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The document discusses various laboratory tests and their purposes/indications. Key tests mentioned include bilirubin, creatinine clearance, electrolytes, glucose, and liver/pancreatic enzymes.

Laboratory tests discussed include bilirubin, creatinine clearance, electrolytes, glucose, liver enzymes, pancreatic enzymes, and urinary tests.

Two conditions that can cause physiologically elevated alkaline phosphatase levels are growth and the third trimester of pregnancy.

2020. 4. 19.

Study Stack - Chemistry Table Review

MLT Boards- Chemistry (BOR)

Questions Answers
The urinary excretion product measured as an indicator of epinephrine vanillylmandelic acid
productin is:
Which 2 conditions can "physiologically" elevated serum alkaline growth, third trimester of
phosphatase? pregnancy
The T3 resin uptake test is a measure of: binding capacity of thyroxine-
binding globulin
During an evaluation of renal function, a patient had plasma cortisol
determiniations in the morning after awakening and in the evening.
Laboratory results indicated that the morning value was higher than a normal nding
the evening concentration. This is indicative of
In the liver, bilirubin is converted to: bilirubin diglucuronide
The results listed on page 120 were obtained in a creatinine clearance 65
evaluation: The creatinine clearance in mL/min is:
The electrophoretic pattern of plasma sample compared with a serum sharp brinogen peak
sample shows a:
The biuret reaction for the analysis of serum protein depends on the peptide bonds
number of:
Total iron-binding capacity measures the serum iron transporting transferrin
capacity of:
In the Jendrassik-Grof method for the determination of serum
bilirubin concentration, quantitation is obtained by measuring the azobilirubin
green color of:
Absorbance (A) os a solution may be converted to percent A = 2 - log%T
transmittance (%T) using the formula:
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) viral hepatitis
are both elevated in what disease?
Calcium concentration in the serum is regulated by: parathyroid hormone
What steroid is an adrenal cortical hormone? corticosterone
Blood PCO2 may be measured by: calculations of blood pH and
total CO2 concentrations
In the potentiometric measurement of hydrogen ion concentration, silver-silver chloride
reference electrodes that may be used include:
In a spectrophotometer, light of a speci c wavelength can be isolated
from white light with a(n): diffraction grating
The oslolality of a urine or serum specimen is measured by a change in
the: freezing point
Which of the following serum constituents is unstable if a specimen is
left standing at room temperature for 8 hours before processing? glucose
cholesterol, triglyceride, creatinine, or glucose
A urine screening test for porphobilinogen is positive. The MOST likely
disease state is: acute porphyria attack
In electrophoretic analysis, buffers: act as a carrier for ions
A condition in which erythrocyte protoporphyrin is increased is: iron de ciency anemia
The stimulant that causes localized sweating for the sweat test is: pilocarpine nitrate
In the sweat test, the sweating stimulant is introduced to the skin by
application of: an electric current
The formula for calculating serum osmolality that incorporates a 2Na + Glucose/20 + (BUN/3)
correction for the water content of plasma is:
Osmolal gap is: the difference between the
calculated and measured 1/14
2020. 4. 19. Study Stack - Chemistry Table Review

osmolality values
d. storing the specimen
Erroneous ammonia levels can be eliminated by all of the following protected from light until the
EXCEPT: See page 124 for choices.
analysis is done
a. The temperature at
Which of the following applies to cryoscopic osmometry? See page euilibriun is a function of
124 for choices. thenumber of particles in
The rst step to be taken when attempting to repair a piece of
electronic equipment is: turn the instrument off
Most of the carbon dioxide present in blood is in the form of: bicarbonate ion
The degree to which the kidney concentrated the glomerular ltrate urine to serum osmolality ratio
can be determined by:
How many grams of sulfosalicylic acid (MW = 254) are required to 30
prepare 1 L of a 3% (w/v) solution?
A physician suspects his patient has pancreatitis. Which test(s) would amylase
be most indicative of this disease?
The statistical term for the average value is the : mean
An index of precision is statistically known as the: coef cient of variation
The most frequent value in a collection of data is statistically known as
the: mode
The middle value of a data set is statistically known as the: median
In a specimen collected for plasma glucose analysis, sodium uoride: inhibits glycolysis
In the international system of units serum urea is expressed in
millimoles per liter. A serum urea nitrogen concentration of 28 mg/dL 10.0 mEq/L
would be equivalent to what concentration of urea? (Urea:
NH2CONH2; atomic wt N = 14, C = 12, O = 16, H = 1)
The osmolal gap is de ned as measured Osm/kg minus the calculated 0
Osm/kg. The average osmolal gap is near:
To be analysed by gas liquid chromatography, a compound must: be volatile or made volatile
The solute tha tcontributes the most to the total serum osmolality is: sodium
In automated methods utilizing a bichromatic analyzer. dual minimize the effect of
wavelengths are employes to: interference
What electrode ID is based on the principle of amperometric PO2 electrode
One international unit of enzyme activity is the amount of enzyme
that, under speci ed reaction conditions of substrate concentratin, Ph, 1 micromole/min
& temperature, causes utilization of substrate at the rate of:
The Porter-Silber method (phemylhydrazine in alcohol and sulfuric dihydroxyacetone side chain
acid) involves which part of the steroid molecule?
Which family of steroid hormones is characterized by an unsaturated estrogens
A ring?
Which of the statments on page 127 about immunoassays using c. Quantitation of the label can
enzyme-labeled antibodies or antigens is correct? be carried out with a
What chemical determinations may be of help in establishing the
presence of seminal uid? acid phosphatase
What serum protein fractions is most likely to be elevated in patients alpha-2 globulin and beta
with nephrotic syndrome? globulin
What wnzyme substrates for prostatic acid phosphatase thymolphthalein
determination results in the highest speci city? monophosphate
The results listes on page 128 were obtained on arterial blood: These
results are most compatible with : respiratory acidosis
Increased total serum lactic dehydrogenase (LD) activity, con ned to acute viral hepatitis
fractions 4 and 5, is most likely to be associated with:
Regan isoenzyme has the same properties as alkaline phosphatase that placenta 2/14
2020. 4. 19. Study Stack - Chemistry Table Review

