A Short Guide To Common Heterotrophic Flagellates of Freshwater Habitats Based On The Morphology of Living Organisms PDF
A Short Guide To Common Heterotrophic Flagellates of Freshwater Habitats Based On The Morphology of Living Organisms PDF
A Short Guide To Common Heterotrophic Flagellates of Freshwater Habitats Based On The Morphology of Living Organisms PDF
J bid
Jacob ds Free living
Bi id p
Chrysomonads P
p y
Algae – group
yceae Chloroplasda,
(Rhodophyceae, da Mulcilia
Gl koph
Glau k phyta)
y ) ?
b l
? Phalansteriids
Alveolates F i
Cercozoans Nucleariids
Polycysneans Metazoans Choanoflagell
g ates
Spongomonads ?
Cryptophyceans Apusomonads Spironemids
Glissomonads Ancyromonads
A d
Cryomonads Kathablepharids Phyll
y omonas
Figure 1. Selective overview of the systematic position (according to Adl et al. (2012) of flagellate groups
considered in the guide (see Charts 1–15).
taxonomic resolution of fixation processes is often freshwater flagellates due to its polytomous organi-
very low, most quantitative studies even ignored the zation, the help of drawings and video sequences
variety of HF. (Supplementary Material). According to our experi-
In contrast, live counting is an essential and reli- ence in quantitative studies of morphotypes, about
able method for determining HF abundances. It 80-90 per cent of the dominant heterotrophic flag-
allows a combination of taxonomic and quantita- ellates found in freshwater habitats should be
tive studies for understanding the role of HF in identifiable at least to rough taxonomic categories
microbial food webs (Leadbeater and Green 2000; (and functional guilds). The term morphotype is
Patterson and Larsen 1991). Unfortunately, the tax- used here for taxa that can be differentiated by
onomic resolution of HF studies is hampered by the means of their morphology when only analysed
fact that the literature is often focused on only a few by light microscopy. It means that e.g. genotypes
taxonomic groups. Therefore, we designed a (hope- may be hidden among certain morphotypes. A typ-
fully) user-friendly guide for ecologists to unravel ical example is the species complex of Neobodo
the “HNF” black box. In contrast to the few already designis (Scheckenbach et al. 2006). The guide
existing taxonomic keys/reviews (e.g. Bass et al. comprises all the main groups, so that a large num-
2009; Cavalier-Smith and Chao 2010; Lee et al. ber of species morphotypes can be determined at
2000; Patterson and Hedley 1992; Patterson and least to the level of genus. Special attention was
Larsen 1991; Zhukov 1993), the present guide is given to the most interesting and ecologically rel-
compact and focuses on the dominant and common evant forms. The taxonomic categories were used
forms of HF occurring in pelagic and benthic fresh- according to the recently revised classifications by
water habitats. Following the idea of Foissner and Adl et al. (2012).
Berger (1996) with regard to ciliates, we designed Within the next decade, next generation
a guide which should be useful also for biolo- sequencing of field samples will give more detailed
gists not specialized in the study of heterotrophic insights into the structure of HF field communities
844 A. Jeuck and H. Arndt
With 1 or 2 flagella With Without flagella, but with Without flagella/cilia, but Without flagella/cilia, Without
( l ti l llong cilia more numerous relatively short with rigid star-shaped but capable of flagella/cilia, but
compared to the cell size).
size) than 2 cilia for locomotion and/or arranged axopods producing with plastids
Cell size ranges from less flagella ingestion (=pseudopodia, stiffened pseudopodia for (photosynthetic)
than 15μm to more than by microtubules) or ingestion and
50μm. Colonies and tentacles locomotion
aggregations may occur.
Flagellates C
Chart 6 C
Ciliates Heliozoans, Amoebae Algae
sucto a s
h t
Chart 1. User-friendly guide to common heterotrophic freshwater flagellates. All scale bars in the guide indicate
10 m.
