How To Reverse Your Premature Grey Hair With Ayurveda

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The key takeaways are that premature greying can be reversed through Ayurvedic treatments like herbal medicines, yoga asanas, and lifestyle changes. Ayurveda attributes premature greying to an imbalance or aggravation of the Pitta dosha.

According to Ayurveda, premature greying, called 'Akala Palitya', is caused by an aggravation of the Pitta dosha or a combination of Pitta and Vata doshas. Specifically, it is caused by an imbalance in the Bhrajaka Pitta, which is responsible for hair and skin color.

The factors responsible for premature greying include nutritional deficiencies or imbalances, environmental factors like excessive sun exposure, behaviors like overexertion, and lifestyle habits like smoking.

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How To Reverse Your Premature Grey

Hair With Ayurveda?
AnuTailum(Oil)is combined with with Narasimha Rasayana to reverse gray hair and hair loss.

Reviewed By
Dr. Zeel Gandhi (Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery)

Posted by Kalyani Hari on April 21, 2020

While most millennials consider the salt and pepper look an iconic hair style, are you worried
about your grey locks? Your concerns are certainly worth it if you are still very young for grey hair.

We understand how you feel every time you have to hide your untimely wisdom by soaking your
hair with temporary coloring agents made of harmful chemicals [1]. Or, when you have to work
your scissors to cut down those 3-4 strands of grey hair every time they grow back.

This is why we have to tell you the good news - you can save your dyeing skills for your old age,
because getting rid of your premature grey hair naturally is possible with the help of Ayurveda. We
tell you how, with the help of Dr. Zeel Gandhi, chief Ayurvedic doctor at Vedix.


What Causes Premature Greying As Per Ayurveda?

Factors Responsible For Premature Greying

Can Ayurveda Reverse Grey Hair?

How To Treat Premature Greying With Ayurveda?

What Ayurvedic Medicine Is Good For Fighting Grey Hair?

Tips To Prevent Premature Grey Hair

What Causes Premature Greying As Per Ayurveda?

According to traditional Ayurveda, the three doshas (bodily forces) - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha
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Based upon nature, geography, environment and genetics, each individual has a unique mixture of
the three doshas, whose balance is called as the innate ‘Prakriti’ of that individual. Any imbalance
occurring in these three dosha levels results in diseases.

Premature greying, referred to as ‘Akala Palitya’ in Ayurveda, is the result of aggravation in Pitta
dosha or Pitta-Vata doshas. It is categorized under Kshudra Rogas.

"The Bhrajaka pitta, a sub-type of Pitta, is responsible for the color and complexion of your skin
and hair. It is attributed to melanocytes that produce melanin pigment, which is responsible for
the natural color of your hair. Imbalance in Bhrajaka Pitta causes insufficient melanin production,
which in turn results in premature greying" says Dr. Zeel.

Factors Responsible For Premature Greying

1. Nutritional (Aharaja)
Dr. Zeel suggests that a balanced diet is key to healthy hair. "Ayurveda recommends making your
meals a proper balance of all the six tastes. Salt and spices should be consumed in moderation,"
she says.

She further adds, "Foods like mustard, linseed, fish, mutton, lamb and curds are rich in nutrients.
But excess use can cause vitiation of Pitta. Ayurveda thus advises moderation. Also, lack of
adequate amounts of iron, calcium, vitamins B12 and D3 in your diet can cause greyness in your
hair strands." [2]

2. Environmental And Behavior (Viharaja)

"When you put yourself in extreme conditions like excessive physical exercise or overexertion
(ativyayama), overexposure to sunlight (atiatapasevan), awakening during nights at Pitta Kala
(11.00 pm - 2.00 am, raatrijagarana), excessive smoking (dhumasevan), intake of polluted air
(dushitvayusevan) and fasting (Upavasa), etc. an abnormal spike in your Pitta-Vata dosha levels
occurs, which results in Akala Palitya or premature greying," says Dr. Zeel.

3. Psychological (Mansik)
Pitta governs certain psychological factors like grief (shoka), anger (Krodha), mental stress
(maansika shrama) and fear (bhaya) in your body. Conditions like uncontrollable anger, stress, etc.
can easily provoke Pitta dosha to aggravate, resulting in premature greying. Even scientific
researches suggest that both chronic and acute stress can potentially induce Achromotrichia
(absence or loss of pigmentation) in your hair.

4. Basic Prakriti / Genetics

The basic Prakriti of an individual is genetic. One who has Pitta-dominant innate Prakriti has a
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doshas in your Prakriti. If you are Pitta dominant in nature, you need to stay away from the foods
and lifestyle habits that aggravates Pitta.

5. Hormones
Major hormonal changes in women during conditions like pregnancy and menopause can cause
premature greying. Also, the derangement of all the three doshas cause disturbed thyroid glands,
which may result in conditions like Hyperthyroidism or Hypothyroidism. The changes in thyroid
hormone levels [3] reduce melanin production in the body and thus, turn your hair grey.

6. Chemicals
Usage of chemical hair dyes and products like shampoos may contribute to your premature
greying as they contain harmful chemicals like Hydrogen Peroxide [4]. Your hair may undergo
bleaching and turn white on excessive use of these chemical products.

7. Medical Conditions
In some medical conditions like Albinism, Pernicious anemia, and other autoimmune disorders
like Alopecia areata and Vitiligo, the body undergoes melanin deficiency and thus, the hair grows

Did You Know?

The hair of a French Queen called Marie Antoinette supposedly turned completely grey on the
night before her execution. It was due to immense stress and since then, the condition of rapid
premature greying caused by stress is often coined as 'Marie Antoinette syndrome'.

Can Ayurveda Reverse Grey Hair?

Generally, the production of melanin in the follicles decreases with growing age and the hair starts
turning grey from mid-thirties (Kala Janya Palitya). In some cases, the early occurrence of grey
hair is caused by the genetics of an individual. In such cases, it is not possible to reverse the
process of hair greying.

However, when your melanin production is ceased at a younger age by interim Pitta aggravation in
the body, you can absolutely reverse your premature grey hair through natural Ayurvedic
techniques and lifestyle changes that pacify excess Pitta and bring your body into a balanced

How To Treat Premature Greying With Ayurveda?

Ayurveda, the holistic and natural health science of ancient India, advises therapies ranging from
an external application, internal medications, lifestyle and diet controls to maintain your Pitta
dosha levels in balance, thus helping you prevent and reverse premature graying.
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1. Ayurvedic Hair Oils

A. Bringamalakadi Taila
Bringamalakadi Taila acts as an effective coolant for your scalp, relieving it from excessive heat.
Massaging your scalp regularly with Bringamalakadi Taila nourishes the hair roots and enhances
blood circulation to the nerve ends. In turn, this prevents the growth of premature grey hair while
strengthening your hair.

B. Brahmi Bringaraj Taila

Brahmi Bringaraj Taila is an impeccable choice when it comes to dealing with stress. This herbal
oil treats the dryness of your scalp and prevents your hair from premature greying. Also, it reduces
hair fall by providing comprehensive nourishment to the roots.

C. Sahadevi Hair Oil (Veronica Cineria/Purple Fleabane)

Sahadevi is the herb which is used in Ayurvedic proprietary medicines for treating premature
greying, hair fall and hair loss. Besides curing grey hairs, the hair oil made of Sahadevi herb is also
very useful in controlling dandruff. Though Sahadevi is not a very common herb, it can be found in
the form of weed.

D. Dasapushpam Oil
Dasapushpam, an Ayurvedic formulation of ten different herbs, is well known for its qualities to
control emotions and hormones. While mitigating stress in your head, massaging your scalp with
Dasapushpam oil prevents premature greying. It is found in abundance in the Kerala region.

