Middle East Research and Information Project, Inc. (MERIP)
Middle East Research and Information Project, Inc. (MERIP)
Middle East Research and Information Project, Inc. (MERIP)
Egyptian Communist Party Communique: "The Elimination of All Voices Opposing the Treaty"
Source: MERIP Reports, No. 82 (Nov., 1979), pp. 22-23
Published by: Middle East Research and Information Project, Inc. (MERIP)
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3011651
Accessed: 26-10-2015 14:59 UTC
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Communist Party
The Elimination of
All Voices
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would usurp most of the prerogatives of the People's Assembly holding its congress on the date chosen. The party includes
and would be easier to control because many of its members different forces in opposition to the regime.
would be named by the President of the Republic (50 percent We should also point out that the popular revolt in Sudan
according to the latest figures). against President Numeiry's regime, the strongest ally of the
? To change the law regulating political parties by increas? present Egyptian regime, evoked in Sadat bad memories of the
popular revolt of 1977 and prompted him to take these Draco?
ing the obstacles to party formation. In addition, the special
nian measures against the growing opposition.
court in charge of hearing cases concerning party formation
As soon as this wave of arrests became known, Sadat an?
would include appointed members who are not judges.
nounced [on August 18] that "the maintenance of a state of
? To create a higher judicial council which, by virtue of the
emergency and martial law is necessary because there are
method of its membership selection, would be subordinated to individuals in the country who want to use freedom to destroy
the executive power. The creation of such a council is opposed and betray." The state of war against Israel had been similarly
by the great majority of judges, who have recently elected a used to maintain a state of emergency?now the regime is
man opposed to the government as president of their club. unmasked and shows its true colors.
? To promulgate a law permitting the Socialist Prosecutor The regime's fascist tendencies also are more clearly re?
General* to deprive political and union leaders of their politi? vealed. Several times, President Sadat has invited the people to
cal rights and to expel them from political, professional and "kill the opposition . . ." "Kill them wherever they are," he
exclaimed in a speech in Ismailia last July, where he also
governmental organizations.
announced that he had given orders to fire on sight on any
? To promulgate a new press law instituting a Higher Press
assembly. The National Democratic Party (the President's par?
Council which would replace the Journalists' Union. The union
ty) has also formed private militias and a militarywing in order
would become a journalists' club which would have no say in to use violence against the opposition.
the professional problems of its members. Such a change seeks The Egyptian regime, increasingly isolated, cannot maintain
to extend government control over journalists and fulfillthe itself in power without using terror and police repression. Its
wishes of the President of the Republic. Sadat had asked the
practices and the laws it is proposing transgress the most ele?
present journalists' organization for a number of years, in vain, mentary human rights and democratic liberties. According to
to expel all opponents of the regime (600 according to the the latest news, prisoners went on a hunger strike August 17.
calculations of the President of the Republic, who cited this The strike is in response to cruelty and ill-treatment suffered in
figure during his meeting with the Journalists' Union). In order a prison controlled by the political police. They are demanding
to pass the new law, the authorities went so far as to prohibit the most elementary rights of prisoners, denied to them since
the union's general assembly last month and have created, their arrest.
against the advice of a growing number of journalists, a so-
called "Committee of Press Organizations" designed to be
more malleable.
? To have the People's Assembly approve Presidential De?
cree #265of 1979, which dissolves local student unions and the
General Union of Egyptian Students, halts all their activities, Revolutionary
and closes their offices. In fact, despite disciplinary councils
which expel professors and students in the opposition, the
reinstitution of the university police system, student arrests
and the total interdiction of all political activity, government "The Socio-Economic
attempts to control the student movement have failed. of a
Analysis Dependent
It is important to note that the campaign of arrests has State'"
involved a significant number of labor leaders. Actually, the
"An Introduction to the
resurgence of strikes in Helwan, Alexandria and Mehalla al-
Kubra, as well as the coming elections in professional organiza? Contemporary History
tions, disturb the authorities. The arrests are, then, the cul? of Iran"
mination of a series of measures taken to weaken the union
movement. The elections were postponed for six months in "Armed Struggle in Iran:
order to allow the Socialist Prosecutor General to control the The Road to Mobilization
candidates. In addition, a significant number of union leaders of the Masses"
were called in and questioned on the basis of reports submitted
by the political police.
All these measures contradict outright current laws which These and other books and pamphlets of the
the state seeks to change in order to better control the union Organization of Iranian People's Fedaii Guerrillas
movement. are available from the iran Committee. For a
Those arrested also include a significant number of leaders
complete list and price information, write:
from the Progressive Assembly of National Unionists, a legal
Iran Committee
party. The arrests were designed to prevent the party from
PO BOX 29113
* This isdirectly
prosecutor tothePresident
responsible oftheRepublic.
tobypassthenormal Washington, DC 20017
civilian authorities
judicial inpolitical
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