementioned challenges. The
impediments, performance has also culminated into
low affordability due to low-income recognition as the “Best Bank of the
population, low digital literacy and Year
an evolving regulatory and
Allied Bank Limited 15
of the society. More than 10,900 persons
2018 – Large Banks” by the into the need for heightened focus on
from local communities attended
prestigious CFA institute and “Best monitoring of Data Governance and
these sessions. Lauding Your Bank’s
Primary Dealer” by the State Bank of Cybersecurity risks. Your Bank contribution to the national financial
Pakistan. remaining fully cognizant of these risks inclusion agenda, Your Bank was
has implemented robust information declared an industry leader in NFLP’s
Your Bank’s evolving 10 year rolling security (info-sec) platforms, arranged execution.
strategic plan takes into consideration awareness programs for customers and
the aforementioned changing operating has undertook regular system audits Playing its role as a responsible
environment and challenges while along with independent information corporate citizen, Your Bank generously
paving the Bank’s future roadmap. technology security and risk contributed towards Corporate Social
Establishing, nurturing and deepening assessments. Responsibility (CSR) programs through
of relationships with both individual and active assistance to reputable healthcare,
institutional clients, undertaking e- A multi-layered safety approach educational and environmental protection
banking initiatives and following through encompassing extension of biometric initiatives, proactively supporting
on a comprehensive innovation strategy verification services, undertaking re- various charitable organizations in
entailing forging of strong partnerships carding activity with upgradation to chip
and PIN capability, installation of anti- their endeavors.
with leading technology platforms and
partners for provision of premier skimming devices and implementation
of ‘Euro-Pay, Mastercard and Visa’ In continuance of Bank’s distinctive
services to the customers remains at the initiative of engaging with the obligors
forefront of Your Bank’s strategic focus. (EMV) compliance standards across the
entire ATM network remained an to offer them the latest insights on
business management and strategies;
During the year under review, Your imperative part of Your Bank’s strategic
priority. Initiation of 3-D secure services three interactive seminars for
Bank collaborated with Avanza Premier corporate, commercial and SME
Payment Services (APPS) to revamp on all ABL Visa debit and credit cards
further facilitated in improving customer obligors on the topic “Transition from
online transactions through APPS’ Family Owned Business Structure to
payment gateway, Payfast; thereby confidence in online shopping while
minimizing risk of fraud. Corporate Structure” were organized
enabling customers to shop on APPS’ during
vast ecosystem of merchants using their 2019. Furthermore, implementation of
bank accounts. Your Bank’s contribution towards
enhancing financial services’ access to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
country’s population remained on system was successfully completed at
Keeping track of the fast paced, two SME obligors to facilitate transition
dynamic and a virtually competitive course as 50 additional branches
were towards an ERP based automated
market scenario, Your Bank has book keeping and accounting system,
constantly updated its technology added into the network during the year with off the shelf features, in turn enabling
platforms to enhance customer to expand bank’s overall outreach to enhanced control over their financial
experiences and improve operating 1,395 branches, while concurrent in decision-making processes.
effectiveness. Oracle Big Data Appliance roads made into introducing service offering’s
was successfully installed to support in the e-banking realm supported launch
of a state of the art, self-servicing branch Acknowledging the sound business and
data driven business decisions based governance performance, Pakistan’s
on meaningful insights and machine at Lahore University of Management Credit Rating Agency (PACRA) has
learning models while implementation of Sciences (LUMS); enabling customers maintained Long Term and Shot Term
several use cases on Robotic Process to conduct banking seamlessly and ratings of Allied Bank at the highest level
Automation Solution has enabled Your independently 24/7 using various e- of “AAA” (Triple A) and “A1+” (A One
Bank in instilling and further strengthening touch points. plus) respectively. Your Bank further
operational efficiencies. consolidating its position as one of only a
Upon attaining a reasonable select group of financial institutions in the
myABL has been augmented with new footprint of 117 Islamic Banking country to maintain highest entity credit
features to provide customers a branches, sustained focus on rating.
reliable e-banking channel that is further promoting
rapid, secure and customer friendly. Islamic Banking amongst a vast
potential customer base has continued
Future Outlook
myABL’s upgrade to the latest version
of Oracle Digital Banking Experience through addition of 50 “Islamic According to IMF, Pakistan has
(OBDx 18.1), during Windows” at viable conventional achieved most of its milestones on the
the year, has been designed exclusively branches. Similarly, the ATM network of heels of tax and non-tax revenue
to enable customers to seamlessly the Bank has increased from 1,388 growth and pragmatic development
perform financial operations and conveniently ATM’s to 1,515 ATM’s including spending.
utilize a wide range of available mobile 329 offsite ATM’s. Resultantly, fiscal stimulus to support
payments options while simultaneously exports along with envisaged interest
offering exciting and distinct features of 360- Developing a highly skilled and rate cut on the back of improving
degree view of accounts, touch and face capable workforce within the external indicators is expected to bolster
ID login, Master Card QR payments, perspective of upcoming digital age economic outlook for 2020.
credit card bill payment facility using remains one of the key objectives of
“1Bill” option and ticket purchasing Your Bank. Specialized in-house and However, the reversal in economic
options for various utilities from any external training programs were downtrend still remains largely
location. conducted to instill and reinforce dependent on Government’s ability to
existing workforce with skills prioritize efforts towards implementing
Your Bank optimistically and actively necessary to transforming them into a structural and governance reforms to
engages in focus driven partnerships dynamic and progressive work force sustain recent uplift in fiscal discipline,
to avail sustainable results for the capable further improve “ease of doing business”
stakeholders while attracting customers of delivering in this age of metric to encourage corporatization,
in an inclusive manner. In order to technology revolution. incentivize export-oriented industries to
elevate fee income streams by support current account adjustment and effective
increasing debit and credit card Sustaining focus on creating an anchoring of market sentiment to exploit
circulation alongside engaging the tech inclusive work environment immense potential for growth in foreign
savvy customer segment, Your Bank encompassing gender diversity and a direct investment; amidst sustained
signed an agreement with Golootlo to offer a multi-cultural workforce through pressure on the financial front due to rising
wide array of discounts at more than provision of equal employment debt servicing costs.
12,500 merchants nationwide via opportunities to female employees as
myABL Digital Banking App and UPI- well as internal elevations across the World Bank’s latest release on country’s
PayPak co-badged debit cards. bank has enabled to achieve female outlook has re-affirmed the need to focus
ratio of 17.4% during the year. on 4 key elements to achieve and
Immense growth in conventional and
e-banking platforms has culminated In line with SBP directives for training
initiatives under the National Financial Annual
Report Literacy program (NFLP), Your Bank 16 2019
arranged 496 sessions in 37 remote
districts of the country to improve
financial inclusion in unbanked segments
sustain industry growth; (i) Accumulation
of physical and human capital to In line with changing industry also optimize resources allocation.
utilize country’s growing working age dynamics and long term-strategic
population; (ii) Productive allocation of vision of Your Bank, focused efforts are Data governance and Data
resources; (iii) Environmental and social being made to increase the mix of e- security shall remain at the
sustainability; (iv) Proper governance banking transactions vide adoption of forefront of Your
Artificial Bank’s strategic focus to supplement
to ensure successful implementation of intelligence, machine learning, humanoids the transition and strengthen the
reforms. and implementation of “Integration structure for informed decision making
Framework Studio” and “AA and service provision to valued
Furthermore, Pakistan needs to target Architecture” on T24-R16, which will
curtailment in population growth to customers.
facilitate Your Bank’s business analytics,
2%, increase tax to GDP ratio to 18% customer service offerings and operational
and rise up 86 points in the “ease of Your Bank shall continue to leverage
efficacy, in the e-banking era. upon emerging technologies including
doing” business metric to be ranked
within top 50 countries in the world by digital recruitment solutions, internal
Your bank, maintaining its industry communication platforms and
year 2023. With the dynamic growth pioneer status in innovative solutions
framework already in place together with workforce engagement software in
has launched Application Programming creating a workforce for the future;
improvement in literacy rate, the country Interface (APIs) with a view to establish
is expected to gradually reach upper- thereby introducing better learning and
open ended and agile platforms through development platforms, performance
middle income status by 2047. which third parties including FinTech’s’, monitoring tools, workforce mobility
while becoming ecosystem partners, and efficient HR services to ensure better
The country’s e-commerce industry can engage, collaborate and innovate
thereby has the potential to strengthen employment experience and agility in
for the benefit of customers. Encouraging meeting evolving business needs.
country’s economy by creating job headways were achieved during the
opportunities for the youth who are more year towards launch of branchless Visualizing 2020, I am optimistic that
open to embracing advancements in banking; augmenting Your Bank’s e- Your Bank will remain well positioned to
technology. banking register steady growth in shareholder’
suite in line with the SBP’s objective of value. On behalf of the Board of
In this era of the 4th industrial revolution, building a dynamic and inclusive financial sector
people aspire easy access, proficiency, Directors, I would like to extend my
under National Financial Inclusion gratitude to the regulatory bodies
convenience and transaction swiftness. Strategy. Commercial launch in 2020
This revolution is expected to thoroughly including State Bank
shall add to Your Bank’s e-touch points, of Pakistan, Securities and Exchange
transform bank-customer relationship facilitating in expanding its customer
with the objective to continuously stay Commission of Pakistan and Federal
base particularly in unserved areas of Board of Revenue for their uninterrupted
in touch vide cyber space and offer the country.
seamless and limitless services assistance and co-operation. I would
24/7. also like to appreciate our valued
myABL (Personal Internet Banking) shareholders’ for putting up their
and myABL Business Internet Banking confidence in long-term strategic goals.
Banking sector’s future success, thereby, (BIB) facilities shall continue to be
clearly depends on amalgamating augmented with the purpose of
conventional banking platforms with Finally, I would like to pay my gratitude
converting conventional ways of to Allied Banks’s management team and
smart mobile and virtual technologies interaction with our customers towards
such as cyber-physical systems, artificial the 11,000+ Allied bankers, for their
a handheld experience, thereby utmost hard work and commitment on
intelligence and cloud computing to capitalizing on the technological edge.
intelligently track user behaviors and the road to building a robust and
meet customer expectations with technologically empowered Allied Bank.
Your Bank would keep focusing on
personal, contextual, and predictive serving priority sectors, while remaining
services while simultaneously handling Mohammad Naeem Mukhtar
cognizant of enabling environment, Chairman
the advice and communication part of
the customer services domain through including agriculture and SME sectors
data analytics. Concurrent focus on by expanding bank-maintained
adopting emerging data protection and warehouse initiative with the purpose of
cryptographic techniques to improve increasing quality lending portfolio and
secrecy and integrity of data is Country’s GDP.
paramount to supplement the transition Your Bank aims to continue its efforts
amidst evolving vulnerabilities. towards expanding the horizon of
Robotic Process Automation and
Machine Learning solutions, which will
not only inculcate operational efficiencies but
Allied Bank Limited 17
18 Report 2019
Mujahid Ali Aizid Gill Saira Shahid Hussain
Chief Information Technology Chief Risk Management Chief Human Resource
Imran Maqsood
Chief Audit & Risk Review
Manufactured Capital
• Domestic & Foreign Branches 1,395
• ATM Network 1,515
• Core IT Systems 93
• Digital Touch points 14
• Other Fixed Assets
Risk Management to balance Risk and Reward
Human Capital
• Engaged and capable employees
• Female Employees 2,034
• Male Employees 9,631
• Total Number of Employees Maintain, optimize11,665
and invest in our operations, including technology, infrastructure and r
• Total Number of Graduates 10,706
• State of the Art Management Development Centers 3
• Culture of Empathy
Intellectual Capital
• 10 Year Strategic Rolling Plan
• Strong IT Platform
• Robust Risk Management (RAMS)
• Comprehensive Compliance Management
• Detailed Policies & Procedures
• Strong Management Structure - Leadership Teams
Natural Capital
• Solar Branches 58
• Inverters 1,060
• Green Banking Initiatives
• Compliance to Environmental Laws
20 Report 2019
Generate NIM on earning Assets / Liabilities • 4th Largest private sector commercial bank of the country
• Profit Before Tax 24,242 million
• Profit After Tax 14,113 million
• Earning per Share Rs. 12.32
• Full-year dividend per share Rs. 8
Data Analytics • Return on Equity (Tier 1) 16%
• Return on Assets 1%
• Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) 22%
• Long Term Entity Credit Rating AAA
• Short Term Entity Credit Rating A1+
• Corporate Governance Rating CGR 9+
• Compliance with all Regulatory requirements
• Contribution to National Exchequer Rs. 18,653 million
• Customer Relations Rs. 943 million
• Improving Workplace Environment Rs. 435 million
• Environmental Sustainabilty Rs. 204 million
• Plantation of saplings of environment friendly plants 16,000 +
Branch Banking over the country gives 24/7 access Allied Basic Banking Account empowerment as it provides a safe
With a vast network of 1,395 to cash withdrawals, mini statement, A non-remunerative PKR checking place to save money and opens
branches and 1,515 ATMs, Bank bill payments, fund transfers and account that gives our customers up a channel to credit which can
is committed to provide real much more. ABL has 12 CCDMs the support they need to manage be used for investing in education,
time online banking solution to installed at selected branches their bank account in a simple and property or business along with
its customers in an efficient and offering facility to deposit cash & hassle-free way. bundle of free of cost services
convenient manner. cheques round the clock. including lower locker fee.
Allied Business Account
Saturday Banking & Extended Biometric ATM Service Allied Business Account is meant Platinum Rewarding Profit
Hours Banking ABL has set another milestone for growing business proprietors Account
ABL offers added convenience of “full by introducing the Biometric ATM looking for exceptional value and Get all the benefits and features of a
service” Saturday Banking to its service on the entire ATM network services, packed with multiple free remunerative current account with
customers. The extended week of network for the convenience of of cost features. It is a cost effective premium profit rates and manage your
banking operations, is currently valued customers. Now customers and simple way to consolidate daily transactions, frequent payments
available at 165 branches from can seamlessly perform ATM business and personal banking and flow of funds.
10:00 AM to 02:00 PM. transactions without using the needs into one tailored package. Allied Senior Citizen Account
Extended hours banking facility is Prepaid or Debit card. Allied Asaan Account Your Bank launched Allied Senior
also offered at selected branches.
Allied Easy Current Account Allied Asaan Account is tailored Citizen account offering a host of free
Theme Branches Allied Easy current account is to cater to the banking needs services including free visa debit
In the quest to evolve into a tailored to meet banking needs of unbanked people of society card, free cheque books along with
customer friendly bank in the retail of every individual. With Allied with simplified account opening health insurance and discounted
industry, Bank is adopting modern Easy Current Account Financial requirement. Customers can open lab testing facilities, which relieves
technology and signature themes. transactions can be conducted current or saving account according senior citizens from their health
Accordingly, the Bank has launched through variety of e-banking to their needs with a number of free worries.
Women branches, Youth branches and channels without any minimum facilities offered. Allied Youth Account
Village branches. balance requirement with zero Allied Khanum Assan Your Bank launched Allied Youth
ATMs and CCDMs (Cash & service charges on minimum Account Account to meet the financial needs of
Cheque Deposit Machines) balance requirement. Access to a bank account is millennials across the country.
The vast network of 1,515 ATMs all essential for women’s economic The account offers Branded Youth
22 Report 2019
Visa Debit Card along with free
great way to accumulate children’s Salaried Individuals who want to Debit Card Variants
accidental insurance coverage
savings for their future while invest their savings and earn profit. Non- Customers have liberty to choose
and premium access to Vouch365 inculcating saving habits amongst Resident Pakistanis (NRPs) who from a variety of Visa Debit Card
application with exciting offers for children with exclusive free features want to invest their remittances in a ‘Sapphire’ packages, offering wide-
restaurants, health & fitness and like welcome pack, birthday gift, scheme which gives them immediate ranging transactional limits to pay
leisure/travel activities. accidental insurance coverage up to advance profit. for everyday shopping or get access
PLS Saving Account Rs. 500,000, ATM / VISA Debit card Institutions who want to retain their to funds at ATMs in Pakistan and
Bank offers savings accounts and cheque book. savings by earning advance profit. abroad.
bundled with free features on Allied Term Plus Deposit Foreign Currency Term Allied Co-Badged Debit Card
maintenance of certain minimum Allied Term Plus is a regular term Deposit Allied Bank welcomes you to a world
monthly average balance. deposit with the flexibility of tenure and Allied Bank’s Foreign Currency Term of convenience and security with
Allied Express Account frequency of profit payment which Deposit offers industry’s competitive profit first ever Co-Badged Union Pay &
Allied Express Account is exclusively allows the customers to opt for rates for customer chosen term and is PayPak Debit Card in Pakistan. Now
crafted for remitting money in investment plan best suited to their ideal to help them save in a foreign you not only can conduct ATM and
Pakistan. Customers can remit need. currency. This particular account is retail transactions within Pakistan
funds to their own account or Allied Advance Profit Plus available in multiple currencies, but around the globe as well.
accounts of their loved ones in Payment including: US Dollar, British Sterling
E-commerce Transactions on
Pakistan through Allied Express Pound, and Euro.
Is Ideal for, Individuals who intend VISA Debit Card
Account and enjoy free of cost to start banking for the first time and Allied VISA Debit Card Allied Bank Visa Debit Card holders
banking services i.e. Cheque Books, want to build a profitable Allied Visa Debit Card is Allied can now use their VISA Debit
ATM Visa Debit card, SMS Alerts relationship with a strong, stable and Bank’s flagship product that gives our cards for online and ecommerce
Internet Banking etc. Remittances robust bank. customers access to their bank transactions. Considering evolving
can be originated from different Parents who are already saving and accounts and convenience to use it customer needs Allied Bank delivers
time zones and countries in multiple intend to invest for the best and at over 50,000 retailers in Pakistan services that fit customers’ lifestyles and
currencies. immediate returns and millions of retailers worldwide. offers more choice as to
Allied Rising Star – Youth’s Businessmen who are looking for It also gives cardholders access to where, when and how customers
1st Bank Account an opportunity to earn instant profit millions of retailers and over 13,000 conduct transactions. Allied Bank
Allied Rising Star Account is a against their savings. ATMs in Pakistan. differentiates not just by offering
Allied Bank Limited 23
multi-dimensional channels to
plans and competitive return and mobile banking platform which self-service banking offers a blend of
customer but also by enhancing
oriented funds of Allied Asset offers a more secure, reliable and “Conventional” and “Self- Service
their experience from utilization of
Management Company-a wholly efficient e-banking service. Banking” facilities to its account
the new and innovative channels.
owned subsidiary of ABL) and myABL Business Internet holders as well as walk-in
EZ Cash Prepaid Card BANCA products in collaboration Banking customers. It is equipped with
Allied EZCash is a re-loadable with EFU and Jubilee Insurance hi-tech equipment, which enables
With Business Internet Banking,
prepaid card which comes with the partners. ABL customers to address their
customers can significantly enjoy the
convenience of easy load, reload, banking needs while interfacing with
Jazz Cash Domestic multiple benefits of “Efficiency, Ease of
top-up from any ABL branch. This is
Remittance Services use and Economy”. diverse range of digital touch points
the first prepaid card launched on local i.e. tablets, interactive tables, video
In line with the Financial Inclusion Business Internet Banking (BIB) is
payment scheme PayPak. This card conferencing and digital kiosks,
Strategy set by SBP, Allied Bank Allied Bank’s online internet banking
is instantly issued from all ABL
collaborated with Jazz Cash [a service exclusively designed and eliminating hefty paper work and
branches and can be used on ATM
Branchless Banking Brand of Jazz developed for non-individual long queues.
for cash withdrawal, bill payment,
(Mobilink) & Mobilink Microfinance customers. The internet banking Allied Business Finance (ABF)
mobile top-ups and purchasing
Bank Limited (MMBL)] to provide platform has a user-friendly and Allied Business Finance is designed
goods from merchants at Point of
domestic remittance services to device-responsive facility which for SME sector to avail financing
Sale (POS) machines where
prospective customers. Through allows users in online tracking and against non-cash securities. The
PayPak Cards are accepted. Allied
this initiative the beneficiary of Jazz maintaining the accounts while Bank offers evergreen line in
EZCash offers added security of PIN
Cash Domestic Remittances can enabling the customers to execute shape of Running Finance, Letter
for Point-of-Sale (POS)
send and collect their remittances Banking transactions from their of Guarantee, Finance for Exports
from any ABL Branch in addition to workstation and offices. (working Capital) & Letter of Credit
as well i.e. use of Prepaid Card for
the existing network of Jazz Cash along with Term Loans.
shopping requires cardholders to
ABL Self Service Digital
enter PIN to authorize their purchase Branch Allied Fast Finance (AFF)
transactions. myABL Personal Internet ABL has introduced Self Service Allied Fast Finance is a facility
Banking Banking facility at Lucky One Mall secured against cash backed
Third Party Products: Mutual myABL Personal Internet Banking is
Funds & BANCA and LUMS with state of the art securities i.e. Lien on TDR &
the new face of Allied Direct Internet
ABL offers distinctive third party e.b anking channels. Allied Bank’s Account designed to meet liquidity
Banking. It is the latest internet
products; Mutual Funds (investment
24 Report 2019
requirements of obligors without
a demand finance facility with Hari Bhari Agriculture to working capital needs as well as
disturbing their core savings. This repayment in equal monthly Revolving Credit Scheme long term investment for purchase
product offers evergreen line in shape installments spread over the term of new equipment and machinery
This facility is designed to facilitate
of Running Finances, Letter of of the finance with a competitive for farm, hatchery incubators,
farmers in obtaining agriculture
Guarantee & Letter of Credit as well mark-up rate. generators, farms equipment and
based loans to meet working capital
as Term Loan. construction of sheds for extension
Allied Visa Credit Card (Pay needs of farming. Credit is available
Prime Minister Youth of current poultry farms
wave – Chip Based) on revolving basis.
business Loan (PMYBL) It
Allied Visa Gold and Platinum Credit Tractor Financing Allied Aabayari (Irrigation
is a long-term loan scheme
Cards are exclusively being offered to Tractor financing is designed to Solution)
specifically launched for
the bank’s valued customers. facilitate farmers in obtaining This financing facility is designed to
unemployed youth under the
Allied Visa Credit Card offers a host of Agriculture Development Loans facilitate farmers in obtaining
directives of GOP and SBP. The
privileges, benefits and savings, (Term Finance) for purchase of brand Agriculture Development Loans for
scheme especially funds startups.
together with attractive service new Tractor. purchase and installation of electric
Loans are offered at subsidized rates. charges and a free credit period of or solar tube wells, lift pumps &
Allied Home Finance Agriculture Finance for Dairy
up to 50 days. high efficiency irrigation systems
The Bank, in its endeavor to provide Allied Personal Finance e.g. sprinkler, trickles, drip and rain
This product is designed to support
current and prospective customers gun etc. This product will target the
(APF) Allied Personal Finance is a dairy farmers in meeting working
a complete suite, launched “Allied prospective obligors who possess
term loan facility targeting capital needs of businesses as
Home Finance” to fulfill customers’ experience in the farm sector
Employees well as purchase of assets and
needs to build, buy and renovate activities and actively involved in
of Corporate under corporate construction of sheds for extension
their own home. the farm business management
arrangement, Salaried Individuals of their dairy farms for enhanced
interested to achieve operational
Allied Car Finance fall under Cross-Sell Criteria and productivity.
This product is designed to serve Affluent Individual of the Bank. with a
Agriculture Finance for
vehicle financing needs of bank’s low mark-up rate. Product offers
Poultry Farming & Allied
depositors and the employees smart financial solutions
of institutional customers. It’s to customers for their immediate
Bank has developed this product
personal financial needs.
program for poultry farmers to cater
Allied Bank Limited 25
Allied Farm Mechanization electronic verification a button through myABL. Letters of Guarantee, Letters of Credit and Export Financing.
This financing facility is designed to only. Corporate Banking Corporate Banking provides a single
Salary Management Account
facilitate farmers in obtaining Allied Bank Fast, easy and convenient services point within the Bank to cater to all business requirements of our
Agriculture Development Loans Call Center corporate and institutional
are just some of the benefits of Allied
(Term Finance) to purchase customers, including public sector enterprises with the primary
Customers no Salary Management Account.
Agricultural Equipment to be objective of enhancing customer service. Bank offers full suite of
longer have to Organizations can enjoy one of the
employed for farm mechanization. take time out to products including Working Capital Facilities, Term Loans,
largest branch networks with ease
Allied Commercial Lease visit branches and convenience of technologically Structured Trade Finance Facilities, Letters
Allied Bank offers leasing products to for everyday advanced banking. ABL offers quick and
meet the business needs of its banking needs. efficient payroll service with instant
customers with flexible terms & Self- credit of salaries and offers Allied
conditions based on customers’ service banking offers Salary Management Account for
choice of asset & repayments. assistance in all company employees with a number
Allied Bank Lockers transactions by of free features.
Bank Lockers provide high-security Interactive Voice
SME Financing
protection for customers’ valuables. Response System
The Bank continues to focus on
Lockers of different capacities are (IVR).
SME business with a vision to
available nationwide at conveniently Allied Pay capitalize on the bank’s countrywide
located branches. Anyone footprint and longstanding customer
Digital Lockers A unique product loyalty to become a preferred and
First ever bank in Pakistan to bring in which the prudent provider of a “Total Banking
an innovative, secure and customer- Bank’s customers Solution”. The Bank offers a wide
friendly technology in the form of can send cash to range of funded and non-funded
any individual in products and services to meet
Digital Lockers. Digital Lockers
Pakistan even if needs of various types of SME
are fully automated version of
the beneficiary businesses under the umbrella of
traditional lockers operational round
doesn’t have a bank Allied Hunarmand, Allied Tijarat and
the clock (even on weekends and
account. This is Allied Seasonal Support Financing,
non-banking hours). These lockers
done at the click
are powered by revolutionary robotic Emerging Corporates
technology enabling access of your Middle Market caters to all
locker 24/7 at any time of your business requirements of our top
convenience. Digital lockers are tier commercial obligors with
made accessible vide self-service wide range of products including
kiosk placed in a secure room at our Working Capital Facilities, Term
branch that can be entered through Loans, Trade Finance Facilities,
of Guarantee, Letters of Credit, Fund Transfers / ope sic with minimum transactional
Remittances, Bill Discounting, Export Financing and ning Ba requirements. It enables customers to
Receivable Discounting. proc nk fulfill their basic banking needs.
Investment Banking Investment Banking (IB) edur in Allied Islamic Youth Account
wing of the Bank strives to meet complex financing e, g ABL-IBG has developed a Shariah
needs of its clientele by providing a full suite of financing initia Ac compliant Mudharabah based
solutions to corporate clients including debt l co product (Saving Account) for
syndications, capital markets, project financing and dep un individuals between the age group
osit t of 18 to 35 years. This product
advisory services.
requ It is is designed to cater the Banking
Home Remittances Home Remittances irem a requirements of Youth segment through a
provide a seamless inflow of foreign remittance ent ban Shariah compliant solution and is offered
credited in the of king in Regular & Asaan variants.
beneficiary accounts and over the counter payment. Rs.1 acc
Allied Aitebar Senior Citizen
Cash Management 00. oun
Cash Management is a state of the art real- time The t for
A Shariah compliant Mudharabah
service providing customers with efficient liquidity prod day
based product (Saving Account) for
management solutions, across the robust ABL uct to
individuals of 55 years or above age.
is day
network. This Account is designed to cater
avail tran
Treasury Product Services Bank offers fixed the banking requirements of senior
able sact
income treasury services, having attractive returns, to citizens and offered in regular & asaan
both ions
its institutional and retail clients. ABL’s treasury is variants.
in with
an active participant in the interbank securities Curr out Allied Islamic Saving Account
trading and FX trading, capitalizing on its primary ent any Regular chequing account, offered in
dealer status, providing competitive pricing. and risk local and foreign currencies, on the
s or basis of “Mudharabah” with
Allied Islamic Current Account Savi
rew no minimum balance requirement.
Based on principles of “Qard”, it provides ng
ard Profit is calculated on monthly average
convenience of dep
s. A balance and credited on six monthly
conducting day-to-day transactions available both in osit
sim basis, offering a number
local and foreign currencies. There is no restriction cate
ple of free services on maintaining a
on withdrawals or numbers of transactions. gori
ban minimum monthly average balance.
Allied Islamic Asaan Account It is developed k Allied Islamic Anmol Plus
on the guidelines provided by SBP for Pakistani Alli
acc Account
Nationals with simplified account oun This is a “Mudharabahdeposit
t for product for individuals available in
indi local currency. Profit is calculated on
vidu monthly average balance and
als credited on six monthly basis. The
26 Report 2019
customers can avail a large number
and Non-Banking Financial • Allied Aitebar Home
of free services by maintaining a
Institutions available in local Musharakah
certain average monthly balance as • Allied Aitebar Tractor
currency. Profit is calculated on daily
per specifications. Financing
average balance and paid on
Allied Islamic Business Plus • Allied Aitebar Hari Bhari
monthly basis.
Agriculture Financing
Allied Aitebar Premium • Allied SME Financing
This is a savings account with
several unique features that make it
Account myABL integration with
A Shariah compliant saving deposit Fintechs
very suitable for use as a business
product particularly for high net- The Bank has integrated with
account. On maintaining minimum
worth individuals, business entities, Fintechs like GoLootlo, Easy
monthly average balance, as
pension / benevolent funds, Govt. / Tickets, 1 Link and Avanza Premier
per specification, the customer can
semi-Govt. bodies which is based Payment Services through myABL
avail a large number of free
on Mudharabah. Profit is calculated on mobile apps. Now customer can
services. Account can be opened
daily average balance and paid scan QR and avail different deals at
in local currency only.
monthly. thousands of merchants through
Allied Islamic Khalis Munafa
Allied Aitebar Express myABL mobile application.
This is a tier based savings
A Shariah compliant banking
account specially designed to
product especially designed for
encourage and promote savings.
Home Remittance Beneficiaries to
Minimum deposit required for
facilitate hassle free transfer of
opening an account is Rupees
home remittances. This Pak Rupee
1,000 only.
based product is developed on
Allied Islamic Sahulat the concept of Mudharabah and
Account operated like normal chequeing
The product is designed account(s) on profit / loss sharing
to facilitate allocation of basis.
complimentary safe deposit
Allied Islamic Notice Period
lockers upon maintaining of certain
balance in account. The account
This product is designed to cater to
is offered in Pak Rupees only and
the requirements of the customers
profit is paid semi-annually.
who want to place their deposit for
Allied Islamic Investment short tenure like 7 days, 30 days
Certificates etc. The profit is calculated on daily
Islamic Investment Certificates are basis and paid at maturity.
Term Deposit certificates for
Islamic Financing Products
investment periods ranging from
Various Islamic Financing Products
period of 1 month to 5 years with
based on the following modes of
profit payment options of monthly,
finance are being offered by the Bank
quarterly, half yearly or at maturity. • Murabaha
Investment certificates are issued with • Salam
investment of Rs.25,000 with no • Istisna
maximum limit. Pre-mature • Islamic Export Refinance
withdrawal can be made as per Scheme
product features. • Ijarah
• Diminishing Musharakah
Allied Aitebar Institutions • Business Musharakah
Account • Forward Cover
This is a “Mudharabah” deposit • Allied Islamic Car Ijarah
product for Financial Institutions
Continuous re-engineering of policies, procedures, SOPs, SLAs and TATs, ensuring operational efficiencies through effecti
ating shareholders’ value through sustainable performance, while optimizing return against acceptable risk appetite.
Installation of Oracle Big Data Appliance in partnership with IBM
tal adequacy ratio with sustainable growth.
Implementation of Robotics Process Automation for improved service delivery
ow” – International Finance Awards 2018 by International Finance
Launched 3D Secure service to secure e-commerce transactions
h Management, Employee Banking and Business Internet Banking and Personal Internet Banking.
Automation of approvals through system
rbright Bank to formalize strategic partnerships
Upgradation to IBFT 3.0 for complying with SBP Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) guidelines
Upgradation of Financial Crime and Compliance Management (FCCM) application & Review of Benchmarks
Re-carded all debit and prepaid cards with chip and PIN capability to comply with SBP guidelines
Self-service branch at LUMS Lahore with state of the art facilities including instant Debit Card issuance and Interactive Teller Machine (ITM)
Powered top 100 branches with Self Service Kiosks providing myABL digital banking, complaint services, customer feedback, various promotions and discounts offers
Full week banking operations from Disaster Recovery site for robust banking operations.
through innovative and diversified technologies, building customers’ confidence through convenient delivery channels and product designs.
Capacity Building & awareness provided to 1,668 staff during the year through class room trainings.
tail payments
Instilling a culture of ethics and responsibility among human resource and becoming an ‘Employer of Choice’ fo
28 Report 2019
Allied Bank Limited 29
Dear Shareholders,
On behalf of the Board of Directors, we are pleased to present the Annual Report of Your Bank for the year ended December 31, 2019. The
operating results and appropriations, as recommended by the Board are included in the appended table:
The Board of Directors has proposed a final cash dividend of Rs. 2 per share (aggregate cash dividend of Rs 8 per share including interim
dividends). This, together with the interim dividends declared during 2019, will be approved in the forthcoming Annual General
30 Report 2019
shortfall in revenue collections, broad
contraction and impact realization million. As a result, Your Bank has posted
based expansion in current
of government offered incentives for net mark-up income of Rs. 41,507 million
expenditures, bloating energy sector
export-oriented industries are expected against Rs. 32,115 million in 2018,
circular debt, untargeted subsidies and
to support economic growth under reflecting a growth of 29%.
loss-making public sector enterprises. Government of Pakistan’s economic
reform agenda; while measures aimed Diversification of revenue streams through
However, Governments’ adopted broad- based
at curtailing imports, partial withdrawal continuous enrichment of service suite
taxation reforms encompassing partial
of tax reliefs, tightening in regulatory along with concurrent focus on
withdrawal of tax reliefs, enhancing
and federal excise duties shall improve upholding highest service standards has
regulatory duties and federal excise,
revenue mobilization amidst sustained enabled Your Bank to post a robust
public confidence building measures together
pressure on expenditure and financial growth of 17% in fee income which has
with austerity measures to manage non-
account management due to rising debt reached Rs. 5,092 million.
development expenditures improved
servicing costs and maturing external
revenue mobilization; which witnessed a
debt. Prudent positioning of Your Bank’s foreign
growth of 18.4% in first
exchange assets and liabilities assisted
half of FY 2019-20 as compared to the
corresponding period of FY 2018-19.
Financial Performance a notable growth of 32% in income from
dealing in foreign currencies to close
Pakistan’s banking sector continued the year at Rs. 1,992 million against
Attributable to higher Government
to face significant ramifications and Rs. 1,504 million recorded in 2018.
borrowing from State Bank of Pakistan
private sector credit appetite has
(SBP) during FY 2018-19, lagged impact
remained subdued stemming from the Dividend income has decreased, as
of currency devaluation, hike in
prevailing economic circumstances. compared to the corresponding year,
domestic fuel costs and rising food Sector’s bottom line was affected by sharp as aforementioned economic
prices, Consumer Price Index (CPI) was repricing pace of funding liabilities, slowdown weighed in on shareholder
recorded at a multi-year high level of 8% credit losses, impairment related to returns, thereby impacting dividend
on a year on year (YoY) basis in FY equity portfolio, rising cost of doing payouts.
2018-19. business, increasing compliance cost Active participation as a Primary
During the first half of FY 2019-20, CPI and regulatory changes. However, in second Dealer along-with staggered
rose further to reach 12.6% at end half of the year ended December 31, derecognition of equity portfolio has
December 2019, on a YoY basis, as 2019 improved asset repricing on the resulted in capital gains of Rs. 1,579
inflationary pressures persisted; reflecting back of stabilizing interest rates has
various rounds of upward adjustments in million realized during the year; lower
diluted the impact. than Rs. 2,382 million recognized in
administered tariffs of gas and electricity and
rising prices of perishable and non- 2018 on the
Your Bank fully cognizant of these
perishable food items owing to supply back of prudent disposal of Pakistan
developments, prudently managed its
disruptions. Investment Bonds, foreseeing imminent
economic capital during the year under
sharp increase in benchmark rates.
review. Capitalizing on consistent
In view of the above, SBP proactively Correspondingly, non markup income
growth in low and no cost deposits
managed its monetary policy stance stood at Rs. 10,891 million for the year
along with superior quality asset base,
leading to a cumulative increase of 475 as against Rs. 11,289 million in the
a multi- faceted long-term strategy
bps in policy rate during the FY 2018- corresponding year.
governing optimum organizational
19 to reach 12.25% at end June 2019. structure, comprehensive risk
However, as inflation outcomes achieved parity In line with SBP’s National Financial
management framework, investment
with projections, policy rate increase Inclusion Strategy for building a dynamic
towards digital transformation,
was curtailed to 100 bps during the first and inclusive financial services sector in the
enhanced customer acquisition and
half of FY 2019-20; with no-hike country, Branch outreach expanded to
continuous enrichment of its innovative
announcements in monetary policy 1,395 branches including 1,278
and well-diversified service suite has
announcements of September 2019 conventional and 117 Islamic banking
facilitated Your Bank
and November 2019 respectively. branches across Pakistan. Islamic
in achieving sustainable financial
network was further augmented with
Although the current account deficit balance 50 windows added to the network at
has been brought down to sustainable viable conventional branches while
Positive volumetric growth in average
level, posting a contraction of 75% contemporaneous growth in ATM
earning assets supported by improving
during first half of FY 2019-20, the network increased total ATMs to 1,515,
spreads and effective duration
external position still remains inclusive of 1,186 on-site and 329 off-site
management of investments through
challenging as the containment exercise re-profiling towards flexible, shorter ATMs.
is primarily driven by import contraction tenor investments in a rising interest
rather than import substitution and the rate scenario has enabled Your Bank During the year, Punjab Workers
economy still carries the risk of trend Welfare Fund Act 2019 (PWWF) has
to post a higher gross mark-up income
reversal when the local demand starts introduced provincial levy of WWF in
by Rs. 49,363 million, higher by 67%
to rebound. Punjab with effect from December 13,
over the last year.
2019. Your Bank, based on the legal
Going forward rising business and opinion of the Bank’s tax consultant,
In-spite of volumetric growth in deposits
consumer confidence on the back of conservatively reversed the cumulative
with immediate re-pricing upon each
improving “ease of doing business” provision maintained, against WWF
policy rate change, gross mark-up
metric, expected agriculture sector from 2014 till the date of PWFF’s
expense growth curtailed to Rs. 39,971
rebound from weather induced enactment.
Despite aforementioned outreach
expansion coupled with new and ongoing
Allied Bank 31
compliance related regulatory changes, along with a robust risk management the requirement of 6.0% and 7.5%
sustaining inflationary pressures, ongoing framework facilitated growth of 10% in respectively; clearly depicting a well-
investment in technological gross advances, well above the industry capitalized position of Your Bank.
infrastructure along-with performance growth of 4%; Gross Advances thereby
awards and merits adjustments of the crossed the half a trillion mark and The economy continues to pass through
human resource; implementation of closed the year at Rs. 500,168 million challenging times with GDP growth
technology- based solutions has compared to Rs. 453,867 million posted projections remaining strangulated in
assisted Your Bank in optimizing at end December 2018. the medium term. Decrease in public
operating costs; thus, Non- markup sector spending’s amidst limited fiscal space
expense growth was curtailed With rising credit risks and a dearth of owing to low tax revenues and high
to 15%. quality lending avenues, incremental current expenditures remain key
liquidity diversified towards investments; the impediments to economic growth.
Realization of systematic risks posed portfolio was reprofiled, anticipating peaked
by the aforementioned economic interest rates, to reach Rs. Implementation of envisaged governance
slowdown has culminated into a lack 757,957 million at end December 2019; and structural reforms to strengthen
luster performance by Pakistan Stock posting an increase of 13%, institutional frameworks and enhancing
Exchange during the year under synchronized with the industry trend. documentation of economic activities
review. The liquidity shall remain critical to credibly reversing
In consideration of downtrend along with was placed primarily in Government the trend of fiscal deterioration; while further
translation of other idiosyncratic factors, securities, Rs. 542,742 million laying the foundation for achieving long
Your Bank has recognized a net charge deployed in T-bills and Rs. 155,134 term sustainable and balanced GDP
of Rs. 979 million for diminution in value million diverted to Pakistan Investment growth.
of equity securities. Bonds (PIB’s); thereby increasing PIB’s
Proactive monitoring and recovery contribution
efforts has resulted in a net provision
in total investment mix to 20% at end
Risk Management
reversal against non-performing
December 31, 2019 as against 9% in the Framework
corresponding year.
aggregating to Rs. 394 million for the
The Board of Directors manages risk
year under review; thereby infection ratio
Despite a notable increase in through a framework of sound risk
fell to 3.2% while coverage ratio stood a
Minimum Saving Rate amidst principles which include establishment
strong level of 95.6%, well above the
monetary tightening cycle, unabated of risk tolerance limits, identification
September 2019 industry averages of
8.2% and 84.4% respectively. No FSV growth in the undocumented economy of potential risks, assessment of their
benefit has taken while determining the and prevailing income tax regime impact on the Bank and formulation of
provision against non-performing loans hampered deposit growth. M2 growth strategies to mitigate all foreseeable
as allowed under the guidelines of the was registered at 11.2%, while risks to the Bank while ensuring
State Bank of Pakistan. Currency in Circulation has grown to continuous monitoring.
Rs. 5,391 billion at end December 31,
As a result, Your Bank has earned profit 2019, on the back of Risk mitigating strategies were
before tax of Rs. 24,242 million for the a staggering CAGR growth of 16% recommended and monitored through
year ended December 31, 2019 as achieved in last 2 years. Board of Directors’ sub-committee
compared to Rs. 21,016 million “Board Risk Management Committee”
earned in the corresponding year; reflecting Accumulation of zero-cost and low- (BRMC). Management sub-committees
a healthy growth of 15%. cost deposits during the year has “Risk Management Committee” (RMC),
Super Tax, which was initially levied vide remained a key strategic objective of Compliance Committee and “Asset and
Finance Act, 2015 has continued and Your Bank. Thereby, non-remunerative Liability Committee” (ALCO) ensuring
vide Finance Act 2019 was extended deposits have grown by 17% to close effective risk management. Summarized Risk
with retrospective effect causing an additional at Rs. and related mitigating factors are
charge of Rs. 835 million, for the tax 388,019 million; constituting 37% of covered in annexed Risk and
year 2018, recognized in first quarter of 2019; the total deposits mix as at end Opportunity Report.
effective tax rate thereby rising to 42%. Profit December 2019. Total Deposit base of
after tax stood at Rs. 14,113 million as Your Bank has registered a healthy The Risk Management Group (RMG) is
against Rs. 12,881 million achieved in increase of mandated to implement this framework
the corresponding year. Barring impact Rs 64,568 million and stood at Rs. as a function, independent of commercial
of aforementioned incremental super 1,049,043 million, reflecting a YoY growth of lines of business. RMG took following
tax charge, Profit after tax has posted a 7%. major initiatives in 2019 to further
notable growth of 16%. strengthen the risk management
Consequently, aggregated asset base framework:
Resultantly Earnings per share of Your of Your Bank has increased by 10% to
Bank has improved to Rs. 12.32 while reach Rs. 1,481,121 million as against • Owing to Small and Medium
Return on Equity and Return on Assets Rs. 1,350,599 million at end December, Enterprises economic significance and in
stood at a strong level of 16% and 1% 2018, while the equity base stood at light of SBP’s initiative to promote
respectively. robust level of Rs. 115,351 million; SME financing, Your Bank participated in
Loan growth momentum has slowed recording an increase of 7%. Innovative Challenge Fund (ICF3)
sharply as a weaker economic scenario Capital Adequacy ratio (CAR) under “Transforming SME Financing,
and elevated interest rates has Basel III stood at a healthy level of Innovative Credit Scoring Model
dampened credit demand; industry 21.7% on standalone basis whereas of SMEs” launched by Karandaaz
advances growth declined by 83% the consolidated CAR stood at 21.8%;
during the year. Amidst aforementioned adequately meeting the requirements Annual
industry downtrend,
Your Bank’s pragmatic business strategy
of the State Bank of Pakistan. 32 2019
Common Equity Tier ratio (CET) and
Tier 1 ratio (CET1) have stood at 17%
as against
Pakistan (a non-profit organization) and
got selected as a Partner for this
the year, the management has Chief Executive Officer’s
undertaken initiative for major
project. The financing activity under the
upgrade in the system, providing Review
project to the targeted segment is
expected to commence shortly. This additional tools and information for
the risk approvers and monitoring The Board of Directors fully endorses
project will not only help us in fulfilling
teams. the Chief Executive Officer’s Review on the
our social responsibility of financial
Bank’s operational performance for the
inclusion but also facilitate in
• The Project of Oracle Financial year ended December 31, 2019.
creating business opportunities for
the Bank. Services Analytical Application
(OFSAA) for Enterprise Risk Statement of Internal
Management was completed
• State Bank of Pakistan (SBP)
during the year with the Control.
issued detailed directions on
implementation of International implementation of Assets Liability
Management (ALM) & Liquidity The Board is pleased to endorse the
Financial Reporting Standard-9 statement made by management
(IFRS 9) vide BPRD Circular No. Risk Management (LRM) Modules.
With the successful completion of relating to internal controls including
04, dated October management’s evaluation of ICFR. The
24, 2019. The effective date for OFSAA and Bench Matrix
practices, a wide spectrum of Management’s Statement on Internal
implementation of IFRS 9 is Control is included in the Annual
January 1, 2021 and the Banks are Enterprise Risk now stands
automated in the Bank; enabling Report.
required to conduct parallel run
effective monitoring of the underlying
and make necessary preparations
risks. Corporate Sustainability
for its implementation during 2020.
Your The Board is pleased to endorse the
Bank has already submitted a • In compliance with the Green
Banking Guidelines issued by the Corporate Sustainability initiatives taken
detailed quantitative and qualitative by Your Bank, as disclosed separately in
impact analysis report to SBP for State Bank of Pakistan, Your Bank
has established the Annual Report.
adoption of IFRS-9 for the year
ended December 31, 2017. a dedicated Green Banking Office
(GBO) to promote environmentally Entity Rating
In order to ensure smooth transition
towards the compliance of SBP’s friendly practices. In this regard,
Your Bank has formulated & During the year, Pakistan Credit Rating
instructions for implementation of
implemented a Green Banking Agency (PACRA) maintained Bank’s
IFRS 9, Project Steering Committee
Policy to reinforce its commitment long- term and short-term credit rating at
of the management comprising senior
for environmental sustainability. the highest level of “AAA” (Triple A) and
members of Finance, Risk, IT and
The objective of this policy is to “A1+” (A One Plus) respectively. These
Business Groups has been formed
reduce the vulnerability of ratings indicate highest credit quality
while presenting periodical project
the Bank from the Environmental and an exceptionally strong capacity for
status to the “Board Risk
Risks and to reduce its carbon payment of financial commitments.
Management Committee”. The main
stakeholders are acting in a footprint on the environment. Your
coordinated manner through the Bank is one Corporate Governance
of the leading Banks in the Industry,
Committee forum towards
which has successfully implemented
preparedness of the Bank for smooth
implementation. Environment Risk Management
VIS Credit Rating Company Limited
(EnvRM) discipline to identify,
re-affirmed Allied Bank’s Corporate
The Bank believes that assess, mitigate and monitor
Governance Rating of ‘CGR-9+’.
implementation of IFRS 9 in Pakistan environmental risks arising from
The rating indicates a ‘very high
requires a comprehensive forward- operations of obligor’s business.
level of corporate governance’; thus,
looking approach, less dependent on Besides, Your Bank is also actively
depicting a strong commitment towards
subjectivity, by all the stakeholders pursuing the initiative
governance framework by the Board and
and alignment of existing laws and of creating a sustainable
Management of Your Bank. VIS has
regulations with IFRS 9 paperless environment.
noted that Human Resource and Remuneration
requirements. Committee be chaired by an
• In continuance of Bank’s distinctive
independent director as per Listed
• The Bank has successfully initiative of engaging with the
Companies (Code of Corporate
implemented Bench Matrix obligors to provide them with latest
Governance) Regulations 2019, which is
Solution for Operational and insight
currently being headed by a non-
Compliance Risk Management. on business management and
executive director.
This system has strategies; three interactive seminars
enabled the bank to automate various for corporate, commercial & SME
functions pertaining to Operational obligors on the topic “Transition
from Family Owned Business
and Compliance risk management as
Structure to Corporate Structure” Board of Directors
per best practices.
were organized during 2019.
The profile of all Board members is
• The Bank has an in-house The Bank devotes considerable
disclosed separately in Overview
developed state of the art Risk resources in managing the risks to which
section of the Annual Report.
Assessment and Management it is exposed. The momentum attained
System (RAMS) for loans processing thus far will be continued in the future
through significant investments in human Composition of the Board of Directors is
and Monitoring. The system has
enabled the Bank towards effective resources, training and technology.
management of Credit Risk, also reflected
by one of the lowest infection ratios in
the industry. During
Allied Bank Limited 33
specified in “Statement of Compliance with IV. Independent Directors. on record our gratitude to esteemed
Code of Corporate Governance”. While V.Other Non-Executive Directors. shareholders and valuable customers
Composition of Board committees is VI.Board of Directors’ Committees. for placing their trust in Allied Bank.
also disclosed separately in the Annual VII. Chief Executive Officer. Securities and Exchange Commission
Report. of Pakistan, State Bank of Pakistan
The responses and feedback from the and other regulatory authorities for
Non-Executive Directors (excluding directors on each of the above- their consistent direction and
those who have opted not to mentioned categories (except Chairman) oversight. We would also like to
receive is compiled and submitted to the extend appreciation to our colleagues
meeting fee on voluntary basis) are paid Chairman enabling him to discuss the for their diligent work
a reasonable and appropriate results/findings with each individual Board towards meeting customer expectations
remuneration for attending the Board member, if so desired. and their dedication towards achieving
and/or its committees’ meetings which the Bank’s goals and objectives.
is disclosed in the Financial Statements The authorized independent director
note 38. communicates the feedback in respect For and on behalf of the Board of
of the Chairman to the Company Directors.
This remuneration is not at a level that Secretary for incorporation in the
could be perceived to compromise consolidated performance report.
independence. No fee is paid to the
directors who do not attend a meeting. Accordingly, the report comprising of Tahir Hassan Qureshi
Similarly, fee is not paid for the consolidated evaluation results and Chief Executive Officer
proposals considered through action plan forwarded by the Chairman
circulation. is submitted to the Board of Directors for Mohammad Naeem Mukhtar
consideration. The Board of Directors, Chairman Board of Directors
in its 244th Meeting dated February
Performance evaluation 07,2020, noted contents of Board
Mechanism for the Annual Evaluation for the year 2019 Lahore
Date: February 07, 2020
Board and expressed its satisfaction on its
The Board of Directors (BOD), while Annual
Reportregulatory compliance is also
ensuring External Auditors 34 2019
vested with fiduciary responsibility on behalf
of the shareholders to protect Bank’s The present Auditors M/s KPMG Taseer
interests, provide strategic direction Hadi & Co, Chartered Accountants in
pursuance of the Code of Corporate
and monitor the execution of strategic
Governance become ineligible for
re-appointment having completed a
term of five years. However, State Bank of
The Companies Act 2017, Banking
Pakistan and Securities Exchange
Companies Ordinance 1962, SBP’s
Commission of Pakistan has granted
Prudential Regulations and Code of
permission to the Bank to extend the
Corporate Governance (The Code)
term of M/s KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co,
describes the role of Board of Directors
Chartered Accountants for next term.
along with its responsibilities and
Extension was sought to avoid self-
review threat in light of exceptional
In order to comply with the requirement
circumstances which arose due to
of Code, the Board, in the year 2014, put
evaluation of automated solutions to
in place an effective mechanism for Board
comply with regulatory requirements.
M/s KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co, Chartered
Subsequently, SBP vide BPRD
Accountants retired and offered
Circular No. 11 dated August 22,
themselves for re-appointment.
2016, issued detailed Guidelines on
Performance Evaluation of Board of
The Board of Directors, on the
Directors. As per these Guidelines,
recommendation of the Audit Committee
the Board decided
has recommended M/s KPMG Taseer
to opt for in-house approach with Hadi & Co, Chartered Accountants, as
quantitative techniques and evaluation Statutory Auditors for the next term.
by an external independent evaluator
every three years. Accordingly, Pattern of Shareholding
independent assessment was
conducted in 2018 and for 2019, in-
Pattern of Shareholding, is annexed.
house approach has been exercised.
