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3GPP TSG-T#4 TSGT#4(99)118

Miami, US, 17-18 June 1999

3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)
Technical Specification

3rd Generation Partnership Project;

Technical Specification Group Terminals;
AT command set for 3GPP User Equipment (UE)
(3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0)

The present document has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP TM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP.
The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Organisational Partners and shall not be implemented.
This Specification is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organisational Partners accept no liability for any use of this
Specifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP TM system should be obtained via the 3GPP Organisational Partners' Publications Offices.
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 2 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

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<keyword[, keyword]>


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3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 3 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Intellectual Property Rights ............................................................................................................................... 6
Foreword .......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Introduction........................................................................................................................................................ 6
1 Scope........................................................................................................................................................ 8
2 References ............................................................................................................................................... 8
3 Abbreviations and definitions................................................................................................................ 10
3.1 Abbreviations................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.2 Definitions ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
4 AT command syntax.............................................................................................................................. 11
4.1 Command line.................................................................................................................................................. 11
4.2 Information responses and result codes ........................................................................................................... 12
4.3 ITU-T V.25ter [14] TE-TA interface commands............................................................................................. 12
5 General commands ................................................................................................................................ 13
5.1 Request manufacturer identification +CGMI................................................................................................... 13
5.2 Request model identification +CGMM............................................................................................................ 14
5.3 Request revision identification +CGMR.......................................................................................................... 14
5.4 Request product serial number identification +CGSN..................................................................................... 15
5.5 Select TE character set +CSCS........................................................................................................................ 15
5.6 Request international mobile subscriber identity +CIMI ................................................................................. 16
5.7 Multiplexing mode +CMUX $(MUX MS-TE)$............................................................................................. 16
5.8 ITU-T V.25ter [14] generic TA control commands......................................................................................... 18
5.9 PCCA STD-101 [17] select wireless network +WS46 .................................................................................... 18
5.10 Informative examples....................................................................................................................................... 19
6 Call control commands and methods..................................................................................................... 20
6.1 Select type of address +CSTA ......................................................................................................................... 20
6.2 ITU-T V.25ter [14] dial command D............................................................................................................... 20
6.3 Direct dialling from phonebooks ..................................................................................................................... 21
6.4 Call mode +CMOD.......................................................................................................................................... 22
6.5 Hangup call +CHUP ........................................................................................................................................ 22
6.6 Alternating mode call control method.............................................................................................................. 23
6.7 Select bearer service type +CBST ................................................................................................................... 24
6.8 Radio link protocol +CRLP ............................................................................................................................. 26
6.9 Service reporting control +CR ......................................................................................................................... 27
6.10 Extended error report +CEER ......................................................................................................................... 27
6.11 Cellular result codes +CRC ............................................................................................................................. 28
6.12 HSCSD device parameters +CHSD................................................................................................................. 29
6.13 HSCSD transparent call configuration +CHST ............................................................................................... 29
6.14 HSCSD non-transparent call configuration +CHSN........................................................................................ 30
6.15 HSCSD current call parameters +CHSC.......................................................................................................... 31
6.16 HSCSD parameters report +CHSR$(AT R98)$ .............................................................................................. 31
6.18 Single numbering scheme +CSNS ................................................................................................................... 32
6.19 Voice Hangup Control +CVHU $(AT R97)$.................................................................................................. 33
6.20 V.120 rate adaption protocol +CV120............................................................................................................. 33
6.21 ITU-T V.25ter [14] call control commands ..................................................................................................... 35
6.22 ITU-T V.25ter [14] data compression commands ........................................................................................... 35
6.23 Informative examples....................................................................................................................................... 35
7 Network service related commands....................................................................................................... 36
7.1 Subscriber number +CNUM ............................................................................................................................ 36
7.2 Network registration +CREG........................................................................................................................... 37
7.3 Operator selection +COPS............................................................................................................................... 38
7.4 Facility lock +CLCK........................................................................................................................................ 39
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 4 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

7.5 Change password +CPWD .............................................................................................................................. 41

7.6 Calling line identification presentation +CLIP ................................................................................................ 42
7.7 Calling line identification restriction +CLIR ................................................................................................... 42
7.8 Connected line identification presentation +COLP.......................................................................................... 43
7.9 Closed user group +CCUG .............................................................................................................................. 44
7.10 Call forwarding number and conditions +CCFC.............................................................................................. 45
7.11 Call waiting +CCWA....................................................................................................................................... 46
7.12 Call related supplementary services +CHLD................................................................................................... 47
7.13 Call deflection +CTFR..................................................................................................................................... 48
7.14 Unstructured supplementary service data +CUSD........................................................................................... 49
7.15 Advice of Charge +CAOC............................................................................................................................... 50
7.16 Supplementary service notifications +CSSN ................................................................................................... 51
7.17 List current calls +CLCC ................................................................................................................................. 52
7.18 Preferred operator list +CPOL $(AT R97)$.................................................................................................... 53
7.19 Read operator names +COPN $(AT R97)$..................................................................................................... 54
7.20 Informative examples....................................................................................................................................... 54
8 Mobile Equipment control and status commands.................................................................................. 56
8.1 Phone activity status +CPAS ........................................................................................................................... 57
8.2 Set phone functionality +CFUN....................................................................................................................... 58
8.3 Enter PIN +CPIN............................................................................................................................................. 59
8.4 Battery charge +CBC....................................................................................................................................... 60
8.5 Signal quality +CSQ ........................................................................................................................................ 60
8.6 Mobile Equipment control mode +CMEC....................................................................................................... 61
8.7 Keypad control +CKPD................................................................................................................................... 62
8.8 Display control +CDIS .................................................................................................................................... 63
8.9 Indicator control +CIND.................................................................................................................................. 64
8.10 Mobile Equipment event reporting +CMER.................................................................................................... 65
8.11 Select phonebook memory storage +CPBS ..................................................................................................... 66
8.12 Read phonebook entries +CPBR ..................................................................................................................... 67
8.13 Find phonebook entries +CPBF....................................................................................................................... 68
8.14 Write phonebook entry +CPBW...................................................................................................................... 69
8.15 Clock +CCLK.................................................................................................................................................. 69
8.16 Alarm +CALA ................................................................................................................................................. 70
8.17 Generic SIM access +CSIM ............................................................................................................................ 71
8.18 Restricted SIM access +CRSM........................................................................................................................ 71
8.19 Secure control command +CSCC .................................................................................................................... 72
8.20 Alert sound mode +CALM $(AT R97)$ ......................................................................................................... 73
8.21 Ringer sound level +CRSL $(AT R97)$ ......................................................................................................... 74
8.22 Vibrator mode +CVIB $(AT R97)$ ................................................................................................................ 74
8.23 Loudspeaker volume level +CLVL $(AT R97)$............................................................................................. 75
8.24 Mute control +CMUT $(AT R97)$................................................................................................................. 75
8.25 Accumulated call meter +CACM $(AT R97)$................................................................................................ 76
8.26 Accumulated call meter maximum +CAMM $(AT R97)$ .............................................................................. 76
8.27 Price per unit and currency table +CPUC $(AT R97)$ ................................................................................... 77
8.28 Call Meter maximum event +CCWE $(AT R98)$ .......................................................................................... 77
8.29 Power class +CPWC$(AT R98)$.................................................................................................................... 78
8.30 Set Language +CLAN$(AT R98)$.................................................................................................................. 79
8.31 Language Event +CLAE$(AT R98)$ .............................................................................................................. 80
8.32 Set Greeting Text +CSGT$(AT R98)$............................................................................................................ 80
8.33 Set Voice Mail Number +CSVM$(AT R98)$................................................................................................. 81
8.34 Ring Melody Playback +CRMP$(AT R98)$ .................................................................................................. 82
8.35 Master Reset +CMAR$(AT R98)$ ................................................................................................................. 82
8.36 List all available AT commands +CLAC$(AT R98)$..................................................................................... 83
8.37 Informative examples....................................................................................................................................... 83
9 Mobile Equipment errors....................................................................................................................... 87
9.1 Report Mobile Equipment error +CMEE ........................................................................................................ 87
9.2 Mobile Equipment error result code +CME ERROR ...................................................................................... 87
9.3 Informative examples....................................................................................................................................... 89
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 5 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Annex A (normative): Summary of commands from other standards .......................................... 90

Annex B (normative): Summary of result codes .............................................................................. 92
Annex C (informative): Commands from TIA IS-101 ....................................................................... 93
C.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 93
C.2 Commands ....................................................................................................................................................... 94
C.2.1 Select mode +FCLASS .............................................................................................................................. 94
C.2.2 Buffer threshold setting +VBT................................................................................................................... 94
C.2.3 Calling number ID presentation +VCID .................................................................................................... 95
C.2.4 Receive gain selection +VGR .................................................................................................................... 95
C.2.5 Transmit gain selection +VGT ................................................................................................................... 95
C.2.6 Initialise voice parameters +VIP ................................................................................................................ 96
C.2.7 Inactivity timer +VIT ................................................................................................................................. 96
C.2.8 Line selection +VLS................................................................................................................................... 96
C.2.9 Receive data state +VRX ........................................................................................................................... 97
C.2.10 Select compression method +VSM ............................................................................................................ 98
C.2.11 DTMF and tone generation +VTS ............................................................................................................. 98
C.2.12 Tone duration +VTD.................................................................................................................................. 99
C.2.13 Transmit data state +VTX.......................................................................................................................... 99

Annex D (informative): Bibliography ................................................................................................ 100

Annex E (informative): Mobile originated alternating voice/data call example............................ 101
Annex F (informative): Mobile terminated voice followed by data call example ......................... 102
Annex G (informative): Voice call example ....................................................................................... 103
Annex H (informative): Change History............................................................................................ 104
History............................................................................................................................................................ 105
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 6 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Intellectual Property Rights

IPRs essential or potentially essential to the present document may have been declared to ETSI. The information
pertaining to these essential IPRs, if any, is publicly available for ETSI members and non-members, and can be found
in SR 000 314: "Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs); Essential, or potentially Essential, IPRs notified to ETSI in respect
of ETSI standards", which is available free of charge from the ETSI Secretariat. Latest updates are available on the
ETSI Web server (

Pursuant to the ETSI IPR Policy, no investigation, including IPR searches, has been carried out by ETSI. No guarantee
can be given as to the existence of other IPRs not referenced in SR 000 314 (or the updates on the ETSI Web server)
which are, or may be, or may become, essential to the present document.

This Technical Specification has been produced by the 3GPP.

The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal
TSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of this TS, it will be re-released by the TSG with an identifying
change of release date and an increase in version number as follows:

Version 1.y.z


x the first digit:

1 presented to TSG for information;

2 presented to TSG for approval;

3 Indicates TSG approved document under change control.

y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections, updates,

z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the specification;
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 7 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

The present document includes some features which are new to this release 98 version GSM 07.07. In order to make it
easier for readers of this document to find these new features compared to the release 96 version, special markers are
used in the text. The following table lists all the new release 97 and release 98 features and the corresponding marker for
each feature.

Feature Designator
Technical enhancement and improvement: New AT-commands $(AT R97)$
Technical enhancement and improvement: New AT-commands $(AT R98)$
Support of Multiplexer according to GSM 07.10 $(MUX MS-TE)$
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 8 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

1 Scope
This Specification specifies a profile of AT commands and recommends that this profile be used for controlling Mobile
Equipment (ME) functions and GSM network services from a Terminal Equipment (TE) through Terminal Adaptor
(TA). The command prefix +C is reserved for Digital Cellular in ITU-T Recommendation V.25ter [14]. This TS has
also the syntax details used to construct these extended GSM commands. Commands from ITU-T Recommendation
V.25ter [14] and existing digital cellular standards (TIA IS-99 [15] and TIA IS-135 [16]) are used whenever applicable.
Some of the new commands are defined such way that they can be easily applied to ME of networks other than GSM.
ITU-T T.31 [11] and T.32 [12] fax AT commands may be used for GSM fax transmission from TE. GSM Short
Message Service AT commands are defined in GSM 07.05 [24]. GPRS AT commands are defined in GSM 07.60
[34].This ETS assumes an abstract architecture comprising a TE (e.g. a computer) and a ME interfaced by a TA (see
figure 1). The span of control of the defined commands should allow to handle any physical implementation that this
abstract architecture may lead to:

- TA, ME and TE as three separate entities;

- TA integrated under the ME cover, and the TE implemented as a separate entity;

- TA integrated under the TE cover, and the ME implemented as a separate entity;

- TA and ME integrated under the TE cover as a single entity.

The commands described in this ETS may be observed on the link between the TE and the TA. However, most of the
commands retrieve information about the ME, not about the TA.

responses ME status

AT cmds ME control

network messages


Figure 1: Setup

Interface between TE and TA is intended to operate over existing serial (ITU-T Recommendation V.24) cables, infrared
link, and all link types with similar behaviour. For correct operation many of the defined commands require eight bit
data and therefore it is recommended that TE-TA link is set to eight bits/ byte mode. (For infrared operation
implementation refer informative references IrDA. For embedding AT commands and data during on-line data state
refer TIA-617/ITU-T V.80.) Interface between TA and ME is dependent on the interface in the ME.

2 References
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present

- References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or

- For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.

- For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies.

- A non-specific reference to an ETS shall also be taken to refer to later versions published as an EN with the same
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 9 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

[1] GSM 02.02: "Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Bearer Services (BS)
supported by a GSM Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN)".

[2] GSM 02.03: "Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Teleservices supported by a
GSM Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN)".

[3] GSM 02.81: "Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Line identification
supplementary services - Stage 1".

[4] GSM 02.82: "Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Call Forwarding (CF)
supplementary services - Stage 1".

[5] GSM 02.83: "Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Call Waiting (CW) and Call
Hold (HOLD) supplementary services - Stage 1".

[6] GSM 02.88: "Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Call Barring (CB)
supplementary services - Stage 1".

[7] GSM 03.03: "Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Numbering, addressing and

[8] GSM 04.08: "Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Mobile radio interface layer 3

[9] GSM MoU SE.13, GSM MoU Permanent Reference Document SE.13: "GSM Mobile Network
Codes and Names".

[10] ITU-T Recommendation E.212: "Identification plan for land mobile stations".

[11] ITU-T Recommendation T.31: "Asynchronous facsimile DCE control, service class 1".

[12] ITU-T Recommendation T.32: "Asynchronous facsimile DCE control, service class 2".

[13] ITU-T Recommendation T.50: "International Reference Alphabet (IRA) (Formerly International
Alphabet No. 5 or IA5) - Information technology - 7-bit coded character set for information

[14] ITU-T Draft new Recommendation V.25ter: "Serial asynchronous automatic dialling and control".

[15] Telecommunications Industry Association TIA IS-99: "Data Services Option Standard for
Wideband Spread Spectrum Digital Cellular System".

[16] Telecommunications Industry Association TIA IS-135: "800 MHz Cellular Systems, TDMA
Services, Async Data and Fax".

[17] Portable Computer and Communications Association PCCA STD-101 Data Transmission Systems
and Equipment: "Serial Asynchronous Automatic Dialling and Control for Character Mode DCE
on Wireless Data Services".

[18] GSM 04.22: "Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Radio Link Protocol (RLP)
for data and telematic services on the Mobile Station - Base Station System (MS - BSS) interface
and the Base Station System - Mobile-services Switching Centre (BSS - MSC) interface".

[19] GSM 02.30: "Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Man Machine Interface
(MMI) of the Mobile Station (MS)".

[20] GSM 05.08: "Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Radio subsystem link

[21] GSM 02.85: "Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Closed User Group (CUG)
supplementary services - Stage 1".

[22] GSM 02.84: "Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); MultiParty (MPTY)
supplementary services - Stage 1".
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 10 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

[23] GSM 02.90: "Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Stage 1 description of
Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD)".

[24] GSM 07.05: "Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Use of Data Terminal
Equipment - Data Circuit terminating Equipment (DTE - DCE) interface for Short Message
Service (SMS) and Cell Broadcast Service (CBS)".

[25] GSM 03.38: "Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Alphabet and language
specific information".

[26] GSM 02.24: "Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Description of Charge Advice
Information (CAI)".

[27] GSM 02.86: "Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Advice of Charge (AoC)
supplementary services - Stage 1".

[28] GSM 11.11: "Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Specification of the
Subscriber Identity Module - Mobile Equipment (SIM-ME) interface".

[29] GSM 02.34: "Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); High Speed Circuit Switched
Data (HSCSD) - Stage 1”.

[30] GSM 02.91: “Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Explicit Call Transfer (ECT)
supplementary service - Stage 1”.

[31] GSM 02.72: “Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Call Deflection (CD)
supplementary service - Stage 1”.

[32] ISO/IEC10646: "Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS)”; UCS2, 16 bit coding.

[33] GSM 02.22: “Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Personalisation of GSM
Mobile Equipment (ME) Mobile functionality specification”.

[34] GSM 07.60: "Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); General requirements on
Mobile Stations (MS) supporting General Packet Radio Bearer Service (GPRS)".

[35] CCITT Recommendation V.110: "Support of data terminal equipments (DTEs) with V-Series
interfaces by an integrated services digital network".

[36] CCITT Recommendation V.120: "Support by an ISDN of data terminal equipment with V-Series
type interfaces with provision for statistical multiplexing".

[37] ITU-T Recommendation X.31: "Support of packet mode terminal equipment by an ISDN".

[38] GSM 05.05: “Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+); Radio transmission and

3 Abbreviations and definitions

3.1 Abbreviations
For the purposes of this TS, the following abbreviations apply:

AT ATtention; this two-character abbreviation is always used to start a command line to be sent from
TE to TA
BCD Binary Coded Decimal
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
HSCSD High Speed Circuit Switched Data
IMEI International Mobile station Equipment Identity
IRA International Reference Alphabet (ITU-T T.50 [13])
IrDA Infrared Data Association
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 11 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

ISO International Standards Organisation

ITU-T International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunications Standardization Sector
ME Mobile Equipment, e.g. a GSM phone (equal to MS; Mobile Station)
MoU Memorandum of Understanding (GSM operator joint)
PCCA Portable Computer and Communications Association
RDI Restricted Digital Information
RLP Radio Link Protocol
SIM Subscriber Identity Module
TA Terminal Adaptor, e.g. a GSM data card (equal to DCE; Data Circuit terminating Equipment)
TE Terminal Equipment, e.g. a computer (equal to DTE; Data Terminal Equipment)
TIA Telecommunications Industry Association
UDI Unrestricted Digital Information

3.2 Definitions
For the purposes of this TS, the following syntactical definitions apply (refer also clause 4):

<CR> Carriage return character, which value is specified with command S3.

<LF> Linefeed character, which value is specified with command S4.

<...> Name enclosed in angle brackets is a syntactical element. Brackets themselves do not appear in the
command line.

[...] Optional subparameter of a command or an optional part of TA information response is enclosed in

square brackets. Brackets themselves do not appear in the command line. When subparameter is
not given in parameter type commands, new value equals to its previous value. In action type
commands, action should be done on the basis of the recommended default setting of the

underline Underlined defined subparameter value is the recommended default setting of this subparameter. In
parameter type commands, this value should be used in factory settings which are configured by
V.25ter [14] command &F0. In action type commands, this value should be used when
subparameter is not given.

4 AT command syntax
This clause summarizes general aspects on AT commands and issues related to them. For further information refer
ITU-T Recommendation V.25ter [14].

4.1 Command line

See figure 2 for general structure of a command line. Standardized basic commands are found only in V.25ter [14].
GSM commands use syntax rules of extended commands. Every extended command has a test command (trailing =?) to
test the existence of the command and to give information about the type of its subparameters. Parameter type
commands also have a read command (trailing ?) to check the current values of subparameters. Action type commands
do not store the values of any of their possible subparameters, and therefore do not have a read command.
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 12 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

read command for checking

current subparameter values

extended commands are command line

command line prefix termination character
delimited with semicolon

ATCMD1 CMD2=12; +CMD1; +CMD2=,,15; +CMD2?; +CMD2=?<CR>

basic command may be omitted
(no + prefix) extended command
(prefixed with +) test command for checking
possible subparameter values

Figure 2: Basic structure of a command line

If verbose responses are enabled with command V1 and all commands in a command line has been performed
successfully, result code <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> is sent from the TA to the TE. If numeric responses are enabled
with command V0, result code 0<CR> is sent instead.

If verbose responses are enabled with command V1 and subparameter values of a command are not accepted by the TA
(or command itself is invalid, or command cannot be performed for some reason), result code
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> is sent to the TE and no subsequent commands in the command line are processed. If
numeric responses are enabled with command V0, result code 4<CR> is sent instead. ERROR (or 4) response may be
replaced by +CME ERROR: <err> (refer clause 9) when command was not processed due to an error related to ME

4.2 Information responses and result codes

The TA response for the example command line of figure 2 could be as shown in figure 3. Here, verbose response
format is enabled with command V1. If numeric format V0 would have been used, <CR><LF> headers of information
responses would have been left out and final result code changed to 0<CR>.

also string type subparameters possible

information response to +CMD2=?

information response to +CMD2?

<CR><LF>+CMD2: 3,0,15,"GSM"<CR><LF>
<CR><LF>+CMD2: (0-3),(0,1),(0-12,15),("GSM","IRA")<CR><LF>

shows acceptable ranges of each subparameter

final result code

Figure 3: Response to a command line

So called intermediate result codes inform about progress of TA operation (e.g. connection establishment CONNECT),
and so called unsolicited result codes indicate occurrence of an event not directly associated with issuance of a
command from TE (e.g. ring indication RING).

