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SLCOG National Guidelines

Management of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Contents Page

1.Management of Abnormal 1.1 Scope of the guideline 3

Uterine Bleeding 1.1.1 Definition 3

1.2 Differential diagnosis 5

1.3 Assessment
1.3.1 Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Teenage
1.3.2 Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Women 8
of Childbearing Age
1.3.3 Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in 11
Peri-Menopausal Women
1.3.4 Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in 14
Post-Menopausal Women

1.4 Treatment of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding 19

1.4.1 Medical Management 19
1.4.2 Surgical Management 22

1.5 References 25
Contributed by
Prof C. Randeniya
Prof H.R. Senevirathne
Dr. H.S. Dodampahala
Dr. N. Senevirathne
Dr. R Sriskanthan
Printing and manuscript reading
Dr. S. Senanayake
Dr C.S. Warusawitharana

Management of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding SLCOG National Guidelines
before menarche can be abnormal. In women of
Introduction childbearing age, abnormal uterine bleeding includes any
The aim of this Guideline is to provide recommendations change in menstrual-period frequency or duration, or
to aid General Practitioners and Gynaecologists in the amount of flow, as well as bleeding between cycles. In
management of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB). This postmenopausal women, abnormal uterine bleeding
treatment could be initiated in a primary care setting or in includes vaginal bleeding six months or more after the
centres with advanced facilities. The objective of treatment cessation of menses, or unpredictable bleeding in
in AUB is to alleviate heavy menstrual flow to make a postmenopausal women who have been receiving hormone
diagnosis, treat and consequently to improve quality of therapy for 12 months or more.
life. Iron deficiency anaemia must also be prevented. Menorrhagia (hypermenorrhoea) is defined as
heavy cyclical menstrual bleeding occurring over several
consecutive cycles during the reproductive years.
1.1 Scope of the guideline Objectively, menorrhagia is defined as blood loss of more
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB) is a common than 80 mls. per cycle. Monthly blood loss in excess of 0
but complicated clinical presentation. One national study mls. may result in iron deficiency anemia and may affect
found that menstrual disorders were the reason for 19.1 the quality of life .3
percent of 20.1 million visits to physician’s offices for
gynaecological conditions over a two-year period.
Furthermore, a reported 25 percent of gynaecological
surgeries involve abnormal uterine bleeding 1.
The normal menstrual cycle lasts 28 ± 7 days, the
flow lasts 4 ± 2 days, and the average blood loss is 40 ± 20
ml/cycle. It may or may not accompany dysmenorrhoea.
1.1.1 Definitions
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB) is defined as
changes in frequency of menses, duration of flow or
amount of blood loss. Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB)
is a diagnosis of exclusion when there is no pelvic
pathology or underlying medical cause. DUB is typically
characterized by heavy prolonged flow with or without
breakthrough bleeding. It may occur with or without
Except for self-limited, physiologic withdrawal
bleeding that occurs in some newborns, vaginal bleeding

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Management of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding SLCOG National Guidelines

1.2 Differential diagnosis Medication and iatrogenic causes

o Anticoagulants,
Genital tract pathologies o Antipsychotics,
o Infections: cervicitis, endometritis, myometritis, o Corticosteroids,
salpingitis o Hormone replacement therapy,
o Neoplastic entities o Intrauterine devices,
• Benign anatomic abnormalities: polyps of o Oral contraceptive pills, Depot provera including
the cervix or endometrium, adenomyosis, progestin-only pills,
leiomyomata, o Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors,
• Pre-malignant lesions: severe cervical o Tamoxifen (Nolvadex),
dysplasia causing early invasion, o Thyroid hormone replacement,
endometrial hyperplasia, Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB) is a diagnosis made
• Malignant lesions: cervical carcinoma, by a careful process of exclusion which need history,
leiomyosarcoma and oestrogen-producing clinical and speculum examination, ultrasound scanning,
ovarian tumors. hysteroscopy/ endometrial biopsy and laparoscopy.
Systemic conditions
o Adrenal hyperplasia and Cushing’s disease,
o Blood dyscrasias including leukaemia and 1.3 Assessment
1.3.1 Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Teenage
o Coagulopathies – Von Willibrand disease,
o Hepatic disease, Girls
o Hypothalamic suppression (from stress, weight Possible Causes
loss, weight gain, excessive exercise, polycystic
Immediately after menarche maturation of the
ovarian disease (PCOD),
hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis is yet to be completed.
o Pituitary adenoma or hyper-prolactinemia may lead
Anovulatory dysfunctional uterine bleeding may therefore
to cycle disturbances before developing
occur and results in irregular, prolonged, and sometimes
heavy menstrual bleeding.
o Polycystic ovary syndrome,
All adolescents with menorrhagia severe enough to
o Renal disease,
require hospitalization or significantly reduced hemoglobin
o Thyroid disease.
levels (<10 g/dl) should undergo evaluation for
coagulopathy. (Grade X)
o Foreign body, pessary,Intra Uterine Contraceptive
Disorders of both platelet number and function
Device (IUCD), injuries, sexual abuse or assault,
may cause menorrhagia. Von Willebrand's disease, a defect
in platelet adhesion and a deficiency of factor VIII, is the