42 Report 2019
Economic Review adjustment path. Deficit contracted by 62% amidst higher debt servicing costs
during the year 2019 on the back of continued to hamper fiscal consolidation.
According to the International Monetary favorable trends in trade balance and However, results of various initiatives,
Fund, global economy is in synchronized worker remittances growth. broad-based taxation reforms,
stagnation, with growth for the year public facilitation and confidence building
2019 downgraded further to 2.9% Unfolding impact of aforementioned measures have helped to improve
compared to 3% projected in October macro stabilization measures and an revenue growth and resource
2019, delineating its slowest pace imminent economic slowdown, import mobilization, with collections during first half of
since the global financial crisis. The demand contracted, with total bill FY 2019-20 increasing by 18.4%
sluggish trend has emanated from shrinking by 17.5% for the year 2019 as compared to the corresponding period
escalating trade barriers, geopolitical compared to the corresponding year. of 2018; the growth driven primarily by
tensions and aberrant economic In case of exports, lower unit values domestic tax collection with 21%, 34%
pressures in key emerging markets. dominated; partially offsetting the impact of and 26% increase witnessed in income
Amidst aforementioned headwinds, volumetric rise achieved in a number of tax, sales tax and federal excise duty
global growth started to bottom out by major export products and thereby collection respectively.
the fourth quarter of 2019; unfolding stagnating growth to keep exports at
lagged impact of a broad-based shift the previous year’s level of US$ 30,000 Banking Sector Performance:
towards an accommodative monetary million.
policy, improving sentiments following Banking sector witnessed multifarious
announcement of “Phase One” of US- Workers’ Remittances posted a growth challenges emanating from domestic
China trade deal and fading fears of a of 5.3% to reach US$ 22,204 million, in macro-economic bottlenecks and digital
no Brexit deal. Global growth for the 2019, compared to US$ 21,079 million transformation in sync with the global
year 2020 and 2021 has thereby been posted in 2018. The impetuous was trend; changing business models,
projected to improve to 3.3% and 3.4% provided by the persistent uptick in increasing regulatory compliance
respectively. inflows from US, UK, Malaysia and Saudi requirements, looming cyber security
Arabia which has assisted in offsetting threats, asset liability repricing lag and
Pakistan’s economy found itself remittances decline from UAE due to rising risk of credit losses.
struggling against another economic general economic slowdown.
quagmire as the legacy of yesteryear’s Nonetheless, during the year under
policies, including incurrence of large Barring impact of one-off inflows into the review the sector has maintained its
fiscal deficits, accommodative monetary telecom sector, in lieu of license renewal growth trajectory, as net interest spread
stance and an overvalued exchange fee, net foreign Direct Investment had expansion gained traction on the back of
rate had fueled consumption led growth, witnessed a sharp decline of 6% and stabilizing interest rates.
which steadily eroded macroeconomic stood at US$ 2,211 million in 2019;
buffers resulting in increased external and reflecting completion of first phase Headline Return on Equity for the
public debt. of China Pakistan Economic Corridor banking sector during the period ended
(CPEC) related projects and weakening September 2019 stood at 12.3%, higher
The incumbent government persistently business confidence. However, cognizant of than 11.5% for the corresponding
adopted a three-pronged strategy these issues, policy measures and period of 2018 in spite of hefty one
encompassing currency devaluation, initiatives taken by the Government to offs and market related factors such as
monetary tightening and trade create a business-friendly environment, prior years super tax imposition, deposit
protectionism to curtail the burgeoning progress on Financial Action Task Force’s insurance cost levy, regulatory non-
twin deficits and avert an imminent action plan through legislative updates compliance penalties, loan losses and
Balance of Payment (BoP) crisis. In and enhanced inter- agency cooperation, equity related impairment charges
line with the aforementioned macro waning political uncertainty, elevating putting a drag on the earnings; barring
stabilization measures, Pakistan’s GDP confidence level about sustainability of which the increase would have been
growth moderated to 3.3% in FY 2018- 19. market-based exchange rate system and more pronounced.
comfort provided by initiation of IMF’s
Industrial activity contracted with sector Extended Fund Facility program have Rise in Minimum Saving Rate (MSR),
growth falling to 1.4% in FY 2018-19 started yielding results; the country’s PKR depreciation and increased inflows under
against target of 7.6%, compared to 4.9% position has improved 28 notches as per Government amnesty scheme facilitated
achieved in the FY 2017-18. Large Scale latest “Ease of Doing Business” report a growth of 10% for Industry deposits
Manufacturing (LSM) witnessed released by the World Bank. during 2019 compared to 8% growth
a broad-based decline of 5.9% during achieved in 2018. Deposits, hence
the period of July 2019 to November The positive sentiment also depicting closed at Rs. 14,575 billion as at end
2019 as compared to the corresponding in the performance of KSE 100 index December 2019, compared to Rs.
period; domestic oriented industries during latter half of the year; which had 13,303 billion in December 2018.
such as automobile, petroleum and rebounded from its lowest level of 28,765
construction allied firms have particularly points in August 2019 and gained a total The growth trajectory remained
suffered adversely. of 11,970 points to close the year at a hampered by growing currency in
high level of 40,735 points. circulation (CIC) due to informal
Water shortages and weather-related economy and prevailing income tax
concerns in tandem with higher cost The improvement in CA along with regime; currency to deposit ratio had
of major inputs had dented agriculture sufficient availability of external financing had led increased to 37% in December 2019 as
outcome, resulting in lower than to building of reserve buffers; Rupee has against 34% posted in December 2018,
projected growth in the Agriculture thereby appreciated by 5.2% since June while M2 posted a growth of 11.2%
sector. The decelerating trend in both of 2019 to close the year at a parity of Rs. in 2019 compared to 10.2% in 2018;
these sectors led to moderation in the 154.55 against the US$, while gross The burgeoning informal economy is
services sector growth as well, which foreign exchange reserves have reached also impacting the growth of low-cost
fell to 4.7% in FY 2018-19 compared to US$ 18,081 million, which depicts its private sector deposits which has fallen
6.2% achieved in FY 2017-18. highest month end level achieved during compared to the growth in expensive
the last 2 years. public sector deposits; increasing by 5%
On the external front, Balance of as compared to 15% growth witnessed
Payment position has improved Long standing structural frailties, in public sector deposits during 2019.
considerably as current account (CA) subsiding economic growth and
balance moved progressively along the sustained financial account pressures Imminent from macroeconomic
slowdown, multi-year high interest
Report 44 2019
continued investments towards
technological uplift for the “Digital Pakistan banking sector dynamics are Your Bank continued to augment its Debit
Age”, regulatory compliance, footprint continuously evolving, with challenges Card base during the year under
expansion in both conventional and emanating from rapid technological review. Therefore, total debit cards in
e-banking channels and continuous advancements along with persistently circulation increased to 1.7 million as
development of the human capital. enhancing customer preferences. at December 31, 2019, registering a
Digitization is at the forefront of this YoY growth of 14%. The Bank’s pioneer
Promulgation of Punjab Workers Welfare profound transformation and innovation initiative of issuing subsidized PayPak
Fund Act 2019 (PWWF), with effect in banking service offerings. debit cards, for the low-income segment,
from December 13, 2019 introduced yielded results as the volume increased
provincial levy of WWF in Punjab. Your Your Bank has adopted a multipronged long- by 1.5 times during the year, to close at
Bank, based on the legal opinion of the term strategy to focus on broad based 550,214 cards.
Bank’s tax consultant has reversed the digitization and transformation through
cumulative provision maintained there- adoption of cutting-edge technologies Moreover, to facilitate customers, who
against resulting in a net reversal of Rs. geared towards delivering customer seek both international and domestic
769 million during the year. centric user experiences, while spending convenience, the Bank launched
simultaneously taking concrete steps Pakistan’s first ever co-badged EMV Chip
Resultantly, Your Bank’s Profit Before Tax towards circumventing related cyber and PIN debit card powered by UnionPay
increased to Rs. 24,242 million for the security and data governance threats. International (UPI) & PayPak. The card
year, compared to Rs. 21,016 million in offers not only an array of exciting features
the corresponding year depicting a Capitalizing on its extensive and benefits of both payment schemes but
growth rate of 15%. technological infrastructure, including also comes with enhanced security
an in-house maintained “Innovation features; enabling customers to carryout
Profit after current years’ taxation stood at Lab”, Your Bank kept pace with the transactions at millions of acceptance
Rs. 14,948 million, as against Rs. transforming e-banking landscape points including ATMs, Point of Sale
12,881 million for the corresponding through upgrade of ‘myABL’ e-banking (PoS) terminals and e-commerce sites
year. Super Tax, which was initially levied platform to the latest version of Oracle across Pakistan and around the world.
vide Finance Act, 2015 continued and Digital Banking Experience (OBDx);
was extended vide Finance Act 2019 designed to enable customers to The advent of sophisticated technologies
which led to an incremental super tax seamlessly perform financial operations while has contributed towards evolving
levy for the tax year 2018 amounting offering an enhanced user friendly and methods of skimming attacks, with
to Rs. 835 million, recognized in first device responsive interface. ATM fraud becoming one of the fastest
quarter of 2019. This led to an additional growing cyber security crimes in the
drag on the profitability of Your Bank and The aforementioned upgrade together world. The Bank proactively devised a
resultantly Your Bank’s Profit after tax with the launch of card management multi-layered safety approach to counter
amounted to Rs. 14,113 million; facility on myABL platform, entailing emerging security threats through
depicting a notable growth of 10%. activation, temporary block/unblock, extension of biometric verification services,
PIN change and international card undertaking re-carding
In view of the above developments, EPS usage blocking/unblocking option, activity with upgradation to chip and
of Your Bank improved to Rs.12.32 per drove a significant growth of 46% in PIN capability, installation of anti-
share against an EPS of Rs.11.25 per myABL registered users at the close of skimming devices and implementation
share last year. Despite a significant the year. of ‘Euro-Pay, Mastercard and Visa’
additional taxation liability, Return on (EMV) compliance standards across the
Equity (ROE) and Return on Assets Business Internet Banking (BIB) module, entire ATM network to ensure provision
(ROA) also stood at a robust level of geared towards facilitating institutional of maximum protection to the Bank’s
16% and 1% respectively. customers in conducting banking customers.
transactions, including bulk payments
and trade business, continued to be well Following through on its strategy to
received by the market; the number of vigorously engage with the IT-Savvy and
E-Banking Initiatives registered customers rising at the end highly educated customer segment,
of December 2019 registering a growth Your Bank installed additional Interactive
of 46%.
46 Report 2019
customer feedback. This has resulted
in tangible improvements in service conducted various security assessment emanating from country’s inclusion
levels, branch upkeep and overall high exercises including vulnerability in grey list by FATF through timely
satisfaction. assessments, penetration testings’ and upgradation of Financial Crime and
technical risk assessments together Compliance Management (FCCM)
During the year 2019, Allied Phone with compromise assessment activity as software for improved transaction
Banking introduced Outbound Call mandated by SBP. PCI DSS Certification monitoring with structured workflow.
Center with the purpose of connecting was also achieved during the year Combating financing terrorism (CFT) desk
with our existing and potential customers under review; depicting a major security has also been established in
in order to widen our customer base by milestone along with compliance to accordance with SBP AML/CFT
lead generation and offering competitive swift customer security program being Guidelines on Risk Based Approach
bank’s products. mandated by Swift International. (RBA).
Allied Phone Banking is working 24/7 Assets Liability Management (ALM) The Bank has an in-house developed
to serve its customers and provide First & Liquidity Risk Management (LRM) state of the art Risk Assessment and
Call Resolution (FCR). The organization- modules of Oracle Financial Services Management System (RAMS) for
wide focus on visibility of customer Analytical Application (OFSAA) for loans processing and Monitoring. The
complaints and quick complaint Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) system has enabled Your Bank towards effective
resolution has also improved the have been successfully implemented to management of Credit Risk, also reflected by
customer satisfaction. enable Your Bank to measure and meet one of the lowest infection ratios in the
risk-adjusted performance objectives, industry. During the year, the management
The Fair Treatment to Customers (FTC) lower compliance and regulation costs has undertaken initiative for major upgrade
committee worked on various cross- and improve customer insights while in the
functional initiatives to improve Conduct cultivating a risk management culture system providing additional tools and
Assessment Framework (CAF) as per across the bank. information for the risk appraiser and
the SBP’s guidelines. They were able to monitoring teams.
achieve an improvement in the Bank’s Persisting in its endeavor to ensure
CAF rating. optimum management of compliance Your Bank aims to continue the pace of
risks; arising out of an evolving initiatives in 2020 with further
Risk Management, Compliance landscape and promulgation of new laws augmentation of bank-maintained
and Controls and standards, Your Bank places intense warehouses for pledge financing and
emphasis on adopting alert-based enhancements in robust risk
Risk Management (RM) of Your Bank is technology enabled solutions to optimize management systems, through
continuously striving towards managing compliance functionality. During the significant investments in technology and
risk through an augmented framework year under review, Your Bank completed human resource development to
of sound risk principles supported by implementation of C-link, creation of maintain an effective risk management
optimum organizational structure, robust additional private lists in C-link and its framework. Meanwhile, emphasis
risk assessment models and effective integration with core banking to conduct on further strengthening the Bank’s
monitoring systems in an IT enabled name screening against an enriched Information Security Posture shall
environment to safeguard the strength proscribed database with real time continue.
of the capital base of Your Bank while updates. The Bank wide implementation
achieving maximum shareholders value. of this screening tool along with
integrated mechanism at Bank’s Customer Awareness Sessions
Although digitalization of the banking centralized account opening significantly
sector has brought in benefits of lower enhanced effectiveness and efficiency of AML/ In continuance of Bank’s distinctive
transaction costs, improved agility, KYC related controls and enabled effective initiative of engaging with the obligors
increased flexibility, low latency and screening of Politically Exposed Persons and to provide them with latest insight on
enhanced virtualization, it has also led to other High-risk entities with enhanced business management & strategies;
the evolution of emerging IT and cyber due diligence. interactive seminars for corporate,
security risks. Staying ahead of the curve commercial & SME obligors on the topic
on these rising vulnerabilities, Your Bank Your Bank took discrete measures to “Transition from Family Owned Business
combat compliance requirement’s Structure to Corporate Structure” were
48 Report 2019
128 districts across Pakistan at end
December 2019. With the addition of from the Securities and Exchange Bank’s Corporate Governance Rating
14 new rural branches, the total rural Commission of Pakistan (SECP) to of ‘CGR-9+’. Rating indicates a ‘high
network expanded to 282 branches carry on Asset Management Services level of corporate governance’; thus,
geared towards serving the un-banked and Investment Advisory Services as a depicting a strong commitment towards
and under-banked population of the Non-Banking Finance Company (NBFC) governance framework by the Board
country. Simultaneously 36 new urban under Non-Banking Finance Companies and management of Your Bank, while
branches were added, which aggregated (Establishment and Regulation) Rules, noting that the Human Resource and
to 1,113 branches at end December 2003. The Company has also obtained Remuneration Committee to be chaired
2019. license to carry out business as Pension by an independent director as per
Fund Manager, under the Voluntary Listed Companies (Code of Corporate
Islamic network was further augmented Pension System Rules, 2005. Governance) Regulations, 2019,
with 50 windows added to the network requirements.
at viable conventional banking branches; ABL AMC offers a portfolio of 15 products
thereby bringing the total number of including investment solutions, mutual International Rating
Islamic banking windows to 60 at end funds and investment advisory services to
December 2019 and enabling Your Bank’s cater to specific investment needs of a Moody’s Investor Service maintained
Islamic Banking arm to further expand its wide array of customers. Your Bank’s deposit rating at B3 during
low costs deposit base in this niche 2019, with outlook upgraded to stable,
market, without investing in new physical ABL AMC’s financial position at year end aligned with the stable outlook on
branches. remained healthy and closed at Rs.2.8 the sovereign rating; indicating stable
billion, 22% higher on a YoY basis. Assets deposit – based funding profile, high
ATM network increased to 1,515, under management (AUM) increased by liquidity buffer and good earnings
inclusive of 1,186 on-site, 328 off-site 25%, despite deteriorating key generating capacity
ATMs and 1 Mobile ATM during the year. economic indicators, to close the year at
Your Bank also successfully maintained its Rs.55 billion; representing a market Future Outlook
ATM uptime at 97% during the year, well share of 7.8% and improving AMC’s
above the industry average. market position to 5th within Country’s GDP growth is projected to
the private fund category. The Special remain strangulated in the short term
Managed Assets (SMA) hiked by 200% with current growth projection of 3.5%,
Rewards and Accolades to close the year at Rs.5.9 billion. by the State Bank of Pakistan, for the FY
Resilient risk management, high focus 2019-20, expected to be revised even
on compliance with domestic and VIS Credit Rating Company Limited further downwards owing to sustaining
international applicable regulatory (VIS) has reaffirmed the Management Quality downside risks in the form of supply
requirements and high standards of Rating (MQR) of ABL AMC at ‘AM2++’ shocks, hike in industry input prices and
corporate governance; Your Bank (AM-Two-Double Plus). The medium to fiscal constraints regarding budgeted public
achieved tremendous success in 2019 long term rating of ‘AM2++” exhibits spending.
which also translated into various very good management characteristics.
awards and recognitions by prestigious Outlook on the assigned rating is Agriculture sector’s performance
institutions; ‘Stable’. continues to be impacted by persisting
structural shortcomings and is expected
1. Best Bank of the Year – Large The assigned rating derives strength to remain below par primarily on account
Banks by CFA. from ABL AMC’s strong sponsor profile, of adverse supply side disruptions to
2. Best Primary Dealer by State Bank adequate control functions, one of cotton production; while other major
of Pakistan. the highest equities in the industry, kharif crops are expected to grow in line
3. Best Place to work in Financial continuous investment in technology with the revised targets.
Services – Pakistan Society of and balanced board composition. Rating
Human Resource Management also takes into account, company’s Contraction in Large Scale
4. Top issuer of PayPak debit Cards sound governance framework as Manufacturing (LSM) is expected to
by 1-Link. reflected by professional management team, persist in inward oriented industries,
5. Certificate of Merit Corporate satisfactory board oversight along the which continue to bear the brunt of
Governance Disclosure by South adequate risk management and control rising input prices amidst sustained
Asian Federation of Accountants. framework. inflationary pressures and demand
6. Certificate of Excellence 2019 by dampening regulatory measures, high
Management Association of Entity Ratings cost of borrowings and declining real
Pakistan. incomes, while export oriented and
7. 2nd Position in Best Corporate Your Bank’s sustainable and robust import competing industries are likely
Report 2018 by Institute of financial position, capable of absorbing to witness a gradual recovery amidst
Chartered Accountants of economic cycles, one-off shocks and impact realization of export incentives
Pakistan and Institute of Cost proficient enough to deliver stable results and trade protectionist measures.
& Management Accountants of culminated into Pakistan
Pakistan. Credit Rating Agency Limited (PACRA) The near-term outlook for services
8. Utility Deal of the Year from Triple-A maintaining the highest long term sector performance, inextricably
Asia Infrastructure Awards 2019. and short-term entity credit ratings of linked to the commodity producing
9. Most Innovative Islamic Bank AAA (Triple A) and A1+ (A One Plus) sectors, hence will remain affected by the
Window by International Finance respectively; reflecting very high credit aforementioned impediments to
Awards 2018. quality of the organization. agriculture and industrial sector growth.
ABL Asset Management Corporate Governance Rating On the external front, marked
Company Limited contraction in imports bill has been the
Your Bank’s corporate governance aims primary reason for a narrowing trade
Allied Bank Limited wholly owned to instill effective and prudent deficit balance while the exports have
subsidiary, ABL Asset Management management to deliver sustainable witnessed a muted growth. However,
Company Limited (AMC) is a public long-term value. Therefore, Your Bank on recent uplift in market sentiment on
unlisted company, incorporated in yearly basis have its corporate the back of an improving “ease of
Pakistan as a limited liability company. governance practices reviewed by an doing business” metric shall support
ABL AMC has obtained licenses independent evaluator. VIS Credit Rating corporatization drive, while a reducing
Company Limited re-affirmed Your Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER),
50 Report 2019
made live on Zameen.com portal along
with placement of loan calculator on the processes in order to improve efficiencies Bank’s strategic, operational and
respective website. and enhance transparency. financial developments. Your Bank
As a result, planned implementation continues to meticulously evaluate
In an effort to promote e-payments Your of Audit Management system (eAudit), and adopt requirements of Revised
Bank has signed a strategic agreement with shall enable Your Bank to attain Listed Companies (Code of Corporate
National Institutional a holistic, centralized, integrated, Governance) Regulations 2019 and
Facilitation Technologies (NIFT) to efficient, paperless and automated audit E-Commerce Policy Framework 2019.
enable e-commerce through NIFT environment. The system shall be further
platform under the brand name “NIFT evaluated with a view of automating the After marked success in the conventional
ePay”. follow-up procedure of Board and Board banking business, Your Bank aims
Committee’s decisions with necessary to replicate success in the growing
Mobile Banking Unit (MBU) pilot, which enhancements to drive additional niche market for Islamic Banking.
contains an ATM within and offers banking operational efficiencies. Digitalization would continue to be key
services of cash collection and cash driver for facilitating Islamic Banking
payment while also operating as an In order to ensure swift and flexible Group in graduating to the emerging
ATM on wheels, continued to be monitoring of ATMs, mobile application technological advancement era; thereby
well received and is been expanded to (app) would be developed. While enabling improved service offering with a
additional two major cities. Similarly, premised on taking a strategic, complete range of customer centric
response to the launch of Pakistan’s first ever organized and systematic approach to Shariah compliant services.
Automated Robotic Digital Lockers that employee training and development that
can be operated on a 24/7 basis via self- aligns individual growth with business
service kiosks at the convenience goals, launch of app driven learning Acknowledgement
of the valued customers has been facility shall further augment Your Bank’s
encouraging and Your Bank plans to employee learning platform. I would like to express my deepest
gradually expand this facility in other appreciation to the Board of Directors
high-end niche markets. Implementation of IFRS-9 shall result for their round the clock leadership
in development of a comprehensive and guidance. I would also like to
Your Bank’s robust compliance framework forward-looking approach for acknowledge that the skills, experience
has evolved to embrace legal and incorporation of loss provision. However, and commitment of our team members
regulatory requirements as well as its successful implementation in are the key to realizing our vision.
emerging industry best practices and Pakistan shall remain largely dependent Special praise is due towards our
is founded on the highest standards on alignment of existing laws and much-valued customers for placing
of corporate conduct and ethics. regulations, maturity of supporting their continuous faith in our products
Persisting strategic focus is to automate software solutions and development and services. Furthermore, I would
documentation, review processes of required skill set of human capital. extend my sincere appreciation to
and use key Risk Indicators (KRIs) to Internally, Your Bank remains committed to the State Bank of Pakistan, Securities
identify, assess and monitor compliance work in a coordinated manner through its and exchange commission and other
risk. Your Bank continues to pursue committee forum towards ensuring regulatory bodies for their direction and
identification and evaluation of artificial Bank’s preparedness for smooth ceaseless support.
intelligence-based solution for enterprise implementation.
vide compliance, transaction monitoring
and sanction screening together with Your Bank administers it business subject
development of live risk matrix for to ongoing regulations and associated
managing bank wide Anti-Money legal and compliance risks. As per
Laundering (AML) and Combating the provisions of PSX notice no PSX/N-92 Tahir Hassan Qureshi
Financing of terrorism CFT risk. dated January 28th, 2019, Your Bank Chief Executive Officer
successfully conducted Corporate Briefing
The ongoing transformation agenda Session during
of Your Bank involves focusing on the year under review to enlighten Dated: February 07, 2020
automated, technologically driven shareholders and analysts with
Warehouses. This product supports the farming community in adopting best achieving business targets.
various classes of obligors to avail mechanical and irrigation practices
financing on relaxed collateral securities and to improve per-acre yields. “Allied
other terms. Aabyari” & “Allied Farm Mechanization”, Islamic Banking
were developed during 2019. In
CRBG continued with unique continuation of its initiatives towards Islamic finance has emerged as an effective
corporate social responsibility initiative diversification, CRBG is evaluating to tool for financing development worldwide,
of imparting financial literacy to our SME collaborate with Agriculture Universities including in the non-Muslim countries.
obligors through free of cost to introduce courses on the Hydroponic According to The Banker, top Islamic
implementation of Enterprise Greenhouse Farming techniques and Financial Institutions rankings show
Resource Planning (ERP) software. planning to finance the pilot projects under overall asset growth in the sector in
During the year ERP was successfully CSR. Efforts to launch web based Agri 2019, with regions such as Asia
implemented at two SME obligors. Advisory Services are also underway. booming and others, such as Africa,
CRBG is ambitious to remain CRBG has been actively creating holding plenty of unbanked potential.
instrumental in financial literacy, including awareness among the farming
implementation of ERP systems, of community through regular Farmers ABL IBG started its journey during
SMEs contributing towards the societies Financial Literacy Programs. 2014 and by the end of 2019, it not
in which it operates. only achieved its breakeven but also
In line with the Bank’s vision to registered annual profit of Rs. 79 million,
CRBG adopts a realistic approach digitize processes, CRBG has entered excluding the impact of IFRS-16 the
towards consumer portfolio and in into agreement with Punjab Land profit amounted to Rs 196 million.
addition to building relationships with Record Authority for generation of The total assets and deposits have
new obligors, focuses on strengthening computerized land record leading to registered healthy growth of 54% and
relationships with existing customers efficient services with reduced lead- time. 40% respectively on YoY basis, i.e.
by offering cross sell consumer Assets increased to Rs.42,107 million
finance services. During the year, CRBG Future Outlook from Rs.27,304 million with ”Nil”
expanded its consumer finance services Going forward CRBG segment of Your Non-performing loans, and deposits
suite through launch of “Allied Home Bank aims to focus on transformation increased to Rs.34,389 million from
Finance”, a mortgage financing product, towards digital platform by focusing on Rs.24,633 million. In order to facilitate
with unique embedded feature of Life internal and external awareness about its customers, IBG expanded outreach
Insurance of the obligor, which is ABL’s e-banking services, financial by opening 50 more Islamic Banking
currently not being offered by peer banks. inclusion by increasing outreach of Window (IBWs) at selected conventional
The product also caters for low cost our service offerings, augment fee- based branches and making the count to total
housing needs. avenues by directing efforts on services, 60 IBWs besides its network of 117
channels and cross sell opportunities dedicated Islamic Banking Branches.
Aligned with the bank’s focus to play that have the highest potential to add
a significant role in development to the bottom-line. Total Advances and Investments as
of innovative financing services for Optimization of the network in light of at December 31, 2019 reached at
deployment of clean energy the Bank’s long term strategic plan and Rs.25,067 million, a growth of 46%.
technologies and providing Green gradual transformation towards digital Strengthening the product suite, IBG
Banking, CRBG has developed new era shall be further focused upon. developed and launched segment
service product “Allied Solar System Furthermore, CRBG aims to maintain based Shariah Compliant service
Finance” which is ready for launch in and further build upon the momentum products for Consumer, Agriculture,
early 2020. through capitalizing on customer Senior Citizen and Youth segments.
segmentation; working closely with all IBG, following the initiative of SBP, also
CRBG has enriched its agriculture support functions to maximize return by launched refinancing facility products Islamic
financing services suite to encourage
Long Term Financing Facility
54 Report 2019
through murabaha and Istisna modes.
transformed, wherein digital disruption, accounts.
consistent innovation and dynamic
Allied Aitebar Islamic Banking, in 2019,
products from Fintechs are continuously In line with the SBP’s objective of
won the award of “Most Innovative
challenging the traditional banking building a dynamic and inclusive
Islamic Bank Window – International
industry to focus on augmenting financial sector under National Financial
Finance Awards 2018” by International
customer experience through adopting Inclusion Strategy, which aims to
latest technologies and excellence encourage people to have a bank
in services on both conventional account and ensure its digital presence,
Seminars were held in Gujranwala and
and e-banking fronts. Attracting and DBG has soft launched branchless
Bahawalpur Chamber of Commerce
retaining the technically proficient banking to augment its e-banking suite.
to enhance awareness about Islamic
“millennial” customer segment is also
Banking. Ulamas, Islamic sharia
an emerging challenge of digital age. myABL (Personal Internet Banking)
scholars, obligors and other participants
As a forward-thinking Bank, DBG has complements individual users’
attended the sessions. Going forward,
responded to these market disruptions experience over mobile apps for
IBG is determined to focus towards
by expanding in-house capabilities and Apple iOS and Google Android and
enhancing market share while providing
also has partnered with Fintechs for works seamlessly across wide array
innovative and customer centric
new digital offerings. of devices. It offers a wide array of
shariah compliant services to its valued
customer features, available 24/7 on
DBG is maintaining strategic focus on internet and mobile. The numbers of
broad based digitalization to augment registered myABL users has increased
During the year, enhancing the human
the service products suite by offering by 46% during 2019. Keeping pace with
resource capabilities remained the focal
personalized and innovative solutions the ever-evolving needs of business
point for the IBG, therefore In-house
catering to the evolving needs of and institutional customers, exclusively
training sessions were conducted to
different customer segments. designed user friendly and device
provide Islamic banking training to
responsive interface; myABL Business
staff along with arranging training from In the transforming digital financial Internet Banking (BIB) facility enables
reputable external training institutes. landscape and with a view to provide customers to execute wide range
high-end cashless solution, DBG has of banking transactions online from
Digitalization and automation in
launched Open Banking Application their respective workstation. Business
Islamic Banking Group has remained Program Interface (API) portal to entities can initiate multiple transactions
part and parcel of the Bank’s overall
enable its innovation ecosystem on BIB including specialized trade
strategy during the year. In order to and collaborated with the following finance transactions letter of credits,
keep pace with the rapid technological
FinTechs: guarantees and export collections, term
advancements in the competitive
deposit issuance and encashment and
banking industry; Islamic Banking • “EasyTickets” to provide online perform general banking transactions
Group is meeting challenges of digital cashless booking of movie, bus [funds transfers, bill payments, tax
era with digitalization concept and and event tickets on myABL Digital (FBR) payments, bankers cheque
availing every opportunity for its Banking platform. printing] and bulk payment transactions.
implementation within the Group. • “Golootlo” to offer discounts on a
wide array of products and Self-service banking (SSB) enables the
Future Outlook services at 12,500+ merchants customers to cater their banking needs
nationwide through myABL Digital while interfacing with diverse range of
Coping with the challenges of strong Banking App and UPI-PayPak Co- digital touch points including tablets,
industry competition, ABL Islamic Badged Debit Cards. interactive tables, video conferencing
Banking commits to offer a complete range • “1LINK” to provide bill payment and digital kiosks and provides an
of Shariah compliant customer centric aggregation services to pay bills instant paperless user experience. SSB
services, where dedicated hard work conveniently through 1LINK branch network is also being expanded
with clarity would enable capturing the member bank’s channels. gradually across selected locations.
sizable share of this growing niche • “Avanza Premier Payment
segment. Customer awareness sessions Services (APPS)” to revamp online Various discount campaigns were
would be given significant importance to transactions through Payfast; an executed during the year with leading
promote Islamic banking and to spread APPS’ payment gateway enabling retailers including Daraz.pk, Serene
savoir-faire on services being offered. the ABL customers to shop on Air, Metro Cash & Carry, Zenith,
Digital Banking APPS’ vast ecosystem of schools, MeatOne etc. to encourage card-based
billers, mutual funds, marketplaces transactions and promote cashless
Banking industry is gradually being and other entities vide bank economy. Resultantly phenomenal
56 Report 2019
and machine learning models, and in
Status management and enhanced network
turn, improve and personalize customer
• Improved Service Level Turn visibility and security analytics.
Around Time
In addition to above commitments,
Your Bank has implemented several use-
In order to ensure business continuity enabling learning environment and
cases on Robotic Process Automation
and availability of critical services to the continuing job enrichment shall be
Solution for improving operational
customers’ in case of a disaster, ITG ensured throughout the function.
efficiency, control and cost saving.
periodically conducts mock exercise
Automation of these manual processes
resulted in timely availability of services
to monitor the security and robustness Risk Management
of the marked disaster recovery site.
to the customers and reduction in
Like-wise In 2019, ITG has successfully Risk Management (RM) of Your Bank is
resolution turn-around time
performed Head Office functions continuously striving towards
consequently task automation has
from marked disaster recovery sites management of risk through an
improved human resource
for a week’s time. During this period augmented framework of sound risk
ITG successfully delivered more than principles, reinforced by optimum
80 services and applications to the organizational structure, robust risk
Additionally, ITG has adopted effective
customers. assessment models and effective
measures to gauge network efficiency
monitoring systems in an automated
resulting in astounding-over 97% ATM
uptime and related network services.
Future Outlook environment to safeguard the strength
of the capital base of Your Bank while
Furthermore, the Bank is planning to
Looking Forward to 2020, Information achieving maximum value for the
develop cross platform Android & iOS
Technology Group aims to focus stakeholders.
based mobile application, to enable
on augmentation in Core banking
real-time monitoring of ATM network
solution towards implementation of Dedicated functions of Risk
operational status. The application shall
drive following benefits: agile framework for digital era, graphic Management Group include Corporate
development environment enabling & FI Risk; Commercial, SME &
• Field Force Optimization and web services and wizard-based Consumer Risk; Credit Administration
Workload Management development techniques, adoption and Monitoring; Technical Appraisal;
• Real time visibility of ATM Cash to Big data, Artificial Intelligence and Information Security and Governance
Data Governance, business process and Enterprise Risk which operate
cohesively to continuously augment
the risk monitoring and assessment
architecture, ensuring superior quality
of asset portfolio while keeping the
aggregate risks well within the Bank’s
overall risk acceptance criteria.
58 Report 2019
and Benchmatrix, process design organizational structure, encompassing
assessments and Control Testing, all functional groups. This was aimed Career growth opportunities were
re-validation and calibration of Obligor to transform the organization into a offered to employees at all hierarchal
Risk Rating Models by external robust, smart and agile by augmenting levels through merit-based elevations
consultant, automation of workflows in Risk functional role and achieving optimal of Bank’s internal resources to provide
Assessment and Management resource utilization in each function. cross functional exposures at Chief,
System, information security awareness Group Head, Divisional Head, Regional
campaigns, implementation of IFRS-9, In order to address the increased Head and Unit Head positions. Through
augmentation of Bank maintained regulatory regime, business expansion effective succession planning at junior
warehouses for pledge financing. in new geographies was supported management levels, 193 cadre change
through carving ten (10) new business promotions were made along with
Meanwhile, emphasis on further regions, alongside control structure 1,907 grade promotions during the
strengthening the Bank’s Information was amplified by creating the same in year 2019 to provide adequate growth
Security Posture shall continue along Banking Services domain as well. opportunities within the organization.
with investments in technology and Induction of the best available and
human resource development to Your Bank believes in ‘Pay for tech savvy talent to support expanding
maintain an effective risk management Performance’ strategy and each year branch network and bank’s business
framework across the Bank. the Branch performance management strategy was carried on with recruitment
matrix is evaluated and redefined. This year of 1,866 new employees.
Human Resource based on the business and market
analysis, the scope of Key Performance Human Resource Group supports
Human Resource Group (HRG) has Indicators were enhanced to cover gender diversity and equal employment
continued to play pivotal role in the relationship management segment opportunities were offered to females and
organizational development through and to bring in the right mix of over candidates belonging to minority groups
strategic capacity building of all the counter transactions and digital across the Bank, at present the female
functions of the Bank, it remained platform. employees’ ratio is 17.44%.
focused on recruiting, training and
retaining quality human capital. The Human Resource policy was revamped The in-house Psychometric Assessment
Bank’s culture was further strengthened to align annual performance appraisal Center ‘CARE’ continued to perform
with forward looking positivity thus scores with underlying risk adjustments its function with vigor. A number of
paving way for conducive work in line with best international practices. strategic initiatives were introduced,
environment. Remuneration structure relating to such as competency assessment for
Material Risk Takers (MRTs) and new Management Trainee Officers
Keeping pace with evolving digital age, Material Risk Controllers (MRCs) across (MTOs), learnability curve assessment
HRG took the role of transformation the Bank was defined and implemented and personality profiling of existing MTOs
enabler and revamped the Bank’s under revised HR policy. and aptitude test for new Tellers.
Report 60 2019
Along with regular banking operations,
transaction Turn-Around-Time, SMS expansion of existing fleet of full-service
Banking Services Group ensures
alert for transaction exceeding Rs. Mobile Banking Unit to three major
dedicated support to the Compliance
300,000/- threshold was implemented cities of Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore.
function to comply with the SBP
and Call Back Confirmation was The Group remained instrumental
guidelines and regulation, evident from
automated through recorded call. in successful planning & testing of
the successful execution of Biometric
Straight Through Processing was business continuity plan ensuring
verification exercise to strengthen AML/ KYC
regime. implemented at ABL SWIFT along bank’s preparedness to continue
The Bank’s Branch Banking Solution, with integration of Image Management to provide banking services to its
namely T-24, was expanded to Bahrain System for SWIFT transaction to customers even under unusual
Branch & Export Processing Zone supplement international correspondent circumstances.
Branch during the year. banking. Automated Solution was
implemented for screening of SWIFT Banking Services Group is fully
In line with the Bank’s strategy
messages for Foreign Remittances committed to continue with the
of capitalizing on the evolving
and trade transactions. Additionally, momentum of flow of fee-based income
technologies, Robotics Technology
almost 40% agents were converted attributable directly to its service
was deployed to automate issuance
on Application Programming Interface, delivery, the Group resolves to
of Statement of Accounts on demand.
Cloud based platform to make the outperform their standards, to bring
Moreover, Intimation Letters to
payment availability on practically real about efficiency in customer service.
customers were replaced with SMS
alerts for enhancing cost and time time basis. Direct debit mode was also
efficiency. implemented to eradicate risk of any
Outreach of centralized inward overdraft in agent account.
clearing was expanded to additional Dedicated efforts were continued to be made Future Outlook
107 branches (total reaching 555 during the year to facilitate Your Bank in
achieving industry leading ATM uptime Going forward BSG aims to focus on
branches) in order to strengthen
and top acquirer status. automation of processes to enhance
control environment and improve
Banking Services Group has Digital customer experience along with system
process centralization. Digital reading
Banking infrastructure which was augmentation to strengthen control
of cheques was introduced to reduce
augmented during the year with environment. In this context BSG
Super Tax, which was initially levied vide Finance Act, 2015
has continued and vide Finance Act 2019 was extended
with retrospective effect translating in an additional charge of Rs.
835 million, for the tax year 2018, effective tax rate thereby rising
to 42% and accordingly Profit after tax stood at Rs.14,113 million.
Continuous Deposits Your Bank continued to focus on increasing its outreach including KPI shall
growth in Mobilization underbanked and unbanked segments of our economy. 50 remain
Statement new branches were opened during 2019, with total number of relevant for
of Financial branches standing at 1,395 as at December 31, 2019. At the future
Position primarily same time, focus on expanding e-banking channels for
through Zero customers convenience was maintained, consequently ATM
/low costs network was increased to 1,515 inclusive of 1,186 on-site, 328
deposits off-site and 1 Mobile ATM as at December 31, 2019 with an
addition of 127 ATM’s during the year.
Your Bank continued its focus on increasing zero cost deposits, with
13% growth in Non-remunerative current deposits which
closed at Rs. 410,134 million. Resultantly, growth in CASA
and Rack deposits mix improved to healthy 77% as at
December 31, 2019 from 71% as at December 31, 2018.
64 Report 2019
Long Term Key Performance Significance
Objectives Indicators Analysis Going Forward
Consistently Quality of Robust risk management framework is in place that has KPI shall
augment Risk Assets enabled Your Bank to adequately contain any potential surge in remain
Management associated risks while ensuring quality of assets. relevant for
culture resulting future
Your Bank’s comprehensive Risk management platform, in
in superior asset addition to facilitating 11% growth in quality advances
quality portfolio has remained instrumental in curtailing infection
ratio to 3.2% in 2019 as compared to 3.5% in 2018.
Inculcate Effective and Despite exponential rise in cost of doing business resulting KPI shall
operational efficient cost from currency devaluation, increasing compliance cost, remain
efficiencies through controls inflationary pressures and investments in human capital; effective cost relevant for
innovative and rationalization initiatives and implementation of automated solutions future
viable cost and sustained focus on centralization of processes has enabled
Your Bank in optimizing costs while achieving operational efficiencies
and manage intermediation cost at 2.7% of average deposits in
measures 2019.
Cost to income ratio for the year ended December 31, 2019
significantly improved to 52% as compared to 54% during 2018
and industry’s average of 57% as at September 2019.
Strengthen Capital Your Bank in line with its business strategy as well as the minimum KPI shall
capital base to Adequacy requirements of the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) continued its remain
support business Status. focus on establishing a robust equity base. relevant for
development Compliance future
with regulatory Your Bank’s Total Equity grew by 7% to reach Rs. 115,351 million
minimum as at December 2019, whereas Tier 1 equity increased to Rs.
capital 89,542 million
Common Equity Tier ratio (CET) and Tier 1 ratio (CET1) have
stood at 17% as against the requirement of 6.0% and 7.5%
respectively; clearly depicting a well-capitalized position of
Your Bank.
Sustainable Return to Your Bank has maintained the steady dividend stream during the year KPI shall
payout to our Shareholders under review. Cash Dividend of Rs. 8.0 per share was remain
Shareholders declared in 2019 in line with 2018. relevant for
7.5% 8.1%
6.1% 6.9% 6.9%
5.0% 18% YOY growth in balance is mainly due to
expanded ATM's and remote branch
network and fulfil regulatory reserve
requirement in line with increase in deposit.
42,129 60,789 73,884 86,016 101,763 120,546
Lendings to 519%
Financial 213% CAGR for the last six years-annualized is 1.5%
65% -17%
Institutions -84% -75%
Investments -
Net 27%
18% 8%
18% 13% CAGR for the last six years-annualized is 13%
Advances - Net
36.1% 32.7%
32.4% 30.7% 32.5%
3.9% 3.9%
3.2% 3.1% YOY growth of 23% is mainly due to
capitalization of lease contracts as “Right of
use assets” in pursuance to implementation
of IFRS-16 “Leases”
27,250 28,850 32,757 48,327 52,128 64,084
Other Assets
CAGR for the last six years-annualized is 5.9%
4% 3% -9% %
66 2019
Six Years HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL Performance Highlights
Bills Payable
101% 109%
1% 18%
-8% CGAR for the last six years-annualized is 41.7%
17.9% 18.0%
18% YOY growth is mainly due to increase
7.8% in Repo Borrowings by Rs.14,910, call
money borrowings by Rs.12,741 million,
SBP (ERF/LTF) by Rs.12,409 million and
other borrowing by Rs.507 million .
66,096 137,960 126,369 223,556 225,883 266,448
Deposits and
other accounts
10% 10% 10% 10%
7% CAGR for the last six years-annualized is 9.5%
74.0% 70.7%
75.1% 72.9% 70.8%
Reflects robust capital base of the Bank
which is not supported by additional Tier-1
2,994 capital.
Share Capital
0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
1.2% 1.1%
0.9% 0.8% 0.8% Fully compliant with the regulatory requirement.
Unappropriated Profits
4.4% 4.3%
3.9% 3.9% 3.8% 6% YOY growth is on account of current
year's profit after appropriations.
Surplus on revaluation
of assets - net
CAGR for the last six years-annualized is 12.9%
13% 7% 12%
Total Liabilities & Equity 847,413 993,097 1,072,179 1,249,665 1,350,598 1,481,121
68 Report 2019
Six Years HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL Performance Highlights
Non-Markup Income
14.9% CAGR for the last six years annualized is -2.1%
-23.4% -20.9%
16.0% 14.8% 3.5 % YoY decline is mainly because of lower
11.9% 11.9% 13.3%
capital gains on disposal of investments and
redcued dividend payouts of the investee
Total Income
CAGR for the last six years annualized is 13.1%
24.9% 2.7% 13.4%
-7.4% -1.6%
79,737 81,871 75,816 74,580 84,563 133,528
Non-Markup Expense 17.6% CAGR for the last six years annualized is 9.7%
10.0% 7.3% 5.3% 7.0% 17.6% YOY incease in Non mark-up expense is
29.4% 27.8%
27.5% due to increase in Deposit Protection Cost by
21.9% 22.9% SBP, recognizing depreciation instead of rental
expense under IFRS 16, and augmentation of the
branch network. The Non-Markup expense has
been partially offset by reversal of Workers'
Welfare Fund.
(1,254) (1,649) 199 2,367 1,090 (547)
Taxation 5990.7%
CAGR for the last six years annualized is 110%
44.5% -9.4% -13.4% -0.1% 24.5%
Increase is due to higher profitability and
12.7% 12.4% 10.9% 9.6% recognition of one time super tax related to FY-
9.0% 7.6%
94.1 93.7 95.6
9 85.0
77.9 78.2
70. 73.6
6 65.0
8.9% 9.4%
7.4% 16.3 16.3 17.0
14.6 15.3 15.0
6.4% 6.5%
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
15.8% 16.2%
14.4% 10.7% 11.4%
70 Report 2019
Our CET1 & Tier 1 and Capital Adequacy ratios of 16.98 % and 21.7% respectively, LCR of 167.84% and an NSFR of 143.13 % ,on a pro forma basis, are all
Basel III-compliant and are a reflection of a strong balance sheet. On the back of solid earnings growth in operations and a strong capital position, a final dividend
of Rs. 2 was declared. Our full-year dividend cover was 1.54 times exactly also approved by our board.
85.9% 95.6%
87.2% 91.6% 92.6% 96.8%
87.5% 87.7% 87.0% 86.3% 86.1% 84.8%
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
49.6% 53.0% 57.5% 62.9% 71.1% 64.9% 7.4% 6.1% 8.2% 7.4% 8.4%
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19
Regularly recurring matters (such as financial results and dividends) have a temporary impact on the share price of Allied Bank Limited. However, Government/ Regulatory
policy changes such as inflation, discount rate , monetary policy and political & environment situation of the country are the key determinants for change in profitability of the
Bank ultimately having an impact on share prices.
Value added by banking services 43,696 22.7%
72 Report 2019
Rs. In Million
Mark-up / return / interest and commission receipts 128,678
Mark-up / return / interest payments (78,997)
Cash payments to employees, suppliers and others (21,492)
(Increase) / decrease in operating assets
Lendings to financial institutions 40,173
Held for trading securities (19,862)
Advances (46,449)
Other assets (excluding advance taxation) (7,822)
Increase / (decrease) in operating liabilities
Bills payable 126
Borrowings 40,745
Deposits 64,568
Other liabilities (excluding current taxation) 8,507
Cash flow from operating activities before tax 108,175
Income tax paid (9,229)
Net cash flow from operating activities 98,946
Cash Flow from Operating Activities Cash Flow from Investing Activities Cash Flow from Financing Activities
57,504 63,803
(53,293) (118,571) (42,388) (99,712) (9,256) (69,017) (7,950) (11,257) (8,271) (7,987) (8,815) (10,967)
Individuals • Video Mystery Shopping Excellent customer service,
Institutions • Customer Access Points convenient access across the
74 Report 2019
Why do they How We Create Value Activities
for Stakeholders
Customers are at the Understanding evolving customer • Conducted video mystery shopping to assess service delivery
center of our business requirements to roll out more efficient standards and understand customers’ experience and level of
strategy and customer channels thereby delivering competitive, satisfaction when using banking services and service
focus provides the basis convenient, technology driven and channels.
to achieve a profitable and innovative banking solutions. • Launched various innovative solutions to make banking more
sustainable business convenient and meet the needs of its clients. Details of which
model. are presented in CEO and Group reviews.
• The Bank continues to expand its footprint, branch network added
50 new branches during the year to reach at 1,395, expanded
network to 1,515 (including On-site and Off-site ATMs), while providing
Internet banking.
• Increased Gross Advances by Rs. 46,302 million and deposits by
Rs. 64,568 million.
• The Bank partnered with Karandaaz (Non-Profit Organization) for
Innovation Challenge Fund “Transforming SME Financing - Innovative
Credit Scoring of SMEs” to promote access of finance primarily to collateral
deficient entrepreneurs.
Safeguarding deposits and • Your Bank paid Rs. 81,130 million, interest / profit to its depositors.
investments while growing returns. • Continued investment in technological infrastructure, including
upgradation of T-24 core banking software, to improve data
security and maintain customer privacy.
• Conducted regular mock tests of documented processes to
ensure • institutional readiness for Business Continuity Planning.
• Conducted Vulnerability Assessment, Penetration Testing and
Technical Risk Assessments to ensure controlled environment
for customer related information.
• Replacement of all existing Magnetic Stripe based Debit Cards
with more secure EMV compliant chip-based cards to counter
ever increasing cyber security threats
• SMS Alerts all digital banking transactions to customers.
Upholding highest standards of • Complaint Management Division efficiently and effectively resolved 99% of
service quality across the Bank. customers’ complaints within a Turnaround Time of 3.87 Days on
• High ATM uptime further improved to 97%.
Sponsors • Annual Report Sustainable
Minority Shareholders • Interim Financial statements performance, dividend
Shareholders / Institutional Investor
State Bank of Pakistan • Directives and circulars Compliance with all legal and
(SBP) • Financial statements regulatory requirements, remain
Federal Board of • Statutory examination responsible tax payer, corporate
Revenue (FBR) • Regulatory reporting governance practices,
Securities and • Filing of income tax fedreal adherence to reporting
Exchange Commission Excise and sales tax requirements, risk management,
of Pakistan Pakistan returns sustainable business practices,
Stock Exchange (PSX) • Filing of corporate return timely withholding taxes and
Credit Rating Agencies • Interviews and meetings deposit, income tax, FED &
Other Public Offices and with representatives of sales tax payment including
Regulatory Bodies regulators, Pakistan advance tax
Banking Association,
Business Council
76 Report 2019
Why do they How We Create Value Activities
for Stakeholders
To ensure long term Generating sustainable financial returns, • Generated a sustainable ROE and ROA at 16% and 1%
shareholder value and enabled by growing revenues. respectively; Increased dividend yield ratio to 8.37%.
uphold the rights of the Managing risks
shareholder to ensure their while optimizing our cost base.
wealth maximization
Maintaining a strong balance • Financial position improved by 10% to Rs. 1,481,121 million; Your
sheet and safeguarding asset Bank’s Equity base stood at the robust level of Rs. 115,351
quality which contributes towards million; NPLs reduced by Rs. 211 million causing infection ratio to
sustainable performance. fall by 0.12% and improving coverage ratio to 97%.
Providing existing and potential • Annual Audited Financial statements together with the Auditor’s
shareholders with relevant and and Director’s report were circulated to all shareholders along with
timely information. the Notice of AGM.
• Analyst briefings and conference calls were conducted following
announcements of quarterly financial statements.
• Your Bank organized Allied Corporate Briefing Program at PSX regional office
for providing an overview of Your Bank’s achievements for the nine-month
ending on September 30, 2019. The program was attended by over 47
shareholders, investors and brokers.
• Major financial information disclosed under a separate section of “Investor
Relations” on corporate website.
Ensuring equitable treatment of • All required support is being provided to minority shareholders
all shareholders including for participation in election of Directors.
minority shareholders to attend,
contribute and vote at the
General Meetings
To ensure compliance Embracing prudent banking • Achieved the long-term rating of “AAA” and maintained short-
with legal and regulatory practices and regulatory term rating at “A1+” from PACRA.
directives. compliance that enables a safe
and stable banking system.
Ensuring regulator confidence in the • Continued to be the only Bank in industry to be rated on
Bank and reducing potential for Corporate Governance and maintained a high corporate
reputational risk. governance rating of “CGR-9+”
• Complied with all key aspects of Basel III requirements, with
Capital Adequacy ratio (Tier 1 and Tier 2) of 21.7%, above the
SBP requirements of 12.5%.
• Your Bank paid Rs 18,554 million in direct, indirect, staff taxes and Zakat
contribution while fulfilling its responsivity towards the society.
Providing timely and detailed • On-time submission of statutory returns and statutory payments.
regulatory updates and reporting • Adherence to PSX requirements for disclosure of key information.
Record Management • The Bank has records management program that ensures
maintenance, protection, retention and disposal of records in
accordance with applicable regulations, operations, fiscal and legal
Permanent employees • Formal meetings Competitive remuneration,
78 Report 2019
Why do they Matter How We Create Activities
Value for
Skills, experience, Retaining “Employer of Choice” • Total workforce of 11,665 employees. Female
and activities that our status by providing a safe, representation increased to 17.44%.
employees carry out inspiring and challenging work
drive the day to day environment.
operations of the bank. Inducting and retaining quality • 1,866 recruitments for permanent and contractual positions.
