B.Voc. (Software Development) Third Year: Swami Ramanandteerthmarathwadauniversity Nanded

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Swami RamanandTeerthMarathwadaUniversity

(NAAC Re-accredited with ‘A’ Grade)

Syllabus of

B.Voc. [Software Development]

Third Year

Introduced from Academic Year 2016-17

Swami RamanandTeerthMarathwada University, Nanded

New Syllabus (Starting from Academic Year 2016-17) for B.Voc.[Software

[Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) under Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

The New syllabus framing activity for one year B.Voc. [Software Development]
programme (CBCS pattern) of D.S,M College , Parbhani (SRTMUN) was conducted through
a panel of subject experts and faculties. The possible angles to be given importance in the
curriculum were discussed. All members deliberated on the prepared rough structure of the
syllabus in light of other Universities and UGC guidelines and then finalized the details of
each theory course, practical course and dissertation work etc. semester wise. The prepared
syllabus was sent to other University faculties for their expert suggestions too. Accordingly,
necessary changes also have been incorporated. (Copies of these suggestions have been
attached herewith) in the present syllabus. The final copy of the structured syllabus is
submitted herewith for necessary approval and use.

HOD Expert member

DSM College, Parbhani

Expert Member
Faculty Member

Faculty Member Expert Member

Approved by: Forwarded by:

Dean S.R.T.M.U.N. Sub-Centre, Latur
Faculty of Computer Studies

Submitted to
The Director, B.C.U.D. for necessary action
DnyanopasakShikshan Mandal‟s

College Of Arts , Commerce & Science, Parbhani.


B.Voc. (Software Development)

Third Year

(To Be Implemented From Academic Year 2016-2017)

Student who study Second Year Subjects will be ready to perform following Job Roles:
1. He / she can be Windows Server 2008 Administrator
2. He / she can be Oracle Database Administrator
3. He / she can be ANDROID application developer
Sr. Subject Subject Title Lectures/ Labs Credits MARKS
N Code
Week Component Education NAL NAL
Credits Credits
1 BVL501 Research 3 45 - 3 10 50 60
Methodology& Project
2 BVL502 ASP.NET through 3 45 - 3 10 50 60
3 BVL503 Computer System 3 45 - 3 10 50 60
4 BVL504 PL/SQL PART - I 3 45 - 3 10 50 60
5 BVL505 Mobile Programming 3 45 3 10 50 60
using Android - I
6 BVP501 LAB 21- Mobile 3 45 3 - 10 50 60
Programming using
Android - I
7 BVP502 LAB 22- ASP.NET 3 45 3 - 10 50 60
through C#.net
8 BVP503 LAB 23 - PL/SQL 3 45 3 - 10 50 60
9 BVP504 LAB 24 – Web Page 3 45 3 - 10 50 60
Design Using
10 BVP505 LAB 25 - Windows 3 45 3 - 10 50 60
Server 2008 Network
TOTAL 30 450 18 12 100 500 600
Sr Subject Subject Title Lectures/ Labs Credits MARKS
No Code
Week L Component Education AL RNAL L
Credits Credits
1 BVL601 Mobile Communication 3 45 - 3 10 50 60
2 BVL602 Servlets & JSP 3 45 - 3 10 50 60
3 BVL603 PL/SQL PART - II 3 45 - 3 10 50 60
4 BVL604 Artificial Intelligence 3 45 - 3 10 50 60
5 BVL605 Mobile Programming 3 45 3 10 50 60
using Android - II
6 BVP601 LAB 26 - Mobile 3 45 3 - 10 50 60
Programming using
Android - II
7 BVP602 LAB 27 - Servlets & JSP 3 45 3 - 10 50 60
8 BVP603 LAB 28 – PL/SQL PART 3 45 3 - 10 50 60
- II
9 BVP604 LAB 29 - Configuring 3 45 3 - 10 50 60
and Troubleshooting
Windows Server 2008
Terminal Services
10 BVP605 LAB 10 – Project Work ( 3 45 3 - 10 50 60
Based On Android
Programming Language)
TOTAL 30 450 16 12 100 500 600
BVL501 - Research Methodology & Project Management
Sr. Topic No. Of
No Lectures
1 Introduction to Research Methodology 7
Meaning and definition of Research
Characteristics of Research
Objectives of research
Types of research
Process and steps of research
2 Process of Selection and formulation of Research Problem 7
Problem Selection/Identification of the problem
Sources of research problems
Criteria of good research problem
Principles of research problem
Hypothesis, Meaning & characteristics of good hypothesis
3 Data Collection and Analysis 8
Main forms of Data Collection Responses
Methods of data collection
Analysis of data
Types of analysis
Statistical tools and analysis
Interpretation of data
Need and importance
Technique of interpretation
4 Concept of Project Management 8
Meaning of project
Characteristics of a project
Project levels
Types of projects
Project cycle
Meaning & phases of project management
Need of Project Management
5 Project Formulation 7
Feasibility analysis
Technical analysis
Profitability analysis and financial analysis-cost of project
Means of financing & estimates of sales & production
6 Introduction to Software Project Management 8
The nature of software production
Key objectives of effective management
Quality, productivity, risk reduction
The role of the software project manager

