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“Plastic Waste Reuse, Recycle & Disposal”

with special emphasis on



Presented By:
(Dr. S.K. Nigam)
Ex-Additional Director, CPCB & ADVISOR, DPCC
What are Plastics?

“Plastics are Petroleum products made-up of long chain of Hydrocarbons.

They are non-biodegradable remain on Earth for several years”.

As per PWM Rules,2016 “Plastic” means material which contains as an

essential ingredient a high polymer of ethylene, polypropylene, styrene, Vinyl,
Classification of Plastics
(CPCB Report)

1. Thermo Plastic : Recyclable plastic

2. Thermo Setting Plastic : Non-Recyclable plastic

80% of the plastics produced are thermoplastics.

e.g. Polyethylene, Polypropylene, Polystyrene and Polyvinylchloride (PVC)
are most commonly used.
Categories, Properties
Applications of Plastic
Code & Symbol Name Properties Applications

Polyethylene Plastic soft drink and water bottles,

Clarity, strength / toughness,
beer bottles, mouthwash bottles,
Terephthalate barrier to gas and moisture,
peanut butter and salad dressing
(PET or PETE) resistance to heat.
containers, food trays etc.

High Density Stiffness, strength / toughness, Milk, water, juice, cosmetic, shampoo,
resistance to chemicals and dish and laundry detergent bottles;
Polyethylene moisture permeability to gas, ease trash and retail bags, yogurt and
(HDPE) of processing and forming. margarine tubs, cereal box liners.

Toys, clear food and non-food

Polyvinyl Versatility, ease of blending, packaging, shampoo bottles, medical
strength / toughness, resistance to tubing, wire and cable insulation, film
Chloride (V or grease/oil, resistance to chemicals, and sheet; construction products such
Vinyl or PVC) clarity. as pipes, fittings, siding, flooring,
carpet backing, window frames.

Low Density Ease of processing, barrier to Dry cleaning, bread, and frozen food
Polyethylene moisture, strength / toughness, bags; squeezable bottles (i.e., honey,
flexibility, ease of sealing. mustard).
Strength / toughness, resistance to
Polypropylene chemicals, resistance to heat, Ketchup bottles, yogurt containers and
(PP) barrier to moisture, versatility, margarine tubs, medicine bottles.
resistance to grease/oil.

Compact disc cases, foodservice

Versatility, insulation, clarity, easily applications, grocery store meat trays,
Polystyrene (PS) foamed (“styrofoam”). egg cartons, aspirin bottles, cups,
plates, cutlery.

Nylon (PA) Acrylonitrile butadiene

styrene (ABS) Polycarbonate (PC) Custom products, bottles, plastic
Others Layered or multi-material mixed lumber
Single Use Plastic (SUP) Products
 Plastic water bottles and pouches,

 Plastic spoon, forks, straws, glasses and plates,

 Plastic Carry bags,

 Wet wipes for personal and domestic use

 Fast food containers or meal/sandwich wraps, salad boxes

with hot or cold food
 Beverage bottles, bars & wine bottles, liquid refreshments,
Juices, medicine packagings, Instant beverage milk, etc.
Source: EU Directive, 2019
Plastic Waste Generation
 Estimated Generation : 29421 MT/D*
in India (2018)
 Collection (60%) : 17653 MT/D
 Uncollected (40%) : 11968 MT/day
 Non-recyclable : Approx. 6%
 Ban plastic carrybags/products : 22 States/UTs
 Partial Ban : 5 States/UTs
 Certified Compostable Firms : 68
Estimated PW Generation :1500* MT/D
in Delhi (2018)

*Assumption: Population of rural area 69% & Urban area 31% & plastic waste
generation in Rural area is half of the Urban area.
Littering of Plastic Waste and Its Impact
Plastic Pollution in River Plastic bags kill animals

Soil /landscape degradation Open Burning of Plastic

due to Plastic litter Waste
Impacts of Plastic pollution

 Burning of plastic waste releases toxic gases cause diseases;

 Plastic Waste dumping contaminate soil & water;

 Cows die due to ingestion of plastic waste ;

 Littered plastic waste give ugly look and choke the drains;

 Plastic products contain lead, cadmium etc. pigments which are commonly

used as additives are known toxics.


