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GE P&C GEK-105548A





GEK-1005548 Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. IN-1
GETTING STARTED ......................................................................................................................................... 1

CHAPTER 1- PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................... 1-1

1–1 APPLICATION .............................................................................................................................................. 1-1
1–2 LINE PROTECTION SCHEMES AND FEATURES.................................................................................... 1-1
1–3 PROTECTION SCHEME DESCRIPTIONS ................................................................................................ 1-1
STEP DISTANCE..................................................................................................................................................................1-2
ZONE 1 EXTENSION............................................................................................................................................................1-3
PERMISSIVE OVERREACH TRANSFER TRIP (POTT)...............................................................................................................1-3
PERMISSIVE UNDERREACH TRANSFER TRIP (PUTT).............................................................................................................1-4
BLOCKING SCHEME ............................................................................................................................................................1-4
HYBRID SCHEME ................................................................................................................................................................1-6
RECLOSER (OPTIONAL) .......................................................................................................................................................1-7
OUT-OF-STEP BLOCKING .................................................................................................................................................. 1-10
REMOTE-OPEN DETECTOR................................................................................................................................................ 1-10
LINE PICKUP .................................................................................................................................................................... 1-11
POTENTIAL TRANSFORMER FUSE FAILURE (PTFF)............................................................................................................. 1-11
OVERCURRENT BACKUP ................................................................................................................................................... 1-12
LINE OVERLOAD .............................................................................................................................................................. 1-12
1–4 OTHER FEATURES ................................................................................................................................... 1-12
ALARMS .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1-12
CURRENT UNBALANCE DETECTION ................................................................................................................................... 1-12
BREAKER CONTROL ......................................................................................................................................................... 1-12
CONFIGURABLE INPUTS .................................................................................................................................................... 1-13
CONFIGURABLE OUTPUTS ................................................................................................................................................. 1-13
CONFIGURABLE TRIP BUS ................................................................................................................................................. 1-13
FAULT LOCATION............................................................................................................................................................. 1-13
FAULT REPORT ................................................................................................................................................................ 1-13
LOCAL MAN-MACHINE INTERFACE (MMI)........................................................................................................................ 1-14
OSCILLOGRAPHY.............................................................................................................................................................. 1-14
PASSWORD PROTECTION .................................................................................................................................................. 1-14
REMOTE COMMUNICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................. 1-15
SCADA DIGITAL TO ANALOG (DTA) INTERFACE ............................................................................................................. 1-15
SEQUENCE OF EVENTS ...................................................................................................................................................... 1-16
SELECTABLE GROUPS OF SETTINGS ................................................................................................................................... 1-16
TIME SYNCHRONIZATION ................................................................................................................................................. 1-16
TRIP BUS CHECK .............................................................................................................................................................. 1-17
TRIP CIRCUIT MONITOR ................................................................................................................................................... 1-17
TRIP CURRENT MONITOR ................................................................................................................................................. 1-17
START-UP SELF TESTS ..................................................................................................................................................... 1-17
RUN-TIME SELF TESTS ..................................................................................................................................................... 1-18
CONTINUOUS MONITOR.................................................................................................................................................... 1-18
CHAPTER 2 - CALCULATION OF SETTINGS................................................................................................. 2-1
2–1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2–2 SCHEME-INDEPENDENT SETTINGS........................................................................................................ 2-1

Table of Contents GEK-105548

CONFIGURATION (CONFIG) SETTINGS............................................................................................................................... 2-1

LINE QUANTITIES (LINEQTY) SETTINGS ......................................................................................................................... 2-12
OVERCURRENT BACKUP (OVERCUR) .............................................................................................................................. 2-13
LINE PICKUP (LINEPU) ................................................................................................................................................... 2-18
LINE OVERLOAD (LINE OVRLD) .................................................................................................................................... 2-19
OUT-OF-STEP BLOCKING, OSB (OUTOFSTEP) ............................................................................................................... 2-19
BLOCK RECLOSING (BLKRECLOS) ................................................................................................................................. 2-20
SCADA DTA INTERFACE (SCADADTA)........................................................................................................................ 2-20
CONFIGURABLE INPUTS (CNFGINPUTS) ......................................................................................................................... 2-21
SETTINGS GROUP (SETGRP) [1702] ................................................................................................................................ 2-21
CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT #1 (BKR1CLSOUT) .................................................................................................................. 2-22
CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT #2 (BKR2CLSOUT).......................................................................................................... 2-25
CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT #3 (RCCANCLOUT) ........................................................................................................ 2-25
CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT #4 (LNOVLDOUT)........................................................................................................... 2-25
CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT #5 (NONCRITOUT) ......................................................................................................... 2-25
CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT #6 (RINITOUT)................................................................................................................ 2-25
RECLOSER SETTINGS (RECLOSER) ................................................................................................................................. 2-26
2–3 SETTINGS FOR STEP DISTANCE SCHEME........................................................................................... 2-27
SCHEME SELECTION (SCHEMESEL) ............................................................................................................................... 2-27
ZONE 1 DISTANCE FUNCTIONS (Z1DIST).......................................................................................................................... 2-27
ZONE 2 / PILOT ZONE (Z2DIST)....................................................................................................................................... 2-29
ZONE 3 DISTANCE FUNCTIONS (Z3DIST).......................................................................................................................... 2-32
ZONE 4 DISTANCE FUNCTIONS (Z4DIST).......................................................................................................................... 2-34
OVERCURRENT SUPERVISION (CURSUPVIS) .................................................................................................................... 2-36
SCHEME LOGIC TIMERS (SCHEMETIM) .......................................................................................................................... 2-36
REMOTE OPEN DETECTOR (REMOTEOPEN) ................................................................................................................... 2-37
2–4 SETTINGS FOR ZONE 1 EXTENSION SCHEME .................................................................................... 2-40
SCHEME SELECTION (SCHEMESEL) ............................................................................................................................... 2-40
ZONE 1 DISTANCE FUNCTIONS (Z1DIST).......................................................................................................................... 2-40
ZONE 2 / PILOT ZONE (Z2DIST)....................................................................................................................................... 2-40
ZONE 3 DISTANCE FUNCTIONS (Z3DIST).......................................................................................................................... 2-41
ZONE 4 DISTANCE FUNCTIONS (Z4DIST).......................................................................................................................... 2-41
OVERCURRENT SUPERVISION (CURSUPVIS) .................................................................................................................... 2-41
SCHEME LOGIC TIMERS (SCHEMETIM) .......................................................................................................................... 2-42
REMOTE OPEN DETECTOR (REMOTEOPEN) ................................................................................................................... 2-43
2–5 SETTINGS FOR PERMISSIVE OVERREACH TRANSFER TRIP SCHEME........................................... 2-44
SCHEME SELECTION (SCHEMESEL) ............................................................................................................................... 2-44
ZONE 1 DISTANCE FUNCTIONS (Z1DIST).......................................................................................................................... 2-44
ZONE 2 / PILOT ZONE (Z2DIST)....................................................................................................................................... 2-45
ZONE 3 DISTANCE FUNCTIONS (Z3DIST).......................................................................................................................... 2-46
ZONE 4 DISTANCE FUNCTIONS (Z4DIST).......................................................................................................................... 2-46
OVERCURRENT SUPERVISION (CURSUPVIS) .................................................................................................................... 2-46
SCHEME LOGIC TIMERS (SCHEMETIM) .......................................................................................................................... 2-47
REMOTE OPEN DETECTOR (REMOTEOPEN) ................................................................................................................... 2-48
2–6 SETTINGS FOR PERMISSIVE UNDERREACH TRANSFER TRIP SCHEME........................................ 2-49
SCHEME SELECTION (SCHEMESEL) ............................................................................................................................... 2-49
ZONE 1 DISTANCE FUNCTIONS (Z1DIST).......................................................................................................................... 2-49
ZONE 2 / PILOT ZONE (Z2DIST)....................................................................................................................................... 2-50
ZONE 3 DISTANCE FUNCTIONS (Z3DIST).......................................................................................................................... 2-50
ZONE 4 DISTANCE FUNCTIONS (Z4DIST).......................................................................................................................... 2-50

GEK-1005548 Table of Contents

OVERCURRENT SUPERVISION (CURSUPVIS) .................................................................................................................... 2-50

SCHEME LOGIC TIMERS (SCHEMETIM) .......................................................................................................................... 2-51
REMOTE OPEN DETECTOR (REMOTEOPEN) ................................................................................................................... 2-52
2–7 SETTINGS FOR BLOCKING SCHEME .................................................................................................... 2-53
SCHEME SELECTION (SCHEMESEL)................................................................................................................................ 2-53
ZONE 1 DISTANCE FUNCTIONS (Z1DIST).......................................................................................................................... 2-54
ZONE 2 / PILOT ZONE (Z2DIST)....................................................................................................................................... 2-55
ZONE 3 DISTANCE FUNCTIONS (Z3DIST).......................................................................................................................... 2-56
ZONE 4 DISTANCE FUNCTIONS (Z4DIST).......................................................................................................................... 2-56
OVERCURRENT SUPERVISION (CURSUPVIS) .................................................................................................................... 2-58
SCHEME LOGIC TIMERS (SCHEMETIM) .......................................................................................................................... 2-59
REMOTE OPEN DETECTOR (REMOTEOPEN) ................................................................................................................... 2-60
2–8 SETTINGS FOR HYBRID SCHEME .......................................................................................................... 2-61
SCHEME SELECTION (SCHEMESEL)................................................................................................................................ 2-62
ZONE 1 DISTANCE FUNCTIONS (Z1DIST).......................................................................................................................... 2-62
ZONE 2 / PILOT ZONE (Z2DIST)....................................................................................................................................... 2-62
ZONE 3 DISTANCE FUNCTIONS (Z3DIST).......................................................................................................................... 2-63
ZONE 4 DISTANCE FUNCTIONS (Z4DIST).......................................................................................................................... 2-63
OVERCURRENT SUPERVISION (CURSUPVIS) .................................................................................................................... 2-65
SCHEME LOGIC TIMERS (SCHEMETIM) .......................................................................................................................... 2-66
REMOTE OPEN DETECTOR (REMOTEOPEN) ................................................................................................................... 2-67
2–9 CURRENT SENSITIVITY OF DISTANCE FUNCTIONS ......................................................................... 2-69
2–10 DLP3 SETTINGS FORM........................................................................................................................... 2-71


3–1 CASE ASSEMBLY .......................................................................................................................................... 3-1
CONSTRUCTION .................................................................................................................................................................3-1
3–2 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS AND INTERNAL WIRING ...................................................................... 3-5
IDENTIFICATION .................................................................................................................................................................3-5
3–3 RECEIVING, HANDLING, AND STORAGE ............................................................................................... 3-5
3–4 INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................................................................3-5
MOUNTING ........................................................................................................................................................................3-5
EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS ..................................................................................................................................................3-6
3–5 SURGE GROUND CONNECTIONS ............................................................................................................ 3-6
3–6 FUNCTIONAL MODULES........................................................................................................................... 3-6
SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM ..................................................................................................................................................3-6
MAN-MACHINE INTERFACE LOGIC ......................................................................................................................................3-8
SPIO LOGIC ......................................................................................................................................................................3-9
MAGNETIC MODULE ....................................................................................................................................................... 3-10
ANALOG INTERFACE LOGIC ............................................................................................................................................. 3-11
DATA-ACQUISITION PROCESSOR ...................................................................................................................................... 3-12
DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR ........................................................................................................................................... 3-13
SYSTEM PROCESSOR........................................................................................................................................................ 3-14
SINGLE-POLE RELAY LOGIC ............................................................................................................................................ 3-15
DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG MODULE ....................................................................................................................................... 3-16
RELAY DRIVER LOGIC ..................................................................................................................................................... 3-18

Table of Contents GEK-105548

CHAPTER 4 - ACCEPTANCE TESTS ................................................................................................................ 4-1

4–1 OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................................................... 4-1
TEST EQUIPMENT............................................................................................................................................................... 4-1
DRAWINGS AND REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................. 4-1
EQUIPMENT GROUNDING.................................................................................................................................................... 4-2
REQUIRED SETTINGS .......................................................................................................................................................... 4-2
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS .................................................................................................................................................... 4-2
SETTING CHANGES ............................................................................................................................................................ 4-3
ENTERING TEST MODE....................................................................................................................................................... 4-3
USING DLP-LINK (OPTIONAL) .......................................................................................................................................... 4-4
INITIAL TEST SETUP ........................................................................................................................................................... 4-6
4–2 GENERAL RELAY TESTS............................................................................................................................. 4-6
T1 – MMI STATUS AND DISPLAY TESTING ......................................................................................................................... 4-6
T2 – DIGITAL OUTPUT TEST .............................................................................................................................................. 4-7
T3 – CONFIGURABLE INPUT AND OUTPUT TEST................................................................................................................... 4-9
T4 – AC SYSTEM INPUT TEST .......................................................................................................................................... 4-11
4–3 MEASURING UNIT TESTS........................................................................................................................ 4-13
T5 – FAULT DETECTOR TEST ........................................................................................................................................... 4-13
T6 – IT TRIP SUPERVISION TEST ...................................................................................................................................... 4-13
T7 – IB BLOCKING SUPERVISION TEST ............................................................................................................................. 4-13
T8 – GROUND DIRECTIONAL TRIP TEST, IPT + NT........................................................................................................... 4-13
T9 – GROUND DIRECTIONAL BLOCK TEST, IPB + NB ....................................................................................................... 4-13
T10 – PHASE INSTANTANEOUS OVERCURRENT PH4 .......................................................................................................... 4-14
T11 – GROUND INSTANTANEOUS OVERCURRENT IDT ....................................................................................................... 4-14
T12 – GROUND TIME OVERCURRENT TOC ........................................................................................................................ V14
4–5 ZONE REACH AND TIMER TESTS.......................................................................................................... 4-17
GENERAL ZONE REACH TESTING CONSIDERATIONS ........................................................................................................... 4-17
T13 – ZONE 1 GROUND REACH TEST, M1G GROUND FAULTS (AG, BG, AND CG)............................................................. 4-17
T14 – ZONE 2 GROUND REACH, MTG GROUND FAULTS (AG, BG, AND CG)..................................................................... 4-18
T15 – ZONE 3 GROUND REACH, M3G GROUND FAULTS (AG, BG, AND CG) ..................................................................... 4-18
T16 - ZONE 4 GROUND REACH, M4G GROUND FAULTS (AG, BG, AND CG)...................................................................... 4-19
T17 – GROUND (ZONE BACKUP) TIMER TESTS .................................................................................................................. 4-19
4–6 PHASE-TO PHASE ZONE REACH TESTING .......................................................................................... 4-20
T18 – ZONE1 PHASE REACH, M1 FAULTS (AB, BC, AND CA)........................................................................................... 4-21
T19 – ZONE 2 PHASE REACH, MT FAULTS (AB, BC, AND CA) ......................................................................................... 4-21
T20 – ZONE 3 PHASE REACH, M3 FAULTS (AB, BC, AND CA).......................................................................................... 4-22
T21 – ZONE 4 PHASE REACH, M4 FAULTS (AB, BC, AND CA).......................................................................................... 4-22
T22 – PHASE (ZONE BACK-UP) TIMER TESTS .................................................................................................................... 4-23
4–7 MOB TESTING ........................................................................................................................................... 4-25
T23 – OUT OF STEP REACH, MOB.................................................................................................................................... 4-25
4–8 RECLOSER TESTING ................................................................................................................................ 4-26
T24 – RECLOSER ............................................................................................................................................................. 4-26
4–9 END OF TEST ............................................................................................................................................. 4-27

CHAPTER 5 - PERIODIC TESTS ....................................................................................................................... 5-1

5–1 DLP3 Periodic Testing 1
DRAWINGS AND REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................................5-1
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS ....................................................................................................................................................5-1
ENTERING TEST MODE.......................................................................................................................................................5-2

GEK-1005548 Table of Contents

USING DLP-LINK (OPTIONAL) ..........................................................................................................................................5-2

5–2 GENERAL RELAY TESTS ............................................................................................................................ 5-2
T1 – MMI RELAY STATUS .................................................................................................................................................5-2
T2 – MMI DISPLAY TEST ..................................................................................................................................................5-3
T3 – DIGITAL OUTPUT TEST...............................................................................................................................................5-3
T4 – AC SYSTEM INPUT TEST ............................................................................................................................................5-3
5–3 MEASURING UNIT TESTS ......................................................................................................................... 5-4
T5 – IT TRIP SUPERVISION TEST ........................................................................................................................................5-4
T6 – IB BLOCKING SUPERVISION TEST ...............................................................................................................................5-4
T7 – GROUND DIRECTIONAL TRIP TEST, IPT + NT.............................................................................................................5-4
T8 – GROUND DIRECTIONAL BLOCK TEST, IPB + NB .........................................................................................................5-5
5–4 BACKUP PROTECTION TESTS................................................................................................................. 5-5
T9 – PHASE INSTANTANEOUS OVERCURRENT PH4 ..............................................................................................................5-5
T10 – GROUND INSTANTANEOUS OVERCURRENT IDT .........................................................................................................5-6
T11 – GROUND TIME OVERCURRENT TOC .........................................................................................................................5-6
5–5 ZONE REACH TESTS .................................................................................................................................. 5-7
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ...............................................................................................................................................5-7
ZONE 1–4 PHASE-TO-GROUND CALCULATIONS ...................................................................................................................5-7
T12 – ZONE 1 GROUND REACH TEST, M1G GROUND FAULTS (AG, BG, AND CG)...............................................................5-8
T13 – ZONE 2 GROUND REACH, MTG GROUND FAULTS (AG, BG, AND CG).......................................................................5-9
T14 – ZONE 3 GROUND REACH, M3G GROUND FAULTS (AG, BG, AND CG) .......................................................................5-9
T15 – ZONE 4 GROUND REACH, M4G GROUND FAULTS (AG, BG, AND CG) .......................................................................5-9
ZONE 1–4 PHASE-TO-PHASE REACH CALCULATIONS......................................................................................................... 5-10
T16 – ZONE 1 PHASE REACH, M1 FAULTS (AB, BC, AND CA) ......................................................................................... 5-11
T17 – ZONE 2 PHASE REACH, MT FAULTS (AB, BC, AND CA)......................................................................................... 5-11
T18 – ZONE 3 PHASE REACH, M3 FAULTS (AB, BC, AND CA) ......................................................................................... 5-12
T19 – ZONE 4 PHASE REACH, M4 FAULTS (AB, BC, AND CA) ......................................................................................... 5-12
5–6 GENERAL ZONE REACH TESTING CONSIDERATIONS ..................................................................... 5-12
ZONE 1–3 PHASE-TO-GROUND CALCULATIONS ................................................................................................................ 5-13
ZONE 1–3 PHASE-TO-PHASE REACH CALCULATIONS......................................................................................................... 5-14

CHAPTER 6 - SERVICING .................................................................................................................................. 6-1

6–1 SPARES .......................................................................................................................................................... 6-1
6–2 SERVICING WITH THE RELAY SELF-TEST............................................................................................. 6-1
6–3 TROUBLE-SHOOTING ............................................................................................................................... 6-3
THE INFORMATION STATUS COMMAND ...............................................................................................................................6-3
SERVICING A CRITICAL FAILURE .........................................................................................................................................6-3
SERVICING A NONCRITICAL FAILURE...................................................................................................................................6-5
SERVICING SYSTEM STATUS FAILURES ................................................................................................................................6-6
MISCELLANEOUS MESSAGES ...............................................................................................................................................6-6

CHAPTER 7 - SPECIFICATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 7-1

7–1 RATINGS ................................................................................................................................................... 7-1
7–2 PROTECTION SCHEME SELECTION .......................................................................................................... 7-1
7–3 PROTECTION FUNCTION SETTINGS ......................................................................................................... 7-2
7–4 ACCURACIES ............................................................................................................................................. 7-3
7–5 DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT ....................................................................................................................... 7-3

CHAPTER 8 - INTERFACE ................................................................................................................................. 8-1

Table of Contents GEK-105548

8–1 LOCAL MAN-MACHINE (MMI) INTERFACE OPERATION ................................................................... 8-1

DISPLAY ............................................................................................................................................................................ 8-1
KEYBOARD ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8-1
PASSWORDS....................................................................................................................................................................... 8-4
SET (SETTINGS) KEY ........................................................................................................................................................ 8-4
ACT (ACTIONS) KEY ........................................................................................................................................................ 8-6
INF KEY (INFORMATION)................................................................................................................................................. 8-14
VIEW PASSWORD ............................................................................................................................................................. 8-17
ERRORS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8-18
8–2 ASCII INTERFACE...................................................................................................................................... 8-18
RECOMMENDED REMOTE COMMUNICATIONS PACKAGE ..................................................................................................... 8-19
8–3 REMOTE COMMUNICATION INTERFACE ........................................................................................... 8-19
HARDWARE JUMPERS ....................................................................................................................................................... 8-19
MODEM CONNECTIONS AND SETTINGS.............................................................................................................................. 8-20
CONNECTION TO G-NET (OPTIONAL) ............................................................................................................................... 8-23
NULL-MODEM CONNECTIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 8-23
8–4 RECLOSER MANUAL LOCKOUT ............................................................................................................ 8-24
8–5 DLP3 SETTINGS ......................................................................................................................................... 8-25

CHAPTER 9 - SOFTWARE .................................................................................................................................. 9-1

9–1 DLP-LINK Software........................................................................................................................................ 9-1

OVERVIEW......................................................................................................................................................................... 9-1
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................................................... 9-1
Hardware ............................................................................................................................................................................ 9-1
Software .............................................................................................................................................................................. 9-1
INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................................................... 9-1
GENERAL OPERATION ........................................................................................................................................................ 9-1
Mouse/Keyboard Usage ...................................................................................................................................................... 9-1
Main Horizontal Menu Bar ................................................................................................................................................. 9-1
Pull-Down Menus................................................................................................................................................................ 9-1
Dialog Boxes....................................................................................................................................................................... 9-1
List Boxes............................................................................................................................................................................ 9-2
Entering Text and Numbers ................................................................................................................................................. 9-2
PROGRAM OPERATION ....................................................................................................................................................... 9-3
Main Menu.......................................................................................................................................................................... 9-3
Relay Functions .................................................................................................................................................................. 9-3
Local Functions................................................................................................................................................................. 9-11
Setup ................................................................................................................................................................................. 9-14
Exiting DLP-LINK............................................................................................................................................................. 9-16
Help .................................................................................................................................................................................. 9-16
9–2 DL-DATA SOFTWARE (OPTIONAL)....................................................................................................... 9-16
OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................................................................... 9-16
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................................................. 9-17
Hardware .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9-17
Software ............................................................................................................................................................................ 9-17
Installation........................................................................................................................................................................ 9-17
GENERAL OPERATION ...................................................................................................................................................... 9-17
Mouse and Keyboard Usage.............................................................................................................................................. 9-17

GEK-1005548 Table of Contents

Main Horizontal Menu Bars .............................................................................................................................................. 9-17

Pull-Down Menus .............................................................................................................................................................. 9-18
Windows ............................................................................................................................................................................ 9-18
Dialog Boxes..................................................................................................................................................................... 9-18
List Boxes.......................................................................................................................................................................... 9-19
Entering Text and Numbers ............................................................................................................................................... 9-19
Plots of Currents or Voltages and Flags ............................................................................................................................ 9-19
Zoom ................................................................................................................................................................................. 9-19
Reports.............................................................................................................................................................................. 9-20
PROGRAM OPERATION...................................................................................................................................................... 9-20
Main Menu........................................................................................................................................................................ 9-20
File Menu.......................................................................................................................................................................... 9-20
Graphs Menu..................................................................................................................................................................... 9-21
Reports Menu .................................................................................................................................................................... 9-22
Setup Menu ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9-23
9–3 DLPTEST SOFTWARE............................................................................................................................... 9-24
9–4 DLPSET SOFTWARE ................................................................................................................................. 9-24
9–5 DLP-ASCII INTERFACE ............................................................................................................................. 9-24
OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9-24
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................................................................... 9-24
Hardware .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9-24
Software ............................................................................................................................................................................ 9-24
GENERAL OPERATION ...................................................................................................................................................... 9-24
Mouse/Keyboard Usage..................................................................................................................................................... 9-24
Setup ................................................................................................................................................................................. 9-24
User Interface ................................................................................................................................................................... 9-25
Login................................................................................................................................................................................. 9-25
Commands......................................................................................................................................................................... 9-25
Logging out ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9-25

Table of Contents GEK-105548

List of Figures
Figure 1-1 (0145D8335) Step Distance logic diagram............................................................................. 1-19
Figure 1-2 (0145D8386) ZONE 1 Extension logic diagram .................................................................... 1-20
Figure 1-3 (0145D8337) POTT/PUTT logic diagram ........................................................................... 1-21
Figure 1-4 (0145D8338) Blocking logic diagram .................................................................................... 1-22
Figure 1-4a,b,c (0355A3389) Ground logic diagram................................................................................... 1-23
Figure 1-5 (0145D8339) Hybrid logic diagram ....................................................................................... 1.24
Figure 1-6 (0215B9167 sh. 1 of 2) Elementary diagram.......................................................................... 1-25
Figure 1-6 (0215B9167 sh. 2 of 2) Elementary diagram.......................................................................... 1-26
Figure 1-7 (0286A2925) Digital relay symbol legend (sh 1 of 2) ............................................................ 1-27
Figure 1-7 (0286A2925) Digital relay symbol legend (sh 2 of 2) ............................................................ 1-28
Figure 1-8 (0286A4824 sh.1)Blocking protection scheme interconnections ......................................... 1-29
Figure 1-9 (0286A4824 sh.2)POTT protection scheme interconnections............................................. 1-30
Figure 1-10 (0286A4824 sh.3)Hybrid protection scheme interconnections ............................................ 1-31
Figure 1-11 (0215B8674) Recloser input/output diagram ....................................................................... 1-32
Figure 1-12 (0215B8675)Recloser flow chart ................................................................................... 1-33,34,35
Figure 1-13 (0286A4816) Out-of-Step Block R-X diagram ........................................................................ 1-33
Figure 1-14 (0215B8616)Out-of-Step Block logic diagram ....................................................................... 1-36
Figure 1-15 (0215B8619) Remote Open logic diagram ............................................................................ 1-37
Figure 1-16 (0215B8615) Line Pickup logic diagram................................................................................ 1-37
Figure 1-17 (0286A4817)PT Fuse Failure logic diagram .......................................................................... 1-38
Figure 1-18 (0286A4817) witch selection of active settings group............................................................ 1-38

Figure 2-1 (0286A2912) Sample 345 kV system ......................................................................................... 2-2

Figure 2-2 (GES-9857)Inverse time- current curve .................................................................................. 2-15
Figure 2-3 (GES-9858)Very inverse time-current cuve............................................................................. 2-16
Figure 2-4 (GES-9859)Extremely inverse time-current cuve ................................................................... 2-17
Figure 2-5 (0286A4818) Configurable Output #1 logic diagram ........................................................... 2-23
Figure 2-5a (0286A5597) Configurable Output #4 logic diagram ........................................................... 2-23
Figure 2-6 (0286A3530)ZONE 1 Reach with CVTs ................................................................................. 2-28
Figure 2-7 (0286A2917) MHO unit R-X diagram (Supervision of reactance unit) .............................. 2-30
Figure 2-8 (0286A2918) Diagram showing calculations of Z1SU........................................................... 2-30
Figure 2-9 (0286A2910) MT R-X diagram ............................................................................................... 2-33
Figure 2-10 (0286A2913) Maximum allowable reach ............................................................................... 2-33
Figure 2-11 (0286A2914)ZONE 4 phase distance R-X diagram ............................................................... 2-35
Figure 2-12 (0355A3388) [1],[2]FD and IPB operating times ................................................................. 2-54

Figure 3-1 DLP3 Outline Horizontal .......................................................................................................... 3-2

Figure 3-2 DLP3 Outline Vertical ............................................................................................................... 3-3
Figure 3-3 Location of the circuit boards inside the case .......................................................................... 3-4
Figure 3-4 DLP3 System Block Diagram ..................................................................................................... 3-7
Figure 3-5 Block diagram of the MMI and DCI logic ................................................................................ 3-8
Figure 3-6 SPIO Block diagram................................................................................................................... 3-9
Figure 3-7 Block diagram of Magnetics Module (MGM) ........................................................................ 3-10
Figure 3-8 Block diagram of the Analog Interface Logic......................................................................... 3-11
Figure 3-9 Block diagram of the Data-Acquisition Processor (DAP) ...................................................... 3-12
Figure 3-10 Block diagram of the Data-Signal Processor (DSP) ............................................................... 3-13
Figure 3-11 Block diagram of the System Processor(SSP)......................................................................... 3-14

GEK-1005548 Table of Contents

Figure 3-12 Block diagram of the single-pole relay logic(SPRELAY) ....................................................... 3-15
Figure 3-13 Block diagram of the digital to analog logic (DTA) ............................................................. 3-16
Figure 3-14 Top view of the processor board, showing current-voltage selector switch........................... 3-17
Figure 3-15 Block diagram of the Relay Driver logic ................................................................................. 3-18

Figure 4-1 (0357A3044 sh.1)Digital output test connections ................................................................... 4-8

Figure 4-2 (0357A3044 sh.2)Configurable input and output test connections ..................................... 4-10
Figure 4-3 (0357A3044 sh.3)Phase-to ground test connections ............................................................. 4-12
Figure 4-4 (0357A3044 sh.4)Ground Reach Timer Test Connections .................................................. 4-15
Figure 4-5 (0357A3044 sh. 5)Phase-to phase test connections ............................................................... 4-16
Figure 4-6 (0357A3044 sh.6)Phase-reach timer test connections........................................................... 4-24
Figure 4-7 (0357A3044 sh.7)Recloser test connections........................................................................... 4-28

Figure 8-1 DLP3 MMI keyboard.................................................................................................................. 8-2

Figure 8-2 Pin connections for cable connecting ASCII Port to DLP3................................................... 8-19
Figure 8-3 Pin connections for cable connecting the modem to the DLP3 and to the PC ................... 8-20
Figure 8-4 Pin connections for the cable connecting the DLP3 to the G-NET host .............................. 8-23
Figure 8-5 Pin connections for a null-modem cable connecting relay PL-1 to a PC .............................. 8-23
Figure 8-6 Pin connections for a null-modem cable connecting the MMI Comm connector to a PC.. 8-24

Figure 9-1 (0286A2931 sh.1)Example of oscillography plot showing currents and voltages ................ 9-26
Figure 9-2 (0286A2931 sh.2)Example of flag groups graph ................................................................... 9-27
Figure 9-3 (0286A2931 sh.3)Example of protection logic input flags graph......................................... 9-28

List of Tables

Table 1-1 Measurement functions included in the DLP3............................................................................. 1-2

Table 1-2 Modes of operation of recloser function ....................................................................................... 1-7
Table 1-3 Configuration outputs and their settings categories .................................................................. 1-13

Table 2-1 Ranges and default values for the Z1DIST (ZONE 1 Distance) category ................................... 2-3
Table 2-2 Ranges and default values for the Z2DIST (ZONE 2 Distance) category ................................... 2-3
Table 2-3 Ranges and default values for the Z3DIST (ZONE 3 Distance) category ................................... 2-3
Table 2-4 Ranges and default values for the Z4DIST (ZONE 4 Distance) category ................................... 2-4
Table 2-5 Ranges and default values for the CURSUPVIS (Overcurrent Pilot Supervision) category ...... 2-4
Table 2-6 Ranges and default values for the OVERCUR (Overcurrent Backup) category......................... 2-4
Table 2-7 Ranges and default values for the BLKRECLOS (Reclosing) category....................................... 2-5
Table 2-8 Ranges and default values for the OUTOFSTEP (Out-of- Step Blocking) Category ................. 2-5
Table 2-9 Ranges and default values for the LINEPU (Line Pickup) category ........................................... 2-5
Table 2-10 Ranges and default values for the REMOTOPEN (Remote Open Detector) category .............. 2-5
Table 2-11 Ranges and default values for the LINEOVRLD (Line Overload) category ............................... 2-6
Table 2-12 Ranges and default values for the SCHEMESEL (Scheme Selection) category ......................... 2-6
Table 2-13 Ranges and default values for the SCHEMETIM ( Scheme Logic Timers) category ................ 2-6
Table 2-14 Ranges and default values for the LINEQTY (Line Quantities) category .................................. 2-6
Table 2-15 Ranges and default values for the CONFIG (Configuration) category....................................... 2-7
Table 2-16 Ranges and default values for the SCADATA (SCADA DTA Interface) category ..................... 2-7
Table 2-17 Ranges and default values for the CFGINPUTS (Configurable Inputs) category...................... 2-7

Table of Contents GEK-105548

Table 2-18 Ranges and default values for the BKR1CLSOUT (Breaker 1 Close/ Configurable Output)... 2-8
Table 2-19 Ranges and default values for the BKR2CLSOUT (Breaker 2 Close/Configurable Output).... 2-8
Table 2-20 Ranges and default values for the RCANCLOUT (Reclose Cancel/Configurable Output)...... 2-8
Table 2-21 Ranges and default values for the LNOVLDOUT(Line Overload/Configurable Output) ....... 2-9
Table 2-22 Ranges and default values for the NONCRITOUT (Noncritical Alarm/Configurable Output ...... 2-9
Table 2-23 Ranges and default values for the RINITOUT ( Reclose Initiate/Configurable Output) ........ 2-9
Table 2-24 Ranges and default values for the RECLOSER (recloser) category........................................... 2-10
Table 2-25 Number of default cycles stored as a function of NUMFLTS setting. ........................................ 2-11
Table 2-26 Evaluation of the IDT operate quantity for the sample system.................................................. 2-18
Table 2-27 Settings of the configurable digital inputs according to the CONCCI setting......................... 2-21
Table 2-28 Input signals available at the configurable inputs ...................................................................... 2-24

Table 4-1 Factory-default communication parameters ................................................................................. 4-5

Table 4-2 Values for Iop and TOC timeouts for repeating T12 ................................................................ 4-14
Table 4-3 Fault current phase settings for test T13 ..................................................................................... 4-17
Table 4-4 Fault current phase settings for test T14 ..................................................................................... 4-18
Table 4-5 Fault current phase settings for test T15 ..................................................................................... 4-18
Table 4-6 Fault current phase settings for test T16 ..................................................................................... 4-19
Table 4-7 Fault current phase settings for test T18 ..................................................................................... 4-21
Table 4-8 Fault current phase settings for test T19 ..................................................................................... 4-21
Table 4-9 Fault current phase settings for test T20 ..................................................................................... 4-22
Table 4-10 Fault current phase setting for test T21....................................................................................... 4-23
Table 4-11 Fault current phase setting for test T23....................................................................................... 4-25
Table 4-12 State of contacts with relay in LOCKOUT .................................................................................. 4-26
Table 4-13 State of contacts after RECLOSE INHIBIT................................................................................. 4-27

Table 5-1 Test current ranges for phase- to- ground reach........................................................................... 5-8
Table 5-2 Test current ranges for phase-to-phase reach ............................................................................. 5-10
Table 5-3 Test current ranges for Zone 1-3 phase-to-ground reach ........................................................... 5-13
Table 5-4 Test current ranges for phase-to phase reach............................................................................. 5-15

Table 6-1 Componets tested during start-up self tests ................................................................................... 6-2
Table 6-2 Run-time background self-tests ...................................................................................................... 6-2
Table 6-3 Run-time foreground self-tests ....................................................................................................... 6-2
Table 6-4 System status error messages........................................................................................................... 6-3
Table 6-5 Failure messages.............................................................................................................................. 6-5
Table 6-6 Warning messages........................................................................................................................... 6-6
Table 6-7 Miscellaneous messages ................................................................................................................. 6-6

Table 7-1 Electrical ratings of the DLP .......................................................................................................... 7-1

Table 7-2 Burden ratings of the DLP ............................................................................................................. 7-1
Table 7-3 Contact ratings of the DLP............................................................................................................. 7-1
Table 7-4 Reach settings ranges of the protection schemes.......................................................................... 7-2
Table 7-5 Current supervision function settings............................................................................................ 7-2
Table 7-6 Overcurrent backup settings .......................................................................................................... 7-2
Table 7-7 Line pickup settings ........................................................................................................................ 7-3

GEK-1005548 Table of Contents

Table 7-8 Line overload overcurrent settings ................................................................................................ 7-3

Table 7-9 Line overload timer settings........................................................................................................... 7-3
Table 7-10 Protection scheme logic timer settings.......................................................................................... 7-3
Table 7-11 System configuration settings ........................................................................................................ 7-3
Table 7-12 Accuracies of DLP measurements and settings............................................................................. 7-3
Table 7-13 Dimensions of the DLP case........................................................................................................... 7-3

Table 8-1 Password encryption key................................................................................................................. 8-4

Table 8-2 Example of changing a setting after finding the category with arrow keys................................. 8-6
Table 8-3 Example of changing a setting after entering the setting number directly ................................ 8-6
Table 8-4 Action categories ............................................................................................................................ 8-6
Table 8-5 Key sequence and display contents for disabling outputs ............................................................ 8-8
Table 8-6 Key sequence and display contents for enabling outputs ............................................................. 8-8
Table 8-7 Key sequence and display contents for manually tripping a breaker........................................... 8-9
Table 8-8 Key sequence and display contents for closing a breaker ............................................................. 8-9
Table 8-9 Sample key sequence and display contents for setting the date and time ................................. 8-10
Table 8-10 Sample key sequence and display contents for selecting a relay test.......................................... 8-10
Table 8-11 Tests available in Test Mode........................................................................................................ 8-11
Table 8-12 Sample key sequence and display contents for a MMI test ......................................................... 8-12
Table 8-13 Key sequence and display contents for fix up settings ................................................................ 8-13
Table 8-14 Digital output test ......................................................................................................................... 8-13
Table 8-15 Categories available with the INF key.......................................................................................... 8-14
Table 8-16 Key sequence and display contents for a sample Status information request............................ 8-15
Table 8-17 List of event messages display at the MMI ................................................................................... 8-15
Table 8-18 Trip type abbreviations in Fault information displays ............................................................... 8-16
Table 8-19 Key sequence and display contents for a sample Fault information request ............................. 8-16
Table 8-20 Key sequence and display contents for a sample Present information request ......................... 8-17
Table 8-21 Key sequence and display contents for a sample View Password information request ............. 8-17
Table 8-22 Key sequence and display contents for a sample Model/Version information request............ 8-17
Table 8-23 MMI error messages...................................................................................................................... 8-18
Table 8-24 Recommended terminal emulation programs ........................................................................... 8-19
Table 8-25 Hardware jumper descriptions..................................................................................................... 8-20
Table 8-26 Modem configuration settings required for DLP3 Communications ....................................... 8-21
Table 8-27 Explanation of command sequence sent by DLP-LINK to the modem ..................................... 8-21
Table 8-28 Configuration settings for the modem connected to the DLP3 ................................................ 8-22
Table 8-29 Modem commands required for communication between the DLP3 and a remote PC .......... 8-22
Table 8-30 Settings available in Z1DIST (Zone 1 Distance) category ......................................................... 8-25
Table 8-31 Settings available in Z2DIST (Zone 2 Distance/ GDOC) category........................................... 8-25
Table 8-32 Settings available in Z3DIST (Zone 3 Distance) category) ....................................................... 8-26
Table 8-33 Settings available in A4DIST (Zone 4 Distance) category ......................................................... 8-26
Table 8-34 Settings available in CURSUPVIS (Overcurrent Pilot/ Supervision) Category ....................... 8-27
Table 8-35 Settings available in OVERCUR (Overcurrent Backup) category............................................. 8-27
Table 8-36 Settings available in BLKRECLOS (Reclosing) category ........................................................... 8-28
Table 8-37 Settings available in OUTOFSTEP (Out-of-Step Blocking) category ....................................... 8-28
Table 8-38 Settings available in LINEPU (Line Pickup) category ............................................................... 8-28
Table 8-39 Settings available in REMOTEOPEN (Remote Open Detector) category................................ 8-29
Table 8-40 Settings available in LINEOVRLD (Line Overload) category ................................................... 8-29
Table 8-41 Settings available in SCHEMESEL (Scheme Selection) category ............................................. 8-29
Table 8-42 Settings available in SCHEMETIM (Scheme Logic Timers) category ..................................... 8-30

Table of Contents GEK-105548

Table 8-43 Settings available in LINEQTY ( Line Quantities) category ...................................................... 8-30
Table 8-44 Settings available in CONFIG (Configuration) category ........................................................... 8-31
Table 8-45 Settings available in SCADADTA (SCADA DTA Interface)category ........................................ 8-32
Table 8-46 Settings available in CNFGINPUTS ( Configurable Inputs) category....................................... 8-32
Table 8-47 Settings available in BKR1CLSOUT (Breaker 1 Close/Configurable Output) category......... 8-32
Table 8-48 Settings available in BKR2CLSOUT (Breaker 2 Close/ Configurable Output) category ........ 8-32
Table 8-49 Settings available in RCANCLOUT (Reclose Cancel/Configurable Output) category........... 8-33
Table 8-50 Settings available in LNOVDOUT (Line Overload/ Configurable Output) category ............. 8-33
Table 8-51 Settings available in NONCRITOUT ( Noncritical Alarm/Configurable Output) ................. 8-34
Table 8-52 Settings available in RINITOUT (Reclose Initiate/Configurable Output).............................. 8-34
Table 8-53 Settings available in Recloser (Recloser) category...................................................................... 8-35
Table 8-54 Input condition codes used in Tables 8-47 to 8-52...................................................................... 8-36

Table 9-1 Menu items under Relay Functions, with associated hot keys...................................................... 9-3
Table 9-2 Password level required for DLP-LINK Operations ....................................................................... 9-4
Table 9-3 Menu items available with Actions under Relay Functions.......................................................... 9-4
Table 9-4 Menu items available with Information under Relay Functions.................................................. 9-6
Table 9-5 Menu items available with Settings under Relay Functions ......................................................... 9-9
Table 9-6 Menu items available under Local Functions, with their associated hot keys ........................... 9-11
Table 9-7 Menu items available with Settings under Local Functions ....................................................... 9-12
Table 9-8 Items available under the Set menu, with their associated hot keys .......................................... 9-14
Table 9-9 Data contained in flags in oscillography file............................................................................... 9-17
Table 9-10 Menu items under the file menu, with associated hot keys ........................................................ 9-20
Table 9-11 Menu items under the Graphs menu, with associated hot keys ................................................. 9-21
Table 9-12 Menu items under the Reports menu, with associated hot keys................................................. 9-22
Table 9-13 Menu items under the Setup menu, with associated hot keys.................................................... 9-23


Unpack the relay, the mounting brackets, and the The MMI passwords stored in the relay may be
hardware for attaching the mounting brackets to the viewed, in encoded format, via the remote
sides of the relay. Examine the relay for any damage communications.
sustained in transit, and if damage is evident, notify
the shipping company and the nearest GE sales REMOTE COMMUNICATIONS VIA LOCAL PC
office immediately.
To communicate with the relay locally via a PC,
connect the relay to a serial port of an
Prior to applying power, ensure that the model IBM-compatible computer with a DLP null-modem
number of the relay listed on the front panel cable. Connection can be made either to the 25 pin
corresponds to the model ordered. Make sure that D-connector on the back of the relay (PL-1), or the 9
the DC supply power matches the rated voltage listed pin D-connector on the front (COM). Cable
on the front panel. Refer to the elementary diagrams can be found at the end of Chapter 8 -
diagrams, Figures 1-6a,b in Chapter 1 Product INTERFACE , Figure 9-2.
Description for the locations of the DC power inputs
The communications software required to access the
Instructions on how to use the keypad to change relay, DLP-LINK, is included on the diskette in the
settings, and put the relay into test mode can be plastic pocket at the back of this manual. Follow
found in Chapter 4: ACCEPTANCE TESTS, under instructions in Chapter 9 - SOFTWARE under
"SETTING CHANGES". Complete instructions on how "INSTALLATION" to load DLP-LINK onto the PC.
to operate the keypad are found in Chapter 8:
INTERFACE, under "LOCAL MAN MACHINE The following information is intended to provide a
INTERFACE (MMI) OPERATION." "Quick Reference" to the DLP-LINK program.


The DLP relay requires the use of passwords to
The DLP relay requires the use of passwords to obtain information from the relay, to change
change Settings or to perform Actions. No password Settings, or to perform Actions. The relay is shipped
is required to view information on the MMI of the from the factory with the following communications
relay, including viewing the existing settings. The passwords:
relay is shipped from the factory with the following
MMI passwords: VIEW: VIEW!
MASTER: 5678. NOTE: The exclamation point following the letters
is part of the factory password. The factory
NOTE: The decimal point following the digits is passwords MUST be changed before the user can
part of the password. Factory passwords MUST be modify Settings or initiate Actions. The user can log
changed before the user can modify settings or into the relay at any password level. After logging
initiate Actions. into the relay, the password can be changed under
In order to change the password, the user must first
enter the factory password under the ACTION key
(ENTER PASSWORD), and then change the password
under the ACTION key, (CHANGE PASSWORD).


Before the user can change another password, he passwords can be used to log on to the relay. The
must LOGOUT from the DLP. The user can then relay UNIT ID (setting 1501) is factory set to 0 and
change the remaining passwords by first logging into the baud rate (setting 1509) is factory set to 2400
the DLP using another default password. The baud.
communications passwords may be viewed, in an
encoded format, via the keypad, under the INF NOTE: This instruction book covers the following
(Information) key. models:

To log into the relay, follow the instructions in DLP3***CD

DLP-LINK." Any one of the factory
The DLP3***KD contains the optional recloser
function. Any mention to the recloser function
refers only to this model.

GEK–105548 Chapter 1 – Product Description

The DLP3 is a microprocessor-based digital relay function (TOC) with optional directional control
system that uses waveform sampling with are available for backup tripping.
appropriate algorithms to provide three-phase-
The Zone 4 variable-mho distance functions can
tripping schemes for transmission line protection,
be reversed in direction when a reversed or
fault location, and related features.
blocking function is required. When the Blocking
or Hybrid scheme is selected, Zone 4 must be set to
the reverse direction, since these schemes require
1–1 Application a reverse-looking blocking function.
The DLP3 system is designed to be used on When phase- and ground-distance functions are
transmission lines of any voltage level, without used for a zone of protection, six individual
series capacitor. The DLP3’s operating time range measuring functions are available; three for phase
(typically 0.75 - 1.5 cycles) must be consistent with distance and three for ground distance. The
the requirements of the installation. Detailed algorithm that implements the variable-mho
application considerations are described in this measuring functions is derived from designs that
chapter and in Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings. have evolved through several different families of
static analog relay systems, which have
accumulated decades of dependable and secure
1–2 Line Protection Schemes in-service experience.
and Features The measurement functions included are listed in
Table 1–1 .
The DLP3 provides four zones of distance
protection and six different protection schemes.
The protection schemes are as follows:
1–3 Protection Scheme
• Step Distance
• Zone 1 Extension
• Permissive Overreach Transfer Trip (POTT) The six available protection schemes are described
• Permissive Underreach Transfer Trip in this section. Five functional logic diagrams,
(PUTT) Figures 1–1, 1–2, 1–3, 1–4, and 1–5, show the
scheme logic for the six protection schemes using
• Blocking conventional AND/OR combinational logic. The
• Hybrid elementary diagram in Figure 1–6 shows the
Ground-reactance distance functions can be external connections to the DLP3 relay system.
selected to replace the ground Zone 1 variable- Figure 1–7 defines the symbols used in Figures 1–1
mho distance functions. A unique adaptive reach for through 1–6. Figures 1–8, 1–9, and 1–10 show
the supervising mho characteristic is used when typical interconnections between the DLP3 and an
ground-reactance functions are selected. Ground- appropriate carrier/tone equipment for three
directional overcurrent functions can be selected pilot schemes:
to replace or supplement the overreaching zone • BLOCKING with CS28A (Figure 1–8)
(Zone 2) ground-distance functions. An • POTT with NS40A (Figure 1–9)
instantaneous nondirectional phase-overcurrent • HYBRID with Unblocking CS61C (Figure 1–
function (PH4), an instantaneous ground- 10)
overcurrent function (IDT) with optional
directional control, and a ground time-overcurrent

Chapter 1 – Product Description GEK–105548

Zone or Type Functions

Zone 1 3 Variable-mho phase-distance functions
3 Variable-mho ground-distance functions
3 Reactance ground-distance functions with “adaptive
reach” mho supervision
Zone 2 3 Variable-mho phase-distance functions
3 Variable-mho ground-distance functions
Ground directional-overcurrent functions consisting of
IPT – Ground trip overcurrent
NT – Negative-sequence directional trip
IPB – Ground block overcurrent
NB – Negative-sequence directional block
Zone 3 3 variable-mho phase-distance functions
3 Variable-mho ground-distance functions
Zone 4 3 Reversible variable-mho phase-distance functions
with offset
3 Reversible variable-mho ground-distance functions
Overcurrent Backup PH4 – Nondirectional phase-overcurrent direct trip
IDT – Ground-overcurrent direct trip (directional or
TOC – Ground time-overcurrent direct trip (directional
or nondirectional)
Overcurrent Supervision IT – Trip-supervision overcurrent
IB – Block-supervision overcurrent
Fault Detector FD
Line-Pickup Overcurrent I1
Remote-Open Detector ROD
Line-Overload Detectors Level 1 Overcurrent
Level 2 Overcurrent
Positive-Sequence V1
Voltage Detectors
Table 1–1. Measurement functions included in the DLP3.

Step Distance There can be as many as three time-delayed zones. At

Figure 1–1 is the logic diagram for the Step Distance a minimum, Zone 2 should be selected to provide
scheme. Since this nonpilot scheme overlays the protection for the last 10% of the protected line not
other protection schemes in the DLP3, it is in essence covered by Zone 1. If the application permits, a
a part of all of them. The Zone 1 distance functions forward-looking third zone can be used to provide
are set to reach no greater than 90% of the positive- backup protection for adjacent line sections out of
sequence impedance of the protected line. All of the the remote bus. If a reverse-looking zone is desired,
ground-distance functions are provided with self- the Zone 4 functions can be reversed. For some
compensation so that they see only the positive- applications it may be desirable to implement both a
sequence impedance to a ground fault when the forward-looking Zone 3 and a forward-looking Zone
compensation setting is properly selected to reflect 4.
the difference between the zero-sequence and The phase-distance functions can be placed in or out
positive-sequence impedance of the line. This setting of service by specifying a separate setting for each
is explained in Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings. protection zone. The same is true for the ground-

GEK–105548 Chapter 1 – Product Description
distance functions. Zone 2, Zone 3, and Zone 4 each momentarily at the beginning of each recloser step,
have two independently set zone timers. One timer is but does not stay closed until the recloser goes to
associated with the phase functions, the other with RESET, then the D dropout time of TL20 should be set
the ground functions. to a value equal to the reset or reclaim time setting of
the external recloser. If the external recloser contact
Zone 1 Extension wired to CC3 can mimic the operation of the Z1RR
contact, then the D dropout time of TL20 should be
Figure 1–2 is the logic diagram for the Zone 1 set to 0.
Extension scheme. Like the Step Distance scheme,
Zone 1 Extension does not use a communication For a transient internal fault, the breaker will reclose
channel. The intent of this scheme is to provide successfully. For a permanent internal fault, further
high-speed tripping at each terminal for 100% of the tripping during the reset or reclaim time of the
protected line section without the addition of a recloser is exactly the same as for the Step Distance
communication channel. scheme described earlier. A fault in an adjacent line
section can cause the Zone 1 Extension scheme to
This is accomplished by letting the Zone 2 trip the breaker, but this lack of selectivity and
overreaching function trip without any intentional increase in the number of breaker operations may be
time delay (Zone 2 initially acts as the Zone 1 offset by the fact that no communication channel is
function via OR102) for the initial fault occurrence. required. Use of one of the pilot schemes described
Opening the breaker starts the associated automatic- below is a more elegant solution to providing high-
reclose function, so an internal or external recloser is speed tripping at all ends of the protected line for
a necessary part of this scheme. As soon as the internal faults along the entire line length.
recloser begins its programmed cycle, the actual
Zone 1 function is placed back in service via OR102,
restoring Zone 1 reach to 90% or less of the
Permissive Overreach Transfer Trip
protected line section. This condition stays in effect (POTT)
until the recloser resets. Figure 1–3 is the logic diagram for the POTT
If the recloser is active in the DLP3, the internal Zone scheme. Both the POTT and PUTT schemes require
1 Reach Reset flag (a software indicator that signals receipt of a tripping signal from the remote end(s) to
the occurrence of a certain condition) is used via permit tripping at the local end. The channel
OR101 to select either the Zone 2 or Zone 1 functions equipment is generally a frequency-shift (FSK) type.
to trip via OR102, and it is not necessary to wire an When a power-line carrier channel is used, it is
external contact to CC3. The Zone 1 Reach Reset flag possible that an internal fault may attenuate the
is set in the recloser function software when the carrier signal sufficiently to preclude receipt of the
recloser is initiated and is reset only when the trip signal. For such cases, an unblocking channel
recloser function goes to the RESET state. that provides a time window of trip permission for an
attenuated signal caused by an internal fault should
If the recloser function is in the LOCKOUT state, the be considered.
Zone 1 Reach Reset flag remains set until the breaker
is closed manually and the recloser function times For any multiphase fault on the protected line, one
out to the RESET state. A Z1RR output contact, closed or more of the overreaching zone variable-mho
when the Zone 1 Reach Reset flag is set, is provided functions operates at each terminal of the line and
for controlling an external Zone 1 Extension scheme. applies one of the inputs to the comparer, AND1, via
OR2 and TL4. The output from OR2 also keys the
If the optional recloser function is not present in the transmitter to the trip frequency via OR5. The
DLP3, then an external recloser contact must be receiver produces a trip output at each terminal of a
wired to CC3. Timer TL20 is used if the external two-terminal line. This is recognized by the relay as
recloser cannot supply a contact that mimics the an output from contact converter 3 (CC3). Assuming
operation of the Z1RR contact associated with the that the out-of-step blocking function has not
optional DLP3 recloser function. For instance, if the operated, an AND1 output is present, resulting in a
external recloser contact wired to CC3 closes

Chapter 1 – Product Description GEK–105548

trip output via OR3, TL1, OR4, AND3, OR13, AND13, Permissive Underreach Transfer Trip
OR7, and AND7. (PUTT)
The same sequence of operations occurs for an Figure 1–3 is the logic diagram for the PUTT
internal ground fault when an overreaching zone scheme. A PUTT scheme requires Zone 1 functions
ground-distance variable-mho function or the as well as overreaching zone functions. Zone 1 trips
ground-directional-overcurrent function (or both) directly via OR1, AND4, OR25, OR3, OR4, AND3,
operates at each line terminal. Note that if the fault- OR13, AND13, OR7, and AND7 and keys the
current contribution at one end is insufficient to pick transmitter to the trip frequency via OR5. Tripping
up the overreaching trip function there, then neither for internal faults not seen by the Zone 1 functions
end can trip via the POTT logic. a hybrid scheme is occurs when an overreaching function operates and
preferable for such a weak- or zero-in-feed condition. the receiver(s) produce an output, satisfying the
Timer TL1 allows the relay to ride through spurious input conditions of the comparer, AND1.
outputs that might be produced from the channel The considerations for receiver connections for a
during external faults within the reach of the three-terminal line application and 52/b contact
overreaching trip functions. Timer TL4, in keying of the transmitter with one end open are
conjunction with timer TL1, prevents a possible different from those described above under the
misoperation when a fault-current reversal occurs as POTT scheme. As with a POTT scheme, a PUTT
a result of sequential clearing of a fault on a parallel three-terminal line application requires two receivers
line. Note that tripping is supervised by the Fault and one transmitter at each terminal, with each
Detector at AND7, thus confirming that tripping frequency-shift transmitter operating at a different
occurs only after a fault on the power system. frequency. However, the two receivers are ORed
The above description assumes a two-terminal line. together at OR16, rather than ANDed together as
When a POTT scheme is applied on a three-terminal with a POTT scheme. This is necessary since the
line, each terminal has two receivers and one Zone 1 functions at only one end of the three-
transmitter, with each frequency-shift transmitter terminal line may respond for an internal fault.
operating at a different frequency. Now the trip For a three-terminal PUTT application, do not use
signal must be received from each of the two remote 52/b contact keying of the transmitter. Because the
terminals, as indicated by an output from AND2. two receivers are ORed together, a continuous trip
On a line protected by a POTT scheme, a problem signal sent from the open end, when only one end is
arises if the line is operated with the breaker at one open, results in over-tripping for external faults
end open, but the breaker(s) at the other end(s) within the reach of the pilot overreaching functions.
closed. For this condition, the relay at the closed Unfortunately, this means a portion of the line is not
end(s) cannot operate for a fault on the line unless protected by the pilot scheme. In the DLP3, 52/b
the transmitter at the open end is keyed to the trip contact keying of the transmitter is automatically
frequency. A 52/b contact from the breaker is used to prevented if SELSCM = 2 [PUTT] and NUMRCVR = 2
key the transmitter continuously to the trip [2 RCVRS], as indicated in Figure 1–3 by the link
frequency when the breaker is open. Contact between AND5 and OR5. 52/b contact keying of the
converters CC1, and CC2 are used for this purpose. If transmitter should be used for a two-terminal PUTT
a single breaker is involved, then only CC1 is application.
required. If two breakers are involved, as in a ring bus
or breaker-and-a-half bus arrangement, then CC1, Blocking Scheme
and CC2 are combined at AND5 to indicate that the Figure 1–4 is the basic logic diagram for the three
line is open. available Blocking schemes. Figures 1-4a, 1-4b, and 1-
4c show the ground carrier start options for the three
available Blocking schemes. Since a reverse-looking
blocking function is required in these schemes, the
Zone 4 distance functions must be set for reversed
reach. As far as channel operation is concerned, a

GEK–105548 Chapter 1 – Product Description
blocking scheme has opposite sense from a POTT or The BLK1 scheme uses the IPB function ANDed with
PUTT scheme. the NB function to start carrier in the GDOC or
MGDOC schemes. The BLK2 and BLK3 schemes
For a remote external fault, the blocking functions at
use a non-directional carrier start function. BLK2
the remote end key the transmitter, and the receipt
uses the fault detector (FD) function; BLK3 uses the
of this blocking signal at the local end prevents a trip
IPB function. In the BLK3 scheme, the IPB function
output. For an internal fault, the transmitters are not
operates on the zero sequence current without
keyed or, if keyed on initially at fault inception, they
positive sequence current restraint; in the BLK1
are quickly turned off by operation of the
scheme, the IPB function operates on zero sequence
overreaching trip functions. Therefore, receiver
current with positive sequence current restraint
output is not required for tripping at either end.
For remote external faults within the reach of the
The channel equipment generally used is an ON-
local overreaching zone tripping functions, one of
OFF type, rather than an FSK type. Note that both
the remote blocking functions operates to key the
Carrier Start and Carrier Stop contact outputs are
transmitter ON, sending a blocking signal to the local
provided to control the transmitter in the GE CS28A
end. The receiver output blocks tripping at the local
ON-OFF carrier set.
end by removing the upper input to AND407 via CC3
For any multiphase fault on the protected line, one and NOT3. At the remote end, the output of the
or more of the overreaching zone variable-mho blocking functions is applied to the lower NOT input
functions operates at each end of the line and applies of AND407 to block tripping there. This lower NOT
one of the inputs to the comparer AND407 via OR2. input to AND407 forms part of the transient blocking
An output from OR110 inhibits the blocking logic that blocks tripping when clearing external
functions at AND503 via OR103 and NOT2, and any faults or during current reversals that occur when
carrier that may have been started is stopped via OR2, clearing faults on a parallel line.
AND209, and OR213. Consequently, the carrier is
The ground-directional overcurrent (GDOC)
stopped or is not started at any terminal of the line;
transient blocking logic consists of TL24, OR508,
there is no receiver output and no blocking input
AND301, and OR302. After an external fault, the
applied to comparer AND407 via CC3 and NOT3.
GDOC blocking function starts the carrier and
Assuming that the out-of-step blocking function has applies a blocking input to the comparer. If the
not operated, AND407 produces an output to initiate external fault persists for 25 ms, TL24 produces an
tripping following the coordination time-delay output. At this point the GDOC blocking function is
pickup set on timer TL1. The coordinating time is set up with an extended dropout time so that the
required to allow time for receiving a blocking signal carrier is maintained and tripping is blocked at the
from the remote terminal(s) to prevent misoperation comparer for at least 30 ms following the clearing of
on external faults. The required setting is described the external fault.
in Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings. Note that
The ground-distance and phase-distance transient
tripping, as in all the schemes, is supervised by the
blocking logic consists of OR20, AND503, TL25, and
Fault Detector at AND7, thus confirming that a trip
OR302. It operates in a similar manner to the GDOC
only occurs when a fault is present on the power
transient blocking logic. Thus, if any of the
overreaching zone tripping functions operate as a
The sequence of operations is similar for an internal result of a current reversal or a fault-clearing
ground fault. However, the three Blocking schemes transient, tripping is initiated because of the blocking
each use a different logic to start the carrier for output maintained by the blocking function(s). TL24
ground faults. Ground-distance, ground-directional- never picks up on internal ground faults. On internal
overcurrent, or both functions acting in parallel may phase faults, the tripping functions take priority over
be selected for ground-fault protection. Ground- the blocking functions and prevent them from
distance and ground-directional-overcurrent each operating, or cause them to reset if an internal fault
have separate trip and block functions as well as occurs following an initial external fault.
separate transient blocking circuits.

Chapter 1 – Product Description GEK–105548

In a typical application with ON-OFF carrier sets, only When a weak- or zero-in-feed condition exists at one
one receiver is used at each terminal of the line, terminal, then the echo keying circuit is used to
regardless of the number of line terminals. CC3 permit the strong in-feed terminal to trip. A
(RCVR 1 in Figure 1–4) converts the receiver output selectable weak in-feed tripping circuit may be used
into a blocking signal usable by the DLP3. to trip the weak in-feed terminal.
Some blocking schemes use frequency-shift tone Assume that an internal fault on the protected line is
channels, such as the GE type NS40. For a three- not detected at a weak in-feed terminal. At the strong
terminal application employing FSK tones, each in-feed terminal(s), the transmitter is keyed to the
terminal has two receivers and CC4 is used in trip frequency. At the weak in-feed terminal, the
conjunction with CC3. CC5 and CC6 provide blocking functions have not operated and the
additional transmitter and scheme control. receiver produces an output when it receives the trip
frequency. This output is applied to timer TL11 and
CC5 turns the local transmitter OFF. This feature is
AND102 via OR101. AND102 produces an output until
typically used when the remote breaker must trip to
timer TL11 times out 80 ms after receipt of the trip
clear a fault following a breaker failure. An external
signal. An AND102 output initiates keying of the
contact closure, indicating a breaker failure,
transmitter via OR404 and AND204. Transmission
produces an output from CC5 that turns the
(echo) of the trip signal then allows the strong
transmitter OFF, permitting the remote end to trip.
terminal(s) to trip.
CC6 output disables the pilot scheme logic, while
For three terminal line applications, the pickup time
allowing the backup Zone 1, Zone 2, etc. to function.
of TL11 is decreased from 80 to 50 ms. and the
Typically, an external contact wired to CC6 is closed
dropout time of TL25 is increased from 30 to 60 ms.,
when the associated carrier set is removed from
to maintain security when an external fault is cleared
service to prevent overtripping on external faults.
quickly. These changes occur automatically when
setting 1202, Number of Receivers (NUMRCVR), is
Hybrid Scheme set at 2, provided that setting 1201, Select Scheme
Figure 1–5 is the logic diagram for the Hybrid (SELSCM), is set at 3 (HYBRID).
scheme. A Hybrid scheme combines aspects of a The echo circuit plus OR305, AND405, and TL16
tripping scheme with aspects of a blocking scheme, comprise the weak in-feed tripping circuit. For the
but it is perhaps easiest to explain as an enhanced same internal fault condition outlined in the previous
POTT scheme. paragraph, AND405 produces an output because of
A pure POTT scheme cannot trip any terminal of the the following:
protected line for an internal fault that produces • The NOT input to AND405 is satisfied because
little or no fault current at one terminal, such that there is no output from the blocking functions.
the trip functions there do not operate. A Hybrid • There is an output from OR305, since either
scheme incorporates an echo or repeat transmitter-
– FD has operated, or
keying circuit that permits the strong in-feed end(s)
to trip. A weak in-feed trip circuit permits the weak in- – V1 has dropped out when all three poles are
feed end to trip almost simultaneously with the closed.
strong in-feed end. • The other two inputs to AND405 are satisfied,
since a trip signal is being received and timer
A Hybrid scheme requires reverse-looking blocking TL11 has not timed out yet.
functions to implement these enhancements and the
same transient blocking logic used in a Blocking The output from AND405 energizes timer TL16,
scheme. Like a POTT scheme, a Hybrid scheme which produces a trip output when it times out. The
generally uses a frequency-shift (FSK) channel. adjustable time-delay pickup of timer TL16 is
provided for security against any spurious receiver
When an internal fault produces sufficient fault output that might occur during fault conditions.
current to operate the tripping functions at each
terminal of the line, the Hybrid scheme operates
exactly like the POTT scheme described earlier.

GEK–105548 Chapter 1 – Product Description
Recloser (optional) recloser either starts counting the Hold Time
Delay (HOLDDLY) if the setting HOLD = YES or
The optional reclosing function (recloser) can be set
goes to LOCKOUT if the setting HOLD = NO.
to provide one or two reclose attempts. The setting
Select Recloser Scheme, SELRCLR, allows the
signal is issued as soon as RECLOSE INHIBIT goes
selection of four different modes of operation, as
OFF. If RECLOSE INHIBIT is still ON when the
described in Table 1–2.
HOLD TIMER times out, the recloser goes to
SELRCLR Description
4. RECLOSE CANCEL, RC, produces different
0 The recloser is completely disabled with
all the outputs OFF (contacts open); an effects depending on the recloser’s state when
external recloser may be used. this signal goes ON.
1 The recloser is turned off. This is similar • In RESET, the recloser disregards any
to mode 0 above, except that the Z1RR RECLOSE INITIATE received while RECLOSE
and 3PTE outputs are ON (contacts CANCEL is ON and stays in RESET.
closed). • During a reclose cycle, RECLOSE CANCEL
3 One reclosing attempt is allowed. sends the recloser to LOCKOUT.
6 Two reclosing attempts are allowed, with • During the DWELL TIME, RECLOSE CANCEL
different time-delay settings. removes the CLOSE BREAKER signal and then
Table 1–2. Modes of operation of recloser function. sends the recloser to LOCKOUT.
The recloser may be operated from an external effect.
protective-relay system via the digital inputs (contact 5. RECLOSE RESET sends the recloser from
converters CC1, etc.) and output contacts shown in LOCKOUT to RESET without counting the RESET
Figure 1–11. The recloser does not distinguish TIME. It attempts to take the recloser out of
between internally generated input signals (software LOCKOUT regardless of the breaker status or the
flags from the DLP3 protection module) and presence of RECLOSE INITIATE signals, but if the
externally generated input signals (digital inputs breaker is open the recloser returns immediately
from the external relay system). All digital inputs are to LOCKOUT. It has no effect if MANUAL
logically ORed with corresponding flags from the LOCKOUT is ON. The same effect is achieved by
DLP3. Likewise, output signals simultaneously cause the RESET RECLOSER command issued from the
the appropriate output relay to operate and are sent MMI.
to the DLP3 protection module as software flags.
The digital outputs are as follows:
The digital inputs are as follows:
1. ZONE 1 REACH RESET, Z1RR, controls the reach
1. MANUAL LOCKOUT is a switch on the front of the Zone 1 distance functions in a Zone 1
panel of the DLP3. When this switch is set to ON, Extension protection scheme. Z1RR is ON when
the recloser goes to LOCKOUT from any position the recloser is in LOCKOUT and OFF when the
in the reclosing cycle except DWELL TIME. This recloser is in RESET.
ensures that the CLOSE CONTACT stays closed
• When this signal is OFF (contact open), the
for a sufficient time. When DWELL TIME ends,
distance functions are set to Extended Zone 1
the recloser then goes to LOCKOUT. The
Reach, which is an overreaching setting.
recloser stays at LOCKOUT as long as the switch
remains ON. • When this signal is ON (contact closed) the
distance functions are set to the normal
2. RECLOSE INITIATE, informs the recloser that a underreaching Zone 1 setting.
trip has occurred. • During a reclose cycle, Z1RR goes ON as soon
3. RECLOSE INHIBIT keeps the recloser from as the first CLOSE BREAKER signal is issued,
issuing the CLOSE BREAKER signal. If this signal and it remains ON until the recloser goes
is ON when the RECLOSE TIMER times out, the back to RESET.