4.3 ITU-T V.25ter [14] TE-TA interface commands

Table 1 summarizes V.25ter [14] commands relating to command line and response formatting, and TA-TE interface
operation. All are applicable to GSM terminals.
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 13 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Table 1: V.25ter commands relating to TE-TA interface

Command Section Impl. Use in GSM

S3=[<value>] 6.2.1 mand. command line termination character (mandatory default setting IRA 13)
S4=[<value>] 6.2.2 mand. response formatting character (recommended default IRA 10)
S5=[<value>] 6.2.3 mand. command line editing character (recommended default IRA 8)
E[<value>] 6.2.4 mand. command echo (recommended default 1 i.e. TA echoes commands back)
Q[<value>] 6.2.5 mand. result code suppression (recommended default 0 i.e. TA transmits result
V[<value>] 6.2.6 mand. TA response format (recommended default 1 i.e. verbose format)
X[<value>] 6.2.7 mand. defines CONNECT result code format; values manufacturer specific
&C[<value>] 6.2.8 mand. determines how ITU-T V.24 circuit 109 (or equivalent) relates to the
detection of received line signal from remote end (recommended default 1
i.e. 109 operation relates to detection of received signal)
&D[<value>] 6.2.9 mand. determines how TA responds when ITU-T V.24 circuit 108/2 (or equivalent)
is changed from ON to OFF condition during online data state
+IPR=[<value>] 6.2.10 opt. fixed TE data rate (recommended default 0 i.e. automatic detection)
+ICF=[<format> 6.2.11 opt. TE-TA character framing (recommended default 3,3 i.e. eight data bits, no
[,<parity>]] parity, 1 stop bit)
+IFC=[<by_te> 6.2.12 opt. TE-TA local flow control (recommended default 2,2 i.e. TE uses ITU-T
[,<by_ta>]] V.24 circuit 133 (or equivalent), and TA circuit 106 (or equivalent))
+ILRR=[<value> 6.2.13 opt. determines whether the used local TE-TA data rate is informed using
] intermediate result code +ILRR: <rate> before going online data state
after call answering or originating

5 General commands
ITU-T Recommendation V.25ter [14] includes "Generic DCE Control" commands with the prefix +G. These commands
are for the identification of the TA. Four of those commands are adapted here to be the identification commands of the
ME. Syntax is otherwise similar but the prefix is +CG. TIA IS-99 [15] uses same commands for base station

5.1 Request manufacturer identification +CGMI

Table 2: +CGMI action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CGMI <manufacturer>
+CME ERROR: <err>

Execution command causes the TA to return one or more lines of information text <manufacturer>, determined by
the ME manufacturer, which is intended to permit the user of the TA to identify the manufacturer of the ME to which it
is connected to. Typically, the text will consist of a single line containing the name of the manufacturer, but
manufacturers may choose to provide more information if desired. Refer subclause 9.2 for possible <err> values.

Defined values

<manufacturer>: the total number of characters, including line terminators, in the information text shall not
exceed 2048 characters.

Text shall not contain the sequence 0<CR> or OK<CR>


3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 14 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

5.2 Request model identification +CGMM

Table 3: +CGMM action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CGMM <model>
+CME ERROR: <err>

Execution command causes the TA to return one or more lines of information text <model>, determined by the ME
manufacturer, which is intended to permit the user of the TA to identify the specific model of the ME to which it is
connected to. Typically, the text will consist of a single line containing the name of the product, but manufacturers may
choose to provide more information if desired. Refer to subclause 9.2 for possible <err> values.

Defined values

<model>: the total number of characters, including line terminators, in the information text shall not exceed 2048

Text shall not contain the sequence 0<CR> or OK<CR>



5.3 Request revision identification +CGMR

Table 4: +CGMR action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CGMR <revision>
+CME ERROR: <err>

Execution command causes the TA to return one or more lines of information text <revision>, determined by the
ME manufacturer, which is intended to permit the user of the TA to identify the version, revision level or date, or other
pertinent information of the ME to which it is connected to. Typically, the text will consist of a single line containing the
version of the product, but manufacturers may choose to provide more information if desired. Refer subclause 9.2 for
possible <err> values.

Defined values

<revision>: the total number of characters, including line terminators, in the information text shall not exceed
2048 characters.

Text shall not contain the sequence 0<CR> or OK<CR>


3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 15 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

5.4 Request product serial number identification +CGSN

Table 5: +CGSN action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CGSN <sn>
+CME ERROR: <err>

Execution command causes the TA to return one or more lines of information text <sn>, determined by the ME
manufacturer, which is intended to permit the user of the TA to identify the individual ME to which it is connected to.
Typically, the text will consist of a single line containing the IMEI (International Mobile station Equipment Identity;
refer GSM 03.03 [7]) number of the ME, but manufacturers may choose to provide more information if desired. Refer
subclause 9.2 for possible <err> values.

Defined values

<sn>: the total number of characters, including line terminators, in the information text shall not exceed 2048

Text shall not contain the sequence 0<CR> or OK<CR>



5.5 Select TE character set +CSCS

Table 6: +CSCS parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CSCS? +CSCS: <chset>
+CSCS=? +CSCS: (list of supported <chset>s)

Set command informs TA which character set <chset> is used by the TE. TA is then able to convert character strings
correctly between TE and ME character sets.

When TA-TE interface is set to 8-bit operation and used TE alphabet is 7-bit, the highest bit shall be set to zero.

NOTE: It is manufacturer specific how the internal alphabet of ME is converted to/from the TE alphabet.

Read command shows current setting and test command displays conversion schemes implemented in the TA.

Defined values

<chset> (conversion schemes not listed here can be defined by manufacturers):

"GSM" GSM default alphabet (GSM 03.38 subclause 6.2.1); this setting causes easily software flow control
(XON/XOFF) problems

"HEX" character strings consist only of hexadecimal numbers from 00 to FF; e.g. "032FE6" equals three 8-bit
characters with decimal values 3, 47 and 230; no conversions to the original ME character set shall be

NOTE: If ME is using GSM default alphabet, its characters shall be padded with 8th bit (zero) before converting
them to hexadecimal numbers (i.e. no SMS-style packing of 7-bit alphabet).

"IRA" international reference alphabet (ITU-T T.50 [13])

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 16 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

"PCCPxxx" PC character set Code Page xxx

"PCDN" PC Danish/Norwegian character set

"UCS2" 16-bit universal multiple-octet coded character set (ISO/IEC10646 [32]); UCS2 character strings are
converted to hexadecimal numbers from 0000 to FFFF; e.g. "004100620063" equals three 16-bit
characters with decimal values 65, 98 and 99, $(AT R97)$

"8859-n" ISO 8859 Latin n (1-6) character set

"8859-C" ISO 8859 Latin/Cyrillic character set

"8859-A" ISO 8859 Latin/Arabic character set

"8859-G" ISO 8859 Latin/Greek character set

"8859-H" ISO 8859 Latin/Hebrew character set


Mandatory when a command using the setting of this command is implemented.

5.6 Request international mobile subscriber identity +CIMI

Table 7: +CIMI action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CME ERROR: <err>

Execution command causes the TA to return <IMSI>, which is intended to permit the TE to identify the individual
SIM which is attached to ME. Refer subclause 9.2 for possible <err> values.

Defined values

<IMSI>: International Mobile Subscriber Identity (string without double quotes)



5.7 Multiplexing mode +CMUX $(MUX MS-TE)$

Table 8: +CMUX parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CMUX=<mode>[,<subset>[, +CME ERROR: <err>
+CMUX? +CMUX: <mode>,[<subset>],<port_speed>,
<N1>,<T1>, <N2>,<T2>,<T3>[,<k>]
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CMUX=? +CMUX: (list of supported <mode>s),(list of supported
<subset>s),(list of supported <port_speed>s),(list of
supported <N1>s),(list of supported <T1>s),(list of
supported <N2>s),(list of supported <T2>s),(list of
supported <T3>s),(list of supported <k>s)
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 17 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)


This command is used to enable/disable the GSM 07.10 multiplexing protocol control channel. Refer to subclause 9.2
for possible <err> values. The AT command sets parameters for the Control Channel. If the parameters are left out, the
default value is used.

Read command returns the current mode and the settings.

Test command returns the supported modes and parameters.

It is recommended that the ME/TA/TE should autobaud to the +CMUX command up to and including an interface speed
of 9600 bits/s.

The OK or +CME ERROR: <err> response is returned at the speed of the +CMUX command prior to entering

It is recommended that whenever the multiplexer control channel is released the ME/TA/TE should assume an interface
rate of up to and including 9600 bits/s for auto bauding purposes irrespective of any previous higher speed having been

If a +CMUX command is issued whilst in any multiplexer mode then that +CMUX command shall be ignored and the
ME/TA shall return an +CME ERROR: <err> response.

Defined values
<operation> (multiplexer Transparency Mechanism)

0 Basic option

1 Advanced option


This parameter defines the way in which the multiplexer control channel is set up. A virtual channel may
subsequently be set up differently but in the absence of any negotiation for the settings of a virtual channel, the
virtual channel shall be set up according to the control channel <subset> setting.

0 UIH frames used only

1 UI frames used only

2 I frames used only

Default value: 0

<port_speed> (transmission rate):

1 9 600 bit/s

2 19 200 bit/s

3 38 400 bit/s

4 57 600 bit/s

5 115 200 bit/s

6 230 400 bits/s

<N1> (maximum frame size):

1- 32768

default Value : 31 (64 if Advanced option is used)

<T1> (acknowledgement timer in units of ten milliseconds):

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 18 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

1-255, where 10 is default (100 ms)

<N2> (maximum number of re-transmissions):

0-100, where 3 is default

<T2> (response timer for the multiplexer control channel in units of ten milliseconds):

2-255, where 30 is default (300 ms)

NOTE: T2 must be longer than T1.

<T3> (wake up response timer in seconds):

1-255, where 10 is default

<k> (window size, for Advanced operation with Error Recovery options):

1-7, where 2 is default


Mandatory, if GSM 07.10 supported in the ME/TA.

5.8 ITU-T V.25ter [14] generic TA control commands

Table 9: V.25ter generic TA control commands

Command Section Impl. Use in GSM

Z[<value>] 6.1.1 mand. TA sets all parameters to their defaults as specified by a user memory
profile or by the manufacturer, and resets TA
&F[<value>] 6.1.2 mand. TA sets all parameters to their defaults as specified by the
I[<value>] 6.1.3 opt. request manufacturer specific information about the TA (software
cannot use this command to determine the capabilities of a TA)
+GMI 6.1.4 mand. request TA manufacturer identification (may equal to +CGMI)
+GMM 6.1.5 mand. request TA model identification (may equal to +CGMM)
+GMR 6.1.6 mand. request TA revision identification (may equal to +CGMR)
+GSN 6.1.7 opt. request TA serial number identification (may equal to +CGSN)
+GOI 6.1.8 opt. request ISO system global object identification of the TA (general
format defined in ITU-T Recommendation X.208; encoding rules in
ITU-T Recommendation X.209)
+GCAP 6.1.9 mand. request overall capabilities of TA; the response code for a TA building
on this document shall be +CGSM
+GCI=<T.35> 6.1.10 opt. selects the country of installation for the TA using ITU-T
Recommendation T.35 Annex A country codes

5.9 PCCA STD-101 [17] select wireless network +WS46

PCCA STD-101 [17] includes a command to select the cellular network (Wireless Data Service; WDS) to operate with
the TA. PCCA calls this as WDS-Side Stack Selection. This command may be used when TA is asked to indicate the
networks in which it can operate.

Table 10: +WS46 parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+WS46? <n>
+WS46=? (list of supported <n>s)
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 19 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Set command selects to WDS side stack <n> to be used by the TA. Read command shows current setting and test
command displays side stacks implemented in the TA.

Defined values


12 GSM digital cellular

refer PCCA STD-101 [17] for other values

Mandatory in PCCA STD-101, but optional for GSM.

5.10 Informative examples

When beginning to build a communication link, a general TE application controlling a TA needs to determine the TA
and the ME to which it is connected. V.25ter [14] has seven commands for TA identification from which four are
mandatory to be implemented in a TA. An example of this command sequence requesting manufacturer (+GMI), model
(+GMM), revision (+GMR) and serial number (+GSN) information would be:
Manufacturer ABC
GSM Ultimate Data Device

The maximum lengths of the information responses are defined to be 2048 characters, but it is recommended that they
are kept as simple as in the example. The serial number command is defined as optional. Another optional command is
Global Object Identification command (+GOI) which should return the object identifiers of ITU-T Recommendation
X.208 as numeric strings delimited by periods. The Complete Capabilities List command (+GCAP) should indicate the
major capability areas of the TA. The support of different areas is presented in the response of +GCAP command. Each
area may be presented by the selection command name of a specific capability area (e.g. +FCLASS for fax support) or
some other predefined response. For instance, a GSM TA with fax capabilities could respond as follows:

The first supported area in the response is presented with +CGSM. It is the response text to show that some or all GSM
commands of this ETS are supported. Second response text (+FCLASS) informs that some fax or voice capabilities are
present, and the third text (+W) about the presence of wireless commands as specified by PCCA STD-101 [17].
Command +FCLASS=? (refer e.g. ITU-T T.31 [11] and T.32 [12]) should be used to query the supported fax
capabilities and +WS46=? to query the wireless data services available:

The TA of this example supports GSM data services, and fax service class 1 (TIA-578-A), 2 (manufacturer specific) and
2.0 (ITU-T T.32 [12]/ TIA-592).

This ETS defines commands for ME identification which are similar to those for TA identification in V.25ter [14], for
an example:
Mobile Manufacturer XYZ
GSM Phone 1234
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 20 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)


Manufacturer, model and version commands work similarly as for TA, except that the serial number query returns the
International Mobile Station Equipment Identity (IMEI) number. IMEI is fifteen digits long and consists of a type
approval code, a final assembly code, a serial number and a spare digit (refer GSM 03.03 [7]). When the TA is
implemented inside ME, the responses for both TA and ME queries will most likely follow the responses of ME

6 Call control commands and methods

This clause describes the control of GSM calls. Normal data and fax call control is done as in ITU-T Recommendations
V.25ter [14], T.31 [11] and T.32 [12]. For voice call originating, refer subclause "ITU-T V.25ter dial command D".

6.1 Select type of address +CSTA

Table 11: +CSTA parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CSTA? +CSTA: <type>
+CSTA=? +CSTA: (list of supported <type>s)

Set command selects the type of number for further dialling commands (D) according to GSM specifications. Test
command returns values supported by the TA as a compound value.

Defined values

<type>: type of address octet in integer format (refer GSM 04.08 [8] subclause; default 145 when
dialling string includes international access code character "+", otherwise 129


Mandatory when other than default value allowed.

6.2 ITU-T V.25ter [14] dial command D

V.25ter [14] dial command D lists characters that may be used in a dialling string for making a call or controlling
supplementary services in accordance with GSM 02.30 [19]. Their use in GSM is listed in this subclause, as well as new
dial modifiers applicable only to GSM are introduced. For a ME supporting AT commands only, it is mandatory to
support the control of supplementary services in accordance with GSM 02.30 through the dial command or through the
specific supplementary service commands (+CCFC, +CLCK, etc.), where GSM 02.30 identifies the supplementary
services as mandatory.

V.25ter dialling digits

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 * # + A B C (implementation of these characters is mandatory for GSM)

D (implementation of this character is optional for GSM, and it is ignored)

V.25ter modifier characters

, (implementation of this character is mandatory for GSM, but it may be ignored)

T P (implementation of these characters is mandatory for GSM, but they are ignored)
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 21 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

! W @ (implementation of these characters is optional for GSM, and they are ignored)

V.25ter semicolon character

In GSM, when semicolon character is given after dialling digits (or modifiers), a voice call originated to the given
address. TA returns to command state immediately (or after possible +COLP result code; refer subclause "Connected
line identification presentation +COLP"). Refer Annex G for a detailed example.

GSM modifier characters

> (refer subclause "Direct dialling from phonebooks")

I or i (override the CLIR supplementary service subscription default value for this call; I = invocation (restrict CLI
presentation) and i = suppression (allow CLI presentation); refer subclause "Calling line identification restriction

G or g (control the CUG supplementary service information for this call; uses index and info values set with command
+CCUG; refer subclause "Closed user group +CCUG")

6.3 Direct dialling from phonebooks

GSM ME and SIM can contain phonebooks which have a phone number and an alphanumeric field for each phonebook
entry location. The use of V.25ter [14] dialling command ensures that direct dialling from ME and SIM phonebook is
possible through ordinary communications software which just gives the phone number field to be filled and then use the
D command to originate the call. Available memories may be queried with Select Phonebook Storage test command
+CPBS=?, and location range for example with Read Phonebook Entries test command +CPBR=?.

Execute commands

1. D><str>[I][G][;] originate call to phone number which corresponding alphanumeric field is <str> (if
possible, all available memories should be searched for the correct entry)

2. D>mem<n>[I][G][;] originate call to phone number in memory mem entry location <n> (available memories
may be queried with Select Phonebook Storage test command +CPBS=?; mem could be
e.g. ME)

3. D><n>[I][G][;] originate call to phone number in entry location <n> (it is manufacturer specific which
memory storage of ME, SIM and TA is used; command Select Phonebook Memory
Storage +CPBS setting is recommended to be used)

Semicolon character shall be added when voice call is originated. CLIR and CUG per call base modifiers may also be


Possible error responses include +CME ERROR: <err> when error is related to ME functionality. Refer
subclause 9.2 for possible error values. Otherwise TA responses can have values defined by V.25ter [14] and commands
Service Reporting Control +CR and Connected Line Identification Presentation +COLP. Detailed error report of an
unsuccessful originated call failed in a GSM network error can be obtained with command Extended Error Report
+CEER (if implemented).

Defined values

<str>: string type value, which should equal to an alphanumeric field in at least one phonebook entry in the
searched memories; used character set should be the one selected with Select TE Character Set +CSCS

<n>: integer type memory location should be in the range of locations available in the memory used


Mandatory when direct dialling is implemented. Also phonebook commands implementation is required.
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 22 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

6.4 Call mode +CMOD

Table 12: +CMOD parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CMOD? +CMOD: <mode>
+CMOD=? +CMOD: (list of supported <mode>s)

Set command selects the call mode of further dialling commands (D) or for next answering command (A). Mode can be
either single or alternating (in this ETS, terms "alternating mode" and "alternating call" refer to all GSM bearer and
teleservices that incorporate more than one basic service (voice, data, fax) within one call). When single mode is
selected the call originating and hangup procedures are similar to procedures specified in ITU-T Recommendations
V.25ter [14], T.31 [11] and T.32 [12]. In GSM there can be voice followed by data (refer GSM 02.02 [1]), alternating
voice/data (refer GSM 02.02 [1]) and alternating voice/fax calls (refer GSM 02.03 [2]). Refer next two subclauses for
alternating call control methods.

Test command returns values supported by the TA as a compound value.

NOTE: +CMOD shall be set to zero after a successfully completed alternating mode call. It shall be set to zero also
after a failed answering. The power-up, factory (&F) and user resets (Z) shall also set the value to zero.
This reduces the possibility that alternating mode calls are originated or answered accidentally.

Defined values


0 single mode

1 alternating voice/fax (teleservice 61)

2 alternating voice/data (bearer service 61)

3 voice followed by data (bearer service 81)

also all other values below 128 are reserved by this ETS


Mandatory when alternating mode calls are implemented in the TA.

6.5 Hangup call +CHUP

Table 13: +CHUP action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)


Execution command causes the TA to hangup the current GSM call of the ME.

NOTE: The purpose of this command is not to replace the V.25ter [14] command H, but to give an assured
procedure to terminate an alternating mode call. Refer next subclause.


Mandatory when alternating mode calls implemented in the TA.

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 23 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

6.6 Alternating mode call control method

This subclause describes the procedure to handle alternating mode calls with AT commands. Procedures are mandatory
when alternating mode calls are implemented in the TA.

NOTE: ATH and drop DTR will not necessarily cause a hangup from voice mode. If the +CVHU $(AT R97)$ is
implemented the behaviour shall be controlled by its setting.

Voice followed by data call (bearer service 81)

Figure 4 shows commands to start the call, to switch from voice to data (In-Call Modification) and to hang up the call.
+CMOD and +FCLASS commands indicate the current settings before dialling or answering command, not that they shall
be given just before D or A command. Refer subclause "Cellular result codes +CRC" for possible +CRING result code
values. Refer Annex F for a detailed example.



ATD or ATA or
remote initiated

remote initiated hangup drop DTR or
(or ATH AT+CHUP or
or drop DTR) remote initiated hangup

TA sets +CMOD=0

Figure 4: Voice followed by data call

Voice/ data call (bearer service number 61)

Figure 5 shows the commands to start the call, to switch between modes (In-Call Modification) and to hang up the call.
+CMOD and +FCLASS commands indicate the current settings before dialling or answering command, not that they shall
be given just before D or A command. Refer subclause "Cellular result codes +CRC" for possible +CRING result code
values. Refer Annex E for a detailed example.
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 24 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

MT voice first MO MT data first



ATD or ATA or
remote initiated
ATH or drop DTR or
remote initiated
remote initiated hangup
(or ATH
remote initiated hangup
or drop DTR)

TA sets +CMOD=0

Figure 5: Alternating voice and data call

Voice/ fax call (teleservice number 61)

Figure 6 shows the commands to start the call, to switch between modes (In-Call Modification) and to hang up the call.
+CMOD and +FCLASS commands indicate the current settings before dialling or answering command, not that they shall
be given just before D or A command. The parameter "x" of +FCLASS command can be 1, 1.0, 2 or 2.0.

NOTE: The transition from fax mode to voice mode is for further study.

MT voice first MO MT fax first



ATD or
remote initiated

remote initiated hangup refer ITU-T T.31 [11] and T.32 [12]
(or ATH for different hangup possibilities
or drop DTR) (also AT+CHUP shall hangup)

TA sets +CMOD=0

Figure 6: Alternating voice and fax call

6.7 Select bearer service type +CBST

Table 14: +CBST parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CBST? +CBST: <speed>,<name>,<ce>
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 25 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

+CBST=? +CBST: (list of supported <speed>s),(list of

supported <name>s),(list of supported <ce>s)

Set command selects the bearer service <name> with data rate <speed>, and the connection element <ce> to be used
when data calls are originated (refer GSM 02.02 [1]). Values may also be used during mobile terminated data call setup,
especially in case of single numbering scheme calls (refer +CSNS).

Test command returns values supported by the TA as compound values.

Defined values

NOTE: The default values of the subparameters are manufacturer specific since they depend on the purpose of the
device and data services provided by it. Not all combinations of these subparameters are supported by
GSM (refer GSM 02.02 [1]).


