Kooltherm K18 Insulated Plasterboard
Kooltherm K18 Insulated Plasterboard
Kooltherm K18 Insulated Plasterboard
(27.9) Rn7 M2
Sixth Issue May 2018
K18 Insulated
Low Energy –
Low Carbon Buildings
Typical Constructions and U–values
100 mm Blockwork with 10 mm Polymer Render 215 mm Blockwork with 10 mm Polymer Render
Masonry outer leaf Masonry outer leaf
Figure 2 Figure 3
Typical Constructions and U–values
Specification Clause
Environmental Profiles Scheme Kingspan Kooltherm® K18 Insulated Plasterboard should be
Certificate Number ENP 500
described in specifications as:–
Responsible Sourcing The wall dry–lining insulation shall be Kingspan Kooltherm®
Kingspan Kooltherm® K18 Insulated Plasterboard produced K18 Insulated Plasterboard____ mm thick: comprising a
at Kingspan Insulation’s Pembridge manufacturing facility premium performance rigid thermoset insulation core with
is certified to BES 6001 (Framework Standard for the 12.5 mm plasterboard bonded to its front surface and a low
Responsible Sourcing of Construction Products) ‘Excellent’. emissivity composite foil facing on its reverse surface. The
product shall be manufactured: with a blowing agent that has
zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and low Global Warming
Potential (GWP); under a management system certified to ISO
9001: 2008, ISO 14001: 2004, BS / I.S. OHSAS 18001: 2007
and ISO 50001: 2011; by Kingspan Insulation Limited; and
installed in accordance with the instructions issued by them.
Kingspan Kooltherm® K18 Insulated Plasterboard is
manufactured under a management system certified to ISO
14001: 2004.
The above information is correct at the time of writing. Please confirm at the point of need by
contacting Kingspan Insulation’s Technical Service Department (see rear cover), from which a
copy of Kingspan Insulation’s BES 6001 and ISO 14001 certificates can be obtained.
Design Considerations
l The existing structure should be surveyed to ensure applying 0.5 mm thick steel to close the cavity. Alternative
the construction is capable of supporting the weight of methods for closing the cavity include using a 12 mm
the internal wall system, ancillary items and any post– thick calcium silicate / cement based / gypsum based
installation fittings. board, cut to the cavity depth and screw fixed to the leg of
l Existing wallpaper, skirting, picture rails, gloss paint and the metal framing lining channel at the correct intervals.
projecting window boards may need to be removed. Some l In accordance with Approved Document B or Section 2 of
internal finishes, such as vinyl wallpaper or gloss paint, can the Scottish Technical Standards, cavity barriers are only
be scored or sanded as an alternative method to removal. required at 20 metre intervals when the cavity is enclosed
l The wall surface should be clean, stable and free from by a Class 0 material, such as Kingspan Kooltherm® K18
dust, contamination and loose or friable materials. Insulated Plasterboard. Cavity barriers are only required on
long runs of linings where undivided cavities extend for
l The amount of preparation and removal required will be
20 metres or more.
dependent on the chosen internal wall system.
l If fixing to battens, they should be mechanically fixed to the
l Check the structure is dry. Remedial work should be
wall, and comprise 25 x 47 mm (min.) treated softwood,
undertaken to remove dampness before installation of the
backed with a strip of damp proof course (DPC).
internal wall insulation. Internal wall insulation must not be
used to isolate dampness. l Each sheet of Kingspan Kooltherm® K18 Insulated
Plasterboard should lap timber framing studs / battens /
l Ensure there are no gaps at the perimeter (including floors,
noggins by 19 mm (min.) at sheet joints.
ceilings, internal corners or junctions), or around openings
or service penetrations. For optimum airtightness, existing l Battens should be fixed approximately 75 mm from the
gaps should be sealed using a continuous fillet of drywall ends of each timber batten and positioned at a maximum
adhesive or flexible sealant, before wall lining commences. 600 mm apart.
l Positions for all new services should be determined. l Where joints between sheets of insulated plasterboard are
Existing services should be assessed to determine any unsupported by the timber framing studs / battens, timber
alterations that may need to be made, for example noggins should be installed.
relocating sockets and switches. Wall mounted fixings, l Each sheet of insulated plasterboard should be lightly
such as electrical sockets, should be fitted to take into butted, with fixings located no less than 10 mm from the
account the additional wall lining thickness. bound edges of the sheet.
l New wall linings must be designed to accommodate the l Kingspan Kooltherm® K18 Insulated Plasterboard
thickness of the new insulated dry lining solution, particularly should be cut approximately 5 mm short of the floor to
at reveals, heads, sills and in relation to ceiling height. ceiling height.