Chapter 1 – Product Description GEK–105548

• If the setting SELRCLR = 1, then Z1RR is • Lockout – Permanent Fault: This event is stored
permanently ON. after either of the following conditions:
2. RECLOSE IN PROGRESS, RIP, is set when a – A second RI is detected with a one-attempt
reclosing cycle begins following detection of RI. scheme or a third RI is detected with a two-
RIP is cleared when the recloser goes to attempt scheme.
LOCKOUT or to RESET. – Any RI is detected during the reset time when
going from LOCKOUT to RESET.
3. LOCKOUT ALARM, LOA, is ON for as long as the
recloser is in LOCKOUT, and it is OFF for all • Lockout – Failure to Open: This event is stored if
other recloser states. the breaker is closed at the time that the CLOSE
BREAKER signal is issued.
The following settings are associated with the • External Three-Pole RI: These events are stored
recloser: when an external RI is detected and the RI affects
• SELRCLR – Select Recloser Scheme is set to one the operation of the recloser.
of four modes of operation, as described above. • External Reset: This event is stored when the
• TPRDLY1 –Reclose Delay First Attempt sets the RECLOSER RESET digital input or RESET
time between an initial trip and the breaker’s RECLOSER command causes the recloser to
reclosing. RESET.
• RDLY2 – Reclose Delay Second Attempt sets the • Breaker Reclosed: This event is stored when the
time between the second trip and the reclosing recloser issues a CLOSE BREAKER signal.
of the breaker. • Manual Lockout ON: This event is stored when
• HOLD – HOLD is either YES or NO and the MANUAL LOCKOUT switch is toggled from
determines the action taken by the recloser just OFF to ON.
before a CLOSE BREAKER signal is issued. The • Manual Lockout OFF: This event is stored when
recloser checks the status of the RECLOSE the MANUAL LOCKOUT switch is toggled from
INHIBIT input, with the next step determined by
ON to OFF.
HOLD, as explained under RECLOSE INHIBIT
above. Figure 1–12 shows the flow charts for the recloser
• HOLDDLY – Hold Delay sets the duration of the operating in mode 6, SELRCLR = 6. Recloser
HOLD timer. operation is described using this mode, since it
encompasses the full capability of the recloser.
• DWELLTM – Dwell Time Delay sets the time that
the CLOSE BREAKER signal stays on. Following either DLP3 power-up or a change in
• RSTDLY – Reset Time Delay sets the time delay settings, the recloser checks to see if MANUAL
LOCKOUT is ON. If it is, the recloser goes to
LOCKOUT, but the Manual Lockout ON event is not
Events associated with the recloser are part of the recorded. If MANUAL LOCKOUT is not ON, the
Sequence of Events function. The recloser events are recloser checks if the breaker is open.
as follows:
The recloser goes to LOCKOUT if the breaker is open
• Lockout – Reclose Inhibit: This event is stored and to RESET if the breaker is closed.
when the recloser is sent to LOCKOUT after
RECLOSE INHIBIT is detected for either of the When the recloser is at LOCKOUT, it sets Z1RR, and
following conditions: LOA and clears RIP, then enters a loop to check for
– HOLD = NO, RECLOSE INHIBIT is ON after the conditions that permit a return to RESET. If the
RECLOSE TIMER times out. breaker is open or RI is ON, the recloser stays in
LOCKOUT. Otherwise, the RESET TIMER is loaded
with the value RSTDLY, LOA is cleared, and the
the duration of the HOLD TIMER count down.
RESET TIMER begins counting down. During the
• Lockout – Reclose Cancel: This event is stored RESET TIME count down, the following conditions
when a reclosing cycle is aborted by RECLOSE are checked:

GEK–105548 Chapter 1 – Product Description
• If an open breaker is detected, then the recloser timer starts counting down. During the countdown,
goes to LOCKOUT without storing an event RECLOSE CANCEL and RI are checked, with results as
message. follows:
• Any RI signal going ON causes a Lockout – • If RECLOSE CANCEL goes ON, then the CLOSE
Permanent Fault event to be stored and the SIGNAL is removed and the recloser goes to
recloser goes to LOCKOUT. LOCKOUT.
• Either the RECLOSE RESET signal or the RESET • If RI goes ON, then the CLOSE SIGNAL is
RECLOSER command sends the recloser to removed and the recloser moves to the second
RESET immediately. reclose attempt.
After reaching RESET, the recloser clears Z1RR, LOA, At this point, following the first reclose attempt, the
and RIP. It then enters a loop that checks RI and RESET TIMER is loaded with the value RSTDLY and
BREAKER OPEN unless RECLOSE CANCEL is ON. If an this timer starts counting down. During this time the
open breaker is detected, then the recloser goes to recloser checks RECLOSE CANCEL and RI, with results
LOCKOUT. as follows:
If RI goes ON, RIP is set and the RECLOSE TIMER is • If RECLOSE CANCEL goes ON, a “Lockout –
loaded with the value TPRDLY1. While this timer is Reclose Cancel” event is stored and the recloser
counting down, RECLOSE CANCEL is checked. If it is goes to LOCKOUT.
ON, a Lockout – Reclose Cancel event is stored and • If RI goes ON, it is assumed that the first
the recloser goes to LOCKOUT. After the RECLOSE reclosing attempt was unsuccessful and the
TIMER times out, the closing procedure begins. RECLOSE TIMER is loaded with the value RDLY2
to begin the second reclosing attempt.
Before closing the breaker, the recloser checks the
52/b digital inputs to make sure that the breaker is • If the RECLOSE TIMER times out, the first
open. If the breaker is closed, a Lockout – Failure to attempt is considered successful and the recloser
Open event is stored and the recloser goes to goes to RESET.
LOCKOUT. If the breaker did open, the recloser If the first reclosing attempt was unsuccessful, the
checks the state of RECLOSE INHIBIT. If it is OFF RECLOSE TIMER is counting down. Meanwhile, the
(external contact open) the breaker is closed. If it is recloser checks RECLOSE CANCEL, and if it goes ON,
ON (external contact closed), the recloser reads the a Lockout – Reclose Cancel event is stored and the
value of HOLD. If HOLD = NO, a Lockout – Reclose recloser goes to LOCKOUT. After the RECLOSE TIMER
Inhibit event is stored and the recloser goes to times out, the closing procedure previously described
LOCKOUT. If HOLD = YES, the HOLD TIMER is loaded begins.
with the value HOLDDLY.
After the DWELL TIMER times out, the RESET TIMER
While this timer is counting down, the recloser is loaded with the value RSTDLY and starts counting
checks RECLOSE CANCEL and RECLOSE INHIBIT. down. While this timer is counting, the recloser
• If RECLOSE CANCEL goes ON, a Lockout – checks RECLOSE CANCEL, and RI.
Reclose Cancel event is stored and the recloser • If RECLOSE CANCEL goes ON, a “Lockout –
goes to LOCKOUT. Reclose Cancel” event is stored and the recloser
• If RECLOSE INHIBIT goes OFF, the breaker is goes to LOCKOUT.
closed. • If RI goes ON, it is assumed that the second
• If the HOLD TIMER times out before RECLOSE reclosing attempt was unsuccessful. A “Lockout –
INHIBIT goes OFF, a Lockout – Reclose Inhibit Permanent Fault” event is stored and the
event is stored and the recloser goes to recloser goes to LOCKOUT.
LOCKOUT. • If the RECLOSE TIMER times out, the second
When the recloser decides to close the breaker, a attempt is assumed successful and the recloser
CLOSE BREAKER signal is issued, Z1RR is set, and a goes to RESET.
Breaker Reclosed event is stored. The DWELL TIMER
is now loaded with the value DWELLTM and this

Chapter 1 – Product Description GEK–105548

Out-of-Step Blocking Detector will not operate when a balanced three-

phase fault is present.
Figures 1–13 and 1–14 contain the functional logic
diagram of out-of-step blocking and an R-X diagram ROD tripping can speed up tripping at the end of
depicting an assumed swing-impedance locus the line that otherwise would be the slowest to
superimposed on the associated distance relay respond in a sequential-tripping condition. In a Step
characteristics. For an out-of-step condition, the Distance scheme, ROD tripping is beneficial for any
impedance locus first enters the MOB characteristic, unbalanced internal fault not detected by Zone 1. In
then later enters the phase trip function. a Blocking scheme, ROD tripping is beneficial where
system conditions are such that the fault current
When MOB picks up during the power swing, it
redistribution following breaker opening at one end
applies the upper input to AND201. The lower input
is normally required before the other end(s)
is present from the NOT via OR203, since the phase
operates. The ROD function should not be
trip function has not operated yet. The AND201
considered as a replacement or substitute for a pilot
output then energizes timer TL1.
If the impedance stays between the MOB and phase
Figure 1–15 is a functional logic diagram of the ROD
trip function characteristics for the pickup time of
function. The sequence of events that results in a
TL1, an OSB output results. The OSB output is
ROD output is as follows:
routed back to the lower input of AND201 via OR203
to seal-in the OSB output for as long as MOB is 1. No charging current is detected prior to the
picked up. The OSB output resets 50 ms after the fault – logic 0 output from AND2.
swing-impedance locus leaves the MOB characteristic. 2. A fault is detected – logic 1 output from OR3.
OSB is always routed to block reclosing. OSB can be 3. The remote breaker opens – logic 1 output from
selected to: AND3.
1) Block all tripping 4. The fault is still present, so the two inputs to
2) Block tripping for everything except the direct AND4 persist for the time-delay setting of timer
trip overcurrent functions. TL20.

3) Allow tripping. If charging current is initially detected but the fault

detector (FD) is not picked up, indicating no fault on
Timer TL1 has an adaptive pickup feature with an
the power system, then OR1 and AND1 produce
initial pickup setting of 30 ms for the first slip cycle,
outputs. AND2 produces an output and seals itself in
and the pickup delay becomes progressively lower
on the output of OR1 via OR2. AND3 is now blocked
during successive slip cycles. This adaptive pickup
from producing an output as long as charging
provides improved capability to maintain the out-of-
current is detected, regardless of whether FD is
step output during the increasing slip frequencies
picked up or not. If a subsequent fault occurs and the
that are typically encountered after the first slip
remote breaker opens, ROD is prevented from
producing an output.

Remote-Open Detector If sufficient load current is flowing prior to the fault,

there is no output from OR1, indicating that no
The Remote-Open Detector (ROD) function issues a charging current is detected, and AND3 is not
trip signal when the remote breaker opens during an blocked, since there is no output from AND2. If an
unbalanced internal fault. This function detects that unbalanced fault subsequently occurs, FD blocks
the remote breaker has opened by recognizing AND1 to prevent an AND2 output. AND3 is allowed to
charging current on one or more phases following produce an output when the remote breaker opens,
opening of the remote breaker. As shown in the provided there is sufficient charging current to
functional logic diagrams of Figures 1–1, 1–2, 1–3, 1– operate one or more of the three charging-current-
4, and 1–5, the ROD output trips via OR8, AND10, detectors that are the inputs to OR1. The capacitive
OR13, AND13, OR7, and AND7. The Remote-Open charging current must be 60 milliamperes or more

GEK–105548 Chapter 1 – Product Description
(secondary phase current) to assure operation of it can also be used to trip on any type of permanent
ROD. If the fault is still present. as indicated by an fault along the entire line length that produces
output from OR3, a ROD trip follows the expiration of voltage at the relay location that is sufficient to
the TL20 security time delay. operate a Zone 2 distance function, but not enough
to operate the V1 voltage detector. This is
Line Pickup accomplished by routing Zone 2 phase-distance or
ground-distance function outputs to AND1.
Line Pickup provides tripping in the event that the
breaker is closed into a zero-voltage bolted fault, such The other input to AND1 is the normal Line-Pickup-
as occurs if the grounding chains were left on the line enable output from timer TL2, previously described.
following maintenance. Figure 1–16 shows the Operating time for the distance functions is slower
functional logic for Line Pickup. than normal since the prefault voltage is zero
(assuming line-side potential) and it takes the relay
When the line is de-energized, the open breaker several cycles to establish a memory polarizing
detector, IB, and the positive-sequence voltage voltage. However, for a Step Distance scheme this
detector, V1, reset, indicating that the line is dead. feature still results in faster tripping for permanent
The resulting output from AND4 causes timer TL2 to faults located at the remote bus (or anywhere past
operate 150 ms later. Consequently, when the line is the local Zone 1 reach).
energized and a fault exists, current detector I1 picks
up and AND2 produces an output.
Potential Transformer Fuse Failure
If the link connected to the bottom input of AND3 is (PTFF)
connected to (+), then AND3 immediately produces
an output to initiate tripping of the breaker. If the Since a distance or directional function may operate
link is connected to reference (REF), then tripping for a full or partial loss of ac potential caused by one
occurs after the 45 ms pickup delay of timer TL3. The or more blown fuses, PTFF is provided to block
bypass of timer TL3, which is shown functionally as distance and directional function tripping when a
AND3 and the associated link, is in reality simply a fuse failure is detected. The backup overcurrent
setting, SELTBP (0902), and the setting that function PH4, nondirectional IDT, and nondirectional
TOC are allowed to trip. If IDT or TOC is directionally
corresponds to a specific link position is shown in
Figure 1–16. If the DLP3 detects an open pole (pole supervised by NT, then that function is not allowed to
disagreement), Line Pickup is disabled at AND5. trip. Figure 1–17 shows the functional logic for the
PTFF function.
If the line is energized and no fault exists, V1 picks up
and timer TL1 will begin timing; 25 ms later the If ac potential is lost, the positive-sequence voltage
output of TL1 resets timer TL2 via the fast reset input. detector V1 drops out, NOT1 produces a logic 1
AND2 has its lower input removed at that time to take output, and the upper input is present at AND1. The
V1 pickup setting is fixed at 75% of nominal—50 volts
Line Pickup out of service.
secondary—and the pickup-to-dropout ratio is
Timer TL3 is provided for those cases where virtually 100%. The middle input to AND1 is present
simultaneous high-speed reclosing is employed at if load current is sufficient to operate the current
both ends of the line, and where the I1 function must detector IB, while the bottom input is dependent
be set to pick up below the maximum load current upon whether the fault detector FD has operated or
that can occur at that time. TL3 then allows time for whether one or more poles are open. When the POLE
the voltage to return to normal and take Line Pickup DISAGREEMENT logic detects that one or more poles
out of service before it can trip on load current. If of the circuit breaker(s) are open, PTFF is disabled.
simultaneous high-speed reclosing is not used, timer
TL3 can be permanently bypassed. If ac potential is lost for any reason, including a
blown fuse or fuses, and there is no disturbance on
Line Pickup is primarily intended to trip for closing the power system, so that the fault detector has not
into zero-voltage bolted faults where the distance operated, AND1 produces an output that causes
functions connected to line-side potential will not timer TL1 to time out and produce a PTFF output via
operate. However, regardless of the I1 pickup setting, OR2. The output of OR2 is routed to AND2 to seal in

Chapter 1 – Product Description GEK–105548

the PTFF output, based on the output of V1, so that service. The following conditions can create a
PTFF output is maintained as long as the potential is non-critical alarm.
below normal. Setting 1003, SELFFB, determines 1.Three successive remote login failures.
whether PTFF operation issues a critical alarm and
2.Loss of potential detected by the Fuse Failure
blocks distance/directional tripping (SELFFB = YES)
or merely issues a critical alarm (SELFFB = NO).
When the potential returns to normal, V1 and NOT1 3.A sustained unbalanced current condition.
reset to remove the seal-in, allowing the PTFF output • The critical alarm is a normally closed contact,
to reset. held open under normal conditions, that closes
when self-test detects a problem that warrants
When a fault occurs, with an attendant drop in
taking the relay system out of service.
potential, the V1 function resets, but the fault
detector operates to prevent an output from AND1. • The power supply alarm is a normally closed
PTFF does not operate on fault conditions. contact, held open when the power supply is
normal, that closes when the power supply fails
or is turned off.
Overcurrent Backup
The self-test critical alarm contact and the power
An instantaneous, nondirectional phase overcurrent
supply alarm contact are paralleled to create one
tripping function (PH4) provides direct tripping for
combined critical-alarm output. The output contact
three-phase and phase-to-phase faults. Since PH4 is
associated with the Line Overload function is also
nondirectional, power system conditions determine
classified as an alarm output.
whether or not this function can be set to distinguish
between internal and external faults.
Current Unbalance Detection
An instantaneous overcurrent tripping function
(IDT) provides direct tripping for severe phase-to- If the Fault Detector, FD, remains picked up for 60
ground faults. A time-overcurrent tripping function seconds, a non-critical alarm is issued and an event
(TOC) provides time-delayed backup tripping for message generated. This function indicates sustained
phase-to-ground faults. Either or both of these unbalanced current conditions such as a shorted or
ground-overcurrent functions can be controlled by open current transformer
the NT negative-sequence directional trip unit, at the
customer’s discretion. Breaker Control
Two different breakers may be selectively tripped or
Line Overload closed via the local MMI or a remote PC connected to
The Line Overload function provides an alarm the RS232 port. The commands are as follows:
indication (contact closure) that the load current on • Trip Breaker 1 and Trip Breaker 2 use the same
the protected line has exceeded a set level for a set output contacts or SCRs as a fault trip command.
time interval. Two alarm levels are included. Level 1 • Close Breaker 1 and Close Breaker 2 use
is generally set with a lower pickup setting and a separate auxiliary relays. The contact of each
longer time delay than level 2. auxiliary relay must be wired to the appropriate
breaker's close circuit.
Remote breaker tripping and closing are enabled or
1–4 OTHER FEATURES disabled with a jumper on the PROCESSOR module,
as shown in Figure 3–14. The DLP is shipped from
Alarms the factory with this jumper removed and Breaker
Two separate self-test alarms and a power supply Control enabled. Install the jumper to disable
alarm are provided: Remote Breaker Control.
• The noncritical alarm is a normally open contact
that closes when self-test detects a problem that
does not warrant taking the relay system out of

GEK–105548 Chapter 1 – Product Description
Configurable Inputs and 1310 - CFG Dropout Time) is located between
the OR or AND function and the Line Overload relay
Three of the digital inputs, contact converters CC4,
coil (and DLP trip bus) when CONOUT4 = 1, 2, 3, or
CC5, and CC6, are user configurable. Nine possible
4. When CONOUT4 = 3 or 4 the dropout time is
combinations of setting 1701, CONCCI determine how
automatically fixed at 25 milliseconds regardless of
these digital inputs are used. Refer to Chapter 2 –
the setting at which (1310) is set
Calculation of Settings for details.
The eight inputs to the logical AND or OR are
Configurable Outputs determined by the remaining eight settings in this
category, CO1IN1 through CO1IN8, termed input
Six digital outputs are available for customer numbers. Each input number setting can be set over
configuration, as listed in Table 1–3. The first the range from 0 to 64. A 0 indicates that the input is
column lists the default conditions for these contacts, not used. Settings 1 to 64 are selected from a table of
as indicated on Figures 1–1 to 1–6. Each output has a predetermined signals from within the DLP3 relay.
unique settings category, listed in the second column Refer to Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings for details.
of Table 1–3, comprising nine settings.
Configurable Trip Bus
Digital Output Settings Category
1. Close Contact, BC-1 18. BKR1CLSOUT
The DLP can be programmed to trip for a selected
condition by using the LNOVLDOUT settings
2. Close Contact, BC-2 19. BKR2CLSOUT
category. If CONOUT4 = 3 or 4, the OR or AND
3. Reclose Contact, RC 20. RCANCLOUT output produces a DLP trip and closes the Line
4. Line Overload 21. LNOVLDOUT Overload contact. If the programmed condition is
5. Noncritical Alarm 22. NONCRITOUT the primary cause of the trip, the trip type displayed
6. Reclose Initiate, RI 23. RINITOUT is CTB (Configurable Trip Bus). Setting CONOUT4
(two contacts) to 3 or 4 enables the Line Overload category to cause
a trip. Setting CONOUT4 = 0, 1, or 2 only operates
Table 1–3. Configurable outputs and their settings categories.
the Line Overload contact.
For example, settings category 18, BKR1CLSOUT,
controls the use of configurable digital output #1. For Fault Location
all of the above settings categories, except Line A separate and distinct algorithm from the
Overload, the first setting, CONOUTX (x= 1, 2, 3, 5,- algorithms used to implement the relay measuring
6) may be set to: functions is present to provide fault location
0 BC-1, the default setting information, which is presented as miles (or
1 Energized by an 8-input logical OR kilometers) from the relay location to the fault. The
2 Energized by an 8-input logical AND) distance to the fault is based on line length (miles or
kilometers) provided by the user as a setting. Fault
For Line Overload , CONOUT4 may be set to: location output is displayed on the local MMI as part
0 BC-1, the default setting of the target information following a relay trip, and it
1 Energized by an 8-input logical OR is also contained in the Fault Report described below.
2 Energized by an 8-input logical AND
Fault Report
3 Energized by an 8-input logical OR and activates
the trip bus When a fault occurs, pertinent information,
4 Energized by an 8-input logical AND and consisting of unit ID, date and time, operating time,
activates the trip bus. prefault currents, fault currents and voltages, fault
type, trip type, distance to fault, and selected events,
When set to 3 or 4 the function produces a DLP trip is stored in memory. The five most recent fault events
and closes the Line Overload contact. A “CTB” trip is are stored. See Chapter 8 – Interface for a full
displayed. A timer function with settable pickup and description of this function.
dropout times (see settings 1309 - CFG Pickup Time

Chapter 1 – Product Description GEK–105548

Trigger determines t=0. This arrangement assures

Local Man-Machine Interface (MMI) that the oscillography function always captures a
DLP3 trip, with FD determining t=0, regardless of
A local MMI, incorporating a keypad and light whether an optional internal or external trigger is
emitting diode (LED) display, is provided to enter used.
settings, display present values, view fault target
information, and access stored data. The MMI is Oscillography data include station and line
fully described in Chapter 8 – Interface. identification, a complete list of settings, the fault
report, internal flags, and a selectable number of
prefault and postfault data samples. Further
description of this function is found in Chapter 9 –
Oscillography data are stored in memory each time Software.
the DLP3 issues a trip and, optionally (via settings),
This DLP3 no longer stores flags for any function
when an internal oscillography trigger flag is set or
that is disabled. For example, if SELZIG = NO and
an external contact is closed. Setting 1515, OSCTRIG,
SELZ1P = NO, the zone 1 flags (indicating zone 1
allows a choice of five internal signals to trigger
operation or non-operation) are not stored.
oscillography storage. Setting 1701, CONCCI,
Previously, if SELZIG = NO and SELZ1P = NO, the
determines the use of the configurable inputs
zone 1 flags were stored, even though the zone 1
(contact converters), and if CONCCI = 1, 4, or 7, then
functions were disabled, and this feature caused
contact converter 4 (CC4) triggers oscillography
some confusion, especially when appropriate reach
storage. When used as an oscillography trigger, CC4
or pickup settings were not used.
is logically ORed with the internal oscillography
trigger flag. The output of this logical OR is referred
to as OSC Trigger below. Password Protection
Note that OSC Trigger stores oscillography data, but Passwords provide security for the local man-
does not necessarily set t=0, the time sample that machine interface (MMI), and remote
delineates between prefault and postfault communications interface. Two different passwords
oscillography cycles. The term disturbance period is provide local MMI security for
defined as the number of cycles of oscillography data • Control operations (trip and close the breakers)
(prefault plus postfault) as determined by the setting and settings changes.
1513, NUMFLTS. If the internal Fault Detector, FD, • Settings changes.
comes up initially and OSC Trigger follows within
the disturbance period, oscillography data are stored Three different passwords provide remote DLP-LINK
whether or not the DLP3 issues a trip. communications security for
• Viewing and uploading information.
If the DLP3 issues a trip, then a normal fault report is
stored as part of the oscillography data. If the DLP3 • Control operations and setting changes.
does not issue a trip, a pseudofault report is created. • Settings changes.
The trip type is listed as OSC, the trip time is set to
A single view only password provides ASCII port
when the OSC Trigger occurred, the operating time
is set to zero, and the fault type and location are
computed, based on post-OSC Trigger data. The Refer to Chapter 8 – Interface for a description of MMI
local MMI LED display does not show target password usage, and refer to Chapter 9 – Software for a
information, but an event message and fault report description of DLP-LINK and ASCII port password
are stored in memory. In either case above, t=0 is usage.
determined by the internal Fault Detector, FD.
If OSC Trigger comes up initially and FD follows Remote Communications
within the disturbance period, the same actions Three RS232 serial ports are provided. A DB-25 plug
occur and FD determines t=0. If only OSC Trigger (PL-1) located on the rear of the case is provided for
occurs, then a pseudofault report is created and OSC the following:

GEK–105548 Chapter 1 – Product Description
• Communication with the DLP3 using DLP-LINK • An analog output proportional to the distance
software from an IBM PC-compatible computer. from the relay to the fault as calculated by the
fault-location algorithm.
A second DB-25 plug (PL-2) located on the rear of
the case is provided for the following: • Four contact outputs that provide fault-type
• Connecting the DLP3 to an IBM PC compatible
computer using an ASCII protocol interface. The analog output is intended to be wired into an
analog port of a SCADA RTU to provide remote
A DB-9 plug (PL-4)(front panel port) located on the
indication of distance to the fault. The four contact
front panel of the unit provides communication with
outputs are designated phase A, phase B, phase C,
the DLP3 using DLP-LINK from an IBM PC-
and neutral and are intended to be wired into four
compatible computer.
separate RTU digital ports. A particular contact
A PC may be connected via the proper null-modem closes when its phase (or neutral) is involved in the
cable, as long as the cable length does not exceed 50 fault. For a phase B-to-C-to-ground fault, the phase B,
feet, or the PC may be connected via interposing phase C, and neutral contacts close.
modems when it is remote from the DLP3. Unique
The DTA provides either a nominal 0 to 1 ma dc
PC software, DLP-LINK, is required to communicate
output or a nominal 0 to 5 Vdc output. The choice of
with the relay system when using either the front
output ranges is made by a switch located on the
panel port or PL-1. The capabilities and use of DLP-
Processor Board the default setting is voltage. The
LINK are described in Chapter 9 – Software. Refer to
Processor Board must be removed from the DLP3
Chapter 8 – Interface for details on the required cables.
chassis to access this switch. The proper sequence for
The two RS232 serial ports, PL-1 and the front panel selecting the output range is as follows:
port, PL-4, are implemented with separate UARTs
1. Remove the front plastic bezel by unscrewing the
(universal asynchronous receiver transmitters), but
four thumbscrews. Note, the thumbscrews are
when one is active the other is effectively disabled.
retained to the front bezel.
For instance, when PL-1 is connected to the G-NET
host computer and the G-NET system is active, it is 2. Turn the power switch off on the front panel.
not possible to log into the DLP3 from the front
3. Remove DC power from the DLP1, and remove
panel port. If PL-1 is connected to a modem and the
all voltage inputs from the terminals on the rear
front panel port is connected to a PC using a null-
panel of the unit.
modem cable, then the first port that becomes active
is given preference and the other port is disabled. WARNING: Completely power down the relay by
However, it is permissible to have cables and disconnecting the control DC power and by removing
associated equipment connected to each port all voltage inputs to the rear terminals prior to
simultaneously. opening the unit. Dangerous high voltages may be
The third port, PL-2, is also implemented with a present inside the unit even if the power switch is
separate UART. This port is never disabled and may OFF.
be used when the other ports are active. The
capabilities and use of the ASCII port are described
in Chapter 9 – Software. . Refer to Chapter 8 – Interface
4. Remove the four 1/4” hex nuts at the four
for details on the required cables.
corners of the front panel. Gently pull the front
panel away from the unit to expose the cable
SCADA Digital to Analog (DTA) connections to the front panel.
5. Disconnect the power switch cable from the
An internal DTA function, standard on the DLP3, Output board and the ribbon cable from the
provides the following: Processor board.
6. Remove the two ribbon cables and power cables
from the front of the PC boards.

Chapter 1 – Product Description GEK–105548

7. Remove the two PC board retainers by changed the timers associated with FLTLOCK and
unscrewing the two phillips head screws that FLTRESET are reset and the DTA function is reset.
hold each in place.
Fault location and phase identification dry contacts
8. Remove the Processor board, refer to figure 3–3, for A, B, C and N phases may be accessed through
and lay on a antistatic surface component side PL-3. PL-3 is a DB-15 connector located at the rear of
up. the DLP3. Refer to the Elementary Diagram in
Figure 1-6 for the pin out of PL-3.
9. The SCADA DTA switch is located on the right
side of the board about 2/3 back. Set the switch
for the appropriate output type (V = Voltage, I = Sequence of Events
Current), Figure 3-15 indicates the location of This function time tags and stores the last 100 events
this switch on the board. Reinsert the Processor in memory. The resolution of the time-tagging is 1
Board. millisecond. The event list contains power system
10. Reinstall the PC board retainers. events, operator actions, recloser actions, and self-test
alarms. The sequence of events can be accessed
11. Reinstall the power cable and the two ribbon remotely via the front panel port, PL-1 or PL-2 and a
cables on the PC boards. PC. A full description of this function is contained in
12. Reconnect the front panel power switch cable to Chapter 8 – Interface.
the Output Board and the ribbon cable to the
Processor Board. Install the front panel with the Selectable Groups of Settings
four 1/4” hex standoffs.
Four separate groups of settings may be stored in
13. Restore dc power to the DLP1. nonvolatile memory. Only one group can be active at
14. Turn on the front panel power switch. a given time, but the active group may be selected by
external switch contacts or by a command issued
15. Reinstall the plastic cover with the four from the local MMI or DLP-LINK communication
thumbscrews. software. If the selection is to be made by an external
When the fault location is calculated to be 100% of switch, then two of the digital inputs (contact
the line length, the DTA output is either 0.8 ma dc or converters) are used for this purpose. A four position
4.0 Vdc. The DTA output goes to full scale (either 1 SB1 or SBM switch with two stages (two effective
ma dc or 5 Vdc) when the fault location is calculated contacts) could be used to select the active group of
to be greater than 110% of the line length. settings, as shown in Figure 1–18.
Consequently, the usable output ranges are 0 to 0.88
ma dc or 0 to 4.4 Vdc, which covers the 0 to 110% Time Synchronization
fault-location range. The SCADA system should be The DLP3 includes a clock that can run freely from
programmed to recognize a full-scale output as an the internal oscillator or be synchronized from an
indication of an invalid output, resulting from either external signal. Two different external time-synch
an out-of-limit fault-location calculation or a DTA signals are possible:
• If the DLP3 is connected to the host computer of
There are two settings associated with the SCADA a G-NET substation information and control
DTA Interface. FLTLOCK specifies a time period after system, then the DLP3 receives a time-synch
a fault during which fault-location calculations pulse via pin 25 of PL-1.
resulting from subsequent faults are prevented from • If the DLP1 is not connected to a G-NET host
updating the fault-location information stored in the computer, then an unmodulated IRIG-B signal
DTA logic. FLTRESET specifies the time after a fault connected to the IRIG-B terminals, located on
at which the fault-location information stored in the terminal block “D” on the rear panel, may be
DTA logic is reset (output forced to full-scale value) used to synchronize the clock.
and those fault-type contacts that have closed will
open. Note when either the DLP3's date or time is In both cases, the clock in a given DLP3 is
synchronized to within ± 1 ms of any other DLP3

GEK–105548 Chapter 1 – Product Description
clock, if the two relays are wired to the same disables the Trip Circuit Monitor function for the
synchronizing signal. involved pole.

Trip Bus Check Trip Current Monitor

After a settings change is made in the active settings A current sensor is wired in series with each trip
group, the DLP3 automatically returns to its normal output contact or SCR to monitor the dc current in
protection-on mode following: the external trip circuit after the DLP3 issues a trip
• Storage of the new setting values in nonvolatile signal. An event message that reads TRIP CIRCUIT
ENERGIZED is issued depending upon whether or not
• A Trip Bus Check to determine that the
dc current is detected. X is either 1 or 2, indicating
changed settings have not caused any of the trip
breaker 1 or breaker 2. Y is A, B, or C, indicating the
functions to operate for system conditions (i.e.,
phase that was tripped.
current and voltage at the relay) at that instant.
A Trip Bus Check also occurs before a newly selected Start-Up Self Tests
settings group is allowed to become the active settings
group. If Trip Bus Check finds a picked-up trip The most comprehensive testing of the DLP3 is
function, protection is turned off and a critical alarm performed during a power-up. Since the DLP3 is not
is issued. performing any protection activities at that time, tests
(such as RAM tests) that would be disruptive to run-
This check provides a degree of confidence in the time processing may be performed.
new settings, but it does not guarantee that one or
more trip functions might not operate as system All three processors participate in the start-up self-
conditions change. For example, a subsequent testing. The processors communicate their results to
increase in load current might cause the Zone 3 each other so that any failures can be reported and
phase-distance function to operate, even though it so that each processor successfully completes its
did not operate at the instant the Trip Bus Check was assigned self-tests before the DLP3 begins protection
made. activity.
During power-up, each of the three microprocessors
Trip Circuit Monitor performs start-up self-tests on its associated hardware
(including PROM, local RAM, shared RAM,
Within the DLP3 relay system the dc battery voltage
interrupt controller, timer chip, serial and parallel
across each of the open trip contacts (or SCRs) may
I/O ports, nonvolatile memory, analog and digital
be continuously monitored to determine if the
I/O circuitry, and MMI hardware). In addition, the
associated trip circuit is intact. If the monitored dc
DLP3 verifies that the PROM version numbers in all
voltage drops to zero, then the trip circuit has failed
three processor boards are compatible, and that the
open, or the breaker 52/a contact, which is normally
Model Number stored in nonvolatile memory agrees
wired in series with the trip coil, has opened. This
with the unit's configuration. The components tested
function is intended to replace the red light indicator
at start-up are listed in Table 6–1.
typically used for trip-circuit monitoring, and it can
be selectively disabled for each breaker. In most cases, if any critical self-test failure is
detected, the DLP3 discontinues start-up and does
Operation of the Trip Circuit Monitor causes the
not reset. It attempts to store the DLP3 status and to
noncritical alarm contact to close. If one or more
initialize the MMI and remote communications
poles of the breaker are opened in some manner
hardware/software for communicating status. The
other than by a trip issued by the DLP3, then the 52/a
critical alarm output is energized.
contact normally wired in series with the trip coil
opens and drops the voltage across the open contact If no failures are detected, the DLP3 completes
to zero. To avoid a noncritical alarm for this initialization of its hardware and software; this
condition, closure of the associated 52/b contact includes reading information from the serial
Nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM) in the magnetics

Chapter 1 – Product Description GEK–105548

module, stored during the manufacturing process, to To prevent continual resets in the case of a solid
determine the current rating of the magnetics in the failure, both hardware and software permit only four
unit (1 A or 5 A). Next, each processor board (DAP resets in a one-hour period. On the fifth reset, the
and SSP) enables the outputs. As the final step, the DLP3 does not initialize, but attempts to initialize the
DLP3 checks the results of all the tests to determine MMI, communications, and the critical-alarm output,
whether to turn on the green LED lamp on the front as in the case of a start-up with a critical self-test
panel. failure. The reset procedure takes approximately
one second, depending upon which start-up self-tests
The start-up procedure takes approximately one
are to be run.
minute. As soon as the SSP successfully completes its
PROM test and initializes the display hardware, the The components tested in the background are listed
message INITIALIZING appears on the display. When in Table 6–2. Testing of I/O hardware is done in the
all DLP3 initialization is completed satisfactorily, the foreground, so that the processors know when a
display is blanked and the DLP3 begins acquiring given component or port is in use and therefore not
and processing data. available for testing. The components tested in the
foreground are listed in the Table 6–3. Some
Run-Time Self Tests foreground tests are performed every sample period,
while others are performed less frequently.
Each of the three processors has idle time when the
DLP3 is not performing fault or post-fault processing. As with background self-tests, any failed foreground
During this idle time, each processor performs test is repeated and must fail three consecutive times
background self-tests that do not interfere with the to be considered a failure. Although not specifically a
foreground tasks' use of serial and parallel ports and self-test, the trip circuit continuity monitoring is
that do not inhibit interrupts to any processor. If any performed as a foreground test. Refer to Trip Circuit
background self-test fails, the test is repeated. For a Monitor in this chapter.
component to be declared as failed, the test must fail The operator may initiate a visual-response test of the
three consecutive times. In the case of most critical MMI components. Refer to Chapter 4 – Acceptance
failures, the DLP3 forces a reset to attempt to get the Testing for details.
failed component working again.
The DLP3 is able to distinguish between a start-up Continuous Monitor
(power-up) and a reset caused automatically by a
The DLP relay includes a Continuous Monitor
DLP3 malfunction. The reset is a fault-tolerant
feature in addition to its self test features. The
feature of the DLP3; it is performed as an attempt to
Continuous Monitor is intended to detect any DLP
resume operation after an intermittent failure. The
tripping units ( Zone 2 or Zone 3 distance functions,
reset activities are identical to the start-up activities
IDT or PH4 overcurrent functions) that are in the
except that not all start-up self-tests are performed. If
picked up condition without a corresponding
the reset was caused by failure of a specific
operation of the Fault Detector. If such a condition
background self-test, then only the start-up self-tests
occurs and persists for 1 second, the DLP relay will
associated with that same hardware are performed.
issue a Non-Critical Alarm and log a Continuous
A reset is not reported by the DLP3. If the reset is Monitor event.
successful no failure status is recorded, and the
critical alarm output is not energized; however,
during the reset procedure, the red LED on the front
panel will light and a failure code may appear on the
display. Therefore, if the reset is not successful, the
processor board is shut down, leaving the error
information on the front panel display. Refer to
Chapter 6 Table 6–5 Failure Messages.

GEK–105548 Chapter 1 – Product Description

Figure 1–1. (0145D8335) Step Distance logic diagram.

Chapter 1 – Product Description GEK–105548

Figure 1–2. (0145D8386) Zone 1 Extension logic diagram.

GEK–105548 Chapter 1 – Product Description

Figure 1–3. (0145D8337) POTT/PUTT logic diagram.

Chapter 1 – Product Description GEK–105548

Figure 1–4. (0145D8338) Blocking logic diagram.

GEK–105548 Chapter 1 – Product Description

Figure 1–4a, b, c. (0355A3389) Ground Carrier Start Options.

Chapter 1 – Product Description GEK–105548

Figure 1–5. (0145D8339) Hybrid logic diagram.

GEK–105548 Chapter 1 – Product Description

Figure 1–6 . (0215B9168) Elementary diagram

(sh. 1 of 2 ).

Chapter 1 – Product Description GEK–105548

Figure 1–6 . (0215B9167) Elementary diagram

(sh. 2 of 2 ).

GEK–105548 Chapter 1 – Product Description

Figure 1–7. (0286A2925) Digital relay symbol legend. (sh.. 1 of 2)

Chapter 1 – Product Description GEK–105548

Figure 1–7. (0286A2925) Digital relay symbol legend. (sh.. 2 of 2)

GEK–105548 Chapter 1 – Product Description

Figure 1–8. Blocking protection scheme interconnections.

Chapter 1 – Product Description GEK–105548

Figure 1–9. POTT protection scheme interconnections.

GEK–105548 Chapter 1 – Product Description

Figure 1–10. Hybrid protection scheme interconnections.

Chapter 1 – Product Description GEK–105548

Figure 1–11. (0215B8674) Recloser input/output diagram.

GEK–105548 Chapter 1 – Product Description

Figure (0215B8675) 1–12. Recloser flow chart. (sh. 1 of 3)

Chapter 1 – Product Description GEK–105548

Figure (0215B8675) 1–12. Recloser flow chart.(sh. 2 of 3)

GEK–105548 Chapter 1 – Product Description

Figure (0215B8675) 1–12. Recloser flow chart.(sh. 3 of 3)

Chapter 1 – Product Description GEK–105548

Figure 1–13. (0286A4816) Out-of-Step Block R-X diagram.

Figure 1–14. (0215B8616) Out-of-Step Block logic diagram.

GEK–105548 Chapter 1 – Product Description

Figure 1–15. (0215B8619) Remote Open logic diagram.

Figure 1–16. (0215B8615) Line Pickup logic diagram.

Chapter 1 – Product Description GEK–105548

Figure 1–17. (0215B8617) PT Fuse Failure logic diagram.

Figure 1–18. (0286A4817) Switch selection of active settings group.

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

2–1 Introduction and overcurrent functions are mentioned in the

example calculations that follow.
This chapter provides information for determining
All reach settings are in secondary values
the required settings for the DLP3 relay system.
Some settings are a function of the selected protec-
tion scheme, while others are the same, for all
schemes. Certain settings are determined by user
2–2 Scheme-Independent
preference. For example, the Zone 1 direct trip Settings
functions may be used with a pilot blocking scheme,
but is not required. This section contains descriptions of the settings that
must or may be used with all protection schemes.
Those settings that are independent of the selected
scheme are presented first, followed by scheme- Configuration (CONFIG) Settings
dependent settings. Scheme-dependent settings are
described in separate sections for each of the six Following are descriptions of the settings available
possible schemes. There is a blank settings form at under the Configuration category Table 2–15.
the end of this chapter that may be copied and used
to record the required settings for a particular appli- Unit ID Number (UNITID) [1501]
UNITID is a decimal number between 0 and 9999
Tables 2–1 to 2–24 list all the settings and the corre- that uniquely identifies a DLP3 relay system and
sponding ranges and units for each category of which is stored in nonvolatile memory. When the
settings. The column labeled Default lists the DLP3 DLP3 is accessed via its PL-1 serial port, the UNITID
settings stored in memory as shipped from the fac- must be known to establish communication, thus
tory. The settings descriptions are arranged by providing a measure of security. UNITID can only be
category, corresponding to the headings on the man- changed at the keypad of the local MMI. It is not
machine interface (MMI). possible to change UNITID via DLP-LINK commu-
nications software. For models ending with NC, the
In the following descriptions, categories and indi- UNITID cannot be changed. The factory set UNITID
vidual settings are listed by their full names, with can be viewed through th Request Line/ Station ID
mnemonics in parentheses in the headings and in a menu item under Information in the Relay functions
different typeface in the text. The mnemonics are menu of DLP-LINK
displayed on the local MMI to identify each category
or setting. Each setting is further identified by a System Frequency (SYSFREQ) [1502]
unique number, listed in square brackets, that can be SYSFREQ can be set to either 50 or 60 Hz. When this
used to access it directly (see Chapter 8 – Interface). setting is changed, the DLP3 must be reinitialized by
Setting ranges for distance and overcurrent functions cycling the power off and on.
differ, depending upon whether the DLP3 model is
designed for use with current transformers having a Number of Breakers (NUMBKRS) [1503]
nominal 1 amp secondary rating or a nominal 5 amp NUMBKRS can be set to either 1 or 2, with the fol-
secondary rating. Tables 2–1 to 2–24 list these lowing results:
different ranges (where applicable) under the
• 1 – the TRIP and CLOSE commands only activate
columns labeled 5 Ampere and 1 Ampere. If the
their respective BREAKER 1 outputs.
setting is the same for either case, it is centered
across the two columns. • 2 – the TRIP and CLOSE commands selectively
activate either the BREAKER 1 or BREAKER 2
The transmission system shown in Figure 2–1 is used outputs.
for determining example settings for a DLP3 relay
system located at bus Able on protected line section [Continued on p. 10.]
A-B. The current transformers are assumed to have 5-
ampere-rated secondaries and the DLP3 a 5-ampere
secondary rating. Only 5-ampere ranges for distance

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Figure 2–1. (0286A2912)Sample 345 kV system.

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

Setting Range Default

No. Mnemonic 5 Ampere 1 Ampere Units 5 Ampere 1 Ampere
0103 Z1R 0.01–50.00 0.01–250.00 ohms 5.40 27.00
0104 Z1GR 0.01–50.00 0.01–250.00 ohms 5.40 27.00
0105 SELZ1U 0 (MHO), 1 (REACT) N/A 0 (MHO)
0106 Z1SU 0.01–50.00 0.01–250.00 ohms 20.00 100.00
0107 Z1K0 1.0–7.0 N/A 2.7
0108 Z1ERST 0.0–6.0 sec 4.0
Table 2–1. Ranges and default values for the Z1DIST (Zone 1 Distance) category.

Setting Range Default

No. Mnemonic 5 Ampere 1 Ampere Units 5 Ampere 1 Ampere
0203 Z2R 0.01–50.00 0.01–250.00 ohms 9.00 45.00
0204 Z2GR 0.01–50.00 0.01–250.00 ohms 9.00 45.00
0205 SELZ2U 0 (MHO), 1 (GDOC), N/A 0 (MHO)
0207 PUTL2P 0.10–3.00 sec 1.00
0208 PUTL2G 0.10–3.00 sec 1.00
0209 Z2PANG 90, 105, 120 deg 90
0210 Z2GANG 90, 105, 120 deg 90
Table 2–2. Ranges and default values for the Z2DIST (Zone 2 Distance) category.

Setting Range Default

No. Mnemonic 5 Ampere 1 Ampere Units 5 Ampere 1 Ampere
0303 Z3R 0.01–50.00 0.01–250.00 ohms 12.00 60.00
0304 Z3GR 0.01–50.00 0.01–250.00 ohms 12.00 60.00
0305 PUTL3P 0.10–10.00 sec 3.00
0306 PUTL3G 0.10–10.00 sec 3.00
0307 Z3PANG 90, 105, 120 deg 90
0308 Z3GANG 90, 105, 120 deg 90
Table 2–3. Ranges and default values for the Z3DIST (Zone 3 Distance) category.

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Setting Range Default

No. Mnemonic 5 Ampere 1 Ampere Units 5 Ampere 1 Ampere
0403 Z4R 0.01–50.00 0.01–250.00 ohms 18.00 90.00
0404 Z4GR 0.01–50.00 0.01–250.00 ohms 18.00 90.00
0405 Z4OR 0.00–0.40 N/A 0.10
0407 PUTL4P 0.10–10.00 sec 5.00
0408 PUTL4G 0.10–10.00 sec 5.00
0409 Z4PANG 80, 90, 95, 105, 110, 120 deg 90
0410 Z4GANG 80, 90, 95, 105, 110, 120 deg 90
Table 2–4. Ranges and default values for the Z4DIST (Zone 4 Distance) category.

Setting Range Default

No. Mnemonic 5 Ampere 1 Ampere Units 5 Ampere 1 Ampere
0501 PUIPT 0.50–5.00 0.10–1.00 amps 0.50 0.10
0502 PUIPB 0.25–3.75 0.05–0.75 amps 0.25 0.05
0503 PUIT 0.20–4.00 0.04–0.80 amps 0.20 0.04
0504 PUIB 0.20–4.00 0.04–0.80 amps 0.20 0.04
Table 2–5. Ranges and default values for the CURSUPVIS (Overcurrent Pilot / Supervision) category.

Setting Range Default

No. Mnemonic 5 Ampere 1 Ampere Units 5 Ampere 1 Ampere
0602 PUPH4 2.0–100.0 0.4–20.0 amps 20.0 4.0
0605 PUIDT 0.5–80.0 0.1–16.0 amps 10.0 2.0
0608 PUTOC 0.20–15.00 0.04–3.00 amps 1.00 0.20
0609 TDTOC 0.5–10.0 N/A 5.0
0610 PUTTM 0.5–30.0 sec 1.0
0611 SELCURV 0 (INV), 1 (V-INV), N/A 1 (V-INV)
2 (E-INV), 3 (CUSTOM),
4 (DEFT)
0612 KDCONST 0.0, 0.3 N/A 0.3
Table 2–6. Ranges and default values for the OVERCUR (Overcurrent Backup) category.

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

Setting Range Default

No. Mnemonic 5 Ampere 1 Ampere Units 5 Ampere 1 Ampere
Table 2–7. Ranges and default values for the BLKRECLOS (Reclosing) category.

Setting Range Default

No. Mnemonic 5 Ampere 1 Ampere Units 5 Ampere 1 Ampere
0801 SELPTZ 0 (ZONE2), 1 (ZONE3), N/A 0 (ZONE 2)
2 (ZONE4)
0802 MOBANG 30–130 deg 70
Table 2–8. Ranges and default values for the OUTOFSTEP (Out-of-Step Blocking) category.

Setting Range Default

No. Mnemonic 5 Ampere 1 Ampere Units 5 Ampere 1 Ampere
0903 PUI1 1.0–15.0 0.2–3.0 amps 5.0 1.0
Table 2–9. Ranges and default values for the LINEPU (Line Pickup) category.

Setting Range Default

No. Mnemonic 5 Ampere 1 Ampere Units 5 Ampere 1 Ampere
1002 PUTLB 10–100 msec 100
Table 2–10. Ranges and default values for the REMOTEOPEN (Remote Open Detector) category.

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Setting Range Default

No. Mnemonic 5 Ampere 1 Ampere Units 5 Ampere 1 Ampere
1102 PULV1 2.5–20.0 0.5–4.0 amps 10.0 2.0
1103 PULV2 5.0–40.0 1.0–8.0 amps 20.0 4.0
1104 PUTL31 10–990 sec 200
1105 PUTL32 10–99 sec 20
Table 2–11. Ranges and default values for the LINEOVRLD (Line Overload) category.

Setting Range Default

No. Mnemonic 5 Ampere 1 Ampere Units 5 Ampere 1 Ampere
2 (PUTT), 3 (HYBRID),
4 (BLK1), 5 (ZNE1EXT)
6 (BLK2), 7 (BLK3)
1202 NUMRCVR 0, 1, 2 N/A 0
Table 2–12. Ranges and default values for the SCHEMESEL (Scheme Selection) category.

Setting Range Default

No. Mnemonic 5 Ampere 1 Ampere Units 5 Ampere 1 Ampere
1301 PUTL1 1–50 msec 1
1302 PUTL5 0–200 msec 50
1303 DOTL5 0–200 msec 50
1304 PUTL6 0–200 msec 50
1305 DOTL6 0–200 msec 50
1306 PUTL4 0–50 msec 0
1307 DOTL4 0–50 msec 0
1308 PUTL16 8–99 msec 8
1309 PUTLCFG 0-100 msec 10
1310 DOTLCFG 0-100 msec 0
Table 2–13. Ranges and default values for the SCHEMETIM (Scheme Logic Timers) category.

Setting Range Default

No. Mnemonic 5 Ampere 1 Ampere Units 5 Ampere 1 Ampere
1401 POSANG 45–90 deg 85
1402 ZERANG 45–90 deg 75
1403 ZP 0.01–50.0 0.01–250.0 ohms 6.00 30.00
1404 K0 1.0–7.0 N/A 3.0
1405 LINELEN 0.0–200.0 miles 100.0
0.0–322.0 km 161.0
Table 2–14. Ranges and default values for the LINEQTY (Line Quantities) category.

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

Setting Range Default

No. Mnemonic 5 Ampere 1 Ampere Units 5 Ampere 1 Ampere
1501 UNITID 0–9999 N/A 0
1502 SYSFREQ 50, 60 Hz 60
1503 NUMBKRS 1, 2 N/A 1
1504 TRIPCIRC 0 (NONE), 1 (BKR1), N/A 0 (NONE)
2(BKR2), 3 (BOTH)
2 (PTPRI), 3 (PTSEC)
1506 CTRATIO 1–5000 N/A 400
1507 PTRATIO 1–7000 N/A 2000
1508 DISTUNIT 0 (MILES), 1 (KM) N/A 0 (MILES)
1509 COMMPORT Baud Rate: (xx) xxyz 2401
(see note 03 (300), 12 (1200), (2400 Baud,
below) 24 (2400), 48 (4800), No Parity,
96 (9600) (1 Stop Bit)
Parity: (y)
0 (none), 1 (odd),
2 (even)
Stop Bits: (z)
1, 2
1510 PHASDESG 0 (A-B-C), 1 (A-C-B) N/A 0 (A-B-C)
1511 SELTSYNC 0 (NONE), 1 (IRIG-B) N/A 0 (NONE)
2 (G-NET)
1512 NUMFLTS 2, 4, 7, 14 N/A 4
1513 PREFLT 1–8 N/A 3
2 (ANYZ2), 3 (ANYZ3),
4 (ANYZ4) 5 (OUTSTP),
6 (V1DET)
Table 2–15. Ranges and default values for the CONFIG (Configuration) category.

Setting Range Default

No. Mnemonic 5 Ampere 1 Ampere Units 5 Ampere 1 Ampere
1601 FLTLOCK 0–99.9 sec 0
1602 FLTRESET 0–999 min 0
Table 2–16. Ranges and default values for the SCADATA (SCADA DTA Interface) category.

Setting Range Default

No. Mnemonic 5 Ampere 1 Ampere Units 5 Ampere 1 Ampere
1701 CONCCI 0–8 N/A 3
1702 SETGRP 0–4 N/A 1
Table 2–17. Ranges and default values for the CFGINPUTS (Configurable Inputs) category.

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Setting Range Default

No. Mnemonic 5 Ampere 1 Ampere Units 5 Ampere 1 Ampere
1802 CO1IN1 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
1803 CO1IN2 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
1804 CO1IN3 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
1805 CO1IN4 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
1806 CO1IN5 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
1807 CO1IN6 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
1808 CO1IN7 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
1809 CO1IN8 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
Table 2–18. Ranges and default values for the BKR1CLSOUT (Breaker 1 Close / Configurable Output) category.

Setting Range Default

No. Mnemonic 5 Ampere 1 Ampere Units 5 Ampere 1 Ampere
1902 CO2IN1 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
1903 CO2IN2 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
1904 CO2IN3 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
1905 CO2IN4 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
1906 CO2IN5 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
1907 CO2IN6 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
1908 CO2IN7 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
1909 CO2IN8 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
Table 2–19. Ranges and default values for the BKR2CLSOUT (Breaker 2 Close / Configurable Output) category.

Setting Range Default

No. Mnemonic 5 Ampere 1 Ampere Units 5 Ampere 1 Ampere
2002 CO3IN1 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2003 CO3IN2 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2004 CO3IN3 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2005 CO3IN4 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2006 CO3IN5 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2007 CO3IN6 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2008 CO3IN7 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2009 CO3IN8 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
Table 2–20. Ranges and default values for the RCANCLOUT (Reclose Cancel / Configurable Output) category.

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

Setting Range Default

No. Mnemonic 5 Ampere 1 Ampere Units 5 Ampere 1 Ampere
2102 CO4IN1 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2103 CO4IN2 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2104 CO4IN3 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2105 CO4IN4 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2106 CO4IN5 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2107 CO4IN6 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2108 CO4IN7 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2109 CO4IN8 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
Table 2–21. Ranges and default values for the LNOVLDOUT (Line Overload / Configurable Output) category.

Setting Range Default

No. Mnemonic 5 Ampere 1 Ampere Units 5 Ampere 1 Ampere
2202 CO5IN1 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2203 CO5IN2 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2204 CO5IN3 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2205 CO5IN4 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2206 CO5IN5 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2207 CO5IN6 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2208 CO5IN7 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2209 CO5IN8 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
Table 2–22. Ranges and default values for the NONCRITOUT (Noncritical Alarm / Configurable Output) category.

Setting Range Default

No. Mnemonic 5 Ampere 1 Ampere Units 5 Ampere 1 Ampere
2302 CO6IN1 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2303 CO6IN2 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2304 CO6IN3 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2305 CO6IN4 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2306 CO6IN5 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2307 CO6IN6 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2308 CO6IN7 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
2309 CO6IN8 0–64, 101–164 N/A 0
Table 2–23. Ranges and default values for the RINITOUT (Reclose Initiate / Configurable Output) category.

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Setting Range Default

No. Mnemonic 5 Ampere 1 Ampere Units 5 Ampere 1 Ampere
2401 SELRCLR 0 (NONE), 1 (OFF), N/A 0 (NONE)
3 (1-TPOLE), 6 (2-TPOLE)
2402 SPRDLY1 0.01–2.55 sec 2.55
2403 TPRDLY1 0.01–2.55 sec 2.55
2404 RDLY2 1–255 sec 255
2406 HOLDDLY 1–255 sec 1
2407 DWELLTM 0.1–2.0 sec 1.0
2408 RSTDLY 1–255 sec 255
Table 2–24. Ranges and default values for the RECLOSER (Recloser) category.

When a POTT or PUTT scheme is selected, this PRESENT VALUES (currents, voltages, watts, and
setting also determines whether 52/b contacts from vars) are displayed.
one breaker or two breakers are used to key the • SELPRIM = 0 or 2, the PRESENT VALUES are dis-
transmitter with the breaker(s) open. played and stored as primary values.
When the DLP3 is connected to a single breaker, set • SELPRIM = 1 or 3, the PRESENT VALUES are dis-
NUMBKRS to 1. When the DLP3 is connected to two played and stored as secondary values.
breakers in breaker-and-a-half or ring bus
All settings are expressed in terms of secondary
arrangements, set NUMBKRS to 2. A relay trip causes
values regardless of the SELPRIM setting.
both of the appropriate phase trip contacts or SCRs
to operate, regardless of the NUMBKRS setting. This setting also determines the amount of filtering
used in the DLP3's distance functions to overcome
NUMBKRS also affects the optional recloser, as
transient error signals that may be present in the AC
• If NUMBKRS = 1, then the recloser operates as
• When magnetic voltage transformers (PTs) are
defined by its settings (2401–2408).
used, SELPRIM = 2 or 3 should be selected,
• If NUMBKRS = 2, then setting 2401, SELRCLR, is depending upon whether PRESENT VALUES are
automatically set to 0 (NONE), which disables to be displayed in primary or secondary values.
the recloser.
• With SELPRIM = 0 or 1, the operating time of the
distance functions is slower at lower values of
Trip Circuit Monitor (TRIPCIRC) [1504]
operating signal (IZ-V) where the transient error
The four possible settings are 0 (NONE), 1 (BKR 1), 2 signals associated with CVTs become significant.
(BKR 2), or 3 (BOTH). These select the phase-desig- • Always set SELPRIM = 0 or 1 when CVT’s are
nated trip contacts or SCRs ( 1 or 2 – see Figures 1–1, used.. A setting of SELPRIM = 2 or 3 may result in
1–2, 1–3, 1–4, and 1–4) for which the function is Zone 1 overreach for line-end faults.
active. For instance, with TRIPCIRC = 1 a separate trip
circuit monitor function is active for each of the three Current Transformer Ratio (CTRATIO) [1506]
trip contacts (or SCRs) associated with breaker 1.
CTRATIO has a setting range of 1–5000.
Select Primary/Secondary Units (SELPRIM)
[1505] Potential Transformer Ratio (PTRATIO)
SELPRIM can be set to either 0 (CVT PRI), 1 (CVT
SEC), 2 (PT PRI), or 3 (PT SEC). This setting PTRATIO has a setting range of 1–7000.
determines two different aspects of the DLP3's
operation. First, the setting determines how

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

Units of Distance (DISTUNIT) [1508] Select Time Synchronization {SELTSYNC)

DISTUNIT can be set to either MILES or KM
(kilometers). This setting specifies the unit of dis- SELTSYNC determines the method of synchronizing
tance for reporting fault locations in the Fault the DLP3's internal clock. It can have the following
Report. settings:
0 (INTERNAL) – lets the clock run freely from the
Communications Port (COMMPORT) [1509] internal oscillator.
COMMPORT sets the baud rate, parity, and stop bits 1 (IRIG-B) – synchronizes the clock using an IRIG-
for all three of the DLP3’s RS232 serial ports. The B signal connected directly to the DLP3 relay via
setting format is xxyz, corresponding to the port PL-4.
following: 2 (G-NET) – synchronizes the clock using a signal
• Baud Rate: xx = 03 (300), 12 (1200), 24 (2400), on pin 25 of RS232 port PL-1, when connected to
48 (4800), 96 (9600) a G-NET host computer.
• Parity: y = 0 (none), 1 (odd), 2 (even)
Number of Faults (NUMFLTS) [1512]
• Stop Bits: z = 1, 2
NUMFLTS selects the maximum number of oscil-
The baud rate setting must match the baud rate of
lography storage events (faults) that may be stored in
the modem or serial device connected to any of the
memory without overwriting and can be set to 2, 4, 7,
three RS232 serial ports (PL-1, PL2, or the front port)
or 14. When the maximum number are stored in
of the DLP3 relay system. The parity and stop bits
memory, the oscillography data associated with a
must match those selected for the serial port of the
subsequent storage event overwrites the data from
remote PC. Normally, 1 stop bit is selected. However,
the first (oldest).
certain modems or other communication hardware
may require 2 stop bits. DLP-LINK communications This setting apportions a fixed amount of memory
software can be configured to match this DLP3 into different sized blocks for oscillography storage.
settings for baud rate, parity, and stop bits. The Table 2–25 shows the total number of oscillography
DLP3 settings must match the setting of the ASCII cycles allowed per storage event as a function of
device connected to port PL-2. NUMFLTS.
COMMPORT can only be changed via the keypad of
the local MMI, or for models ending in NC, via NUMFLTS Cycles
jumpers. It is not possible to change COMMPORT Stored
with the DLP-LINK communications software. In 2 72
most instances, it will be desirable to have the 4 36
COMMPORT values identical in each of the four 7 18
settings groups to prevent interrupting commun- 14 9
ications when switching between settings groups.
Table 2–25. Number of fault cycles stored as a function of
Phase Designation (PHASDESG) [1510] NUMFLTS setting.

PHASDESG can be set to either A-B-C or A-C-B to

match the positive-sequence phase rotation for the Prefault Cycles (PREFLT) [1513]
section of the power system where the DLP3 is PREFLT selects the number of pretrigger (or pre-
installed. This setting permits the DLP3 to report the fault) cycles in each oscillography data set. It can
faulted phase or phase pair in the appropriate way. have a value of 1–8. PREFLT determines how many of
the storage cycles set by NUMFLTS are pretrigger

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Oscillography Trigger (OSCTRIG) [1514] • UNBALALM = YES

OSCTRIG selects from among six internal signals that
may be used to trigger oscillography storage in Line Quantities (LINEQTY) Settings
addition to a DLP3 trip, which always causes Following are descriptions of the settings available
oscillography to be stored. Refer to Chapter 1 – Prod- under the Line Quantities category Table 2–14.
uct Description for further explanation. OSCTRIG may
have the following settings: Positive-Sequence Angle of Maximum
0 (NONE) Reach (POSANG) [1401]
1 (FLTDET) – Fault Detector POSANG has a setting range of 45°–90° and is
2 (ANY Z2) – Any Zone 2 phase- or ground- common to all of the distance functions. It should be
distance function output set to a value that is equal to or just larger than the
3 (ANY Z3) – Any Zone 3 phase- or ground- angle of the positive-sequence impedance of the
distance function output protected line.
4 (ANY Z4) – Any Zone 4 phase- or ground- Zero-Sequence Angle of Maximum Reach
distance function output (ZERANG) [1402]
5 (OUTSTP) – Out-of-step output
ZERANG has a setting range of 45°–90° and is
6 (V1 DET) – Positive-sequence under-voltage common to all of the ground-distance functions. It
function should be set to a value that is equal to or just larger
than the angle of the zero-sequence impedance of
Current Unbalance Alarm, (UNBALALM)
the protected line.
UNBALALM can be set to: Positive-Sequence Impedance (ZP) [1403]
• YES In service ZP has a setting range of 0.01–50.00 ohms. It should
be set for the positive-sequence impedance of the
• NO Not in service
protected line.
Example Settings for Configuration Zero-Sequence Current Compensation (K0)
Category [1404]
The following are examples of settings for the sample
K0 has a setting range of 1.0–7.0. This setting
system in Figure 2–1.
determines the amount of zero-sequence current fed
• UNITID = 1 back into all the ground-distance functions, except
• SYSFREQ = 60 Zone 1, to provide self-compensation. This permits
• NUMBKRS = 1 the reach setting for the ground-distance functions to
be based on the positive-sequence impedance to a
ground fault. It should be set to the value,
• CTRATIO = 400 [2000/5] K0 =
• PTRATIO = 3000 [345,000/115] Z1L
• DISTUNIT = 0 (MILES) where:
• COMMPORT = 2401 Z0L = the zero-sequence impedance of the line
• PHASEDESG = 0 (A-B-C) Z1L = the positive-sequence impedance of the
• PREFLT = 3

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

Line Length (LINELEN) [1405] Select Ground Instantaneous Overcurrent,

LINELEN has a setting range of 0.0–200.0 miles or
IDT (SELIDT) [0603]
0.0–322.0 kilometers. This setting is the physical SELIDT can be set to either YES or NO, to put the IDT
length of the protected line and is used to report the function either in or out of service.
fault location in miles or kilometers from the relay
location. Directional Control of IDT (SELDIDT) [0604]
SELDIDT can be set to either YES or NO:
Example Settings for Line Quantities
Category YES – IDT is directionally controlled.
NO – IDT is nondirectional.
The following are examples of settings for the sample
system in Figure 2–1. Ground Instantaneous Overcurrent Setting
• POSANG = 85 (PUIDT) [0605]
• ZERANG = 74
The considerations used to determine the IDT setting
• ZP = 6.00
depend on whether IDT is nondirectional or is
• K0 = 3.2
directionally controlled, as follows:
• LINELEN = 75
• If IDT is nondirectional, then it must be set to not
operate on the worst-case external fault at either
Overcurrent Backup (OVERCUR) end of the line.
Following are descriptions of the settings available • If IDT is controlled by the NT directional func-
under the Overcurrent Backup category Table 2–6. tion, then it must be set to not operate, consid-
ering only the worst-case external fault at the
Select Phase Instantaneous Overcurrent, remote end.
PH4 (SELPH4) [0601]
In general, directional control should be used when
SELPH4 can be set to either YES or NO, to put the the operating current for a fault behind the relay
PH4 function either in or out of service. location is much greater than the operating current
for a fault at the remote end.
Phase Instantaneous Overcurrent Setting
(PUPH4) [0602] IDT provides direct tripping for single-line-to-ground
faults and its operating quantity is given by
Since PH4 is a nondirectional direct-trip function, it
must be set to not operate on the worst-case external 3 × IO − 3 × KD × I1
fault at either end of the line. Such a safe setting may
mean that little or no coverage is provided for where:
internal faults. Whether or not a usable setting can KD = 0 or 0.3.
be made will depend on the system impedance
When KD is set to 0.3, positive-sequence current
restraint provides secure operation during steady-
PH4 provides direct tripping for multiphase faults state unbalances, error currents, and external faults.
and operates on the highest of the three delta cur-
The IDT setting is established by first determining the
rents: IA-IB, IB-IC, or IC-IA. This permits PH4 to have
maximum positive value of the operating quantity
the same response for all multiphase faults at the
listed above. PUIDT is then this maximum operating
same location. PUPH4 should be set at least 25%
signal plus a margin of 25% of the 3 |I0| value from
greater than the maximum three-phase fault delta
this same maximum operating signal, as given by
current at either terminal of the protected line. The
setting is calculated on the basis of the delta current, PU IDT =3 × I0 − 3 × KD × I1 + 0.25 × 3 × I0
which for a three-phase fault is equal to the square
When KD is set to 0, the setting is based on 3 |I0|.
root of three times the phase current. PUPH4 has a
PUIDT has a setting range of 0.5–80.0 amps.
setting range of 2.0–100.0 amps.

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Select Ground Time Overcurrent, TOC 4 (DEFT) – definite time.

(SELTOC) [0606] A user-defined custom curve is created by running
SELTOC can be set to either YES or NO, to put the the PC program DLPTOC.EXE. This program may
TOC function either in or out of service. be run from the DOS prompt or called from a menu
item in the DLP-LINK communications program.
Select Directional Control of TOC The resultant data file created by DLPTOC is
(SELDTOC) [0607] downloaded to the DLP3 using DLP-LINK.
SELDTOC can be set to either YES or NO:
Select IDT Restraint Constant, KD
YES – TOC is directionally controlled.
(KDCONST) [0612]
NO – TOC is nondirectional.
KDCONST can be set to 0.0 or 0.3 to determine
Ground Time Overcurrent Setting (PUTOC) whether or not a portion of the positive-sequence
[0608] current, 3 KD |I1|, is used to restrain the operating
quantity, 3 |I0|.
The TOC function provides time-delayed backup
tripping for single-line-to-ground faults. Its operating Example Settings for Overcurrent Backup
quantity is Category
3 × I0
The following are examples of settings for the sample
The curve shape used for TOC is determined by the system in Figure 2–1.
SELCURV setting, as described below. PUTOC has a • SELPH4 = YES
setting range of 0.20–15.00 amps. The pickup and
The three-phase fault currents at the two protected-
time-dial settings should be selected to provide line busses are as follows:
coordination with similar functions in adjacent line
• Able – 7.18 amps
• Baker – 8.3 amps
Ground Time Overcurrent Time Dial PUPH4 must be set for 1.25 times the three-phase
(TDTOC) [0609] fault current at bus B.
• PUPH4 = 1.25 x 1.732 x 8.3 = 18.0 amps
TDTOC selects the time-dial setting for the TOC
function. TDTOC has a setting the range of 0.5–10.0.
The pickup and time-dial settings should be selected Table 2–26 lists the results of the evaluation of the
to provide coordination with similar functions in IDT operate quantity,
adjacent line sections. 3 × IO − 3 × KD × I1

Definite Time Delay (PUTTM) [0610] where KD = 0.3, for phase A-to-ground faults at the
two protected-line busses under the conditions
When the TOC function is selected to have a definite
time characteristic, PUTTM determines the
associated fixed time delay. PUTTM has a setting
range of 0.5–30.0 seconds. • PUIDT = 3.79 + (0.25 X 5.41) = 5.14 amps
Select TOC Characteristic Curve (SELCURV) • SELDTOC = YES
[0611] It is assumed that maximum sensitivity is desired for
SELCURV determines the characteristic curve shape the TOC function in order to provide protection for
for the TOC function. The choices are as follows: high-resistance ground faults.
0 (INV) – inverse curve, Figure 2–2. • PUTOC = 0.20 amps
1 (V-INV) – very inverse curve, in Figure 2–3. • TDTOC = 2.0
2 (E-INV) – extremely inverse, Figure 2–4. • PUTTM = <NOT APPLICABLE>
3 (CUSTOM) – user-defined custom curve. • SELCURV = 0 (INV)
• KDCONST = 0.3

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

Figure 2–2. Inverse time-current curve (GES–9857).

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Figure 2–3. Very inverse time-current curve (GES–9858).

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

Figure 2–4. Extremely inverse time-current curve (GES–9859).

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Status of Status of Operate

Fault Bus Breaker C Breaker E Load? 3 |I0| Quantity
Able closed closed Yes 2.44 –0.82
Able open closed Yes 1.85 –0.58
Able closed open Yes 1.87 –0.67
Baker closed closed Yes 5.10 1.76
Baker open closed Yes 5.22 2.46
Baker closed open Yes 4.97 1.95
Able closed closed No 2.50 0.36
Able open closed No 1.88 0.24
Able closed open No 1.91 0.35
Baker closed closed No 5.27 3.59
Baker open closed No 5.39 3.77
Baker closed open No 5.20 3.50
Baker open open No 5.41 3.79
Able* closed closed No 2.25 1.63
* Bus Able isolated from the equivalent source impedance.

Table 2–26. Evaluation of the IDT operate quantity for the sample system.

