NRI Names
NRI Names
NRI Names
Celebrating 29 years of
Encouraging Excellence in Education
The table below highlights some of the NSF accomplishments, primarily in numerical terms.
Over the last seven years, NSF online coaching has become very popular in the US. The pro-
gram includes Math, Science, Geography, SAT/ACT, Computer Programming, Life Skills and
Universal Values. More than 4,000 children have enrolled this year. Online workshops are also
becoming popular. We have added Math and College Admissions Planning last year.
It is gratifying to know that NSF has been able to serve thousands of talented children, both in
India and US. The credit goes to the thousands of dedicated volunteers, donors, and parents.
We are very grateful to all of them.
Learning Outcomes of NSF Children
Hard Work and Persistence Pay
John Adams said, “Practice Makes Perfect.” Thomas Edison said, “Genius is one percent inspi-
ration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.” Children who participate in NSF contests year after
year demonstrate these idioms to be in fact true in practice. We have done data mining of chil-
dren who have participated in NSF competitions since 2006. Learning outcomes show that the
more the children participate, the more likely they end up in the top 10 ranks at the champion-
ship finals conducted annually. It doesn’t matter what the subject is. We find the same results.
Here are the Learning Outcome tables.
Notes: Percent – The percent chance that a child makes into one of top 10 ranks. When it
exceeds 100 percent, it means the child makes into the top 10 in more than one subject. That is,
when a child excels in one subject, he/she is likely to excel in other subjects as well. Hard work
What Is North South Foundation ?
Non-profit Organization, Tax ID: 36-3659998, 501(c)(3)
2 Marissa Ct, Burr Ridge, IL 60527-6864, Ph: 630-323-1966
North South Foundation is a non-profit organization established in Illinois in 1989. It received
tax-exempt status under the IRS Section 501(c)(3).
Our Vision: Every child should reach his or her maximum potential
Our Mission
• Provide hope to children and families who may have none, unleashing a lifetime of potential
success. Maximize human potential by giving scholarships to brilliant but most needy among
the poorest of poor students in India entering colleges, regardless of religion, gender, caste or
• Promote excellence in human endeavor by organizing Educational Marathons for mission-
driven children in the USA. Maximize human potential by giving educational tools to children
in the United States, regardless of religion, gender, caste or creed.
• Promote excellence in the practice of universal human values.
• Instill “Pay it Forward” culture among the NSF Alumni.
The Foundation is all-volunteer driven with less than 5 percent overhead. It is a virtual organiza-
tion with no payroll, office or physical assets.
The Scholarship program in India is designed to encourage excellence among the poor. It
is targeted at qualified, most needy students entering college. More than 18,500 scholarships
have been awarded to date. The Foundation plans to give 3,000 scholarships during the current
academic year. Each scholarship is $300 per student per year. Awards are made following strict
selection criteria based on merit and need. Students are selected from 25 centers spread across
India. These centers are run by dedicated volunteers who are committed to the noble cause of
helping the poor who excel in studies attend college. There is a plan to add more chapters, es-
pecially in states where NSF does not have a presence. Please contact us if you can help us start
a new chapter.
Educational contests in the US are designed to encourage academic excellence among Indian
American children. The spelling, vocabulary, math, science, geography, essay writing, public
speaking, and brain bees are conducted annually in two steps. Children initially participate in
any of 90 centers in the US. Winners of these contests are invited for the national finals. Na-
tional top three rankers are awarded scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $250, redeemable in
the winners’ freshman year of college. More than 175,000 contestants benefited from NSF bees.
Please contact us if you would like to have a chapter in your area. NSF offers online coaching in
Math, Science, Geography, SAT/ACT, Computer Programming, Life Skills and Universal Values.
More than 4,000 children have enrolled this year. Online coaching is made possible through the
dedication of more than 250 volunteer coaches with a passion to make a difference. NSF also
conducts online workshops in spelling, math, science, geography and college admissions plan-
ning. Educational contests are also being conducted in India on a pilot basis.
Accomplishments of NSF Children: Many NSF children have scored top ranks in the Scripps
National Spelling Bee, National Geographic Bee, MATHCOUNTS, Math Olympiads and Science
Bowls. Top colleges in the US have accepted numerous NSF children. More importantly, these
contests help children improve their communication skills, self-confidence and empower them
to become better citizens for tomorrow.
Role Model Award: The Foundation has awarded its inaugural Role Model Award, ‘Vishwa Jyo-
thi’ to Rajiv Vinnakota in 2003, Nipun Mehta in 2004 and Nimesh Patel in 2014. It helps to show-
case human values and academic excellence to the children of Indian American community.
For further information, please contact Dr. Ratnam Chitturi at 630-323-1966 or [email protected]
Highlights of 2017
Notable accomplishments during the year 2017 are given below:
NSF Kids
True to its mission, many NSF kids won accolades with their accomplishments
in several national mainstream contests, including:
Scripps National Spelling Bee – it has been 10 years of winning streak with Ananya Vi-
nay winning the championship for 2017.National Geographic Bee – it has been 6 years of
winning streak. Mathcounts is another area of major accomplishment for many NSF kids
participating in the national final contest, at a record number.
Online Coaching
NSF online coaching program has become a breeding ground for future champions in NSF
educational contests that take place at close to 90 regional chapters all across the US. The
online coaching program continues to expand with progress in number of course offer-
ings, students, volunteer coaches and funds raised for the noble cause of helping the needy
NSF online coaching recorded the highest ever registrations with well over 4000 students
enrolled in Elemetary math, PreMathcounts, Mathcounts, SAT English, SAT Math, Geog-
raphy, Science, Computer Programming, Life Skills and Universal Values programs. Com-
puter Programming is new this year and became an instant success. With the success of the
program in enrolment, the funds raised support over a thousand scholarships to help the
needy kids in India. The online coaching program is only possible with a dedicated team of
volunteers; it starts with the able leadership of Dr.Praveen Goli as the overall program di-
rector. There are 250+ coaches and separate program leads for each area of coaching. There
have been significant improvements made in technology: including automated scheduling
of Zoom sessions to assist coaches; establishing a support ticket system to help with prob-
lem resolution.
html or on YouTube by using the link The event was suc-
cessfully organized under the exemplary leadership of Sai Rachakonda(Convener), Ganesh
Dasari(Co-Convener) and Neetha Chadda(Co-Convener).
Matching Gifts
There are many companies that encourage giving for education by matching a dollar for a
dollar gift to their employee contributions. This is a nice way to double your contributions
to the Foundation. Please find out if your employer does this. The Foundation has received
matching funds from several well-known companies including Abbott Lab, American Ex-
press, Bank of America, BP, Bristol Myers, Cisco, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Monsanto, Oracle,
Pfizer, Tudor Investment Trust, United Technologies, and Verizon. In addition, the Founda-
tion is grateful to all the corporate employees contributing to United Way (individual com-
panies allow for pay-roll deductions of the employees contribution to the United Way) who
have designated their contribution for North South Foundation scholarships. For further
information, please call 630-323-1966.
The last several years have seen tremendous growth for the academic contests held by NSF
among 90 regional centers. We are happy to report that around 16,000 contestants reg-
istered in various categories this year. It was all possible with thousands of volunteers all
across the country. The Foundation is always looking for new volunteers in many areas of its
endeavors. The success of any public foundation depends on its volunteers. It is the collec-
tive efforts of volunteers that made this Foundation what it is today. Volunteerism is like an
elastic band. You only need to spare as little as you can afford or extend as much as you love
to contribute. You will get the satisfaction of promoting excellence in education among the
most impoverished in India and children in our community in the US. Some corporations
also encourage their employees to become volunteers by providing financial contribution.
India Activities
During 2017 scholarship season, we continue to actively promote scholarship program in
26 India chapters; more than 2,500 scholarships were awarded. For the 2017-18 academic
year, the target is 3,000. NSF website ( was updated to make it easy for
potential applicants, volunteers and donors to access information about our India schol-
arship program. For more information about India Scholarship program, please contact
Vengat Sidheswaran at [email protected]
2017 Perfect Scores in Regionals
We acknowledge all the contestants who got a perfect score in any of the regional contests. This
is a fantastic achievement! Congratulations to all the contestants below. If you happen to meet
any of them, don’t forget to ask them for the secrets behind their success.
Contestant & Contest Grade Regional Center Contestant & Contest Grade Regional Center
Dalai Lama has some advice for anyone who is looking for happiness : Help others
Another key to happiness, His Holiness suggests, is to "try to be of some service to others." If
you can help others, then "no matter what (the) surrounding situation, you can keep (up your)
self-confidence and happiness."
Service can come in the form of volunteering, like at a soup kitchen, or on a candidate's cam-
paign, but it can also be simpler, like being a good listener when people are upset.
Volunteers feel more socially connected, they're less lonely, and suffer from depression less,
studies show. Volunteering creates physical benefits too: Regular volunteers are less likely to
develop high blood pressure and live longer, some studies show.