l Sheets of Kingspan Kooltherm® K18 Insulated
Mechanical Fixing Plasterboard should be located centrally over the timber
To Timber Framing Studs / Battens studs / battens and fixed using either drywall screws at
l This method may be used on timber frame constructions 300 mm centres (or 200 mm at external corners), or large
or on dry, stable constructions capable of supporting headed galvanised clout nails at 150 mm centres. Each
battens and associated fixings. Timber battens can be sheet of insulated plasterboard should be lightly butted.
packed out using proprietary shims to correct alignment l When installing sheets onto timber, fixings should be long
and provide a space to accommodate services. enough to allow minimum 25 mm penetration of the timber
l Guidelines should be marked out at maximum 600 mm frame or minimum 22.5 mm penetration of the the timber
centres to indicate the positioning of the vertical battens. battens. Fixings should not penetrate through the battens.
l Vertical timber framing studs / battens should be set l Fixings should be driven straight, with the heads
at maximum 600 mm horizontal centres, around the embedded just below the surface of the plasterboard.
perimeter of the walls, at floor and ceiling, and around any l Care should be taken not to overdrive nails / screws.
openings and services which penetrate the system. l The perimeter of the Kingspan Kooltherm® K18 Insulated
l Where and if a cavity barrier is required to close the Plasterboard and the 5 mm clearance gap at the base
drylining cavity, this can be achieved by applying 47 mm of the wall should be sealed with a flexible sealant or
wide x cavity dimension pre-treated timber battens when equivalent.
using a pre-treated timber batten system. For metal
framing systems a cavity barrier can be achieved by
To Metal Wall Liner Systems l Fixings should be located no less than 10 mm from bound
l This method may be used on any dry, stable constructions edges of the sheet, and be long enough to allow minimum
capable of supporting the stand–off brackets, tracks and 10 mm penetration of the metal.
associated fixings. It can be used to correct substantial l Fixings should be driven straight, with the heads
substrate irregularities, or where a larger cavity is required to embedded just below the surface of the plasterboard.
accommodate services.
l Care should be taken not to overdrive screws.
l Because metal framing systems are proprietary, sitework
l The perimeter of the Kingspan Kooltherm® K18 Insulated
guidance should be sought from the framing system
Plasterboard and the 5 mm clearance gap at the base
of the wall should be sealed with a flexible sealant or
l However, in the absence of any other guidance, the equivalent.
instructions laid out below may be followed.
To Timber Joists or Rafters
l The maximum undulation on the wall or service protrusion
l Sheets of Kingspan Kooltherm® K18 Insulated
should be measured to determine the required cavity depth.
Plasterboard may be used to line ceilings (see Figure 5).
l Guidelines should be marked out on the floor and ceiling
to indicate where the metal tracks will be positioned.
l The metal tracks should be fixed to the floor, ceiling
and perimeters at a maximum of 600 mm centres using
appropriate fixings for the proprietary system.
l Vertical guidelines should be marked out on the wall at a
maximum 600 mm centres to indicate the position of the
lining channels. Horizontal marks should also be made at
800 – 900 mm vertical centres (see manufacturers details
for specific dimensions) to indicate the fixing points for the
individual stand–off brackets. Brackets should be fixed Kingspan Kooltherm®
K7 Pitched Roof Board
using appropriate fixings.
l The lining channels should be fitted and fixed into the metal 3 mm skim coated Kingspan Kooltherm®
K18 Insulated Plasterboard under rafters
tracks at ceiling and floor level at a maximum of 600 mm
centres, in line with the stand–off bracket positions, using Figure 5 – Mechanically Fixed to Timber Rafters with Kingspan
Kooltherm® K7 Pitched Roof Board Between Rafters
appropriate fixings for the proprietary system, extending if
required. l Sheets must always be placed with the long edge
l Bracket legs on the stand–off brackets should be bent running across the joists or rafters, and all edges must be
forward. Screws should then be inserted through holes supported.
in the brackets and fixed to the lining channels using l Where joints between sheets of insulated plasterboard are
appropriate fixings, such as 13 mm wafer headed drywall unsupported by the timber joists / rafters, timber noggins
screws or jack point screws. Bracket legs can then be bent should be installed.
back to sit clear of the channel face.
l Each sheet of insulated plasterboard should lap joists /
l At internal angles or corner, a lining channel or track should rafters / noggins by 19 mm (min.) at sheet joints.
be positioned tight into the corner to provide support for
l Sheets should be fixed using either drywall screws at 230
the lining.
mm centres, or large–headed galvanized clout nails placed
l Fixing straps or fixing T’s should be used to secure at 150 mm centres.
unsupported board joints. Metal channels or tracks should
l Each sheet of insulated plasterboard should be lightly
also be positioned around the perimeter of openings to
butted, with fixings located no less than 10 mm from the
support the board.
bound edges of the sheet. Fixings should be long enough
l Kingspan Kooltherm® K18 Insulated Plasterboard should to allow a minimum 25 mm penetration of the timber.
be cut approximately 5 mm short of the floor to ceiling
l Fixings should be driven straight, with the heads
embedded just below the surface of the plasterboard.
l Kingspan Kooltherm® K18 Insulated Plasterboard should
l Care should be taken not to overdrive nails / screws.
be located centrally over the metal lining channels and
fixed using self–tapping drywall screws at 300 mm centres l The perimeter of the Kingspan Kooltherm® K18 Insulated
(or 200 mm at external corners). Each sheet of insulated Plasterboard should be sealed with a flexible sealant or
plasterboard should be lightly butted. equivalent.
