Jyotish - R.G. Rao - Profession From The Position of Planets

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My dear patron readers,

Due to your large h earted and generous
cooperation, I have so far written six books on
this sacred science of Astrology and this is my
seventh output according to the Sanskrit adage
"Man is able to propose six times but God dis-
poses for the seventh time". So, there is no
doubt that this humble offering of mine has
devine blessings.
I have based my composition on the aphorisms
contained in rare Nadi granthas. If the readers
patiently study this treasure and apply to
individual horoscopes they are bound to get the
desired results and I think my efforts have not
been In vain.

In bringing out this book, Shri A.Satyanara-

yana Iyer my revered elder and Astrologer has
greatly helped me in En glish translation, proof
correction etc. and I offer my grateful thanks
to him. I also owe a debt of grateful thanks to
M/s Sagar Publications for publishing this

085. R.G.Rao

Shri R.G.Rao the famous Astro-Palmist is

too wellknown to need any fresh Introduction
to the Astrological world, as he has already
brought out 6 works of Nadi Astrology based
on rare Nadi granthas. However, due to my
association with him in translation and proof
correction, he has entrusted me to write a
few lines by way of introduction.
Though I am a student of traditional
astrology for the last four decades, I have
no bias against the Nadi system and I have
found that this system gives results in a
miraculous way if the system is well under-
stood and applied in individual cases.
I wish *Shri R.G.Rao all success in his
attempt and pray to Lord Almrghty that He may
inspire him with divine intutlon to bring out
more such books.

14-1-1986 (Makara Sankranthi)

A.Satyanarayana Iyer

Wonders of the world is uud'' r the twelve

signs and nine planets.
Each one of human beings and particles of
earth having its own shape according to the
specification of planetary influences.
Each one ' s birth is having some one ' s
cause and effects behind them. The cause and
Its effects are explained in the Oriental
Science of Astro-Palraistry-more particularly
in Indian Cult-where Seers and Sages are
giving and have given remarkable thesis which
serves as physical, mental and moral guida-

Astrology Is not only a guide in one

aspect, but also it is a guide of guides for
each one of the universal sciences. Astrology
will guide Physiology, Physics, Psychology,
Geography, History, Sociology, Neurology,
Science of Metals, Archeology, Architecture
(regarding Geography we have explained the
map of India in the last page in the book I.Q
Zone from Zodiac rays ) .
The whole world consisting of five ele-
ments, and these elements are governed by
Nine (9) planets.
World is composed of five elements, just
like a machine which is associated by diffe-
rent metals, oils, lubrications etc. The
strength of metal denotes its length of
service, but every machine will require power
supply according to their needs and capacity,
where power is sole energy.
In a power generation station the supply
is unlimited with high voltage but the requi-
rement of power is limited depending upon the
capacity of the machine to the tune in which
machine can withstand. In the same manner
although the power supply by the eternity is
unlimited men's requirement is limited only
according to the nature of work the man is
subjected and his requirement for instance,
an engineer who is an expert in his occupa-
tion may be able to increase or add more life
for a machine by his knowledge. In the same
manner the human body consisting of five
elements the strength of elements depends
according to the birth chart (where time is
the element) and whereas these elements are
governed by planets and the strength of
elements depends on the position of the
planets. But the action and reaction ( i.e.
work of each human being) will depend upon
the power of soul.
As told above, although the power supply
is unlimited, the power required depends upon
the nature of work, the nature of work or
what are called the activities of life can be
foretold by an expert Occultist.
The Purusha prognosticated with Prukruthr
(where Purusha indicates power and Prukruthi
indicates nature) will have a shape to comp-
lete their work in the universe as and when
the universal services are necessary.
As the nature of work depends according to
the time of birth and shape, we are giving
importance for Astrology and Physiognomy.
Both living and non-living things created
on the earth are supposed to have a purpose -
a definite purpose. Even particles -molecules
which are abstract and not visible to the
naked eye have a purpose and the particular
purpose of all these is foretold from our
words of wise.

For example we are starting a journey over

a vehicle with a limited petrol or fuel. But
the vehicle will reach the place on a limited
value which depends upon the availability of
fuel and the strength of the machine parts
and the ability of the driver. During the
course of his journey he has to come across
lot obstructions, where there will be sign
boards and he has to meet lot of bends,
curves, hurdles and other unforseen troubles
where at places sufficient signals are given
to warn him at proper places to avoid any kind
of accident in the same manner an able Occul-
tist or an Astrologer is able to properly
guide or assist a person with many kinds of
warnings so that the person can be safe and
need not overlook the dangers ahead.

As per the above example the time of the

native's birth denotes the works to be carried
by him what is called his future in life,
under his birth chart and with the above we
can see that the above descriptions are where
the whole universe is full of five elements
and these elements are governed by respective
Hence the action and reaction or the living
and the non-living things are foretold by the
planets. Also, the A-Z of the universal action
can be judged by the Zodiac movements.
Movements of the Zodiac are under the
control of Omniscient.

1. ARIES : House of Mars, thorn plants,

rocks, hills,hot countries,flry
places, battle field, small
villages red in colour, stones,
head portion,Central government

2. TAURUS : House of Venus, Hump portion of

the Bull, Cattle sheds, fruits,
white in colour, food grains,
face (forehead).
3. GEMINI t House of Mercury, Coiranercial
place, green grass and leaves,
shoulders, balcony, big hall,
gambling house, cities.
4. CANCER : House of Moon, water place,
tank, bath room, milk booths,
place of dieties, pink in

5. LEO : House of sun-caves. Kingdom,

place of administration, brown
in colour, belly, stomach.
State Government.

5. VIRGO t House of Mercury, place of

intellect, big commercial
locality, creepers, place of
amusements, place of good
looking. Grey in colour, place
of learning, ground where
there is no hard stones,

7. LIBRA : House of Venus, treasury,

place of business, group of
maids, variegated in colour,

8. SCORPIO : House of Mars, underground,

road containing full of thorns
and stone pieces, place conta-
ning venomous reptiles, wild
places, villages, valleys,
colour of black and red, male
and female secret organs (for
example by nature scorpio
lives in a hole or cave thing
like where it enters a hole
which denotes a women secret
organ and also the scorpio has
a tail which indicates the
secret organ of a man and
hence the aspirant is to
possess a character of both
man and woman in general by

SAGGITARIUS: House of Jupiter, forest

places, forest, platoons,
place of armouries, archury,
crowd of trees, thigh.
10.CAPRICORN House of Saturn, place of dust
dust water, jungles, knees,
place of Dwarapalakas/guards.
11.AQUARIUS House of Saturn-secret place,
place of dark, pot shape,
small village, round shape,
place of toddy shops, gambling
mutton market, buttocks.

12.PISCES House of Jupiter- Bank of holy

rivers, tanks, pilgrimages,
feet-Holy place like Haridwar
(in India).Origin of Ganga.

Colours off Signs : The colours of the twelve

signs are in order 1) Red, 2j White, 3) Green,
4) Pink, 5) Brown, 6) Grey, 7) Variegated, 8)
Black, 9) Golden, 10) Yellow, 11) Vallegated
and 12) Deep Brown.

The Sun, Mars and Jupiter are males, the

Moon, Venus and Rahu females, and Mercury,
Saturn and Kethu eunuchs.


Jupiter and Venus are Brahmins, the Sun and

Mars Kshatriyas, the Moon Valsya, Mercury of
mixed religion, Saturn-Sudra and Rahu-Mus11m-

Saturn and Rahu - Menials.

Mars and Rahu - Sikhs.
Mercury & Kethu - Bengalis


The Sun, Moon and Jupiter are pious. Mercury

and Venus intellect and persevering, and others
like Mars, Saturn, Rahu are Tamasa and where
Kethu stands for Mokshakaraka like a Sanyasi.


Sun and Mars have Pitta or bile. (Heat and

its effects) , Moon and Venus- where Moon indic-
ates cold effects like kapha, and Venus like
(Vata) Meha, Saturn-Vatha-effeet from wind like
gastric troubles, and Mercury a mixture of
consolidation of over-thoughts.

There are six Ritus which are explained as

Vasanta is called spring, Grishma(the summer)
Varsha (the rainy season),Sarad (the season of
Autumn) , Hemanta (Dewy) , and Sisira (the cold
season or winter) , and these belongs to 1)
Venus, 2) the Sun and Mars, 3) the Moon, 4)Mer-
cury, 5) Jupiter, and 6) Saturn respectively.

The Characteristics of gems, metals,

tastes of plants

The Sun's precious stone Manikya or Ruby, the

Moon's Pearl, Marss Coral, Mercury's Marakata or
emerald, Jupiter's Pushyaraga or topaz, Venus's
diamond, Saturn's Nlla or Sapphire, Rahu's
Gomedheka or agate, and Ketu's Vaidurya or lapis
Eazuli. In this connection let me tell you the
metals owned by the planets. They are in order
1)copper, 2)bell-metall, 3)copper, 4)lead,
5)gold, 6)silver and 7)iron. The clothes worn by
them have the same colours as they themselves
posses, but those of Saturn are rags and those
of Mars singed by fire. Their tastes are in
order 1) Pungent, 2) Salt, 3)bltter, 4)rnixed,
5)sweet 6)sour and 7)stringent. Lead and tatte-
red clothes are owned by Rahu, while a mud pot
and pieced-together as well as saffron clothes
by kethu.
Their grains: The grains owned by the nine
planets are in order - 1) Wheat, 2 ) Rice, 3) Adhaka
or Tu var, 4) Green gram, 5) Bengal gram and 6)
Nishpava or cow gram, 7)sesame, 8)Black gram and
9) Horse gram.

Planets and their Tatwas (elements)

You know there are five elements constituting

the entire universe. They are 1) Prithvi or
Earth, 2)Apah or water, 3) Tejas or Fire, 4)Vayu
or wind, and 5) Akasha or Ether. Do not confuse
these things with the visible earth etc. These
are subtle things of which you see the grosser
forms in the world. The Sun and Mars own Fire,
the Moon and Venus Water, Mercury Earth, Jupiter
Ether, and Saturn Wind.