Line Pickup (LINEPU) Positive-Sequence Overcurrent, I1, Setting

(PUI1) [0903]
Following are descriptions of the settings available
under the Line Pickup category Table 2–9. I1 is the overcurrent trip unit within the Line Pickup
function. It operates on the magnitude of the
Select Line Pickup (SELLPU) [0901] positive-sequence current. PUI1 has a setting range of
1.0–15.0 amps.
SELLPU can be set to either YES or NO, to put the
Line Pickup function either in or out of service. PUI1 should be set no greater than 2/3 of the mini-
mum fault current for an internal three-phase fault
Select Timer Bypass (SELTBP) [0902] at the relay location. If the minimum fault current is
greater than the maximum load current on the
SELTBP controls whether the coordinating timer TL3
protected line, then the I1 setting can be reduced to
in Figure 1-15 is bypassed (YES)or in service (NO). provide greater coverage of the line. For this case, a
If high-speed simultaneous reclosing is used and I1 is setting of 110% of the maximum load current is
set below the maximum load current, then SELTBP proposed.
should be set to NO to place timer TL3 in service.
This will prevent tripping on the load current that Example Settings for Line Pickup Category
might be present immediately after picking up the The following are examples of settings for the sample
line. SELTBP should be set to YES, to bypass system in Figure 2–1.
coordinating timer TL3 to obtain faster tripping, if
any of the following conditions are met:
• I1 can be set with a pickup of at least 110% of the The three-phase fault current for a fault just in front
maximum load current. of the relay at Able is 33.2 amps and the load current
is 3.29 amps. Assume that more sensitive protection is
• Sequential reclosing is used.
desired than would be obtained with the proposed
• There is no automatic reclosing. setting of 2/3 of 33.2 amps. Therefore, a setting of
110% of the load current is used.
• PUI1 = 1.1 x 3.29 = 3.6 amps

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

• SELTBP = YES Out-of-Step Blocking, OSB

Line Overload (LINE OVRLD) Following are descriptions of the settings available
The Line Overload function consists of two over- under the Out-of-Step Blocking category Table 2–8.
current units, Level 1 and Level 2, with independent
time delays. There is one alarm contact output that Select Phase Trip Unit to Coordinate With
closes when either Level 1 or Level 2 operates. Level 1 (SELPTZ) [0801]
is intended to be used with the lower pickup and SELPTZ can be set to 0 (ZONE 2), 1 (ZONE 3), or 2
longer time delay. Level 2 is intended to be used with (ZONE 4). This setting establishes with which zone of
the higher pickup and shorter time delay. The phase-distance functions the out-of-step charac-
pickup and time delay settings should be based on teristic (MOB) coordinates (see Figure 1–13). Note
short-time and emergency loading situations for the that the maximum reach angle for the MOB
protected line. characteristic is equal to that of the selected zone.
Following are descriptions of the settings available SELPTZ can only be set to 2 if Zone 4 is set with a
under the Line Overload category Table 2–11. forward reach.

Select Line Overload (SELOVL) [1101] Characteristic Angle (MOBANG) [0802]

SELOVL can be set to either YES or NO to put the This setting determines the shape of the MOB
Line Overload function either in or out of service. characteristic and the separation between the MOB
and phase trip functions on the R-X diagram. This
Level 1 Overcurrent Setting (PULV1) [1102] separation, and the initial pickup delay of timer TL1
in Figure 1–14, determines whether or not the OSB
PULV1 has a setting range of 2.5–20.0 amps.
function will detect the fastest swing-impedance locus
during the first slip cycle.
Level 2 Overcurrent Setting (PULV2) ]1103]
Since the initial pickup of TL1 is fixed at 30 milli-
PULV2 has a setting range of 5.0–40.0 amps.
seconds, MOBANG must be adjusted to assure
Level 1 Time Delay, TL31 (PUTL31) [1104] operation on the first slip cycle. If complete infor-
mation, consisting of the fastest swing-impedance
PUTL31 has a setting range of 10–990 seconds. locus and time rate of change along the locus, is not
available, then MOBANG should be set for 20° less
Level 2 Time Delay, TL32 (PUTL32) [1105] than the characteristic angle of the associated phase-
PUTL32 can be set over the range of 10–99 seconds. distance functions. A lower limit on MOBANG is that
MOB should not operate for the maximum load
Example Settings for Line Overload (minimum load impedance). MOBANG has a setting
Category range of 30°–130°.
The following are examples of settings for the sample Select Block Trip Actions (SELOSB) [0803]
system in Figure 2–1.
This setting determines which trip functions are
blocked from tripping when the Out-of-Step function
• PULV1 = 6.5 amps operates. SELOSB has the following settings:
• PULV2 = 15.0 amps 0 (BLKALL) – Block all tripping.
• PUTL31 = 100 seconds 1 (BLKDIST) – Block all distance function and
• PUTL32 = 30 seconds channel tripping.
2 (BLKPHAS) – Block phase distance functions
3 (BLKNONE) – No tripping functions are blocked.

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

When SELOSB = 1, only instantaneous overcurrent Zone 2 Timers (RBZ2T) [0705]

and time overcurrent functions can produce a trip Zone 3 Timers (RBZ3T) [0706]
during an out of step condition.
Zone 4 Timers (RBZ4T) [0707]
Select Zone 1 Block, OSBLKZ1 (0804) Any Zone 1 Phase Distance (RBZ1PH) [0708]
Select Zone 2 Block, OSBLKZ2 (0805)
Any Zone 2 Phase Distance (RBZ2PH) [0709]
Select Zone 3 Block, OSBLKZ3 (0806)
Select Zone 4 Block, OSBLKZ4 (0807) Configurable Trip Bus (RBCTB) [0710]

OSBLKZ1, 2, 3, and 4 can be set to either YES or NO. All of these can be set to either YES or NO:
When SELOSB = 1 or 2, each of the four distance YES – The signal blocks RI and operates RC.
zones may be blocked, or not, via these four settings. NO – The signal has no affect on RI or RC opera-
When set to YES, the appropriate zone will be tion.
blocked from operating when an out-of-step
condition is detected. When set to NO, the Example Settings for Block Reclosing
appropriate zone is allowed to trip despite the Category
detection of an out-of-step condition.
The following is an example of a setting for the
Example Settings for Out-of Step Blocking sample system in Figure 2–1.
Category • SELALL = YES
The following are examples of settings for the sample With this selection, the other settings may be YES or
system in Figure 2–1. NO without affecting the result that all the signals
block reclosing.
It is assumed that swing-impedance locus information
for the out-of-step condition is not available. Zone 2 is
selected as the coordinating function and Zone 2 has SCADA DTA Interface (SCADADTA)
a 90° circular characteristic. Following are descriptions of the settings available
• SELPTZ = 0 (ZONE 2) under the SCADA DTA category Table 2–16.
• MOBANG = 90 - 20 = 70
SCADA DTA Fault Location Lock (FLTLOCK)
• SELOSB = 1 (BLKDIST) [1601]
FLTLOCK can be set over the range of 0–99.9 seconds.
• OSBLKZ2 = YES FLTLOCK is used to specify a time period after an
• OSBLKZ3 = YES initial fault during which subsequent faults are
• OSBLKZ4 = YES prevented from updating the fault location
information stored in the DTA interface.
Block Reclosing (BLKRECLOS)
SCADA DTA Fault Location Reset
These settings, in Table 2–7, determine which (FLTRESET) [1602]
function or logic outputs are used to block the
FLTRESET can be set over the range of 0–999 min-
Reclose Initiate (RI) output and to operate the
utes. FLTRESET is used to specify when the fault-
Reclose Cancel (RC) output in addition to Line
location information stored in the DTA interface is
Pickup. Refer to the OR43 input labeled BLOCK
reset (output forced to full-scale value) and all fault-
RECLOSING FLAG in Figures 1–1, 1–2, 1–3, 1–4, and
type contacts are forced open. A setting of 0 prevents
the DTA from resetting.
The available settings are:
Select All (of the below) (SELALL) [0701] Example Settings for SCADA DTA Interface
Out-of-Step Block (RBOSB( [0702]
3-Phase Faults (RB3PH) [0703] The following are examples of settings for the sample
system in Figure 2–1.
Ground Time Overcurrent (RBTOC) [0704]

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

• FLTLOCK = 10 seconds of the 64 input numbers associated with the

• FLTRESET = 5 minutes Configurable Outputs (described below).
• Select Grp bit 0 or 1 indicates that the external
With these settings, after the first fault occurs, the
contact wired to CC5 or CC6 is used as one of the
DTA output will not change for subsequent faults
two bits that determine which settings group (1,
that occur within 10 seconds of the first fault, and the
2, 3, or 4) is active. Two bits allow four
DTA output will be reset 5 minutes after the last fault
combinations to select the settings group (see
that caused the DTA to produce an output.
Chapter 1 – Product Description and Figure 1–18).
• Stop Carrier indicates that the external contact
Configurable Inputs (CNFGINPUTS)
wired to CC5 is used to close the KT2 CARRIER
Following are descriptions of the settings available STOP contact and prevent the KT1 CARRIER
under the Configurable Inputs category Table 2–17. START contact from closing when a blocking
scheme is selected, SELSCM = 4 (BLOCK).
Configurable Input Mode (CONCCI) [1701] • Block Pilot Trip indicates that the external con-
CONCCI determines how the three configurable tact wired to CC6 is used to block pilot tripping
digital inputs, contact converters CC4, CC5, and CC6, and stop carrier (see above) when a blocking
are used. CONCCI has a setting range of 0–8, where scheme is selected, SELSCM = 4 (BLOCK).
the selected value chooses from nine predetermined CONCCI = 3 is the default setting as shipped from the
combinations, as listed in Table 2–27. factory. The designations for CONCCI = 3 appear on
the five functional logic diagrams, Figures 1–1, 1–2,
CON CC4 CC5 CC6 1–3, 1–4, 1–5.
0 RCVR 2 Select Grp bit Select Grp bit Settings Group (SETGRP) [1702]
1 0
1 External Trigger Select Grp bit Select Grp bit SETGRP determines the active settings group from
1 0 the four different groups that are stored in nonvola-
2 Config Input 1 Select Grp bit Select Grp bit tile memory. SETGRP has the following settings:
1 0 0 Active settings group is determined by outputs
3 RCVR 2 Stop Carrier Block Pilot Trip from CC5 and CC6.
4 External Trigger Stop Carrier Block Pilot Trip 1 Active group is 1.
5 Config Input 1 Stop Carrier Block Pilot Trip 2 Active group is 2.
6 RCVR 2 Config Input 2 Config Input 3 3 Active group is 3.
7 External Trigger Config Input 2 Config Input 3
4 Active group is 4.
8 Config Input 1 Config Input 2 Config Input 3
When a settings group is changed while the DLP3 is
Table 2–27. Settings of the configurable digital inputs on line and protecting (green light ON), a Trip Bus
according to the CONCCI setting. Check is performed before the new settings become
effective. Refer to Chapter 1 – Product Description for an
The entries in Table 2–27 have the following explanation of the Trip Bus Check feature.
The considerations for selecting the SETGRP and
• RCVR 2 indicates that the external contact wired
CONCCI settings are interrelated and these two set-
to CC4 is used as receiver number 2 in a pilot
tings must be modified as a pair. The correct sequence is
to set CONCCI first and then SETGRP. When SETGRP
• External Trigger indicates that the external and CONCCI settings are changed in the active settings
contact wired to CC4 is used as an oscillography group, the new values are also stored in the other three
trigger. settings groups. SETGRP and CONCCI always have the
• Config Input 1, 2, or 3 indicates that the external same values in all four settings groups.
contact wired to CC4, CC5, or CC6 is used as one

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

NOTE: Certain combinations of SETGRP and CONCCI Settings CO1IN1–CO1IN8 determine what internal
are mutually exclusive. If these settings are not DLP3 signals are routed to each of the eight inputs as
chosen correctly, the DLP3 will not function as explained below.
Input Number 1 (CO1IN1) [1802]
• If CONCCI is set to 0, 1, or 2, then SETGRP must CO1IN1 has a setting range of 0 to 64. A 0 indicates
be set to 0. that the OR or AND input is not used (the input is set
• If CONCCI is set to 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8, then SETGRP to logic 0 for an OR or logic 1 for an AND). Settings 1
must be set to 1, 2, 3, or 4. to 64 are selected from the DLP3 internal signals
listed in Table 2–28. The logical NOT of any of the
Example Settings for Settings Group 64 inputs is selected by adding 100 to the Input
Category Number. For example, the logical NOT of FD for
input #1 is CO1IN1 = 137.
The following are examples of settings for the sample
system in Figure 2–1. Input Number 2 (CO1IN2) [1803]
• CONCCI = 3
Same as CO1INI1.
• SETGRP = 1
Input Number 3 (CO1IN3) [1804]
Configurable Output #1 Same as CO1INI1.
Following are descriptions of the settings available Input Number 4 (CO1IN4) [1805]
under the Configurable Output #1 category Table 2– Same as CO1INI1.
Input Number 5 (CO1IN5) [1806]
Close Contact 1 (CONOUT1) [1801]
Same as CO1INI1.
CONOUT1 determines how configurable output #1 is
used. Its settings are illustrated in the functional logic Input Number 6 (CO1IN6) [1807]
diagram in Figure 2–5.
Same as CO1INI1.
0 The contact closes when a breaker #1 close
command, BKCLS1, is received, and the contact Input Number 7 (CO1IN7) [1808]
is labeled BC-1 to correspond to this default
setting. Same as CO1INI1.
1 The contact closes when one or more of the
Input Number 8 (CO1IN8) [1809]
eight inputs to OR1 are present.
2 The contact closes when all of the eight inputs to Same as CO1INI1.
AND1 are present.

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

Figure 2–5. (0286A4818) Configurable Output #1 logic diagram.

Figure 2–5a. (0286A5597) Configurable Output #4 logic diagram.

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Input Signal Input MMI Mnemonic Input Signal Input MMI Mnemonic
No. No.
ZONE 4 AG 10 Z4 AG PH4 (50P) 42 INPOVR
ZONE 4 BG 11 Z4 BG IDT (50G) 43 INGOVR
ZONE 4 CG 12 Z4 CG TOC (51G) 44 TMGOVR
ZONE 2 CA 22 Z2 CA ANY Z2 - PH. OR GND. 54 ANY Z2
ZONE 3 AB 23 Z3 AB ANY Z3 - PH. OR GND. 55 ANY Z3
ZONE 3 BC 24 Z3 BC ANY Z4 - PH. OR GND. 56 ANY Z4
ZONE 4 CA 28 Z4 CA RI-3P 60 RECIN3
Table 2–28. Input signals available at the configurable inputs.

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

CONFIGURABLE OUTPUT #2 3 (energized by an 8-input logical OR and

(BKR2CLSOUT) activates the trip bus)
4 (energized by an 8-input logical AND and
The following nine settings, in Table 2–19, of activates the trip bus)
Configurable Output #2 are set similarly to those of
Configurable Output #1: The following nine settings of Configurable Output
Close Contact 2 (CONOUT2) [1901] #4 are set similarly to those of Configurable Output
Input Number 1 (CO2IN1) [1902]
Input Number 1 (CO4IN1) [2102]
Input Number 2 (CO2IN2) [1903]
Input Number 2 (CO4IN2) [2103]
Input Number 3 (CO2IN3) [1904]
Input Number 4 (CO2IN4) [1905] Input Number 3 (CO4IN3) [2104]
Input Number 5 (CO2IN5) [1906] Input Number 4 (CO4IN4) [2105]
Input Number 6 (CO2IN6)[1907] Input Number 5 (CO4IN5) [2106]
Input Number 7 (CO2IN7) [1908] Input Number 6 (CO4IN6)[2107]
Input Number 8 (CO2IN8) [1909] Input Number 7 (CO4IN7) [2108]
Input Number 8 (CO4IN8) [2109]
The following nine settings, Table 2–20, of
Configurable Output #3 are set similarly to those of The following nine settings, in Table 2–22, of
Configurable Output #1: Configurable Output #5 are set similarly to those of
Reclose Cancel (CONOUT3) [2001] Configurable Output #1:
Input Number 1 (CO3IN1) [2002] Non-Critical Alarm (CONOUT5) [2201]
Input Number 2 (CO3IN2) [2003] Input Number 1 (CO5IN1) [2202]
Input Number 3 (CO3IN3) [2004] Input Number 2 (CO5IN2) [2203]
Input Number 4 (CO3IN4) [2005] Input Number 3 (CO5IN3) [2204]
Input Number 5 (CO3IN5) [2006] Input Number 4 (CO5IN4) [2205]
Input Number 6 (CO3IN6)[2007] Input Number 5 (CO5IN5) [2206]
Input Number 7 (CO3IN7) [2008] Input Number 6 (CO5IN6)[2207]
Input Number 8 (CO3IN8) [2009] Input Number 7 (CO5IN7) [2208]
Input Number 8 (CO5IN8) [2209]
Following are descriptions of the settings available
under the Configurable Output #4 category Table 2– The following nine settings, in Table 2–23, of
21. Configurable Output #6 are set similarly to those of
Configurable Output #1:
Line Overload (CONOUT4) [2101] 3-Pole Reclose Initiate, (CONOUT6) [2301]
CONOUT4 determines how configurable output #4 is Input Number 1 (CO6IN1) [2302]
used. Its settings are illustrated in the functional logic Input Number 2 (CO6IN2) [2303]
diagram in Figure 2–5a. Input Number 3 (CO6IN3) [2304]
0 (used as Line Overload, the default setting)
1 (energized by an 8-input logical OR) Input Number 4 (CO6IN4) [2305]
2 (energized by an 8-input logical AND) Input Number 5 (CO6IN5) [2306]

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Input Number 6 (CO6IN6)[2307] Hold Mode (HOLD) [2405]

Input Number 7 (CO6IN7) [2308] HOLD can be set to YES or NO and affects the action
Input Number 8 (CO6IN8) [2309] taken by the recloser just before issuing a CLOSE
BREAKER signal. At this point the recloser checks the
Example Settings for Configurable Output status of the RECLOSE INHIBIT digital input (contact
Categories converter CC11).
The following are examples of settings for the sample • If RECLOSE INHIBIT is OFF (external contact
system in Figure 2–1. open), the CLOSE BREAKER signal is issued.
• CONOUT1 = 0 • If RECLOSE INHIBIT is ON (external contact
• CO1IN1 = 0 closed), then the next step is determined by
• CO1IN2 = 0
– If HOLD is set to YES, the recloser starts
• CO1IN3 = 0 counting the Hold Time Delay (HOLDDLY).
• CO1IN4 = 0 During this time, the CLOSE BREAKER signal
• CO1IN5 = 0 is issued when RECLOSE INHIBIT goes OFF. If
• CO1IN6 = 0
times out, the recloser goes to LOCKOUT.
• CO1IN7 = 0
– If HOLD is set to NO, the recloser immediately
• CO1IN8 = 0 goes to LOCKOUT.
Identical settings apply for configurable outputs 2–6.
Hold Time Delay (HOLDDLY) [2406]
Recloser Settings (RECLOSER) HOLDLDY is the time delay used when HOLD is set to
YES. It has a setting range of 1–255 seconds.
Following are descriptions of the settings available
under the Recloser Settings category Table 2–24.
Dwell Time Delay (DWELLTM) [2407]
Recloser Scheme (SELRCLR) [2401] DWELLTM is the time that the CLOSE BREAKER
signal will stay on once it has been issued. It has a
SELRCLR has the following settings that select four
setting range of 0.1–2.0 seconds.
different modes of operation:
0 The recloser is completely disabled with all the Reset Time Delay (RSTDLY) [2408]
outputs OFF (contacts open); an external
recloser may be used. RSTDLY is the time after the CLOSE BREAKER signal
has been removed that the recloser waits before
1 The recloser is turned off. This is similar to
going to RESET. If a trip occurs during RSTDLY, the
mode 0 above except that the Z1RR output is ON
recloser goes to the next programmed reclose or to
(contacts closed).
LOCKOUT. RSTDLY has a setting range of 1–255 sec-
3 One reclosing attempt is allowed. onds.
6 Two reclosing attempts are allowed. The reclose
time-delay setting for the first reclose is different Example Settings for Recloser Setting
from that for the second reclose. Categories
The following are examples of settings for the sample
Reclose Delay #1 (TPRDLY1) [2403]
system in Figure 2–1.
TPRDLY1 is the time delay for the first three-pole • SELRCLR = 2
reclose. It has a setting range of 0.01–2.55 seconds.
• TPRDLY1 = 1.00
Reclose Delay #2 (RDLY2) [2404] • RDLY2 = 3.00
RDLY2 is the time delay for the second reclose. It has
a setting range of 1–255 seconds. • HOLDDLY = <NOT APPLICABLE>

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

• HOLDDLY = <NOT APPLICABLE> NO – Zone 1 ground-distance functions are out of

• DWELLTM = 0.5 service.
• RSTDLY = 30 For a Step Distance scheme, set SELZ1G = YES.

Select Zone 1 Phase (SELZ1P) [0102]

2–3 Settings for Step Distance SELZ1P can be set to:
Scheme YES – Zone 1 phase-distance functions are in serv-
This section describes the settings appropriate for
the Step Distance protection scheme. NO – Zone 1 phase-distance functions are out of
Scheme Selection (SCHEMESEL) For a Step Distance scheme, set SELZ1P = YES.

Select Scheme (SELSCM) [1201] Reach Setting M1, Zone 1 Phase (Z1R)
The Step Distance scheme is selected with the
setting, Z1R can be set over the range of 0.01–50.00 ohms.
SELSCM = 0 (STEPDST) When potential transformers are used, the first zone
distance functions should be set to reach no more
Number of Receivers (NUMRCVR) [1202] than 90% of the positive-sequence impedance of the
protected line, regardless of the source-to-line ratio.
For a Step Distance scheme, set NUMRCVR to 0, since When capacitor voltage transformers (CVTs) are
there is no local receiver. used, refer to Figure 2–6 to determine the maximum
reach in percent of positive-sequence impedance of
Zone 1 Distance Functions (Z1DIST) the protected line as a function of the source- to-line
Select Zone 1 Ground (SELZ1G) [0101]
SELZ1G can be set to: Reach Setting M1G, Zone 1 Ground (Z1GR)
YES – Zone 1 ground-distance functions are in
service. Z1GR is set the same as Z1R.

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Figure 2–6. Zone 1 Reach with CVTs (Drawing #0286A3530)).

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

Zero-Sequence Current Compensation

Select Zone 1 Ground Unit (SELZ1U) [0105] (Z1K0) [0107]
SELZ1U can be set to either 0 (MHO) or 1 (REACT). Z1K0 can be set over the range of 1.0–7.0. This setting
This setting determines the type of measuring unit determines the amount of zero-sequence current fed
used for the Zone 1 ground-distance functions, either back into the Zone 1 ground-distance functions to
conductance or reactance. Except for very short provide self-compensation. This permits the reach
lines, it is recommended that mhos be used, since setting to be based on the positive-sequence
operating time is slightly faster than that of impedance to a ground fault. It should be set to the
reactance. A very short line has positive-sequence value,
source impedance (equivalent source impedance
behind the relay location) divided by the positive- Z1K0 =0.95 ×
sequence impedance of the protected line greater
than 5. Note that the value of 5 is a suggested where:
boundary value, not an absolute cutoff, and that a
Z0L = zero-sequence impedance of the line.
reactance unit can be selected for a long line if
desired. Z1L = positive-sequence impedance of the line.
Reach Setting of Mho Unit (Z1SU) [0106]
Zone 1 Reach Reset Timer (Z1ERST) [0108]
This setting is not relevant unless the Zone 1 ground-
distance functions have been set to reactance units Z1ERST is the pickup time delay of timer TL20 in
(see SELZ1U above). Since the reactance unit is Figure 1–2, the functional logic diagram for the Zone
nondirectional, it is supervised by a mho unit, as 1 Extension Scheme. Z1ERST has a setting range of
shown in Figure 2–7, to make it directional. Z1SU can 0.0–60.0 seconds. Refer to Chapter 1 – Product
be set over the range of 0.01–50.00 ohms. Description under Zone 1 Extension for an
explanation of when the Z1ERST time delay is
Z1SU is the minimum reach for the supervising mho
required. When required, Z1ERST is set to the reset
unit. This setting can be easily calculated if the or reclaim time setting of the external recloser. TL20
maximum load flow across the line is known; refer to is used in a Zone 1 Extension scheme only. For any
Figure 2–8 for details. The criterion used for other scheme, Z1ERST may be set to any value within
establishing the minimum reach is based on its range without affecting scheme operation.
maintaining a 40° angular margin between angle A
and angle B. Note that B is the constant-chord angle
of the characteristic, where the minimum reach is Zone 2 / Pilot Zone (Z2DIST)
the chord. Since the supervising mho unit has a
Select Zone 2 Ground (SELZ2G) [0201]
circular characteristic, angle B is 90°.
SELZ2G can be set to either YES or NO:
An adaptive feature of the DLP3 is that the reach of
the supervising mho unit is adjusted as the load flow YES – When Zone 2 ground-distance functions are
changes. The reach can never be less than Z1SU, but selected. Normally this is chosen for Step
it can be larger. As the load flow decreases, the load Distance schemes.
impedance becomes larger, and the reach is NO – When only phase-distance functions are
increased while maintaining the 40° differential selected. Ground faults are detected by the
between angles A and B. If the load now increases, backup ground-overcurrent functions IDT
the reach is decreased but will never be less than and TOC.
Z1SU. This adaptive-reach feature optimizes the
reactance unit coverage for ground-fault impedance. Select Zone 2 Phase (SELZ2P) [0202]
For a Step Distance scheme, Zone 2 phase-distance
functions are required and SELZ2P should be set to

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Figure 2–7. (0286A2917) MHO unit R-X diagram – supervision of reactance unit.

Figure 2–8. (0286A2918) Diagram showing calculation of Z1SU.

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

Select Zone 2 Timers (SELZ2T) [0206]

Reach Setting, MT, Zone 2 Phase )Z2R)
SELZ2T can be set to either YES or NO. For a Step
Distance scheme, where a Zone 2 time delay is
Z2R has a setting range of 0.01–50.00 ohms. With a required, SELZ2T must be set to YES.
Step Distance scheme, Z2R must be set to see a
multiphase fault at the remote bus, considering such Phase Timer Setting (PUTL2P) [0207]
factors as arc resistance and underreach caused by
This Zone 2 time delay should be set long enough to
intermediate fault current sources. Typically, on a
coordinate with the operating time of bus- or
two-terminal line, Z2R is set for 125–150% of the
transformer-differential relays at the remote bus and
positive-sequence impedance of the protected line.
Zone 1 phase-distance relays of adjoining line
Z2R should never be set so large that:
sections, added to the breaker(s) trip time. PUTL2P
• The MT functions pick up on the maximum load has a setting range of 0.10–3.00 seconds.
• The MT functions lose selectivity with the second Ground Timer Setting (PUTL2G) [0208]
zone phase-distance functions on the shortest This Zone 2 time delay should be set long enough to
adjoining line section. coordinate with the operating time of bus- or
If the second item cannot be met by limiting the transformer-differential relays at the remote bus and
reach, then it may be necessary to get this selectivity Zone 1 ground-distance relays of adjoining line
by setting timer TL2P with additional time delay. sections, added to the breaker(s) trip time. PUTL2G
has a setting range of 0.10–3.00 seconds.
Reach Setting (MTG) Zone 2 Ground (Z2GR)
[0204] Phase Characteristic Angle (Z2PANG) [0209]
Z2GR has a setting range of 0.01–50.00 ohms. In a This setting determines the characteristic shape and,
Step Distance scheme, Z2GR must be set to see a consequently, the area of coverage provided on the
ground fault at the remote bus, considering such R-X diagram of the MT phase-distance functions, as
factors as ground-fault impedance, underreach shown in Figure 2–9. Z2PANG can be set to 90°, 105°,
caused by intermediate fault current sources, and or 120°. A 90° setting is recommended. If the desired
underreach caused by zero-sequence mutual cou- reach, Z2R, causes the resultant steady-state
pling with a parallel line. Z2GR should never be set so characteristic to pick up on the maximum load flow,
large that: then a lens-shaped characteristic associated with the
• The impedance point associated with the 105° or 120° setting may prevent operation on load
maximum load flow plots within the MTG without having to reduce the reach. The settings of
characteristic on an R-X diagram. both Z2R and Z2PANG may be evaluated by using the
formula associated with the Maximum Allowable
• The MTG functions lose selectivity with the
Reach method of Figure 2–10. The criterion used for
second zone ground-distance functions on the
establishing the maximum reach in Figure 2–10 is
shortest adjoining line section.
based on maintaining a 40° angular margin between
If the second item cannot be met by limiting the angle A and angle B.
reach, then it may be necessary to get this selectivity
by setting timer TL2G with additional time delay. Ground Characteristic Angle (Z2GANG)
Select Zone 2 Ground Unit (SELZ2U) [0205]
This setting determines the characteristic shape and,
This setting permits choosing either Mho ground consequently, the area of coverage provided on the
distance, ground directional-overcurrent, or both, for R-X diagram of the MTG ground-distance functions.
the overreaching zone in a pilot scheme. For a Step Z2GANG can be set to 90°, 105°, or 120°. A 90° setting
Distance scheme, this setting has no effect on the should be used unless the desired reach, Z2GR, is
scheme logic, and SELZ2U may be set to any value such that the impedance point associated with the
within its range. maximum load flow plots within the MTG steady-state

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

characteristic. The settings of both Z2GR and If the second item cannot be met by limiting the
Z2GANG may be evaluated by using the formula reach, then it may be necessary to get this selectivity
associated with the Maximum Allowable Reach with additional time delay.
method of Figure 2–10. The criterion used for
establishing the maximum reach in Figure 2–10 is Reach Setting, M3G, Zone 3 Ground (Z3GR)
based on maintaining a 40° angular margin between [0304]
angle A and angle B. Z3GR has a setting range of 0.01–50.00 ohms. In a
Step Distance scheme, Zone 3 provides backup
Zone 3 Distance Functions (Z3DIST) protection for adjoining line sections out of the
remote bus. Z3GR should be set to see a ground fault
Select Zone 3 Ground (SELZ3G) [0301] at the end of the longest adjoining line section out of
SELZ3G can be set to either YES or NO as follows: the remote bus, considering such factors as ground-
fault impedance, underreach caused by intermediate
YES – Zone 3 is used as part of a Step Distance
fault current sources, and underreach caused by
scheme and ground-distance functions are
zero-sequence mutual coupling with a parallel line.
Z3GR should never be set so large that:
NO – Zone 3 ground-distance functions are not
• The impedance point associated with the
maximum load flow plots within the M3G
Select Zone 3 Phase (SELZ3P) [0302] characteristic on an R-X diagram.
• The M3G functions lose selectivity with the third
SELZ3P can be set to either YES or NO, as follows:
zone ground-distance functions on the shortest
YES – Zone 3 is used as part of a Step Distance adjoining line section out of the remote bus.
scheme and phase-distance functions are
required. If the second item cannot be met by limiting the
reach, then it may be necessary to get this selectivity
NO – Zone 3 phase distance functions are not with additional time delay.
Phase Timer Setting (PUTL3P) [0305]
Reach Setting, M3, Zone 3 Phase (Z3R)
[0303] This Zone 3 time delay should be set long enough to
coordinate with the time-delayed operation of Zone 2
Z3R has a setting range of 0.01–50.00 ohms. In a Step
phase-distance relays of adjoining line sections,
Distance scheme, Zone 3 provides backup protection added to the breaker(s) trip time. PUTL3P has a
for adjoining line sections out of the remote bus. Z3R setting range of 0.10–10.00 seconds.
should be set to see a multiphase fault at the end of
the longest adjoining line section out of the remote Ground Timer Setting (PUTL3G) [0306]
bus, considering such factors as arc resistance and
underreach caused by intermediate fault current This Zone 3 time delay should be set long enough to
sources. Z3R should never be set so large that: coordinate with the time-delayed operation of Zone 2
ground-distance relays of adjoining line sections,
• The M3 functions pick up on the maximum load
added to the breaker(s) trip time. PUTL3G has a
setting range of 0.10–10.00 seconds.
• The M3 functions lose selectivity with the third
zone phase-distance functions on the shortest
adjoining line section out of the remote bus.

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

Figure 2–9. (0286A2910) MT R-X diagram.

Figure 2–10. (0286A2913) Maximum allowable reach.

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

YES – Zone 3 is used as part of a Step Distance

Phase Characteristic Angle (Z3PANG) [0307] scheme and phase-distance functions are
This setting determines the characteristic shape and, required.
consequently, the area of coverage provided on the NO – Zone 3 phase distance functions are not
R-X diagram of the M3 phase-distance functions, as required.
shown in Figure 2–9. Z3PANG can be set to 90°, 105°,
or 120°, with 90° recommended. If the desired reach, Select Direction (SELZ4D) [0411]
Z3R, causes the resultant steady-state characteristic to The directional sense of Zone 4, SELZ4D, can be set
pick up on the maximum load flow, then a lens- to either 0 (FORWRD) forward or 1 (REVERS)
shaped characteristic associated with the 105° or reverse. In a Step Distance scheme, the Zone 4
120° setting may prevent operation on load without distance functions may be either forward-looking or
having to reduce the reach. The settings of both Z3R reverse-looking. Ideally, a forward-looking Zone 4
and Z3PANG may be evaluated by using the formula would provide backup protection for lines two buses
associated with the Maximum Allowable Reach removed from the relay location.However, such use is
method of Figure 2–10. The criterion used for limited due to maximum-reach constraints.
establishing the maximum reach given in Figure 2– Normally, a reverse-looking Zone 4 is used when a
10 is based on maintaining a 40° angular margin forward-looking Zone 3 cannot be used due to
between angle A and angle B. maximum-reach constraints. Then the reverse-
looking Zone 4 becomes a reversed third zone function.
Ground Characteristic Angle (Z3GANG)
[0308] Reach Setting M4, Zone 4 Phase (Z4R)
This setting determines the characteristic shape and, [0403]
consequently, the area of coverage provided on the Z4R has a setting range of 0.01–50.00 ohms. In a Step
R-X diagram of the M3G ground-distance functions. Distance scheme, a reversed Zone 4 provides backup
Z3GANG can be set to 90°, 105°, or 120°. The 90° protection for line sections out of the local bus. Z4R
setting should be used unless the desired reach, should be set to see a multiphase fault at the end of
Z3GR, is such that the impedance point associated the longest line section, considering such factors as
with the maximum load flow plots within the M3G arc resistance and underreach caused by
steady-state characteristic. The settings of both Z3GR intermediate fault current sources. Z4R should never
and Z3GANG may be evaluated by using the formula be set so large that:
associated with the Maximum Allowable Reach
• The M4 functions pick up on the maximum load
method of Figure 2–10. The criterion used for
establishing the maximum reach given in Figure 2–
10 is based on maintaining a 40° angular margin • The M4 functions lose selectivity with the second
between angle A and angle B. zone phase-distance functions on the shortest
line section out of the local bus.
Zone 4 Distance Functions (Z4DIST) If the second item cannot be met by limiting the
reach, then it may be necessary to get this selectivity
Select Zone 4 Ground (SELZ4G) [0401] with additional time delay.
SELZ4G can be set to either YES or NO, as follows:
Phase Offset Reach (Z4OR) [0405]
YES – Zone 4 is used as part of a Step Distance
scheme and ground-distance functions are The Zone 4 phase-distance functions can be set with
required. an offset reach that is in the opposite direction from
that determined by the SELZ4D setting. The Z4OR
NO – Zone 3 ground-distance functions are not
setting is a multiplier and the actual ohmic offset is
equal to (0.00–0.40) x Z4R. A reversed-M4
characteristic with offset is shown in Figure 2–11. For
Select Zone 4 Phase (SELZ4P) [0402]
Step Distance schemes, an offset reach should only
SELZ4P can be set to either YES or NO, as follows: be considered when SELZ4D is set to 1 (REVERS). For

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

a zero-voltage three-phase fault at the relay location,

an offset setting keeps the M4 functions and the 1. For a reverse AG fault at the relay location
associated zone timer continuously energized for the calculate the currents and
duration of the fault, since M4 can now only operate voltages at the relay.
on fault current. 2. For a reverse BCG fault at the relay location
calculate the currents and voltages at the
Reach Setting M4G, Zone 4 Ground (Z4GR) [0404] relay.
Z4GR has a setting range of 0.01–50.00 ohms. In a 3. Use the following equation to determine the
Step Distance scheme, a reverse-looking Zone 4 maximum allowable reach:
provides backup protection for line sections out of
the local bus. Z4GR should be set to see a ground Vφ
fault at the end of the longest line section, consid- Z 4GR (max.) = (1)
ering such factors as ground-fault impedance, K0 ⋅ I0
underreach caused by intermediate fault current where
sources, and underreach caused by zero-sequence
mutual coupling with a parallel line. Z4GR should I 0 = zero - sequence current at relay
never be set so large that: zero - sequence line impedance
• The impedance point associated with the K0 = [setting #1404]
positive - sequence line impedance
maximum load flow plots within the M4G Vφ = phase - to - ground voltage at relay (AG, BG, or CG)
characteristic on an R-X diagram.
• The M4G functions lose selectivity with the
second zone ground-distance functions on the • For the AG fault, evaluate phases B and C
shortest line section out of the local bus. • For the BCG fault, evaluate phase A

If the second item cannot be met by limiting the 4. The maximum allowable reach is the
reach, then it may be necessary to get this selectivity smallest Zone 4 reach determined from
with additional time delay. equation (1) in step 3.

Note: There is an application limit on the ZONE 4

maximum value of Z4GR
If Z4GR is set too large, then this function may
operate for a ground fault located in the
opposite direction to the Zone 4 reach direction,
as determined by setting 0411 SELZ4D. The +R
factors that determine whether the DLP Zone 4
ground distance functions will operate for a
reverse fault are: (1) the magnitude of the zero-
sequence current at the relay during the reverse
fault, (2) the K0 setting, and (3) the reach
setting, Z4GR. For these three factors, a higher
value tends to make Zone 4 ground operation
more likely.
The following is the recommended procedure
for determining the maximum Zone 4 ground Figure 2–11. ZONE 4 phase distance R-X diagram
reach setting to prevent a mis-operation for a
reverse fault:

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Overcurrent Supervision
Select Zone 4 Timers (SELZ4T) [0406] (CURSUPVIS)
SELZ4T can be set to either YES or NO. If Zone 4
backup is required, then YES must be selected. Ground Pilot Trip, IPT, Overcurrent (PUIPT)
Phase Timer Setting (PUTL4P) [0407] For a Step Distance scheme, the pilot overcurrent
This Zone 4 time delay should be set long enough to functions are not used. IPT can be set for any value
coordinate with the time-delayed operation of the within its range without affecting scheme operation.
appropriate zone of phase-distance relays, added to
the breaker(s) trip time. PUTL4P has a setting range Ground Pilot Block, IPB, Overcurrent
of 0.10–10.00 seconds. (PUIPB) [0502]
For a Step Distance scheme, the pilot overcurrent
Ground Timer Setting (PUTL4G) [0408] functions are not used. IPB can be set for any value
This Zone 4 time delay should be set long enough to within its range without affecting scheme operation.
coordinate with the time-delayed operation of the
appropriate zone of ground-distance relays, added to Trip Supervision, IT, Overcurrent (PUIT)
the breaker(s) trip time. PUTL4G has a setting range [0503]
of 0.10–10.00 seconds. This overcurrent function provides supervision for
the distance functions. IT is used in the trip bus seal-in
Phase Characteristic Angle (Z4PANG) [0409] circuit. For a Step Distance scheme, IT and IB should
This setting determines the characteristic shape and, have the same setting. PUIT has a setting range of
consequently, the area of coverage provided on the R- 0.20–4.00 amps. It is recommended that PUIT be set
X diagram of the M4 phase-distance functions. to its minimum value.
Z4PANG can be set to 80°, 90°, 95°, 105°, 110°, or
120°, with 90° recommended. If the desired reach, Block Supervision, IB, Overcurrent (PUIB)
Z4R, causes the resultant steady-state characteristic to [0504]
pick up on the maximum load flow, then a lens- This overcurrent function provides supervision for
shaped characteristic associated with the 95°, 105°, the distance functions. For a Step Distance scheme, IT
110°, or 120° setting may prevent operation on load and IB should have the same setting. PUIB has a
without having to reduce the reach. setting range of 0.20–4.00 amps. It is recommended
Ground Characteristic Angle (Z4GANG) that PUIB be set to its minimum value.
This setting determines the characteristic shape and, Scheme Logic Timers (SCHEMETIM)
consequently, the area of coverage provided on the R-
X diagram of the M4G ground-distance functions. Trip Integrator TL1 Pickup (PUTL1) [1301]
Z4GANG can be set to 80°, 90°, 95°, 105°, 110°, or PUTL1 has a setting range of 1–50 milliseconds. For a
120°. The 90° setting should be used unless the Step Distance scheme, PUTL1 can be left at any
desired reach, Z4GR, is such that the impedance setting within its range without affecting scheme
point associated with the maximum load flow plots operation.
within the M4G steady-state characteristic. For such a
case, a lens-shaped characteristic associated with the POTT Coordination TL4 Pickup (PUTL4)
95°, 105°, 110°, or 120° setting may prevent operation [1306]
on load without having to reduce the reach.
PUTL4 has a setting range of 0–50 milliseconds. For a
Step Distance scheme, PUTL4 can be left at any
setting within its range without affecting scheme

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

POTT Coordination TL4 Dropout (DOTL4) operation with the opening and closing of the
[1307] breaker’s main interrupting contacts.
DOTL4 has a setting range of 0–50 milliseconds. For a Pickup time coordination is determined by PUTL5 or
Step Distance scheme, DOTL4 can be left at any PUTL6. The dropout time coordination is determined
setting within its range without affecting scheme by DOTL5 or DOTL6. The settings are dependent
operation. upon the design of the breaker. The object is to get
an output from TL5 or TL6 when the breaker main
52/b Contact Coordination TL5 Pickup contacts open, and have the output go away when the
(PUTL5) [1302] breaker main contacts close.
PUTL5 has a setting range of 0–200 milliseconds. See
DOTL6 for a description of this setting.
Weak In-feed Trip TL16 Pickup (PUTL16)
52/b Contact Coordination TL5 Dropout PUTL16 can be set over the range of 8–99 millisec-
(DOTL5) [1303] onds. Since TL16 is not part of the Step Distance
DOTL5 has a setting range of 0–200 milliseconds. See scheme logic, PUTL16 can be set at any value within
DOTL6 for a description of this setting. its range.

52/b Contact Coordination TL6 Pickup Configurable Trip Pickup (PUTLCFG) [1309]
(PUTL6) [1304] PUTLCFG can be set over the range of 0 - 100 msecs. It
PUTL6 has a setting range of 0–200 milliseconds. See establishes the pickup delay associated with
DOTL6 for a description of this setting. Configurable Output #4 when CONOUT4 = 1, 2, 3, or
4. Its value depends upon how Configurable Output
52/b Contact Coordination TL6 Dropout #4 is being used.
(DOTL6) [1305]
Configurable Trip Dropout (DOTLCFG) [1310]
DOTL6 has a setting range of 0–200 milliseconds.
DOTLCFG can be set over the range of 0 - 100 msecs.
Since breaker position information is not required for It establishes the dropout delay associated with
the Step Distance scheme logic, timers TL5 and TL6 Configurable Output #4 when CONOUT4 = 1, or 2.
are not a part of that logic. However, the DLP3 With CONOUT4 = 3 or 4, the programmed conditions
Sequence of Events uses these timer outputs to pro- that cause a DLP trip may not result in a seal-in of the
vide a time-tagged event to indicate either breaker trip bus. In this case, DOTLCFG is fixed at 25 ms, to
open or breaker closed. ensure that the trip contacts stay closed long enough
If these events are required, then wire the 52/b to accomplish the desired result. Its value depends
contact from breaker 1 to CC1 (TL5) and wire the 52/b upon how Configurable Output #4 is being used.
contact from breaker 2 to CC2 (TL6) as shown in
Figure 1-1. Another reason for wiring in the 52/b Remote Open Detector
contacts is to avoid a non-critical alarm resulting from (REMOTEOPEN)
the Trip Circuit Monitor operating when the breaker
is opened manually or by SCADA. Refer to Chapter 1 Select Remote Open Detector (SELROD)
- Trip Circuit Monitor for more information. [1001]
If the recloser is diasbled (SELRCLR = 0 or 1), then the SELROD can be set to either YES or NO, as follows:
output of CC1 provides the input to timer TL5. If the YES – The Remote Open function is in service.
recloser is functional (SELRCLR = 3 or 6), then the NO – The Remote Open function is out of service.
output of CC1 is an input to the recloser, and the
timer TL5 is only used for reporting. For a three-pole Step Distance scheme, it is suggested
that the Remote Open function be placed in service
TL5 and TL6 provide coordinating times to
to obtain faster tripping for faults on the protected
synchronize the breaker 52/b switch contact

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

line near the remote end that would normally be • Z1ERST = <NOT APPLICABLE>
cleared in Zone 2 time.
For purposes of illustration, the Z1SU reach setting is
determined assuming SELZ1U = 1 (REACT).
Timer TL20 Delay Setting (PUTL20) [1002]
Figures 2–1 and 2–8 show that:
TL20 provides the time delay associated with the
Remote Open function. PUTL20 can be set over the • ZL = 19.7∠5.6°
range of 10–100 milliseconds. It is suggested that
• K0 = 3.0
PUTL20 be set at 40.
• A = 50
Block Tripping for Fuse Failure (SELFFB) • C = 5.6
• D = 85
SELFFB can be set to either YES or NO, as follows:
YES – The output of the Potential Transformer • E = 85 – 5.6 = 79.4
Fuse Failure function blocks all tripping that is • Z1SU = 19.7 x sin(50°) / sin(180° – 50° – 79.4°)
initiated by a distance or directional function.
• Z1SU = 19.53
The phase backup overcurrent function, PH4,
and the ground backup overcurrent functions,
IDT and TOC, are allowed to trip. However, if IDT
Zone 2 / Pilot Zone (Z2DIST)
or TOC is directionally supervised, then that • SELZ2G = YES
function is not permitted to trip. • SELZ2P = YES
NO – The Potential Transformer Fuse Failure • Z2R = 1.25 x 6 = 7.50 ohms
function will not block tripping when it operates • Z2GR = 1.25 x 6 = 7.50 ohms
for a blown potential fuse(s).
It is suggested that SELFFB be set to YES. • SELZ2T = YES
• PUTL2P = 0.2 seconds
Example Settings for Step Distance
Protection Scheme • PUTL2G = 0.2 seconds
• Z2PANG = 90
The following are examples of settings for the sample
system in Figure 2–1. • Z2GANG = 90
The formula from Figure 2–10 is used to check Z2R
Scheme Selection (SCHEMESEL) and Z2PANG:
• MR = sin(50°) x 19.7 / sin(180° – 50° – (85° – 5.6°))
• MR = 19.5 ohms .
Zone 1 Distance Functions (Z1DIST) Consequently, with Z2R = 7.50 and Z2PANG = 90,
• SELZIG = YES there is no risk of having the MT functions pick up for
• SELZ1P = YES the maximum load condition. Similarly, with Z2GR =
• Z1R = 0.9 x 6 = 5.4 7.50 and Z2GANG = 90, the apparent impedance for
the maximum load condition will not plot within the
• Z1GR = 0.9 x 6 = 5.4 MTG characteristic.
Since Z1(source)/Z1(line) = 2/6 = 0.33, the protected
line is considered long and the Zone 1 ground-dis- Zone 3 Distance Functions (Z3DIST)
tance functions are selected to be Mho units. • SELZ3G = YES
• SELZ1U = 0 (MHO) • SELZ3P = YES
• Z1SU = <NOT APPLICABLE> Line section C-D and source E2 provide an inter-
• Z1K0 = 0.95 x (19.2 / 6) = 3.0 mediate current source that amplifies the apparent

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

impedance seen by the M3 functions at ABLE for a ABLE for an A-G fault at DELTA would be to take the
multiphase fault at the end of the longest adjoining results of a short-circuit study and calculate the
line section, EF. With line section CD switched out, following equation:
the positive-sequence impedance at ABLE for a three-
( )

( )
phase fault at DELTA is 6 + 4.5 = 10.5 ohms. With line
φ + 

section C-D in service, the positive-sequence
impedance at ABLE for a three-phase fault at DELTA where
Iφ = 
∠  ° 
Z(ABLE) = Z(AB) + Z(EF) + (ICD / IAB) x Z(EF) ,
I0 = ∠  ° 
Vφ = 

∠  ° 
ICD = 4.41 amps ,
IAB = 5.04 amps ,
( )
The difference in the two approaches can be attrib-
Z(ABLE) = 6 + 4.5 +(4.41 / 5.04) x 4.5 = 14.44
uted to the simplifying assumptions made for the first
approach. The second approach is more exact.
Z3R = 14.44 ohms . • Z3RG = 16.00 ohms
A similar equation can be derived for the effect of in- • PUTL3P = 0.5 seconds
feed on the M3G ground-distance functions at ABLE • PUTL3G = 0.5 seconds
with a line-to-ground fault at DELTA. With the • Z3PANG = 90
simplifying assumption,
• Z3GANG = 90
Z0(AB)/Z1(AB) = Z0(CD) / Z1(CD)
The formula from Figure 2–10 is used to check Z3R
= Z0(EF) / Z1(EF) = K0 , and Z3PANG:
the following equation is valid. MR = sin(50°) x 19.7 / sin(180° – 50° – (85° –

[Iφ + (K0 -1) × I0] × CD 5.6°))

[Iφ + (K0 -1) × I0] × AB MR = 19.5 ohms.

Consequently, with Z3R set to 14.44 and Z3PANG to
where: 90, there is no risk of having the M3 functions pick up
Iφ is the phase current for the faulted phase for the maximum load condition. Similarly, with
Z3GR set to 16.00 and Z3GANG to 90, the apparent
I0 is the zero-sequence current
impedance for the maximum load condition will not
K0 = 3.2. plot within the M3G characteristic.
For no prefault load flow and an A-G fault at DELTA,
Zone 4 Distance Functions (Z4DIST)
the currents are:
Iφ(AB) =2.71 amps
Iφ(CD) = 3.29 amps
I0(AB) = 0.50 amps With these settings, the Zone 4 functions are out of
service and the other settings associated with Zone 4
I0(CD) = 0.68 amps
can be set at any value within their ranges.
Therefore, the value of Z(ABLE) is
Overcurrent Supervision (CURSUPVIS)
+  × 
( )
Z ABLE =  +  + 

+  × 

The angle of the calculated impedance above is
assumed to be at POSANG = 85°. A more direct • PUIT = 0.20 amps
approach to determine the apparent impedance at • PUIB = 0.20 amps

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Scheme Logic Timers (SCHEMETIM) Reach Setting M1G, Zone 1 Ground (Z1GR) [0104]
• PUTL1 = <NOT APPLICABLE> Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme
• PUTL4 = <NOT APPLICABLE> for a description of the considerations for this
• DOTL4 = <NOT APPLICABLE> setting.

Since NUMBKRS = 1, only TL5 requires settings: Select Zone 1 Ground Unit (SELZ1U) [0105]
• PUTL5 = 80 ms.
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme
• DOTL5 = 100 ms. for a description of the considerations for this
• PUTL6 = <NOT APPLICABLE> setting.
Reach Setting of Mho Unit (Z1SU) [0106]
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme
Remote Open Detector (REMOTEOPEN) for a description of the considerations for this
• SELROD = YES setting.
• PUTL20 = 40ms Zero-Sequence Current Compensation (Z1K0)
• SELFFB = YES [0107]
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme
2–4 Settings for Zone 1 Extension for a description of the considerations for this
Scheme setting.
This section describes the settings appropriate for the Zone 1 Reach Reset Timer (Z1ERST) [0108]
Zone 1 Extension protection scheme.
Z1ERST is the pickup time delay of timer TL20 in
Figure 2–2, the functional logic diagram for the
Scheme Selection (SCHEMESEL)
Zone 1 Extension Scheme. Z1ERST has a setting
range of 0.0–60.0 seconds. Refer to Chapter 1 – Product
Select Scheme (SELSCM) [1201]
Description under Zone 1 Extension for an expla-
• SELSCM = 5 (ZNE1EXT) nation of when the Z1ERST time delay is required.
Z1ERST is set to the reset or reclaim time setting of
Number of Receivers (NUMRCVR) [1202] the external recloser.
For a Zone 1 Extension scheme, set NUMRCVR to 0,
since there is no local receiver. Zone 2 / Pilot Zone (Z2DIST)

Zone 1 Distance Functions (Z1DIST) Select Zone 2 Ground (SELZ2G) [0201]

SELZ2G is set to YES for a Zone 1 Extension scheme.
Select Zone 1 Ground (SELZ1G) [0101]
SELZ1G must be set to YES for a Zone 1 Extension Select Zone 2 Phase, SELZ2P (0202)
Scheme. SELZ2P is set to YES for a Zone 1 Extension scheme.

Select Zone 1 Phase (SELZ1P) [0102] Reach Setting MT, Zone 2 Phase (Z2R) [0203]
SELZ1P must be set to YES for a Zone 1 Extension Z2R has a setting range of 0.01–50.00 ohms. In a
Scheme. Zone 1 Extension scheme, Z2R must be set to see a
multiphase fault at the remote bus, considering such
Reach Setting M1, Zone 1 Phase (Z1R) [0103] factors as arc resistance and underreach caused by
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme
for a description of the considerations for this

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

intermediate fault current sources. On a two-terminal Ground Timer Setting (PUTL2) [0208]
line, Z2R is typically set for 125–150% of the positive-
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for
sequence impedance of the protected line. Z2R
a description of the considerations for this setting.
should never be set so large that:
• The MT functions pick up on the maximum load Phase Characteristic Angle (Z2PANG) [0209]
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for
• The MT functions lose selectivity with the second a description of the considerations for this setting.
zone phase-distance functions on the shortest
adjoining line section. Ground Characteristic Angle (Z2GANG)
If the second item cannot be met by limiting the [0210]
reach, then it may be necessary to get this selectivity Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for
by setting timer TL2P with additional time delay. a description of the considerations for this setting.
Reach Setting MTG, Zone 2 Ground (Z2GR)
[0204] Zone 3 Distance Functions (Z3DIST)
Z2GR has a setting range of 0.01–50.00 ohms. In a Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for
Zone 1 Extension scheme, Z2GR must be set to see a a description of the required settings for this
ground fault at the remote bus, considering such category.
factors as ground-fault impedance, underreach
caused by intermediate fault current sources, and Zone 4 Distance Functions (Z4DIST)
underreach caused by zero-sequence mutual cou- Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for
pling with a parallel line. Z2GR should never be set so a description of the required settings for this
large that: category.
• The impedance point associated with the
maximum load flow plots within the MTG Overcurrent Supervision
characteristic on an R-X diagram. (CURSUPVIS)
• The MTG functions lose selectivity with the
second zone ground-distance functions on the Ground Pilot Trip, IPT, Overcurrent (PUIPT)
shortest adjoining line section. [0501]
If the second item cannot be met by limiting the For a Zone 1 Extension scheme, the pilot overcurrent
reach, then it may be necessary to get this selectivity functions are not used. IPT can be set to any value
by setting timer TL2G with additional time delay. within its range without affecting scheme operation.

Select Zone 2 Ground Unit (SELZ2U) [0205] Ground Pilot Block, IPB, Overcurrent
This setting permits choosing either Mho ground (PUIPB) [0502]
distance, ground directional-overcurrent, or both, for For a Zone 1 Extension scheme, the pilot overcurrent
the overreaching zone in a pilot scheme. For a Zone 1 functions are not used. IPB can be set to any value
Extension scheme, this setting has no effect on the within its range without affecting scheme operation.
scheme logic, and SELZ2U may be set to any value
within its range. Trip Supervision, IT, Overcurrent (PUIT)
Select Zone 2 Timers (SELZ2T) [0206]
This overcurrent function provides supervision for
SELZ2T is set to YES for a Zone 1 Extension scheme. the distance functions and IT is used in the trip bus
seal-in circuit. For a Zone 1 Extension scheme, IT and
Phase Timer Setting (PUTL2P) [0207] IB should have the same setting. PUIT has a setting
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for range of 0.20–4.00 amps and should be set to its
a description of the considerations for this setting. minimum value.

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Block Supervision, IB, Overcurrent (PUIB) 52/b Contact Coordination TL6 Dropout
[0504] (DOTL6) [1305]
This overcurrent function provides supervision for DOTL6 has a setting range of 0–200 milliseconds.
the distance functions. For a Zone 1 Extension
Since breaker position information is not required for
scheme, IT and IB should have the same setting. PUIB
the Zone 1 Extension scheme logic, these timers are
has a setting range of 0.20–4.00 amps and should be
not a part of that logic. However, the DLP3 Sequence
set to its minimum value.
of Events uses these timer outputs to provide a time-
tagged event to indicate either breaker open or
Scheme Logic Timers (SCHEMETIM) breaker closed.
Trip Integrator TL1 Pickup (PUTL1) [1301] If these events are required, then wire the 52/b
contact from breaker 1 to CC1 (TL5) and wire the 52/b
PUTL1 has a setting range of 1–50 milliseconds. For a contact from breaker 2 to CC2 (TL6) as shown in
Zone 1 Extension scheme, PUTL1 can be left at any Figure 1-1. Another reason for wiring in the 52/b
setting within its range without affecting scheme contacts is to avoid a non-critical alarm resulting from
operation. the Trip Circuit Monitor operating when the breaker
is opened manually or by SCADA. Refer to Chapter 1
POTT Coordination TL4 Pickup (PUTL4) - Trip Circuit Monitor for more information.
If the recloser is diasbled (SELRCLR = 0 or 1), then the
PUTL4 has a setting range of 0–50 milliseconds. For a
output of CC1 provides the input to timer TL5. If the
Zone 1 Extension scheme, PUTL4 can be left at any recloser is functional (SELRCLR = 3 or 6), then the
setting within its range without affecting scheme output of CC1 is an input to the recloser, and the
operation. timer TL5 is only used for reporting.
POTT Coordination TL4 Dropout (DOTL4) TL5 and TL6 provide coordinating times to
[1307] synchronize the breaker 52/b switch contact
operation with the opening and closing of the
DOTL4 has a setting range of 0–50 milliseconds. For a
breaker’s main interrupting contacts.
Zone 1 Extension scheme, DOTL4 can be left at any
setting within its range without affecting scheme Pickup time coordination is determined by PUTL5 or
operation. PUTL6. The dropout time coordination is determined
by DOTL5 or DOTL6. The settings are dependent
52/b Contact Coordination TL5 Pickup upon the design of the breaker. The object is to get
(PUTL5) [1302] an output from TL5 or TL6 when the breaker main
contacts open, and have the output go away when the
PUTL5 has a setting range of 0–200 milliseconds. See
breaker main contacts close.
DOTL6 for a description of this setting.
Weak In-feed Trip TL16 Pickup (PUTL16)
52/b Contact Coordination TL5 Dropout
(DOTL5) [1303]
PUTL16 has a setting range of 8–99 milliseconds.
DOTL5 has a setting range of 0–200 milliseconds. See
Since TL16 is not part of the Zone 1 Extension scheme
DOTL6 for a description of this setting.
logic, PUTL16 can be set to any value within its range.
52/b Contact Coordination TL6 Pickup
(PUTL6) [1304] Configurable Trip Pickup (PUTLCFG) [1309]
PUTLCFG can be set over the range of 0 - 100 msecs. It
PUTL6 has a setting range of 0–200 milliseconds. See
establishes the pickup delay associated with
DOTL6 for a description of this setting.
Configurable Output #4 when CONOUT4 = 1, 2, 3, or
4. Its value depends upon how Configurable Output
#4 is being used.

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

Configurable Trip Dropout (DOTLCFG) [1310] Zone 1 Distance Functions (Z1DIST)

DOTLCFG can be set over the range of 0 - 100 msecs. • SELZIG = YES
It establishes the dropout delay associated with •
Configurable Output #4 when CONOUT4 = 1, or 2. •
Z1R = 0.9 x 6 = 5.40
With CONOUT4 = 3 or 4, the programmed conditions
Z1GR = 0.9 x 6 = 5.40

that cause a DLP trip may not result in a seal-in of the
trip bus. In this case, DOTLCFG is fixed at 25 ms, to Since Z1(source)/Z1(line) = 2/6 = 0.33, the protected
ensure that the trip contacts stay closed long enough line is considered long and the Zone 1 ground-
to accomplish the desired result. distance functions are selected to be Mho units.
• SELZ1U = 0 (MHO)
Remote Open Detector • Z1SU = <NOT APPLICABLE>
(REMOTEOPEN) • Z1K0 = 0.95 x (19.2/6) = 3.0
Select Remote Open Detector (SELROD) • Z1ERST = 0
[1001] For purposes of illustration, the Z1SU reach setting is
SELROD can be set to either YES or NO, as follows: determined assuming SELZ1U = 1(REACT).
YES – The Remote Open function is in service. Figures 2–1 and 2–8 show that:
NO – The Remote Open function is out of service. ZL = 19.7∠5.6°
For a three-pole trip Zone 1 Extension scheme, it is K0 = 3.0
suggested that the Remote Open function be placed
A = 50
in service. This provides faster tripping for faults on
the protected line near the remote end that would C = 5.6
not normally be cleared until expiration of the Zone
D = 85
2 timer.
E = 85 – 5.6 = 79.4
Timer TL20 Delay Setting (PUTL20) [1002] Z1SU = 19.7 x sin(50°) / sin(180° – 50° – 79.4°) = 19.53
TL20 provides the time delay associated with the
Remote Open function. PUTL20 has a setting range of Zone 2 / Pilot Zone (Z2DIST)
10–100 milliseconds. It is suggested that PUTL20 be • SELZ2G = YES
set to 40. • SELZ2P = YES

Block Tripping for Fuse Failure (SELFFB) • Z2R = 1.25 x 6 = 7.50 ohms
[1003] • Z2GR = 1.25 x 6 = 7.50 ohms

Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for • SELZ2U = <NOT APPLICABLE>
a description of the considerations for this setting. • SELZ2T = YES
• PUTL2P = 0.2 seconds
Example Settings for Zone 1 Extension
• PUTL2G = 0.2 seconds
Protection Scheme
• Z2PANG = 90
The following are examples of settings for the sample
• Z2GANG = 90
system in Figure 2–1.
The formula from Figure 2–10 is used to check Z2R
Scheme Selection (SCHEMESEL) and Z2PANG:
• SELSCM = 5 (ZNE1EXT) MR = sin(50°) x 19.7 / sin(180° – 50° – (85° – 5.6°)) ,
MR = 19.5 ohms .

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Consequently, with Z2R = 7.50 and Z2PANG = 90, 2–5 Settings for Permissive
there is no risk of having the MT functions pick up for
the maximum load condition. Similarly, with Z2GR =
Overreach Transfer Trip Scheme
7.50 and Z2GANG = 90, the apparent impedance for This section describes the settings appropriate for the
the maximum load condition will not plot within the Permissive Overreach Transfer Trip protection
MTG characteristic. scheme.
Zone 3 Distance Functions (Z3DIST)
Scheme Selection (SCHEMESEL)
• SELZ3P = NO Select Scheme (SELSCM) [1201]
With these settings, the Zone 3 functions are out of • SELSCM = 1 (POTT)
service and the other settings associated with Zone 3
can be set at any value within their ranges. Number of Receivers (NUMRCVR) [1202]
For a POTT scheme using frequency-shift channel
Zone 4 Distance Functions (Z4DIST) equipment, set NUMRCVR as follows:
• SELZ4G = NO 1 Two-terminal line application; wire the receiver
• SELZ4P = NO output contact to contact converter 3 (CC3).
With these settings, the Zone 4 functions are out of 2 Three-terminal line application; wire one
service and the other settings associated with Zone 4 receiver to CC3 and the second receiver to CC4.
can be set at any value within their ranges.
Zone 1 Distance Functions (Z1DIST)
Overcurrent Supervision (CURSUPVIS)
• PUIPT = <NOT APPLICABLE> Select Zone 1 Ground (SELZ1G) [0101]
• PUIPB = <NOT APPLICABLE> SELZ1G can be set to either YES or NO to put the
• PUIT = 0.20 amps Zone 1 Ground distance function in or out of service.
• PUIB = 0.20 amps For a POTT scheme, the Zone 1 functions may be
used as a backup zone, but are not required.
Scheme Logic Timers (SCHEMETIM)
Select Zone 1 Phase (SELZ1P) [0102]
SELZ1P can be set to either YES or NO to put the
Zone 1 Phase distance function in or out of service.
• DOTL4 = <NOT APPLICABLE> For a POTT scheme, the Zone 1 functions may be
Since NUMBKRS = 1, only TL5 requires settings: used as a backup zone, but are not required.
• PUTL5 = 80 ms.
Reach Setting M1, Zone 1 Phase (Z1R) [0103]
• DOTL5 = 100 ms.
• PUTL6 = <NOT APPLICABLE> Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for
a description of the considerations for this setting.
• PUTL16 = <NOT APPLICABLE> Reach Setting M1G, Zone 1 Ground (Z1GR)
Remote Open Detector (REMOTEOPEN)
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for
• SELROD = YES a description of the considerations for this setting.
• PUTL20 = 40 ms.
• SELFFB = YES Select Zone 1 Ground Unit (SELZ1U) [0105]
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for
a description of the considerations for this setting.

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

Reach Setting of Mho Unit (Z1SU) [0106] These considerations are for the MT and MTG
reaches, Z2R and Z2GR, respectively, when these
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for
functions are used solely for the pilot overreaching
a description of the considerations for this setting.
zone. Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance
Zero-Sequence Current Compensation Scheme for a discussion of the settings for Zone 2
(Z1K0) [0107] backup.

Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for Reach Setting MTG, Zone 2 Ground (Z2GR)
a description of the considerations for this setting. [0204]
Z2GR has a setting range of 0.01–50.00 ohms. In a
Zone 1 Reach Reset Timer (Z1ERST) [0108]
POTT scheme, Z2GR must be set to see a ground
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for fault at the remote bus, considering such factors as
a description of the considerations for this setting. ground-fault impedance, underreach caused by
intermediate fault current sources, and underreach
Zone 2 / Pilot Zone (Z2DIST) caused by zero-sequence mutual coupling with a
parallel line. For a two-terminal line with no mutual
Select Zone 2 Ground (SELZ2G) [0201] coupling, Z2GR should be set for 200% of the positive-
sequence impedance of the protected line. Z2GR
SELZ2G is set to YES for a POTT scheme.
should never be set so large that the impedance point
Select Zone 2 Phase (SELZ2P) [0202] associated with the maximum load flow plots within
the MTG characteristic on an R-X diagram.
SELZ2P is set to YES for a POTT scheme.
Select Zone 2 Ground Unit (SELZ2U) [0205]
Reach Setting MT, Zone 2 Phase (Z2R)
SELZ2U can be set to the following:
0 (MHO) – Mho ground-distance operates for the
Z2R has a setting range of 0.01–50.00 ohms. In a
pilot overreaching zone.
POTT scheme, Z2R must be set to see a multiphase
1 (GDOC) – Ground directional-overcurrent
fault at the remote bus, considering such factors as
arc resistance and underreach caused by interme- operates for the pilot overreaching zone.
diate fault current sources. For a two-terminal line, Ground directional overcurrent units operate for
Z2R should be set for 200% of the positive-sequence higher levels of ground-fault impedance than
impedance of the protected line. Z2R should never be the Mho units. If SELZ2G is also set to YES then
set so large that the MT functions pick up on the Zone 2 distance backup is provided.
maximum load flow. 2 (MHOGDOC) – Both Mho ground-distance and
ground directional-overcurrent operate for the
In a POTT scheme, the pilot overreaching zone pilot overreaching zone. . If SELZ2G is also set to
consists of the MT and MTG functions. Secondarily, YES then both functions operate simultaneously
these functions may be used for Zone 2 backup. A in the pilot overreaching zone
Z2R and Z2GR reach setting that satisfies the
requirements of both functions may be impossible or For a POTT scheme, any one of the three settings is
undesirable. For example, the required Zone 2 possible.
backup reach may be less than the desired reach for
the pilot overreaching zone. In this case, the Zone 2 Select Zone 2 Timers (SELZ2T) [0206]
timers are disabled and the MT and MTG functions SELZ2T can be set to either YES or NO:
are used only for the pilot overreaching zone. The
YES – When the MT and MTG functions are also
M3 and M3G functions can then be set for the Zone 2
used for Zone 2 backup.
reach, and the M4 and M4G functions can be set for
the Zone 3 reach. NO – When the MT and MTG functions are used
exclusively for the pilot overreaching zone.

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Phase Timer Setting (PUTL2P) [0207] Ground Pilot Block, IPB, Overcurrent
(PUIPB) [0502]
If SELZ2T is set to YES, refer to Section 2–3 Settings for
Step Distance Scheme for a description of the consid- IPB is not used with a POTT scheme and can be set
erations for this setting. for any value within its range without affecting
scheme operation.
Ground Timer Setting (PUTL2G) [0208]
Trip Supervision, IT, Overcurrent (PUIT)
If SELZ2T is set to YES, refer to Section 2–3 Settings for
Step Distance Scheme for a description of the consid-
erations for this setting. This overcurrent function provides supervision for
the distance functions and IT is used in the trip bus
Phase Characteristic Angle (Z2PANG) [0209] seal-in circuit. For a POTT scheme, IT and IB should
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for have the same setting. PUIT has a setting range of
a description of the considerations for this setting. 0.20–4.00 amps and should be set to its minimum
Ground Characteristic Angle (Z2GANG)
[0210] Block Supervision, IB, Overcurrent (PUIB)
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for
a description of the considerations for this setting. This overcurrent function provides supervision for
the distance functions. For a POTT scheme, IT and IB
should have the same setting. PUIB has a setting
Zone 3 Distance Functions (Z3DIST) range of 0.20–4.00 amps and should be set to its
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for minimum value.
a description of the required settings for this
category. Scheme Logic Timers (SCHEMETIM)
Zone 4 Distance Functions (Z4DIST) Trip Integrator TL1 Pickup (PUTL1) [1301]
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for PUTL1 has a setting range of 1–50 milliseconds. For a
a description of the required settings for this POTT scheme, TL1 provides security against spurious
category. channel output during external faults within the
reach of the overreaching trip functions. PUTL1
Overcurrent Supervision should be based on the maximum output, if any,
expected from the channel under these conditions. If
current reversals are possible, see the discussion
Ground Pilot Trip, IPT, Overcurrent (PUIPT) below for TL4.
POTT Coordination TL4 Pickup (PUTL4)
If SELZ2U is set to 1 (GDOC) or 2 (MHOGDOC), IPT [1306]
logically ANDed with the negative-sequence
PUTL4 has a setting range of 0–50 milliseconds. For a
directional function (NT) is the pilot directional-
POTT scheme, the pickup time delays of TL4 and TL1
overcurrent trip function. The IPT operating quantity
provide transient-blocking coordination to prevent a
misoperation for current reversals that can occur
3 |I0| . when sequentially clearing faults on a parallel line. If
PUIPT has a setting range of 0.50–5.00 amps, but there is no parallel line, set PUTL4 to 0 and set PUTL1
should be set to its minimum value of 0.50 amps. as described above under TL1. If there is a parallel
line, then use the settings,
PUTL1=8 ms
PUTL4 = 17 ms – PUTL1 + channel release time .