Fixing Heavy Internal Fittings
l Suitable mechanical fixings should be used for heavy l Each insulation board should lap timber framing studs /
internal fittings (kitchen units, shelving etc), to ensure the battens / noggins by 19 mm (min.) at board joints.
load is applied direct to the supporting wall and not to the l Boards of Kingspan Kooltherm® K12 Framing Board
Kingspan Kooltherm® K18 Insulated Plasterboard. should be temporarily fixed / nailed to timber framing studs
For details on fixings refer to: / battens.
Tiger Fixings +44 (0) 8456 038 877 l 18 mm plywood should then be fixed through insulation
18 mm plywood
embedded just below the surface of the plasterboard.
l Care should be taken not to overdrive nails / screws.
3 mm skim coated
12.5 mm plasterboard
l The 5 mm clearance gap at the base of the wall should be
5 mm packer (see ‘Sitework sealed with a flexible sealant or equivalent.
– Corner & Skirting Details’)
l Heavy fittings can be fixed through the plasterboard
Figure 6
directly to the plywood.
l Vertical timber framing studs / battens should be set at
maximum 600 mm horizontal centres.
l If fixing to battens, they should be mechanically fixed to the
wall, and comprise 25 x 47 mm (min.) treated softwood,
backed with a strip of damp proof course (DPC).
l Kingspan Kooltherm® K12 Framing Board should be cut
approximately 5 mm short of the floor to ceiling height.
l Where insulation board joints are unsupported by the
timber framing studs / battens, timber noggins should
be installed.
Timber batten
DPC strip
Skirting board
Sealed (see ‘Sitework’)
Double glazed window unit l Cutting should be carried out either by using a fine toothed
saw, or by using a sharp knife to cut through the insulation
Window sill and paper backing of the plasterboard, then snapping
Adhesive the sheet face down over a straight edge and cutting the
paper facing of the plasterboard on the other side.
l Ensure accurate trimming to achieve close butting joints
and continuity of insulation.
l Kingspan Kooltherm® K18 Insulated Plasterboard is
Kingspan Kooltherm® K18 available through specialist insulation distributors and
Insulated Plasterboard
selected builders’ merchants throughout the UK
and Ireland.
Figure 9 – Insulated Reveal and External Corner
Packaging and Storage
Finishing l The polyethylene packaging of Kingspan Insulation
products, which is recyclable, should not be considered
l To avoid air leakage, any penetrations through the
adequate for outdoor protection.
insulation (electrical sockets, plumbing and wiring etc)
should be sealed with flexible sealant or equivalent, or l Ideally sheets should be stored inside a building.
a combination of flexible polyurethane foam and flexible If, however, temporary outdoor storage cannot be avoided
sealant or equivalent. then the sheets should be stacked flat on a level base,
clear of the ground, and completely protected from
l Any remaining gaps between boards / sheets of insulation
inclement weather by use of an opaque polythene sheet
/ interfaces etc. should be filled with flexible sealant or
or weatherproof tarpaulin. Sheets that have been allowed
equivalent, or a combination of flexible polyurethane foam
to get wet should not be used.
and flexible sealant or equivalent.
l Tapered edged boards allow the employment of standard Health and Safety
dry–lining techniques. l Kingspan Insulation products are chemically inert and
safe to use.
l Plasterboard tape should be employed at all board joints,
and a plaster skim finish applied. l A Safety Information Data Sheet for this product is
available from the Kingspan Insulation website
l The skimming should be carried out in accordance
www.kingspaninsulation.co.uk/safety or
with the specified plaster manufacturer’s instructions,
particularly in relation to the need to allow thorough
Please note that the reflective surfaces on this product are designed to enhance its thermal
drying of the plaster prior to decoration.
performance. As such, they will reflect light as well as heat, including ultraviolet light.
Therefore, if this product is being installed during very bright or sunny weather, it is advisable
to wear UV protective sunglasses or goggles, and if the skin is exposed for a significant period
of time, to protect the bare skin with a UV block sun cream.