How our staff think and human resource in all functions of
feel about work are the Bank.
directly connected with Offering competitive remuneration and
customer satisfaction rewarding performance. • Rs. 13,458 million in terms of salaries, allowance and other benefits to
levels. employees
Motivating and inspiring our work force.
• Rewarded performance through 1,907 grade promotions.
Working in tandem Community capacity building and • Your Bank plays a proactive role in contributing towards the
with global and empowerment. society. Detailed CSR report is included in the Annual Report.
local mandates
which safeguard the Social welfare of community.
environment and
promote community
Risk Governance
Adequate and Risks are evaluated in Mitigation plans are Clear and concise risk
timely risk terms of their deployed and tracked reporting requirements
identifiction to qualitative and against predetermined developed to put
ensure that risks quantitative impact. timelines with the management and the
are appropriately necessary escalation BoD in a position of
catagorised. processes in place making effective and
timely decisions.
The Bank’s comprehensive and integrated risk management governance structure consists of the Board and the
management sub-committees, with varying areas of responsibilities, in order to maintain sustained focus on
monitoring and governance over differing categories of risk within the following risk universe:
Credit Risk Market Risk Operational Liquidity Risk Capital Ade- Strategic Technology Reputational
Risk quacy Risk Risk Risk Risk
andnegative obligor orvalue due tofailed internalliabilities assupport its Cyber threats effects, public counterparty to adverse Processes, they fall due. growth or is not disrupting
80 Report 2019
Risk and opportunities and the related mitigating factors are summarized below;
Market Risk associated with - Oversight is kept through guidance of Board of Directors and Financial
Risk fluctuations in interest its sub-committee “Board Risk Management Committee” as Capital
rates, foreign currency well as through management committee – “Asset & Liability
rates, credit spreads, Committee (ALCO)”.
equity prices and
commodity prices - Comprehensive structure is in place aimed at ensuring that Your
Bank does not exceed its qualitative and quantitative tolerance for
market risk.
Risk arising due to - Board of Directors’ oversight along with its sub committees “Human Human and
the unauthorized or Resource and Remuneration Committee” as well as through Intellectual
inappropriate employee management committees of “Human Resource Committee” and “Central Capital
activity and failure to Administrative Action Committee”.
adhere to staff policies
- Recruitment, pre-employment screening, employer feedback/exit
Risk arising from - Independent Compliance Group to ensure compliance with specific regulatory Financial
non-compliance requirements. Capital
with statutory and/or
regulatory provisions - Compliance Policies and procedures are in place
applicable to the Bank
Liquidity Risks emanating - Oversight kept through Board of Directors and its sub- Financial
Risk from nature of the committee “Board Risk Management Committee” as well as Capital
Banking business, through management committee - “Asset & Liability Committee
from the macro factors (ALCO)”.
exogenous to the - ALCO oversees the activities of treasury, which operates in
Bank as well as from terms of an approved ALM policy.
internal financing and
operational policies. - Well-defined ALM triggers / limits, exposures against which are
regularly monitored by ALCO.
- Detailed Recovery Plan is in place which highlights the strategy
and critical tools for effective monitoring, escalation, planning, and
execution of recovery actions in the event of a financial crisis situation.
82 Report 2019
Risk Key Source of Risk Mitigating Strategy Impact Area
Capital Undertaking higher risks - Oversight kept through Board and its sub-committee “Board Risk Financial
Adequacy in view of more volatile Management Committee” (BRMC) as well as through Capital
Risk and competitive financial management sub committees of “Risk Management Committee”
markets. and “Asset & Liability Committee (ALCO)”.
Strategic Improper - Oversight kept through Board of Directors’ and its sub- Financial
Risk implementation of committee “Strategic Planning & Monitoring Committee” as well Capital
decisions, or lack as through Management Committees namely “Management
of responsiveness Committee” (MANCO), “Risk Management Committee” (RMC)
and “Asset & Liability Committee” (ALCO).
to evolving
industry, economic - Rolling 10-year strategic plan which is reviewed on annual
or interval basis along with operational plan to account for the
technological changes. evolving economic and business dynamics; duly in consideration
of the peer banks.
Technologi- Risk arising from non- - Oversight kept through Board of Director’s sub committees “E- Financial
cal Risk availability of IT systems, Vision Committee” as well as through “IT Steering Committee” Capital
and disruptions due to (ITSC).
Cyber threats. - IT planning is conducted as part of Your Bank’s strategic
and operational planning process.
- Systems audits, IT Security & Risk Assessments are performed
for system before deploying into production environment.
- Significant ongoing investments in systems and processes to protect customer
databases through robust information security (Info-sec) platform.
Reputation- Risk arising from any - Oversight kept through Board of Directors’ sub committees Social and
al Risk action or inaction “Board Risk Management Committee” as well as through Relational
perceived by any “Management Committee (MANCO)”. Capital
stakeholders to be
- Formal customer grievance redressal policy, including policy
inappropriate, unethical and procedures on receiving customer complaints and
or inconsistent with resolution mechanism.
the Bank’s values and
beliefs. - Timely and efficient communications among all stakeholders.
The assessment of opportunities is integrated into the annual strategic planning process. Strategic planning enables Your Bank to identify and
analyze changing market dynamics at the domestic and global levels. These major opportunities and future outlook have been
covered in detail in CEO review.
Zafar Iqbalassets, re
Muhammad Waseem Mukhtartransactions
Dr. Muhammad Akram Sheikhof the Intern
quarterly review of the Internal Controls over Financial Reporting and review of all findings of SBP Inspection Report, Management Letter by external auditors and weaknesses identified in internal cont
Board Risk Human Resource
Board of Audit Committee Planning &
Name Management e-Vision Committee & Remuneration
Directors of the Board Monitoring
Committee Committee
None of the Board meeting held outside Pakistan during the year.
The information retaled to directorship of the Board members in other companies is as disclosed in Board of Directors section of the report.
86 Report 2019
Overview in bribery, kick-backs, payoffs, or any this clause shall apply to any state-
The Board and the Management of Al- other corrupt practices. ment made or views expressed by
lied Bank Limited (“the Bank”) are com- a Board Member, which are purely
mitted towards transparent disclosure, • Remain loyal to the Bank, keeping its factual in nature and are not con-
management and constant monitoring interest above own personal sidered as confidential, in his official
of potential conflicts of interest to en- sure interests at all times. capacity or in due performance of
that no undue benefit is passed on. The Board the duties assigned to him.
recognizes the responsibility to adhere to Confidentiality:
the defined policies, proce- dures and avoid • Maintain the privacy and confiden- • Refrain from accepting gifts,
perceived conflicts of interest that may tiality of all the information acquired personal favors or preferential
arise during the course of business. being Member of Board of Directors treatment, that could, in any way,
of the Bank or come into their influence or appear to influence,
Disclosure of Interest by knowledge and refrain from dis- business decisions in favor of any
Director: closing the same unless otherwise person or organization with whom
or with which the Bank has or is
• Every director (including spouse and required by statutory authorities/law
and Bank’s own policies. All such likely to have business dealings.
minor children) of the Bank who is in
information will remain with them as
any way, whether directly or
indirectly, concerned or interested a trust and will only be used for the Insider Trading:
in any contract or arrangement purpose for which it is intended and • Directors shall not deal directly or
entered into, or to be entered into, will not be used for personal ben- indirectly in the securities of the
by or on behalf of the Bank shall efits. Inside information about the Bank whether on their own account
disclose the nature of his concern Bank’s affairs shall not be used for or their relative’s account, if they are
or interest at a meeting of the direc- their own gains or for that of others in possession of any unpublished
tors. either directly or indirectly. price sensitive information concern-
ing the Bank. Directors who are
• Directors are required to disclose • Directors of the Bank are strictly in possession of any unpublished
existing or perceived conflicts of prohibited to disclose the fact price sensitive information shall not
interest at the Board meeting as (comes into their knowledge) to the communicate directly or indirectly
per the requirements of prevailing customer or any other quarter that the said information to others who
law. Where a conflict of interest or a suspicious transaction or related trade on such information.
potential conflict of interest has been information is being or has been
disclosed, the concerned Board reported to any authority, except if • Where any director or his/her spouse
member shall not take part in the required under the law. sells, buys or takes any beneficial
Board discussion on that agenda position, whether directly or indirectly,
item. The member who has Conflict of Interest: in the shares of the Bank, he/ she
disclosed the conflict cannot vote on • Avoid all such circumstances in which shall immediately notify the
that agenda item. there is personal interest conflict, or Company Secretary in writing. Such
may appear to be in con- flict with any director shall also deliver a written
Abidance of Laws / Rules: of the stakeholder as prescribed by the record of the price, number of
shares, form of share certificates,
• Conform to and abide by all the legal statutes and in probable case their
interest conflicts with any of the (i.e., whether physical or electronic
and standing requirements and within the Central Depository
Code of Corporate Governance stakeholder, he/she would
immediately declare such in- terest System), and nature of transaction
while performing their duties and to the Company Sec- retary. Further,
obey all lawful orders and directives. before the Board of Directors.
no director shall, di- rectly or
All Board members shall comply indirectly, deal in the shares of the
with and observe all applicable • No director shall exploit for their own
personal gain, opportunities that Bank, in any manner, during the
related statutory requirements, closed period as determined by the
regulatory directives and the Bank’s are discovered through use of
corporate property, information or Board of Directors.
position, unless the opportunity is
• Shall not bring or attempt to bring disclosed completely in writing to Related Party Transaction:
political or other pressure and the Board of Directors of the Bank • The Bank has devised a mecha- nism
influence directly or indirectly on the and the Board allows him/her to for identification of related parties
Bank. avail such opportunity. and execution of related party
transaction at arm’s length, which
Integrity: • No interested person shall partici- pate
in the discussion or vote in the
are executed in the normal course
of business. Based on the statutory
• Conduct themselves with the highest Board’s proceedings or participate requirements, complete
standards of ethics, pro- fessional in any other manner in the conduct transactional details of related par-
integrity and dignity in all dealings or supervision of such dealings. ties are presented before the Audit
with all stakeholders and not Committee for review and delibera-
engage in acts discreditable to • Avoid any dealing with contrac- tors tions. The Audit Committee reviews
the Bank, their profession and the or suppliers of the Bank that and recommends the related party
nation. If they become aware of compromises the ability to transact transactions to the Board and AGM
any irregularity that might affect business on a professional, impar- (where required) for its approval.
the interests of the Bank, they shall tial and competitive basis or that
inform the Board immediately. may influence discretionary decision to • Moreover, as a statutory require-
be made by the Board Members / ment, a comprehensively prepared
• Maximum utilization of their abili- ties, Bank. return is submitted on half yearly
experience and expertise for interval to State Bank of Pakistan
achieving set goals, maintain high • No Director shall hold any position or that primarily covers every related
standards of professional conduct, job or engage in outside business or party transaction executed during
protect the Bank’s assets and other interest that is prejudicial to the said period.
respect interest of all the stakehold- the interests of the Bank.
ers. Practice transparency in all acts
and deeds related to the business • Shall not make any statement which has
of the Bank. the effect of adverse criticism of any
policy or action of the Bank or
• Reject corruption in all forms - direct, which is capable of embarrassing
indirect, public or private and do not the relation between the Bank and
directly or indirectly engage the public including all the stake-
holders. Provided that nothing in
88 Report 2019
The Bank’s management is responsible document life cycle management In addition, projections of effective
for establishing the Internal Control mechanism necessitating timely evaluation pertaining to future periods
System with the main objectives of review and updation of documentation are subject to the risk that controls
ensuring effectiveness and efficiency of to incorporate material regulatory may become inadequate because of
operations, reliability of financial requirements and enhance control changes in conditions or that the degree
reporting, safeguarding of assets and environment. In order to further of compliance with the policies or
compliance with applicable laws and strengthen the control environment, the procedures may deteriorate. However,
regulations. Bank has automated the compliance control activities are an ongoing process
processes especially related to Anti that includes continuous identification,
The Bank’s Compliance policy & Money Laundering (AML) & Countering evaluation and management of
procedures further strengthened by a Terrorism Financing to ensure significant risks faced by the Bank.
comprehensive Control Review and compliance with local and international
Testing Framework (CRTF), approved by regulations. The management has also As part of CRTF relating to financial
the Board, outlines the Bank’s overall established Compliance Committee to reporting, the Bank has documented
control objectives and approach towards strengthen oversight role on compliance and mapped As-Is processes and
implementation and testing of the Bank’s environment. controls, identified gaps and requisite
internal Control system. recommendations, developed
Risk Management Group is entrusted remediation initiatives and management
Under the aforementioned CRTF, the for implementation of effective testing plans. In addition, the Bank is
Bank’s Internal Control System is being operational risk management framework. formulating guidelines for adherence
evolved, reviewed and improved on an Risk control design assessment to Integrated Framework on Internal
ongoing basis to minimize risks which and control implementation self- Controls issued by the Committee of
are inherent in banking business and assessment is carried out to evaluate Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) of the
operations; with continuous monitoring operational controls both at design Treadway Commission on continuing
by the Compliance Group (CG), an and implementation level. Incident and basis.
independent Audit and Risk Review loss data are gathered for analysis and
Group (ARRG) respectively. suggesting improvements in existing Bank has completed all the stages of
control structure. Further, Key Risk Internal Control over Financial Reporting
ARRG works under direct supervision Indicators are defined in coordination with as specified by State Bank of Pakistan
of Audit Committee of the Board stakeholders for effective monitoring of (SBP), which has granted exemption
(ACOB). ACOB comprises of majority potential risk. from the requirement of submission
independent Directors and is chaired by of Long Form Report by the External
an independent Director as well. Concerted efforts are made by all functions Auditors. As a result, the bank shall
of the Bank to improve the Control submit “Annual Assessment Report on
ARRG assists ACOB and Board Environment at grass root level by Efficacy of Bank’s ICFR” approved by
of Directors in discharge of their continuous review and streamlining of ACOB.
responsibility in respect of Internal procedures to prevent and rectify control
Control System. ARRG reviews, lapses. The Bank’s management considers that
assesses adequacy and monitors the the existing Internal Control System
effectiveness of control systems on an Furthermore, compliance status of all is adequate and has been effectively
ongoing basis. irregularities identified during various audits implemented and monitored, based
and inspections are reported to upon the results derived through ongoing
All significant and material findings are ACOB, while other significant testing of financial reporting controls
reported to the ACOB; which actively compliance risk related matters are and internal audits carried out during
monitors that the identified risks and reported to the Board Risk Management the year. However, the management,
observations are properly mitigated to Committee (BRMC) as per approved adopting a prudent approach, would
safeguard the interest of the Bank. The ToRs. be continuously evaluating procedures
Board, acting through ACOB, provides and processes to further augment the
supervision and overall guidance in The Bank’s Internal Control System Internal Control System.
improving the effectiveness of the Internal is designed to provide reasonable
Control System. assurance to the Bank’s Management Based on the above, the Board of
and Board of Directors about the Directors has duly endorsed the
The CG is entrusted with the aforementioned objectives. Management’s evaluation of internal
responsibility to minimize compliance controls including ICFR in the attached
risk with reference to regulatory While the Internal Control System is Director’s report.
framework; internal, external and effectively implemented and monitored, there
regulatory audit compliance; control self- are inherent limitations in the
assessment, monitoring completeness effectiveness of any system, including the Tahir Hassan Qureshi
and maintaining up to date inventory possibility of human error or system Chief Executive Officer
of the Bank’s policies, procedures and failure and circumvention or overriding of Lahore.
controls. controls.
Bank has implemented effective Dated: February 07, 2020
10. During the period under report the Board has approved
appointment of Chief Financial Officer, and the Company
Secretary including their remuneration and terms and
conditions of employment and complied with relevant
90 Report 2019
We have reviewed the enclosed Statement of Compliance with the Listed Companies (Code of Corporate Governance)
Regulations, 2019 (the Regulations) prepared by the Board of Directors of Allied Bank Limited for the year ended 31
December 2019 in accordance with the requirements of regulation 36 of the Regulations.
The responsibility for compliance with the Regulations is that of the Board of Directors of the Bank. Our responsibility is to review
whether the Statement of Compliance reflects the status of the Bank’s compliance with the provisions of the Regulations and report if it does
not and to highlight any non-compliance with the requirements of the Regulations. A review is limited primarily to inquiries of the
Bank’s personnel and review of various documents prepared by the Bank to comply with the Regulations.
As a part of our audit of the financial statements we are required to obtain an understanding of the accounting and internal control systems sufficient to
plan the audit and develop an effective audit approach. We are not required to consider whether the Board of Directors’ statement on internal
control covers all risks and controls or to form an opinion on the effectiveness of such internal controls, the Bank’s corporate governance
procedures and risks.
The Regulations require the Bank to place before the Audit Committee, and upon recommendation of the Audit Committee, place
before the Board of Directors for their review and approval, its related party transactions and also ensure compliance with the
requirements of section 208 of the Companies Act, 2017. We are only required and have ensured compliance of this requirement
to the extent of the approval of the related party transactions by the Board of Directors upon recommendation of the Audit
Committee. We have not carried out procedures to assess and determine the Bank’s process for identification of related parties and that whether
the related party transactions were undertaken at arm’s length price or not.
Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention which causes us to believe that the Statement of Compliance does not
appropriately reflect the Bank’s compliance, in all material respects, with the requirements contained in the Regulations as applicable to the
Bank for the year ended 31 December 2019.
• Maintain fair and competitive salary and benefit structure which is not only market comparable but also recognizes and rewards the
individual performance suitably.
• Attract and retain the right skillset and competence in line with the Bank’s strategic objective to become the leading Bank in
digital age.
• Encouraging prudent decision making by incorporating related risks in the remuneration structure.
• Reflect regulatory guidance in compensation programs.
• Aims to be recognized as the best place to work.
Element Purpose
Fixed Pay • Attract and retain employees by paying market competitive pay for the role, skills and experience required.
• This include base pay and allowances as part of monthly salary as per terms of employment.
Variable • Drive and reward performance based on annual financial and non-financial measures consistent with the medium to
Compensation long-term strategy, stakeholder interests and adherence to the Bank’s values.
• Awards vary with performance achievement and the Bank has the discretion to assess the extent to which
performance has been achieved.
• Awards are in monetary terms. A portion of the annual incentive award may be deferred and vests over a period of
three years. All deferred awards are subject to malus.
• This include annual performance award, cash award on passing IBP diploma and any other reward for target
achievement or extraordinary performance.
Benefits • Ensure market competitiveness and provide benefits in accordance with market practice.
• This include but not limited to medical benefits, education assistance and post-employment benefits.
Bank employees are graded into 12 salary grades, from MG1 to MG12, with MG1 being the senior most and MG 12, being the
junior most. The management of the Bank is further classified in the following four levels according to salary grades:
The above categories may include, from time to time, Material Risk Takers (MRTs) and Material Risk Controllers (MRCs). The
remuneration of employees categorized as such is based on risk-based pay structure which is referred to as ‘risk-based
employee’s remuneration pool’. The remuneration of employees other than such categories have pay structure which is referred to
as ‘general employee’s remuneration pool’
Classification of Material Risk Takers (MRT) and Material Risk Controllers (MRC)
Material Risk Takers (MRTs) and Material Risk Controllers (MRCs) of the Bank are identified as functions and designations having appropriate level
of authority and control within the bank either working as regular or contractual employees. No third-party employee is designated as
either MRT or MRC. Functions are identified as MRTs or MRCs based on designations or functions involved in critical business decision
making, i.e. Chief Executive Officer (CEO), direct reportees of CEO, members of critical management committees involved in business
decision making and risk management. Further, relevant Group Heads and other senior level positions managing critical areas,
and meeting the risk materiality and threshold criteria as approved by the Board are also designated as MRTs or MRCs
92 Report 2019
Remuneration of Material Risk Takers (MRT) and Material Risk Controllers (MRC)
Fixed pay of MRTs and MRCs is decided based on fixed pay determination criteria for overall bank’s employees and includes same
components.Variable remuneration (performance bonus) is based upon performance score calculated against defined key performance indicators
and rating scores achieved by each individual. Furthermore, rating assigned to MRTs or MRCs through annual performance
appraisal process against their managerial capabilities and personal traits is then clubbed together against predefined weightages to
reach consolidated performance score which is used as basis for deciding variable remuneration which is adjusted against underlying risks specifically
for MRTs. MRCs are identified as functions and designations having appropriate level of authority and control duly governed by approved
organograms having clearly defined independent reporting lines from the function they oversee. Organizational hierarchy of the Bank
ensures segregation of roles and independence among Business, Operational support as well as Risk management.
Shariah Board
Fixed remuneration is paid to Chairman Shariah Board as well as non-resident shariah board member in line with employment
contracts including monthly salary, medical benefit and fuel reimbursement.
No variable remuneration (performance bonus) is paid to Chairman Shariah Board and non-resident shariah board member.
Resident Shariah Board members are paid fixed remuneration which includes monthly salary and allowances as per terms of contract and post-
employment benefits. Variable remuneration (performance bonus) is paid on the basis of performance assessment carried out annually
through performance appraisal process.
For the year ended December 31, 2019
In the name of Allah, the State Bank of Pakistan. Shariah Board Besides, we have also reviewed the
Beneficent, the Merciful is pleased to submit a report on the reports of the internal Shariah audit
overall Shariah compliance environment and external Shariah Audit of ABL-IBG
By the grace of Almighty Allah, the of ABL-IBG. operations conducted during the year.
year under review was the 6th year of Shariah Board asserts that it has
Islamic Banking Operations of Allied performed its duties independently Based on the above, we are of the view
Bank Limited (ABL-IBG). The Board of with courteous relationship among that:
Directors and Executive Management
are solely responsible to ensure that the the Shariah Board members and
The business affairs of ABL-
operations of ABL-IBG are conducted management of Bank.
To form basis of our opinion as IBG, especially with reference to
in compliance with Shariah principles transactions, relevant documentation
at all times. The scope of this report is expressed in this report, Shariah
compliance reviews, on test check and procedures, performed during the
to cover the affairs of ABL-IBG, from year 2019 are in conformity with the
Shariah perspective as described under basis, of each class of transactions, the
relevant documentation and process principles and guidelines of Shariah
Shariah Governance Framework of issued by Shariah Board (SB) and State
flows on sample basis was carried out.
Bank of Pakistan.
94 Report 2019
The Bank primarily used Ijarah,
Diminishing Musharakah, Salam and Musharkah (25.37%), Islamic Export banking training institutes.
Business Musharkah for its financing Re-Finance– Business Musharkah
activities during the year. The bank (7.93%). BOD and Shari’ah Board
under review period also maintained Besides, the investment portfolio Training/Orientation:
gradual shift from Trade based modes has also risen by 21.50% to Rs.
to Participative mode which is an 12,452 million as compared to 10,249
In order to enhance Islamic banking
encouraging development. million in last year, which mainly
knowledge and acumen, an orientation
constituting Government Ijarah Sukuk,
session for BOD was conducted by the
ABL-IBG has put a mechanism in place Corporate Sukuks and Bai-Muajjal with
Shariah Board. Moreover, the members
in the form of Internal Shariah Audit Government of Pakistan.
of Shariah Board participated in SBP
and Shariah Compliance reviews to designed program which was aimed
ensure Shariah compliance in its overall During the year, the SB approved
to provide exposure with respect
operations that will keep its focus on new products including Allied Aitebar
to International trade and treasury
continuous improvement for catering Business Finance, Islamic Financing
operation & derivative management.
to the large branch network over the Facility for Renewable Energy (IFRE)
coming years. The system within the and Low Cost Housing for Special
Bank is sound enough to ensure that Segment (IHFS) on assets side and Recommendations:
amounts realized from prohibited “Allied Aitebar Waseela e Hajj & Umrah
Account” on Liability side. Following are some areas, which require
sources, if any, are not made a part of
continuous focus:
the income. The Bank recovered charity
of Rs. 0.075 million and accordingly an Liability Review: The total deposits of
ABL-IBG have increased by 39.61% 1. Bank’s increased focus on
amount of Rs. 0.06 million was granted
during the year reaching to Rs. 34,389 customers’ awareness regarding
to approved charitable institutions.
million at December 31, 2019 as Islamic banking is well appreciated.
The Internal Shariah Audit Function compared to Rs. 24,632 million as of It is recommended that such
(ISAF) plays a vital role in last year. programs should also be continued
achieving the objective of ensuring in future for Ulama/Shariah scholars
Shariah Other Key Activities: SB also reviewed as well.
compliance by evaluating the adherence various policies and manuals during the
year related to Tractor Finance, Istisna 2. Bank’s policy of appointing
to Shariah guidelines prescribed by
Finance, Home Musharakah Policy, new staff members for Islamic
SB, Resident Shariah Board Member
Islamic Export Refinance Scheme, Forward banking branches with inclination
(RSBM) and Shariah guidelines of
Cover, Business Muaharakah Manual, /commitment to the
Islamic banking division of SBP, in every
Allied Aitebar Express Account Allied ideology of Islamic banking
activity under taken by the ABL-IBG, on
Aitebar Institutions Account, Allied should be continued.
sample basis. ISAF submits periodical
Aitebar Premium Account and Allied
reports to RSBM /Shariah Board for
Aitebar Notice Period Certificates. 3. The Bank is actively pursuing
information, review and determination of
training of its human resources
appropriate corrective actions. Profit Distribution Review: SCD also about various aspects of Islamic
conducted review of the process of Banking & Finance through training
Shariah Compliance Department profit distribution on monthly basis and sessions/seminars. However
(SCD) of the Bank is working under ensured that the distribution is in line continuous focus should be
the guidance of SB with adequate with instructions of SB and SBP. maintained to improve the level
resources. The main objective of Moreover, internal Shariah audit of of awareness through Islamic
this department is to facilitate and pool management has been conducted Banking refresher, certification and
ensure Shariah compliance in all the on quarterly basis, which has further Shariah documentation courses.
new researches, conducting Islamic improved the process of pool Moreover, enhanced training for
banking trainings, Shariah-compliance management, profit and loss distribution and IB Treasury operations should also
review of each class of transactions, strengthened the compliance of Shariah be conducted. This will ensure
relevant documentation and process guidelines. enhanced capacity building as well
flows. Moreover, SCD has conducted the
review of branches to evaluate the as address the possible Shariah
Shariah Board Meetings: Shariah non-compliance risk.
Shariah knowledge of staff.
Board had held four meetings during
the year 2019 wherein multiple issues We pray to almighty ALLAH to provide
Review and Development: were discussed upon, reviewed and us guidance to adhere to the Shariah
resolved. principles in day-to-day operations,
ABL-IBG has completed yet another to absolve our mistakes and for the
successful year. Upon achieving a
branch network of 117 dedicated
Staff Training: success of Islamic banking in Pakistan.
Islamic branches and 10 Islamic
In order to enhance the Islamic banking
Banking windows, further expansion Mufti Tayyab Amin
knowledge and expertise, training
in outreach has been made through Resident Shari’ah Board Member
on Islamic Banking concepts as well
addition of 50 Windows at selected
as on Islamic baking products were
conventional branches during 2019. imparted to the staff of the Islamic Banking
Similarly, significant growth in assets, Group and other staff involved in Mufti Mahmood Ahmad
Investments, liabilities, trade and other management of Islamic Banking Member Shari’ah Board
business avenues have been registered. operations and affairs. Management
Development Center of ABL, arranged
Asset Review: During the year, 27 training sessions and more than Mufti Muhammad Iftikhar Baig
financing portfolio has increased by 1070 employees attended these Chairman Shari’ah Board
82.16% to Rs. 12,615 million as sessions. Moreover, 54 employees
compared to 6,925 million in last year, attended training session conducted Date of Report: February 07, 2020
which mainly constitutes of Business by NIBAF and other reputed Islamic
Musharkah (53.52%), Diminishing
96 Report 2019
Allied Bank Limited 97
BOARD OF IT Governance framework ensures
that Your Bank’s significant
investment in IT infrastructure is duly
aligned with the long-term strategies
and objectives of Your Bank; while
Chief ensuring conformity with industry’s
Executive MANCO ITSC best practices.
Information Technology Group (ITG) is headed by Chief ITG, reporting to Chief Executive Officer of Your Bank. ITG
is responsible for development and delivery of technology driven services in line with directions of the Board and its
committees under the strategic guidance of ITSC. Chief ITG is responsible to:
» Develop and implement IT policies and procedures in line with best practices.
» Ensure maintenance of Bank’s IT infrastructure including online business services for smooth transactions
» Validate IT processes through testing and oversee quality control throughout the IT infrastructure.
» Devise security policies and ensure that arrangements for disaster recovery plan are in place.
» Keep the e-Vision Committee and MANCO informed of emerging trends and developments in IT and put forth
necessary recommendations.
» Maintain a requisite professional IT staff strength with sufficient knowledge, skills, experience and professional
qualifications to meet the expectations along with regular training to keep up with the latest technologies and
ITG of Your Bank is strengthened by the following functions which are headed by committed professionals, providing
innovative and efficient solutions to achieve organizational objectives.
Core-Banking Digital Banking IT System
IT Quality& IT
& & Business & Operations
BSDI Intelligence Infrastructure Assurance
Information Security & Governance functioning under the umbrella of Risk Management Group, is primarily
responsible to develop and implement information security guidelines through a set of policies, procedures and
frameworks and conduct Technical Risk Assessment as per policy guidelines. The function is also mandated to develop
information security policies in line with regulatory requirements and based on best industry practices. This function also
manages the information security awareness campaign across the Bank.
Technology Compliance under Compliance Group performs technology compliance review of Information Security
Policies and Procedures to ensure that they are compliant with SBP guidelines/regulations. Furthermore, it also ensures
compliance against the recommendations of SBP inspection report, external auditors’ management letter and internal
audit report of Audit and Risk Review Group (A&RRG).
Information System Audit function under A&RRG is entrusted to perform systems audit across the Bank; testing
desired functionality and integrity while providing recommendations where necessary.
Your Bank has put in place comprehensive guidelines for investors and shareholders to address their grievances. The guidelines conform to the
Bank’s internal policy to address the investor grievances as well as statutory requirements as stipulated under SECP SRO 634
(1) / 2014.
• For all shares related issues, shareholders are advised to contact Shares Registrar of the Bank with contact details available on Bank’s corporate
• In order to facilitate the shareholders who, intend to register a complaint, the contact details of the focal person of Shares Department is
given on the Bank’s corporate website for this purpose.
• In addition, if shareholders grievances are not resolved by the Shares Registrar of the Bank, as well as Shares Department, they may escalate their
complaints to the Company Secretary of the Bank.
• If any complaint still remains unsatisfied, the same can be forwarded to Securities Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP); using links of
SECP website which are available in investor grievance section of the Bank’s corporate website.
• Furthermore, queries with respect to financial results of Your Bank can be directed to ‘Investor Relations’ department, which is headed by Chief
Financial Officer, vide using email address [email protected] (which is available on corporate website as well).
100 Report 2019
CSR vision of Your Bank “To be a socially responsible corporate citizen” has evolved into its CSR policy which clearly outlines Corporate
Social Responsibility objectives of Your Bank. CSR Policy stipulates that CSR is a concept whereby companies integrate social and
environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis.
Objective of the policy is to provide guidelines to align business objectives and the entity’s roles as responsible corporate citizen.
Your Bank recognizes its obligations as responsible corporate citizen and aims to achieve following broader objectives by implementation of its
CSR Plan:
• Establish a WORKPLACE environment to maintain balanced work life with healthcare facilities along with high ethical standards, equal
employment opportunities, aided social interaction among employees and encouraged employment of disabled.
• Our working style should have positive impact on ENVIRONMENT promoting green banking, use of renewable energy sources, reducing carbon
omissions, promoting trees and plants and change of working style, on best effort basis, from paper based to computer based and promoting
green culture.
• Make our COMMUNITY feel our presence not only by our business interactions but also by sharing and caring, especially during the
times of adversities and natural calamities.
• Protecting Human rights, ensuring transparency, taking anti-corruption measures, adopting best business practices and improving
stakeholder relations through GOVERNANCE.
• Our BRAND and slogans such as, “Aap kai dil main hamara account” should be known as community caring organization and not just for the
profit. Bank’s contributions towards these areas have been mentioned in Corporate Sustainability Report.
Bank’s contributions towards these areas have been mentioned in Corporate Sustainability Report.
Allied Bank
Limited 101
Allied Bank Limited (the Bank) being a socially responsible citizen remains committed towards Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) which forms an integral part of the Bank’s long-term strategy.
Your Bank echoes a commitment of making a positive impact on our society and works to sustain the trust of the customers and communities in
which we operate.
Under this CSR Policy, Your Bank focuses on these four key areas to achieve following objectives:
In line with the aforementioned CSR objectives during the year, the Bank’s contributions towards these key areas are as follows:
Environment Rs. 204M
CUSTOMER RELATIONS banking of the future. and hassle-free banking services with
Concentrating on technology driven seamless customer experience. The
Business thrives for the constant support 24/7 banking solutions, the expansion self-service branch offers digital account
and commitment of its customers. The in Bank’s ATM network was maintained opening through tablets, Interactive
Bank in line with its vision “to become during the year with an addition of 127 Teller Machine (ITM) where customers
first choice Bank for the customers”, ATMs. In order to augment services can do banking transactions through
constantly aspires service excellence and security all ATMs are equipped teller assistance over video conferencing
and enhanced user experiences of our with biometric access facility to allow facility and instant card issuance for
valued customers. A goal as critical transactions without use of cards. accountholders at the branch. Your Bank
as such can only be achieved through All ATMs are equipped with anti- ensured 99%+ ATM uptime during the
persistent interactions, getting to know skimming devices to enhance security occasions of Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul Adha
the customer and their needs while of transactions.Recognizing the impact holidays; processing around 2.2 million
providing dynamic solutions to cater to of digitalization and understanding transactions involving Cash Withdrawals
their evolving needs. the banking needs of millennials, Your of approximately Rs. 25.2 billion. Your
Customers are at the core of the Bank has introduced its first Self- Bank installed Electronic Queue
continuous technological transmutation Service branch at Lahore University Management Systems in Top 100
which is geared towards reshaping of Management Sciences (LUMS), Flagship branches with total cost Rs.
which offers full-scale, rapid, secure 42.58 million, facilitating the customers
102 Report 2019
to conduct transactions conveniently. In
continuation of ABL’s journey towards
digitalization, 75 Self Service Kiosks
worth Rs. 19 million are installed in
selected Branches.
In order to receive objective feedback
on customer experience of services
provided by the Bank, Your Bank arranged
for video mystery shopping of Top 100
flagship branches through an external
research company.
The Bank further strengthened customer
relations through the following initiatives:
exercises including Vulnerability
an aim of financial inclusion of unbanked
With the objective of providing non- Assessment (VA), Penetration Testing
segments of the society. These
financial services, Your Bank organized (PT) and Technical Risk Assessment
sessions, attended by 10,000+ citizens,
following seminars and programs to (TRA); ensuring a controlled environment
enhanced the awareness levels, which
promote financial inclusion and credit for customers’ related information;
was appreciated by all the participants.
expansion throughout the year: augmented by re-issuance of EMV
During the year, Your Bank ranked top
chip-based cards for secured POS
amongst the participating Banks in
• In line with SBP’s vision to promote transactions.
Panjgur and selected districts of Karachi
SME, 8 awareness seminars on Information
for highest account opening ratio; the
Middle Market & SME Policy were Security Awareness
efforts lauded by SBP
organized in Gujranwala, Peshawar, campaigns were
Faisalabad, Sahiwal, Bahawalpur shared with the
and Larkana. All the events were CUSTOMER PROTECTION valued customers
well-attended by the business AND QUALITY vide emails and
SMS respectively
communities of the respective ASSURANCE to educate and enhance awareness
of Bank’s customers about latest
Your Bank is constantly aspiring to cyber security threats. Phishing email
• Focused interactive seminars on achieve excellence in services to earn
“Awareness Program on Islamic simulations were also conducted on
customers loyalty. bank’s staff to gauge the phishing index of the
Banking” were arranged, one Your Bank spent Rs.937 million towards
at Gujranwala and another at organization.
deposit protection insurance in order Through Customer Relationship
Bahawalpur with the objective to comply with SBP initiative to provide
of acquainting the business Management (CRM) system; Your Bank
protection to small depositors across continued to improve the resolution rate
community as well as Ulemas, the banking industry.
in particular, about the possible and timelines to further strengthen the
In this Digital era, complaint handling mechanism.
alternatives of banking solutions customer information
within their Shariah interpretation is more vulnerable
and thereby providing avenues than ever before.
of taking due advantage of it and Cognizant to this
play a key role in the country’s fact,
economics. Your Bank continued to
The Bank’s Human Resource Group safeguard Data and Information
in coordination with the SBP, arranged Technology assets including compliance
496 National Financial Literacy Program of PCI DSS and Customer Security
(NFLP) sessions in the rural districts with Program (CSP) by SWIFT.
Your Bank conducted assessment
Allied Bank
Limited 103
With the objective to engage customers
myABL Personal Internet Your Bank’s unique initiative of
and nourish relationships, Your Bank
Banking has remained the facilitation of small obligors
maintains profiles on Facebook, Twitter &
most convenient and widely towards an Enterprise
Instagram and actively interacts with the
used Online Banking channel Resource Planning (ERP)
customers on a variety of topics.
for ABL customers during the year 2019. based automated book keeping and
This engagement is providing significant boost
With improved customer experience and accounting system, with off-the-shelf
to the Bank’s presence on the social
well-organized customer onboarding features enabling enhanced control over
media platforms, especially with the
campaign, Bank succeeded in doubling financial decision-making processes, was
millennial segment of the society.
the myABL userbase. maintained during the year.
myABL Business Internet During the year ERP was implemented
966K 11%↑ Banking (BIB) is the dedicated for two obligors thus enhancing the total
Digital Banking platform number to 4.
6K 8%↑ exclusively designed and
developed for Business and
6K 100+%↑ Institutional Customers. This user-
friendly and device-responsive facility
Building an Health and Medical
inclusion in rural areas and providing Facebook that has rich, engaging and
quality financial services at grass root level. user-friendly interface with simple meeting the ever-evolving external
Your Bank has opened 2 branches in navigation. challenges in the ‘digital era’.
Baluchistan Province and 9 branches in With an easy to use map- In recognition of its efforts towards
Khyber Pakhtunkhawa (KPK); based interface, customers nurturing the best human capital and
increasing the total number of rural can find their nearest ATMs or creating an inclusive environment, Your Bank
branches to 278. Another 3 branches Branches or they can search received the award of ‘Best Place to
were opened in Un-Banked areas of for a specific branch based on available Work’ under the category of ‘Financial
Karora, Fateh Pur Kamal and Gadari. facilities and can view Discount Offers Services’ for the Year 2019 from Pakistan
In order to play an effective role in the available on Debit, Credit, Prepaid cards Society of Human Resource
development of agrarian economy of and Masterpass QR, which is a world Management.
the country, the Bank is also extending renowned Mastercard product offering. The
Your Bank is constantly working towards
agricultural financing across the country and Bank has also been actively engaged in
hiring the most dynamic and capable
offers vast range of agricultural finance facilitating various institutions for Cash
staff while simultaneously investing in
products through Agri designated Management Solution. The Bank has
relevant trainings to further enhance their
branches. The Bank also continued merged all its cash management
talent and providing the best facilities
supporting Prime Minister Youth Business solutions under Payment Hub wherein
and culture to thrive.
Loan Scheme to eligible small borrowers Conventional, Batch Mode processing
Employees’ engagement plays an
under this segment. or API Based integration is offered. The
important role in creating a great
Bank has added 61 new clients the year
workplace culture which is vital for
DIGITAL INNOVATION for Cash Management Services.
shaping the future of an organization.
Accordingly, Rs.8 million was spent on
The Bank is continuously striving to
deliver enhanced user experience
through innovative digital banking
products and services. The face of
the banking industry has drastically
changed in the last few years, wherein
digital disruption, consistent innovation
and dynamic products from Fintechs
are continuously pushing the traditional
banking industry to focus on augmenting
customer experience through adopting
latest technologies and excellence
in services on both conventional and
digital channels. As a forward-thinking
advocator, Your Bank has responded to these
market disruptions by expanding in-
house capabilities and also have
partnered with Fintechs for new digital
104 Report 2019
staff cricket tournaments held at Lahore,
Karachi, Islamabad and Multan; which
Adhering to responsibility towards BUSINESS ETHICS AND
eligible ex-employees, during the year,
were well participated by staff and their family from the platform of “Post-retirement ANTI-CORRUPTION
members who thoroughly enjoyed the Medical Fund”, Your Bank contributed MEASURES
festive environment. Rs.116 million towards the health of 666
ex-employees. Your Bank nurtures a culture of excellence,
EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Your Bank ensures that maximum safety
standards are met at all premises. For
good governance, transparency,
integrity and accountability. Controls and
EMPLOYER AND training and awareness of the employees Compliance being an integral function,
EMPLOYMENT OF on how to act during any emergency Your Bank encourages high business
SPECIAL PERSONS in the building, 12 safety drills were ethics while promoting positive
conducted at major buildings in Lahore,
compliance culture. Your Bank is
Karachi, Islamabad, Faisalabad,
Continuous focus was maintained committed to the best industry practices
Peshawar and Multan.
towards increasing the diversity of for compliance with all regulatory
Your Bank prioritized to arrange emergency
Bank’s human capital; reinforcing the lights, fire and smoke detection equipment, frameworks including
inclusive culture of Your Bank. Your alarm systems, portable fire extinguishers, anti-money laundering practices, so
Bank aims to ensure that employees periodic evacuation/safety drills and that the interests of all stakeholders are
of all backgrounds are treated equally emergency exit doors and incurred Rs. 7 protected.
and have an equal opportunity to be million during the year 2019 in order to Code of Ethics and Conduct signed by
successful. augment staff safety at the workplace. all employees acts as a guide for them
Over the years, the Bank has generated in discharging their duties and sets
out the standards of good practice.
direct and indirect employment which is EDUCATION AND Management’s Central Administration
currently exceeding 11,000+ employees,
who are mainly employed from diverse WELLBEING OF THE Action Committee (CAAC) takes
areas of Pakistan; thereby positively STAFF action on any violation of policies and
impacting the broad-based economy procedures, act of fraud and forgery,
and society at large. Learning is one of the keys to success. breach of discipline, code of conduct,
ABL being equal opportunity employer, Investing in education helps the ethics and business practices. Appeal
encourages employment of special workforce to excel in their current roles of the staff against whom CAAC
persons and currently 47 special – and thrive in the future. Cognizant of has already taken disciplinary action
persons are honorably earning their this fact, Your Bank spent Rs. 97 million on is reviewed by Human Resource
livelihood while contributing towards the trainings to 10,844 staff members and Committee.
growth of the Bank and society. Rs.30 million towards employee’s
Simultaneously 2034 - females, education.
During the year, Your Bank through its
representing 17.44% of total permanent
platform of “Staff Welfare Fund” spent ENVIRONMENT
staff members, are diligently performing their
Rs.22 million to assist 56 employees by
duties. A special function was held to Your Bank plays a positive role in the
financially enabling them in important social
celebrate the International Women Day. events like marriage ceremony development of a healthier environment
of their daughters or to meet the burial to meet the social obligations and
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH expense of their departed loved ones. contribute towards more sustainable
AND SAFETY Keeping in view the religious sentiments future growth. Your Bank is promoting
of our employees, Your Bank sponsored its green banking, paperless culture,
Your Bank aims to provide safe and clerical, non-clerical and executive staff renewable energy sources and reduction
healthy environment to all employees at totaling 37 to perform Hajj by spending of carbon emissions.
work. Rs.24 million.
During the year 2019, the Bank spent
Rs.134 million under the approved
medical expense policy to over 2,370
staff members.
Allied Bank
Limited 105
GREEN BANKING Assessment (TNA) session on Green Bank and the education sector being
AND ENVIRONMENT Banking by the experts from Frankfurt an essential part of it has been a major
PROTECTION School of Finance & Management & beneficiary to whom the bank has been
donating regularly. In pursuance of this
GIZ, Germany. The workshop agenda
included inherent risks in solar systems, objective, Your Bank contributed
As a responsible corporate citizen, Your Bank
key financial performance indicators, Rs. 30 million to The Lahore University of
is taking genuine leaps forward in setting
evaluating bankability, solar experiences Management Sciences (LUMS) towards
out a series of targets to assist in the
and market outlook. the development of Hostel.
transition to a low-carbon economy.
Your Bank, under the Clean & Green Staff of Your Bank carried out a Corporate
During the year, Your Bank invested
Pakistan Campaign, organized a tree Social Responsibility activity at the
Rs. 204 million toward energy saving
plantation campaign with the slogan Family Educational Services Foundation
solutions through installation of solar
“Aek Bashar Do Shajar”. Plants were (FESF) – Deaf Reach School. This
panels and inverters. Your Bank’s total solar
selected on the basis of environmental interactive session was concluded with
locations stand at 59 while inverter-
benefits keeping in view the soil and the distribution of goody bags
based locations increased to 1,060.
characteristics of a particular area and to every student and a donation from
Administrative measures including
over 16,000 saplings of local trees, the Bank’s staff to the FESF. FESF is a
maintenance of electrical equipment
native to climate, were planted on non-profit educational organization
carried out during the year resulted in
different locations. active in Pakistan since 1984, working to
reduced consumption in electricity and
meet the need for the hearing impaired
reduction in consumption on fossil fuel
COMMUNITY in Pakistan. The program’s approach
by 13%.
focused on education and skills training
During the year, Your Bank continued its efforts
for deaf children and youth, development
to automate the existing manual processes; Bank as a trusted member of the
of teachers’ and language interpreters’
resultantly 3 processes were shifted community is playing an active role in
skills and job placements.
towards paperless banking. following CSR activities and community
The Bank donated Rs.31 million and
As part of Green Banking efforts, the engagements:
spent Rs.10 Million on sponsorships to
Bank arranged Training Need
various educational institutions including
106 Report 2019
During the year, Your Bank spent Rs.22
million on general welfare of the
community. These included contributions
in shape of donations towards poor
feeding, rehabilitation of special persons
and sports activities and sponsorships
for organizing social events, conferences
and awareness programs.
Your Bank is one of the leading
institutions in its contribution towards
the national exchequer. During the
year, Your Bank paid Rs. 8,905 million as
Income Tax (inclusive of Super Tax), Rs. 604 million on account of Federal Rs. 397 Million Zakat from 72,722
deposited Rs. 8,648 million as Excise duty and Sales Tax to the national account holders and deposited to the
withholding tax agent and contributed exchequer. Further, the Bank collected national exchequer.
Your Bank is one of the leading institutions in its contribution towards the national exchequer. During the year, Your Bank paid Rs.
8,905 million as Income Tax (inclusive of Super Tax), deposited Rs. 8,648 million as withholding tax agent and contributed Rs. 604
million on account of Federal Excise duty and Sales Tax to the national exchequer. Further, the Bank collected Rs. 397 Million
Zakat from 72,722 account holders and deposited to the national exchequer.
108 Report 2019
The country’s economy cannot
Your Bank’s Green Banking Policy Climate change has been
achieve optimal growth without the
lays the foundation to promote recognized the world over as an
development of the SME sector.
environment friendly imminent threat to our lives and
• In order to create a healthy
practices. Our objective is global mobilization is required to
competitive environment and
to manage environmental combat such threats.
foster innovation, the Bank
risks, socially adverse actions • A tree plantation campaign was
has assisted in implementation
and reduce carbon footprint organized by the Bank under
of ERP solutions for 2 SME
while espousing paperless the Clean & Green Pakistan
Obligors during 2019.
environment. Campaign where a total of
• Additionally, multiple awareness
• The Bank achieved reduction of 16,942 saplings were planted.
seminars have been conducted
21% in paper consumption Main objectives of the plantation
to involve further potential SMEs
through process automation. were to control soil erosion
and increase the proportion of
• The Bank further achieved in waterlogged areas and
small scale business
13% reduction in fossil rehabilitation of waste lands.
fuel consumption through
conversion to clean or efficient
energy alternatives during the
Allied Bank
Limited 109
110 Report 2019
Independent Auditor’s Report
To the members of Allied Bank Limited
Report on the Audit of the Unconsolidated Financial Statements
We have audited the annexed unconsolidated financial statements of Allied Bank Limited (“the Bank”), which comprise the
unconsolidated statement of financial position as at 31 December 2019 and the unconsolidated profit and loss account, the
unconsolidated statement of comprehensive income, the unconsolidated statement of changes in equity and the unconsolidated
cash flow statement for the year then ended, along with unaudited certified returns received from the branches except for forty two
branches which have been audited by us and notes to the unconsolidated financial statements including a summary of significant
accounting policies and other explanatory information and we state that we have obtained all the information and explanations
which, to the best of our knowledge and belief, were necessary for the purposes of the audit.
In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the unconsolidated statement of
financial position, the unconsolidated profit and loss account, the unconsolidated statement of comprehensive income, the
unconsolidated statement of changes in equity and the unconsolidated cash flow statement together with the notes forming part
thereof conform with the accounting and reporting standards as applicable in Pakistan, and, give the information required by the
Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962 and the Companies Act, 2017 (XIX of 2017), in the manner so required and respectively give
a true and fair view of the state of the Bank’s affairs as at 31 December 2019 and of the profit, other comprehensive income, the
changes in equity and its cash flows for the year then ended.
We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) as applicable in Pakistan. Our responsibilities
under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Unconsolidated Financial
Statements section of our report. We are independent of the Bank in accordance with the International Ethics Standards Board for
Accountants’ Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants as adopted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (the
Code) and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the Code. We believe that the audit evidence we
have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.
Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our audit of the unconsolidated
financial statements of the current year. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the unconsolidated financial
statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.
S. No. Key Audit Matters How the matter was addressed in our audit
1 Provision against Loans and Advances
Refer to note 9 and the accounting policies in notes 2.4.2 Our audit procedures in respect of provision against
and 4.5 to the unconsolidated financial statements. advances, amongst others, included the following:
The Bank makes provision against advances on a time • Assessing the design and operating effectiveness
based criteria that involves ensuring all non-performing of key controls to identify loss events and for
loans and advances are classified in accordance with the determining provision required against non-
ageing criteria specified in the Prudential Regulations performing advances, including:
(PRs) issued by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP).
– Controls over correct classification of non–
In addition to the time based criteria the PRs require a performing advances on time based criteria;
subjective evaluation of the credit worthiness of borrowers
to determine the classification of advances. – Controls over monitoring of advances with higher
risk of default and migration of these advances on a
The Bank’s advances to the customers represent 32.75% timely basis to watch list or to non-performing
of its total assets as at 31 December 2019 and are stated advances category on subjective criteria;
at Rs. 485,016 million which is net of provision of Rs.
15,152 million at the year end. – Controls over accurate computation and recording
of provisions; and
The determination of provision against advances was
identified as a key audit matter in our audit as it involves – Controls over the governance and approval process
a considerable degree of management judgment and related to provision.
estimation in complying with the above criteria.
• Testing on a sample basis, credit exposures
identified by the management as displaying
indicators of impairment, assessed the number of
days overdue and assessed appropriateness of
amount reported for provision in accordance with
the Prudential Regulations;
As at 31 December 2019, the Bank has investments • Obtaining an understanding of and testing the
classified as “Available-for-sale”, “Held for trading”, “Held design and operation effectiveness of the controls
to maturity” and “Investment in subsidiary” amounting to relating to the valuation of investments;
Rs. 757,957 million which in aggregate represent 51.17%
of the total assets of the Bank. • Checking on a sample basis, the valuation of
investments to supporting documents, externally
Investments are carried at cost or fair value in accordance quoted market prices and break-up values;
with the Bank’s accounting policy relating to their
recognition. Provision against investment is made based • Evaluating the Bank’s assessment of available for
on impairment policy of the Bank which includes both sale and held to maturity investments for any
objective and subjective factors. additional impairment in accordance with the
Bank’s accounting policies and performed an
We identified assessing the valuation of investments as a independent assessment of the assumptions; and
key audit matter because of its significance to the
unconsolidated financial statements and because • Considering the Bank’s disclosures of investments,
assessing the key impairment assumptions involves a to the guidelines laid down by the State Bank of
significant degree of management judgement. Pakistan regarding forms and disclosures.
Information Other than the Unconsolidated Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report Thereon
Management is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the information included in the Bank’s Annual
Report but does not include the unconsolidated financial statements and our auditors’ report thereon.
Our opinion on the unconsolidated financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any form of
assurance conclusion thereon.
In connection with our audit of the unconsolidated financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in
doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the unconsolidated financial statements or our
knowledge obtained in the audit, or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based on the work we have performed, we
conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to
report in this regard.