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Management of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding SLCOG National Guidelines
most common bleeding disorder affecting about 1% of the • Nor-ethisterone 5mg. administered orally twice a
population. Diseases causing thrombocytopenia include day from 5th day of each menstrual cycle for 21
idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, leukaemia, and days for 3- cycles, and the patient monitored
aplastic anemia. In adolescents, the prevalence of a primary closely thereafter,
coagulation disorder requiring hospitalization for abnormal • Tranexamic acid 500mg. twice a day for 3 days,
uterine bleeding ranges from 3% to 20%. Malignancy, • Oral contraceptive pills (20µg oestrogen containing
trauma, and sexual abuse or assaults and pregnancy related pill-Femilon)
problems are other potential causes of abnormal uterine (Grade Y)
bleeding after menarche. Dilatation and curettage is not indicated but conditions Diagnosis such as Sarcoma botroides should be thought of.
Careful physical examination should be carried out (Grade Z)
in order to detect an underlying pathology. (Grade X) 1.3.2. Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Women of
A pelvic examination should be performed in married Childbearing Age
adolescents preferably under anesthesia (The necessity to
obtain permission and clearly explain the
consequences of such examination, details of surgical ƒ Pregnancy complications should be the first
procedure necessary and the sequelae is stressed in consideration in women of childbearing age who
the case of unmarried adolescents.) (Grade X) present with abnormal uterine bleeding7. Potential
A reported 54% of cases involve focal lesions of causes of pregnancy-related bleeding include
the genital tract, and 21 percent of these lesions may be spontaneous miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and
malignant. 5 trophoblastic disease. Patients should be inquired
Investigations should be done based on the about cycle patterns, contraception, and sexual
findings from history and examination. If a coagulopathy is exposure. (Grade X)
suspected a full blood count with platelet count should be ƒ Next, iatrogenic causes of abnormal uterine bleeding
obtained. (Grade X) should be explored. (Grade X)
Ultrasound scan will help to diagnose poly-cystic ovarian
Bleeding may be induced by medications including
disease (PCOD), ovarian neoplasms, endometrial or
anticoagulants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors,
cervical lesions. (Grade Y)
antipsychotics, corticosteroids, hormonal medications and Management tamoxifen. Herbal substances including ginseng, ginkgo,
Endometrial cancer is rare in 15 to 18 years old and soy supplements may cause menstrual irregularities by
females. altering estrogen levels or clotting parameters.
Most adolescents with dysfunctional uterine bleeding can be ƒ Once pregnancy and iatrogenic causes have been
treated safely with hormone therapy and observation, excluded, patients should be evaluated for systemic
without invasive diagnostic testing but ultra sound scan will
be very helpful.