originates in the:
Assay of transketolase activity in blood is used to select de ciency of: thiamine
The substance that is measured to estimate the serum concentration glycerol
of triglycerides by MOST methods is:
The most sensitive enzymatic indicator for liver damage from ethanol gamma-glutamyl transferase
intake is: (GGT)
Refer to the illustration on page 129. This electrophoresis pattern is alpha-1 antitrypsin de ciency;
consistant with: severe emphysema
Patients with Cushing's syndrome exhibit: serum cortisol concentrations
greater then 15 mg/dL
A one molal solution is equivalent to: a solution containing one mole
of solute per kg of solvent
Refer to the illustration on page 130. The serum protein monoclonal gammopathy
electrophoresis pattern is consistant with:
Refer to the illustration on page 131. This pattern is consistant with: cirrhosis
Given the results listed on page 131. This is most consistant with: acute hepatitis
Given the results listed on page 132. This is most consistent with: obstructive jaundice
Given the results listed on page 132; This is most consistant with: chronic hepatitis
A compound is said to
ouresce when it absorbs
Which of the statements on page 132 about uorometry are true? oight at one wavelength and
emits litght at a second
A beni t of microassays includes: reduced reagent requirements
Refer to the illustration on page 133. This illustration represents the Nonlinearity after 6 minutes is
change in absorbance at 340 nm over a period of * minutes in as assay due to a substrate exhaustion
for lactate dehydrogenase. True statements about this gure include:
A serum sample in the emergency room from a 42-year old man
yielded the laboratory results listed on page 133. What condition crush injury it the thigh
might account for these values?
inhibitor binds to the enzyme
Incompetitive inhibition of an enzyme reaction the: at the same site as the
Kernicterus is an abnormal accumulation of bilirubin in: brain tissue
Two standard deviations is the acceptable limit of error in the
chemistry laboratory. If you run the normal control 100 times, how 5
many of the values would ve out of control due to random error?
distinct phenotypes by starch-
Serum haptoglobin can be sepatated into: gel electrophoresis
Which serum protein migrates with the beta-globulins on cellulose C3 component of complement
acetate at pH 8.6?
Fasting serum phosphate concentration is controlled primarily by the: parathyroid glands
Serum "anion gap" is increased in patients with: lactic acidosis
Increased serum lactic dehydrogenase activity due to elevation of fast
hemolytic anemia
fraction ( 1 and 2) on electrophoretic separation is caused by:
The nanometer is used as a mearure of: wavelength of radiant energy
Major actions of angiotensin II include: increased vasoconstriction
The presence of increased CK-MB activity on a CK electrophoresis
myocardial infarction
pattern is most likely found in a patient suffering from:
What is the molarity of a solution that contains 18.7 g of KCl 0.5
(MW=74.5) in a 500 mL of water?
In the total bilirubin assay, bilirubin reacts with diazotized sulfanilic
acid to form: azobilirubin

