A. Preliminary Activity:: Integration With English Literacy

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Date: _________________

Subject: TLE ICT-CSS 8

LP #: _____ (Day 1/Week 1)

I. Objective
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
a. Identify the components of a system unit;
b. Describe the function of each component of a system unit
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the components of a computer
Performance Standard: The learner independently identify the components of a computer system
and their functions/uses.
Code: TLE_ICTCS7/8CC-0a-1

II. Subject Matter

B. Subtopic: Component of a System Unit
C. References: K to 12 Curriculum Guide in CHS (TESDA) p.6-11
Teachers Guide for ICT CHS
Learner’s Materials for ICT CHS
e-References: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFeOW_3mDwY
D. Materials:
a. Video
1. Components of a System Unit and its Function
b. Actual Personal Computer
c. Jigsaw Puzzle
d. Projector
e. Laptop
f. Powerpoint presentation

Appreciate the importance of the parts of a system unit.

III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activity:
1. Prayer
2. Attendance Check

B. Review:
Ask the following guide questions:
1. Define personal computer?

Integration with English Literacy.

2. What are the different types of personal computers?

3. How can a computer become an integral part of an individual’s daily life?
C. Motivation:
Jigsaw Puzzle:
Scrambled pictures will be presented to the class. All they have to do is to arrange them
into its correct form. The class will grouped you into three groups. They are given five minutes to do
the activity. The first group who can solve the puzzle will be given a reward.

D. Lesson Proper
What is the composition of your body? How does your body operate or perform its
Like a human body, a system unit is made up of different parts to fully operate or perform
its function.
Class do you have any idea about the components of a system unit?

a. Activity:
The class will be given a pre-test.
Direction: Match the pictures in column A with its corresponding name in column B.
Column A Column B


a. Adapter


b. motherboard


c. primary storage


d. system unit

e. power supply unit
f. central processing unit

g. expansion bus

h. optical disk drive


i. hard disk drive


After answering the pre-test, the students will check their activity.
The teacher will ask the group if how many parts comprise the system unit component. Let the
student enumerate the components.

After the discussion, the teacher will play a video summarizing what is all the topic about.

b. Analysis:
There are different components of a system

Do you know what’s in the picture?

System unit – the main part of a

microcomputer, sometimes called chassis.

You are correct! Very Good!

How about this picture?

Motherboard/ Mainboard/ System Board-

the main circuit board of a computer. It
contains all the circuits and components that
run the computer.

That’s right!

How about this picture?

CPU (Central Processing Unit) – the
processor is the main “brain or heart” of a
computer system.it performs all of the
instructions and calculations that are needed
and manages the flow of information through a

You are correct!

How about this one?

Primary Storage- (internal storage, main

memory or memory) is the computer’s working
storage space that holds data, instructions for
processing and processed data(information)
waiting to be sent to secondary storage.
Yes! That’s correct! Physically, primary storage is a collection of
RAM chips.
How about this?

Expansion Bus – a bus is a data pathway

between several hardware components inside
or outside a computer. It does not only connect
the parts of the CPU to each other, but also
That’s correct!
links the CPU with other important hardware.
How about this?

Adapters – printed – circuit boards (also

You are correct! called interface cards) that enable the
How about this? computer to use a peripheral device for which
it does not have the necessary connections or
circuit boards. They are often used to permit
upgrading to a new different hardware.

Very Good!

Power Supply Unit (PSU) – installed in the

back corner of the PC case, next to the
motherboard. It converts 120vac (standard
house power) into Dc voltages that are used
by other components in the PC.

Hard Disk Drive (HDD) - Also known as hard

Very good! drive, is a magnetic storage device that is
And what about this last one? installed inside the computer. The hard drive is
used as permanent storage for data.

That’s correct! Optical Drive- An optical drive is a storage

device that uses lasers to read data on the
optical media. There are three types of optical
drives: Compact Disc (CD), Digital Versatile
Disc (DVD) and Blu-ray Disc (BD).

c. Abstraction:
Guide Questions:
1. Now that you know the basic parts of a system unit, can you name one and give its function?
a. system unit/chassis
b. CPU
c. motherboard
d. expansion bus
e. power supply unit
f. adapter
g. primary storage
h. optical disk drive
i. hard disk drive

d. Application:
The teacher will let the students identify the components of a system unit and give their
corresponding functions.
1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.


IV. Evaluation:
The teacher will display picture of each component of the system unit and students will identify
each and write their answers on their answer sheet.


No. of No. of learners No. of

Section Learners w/in Need absent
mastery Remediation
Grade 8-
Grade 8-Lyra

V. Assignment:
¼ sheet of paper
List down at least ten (10) examples of hand tools used in computer hardware and servicing.

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