911 RSR Brochure (2019) PDF

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The 911 RSR

Fascination Sportscar
Racing car 6
Racing series 10
Origin 12
Technical specs 14
The speed of lightness:
Vehicle components that weigh next to nothing

Fascination Sportscar.

Our sportscars have always been an affair Where was the difference between Thus we have given the Fascination
of the heart. But the 911 RSR is not only a sportscar and a racing car here? Sportscar a new impetus. And have taken
committed to the motorsports tradition Not discernible. Because there is no yet another step closer to the ideal of
that we have lived and breathed from difference in a Porsche. a thoroughbred racing car. By gaining
the first second, but also to the Mission experience that can also advance future
Future Sportscar. Our development work In the meantime we – and the 911 – generations of the 911. And with techno­lo­
is conducted with rigour and persistence, have been putting our mark on the gies that prove on the race track that they
accompanied by the aspiration to never world of motorsports for over 50 years. are viable for implementation in series
give up. Starting with the 356, the very Because it’s in our blood and because production vehicles. And we are convinced
first Porsche, which clearly demonstrated we have always regarded the race track that it will continue to be the measure of
its winning credentials shortly after its as being an integral part of vehicle all things in GT works motorsports events.
creation. develop­ment from the very first second. Because it represents the sum of our
And we are keeping the tradition alive with experience and success over decades.
Its successor, the 911, followed suit: the 911 RSR. The two double victories
Only 3 months after series production at the Nürburgring and in Austin, along Mission: Future Sportscar.
began, it competed in the 1965 Monte with the GTE Pro manufacturer, driver
Carlo Rally – and sped off with its first and team titles in the 2015 FIA WEC and
class win. A performance that not only the winning of all the USCC GTLM titles,
impressed the competition on the race are totally in keeping with the dream of
track; it simply astounded everyone. Ferry Porsche: to build a sports car that
is also a champion on the race track.

4 | Fascination
Motorsports since its inception.
Taking advantage of every one-hundredth of a second.

The 911 RSR.

When it comes to winning and when Paddles ensure faster, more comfortable the vehicle’s self-steering behaviour
thinking about the future, we consider gear shifting. is even more precise, which translates
even the tiniest detail: every part of into higher speeds when cornering.
the vehicle, every single screw, and To control the uncompromising forward
every second of every lap. A lightweight thrust of the 911 RSR, the brake system From the development process onwards,
construction is clearly imperative. has six-piston monobloc fixed brake another aspect has also received
For every gram of weight saved makes callipers at the front and four-piston particular attention: safety. Our engineers’
itself felt in lower consumption and monobloc fixed brake callipers at uncompromising approach is evident
faster lap times. the rear. Featuring a double-wishbone from the weld-in roll cage, the overhauled
suspension at the front and multi-link FT3 safety tank and the optimised fire
From the very start, the 911 RSR was rear axle, adjustable shock absorbers extinguishing system. Clear evidence
designed with long-distance racing in and anti-roll bars, the chassis superbly of the importance that Porsche attaches
mind. Honed over more than 50 years, handles any manoeuvre – on straights to safety in motorsports, irrespective of
the unmistakeable 911 silhouette reflects as well as chicanes. the emphasis on lightweight construction.
the pure power that is just waiting to be
unleashed. The water-cooled six-cylinder The aerodynamics of the vehicle have
Boxer engine with four-valve technology been optimised further by means of a
transmits its power output to the rear new front end. For even more efficiency
axle via a specially developed six-speed due to less drag coupled with enhanced
sequential Porsche GT racing gearbox. downforce distribution. The result is that

Racing car | 7
The birth of a racing car.
The rebirth of an idea.

The identity.

In our hearts at Porsche, there is no clearly recognisable by the design on as challenges and bring them together
difference between a sportscar and a the car’s surface. For everything that we in every vehicle: efficiency and power.
racing car. A first glance at the 911 RSR stand for comes together in our brand’s Safety and lightweight construction.
makes that very obvious. The same core: Intelligent Performance. And its Performance and day-to-day usability.
unmistakeable vehicle is standing in front signature is reflected in the stylish matt
of us – the most dynamic and advanced black shaded lettering on the brilliant To us the 911 RSR represents the 911
911 is a byword for excellence in the black and grey surface over the entire in its most concentrated form and is the
world of sports cars. length of the car, with the vehicle’s white embodiment of the Fascination Sportscar.
flanks creating the RSR silhouette. Built to prove its worth in the toughest
Of course, the 911 RSR has been adapted races in the world and to gain knowledge
to the demands of the race track with a And so the fashion in which we have for our standard production vehicles.
wider body and impressive aerodynamic always built our sportscars from the start Today’s cars – and tomorrow’s.
features, including a powerful rear wing. is manifested in the design. It’s the way
And the identity of the racing car is we strive to look at apparent opposites

8 | Identity
Entirely in keeping with our mission:
The toughest test on the race track.