Total glycosylated hemoglobin levels in a hemolysate re ect the: average blood glucose levels of
the past 2-3 months
The identi cation of Bence Jones protein is best accomplished by: immuno xation 3/14
2020. 4. 19. Study Stack - Chemistry Table Review
p p y
sodium, potassium, chloride,
The anion gap is useful for quality control of laboratory results for:
and total CO2
What percentage of total serum calcium is nondiffusible protein 40-50%
The buffering capacity of blood is maintained by a reversible exchange
process between bicarbonate and:
What electrolyte is the cheif plasma cation whose main fumction is sodium
maintaining osmotic pressure?
A reciprocal relationship exists between: calcium and phosphorus
A colorimetric method calls for the use of 0.1 mL serum, 5 mL of
reagent and 4.9 mL of water. What is the dilution of the serum in the 1:100
nal solution?
At blood pH 7.40 what is the ratio between bicarbonate and carbonic
acid? 20:1
The bicarbonate and carbonic acid ratio is calculated from an equation Henderson-Hasselbalch
Acidosis and alkosis are best de ned as uctuations in blood pH and
CO2 content due to changes in: bicarbonate buffer
A common cause of respiratory alkalosis is: hyperventilation
Metabolic acidosis is described as a(n): decrease in CO2 content and
PCO2 with a decreased pH
increase in CO2 content and
Respiratory acidosis is described as a(n): PCO2 with a decreased pH
Normally the bicarbonate concentration is about 24 mEq/L and the
carbonic acid concentration is about 1.2; pK=6.1. Using the equation 7.40
pH=pK +log[salt]/[acid], calculate the pH.
The normal range for the pH of arterial blood measured at 37 degree C
Unless blood gas measurements are made immediately after sampling, fall in pH and a rise is PCO2
in vitro glycolysis of the blood causes a:
Hydrogen ion concentration (pH) in blod is usually determined by
means of what electrodes?
In the Immunoinhibition phase of the CK-MB procedure: M subunit is inactivated
The conversion of glucose or other hexoses into lactate or pyruvate is
called: glycolysis
The different water content of eryrocytes and plasma makes true
glucose concentrations in whole blood a function of the:
In the fasting state, the arterial and capillary blood glucose
concentration varies from the venous glucose concentration by 5 mg/dL higher
approximately how many mg/dL?
Which of the hemoglobins has glucose-6-phosphate on the amino- A1c
terminal valine of the beta chain?
Increased concentrations of ascorbic acid inhibit chromogen
production in which glucose method? glucose oxidase (peroxidase)
The function of the major lipid components of the very low density
endogenous riglycerides
lipoproteins (VLDL) is to transport:
The most widely used support medium for electrophoretic separation
os lipoproteins is: agarose gel
A hospitalized patient is experiencing increased neuromuscular
irritability (tetany). What test should be ordered immediately?
Analysis of CSF for oligoclonal bands is used to screen for what disease
states? multiple sclerosis
60-75% of the plasma cholesterol is transported by: low density lipoprotein
The major fraction of organic iodine in the circulation is in the form of: thyroxine
Measurement of total T4 by competitive protein binding or thyroxine-binding globulin
displacement is based on the speci c binding properties of: 4/14
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Which method employs a highly speci c antibody to thyroxine? T4 by RIA

A mean value of 100 and a standard deviation of 1.8 mg/dL were
obtained fron a set of glucose measurements on a control solution. The 96.4-103.6
95% con dence interval in mg/dL would be:
The extent of what measurements agree with the true value of the
quantity being measured is known as: accuracy
When myocardial infarction occurs, the rst enzyme to become CK
elevated is:
In the determination of lactate dehydrogenase at 340 nm, using
pyruvate as the substrate, one actually measures the: decreas in NADH
alkaline picrate solution to
In the Jaffe reaction, creatinine reacts with:
yield an orange-red complex
What represents the end product of purine metabolisn in humans? uric acid
In electrophoresis of proteins, when the sample is placed in an electric
eld connected to a buffer of pH 8.6, all of the proteins: have a negative charge
Maple syrup urine disease is characterized by an increase in which valine, leucine, and isoleucine
urinary amino acids?
The hemoglobin that is resistant to alkali (KOH) denaturation is: F
The parent substance in the biosynthesis of androgens and estrogens
The biologically most active, naturally occuring androgen is: testosterone
A 24-hour urine specimen (total volume=1136 mL) is submitted to the
laboratory for quantitative urine protein. Calculate the amount of 591 mg
protein excreted per day. if the total protein is 52 mg/dL.
What is secreted by the placenta ansd used for the early detection of human chorionic gonadotropin
pregnacy? (HCG)
Decreased serum iron associated with increased TIBC is compatible
with what disease state? iron de ciency anemia
A characteristic of the Bence Jones protein that is used to distinguish if at 100 degrees C
from other urinary proteins is its solubility:
Which of thefollowing diagrams on page 144 is an example of a
peptide bond? b
The principal excretory form of nitrogen is: urea
A 45-year-old male of average height and weight was admitted to the
hospital for renal function studies. He had the folloeing lab results
listed on page 144. Calculate the dreatinine clearance for this patient 100
in ml?min.
In the Malloy and Evelyn methos for the determination of bilirubin, the diazotized sulfanilic acid
reagent that is reacted with bilirubin to form a purple azobilirubin is:
Bile acid concentrations are useful to assess: hepatobiliary disease
What enzyme catalyzes the conversion of starch to glucose and
amylase (AMS)
A scanning of a CK isoenzyme fractionation revealed two peaks: a slow
cathodic peak (CK-MM) and an intermediate peak (CK-MB). A possible myocardial infarction
interpretation for this pattern is:
What enzymes are used in the diagnisis of acute pancreatitis? amylase (AMS) and lipase (LPS)
What is a glycolytic enzyme that catalyzes the cleavage of fructose-1,
6-diphosphate to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone aldolase
The greatest activities of serum AST and ALT are seen in: acute hepatitis
an electrophoretic sepatation of lactate dehydtogenase isoenzumes
that demonstrates an elevation in LD-1 and LD-2 in a " ipped" pattern myocardial infarction
is consistent with:
What is a characteristic shared by lactate dehydrogenase, malate
They catalyze oxidation-
dehydrogenase, ioscitrate dehydrogenase, and hydroxybutyrate reduction reactions.
dehydrogenase? 5/14
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The protein portion of an enzyme complex is called the: apoenzyme