0 autobauding (automatic selection of the speed; this setting is possible in case of 3.1 kHz modem
and non-transparent service)
1 300 bps (V.21)
2 1200 bps (V.22)
3 1200/75 bps (V.23)
4 2400 bps (V.22bis)
5 2400 bps (V.26ter)
6 4800 bps (V.32)
7 9600 bps (V.32)
12 9600 bps (V.34)
14 14400 bps (V.34)
15 19200 bps (V.34)
16 28800 bps (V.34)
34 1200 bps (V.120)
36 2400 bps (V.120)
38 4800 bps (V.120)
39 9600 bps (V.120)
43 14400 bps (V.120)
47 19200 bps (V.120)
48 28800 bps (V.120)
49 38400 bps (V.120)
50 48000 bps (V.120)
51 56000 bps (V.120)
65 300 bps (V.110)
66 1200 bps (V.110)
68 2400 bps (V.110 or X.31 flag stuffing)
70 4800 bps (V.110 or X.31 flag stuffing)
71 9600 bps (V.110 or X.31 flag stuffing)
75 14400 bps (V.110 or X.31 flag stuffing)
79 19200 bps (V.110 or X.31 flag stuffing)
80 28800 bps (V.110 or X.31 flag stuffing)
81 38400 bps (V.110 or X.31 flag stuffing)
82 48000 bps (V.110 or X.31 flag stuffing)
83 56000 bps (V.110 or X.31 flag stuffing)
115 56000 bps (bit transparent)
116 64000 bps (bit transparent)

also all other values below 128 are reserved by this ETS


0 data circuit asynchronous (UDI or 3.1 kHz modem)

1 data circuit synchronous (UDI or 3.1 kHz modem)
2 PAD Access (asynchronous) (UDI)
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 26 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

3 Packet Access (synchronous) (UDI)

4 data circuit asynchronous (RDI)
5 data circuit synchronous (RDI)
6 PAD Access (asynchronous) (RDI)
7 Packet Access (synchronous) (RDI)

also all other values below 128 are reserved by this TS


0 transparent
1 non-transparent
2 both, transparent preferred
3 both, non-transparent preferred


Mandatory when data calls implemented.

6.8 Radio link protocol +CRLP

Table 15: +CRLP parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CRLP? +CRLP: <iws>,<mws>,<T1>,<N2>[,<ver1>[,<T4>]]
[<CR><LF>+CRLP: <iws>,<mws>,<T1>,<N2>[,<ver2>[,<T4>]]
+CRLP=? +CRLP: (list of supported <iws>s),(list of supported <mws>s),
(list of supported <T1>s),(list of supported <N2>s)[,<ver1>
[,(list of supported <T4>s)]]
[<CR><LF>+CRLP: (list of supported <iws>s),(list of supported
<mws>s),(list of supported <T1>s),(list of supported <N2>s)
[,<ver1>[,(list of supported <T4>s)]]

Radio link protocol (RLP) parameters used when non-transparent data calls are originated may be altered with set
command. Available command subparameters depend on the RLP versions implemented by the device (e.g. <ver> may
not be available if device supports only versions 0 and 1).

NOTE: If radio link protocol is not used, but some other error correcting protocol (for transparent data calls),
V.25ter [14] Error Control Selection test command +ES=? may be used to indicate the presence of the

Read command returns current settings for each supported RLP version <verx>. Only RLP parameters applicable to
the corresponding <verx> are returned.

Test command returns values supported by the TA as a compound value. If ME/TA supports several RLP versions
<verx>, the RLP parameter value ranges for each <verx> are returned in a separate line.

Defined values

<ver>, <verx>: RLP version number in integer format; when version indication is not present it shall equal 0

NOTE: Versions 0 and 1 share the same parameter set. Read and test commands shall return only one line for this
set (where <verx> is not present).
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 27 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

<iws>, <mws>, <T1>, <N2>, <T4>: IWF to MS window size, MS to IWF window size, acknowledgement timer
T1, retransmission attempts N2, re-sequencing period T4 in integer format (default values and value ranges
depend on RLP version; refer GSM 04.22 [18]): T1 and T4 are in units of 10 ms.


Mandatory when RLP implemented.

6.9 Service reporting control +CR

Table 16: +CR parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CR? +CR: <mode>
+CR=? +CR: (list of supported <mode>s)

Set command controls whether or not intermediate result code +CR: <serv> is returned from the TA to the TE. If
enabled, the intermediate result code is transmitted at the point during connect negotiation at which the TA has
determined which speed and quality of service will be used, before any error control or data compression reports are
transmitted, and before the intermediate result code CONNECT is transmitted.

NOTE: This command replaces V.25ter [14] command Modulation Reporting Control +MR, which is not
appropriate for use in the GSM network. Possible error control (other than radio link protocol) and data
compression reporting can be enabled with V.25ter commands Error Control Reporting +ER and Data
Compression Reporting +DR.

Test command returns values supported by the TA as a compound value.

Defined values


0 disables reporting

1 enables reporting


ASYNC asynchronous transparent

SYNC synchronous transparent

REL ASYNC asynchronous non-transparent

REL SYNC synchronous non-transparent

GPRS XXX GPRS (XXX is a text string, the variable contents of which are specified in 07.60)Implementation

Mandatory when data calls implemented.

6.10 Extended error report +CEER

Table 17: +CEER action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CEER +CEER: <report>
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 28 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Execution command causes the TA to return one or more lines of information text <report>, determined by the ME
manufacturer, which should offer the user of the TA an extended report of the reason of the failure in the last
unsuccessful call setup (originating or answering) or in-call modification, or the reason for last call release. Typically,
the text will consist of a single line containing the failure information given by GSM network in textual format.

Defined values

<report>: the total number of characters, including line terminators, in the information text shall not exceed 2041

Text shall not contain the sequence 0<CR> or OK<CR>



6.11 Cellular result codes +CRC

Table 18: +CRC parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CRC? +CRC: <mode>
+CRC=? +CRC: (list of supported <mode>s)

Set command controls whether or not the extended format of incoming call indication is used. When enabled, an
incoming call is indicated to the TE with unsolicited result code +CRING: <type> instead of the normal RING.

Test command returns values supported by the TA as a compound value.

NOTE: Similar command may be found in TIA IS-99 [15] and TIA IS-135 [16].

Defined values


0 disables extended format

1 enables extended format


ASYNC asynchronous transparent

SYNC synchronous transparent

REL ASYNC asynchronous non-transparent

REL SYNC synchronous non-transparent

FAX facsimile (TS 62)

VOICE normal voice (TS 11)

VOICE/XXX voice followed by data (BS 81) (XXX is ASYNC, SYNC, REL ASYNC or REL SYNC)

ALT VOICE/XXX alternating voice/data, voice first (BS 61)

ALT XXX/VOICE alternating voice/data, data first (BS 61)

ALT VOICE/FAX alternating voice/fax, voice first (TS 61)

ALT FAX/VOICE alternating voice/fax, fax first (TS 61)

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 29 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

GPRS XXX GPRS (XXX is a text string, the variable contents of which are specified in 07.60)


Mandatory when data or fax circuit mode calls implemented.

6.12 HSCSD device parameters +CHSD

Table 19: +CHSD action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CHSD +CHSD: <mclass>,<maxRx>,<maxTx>,<sum>,<codings>
+CME ERROR: <err>

Execution command returns information about HSCSD features (refer GSM 02.34 [29]) supported by the ME/TA. Refer
subclause 9.2 for possible <err> values.

Defined values

<mclass>: integer type; multislot class

<maxRx>: integer type; maximum number of receive timeslots that ME can use

<maxTx>: integer type; maximum number of transmit timeslots that ME can use

<sum>: integer type; total number of receive and transmit timeslots that ME can use at the same time (per TDMA
frame). The following applies in a HSCSD call: 1 ≤ (receive slots) + (transmit slots) ≤ <sum>

<codings> is a sum of integers each representing a supported channel coding (e.g. value 5 indicates that 4.8k and
9.6k channel codings are supported):

1 4.8k full rate data traffic channel

4 9.6k full rate data traffic channel

8 14.4k full rate data traffic channel


Mandatory when HSCSD implemented.

6.13 HSCSD transparent call configuration +CHST

Table 20: +CHST parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CHST? +CHST: <wRx>,<codings>

Set command controls parameters for transparent HSCSD calls. Changing them during a call does not affect the current

Defined values

<wRx>: integer type; wanted amount of receive timeslots. Default value 0 indicates that TA shall calculate a proper
value from currently selected fixed network user rate (<speed> subparameter from +CBST command) and
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 30 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

<codings>: a sum of integers each representing a channel coding that is accepted for transparent HSCSD calls.
Default value 0 indicates that all supported codings are accepted (refer +CHSD command for other values)


Mandatory when transparent HSCSD implemented.

6.14 HSCSD non-transparent call configuration +CHSN

Table 21: +CHSN parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CHSN? +CHSN: <wAiur>,<wRx>,<topRx>,<codings>
+CHSN=? +CHSN: <maxAiur>,<modify>

Set command controls parameters for non-transparent HSCSD calls. Changing <topRx> or <codings> value during
a call does not affect the current call. Changing of <wAiur> or <wRx> affects the current call only if <topRx> was
non-zero when call was established.

Defined values

<wAiur>: integer type; wanted air interface user rate. Default value 0 indicates that TA shall calculate a proper
value from currently selected fixed network user rate (<speed> subparameter from +CBST command),
<codings>, and <wRx> (or <maxRx> from +CHSD command if <wRx>=0). Other values:

1 9600 bps

2 14400 bps

3 19200 bps

4 28800 bps

5 38400 bps

6 43200 bps

7 57600 bps

<wRx>: integer type; wanted amount of receive timeslots. Default value 0 indicates that TA shall calculate a proper
value from currently selected <wAiur> and <codings>

<topRx>: integer type; top value for <wRx> that user is going to request during the next established non-
transparent HSCSD call. Default value 0 indicates that user is not going to change <wAiur>/<wRx> during the
next call

<codings>: a sum of integers each representing a channel coding that is accepted for non-transparent HSCSD
calls. Default value 0 indicates that all supported codings are accepted (refer +CHSD command for other values)

<maxAiur>: integer type; maximum value for <wAiur> (assuming that all supported channel codings are
accepted and maximum number of timeslots are used)


0 <wAiur>/<wRx> modification during call is not supported by ME/TA (<topRx> accepts only 0)

1 <wAiur>/<wRx> modification during call is supported by ME/TA


Mandatory when non-transparent HSCSD implemented.

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 31 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

6.15 HSCSD current call parameters +CHSC

Table 22: +CHSC action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CHSC +CHSC: <rx>,<tx>,<aiur>,<coding>

Execution command returns information about current HSCSD call. If no HSCSD call is active, all parameters returned
shall equal zero. (It is manufacturer specific whether non-zero information is returned in case of an active normal single-
slot data call.)

Defined values

<rx>: integer type; number of receive timeslots currently in use

<tx>: integer type; number of transmit timeslots currently in use

<aiur>: integer type; current air interface user rate (in case of transparent service this equals fixed network user
rate) (refer +CHSN command for possible values)

<coding>: current channel coding (refer +CHSD command for possible values)



6.16 HSCSD parameters report +CHSR $(AT R98)$

Table 23: +CHSR action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CHSR? +CHSR: <mode>
+CHSR=? +CHSR: (list of supported <mode>s)


Enabled command returns intermediate result code +CHSR: <type> from the TA to the TE when an HSCSD call is
being set up. The result code represents the current (negotiated or renegotiated) HSCSD parameters. If enabled, the
intermediate result code is transmitted at the point of the call setup negotiation where the TA has determined what type
of an HSCSD connection will be used. Result code transmission is done after possible service (+CR), error control
(+ER), and/or compression (+DR) reporting but before possible TE-TA rate (+ILRR) reporting and before the
intermediate result code CONNECT is transmitted. The format of the intermediate result code is:
+CHSR: <rx>,<tx>,<aiur>,<coding>

For the value definitions, refer to +CHSN and +CHSC commands. For instance, for a non-transparent HSCSD call, result
code ‘+CHSR: 2,2,4,8’ means that the call has two timeslots in both up- and downlink, the air interface user rate is
28800 bps, and the used channel coding TCH/F14.4.

Defined values


0 disables reporting

1 enables reporting
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 32 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)


Mandatory when HSCSD implemented

6.17 HSCSD automatic user initiated upgrading +CHSU $(AT R98)$

Table 24: +CHSU parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CHSU? +CHSU: <mode>
+CHSU=? +CHSU: (list of supported <mode>s)

Set command controls whether or not automatic user initiated service level upgrading shall be used for non-transparent
HSCSD calls. “Automatic” means that, if enabled, the ME/TA shall use the UP bit in the received RLP frames to
determine when to initiate user initiated service level upgrading (i.e. when to modify the +CHSN parameters <wAiur>
and/or <wRx> for the current call). Refer to GSM 07.01 for details on the interpretation of the UP bit(s).

NOTE: The validity of the UP bit in the RLP frames depends on the result of the RLP negotiations. The UP bit
shall only be used if the result of the RLP negotiations were successful with respect to the UP bit.

Defined values

0 disables use of UP bit for upgrading

1 enables use of UP bit for upgrading



6.18 Single numbering scheme +CSNS

Table 25: +CSNS parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CSNS? +CSNS: <mode>
+CSNS=? +CSNS: (list of supported <mode>s)

Set command selects the bearer or teleservice to be used when mobile terminated single numbering scheme call is
established. Parameter values set with +CBST command shall be used when <mode> equals to a data service. If +CBST
parameter is set to a value that is not applicable to single numbering calls, ME/TA shall map the value to the closest
valid one. E.g. if user has set <speed>=71, <name>=2 and <ce>=1 (non-transparent asynchronous 9600 bps V.110
ISDN connection) for mobile originated calls, ME/TA shall map the values into non-transparent asynchronous 9600 bps
V.32 modem connection when single numbering scheme call is answered.

Test command returns values supported by the TA as compound values.

Defined values


0 voice

1 alternating voice/fax, voice first (TS 61)

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 33 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

2 fax (TS 62)

3 alternating voice/data, voice first (BS 61)

4 data

5 alternating voice/fax, fax first (TS 61)

6 alternating voice/data, data first (BS 61)

7 voice followed by data (BS 81)



6.19 Voice Hangup Control +CVHU $(AT R97)$

Table 26: +CVHU parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CVHU? +CVHU:<mode>
+CVHU=? +CVHU:(list of supported <mode>s)

Set command selects whether ATH or “drop DTR” shall cause a voice connection to be disconnected or not. By voice
connection is also meant alternating mode calls that are currently in voice mode. (See section 6.6).

NOTE: When <mode> = 2, this command must be seen in conjunction with the V.25ter [14] command &D. Else
&D shall be ignored.

Defined values


0 “Drop DTR” ignored but OK response given. ATH disconnects.

1 “Drop DTR” and ATH ignored but OK response given.

2 “Drop DTR” behaviour according to &D setting. ATH disconnects.



6.20 V.120 rate adaption protocol +CV120

Table 27: +CV120 parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CV120? +CV120: <rah>,<mfm>,<mode>,<llineg>,
+CV120=? +CV120: (list of supported <rah>s),(list of supported
<mfm>s),(list of supported <mode>s),(list of supported
<llineg>s),(list of supported <assign>s),(list of
supported <negtype>s)
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 34 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Set command sets the values of the V.120 protocol parameters (defined in CCITT V.120) that are carried in the GSM
BC and/or LLC information elements.

Read command returns current settings for the V.120 parameters.

Test command returns values supported by the TA as a compound value.

Defined values

0 rate adaption header not included

1 rate adaption header included (mandatory for protocol sensitive modes).


0 multiple frame establishment not supported, only UI frames allowed

1 multiple frame establishment supported, both I and UI frames allowed.


0 bit transparent mode of operation

1 protocol sensitive mode of operation.


0 no negotiation, LLI = 256 only

1 negotiation allowed. Note - <negtype> indicates the connection over which the negotiation is performed.

0 message originator is "default assignee"

1 message originator is "assignor only".


0 negotiation is done using logical link zero

1 negotiation is done with USER INFORMATION messages on a temporary signalling connection.

GSM does not support all the possible modes of V.120 operation. However, in order to accommodate possible future
additions, the complete set of parameters is included in the command.

The permitted values are: 1, 1 or 0, 1, 0, 0, 0.

A recommended set of default values is: 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0.


Mandatory, if the ME supports V.120 interworking.

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 35 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

6.21 ITU-T V.25ter [14] call control commands

Table 28: V.25ter call control commands

Command Section Impl. Use in GSM

D[<dial_ 6.3.1 mand. originates a call
T 6.3.2 mand. ignored (select tone dialling)
P 6.3.3 mand. ignored (select pulse dialling)
A 6.3.5 mand. answer a call
H[<value>] 6.3.6 mand. hang-up a single mode call; for alternate mode call refer subclause
"Hangup call +CHUP" (only value equal to zero needed)
O[<value>] 6.3.7 mand. returns TA to online data state from online command mode (only value
equal to zero needed)
S0=[<value>] 6.3.8 mand. sets the number of call indications (rings) before automatically
answering the call; value equalling zero disables automatic answering
and is the default
S6=[<value>] 6.3.9 mand. ignored (pause before blind dialling)
S7=[<value>] 6.3.10 mand. sets number of seconds to wait for completion of call answering or
originating procedure before giving up and disconnecting
S8=[<value>] 6.3.11 mand. sets number of seconds to wait when comma dial modifier encountered
in dial string of D command (default is 2 seconds)
S10=[<value>] 6.3.12 mand. sets number of tenths of seconds to wait before disconnecting after TA
has indicated the absence of received line signal
L[<value>] 6.3.13 mand. ignored (monitor speaker loudness)
M[<value>] 6.3.14 mand. ignored (monitor speaker mode)

6.22 ITU-T V.25ter [14] data compression commands

Table 29: V.25ter data compression commands

Command Section Impl. Use in GSM

+DS=[<dir>[,<neg> 6.6.1 mand. controls ITU-T Recommendation V.42bis data compression
[,<P1>[,<P2>]]]] when functions; for subparameter defaults in GSM refer
V.42bis GSM 04.22 [18]
+DR=[<value>] 6.6.2 mand. determines whether the use of V.42bis is informed using
when intermediate result code +DR: <type> before going online
V.42bis data state after call answering or originating

6.23 Informative examples

The alternating mode call handling (voice and fax, or voice and data) and the data call setup commands are defined such
that the dialling command of V.25ter [14] (D) still always originates a call. The purpose is to support all current TE
applications using the dialling command as default. Fax calls are controlled following the rules of ITU-T T.31 [11] and
T.32 [12] standards.

An example where a voice call is originated:

ATD+1 812 555673I; (type of address defaults to 145, CLI presentation is restricted for this call)
OK (call setup was successful)

An example where a voice call is attempted from a phonebook:

ATD>"Doe Joe"G; (enable CUG control for this call)
+CME ERROR: 22 (entry "Doe Joe" is not found)

Also supplementary services may be controlled using dial command according to GSM 02.30 [19]. An example of call
forwarding on no reply for telephony with the adjustment of the no reply condition timer on 25 seconds:
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 36 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

OK (modification was successful)

Two new commands are created for controlling the alternating mode calls. First one, Call Mode (+CMOD), selects
between single and alternating mode. Because this is a crucial command, it is defined that the value is set back to
zero (single mode) after every successfully originated alternating mode call. Also on power-up and factory or user
resets, the value is set to zero. The second new command, Hangup Call (+CHUP), is not a replacement of V.25ter [14]
command H, but a command which reliably disconnects the call in GSM network. This is defined because the H
command is used to switch from fax or data mode to voice mode.

The setting of GSM bearer service (data circuit duplex asynchronous and synchronous, PAD access circuit
asynchronous, or data packet duplex synchronous), is done with Select Bearer Service Type (+CBST). It chooses one of
the four mentioned bearer services, the data rate of the service (or actually the modulation when modem IWFs are used),
and enables or disables RLP. Command Radio Link Protocol (+CRLP) is used to set the RLP parameters in the radio

Service Reporting Control command (+CR) is defined similarly as the reporting of modulation, V.18, error control, and
data compression which are V.25ter [14] features used to show information about the type of the established connection
before the CONNECT intermediate result code. +CR command has one subparameter which specifies whether the
intermediate result code +CR: <serv> is returned or not. The result code should be returned before any V.25ter [14]
reporting result codes. An example of setting up an asynchronous 9600 bit/s modem connection with service reporting:
AT+CBST=7,0,1 (asynchronous modem 9600 bit/s and RLP)
AT+CR=1 (enable reporting)

As GSM network offers more information about the reason of the failure in call originating and answering than normal
PSTN, it is useful to add an extra command to return this information to the TE. This information should not be returned
always after unsuccessful call originating or answering, because many TE applications look for just the regular NO
CARRIER, BUSY, NO ANSWER and CONNECT messages. Action command Extended Error Report (+CEER) does not
have any subparameters, and it returns the cause of the latest call setup failure. This information may be the textual
presentation of the GSM network failure code (refer GSM specification 04.08 [8] Annex H), or some other information
defined by the TA manufacturer.

7 Network service related commands

This clause describes GSM network related commands, which are not covered in call control clause of this ETS.
Commands include GSM supplementary service handling, MSISDN query, ME and network facility locking, and
network registration information query.

7.1 Subscriber number +CNUM

Table 30: +CNUM action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CNUM +CNUM: [<alpha1>],<number1>,<type1>[,<speed>,<service>[,<itc>]]
[<CR><LF>+CNUM: [<alpha2>],<number2>,<type2>[,<speed>,<service>
+CME ERROR: <err>

Action command returns the MSISDNs related to the subscriber (this information can be stored in the SIM or in the
ME). If subscriber has different MSISDN for different services, each MSISDN is returned in a separate line. Refer
subclause 9.2 for possible <err> values.

