Hydraulic Workover / Snubbing: Chevron
Hydraulic Workover / Snubbing: Chevron
Hydraulic Workover / Snubbing: Chevron
Hydraulic Workover Unit
• Applications
• Components
• Operations
HWO Applications
• Running / pulling kill strings
• Fishing operations
• Well kill with pipe off bottom / no pipe
• Cementing
• Stimulating
• Cleaning-out fill
• Plug and abandonment for redrills
Gin Pole
Guide Tube Slips
For Stripper
Common Hydraulic Unit Sizes
H y d r a R ig S n u b b in g U n it s
M odel HRS150 HRS225 HRS340 HRS460
S n u b c a p a c it y ( lb s ) 6 5 .9 4 0 1 2 0 .0 0 0 1 8 8 .4 0 0 2 2 0 .0 0 0
L if t c a p a c it y ( lb s ) 1 5 0 .7 2 0 2 3 5 .5 6 0 3 4 0 .0 0 0 4 6 0 .0 0 0
M a x p ip e O D ( in c h ) 2 7 /8 5 l/2 7 5 /8 8 5 /8
C a p a c it ie s a r e q u o t e d f o r 3 0 0 0 p s i h y d r a u lic p r e s s u r e .
O t is E n g in e e r in g S n u b b in g U n it s
M odel 120 200 250 400
S n u b c a p a c it y ( lb s ) 6 0 .0 8 0 1 0 3 .6 7 0 1 0 3 .6 8 0 1 8 2 .6 1 0
L if t c a p a c it y ( lb s ) 1 1 7 .8 1 0 1 9 9 .1 0 0 2 4 8 .8 7 0 3 8 1 .7 0 0
M a x p ip e O D ( in c h ) 2 7 /8 5 l/2 7 5 /8 8 5 /8
C a p a c it ie s a r e q u o t e d f o r 3 0 0 0 p s i h y d r a u lic p r e s s u r e .
Stripping and Snubbing Considerations
HWO / Snubbing Equipment
HWO Unit Components
– Gin Pole
– Work Basket
– Hydraulic Cylinders
– Traveling Slips
– Rotary Table
– Guide Tubes
– Stationary Slips
– Well Control Stack
– Closing Unit / HPU
HWO Unit Components
Gin Pole:
Used to raise and lower tubulars and
other tools to the work basket
HWO Unit Components
Work basket:
Work basket contains
• Controls for the jack
• BOP remote control
• Pipe handling equipment
Height concerns:
• Typically located in an elevated position
• Height ranges from 30 ft to 100 ft above
the top deck
HWO Unit Components
Pipe tongs:
HWO Unit Components
• Traveling (upper) Slips,
• Stationary (lower) slips
HWO Unit Components
Traveling slips
• hold the tubulars when moving
the string up or down.
Stationary slips
• hold the tubulars when the
hydraulic lifting pistons are
moving to allow the traveling
slips to get another bite.
HWO Unit Components
Control panel:
Used to control all hydraulic
functions of the HWO and
HWO Unit Components
Circulation System:
Pumps, Kelly Hose, Circulating head (swivel) and flow line used to control the
flow of fluids into and out of the well
HWO Unit Components
Hydraulic Lifting Pistons:
HWO Unit Components
Guy Wires:
• Provide lateral stability to the hydraulic workover unit
• Minimize bending stresses on well equipment
• Critical to safe operation of the unit because of the type and width of base
HWO Unit Components
Guide tube:
• Provides lateral stability to the tubulars
under compressive load
HWO Unit Components
Work Window:
• Provides an opening below the guide tube
Well Control Equipment
Well Control Stack:
HWO / Snubbing
BOP’s are specified by:
– Working Pressure Rating
– ID
• Annular BOP’s (if used) can close in and seal on virtually anything
which will pass through them
HWO / Snubbing
HWO Pressure Control Equipment
HWO / Snubbing
Stripper Rubber:
Well Control Equipment
• Has to be a designed for specific operation
(tri-axial stress analysis)
Well Control Equipment
Back pressure valve:
• Typically installed in BHA.
• Recommended to run 2 Back Pressure Valves for
• An “N” nipple can be run to enable a wireline plug to
be set
• Maybe installed in other places in the string in
addition to the BHA
• Should be designed to accommodate the service
Well Control Equipment
Closing Unit:
Operations - Considerations
The following is a short list of recommended items to be done / confirmed prior
to starting. It is not intended to be complete but to be used as a base for
communicating expectations for safe / efficient operations.