Simple acts like being a good listener can also reduce your own feelings of stress and improve
your feelings of well-being, other studies show.
The NSF Online coaching program helps students discover their abilities, explore
new academic concepts, prepare for competitive tests and celebrate their accomplish-
ments. 2017 is the eighth consecutive year of NSF successfully embracing the on-
line coaching trend. This year 250+ coaches are handling classes during the week-
day evenings and whole day weekends at times that are convenient to students.
About 4000 students are getting immersed in not only preparing for Math, National Geo-
graphic GeoBee, SAT/ACT but also to learn to explore their scientific curiosity, learn to
practice values and learn some confidence building Life skills. These coaching classes pre-
pare the students with fundamental concepts and prepare them in advance for NSF regional
and National contests. The NSF coaching program is possible due to dedicated and passion-
ate volunteers who are part of this successful effort. Every year we also have several talented
high schoolers who volunteer to coach. NSF certifies the volunteer hours of these high school
students not only towards their high school graduation requirements but also for US Presi-
dential volunteer awards. The popularity of the coaching program among the NSF Parents is
indicated by the growth in student registration count from 634 in 2010 to over 4100 in 2017.
This is a novel program where we want to celebrate and encourage the scientific minds of
the NSF children. The goal of the coaching program is to imbibe and inculcate curiosity and
scientific enquiry thought process in young minds. Online Science coaching is a unique
NSF program that is not offered by any other entity here in the US. Students are taught to
hypothesize, conduct experiments at home, observe and record the data and the develop con-
clusions! Science experts run these courses which outpace science of the US School curricu-
lum. We have our own Regional and National Science Bee contests. The Science coaching
program is offered for three different age groups.
Enrollment: JSC -(Grades 1, 2 & 3) -256; ISC- (Grades 4 & 5)– 287; SSC -6,7,8 (Grades 6, 7 &
8) – 274
This program offers a cost-effective way to prepare for the college admission tests such as SAT
and ACT. This is offered as a package of Math and English classes. Classes are 1.5 hours for
each subject (total of 3 hours) every week. This is one program where the students themselves
enquire about and enroll. The program has the highest enrollment amongst all NSF online
coaching programs. The Junior level program for SAT and ACT is intended for students who
prepare for tests used to enroll in talented programs such as Johns Hopkins CTY program,
Duke’s TIP program and PSAT.
Enrollment: SAT Junior (Grades 6, 7 & 8) – 274; SAT Senior (Grades 9 thru 12) – 301
To cater to the desire of the NSF parents who want to develop and nurture their children’s
character, this program has been running for the past 4 years. Online Universal Values pro-
gram is one of a kind that teaches spirituality in a scientific way. It is not tied to a religion but
still teaches human values. Mind’s enrichment and the pursuit of happiness are tied together
when the child travels through the journey of universal values Although the curriculum is the
same for all 3 levels, the group dynamics and experience is different for Junior, Intermediate
and Senior.
Enrollment: Junior – -(Grades 1, 2 & 3) – 56; Intermediate- (Grades 4 through 8) – 60; Senior
– (Grades 9 & above) – 12
Introduced as a pilot this year, the program intends to introduce the concepts of programming
to young students. NSF anticipates the program to evolve based on the feedback received from
participating students.
Enrollment: 150 students
NSF offers online workshops throughout the year on various topics to help the NSF parents
and students. Offered by previous Scripps Spelling Bee winners, workshop for Spelling Bee is
very popular among NSF parents. Over the last few years, NSF also conducted special work-
shops for NSF children who qualify for the National Scripps spelling bee. In preparation for
the NSF regional and national contests, the online workshop program conducts two to three
hour workshops at each level for Math, Science and Geography. In partnership with AcceptU,
NSF offers workshops on College Admission Planning, Admissions to Ivy League and STEM
education. These workshops are conducted by former admissions officers at some of the top
colleges in the country.
The Scholorship Process
North South Foundation (NSF) provides scholarships to undergraduate students entering into
engineering, medicine or 3-year polytechnic (diploma in engineering) based on merit and
financial need. The scholarship process begins at the chapter level in India with an announce-
ment. Each India chapter has a volunteer who acts as the India Chapter Coordinator (ICC) who
is responsible for all activities of the chapter – from forming the selection committee, reviewing
applications, interviewing applicants and giving the scholarship checks at an awards ceremony.
Volunteers who live in USA and are closely associated with a chapter in India act as liaisons.
Liaisons in US interact with the ICCs and are involved with the chapter in many ways – from ac-
tually starting the chapter by identifying a volunteer in India, to figuring out ways to spread the
word, to meeting candidates while visiting India and more. The liaison also facilitates meetings
between a scholar and an interested donor. Please refer to the section in the review which lists
contact information of Liaisons and India Chapter Coordinators.
1. India Chapter announces scholarships through local media and in schools (April-June)
2. Interested students file an application online (June-Oct)
3. Students print a copy of the application (June-Oct.)
4. Student mails the application along with the supporting documents (July-Oct.)
5. India Chapter Coordinator (ICC) forms a selection panel, reviews applications and shortlists
candidates to interview (Sept).
6. ICC and selection panel interview candidates. One parent is expected to accompany the stu-
dent. Bus or train fare is reimbursed to the student (Sept-Oct).
7. ICC sends recommendations to NSF India Coordinator in Hyderabad (Oct-Nov).
8. NSF India Coordinator and US scholarships team do final review. Sometimes further clarifica-
tions are requested before approval (Oct-Nov).
9. The Chapter also processes any renewals at this time since NSF supports the student through
the entire course of study (Aug-Oct).
10. India Chapter holds an award ceremony and honors NSF scholarship recipients (Dec-Jan).
NSF uses uniform eligibility criteria to identify poor but meritorious students across chapters.
Summary of 2016 - 17 College Scholarships
Year 1989 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Scholarships 1 667 922 1449 2037 2549 2400 2277 1508
Chapters 1 1 10 16 18 20 23 26 19
If you are new to scholarships you can read about our program at
Individual Donors Nov’16 - Oct ‘17
Lakshmi & Prabhakar Aadireddy Neeraja & Venkata Gurram Krishnaveni & Sastry Mukkamala