Defined values
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 37 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

<alphax>: optional alphanumeric string associated with <numberx>; used character set should be the one
selected with command Select TE Character Set +CSCS

<numberx>: string type phone number of format specified by <typex>

<typex>: type of address octet in integer format (refer GSM 04.08 [8] subclause

<speed>: as defined in subclause 6.7

<service> (service related to the phone number):

0 asynchronous modem

1 synchronous modem

2 PAD Access (asynchronous)

3 Packet Access (synchronous)

4 voice

5 fax

also all other values below 128 are reserved by this ETS

<itc> (information transfer capability):

0 3.1 kHz




7.2 Network registration +CREG

Table 31: +CREG parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CREG? +CREG: <n>,<stat>[,<lac>,<ci>]
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CREG=? +CREG: (list of supported <n>s)

Set command controls the presentation of an unsolicited result code +CREG: <stat> when <n>=1 and there is a
change in the ME network registration status, or code +CREG: <stat>[,<lac>,<ci>] when <n>=2 and there is
a change of the network cell.

Read command returns the status of result code presentation and an integer <stat> which shows whether the network
has currently indicated the registration of the ME. Location information elements <lac> and <ci> are returned only
when <n>=2 and ME is registered in the network. Refer subclause 9.2 for possible <err> values.
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 38 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Defined values


0 disable network registration unsolicited result code

1 enable network registration unsolicited result code +CREG: <stat>

2 enable network registration and location information unsolicited result code +CREG:


0 not registered, ME is not currently searching a new operator to register to

1 registered, home network

2 not registered, but ME is currently searching a new operator to register to

3 registration denied

4 unknown

5 registered, roaming

<lac>: string type; two byte location area code in hexadecimal format (e.g. "00C3" equals 195 in decimal)

<ci>: string type; two byte cell ID in hexadecimal format



7.3 Operator selection +COPS

Table 32: +COPS parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+COPS=[<mode>[,<format> +CME ERROR: <err>
+COPS? +COPS: <mode>[,<format>,<oper>]
+CME ERROR: <err>
+COPS=? +COPS: [list of supported (<stat>,long alphanumeric <oper>
,short alphanumeric <oper>,numeric <oper>)s]
[,,(list of supported <mode>s),(list of supported <format>s)]
+CME ERROR: <err>

Set command forces an attempt to select and register the GSM network operator. <mode> is used to select whether the
selection is done automatically by the ME or is forced by this command to operator <oper> (it shall be given in
format <format>). If the selected operator is not available, no other operator shall be selected (except <mode>=4).
The selected operator name format shall apply to further read commands (+COPS?) also. <mode>=2 forces an attempt
to deregister from the network. The selected mode affects to all further network registration (e.g. after <mode>=2, ME
shall be unregistered until <mode>=0 or 1 is selected). Refer subclause 9.2 for possible <err> values. This command
should be abortable when registration/deregistration attempt is made.

Read command returns the current mode and the currently selected operator. If no operator is selected, <format> and
<oper> are omitted.

Test command returns a list of quadruplets, each representing an operator present in the network. Quadruplet consists of
an integer indicating the availability of the operator <stat>, long and short alphanumeric format of the name of the
operator, and numeric format representation of the operator. Any of the formats may be unavailable and should then be
an empty field. The list of operators shall be in order: home network, networks referenced in SIM, and other networks.
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 39 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

It is recommended (although optional) that after the operator list TA returns lists of supported <mode>s and
<format>s. These lists shall be delimited from the operator list by two commas.

Defined values


0 automatic (<oper> field is ignored)

1 manual (<oper> field shall be present)

2 deregister from network

3 set only <format> (for read command +COPS?), do not attempt registration/deregistration (<oper> field is
ignored); this value is not applicable in read command response

4 manual/automatic (<oper> field shall be present); if manual selection fails, automatic mode (<mode>=0) is


0 long format alphanumeric <oper>

1 short format alphanumeric <oper>

2 numeric <oper>

<oper>: string type; <format> indicates if the format is alphanumeric or numeric; long alphanumeric format can
be upto 16 characters long and short format up to 8 characters (refer GSM MoU SE.13 [9]); numeric format is
the GSM Location Area Identification number (refer GSM 04.08 [8] subclause which consists of a
three BCD digit country code coded as in ITU-T E.212 Annex A [10], plus a two BCD digit network code, which
is administration specific; returned <oper> shall not be in BCD format, but in IRA characters converted from
BCD; hence the number has structure: (country code digit 3)(country code digit 2)(country code digit 1)(network
code digit 2)(network code digit 1)


0 unknown

1 available

2 current

3 forbidden



7.4 Facility lock +CLCK

Table 33: +CLCK action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CLCK=<fac>,<mode>[,<passwd>[ +CME ERROR: <err>
,<class>]] when <mode>=2 and command successful:
+CLCK: <status>[,<class1>
[<CR><LF>+CLCK: <status>,<class2>
+CLCK=? +CLCK: (list of supported <fac>s)
+CME ERROR: <err>
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 40 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Execute command is used to lock, unlock or interrogate a ME or a network facility <fac>. Password is normally
needed to do such actions. When querying the status of a network service (<mode>=2) the response line for ‘not active’
case (<status>=0) should be returned only if service is not active for any <class>. Refer subclause 9.2 for possible
<err> values. This command should be abortable when network facilities are set or interrogated.

Call barring facilities are based on GSM supplementary services (refer GSM 02.88 [6]). The interaction of these with
other commands based on other GSM supplementary services is described in the GSM standard.

Test command returns facility values supported by the TA as a compound value.

Defined values

<fac> values reserved by this ETS:

"CS" CNTRL (lock CoNTRoL surface (e.g. phone keyboard))

"PS" PH-SIM (lock PHone to SIM card) (ME asks password when other than current SIM card inserted; ME may
remember certain amount of previously used cards thus not requiring password when they are inserted)

"PF" lock Phone to the very First inserted SIM card (also referred in this ETS as PH-FSIM) (ME asks password
when other than the first SIM card is inserted)

"SC" SIM (lock SIM card) (SIM asks password in ME power-up and when this lock command issued)

"AO" BAOC (Barr All Outgoing Calls) (refer GSM 02.88 [6] clause 1)

"OI" BOIC (Barr Outgoing International Calls) (refer GSM 02.88 [6] clause 1)

"OX" BOIC-exHC (Barr Outgoing International Calls except to Home Country) (refer GSM 02.88 [6] clause 1)

"AI" BAIC (Barr All Incoming Calls) (refer GSM 02.88 [6] clause 2)

"IR" BIC-Roam (Barr Incoming Calls when Roaming outside the home country) (refer GSM 02.88 [6] clause 2)

"NT" barr incoming calls from numbers Not stored to TA memory

"NM" barr incoming calls from numbers Not stored to ME memory

"NS" barr incoming calls from numbers Not stored to SIM memory

"NA" barr incoming calls from numbers Not stored in Any memory

"AB" All Barring services (refer GSM 02.30 [19]) (applicable only for <mode>=0)

"AG" All outGoing barring services (refer GSM 02.30 [19]) (applicable only for <mode>=0)

"AC" All inComing barring services (refer GSM 02.30 [19]) (applicable only for <mode>=0)

"FD" SIM fixed dialling memory feature (if PIN2 authentication has not been done during the current session, PIN2
is required as <passwd>)

"PN" Network Personalisation (refer GSM 02.22 [33])

"PU" network sUbset Personalisation (refer GSM 02.22 [33])

"PP" service Provider Personalisation (refer GSM 02.22 [33])

"PC" Corporate Personalisation (refer GSM 02.22 [33])


0 unlock

1 lock

2 query status
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 41 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)


0 not active

1 active

<passwd>: string type; shall be the same as password specified for the facility from the ME user interface or with
command Change Password +CPWD

<classx> is a sum of integers each representing a class of information (default 7):

1 voice (telephony)

2 data (refers to all bearer services; with <mode>=2 this may refer only to some bearer service if TA does not
support values 16, 32, 64 and 128)

4 fax (facsimile services)

8 short message service

16 data circuit sync

32 data circuit async

64 dedicated packet access

128 dedicated PAD access


The call barring supplementary service control is mandatory for ME supporting AT commands only and not supporting
the control through dial command D.

7.5 Change password +CPWD

Table 34: +CPWD action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CPWD=<fac>,<oldpwd>,<newpwd> +CME ERROR: <err>
+CPWD=? +CPWD: list of supported (<fac>,<pwdlength>)s
+CME ERROR: <err>

Action command sets a new password for the facility lock function defined by command Facility Lock +CLCK. Refer
subclause 9.2 for possible <err> values.

Test command returns a list of pairs which present the available facilities and the maximum length of their password.

Defined values



refer Facility Lock +CLCK for other values

<oldpwd>, <newpwd>: string type; <oldpwd> shall be the same as password specified for the facility from the
ME user interface or with command Change Password +CPWD and <newpwd> is the new password; maximum
length of password can be determined with <pwdlength>

<pwdlength>: integer type maximum length of the password for the facility

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 42 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

7.6 Calling line identification presentation +CLIP

Table 35: +CLIP parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CLIP? +CLIP: <n>,<m>
+CLIP=? +CLIP: (list of supported <n>s)

This command refers to the GSM supplementary service CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation) that enables a
called subscriber to get the calling line identity (CLI) of the calling party when receiving a mobile terminated call. Set
command enables or disables the presentation of the CLI at the TE. It has no effect on the execution of the
supplementary service CLIP in the network.

When the presentation of the CLI at the TE is enabled (and calling subscriber allows), +CLIP:
<number>,<type>[,<subaddr>,<satype>[,<alpha>]] response is returned after every RING (or
+CRING: <type>; refer subclause "Cellular result codes +CRC") result code sent from TA to TE. It is manufacturer
specific if this response is used when normal voice call is answered.

Read command gives the status of <n>, and also triggers an interrogation of the provision status of the CLIP service
according GSM 02.81 [3] (given in <m>).Test command returns values supported by the TA as a compound value.

Defined values

<n> (parameter sets/shows the result code presentation status in the TA):

0 disable

1 enable

<m> (parameter shows the subscriber CLIP service status in the network):

0 CLIP not provisioned

1 CLIP provisioned

2 unknown (e.g. no network, etc.)

<number>: string type phone number of format specified by <type>

<type>: type of address octet in integer format (refer GSM 04.08 [8] subclause

<subaddr>: string type subaddress of format specified by <satype>

<satype>: type of subaddress octet in integer format (refer GSM 04.08 [8] subclause

<alpha>: optional string type alphanumeric representation of <number> corresponding to the entry found in
phonebook; used character set should be the one selected with command Select TE Character Set +CSCS



7.7 Calling line identification restriction +CLIR

Table 36: +CLIR parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CLIR? +CLIR: <n>,<m>
+CLIR=? +CLIR: (list of supported <n>s)
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 43 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)


This command refers to CLIR-service according to GSM 02.81 [3] that allows a calling subscriber to enable or disable
the presentation of the CLI to the called party when originating a call.

Set command overrides the CLIR subscription (default is restricted or allowed) when temporary mode is provisioned as
a default adjustment for all following outgoing calls. This adjustment can be revoked by using the opposite command.. If
this command is used by a subscriber without provision of CLIR in permanent mode the network will act according
GSM 02.81 [3].

Read command gives the default adjustment for all outgoing calls (given in <n>), and also triggers an interrogation of
the provision status of the CLIR service (given in <m>). Test command returns values supported by the TA as a
compound value.

NOTE: On a per call base CLIR functionality is explained in subclause "ITU-T V.25ter [14] dial command".

Defined values

<n> (parameter sets the adjustment for outgoing calls):

0 presentation indicator is used according to the subscription of the CLIR service

1 CLIR invocation

2 CLIR suppression

<m> (parameter shows the subscriber CLIR service status in the network):

0 CLIR not provisioned

1 CLIR provisioned in permanent mode

2 unknown (e.g. no network, etc.)

3 CLIR temporary mode presentation restricted

4 CLIR temporary mode presentation allowed



7.8 Connected line identification presentation +COLP

Table 37: +COLP parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+COLP? +COLP: <n>,<m>
+COLP=? +COLP: (list of supported <n>s)

This command refers to the GSM supplementary service COLP (Connected Line Identification Presentation) that
enables a calling subscriber to get the connected line identity (COL) of the called party after setting up a mobile
originated call. The command enables or disables the presentation of the COL at the TE. It has no effect on the
execution of the supplementary service COLR in the network.

When enabled (and called subscriber allows), +COLP:

<number>,<type>[,<subaddr>,<satype> [,<alpha>]] intermediate result code is returned from TA to
TE before any +CR or V.25ter [14] responses. It is manufacturer specific if this response is used when normal voice call
is established.

Read command gives the status of <n>, and also triggers an interrogation of the provision status of the COLP service
according GSM 02.81 [3] (given in <m>).
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 44 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Test command returns values supported by the TA as a compound value.

Defined values

<n> (parameter sets/shows the result code presentation status in the TA):

0 disable

1 enable

<m> (parameter shows the subscriber COLP service status in the network):

0 COLP not provisioned

1 COLP provisioned

2 unknown (e.g. no network, etc.)

<number>, <type>, <subaddr>, <satype>, <alpha>: refer +CLIP



7.9 Closed user group +CCUG

Table 38: +CCUG parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CCUG? +CCUG: <n>,<index>,<info>

This command allows control of the Closed User Group supplementary service (refer GSM 02.85 [21]). Set command
enables the served subscriber to select a CUG index, to suppress the Outgoing Access (OA), and to suppress the
preferential CUG.

Set command with <n>=1 enables to control the CUG information on the air interface as a default adjustment for all
following outgoing calls. The interaction of this command with other commands based on other GSM supplementary
services is described in the GSM standard.

NOTE: On a per call base CUG functionality is explained in subclause "ITU-T V.25ter [14] dial command".

Defined values


0 disable CUG temporary mode

1 enable CUG temporary mode


0...9 CUG index

10 no index (preferred CUG taken from subscriber data)

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 45 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)


0 no information

1 suppress OA

2 suppress preferential CUG

3 suppress OA and preferential CUG



7.10 Call forwarding number and conditions +CCFC

Table 39: +CCFC action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CCFC=<reason>,<mode> +CME ERROR: <err>
[,<number>[,<type> when <mode>=2 and command successful:
[,<class> +CCFC: <status>,<class1>[,<number>,<type>
[,<subaddr>[,<satype> [,<subaddr>,<satype>[,<time>]]][
[,<time>]]]]]] <CR><LF>+CCFC: <status>,<class2>[,<number>,<type>
+CCFC=? +CCFC: (list of supported <reason>s)

This command allows control of the call forwarding supplementary service according to GSM 02.82 [4]. Registration,
erasure, activation, deactivation, and status query are supported. When querying the status of a network service
(<mode>=2) the response line for ‘not active’ case (<status>=0) should be returned only if service is not active for
any <class>.

Test command returns reason values supported by the TA as a compound value.

Defined values


0 unconditional

1 mobile busy

2 no reply

3 not reachable

4 all call forwarding (refer GSM 02.30 [19])

5 all conditional call forwarding (refer GSM 02.30 [19])


0 disable

1 enable

2 query status

3 registration

4 erasure
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 46 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

<number>: string type phone number of forwarding address in format specified by <type>

<type>: type of address octet in integer format (refer GSM 04.08 [8] subclause; default 145 when
dialling string includes international access code character "+", otherwise 129

<subaddr>: string type subaddress of format specified by <satype>

<satype>: type of subaddress octet in integer format (refer GSM 04.08 [8] subclause; default 128

<classx> is a sum of integers each representing a class of information (default 7):

1 voice (telephony)

2 data (refers to all bearer services; with <mode>=2 this may refer only to some bearer service if TA does not
support values 16, 32, 64 and 128)

4 fax (facsimile services)

8 short message service

16 data circuit sync

32 data circuit async

64 dedicated packet access

128 dedicated PAD access


1...30 when "no reply" is enabled or queried, this gives the time in seconds to wait before call is forwarded,
default value 20


0 not active

1 active


Mandatory for ME supporting AT commands only and not supporting the control through dial command D.

7.11 Call waiting +CCWA

Table 40: +CCWA parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CCWA=[<n>[,<mode>[,<class>]]] +CME ERROR: <err>
when <mode>=2 and command successful
+CCWA: <status>,<class1>
[<CR><LF>+CCWA: <status>,<class2>
+CCWA? +CCWA: <n>
+CCWA=? +CCWA: (list of supported <n>s)

This command allows control of the Call Waiting supplementary service according to GSM 02.83 [5]. Activation,
deactivation and status query are supported. When querying the status of a network service (<mode>=2) the response
line for ‘not active’ case (<status>=0) should be returned only if service is not active for any <class>. Parameter
<n> is used to disable/enable the presentation of an unsolicited result code +CCWA:
<number>,<type>,<class>[,<alpha>] to the TE when call waiting service is enabled. Command should be
abortable when network is interrogated.
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 47 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

The interaction of this command with other commands based on other GSM supplementary services is described in the
GSM standard.

Test command returns values supported by the TA as a compound value.

Defined values

<n> (sets/shows the result code presentation status in the TA):

0 disable

1 enable

<mode> (when <mode> parameter is not given, network is not interrogated):

0 disable

1 enable

2 query status

<classx> is a sum of integers each representing a class of information (default 7):

1 voice (telephony)

2 data (refers to all bearer services; with <mode>=2 this may refer only to some bearer service if TA does not
support values 16, 32, 64 and 128)

4 fax (facsimile services)

8 short message service

16 data circuit sync

32 data circuit async

64 dedicated packet access

128 dedicated PAD access


0 not active

1 active

<number>: string type phone number of calling address in format specified by <type>

<type>: type of address octet in integer format (refer GSM 04.08 [8] subclause

<alpha>: optional string type alphanumeric representation of <number> corresponding to the entry found in
phonebook; used character set should be the one selected with command Select TE Character Set +CSCS



7.12 Call related supplementary services +CHLD

Table 41: +CHLD action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CHLD=[<n>] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CHLD=? [+CHLD: (list of supported <n>s)]
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 48 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

This command allows the control of the following call related services:

- a call can be temporarily disconnected from the ME but the connection is retained by the network

- multiparty conversation (conference calls)

- the served subscriber who has two calls (one held and the other either active or alerting) can connect the other
parties and release the served subscriber’s own connection

Calls can be put on hold, recovered, released, added to conversation, and transferred similarly as defined in
GSM 02.30 [19]. Refer subclause 9.2 for possible <err> values.

This is based on the GSM supplementary services HOLD (Call Hold; refer GSM 02.83 [5] clause 2), MPTY
(MultiParty; refer GSM 02.84 [22]) and ECT (Explicit Call Transfer; refer GSM 02.91 [29]). The interaction of this
command with other commands based on other GSM supplementary services is described in the GSM standard.

NOTE: Call Hold, MultiParty and Explicit Call Transfer are only applicable to teleservice 11.

It is recommended (although optional) that test command returns a list of operations which are supported. The call
number required by some operations shall be denoted by "x" (e.g. +CHLD: (0,1,1x,2,2x,3)).

Defined values

<n>: integer type; equals to numbers entered before SEND button in GSM 02.30 [19] subclause

NOTE: The "directory number" case shall be handled with dial command D, and the END case with hangup
command H (or +CHUP). The 4*“directory number” case is handled with +CTFR command.



7.13 Call deflection +CTFR

Table 42: +CTFR action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CTFR=<number>[,<type>[,<subaddr>[,<satype>]]] +CME ERROR: <err>

This refers to a service that causes an incoming alerting call to be forwarded to a specified number. Action command
does this. Refer subclause 9.2 for possible <err> values.

This is based on the GSM supplementary service CD (Call Deflection; refer GSM 02.72 [30]). The interaction of this
command with other commands based on other GSM supplementary services is described in the GSM standard.

NOTE: Call Deflection is only applicable to teleservice 11.

Defined values

<number>: string type phone number of format specified by <type>

<type>: type of address octet in integer format (refer GSM 04.08 [8] subclause; default 145 when
dialling string includes international access code character "+", otherwise 129

<subaddr>: string type subaddress of format specified by <satype>

<satype>: type of subaddress octet in integer format (refer GSM 04.08 [8] subclause; default 128


3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 49 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

7.14 Unstructured supplementary service data +CUSD

Table 43: +CUSD parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CUSD=[<n>[,<str>[,<dcs>]]] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CUSD? +CUSD: <n>
+CUSD=? +CUSD: (list of supported <n>s)

This command allows control of the Unstuctured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) according to GSM 02.90 [23].
Both network and mobile initiated operations are supported. Parameter <n> is used to disable/enable the presentation of
an unsolicited result code (USSD response from the network, or network initiated operation) +CUSD:
<m>[,<str>,<dcs>] to the TE. In addition, value <n>=2 is used to cancel an ongoing USSD session.

When <str> is given, a mobile initiated USSD-string or a response USSD-string to a network initiated operation is
sent to the network. The response USSD-string from the network is returned in a subsequent unsolicited +CUSD result

NOTE: In case of successful mobile initiated operation, TA implemented according to a version prior to 6 of this
standard, waits the USSD response from the network and sends it to the TE before the final result code.
This will block the AT command interface for the period of the operation. Such TA does not support <n>
value 2.

The interaction of this command with other commands based on other GSM supplementary services is described in the
GSM standard.

Test command returns values supported by the TA as a compound value.