The Planets and their Portfolios

The Sun and Moon are the Royal couple. Mars

the Commander, Mercury the Crown Prince, Jupiter
and Venus Ministers, and Saturn the servant.
These seven planets also represent in order the
Soul, Mind, Courage, Speech, Wisdom, Happiness,
Sexual Passion and Grief and Kalapurusha. They
also represent the senses and their functions
thus-Mercury governs small (nose), the Moon and
Venus taste (tongue) , the Sun and Mars form
(eye), Jupiter sound(ear), and Saturn, Rahu and
Kethu touch (skin) .
The Planete and their relationship
with other Planets

Planets Friends Neutrals Enemies

Sun Moon, Mar s Mercury Venus

& Jupiter & Saturn
Moon Sun & Mercury The rest Nil
Mars Sun,Moon Venus & Mercury
& Jupiter Saturn Rahu
Mercury Sun & Venus Mars, Jupiter Moon
& Saturn
Jupiter Sun, Moon Saturn Mercury
& Mars & Venus
Venus Mercury & Mars & S sun &
Saturn Jupiter Moon
Saturn Mercury & Jupiter Sun, Moon
Venus & Mars
Rahu Mercury, Moon Mars
Saturn &
Ketu Venus,Moon Jupiter Saturn

N.B. The Karakatwas or mutual relationship

between the planets referred in our
lessons are subject to future lessons or
guides although different persons are

likely to have their views or opinions,
and whereas they should be properly
understood or manipulated for future
guidance, and lessons given by us.

Planets and their presiding Dletles

Sun : 4 am to 12 noon - Brahmamasha-Creator

(Exact 12 Rudramasha after 11 am)
(12 to 4 PM-Noon-Shiva-Destruction
4 to 7 - Evening - Vishnu Amsha
Sthithi-the Lord or Status quo.

Moon : Parvathi - the Divine Mother

Moon S Mars - Shakthi (Power)

Mars : Lord Subramanya -(incarnation of Lord

Shiva) .

Mercury : Lord Vishnu

Jupiter : Brahma(Jagadguru)-(Dakshinamurthy) .

Venus : Lakshmi the Goddess.

Saturn : Lord of Karma ( Yama Sseivamsha)

Rahu : The Lord of Serpents

Ketu : Brahma

Face governed by the Planets ( I.e.9 Planets)

Right eye Sun

Left eye Moon
Eye brow Mars
Forehead Left and right parts of the
forehead governed.
Nostrils Jupiter
Cheeks Venus
Chin Right and left part of the cjhin
governed by Saturn
Mouth Rahu
Hairs Kethu
Teeth Mars
Tongue Mercury

General Characteristics of Planets

Characteristics of the Planets will be dealt

in different types. But the same planets will
have 2 or more causative effects.


For example Sun is the causative planet, of

father: and this same planet will denote sons of
the nature. Because the native is the son of his
father and after giving issues will become

father of his children.
As per Indian Astrology, Sun is the Soul and
is known as the Almighty.


As per the above example Moon is the causat-

ive planet of Mother in Male and female birth
chart. In the chart of married women, which will
guide the character of the Mother and Mother Ill-
According to the Nadi Reading Moon is the
causative planet of Mother, Maid, Mother-in-law
and also in some of the circumstances which will
oown the place of wife. Because the Moon is the
incarnater of Parvathi, wh o is the Mother of
the Universe, Mother and Mother-in-law can give
birth to continue the general of this world,
after giving birth every maid will become Moth-
er .

Mars indicates the native1 s brother, when he

will entange with planet of Karma, it denotes
partner of his career.
Whenever these planets are situated in parti-
cular sign, if the planet is associated in
friendly sign which will give the good effects,
otherwise the native will have to struggle with

Mercury is the causative planet of younger
brothers, father-in-law', friends education,
But the same planet will be considered as
maid, wife, because Mercury is the incarnation
of Mahavishnu. While referring to Indian Mytho-
logy, Vishnu had to become wonform under two
instances, viz. , once during the distribution of
Amritha, after the churning of Meru Parvatha and
again during the Mohini Bhasmasura thus indica-
ting that the Vishnu Karraka is a mixture of man
and woman (involved with Bhudha) .
While considering the predictive Nadi-Astro-
logy, it is observed that Vishnu Karaka (incar-
nater of Mahavishnu) is indicated by the planet
of Mercury.


Is the Planet of Jeeva or causative planet of

life. Sun is soul or Atma, Jupiter is the life,
combination of both in a sign of the native ' s
birth chart will give knowledge of Philosophy,
high status and also he is the master. Out of
his male children, one is incarnator of his
Grand father, Jupiter is Dharmakaraka Graha.

The planet Saturn will denote the native; in
other words he is the 'indicator of KARMA'. In
Hindu philosophy much importance is given to
Dharma and also to Karma ( Jeeva + Karma) ;

therefore generally public will give much impor-
tance to these two planets.


I '
Although these planets having much powers,
some of the authors have omitted in their lite-
rature this aspect. But in the Nadi-system Rahu
the causative planet of Plthamah, Grand-father
and Mouth ( tnal entrace). "KALIPURDSHAamsHA ' .


As we have stated in the previous pages

Astrology can foretell each and everything in
the universe; Music from SAMAVEDA, Astrology in
a part of ATHARVAMVEDA, Veena and Nadswara
(pipe instrument), which is much popular among
Indian Music.
Veenus having 7 strings with rings have seven
swaras. As per Astrology we have considered nine
planets. But other two 1Swaras * is governed by
the planet Rahu and Kethu.

7 + 2 Swaras are explained as follows :


1)SA, 2)REE, 3)GAA, 4)MA, 5)PAA, 6)DAA, 7) NEE


EEE - E (9)
1) Sun, 2) Moon, 3) Mars, 4) Mercury, 5)Jupiter,

5) Venus, 7) Saturn, 8) Rahu 9) Kethu

It may be noted that in Nagaswara or Nadaswar

the pipe resembles the shape of Serpent. Blowing
point is Kethu which the sound starts from pe,
pe = E.
End part of the pipe is like a round shape
which is Rahu.
In Veena Head portion is Rahu, and another
part is bending towrds back and this is known as
Pipe having seven holes which signs Saptha
Swaras. Starting and end point is Kethu and
Rahu; this denotes all the Saptha Swaras will
act inside the Rahu and Kethu.
Before commencing the Raghas our musicians
and students will sign SA, PA, SA. Because SA =
is governed by the planet Sun. Sun is soul. PA =
is governed by the planet of Jupiter - planet
governing life. Hence they will pray the Soul
and Life; in otherwords Jeeva + Athma = Jeeva-

Just like enemy -planets are opposing the

general case of Astrology ( i.e. the permutation
and combination) the same case applies in the
cape of Music also. For example GA is represen-
ted by Mars, NEE is Saturn; REE is Moon DA is
Venus; SA is Sun; 0 is Rahu. Different Ragas are
obtaining depending upon the permutation and
combination of Music Technology, like Bhairavi,
Hamsadwani, Kadanakutoohala, etc.etc.


SATURN is the causative planet of Careei

(Profession) the indicator of Karma - in this
cosmic world. He himself will never harm any one
in this world,' whether he may be malefic sign or
in benefic sign who offers both good and bad
effects accomodating the combinations of other
planets which is based on the native's past
Sun, Moon and Mars (D-Tail) and Kethu are
enemies to Saturn but the Sun and Saturn are not
major enemies ( as may be the case of a father
and son relationship because Sun is light(Tejas)
Generally father may object the insufficient
works of his son but when son is powerful and is
in ruling places, father is weak and aged. In
such cases father cannot or may not be able to
over rule his son. This is generally considered
as enemies with sufficient misunderstandings.
As we hav«. stated in previous lessons Moon is
mind which is not constant. But the Saturn is
the causative planet of work. Whenever the
combination of Moon and Saturn is there or
comes, this denotes fluctuating mind who cannot
complete the work on account of inconsistancy of
mind. Hence Moon and Saturn are enemies to one
another or in other words fluctuating mind
(Moon) will never complete the (Saturn) work.

Saturn and Mars

They are the enemies to one another because

Saturn is the causative planet of work. Mars is
the causative planet of egoism (AHANKARA TATWA-
Any worker will never complete the work, if
he is having egoism ( Saturn is work and Mars is
egoism) . Hence they are considered as enemies of
In many cases this combination (Saturn +
Mars ) appears in the native1s chart will change
the career and who will overcome enemies in
their career without fail.
Saturn and Dragon tail (Kethu) are enemies,
because Kethu ( D-Tail)is the causative planet
of monks, saints and liberation. These people
will never be interested in work or Karma.
Saturn is the causative planet of work, profe-
ssion - Kethu is Saint - therefore one another
will never have good understanding.
The natives having this combination are not
interested in hard work and they are desperate
in life also. They will be interested in philo-
sophy and saintly life.


The native having Saturn in Aries in his

birth chart indicates native will have success
from metals, engineering type of profession or
connected to the central government, higher
departments or authorities- he will shine in his
careeer but the lower and higher income and
status depends according to the combination of

other planets.


The sign of Venus, money-Taurus is luxury.

The native will earn by soft work or in the
concern where luxury goods comes-earnings thro-
ugh the soft and luxury transactions.


The native will earn through his intellect,

commercial transactions, business enterprises or
social and general activities, intellectual

The native of this chart will come up from

the traveling lines, water, liquid career conne-
cting to the travelling, arts, (Kala or through
the things water is connected) .
Weather comes and goes as streams and rivers.
The native will have to overcome worries in his
carrer, inconsistency of work and financial
commitments are the cause of his worries.


