Mayan 2520treasure 2520 2520section 2520I PDF
Mayan 2520treasure 2520 2520section 2520I PDF
Mayan 2520treasure 2520 2520section 2520I PDF
1.) A unit of linear measure was found: the Standard Teotihuacan Unit
(STU) of 1.0594(6) meters (41.7111 English inches.) More than
7,000 conversions were made of dimensions in the “Ceremonial”
Zone: 1,924,582 square meters (1,714,608 square STU = 756 X 2,268
STU.) Rounding of dimensions of stone structures were held to less
than the official photogrammetric aerial map restoration (accuracy,
scale of 1:2000, is +/- 50 centimeters (see Appendix 3.) Many
repeating dimensions are factored by prime numbers 2, 3, 5 and 7.
5.) In three dimensions the Zone registers volumes in cubic STU that
I have named “Numerical Arks.” The volume of this integral
numerical box “contains” Saturn synodic orbits, Jupiter synodic
orbits and Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions of 7,182 days (one Katun
minus 18 days.) “Ark” volume of height 57 STU can be factored
to give the reduced scaled area of an earth sphere, the synodic
orbital time of the moon and the number of visible Jupiter/Saturn
conjunction counts (every third conjunction.)
7.) Mayan Long Counts that give anniversary dates for twelve sets of
400 Saturns (multiples of 151,200 days = are the overall
Teotihuacan design basis, that also rests on 378 STU, one side of the
“Citadel,” that we believe was a “Great Quadrangle of Saturn.”
10) For additional data, please consult references listed in the partial
Bibliography, Appendix 2, Section I.
DISK: MAYTRESU-05T2ED // reedited 09-VIII-06
Space and Time Unified at Teotihuacan
Research Summary No.5: 1971 - 2006
Mayans used the same number for differing time and space
measurements. Enclosed in an “Ark” 57 STU high is a factor
for calculating the moon’s orbit. This number is "137," a con-
stant used by modern physics.
The four circles (see Fig.11) symbolize four times six times
seven times nine: 4 x 378, the number 1,512.
The three eclipse counts: 9,204 days, plus 1,424 plus 1,332
days = 11,960. Two counts are shown by dimensions in the
Saturn Quadrangle (the "Citadel.") The third count appears
on the Main Avenue (Street of the "Dead,") named by Spanish
colonials who didn't know the double meaning of "Miccaotli"
in Nahuatl, so associated it with tombs. But the term also
means "South to North," the Avenue's orientation.
The date for the beginning of the last long count of the Mayans
was averaged by Thompson, changed two days to make it
independent, and proclaimed as the “MGT Constant: August
13, 3,114 B.C., 584,283 days after the initial declared date of
the Julian calendar beginning. But the “constant” MGT does
not correlate positions of the sun in the Mayan Zodiac as
corrected by Calderon (Mexico) in 1986, to replace Severin's
erroneous speculative interpretations of 1981.
3.) Why is the lunar orbit a function of the number used for
the hydrogen fines constant: 1 / 137? Why doesn’t modern
physics consider multidimensionals in its equations, but as-
sumes they disappeared in the first second of a questionable,
still speculative “big bang” that may turn out to be a whimper?
I propose dates were July 1st, 216 B.C. ( and June 21st,
199 A.D. ( – summer solstice (HMC chronological
Constant,) when the Falcon Patio may have been dedicated.
How can we not recognize Mayan genius, when we see that the
logo number 1,512 multiplied by Hunab Ku’s number “9” is
13,608: the Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions encapsulated in the
Numerical Ark with height 57 STU. 13,608 is also 216 x 63.
The date for 3,600 Saturns: 1,360,800 days, is one hundred
times the Jupiter/Saturn count, and the No.3 pyramid’s base
design is 60 x 60 = 3,600 Square STU.
1.) The HMC Chronological Constant (Hector M. Calderon, Mexico) is: 584,314 days
after zero on the Julian calendar (Nov.24, - 4,712 B.C.) The “MGT Constant,”
borrowed by Eric Thompson from Martinez & Goodman, is 584,283 days (see p. 18.)
2.) Ending of the present Oxlahkatun is Eight Katuns after the last of 400 Saturns:
May 11, 1855. Special ceremonies may have been carried out on the day of ze-
nital crossing near Latitude 17°-North. Theoretic locations include: Naranjo
(Belice;) Lago Peten, Yachilan, and Piedras Negras, Guatemala; Ocosingo and
Tonina, Chiapas; Mitla and Monte Alban, Oaxaca; and Juxtlahuaca, Guerrero.