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Management of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding SLCOG National Guidelines
disorders; particularly thyroid, haematologic, hepatic, diagnosis of abnormal uterine bleeding.
adrenal, pituitary, and hypothalamic conditions.
(Grade X) Diagnosis
Menstrual irregularities are associated with both The evaluation of women who are in child bearing
hypothyroidism (23.4% of cases) and hyperthyroidism age who present with abnormal uterine bleeding includes a
(21.5% of cases). 8 pelvic examination if sexually active, as well as a Pap smear
if appropriate, inspection of vulva and vagina detecting
ƒ Inherited coagulopathy has been shown to be the
signs of trauma, and cervical polyps or dysplasia 10.
underlying cause of abnormal uterine bleeding in 18
(Grade X)
percent of white women and 7 percent of black
Check for:
women with menorrhagia 9.
• Complete normality of ectocervix,
ƒ The presence of galactorrhoea as determined by the • Contact bleeding and cervical tenderness,
history or physical examination, may ' indicate • Friability of tissue, ulceration or cervical polyp,
underlying hyperprolactinemia, which can cause • Other possible sites of bleeding,
oligo-ovulation or eventual amenorrhoea. • Signs of vaginal discharge, foreign body or IUCD tail.
Hypothalamic suppression secondary to eating
disorders, stress or excessive exercise may induce A bimanual examination in women in the
anovulation, which sometimes manifests as irregular childbearing age may reveal tenderness associated with
and heavy menstrual bleeding or amenorrhoea. infection, an adnexal mass consistent with an ovarian
ƒ Genital tract pathology may be associated with inter- neoplasm or cyst, or uterine enlargement consistent with
menstrual, post-coital, and heavy menstrual bleeding. fibroids, pregnancy, or a tumour.
Any history of abnormal Pappanicolaou (Pap) Obesity, acne, hirsutism, and acanthosis nigricans
smears, sexually transmitted disease, gynaecological may be signs of poly-cystic ovarian disease (PCOD).
surgery, trauma, or sexual abuse should be elicited. Transvaginal ultrasonography may reveal
Uterine fibroids, endometrial polyps, adenomyosis, leiomyoma, endometrial thickening, and polyps. Although
endometrial hyperplasia and atypia and endometrial this imaging modality may miss endometrial polyps and
cancer should be excluded. (which is rare) (Grade X) submucous fibroids, it is highly sensitive for the detection
ƒ Further evaluation of abnormal uterine bleeding of endometrial cancer (9 %) and endometrial abnormality
depends on the patient's age and the presence of risk (92 %)(11). Compared with dilatation and curettage,
factors for endometrial cancer, which include endometrial evaluation with transvaginal ultrasonography
anovulatory cycles, obesity, nulliparity, age greater misses 4% or more cancers, but it may be the most cost-
than 35 years, and tamoxifen therapy. effective initial test in women at low risk for endometrial
ƒ Initially, medical management is recommended for pre- cancer who have abnormal uterine bleeding which does not
menopausal women who are at low risk for respond to medical management.4 Saline-infusion
endometrial carcinoma with the presumptive sonohysterography is more accurate than transvaginal
ultrasonography in diagnosing intra-cavitary lesions. The

9 10
Management of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding SLCOG National Guidelines
combination of hysteroscopically directed endometrial when declining estrogen levels fail to regularly stimulate the
biopsy and saline-infusion sonohysterography result in a LH surge and resulting ovulation.
sensitivity of 95 to 97% and a specificity of 70 to 98% for
the identification of endometrial abnormality 12. (Grade Y) Diagnosis
Conduct abdominal examination, speculum Management examination (with a good light) and bimanual pelvic
Dilatation and curettage is no longer considered to examination. (Grade X)
be therapeutic or diagnostic for abnormal uterine bleeding; Check:
furthermore, it is limited in its ability to access the tubal • complete normality of ectocervix,
cornu of the uterus 1. • contact bleeding and cervical tenderness,
A complete blood count with platelet count should • friability of tissue, ulceration or cervical polyp,
be obtained if a coagulation defect is suspected or to assess • other possible sites of bleeding,
the degree of anaemia. (Grade X) • signs of vaginal discharge, foreign body or IUCD tail,
Jaundice and hepatomegaly may suggest underlying • do Pap smear when bleeding settles.
acquired coagulopathy and liver function tests should be
considered. Other tests to be considered are thyroid profile Endometrial assessment is performed to diagnose
and prolactin levels. (Grade Y) malignancy or pre-malignant conditions and to evaluate the
hormonal influences of the endometrium.
1.3.3 Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Peri- Ultrasound scan, particularly the transvaginal route,
Menopausal Women is used to assess endometrial thickness, endometrial and
myometrial consistency and abnormalities of endometrial
morphology like submucosal fibroid or polyp etc.
Without exception, perimenopausal women with abnormal (Grade Y)
uterine bleeding should undergo endometrial evaluation. Most of the studies however were on the
Until malignancy has been ruled out, it should be endometrial thickness of postmenopausal women.
considered as the cause. (Grade X) According to Smith Bindman et al, the average endometrial
thickness for normal postmenopausal women was 4 mm,
About 20% to 25% of cases of endometrial those with endometrial polyp 10 mm, those with
carcinoma occur before the menopause, especially in endometrial hyperplasia 14 mm and endometrial carcinoma
women with PCOD. 20 mm 14. The prediction of endometrial pathology based
Anovulatory dysfunctional uterine bleeding is a on ultrasound scan in premenopausal women is not reliable
disturbance of the hypothalamic-pituitary ovarian axis that because of great overlap between normal range and those
results in irregular, prolonged, and sometimes heavy with endometrial pathology.
menstrual bleeding. It may occur during perimenopause, Sampling of the endometrium should be
considered in all women over 40 years of age with