Guide to Free-living Heterotrophic Freshwater Flagellates 845
Heterotrophic flagellates
2 flagell
fl lla (sometimes
( ti l 1 visible)
only i ibl ) 1 flagellum visible Chart 6
P off collar
Chart 3
With collar, funnel-shaped (use phase contrast); the flagellum Without collar ((use phase contrast))
t a filter
filt current;
t protoplast
t l t (witho
( ith utt the
th collar)
ll )
< 20 μm Flagellum gliding or non
lidi presence off
C ll b
Cell d
body tentacles
Choanoflagellates Ciliophryids
Collar shape varies; collar Tentacles appear
i t off a corona off
consists ll unde
as a collar d r Phalansterium
flagellum 3-5
microvilli; protoplast normally the microscope Cienkowski 1870
times longer
egg-shaped or spherical;
than cell; cell
commonly y sessile ((attached This Chart Amoebozoans
upp to 17
to the substrate), some free-
P t i end
Posterior d Flagellum (relatively Second gliding flagellum Leaf-
L f With ttentacles,
t l sometimes
ti Without tentacles,
of the cell body thick) rigid while sometimes under cell body shaped
shaped cell with optical re
fracting some with a
is turned gliding except from the and hard to see; originating body; granules,
granules sometimes plasmatic stalk at the
p at a p; dorsoventrally
tip; from a proboscis edges
g of g around the
in one ring p
posterior end;; manyy
sharp angle; up flattened or metabolic (=trunk-like protrusion of the cell flagellum; some with mixotrophic forms;
to 10μm (=changeable cell the cell) at the anterior end curled up; a stalk at the posterior second flagellum
shape);) 6 - 100μm (=anterior
( ll ) up tto
t i flflagellum); up to
t 10
10μm endd (swarmers
( possible);
ibl ) often hard to see;
10μm mixotrophic; egg- to apple- leaf- to apple-
shaped ca. 10 -15μm15μm shaped; ca. 5 -15μm
Some specific E l id
Euglenids Shape of the Phyllomonas contorta
Cercozoans anterior Klebs 1892 Ciliophryids Chrysomonads
Common species Chart 12 cell length Protista incertae sedis
examples: Chart 4
Allantion tachyploon
Sandon 1924
Glissomonads Proboscis ((“nose”) directed Beating proboscis ((“nose”)) at the anterior
Ciliophrys Pteridomonas
anteriorlyy or more laterally;
y end (small
( anterior flagellum attached to
Cienkowski 1876 Penard 1889
sometimes capable of this, not visible using light microscopy),
Metopion fluens producing pseudopodia; sometimes bulbous at the end of the
Larsen & ca 7-10μm proboscis; 1 well visible gliding flagellum
Patterson 1990 directed posteriorly; 3 – ca.7μm
Free-living kinetoplastids Actinomonas
Kent 1880
Vørs 1992 Chart 13 Chart 10
Protista incertae sedis
Chart 2.
846 A. Jeuck and H. Arndt
2 flagella
(second flagellum not always
Fl / ll shape/m
h / ovementt/l/length;
th position of flagella; changeability of cell shape;
capable or incapable of producing pseudopodia
C genera example
l s:
Partly leaf- Egg-shaped cell Leaf-shaped cell body Egg-shaped to Pseudopodia capab e of
Incapabl o produ
p oduccing
shaped cell body; with scales oval or pointed at the spherical and posteriorly along the pseudopodia; with emargination
body;y; without on the cell p
posterior end;; without flattened cell gliding flagellum;; (=depression; at the flagellar
scales on the surface (visible scales on the cell surface, body; without amoeboid movements; i
ti along
l the
th edge (“
d (“nos e”));
cell surface; using high complex life-cycle with scales on the without emargination anteriorly depressed laterally
threadlike magnification)
ifi ti ) thick cyst walls; anterior cellll surface
f ((=depression)
d i ) compressed; anterior flagellum thin
pseudopodia flagellum typically waving often difficult to see
may be formed
Th t d
Thaumatomonads Th
t d Thaumatomonads
Th t d C
d Gli d
Glissomonads A
Common species examples: Common species examples:
Chart 3.
Guide to Free-living Heterotrophic Freshwater Flagellates 847
Non gliding
Flagella different in length (longer Flagella equal or different in 2 flagella equal or different in 1 equatorial (usually hard to
flagellum sometimes up to five length; cell attached by one length; cells always in see) and 1 longitudinal
times longer than the cell body; flagellum to the substrate; suspension; with refracting flagellum; clearly
shorter flagellum often hard to see); actively swimming (rotating); particles (ejectisomes; only distinguishable from all other
if attached, then by a plasmatic very tiny cell, 1.5-4μm visible using high flagellates by 1 longitudinal
stalk (never attached by the magnification with phase and 1 equatorial groove;
flagellum=different to bicosoecids;; contrast); anterior end laterally ca. 8-ca.400μm
2-30μm flattened; 5-40μm
Chart 14 Chart 15
Presence of scales
(usually only visible using phase contrast)
Mode of nutrition
Chart 4.