The most heat labile fraction of alkaline phosphatase is obtained from: bone
Refer ti the illustration on page 146. What id the most likely
viral hepatitis
interpretation of the LD isoenzyme scan illustrated?
Blood specimens for digoxin assays should be obtained between 8 tissue and serum levels need to
hours or more after drug administration because: reach equilibrium
fraction of the drug absorbed
Bioavailability of a drug refers to the: into the systemic circulation
The cyclic antidepressants are classi ed as: basic drugs
Zinc protoporphyrin of free erythrocyte protoporphyrin
measurements are useful to assess blood concentrations of: lead
Gas chromatography with the nitrogen/phosphorus detector is the cyclic antidepressants
most commonly used technique for the analysis of:
The most widley employed screening technique for drug abuse is: Thin layer chromatography
Malic dehysrogenase as added to the aspartate aminotransaminase oxalacetate to malate
(AST) reaction to catalyze the conversion of:
Phenobarbital is a metabolite of: primidone
Increased serum albumin concentrations are seen in what conditions? dehydration
Which amino acid is associated woth sulfhydryl group? cysteine
Bereberi is associated with de ciency of: thiamine
Night blindness is associated with de ciency of what vitamin? A
Scurvy is associated with de ciency of what vitamins? C
Pellagra is associated with de ciency of what vitamin? niacin
Rickets is associated woth de ciency of which vitamin? D
The regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism is accompanied
by which gland? parathyroid
Lithium therapy is widely used on the treatment of: manic-depression
The anticonvulsant used to control tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizures is: phenytoin
A drug that relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchial passages: theophylline
A cardiac glycoside that is used in the treatment of congenital heart
failure and arrhythmias by increasing the force and velocity of digoxin
myocardial contraction is:
A carbonate salt is used to control manic-depressive disorders is: lithium
In which disease state is conjugated bilirubin a major serum biliary obstruction
Spectrophotometers isolate a narrow band pass by means of: prisms and grating
Refer to the illustration on page 151. The serum protein
electrophoresis pattern shown was obtained on cellulose acetate at
pH 8.6. Identify the serum protein fraction on the far right of the albumin
[urinary creatinine (mg/L) x
The creatinine clearance (mL/min) is equal to: volume (mL/min)]/ plasma
creatinine (mg/L)
A solution contains 20g of solute disolved in 0.5 L of water. What is the 4%
percentage of this solution?
What is the formula for calculating the unknown concentration based (A unknown/A standard) x C
on Beer's law (A=absorbance, C=concentration)? standard
What id the formula for calculating absorbance given the percentage A = 2-log of %T
transmittance (%T) of a solution?
What if the formula for calculating the amount fo moles of a chemical? g/GMW
How many milliliters of a 3% solution can be made if 6g of solute are
available? 200mL
What is the formula for calculating the gram equivalent weight of a MW/oxidation number
chemical? 6/14
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What is the formula for calculating the dilution of a solution V1 x C1 = V2 x C2