Mayans may have kept secret the real reason for their festivals, but not the
magnitude of the event. Historians are invited to verify this theory.
N-1: 1,512 = 4 x 378 = perimeter of the “Citadel,” = four orbits of Saturn = two double
circles, earpieces of Halach (wise men that know truth.) Multiplied by one hundred
equals 151,200 days, also equal to 21 Katuns. All counts of corresponding Jupiter or-
bits as well as extra days added to correct each count are functions of 378, the syn-
odic orbit of Saturn, integral multiples of 6 x 7 x 9.
N-2: 756 = two orbits of Saturn, the distance in STU (Standard Teotihuacan Units
of 1.0594(6) meters) from the Great Pyramid to the No.2 Pyramid (see Figs. 2, 3, 7 & 8.)
On this date Mercury was at inferior conjunction, crossing the sun.
N-3: 2,268 STU = north/south dimension of the “Ceremonial Zone” = 6 Saturn orbits =
six “Citadels” = Nineveh Constant (Question: is Nineveh from the same source?)
N-6: Full moon. 13,608 = number of Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions of 7,182 days “con-
tained” in the volume of the magna design, a “numerical ark”: 756 STU by 2268 long
by 57 STU high. In addition, 13,608 = 63 X 216 , also 9 X 1,512, and further it is
3 x 4,536 (see N-8.) 3,600 = area of the base, Pyramid No.3 (“Citadel”), measur-
ing 60 STU by 60 STU. Multiplied by one hundred, 13,608 = 1,360,800 days = 189
Katunes (half of 378) to reach 3,600 Saturns, or Long Count: 9. 9. 0. 0. 0, corresponding
to June 11th, 613 A.D. (HMC Constant,) registered on stelae at Copan and Palenque.
(reedited 16-April-2006)
There may not have been ceremonies at Teotihuacan, due to lack of food during
prolonged droughts peaking between 500 and 900 A.D. The abandonment of
Teotihuacan is believed by some to be possibly 550 A.D. (Hoffman/2000.) Others
theorize that there was no external invasion, only internal problems and that survivors
continued on the outskirts of the Pyramidal Zone until late in the 8th century.
N-7: Registered at Edzna (1,027 A.D.) when the alternate “short count” was
renewed (the KahlayKatunob of 13 Katunes = 93,600 days. (93,600 x 20 =1,872,000 = one
Oxlahkatun.) 936 STU is marked twice in the “Ceremonial Zone” = 1,872 STU.
N-8: 4,536 is also the number of triple Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions (21,600 less 54 =
21,546 days,*) that “fit” in the magna volume 97,732,656. Furthermore, 4,536 times
10 = 45,360, area of planet Earth in square STU, scaled at 100,000 to one, also equal
to 30 x 1,512, perimeter of the “Citadel” (or “Great Quadrangle of Saturn”.)
N-9: The lag times, in days, of Jupiter “behind” Saturn are the same as the number of
Katuns for multiples of 151,200 days. The series is: 21, 42, 63, …378. Jupiter’s orbit is
21 X 19 = 399. All Long Counts here are multiples of 1,512 (4 x 6 x 7 x 9.) One side
of the “Citadel” is the same number used to count:
(a) Circumference of a universal circle with radius “60,” pi = 3.15: 378
(b) Area of each of 120 triangles forming a sphere of circumference: 378
(c) Circumference of the earth, to scale 100,000 to 1: 378
(d) Saturn’s orbit in days: 378
(e) Number of synodic orbits of Jupiter in 21 Katunes: 378
(f) Number of additional days to correct Jupiter over 21 Katunes: 378
(g) Number of triple trips [N-10] of Jupiter in ten magna Arks: 378
(h) Area of each of 20 triangles that form a spherical model
of the earth, scaled at 100,000 : 1 = 2,268 = (6) x 378
these are Multidimensional Mayan Mathematical concepts
N-10: For Jupiter to pass through the circle of the Zodiac requires 2,160 orbits of 399 =
861,840 days = 2,280 X 378 = 57 X 10 X 1,512, factors of the magna “Ark.” Ten
“Arks” enclose 1,134 circlings of the Zodiac by Jupiter: 3 X 378.
so that 977,326,560 divided by (3 x 861,840)] = 378
All Long Counts computer calculated with Program Maya 2, © – H.M.Calderon-1995.
All counts match Mayan solar positions in the Zodiac. All dates given by the MGT
“Constant” are in error by one Zodiac Constellation (28-day count) plus 3 days.