Calculations for HWO / Snubbing
Pressure-Area Force
P-A Force (lbs) = 0.7854 x OD2 (in2) x Wellbore Pressure (psi)
Pressure-Area Force
Ram to Ram stripping
• If snubbing or stripping ram to ram, the maximum pressure-area
force is calculated using the work string OD
Maximum Snub Force
(When First Joint Is Snubbed)
Snub Force = Pressure-Area Force + Friction – Buoyed Weight (Wb)
Wellbore pressure = 600 psi
Snubbing String - 1 1/4” (Nominal) Tubing, 1.66” OD
Ram to Ram Snubbing
Friction - 1000 Lbs.
The weight of the pipe is reduced by the weight of the fluid it displaces
• Principle:
Weight of pipe in air (W)
- Weight of fluid displaced by tubing
= Buoyed weight of tubing (Wb)
• Open-ended pipe
65.4 – FD
Wb = W x
• Closed-ended pipe (no fluid in the pipe)
OD2 x FDwell
Wb = W -
• Closed-ended pipe (different FD in pipe and annulus)
ID2 x FDpipe OD2 x FDwell
Wb = W - +
24.5 24.5
Archimedes' Principle
2.4 lbs
1.44 lbs Archimedes' principle states that a submerged body is
subject to a buoyancy force that is equal to the weight
of the fluid displaced by that body. This explains why a
heavily laden ship floats; its total weight equals exactly
1ft the weight of the water that it displaces, and this weight
exerts the buoyant force supporting the ship.
8.5 ppg
Balance (Neutral) Point
Given: Snubbing string = 1 1/4” (nominal) tubing
2.4 lb/ft, 1.66” od
Density of fluid = 8.5 ppg
Wellbore pressure = 600 psi
Ram to ram snubbing
Closed ended, no fluid in the string
= 1300 lbs
1.44 lbs/ft
= 903’
Buckling Failures
Unsupported Length
Critical Buckling Load
(1) Calculations should be made to identify the type of buckling that will occur
and the Critical Buckling load for the proposed workstring.
(2) In column (Major Axis) buckling, which can occur without yielding the pipe,
the Critical Buckling load can be increased by:
Reducing the unsupported length
Increasing workstring size- OD size
Increasing workstring wall thickness
Notice that the Buckling load is not influenced by yield strength in this case
Unsupported Length
C o lu m n
S t a b ilit y
Workstring Design
Recommended Maximum Loads
In tension 80% of yield strength
In buckling 70% of critical buckling load
In collapse 80% of collapse pressure rating
In burst 80% of burst pressure rating
Joint Or Body Strength, Whichever Is Lower
1” (nominal) 2.25 lb/ft, P-105m, IJ. Tubing
Joint yield strength = 67,000 lbs (from tables)
Critical buckling load = 23,000 lbs (calculated by vendor)
Collapse pressure rating = 24,700 psi (from tables)
Burst pressure rating = 25,000 psi (from tables)
Maximum Allowable Loads
In tension 67,000 x 0.80 = 53,000 lbs
In buckling 23,000 x 0.70 = 16,000 lbs
In collapse 24,700 x 0.80 = 20,000 psi
In burst 25,000 x 0.80 = 20,000 psi
Regulated Hydraulic Pressure
5 in 5 in
640 psi Hydraulic Pressure
Maximum Hydraulic Regulated Pressure When
Snubbing Pipe Into Well (To Prevent Buckling)
To avoid buckling, the HPU is regulated so that the hydraulic jacks produce a
Maximum Allowable Load equal to 70% of the Critical Buckling Load.
Maximum Hydraulic Regulated Pressure When
Snubbing Pipe Into Well (To Prevent Buckling)
Calculate the Maximum Hydraulic Regulated Pressure. given the following:
Maximum Allowable Load for tbg in use has been calculated to be 16,000 lbs.
Snubbing unit in use has two hydraulic jacking cylinders
jacking cylinder I.D. = 5”
piston rod O.D. = 3”
EA = 2 X 0.7854 X (52 - 32) = 25 sq. in.
Hydraulic Reg Press = Maximum Allowable Load = 16,000 lbs = 640 psi
EA 25 sq. in.
In this example regulating the main system pressure to about 650 psi will cause the
jacking system to stall out before creating a load that would buckle the workstring.
Determining Pipe Light Condition
HWO / Snubbing Complications
Equipment Problems:
1. BOP failures, rams, external piping
2. Stripping rubber (stuffing box) failures
3. Slip failures
4. Power Pack failure
5. Tubing / tool joint failure
6. Back pressure valve failure
7. Choke System failure
8. Leak between BOP & Wellhead
HWO / Snubbing Pressure Test
Pressure Testing:
Equipment to be tested:
1. BOPs
2. Valves, including back pressure valves
3. Connections
4. