German: Prepare For The Certificate Examination: List of Online Resources

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Prepare for the CLES certificate examination: list of online resources

Oral expression

Level A1
- Kidstation is a treasure hunt through which the user can carry out a multitude of games
and activities: quizzes, articles, images; musical animations – and work on their
German whilst having fun.
Level A2-B1
- Deutschlerner: This blog offers a variety of practice exercises: listening comprehension
with exercises, helpful keys to guide understanding and answers as well support for
writing comprehension.
- Deutsch lernen mit der DW: a German course in 10 episodes. At the end of each
episode, the learner repeats the phrases heard through the episode’s dialogue.
- Deutsch – warum night? : Each lesson uses a recorded conversation and is transcribed
in the pedagogical guide.
Level B2-C1
- Godaf: Site to prepare for German as a Foreign Language exams.
All levels
- Kaleidoskop: Site offering 3 practice exercises targeting listening comprehension in the
Berufe rubric. In addition, there are writing comprehension exercises available in a
variety of subjects (Jugendliche im Selbstporträt, Lebensstationen).
- Telc: Exercises testing your linguistic skills with a study booklet, listening
comprehension exercises and respective answers.
- Deutschlern: Must be registered to use. Different themes (Wetter, Karneval, Handy,
Musik, usw), corrected exercises.
- Deutsche Welle: World current affairs discussed by German radio. Listening
comprehension: daily news at a slower more understandable pace, accompanying
videos with lexical guides and exercises, headline reports with related exercises.
- Language Guide: A site available in 16 languages, including German that gives the user
access to discover new foreign vocab thanks to a wide selection of topics.
- Webgerman: A website that displays numerous links for helpful sites for learning
German: a wide range whether for vocabulary practice, German history, grammar
points etc.
- Deutsch fur dich: The Goethe Institute has uploaded a series of educational videos with
comprehension exercises.

Level C1-C2
- Die Zeit: A weekly newspaper with useful and well written articles which will inform
you of current affairs and general news items.
- Der Spiegel: A weekly magazine exploring national and international politics, the
economy and culture.
All levels
- Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Articles, reports and comments on everyday life.
- SuddeutscheZeitung: Articles, reports and comments on everyday life.
- Deutsch Perfekt: the joining of professional journalism and successful language
learning. News items and current themes providing key information on German,
Austrian and Swiss everyday life. The website starts in parallel with the first item. It
offers even more current news and related exercises. Compulsory registration to
access all the content.
- Vocable: The German speaking press in voice over with difficult vocabulary translated.
A selection of articles originating from the well-known magazines. Subscription

Writing Practice
All Levels
- Mein deustch-buch: Written comprehension activities organized according to CECRL

- Audio Lingua: Collaborative sound bank offering mp3 recording in several languages.
The user can select different criteria (language, level, theme, age; duration…).
- Podcast: A collection of all available programmes to download as podcasts.
- Vorleser: Several audio books in mp3 available to download for free, grouped via
themes. There are even literary classics available such as Kafka, Goethe, Grillparzer,
the Brothers Grimm, Rilke and Schnitzler.

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