Defined values


0 disable the result code presentation in the TA

1 enable the result code presentation in the TA

2 cancel session (not applicable to read command response)

<str>: string type USSD-string (when <str> parameter is not given, network is not interrogated):

- if <dcs> indicates that GSM 03.38 [25] default alphabet is used:

- if TE character set other than "HEX" (refer command Select TE Character Set +CSCS): ME/TA
converts GSM alphabet into current TE character set according to rules of GSM 07.05 [24] Annex A

- if TE character set is "HEX": ME/TA converts each 7-bit character of GSM alphabet into two IRA
character long hexadecimal number (e.g. character Π (GSM 23) is presented as 17 (IRA 49 and 55))

- if <dcs> indicates that 8-bit data coding scheme is used: ME/TA converts each 8-bit octet into two IRA
character long hexadecimal number (e.g. octet with integer value 42 is presented to TE as two characters
2A (IRA 50 and 65))

<dcs>: GSM 03.38 [25] Cell Broadcast Data Coding Scheme in integer format (default 0)


0 no further user action required (network initiated USSD-Notify, or no further information needed after mobile
initiated operation)

1 further user action required (network initiated USSD-Request, or further information needed after mobile
initiated operation)

2 USSD terminated by network

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 50 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

3 other local client has responded

4 operation not supported

5 network time out



7.15 Advice of Charge +CAOC

Table 44: +CAOC parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CAOC[=<mode>] [+CAOC: <ccm>]
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CAOC? +CAOC: <mode>
+CAOC=? [+CAOC: (list of supported <mode>s]

This refers to Advice of Charge supplementary service (GSM 02.24 [26] and GSM 02.86 [27]) that enables subscriber
to get information about the cost of calls. With <mode>=0, the execute command returns the current call meter value
from the ME.

If $(AT R97)$ is supported, the command also includes the possibility to enable an unsolicited event reporting of the
CCM information. The unsolicited result code +CCCM: <ccm> is sent when the CCM value changes, but not more that
every 10 seconds. Deactivation of the unsolicited event reporting is made with the same command.

Refer subclause 9.2 for possible <err> values.

NOTE: Advice of Charge values stored in the SIM (ACM, ACMmax, PUCT) can be accessed with generic or
restricted SIM access command (+CSIM or +CRSM)). If $(AT R97)$ is supported those values can be
more readily accessed with commands +CACM, +CAMM and +CPUC.

If $(AT R97)$ is supported, the Read command indicates whether the unsolicited reporting is activated or not. Read
command is available when the unsolicited result code is supported.

It is recommended (although optional) that the test command returns the supported mode values.

Defined values
<mode>: $(AT R97)$

0 query CCM value

1 deactivate the unsolicited reporting of CCM value

2 activate the unsolicited reporting of CCM value

<ccm>: string type; three bytes of the current call meter value in hexadecimal format (e.g. "00001E" indicates
decimal value 30); value is in home units and bytes are similarly coded as ACMmax value in the SIM


3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 51 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

7.16 Supplementary service notifications +CSSN

Table 45: +CSSN parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CSSN? +CSSN: <n>,<m>
+CSSN=? +CSSN: (list of supported <n>s),(list of supported <m>s)

This command refers to supplementary service related network initiated notifications. The set command enables/disables
the presentation of notification result codes from TA to TE.

When <n>=1 and a supplementary service notification is received after a mobile originated call setup, intermediate
result code +CSSI: <code1>[,<index>] is sent to TE before any other MO call setup result codes presented in
this ETS or in V.25ter [14]. When several different <code1>s are received from the network, each of them shall have
its own +CSSI result code.

When <m>=1 and a supplementary service notification is received during a mobile terminated call setup or during a call,
or when a forward check supplementary service notification is received, unsolicited result code +CSSU:
<code2>[,<index>[,<number>,<type>[,<subaddr>,<satype>]]] is sent to TE. In case of MT call
setup, result code is sent after every +CLIP result code (refer command "Calling line identification presentation
+CLIP") and when several different <code2>s are received from the network, each of them shall have its own +CSSU
result code.

Test command returns values supported by the TA as a compound value.

Defined values

<n> (parameter sets/shows the +CSSI result code presentation status in the TA):

0 disable

1 enable

<m> (parameter sets/shows the +CSSU result code presentation status in the TA):

0 disable

1 enable

<code1> (it is manufacturer specific, which of these codes are supported):

0 unconditional call forwarding is active

1 some of the conditional call forwardings are active

2 call has been forwarded

3 call is waiting

4 this is a CUG call (also <index> present)

5 outgoing calls are barred

6 incoming calls are barred

7 CLIR suppression rejected

8 call has been deflected

<index>: refer "Closed user group +CCUG"

<code2> (it is manufacturer specific, which of these codes are supported):

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 52 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

0 this is a forwarded call (MT call setup)

1 this is a CUG call (also <index> present) (MT call setup)

2 call has been put on hold (during a voice call)

3 call has been retrieved (during a voice call)

4 multiparty call entered (during a voice call)

5 call on hold has been released (this is not a SS notification) (during a voice call)

6 forward check SS message received (can be received whenever)

7 call is being connected (alerting) with the remote party in alerting state in explicit call transfer operation (during
a voice call)

8 call has been connected with the other remote party in explicit call transfer operation (also number and
subaddress parameters may be present) (during a voice call or MT call setup)

9 this is a deflected call (MT call setup)

<number>: string type phone number of format specified by <type>

<type>: type of address octet in integer format (refer GSM 04.08 [8] subclause

<subaddr>: string type subaddress of format specified by <satype>

<satype>: type of subaddress octet in integer format (refer GSM 04.08 [8] subclause



7.17 List current calls +CLCC

Table 46:+CLCC action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CLCC [+CLCC: <id1>,<dir>,<stat>,<mode>,<mpty>[,
[<CR><LF>+CLCC: <id2>,<dir>,<stat>,<mode>,<mpty>[,
+CME ERROR: <err>

Returns list of current calls of ME. If command succeeds but no calls are available, no information response is sent to
TE. Refer subclause 9.2 for possible <err> values.

Defined values

<idx>: integer type; call identification number as described in GSM 02.30 [19] subclause; this number can
be used in +CHLD command operations


0 mobile originated (MO) call

1 mobile terminated (MT) call

<stat> (state of the call):

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 53 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

0 active

1 held

2 dialing (MO call)

3 alerting (MO call)

4 incoming (MT call)

5 waiting (MT call)

<mode> (bearer/teleservice):

0 voice

1 data

2 fax

3 voice followed by data, voice mode

4 alternating voice/data, voice mode

5 alternating voice/fax, voice mode

6 voice followed by data, data mode

7 alternating voice/data, data mode

8 alternating voice/fax, fax mode

9 unknown


0 call is not one of multiparty (conference) call parties

1 call is one of multiparty (conference) call parties

<number>: string type phone number in format specified by <type>

<type>: type of address octet in integer format (refer GSM 04.08 [8] subclause

<alpha>: string type alphanumeric representation of <number> corresponding to the entry found in phonebook;
used character set should be the one selected with command Select TE Character Set +CSCS


Optional. Recommended when +CHLD command is implemented.

7.18 Preferred operator list +CPOL $(AT R97)$

Table 47:+CPOL parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CPOL=[<index>][, +CME ERROR: <err>
+CPOL? +CPOL: <index1>,<format>,<oper1>
[<CR><LF>+CPOL: <index2>,<format>,<oper2>
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CPOL=? +CPOL: (list of supported <index>s),(list of supported
<format>s)+CME ERROR: <err>
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 54 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

This command is used to edit the SIM preferred list of networks. Execute command writes an entry in the SIM list of
preferred operators (EFPLMNsel). If <index> is given but <oper> is left out, entry is deleted. If <oper> is given but
<index> is left out, <oper> is put in the next free location. If only <format> is given, the format of the <oper> in
the read command is changed. Refer subclause 9.2 for possible <err> values.

NOTE: ME may also update this list automatically when new networks are selected.

Read command returns all used entries from the SIM list of preferred operators.

Test command returns the whole index range supported by the SIM.

Defined values

<indexn>: integer type; the order number of operator in the SIM preferred operator list

0 long format alphanumeric <oper>

1 short format alphanumeric <oper>

2 numeric <oper>

<opern>: string type; <format> indicates if the format is alphanumeric or numeric (see +COPS)



7.19 Read operator names +COPN $(AT R97)$

Table 48:+COPN action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+COPN +COPN: <numeric1>,<alpha1>
[<CR><LF>+COPN: <numeric2>,<alpha2>
+CME ERROR: <err>

Execute command returns the list of operator names from the ME. Each operator code <numericn> that has an
alphanumeric equivalent <alphan> in the ME memory shall be returned. Refer subclause 9.2 for possible <err>

Defined values

<numericn>: string type; operator in numeric format (see +COPS)

<alphan>: string type; operator in long alphanumeric format (see +COPS)



7.20 Informative examples

This subclause includes all the GSM supplementary service related commands, additional commands to lock ME and
SIM capabilities, and commands to check the network registration status.

An example where MSISDNs of a ME are queried, calls are forwarded to different numbers when mobile is busy (CFB)
or when it does not answer (CFNRy). The status of CFNRy is read:
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 55 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

+CNUM: ,"+358501234567",145,,4 (voice number)
AT+CCFC=1,1,"931123456" (enable CFB)
AT+CCFC=2,1,"921654321" (enable CFNRy)
AT+CCFC=1,2 (query CFNRy)
+CCFC: 1,7,"+35821654321",145,,,20 (forward after 20 seconds)

An example of Call Waiting (+CCWA), Call Related Supplementary Services (+CHLD), and Connected Line
Identification Presentation (+COLP) usage:
AT+CCWA=1,1;+COLP=1 (enable call waiting and COLP result codes)
ATD9311234567; (originate a voice call)
+COLP: "+358311234567",145
+CCWA: "+358317654321",145 (another call is waiting)
AT+CHLD=2 (put first call on hold and answer the second one)
AT+CHLD=1 (release the second (active) call and recover the first (held) call)
ATH (release the first call)

Call barring supplementary services are combined in one command, Facility Lock (+CLCK), which is also used to
restrict ME and SIM functionality Some of the facilities require a password when enabled or disabled. An additional
command, Change Password (+CPWD), is defined for changing the password of different barring and restriction
facilities. An example where locking status of outgoing international calls is interrogated and then barred, and the
password of the SIM card lock (Personal Identity Number, PIN) is changed:
+CLCK: 0,7

Operator Selection (+COPS) command is used for querying the status of all GSM operators detected in the area, and
switching between operators.

Following example illustrates a network selection sequence in Finland. Two operators are found, the status of Tele is
unknown and Radiolinja is currently selected. Read command shows that automatic selection mode is on and that
Radiolinja is selected. Then an attempt is made to access Tele, but it is denied (shown by +CME ERROR).
+COPS: (2,"RADIOLINJA","RL","24405"),(0,"TELE","TELE","24491")

When a terminal wanders between countries (i.e. networks), an application may follow this e.g. with the following
AT+CREG=1 (enable +CREG: <stat> unsolicited result code)
+CREG: 1,1 (ME is registered in home PLMN)
+COPS: 0,2,"24405" (get the country...
+COPS: 0,0,"RADIOLINJA" ...and operator name)
...user wanders to another PLMN...
+CREG: 2 (deregistered, roaming ongoing)
+CREG: 5 (registered again, not home PLMN)
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 56 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

+COPS: 0,2,"24001" (get the country...

+COPS: 0,0,"TELIA MOBITEL" ...and operator name)
...user loses connection, no other PLMNs around...
+CREG: 0

8 Mobile Equipment control and status commands

This clause includes commands for ME power, keypad, display and indicator handling. Also commands for selecting,
reading and writing of phonebooks, and setting real-time clock facilities are specified. Two commands are specified for
accessing SIM database records in a general way.

Figure 7 illustrates the effect of these commands. Command Phone Activity Status +CPAS indicates the current general
activity status of the ME. Command Set Phone Functionality +CFUN is used to set the ME to different power
consumption states. Command Enter PIN +CPIN is used to enter ME passwords which are needed before any other
functionality of the ME can be used (e.g. SIM PIN, PUK). Commands Generic SIM Access +CSIM and Restricted SIM
Access +CRSM can be used to access all data in SIM. Commands Battery Charge +CBC and Signal Quality +CSQ are
same as in TIA IS-135 [16] and they are used to query the battery charge of the ME and the current RSSI of the ME.
Command Mobile Equipment Control Mode +CMEC is used to select the controlling unit of ME keypad, display and
indicators. Controlling commands for the TE are Keypad Emulation +CKPD, Display Control +CDIS and Indicator
Control +CIND. If corresponding event reporting is enabled with command Mobile Equipment Event Reporting
+CMER, +CKEV is the result code of a keypad event, +CDEV is the result code of a display event, and +CIEV is the
result code of an indicator event. Phonebook commands are Select Phonebook Memory Storage +CPBS, Read
Phonebook Entries +CPBR, Find Phonebook Entries +CPBF and Write Phonebook Entry +CPBW. Additional command
Clock +CCLK can be used to control the real-time clock of the ME if available. Command Alarm +CALA sets possible
alarm clock facilities of the ME.
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 57 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)
















Figure 7: Mobile equipment control and status commands

8.1 Phone activity status +CPAS

Table 49: +CPAS action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CPAS +CPAS: <pas>
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CPAS=? +CPAS: (list of supported <pas>s)
+CME ERROR: <err>

Execution command returns the activity status <pas> of the ME. It can be used to interrogate the ME before requesting
action from the phone. Refer subclause 9.2 for possible <err> values.

Test command returns values supported by the ME as a compound value.

Defined values


0 ready (ME allows commands from TA/TE)

1 unavailable (ME does not allow commands from TA/TE)

2 unknown (ME is not guaranteed to respond to instructions)

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 58 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

3 ringing (ME is ready for commands from TA/TE, but the ringer is active)

4 call in progress (ME is ready for commands from TA/TE, but a call is in progress)

5 asleep (ME is unable to process commands from TA/TE because it is in a low functionality state)

also all other values below 128 are reserved by this ETS


Mandatory when ME can be operated from TE (refer subclause "Mobile Equipment control mode +CMEC").

8.2 Set phone functionality +CFUN

Table 50: +CFUN parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CFUN=[<fun>[,<rst>]] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CFUN? +CFUN: <fun>
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CFUN=? +CFUN: (list of supported <fun>s), (list of supported <rst>s)
+CME ERROR: <err>

Set command selects the level of functionality <fun> in the ME. Level "full functionality" is where the highest level of
power is drawn. "Minimum functionality" is where minimum power is drawn. Level of functionality between these may
also be specified by manufacturers. When supported by manufacturers, ME resetting with <rst> parameter may be
utilized. Refer subclause 9.2 for possible <err> values.

NOTE: It is manufacturer specific does this command affect network registration. Command Operator Selection
+COPS is used to force registration/deregistration.

Test command returns values supported by the ME as a compound value.

Defined values


0 minimum functionality

1 full functionality

2 disable phone transmit RF circuits only

3 disable phone receive RF circuits only

4 disable phone both transmit and receive RF circuits

5...127 reserved for manufacturers as intermediate states between full and minimum functionality


0 do not reset the ME before setting it to <fun> power level

NOTE: This shall be always default when <rst> is not given.

1 reset the ME before setting it to <fun> power level


3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 59 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

8.3 Enter PIN +CPIN

Table 51: +CPIN parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CPIN=<pin>[,<newpin>] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CPIN? +CPIN: <code>
+CME ERROR: <err>

Set command sends to the ME a password which is necessary before it can be operated (SIM PIN, SIM PUK, PH-SIM
PIN, etc.). If the PIN is to be entered twice, the TA shall automatically repeat the PIN. If no PIN request is pending, no
action is taken towards ME and an error message, +CME ERROR, is returned to TE. Refer subclause 9.2 for possible
<err> values.

If the PIN required is SIM PUK or SIM PUK2, the second pin is required. This second pin, <newpin>, is used to
replace the old pin in the SIM.

NOTE: Commands which interact with ME that are accepted when ME is pending SIM PIN, SIM PUK, or
PH-SIM are: +CGMI, +CGMM, +CGMR, +CGSN, D112; (emergency call), +CPAS, +CFUN, +CPIN,
+CDIS (read and test command only), and +CIND (read and test command only).

Read command returns an alphanumeric string indicating whether some password is required or not.

Defined values

<pin>, <newpin>: string type values

<code> values reserved by this ETS:

READY ME is not pending for any password

SIM PIN ME is waiting SIM PIN to be given

SIM PUK ME is waiting SIM PUK to be given

PH-SIM PIN ME is waiting phone-to-SIM card password to be given

PH-FSIM PIN ME is waiting phone-to-very first SIM card password to be given

PH-FSIM PUK ME is waiting phone-to-very first SIM card unblocking password to be given

SIM PIN2 ME is waiting SIM PIN2 to be given (this <code> is recommended to be returned only when the
last executed command resulted in PIN2 authentication failure (i.e. +CME ERROR: 17); if PIN2
is not entered right after the failure, it is recommended that ME does not block its operation)

SIM PUK2 ME is waiting SIM PUK2 to be given (this <code> is recommended to be returned only when the
last executed command resulted in PUK2 authentication failure (i.e. +CME ERROR: 18); if
PUK2 and new PIN2 are not entered right after the failure, it is recommended that ME does not
block its operation)

PH-NET PIN ME is waiting network personalisation password to be given

PH-NET PUK ME is waiting network personalisation unblocking password to be given

PH-NETSUB PIN ME is waiting network subset personalisation password to be given

PH-NETSUB PUK ME is waiting network subset personalisation unblocking password to be given

PH-SP PIN ME is waiting service provider personalisation password to be given

PH-SP PUK ME is waiting service provider personalisation unblocking password to be given

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 60 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

PH-CORP PIN ME is waiting corporate personalisation password to be given

PH-CORP PUK ME is waiting corporate personalisation unblocking password to be given


Mandatory for ME not supporting the +CKPD command and supporting AT commands only.

8.4 Battery charge +CBC

Table 52: +CBC action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CBC +CBC: <bcs>,<bcl>
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CBC=? +CBC: (list of supported <bcs>s),(list of supported <bcl>s)

Execution command returns battery connection status <bcs> and battery charge level <bcl> of the ME. Refer
subclause 9.2 for possible <err> values.

Test command returns values supported by the TA as compound values.

Defined values


0 ME is powered by the battery

1 ME has a battery connected, but is not powered by it

2 ME does not have a battery connected

3 Recognized power fault, calls inhibited


0 battery is exhausted, or ME does not have a battery connected

1...100 battery has 1-100 percent of capacity remaining



8.5 Signal quality +CSQ

Table 53: +CSQ action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CSQ +CSQ: <rssi>,<ber>
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CSQ=? +CSQ: (list of supported <rssi>s),(list of supported <ber>s)

Execution command returns received signal strength indication <rssi> and channel bit error rate <ber> from the ME.
Refer subclause 9.2 for possible <err> values.

Test command returns values supported by the TA as compound values.

Defined values
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 61 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)


0 -113 dBm or less

1 -111 dBm

2...30 -109... -53 dBm

31 -51 dBm or greater

99 not known or not detectable

<ber> (in percent):

0...7 as RXQUAL values in the table in GSM 05.08 [20] subclause 8.2.4

99 not known or not detectable



8.6 Mobile Equipment control mode +CMEC

Table 54: +CMEC parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CMEC=[<keyp>[,<disp>[,<ind>]]] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CMEC? +CMEC: <keyp>,<disp>,<ind>
+CMEC=? +CMEC: (list of supported <keyp>s),(list of
supported <disp>s),(list of supported <ind>s)

Set command selects the equipment, which operates ME keypad, writes to ME display and sets ME indicators. If
operation mode is not allowed by the ME, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer subclause 9.2 for <err> values.

Test command returns the modes supported by the TA as compound values.

Defined values


0 ME can be operated only through its keypad (execute command of +CKPD cannot be used)

1 ME can be operated only from TE (with command +CKPD)

2 ME can be operated from both ME keypad and TE


0 only ME can write to its display (command +CDIS can only be used to read the display)

1 only TE can write to ME display (with command +CDIS)

2 ME display can be written by both ME and TE


0 only ME can set the status of its indicators (command +CIND can only be used to read the indicators)

1 only TE can set the status of ME indicators (with command +CIND)

2 ME indicators can be set by both ME and TE

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 62 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Mandatory when any of keypad, display or indicator commands is implemented.

8.7 Keypad control +CKPD

Table 55: +CKPD action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CKPD=<keys>[,<time>[,<pause>]] +CME ERROR: <err>

Execution command emulates ME keypad by giving each keystroke as a character in a string <keys>. <time>*0.1
seconds is the time to stroke each key and <pause>*0.1 seconds is the length of pause between two strokes. If
emulating fails in an ME error, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer subclause 9.2 for <err> values. This
command should be accepted (OK returned) before actually starting to press the keys. Thus unsolicited result codes of
key pressings and display events can be returned (refer subclause "Mobile Equipment event reporting +CMER").

Defined values

<keys>: string of characters representing keys as listed in the following table (based on PCCA STD-101 Annex
table I-3). Colon character (IRA 58) followed by one character can be used to indicate a manufacturer specific
key not listed here. All characters from a semicolon character (IRA 59) to the next single semicolon character are
treated as alpha entries and are not converted to key equivalents. All semicolon characters inside alpha entries
should be duplicated in the TE and stripped to one before entering to the ME. Pause character (IRA 87 or 119)
can be used to pause between key pressings for a time specified by <pause>. All IRA values not listed here are
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 63 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Table 56: Character codes

Char IRA (dec) Comment (+ some known key symbols)

# 35 hash (number sign)
% 37 percent sign (P)
* 42 star (*)
0... 9 48... 57 number keys
: 58 escape character for manufacturer specific keys
; 59 escape character for string entering
< 60 left arrow
> 62 right arrow
@ 64 alpha key (α/ABC)
A/a 65/97 channel A (A)
B/b 66/98 channel B (B)
C/c 67/99 clear display (C/CLR)
D/d 68/100 volume down
E/e 69/101 connection end (END)
F/f 70/102 function (FCN)
L/l 76/108 phone lock (LOCK)
M/m 77/109 menu (MENU)
P/p 80/112 power (PWR)
Q/q 81/113 quiet/mute (MUTE)
R/r 82/114 recall last number (R/RCL/MR)
S/s 83/115 connection start (SEND)
T/t 84/116 store/ memory (STO/M/M+)
U/u 85/117 volume up
V/v 86/118 down arrow
W/w 87/119 pause character
X/x 88/120 auxiliary (AUX)
Y/y 89/121 delete last character (C)
[ 91 soft key 1
] 93 soft key 2
^ 94 up arrow
<time>, <pause>:

0...255 0... 25.5 seconds (default values are manufacturer specific, but should be so long that a normal ME can
handle keystrokes correctly)


Mandatory for ME not supporting the +CPIN command and supporting AT commands only.