Rajasree & Venkata Addala Rekha & Selvaraj Jaikumar Rani & Umamaheswar Munugala
Dorota & Srikar Adhikari Prasanna Janumpalli Geetha & Ray Muralidharan
Diti & Gautam Aggarwal Mythili &Gobinath Jayachandran Prabha & Madhavarao Murikipudi
Sarada & Srinivas Akunuri Akshay Jayaram Shailaja & Venkata Nagabandi
Anu&GanapathyAnanthakrishnan Shravan Ravishankar Divya & Srikrishna Nagri
Radha & Venkata Andukuri Syamala & Subramani Jayaraman Shailaja & Venkatesh Nakkala
Jaya & Shravan Arra Punya & Venkanna Jupudy Anitha & Harikrishna Nallure
Amir Baha Pallavi & Siva Juturi Debbani & Debankur Naskar
Gaurav Bajpai Sunitha & Murali Kadaveru Nisita & Naveen Thamballapalle
Lalitha & S. Balachandran Gayathri & Sairaman Kalpathi Rama Pakala
Neeta & Parmanand Balsaver Sripriya & Ram Kalpatthi Sudha Paladugu
Yamini & Chakra Srinivasa Kanchi & S. Kalyanasundaram Vasudha & Srini Palavajjhala
Sumana & Srithal Bellary Namarata & Kishore Kamalapuri Nagamani & Ratnam Pandravada
Sujatha & Ramana Bhamidipati Girish Kamath Lamiyah & Riyaz Papar
Noopur & Dhaval Bhavsar Naga & Veerabhadra Kambala Geeta & Somasunder Papineni
Swapna & Srinivas Bodapati Sini & Ninad Kandekar Rajasekhar Pasala
Arunasri & Praveenkumar Bojja Hariprasad Karnati Girija & Venkat Pasnoor
Neelima & Harihar Brahma Bhavana Karnik Sirisha & Suresh Pasumarthy
Neetha & Ram Chada Gita & Srinivas Karra Bindi & Parag Patel
Saritha & Satish Chada Swapna & Aravind Katta Sailaja & Sridhar Patibandla
Vindhya & Ramchander Chari Vindhya & Praveen Katta Neeharika & Vinay Penmetcha
Aruna & Siva Chemudupaty Manasi & Narasimha Akella Jayalakshmi & Shyam Penugonda
Ushadevi & Venkat Chenna Geetanjali & Mayank Khanna Jeyanthi & Sankar Periyasamy
Vanaja & Obayya Chennareddy Gurmeet & Chanderjeet Kindra Preeti & Viraj Pikle
Indumathi & Yugender Chikkula Madhavi & Venki Kodakirthi Sangita & Sudesh Pillutla
Pallavi & Vijai Venkata Ajoy Kodali Sirisha & Murthy Poludasu
Mamta & Tarak Choksi Sushama & Krishna Kodali Anbu Ponniah
Lalitha Coimbatore Linda & Bruce Koe Bhavana & Milind Prabhu
Seema & Praveen Dala Vidya & Krishnaiah Kolavennu Kanupriya & Rahul Pradhan
Praveena & Ashok Reddy Danda Lavanya & Sumanth Kollipara Lakshmi & Mallik Putcha
Geetha & Kishore Dannapaneni Narasimha Kopparapu Lalita & Sai Rachakonda
Sanjib & Madhuchhanda Das Suneeta & Vamsi Kora Varun Rachakonda
Usha & Ganesh Dasari Vijay Korimilli Lakshmi & Ranga Rachapudi
Pallavi & Swapan Dhairyawan Prathyusha Kota Vijay Raghavan
Pramod Dolkannagari Nazish Koujalgi Neha & Sunil Rai
Lakshmi & Srinivas Donepudi Veena & Vidyanand Kulkarni Roopa & Nags Rajaram
Sunanda & Satya Dosapati Veronica & Tanmoy Kumar Sandhya & Srikanth Raju
Parul Fernandes Indiradevi & Ashok Kunchappan Preethi & Ravindra Ramakrishna
Anupama & Nishal Furtado Nisha & Hiten Lakhani Meena & Krishnan Ramakrishnan
Rohini & Sanjay Garde Anusha & Judevinod Leion Aparna & Prakash Ramdoss
Shalaka & Rahul Ghate Sreedevi & Pattabhi Maddipati Usha & Gopikishan Rangaraj
Jisha & Santhosh Gheevarghese Nagamani & Ram Maddipati Kumud & Rajiv Ranjan
Ira Giri Aruna & Muthumayan Madhayyan Gayathri & Raghu Rao
Bhaskar Golla Meena & Ramakrishna Maganti Lakshmi & Muralidhar Raparla
Neelima & Venkat Gone Sathya Maganti Swetha & Sudheer Pallamreddy
Barkha & Rajesh Gopinath Uma & Shankar Ram Mahadevan Lakshmi & Viswanatha Reddy
Sireesha & Ravi Guddeti Nirmala & Prasada R Makkapati Jason Redlus
Sreedevi & Jay Gundamaraju Shashi & Ramesh Mariyappa Jason Redlus
Santhi & Harish Gundluru Madhuri & Pramodh Mereddy Gunjan & Kabir Rekhi
Santhi & Harish Gundluru Bansari & Sanjiv Modi Krishnaiah Revuluri
Geetha & Rajesh Gupta Raja & Chaithanya Moola Shubha & Rajan Sachdev
Panchali & Sachin Gupta Sailaja Muchimilli Kamlesh & Narinder Saini
Sarojini & Subhash Gupta Jithender Reddy Muduganti Himali & Kishor Saitwal
Individual Donors Corporate Donors Nov’16 - Oct’17
Meenakshi & Saravanan Sankaran 5 ANS Education Center IW Group
Padmavathi & C. Sekhar Sara AcceptU JP Morgan Chase
Neeraja & Vijay Saradhi Ace Pain Management Rehab JustGive
Gayatri & Sameer Senapati ACH Collection Kache Medical & Edu Foundation
Jyothi & Mahesh Seshadri Advent Global Solutions KIT Construction Services
Vidhya & Ramkumar Seshadri AJ Squared Education Little Scholars
Krishnakumar & Raji Seshan Allied Informatics Inc Math Plus Academy
Daksha & Dinesh Shah Amazon Mathus Academy
Salina & Prerak Shah American Express Matscience21
Kokila & Ramesh Shah AOPS Academy Medinet Family Care Clinic
Navjot & Rahul Sharma Apex Dental Mile High United Way
Anamika & Pankaj Shukla Apna Chat Bhavan Morgan Stanley
Swapna & Anand Singh ASR International Network for Good
Krishna Sistla AT&T Pfizer
Paul Smith Autodesk Foundation Phillips 66
Padmaja & Arun Solipuram Bank of America Qualcomm
Tanuja & Sudheer Somineni Benevity Rainbow Learning Center
Jyothi & Pavankumar Sreeramani Best in Class Education Raymond James Charitable Fund
Aparna & Easwar Srinivasan Bhutada Family Foundation Reddys Pet Clinic
Chandrika &Raghavan Srinivasan Biryani Pot S R Ultrasound Services
Rajalakshmi & R. Srinivasan BP Sarode Foundation
Geetha & Kumaresan Subramani Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Sarus Technologies
Lakshmi & Vishnu Sunkara Capital Group Schwab Charitable Fund
Uma & Mohan Sunkavalli Central Cal Society of India Shilpa Offshore
Anu & Venugopal Sunkavalli CNC Developers Shiva Vishnu Temple Hindu C&C
Monica & Sandeep Tamboli DELL Sri Gayathri Foods
Linda Tarrant Deutsche Bank Americas Stanley Black & Decker
Anjani & Phanibabu Tikkala Diljit S. Ahluwaila Family State Street
Padmavathy & R Prasad Tota Dimensional integrators Symsoft Solutions
Swathi & Krishna Tummala Discover Financial Synocate
Kamala & S. Prasad Tummala ERP Analysts TANA Foundation
Manju & Srini Vagwala ExxonMobil Telugu Association of Arizona
Lakshmi & Hanumantha Vaitla Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Test Masters Edu Services
Padma & Choudari Vallabhaneni Florida Research Group Toptech Realty
Raju Vanguri GE Tourist Bureau Marketing
Malathi & Krishnan Varagur Geospell Academy TRUIST
Sailaja & Rama Varanasi Give Back Foundation United Way of CE
Vijayalakshmi & Yogeshwar Velu Glowtouch United Way of Central Ohio
Madhu & Pankaj Verma H E B Charitable Trust United Way of G Milwaukee
Deepa & Shree Vishwanathan HCA United Way of Heart W Michican
Gita & Kris Narayanan Heart of West MI Verizon Foundation
Marcia & James Wallace Holiday Inn Express Tampa Wadhwa & Associates
Sudha & Ravi Yalamanchi IBM Wells Fargo
R.R. Yalamanchili Idea First Technologies WesBanco Bank
Usha & Koteshwar Yarlagadda India Culture Center Wintrust Financial Corp
Anu & Venugopal Sunkavalli India Fresh Food WIZKIDZ
Intel Wonderful Giving
Intellicircle Yourcause
iServe Foundation
NSF Scholarship Recipients (Fresh Students)
JODHPUR, RJ Sowndarya S Paveen Gubbala
Aman Tripathi Pragadeesh A G Kumar Swamy Gandrothula
Ashok Nagar Yadhieshwaree N B Bhupathi Kumar Kuna
Rajpal Singh Seeni Vasababu B G Venkata Mani Kumari Ryali
Praveen Sen Kokilavani D Venugopal Chikkam
Hrishabh Jangid T S Oormila Mukesh Boddepalli
Thulashipriya B Harika Yalamarthi
Kuldeep Suman
Srinivasa Rao Garaga
Ashish Kumar Sharma Keerthi P
Siromani Ryali
Sheru Khan Ashraf Ali G
Kiran Durga Sai Challa
Pooja Kumari Jain Shakila E Sai Pavan Garapati