(V=volume, C=concentration)?
What is the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation? pH = pKa + log(salt/acid)
What is the formula for calculating a percent (w/v) solution? grams of solute/volume of
solvent x 100
What is the formula for coef cient of variation? (standard deviation x
Given the following values: 100, 120, 150, 140, 130 What is the mean? 128
What is the formula for arithmetic mean? sum of values/number of
number of moles of solute/L of
What of the formula for calculating the molarity of a solution? solution
The results on page 154 were obtained. Given the data, calculate the
patient;s creatinine clearance in mL/min. 104
25g of NaOH (MW=40) is added to0.5L of water. What is the molarity 0.83 M
of this solution if an additional 0.25L of water is added to this solution?
4 mL of water is added to 1 mL of serum. This represents what serum 1:5
80 g of NaOH (MW=40) is how many gram-equivalents? 2
How many grams of H2SO4 (MW=98) are in 750 mL of 3 N H2SO4? 110
What is the normality of a solution that contains 280 g of NaOH (MW= 3.5 N
40) in 2000 mL of solution?
A serum potassium is 19.5 mg/100 mL. This value is equal to how many
mEq/L (MW of K=39)? 5.0
how many milliliters of 0.25 N NaOH are needed to make 100 mL of a 20 mL
0.05 N solution of NaOH?
An arterial blood specimen submitted for blood gas analysis was
abtained at 8:30 AM but was not received in th elaboratory until 11:00 request a new arterial
AM. The technologist should: specimen be obtained
A potassium level of 6.8 m/Eq/L is obtained. Before reporting the check the serum for hemolysis
results, the rst step the technologist should take is to:
Specimens for blood gas determination should be drawn into a syringe heparin
A patient has the test results listed on page 156. This patient most hyperparathyroidism
likely has:
If the total bilirubin is 4.3 mg/dL and the conjugated bilirubin is 2.1
mg/dL, the unconjugated bilirubin is: 2.2 mg/dL
The measurement of light scattered by particles in the sample is th nephelometry
eprinciple of:
The measurement of the amount of electricity passing between two coulometry
electrodes in an electrochemical cell is the principle of:
Coulometry is used to measure: chloride
What lipid results yould be expected to be falsely elevated on a serum triglyceride
specimen from a nonfasting patient?
Turbidity in serum suggests elevation of: chylomicrons
What would be an example of glucose-speci c colorimetric method? glucose oxidase
The relative migration rate of proteins on cellulose acetate is based on: ionic charge
As part of a hyperlipidemia screening program, the results listed on The cholesterol is normal but
the triglycerides are elevated,
page 157 were obtained on a 25-year-old woman 6 hours after eating. which may be attributed to the
What is the best interpretation of these results?
recent meal.
Enzyme-multiplied immunoassay techniques (EMIT) differ from all no separation of bound and
other types of enzyme immunoassays in that: free antigen is required
Refer to the graph on page 158. A new methodology for amylase has
been developed and compared with the existing method as illistrated good correlation with
consistant bias
in the graph. the new method can be described as: 7/14
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a 48-year-old woman with mild jaundice has the serum results lidted liver
on page 158. What sources most contributes to the patient's serum
alkaline phosphatase activity?
A potentiometric electrode that mearures an analyte that passes
through a selestively permeable membrane and repidly enters into an PCO2
equilibrium with an electrolyte solution is:
Ion selective electrodes are called selective rather than speci c activity of one ion much more
because they actually measure the: thatn other ions present
An automated method for measuring chloride that generates silver
ions in the reaction is: coulometry
A patient's values are as listed on page 159. What is the patient's free 1.6
thyroxine index?
A person suspected of having metabolic alkalosis would have what CO2 content and pH elevated
laboratory ndings?
refer to the graph on page 160. The HCG levels shown in the above
graph most probably represent: normal pregnancy
Fluctuation of the needle on a coulometric type titrator is most dirty electrodes
probably due to:
Iodine 125 has a physical half-life of 60.0 days. A sample tested today
had activity of 10,000 CMP/mL. How many days from today will the 180
count be 1250 CMP/mL?
What is most likely to be ordered in addition to serum calcium to
determine the cause of tetany? magnesium
A 9-month-old boy from Israel has gradually lost the ability to sit up &
developes seizures. he has an increased amount of a phospholipid Tay-Sachs disease
called GM2-ganglioside in his neurons, & he lacks the enzyme
hexosaminidase A in his leukocytes. The ndings suggest
An adult diabetic with renal complications has the results listed on
page 161. On the basis of these results, the calculated serum 304 mOsm/kg
osmolality is:
the formation of estriol in a pregnant woman is dependent on: fetal and placental function
Arterial blood collected in a heparinized syringe but exposed to room elevated PO2, decreased
air would cause what changes in the specimen? PCO2, and elevated pH
Magnesium carbonate is added in an iron binding capacity remove excess unbound iron
determination in order to:
An elevated serum iron with normal iron binding capacity is most likely pernicious anemia
associated with:
A patient's blood was drawn at 8am for a serum iron determination.
The result was 85 ug/dL. a repeat specimen was drawn at 8pm; the the time of day the second
serum was stored at 4 degrees C & run the next morning. The result specimen was drawn
was 40ug/dL. these results are most likely due to:
A patient with glomerulonephritis would present what serum results? BUN increased
Absorption of vitamin B12 requires the presence of: intrinsic factor
Refer to the illustration on page 163. The above sybol posted in an ammable
area would indicate what hazard?
A 68-year-old man arrives in the ER with a glucose level of 722 mg/dL,
and serum acetone of 4+ undiluted. An arterial blood gas from this low pH
patient is likely to indicate:
what battery of tests is most useful in evaluating an anion gap of BUN, creatinine, salicylate, and
22mEq/L? methanol
Serum levels that de ne hypoglycemia in preterm or low birth weight lower than in adults
infants are:
Oligoclonal bands are present on electrophoresis of concentrated CSF
and also concurrently tested serum of the same patient. the porper nondiagnostic for multiple
interpretation is:
In developing the reference foe a new EIA for CEA, the range for the inclusion os nonsmokers and
normal population was broader than that published by the vendor. smokers in the study 8/14