The Ayurvedic formulation of Dasapushpam oil contains the following ten herbs:

Cheroola (Mountain knotgrass)

Karuka (Bahama grass)

Kayyonni (False daisy)

Mukkutti (Biophytum sensitivum)

Muyal cheviyan (Lilac tassel flower)

Nilappana (Golden eye-grass)

Poovamkurunnila (Little ironweed)

Thiruthaali (Morning glory)

Uzhinja (Balloon plant)

Vishnukranthi (Slender dwarf morning-glory)

E. Curry Leaves With Coconut Oil

Curry leaves act extraordinarily in revitalizing your hair roots. The vitamin B present in curry
leaves helps your hair follicles in restoring the natural color pigment and thus, prevents premature
greying. Coconut oil, being a natural coolant for your scalp, becomes the perfect combination with
curry leaves to pacify excessive Pitta dosha and control grey hairs.

F. Amla Oil (Indian Gooseberry)

Amla is known to be an exceptional Ayurvedic herb to treat premature greying. You can prepare
Amla oil by boiling dried Amla pieces along with a bunch of curry leaves in coconut oil. Make sure
you store the oil in a glass bottle after cooling and massage your scalp twice a week for better

G. Castor Oil
Castor oil is also one of the best solutions that help your follicles from rapid pigment loss. You
need to regularly massage points on your scalp from where the grey hairs are shooting out with
castor oil. Its cooling nature effectively controls the excess Pitta on your scalp.

You can also use Ayurvedic hair oils which are personalized based on your current dosha levels to
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2. Ayurvedic Shampoos / Cleansers

A. Hibiscus
The nutrients present in Hibiscus aid in hair darkening, while also delaying premature greying. You
can soak the flowers and leaves of hibiscus in water overnight and wash your hair with this water
in the morning.

B. Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

You can mix Amla with Reetha (soapnut) and Shikakai (acacia concinna) in equal parts and use the
mixture as a herbal shampoo. As discussed above, Amla, which is an exceptional Ayurvedic herb in
treating premature greying, is also the best Ayurvedic alternative for chemical-loaded shampoos
in the market.

C. Triphala
Ayurveda suggests Triphala as one of the very effective ingredients to fight premature greying of
hair. You can use the Triphala churna mixed with warm water as a natural hair cleanser. The iron
and potassium present in Triphala balances the deficiency of minerals required for adequate
melanin production, thus preventing premature greying of hair.

3. Ayurvedic Hair Masks

A. Mandoor Churna Mask

Mandoor churna (iron oxide) is suggested for combating premature greying in the ancient
Ayurvedic text, Bhaishajya Ratnavali. Mix ½ a tablespoon of Mandoor churna with 5-7 hibiscus
flowers and 4 tablespoons of Amla powder to form a paste. Apply this as a hair mask regularly for
effective results.

B. Fenugreek Mask
The rich Amino acids present in Fenugreek seeds help your hair follicles fight premature greying. A
hair mask with fenugreek paste also provides nourishment and strengthens your hair roots.

Soak the fenugreek seeds overnight and grind it into a fine paste. Apply it throughout your scalp
and hair, and wash it off with Ayurvedic shampoo after a few minutes. You can also apply and
leave the mask overnight for better results.

C. Buttermilk-Curry Leaves Mask

Add buttermilk to finely crushed curry leaves to prepare a smooth paste. Apply it on your scalp
while ensuring the paste covers the hair strands from root to tip. Wash off the hair with Ayurvedic
or herbal shampoo after 30 minutes. While the curry leaves help your hair fight premature greying
efficiently, the buttermilk gives a soft texture to it.
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There is no Ayurvedic therapy for premature greying without mentioning the herb Henna. It has
natural coloring and conditioning properties, which makes it a best and natural alternative for
chemical hair dyes.

For best results, soak the henna leaves in an iron pot overnight and prepare a hair mask by adding
curd, eggs, and hibiscus into the paste. You can add Neeli herb, which gives a natural bluish tinge
to the hair.

4. Yoga Asanas

A. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

Sit on the kneeling position with at least a 6-inch gap between your knees.

Now reach your right ankle with your right hand and left ankle with your left hand.

While looking towards the ceiling, lift and push your abdomen in forwarding motion and
keep your thighs straight.