Mana Ram Srividhya V Durga Bhavani Veeravalli
Ayushi Bhardwaj Vignesh R Durga Naga Sai Manikanta
Raveena Khushlani Sugumar P Srinivas Narayana
Kamlesh Kumar Sannannan R Purna Chandrasekhar
Kameshwaran M Inapakurti
KANPUR, UP Moradabad, Up Dinesh Devagalla
Piyush Dayani Mohd Ayan Ahmed Rizwan Mohammed
Prashant Kumar Sai Sarath Mori
Manish Shandilya
Venkata Lakshmi Dasari
PATNA, BR Nadiya Andhavarapu
KOLKATA, WB Abhishek Bhagat Somalakshmi Gonnabattula
Rohit Kundu
Sairam Prasad Pinninti
Barkatulla Khan PUNE, MH S S H T P Jagadeesha Sowmya
Md Abbas Sk Patel Mahamadwahid Kuntamukkala
Imrul Kayes Iqbal Vijaya Laveti
Pradip Kumar Pal Makandar Shirin Lavanya Kancharla
Nitesh Kumar Kuber Prasanth Penta
Aliul Alam Vikas Balvant Alase Hemadevika Mattaparthi
Eshak Ali Abdul Kabir Nikahat Irshad Venkatasai Dharmateja Thulluru
Sahil Mufti Jamadar Raja Mohan Reddy Somu
Ajijun Nahar Begum Madhura Mahadev Prasanth Duba
Patil Amala Jyothi Peddimsetti
Aishwarya Manasa Mandadapu
Chandrakant Bagade Sai Susmitha Garapati
Venkatesh Sanagala
Priti Shantinath
Yaswanth Raj Dunung VIJAYAWADA, AP
Jayavaram Nagaraju
Suresh Babu Papanaboina
Chalapala TANUKU, AP Teja Sri Varanasi
Bhavani Prasanth Reddy Haritha Sri Mullapudi Izaz Ahamd Johny Shaik
Patil Lakshminarayanamma Akhil Teja Samudrala Venkata Ganesh Kota
Rama Subba Reddy Sai Sneha Tikkisetti Gopi Reddy Punyala
Katherapalle Rani Supriya Palla Naga Veera Jayanth Meda
Shaik Khaji Khaja Hussain Ganesh Gorle N S H B Raja Gopal Marella
Jaya Mounika Edamakanti Giri Naga Uma Alapati Bhargav
Sravana Sandhya Gajjala Shankar Chundru Kiran Nethi
Ganga Sravanthi Gajjala Divya Naga Vijaya Lakshmi Prasanna Thota
Lakshmi Bodapudi Bala Venkata Lakshmi
Harikrishna Ganesh Narayana Divvela
Varma Mulagapati Sandeep Sai Kumar Dannapaneni
Ramesh Raja M
Bhanu Prasanthi Gopi Psupuleti
Karthi Keyan L Kumari Duggana Siva Krishna Ramisetti
Arunmozhi Selvam C N S R S V Pavan Umesh Devineni
Sowndappan K Kalyan Siram A V Prasad Seemakurti
Priya L B Navya Teja Reddy Saisundar Pandala
Suriyakumar K K Vanukuri Lokesh Devineni
Hariharan S Sathish Thumpala Nazeer Shaik
Kalaivani V Joga Rao Rajam Sai Babu Podilapu
Keerthana M Sivaji Thota Sai Ram Doppa
Aishwaran K Nagaram Cheedella Gopi Krishna Dokku
Sabeena S Sai Sundeep Dola Revathi Salumuri
Rajavenkateshwaran P Ravi Teja Sivvala Chandra Kiran Kodali
Chandrakala Kasakani Naga Gowthami Puvvada
Bharathan V
Pavan Kumar Reddy Priyadarsini Putchakayala
Sakthi G A
Sai Sarath
Veera Venkata Siva Parvathi Seelam Lipara Swetha Nelluri
Balaji Ballagiri Harsha Vardhan Macharla Bandari Monika
Neelima Tanuri Renusri Virigineni Guru Priya Madupuru
Aparna Allu Yamini Potturi Veda Sri Gutta
Kusuma Lakshmi Jayavarapu Rohini Tainana Kadiyala Navya Sree
Mounika Dokku Blessy Victoria Motepalli Devendra Goud Dontha
Lakshmidurga Pothana Swathi Yeluri Govindh Basha Dudekula
Rajeswari Nandyala Manasa Devi Chakka Venkateswarlu Bheemanaboin
Venkata Surendra Yarra Haritha Rani Inala
Anantha Venkata Manoj Kol Ramakanth Mylari VISAKHAPATNAM, AP
nagasatish Karibandi Ali Izaz Sohail Mohammad Rajesh Chintapalli
Naga Spandana Battula Chinna Obulesu Bokula
Ruby Donors
Affordable Pet Care Clinic Bhutada Family Foundation
Bansan Foundation Chitten Raju
Chowdary Yalamanchili GeoSpell Academy
Gita & Srinivas Karra Hexco Academic
Jai & Rajni Agarwal Jithender Reddy Muduganti
Prof. Krishniah Revluri Mathus Academy
Praveena & Ashok Danda Dr. Rajasekhar Yalamanchili
Raj Chappidi Rupa & Satya Kota
Satish Chada Shravan Arra
Srinivas Rachakonda TestMasters Educational Services
Sarode Foundation Vasudha & Srinivas Palavajjhala
Dr. Varun Rachakonda Viraj Pikle
Dr. Sujatha Bhimidipati & Dr. BVR Murthy Rajalakshmi & Krishnakumar Balasubramanian
Dr. Lakshmi Gudimella & Ranga Rachapudi Dr. Sireesha Yedururi & Ravikishan R Guddeti
Dr. Vasanthi & Krishnan Gowri Subhash Gupta
Silver Donors
Daksha & Dinesh Shah Aruna Vanukuri & Siva Chemudupaty
Mallik Putcha Naga & Veerabhadra R Kambala
Sonli Tayi & Rama Pakala Mahesh Wadhwa
Pallavi & Swapan Dhairyawan Uma & Mohan Sunkavalli
SunPro Solar Sita & Bhaskar Rao Mutyala
Sridevi & Ramesh Ravi Raj Pasala
Sridhar Patibandla Namrata & Kishore Kamalapuri
Vijay Korimilli Rayhan Papar (Kid Donor)
Rao Anumolu Ace Pain Management Physical & Therapy
Bronze Donors
Geetha & Kishore Dannapaneni Vissa Rammohan
Paul Smith Medinet Family Care Clinic PA
Usha & Gopikishan Rangaraj Chaithanya Moola
SR Ultrasound Services Ajay Surapaneni
Peri S. Periyasamy Best in Class Education Center,
KatySreeram Gurram Kishore Saitwal
Prabhakar Chowdary Kakarala Madhuri Mereddy
Prakash Ramdoss Laksmi & Prabhakhar Adireddy
Sarada & Srinivas Akunuri Jay Ramineni
Best in Class Education Center, Cypress Arun Solipuram
Parul Fernandes Bhavana Karnik & Milind Prabhu
Sailaja Ayyagari & Raju Muchimilli Manasi Kekan
India Culture Center, Houston Anita Cheeti
Ramesh Konduri Punya and Venkat Jupudy
Chandrajeet & Gurumeet Kindra Vijay Venkata
Other Donors
Dr. Bhaskar Golla Indumati Tuppera
Murali Ruparla Sreedevi & Jayakrishan Gudamaraju
Satyanarayana Dasara Gaurav Bajpai
Padmaja & Rama Varanasi Bakhra Jain & Rajesh Gopinath
Siva Juturi Rahul Agarwal
Vasudhar Parvatineni Pramatha Payra
P Diwakar Reddy Sameer Kirtane
Surajit Dasgupta Prathmesh A Mehta
Naga Ambatipudi Vinay Mehta
Venugopal Bachu Jindal Shah
Dr. Ashok Kumar Carole & Dr. Barry I. Samuels
Ravi Kiran Dasari Arjun Devarapalli
Sunny Koka Jhansi & Ramakrishna Moparthy Akshay Jairam
Vani Goparaju Sara K Saxena
Venu Koppathi Harini Yedururi
Gangadhar Gattu Srinagesh Karur
Kishore Padmanabha Ashmita & Dhruba Ghose
Sairam Valluri Dr. Pallavi & Vasu Kakulavar
Priya Mohani Phanidhar Kondapi
Sravanti Roy & Gautam Roy Shyam Balabhadrapatruni
Rukmini Chirala Y.S. Srini
Prasad Garimella Naresh Rammohan
Bindu Dandamudi Leela Mandaloju
Madan Puli Srikanth Malladi
Kumud Kunjilwar Sonia Mudnal
Subha Seshan Kamlesh Todai
Mugundhan Krishnan Sanjay Srinivasan
Satya N Peddireddy & Santhi Kala Vangapti
Dr. Sistla B. Krishna
Successful Completion of 25th National Finals
conducted by North South Foundation in Houston
The Houston Chapter of North South Foundation (NSF) hosted the 2017
National Finals contests on August 12th and 13th at the University of Houston. This is a his-
toric year for NSF which celebrates its 25th anniversary of highly successful academic contests.
About 1150 children from grades K to 12 participated in the Finals in multiple competitions
such as Spelling Bee, Vocabulary Bee, Geography Bee, Math Bee, Science Bee, Brain Bee, Essay Writing, and
Public Speaking. The children were selected based on their performance from 92 centers located all over the
USA where regional contests were held. Academic excellence was on full display as children competed to
secure top ranks. The contests were some of the highly competitive academic contests in the US. The compe-
titions on both the days were supported by more than 400 volunteers that included several Houstonians, past
NSF children, High School students and UH Graduate students, who served on various tasks including, Reg-
istration, Hospitality, Technical, Grading, Food, Audio-Visual, Awards & Stage Management. Their will-
ingness to donate two entire weekend days from their busy schedule was central to the success of the event.