848 A. Jeuck and H. Arndt
With lorica
(shell-like housing, often only
i ibl using
visible i phah se contrt astt))
Not attached to the lorica by the flagellum, Attached to the lorica by the posterior flagellum
(sometimes attached by plasmatic thread)
Lorica shape; flagella; lorica length Lorica shape; flagella; lorica length
Lorica very thin; 1 Cone-shaped lorica very Lorica attached by Cone-shaped and pointed Lorica laterally compressed
g and 1 short thin; cell bodyy with stalk to substrate; cell lorica; second flagellum rounded at the bottom,, pointed,,
emergent flagellum; chromatophore (mixotroph); body attached to lorica hard to see (free- ending in a thin stalk; second
10-15μm 1 long and 1 short emergent by plasmatic thread; swimming
i i specimens:
i flagellum often lying in a ventral
flagellum; sometimes 1 long and 1 short clearly distinct flagellum); groove; cell not forming a large
pseudopodia; 7--20μm emergent flagellum; cell forming a large lip to lip to one side; 8-12μm
5-28μm one side;; 10-15μm
Aqueous lorica, Bell-shaped lorica; cytostomal Bell-shaped lorica; cytostomal Ellipsoidal, egg-shaped to Cylindrical lorica;
transparent; 7-10μm area usually slightly narrowed; area strongly enlarged; h
vase-shaped d lorica
l i ; flagellum up to ca. 40μm
posterior end button-like posterior end rounded and is been unreeled in a jerking
thickened; 12-14μm pointed slightly; 20-40μm manner (cf. tongue of a
chameleon)); ca. 30μm μ
Bicosoeca paropsis
p p Bicosoeca p
planctonica Bicosoeca campanulat
p a Bicosoeca lacustris Bicosoeca cylindri
y ca
Skuja 1956 Kisselew 1931 (=B. crystallina Skuja James-Clark 1867 (Lackey) Bourrelly
1956) 1951
L k )B Bourrelly
ll 1951
B. exilis Penard 1921 B. conica Lemmermann 1912 B. kepneri Reynolds 1927 B. ovata Lemmermann 1914
Chart 5.
Guide to Free-living Heterotrophic Freshwater Flagellates 849
More than 2
Number of flagella
12-24 flagella; Many short flagella (asynchronous), all on tip 2 rows of 12 flagella; egg-shaped with a slightly
ca. 20μm at the cytostomal area; conical cell; 10-20μm conical posterior and a truncated anterior end;
obligate anaerobic; 14-20μm
Di l d
Diplomonads Di l d
Diplomonads Diplomonads Di l d
Chart 6.
850 A. Jeuck and H. Arndt
Presence off collar;
ll number of flagella;
presence of lorica (housing); presence of
Without collar; 1 visible flagellum Without collar; 2 flagella; With collar; 1 flagellum; Without collar; 2 flagella (second
(second sed to attach to the lorica); without lorica; without stalk with or without stalk flagellum hard to see); without lorica;;
with or without stalk with stalk
Colonies star-shaped: Colonies shaped Colonies first Colonies branched or Colonies branched or Colonies
6-30 cells attached byy like a tree, branched shaped like a unbranched, cells unbranched, cells not branched;
the bottom of the and stuck together cushion or attached or not attached attached to a stalk, young
lorica to each other; (up to five- sponge-like, to a stalk, some attached colonies disc-shaped to colonies are
without stalk ( free- storeyed);
storeyed with long older colonies by intercellular bridges to spherical or tubular colourless,
swimming) stalk ( attached) often llob
t each other,
other othe
otherr cell
cellss finger-shape
- d to linear; older ones
radially, spongee-like or flagellum 2-3 times often
tubelike arranged longer than cell bodies brownish
see Chart
Chart 9: Colonial
Bicosoeca lacustri
l t is Bi
Bicosoec a petiolata
i l S
Spongomonas Phalansterium
Ph l i
James-Clark 1867 (Stein) Bourrelly 1951
1951 Stein 1878 Cienkowski 1870
Withoutt C
Common species
i example
l s:
see also Phalansterium
Chart 5 digitatum
Stein 1878
Bicosoeca ‘socialis‘=colony
form of Bicosoeca lacustris
Common species examples:
Common species example:
Cluster of up to 8 Number of cells often
cells or single < 60, spherical or
ll iirregularly
cells; l l hemispherical
branched system colonies; umbel-like
of rigid stalks with a branched stalk
Cells also free-
swimming; if
Siderodendron Anthophysa with
ith red
d stigma
Pringsheim 1946 Bory 1822 (eyespot
A. steini Senn
Chrysomonads y
Chrysomonads 1900
Siderodendron manganiferum p y vegetans
Anthophysa g
Pringsheim 1946 (Müller) Stein 1878
Single cells are difficult to distinguish from Spumella – like flagellates
Chart 7.