Responsibilities of Management and the Board of Directors for the Unconsolidated Financial Statements
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the unconsolidated financial statements in accordance with
accounting and reporting standards as applicable in Pakistan, the requirements of Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962 and the
Companies Act, 2017 (XIX of 2017) and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation
of unconsolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
In preparing the unconsolidated financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Bank’s ability to continue as a
going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless
management either intends to liquidate the Bank or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.
The Board of directors is responsible for overseeing the Bank’s financial reporting process.
Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Unconsolidated Financial Statements
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the unconsolidated financial statements as a whole are free from
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable
assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs as applicable in
Pakistan will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered
material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on
the basis of these unconsolidated financial statements.
As part of an audit in accordance with ISAs as applicable in Pakistan, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional
scepticism throughout the audit. We also:
a) Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the unconsolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or
error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and
appropriate to provide
112 Report 2019
a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting
from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal
b) Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in
the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Bank’s internal control.
c) Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related
disclosures made by management.
d) Conclude on the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit
evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on
the Bank’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw
attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the unconsolidated financial statements or, if such disclosures
are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our
auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Bank to cease to continue as a going concern.
e) Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the unconsolidated financial statements, including the
disclosures, and whether the unconsolidated financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a
manner that achieves fair presentation.
We communicate with the Board of Directors regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and
significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.
We also provide to the Board of Directors with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical requirements regarding
independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our
independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.
From the matters communicated with the Board of Directors, we determine those matters that were of most significance in the audit
of the unconsolidated financial statements of the current year and are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in
our auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances,
we determine that a matter should not be communicated in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would
reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.
Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements:
Based on our audit, we further report that in our opinion:
a) proper books of account have been kept by the Bank as required by the Companies Act, 2017 (XIX of 2017) and the returns
referred above from the branches have been found adequate for the purpose of our audit;
b) the unconsolidated statement of financial position, the unconsolidated profit and loss account, the unconsolidated
statement of comprehensive income, the unconsolidated statement of changes in equity and the unconsolidated cash flow
statement together with the notes thereon have been drawn up in conformity with the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962
and the Companies Act, 2017(XIX of 2017) and are in agreement with the books of account;
c) investments made, expenditure incurred and guarantees extended during the year were in accordance with the objects and
powers of the Bank and the transactions of the Bank which have come to our notice have been within the powers of the
Bank; and
d) zakat deductible at source under the Zakat and Ushr Ordinance, 1980 (XVIII of 1980), was deducted by the Bank and
deposited in the Central Zakat Fund established under section 7 of that Ordinance.
We confirm that for the purpose of our audit we have covered more than sixty per cent of the total loans and advances of the
Bank. The engagement partner on the audit resulting in this independent auditor’s report is Mr. Kamran Iqbal Yousafi.
50,880 50,068 Bills payable 14 7,878,626 7,752,959
1,720,714 1,458,744 Borrowings 15 266,448,386 225,882,986
6,774,681 6,357,704 Deposits and other accounts 16 1,049,043,032 984,475,183
- - Liabilities against assets subject to finance lease - -
- - Sub-ordinated debt - -
38,091 30,710 Deferred tax liabilities - net 17 5,898,310 4,755,428
235,729 131,920 Other liabilities 18 36,502,065 20,427,520
8,820,095 8,029,146 1,365,770,419 1,243,294,076
744,930 692,971 NET ASSETS 115,350,833 107,304,833
73,948 73,948 Share capital 19 11,450,739 11,450,739
143,820 130,945 Reserves 22,270,225 20,276,515
166,671 149,032 Surplus on revaluation of assets - net of tax 20 25,808,658 23,077,174
360,491 339,046 Unappropriated profit 55,821,211 52,500,405
744,930 692,971 115,350,833 107,304,833
The annexed notes 1 to 46 and annexures I to III form an integral part of these unconsolidated financial statements.
114 Report 2019
Unconsolidated Profit and Loss Account
for the year ended December 31, 2019
In US $ In Rupees
0.08 0.07 Basic and diluted earnings per share 33 12.32 11.25
The annexed notes 1 to 46 and annexures I to III form an integral part of these unconsolidated financial statements.
Unconsolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
for the year ended December 31, 2019
91,140 83,181 Profit after taxation for the year 14,112,911 12,880,518
3,761 6,512 Effect of translation of net investment in foreign branches 582,419 1,008,347
Movement in surplus / (deficit) on revaluation of
14,487 (34,276) investments - net of tax 2,243,212 (5,307,574)
18,248 (27,764) 2,825,631 (4,299,227)
The annexed notes 1 to 46 and annexures I to III form an integral part of these unconsolidated financial statements.
116 Report 2019
Unconsolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended December 31, 2019
The annexed notes 1 to 46 and annexures I to III form an integral part of these unconsolidated financial statements.
Unconsolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
for the year ended December 31, 2019
Capital reserve Surplus on revaluation
reserve Un-
Share Exchange Non- appropriated Total
capital translation Statutory General Investments Fixed banking profit
reserve reserve assets assets
Rupees in
Balance as at January 01, 2018 11,450,739 230,954 17,743,162 6,000 10,493,343 16,004,075 1,575,633 49,212,447 106,716,353
Profit after taxation for the year ended December 31, 2018 - - - - - - - 12,880,518 12,880,518
Profit after taxation for the year ended December 31, 2019 - - - - - - - 14,112,911 14,112,911
The annexed notes 1 to 46 and annexures I to III form an integral part of these unconsolidated financial statements.
118 Report 2019
Notes to the Unconsolidated Financial
Allied Bank Limited (“the Bank”), incorporated in Pakistan, is a scheduled bank, engaged in commercial banking and related
services. The Bank is listed on Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited. The Bank operates a total of 1,393 (2018: 1,343)
branches in Pakistan including 117 (2018: 117) Islamic banking branches, 1 branch (2018: 1) in Karachi Export Processing
Zone and 1 Wholesale banking branch (2018: 1) in Bahrain. The long term credit rating of the Bank assigned by the
Pakistan Credit Rating Agency Limited (PACRA) is ‘AAA’. Short term rating of the Bank is ‘A1+’.
Ibrahim Holdings (Private) Limited is the parent company of the Bank and it’s registered office is in
Pakistan. The Bank is the holding company of ABL Asset Management Company Limited.
The registered office of the Bank is situated at 3 - Tipu Block, Main Boulevard, New Garden Town, Lahore.
These unconsolidated financial statements represent separate financial statements of the Bank. The consolidated financial
statements of the Bank are being issued separately.
In accordance with the directives of the Federal Government regarding the shifting of the banking system to Islamic modes,
the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has issued various circulars from time to time. Permissible forms of trade-related modes
of financing include purchase of goods by banks from their customers and immediate resale to them at appropriate mark-up
in price on deferred payment basis. The purchases and sales arising under these arrangements are not reflected in these
unconsolidated financial statements as such but are restricted to the amount of facility actually utilized and the appropriate
portion of mark-up thereon.
The financial results of the Islamic banking branches have been consolidated in these financial statements for reporting
purposes, after eliminating inter-branch transactions / balances. Key financial figures of the Islamic banking branches are
disclosed in Annexure II to these financial statements.
These unconsolidated financial statements have been presented in Pakistan Rupees (PKR), which is the currency of the
primary economic environment in which the Bank operates and functional currency of the Bank, in that environment as well.
The amounts are rounded to nearest thousand.
The US Dollar amounts reported in the statement of financial position, profit and loss account, statement of comprehensive
income and statement of cash flow are stated as additional information, solely for the convenience of the users of financial
statements. For the purpose of translation to US Dollar, spot rate of Rs. 154.8476 per US Dollar has been used for 2019 and
2018, as it was the prevalent rate on reporting date.
These unconsolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting and reporting standards
as applicable in Pakistan. The accounting and reporting standards comprise of:
– International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
as are notified under the Companies Act, 2017;
– Islamic Financial Accounting Standards (IFAS) issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan as are
notified under the Companies Act, 2017;
– Provisions of and directives issued under the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962 and the Companies Act, 2017; and
– Directives issued by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) & the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP).
2.1.1 Whenever the requirements of the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962, the Companies Act, 2017 and the directives
issued by the SBP and the SECP differ with the requirements of IFRS and IFAS the requirements of the Banking
Companies Ordinance, 1962, the Companies Act, 2017 and the said directives, shall prevail.
2.1.2 The SBP, vide BSD Circular Letter No. 10, dated August 26, 2002 has deferred the applicability of International Accounting
Standard 39 ‘Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement’ (IAS 39) and International Accounting Standard 40
‘Investment Property’ (IAS 40) for banking companies till further instructions. Further, according to a notification of Securities
and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) dated April 28, 2008, International Financial Reporting Standard 7
‘Financial Instruments Disclosure’ (IFRS 7), has not been made applicable for banks. Accordingly, the requirements of
these standards have not been considered in the preparation of these unconsolidated financial statements. However,
investments have been classified and disclosed in accordance with the requirements prescribed by SBP through various
2.1.3 The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) vide SRO 56 (1) / 2016 dated January 28, 2016, has notified
that the requirements of International Financial Reporting Standard 10 ‘Consolidated Financial Statements’ (IFRS 10) and
section 228 of the Companies Act, 2017 will not be applicable with respect to the investment in mutual funds established
under Trust structure.
2.1.4 The State Bank of Pakistan through BPRD Circular No. 04 of 2015 dated February 25, 2015 has deferred applicability of
Islamic Financial Accounting Standard 3 ‘Profit & Loss Sharing on Deposits’ (IFAS-3) issued by the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of Pakistan and notified by the Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), vide their SRO No.
571 of 2013 dated June 12, 2013 for Institutions offering Islamic Financial Services (IIFS). The standard will result in certain
new disclosures in the financial statements of the Bank.
The Bank has adopted IFRS 15 ‘Revenue from Contracts with Customers’ and IFRS 16 “Leases’ from January 01, 2019.
The impact of the adoption of theses standards and the new accounting policies are explained in note 4.
There are certain other new and amended standards, interpretations and amendments that are mandatory for the Bank’s
accounting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2019 but are considered not to be relevant or do not have any
significant effect on the Bank’s operations and therefore not detailed in these financial statements.
The following standards, amendments and interpretations of accounting and reporting standards as applicable in Pakistan
will be effective for accounting periods beginning on or after January 01, 2020:
– Amendment to IFRS 3 ‘Business Combinations’ – Definition of a Business (effective for business combinations for
which the acquisition date is on or after the beginning of annual period beginning on or after January 01, 2020). The
IASB has issued amendments aiming to resolve the difficulties that arise when an entity determines whether it has
acquired a business or a group of assets. The amendments clarify that to be considered a business, an acquired
set of activities and assets must include, at a minimum, an input and a substantive process that together
significantly contribute to the ability to create outputs. The amendments include an election to use a concentration
test. The standard is effective for transactions in the future and therefore would not have an impact on past financial
– IFRS 9 ‘Financial Instruments’ and amendment – Prepayment Features with Negative Compensation – for Banks
and DFIs, the effective date of the standard has been extended to annual periods beginning on or after January 01,
2021 vide SBP BPRD circular no. 4 dated October 23, 2019. IFRS 9 replaces the existing guidance in IAS 39
Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement. IFRS 9 includes revised guidance on the classification and
measurement of financial instruments, a new expected credit loss model for calculating impairment on financial
assets, and new general hedge accounting requirements. It also carries forward the guidance on recognition and
derecognition of financial instruments from IAS 39. According to SBP circular referred to above, the Banks/DFIs are
required to have a parallel run of IFRS 9 from January 01, 2020 and are also required to prepare pro-forma financial
statements which includes the impact of IFRS 9 from the year ended December 31, 2019.
– Amendments to IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements and IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting
Estimates and Errors (effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 01, 2020). The amendments are
intended to make the definition of material in IAS 1 easier to understand and are not intended to alter the underlying
concept of materiality in IFRS Standards. In addition, the IASB has also issued guidance on how to make materiality
judgments when preparing their general purpose financial statements in accordance with IFRS Standards.
– On March 29, 2018, the International Accounting Standards Board (the IASB) has issued a revised Conceptual
Framework for Financial Reporting which is applicable immediately contains changes that will set a new direction for
IFRS in the future. The Conceptual Framework primarily serves as a tool for the IASB to develop standards and to
assist the IFRS Interpretations Committee in interpreting them. It does not override the requirements of individual
IFRSs and any inconsistencies with the revised Framework will be subject to the usual due process – this means
that the overall impact on standard setting may take some time to crystallise. The companies may use the
Framework as a reference for selecting their accounting policies in the absence of specific IFRS requirements. In
these cases, companies should review those policies and apply the new guidance retrospectively as of January 01,
2020, unless the new guidance contains specific scope outs.
– Interest Rate Benchmark Reform which amended IFRS 9, IAS 39 and IFRS 7 is applicable for annual financial
periods beginning on or after January 01, 2020. The G20 asked the Financial Stability Board (FSB) to undertake a
fundamental review of major interest rate benchmarks. Following the review, the FSB published a report setting out
its recommended reforms of some major interest rate benchmarks such as IBORs. Public authorities in many
jurisdictions have since taken steps to implement those recommendations. This has in turn led to uncertainty about
the long-term viability of some interest rate benchmarks. In these amendments, the term ‘interest rate benchmark
reform’ refers to the market-wide reform of an interest rate benchmark including its replacement with an alternative
benchmark rate, such as that resulting
120 Report 2019
from the FSB’s recommendations set out in its July 2014 report ‘Reforming Major Interest Rate Benchmarks’ (the
reform). The amendments made provide relief from the potential effects of the uncertainty caused by the reform.
– IFRS 14 Regulatory Deferral Accounts - (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 July 2019) provides
interim guidance on accounting for regulatory deferral accounts balances while IASB considers more
comprehensive guidance on accounting for the effects of rate regulation. In order to apply the interim standard, an
entity has to be rate regulated
– i.e. the establishment of prices that can be charged to its customers for goods or services is subject to oversight
and/or approved by an authorized body. The term ‘regulatory deferral account balance’ has been chosen as a
neutral descriptor for expense (income) or variance account that is included or is expected to be included by the
rate regulator in establishing the rate(s) that can be charged to customers and would not otherwise be recognized
as an asset or liability under other IFRSs.
The preparation of these financial statements in conformity with the approved accounting standards requires the use of
certain critical accounting estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and
expenses. It also requires the management to exercise its judgment in the process of applying the Bank’s accounting
policies. Estimates, underlying assumptions and judgments are continually evaluated and are based on historical
experience, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. The areas
where various assumptions and estimates are significant to the Bank’s financial statements or where judgment was
exercised in application of accounting policies are as follows:
– In classifying investments as ‘held-for-trading’ the Bank has determined securities which are acquired with the
intention to trade by taking advantage of short term market / interest rate movements and are to be sold within 90
– In classifying investments as ‘held-to-maturity’ the Bank follows the guidance provided in SBP circulars on
classifying non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturity. In making this
judgment, the Bank evaluates its intention and ability to hold such investments to maturity.
– The investments, other than those in subsidiary, which are not classified as ‘held-for-trading’ or ‘held-to-maturity’ are
classified as ‘available-for-sale’
2.4.2 Provision against non–performing loans and advances and debt securities classified as investments
The Bank reviews its loan portfolio and debt securities classified as investments to assess amount of non-performing loans
and advances and debt securities and provision required there-against. While assessing this requirement various factors
including the delinquency in the account, financial position of the borrower and the requirements of the Prudential
Regulations are considered. The amount of general provision is determined in accordance with the requirements set out in
Prudential Regulations.
The Bank determines that ‘available-for-sale’ equity investments are impaired when there has been a significant or
prolonged decline in the fair value below its cost. This determination of what is significant and prolonged requires judgment.
In making this judgment, the Bank evaluates among other factors, the normal volatility in share price. In addition,
impairment may be appropriate when there is evidence of deterioration in the financial health of the investee, industry and
sector performance, changes in technology and operational and financing cash flows.
In making the estimates for income taxes currently payable by the Bank, the management looks at the current income tax
laws and the decisions of appellate authorities. In determination of deferred taxes, estimates of the Bank’s future taxable
profits are taken into account.
The fair values of derivatives which are not quoted in active markets are determined by using valuation techniques. The
valuation techniques take into account the relevant interest rates in effect at the reporting date and the rates contracted.
In making estimates of the depreciation / amortization, the management uses method which reflects the pattern in which
economic benefits are expected to be consumed by the Bank and estimates the useful life. The method applied and useful
lives estimated are reviewed at each financial year end and if there is a change in the expected pattern or timing of
consumption of the future economic benefits embodied in the assets, the estimate would be changed to reflect the change
in pattern. Such a change is accounted for as change in accounting estimates in accordance with International Accounting
Standard 8 - Accounting Policies, ‘Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors’.
2.4.7 Defined benefits plan
Liability is determined on the basis of actuarial advice using the Projected Unit Credit Method. The actuarial assumptions
used to determine the liability and related expense are disclosed in note 36.
The fair value of the assets and liabilities is the amount at which the instrument could be exchanged in a current transaction
between willing parties, other than in a forced or liquidation sale. The Bank categorizes fair value measurements within the
following fair value hierarchy:
a) Level 1
These are quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the Bank can access at
the measurement date.
b) Level 2
These are inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for asset or liability, either
directly or indirectly.
c) Level 3
These are input for the assets or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable Inputs).
These unconsolidated financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention except for the following
which are stated at revalued amounts / fair values / present values:
The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these unconsolidated financial statements have been applied
consistently to all periods presented in these unconsolidated financial statements of the Bank, except for the change
explained in note 4.1. Significant accounting policies are enumerated as follows:
IFRS 16 ‘Leases’
The Bank applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach, under which the cumulative effect of initial application
is recognised in retained earnings at 01 January 2019. Accordingly, the comparative information presented for 2018 is not
– i.e. it is presented, as previously reported, under IAS 17 and related interpretations. The details of the changes in
accounting policies are disclosed below. Additionally, the disclosure requirements in IFRS 16 have not generally been
applied to comparative information.
Previously, the Bank determined at contract inception whether an arrangement was or contained a lease under IFRIC 4
Determining whether an Arrangement contains a Lease. The Bank now assesses whether a contract is or contains a lease
based on the definition of a lease, as per IFRS 16.
On transition to IFRS 16, the Bank elected to apply the practical expedient to grandfather the assessment of which
transactions are leases. The Bank applied IFRS 16 only to contracts that were previously identified as leases. Contracts
that were not identified as leases under IAS 17 and IFRIC 4 were not reassessed for whether there is a lease under IFRS
16. Therefore, the definition of a lease under IFRS 16 was applied only to contracts entered into or changed on or after 01
January 2019.
As a Lessee
As a lessee, the Bank previously classified leases as operating or finance leases based on its assessment of whether the
lease transferred substantially all of the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of the underlying asset to the Bank.
Under IFRS 16, the Bank recognises right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for most of these leases – i.e. these leases are
on-balance sheet.
At commencement or on modification of a contract that contains a lease component, the Bank allocates the consideration in
the contract to each lease component on the basis of its relative stand-alone price.
Previously, the Bank classified property leases as operating leases under IAS 17. On transition, for these leases, lease
liabilities were measured at the present value of the remaining lease payments, discounted at the Bank’s incremental
borrowing rate as at 01 January 2019. Right-of-use assets are measured at an amount equal to the lease liability, adjusted
by the amount of any prepaid or accrued lease payments. The Bank has applied this approach to all other leases.
The Bank used practical expedients when applying IFRS 16 to leases previously classified as operating leases under IAS
17. In particular, the Bank excluded initial direct costs from the measurement of the right-of-use asset at the date of initial
application and used hindsight when determining the lease term.
The right-of-use asset is subsequently depreciated using the straight-line method from the commencement date to the end
of the lease term, unless the lease transfers ownership of the underlying asset to the Bank by the end of the lease term. In
that case the right-of-use asset will be depreciated over the useful life of the underlying asset, which is determined on the
same basis as those of property and equipment. In addition, the right-of-use asset is periodically reduced by impairment
losses, if any, and adjusted for certain remeasurement of the lease liability.
When the lease liability is remeasured, a corresponding adjustment is made to the carrying amount of the right-of-use
asset, or is recorded in profit or loss if the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset has been reduced to zero.
The Bank presents right-of-use assets in ‘property and equipment’ and lease liabilities in ‘other liabilities’ in the statement of
financial position.
The impact of IFRS 16 on profit or loss for the year refer is summarized below:
When measuring lease liabilities for leases that were classified as operating leases, the Bank discounted lease payments
using its incremental borrowing rate at 01 January 2019.
Lease liabilities: Rupees in ‘000
IFRS 15 establishes a comprehensive framework for determining whether, how much and when revenue is recognized. It
replaces IAS 18 Revenue, IAS 11 Construction Contracts and related interpretations. Under IFRS 15, revenue is recognized
when a customer obtains control of the goods or services. Determining the timing of the transfer of control at a point in time
or over time requires judgement.
The Bank has adopted IFRS 15 on January 01, 2019 retrospectively in accordance with IAS 8 without practical expedient.
The timing or amount of the Bank’s income from contract with customers was not impacted by IFRS 15. The application of
IFRS 15 has no impact on the financial position and/or financial performance of the Bank. Accordingly, there was no
adjustment in retained earnings on application of IFRS 15 as at January 01, 2019.
For the purpose of cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents include cash and balances with treasury banks and
balances with other banks (net of overdrawn nostro balances) in current and deposit accounts.
The Bank enters into transactions of borrowing (re-purchase) from and lending (reverse re-purchase) to financial
institutions, at contracted rates for a specified period of time. These are recorded as under:
Securities sold subject to a re-purchase agreement are retained in the financial statements as investments and the
counter party liability is included in borrowings from financial institutions. The differential in sale and re-purchase
value is accrued on a prorata basis and recorded as mark-up expense.
Securities purchased under agreement to resell (reverse re-purchase) are included in lendings to financial
institutions. The differential between the contracted price and resale price is amortized over the period of the
contract and recorded as mark-up income.
Securities held as collateral are not recognized in the financial statements, unless these are sold to third parties, in
which case the obligation to return them is recorded at fair value as a trading liability under borrowings from financial
In Bai Muajjal, the Bank sells Shariah Compliant instruments including sukuks on credit to other financial institutions. The
credit price is agreed at the time of sale and such proceeds are received at the end of the credit period. Expected profit
expense is recognized on accrual basis.
In Musharaka / Mudaraba, the Bank invests in the Shariah compliant business pools of the financial institutions at the
agreed profit and loss sharing ratio. Expected profit is recognized on accrual basis.
Other borrowings including borrowings from SBP are recorded at the proceeds received. Mark-up on such borrowings is
charged to the profit and loss account on a time proportion basis.
Lendings are stated net of provision. Return on such lending is accrued to the profit and loss account on a time proportion
basis except mark-up on impaired/ delinquent lendings, which is recognized on receipt basis.
4.4 Investments
4.4.1 The Bank at the time of purchase classifies its investment portfolio as mentioned in note 2.4.1.
4.4.2 Investments are initially recognized at fair value which, in case of investments other than ‘held-for-trading’, includes
transaction cost associated with the investments. Transaction cost on ‘held-for-trading’ investments are expensed as
All ‘regular way’ purchases and sales of investments are recognized on the trade date, i.e., the date that the Bank commits
to purchase or sell the asset. Regular way purchases or sales are purchases or sales of investments that require settlement
within the time frame generally established by regulation or convention in the market place.
4.4.3 In accordance with the requirements of the SBP, quoted securities, other than those classified as ‘held-to-maturity’ and
investments in subsidiaries, are carried at market value. Investments classified as ‘held-to-maturity’ are carried at amortized
Unrealized surplus / (deficit) arising on revaluation of the Bank’s ‘held-for-trading’ investment portfolio is taken to the profit
and loss account. Surplus / (deficit) arising on revaluation of quoted securities classified as ‘available-for-sale’ is kept in a
separate account shown in the statement of financial position. The surplus / (deficit) arising on these securities is taken to
the profit and loss account when actually realized upon disposal or when the investment is considered to be impaired.
Unquoted equity securities are valued at the lower of cost and break-up value. The break-up value of these securities is
calculated with reference to the net assets of the investee company as per the latest available audited financial statements.
A decline in the carrying value is charged to the profit and loss account. A subsequent increase in the carrying value, upto
the cost of the investment, is credited to the profit and loss account. Investments in other unquoted securities are valued at
cost less impairment, if any.
Provision for diminution in the value of securities (except for debentures, participation term certificates, sukuks and term
finance certificates) is made after considering impairment, if any, in their value. Provision for diminution in value of
debentures, participation term certificates, sukuks and term finance certificates are made in accordance with the
requirements of Prudential Regulations issued by SBP.
4.5 Advances
Loans and advances are stated net of general and specific provisions. Specific provision against loans is
determined in accordance with the requirements of the Prudential Regulations and other directives issued by SBP
and charged to the profit and loss account. General provision is maintained in accordance with the requirements of
Prudential Regulations issued by SBP and charged to the profit and loss account. Advances are written off when
there are no realistic prospects of recover
Leases, where the Bank transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to the ownership of an asset to
the lessee are classified as finance leases. A receivable is recognized at an amount equal to the present value of
the minimum lease payments, including un-guaranteed residual value, if any. Finance lease receivables are
included in advances to the customers.
The Bank provides Islamic financing and related assets mainly through Murabaha, Ijarah, Diminishing Musharakah,
Business Musharakah and Salam. The purchases and sales arising under these arrangements are not reflected in
these financial statements as such but are restricted to the amount of facility actually utilised and the appropriate
portion of profit thereon. The profit on such financings is recognised in accordance with the principles of Islamic
Shariah. The Bank determines specific and general provisions against Islamic financing and related assets in
accordance with the requirements of the Prudential Regulations issued by the SBP. The net provision made /
reversed during the year is charged to profit and loss account and accumulated provision is netted off against
Islamic financing and related assets. Islamic financing and related assets are written off when there are no realistic
prospects of recovery.
a. Tangible assets
Property and equipment owned by the Bank, other than land which is not depreciated, are stated at cost or revalued
amount less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses, if any. Land is carried at revalued amount.
Depreciation is calculated using the straight line method, except buildings which are depreciated using the reducing
balance method, to write down the cost of property and equipment to their residual values over their estimated
useful lives. The rates at which the fixed assets are depreciated are disclosed in note 10.2. The residual values,
useful lives and
depreciation methods are reviewed and adjusted, if required. Adjustments in residual values, useful lives and
depreciation methods are treated as change in accounting estimates.
Depreciation on additions is charged from the month the assets are available for use, while no depreciation is
charged in the month in which the assets are disposed off.
When an asset or class of assets is revalued, any increase in the carrying amount arising on revaluation is recorded
through other comprehensive income and credited to the revaluation reserve in equity. However, the increase shall
be recognized in the profit and loss account to the extent it reverses previously recognised revaluation
decrease/impairment loss of the same asset in the profit and loss account, net of amortization or depreciation had
no revaluation decrease/ impairment been required for the asset in prior years. A decrease resulting from a
revaluation is initially charged directly against any related revaluation surplus held in respect of that asset and the
remaining portion being charged as an expense.
The surplus on revaluation of fixed assets to the extent of incremental depreciation (net of deferred tax) charged on
the related assets is transferred directly to un-appropriated profit.
Revaluation of entire class of assets is carried out by independent professionally qualified valuers with sufficient
regularity (every third year) to ensure that the carrying amount of the entire class of assets does not differ materially
from their fair value.
An item of property and equipment is derecognized upon disposal or when no future economic benefits are
expected from its use or disposal. Any gain or loss arising on derecognition of the asset is recognized in the profit
and loss account in the year the asset is derecognized, except that the related surplus on revaluation of fixed assets
(net of deferred tax) is transferred directly to unappropriated profit.
Subsequent costs are included in the asset’s carrying amount only when it is probable that future economic benefits
associated with the item will flow to the Bank and the cost of the item can be measured reliably. All other repairs and
maintenance are charged to the profit and loss account.
b. Intangible assets
Intangible assets are carried at cost less any accumulated amortization and impairment losses, if any. The cost of
intangible assets is amortized over their estimated useful lives, using the straight line method. Amortization is
charged from the month the assets are available for use at the rate stated in note 11.2. The useful lives are
reviewed and adjusted, if appropriate, at each reporting date.
c. Capital work–in–progress
4.7 Taxation
a. Current
Provision for current taxation is based on taxable income for the year determined in accordance with the prevailing
laws for taxation. The charge for current tax is calculated using the prevailing tax rates or tax rates expected to
apply to the profits for the year.
b. Prior
The taxation charge for prior years represents adjustments to the tax charge relating to prior years, arising from
assessments/changes in laws and changes in estimates made during the current year.
c. Deferred
Deferred tax is recognized using the balance sheet liability method on all temporary differences, at the reporting
date between the amounts attributed to assets and liabilities for financial reporting purpose and amounts used for
taxation purposes. Deferred tax is calculated at the rates that are expected to apply to the periods when the
difference will reverse, based on tax rates that have been enacted or substantially enacted at the reporting date.
Deferred tax assets are recognized only to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available
against which the assets can be utilized. Deferred tax assets are reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable
that the related tax benefit will be realized.
The Bank also recognizes a deferred tax asset / liability on deficit / surplus on revaluation of fixed assets, non-
banking assets and securities which is adjusted against the related deficit / surplus in accordance with the
requirements of IAS-12 ‘Income Taxes’.
4.8 Staff retirement and other benefits
a. For employees who opted for the 2002 scheme introduced by the management
An approved pension scheme (defined benefit scheme) under which the benefits on the basis of frozen basic salary,
service length and age as on June 30, 2002 are payable to all employees whose date of joining the Bank is on or
before July 01, 1992, i.e., who have completed ten years of continuous service as on June 30, 2002.
During the year, the pensioners were given a voluntary option to settle their monthly pension with a lump sum
payment. Those who will not opt for the lump sum option, will continue to receive monthly pension (defined benefit
An approved gratuity scheme (defined benefit scheme) under which the benefits are payable as under:
i. For members whose date of joining the Bank is on or before July 01, 1992, their services would be calculated
starting from July 01, 2002 for gratuity benefit purposes.
ii. For members whose date of joining the Bank is after July 01, 1992 their services would be taken at actual for
the purpose of calculating the gratuity benefit. This rule will be applicable upon retirement or in service death
only, in case of resignation gratuity will be payable from July 01, 2002, even if he or she had joined the Bank
before July 01, 2002.
A contributory provident fund scheme to which equal contributions are made by the bank and the employees
(defined contribution scheme).
An approved pension scheme (defined benefit scheme) under which the benefits on the basis of frozen basic salary
as on June 30, 2002 are payable to all employees opting continuation of the previous scheme and whose date of
joining the Bank is on or before July 01, 1992, i.e., who had completed ten years of continuous service as on June
30, 2002.
In the light of decision of Honorable Supreme Court of Pakistan in SMC No. 20/2016 dated 13th February 2018
read with Order dated 3rd April 2018 passed in CRP No.72/2018 and Order dated 7th August 2018 in Crl.O.No. 98
and 99 of 2018 and after consultation with Bank’s legal counsel, the monthly pension of eligible pensioners has
been fixed with indexation levels for eligible pensioners effective from February 13, 2018.
The Bank provides post-retirement medical benefits to eligible retired employees. Provision is made annually to
meet the cost of such medical benefits on the basis of actuarial valuation carried out using the Projected Unit Credit
Annual contributions towards the defined benefit schemes are made on the basis of actuarial valuation carried out
using the Projected Unit Credit Method. Actuarial gains / losses arising from experience adjustments and changes
in actuarial assumptions are recognized in Other Comprehensive Income in the period of occurrence.
Employees’ entitlement to annual leave is recognized when they accrue to employees, upto a maximum of 60 days.
A provision is made for estimated liability for annual leaves as a result of services rendered by the employee against
un- availed leaves, as per terms of service contract, up to the reporting date, based on actuarial valuation using
Projected Unit Credit Method. Actuarial gains / losses arising from experience adjustments and changes in actuarial
assumptions are recognized in Profit and Loss account in the period of occurrence.
Bank has revised its retirement policy by reducing the retirement age to 58 years for class of employees effective
January 01, 2018. Consequent to the revision, these employees shall be compensated with gross salary along with
employer’s contribution on provident fund and gratuity for the remaining period up to 60 years in addition to already
defined post- employment benefits, payable at the time of retirement, if any.
Non-banking assets (NBA) acquired in satisfaction of claims are carried at revalued amounts less accumulated depreciation
(excluding land). Revaluation by independent professionally qualified valuers, is carried out with sufficient regularity to
ensure that their net carrying value does not differ materially from their fair value. Surplus arising on revaluation of NBA is
credited to the ‘surplus on revaluation of assets’ account through statement of comprehensive income and any deficit
arising on revaluation is taken to profit and loss account directly. Legal fees, transfer costs and direct costs of acquiring title
to property are charged to profit and loss account and not capitalised.
4.10 Deposits
Deposits are initially recorded at the amount of proceeds received. Mark-up accrued on deposits is recognized separately
as part of other liabilities and is accrued to the profit and loss account on time proportion basis. Deposits mobilized under
Islamic Banking operations are generated under two modes i.e. ‘Qard’ and ‘Modaraba’. Deposits taken on Qard basis are
classified as ‘Current accounts’ and Deposits generated on Modaraba basis are classified as ‘Saving deposits / Fixed
4.11 Impairment
The Bank determines that ‘available-for-sale’ equity investments are impaired when there has been a significant or
prolonged decline in the fair value of these investments below their cost. The determination of what is significant or
prolonged requires judgment. In making this judgment, the Bank evaluates, among other factors, the normal
volatility in share price in the case of listed equity securities. In addition, impairment may be appropriate when there
is evidence of deterioration in the financial condition of the investee, industry and sector performance and changes
in technology.
b. Non–financial assets
The carrying amount of the Bank’s assets (other than deferred tax assets) are reviewed at each reporting date to
determine whether there is any indication of impairment. If such indication exists, the recoverable amount of the
relevant asset is estimated. An impairment loss is recognized whenever the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its
recoverable amount. Impairment losses are recognized in the profit and loss account except for an impairment loss
on revalued assets which is adjusted against the related revaluation surplus to the extent that the impairment loss
does not exceed the revaluation surplus. An impairment loss is reversed if the reversal can be objectively related to
an event occurring after the impairment loss was recognized.
4.12 Provisions
Provisions are recognized when the Bank has a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of past events and it is
probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable
estimate of the amount can be made.
Provision against identified losses on non-funded exposure is recognized when intimated and reasonable certainty exists for
the Bank to settle the obligation. The loss is charged to the profit and loss account net of expected recovery and is
classified under other liabilities.
Provisions are reviewed at the reporting date and are adjusted to reflect the current best estimate.
4.13 Acceptances
Acceptances comprise of undertakings by the Bank to pay bills of exchange drawn on customers. Acceptances are
recognised as financial liability in the statement of financial position with a contractual right of reimbursement from the
customer as a financial asset. Therefore, commitments in respect of acceptances have been accounted for as financial
assets and financial liabilities.
Bonus and cash dividend and other appropriations (except for the appropriations required by law), declared / approved
subsequent to the reporting date are considered as non-adjusting event and are not recorded in financial statements of the
current year. These are recognized in the period in which these are declared / approved.
Transactions in foreign currencies are translated into rupees at the foreign exchange rates ruling on the transaction
date. Monetary assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are expressed in rupee terms at the rates of exchange
ruling on the reporting date. Foreign bills purchased are valued at spot rate and forward foreign exchange contracts
are valued at forward rates applicable to their respective maturities.
b) Foreign operations
The assets and liabilities of foreign operating branches are translated to Pakistan Rupee (PKR) at exchange rates
prevailing at reporting date. The results of foreign operations are translated at the average exchange rate for the
Commitments for outstanding forward contracts disclosed in these financial statements are translated at forward
rates applicable to their respective maturities. Contingent liabilities / commitments for letters of credit and letters of
guarantee denominated in foreign currencies are expressed in rupee terms at the rates of exchange prevailing on
the reporting date.
Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognised at the time when the Bank becomes a party to the contractual
provision of the instrument. Financial assets are de-recognised when the contractual right to future cash flows from the
asset expires or is transferred along with the risk and reward of the asset. Financial liabilities are de-recognised when
obligation specific in the contract is extinguished. Any gain or loss on de-recognition of the financial asset and liability is
recognised in the profit and loss account of the current period. The particular recognition and subsequent measurement
methods adopted for significant financial assets and financial liabilities are disclosed in the individual policy statements
associated with them.
Derivative financial instruments are initially recognized at fair value on the date on which the derivative contract is entered
into and are subsequently re-measured at fair value using appropriate valuation techniques. All derivative financial
instruments are carried as assets when fair value is positive and liabilities when fair value is negative. Any change in the fair
value of derivative financial instruments is taken to the profit and loss account.
Financial assets and financial liabilities are off set and the net amount is reported in the financial statements when there is a
legally enforceable right to off set and the Bank intends to either settle on a net basis, or to realize the assets and to settle
the liabilities simultaneously
Revenue is recognized to the extent that the economic benefits will flow to the Bank and the revenue can be reliably
measured. These are recognised as follows:
Mark-up / return on regular loans / advances and investments is recognized on a time proportion basis. Where debt
securities are purchased at premium or discount, the same is amortized through the profit and loss account using
the effective interest rate method.
Interest or mark-up recoverable on classified loans, advances and investments is recognized on receipt basis.
Interest / return / mark-up on classified rescheduled / restructured loans and advances and investments is
recognized as permitted by the regulations of the SBP.
established. Gains and losses on sale of investments are recognized in the profit
b. Lease financing
Financing method is used in accounting for income from lease financing. Under this method, the unearned lease
income (excess of the sum of total lease rentals and estimated residual value over the cost of leased assets) is
deferred and taken to income over the term of the lease period so as to produce a constant periodic rate of return
on the outstanding net investment in lease. Unrealised income on classified leases is recognized on receipt basis.
Gains / losses on termination of lease contracts and other lease income are recognized when realized.
Profit on Business Musharakah financing is booked on accrual basis and is adjusted upon declaration of profit by
Musharakah partners.
Ijarah and Diminishing Musharakah income is recognised on an accrual basis as and when the rental becomes
Fee, Commission and Brokerage income is recognized on an accrual basis except where, in the opinion of
management, it would not be prudent to do so.
A segment is a distinguishable component of the Bank that is subject to risks and rewards that are different from those of
other segments. A business segment is one that is engaged either in providing certain products or services, whereas a
geographical segment is one engaged in providing certain products or services within a particular economic environment.
Segment information is presented as per the Bank’s functional and management reporting structure. The Bank’s primary
segment reporting is based on following business segments:
This segment offers a wide range of financial services to medium and large sized public and private sector entities
and also covers overseas operation of the Bank. These services include, providing and arranging tenured financing,
corporate advisory, underwriting, cash management, trade products, corporate finance products and customer
services on all bank related matters.
This segment undertakes the Bank’s treasury and money market activities.
Commercial and retail banking provides services to commercial and retail customers including agriculture sector. It
includes loans, deposits and other transactions with commercial and retail (conventional and Islamic) customers.
d. Islamic Banking
Islamic banking provides shariah compliant services to customers including loans, deposits and other transactions.
e. Others
Others includes functions which cannot be classified in any of the above segments.
The Bank presents basic and diluted earnings per share (EPS) for its shareholders. Basic EPS is calculated by dividing the
profit or loss attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Bank by the weighted average number of ordinary shares
outstanding during the year. Diluted EPS is determined by adjusting the profit or loss attributable to ordinary shareholders
and the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding for the effects of all dilutive potential ordinary shares, if
Note December 31, December 31,
2019 2018
Rupees in ‘000
5.1 Deposits with SBP are maintained to comply with the cash reserve requirement, under section 22 of the Banking
Companies Ordinance, 1962 and SBP statutory requirements issued from time to time.
5.3 This represents special cash reserve maintained with SBP. The return on this account is declared by SBP on a monthly
basis and carries mark-up at the rate of 0.7% to 1.51% (2018: 0.56% to 1.35%) per annum.
In Pakistan
In deposit accounts - 2,000,000
Outside Pakistan
In current accounts 6.1 300,295 268,512
In deposit accounts 6.1 302,287 306,543
602,582 2,575,055
7.1 These are short-term local currency lendings to financial institutions against government securities as shown in note 7.7
below. These carry mark-up at the rate of 13.45% to 13.50% (2018: 10.10% to 10.40%) per annum, maturing on various
dates, latest by January 20, 2020.
7.2 These represent local currency lendings by Islamic banking business under Musharaka agreement at expected profit of
12.15% (2018: 9.50% to 9.70%) per annum, maturing on various dates, latest by February 6, 2020.
7.3 This represent local currency lending by Islamic banking business under Bai Muajjal agreement with the State Bank of
Pakistan at expected profit of 10.53% (2018: Nil) per annum, maturing on February 07, 2020.
7.4 This represent local currency lending by Islamic banking business under Bai Muajjal agreement with various Islamic banks
at expected profit of 12.15% to 12.60% (2018: 9.80%) per annum, maturing on various dates, latest by January 17, 2020.
7.5 This represents local currency classified certificates of investment and related provisioning, amounting to Rs. 70 million
(2018: Rs. 70 million).
Other Assets Especially Mentioned - - - -
Substandard - - - -
Doubtful - - - -
Loss 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000
70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000
Rupees in ‘000
8.1 Investments by type:
Held-for-trading securities
Federal Government Securities 19,862,396 - 5,767 19,868,163 - - - -
19,862,396 - 5,767 19,868,163 - - - -
Available-for-sale securities
Federal Government Securities* 677,300,056 (15,961) 1,689,073 678,973,168 610,683,028 (21,248) (1,608,458) 609,053,322
Shares 24,349,646 (3,202,822) 9,686,372 30,833,196 25,390,405 (2,266,130) 9,572,003 32,696,278
Non Government Debt Securities 13,633,213 (21,071) (37,667) 13,574,475 11,732,046 (21,071) (47,874) 11,663,101
Foreign Securities 1,037,692 - - 1,037,692 1,037,692 - - 1,037,692
Open Ended Mutual Funds 63,834 - 91,424 155,258 63,834 - 62,436 126,270
8.4 716,384,441 (3,239,854) 11,429,202 724,573,789 648,907,005 (2,308,449) 7,978,107 654,576,663
Held–to–maturity securities
Federal Government Securities 13,015,041 - - 13,015,041 16,151,622 - - 16,151,622
Non Government Debt Securities 344,260 (344,260) - - 346,090 (346,090) - -
8.5 13,359,301 (344,260) - 13,015,041 16,497,712 (346,090) - 16,151,622
Total Investments 750,106,138 (3,584,114) 11,434,969 757,956,993 665,904,717 (2,654,539) 7,978,107 671,228,285
Listed Companies 21,940,832 (3,168,936) 9,686,372 28,458,268 22,646,719 (2,103,351) 9,572,003 30,115,371
Unlisted Companies 2,408,814 (33,886) - 2,374,928 2,743,686 (162,779) - 2,580,907
Units of open-ended mutual funds 63,834 - 91,424 155,258 63,834 - 62,436 126,270
24,413,480 (3,202,822) 9,777,796 30,988,454 25,454,239 (2,266,130) 9,634,439 32,822,548
Foreign Securities
Equity securities 1,037,692 - - 1,037,692 1,037,692 - - 1,037,692
ABL - Asset Management Company 500,000 - - 500,000 500,000 - - 500,000
Total Investments 750,106,138 (3,584,114) 11,434,969 757,956,993 665,904,717 (2,654,539) 7,978,107 671,228,285
* Provision for diminution against federal government securities represents expected credit loss provisioning under IFRS 9 on
portfolio pertaining to overseas branch.
December 31, December 31,
2019 2018
Rupees in ‘000
Charge / reversals
Charge for the year 1,118,302 112,795
Reversals for the year (139,161) (3,776)
979,141 109,019
Reversal on disposals (52,729) (161,439)
Category of classification
Other assets especially mentioned - - - -
Substandard - - - -
Doubtful - - - -
Loss 365,331 365,331 367,161 367,161
365,331 365,331 367,161 367,161
Not past due but impaired* 3,869,387 15,961 9,756,796 21,248
Overdue by:
Upto 90 days - - - -
91 to 180 days - - - -
181 to 365 days - - - -
> 365 days - - - -
- - - -
Total 4,234,718 381,292 10,123,957 388,409
The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has not granted any relaxation in any classification / provisioning during the year ended
December 31, 2019.
December 31, December 31,
2019 2018
Rupees in ‘000
Listed Companies
Power Generation and Distribution 8,159,528 8,991,081
Oil & Gas Exploration Companies 5,093,606 5,093,607
Fertilizer 3,827,631 3,701,965
Commercial Banks 2,900,903 2,900,903
Oil & Gas Marketing Companies 1,043,460 1,043,460
Real Estate Investment Trust 455,851 455,851
Chemical 268,289 268,289
Leasing Companies 89,322 89,322
Close-end Mutual Funds 51,603 51,603
Investment Banks 50,000 50,000
Cement 638 638
21,940,831 22,646,719
Unlisted Companies
Security General Insurance Ltd. 1,075,653 2,527,369 1,075,653 1,830,648
Habib Allied Holding Ltd. 1,035,922 1,241,538 1,035,922 1,241,939
Nishat Hotels And Properties Ltd. 566,982 1,025,523 944,970 816,078
Atlas Power Limited 355,000 1,070,210 355,000 849,650
Pakistan Mortgage Refinance Co. Ltd. 200,000 202,984 200,000 200,459
1 Link Private Limited 50,000 - 50,000 -
Central Depository Company 40,300 61,068 40,300 58,408
ISE Towers REIT Management Company Limited 30,346 43,979 30,346 42,765
First Women Bank Limited 21,200 72,287 21,200 72,287
LSE Financial Services Limited 8,440 19,155 8,440 18,318
SME Bank Limited 5,250 - 5,250 -
Arabian Sea Country Club Ltd. 5,000 351 5,000 351
Eastern Capital Limited 5,000 - 5,000 -
SWIFT 1,770 6,431 1,770 6,777
National Institutional Facilitation
Technologies Private Limited 1,527 51,641 1,527 59,076
Pakistan Agricultural Storage and Services Corporation 1,000 295,078 1,000 242,002
Pakistan Corporate Restructuring Company 43,117 43,117 - -
3,446,507 6,660,731 3,781,378 5,438,758
December 31, December 31,
2019 2018
Rupees in ‘000
– AAA 1,497,900 383,308
– AA+, AA, AA– 2,716,405 2,618,458
– A+, A, A– 500,000 32,813
4,714,305 3,034,579
– AAA 3,250,000 3,750,000
– AA+, AA, AA– 4,209,436 3,080,965
– A+, A, A– 1,438,401 1,845,431
– Unrated 21,071 21,071
8,918,908 8,697,467
Foreign Securities
– Unrated 103,499 105,329
– Unrated 240,761 240,761
8.5.1 The market value of Pakistan Investment Bonds classified as held-to-maturity as at December 31, 2019 amounted to Rs.
10,848.5 million (December 31, 2018: Rs. 15,579.4 million).
Rupees in ‘000
8.6 Details regarding subsidiary company:
Rupees in ‘000
Lease rentals receivable 606,329 1,331,279 85,114 2,022,722 631,223 1,504,537 116,221 2,251,981
Residual value 50,138 510,411 147,989 708,538 42,542 460,880 188,280 691,702
Minimum lease payments 656,467 1,841,690 233,103 2,731,260 673,765 1,965,417 304,501 2,943,683
Financial charges for future periods (108,826) (206,316) (19,224) (334,366) (66,148) (133,067) (130,661) (329,876)
Present value of minimum lease payments 547,641 1,635,374 213,879 2,396,894 607,617 1,832,350 173,840 2,613,807
Non Non
Performing Specific Performing Specific
Loans Provision Loans Provision
Rupees in ‘000
9.4.2 No benefit of forced sale value of the collaterals held by the Bank has been taken while determining the provision against
non- performing loans as allowed under BSD circular No. 01 dated October 21, 2011.
9.5 This includes reversal of provision on account of a non performing loan, classified as loss, settled against Debt Property
Swap amounting to Rs. 311.2 million (2018: Rs. 29.2 million).
Note December 31, December 31,
2019 2018
Rupees in ‘000
9.6.2 Write–offs of Rs. 500,000 and above – Domestic 9.7 1,918 31,736
Write–offs of below Rs. 500,000 - -
1,918 31,736
9.7 Details of loan write–off of Rs. 500,000/– and above
In terms of sub-section (3) of Section 33A of the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962, the Statement in respect of written-
off loans or any other financial relief of five hundred thousand rupees and above allowed to a person(s) during the year
ended December 31, 2019 is given in Annexure-’I’. However, these write-offs do not affect the Bank’s right to recover debts
from these customers.
December 31,2019
Electrical, Building
Building on Building on Furniture
Freehold Leasehold office and Improvements
Freehold Leasehold and
Land Land computer (Rented
Land Land fixture
equipment Vehicles Premises) Total
Rupees in ‘000
At January 1, 2019
Cost / Revalued amount 17,564,604 10,962,212 7,120,644 4,558,168 1,929,172 13,546,580 1,155,158 4,076,878 60,913,416
Accumulated depreciation - - (340,664) (228,787) (1,035,342) (8,125,715) (636,528) (2,506,337) (12,873,373)
Net book value 17,564,604 10,962,212 6,779,980 4,329,381 893,830 5,420,865 518,630 1,570,541 48,040,043
Electrical, Building
Building on Building on Furniture
Freehold Leasehold office and Improvements
Freehold Leasehold and
Land Land computer (Rented
Land Land fixture Total
equipment Vehicles Premises)
Rupees in ‘000
At January 1, 2018
Cost / Revalued amount 15,281,070 11,068,636 6,260,977 4,261,641 1,675,822 11,631,268 824,980 3,501,922 54,506,316
Accumulated depreciation - - - - (874,675) (7,194,647) (535,393) (1,997,095) (10,601,810)
Net book value 15,281,070 11,068,636 6,260,977 4,261,641 801,147 4,436,621 289,587 1,504,827 43,904,506
10.3 Bank arranged for valuation of all Land and Buildings as at December 31, 2017 from four independent valuers {Sadruddin
Associates (Pvt.) Ltd, Unicorn International Surveyors, Indus Surveyors (Pvt.) Limited and Harvester Services (Pvt). Ltd.}.
The revalued amounts of properties have been determined on the basis of market value. Had there been no revaluation, the
carrying amount of revalued assets would have been as follows:
Rupees in ‘000
10.4 Fair value of property and equipment excluding land and buildings is not expected to be materially different from their
carrying amount.
10.9 The sale of fixed assets (otherwise than a regular auction) to related parties are disclosed in Annexure III.
At January 1, 2019
At January 1, 2018
11.3 The cost of fully amortized assets that are still in use:
Intangible assets – software 323,406 306,326
11.4 During 2019, the Bank conducted a review of useful life of its intangible assets, which resulted in change in estimate of
expected usage of certain softwares. The softwares, which management had previously intended to use for 7 years, are
now expected to remain in usage for 20 years from the date of purchase. As a result, the expected useful life of the
softwares increased and their estimated residual value decreased. The effect of these changes on actual and expected
amortization expense, included in ‘Operating expenses’, was as follows.
Income / Mark–up accrued in local currency – net of provision 20,573,788 11,777,626
Income / Mark–up accrued in foreign currency – net of provision 245,676 293,994
Advances, deposits, advance rent and other prepayments 888,144 883,302
Advance taxation (payments less provisions) 3,817,847 4,626,194
Non–banking assets acquired in satisfaction of claims 12.1 1,609,193 1,947,348
Mark to market gain on forward foreign exchange contracts - 2,698,766
Acceptances 5,182,716 4,183,083
Due from the employees’ retirement benefit schemes
Benevolent fund 36.4 - 115,915
Pension fund 36.4 4,440,411 4,560,065
Fraud and forgeries 524,357 502,115
Stationery and stamps in hand 286,343 190,398
Overdue FBN / FBD 97,601 72,441
Home Remittance Cell agent receivable 93,978 111,098
Receivable from SBP – customers encashments 6,033 12,572
Charges receivable 32,329 23,043
Suspense Account 1,387 7,898
Others 96,535 3,572
37,896,338 32,009,430
Less: Provision held against other assets 12.2 (862,460) (787,203)
Other assets (net of provision) 37,033,878 31,222,227
Surplus on revaluation of non–banking assets acquired
in satisfaction of claims 2,877,470 2,159,958
Other assets – net 39,911,348 33,382,185
Full-scope revaluation was carried out at December 31, 2019 through two independent valuers approved by Pakistan
Banks’ Association (A-1 Warda Engineering Services & Sadruddin Associates Private Limited). The revalued amounts of
properties have been determined on the basis of market rates depending upon physical verification and general appearance
of the site.