8.8 Display control +CDIS

Table 57: +CDIS parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CDIS=[<text>[,<text>[,...]]] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CDIS? +CDIS: <text>[,<text>[,...]]
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CDIS=? +CDIS: <length>[,<length>[,...]]
+CME ERROR: <err>

Set command is used to write the contents of ME text type display elements. An element can consist of one character or
several characters. The order of element parameters <text> should follow the rule: first is the element in upper left
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 64 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

corner, second is the next element to the right and so on. The last element is the element in lower right corner. The
number of elements is ME specific. If ME does not allow writing to its display or ME is not currently reachable, +CME
ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer subclause 9.2 for <err> values. If certain element is not writable, setting of it
should be ignored. If element parameter is empty field, element shall remain in the previous value.

NOTE: This command cannot be used to write to a display which sum of element lengths exceed the length of the
command line buffer of the TA.

Read command returns the contents of ME display elements. If <text> field is empty (not empty string), ME does not
allow the reading of corresponding element. If ME is not currently reachable, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned.
Refer subclause 9.2 for <err> values.

Test command returns maximum length of each display element. If ME does not offer the length of elements,
<length> fields should be empty. If ME is not currently reachable, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer
subclause 9.2 for <err> values.

NOTE: ME manufacturer should offer the order and maximum length of elements.

Defined values

<text>: string type parameter using character set specified by command Select TE Character Set +CSCS

<length>: integer type parameter giving the maximum length of corresponding <text> parameter



8.9 Indicator control +CIND

Table 58: +CIND parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CIND=[<ind>[,<ind>[,...]]] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CIND? +CIND: <ind>[,<ind>[,...]]
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CIND=? +CIND: (<descr>,(list of supported
<ind>s)) [,(<descr>,(list of supported
+CME ERROR: <err>

Set command is used to set the values of ME indicators. <ind> value 0 means that the indicator is off (or in state which
can be identified as "off"-state), 1 means that indicator is on (or in a state which is more substantial than "off"-state), 2 is
more substantial than 1, and so on. If the indicator is a simple on/off style element, it has values 0 and 1. The number of
elements is ME specific. If ME does not allow setting of indicators or ME is not currently reachable, +CME ERROR:
<err> is returned. Refer subclause 9.2 for <err> values. If certain indicator is not writable, setting of it should be
ignored. If parameter is empty field, indicator shall remain in the previous value.

Read command returns the status of ME indicators. If ME is not currently reachable, +CME ERROR: <err> is
returned. Refer subclause 9.2 for <err> values.

Test command returns pairs, where string value <descr> is a maximum 16 character description of the indicator and
compound value is the allowed values for the indicator. If ME is not currently reachable, +CME ERROR: <err> is
returned. Refer subclause 9.2 for <err> values.

NOTE: ME manufacturer should offer the description of supported indicators not listed here and their value
ranges and default values.

Defined values

<ind>: integer type value, which shall be in range of corresponding <descr>

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 65 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

<descr> values reserved by this ETS and their <ind> ranges:

"battchg" battery charge level (0-5)

"signal" signal quality (0-5)

"service" service availability (0-1)

"sounder" sounder activity (0-1)

"message" message received (0-1)

"call" call in progress (0-1)

"vox" transmit activated by voice activity (0-1)

"roam" roaming indicator (0-1)

"smsfull" a short message memory storage in the MT has become full (1), or memory locations are available (0);
i.e. the range is (0-1)



8.10 Mobile Equipment event reporting +CMER

Table 59: +CMER parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CMER=[<mode>[,<keyp>[,<disp> +CME ERROR: <err>
+CMER? +CMER: <mode>,<keyp>,<disp>,<ind>,<bfr>
+CMER=? +CMER: (list of supported <mode>s),(list of supported
<keyp>s),(list of supported <disp>s),(list of supported
<ind>s),(list of supported <bfr>s)

Set command enables or disables sending of unsolicited result codes from TA to TE in the case of key pressings, display
changes, and indicator state changes. <mode> controls the processing of unsolicited result codes specified within this
command. <bfr> controls the effect on buffered codes when <mode> 1, 2 or 3 is entered. If setting is not supported by
the ME, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer subclause 9.2 for <err> values.

Test command returns the modes supported by the TA as compound values.

Defined values


0 buffer unsolicited result codes in the TA; if TA result code buffer is full, codes can be buffered in some other
place or the oldest ones can be discarded

1 discard unsolicited result codes when TA-TE link is reserved (e.g. in on-line data mode); otherwise forward them
directly to the TE

2 buffer unsolicited result codes in the TA when TA-TE link is reserved (e.g. in on-line data mode) and flush them
to the TE after reservation; otherwise forward them directly to the TE

3 forward unsolicited result codes directly to the TE; TA-TE link specific inband technique used to embed result
codes and data when TA is in on-line data mode

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 66 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

0 no keypad event reporting

1 keypad event reporting using result code +CKEV: <key>,<press>. <key> indicates the key (refer IRA
values defined in table in subclause "Keypad control +CKPD") and <press> if the key is pressed or released (1
for pressing and 0 for releasing). Only those key pressings, which are not caused by +CKPD shall be indicated by
the TA to the TE.

NOTE: When this mode is enabled, corresponding result codes of all keys currently pressed should be flushed to
the TA regardless of <bfr> setting.

2 keypad event reporting using result code +CKEV: <key>,<press>. All key pressings shall be directed from
TA to TE.

NOTE: When this mode is enabled, corresponding result codes of all keys currently pressed should be flushed to
the TA regardless of <bfr> setting.


0 no display event reporting

1 display event reporting using result code +CDEV: <elem>,<text>. <elem> indicates the element order
number (as specified for +CDIS) and <text> is the new value of text element. Only those display events, which
are not caused by +CDIS shall be indicated by the TA to the TE. Character set used in <text> is as specified
by command Select TE Character Set +CSCS

2 display event reporting using result code +CDEV: <elem>,<text>. All display events shall be directed from
TA to TE. Character set used in <text> is as specified by command Select TE Character Set +CSCS


0 no indicator event reporting

1 indicator event reporting using result code +CIEV: <ind>,<value>. <ind> indicates the indicator order
number (as specified for +CIND) and <value> is the new value of indicator. Only those indicator events, which
are not caused by +CIND shall be indicated by the TA to the TE

2 indicator event reporting using result code +CIEV: <ind>,<value>. All indicator events shall be directed
from TA to TE


0 TA buffer of unsolicited result codes defined within this command is cleared when <mode> 1...3 is entered

1 TA buffer of unsolicited result codes defined within this command is flushed to the TE when <mode> 1...3 is
entered (OK response shall be given before flushing the codes)


Mandatory when any of the keypad, display, or indicator result codes is implemented.

8.11 Select phonebook memory storage +CPBS

Table 60: +CPBS parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CPBS=<storage> +CME ERROR: <err>
+CPBS? +CPBS: <storage>[,<used>,<total>]
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CPBS=? +CPBS: (list of supported <storage>s)

Set command selects phonebook memory storage <storage>, which is used by other phonebook commands. If setting
fails in an ME error, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer subclause 9.2 for <err> values.
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 67 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Read command returns currently selected memory, and when supported by manufacturer, number of used locations and
total number of locations in the memory.

Test command returns supported storages as compound value.

Defined values

<storage> values reserved by this ETS:

"DC" ME dialled calls list (+CPBW may not be applicable for this storage) $(AT R97)$

"EN" SIM (or ME) emergency number (+CPBW is not be applicable for this storage) $(AT R97)$

"FD" SIM fixdialling-phonebook

"LD" SIM last-dialling-phonebook

"MC" ME missed (unanswered received) calls list (+CPBW may not be applicable for this storage)

"ME" ME phonebook

"MT" combined ME and SIM phonebook

"ON" SIM (or ME) own numbers (MSISDNs) list (reading of this storage may be available through +CNUM
also) $(AT R97)$

"RC" ME received calls list (+CPBW may not be applicable for this storage) $(AT R97)$

"SM" SIM phonebook

"TA" TA phonebook

<used>: integer type value indicating the number of used locations in selected memory

<total>: integer type value indicating the total number of locations in selected memory


Mandatory when phonebook read, find or write command, or direct dialling (refer subclause "Direct dialling from
phonebooks") is implemented.

8.12 Read phonebook entries +CPBR

Table 61: +CPBR action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CPBR=<index1> [+CPBR: <index1>,<number>,<type>,<text>[[...]
[,<index2>] <CR><LF>+CPBR: <index2>,<number>,<type>,<text>]]
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CPBR=? +CPBR: (list of supported <index>s),[<nlength>],[<tlength>]
+CME ERROR: <err>

Execution command returns phonebook entries in location number range <index1>... <index2> from the current
phonebook memory storage selected with +CPBS. If <index2> is left out, only location <index1> is returned. Entry
fields returned are location number <indexn>, phone number stored there <number> (of format <type>) and text
<text> associated with the number. If all queried locations are empty (but available), no information text lines may be
returnedIf listing fails in an ME error, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer subclause 9.2 for <err> values.

Test command returns location range supported by the current storage as a compound value and the maximum lengths of
<number> and <text> fields. In case of SIM storage, the lengths may not be available. If ME is not currently
reachable, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer subclause 9.2 for <err> values.
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 68 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Defined values

<index1>, <index2>, <index>: integer type values in the range of location numbers of phonebook memory

<number>: string type phone number of format <type>

<type>: type of address octet in integer format (refer GSM 04.08 [8] subclause

<text>: string type field of maximum length <tlength>; character set as specified by command Select TE
Character Set +CSCS

<nlength>: integer type value indicating the maximum length of field <number>

<tlength>: integer type value indicating the maximum length of field <text>



8.13 Find phonebook entries +CPBF

Table 62: +CPBF action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CPBF=<findtext> [+CPBF: <index1>,<number>,<type>,<text>[[...]
<CR><LF>+CBPF: <index2>,<number>,<type>,<text>]]
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CPBF=? +CPBF: [<nlength>],[<tlength>]
+CME ERROR: <err>

Execution command returns phonebook entries (from the current phonebook memory storage selected with +CPBS)
which alphanumeric field start with string <findtext>. Entry fields returned are location number <indexn>, phone
number stored there <number> (of format <type>) and text <text> associated with the number. If listing fails in an
ME error, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer subclause 9.2 for <err> values.

Test command returns the maximum lengths of <number> and <text> fields. In case of SIM storage, the lengths may
not be available. If ME is not currently reachable, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer subclause 9.2 for <err>

Defined values

<index1>, <index2>: integer type values in the range of location numbers of phonebook memory

<number>: string type phone number of format <type>

<type>: type of address octet in integer format (refer GSM 04.08 [8] subclause

<findtext>, <text>: string type field of maximum length <tlength>; character set as specified by command
Select TE Character Set +CSCS

<nlength>: integer type value indicating the maximum length of field <number>

<tlength>: integer type value indicating the maximum length of field <text>


3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 69 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

8.14 Write phonebook entry +CPBW

Table 63: +CPBW action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CPBW=[<index>][,<number> +CME ERROR: <err>
+CPBW=? +CPBW: (list of supported <index>s),[<nlength>],
(list of supported <type>s),[<tlength>]
+CME ERROR: <err>

Execution command writes phonebook entry in location number <index> in the current phonebook memory storage
selected with +CPBS. Entry fields written are phone number <number> (in the format <type>) and text <text>
associated with the number. If those fields are omitted, phonebook entry is deleted. If <index> is left out, but
<number> is given, entry is written to the first free location in the phonebook (the implementation of this feature is
manufacturer specific). If writing fails in an ME error, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer subclause 9.2 for
<err> values.

Test command returns location range supported by the current storage as a compound value, the maximum length of
<number> field, supported number formats of the storage, and the maximum length of <text> field. In case of SIM
storage, the lengths may not be available. If ME is not currently reachable, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer
subclause 9.2 for <err> values. If storage does not offer format information, the format list should be empty

Defined values

<index>: integer type values in the range of location numbers of phonebook memory

<number>: string type phone number of format <type>

<type>: type of address octet in integer format (refer GSM 04.08 [8] subclause ; default 145 when
dialling string includes international access code character "+", otherwise 129

<text>: string type field of maximum length <tlength>; character set as specified by command Select TE
Character Set +CSCS

<nlength>: integer type value indicating the maximum length of field <number>

<tlength>: integer type value indicating the maximum length of field <text>



8.15 Clock +CCLK

Table 64: +CCLK parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CCLK=<time> +CME ERROR: <err>
+CCLK? +CCLK: <time>
+CME ERROR: <err>

Set command sets the real-time clock of the ME. If setting fails in an ME error, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned.
Refer subclause 9.2 for <err> values.

Read command returns the current setting of the clock.

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 70 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Defined values

<time>: string type value; format is "yy/MM/dd,hh:mm:ss±zz", where characters indicate year (two last digits),
month, day, hour, minutes, seconds and time zone (indicates the difference, expressed in quarters of an hour,
between the local time and GMT; range -47...+48). E.g. 6th of May 1994, 22:10:00 GMT+2 hours equals to

NOTE: If ME does not support time zone information then the three last characters of <time> are not returned by



8.16 Alarm +CALA

Table 65: +CALA parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CALA=<time>[,<n>[,<type> +CME ERROR: <err>
+CALA? [+CALA: <time>,<n1>,<type>,[<text>]
[<CR><LF>+CALA: <time>,<n2>,<type>,[<text>]
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CALA=? +CALA: (list of supported <n>s),(list of supported
+CME ERROR: <err>

Set command sets an alarm time in the ME. There can be an array of different types of alarms, and each alarm may
cause different text to be displayed in the ME display. If setting fails in an ME error, +CME ERROR: <err> is
returned. Refer subclause 9.2 for <err> values.

Read command returns the list of current active alarm settings in the ME.

Test command returns supported array index values, alarm types, and maximum length of the text to be displayed.

Defined values

<time>: refer +CCLK

<n>, <n1>, <n2>: integer type value indicating the index of the alarm; default is manufacturer specific

<type>: integer type value indicating the type of the alarm (e.g. sound, volume, LED); values and default are
manufacturer specific

<text>: string type value indicating the text to be displayed when alarm time is reached; maximum length

<tlength>: integer type value indicating the maximum length of <text>


3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 71 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

8.17 Generic SIM access +CSIM

Table 66: +CSIM action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CSIM=<length>,<command> +CSIM: <length>,<response>
+CME ERROR: <err>

Set command transmits to the ME the <command> it then shall send as it is to the SIM. In the same manner the SIM
<response> shall be sent back by the ME to the TA as it is. Refer subclause 9.2 for <err> values.

This command allows a direct control of the SIM by an distant application on the TE. The TE shall then take care of
processing SIM information within the frame specified by GSM.

NOTE: Compared to Restricted SIM Access command +CRSM, the definition of +CSIM allows TE to take more
control over the SIM-ME interface. The locking and unlocking of the interface may be done by a special
<command> value or automatically by TA/ME (by interpreting <command> parameter). In case that TE
application does not use the unlock command (or does not send a <command> causing automatic unlock)
in a certain timeout value, ME may release the locking.

Defined values

<length> : integer type; length of the characters that are sent to TE in <command> or <response> (two times
the actual length of the command or response)

<command> : command passed on by the ME to the SIM in the format as described in GSM 11.11 [28]
(hexadecimal character format; refer +CSCS)

<response> : response to the command passed on by the SIM to the ME in the format as described in
GSM 11.11 [28] (hexadecimal character format; refer +CSCS)



8.18 Restricted SIM access +CRSM

Table 67: +CRSM action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CRSM=<command>[,<fileid> +CRSM: <sw1>,<sw2>[,<response>]
[,<P1>,<P2>,<P3>[,<data>]]] +CME ERROR: <err>

By using this command instead of Generic SIM Access +CSIM TE application has easier but more limited access to the
SIM database. Set command transmits to the ME the SIM <command> and its required parameters. ME handles
internally all SIM-ME interface locking and file selection routines. As response to the command, ME sends the actual
SIM information parameters and response data. ME error result code +CME ERROR may be returned when the
command cannot be passed to the SIM, but failure in the execution of the command in the SIM is reported in <sw1>
and <sw2> parameters. Refer to subclause 9.2 for <err> values.

Coordination of command requests to SIM and the ones issued by GSM application inside the ME is implementation
dependent. However the TE should be aware of the precedence of the GSM application commands to the TE commands.

Defined values

<command> (command passed on by the ME to the SIM; refer GSM 11.11 [28]):
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 72 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)







all other values are reserved

NOTE: The ME internally executes all commands necessary for selecting the desired file, before performing the
actual command.

<fileid>: integer type; this is the identifier of a elementary datafile on SIM. Mandatory for every command
except STATUS

NOTE: The range of valid file identifiers depends on the actual SIM and is defined in GSM 11.11 [28]. Optional
files may not be present at all.

<P1>, <P2>, <P3>: integer type; parameters passed on by the ME to the SIM. These parameters are mandatory for
every command, except GET RESPONSE and STATUS. The values are described in GSM 11.11 [28]

<data>: information which shall be written to the SIM (hexadecimal character format; refer +CSCS)

<sw1>, <sw2>: integer type; information from the SIM about the execution of the actual command. These
parameters are delivered to the TE in both cases, on successful or failed execution of the command

<response>: response of a successful completion of the command previously issued (hexadecimal character
format; refer +CSCS). STATUS and GET RESPONSE return data, which gives information about the current
elementary datafield. This information includes the type of file and its size (refer GSM 11.11 [28]). After READ
BINARY or READ RECORD command the requested data will be returned. <response> is not returned after
a successful UPDATE BINARY or UPDATE RECORD command



8.19 Secure control command +CSCC

Table 68: +CSCC parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CSCC=<mode>[,<cmd_set>[, +CSCC: <challenge>
<token>]] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CSCC? +CSCC: <mode>,<cmd_set1>
[<CR><LF>+CSCC: <mode>,<cmd_set2>
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CSCC=? +CSCC: (list of supported <mode>s),(list of supported

This command is used to enable/disable access to commands protected by security mechanism. This enables/disables
access to command sets designated as “secure” such as programming of ME. Refer subclause 9.2 for possible <err>

The TE asks for a <challenge> with <mode>=1 and one specific command set (<cmd_set>), the ME replies with
the <challenge>, which should be inserted into the identification algorithm in both entities (TE and ME). The
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 73 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

algorithm output <token> is sent to the ME with <mode>=2 to enable the specified command set. <mode>=3 is used
to disable the command set.

The read command returns the status (<mode> 2 or 3) of each supported command set.

Defined values


1 request challenge token to enable access to specified command set

2 enable access to specified command set (<token> required)

3 disable access to specified command set

<cmd_set>, <cmd_set1>, <cmd_set2>:

0 MS code re-programming command set.

other values below 128 are reserved by this ETS

<token>: string type; a variable length bit string represented with IRA characters 0 - 9 and A - F, each character
representing a nibble; e.g. bit string “0110 1100 1001 1010” is represented by the IRA string “6C9A”. The length of
the required bit string varies depending on the value of <cmd_set>.

<challenge>: same format as token



8.20 Alert sound mode +CALM $(AT R97)$

Table 69: +CALM parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CALM=<mode> +CME ERROR: <err>
+CALM? +CALM: <mode>
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CALM=? +CALM: (list of supported <mode>s)
+CME ERROR: <err>

This command is used to select the general alert sound mode of the ME. Refer subclause 9.2 for possible <err>

Test command returns supported values as compound value.

Defined values


0 normal mode

1 silent mode (all sounds from ME are prevented)

2… manufacturer specific


3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 74 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

8.21 Ringer sound level +CRSL $(AT R97)$

Table 70: +CRSL parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CRSL=<level> +CME ERROR: <err>
+CRSL? +CRSL: <level>
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CRSL=? +CRSL: (list of supported <level>s)
+CME ERROR: <err>

This command is used to select the incoming call ringer sound level of the ME. Refer subclause 9.2 for possible
<err> values.

Test command returns supported values as compound value.

Defined values

<level>: integer type value with manufacturer specific range (smallest value represents the lowest sound level)



8.22 Vibrator mode +CVIB $(AT R97)$

Table 71: +CVIB parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CVIB=<mode> +CME ERROR: <err>
+CVIB? +CVIB: <mode>
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CVIB=? +CVIB: (list of supported <mode>s)
+CME ERROR: <err>

This command is used to enable and disable the vibrator alert feature of the ME. It is manufacturer specific how this
interacts with +CALM command. Refer subclause 9.2 for possible <err> values.

Test command returns supported values as compound value.

Defined values


0 disable

1 enable

...15 reserved by this ETS

16… manufacturer specific


3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 75 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

8.23 Loudspeaker volume level +CLVL $(AT R97)$

Table 72: +CLVL parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CLVL=<level> +CME ERROR: <err>
+CLVL? +CLVL: <level>
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CLVL=? +CLVL: (list of supported <level>s)
+CME ERROR: <err>

This command is used to select the volume of the internal loudspeaker of the ME. Refer subclause 9.2 for possible
<err> values.

Test command returns supported values as compound value.

Defined values

<level>: integer type value with manufacturer specific range (smallest value represents the lowest sound level)



8.24 Mute control +CMUT $(AT R97)$

Table 73: +CMUT parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CMUT=<n> +CME ERROR: <err>
+CMUT? +CMUT: <n>
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CMUT=? +CMUT: (list of supported <n>s)

This command is used to enable and disable the uplink voice muting during a voice call. Refer subclause 9.2 for
possible <err> values.

Test command returns supported values as compound value.

Defined values


0 mute off

1 mute on


3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 76 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

8.25 Accumulated call meter +CACM $(AT R97)$

Table 74: +CACM parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CACM=[<passwd>] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CACM? +CACM: <acm>
+CME ERROR: <err>

Set command resets the Advice of Charge related accumulated call meter value in SIM file EFACM. ACM contains the
total number of home units for both the current and preceding calls. SIM PIN2 is usually required to reset the value. If
setting fails in an ME error, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer subclause 9.2 for <err> values.

Read command returns the current value of ACM.