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Controls are acceptable with a narrow coef cient of variation. This population
may be explained by:
Most automated blood gas analyzers directly measure: pH, PCo2, and PO2
In the assay of lactate dehydrogenase (LD), the reactionis dependent NAD/NADH
on which of the following coenzyme systems?
Creatinine clearance is used to estimate the: glomerular ltration rate
A pH of 7.0 represents a H+ concentration of: 100 nmol/L
The chemical composition of HDL-cholesterol corresponds to: 5% Triglyceride, 15%
Cholesterol, 50% Protein
chemical coupling of bilirubin
The principle of the tablet test for bilirubin in urine or feces is: with a diazonium salt to form a
purple color
To make up 1 L of 1.000 N NaOH from a 1.025 N NaOH solution, how 975.6
many milliliters of the NaOH should be used?
If 0.5 mL of a 1:300 dilution contains 1 antigenic unit, 2 antigenic units 1:150
would be contained in 0.5 mL of a dilution of:
If the pKa is 6.1, the CO2 content is 25 mmol/L, the salt equals the
total CO2 content minus the carbonic acid, the carbonic acid equals pH=6.1+log[(25-1.2)/(1.2)]
0.03 x PCO2, and PCO2 is 40 mm Hg, it may be cancluded that:
Blood was collected in a serum separator tube from a patient who had
been fasting since midnight. The time of collection was 7:00 AM. The triglycerides
laboratory test that should be re-collected is:
the cellulose acetate electrophoresis at pH 8.6 of serum proteins will albumin, alpha-1 globulin,
show an order of migration beginning with the fastest migration as alpha-2 globulin, beta globulin,
follows: gamma globulin
The TRH (thyrotropin-releasing hormone) stimulation test is useful in depression
assessing what?
A patient has the results listed on page 243. The best conclusion ids
that this patient has: iron hemachromatosis
What elevates carboxyhemoglobin? exposure to carbon monoxide
A patient is admitted to the emergency room in a state of metabolic high TCO2, increased HCO3
alkalosis. What would be consistent with this diagnosis?
For the past 3 weeks serum estriol levels in a pregnant woman have a normal pregnancy
been steadily increasing. This is consistant with:
In the atomic absorption method for calcium, lanthanum is used: to prevent phosphate
A patient has the thyroid pro le listed on page 167. This patient most has increased protein-bound
probably: T4
The following data were calculated on a series of 30 determinations of
serum uric acid control: mean=5.8mg/dL, 1 Standard 5.50-6.10 mg/dL
Deviation=0.15mg/dL. If con dence limits are set at +/- 2 standard
deviations, what represents the allowable limits for the control?
has 200 times the af nity of
The reason carbon monoxide is so toxic is because it: oxygen for hemoglobin binding
monitoring the course of a
Clinical assays for tumor markers are most important for: known cancer
Estrogen and progesterone recptor assays are useful in assessing breast cancer
prognosis in what?
is quantitated by the amount
A chemiluminescent EIA: of light produced by the
properties of the membrane
The selectivity of an ion-selective electrode is determined by the: used
Valinomycin enhances the selectivity of the electrode used to potassium
A 45-year-old woman has a fasting serum glucose concentration of 95 normal, re ecting glycogen 9/14
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mg/dL and a 2-hour postprandial glucose cincentration of 105 mg/dL. breakdown by the liver
The statement that best describes this patient's fasting serum glucose
concentration is:
An HPLC operator notes that the column pressure is too high, is rising
too rapidly, and the recorder output is not producing normal peaks. ef uent line obstructed
The most probable cause of the problem is:
An infant with diarrhea is being evaluated for a carbohydrate
intolerance. His stool yields a positive copper reduction test and a pH further tests are indicated
of 5.0. It should be concluded that:
In a centrifugal analyzer, centrifugal force is used to: transfer liquids from the inner
disc to the outer cuvette
A fasting serum sample from an asymptomatic 43-year-old woman is
examined visually and chemically with the results listed on page 169. chylomicrons and very-low-
density lipoproteins (VLDL)
This sample comtaines predominantly:
Factor that contribute to a PCO2 electrode's requiring 60-100 diffusion characteristics of the
seconds to reach equilibrium include the: membrane
In which of the following conditions would a NORMAL level of creatine
kinase be found? acute mycardial infarct, hepatitis, progressive hepatitis
muscular dystrophy, intramuscular injection
The direction in which albumin migrates (ie. toward anode or cathode) the ionization of the carboxyl
during electrophoretic separation os serum proteins, at pH 8.6, is groups, yielding a net negative
determined by: charge
correct for variations in light
In a souble-beam photometer, the additional beam is used to: source intensity
Gel ltration chromatography is used to separate: compounds on the basis of
molecular weight and size
exchange of amino and keto
Aminotransferase enzymes catalyze the: groups between alpha-amino
and alpha-keto acids
Ninety percent of the copper present in plasma is bound to: ceruloplasmin
In lipoprotein phenotyping. chylomicrons are present in the plasma of I and V
persons with what lipoprotein phenotypes?
A 600 mg/dL glucose solution is diluted 1:30. The concentration of the 20
nal solution in mg/dL is:
Monitoring long-term glucose control in patients with adult onset hemoglobin A1c
diabetes mellitus can best be accomplished by measuring:
The disease most often associated with elevations of lactate
dehydrogenase isoenzymes 4 and 5 on electrophoresis is: liver disease
The following ve sodium control values (mEq/L) were abtained: 140, 1.9%
135, 138, 140, 142 Calculate the coef cient of variation.
A spectrophotometer is being considered for purchase by a small
laboratory. what speci cations re ects the spectral purity of the band width
An LD1 greater than LD2 fraction of lactic dehydrogenase is most myocardial infarction
often associated with:
How many milliliters of 30% bovine albumin are needed to make 6 mL 2
of a 10% albumin solution?
What substrate provide the best speci city for prostatic acid thymolphthalein
phosphatase? monophosphate
A lipemic serum is separated and frozen at -20 degrees C for assay at a
later date. One week later, prior to preforming an assay for warmed to 37 degree C and
mixed thoroughly
triglycerides, the specimen should be:
In the proper use of cobaltptreated anhydrous CaCl2, the desiccant changes when it turns pink
should be:
A serum sample was assayed for bilirubin at 10 AM and the result was
12 mg/dL. The same sample was retested at 3PM. The result mow is 8 the sample was exposed to
mg/dL. The most likely explanation for this descrepancy is: 10/14
2020. 4. 19. Study Stack - Chemistry Table Review