After holding this position for a few breaths, release your hands and return to kneeling

Important Note:

Avoid Ustrasana if you have conditions like high or low blood pressure, back or neck injury and

B. Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

Lie on your back on the floor and keep your feet together.

Tuck your hands under your buttocks where your palms face downwards.

Bring in your elbows as much as possible.

Then inhale as you lift your upper back from the ground while letting your weight rest on
your elbows.

Slowly, tilt your head backward and let the top of your head touch the floor.

Hold the pose for 20-30 seconds as per your convenience while breathing deeply.

Release yourself from the pose by slowly lifting your chest and head up.

Then, drop your body down slowly while relaxing your arms and legs.

You can also use a pillow under your back while performing Matyasana in case you need
more support.

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C. Apanasana (Knees To Chest Pose)

Lie down flat on the floor and fold your legs at your knees.

Try to bring your knees close to your chest by holding the knee caps with your palms. Keep
in mind that your fingers of palms should face the feet.

Inhale slowly while straightening your arms and pushing the legs away from you.

Exhale slowly as you bring the legs close to your chest.

Repeat the pattern of breathing and knee movement for a minute or two as per your

Now, release yourself from the posture and perform a side twist with folded knees at your
right and left.

Then slowly straighten your legs and relax your hands facing downwards by your side to
perform Savasana.

D. Balayam (Rubbing Nails)

Bring your palms with folded fingers together.

Now rub the surfaces of the nails of both hands against each other in vigorous motion. Spare
the thumbs.

Perform this every day for 5 – 10 minutes at least thrice a day.

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Balayam strengthens the nerve ends of nails that are connected to hair roots. Through
rubbing, the blood circulation is stimulated, which in turn prevents premature graying.

Other than these, you can also practice Pranayama to stop your hair from premature graying.

E. Bhramari Pranayama
Sit in a comfortable posture on your mat by keeping your spine erect.

Close the eyes with your index fingers.

Use your ring and small fingers to close your mouth and place middle fingers on the nose

Now, close your ears with respective thumbs. This posture is also called 'Shanmukhi Mudra'.

Inhale deeply through the nose.

Now, exhale slowly in a controlled manner while making a deep humming sound.

Repeat it four times.

Important Note:

Please administer the Yoga Asanas and Pranayama mentioned above under the guidance of an
experienced yoga master.

What Ayurvedic Medicine Is Good For Fighting Grey

Besides formulations for topical application and lifestyle rituals, Ayurveda specifies powerful
herbs for oral medication to reduce premature greying of hair as follows:

Amalaki Rasayana


Lauha Rasayana

Mahabhringaraj Taila

Prawal Panchamrit

Saptamrit Lauh

Tapyadi Lauh

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Important Note:

Please consult your Ayurvedic doctor to recommend the most suitable Ayurvedic medicines for
premature greying based on your body condition. The Ayurvedic supplements or oral medications
need to be strictly administered under the guidance of an Ayurvedic doctor.

Tips To Prevent Premature Grey Hair

Ensure you lead a stress-free life.

Eat a healthy and balanced diet that keeps dosha levels in your body in stable condition.

Avoid caffeinated drinks.

Avoid alcohol and smoking as they build up oxidative stress [5] in the body.

Always cleanse your hair with lukewarm (not hot) water.

Avoid the usage of chemical agents for dyeing and styling your hair.

Avoid heat-styling as it causes long-term damage to your hair.

Protect your hair from harsh sun rays by wearing a cap.

Avoid contact of your hair with chlorinated water at swimming pools.

Address the conditions like poor digestion immediately as it indicates improper functioning
of the liver, which is also the sign of Pitta aggravation that may lead to premature graying.

The Last Word

You cannot avoid the process of hair greying with age. However, you can save your youth from
premature greying through the above-mentioned natural Ayurvedic solutions. At Vedix, we bring
you a personalized Ayurvedic hair care regime that resolves the root cause of your hair problems
by bringing the balance in your innate Prakriti.

Know Your Dosha Now

References 

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