The racing series.

The 911 RSR – custom-built for the LM  In addition to its success in the FIA WEC, 911 RSR is once again competing in the
GTE Pro class. It was specially developed the 911 RSR also achieved two double toughest test on the race track. Both at
for endurance racing and series like the victories in the GTLM class and a double the 24 Hours of Le Mans, and in the IWSC
FIA World Endurance Championship (WEC). victory in the GTD class at the United in the US at the highlight 24 Hours of
It is considered to be one of the toughest Sports Car Championship in the US – and Daytona and 12 Hours of Sebring races.
endurance racing series and the pinnacle of ended the season by winning all the USCC
GT motorsports. The undisputed high­lights GTLM titles.
of the 2015 season? Two FIA WEC double
victories in the 6 Hours of the Nürburgring With that showing, our GT racing car
and the 6 Hours of Austin. Any others? once again proved that it has earned the
Winning the GTE Pro manufacturer, driver right to bear the number 911. But we’re
and team titles in the FIA WEC. not resting on our laurels: in 2016, the

Racing series | 11
There are the cities where cars are built.
And then there is the small town where legends are born.

Welcome to the Porsche Development Centre Weissach.

Located in a rural setting about vehicle presents a mechanical and for GT endurance racing. The entire
25 kilometres from the main plant in technical challenge, which is met by development process behind the new top
Stuttgart, the Porsche Development employees dedicated to this task alone. Porsche GT racing model is driven by
Centre in Weissach and the Motorsport Constant dialogue with works drivers passion, engineering talent, craftsmanship
Centre in nearby Flacht are where the ensures that their ideas are incorporated. and pragmatism. Because at Porsche
911 RSR was born. There is also a company test track where we are not just focused on increasing
each racing car is put through its paces. performance, but on achieving outstanding
Here, an extreme sports personality was performance. A claim to which the success
created on the basis of the 7th generation Everyone who works here is completely story of the 911 attests.
of the 911. Made by hand with millimetre focused on a single, common goal: to
precision, it embodies many years of furnish the Porsche works and customer
experience and skill. Each individual teams with the best possible equipment

12 | Origin
Who says there’s
no poetry in numbers?

Technical specs.

Vehicle Power train Chassis Power transmission

Model Porsche 911 RSR (Type 991) Combustion engine Naturally aspirated engine with intake via rear side section, Steering Power steering with electro-hydraulic pressure supply Drive type Rear wheel drive
water-cooled flat-6 engine with 4-valve technology,
Vehicle type One-seater racing car, similar to series production (GT class) sequential multipoint fuel injection Chassis Double-wishbone suspension at the front and multi-link Clutch 3-disc carbon fibre racing clutch with
rear axle, 4-way vibration damper forged housing
Bodywork Weight-optimised lightweight construction widened due Engine management Bosch MS 5.0 – engine control module
to auxiliary parts (carbon), in intelligent aluminium-steel Brakes (front) Hydraulic 2-circuit brake system, internally vented steel Transmission Sequential 6-speed Porsche GT racing transmission with
composite design based on 911 C4 (Type 991) Engine lubrication Dry-sump lubrication with Mobil 1 motor oil brake discs, D = 380 mm, one-piece 6-piston monobloc pneumatic shift mechanism (paddle shift)
fixed callipers with quick release connector
On-board Lithium-ion battery 12 V, 18 Ah Displacement 3,996 cm3 Differential Mechanical differential lock with viscous coupling unit
system battery Brakes (rear) Hydraulic 2-circuit brake system, internally vented steel
Power Approx. 346 kW (approx. 470 hp) brake discs, D = 355 mm, one-piece 4-piston monobloc Weight/Volume
fixed callipers with quick release connector
Length/Width 4,537 mm/1,962 mm (FA)/2,002 mm (RA)
Rims One-piece forged alloy wheel (BBS)
with central locking Minimum weight 1,245 kg (regulation weight)

Tyres (front) Michelin; tyre size: 30/68 – 68 Tank capacity Approx. 94 l/100 km, FT3 safety tank

Tyres (rear) Michelin; tyre size: 31/71 – 18

14 | Technical specs Technical specs | 15

Errors and omissions excepted. Porsche, the Porsche crest, 911, RSR Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG © Dr. Ing. h.c. F. ­Porsche AG, 2016
Subject to change without and other marks are registered Porscheplatz 1 Version: 03/16
notice. trademarks of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG. 70435 Stuttgart

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