The reflective facings used on this product can be slippery when wet. Therefore, it is
recommended that any excess material should be contained to avoid a slip hazard.
Warning – do not stand on or otherwise support your weight on this product unless it is fully
supported by a load bearing surface.
Product Details
Fire Performance
Standard Dimensions Kingspan Kooltherm® K18 Insulated Plasterboard is Class 0,
Kingspan Kooltherm K18 Insulated Plasterboard is
® as defined by the Building Regulations.
available in the following standard size: Kingspan Kooltherm® K18 Insulated Plasterboard, when
Nominal Dimension Availability subjected to EN ISO 5659-2: 2012 (Plastics. Smoke
Length (m) 2.4 generation. Part 2: Determination of optical density by a
Width (m) 1.2 single–chamber test), has achieved a mean maximum specific
Plasterboard Thickness (mm) 12.5
optical density of smoke < 200 in both the presence and
Insulant Thickness (mm) Refer to local distributor or
Kingspan Insulation price list for absence of a pilot flame at irradiances of 25 and 50 kW/m2.
current stock and non–stock sizes.
Further details of the fire performance of Kingspan Insulation
products may be obtained from the Kingspan Insulation
Technical Service Department (see rear cover).
Thermal Properties Insulation Product Benefits
Kingspan Vacuum Insulation Panel (VIP)
The λ–values and R–values detailed below are quoted
in accordance with BS EN 13166: 2012 + A2: 2016
l With a declared value thermal conductivity of
(Thermal insulation products for buildings – Factory
0.007 W/m·K, these products provide an insulating
made products of phenolic foam (PF) – Specification).
performance that is up to five times better than commonly
Thermal Conductivity used insulation materials.
The thermal conductivity (λ–value) of the plasterboard l Provides high levels of thermal efficiency with minimal
component of Kingspan Kooltherm® K18 Insulated thickness.
Plasterboard is 0.19 W/m.K.
l Over 90% (by weight) recyclable.
The thermal conductivity (λ–value) of the insulation core of
Kingspan Kooltherm® Range Products
Kingspan Kooltherm® K18 Insulated Plasterboard is:
l With a thermal conductivity of 0.018–0.023 W/m.K
0.023 W/m.K (insulant thickness 15–24);
these are the most thermally efficient insulation products
0.021 W/m.K (insulant thickness 25–44 mm); and
commonly used.
0.020 W/m.K (insulant thickness ≥ 45 mm).
l The thinnest commonly used insulation products for any
Thermal Resistance specific U–value.
Thermal resistance (R–value) varies with the thickness of each
l Manufactured with a blowing agent that has zero Ozone
component. It is calculated by dividing the thickness of each
Depletion Potential (ODP) and low Global Warming
component (expressed in metres) by its thermal conductivity,
Potential (GWP).
followed by adding the resulting figures together. The sum is
rounded down to the nearest 0.05 (m2.K/W). Kingspan Therma™ Range Products
l With a thermal conductivity of 0.022–0.028 W/m.K
*Product Thickness Thermal Resistance
(mm) (m2.K/W) these are amongst the more thermally efficient insulation
32.5 0.90 products commonly used.
37.5 1.25 l Manufactured with a blowing agent that has zero Ozone
42.5 1.45
Depletion Potential (ODP) and low Global Warming
47.5 1.70
52.5 1.95 Potential (GWP).
57.2 2.30
62.5 2.55 Kingspan Styrozone® Range Products
67.5 2.80 l Rigid extruded polystyrene insulation (XPS) has the
72.5 3.05 necessary compressive strength to make it the product
82.5 3.55
87.5 3.80
of choice for specialist applications such as heavy duty
92.5 4.05 flooring, car park decks and inverted roofing.
102.5 4.55
l Manufactured with a blowing agent that has zero Ozone
112.5 5.05
122.5 5.55 Depletion Potential (ODP).
* Product thickness = insulation thickness + 12.5 mm plasterboard.
NB Refer to local distributor or Kingspan Insulation price list for current stock and All Products
non–stock sizes.
l Unaffected by air infiltration – a problem that can be
experienced with mineral fibre and which can reduce
thermal performance.
l Safe and easy to install.
l If installed correctly, can provide reliable long term thermal
performance over the lifetime of the building.
l Each product achieves the required fire performance for its
intended application.
Contact Details
Kingspan, Kooltherm, Styrozone and the Lion Device are Registered Trademarks of the Kingspan Group plc in the UK, Ireland and other countries. All rights reserved.
™ Therma is a Trademark of the Kingspan Group plc.
Registered in England & Wales, No. 01882722. Registered Office: Pembridge, Leominster, Herefordshire HR6 9LA UK. VAT GB428602456.
Registered in Ireland, No. 54621. Registered Office: Bree Industrial Estate, Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan, Ireland. VAT IE4575069I.