Guide to Free-living Heterotrophic Freshwater Flagellates 851
Choanoflagellates are polymorphic species which build different life-cycle-forms (see Chart 9)
g ((Crasp
Presence of theca
((=membranous layyer,, enclosing
g the cell body)
Without theca With theca
Number of collars, presence of stalk
i K Kentt 1880
1880 Diplosiga
Di l i F Frenzel 18 92
1892 Codosiga
C d i
James Clark 1868
Co o spe
Common spec
es examples
e a p es:
Monosiga angustata
Kent 1880
Monosiga ovata
Kent 1880
Diplosiga socialis
Frenzell 18
92 Colony form
form of Codosiga:
Monosiga fusiformis see next Chart
Kent 1880
Latest investigations showed: Depending on life-cycle, several species might form swarmers easily mistaken for Monosiga – like forms.
Form of th
thee theca
p p theca Flask-shaped
p theca Tube-shaped
p theca
Salpingoeca Salpingoeca g
Lagenoeca g
Salpingoeca Aulomonas
James-Clark 1868 James-Clark 1868 Kent 1880 James-Clark 1868 Lackey 1942
Chart 8.
852 A. Jeuck and H. Arndt
y e of choanoflagellate
g s,,
example for Salpingoeca (after Dayel et al. 2011)
Desmarella – like colony Sphaeroeca – like colony
Colonial cells
Colonial choanofflagellates (C
Form of colony
Solitary cells
Slow swimmer Fast swimmer
Salpingoeca – like
thecate cell
Sitting separately
separately or in 4 15 cells sitting together
Usually 4-15 M
Many stalked
t lk d cells
ll radially
di ll 6
60 cells may
may be
group s at the tip
tip of the stalk, like a pear
pearll necklace;
necklace; single cells arranged in a gelatinou
arranged gelatinouss held together by a
stalk is 2-10 times longeg r attached byy intercellular bridges,
g matrix gelatinous cluster
than cell body free-swimming
l cellll
C d i Stelexomonas dichotoma
James-Clark 1868
James-Clark 1868 Lackey 1942
Chart 9.
Guide to Free-living Heterotrophic Freshwater Flagellates 853
Free-living kinetoplastids
2 flagella; agitated 1 visible flagellum and 1
Number of flagella; movement; position of the ingestion apparatus
swimming; ingestion moveable anterior proboscis
apparatus at the tip of the („nose“ =trunk-like
anterior end, partially (e.g. protrusion of the cell) (with
Rhynchomonas nasuta (Stokes 1888)
Bodo saltans) attached to smaller flagellum); proboscis
– species complex
substrate beating frequently; ingestion
apparatus located in
Common species examples:
Cell body swings abruptly around the base Anterior flagellum is swinging
Anterior flagellum Fast and equal swimmer;
of the flagellum; cell is ca. 5-10μm distant around the anterior part of the
‚paddles‘ and when crawling on the
from the substrate, attachment by the tip of cell like a lasso; attachment by
appears hook - like substrate, then cell is
the recurrent flagellum; anterior flagellum the recurrent flagellum is trembling and swinging;
creates a whirl to transport the bacteria into frequently changing browsing the surface with
the ingestion apparatus
the anterior flagellum
Dimastigella Rhynchobodo
Lackey 1940 Parabodo nitrophilus
Sandon 1928 Skuja 1939
Chart 10.
