Chapter 2 - Momentum - Transport-1

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Chapter 2: Principles of Momentum Transport: Concept of Viscosity, Newton’s Law

of Viscosity, Shell Momentum Balance, Application of Shell Momentum Balance, Flow

of Falling Film, Flow Through Circular Pipe, Flow Through annulus, Flow Over Moving
Plate, Couette Viscometer, Equation of Changes: Continuity Equation, Equation
Motion, Navier-Stokes Equation in Cartesian Co-ordinate’s and Cylindrical Co-
ordinate, Basics of Velocity Distribution

(20 hrs. – 37%)

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• Introduction to Momentum transport

• Concept of Viscosity - Newton’s Law of Viscosity
• Shell Momentum Balance - Application of Shell Momentum Balance,
• Flow of Falling Film
• Flow Through Circular Pipe
• Flow Through annulus
• Flow Over Moving Plate
• Couette Viscometer
• Equation of Changes
- Continuity Equation,
- Equation Motion,
- Navier-Stokes Equation in Cartesian Co-ordinate’s and Cylindrical Co-ordinate,
- Basics of Velocity Distribution
Momentum transport

• Momentum measures the strength of an object’s


• Momentum (p) depends on an object’s mass and

its velocity.

• More mass = more momentum

• More velocity = more momentum

Momentum transport

• Momentum (p) = mass x velocity

• p = mv

• Momentum is a vector quantity! Momentum acts

in the same direction as the velocity.

• Unit = kg m/s
Conservation of Momentum

• Newton’s 3rd Law applies to momentum as well

as forces.
• Momentum will be conserved in collisions.
• Conservation means the total amount remains
Concept of Viscosity & Newton’s Law
of Viscosity

• Newton’s law of viscosity,

• Pressure and temperature dependence of
Concept of Viscosity

Viscosity is a property that represents the internal

resistance of a fluid to motion.

• Ethanol
• Water
• Honey
• Sludge
• Slurry
• Pastes
Fluids and their Viscosities
Fluids and their Viscosities
Newton’s Law of Viscosity
Newton’s Law of Viscosity
Newton’s law of viscosity states that “Shear stress is
directly proportional to velocity gradient”
Kinematic Viscosity

Stokes =cm2/s
Temperature and pressure dependence of viscosity
Temperature and pressure dependence of viscosity

• Viscosity will also change with pressure -but under normal

conditions this change is negligible in gasses

• High pressure can also change the viscosity of a liquid. As

pressure increases the relative movement of molecules
requires more energy hence viscosity increases
Generalized form of Newton’s law of viscosity
Shell momentum Balance and Boundary conditions

• To obtain velocity profile in laminar

- Maximum velocity

- Average velocity

- Shear stress
• Molecular momentum transport

• Convective momentum transport: Transport of momentum by bulk

flow of fluid
Convective Momentum Transport
For steady flow momentum balance is written as
Procedure to solve viscous flow problems
Boundary conditions
• In above procedure several constant will appear

• To obtain the values of these constant boundary

conditions are used
Boundary conditions

Most commonly used boundary conditions are -

• Solid-fluid Interface

• Liquid-liquid interface

• Liquid-gas interface
Boundary conditions
• Solid-fluid Interface:
Boundary conditions
• Liquid-liquid interface

• Liquid-gas interface
Boundary conditions

• In all the boundary conditions it is assumed that there is no any materials passing through
interface i.e. adsorption, adsorption, evaporation, chemical reaction etc.
Flow of falling film
• Flow of liquid down an inclined flat plate (Length – L and width – W)
• Examples - Wetted wall tower, Evaporation, and gas-absorption experiments
• Viscosity and density of liquid is constant

z y
Momentum balance
Momentum balance
Momentum balance
Momentum balance

Velocity is function of x only

is zero
Momentum balance

After integration
Momentum balance

Velocity is function of x
Momentum balance

After integration
Velocity distribution
Maximum Velocity :
Average Velocity :
Mass flow rate:

Film thickness:
Force per unit area in z direction
Flow through circular tube
Flow through circular tube
Flow through circular tube
Flow through circular tube
Flow through circular tube
Flow through circular tube
Flow through circular tube
Flow through circular tube
Flow through circular tube

Maximum Velocity :

Average Velocity :
Flow through circular tube

Mass flow rate:

Flow Through annulus
Key points:
• Cylindrical co-ordinates (r, θ & z)
• Steady-state flow
• Incompressible liquid
• Flow in an annular region between two coaxial cylinders of radii (KR and R)
• Fluid is flowing in upward direction – direction opposite to gravity
Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates

• In the Cartesian coordinate system, the location of a point in space is

described using an ordered triple in which each coordinate represents a
• In the cylindrical coordinate system, location of a point in space is
described using two distances (r and z) and an angle measure (θ).
Flow Through annulus
Momentum Balance:
Momentum Balance:
Momentum Balance:

The only difference is

Since the coordinate z is in the direction opposite to the gravity (i.e. z is same
as the height)
Momentum Balance

After integration

This equation is similar to what we

obtained in flow through circular
Momentum Balance

The constant C1 cannot be determined

immediately, since we do no have any
information about momentum flux at the fixed

All we know is that there will be a maximum velocity at r = λR, and momentum flux
is zero
Momentum Balance

Solve for C1 and substitute in above equation

substitute In above equation
After substitution of boundary conditions
Final expressions for shear stress/momentum flux distribution and velocity
distribution are
Equation of continuity
It is difficult to set shell balance for each of the individual problem
To solve problems involving the isothermal flow of a pure fluid following equations
are used
•Equation of continuity (for the mass balance)
•Equation of motion (for the momentum balance)
Equation of continuity
Equation of continuity

Flow in x- direction


Rate of mass in Rate of mass out Rate of increase in mass within

volume element
Equation of continuity

Similarly for y and z direction

After combining for three faces equation becomes

In terms of vector notation this equation is written as

Divergence of ρv

where ρv is mass
For incompressible fluid the above equation becomes

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