Who will secure a job connecting to govern-

ment or benefited from the government authori-
ties, who will prove good administrator in later
. periods.
He will act as king even though if he is
dependant but he is sincere in his work.


The native will be intellectual and commer-

cial minded in careers, accountancy, commerce
and that forms his base for all who has good
circle of friends and is generally a polite


The native will be benefited through banks

Career or through the luxury goods which may be
private or government- this can be judged by the
combination of other planets.


Aries the kingdom, scorpio is the" battle

field. Saturn in Scorpio. Saturn is not intere-
sted in these two signs because where the father
(Sun) is exalted the son cannot show his pride
where the Karma ( the law of duty -work) ends in
the battle field. Therefore Saturn will never
benefit in these two signs.
The native having the Saturn in this 7th
sign, he will work under the control of some of
the concern connecting to the mines, minerals,
engineering, agricultural departments which is
suitable to the native also like electric,
interior developments which are suitable.


The native will have a career connecting to


Persons havingthis combination will have

career connecting with the government, politics,
service in government but success comes after
great struggling.

NOTE: Saturn with Sun or Sun in second house

(sign) to the Saturn's position effects will be
the same in consideration. In some cases if
these two planets are in 7th house to the one
another result will be the same but less powers
are considered.


The native never continue one career in his

life he use to change number of times, who will
never be interested to work hard, and who will
have interest in the field of arts, literature
liquids, water contents, travel pertaining to
his career. He is not supposed to have proper
understanding with his wife and mother but he
will not stay in his father ' s house and colds
and cause effects often bother him. He is a man
of imagination,to be a good author and a bit
lazy too.


Success comes from great obstacles and stru-

gglings where hard word is beneficial.Machinery,
factories, engineering works are beneficial.


Major success is found in business activities

intellectual works, writing, and he is soft and
calm nature, which is his career.


This is one of the best combinations and some

of the great personalities having this combina-
tion are great and who achieve eternal name not
only in society and in this earth.


The native will be gifted in second half of

life. He enjoys good fortune after marriage and
benefits which will come from different sources,
such as banking, good business organisationss,
thrugh luxury articles. The native will become
wealthy one with house and properties. There is
good influence brought up from wife's side.


Saturn is black Dragon Head is shade or the

wheel (chakra). The native having this combina-
tion will have a career connecting films, vehi-
cles, printing presses or in other words it is
anything moving like wheels-or chaya (the shade)
chakra-the wheel.

Saturn and Rahu-Door keeper servant of low



The person or native having this combination

is desparate in life in career because of maxi-
mum work and minimum salary and who will work as
a writing or ordinary worker who enjoys saintly
thoughts. People of this will lead their life in
textiles factory, sewing (tailoring) and medical
departments, Moksha Vrith i.


This is a shadow planet and as we have expla-

ined in the previous lessons this is causative
DUNGEON, VACANT- Top portion of Kala Purusha 's
Roads, Circles, Drywood, dried leather,
godowns plastic.


Lanes, hair, rope, thread, sexual organs,

ppenis and vagina, temple, choultry, prayer h
alf of charity (church)hospitals.
The effects of these two planets are based
through the combinations of remaining planets.
For example, Rahu + Saturn+Venus in Taurus
this denotes Rahu is big, Saturn is work, and
Venus is money. Th is indicates the native works
in big financial fields, or luxurious concerns.
If the same combination in the sign of Artistic
sign of (Moon) for arts, dance, drama, (cancer)

this denotes the native will earn in the film or
ch aya (Photographic) arts.

If the Saturn with Dove-tail is seen this

denotes the native ' s work will be in small or
sacrificing concern-lighting.

If the Jupiter with Dragon-tail and Moon in

Cancer or in Pisces, the native will visit many
holy places or born in a holy place, who will
have divine virtues from his past birth.

The place of birth of native is near a well,

with a lane nearby.

Sun with Venus and Dragon head - The native' s

father will have to meet major accidents or
death within 18 or 38th year of the native and
the native1s father amassed wealth by fraud and
cunning means. This causes the death and death
is nothing but due to evil methods-black magic
and due to females.

In the previous pages we have dealt with the

Karakathwa of Saturr and other planets.

Hereafter in the experimental charts used as

illustrations we have kept Saturn as the basis
for the determination of one's profession.

What is the rashi in which Saturn is located

and what are its qualities? We shall discuss as
follows by suitable illustrative charts.
The profession of the native is generally
determined by the planets which are with Saturn
or in the 7th rashi from Saturn and their Kara-
kathwas. In Chart No, 1 given below we have taken
in consideration the Karakathwas of planets
which are immediately next to Saturn.


Kethu Moon



Mare Rahu Mercury

In this chart immediately next to Karmafcara-

ka Saturn is located mokshakaraka Kethu. Next is
placed. Moon ruling over the mind in exaltation.
This shows that the native was engaged in high
spiritual pursuits. In opposition to Saturn the
determinant of profession is Soun the political
planet which shows that he was also engaged in
politics. But the royal planet Sun is with Venus
his enemy who is not happily placed is Simha
rashi. This shows that he was constantly engaged
in giving solace to the downtrodden and those in
difficulties. In the second rashi to simha where
Sun and Venus are located there are exalted
Mercury who is the planet ruling over intellige-
nce and Jupiter the spiritual planet. It is said

that this is a special combination indicating
high spiritual attainment. To put it in a nut-
shell the chart indicates a spiritual leader of
high calibre engaged in the attainment of moksha
through a mind dedicated to politics and endowed
with high intelligence and exalted intellect.
This is the professional attainment of this
towering personality endowed with spiritual
purusit(Kethu) exalted mental calibre ( exalted
Moon) engaged in politics meant to give solace
to the oppressed and the downtrodden (sun in own
house simha with Venus ) endowed with piercing
intellect (exalted Mercury) and high spiritua-
lity (Jupiter).





Rahu Sun
Mara Jupiter Hoon Mercury

The first planet after Saturn is Kethu in

merchants's (Mercury Rashi) house followed by
money promoter Venus in royal planet sun's house
with exalted Mercury posited in the next rashi.
As a consequence the native is eking out his
livlihood with co-operation in the trade line.

As Venus is located in the 7th rashi from Saturn
and as there is exchange between debilitated Sun
and Venus the native left off from Government
Due to this natural exchange of rashis bet-
ween money promoter Venus and Sun,Venus gets
Thulainsha( strength of own house) . In the 2nd
from Thula there is Jupiter and in the forest
like Dhanur rashi there is Mars associated with
Rahu ( indicating round things ) . As a result the
native cultivates the business of bringing
forest products so useful to the general public
and trading in the same. For example he deals in
cofee seeds (Rahu rules over coffee seeds) a
forest product and costly timber.

Due to mutual exchange involving Vents he

thus earns in 2 ways.

Sun Saturn
Venua Mercury Mars
' Moon


" ,

Profession through organisation
dealing in light

Saturn is in trade rashi Mithuna. In the

second therefrom is energy and machinery indi-
cator Mars. This indicates profession dealing in
machinery. Rahu is the planet indicating light
Moon and Jupiter. Thereby the native earns his
livlihood through machinery and deals in goods
relating to the production of light.

Saturn + Mars + Moon + Rahu + Jupiter

There is mutual exchange between Mars who is

with Saturn and Mercury who is posited in Mesha.
By this the native earns profit through trade.
By this exchange the native earns his livlihood,
through transport of manufactured goods to
different parts of the country.

Saturn Kethu

Jupiter Moon

Sun Venus

Profession through organisation dealing
In machinery of news propogation

Saturn the profession indicator is in Jupit-

er ' s house and Jupiter is with Mars in Saturn ' s
house. Due to mutual exchange between Jupiter
and Saturn, Saturn gets Makaramsha and conjunc-
tion with exalted Mars. Thereby Saturn gets the
amshas of both. Jupiter and Mars indicates
machinery. Saturn is followed by Kethu first
(Kethu indicates Moksha, thread and wire article)
and afterwards as there is Moon indicating news
propogation posited in royal house Simha (indi-
cating Government) it shows that he is the head
of a news machinery propogation organisation.

Saturn-Profession + Jupiter (Honour and presti-

ge) + exalted Mars (Big machinery) tKethu (Mok-
sha wire articles) + mental indication - Moon.

Hoon Sun
Saturn Kethu Mercury

Jupiter Venus


Sun, Mercury and Mars located in Mithuna
indicates city full of people. In that city
behind and forward are Venus and Moon involved
in mutual exchange. Venus-Luxury, Moon - Art;
Kethu- Moksha.

Saturn +Moon+Kethu]
Saturn+Venus+Kethu] in exchange. Thereby he has
adopted the profession of beautifying the city^
Movement, roads, playgrounds. As there is excha-
nge between Jupiter and Saturn Saturn gets
independent prestige. So he follows the profe-
ssion of independent vocation namely contract
work. As there is Jupiter + Saturn + Moon +
Kethu combination in the cyclic order in his
horoscope he is conversant in art, astrology ,
medicine and vedas.

Saturn * Kethu Sun

Moon • Mercury

Jupiter Venua



In this horoscope there is exchange between
Saturn and Jupitr. Along with Saturn is mind
indicator Moon followed by Moksha indicator
Kethu. Saturn - profession +Moon+Kethu, Saturn
gets Jupiter ' s Amsha due to exchange. By this
profession +Juplter+Mind+Moksha the native is a
teacher or Guru teaching people how to attain
In the case of both the chart numbers 5 and 5
it is indicated that they follow their profess-
ion in the royal court quite independently. The
reason for this is that Kethu is second to
Saturn and as Kethu indicates flag behind Kethu
it also indicates its bhanga or cancellation.
N.B:- If Jupiter and Saturn are posited in
adjacent rashis or if these 2 planets are in one
and the same important and prestigious positions
in their profession. But if the 2 planets are
180° apart they will get prestige and honour in
due course.