Reference Books:
1. Research Methodology And Project Work By Dr Mahesh A Kulkarni, Nirali
Prakashan, Mumbai,
2. Research Methodology By N Thanulingon, Himalaya Pbulication, Mumbai
4. Project Management By S. Chaudhary, Tata Mcgraw Hill.
BVL502 - ASP.NET through C#.net
Sr.No Topic No. Of
What is ASP.NET?
ASP.NET Web Forms Model
The ASP.NET Component Model
Components of .Net Framework 3.5.

The Visual Studio IDE
Working with Views and Windows
Adding Folders and Files to your wWebsite
Projects and Solutions
Building and Running a Project

ASP.NET Application Life Cycle
ASP.NET Page Life Cycle
ASP.NET Page Life Cycle Events

Event Arguments
Application and Session Events
Page and Control Events
Event Handling Using Controls
Default Events
Server Object
Request Object
Response Object
Properties of the Server Controls
Methods of the Server Controls

BaseValidator Class
RequiredFieldValidator Control
RangeValidator Control
CompareValidator Control

Reference Books :
1. Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 by ImarSpaanjaars
2. Professional ASP.NET 4.5 By by Jason N. Gaylord, Christian Wenz, Pranav Rastogi, Todd
Miranda, Scott Hanselman
BVL503 – Computer System Security
Sr.No Topic No. Of
1 Security polices, Standrds& Guideline 6Hrs. 8
Different Types of polices standards & guidelines
Common Elements
Policy Standrds& Guide development
Policy Creation
Regulatory Considerations
2 Security Attacks, Services & Mechanisms 6Hrs. 7
Attacks Services & Mechanisms
Security Attacks
Security Services
A model for internet work security
3 Conventional Encryption 5Hrs. 8
Conventional Encryption Techniques
Classical Encryption techniques
4 Intruders, Viruses & Worms 5Hrs. 8
Viruses & Related Threats
5 Firewalls 7Hrs. 7
Firewalls Design Principles
Trusted Systems
6 Advanced Encryption Standard
Evaluation Criteria for AES 7
The Origin of AES
AES evaluation
AES Cipher
References Books
1. Security Architecture Design, Deployment & Operations by Cistopher M king, Curtis E.
Dalton, T.ErtemOsmanoglu
2. Cryptography & Network Security Principles & Practice (Second Edition)
Sr.No Topic No. Of
1 Introduction to RDBMS 7
Feature of RDBMS
Advantages of RDBMS over FMS ad DBMS
The 12 rules (E.F Codd‟s Rules –RDBMS)
Need for Database Design
Support of Normalization Process for Data Management
Client server Technology
Oracle Corporation Products
Oracle Versions
2 Sub Language Commands: 5
Data Definition Language (DDL)
Data Retrieval Language (DRL)
Data Manipulation Language (DML)
Transaction Control Language (TCL)
Database Security and Privileges (DCL)
3 Introduction to SQL Database Object 10
Oracle Pre Defined Data types
DDL Commands
Create, Alter (add, modify, rename, drop)Columns, Rename,
truncate, drop
DML-Insert, update, delete
DQL-SELECT Statements using WHEREclause
Comparison and Conditional Operators
Arithmetic and Logical Operators
Special Operators – IN (NOT IN), BETWEEN (NOT BETWEEN),
Working with DML, DRL Commands
Operators Support
4 Built in Functions&Grouping the Result of a Query 5
Arithmetic Functions, Character Functions, Date Functions,
Conversion Functions
Aggregate Functions, OLAP Functions & General Functions
Using Group by and Having Clause of DRL Statement
Using Order by clause
5 Working with Integrity Constraints 8
Importance of Data Integrity
Support of Integrity Constraints for Relating Table in RDBMS
NOT NULL constraint
UNIQUE constraint
PRIMARY KEY constraint
FOREIGN KEY constraint
CHECK constraint
Working with different types of integrity Constraints
6 Querying Multiple Tables (Joins) 7
Equi Join/Inner Join/Simple Join
Cartesian Join
Non-Equi Join
Outer Joins
Self Join