12.1.2 Gain / Loss on Disposal of Non banking assets acquired in satisfaction of claims
There were no contingent assets of the Bank as at December 31, 2019 and December 31,
Borrowings from State Bank of Pakistan
Repurchase agreement borrowings 15.1 & 15.8 170,120,570 157,248,800
Under export refinance scheme 15.2 22,523,266 17,913,692
Under long term financing facility 15.3 21,426,590 13,894,674
Under financing scheme for renewable energy 15.4 426,031 158,952
214,496,457 189,216,118
Repurchase agreement borrowings from Financial Institutions 15.5 & 15.8 26,585,287 14,559,563
Call borrowings 15.6 24,602,435 11,861,797
Trading liability - 9,987,849
Overdrawn nostro accounts 64,207 243,624
Musharaka borrowing 15.7 700,000 -
Other borrowings - 14,035
25,366,642 22,107,305
266,448,386 225,882,986
15.1 This represents local currency borrowing from the SBP against government securities, carrying mark-up at the rate of
13.31% (2018: 10.21%) per annum, maturing on January 03, 2020.
15.2 The Bank has entered into various agreements for financing with the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) for extending export
finance to customers. As per agreements, the Bank has granted to SBP the right to recover the outstanding amount from
the Bank at the date of maturity of the finance by directly debiting the current account maintained by the Bank with the SBP.
The borrowing carries mark-up at the rate of 1.00% to 2.00% (2018 1.00% to 2.00%) per annum. These borrowings are
repayable within six months from the deal date.
15.3 This represents Long Term Financing facility availed by the Bank for further extending the same to its customers, for a
maximum period of 10 years. The borrowing carries mark-up at the rate of 1.50%, 2.50% and 3.00% (2018: 4.50%, 3.50%
and 3.00%) per annum for financing up-to 3 years, 5 years & 10 years respectively.
15.4 These represent borrowings from the SBP availed by the Bank for financing power projects / facilities using alternative /
renewable energy (solar, wind, hydro, biogas, bio-fuels, bagasse cogeneration, and geothermal as fuel) for a maximum
period of 12 years under Category I and for a maximum period of 10 years under Category II and III. The borrowing carries
mark-up at the rate of 3% for Category I, 4% for Category II and 3% for Category III.
15.5 These represent borrowings in local and foreign currency from local and foreign interbank markets against government
securities, carrying mark-up at the rate of 13% to 13.20% (2018: 10% to 10.21%) per annum for local currency borrowings,
and at the rate of 2.45% to 2.65% (2018: 3.37% to 3.99%) per annum for foreign currency borrowings. These borrowings
are maturing on various dates, latest by January 31, 2020.
15.6 These represent unsecured borrowings in local and foreign currency from the local and foreign interbank markets, carrying
mark- up at the rate of 12.25% to 12.50% (2018: 8.10% to 10.10%) per annum for local currency borrowings, and at the
rate of 2.40% to 3% (2018: 2.35% to 4.27%) per annum for foreign currency borrowings. These borrowings are maturing on
various dates, latest by April 13, 2020.
15.7 This represents unsecured local currency borrowing by Islamic banking business under Musharaka agreement at profit of
8% (2018: Nil) per annum, maturing on January 02, 2020.
15.8 Note 8.2.1 includes the carrying amount of investments given as collateral.
Current deposits 327,547,304 20,719,488 348,266,792 292,438,272 18,841,868 311,280,140
Savings deposits 403,489,789 21,019,875 424,509,664 365,456,206 24,707,235 390,163,441
Term deposits 107,203,269 63,293,352 170,496,621 120,847,788 50,092,266 170,940,054
Others 19,207,173 30,890 19,238,063 31,335,721 32,615 31,368,336
857,447,535 105,063,605 962,511,140 810,077,987 93,673,984 903,751,971
Financial Institutions
Current deposits 39,711,458 41,039 39,752,497 20,552,284 27,949 20,580,233
Savings deposits 33,722,513 - 33,722,513 54,634,073 - 54,634,073
Term deposits 10,011,200 40,261 10,051,461 4,950,750 52,735 5,003,485
Others 3,005,421 - 3,005,421 505,421 - 505,421
86,450,592 81,300 86,531,892 80,642,528 80,684 80,723,212
943,898,127 105,144,905 1,049,043,032 890,720,515 93,754,668 984,475,183
December 31, December 31,
2019 2018
Rupees in ‘000
16.2 This includes deposits eligible to be covered under insurance arrangements amounting to Rs. 628,087 million (December
31, 2018: 585,901 million).
16.3 Net outstanding value against prepaid cards is Rs. 128.403 million as at reporting date (December 31, 2018: 140.858 million).
The above provision includes provisions made against letters of guarantee issued by the
Ibrahim Holdings (Private) Limited (holding company of the Bank), holds 972,510,410 (84.93%) [2018: 967,911,610
(84.53%)] ordinary shares of Rs. 10 each respectively, as at reporting date.
Note December 31, December 31,
2019 2018
Rupees in ‘000
21.1 Guarantees
21.2 Commitments
21.3.1 Claims against the Bank not acknowledged as debt 8,923,603 8,738,009
21.3.2 The income tax assessments of the Bank have been finalized upto and including tax year 2019 for local, Azad Kashmir and
Gilgit Baltistan operations. While finalizing income tax assessments upto tax year 2019, income tax authorities made certain
add backs with aggregate tax impact of Rs.25,455 million (2018: 24,332 million). As a result of appeals filed by the Bank
before appellate authorities, most of the add backs have been deleted. However, the Bank and Tax Department are in
appeals / references before higher forums against unfavorable decisions. Pending finalization of appeals / references no
provision has been made by the Bank on aggregate sum of Rs.25,455 million (2018: 24,332 million). The management is
confident that the outcome of these appeals / references will be in favor of the Bank.
Tax Authorities have conducted proceedings of withholding tax audit under section 161/205 of Income Tax Ordinance, 2001
for tax year 2003 to 2006 and tax year 2008 to 2018 and created an arbitrary demand of Rs. 1,700 million (2018: 1,536
million). The Bank’s appeals before CIR(A)/Appellate Tribunal Inland Revenue (ATIR) are pending for adjudication. The
management is confident that these appeals will be decided in favor of the Bank; therefore, no provision has been made
against the said demand of Rs. 1,700 million (2018: 1,536 million).
Tax authorities have also issued orders under Federal Excise Act, 2005 / Sales Tax Act, 1990 and Sindh Sales Tax on
Services Act, 2011 for the year 2008 to 2017 thereby creating arbitrary aggregate demand of Rs. 963 million (2018: 900
million). The Bank’s appeals before CIR(A) / Appellate Tribunal Inland Revenue (ATIR) are pending for adjudication. The
management is confident that aforesaid demand will be deleted by appellate authorities and therefore no provision has
been made against the said demand of Rs. 963 million (2018: 900 million).
21.3.3 As a result of default by Fateh Textile Mills to terms of compromise decree passed in August 2002 by the Honourable High
Court of Sindh, 16,376,106 shares of ABL were sold in accordance with section 19 (3) of the Financial Institutions
(Recovery of Finances) Ordinance, 2001, after complying with the due and complete transparent process. Sealed bids were
invited from interested parties. The bidding process was scheduled for July 23, 2004 and the Rs. 25 per share was fixed
reserve price. On the bid date, the highest offer for these shares was received at a rate of Rs. 25.51 per share. The bid was
approved and the successful bidder had deposited an amount of Rs. 417.75 million with the Bank.
Fateh Textile Mills Limited filed suit in the High Court of Sindh challenging the above sale of shares. The High Court had not
granted a stay order against the said sale. The sale of shares was, therefore; concluded.
21.3.4 While adjudicating foreign exchange repatriation cases of exporter namely: Fateh Textile Mills Limited, the Foreign
Exchange Adjudicating Court (FEAC) of the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has arbitrarily adjudicated penalties against
various banks including Rs. 2,173 million in aggregate against Allied Bank Limited (the Bank). Against the said judgments,
the Bank had filed appeals before the Appellate Board and Constitutional Petitions (CP) in the High Court of Sindh, Karachi.
The Honorable High Court granted relief to the Bank by way of interim orders. Meanwhile, alongwith other banks, Bank filed
a further CP whereby vires of section 23C of the FE Regulations Act, 1947 was sought to be declared ultra vires. On
November 8, 2018, the Honorable court was pleased to order that the Appellate Board shall not finally decide the appeals.
Subsequently, the earlier CP was disposed of vide order dated January 15, 2019 with a direction to the Appellate Board to
first decide the stay application of the Bank and till then, the Foreign Exchange Regulation Department has been restrained
from taking any coercive action against the Bank. Based on merits of the appeals, the management is confident that these
appeals shall be decided in favor of the Bank and therefore no provision has been made against the impugned penalty.
The Bank at present does not offer structured derivative products such as Interest Rate Swaps, Forward Rate Agreements
or FX Options. However, the Bank buys and sells derivative instruments such as:
Forward Exchange Contract (FEC) is a product which is offered to the obligor who transact internationally. These obligor
use this product to hedge themselves from unfavorable movements in a foreign currency, however, by agreeing to fix the
exchange rate, they do not benefit from favorable movements in that currency.
An FEC is a contract between the Obligor and the Bank in which both agree to exchange an amount of one currency for
another currency at an agreed forward exchange rate for settlement over more than two business days after the FEC is
entered into (the day on which settlement occurs is called the value date). FEC is entered with those Obligors whose credit
worthiness has already been assessed, and they have underlined trade transactions.
If the relevant exchange rate moves un-favorably, Obligor will benefit from that movement because the Bank must
exchange currencies at the FEC rate. In order to mitigate this risk of adverse exchange rate movement, the Bank hedges its
exposure by taking opposite forward position in inter-bank FX.
A Foreign Exchange Swap (FX Swap) is used by the Bank if it has a need to exchange one currency for another currency
on one day and then re-exchange those currencies at a later date. Exchange rates and forward margins are determined in
the “inter-bank” market and fluctuate according to supply and demand.
An FX Swap prevents the Bank from gaining any benefit resulting from a favorable exchange rate movement in the relevant
currency pair between the time Bank enters into the transaction deal and when settlement occurs. Cancellation of the swap
may also result in exposure to market movements. The key advantage of an FX swap is that it provides the Bank with
protection against unfavorable currency movements between the time it enters into the transaction and settlement. The term
and amounts for FX Swap can also be tailored to suit the Bank’s particular needs.
Equity Futures
An equity futures contract is a standardized contract, traded on a futures counter of the stock exchange, to buy or sell a
certain underlying script at a certain date in the future, at a specified price.
The Bank may use equity futures as a hedging instrument to hedge its equity portfolio, in both ‘held-for-trading’ and
‘available-for- sale’, against equity price risk. Only selected shares are allowed to be traded on futures exchange. Equity
futures give flexibility to the Bank either to take delivery on the future settlement date or to settle it by adjusting the notional
value of the contract based on the current market rates. Maximum exposure limit to the equity futures is 10% of Tier I
Capital of the Bank, based on prevailing SBP regulations.
The accounting policies used to recognize and disclose derivatives are given in Note 4.15.2. The risk management
framework of derivative instruments is given in note 43.
Recovery of written off mark–up and charges 12,198 172,074
Gain on sale of fixed assets – net 268,304 34,903
Other assets disposal 79,258 34,463
Rent on property 7,135 5,582
Fee for attending Board meetings 3,384 2,845
Gain on disposal of islamic financing and related assets - net - 2,629
Gain / (loss) on sale of non-banking assets 27.1 32,266 (27)
402,545 252,469
27.1 This includes gain on sale of two non-banking assets amounting to Rs. 18 million and Rs. 14.266 million respectively (2018: loss of Rs. 0.027 million).
Total compensation expense 28.1 13,458,144 12,261,402
Property expense:
Depreciation 28.2 3,880,133 2,068,320
Rent and taxes 28.2 294,992 1,736,688
Utilities cost 1,225,114 996,508
Security (including guards) 888,206 717,501
Repair and maintenance (including janitorial charges) 735,836 558,166
Insurance 69,922 64,293
7,094,203 6,141,476
Information technology expenses:
Network charges 689,087 631,926
Depreciation 668,223 541,863
Amortization 244,545 401,074
Software maintenance 546,047 353,806
Hardware maintenance 346,507 297,826
Others 9,232 8,521
2,503,641 2,235,016
Other operating expenses:
Marketing, advertisement and publicity 730,917 642,873
Insurance 28.3 1,148,296 567,053
Outsourced service costs 35.1 625,208 534,151
Cash in Transit service charge 521,405 415,560
Stationery and printing 463,995 333,162
Travelling and conveyance 232,428 178,971
Legal and professional charges 118,999 140,230
Postage and courier charges 204,440 126,877
Depreciation 218,320 125,659
Donations 28.5 55,253 113,238
NIFT clearing charges 123,966 106,097
Communication 89,261 87,952
Directors fees and allowances 30,260 18,182
Fees and allowances to Shariah Board 6,059 6,991
Training and development 96,671 101,430
Auditors Remuneration 28.4 19,633 17,727
Others 443,429 365,102
December 31, December 31,
2019 2018
Rupees in ‘000
28.1.1 The Bank announced the Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) for its employees. Forty eight (48) employees (2018: 53) of
the Bank opted for retirement under this scheme.
28.2 Adoption of IFRS 16 ‘Leases’ resulted in increase in depreciation expense of Rs. 1,610.1 million and decrease of rent and
registration charges of Rs. 1,869.4 million.
28.3 Includes Deposit protection cost of Rs. 937.4 million (December 31, 2018: 410.6 million).
*This includes audit fee amounting to Bahraini Dinar 5,500 (2018: 5,500) and Chinese Yuan 3,000 relating to Wholesale
Bahrain Branch and China Representative Office respectively.
28.5 None of the directors, executives and their spouses had any interest in the donees, except Mr. Mohammad Naeem Mukhtar
(Chairman/ Non-Executive Sponsor Director) is director in National Management Foundation (LUMS). Further, spouse of a
key management personnel also holds key position in RAAST Welfare Society.
Note December 31, December 31,
2019 2018
Rupees in ‘000
28.5.1 This represents charitable expenses on account of sadqa & feeding to under privileged.
Supreme Court of Pakistan vide order dated November 10, 2016 held that the amendments made in the law through
Finance Act 2008, introduced by the Federal Government for the levy of Worker Welfare Fund (WWF) were unlawful.
Federal Board of Revenue filed review petition against the subject order, which is currently pending for adjudication.
WWF provision from 2014 to 2019 has been maintained conservatively based on tax advisor’s opinion in view of provincial
levy of WWF by the provinces with effect from 2014, including levy by Sindh which is under litigation.
Punjab Government has promulgated Punjab Workers Welfare Fund Act 2019 (PWWF) with effect from December 13,
2019, therefore, WWF provision related to Punjab and pertaining to the period from 2014 till the date of promulgation of
PWWF is reversed from the provision maintained for WWF from 2014 to 2019.
Number of Shares
Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year 1,145,073,830 1,145,073,830
35.1 In addition to the above, 501 (2018: 376) employees of outsourcing services companies were assigned to the Bank as at the
end of the year to perform services other than guarding and janitorial services. Further, 7 (2018: 8) employees were posted
abroad. The rest were working domestically.
The Bank operates a funded gratuity scheme for all employees who opted for the staff retirement benefit scheme introduced
by the management with effect from July 1, 2002. For those employees who did not opt for the new scheme, the Bank
continues to operate a funded pension scheme.
The Bank also provides post retirement medical benefits (unfunded scheme) to eligible retired employees.
The number of employees covered under the following defined benefit scheme / plans are:
The actuarial valuations were carried out for December 31, 2019 based on the Projected Unit Credit Method, using the
following significant assumptions:
Withdrawal rate
Pension fund Low Low
Gratuity fund Moderate High
Benevolent fund - High
Post retirement medical benefits High High
Employees’ compensated absences High High
The expected return on plan assets is based on the market expectations and depends on the asset portfolio of the Bank, at
the beginning of the period, for returns over the entire life of the related obligation.
36.4 Reconciliation of (receivable from) / payable to defined benefit plans / other long term benefits
Present value of defined benefit obligations 36.6 1,661,826 3,351,328 - 1,365,237 668,547 1,585,703 2,827,757 9,206 1,332,925 606,216
Fair value of plan’s / scheme’s assets 36.7 (6,102,237) (2,744,422) - - - (6,145,768) (2,383,102) (241,036) - -
Net (asset) / liability (4,440,411) 606,906 - 1,365,237 668,547 (4,560,065) 444,655 (231,830) 1,332,925 606,216
Net (asset) / liability (4,440,411) 606,906 - 1,365,237 668,547 (4,560,065) 444,655 (115,915) 1,332,925 606,216
Opening balance (4,560,065) 444,655 (115,915) 1,332,925 606,216 (3,692,032) 511,919 (112,061) 1,240,250 570,128
(Reversal) / charge for the year 36.9 (466,025) 462,416 (28,157) 192,559 185,679 (121,245) 390,919 (18,490) 144,612 244,446
Other comprehensive (income) / losses 727,746 90,737 - (44,640) - (746,788) (72,143) 14,636 105,031 -
Contribution to the fund / benefits paid (142,067) (390,902) 144,072 (115,607) (123,348) - (386,040) - (156,968) (208,358)
Closing balance (4,440,411) 606,906 - 1,365,237 668,547 (4,560,065) 444,655 (115,915) 1,332,925 606,216
36.6 Movement in defined benefit obligations
36.8.3 Investment in term deposit receipts are subject to credit risk and interest rate risks, while equity securities are subject to price risk.
These risks are regularly monitored by Trustees of the employee funds.
36.12 Five year data of defined benefit plan and experience adjustments
Pension fund
2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Rupees in ‘000
Present value of defined benefit obligation 1,661,826 1,585,703 1,979,453 2,001,618 1,971,233
Fair value of plan assets (6,102,237) (6,145,768) (5,671,485) (6,616,345) (5,770,403)
(4,440,411) (4,560,065) (3,692,032) (4,614,727) (3,799,170)
Experience adjustments on plan obligations / assets
Re–measurement gain / (loss) on obligation (221,183) 364,271 (94,595) (172,722) (152,852)
Re–measurement gain / (loss) on assets (506,563) 382,517 (1,191,876) 660,173 (854,480)
Gratuity fund
2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Rupees in ‘000
Present value of defined benefit obligation 3,351,328 2,827,757 2,531,300 2,285,523 2,043,833
Fair value of plan assets (2,744,422) (2,383,102) (2,019,381) (2,030,232) (1,482,378)
606,906 444,655 511,919 255,291 561,455
Experience adjustments on plan obligations / assets
Re–measurement gain / (loss) on obligation (15,945) (73,576) (20,492) 36,036 (167,783)
Re–measurement gain / (loss) on assets (74,792) 145,719 (230,025) 26,301 (168,935)
Benevolent fund
2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Rupees in ‘000
Present value of defined benefit obligation 1,365,237 1,332,925 1,240,250 1,298,380 1,217,945
Fair value of plan assets - - - - -
1,365,237 1,332,925 1,240,250 1,298,380 1,217,945
Experience adjustments on plan obligations
Re–measurement (loss) / gain on obligation 44,640 (105,031) 62,068 (97,990) (243,936)
Present value of defined benefit obligation 668,547 606,216 570,128 698,964 761,498
Fair value of plan assets - - - - -
668,547 606,216 570,128 698,964 761,498
Experience adjustments on plan obligations
Re–measurement (loss) / gain on obligation (59,950) (137,850) 71,640 11,662 (45,712)
36.13 Expected contributions to be paid to the funds in the next financial year
The Bank contributes to the gratuity fund as per actuarial expected charge for the next financial year. No contributions are
being made to pension fund due to surplus of fair value of plan’s assets over present value of defined obligation. Based on
actuarial advice, management estimates that the charge / (reversal) in respect of defined benefit plans for the year ending
December 31, 2020 would be as follows:
Pension Gratuity Benevolent Post Employees’
fund fund fund retirement compensated
medical absences
Rupees in ‘000
Expected (reversal) / charge for the next year (499,546) 401,961 - 127,086 108,310
36.14 Sensitivity analysis
+1% -1% +1% Salary -1% Salary +10% -10% 1Year 1Year
Description Discount Discount Increase Increase Withdrawal Withdrawal Mortality age Mortality age
Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate set back set forward
Rupees in ‘000
Pension fund 1,613,770 1,715,331 1,661,826 1,661,826 1,661,894 1,661,765 1,662,587 1,661,069
Gratuity fund 3,146,615 3,582,223 3,600,668 3,127,017 3,351,328 3,351,328 3,350,060 3,352,591
Benevolent fund - - - - - - - -
Post retirement medical 1,272,317 1,470,835 1,399,106 1,330,036 1,405,845 1,329,438 1,360,812 1,369,967
Leave compensated absences 625,368 717,204 717,674 624,241 660,538 676,907 666,953 670,135
The above sensitivity analysis are based on a change in an assumption while holding all other assumptions constant. In
practice, this is unlikely to occur, and changes in assumptions may be correlated. When calculating the sensitivity of the
defined benefit obligation to significant actuarial assumptions the same method (present value of defined benefit obligation
calculated with the projected unit credit method at the end of the reporting period) has been applied when calculating the
defined benefit obligation recognized within the statement of financial position.
December 31, 2019
Pension Gratuity Benevolent Post Employees’
fund fund fund retirement compensated
medical absences
Rupees in
The weighted average duration of the obligation (in years) 3.06 6.5 - 5.40 5.40
The Bank endeavours to ensure that liabilities under the various employee benefit schemes are covered by the Fund on any
valuation date having regards to the various actuarial assumptions such as projected future salary increase, expected future
contributions to the fund, projected increase in liability associated with future service and the projected investment income
of the Fund.
The defined benefit plans may expose the bank to actuarial risks such as longevity risk, investment risk, salary increase risk
and withdrawal rate risk as described below;
Longevity risks:
The risk arises when the actual lifetime of retirees is longer than expectation. This risk is measured at the plan level over
the entire retiree population.
Investment risks:
The risk arises when the actual performance level of investment levels is lower than expectation and thus creating a
shortfall in the funding objectives.
Withdrawal Rate:
The risk of actual withdrawals varying with the actuarial assumptions can impose a risk to the benefit obligation. The
movement of the liability can go either way.
The Bank operates an approved contributory provident fund for 10,089 (2018: 10,158) employees where contributions are
made by the Bank and employees at 8.33% per annum (2018: 8.33% per annum) of the basic salary every month.
Number of persons 1 6 3 1 18 75
Number of persons 1 6 4 1 17
38.2 Remuneration paid to Directors for participation in Board and Committee Meetings
December 31,
2019 Board
Human Committees Strategic Total
Board Audit
Sr. Name of Director Resource E-Vision Planning and Amount
Committee Board Risk
No. Meetings Remuneration Monitoring
of Board Committee Paid
Committee Committe
Rupees in e
December 31,
2018 Board
Human Committees Strategic Total
Board Audit
Sr. Name of Director Resource E-Vision Planning and Amount
Committee Board Risk
No. Meetings Remuneration Monitoring
of Board Committee Paid
Committee Committe
Rupees in e
38.4 Deferred cash bonus / remuneration for MRTs for the year 2019 is Rs. 15,828,450.
The table below analyses financial instruments measured at the end of the reporting period by the level in the fair value
hierarchy into which the fair value measurement is categorised:
Rupees in ‘000
Shares / Open Ended Mutual Funds - - 28,613,526 - - - 28,613,526 28,458,268 155,258 - 28,613,526
Federal Government Securities - 19,868,163 678,973,168 - - - 698,841,331 - 698,841,331 - 698,841,331
Non Government Debt Securities - - 4,176,639 - - - 4,176,639 - 4,176,639 - 4,176,639
Trading Liability - - - - - - - - - - -
Financial liabilities – not measured at fair value
Shares / Open Ended Mutual Funds - - 30,241,640 - - - 30,241,640 30,115,370 126,270 - 30,241,640
Federal Government Securities - - 609,053,323 - - - 609,053,323 - 609,053,323 - 609,053,323
Non Government Debt Securities - - 2,986,706 - - - 2,986,706 - 2,986,706 - 2,986,706
Rupees in ‘000
39.2 Valuation Techniques used in determination of Fair Valuation of Financial Instruments within Level 2
Balance Sheet
Cash & Bank balances 79,354 44,090,551 47,880,283 4,157,592 5,555,689 101,763,469
Investments 53,748,130 - 606,731,062 10,249,093 500,000 671,228,285
Net inter segment Lending (402,000,239) 893,698,327 (529,115,678) 1,705,552 35,712,038 -
Lendings to financial institutions 3,610,409 - 50,255,680 3,524,515 (3,610,409) 53,780,195
Advances - performing 394,258,308 28,081,086 - 6,925,320 23,966,763 453,231,477
Advances - non-performing 415,941 183,631 - - - 599,572
Provision against advances (116,635) (103,416) - (8) (15,293,806) (15,513,865)
Advances - net 394,557,614 28,161,301 - 6,925,312 8,672,957 438,317,184
Others 4,772,402 7,977,518 2,236,843 1,641,756 68,881,257 85,509,776
Total Assets 54,767,670 973,927,697 177,988,190 28,203,820 115,711,532 1,350,598,909
Domestic Middle
Operations East China Total
Rupees in
Balance Sheet
Cash & Bank balances 120,521,423 24,987 - 120,546,410
Investments 753,181,351 4,775,642 - 757,956,993
Net inter segment lendings - 4,748,676 - 4,748,676
Lendings to financial institutions 8,858,245 - - 8,858,245
Advances – performing 469,626,834 14,687,548 - 484,314,382
Advances - non-performing 15,853,918 - - 15,853,918
Provision against advances (15,152,419) - - (15,152,419)
Advances - net 470,328,333 14,687,548 - 485,015,881
Others 103,773,102 221,945 - 103,995,047
Total Assets 1,456,662,454 24,458,798 - 1,481,121,252
Balance Sheet
Rupees in ‘000
ie Addition during the year - 25,719 97,754 - - - 9,129 - 13,304 112,248 - - - 8,011
d Repaid during the year - (29,659) (165,274) - - - (9,147) - (21,629) (102,179) - - - (7,361)
s to
Joint Joint
Parent Directors management Subsidiaries Associates* related Parent Directors management Subsidiaries Associates* related
venture venture
ponu personnel parties personnel parties
rt al Rupees in ‘000
Other Assets
Interest / mark-up accrued - 7,860 69,367 - - - - - 13,143 66,580 - - - - onso
Receivable from staff retirement fund
Other receivable
- -
- -
- 1,824
- -
- -
- 4,204,441
Provision against other assets - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ed
Borrowings Fina
Opening balance
Borrowings during the year
Settled during the year - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stat
Transfer in / (out) - net - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Closing balance - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Subordinated debt
Opening balance - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
for the
Issued / Purchased during the year - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Redemption / Sold during the year - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Closing balance - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Deposits and other accounts
Opening balance 1,784 24,424 70,387 12,116 82,381 - 18,296,520 1,202 262,709 61,889 38,653 85,690 - 9,246,496
Received during the year 8,594,379 1,824,926 524,039 970,413 7,718,711 - 247,373,312 9,623,398 99,342 622,197 1,006,553 8,614,444 - 226,189,869
Withdrawn during the year (8,593,314) (1,492,156) (559,794) (958,301) (7,677,777) - (248,754,026) (9,622,816) (337,996) (616,342) (1,033,090) (8,617,739) - (217,149,184)
Transfer in / (out) - net - - - - - - - - 369 2,643 - (14) - 9,339
Closing balance 2,849 357,194 34,632 24,228 123,315 - 16,915,806 1,784 24,424 70,387 12,116 82,381 - 18,296,520
Other Liabilities
Interest / mark-up payable - - - - 599 - 116,987 - 2,506 625 1,570 757 - 651,581
Payable to staff retirement fund - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Other liabilities - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Contingencies and Commitments
Other contingencies - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
December 31, 2019 December 31, 2018 s to
Parent Directors
management Subsidiaries Associates*
Parent Directors
management Subsidiaries Associates*
Rupees in ‘000 Unc
Income onso
Mark-up / return / interest earned
Fee and commission income
97 7,857
- -
- 667
- -
- 423
Dividend income - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ed
Net gain / ( loss) on sale of securities - - 14 - - - 465 - - - - - - (262)
Rental Income - - - 7,135 - - - - - - 5,581 - - - Fina
Other Income - - - 5,905 - - - - - - - - - -
Expense Stat
Mark-up / return / interest paid - 14,749 559 4,607 5,108 - 884,506 - 2,506 625 1,570 757 - 651,581
Directors meeting fee - 27,400 - - - - - - 16,500 - - - - -
Other expenses**
- 31,211
- -
- -
- -
- 32,006
- -
Rent expense*** - - - - 14,191 - - - - - - 11,896 - -
for the
Charge in respect of staff retirement benefit funds - - - - - - 60,868 - - - - - - 546,795
Insurance premium paid - 167 879 - - - - - 99 244 - - - -
Insurance claims settled - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Notes to the Unconsolidated Financial
Shares held by the holding company, outstanding at the end of year are included in note 19 to these unconsolidated financial statements.
**Other expenses mainly include donation of Rs. 30 million to National Management Foundation for construction of hostel building.
***Rent expense of ABL Branch with associated company (Ibrahim Fibres Limited) was carried out on terms other than that of arm’s
length with prior permission of State Bank of Pakistan.
During the year ended December 31, 2019; certain movable assets having cumulative net book value of Rs. 36,000 were disposed
off for Rs. 269,000 to the Key Management Personnel of the Bank.
In order to strengthen the solvency of Banks / Development Financial Institutions (DFI), SBP through its BSD Circular No.
07 of 2009 dated April 15, 2009 has asked the Banks to raise their minimum paid up capital to Rs. 10 billion free of losses.
Further, SBP through its BPRD Circular # 6 of 2013 dated August 15, 2013 has asked Banks to maintain the minimum
Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) of 12.50% on standalone as well as on consolidated basis till December 31, 2019. A phase
in arrangement was put in place whereby the banks were required to maintain the following ratios on an ongoing basis,
which has been completed as on December 31, 2019.
The paid up capital and CAR of the Bank stands at Rs. 11.451 billion and 21.69% of its total risk weighted assets as at
December 31, 2019, respectively. The Bank has complied with all externally imposed capital requirements as at year end.
Standardized Approach is used for calculating the Credit and Market risk, whereas, Basic Indicator Approach is used for
Operational Risk in the Capital Adequacy Calculation.
174 Report 2019
December 31, December 31,
2019 2018
Rupees in ‘000
The principal risks associated with ABL’s business are credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk, reputational risk and operational
risk. The Risk Management Framework (henceforth to be referred to as ‘The Framework’) provides principles for identifying,
assessing, and monitoring risk within the Bank. The Framework specifies the key elements of the risk management process
in order to maximize opportunities, minimize adversities and to achieve improved outputs based on informed decision
The Bank performs risk measurement, monitoring and control functions through use of various risk procedures and models.
To give it a formal structure, all the policies and guidelines are approved by the Board and relevant management
Risk management functions have been segregated by business specialization, i.e., Credit Risk, Credit Administration,
Technical Appraisal and Enterprise Risk which inter alia includes Risk Architecture, Reputational Risk, Operational Risk and
Market & Liquidity Risk. All these functions are operating in tandem to improve and maintain the health of the Bank’s assets
and liabilities.
Categories of Risk
Credit Risk This risk is defined as the possibility of loss due to unexpected default or a deterioration of credit
worthiness of a business partner.
Credit Risk includes Country Risk i.e., the risks that counterparty is unable to meet its foreign
currency obligations as a result of adverse economic conditions or actions taken by governments
in the relevant country.
Market Risk The risk of loss generated by adverse changes in the price of financial assets or contracts
currently held by the Bank (this risk is also known as price risk).
Liquidity Risk The risk that the Bank is unable to meet its payment obligations when they fall due and to replace
funds when they are withdrawn; the consequences of which may be the failure to meet
obligations to repay depositors and fulfill commitments to lend.
Operational Risk Operational Risk is the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people,
and systems or from external events. The definition excludes reputational risk.
Reputational Risk The risk of failing to meet the standards of performance or behaviour required or expected by
stakeholders in commercial activities or the way in which business is conducted.
Information Security & Information Security Governance Risk Management involves the identification of an organization’s
Governance Risk information assets and the development, documentation, and implementation of policies,
standards, procedures and guidelines that ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
Strategic Risk Risk of an adverse impact on strategic goals. Strategic risk mainly arises from strategic
decisions, improper implementation of those decisions, or lack of responsiveness of Bank to
industry, economic or technological changes.
Risk Responsibilities
– The Board of Directors are accountable for overall supervision of the risk management process. The Board is
responsible for determining the manner in which risk authorities are set, as well as the approval of all risk policies
and ensuring that these are properly implemented. Further, the Board shall also seek appointment of senior
management personnel capable of managing the risk activities conducted by the Bank.
– The Board Risk Management Committee (BRMC) is responsible for ensuring that the overall risk strategy and
appetite of the Bank is appropriately defined in the Strategic Plan and recommend the same to the Board of
– The CEO and Group Chiefs are accountable for the management of risk collectively through their membership of
Asset & Liability Committee (ALCO) and Risk Management Committee (RMC). Independent supervision of risk
management activities is provided by the Audit Committee.
– The Risk Management Group is headed by a Group Chief responsible to set–up and implement the Risk
Framework of the Bank.
Risk management functions have been segregated by business specialization, i.e., Credit Risk, Credit Administration,
Technical Appraisal, Information security and Enterprise Risk which interalia includes Risk Architecture, Operational Risk
and Market & Liquidity Risk. All these functions are operating in tandem to monitor the health of assets and liabilities, while
ensuring risk mitigants against cyber and information system threats.
Credit risk, the potential default of one or more debtors, is a major source of risk for the Bank. The Bank is exposed to credit
risk through its lending and investment activities. The Bank’s credit risk function is divided into Corporate and Financial
Institutions Risk and Commercial, SME and Consumer Risk. The functions operate within an integrated framework of credit
policies, guidelines and processes. The credit risk management activities are governed by the Credit Policy of the Bank that
defines the respective roles and responsibilities, the credit risk management principles and the Bank’s credit risk strategy.
The policy is supported by a comprehensive Credit Procedures Manual.
When the Bank lends to public sector borrowers, it prefers obtaining a full sovereign guarantee or the equivalent from the
Government of Pakistan (GOP). However, certain public sector enterprises have a well defined cash flow stream and
appropriate business model, based on which the lending is secured through collaterals other than GOP guarantee.
Each borrower’s credit worthiness is analyzed on the Credit Application Package that incorporates a formalized and
structured approach for credit analysis and directs the focus of evaluation towards a balanced assessment of credit risk with
identification of proper mitigates. These risks include Industry Risk, Business Risk, Financial Risk, Security Risk and
Account Performance Risk.
Financial analysis is further strengthened through use of separate financial spread sheet templates that have been
designed for manufacturing / trading concerns, financial institutions and insurance companies.
In the normal course of its business, the Bank’s Treasury utilizes products such as Reverse REPO and call lending to meet
the needs of interbank borrowers and manage its exposure to fluctuations in market, interest and currency rates. Further,
these products are also used to temporarily invest Bank’s liquidity prior to disbursement. All of these financial instruments
involve, to varying degrees, the risk that the counterparty in the transaction may be unable to meet its obligation to the
Reflecting a preference for minimizing exposure to counterparty credit risk, the Bank maintains eligibility criteria that link the
exposure limits to counterparty credit ratings by external rating agencies.
A. Country Risk
The Bank has in place a Country Risk Management Framework which has been approved by the Board. This framework
focuses on providing detailed roles and responsibilities with respect to country risk assessment as well as limit setting,
exposure management and reporting of cross border exposure undertaken by the Bank. The Bank utilizes S&P, Fitch and
Moody’s country ratings as well as other macroeconomic and external risk factors in assigning a country risk limit. The
Financial Institutions Division is responsible for monitoring of country exposure limits.
Credit Administration
Credit Administration is involved in minimizing losses that could arise due to security and documentation deficiencies. The
Credit Administration Function constantly monitors the security and documentation risks inherent in the existing credit
portfolio through four regional credit administration departments located all over the country.
43.1.3 Advances
Agriculture, Forestry and Hunting 79,583,981 78,511,776 654,964 624,049 511,318 596,596
Basic metals (iron, steel) 5,243,108 7,220,441 413,828 151,863 214,278 151,863
Cement / clay & ceramics 19,359,961 16,781,544 74,089 74,089 74,089 74,089
Chemical & pharmaceutical 25,230,941 23,965,746 372,744 376,479 372,744 376,479
Construction 6,701,913 6,958,964 190,283 120,529 176,038 120,529
Education 130,146 124,885 123 123 123 123
Financial 31,875,767 22,710,967 56,154 72,454 56,154 72,454
Footwear & leather garments 2,823,053 2,212,093 111,740 116,953 106,841 108,133
Furniture & sports goods 1,978,284 1,118,853 265,984 265,990 265,984 265,990
Grains, food & beverages 10,952,503 12,750,666 1,853,302 1,917,020 1,853,302 1,766,367
Health & social welfare 27,029 52,122 2,688 3,478 2,688 3,478
Hotel, restaurant & clubs 1,000,000 1,000,000 7,564 7,664 7,564 7,664
Individuals 10,060,120 10,034,356 368,240 361,566 337,085 361,501
Machinery & equipment 5,790,537 4,200,452 1,097,134 1,157,834 1,097,134 1,157,834
Manufacture of transport equipment 2,176,982 844,246 139,822 140,522 139,822 140,522
Paper & paper boards 7,046,681 5,632,472 208,574 210,574 208,574 210,574
Petroleum products 3,934,730 13,291,165 176,351 13,228 94,073 13,228
Power, gas, water & sanitary 156,149,658 140,719,800 637,015 637,015 637,015 637,015
Printing, publishing & allied 206,458 1,121,462 10,056 10,056 10,056 10,056
Real estate, renting, and business activities 8,331,917 5,485,741 - - - -
Rubber & plastic 288,680 295,588 230,563 233,068 230,563 233,068
Sugar 6,897,513 7,365,203 51,066 51,066 51,066 51,066
Textile –Manufacture of made up & ready
made garments 30,431,729 25,684,060 3,002,600 3,003,575 3,002,601 3,003,575
Textile – Finishing 15,189,368 16,456,503 2,872,372 2,884,586 2,872,372 2,884,586
Textile – Spinning 18,024,943 18,618,930 1,261,119 1,141,751 1,157,244 1,141,751
Textile – Weaving 3,210,115 1,664,289 38,482 38,632 38,482 38,632
Transport, storage & communication 16,154,933 12,439,987 126,459 428,077 46,546 127,149
Wholesale & retail trade 9,199,116 9,220,564 967,415 977,027 885,681 948,802
Others 22,168,134 7,385,384 663,187 1,045,374 663,187 1,030,374
500,168,300 453,868,259 15,853,918 16,064,642 15,112,624 15,533,498
The Bank’s top 10 exposures on the basis of total (funded and non-funded) exposures aggregating to Rs. 222,105.62 million
(December 31, 2018: Rs. 220,201.42 million) are as following:
The sanctioned limits against these top 10 exposures aggregated to Rs. 265,900.73 million (December 31, 2018: Rs.
255,278.34 million).
Punjab 691,256,822 683,293,584 4,672,048 3,172,039 3,810 104,071 11,270
Sindh 1,110,838,731 74,993,563 1,034,704,724 35,148 9,290 1,075,242 20,764
KPK including FATA 1,621,529 243,216 - 1,378,313 - - -
Balochistan 618,127 - - 618,127 -
Islamabad 16,733,824 - - - - 16,733,824 -
AJK including Gilgit–Baltistan 881,289 - - - - - 881,289
Total 1,821,950,322 758,530,363 1,039,376,772 4,585,500 631,227 17,913,137 913,323
Punjab 591,723,087 522,554,625 34,494,817 - - 34,673,645 -
Sindh 802,485,680 42,048,213 656,714,012 4,851,487 - 98,871,968 -
KPK including FATA 1,429,676 686,026 - 743,650 - - -
Balochistan 525,809 - - - 525,809 - -
Islamabad 8,766,970 - - - - 8,766,970 -
AJK including Gilgit–Baltistan 551,587 - - - - - 551,587
Total 1,405,482,809 565,288,864 691,208,829 5,595,137 525,809 142,312,583 551,587
43.2 Market Risk
Market Risk is the risk of loss in earnings and capital due to adverse changes in interest rates, foreign exchange rates,
equity prices and market conditions. Thus market risk can be further described into Interest Rate Risk, Foreign Exchange
Risk and Equity Position Risk.
Market Risk performs risk measurement, monitoring and control functions through use of various risk procedures and
models. To give it a formal structure, all the policies and guidelines are approved by the Board and relevant management
committees. The Bank appointed services of a foreign risk advisory firm for assistance in establishment of Market Risk
Management Framework.
The Bank uses three types of risk management tools to measure the Bank’s Market Risk: Value-at Risk (VaR), Expected
Shortfall (ES) and Stress Testing. In addition, control limits are utilized to maintain the risks within acceptable levels.
The Bank maintains adequate regulatory capital to cover all interest rate risks falling under the “Trading Book” as well as
“Banking Book”, as defined by Basel capital accord. The Bank uses Standardized Approach in determining credit risk,
market risk and operational risk exposures in the capital adequacy calculation. In Market risk exposures, Maturity method is
used to calculate charge on Interest rate risk and FX risk.
In its pursuit of automation, the Bank has successfully implemented Oracle Financial Services Analytical Application
(OFSAA) Market Risk Module to automate the risk monitoring and reporting activities pertaining to Market Risk, which
allows for more efficient risk monitoring and increased focus on risk analysis to help in making more informed decisions.
Trading Book
The Trading Book of the Bank consists of positions in financial instruments held either with trading intent or in order to
hedge other elements of the trading book. To be eligible for trading book, financial instruments must be held with the intent
of trading and free of any restrictive covenants on their tradability. In addition, positions need to be frequently and
accurately valued and the portfolio should be actively monitored and managed accordingly.
The Bank’s trading book includes securities classified as ‘Held–For–Trading’, ‘Open Ended Mutual Fund’ and non strategic
listed equity placed in ‘Available–For–Sale’. These positions are exposed to all forms of market risk, therefore, are managed
All investments excluding trading book are considered as part of banking book. Banking book includes:
i) Government securities
ii) Capital market investments
iii)Investments in bonds, debentures, etc.
Due to the diversified nature of investments in banking book, it is subject to interest rate risk, equity price risk and FX risk.
Government securities (PIBs, Sukuks & T-Bills), Bonds, Debentures, etc. and other money market investments are subject
to interest rate risk. To capture the risk associated with these securities, extensive modelling is being done with respect to
duration analysis. Stress testing and scenario models are also in place to capture the sensitivity of the portfolio to adverse
movement in interest rates. For prudent risk management, all money market investments are marked to market to assess
changes in the market value of investments due to interest rate movements.
Stress Testing
The Bank also conducts Stress Testing of the Bank’s investment portfolio to ascertain the impact of various scenarios on the
capital adequacy and sustainability of the Bank. The exercise assumes various stress conditions, with respect to Market
Risk (Rise or Fall in Interest Rates, leading to interest rate risk), Equity Price Risk resulting from Stock Market movements,
FX Rate Risk leading from adverse movements in exchange rates and Liquidity Risk (ability to meet short-term obligations if
there is a run on deposits). Stress testing is also conducted on various macro-economic scenarios to test the resilience of
the Bank.
December 31, 2019 December 31, 2018
Banking Trading Banking Trading
book Total book Total
book book
Rupees in ‘00
Cash and balances with treasury banks 119,943,828 - 119,943,828 99,188,414 - 99,188,414
Balances with other banks 602,582 - 602,582 2,575,055 - 2,575,055
Lendings to financial institutions 13,606,921 - 13,606,921 53,780,195 - 53,780,195
Investments 721,486,859 36,470,134 757,956,993 655,534,517 15,693,768 671,228,285
Advances 485,015,881 - 485,015,881 438,317,184 - 438,317,184
Fixed assets 62,114,648 - 62,114,648 50,378,537 - 50,378,537
Intangible assets 1,969,051 - 1,969,051 1,749,054 - 1,749,054
Deferred tax assets - - - - - -
Other assets 39,911,348 - 39,911,348 33,382,185 - 33,382,185
1,444,651,118 36,470,134 1,481,121,252 1,334,905,141 15,693,768 1,350,598,909
Foreign Exchange Risk is the risk of loss arising from fluctuations in exchange rates. The Bank’s FX Risk is largely
mitigated by following a matched funding policy whereas for any mismatched exposures, the Bank utilizes appropriate
derivative instruments such as Forwards and Swaps.
The majority of the Bank’s net foreign currency exposure is in US Dollars and the Bank uses system-based monitoring of it’s
intra-day Net Open Position for effective risk management. The Bank carefully monitors the net foreign currency exposure
and the effect of exchange rate fluctuations by conducting sensitivity analysis and stress testing, as well as utilizing the
currency forwards and swaps to hedge the related exposure.
The Bank maintains adequate regulatory capital to cover against foreign exchange risks.
The bank undertakes foreign exchange exposures in the shape of FX Forwards and Swaps in order to hedge its foreign
currency deposits and advances, after incorporating the impact of it’s NOSTRO and Cash Reserve balances.
Currency Foreign Off–balance Net foreign Foreign Foreign Off–balance Net foreign
Assets Currency sheet items currency Currency Currency sheet items currency
Laibilities exposure Assets Laibilities exposure
Pakistani Rupee 1,422,889,052 1,227,520,873 (80,271,378) 115,096,801 1,299,889,605 1,125,939,797 (66,414,629) 107,535,179
United States Dollar 56,981,096 130,223,325 73,575,765 333,536 50,030,348 109,211,476 58,937,581 (243,547)
Great Britain Pound Sterling 892,579 4,561,262 3,611,463 (57,220) 283,035 5,309,004 5,026,143 174
Japanese Yen 14,613 1,110 (22,808) (9,305) 4,317 975 (2,521) 821
Euro 310,246 3,435,978 3,105,506 (20,226) 326,332 2,826,096 2,502,163 2,399
Other currencies 33,666 27,871 1,452 7,247 65,272 6,728 (48,737) 9,807
58,232,200 138,249,546 80,271,378 254,032 50,709,304 117,354,279 66,414,629 (230,346)
1,481,121,252 1,365,770,419 - 115,350,833 1,350,598,909 1,243,294,076 - 107,304,833
Equity risk is the potential for incurring losses due to adverse changes in stock prices. The Bank holds a diversified portfolio
of equity investments in order to minimize non-systematic risk while retaining acceptable systematic risk. ALCO ensures that
equity price risk is mitigated through prudent portfolio management.
The Bank maintains adequate regulatory capital to cover against equity price risks. Equity investments classified as “Held-
For- Trading” as well as listed non-strategic equity investments classified as “Available-For-Sale” are part of the “Trading
Book” and subject to market risk change as specified by the Basel Framework. Un-listed and listed strategic equity
investment are part of “Banking Book” and are therefore subject to credit risk charge as specified by the Basel Framework.
43.2.5 Yield / Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book (IRRBB)–Basel II Specific
Interest rate / Rate of return risk is the current or prospective risk of losses, to both the Bank’s capital and earnings, arising
from movements in interest rates / rates of return. The losses may be due to earnings deterioration or capital erosion. The
Bank has a robust system in place to monitor Interest rate risk and ALCO regularly analyses the interest rate scenario and
devises strategies to minimize adverse impact of interest rate risk to the Bank’s equity and profits.
Interest rate risk is measured through “duration” of an instrument. To assess the interest rate risk at Balance Sheet and
Income Statement level, gap analysis on “re-pricing schedule” is utilized. Re-pricing schedule is a distribution of interest-
sensitive assets, liabilities, and Off-Balance Sheet positions into a number of predefined time bands according to their
maturity (if fixed-rate) or time remaining to their next re-pricing (if floating-rate), and is calculated in compliance with SBP
instructions. For non-contractual assets and liabilities, an ALCO approved methodology is utilized to place these assets and
liabilities in the re-pricing schedule. This methodology is based on the results of a behavioural analysis which statistically
models the historical trends of the last 5 years.
Government securities (PIBs & T-Bills, Sukuks), Bonds, Debentures, etc. and other money market investments are subject
to interest rate / rate of return risk. To capture the risk associated with these securities, extensive modelling is being done
with respect to duration analysis. Stress testing and scenario-based models are also in place to capture the sensitivity of the
portfolio to adverse movement in interest rates. For prudent risk management, all money market investments are marked to
market to assess changes in the market value of investments due to interest rate movements. Yield/ Interest rate sensitivity
position for on-balance sheet instruments is based on the earlier of contractual re-pricing or maturity date and for off-
balance sheet instruments is based on settlement date.
Yield Risk is the risk of decline in earnings due to adverse movement of the yield curve. Interest rate risk is the risk that the
value of the financial instrument will fluctuate due to changes in the market interest rates.
In accordance with BSD Circular No.03 of 2011, issued by the SBP, the Group is required to report interest rate sensitivity
gap of assets and liabilities on the basis of an objective and systematic behavioural study approved by ALCO committee.
Off–balance sheet gap 213,307,912 52,425,617 45,409,465 79,057,570 22,247,975 12,520,902 577,593 196,028 - 872,762 -
Total Yield/Interest Risk Sensitivity Gap 266,028,849 206,923,634 228,500,430 (133,675,173) 60,079,454 56,735,822 9,033,941 11,197,205 6,886,403 5,651,634 (185,304,501)
Cumulative Yield/Interest Risk Sensitivity Gap 266,028,849 206,923,634 435,424,064 301,748,891 361,828,345 418,564,167 427,598,108 438,795,313 445,681,716 451,333,350
December 31, 2018 s to
bearing the
Interest financial
rate instruments
Over 1 Over 3 Over 6 Over 1 Over 2 Over 3 Over 5
Upto 1 Above
to 3 to 6 Months to to 2 to 3 to 5 to 10
Month 10 Years
Months Months 1 Year years years years years
Li Off–balance sheet gap 248,610,246 94,659,580 53,752,454 48,715,471 24,021,319 21,008,372 1,893,442 1,692,956 1,692,797 1,173,855 -
Total Yield/Interest Risk Sensitivity Gap 304,735,588 136,512,865 360,463,848 (141,346,848) 37,273,598 3,467,493 9,740,426 13,870,173 18,134,649 5,918,295 (139,298,911)
18 Cumulative Yield/Interest Risk Sensitivity Gap 304,735,588 136,512,865 496,976,713 355,629,865 392,903,463 396,370,956 406,111,382 419,981,555 438,116,204 444,034,499
Notes to the Unconsolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2019
December December
Reconciliation to total assets December 31, Reconciliation to total liabilities December 31,
31, 31,
2018 2018
(Rupees in ‘000) (Rupees in ‘000) (Rupees in ‘000) (Rupees in ‘000)
Balance as per balance sheet 1,481,121,252 1,350,598,909 Balance as per balance sheet 1,365,770,419 1,243,294,076
The Bank, like all financial institutions, is exposed to different types of operational risks, including the potential losses arising
from internal activities or external events caused by breakdowns in information, communication, physical safeguards,
business continuity, supervision, transaction processing, settlement systems and the execution of legal, fiduciary and agency
In accordance with the BoD approved Operational Risk Policy, Bank maintains a system of internal controls designed to
keep operational risk at appropriate levels, in view of the bank’s financial strength and the characteristics of the activities and
market in which it operates. These internal controls are periodically updated to conform to industry best practice.
Further, detailed data of operational losses is being maintained, in conformance with regulatory guidelines. Major
Operational Risk events are also analyzed from the control breaches perspective and mitigating controls are assessed on
design and operating effectiveness. Quarterly updates on Operational Risk events are presented to senior management and
Board’s Risk Management Committee & BoD.
The Bank has a BoD approved BCP policy and Business Continuity Plan applicable to all its functional areas. The Bank
updates functional BCPs on annual basis or at any process change.
The Bank is also implementing internationally accepted Integrated Framework on Internal Control issued by the Committee
of Sponsoring Organizations of the Tread way Commission (COSO), with a view to consolidate and enhance the existing
internal control processes.
The Bank with permission of SBP is conducting a parallel run for Alternate Standardized Approach (ASA) for Basel II –
Operational Risk Capital Charge Reporting, which signifies readiness of the Bank to move to advance approach.