Defined values

<passwd>: string type; SIM PIN2

<acm>: string type; accumulated call meter value similarly coded as <ccm> under +CAOC



8.26 Accumulated call meter maximum +CAMM $(AT R97)$

Table 75: +CAMM parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CAMM=[<acmmax>[,<passwd>]] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CAMM? +CAMM: <acmmax>
+CME ERROR: <err>

Set command sets the Advice of Charge related accumulated call meter maximum value in SIM file EFACMmax. ACMmax
contains the maximum number of home units allowed to be consumed by the subscriber. When ACM (refer +CACM)
reaches ACMmax calls are prohibited (see also GSM 02.24 [26]). SIM PIN2 is usually required to set the value. If
setting fails in an ME error, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer subclause 9.2 for <err> values.

Read command returns the current value of ACMmax.

Defined values

<acmmax>: string type; accumulated call meter maximum value similarly coded as <ccm> under +CAOC; value
zero disables ACMmax feature

<passwd>: string type; SIM PIN2


3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 77 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

8.27 Price per unit and currency table +CPUC $(AT R97)$

Table 76: +CPUC parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CPUC=<currency>,<ppu>[,<passwd>] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CPUC? +CPUC: <currency>,<ppu>
+CME ERROR: <err>

Set command sets the parameters of Advice of Charge related price per unit and currency table in SIM file EFPUCT.
PUCT information can be used to convert the home units (as used in +CAOC, +CACM and +CAMM) into currency units.
SIM PIN2 is usually required to set the parameters. If setting fails in an ME error, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned.
Refer subclause 9.2 for <err> values.

Read command returns the current parameters of PUCT.

Defined values

<currency>: string type; three-character currency code (e.g. “GBP”, “DEM”); character set as specified by
command Select TE Character Set +CSCS

<ppu>: string type; price per unit; dot is used as a decimal separator (e.g. “2.66”)

<passwd>: string type; SIM PIN2



8.28 Call Meter maximum event +CCWE $(AT R98)$

Table 77: +CCWE parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CCWE=<mode> +CME ERROR: <err>
+CCWE? +CCWE: <mode>
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CCWE=? +CCWE: (list of supported
+CME ERROR: <err>

Shortly before the ACM (Accumulated Call Meter) maximum value is reached, an unsolicited result code +CCWV will
be sent, if enabled by this command. The warning is issued approximately when 30 seconds call time remains. It is also
issued when starting a call if less than 30 s call time remains. If setting fails in an ME error, +CME ERROR: <err> is
returned. Refer subclause 9.2 for <err> values.

Read command returns the current setting.

Test command returns supported settings.

Defined values


0 Disable the call meter warning event

1 Enable the call meter warning event

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 78 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)


8.29 Power class +CPWC $(AT R98)$

Table 78: +CPWC parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CPWC=[<class>[,<band>]] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CPWC=? +CPWC: list of supported (<band>,(list of
<class>s)) pairs
+CME ERROR: <err>

This command is used to set the preferred ME power class for each GSM frequency band supported. The interaction of
this setting with the selected bearer service (+CBST and HSCSD commands) is manufacturer specific (for example,
selecting a multislot operation might reduce the power class automatically). If setting fails in an ME error, +CME
ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer subclause 9.2 for <err> values.

Read command returns the currently selected output power class and default output power class for each supported
frequency band (as defined by ME manufacturer). Parameter <band1> and its associated power class parameters refer
to the currently used frequency band. For example, +CPWC: 2,1,1,5,4,0 in case of a dual-band ME currently
using band GSM1800, for which the power class is currently set to 2, the default being class 1, and for which the
currently set power class value for GSM900 is class 5 the default being class 4.

Test command returns supported bands and their power classes. For example,

+CPWC: (0,(0,4,5)),(1,(0-2)) in case of a dual-band handheld ME.

Defined values

<class>, <curr_classn>s, <def_classn>s:

0 default (not applicable to <curr_class>s or <def_classn>s)

1… MS output power class as in GSM 05.05 [38]

<band>, <bandn>s:

0 GSM900

1 GSM1800

2 reserved for GSM1900


3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 79 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

8.30 Set Language +CLAN $(AT R98)$

Table 79: +CLAN parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CLAN=<code> +CME ERROR: <err>
+CLAN? +CLAN: <code>
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CLAN=? +CLAN:(list of supported <code>s)
+CME ERROR: <err>


This command sets the language in the ME. The set-command must confirm the selected language with the MMI-
module in the ME. If setting fails, a ME error, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer subclause 9.2 for <err> values.

The <code>-parameter is a two-letter abbreviation of the language. The language codes, as defined in ISO 639, consists
of two characters, e.g. “sv”, “en” etc.

The complete set of language codes to be used are manufacturer specific and should all be possible to use with the
command. Some examples are described under <code>. For a complete list see ISO 639.

The read command gives the current language as output. If the language has been set to “AUTO”, the read command
returns the current language set from the SIM-card. Hence, the “AUTO”-code is never returned by the read-command.

Test command returns supported <code>s.

Defined values

<code>: (not all language codes are present in this list)

“AUTO” Read language from SIM. “Auto” is not returned by the read-command.

“sw” Swedish

“fi” Finnish

“da” Danish

“no” Norwegian

“de” German

“fr” French

“es” Spanish

“it” Italian

“en” English


3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 80 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

8.31 Language Event +CLAE $(AT R98)$

Table 80: +CLAE parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CLAE=<mode> +CME ERROR: <err>
+CLAE? +CLAE: <mode>
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CLAE=? +CLAE: (list of supported <mode>s)
+CME ERROR: <err>

This command is used to enable/disable unsolicited result code +CLAV: <code>. If <mode>=1, +CLAV: <code > is
sent from the ME when the language in the ME is changed. If setting fails, a ME error, +CME ERROR: <err> is
returned. Refer subclause 9.2 for <err> values.

Read command returns the current status for <mode>.

Test command returns supported <mode>s.

Defined values


0 Disable unsolicited result code +CLAE

1 Enable unsolicited result code +CLAE

<code>: For description see +CLAN.



8.32 Set Greeting Text +CSGT $(AT R98)$

Table 81: +CSGT parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CSGT=<mode>[,<text>] +CME ERROR: <err>
+CSGT? +CSGT: <text>, <mode>
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CSGT=? +CSGT:(list of supported <mode>s),
+CME ERROR: <err>

This command sets and activates the greeting text in the ME. The greeting text is shown in the
ME display when the ME is turned on. The command can also be used to deactivate a text. If
setting fails in an ME error, +CME ERROR: <err> is returned. Refer subclause 9.2 for <err> values.

The read command queries the current <text> and the status of the <mode> parameter

Test command returns supported <mode>s and the maximum number of characters in <text>. For example,

+CSGT: (0-1),20

Defined values

<text>: string type; A free text that shall be displayed. The text can not include <CR>

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 81 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

0 Turn off greeting text.

1 Turn on greeting text



8.33 Set Voice Mail Number +CSVM $(AT R98)$

Table 82: +CSVM parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CSVM=<mode>[,<number>[,< +CME ERROR: <err>
+CSVM? +CSVM:<mode>,<number>,<type>
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CSVM=? +CSVM: (list of supported
<mode>s), (list of supported
+CME ERROR: <err>

The number to the voice mail server is set with this command. The parameters <number> and
<type> can be left out if the parameter <mode> is set to 0. If setting fails, an ME error, +CME ERROR:
<err> is returned. Refer subclause 9.2 for <err> values.

Read command returns the currently selected voice mail number and the status (i.e. enabled/disabled).

Test command returns supported <mode>s and <type>s.

Defined values


0 Disable the voice mail number.

1 Enable the voice mail number.

<number>: string type; Character string <0..9,+>

<type>: integer type; Type of address octet. (refer GSM 04.08 section

129 ISDN / telephony numbering plan, national / international unknown

145 ISDN / telephony numbering plan, international number

161 ISDN / telephony numbering plan, national number

128 - 255 Other values refer GSM 04.08 section

<type>: type of address octet in integer format (refer GSM 04.08 [8] subclause; default 145 when dialling
string includes international access code character "+", otherwise 129


3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 82 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

8.34 Ring Melody Playback +CRMP $(AT R98)$

Table 83: +CRMP action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CRMP=<call type>[,<volume> +CME ERROR: <err>
+CRMP=? +CRMP: (list of supported <call
type>s),(list of supported
<volume>s),(<type0>),(list of
supported <index>s)[<CR><LF>
+CRMP: (list of supported <call
type>s),(list of supported
<volume>s),(<type1>),(list of
supported <index>s)

+CME ERROR: <err>


Execution command causes the ME to playback a specific ring type. The default values for the optional parameters are
the current selected in the ME.

Test command returns the available ring melodies.

Defined values:

<call type>: integer type; manufacturer specific

<volume>: integer type value with manufacturer specific range (smallest value represents the lowest sound level)


0 Manufacturer defined

1 User defined

<index>: integer type;



8.35 Master Reset +CMAR $(AT R98)$

Table 84: +CMAR action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CMAR=<phone lock code> +CME ERROR: <err>
+CMAR=? +CME ERROR: <err>


This command requests the ME to reset user data. The user data in the phone will be reset to default values. If setting
fails, a ME error, +CME ERROR: <err>, is returned. Refer subclause 9.2 for <err> values.

If the ME is locked and this command is used, then the ME will be unlocked after the master reset.

Test command returns OK

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 83 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Defined values

<phone lock code > string type; Security code (Phone Lock code) must be verified before performing the
master reset.



8.36 List all available AT commands +CLAC $(AT R98)$

Table 85: +C action command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CLAC <AT Command1> [<CR> <LF> <AT
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CLAC=? +CME ERROR: <err>


Execution command causes the ME to return one or more lines of AT Commands.

Note: This command only returns the AT commands that are available for the user.

Defined values

<AT Command >:

Defines the AT command including the prefix AT. Text shall not contain the sequence 0<CR> or OK<CR>



8.37 Informative examples

Phone Activity Status (+CPAS) is a general command used to detect the presence of the ME, if there is an incoming call,
or if there is a call in progress. This command should be used before trying to operate the ME from the TE. Note that the
activity status may change at any time after the execution of +CPAS, and hence the returned value may be obsolete.
Detachment of the ME from the TA is indicated with a special final result code that indicates all errors related to the
operation of the ME. Result code is +CME ERROR: <err>, where <err> is an integer or verbose value giving useful
information about the reason for the command failure (refer subclause "Mobile Equipment error result code +CME

Set Phone Functionality (+CFUN) can be used to reset the ME or set the power consumption level of the ME by
disabling certain parts of the ME (e.g. the transmit and receive RF circuits). Mobile Equipment Control Mode (+CMEC)
is a command which manages access sharing between the ME and the TE to operate the user interface of the ME. It has
three subparameters which describe the access to keypad, display and indicators. Each subparameter has values for
restricting the operation of the corresponding user interface part only to the ME or only to the TE, or to give the access
for both of them.

Keypad Control command (+CKPD) is used to operate the keypad of the ME. Here lies the problem of different keypad
types between manufacturers, and also between their ME models. The keypresses are sent to the ME as a string type
subparameter of this command. Each character in that string represents a key which will be logically pressed. A special
character (colon) followed by any character can be used by manufacturers (or TE application programmers) to represent
a key which is not defined in this profile. An escape character (semicolon) for direct string entering is also defined. All
text between single semicolon characters is treated as an alphanumeric entry and is not converted to keypressings. All
semicolon characters inside the text shall be duplicated in the TE and stripped back to one before entering them to the
ME. Command has also optional second and third parameters which can be used to alter the time to strike each key, and
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 84 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

the pause to wait between keystrokes (in tenths of a second). A special pause character (W or w) may be added in the
string type subparameter for an extra pause of the same length as given by the third subparameter. In the following
example alphanumeric mode is entered and a person predefined in the ME phonebook, "Ilkka", is called; each key is
struck for half a second and pauses between strokes are a tenth of a second:

Display Control command (+CDIS) is used both for writing to the display text fields and for reading the current status
of the fields. Mobile equipment usually have a character set of their own, so the TA shall be able to do a conversion
between the TE and the ME character sets. TE can have several character sets and the TA must be informed of the
character set in use before starting to write or read the display. Character set is set with general command Select TE
Character Set +CSCS. The +CDIS=? query command is a way to get information about the length of the fields. In the
following example an ME is first queried about the supported conversions and the lengths of the fields. The response
shows there are three ten character long and two six character long fields. Then the TE character set is set to be IRA and
the current status of the display is read. The last command writes the text "Hello, I'm writing to display" in the three
fields, and keeps the contents of the two other fields same (the last two commas could also be left out).
+CSCS: ("IRA","PCCP850","8859-1")
+CDIS: 10,10,10,6,6
+CDIS: "RADIOLINJA","","","Menu","Memory"
AT+CDIS="IRA","Hello, I'm","writing to","display",,

The writing is possible only when it is permitted by the Mobile Equipment Control Mode command (and by the
manufacturer). If a certain field is not writable (but is readable), writing to it should be ignored. The order of the text
fields should be determined by manufacturers and follow the rule: first field is in the upper left corner, second in the
next field to the right, and so on, until to the last field in the lower right corner.

Indicators can be handled with Indicator Control command (+CIND). Its query command returns a short description
(abbreviation) of the purpose of the indicators and the supported values for each indicator. The setting and reading is
done similarly as with Display Control command. In the following example the indicators of a phone are queried, their
current value is read, and the value of message indicator is tried to set (but it is forbidden):.
+CIND: ("memory",(0-2)),("call",(0,1)),("data",(0,1)),("roam",(0,1)),
+CIND: 1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,3,1,0,0,0,5

The subparameter order in the command is defined by the query command order, not by the actual display order. The
zero value of an indicator means that it is off (or in state which can be identified as "off"-state), value one means that the
indicator is on (or in a state which is more substantial than "off"-state), value two is more substantial than one, and so

To this point, only operating through the TE is covered. But when ME can be operated also through its keypad, or there
are changes in the status of the display elements, the information about these actions shall be given to the TE also. This
can be solved only with unsolicited result codes which return keypad, display text and indicator events. Each event
group has a result code of its own: +CKEV returns the key code and if the key pressed (1) or released (0), +CDEV returns
the display text field running number (as specified by command +CDIS) and the new status of the field, and +CIEV
returns the running number of the indicator (refer +CIND) and the new value of it. In the following example number key
1 is pressed, updated on the display, released, and signal strength changes its state to five:
+CKEV: 49,1
+CDEV: 1,"1"
+CKEV: 49,0
+CIND: 10,5
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 85 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Mobile Equipment Event Reporting command (+CMER) has been specified for the purpose of controlling the sending of
these unsolicited result codes to the TE. Four ways are provided to handle the buffering of the result codes (see
figure 8). The first is to buffer them always. The second possibility is to discard them when in on-line data mode and
otherwise forward them directly to the TE. The third possibility is to buffer them in data mode and otherwise forward
them to the TE. The last possibility is to send them always to the TE (some inband technique - e.g. V.80 - shall be used
in data mode to send the result codes within the data). This is the first subparameter of +CMER command. Next three
subparameters are used to enable or disable each of the keypad, text field and indicator result codes. Sending codes can
be enabled either so that only events generated from the ME user interface are returned, or so that also events caused by
Keypad, Display and Indicator Control commands are returned. The fifth subparameter controls the flushing of the
buffer when the value of the first subparameter is changed to a value from one to three.

+CMER first
ME events (inband)

TA 0



Figure 8: Mobile equipment event reporting

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 86 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

An example of complete setup of the TA where TE takes the control of keypad, but does not want to write to display nor
control the indicators (in the start ME is powered off):
AT+CMEE=2;+CREG=1 (use verbose <err> values; report registration)
AT+CPAS (query ME status)
+CPAS: 5 (ME is asleep)
AT+CFUN=1 (set ME to full functionality state)
+CME ERROR: SIM PIN required (SIM requests PIN)
+CME ERROR: incorrect password (user entered wrong PIN)
OK (correct PIN)
AT+COPS=0,0 (ask for automatic operator selection and registration)
+CREG: 1 (registered in the network)
+COPS: 0,0,"RADIOLINJA" (get the operator name)
AT+CMEC=1,0,0 (take over the keypad, leave display to ME)
AT+CDIS=?;+CIND=? (query display text and indicator formats)
+CDIS: 10,10,10,6,6
+CIND: ("memory",(0-2)),("call",(0,1)),("data",(0,1)),("roam",(0,1)),
AT+CSCS="IRA" (set TE character set for display text results)
AT+CMER=1,0,2,2,0 (return display text and indicator result codes when
OK in command state, in data mode discard them)
AT+CDIS?;+CIND? (read current state of display texts and indicators)
+CDIS: "",""," 12345","Menu","Memory" (user had pressed number buttons before
+CIND: 1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,3,1,0,0,0,5 TE took control with +CMEC)
AT+CKPD="C",20 (clear main display text '12345' by holding the
OK 'clear' button down two seconds)
+CDEV: 3,"1234" (first only one character deleted)
+CDEV: 3,"" (while holding continues, whole display is cleared)
+CDEV: 1,"RADIOLINJA" (operator name comes to the display)

The start of the previous example could go as follows when ME has already been powered on but is waiting for the PIN:
AT+CMEE=2;+CREG=1 (use verbose <err> values; report registration)
AT+CPAS (query ME status)
+CPAS: 0 (ME is ready to receive commands)
AT+CPIN? (is ME asking passwords?)
+CPIN: SIM PIN (yes, SIM PIN required)
OK (correct PIN)

One of the most regular operations done through the ME user interface is phonebook control. To lessen the workload of
the TE, some direct commands for phonebook reading and writing are practical. Command Select Phonebook Memory
Storage +CPBS query version returns supported phonebook memories, read version returns current settings, and set
version selects the memory. For GSM, the normal storages are SIM, ME and TA.

Read Phonebook Entries (+CPBR) can be used to read either one or many phonebook locations at the same time. A
regular phonebook entry consists of three elements: memory index number, the phone number and its alphanumeric
equivalent given by the user. Query version of this returns supported index values of the selected memory, and the
maximum lengths of the number and alphanumeric elements. The query version of the Write Phonebook Entry command
(+CPBW) is similar, but the action version sets or clears an entry in the phonebook. Find Phonebook Entries (+CPBF)
may be used to search alphanumeric entries starting with specific string. An example where the whole phonebook of the
ME is read, index number four is cleared, and number three is written:
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 87 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

+CPBS: ("ME","SM") (ME and SIM have phonebooks)
AT+CPBS="ME" (select ME memory)
AT+CPBR=? (read index range and element lengths)
+CPBR: (1-99),30,30
AT+CPBR=1,99 (read all entries but only the ones set are returned)
+CPBR: 1,"931123456",129,"Ilkka"
+CPBR: 2,"9501234567",129,""
+CPBR: 4,"901234567",129,"Hesari"
AT+CPBW=4;+CPBW=3,"921123456",,"TS" (clear index 4 and write index 3)

9 Mobile Equipment errors

9.1 Report Mobile Equipment error +CMEE

Table 86: +CMEE parameter command syntax

Command Possible response(s)

+CMEE? +CMEE: <n>
+CMEE=? +CMEE: (list of supported <n>s)

Set command disables or enables the use of result code +CME ERROR: <err> as an indication of an error relating to
the functionality of the ME. When enabled, ME related errors cause +CME ERROR: <err> final result code instead
of the regular ERROR final result code. ERROR is returned normally when error is related to syntax, invalid parameters,
or TA functionality.

Test command returns values supported by the TA as a compound value.

Defined values


0 disable +CME ERROR: <err> result code and use ERROR instead

1 enable +CME ERROR: <err> result code and use numeric <err> values (refer next subclause)

2 enable +CME ERROR: <err> result code and use verbose <err> values (refer next subclause)


Mandatory for <n> values 0 and 1.

9.2 Mobile Equipment error result code +CME ERROR

The operation of +CME ERROR: <err> result code is similar to the regular ERROR result code: if +CME ERROR:
<err> is the result code for any of the commands in a command line, none of the following commands in the same
command line is executed (neither ERROR nor OK result code shall be returned as a result of a completed command line
execution). The format of <err> can be either numeric or verbose. This is set with command +CMEE (refer previous

NOTE: ITU-T V.25ter [14] command V does not affect the format of this result code.

<err> values (numeric format followed by verbose format):

0 phone failure
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 88 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

1 no connection to phone

2 phone-adaptor link reserved

3 operation not allowed

4 operation not supported

5 PH-SIM PIN required

6 PH-FSIM PIN required

7 PH-FSIM PUK required

10 SIM not inserted

11 SIM PIN required

12 SIM PUK required

13 SIM failure

14 SIM busy

15 SIM wrong

16 incorrect password

17 SIM PIN2 required

18 SIM PUK2 required

20 memory full

21 invalid index

22 not found

23 memory failure

24 text string too long

25 invalid characters in text string

26 dial string too long

27 invalid characters in dial string

30 no network service

31 network timeout

32 network not allowed - emergency calls only

40 network personalisation PIN required

41 network personalisation PUK required

42 network subset personalisation PIN required

43 network subset personalisation PUK required

44 service provider personalisation PIN required

45 service provider personalisation PUK required

46 corporate personalisation PIN required

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 89 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

47 corporate personalisation PUK required

100 unknown

101 - 150 reserved for use by GPRS (values are specified in 07.60)

also all other values below 256 are reserved by this ETS

Mandatory for numeric format codes applicable to implemented command set.