12) Mayans made telescopes from parabolic and spherical mirrors in a
darkroom (camara oscura.) They could have seen (a) moons of Ju-
piter, (b) rings of Saturn and (c) three rings around the M31 galaxy.
13) Mayan constellation symbols appear in Teotihuacan as glyphs
and pictographs from Paris Codex (see Figs.7 & 10, below.)
14) Synodic orbital times of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
and the moon were registered accurately.
15) 21 Katuns = 151,200 days, that mark 400 Saturns of 378 days and
378 Jupiters of 399 days, with a correction of 378 days (see Fig.5.)
16) The series of Katuns follows the same numbers as lag times of
Jupiter behind Saturn in days: 21, 42, 63…, 189 (see Fig.5.)
17) The anniversary date of 3,600 Saturns after the initial Long Count at
3,114 B.C. was = 1,360,800 days, registered at Copan and
Palenque.* It may have been celebrated at Teotihuacan. The anniver-
sary of 4,000 Saturns --,-- or 1,512,000 days, was regis-
tered at Edzna in 1,027 A.D. to reinstate the 13-Katun count of
93,600 days.) The 57-STU "Ark"volume “contains" 13,608 Jupiter/
Saturn conjunctions, Edzna's day-count divided by one hundred.
Mayans knew multiples of ten (100, 1000, one million.)
18) Teotihuacan may be a Mayan chronological map of the solar system.
The magna design Numerical Ark of height 57 is a volume that en-
encloses: integral orbits of Jupiter, orbits of Saturn and Jupiter/Sa-
turn conjunctions. It also “contains” the lunar orbit, plus triple
Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions (every 21,546 days.) Corrections for the
latter were identified on pp. 71-73 of the Dresden Codex in 1989.
The pictographs of two stars “flying” with double “ribbons” can mean
Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions, not “ring numbers.” A series of thirteen
54’s defines Teotihuacan dimensions (see p21)
19) An additional design correlation: an “ark” 756x2268x63, height of
the Great Pyramid without a building on the summit, is a volume of
108,020,304 cubic STU, equal to two cubic Saturn Quadrangles.
The two (or one cube seen in a mirror) form six-sided boxes whose
perimeters are 9072 STU x 2 = 18,144: the 12th anniversary of the
400-Saturn day-count, divided by one hundred.
[*Note: Many STU dimensions are found at Palenque, including the
level of the entombed personage, which lies at 1.06 meters (one STU)
above the floor, marking the distance to the Temple entrance floor
a distance of 21 STU, the Jupiter lag-number. This was verified by
architect Marcela Paula Cea in 2002. See bibliography.]
20) Mayans inherited information from more ancient sources, but did
not deform the data as in other cases. Official dating is 8,000 to
9,000 B.C. (Hammond, 1986.) Similar information can be found
around the globe when differing measures are equalized by the
Standard Teotihuacan Unit, 1.0594(6) m.
[Special Note: Papers marked “[LC] were deposited at the time of issue in the Library of Congress,
Washington, D.C. and the Fondren Library, Rice University, Houston, Texas. In each case 100
copies were printed and also distributed to professionals in the fields of Archaeology and Ethnology,
plus to selected technically prepared individuals and some thirty libraries in U.S.A. and Mexico.]
CEA, Marcela Paula Gnzl, personal comm, recent (2001) INAH measure-
ments of Palenque's tomb evidence STU dimensions (cf.p.20.)
1880 (Spanish Edition, Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico, 1988.)
DISK:MAYTRE-04T2A/HH/06-V-04 P.22
ESCALONA Ramos, Alberto
1940 Cronologia y Astronomia Maya-Mexica. Editora de Revistas,
S.A., Editorial Fides, Mexico, D.F. (Mayan sky counts)
GAITAN Meza, Manuel, & Alfonso Morales, Hugh Harleston, Jr. &
1974 G.T.Baker, III., “La Triple Cruz Astronomica de Teotihuacan.”
XLI Congreso Int’l. de Americanistas; also Uac-Kan (private) at
Mexico, D.F., 37 pp., 16 dwgs., maps & tables. [LC]
GATES, William
1978 An Outline Dictionary of Maya Glyphs, Dover Publ., Inc., N.Y.
HALL, Robert L.
Some Implications of the Astronomical Associations of the La Mojarra
Stela 1 and Tuxtla Statuette Long Count Dates. (MSS for 3rd Int’l. Con-
ference on Archaeoastronomy, Univ. of St.Andrews, Scotland, publ. in
Spanish language Revista de la Univ.Veracruzana, La Palabra y el Hom-
bre, Oct.-Dic., Xalapa, Mexico, 1991, pp.9-18 & Personal Communication.
