Language Essay

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Amory smith

April 6, 2020
Name: Amory Smith

Category Unacceptable Acceptable Good Excellent SCORE

(Below (Meets (Occasionally (Exceeds
standards) Standards) Exceeds) Standards)

Introduction Does not Conveys Conveys topic Strong 5

adequately topic, but not and key introduction marks
convey topic. key question(s). of
Does not question(s). Clearly topic’s key
describe Describes delineates question(s),
subtopics to be subtopics to subtopics to terms.
reviewed. Lacks be reviewed. be reviewed. Clearly
adequate thesis General General thesis delineates
statement. thesis statement. subtopics to
statement. . be
Focus & Little evidence Most material All material All material 5
Sequencing material is clearly clearly related clearly marks
logically related to to subtopic, related to
organized subtopic, main topic subtopic,
into topic, main topic. and logically main topic.
subtopics or Material organized Strong
related to topic. may not be within organization
Many transitions organized subtopics. and
are unclear or within sub- Clear, varied integration
non-existent topics. transitions of
Attempts to linking material
provide subtopics, and within
variety of main topic. sub-topics.
transitions Strong
main topic.
Support Few sources Sources Sources well Strong peer 5
supporting generally selected reviewed marks
thesis. Sources acceptable to support research
insignificant or but not thesis with based
unsubstantiated. peer- some research support for
reviewed in support of thesis.
research thesis.
Conclusion Review of Strong review Strong 5
Does not key of key review of marks
summarize conclusions. conclusions. key
evidence with Some Strong conclusions.
respect to thesis integration integration Strong
statement. with thesis with thesis integration
Does not discuss statement. statement. with thesis
the impact of Discusses Discusses statement.
researched impact impact of Insightful
material on of researched researched discussion
topic. material on material on of
topic topic. impact of
material on
Grammar & Grammatical Very few Grammatical The paper is 4
Mechanics errors or spelling grammatical, errors free marks
& punctuation spelling or or spelling & of
substantially punctuation punctuation grammatical
detract from the errors are rare errors and
paper. interfere with and do not spelling
reading the detract &
paper. from the punctuation
APA Style & Errors in APA Errors in Rare errors in No errors in 3
Communication style detract APA APA APA marks
substantially style are style that do style.
from noticeable. not Scholarly
the paper. Word detract from style.
Word choice is choice the Writing is
informal in tone. occasionally paper. flowing and
Writing is informal in Scholarly easy
choppy, tone. style. Writing to follow.
with many Writing has a has
awkward or few minimal
unclear passages awkward or awkward of
unclear unclear
passages. passages.
Citations & Reference and Two One reference All 3
References citation errors references or or references marks
detract citations citations and
significantly missing missing or citations are
from or incorrectly incorrectly correctly
paper. written written. written
and present.
Total: 30 marks
An early childhood educator is expected to communicate effectively with their learners.
There are many demands that are made of them such as:

 The proper methods that is used to greet and bid farewell to the learners.
 How do they communicate with the learners positively and attentively?
 How do they engage the children in conversations that will encompass the learners’
interest and concerns?
 In what ways can they model positive and respectful communication styles to the
children and how do they respond to the non-verbal cues that the children give?
 How does the educator acknowledge and accept the children’s feelings and if they can
modify their response to suit the child’s mood?

In a research essay, tell how an educator can fulfil the following roles listed above. Explain
the pointers and give relevant examples for the points given. Do not forget to add
references; as this is a researched essay.
When a child cries, when a child smiles, when a child laughs or plays it is that a message is being
transmitted? Is communication taking place? Oh Yes!
Communication is, imparting or exchanging of information of information by speaking, writing,
gestures, or using other medium. There are some elements needed for communication to take
place: listening skills, talking techniques and analyzing and interpreting.
Children well-being, identity, sense of agency and capacity to make friends is connected to the
development of communication skills and strongly linked to their capacity to express their
feelings and thoughts and to be understood. One of the skill that children develop include
greeting and farewell.
Greetings and saying goodbye starts with eye contact, smiling and eventually a waving gesture,
phrase like: “hello”, “hi”, “how are you?”, “goodbye”, “see you tomorrow!”, “have a nice
evening”, is very important for maintaining relationships starting and ending interaction
productively. You should also be available at the door at the beginning and as well as the ending
of the day, you should also acknowledge children before talking with parents and greet all
parents warmly and professionally. Be reminded, that children will share their interests; and
show interest in what others do and say.
As an early childhood educator you need to model positive a respectful communication styles.
You have to have a positive and attentive approach to care for the children by making yourself
available to the children and taking active role in their interest. You must always ensure you
have the Childs’ full attention, get down to their eye level use words that are fitting and simple
for their development. Secondly, you must be aware of body language and your tone of voice
when speaking. Thirdly, allow the child to finish what they are saying before responding. When
interacting positively with children you need to turn facing the child who you are talking with,
this shows you have positive interest and you are modeling respectful communication as you
listen to the child. Hence, Positive engagements with children helps with emotional security,
children’s sense of belonging, cultural and language communication.
Communication is not just about the words we use. Our non-verbal language can often say a lot
more than our actual words. These non-verbal cues will help you to see how the child is feeling
at the moment the message they are sending or how uncomfortable they are. Go down to the
child to the child physical level this shows that you value the child as being equal; standing over
a child can cause in timidity. By looking directly at the child you will also likely to pick up non-
verbal cues such as facial expressions, body language, sounds and as such you would participate
in a Childs’ play and use children cues to guide the level and type of involvement.
Children feelings are acknowledging and accepted when you see how a child feels and know that
it is important to them. It shows that you are interested in and respectful of how they feel. You
might have to change your communication style to suit the moment sometimes only a smile and
a hug can change the moment for example, a child lost his or her mother. Let him or her know
that is it is okay to be sad and even cry. You could just hug the child and give him or her the
reaffirmation that teacher and classmates still loves and care for you.
As an early childhood educator practicing and displaying effective communication is a crucial
part of a child’s development. Hence, by providing effective communicational environment in
the early setting, educators help children to develop into successful and valuable members of
Victoria early years learning and development framework (2016) VEYCDF
Burner, J. (1986) actual minds, possible worlds. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.
Halliday, M.A. (1975). Learning how to mean. London; Edward Arnold
Early childhood education, author: Barry Persky, Leonard H. Golubchick, publisher: university
press of America
Twelve best practices for early childhood education, author: Ann Lewin-Benham

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