The event also helped raise more than $100,000 towards scholarships for poor students in India. The event
was reminiscent of a festival, where the volunteers wore bright orange T-shirts whereas all contestants wore
navy blue T-shirts. The Student Center and Bauer College of Business were abuzz with activity with children,
parents, and volunteers engrossed in their activities, each working towards successfully achieving the goals
they had set out to complete. The competitions on August 12th included Spelling, Science, Essay Writing,
Public Speaking and Vocabulary Bees - each further categorized by grade level. The Bees were supported by
pronouncers selected from a pool of national level champions from around the US, while essay writing
and public speaking were judged by a panel of academicians from the Houston area. The first day’s events
concluded with an award ceremony at the Cullen Performance Hall, which was highlighted by a Proclama-
tion from Mayor Sylvester Turner declaring August 12th as NSF Day in Houston. The awards ceremony was
attended by distinguished guests including Dr. Anupam Ray, Consul General of India and Ms. Paige Kimble,
Executive Director of Scripps National Spelling Bee. Ms. Kimble commended the children for their competi-
tive spirit and encouraged them to dream high. Dr. Ray explained to the children how India who invested
heavily in education since independence and developed a culture where education is valued. Dr Ray sug-
gested that these choices benefitted India and allowed Indians to excel in education, and urged all to follow
the beacon of hope set by NSF by volunteering in its activities. This was followed by a presentation of awards
to the participants and trophies for the top winners. The day 2 of the academic fest held on August 13th fea-
tured Geography, Math and Brain Bees – each similarly categorized based by grade level and supported by
past national level champions. Dr. Latha Ramchand, Dean of the Bauer College of Business at UH, addressed
the children at the awards ceremony. She commented that children need both talent and perseverance to
be successful in life. She also observed that NSF children have both these attributes and wished them luck.
The academic competitions on both days were interspersed by “Meet the Pro” sessions, where na-
tional champions in math, science, geography and spelling shared their study strategies and personal experiences
with the younger audience and by self development seminars such as, “Confidence Building and Public Speak-
ing”, “Universal Values” and “Unlock your Potential”. The academic contests including Awards ceremony can be
watched at or on YouTube by using the link
NSF is a non-profit organization established in 1989 under the vision and leadership of
Dr. Ratnam Chitturi to provide merit-cum-means scholarships for poor talented children in India.
In 1992, under the co-direction of Drs. Ratnam Chitturi, Murali Gavini and Rao Chalasani the founda-
tion expanded its mission to achieving academic excellence among Indo-American children as well.
The first academic contests were held in 1993. Within a span of 25 years, NSF has become the epitome
of academic excellence in two continents, providing over 17,000 scholarships in India and a platform for
Indo-American children to hone their skills and achieve recognition at National Competitions includ-
ing Scripps National Spelling Bee, National Geographic Bee, Math Olympiad, Science Bowl and others.
NSF is founded on the basic principle that this world can be a better place to live if the children of
today are better prepared to be good citizens of tomorrow. While it is self-evident that all humans are created
equal, it is education that is paramount to realizing the unalienable rights of equality alongside with rights to life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness as envisioned by the Founding Fathers of this Nation more than two hundred
years ago. Towards this end, the Foundation has encouraged children to work towards becoming the best they
can be by nurturing a passion to excel within a framework of friendly competitiveness. Fervent support from
the Indo-American community from coast-to-coast in the form of volunteer hours and donations has been
central to continued success in this direction. To learn more about NSF’s mission and its India Scholarships
Program, please visit To donate for this cause please visit
McDonald’s and North South Foundation Team up for an Education Expo
Chicago, IL- The competition for admission to top universities is becoming brutally intense.
The purpose of this event is to help parents of high school students plan for college, career
and beyond, as changes are taking place at a faster and faster rate in all spheres of life. Many
aspiring college students and their parents do not know how to navigate this complex subject,
while others are overwhelmed in choosing the right path and making the right decisions.
Conducted by North South Foundation (NSF), the McDonald’s Education Expo was phenom-
enally successful. Over 500 students and parents from the Midwest attended. Throughout the
day, eleven speakers came and spoke from around the country; many were representatives or
alumni from elite schools such as University of Iowa, University of Illinois at Urbana Cham-
paign, University of Chicago, Duke, Yale, MIT, Loyola, and Stanford.
Presentations covered a wide spectrum of subjects from how to prepare oneself to be the best
college applicant to how to choose the college with the right fit to how to pursue excellence in
high school, college, and after. Interspersed throughout were additional important topics such
as how to deal with the psychological pressures of college applications and college life, finan-
cial issues, as well as the importance of perseverance and practice. Especially emphasized was
the importance of the students, parents, teachers, and counselors working together as a team
towards college admission. In his presentation, Dr. Ratnam Chitturi aptly highlighted - this is
not about “Go to your room and study” but rather “Study is a family affair.”
Further, practical tips included the following: The earliest preparation starts at the middle
school level, leading up to high school coursework, the college application including do’s and
don’ts, college selection criteria, admission interviews, ending with adjusting to the first few
months in college. Panel sessions in the morning and afternoon were well managed. A lot
of great questions from the audience highlighted what was topmost on their mind, while the
panel of experts were equally adept in answering them. Additionally, aspiring college students
and their parents had an opportunity to mingle with speakers one-on-one and ask specific
There was a nice blend of presenters between young, fresh graduates and experienced veter-
ans. This blend introduced first hand recent experience from the youngsters, tempered by the
veterans who provided longer range, broader perspectives.
Based on the response from students and parents alike, this event was much needed and very
informative. One attendee said, “The overall program was well designed with a large number
of speakers delivering a lot of content in rapid succession. Organizers should be commended
for the thought and preparation that went into the event. It showed!”
We would like to thank our sponsor McDonald's as well as all of the volunteers from North
South Foundation who helped in the planning of this event. Established 28 years ago, NSF is
a volunteer driven non-profit that both holds educational contests in the US and raises funds
to give college scholarships to poor children who excel academically in India. For further in-
formation, please visit our website at or contact nsfcontests@northsouth.
Bee the helping hand
The North South Foundation (NSF) was established in 1989 as a non-profit and tax-exempt
entity to award scholarships to exceptionally qualified needy students in India entering
colleges regardless of religion, gender, caste or geographic origin. Over the years, NSF has
given more than 18,000 scholarships. In addition, NSF organizes activities for children of
Indian origin living in the USA and Canada such as spelling, vocabulary, math, geography,
science, essay writing and public speaking contests. Checks should be made to North South
Foundation and mailed to North South Foundation, 2 Marissa Ct, Burr Ridge, IL 60527.
Contribution Form
Please Make Your Tax Deductible Contribution to North South Foundation. No amount is too
small. Please give generously. Tax ID: 36-3659998. For automatic monthly or one time contri-
bution from your bank account, please call us.
By Check# ________
Credit Card ___ Check one: VISA__ MC__ DISC__ Am Exp__
Name on card: _____________________________________________________
Street: ______________________________________________
To designate in honor or memory of a loved one at an institution of your choice, please pro-
vide the details below (only for amounts $5,000 and over):
Address: ____________________________________________
Please mail to: North South Foundation, 2 Marissa Ct, Burr Ridge, IL 60527-6864
(630) 323-1966. Please visit for the NSF Website.
NSF India Scholarship Recipients
Jaykumar Charles
Bharartbhai Chetankumar
Donda Patel
Ahmedabad, GJ Ahmedabad, GJ
Manish Chintaman
Yogeshkumar Pande
Bhavsar Ashwin
Ahmedabad, GJ Aurangabad,
Jui Shivaji More
Patil Gorakh
Aurangabad, Aurangabad,
Manjunath S Manjesh
Gouda N Gowda
halemani Bangalore, KA
Bangalore, KA
Basavanand Rachana
Gojanur Bangalore, KA
Bangalore, KA
Chaithra Anil
BC Kumar
Bangalore, KA Upadhyay
Abinash Anjali
Swain Parida
Bhubaneswar, Bhubaneswar,
Swetaswini Abinash
Sahoo Panda
Bhubaneswar, Bhubaneswar,
Piyush Manish
Dayani Shandilya
Kanpur, UP Kanpur, UP
Yashwanth Mahesh
Raavi Pokala
Hyderabad, Hyderabad,
Prathyusha Manikrishna
Mandaloju Dommati
Hyderabad, Hyderabad,
Madhavreddy Kuldeep
Muthyala Suman
Hyderabad, Jodhpur,
Kamlesh Ayushi
Kumar Bhardwaj
Jodhpur, Jodhpur,
Pradip Aliul
Kumar Pal Alam
Kolkata, WB Kolkata, WB
Ramesh Raja
Raja M Venkatesh-
Madurai, TN waran P
Madurai, TN
Pragadeesh A G Srividhya
Madurai, TN V
Madurai, TN
Prashant Shirin
Kumar Kuber
Moradabad, UP Makandar
Pune, MH
Mahamadwa- Priti Shantinath
hid Dunung
Iqbal Patel Pune, MH
Pune, MH
Harika Siromani
Yalamarthi Ryali
Tanuku, AP Tanuku, AP
Gopi Renusri
Reddy Virigineni
Punyala Vijayawada, AP
Vijayawada, AP
From July 24 through 25, I went to a school in rural Karnataka, two hours from inner Bangalore
where we were staying, to teach children from Grade 8 to Grade 10 about Genetics, a develop-
ing science that sparked my interest in seventh gr Asking for volunteers was an interesting
experience. They, understandably, were hesitant at first- after all, here was a foreign lady with a
strange accent speaking about peas and the intrinsic science they carried in every leaf. I focused
heavily on class participation, often choosing students I felt weren’t participating without their
volunteering. I turned away from competition in the hopes that I would encourage them all to
participate without fear of winning or losing ‘points’. I felt largely satisfied with my time with
them as one of the students- a girl no less! - proclaimed her love for the subject as well and
asked to learn more.ade. The kids were reaching their midterms, and so instead of a weeklong
workshop, the administration agreed to two 180 minute long lessons- with breaks of course.