11 12
Management of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding SLCOG National Guidelines
abnormal bleeding or in women who are at higher risk of 1.3.4 Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Post-
endometrial cancer, including: nulliparity with a history of Menopausal Women
infertility; new onset of heavy, irregular bleeding; obesity (≥
90 kg); polycystic ovaries; a family history of endometrial Post-menopausal bleeding (PMB) represents one of
and colonic cancer; and those who are on tamoxifen the most common reasons for referral to gynaecological
therapy. (Grade X) services, largely due to suspicion of an underline
It is also important to evaluate the endometrial endometrial malignancy. Endometrial cancer is present in
histopathology in a woman who has no improvement in approximately 10% of patients referred with PMB.
her bleeding pattern following a course of therapy of three The menopause is defined by the World Health
months with nor-ethisterone 5mg. three times a day for 21 Organization as the permanent cessation of menstruation
days. resulting from loss of ovarian follicular activity. From a
Office endometrial biopsy results in adequate symptomatic perspective PMB describes the occurrence of
samples 87 to 97% of the time and detects 7 to 9 % of vaginal bleeding following a woman's last menstrual cycle.
endometrial carcinomas13. Although the choice of sampling There is some debate regarding the minimum time period
device may affect accuracy, no existing method will sample that should pass after the end of menstruation, before
the entire endometrium. Hysteroscopically-directed PMB can be considered to have taken place. Usually an
sampling detects a higher percentage of abnormalities episode of bleeding 12 months or more after the last
when compared directly with dilatation and curettage period is accepted as post-menopausal bleeding.
(D&C) as a diagnostic procedure. Even if the uterine cavity Abnormal bleeding in women using hormone
appears normal at hysteroscopy, the endometrium should replacement therapy (HRT) can be difficult to assess.
be sampled since hysteroscopy alone is not sufficient to Abnormal uterine bleeding in post-menopausal women
exclude endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma. (Grade X) receiving HRT can be caused by any of the following;
In 10 to 25% of women D&C alone does not •Poor compliance, especially related to omission of
uncover endometrial pathology. D&C was associated with progestogens,
uterine perforation in 0. to 1.3 percent of cases and •Poor gastrointestinal absorption,
hemorrhage in 0.4 % of cases l3. D&C is a blind procedure •Drug interactions,
with significant sampling errors; it also requires anaesthesia, •Coagulation defects,
which carries a risk of complications. It should be reserved •Gynaecological disorders,
for those situations where office biopsy or directed •Occasional follicular development in menopause.
hysteroscopic biopsy are not available or feasible. Diagnosis
Women presenting with PMB requires a pelvic
examination during their assessment. This examination may
also represent an opportunity to take a routine cervical