Mercury Sun
Venua Kethu



Rahu Noon

In this horoscope Saturn posited in Simha
indicates Government service. As Saturn is
followed by Moon posited in Kanya it indicates a
profession involving the mind. As Mars indicat-
ing machinery & Rahu steel are next to Moon he
worked as a teacher in a school run by steel
Mills. As Kethu indicates flag and governmental
connection with exalted Sun indicating Central
Government, he after his short service as a
teacher in the school run by the Steel Mills,
served under the Centrtal Government in the
Audit and Accounts department as the combination
of Venus and Mercury indicates Accounts and
Audit line. Due to the planets Jupiter Saturn
and Moon being posited next to each othrs he
also knows Astrology, Medicine and Philosopohy.


Jupiter Rahu



Ket^u Venus
Ifercury Sun Iloon

In this horoscope Saturn the indicator of
profession is in Kumbha and Mars is in the 7th.
Mars indicates machinery and metals. So it
means vocation relating to machinery. If we
proceed from Saturn in the clockwise direction
we first meet Jupiter in Mesha (indicating
machiner) so it means that he is a teacher in
organisation dealing with machinery.
Mars and Sun involved In mutual exchange as a
consequence of which Saturn gets the aspect of
Sun. As a result he got help from government and
got his factory improved.

In this horoscope there are no planets in the

rashis immediately preceding and succeeding
Saturn. In addition there is the mighty Mars in
the 7th from Saturn (Mars gets special power in
Simha) so he suffered from difficulties in the
beginning to a large extent and achieved impro-
vement in life thereafter.

Saturn + Jupiter + Rahu + Mar + Sun

Can be interpreted as
Profession+Person In Authority+Huge+Machlnerj
or Government

to put it in plain language it means that he is

a person of Authority In a big organisation
dealing with machinery which receiving Govern-
mental aid.


Jupit«r Venus



Mars Saturn

In the Kanya rashi Saturn is located indicat-

ing a profession connected with intelligence and
trade. In the seventh from Mars there is Jupiter
in Mesha indicating Machinery. So interpreting
in symbols.

Vlrgo-SaturtH-Mars+Rahu+Juplter-intelllgence +
Machinery+Big+Person in Authority or putting it
in plain language, it means that he is a person
of Authority in a big machinery organisation.

CHART - 10

Jupiter Saturn Venus Sun




Profession indicator Saturn is in Mesha i.e.

rashi ruling over machinery. So he is having his
profession in a machinery organisation. In the
second from Saturn is Kethu indicating Govern-
ment . As Mesha rules over Central Government it
means that it is a central Government organisa-
tion. As Mesha Saturn is in mutual exchange with
exalted Mars in Makara it means that debilitated
Saturn in Mesha gets defeated by exalted Mars
indicating that he leaves Government service
first. Further when Saturn gets to Makara by
exchange with Mars he gets the 7th aspect of
Karkataka Mercury. Mercury indicates trade,
leaves and food articles and as he is in watery
rashi it means that the head of the organisation
, that deals with food products. Mesha Saturn
the head of the organisation as Meena Jupiter
indicates great honour and prestige.

If there is Saturn in the rashi immediately
preceding or succeeding Jupiter or In the 7th
from Jupiter it indicates that he will be a
person of honour and prestige in the organisa-
tion as for example. Manager, Principal or Head
of the Institution.

In Cyclic order the professional aspect is

follows :

1) Mesha - Saturn+Kethu in 2nd+Saturn in 2nd

from Jupiter = Machinery organisation tfame +
person in Authority.

2) In the second change -

Makara - Saturn tSeventh Mercury (Water Sign)
-Watery sign Saturn = Profession in trade
concern dealing with food products.


Moon Kethu

Mars Venus


Saturn Sun
Rahu Mercury
Here profession indicator Saturn is with
Rahu Indicating metal connection. Th ere is
mutual exchange between Kumbha Mars and Vrishica
Saturn so Mars gets exchange with enemy and
fights with another powerful enemy. As Saturn is
in the rashi indicating a fighting unit, so he
is working in a big (Rahu) fighting organisation
When Saturn due to exchange with Mars gets to
Kumbha he gets the aspect of Jupiter from Simha.
So it indicates that he is working in a govern-
ment defence establishment in a post of honour
and prestige. When Saturn comes to Kumbha where
Mars is located he gets the aspect of Jupiter as
a result , of which he gets promotion in the
previous post and gets change to station ( due
to exchange) . Vrischika Saturn+Rahu+Mars+Simha +
Jupiter = Army, Machinery profession+Big+Sword
Weapons+Prestige & government. As Mars gets
exchange with Saturn and comes to his own rashi
he has to fight with enemies so it means that he
serves in an army unit dealing with ammunition
and weapons.
CHART - 12

L Kethu
Saturn Kethu Venus


Mercury Mars
Sun Venus Rahu

Profession indicator Saturn is in Jupiter's
house Meena indicating an honourable profession.
In the second is Kethu showing Government Profe-
ssion. Then comes Mars and Rahu in Thula, the
rashi governing money. Due' to exchange between
Mars and Venus It meeans that he is in a profe-
ssion dealing with finance and its calculation.


Big organisation.

CHART - 13



Saturn Jupiter
Sun Venus

In this horoscope Saturn is in the house of
machinery. As in the previous there is exchange
between Mars and Saturn. Th is confirm that his
profession relates to metals. Saturn is with
Mercury and Rahu which means that the organisa-
tion deals with machinery and big trade. There
is exalted Moon in the 7th from Saturn indicat-
ing bright and luminous sheets. So he is serving
an organisation dealing with metal ic luminous
sheets manufactured by machinery in the trade
wing. Though Sun is with Saturn Sun is powerless
Saturn does not get Government co-operation.

CHART - 14

Jupitar Kathu


Noon Venua
Mara Sun


In this horoscope there is Mesha Saturn

indicating metals and machinery. As Kethu is
^ I with Saturn it shows Government organisation.
There is exchange between Saturn and Mars.
When Saturn gets his own Rashi he gets conju-
nction with Moon. So it means a profession
involving travelling. So it shows that he will
travel to foreign countries. As Saturn in Makara
due to exchange gets aspect of Mercury it shows
that he will get lot of education relating to
his profession in foreign countries. As Mars
gets exalted it shows that his profession invol-
ves very costly machinery. As Mars is with Moon
and in the 7th there is his deadly enemy Mercury
Mars gets greatly weakened. Due to exchange when
Saturn gets to Maraka water art indicator Moon
and in the 7th (soil) Mercury. So he serves in a
profession dealing with water+soil+(Mars) profe-
ssion dealing with metals i.e. a civil engineer.

Another aspect Saturn Kethu-HMercury+Venus

Sun=Government+Art and intelligence+beauty and
government profession.

CHART - 15

Ifars Saturn nercury


■ Noon
Kethu Venus

Vrishabha Saturn indicates a profession of
luxury and ease. Behind is enemy Mars which
shows that he is being harassed in his profess-
ion. Due to aspect of Mars if shows slight
connection with machinery. Then come Su n and
mercury indicating Governmental connection.

Mars+Saturn+Sun Mercury+exalted Jupiter

Machinery+Profes slon+Government Trade+Pres tige.

Simha Venus and Moon=Government luxury and

art. So he is serving as a civil engineer in
government. As Saturn is hemmed in between enemy
Mars and deadly enemy of Mars i.e. Mercury it
means that he is highly unlucky in his Profe-
ssion .

CHART - 15




L Saturn Kethu

In this horoscope Saturn is in Scorpio and
there are no planets upto Aries. Scorpio indica-
tes a small profession (if Rahu is there it
indicates big ) . As Mars and Kethu are in Aries,
Mars represents Sudras, Kethu roots. Thereafter
in water (Venus in cancer) beautiful articles
are signified. So he is doing business in agri-
cultural products. He has machinery dealing
also. As Jupiter is behind Saturn he is having
independent honourable profession.

CHART - 17



Mercury Rahu

Nars Saturn
Jupiter Moon

Saturn the profession indicator is in the
house of luxury. There is also the mental planet
Moon there. So it shows a career connected with
Luxurious articles. In the second to Saturn is
mental (Mars+Jupiter) Jupiter.

Saturn + Moon + Mars + Jupiter =

Career + News + Machinery + Prestigious
person. So sit indicates radio broadcasting

N.B.: Moon shows art, liquids, food articles &

Mind, but as Moon is followed by Jupiter indica-
ting machinery, it shows broadcasting(radio)

CHART - 18

Hercury Sun
Saturn Mars Rahu Jupiter



Mercury & Saturn show profession connected
with intelligence. After that there is Sun
indicating Government. After that Mars and Moon
indicating machinery. So he is serving in the
Government Commercial department connected with

CHART — 19

Rahu Sun
Noon Venus
liar a Mercury

Jupiter Saturn


In |hls ho^Ascope Saturn is in Leo indicating
Government. As there are no planets in the
preceding and succeeding rashis he suffered for
want of earning. Though Saturn is in Leo indica-
ting earning through Government due to the
reasons already stated he has to follow an
independent career. So he (due to life indicator
Jupiter) during his early life did not have any
career, suffered from difficulties and escaped
from many calamities. Thereafter Saturn has Rahu
indicating big. Moon indicating food crops and
Mars indicating difficult living. So it indica-
tes a profession relating to agricultural machi-
nery. Till now we have, dealt with Engineers,
both civil mechanical.


To find out any new subject there are 2

methods. 1 ) finding out by research 2) finding
out by intuition. To find out any new subject
there is the trial\ and error method. By doing
so, we can achieve this and that is the method
adopted. Many a time there will be failure and
at last there will be success.

For example: There will be a bright and

shining object in mineral deposits. A scientist
studying this will find out how to separate this
mineral from the ore and will succeed in his
attempt. This is research.