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

Channel release time is defined as the time for the operation with the opening and closing of the
receiver at one end to drop out (release) after breaker’s main interrupting contacts.
transmitter keying at the other end has stopped.
The pickup time coordination is determined by
PUTL5 or PUTL6. The dropout time coordination is
POTT Coordination TL4 Dropout (DOTL4)
determined by DOTL5 or DOTL6. The settings are
dependent upon the design of the breaker. The
DOTL4 has a setting range of 0–50 milliseconds. For a object is to get an output from TL5 or TL6 when the
POTT scheme, DOTL4 is normally set to 0. breaker main contacts open and have the output go
away when the breaker main contacts close.
52/b Contact Coordination TL5 Pickup
(PUTL5) [1302] Weak In-feed Trip TL16 Pickup (PUTL16)
PUTL5 has a setting range of 0–200 milliseconds. See [1308]
the DOTL6 for a complete discussion of this function. PUTL16 has a setting range of 8–99 milliseconds.
Since TL16 is not part of the POTT scheme logic,
52/b Contact Coordination TL5 Dropout PUTL16 can be set at any value within its range.
(DOTL5) [1303]
DOTL5 has a setting range of 0–200 milliseconds. See Configurable Trip Pickup (PUTLCFG) [1309]
the DOTL6 for a complete discussion of this function. PUTLCFG can be set over the range of 0 - 100 msecs. It
establishes the pickup delay associated with
52/b Contact Coordination TL6 Pickup Configurable Output #4 when CONOUT4 = 1, 2, 3, or
(PUTL6) [1304] 4. Its value depends upon how Configurable Output
PUTL6 has a setting range of 0–200 milliseconds. See #4 is being used.
the DOTL6 for a complete discussion of this function.
Configurable Trip Dropout (DOTLCFG) [1310]
52/b Contact Coordination TL6 Dropout DOTLCFG can be set over the range of 0 - 100 msecs.
(DOTL6) [1305] It establishes the dropout delay associated with
DOTL6 has a setting range of 0–200 milliseconds. Configurable Output #4 when CONOUT4 = 1, or 2.
With CONOUT4 = 3 or 4, the programmed conditions
For a POTT scheme, the 52/b contacts are required that cause a DLP trip may not result in a seal-in of the
to key the local transmitter to the TRIP frequency trip bus. In this case, DOTLCFG is fixed at 25 ms, to
when all three poles of the breaker(s) are open. ensure that the trip contacts stay closed long enough
If these events are required, then wire the 52/b to accomplish the desired result.
contact from breaker 1 to CC1 (TL5) and wire the 52/b
contact from breaker 2 to CC2 (TL6) as shown in Remote Open Detector
Figure 1-1. Another reason for wiring in the 52/b (REMOTEOPEN)
contacts is to avoid a non-critical alarm resulting from
the Trip Circuit Monitor operating when the breaker Select Remote Open Detector (SELROD)
is opened manually or by SCADA. Refer to Chapter 1 [1001]
- Trip Circuit Monitor for more information.
SELROD can be set to either YES or NO to set the
If the recloser is diasbled (SELRCLR = 0 or 1), then the Remote Open function either in or out of service. For
output of CC1 provides the input to timer TL5. If the a POTT scheme, the Remote Open function will not
recloser is functional (SELRCLR = 3 or 6), then the normally provide faster tripping and may be placed
output of CC1 is an input to the recloser, and the out of service.
timer TL5 is only used for reporting.
TL5 and TL6 provide coordinating times to
synchronize the breaker 52/b switch contact

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Remote Open Timer TL20 Pickup (PUTL20) The formula from Figure 2–10 is used to check Z2R
[1002] and Z2PANG:
TL20 provides the time delay associated with the MR = sin(50°) x 19.7 / sin(180° – 50° – (85° – 5.6°)) ,
Remote Open function. PUTL20 has a setting range of
MR = 19.5 ohms .
10–100 milliseconds and should be set to 40. If
SELROD is set to NO, this setting has no effect. Consequently, with Z2R = 12.00 and Z2PANG = 90,
there is no risk of having the MT functions pick up for
Select Fuse Failure Block (SELFFB) [1003] the maximum load condition. Similarly, with Z2GR =
12.00 and Z2GANG = 90, the apparent impedance for
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for
the maximum load condition will not plot within the
a description of the considerations for this setting.
MTG characteristic.
Example Settings for Permissive Overreach
Transfer Trip Protection Scheme Zone 3 Distance Functions (Z3DIST)
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for
The following are examples of settings for the sample
an example of the calculations for this category. For
system in Figure 2–1.
this example, SELZ2T is set to NO, so the Z3DIST
Scheme Selection (SCHEMESEL) settings are based on Zone 2 considerations.
• SELSCM = 1 (POTT) Zone 4 Distance Functions (Z4DIST)
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for
Zone 1 Distance Functions (Z1DIST) an example of the calculations for this category. For
this example, SELZ2T is set to NO, so the Z4DIST
settings are based on Zone 3 considerations.
• Z1R = 0.9 x 6 = 5.40 Overcurrent Supervision (CURSUPVIS)
• Z1GR = 0.9 x 6 = 5.40 • PUIPT = 0.50 amps

Since Z1(source)/Z1(line) = 2/6 = 0.33, the protected PUIPB = <NOT APPLICABLE>

line is considered long and the Zone 1 ground- PUIT = 0.20 amps

distance functions are selected to be Mho units. PUIB = 0.20 amps

• SELZ1U = 0 (MHO)
Scheme Logic Timers (SCHEMETIM)
• PUTL1 = 3 ms
• Z1K0 = 0.95 x (19.2/6) = 3.0
• Z1ERST = <NOT APPLICABLE> Since there are no parallel lines associated with the
protected line, TL4 is set at 0:
Zone 2 / Pilot Zone (Z2DIST) • PUTL4 = 0
• SELZ2G = YES • DOTL4 = 0
• SELZ2P = YES • PUTL5 = 80 ms.
• Z2R = 2.0 x 6 = 12.0 ohms • DOTL5 = 100 ms.
• Z2GR = 2.0 x 6 = 12.0 ohms • PUTL6 = <NOT APPLICABLE>
Remote Open Detector (REMOTEOPEN)
• Z2PANG = 90
• Z2GANG = 90

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

• SELFFB = YES Reach Setting of Mho Unit (Z1SU) [0106]

Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for
a description of the considerations for this setting.
2–6 Settings for Permissive
Underreach Transfer Trip Zero-Sequence Current Compensation
Scheme (Z1K0) [0107]
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for
This section describes the settings appropriate for the a description of the considerations for this setting.
Permissive Underreach Transfer Trip protection
scheme. Zone 1 Reach Reset Timer (Z1ERST) [0108]
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for
Scheme Selection (SCHEMESEL)
a description of the considerations for this setting.
Select Scheme (SELSCM) [1201]
• SELSCM = 2 (PUTT) Zone 2 / Pilot Zone (Z2DIST)

Number of Receivers (NUMRCVR) [1202] Select Zone 2 Ground (SELZ2G) [0201]

Set NUMRCVR as follows: For a PUTT scheme set SELZ2G to YES.

1 Two-terminal PUTT scheme using frequency- Select Zone 2 Phase (SELZ2P) [0202]
shift channel equipment; wire the receiver
output contact to contact converter 3 (CC3). For a PUTT scheme set SELZ2P to YES .
2 Three-terminal line application; wire one
Reach Setting MT, Zone 2 Phase (Z2R)
receiver to CC3 and the second receiver to CC4.
Zone 1 Distance Functions (Z1DIST) Refer to section 2–5 – Settings for Permissive Overreach
Transfer Trip Scheme for a description of the consid-
Select Zone 1 Ground (SELZ1G) [0101] erations for this setting.
For a PUTT scheme, set SELZ1G to YES to put the Reach Setting MTG, Zone 2 Ground (Z2GR)
Zone 1 Ground function in service.. [0204]
Select Zone 1 Phase (SELZ1P) [0102] Refer to section 2–5 – Settings for Permissive Overreach
Transfer Trip Scheme for a description of the consid-
For a PUTT scheme, set SELZ1P to YES to put the erations for this setting.
Zone 1 Phase function in service.
Select Zone 2 Ground Unit (SELZ2U) [0205]
Reach Setting M1, Zone 1 Phase (Z1R) [0103]
SELZ2U can be set to the following:
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for
0 (MHO) – Mho ground-distance operates for the
a description of the considerations for this setting.
pilot overreaching zone.
Reach Setting M1G, Zone 1 Ground (Z1GR) 1 (GDOC) – Ground directional-overcurrent
[0104] operates for the pilot overreaching zone.
Ground directional overcurrent units operate for
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for higher levels of ground-fault impedance than
a description of the considerations for this setting. the Mho units. If SELZ2G is also set to YES then
Zone 2 distance backup is provided.
Select Zone 1 Ground Unit (SELZ1U) [0105]
2 (MHOGDOC) – Both Mho ground-distance and
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for ground directional-overcurrent operate for the
a description of the considerations for this setting. pilot overreaching zone. . If SELZ2G is also set to

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

YES then both functions operate simultaneously Overcurrent Supervision

in the pilot overreaching zone (CURSUPVIS)
For a PUTT scheme, any one of the three settings is
possible. Also, since Zone 1 uses only distance func- Ground Pilot Trip, IPT, Overcurrent (PUIPT)
tions, there is not much value in using ground [0501]
directional-overcurrent functions for the over- If IPT is not used as suggested, set SELZ2U to 0
reaching zone, so SELZ2U should be set to 0 (MHO). (MHO). If IPT is used, refer to section 2–5 Settings for
Permissive Overreach Transfer Trip Scheme.
Select Zone 2 Timers (SELZ2T) [0206]
For a PUTT scheme, SELZ2T should be set as follows: Ground Pilot Block, IPB, Overcurrent
(PUIPB) [0502]
YES - When the MT and MTG functions are also used
IPB is not used with a PUTT scheme and can be set
for Zone 2 backup.
for any value within its range without affecting
NO - When the MT and MTG functions are used scheme operation.
exclusively for the pilot overreaching zone.
Trip Supervision, IT, Overcurrent (PUIT)
Phase Timer Setting (PUTL2P) [0207] [0503]
If SELZ2T is set to YES, refer to Section 2–3 Settings for This overcurrent function provides supervision for
Step Distance Scheme for a description of the the distance functions and IT is used in the trip bus
considerations for this setting. seal-in circuit. For a PUTT scheme, IT and IB should
have the same setting. PUIT has a setting range of
Ground Timer Setting (PUTL2G) [0208] 0.20–4.00 amps and should be set to its minimum
If SELZ2T is set to YES, refer to Section 2–3 Settings for value.
Step Distance Scheme for a description of the consid-
erations for this setting. Block Supervision, IB, Overcurrent (PUIB)
Phase Characteristic Angle (Z2PANG) [0209] This overcurrent function provides supervision for
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for the distance functions. For a POTT scheme, IT and IB
a description of the considerations for this setting. should have the same setting. PUIB has a setting
range of 0.20–4.00 amps and should be set to its
Ground Characteristic Angle (Z2GANG) minimum value.
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for Scheme Logic Timers (SCHEMETIM)
a description of the considerations for this setting.
Trip Integrator TL1 Pickup (PUTL1) [1301]
Zone 3 Distance Functions (Z3DIST) PUTL1 has a setting range of 1–50 milliseconds. For a
PUTT scheme, TL1 provides security against spurious
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for channel output during external faults within the
a description of the required settings for this reach of the overreaching trip functions. PUTL1
category. should be based on the maximum output, if any,
expected from the channel under these conditions.
Zone 4 Distance Functions (Z4DIST)
POTT Coordination TL4 Pickup (PUTL4)
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for
a description of the required settings for this
category. PUTL4 has a setting range of 0–50 milliseconds. A
PUTT scheme does not require a transient-blocking
time delay. Since Zone 1 functions are used to key the

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

transmitter, the transmitter is not keyed to the TRIP output of CC1 is an input to the recloser, and the
frequency during an external fault, and there is no timer TL5 is only used for reporting.
race between the reset of the receiver and pickup of a
TL5 and TL6 provide coordinating times to
local pilot overreaching function following current
synchronize the breaker 52/b switch contact
reversals associated with sequential clearing of faults
operation with the opening and closing of the
on a parallel line. Set PUTL4 to 0.
breaker’s main interrupting contacts.
POTT Coordination TL4 Dropout (DOTL4) The pickup time coordination is determined by
[1307] PUTL5 or PUTL6. The dropout time coordination is
determined by DOTL5 or DOTL6. The settings are
DOTL4 has a setting range of 0–50 milliseconds. For a
dependent upon the design of the breaker. The
PUTT scheme, set DOTL4 to 0.
object is to get an output from TL5 or TL6 when the
52/b Contact Coordination TL5 Pickup breaker main contacts open and have the output go
(PUTL5) [1302] away when the breaker main contacts close.

PUTL5 has a setting range of 0–200 milliseconds. See Weak In-feed Trip TL16 Pickup (PUTL16)
the DOTL6 for a complete discussion of this function. [1308]
PUTL16 has a setting range of 8–99 milliseconds.
52/b Contact Coordination TL5 Dropout
(DOTL5) [1303] Since TL16 is not part of the PUTT scheme logic,
PUTL16 can be set at any value within its range.
DOTL5 has a setting range of 0–200 milliseconds. See
the DOTL6 for a complete discussion of this function. Configurable Trip Pickup (PUTLCFG) [1309]
PUTLCFG can be set over the range of 0 - 100 msecs. It
52/b Contact Coordination TL6 Pickup
(PUTL6) [1304] establishes the pickup delay associated with
Configurable Output #4 when CONOUT4 = 1, 2, 3, or
PUTL6 has a setting range of 0–200 milliseconds. See 4. Its value depends upon how Configurable Output
the DOTL6 for a complete discussion of this function. #4 is being used.

52/b Contact Coordination TL6 Dropout Configurable Trip Dropout (DOTLCFG) [1310]
(DOTL6) [1305]
DOTLCFG can be set over the range of 0 - 100 msecs.
DOTL6 has a setting range of 0–200 milliseconds. It establishes the dropout delay associated with
For a PUTT scheme, 52/b contact keying of the local Configurable Output #4 when CONOUT4 = 1, or 2.
transmitter to the TRIP frequency when the breaker is With CONOUT4 = 3 or 4, the programmed conditions
open is required with a two-terminal line, but, to that cause a DLP trip may not result in a seal-in of the
prevent tripping on external faults with one end trip bus. In this case, DOTLCFG is fixed at 25 ms, to
open, it should not be used at any end of a three- ensure that the trip contacts stay closed long enough
terminal line. to accomplish the desired result.

If these events are required, then wire the 52/b

Remote Open Detector
contact from breaker 1 to CC1 (TL5) and wire the 52/b
contact from breaker 2 to CC2 (TL6) as shown in
Figure 1-1. Another reason for wiring in the 52/b
Select Remote Open Detector (SELROD)
contacts is to avoid a non-critical alarm resulting from
the Trip Circuit Monitor operating when the breaker
is opened manually or by SCADA. Refer to Chapter 1 SELROD can be set to either YES or NO to set the
- Trip Circuit Monitor for more information. Remote Open function either in or out of service. For
a PUTT scheme, the Remote Open function will not
If the recloser is diasbled (SELRCLR = 0 or 1), then the
normally provide faster tripping and may be placed
output of CC1 provides the input to timer TL5. If the
out of service.
recloser is functional (SELRCLR = 3 or 6), then the

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Remote Open Timer TL20 Pickup (PUTL20) The formula from Figure 2–10 is used to check Z2R
[1002] and Z2PANG:
TL20 provides the time delay associated with the MR = sin(50°) x 19.7 / sin(180° – 50° – (85° – 5.6°)) ,
Remote Open function. PUTL20 has a setting range of
MR = 19.5 ohms .
10–100 milliseconds and should be set to 40. If
SELROD is set to NO, this setting has no effect. Consequently, with Z2R = 12.00 and Z2PANG = 90,
there is no risk of having the MT functions pick up for
Select Fuse Failure Block (SELFFB) [1003] the maximum load condition. Similarly, with Z2GR =
12.00 and Z2GANG = 90, the apparent impedance for
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for
the maximum load condition will not plot within the
a description of the considerations for this setting.
MTG characteristic.
Example Settings for Permissive Underreach
Transfer Trip Protection Scheme Zone 3 Distance Functions (Z3DIST)
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for
The following are examples of settings for the sample
an example of the calculations for this category. For
system in Figure 2–1.
this example, SELZ2T is set to NO, so the Z3DIST
Scheme Selection (SCHEMESEL) settings are based on Zone 2 considerations.
• SELSCM = 2 (PUTT) Zone 4 Distance Functions (Z4DIST)
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for
Zone 1 Distance Functions (Z1DIST) an example of the calculations for this category. For
this example, SELZ2T is set to NO, so the Z4DIST
settings are based on Zone 3 considerations.
• Z1R = 0.9 x 6 = 5.40 Overcurrent Supervision (CURSUPVIS)
• Z1GR = 0.9 x 6 = 5.40 • PUIPT = <NOT APPLICABLE>

Since Z1(source)/Z1(line) = 2/6 = 0.33, the protected PUIPB = <NOT APPLICABLE>

line is considered long and the Zone 1 ground-dis- PUIT = 0.20 amps

tance functions are selected to be Mho units. PUIB = 0.20 amps

• SELZ1U = 0 (MHO)
Scheme Logic Timers (SCHEMETIM)
• PUTL1 = 3 ms
• Z1K0 = 0.95 x (19.2/6) = 3.0
• PUTL4 = 0
• DOTL4 = 0
Zone 2 / Pilot Zone (Z2DIST) • PUTL5 = 80 ms.
• SELZ2G = YES • DOTL5 = 100 ms.
• Z2R = 2.0 x 6 = 12.0 ohms • DOTL6 = <NOT APPLICABLE>
• Z2GR = 2.0 x 6 = 12.0 ohms • PUTL16 = <NOT APPLICABLE>
• SELZ2U = 0 (MHO)
Remote Open Detector (REMOTEOPEN)
• Z2PANG = 90
• Z2GANG = 90

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

2–7 Settings for Blocking Scheme versus current magnitude for the FD and IPB
functions used in the BLK2 and BLK3 schemes is
This section describes the settings appropriate for shown in Fig. 2-12
the Blocking protection scheme.
Number of Receivers (NUMRCVR) [1202]
Scheme Selection (SCHEMESEL) For a Blocking scheme using ON-OFF channel
equipment, set NUMRCVR to 1 and wire the receiver
Select Scheme (SELSCM) [1201] output contact to contact converter 3 (CC3). Since
• SELSCM = 4 (BLK1) all the ON-OFF receivers operate at the same
• SELSCM = 6 (BLK2) frequency, regardless of the number of line termi-
nals, this setting is always the same.
• SELSCM = 7 (BLK3)
BLK1 scheme is the standard DLP blocking scheme. Zone 1 Distance Functions (Z1DIST)
The BLK2 and BLK3 schemes offer alternative
carrier starting options to aid in coordination when Select Zone 1 Ground (SELZ1G) [0101]
the DLP relay is used in a blocking scheme with
relays of different designs at the other terminals. SELZ1G can be set to either YES or NO to put the
Zone 1 Ground function in or out of service. For a
The BLK2 scheme starts the blocking carrier Blocking scheme, this function may be used as a
whenever the DLP Fault Detector operates. Because backup zone, but is not required.
the DLP Fault Detector responds to all fault types
and some changes in load current, carrier may be Select Zone 1 Phase (SELZ1P) [0102]
started for more conditions than desired. The
pickup of the Fault Detector is not adjustable, the SELZ1P can be set to either YES or NO to put the
pickup is approximately 0.6 ampere of phase current Zone 1 Phase function in or out of service. For a
for a radial single line to ground fault. Blocking scheme, this function may be used as a
backup zone, but is not required.
The BLK3 scheme uses a non-directional zero
sequence current function (IPB) to start carrier. Reach Setting M1, Zone 1 Phase (Z1R) [0103]
This function is intended to respond only to faults
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme
involving ground, and is similar in design to the
for a description of the considerations for this
carrier start functions in many existing electro-
mechanical relay schemes. The operating time

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Figure 2–12. (0355A3388) [1],[2] FD and IPB Operating Times..

Reach Setting M1G, Zone 1 Ground (Z1GR) [0104] Reach Setting of Mho Unit (Z1SU) [0106]
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme
for a description of the considerations for this for a description of the considerations for this
setting. setting.

Select Zone 1 Ground Unit (SELZ1U) [0105] Zero-Sequence Current Compensation (Z1K0)
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme
for a description of the considerations for this Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme
setting. for a description of the considerations for this

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

Zone 1 Reach Reset Timer (Z1ERST) [0108] Reach Setting MTG, Zone 2 Ground (Z2GR) [0204]
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme Z2GR has a setting range of 0.01–50.00 ohms. In a
for a description of the considerations for this Blocking scheme, Z2GR must be set to see a ground
setting. fault at the remote bus, considering such factors as
ground-fault impedance, underreach caused by
Zone 2 / Pilot Zone (Z2DIST) intermediate fault current sources, and underreach
caused by zero-sequence mutual coupling with a
Select Zone 2 Ground (SELZ2G) [0201] parallel line. For a two-terminal line with no mutual
coupling, Z2GR should be set for 200% of the positive-
For a Blocking scheme set SELZ2G to YES sequence impedance of the protected line. Z2GR
should never be set so large that the impedance point
Select Zone 2 Phase (SELZ2P) [0202]
associated with the maximum load flow plots within
For a Blocking scheme set SELZ2P to YES the MTG characteristic on an R-X diagram. In
addition, the Z2GR setting must allow the MTG
Reach Setting MT, Zone 2 Phase (Z2R) [0203] tripping functions to coordinate with the reversed-
M4G blocking functions at the remote end(s).
Z2R has a setting range of 0.01–50.00 ohms. In a
Blocking scheme, Z2R must be set to see a multiphase
Select Zone 2 Ground Unit (SELZ2U) [0205]
fault at the remote bus, considering such factors as
arc resistance and underreach caused by SELZ2U can be set to the following:
intermediate fault current sources. For a two- 0 (MHO) – Mho ground-distance operates for the
terminal line, Z2R should be set for 200% of the pilot overreaching zone.
positive-sequence impedance of the protected line.
1 (GDOC) – Ground directional-overcurrent
Z2R should never be set so large that the MT functions
operates for the pilot overreaching zone.
pick up on the maximum load flow. In addition, the
Ground directional overcurrent units operate for
Z2R setting must allow the MT tripping functions to
higher levels of ground-fault impedance than
coordinate with the reversed-M4 blocking functions at
the Mho units. If SELZ2G is also set to YES then
the remote end(s).
Zone 2 distance backup is provided.
In a Blocking scheme, the pilot overreaching zone 2 (MHOGDOC) – Both Mho ground-distance and
consists of the MT and MTG functions. Secondarily, ground directional-overcurrent operate for the
these functions may be used for Zone 2 backup. A Z2R pilot overreaching zone. . If SELZ2G is also set to
and Z2GR reach setting that satisfies the requirements YES then both functions operate simultaneously
of both functions may be impossible or undesirable. in the pilot overreaching zone
For example, the required Zone 2 backup reach may
be less than the desired reach for the pilot For a Blocking scheme, any one of the three settings
overreaching zone. In this case, the Zone 2 timers are is possible.
disabled and the MT and MTG functions are used only
for the pilot overreaching zone. The M3 and M3G Select Zone 2 Timers (SELZ2T) [0206]
functions can then be set for the Zone 2 reach, and For a Blocking scheme, SELZ2T should be set as
the M4 and M4G functions can be set for the Zone 3 follows:
YES - When the MT and MTG functions are also used
These considerations are for the MT and MTG reaches, for Zone 2 backup.
Z2R and Z2GR, respectively, when these functions are
NO - When the MT and MTG functions are used
used solely for the pilot overreaching zone. Refer to
exclusively for the pilot overreaching zone.
Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for a
discussion of the settings for Zone 2 backup.

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Phase Timer Setting (PUTL2P) [0207] from tripping on an external multiphase fault
behind the local end. The Z4R setting must be such
If SELZ2T is set to YES, refer to Section 2–3 Settings for
that the reversed-M4 functions coordinate with the MT
Step Distance Scheme for a description of the consid-
tripping functions at the remote end(s). Z4R should
erations for this setting.
never be set so large that the M4 functions pick up on
Ground Timer Setting (PUTL2G) [0208] the maximum load flow.

If SELZ2T is set to YES, refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Phase Offset Reach (Z4OR) [0405]
Step Distance Scheme for a description of the consid-
The Zone 4 phase-distance functions can be set with
erations for this setting.
an offset reach in the opposite direction from that
Phase Characteristic Angle (Z2PANG) [0209] determined by the SELZ4D setting. The Z4OR setting
is a multiplier and the actual ohmic offset is equal to
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme (0.00 – 0.40) x Z4R. A reversed-M4 characteristic with
for a description of the considerations for this offset is shown in Figure 2–11. An offset reach is
setting. required for a Blocking scheme. An offset setting
keeps the reversed-M4 functions continuously
Ground Characteristic Angle (Z2GANG) [0210] energized for the duration of an external, bolted,
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme zero-voltage fault at the relay location, since, with
for a description of the considerations for this offset, M4 can operate on fault current only. This
setting. permits continuous keying of the local transmitter to
sustain the blocking signal sent to the remote end.
Zone 3 Distance Functions (Z3DIST)
Reach Setting M4G, Zone 4 Ground (Z4GR) [0404]
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme
Z4GR has a setting range of 0.01–50.00 ohms. In a
for a description of the required settings for this
Blocking scheme the local blocking zone reversed-
M4G functions key the local transmitter to send a
blocking signal to the remote end to prevent the
Zone 4 Distance Functions (Z4DIST) remote end from tripping on an external ground
fault behind the local end. The Z4GR setting must be
Select Zone 4 Ground (SELZ4G) [0401] such that the reversed-M4G functions coordinate with
SELZ4G can be set to either YES or NO as follows: the MTG tripping functions at the remote end(s).
Z4GR should never be set so large that the impedance
YES – With SELZ2U set to 0 (MHO) or 2 (MHOGDOC),
the MTG tripping functions are active. point associated with the maximum load flow plots
within the M4G characteristic on an R-X diagram.
NO – If SELZ2U is set to 1 (GDOC).
If the MT or MTG reach at the remote end is less than
Select Zone 4 Phase (SELZ4P) [0402] twice the positive-sequence impedance of the line,
then the proposed settings are as follows:
Set SELZ4P to YES for a Blocking scheme, since the MT
tripping functions are always used. Z4R = 0.85 x ( Z2R [REMOTE] )

Z4GR = 0.85 x ( Z2GR [REMOTE] ).

Select Direction (SELZ4D) [0411]
If the MT or MTG reach at the remote end is greater
In a Blocking scheme, the Zone 4 distance functions than twice the positive-sequence impedance of the
must be reverse-looking, so set SELZ4D to 1(REVERS). line, then the proposed settings are given by
Reach Setting M4, Zone 4 Phase (Z4R) [0403] Z4R = 1.7 x ( Z2R [REMOTE]– Z1L )

Z4R has a setting range of 0.01–50.00 ohms. In a Z4GR = 1.7 x ( Z2GR [REMOTE]– Z1L ) ,
Blocking scheme the local blocking zone reversed-M4 where Z1L is the positive-sequence impedance of the
functions key the local transmitter to send a blocking protected line.
signal to the remote end to prevent the remote end

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

Select Zone 4 Timers (SELZ4T) [0406]

Note: There is an application limit on the SELZ4T can be set to either YES or NO. For a Blocking
maximum value of Z4GR scheme, the reversed Zone 4 functions may serve as a
backup zone as well as a pilot blocking zone. If this
If Z4GR is set too large, then this function may backup feature is desired, set SELZ4T to YES to put
operate for a ground fault located in the TL4P and TL4G in service. Set SELZ4T to NO to place
opposite direction to the Zone 4 reach direction, TL4P and TL4G out of service.
as determined by setting 0411 SELZ4D. The
factors that determine whether the DLP Zone 4 Phase Timer Setting (PUTL4P) [0407]
ground distance functions will operate for a
reverse fault are: (1) the magnitude of the zero- PUTL4P has a setting range of 0.10–10.00 seconds and
sequence current at the relay during the reverse should be set as follows:
fault, (2) the K0 setting, and (3) the reach • If SELZ4 is set to YES and the reversed-M4 func-
setting, Z4GR. For these three factors, a higher tions are to serve as a backup zone as well as a
value tends to make Zone 4 ground operation pilot blocking zone, then the TL4P time delay
more likely. should be set long enough to coordinate with
the time-delayed operation of the appropriate
The following is the recommended procedure zone of phase-distance relays, added to the
for determining the maximum Zone 4 ground breaker(s) trip time.
reach setting to prevent a mis-operation for a • If SELZ4T is set to NO, then PUTL4P may be set to
reverse fault: any value within its range with no effect on
scheme operation..
1. For a reverse AG fault at the relay location Ground Timer Setting (PUTL4G) [0408]
calculate the currents and
PUTL4G has a setting range of 0.10–10.00 seconds and
voltages at the relay.
2. For a reverse BCG fault at the relay location should be set as follows:
calculate the currents and voltages at the • If SELZ4T is set to YES and the reversed-M4G
relay. functions are to serve as a backup zone as well as
3. Use the following equation to determine the a pilot blocking zone, then the TL4G time delay
maximum allowable reach: should be set long enough to coordinate with
the time-delayed operation of the appropriate
zone of ground-distance relays, added to the
Vφ breaker(s) trip time.
Z 4GR (max.) = (1)
K0 ⋅ I0 • If SELZ4T is set to NO, then PUTL4G may be set to
any value within its range with no effect on
scheme operation.
I 0 = zero - sequence current at relay Phase Characteristic Angle (Z4PANG) [0409]
zero - sequence line impedance
K0 = [setting #1404]
This setting determines the characteristic shape and,
positive - sequence line impedance
consequently, the area of coverage provided on the R-
Vφ = phase - to - ground voltage at relay (AG, BG, or CG)
X diagram by the reversed-M4 phase-distance
functions. Z4PANG has settings of 80°, 90°, 95°, 105°,
• For the AG fault, evaluate phases B and C 110°, or 120°, with 80° recommended. If the desired
• For the BCG fault, evaluate phase A reach, Z4R, causes the resultant steady-state
characteristic to pick up on the maximum load flow,
then a characteristic associated with the 90°, 95°,
4. The maximum allowable reach is the smallest
105°, 110°, or 120° setting may prevent operation on
Zone 4 reach determined from equation (1)
load without having to reduce the reach.
in step 3.

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Ground Characteristic Angle (Z4GANG) [0410] Ground Pilot Block, IPB, Overcurrent (PUIPB)
This setting determines the characteristic shape and,
consequently, the area of coverage provided on the R- IPB, logically ANDed with the reverse-looking
X diagram of the reverse-M4G ground-distance negative-sequence directional function (NB), is the
functions. Z4GANG has settings of 80°, 90°, 95°, 105°, pilot directional-overcurrent blocking function. The
110°, or 120°, with 80° recommended. If the desired IPB operating quantity is
reach, Z4GR, is such that the impedance point
3 x |I0| – 3 x KB x |I1| ,
associated with the maximum load flow plots within
the M4G steady-state characteristic, the 90°, 95°, 105°, where KB is 0.066, BLK1
110°, or 120° setting may prevent operation on load KB is 0.0, BLK3
without having to reduce the reach.
PUIPB can be set over the range of 0.25–3.75 amps.
Overcurrent Supervision (CURSUPVIS) For a BLK1 scheme, should be set to its minimum
setting of 0.25 amps.
Ground Pilot Trip, IPT, Overcurrent (PUIPT) [0501]
In a BLK3 scheme, PUIPB should be set to provide
The pilot overcurrent functions are in service if coordination with the ground pilot tripping function
SELZ2U is set to 1 (GDOC) or 2 (MHOGDOC). IPT, used at the remote terminal(s). In any application,
logically ANDed with the forward-looking negative- PUIPB should never be more than 50% of the setting
sequence directional function (NT), is the pilot of the ground pilot tripping function used at the
directional-overcurrent tripping function. The IPT remote terminal.
operating quantity is
3 x |I0| – 3 x KT x |I1| ,
Trip Supervision, IT, Overcurrent (PUIT) [0503]

where KT is 0.1. This tripping zone overcurrent function provides

supervision for the distance functions and IT is used
Positive-sequence restraint is used to provide secure in the trip bus seal-in circuit. PUIT has a setting
operation during steady-state unbalance, error cur- range of 0.20–4.00 amps.
rents, and external faults. PUIPT has a setting range of
0.50–5.00 amps. The local PUIT and remote PUIB settings must
coordinate. For two-terminal line applications, it is
For two-terminal line applications, PUIPT should be recommended that PUIT be set at 0.40 amps for lines
set to its minimum setting of 0.50 amps for lines less less than 100 miles long, and 0.60 amps for lines
than 100 miles long and 0.75 amps for lines greater greater than 100 miles long, to compensate for the
than 100 miles, to compensate for the increased increased charging current.
charging current. PUIPT must be set higher than
PUIPB at the remote terminal to assure local-trip
For three-terminal line applications, this coordina-
remote-block coordination. tion margin may, in the worst case, have to be
doubled. For two- or three-terminal applications,
For three-terminal line applications, the coordina- such as cable circuits, where the zero-sequence
tion margins indicated by the suggested PUIPT and charging current is significant, the magnitude of
PUIPB settings given here may, in the worst case, have charging current should be calculated to establish an
to be doubled. For two- or three-terminal adequate coordination margin.
applications, such as cable circuits, where the zero-
sequence charging current is significant, the Block Supervision, IB, Overcurrent (PUIB) [0504]
magnitude of charging current should be calculated
This overcurrent function provides supervision for
to establish an adequate coordination margin.
the reversed-M4 and reversed-M4G blocking-zone
distance functions. PUIB has a setting range of 0.20–
4.00 amps and should be set for 0.20 amps.

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

Scheme Logic Timers (SCHEMETIM) Since breaker position information is not required
for the BLOCKING scheme logic, these timers are
Trip Integrator TL1 Pickup (PUTL1) [1301] not a part of that logic. However, the outputs of TL5
and TL6 are used by the DLP3 Sequence of Events to
PUTL1 has a setting range of 1–50 milliseconds. For a
provide a time-tagged event to indicate either
Blocking scheme, PUTL1 delays tripping at the local
breaker open or breaker closed.
end until a blocking signal can be received from the
remote end for an external fault behind the remote If these events are required, then wire the 52/b
end. The setting is determined by two factors: contact from breaker 1 to CC1 (TL5) and wire the 52/b
• The worst-case time coordination between the contact from breaker 2 to CC2 (TL6) as shown in
remote blocking functions and the local pilot Figure 1-1. Another reason for wiring in the 52/b
tripping functions. contacts is to avoid a non-critical alarm resulting
from the Trip Circuit Monitor operating when the
• The total remote-transmitter-keying to local-
breaker is opened manually or by SCADA. Refer to
receiver-output time delay, which is equal to the
Chapter 1 - Trip Circuit Monitor for more infor-
back-to-back channel time plus the propagation
If the recloser is disabled (SELRCLR = 0 or 1), then the
PUTL1 = 8 ms + channel time + propagation time .
output of CC1 provides the input to timer TL5. If the
POTT Coordination TL4 Pickup (PUTL4) [1306] recloser is functional (SELRCLR = 3 or 6), then the
output of CC1 is an input to the recloser, and the
TL4 is not used with a Blocking scheme. PUTL4 can be timer TL5 is only used for reporting.
left at any setting within its range without affecting
TL5 and TL6 provide coordinating times to
scheme operation.
synchronize the breaker 52/b switch contact
POTT Coordination TL4 Dropout (DOTL4) [1307] operation with the opening and closing of the
breaker’s main interrupting contacts.
TL4 is not used with a Blocking scheme. DOTL4 can be
left at any setting within its range without affecting The pickup time coordination is determined by
scheme operation. PUTL5 or PUTL6. The dropout time coordination is
determined by DOTL5 or DOTL6. The settings are
52/b Contact Coordination TL5 Pickup (PUTL5) dependent upon the design of the breaker. The
[1302] object is to get an output from TL5 or TL6 when the
breaker main contacts open and have the output go
PUTL5 has a setting range of 0–200 milliseconds. See away when the breaker main contacts close.
the DOTL6 for a complete discussion of this function.
Weak In-feed Trip TL16 Pickup (PUTL16) [1308]
52/b Contact Coordination TL5 Dropout (DOTL5)
[1303] PUTL16 has a setting range of 8–99 milliseconds.
Since TL16 is not part of the Blocking scheme logic,
DOTL5 has a setting range of 0–200 milliseconds. See PUTL16 can be set at any value within its range.
the DOTL6 for a complete discussion of this function.
Configurable Trip Pickup (PUTLCFG) [1309]
52/b Contact Coordination TL6 Pickup (PUTL6)
[1304] PUTLCFG can be set over the range of 0 - 100 msecs. It
establishes the pickup delay associated with
PUTL6 has a setting range of 0–200 milliseconds. See Configurable Output #4 when CONOUT4 = 1, 2, 3, or
the DOTL6 for a complete discussion of this function. 4. Its value depends upon how Configurable Output
#4 is being used.
52/b Contact Coordination TL6 Dropout (DOTL6)
[1305] Configurable Trip Dropout (DOTLCFG) [1310]
DOTL6 has a setting range of 0–200 milliseconds. DOTLCFG can be set over the range of 0 - 100 msecs. It
establishes the dropout delay associated with

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Configurable Output #4 when CONOUT4 = 1, or 2. • Z1K0 = 0.95 x (19.2/6) = 3.0

With CONOUT4 = 3 or 4, the programmed conditions • Z1ERST = <NOT APPLICABLE>
that cause a DLP trip may not result in a seal-in of the
trip bus. In this case, DOTLCFG is fixed at 25 ms, to Zone 2 / Pilot Zone (Z2DIST)
ensure that the trip contacts stay closed long enough • SELZ2G = YES
to accomplish the desired result.
Remote Open Detector (REMOTEOPEN) • Z2R = 2.0 x 6 = 12.0 ohms
• Z2GR = 2.0 x 6 = 12.0 ohms
Select Remote Open Detector (SELROD) [1001] • SELZ2U = 2 (MHOGDOC)
SELROD can be set to either YES or NO to set the • SELZ2T = NO
Remote Open function either in or out of service. For • PUTL2P = <NOT APPLICABLE>
certain applications of a Blocking scheme, where
some faults can only be cleared sequentially following
fault-current redistribution after one-end trips, the • Z2PANG = 90
Remote Open function should be placed in service to • Z2GANG = 90
possibly obtain faster tripping. The formula from Figure 2–10 is used to check Z2R
and Z2PANG:
Remote Open Timer TL20 Pickup (PUTL20) [1002]
MR = sin(50°) x 19.7 / sin(180° – 50° – (85° – 5.6°)) ,
TL20 provides the time delay associated with the
Remote Open function. PUTL20 has a setting range of MR = 19.5 ohms .
10–100 milliseconds and should be set to 40. Consequently, with Z2R = 12.00 and Z2PANG = 90,
there is no risk of having the MT functions pick up for
Select Fuse Failure Block (SELFFB) [1003]
the maximum load condition. Similarly, with Z2GR =
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme 12.00 and Z2GANG = 90, the apparent impedance for
for a description of the considerations for this the maximum load condition will not plot within the
setting. MTG characteristic.

Example Settings for Blocking Protection Scheme Zone 3 Distance Functions (Z3DIST)
The following are examples of settings for the sample Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme
system in Figure 2–1. for an example of the calculations for this category.
For this example, SELZ2T is set to NO, so the Z3DIST
Scheme Selection (SCHEMESEL) settings are based on Zone 2 considerations.
• SELSCM = 4 (BLK1)
Zone 4 Distance Functions (Z4DIST)
Zone 1 Distance Functions (Z1DIST) • SELZ4P = YES
• SELZ1P = YES Since Z2R at the remote end is exactly twice the
• Z1R = 0.9 x 6 = 5.40 positive-sequence impedance of the protected line,
• Z1GR = 0.9 x 6 = 5.40 then
Since Z1(source)/Z1(line) = 2/6 = 0.33, the protected • Z4R = 0.85 x 12.00 = 10.20 ohms.
line is considered long and the Zone 1 ground- The proposed offset for the reversed-M4 functions is
distance functions are selected to be Mho units. as close to 0.5 ohms as the Z4OR setting will allow. For
• SELZ1U = 0 (MHO) this example, with Z4OR set to 0.05,
• Z1SU = <NOT APPLICABLE> Offset ohms = Z4OR x Z4R

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

= 0.05 x 10.20 = 0.51 ohms, 2–8 Settings for Hybrid Scheme

which is as close to 0.5 ohms as attainable.
This section describes the settings appropriate for the
• Z4OR = 0.05 Hybrid protection scheme.
• Z4GR = 0.85 x 12.00 = 10.20 ohms
• SELZ4T = NO Scheme Selection (SCHEMESEL)
Select Scheme (SELSCM) [1201]
The characteristic angle setting for the blocking
functions should be set 10° less than the character- Number of Receivers (NUMRCVR) [1202]
istic angle of the pilot overreaching functions at the
remote end. Set this function as follows:
• Z4PANG = 80 • For a two-terminal Hybrid scheme using fre-
quency-shift channel equipment, set NUMRCVR to
• Z4GANG = 80
1 and wire the receiver output contact to contact
converter 3 (CC3).
Overcurrent Supervision (CURSUPVIS)
• For a three-terminal line application set
• PUIPT = 0.50 amps
NUMRCVR to 2, wire one receiver to CC3, and wire
• PUIPB = 0.25 amps the second receiver to CC4.
• PUIT = 0.40 amps
• PUIB = 0.20 amps Zone 1 Distance Functions (Z1DIST)

Scheme Logic Timers (SCHEMETIM) Select Zone 1 Ground (SELZ1G) [0101]

The channel time of a wide-band CS28 power-line- SELZ1G can be set to either YES or NO to put the Zone
carrier set is 2 milliseconds. Assuming negligible 1 Ground function in or out of service. For a Hybrid
propagation time, PUTL1 = 8 + 2 + 0 = 10 ms. scheme, this function may be used as a backup zone,
• PUTL1 = 10 ms but is not required.
Select Zone 1 Phase (SELZ1P) [0102]
SELZ1P can be set to either YES or NO to put the Zone
Since NUMBKRS is set to 1, only TL5 requires settings: 1 Phase function in or out of service. For a Hybrid
• PUTL5 = 80 ms. scheme, this function may be used as a backup zone,
• DOTL5 = 100 ms. but is not required.
Reach Setting M1, Zone 1 Phase (Z1R) [0103]
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme
• PUTL16 = <NOT APPLICABLE> for a description of the considerations for this
Remote Open Detector (REMOTEOPEN)
• SELROD = NO Reach Setting M1G, Zone 1 Ground (Z1GR) [0104]
• PUTL20 = <NOT APPLICABLE> Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme
• SELFFB = YES for a description of the considerations for this

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Select Zone 1 Ground Unit (SELZ1U) [0105] undesirable. For example, the required Zone 2
backup reach may be less than the desired reach for
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme
the pilot overreaching zone. In this case, the Zone 2
for a description of the considerations for this
timers are disabled and the MT and MTG functions are
used only for the pilot overreaching zone. The M3
Reach Setting of Mho Unit (Z1SU) [0106] and M3G functions can then be set for the Zone 2
reach, and the M4 and M4G functions can be set for
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme the Zone 3 reach.
for a description of the considerations for this
setting. The pilot-overreaching-zone tripping functions at
the local end must coordinate with the blocking
Zero-Sequence Current Compensation (Z1K0) functions at the remote end for an external fault
[0107] behind the remote end. If this reach (or pickup
level) coordination is not achieved, a misoperation
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme (over-trip) for an external fault can occur. Simply
for a description of the considerations for this stated, for an external fault behind the remote ter-
setting. minal, the blocking functions at the remote end must
operate for any fault for which the pilot-over-
Zone 1 Reach Reset Timer (Z1ERST) [0108] reaching-zone tripping functions at the local end
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme operate.
for a description of the considerations for this These considerations are for the MT and MTG reaches,
setting. Z2R and Z2GR, respectively, when these functions are
used solely for the pilot overreaching zone. Refer to
Zone 2 / Pilot Zone (Z2DIST) Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme for a
discussion of the settings for Zone 2 backup.
Select Zone 2 Ground (SELZ2G) [0201]
For a Hybrid scheme set SELZ2G to YES. Reach Setting MTG, Zone 2 Ground (Z2GR) [0204]
Z2GR has a setting range of 0.01–50.00 ohms. In a
Select Zone 2 Phase (SELZ2P) [0202] Hybrid scheme, Z2GR must be set to see a ground
For a Hybrid scheme set SELZ2P to YES. fault at the remote bus, considering such factors as
ground-fault impedance, underreach caused by
Reach Setting MT, Zone 2 Phase (Z2R) [0203] intermediate fault current sources, and underreach
caused by zero-sequence mutual coupling with a
Z2R has a setting range of 0.01–50.00 ohms. In a parallel line. For a two-terminal line with no mutual
Hybrid scheme, Z2R must be set to see a multiphase coupling, Z2GR should be set for 200% of the positive-
fault at the remote bus, considering such factors as sequence impedance of the protected line. Z2GR
arc resistance and underreach caused by should never be set so large that the impedance point
intermediate fault current sources. For a two- associated with the maximum load flow plots within
terminal line, Z2R should be set for 200% of the the MTG characteristic on an R-X diagram. In
positive-sequence impedance of the protected line. addition, the Z2GR setting must allow the MTG
Z2R should never be set so large that the MT functionstripping functions to coordinate with the reversed-
pick up on the maximum load flow. In addition, the M4G blocking functions at the remote end(s).
Z2R setting must allow the MT tripping functions to
coordinate with the reversed-M4 blocking functions at Select Zone 2 Ground Unit (SELZ2U) [0205]
the remote end(s).
SELZ2U can be set to the following:
In a Hybrid scheme, the pilot overreaching zone
0 (MHO) – Mho ground-distance operates for the
consists of the MT and MTG functions. Secondarily,
pilot overreaching zone.
these functions may be used for Zone 2 backup. A Z2R
and Z2GR reach setting that satisfies the requirements 1 (GDOC) – Ground directional-overcurrent
of both uses simultaneously may be impossible or operates for the pilot overreaching zone.

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

Ground directional overcurrent units operate for Zone 4 Distance Functions (Z4DIST)
higher levels of ground-fault impedance than
the Mho units. If SELZ2G is also set to YES then Select Zone 4 Ground (SELZ4G) [0401]
Zone 2 distance backup is provided.
SELZ4G can be set to either YES or NO as follows:
2 (MHOGDOC) – Both Mho ground-distance and
YES – If SELZ2U is set to 0 (MHO) or 2 (MHOGDOC),
ground directional-overcurrent operate for the
the MTG tripping functions are active.
pilot overreaching zone. . If SELZ2G is also set to
YES then both functions operate simultaneously NO – If SELZ2U is set to 1 (GDOC).
in the pilot overreaching zone
Select Zone 4 Phase (SELZ4P) [0402]
For a Hybrid scheme, any one of the three settings is
possible. Set SELZ4P YES for a Hybrid scheme, since the MT
tripping functions are always used.
Select Zone 2 Timers (SELZ2T) [0206]
Select Direction (SELZ4D) [0411]
SELZ2T can be set to either YES or NO, as follows:
In a Hybrid scheme, the Zone 4 distance functions
YES – When the MT and MTG functions are also used
must be reverse-looking, so set SELZ4D to 1(REVERS).
for Zone 2 backup.
NO – When the MT and MTG functions are used Reach Setting M4, Zone 4 Phase (Z4R) [0403]
exclusively for the pilot overreaching zone.
Z4R has a setting range of 0.01–50.00 ohms. In a
Phase Timer Setting (PUTL2P) [0207] Hybrid scheme the local blocking zone reversed-M4
functions key the local transmitter to send a blocking
If SELZ2T is set to YES, refer to Section 2–3 Settings for signal to the remote end to prevent the remote end
Step Distance Scheme for a description of the consid- from tripping on an external multiphase fault
erations for this setting. behind the local end. The Z4R setting must be such
that the reversed-M4 functions coordinate with the MT
Ground Timer Setting (PUTL2G) [0208] tripping functions at the remote end(s). Z4R should
If SELZ2T is set to YES, refer to Section 2–3 Settings for never be set so large that the M4 functions pick up on
Step Distance Scheme for a description of the consid- the maximum load flow.
erations for this setting.
Phase Offset Reach (Z4OR) [0405]
Phase Characteristic Angle (Z2PANG) [0209] The Zone 4 phase-distance functions can be set with
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme an offset reach in the opposite direction from that
for a description of the considerations for this determined by the SELZ4D setting. The Z4OR setting
setting. is a multiplier and the actual ohmic offset is equal to
(0.00 – 0.40) x Z4R. A reversed-M4 characteristic with
Ground Characteristic Angle (Z2GANG) [0210] offset is shown in Figure 2–11. An offset reach is
required for a Hybrid scheme. An offset setting keeps
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme the reversed-M4 functions continuously energized for
for a description of the considerations for this the duration of an external, bolted, zero-voltage fault
setting. at the relay location, since, with offset, M4 can
operate on fault current only. This prevents the echo
Zone 3 Distance Functions (Z3DIST) circuit from keying the local transmitter for the
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme duration of the external fault.
for a description of the required settings for this
Reach Setting M4G, Zone 4 Ground (Z4GR) [0404]
Z4GR has a setting range of 0.01–50.00 ohms. In a
Hybrid scheme the local blocking zone reversed-M4G
functions block the echo circuit from keying the local

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

transmitter to prevent the remote end from tripping 2. For a reverse BCG fault at the relay location
on an external ground fault behind the local end. calculate the currents and voltages at the
The Z4GR setting must be such that the reversed-M4G relay.
functions coordinate with the MTG tripping functions 3. Use the following equation to determine the
at the remote end(s). Z4GR should never be set so maximum allowable reach:
large that the impedance point associated with the
maximum load flow plots within the M4G
characteristic on an R-X diagram. Vφ
Z 4GR (max.) = (1)
If the MT or MTG reach at the remote end is less than K0 ⋅ I0
twice the positive-sequence impedance of the line, where
then the proposed settings are as follows:
Z4R = 0.85 x ( Z2R [REMOTE] ) I 0 = zero - sequence current at relay
zero - sequence line impedance
Z4GR = 0.85 x ( Z2GR [REMOTE] ). K0 = [setting #1404]
positive - sequence line impedance
If the MT or MTG reach at the remote end is greater Vφ = phase - to - ground voltage at relay (AG, BG, or CG)
than twice the positive-sequence impedance of the
line, then the proposed settings are given by
• For the AG fault, evaluate phases B and C
Z4R = 1.7 x ( Z2R [REMOTE]– Z1L ) • For the BCG fault, evaluate phase A
Z4GR = 1.7 x ( Z2GR [REMOTE]– Z1L ) ,

where Z1L is the positive-sequence impedance of the 4. The maximum allowable reach is the
protected line. smallest Zone 4 reach determined from equation
(1) in step 3.

Note: There is an application limit on the

maximum value of Z4GR
Select Zone 4 Timers (SELZ4T) [0406]

If Z4GR is set too large, then this function may SELZ4T can be set to either YES or NO. For a Hybrid
operate for a ground fault located in the scheme, the reversed Zone 4 functions may serve as a
opposite direction to the Zone 4 reach direction, backup zone as well as a pilot blocking zone. If this
as determined by setting 0411 SELZ4D. The backup feature is desired, set SELZ4T to YES to put
factors that determine whether the DLP Zone 4 TL4P and TL4G in service. Set SELZ4T to NO to place
ground distance functions will operate for a TL4P and TL4G out of service.
reverse fault are: (1) the magnitude of the zero-
sequence current at the relay during the reverse Phase Timer Setting (PUTL4P) [0407]
fault, (2) the K0 setting, and (3) the reach PUTL4P has a setting range of 0.10–10.00 seconds and
setting, Z4GR. For these three factors, a higher should be set as follows:
value tends to make Zone 4 ground operation • If SELZ4 is set to YES and the reversed-M4 func-
more likely. tions are to serve as a backup zone as well as a
pilot blocking zone, then the TL4P time delay
The following is the recommended procedure should be set long enough to coordinate with
for determining the maximum Zone 4 ground the time-delayed operation of the appropriate
reach setting to prevent a mis-operation for a zone of phase-distance relays, added to the
reverse fault: breaker(s) trip time.
1. For a reverse AG fault at the relay location • If SELZ4T is set to NO, then PUTL4P may be set to
calculate the currents and any value within its range with no effect on
voltages at the relay. scheme operation..

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

Ground Timer Setting (PUTL4G) [0408] 3 x |I0| – 3 x KT x |I1| ,

PUTL4G has a setting range of 0.10–10.00 seconds and where KT is 0.1.

should be set as follows:
Positive-sequence restraint is used to provide secure
• If SELZ4T is set to YES and the reversed-M4G operation during steady-state unbalance, error cur-
functions are to serve as a backup zone as well as rents, and external faults. PUIPT has a setting range of
a pilot blocking zone, then the TL4G time delay 0.50– 5.00 amps.
should be set long enough to coordinate with
the time-delayed operation of the appropriate For two-terminal line applications, PUIPT should be
zone of ground-distance relays, added to the set to its minimum setting of 0.50 amps for lines less
breaker(s) trip time. than 100 miles long and 0.75 amps for lines greater
than 100 miles, to compensate for the increased
• If SELZ4T is set to NO, then PUTL4G may be set to
charging current. PUIPT must be set higher than
any value within its range with no effect on
PUIPB at the remote terminal to assure local-trip
scheme operation.
remote-block coordination.
Phase Characteristic Angle (Z4PANG) [0409] For three-terminal line applications, the coordina-
tion margins indicated by the suggested PUIPT and
This setting determines the characteristic shape and,
PUIPB settings given here may, in the worst case, have
consequently, the area of coverage provided on the R-
to be doubled. For two- or three-terminal
X diagram by the reversed-M4 phase-distance
applications, such as cable circuits, where the zero-
functions. Z4PANG has settings of 80°, 90°, 95°, 105°,
sequence charging current is significant, the
110°, or 120°, with 80° recommended. If the desired
magnitude of charging current should be calculated
reach, Z4R, causes the resultant steady-state
to establish an adequate coordination margin.
characteristic to pick up on the maximum load flow,
then a characteristic associated with the 90°, 95°,
Ground Pilot Block, IPB, Overcurrent (PUIPB)
105°, 110°, or 120° setting may prevent operation on
load without having to reduce the reach.
IPB, logically ANDed with the reverse-looking
Ground Characteristic Angle (Z4GANG) [0410] negative-sequence directional function (NB), is the
pilot directional-overcurrent blocking function. The
This setting determines the characteristic shape and,
IPB operating quantity is
consequently, the area of coverage provided on the R-
X diagram of the reverse-M4G ground-distance 3 x |I0| – 3 x KB x |I1| ,
functions. Z4GANG has settings of 80°, 90°, 95°, 105°,
where KB is 0.066. PUIPB can be set over the range of
110°, or 120°, with 80° recommended. If the desired
0.25–3.75 amps. It should be set to its minimum
reach, Z4GR, is such that the impedance point
setting of 0.25 amps.
associated with the maximum load flow plots within
the M4G steady-state characteristic, the 90°, 95°, 105°, Trip Supervision, IT, Overcurrent (PUIT) [0503]
110°, or 120° setting may prevent operation on load
without having to reduce the reach. This overcurrent function provides supervision for
the distance functions and IT is used in the trip bus
Overcurrent Supervision (CURSUPVIS) seal-in circuit. PUIT has a setting range of 0.20–4.00
Ground Pilot Trip, IPT, Overcurrent (PUIPT) [0501] The local PUIT and remote PUIB settings must
The pilot overcurrent functions are in service if coordinate. For two-terminal line applications, it is
SELZ2U is set to 1 (GDOC) or 2 (MHOGDOC). IPT, recommended that PUIT be set at 0.40 amps for lines
logically ANDed with the forward-looking negative- less than 100 miles long and 0.60 amps for lines
sequence directional function (NT), is the pilot greater than 100 miles long, to compensate for the
directional-overcurrent tripping function. The IPT increased charging current.
operating quantity is For three-terminal line applications, this coordina-
tion margin may, in the worst case, have to be

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

doubled. For two- or three-terminal applications, 52/b Contact Coordination TL6 Dropout (DOTL6)
such as cable circuits, where the zero-sequence [1305]
charging current is significant, the magnitude of
DOTL6 has a setting range of 0–200 milliseconds.
charging current should be calculated to establish an
adequate coordination margin. Since breaker position information is not required
for the Hybrid scheme logic, these timers are not a
Block Supervision, IB, Overcurrent (PUIB) [0504] part of that logic. However, the outputs of TL5 and
TL6 are used by the DLP3 Sequence of Events to
This overcurrent function provides supervision for
provide a time-tagged event to indicate either
the reversed-M4 and reversed-M4G blocking-zone
breaker open or breaker closed.
distance functions. PUIB has a setting range of 0.20–
4.00 amps and should be set for 0.20 amps. If these events are required, then wire the 52/b
contact from breaker 1 to CC1 (TL5) and wire the 52/b
Scheme Logic Timers (SCHEMETIM) contact from breaker 2 to CC2 (TL6) as shown in
Figure 1-1. Another reason for wiring in the 52/b
Trip Integrator TL1 Pickup (PUTL1) [1301] contacts is to avoid a non-critical alarm resulting
from the Trip Circuit Monitor operating when the
PUTL1 has a setting range of 1–50 milliseconds. For a
breaker is opened manually or by SCADA. Refer to
Hybrid scheme, TL1 provides security against spurious Chapter 1 - Trip Circuit Monitor for more infor-
channel output during external faults within the mation.
reach of the overreaching trip functions. PUTL1
should be based on the maximum output, if any, If the recloser is disabled (SELRCLR = 0 or 1), then the
expected from the channel under these conditions. output of CC1 provides the input to timer TL5. If the
recloser is functional (SELRCLR = 3 or 6), then the
POTT Coordination TL4 Pickup (PUTL4) [1306] output of CC1 is an input to the recloser, and the
timer TL5 is only used for reporting.
TL4 is not used with a Hybrid scheme. PUTL4 can be
left at any setting within its range without affecting TL5 and TL6 provide coordinating times to
scheme operation. synchronize the breaker 52/b switch contact
operation with the opening and closing of the
POTT Coordination TL4 Dropout (DOTL4) [1307] breaker’s main interrupting contacts.
TL4 is not used with a Hybrid scheme. DOTL4 can be The pickup time coordination is determined by
left at any setting within its range without affecting PUTL5 or PUTL6. The dropout time coordination is
scheme operation. determined by DOTL5 or DOTL6. The settings are
dependent upon the design of the breaker. The
52/b Contact Coordination TL5 Pickup (PUTL5) object is to get an output from TL5 or TL6 when the
[1302] breaker main contacts open and have the output go
PUTL5 has a setting range of 0–200 milliseconds. See
away when the breaker main contacts close.
the DOTL6 for a complete discussion of this function.
Weak In-feed Trip TL16 Pickup (PUTL16) [1308]
52/b Contact Coordination TL5 Dropout (DOTL5) has a setting range of 8–99 milliseconds. The
[1303] pickup delay of timer TL16 provides security in the
DOTL5 has a setting range of 0–200 milliseconds. See
weak in-feed tripping logic. It should be set to ride
the DOTL6 for a complete discussion of this function. over any outputs from the receiver during weak in-
feed fault conditions. PUTL16 should normally be set
52/b Contact Coordination TL6 Pickup (PUTL6) at its minimum value of 8 ms.
[1304] When PUTL16 = 99 , the pickup delay becomes
PUTL6 has a setting range of 0–200 milliseconds. See infinite, effectively disabling the weak in-feed
the DOTL6 for a complete discussion of this function. tripping logic.

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

If weak in-feed tripping is desired, PUTL16 should Scheme Selection (SCHEMESEL)

never be set greater than the pickup delay of timer • SELSCM = 3 (HYBRID)
TL16 in figure 1-5.For a Hybrid scheme (SELSCM = 3)
the pickup delay of TL11 is 80 milliseconds for two-
terminal applications (NUMRCVR = 1) and 50 milli- Zone 1 Distance Functions (Z1DIST)
seconds for three terminal applications (NUMRCVR =
2). • SELZIG = YES
Configurable Trip Pickup (PUTLCFG) [1309] • Z1R = 0.9 x 6 = 5.40
PUTLCFG can be set over the range of 0 - 100 msecs. It • Z1GR = 0.9 x 6 = 5.40
establishes the pickup delay associated with
Since Z1(source)/Z1(line) = 2/6 = 0.33, the protected
Configurable Output #4 when CONOUT4 = 1, 2, 3, or
line is considered long and the Zone 1 ground-
4. Its value depends upon how Configurable Output
distance functions are selected to be Mho units.
#4 is being used.
• SELZ1U = 0 (MHO)
Configurable Trip Dropout (DOTLCFG) [1310] • Z1SU = <NOT APPLICABLE>
DOTLCFG can be set over the range of 0 - 100 msecs. It • Z1K0 = 0.95 x (19.2/6) = 3.0
establishes the dropout delay associated with • Z1ERST = <NOT APPLICABLE>
Configurable Output #4 when CONOUT4 = 1, or 2.
With CONOUT4 = 3 or 4, the programmed conditions Zone 2 / Pilot Zone (Z2DIST)
that cause a DLP trip may not result in a seal-in of the • SELZ2G = YES
trip bus. In this case, DOTLCFG is fixed at 25 ms, to
ensure that the trip contacts stay closed long enough
to accomplish the desired result. • Z2R = 2.0 x 6 = 12.0 ohms
• Z2GR = 2.0 x 6 = 12.0 ohms
Remote Open Detector (REMOTEOPEN) • SELZ2U = 2 (MHOGDOC)
Select Remote Open Detector (SELROD) [1001]
SELROD can be set to either YES or NO to set the • PUTL2G = <NOT APPLICABLE>s
Remote Open function either in or out of service. For
• Z2PANG = 90
a three-pole trip Hybrid scheme, the Remote Open
Detector function will not normally provide faster • Z2GANG = 90
tripping and may be placed out of service. The formula from Figure 2–10 is used to check Z2R
and Z2PANG:
Remote Open Timer TL20 Pickup (PUTL20) [1002]
MR = sin(50°) x 19.7 / sin(180° – 50° – (85° – 5.6°)) ,
TL20 provides the time delay associated with the
Remote Open function. PUTL20 has a setting range of MR = 19.5 ohms .
10–100 milliseconds and should be set to 40. If Consequently, with Z2R = 12.00 and Z2PANG = 90,
SELROD is set to NO, then this setting has no effect. there is no risk of having the MT functions pick up for
the maximum load condition. Similarly, with Z2GR =
Select Fuse Failure Block (SELFFB) [1003] 12.00 and Z2GANG = 90, the apparent impedance for
Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme the maximum load condition will not plot within the
for a description of the considerations for this MTG characteristic.
Zone 3 Distance Functions (Z3DIST)
Example Settings for Hybrid Protection Scheme Refer to Section 2–3 Settings for Step Distance Scheme
The following are examples of settings for the sample for an example of the calculations for this category.
system in Figure 2–1.

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

For this example, SELZ2T is set to NO, so the Z3DIST • PUTL6 = <NOT APPLICABLE>
settings are based on Zone 2 considerations. • DOTL6 = <NOT APPLICABLE>
• PUTL16 = 8 ms
Zone 4 Distance Functions (Z4DIST)
• SELZ4G = YES Remote Open Detector (REMOTEOPEN)
Since Z2R at the remote end is exactly twice the • SELFFB = YES
positive-sequence impedance of the protected line,
• Z4R = 0.85 x 12.00 = 10.20 ohms. 2–9 Current Sensitivity of Distance
The proposed offset for the reversed-M4 functions is Functions
as close to 0.5 ohms as the Z4OR setting will allow. For
The current sensitivity for the phase distance func-
this example, with Z4OR set to 0.05,
tions is determined from the relation,
Offset ohms = Z4OR x Z4R
0 . 294
Iφφ ZR 1 = ,
= 0.05 x 10.20 = 0.51 ohms, 1– X

which is as close to 0.5 ohms as is attainable. where:

• Z4OR = 0.05 Iφφ = phase-phase current at the relay
• Z4GR = 0.85 x 12.00 = 10.20 ohms (i.e., IA – IB),
• SELZ4T = NO ZR1 = positive-sequence relay reach
• PUTL4P = <NOT APPLICABLE> X = actual reach divided by the nominal reach.
• PTTL4G = <NOT APPLICABLE> The expression 1 – X is referred to as the “pull-back”
The characteristic angle setting for the blocking in reach. For example, if X = 0.9, then the pull-back
functions should be set 10° less than the character- in reach is 0.1 or 10%.
istic angle of the pilot overreaching functions at the Example:
remote end.
For the phase pair A-B where:
• Z4PANG = 80
• Z4GANG = 80 ZR1 = 1 ohm

X = 0.9 then (1 – X) = 0.1, (10% pullback)

Overcurrent Supervision (CURSUPVIS)
The phase-phase current is:
• PUIPT = 0.50 amps
• PUIPB = 0.25 amps IA – IB = 0.294/0.1 = 2.94 A.

• PUIT = 0.40 amps For a phase-phase fault, the phase A current is

• PUIB = 0.20 amps given by:
IA – IB = 2 IA = 2.94 A,
Scheme Logic Timers (SCHEMETIM)
IA = 1.47 A.
• PUTL1 = 3 ms
• PUTL4 = <NOT APPLICABLE> For a three-phase fault, the phase A current is
given by:
IA – IB = 1.732 IA = 2.94 A,
Since NUMBKRS is set to 1, only TL5 requires settings:
IA = 1.7 A.
• PUTL5 = 80 ms.
• DOTL5 = 100 ms.

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

The current sensitivity for the ground distance IA = 0.147 A.

functions is determined from the relation,
For a three-phase fault, the phase A current is
(Iφ – I )Z
0 R1 ∠φ1 + I 0 KO ZR1 ∠φ0 =
0 . 22
1– X
given by
IA – IB = 1.732 IA = 0.294 A,
IA = 0.17 A.
Iφ = phase current at the relay,
For a 5-A-rated DLP3, the IT current supervision
I0 = zero-sequence current at the relay,
function limits the distance-function current sensi-
ZR1 = positive-sequence relay reach, tivity in the above example, since the minimum IT
∠φ1 = positive-sequence relay angle (POSANG), setting is 0.2 amps. In general, the IT function setting
∠φ0 = zero-sequence relay angle (ZERANG), determines the distance-function current sensitivity
when its setting exceeds the value calculated from
K0 = zero-sequence current compensation, and
the above formulas.
X = actual reach divided by the nominal
For phase A where:
IA = I0,

∠φ1 = ∠φ0,
K0 =3
ZR1 = 1 ohm
X = 0.9, then (1 – X) = 0.1, (10% pullback)
The phase A current is given by
5 0. 22
IA = = 2. 2 A ,
3 0. 2

IA = 1.32 A.

The minimum current required to operate the dis-

tance functions for a zero-voltage fault right in front
of the relay can be conservatively estimated by setting
X = 0 in the above formulas.

For the phase-pair A-B where:
ZR1 = 1 ohm
X = 0 then (1 – X) = 1, (100% pullback)
The phase-phase current is:
0. 294
IA IB = = 0 . 294 A.