Reference Books :
1. SQL, PL/SQL the Programming Language of Oracle
BVL505 - Mobile Programming using Android – I
Sr.No Topic No. Of
1 Introduction to Android 7
Overview of Android
Java Editions and comparison with Android
Android Apps – Design, Vendor, Behavioral Classification
2 Android Architecture Overview 8
Android Architecture
Application Frameworks
Android Libraries
Android Runtime, Dalvik Virtual Machine
3 Setup of Android Development Environment 7
System Requirements
Java, Eclipse and Android SDK Installation
Android SDK & Tools
Android Virtual Devices & Device Definitions
4 Your First Android Application 8
Creating Android Application
Creating Configurations
Testing the app : AVD, Active device
Android Project Structure
Android Manifest file
5 Publishing to the Play Store 7
Release process & Release build of Android Application
Signing the .apk file
Preparing the Store Listing page
Content Rating
Distributing the Application
Merchant Registration for Paid Applications
6 Activities 8
About XML – approach to design layouts
Views and Layouts
View properties
Linear Layout vs. Relative Layout vs. Frame Layout vs. Absolute Layout
Localization of UI
Best practices for targeting various form factors: phone, tablet, TV
Best practices when working designing Android UI

Reference books :
1. Android Development: Interview Questions You'll Most Likely be Asked
2. Professional Android Programming with Mono for Android and .NET / C#
BVP501-LAB 21- Mobile Programming using Android – I
1. Android # Introduction and Installing and Configuring Java JDK
2. How to install Android Studio
3. Building Your First Android App (Hello World Example)
4. Android Activity Lifecycle State change Example
5. Adding Two Numbers App (Simple Calculator)
6. wrap_content, fill_parent, Password Field and Toast in Android
7. Android RadioButton Basics With Example
8. Android RatingBar Basics
9. Android Alert Dialog Example
10. Android Analogclock And Digitalclock Example
11. Android Login Screen Example
12. Android ImageView example
13. Android ListView
14. Android SeekBar
15. Android TimePicker
BVP502 LAB 22- ASP.NET through C#.net
1. Create a ASP.NET application to demonstrate Hello World
2. Create a ASP.NET application to demonstrate comparing to two numbers
3. Create a ASP.NET application to demonstrate for login window
4. Create a ASP.NET application to demonstrate ViewState, SessionState and
ApplicationState in asp.net
5. Create a ASP.NET application to demonstrate arithmetic operations.
6. Create a ASP.NET application to demonstrate Server control events
7. Create a ASP.NET application to demonstrate IsPostBack in asp.net
8. IIS Internet Information Services and ASP.NET
9. Create a ASP.NET application to demonstrate Data Access from MS-Access
10. Create a ASP.NET application to demonstrate TextBox Control
11. Create a ASP.NET application to demonstrate Radio Button control
12. Create a ASP.NET application to demonstrate CheckBox Control
13. Create a ASP.NET application to demonstrate Hyperlink control
14. Create a ASP.NET application to demonstrate Ad rotator control
15. Create a ASP.NET application to demonstrate validators
1. Introduction to SQL.
2. To study Basic SQL commands (create database, create table, use , drop, insert)
and execute the following queries using these commands:
 Create a database named „ Employee‟.
 Use the database „Employee‟ and create a table „Emp‟ with attributes
 Create another table „Company‟ with attributes „cname‟, ccity‟,‟empnumber‟ in
the database „Employee‟.
3. To study the viewing commands (select , update) and execute the following
queries using these commands:
 Find the names of all employees who live in Delhi.
 Increase the salary of all employees by Rs. 5,000.
 Find the company names where the number of employees is greater than 10,000.
 Change the Company City to Gurgaon where the Company name is „TCS‟.
4. To study the commands to modify the structure of table (alter, delete) and execute the
following queries using these commands:
 Add an attribute named „ Designation‟ to the table „Emp‟.
 Modify the table „Emp‟, Change the datatype of „salary‟ attribute to float.
 Drop the attribute „depttname‟ from the table „emp‟.
 Delete the entries from the table „ Company‟ where the number of employees are less
than 500.
5. To study the commands that involve compound conditions (and, or, in , not in, between ,
not between , like , not like) and execute the following queries using these commands:
 Find the names of all employees who live in „ Gurgaon‟ and whose salary is between
Rs. 20,000 and Rs. 30,000.
 Find the names of all employees whose names begin with either letter „A‟ or „B‟.
 Find the company names where the company city is „Delhi‟ and the number of
employees is not between 5000 and 10,000.
 Find the names of all companies that do not end with letter „A‟.
6. To study the aggregate functions (sum, count, max, min, average) and execute the
following queries using these commands:
 Find the sum and average of salaries of all employees in computer science
 Find the number of all employees who live in Delhi.
 Find the maximum and the minimum salary in the HR department.
7. To study the grouping commands (group by, order by) and execute the following queries
using these commands:
 List all employee names in descending order.
 Find number of employees in each department where number of employees is greater
than 5.
 List all the department names where average salary of a department is Rs.10,000.
8. To study the commands involving data constraints and execute the following queries using