There is another superior method

2) BY INTUTION: This is a special faculty. Some

people are adept in' this and can tell what is
what iiranediately. This is known as telepathy.
Many Indian Swamis and Saints are experts in
this devine art. That a person will get a job
under Government that another person will get
hidden wealth the following month, th at a third
person will get a male issue, in future a bra-
hmin born in a particular locality will be
instrumental in removing the drought condition
there and will render it highly fertile are
predictions given by this divine intuitive

CHART - 20




Sun Mercury Venue Hare

In this horoscope profession indicator Saturn

is in Cancer with Rahu. So he is engaged in

(Cancer mind/7watery rashi) big mental profe-

ssion. To enter Leo rahi planets will have to
proceed through cancer. Leo indicates Government
So it means he is engaged in a career in a royal
place near the place ' s doors. Mars is in Mercu-
ry's rashi and Mercury is in Mars rashi. So
there is mutual exchange between Mars and Mer-
cury. These 2 Planets are mutual deadly enemies
and are always engaged in bitter quarrel. In
between them the beautiful round faced Venus is
entangled. The Libra rashi indicates the 2 pans
of weighing balance and Venus the finance indi-
cator is there. So it means he is engaged in a
profession dealing 'with financial calculation
and he is an expert in financial management.
Along with Jupiter is Mercury the indicator of
intelligence. So it means that he is highly
clever and intelligent.


Rahu Moon


Jupiter Kethu

This native is highly intelligent and he has
achieved several marvelous works by his superior
intelligence. He is renowned for his great
divine intuitive power and knows all abnout the
past and future of the world.

Aquarius where Saturn is posited indicates

the abode of Eswara the Supreme Diety. As Shiva-
rupa Saturn is with intelligence indicator
Mercury and secret Councellor Venus.

Eswara rashi+shivamsha+Intelligence+ Secret

Councellor means a person gifted with very
superior intellectual capacities. In addition th
ere is Moksha-karaka Kethu in exaltation place
of Mercury indicating intelligence. The combina-
tion of Mercury and Venus also shows special
intelligence. In this horoscope Sun who with
Rahu is weak and Jupiter who is with Mars is
highly powerful and emotional.
CHART - 22




liars Jupiter
Saturn Moon

This is a female horoscope. Profession indi-
cator Saturn Is in Machinery indicating Vrischi-
ka rashi. Thereafter there is Mercury indicating
trade followed by Sun and Venus showing Govern-
ment money.

Vrischika Saturn+Mars+Mercury+Sun+Venus+Kethu
(flag) in Rendra Mesha » Machinery +Trade+
Government+Money+flag = profession in a Central
Government prestigious machinery organisation.

N.B. ; If there is Venus after Sun it indica-

tes Government money. If there is Venus behind
Sun it shows merely Government Co-operation.

CHART - 23

Jupiter Kethu


Noon liars

Rahu Sun
Vanua Harcury

In this horoscope 1) there is exchange bet-
ween Saturn and Moon.

2) Exchange between Sun and Mars.

3) Exchange between Jupiter and Venus. It is

said that such wonderful horoscope combinations
occur one in a crore. Here there is Saturn
profession indicator in the house of arts. In
the second royal house Simha there is Mars. So
it means that the planet ruling over art (Moon)
is at door of the royal court. Again as due to
exchange between Mars and Sun, it happens that
Sun comes second to Saturn it means profession
in royal court. As Saturn thus moves both in and
out of the arc between dragon's Head (Rahu) and
Dragon' s tail (Kethu) , it means that the native

travels both in his native country and foreign
countries earning lot of fame and prestige. As
there is the deadly enemy Mars (Mars in Simha)
in the second to profession indicator Saturn it
means that there were tremendous obstructions to
his profession. As there is exchange for Saturn
and also for Mars who is in the second from
Saturn it shows that the native was constantly
changing his profession. But one definite thing
is that the he clung to politics throughout, due
to the reason that Cancer or Karka taka rashi
happens to be the portals of the royal court and
there is mutual exchange between Sun and Mars.


Nars Rahu



Profession indicator Saturn Is located on the

doorsteps of the royal court followed by flag
indicator Kethu, Jupiter and Moon. As Sun is
exalted in Mesha it means that he is a high

Central Government dignitary.

CHART - 25

Jupiter Rahu Moon



Nercury Sun Venus

Kethu Saturn

In this horoscope Saturn is in Virgo indicat-

ing trade. But as flag indicator Kethu and Sun
follow Saturn it means that he gets as much fame
as a King.

CHART - 26

Mercury Venue Rahu


Kethu Saturn Moon

Here in this horoscope there is Saturn in
Tula, then Kethu indicating flag i.e.. Govern-
ment and the Jupiter with Sun. This shows that
he is leading a life involving a profession of
luxury and prestige in Government.

CHART - 27

Hars Mercury Rahu Moon


Saturn Kethu

In this horoscope Jupiter is in Saturn's

house and Saturn in Jupiter's house. As profe-
ssion indicator Saturn is having mind indicator
Moon in the seventh and as Kethu is behind
Saturn it is said that he is spiritually incli-
ned. As Mars is in Jupiter's house Mars acts as
Jupiter's servant. As Eswara rules over Kumbha
and life indicator Jupiter and profession indi-
cator Saturn get mutual exchange it means that
is having lot of enemies due to presence of
Its in Meena.

CHART - 28




Jupiter Noon

In this horoscope there is Saturn in the

house of treasury. Thula which also indicates a
house of secret counsel with Moon(mind indicator
is Jupiter in his own house Dhanus followed by
indicator of salvation or Moksha Kethu.

Saturn +Hoon+Jupiter+Kethu=Professlon+Mind+
Teacher+Moksha, So his profession is to correct
the people' s minds and divert the same towards
attainment of salvation or Moksha. As thre is
mutual exchange between Moon and Venus it is
said that the person is a teacher in art where
women are taught. The person is the director of
Sixi; organisation which guides women and gives
education to them.

CHART - 29


Saturn Kethu


Hoon Jupiter

For this native profession indicator Saturn

is in Eswara lagna Kumbha. First, after Saturn
there is Venus which indicates some secret
matters. Then comes Mars and Mercury (both
mutual deadly enemies) then Sun(King), Kethu
(flag). This shows that the person is serving in
a Government organisatioon dealing with calcula-
tion. Afterwards there is Jupiter who is in the
house of intellect (Kanya rashi-Mercury1s rashi)
indicating a profession relating to mind. This
indicates that the person was serving in a
secret organisation first, secondly in a Govern-
ment organisation dealing with calculation of
accounts and than a profession involvingo corre-
ction of the mind.


In this horoscope there is mutual exchange

between Jupiter and Saturn. Saturn is followed
by Mokshakaraka Kethu and Moon in the house of
Medicine and liquids.

CHART - 30

Saturn Kethu


Venue Mare
Mercury Sun Moon

There is mutual exchange between Mars and

Venus Mars- Weapons Instruments etc., Venus =
handsomeness. So it indicates a person who is
well versed in Surgery.

CHART - 31

Kethu Sun Venus Mars


Saturn Jupiter Rahu

There is Mercury in Jupiter's house Meena

(debilitated Mercury) and Moshakaraka Kethu.

Dhanur Saturn + Debilitated Mercury+Kethu+Sun

+ Venus.

Jupiter » profession+Mentally deficient +

Moksha (Solace) giving + Government + Monetary

So it indicates profession in a Government

medical institution giving Solace to mental
patients i.e. a doctor in a mental hospital.

No.32: Profession indicator Saturn is in secret

Minister Venus ' s house, with him is Venus with
intellectual Mercury. So it means that he is a
teacher dealing with occult knowledge and medir
cine. There is Rahu of rakshasa am sha in the
second then Mokshakataka Kethu and Moon in

CHART - 32

Kethu Moon

Rahu Mercury Mars


a reputed teacher who is an expert in occult
knowledge and medicine.

Saturn with Merrcury=Money through lands

Saturn with Venus=Financial matters so this
shows that he is having a doctor's profession
involving financial transactions and land impro-
vement, thus indicating three professions simul-

So far we have discussed many horoscopes. But

their lagnas and nakshatras have not been taken
into account. Now the question arises as to
whether when persons are born on the same date

they follow one and the same profession.

By studying the following 3 horoscopes we can

find out how the profession is determined in
each case.

1) Dr.G.A.born on 8.6.1928=Jupiter+Saturn+
Moon, Kethu, Sun, Mercury.

2) G.R.born 22*-6-1938=Juplter+Saturn+Kethu

3) G.K.born 9-10-1938=JupitertSaturn Moont

Kethu. These ate the Planetary combinations of
the three persons.

CHART - 33

Sun Venus
Saturn Kethu lercury

Born on 8-6-38

Rahu Moon

The first person served in Government first,
left it and followed a doctor's profession. So
he served in Government(SUN+KETHU). There is
exchange between Mercury and VEnus. So it means
that Mars and Mercury are together which indica-
tes struggle and strife. So his profession is
that of a doctor.

CHART - 34

Saturn Noon Kethu Hereury

Jupiter Venua
Born on 22-6-38


The second person was first independent then

a government employee and lastly following the
profession of an independent Psychologist cum
occult teacher Jupiter/Saturn+Moon+Kethu+Sun
Meercury Mars+Art Venus (Venus in Moon's house) .

CHART - 35

Moon Kethu

Born on 9-10-38


Venus Rahu Mercury

No.35: In the horoscope profession indicator

Saturh is with Mind indicator Moon. There is
mutual exchange between Saturn and Jupiter. So
it means that Jupiter is as through in pisces a
watery sign with Moon. It means that he follows
a profession in distant countries.


Which means that he is a teacher correcting

people's minds In foreign countries.

Chart No. 36

Saturn Jup.



Nercu. Mars Noon

In this horoscope there is a mutual exchange

between Jupiter who is located second to Saturn
and Mercury. So it means that he earns money in
two ways. Saturn being retrograde is aspecting
Mars the indicator of machinery. Mars is aspect-
ing Saturn being located in his own rashi Vris-
chika. So this means that his profession is
something connected with energy and machinery.