(e.g. Pawlowski et al. 2011; Stoeck et al. 2010; knowledge of HF (recommended literature: e.g.
and Domonell et al., unpubl. observ.). However, Hausmann et al. 2003; Leadbeater and Green
their application still bears a lot of problems 2000; Patterson and Larsen 1991). The systematic
concerning the following points: 1) many specific position of flagellate groups considered in the guide
primers are necessary to cover the whole HF is given in Figure 1 following the recent revision by
diversity due to the wide molecular diversity of Adl et al. (2012). Following the idea of Foissner and
HF (some groups will be overlooked), 2) active Berger (1996) with regard to ciliates, we designed a
and inactive forms are difficult to differentiate, 3) polytomous guide. The first Chart contains a gen-
databases are incomplete (Will and Rubinoff 2004) eral overview of the most important characters of
and contain high numbers of errors (Prosdocimi the main groups of protists. The user is led to a
et al. 2013). Quantitative morphotype studies will “fast-track” regarding the main groups of HF (Charts
provide helpful information to increase reliability 1–15) by schematic drawings with arrows point-
of databases and offer important knowledge on ing to the important characters. If identification is
the ecology and evolution of HF groups significant already sufficient the user is led to the special
in ecosystems (Pawlowski et al. 2012). We would Chart of the organism. If not, he should proceed
like to increase the resolution of these quantitative to Chart 2. The user is led from obvious characters
morphotype studies by this taxonomic guide. (e.g. colonial or single cells, number of flagella) to
more detailed descriptions. Features of organisms
which are used to discriminate between different
How to Use the Guide taxa are set within boxes while the discriminator for
the subsequent path of identification is shown with-
The present guide is intended to help also unex- out boxes. Figures are added to the descriptions of
perienced researchers to identify HF morphotypes, characters to accelerate and increase the chance
although it is recommended to have a general of identification. All scale bars in the guide indicate
854 A. Jeuck and H. Arndt
Comprising small, but also largest known Small and compact cell body, Often smaller cell body; various Spherical or oval cell body;
cercomonads; pseudopodia mostly when moving, then spindle- forms of pseudopodia; anterior various forms of pseudopodia;
rounded or finger-like;
- often with long shaped; short flagella, flagellum is slowly rowing, very long anterior flagellum,
flagella, posterior trailing; slightly posterior trailing; 5-15μm posterior trailing; 3-18μm posterior often not attached to
metabolic; 5-60μm cell body; ca. 10-13μm
Ovoid cell body, dorsoventrally Highly and fast varying cell shape; various forms of Oval or drop-like cell body; various forms of
compressed; rigid cell shape; pseudopodia
pseudopo d a an
a ywher
y eeo on tthe
e cell;
ce ; aanteri
te oor flagell
age u um pseudopodia; very short anterior flagellum,
3-9μm beats very often; fast gliding cell; extremely metabolic; not tapering, directed to the left, posterior is
9-13μm longer; ca. 5-8μm
For detailed descriptions of these genera see: Bass et al. 2009; Brabender et al. 2012; Karpov et al. 2006
Chart 11.
10 m. The guide leads only to the species or genus 5-20 l on a prepared microscope slide or an Utermöhl cham-
morphotype. It is widely accepted that many pro- ber (Utermöhl 1958; HydroBios GmbH, Kiel, Germany; Fig. 2).
The HF composition has to be analysed within one hour after
tistan morphotypes contain a few up to hundreds sampling by means of a phase contrast microscope equipped
of genotypes (typical examples are the common with high resolution video-recording which is helpful for further
species Neobodo designis (Scheckenbach et al. and later identification. 20x, 40x objectives are helpful for rough
2006) or Codosiga botrytis (Stoupin et al. 2012)), morphological observations and quantitative counts. Individual
see above. If video sequences (Supplementary samples can be analysed within a few minutes (particularly
critical for pelagic samples). The use of a 63x long distance
Material) are available for the organisms, they are objective or water immersion objectives (63x and 100x; with a
marked by a video icon ( ). Some additional lit- long working distance) are recommended for morphotype iden-
erature is given on the Charts (Cavalier-Smith and tifications. Phase contrast equipment is mostly indispensible to
Chao 2010; Bass et al. 2009; Brabender et al. 2012; analyse position and movement of flagella, the presence of col-
Karpov et al. 2006). Due to the fact that major forms lar, lorica, or stalk of some flagellates. Differential interference
contrast (DIC) equipment might additionally help to identify cell
of heterotrophic flagellates are ubiquitous in marine structures such as paramylon, ingestion apparatus, vacuoles or
and freshwater environments, this guide may also extrusomes.