Liquidity Risk is the risk that the Bank is unable to fund its current obligations and operations in the most cost efficient
manner. The Bank’s BoD has delegated the responsibility to ALCO for ensuring that Bank’s policy for liquidity management
is adhered to on a continual basis. ALCO uses gap analysis based on “maturity schedule” to assess the Bank’s liquidity risk
and devise strategies accordingly. The Bank also has various limits and triggers in place to monitor liquidity risk on a
periodic basis, whille it also utilizes stress testing & scenario analysis to assess adequacy of Bank’s liquid assets. The Bank
also complies with SBP’s instructions on Liquidity Standards as prescribed under the Basel III Framework.
The Bank has in place a robust Liquidity Crisis Contingency Plan in place to deal with any liquidity crisis in the most efficient
and effective manner.
Daily liquidity management is carried out centrally by the Asset and Liability Management (“ALM”) Desk in Treasury Group
which regulates the day to day liquidity needs of the Bank. Funding and liquidity management strategies are regularly
discussed during Asset and Liability Committee “ALCO” meetings. Such discussions include analysis on composition of
deposits and tenure, funding gaps and concentration, monitoring of short and long–term liquidity ratios (including LCR and
NSFR). The Bank utilizes internal Management Action Triggers and Limits which act as early warning indicators and
safeguards to ensure sufficient liquidity buffers at all times. Additionally, external and internal liquidity stress tests are
performed to evaluate available liquidity under a range of adverse scenarios and to identify potential vulnerabilities in
portfolios. The Bank also has in place contingency funding plans that identify specific management action that can be
invoked in times of liquidity crisis.
The Bank uses the following tools to identify and mitigate Liquidity Risk:
• Gap Analysis
• Liquidity Ratio
• Liquidity Stress Testing
• Liquidity Contingency Plan
• Risk Control Limits
186 Report 2019
43.4.1 Maturities of Assets and Liabilities – based on contractual maturity of the assets and liabilities of the Bank
December 31, 2019
s to
Upto Over 3
Total Upto Upto Upto Upto Upto Over 3 Over 6 Up to Uptp Upto 3 years Over
1 Day 7 Days 14 Days 1 Month 2 Months 3 Months to 6 Months to 9 Months 1 year 2 years to 5 years 5 years
Rupees in ‘000
Assets onso
Cash and balances with treasury banks
Lending to financial institutions 13,606,921 - 3,425,999 5,065,760 1,411,020 3,704,142 - - - - - - - - ed
Investments – net
Advances – net
547,774 1,187,531
- 79,249,756
Fixed assets 62,114,648 17,185 103,109 120,294 292,141 532,729 532,729 1,598,188 1,598,188 1,598,188 3,352,692 3,306,222 3,033,557 46,029,426 ncial
Intangible assets
Other assets – net 39,911,348 596,785 3,580,707 4,177,492 10,145,337 4,005,541 2,554,371 3,964,817 1,404,106 1,194,215 642,806 640,952 2,762,041 4,242,178 eme
1,481,121,252 233,311,578 186,065,333 10,556,368 104,973,761 155,707,665 111,715,549 43,097,617 112,890,701 89,128,894 110,828,744 63,209,712 80,720,984 178,914,346
for the
Bills payable 7,878,626 7,878,626 - - - - - - - - - - - - year
Borrowings 266,448,386 2,071 198,180,537 1,284,249 15,167,424 5,174,127 11,828,269 12,959,088 6,219 134,392 400,733 199,152 3,137,791 17,974,334 ended
Deposits and other accounts 1,049,043,032 868,560,834 12,905,548 9,854,157 20,993,265 25,220,982 30,861,262 46,929,499 9,073,189 19,856,144 716,644 1,965,574 1,734,959 370,975 Dece
Liabilities against assets subject to finance lease - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Subordinated debt - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Deferred tax liabilities – net 5,898,310 38,451 230,705 269,156 653,666 581,039 328,947 75,154 362,993 62,071 491,239 231,376 218,208 2,355,305
Other liabilities 36,502,065 551,860 3,311,162 3,863,023 9,381,627 2,007,265 975,964 1,479,030 1,096,849 1,061,118 2,016,077 1,539,754 2,633,810 6,584,526
1,365,770,419 877,031,842 214,627,952 15,270,585 46,195,982 32,983,413 43,994,442 61,442,771 10,539,250 21,113,725 3,624,693 3,935,856 7,724,768 27,285,140
Net assets 115,350,833 (643,720,264) (28,562,619) (4,714,217) 58,777,779 122,724,252 67,721,107 (18,345,154) 102,351,451 68,015,169 107,204,051 59,273,856 72,996,216 151,629,206
Ba 115,350,833
ponu December 31, 2018
s to
Upto Over 3
rt al Total
1 Day
7 Days
14 Days
1 Month
2 Months
3 Months
Over 3
to 6 Months
Over 6
to 9 Months
1 year
2 years
Upto 3 years
to 5 years
5 years
Rupees in ‘000
Assets onso
Cash and balances with treasury banks
Lending to financial institutions 53,780,195 - 48,468,580 500,000 2,024,515 2,787,100 - - - - - - - - ed
Investments – net
Advances – net
2,033,096 194,526
- 8,071,443
Fixed assets 50,378,537 13,826 82,959 96,785 235,050 428,620 428,621 1,285,861 1,285,861 1,285,862 2,777,178 2,750,793 2,137,177 37,569,944 ncial
Intangible assets 1,749,054 671 4,029 4,700 11,414 20,814 20,814 62,441 62,441 62,441 249,765 249,765 499,530 500,229
Deferred tax assets - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Other assets – net 33,382,185 346,336 2,078,016 2,424,352 5,887,713 1,900,406 5,647,584 4,119,201 1,404,043 1,378,006 586,758 586,758 2,732,176 4,290,836
1,350,598,909 206,945,737 273,084,669 3,220,363 29,245,629 329,259,331 17,011,435 52,430,187 44,887,759 110,704,509 62,796,851 57,536,831 64,272,469 99,203,139
for the
Bills payable 7,752,959 7,752,959 - - - - - - - - - - - - year
Borrowings 225,882,986 - 159,079,594 3,277,502 6,624,376 14,289,234 12,434,236 16,132,619 - 40 282,296 641,607 1,556,729 11,564,753 ended
Deposits and other accounts 984,475,183 809,687,661 10,413,217 14,158,732 30,324,819 27,831,940 13,976,360 37,210,046 12,590,619 23,771,946 2,193,097 825,194 876,633 614,919 Dece
Liabilities against assets subject to finance lease - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Subordinated debt - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Deferred tax liabilities – net 4,755,428 6,272 37,629 43,900 106,615 1,359,344 43,166 214,988 255,541 166,219 176,080 197,040 146,666 2,001,968
Other liabilities 20,427,520 364,185 2,185,108 2,549,293 6,183,946 718,160 685,178 1,015,410 898,464 883,536 1,044,424 773,156 895,342 2,231,318
1,243,294,076 817,811,077 171,715,548 20,029,427 43,239,756 44,198,678 27,138,940 54,573,063 13,744,624 24,821,741 3,695,897 2,436,997 3,475,370 16,412,958
Net assets 107,304,833 (610,865,340) 101,369,121 (16,809,064) (13,994,127) 285,060,653 (10,127,505) (2,142,876) 31,143,135 85,882,768 59,100,954 55,099,834 60,797,099 82,790,181
Reserves 20,276,515
Notes to the Unconsolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2019
43.4.2 Maturities of assets and liabilities – based on expected maturities of the assets and liabilities of the Bank
Cash and balances with treasury banks 119,943,828 33,818,371 10,456,036 6,768,479 4,526,963 2,496,978 2,774,287 - - 59,102,714
Balances with other banks 602,582 602,582 - - - - - - - -
Lending to financial institutions 13,606,921 9,902,779 3,704,142 - - - - - - -
Investments – net 757,956,993 259,295,601 231,219,565 867,746 55,989,298 67,547,808 18,476,599 13,925,985 108,719,391 1,915,000
Advances – net 485,015,881 25,890,266 27,701,487 39,002,766 142,911,817 67,716,835 69,217,337 80,848,632 26,990,835 4,735,906
Fixed assets 62,114,648 532,729 1,065,458 1,598,188 3,196,376 3,352,692 3,306,222 3,033,557 3,885,367 42,144,059
Intangible assets 1,969,051 23,432 46,864 70,295 140,590 281,180 281,180 562,361 563,149 -
Deferred tax assets - - - - - - - - - -
Other assets – net 39,911,348 18,500,321 6,559,912 3,964,817 2,598,321 642,806 640,952 2,762,041 4,242,178 -
1,481,121,252 348,566,081 280,753,464 52,272,291 209,363,365 142,038,299 94,696,577 101,132,576 144,400,920 107,897,679
Cash and balances with treasury banks 99,188,414 27,339,089 10,192,026 4,908,440 4,104,803 1,973,027 2,007,802 - - 48,663,227
Balances with other banks 2,575,055 2,575,055 - - - - - - - -
Lending to financial institutions 53,780,195 50,993,095 2,787,100 - - - - - - -
Investments – net 671,228,285 229,565,085 317,427,104 16,947,301 31,803,113 9,798,775 14,898,089 8,471,835 40,401,983 1,915,000
Advances – net 438,317,184 22,695,395 21,999,270 32,819,525 121,876,130 75,463,863 64,314,835 67,848,278 26,482,007 4,817,881
Fixed assets 50,378,537 428,620 857,241 1,285,861 2,571,723 2,777,178 2,750,793 2,137,177 2,391,543 35,178,401
Intangible assets 1,749,054 20,814 41,628 62,441 124,882 249,765 249,765 499,530 500,229 -
Deferred tax assets - - - - - - - - - -
Other assets – net 33,382,185 10,736,417 7,547,990 4,119,201 2,782,049 586,758 586,758 2,732,176 4,290,836 -
1,350,598,909 344,353,570 360,852,359 60,142,769 163,262,700 90,849,366 84,808,042 81,688,996 74,066,598 90,574,509
Market & Liquidity Risk Division under Risk Management Group is responsible for assessing and monitoring the derivative
risk emanating from Bank’s exposures.
The Bank’s Treasury Group buys and sells derivative instruments, for hedging and market making purposes, such as:
The Bank’s Risk Management Group, ALCO & BRMC monitor the risk emanating from the Bank’s portfolio of derivatives
exposures on a periodic basis and uses Off-Balance Sheet gap analysis to implement prudent asset liability management of
the Bank’s derivatives exposures.
44.1 The Board of Directors of the Bank in its meeting held on February 7, 2020 has proposed a final cash dividend in respect of
2019 of Rs. 2.00 per share (2018: cash dividend Rs. 2.00 per share). This appropriation will be approved in the forthcoming
Annual General Meeting. The unconsolidated financial statements of the Bank for the year ended December 31, 2019 do
not include the effect of these appropriations which will be accounted for in the unconsolidated financial statements for the
year ending December 31, 2020.
45.1 Captions as prescribed by BPRD circular no.2 of 2018 issued by SBP, in respect of which there are no amounts, have not
been reproduced in these financial statements, except for caption of the statement of financial position and profit and loss
45.2 Comparative figures have been re-classified, re-arranged or additionally incorporated in these financial statements wherever
necessary to facilitate comparison and better presentation in accordance with new format prescribed by SBP vide BPRD
circular no. 2 of 2018.
These financial statements were authorized for issue on February 7, 2020 by the Board of Directors of the Bank.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 RAJA RICE, RAMESH KUMAR 43206-8363288-9 MEHRAJ GOPI KIRISHAN 4.996 - 3.978 8.974 - - 1.110 1.110
H.No. 1809//99, Hindu Mohallah, Shahdadkot
2 RANA TEXTILE MILLS, RANA ZAHID TOUSIF 33100-0672286-7 RANA TOUSIF ALI KHAN 37.314 - 28.311 65.625 - - 25.519 25.519
Rafhan Mills Road, near Rafhan Mills, Samana RANA ARIF TAUSEEF 33100-0708556-3 RANA TAUSEEF ALI KHAN
Pul, Faisalabad. RANA ASIF TAUSEEF 33100-0672190-5 RANA TAUSEEF ALI KHAN
3 RIZWAN STEEL FURNANCE, MALIK NOMAN SAJID 34101-2638290-9 MUHAMMAD NAZIR 13.498 - 5.410 18.908 - - 4.308 4.308
Dewan Road, Opposite Station, Eminabad, Gujranwala. MUHAMMAD RIZWAN SAJID 34101-2638295-7 MUHAMMAD NAZIR
4 ZAIGHAM & CO., HASSAN ARIF 34101-1774125-3 MUHAMMAD ARIF 4.999 - 1.562 6.561 - - 0.530 0.530
Ghallah Mandi, Qila Didar Singh HASSNAIN ARIF 34101-2316997-3 MUHAMMAD ARIF
5 NISAR AHMAD & BROTHERS (PVT) LTD., HAJI NISAR AHMAD 31203-4612123-3 MUHAMMAD SHAFI 0.287 - 2.477 2.764 - - 1.994 1.994
Vehari Road, Hasilpur, MUSHTAQ AHMAD 31203-6414142-9 MUHAMMAD SHAFI
6 WASEEM CONSTRUCTION & PROPERTY DEVEL- MUREED ABBAS ALIAS 36302-4593265-9 RANA FAIZ BAKHSH 2.998 - 2.162 5.160 - - 1.178 1.178
543-D, Shah Rukan-e-Alam Colony, Multan
7 ASKARI ENTERPRISES, MAJ.(Rtd) IMTIAZ ALI 37405-0301030-9 GUL MUHAMMAD 3.327 - 2.601 5.928 - - 2.601 2.601
16/60, Ist Floor, Rafia Plaza, Street Near JS Bank,
8 QAISER ABBAS QAISER ABBAS 38404-0983040-5 GHULAM JILANI 3.500 - 1.178 4.678 - - 0.950 0.950
Aqil Shah, Tehsil
Shahpur, Distt: Sargodha
9 FRIENDS ENTERPRISES BASHIR AHMED CHUADHRY 42501-1432103-9 ABDUL HAMEED 4.998 - 3.400 8.398 - - 0.650 0.650
C-92, Steel Town, Gulshan-e-Hadeed, Ph-II, Karachi
10 SURRIYA TEXTILE (PVT) LTD. MUHAMMAD RAFI 35202-3244950-5 MUHAMMAD ISMAIL 18.016 - 12.294 30.310 - - 7.324 7.324
4th Floor, Namco Centre, Campbell Street New Challi, MUHAMMAD TARIQ RAFI 42301-0838522-7 MUHAMMAD RAFI
11 ALI TRDERS LIAQAT ALI 54400-4039117-5 CH. ABDUL HAMEED 2.278 - 1.911 4.189 - - 1.911 1.911
Office No.25, Regal Plaza, Jinnah Road, Quetta
ie 13 KAMRAN RAZA KAMRAN RAZA 42201-0393207-9 ANWAR ALI 0.293 - 2.933 3.226 - - 2.051 2.051
d House No.32, Hijaz Apartment Manik Jee Street, Post
Office Soldier Bazar, Karachi.
Ba 14 MIRZA ASHIQ HUSSAIN MIRZA ASHIQ HUSSAIN 41303-7883647-5 MIRZA QAMBAR ALI BAIG 2.600 - 2.215 4.815 - - 1.352 1.352
nk Bunglow No. 26 & 27 GMB Colony Qasimabad,
Li 15 ASRAR ALAM SHAIKH ASRAR ALAM SHAIKH 42301-4519983-7 ABDUL AZIZ 9.899 - 6.456 16.355 - - 6.355 6.355
mi B-8, Phase-Vi, Darakshan Villas DHA, Karachi
rt al 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
17 MIAN TRADER IMRAN ASLAM 34603-9690226-5 MUHAMMAD ASLAM CH 2.555 - 0.924 3.479 - - 0.729 0.729
Agency Chowk, Fateh Garh,
18 REHMAN WOOLEN INDUSTRIES (PVT) LTD., MIAN MUHAMMAD IJAZ 35202-0523905-7 ABDUL GHANI 1.918 - 33.036 34.954 1.918 - 33.036 34.954
Plot No.107, Phase III, Industrial Estate, Gadoon MIAN MUHAMMAD NAWAZ 35202-1866065-7 ABDUL GHANI
Amazai, Distt: Swabi
19 AL AZAM CORPORATION MUHAMMAD NADEEM 31104-0988167-1 KARAM ELAHI 0.145 - 0.878 1.023 - - 0.573 0.573
Grain Market, Opp Haq Cotton, Shop No.27, Haroon MUHAMMAD IMRAN 31104-1676357-1 MUHAMMAD AZAM
20 SAMPHY PHARMA ANJUM ALI 17301-8517754-7 MUHAMMAD BASHIR 1.596 - 0.967 2.563 - - 0.563 0.563
Suit No.B-6, M.A Plaza, Al-Falah Street Behind Amin SHOAIB UL HASAN 17301-1315226-7 GHAYAS UD DIN
Hotel G.T Road Peshawar ABDUL WAHEED 17301-7342848-7 ABDUL SAMAD KHAN
21 AFGHAN ENGINEERING WORKS HUMA TASNEEM 41303-9166136-0 W/O TASNEEM AHMED 1.500 - 0.900 2.400 - - 0.624 0.624
Plot No. 907, Pathan Goth Auto Bhan Road, Latifabad,
22 SHAHID TRADERS SHAHID KHAN 38403-2049842-1 MANZOOR KHAN 4.100 - 2.126 6.226 - - 1.226 1.226
No.07 Ikram Colony, Kot Farid Rpad, Sargodha
23 CHIMERA (PVT) LIMITED TAHIR SALEEM ANWAR 35202-2713059-9 MUHAMMAD ANWAR 311.224 - 225.679 536.903 - - 158.902 158.902
32-1/A, Lawrence Road, Lahore KHAN 35202-3418643-7 KHAN MUHAMMAD
24 TARIQ SANITARY TARIQ SHAHZAD 33100-2330673-7 HAJI KHAIR DIN 9.999 - 6.469 16.468 - - 3.968 3.968
143- Railway Road, Faisalabad
25 FAISAL ZULFIQAR TRADERS ZULFIQAR ALI 36104-0430224-5 NOOR DIN 1.797 - 1.537 3.334 - - 0.894 0.894
Chak No.134/116-L, Mohsin Wala, Mian Channu.
26 NAYA SAWERA ZARI SERVICE TARIQ MEHMOOD 31202-0202485-5 MUSHTAQ AHMAD 1.200 - 0.952 2.152 - - 0.501 0.501
Noor Pur Road, Head Rajkan
27 ASHIQ & SONS TRADERS SULEMAN RAZA 36302-1410957-7 ASHIQ ALI 7.146 - 2.963 10.109 - - 2.110 2.110
1787/10, Mohallah Iqbal Nagar Near Raees T.B. MASOOD ASHIQ 36302-2923110-1
Hospital Road, Multan.
28 BURNI GLASS WORKS ABDUL KARIM 41304-9044307-7 ABDUL RASHEED 2.076 - 1.914 3.990 - - 1.914 1.914
A-11, SITE, Hyderabad
29 ASAD & CO. COTTON SUPPLIERS, MUHAMMAD AYOUB 36101-2873800-1 MUHAMMAD KHAN 5.100 - 2.459 7.559 - - 0.509 0.509
Chak No.160/WB, High Way Road, Tehsil Mailsi. MUHAMMAD IJAZ 36602-6498435-5 MUHAMMAD KHAN
30 MIPA RICE MILLS (PVT) LTD., MUHAMMAD ASGHAR 36302-0286622-9 BARKAT ALI 93.140 - 41.595 134.735 - - 36.595 36.595
Near Munir Abad, Bahawalpur Road, Multan. IMTIAZ FATIMA 36302-0854756-0 MUHAMMAD ASGHAR
nt of
As at
December 31,
December 31,
December 31
Rupees in ‘00
Cash and balances with t
Balances with other bank
Due from financial institut
Islamic financing and rela
Fixed assets
Intangible assets
Due from Head Office
Other assets
Bills payable
Due to financial institution
Deposits and other accou
Due to Head Office
Subordinated debt
Other liabilities
Islamic Banking Fund
Surplus/ (Deficit) on reval
Accumulated Losses
Allied Bank 193
194 Report 2019
Fee and commission income
Dividend income
Foreign exchange (loss) / gain
Income / (loss) from derivatives
Loss on securities
Other Income
Total other income
Operating expenses
Workers welfare fund
Other charges
Total other expenses
Amortised Provision Cost/ Provision
Surplus / Carrying Surplus / Carrying
for Amortised for
(Deficit) Value (Deficit) Value
cost diminution cost diminution
Rupees in ‘000
Federal Government
- Ijarah Sukuks 876,500 - (8,765) 867,735 3,350,837 - (16,997) 3,333,840
- Other Federal Securities 2,300,521 - - 2,300,521 - - - -
3,177,021 - (8,765) 3,168,256 3,350,837 - (16,997) 3,333,840
3.1 Ijarah
Rupees in ‘000
Ijarah rental receivables 5,952 222,937 1,124 230,013 7,722 178,212 - 185,934
3.2 Murabaha
Current deposits 5,584,908 430,610 6,015,518 4,220,655 404,381 4,625,036
Savings deposits 11,707,652 46,487 11,754,139 9,331,462 31,623 9,363,085
Term deposits 1,518,756 - 1,518,756 1,237,301 - 1,237,301
Others 2,089,570 - 2,089,570 2,667,097 - 2,667,097
20,900,886 477,097 21,377,983 17,456,515 436,004 17,892,519
Financial Institutions
Current deposits 5,057 - 5,057 3,822 - 3,822
Savings deposits 8,196,371 - 8,196,371 6,736,291 - 6,736,291
Term deposits 4,810,000 - 4,810,000 - - -
Others - - - - - -
13,011,428 - 13,011,428 6,740,113 - 6,740,113
33,912,314 477,097 34,389,411 24,196,628 436,004 24,632,632
5.2 This includes deposits eligible to be covered under insurance arrangements amounting to 15,833 million.
For the year ended December 31, 2019
Opening Balance 3 2
6.1 During the year charity exceeding Rs 0.5 million and charity to related party is Nil. (2018:
Allied Bank Limited – Islamic Banking operating in general and specific pools for deposits and inter-bank funds accepted /
acquired under Mudaraba, Musharkah and Wakala modes.
Under this pool category, The Bank acts as Manager (Mudarib) and accepts funds in local currency from general depositors
(Rab-ul-Maal) on the principals of mudarba and invests the same in Shariah compliant modes of financings, investments
and placements. The Bank may commingle its own equity in this pool, Bank prioritizes the funds received from depositors
over the funds generated from own sources.
The profit of General Pool is calculated after deducting the directly incurred expenses, if any, from the income earned on all
the remunerative assets managed by the pool. No provision against any non-performing asset of the pool are passed on to
the pool except on the actual loss / write-off of such non-performing asset as per SBP guidelines. The profit of the pool is
shared between equity and other members of the pool at gross level (before charging of mudarib fee) as per the investment
ratios. After charging of agreed mudarib fee, The profit of the pool is shared among the members of the pool on profit
weightages i.e. announced before start of profit calculation period.
2– General pool for Foreign Currency (USD, GBP and EURO) depositors (Mudaraba)
FCY pools are being maintained in USD, GBP, EURO currencies. All FCY deposits are parked in these pool(s) and return is
shared among FCY deposit holders on the principals of mudarba according to the weightages of respective pool.
Specific pool(s) are created where the customers desire to invest in high yield assets. Profit rates of these pool(s) are
usually different from the general pool depending on the assets. In case of loss in special pool, the loss will be borne by the
Special pool members. The distributable profit is calculated as direct costs from the gross return earned on the pool. From
the net return, profit is paid to the Mudarib in the ratio of the Mudarib’s equity in the pool to the total pool. Specific pool
deposits are invested in assets yielding relatively higher rate of return, as relative high risk investments are involved in
these pools, hence bearing relative more risk than the general pool depositors.
Treasury Pools are created, to manage liquidity, on the basis of Musharaka / Mudaraba / Wakala modes, wherein ABL–IBG
and Financial Institutions share actual return earned by the pool according to pre–defined profit sharing ratio.
Islamic Export Refinance Pool is created with SBP, to manage export refinance customers, on the basis of Musharakah,
wherein ABL-IBG and State Bank of Pakistan share actual return earned by the pool according to pre-defined profit sharing
The risk characteristic of each pool mainly depends on the assets and liability profile of each pool. As per the Bank’s policy,
relatively low risk / secured financing and placement transactions and assets are allocated to general depositors pool of
PKR, USD, GBP. and Euro. The general pools are usually exposed to general credit risk, asset ownership risk and profit
rate risk of the underlying assets involved in pool.
Following are the considerations attached with risk & reward of Modaraba based pools:
The deposits and funds accepted under the above mentioned pools are invested in diversified sectors and avenues of the
economy / business along with investment in Government of Pakistan backed Ijarah Sukuks & other Shariah Compliant
Details of Disposal of Fixed Assets to Related Party
For the year ended December 31, 2019
11.1 Avenues / sectors where Mudaraba based deposits have been deployed
Remunerative Profit rate and Profit rate Profit Mudarib share Profit rate return Percentage of Amount of
Depositor’s Pool weightage return sharing distributed to Mudarib share Mudarib Share
announcement earned on ratio remunerative transferred transferred
period earning deposits through Hiba through Hiba
assets (Savings and
General Pool Monthly 11.70% 50% : 50% 727,426 6.61% 25.11% 182,662
Foreign Currency Pool - EUR Monthly 5.24% 1% : 99% 143 0.001 0.95% 1.36
Foreign Currency Pool - GBP Monthly 5.24% 1% : 99% 74 0.001 0.93% 0.69
Foreign Currency Pool - USD Monthly 5.24% 1% : 99% 1990 0.001 0.07% 17.93
Details of Disposal of Fixed Assets to Related Party
For the year ended December 31, 2019
Annexure III
The particulars of disposal of fixed assets to related parties are given below:
Electrical and Computer Equipments 162 162 - 24 As Per Bank Policy Ahmed Faheem Khan
85 85 - 8 As Per Bank Policy Tahir Hassan Qureshi
473 473 - 47 As Per Bank Policy Owais Shahid
170 170 - 17 As Per Bank Policy Aizid Gill
205 205 - 21 As Per Bank Policy Imran Maqsood
65 65 - 6 As Per Bank Policy Saira Shahid Hussain
85 85 - 9 As Per Bank Policy Muhammad Raffat
85 85 - 9 As Per Bank Policy Sohail Aziz
125 125 - 12 As Per Bank Policy Mujahid Ali
178 146 32 41 As Per Bank Policy Muhammad Farhanullah Khan
164 164 - 16 As Per Bank Policy Shahid Aamir
420 416 4 42 As Per Bank Policy Muhammad Idrees
171 171 - 17 As Per Bank Policy Muhammad Mohsin
2,388 2,352 36 269
*They are Key Management Personnel of the Bank during the year ended December 31, 2019.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, we are pleased to present the consolidated annual report of Allied Bank Limited (holding
company) and ABL Asset Management Company Limited (subsidiary company)
The operating results and appropriations, as recommended by the Board are given below:
Final cash dividend for the year ended December 31, 2018 at Rs. 2 per
share (2018: Year ended December 31, 2017 at Rs. 1.75 per share) (2,290) (2,004) 14%
First Interim cash dividend for the year ended December 31, 2019 at Rs. 2.00 per
share (2018: Year ended December 31, 2018 at Rs. 2.00 per ordinary share) (2,290) (2,290) 0%
Second Interim cash dividend for the year ended December 31, 2019 at Rs. 2.00 per share
(2018: Year ended December 31, 2018 at Rs. 2.00 per ordinary (2,290) (2,290) 0%
Third Interim cash dividend for the year ended December 31, 2019 at Rs. 2.00 per share
(2018: Year ended December 31, 2018 at Rs. 2.00 per ordinary (2,290) (2,290) 0%
Transfer to statutory reserves (1,411) (1,288) 10%
Accumulated profits carried forward 57,682 53,985 7%
Pattern of shareholding
Pattern of shareholding as at December 31, 2019 is included in the Annual Report.
Dated: February 07, 2020
204 Report 2019
Independent Auditor’s Report
To the members of Allied Bank Limited
Report on the Audit of the Consolidated Financial
We have audited the annexed consolidated financial statements of Allied Bank Limited and its subsidiary (the Group), which
comprise the consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 December 2019 and the consolidated profit and loss account, the
consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the consolidated statement of changes in equity and the consolidated cash flow
statement for the year then ended, and notes to the consolidated financial statements, including a summary of significant
accounting policies and other explanatory information.
In our opinion, consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view of the consolidated financial position of the Group as at 31
December 2019, and of its consolidated financial performance and its consolidated cash flows for the year then ended in
accordance with the accounting and reporting standards as applicable in Pakistan.
We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) as applicable in Pakistan. Our responsibilities
under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements
section of our report. We are independent of the Group in accordance with the International Ethics Standards Board for
Accountants’ Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants as adopted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (the
Code), and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the Code. We believe that the audit evidence we
have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.
Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our audit of the consolidated
financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the consolidated financial
statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.
S. No. Key Audit Matters How the matter was addressed in our audit
1 Provision against Loans and Advances
Refer to note 9 and the accounting policies in notes 2.4.2 Our audit procedures in respect of provision against
and 4.5 to the consolidated financial statements. advances, amongst others, included the following:
The Group makes provision against advances on a time • Assessing the design and operating effectiveness
based criteria that involves ensuring all non-performing of key controls to identify loss events and for
loans and advances are classified in accordance with the determining provision required against non-
ageing criteria specified in the Prudential Regulations performing advances, including:
(PRs) issued by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP).
– Controls over correct classification of non-
In addition to the time based criteria the PRs require a performing advances on time based criteria;
subjective evaluation of the credit worthiness of borrowers
to determine the classification of advances. – Controls over monitoring of advances with higher
risk of default and migration of these advances on a
The Group’s advances to the customers represent 32.7% timely basis to watch list or to non-performing
of its total assets as at 31 December 2019 and are stated advances category on subjective criteria;
at Rs. 485,052 million which is net of provision of Rs.
15,152 million at the year end. – Controls over accurate computation and recording
of provisions; and
The determination of provision against advances was
identified as a key audit matter in our audit as it involves – Controls over the governance and approval process
a considerable degree of management judgment and related to provision.
estimation in complying with the above criteria.
• Testing on a sample basis, credit exposures
identified by the management as displaying
indicators of impairment, assessed the number of
days overdue and assessed appropriateness of
amount reported for provision in accordance with
the Prudential Regulations;
As at 31 December 2019, the Group has investments • Obtaining an understanding of and testing the
classified as “Available-for-sale”, “Held for trading”, “Held design and operation effectiveness of the controls
to maturity” amounting to Rs. 759,654 million which in relating to the valuation of investments;
aggregate represent 51.21% of the total assets of the
• Checking on a sample basis, the valuation of
Investments are carried at cost or fair value in accordance investments to supporting documents, externally
with the Group’s accounting policy relating to their quoted market prices and break-up values;
recognition. Provision against investment is made based
on impairment policy of the Group which includes both • Evaluating the Group’s assessment of available
objective and subjective factors. for sale and held to maturity investments for any
additional impairment in accordance with the
We identified assessing the valuation of investments as a Group’s accounting policies and performed an
key audit matter because of its significance to the independent assessment of the assumptions; and
consolidated financial statements and because assessing
the key impairment assumptions involves a significant • Considering the Group’s disclosures of investments,
degree of management judgement. to the guidelines laid down by the State Bank of
Pakistan regarding forms and disclosures.
Information Other than the Consolidated Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report Thereon
Management is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the information included in the Group’s
Annual Report but does not include the consolidated financial statements and our auditors’ report thereon.
Our opinion on the consolidated financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any form of
assurance conclusion thereon.
In connection with our audit of the consolidated financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing
so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the consolidated financial statements or our knowledge
obtained in the audit, or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that
there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this
Responsibilities of Management and the Board of Directors for the Consolidated Financial Statements
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with
accounting and reporting standards as applicable in Pakistan and the Companies Act, 2017 and for such internal control as
management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material
misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
In preparing the consolidated financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Group’s ability to continue as a
going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless
management either intends to liquidate the Group or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.
The Board of directors is responsible for overseeing the Group’s financial reporting process.
Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements as a whole are free from
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable
assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs as applicable in
Pakistan will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered
material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on
the basis of these consolidated financial statements.
As part of an audit in accordance with ISAs as applicable in Pakistan, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional
scepticism throughout the audit. We also:
a) Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or
error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and
appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher
than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the
override of internal control.
Independent Auditor’s Report
To the members of Allied Bank Limited
Report on the Audit of the Consolidated Financial
b) Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in
the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Group’s internal control.
c) Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related
disclosures made by management.
d) Conclude on the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit
evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on
the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw
attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the consolidated financial statements or, if such disclosures are
inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s
report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Group to cease to continue as a going concern.
e) Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the consolidated financial statements, including the disclosures,
and whether the consolidated financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that
achieves fair presentation.
f) Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business activities within the
Group to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements. We are responsible for the direction, supervision and
performance of the group audit. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion.
We communicate with the Board of Directors regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and
significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.
We also provide to the Board of Directors with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical requirements regarding
independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our
independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.
From the matters communicated with the Board of Directors, we determine those matters that were of most significance in the audit
of the consolidated financial statements of the current year and are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in
our auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances,
we determine that a matter should not be communicated in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would
reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.
The engagement partner on the audit resulting in this independent auditor’s report is Mr. Kamran Iqbal Yousafi.
50,880 50,068 Bills payable 14 7,878,626 7,752,959
1,720,714 1,458,744 Borrowings 15 266,448,386 225,882,986
6,774,524 6,357,626 Deposits and other accounts 16 1,049,018,804 984,463,067
- - Liabilities against assets subject to finance lease - -
- - Sub-ordinated debt - -
38,182 30,684 Deferred tax liabilities - net 17 5,912,375 4,751,359
238,388 133,958 Other liabilities 18 36,913,696 20,743,121
8,822,688 8,031,080 1,366,171,887 1,243,593,492
756,947 702,561 NET ASSETS 117,211,554 108,789,811
73,948 73,948 Share capital 19 11,450,739 11,450,739
143,820 130,945 Reserves 22,270,225 20,276,515
166,671 149,032 Surplus on revaluation of assets - net of tax 20 25,808,658 23,077,174
372,508 348,636 Unappropriated profit 57,681,932 53,985,383
756,947 702,561 117,211,554 108,789,811
The annexed notes 1 to 46 form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
for the year ended December 31, 2019
In US $ In Rupees
0.08 0.07 Basic and diluted earnings per share 33 12.65 11.38
The annexed notes 1 to 46 form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
93,568 84,158 Profit after taxation for the year 14,488,763 13,031,817
3,761 6,512 Effect of translation of net investment in foreign branches 582,419 1,008,347
14,487 (34,276) Movement in deficit on revaluation of investments - net of tax 2,243,212 (5,307,574)
18,248 (27,764) 2,825,631 (4,299,227)
The annexed notes 1 to 46 form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended December 31, 2019
The annexed notes 1 to 46 form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Capital reserve Surplus on revaluation
reserve Un-
Share Exchange Non- appropriated Total
capital translation Statutory General Investments Fixed banking profit
reserve reserve assets assets
Rupees in
Balance as at January 01, 2018 11,450,739 230,954 17,743,162 6,000 10,493,343 16,004,075 1,575,633 50,546,126 108,050,032
Profit after taxation for the year ended December 31, 2018 - - - - - - - 13,031,817 13,031,817
Other Comprehensive Income - net of tax
Deficit on revaluation of investments - net of tax - - - - (5,307,574) - - (5,307,574)
Deficit on revaluation of fixed assets - net of tax - - - - - (136,403) - - (136,403)
Surplus on revaluation of non-banking assets - net of tax - - - - - - 563,393 - 563,393
Remeasurement gain on defined benefit obligation
- net of tax - - - - - - - 454,522 454,522
Effect of translation of net investment in foreign branches - 1,008,347 - - - - - - 1,008,347
- 1,008,347 - - (5,307,574) (136,403) 563,393 454,522 (3,417,715)
Profit after taxation for the year ended December 31, 2019 - - - - - - - 14,488,763 14,488,763
The annexed notes 1 to 46 form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
Notes to the Consolidated Financial
Holding Company
Allied Bank Limited (“the Bank”), incorporated in Pakistan, is a scheduled bank, engaged in commercial banking and related
services. The Bank is listed on Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited. The Bank operates a total of 1,393 (2018: 1,343)
branches in Pakistan including 117 (2018: 117) Islamic banking branches, 1 branch (2018: 1) in Karachi Export Processing
Zone and 1 Wholesale banking branch (2018: 1) in Bahrain. The long term credit rating of the Bank assigned by the
Pakistan Credit Rating Agency Limited (PACRA) is ‘AAA’. Short term rating of the Bank is ‘A1+’.
Ibrahim Holdings (Private) Limited is the parent company of the Bank and it’s registered office is in
Pakistan. The Bank is the holding company of ABL Asset Management Company Limited.
The registered office of the Bank is situated at 3 - Tipu Block, Main Boulevard, New Garden Town, Lahore.
Subsidiary Company
ABL Asset Management Company Limited (“the Company”) is a public unlisted company, incorporated in Pakistan as a
limited liability company on 12 October 2007 under the repealed Companies Ordinance, 1984 (now the Companies
Act,2017). The Company has obtained licenses from the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) to carry
on Asset Management Services and Investment Advisory Services as a Non-Banking Finance Company (NBFC) under
Non-Banking Finance Companies (Establishment and Regulation) Rules, 2003 as amended through S.R.O.1131[I] 2007 (“the
NBFC Rules”), and S.R.O. 1233 (I) / 2019 The Company received certificate of commencement of business on 31 December
2007. The Company has also obtained license to carry out business as Pension Fund Manager, under the Voluntary
Pension System Rules, 2005. The registered office of the Company is situated at Plot no. 14, Main Boulevard, DHA Phase
VI, Lahore. The Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Allied Bank Limited (“the holding Company”).
The management quality rating of the Company, as assigned by JCR-VIS Crediting Rating Company Limited, is AM2++
(Stable) in December 2019.
a) These consolidated financial statements consists of holding company and its subsidiary company for the year ended
December 31, 2019
In accordance with the directives of the Federal Government regarding the shifting of the banking system to Islamic
modes, the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has issued various circulars from time to time. Permissible forms of trade-
related modes of financing include purchase of goods by banks from their customers and immediate resale to them
at appropriate mark-up in price on deferred payment basis. The purchases and sales arising under these
arrangements are not reflected in these consolidated financial statements as such but are restricted to the amount
of facility actually utilized and the appropriate portion of mark-up thereon.
These consolidated financial statements have been presented in Pakistan Rupees (PKR), which is the currency of
the primary economic environment in which the Group operates and functional currency of the Group, in that
enviornment as well. The amounts are rounded to nearest thousand.
The US Dollar amounts reported in the statement of financial position, profit and loss account, statement of
comprehensive income and statement of cash flow are stated as additional information, solely for the convenience
of the users of financial statements. For the purpose of translation to US Dollar, spot rate of Rs. 154.8476 per US
Dollar has been used for 2019 and 2018, as it was the prevalent rate on reporting date.
The assets and liabilities of subsidiary company have been consolidated on a line by line basis and the carrying
value of investment in subsidiary held by the bank is eliminated against the shareholders’ equity in the consolidated
financial statements.
These consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting and reporting standards as
applicable in Pakistan. The accounting and reporting standards comprise of:
– International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
as are notified under the Companies Act, 2017;
– Islamic Financial Accounting Standards (IFAS) issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan as are
notified under the Companies Act, 2017;
– Provisions of and directives issued under the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962 and the Companies Act, 2017; and
– Directives issued by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) & the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP).
2.1.1 Whenever the requirements of the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962, the Companies Act, 2017 and the directives
issued by the SBP and the SECP differ with the requirements of IFRS and IFAS the requirements of the Banking
Companies Ordinance, 1962, the Companies Act, 2017 and the said directives, shall prevail.
2.1.2 The SBP, vide BSD Circular Letter No. 10, dated August 26, 2002 has deferred the applicability of International Accounting
Standard 39 ‘Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement’ (IAS 39) and International Accounting Standard 40
‘Investment Property’ (IAS 40) for banking companies till further instructions. Further, according to a notification of Securities
and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) dated April 28, 2008, International Financial Reporting Standard 7
‘Financial Instruments Disclosure’ (IFRS 7), has not been made applicable for banks. Accordingly, the requirements of
these standards have not been considered in the preparation of these consolidated financial statements. However,
investments have been classified and disclosed in accordance with the requirements prescribed by SBP through various
2.1.3 The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) vide SRO 56 (1) / 2016 dated January 28, 2016, has notified
that the requirements of International Financial Reporting Standard 10 ‘Consolidated Financial Statements’ (IFRS 10) and
section 228 of the Companies Act, 2017 will not be applicable with respect to the investment in mutual funds established
under Trust structure.
2.1.4 The State Bank of Pakistan through BPRD Circular No. 04 of 2015 dated February 25, 2015 has deferred applicability of
Islamic Financial Accounting Standard 3 ‘Profit & Loss Sharing on Deposits’ (IFAS-3) issued by the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of Pakistan and notified by the Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), vide their SRO No.
571 of 2013 dated June 12, 2013 for Institutions offering Islamic Financial Services (IIFS). The standard will result in certain
new disclosures in the financial statements of the Group.
The Group has adopted IFRS 15 ‘Revenue from Contracts with Customers’ and IFRS 16 “Leases’ from January 01, 2019.
The impact of the adoption of theses standards and the new accounting policies are explained in note 4.
There are certain other new and amended standards, interpretations and amendments that are mandatory for the Group’s
accounting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2019 but are considered not to be relevant or do not have any
significant effect on the Group’s operations and therefore not detailed in these financial statements.
The following standards, amendments and interpretations of accounting and reporting standards as applicable in Pakistan
will be effective for accounting periods beginning on or after January 01, 2020:
– Amendment to IFRS 3 ‘Business Combinations’ – Definition of a Business (effective for business combinations for
which the acquisition date is on or after the beginning of annual period beginning on or after January 01, 2020). The
IASB has issued amendments aiming to resolve the difficulties that arise when an entity determines whether it has
acquired a business or a group of assets. The amendments clarify that to be considered a business, an acquired
set of activities and assets must include, at a minimum, an input and a substantive process that together
significantly contribute to the ability to create outputs. The amendments include an election to use a concentration
test. The standard is effective for transactions in the future and therefore would not have an impact on past financial
– IFRS 9 ‘Financial Instruments’ and amendment – Prepayment Features with Negative Compensation – for Banks
and DFIs, the effective date of the standard has been extended to annual periods beginning on or after January 01,
2021 vide SBP BPRD Circular No. 4 dated October 23, 2019. IFRS 9 replaces the existing guidance in IAS 39
Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement. IFRS 9 includes revised guidance on the classification and
measurement of financial instruments, a new expected credit loss model for calculating impairment on financial
assets, and new general hedge accounting requirements. It also carries forward the guidance on recognition and
derecognition of financial instruments from IAS 39. According to SBP circular referred to above, the Banks/DFIs are
required to have a parallel run of IFRS 9 from January 01, 2020 and are also required to prepare pro-forma financial
statements which includes the impact of IFRS 9 from the year ended December 31, 2019.
– Amendments to IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements and IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting
Estimates and Errors (effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 01, 2020). The amendments are
intended to make the definition of material in IAS 1 easier to understand and are not intended to alter the underlying
concept of materiality in IFRS Standards. In addition, the IASB has also issued guidance on how to make materiality
judgments when preparing their general purpose financial statements in accordance with IFRS Standards.
– On March 29, 2018, the International Accounting Standards Board (the IASB) has issued a revised Conceptual
Framework for Financial Reporting which is applicable immediately contains changes that will set a new direction for
IFRS in the future. The Conceptual Framework primarily serves as a tool for the IASB to develop standards and to
assist the IFRS Interpretations Committee in interpreting them. It does not override the requirements of individual
IFRSs and any inconsistencies with the revised Framework will be subject to the usual due process – this means
that the overall impact on standard setting may take some time to crystallise. The companies may use the
Framework as a reference for selecting their accounting policies in the absence of specific IFRS requirements. In
these cases, companies should review those policies and apply the new guidance retrospectively as of January 01,
2020, unless the new guidance contains specific scope outs.
– Interest Rate Benchmark Reform which amended IFRS 9, IAS 39 and IFRS 7 is applicable for annual financial
periods beginning on or after January 01, 2020. The G20 asked the Financial Stability Board (FSB) to undertake a
fundamental review of major interest rate benchmarks. Following the review, the FSB published a report setting out
its recommended reforms of some major interest rate benchmarks such as IBORs. Public authorities in many
jurisdictions have since taken steps to implement those recommendations. This has in turn led to uncertainty about
the long-term viability of some interest rate benchmarks. In these amendments, the term ‘interest rate benchmark
reform’ refers to the market-wide reform of an interest rate benchmark including its replacement with an alternative
benchmark rate, such as that resulting from the FSB’s recommendations set out in its July 2014 report ‘Reforming
Major Interest Rate Benchmarks’ (the reform). The amendments made provide relief from the potential effects of the
uncertainty caused by the reform.
– IFRS 14 Regulatory Deferral Accounts - (effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 July 2019) provides
interim guidance on accounting for regulatory deferral accounts balances while IASB considers more
comprehensive guidance on accounting for the effects of rate regulation. In order to apply the interim standard, an
entity has to be rate regulated
– i.e. the establishment of prices that can be charged to its customers for goods or services is subject to oversight
and/or approved by an authorized body. The term ‘regulatory deferral account balance’ has been chosen as a
neutral descriptor for expense (income) or variance account that is included or is expected to be included by the
rate regulator in establishing the rate(s) that can be charged to customers and would not otherwise be recognized
as an asset or liability under other IFRSs.
The preparation of these financial statements in conformity with the approved accounting standards requires the use of
certain critical accounting estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and
expenses. It also requires the management to exercise its judgment in the process of applying the Group’s accounting
policies. Estimates, underlying assumptions and judgments are continually evaluated and are based on historical
experience, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. The areas
where various assumptions and estimates are significant to the Group’s financial statements or where judgment was
exercised in application of accounting policies are as follows:
– In classifying investments as ‘held-for-trading’ the Group has determined securities which are acquired with the
intention to trade by taking advantage of short term market / interest rate movements and are to be sold within 90
– In classifying investments as ‘held-to-maturity’ the Group follows the guidance provided in SBP circulars on
classifying non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturity. In making this
judgment, the Bank evaluates its intention and ability to hold such investments to maturity.
– The investments, other than those in subsidiary, which are not classified as ‘held-for-trading’ or ‘held-to-maturity’ are
classified as ‘available-for-sale’.
2.4.2 Provision against non-performing loans and advances and debt securities classified as investments
The Group reviews its loan portfolio and debt securities classified as investments to assess amount of non-performing loans
and advances and debt securities and provision required there-against. While assessing this requirement various factors
including the delinquency in the account, financial position of the borrower and the requirements of the Prudential
Regulations are considered. The amount of general provision is determined in accordance with the requirements set out in
Prudential Regulations.
The Group determines that ‘available-for-sale’ equity investments are impaired when there has been a significant or
prolonged decline in the fair value below its cost. This determination of what is significant and prolonged requires judgment.
In making this judgment, the Bank evaluates among other factors, the normal volatility in share price. In addition,
impairment may be appropriate when there is evidence of deterioration in the financial health of the investee, industry and
sector performance, changes in technology and operational and financing cash flows.
In making the estimates for income taxes currently payable by the Group, the management looks at the current income tax
laws and the decisions of appellate authorities. In determination of deferred taxes, estimates of the Group’s future taxable
profits are taken into account.
The fair values of derivatives which are not quoted in active markets are determined by using valuation techniques. The
valuation techniques take into account the relevant interest rates in effect at the reporting date and the rates contracted.
In making estimates of the depreciation / amortization, the management uses method which reflects the pattern in which
economic benefits are expected to be consumed by the Group and estimates the useful life. The method applied and useful
lives estimated are reviewed at each financial year end and if there is a change in the expected pattern or timing of
consumption of the future economic benefits embodied in the assets, the estimate would be changed to reflect the change
in pattern. Such a change is accounted for as change in accounting estimates in accordance with International Accounting
Standard 8 – Accounting Policies, ‘Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors’.
Liability is determined on the basis of actuarial advice using the Projected Unit Credit Method. The actuarial assumptions
used to determine the liability and related expense are disclosed in note 36.
The fair value of the assets and liabilities is the amount at which the instrument could be exchanged in a current transaction
between willing parties, other than in a forced or liquidation sale. The Bank categorizes fair value measurements within the
following fair value hierarchy:
a) Level 1
These are quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the Group can access at
the measurement date.
b) Level 2
These are inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for asset or liability, either
directly or indirectly.
c) Level 3
These are input for the assets or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable Inputs).
These consolidated financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention except for the following
which are stated at revalued amounts / fair values / present values:
– Investments (Note 4.4);
– Certain operating fixed assets (Note 4.6);
– Staff retirement and other benefits (Note 4.8);
– Non-banking assets acquired in satisfaction of claims (Note 4.9); and
– Derivative financial instruments (Note 4.16.2).
The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these consolidated financial statements have been applied
consistently to all periods presented in these consolidated financial statements of the Group, except for the change
explained in note 4.1. Significant accounting policies are enumerated as follows:
IFRS 16 ‘Leases’
The Group applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach, under which the cumulative effect of initial application
recognised in retained earnings at 01 January 2019. Accordingly, the comparative information presented for 2018 is not
– i.e. it is presented, as previously reported, under IAS 17 and related interpretations. The details of the changes in
accounting policies are disclosed below. Additionally, the disclosure requirements in IFRS 16 have not generally been
applied to comparative information.
Previously, the Group determined at contract inception whether an arrangement was or contained a lease under IFRIC 4
Determining whether an Arrangement contains a Lease. The Group now assesses whether a contract is or contains a lease
based on the definition of a lease, as per IFRS 16.
On transition to IFRS 16, the Group elected to apply the practical expedient to grandfather the assessment of which
transactions are leases. The Group applied IFRS 16 only to contracts that were previously identified as leases. Contracts
that were not identified as leases under IAS 17 and IFRIC 4 were not reassessed for whether there is a lease under IFRS
16. Therefore, the definition of a lease under IFRS 16 was applied only to contracts entered into or changed on or after 01
January 2019.
As a Lessee
As a lessee, the Group previously classified leases as operating or finance leases based on its assessment of whether the
lease transferred substantially all of the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of the underlying asset to the Bank.
Under IFRS 16, the Group recognises right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for most of these leases – i.e. these leases
are on-balance sheet.
At commencement or on modification of a contract that contains a lease component, the Group allocates the consideration
in the contract to each lease component on the basis of its relative stand-alone price.
Previously, the Group classified property leases as operating leases under IAS 17. On transition, for these leases, lease
liabilities were measured at the present value of the remaining lease payments, discounted at the Group’s incremental
borrowing rate as at 01 January 2019. Right-of-use assets are measured at an amount equal to the lease liability, adjusted
by the amount of any prepaid or accrued lease payments. The Group has applied this approach to all other leases.
The Group used practical expedients when applying IFRS 16 to leases previously classified as operating leases under IAS
17. In particular, the Group excluded initial direct costs from the measurement of the right-of-use asset at the date of initial
application and used hindsight when determining the lease term.
The right-of-use asset is subsequently depreciated using the straight-line method from the commencement date to the end
of the lease term, unless the lease transfers ownership of the underlying asset to the Group by the end of the lease term. In
that case the right-of-use asset will be depreciated over the useful life of the underlying asset, which is determined on the
same basis as those of property and equipment. In addition, the right-of-use asset is periodically reduced by impairment
losses, if any, and adjusted for certain remeasurement of the lease liability.
When the lease liability is remeasured, a corresponding adjustment is made to the carrying amount of the right-of-use
asset, or is recorded in profit or loss if the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset has been reduced to zero.
The Group presents right-of-use assets in ‘property and equipment’ and lease liabilities in ‘other liabilities’ in the statement
of financial position.
Impact on financial statements
When measuring lease liabilities for leases that were classified as operating leases, the Group discounted lease payments
using its incremental borrowing rate at 01 January 2019.
Rupees in ‘000
Operating lease commitments at 31 December 2018 as
disclosed under IAS 17 6,040,047
Discounted using the incremental borrowing rate at 01
January 2019 (774,432)
IFRS 15 establishes a comprehensive framework for determining whether, how much and when revenue is recognized. It
replaces IAS 18 Revenue, IAS 11 Construction Contracts and related interpretations. Under IFRS 15, revenue is recognized
when a customer obtains control of the goods or services. Determining the timing of the transfer of control at a point in time
or over time requires judgement.