9.3 Informative examples

An example of TA responses with all three +CMEE values when ME manufacturer identification is requested but ME is
not connected to the TA:
AT+CMEE=0 (+CME ERROR shall not be used)
AT+CMEE=1 (use numeric <err>)
AT+CMEE=2 (use verbose <err>)
+CME ERROR: no connection to phone
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 90 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Annex A (normative):
Summary of commands from other standards
Summary of ITU-T Recommendation V.25ter [14] commands applicable to GSM:

Table A.1: V.25ter commands applicable to GSM

Name V.25ter Description Subclauses in this

section ETS
&C 6.2.8 Circuit 109 (Received line signal detector) Behaviour 4.3.
&D 6.2.9 Circuit 108 (Data terminal ready) Behaviour 4.3.
&F 6.1.2 Set to Factory-defined Configuration 5.8./ 3.
+DR 6.6.2 Data Compression Reporting 6.20.
+DS 6.6.1 Data Compression 6.20.
+GCAP 6.1.9 Request Complete Capabilities List 5.8.
+GCI 6.1.10 Country of Installation 5.8.
+GMI 6.14 Request Manufacturer Identification 5.8./ 5.1.
+GMM 6.1.5 Request Model Identification 5.8./ 5.2.
+GMR 6.1.6 Request Revision Identification 5.8./ 5.3.
+GOI 6.1.8 Request Global Object Identification 5.8.
+GSN 6.1.7 Request Product Serial Number Identification 5.8./ 5.4.
+ICF 6.2.11 DTE-DCE Character Framing 4.3.
+IFC 6.2.12 DTE-DCE Local Flow Control 4.3.
+ILRR 6.2.13 DTE-DCE Local Rate Reporting 4.3.
+IPR 6.2.10 Fixed DTE Rate 4.3.
A 6.3.5 Answer 6.19./ 6.6.
D 6.3.1 Dial 6.1.-6.4./ 6.6.
E 6.2.4 Command Echo 4.3.
H 6.3.6 Hook Control 6.19./ 6.5./ 6.6.
I 6.1.3 Request Identification Information 5.8.
L 6.3.13 Monitor Speaker Loudness 6.19.
M 6.3.14 Monitor Speaker Mode 6.19.
O 6.3.7 Return to Online Data State 6.19.
P 6.3.3 Select Pulse Dialling 6.19.
Q 6.2.5 Result Code Suppression 4.3.
S0 6.3.8 Automatic Answer 6.19.
S10 6.3.12 Automatic Disconnect Delay 6.19.
S3 6.2.1 Command Line Termination Character 4.3.
S4 6.2.2 Response Formatting Character 4.3.
S5 6.2.3 Command Line Editing Character 4.3.
S6 6.3.9 Pause Before Blind Dialling 6.19.
S7 6.3.10 Connection Completion Timeout 6.19.
S8 6.3.11 Comma Dial Modifier Time 6.19.
T 6.3.2 Select Tone Dialling 6.19.
V 6.2.6 DCE Response Format 4.3./ 3./ 4.1./ 4.2.
X 6.2.7 Result Code Selection and Call Progress Monitoring Control 4.3.
Z 6.1.1 Reset To Default Configuration 5.8.

The use of ITU-T Recommendation V.42 error control protocol is not specified for GSM, but if a manufacturer chooses
to implement it over transparent data service, +E prefixed commands of V.25ter [14] shall be used.

ITU-T T.31 [11] and T.32 [12] may be used as facsimile TA-TE protocols without deletions or additions to the
command set.
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 91 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

TIA IS-99 [15] commands referenced in this ETS:

Table A.2: TIA IS-99 commands in this ETS

Command IS-99 Description Subclause in

section this ETS
+CBC 5.6.5 Battery Charge 8.4.
+CGMI 5.6.10 Request Manufacturer Identification 5.1.
+CGMM 5.6.10 Request Model Identification 5.2.
+CGMR 5.6.10 Request Revision Identification 5.3.
+CGSN 5.6.10 Request Product Serial Number Identification 5.4.
+CRC 5.6.7 Cellular Result Codes 6.11.

TIA IS-135 [16] commands referenced in this ETS:

Table A.3: TIA IS-135 commands in this ETS

Command IS-135 Description Subclause in

section this ETS
+CBC 4.1.24 Battery Charge 8.4.
+CRC 4.1.29 Cellular Result Codes 6.11.
+CSQ 4.1.31 Signal Quality 8.5.

PCCA STD-101[17] commands referenced in this ETS:

Table A.4: PCCA STD-101 commands in this ETS

Command STD-101 Description Subclause in

section this ETS
+WS46 WDS-side Stack Selection 5.9.
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 92 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Annex B (normative):
Summary of result codes
V.25ter [14] result codes which can be used in GSM and codes defined in this ETS:

Table B.1: Result codes

Verbose result code Numeric Type Description

(V.25ter command V1 set) (V0 set)
+CCCM: <ccm> as verbose unsolicited refer subclause 7.15 $(AT R97)$
+CCWA: <number>,<type> as verbose unsolicited refer subclause 7.11

+CCWV as verbose unsolicited refer subclause 8.28

+CDEV: <elem>,<text> as verbose unsolicited refer subclause 8.10
+CIEV: <ind>,<value> as verbose unsolicited refer subclause 8.10
+CKEV: <key>,<press> as verbose unsolicited refer subclause 8.10
+CLAV: <code> as verbose unsolicited refer subclause 8.
+CLIP: <number> as verbose unsolicited refer subclause 7.6
+CME ERROR: <err> as verbose final refer subclause 9.2
+COLP: <number> as verbose intermediate refer subclause 7.8
+CR: <type> as verbose intermediate refer subclause 6.8
+CREG: <stat>[,<lac> as verbose unsolicited refer subclause 7.2
+CRING: <type> as verbose unsolicited refer subclause 6.11
+CSSI: <code1> as verbose intermediate refer subclause 7.16
+CSSU: <code2> as verbose unsolicited refer subclause 7.16
+CUSD: <m>[,<str>,<dcs>] as verbose unsolicited refer subclause 7.14
+DR: <type> as verbose intermediate refer subclause 6.13
+ILRR: <rate> as verbose intermediate refer subclause 4.3
BUSY 6 final busy signal detected
CONNECT 1 intermediate connection has been established
CONNECT <text> manufacturer intermediate as CONNECT but manufacturer specific
specific <text> gives additional information (e.g.
connection data rate)
ERROR 4 final command not accepted
NO ANSWER 7 final connection completion timeout
NO CARRIER 3 final connection terminated
NO DIALTONE 5 final no dialtone detected
OK 0 final acknowledges execution of a command line
RING 2 unsolicited incoming call signal from network
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 93 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Annex C (informative):
Commands from TIA IS-101

C.1 Introduction
The "Voice Control Interim Standard for Asynchronous DCE", TIA IS-101, contains some commands that are useful
when passing audio "data" (that is, data which represents audio information) between the computer and the TA.

Some of the following subsections describe commands from IS-101 which are central to this TA application. However,
with the exception of necessary extensions, these descriptions are not intended to replace the definitions found in
IS-101. Other novel commands from the interim standard are not included because they are peripheral to TA operation.

NOTE: IS-101 also uses V.25ter [14] AT commands, but these are not mentioned here.

The standard specifies the following modes:

- command mode, where there is no transfer of audio "data" between the TA and the computer. In command mode,
the computer is neither sending audio data to the TA nor receiving audio data from the TA.

- transmit mode, where audio "data" is being transferred from the computer to the TA. No audio "data" is
transferred from the TA to the computer in this state. A transition back to command mode occurs when an
embedded command indicates "end of play" or "flush data", or an inactivity timer times out.

- receive mode, where audio "data" is being transferred from the TA to the computer. No audio "data" is
transferred from the computer to the TA in this state. A transition back to command mode occurs when any
command is sent from the computer, or an inactivity timer times out. During the receive mode, the TA embeds
result codes into the audio "data". These result codes indicate pertanent events such as "silence detected", "busy
detected", and so on.

Strictly, the standard specifies another mode (translation), but this is not directly of interest here.

NOTE: The TA "knows" the type of an incoming call (whether it is voice, data, fax, whatever), and certain POTS
events cannot occur. Hence some standard result codes for indication of events and discrimination of call
type are unnecessary.

There are three possible levels of service:

- a TA supporting level A performs the following operations and detects the following events: audio transmit,
audio receive, DTMF detection, DTMF generation and single tone generation. The following indications are

Event Description Handset state

3 ring idle

4 DTMF received idle

5 receive buffer overrun receive

6 unsolicited fax request idle

8 phone on/off hook idle

9 presumed hangup receive

10 presumed end of message receive

18 ringback idle

19 busy idle

23 playback buffer underrun transmit

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 94 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

25 fax or data request acknowledged idle

- a TA supporting level B performs the operations and events of level A, and also supports DTMF detection while
in the transmit state.

- a TA supporting level C performs the operations and events of level B, and also supports double DTMF tone

Since DTMF detection and generation cannot be guaranteed over current digital networks, it follows that none of the
three levels of service can be supported.

C.2 Commands
C.2.1 Select mode +FCLASS
This command puts the TA into a particular mode of operation (data, fax, voice etc.). This causes the TA to process
information in a manner suitable for that type of information (rather than for other types of information). The values and
meanings of parameter <n> are specified in the following table.

<n> Mode

0 data

1 fax class 1 (TIA-578-A)

1.0 fax class 1 (ITU-T T.31 [11])

2 fax (manufacturer specific)

2.0 fax class 2 (ITU-T T.32 [12] and TIA-592)

3...7 reserved for other fax modes

8 voice

9...15 reserved for other voice modes

16..79 reserved

80 VoiceView (Radish)

81..255 reserved

Table C.1: +FCLASS

Command Return
+FCLASS? <n>
+FCLASS=? (list of supported <n>s)
Voice mode is of particular interest here, and has an additional result code +VCON. Specifically, +VCON indicates that
the TA is entering the voice command mode and there is a voice connection to at least one audio input or output. This
presupposes that some mechanism has previously initiated a connection to that audio I/O.

C.2.2 Buffer threshold setting +VBT

This refers to integers <lo> and <hi> that indicate levels within the TA transmit buffer at which flow control is
asserted and deasserted. The buffer is used for averaging out the irregular timing of data from the computer, so that the
data becomes synchronous and may be sent to some audio device.
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 95 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Table C.2: +VBT

Command Return
+VBT? <lo>,<hi>
+VBT=? (list of supported <lo>s),(list of supported <hi>s),(buffer size)

C.2.3 Calling number ID presentation +VCID

The command refers to an integer that allows a called party to enable or disable (<n>=0) the reporting of the ID of
calling parties, and specifies the method of presentation of the ID. This is basically the same as GSM supplementary
service CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation). The presentation may be either formatted (<n>=1) or
unformatted (<n>=2):

- Formatted presentation : data items are reported in the form of <tag>=<value> pairs.

<tag> <value>

DATE MMDD (month, day)

TIME HHMM (hour, minute)

NMBR calling number or P or O (P = number is private, O = number is unavailable)

NAME subscription listing name

MESG data from other (unknown) tags

- Unformatted presentation : here the data is presented in ASCII hex as printable numbers.

Table C.3: +VCID

Command Return
+VCID? <n>
+VCID=? (0-2)

C.2.4 Receive gain selection +VGR

This refers to the amplification by the TA of audio samples sent from the TA to the computer. The command operates
on an integer <n>, range 0...255. Values larger than 128 indicate a larger gain than nominal. Values less than 128
indicate a smaller gain than nominal. The entire range of 0...255 does not have to be provided. A value of zero implies
the use of automatic gain control by the TA.

Table C.4: +VGR

Command Return
+VGR? <n>
+VGR=? (list of supported <n>s)

C.2.5 Transmit gain selection +VGT

This refers to the amplification by the TA of audio samples sent from the computer to the TA. The command operates
on an integer <n>, range 0...255. Values larger than 128 indicate a larger gain than nominal. Values less than 128
indicate a smaller gain than nominal. The entire range of 0...255 does not have to be provided. A value of zero implies
the uses of automatic gain control by the TA.
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 96 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Table C.5: +VGT

Command Return
+VGT? <n>
+VGT=? (list of supported <n>s)

C.2.6 Initialise voice parameters +VIP

This recalls manufacturer determined settings <n> of voice parameters. The command is write only. The effect of the
command is manufacturer specific.

Table C.6: +VIP

Command Return
+VIP=? (list of supported <n>s)

C.2.7 Inactivity timer +VIT

This refers to the value of the inactivity timer in the TA. It is used to monitor activity on the connection between the
computer and the TA when the computer is in "transmit" mode and sending audio data to the TA. When the connection
has been inactive for the time set by this command, the TA leaves "transmit" mode and reverts to command mode. An
integer <n> different than zero implies a time of <n>/10 seconds. A value of zero disables the timer.

Table C.7: +VIT

Command Return
+VIT? <n>
+VIT=? (list of supported <n>s)

C.2.8 Line selection +VLS

This determines the selection of sources and destinations of audio samples. An integer is used to label a particular
combination of sources and destinations. The integer is defined in an entry in IS-101 which assumes as a model a TA, a
local phone and a phone line. Two additional "manufacturer specific" configurations (16,17) are defined.

- label=0: this is the idle state - the phone is not connected to the radio network and no audio paths are used.

- label=1: the phone is connected to the radio network and no audio paths involving the internal microphone or
internal loudspeaker are selected. This allows the computer to transmit audio data over the radio transmitter by
selecting "transmit mode":

Table C.8: +VLS label 1a

loudspeaker computer i/p transmit stage

microphone -->
computer o/p --> *
receiver stage -->
This also allows the computer to receive audio data from the radio receiver by selecting "receive mode":

Table C.9: +VLS label 1b

loudspeaker computer i/p transmit stage

microphone -->
computer o/p -->
receiver stage --> *
- label=4: the phone is not connected to the radio network but there is an audio path to the internal speaker. This
allows the computer to play sound by selecting "transmit mode".
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 97 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Table C.10: +VLS label 4

loudspeaker computer i/p transmit stage

microphone -->
computer o/p --> *
receiver stage -->
- label=6: the phone is not connected to the radio network but there is an audio path to the internal microphone.
This allows the computer to record sound by selecting "receive mode".

Table C.11: +VLS label 6

loudspeaker computer i/p transmit stage

microphone --> *
computer o/p -->
receiver stage -->
- label=7: the phone is connected to the radio network. The internal microphone is connected to the radio
transmitter. The radio receiver is connected to the internal loudspeaker. This allows the computer to enable
normal phone operation (a human holding a conversation) by selecting command mode.

Table C.12: +VLS label 7

loudspeaker computer i/p transmit stage

microphone --> *
computer o/p -->
receiver stage --> *

Table C.13: +VLS

Command Return
+VLS=<n> +VCON
+VLS? <n>
+VLS=? complex; refer IS-101
+VCON is returned if an audio path is established or if a connection is made to the radio network.

Manufacturer specific extension (reserved as such by IS-101)

- label=16: the phone is connected to the radio network. There is a path to the internal microphone, which is also
connected to the radio transmitter. There is a path to the radio receiver, which is also connected to the internal
loudspeaker. This allows the computer to record the sum of transmitted and received audio by selecting "receive

Table C.14: +VLS label 16

loudspeaker computer i/p transmit stage

microphone --> * *
computer o/p -->
receiver stage --> * *
- label=17: the phone is connected to the radio system and there is a path to the internal loudspeaker and to the
radio transmitter. This allows the computer to simultaneously play sound and send audio over the radio by
selecting "transmit mode".

Table C.15: +VLS label 17

loudspeaker computer i/p transmit stage

microphone -->
computer o/p --> * *
receiver stage -->

C.2.9 Receive data state +VRX

This action command causes the TA to get audio data from a source determined by the +VLS command, and send it to
the computer. Once the datastream has started, any result codes will be embedded in the data and shielded using the
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 98 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

normal <DLE> methods. The receive process is terminated when the computer sends any command to the TA, or by
time-out of the inactivity timer. The command is write only.

Table C.16: +VRX

Command Return

C.2.10 Select compression method +VSM

This selects the voice compression method <n1>, the voice sampling rate <n2>, the silence compression sensitivity
<n3>, and a parameter related to silence expansion <n4>. There are several choices of compression method. IS-101
does not specify methods, but here is a list of some usual compression methods:

Name Communications system

GSM/full-rate GSM

GSM/half-rate GSM






Table C.17: +VSM

Command Return
+VSM? <n1>,<n2>,<n3>,<n4>
+VSM=? complex; refer IS-101
NOTE: A value of <n3>=0 implies no silence compression sensitivity. A value of <n4>=0 implies no silence

C.2.11 DTMF and tone generation +VTS

This command allows the transmission of DTMF tones and arbitrary tones (see note). These tones may be used (for
example) when announcing the start of a recording period. The command is write only. In this profile of commands, this
command does not operate in data or fax modes of operation (+FCLASS=0,1,2-7).

NOTE: D is used only for dialling.

The string parameter of the command consists of combinations of the following separated by commas:

1. <DTMF>. A single ASCII character in the set 0-9, #,*,A-D. This is interpreted as a single ACSII character whose
duration is set by the +VTD command.

NOTE: In GSM this operates only in voice mode.

2. [<tone1>,<tone2>,<duration>]. This is interpreted as a dual tone of frequencies <tone1> and <tone2>,

lasting for a time <duration> (in 10 ms multiples).

NOTE: This does not operate in GSM.

3. {<DTMF>,<duration>}. This is interpreted as a DTMF tone of different duration from that mandated by the
+VTD command.

NOTE: In GSM this operates only in voice mode.

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 99 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Table C.18: +VTS

Command Return
+VTS=as above
+VTS=? (list of supported <tone1>s),(list of supported <tone2>s)
,(list of supported <duration>s)

C.2.12 Tone duration +VTD

This refers to an integer <n> that defines the length of tones emitted as a result of the +VTS command. This does not
affect the D command. A value different than zero causes a tone of duration <n>/10 seconds. The value zero causes a
"manufacturer specific" value.

Table C.19: +VTD

Command Return
+VTD? <n>
+VTD=? (list of supported <n>s)
NOTE: In GSM the value of tone duration is preset and cannot be altered.

C.2.13 Transmit data state +VTX

This action command causes the TA to receive audio data from the computer and send it to a destination determined by
the +VLS command. Once the audio datastream has started, commands to the TA shall be embedded in the data stream,
and shielded using the normal <DLE> methods. The transmit process is terminated by the use of embedded commands
or by the time-out of an inactivity timer. It is recommended that the TA has a buffer to allow the TA to convert
potentially bursty data from the computer into synchronous data for "transmission". The command is write only.

Table C.20: +VTX

Command Return
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 100 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Annex D (informative):
Informative references:

1) IrDA Serial Infrared Physical Layer Specification

IrDA Serial Infrared MAC and Link Protocol

IrDA Serial Infrared Link Access Protocol

2) PCCA STD-101 Annex I: Data Transmission Systems and Equipment - Serial Asynchronous
Automatic Dialling and Control for Character Mode DCE on Wireless Data Services - Annex I:
Command Extensions for Analog Cellular Data Modems

3) TIA IS-101 Facsimile Digital Interfaces - Voice Control Interim Standard for Asynchronous DCE

4) TIA-578-A Facsimile Digital Interfaces - Asynchronous Facsimile DCE Control Standard, Service
Class 1

5) TIA-592 Facsimile Digital Interfaces - Asynchronous Facsimile DCE Control Standard, Service
Class 2

6) TIA-617 Data Transmission Systems and Equipment - In-Band DCE Control

7) ITU-T Recommendation V.80: In-band DCE control and synchronous data modes for
asynchronous DTE
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 101 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Annex E (informative):
Mobile originated alternating voice/data call example
Figure E.1 illustrates the possible transitions in MO BS 61 call. Responses and result codes generated by TA are in bold
face. In this example, data part of the call is asynchronous non-transparent 9600 bps service.

AT+COLP=1; +CR=1; +DR=1; +ILRR=1 RLP negotiation failure
OK +COLP: +35812345,145

ATD12345; ATD12345

success connection failure

+COLP: +35812345,145 NO CARRIER success
OK AT+CEER +COLP: +35812345,145
+CEER: failure cause +CR: REL ASYNC
other possible failure codes +ILRR: 19200

in-call modification success

CONNECT 9600 (V.24 circuit
ATD (or ATA) 109 ON)
in-call modification failure
+CEER: failure cause
remote initiated +ILRR: 19200
in-call modification CONNECT 9600
in-call modification success
OK ATH (or drop DTR)
in-call modification failure
+CEER: failure cause
OK remote initiated
OK in-call modification
remote AT+CHUP remote
hangup (or ATH AT+CHUP hangup
or drop DTR )
TA sets +CMOD=0

Figure E.1: MO BS 61 call

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 102 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Annex F (informative):
Mobile terminated voice followed by data call example
Figure F.1 illustrates the possible transitions in MT BS 81 call. Responses and result codes generated by TA are in bold
face. In this example, data part of the call is asynchronous non-transparent 9600 bps service.

AT+CLIP=1; +CR=1; +DR=1; +ILRR=1; +CRC=1


+CLIP: +35812345,145


connection failure
success +CEER: failure cause
general failure

in-call modification success

CONNECT 9600 (V.24 circuit
ATD (or ATA) 109 ON)
in-call modification failure
+CEER: failure cause
remote initiated +ILRR: 19200
in-call modification CONNECT 9600

remote AT+CHUP ATH remote

hangup (or ATH (or AT+CHUP hangup
or drop DTR) or drop DTR)


TA sets +CMOD=0

Figure F.1: MT BS 81 call

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 103 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Annex G (informative):
Voice call example
Figure G.1 illustrates the possible transitions in both MT and MO TS 11 calls. Responses and result codes generated by
TA are in bold face.

MO without COLP
general failure

call setup started
+CRING: VOICE connection failure
NO CARRIER success
+CLIP: +35812345,145 AT+CEER +COLP: +35812345,145
+CEER: failure cause OK
(no indication connection failure
on successful NO CARRIER
success call setup) AT+CEER
OK +CEER: failure cause
(remote ring or OK
connection failure other network remote busy
NO CARRIER generated tones) BUSY
AT+CEER general failure
+CEER: failure cause ERROR
VOICE call active

remote AT+CHUP
hangup (or ATH
or drop DTR)


Figure G.1: TS 11 calls

3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 104 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Annex H (informative):
Change History
T#3 New Creation of 3GPP 27.007 v1.0.0 out of GSM 07.07 v7.2.0 1.0.0
3G TS 27.007 version 2.0.0 105 3G TS 27.007 V2.0.0 (1999-06)

Document history
V1.0.0 May 1999 Not Published

V2.0.0 June 1999 Presented for approval to TSG-T#4

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