be useful in parts for an orientation regarding flag- A realistic compromise should be a combination of counts
ellate groups in brackish water systems. by the living-droplet method with counts of chemically fixed
samples and analysis by epifluorescence microscopy. The fol-
lowing fixatives are commonly in use: 2% glutaraldehyde (e.g.
Caron 1983; Choi and Stoecker 1989), 2% formaldehyde (e.g.
Methods Porter and Feig 1980; Sherr et al. 1989), buffered formalde-
hyde (e.g. Børsheim and Bratbak 1987; Sherr and Sherr 1983)
The guide is based on an analysis using the classical living- and 0.5% acidic Lugol’ solution (10 g I2 , 20 g KI, 10 g sodium
droplet method by phase contrast/DIC light microscopy (e.g. acetate in 140 ml aq. dest.) plus 3% formaldehyde (e.g. Sherr
Arndt and Mathes 1991; Gasol 1993; Massana and Güde et al. 1989).
1991). This method is reliable to detect morphological and The fixed samples need to be kept at 4 ◦ C in the dark until
behavioural characteristics of even very small HF regarding staining. Fluorescent dyes (e.g. DAPI (= 4 6-diamidino-2-
their main taxonomic groups – in contrast to hidden charac- phenylindole, Sigma Lot 47H4107, Porter and Feig 1980) are
teristics within samples treated by fixatives. Pelagic flagellates suitable for staining. After staining the sample should be filtered
(undiluted samples) and benthic flagellates (diluted by a fac- onto a 0.2-m membrane filter using vacuum not exceeding
tor of 5- >20 with filtered water) can be studied in droplets of 150 mm Hg. For an even distribution of the particles, another
Guide to Free-living Heterotrophic Freshwater Flagellates 855
Form/movement of flagellum/cell
g Form/movement of flagellum/cell
g body;
body; cell shape/length cell shape/length
Common genera examples: Common genera examples:
Well developed Relatively thick flagellum Relatively thick flagellum, Flagellum stiffed in front Flagellum most active
flagellum, most active beating in whiplash fashion;
fashion; beats in a lashingg manner; of the cell, most active p front end
near the tip;
near the tip; cell body cell body actively swimming sickle-shaped or bean- and vibrating near the of the cell enlarged to
squirms actively; (rotating) or metabolically shaped, laterally or tip; egg-shaped, ‘flickering’ funnel-
cigar-, cone-shaped gliding; spindle-shaped to d
dorsoventr ll flattened
t ally tt d; spindle-shaped oval to shaped frontal region,
to spherical (often cylindrical; 16 - 80μm 14-100μm triangular; rigid cells and often striated;
deforming) often dorsoventrally flattened; 25 - 60μm
flattened;; 20 -100μm
μ 6-50μm
Confusion with
Notosolenus possible:
observe carefully if
there is a second
Paramylon (P)
P fl ll
flagellum ( h the
(when th
cell turns) P
Confusion with
Heteronema possible:
observe carefully if there Ingestion
g ap
ppparatus; form/movement of flagella;
g changeability
g y of
iis a second fl ll
d flagellum cell shape; cell length; presence of storage granule (paramylon)
(when the cell turns)
Some common genera examples:
With ingestion apparatus (often hard to With ingestion apparatus With ingestion ap apparatus
paratus With ingestion ap apparatus
see); swimming anterior flagellum weaker (small); swimming anterior
(small); (often hard to see); swimming
swimming (well develope
developed d and
and often shorter than posterior,
p , beating
g g
flagellum ( p in tail motion))
(tip anterior flagellum
g (most
( active visible);
); p
normally; posterior trailing, contracts to jerk often longer than trailing near the tip) longer than flagellum trailing behind
the cell backwards; cells dorsoventrally posterior; often metabolic trailing posterior; cells the cell when moving;
fl tt d; slightly
li htl metabolic
t b li (=changeable
( h bl ((=changeabl
h ble cellll sha
h pe);
) dorsoventr
d ll flattened;
t ally tt d rigid;
i id cells
ll d
t ll
cell shape) or rigid; 14-100
100μm 25 100μm
25-100μ 10-30μ
10 30μm flattened; rigid;
rigid; 10 -30μm
Anisonema Dujardin 1841 Heteronema Dujardin 1841 Notosolenus Stokes 1884, Entosiphon Stein 1878
em. Sk j 1939
Skuja 1939
Confusion with Confusion with
Confusion apparatus
Peranema possible Petalomonas P
if the second possible if the
flagellum is second flagellum is
overlooked overlooked
Second flagell
g um
Chart 12.