As there is Jupiter located next to Saturn it

indicates that the person is in a profession
involving honour, prestige and power. As Mercury
comes to the place where Jupiter is located due
to mutual exchange It also shows that he is
doing some business relating to education and
commerce as subsidiary business.

Further as Venus is located in 7 from lagna
being associated with Jupiter and Mercury it
also indicates that his wife gets monetary
gains. During argument between rishies, the
point has arisen that as there is mutual excha-
nge between Mercury associated with Venus loca-
ted in the 7th rashi and Jupiter the native ' s
wife must be having Clandestine affairs with
some other person for secret pleasure. But as
there is the mighty Planet Sun representing
father and energy associated with Venus and
Mercury it shows that there is no room for any
immoral dealings. The rishis have clarified

When Jupiter comes to Dhanus where there is

the combination of Sun. Mercury and Venus as
soul indicator Jupiter get together it indicates
that his wife is of a philosophical bent of

For the native of this horoscope as there is

Jupiter in the Second to profession indicator
Saturn it means that he is a person enjoying
Power and Prestige. When Saturn comes to Vrisha-
bha again (in his 30-31 years of age) due to
mutual exchange between Jupiter and Mercury,
Mercury a feminine Planet stands alone. One of
the rishis smilingly remarks that due to this
the native of horoscope becomes friendly with a
woman when he assumes power. To this every one
will laugh.

Chart No .-37



Iloon Saturn

In this horoscope as profession indicator

Saturn is in the rashi of Mercury it shows that
he is working in an organisation dealing with
accounts and financial transactions. After
Saturn the first Planet located in the horoscope
is debilitated Moon indicating that he associa-
tes himself with low grade people and gets a bad
name thereby. Thereafter as there is mutual
exchange between Moon and Mars he gets a bad
name in his professional field due to enemity
and scandal. Between his 30th and 33rd year of
age he gets into great difficulties. But as both
Jupiter and Venus aspect Moon from the 7th it is
quite natural to expect enemity and scandals.
But they pass off without doing any harm. As
there is Moon first after Saturn followed by
Rahu afterwards it is said that the native gets
deceived by several cheats.

Chart No .38




Mars Rahu
Satu rn Jup.

In this horoscope Saturn the profession indi-

cator is in the rashi of Jupiter with enemy
Mars. So it shows that he was working in a
machinery organisation first, left it eventually
to take up work in a financial institution
dealing with Industrie's Saturn (Career) Plus
lihecs (industries) plus Venus (Finance)- profe-
ssion in Industrial Bank.

CHART - 39



Saturn Rahu

In the case of the native of Chart No.39 the

Profession indicator Saturn is in the house of
machinery. So he works in a factory. As Saturn
is between Rahu and Kethu nearest' Planet being
Rahu he is serving in a big factory. Thereafter
there is Moon with Kethu. As Kethu indicates
secrecy,he left his first factory j ob and took
up secret trade, due to exchange between Moon
and Mars, even this job gets hindered. As Moon
indicates clandestine dealings it means that he
deals with foreign goods and foreign currency.
As Moon who comes after Saturn gets exchange and
goes to Cancer where Venus is located, it means
that he gets monetary gains from illicit trade
and women. It also means that he gets the plea-
sure through Money and Women.

CHART - 40


Jupiter Saturn

Venus Sun Mercury

In this horoscope Profession indicator Saturn

is in the royal Simha rashi with brothers indi-
cator Mars. So he was doing work in association
with his brothers. Though Simha rashi indicates
government, as Sun is debilitated being located
in Thula and Mars is very powerful in Simha, due
to quarrels amongst his brothers there was
professional setback to him.

There is Moon second to Saturn indicating

attractive grey things and Kethu showing thread.
Due to the influence of Mercury his profession
is connected with Commerce and grey things. So
he is doing business as a Cloth dealer. Due to
the influence of Moon and exalted Mercury it
shows a profession involving great mental joy
leading to salvation.

CHART - 41



Venus Saturn


Saturn plus Moon plus Kethu plus Mercury com-

bination shows a profession connected with
clothes. Telephones and Mental pleasure.
In this horoscope Saturn is in Simha, which
means that he is serving in the royal court. As
thre is Jupiter in the 7th from Saturn it shows
that his work involves Power and Prestige. As
there is salvation indicator Kethu second to
Saturn it means that being located in the house
of mind it indicates Philosophy. Mars indicates

As Mercury is in the 7th from Mars it shows

th at he is in government organisation of legal
department. This combination indicates that he
is highly skilled in the difficult art of argu-
ment .
CHART - 42




Jupitar Venus Mercury

In this horoscope Saturn is in the royal

|house of Simha with Moon there itself. But there
Pys Saturn's deadly enemy Mars just behind him.

So Saturn plus Moon plus Mars plus Kethu plus

Sun indicates government plus liquids plus life
I plus Trade plus Moksha plus important which
sans that he is serving in a government chou-
ltry where food is served also a hotel serving
fcod and drinks to customers.

CHART - 43

Venus Moon
Mercury Jupiter



Mars Saturn

Here profession indicator Saturn is in Kanya

the house of trade and coiranerce of private
organistion. In the 7th there from is exalted
Venus and debilitated Mercury. Th is shows that
is working in an organisation dealing with
beautif ication ( Mars in Thula-Thula indicates
beauty) .

Actually he is working in a firm dealing with

beautiful products namely electronic goods as a
products Engineer. As Jupiter is between Rahu
and Kethu being life indicator it shows that he
is serving in a foreign country as Saturn is
outside Rahu and Kethu. As Jupiter is with
motion indicator Moon and Central Government
indicator exalted Sun, it means that the elec-
tronic organisation of Central government. As

Mars is second to Saturn being aspected by
exalted Sun (with Jupiter) it indicates that his
job involves* lot of Prestige and honour.

Lagna Kethu


Rahu Saturn Sun

Mars Venus Mercury

In this horoscope Saturn is in the house of

treasury Thula exalted with finance indicator
Venus. First after Saturn comes Mars indicating
hinderance to his job. Thereafter comes the
shadowy Planet Rahu then exalted Moon ( high
art ) . So it means that he is working in an
organisation dealing with high shadowy art work.
Saturn Plus Venus Plus Mars Plus Rahu Plus Moon
Plus Kethu Plus Profession Plus Money. Hinder-
ance plus Shadowy Nature Plus high art involving
Profits. Actually he is working in an organisa-
tion dealing with Cinema Photography.

CHART - 45

Lagna Vsnua Sun Nara


Rahu Saturn

In this horoscope there is exalted Saturn

showing high earnings Seventh therefrom is
finance indicator Venus showing great financial
gains. Rahu comes first after Saturn and then
Venus. So profession plus Big plus Money Saturn
plus Rahu plus Venus means that he is having an
independent profession one of independence and
high profits namely Money lending and dealer of
luxury goods.

Profession is one of independence and high

profits namely Money lending and dealer of
luxury goods.


Jupiter Mercury Mars Venus



Moon Kethu


In this horoscope there are no Planets eithei

immediately behind or in front of Saturn. So he
is professionally completely independent. Further
as Jupiter is in the 7th to Saturn it means that
his profession is one of independence honour and
prestige. After Saturn comes Moon which indica-
tes that he deals with Victuals, then Rahu
indicating big plus Jupiter indicating living
beings. Actually he is serving as a leading
merchant in wholesale trade of Ch ocolates and

Chart No. 47

Sun Saturn
Mer. Venus

Mars Noon
Born on 22.6.38 Rahu


In this horoscope Saturn with Venus shows

financial gains. First after Saturn in the house
of arts there its life indicator Jupiter and
Rahu Indicating big things. Here Moon is in the
sky and Rahu in Co s omo s. So it means that the
work involves the public, i.e. Telephone opera-
tor 1 s job, relay of art programme over TV and
Radio giving great joy to the listners and

CHART - 48




Sun Jupiter
Kethu Nercury Venus

In this horoscope as Saturn is with Rahu it

means that he is incurring huge Karma. As Saturn
is in Mercury's house it means that he is enga-
ged in business. In the second therefrom in a
watery sign is Mars (relating to agricultural
operations or extracting energy from water) .
Thereafter comes Moon who rules over liquids in
the royal house Leo. By this he ekes out his

Gem In i+Satu rn+Rahu+Cancer Mars+Leo Moon=Busi-

ness+Big+Energy from liquids+Royal.

Which means that he is serving in a govern-
ment department dealing with business in food
articles both solid and liquid. Saturn with Rahu
has to meet debilitated Mars first and then
Moon. This foretells that he has left off his j
ob twice due to many difficulties and hardships
and even humiliation (due to Moon's influence)
and finally has taken up a definite profession
i.e. the present job.

CHART - 49

Saturn Kethu


Jupiter Sun
Nars Nercury |Venue

Saturn is in the house of life (Jupiter)

indicator. First after Saturn is Kethu. This
indicates that at first he has undergone many
difficulties as a recluse. Then comes Moon in
the house of motion and liquids. So this shows
that he had to undertake useless wanderings.
Then comes Venus in Mercury's business indicat-
ing house. So putting two and two together it
means that he was from place to place and there-

by getting profits. Though it is said that
Kethu's location in Venus's house indicates the
life of a recluse it also indicates that he gets
profits from transportation of luxury goods.

Venus is located in the 7th house from Saturn

Further there is a mutual exchange between Venus
and Mercury. This clearly shows that he is
engaged in the profession of transporting luxury
goods from place to place, i.e. movement of
costly goods from one place to another getting

As Kethu comes first after Saturn and then

Moon it is said that he has been the victim of
many cases of losses and deception. This is
because both Kethu Moon and are not compatible
with Saturn first. Finally they become quite
CHART - 50

Lasna Jupiter
Mercury Suit Venufij Kethu

Rahu Saturn

In this chart Saturn is located in the machi-
nery house being subjected to the combined
aspect of Jupiter and Venus. It is said there-
fore that he is a respected figure or a guru in
Metals, i.e. he is having a respectable career
in metals. Further as there is the combination
of Rahu, Mars and Moon in the 2nd from Saturn it
indicates that it is blg+Machinery+motion. Due
to aspect of Jupiter with Venus it means that by
big machinery of motion, he is leading a life of
financial affluence.