these commands:
 Alter table „Emp‟ and make „enumber‟ as the primary key.
 Alter table „Company‟ and add the foreign key constraint.
 Add a check constraint in the table „Emp‟ such that salary has the value between 0
and Rs.1,00,000.
 Alter table „Company‟ and add unique constraint to column cname.
 Add a default constraint to column ccity of table company with the value „Delhi‟.
9. To study the commands for aliasing and renaming and execute the following queries using
these commands:
 Rename the name of database to „Employee1‟.
 Rename the name of table „Emp‟ to „Emp1‟.
 Change the name of the attribute „ename‟ to „empname‟.
10. To study the commands for joins ( cross join, inner join, outer join) and execute the
following queries using these commands:
 Retrieve the complete record of an employee and its company from both the table
using joins.
 List all the employees working in the company „TCS‟.
11. To study the various set operations and execute the following queries using these
 List the enumber of all employees who live in Delhi and whose company is in
Gurgaon or if both conditions are true.
 List the enumber of all employees who live in Delhi but whose company is not in
12. To study the various scalar functions and string functions ( power, square, substring,
reverse, upper, lower, concatenation) and execute the following queries using these
 Reverse the names of all employees.
 Change the names of company cities to uppercase.
 Concatenate name and city of the employee.
13. To study the commands for views and execute the following queries using these
 Create a view having ename and ecity.
 In the above view change the ecity to „Delhi‟ where ename is „John‟.
 Create a view having attributes from both the tables.
 Update the above view and increase the salary of all employees of IT department by
14. To study the commands involving indexes and execute the following queries:
 Create an index with attribute ename on the table employee.
 Create a composite index with attributes cname and ccity on table company.
 Drop all indexes created on table company.
15. To study the commands of indexes
BVP504 LAB 24 – Web Page Design Using CSS&JavaScript
1. Changing font type, color, and size
Multiple selectors and writing rule for more than one element
Add a line to header and border property
Inheritance and overriding
Using Classes in CSS
More on Classes in CSS
2. Font Family
The Font Weight Property
Using an external style sheet
Text-decoration property
Italic fonts
Web Colors
3. Using inline style
More on Font sizes
Line height property
CSS Box Model
Background image property
The ID Attribute
4. The text align property
Border Property
The SPAN element
Add content page and reuse some of our CSS classes
Special effects
Block and Inline elements
5. Floating an element
Absolute position for an element
Fixed position for an element
6. The overflow property
The cursor property
Custom cursor
Text and images
Relative positioning
Vertical menu
7. Horizontal menu
A nice button
The inline-block
Web Forms
Review and descendant selector
Opacity property - Working against a DIV
8. Linear gradients
Combine opacity and gradient
Text shadow
Box shadow
9.JavaScript Operators & Conditional statement.
assignment operators.
relational operators.
Logical operators.
If statement
If else statement
The switch statement
10.Lopping Statement & Function
For loop
Do loop
While loop
Library function.
User define function.
11.Display extracting information from the object
Add the property and value to the object.
String Functions.
12.Date and Time Function & Math Functions
Square root.
Button Event.
Mouse Event.
14.Use of slice() method.
Create an array.
15.Use the length property to display the number of array items
Use the length property to add a new item.
BVP505 LAB 25 - Windows Server 2008 Network
Infrastructure, Configuring:
1. Install and configure servers.
2. Configure and troubleshoot DNS.
3. Configure and manage WINS.
4. Configure and troubleshoot DHCP.
5. Configure and troubleshoot IPv6 TCP/IP.
6. Configure and troubleshoot Routing and Remote Access.
7. Install, configure, and troubleshoot the Network Policy Server Role service.
8. Configure Network Access Protection.
9. Configure IPsec.
10. Monitor and troubleshoot IPsec.
11. Configure and manage Distributed File System.
12. Configure and manage storage technologies.
13. Configure availability of network resources and content.
14. Configure server security compliance.
15. Troubleshoot operating system and applications issues
BVL601 Mobile Communication
Sr.No Topic No. Of
1 Wireless Transmission 7
History and application of wireless communication
Frequencies for Radio Transmission
Signal Propagation
Spread Spectrum.
2 Medium access control 8
Motivation for a specialized MAC
Comparison of S/T/F/CDMA
3 Telecommunication System 7
UMTS and IMT-2000
4 Satellite System 8
Basics, Routing
5 Broadcast System 8
Cyclical Repetition of data
Digital audio broadcasting
Digital Video broadcasting
Convergence of broadcasting and mobile
6 Wireless LAN 7
Infra red vs radio transmission
Infrastructure and ad-hoc network
IEEE 802.11
Reference Books :
1. Mobile Communications Second Edition – By Jochen Schiller (Pearson Education)
2. Mobile Cellular Telecommunications Second Edition-By William C.Y.Lee (Mc-Graw-
BVL602 Servlets & JSP
Sr.No Topic No. Of
1 An Overview of Servlets and JSP terminology 7
A Servlets jobs
Why build web pages dynamically?
Advantages of Servlets over traditional CGI
The Role of JSP
Installing & Configuring the JDK & Apache Tomcat
Testing your setup
Web application – A Preview