This experience was truly inspiring. Children in a rural area that had not won the lottery of life
were invested in their education and futures. They were attentive, responsive, and respectful in a
way that no student here would have been. I know I’m privileged to live and learn in the United
States, but the attitude and socialization of the children in this school was vigorous and unlike
anything I’d grown up with. While our education system is by no means the best in the world or
perfect in any way, it’s important that I’m grateful that it exists at all the way that it does with the
resources that it has- it’s a step up from many places in the world.
I dealt with eighth graders the first day, and ninth and tenth graders the next. With the eighth
graders, I focused on simple ideas- I tried many things before focusing on concepts that were
fun, challenging, integral to the science, and what inspired my love for the field four years ago.
This culminated in Punnett Squares and the concept of dominant versus recessive genes.
Teaching the ninth and tenth graders was a bit more difficult- they had different amounts of
knowledge on the topic so it took some time to orient myself. I ended up using the tenth graders
to teach the ninth graders by voluntelling them to participate in activities done on the chalkboard.
Then, once I felt the ninth graders were on the same page for the inheritance part of it, which
yesterday’s students had enjoyed much more than chromosomal study, I introduced the idea of
gender based traits such as colorblindness and used pedigrees to show them how such genes
travel through families. For the rest of the class, I had students fill in various parts of the pedigree
before moving on to more complex Punnett Squares and having multiple people go up to the
board to write answers. I corrected answers that were wrong but I didn’t want to make a big deal
of it- many of them were already hesitant to participate, and it was my goal that, besides learning
about the science, they felt free to take part in their education and make mistakes, even in front
of the class. By the time the class ended, there was even a running joke. I have a habit of clapping
when excited, and the students often followed suit, and when I explained that I clap when excited,
it became a joke to clap whenever I clapped. I was very excited, so there was a lot of clapping. I
felt like I had learned from them and they had learned from me, and what could be more exciting
than that? I gave all of the students a pen and a notebook as a token of my gratitude for accepting
me and letting me interact with them. It was an incredible experience that I’m incredibly grateful
to have taken part in. I want to be involved with their education in the future as well. The environ-
ment was so welcoming, teachers and students alike.
I am glad I chose PaRanga Vidya Kendra School from the three schools that we were considering.
Two other schools were government run schools and were within the city and were very close
to where we stayed. But PaRanga is a unique school in a rural set up and the trust’s work there
is highly commendable. The trust is providing quality education, meals, school uniforms, safe
transportation and study materials, all free of cost, to the students. All parents have to do is make
up their mind and send them to school. We were told that PaRanga High School has consistently
stood first among the five Schools in Magadi Taluk and this was the only school in the Taluk with
pass percentage of 100% in a major state level board exam. Transportation and meals pose a big
challenge to populations in rural India. The trust has successfully addressed that and has been
able to recruit as many as 800 students in their school. They teach K through X grade. All the
Kindergarten students are taught in the morning and after lunch, they have nap time and after a
glass of milk in the afternoon, they leave school at the same time as the older kids, most of them
have older siblings studying in the same school. I thought that was a neat idea!
By Dhatri Saamak
Finals 2017: Top 3 Ranks
Junior Spelling Bee Junior Vocabulary Bee
Shruthika Padhy
Soham Sukhtankar 1st Rank
1st Place Reading, Writing, Drawing,
Prolific Reading, and Singing, Plays flute,
Origami, Coding, Piano, Harmonium, and
Classical music Guitar
Sreeniketh Vogoti Shreeya Kar
2nd Place 2nd Rank
Chemistry Experi- Reading, Music,
ments, Tennis and Dance
Math Level 1 (MB1) Math Level 2 (MB2)
Tanishq Pauskar
Tarun Venkatesh
3rd Rank
3rd Rank
Playing basketball
Dancing, Chess
and tennis
and Swimming
Junior Geography Bee Senior Geography Bee
Aurush Tutiki Atreya Mallanna
1st Rank 1st Rank
Chess, essay writ- Love for animals
ing, solving math and spends time
problems, Piano.
Intermediate Brain Bee Senior Brain Bee
Aavind Krishnan Veenadhari Kol-
1st Rank lipara
Soccer, Lego build- 1st Rank
ing, collection and Flying drones and
building airplanes, violin
trains and cars
Vignesh Anand Hemanth
2nd Rank Picture Asirvatam
Playing music and 2nd Rank
composing songs, plays
Not Writing, playing
mrudangam, piano and Available chess, violin and
euphonium soccer
Kartik Tyagi
Udbhav Bodapati 3rd Rank
3rd Rank Basketball, watching
Reading Indian sports, solving math
Mythology, keen problems, playing piano
interest in Indian and violin
culture, music
Junior Science Intermediate Science
Vishnu Mangipudi Chegu Vijay Aas-
1st Rank hray
Playing chess, ten- 1st Rank
nis, robotics, and Reading and build-
singing ing Lego
Harini Venkatesh Balaadithya Muralitharan
2nd Rank 2nd Rank
Music, reading books, Reading, playing key-
and playing violin board, singing, computer
coding and origami
Saathvik Kamma Tanishq Pauskar
3rd Rank 3rd Rank
Playing chess and piano, Playing basketball and
enjoys swimming, does sci- tennis
ence experiments at home,
solves science and math
Senior Science
Tom George Omkar Risha
1st Rank Arasaiah Chakraborty
Model 2nd Rank 3rd Rank
airplanes Video games Piano, guitar,
and robotics Rubic cube
Regional Chapters 2017
Chapter First Name Last Name Email Phone
Auburn, AL Jayashree Sridhar [email protected] 334-559-0605
Bentonville, AR Dhana Varikunta [email protected] 479-696-7889
Phoenix, AZ Saravanan Subramanian [email protected] 623-374-4866
Tucson, AZ Prasad Bhamidipati [email protected] 520-731-1523
Bakersfield, CA Nagendra Bellam [email protected] 703-975-9110
Fremont, CA DharminderDewan [email protected] 408-621-6704
Fresno, CA Anupama Poliyedath [email protected] 559-478-4310
Los Angeles, CA Ganesh Thangarajan [email protected] 805-574-9908
Orange County, CA Atima Sharma [email protected] 661-360-8712
Palo Alto, CA Sumana Sur [email protected] 408-746-0702
Sacramento, CA Suri Jetty [email protected] 916-353-0549
San Diego, CA Vijay Varadarajan [email protected] 858-487-5767
San Jose, CA Vandana Kadam [email protected] 408-268-1986
San Mateo, CA Deepa Lakshminarayanan [email protected] 650-863-7061
San Ramon, CA Anand Gundu [email protected] 209-832-9539
Torrance, CA Jayanthi Rajasubramanian [email protected] 805-300-5003
Denver, CO Jyotshna Gunturu [email protected] 720-220-3411
Ft Collins, CO Anita Amin [email protected] 970-266-8252
Hartford, CT Prasad Annambhotla [email protected] 203-262-1108
Stamford, CT SathiskumarSelvaraju [email protected] 203-557-4055
Ft Lauderdale, FL AnbuselvanKuppusamy [email protected] 954-236-2552
Jacksonville, FL Rajiv Gupta [email protected] 904-745-3765
Orlando, FL Harinath Gandhi [email protected] 650-587-3949
Tampa, FL Jaishankar Chandran Jay. [email protected] 813-992-2014
Atlanta, GA Ram Yeleti [email protected] 708-762-8487
Augusta, GA Srinivas Akella [email protected] 803-873-8535
Columbus-GA, GA Srinivasa Pathakamuri [email protected] 707-566-9559
Des Moines, IA Jith Shamarao [email protected] 515-259-0707
Barrington, IL Parthiban Andi [email protected] 847-652-7608
Hinsdale, IL Velu Subramani [email protected] 630-839-9199
Libertyville, IL Prasad Nuthalapati [email protected] 224-595-5233
Peoria, IL Ravi Errabolu [email protected] 309-740-0101
Quad Cities, IL Nitin Vishwakarma [email protected] 309-716-4887
Evansville, IN Kapil Sheth [email protected] 812-985-5605
Indianapolis, IN Sivakumar Vavilala [email protected] 317-569-0748
Terre Haute, IN Shashikumar Gowda [email protected] 812-299-3444
Kansas City, KS Pratibha Trivedi [email protected] 913-422-1556
Louisville, KY RavishankarJayaram [email protected] 502-240-0731
Cambridge, MA Lakshmi Krishnan [email protected] 508-263-9598
Worcester, MA Ruma Neogy [email protected] 508-740-7848
Baltimore, MD Srinivas Gunukula [email protected] 410-418-5029
Rockville, MD Murty Neti [email protected] 301-972-4939
Ann Arbor, MI Aruna Karunakaram [email protected] 734-944-1075
Detroit, MI Bhaskar Varanasi [email protected] 734-394-1828
Grand Rapids, MI Sripriya Krishnan [email protected] 616-855-4849
Kalamazoo, MI Tarun Gupta, Ph.D. [email protected] 269-276-3361
Lansing, MI Raj Nukala [email protected] 517-455-7575
Minneapolis, MN Ratnakar Pasumarty [email protected] 763-205-1974
Rochester, MN Usha Asirvatham [email protected] 507-281-4480
Chapter First Name Last Name Email Phone
Finals 2017 : Top 10 Ranks
Contest Product Rank Child Child Chapter
Year Code FName LName
Contest Product Rank Child Child Chapter
Year Code FName LName
* If You Think You Are Too Small To Make A Difference,Try Sleeping With A Mosquito.