13 14
Management of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding SLCOG National Guidelines
smear if this is due for women within the National depends on the pre test risk of disease in the relevant
Screening Programme. (Grade X) patient group.
The principal aim of the investigation of post- According to the most recent meta analysis, using
menopausal bleeding is to identify or exclude endometrial an endometrial thickness of over 3mm to define an
pathology, most notably endometrial carcinoma. It is also abnormal result would represent a sensitive approach (4).
important to ensure that women are sufficiently reassured Based upon a pre test probability of cancer of 10%,
following normal tests. the post-test probability following a negative test result is
Most evidence at present favor the use of 0.4%. Unfortunately the evidence base for a 3mm
transvaginal ultrasonography (TVUS) as the initial threshold is less reliable and prone to bias than that for the
investigation in PMB. This is because there is both a much 5mm threshold. Therefore, measured by TVUS, an
greater quantity and a higher quality of evidence supporting endometrial thickness of 3mm or less gives an approximate
its use compared with other methods. (Grade X) post test probability of cancer of 0. % to 0.8% in the
The mean endometrial thickness in post- following groups of women.
menopausal women should be less than 4-5 mm.
i. Post menopausal women who have never been on
Thickening of the endometrium may indicate the presence
of pathology. In general the thicker the endometrium the
ii. Postmenopausal women who have not been on any
higher the likelihood of important pathology (endometrial
form of HRT for a year or more.
cancer) being present. TVUS can reliably assess thickness
iii. Post menopausal women on continuous combined
and morphology of the endometrium and can thus identify
a group of women with post-menopausal bleeding who
have a thin endometrium and are therefore unlikely to have If the clinician and the woman judged that the level
significant endometrial disease. of reassurance and reduced risk are acceptable following a
It is conventional to measure the double thickness TVUS measurement of 3mm or less, no further action
measurement of both endometrial surfaces at the thickest need to be taken. Further investigations should be carried
point in the mid saggital view. Use of the endometrial out if symptoms recur. If the clinician, the patient or both
thickness cut off assumes that the endometrial morphology are not satisfied with this level of reassurance, further
is normal. Any abnormal features, e.g.: suspicion of a investigation is justified. This should include an
polyp, would require further investigation irrespective of endometrial biopsy to obtain a histological assessment.
the endometrial thickness. If the endometrial thickness is (Grade Y)
less than 4mm and she is still bleeding, still try to exclude a The mean endometrial thickness in women on
cause. sequential hormone replacement therapy with post-
A recent meta analysis reviewed four studies and all menopausal bleeding is greater than in those women with
assessed the 5mm threshold and, when pooled showed that post-menopausal bleeding who are not on sequential HRT.
a negative TVUS result of 5mm or less reduced the risk of Thus an abnormal endometrial thickness in women with
disease by 84%. Whether it is sufficient to rule out disease post-menopausal bleeding who are not using HRT

15 16
Management of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding SLCOG National Guidelines
represents a greater probability of endometrial disease than
in women taking hormone replacement therapy.
Trans-abdominal ultra sound maybe used as a
complementary examination if the uterus is significantly All women with post menopausal bleeding
enlarged or a wider view of the pelvis or abdomen is
required. (Grade Y) HRT status
A definitive diagnosis in post-menopausal bleeding Current or recent (within last Never used HRT or not
year) use of sequential HRT used HRT for over 1 year or
is made by histology. Historically endometrial samples have using continues combined
been obtained by dilatation and curettage. But D & C HRT
should no longer be used as the first line method of Estimated 1- 1.5 % 10 %
investigating post-menopausal bleeding in most cases. pre-test
Endometrial biopsy can be undertaken using risk of cancer
endometrial samplers. There are a variety of different Endometrial ≤5 mm ≥5 mm ≤ 3 mm ≥ 3 mm
endometrial samplers available but there are no systematic thickness test
comparison between them. All methods of sampling the
endometrium will miss some cancers. (Grade Y)
Probability of 0.1 – 0.2 % 2–5% 0. – 0.8 % >20 – 22%
Hysteroscopically guided endometrial sampling can cancer
be performed in these women. Re-investigation of after test
recurrent post-menopausal bleeding should be considered
after months. (Grade Z) Action No further Investigation No further Investigation
required investigation for tissue investigation for tissue
sampling sampling

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Management of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding SLCOG National Guidelines