The Group has adopted IFRS 15 on January 01, 2019 retrospectively in accordance with IAS 8 without practical expedient.
The timing or amount of the Group’s income from contract with customers was not impacted by IFRS 15. The application of
IFRS 15 has no impact on the financial position and/or financial performance of the Group. Accordingly, there was no
adjustment in retained earnings on application of IFRS 15 as at January 01, 2019.
For the purpose of cash flow statement, cash and cash equivalents include cash and balances with treasury banks and
balances with other banks (net of overdrawn nostro balances) in current and deposit accounts.
4.3 Lendings to / borrowings from financial institutions
The Group enters into transactions of borrowing (re-purchase) from and lending (reverse re-purchase) to financial
institutions, at contracted rates for a specified period of time. These are recorded as under:
Securities sold subject to a re-purchase agreement are retained in the financial statements as investments and the
counter party liability is included in borrowings from financial institutions. The differential in sale and re-purchase
value is accrued on a prorata basis and recorded as mark-up expense.
Securities purchased under agreement to resell (reverse re-purchase) are included in lendings to financial
institutions. The differential between the contracted price and resale price is amortized over the period of the
contract and recorded as mark-up income.
Securities held as collateral are not recognized in the financial statements, unless these are sold to third parties, in
which case the obligation to return them is recorded at fair value as a trading liability under borrowings from financial
In Bai Muajjal, the Group sells Shariah Compliant instruments including sukuks on credit to other financial
institutions. The credit price is agreed at the time of sale and such proceeds are received at the end of the credit
period. Expected profit expense is recognized on accrual basis.
In Musharaka / Mudaraba, the Group invests in the Shariah compliant business pools of the financial institutions at
the agreed profit and loss sharing ratio. Expected profit is recognized on accrual basis.
Other borrowings including borrowings from SBP are recorded at the proceeds received. Mark-up on such
borrowings is charged to the profit and loss account on a time proportion basis.
Lendings are stated net of provision. Return on such lending is accrued to the profit and loss account on a time
proportion basis except mark-up on impaired/ delinquent lendings, which is recognized on receipt basis.
4.4 Investments
4.4.1 The Group at the time of purchase classifies its investment portfolio as mentioned in note 2.4.1.
4.4.2 Investments are initially recognized at fair value which, in case of investments other than ‘held-for-trading’, includes
transaction cost associated with the investments. Transaction cost on ‘held-for-trading’ investments are expensed
as incurred.
All ‘regular way’ purchases and sales of investments are recognized on the trade date, i.e., the date that the Group
commits to purchase or sell the asset. Regular way purchases or sales are purchases or sales of investments that
require settlement within the time frame generally established by regulation or convention in the market place.
4.4.3 In accordance with the requirements of the SBP, quoted securities, other than those classified as ‘held-to-maturity’
and investments in subsidiaries, are carried at market value. Investments classified as ‘held-to-maturity’ are carried
at amortized cost.
Unrealized surplus / (deficit) arising on revaluation of the Group’s ‘held-for-trading’ investment portfolio is taken to
the profit and loss account. Surplus / (deficit) arising on revaluation of quoted securities classified as ‘available-for-
sale’ is kept in a separate account shown in the statement of financial position. The surplus / (deficit) arising on
these securities is taken to the profit and loss account when actually realized upon disposal or when the investment
is considered to be impaired.
Unquoted equity securities are valued at the lower of cost and break-up value. The break-up value of these
securities is calculated with reference to the net assets of the investee company as per the latest available audited
financial statements. A decline in the carrying value is charged to the profit and loss account. A subsequent increase
in the carrying value, upto the cost of the investment, is credited to the profit and loss account. Investments in other
unquoted securities are valued at cost less impairment, if any.
Provision for diminution in the value of securities (except for debentures, participation term certificates, sukuks and
term finance certificates) is made after considering impairment, if any, in their value. Provision for diminution in value
of debentures, participation term certificates, sukuks and term finance certificates are made in accordance with the
requirements of Prudential Regulations issued by SBP.
4.5 Advances
Loans and advances are stated net of general and specific provisions. Specific provision against loans is
determined in accordance with the requirements of the Prudential Regulations and other directives issued by SBP
and charged to the profit and loss account. General provision is maintained in accordance with the requirements of
Prudential Regulations issued by SBP and charged to the profit and loss account. Advances are written off when
there are no realistic prospects of recovery.
b. Net investment in finance lease
Leases, where the Group transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to the ownership of an asset to
the lessee are classified as finance leases. A receivable is recognized at an amount equal to the present value of
the minimum lease payments, including un-guaranteed residual value, if any. Finance lease receivables are
included in advances to the customers.
The Group provides Islamic financing and related assets mainly through Murabaha, Ijarah, Diminishing
Musharakah, Business Musharakah and Salam. The purchases and sales arising under these arrangements are not
reflected in these financial statements as such but are restricted to the amount of facility actually utilised and the
appropriate portion of profit thereon. The profit on such financings is recognised in accordance with the principles of
Islamic Shariah. The Group determines specific and general provisions against Islamic financing and related assets
in accordance with the requirements of the Prudential Regulations issued by the SBP. The net provision made /
reversed during the year is charged to profit and loss account and accumulated provision is netted off against
Islamic financing and related assets. Islamic financing and related assets are written off when there are no realistic
prospects of recovery.
a. Tangible assets
Property and equipment owned by the Group, other than land which is not depreciated, are stated at cost or
revalued amount less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses, if any. Land is carried at revalued amount.
Depreciation is calculated using the straight line method, except buildings which are depreciated using the reducing
balance method, to write down the cost of property and equipment to their residual values over their estimated
useful lives. The rates at which the fixed assets are depreciated are disclosed in note 10.2. The residual values,
useful lives and depreciation methods are reviewed and adjusted, if required. Adjustments in residual values, useful
lives and depreciation methods are treated as change in accounting estimates.
Depreciation on additions is charged from the month the assets are available for use, while no depreciation is
charged in the month in which the assets are disposed off.
When an asset or class of assets is revalued, any increase in the carrying amount arising on revaluation is recorded
through other comprehensive income and credited to the revaluation reserve in equity. However, the increase shall
be recognized in the profit and loss account to the extent it reverses previously recognised revaluation
decrease/impairment loss of the same asset in the profit and loss account, net of amortization or depreciation had
no revaluation decrease/ impairment been required for the asset in prior years. A decrease resulting from a
revaluation is initially charged directly against any related revaluation surplus held in respect of that asset and the
remaining portion being charged as an expense.
The surplus on revaluation of fixed assets to the extent of incremental depreciation (net of deferred tax) charged on
the related assets is transferred directly to un-appropriated profit.
Revaluation of entire class of assets is carried out by independent professionally qualified valuers with sufficient
regularity (every third year) to ensure that the carrying amount of the entire class of assets does not differ materially
from their fair value.
An item of property and equipment is derecognized upon disposal or when no future economic benefits are
expected from its use or disposal. Any gain or loss arising on derecognition of the asset is recognized in the profit
and loss account in the year the asset is derecognized, except that the related surplus on revaluation of fixed assets
(net of deferred tax) is transferred directly to unappropriated profit.
Subsequent costs are included in the asset’s carrying amount only when it is probable that future economic benefits
associated with the item will flow to the Bank and the cost of the item can be measured reliably. All other repairs and
maintenance are charged to the profit and loss account.
b. Intangible assets
Intangible assets are carried at cost less any accumulated amortization and impairment losses, if any. The cost of
intangible assets is amortized over their estimated useful lives, using the straight line method. Amortization is
charged from the month the assets are available for use at the rate stated in note 11.2. The useful lives are
reviewed and adjusted, if appropriate, at each reporting date.
c. Capital work-in-progress
a. Current
Provision for current taxation is based on taxable income for the year determined in accordance with the prevailing
laws for taxation. The charge for current tax is calculated using the prevailing tax rates or tax rates expected to
apply to the profits for the year.
b. Prior
The taxation charge for prior years represents adjustments to the tax charge relating to prior years, arising from
assessments/changes in laws and changes in estimates made during the current year.
c. Deferred
Deferred tax is recognized using the balance sheet liability method on all temporary differences, at the reporting
date between the amounts attributed to assets and liabilities for financial reporting purpose and amounts used for
taxation purposes. Deferred tax is calculated at the rates that are expected to apply to the periods when the
difference will reverse, based on tax rates that have been enacted or substantially enacted at the reporting date.
Deferred tax assets are recognized only to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available
against which the assets can be utilized. Deferred tax assets are reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable
that the related tax benefit will be realized.
The Group also recognizes a deferred tax asset / liability on deficit / surplus on revaluation of fixed assets, non-
banking assets and securities which is adjusted against the related deficit / surplus in accordance with the
requirements of IAS-12 ‘Income Taxes’.
a. For employees who opted for the 2002 scheme introduced by the management
An approved pension scheme (defined benefit scheme) under which the benefits on the basis of frozen basic salary,
service length and age as on June 30, 2002 are payable to all employees whose date of joining the Group is on or
before July 01, 1992, i.e., who have completed ten years of continuous service as on June 30, 2002.
During the year, the pensioners were given a voluntary option to settle their monthly pension with a lump sum
payment. Those who will not opt for the lump sum option, will continue to receive monthly pension (defined benefit
An approved gratuity scheme (defined benefit scheme) under which the benefits are payable as under:
I) For members whose date of joining the Group is on or before July 01, 1992, their services would be
calculated starting from July 01, 2002 for gratuity benefit purposes.
ii) For members whose date of joining the Group is after July 01, 1992 their services would be taken at actual
for the purpose of calculating the gratuity benefit. This rule will be applicable upon retirement or in service
death only, in case of resignation gratuity will be payable from July 01, 2002, even if he or she had joined
the Group before July 01, 2002.
A contributory provident fund scheme to which equal contributions are made by the Group and the employees
(defined contribution scheme).
An approved pension scheme (defined benefit scheme) under which the benefits on the basis of frozen basic salary
as on June 30, 2002 are payable to all employees opting continuation of the previous scheme and whose date of
joining the Bank is on or before July 01, 1992, i.e., who had completed ten years of continuous service as on June
30, 2002.
In the light of decision of Honorable Supreme Court of Pakistan in SMC No. 20/2016 dated 13th February 2018
read with Order dated 3rd April 2018 passed in CRP No.72/2018 and Order dated 7th August 2018 in Crl.O.No. 98
and 99 of 2018 and after consultation with Bank’s legal counsel, the monthly pension of eligible pensioners has
been fixed with indexation levels for eligible pensioners effective from February 13, 2018.
The Group provides post-retirement medical benefits to eligible retired employees. Provision is made annually to
meet the cost of such medical benefits on the basis of actuarial valuation carried out using the Projected Unit Credit
Annual contributions towards the defined benefit schemes are made on the basis of actuarial valuation carried out
using the Projected Unit Credit Method. Actuarial gains / losses arising from experience adjustments and changes
in actuarial assumptions are recognized in Other Comprehensive Income in the period of occurrence.
4.8.2 Other long term benefit
Employees’ entitlement to annual leave is recognized when they accrue to employees, upto a maximum of 60 days.
A provision is made for estimated liability for annual leaves as a result of services rendered by the employee against
un- availed leaves, as per terms of service contract, up to the reporting date, based on actuarial valuation using
Projected Unit Credit Method. Actuarial gains / losses arising from experience adjustments and changes in actuarial
assumptions are recognized in Profit and Loss account in the period of occurrence.
Bank has revised its retirement policy by reducing the retirement age to 58 years for class of employees effective
January 01, 2018. Consequent to the revision, these employees shall be compensated with gross salary along with
employer’s contribution on provident fund and gratuity for the remaining period up to 60 years in addition to already
defined post- employment benefits, payable at the time of retirement, if any.
Non-banking assets (NBA) acquired in satisfaction of claims are carried at revalued amounts less accumulated depreciation
(excluding land). Revaluation by independent professionally qualified valuers, is carried out with sufficient regularity to
ensure that their net carrying value does not differ materially from their fair value. Surplus arising on revaluation of NBA is
credited to the ‘surplus on revaluation of assets’ account through statement of comprehensive income and any deficit
arising on revaluation is taken to profit and loss account directly. Legal fees, transfer costs and direct costs of acquiring title
to property are charged to profit and loss account and not capitalised.
4.10 Deposits
Deposits are initially recorded at the amount of proceeds received. Mark-up accrued on deposits is recognized separately
as part of other liabilities and is accrued to the profit and loss account on time proportion basis. Deposits mobilized under
Islamic Banking operations are generated under two modes i.e. ‘Qard’ and ‘Modaraba’. Deposits taken on Qard basis are
classified as ‘Current accounts’ and Deposits generated on Modaraba basis are classified as ‘Saving deposits / Fixed
4.11 Impairment
The Group determines that ‘available-for-sale’ equity investments are impaired when there has been a significant or
prolonged decline in the fair value of these investments below their cost. The determination of what is significant or
prolonged requires judgment. In making this judgment, the Group evaluates, among other factors, the normal
volatility in share price in the case of listed equity securities. In addition, impairment may be appropriate when there
is evidence of deterioration in the financial condition of the investee, industry and sector performance and changes
in technology.
b) Non-financial assets
The carrying amount of the Group’s assets (other than deferred tax assets) are reviewed at each reporting date to
determine whether there is any indication of impairment. If such indication exists, the recoverable amount of the
relevant asset is estimated. An impairment loss is recognized whenever the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its
recoverable amount. Impairment losses are recognized in the profit and loss account except for an impairment loss
on revalued assets which is adjusted against the related revaluation surplus to the extent that the impairment loss
does not exceed the revaluation surplus. An impairment loss is reversed if the reversal can be objectively related to
an event occurring after the impairment loss was recognized.
4.12 Provisions
Provisions are recognized when the Group has a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of past events and it is
probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable
estimate of the amount can be made.
Provision against identified losses on non-funded exposure is recognized when intimated and reasonable certainty exists for
the Group to settle the obligation. The loss is charged to the profit and loss account net of expected recovery and is
classified under other liabilities.
Provisions are reviewed at the reporting date and are adjusted to reflect the current best estimate.
4.13 Acceptances
Acceptances comprise of undertakings by the Group to pay bills of exchange drawn on customers. Acceptances are
recognised as financial liability in the statement of financial position with a contractual right of reimbursement from the
customer as a financial asset. Therefore, commitments in respect of acceptances have been accounted for as financial
assets and financial liabilities.
4.14 Dividend distribution and appropriations
Bonus and cash dividend and other appropriations (except for the appropriations required by law), declared / approved
subsequent to the reporting date are considered as non-adjusting event and are not recorded in financial statements of the
current year. These are recognized in the period in which these are declared / approved.
Transactions in foreign currencies are translated into rupees at the foreign exchange rates ruling on the transaction
date. Monetary assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are expressed in rupee terms at the rates of exchange
ruling on the reporting date. Foreign bills purchased are valued at spot rate and forward foreign exchange contracts
are valued at forward rates applicable to their respective maturities.
b. Foreign operations
The assets and liabilities of foreign operating branches are translated to Pakistan Rupee (PKR) at exchange rates
prevailing at reporting date. The results of foreign operations are translated at the average exchange rate for the
Translation gains and losses arising on revaluation of net investments in foreign operations are taken to equity
under “Exchange Translation Reserve” through Other Comprehensive Income and on disposal are recognised in
profit and loss account. Regular translation gains and losses are taken to profit and loss account.
d. Commitments
Commitments for outstanding forward contracts disclosed in these financial statements are translated at forward
rates applicable to their respective maturities. Contingent liabilities / commitments for letters of credit and letters of
guarantee denominated in foreign currencies are expressed in rupee terms at the rates of exchange prevailing on
the reporting date.
Revenue is recognized to the extent that the economic benefits will flow to the Group and the revenue can be reliably
measured. These are recognised as follows:
Mark-up / return on regular loans / advances and investments is recognized on a time proportion basis. Where debt
securities are purchased at premium or discount, the same is amortized through the profit and loss account using
the effective interest rate method.
Interest or mark-up recoverable on classified loans, advances and investments is recognized on receipt basis.
Interest / return / mark-up on classified rescheduled / restructured loans and advances and investments is
recognized as permitted by the regulations of the SBP.
Dividend income is recognized when the right to receive the dividend is established.
Gains and losses on sale of investments are recognized in the profit and loss account.
b. Lease financing
Financing method is used in accounting for income from lease financing. Under this method, the unearned lease
income (excess of the sum of total lease rentals and estimated residual value over the cost of leased assets) is
deferred and taken to income over the term of the lease period so as to produce a constant periodic rate of return
on the outstanding net investment in lease. Unrealised income on classified leases is recognized on receipt basis.
Gains / losses on termination of lease contracts and other lease income are recognized when realized.
Profit on Business Musharakah financing is booked on accrual basis and is adjusted upon declaration of profit by
Musharakah partners.
Ijarah and Diminishing Musharakah income is recognised on an accrual basis as and when the rental becomes
Fee, Commission and Brokerage income is recognized on an accrual basis except where, in the opinion of
management, it would not be prudent to do so.
A segment is a distinguishable component of the Bank that is subject to risks and rewards that are different from those of
other segments. A business segment is one that is engaged either in providing certain products or services, whereas a
geographical segment is one engaged in providing certain products or services within a particular economic environment.
Segment information is presented as per the Bank’s functional and management reporting structure. The Group’s primary
segment reporting is based on following business segments:
This segment offers a wide range of financial services to medium and large sized public and private sector entities
and also covers overseas operation of the Group. These services include, providing and arranging tenured
financing, corporate advisory, underwriting, cash management, trade products, corporate finance products and
customer services on all Group related matters.
This segment undertakes the Group’s treasury and money market activities.
Commercial and retail banking provides services to commercial and retail customers including agriculture sector. It
includes loans, deposits and other transactions with commercial and retail (conventional and Islamic) customers.
d. Islamic Banking
Islamic banking provides shariah compliant services to customers including loans, deposits and other transactions.
e. Others
Others includes functions which cannot be classified in any of the above segments.
The Group presents basic and diluted earnings per share (EPS) for its shareholders. Basic EPS is calculated by dividing the
profit or loss attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Group by the weighted average number of ordinary shares
outstanding during the year. Diluted EPS is determined by adjusting the profit or loss attributable to ordinary shareholders
and the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding for the effects of all dilutive potential ordinary shares, if
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2019
5.1 Deposits with SBP are maintained to comply with the cash reserve requirement, under section 22 of the Banking
Companies Ordinance, 1962 and SBP statutory requirements issued from time to time.
5.3 This represents special cash reserve maintained with SBP. The return on this account is declared by SBP on a monthly
basis and carries mark-up at the rate of 0.7% to 1.51% (2018: 0.56% to 1.35%) per annum.
In Pakistan
In deposit accounts - 2,000,000
Outside Pakistan
In current accounts 6.1 300,295 268,512
In deposit accounts 6.1 302,287 306,543
602,582 2,575,055
7.1 These are short-term local currency lendings to financial institutions against government securities as shown in note 7.7
below. These carry mark-up at the rate of 13.45% to 13.50% (2018: 10.10% to 10.40%) per annum, maturing on various
dates, latest by January 20, 2020.
7.2 These represent local currency lendings by Islamic banking business under Musharaka agreement at expected profit of
12.15% (2018: 9.50% to 9.70%) per annum, maturing on various dates, latest by February 6, 2020.
7.3 This represent local currency lending by Islamic banking business under Bai Muajjal agreement with the State Bank of
Pakistan at expected profit of 10.53% (2018: Nil) per annum, maturing on February 07, 2020.
7.4 This represent local currency lending by Islamic banking business under Bai Muajjal agreement with various Islamic banks
at expected profit of 12.15% to 12.60% (2018: 9.80%) per annum, maturing on various dates, latest by January 17, 2020.
7.5 This represents local currency classified certificates of investment and related provisioning, amounting to Rs. 70 million
(2018: Rs. 70 million).
Other Assets Especially Mentioned - - - -
Substandard - - - -
Doubtful - - - -
Loss 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000
70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000
Rupees in ‘000
8.1 Investments by type:
Held-for-trading securities
Federal Government Securities 19,862,396 - 5,767 19,868,163 - - - -
Open Ended Mutual Funds/Pension Funds 2,061,722 - 135,712 2,197,434 1,912,351 - (53,328) 1,859,023
21,924,118 - 141,479 22,065,597 1,912,351 - (53,328) 1,859,023
Available-for-sale securities
Federal Government Securities* 677,300,056 (15,961) 1,689,073 678,973,168 610,683,028 (21,248) (1,608,457) 609,053,323
Shares 24,349,646 (3,202,822) 9,686,372 30,833,196 25,390,404 (2,266,130) 9,572,004 32,696,278
Non Government Debt Securities 13,633,213 (21,071) (37,667) 13,574,475 11,732,046 (21,071) (47,874) 11,663,101
Foreign Securities 1,037,692 - - 1,037,692 1,037,692 - - 1,037,692
Open Ended Mutual Funds 63,834 - 91,424 155,258 63,834 - 62,436 126,270
8.4 716,384,441 (3,239,854) 11,429,202 724,573,789 648,907,004 (2,308,449) 7,978,109 654,576,664
Held–to–maturity securities
Federal Government Securities 13,015,041 - - 13,015,041 16,151,622 - - 16,151,622
Non Government Debt Securities 344,260 (344,260) - - 346,090 (346,090) - -
8.5 13,359,301 (344,260) - 13,015,041 16,497,712 (346,090) - 16,151,622
Total Investments 751,667,860 (3,584,114) 11,570,681 759,654,427 667,317,067 (2,654,539) 7,924,781 672,587,309
Listed Companies 21,940,832 (3,168,936) 9,686,372 28,458,268 22,646,719 (2,103,351) 9,572,003 30,115,371
Unlisted Companies 2,408,814 (33,886) - 2,374,928 2,743,686 (162,779) - 2,580,907
Units of open-ended mutual funds 2,125,556 - 227,136 2,352,692 1,976,185 - 9,108 1,985,293
26,475,202 (3,202,822) 9,913,508 33,185,888 27,366,590 (2,266,130) 9,581,111 34,681,571
Foreign Securities
Equity securities 1,037,692 - - 1,037,692 1,037,692 - - 1,037,692
Total Investments 751,667,860 (3,584,114) 11,570,681 759,654,427 667,317,067 (2,654,539) 7,924,781 672,587,309
*Provision for diminution against federal government securities represents expected credit loss provisioning under IFRS 9 on portfolio
pertaining to overseas branch.
Note December 31, December 31,
2019 2018
Rupees in ‘000
Category of classification
Other assets especially mentioned - - - -
Substandard - - - -
Doubtful - - - -
Loss 365,331 365,331 367,161 367,161
365,331 365,331 367,161 367,161
Not past due but impaired* 3,869,387 15,961 9,756,796 21,248
Overdue by:
Upto 90 days - - - -
91 to 180 days - - - -
181 to 365 days - - - -
> 365 days - - - -
- - - -
Total 4,234,718 381,292 10,123,957 388,409
The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has not granted any relaxation in any classification / provisioning during the year ended
December 31, 2019.
December 31, December 31,
2019 2018
Rupees in ‘000
Listed Companies
Power Generation and Distribution 8,159,528 8,991,081
Oil & Gas Exploration Companies 5,093,606 5,093,607
Fertilizer 3,827,631 3,701,965
Commercial Banks 2,900,903 2,900,903
Oil & Gas Marketing Companies 1,043,460 1,043,460
Real Estate Investment Trust 455,851 455,851
Chemical 268,289 268,289
Leasing Companies 89,322 89,322
Close-end Mutual Funds 51,603 51,603
Investment Banks 50,000 50,000
Cement 638 638
21,940,831 22,646,719
Unlisted Companies
Security General Insurance Ltd. 1,075,653 2,527,369 1,075,653 1,830,648
Habib Allied Holding Ltd. 1,035,922 1,241,538 1,035,922 1,241,939
Nishat Hotels And Properties Ltd. 566,982 1,025,523 944,970 816,078
Atlas Power Limited 355,000 1,070,210 355,000 849,650
Pakistan Mortgage Refinance Co. Ltd. 200,000 202,984 200,000 200,459
1 Link Private Limited 50,000 - 50,000 -
Central Depository Company 40,300 61,068 40,300 58,408
ISE Towers REIT Management Company Limited 30,346 43,979 30,346 42,765
First Women Bank Limited 21,200 72,287 21,200 72,287
LSE Financial Services Limited 8,440 19,155 8,440 18,318
SME Bank Limited 5,250 - 5,250 -
Arabian Sea Country Club Ltd. 5,000 351 5,000 351
Eastern Capital Limited 5,000 - 5,000 -
SWIFT 1,770 6,431 1,770 6,777
National Institutional for Facilitation
Technologies Private Limited 1,527 51,641 1,527 59,076
Pakistan Agricultural Storage and Services Corporation 1,000 295,078 1,000 242,002
Pakistan Corporate Restructuring Company 43,117 43,117 - -
3,446,507 6,660,731 3,781,378 5,438,758
December 31, December 31,
2019 2018
Rupees in ‘000
– AAA 1,497,900 383,308
– AA+, AA, AA– 2,716,405 2,618,458
– A+, A, A– 500,000 32,813
4,714,305 3,034,579
– AAA 3,250,000 3,750,000
– AA+, AA, AA– 4,209,436 3,080,965
– A+, A, A– 1,438,401 1,845,431
– Unrated 21,071 21,071
8,918,908 8,697,467
Foreign Securities
– Unrated 103,499 105,329
– Unrated 240,761 240,761
8.5.1 The market value of Pakistan Investment Bonds classified as held-to-maturity as at December 31, 2019 amounted to Rs.
10,848.5 million (December 31, 2018: Rs. 15,579.4 million).
Subsidiary Asset
Loans, cash credits, running finances, etc. 9.1 467,880,949 428,933,543 14,450,873 14,569,294 482,331,822 443,502,837
Islamic financing and related assets A-II. 3 12,615,228 6,925,320 - - 12,615,228 6,925,320
Bills discounted and purchased 3,853,892 1,982,031 1,403,045 1,495,347 5,256,937 3,477,378
Advances – gross 9.2 484,350,069 437,840,894 15,853,918 16,064,641 500,203,987 453,905,535
Rupees in ‘000
9.4.2 No benefit of forced sale value of the collaterals held by the Group has been taken while determining the provision against
non- performing loans as allowed under BSD circular No. 01 dated October 21, 2011.
9.5 This includes reversal of provision on account of a non performing loan, classified as loss, settled against Debt Property
Swap amounting to Rs. 311.2 million (2018: Rs. 29.2 million).
9.6.2 Write–offs of Rs. 500,000 and above – Domestic 9.7 1,918 31,736
Write–offs of below Rs. 500,000 - -
1,918 31,736
9.7 Details of loan write–off of Rs. 500,000/– and above
In terms of sub-section (3) of Section 33A of the Banking Companies Ordinance, 1962, the Statement in respect of written-
off loans or any other financial relief of five hundred thousand rupees and above allowed to a person(s) during the year
ended December 31, 2019 is given in Annexure-’I’. However, these write-offs do not affect the Bank’s right to recover debts
from these customers.
December 31,2019
Electrical, Building
Building on Building on Furniture
Freehold Leasehold office and Improvements
Freehold Leasehold and
Land Land computer (Rented
Land Land fixture
equipment Vehicles Premises) Total
Rupees in ‘000
At January 1, 2019
Cost / Revalued amount 17,564,604 10,962,212 7,120,644 4,558,168 1,937,930 13,594,585 1,158,143 4,076,878 60,973,164
Accumulated depreciation - - (340,664) (228,787) (1,039,647) (8,157,542) (638,908) (2,506,337) (12,911,885)
Net book value 17,564,604 10,962,212 6,779,980 4,329,381 898,283 5,437,043 519,235 1,570,541 48,061,279
Electrical, Building
Building on Building on Furniture
Freehold Leasehold office and Improvements
Freehold Leasehold and
Land Land computer (Rented
Land Land fixture Total
equipment Vehicles Premises)
Rupees in ‘000
At January 1, 2018
Cost / Revalued amount 15,281,070 11,068,636 6,260,977 4,261,641 1,682,198 11,676,459 827,965 3,501,922 54,560,868
Accumulated depreciation - - - - (878,225) (7,220,730) (537,487) (1,997,095) (10,633,537)
Net book value 15,281,070 11,068,636 6,260,977 4,261,641 803,973 4,455,729 290,478 1,504,827 43,927,331
10.3 Bank arranged for valuation of all Land and Buildings as at December 31, 2017 from four independent valuers {Sadruddin
Associates (Pvt.) Ltd, Unicorn International Surveyors, Indus Surveyors (Pvt.) Limited and Harvester Services (Pvt). Ltd.}.
The revalued amounts of properties have been determined on the basis of market value. Had there been no revaluation, the
carrying amount of revalued assets would have been as follows:
Rupees in ‘000
10.4 Fair value of property and equipment excluding land and buildings is not expected to be materially different from their
carrying amount.
At January 1, 2019
At January 1, 2018
11.3 The cost of fully amortized assets that are still in use:
Intangible assets – software 347,206 330,126
11.4 During 2019, the Group conducted a review of useful life of its intangible assets, which resulted in change in estimate of
expected usage of certain softwares. The softwares, which management had previously intended to use for 7 years, are
now expected to remain in usage for 20 years from the date of purchase. As a result, the expected useful life of the
softwares increased and their estimated residual value decreased. The effect of these changes on actual and expected
amortization expense, included in ‘Operating expenses’, was as follows.
Income / Mark–up accrued in local currency – net of provision 20,573,788 11,777,626
Income / Mark–up accrued in foreign currency – net of provision 245,676 293,994
Advances, deposits, advance rent and other prepayments 1,293,653 1,254,352
Advance taxation (payments less provisions) 3,817,847 4,624,072
Non–banking assets acquired in satisfaction of claims 12.1 1,609,193 1,947,348
Mark to market gain on forward foreign exchange contracts - 2,698,766
Acceptances 5,182,716 4,183,083
Due from the employees' retirement benefit schemes
Benevolent fund 36.4 - 115,915
Pension fund 36.4 4,440,411 4,560,065
Fraud and forgeries 524,357 510,013
Stationery and stamps in hand 286,343 190,398
Overdue FBN / FBD 97,601 72,441
Home Remittance Cell agent receivable 93,978 111,098
Receivable from SBP - customers encashments 6,033 12,572
Charges receivable 32,329 23,043
Suspense Account 1,387 -
Others 96,535 3,572
38,301,847 32,378,358
Less: Provision held against other assets 12.2 (862,460) (787,203)
Other assets (net of provision) 37,439,387 31,591,155
Surplus on revaluation of non–banking assets acquired
in satisfaction of claims 2,877,470 2,159,958
Other assets – net 40,316,857 33,751,113
Full-scope revaluation was carried out at December 31, 2019 through two independent valuers approved by Pakistan
Banks’ Association (A-1 Warda Engineering Services & Sadruddin Associates Private Limited). The revalued amounts of
properties have been determined on the basis of market rates depending upon physical verification and general appearance
of the site.
12.1.2 Gain / Loss on Disposal of Non banking assets acquired in satisfaction of claims
There were no contingent assets of the Bank as at December 31, 2019 and December 31,
Borrowings from State Bank of Pakistan
Repurchase agreement borrowings 15.1 & 15.8 170,120,570 157,248,800
Under export refinance scheme 15.2 22,523,266 17,913,692
Under long term financing facility 15.3 21,426,590 13,894,674
Under financing scheme for renewable energy 15.4 426,031 158,952
214,496,457 189,216,118
Repurchase agreement borrowings from Financial Institutions 15.5 & 15.8 26,585,287 14,559,563
Call borrowings 15.6 24,602,435 11,861,797
Trading liability - 9,987,849
Overdrawn nostro accounts 64,207 243,624
Musharaka borrowing 15.7 700,000 -
Other borrowings - 14,035
25,366,642 22,107,305
266,448,386 225,882,986
15.1 This represents local currency borrowing from the SBP against government securities, carrying mark-up at the rate of
13.31% (2018: 10.21%) per annum, maturing on January 03, 2020.
15.2 The Bank has entered into various agreements for financing with the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) for extending export
finance to customers. As per agreements, the Bank has granted to SBP the right to recover the outstanding amount from
the Bank at the date of maturity of the finance by directly debiting the current account maintained by the Bank with the SBP.
The borrowing carries mark-up at the rate of 1.00% to 2.00% (2018 1.00% to 2.00%) per annum. These borrowings are
repayable within six months from the deal date.
15.3 This represents Long Term Financing facility availed by the Bank for further extending the same to its customers, for a
maximum period of 10 years. The borrowing carries mark-up at the rate of 1.50%, 2.50% and 3.00% (2018: 4.50%, 3.50%
and 3.00%) per annum for financing up-to 3 years, 5 years & 10 years respectively.
15.4 These represent borrowings from the SBP availed by the Bank for financing power projects / facilities using alternative /
renewable energy (solar, wind, hydro, biogas, bio-fuels, bagasse cogeneration, and geothermal as fuel) for a maximum
period of 12 years under Category I and for a maximum period of 10 years under Category II and III. The borrowing carries
mark-up at the rate of 3% for Category I, 4% for Category II and 3% for Category III.
15.5 These represent borrowings in local and foreign currency from local and foreign interbank markets against government
securities, carrying mark-up at the rate of 13% to 13.20% (2018: 10% to 10.21%) per annum for local currency borrowings,
and at the rate of 2.45% to 2.65% (2018: 3.37% to 3.99%) per annum for foreign currency borrowings. These borrowings
are maturing on various dates, latest by January 31, 2020.
15.6 These represent unsecured borrowings in local and foreign currency from the local and foreign interbank markets, carrying
mark- up at the rate of 12.25% to 12.50% (2018: 8.10% to 10.10%) per annum for local currency borrowings, and at the
rate of 2.40% to 3% (2018: 2.35% to 4.27%) per annum for foreign currency borrowings. These borrowings are maturing on
various dates, latest by April 13, 2020.
15.7 This represents unsecured local currency borrowing by Islamic banking business under Musharaka agreement at profit of
8% (2018: Nil) per annum, maturing on January 02, 2020.
15.8 Note 8.2.1 includes the carrying amount of investments given as collateral.
Current deposits 327,523,076 20,719,488 348,242,564 292,438,272 18,841,868 311,280,140
Savings deposits 403,505,248 21,019,875 424,525,123 365,456,206 24,707,235 390,163,441
Term deposits 107,203,269 63,293,352 170,496,621 120,847,788 50,092,266 170,940,054
Others 19,207,173 30,890 19,238,063 31,335,721 32,615 31,368,336
857,438,766 105,063,605 962,502,371 810,077,987 93,673,984 903,751,971
Financial Institutions
Current deposits 39,711,458 41,039 39,752,497 20,552,284 27,949 20,580,233
Savings deposits 33,707,054 - 33,707,054 54,621,957 - 54,621,957
Term deposits 10,011,200 40,261 10,051,461 4,950,750 52,735 5,003,485
Others 3,005,421 - 3,005,421 505,421 - 505,421
86,435,133 81,300 86,516,433 80,630,412 80,684 80,711,096
943,873,899 105,144,905 1,049,018,804 890,708,399 93,754,668 984,463,067
16.2 This includes deposits eligible to be covered under insurance arrangements amounting to Rs. 628,087 million (December
31, 2018: 585,901 million).
16.3 Net outstanding value against prepaid cards is Rs. 128.403 million as at reporting date (December 31, 2018: 140.858 million).
The above provision includes provisions made against letters of guarantee issued by the
Ibrahim Holdings (Private) Limited (holding company of the Bank), holds 972,510,410 (84.93%) [2018: 967,911,610
(84.53%)] ordinary shares of Rs. 10 each respectively, as at reporting date.
Note December 31, December 31,
2019 2018
Rupees in ‘000
21.1 Guarantees
21.2 Commitments
424,029,683 342,834,074
21.2.1 Commitments in respect of forward foreign exchange contracts
21.3.1 Claims against the Bank not acknowledged as debt 8,923,603 8,738,009
21.3.2 The income tax assessments of the Group have been finalized up to and including tax year 2019 for local, Azad Kashmir
and Gilgit Baltistan operations. While finalizing income tax assessments up to tax year 2018, income tax authorities made
certain add backs with aggregate tax impact of Rs.25,467 million (December 31, 2018: Rs.24,344 million). As a result of
appeals filed by the Group before appellate authorities, most of the add backs have been deleted. However, the Group and
Tax Department are in appeals / references before higher forums against unfavorable decisions. Pending finalization of
appeals / references no provision has been made by the Group on aggregate sum of Rs.25,467 million (December 31,
2018: Rs.24,344 million). The management is confident that the outcome of these appeals / references will be in favor of
the Group.
Tax Authorities have conducted proceedings of withholding tax audit under section 161/205 of Income Tax Ordinance, 2001
for tax year 2003 to 2006 and tax year 2008 to 2018 and created an arbitrary demand of Rs.1,720 million (December 31,
2018: Rs.1,556 million). The Group’s appeals before CIR(A)/Appellate Tribunal Inland Revenue (ATIR) are pending for
adjudication. The management is confident that these appeals will be decided in favor of the Group; therefore, no provision
has been made against the said demand of Rs.1,720 million (December 31, 2018: Rs.1,556 million).
Tax authorities have also issued orders under Federal Excise Act, 2005 / Sales Tax Act, 1990 and Sindh Sales Tax on
Services Act, 2011 for the year 2008 to 2017 thereby creating arbitrary aggregate demand of Rs.963 million (December 31,
2018: Rs.900 million). The Group’s appeals before CIR(A)/Appellate Tribunal Inland Revenue (ATIR) are pending for
adjudication. The management is confident that aforesaid demand will be deleted by appellate authorities and therefore no
provision has been made against the said demand of Rs.963 million (December 31, 2018: Rs.900 million).
21.3.3 As a result of default by Fateh Textile Mills to terms of compromise decree passed in August 2002 by the Honourable High
Court of Sindh, 16,376,106 shares of ABL were sold in accordance with section 19 (3) of the Financial Institutions
(Recovery of Finances) Ordinance, 2001, after complying with the due and complete transparent process. Sealed bids were
invited from interested parties. The bidding process was scheduled for July 23, 2004 and the Rs. 25 per share was fixed
reserve price. On the bid date, the highest offer for these shares was received at a rate of Rs. 25.51 per share. The bid was
approved and the successful bidder had deposited an amount of Rs. 417.75 million with the Bank.
Fateh Textile Mills Limited filed suit in the High Court of Sindh challenging the above sale of shares. The High Court had not
granted a stay order against the said sale. The sale of shares was, therefore; concluded.
21.3.4 While adjudicating foreign exchange repatriation cases of exporter namely: Fateh Textile Mills Limited, the Foreign
Exchange Adjudicating Court (FEAC) of the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has arbitrarily adjudicated penalties against
various banks including Rs. 2,173 million in aggregate against Allied Bank Limited (the Bank). Against the said judgments,
the Bank had filed appeals before the Appellate Board and Constitutional Petitions (CP) in the High Court of Sindh, Karachi.
The Honorable High Court granted relief to the Bank by way of interim orders. Meanwhile, alongwith other banks, Bank filed
a further CP whereby vires of section 23C of the FE Regulations Act, 1947 was sought to be declared ultra vires. On
November 8, 2018, the Honorable court was pleased to order that the Appellate Board shall not finally decide the appeals.
Subsequently, the earlier CP was disposed of vide order dated January 15, 2019 with a direction to the Appellate Board to
first decide the stay application of the Bank and till then, the Foreign Exchange Regulation Department has been restrained
from taking any coercive action against the Bank. Based on merits of the appeals, the management is confident that these
appeals shall be decided in favor of the Bank and therefore no provision has been made against the impugned penalty.
The Bank at present does not offer structured derivative products such as Interest Rate Swaps, Forward Rate Agreements
or FX Options. However, the Bank buys and sells derivative instruments such as:
Forward Exchange Contract (FEC) is a product which is offered to the obligor who transact internationally. These obligor
use this product to hedge themselves from unfavorable movements in a foreign currency, however, by agreeing to fix the
exchange rate, they do not benefit from favorable movements in that currency.
An FEC is a contract between the Obligor and the Bank in which both agree to exchange an amount of one currency for
another currency at an agreed forward exchange rate for settlement over more than two business days after the FEC is
entered into (the day on which settlement occurs is called the value date). FEC is entered with those Obligors whose credit
worthiness has already been assessed, and they have underlined trade transactions.
If the relevant exchange rate moves un-favorably, Obligor will benefit from that movement because the Bank must
exchange currencies at the FEC rate. In order to mitigate this risk of adverse exchange rate movement, the Bank hedges its
exposure by taking opposite forward position in inter-bank FX.
A Foreign Exchange Swap (FX Swap) is used by the Bank if it has a need to exchange one currency for another currency
on one day and then re-exchange those currencies at a later date. Exchange rates and forward margins are determined in
the “inter-bank” market and fluctuate according to supply and demand.
An FX Swap prevents the Bank from gaining any benefit resulting from a favorable exchange rate movement in the relevant
currency pair between the time Bank enters into the transaction deal and when settlement occurs. Cancellation of the swap
may also result in exposure to market movements. The key advantage of an FX swap is that it provides the Bank with
protection against unfavorable currency movements between the time it enters into the transaction and settlement. The term
and amounts for FX Swap can also be tailored to suit the Bank’s particular needs.
Equity Futures
An equity futures contract is a standardized contract, traded on a futures counter of the stock exchange, to buy or sell a
certain underlying script at a certain date in the future, at a specified price.
The Bank may use equity futures as a hedging instrument to hedge its equity portfolio, in both ‘held-for-trading’ and
‘available-for- sale’, against equity price risk. Only selected shares are allowed to be traded on futures exchange. Equity
futures give flexibility to the Bank either to take delivery on the future settlement date or to settle it by adjusting the notional
value of the contract based on the current market rates. Maximum exposure limit to the equity futures is 10% of Tier I
Capital of the Bank, based on prevailing SBP regulations.
The accounting policies used to recognize and disclose derivatives are given in Note 4.15.2. The risk management
framework of derivative instruments is given in note 43.
Note December 31, December 31,
2019 2018
Rupees in ‘000
Recovery of written off mark-up and charges 12,198 172,074
Gain on sale of fixed assets - net 268,306 34,903
Other assets disposal 79,258 34,464
Rent on property - -
Fee for attending Board meetings 3,384 2,845
Gain on disposal of islamic financing and related assets - 2,629
Gain / (loss) on sale of non-banking assets 27.1 32,266 (27)
395,412 246,888
27.1 This includes gain on sale of two non-banking assets amounting to Rs. 18 million and Rs. 14.266 million respectively (2018:
loss of Rs. 0.027 million).
Total compensation expense 28.1 13,749,364 12,502,989
Property expense:
Depreciation 28.2 3,906,601 2,068,320
Rent and taxes 28.2 288,321 1,755,132
Utilities cost 1,231,431 1,012,681
Security (including guards) 888,206 717,501
Repair and maintenance (including janitorial charges) 751,678 564,580
Insurance 73,833 68,064
7,140,070 6,186,278
Information technology expenses:
Network charges 689,087 631,926
Depreciation 668,223 548,711
Amortization 246,646 404,071
Software maintenance 546,047 353,806
Hardware maintenance 346,507 297,826
Others 9,234 8,521
2,505,744 2,244,861
Other operating expenses:
Marketing, advertisement and publicity 746,592 654,441
Insurance 28.3 1,148,296 567,053
Outsourced service costs 35.1 625,208 534,151
Cash in Transit service charge 521,405 415,560
Stationery and printing 466,341 334,409
Travelling and conveyance 234,157 193,607
Legal and professional charges 119,572 141,709
Postage and courier charges 218,094 126,877
Depreciation 218,320 125,659
Donations 28.5 55,253 113,238
NIFT clearing charges 123,966 106,097
Communication 89,261 87,952
Directors fees and allowances 32,860 29,736
Fees and allowances to Shariah Board 6,059 6,991
Training and development 96,671 101,430
Auditors Remuneration 28.4 21,360 19,611
Others 475,098 398,761
28.1.1 The Bank announced the Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) for its employees. Forty eight (48) employees (2018: 53) of
the Bank opted for retirement under this scheme.
28.2 Adoption of IFRS 16 ‘Leases’ resulted in increase in depreciation expense of Rs. 1,610.1 million and decrease of rent and
registration charges of Rs. 1,869.4 million.
28.3 Includes Deposit protection cost of Rs. 937.4 million (December 31, 2018: 410.6 million).
*This includes audit fee amounting to Bahraini Dinar 5,500 (2018: 5,500) relating to Wholesale Bahrain Branch.
28.5 None of the directors, executives and their spouses had any interest in the donees, except Mr. Mohammad Naeem Mukhtar
(Chairman/ Non-Executive Sponsor Director) is director in National Management Foundation (LUMS). Further, spouse of a
key management personnel also holds key position in RAAST Welfare Society.
Note December 31, December 31,
2019 2018
Rupees in ‘000
28.5.1 This represents charitable expenses on account of sadqa & feeding to under privileged.
WWF provision from 2014 to 2019 has been maintained conservatively based on tax advisor’s opinion in view of provincial
levy of WWF by the provinces with effect from 2014, including levy by Sindh which is under litigation.
Punjab Government has promulgated Punjab Workers Welfare Fund Act 2019 (PWWF) with effect from December 13,
2019, therefore, WWF provision related to Punjab and pertaining to the period from 2014 till the date of promulgation of
PWWF is reversed from the provision maintained for WWF from 2014 to 2019.
Penalties imposed by State Bank of Pakistan 120,914 38,143
Education cess 54,187 23,267
Depreciation - non-banking assets 19,851 19,662
Other assets written off 93 891
195,045 81,963
250 Report 2019
Notes to the Consolidated Financial
Number of Shares
Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year 1,145,073,830 1,145,073,830
35.1 In addition to the above, 501 (2018: 376) employees of outsourcing services companies were assigned to the Bank as at the
end of the year to perform services other than guarding and janitorial services. Further, 7 (2018: 8) employees were posted
abroad. The rest were working domestically.
The Bank operates a funded gratuity scheme for all employees who opted for the staff retirement benefit scheme introduced
by the management with effect from July 1, 2002. For those employees who did not opt for the new scheme, the Bank
continues to operate a funded pension scheme.
The Bank also provides post retirement medical benefits (unfunded scheme) to eligible retired employees.
The number of employees covered under the following defined benefit scheme / plans are:
The actuarial valuations were carried out for December 31, 2019 based on the Projected Unit Credit Method, using the
following significant assumptions:
Withdrawal rate
Pension fund Low Low
Gratuity fund Moderate High
Benevolent fund High
Post retirement medical benefits High High
Employees’ compensated absences High High
The expected return on plan assets is based on the market expectations and depends on the asset portfolio of the Bank, at
the beginning of the period, for returns over the entire life of the related obligation.
36.4 Reconciliation of (receivable from) / payable to defined benefit plans / other long term benefits
December 31,2019 December 31,2018
Note Pension
Gratuity Benevolent Post Employees’ Pension Gratuity Benevolent Post Employees’
fund fund retirement compensated fund fund fund retirement compensated
medical absences medical absences
Present value of defined benefit obligations 36.6 1,661,826 3,365,399 - 1,365,237 668,548 1,585,703 2,827,757 9,206 1,332,925 606,880
Fair value of plan’s / scheme’s assets 36.7 (6,102,237) (2,744,422) - - - (6,145,768) (2,383,102) (241,036) - -
Net (asset) / liability (4,440,411) 620,977 - 1,365,237 668,548 (4,560,065) 444,655 (231,830) 1,332,925 606,880
Net (asset) / liability (4,440,411) 620,977 - 1,365,237 668,548 (4,560,065) 444,655 (115,915) 1,332,925 606,880
Opening balance (4,560,065) 444,655 (115,915) 1,332,925 606,880 (3,692,032) 511,919 (112,061) 1,240,250 571,757
(Reversal) / charge for the year 36.9 (466,025) 476,334 (28,157) 192,559 185,016 (121,245) 390,919 (18,490) 144,612 244,446
Other comprehensive (income) / losses 727,746 90,890 - (44,640) - (746,788) (72,143) 14,636 105,031 -
Contribution to the fund / benefits paid (142,067) (390,902) 144,072 (115,607) (123,348) - (386,040) - (156,968) (209,323)
Closing balance (4,440,411) 620,977 - 1,365,237 668,548 (4,560,065) 444,655 (115,915) 1,332,925 606,880
36.6 Movement in defined benefit obligations
36.8.3 Investment in term deposit receipts are subject to credit risk and interest rate risks, while equity securities are subject to price
risk. These risks are regularly monitored by Trustees of the employee funds.
36.12 Five year data of defined benefit plan and experience adjustments
Pension fund
2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Rupees in ‘000
Present value of defined benefit obligation 1,661,826 1,585,703 1,979,453 2,001,618 1,971,233
Fair value of plan assets (6,102,237) (6,145,768) (5,671,485) (6,616,345) (5,770,403)
(4,440,411) (4,560,065) (3,692,032) (4,614,727) (3,799,170)
Experience adjustments on plan obligations / assets
Re–measurement gain / (loss) on obligation (221,183) 364,271 (94,595) (172,722) (152,852)
Re–measurement gain / (loss) on assets (506,563) 382,517 (1,191,876) 660,173 (854,480)
36.12 Five year data of defined benefit plan and experience adjustments
Gratuity fund
2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Rupees in ‘000
Present value of defined benefit obligation 3,365,399 2,827,757 2,531,300 2,285,523 2,043,833
Fair value of plan assets (2,744,422) (2,383,102) (2,019,381) (2,030,232) (1,482,378)
620,977 444,655 511,919 255,291 561,455
Experience adjustments on plan obligations / assets
Re–measurement gain / (loss) on obligation (16,098) (73,576) (20,492) 36,036 (167,783)
Re–measurement gain / (loss) on assets (74,792) 145,719 (230,025) 26,301 (168,935)
Benevolent fund
2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Rupees in ‘000
Present value of defined benefit obligation 1,365,237 1,332,925 1,240,250 1,298,380 1,217,945
Fair value of plan assets - - - - -
1,365,237 1,332,925 1,240,250 1,298,380 1,217,945
Experience adjustments on plan obligations
Re–measurement (loss) / gain on obligation 44,640 (105,031) 62,068 (97,990) (243,936)
Present value of defined benefit obligation 668,548 606,880 570,128 698,964 761,498
Fair value of plan assets - - - - -
668,548 606,880 570,128 698,964 761,498
Experience adjustments on plan obligations
Re–measurement (loss) / gain on obligation (59,950) (137,850) 71,640 11,662 (45,712)
36.13 Expected contributions to be paid to the funds in the next financial year
The Bank contributes to the gratuity fund as per actuarial expected charge for the next financial year. No contributions are
being made to pension fund due to surplus of fair value of plan’s assets over present value of defined obligation. Based on
actuarial advice, management estimates that the charge / (reversal) in respect of defined benefit plans for the year ending
December 31, 2020 would be as follows:
Pension Gratuity Benevolent Post Employees’
fund fund fund retirement compensated
medical absences
Rupees in ‘000
Expected (reversal) / charge for the next year (499,546) 407,227 - 127,086 108,310
36.14 Sensitivity analysis
+1% -1% +1% Salary -1% Salary +10% -10% 1Year 1Year
Description Discount Discount Increase Increase Withdrawal Withdrawal Mortality age Mortality age
Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate set back set forward
Rupees in ‘000
Pension fund 1,613,770 1,715,331 1,661,826 1,661,826 1,661,894 1,661,765 1,662,587 1,661,069
Gratuity fund 3,159,317 3,597,914 3,616,359 3,139,696 3,351,328 3,351,328 3,350,060 3,352,591
Benevolent fund - - - - - - - -
Post retirement medical 1,272,317 1,470,835 1,399,106 1,330,036 1,405,845 1,329,438 1,360,812 1,369,967
Leave compensated absences 625,368 717,204 717,674 624,241 660,538 676,907 666,953 670,135
The above sensitivity analysis are based on a change in an assumption while holding all other assumptions constant. In
practice, this is unlikely to occur, and changes in assumptions may be correlated. When calculating the sensitivity of the
defined benefit obligation to significant actuarial assumptions the same method (present value of defined benefit obligation
calculated with the projected unit credit method at the end of the reporting period) has been applied when calculating the
defined benefit obligation recognized within the statement of financial position.
The weighted average duration of the obligation (in years) 3.06 6.5 - 5.40 5.40
The Bank endeavours to ensure that liabilities under the various employee benefit schemes are covered by the Fund on any
valuation date having regards to the various actuarial assumptions such as projected future salary increase, expected future
contributions to the fund, projected increase in liability associated with future service and the projected investment income
of the Fund.