For a phase-phase fault, the phase A current is

given by:
IA – IB = 2 IA = 0.294 A,

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

2–10 DLP3 Settings Form

Set # Description Setting

01 Zone 1 Distance Functions (Z1DIST)

0101 Select Zone 1 Ground (SELZ1G)

0102 Select Zone 1 Phase (SELZ1P)

0103 Reach Setting M1, Zone 1 Phase (Z1R)

0104 Reach Setting M1G, Zone 1 Ground (Z1GR)

0105 Select Zone 1 Ground Unit (SELZ1U)

0106 Reach Setting of Mho Unit (Z1SU)

0107 Zero-Sequence Current Compensation (Z1K0)

0108 Zone 1 Extension Reach Reset Timer (Z1ERST)

02 Zone 2 / Pilot Zone (Z2DIST)

0201 Select Zone 2 Ground (SELZ2G)

0202 Select Zone 2 Phase (SELZ2P)

0203 Reach Setting MT, Zone 2 Phase (Z2R)

0204 Reach Setting MTG, Zone 2 Ground (Z2GR)

0205 Select Zone 2 Ground Unit (SELZ2T)

0206 Select Zone 2 Timers (SELZ2T)

0207 Phase Timer Setting (PUTL2P)

0208 Ground Timer Setting (PUTL2G)

0209 Phase Characteristic Angle (Z2PANG)

0210 Ground Characteristic Angle (Z2GANG)

03 Zone 3 Distance Functions (Z3DIST)

0301 Select Zone 3 Ground (SELZ3G)

0302 Select Zone 3 Phase (SELZ3P)

0303 Reach Setting M3, Zone 3 Phase (Z3R)

0304 Reach Setting M3G, Zone 3 Ground (Z3GR)

0305 Phase Timer Setting (PUTL3P)

0306 Ground Timer Setting (PUTL3G)

0307 Phase Characteristic Angle (Z3PANG)

0308 Ground Characteristic Angle (Z3GANG)

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

Set # Description Setting

04 Zone 1 Distance Functions (Z4DIST)

0401 Select Zone 4 Ground (SELZ4G)

0402 Select Zone 4 Phase (SELZ4P)

0403 Reach Setting M4, Zone 4 Phase (Z4R)

0404 Reach Setting M4G, Zone 4 Ground (Z4GR)

0405 Phase Offset Reach (Z4OR)

0406 Select Zone 4 Timers (SELZ4T)

0407 Phase Timer Setting (PUTL4P)

0408 Ground Timer Setting (PUTL4G)

0409 Phase Characteristic Angle (Z4PANG)

0410 Ground Characteristic Angle (Z4GANG)

0411 Select Direction (SELZ4D)

05 Overcurrent Supervision (CURSUPVIS)

0501 Ground Pilot Trip IPT Overcurrent (PUIPT)

0502 Ground Pilot Block IPB Overcurrent (PUIPB)

0503 Trip Supervision IT Overcurrent (PUIT)

0504 Block Supervision IB Overcurrent (PUIB)

06 Overcurrent Backup (OVERCUR)

0601 Select Phase Instantaneous Overcurrent, PH4 (SELPH4)

0602 Phase Instantaneous Overcurrent Setting (PUPH4)

0603 Select Ground Instantaneous Overcurrent, IDT (SELIDT)

0604 Directional Control of IDT (SELDIDT)

0605 Ground Instantaneous Overcurrent Setting (PUIDT)

0606 Select Ground Time Overcurrent, TOC (SELTOC)

0607 Directional Control of TOC (SELDTOC)

0608 Ground Time Overcurrent Setting (PUTOC)

0609 Ground Time Overcurrent Time Dial (TDTOC)

0610 Definite Time Curve Delay Setting (PUTTM)

0611 Select TOC Curve (SELCURV)

0612 Ground Instantaneous Positive-Sequence Restraint (KDCONST)

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Set # Description Setting

07 Block Reclosing (BLKRECLOS)

0701 Select All (SELALL)

0702 Out-of-Step Block (RBOSB)

0703 All Zone 2 Phase Functions (RB3PH)

0704 Ground Time Overcurrent (RBTOC)

0705 Zone 2 Timers (RBZ2T)

0706 Zone 3 Timers (RBZ3T)

0707 Zone 4 Timers (RBZ4T)

0708 Any Zone 1 Phase Function (RBZ1PH)

0709 Any Zone 2 Phase Function (RBZ2PH)

0710 Configurable Trip Bus (RBCTB)

08 Out-of-Step Blocking (OUTOFSTEP)

0801 Select Phase Unit to Coordinate With (SELPTZ)

0802 Characteristic Angle (MOBANG)

0803 Select Block Trip Actions (SELOSB)

0804 Select Zone 1 Block (OSBLKZ1)

0805 Select Zone 2 Block (OSBLKZ2)

0806 Select Zone 3 Block (OSBLKZ3)

0807 Select Zone 4 Block (OSBLKZ4)

09 Line Pickup (LINEPU)

0901 Select Line Pickup (SELLPU)

0902 Select Timer Bypass (DELTBP)

0903 Positive-Sequence Overcurrent I1 Setting (PUI1)

10 Remote Open Detector, ROD (REMOTEOPEN)

1001 Select Remote Open Detector (SELROD)

1002 Timer TL20 Delay Setting (PUTL20)

1003 Block Tripping for Fuse Failure (SELFFB)

11 Line Overload (LINEOVRLD)

1101 Select Line Overload (SELOVL)

1102 Level 1 Overcurrent Setting (PULV1)

1103 Level 2 Overcurrent Setting (PULV2)

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

Set # Description Setting

1104 Level 1 Time Delay (PUTL31)

1105 Level 2 Time Delay (PUTL32)

12 Scheme Selection (SCHEMESEL)

1201 Select Scheme (SELSCM)

1202 Number of Receivers (NUMRCVR)

13 Scheme Logic Timers (SCHEMETIM)

1301 Trip Integrator TL1 Pickup (PUTL1)

1302 52/b Contact Coordination TL5 Pickup (PUTL5)

1303 52/b Contact Coordination TL5 Dropout (DOTL5)

1304 52/b Contact Coordination TL6 Pickup (PUTL6)

1305 52/b Contact Coordination TL6 Dropout (DOTL6)

1306 POTT Coordination TL4 Pickup (PUTL4)

1307 POTT Coordination TL4 Dropout (DOTL4)

1308 Weak-Infeed-Trip TL16 Pickup (PUTL16)

1309 Configurable Pickup Time (PUTLCTB)

1310 Configurable Dropout Time (DOTLCTB)

14 Line Quantities (LINEQTY)

1401 Positive-Sequence Angle of Maximum Reach (POSANG)

1402 Zero-Sequence Angle of Maximum Reach (ZERANG)

1403 Positive-Sequence Impedance (ZP)

1404 Zero-Sequence Current Compensation (K0)

1405 Line Length (LINELEN)

15 Configuration Settings (CONFIG)

1501 Unit ID Number (UNITID)

1502 System Frequency (SYSFREQ)

1503 Number of Breakers (NUMBKRS)

1504 Trip Circuit Monitor (TRIPCIRC)

1505 Select Primary / Secondary Unit (SELPRIM)

1506 Current Transformer Ratio (CTRATIO)

1507 Potential Transformer Ratio (PTRATIO)

1508 Unit of Distance (DISTUNIT)

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Set # Description Setting

1509 Communication Port (COMMPORT)

1510 Phase Designation (PHASDEG)

1511 Select Time Synchronization (SELTSYNC)

1512 Number of Faults (NUMFLTS)

1513 Number of Prefault Cycles (PREFLT)

1514 Oscillography Trigger (OSCTRIG)

1515 Current Unbalance Alarm (UNALALM)


1601 SCADA DTA Fault Location Lock (FLTLOCK)

1602 SCADA DTA Fault Location Reset (FLTRESET)

17 Configurable Inputs (CNFGINPUTS)

1701 Configurable Input Mode (CONCCI)

1702 Settings Group (SETGRP)

18 Configurable Input #1 (BKR1CLSOUT)

1801 Close Contact 1 (CONOUT1)

1802 Input Number 1 (CO1IN1)

1803 Input Number 2 (CO1IN2)

1804 Input Number 3 (CO1IN3)

1805 Input Number 4 (CO1IN4)

1806 Input Number 5 (CO1IN5)

1807 Input Number 6 (CO1IN6)

1808 Input Number 7 (CO1IN7)

1809 Input Number 8 (CO1IN8)

19 Configurable Input #2 (BKR2CLSOUT)

1901 Close Contact 2 (CONOUT2)

1902 Input Number 1 (CO2IN1)

1903 Input Number 2 (CO2IN2)

1904 Input Number 3 (CO2IN3)

1905 Input Number 4 (CO2IN4)

1906 Input Number 5 (CO2IN5)

1907 Input Number 6 (CO2IN6)

GEK–105548 Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings

Set # Description Setting

1908 Input Number 7 (CO2IN7)

1909 Input Number 8 (CO2IN8)

20 Configurable Input #3 (RCCANCLOUT)

2001 Reclose Cancel (CONOUT3)

2002 Input Number 1 (CO3IN1)

2003 Input Number 2 (CO3IN2)

2004 Input Number 3 (CO3IN3)

2005 Input Number 4 (CO3IN4)

2006 Input Number 5 (CO3IN5)

2007 Input Number 6 (CO3IN6)

2008 Input Number 7 (CO3IN7)

2009 Input Number 8 (CO3IN8)

21 Configurable Input #4 (LNOVLDOUT)

2101 Line Overload (CONOUT4)

2102 Input Number 1 (CO4IN1)

2103 Input Number 2 (CO4IN2)

2104 Input Number 3 (CO4IN3)

2105 Input Number 4 (CO4IN4)

2106 Input Number 5 (CO4IN5)

2107 Input Number 6 (CO4IN6)

2108 Input Number 7 (CO4IN7)

2109 Input Number 8 (CO4IN8)

22 Configurable Input #5 (NONCRITOUT)

2201 Noncritical Alarm (CONOUT5)

2202 Input Number 1 (CO5IN1)

2203 Input Number 2 (CO5IN2)

2204 Input Number 3 (CO5IN3)

2205 Input Number 4 (CO5IN4)

2206 Input Number 5 (CO5IN5)

2207 Input Number 6 (CO5IN6)

2208 Input Number 7 (CO5IN7)

2209 Input Number 8 (CO5IN8)

Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings GEK–105548

Set # Description Setting

23 Configurable Input #6 (RINITOUT)

2301 Reclose Initiate (CONOUT6)

2302 Input Number 1 (CO6IN1)

2303 Input Number 2 (CO6IN2)

2304 Input Number 3 (CO6IN3)

2305 Input Number 4 (CO6IN4)

2306 Input Number 5 (CO6IN5)

2307 Input Number 6 (CO6IN6)

2308 Input Number 7 (CO6IN7)

2309 Input Number 8 (CO6IN8)

24 Recloser Settings (RECLOSER)

2401 Recloser Scheme (SELRCLR)

2402 Single-Pole Reclose Delay 1 (SPRDLY1)

2403 Three-Pole Reclose Delay 1 (TPRDLY1)

2404 Reclose Delay 2 (RDLY2)

2405 Hold Mode (HOLD)

2406 Hold Time Delay (HOLDDLY)

2407 Dwell Time Delay (DWELLTM)

2408 Reset Time Delay (RSTDLY)

GEK–105548 Chapter 3 – Hardware Description

represents the information for a vertical mount

CAUTION: Power down the relay by turning off the DLP3.
front panel power switch. Disconnect the control DC
To access the front panel, the front bezel must be
power and remove all voltage inputs to the rear
removed first. The front bezel has four thumb screws
terminals prior to opening the unit. Dangerous high
with a hole in each screw that permits a tamper proof
voltages may be present inside the unit even if the
installation when a sealing wire is passed through all
power switch is OFF. Failure to do so can
four thumbscrews. A hole in the front bezel makes it
permanently damage the relay.
possible to access the clear key on the front panel
keypad to clear the display without removing the
3–1 Case Assembly The rear panel, shown in Figure 3–1 and 3–2
supports the terminal blocks for external connections
Construction to the DLP3.
The case that houses the electronics is constructed Three printed circuit boards are mounted
from an aluminum alloy. It consists of a main frame, horizontally inside the case, refer to Figure 3–3. Each
mounting brackets, a front panel, top plate, and a circuit board is mounted on an aluminum plate
rear panel. Two types of relays are offered, a vertical, which supports the circuit board and rides in the
and a horizontal mount unit. The description will be card guides in the DLP3 case. The printed circuit
limited to the horizontal unit since the construction boards are held in place by two retainers located at
of both types is essentially the same. the corners of the case in front of the circuit boards.
Two outline drawings are shown in Figures 3-1 and 3- The magnetics module due to its weight is rigidly
2. Figure 3-1 presents the front and rear views of the attached to the rear panel and the case.
horizontal mount DLP3, and provides a panel cutout
and drill pattern for mounting the DLP3. Figures 3-2

GEK–105548 Chapter 3 – Hardware Description

Figure 3–1. DLP3 Outline Horizontal

GEK–105548 Chapter 3 – Hardware Description

Figure 3–2. DLP3 Outline Vertical

GEK–105548 Chapter 3 – Hardware Description

Figure 3–3. Location of the circuit boards inside the case

GEK–105548 Chapter 3 – Hardware Description

The terminal blocks and DB connectors located on

3–2 Electrical Connections and the rear panel are uniquely identified by silk-
Internal Wiring screened labels.
Electrical connections are made to the DLP through
four terminal blocks (A, B, C, D) mounted on the 3–3 Receiving, Handling, and
rear panel. Terminal blocks A, B, C contain 32
terminal points each, which consist of a #6 screw Storage
threaded into a flat contact plate. Terminal D
contains 14 terminal points, which consist of a #6 CAUTION: This relay contains electronic components
screw threaded into a flat contact plate. that can be damaged by electrostatic discharge
currents. The main source of electrostatic discharge
The printed circuit boards are located inside the case
currents is the human body, low humidity, carpeted
in the positions shown in Figure 3–3.
floors, and isolating shoes are conducive to the
The Output board, located in the top set of card generation of electrostatic discharge currents. Where
guides, connects directly to terminal blocks A and B these conditions exist, care should be exercised when
via two sets of edge fingers on the rear of the board. removing and handling the printed circuit boards.
The Input board, located in the bottom set of card Each person handling the printed circuit boards
guides, connects directly to terminal block D, and the must ensure that their body charge has been
magnetic module via two sets of edge fingers on the discharged by touching some surface at ground
rear of the board. Terminal block C, accessible potential before touching any of the components on
through a cutout in the rear panel, is part of the the boards or the boards themselves.
magnetics module assembly.
Immediately upon receipt, the equipment should be
The Processor board, located in the middle set of
unpacked and examined for any damage sustained
card guides, has 3 DB plugs, PL1 (GEMODEM), PL2 in transit. If damage resulting from rough handling
(ASCII), and PL3 (SCADA) mounted to the board is evident, file a damage claim at once with the
which are accessible through cutouts in the rear transportation company and promptly notify the
panel. nearest GE Sales Office.
If the equipment is not to be installed immediately, it
Interconnections between the Output, Processor, should be stored indoors in a location that is dry and
and Input boards is done via ribbon cables, and a protected from dust, metallic chips, and severe
wire connector assembly. The circuit board on the atmospheric conditions.
front panel is connected to the Processor board via a
ribbon cable, and the power switch on the front
panel plugs into the Output board. 3–4 Installation
Identification Environment
The DLP3 system model number is laser etched into The DLP3 should be installed in a clean and dry
the front panel, and a label with the date code and location, free from dust and excessive vibration, and
serial number is located inside the case below the well lighted to facilitate inspection and testing.
Input board. Identification for the Output,
Processor, and Input boards are located on the tabs Mounting
of the aluminum plates. If the top plate is removed,
along with the Output, Processor, and Input Boards, The DLP3 case has been designed for standard rack
the magnetic module label will be visible below the mounting. The case is three rack units (3 RU) high.
two spare terminals on the module terminal block. Two mounting ears, and the hardware to attach
them to the DLP3 case is shipped inside the carton.

GEK–105548 Chapter 3 – Hardware Description

Figure 3–1 shows the outline and mounting 3–6 Functional Modules
dimensions. The DLP case has two additional
mounting locations for locations where the existing
panel does not have enough depth to accommodate System Block Diagram
the DLP3 case. Figure 3–4 is the DLP3 system block diagram.
• The Outout board contains the Single pole
External Connections Relay(SP Relay), Standard Relay(STD relay),
External connections are made according to the and the Power Supply functional modules.
elementary diagrams, Figures 1–6A & B. This is a
• The Processor board contains the DCI, DAP,
general diagram incorporating all of the available
DTA, and the SSP functional modules.
options. Connection need not be made to terminals
for options that are not used. • The Input board contains the SPIO, DSP, and
ANI functional modules.
• The Magnetic module, and MMI board contain
components detailed later in this section
3–5 Surge Ground Connections
CAUTION: The DLP3 comes from the factory with:
Terminals C12 (case ground) and C11 (surge
ground) tied together, along with a jumper from A2
to A18. Terminal C11 must be tied to station ground,
as shown in the elementary diagram, Figure 1–6. The
connection to the ground bus must be made as short
as possible, using 12 gage wire or larger.

GEK–105548 Chapter 3 – Hardware Description

Figure 3–4. DLP3 System Block Diagram

GEK–105548 Chapter 3 – Hardware Description

Man-Machine Interface Logic

The logic for the MMI (man-machine interface) is 9-pin RS-232 port, the 20-character keypad, and the
shown in Figure 3–5. These circuits contain the 16- (optional) Manual Lock Out (MLO) switch.
character LED display, the green/red status LED, a

Figure 3–5. Block diagram of the MMI and DCI Logic

GEK–105548 Chapter 3 – Hardware Description

SPIO Logic
Figure 3–6 is the block diagram of the SPIO logic includes additional relay driver outputs and
module. The SPIO (single-pole input/output) isolated contact converter inputs to allow for.

Figure 3–6.SPIO Block diagram.

GEK–105548 Chapter 3 – Hardware Description

Magnetic Module
calibration information for the analog channels.
The magnetics module (MGM) contains the input
Figure 3–7 is a block diagram of the magnetics
current transformers and voltage transformers. The
MGM also contains an EEPROM with factory-stored
DLP model information. The EEPROM stores DC
voltage rating, AC current rating, and gain-

Figure 3–7. Block diagram of the Magnetics Module (MGM).

GEK–105548 Chapter 3 – Hardware Description

Analog Interface Logic

The analog interface logic (ANI) contains the anti- to store factory-set channel gains and offsets. Figure
aliasing filters, the multiplexing and control logic for 3–8 is a block diagram of the analog interface logic.
the analog-to-digital converter, and an EEPROM

Figure 3–8. Block diagram of the Analog Interface Logic (ANI).

GEK–105548 Chapter 3 – Hardware Description

Data-Acquisition Processor
The Data-Acquisition Processor (DAP), located on • Analog-to-digital interface
the processor board, contains one of the two 80C186 • IRIG-B interface
processors used in the DLP and the associated • Coincidence logic for zones 3 and 4
memory. The DAP performs the following functions:
• SCADA output
• Zone determination
Figure 3–9 is a block diagram of the data-acquisition
• Digital input logic
processor logic.
• Out-of-step logic
• Frequency tracking

Figure 3–9. Block diagram of the Data-Acquisition Processor (DAP).

GEK–105548 Chapter 3 – Hardware Description

Digital Signal Processor

The Digital Signal Processor (DSP), located on the The DSP also handles the coincidence logic for zones
input board, contains the TMS320C10 digital signal 1 and 2. The DSP also includes the isolated contact
processor chip and its required memory. The DSP is converters (digital inputs) and IRIG-B time-sync
responsible for most of the numerical calculations in input. Figure 3–10 is the block diagram of the digital
the DLP3. It performs the calculations to transform signal processor logic.
the digitized waveforms into phasor quantities.

Figure 3–10. Block diagram of the Digital Signal Processor (DSP).

GEK–105548 Chapter 3 – Hardware Description

System Processor
The system processor (SSP), located on the • Digital Output Logic
processor board, contains one of the two 80C186 • Fault Reporting
processors used for storage of user settings, and for
• MMI Control
storage of fault data and oscillography, and shared
memory for data transfer to other modules The • Power System Alarming
following functions are performed by the SSP: • Communications and Printer Control
• Scheme Logic Figure 3–11 contains the block diagram of the system
• Test Mode processor logic.
• Peripheral Protection Trip Logic

Figure 3–11. Block diagram of the System Processor (SSP).

GEK–105548 Chapter 3 – Hardware Description

Single-Pole Relay Logic

The Single-Pole Relay (SPRELAY), located on the
output board. The SPRELAY contains the additional
relays and SCRs used by the recloser.

Figure 3–12. Block diagram of the single-pole relay logic (SPRELAY).

GEK–105548 Chapter 3 – Hardware Description

Digital-To-Analog Module
The Digital-To-Analog logic (DTA), located on the Figure 3–13 is the block diagram of the digital-to-
processor board, contains an isolated analog output, analog logic. Figure 3–14 is a outline drawing of the
either voltage or current, proportional to the processor board, showing the SCADA–DTA switch
distance to the fault. It also contains four dry contacts that selects between current and voltage output.
that close to indicate the faulted phases.

Figure 3–13. Block diagram of the digital-to-analog logic (DTA).

GEK–105548 Chapter 3 – Hardware Description

Figure 3–14. Top view of processor board, showing current-voltage selector switch.

GEK–105548 Chapter 3 – Hardware Description

Relay Driver Logic

SCR’s) Figure 3–15 is a block diagram of the relay
The Relay Driver logic, located on the Output board,
driver logic.
contains the alarms, BFI, RI, RC, breaker close, key
transmitter, and phase “A” tripping contacts (or

Figure 3–15. Block diagram of the Relay Driver logic.

GEK–105548 Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests

T17 – Zone Ground Timer Tests

Warning: Completely power down the relay by T18 – Zone1 Phase Reach M1
disconnecting the control DC power and by removing
T19 – Zone2 Phase Reach MT
all voltage inputs to the rear terminals prior to
opening the unit. Dangerous high voltages may be T20 – Zone3 Phase Reach M3
present inside the unit even if the power switch is T21 – Zone4 Phase Reach M4
OFF. T22 – Zone Phase Timer Tests
T23 – Out of Step MOB
4–1 Overview Recloser Test
This section is a guide for testing the DLP3. These T24 – Recloser (if applicable)
tests are not necessary for incoming inspection. The
relay was tested at the factory with automated test Test Equipment
equipment. The DLP3 is controlled by self-checking
• A three-phase source of voltage and current at
software. If a system failure is detected, it is reported
rated frequency.
through the MMI.
• A DC Control voltage source.
The following tests include self-tests of the relay
• Three ac voltmeters.
status, display, and MMI. Tests of backup protection
functions, measuring units, and zone timers are also • Three ac ammeters.
included, and can be performed at the customer’s • A continuity tester or ohmmeter.
discretion. • An IBM PC-compatible computer with a serial
port and mouse.
General Relay Tests
• An RS232 null modem cable to connect the PC
T1 – MMI Status and Display Tests (Self Tests) to the DLP3.
T2 – Digital Output Tests • A precision timer for testing timed events.
T3 – Configurable Input and Output Tests
The specific equipment requirements are listed in
T4 – AC System Input Test the instructions for each and in the associated circuit
Measuring Unit Tests
The three-phase ac sinusoidal voltage must be
T5 – FD Fault Detector
balanced and undistorted. Similarly, the DC power
T6 – IT Trip Supervision Test should come from a “good” source with less than 5%
T7 – IB Blocking Supervision Test ripple. A good source is within the voltage range
T8 – Ground Directional Trip Test, IPT & NT listed in Chapter 7 – Specifications.
T9 – Ground Directional Block Test, IPB & NB Alternatively, a three-phase electronic test source
may be used. In many cases, these devices allow
Backup Protection Tests simplification of the test circuits.
T10 – Phase Instantaneous Overcurrent PH4
T11 – Ground Instantaneous Over-current IDT Drawings and References
T12 – Ground Time Over-current TOC The following drawings should be used for reference
during testing.
Zone Ground / Phase Reach and Timers
Tests Drawings
T13 – Zone1 Ground Reach M1G Elementary Diagram, Figure 1–6
T14 – Zone2 Ground Reach MTG Logic Diagrams, Figures 1–1, 1–2, 1–3, 1–4, 1–5
T15 – Zone3 Ground Reach M3G TOC curves, Figures 2–2, 2–3, 2–4
T16 – Zone4 Ground Reach M4G

Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests GEK–105548

References CAUTION: The RC contact will chatter when the unit

Chapter 9 – Software under test is near its threshold. Do not let it continue to
chatter. Remove the test current. A single contact
Default Relay Settings
closure is enough to determine that the unit picked
Equipment Grounding
All equipment used in testing the DLP3 relay should In tests that cause tripping, the trip target type
be connected to a common grounding point to may not match the type explained in the test
provide noise immunity. This includes the voltage procedure.. For example, if a Zone 1 ground
and current sources and the DLP3 itself. fault is being tested, Zone 2 may pick up and trip
the relay before the fault is in Zone 1's
The ground connection on the DLP3 is terminal C11.
characteristic. The target information will
The common for surge protection is terminal C12.
reflect the Zone 2 trip, not Zone 1. It is
NOTE: C12 should be connected to C11 with the important to keep that in mind during the tests.
factory installed jumper, or a wire 12 gage or larger. Use a continuity tester with high-input
(The separate surge ground is for High Pot testing impedance, such as a digital ohmmeter, to
purposes.) monitor the RC contact during relay testing.

NOTE: Tripping contacts will operate while the DLP3

Required Settings
is in test mode unless the outputs are disabled..
Most tests use the default settings. Any required
setting changes are listed with the test procedure. 2. Where appropriate, current levels are defined
For details on performing the relay test with user- with two numbers as xx(yy); xx is the value to be
specific settings during periodic testing, see Chapter 5 used for relays rated at 5 amperes and (yy) is the
– Periodic Tests. value to be used for 1-ampere relays.
3. One or more of the electronic current sources
General Instructions may not be used during a test. If the source is
not used, it must be set to zero, in addition to
1. Tests are performed in the DLP3’s test mode,
being disabled. Also, the currents should always
which mode allows viewing of the internal
be set at or near zero whenever a current source
measuring units and functions. The measuring
is powered on or off.
units and functions are actually internal to the
software. There are no individual hardware 4. The phase angles of the test sources are shown
modules that are responsible for the specific relative to phase A voltage. A positive phase
measuring functions. angle means that the referenced quantity is
The test mode selects and isolates various test leading phase A voltage. A negative phase angle
functions and measuring units, then routes their means that the referenced quantity is lagging
status to the RC (reclose cancel) contact. When phase A voltage.
the particular function under test has picked up, 5. All test voltages are phase-to-ground
the RC contact closes. Target information is measurements unless otherwise specified.
displayed for tests that cause tripping.
6. Entries at the keypad are shown as KEY, with the
Testing can be performed with outputs disabled.
label of the key to be pressed. For tests that
The RC contacts still close whenever a trip
require a setting change, the setting number is
condition exists, however the tripping contacts
shown in parentheses next to the setting. This is
do not operate. Disabling outputs can be
performed by pressing the SET key, the setting
accomplished from the ACTIONS menu.
number (nnnn), and ENT. The new setting may
then be entered.

GEK–105548 Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests

NOTE: Operation of Potential Transformer Fuse Chapter 8 – Interface for details on viewing the
Failure (PTFF) will cause the Critical Alarm to password. When the correct password is entered,
operate. SELECTED
is displayed.
7. When testing the relay using DLP-LINK
software, the only time that information will 4. Press the SET key. Press the 1/Y and ENT keys to
normally appear on the MMI display is after the select settings group 1.
relay has tripped. Relay status and test mode 5. Scroll with the arrow key until
information will not appear. Exceptions include
any error codes the relay may report such as
“742” after three unsuccessful login attempts. is displayed, then press the ENT key.
8. At the end of testing, make sure that all settings 6. Scroll through the Z1DIST settings until
are returned to their initial values. This can be Z1GR = #.#
done through the DLP-LINK by downloading appears on the display.
the settings and then printing them. Alternately
the ASCII Port may also be interrogated for the 7. Press 5.6 on the keypad. The inputs appear on
setpoints. If a PC is not available, scroll through the MMI display at half intensity, to indicate
all settings with the MMI Display and verify each that a change has been made but not yet
one. entered.
8. When the correct reach is entered, press the ENT
Setting Changes key. The typed inputs then appear on the MMI
Setting changes required for a particular test are display at full intensity. This indicates that the
listed before the test. A sample setting change using change is entered into the settings buffer, but
the MMI keypad is shown below. For models ending not permanently changed in the relay.
in NC, see Using DLP-LINK below. Refer to Chapter 8 9. To complete the setting change, press the END
– Interface for further details on making setting key followed by the ENT key. If the END and ENT
changes. keys are not pressed after setting changes, the
settings are not stored into memory.
Example Setting Change
10. Restore the Z1GR setting to its original value
This example illustrates changing the reach of the before beginning the test. You will have to enter
Zone 1 Ground Unit to 5.6 Ohms. the settings level password again.
1. Apply rated DC and wait for relay initialization
to complete, as indicated by the green LED on Entering Test Mode
the MMI. Before a test can be performed, the DLP3 must be
2. Press the ACT key. Scroll with the ↑ key until put in test mode and select the function to be tested.
The test mode is set as follows:
is displayed, then press the ENT key. 1. Apply rated DC and wait for relay initialization
to complete, as indicated by the green LED on
If this is the first time the Settings Level the MMI.
functions are used, the password has the factory
value “1234.”. The factory value of the Master 2. Press the ACT key. Scroll with the ↑ key until
Level password is “5678”. This password must ACT: ENTER PASSWORD
be changed before any setting functions can be is displayed, then press the ENT key.
accessed. See Chapter 8 – Interface for details on
changing the password. If this is the first time the Master Level functions
are used, the password has the factory value
3. Enter the current Settings or Master level “5678.”. This password must be changed before
password. If the password is not known, see any Control functions can be accessed. See

Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests GEK–105548

Chapter 8 – Interface for details on changing the Hardware Setup

The appropriate cable to connect the PC to the relay
3. Enter the current Master Level password. If the depends on the connection the PC requires and that
password is not known, see Chapter 8 – Interface of the DLP3. The DLP3 port PL-1 accepts a 25-pin
for details on viewing the password. When the male D-connector. Port COMM accepts a 9-pin male D-
correct password is entered, connector. The PC used may require a 9- or 25-pin
connector. Null modem cables are shown in Chapter 8
– Interface for connecting to the DLP3 with a 9-pin-to-
is displayed.
25-pin and a 25-pin-to-25-pin setup.
4. Press the ACT key. Scroll with the ↑ key until
PC Software Setup
is displayed, then press the ENT key. The software setup consists of loading the software
into the PC, starting the program, and configuring
5. Scroll through the different test mode functions the program to the port and baud rate of the PC and
or enter the number of the desired test, such as DLP3.
38 for the Fault Detector. Press ENT and the
display indicates Load & Start DLP-LINK
FAULT DETECTOR ON 1. Use the installation guide in Chapter 9 – Software
and the MMI LED turns red, indicating that the for directions for loading DLP-LINK into the
relay is in test mode. When the DLP3 picks up PC.
for the selected function it closes the RC
2. Change directories to the location of the DLP-
LINK program.
6. To exit test mode, press the ACT key. Scroll with
3. Start the program by typing DLP-LINK at the DOS
the arrow key until
ACT: Relay Test
is displayed, then press the ENT key. Scroll until Set the Local PC configuration.
the display indicates 1. When you start DLP-LINK the MAIN MENU is
or enter 1, then press the ENT key. The MMI 2. Select the SETUP heading. (Refer to Chapter 9 –
LED should return to green, indicating that Software for details on selecting items using the
normal operation has resumed. keyboard or a mouse.) The SETUP menu is now
Using DLP-LINK (Optional) 3. Select COMMUNICATION PORT NUMBER. The default
The relay can be tested without using the DLP3 communications port is displayed.
keypad via a PC and the program DLP-LINK. DLP- 4. Type in the port number that matches the PC
LINK is required to establish communications, port connected to the DLP3. If port 3 or 4 is
change the password, change settings for the tests, selected, the IRQ number must also be selected.
and place the unit into test mode. When the DLP3 is
in test mode, currents and voltages are applied to the 5. Select OK when the port is configured.
relay to simulate the desired system conditions. Set Up a Test Unit Description
This section contains a step-by-step procedure to test The next step is to create a new Unit Description
the relay, from setting up communications to the that matches the DLP3's baud rate, phone number,
application of the voltage and current inputs. You and switch code. Usually, the DLP3 is accessed
must be familiar with the DLP-LINK software. Refer locally during testing; therefore, the PHONE NUMBER
to Chapter 9 – Software for details on using DLP-LINK. and SWITCH CODE are left blank. The BAUD RATE is set

GEK–105548 Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests

to the factory setting of 2400 with one stop bit and Interface for details on displaying the current
no parity. password.
1. Select the ADD RELAY TO LIST heading from the 4. DLP-LINK prompts for the unit ID. Type 0 and
SETUP menu. press TAB.
2. When prompted for the UNIT DESCRIPTION, type 5. Select OK. DLP-LINK responds with the message,
TEST and select OK. A new unit description called
TEST is created and must now have parameters
If this was an initial login, you must log out at
set for it. The RELAY PARAMETERS menu appears
this point and log in again, in order to get a
complete display of all the DLP menus.
6. Select LOGOUT from the RELAY FUNCTIONS menu
3. At the PHONE NUMBER prompt, press TAB.
and select OK.
4. At the SWITCH CODE prompt, press TAB.
Setting Changes
5. At the BAUD RATE prompt, select 2400 and press
TAB. Setting changes required for a particular test are
listed before the test. A setting can be changed either
6. At the STOP BITS prompt, select 1 and press TAB. by category or individually, by selecting either
7. At the PARITY prompt, select None and press TAB. VIEW/CHANGE CATEGORY OF SETTINGS or VIEW/CHANGE
8. The Unit Description for TEST is complete. procedure for and example of how to change settings
Enter OK to return to the SETUP MENU. is provided in Chapter 9 – Software.
Relay Setup It is important to remember to select END SETTING
CHANGES from the DLP SETTINGS menu after all settings
Before shipment, the relay is set with factory default
changes for a particular test are complete. This is
settings. These include the Unit ID, the Baud Rate,
necessary because settings are stored in a buffer so
and the Factory Passwords. The default
that they can all be downloaded at once. Selecting
communications parameters are listed in Table 4–1.
END SETTINGS CHANGES changes the settings in the
relay itself.
Parameter Setting
Unit ID 0 Entering the Test Mode
View Password VIEW! Before most tests it is necessary to set the relay in test
Master Password CTRL! mode according to the function to be tested. The test
Settings Password SETT! mode is set as follows:
Baud Rate 2400 1. If logged in under the Settings access level,
Table 4–1. Factory-default communication parameters. select CHANGE ACCESS LEVEL from the RELAY
Logging Into the Relay 2. Enter the Master Level password. If the password
1. Select LOGIN from the RELAY FUNCTIONS menu. is not known, see Chapter 8 – Interface for details
on viewing the current password.
2. Select the relay login data for TEST just created.
DLP-LINK will prompt for a password. If this is 3. When the password is accepted,
the first login to the relay, the passwords are CONTROL LEVEL
those listed in Table 4–1 and must be changed
appears at the bottom of the screen.
before any of the relay functions except CHANGE
PASSWORD and LOGOUT will operate. See Chapter 9 Steps 1 - 3 need not be performed if the user is already
– Software for details on changing a password. logged in under the Master Access Level.

3. Type in the current password and press TAB. If 4. Select RELAY TEST MODE from the DLP ACTIONS

the password is not known, refer to Chapter 8 – menu. The RELAY TEST list box appears.

Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests GEK–105548

5. Select the test you wish to enter from the menu Status Check
and then select OK.
This test demonstrates the use of the MMI to check
6. The MMI LED changes from green to red when relay status. See Chapter 8 – Servicing for further
the DLP3 is in test mode. details.

Exiting the Test Mode 1. Only the DC power supply voltage is required
for this test. Apply the rated DC power and wait
To end test mode and turn relay protection on, select for initialization to complete, as indicated by
END TEST MODE from the RELAY TEST list box and then the green LED.
select OK. The MMI LED changes from red to green,
indicating that normal operation has resumed. 2. Press the INF key, then scroll with the ↑ or ↓ key
until the heading
Initial Test Setup INF: STATUS

Before beginning a test, the relay settings should be is displayed.

checked for reference and verification. The factory 3. Press the ENT key. The display should contain
settings are listed in Chapter 2 – Calculation of Settings.
You may use either the communications ports or
scroll through the settings to ensure they all match which means that the relay is operational and
the defaults. there are no errors.

For testing with DLP-LINK, the relay settings should 4. Change the setting of the trip circuit monitor
be uploaded from the DLP3 and printed for (#1504) to BKR1:
reference and verification. Verify that each DLP3 TRIPCIRC = 1
setting matches the default setting listed. If no Be sure to press the END and ENT keys after the
printer is available, use the VIEW/CHANGE CATEGORY OF setting is changed. When this is done, the relay
SETTINGS command for verification. expects wetting voltage across the trip contacts.
Once uploaded, the current DLP3 settings can be 5. Press the INF key, then scroll with the ↑ and ↓
saved to a disk file so that they can be reloaded back keys until the display contains
into the DLP3 when testing is completed. Use the
SETTINGS menu. DLP-LINK prompts for a name for 6. Press the ENT key. The display should contain
the file, after which you should enter a valid MS-DOS STATUS: WARN
filename. More information on how to use this
command can be found in Chapter 9 – Software. 7. Scroll with the arrow keys until the heading
is displayed. This verifies that the relay detected
4–2 General Relay Tests the absence of wetting voltage across the trip
T1 – MMI Status and Display Testing 8. Change the setting of the trip circuit monitor
The DLP3’s Status is reported through the MMI, the back to
noncritical alarm contact, and the critical alarm TRIPCIRC = 0
contact. If a system error causes relaying functions to before proceeding with the next test.
cease, the LED on the MMI turns red and the critical
alarm contact closes. A failure that does not Display and Keypad Tests
interrupt relaying is indicated by closing of the
noncritical alarm and by a WARN message on the The MMI test is built into the software and allows
MMI display. testing the keypad, and the display.
1. Apply rated DC power and wait for initialization
to complete, as indicated by the green LED.

GEK–105548 Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests

2. Press the ACT key, then scroll with the arrow Note: If this test is run remotely over the DLP-LINK,
keys until the display contains the heading, then jumper J1 must be removed to allow the outputs
ACT: MMI TEST to operate. Refer to section 8-3 for details on
removing jumper J1. Note that jumper J1 is shipped
3. Press the ENT key. The display should contain in the open postion to allow the outputs to operate.
eight fully lit rectangles followed by NEXT?.
1. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–1.
4. Press the 1/Y key followed by the ENT key. The
display changes to eight fully lit rectangles on 2. Enter the Control Level password.
the right of the display preceded by LED TST?. 3. Press the ACT key and then select
5. Press the 1/Y key followed by the ENT key. The DIG OUT TEST
green LED momentarily turns red. Press the ENT key.
6. Next the display prompts for the keyboard test 4. Select the output to test by using the ↑ or ↓ key
with to scroll to the desired output, such as TRIP1A,
KEYBRD TST? and press the ENT key.
7. Press the 1/Y key followed by the ENT key. Before the contact is allowed to close, the display
8. At this point the MMI is in the keyboard test. PROTECT OFF?
Press every key on the keypad, except for the
CLR key. As you press each key, verify that the Press the 1/Y key followed by the ENT key to turn
display indicates the key that was pressed. For protection off. Protection remains off until the
example, pressing the up arrow is indicated on test mode is ended. (If desired, protection can
the displayed by UP. The display corresponding be left enabled during the test.)
to the other keys is the legend that is on printed When the protection choice is chosen, the
the key itself. Note that when the DASH ( – ) key selected relay output closes. Verify that the
is pressed the display responds with SPARE. output under test has closed, using an
ohmmeter or other suitable device.
9. When all the keys have been checked, press the
CLR key. 5. After the output is tested, scroll to the next
output to test, then press the ENT key. This
10. When the test is completed, press the END
output closes and the previously selected output
followed by the ENT key. This ends the MMI test
opens. Continue in this fashion until all outputs
are tested.
T2 – Digital Output Test 6. End the test mode by scrolling to the
This test checks all outputs of the relay. It is a
convenient way to determine proper system selection, then press the ENT key. Alternatively,
connections and verify the operation of all relay press END followed by the ENT key to end the
contacts, without having to apply currents and test and re-enable protection.
voltages to simulate faults. Protection can be enabled
or disabled, as deemed necessary.

Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests GEK–105548

Figure 4–1. Digital output test connections (drawing #0357A3044, sh. 1).

GEK–105548 Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests

T3 – Configurable Input and Output INFORMATION – VALUES command, verify that

Test settings group 1 is selected.
The DLP3 includes three configurable inputs and six 5. Apply rated DC across CC5. Using the MMI and
configurable outputs, which provide great flexibility the INFORMATION – VALUES command, verify
in applying and testing the relay. that settings group 3 is selected.
The configurable inputs are set in modes of 6. Apply rated DC across CC5 and CC6. Using the
operation that determine how the inputs will be MMI and the INFORMATION – VALUES
used. In one mode, the input could be used to trigger command, verify that settings group 4 is
oscillography, while in another it could be used to selected.
control a configurable output. 7. Remove any input to CC5, and apply rated DC
The configurable outputs are set in a different across CC6. Using the MMI and the
manner. Each output can be set as a logical AND or a INFORMATION – VALUES command, verify that
logical OR of up to 8 of the 64 measuring units of the settings group 2 is selected.
relay. In the test case used below, the digital inputs 8. Change the following settings to place the inputs
are used as logic inputs to the configurable output. into MODE8 and configure the outputs. In
The configurable output contacts close when the MODE8, CC4, CC5, and CC6 are used as inputs to
input is energized. the configurable outputs.
Pretest Setup Settings:
To perform this test, first change the following
settings for MODE0 operation. In MODE0, CC4 is the (1701) CONCCI = 8 (MODE8)
RCVR2 input and CC5 and CC6 select the settings (1702) SETGRP = 1 (SET GROUP 1)
group used by the relay. SCHEMESEL
Settings: (1201) SELSCM = 1 (POTT)
(1701) CONCCI = 0 (MODE0) CONFIG
(1702) SETGRP = 0 (ADAPT SET GRP) (1503) NUMBKRS = 2
(1201) SELSCM = 1 (POTT) (1801) CONOUT1 = 1 (LOGICAL ‘OR’)
(1202) NUMRCVR = 2 (1802) CO1IN1 = 52 (CFG INP 3, CC6)
(1803-1809) = 0 (UNUSED)
(1503) NUMBKRS = 2
(1901) CONOUT2 = 1 (LOGICAL ‘OR’)
Test T3 Procedure (1902) CO2IN1 = 52 (CFG INP 3, CC6)
(1903-1909) = 0 (UNUSED)
The steps of test T3 are as follows:
1. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–2. (2001) CONOUT3 = 1 (LOGICAL ‘OR’)
2. Apply rated DC across CC4 (D5-D21). Using the (2002) CO3IN1 = 51 (CFG INP 2, CC5)
MMI and the INFORMATION – VALUES (2003-2009) = 0 (UNUSED)
command, verify that PLC #2 is ON. LNOVLDOUT
3. Remove DC from CC4. Using the MMI and the (2101) CONOUT4 = 1 (LOGICAL ‘OR’)
INFORMATION – VALUES command, verify that (2102) CO4IN1 = 51 (CFG INP 2, CC5)
PLC #2 is OFF. (2103-2109) = 0 (UNUSED)
4. Remove any inputs to CC5 (D6-D22), and CC6
(D7-D23). Using the MMI and the

Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests GEK–105548

Figure 4–2. Configurable input and output test connections (drawing #0357A3044, sh. 2).

GEK–105548 Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests

NONCRITOUT 20. Verify that the contacts in step 18 are now open.
(2201) CONOUT5 = 1 (LOGICAL ‘OR’)
T4 – AC System Input Test
(2202) CO5IN1 = 50 (CFG INP 1, CC4)
(2203-2209) = 0 (UNUSED) This initial test uses the VALUES function of the MMI
to determine that the voltages and currents are
applied to the proper connections on the terminal
(2301) CONOUT6 = 1 (LOGICAL ‘OR’)
strip. The VALUES function can be used at any time
(2302) CO6IN1 = 50 (CFG INP 1, CC4) during the test to verify that the relay has the correct
(2303-2309) = 0 (UNUSED) voltages and currents applied.
9. Apply rated DC across CC4, (D5-D21). 1. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–3.
10. Verify that the following contacts close: 2. Set VA to 67 Vrms 0°, VB to 57 Vrms –120°, and
VC to 47 Vrms 120°.
Output Contacts
CONOUT5 A6-A22 3. Press the INF key on the MMI. Scroll with the ↑
A13-A29 key to the heading,

11. Remove DC from CC4. then press the ENT key. The present values are
now selected.
12. Verify that the contacts in step 10 are now open.
4. With the ↑ and ↓ keys, scroll through the values
13. Apply rated DC across CC5 (D6-D22). of VA, VB, and VC and verify that the voltages
14. Verify that the following contacts close: are within ±2 volts of the voltage source setting.
This verifies the connections of the voltage
Output Contacts sources.
Note: Alternately, whenever the MMI display is
CONOUT4 A5-A21 blank, press the CLR key to automatically scroll
15. Remove DC from CC5. through all of the present values.
16. Verify that the contacts in step 14 are now open. 5. Set Iop to 1.0 amp rms for phases IA, IB, or IC,
as shown by the Y connection point in Figure 4–
17. Apply rated DC across CC6 (D7-D23). 3.
18. Verify that the following contacts close: 6. With the ↑ or ↓ key, scroll to the value of IA, IB,
Output Contacts
or IC depending on the Y connection. Verify
that the current reading is between 0.9 and 1.1
amps rms.
7. Reduce the test current to zero amps.
19. Remove DC from CC6.

Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests GEK–105548

Figure 4–3. Phase-to-ground test connections (drawing #0357A3044, sh. 3).

GEK–105548 Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests

5. Reduce Iop to 0.
4–3 Measuring Unit Tests
T7 – IB Blocking Supervision Test
CAUTION: The RC contacts will chatter when the unit
under test is near the threshold. Do not allow this to 1. Setting:
continue. Remove the test current. A single contact CURSUPVIS
closure is enough to determine that the unit picked (504) PUIB = 0.2(0.04) AMP
2. Connect the DLP3 as shown in Figure 4–3.
3. Set the relay into test mode 35 (IB Detector).
T5 – Fault Detector Test The MMI should display
The Fault Detector responds to sudden changes in IB DETECTOR ON
current levels. Slow changes are not picked up. 4. Set Iop to .30 (.06) A rms and apply to the relay.
1. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–3. The RC contacts should close. Lower Iop to .10
(.02) A rms, at which point the RC contacts
2. Set the relay into test mode 38 (the fault
should open.
detector). The MMI then displays
FAULT DETECTOR ON 5. Reduce Iop to 0.
Set : VA = 67 V rms 0°
T8 – Ground Directional Trip Test, IPT
VB = 67 V rms –120°
+ NT
VC = 67 V rms +120°.
1. Setting:
3. Slowly increase Iop to 1.2 (0.4) A rms, at CURSUPVIS
approximately 0.1 (0.01) A per second. Slowly
(501) PUIPT = 0.5(0.1) AMP
decrease the current to 0 A. The RC contacts
should not close. 2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–3.
4. Immediately increase Iop to 1.5 (0.3) A rms. 3. Set VA to 57 V rms 0°, VB to 67 V rms –120°, and
The RC contacts should close momentarily. VC to 67 V rms 120°.
5. Immediately increase Iop to 2.5 (0.5) A rms. 4. Set the relay into test mode 36 (Ground
The RC contact should close until current is Directional Trip). The MMI should display
removed. GRD DIR TRIP ON
6. Reduce Iop to 0. 5. Set IA, the current of Iop, to .70 (.14) A rms
–85°, and apply to the relay. The RC contacts
T6 – IT Trip Supervision Test should close. Lower Iop to .40 (.08) A rms, at
1. Setting: which point the RC contacts should open.
CURSUPVIS 6. Reduce Iop to 0.
(503) PUIT = 0.25(0.05) AMP
2. Connect the DLP3 as shown in Figure 4–3.
T9 – Ground Directional Block Test,
3. Set the relay into test mode 34 (IT Detector).
The MMI should display 1. Setting:
(502) PUIPB = 0.25(0.05) AMP
4. Set Iop to .40 (.08) A rms and apply to the relay.
The RC contacts should close. Lower Iop to .15 2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–3.
(.03) amp rms, at which point the RC contacts 3. Set VA to 55 V rms 0°, VB to 67 V rms ÷120°, and
should open. VC to 67 V rms 120°.

Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests GEK–105548

4. Set the relay into test mode 37 (Ground (.40) A rms, at which point the RC contacts
Directional Block). The MMI should display should open.
GRD DIR BLK ON 5. Reduce Iop to zero.
5. Set IA, the current of Iop, to .40 (.08) A rms 6. Restore the following settings
–265° and apply to the relay. The RC contacts OVERCUR
should close. Lower Iop to .15 (.03) A rms, and
the RC contacts should open.
(605) PUIDT = 10 (2.0) AMPS
6. Reduce Iop to 0.
T12 – Ground Time Overcurrent TOC
T10 – Phase Instantaneous Overcurrent PH4
1. Setting:
1. Setting: OVERCUR
(601) SELPH4 = YES (607) SELDTOC = NO (Direct. ctrl off.)
(602) PUPH4 = 5.0 (1.0) AMPS (608) PUTOC = 1.0 (0.2) AMPS
2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–5 for a (609) TDTOC = 5
phase AB, BC, or CA fault. 2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–4.
3. Set the relay into test mode 43 (Phase
Overcurrent). The MMI should display NOTE: Start the timer when Iop is applied, and stop
the timer when the RC closes (the relay trips).

4. Set Iop to 2.8 (.6) A rms and apply to the relay. 3. Set the relay into test mode 45 (TOC). The
The RC contacts should close. Lower Iop to 2.0 MMI displays
(.4) A rms, at which point the RC contacts
should open.
5. Reduce Iop to 0. 4. Apply Iop at 3.0 (0.6) A rms and start the timer.
Leave the current on until the RC contacts close
6. Retore the following setting and stop the timer. The TOC should time out
OVERCUR in 2.8 to 3.2 seconds.
(602) PUPH4 = 20 (4.0) AMPS 5. Reduce Iop to zero.
6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 with the values for Iop
T11 – Ground Instantaneous Overcurrent
from Table 4–2. Verify that the TOC times out
within the specified time.
1. Setting:
OVERCUR Iop, A rms TOC time out, s
(603) SELIDT = YES 3 2.8–3.2
(604) SELDIDT = NO (Directional ctrl off) 6 1.0–1.2
(605) PUIDT = 2.5 (0.5) AMPS 10 0.7–0.8

2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–3. Table 4–2. Values for Iop and TOC timeouts for repeating
3. Set the relay into test mode 44 (Ground T12.
Overcurrent). The MMI displays

4. Set Iop to 4.0 (.80) A rms and apply to the relay.

The RC contact should close. Lower Iop to 2.4

GEK–105548 Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests

Figure 4–4. Ground Reach Timer Test Connections (Drawing #0357A3044 Sh.-4)).

Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests GEK–105548

Figure 4–5. Phase-to-phase test connections (drawing #0357A3044, sh. 5).

GEK–105548 Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests

7. Restore the following setting
(201) SELZ2G = NO
(202) SELZ2P = NO
(608) PUTOC = Pretest setting
(301) SELZ3G = NO
(302) SELZ3P = NO
4–5 Zone Reach and Timer Tests Z4DIST
(401) SELZ4G = NO
General Zone Reach Testing Considerations (402) SELZ4P = NO
1. The Zone measuring units are checked in the 2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–3 for the
test mode of operation. The RC (reclose cancel) appropriate phase under test.
contact indicates when the unit has operated. It
is the only measure of whether the test passes or 3. Set the relay into test mode 14 (Any Zone1
fails. The MMI target information is used for Ground). The MMI displays
reference only since different test equipment ANY Z1 GRND ON
and test methods can alter the MMI output
4. Set the voltage inputs to the following values:
from what is shown.
VA: 67 volts rms 0°
The MMI output is shown for reference only; it
is not part of the test. The MMI output includes VB: 67 volts rms –120°
the displayed target information. VC: 67 volts rms –240°.
Set the fault current, Iop, to the phase angle
2. When a particular zone is under test, the other
listed in Table 4–3. (Increase VA, VB, and VC to
protection zones are disabled so that they do not
75 V when Iop = –79°)
time out and distort the results of the zone
under test.
I Degrees* Volts rms DIST**
The backup protection functions will cause the
relay to trip during zone testing, as they should. –49 56–63 —
They must be disabled to isolate the unit zone –79 65–73 82–88
reach under test. Before doing any of the reach –109 56–63 —
tests make the following setting changes: * For phase A only. For B and C, add phase shift 120° and
240° respectively
** Reference only.
(601) SELPH4 = NO
Table 4–3. Fault current phase settings for test T13.
(603) SELIDT = NO
(606) SELTOC = NO 5. Set the fault current, Iop, to 7.7 (1.54) A rms.
OUTOFSTEP Reduce the voltage of the faulted phase and
(803) SELOSB = 3 (BLKNONE) check that the RC contact closes when the
voltage is within the limits shown in Table 4–3.
NOTE: After the zone reach testing is completed, 6. Reduce the fault current to zero. Note that the
restore these settings to their pretest values. trip target indication concurs with the fault. An
AG fault is displayed as
T13 – Zone 1 Ground Reach Test, M1G TRIP: AG Z1 "DIST"

Ground Faults (AG, BG, and CG) 7. Repeat the test for phase BG and CG faults.
1. Setting:
(101) SELZ1G = YES
(102) SELZ1P = NO

Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests GEK–105548

T14 – Zone 2 Ground Reach, MTG 6. Reduce the fault current to zero. Note that the
Ground Faults (AG, BG, and CG) trip target indication concurs with the fault. An
AG fault is displayed as
1. Setting:
(101) SELZ1G = NO 7. Repeat the test for phase BG and CG faults.
(102) SELZ1P = NO
Z2DIST T15 – Zone 3 Ground Reach, M3G
(201) SELZ2G = YES Ground Faults (AG, BG, and CG)
(202) SELZ2P = NO 1. Setting:
(207) PUTL2P = 0.1 Z1DIST
(208) PUTL2G = 0.1 (101) SELZ1G = NO
Z3DIST (102) SELZ1P = NO
(301) SELZ3G = NO Z2DIST
(302) SELZ3P = NO (201) SELZ2G = NO
Z4DIST (202) SELZ2P = NO
(401) SELZ4G = NO Z3DIST
(402) SELZ4P = NO (301) SELZ3G = YES
2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–3 for the (302) SELZ3P = NO
appropriate phase under test. (305) PUTL3P = 0.1
(306) PUTL3G = 0.1
3. Set the relay to the ZONE 2 ground test mode
for the appropriate phase under test. The MMI Z4DIST
displays, for instance, (401) SELZ4G = NO
AG Test: ZONE 2 AG ON (402) SELZ4P = NO
BG Test: ZONE 2 BG ON 2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–3 for the
CG Test: ZONE 2 CG ON appropriate phase under test.
3. Set the relay to the ZONE 3 ground test mode
4. Set the voltage inputs to the following values:
for the appropriate phase under test. The MMI
VA: 67 volts rms 0°, displays, for instance:
VB: 67 volts rms –120°, ZONE 3 AG ON
VC: 67 volts rms –240°.
Set the fault current, Iop, to the phase-angle 4. Set the voltage inputs to the following values:
value listed in Table 4–4. (Increase VA, VB, and VA: 67 volts rms 0°,
VC to 75 V when Iop = –79°) VB: 67 volts rms –120°,
VC: 67 volts rms –240°.
I Degrees Volts rms DIST* Set the fault current, Iop, to the phase-angle
–49 56–63 — value listed in Table 4–5. (Increase VA, VB, and
–79 65–72 146–154 VC to 75V when Iop = – 79°.)
–109 56–63 —
* Reference only. I Degrees Volts rms DIST*
Table 4–4. Fault current phase settings for test T14. –49 57–64 —
–79 66–73 195–205
5. Set the fault current to 4.6 (0.9) amps rms. –109 57–64 —
Reduce the voltage of the faulted phase and * Reference only.
check that the RC contact closes when the Table 4–5. Fault current phase settings for test T15.
voltage is within the limits shown in Table 4–4.

GEK–105548 Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests

5. Set the fault current to 3.5 (0.7) amperes rms.

Reduce the voltage of the faulted phase and I Degrees Volts rms DIST*
check that the RC contact closes when the –49 56–63 —
voltage is within the limits shown in Table 4–5.
–79 65–72 290–310
6. Reduce the fault current to zero. Note that the –109 56–63 —
trip target indication concurs with the fault. An * Reference only.
AG fault will be displayed as follows: Table 4–6. Fault current phase settings for test T16.
5. Set the fault current to 2.3 (0.5) amperes rms.
7. Repeat the test for phase BG and CG faults.
Reduce the voltage of the faulted phase and
check that the RC contact closes when the
T16 - Zone 4 Ground Reach, M4G Ground voltage is within the limits shown in Table 4–6.
Faults (AG, BG, and CG)
6. Reduce the fault current to zero.
1. Setting:
7. Repeat the test for phase BG and CG faults.
(101) SELZ1G = NO
T17 – Ground (Zone Backup) Timer Tests
(102) SELZ1P = NO
Z2DIST 1. Setting:
(202) SELZ2P = NO (901) SELLPU = NO
(301) SELZ3G = NO (101) SELZ1G = NO
(302) SELZ3P = NO (102) SELZ1P = NO
(401) SELZ4G = YES (201) SELZ2G = YES
(402) SELZ4P = NO (202) SELZ2P = NO
(407) PUTL4P = 0.1 (207) PUTL2P = 1.0
(408) PUTL4G = 0.1 (208) PUTL2G = 1.0
2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–3 for the
appropriate phase under test. (301) SELZ3G = YES
(302) SELZ3P = NO
3. Set the relay to the ZONE 4 ground test mode
(305) PUTL3P = 3.0
for the appropriate phase under test. The MMI
displays, for instance: (306) PUTL3G = 3.0
(401) SELZ4G = YES
4. Set the voltage inputs to the following values: (402) SELZ4P = NO
VA: 67 volts rms 0°, (407) PUTL4P = 5.0
VB: 67 volts rms –120°, (408) PUTL4G = 5.0
VC: 67 volts rms –240°.
Set the fault current, Iop, to the phase-angle ZONE 2 Timer
value listed in Table 4–6. (Increase VA, VB, VC 2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–4 for the
to 75V when Iop = –79°.) appropriate phase under test.
3. Set the relay to test mode 15 (Zone 2 Timer).
The MMI displays:

Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests GEK–105548


4. Set the voltage inputs to the following values: 13. Setting:
VA: 55 volts rms 0°, Z3DIST
VB: 67 volts rms –120°, (301) SELZ3G = NO
VC: 67 volts rms –240°. (302) SELZ3P = NO
Set the fault current, Iop, to –55°. 14. Set the relay to test mode 17 (Zone 4 Timer).
5. Apply the fault current at 8.2 (1.6) amps rms to The MMI displays:
the relay and start the Precision Timer. (The Z4 GRND TIMER ON
fault current should not be ramped to 8.2 amps,
but should be applied at that level.) This is an 15. Apply the fault current at 8.2 (1.6) amps rms to
AG fault that is within pickup of all four zones. the relay and start the Precision Timer. (The
fault current should not be ramped to 8.2 amps,
6. Stop the timer when the RC contact closes, and but should be applied at that level.) This is an
reduce the fault current to zero. Verify that the AG fault that is within pickup of all four zones.
trip target indication shows a ZONE2 trip, such
as: AG Z2. This verifies that the second zone 16. Stop the timer when the RC contact closes, and
tripped. The time for the trip should be in the reduce the fault current to zero. Verify that the
range 0.9–1.1 seconds. trip target indication shows a ZONE4 trip, such
as: AG Z4. This verifies that the fourth zone
7. Leave the voltages at the values of step 4. tripped. The time for the trip should be in the
range 4.8–5.2 seconds.
ZONE3 Time Out
17. If not continuing with Phase Reach testing,
8. Setting: return all settings to their pretest values:
(201) SELZ2G = NO (101) SELZ1G = YES
(202) SELZ2P = NO (102) SELZ1P = YES
9. Set the relay to test mode 16 (Zone 3 Timer). (201) SELZ2G = YES
The MMI displays: (202) SELZ2P = YES

10. Apply the fault current at 8.2 (1.6) amps rms to (301) SELZ3G = YES
the relay and start the Precision Timer. (The (302) SELZ3P = YES
fault current should not be ramped to 8.2 amps, Z4DIST
but should be applied at that level.) This is an (401) SELZ4G = YES
AG fault that is within pickup of all four zones. (402) SELZ4P = YES
11. Stop the timer when the RC contact closes, and
reduce the fault current to zero. Verify that the
trip target indication shows a ZONE3 trip, such 4–6 Phase-to Phase Zone Reach
as: AG Z3. This verifies that the third zone Testing
tripped. The time for the trip should be in the
range 2.9–3.1 seconds. The following setting changes apply to all Phase-to-
Phase tests:
12. Leave the voltages at the values of step 4.
(601) SELPH4 = NO
(603) SELIDT = NO
(606) SELTOC = NO

GEK–105548 Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests

OUTOFSTEP 5. Reduce the fault current to zero. Note that the

(803) SELOSB = 2 (BLKNONE) trip target indication concurs with the fault. For
example, an AB fault is displayed as follows:
T18 – Zone1 Phase Reach, M1 Faults (AB, TRIP: AB Z1 "DIST"
BC, and CA) 6. Repeat the test for phase BC and CA faults.
1. Setting:
Z1DIST T19 – Zone 2 Phase Reach, MT Faults (AB,
(101) SELZ1G = NO BC, and CA)
(102) SELZ1P = YES 1. Setting:
(201) SELZ2G = NO (101) SELZ1G = NO
(202) SELZ2P = NO (102) SELZ1P = NO
(301) SELZ3G = NO (201) SELZ2G = NO
(302) SELZ3P = NO (202) SELZ2P = YES
Z4DIST (207) PUTL2P = 0.1
(401) SELZ4G = NO (208) PUTL2G = 0.1
(402) SELZ4P = NO Z3DIST
2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–5 for the (301) SELZ3G = NO
appropriate phases under test. Set the relay to (302) SELZ3P = NO
test mode 30 (ANY ZONE 1 Phase). The MMI Z4DIST
displays: (401) SELZ4G = NO
3. Set the voltage inputs to the following values: 2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–5 for the
VA: 67 volts rms 0°, appropriate phases under test. Set the relay to
VB: 67 volts rms –120°, the ZONE 2 Phase test mode for the appropriate
VC: 67 volts rms –240°. phase under test. The MMI displays, for
Set the fault current, Iop, to the phase-angle
value listed in Table 4–7. ZONE 2 AB ON

3. Set the voltage inputs to the following values:

I Degrees Volts rms DIST* VA: 67 volts rms 0°,
–25 51–57 — VB: 67 volts rms –120°,
–55 59–66 82–88 VC: 67 volts rms –240°.
–85 51–57 — Set the fault current, Iop, to the phase-angle
* Reference only. value listed in Table 4–8.
Table 4–7. Fault current phase settings for test T18.
I Degrees Volts rms DIST*
4. Set the fault current to 10.0 (2.0) amps rms.
–25 57–64 —
Simultaneously reduce the voltage of the faulted
phases and check that the RC contact closes –55 65–73 146–154
when the voltages are within the limits shown in –85 57–64 —
Table 4–7. * Reference only.
Table 4–8. Fault current phase settings for test T19.

Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests GEK–105548

4. Set the fault current to 6.7 (1.4) amps rms.

Simultaneously reduce the voltages of the I Degrees Volts rms DIST*
faulted phases and check that the RC contact –25 56–63 —
closes when the voltages are within the limits
–55 65–73 195–205
shown in Table 4–8.
–85 56–63 —
5. Reduce Iop of the faulted phase to zero. Note * Reference only.
that the trip target indication concurs with the Table 4–9. Fault current phase settings for test T20.
fault. For example, an AB fault is displayed as
follows: 4. Set the fault current to 5.0 (1.0) amperes rms.
TRIP: AB Z2 "DIST" Simultaneously reduce the voltages of the
faulted phases and check that the RC contact
6. Repeat the test for phase BC and CA faults.
closes when the voltages are within the limits
shown in Table 4–9.
T20 – Zone 3 Phase Reach, M3 Faults
5. Reduce the fault current to zero. Note that the
(AB, BC, and CA)
trip target indication concurs with the fault. For
1. Setting: example, an AB fault is displayed as:
(101) SELZ1G = NO
6. Repeat the test for phase BC and CA faults.
(102) SELZ1P = NO
T21 – Zone 4 Phase Reach, M4 Faults
(201) SELZ2G = NO (AB, BC, and CA)
(202) SELZ2P = NO
1. Setting:
(301) SELZ3G = NO
(101) SELZ1G = NO
(302) SELZ3P = YES
(102) SELZ1P = NO
(305) PUTL3P = 0.1
(306) PUTL3G = 0.1
(201) SELZ2G = NO
(401) SELZ4G = NO (202) SELZ2P = NO
(402) SELZ4P = NO
(301) SELZ3G = NO
2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–5 for the
(302) SELZ3P = NO
appropriate phase under test. Set the relay to
the ZONE 3 Phase test mode for the appropriate
phase under test. The MMI displays, for (401) SELZ4G = NO
instance: (402) SELZ4P = YES
ZONE 3 AB ON (407) PUTL4P = 0.1
(408) PUTL4G = 0.1
3. Set the voltage inputs to the following values:
VA: 67 volts rms 0°, 2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–5 for the
VB: 67 volts rms –120°, appropriate phase under test. Set the relay into
the ZONE 4 Phase test mode for the appropriate
VC: 67 volts rms –240°.
phase under test. The MMI displays, for
Set the fault current, Iop, to the phase-angle instance:
value listed in Table 4–9. Note that the leading ZONE 4 AB ON
phase angle is 180° out of phase with the line to
which it is shorted. (Increase VA, VB, and VC to 3. Set the voltage inputs to the following values:
75 V when Iop = –55°) VA: 67 volts rms 0°,

GEK–105548 Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests

VB: 67 volts rms –120°, (407) PUTL4P = 5.0

VC: 67 volts rms –240°. (408) PUTL4G = 5.0
Set the fault current, Iop, to the phase-angle
value listed in Table 4–10. (Increase VA, VB, ZONE2 Timer
and VC to 75 V when Iop = –55°) 2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–6 for an
AB fault.
I Degrees Volts rms DIST*
3. Set the relay to test mode 31 (Zone 2 Phase
–25 56–63 — Timer). The MMI displays
–55 64–72 290–310
–85 56–63 —
* Reference only. 4. Set the voltage inputs to the following values:
Table 4–10. Fault current phase settings for test T21. VA: 55 volts rms 0°,
VB: 55 volts rms –120°,
4. Set the fault current to 3.3 (0.7) amperes rms. VC: 67 volts rms –240°.
Simultaneously reduce the voltages of the Set the fault current, Iop, to –55°.
faulted phases and check that the RC contact
closes when the voltages are within the limits 5. Apply the fault current at 10.0 (2.0) amps rms to
shown in Table 4–10. the relay and start the Precision Timer. (The
fault current should not be ramped to 10.0
5. Reduce the fault current to zero. amps, but should be applied at that level.) This
6. Repeat the test for phase BC and CA faults. is an AB fault that is within pickup of all four
T22 – Phase (Zone Back-up) Timer Tests 6. Stop the timer when the RC contact closes, and
1. Setting: reduce the fault current to zero. Verify that the
trip target indication shows a ZONE2 trip, such
as: AB Z2. This verifies that the second zone
(101) SELZ1G = NO tripped. The time for the trip should be in the
(102) SELZ1P = NO range 0.9–1.1 seconds.
7. Leave the voltages at the values of step 4.
(201) SELZ2G = NO
(202) SELZ2P = YES ZONE3 Time Out
(207) PUTL2P = 1.0 8. Setting:
(208) PUTL2G = 1.0 Z2DIST
(201) SELZ2G = NO
(301) SELZ3G = NO (202) SELZ2P = NO
(302) SELZ3P = YES
(305) PUTL3P = 3.0 9. Set the relay to test mode 32 (Zone 3 Phase
Timer). The MMI displays
(306) PUTL3G = 3.0
(401) SELZ4G = NO 10. Apply the fault current at 10.0 (2.0) amps rms to
(402) SELZ4P = YES the relay and start the Precision Timer. (The
fault current should not be ramped to 10.0
amps, but should be applied at that level.) This
is an AB fault that is within pickup of all four
11. Stop the timer when the RC contact closes, and
reduce the fault current to zero. Verify that the

Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests GEK–105548

Figure 4–6. Phase-reach timer test connections (drawing #0357A3044, sh. 6).

GEK–105548 Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests

trip target indication shows a ZONE3 trip, such 4–7 MOB Testing
as: AB Z3. This verifies that the third zone
tripped. The time for the trip should be in the T23 – Out of Step Reach, MOB
range 2.9–3.1 seconds. 1. Setting:
12. Leave the voltages at the values in step 4. OUTOFSTEP
(801) SELPTZ = 0 (ZONE2)
ZONE4 Time Out (803) SELOSB = 0 (BLKALL)
13. Setting: Z1DIST
Z3DIST (101) SELZ1G = NO
(301) SELZ3G = NO (102) SELZ1P = NO
(302) SELZ3P = NO Z2DIST
(201) SELZ2G = NO
14. Set the relay to test mode 33 (Zone 4 Phase
Timer). The MMI displays the following: (202) SELZ2P = YES
(301) SELZ3G = NO
15. Apply a fault current of 10.0 (2.0) amps rms to (302) SELZ3P = NO
the relay and start the Precision Timer. The
fault current should not be ramped to 10.0
amps, but should be applied at that level. This is (401) SELZ4G = NO
an AG fault within pickup of all four zones. (402) SELZ4P = NO
16. Stop the timer when the RC contact closes, and 2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–5 for the
reduce the fault current to zero. Verify that the appropriate phase under test.
trip target indication shows a ZONE4 trip, such 3. Set the relay to test mode 40 (OUT OF STEP).
as: AB Z4. This verifies that the fourth zone The MMI displays the following:
tripped. The time for the trip should be in the
range 4.8–5.2 seconds.
4. Set the voltage inputs to the following values:
17. If not continuing with MOB testing, return all
settings to their pretest values: VA: 75 volts rms 0°,
Z1DIST VB: 75 volts rms –120°,
(101) SELZ1G = YES VC: 75 volts rms –240°.
(102) SELZ1P = YES Set the fault current, Iop, to the phase-angle
value listed in Table 4–11. Note that the leading
phase angle is 180° out of phase with the line to
(201) SELZ2G = YES
which it is shorted.
(202) SELZ2P = YES
I Degrees Volts rms
(301) SELZ3G = YES –85 62–72
(302) SELZ3P = YES –25 62–72
Table 4–11. Fault current phase settings for test T23.
(401) SELZ4G = YES
(402) SELZ4P = YES 5. Set the currents in the faulted phases to 6.3
(1.3) amperes rms. Reduce the voltages of the
faulted phases and check that the RC contact
closes when the voltages are within the limits
shown in Table 4–11.
6. Reduce the current in the faulted phase to zero.

Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests GEK–105548

7. Repeat the test for phases BC and CA

8. Return settings to their pretest values: Contact Terminals State
LINEPU Z1RR B10-B26 closed
(901) SELLPU = YES LOA B12-B28 closed
Z1DIST RIP B9-B25 open
(101) SELZ1G = YES Table 4–12. State of contacts with relay in LOCKOUT.
(102) SELZ1P = YES
Z2DIST 4. Remove voltage from the three 52b inputs so
that the DLP3 detects closed breakers.
(201) SELZ2G = YES
Momentarily apply rated DC voltage across the
(202) SELZ2P = YES RECLOSE RESET input (D14-D30), then release.
Z3DIST RECLOSE RESET bypasses the reset delay timer,
(302) SELZ3P = YES Verify that the contacts listed in Table 4–13 are
Z4DIST all open.
(401) SELZ4G = YES 5. This test verifies that Reclose Cancel prevents a
(402) SELZ4P = YES reclose from a single-pole reclose initiation and a
three-pole reclose initiation. Apply rated DC
voltage across the RECLOSE CANCEL input (D13-
4–8 Recloser Testing D29). While keeping the RC input energized,
momentarily apply rated DC voltage across the
The following tests should be performed if the relay RI input (D11-D27), then release.
includes the optional recloser. The tests are not
Verify that the recloser output contacts remain
intended to demonstrate all functions of the recloser
open. Remove the voltage from the RC input.
but to show that all inputs and outputs are
operational. 6. In this test, RECLOSE INITIATE is issued, followed
T24 – Recloser can time out.
Apply rated DC voltage across the RI input, then
1. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–7. Rated
release. RIP will close.
DC voltage is applied to the three 52b inputs so
that the DLP3 detects open breakers. Set the Apply rated DC voltage across the RECLOSE
Manual Lockout Switch to the OFF position. CANCEL input, before TPRDLY1 times out (2.55
seconds). RIP opens and Z1RR and LOA close.
2. Change the settings of the relay as follows. If the The recloser will have been sent immediately to
settings are already at these values, enter them LOCKOUT by the RC.
again. The test sequence is based on starting
from power up or settings initialization. 7. Momentarily apply rated DC voltage across the
RECLOSE RESET input, then release. All recloser
output signals will open.
(2403) TPRDLY1 = 2.55 SECONDS 8. This test verifies that RECLOSE INHIBIT prevents
a reclose.
(2408) RSTDLY = 2.55 SECONDS
Apply rated DC voltage across the RECLOSE
3. After the settings change the relay will go into INHIBIT input (D12-D28). While keeping the
LOCKOUT, since it detects open breakers. Verify RINH input energized, momentarily apply rated
the state of the following contacts shown in DC voltage across the RI input, then release.
Table 4–13.
Verify the state of the contacts listed in Table 4–
13. The recloser has returned to LOCKOUT due
to the RINH.

GEK–105548 Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests

After 5 seconds the BREAKER CLOSE contact

Contact Terminals State (A3-A19) will close and stay closed for 1 second
Z1RR B10-B26 closes after 2.55 (Dwell Time delay, DWELLTM). The recloser
sec will then return to LOCKOUT.
LOA B12-B28 closes after 2.55
RIP B9-B25 closes for 2.55 sec 4–9 End of Test
BC–1 A3-A19 open Make sure that the relay is no longer in test mode;
Table 4–13. State of contacts after RECLOSE INHIBIT. select END TEST MODE from the test mode menu.
Print out or scroll through all of the settings.
9. Remove the rated DC voltage from the RINH Compare them with the initial settings of the relay,
input. Momentarily apply rated DC voltage and change to initial values. If the initial settings were
across the RECLOSE RESET input, then release. saved to a disk file with DLP-LINK before testing,
All recloser output contacts will open. download the file to the relay.
10. Momentarily apply rated DC voltage across the
RI input, then release. Apply rated DC voltage
across the three 52b inputs. RIP will close.

Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests GEK–105548

Figure 4–7 Recloser test connections (drawing #0357A3044, sh. 7).

GEK–105548 Chapter 5 – Periodic Tests
WARNING: Completely power down the relay by T13 – Zone2 Ground Reach MTG
disconnecting the control DC power and by removing T14 – Zone3 Ground Reach M3G
all voltage inputs to the rear terminals prior to
T15 – Zone4 Ground Reach M4G
opening the unit. Dangerous high voltages may be
present inside the unit even if the power switch is T16 – Zone1 Phase Reach M1
OFF. T17 – Zone2 Phase Reach MT
T18 – Zone3 Phase Reach M3
T19 – Zone4 Phase Reach M4
5–1 DLP3 Periodic Testing
Drawings and References
This chapter contains formulas for the calculation of
The following drawings should be used for reference
pickup currents and voltages for testing the DLP3
during testing.
with settings specific to a particular application. The
test circuits and procedures are the same as used and Drawings
illustrated in Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests.
Elementary Diagram, Figure 1–6
The customer must determine the extent of the Logic Diagrams, Figures 1–1, 1–2, 1–3, 1–4, 1–5
testing to be performed. These tests are intended as
guides; they are not required for every periodic test TOC curves, Figures 2–2, 2–3, 2–4
of the relay. The desired test procedures can be
incorporated into the standard test procedures.
However, it is suggested that the relay's built-in self Chapter 9 – Software
tests be incorporated into the test procedures, since
they test the operational status of the unit. General Instructions
It is assumed in what follows that you are familiar Tests are performed in the DLP3’s test mode, which
with DLP3 testing. If not, refer to Chapter 4 – allows viewing of the internal measuring units and
Acceptance Test for details. functions. The measuring units and functions are
actually internal to the software. There are no
General Tests individual hardware modules that are responsible for
T1 – MMI Status Test (Built-In Self Tests) the specific measuring functions.
T2 – MMI Display Test (Built-In Self Tests) The test mode selects and isolates various test
T3 – Digital Output Test functions and measuring units, then routes their
T4 – AC System Input Test status to the RC (reclose cancel) contact. When the
particular function under test has picked up, the RC
Measuring Unit Tests contact closes. Target information is displayed for
tests that cause tripping.
T5 – IT Detector Test
T6 – IB Detector Test Testing can be performed with outputs disabled. The
RC contacts still close whenever a trip condition
T7 – Ground Directional Trip Test, IPT + NT
exists, however the tripping contacts do not operate.
T8 – Ground Directional Block Test, IPB + NB Disabling outputs can be accomplished from the
Backup Protection Tests
T9 – Phase Instantaneous Overcurrent PH4 CAUTION: The RC contact will chatter when the unit
T10 – Ground Instantaneous Over-current IDT under test is near its threshold. Do not let it continue to
chatter. Remove the test current. A single contact
T11 – Ground Time Over-current TOC
closure is enough to determine that the unit picked
Zone Ground/Phase Reach Measuring Units up.
T12 – Zone1 Ground Reach M1G

Chapter 5 – Periodic Tests GEK–105548

In tests that cause tripping, the trip target type may FAULT DETECTOR ON
not match the unit under test. For example, if a Zone and the MMI LED turns red, indicating that the
1 ground fault is being tested, Zone 2 may pick up relay is in test mode. When the DLP3 picks up
and trip the relay before the fault is in Zone 1's for the selected function it closes the RC
characteristic. The target information will reflect the contacts.
Zone 2 trip, not Zone 1. It is important to keep that in
mind during the tests. 6. To exit test mode, press the ACT key. Scroll with
the arrow key until
Use a continuity tester with high-input impedance, ACT: Relay Test
such as a digital ohmmeter, to monitor the RC
contact during relay testing. is displayed, then press the ENT key. Scroll until
the display indicates
NOTE: Tripping contacts will operate while the DLP3 END TST MODE?
is in test mode unless the outputs were disabled by or enter 1, then press the ENT key. The MMI
the user.. LED should return to green, indicating that
normal operation has resumed.
Entering Test Mode
Before a test can be performed, the DLP3 must be Using DLP-LINK (Optional)
put in test mode and select the function to be tested. The relay can be tested without using the DLP3
The test mode is set as follows: keypad via a PC and the program DLP-LINK. DLP-
1. Apply rated dc and wait for relay initialization to LINK is required to establish communications,
complete, as indicated by the green LED on the change the password, change settings for the tests,
MMI. and place the unit into test mode. When the DLP3 is
in test mode, currents and voltages are applied to the
2. Press the ACT key. Scroll with the ↑ key until relay to simulate the desired system conditions.
Follow the procedure in Chapter 4 – Acceptance Tests to
is displayed, then press the ENT key. test the relay with DLP-LINK.
If this is the first time the Control Level
functions are used, the password has the factory
value “5678.”. This password must be changed 5–2 General Relay Tests
before any Control functions can be accessed.
See Chapter 8 – Interface for details on changing T1 – MMI Relay Status
the password. The DLP3’s Status is reported through the MMI, the
3. Enter the current Control Level password. If the noncritical alarm contact, and the critical alarm
password is not known, see Chapter 8 – Interface contact. If a system error causes relaying functions to
for details on viewing the password. When the cease, the LED on the MMI turns red and the critical
correct password is entered, alarm contact closes. A failure that does not interrupt
relaying is indicated by closing of the noncritical
alarm and by a FAIL or WARN message on the MMI
is displayed. display.
4. Press the ACT key. Scroll with the ↑ key until If a STATUS error is detected, see Chapter 8 – Servicing
ACT: RELAY TEST for further information.
is displayed, then press the ENT key. 1. Apply rated dc power and wait for initialization
5. Scroll through the different test mode functions to complete, as indicated by the green LED.
or enter the number of the desired test, such as 2. Press the INF key, then scroll with the ↑ and ↓
38 for the Fault Detector. Press ENT and the keys until the heading
display indicates

GEK–105548 Chapter 5 – Periodic Tests
INF: STATUS connections and verify the operation of all relay
is displayed. contacts, without having to apply currents and
voltages to simulate faults. Protection can be enabled
3. Press the ENT key. The display should contain or disabled, as deemed necessary.
Note: If this test is run remotely over the DLP-LINK,
which means that the relay is operational and then jumper J1 must be removed to allow the outputs
there are no errors. to operate. Refer to section 8-3 for details on
removing jumper J1. Note that jumper J1 is shipped
T2 – MMI Display Test from the factory in the open position allowing the
The MMI test is built into the software and tests the outputs to operate.
keypad, and the display. 1. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–1.
1. Apply rated dc power and wait for initialization 2. Enter the Control Level password.
to complete, as indicated by the green LED.
3. Press the ACT key and then select
2. Press the ACT key, then scroll with the ↑ and ↓ DIG OUT TEST
keys until the display contains
Press the ENT key.
4. Select the output to test by using the ↑ or ↓ key
3. Press the ENT key. The display should contain to scroll to the desired output, such as TRIP1A,
eight fully lit rectangles followed by NEXT? and press the ENT key.
4. Press the 1/Y key followed by the ENT key. The Before the contact is allowed to close, the display
display changes to eight fully lit rectangles on prompts
the right of the display, preceded by LED TST? PROTECT OFF?
5. Press the 1/Y key followed by the ENT key. The Press the 1/Y key followed by the ENT key to turn
green LED turns red momentarily. protection off. Protection remains off until the
6. The display next prompts for the keyboard test test mode is ended. (If desired, protection can
with be left enabled during the test.)
KEYBRD TST? When the protection choice is chosen, the
selected relay output closes. Verify that the
7. Press the 1/Y key followed by the ENT key. output under test has closed, using an
8. At this point the MMI is in the keyboard test. ohmmeter or other suitable device.
Press every key on the keypad, except for the 5. After the output is tested, scroll to the next
CLR key. As you press each key, verify that the output to test, then press the ENT key. This
display indicates the key that was pressed. For output closes and the previously selected output
example, after ↑ is pressed the display contains opens. Continue in this fashion until all outputs
UP. The other keys produce a display to match are tested.
the description of the key.
6. End the test mode by scrolling to the
9. When all the keys have been checked, press the END TEST MODE
CLR key.
selection, then press the ENT key. Alternatively,
10. When the test is complete, press the END key press END followed by the ENT key to end the
followed by the ENT key. This ends the MMI test test and re-enable protection.
T4 – AC System Input Test
T3 – Digital Output Test
This test uses the VALUES function of the MMI to
This test is used to check all outputs of the relay. It is observe the voltage and current levels applied to the
a convenient way to determine proper system relay.

Chapter 5 – Periodic Tests GEK–105548

1. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–3. 3. Set the relay into test mode 34 (IT Detector).
The MMI display contains
2. Set the voltage inputs to the following values:
VA: 67 Vrms 0°
VB: 57 Vrms –120° 4. Set the level of Iop to IT + 0.1 = [_________] amps
VC: 47 Vrms 120° rms and apply to the relay. The RC contact
should close. Lower Iop to IT – 0.1 = [_________]
3. Press the INF key on the MMI. Scroll with the ↑ amps rms; the RC contact should open.
and ↓ keys to the heading,
INF: VALUES 5. Reduce Iop to zero.

then press the ENT key. The present values are

now selected.
T6 – IB Blocking Supervision Test
1. Setting:
4. With the ↑ and ↓ keys, scroll through the values
of VA, VB, and VC and verify that the voltages are CURSUPVIS
within ±2 volts of the voltage source setting. (0504) PUIB = [_________] amps,
5. Apply Iop at 1.0 amps rms to the Y test point for where IT is set as follows:
the current under test. IT = IA, IB, or IC. (1)
6. With the ↑ or ↓ key, scroll to the value of IA, IB, The test current, Iop, is single-phase and is
or IC. Verify that the current reading is within applied to IA. Thus, the DLP3 should pick up
5% of the input current. when Iop is equal to IB.
7. Reduce the test current to zero amps. 2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–3.
3. Set the relay into test mode 35 (IB Detector).
The MMI display contains
5–3 Measuring Unit Tests

CAUTION: The RC contact will chatter when the unit 4. Set the level of Iop to IB + 0.1 = [_________]
under test is near its threshold. Do not allow this to amps rms and apply to the relay. The RC
continue. Remove the test current. A single contact contact should close. Lower Iop to IB – 0.1 =
closure is enough to determine that the unit has [_________] amps rms; the RC contact should
picked up. open.
5. Reduce Iop to zero.
At the start of each test is an area to record your
specific setting for the function under test.
T7 – Ground Directional Trip Test, IPT
+ NT
T5 – IT Trip Supervision Test
1. Setting:
1. Setting:
(0501) PUIPT = [_________] amps,
(0503) PUIT = [_________] amps,
The IPT operating quantity is given by
where IT is set as follows:
3·|I0| – 3·KT·|I1| , (3)
IT = IA, IB, or IC. (1)
where I0 is equal to the Zero-Sequence Current;
The test current, Iop, is single-phase and is I1 is equal to the Positive-Sequence Current; and
applied to IA. Thus, the DLP3 should pick up KT is equal to 0.3 for Blocking and Hybrid
when Iop is equal to IT. schemes or 0 for POTT and PUTT schemes.
2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–3. Since the test current, Iop, is single-phase, I0 and
I1 are given by

GEK–105548 Chapter 5 – Periodic Tests
I0 = Iop/3 , (4) Substituting Equations 8 and 9 into Equation 7
and assuming a Blocking or Hybrid scheme
I1 = Iop/3 . (5)
Substituting Equations 4 and 5 into Equation 3
and assuming a Blocking or Hybrid scheme PUIPT= Iop - 0.066·Iop (10)
yields = 0.934 Iop.
PUIPT= Iop – 0.1 Iop (6) Therefore IPT will pick up when Iop >
= 0.9 Iop.
Therefore IPT will pick up when Iop > 2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–1.
PUIPT/0.9. 3. Set the voltage inputs to the following values:
2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–1. VA: 57 V rms 0°
3. Set the voltage inputs to the following values: VB: 67 V rms –120°
VC: 67 V rms 120°.
VA: 57 V rms 0°
VB: 67 V rms –120° 4. Set the relay into test mode 37 (Ground
VC: 67 V rms 120° Directional Block). The MMI should display
4. Set the relay into test mode 36 (Ground
Directional Trip). The MMI should display 5. Set the current of Iop to (PUIPB/0.934) + 0.1 =
GRD DIR TRIP ON [_________] amps rms at ∠ POSANG + 180 °and
apply to the relay. The RC contact should close.
5. Set the current of Iop to (PUIPT/0.9) + 0.10 = Lower Iop to (PUIPB/0.934) – 0.1 = [_________]
[_________] amps rms at ∠ POSANG lagging amps rms; the RC contact should open.
and apply to the relay. The RC contact should
close. Lower Iop to (PUIPT/0.9) – 0.1 = 6. Reduce Iop to zero.
[_________] amps rms; the RC contact should
6. Reduce Iop to zero.
5–4 Backup Protection Tests
T9 – Phase Instantaneous
T8 – Ground Directional Block Test, Overcurrent PH4
IPB + NB 1. Setting:
1. Setting:
(0502) PUIPB = [_________] amps, (0602) PUPH4 = [_________] amps,
The IPT operating quantity is given by PH4 is calculated with the following equation:
3·|I0| – 3·KB·|I1| , (7) PH4 = (IA – IB) or (IB – IC) or (IC – IA) ,(11)
where I0 is equal to the zero-sequence current; I1 where PH4 is the difference in phase-to-phase
is equal to the positive-sequence current; and KB current.
is equal to 0.066 for Blocking and Hybrid The test current, Iop, is connected to one phase
schemes or 0 for POTT and PUTT schemes. and returned through another to simulate a
Since the test current, Iop, is single-phase, I0 and phase-to-phase fault. When an AB fault is
I1 are given by applied, the difference (IA – IB) equals (Iop – (–
I0 = Iop/3 (8) Iop)) = 2 Iop. Therefore PH4 will pick up when
Iop = .5 PH4
2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–5, for a
I1 = Iop/3 (9)
phase AB, BC, or CA fault.

Chapter 5 – Periodic Tests GEK–105548

3. Set the relay into test mode 43 (Phase 5. Reduce Iop to zero.
Overcurrent). The MMI should display
6. Change the setting of SELDIDT back to YES to
INST PHS OVRC ON restore directional control, if required.
4. Set Iop = .5·PH4 + 0.05·PH4 = [________] amps
rms and apply to the relay. The RC contact T11 – Ground Time Overcurrent TOC
should close. Lower Iop to .5·PH4 – (0.05·PH4) = 1. Setting:
[________] amps rms; the RC contact should
(0606) SELTOC = YES
5. Reduce Iop to zero.
(0607) SELDTOC = NO
(0608) PUTOC = [_________] amps,
T10 – Ground Instantaneous Overcurrent
IDT (0609) TDTOC = [________] Time dial,
(0611) SELCURV = [________] Curve,
1. Setting:
OVERCUR TOC is calculated with the equation
(0603) SELIDT = YES
TOC = 3·I0 , (16)
(0604) SELDID = NO
(0605) PUIDT =[_________] amps where I0 is equal to the zero-sequence current.
Since Iop is single-phase, I0 is given by
(0612) KDCONST = [_________](0 or 0.3)
Iop/3 = I0. (17)
The IDT operating quantityis
Substituting Equation 17 into Equation 16
IDT = 3(I0) – 3(KDCONST)(I1) , (12) yields
where I0 is the zero-sequence current and I1 is
Iop = TOC . (18)
the positive-sequence current. Since the test
current, Iop, is single-phase, I0 and I1 are given Therefore, TOC will pick up when Iop > TOC. The
by time it takes for TOC to pick up is determined by
I0 = Iop/3 (13) the time-dial curve in Chapter 2 – Calculation of
I1 = Iop/3 (14)
CAUTION: If the test current exceeds 2 In (In is the
Substituting Equations 13 and 14 into 12 yields rated current), then the current test should be
IDT = Iop – (KDCONST)(Iop) (15) applied with a 50% duty cycle. For instance, if
current is applied for 5 minutes, it should be left off
The IDT balance point occurs when: for 5 minutes before it is reapplied.
Iop = PUIDT / (1 - KDCONST) 2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–5.
2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–3.
NOTE: Start the timer when Iop is applied and stop
3. Set the relay into test mode 44 (Ground the timer when the RC closes (the relay trips).
Overcurrent). The MMI will display
INST GND OVRC ON 3. Set the relay into test mode 45 (TOC). The MMI
4. Set Iop to
[PUIDT/(1 - KDCONST)] + 0.5 = [________]
4. Apply Iop at 2·TOC = [________] amps rms and
amps rms and apply to the relay. The RC contact
start the timer. Leave the current on until the
should close. RC contact closes, then stop the timer. The time
Lower Iop to should be within ±7% of the value found on the
[PUIDT/(1 - KDCONST)] – 0.5 = [________] DLP3 time-dial curve in use.
amps rms; the RC contact should open. 5. Reduce Iop to zero.

GEK–105548 Chapter 5 – Periodic Tests

6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for Iop at 6·TOC = NOTE: The pickup voltage calculations at a
[________] and 10·TOC = [________]. particular magnitude and phase of IT are referenced
7. Change the setting of SELDTOC back to YES if to the faulted phase under test. For instance, if a BG
directional control of TOC is required. Fault was applied, the current angles would be with
respect to the phase angle of VB.

5–5 Zone Reach Tests The nominal pickup voltage is given by

VNOM = [Z·ZR·IT/cos(90 – øT)]
General Considerations ·cos(øI – øZ – øT + 90) (19)
Testing the reach of the relay requires a few for (øZ + øT – 180) < øI < øZ, or
organized steps, as follows:
VNOM = [Z·ZR·IT/cos(90 – øT)]
1. Choosing a test current (IT) for the impedance ·cos(øI – øZ + øT – 90) (20)
of the reach.
for øZ < øI < (øZ – øT + 180).
2. Calculating the voltage range in which the unit
will pick up. Definitions
3. Applying the test voltage and currents in Z = Impedance correction factor.
accordance with the test procedure. ZR = Relay reach for Z1G, Z2G, Z3G, or Z4G.
Equations are given for calculating the pickup øZ = Angle of maximum reach.
voltage for a chosen current magnitude and phase. If IT = Test current for Iop, chosen for the
you wish to test the complete characteristic, the zone.
software program, DLPTEST, can be used to
øT = Characteristic timer of the zone.
generate test currents and voltage pickups for the
complete characteristic. DLPTEST is included in the øI = Test current angle with respect to the
plastic pocket at the back of this book. faulted phase.
K0 = Zero-sequence compensation factor of
Zone 1–4 Phase-to-Ground Calculations the zone.
POSANG = Positive-sequence angle of maximum
This section describes how to determine the test
currents and voltages for Z1G, Z2G, Z3G and Z4G. The
same procedure is used for each zone to determine ZERANG = Zero-sequence angle of maximum
the test values. The procedure is as follows: reach.
• Choose a test current. Settings and Calculations
• Calculate the impedance of the zone.
1. Record the following relay settings:
• Calculate the operate voltage at the test current
(1401), POSANG = [________]
and impedance.
(1402), ZERANG = [________]
The test current, IT, is determined from Table 5–1. (0104), Z1GR = [________] (Zone 1)
The value of IT is chosen according to the reach of
(0204), Z2GR = [________] (Zone 2)
the zone. The nominal pickup voltage, VNOM, is
calculated with respect to IT and to several settings of (0304), Z3GR = [________] (Zone 3)
the relay. (0404), Z4GR = [________] (Zone 4)
Z1GANG = 90 (fixed for Zone1)
(0210), Z2GANG = [________] (Zone 2)
(0308), Z3GANG = [________] (Zone 3)
(0410), Z4GANG = [________] (Zone 4)
(0107), Z1K0 = [________] (Zone 1 only)
(1404), K0 = [________] (Zones 2, 3, and 4)

Chapter 5 – Periodic Tests GEK–105548

2. Determine the test current, IT, for Zone 1, Zone The settings are
2, Zone 3, and Zone 4 from Table 5–1. • øZ1 = [________]° (impedance angle of
• IT(Z1GR) = [________] Amps rms Zone 1)
• IT(Z2GR) = [________] Amps rms • øZn = [________]° (impedance angle of
• IT(Z3GR) = [________] Amps rms Zones 2, 3, and 4)
• IT(Z4GR) = [________] Amps rms 5. Choose the IT test angle (øI) for the zone:
• øI1 = [________]° (Zone 1)
ZR Reach ZR Reach • øI2 = {________]° (Zone 2)
(In = 5 A) IT, A (In = 1 A) IT, A
• øI3 = [________]° (Zone 3)
0.1 – 2.5 10 0.5 – 12.5 2
• øI4 = [________]° (Zone 4)
2.5 – 6.0 7 12.5 – 30.0 1.4
6.0 – 12.0 3.5 30.0 – 60.0 0.7 6. Calculate VNOM for each zone by substituting
12.0 – 20.0 2.1 60.0 – 100.0 0.4 the values of ZR, Z, øZ, and øI into Equation 19
or 20.
20.0 – 30.0 1.4 100.0 – 150.0 0.3
• VNOM1 = [________] Volts rms (nominal
30.0 – 40.0 0.8 150.0 – 200.0 0.2
test voltage Zone 1)
40.0 – 50.0 1.0 200.0 – 250.0 0.2
• VNOM2 = [________] Volts rms (nominal
Table 5–1. Test current ranges for phase-to-ground reach. test voltage Zone 2)
• VNOM3 = [________] Volts rms (nominal
3. Calculate the impedance, Z, for each zone, test voltage Zone 3)
where Z equals the magnitude of the expression,
• VNOM4 = [________] Volts rms (nominal
(2/3)/(POSANG) + (K0/3)/(ZERANG). test voltage Zone 4)
The real and imaginary components of Z are
given by NOTE: If Zone 4 is reversed, #0411 SEL4ZD = 1,
remember to add 180° to both the test angle, øI4, and
Z(real) = (2/3) cos(POSANG) the impedance angle, øZ4.
+ (K0/3) cos(ZERANG) (21)
= [________] T12 – Zone 1 Ground Reach Test,
and M1G Ground Faults (AG, BG, and CG)
Z(imag) = (2/3) sin(POSANG) 1. Setting:
+ (K0/3) sin(ZERANG) (22)
= [________] . (0101) SELZ1G = YES
The magnitude is then given by (0102) SELZ1P = NO
Z = [Z(real)2+ Z(imag)2] , (23) (0104) Z1GR = [_________] ohms,
so the settings are VNOM1 = [_________] V,
• Z1 = [________] (Zone 1magnitude) IT = [_________] A,
• Zn = [________] (magnitude of Zones 2, 3, øI1 = [_________]°,
and 4) 2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–3 for the
4. Calculate the impedance angle, øZ, for each appropriate phase under test.
zone, where øZ is the phase angle of the 3. Set the relay into test mode 14 (Any Zone1
expression, Ground). The MMI displays
and is given by 4. Set the voltage inputs to the following values:
øZ = arctan [Z(imag)/Z(real)]. (24) VA: 67 volts rms 0°

GEK–105548 Chapter 5 – Periodic Tests
VB: 67 volts rms –120° T14 – Zone 3 Ground Reach, M3G
VC: 67 volts rms –240°. Ground Faults (AG, BG, and CG)
Set the fault current, Iop, phase angle to øI = 1. Setting:
[________], lagging.
5. Set the fault current, Iop, to IT = [________] (0301) SELZ3G = YES
amps rms. Reduce the voltage of the faulted
(0302) SELZ3P = NO
phase and check that the RC contact closes when
the voltage is within 7% of VNOM. (0304) Z3GR = [_________] ohms,
VNOM3 = [_________] V,
6. Reduce the fault current to zero.
IT = [_________] A,
7. Return the Zone 1 phase, SELZ1P, to your øI3 = [_________]°,
specific setting.
2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–3 for the
appropriate phase under test.
T13 – Zone 2 Ground Reach, MTG
Ground Faults (AG, BG, and CG) 3. Set the relay to the Zone 3 ground test mode for
the appropriate phase under test. The MMI
1. Setting: displays, for instance:
(0201) SELZ2G = YES
4. Set the voltage inputs to the following values:
(0202) SELZ2P = NO
VA: 67 volts rms 0°,
(0204) Z2GR = [_________] ohms,
VB: 67 volts rms –120°,
VNOM2 = [_________] V,
VC: 67 volts rms –240°.
IT = [_________] A,
Set the fault current, Iop, phase angle to øI =
øI2 = [_________]°,
[________], lagging.
2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–3 for the
5. Set the fault current to IT = [________] amps
appropriate phase under test.
rms. Reduce the voltage of the faulted phase
3. Set the relay to the Zone 2 ground test mode for and check that the RC contact closes when the
the appropriate phase under test. The MMI voltage is within 7% of VNOM.
displays, for instance,
7. Reduce the fault current to zero.
8. Return Zone 3 phase, SELZ3P, to your specific
4. Set the voltage inputs to the following values: setting.
VA: 67 volts rms 0°,
VB: 67 volts rms –120°, T15 – Zone 4 Ground Reach, M4G
VC: 67 volts rms –240°. Ground Faults (AG, BG, and CG)
Set the fault current, Iop, phase angle to øI = 1. Setting:
[________], lagging.
5. Set the fault current to IT = [________] amps (0401) SELZ4G = YES
rms. Reduce the voltage of the faulted phase
(0402) SELZ4P = NO
and check that the RC contact closes when the
voltage is within 7% of VNOM. (0404) Z4GR = [_________] ohms,
VNOM4 = [_________] V,
6. Reduce the fault current to zero.
IT = [_________] A,
7. Return Zone 2 phase, SELZ2P, to your specific øI4 = [_________]°,
2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–3 for the
appropriate phase under test.

Chapter 5 – Periodic Tests GEK–105548

3. Set the relay to the Zone 4 ground test mode for Definitions
the appropriate phase under test. The MMI ZR = relay reach for Z1P, Z2P, Z3P, or Z4P.
displays, for instance:
øZ = Angle of maximum reach.
IT = Test current for Iop, chosen for the
4. Set the voltage inputs to the following values: zone.
VA: 67 volts rms 0°, øT = Characteristic timer of the zone.
VB: 67 volts rms –120°, øI = Test current angle with respect to the
VC: 67 volts rms –240°. faulted phase.
Set the fault current, Iop, phase angle to øI = POSANG = Positive-sequence angle of maximum
[________], lagging. reach.
5. Set the fault current to IT = [________] amps Settings and Calculations
rms. Reduce the voltage of the faulted phase
and check that the RC contact closes when the 1. Record the following relay settings:
voltage is within 7% of VNOM. (1401), POSANG = [________]
6. Reduce the fault current to zero. (0103), Z1R = [________] (Zone 1)
(0203), Z2R = [________] (Zone 2)
7. Return Zone 4 phase, SELZ4P, to your specific
(0303), Z3R = [________] (Zone 3)
(0403), Z4R = [________] (Zone 4)
Z1PANG = 90 (fixed for Zone 1)
Zone 1–4 Phase-to-Phase Reach
Calculations (0209), Z2PANG = [________] (Zone 2)
(0307), Z3PANG = [________] (Zone 3)
This section describes how to determine the test
• #0409, Z4PANG = [________] (Zone 4)
currents and voltages for Z1P, Z2P, Z3P, and Z4P. The
same procedure is used for each zone to determine 2. Determine the test current, IT,, for Zone 1, Zone
the test values. 2, Zone 3, and Zone 4 from Table 5–2.
The test current, IT, is determined from Table 5–2. • IT(Z1R) = [________] Amps rms
The value of IT is chosen according to the value of • IT(Z2R) = [________] Amps rms
the reach of the zone. The nominal pickup voltage, • IT(Z3R) = [________] Amps rms
VNOM, is calculated with respect to IT and to several • IT(Z4R) = [________] Amps rms
settings of the relay.
VNOM calculations are referenced to the leading ZG Reach ZG Reach
phase-to-ground faulted voltage. When an AB fault is (In = 5 A) IT, A (In = 1 A) IT, A
applied, the current angle is with respect to the 0.1 – 2.5 10 0.5 – 12.5 2
phase angle of VA, not the phase-to-phase voltage. 2.5 – 6.0 8 12.5 – 30.0 2
That is why the 1.732 (square root of three) factor 6.0 – 12.0 5 30.0 – 60.0 1
and the added angle of 30° are included in Equations 12.0 – 20.0 3 60.0 – 100.0 0.6
25 and 26. 20.0 – 30.0 2 100.0 – 150.0 0.4
The nominal pickup voltage is given by 30.0 – 40.0 1.5 150.0 – 200.0 0.3
VNOM = [(2/1.732)·ZR·IT/cos(90 – øT)] 40.0 – 50.0 1.0 200.0 – 250.0 0.2
·cos((øI + 30) – øZ – øT + 90) (25) Table 5–2. Test current ranges for phase-to-phase reach.
for (øZ + øT – 180) < øI < øZ, or
3. Choose øI (the IT angle). VNOM is at maximum
VNOM = [(2/1.732)·ZR·IT/cos(90 – øT)] when øI = øZ – 30.
·cos((øI + 30) – øZ + øT – 90) (26) • øI1 = [________]° (Zone 1)
for øZ < øI < (øZ – øT + 180). • øI2 = [________]° (Zone 2)

GEK–105548 Chapter 5 – Periodic Tests
• øI3 = [________]° (Zone 3) angle is 180° out of phase with the line it is
• øI4 = [________]° (Zone 4) shorted to.
4. Calculate VNOM for each zone by substituting 5. Set the fault current to IT = [________] amps
the values of ZR, øZ (POSANG), IT, and øI into rms. Simultaneously reduce the voltage of the
Equations 25 and 26 for VNOM according to faulted phases and check that the RC contact
zone. closes when the voltages are within 7% of VNOM.
• VNOM1 = [________] Volts rms (nominal 6. Reduce the fault current to zero.
test voltage for Z1P)
7. Return Zone 1 ground SELZ1G to your specific
• VNOM2 = [________] Volts rms (nominal
test voltage for Z2P)
• VNOM3 = [________] Volts rms (nominal
test voltage for Z3P)
T17 – Zone 2 Phase Reach, MT Faults
(AB, BC, and CA)
• VNOM4 = [________] Volts rms (nominal
test voltage for Z4P) 1. Setting:
NOTE: If Zone 4 is reversed, #0411 SEL4ZD = 1,
(0201) SELZ2G = NO
remember to add 180° to both the test current angle,
øI4, and the impedance angle, øZ4. If Zone 4 has a (0202) SELZ2P = YES
nonzero offset, use the DLPTEST software to (0203) Z2R = [_________] ohms,
calculate VNOM4. VNOM2 = [_________] V,
IT = [_________] A,
5. Record VNOMn, IT, and øIn in the space
provided in the appropriate Zone reach test. øI2 = [_________]°,
2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–4 for the
T16 – Zone 1 Phase Reach, M1 Faults appropriate phases under test.
(AB, BC, and CA) 3. Set the relay to the Zone 2 Phase test mode for
1. Setting: the appropriate phase under test. The MMI
displays, for instance:
(0101) SELZ1G = NO
(0102) SELZ1P = YES 4. Set the voltage inputs to the following values:
(0103) Z1R = [_________] ohms, VA: 67 volts rms 0°,
VNOM1 = [_________] V, VB: 67 volts rms –120°,
IT = [_________] A, VC: 67 volts rms –240°.
øI1 = [_________]°, Set the fault current, Iop, phase angle to øI =
[________], lagging. Note that the leading phase
2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–4 for the
angle is 180° out of phase with the line it is
appropriate phases under test.
shorted to.
3. Set the relay to test mode 30 (ANY ZONE 1
5. Set the fault current to IT = [________] amps
Phase). The MMI displays:
rms. Simultaneously reduce the voltages of the
ANY Z1 PHASE ON faulted phases, and check that the RC contact
4. Set the voltage inputs to the following values: closes when the voltages are within 7% of VNOM.
VA: 67 volts rms 0°, 6. Reduce the current in the faulted phase to zero.
VB: 67 volts rms –120°, 7. Return Zone 2 ground SELZ2G to your specific
VC: 67 volts rms –240°. setting.
Set the fault current, Iop, phase angle to øI =
[________], lagging. Note that the leading phase

Chapter 5 – Periodic Tests GEK–105548

T18 – Zone 3 Phase Reach, M3 Faults 2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–4 for the
(AB, BC, and CA) appropriate phase under test.
1. Setting: 3. Set the relay into the Zone 4 Phase test mode for
the appropriate phase under test. The MMI
Z3DIST displays, for instance:
(0301) SELZ3G = NO ZONE 4 AB ON
(0302) SELZ3P = YES
(0303) Z3R = [_________] ohms, 4. Set the voltage inputs to the following values:
VNOM3 = [_________] V, VA: 67 volts rms 0°,
IT = [_________] A, VB: 67 volts rms –120°,
øI3 = [_________]°, VC: 67 volts rms –240°.
Set the fault current, Iop, phase angle to øI =
2. Connect the relay as shown in Figure 4–4 for the
[________], lagging. Note that the leading phase
appropriate phase under test.
angle is 180° out of phase with the line it is
3. Set the relay to the Zone 3 Phase test mode for shorted to.
the appropriate phase under test. The MMI
5. Set the fault current to IT = [________] amps
displays, for instance:
rms. Simultaneously reduce the voltages of the
ZONE 3 AB ON faulted phases, and check that the RC contact
4. Set the voltage inputs to the following values: closes when the voltages are within 7% of VNOM.
VA: 67 volts rms 0°, 6. Reduce the fault current to zero.
VB: 67 volts rms –120°, 7. Return Zone 4 ground SELZ4G to your specific
VC: 67 volts rms –240°. setting.
Set the fault current, Iop, phase angle to øI =
[________], lagging. Note that the leading phase CAUTION: When testing is completed, verify that all
angle is 180° out of phase with the line it is settings are returned to your specified values. It may
shorted to. be helpful to print out the settings and check them
one by one.
5. Set the fault current to IT = [________] amps
rms. Simultaneously reduce the voltages of the
faulted phases, and check that the RC contact
closes when the voltages are within 7% of VNOM. 5–6 General Zone Reach Testing
6. Reduce the fault current to zero. Considerations
7. Return Zone 3 ground SELZ3G to your specific Testing the reach of the DLP3 requires a few
setting. organized steps. They are as follows:
1. Choose a test current, IT, for the impedance of
T19 – Zone 4 Phase Reach, M4 Faults the reach.
(AB, BC, and CA) 2. Calculate the voltage range in which the unit
1. Setting: will pick up.
Z4DIST 3. Apply the test voltage and currents in
(0401) SELZ4G = NO accordance with the test procedure.
(0402) SELZ4P = YES The equations in this section are used to calculate
(0403) Z4R = [_________] ohms, the pickup voltage for a chosen magnitude and
VNOM4 = [_________] V, current phase (at or below the angle of maximum
IT = [_________] A, reach). If you wish to test the complete
characteristic, the software program DLPTEST can
øI4 = [_________]°,
be used to generate test currents and voltage pickups

GEK–105548 Chapter 5 – Periodic Tests
for the complete characteristic. DLPTEST is Settings and Calculations
described in Chapter 9 – Software.
1. Record the following relay settings:
(1401), POSANG = [________]
Zone 1–3 Phase-to-Ground
(1402), ZERANG = [________]
(0104), Z1GR = [________] = ZR
This section describes how to determine the test (0204), Z2GR = [________] = ZR
currents and voltages for Z1G, Z2G, and Z3G. The
(0304), Z3GR = [________] = ZR
same procedure is used for each zone to determine
Z1GANG = 90 (fixed for Zone1)
the test values. The procedure is as follows:
(0210), Z2GANG = [________] = øT
• Choose a test current.
(0308), Z3GANG = [________] = øT
• Calculate the replica impedance of the zone.
(0107), Z1K0 = [________]= K0 for Zone 1 only
• Calculate the operate voltage at the test current
(1404), K0 = [________] for Zones 2 and 3
and impedance.
2. Determine the test current, IT, for Zone 1, Zone
The test current, IT, is determined from Table 5–3.
2, and Zone 3 from Table 5–3.
The value of IT is chosen according to the reach of
the zone. The nominal pickup voltage, VNOM, is • IT(Z1GR) = [________] Amps rms
calculated with respect to IT and to several settings of • IT(Z2GR) = [________] Amps rms
the relay. • IT(Z3GR) = [________] Amps rms

NOTE: The pickup voltage calculations at a particular ZR Reach ZR Reach

magnitude and phase of IT are referenced to the (In = 5 A) IT, A (In = 1 A) IT, A
faulted phase under test. For instance, if a BG Fault 0.1 – 2.5 10 0.5 – 12.5 2
was applied, the current angles would be with respect 2.5 – 6.0 8 12.5 – 30.0 2
to the phase angle of VB.
6.0 – 12.0 5 30.0 – 60.0 1
12.0 – 20.0 3 60.0 – 100.0 0.6
The nominal pickup voltage is given by
20.0 – 30.0 2 100.0 – 150.0 0.4
VNOM = [Z·ZR·IT/cos(90 – øT)] 30.0 – 40.0 1.5 150.0 – 200.0 0.3
·cos (øI – øZ – øT + 90) . (27) 40.0 – 50.0 1.0 200.0 – 250.0 0.2
Definitions Table 5–3. Test current ranges for Zone 1–3 phase-to-ground
Z = Replica impedance, calculated for each reach.
3. Calculate the replica impedance, Z, for Z1G,
ZR = Relay reach for Z1G, Z2G, or Z3G.
where Z is the magnitude of the expression,
øZ = Replica impedance angle, calculated for
each zone. (2/3)/(POSANG) + (Z1K0/3)/(ZERANG).
IT = Test current for Iop, chosen for the
The real and imaginary components of Z are
zone. given by
øT = Characteristic timer of the zone. Z(real) = (2/3) cos(POSANG)
ø = Test current angle with respect to the + (Z1K0/3) cos(ZERANG) (28)
faulted phase. = [________]
K0 = Zero-sequence compensation factor of and
the zone.
Z(imag) = (2/3) sin(POSANG)
POSANG =Positive-sequence angle of maximum
+ (Z1K0/3) sin(ZERANG) (29)
ZERANG =Zero-sequence angle of maximum = [________] .
reach. The magnitude is then given by

Chapter 5 – Periodic Tests GEK–105548

Z = [Z(real)2+ Z(imag)2] , (30) = [________]° .

= [________] . 9. Choose the IT test angle, øI, for Z2G and Z3G in
the range (øZ + øT – 180) < øIn < øZ
4. Calculate the replica impedance angle, øZ, for
Z1G. øZ is the phase angle of the expression, • øI2 = [________]°
• øI3 = [________]°
(2/3)/POSANG + (Z1K0/3)/ZERANG ,
and is given by 10. Calculate VNOM for Z2G by Z3G and
substituting the values of ZR, Z, øZ, and øI1 into
øZ = arctan [Z(imag)/Z(real)]. (31) Equation 27 for VNOM,
= [________]° . VNOM2 = [Z·ZR·IT/cos(90 – øT)]
5. Choose the IT test angle, øI, for Z1G in the range ·cos(øI2 – øZ – øT + 90) (37)
(øZ + øT – 180) < øI1 < øZ = [________] V rms.
• øI1 = [________]° and
6. Calculate VNOM for Z1G by substituting the VNOM3 = [Z·ZR·IT/cos(90 – øT)]
values of ZR, Z, øZ, and øI1 into Equation 27 for ·cos(øI3 – øZ – øT + 90) (38)
VNOM, = [________] V rms.
VNOM1 = [Z·ZR·IT/cos(90 – øT)]
·cos(øI1 – øZ – øT + 90) (32)
Zone 1–3 Phase-to-Phase Reach
= [________] V rms. Calculations
7. Calculate the replica impedance, Z, for Z2G and This section describes how to determine the test
Z3G, where Z equals the magnitude of the currents and voltages for Z1P, Z2P, and Z3P. The
expression, same procedure is used for each zone to determine
the test values.
(2/3)/(POSANG) + (K0/3)/(ZERANG).
The test current, IT, is determined from Table 5–4.
The real and imaginary components of Z are The value of IT is chosen according to the value of
given by the reach of the zone. The nominal pickup voltage,
Z(real) = (2/3) cos(POSANG) VNOM, is calculated with respect to IT and to several
+ (Z1K0/3) cos(ZERANG) (33) settings of the relay.
= [________] VNOM calculations are referenced to the leading
and phase-to-ground faulted voltage. When an AB fault is
applied, the current angle is with respect to the
Z(imag) = (2/3) sin(POSANG) phase angle of VA, not the phase-to-phase voltage.
+ (K0/3) sin(ZERANG) (34) That is why the 1.732 (square root of three) factor
= [________] . and the added angle of 30° are included in Equations
25 and 26.
The magnitude is then given by
The nominal pickup voltage for Zone n is given by
Z = [Z(real)2+ Z(imag)2] , (35)
VNOMn = [(2/1.732)·ZR·IT/cos(90 – øT)]
= [________] .
·cos ((øIn + 30) – øZ – øT + 90) . (39)
8. Calculate the replica impedance angle, øZ, for
Z2G and Z3G. øZ is the phase angle of the Definitions
expression, ZR =Relay reach for Z1P, Z2P, or Z3P.
(2/3)/POSANG + (K0/3)/ZERANG , IT = Test current for Iop, chosen for the
and is given by zone.
øZ = Replica impedance angle, POSANG.
øZ = arctan [Z(imag)/Z(real)]. (36)
øT = Characteristic timer of the zone.

GEK–105548 Chapter 5 – Periodic Tests
øI = Test current angle with respect to the 5. Record VNOMn, IT, and øIn in the space
faulted phase. provided in the appropriate Zone reach test.
POSANG = Positive-sequence angle of maximum

Settings and Calculations

1. Record the following relay settings:
(1401), POSANG = [________]
(1402), ZERANG = [________]
(0103), Z1R = [________] = ZR
(0203), Z2R = [________] = ZR
(0303), Z3R = [________] = ZR
Z1PANG = 90 (fixed for Zone 1)
(0209), Z2PANG = [________] = øT
(0307), Z3PANG = [________] = øT
2. Determine the test current, IT,, for Zone 1, Zone
2, and Zone 3 from Table 5–4.
• IT(Z1R) = [________] Amps rms
• IT(Z2R) = [________] Amps rms
• IT(Z3R) = [________] Amps rms

ZG Reach ZG Reach
(In = 5 A) IT, A (In = 1 A) IT, A
0.1 – 2.5 10 0.5 – 12.5 2
2.5 – 6.0 8 12.5 – 30.0 2
6.0 – 12.0 5 30.0 – 60.0 1
12.0 – 20.0 3 60.0 – 100.0 0.6
20.0 – 30.0 2 100.0 – 150.0 0.4
30.0 – 40.0 1.5 150.0 – 200.0 0.3
40.0 – 50.0 1.0 200.0 – 250.0 0.2
Table 5–4. Test current ranges for phase-to-phase reach.

3. Choose øI (the IT angle) in the range (øZ + øT –

180) < øIn + 30 < øZ.
• øI1 = [________]° (Zone 1)
• øI2 = [________]° (Zone 2)
• øI3 = [________]° (Zone 3)
4. Calculate VNOMn for each zone by substituting
the values of ZR, øZ (POSANG), IT, and øIn into
Equation 37 according to zone (where n is the
zone under test).
• VNOM1 = [________] V rms
• VNOM2 = [________] V rms
• VNOM3 = [________] V rms

GEK–105548 Chapter 6 – Servicing
6–1 Spares 6–2 Servicing with the Relay
There are two servicing methods for the DLP3, as
follows: The DLP3 automatically performs tests of major
• Spare board replacement. functions and critical hardware components and
• Component level repair. reports their status via the MMI Display/LED and
the noncritical and critical alarm contacts. The
The preferred method is board replacement using failure report is dependent on the type or level of the
the DLP3's automatic self-tests to isolate failed failure. Some failures operate the critical alarm
boards. When the defective board is found, it can be contact and the MMI LED, while others only operate
replaced with a spare, and the system can be the noncritical alarm contact.
returned to service. This method typically yields the
shortest system down time. To further reduce down There are three levels of self-test performed by the
time, we recommend keeping a complete set of spare DLP3:
boards at the maintenance center. 1. The first level indicates severe relaying failures,
We do not recommend servicing the relay at the indicated by a FAIL message on the MMI, the
component level. This requires a substantial critical alarm contact’s opening, and the MMI
investment in test and repair equipment and in LED’s turning red. These failures indicate that
technical expertise, and usually results in longer the relay is not providing protection.
down time than board replacement. For those who 2. The second level displays warning messages.
do wish to trouble-shoot to the component level, They are indicated by a WARN message on the
drawings can be requested from the factory. When MMI and closure of the noncritical alarm
you request drawings, you must supply the following contact. These failures indicate that the relay is
information: still providing some degree of protection.
• The model number of the board. This is found
3. The third level indicates system status errors
on the front tab of the board assembly.
that are due to power system errors (Trip
• The assembly number of the board. This is Circuit Open) or are caused by a DLP3
found on the component side of the printed command that disables the relay (Disable
circuit board. It is an eight-digit number with a Outputs). They are indicated by the closing of
letter inserted between the fourth and fifth digit the noncritical alarm contact, a red LED, or by
and with a group-identification suffix, such as the opening of the critical alarm contact.
0216B3051G001. However, no MMI display is provided until the
• The revision number. This is found on the Information Status command is issued.
printed circuit board adjacent to the assembly
The types of self-tests performed are described in the
number of the board.
Chapter 1 – Product Description. The components tested
WARNING: Completely power down the relay by during the start-up self-tests are listed in Table 6–1.
disconnecting the control DC power and by removing The components tested during run-time background
all voltage inputs to the rear terminals prior to and foreground self-tests are listed in tables 6–2 and
opening the unit. Dangerous high voltages may be 6–3, respectively.
present inside the unit even if the power switch is

Chapter 6 – Servicing GEK–105548

Component Method Processor Nature

PROM CRC-type check on DAP and SSP, All Critical
checksum on DSP
Local RAM Patterns to check for stuck bits, stuck All Critical
address lines, cross-talk between
adjacent bits
Shared RAM Same as Local RAM All Critical
Nonvolatile RAM CRC-type check on settings area; SSP Critical if settings area
checksum on fault storage area; or serial NVRAM
duplicate locations on serial NVRAM
Timer Chip Test all processor timers and their DAP Critical if DAP,
interrupts SSP noncritical if SSP
Interrupt Chips Test all processor and external DAP Critical
interrupt controllers SSP
Serial Chips Wraparound and interrupt tests for SSP Noncritical
serial interface
A/D Controller DMA interface DAP Critical, DLP3 will
Digital Output Circuitry Loop-back via parallel port SSP Critical, DLP3 will
Digital Input Circuitry Comparison of bits read via two DAP Noncritical, turn off
separate optocouplers pilot protection
Real-Time Clock Test of real-time clock operation and SSP Noncritical
LED Display Self-test built in by manufacturer SSP Noncritical
Table 6–1. Components tested during start-up self-tests.

Component Method Processor Nature

PROM CRC-type check on DAP and SSP; All Critical, restart
checksum on DSP
RAM CRC-type check on areas holding All Critical, restart
Nonvolatile RAM CRC-type check on settings area; SSP Critical if settings area
checksum on fault storage area
Timer Chip Test that all timers are counting DAP Critical if DAP, noncritical
SSP if SSP; restart
Table 6–2. Run-time background self-tests.

Component Method Processor Nature

A/D Controller DMA interface DAP Critical
Digital Input Circuitry Comparison of bits read via two DAP Noncritical, turn off pilot
separate optocouplers protection
Digital Output Loop-back via parallel port SSP Critical; restart
Trip Circuit Continuity Bit read via parallel port SSP Critical
MMI Operator initiated, visual feedback SSP Noncritical
Table 6–3. Run-time foreground self-tests.

GEK–105548 Chapter 6 – Servicing
6–3 Trouble-Shooting
Error Indication Description
Trouble shooting the DLP3 comprises three steps, as WARN NCA Warn condition, press ↑
FAIL CA/LED Fail condition, press ↑
1. Determine the type of failure as either critical, MISC LED Miscellaneous condition, press ↑
noncritical, or system status. LED: Red LED lights on the MMI.
CA: Critical alarm contacts close.
2. Use the list of failure codes and warning codes
NCA: Noncritical alarm contacts close.
or the Information Status command to
determine the defective board(s). Table 6–4. System status error messages.
3. Replace the defective board(s) in accordance
with safety and static-discharge precautions. Servicing a Critical Failure
A critical failure indicates total interruption of
NOTE: Refer to Chapter 4 – Acceptance Testing for tests protection. When a failure occurs on one of the
of the MMI display, and keypad and of the boards (excluding the power supply), the critical
measuring units. alarm contact opens and the MMI LED turns red.
Remove and reapply dc power to bring up the fail
message on the display. If the DLP3 successfully
The Information Status Command restarts, the LED turns green.
Tables 6–5 and 6–6 contain the failure and warning The Fail message has the format FAIL xxx. The xxx
codes that appear in the MMI display. The field is the numeric code that indicates the nature of
Information Status command can also be used to the critical failure. The Fail message remains on the
obtain the same data from the MMI display without display until a key is pressed or until the DLP3
having to look up the code on the table. The restarts successfully with no self-test failures. See
Information Status command can be used at the relay Table 6–5 for the list of failure codes and their
or remotely over a modem link. meanings.
The Information Status command is invoked as If the failt message is a non-board assciated message,
follows: then check all external connections to the DLP3.
1. Apply rated dc power to the relay and wait for
initialization to complete. NOTE: As an alternative, the Information Status
command can be used to display the failure type
2. Press the INF key, then scroll with the ↑ and ↓ directly on the MMI.
keys until the MMI display indicates
INF: STATUS Locating the Defective Board
3. Press the ENT key. The display indicates a Use Table 6–5 or the Information Status command to
failure with the words isolate the cause of the failure. Refer to Figure 3–4,
STATUS: FAIL (DLP3 System Block Diagram), to determine which
board contains the defective logic module. When the
4. Press the ↑ key to get a detailed report of the
suspected board is found, power down the DLP3 and
failure. A complete list of the possible errors is
replace the board.
found in Tables 6–4, 6–5, and 6–6. The FAIL and
WARN messages are also included. Their The proper sequence for replacing a board is as
descriptions can also be displayed on the MMI, follows:
with the Information Status command. 1. Remove the front plastic bezel by unscrewing the
four thumbscrews. Note, the thumbscrews are
NOTE: After initial power up or a loss of power retained to the front bezel.
exceeding 24 hours, the time and date reset to
00:00:00 01/01/90. All event and fault data are reset. 2. Turn the power switch off on the front panel.

Chapter 6 – Servicing GEK–105548

3. Remove DC power from the DLP1, and remove 8. Remove the defective circuit board and place it
all voltage inputs from the terminals on the rear into an anti-static bag for storage or shipment.
panel of the unit.
9. Remove the replacement board from its
protective material and insert it into the DLP3
WARNING: Completely power down the relay by
disconnecting the control DC power and by removing
all voltage inputs to the rear terminals prior to 10. Reinstall the PC board retainers.
opening the unit. Dangerous high voltages may be 11. Reinstall the power cable and the two ribbon
present inside the unit even if the power switch is
cables on the PC boards.
12. Reconnect the front panel power switch cable to
4. Remove the four 1/4” hex nuts at the four the Output Board and the ribbon cable to the
corners of the front panel. Gently pull the front Processor Board. Install the front panel with the
panel away from the unit to expose the cable four 1/4” hex standoffs.
connections to the front panel. 13.Restore dc power to the DLP3.
5. Disconnect the power switch cable from the 14. Turn on the front panel power switch.
Output board and the ribbon cable from the
Processor board. 15. Reinstall the plastic cover with the four
6. Remove the two ribbon cables and power cables
from the front of the PC boards. If the FAIL message is gone, then the unit has been
successfully repaired. If the message has changed, it
7. Remove the two PC board retainers by is possible that another board requires replacement.
unscrewing the two phillips head screws that
hold each in place.

GEK–105548 Chapter 6 – Servicing
Code Description Code Description
DAP Logic ANI Logic
100 PROM: PROM Failure 311 CONTROLLER: Controller Failure
101 LOCAL RAM: Local RAM Failure 312 SERIAL MEM: Serial NVM Failure
102 SYSRAM CRC: DSPRAM CRC Failure 313 REFERENCE: Reference Failure
103 SYSRAM: DSPRAM Failure — NO DMA INT: No DMA interrupt
105 EEPROM: Interrupt Failure 414 SERIAL MEM: Serial NVM Failure
106 TIMER: Timer Failure 422 MODEL NUMBER: Model No.
124 VERSION NUM: Version no. Failure SSP Logic
— NO DSP INT: No DSP interrupt 515 PROM: PROM Failure
— NO SSP INT: No SSP interrupt 516 LOCAL RAM: Local RAM Failure
207 PROM: PROM Failure 518 SYSRAM: SYSRAM Failure
208 LOCAL RAM: Local RAM Failure 519 INTERRUPT: Interrupt Failure
209 DSPRAM: DSP RAM Failure 520 EEPROM: EEPROM Failure
210 INTERRUPT: Interrupt Failure 523 VERSION NUM: Version Number
225 VERSION NUM: Version no. Failure — NO DAP INT: No DAP Interrupt
Non Board Associated Failures MMI Logic
— FUSE FAILURE: Fuse Failure 621 DIG OUT: Digital Output Failure
— TRIP BUS CHK FAIL: Auto trip bus check
— BKR1 TRP CIR OPN: BKR 1 Trip Circuit
— BKR2 TRP CIR OPN: BKR 2 Trip Circuit
Table 6–5. Failure messages.

Servicing a Noncritical Failure

NOTE: As an alternative, the Information Status
A noncritical failure indicates an interruption in the
command can be used to display the warning type
DLP3’s protection, but not a total loss. When a directly on the MMI.
noncritical failure occurs, the DLP3's noncritical
alarm contact closes, but the LED remains green.
Turn off the dc input power, then reapply it. The Locating the Defective Board
WARN XXX message reappears if the failure still
Use Table 6–6 or the Information Status command to
isolate the cause of the failure. Refer to Figure 3–4,
The noncritical failure message has the format WARN (DLP3 System Block Diagram), to determine which
XXX. The xxx field is the numeric code that indicates board contains the defective logic module. Power
the nature of the failure. The WARN message down the DLP3 and replace the suspected board, if
remains on the display until a key is pressed or until appropriate. Reapply power; if the WARN message is
the DLP3 restarts successfully with no self-test gone, then the unit has been successfully repaired. If
failures. See Table 6–6 for the list of Warning codes the message has changed, it is possible that another
and their meanings. board requires replacement.

Chapter 6 – Servicing GEK–105548

Code Description Servicing System Status Failures

DSP Logic A system failure indicates a failure of a power system
235 DIG INP: Digital Input fail on input or that the relay has been disabled by a user
SSP command. It is indicated by the closing of the
noncritical alarm contact, by a red LED, or by the
537 TIMER: Timer Failure
closing of the critical alarm contact. However, no
538 CAPRAM: CAPRAM Failure
MMI display is provided until the Information Status
539 CLOCK: Real-Time Clock Failure command is invoked.
MMI Logic
Turn off and reapply the dc input power. The
640 SERIAL CHP 1: ASCII serial Port failure noncritical alarm contact is closed if the failure still
641 DISPLAY: LED display failure exists. Use the Information Status command to
645 SERIAL CHP 2: Rear comm port failure determine the cause of the trouble.
646 SERIAL CHP 3: Front comm port failure
DTA Logic
844 SERIAL MEMRY: Serial memory failure
643 TIME STROBE FAIL: Time strobe failure
742 LOGON FAILURE: Login failed
Non Board Associated Warning Messages
- UNBALANCED SYS: Unbalanced currents
Table 6–6. Warning messages.

Miscellaneous Messages
Table 6–7 is a list of the miscellaneous messages and
their meanings.

Message Description Indication

PROT OFF Protection off LED
DIS OUTS Outputs Disabled LED
RELAY TEST Relay in Test Mode LED
D O TEST Digital Output test LED
CHANNEL TEST Channel Test None
Table 6–7. Miscellaneous messages.

GEK–105548 Chapter 7 – Specifications

7–1 Ratings Contacts Ratings

Digital-to-analog (DTA) 0–1 mA, 10 V load or 0–5 V
Table 7–1 contains the electrical and environmental output output (4 V = full scale, 5 V =
ratings of the DLP, Table 7–2 contains the burden error)
ratings, and Table 7–3 contains the contact ratings. Trip outputs Continuous rating = 3 A,
Make and carry for tripping
Parameter Value duty = 30 A (per ANSI C37.90)
Rated frequency 50–60 Hz SCR outputs Same as trip contacts
Rated voltage (phase to 100–120 Vac Auxiliary outputs Continuous rating = 3 A,
phase) (including alarms and Make and carry for tripping
configurable inputs) duty = 30 A (per ANSI C37.90)
Rated current In = 1 or 5 A
Channel control and 10 W
DC control voltage, operating 48, 38.5–60 Vdc
SCADA DTA phase- max voltage = 280 Vdc
range 110/125, 88–150 Vdc
identification contacts max current = 40 mA dc
220/250, 176–300 Vdc
Trip-circuit monitor, 38.5–300 Vdc
Maximum permissible current
contact converters, 150 mA for trip-circuit monitor
Continuous 2 x In
and configurable current-flow sensor
3 seconds 50 x In
1 seconds 100 x In
Maximum permissible ac Table 7–3. Contact ratings of the DLP.
voltage 2 x rated
Continuous 3.5 x rated
1 minute (once per hour) 7–2 Protection Scheme Selection
Insulation test voltage 2 kV, 50/60 Hz, 1
minute The six available protection schemes are:
Impulse voltage withstand 5 kV peak, 1.2/50 ms, • Stepped distance
0.5 joules • POTT
Interference test withstand SWC, per ANSI • PUTT
• Blocking
Ambient temperature range
• Hybrid
Storage –30° to 75° C
Operation –20° to 55 ° C • Zone 1 extension

Table 7–1. Electrical ratings of the DLP. Reach Setting

Reach setting ranges are listed in Table 7–4.
Parameter Value
Current circuits 0.022 Ω, 5 deg, In = 5 A Directional Control
0.12 Ω, 30 deg, In = 1 A
Directional control is forward or reverse.
Voltage circuits 0.15 VA, 60 Hz
0.20 VA, 50 Hz
Time Synchronization
DC battery (for contact 2.5 mA at rated dc input V
converters) The time-synchronization input is by demodulated
DC battery (power 20 W IRIG B signal (5 Vdc).
Out-of-Step Blocking
Table 7–2. Burden ratings of the DLP.
The reach of MOB is that of the zone it is coordi-
nated with—Zone 2, Zone 3, or Zone 4.
The characteristic angle is 30°–130°.

Chapter 7 – Specifications GEK–105548

Range, Ω Resolution, Ω
Setting Measuring Unit In = 5 A In = 1 A In = 5 A In = 1 A
Z1DIST M1G 0.01–50 0.05–250 0.01 0.01
M1 0.01–50 0.05–250 0.01 0.01
Z2DIST MTG 0.01–50 0.05–250 0.01 0.01
MT 0.01–50 0.05–250 0.01 0.01
Z3DIST M3G 0.01–50 0.05–250 0.01 0.01
M3 0.01–50 0.05–250 0.01 0.01
Z4DIST M4G 0.01–50 0.05–250 0.01 0.01
M4 0.01–50 0.05–250 0.01 0.01
Table 7–4. Reach setting ranges of the protection schemes.

7–3 Protection Function Settings Line Pickup

The line pickup settings are listed in Table 7–7.
Current Supervision Function
The current supervision function settings are listed in Range, A Resolution, A
Table 7–5. Functio In = 5 A In = 1 A In = 5 A In = 1 A
Range, A Resolution, A I1 1.0–15.0 0.2–3.0 0.1 0.1
Functio In = 5 A In = 1 A In = 5 A In = 1 A Table 7–7. Line pickup settings.
IPT 0.50–5.00 0.10–1.00 0.01 0.01 Remote Open Detector Timer
IPB 0.25–3.75 0.05–0.75 0.01 0.01
The remote open detector timer (TL20) is set as fol-
PT 0.20–4.00 0.04–0.80 0.01 0.01
IB 0.20–4.00 0.04–0.40 0.01 0.01
• Range: 10–100 ms
Table 7–5. Current supervision function settings. • Steps: 1 ms
Overcurrent Backup Line Overload
The overcurrent backup settings are listed in Table The line overload overcurrent and timer settings are
7–6. listed in Tables 7–8 and 7–9, respectively.

Range, A Resolution, A Range, A Resolution, A

Function In = 5 A In = 1 A In = 5 A In = 1 A Function In = 5 A In = 1 A In = 5 A In = 1 A
PH4 2.0–100.0 0.4–20.0 0.1 0.1 Level 1 5.0–20.0 1.0–4.0 0.1 0.1
IDT 0.5–80.0 0.1–16.0 0.1 0.1 OC
TOC 0.2–15.0 0.04–3.0 0.1 0.1 Level 2 10.0– 2.0–8.0 0.1 0.1
OC 40.0
Table 7–6. Overcurrent backup settings.
Table 7–8. Line overload overcurrent settings.
TOC Time Dial
The TOC time dial is set as follows:
• Range: 0.5–10× the pickup setting.
• Steps: 0.1×.

GEK–105548 Chapter 7 – Specifications
System Configuration
Function Range, s Resolution, s The system configuration settings are listed in Table
LV1 timer 10–990 1 7–11.
LV2 timer 10–99 1 Parameter Settings Range
Communications baud rate 300, 1200, 2400, 4800,
Table 7–9. Line overload timer settings. 9600
Number of breakers 0–2
Compensation Factor CT ratios 1–5000
The compensation factor, K0 (zero-sequence com- PT ratios 1–7000
pensation for Z2, Z3, and Z4 ground-distance units), Units of distance for Miles or kilometers
is set as follows: reports
• Range: 1.0–7.0 Table 7–11. System configuration settings.
• Resolution: 0.1
K0 compensation for Z1G is a separate setting in the
Z1DIST category, with the same range and resolution 7–4 Accuracies
as above. The accuracies of various DLP parameters are listed
in Table 7–12.
Protection Scheme Logic Timers
The protection scheme logic timer settings are listed Parameter Accuracy
in Table 7–10. Distance measuring Reach: ±5% of setting at
units angle of maximum reach
Timer Description Range Resolutio and rated current.
n Zone timers ±3% of setting
TL1 Trip integrator 1–50 ms 1 ms Fault locator ±3% (typical)
pickup Data sample time tag ±1 ms
TL2 Zone 2 timer 0.1–3.0 s 0.01 s resolution
TL3 Zone 3 timer 0.1–10.0 0.01 s
Table 7–12. Accuracies of DLP measurements and settings.
PUTL4P, Zone 4 timer 0.1–10.0 0.01 s
G s
TL4 POTT/PUTT 0.1–10.0 0.01 s
7–5 Dimensions and Weight
coordination s
The dimensions of the DLP case are listed in Table
TL5 b contact coordina- 0–200 1 ms 7–13.
tion for breaker 1 ms
(pickup and dropout
timers) Parameter Dimension
TL6 b contact coordina- 0–200 1 ms Height 5.15" [130mm]
tion for breaker 1 ms 3 standard rack units
(pickup and Width 19.00" w/ ears (3 std. rack units)
dropout timers) 16.90" w/oears [430mm]
TL16 Weak infeed trip 8–80 ms 1 ms Depth 13.75" [350mm]
Table 7–13. Dimensions of the DLP case.
Table 7–10. Protection scheme logic timer settings.
The standard rack-mounted unit weighs approxi-
mately 23 pounds.

GEK–105548 Chapter 8 – Interface

8–1 Local Man-Machine (MMI) redisplayed. As soon as any key is pressed, the Trip
message is removed and no longer remembered.
Interface Operation
Fail messages have the format,
Display FAIL xxx

The display consists of 16 LED alphanumeric The field following FAIL is a numeric code that
character positions arranged side-by-side horizon- indicates the nature of the critical self-test failure. A
tally. Every keystroke at the MMI produces some FAIL message remains on the display until a key is
feedback on the display; for example, numeric keys pressed or until the DLP3 restarts successfully (with
are echoed as they are pressed, function keys no self-test failures). A list of the failure numbers and
produce an abbreviated word when they are pressed, their meanings can be found in Chapter 6 – Servicing.
and the ENT key always causes some change in the
display. Warning messages have the format,
WARN xxx
All messages on the display are the result of some
keyboard action, with four exceptions: The field following WARN is a numeric code that
• The Trip message when the DLP3 has caused a indicates the nature of the noncritical self-test failure.
protective trip. The Warning message remains on the display until
the a key is pressed or until the DLP3 restarts
• The Fail message when the DLP3 has discovered
successfully (with no self-test failures). A list of the
a critical self-test failure.
warning numbers and their meanings can be found
• The Warning message when the DLP3 has in Chapter 6 – Servicing.
discovered a non-critical self-test failure.
While the DLP3 is initializing itself during a power-up
• The Initialization message when the DLP3 is
initializing during a power up.
All messages other than the Trip message are dis-
played at the same intensity, about half of maximum is displayed. The display is blanked as soon as ini-
intensity. User input is echoed at a still-lower intensity tialization is complete.
to help distinguish the stored setting value from one All other messages that are the result of keyboard
that has not yet been entered into the DLP3. operations remain on the display until another key is
Trip messages are displayed at highest intensity and pressed, or until no keys have been pressed for 15
have the format, minutes; at the end of this time-out interval, the
TRIP xxx xxx xxx
display is blanked.

The word TRIP blinks to indicate that the DLP3 has Keyboard
caused a protective trip. The three fields of informa-
tion following TRIP do not blink and contain the The keyboard, shown in Figure 8–1, contains twenty
following information: keys:
• A three-character fault type (such as ABG). • A 10-key numeric pad
• A three-character trip type (see the description • A decimal point
of the Information key below for a list of trip • Nine function keys
types). Some models of the DLP3 (ending with NC) do not
• A three-digit distance to the fault (in the include a keypad. For these see Chapter 9 -Software
specified units). to learn how to perform these functions.
A TRIP message remains on the display until removed
by a keyboard operation. If the DLP3 restarts or is
powered down and up, the trip indicator is

Chapter 8 – Interface GEK–105548

Figure 8–1. DLP3 MMI keyboard.

CLR (Clear) Key

If the CLR key is pressed when the display is
The CLR key aborts a keyboard sequence in blank, the DLP3 automatically scrolls through
progress (for example, to correct an error). all present values.
When the CLR key is pressed, all or part of the
display is blanked. DASH ( – ) Key
If there is user-entered information on the dis- The ( – ) key presently is not supported by the
play, only that information is blanked. For DLP3. Pressing it will cause the DLP3 to display:
example, if a setting value has been entered SPARE
when the CLR key is pressed, only that input is
blanked; the name of the setting remains on the Arrow Keys
display. Also, if the response is to an action
prompt, only the response is blanked; the The arrow keys scroll the display through the
prompt question remains on the display. If there list of categories for a command key or to scroll
is no user-entered information on the display, through the list of items within a category. For
the entire display is blanked and the DLP3 example, pressing the INF key displays the name
expects a command key to be pressed. of the first category (STATUS). Pressing the ↑
key then displays the name of the second
If a TRIP, FAIL, or WARN message is on the dis- category (FAULT). When the desired category is
play, the CLR key must be pressed to blank the reached, press the ENT key to display the first
error message (all other keys are ignored). item of that category. From that point on,
When the error message is blanked, the last pressing the ↑ key displays each subsequent item
message is displayed, allowing reentry of the in the category.
correct response.