856 A. Jeuck and H. Arndt
Position of the anterior and recurrent flagellum; changeability of the cell shape
Anterior flagellum lies in a proboscis (=trunk-like protrusion of the Anterior trailing flagellum protrudes from the proboscis (=trunk-like
cell); recurrent flagellum often hard to see; cells are metabolic protrusion of the cell); recurrent flagellum lies directed posteriorly
p y under
(=changeable cell shape) and some produce pseudopodia the cell; flattened cell body is slightly metabolic (=changeable cell shape)
Alexeieff 1924
confused with Apusomonas proboscidea
Rhynchomonas Alexeieff 1924
For detailed descriptions of these genera see: Cavalier-Smith and Chao 2010
Chart 13.
Flagella length; presence of dark refracting particles ((=ejectisomes) (partly hard to see); presence of bright
refracting storage granulum; presence of striations; cell shape; mode of movement; cell length
Flagella approximately equal in length; Flagella approximately equal in length; ejectisomes Flagella different in length; ejectisomes
ejectisomes orientated in a row around the are clustered around a emargination (=depression) scattered within the cell body (only visible
anterior end of the cell (only visible using high at the anterior end (only visible using high using high magnification with phase
magnification with phase contrast); without magnification with phase contrast); with storage contrast); with storage granulum; without
storage granulum; with 3 - 6 striations; clearly granulum; without striations; circular section; striations; circular section; swimming and
dorsoventrally flattened; swimming close to the swimming fast in the water column; 15 - 30μm jumping in the water column; 10 -18μm
substrate; 5 -12μm
Chart 14.
Guide to Free-living Heterotrophic Freshwater Flagellates 857
Cell shape
Common g
genera examples:
Often with longitudinal Almost bilateral symmetrical; With plates, sometimes also Distinct theca (=membranous
striations on the surface; cingulum at the cell’s ornamented with spines, teeth-like layer, enclosing the cell body);
longitudinal groove (sulcus)
( l ) posterior
t i end, d the
th two
t ends
d projections or wings; cingulum
i l almost
l t edges
d of the grooves are
partially spirals to cingulum,
cingulum of the cingulum meet; horizontally divides the body into two clearly visible due to ridges;
the two ends of the cingulum
cingulum morphology chang
morphology change ess due to halfs of different length; 20-100μm
do not meet;1 ; 0-50μμm ingested
g food items;; 10- 16-55μμm
With With
Withou Without
hl roplast
l ts chlo
hl roplast
l ts
chloroplast s,, chloroplasts,
but may but may
contain t i
l red d coloured
food food
vacuoles vacuoles
Cell shap
pe; p
position/form of g
grooves; cell lengt
Chart 15.
858 A. Jeuck and H. Arndt
Figure 2. Schematic drawing of some helpful counting chambers. a) Simple microchamber: Two cover slips
are placed on the slide (each on every end). A 10 l droplet is placed between them and a third cover slip above
the droplet and the two slips. b) Utermöhl chamber for counting living flagellates or sedimented, chemically
fixed samples.
membrane (0.6 m pore size) may be placed underneath the Appendix A. Supplementary data
filter. The filters are generally stored deep-frozen at –20 ◦ C
until examination by an epifluorescence microscope.
It is additionally recommended to establish cultures of HF
Supplementary data associated with this arti-
isolated from the samples (e.g. simply by adding autoclaved cle can be found, in the online version, at
wheat grains etc. as a carbon source for food bacteria to http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.protis.2013.08.003.
parts of raw samples). This should aid in morphotype iden-
tification of bacterivorous forms and to check whether the
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