The defined benefit plans may expose the bank to actuarial risks such as longevity risk, investment risk, salary increase risk
and withdrawal rate risk as described below;
Longevity risks:
The risk arises when the actual lifetime of retirees is longer than expectation. This risk is measured at the plan level over
the entire retiree population.
Investment risks:
The risk arises when the actual performance level of investment levels is lower than expectation and thus creating a
shortfall in the funding objectives.
The most common type of retirement benefit is one where the final benefit is linked with final salary. The risk arises when
the actual increases are higher than expectations and impact the liability accordingly.
Withdrawal Rate:
The risk of actual withdrawals varying with the actuarial assumptions can impose a risk to the benefit obligation. The
movement of the liability can go either way.
The Bank operates an approved contributory provident fund for 10,089 (2018: 10,158) employees where contributions are
made by the Bank and employees at 8.33% per annum (2018: 8.33% per annum) of the basic salary every month.
Number of persons 1 8 3 1 19 75
Number of persons 1 8 4 1 18
38.2 Remuneration paid to Directors for participation in Board and Committee Meetings
December 31,
2019 Board
Human Committees Strategic
Board Audit Total
Name of Director Resource E-Vision Planning and
Committee Board Risk Amount
Meetings Remuneration Monitoring
of Board Committee Paid
Committee Committee
Rupees in
December 31,
2018 Board
Human Committees Strategic
Board Audit Total
Name of Director Resource E-Vision Planning and
Committee Board Risk Amount
Meetings Remuneration Monitoring
of Board Committee Paid
Committee Committee
Rupees in
38.4 Deferred cash bonus / remuneration for MRTs for the year 2019 is Rs. 15,828,450
The table below analyses financial instruments measured at the end of the reporting period by the level in the fair value
hierarchy into which the fair value measurement is categorised:
Rupees in ‘000
Shares / Open Ended Mutual Funds 2,197,434 28,613,526 - - - 30,810,960 28,458,268 2,352,692 - 30,810,960
Federal Government Securities 19,868,163 678,973,168 - - - 698,841,331 - 698,841,331 - 698,841,331
Non Government Debt Securities - 4,176,639 - - - 4,176,639 - 4,176,639 - 4,176,639
Trading Liability - - - - - - - - - - -
Rupees in ‘000
39.2 Valuation Techniques used in determination of Fair Valuation of Financial Instruments within Level 2
Segment direct expenses (582,516) (15,889,959) (114,760) (1,285,405) (316,708) (9,737,713) (27,927,061)
Total expenses (582,516) (15,889,959) (114,760) (1,285,405) (316,708) (9,737,713) (27,927,061)
Provisions (1,262,930) (235,843) - (12) - 952,127 (546,658)
Profit before tax 3,209,842 28,117,796 4,931,916 78,854 460,284 (12,096,769) 24,701,923
Balance Sheet
Cash & Bank balances 59,821 51,303,207 61,984,899 2,045,240 15,525 5,129,016 120,537,708
Investments 47,263,032 - 697,876,038 12,452,302 2,197,434 (134,379) 759,654,427
Net inter segment lending (413,851,658) 972,381,940 (557,387,799) 161,300 - (1,303,783) -
Lendings to financial institutions 4,753,821 - 2,052,492 11,554,430 - (4,753,822) 13,606,921
Advances - performing 437,660,414 25,631,709 - 12,615,228 35,688 8,407,030 484,350,069
Advances - non-performing 511,117 461,688 - - - 14,881,113 15,853,918
Provision against advances (127,779) (205,889) - (20) - (14,818,731) (15,152,419)
Advances - net 438,043,752 25,887,508 - 12,615,208 35,688 8,469,412 485,051,568
Others 7,072,635 8,706,936 7,215,579 2,752,910 545,118 78,239,639 104,532,817
Total Assets 83,341,403 1,058,279,591 211,741,209 41,581,390 2,793,765 85,646,083 1,483,383,441
- -
Borrowings 63,149,483 2,415,660 203,936,638 1,700,000 - (4,753,395) 266,448,386
Deposits & other accounts - 1,012,571,004 - 34,389,411 - 2,058,389 1,049,018,804
Others 2,413,361 16,402,958 1,917,550 2,143,144 433,045 27,394,639 50,704,697
Total liabilities 65,562,844 1,031,389,622 205,854,188 38,232,555 433,045 24,699,633 1,366,171,887
Equity / Reserves 17,778,559 26,889,969 5,887,021 3,348,835 2,360,720 60,946,450 117,211,554
Total Equity and Liabilities 83,341,403 1,058,279,591 211,741,209 41,581,390 2,793,765 85,646,083 1,483,383,441
Contingencies and Commitments 78,732,154 12,055,398 359,395,856 1,907,886 42,231 13,128,046 465,261,571
December 31, 2018
Corporate & Commercial Trading &
Investment and Retail Sale Islamic Asset Others Total
Banking Management
Banking Banking (Treasury)
Rupees in ‘000
Segment direct expenses (525,101) (13,782,024) (108,445) (1,083,994) (291,136) (7,963,540) (23,754,240)
Total expenses (525,101) (13,782,024) (108,445) (1,083,994) (291,136) (7,963,540) (23,754,240)
Provisions (234,885) (3,418) - 8 - (851,393) (1,089,688)
Profit before tax 4,809,612 18,000,753 7,752,226 (348,810) 216,483 (9,197,353) 21,232,911
Balance Sheet
Cash & Bank balances 79,354 44,090,551 47,880,283 4,157,592 1,263 5,543,573 101,752,616
Investments 53,748,130 - 606,731,062 10,249,093 1,859,024 - 672,587,309
Net inter segment lending (402,000,239) 893,698,327 (529,115,678) 1,705,552 - 35,712,038 -
Lendings to financial institutions 3,610,409 - 50,255,680 3,529,999 - (3,615,893) 53,780,195
Advances - performing 394,258,308 28,081,086 - 6,927,030 38,985 23,965,054 453,270,463
Advances - non-performing 415,941 183,631 - - - - 599,572
Provision against advances (116,635) (103,416) - (8) - (15,293,806) (15,513,865)
Advances - net 394,557,614 28,161,301 - 6,927,022 38,985 8,671,248 438,356,170
Others 4,772,402 7,977,518 2,236,843 1,641,756 406,822 68,871,672 85,907,013
Total Assets 54,767,670 973,927,697 177,988,190 28,211,014 2,306,094 115,182,638 1,352,383,303
- -
Borrowings 42,470,266 3,912,691 183,088,196 - - (3,588,167) 225,882,986
Deposits & other accounts - 957,686,063 - 24,632,633 - 2,144,371 984,463,067
Others 2,326,844 12,328,943 (3,680,842) 326,877 321,117 21,624,500 33,247,439
Total liabilities 44,797,110 973,927,697 179,407,354 24,959,510 321,117 20,180,704 1,243,593,492
Equity / Reserves 9,970,560 - (1,419,164) 3,251,504 1,984,977 95,001,934 108,789,811
Total Equity and Liabilities 54,767,670 973,927,697 177,988,190 28,211,014 2,306,094 115,182,638 1,352,383,303
Contingencies and Commitments 83,806,271 12,033,028 265,278,829 582,318 65,371 17,824,414 379,590,231
Balance Sheet
Rupees in ‘000
Key Other
December 31, 2018
Key Othe
s to
Joint Joint
Parent Directors management Associates* related Parent Directors management Associates* related
venture venture
personnel parties personnel parties
Rupees in ‘000
Other Assets
Interest / mark-up accrued - 7,860 69,367 - - - 13,143 66,580 - - -
Receivable from staff retirement fund - - - - - 3,705,491 - - - - - 4,204,441 solid
Other receivable
Provision against other assets
Opening balance – – – – – – – – – – – – ncial
Borrowings during the year
Settled during the year
Transfer in / (out) - net – – – – – – – – – – – – eme
Closing balance – – – – – – – – – – – –
Other Liabilities
Interest / mark-up payable - - - 599 - 116,987 - 2,506 625 757 - 651,581
Payable to staff retirement fund - - - - - - - - - - -
ponu December 31, 2019 December 31, 2018 s to
rt al Parent Directors
management Associates*
related Parent Directors
management Associates*
20 venture venture
personnel parties
Rupees in ‘000
personnel parties
Mark-up / return / interest earned - 422 18,179 - - - - 513 13,475 - - - ated
Sales Commission
Fee and commission income
1 21
- -
2 10
- -
Dividend income - - - - - - - - - - - -
Net gain / (loss) on sale of securities - - 14 - - 465 - - - - - (262)
Rental Income - - - - - - - - - - - - Stat
Other Income - - - - - - - - - - - 2,237
Expense nts
Mark-up / return / interest paid - 14,749 559 5,108 - 884,506 - 2,506 625 757 - 651,581
for the
Directors meeting fee - 30,000 - - - - - 18,700 - - - -
Remuneration - 78,174 371,381 - - - - 73,504 351,782 - - -
Other expenses** - - - 31,211 - - - - - 32,006 - -
Rent expense*** - - - 28,658 - - - - - 26,363 - -
Charge in respect of staff retirement
benefit funds - - - - - 74,123 - - - - - 551,657
Insurance premium paid - 167 879 - - - - 99 244 - - -
Insurance claims settled - - - - - - - - - - - -
Shares held by the holding company, outstanding at the end of year are included in note 19 to these consolidated financial
‘**Other expenses mainly include donation of Rs. 30 million to National Management Foundation for construction of hostel building.
‘***Rent expense of ABL Branch with associated company (Ibrahim Fibres Limited) was carried out on terms other than that of arm’s length with prior permission of State Bank of Pakistan.
During the year ended December 31, 2019; certain movable assets having cumulative net book value of Rs. 36,000 were disposed off for Rs. 269,000 to the Key Management Personnel
of the Bank.
Notes to the Consolidated Financial
In order to strengthen the solvency of Banks / Development Financial Institutions (DFI), SBP through its BSD Circular No.
07 of 2009 dated April 15, 2009 has asked the Banks to raise their minimum paid up capital to Rs. 10 billion free of losses.
Further, SBP through its BPRD Circular # 6 of 2013 dated August 15, 2013 has asked Banks to maintain the minimum
Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) of 12.50% on standalone as well as on consolidated basis till December 31, 2019. A phase
in arrangement was put in place whereby the banks were required to maintain the following ratios on an ongoing basis,
which has been completed as on December 31, 2019.
The paid up capital and Consolidated CAR of the Bank stands at Rs. 11.451 billion and 21.79% of its total risk weighted
assets as at December 31, 2019, respectively. The Bank has complied with all externally imposed capital requirements as at
year end. Standardized Approach is used for calculating the Credit and Market risk, whereas, Basic Indicator Approach is
used for Operational Risk in the Capital Adequacy Calculation.
The principal risks associated with ABL’s business are credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk, reputational risk and operational
risk. The Risk Management Framework (henceforth to be referred to as ‘The Framework’) provides principles for identifying,
assessing, and monitoring risk within the Bank. The Framework specifies the key elements of the risk management process
in order to maximize opportunities, minimize adversities and to achieve improved outputs based on informed decision
The Bank performs risk measurement, monitoring and control functions through use of various risk procedures and models.
To give it a formal structure, all the policies and guidelines are approved by the Board and relevant management
Risk management functions have been segregated by business specialization, i.e., Credit Risk, Credit Administration,
Technical Appraisal and Enterprise Risk which inter alia includes Risk Architecture, Reputational Risk, Operational Risk and
Market & Liquidity Risk. All these functions are operating in tandem to improve and maintain the health of the Bank’s assets
and liabilities.
Categories of Risk
Credit Risk This risk is defined as the possibility of loss due to unexpected default or a deterioration of credit
worthiness of a business partner.
Credit Risk includes Country Risk i.e., the risks that counterparty is unable to meet its foreign
currency obligations as a result of adverse economic conditions or actions taken by governments
in the relevant country.
Market Risk The risk of loss generated by adverse changes in the price of financial assets or contracts
currently held by the Bank (this risk is also known as price risk).
Liquidity Risk The risk that the Bank is unable to meet its payment obligations when they fall due and to replace
funds when they are withdrawn; the consequences of which may be the failure to meet
obligations to repay depositors and fulfill commitments to lend.
Operational Risk Operational Risk is the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people,
and systems or from external events. The definition excludes reputational risk.
Reputational Risk The risk of failing to meet the standards of performance or behaviour required or expected by
stakeholders in commercial activities or the way in which business is conducted.
Information Security & Information Security Governance Risk Management involves the identification of an organization’s
Governance Risk information assets and the development, documentation, and implementation of policies,
standards, procedures and guidelines that ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
Strategic Risk Risk of an adverse impact on strategic goals. Strategic risk mainly arises from strategic
decisions, improper implementation of those decisions, or lack of responsiveness of Bank to
industry, economic or technological changes.
Risk Responsibilities
– The Board of Directors are accountable for overall supervision of the risk management process. The Board is
responsible for determining the manner in which risk authorities are set, as well as the approval of all risk policies
and ensuring that these are properly implemented. Further, the Board shall also seek appointment of senior
management personnel capable of managing the risk activities conducted by the Bank.
– The Board Risk Management Committee (BRMC) is responsible for ensuring that the overall risk strategy and
appetite of the Bank is appropriately defined in the Strategic Plan and recommend the same to the Board of
– The CEO and Group Chiefs are accountable for the management of risk collectively through their membership of
Asset & Liability Committee (ALCO) and Risk Management Committee (RMC). Independent supervision of risk
management activities is provided by the Audit Committee.
– The Risk Management Group is head by a Group Chief responsible to set-up and implement the Risk Framework of
the Bank.
Risk management functions have been segregated by business specialization, i.e., Credit Risk, Credit Administration,
Technical Appraisal, Information security and Enterprise Risk which interalia includes Risk Architecture, Operational Risk
and Market & Liquidity Risk. All these functions are operating in tandem to monitor the health of assets and liabilities, while
ensuring risk mitigants against cyber and information system threats.
Credit risk, the potential default of one or more debtors, is a major source of risk for the Bank. The Bank is exposed to credit
risk through its lending and investment activities. The Bank’s credit risk function is divided into Corporate and Financial
Institutions Risk and Commercial, SME and Consumer Risk. The functions operate within an integrated framework of credit
policies, guidelines and processes. The credit risk management activities are governed by the Credit Policy of the Bank that
defines the respective roles and responsibilities, the credit risk management principles and the Bank’s credit risk strategy.
The policy is supported by a comprehensive Credit Procedures Manual.
When the Bank lends to public sector borrowers, it prefers obtaining a full sovereign guarantee or the equivalent from the
Government of Pakistan (GOP). However, certain public sector enterprises have a well defined cash flow stream and
appropriate business model, based on which the lending is secured through collaterals other than GOP guarantee.
Each borrower’s credit worthiness is analyzed on the Credit Application Package that incorporates a formalized and
structured approach for credit analysis and directs the focus of evaluation towards a balanced assessment of credit risk with
identification of proper mitigates. These risks include Industry Risk, Business Risk, Financial Risk, Security Risk and
Account Performance Risk.
Financial analysis is further strengthened through use of separate financial spread sheet templates that have been
designed for manufacturing / trading concerns, financial institutions and insurance companies.
In the normal course of its business, the Bank’s Treasury utilizes products such as Reverse REPO and call lending to meet
the needs of interbank borrowers and manage its exposure to fluctuations in market, interest and currency rates. Further,
these products are also used to temporarily invest Bank’s liquidity prior to disbursement. All of these financial instruments
involve, to varying degrees, the risk that the counterparty in the transaction may be unable to meet its obligation to the
Reflecting a preference for minimizing exposure to counterparty credit risk, the Bank maintains eligibility criteria that link the
exposure limits to counterparty credit ratings by external rating agencies.
A. Country Risk
The Bank has in place a Country Risk Management Framework which has been approved by the Board. This framework
focuses on providing detailed roles and responsibilities with respect to country risk assessment as well as limit setting,
exposure management and reporting of cross border exposure undertaken by the Bank. The Bank utilizes S&P, Fitch and
Moody’s country ratings as well as other macroeconomic and external risk factors in assigning a country risk limit. The
Financial Institutions Division is responsible for monitoring of country exposure limits.
Credit Administration
Credit Administration is involved in minimizing losses that could arise due to security and documentation deficiencies. The
Credit Administration Function constantly monitors the security and documentation risks inherent in the existing credit
portfolio through four regional credit administration departments located all over the country.
43.1.1 Lendings to financial institutions
43.1.3 Advances
Agriculture, Forestry and Hunting 79,583,981 78,511,776 654,964 624,049 511,318 596,596
Basic metals (iron, steel) 5,243,108 7,220,441 413,828 151,863 214,278 151,863
Cement / clay & ceramics 19,359,961 16,781,544 74,089 74,089 74,089 74,089
Chemical & pharmaceutical 25,230,941 23,965,746 372,744 376,479 372,744 376,479
Construction 6,701,913 6,958,964 190,283 120,529 176,038 120,529
Education 130,146 124,885 123 123 123 123
Financial 31,875,767 22,710,967 56,154 72,454 56,154 72,454
Footwear & leather garments 2,823,053 2,212,093 111,740 116,953 106,841 108,133
Furniture & sports goods 1,978,284 1,118,853 265,984 265,990 265,984 265,990
Grains, food & beverages 10,952,503 12,750,666 1,853,302 1,917,020 1,853,302 1,766,367
Health & social welfare 27,029 52,122 2,688 3,478 2,688 3,478
Hotel, restaurant & clubs 1,000,000 1,000,000 7,564 7,664 7,564 7,664
Individuals 10,095,807 10,071,632 368,240 361,566 337,085 361,501
Machinery & equipment 5,790,537 4,200,452 1,097,134 1,157,834 1,097,134 1,157,834
Manufacture of transport equipment 2,176,982 844,246 139,822 140,522 139,822 140,522
Paper & paper boards 7,046,681 5,632,472 208,574 210,574 208,574 210,574
Petroleum products 3,934,730 13,291,165 176,351 13,228 94,073 13,228
Power, gas, water & sanitary 156,149,658 140,719,800 637,015 637,015 637,015 637,015
Printing, publishing & allied 206,458 1,121,462 10,056 10,056 10,056 10,056
Real estate, renting, and business activities 8,331,917 5,485,741 - - - -
Rubber & plastic 288,680 295,588 230,563 233,068 230,563 233,068
Sugar 6,897,513 7,365,203 51,066 51,066 51,066 51,066
Textile -Manufacture of made up & ready 25,684,060 3,002,600 3,003,575 3,002,601 3,003,575
made garments
Textile - Finishing 15,189,368 16,456,503 2,872,372 2,884,586 2,872,372 2,884,586
Textile - Spinning 18,024,943 18,618,930 1,261,119 1,141,751 1,157,244 1,141,751
Textile - Weaving 3,210,115 1,664,289 38,482 38,632 38,482 38,632
Transport, storage & communication 16,154,933 12,439,987 126,459 428,077 46,546 127,149
Wholesale & retail trade 9,199,116 9,220,564 967,415 977,027 885,681 948,802
Others 22,168,134 7,385,384 663,187 1,045,374 663,187 1,030,374
500,203,987 453,905,535 15,853,918 16,064,642 15,112,624 15,533,498
The Bank’s top 10 exposures on the basis of total (funded and non-funded) exposures aggregating to Rs. 222,105.62 million
(December 31, 2018: Rs. 220,201.42 million) are as following:
The sanctioned limits against these top 10 exposures aggregated to Rs. 265,900.73 million (December 31, 2018: Rs.
255,278.34 million).
Punjab 691,256,822 683,293,584 4,672,048 3,172,039 3,810 104,071 11,270
Sindh 1,110,838,731 74,993,563 1,034,704,724 35,148 9,290 1,075,242 20,764
KPK including FATA 1,621,529 243,216 - 1,378,313 - - -
Balochistan 618,127 - - 618,127 -
Islamabad 16,733,824 - - - - 16,733,824 -
AJK including Gilgit-Baltistan 881,289 - - - - - 881,289
Total 1,821,950,322 758,530,363 1,039,376,772 4,585,500 631,227 17,913,137 913,323
Punjab 591,723,087 522,554,625 34,494,817 - - 34,673,645 -
Sindh 802,485,680 42,048,213 656,714,012 4,851,487 - 98,871,968 -
KPK including FATA 1,429,676 686,026 - 743,650 - - -
Balochistan 525,809 - - - 525,809 - -
Islamabad 8,766,970 - - - - 8,766,970 -
AJK including Gilgit–Baltistan 551,587 - - - - - 551,587
Total 1,405,482,809 565,288,864 691,208,829 5,595,137 525,809 142,312,583 551,587
43.2 Market Risk
Market Risk is the risk of loss in earnings and capital due to adverse changes in interest rates, foreign exchange rates,
equity prices and market conditions. Thus market risk can be further described into Interest Rate Risk, Foreign Exchange
Risk and Equity Position Risk.
Market Risk performs risk measurement, monitoring and control functions through use of various risk procedures and
models. To give it a formal structure, all the policies and guidelines are approved by the Board and relevant management
committees. The Bank appointed services of a foreign risk advisory firm for assistance in establishment of Market Risk
Management Framework.
The Bank uses three types of risk management tools to measure the Bank’s Market Risk: Value-at Risk (VaR), Expected
Shortfall (ES) and Stress Testing. In addition, control limits are utilized to maintain the risks within acceptable levels.
The Bank maintains adequate regulatory capital to cover all interest rate risks falling under the “Trading Book” as well as
“Banking Book”, as defined by Basel capital accord. The Bank uses Standardized Approach in determining credit risk,
market risk and operational risk exposures in the capital adequacy calculation. In Market risk exposures, Maturity method is
used to calculate charge on Interest rate risk and FX risk.
In its pursuit of automation, the Bank has successfully implemented Oracle Financial Services Analytical Application
(OFSAA) Market Risk Module to automate the risk monitoring and reporting activities pertaining to Market Risk, which
allows for more efficient risk monitoring and increased focus on risk analysis to help in making more informed decisions.
Trading Book
The Trading Book of the Bank consists of positions in financial instruments held either with trading intent or in order to
hedge other elements of the trading book. To be eligible for trading book, financial instruments must be held with the intent
of trading and free of any restrictive covenants on their tradability. In addition, positions need to be frequently and
accurately valued and the portfolio should be actively monitored and managed accordingly.
The Bank’s trading book includes securities classified as ‘Held-For-Trading’, ‘Open Ended Mutual Fund’ and non strategic
listed equity placed in ‘Available-For-Sale’. These positions are exposed to all forms of market risk, therefore, are managed
All investments excluding trading book are considered as part of banking book. Banking book includes:
i) Government securities
ii) Capital market investments
iii) Investments in bonds, debentures, etc.
Due to the diversified nature of investments in banking book, it is subject to interest rate risk, equity price risk and FX risk.
Government securities (PIBs, Sukuks & T-Bills), Bonds, Debentures, etc. and other money market investments are subject
to interest rate risk. To capture the risk associated with these securities, extensive modelling is being done with respect to
duration analysis. Stress testing and scenario models are also in place to capture the sensitivity of the portfolio to adverse
movement in interest rates. For prudent risk management, all money market investments are marked to market to assess
changes in the market value of investments due to interest rate movements.
Stress Testing
The Bank also conducts Stress Testing of the Bank’s investment portfolio to ascertain the impact of various scenarios on the
capital adequacy and sustainability of the Bank. The exercise assumes various stress conditions, with respect to Market
Risk (Rise or Fall in Interest Rates, leading to interest rate risk), Equity Price Risk resulting from Stock Market movements,
FX Rate Risk leading from adverse movements in exchange rates and Liquidity Risk (ability to meet short-term obligations if
there is a run on deposits). Stress testing is also conducted on various macro-economic scenarios to test the resilience of
the Bank.
43.2.2 Balance sheet split by trading and banking books
Cash and balances with treasury banks 119,935,126 - 119,935,126 99,177,561 - 99,177,561
Balances with other banks 602,582 - 602,582 2,575,055 - 2,575,055
Lendings to financial institutions 13,606,921 - 13,606,921 53,780,195 - 53,780,195
Investments 720,986,859 38,667,568 759,654,427 655,034,517 17,552,792 672,587,309
Advances 485,051,568 - 485,051,568 438,356,170 - 438,356,170
Fixed assets 62,240,062 - 62,240,062 50,399,773 - 50,399,773
Intangible assets 1,975,898 - 1,975,898 1,756,127 - 1,756,127
Deferred tax assets - - - - - -
Other assets 40,316,857 - 40,316,857 33,751,113 - 33,751,113
1,444,715,873 38,667,568 1,483,383,441 1,334,830,511 17,552,792 1,352,383,303
Foreign Exchange Risk is the risk of loss arising from fluctuations in exchange rates. The Bank’s FX Risk is largely
mitigated by following a matched funding policy whereas for any mismatched exposures, the Bank utilizes appropriate
derivative instruments such as Forwards and Swaps.
The majority of the Bank’s net foreign currency exposure is in US Dollars and the Bank uses system-based monitoring of it’s
intra-day Net Open Position for effective risk management. The Bank carefully monitors the net foreign currency exposure
and the effect of exchange rate fluctuations by conducting sensitivity analysis and stress testing, as well as utilizing the
currency forwards and swaps to hedge the related exposure.
The Bank maintains adequate regulatory capital to cover against foreign exchange risks.
The bank undertakes foreign exchange exposures in the shape of FX Forwards and Swaps in order to hedge its foreign
currency deposits and advances, after incorporating the impact of it’s NOSTRO and Cash Reserve balances.
December 31, 2019 December 31, 2018
Foreign Foreign Off–balance Net foreign Foreign Foreign Off–balance Net foreign
Currency Currency sheet items currency Currency Currency sheet items currency
Assets Laibilities exposure Assets Laibilities exposure
Pakistani Rupee 1,425,151,241 1,227,922,341 (80,271,378) 116,957,522 1,301,673,999 1,126,239,213 (66,414,629) 109,020,157
United States Dollar 56,981,096 130,223,325 73,575,765 333,536 50,030,348 109,211,476 58,937,581 (243,547)
Great Britain Pound Sterling 892,579 4,561,262 3,611,463 (57,220) 283,035 5,309,004 5,026,143 174
Japanese Yen 14,613 1,110 (22,808) (9,305) 4,317 975 (2,521) 821
Euro 310,246 3,435,978 3,105,506 (20,226) 326,332 2,826,096 2,502,163 2,399
Other currencies 33,666 27,871 1,452 7,247 65,272 6,728 (48,737) 9,807
58,232,200 138,249,546 80,271,378 254,032 50,709,304 117,354,279 66,414,629 (230,346)
1,483,383,441 1,366,171,887 - 117,211,554 1,352,383,303 1,243,593,492 - 108,789,811
Equity risk is the potential for incurring losses due to adverse changes in stock prices. The Bank holds a diversified portfolio
of equity investments in order to minimize non-systematic risk while retaining acceptable systematic risk. ALCO ensures that
equity price risk is mitigated through prudent portfolio management.
The Bank maintains adequate regulatory capital to cover against equity price risks. Equity investments classified as “Held-
For- Trading” as well as listed non-strategic equity investments classified as “Available-For-Sale” are part of the “Trading
Book” and subject to market risk change as specified by the Basel Framework. Un-listed and listed strategic equity
investment are part of “Banking Book” and are therefore subject to credit risk charge as specified by the Basel Framework.
43.2.5 Yield / Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book (IRRBB)–Basel II Specific
Interest rate / Rate of return risk is the current or prospective risk of losses, to both the Bank’s capital and earnings, arising
from movements in interest rates / rates of return. The losses may be due to earnings deterioration or capital erosion. The
Bank has a robust system in place to monitor Interest rate risk and ALCO regularly analyses the interest rate scenario and
devises strategies to minimize adverse impact of interest rate risk to the Bank’s equity and profits.
Interest rate risk is measured through “duration” of an instrument. To assess the interest rate risk at Balance Sheet and
Income Statement level, gap analysis on “re-pricing schedule” is utilized. Re-pricing schedule is a distribution of interest-
sensitive assets, liabilities, and Off-Balance Sheet positions into a number of predefined time bands according to their
maturity (if fixed-rate) or time remaining to their next re-pricing (if floating-rate), and is calculated in compliance with SBP
instructions. For non-contractual assets and liabilities, an ALCO approved methodology is utilized to place these assets and
liabilities in the re-pricing schedule. This methodology is based on the results of a behavioural analysis which statistically
models the historical trends of the last 5 years.
Government securities (PIBs & T-Bills, Sukuks), Bonds, Debentures, etc. and other money market investments are subject
to interest rate / rate of return risk. To capture the risk associated with these securities, extensive modelling is being done
with respect to duration analysis. Stress testing and scenario-based models are also in place to capture the sensitivity of the
portfolio to adverse movement in interest rates. For prudent risk management, all money market investments are marked to
market to assess changes in the market value of investments due to interest rate movements. Yield/ Interest rate sensitivity
position for on-balance sheet instruments is based on the earlier of contractual re-pricing or maturity date and for off-
balance sheet instruments is based on settlement date.
Yield Risk is the risk of decline in earnings due to adverse movement of the yield curve. Interest rate risk is the risk that the
value of the financial instrument will fluctuate due to changes in the market interest rates.
In accordance with BSD Circular No.03 of 2011, issued by the SBP, the Group is required to report interest rate sensitivity
gap of assets and liabilities on the basis of an objective and systematic behavioural study approved by ALCO committee.
27 Off–balance sheet gap 213,307,912 52,425,617 45,409,465 79,057,570 22,247,975 12,520,902 577,593 196,028 - 872,762 -
9 Total Yield/Interest Risk Sensitivity Gap 267,771,374 206,983,549 228,500,430 (133,675,173) 60,079,454 56,735,822 9,033,941 11,197,205 6,886,403 5,651,634 (183,621,891)
Cumulative Yield/Interest Risk Sensitivity Gap 267,771,374 206,983,549 435,483,979 301,808,806 361,888,260 418,624,082 427,658,023 438,855,228 445,741,631 451,393,265 -
43.2.6 Mismatch of Interest Rate Sensitive Assets and Liabilities
December 31, 2018 s to
ReAn Yield/
Interest Con
ponu rate
Other commitments 27,762,282 13,998,922 4,536,571 2,459,295 1,850,964 807,808 807,808 1,615,617 1,685,297 - -
Off–balance sheet gap 248,610,246 94,659,580 53,752,454 48,715,471 24,021,319 21,008,372 1,893,442 1,692,956 1,692,797 1,173,855 -
Total Yield/Interest Risk Sensitivity Gap 305,817,139 136,682,021 360,774,085 (140,881,494) 38,204,287 3,469,447 9,742,082 13,872,744 18,140,474 5,940,979 (140,127,486)
Cumulative Yield/Interest Risk Sensitivity Gap 305,817,139 136,682,021 497,456,106 356,574,612 394,778,899 398,248,346 407,990,428 421,863,172 440,003,646 445,944,625 -
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2019
Balance as per balance sheet 1,483,383,441 1,352,383,303 Balance as per balance sheet 1,366,171,887 1,243,593,492
The Bank, like all financial institutions, is exposed to different types of operational risks, including the potential losses arising
from internal activities or external events caused by breakdowns in information, communication, physical safeguards,
business continuity, supervision, transaction processing, settlement systems and the execution of legal, fiduciary and agency
In accordance with the BoD approved Operational Risk Policy, Bank maintains a system of internal controls designed to
keep operational risk at appropriate levels, in view of the bank’s financial strength and the characteristics of the activities and
market in which it operates. These internal controls are periodically updated to conform to industry best practice.
Further, detailed data of operational losses is being maintained, in conformance with regulatory guidelines. Major
Operational Risk events are also analyzed from the control breaches perspective and mitigating controls are assessed on
design and operating effectiveness. Quarterly updates on Operational Risk events are presented to senior management and
Board’s Risk Management Committee & BoD.
The Bank has a BoD approved BCP policy and Business Continuity Plan applicable to all its functional areas. The Bank
updates functional BCPs on annual basis or at any process change.
The Bank is also implementing internationally accepted Integrated Framework on Internal Control issued by the Committee
of Sponsoring Organizations of the Tread way Commission (COSO), with a view to consolidate and enhance the existing
internal control processes.
The Bank with permission of SBP is conducting a parallel run for Alternate Standardized Approach (ASA) for Basel II –
Operational Risk Capital Charge Reporting, which signifies readiness of the Bank to move to advance approach.
Liquidity Risk is the risk that the Bank is unable to fund its current obligations and operations in the most cost efficient
manner. The Bank’s BoD has delegated the responsibility to ALCO for ensuring that Bank’s policy for liquidity management
is adhered to on a continual basis. ALCO uses gap analysis based on “maturity schedule” to assess the Bank’s liquidity risk
and devise strategies accordingly. The Bank also has various limits and triggers in place to monitor liquidity risk on a
periodic basis, while it also utilizes stress testing & scenario analysis to assess adequacy of Bank’s liquid assets. The Bank
also complies with SBP’s instructions on Liquidity Standards as prescribed under the Basel III Framework.
The Bank has in place a robust Liquidity Crisis Contingency Plan in place to deal with any liquidity crisis in the most efficient
and effective manner.
Daily liquidity management is carried out centrally by the Asset and Liability Management (“ALM”) Desk in Treasury Group
which regulates the day to day liquidity needs of the Bank. Funding and liquidity management strategies are regularly
discussed during Asset and Liability Committee “ALCO” meetings. Such discussions include analysis on composition of
deposits and tenure, funding gaps and concentration, monitoring of short and long-term liquidity ratios (including LCR and
NSFR). The Bank utilizes internal Management Action Triggers and Limits which act as early warning indicators and
safeguards to ensure sufficient liquidity buffers at all times. Additionally, external and internal liquidity stress tests are
performed to evaluate available liquidity under a range of adverse scenarios and to identify potential vulnerabilities in
portfolios. The Bank also has in place contingency funding plans that identify specific management action that can be
invoked in times of liquidity crisis.
The Bank uses the following tools to identify and mitigate Liquidity Risk:
• Gap Analysis
• Liquidity Ratio
• Liquidity Stress Testing
• Liquidity Contingency
• Risk Control Limits
Allied Limited 281
43.4.1 Maturities of Assets and Liabilities – based on contractual maturity of the assets and liabilities of the Bank
ponu December 31, 2019
s to
Upto Over 3
rt al Total
1 Day
7 Days
14 Days
1 Month
2 Months
3 Months
Over 3
to 6 Months
Over 6
to 9 Months
1 year
2 years
Upto 3 years
to 5 years
5 years
Rupees in ‘000
Assets solid
Cash and balances with treasury banks
Lending to financial institutions 13,606,921 - 3,425,999 5,065,760 1,411,020 3,704,142 - - - - - - - - Fina
Investments – net
Advances – net
Fixed assets 62,240,062 17,185 103,109 120,294 292,141 532,729 532,729 1,598,188 1,598,188 1,598,188 3,352,692 3,306,222 3,033,557 46,154,840 Stat
Intangible assets 1,975,898 756 4,535 5,291 12,850 23,432 23,432 70,295 70,295 70,295 281,180 281,180 562,361 569,996
Deferred tax assets - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Other assets – net 40,316,857 596,785 3,580,707 4,177,492 10,550,846 4,005,541 2,554,371 3,964,817 1,404,106 1,194,215 642,806 640,952 2,762,041 4,242,178
1,483,383,441 235,035,997 186,065,333 10,556,368 105,379,270 155,707,665 111,715,549 43,097,617 112,890,701 89,128,894 110,828,744 63,209,712 80,720,984 179,046,607
for the
Bills payable 7,878,626 7,878,626 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Borrowings 266,448,386 2,071 198,180,537 1,284,249 15,167,424 5,174,127 11,828,269 12,959,088 6,219 134,392 400,733 199,152 3,137,791 17,974,334
Deposits and other accounts 1,049,018,804 868,560,834 12,905,548 9,854,157 20,969,037 25,220,982 30,861,262 46,929,499 9,073,189 19,856,144 716,644 1,965,574 1,734,959 370,975 31,
Liabilities against assets subject to finance lease - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2019
Subordinated debt - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Deferred tax liabilities – net 5,912,375 38,451 230,705 269,156 667,731 581,039 328,947 75,154 362,993 62,071 491,239 231,376 218,208 2,355,305
Other liabilities 36,913,696 551,860 3,311,162 3,863,023 9,793,258 2,007,265 975,964 1,479,030 1,096,849 1,061,118 2,016,077 1,539,754 2,633,810 6,584,526
1,366,171,887 877,031,842 214,627,952 15,270,585 46,597,450 32,983,413 43,994,442 61,442,771 10,539,250 21,113,725 3,624,693 3,935,856 7,724,768 27,285,140
Net assets 117,211,554 (641,995,845) (28,562,619) (4,714,217) 58,781,820 122,724,252 67,721,107 (18,345,154) 102,351,451 68,015,169 107,204,051 59,273,856 72,996,216 151,761,467
Reserves 22,270,225
43.4.1 Maturities of Assets and Liabilities – based on contractual maturity of the assets and liabilities of the Bank
December 31, 2018
s to
Upto Over 3
Total Upto Upto Upto Upto Upto Over 3 Over 6 Upto Upto Upto 3 years Over
1 Day 7 Days 14 Days 1 Month 2 Months 3 Months to 6 Months to 9 Months 1 year 2 years to 5 years 5 years
Rupees in ‘000
Assets solid
Cash and balances with treasury banks
Lending to financial institutions 53,780,195 - 48,468,580 500,000 2,024,515 2,787,100 - - - - - - - - Fina
Investments – net
Advances – net
2,033,096 194,526
- 8,071,443
Fixed assets 50,399,773 13,842 83,051 96,893 235,313 429,099 429,099 1,287,298 1,287,298 1,287,298 2,782,924 2,756,539 2,138,850 37,572,269 Stat
Intangible assets 1,756,127 674 4,045 4,719 11,460 20,898 20,898 62,694 62,694 62,693 250,775 250,775 501,550 502,252
Deferred tax assets - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Other assets – net 33,751,113 347,328 2,083,967 2,431,295 5,904,573 1,931,149 5,678,328 4,211,433 1,496,275 1,470,237 586,758 586,758 2,732,176 4,290,836
1,352,383,303 208,294,919 273,090,728 3,227,433 29,263,180 329,290,875 17,042,978 52,524,818 44,982,382 110,799,124 62,805,965 57,545,586 64,279,189 99,236,126
for the
Bills payable 7,752,959 7,752,959 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Borrowings 225,882,986 - 159,079,594 3,277,502 6,624,376 14,289,234 12,434,236 16,132,619 - 40 282,296 641,607 1,556,729 11,564,753
Deposits and other accounts 984,463,067 809,675,545 10,413,217 14,158,732 30,324,819 27,831,940 13,976,360 37,210,046 12,590,619 23,771,946 2,193,097 825,194 876,633 614,919 31,
Liabilities against assets subject to finance lease - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2019
Subordinated debt - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Deferred tax liabilities – net 4,751,359 6,267 37,597 43,862 106,524 1,358,181 43,129 214,804 255,322 166,077 175,929 196,871 146,541 2,000,255
Other liabilities 20,743,121 371,706 2,230,240 2,601,946 6,311,819 744,625 711,642 1,025,241 908,295 893,367 1,044,424 773,156 895,342 2,231,318
1,243,593,492 817,806,477 171,760,648 20,082,042 43,367,538 44,223,980 27,165,367 54,582,710 13,754,236 24,831,430 3,695,746 2,436,828 3,475,245 16,411,245
Net assets 108,789,811 (609,511,558) 101,330,080 (16,854,609) (14,104,358) 285,066,895 (10,122,389) (2,057,892) 31,228,146 85,967,694 59,110,219 55,108,758 60,803,944 82,824,881
Ba 108,789,811
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2019
43.4.2 Maturities of assets and liabilities – based on expected maturities of the assets and liabilities of the Bank
Cash and balances with treasury banks 119,935,126 33,818,371 10,456,036 6,768,479 4,526,963 2,496,978 2,774,287 - - 59,094,012
Balances with other banks 602,582 602,582 - - - - - - - -
Lending to financial institutions 13,606,921 9,902,779 3,704,142 - - - - - - -
Investments – net 759,654,427 259,295,601 231,219,565 867,746 55,989,298 68,646,525 19,575,316 13,925,985 108,719,391 1,415,000
Advances – net 485,051,568 25,925,953 27,701,487 39,002,766 142,911,817 67,716,835 69,217,337 80,848,632 26,990,835 4,735,906
Fixed assets 62,240,062 532,729 1,065,458 1,598,188 3,196,376 3,352,692 3,306,222 3,033,557 4,010,781 42,144,059
Intangible assets 1,975,898 23,432 46,864 70,295 140,590 281,180 281,180 562,361 569,996 -
Deferred tax assets - - - - - - - - - -
Other assets – net 40,316,857 18,905,830 6,559,912 3,964,817 2,598,321 642,806 640,952 2,762,041 4,242,178 -
1,483,383,441 349,007,277 280,753,464 52,272,291 209,363,365 143,137,016 95,795,294 101,132,576 144,533,181 107,388,977
Cash and balances with treasury banks 99,177,561 27,339,089 10,192,026 4,908,440 4,104,803 1,973,027 2,007,802 - - 48,652,374
Balances with other banks 2,575,055 2,575,055 - - - - - - - -
Lending to financial institutions 53,780,195 50,993,095 2,787,100 - - - - - - -
Investments – net 672,587,309 229,720,004 317,736,941 17,412,057 32,732,625 9,798,775 14,898,089 8,471,835 40,401,983 1,415,000
Advances – net 438,356,170 22,695,777 21,999,745 32,820,234 121,877,527 75,466,221 64,316,834 67,851,305 26,487,962 4,840,565
Fixed assets 50,399,773 429,099 858,198 1,287,298 2,574,596 2,782,924 2,756,539 2,138,850 2,393,868 35,178,401
Intangible assets 1,756,127 20,898 41,796 62,694 125,387 250,775 250,775 501,550 502,252 -
Deferred tax assets - - - - - - - - - -
Other assets – net 33,751,113 10,767,163 7,609,477 4,211,433 2,966,512 586,758 586,758 2,732,176 4,290,836 -
1,352,383,303 344,540,180 361,225,283 60,702,156 164,381,450 90,858,480 84,816,797 81,695,716 74,076,901 90,086,340
284 Report 2019
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
for the year ended December 31, 2019
Market & Liquidity Risk Division under Risk Management Group is responsible for assessing and monitoring the derivative
risk emanating from Bank’s exposures.
The Bank’s Treasury Group buys and sells derivative instruments, for hedging and market making purposes, such as:
The Bank’s Risk Management Group, ALCO and BRMC monitors the risk emanating from the Bank’s portfolio of derivates
exposures on a periodic basis and uses Off-Balance Sheet gap analysis to implement prudent asset liability management of
the Bank’s derivatives exposures.
44.1 The Board of Directors of the Bank in its meeting held on February 7, 2020 has proposed a final cash dividend in respect of
2019 of Rs. 2.00 per share (2018: cash dividend Rs. 2.00 per share). This appropriation will be approved in the forthcoming
Annual General Meeting. The consolidated financial statements of the Bank for the year ended December 31, 2019 do not
include the effect of these appropriations which will be accounted for in the consolidated financial statements for the year
ending December 31, 2020.
45.1 Captions as prescribed by BPRD circular no.2 of 2018 issued by SBP, in respect of which there are no amounts, have not
been reproduced in these financial statements, except for caption of the statement of financial position and profit and loss
45.2 Comparative figures have been re-classified, re-arranged or additionally incorporated in these financial statements wherever
necessary to facilitate comparison and better presentation in accordance with new format prescribed by SBP vide BPRD
circular no. 2 of 2018.
These financial statements were authorized for issue on February 7, 2020 by the Board of Directors of the Bank.
2 Major Shareholding
No. of Percentage
Name of Shareholder
Shares Held Held
286 Report 2019
No. of Shareholders Shareholdings’Slab Total Shares
Held From To
No. of
Categories of Shareholders Shareholders Shares Held Percentage
Insurance Companies
ALPHA INSURANCE CO. LTD. 1 121,000 0.0106
EFU LIFE ASSURANCE LTD 1 4,911,500 0.4289
Sub-Total 10 14,840,174 1.2960
288 Report 2019
No. of
Categories of Shareholders Shareholders Shares Held Percentage
ADAM JOOSUB 1 10,000 0.0009
Sub-Total 7 97,509 0.0085
Apart from the above there have been no trade in the shares of the Bank carried out by its Sponsors, Directors, Executives their
Spouses and minor children.
Notice is hereby given that 74th Annual General Meeting of Statement under section 134 (3) of the
Allied Bank Limited (the “Bank”) will be held on Wednesday,
March 25, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. at Grand Ball Room ‘D’, 4th Companies Act, 2017
Floor, The Nishat Hotel, (Entrance from Gate No. 07), adjacent
to Emporium Mall, Main Abdul Haque Road, Johar Town, ITEM NO.5: To accord Post facto approval of Bank’s “Board
Lahore to transact the following business: Remuneration Policy” framed in accordance with SBP BPRD
Circular # 3 dated August 17, 2019 by passing an ordinary
Ordinary Business: resolution.
5. To accord Post facto approval of Bank’s “Board iii) The instrument of proxy duly completed and signed along with
Remuneration Policy” framed in accordance with SBP power of attorney or other authority (if any) under which it
BPRD Circular # 3 dated August 17, 2019 by passing an is signed, or a notarized certified copy of such power of
ordinary resolution. attorney must be valid and deposited at the Registered
Office of the Bank or its Share Registrar, M/s. CDC Share
Other Business: Registrar Services Limited at CDC House, 99-B, Block-
B, S.M.C.H.S, Main Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi not less
6. To transact any other business with permission of the than 48 hours before the start time of the Meeting. In
Chair. calculating the 48 hours, no account shall be taken of any part
of the day that is not a working day.
Date: March 03, 2020
iv) Share Transfer Books of the Bank will remain closed
from Thursday, March 19, 2020 to Wednesday, March
25, 2020 (both days inclusive). Share transfer
By Order of the Board requests received at Bank’s Share Registrar M/s. CDC
Share Registrar Services Limited on the above
mentioned address before the close of business on
Muhammad Raffat Wednesday, March 18th, 2020 will be treated as being
Company Secretary in time for the purpose of transfer of shares.
290 Report 2019
v) Members are requested to immediately notify changes
B. For Appointing Proxies:
in their registered addresses, if any, to the Bank’s Share
Registrar before start of the book closure period.
i) In case of individuals, the Account Holder or Sub-
account Holder and / or the person whose securities
vi) Members may exercise their right to vote as per provisions of the
are in group account and their registration details
Companies (Postal Ballot) Regulations, 2018, subject to the
are uploaded as per CDC’s Regulations, shall submit
requirements of Section 143 & 144 of the Companies Act
proxy form as per the above mentioned requirements.
2017. Further, details in this regard will be communicated
to the shareholders within legal time frame as stipulated
ii) The proxy form shall be witnessed by two persons whose
under these Regulations, if required.
names, addresses and CNIC numbers shall be mentioned
on the form.
vii) CDC Account Holders will have to follow the under
mentioned guidelines as laid down by the Securities and iii) Attested copies of valid CNIC or the Passport of the
Exchange Commission of Pakistan: beneficial owners and the proxy shall be furnished with the
proxy form.
A. For Attending the Meeting: iv) The proxy shall produce his / her original CNIC or
original passport at the time of the Meeting.
i) In case of individuals, the Account Holder or Sub- account
Holder and / or the person whose securities are in v) In case of corporate entity, the resolution of Board of
group account and their registration details are Directors / Power of Attorney with specimen signature
uploaded as per CDC’s Regulations, shall authenticate shall be produced along with the proxy form of the
their identity by showing original valid Computerized Company.
National Identity Card (CNIC) or original Passport at the
time of attending the Meeting.
Finance Lease
Finance lease is the one in which
risk and rewards incidental to the
ownership of the leased asset is
transferred to lessee but not the
actual ownership.
Financial Capital
Financial Capital represent
shareholder’s equity.
Fixed Deposits
Deposits having fixed maturity
dates and a rate of return.
A promise to answer for the
payment of some debt, or the
performance of some duty, in case
of the failure of another person,
who is, in the first instance, liable to
such payment or performance.
Human Capital
The collective skills, knowledge,
and other intangible assets of
individuals that can be used to
create economic value for our
Impairment of an asset is an abrupt
decrease of its fair value and
measured in accordance with
applicable regulations.
Nostro Account
LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate)
An account held with a bank outside
An interest rate at which banks can borrow
funds, in marketable size, from other banks
in the London interbank market. The LIBOR
Net Interest Income
is fixed on a daily basis by the British
The difference between what a bank earns
Bankers’ Association.
on interest bearing assets such as loans
and securities and what it pays on interest
Liquid Assets
bearing liabilities such as deposits,
An asset that can be converted into cash
refinance funds and inter–bank borrowings.
quickly and with minimal impact to the price
Off Balance Sheet Transactions
Transactions that are not recognized as
Market Capitalization
assets or liabilities in the statement of
Number of ordinary shares in issue
financial position but which give rise to
multiplied by the market value of share as
contingencies and commitments.
at any cutoff date.
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting
Market Treasury bills (MTBs)
Countries (OPEC)
MTBs are negotiable debt instrument
OPEC is a permanent intergovernmental
issued by State Bank of Pakistan on behalf
Organization whose objective is to
of Government of Pakistan with tenors
coordinate and unify petroleum policies
available in 3 months, 6 months and one
among member Countries.
year maturities.
Pakistan Investment Bonds (PIBs)
Manufactured Capital
They are the long term coupon yielding
It includes business structure and
instruments of the Government of Pakistan
operational processes, including physical,
with tenors available in 3, 5, 10, 15 and 20
digital and IT Infrastructure, Product and
Services that provides the framework and
mechanics of how the bank does business
and create values.
Inclusion of degree of caution in the
that assets or income are not overstated and
liabilities or expenses are not understated.
Repurchase Agreement
Contract to sell and subsequently repurchase
securities at a specified date and price.
Related Parties
Parties where one party has the ability to control the
other party or exercise significant influence over the
other party in making financial and operating
Revenue Reserve
Reserves set aside for future distribution and
Subsidiary Company
A company is a subsidiary of another company if the
parent company holds more than 50% of the nominal
value of its equity capital or holds some share in it
and controls the composition of its Board of
Shareholders’ Funds
Total of Issued and fully paid share capital and
revenue reserves.
Year on Year (2019 vs 2018).
Financial Ratios Formulas
Profit before Tax Ratio = Profit before Tax
Interest Income + Non-Interest Income
294 Report 2019
Form of Proxy
74th Annual General Meeting
Allied Bank Limited
of being a
member of Allied Bank Limited and holder of ordinary shares as per Folio No.
and/or CDC Participant ID No. and Account/Sub-account No. do hereby appoint Mr./Ms.
Folio No./CDC No. having CNIC failing him/her, Mr./Ms. Folio No./ CDC No.
having CNIC of as my/our proxy and to attend, act and vote for me/us on my/our behalf at the 74 th Annual General
Meeting of the Bank to be held on Wednesday, the March 25, 2020 and at any adjournment thereof in the same manner as I/we myself/ourselves
would vote if personally present at such meeting.
Revenue Stamp
Witness of Rs. 5/-
1. Signature
Name Signature of
CNIC # Member (s)
[The signature should agree with the
specimen registered with the Company]
2. Signature
1. A member entitled to attend and vote at a meeting is entitled to appoint another member as a proxy to attend, speak and vote for
him/her. The proxy appointed should be a member of Allied Bank Limited.
2. This instrument of proxy duly completed and signed along with Power of Attorney or other authority (if any) under which it is
signed, or notarized copy of such Power of Attorney must be valid and deposited at the Registered Office of the Bank or Bank’s
Share Registrar at M/s. CDC Share Registrar Services Limited, CDC House, 99-B, Block-B, S.M.C.H.S, Main Shahrah-e-Faisal,
Karachi not less than 48 hours before the time of the Meeting. In calculating the 48 hours, no account shall be taken of any part
of the day that is not a working day.
i) Attested copies of valid Computerized National Identity Cards (CNIC) or the Passport of the beneficial owners and the
proxy shall be provided with proxy form.
ii) The proxy shall produce his/her original CNIC or Passport at the time of meeting.
iii) In case of corporate entity, the Board of Directors’ resolution / power of attorney with specimen signatures
shall be submitted along with proxy form to the company.
4. If a member appoints more than one proxy and more than one instrument of proxies are deposited with the Share Registrar, all
such instruments of proxy shall be rendered invalid.
5. Members are requested to immediately notify changes in their registered addresses if any, to Bank’s Share Registrar at the
address mentioned above before start of the book closure.