1.4 Treatment of Abnormal Uterine • Antifibrinolytic therapy causes a greater reduction in

objective measurements of heavy menstrual bleeding
Bleeding when compared to placebo or other medical therapies,
1.4.1 Medical Management (NSAIDs, oral luteal phase progestogens and
Age, desire to preserve fertility, coexisting medical ethamsylate). This treatment is not associated with an
conditions, and patient preference are essential increase in side effects compared to placebo, NSAIDs,
considerations. For each of the suggested methods, the oral luteal phase progestagens or ethamsylate 15.
patient should be aware of the risks and contraindications, • Flooding, leakage and sex life is significantly improved
to allow informed choice. The degree of patient satisfaction after tranexamic acid therapy when compared with oral
may be influenced by efficacy, expectations, cost, luteal progestogens but no other measures of quality of
inconvenience, and side effects. life were assessed. No study has used resource cost as
an outcome. Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
• There are no data available within randomised controlled
• Endometrial prostaglandins are elevated in women with trials, which record the frequency of thromboembolic
heavy menstrual bleeding. Non-steroidal anti- events.
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) inhibit cyclo-oxygenase
• One third of women experience side effects, including
and reduce endometrial prostaglandin levels.
nausea and leg cramps.
• In a review of 21 randomized controlled trials, NSAIDs
• Tranexamic acid 1 gm. every six hours for the first four
taken with menses decrease menstrual blood loss by 20
days of the cycle reduces menstrual blood loss by up to
to 50 %(13).
40 %, based on 10 randomized placebo-controlled
• NSAIDs improve dysmenorrhea in up to 70 % of trials.
patients. NSAIDs reduce menstrual bleeding when
• The main contraindications are thromboembolic
compared with placebo but are less effective than
either tranexamic acid or danazol.
• Therapy should start at the first day of menses and be Danazol
continued for five days or until cessation of • Danazol, a synthetic steroid with mild androgenic
menstruation. properties, inhibits steroidogenesis in the ovary and has
a profound effect on endometrial tissue, reducing Anti-fibrinolytic Agents
menstrual blood loss by up to 80 %.
• Tranexamic acid (cyclokapron), a synthetic derivative of • Following danazol therapy (100-200 mgs. daily), 20 % of
the amino acid lysine, exerts an antifibrinolytic effect patients reported amenorrhoea and 70 % reported
through reversible blockade on plasminogen. The drug oligomenorrhoea13. Approximately 50 % of the patients
has no effect on blood coagulation parameters or reported no side effects with danazol while 20 %
dysmenorrhea. reported minor but acceptable side effects. The most

19 20
Management of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding SLCOG National Guidelines
common complaint was weight gain of two to six Progestin Intrauterine System
pounds in 0 % of patients. • Progesterone impregnated intrauterine devices (IUDs)
• The recommended treatment is 100 to 200 mg. daily for have been reported to reduce menstrual bleeding. The
three months. newest levonorgestrel intrauterine system (LNG-IUS)
is a T-shaped IUD, which releases a steady amount of Progestins
levonorgestrel (20 µg/ 24 hrs) from a steroid reservoir
• Randomized controlled trials have shown cyclic around the vertical stem of the device.
progestins to be ineffective in controlling regular heavy
menstrual bleeding compared to NSAIDs and GnRH Agonists
tanexamic acid. • GnRH agonists induce a reversible hypoestrogenic state,
• Progestins may be useful for women with irregular cycles reducing total uterine volume by 40 to 0 %.
and with anovulatory cycles when given for 21 days of • Myomas and uterine volume expand to pre-treatment
each month. levels within months of cessation of therapy.
• Medroxyprogesterone acetate given for contraception • GnRH agonists are effective in reducing menstrual blood
induces amenorrhoea within the first year in 80 % of loss in perimenopausal women, but are limited by their
women, although as many as 50 % experience irregular side effects, including hot flashes and reduction of
bleeding15. bone density. Supportive therapies such as correction
of anaemia, exclusion of thyroid disorders etc. are Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill beneficial.
• The reduction of menstrual blood loss with the
combined oral contraceptive pill (OCP) is probably the 1.4.2 Surgical management
result of induced endometrial atrophy. A randomized Dilatation and Curettage (Grade X)
controlled trial of women taking an OC containing
• There are no published reports of randomized controlled
30µg ethinyl estradiol showed a 43% reduction in
trials comparing D&C and other potential treatments
menstrual blood loss compared to baseline.
for the relief of menorrhagia. The only study to
• Two longitudinal case control studies have found that measure blood loss before and after D&C found
users were less likely to experience heavy menstrual temporary reduction in menstrual blood loss
bleeding or anemia. immediately after the procedure. However, losses
• Additional advantages of OCPs include contraception returned to previous levels or higher by the second
and reduction of dysmenorrhoea. menstrual period post intervention.
• Now ethenyl estradiol 20µg containing pills are available • Still D&C is a method practiced in Sri Lanka to diagnose
in Sri Lanka (Femilon). follicular phase of endometriam, secretory
endometrium, anovlatory endometrium, endometrial
hyperplasia with or without atypia, carcinoma of
endometrium, chorio-carcinoma, endometrial polyps,