GEK–105548 Chapter 8 – Interface
The ↓ key scrolls in the opposite direction The key sequence for indicating the end of
through a list from the ↑ key. Press ↓ to return setting changes and/or the end of a session is
to a previous item on the list. END followed by ENT. When the END key is
pressed, the display shows
When the ↑ (or ↓) is used to scroll to the last (or
first) entry in a list of categories or items, HIT ENT TO END
pressing the same key again displays the first (or When the ENT key is pressed, the display shows
last) entry on the display. At any time while ENDED. The DLP3 responds in one of the
scrolling through items within a category, press following ways:
the Command key again to display the current
category name. Press one of the arrow keys to 1. If no setting values have been entered (the
scroll through the categories. DLP3 has not stopped its protection activi-
ties), the DLP3 ends the session in response
ENT (Enter) Key to the END–ENT key sequence, other than to
enable action items previously locked by
The ENT key stores data or a choice. When a the MMI and to allow action commands
category name is shown on the display (as the from remote communications to be
result of pressing a Command key followed by executed. Note that the ASCII port
zero or more arrow key presses) press the ENT communications are never locked out by
key to select that category for scrolling. When the MMI interface.
establishing or changing a setting, press the
numeric keys and decimal point key to indicate 2. If protection activities had been stopped,
the value; after the last digit is entered, press the the DLP3 reinitializes itself to use the new
ENT key to store that value. When the display setting values and the Event message
prompts for a number entry (such as for Fault SETTING CHANGE DONE
Information), enter the number that represents
the choice, followed by the ENT key. is displayed. The DLP3 then checks
whether or not outputs are disabled:
Data Entry Keys • If outputs are disabled, the MMI LED
The data Entry keys consist of the numeric and remains red.
decimal point keys. They are used to enter data • If outputs are enabled, and there are no
into the DLP3 or to make choices in response to critical self-test failures of the DLP3, the
prompts. The numeric keys 1/Y and 3/N have two MMI LED turns green. The displayed
meanings. message changes to
If numeric values are being entered, the 1/Y and
3/N keys are processed and echoed as 1 and 3. If The MMI unlocks the settings lock to
the entry is in response to a YES/NO prompt, the allow remote communication to display
1/Y key is processed and echoed as YES and the and change settings from the DLP3.
3/N key as NO. The session is not ended. This allows
the user to edit another group of settings
END Key (Settings or Master access) or perform
actions (Master access) in the same
The END key causes two actions, as follows: session. To end the session after settings
• It indicates that no more setting changes changes have been made, the END-ENT
will be made. Protection processing is sequence must be pressed a second time.
halted as soon as any setting change is
made, and is not resumed until the END key If the END-ENT sequence is pressed to end the
is pressed to indicate that all setting session, the ENDED message is blanked from the
changes are complete. display when another key is pressed or after a 10-
second delay. In the latter case, the display
• It ends a session. That is, pressing the END remains blank until another key is pressed.
key idles the MMI (without the 15-minute
time-out) and remote communication
actions and settings are enabled, if they
were previously locked out by the MMI.

Chapter 8 – Interface GEK–105548

Displayed Decoded Displayed Decoded When the first entry in a list of actions or set-
(space) P @ 0
tings is selected, a prompt for entering the
password appears (see the ACT key description
! T A 4
below). If an action or setting change is not
" X B 8
performed within 15 minutes, the password
$ Q D 1 becomes inactive. For settings, password privi-
% U E 5 leges become inactive after the key sequence
& Y F 9 END–ENT is pressed. Settings and actions may be
( R H 2 viewed at any time, but may only be changed if
) V I 6
the password for that function is active.
* Z L 3 MMI passwords are limited to the numeric digits
, S M 7 on the keypad. Communication passwords can
- W P (space) contain any of the allowable alphanumeric
1 D Q $
characters in Table 8–1.
2 H R ( Communication passwords can only be viewed
3 L S , at the MMI using the INF key, while MMI
4 A T !
passwords can only be viewed from the
Information Menu under Relay Functions in
5 E U %
DLP-LINK. All passwords are displayed in
6 I V )
encoded form, as listed in Table 8–1.
7 M W -
8 B X "
SET (Settings) Key
9 F Y &
: J Z *
The SET key displays, or changes settings. There
are four groups of settings. Each group contains
; N [ .
the same list of settings, but they may have
< C \ # different values. Settings are divided into
= G ] ' categories, as listed in Chapter 2 – Calculation of
> K ^ + Settings. For convenience, each setting within a
? O _ / category is assigned a number that is entered to
go directly to that setting. If the settings or
Table 8–1. Password encryption key. master password is inactive, the setting may only
be viewed.
Passwords The key sequence for selecting a settings group
There are two sets of passwords, MMI and
Communication. Passwords are required to
enable certain operations with the DLP3. The where n is the optional setting group number.
five types of passwords are as follows:
When the SET key is pressed, the display shows
• MMI: allow access to actions and settings
SET:GRP 1,2,3,4
from the MMI keyboard.
– Master: allows access to both actions and listing the four setting groups. If a group was
settings previously selected but not saved with the END–
– Settings: allows access only to settings. ENT key sequence, then its number is
• Communication: allows logging into the highlighted. Pressing a digit key displays
relay, remote settings changes, and per- SET:{n}
forming remote actions.
– Master: allows access to settings and The entered digit is in position five.
actions. When the ENT key is pressed, one of the fol-
– Settings: allows access to settings only. lowing can happen:
– View: allows uploading and viewing • If the digit reselects the currently high-
information only. lighted group or if no group is currently

GEK–105548 Chapter 8 – Interface
selected, then the group corresponding to To change a setting, first display that setting
the entered digit is selected. (item) as described above. With the present
• If the entered digit indicates a group dif- value of the setting displayed, press the data
ferent from the one that is currently entry keys to enter the new value. When the first
highlighted, then the following is dis- data entry key is pressed, the abbreviated name
played: remains on the display but the value is blanked
OVRWRT GRP n? and a blinking : symbol appears at the end of
where n is the setting group that was the name in place of the = symbol. Each data
modified but not saved. Press 1 for YES to entry key value is displayed as it the key is
indicate that changes to the previously pressed, in a lower than normal intensity, while
selected group should be overwritten by the the : symbol continues to blink.
newly selected group, or 3 for NO to prevent
Note that there are some settings that logically
the overwrite.
represent a state rather than a number (such as
Simply pressing the ENT key without any YES/NO). For these settings, the 1/Y and 3/N keys
preceding digit reselects the group that is are used to indicate the state (1/Y = YES and 3/N =
highlighted. NO) and the words YES or NO are displayed.
When a group is finally selected, the display After the last digit of the new value is pushed,
shows SET: in the first four positions and the
pressing the ENT key has the following effects:
name of the first category starting in position
five. Three actions can be taken here, as follows: • The blinking : symbol is replaced by an =
• To select the first category as shown, press symbol.
the ENT key to display the first item. • The value is displayed at normal intensity.
• Press ↑ or ↓ to scroll to the desired category. • The DLP3 stores the new value as the value
• To select another group, press the SET key, of the setting.
which redisplays
Pressing any command key or the ↑, ↓, or CLR
SET: GRP 1,2,3,4 key instead of the ENT key retains the old value
When the ENT key is pressed following the and the newly entered value is lost.
displayed name of a category, the first item in When a new setting value is entered, it is
the category is displayed as an 8-character checked against the allowable range of values
abbreviated name of the setting and its value.
for that setting. If the value does not fall within
Some examples are the following:
the range of values, an error message is dis-
UNITID = 1234 played. If the setting is a YES/NO type, its value
LINELEN = 100.0 is checked to ensure it is set to either a YES or
NO. Entering any other digit for this type of
setting displays an error message. If an error
When one or more digit keys are pressed fol- message is displayed, the setting name and
lowing the SET key, the name of the category is unchanged value are displayed again when the
blanked and the digits are displayed. Pressing CLR key is pressed.
the ENT key after the last digit displays the
setting corresponding to the entered setting The first time a setting is successfully changed,
number as described above. If the setting remote communication is inhibited from
number is invalid, an error message is displayed. reading and changing settings in the DLP3.
Press ↑ and ↓ to scroll through all of the settings
in a category. To leave a category, press the SET
key to display the current category name. Press ↑
or ↓ to scroll through the categories or enter a
setting number followed by the ENT key to go
directly to another setting.

Chapter 8 – Interface GEK–105548

After the value of a setting is changed, the set-

ting name and the new value remain on the Key Display
display. Press either of the ↑ or ↓ keys to move to SET SET:Z1DIST
the next setting in the category. Press any 1 SET:1
command key to begin performing other
2 SET:12
0 SET:120
• Press the SET key to display the current 1 SET:1201
– Press the ↑ or ↓ key to scroll to another 1 SELSCM :POTT
– Press the SET key again to display the
first setting category. Table 8–3. Example of changing a setting after entering
• Press any of the other command keys to the setting number directly.
display the first category associated with Tables 8–30 to 8–53 list the settings available
that key. under each category.
It is important to note that while values are
being entered., the DLP3 system does not stop ACT (Actions) Key
its protection activities. The new settings are The ACT key provides access to the 12 categories
stored in a temporary buffer until the user of actions listed in Table 8–4. You can scroll
presses the END/ENT sequence. This causes a through these categories with the ↑ and ↓ keys.
transfer of the new settings to permanent Each category has a number that can be entered
storage and reinitializes protection with the new to go directly to that category.
settings. If the END/ENT sequence is not done,
and the DLP3 systems times out, then all of the
settings in the temporary buffer are lost.
Number Action Display Entry
Table 8–2 contains an example of changing a 1 Enter Password ENTER PASSWORD
setting after going through the categories with 2 Disable Outputs DISABLE
the ↑ and ↓ keys. Table 8–3 contains an example 3 Enable Outputs ENABLE
of changing a setting after entering the setting
4 Trip TRIP
number directly.
5 Close CLOSE
6 Enter Date and DATE/TIME
Key Display
7 Relay Test RELAY TEST
8 Channel Test CHANNEL TEST
10 Digital Output Test DIG OUTPUT TEST
↑ Z2R = 9.00
11 Fix Up Settings COMPUTE CRC
8 Z2R :8
. Z2R :8.
12 Change Pass word CHANGE
5 Z2R :8.45
ENT Z2R = 8.45 Table 8–4. Action categories.

Table 8–2. Example of changing a setting after finding The key sequence for selecting actions is
the category with arrow keys.
where n is the optional category number. If this
number is omitted, category 1 is assumed. When

GEK–105548 Chapter 8 – Interface
the ACT key is pressed, the display shows ACT:, Enter Password
followed by the abbreviated name of the first
Select this category to enter the MMI password
category. The following responses are possible:
that activates a privilege level for access through
• Select the first category by pressing the ENT the keypad.
key to display the first item in that category.
After the ENT key is pressed, the display con-
• Scroll to the desired category with the ↑
tains the prompt,
and ↓ keys.
• Jump to a specific category by pressing a
digit key; the category name is blanked and Press the digit keys that represent the password.
the digit is displayed. Press the ENT key to The digits are echoed on the display as *. After
display the abbreviated name of the the final digit of the password is entered, press
category corresponding to that number. the ENT key, which results in one of the
• Entering an invalid category number following:
displays an error message. • SELECTED appears on the display if the
password was valid.
If the one of the categories DISABLE, ENABLE,
TRIP or CLOSE is selected, the MMI attempts to • NOT SELECTED appears on the display if the
acquire the action lock. The action lock prevents password was invalid.
remote communication from performing those MMI privilege is set to the level associated with
functions. If remote communication already has the selected password.
the action lock, the MMI displays the message,
REMOTE LINK ACTIVE NOTE: When a DLP3 is first shipped, special
control and setting passwords are installed.
If the category contains a list of items, scroll
Selecting these passwords does not increase
through the items with the ↑ and ↓ keys. Press
one’s privilege level, but only allows changing
the ACT key followed by ↑ or ↓ to switch to the
the password by selecting action category 12.
next or previous category.
Change Password. A higher privilege level may
If a category contains prompts, respond to each then be selected.
prompt or press any command key or the END
key to get out of the sequence of prompts.
Disable Outputs
Respond to each prompt and press the ENT key
to automatically display the next prompt (if This category inhibits the DLP3 from energizing
any) in the sequence. The DLP3 performs the any of the digital output channels except the
appropriate action after the last prompt has four alarm outputs. Press the ENT key to display
been satisfied. the prompt,
As soon as an action is complete, the display DIS OUTPUTS?
returns to the category name. The DLP3 is Press the 3/N key for NO or the 1/Y key for YES,
expecting one of the following responses: then press the ENT key. The response is echoed
• Press the ENT key to produce the first on the display as NO or YES.
prompt. • A NO response displays the message
• Press the ↑ or ↓ key to move to another CANCELLED
and no DLP3 action occurs.
• Press a command key.
• A YES response displays the message
Each of the action categories is described below. OUTPUTS DISABLED
the action is performed, the MMI LED
turns red:

Chapter 8 – Interface GEK–105548

If a data entry key other than 3/N or 1/Y is Trip

pressed, an error message is displayed and the
This category trips a breaker manually. If the
outputs are not disabled.
DLP3 is controlling two breakers, each must be
Table 8–5 lists the key sequence for disabling tripped individually.
The DLP3 responds differently for one or two
breakers. In the following procedure, go to step
Key Display 2 if the DLP3 is controlling only one breaker.
2 ACT:2
1. Press the ENT key to display the prompt,
ENT OUTPUTS DISABLED Press 1 or 2 to indicate which breaker
(pressing any other data entry key displays
Table 8–5. Key sequence and display contents for
an error message).
disabling outputs.
2. Press the ENT key to display the prompt,
Enable Outputs TRIP BKR x?
This category energizes all of the DLP3 digital 3. Press the 3/N key for NO or the 1/Y key for
output channels. Press the ENT key to display YES, then press the ENT key. The response
the prompt, is echoed on the display as NO or YES.
EN OUTPUTS? • A NO response displays the message
Press the 3/N key for NO or the 1/Y key for YES, CANCELLED
then press the ENT key. The response is echoed and no DLP3 action occurs.
on the display as NO or YES. • A YES response causes the DLP3 to send
• A NO response displays the message a trip command to the selected breaker.
CANCELLED When the 52/b contact reports that the
and no DLP3 action occurs. breaker is open, then the message
• A YES response displays the message
appears on the display.
If the 52/b contact reports that the
the action is performed, the MMI LED breaker is not open, then the message
turns green.
If a data entry key other than 3/N or 1/Y is appears on the display.
pressed, an error message is displayed and • If a data entry key other than 3/N or 1/Y
outputs are not disabled. is pressed, an error message is displayed
Table 8–6 lists the key sequence for enabling and the breaker is not tripped. The trip
outputs. command is issued for approximately .5
to 1 second.
Key Display Table 8–7 contains the key sequence for
ACT ACT:PASSWORD manually tripping a breaker when two breakers
3 ACT:3 are controlled by the DLP3.

Table 8–6. Key sequence and display contents for

enabling outputs.

GEK–105548 Chapter 8 – Interface
and the breaker is not closed. The close
Key Display command is issued for approximately .5
ACT ACT:PASSWORD to 1 second.
4 ACT:4 Table 8–8 contains the key sequence for
ENT TRIP BKR 1/2? manually closing a breaker when only one
2 TRIP BKR 1/2?2 breaker is controlled by the DLP3.
1/Y TRIP BKR 2? YES Key Display
5 ACT:5
Table 8–7. Key sequence and display contents for
manually tripping a breaker. ENT CLOSE BKR?

This category closes a breaker manually. If the Table 8–8. Key sequence and display contents for
DLP3 is controlling two breakers, each must be closing a breaker.
closed individually.
The DLP3 responds differently for one or two
breakers. In the following procedure, go to step Select this category to display or change the
2 if the DLP3 is controlling only one breaker. current date and/or time stored in the DLP3.
Press the ENT key to display,
1. Press the ENT key to display the prompt,
DATE: xx/xx/xx
The current date is displayed in the format
Press 1 or 2 to indicate which breaker mm/dd/yy. To change the date, enter six digits
(pressing any other data entry key displays from the numeric keypad. When the first digit is
an error message). entered, the six digits on the display are
2. Press the ENT key to display the prompt, blanked, and numeric key presses are echoed in
CLOSE BKR x? place of the original digits. Press the ENT key to
store the new date. If any key other than ENT is
3. Press the 3/N key for NO or the 1/Y key for pressed, or if the digits entered do not comprise
YES, then press the ENT key. The response a valid date, the old date is retained and an
is echoed on the display as NO or YES. error message is displayed.
• A NO response displays the message
CANCELLED NOTE: After initial power up or loss of power for
more than 24 hours, the time and date are reset
and no DLP3 action occurs.
to 00:00:00 01/01/90. All event and fault data
• A YES response causes the DLP3 to send are also reset.
a trip command to the selected breaker.
When the 52/b contact reports that the
After viewing or changing the date, press the ↑
breaker is closed, then the message
key to display the current time,
TIME: xx:xx:xx
appears on the display.
If the 52/b contact reports that the in the format hh:mm:ss. To change the time,
breaker is not closed then the message enter six digits. When the first digit is entered,
the six digits on the display are blanked, and
numeric key presses are echoed in place of the
appears on the display. original digits. Press the ENT key to store the
• If a data entry key other than 3/N or 1/Y new time. If any key other than ENT is pressed,
is pressed, an error message is displayed

Chapter 8 – Interface GEK–105548

or if the digits entered do not comprise a valid • Scroll through the list with the ↑ and ↓
time, the old time is retained and an error keys.
message is displayed. • Enter the number corresponding to the
Table 8–9 contains a sample key sequence for test, followed by the ENT key.
setting the date and time. Press the ENT key to select the displayed test for
execution. When the test is selected, ON is
Key Display displayed in the rightmost two characters of the
6 ACT:6 When Test Mode is selected (see Chapter 4 –
ENT DATE:08/29/94 Acceptance Testing) the pickup of the selected
0 DATE:0 / / function results in the output of a signal on the
7 DATE:07/ / Reclose Cancel digital output. Only one signal
0 DATE:07/0 / can be monitored at a time, so selecting a
4 DATE:07/04/ function for monitoring disables monitoring of
9 DATE:07/04/9 any previously selected function.
5 DATE:07/04/05 Remove the DLP3 from Test Mode by one of the
ENT DATE=07/04/95 following:
↑ TIME:12:34:55 • Press the ↑ and ↓ keys until
0 TIME:0 : :
1 TIME:01: :
3 TIME:01:3 :
is displayed, then press the ENT key.
7 TIME:01:37: • Press the 1/Y key, then press the ENT key
5 TIME:01:37:5 twice.
5 TIME:01:37:55 The currently selected function is no longer
ENT TIME=01:37:55 monitored and the Reclose Cancel digital out-
put reverts to its normal use.
Table 8–9. Sample key sequence and display contents
for setting the date and time. A sample key sequence for selecting a relay test
is contained in table 8–10. The available tests
Relay Test and their corresponding numbers are shown in
Table 8–11.
This category tests the relay functions of the
DLP3. After the ENT key is pressed, one of the
following occurs: Key Display
• If the DLP3 is already in Test Mode, the
display show the current Test Mode selec- 7 ACT:7
• If the DLP3 is not in Test Mode, the first
item is displayed, ↑ ZONE 1 BG
Table 8–10. Sample key sequence and display contents
Select or cancel a test by one of the following:
for selecting a relay test.

GEK–105548 Chapter 8 – Interface

Test Test Name Test Test Name Test Test Name

# # #

Table 8–11. Tests available in Test Mode.

Chapter 8 – Interface GEK–105548

Channel Test LED is red, it will turn green for 5 seconds

and return to red.
This category keys (turns on) the local transmitter
when a channel scheme (POTT, PUTT, 4. The display prompts with
Press the ENT key is pressed to display the first of the • Press the 3/N key, followed by the ENT key, to
two items, skip the next test (testing the keyboard).
END CHNL TEST • Press the 1/Y key, followed by the ENT key, to
test the keyboard. After the display blanks,
or press any keys on the keyboard. The keys'
CHNL TEST mnemonics are echoed on the display, to
Press the ↑ or ↓ key to toggle between the two. verify that each key is being sensed correctly.
Press the CLR key to terminate the keyboard
Press the ENT key to select the current item for test.
execution. At this point two checks are performed:
At any point in the MMI test sequence, pressing any
• Privilege must be Control level. Command or Control key other than ENT terminates
• Communication must not be currently per- the test. An error message is displayed if any Data
forming an action. Entry key other than 1/Y or 3/N is pressed.
If the checks fail, an error message is displayed and Table 8–12 contains the key sequence for a sample
the test is not performed. When the item is selected, MMI test.
the word ON appears in the rightmost two characters
of the display. Key Display
MMI Test
9 ACT:9
This category tests the display, keyboard, and MMI ENT ########NEXT?
LED. 1/Y ########NEXT?YES
Following is the sequence of MMI tests: ENT LED TST?
1. The first press of the ENT key lights the entire
left 8-character display, for verification that all ENT KEYBRD TEST?
those LED segments are working. 3/N KEYBRD TEST?NO
2. The right 8-character display prompts with
########NEXT?. Table 8–12. Sample key sequence and display contents for a
MMI test.
• Press the 3/N key, followed by the ENT key, to
skip the next test (testing the right 8-character Fix Up Settings
This category is used after the DLP3 has reported an
• Press the 1/Y key, followed by the ENT key, to
EEPROM failure, indicating that the stored settings
light the right 8-character display, for verifica-
do not match their CRC (cyclic redundancy check)
tion that all those LED segments are working.
code. It is important to examine every DLP3 setting, to
3. The left 8-character display prompts with assure that each setting is correct, before performing
LED TST?. the END-ENT key sequence to resume protection (see
Chapter 8 – Servicing).
• Press the 3/N key, followed by the ENT key, to
skip the next test (testing the LED). Press the ENT key to display the message
• Press the 1/Y key, followed by the ENT key, to FIXUP SETTS?
test the LED. If the LED is green, it will turn • Press the 3/N key to cancel the procedure. The
red for 5 seconds and return to green. If the message

GEK–105548 Chapter 8 – Interface
CANCELLED • If the two entered passwords are not the
appears on the display and no action is taken. same, then the message
• Press the 1/Y key to recalculate the setting's CRC NOT CHANGED
code. The message is displayed and the old password remains
appears on the display.
Digital Output Test
When the setting's CRC code has been calculated
This category is used to test the digital outputs of the
and every DLP3 setting has been examined, then press the
DLP3. Only one signal at a time can be monitored;
END key followed by the ENT key to resume
any previously selected signal is no longer monitored.
protection. Pressing any Data Entry key other than
Table 8–14 lists the available tests.
3/N or 1/Y displays an error message and the setting's
CRC code is not recalculated.
Test Test Name Test Test Name
Table 8–13 contains the key sequence to fix up the # #
settings. 1 End Test Mode 16 Noncritical Alarm
2 Trip–1 17 Critical Alarm
Key Display 5 Trip–2 18 Key Transmitter 1
8 BFI 19 Key Transmitter 2
11 ACT:11
11 Reclose Initiate 20 Line Overload
1/Y FIXUP SETTS?YES 13 Breaker Close 21 Reclose in
Table 8–13. Key sequence and display contents for fix up 14 Breaker Close 22 Recloser Lockout
settings. 2
15 Reclose Cancel 24 Z1 Extension Reset
Change Password Table 8–14. Digital output test.
This category is used to change the current MMI
password. The new password becomes effective after The procedure is as follows:
selection of Enter Password in this category. The 1. Press the ENT key to display the first item,
procedure is as follows:
1. Press ENT to display the message
2. Scroll to the desired test name by pressing the ↑
or ↓ keys or enter the number corresponding to
2. Press the digit keys corresponding to the new the test, followed by ENT.
password. The digits are echoed as * on the 3. Press ENT to select that test.
3. Press ENT to display the message Note: At this point the privilege level must be Control.
If the privilege level is wrong, then an error message
is displayed and the test is not performed.
4. Reenter the new password again, then press Communication interference is not checked.
• If the two entered passwords are exactly the 4. The digital outputs are checked to verify that
same, then the message they are enabled. If they are not, then the
CHANGED message
is displayed and the new password is in effect. ENABLE OUTPUTS

is displayed and test selection is canceled.

Chapter 8 – Interface GEK–105548

5. If outputs are enabled, then the message • Press the ↑ or ↓ key to scroll through the list
PROTECT OFF? of categories.
• Press the digit key for the desired category.
is displayed. The display shows that number. Press ENT to
• Press the 3/N key, followed by ENT, to stop test display the category name. An error message
selection. The message appears in response to an invalid category
is displayed. 3. Press ENT to display the first item or prompt in
• Press the 1/Y key to redisplay the test name, the category.
followed by ON in the rightmost two charac- • If the category contains a list of items, scroll
ters of the display. The test is then per- through the list with the ↑ or ↓ key. Press the
formed. ENT key when the desired item appears.
6. To stop the digital output test and reenable pro- • If the category contains prompts, respond to
tection, do one of the following, then press ENT: the prompt and press either the ENT key to
• Press the ↑ or ↓ key until display the next prompt (if any). To leave the
prompt sequence, press any Command key or
the END key.
is displayed.
• Press the 1/Y key, followed by ENT. 4. The DLP3 displays the appropriate information
after a list item is selected or the last prompt is
The test can also be stopped by pressing END and satisfied. Press the INF key to return to the
ENT in sequence, which ends the DLP3 session. category name, as in step 2.

INF Key (Information) Request DLP3 Status Information

The INF key is used to request information about any This category displays the present status of the DLP3
of the eight categories listed in Table 8–15. (see Chapter 6 – Servicing).
Press the ENT key to first display the overall status of
No. Category Display the DLP3, in the following priority order:
1 Status Info STATUS
1. If the DLP3 is working properly and protecting
2 Fault Info FAULT the line, the display contains
3 Present VALUES
4 Events EVENTS 2. If there is a critical failure, the display contains
6 Model MODEL
3. If there is a noncritical failure, the display
Table 8–15. Categories available with the INF key.
4. If the DLP3 is working properly but not protect-
ing the line, the display contains
The procedure is as follows:
1. Press the INF key to display:
INF:STATUS 5. If the DLP3 is working properly but outputs are
disabled, the display contains
2. Select a category as follows: STATUS: DIS OUTS.
• Press ENT to access the first category, STATUS.
If the display indicates that the status is a critical
failure, a noncritical failure, or not protecting the

GEK–105548 Chapter 8 – Interface
line, press the arrow keys for more information. (If SSP:PROM ERROR
the DLP3 is working properly and protecting the SSP:RAM ERROR
line, pressing an arrow key displays an error mes- SSP:CRC RAM ERR
sage.) If the status indicates a critical failure, logic SSP:SYSRAM ERROR
modules containing critical failures are reported in SSP:INT ERROR
the following order: SSP:EEPROM ERROR
1. SSP, displayed as SSP SSP:CAPRAM ERROR
2. DAP, displayed as DAP SSP:D O HW ENA
3. DSP, displayed as DSP DAP:PROM ERROR
4. Analog interface, displayed as ANI DAP:RAM ERROR
5. Digital communications interface, and the MMI, DAP:DSPRAM ERROR
both displayed as MMI. DAP:SYSRAM ERROR
6. Magnetics module (displayed as MGM) DAP:TIMER ERROR
7. Critical failures that are not related to a board. DAP:PROCSR SHTDN
Press the ↑ key to display the first critical failure (if DSP:PROM ERROR
any), based on the above order. Successive presses of DSP:DSPRAM ERROR
the ↑ key display additional critical failures until DSP:INT ERROR
there are no more critical failures, at which point any DSP:D I ERROR
noncritical failures are displayed, based on the same DSP:D I ERR COR
order. When all critical and non-critical failures have DSP:PROCSR SHTDN
been displayed, press the ↑ key again to return to the
overall DLP3 status. Press the ↑ key to again scroll ANI:A/D REF ERR
through the failures, or the ↓ key to scroll the list in ANI:A/D REF COR
reverse order. ANI:ZERO CRSS ER
If the status indicates protection off or protection on MMI:D O ERROR
but outputs disabled, only the corresponding status MMI:LED DISP ERR
messages are displayed. In these cases, there are no MGM:MAG S NVM ER
critical or noncritical failures. BK1 TRP CIR OPEN
Table 8–16 contains the key sequence for a sample FUSE FAILURE
Status information request. Table 8–17 lists the fail- LOGON FAILURE
ure messages that appear on the MMI display. RELAY TEST
Key Display DIS OUTS
Table 8–17. List of event messages displayed at the MMI.
Request Fault Information
Table 8–16. Key sequence and display contents for a sample
Status information request. This category displays information associated with up
to the last 14 faults that the DLP3 has stored,
depending on setting 1512.
Press the ENT key to display the prompt

Chapter 8 – Interface GEK–105548

FAULT #? Table 8–19 contains the key sequence for a sample

Enter a number from 1 to 14 (where 1 is the most- Fault information request
recent fault, 2 the second most-recent fault, etc.),
then press ENT. If there is no valid information Key Display
available for that fault, the message INF INF:STATUS
is displayed. Entering any number not in the range 1 FAULT#?1
1–14 displays an error message.
If ENT is pressed after the fault number is entered, ↑ TIME: HH:MM:SS
the fault information appears on the display in the ↑ FAULT TYPE: AG
following order. Press ↑ to scroll through the list. ↑ TRIP TYPE: Z1
1. DATE: xx/xx/xx. ↑ DIST: 1.0MI

2. TIME: xx:xx:xx Table 8–19. Key sequence and display contents for a sample
Fault information request.
3. FAULT TYPE: xxx (examples: AG, ABG, CA, 3PH)
4. TRIP TYPE: xxx (see Table 8–19) Request Present Values
5. DIST: xxx MI (in user-selected units) This category displays the present analog values and
the status of the contact inputs that the DLP3 is
Trip Type Description The PLC and BKR names displayed refer to contact
Z1 Zone 1 converters CC3–CC6 and CC8–CC13 defined in the
Z2 Zone 2 Elementary Diagram, Figure 1–6. The PLC signals,
Z3 Zone 3 PLC SIG and PLC STS, are present for all the pilot
Z4 Zone 4 schemes except blocking. For a blocking scheme, PLC
STS signals are replaced with
PLT Pilot
50G Ground instantaneous STOP CAR = OFF
overcurrent BLK PILOT = OFF
50P Phase instantaneous overcurrent The PLC STS signals report the state of STOP CAR
51G Ground time-delayed overcurrent and BLK PILOT when the scheme selected is not
LPU Line pickup Blocking. No action is taken for these signals except
REM Remote open with the Blocking scheme.
WI Weak infeed To view the Present Values on the DLP display, press
OSC Oscillography trigger the ENT key. The first item is displayed as
SZ1 Single-pole, zone 1 IA = xxx.xx
SZ2 Single-pole, zone 2
Press the ↑ key to scroll through the list of parame-
SPI Sinple-pole pilot
ters. Press the ↓ key to scroll backwards through the
SWI Single-pole, weak infeed
CTB Configurable Trip Bus
The values are periodically updated while on display.
Table 8–19. Trip type abbreviations in Fault information
displays. Table 8–20 contains the key sequence for a sample
Present Values information request.
Press the ↑ key after the last entry (distance) to
return to the top of the list (date). The ↓ key can be
used at any time to scroll backwards through the list.

GEK–105548 Chapter 8 – Interface

Press the ENT key to display the model number in the

Key Display form,
↑ INF:VALUES Press the ↑ key to display the PROM version number
ENT IA = 5.00A in the form,
↑ IB = 5.00A Press the ↑ key again to return to the model number.
↑ ANGLE IB = -120 Press the ↓ key to scroll backwards through the items.
Table 8–20. Key sequence and display contents for a sample Table 8–22 contains the key sequence for a
Present Values information request. Model/Version information request.

View Password Key Display

This category displays the communication passwords INF INF:STATUS
in encrypted form. When the ENT key is pressed, the ↑ INF:FAULT
DLP3 checks that Communication is not in the ↑ INF:VALUES
process of changing the passwords. If the check fails, ↑ INF:EVENTS
then an error message is displayed and the action is ↑ INF:PASSWORD
not performed. If the check passes, then the word ↑ INF:MODEL
VIEW is displayed. Press the ↑ key to display the View- ENT MD:DLP3521AA
level password. Press the ↑ key repeatedly to display ↑ VER:V001.111A
the word CONTROL, the Control-level password, the
word SETTING, the Setting-level password, and back to Table 8–22. Key sequence and display contents for a sample
the word VIEW. All passwords are displayed in Model/Version information request.
encrypted form.
Table 8–21 contains the key sequence for a sample Station ID
View Password information request. This category displays the 32-character Station ID
string that was downloaded by remote communi-
Key Display cations.
When the ENT key is pressed, the DLP3 checks that
↑ INF:FAULT Communication is not in the process of changing the
↑ INF:VALUES Station ID. If the check fails, an error message is
↑ INF:EVENTS displayed and the action is not performed. If the
↑ INF:PASSWORD check passes, then the first 16 characters of the
ENT ENTER PASSWORD Station ID are displayed. Press the ↑ or ↓ key to
display the next 16 characters of the Station ID.
Table 8–21. Key sequence and display contents for a sample
View Password information request. Line Id
This category displays the 32-character Line ID string
Request DLP3 Model/Version that was downloaded by Remote Communications.
This category displays the DLP3 model number and When the ENT key is pressed, the DLP3 checks that
the PROM version number. Communication is not in the process of changing the
Line ID. If the check fails, then an error message is
displayed and the action is not performed. If the
check passes, then the first 16-characters of the Line

Chapter 8 – Interface GEK–105548

ID are displayed. Press the ↑ or ↓ key to display the

next 16 characters of the ID. Error Message Cause of Error
VAL OUT OF The setting value is either greater
Errors RANGE than the upper limit or less than
the lower limit.
Whenever an incorrect response is entered to a
SETT NUM INVALID The setting number is not valid.
request for data or a choice of options, the DL:P1
displays an error message. Table 8–23 contains a list Y/N NOT ENTERED A YES or NO response key was
of the error messages. required, but the 1/Y or 3/N key
was not pressed.
After an incorrect response, the display blanks and REQUEST INVALID A key was pressed that is not
an error message is displayed. Press the CLR key to valid for a sequence; for example:
blank the error message (all other keys are ignored). The ENT key is pressed to view
The last message is redisplayed, providing the events.
opportunity to enter the correct response. The ↑ key is pressed during
If the setting's CRC code is corrupted, certain MMI entry of a settings value.
functions become unavailable. When this error CATEGORY INVALID An incorrect category number
occurs, no settings can be changed, although they was entered for an action or
can still be viewed. If the error occurs during startup, information item.
the only Action command available is Fixup Settings. BKR NUM INVALID A breaker number other than 1 or
When the setting's CRC has been recalculated by the 2 was entered.
FIXUP SETTINGS command, all normal commands are DATE INVALID The day, month, or year entry is
again available.. invalid.
TIME INVALID The hour, minute, or seconds
The CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) code is stored entry is invalid.
in memory and is automatically set up whenever a FAULT # INVALID A fault number out of the range
setting is changed. The CRC code enables the 1–5 was entered.
EEPROM Self Test to verify the integrity of the
REMOTE LINK ACT The remote communication link is
settings area in EEPROM. in use for actions or settings;
local settings or changes can’t be
UMI KEY ERROR The MMI received an invalid key
code from the keyboard
(hardware error).
ACT INVALID NOW The current action is invalid
because the setting’s CRC code
is in error.
Table 8–23. MMI error messages.

8–2 ASCII Interface

The pin-to-pin connections for the cable connecting remote communications ports. The ASCII port’s
the ASCII port to plug PL2 on the back of the DLP3 handshaking mode must be set to either XON/XOFF
are shown in Figure 8–2. Virtually any standard or DTR Ready. The DLP3 setting COMMPORT affects
communications package on a PC with a serial both the baud rate of the RS232 port (plug PL1) and
interface may be used. The ASCII serial interface the ASCII port PL2.
must be programmed to the same parameters as the

GEK–105548 Chapter 8 – Interface

Figure 8–2. Pin connections for cable connecting ASCII Port to DLP3.

Recommended Remote NOTE: Jumpers J1, J2, and J3, are shipped from the
Communications Package factory in the closed position which disables the
functions in Table 8–25.
The following programs have been tested and known
to support the ASCII interface on the DLP3. Note The proper sequence for removing these jumpers is
that most any communications package that as follows:
emulates a TTY type terminal should communicate
successfully.. 1. Remove the front plastic bezel by unscrewing the
four thumbscrews. Note, the thumbscrews are
retained to the front bezel.
Description Vendor
Procomm Plus Datastorm 2. Turn the power switch off on the front panel.
Windows Terminal Program Microsoft 3. Remove DC power from the DLP1, and remove
Table 8–24. Recommended terminal emulation programs. all voltage inputs from the terminals on the rear
panel of the unit.

WARNING: Completely power down the relay by

8–3 Remote Communication disconnecting the control DC power and by removing
Interface all voltage inputs to the rear terminals prior to
opening the unit. Dangerous high voltages may be
Hardware Jumpers present inside the unit even if the power switch is
There are jumpers J1, J2, and J3, located on the
Processor board (see Chapter 3 – Hardware Description)
that disable the Remote Manual Trip, the Remote 4. Remove the four 1/4” hex nuts at the four
Manual Close, the Remote Change DLP3 Settings, corners of the front panel. Gently pull the front
the Remote Disable Outputs, and the Remote Enable panel away from the unit to expose the cable
Outputs functions. Removing these jumpers will connections to the front panel.
enable the functions. 5. Disconnect the power switch cable from the
Output board and the ribbon cable from the
Processor board.

Chapter 8 – Interface GEK–105548

6. Remove the two ribbon cables and power cables 12. Reconnect the front panel power switch cable to
from the front of the PC boards. the Output Board and the ribbon cable to the
Processor Board. Install the front panel with the
7. Remove the two PC board retainers by
four 1/4” hex standoffs.
unscrewing the two phillips head screws that
hold each in place. 13.Restore dc power to the DLP3.
8. Remove the Processor board, located in the 14. Turn on the front panel power switch.
middle card guides, and lay on a antistatic
15. Reinstall the plastic cover with the four
surface component side up.
9. The jumpers J1, J2, and J3, defined in Table
8–25, are located near the left front of the Modem Connections and Settings
board. Figure 3-14 indicates the location of the
jumpers on the board. Remove the jumpers to When establishing communication between the
enable the desired functions, and reinsert the DLP3 and a remote PC, Two modems connected by a
Processor Board. phone line are required to establish a connection
between the DLP3 and a remote PC. One modem is
located at the DLP3 and the other modem at the PC.
The pin connections for the cable that connects the
Jumper Function modem with either the DLP3 or the PC is shown in
J1 Manual Trip and Manual Close Figure 8–3. Both modems must be "Hayes-
J2 Change DLP Settings, Disable Outputs, compatible," which means that they accept
and Enable Outputs configuration commands first developed by Hayes.
J3 Spare (not used) This is necessary since the DLP-LINK
communications software that runs on the PC sends a
Table 8–25. Hardware jumper descriptions. Hayes-compatible command string to the modem
10. Reinstall the PC board retainers. located at the PC. The DLP3 does not send any
configuration commands to its modem. Both the DLP3
11. Reinstall the power cable and the two ribbon modem and the PC modem must be uniquely configured to
cables on the PC boards. permit logging into and communicating with the DLP3
using DLP-LINK software.

Figure 8–3. Pin connections for cables connecting the modem to the DLP3 and to the PC.

GEK–105548 Chapter 8 – Interface

The required configuration settings are presented as

changes to the factory-default configuration settings Command Meaning
for a Hayes V-Series 2400 SmartModem. The default +++ Set modem to command mode
settings are listed in Table 8–26. AT Modem attention command
E0 disable command state echo
B1 Y0 &S0 S12=50 L0 Low speaker volume (desirable, not
E1 &C0 &T4 S18=0 required)
L2 &D0 &X0 S25=5 Q0 Modem returns result codes
M1 &G0 S0=0 S26=1 V0 Result codes returned in numeric form
N1 &J0 S6=2 S36=1 X4 Enables result code features
P &K3 S7=30 S37=0 Y0 Disable long-space disconnect
Q0 &L0 S8=2 S38=20 S7=60 Modem hangs up if no connection within
V1 &P0 S9=6 60 sec.
W0 &Q5 S10=14 Table 8–27. Explanation of command sequence sent by DLP-
X4 &R0 S11=95 LINK to the modem.
Table 8–26. Modem configuration settings required for DLP3
communications. The S7=60 command is present starting with version
1.05 of DLP-LINK. Earlier versions of DLP-LINK do
Other "Hayes-compatible" modems may implement a not send this command, leaving the time out at the
subset of the full Hayes command set. It is the default value, which is typically 30 seconds.
responsibility of the customer to determine the exact If any of the above commands are not recognized by
commands accepted by a particular modem. The proper the modem, then the modem will not operate
syntax for entering the Hayes-compatible commands properly. In addition to the required configuration
(sometimes referred to as the "AT" command set) is settings listed in Table 8–26, it is suggested that the
not described here. Refer to the manual of your following two settings also be made:
modem for an explanation of this syntax.
&D3 – the modem resets on the ON-to-OFF transi-
tion of DTR (Data Terminal Ready).
PC Modem
&C1 – DCD (Data Carrier Detect) tracks the
The PC modem must be configured for "intelligent" received carrier signal.
(command recognition enabled) operation. For the
Hayes V-Series 2400 SmartModem, this setting is The modem will operate properly without these two
made with an internal jumper. The default settings settings, but it will not hang up if the appropriate
listed in Table 8–26 are valid for DLP-LINK. The handshaking signal is lost.
configuration settings critical to the operation of A DLP-LINK setting establishes the baud rate, which
DLP-LINK are sent to the modem from DLP-LINK: must match the baud-rate setting of the DLP3. DLP-
+++ LINK will then set the specified PC serial port
(delay 2 seconds) (COM1, COM2) to the proper baud rate, parity, data
bits, and stop bits. If the PC modem is capable of
operating at more than one baud rate, then it must
These commands are explained in Table 8–27. be able to automatically configure its baud rate,
character length, and parity setting by examining the
"AT" command prefix.

DLP3 Modem
The DLP3 modem must be configured for "dumb"
(command recognition disabled) operation. On the
Hayes V-Series 2400 SmartModem, this setting is

Chapter 8 – Interface GEK–105548

made with an internal jumper. Since the DLP3 sends may not connect properly, or you may not be able to
no configuration commands to its modem, the log into the DLP3.
required configuration settings must be made before
With a Hayes V-Series 2400 SmartModem or
connecting the modem to the DLP3. Additionally, the
equivalent, the DLP3 modem performs a modulation
modem must be initialized to the required configuration
handshake with the PC modem to set the baud rate
settings each time modem power is turned OFF and then
of the DLP3 modem. The default setting of N1
ON. Depending on the design of the modem this is
permits handshaking to occur at any baud rate
accomplished with switch settings via switches or by
supported by both modems. This is one reason why it
saving the settings in nonvolatile memory.
is better to use identical modems at each end.
The required configuration settings are listed in
Note that auto-answering is controlled by register S0:
Table 8–28.
• S0=0 – disables auto-answer.
Comman Description • S0=1 – the DLP3 modem answers incoming calls
d after one ring.
E0 Disable command state echo S0 can be set for any value between 1 and 255, if it is
L0 Low speaker volume (desirable, not desirable to delay modem answering. Note that DLP-
required) LINK (version 1.05 or higher) configures the PC
Q1 Disable result code display modem to wait 60 seconds for the DLP3 modem to
&C1 DCD (Data Carrier Detect) tracks the answer. If the DLP3 modem register S0 is set higher
received carrier signal than 12 (answer after 12 rings), the PC modem may
&D3 Modem resets on the ON-OFF transition time out and hang up before the DLP3 modem can
of DTR (Data Terminal Ready) answer. S0=12 corresponds approximately to the 60
&Q0 Asynchronous mode second delay (S7=60) at the PC modem; however,
S0=1 Enable auto-answer you should verify the number of rings that
correspond to 60 seconds for a particular application.
Table 8–28. Configuration settings for the modem connected
to the DLP3. Table 8–29 lists the modem command set required to
communicate to the DLP3 from a remote PC.
If any of the settings in Table 8–28 cannot be
implemented, the modem may not answer, the DLP3

Function DLP3 Modem (remote) PC Modem (local)

DTR Status Follow DTR (&D3) Follow DTR (&D3)
Result Code Format Numeric (V0) Numeric (V0)
Result Code Display Disable (Q1) Disable (Q1)
Command State Echo Disable (E0) Disable (E0)
Auto-Answer Enable (S0=1) Disable (S0=0)
Carrier Detect Follow CD (&C1) Follow CD (&C1)
Jack Type RJ-11, etc. (&J0) RJ-11, etc. (&J0)
Command Recognition Disable (Dumb) Enable (Smart)
Comm. Std. (@1200 Bell 212A (B1) Bell 212A (B1)
Response to DTR Modem Reset (&D3) Modem Reset (&D3)
Pulse Dial Ratio 39%Mk/61%Bk (&P0) 39%Mk/61%Bk
Table 8–29. Modem commands required for communication between the DLP3 and a remote PC.

GEK–105548 Chapter 8 – Interface

Connection to G-NET (optional)

The G-NET host computer provides a complete communication package to send and retrieve information
automatically from the DLP3. The pin-to-pin connections to the G-NET host are shown in Figure 8–4. Refer
to the G-NET Instructions (GEK–100642) for complete information on G-NET Host Computer cable
connections and operation.

Figure 8–4. Pin connections for the cable connecting the DLP3 to the G-NET host.

Null-Modem Connections
A PC can be connected to a DLP3 without the intervening modems and phone line with a special null-modem
cable. The required pin-to-pin connections for this null-modem cable are shown in Figure 8–5. The pin-to-pin
connections for a null-modem cable to the Comm connector on the MMI are shown in Figure 8–6. Neither
null modem cable should be longer than 50 feet.

Figure 8–5. Pin connections for a null-modem cable connecting relay PL–1 to a PC.

Chapter 8 – Interface GEK–105548

Figure 8–6. Pin connections for a null-modem cable connecting the MMI Comm connector to a PC.

8–4 Recloser Manual Lockout

On units that are equiped with the recloser manual lockout option, a toggle switch for this fuction will be
found on the left side of the keypad on the front panel labeled MLO. When this switch is ON, the recloser is in
manual lockout mode. When the switch is OFF, the recloser operates according to the 52b signal received
from the breaker.

GEK–105548 Chapter 8 – Interface
8–5 DLP3 Settings
Tables 8–30 to 8–53 list the settings available on the DLP3 for each category. Table 8–54 lists the input
condition codes required for a number of settings categories.

Setting Description Abbreviation Units Range Format

0101 Select Zone 1 Ground SELZ1G N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0102 Select Zone 1 Phase SELZ1P N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0103 Phase Reach (M1) Z1R ohms 0.01–50 for 5 A xxx.xx
0.01–250 for 1 A
0104 Ground Reach (M1G) Z1GR ohms 0.01–50 for 5 A xxx.xx
0.01–250 for 1 A
0105 Select Zone 1 Ground Unit SELZ1U N/A 0, 1 x
– Mho MHO 0
– Reactance REACT 1
0106 Reach Setting of Mho Unit Z1SU ohms 0.01–50 for 5 A xxx.xx
Supv. Reactance Unit 0.01–250 for 1 A
0107 Zero-Sequence Current Z1K0 N/A 1.0–7.0 x.x
Compensation (K0)
0108 Zone 1 Extension Reset Z1ERST sec 0.0–60.0 xx.x
Table 8–30. Settings available in Z1DIST (Zone 1 Distance) category.

Setting Description Abbreviation Units Range Format

0201 Select Zone 2 Ground SELZ2G N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0202 Select Zone 2 Phase SELZ2P N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0203 Phase Reach (MT) Z2R ohms 0.01–50 for 5 A xxx.xx
0.01–250 for 1 A
0204 Ground Reach (MTG) Z2GR ohms 0.01–50 for 5 A xxx.xx
0.01–250 for 1 A
0205 Select Zone 2 Ground Unit SELZ2U N/A 0, 1, 2 x
– Mho MHO 0
– Ground Directional OC GDOC 1
0206 Select Zone 2 Timers SELZ2T N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0207 Phase Timer Setting PUTL2P sec 0.10–3.00 x.xx
0208 Ground Timer Setting PUTL2G sec 0.10–3.00 x.xx
0209 Phase Characteristic Angle Z2PANG deg 90, 105, 120 xxx
0210 Ground Characteristic Angle Z2GANG deg 90, 105, 120 xxx
Table 8–31. Settings available in Z2DIST (Zone 2 Distance / GDOC) category.

Chapter 8 – Interface GEK–105548

Setting Description Abbreviation Units Range Format

0301 Select Zone 3 Ground SELZ3G N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0302 Select Zone 3 Phase SELZ3P N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0303 Phase Reach (M3) Z3R ohms 0.01–50 for 5 A xxx.xx
0.01–250 for 1 A
0204 Ground Reach (M3G) Z3GR ohms 0.01–50 for 5 A xxx.xx
0.01–250 for 1 A
0305 Phase Timer Setting PUTL3P sec 0.10–10.00 xx.xx
0306 Ground Timer Setting PUTL3G sec 0.10–10.00 xx.xx
0307 Phase Characteristic Angle Z3PANG deg 90, 105, 120 xxx
0308 Ground Characteristic Angle Z3GANG deg 90, 105, 120 xxx
Table 8–32. Settings available in Z3DIST (Zone 3 Distance) category.

Setting Description Abbreviation Units Range Format

0401 Select Zone 4 Ground SELZ4G N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0402 Select Zone 4 Phase SELZ4P N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0403 Phase Reach (M4) Z4R ohms 0.01–50 for 5 A xxx.xx
0.01–250 for 1 A
0404 Ground Reach (M4G) Z4GR ohms 0.01–50 for 5 A xxx.xx
0.01–250 for 1 A
0405 Phase Offset Reach Z4OR N/A 0.00–0.40 x.xx
0406 Select Zone 4 Timer SELZ4T N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0407 Phase Timer Setting PUTL4P sec 0.10–10.00 xx.xx
0408 Ground Timer Setting PUTL4G sec 0.10–10.00 xx.xx
0409 Phase Characteristic Angle Z4PANG deg 80, 90, 95, 105, 110, xxx
0410 Ground Characteristic Angle Z4GANG deg 80, 90, 95, 105, 110, xxx
0411 Select Direction SELZ4D N/A 0,1 x
– Forward 0
– Reverse 1
Table 8–33. Settings available in Z4DIST (Zone 4 Distance) category.

GEK–105548 Chapter 8 – Interface

Setting Description Abbreviation Units Range Format

0501 Ground Pilot Trip OC (IPT) PUIPT amp 0.50–5.00 for 5 A xx.xx
0.10–1.00 for 1 A
0502 Ground Pilot Block OC (IPB) PUIPB amp 0.25–3.75 for 5 A x.xx
0.05–0.75 for 1 A
0503 Trip Supervision OC Setting (IT) PUIT amp 0.20–4.00 for 5 A x.xx
0.04–0.80 for 1 A
0504 Block Supervision OC Setting PUIB amp 0.20–4.00 for 5 A x.xx
(IB) 0.04–0.80 for 1 A
Table 8–34. Settings available in CURSUPVIS (Overcurrent Pilot / Supervision) category.

Setting Description Abbreviation Units Range Format

0601 Select Phase Instantaneous OC SELPH4 N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0602 Phase Instantaneous OC Setting PUPH4 amp 2.0–100.0 for 5 xxx.x
0.4–20.0 for 1 A
0603 Select Ground Inst. OC IDT SELIDT N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0604 Directional Control of IDT SELDIDT N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0605 Ground Instantaneous OC Setting PUIDT amp 0.5–80.0 for 5 A xx.x
0.1–16.0 for 1 A
0606 Select Ground Time OC (TOC) SELTOC N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0607 Directional Control of TOC SELDTOC N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0608 Ground Time OC Setting PUTOC amp 0.20–15.0 for 5 xx.xx
0.04–3.00 for 1
0609 Ground Time OC Time Dial TDTOC N/A 0.5–10.0 xx.x
0610 TOC Pickup Time PUTTM sec 0.5–30.0 xx.x
0611 Select TOC Curve SELCURV N/A 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 x
– Inverse INV 0
– Very Inverse V-INV 1
– Extremely Inverse E-INV 2
– Custom Curve CUSTOM 3
– Definite Time DEFT 4
0612 KD Constant KDCONST N/A 0.0, 0.3 x.x
Table 8–35. Settings available in OVERCUR (Overcurrent Backup) category.

Chapter 8 – Interface GEK–105548

Setting Description Abbreviation Units Range Format

0701 All of the Above SELALL N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0702 Out-of-Step Block RBOSB N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0703 All Zone 3 Phase Units RB3PH N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0704 Ground Time OC (TOC) RBTOC N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0705 Zone 2 Timers RBZ2T N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0706 Zone 3 Timers RBZ3T N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0707 Zone 4 Timers RBZ4T N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0708 All Zone 1 Phase Units RBZ1PH N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0709 All Zone 2 Phase Units RBZ2PH N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0710 Configurable Trip Bus RBCTB N/A YES/NO YES/NO
Table 8–36. Settings available in BLKRECLOS (Reclosing) category.

Setting Description Abbreviation Units Range Format

0801 Select Phase Trip Unit to coord SELALL N/A 0, 1, 2 x
with 0
– Zone 2 ZONE2 1
– Zone 3 ZONE3 2
– Zone 4 ZONE4
0802 Characteristic Angle MOBANG deg 30–130 xxx
0803 Select Block Trip Actions SELOSB N/A 0–3 x
– Block all tripping BLKALL 0
– Block: Channel and BLKDIST 1
– Block: Phase distance BLKPHAS 2
– Block none BLKNONE 3
0804 Select Zone 1 Block OSBBLK1 N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0805 Select Zone 2 Block OSBBLK2 N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0806 Select Zone 3 Block OSBBLK3 N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0807 Select Zone 4 Block OSBBLK4 N/A YES/NO YES/NO
Table 8–37. Settings available in OUTOFSTEP (Out-of-Step Blocking) category.

Setting Description Abbreviation Units Range Format

0901 Select Line Pickup SELLPU N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0902 Select Timer Bypass SELTBP N/A YES/NO YES/NO
0903 Positive Sequencve OC (I1) PUI1 amp 1.0–15.0 for 5 A xx.x
0.2–3.0 for 1 A
Table 8–38. Settings available in LINEPU (Line Pickup) category.

GEK–105548 Chapter 8 – Interface

Setting Description Abbreviation Units Range Format

1001 Select Remote Open Detect SELROD N/A YES/NO YES/NO
1002 Time Delay Setting (TL20) PUTL20 msec 10–100 xxx
1003 Fuse Failure Block SELFFB N/A YES/NO YES/NO
Table 8–39. Settings available in REMOTEOPEN (Remote Open Detector) category.

Setting Description Abbreviation Units Range Format

1101 Select Line Overload SELOVL N/A YES/NO YES/NO
1102 Level 1 OC Setting PULV1 amp 5.0–10.0 for 5 A xx.x
1.0–4.0 for 1 A
1103 Level 2 OC Setting PULV2 amp 10.0–40.0 for 5 A xx.x
2.0–8.0 for 1 A
1104 Level 1 Time Delay (TL31) PUTL31 sec 10–990 xxx
1105 Level 2 Time Delay (TL32) PUTL32 sec 10–99 xx
Table 8–40. Settings available in LINEOVRLD (Line Overload) category.

Setting Description Abbreviation Units Range Format

1201 Select Scheme SELSCM N/A 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 x
– Step Distance STEPDST 0
– Permissive Overreaching POTT 1
– Permissive Underreaching PUTT 2
– Hybrid HYBRID 3
– Blocking 1 BLK1 4
– Zone 1 Extension ZNE1EXT 5
– Blocking 2 BLK2 6
– Blocking 3 BLK3 7
1202 Number of Receivers NUMRCVR N/A 0, 1, 2 x
1203 Trip Mode TRPMODE N/A x x
Table 8–41. Settings available in SCHEMESEL (Scheme Selection) category.

Chapter 8 – Interface GEK–105548

Setting Description Abbreviation Units Range Format

1301 Trip Integrator PU (TL1) PUTL1 msec 1–50 xx
1302 b Contact Coordination Pickup PUTL5 msec 0–200 xxx
(TL5) Breaker 1
1303 b Contact Coordination Dropout DOTL5 msec 0–200 xxx
(TL5) Breaker 1
1304 b Contact Coordination Pickup PUTL6 msec 0–200 xxx
(TL6) Breaker 2
1305 b Contact Coordination Dropout DOTL6 msec 0–200 xxx
(TL6) Breaker 2
1306 POTT/PUTT Coordination Pickup PUTL4 msec 0–50 xx
1307 b Contact Coordination Dropout DOTL4 msec 0–50 xx
1308 Weak Infeed Trip Pickup (TL16) PUTL16 msec 8–99 xx
1309 Configurable Pickup Time PUTLCFG msec 0–100 xxx
1310 Configurable Dropout Time DOTLCFG msec 0–100 xxx
Table 8–42. Settings available in SCHEMETIM (Scheme Logic Timers) category.

Setting Description Abbreviation Units Range Format

1401 Positive Sequence Angle of POSANG deg 45–90 xx
Maximum Reach (ZR1)
1402 Zero Sequence Angle of ZERANG deg 45–90 xx
Maximum Reach (ZR0)
1403 Positive Sequence Impedance ZP ohm 0.01–50 for 5 A xxx.xx
0.01–250 for 1 A
1404 Zero Sequence Current K0 N/A 1.0–7.0 x.x
Compensation for Z2, Z3, Z4
Ground Distance (K0)
1405 Line Length LINELEN mile 0.0–200.0 xxx.x
km 0.0–322.0

Table 8–43. Settings available in LINEQTY (Line Quantities) category.

GEK–105548 Chapter 8 – Interface
Setting # Description Abbreviation Units Range Format
1501 Unit ID Number UNITID N/A 0–9999 xxxx
1502 System Frequency SYSFREQ Hz 50, 60 xx
1503 Number of Breakers NUMBKRS N/A 1, 2 x
1504 Trip Circuit Continuity TRIPCIRC N/A 0, 1, 2, 3 x
– None NONE 0
– Breaker 1 BKR1 1
– Breaker 2 BKR2 2
– Both Breakers BOTH 3
1505 Primary/Secondary Units for Report SELPRIM N/A 0, 1, 2, 3 x
– Primary CVTPRIM 0
– Secondary CVTSEC 2
1506 CT Ratio CTRATIO N/A 1–5000 xxxx
1507 PT Ratio PTRATIO N/A 1–7000 xxxx
1508 Units of Distance DISTUNIT N/A 0, 1 x
– Miles MILES 0
– Kilometers KM 1
1509 Communication Configuration COMMPORT N/A xxyx
– 300 baud (xx=03) 03yz
– 1200 baud (xx=12) 12yz
– 2400 baud (xx=24) 24yz
– 4800 baud (xx=48) 48yz
– 9600 baud (xx=96) 96yz
– No Parity (y=0) xx0z
– Odd Parity (y=1) xx1z
– Even Parity (y=2) xx2z
– 1 Stop Bit (z=1), – 2 Stop Bits (z=2) xxy1, xxz2
1510 Phase Designation PHASDESG N/A 0, 1 x
– A-B-C A-B-C 0
– A-C-B A-C-B 1
1511 Select Time Synch SELTSYNC N/A 0, 1, 2 x
– Internal NONE 0
1512 Select Number of Faults Stored NUMFLTS N/A 2, 4, 7, 14 xx
1513 Select Number of Prefault Cycles Stored PREFLT N/A 1–8 x
for Faults
1514 Select Trigger to Store Oscillography Data OSCTRG N/A 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ,6 X
– Not Used UNUSED 0
– Fault Detector FLTDET 1
– Any Zone 2 ANYZ2 2
– Any Zone 3 ANYZ3 3
– Any Zone 4 ANYZ4 4
– Out of Step OUTSTP 5
– V1 Detector V1DET 6
1515 Unbalance Detection Alarm UNBALALM N/A YES/NO YES/NO

Chapter 8 – Interface GEK–105548

Table 8–44. Settings available in CONFIG (Configuration) category.

Setting # Description Abbreviation Units Range Format
1601 Fault Location Lock DAFLTLCK sec 0, 1.0–99.9 xx.x
1602 Fault Location Reset DAFLTRST min 0–999 xxx
Table 8–45. Settings available in SCADADTA (SCADA DTA Interface) category.

Setting # Description Abbreviation Units Range Format

1701 Configurable Input Mode CONCCI N/A 0–8 x
1702 Settings Group SETGRP N/A 0–4 x
Table 8–46. Settings available in CNFGINPUTS (Configurable Inputs) category.

Setting # Description Abbreviation Units Range Format

1801 Contact Output CONOUT1 N/A 0, 1, 2 x
– Breaker 1 Close DEFAULT 0
1802 Configurable Output 1, Input 1 CO1IN1 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
1803 Configurable Output 1, Input 2 CO1IN2 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
1804 Configurable Output 1, Input 3 CO1IN3 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
1805 Configurable Output 1, Input 4 CO1IN4 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
1806 Configurable Output 1, Input 5 CO1IN5 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
1807 Configurable Output 1, Input 6 CO1IN6 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
1808 Configurable Output 1, Input 7 CO1IN7 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
1809 Configurable Output 1, Input 8 CO1IN8 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
Table 8–47. Settings available in BKR1CLSOUT (Breaker 1 Close / Configurable Output) category (see Table 8–54 for a
description of the input numbers).

Setting # Description Abbreviation Units Range Format

1901 Contact Output CONOUT2 N/A 0, 1, 2 x
– Breaker 1 Close DEFAULT 0
1902 Configurable Output 2, Input 1 CO2IN1 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
1903 Configurable Output 2, Input 2 CO2IN2 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
1904 Configurable Output 2, Input 3 CO2IN3 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
1905 Configurable Output 2, Input 4 CO2IN4 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
1906 Configurable Output 2, Input 5 CO2IN5 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
1907 Configurable Output 2, Input 6 CO2IN6 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
1908 Configurable Output 2, Input 7 CO2IN7 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
1909 Configurable Output 2, Input 8 CO2IN8 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
Table 8–48. Settings available in BKR2CLSOUT (Breaker 2 Close / Configurable Output) category (see Table 8–54 for a
description of the input numbers).

GEK–105548 Chapter 8 – Interface
Setting # Description Abbreviation Units Range Format
2001 Contact Output CONOUT3 N/A 0, 1, 2 x
– Reclose Cancel DEFAULT 0
2002 Configurable Output 3, Input 1 CO3IN1 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2003 Configurable Output 3, Input 2 CO3IN2 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2004 Configurable Output 3, Input 3 CO3IN3 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2005 Configurable Output 3, Input 4 CO3IN4 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2006 Configurable Output 3, Input 5 CO3IN5 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2007 Configurable Output 3, Input 6 CO3IN6 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2008 Configurable Output 3, Input 7 CO3IN7 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2009 Configurable Output 3, Input 8 CO3IN8 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
Table 8–49. Settings available in RCANCLOUT (Reclose Cancel / Configurable Output) category (see Table 8–54 for a description
of the input numbers).

Setting # Description Abbreviation Units Range Format

2101 Contact Output CONOUT4 N/A 0, 1, 2 x
– Breaker 1 Close DEFAULT 0
– OR with Configurable Trip ORCTB 3
– AND w/ Configurable Trip
2102 Configurable Output 4, Input 1 CO4IN1 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2103 Configurable Output 4, Input 2 CO4IN2 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2104 Configurable Output 4, Input 3 CO4IN3 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2105 Configurable Output 4, Input 4 CO4IN4 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2106 Configurable Output 4, Input 5 CO4IN5 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2107 Configurable Output 4, Input 6 CO4IN6 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2108 Configurable Output 4, Input 7 CO4IN7 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2109 Configurable Output 4, Input 8 CO4IN8 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
Table 8–50. Settings available in LNOVLDOUT (Line Overload / Configurable Output) category (see Table 8–54 for description of
input numbers).
A value of 1 or 2 for setting 2101 will use settings 1309 and 1310 for the pickup and dropout times of the
For a value of 3 or 4, the trip type will be CTB if the relay trips for the set condition. In addition, setting 1309
will be used as the contact pickup time and the output will remain active until the condition is false for a fixed
value of 25 milliseconds. Setting 1310 is not used.

Chapter 8 – Interface GEK–105548

Setting # Description Abbreviation Units Range Format

2201 Contact Output CONOUT5 N/A 0, 1, 2 x
– Breaker 1 Close DEFAULT 0
2202 Configurable Output 5, Input 1 CO5IN1 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2203 Configurable Output 5, Input 2 CO5IN2 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2204 Configurable Output 5, Input 3 CO5IN3 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2205 Configurable Output 5, Input 4 CO5IN4 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2206 Configurable Output 5, Input 5 CO5IN5 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2207 Configurable Output 5, Input 6 CO5IN6 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2208 Configurable Output 5, Input 7 CO5IN7 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2209 Configurable Output 5, Input 8 CO5IN8 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
Table 8–51. Settings available in NONCRITOUT (Noncritical Alarm / Configurable Output) category (see Table 8–54 for
description of input numbers).

Setting # Description Abbreviation Units Range Format

2301 Contact Output CONOUT6 N/A 0, 1, 2 x
– Breaker 1 Close DEFAULT 0
2302 Configurable Output 6, Input 1 CO6IN1 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2303 Configurable Output 6, Input 2 CO6IN2 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2304 Configurable Output 6, Input 3 CO6IN3 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2305 Configurable Output 6, Input 4 CO6IN4 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2306 Configurable Output 6, Input 5 CO6IN5 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2307 Configurable Output 6, Input 6 CO6IN6 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2308 Configurable Output 6, Input 7 CO6IN7 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
2309 Configurable Output 6, Input 8 CO6IN8 N/A 0–64, 101–164 xxx
Table 8–52. Settings available in RINITOUT (Reclose Initiate / Configurable Output) category (see Table 8–54 for description of
input numbers).

GEK–105548 Chapter 8 – Interface

Setting # Description Abbreviation Units Range Format

2401 Recloser Scheme SELRCLR N/A 0, 1, 2, 3 x
– No Internal Recloser NONE 0
– Relcoser Off OFF 1
– One Reclose 1-XPOLE 2
– Two Recloses 2-TPOLE 3
2402 Reclose Delay1 XPRDLY1 sec 0.01–2.55 x.xx
2404 Reclose Delay 2 RDLY2 sec 1–255 xxx
2405 Hold Mode HOLD N/A YES/NO YES/NO
2406 Hold Time Delay HLODDLY sec 1–255 xxx
2407 Dwell Time Delay DWELLTM sec 0.1–2.0 x.x
2408 Reset Time Delay RSTDLY sec 1–255 xxx
Table 8–53. Settings available in RECLOSER (Recloser) category.

Chapter 8 – Interface GEK–105548

Relay Config. Condition Relay Config. Condition

Input Condition Test Input No. Desc. Input Condition Test Input No. Desc.
Number Code Number Code
ZONE 3 BC 25 24 Z3BC ANY Z4 UNIT 56 ANY Z4
Table 8–54. Input condition codes used in Tables 8–47 to 8–52.