2 Servlet Basics 8
Basic Servlet structure
A Servlet that generate plain text
A Servlet that generate HTML text
A Servlet package
The Servlet life cycle
The Single Thread model interface
Servlet debugging
3 Handling Client Request: Form DATA 5
Reading Form Data from Servlet
Example: Reading three parameter
Example: Reading all parameter
Filtering String for HTML –specific character
4 Handling cookies and session tracking 10
Benefits of cookies
Some problem with cookies
Sending and receiving cookies
Using cooking to detect first time visitors
Using cookies attributes
The need for session tracking
Session tracking basics
Session tracking API
Browser session Vs server sessions
A Servlets that shows per client access counts
5 JSP Technology: Overview of JSP technology 5
The Need for JSP
Benefits of JSP
Installation of JSP
Basic syntax
6 Invoking Java code with JSP scripting elements & The JSP page 10
Invoking Java code from JSP
Limiting the amount of java code in JSP pages
Using JSP Expression
Using Scriptlets to make parts of the JSP page conditional
The Import attribute
The contentTypeand pageEncodingattribute
Generating Excel Spreadsheet
The session attribute
The isELIgnoredattribute
The errorPageand isErrorPageattribute

1. Core Servlets and Java Server Pages
By- Marty Hall & Larry Brown vol-1 Low price edition
Sr.No Topic No. Of
1 Working with Sub Queries 10
Understanding the practical approach to Sub Queries/Nested
Select/Sub Select/Inner Select/Outer Select
What is the purpose of a Sub Query?
Sub Query Principle and Usage
Type of Sub Queries
Single Row
Multiple Row
Multiple Column
Applying Group Functions in Sub Queries
The impact of Having Clause in Sub Queries
IN, ANY/SOME, ALL Operators in Sub Queries
PAIR WISE and NON PAIR WISE Comparison in Sub Queries
Be … Aware of NULL‟s
Correlated Sub Queries
Handling Data Retrieval with EXISTS and NOT EXISTS
2 Working with DCL, TCL Commands 5
Grant, Revoke
Commit, Rollback, Savepoint
SQL Editor Commands
SQL Environment settings
3 Maintaining Database ObjectsVIEWS in Oracle 10
Understanding the Standards of VIEWS in Oracle
Types of VIEWS
Relational Views
Object Views
Prerequisites to work with views
Practical approach of SIMPLE VIEWS and COMPLEX VIEWS
Column definitions in VIEWS
Using VIEWS for DML Operations
In-Line View
Forced Views
Putting CHECK Constraint upon VIEWS
Understanding the IN LINE VIEWS
About Materialized Views
View Triggers
4 Locks 5
Row level Locks
Table Level Locks
Shared Lock
Exclusive Lock
Dead Lock
5 PL-SQL (Procedure Language – SQL) 10
Introduction to Programming Languages
Introduction to PL/SQL
The Advantages of PL/SQL
PL/SQL Architecture
PL/SQL Data types
Variable and Constants
Using Built_in Functions
Conditional and Unconditional Statements
Simple if, if… else, nested if..else, if..else Ladder
Selection Case, Simple Case, GOTO Label and EXIT
Iterations in PL/SQL
SQL within PL/SQL
Composite Data types (Complete)
Cursor Management in PL/SQL
Implicit Cursors
Explicit Cursors
Cursor Attributes
Cursor with Parameters
Cursors with LOOPs Nested Cursors
Cursors with Sub Queries
Ref. Cursors
Record and PL/SQL Table Types
Types of exceptions
User Defined Exceptions
Pre Defined Exceptions
SQL Error Code Values