21 22
Management of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding SLCOG National Guidelines
endometrial tuberculosis, myomatous polyps, • For the woman who has completed her childbearing,
endometritis and atrophic endometrium. reviewed the alternatives, and has tried conservative
therapy without acceptable results, hysterectomy is Endometrial Destruction (Grade Z) often the best choice. (Grade X)
• Endometrial destruction can be performed by several
different surgical techniques: cryosurgery, laser
ablation, resection, roller ball and heat destruction by
• Five randomized controlled trials have compared
hysterectomy with endometrial ablation or resection.
• These trials showed that the advantages of the less
invasive endometrial destruction compared with
hysterectomy, especially in the short term, were: shorter
operating time, fewer complications, faster rates of
recovery, less need for analgesia and reduced cost.
• A newer technique involving a balloon which is inflated
within the uterus and fluid heated (uterine balloon
therapy) has been compared to roller ball therapy
(endometrial ablation). The rate of amenorrhoea at
months follow up between the two treatments was
similar. The uterine balloon therapy takes 15 minutes
but is not suitable if submucous fibroids exist. Hysterectomy
• The risks of major surgery must be weighed against
alternatives. Clinical practice guidelines for
hysterectomy have been reported by Lefebvre et al.
Hysterectomy is a permanent solution for the treatment
of menorrhagia and abnormal uterine bleeding, and is
associated with high levels of patient satisfaction in
properly selected patients. (Grade X)

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Management of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding SLCOG National Guidelines
15. Lethaby A, Farquhar C, Cooke I. Antifibrinolytics for heavy
1.5 References menstrual bleeding. The Cochrane Database of Systematic
1. Goodman A. Abnormal genital tract bleeding. Clin Reviews 2000, Issue 4. Art. No.: CD000249. DOI:
Cornerstone 2000; 3:25-35. 10.1002/14 51858.CD000249.
2. Hallberg L, Hogdahl A, Nilsson L, Rybo G. Menstrual blood
loss: a population study. Variations at different ages and
attempts to define normality. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand
199 ; 45:320-51.
3. Cohen JM, Gibor Y. Anemia and menstrual blood loss.
Obstet Gynecol Surv 1980; 35:597- 18.
4. Janet R.A, Sharon K.H, Robert M.W. Abnormal Uterine
Bleeding. 2004 April [cited 200 August]. Available from
5. Hill NC, Oppenheimer LW, Morton KE. The aetiology of
vaginal bleeding in children. A 20-year review. Br J Obstet
Gynaecol 1989; 9 :4 7-70.
. Elford KJ, Spence JE. The forgotten female: pediatric and
adolescent gynecological concerns and their reproductive
consequences. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2002; 15: 5-
7. Oriel KA, Schrager S. Abnormal uterine bleeding. Am
Fam Physician 1999; 0:1371-80.
8. Krassas GE. Thyroid disease and female reproduction. Fertil
Steril 2000; 74:10 3-70.
9. Franks S. Polycystic ovary syndrome [published correction
appears in N EnglMedl995; 333:1435]. N Engl J Med 1995;
333:853- 1.
10. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of
Obstetricians and guidelines for referral for investigations of
intermenstrual and postcoital bleeding, 2004
11. Tabor A, Watt HC, Wald NJ. Endometrial thickness as a test
for endometrial cancer in women with postmenopausal
vaginal bleeding. Obstet Gynecol 2002;99: 3-70.
12. Mihm LM, Quick VA, Brumfield JA, Connors AF Jr, Finnerty
JJ. The accuracy of endometrial biopsy and saline
sonohysterography in the determination of the cause of
abnormal uterine bleeding. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2002;
18 :858- 0.
13. SOGC. Guidelines for the Management of Abnormal Uterine
Bleeding, 2001
14. HKCOG. Guidelines on investigation of women with
abnormal uterine bleeding under the age of 40, 2001

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