Dalai Lama
* Success Is Not Final, Failure Is Not Fatal:It Is The Courage To Continue That Counts.
* Every Thing Comes To Us That Belongs To Us If We Create The Capacity To Receive It.
* Kindness Is The Language Which The Deaf Can Hear And Blind Can See.
Mark Twain
NSF Directory-India
North South Foundation, India (3)Andhra Pradesh - Vijayawada (7)Chandigarh Chapter, Chandigarh
CA. Madhusudana Rao. Ch Surapaneni Venkata Ratnam Ms Meera Sharma
Managing Trustee Door no: 40 - 5/3 - 11/2 #9 Police Complex,
98490 37606 2nd, Floor Syam Nagar, Sector 17 E,
[email protected] Tikkle Rd Chandigarh 160 017
Sri. S. C. Choudhury, Trustee Venkateswara Puram Phone: 987-619-2935 (C)
Dr. Ashok Agarwal,Trustee Vijayawada – 520 010 [email protected]
Sri. Prasad V Chitturi, TrusteeAndhra Pradesh Liaison: Sridhar Raman
Sri. Ch. Hanumantha Rao, 0866-2475302 / 949 019 6302 678-354-1744
Secretary [email protected] [email protected]
Sri. A Mallaiah, Treasurer Liaison: Srilata Meka
[email protected] (8) Delhi – Delhi
Sri Menda Chinna Rao (978)710-3715 Gulshan Kumar / Sajal Gupta
93469 07085 Junior Liaison: Akhil Meka Next Gen Paper Solutions Pvt Ltd
[email protected] [email protected] 424 First Floor
Sri KKBP Venkata Rao 781-640-8683 Udyog Vihar Phase 4
95814 12305 Gurgaon-122016
[email protected] (4) Andhra Pradesh - Vizag Haryana
Smt. Kollipara Padama Arun Kumar Pappala [email protected]
94940 11166 D.No. 45-35-8/2
[email protected] Bhaskar Villa Apartments (9) Gujarat - Ahmedabad
Akkayyapalem Tushar J. Anjaria
Hyderabad Main Office Visakhapatnam-530 016 47/4, L. Colony
K. Nageshwar Rao , Andhra Pradesh Near Polytechnic
National Coordinator 0891-2505789 Ahmedabad - 380015
Room 219-220, Second Floor [email protected] Gujarat
Model House, Punjagutta Liaison: Murthy S. Munagavalasa 98251 59024
Hyderabad, AP 500 082 murthy.munagavalasa [email protected] Liaison: Madavi Oliver
Phone: 040-2335-6368 (O) 262-884-8541 [email protected]
[email protected] 978-486-4281
(5) Assam - Guwahati
(1) Andhra Pradesh - Kurnool R.C. Barua (10) Haryana - Panchkula
Machireddy Ramakrishna Reddy Mandovi Apartments Sudha Babbar
"Plot No: 50, Banjara Colony Unit 4C, GNB Road, Ambari Jainednra Public School
H.NO.5/59, Stanstanpuram Guwahati-781001 Zirakpur-Kalka Road, Sector 1
Balaji Nagar Post Office 0361-2737957 Panchkula-134108, Haryana
Kurnool – 518006" [email protected] 0172-2567541/2584571
+91-9440830217 Liaison: Surajeet Deka [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]
781-787-0906 Liaison: Saroj Singh
Liaison: Mohan Reddy Etikela 703-968-2443
[email protected] (6)Bihar - Patna [email protected]
Sushil K. Sinha / R.B. Sahu
(2) Andhra Pradesh - Tanuku Flat # 203, Chandi House (11) Karnataka - Bengaluru
M. Venkata Ratnam Exhibition Road Dr. N. Munirudrappa, PhD, M.Tech,
Chowdary Spinners Limited Patna-800001, Bihar Professor of civil Engineering (Retd)
1-168 Chivatam [email protected] SRNG Sampannappa Charities
Tanuku-534 216 [email protected] # 1091, OTC Road
Andhra Pradesh Liaison: Ramesh Gupta Nagarathpet
+91-9959056002 [email protected] Bangalore-560002,Karnataka
[email protected] 856-234-2050 Cell : 08022229654
Liaison: Ratnam Chitturi Rajani Sinha (11 am to 5 pm, MON to FRI only)
[email protected] - [email protected] [email protected]
(630) 323-1966 248-894-5211
Liaison: Looking for liaison Liaison: (21) Punjab - Patiala
Mrs. Pratibha Singh Mr. C.R. Sofat
(12) Karnataka - Mysore [email protected] # 4231 Phase 2, Urban Estates
Dr. N. Munirudrappa, PhD, M.Tech, Patiala, Punjab 147 002
Professor of civil Engineering (Retd) Liaison: Shivinder Sofat
SRNG Sampannappa Charities (17) Maharashtra - Aurangabad 731-499-4591
# 1091, OTC Road Er. Saidatt Samangaonkar [email protected]
Nagarathpet Property construction helpline.
Bangalore-560002,Karnataka Office no 2 , (22) Rajasthan - Jodhpur
Cell : 08022229654 First Floor Swati apartment Mr. Damodar Das Moondra
[email protected] opp. Hotel Shiv Tej Padampura 201, Shiv Sunder
Liaion: Looking for liaison Aurangabad 431005 42A PWD Colony
(cellphone): +91-9923228399 Jodhpur, Rajasthan 342 001
(13) Kerala - Kochi +91-9325212799 0291-261-7803
Mr. T.U.K. Menon Landline : 0240 2345299 941-419-5803 (C)
Dir, Chips Software Systems [email protected] 291-274-1263 (F)
Sahitya Parishad Bldg, 1st Fl [email protected]
Hospital Rd Liaison: Liaison:
Kochi, Kerala 682 018 Jay Roplekar Madavi Oliver
0484-237-0942 (O) [email protected] [email protected]
984-708-7276 (C) 309-363-2850 978-496-4116
[email protected]
Liaison: looking for liaison (18) Maharashtra - Pune (23) Rajasthan - Udaipur
Maj Gen (Retd) S C N Jatar Mr. Raja Harsh Raj Pandya
(14) Madhya Prasesh - Satna c/o Office #12, Prime Centre No.16-17, Surya Estate
Shrikant Pandey Bahirat Patil Chowk, Hiran Magri, Sec.11,
Gali No. 9, Rajendra Nagar ( N Om Super Mkt), Udaipur, Rajasthan 313 002
Satna - 485001 Model Colony,
Madhya Pradesh Pune, Maharashtra 411 016 988-788-8786 (C)
9826648207/9406780763 [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]
Liaison: Krishna K. Mishra Liaison: Liaison: Jatin Mehta
[email protected] Looking for liaison 856-203-4548
(765)269-5463 [email protected]
(19) Maharashtra – Mumbai
(15) Madhya Pradesh – Bhopal Sutanwi Lahiri (24) Tamil Nadu - Chennai
Preeti Sharma Mumbai Mr. Venkatesh Ramarathinam
Block B1, Flat # 301 Maharashtra +91-95000 65365. (Cell)
Paras City, E3 Arera Colony [email protected] [email protected]
Bhopal - 462016 Liaison: Looking for liaison
Madhya Pradesh Liaison: Madavi Oliver
09827251999 (20) Orissa - Bhubaneshwar [email protected]
[email protected] Mr. S. C. Choudhury, IRS
Liaison: S/99, Maitri Vihar (25) Tamil Nadu - Madurai
Prashni Paliwal Chandrasekharpur Mr S Ramanathan Iyer
[email protected] Bhubaneswar, Orissa 751 023 17, North St, Kalai Nagar
(203)843-3576 Phone: 0674-2740-100 Madurai, TN 625 014
Mobile: 933-810-1876 (C)
(16) Madhya Pradesh – Rewa [email protected] 0452-264-0678 (R)
Dr. Fahimuddin Siddiqui Liaison: 9442564078
Siddiqui House, Madavi Oliver [email protected]
Opp. Anjuman Islamiya School, [email protected]
Ghoghar, Rewa - 486001, 978-496-4116 Liaison: Madavi Oliver
Madhya Pradesh, India. [email protected]
[email protected] 978-496-4116
(26) Tamil Nadu - Nagercoil (28) Telangana - Hyderabad Anglo Vedic Convent school
Mr. Ernest Vijay Mr. D. Seetharamaiah Bahjoi, Moradabad, UP 202 410
Nasdaq OMX Room 219-220, Second Floor 992-704-8713 (C)
11/1/287 B1,Swami - Rajam Model House, Punjagutta [email protected]
Complex Hyderabad, AP 500 082 Liaison: Neelabh Maheshwari