To prepare a physiologic saline solution, dissolve: 8.5 g NaCl in 1 L H2O

A chemistry assay utilizes a bichromatic analysis. This means that two wavelengths to correct for
absorbance readings are taken at: spectral interference from
another compound
Serial bilirubin determinations are charted on page with the best
explanation for the results due to: sample exposure to light
Infamilial hypercholesterolemia, tha hallmark nding is an elevation of: low-density lipoproteins
Pregnant women with symptoms os thirst, frequent urination, or glucose tolerance test
unexplained weight loss should have what test preformed?
The most consistent analytical error involves in the routine a small concentration of APO-
determination of HDL-cholesterol is caused by: B containing lipoproteins after
scattered at the right angle to
Nephelometers measure light: the light path
What substance gives feces its mormal color? urobilin
Premature atherosclerosis can occur when what becomes elevated? low density lipoproteins
If the LDL-cholesterol is to be calculated by the Friedenwald formula, total cholesterol and HDL-
what are the two measurements that need to be carried out by the cholesterol
same chemical procedure?
High levels of what lipoprotein class are associated with decreased HDL
risk of accelerated atherosclerosis?
Following overnight fasting, hypoglycemia in adults is de ned as a
glucose of: <=45 mg/dL

The rst step in the quantitation of serum iron is: separation of iron from
peroxidase-like activity of
The principle of the occult blood test depends on the: hemoglobin
In an internal standard ame photometer, the internal standard is used correct for variations in ame
to: and atomizer characteristics
Which of the following wavelengths is within the ultraviolet range? 340 nm
A glucose determination was read on a spectrophotometer. The
absorbance reading of the standard was 0.30. The absorbance reading two thirds of the standard
of the unknown was 0.20. The value of the unknown is:
Aspartate aminotransterase (AST) is characteristically elevated in liver
diseases of the :
The enzyme that exists chei y in skeletal muscle, heart, and brain; is
grossly elevated in active muscular dystrophy; and rises early in creatine kinase
myocardial infarction is:
The primary function of serum albuminin the peripheral blood is to: maintain colloidal osmotic
Most chemical meethods for setermining total protein utilize what biuret
The mean value of a series of hemoglobin controls was found to be
15.2 g.mL, and the standard deviation was calculated at 0.20. 14.8-15.6 g/dL
Acceptable control range for the laboratory is +/- 2 standard
deviations. What represents the allowable limits for the control?
The presence of aC-reactive protein in the blood is an indication of: an in ammatory process
Chromatography is based on the principle of: differential solubility
The T3-uptake test is based on: relative binding of T3 and T4
to globulin
The most speci c method for the assay of glucose utilizes: hexokinase
The enzyme present in almost all tissues that may be separated by lactate dehydrogenase
electrophoresis into ve components is:
In quality control, +/- s standard deviations for the mean what percent
of the sample population? 95 %
The term used to describe reproducibility is: precision 11/14
2020. 4. 19. Study Stack - Chemistry Table Review

When 0.25 mL is diluted to 20 mL, the resultion dilution is: 1:80

The extent to which measurements agree with or approach the trus accuracy
value of the quantity being measured is referred to as:
A breakdown product of hemolobin is: bilirubin
When exact concentration of the solute of a solution is known and is
used to evaluate the concentration of an unknown solution, the known standard
solution is:
A serumglucose was too high to read, so a 1:5 dilution using saline (A)
was made. Dilution A was tested & was again too high to read. A 10
further 1:2 dilution was made using saline (B). To calculate the result,
the dilution B value must be multiplied by:
In performing a spinal uid protein determination, the specimen is
diluted 1 part spinal uid to 3 parts saline to obtain a result low multiplied by 4
enough to measure. To calculate the protein concentration the results
must be:
In order to prepare 100 mL of 15 mg/dL BUN working standard from a
stock standard containing 500 mg/dL of urea nitrogen, the amount of 3 mL
stock solution used is:
In monitoring glomerular function, what test has the highest
sensitivity? creatinine clearance
An automated CK assay gives a reading that is above the limits of
linearity. A dilution of the serum sample is made by adding 1 mL of 3500 U/L
serum to 9 mL of water. The instrument now reads 350 U/L. The
correct report on the undiluted serum should be:
Blood received on the laboratory for blood gas analysis must meet on ice, no clots, no air bubbles
what requirements?
An electrode has a silver/silver chloride anode & a platinum wire
cathode. It is suspended in KCl solution & separated from the blood to PO2
be analysed by a selectively permeable membrane. Such an electrode
is used to measure what?
Which blood gas electrode is composed of calomel and glas? CO2
A thick white turbid specimen was received in the lab labeled as
pericardial uid. A microscopic examination was performed, and the purulent
differential included 90% PMN's. The uid is:
In the assay of lactate dehydrogenase, what product is actually NADH
The sodium content (in grams) in 100 g of NaCl ( atomic weights: 40
Na=23.0, Cl=35.5) is approximately:
Bromcresol pruple at a pH of 5.2 is used in a colorimetric method to albumin
In spectrophotometry, the devise that allows for a narrow band of monochromator
wavelengths is the:
The following results were obtained from a set of automated white
blood cell counts performed on 40 samples: Standard deviation 1.2%
153.2/uL, Mean value 12,450/uL. Calculate the coef cient of variation:
If a fasting glucose were 90 mg/dL, which of the following 2-hour
postprandial glucose results would most closely represent normal 100 mg/dL
glucose metabolism? 55, 100, 180, or 260 mg/dL
The bilirubin results on page 181 are obtained on a patient. Given that specimen had a prolonged
the controls were within range each day, what is a probable exposure to light
explanation for the results on day 4?
a photon of light with speci c
In ame emission photometry, an excited arbital electron returns to wavelength for the element
ground state and emits: being measured
The rst procedure to be followed if the blood gas instrument is out of recalibrate, then repeat
control for all parameters is: control
What method for quantitation of high-density lipoprotein is most precipitation
suited for clinical lab use? 12/14
2020. 4. 19. Study Stack - Chemistry Table Review