Reference Books :
1. SQL, PL/SQL the Programming Language of Oracle
BVL604 Artificial Intelligence
Sr.No Topic No. Of
Intelligent Agents
Agents and environments
Good behavior
The nature of environments
Structure of agents
Problem Solving
Problem solving agents
Example problems
Informed search and exploration
Informed search strategies
Heuristic function
Local search algorithms and optimistic problems
Local search in continuous spaces
Online search agents and unknown environments
Constraint satisfaction problems (CSP)
Backtracking search and Local search for CSP
Structure of problems
Adversarial Search
First order logic
Representation revisited
Syntax and semantics for first order logic
Using first order logic
Knowledge engineering in first order logic
Inference in First order logic
Prepositional versus first order logic
Unification and lifting
Forward chaining
Backward chaining
Learning from observations - forms of learning
Inductive learning - Learning decision trees
Ensemble learning - Knowledge in learning –
Logical formulation of learning
Explanation based learning
Learning using relevant information
Inductive logic programming
Statistical learning methods
Learning with complete data
Learning with hidden variable
Communication – Communication as action
Formal grammar for a fragment of English
Syntactic analysis – Augmented grammars
Semantic interpretation – Ambiguity and disambiguation
Discourse understanding – Grammar induction
Probabilistic language processing
Probabilistic language models –
Information retrieval – Information Extraction
Machine translation.
Reference Books:
1. Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig, “Artificial Intelligence – A Modern Approach”, 2nd Edition,
Pearson Education / Prentice Hall of India, 2004.
BVL605 Mobile Programming using Android – II
Sr.No Topic No. Of
1 Android Testing 7
Creating a Test Project for Android project
Working with Test Packages
Writing test cases
2 Fragments 8
Designing fragments
Fragments lifecycle
Fragment management and integration
3 User Interfaces 7
Creating the Activity
XML versus Java UI
Selection Widgets, Using fonts
Common UI components
Handling UI events: a bit about listener
4 Advanced UI 8
Complex UI components
Menus and Dialogs
Tabbed Activities
Navigation Drawer
Create activity layouts programmatically
Testing and optimizing UI
5 Android Material Design 7
What is material?
Material properties
Material Styling / Animations
Material Patterns
6 SQLite Database 8
Introducing SQLite
SQLiteOpenHelper and creating a database
Opening and closing a database
Working with cursors
Inserts, updates, and deletes
Reference books :
1. Android Development: Interview Questions You'll Most Likely be Asked
2. Professional Android Programming with Mono for Android and .NET / C#
BVP601 LAB 26 - Mobile Programming using Android – II
1. Android WebView Example
2. Fragments in Android - Part 1 ,Part 2
3. Android AutoCompleteTextView Control
4. Android TimePicker
5. Android TimePicker Dialog ( TimePickerDialog )
6. Android DatePicker Dialog ( DatePickerDialog)
7. Showing Notifications and using NotificationManager
8. Action Bar (ActionBar) # Overflow Menu Items and Icons
9. Add Up Button for Low-level Activities to Action Bar
10. Explicit and Implicit Intents in Android
11. Introduction to Services and Creating Started Service
12. Service and Thread in Android
13. Creating Service Using IntentService
14. Applying Styles on Components
15. Style inheritance in Android &How to Save a File on Internal Storage
BVP602 LAB 27 - Servlets & JSP
1. Write a step to install and configure the software to run jsp pages.
2. Write a JSP code to print 1 to 10 on screen.
3. Write a JSP code that prints following on screen.
4. Write a JSP code to design a web page that accepts a user name and greet user hello
5. Write a JSP code to design a web page which accepts user name and password and
compare it against static username and password, display appropriate message valid/
invalid user.
6. Write a JSP code to design a web page which accepts user name and age from user if