MORLEY, Sylvanus G.
1915 An Introduction to the Study of Maya Hieroglyphs, Bulletin 57,
Smithsonian Inst. (reprint: 1975, Dover Publ. Inc, New York.)
1960 In Search of the Miraculous. Routledge & Kegan Paul, Ltd.,
London, England.
1972 Popol Vuh – Las Antiguas Historias del Quiche. Fondo de
Cultura Economica, Mexico, D.F.
1971 “Some Special Aspects of Technological Forecasting.”
Primer Simposio de Pronosticos Tecnologicos, XI Convencion Nacio-
nal del Instituto de Ingenieros Quimicos, Mexico, D.F.
DISK: MAYTRE-04T2A/HH/06-V-04 P.24
SEVERIN, Gregory M.
1981 “’The Paris Codex’- Decoding an Astronomical Ephemeris.” Transac-
tions of the American Philosophical Society, Vol.71, Part 5, Philadelphia.
1950 Maya Hieroglyphic Writing, Carnegie Institution, Washington,
D.C. (reprint Univ.of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 3rd Ed., 1971.)
1988 “Un Comentario al Codice de Dresde”(310 pp.) Fondo de Cultu-
ra Economica, Mexico, D.F. (1st publ. “A Maya Hieroglyphic
Book,” American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, 1972.)
200 Mathematics Useful for Understanding Plato. Wizards Book-
A.D. shelf, San Diego, CA, 1979.
1980 The Dancing Wu Li Masters (An Overview of the New Physics,)
Bantam Books, Inc., New York.
Copies of the above papers are in the personal library of the author of this
Research Summary. For copies or information regarding reproduction and
postage contact: Hugh Harleston, Jr. c/o P.O.Box 43-1192, San Diego, CA
92143, USA
Citadel, C. to Cen.
West platforms 171+/-0.5 (2) 161.4 +/- 0.4 162 = 3x6x9
Citadel, C. to Cen. 153 +/- 0.5 (2) 144.4 +/- 0.4 144 = 3x6x8
South platforms
400 +/- 0.5 (1) 377.6 +/- 0.4 378 = 6x7x9
Citadel: N&S wall
Citadel: West wall 400.5 +/- 0.5 (2) 378.1 +/- 0.4 378 = 6x7x9
“Moon” Pyr. to SE 200 +/- 0.5 (1) 188.8 +/- 0.4 189 = 3x7x9
Cit. Upper Patio 247.9 +/- 0.5 (2) 233.9 +/- 0.4 234 = 2x9x13
N/S, face-to-face
Cit. W.platform 229. +/- 0.5 (2) 216.2 +/- 0.4 216 = 6x6x6
Stair to baseline
Quetz. Pyramid
12.8 +/- 0.1 (4) 12.08 +/- 0.1 12 = 2x2x3
Cit. Main Stair.
Quetz. Pyramid
Cit. Baseline of 63.5 +/- 0.5 (3) 59.9 +/- 0.4 60 = 3x4x5
Quetz. Pyramid
Cit. NW corner 31.6 +/- 0.5 (3) 29.8 +/- 0.4 30 = 2x3x5
Q-Pyr. to c/L main
SOURCE: (1) Drewitt, Bruce. “Data Bearing on Urban Planning at Teotihuacan.”
American Anthropological Association Report, Toronto, Canada, 1972.
(2) Millon, Rene et al. The Teotihuacan Map, U.of Texas Press, Vol.1,
Parts 1&2, Austin, TX, 1973, Map pp. 76 (Note: map reconstructed from aerial
survey photographs, with errors of plus or minus 50 centimeters = 0.5 meters.)
(3) Marquina, Ignacio. Arquitectura Prehispanica. Memorias INAH,
Lamina 17: La Ciudadela, p.82, Mexico, D.F., 1951 (Topo Map P.Dosal, w/errors)
(4) Steel tape measurements, Harleston & A.Rangel, field notes, June/1980
DISK: MAYTRE-04T2A / HH / 10-V-04 (reedited MAYTRESU-05T2ED – 16/Apr./2006) 27
note: there is no page 28
FIG. 12
(Extract:)HARLESTON, Jr., Hugh, Thirteen “Heavens” or Mayan Time Counts?
MSS (Abridged), Tijuana, B.C., Mexico, 21/March/1999 (Orig: 9/March/1996)
“…the count of Heaven is 13 Katuns…to ascend use 9’s”
NUMBER DAYS No. Orbits +(days) No. Orbits +(days)