Urobilinogen is formed in the: intestines

A healthy person with a blood glucose of 80 mg/dL would have a
simultaneously determined cerebrospinal uid glucose value of: 50
Upon completion of a run of cholesterol tests, the technician run a new set of controls and
recognizes that the controls are not within the 2 standard deviations repeat specimens
con dence range. What is the appropriate course of action?
A technician is asked by the supervisor to prepare a standard solution
solution from the stock standard. What is the glassware of choice for volumetric ask
this solution.
Slight hemolysis can cause erroneous laboratory results in which K+
serum analyte?
The volume of 25% stock sulfosalicylic acid needed to prepare 100 mL
of 5% working solution is: 20 mL
A stool specimen that appears black and tarry should be tested toe the occult blood
presence of:
In bilirubin determinations, the purpose of adding a concentrated allow indirect bilirubin to react
caffeine solution or methyl alcohol is to: with color reagent
To prepare 25 mL of 3% acetic acid, how much glacial acid is needed? 0.75 mL
How many grams of sodium chloride are needed to prepare 1 L of 0.9% 9.0
normal saline?
The rst step in analyzing a 24-hour urine specimen for quantitative measure the total volume
urine protein is:
How many milliliters af reagent are needed to prepare 5 mL of a 1:25 0.2
What is the rst step in preparing a spectrophotometer for an assay? adjust wavelength selector
A 25-year-old man became nauseated and vomited 90 minutes agter draw blood for glucose and
receiving a standard 75-g charbohydrate dose for an oral glucose discontinue test
tolerance test. The best course of action is:
A common couse of falsely increased LD1 fraction of lactic
dehydrogenase is: specimen hemolysis
The presence of which of the following isoenzymes indicates acute CK-MB
myocardial damage? CK-MM, CK-MB, CK-BB or none of the above
Cerebrospinal uid for glucose assay should be: analyzed immediately
The preparation of a patient for standard glucose tolerance testing high carbohydrate diet for 3
should include: days
Measurement of the serum acid phosphatase is used to detect prostate
neoplastic disease of the:
A serum sample demonstrates an elevated result when tested with the renal functional impairment
Jaffe reaction. This indicates:
An increase in serum acetone is indicative of a defect in the carbohydrates
metabolism of:
To prepare 40 mL of a 3% working solution, a technician would use 1.2 mL
what volume of stock solution?
A technician is preparing a 75% solution. What volume of stock 6.0 mL
solution should be used to prepare 8 mL?
The results on page 186 are from a 21-year-old patient with a back
injury who appears otherwise healthy. The best interpretation of these all values are consistent with a
results is that: normal healthy individual
The nanometer is a measurement of: wavelength of radiant energy
If the total bilirubin is 3.1 mg/dL and the conjugated bilirubin is 2.0 1.1 mg/dL
mg.dl, the unconjugated bilirubin is:
The ability of a procedure to measure only the component(s) it claims speci city
to measure is called:
The most widley used methods for bilirubin measurement are those Jendrassik Grof method
based on the:
After a dif cult venipuncture requiring prolonged application ofthe repeat the test using freshly 13/14
2020. 4. 19. Study Stack - Chemistry Table Review

tourniquet, the serum K+ was found to be 6.8 mEq/L. The best course drawn serum
of action is to:
A serum sample for acid phosphatase determination is best prepared
for room temperature storage by: adding an acid stabilizer
Serum from a patient with metastatic carcinoma of the prostate was aacid phosphatase with freshly
separated from the clot and stored at room temperature. The results drawn serum
on page 187 were abtained. The technician should repeat the:
When performing a manuel protein analysis on a xanthochromic spinal
uid, the technician should: make a patient blank
Which of the following 2-hour postprandial glucose values
demonstrates unequivocal hyperglycemia diagnostic for diabetes 200 mg/dL
mellitus? 160, 170, 180, or 200 mg/dL
the glycosylated hemoglobin value represents a time average of
glucose concentration during the preceding: 8-12 weeks

Te ensure an accurate ammonia level result, the specimen should be: spun,sepatared, iced, and
tested immediately
The most speci c enzyme test for acute pancreatitis is: lipase 14/14

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