Avvai Shanmugam Salai Phone: 040-2335-6368 (O) [email protected]
Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu – 629001 900-000-6198 (C) 610-336-0875
04652-306001 [email protected] (31) West Bengal - Kolkata
Mr. Aloke Ghosh
nsfscholarhip@redegginfoexpert. Liaison: Ratnam Chitturi C/O. Indcom Agencies
com 630-323-1966 9, Ramakrishna Park
Liaison: Gaugarin Oliver [email protected] Laskarpur, Garia,
[email protected] (29) Uttar Pradesh - Kanpur Kolkata -700 153
781-883-7381 Avadh Narain Verma Mobile : 9831033566
Manjhanpur Village, Koriyan (PO) [email protected]
(27) Tamil Nadu – Tanjavur, Ghatampur
P. Thiruppathy Kanpur-209206,Uttar Pradesh Liaison: Looking for liaison
35. Stellamary Nagar. K 9935249862 (32) Jammu & Kashmir –
Second Street [email protected] J&K
Thanjavur, Liason: Neeraj Anshuman Bali
Tamil Nadu – 613001 Verma neeraj_verma1@hotmail. Bakshi Nagar
Mobile-9486634801 com Jammu (J&K)-180001
[email protected] 801-293-8812 09419143942
nsfscholarship@redegginfoex- (30) Uttar Pradesh - Moradabad [email protected] Mr. Vivek Maheshwari Liaision:
Yasodha Porchezhian Manager Amitabh Bali
[email protected] Mason Ohio
781-883-7381 (513)225-5897
NSF Directory-USA
Board Zonal Coordinators Sanjay Shah
Mr Rao Chalasani, Chairman Venkat Gade (203) 254-3181 Giridhar Vattikonda
Dr Ratnam Chitturi, President Srinivas Gudeti (248) 471-6966 National Finals Advisory
Mr. Srivital Choppara, Director Jagadeesh Gullapalli (201) 937-0525 Srinivas Gudeti
Mr Venkat Gade, Director Jyotshna Gunturu (720) 220-3411 Srivital Choppara
Ms Anita Gavini, Director Prasanna Paralkar (503) 603-9832 Sampath Narayanan
Dr Sanjiv Modi, Dir/Secretary Sai Rachakonda 281-240-3336 Sai Rachakonda
Dr. Balu Natarajan, Director Savitha Rajiv (978) 761-4474 National Technical Team
Mr Presannan Pillai, Director Janevi Ramaji (954) 483-8691 Raj Jayachandran
Mr Ramdev Jagarlamudi, Treas M S Rao (608) 273-8690 G. Rao Kodali
Mr Radhakrishna M, Co-Treas Praveen Katta (502) 345-3604 Murty Neti
Home Office Suribabu Jetty (916) 353-0549 Prasad Pedireddi
Dr Ratnam Chitturi India Scholarships Thiru Subramanium
2 Marissa Ct Vengat Sidheswaran National Workshop Team
Burr Ridge, IL 60527 Madavi Oliver Viji Vijay
630-323-1966 Advisor Liaison Members: Venkat Gade
[email protected] Mohan Etikela Online Coaching Program Director
Board Advisory Committee Srilata Meka Praveen Goli
Dr. Prasad Kaipa Murthy SM Admin and Support
Dr. Rao Unnava Rajani Sinha Anbu Ponniah
Investment Advisory Council Sridhar Raman Praveen Goli
Giri Chalasani Jay Roplekar Elementary Math
Harish Koneru krishna K Mishra Jyotshna Gunturu
Sridhar Yarlagadda Justin Mehta Amutha Krishnasamy
Nat’l Coordination Team Gaugarin Oliver Priya Rajan Venkatesh
Zonal Coordinators Yasodha Porchezhian Rajani Peruvemba
Team Leads Neelabh Maheswari Akhila Venugopal
Project Leads Contest Management PreMathcounts
Krishnan Gowri Vasanth Venkatachalam
Vaishali Sudhakar Math Ramya Auroprem
Shilpa Ghodgaonkar Krishniah Revuluri Malavika Kannan
Mathcounts Archna Jagtiani Varsha Ramakrishnan
Kuldeep Jain Anil Sethi Shrinidhi Thirumalai
Srinivas Badrinarayanan Parthiban Thilagar Meena Venkataramanan
Kundan Sarkar Swamy Achanta Dinold Jeeva
Padu Ramasundaram Science Customer Service
Srinivas Bandi Lakshmanan Iyer Savitha Rajiv
Science Chandra Mohan Anbu Ponniah
Chenchal Subraveti Velu Subramani Math Books
Retika Narayan Chenchal Subraveti Kamakshi Doss
Bhuvaneswari Seeramreddi Geography Finance Team
Lakshmi Tangirala Murty Neti Ramdev Jagarlamudi
Venkataramesh Dasari Savitha Rajiv Kalpana Pendurty
Geography Kumar Nandur, Advisor Giri Chalasani
Kumar Nandur Essay Writing G. Rao Kodali
Charan Chalasani Vasavi Levendel Radhakrishna Marreddy
Gayathri Chandrasekaran Public Speaking Human Resources
Naharajan Jayaraman Vasavi Levendel Anita Gavini
SAT/ACT Math Brian Bee Mary Kavitha Narisetti
Ramakant Rambhatla Venkat Venkataraman Madhavi Rao
Girish Chawla IT Team 2017 Finals Team
Mike Affinito Swamy Achanta Sai Rachakonda
SAT/ACT English Steve Hollingsworth Ganesh Dasari
Venkatesh Anupama Dinold Jeeva Neetha Chada
Mike Affinito Bindhu Raja Lakshmi Vijai Venkata
Anu Valluri Michael Simon Shravan Arra
Universal Values Suriya Kani Pallavi Chilappagari
Amudha Madan Web Team Lalitha Rachakonda
Anbu Ponniah Jagadeesh Gullapalli Ravi Guddeti
Venkatesh Anandasayanam Gokul Tamarapu Ramesh Desabhotla
Life Skils–Confidence Building DAS Coordination Team Vinod Krishnan
Esha Ghosalkar Madavi Oliver Krishna Balasubramanian
Chintan Maheshwari Fund Raising Team Sonali Tayi
Dhruv Muralidhar Venkat Gade Ravi Guddeti
Computer Programming Madavi Oliver Usha Chava
Prianka Subrahmanyam Sampath Narayanan Raji Seshan
Ananya Yammanuru Sai Rachakonda Satya Kota
Bhaskar Gudlavenkatasiva Public Relations Team Veera Kambala
Zoom Team Venkat Gade Srinivas Karra
Praveen Goli Jatin Mehta 2017 Finals Alumni Event
Sunil Narahari Presannan Pillai Rajiv Tarigopula
Online Workshop Rao Unnava Mahati Vavilala
Praveen Goli Giri Cherukuri Harsha Jujjavarapu
Anbu Ponnaiah Annual Review/Bee Book JNV Team
Naharaajan Jayaraman Vijay Kommi Rao Chalasani
Subject Core teams Shubhada Rao Srirekha Cherukuri
Spelling/Vocabulary Srinivas Gudeti Sairam Gaddam
Mirle Shivashankar Venkat Gade Padma Kollipara
Kavya Shivashankar Vinod Krishnan Venkatarao Karuturi
Kesav Tadipatri Sathish Sankaran Govind Venkat
G. Rao Kodali Srinivas Puppala Vamsidhar Yerramsetty
Rajani Peruvemba E-Newsletter Auditor
Rashi Saluja Madhav Dhurba Nilesh Topiwala
Inside the 2018 Review
Celebrating 29th Year of Promoting Excellence...2
Learning Outcomes of NSF Children...................3
What is North South Foundation...........................4
Highlights of 2017................................................5-6
2017 Perfect Scores in Regionals............................7
NSF Online Coaching/Workshops.................8-10
The Scholarship Process.....................................11
Summary of 2016-17 Scholarship Report...........12
Donors: Individuals and Corporations.........13-14
Scholarship Recipients....................................15-17
2017 Finals Rank Sponsors..................................17
2017 Finals Other Sponsors............................18-19
2017 Finals Writeup - Summary Page.................20
McDonald’s & NSF Team up for an Edu Expo ...21
Contribution Form...............................................23
NSF Scholarship Recipients...........................24-27
North South Foundation
2 Marissa Court, Burr Ridge, IL 60527