GEK–105548 Chapter 9 – Software
9–1 DLP-LINK Software • Use a hot key. The hot key is the combination of
the ALT key and the letter that is highlighted in
Overview the item description (blue).
• After either of the above methods has been used
A personal computer (PC) provides a remote man-
to select an item on the menu, indicated by one
machine interface to the DLP3 for operating
item being highlighted, the ← and → keys can
be used to move to adjacent menu items. If the
menu is not visible just below the highlighted
System Requirements item on the menu bar use the ↓ key to display
the menu.
The minimum PC hardware requirements consists of Pull-Down Menus
the following components. An IBM-AT or compatible Pull-down menu items are selected are selected with
with one parallel port, a minimum of 400 kbytes of either the mouse or keyboard.
free memory (RAM) for running the program, 40
• Mouse – Position the mouse cursor on the menu
MB hard drive, low density 31/2-inch floppy drive,
item, then click the left button once to display
EGA monitor, and one of the printers described
the pull-down menu. To select an item in the
below for plotting oscillography data.
pull-down menu, position the cursor on the
desired item and click on the left mouse button.
Both may be done at once by positioning the
MSDOS (PCDOS) 3.1 or higher is required for the cursor over the menu item on the menu bar and
PC operating system. holding the left mouse button down, moving the
mouse cursor to the desired entry and then
Installation releasing the mouse button.
View the file README.TXT for updated information • Keyboard – To activate a hot key and activate the
and installation instructions for this program. This associated menu or dialog box, hold the ALT
file is found on the 31/2-inch floppy disk located at key and strike the highlighted key. If there is no
the end of this manual. hot key for a desired menu item, use the ↑ and ↓
keys to highlight the desired item, then press
the ENTER key, which activates the associated
General Operation menu or dialog box.
Mouse/Keyboard Usage Dialog Boxes
Either the mouse or the keyboard can be used to Dialog boxes are generally characterized by a title
access all items in menus, dialog boxes, and list bar, a grey box, and OK and CANCEL buttons. The
boxes, as described below. Note that a mouse is dialog box cannot be moved, resized, or converted to
required for full manipulation of graphical data. an icon. In addition, only items in the dialog box can
A mouse is used to access items in menus and dialog be accessed, not any other items on the screen.
boxes by moving the cursor to the item, followed by If an item in the dialog box has a title with a
pressing and then releasing the left mouse button highlighted character (blue in the default color
(clicking). scheme), this item is accessed from the keyboard by
holding the ALT key and pressing the highlighted
Main Horizontal Menu Bar
character (the hot key). Items in a dialog box can
Items in the main horizontal menu are selected in also be accessed from the keyboard by using the
one of three ways: cursor keys: ↑, ↓, ←, →, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN,
• Position the mouse cursor on top of the menu TAB, and SHIFT-TAB keys. In any dialog box the
item and click the left button. TAB key moves the highlighted item sequentially in
one direction and the SHIFT TAB key in the

Chapter 9 – Software GEK–105548

opposite direction. The other cursor keys generally the list box until the key is released. When the
move within a selected item. desired item can be seen, use the ↑ and ↓ keys to
select and highlight it.
Buttons in the dialog box can be accessed from the
keyboard with the ↑, ↓, TAB, and SHIFT-TAB keys, Following are the valid keys and their functions for
or if the button has a highlighted character, the hot list boxes:
key. If a selection is required, it is made with the ↑ – Move up one selection.
ENTER key.
↓ – Move down one selection.
To exit from the dialog box and clear it from the PAGE UP – Move up one page of selections.
screen, select either the OK or CANCEL button.
PAGE DOWN – Move down one page of selections.
• Mouse – Move the cursor over the screen button
HOME – Move to the first selection.
and click the left mouse button.
END – Move to the last selection.
• Keyboard – Use the hot keys: ALT-O for OK and
ALT-C for CANCEL. RETURN – Accept the current selection and exit
the list box.
The mouse can be used to select any item in a dialog
ALT-X – Exit the list box without making a
box by moving the cursor to the desired item and
clicking the left mouse button.
The OK button accepts selection(s) made in the Entering Text and Numbers
dialog box and allows the program to use these The following keys are used when entering and
selections. The CANCEL button reverts the program to editing text and numbers.
the previous selections. Any highlighted button can
be selected by striking the ENTER key. ← – Move the cursor one character to the left.
→ – Move the cursor one character to the right.
List Boxes DELETE – Delete the character at the cursor.
A list box contains all choices for an item in a dialog BACKSPACE – Delete the character to the left of
box (for example, a list of file names). If the list of the cursor.
available entries is longer than the displayed list box, INSERT – Toggle between the insert and overwrite
the list box has a vertical scroll bar, on the right side mode.
of the list box, for scrolling through the list. • Overwrite mode is indicated by an
To operate a scroll bar with the mouse, place the tip underscore-character cursor.
of the arrow cursor in the gray hatched area or on • Insert mode is indicated by a block-character
the arrows at the top and bottom of the scroll bar and cursor.
click on the left mouse button. If the arrow cursor is ENTER – Accept the text or number in the field or
in the grey hatched area, then the contents of the list box
box move a section at a time. If the mouse cursor is
ESCAPE – Clear the text or number in the field or
on one of the arrows at the top or bottom, the
contents of the list box move one line at a time.
Holding down the mouse button repeats movement The first keystroke other than the arrow keys clears
until the mouse button is released or the end of the the field or box; thus the box does not have to be
list is reached. When the desired item can be seen, cleared before a new entry. If a minor change is
click on the item with the left mouse button to select desired and you do not wish to clear the field or box,
and highlight the item. move the cursor first and then do the editing to the
To operate the scrolling of the list box with the
keyboard, use the PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys
to move the contents of the list box a section at a time
and the ↑ and ↓ keys to move the contents one line at
a time. Holding keys down repeats the movement in

GEK–105548 Chapter 9 – Software
Program Operation baud rate, and multiplexor switch code for each
Main Menu
The NEW RELAY button in the dialog box is for
The main horizontal menu has the following items adding a relay to the list of configured relays. Enter
and hot keys: the unit description, the phone number, the
• Relay Functions – ALT-R multiplexor switch code, and the phone number for
the new relay.
• Local Functions – ALT-L
• Setup – ALT-S When a relay is selected from the list of relays, the
software asks for the password and the unit ID.
• Help – ALT-H
Neither of these is echoed on the screen. Enter this
Each item in the main horizontal menu has a pull- information, then select OK to log in to the relay. Any
down menu associated with it. of the three passwords for Communications can be
used to log in to the relay. (See Chapter 8 – Interface.)
Relay Functions The password entered determines the access level
Relay functions includes the menu items listed in available. For example, if settings changes will be
Table 9–1 with their associated hot key combinations. performed, then the password should be the Settings
access password. Another method is to use the View
access password to log into the DLP3, then change
Menu Item Hot Key
the access level when settings changes are needed.
Login ALT-L See the description of Change access level below.
lOgout ALT-O
Change access level ALT-C lOgout
Hang up phone ALT-H lOgout disables access to the relay. A check is made to
Actions... ALT-A determine the status of protection at the DLP3 (ON
Information... ALT-I or OFF), which is displayed in the dialog box. Select
Settings... ALT-S OK to complete logging out or CANCEL to remain
TOC... ALT-T logged in to the relay. If the status of protection is
OFF due to a setting change that was not ended,
Table 9–1. Menu items under Relay Functions, with associated select CANCEL and choose End settings change under
hot keys. Settings in the Relay Functions menu.

Login Change access level

Login provides access to the relay. When logging into Select Change access level to enter another password
a DLP3 for the first time, you must use the factory so that the settings can be changed, actions can be
password. In this case, the only commands available performed, or to restrict access to viewing only. The
at the PC are to change the password and to logout. access level is displayed on the bottom line of the
Change from the factory password to a new password display.
by selecting change Password from the Actions... menu To choose Change access level, move the mouse cursor
item in the Relay functions pull-down menu. The to the item and click on it or press the hot key ALT-C.
encoded Communications password can only be A dialog box appears with space to enter a password.
viewed locally, on the MMI. Change the access level by entering a password for
The Login dialog box contains a list of the currently one of the other levels, then selecting OK by clicking
configured DLP3s, a place to enter the password, a on it or with the ALT-O hot key. The new level is
place to enter the unit ID, a button for adding a new displayed at the bottom of the screen. Select CANCEL
DLP3 to the configured DLP3 list, an OK button, and to exit Change access level without changing the level.
a CANCEL button. The list of currently configured Table 9–2 contains operations performed by DLP-
DLP3s contains the unit description, phone number, LINK and the associated password level required to
perform the operation. All items can be viewed at any

Chapter 9 – Software GEK–105548

level, but can only be changed with the proper access factory password contains one or more
level displayed. characters that are not valid for subsequent
password use. The Communications password
DLP-LINK Operation Access Level
can only be viewed on the MMI, in encrypted
Change Password Any
form, therefore it is important to keep a record of
Trip Breaker Master the password in a safe place.
Close Breaker Master
First enter the present password. If this password
Enable Outputs Master
is valid, next enter the new password. If the new
Disable Outputs Master
password is valid, enter the identical new
Change Time and Date Settings, Master password again as confirmation. Select OK, after
Change Station/Line D
I Settings, Master which you are asked to confirm the change.
Calculate CRC Any Select OK again to change the password.
Relay Test Master
Manual trip – Select this item to trip the breakers
Digital Output Test Master
manually. If two breakers are controlled by the
Channel Test Master DLP3, each must be tripped individually. Note
Perform Settings Changes Settings, Master that the breakers cannot be tripped if the
Table 9–2. Password level required for DLP-LINK appropriate jumper is installed (see 8 for a
operations. description of the jumpers). To select Manual trip,
click on the menu item or press the hot key
Hang up phone ALT-M.
Hang up phone disconnects the phone line at the Select the breaker to trip with the ↑ and ↓ keys
modem. If you are logged into the relay, the logout or by clicking on the breaker selection. Select OK,
procedure is completed before the phone is hung up. after which you are asked to confirm the action.
To pick this selection, click on the menu item or Select OK again to trip the breaker and return to
press the hot key ALT-H. the previous screen. Select CANCEL to return to
the breaker-selection dialog box without
Actions tripping the selected breaker. Select CANCEL in
The Actions... menu item displays the additional the breaker-selection dialog box to return to the
choices listed in Table 9–3. Actions... menu.

manual Close – Select this item to close the breakers

Action Item Hot Key manually. If two breakers are controlled by the
change Password ALT-P DLP3, each must be closed individually. Note
Manual trip ALT-M that the breakers cannot be closed if the
manual Close ALT-C
appropriate jumper is installed (see Chapter 8 for
a description of the jumpers). To select manual
Enable outputs ALT-E
Close, click on the menu item or press the hot key
Disable outputs ALT-D ALT-C.
change Time and date ALT-T
Select the breaker to close with the ↑ and ↓ keys
change Station/line ID ALT-S or by clicking on the breaker selection. Select
cAlculate CRC ALT-A OK, after which you are asked to confirm the
Relay test mode ALT-R action. Select OK again to trip the breaker and
digital Output test ALT-O return to the previous screen. Select CANCEL from
chaNnel test ALT-N the confirmation dialog box to return to the
breaker-selection dialog box without closing the
9–3. Menu items available with Actions under Relay selected breaker. Select CANCEL from the breaker-
Functions. selection dialog box to return to the Actions...
change Password– Select this item to change the
password in the DLP3. The valid password Enable outputs – Select this item to energize the DLP3

characters are A to Z, 0 to 9, and space. The outputs. Note that the digital outputs

GEK–105548 Chapter 9 – Software
cannot be enabled remotely if the appropriate Line IDs. Select CANCEL in the Station/Line ID
jumper is installed (see Chapter 8 for a dialog box before sending the IDs to the relay to
description of the jumpers on the MMI board). exit the dialog box without sending the IDs to
To select Enable outputs, click on the menu item the DLP3. Select CANCEL after sending the IDs to
or press the hot key ALT-E. the relay to simply return to the Actions... menu.
Select the CANCEL button to return to the cAlculate CRC – Select this item to recalculate the
Actions... menu. Select OK to display another settings CRC code in nonvolatile RAM. Select
dialog box to confirm the action. Select OK again cAlculate CRC by clicking on the menu item or by
to enable the outputs. If CANCEL is selected, pressing the ALT-A hot key. A dialog box is
there is no change in the status of the digital displayed that contains only OK and CANCEL
outputs and the previous menu is redisplayed. buttons. Select CANCEL at any time to return to
Disable outputs – Select this item to inhibit the DLP3 the Actions... menu. For further information see
from energizing any of the relay outputs except Chapter 6 – Servicing.
the four Alarm Outputs. Note that the digital Select OK to display another dialog box to
outputs cannot be disabled if the appropriate confirm the action. Again select OK to
jumper is installed (see Chapter for a description recalculate the settings CRC code and send all
of the jumpers). To select Disable outputs, click the settings back to the PC. In addition, a
on the menu item or press the hot key ALT-D. message is displayed to verify all settings.
Select CANCEL to return to the Actions... menu.
Select OK to display another dialog box to NOTE: If settings have been uploaded previous to
confirm the action. Select OK again to disable the executing this command and have not been saved to
outputs. If CANCEL is selected, there is no change a disk file or downloaded, they will be lost.
in the status of the digital outputs, and the
previous menu is redisplayed. If CANCEL is selected, the CRC value is not
recalculated and the previous dialog box is
change Time and date – Select this item to set the
time and date in the DLP3. Changing the time
Relay test mode – Select this item to test the relay
and date through this menu does not affect the
time and date in the PC. functions of the DLP3. Select Relay test mode by
clicking on the menu item or by pressing the
First the DLP3's current time and date is ALT-R hot key. The test functions are displayed
displayed. The time is displayed in the format in a list box. Since there are 46 test entries in the
HH:MM:SS (for example: 10:55:09). The date is list box, only a few will be seen at one time. To
displayed in the format MM/DD/YY (for find the desired test, use the PAGE UP and
example: 07/16/90). You may then edit the time PAGE DOWN and the ↑ and ↓ keys or use the
and date. Select OK to confirm the action and mouse on the scroll bar.
change the time and date in the DLP3.
Select the desired test function by clicking on it
change Station/line id – This dialog box displays the
or pressing the ENTER key when the correct test
station and line ID for the relay. The IDs can be has been highlighted. Select OK to display
up to 32 characters long and must be all another dialog box to confirm the test. Select OK
printable characters. To change an ID, select again to put the relay in test mode for the
the desired ID with the TAB key or by clicking selected test. Select CANCEL to stop the test and
on it. When the correct ID has been selected, use return to the previous dialog box.
the insert, delete, and backspace keys to edit and
enter data. After the correct ID has been Select CANCEL in the dialog box with the list of
entered, select OK, after which you are asked to tests to return to the Actions... menu box. To put
confirm the IDs. Select OK again to send the IDs the relay back in operating mode, select End test
mode from the list of tests.
to the DLP3.
digital Output test – Select this item to perform
Select CANCEL in the confirmation dialog box to
return to the dialog box with the Station and digital output tests in the relay. The tests are
displayed in a list box. To perform this test,

Chapter 9 – Software GEK–105548

jumper J1 on th microproccessor board must be request Present values – Select this item to display,
removed. See Chapter 8 for information on print, or file the present values. To select this
removeing the jumper. menu item, either click on it or press the ALT-P
Select the test to perform, then select OK. A hot key. A dialog box appears with three
dialog box appears to confirm the test. Again independent choices for displaying, printing,
select OK to put the relay in test mode with and filing the present values. To change any of
protection OFF and perform the test. To put the the three choices, either click on it or press the
relay back in operating mode, select End test TAB key to highlight the selection and the space
mode. bar to change it. An X in the brackets indicates
that choice has been selected. One must be
chaNnel test – Select this item to key (turn on) the
chosen for the present values to be retrieved
local transmitter when a channel scheme is used.
from the relay.
To select chaNnel test, either click on it or press
the ALT-N hot key. To save the report in a file, enter a file name in
the box that is displayed. Either move the mouse
A dialog box is displayed with the choice of
cursor to the box and click on it or press the
starting or stopping the test with the START or
TAB key to highlight the box, then enter the
STOP radio buttons. Use the TAB key until the
filename and press the ENTER key.
selected radio button is highlighted or click
directly on the desired button. Once the After all the choices have been made, click on OK
Start/Stop choice is made, select OK to display or use the ALT-O hot key to retrieve the report
another dialog box to confirm that the channel from the relay. Select CANCEL to return to the
test is to be performed. Select CANCEL to return Information menu without any further action.
to the Actions... menu box. If the report is displayed, when finished either
Select OK to display another dialog box to click on the small box in the upper left corner or
confirm the channel test. Select OK again to use the ALT-F4 hot key (F4 refers to the
either start or stop the channel test, depending Function key F4, not the F key followed by the 4
on which radio button was selected from the key.). When the present values have been
previous dialog box. Select CANCEL to stop the cleared from the screen, the Present values dialog
action and return to the previous dialog box. box is redisplayed. Use the ALT-C hot key or
Select CANCEL from the chaNnel test dialog box to click on CANCEL to exit Present values.
return to the Actions... menu.
NOTE: Phase angles go from 0° to 180° or –1° to –
Information 179°, and are referenced to Phase A voltage (VA). VA
The Information... menu item displays the additional must be present for this function to operate. Currents
choices listed in Table 9–4. and voltages are RMS values and are either primary
or secondary, as selected with setting 1505. Status is
reported only for the number of breakers and carrier
Information Item Hot Key sets present in the configuration.
request Present values ALT-P
request fault report Identification ALT-I – Select this item to
request fault report Identification
request Fault report ALT-F display and/or print the identification of each
request Events ALT-E fault report, including the time, date, and trip
request Oscillography data ALT-O type for each fault.
request dlp Status ALT-S To select this menu item, either click on it or
request dlp Model ALT-M press the ALT-I hot key. A dialog box appears
with three independent choices for displaying,
request Line/station id ALT-L
printing, and filing the present values. To
request MMI pAssword ALT-A
change any of the three choices, either click on
Table 9–4. Menu items available with Information under Relay it or use the TAB key to highlight the selection
Functions. and the space bar to change it. An X in the

GEK–105548 Chapter 9 – Software
brackets indicates that choice has been selected. box in the upper left corner or use the ALT-F4
One must be chosen for the fault report hot key (F4 refers to the Function key F4, not the
identifications to be retrieved from the relay. F key followed by the 4 key). When the fault
To save the report in a file, enter a file name in report has been cleared from the screen, the
the dialog box. Either click on the box with the Fault report dialog box is redisplayed. Use the
mouse or use the TAB key to highlight the box, ALT-C hot key or click on CANCEL to exit.
then enter the file name and press the ENTER The voltages are displayed with units of V if they
key. are secondary or kV if the voltages are primary.
After all the choices have been made, click on OK You may scroll the screen to view the events
or press the ALT-O hot key to retrieve the associated with the fault. To scroll through the
identifications from the relay. Select CANCEL to report, press the PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN
return to the Information menu without any keys or place the mouse on the ↑ or ↓ on the
further action. scroll bar and press the left mouse button. Click
the left mouse button to move one line in that
If the identifications are displayed, when
direction or hold the button down to scroll
finished either click on the small box in the
continuously. The events are displayed with the
upper left corner or use the ALT-F4 hot key (F4
most recent event last.
refers to the Function key F4, not the F key
followed by the 4 key). When the identifications request Events – Select this item to display, print,
have been cleared from the screen, the fault and/or file the events stored in the relay. To
report Identification dialog box is redisplayed. Use select this menu item, either click on it or use
the ALT-C hot key or click on CANCEL to exit. the ALT-E hot key. When this item is selected, a
dialog box appears with three independent
request Fault report – Select this item to display,
choices for displaying, printing, and filing the
print, and/or file a fault report and its associated
present values. To change any of the three
events. To select this menu item, either click on
choices, either click on it or press the TAB key to
it or use the ALT-F hot key. A dialog box
highlight one of the selections and the ↑ and ↓
appears with three independent choices for
keys to choose one of the three choices. An X in
displaying, printing, and filing the present
the brackets indicates that choice has been
values. To change any of the three choices,
selected. Use the space bar to change any of the
either click on it or press the TAB key to
choices. At least one must be selected for the
highlight one of the selections and the ↑ and ↓
events to be retrieved from the relay.
keys to choose one of the three choices. An X in
the brackets indicates that choice has been To save the report in a file, enter a file name in
selected. Press the space bar to change any of the dialog box. Either click on the box with the
the choices. At least one must be chosen for the mouse or use the TAB key to highlight the box,
fault report to be retrieved from the relay. Enter then enter the file name and press ENTER.
the fault report number (from 1 to 14) in the After all the choices have been made, click on OK
box supplied on the first line of the Fault report or use the ALT-O hot key to retrieve the events
dialog box. from the relay. Select CANCEL to return to the
To save the report in a file, enter a file name in Information menu without any further action.
the dialog box. Either click on the box with the Events are displayed chronologically, starting
mouse or use the TAB key to highlight the box, with the most recent event. If there are more
then enter the file name and press the ENTER events than can be displayed on one screen, a
key. scroll bar appears on the left side of the box.
After all the choices have been made, click on OK Press the PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys or
or use the ALT-O hot key to retrieve the fault use the mouse on the scroll bar to see the other
report from the relay. Select CANCEL to return to events.
the Information menu without any further To clear the events from the screen, if they have
action. To clear the fault report from the screen, been displayed, either click on the small box in
if it has been displayed, either click on the small the upper left corner or press the ALT-F4 hot

Chapter 9 – Software GEK–105548

key (F4 refers to the Function key F4, not the F keys to select one of the three choices. An X in
key followed by the 4 key). When the events have the brackets indicates that choice has been
been cleared from the screen the Events dialog selected. Use the space bar to make any changes.
box will be redisplayed. Press the ALT-C hot key At least one must be selected for the status to be
or click on CANCEL to exit. retrieved from the relay.
To save the report in a file, a file name must be
NOTE: If dc power is removed for more than 24 entered in the box supplied. To enter the file
hours, all event information will be lost. name, click on the box or press the TAB key to
highlight the box. Then enter the filename and
request Oscillography data – Select this item to save press ENTER.
the oscillography data for a particular fault on
disk. To select this menu item either click on it After all the choices have been made, click on OK
or press the ALT-O hot key. A dialog box or press the ALT-O hot key to retrieve the status
appears with spaces to enter the fault number from the relay. Select CANCEL to return to the
and file name. To change one of the entries, Information menu without any further action.
click on it or press the TAB key to highlight one To clear the status from the screen, if it has been
of the selections. Then use the editing keys to displayed, either click on the small box in the
enter and/or change the information in the upper left corner or press the ALT-F4 hot key
selected box or field. The fault number (F4 refers the Function key F4, not the F key
associated with the oscillography data (1 to 14) followed by the 4 key). When the status has been
and the file name for the data must be supplied cleared from the screen, the Status dialog box is
before the oscillography data is retrieved from redisplayed. Press the ALT-C hot key or click on
CANCEL to exit.
the relay.
After the file name and fault number have been Status messages are displayed in the same order
entered, click on OK or press the ALT-O hot key as those at the DLP3 (described in Chapter 6 –
to retrieve the oscillography data from the relay. Servicing).
The fault report, the events associated with the request dlp Model – Select this item to display, print,
fault report, the settings in effect at the time of and/or file the DLP3 model and PROM version
the fault, and the data are saved to the specified number. To select this menu item, either click
file. on it or use the ALT-M hot key. A dialog box
The oscillography data is an ASCII text file appears with three independent choices for
consisting of the fault report, the events displaying, printing, and filing the present
associated with the fault report, the settings, the values. To change any of the three choices,
currents, the voltages, the digital inputs, digital either click on it or press the TAB key to
outputs, and protection flags. This file can be highlight one of the selections and the ↑ and ↓
read directly by Lotus 1-2-3, without any keys to choose one of the three choices. An X in
modification, by importing the data as numbers the brackets indicates that choice has been
rather than text. selected. Press the space bar to change any of
the choices. At least one must be selected for the
NOTE: If dc power is removed for more than 24 data to be retrieved from the relay.
hours, the oscillography data will be lost. To save the report in a file, a file name must be
entered in the box supplied. To enter the file
– Select this item to display, print,
request dlp Status name, click on the box or press the TAB key to
and/or file the DLP3 status. To select this menu highlight the box. Then enter the filename and
item either click on it or press the ALT-S hot key. press ENTER.
A dialog box appears with three independent After all the choices have been made, click on OK
choices for displaying, printing, and filing the or use the ALT-O hot key to retrieve the model
present values. To change any of the three and PROM version from the relay. Select CANCEL
choices, either click on it or press the TAB key to to return to the Information menu without any
highlight one of the selections and the ↑ and ↓ further action. To clear the model and version

GEK–105548 Chapter 9 – Software
from the screen, if they have been displayed, Enter the group and select OK. Select CANCEL to
either click on the small box in the upper left return to the Settings menu.
corner or press the ALT-F4 hot key (F4 refers When a group has been selected, all the settings
the Function key F4, not the F key followed by for the group are uploaded and the functions
the 4 key). When the model and version have that can be performed in the Settings menu are
been cleared from the screen, the Model dialog displayed.
box is redisplayed. Use the ALT-C hot key or
If the access level is not Settings, the option to
click on CANCEL to exit.
Download changed settings to the DLP is not
request Line/station id – To select this menu item, available.
either click on or press the ALT-L hot key. A
view/change Category of settings – Select this item to
dialog box displays the station and line ID of the
change or view one or all of the settings in a
relay from which information is being uploaded.
category. To select this menu item, click on it or
Both the station ID and line ID can only be
press the ALT-C hot key. A list box of category
viewed with this item. To change the station ID
names is displayed. Select a category to view or
and line ID select Change station/line id from the
change with the mouse or the ↑ and ↓ keys
Actions... menu. When finished viewing the IDs,
followed by ENTER. When a category has been
select OK.
chosen, select OK to display a dialog box with the
request mmi pAssword – To select this menu item, settings in the category. Select CANCEL to return
either click on it or press the ALT-A hot key. to the Settings... menu.
The dialog box displays the MMI passwords in
The dialog box for this category consists of a list
encrypted form. These are the passwords to be
box containing the settings, the usual OK and
used at the MMI, not the Communications
CANCEL buttons, a box for a setting number to be
password used with DLP-LINK. The MMI
entered, and a box for the setting value to be
passwords can only be viewed from this item and
changed. The TAB key selects any of the above
can only be changed at the MMI keypad. For
items in the list box. The ↑ and ↓ keys and PAGE
more information see Chapter 8 – Interface. When
UP and PAGE DOWN keys display any unseen
finished viewing the passwords, select OK.
settings. A setting can be selected by clicking on
Settings it or by highlighting it with the cursor keys and
pressing ENTER. After the setting has been
The Settings... menu displays the additional choices selected, it can be changed in the box marked
listed in Table 9–5. Setting Value.
After all the settings changes have been
Settings Item Hot Key completed, select OK to save the settings changes
Upload dlp settings ALT-U and return to the Settings menu. Select CANCEL
Print dlp settings ALT-P at any time to return to the Settings menu
view/change Category of settings ALT-C without any further action.
view/change Individual settings ALT-I If the access level is not Settings, the option to
Download changed settings to dlp ALT-D Download changed settings to the DLP is not
End settings change ALT-E available.
Save settings to file ALT-S view/change Individual settings – Select this item to
change or view one setting at a time. To select
Table 9–5. Menu items available with Settings under Relay
this item, either click on it or press the ALT-I hot
key. A dialog box appears containing a field to
Upload dlp settings – This menu item uploads the enter a setting number, a list box containing all
settings from the DLP3. To select this menu the settings for the DLP3, a field to enter a new
item, click on it or press the ALT-U hot key. a setting value for a selected setting, and an
dialog box asks for the desired group of settings. informational field with the valid range for the

Chapter 9 – Software GEK–105548

setting value. Each of the different items can be normal editing keys to change the group
selected with the TAB key or by clicking on it. number. The acceptable group numbers are 1,
Select a setting to change with the field labeled 2, 3 and 4.
Enter setting number. Use the editing keys to enter Select CANCEL to redisplay the Settings menu
and/or change the contents of the field. When a with no further action. Select OK to display
setting number has been entered, followed by another dialog box to confirm that the settings
ENTER, the list box scrolls to the setting and the are to be downloaded. Select OK again to send
cursor appears in the setting value box. Enter a the changed settings; the changes are ended if
setting value and press ENTER. the automatic end settings option was chosen.
The list box labeled Setting list contains a list of Select CANCEL so that no settings are sent and to
all the settings. To scroll to a setting that is not redisplay the Download settings dialog box.
displayed, use the PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN End setting changes – Select this item after
keys or the ↑ and ↓ keys or click on the scroll bar downloading settings to tell the DLP3 that
on the far-right side of the list box. settings changes are complete and protection
The field labeled Enter setting value is used to should use the new settings. (If the option to
enter a new value for the selected setting. The end settings changes automatically was picked
value is checked to ensure that it is in the when downloading settings to the DLP3, this
allowed range. The allowed range is specified in menu item need not be selected again.) To
the field labeled Setting range. When a setting select this menu item, click on it or press the
valued is changed, the word Changed is displayed ALT-E hot key. A dialog box is displayed
in the list box next to the setting. containing only the OK and CANCEL buttons. To
end the settings changes, select OK. Select
Select OK to save the setting changes. Select
CANCEL to return to the Settings menu. If CANCEL
CANCEL to return to the Settings menu without
is selected before the settings changes are
any further action.
ended, then the new settings are not used.
If the access level is not Settings, the option to
Select OK to display another dialog box to
Download changed settings to the DLP is not
confirm the choice to end the settings changes,
since protection will be enabled with the new
Download changed settings to dlp – Select this item to settings. Select OK to end the setting changes.
transmit all the changed settings to the DLP3. Select CANCEL in the confirmation dialog box to
Note that if the appropriate jumper is installed, reactivate the previous dialog box.
the DLP3 will not allow setting changes from the
Save dlp settings to file – Select this item to write the
PC. See Chapter 8 for more information on the
settings to a disk file. To select this item, click on
it or press the ALT-S hot key. Enter a file name
Select Download by clicking on it or by pressing (which may also include a path) in the field
the ALT-D hot key to display a dialog box with labeled Enter file name. Select OK to save the
the changed settings. To end the settings settings in the specified file. Select CANCEL to
change automatically, either click on the box or return to the Settings menu without saving the
press the TAB key to highlight the selection and settings.
press the SPACE BAR to select it. Press the
The contents of the settings file are raw
SPACE BAR or click the left mouse button again
numbers; there is no description of the contents
to deselect the option.
in the file because it is used for input to the
The group number must be set correctly to program. Use Print dlp settings in the Settings
ensure the desired group of settings is changed. menu under Local functions for a description of
The default is the group that was uploaded from the settings.
the relay. If another group is to be selected, the
item can be chosen by pressing the TAB key or TOC
by clicking on the box that contains the group
The TOC... menu displays two additional choices.
number. The cursor moves to that box. Use the

GEK–105548 Chapter 9 – Software
Download TOC curve – Select this item to download a Local Functions
TOC curve to the relay from a disk file. A dialog
Local functions includes the menu items listed in Table
box appears containing several fields, including
9–6 with their associated hot key combinations.
a list of files in the current directory and a list of
disk drives and subdirectories. A file may be
selected either by entering a file name in the Menu Item Hot Key
field labeled File name or from the list box Settings... ALT-S
labeled Files. Graph oscillography data ALT-G
The File name field contains the file that is Custom TOC curves ALT-C
currently selected. Select it to specify a file go to DOS ALT-D
containing TOC values (a file previously created
Table 9–6. Menu items available under Local Functions, with
by the Upload TOC curve menu item discussed
their associated hot keys.
below or by the program DLPTOC) or enter a
partial file name using the standard DOS wild Settings
card characters * and ?. The field labeled
Directory indicates the current drive and The Settings... menu under Local functions displays the
directory from which the list of files is obtained. additional choices listed in Table 9–7.
This field cannot be edited.
The list box labeled Files contains a list of files in Settings Items Hot Keys
the current directory from which a file can be Load settings from file ALT-L
selected. The list box labeled Directories contains Print local settings ALT-P
a list of subdirectories and drives containing view/change Category of local settings ALT-C
additional lists of files. view/change Individual local setting ALT-I
Select OK to download a TOC curve to the relay Save local settings to file ALT-S
from the selected file. Model/version number ALT-M
Upload TOC curve – Select this item to upload, into station/Line id ALT-L
DLP-LINK, the TOC curve from the relay and Download local settings to dlp ALT-D
write the values to a disk file. Enter a file name End setting changes ALT-E
(which may include a path) in the field labeled
Enter file name. Select OK to upload the TOC Table 9–7. Menu items available with Settings under Local
curve and save the values in the specified file. Functions.
The field marked File name contains the file that Load settings from file – Select this item to read
is currently selected. This field may be selected settings from a disk file into the program as local
to specify a file containing TOC values (a file settings. To select this item, either click on it or
previously created by the Upload TOC curve menu press the ALT-L hot key. Selecting this item
item or by the DLPTOC program) or enter a
displays a dialog box containing several fields,
partial file name using the standard DOS wild
including a list of files in the current directory
card characters * and ?. The field labeled
and a list of disk drives and subdirectories.
Directory indicates the current drive and
Either enter a file name in the field labeled File
directory where the list of files is obtained. This name or select a file from the list box labeled
field cannot be edited. Files.
The list box labeled Files contains a list of files in If a set of local settings is loaded, the previous set
the current directory from which a file can be
of local settings is overwritten and lost, unless
selected. The list box labeled Directories contains
they were as saved with the Save local settings to
a list of subdirectories and drives where file menu item from the Settings... menu.
additional lists of files can be found.
The File name field contains the file that is
Select OK to upload a TOC curve from the relay currently selected. This field may be selected to
to the selected file.
specify a file containing settings (a file previously

Chapter 9 – Software GEK–105548

created by the Save local settings to file menu item the cursor keys and then pressing ENTER or by
or the Save dlp settings to file menu item) or enter clicking on it. After the setting has been selected
a partial file name using the standard DOS wild it can be changed in the box marked Setting
card characters * and ?. Value.
The field labeled Directory indicates the current After all the settings changes have been
drive and directory from which the list of files is completed, select OK to save the settings changes
obtained. This field cannot be edited. and return to the Settings menu. Select CANCEL
The list box labeled Files contains a list of files in at any time to return to the category names
the current directory from which a file may be dialog box without any further action.
selected. The list box labeled Directories contains view/change Individual local setting – Select this item
a list of subdirectories and drives containing to change or view one setting at a time. To select
additional lists of files. this item, either click on it or press the ALT-I hot
Select OK to read the local settings from the key. A dialog box is displayed containing a field
selected file. to enter a setting number, a list box containing
all the settings for the DLP3 from the saved-
Print local settings – Select this item to print all
settings file, a field to enter a new setting value
settings or categories of settings. To select this
for a selected setting, and an informational field
item, click on it or press the ALT-P hot key. A
with the valid range for the setting value. Each
list box is displayed with the category names,
of the different items can be selected with the
plus one additional item for printing all
TAB key or by clicking on it.
Select a setting to change in the field labeled
Select the desired category of settings to print.
Enter setting number. Use the editing keys to enter
To select a category that is not displayed, press
and/or change the contents of the field. When a
the PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN and ↑ and ↓
setting number has been entered, press ENTER,
keys or use the mouse in the scroll bar or on the
then the list box scrolls to the setting and places
arrows at each end. The highlighted item in the
the cursor in the setting value box. Press ENTER
list box is the one that is selected. Select OK to
after entering a setting value.
print the settings.
The Setting list list box contains a list of all the
The settings are printed by category, with one
settings. To scroll to a setting that is not
setting name and value per line.
displayed, use the PAGE UP and PAGEDOWN
view/change Category of local settings – Select this keys and the ↑ and ↓ keys or use the mouse
item to change or view one or all of the settings cursor in the scroll bar on the far right side of
in a category. To select this menu item, click on the list box.
it or press the ALT-C hot key. A list box of
Enter a new value for the selected setting in the
category names is displayed. Select a category to
field labeled Enter setting value. The value is
view with the mouse or the ↑ and ↓ keys followed
checked to ensure it is in the allowed range; the
by the ENTER key. After a category has been
allowed range is specified in the field labeled
chosen, select OK to display a dialog box with the
Setting range. When a setting is changed, the
settings in the category. Select CANCEL to
word Changed is displayed in the list box next to
return to the Settings menu.
the setting.
The dialog box for the category contains a list
Select OK to save the setting changes. Select
box with the settings, the OK and CANCEL
CANCEL to return to the Settings menu without
buttons, a box for entering a setting number,
any further action.
and a box for changing the setting value. The
TAB key selects any of the items in the list box. Save local settings to file – Select this item to write the
The ↑ and ↓ keys and the PAGE UP and PAGE settings to a disk file. To select this item either
DOWN keys move the contents to display the click on it or press the ALT-S hot key. Enter a file
settings outside the view window. A setting can name (it may include a path) in the field labeled
be chosen to be changed by highlighting it with Enter file name. Select OK to save the settings in

GEK–105548 Chapter 9 – Software
the specified file. Select CANCEL to return to the necessary if the option to automatically end
Settings menu without any further action. Select settings changes was selected when the settings
CANCEL after saving the settings to a file to return were downloaded. To select this item either click
to the Settings menu. on it or use the ALT-E hot key.
Model/version number – Select this entry to display A dialog box containing the OK and CANCEL
the model number and PROM firmware revision buttons is displayed. Select OK to end setting
that match the settings. To select this item, changes or CANCEL to exit End setting changes
either click on it or press the ALT-M hot key. without any further action. If OK was selected,
These numbers must match any relay to which another dialog box is displayed to confirm the
you wish to send the local settings. If they do not ending of setting changes. Select CANCEL to
match, the local settings download will fail. return to the previous dialog box without ending
station/Line ID – Select this entry to display the the setting changes. Select OK to end the
station and line IDs of the relay from which the settings changes. Select CANCEL to exit.
settings were retrieved. These IDs can be used to
Graph oscillography data
identify the relay matching the settings in the
file. This menu item is selected by clicking on it Graph Oscillography Datastarts the optional program
or by pressing the ALT-L hot key. DL-DATA (if present). This enables graphing of
Download local settings to DLP3 – This item appears oscillography data without leaving DLP-LINK. Enter
on the menu only if the Communications access the DOS path for the DL-DATA program. The path
level is Settings. Select this item to transmit all is entered from the Setup menu (see below) and is
the local settings to the DLP3. To select this stored for later use.
item, either click on it or press the ALT-D hot Custom TOC curves
key. You must be logged in to a DLP3 in order to
use this menu item. Note that if the appropriate Custom TOC curves starts the program DLPTOC. This
jumper is installed, the DLP3 will not allow enables customizing overcurrent-time curve data
setting changes from the PC (see Chapter 8 for without leaving DLP-LINK. The data can then be
more information on the jumpers). The local downloaded to the relay. Enter the DOS path for the
settings file firmware revision must match the DLPTOC.exe program. The path is entered via the
PROM version number in the relay or the Setup menu, and is stored for use here.
settings download will fail.
go to DOS
A dialog box is displayed with a list box of all the
settings being downloaded and a selection in the Select go to DOS to temporarily leave DLP-LINK and
lower right corner to end the settings changes go to the DOS prompt to execute DOS commands.
automatically. To select the automatic end of Any program or command that can run in the
settings change, either click on it or press the available memory can be executed. To return to the
TAB key to highlight it and the space bar to program, type EXIT at the DOS prompt.
change it. If an X appears in the brackets it has
been selected. Setup
To download the settings to the relay, select OK The Setup menu has the items listed in Table 9–8
with the mouse or the ALT-O hot key. To exit with their associated hot keys.
download at any time select CANCEL. Select OK to
display another dialog box to confirm the
download. To continue the download process
select OK again. If the settings are not to be
downloaded, select CANCEL. Select CANCEL in the
Download dialog box to exit.
End setting changes – Select this item to tell the
DLP3 that settings changes are complete and
protection should be re-enabled. This item is not

Chapter 9 – Software GEK–105548

any time up to 999 seconds, as long as the modem

Menu Item Hot Key accommodates that long a time-out period. This
Communication port number ALT-C setting is useful for applications in which the modem
is set to pick up after a large number of rings or if the
Dial Type ALT-D
phone system has a long delay in making the initial
Modem connection time ALT-M
connection. Select OK to store the new time-out
Relay parameters ALT-R period. Select CANCEL to exit this item without any
Add relay to list ALT-A further action.
dElete relay from list ALT-E
Set path for DL-DATA ALT-L Relay parameters
Set path for TOC curves ALT-T Select Relay parameters to change or view the
Memory available N/A communication parameters for a specific relay unit
description. Select an entry in the list by clicking on it
Table 9–8. Items available under the Setup menu, with their or by using the ↑ and ↓ keys to highlight the
associated hot keys. selection, then press ENTER.
Communication port number After a relay unit description has been picked,
another window appears with the phone number,
The communication port for the PC is chosen with
switch code, baud rate, number of stop bits, and the
this selection. To select this item, either click on it or
parity for the selected relay unit description. Any of
press the ALT-C hot key. A dialog box containing the
the entry values may be selected by clicking on it or
port number and IRQ number are displayed. The
using the TAB key to move between the items, and
serial port that is connected to the DLP3, or the
then using the ↑ and ↓ keys to select the value for
modem communicating with the DLP3, must be
that item. Select OK to accept the values in the dialog
entered before logging into the relay. If the port box and store them. Select CANCEL to exit the dialog
chosen is not COM1 or COM2, the IRQ number for box and use the previous values for the unit
the port chosen must be entered. Use the TAB key to description.
move between the port and IRQ fields and the
buttons, or click on the desired field. Note that once a unit description has been picked,
there are no more hot keys available to select items.
After a field has been selected, use the editing keys to The TAB key may be used to move from item to item,
change and/or enter data. When the port and IRQ or the mouse may be used to select a specific item at
numbers are correct, select OK to save the numbers. any time.
Select CANCEL to redisplay the Setup menu without
any further action. To enter or change the phone number, select it by
clicking on it or press the TAB key to move the cursor
Dial type to the phone number box. The normal text-editing
To select this item, either click on it or use the ALT-D keys may be used to enter or modify the phone
hot key. A dialog box containing the dialing type, number. This is an optional item, and should only be
either tone or pulse, is displayed. The ↑ and ↓ keys filled in if DLP-LINK is using a modem for the unit
toggle between the tone and pulse choices. The TAB being described.
key moves between the selected dialing type and the To enter or change the switch code, select it by
OK and CANCEL buttons. Select OK to store the clicking on it or press the TAB key to move the cursor
change. Select CANCEL to exit Dial type without any to the switch code box. The normal text-editing keys
further action. may be used to enter or modify the phone number.
This is an optional item, and should only be filled in
Modem connection time
if a code-operated switch is in use.
This item changes the time-out period that DLP-
Baud rate must have a value selected. Select it by
LINK waits for the modem to make a connection. To
clicking on it or using the TAB key until it is
select this item, either click on it or press the ALT-M
highlighted. The ↑ and ↓ keys select the desired
hot key. The modem connection time can be set for

GEK–105548 Chapter 9 – Software
value, or a specific value can be selected by clicking unit description. Select CANCEL in the dialog box to
on it directly. exit from the menu entry.
A choice of one or two stop bits must be made for set path for DL-DATA
communications to work properly. Select the stop bits
item can by clicking on it or by pressing the TAB key DL-DATA (optional) can be started from DLP-LINK
until it is highlighted. The ↑ and ↓ keys select the from the Local functions menu. The DOS path must
desired value, or a specific value can be selected by first be set so DLP-LINK knows where to find the
clicking on it directly. program. To set the path, select this menu item by
clicking on it or by pressing the hot key ALT-L. A
Parity must have a value selected for communications dialog box appears with space to enter a path. Select
to work properly. Select the parity item can by OK to accept the new path or CANCEL to exit without
clicking on it or by pressing the TAB key until it is changing the previous path.
highlighted. The ↑ and ↓ keys select the desired
value, or a specific value can be selected by clicking set path for TOC curves
on it directly. CUSTTOC (optional) can be started from DLP-LINK
Add relay to list from the Local functions menu. The DOS path must
first be set so DLP-LINK knows where to find the
Select this item to add a unit description and related program. To set the path, select this menu item by
values to the list of stored relay unit descriptions. clicking on it or by pressing the hot key ALT-T. A
Either select the entry in the menu with the mouse or dialog box appears with space to enter a path. Select
use the hot key ALT-A. A prompt for a unit OK to accept the new path or CANCEL to exit without
description then appears. The description is limited changing the previous path.
to 20 characters. After the description has been
entered, select OK to accept it. Select CANCEL to from memory available
the menu entry with no further action. Select this item to display the amount of available
After the new unit description has been accepted, a memory while DLP-LINK is running. Either click on
dialog box appears with the phone number, switch it or use the ↑ or ↓ keys to highlight the menu item
code, baud rate, stop bits and parity items. Each item and press ENTER. There is no hot key for this item.
can be selected with the TAB or SHIFT TAB key and
a value chosen with the ↑ and ↓ keys, or a value can Exiting DLP-LINK
be chosen by clicking on it. There are two ways to exit DLP-LINK, as follows:
dElete relay from list • ALT-F4 displays a dialog box with the exit
message. Select OK to exit DLP-LINK. Select
This item deletes a relay unit description from the CANCEL to return to the program.
configuration file. To select this item, either click on
it or use the ALT-E hot key. A dialog box is displayed • The ALT key combined with the space bar
containing a list box of all the relay unit descriptions displays the System Menu after all menus have
and the OK and CANCEL buttons. been cleared from the screen. Choose the CLOSE
entry, with the mouse or the hot key ALT-C, to
Select the desired relay from the list box displaying display a dialog box with the exit message. Select
the unit descriptions with the ↑ and ↓ keys to OK to exit DLP-LINK. Select CANCEL to return to
highlight the desired relay and then pressing the program without exiting.
ENTER, or by clicking on the desired relay. Select OK
to mark the unit description for deletion. Select NOTE: Before exiting DLP-LINK, all dialog boxes and
CANCEL to exit without deleting any relay unit list boxes must be cleared from the screen. It is not
descriptions. If OK is selected, you are asked to necessary to clear all the menus from the screen.
confirm the deletion of the unit description. Select
OK to delete the relay unit description. Select CANCEL
to return to the list box without deleting any relay

Chapter 9 – Software GEK–105548

Help voltages (phase A, B, and C), and six flags. The

flags contain the data listed in Table 9–9.
This item displays a pull-down menu with a selection
Flag Description
of topics for which help exists. This menu is different
in that the items do not have hot keys associated with 1 Digital inputs, six (Contact Converters)
them. Items are selected either by clicking on them 2 Digital outputs
or by pressing the ↑ and ↓ keys followed by the Breaker 1 trip, Breaker 2 trip
Breaker failure initiate, Reclose initiate
ENTER key. Reclose cancel, Start carrier, Stop carrier
Breaker 1 close, Breaker 2 close
Line overload, Non-critical alarm
9–2 DL-DATA Software Critical alarm
3 Phase zone flags
(Optional) Zone 1 AB, Zone 1 BC, Zone 1 CA
Zone 2 AB, Zone 2 BC, Zone 2 CA
Overview Zone 3 AB, Zone 3 BC, Zone 3 CA
Zone 4 AB, Zone 4 BC, Zone 4 CA
This program plots oscillography data obtained
4 Breaker status and ground zone flags
during a fault and displays fault reports and fault
Zone 1 AG, Zone 1 BG, Zone 1 CG
events. The data displayed include currents, voltages, Zone 2 AG, Zone 2 BG, Zone 2 CG
digital inputs, digital outputs, and protection flags. Zone 3 AG, Zone 3 BG, Zone 3 CG
Zone 4 AG, Zone 4 BG, Zone 4 CG
The program obtains the oscillography data from a Breaker trip, Reclose initiate
disk file in the PC that is created by the DLP-LINK Reclose cancel, Start carrier
program. Refer to the previous section for a 5 Protection logical input flags
description of how to retrieve oscillography data Overcurrent supervision for trip
from the DLP3. Overcurrent supervision for blocking
Ground direction overcurrent trip
The updated version (V002.110B and later) of the Ground direction overcurrent block
DLP3 differs from previous versions as to which Out-of-step blocking
internal flags are stored as part of Oscillography Fuse failure
data. Now, when a function is disabled, the associated Remote open detector
flags are NOT stored. For example, if (101)SELZ1G Line overload
Line pickup
= NO and (102)SELZ1P = NO, the zone 1 flags Ground instantaneous overcurrent
(indicating zone 1 operation or non-operation) are Phase instantaneous overcurrent
not stored. Previously, if these settings were both set Ground time delay overcurrent
to NO, the zone 1 flags were stored even though the Negative-sequence direction forward
zone 1 functions were disabled, and this feature Negative-sequence direction reverse
Fault detector
caused some confusion, especially when appropriate
reach or pickup settings were not used 6 Output status of protection timers
POTT/PUTT coordination timer (TL4)
The disk file containing the oscillography data is in Zone 2 phase timer (TL2P)
ASCII format and is formatted in the following order: Zone 2 ground timer (TL2G)
Zone 3 phase timer (TL3P)
• The fault report (in the format that is displayed Zone 3 ground timer (TL3G)
on the screen in the DLP-LINK program). Zone 4 phase timer (TL4P)
• The events associated with the fault report Zone 4 ground timer (TL4G)
Trip integrator timer (TL1)
(again, in the format that is displayed on the 'b' contact coordination timer, breaker 1 (TL5)
screen by DLP-LINK). 'b' contact coordination timer, breaker 2 (TL6)
• The title columns for a spread sheet. Timer (TL24), refer to logic diagrams
Timer (TL101), refer to logic diagrams
• The oscillography data. Each line in the file Timer (TL25), refer to logic diagrams
consists of one sample of data. Each sample has Weak-infeed-trip timer (TL16)
four currents (phase A, B, C and ground), three
Table 9–9. Data contained in flags in oscillography data file.

GEK–105548 Chapter 9 – Software
System Requirements Pull-Down Menus
Pull-down menus can be selected in the following
The minimum PC hardware requirements consists of
1 Position the mouse cursor on top of the menu
the following components:
item and click the left button.
• An IBM-AT or compatible with one parallel port.
2 Position the mouse cursor on top of the menu
• Minimum of 450K of RAM in which to run the
item and press the left button. While holding
the left button down, move the cursor to the
• 40MB hard drive. desired menu item and release the button.
• Low-density 31/2-inch floppy drive.
3 Use a hot key. The hot key is the combination of
• EGA monitor the ALT key and the key highlighted (yellow in
• A printer for plotting oscillography data. the default colors). This method is not available
in the HELP pull-down menu.
4 Use the ↑ and ↓ keys to highlight the desired
MSDOS (PCDOS) 3.1 or above is required as the PC menu item, then press ENTER.
operating system.
Windows have various parts of interest to the user.
Copy all files from the distribution diskette to your The title bar, which is displayed across the top of the
hard drive using the DOS copy command. window and has a small solid rectangle on the left
side, contains the oscillography data file name and
General Operation the date and time of the fault. The quit button is just
below the title bar. Other parts are specific to the
Mouse and Keyboard Usage data being viewed.
Either a mouse or the keyboard can be used to access Windows containing data plots (currents, voltages,
all items in menus and dialog boxes. However, a flags) and reports can in general be resized and
mouse is required for full manipulation of graphical moved anywhere on the screen. When the mouse
data,. cursor is moved into the title bar, the cursor changes
shape into a crosshair. To resize the window, hold
A mouse is used to access items in menus and dialog
the right mouse button down and drag the mouse
boxes by pressing, then releasing the left mouse
until the window is the desired size, then release the
button (clicking).
button. To move the window, hold the left mouse
button down and drag the mouse until the window is
Main Horizontal Menu Bars
in the desired position, then release the button.
Items in the main horizontal menu are selected in
Windows can also be made into an icon (a small
one of three ways:
window just large enough to contain a title). Move
1 Position the mouse cursor on top of the menu the mouse cursor to the solid rectangle on the left of
item and click the left button. the title bar (the cursor changes shape to a left-
2 Use a hot key. A hot key is the combination of pointing arrow) and click the left button. The
the ALT key and the letter that is highlighted in window can later be restored to its last size and
the item description (yellow in the default position by moving the mouse cursor over the icon
colors). and clicking the right button.

3 When an item on the menu has been selected, The window can be closed by moving the mouse
the → and ← keys can be used to move to cursor over the QUIT button (the mouse cursor
adjacent menu items. changes shape to a left-pointing arrow) and clicking

Chapter 9 – Software GEK–105548

the left button. Alternatively, press ALT-Q to close List Boxes

the window.
A list box appears within a dialog box and lists all
A maximum of six windows can be placed on the entries a command could affect (for example, a list of
screen at the same time, sized and positioned file names). If the list of available entries is longer
appropriately to view all of them. than the available space in the list box, there is a
vertical scroll bar for scrolling through the list.
Dialog Boxes
List boxes are accessed either with a mouse or the
Dialog boxes are generally characterized by a title associated hot key and can be used entirely with a
bar (blue in the default colors), a grey box, and OK mouse or from the keyboard.
and CANCEL buttons. The dialog box cannot be
Following are the valid keys and their functions for
moved, resized, or converted to an icon. In addition,
list boxes:
when a dialog box is displayed, only items in the
dialog box can be accessed and no other items on the ↑ – Move up one selection.
screen. ↓ – Move down one selection.
If an item in the dialog box has a title with a PAGE UP – Move up one page of selections.
highlighted character (yellow in the default colors), PAGE DOWN – Move down one page of selections.
the user can access this item from the keyboard by HOME – Move to the first selection.
using the ALT key with the highlighted character
END – Move to the last selection.
(the hot key).
RETURN – Accept the current selection and exit
Buttons in the dialog box can be accessed from the the list box.
keyboard with the ↑ and ↓ keys, the TAB and SHIFT-
ALT-X – Exit the list box without making a
TAB keys, or, if the button has a highlighted
character, the hot key. If the buttons require a
selection to be made, the selection is made with the Click on the scroll bar to move through the
ENTER key. A button that is not selected has the selections. When the mouse cursor moves to the list
same color as the dialog box (grey), while button of items in the list box, it changes shape to a left-
that is selected turns white. When a button is pointing arrow. Click on an item to select that item.
selected, it can be deselected by again pressing the The current selection of a list box is highlighted
ENTER key. The mouse can also be used to select (yellow in the default colors).
and deselect buttons. When the mouse cursor is
moved inside a button, it changes shape to a left- Entering Text and Numbers
pointing arrow. At this point, click the left mouse The following keys are used when entering and
button to select an item or click again to deselect. editing text and numbers:
To exit the dialog box and clear it from the screen, ← – Move the cursor one character to the left.
select either OK or CANCEL. The mouse can be used → – Move the cursor one character to the right.
to select these buttons by moving the mouse cursor
DELETE – Delete the character at the cursor.
over the button (the cursor changes shape to a left
pointing arrow) and clicking the left mouse button. BACKSPACE – Delete the character to the left of
In addition, the keyboard can be used to select these the cursor.
buttons by pressing their hot keys. The hot key for OK INSERT – Toggle between insert and overwrite
is ALT-O, while the hot key for CANCEL is ALT-C. mode. Overwrite mode is indicated by an
underscore character for the cursor. Insert
Select the OK button to accept the selection(s) and
mode is indicated by a block character for the
allow the program to use these selections. The
CANCEL button cancels the new selections and the
program retains the previous selections. ENTER – Accept the text or number in the field or

GEK–105548 Chapter 9 – Software
ESCAPE – Clear the text or number in the field or changes shape to a cross hair. Then move the mouse
box. in any direction to create a rectangle (yellow in the
default colors). When satisfied with the rectangular
Plots of Currents or Voltages and Flags area, click the left mouse button. A message box is
Each window containing a plot of the currents and displayed on the screen to verify the zoom or to
voltages and flags has several characteristics. cancel it. Press CANCEL to remove the rectangle and
restore the screen. Select OK to zoom in on the
The prefault cycles are all in grey. rectangular area; a new window is created and the
The y axis for currents and voltages is the magnitude rectangular area is plotted. This window then can be
of the currents and voltages. The y-axis has no manipulated in the same way as the previous window.
specific meaning for the flags. The x-axis represents In fact, the previous window is still there (under the
the sample number with sample number 0 being the new window). If the new window is resized smaller,
origin of the x-axis. then some portion of the previous window appears.

There are two vertical bars through the graph that Reports
can be moved along the x-axis to get information on
timing and, in the case of currents and voltages, the Report windows contain scroll bars on the right side.
magnitudes of the currents and voltages. To move If the report is too long for the window, scroll
these vertical bars, place the left edge of the mouse through the report by clicking the left mouse button
cursor (the point of the left-pointing arrow) on the on the scroll bar.
bar or on the box at the top of the bar, press and
hold down the left mouse button, and move the Program Operation
mouse until the bar is in the desired position, then Main Menu
release. (See Figures 9–1 through 9–3.) The main menu has the following items and hot
At the top of the window (just below the title line) is keys:
the area for displaying the sample numbers at the • File – ALT-F
vertical bars. The time difference (in milliseconds) • Graphs – ALT-G
between the two bars is also displayed. The time
• Reports – ALT-R
difference is based on the line frequency. The
magnitudes of the currents and voltages at each • Setup – ALT-S
vertical bar are also displayed. • eXit – ALT-X
An area on the left of the window displays the range • F1=Help – F1
for the y-axis for currents and voltages and for Each item in the main horizontal menu has a pull-
displaying either the names of the flag groups or the down menu associated with it except for eXit.
individual flags in the group.
File Menu
The file menu has the items and hot keys listed in
This feature allows enlargement of a rectangular Table 9–10.
area of a graph to show more detail. If the graph is
currents and voltages, the area can include from one
Menu Item Hot Key
phase to all phases. If the graph is all of the flags, the
Open ALT-O
area can include from one flag group to all flag
groups on the display. If the graph is of flag groups, Create pcx file ALT-C
the area can include from one flag to all flags in the Print screen ALT-P
group. Information ALT-I

To start the process, position the mouse cursor in Table 9–10. Menu items under the File menu, with associated
one corner of the rectangular area to be expanded hot keys.
and click the right mouse button. The cursor

Chapter 9 – Software GEK–105548

Select OK to save the screen to the specified file in

PCX format. Selects CANCEL to halt any further
Select this item to display a dialog box for selecting action.
an oscillography data file. The file may be selected
either by entering the file name in the data entry box Print Screen
or by using the left list box. Select this item to display a dialog box to print the
The first field in the dialog box, marked Selected file, screen or to save it in a file that can be printed later.
contains the current file. Select this field by either The screen is printed with the main horizontal
clicking on it or by pressing the hot key, ALT-S, then menu.
enter a file name. The file name can consist of any The first item in the dialog box is a list box with the
characters acceptable to DOS, including wild card various types of printers that are supported. The
characters (* or ?). When the file name has been printer type can be saved in the setup file, so that
entered, press ENTER to accept the file name and printer type need only be selected if the printer is
move the cursor to the file name list box. changed.
The next field indicates the current drive and The next item in the dialog box is a button that
directory from which the list of files is obtained. This determines whether the printer performs a form
field cannot be edited. feed after printing the screen. Leave the button in its
The next two fields are list boxes. The left list box, unselected state for no form feed after printing.
labeled File list, contains a list of files that can be Select it to generate a form feed after printing. This
selected. The right list box, labeled Directory list, item can also be saved in the setup file, so that it need
contains a list of directories and drives containing only be selected once. The default is to generate a
additional lists of files. form feed after printing (selected state of the
Select the directory list box by either pressing the hot
key, ALT-D, or by clicking inside the list box. When a Select a printer port (LPT1, LPT2, etc.) in the next
new drive or directory is selected, both list boxes are field. The default is LPT1. If the printer is attached
rebuilt. to LPT1, ignore this item. The printer port can also
be saved in the setup file, so that it need only be
Select the file list box by either pressing the hot key, selected once.
ALT-F, or by clicking inside the list box. When a file
is selected, the file name is displayed in the data The next item saves the screen in a file for later
entry box above the list box and becomes the current printing. If this item is blank, the screen is not saved
file selection. but is printed. If this item contains a file name (is not
blank), the screen is saved in the file and not printed.
The last two fields are the OK and CANCEL buttons. The file can be printed later by entering the DOS
Select OK to read the oscillography data file into the command:
program and allow data plotting and report viewing.
Select CANCEL to halt any further action. TYPE FILENAME > LPT1
The next item is the number of copies to be printed,
Create PCX File
which is always 1 unless it is changed. This item is
Select this item to display a dialog box for selecting ignored when the screen is saved to a file.
the file to which the screen is to be saved in PCX
Select OK to print the screen or save it to a file, plus
format. The screen contents are saved without the
save the necessary items in the setup file. Select
main horizontal menu.
CANCEL to halt any further actions.
The first field in the dialog box, marked PCX file
contains the file to which the screen is saved. Select Information
this field either by clicking on the field or by pressing Select this item to display a dialog box with the
the hot key, ALT-P, then enter the file name. Press program name, version, and copyright notice and
ENTER to accept the file name. the amount of memory available to the program.

GEK–105548 Chapter 9 – Software
The available memory must be at least 80K bytes for Select Reference Current/Voltage
the program to run properly.
This item displays dialog box for selecting a
reference current or voltage for display with the
Graphs Menu
flags. Moved through the buttons with the keyboard
The Graphs menu has the items and hot keys listed to select the current or voltage or by clicking on the
in Table 9–11. desired button. Select OK to maintain the selected
reference in effect until the program is terminated.
Menu Item Hot Key Select CANCEL to keep the previously selected
All currents/voltages ALT-A reference in effect.
Select currents/voltages ALT-S The default reference is Phase A current.
select Reference current/voltage ALT-R
Select Groups for All Flags Display
sElect groups for all flags display ALT-E
all Flags ALT-F Select this item to display a dialog box for selecting
flag Group ALT-G specific flag groups for the ALL FLAGS display.
Custom (flag) group ALT-C Select a maximum of six flag groups for a VGA
display or a maximum of five flag groups for an EGA
Table 9–11. Menu items under the Graphs menu, with display.
associated hot keys.
The cursor is positioned at the first button. With the
When an item is selected for display, the same item keyboard, move through the buttons to select the
cannot be selected again until it is cleared from the flag groups, or click on the dialog box buttons to
display by closing the window by pressing the QUIT alternately select and deselect the flag groups.
button just below the title block. Select OK to change to the selected flag groups and
save then in the setup file. Select CANCEL to retain the
Note: An item can be saved by converting it to an icon, previous flag groups.
which can be restored and saved as many times as
necessary. This eliminates the need to close the All Flags
window to view the item again. This item displays all the flags in all the flag groups
selected for display, along with the previously
All Currents/Voltages selected reference current or voltage. The number of
This item plots all the currents and voltages in a flag groups that can be displayed is six for EGA or
single window. five for VGA. If a reference current or voltage has not
been previously selected, the default is Phase A
Select Currents/Voltages current.
Select this item to display a dialog box for selecting Flag Group
specific phases of currents and/or voltages for
display. Select from one current or voltage to all This item displays a dialog box for selecting a single
seven currents and voltages. group of flags for display. Select the group by
clicking on it or by moving through the buttons with
The cursor is positioned at the first button. Use the the keyboard. Select OK to display the selected group
keyboard to move through the buttons and select the along with the previously selected reference current
currents and/or voltages to plot, or click on the or voltage. Select CANCEL to halt any further actions.
dialog box buttons to select or deselect the currents
and voltages. Custom (Flag) Group
Select OK to display the selected currents and This menu item selects up to 16 flags from any of the
voltages; the selection remains in effect until the flag groups and assigns them to a custom group. The
program is terminated. Select CANCEL to halt any custom flag group is saved in the setup file, so that
further actions. once the flags are selected, they remain in the group
until the group is reconfigured.

Chapter 9 – Software GEK–105548

A dialog box is displayed with six list boxes (one for Setup Menu
each flag group). Either the mouse or the keyboard
The Setup menu has the items and hot keys listed in
can be used to select flags from any group in any
Table 9–13.
order. The custom group is listed on the right side of
the dialog box and is automatically updated as flags
are selected and deselected. Menu Item Hot Keys
Line frequency ALT-L
Select OK to save the custom group, plot the flags,
Flag names ALT-F
and return to the main menu. Select CANCEL to
Colors ALT-C
negate any changes made to the custom group and
return to the main menu. Default colors ALT-D
Printer grey shades ALT-P
Reports Menu Table 9–13. Menu items under the Setup menu, with
The Reports menu has the items and hot keys listed associated hot keys.
in Table 9–12.
Line Frequency
Menu Item Hot Keys Select this item to display a dialog box for selecting
Fault report ALT-F either 50 or 60 Hz for the line frequency. Select
Events ALT-E either frequency with the ↑ or ↓ keys or by clicking
Settings ALT-S on the desired frequency button. Select OK to make
the change permanent (saved in the setup file).
Table 9–12. Menu items under the Reports menu, with Select CANCEL to ignore the change.
associated hot keys.
Flag Names
Once an item is selected to be displayed, it cannot be
Select this item to display a dialog box for modifying
selected again until it is cleared from the display by
any of the flag names. The right list box contains the
closing the window by selecting the QUIT button just
flag groups. The left list box contains the flag name
below the title block.
to modify from the flag group selected in the right
list box. The selected flag name is displayed in the
Note: An item can be saved by converting it to an icon,
data entry box, where it may be modified (it may be
which can be restored and saved as many times as
up to 13 characters long). When the name has been
necessary. This eliminates the need to close the
modified, press ENTER to display the new name in the
window to be able to view the item again.
left list box. Select OK to make the new flag names
permanent (saved in the setup file) or select CANCEL
Fault Report to ignore any flag name changes.
Select this item to display the fault report associated
with the oscillography data (the report is generated Colors
at the DLP3). Select this item to display a dialog box for changing
display colors. The colors are divided into groups
Events according to the types of objects that are displayed.
Select this item to display the events associated with The groups and their descriptions are as follows:
the oscillography data (the events are generated at Horizontal Menu – Colors associated with the main
the DLP3). horizontal menu.
Settings Pull-Down Menu – Colors associated with the pull
down menus.
Select this item to display the settings from the relay
Actions Button – Colors associated with buttons
at the time of the fault. The settings can only be
that cause an action, such as QUIT, OK, and

GEK–105548 Chapter 9 – Software
Dialog Box – Colors associated with basic (empty) the desired shade of grey. Select OK to make the
dialog boxes and labels placed in the dialog changes permanent (saved in the setup file) or select
boxes. CANCEL to ignore the changes.
List Box – Colors associated with list boxes. Do not assign a shade of grey to BLACK, since then
Message Box – Colors associated with message nothing will be printed.
Date-entry Box – Colors associated with data-entry
boxes. Select this item to exit to DOS. A message box is
Selection Button – Colors associated with selection displayed to verify the choice. Select OK to exit the
buttons used to make selections in a dialog box. program; otherwise select CANCEL.
Window – Colors associated with basic (empty) HELP
windows (both the report and graph windows).
Select this item to display a pull-down menu with a
Report – Colors associated with displaying reports selection of topics for which help exists. This menu is
in windows. different from the other pull-down menus in that the
Graph – Colors associated with drawing graphs. items have no hot keys associated with them. Use
Graph Data – Colors associated with displaying either the mouse or the ↑ and ↓ keys, followed by
data in graphs. ENTER, to access the menu items.
Graph Label – Colors associated with displaying
axis labels in graphs.
9–3 DLPTEST Software
This item uses two dialog boxes. The color group is
selected in the first dialog box, after which a second This program provides a convenient means of
dialog box is displayed, in which the colors of determining the recommended value of test current
individual items in the group can be modified. Select and permissible voltage range when plotting an
an item and press the SPACE bar to change the color entire characteristic for the various distance
of the item to the color in the color box in the upper functions in the DLP3 using the test connections
right corner of the dialog box. A sample of the color specified in this instruction book. The program is
group is displayed in the dialog box. menu-oriented and is run simply by typing
Select OK to make the new colors for the group DLPTEST<ENTER>. View the file README.TXT
permanent (saved in the setup file) or select CANCEL for updated information and installation instructions
to ignore the new colors for the group. In either case, for this program. These files are found on the 31/2-
the first dialog box is redisplayed. inch floppy disk provided with this book.

Default Colors
Select this option to return all items back to their
9–4 DLPSET Software
original colors and shades of grey (those on the This program places the Calculation of Settings
distribution diskettes). A message box is displayed to chapter from this instruction book onto the PC
confirm the change. Select OK to return to the screen. View the file README.TXT for updated
default colors and grey shade, which are then saved information and installation instructions for this
in the setup file. Select CANCEL to retain the current program. These files are found on the 31/2-inch
color scheme. floppy disk provided with this book.
Printer Grey Shades
Select this item to display a dialog box for assigning
shades of grey to colors so that all items on a display
can be seen on the output of a black and white
printer. Select the color from the list box and then
press the indicated hot keys to select the button for

Chapter 9 – Software GEK–105548

9–5 DLP-ASCII Interface Set the terminal emulation mode to TTY. The DLP
ASCII interface does not support any special
characters or control sequences therefore TTY
Overview emulation is sufficient.
A personal computer (PC) or any ASCII terminal
The port parameters for the ASCII interface should
provides a remote man-machine interface to the
be set to those defined by the DLP-LINK software.
DLP3 for operating personnel.
These can be found on the DLP3 under Setup in the
Config section. It can also be accessed directly by
System Requirements typing 1509 after entering the Setup mode. See
Chapter 2 for more details.
If a modem is being used to link to the DLP3 then
The minimum hardware requirements would be any setup the modem section and enter the phone
ASCII style terminal capable of supporting the baud number to call.
rate of the DLP3..
User Interface
The ASCII Interface has two interface features. It
No software is needed for an ASCII terminal. For a echoes any characters as they are typed. It supports
typical installation with an IBM PC or compatible, the ‘DELETE’ key to erase the last typed character.
any standard ASCII communications package should
suffice. The interface does not distinguish between upper
and lower case. It also ignors any control characters
except for ‘XON’ and ‘XOFF’ which are used for
General Operation
transmit control.
The ASCII interface will support most types of TTY
compatible software and hardware. To simplify the Login
description of the interface, this section describes
The ASCII interface requires the user to login before
using the terminal program supplied with Microsoft
any requests are recognized. The only password
Windows. This program is a standard part of the
recognized is the View password described earlier in
Windows package.
the DLP-LINK section.
Please review the options and features for the To login, perform the following sequence:
Windows terminal program. If you are more familiar
with another program, such as ProComm Plus, User: Press the carriage return key.
please use this section as a guide for setting up your DLP: “Type login.”
program. User: “login”
Mouse/Keyboard Usage DLP: “Enter password.”
User: Enter the valid View password. Note that the
Check the features for the terminal emulation DLP echo’s a ‘.’ for every character.
program you are using for details on
mouse/keyboard usage. The terminal program DLP: If succesful “Logged in.”
supplied with Windows. supports both keypad and If unsuccesful “Bad Password.”
Mouse usage and provides the standard Microsoft If the login was unsuccesful, confirm that the View
Windows interface. password was used.
Setup Commands
There are just three configuration items to define, The ASCII interface supports the following
the terminal emulation mode, the port parameters commands.
and if necessary the modem information.

GEK–105548 Chapter 9 – Software
STATUS Request DLP Status.
VALUES Request present values.
MODEL Request PROM and MODEL numbers.
EVENTS Request event report.
SHOWSET Request settings group information.
STLINID Request station and line ID.
FAULT Request fault report.
FSTATUS Request status of all faults.
LOGIN Login request.
LOGOUT Logout request.
HELP Prints a list of available commands.
The command may be typed in upper or lower case.
Certain commands require additional information to
respond properly. The SHOWSET and FAULT need
a value parameter in addition to the command name.
This may be typed on the same line as the command
separated by a space.
If only the command is typed and the DLP requires
additional information a prompt will be displayed on
the terminal requesting this information. Here is an
example of two ways of entering the SHOWSET
1. With parameter on same line as command.
DLP responds with settings group one information.
2. Command entered only.
Enter setting group (1-4) - 1
DLP responds with settings group one information.
If a unrecognized command is typed, the DLP will
respond with:
“Unknown command, type “help” for list of

Logging out
When finished requesting data use the LOGOUT
command to end the session. Logging out prevents
unauthorized access of the DLP through the ASCII
port. The ASCII port also provides an automatic
logout if the port has been inactive for 15 minutes.

Chapter 9 – Software GEK–105548

Figure 9–1. Example of oscillography plot showing currents and voltages (0286A2931, Sh.1)

GEK–105548 Chapter 9 – Software

Figure 9–2. Example of flag groups graph (0286A2931, Sh.2).

Chapter 9 – Software GEK–105548

Figure 9–3. Example of protection logic input flags graph (0286A2931, Sh.3).


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