Prescribed Authority Function

The State Pollution Control Board and Pollution Control For Manufacturing & Recycling

The concerned Secretary-in-charge of Urban Development of the For Regulatory Use &PWM
State or a Union Territory

The concerned Gram Panchayat shall be the authority For Regulatory Use &PWM

District Magistrate or the Deputy Commissioner Assisting above authorizations

in enforcement
Responsibility of Local Body and Gram
(Rule: 6 and 7 of PWM Rules 2016, as amended)

 Segregation of plastic waste at source;

 Channelization of recyclable plastic waste fraction to recyclers;

 Ensuring processing and disposal on non-recyclable plastic waste as per

the guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board;

 Conducting awareness programmes for Plastic Waste Management


 The local body should set-up for plastic waste management

 The local body to frame bye-laws incorporating the provisions of these

Responsibility of Waste Generators
(Rule: 8 of PWM Rules 2016, as amended)

 To minimize plastic waste generation and segregation at


 No spreading of the plastic waste and ensure segregated

storage of waste at source;

 Every person responsible for organizing an event in open

space, which involves service of food stuff in plastic or
Marking or Labeling
(Rule: 11, PWM Rules, 2016)

 Name, Registration number of the manufacturer and

thickness in case of carry bags ;

 Name, Registration number of the manufacturer in case of

multi-layered packaging;

 Name, Registration number of the manufacturer in case of

carry bags made from compostable plastic.
Issues/Challenges of PWM
 Littering of Plastic Waste in public places, Bus Stations, Railway
Tracks, Dustbins & along roadsides of towns/cities etc.

 Burning of Plastic waste (emit toxic gases).

 Non-recyclable plastic wastes such as multilayered, metalized

pouches and other thermoset plastic poses disposal problems;

 Unscientific waste processing and disposal of plastic waste.

 Unregistered plastic waste recycling industries operating in non-

conforming areas (Residential) are posing threat to environment due
to unsound recycling practices.
Plastic Waste Management
Rule 5of PWM Rules as amended

Plastic waste shall be recycled as IS 14534: 2016 as amended 2018.

Plastic Waste shall be utilized in road construction, energy

recovery ( including co-processing in Cement kilns), waste to oil,
How to Utilize Plastic Waste &
Innovative Technologies for
Disposal of Plastic Waste
1. Utilization of Plastic Waste in Road Construction

2. Co-processing of Plastic Waste in Cement Kilns

3. Conversion of Plastic Waste into Fuel-oil: Refused-derived Fuel (RDF)

4. Disposal of plastic waste through Plasma Pyrolysis Technology (PPT)

Today’s Waste-Tomorrow’s Resource

Utilisation Waste
in different concept
Transportation sectors

Two Bin
Door to door Wet/Dry
collection &
Flow Diagram for PWM to be implemented by Municipal Authorities
Alternate to Conventional Petro-based
Plastic Carry bags/films
 “Compostable Plastics” mean plastic that undergoes degradation by
biological processes during composting to yield CO2, water, inorganic
compounds and biomass at a rate consistent with other known
compostable materials, excluding conventional petro based plastics,
and does not leave visible distinguishable or toxic residue.”

 Compostable carrybags/ products could be alternate to conventional

petro based products.

 List of certified manufacturers and sellers is available on CPCB website.

Way Forward for PWM
 Organize Mass-Awareness programme for not using less than fifty micron
carry bags.

 Open burning of PW shall be strictly prohibited.

 Door to Door collection of MSW in 2 bins (dry& wet) shall enforced by


 Segregation of waste should be done at Ward Level in each Municipality.

Way Forward for PWM
 Wet Waste (Organic Waste) should be converted into organic
compost/biomethanation, vermicomposting etc.

 Restriction on manufacture & use of single use plastic products such as carry
bags, cups, plates, straw, thermocol products etc.

 Encourage alternate to plastic products like paper, compostable, clothes, jute

bags etc.
Thank You!

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