CHART - 51

Ventfs Jupiter Hare



Mdoh Saturn

In this chart Saturn is in Virgo the house of
intelligence. This means that he is in a profe-
ssion involving brain work. The Lord of Virgo,
Mercury is with salvation and justice indicator
Kethu in mind indicator Moon which means that he
will derive profit through legal matters.

First after Saturn comes Moon then Rahu.

Further the planets indicating finance are
between Rahu and Kethu. Profession indicator
Saturn and Moon (debilitated) are outside this

This shows that he has to eke out his livli-

hood in foreign countries. After SAturn (Profe-
ssion) first comes Moon (Motion) , then Rahu
(big), then Venus (finance). This indicates that
he has to engage in a profession in a foreign
land. Saturn being located in friend's house
gets strengthened. Due to the 7th house aspect
of Jupiter Moon also gets strengthened though
debilitated, then comes Rahu indicator of big-
ness. This foretells that he is following profe-
ssion in a big foreign country with honour and
prestige. As Mercury is in the 11th house from
Saturn it shows that he is an expert in legal
matters. As his Karma (Saturn) and, mind (Moon)
are outside Rahu Kethu it means that he will
prosper only in a foreign land.

CHART - 52

Sun Kethu
Nercury Mara Jupiter

Venua Koon

Rahu Saturn

In Chart No.54 explained already Mercury is

with Kethu. But in the present Chart NO. 55
Mercury is in Jupiter's house and Jupiter is in
Mercury's house. This means that there is Mutual
exchange between Jupiter and Mercury. This means
that Mercury gets combined with Kethu.As Jupiter
is the causative planet of life and wisdom and
is in relation with Mercury it means that Jupi-
ter+Mercury=Guide+Wisdom or Guide of Guides. Due
to mutual exchange Jupiter gets the conjunction
of Sun indicating Soul. This means that the
native will attain high status and position as a
judge. He is as a consequence highly intelligent
an expert in legal jurisprudence and attains
high eminence in his field.

First after Saturn comes Rahu, then Venus

(Posited in Aquarius being Eashwara lagna) which
shows that he is occupying a high position as

guru or spiritual teacher. Lastly comes Moon,
which indicates that he will travel to distant
lands but comes and settles in hisi own country
CHART - 53


Saturn Sun
Born 1935


Rahu Moon

In this chart finance indicator Venus is in

the royal house of Simha. Seventh from Venus is
profession indicator Saturn. This means he will
have financial gain through roayal patronage.
There is no planet immediately before or after
Saturn and Saturn is being aspected by Venus
located in royal Simha. As Venus is alone in
Simha it is said that the native leads the life
of a queen in a king' court. He is having a
profession involving honour and prestige. As
Mars indicator of motion is with Moon indicator
of motion and Jupiter indicating life it means
that his profession is that which involves

travelling, prestige, h onour and financial gain
through royal favour.

As Kethu comes after Saturn first it means

that he will face many difficulties and least
gain and thereafter due to Mercury, Sun combina-
tion a little better. Finally he will attain
great prosperity. When during transit Saturn
comes to Simha he will get lot of financial
gains. When Saturn reaches Thula he will have
great prosperity. Due to the location of Jupiter
in Thula every thing will end happily. The
native is a high dignitary in government trans-
port organisation having many vehicles.

CHART - 54

Mercury Jupiter

Born 1950


Moon Kethu

Chart No. 55 had Venus in the 7th to Saturn.
But here profession indicator Saturn himself is
in royal Simha rashi which indicate that he is
having a profession in the royal court. Second
to Saturn is Kethu indicator of flag. This Kethu
is surrounding energy indicator Mars. Then comes
Moon being aspected by Jupiter, both Moon and
Jupiter aspecting each other. As a result he is
serving in a government Department dealing with
light and energy.

CHART - 55

Venus Sun Jupiter Mars




In this horoscope there is mutual exchange

between Venus and Jupiter. So Saturn located in
Venus's rashi has the support of all the 3
planets Venus, Jupiter and Mercury. To put this
in the form of an equation Saturn Jupiter/Venus
Mercury :
Profession+Prestige/Money+Accounts and Comm-
Due to location of exalted Sun behind Saturn
he is in Central Government Service. Jupiter
indicates life and Venus females and finance.
Due to mutual exchange of these 2 planets he is
working in a central government organisation,
where both men and women will be engaged in
travelling. Saturn conjuct Jupiter/Venus+Mercury
combination Indicates that the person is highly

CHART - 55

Rahu Lasna


Sun Kethu Jupiter

Nara noon Venus

In this horoscope as profession indicator

Saturn is in a moveble rashi, so it is said that
he is serving in a place away from his native
place or engaged in travelling. First after
Saturn comes Venus and Jupiter combination,
which shows that he is working in a bank as
Jupiter is in Vrishabha rashi indicating tre-

To put in the form of an equation Saturn +
Venus + Jupiter combination shows bank j oh and
afterwards acquisition of power.
CHART - 57

Kethu V enua



. ,r

In this horoscope though Saturn is in the

royal rashi of Simha as Sun the Lord of Simha is
in Gemini with his enemy Venus and Saturn with
his enemy Moon it is said that there is no
Government service for him. Due to the location
of Saturn in the rashi of Pitrukaraka Su n i.e.
father' s house with Mon it shows that he knows
art and medicine. Thereafter comes Thula Rahu
with Shakthi indicator Mars. Afterwards comes
Kethu, Venus and Sun. As Rahu indicates the
cosmic energy it shows that he earns through the
worship of deities.

As Jupiter along with Mercury is in the rashi
of mind indicator Moon it shows that he is well
versed in Psychology, arts and Astrology. So he
is an Astrologer engaged in the worship of God.

CHART - 58

Moon Kethu Venus

liars Mercury


Rahu Saturn Lafina

In this horoscope Saturn is exalted. First

after Saturn comes Rahu thereafter energy indi-
cator Mars. Mars is being aspected by Jupiter.

(Jupiter in Simha:Royal Jupiter) . Then comes

Moon. Both Mars and Moon are hemmed in between
cosmic indicators Rahu and Kethu, which means
that he is in a profession relating to energy &
light under Government. As Saturn has Moon
located in the 7th rashi Mesha from Saturn it
indicates that his job involves movement consta-
ntly i.e. frequent transfers.





Sun Venus
Mercury Saturn Mars

In this horoscope Saturn conjuct Sun indica-

tes governmental connection. Both Mercury and
Mars are fighting with Virgo based Venus (both
are deadly enemies) due to mutual exchange
between them is the Saturn Sun combination
showing Governmental affairs. Venus shows Wine
and such sweet substances and Mercury trade.
Venus also indicates intoxicants and finance. So
he is serving in a government job of accounts in
maintenance a concern dealing with honey and
wine etc.


Sun liars
Saturn nercury Venus

Jupiter Lafina



There is mutual exchange between Jupiter and

Saturn in this horoscope which shows that he is
serving in a prestigious job.l Exalted Sun is
second to Saturn indicating Central Government
job. Then comes Mars and Kethu indicating arms
and army and Venus finance indicator is located
there in Vrishabha. Actually he is employed in
the army in a responsible job involving honour
and prestige.

CHART - 61

Saturn Kathu

Jupitar Venua

Noon Mercury-

Mara Sun

In this horoscope Meena Saturn is being

aspected by Kanya Sun. So it means that he is
serving in the royal court and SAturn has flag
and wine indicator Kethu next thereafter Venus
in Chandra's rashi indicating job in telecommu-
nication air. Aeroplane etc. So it means he is
serving in a Government concrn like H.A.L. ,
where there is trade and commerce in Aeroplanes,
luxury goods etc. This is due to the aspect of
news indicator Moon over luxury indicator Venus.


Except Rahu and Kethu other planets are

subject to mutual exchange of houses. This
aspect has not been explained in detail in this
book. No other astrological work so far publi-
shed has dealt with this aspect. Only Vargothama
position of planets has been discussed. But more
than Vargothama position wonderful effects are
attributed to mutual exchange phenomena of

We are daily coming across several unbelieva-

ble happendings in the world such as
1) A confirmed thief becoming honourable
citizen after some time.
2 ) A prostitute loving a single male and
marrying him after some time.
3) Family people indulging in adultery.
4) After the departure of one official ano-
ther official more stubborn and quarrel-
some occupy ing his position etc.

For explaining all these diverse pohenomena

on the basis of facts described in the Nadi
Astrology works, the following horoscopes are




Kethu Venua

Mara Mercury


In this horoscope profession indicator Saturn

is the thief ' s house with Rahu in the second
therefrom is Venus. So it means he makes money
frcm deception during night time. He can Indulge
in this thieving habit even in Government depar-
tment due to the location of Venus in the royal
house of Simha. There is mutual exchange of h
ouses between Saturn and Moon each occupying the
other's rashi. So when SAturn comes to Kumba, it
is as though he gets combined with Jupiter. Due
to this in the second half of his life he shines
as a person of great prestige and honour. As
Kethu indicating flag and royal patronage is
behind this combination and as the second there-
from is aspected by exalted Mercury and Sun it
indicates that he gets much fame in the society.

CHART - 62



2nd Hoon
Saturn Rahu

Kara Mercury


In this horoscope as Venus, theif indicator

Moon and demon indicator Rahu are together in
Simha lagna, because Venus is subject to such
huge affliction she was forced to indulge in
adultery. But as there is mutual exchange bet-
ween Sun and Venus each occupying the other's
rashi, it is as though the combination gets the
added association of the 4th and the 9th lord
Mars. In addition due to the mutual exchange of
Sun and Venus the significance will be Thula
Venus+MarstJupiter1s aspect from Aries combina-
tion indicates immoral character.