age is less than 30 change background color to red else green.
7. Write a JSP code to demonstrate transfer the values between two form
8. Write a JSP code to perform arithmetic operation.
9. Write a JSP code to calculate number of visitors visited to site.
10. Write a JSP code to demonstrate session and cookies
11. Write a step to install and configure the software to run servlet program.
12. Write a servlet program for accessing data from database
13. Write a servlet program for insert the data into database.
14. Write a servlet program to delete the data from database.
15. Write a servlet program to update the data from database.
1. Introduction to PL-SQL.
2. To study the conditional controls and case statement in PL-SQL and execute the following
 Calculate the average salary from table „Emp‟ and print increase the salary if the
average salary is less that 10,000.
 Print the deptno from the employee table using the case statement if the deptname is
„Technical‟ then deptno is 1, if the deptname is „HR‟ then the deptno is 2 else deptno
is 3.
3. To study procedures and triggers in PL-SQL and execute the following queries:
 Create a procedure on table employee to display the details of employee to display the
details of employees by providing them value of salaries during execution.
 Create a trigger on table company for deletion where the whole table is displayed
when delete operation is performed.
4. Write a PL/SQL code block to calculate the area of a circle for a value of
radius varying from 3 to 7.Store the radius and the corresponding values of calculated area
in an empty table named Areas.
5. Write a PL/SQL Block of code for inverting a number 5639 to 9365.
6. Write a PL/SQL Block of code that will merge the data available in the
newly created
table NEW_BRANCHES with the data available in the table BRANCH_MSTR .if
data in the first table already exist in the second table then that data should be
7. Create a function that accepts a client_no and checks if the client_no exits in
the table CLIENT_MASTER.if the client_No exits, display a message valid client
and if the Client_No does not exits then display an appropriate error message.
8. Write a PL/SQL block to display whether the given number is Odd or Even.
9. Write a PL/SQL block to display LJIET 10 times using for loop.
10. Write a PL/SQL block using cursor to update salary of a given programmer by 25%.
11. Write a PL/SQL Block to print the sum of numbers from 1 to 50.
12. Write a PL/SQL block to display the detail about given employee from EMP table.
13. Write a PL/SQL block to find the salary of a given employee and raise his salary
by 20%.
14. Create a cursor emp_cur,fetch record from emp table and check whether sal>10000
update Grade = „A‟ else if sal = > 5000 and sal<= 10000 then update Grade = „B‟.
15. Write a PL/SQL block to calculate factorial of given number.
BVP604 LAB 29 - Configuring and Troubleshooting
Windows Server 2008 Terminal Services
1. Install and configure the TS role.
2. Configure TS settings.
3.Identify the appropriate licensing scope and configure forest, domain, and workgroup
4.Identify when to use the per-user and per-device licensing modes.
5. Install the TS Licensing Role.
6.Configure TS licensing for per-user and device licenses.
7.Manage the licensing lifecycle.
8Configure TS connection properties using TS console and Group Policy.
9Troubleshoot TS connection properties for a single user and multiple users.
10.Identify the considerations for the types of applications that can be installed in a TS
11.Install applications on TS.
12Configure TS Web Access to make TS RemoteApp programs available through a Web
13Configure TS Easy Print.
14.Install and configure TS Web Access role service.
15.Configure a TS session broker for a load-balanced TS farm.
BVP605 LAB 10 – Project Work ( Based On Android
Programming Language)

Module Maximum Minimum

Marks Marks

Project Work 20 8
Project Report 10 4
Internal Assessment 10 4
Project Demonstration withPresentation Viva 10 4

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