Venus+MarstJupiter's aspect indicates an

honest and chaste woman. Both effects are expe-
rienced by the native of the horoscope.
CHART - 63

Saturn Kethu Mercury

Jupitar Hare
3rd B





Saturn Kethu Mercury

Jupiter Moon
3rd B


In this case of Makara lagna birth the seventh
Lord Moon is debilitated in Vrischika. Further
the 4th and 11th Lord Mars is debilitated in
Kataka. So there is mutual exchange between
debilitated Moon and debilitated Mars in this
horoscope. So her husband (debilitated Mars
baling in exchange with debilitated Moon) gets
humilitated by his low character wife and commit
suicide by falling in to a well (Moon &Rahu:well)

Thereafter when moon goes to his own rashi as

in the chart 3rd B after mutual exchange the
thief Indicator Moon combines with Venus. So
when Venus combines with Mars as in Ch art 3rd A
she leads a chaste family life and when Venus
combines with Moon due to mutual exchange as in
Chart 3B it indicates loss of chastity.

CHART - 65


Lagna Moon

Venus Saturn Kethu


Due to Makara lagna with Saturn happens to be

both lagnadhipathi and the second Lord and 18
located in the 10th. In the second there from is
the combination of Sun, Venus and Mercury as the
second indicates profits the organisation were
he is serving was full of honour prestige and
peaceful. Thereafter as Mars is in Suns house
and Sun in Mars house due to Mutual exchange it
as though Mars in his own h OUS e. So it means
that the officer gets transferred and somebody
else comes in his place. The New officer is
indicated by Mars. Now Mercury+Mars+Venus combi-
nation in Vrischika is indicated due to mutual
exchange of places between Mars and Sun. Now as
Mars & Mercury are mutual deadly enemies it
indicates that there is lot of quarrel and mis-
understanding in the organisation where he is
serving. Profession indicator SAturn has his
deadly enemy Mars in the second which shows that
the native of the horoscope has been subject to
lot of harassment at the hands of the officer
who has come in the place of the first officer.

When Mars was in Simha there was their indi-

cator Moon along with him. So it is said that
the officer was exhibiting indecent behaviour
even previoiusly and is continuing to do so even
here so, so many such suitable things come to
light when the horoscope are examined in depth

involving mutual exchange _


Some officials get deputation temporarily due

to retrogression of planets. For example, Vris-
chika Saturn gets retrograde and joins Thula his
place of exaltation temporarily. Another example
is when Mars is in Kataka debilitated and Jupi-
ter situated in Simha due to retrogression goes
back to Kataka his place of exaltation to join
debilitated Mars. This means that the lowly Mars
get strengthened due to association with the
divine and prestige indicating planet Jupiter
whose cooperation Mars will now get.

All these diverse factors have been carefully

taken into account in the predictive part of
Nadi Astrology.
CHART - 66

Mercury Rahu Venue Moon


Jupiter Kethu Lafina


In this horoscope Saturn has debilitated Mars

with him in Kataka, which means that due to
association with low class people he suffered
lot of harassment in his profession. Th ereafter
comes Kethu showing lot of effort and renuncia-
tion due to desperation arising out of unfulfi-
lled ambition. Then comes Jupiter in Dhanus
having rasadhipathi Moon in the 7th therefrom in
commercial house Mithuna. This show that he has
profession involving motion liquid and leaves.

Saturn+Mars=llquid motion house+salvationt

Jupiter+leaves grown In water=profession invol-
ving salvation and medicine.

Chart No.68

CHART - 68

Saturn Venue Mercury Lagna

Jupiter Moon


In this horoscope there is mutual exchange

between Saturn & Jupiter. Due to this Saturn
gets the benign influence of Jupiter the planet
indicating honour and prestige.
As finance indicator VEnus in 11 the house of
profit in Mesha indicating CEntral Government he
earns money by service under CEntral Government.
Thereafter as there is mutual exchange bet-
ween Mars and Venus, it means machinery and
fire. Rahu is a planet spitting fire. So his
profession has connections with all these things
Rahu and Kethu have all planets except Mars
and Moon hemmed in between them. So it means
that he is serving in a machinery organisation
transporting passengers and spitting smoke and
fire i.e. Railways.
Saturn+Venus/Mars. Mars(fire) from the mouth
of Rahu. As Venus money indicator is in 11 lagna
asthana it means that he earns money by service
under Railways.

CHART - 69

Jupiter Sun
Kethu Saturn Venus


Lagna IlAra Moon

In this horoscope, as Jupiter is with profe-

ssion indicator SAturn the person is in an
honourable job. After Saturn Jupiter combination
first comes Sun. and then Venus (Suin Father,
Government) which shows that VEnus combination
is in the commercial rashi Gemini, it shows that
his father is in business. Finance indicator
Venus has Mars atid. Mercury in the second. Mars
Indicates machines Mercury soft things and
Kataka rashi water. Further Mars Mercury combi-
nation shows strifes and quarrels.

There is mutual exchange between Mercury and

Moon located in Virgo, which means that Moon
Governing liquids is in own house. Kataka^ater
sign. Mars=Machines Mercury®!eaves or soft
things. Rahu in Kanya=Mouth Virgo Moon=Tasty

eatables and Mercury shows leaves and outer
skin. This means that the native, by means of
his father 1 s machinery is removing outer bank
and manufacturing eatables out of vegetables.
CHART - 7 0




noon nercury

In this horoscope B the profession indicator

Saturn is in his own rashi. Rahu shows gaping
mouth. Both Rahu and Kethu have occupied the
whole cosmos. Behind Saturn is located art
indicator Moon. So this means that he is earning
by illuminating darkness through art and people
are waiting to see the illumination by paying
their hard earned money. Thula is the rashi of
finance & Venus is there. So this indicates that
he will get lot of money.
The combination of Sun+Mercury+Juplter+Venus
shows that he is doing his work in a big city

where there is lot of population. The indicator
of art is the combination of Saturn and Moon one
behind the other. As the Moon is behind Sun
Mercury Venus. Jupiter combination it means that
people will spend money and rush to see the
illumination of darkness through art exhibition
and the native of the horoscope is working in
such an organisation.

CHART - 71

Kethu Mars
Saturn Mercury Venus



Rahu Moon

In this horoscope C there is mutual exchange

between Jupiter and Saturn which shows that he
is in a prestigioius job. As Saturn is in Jupi-
ter's house this\ is so. Also it indicates that
his profession is concerned with medical or
teaching line involving power.

After Saturn come Kethu and then Mercury &

Sun which means that • he is serving near the door
of a king's palace. But as there is mutual
exchange between Saturn and Jupiter and as first
after SA turn we get Jupier, it means that he is
for the second time dosing the work of a doctor
and teacher and that is quite independent.
Saturn+Kethu+Mercury+Sun profession in a
king's court. SaturntJupiter (Mutual exchange)3"
Teacher's profession. Further Venus & Mars
combination followed by Moon & Rahu shows that
whatever he earns will be spent.
And that he will resign from Government job
and take up the independent doctor' s j ob.

CHART - 72

Venua Sun Moon

Mercury Mars Jupiter




In this horoscope D as profession indicator
Saturn is in Venus house it means that his
profession is quite prestigious. After saturn
come first Rahu and then exalted VEnus and
Mercury. So it shows that he is a great teacher
who knows many secret and occult matters. Due to
mutual exchange between VEnus and Jupiter It
means that SAturn comes across both Jupiter and
Venus in contact, which means that he is either
a Teacher in general education or a teacher in
medical science.

Sa tu rn+Rahu+Venu s +M er cu ry

Teacher in educational line or a teacher in

the medical line.
Chart Nn. 70

CHART - 73

Sun Kethu



Moon Jupiter
Saturn Rahu

In this horoscope E of Kumbha Lagna profe-
ssion indicator Saturn is with art indicator
Moon. Second to this combination machinery
indicator Mars who is exalted. Second to Mars is
VEnus the indicator or finance. So native of
this horoscope is having the profession of
machinery connected with art that he is earning
money through a h uge machine. As Saturn is in
Jupiter's house means that he is having an
honourable j ob.

In the horoscope F of Vrishabha lagna Saturn

is in the house of Jupiter which means that he
is in an honourable profession. Saturn has in
the seventh house therefrom art and liquid
indicator Moon. This shows that he is also
connected with the profession of art. As Saturn
has Mars first then Venus after him it indicates
that he is connected with art machinery and that
he is earning money by this profession. (Both
the natives of E&F horoscopes are serving in a
prestigious computer machinery organisation).
CHART - 74

N«rcury Kethu Lagna Moon


Saturn Jupiter

In this Kataka Lagna Horoscope & Saturn is in
the rashi of intelligence with machinery, indi-
cator Mars, second therefrom is money indicator
Venus which shows that he is engaged in a profe-
ssion of intelligent news. As Saturn is having
Jupiter in the 7th rashi from him it means that
he is in a prestigious profession involving
Profession is indicated by Saturn, prestige
by Jupiter (also spiritual matters)trade, comme-
rce and intelligence by Mercury. Machinery and
energy by Mars, travels art and liquids up Moon,
big and shadowy things by Rahu. Salvation,
thread, wire, line and writing by Kethu, Govern-
ment and power by Sun, finance and Monetary
gains by Venus.

Mercury indicates landed property, Venus

women and housing property. It is from these
indications or Karka taka was that we can predict
the various professions followed by persons.
Inspite of all this it is only through intuition
that we can make correct predictions. To achieve
this it requires very subtle knowledge "and
spiritual powers of perception whcih can only be
gained by meditation and prayers.

The second part of the book on professional

aspect will be brought out shortly.

With this we arrive at the close of part- 1 of

Book dealing with profession.

CHART - 74

Jupiter Moon

Rahu Lasna


Mercury Sun Venue Mars


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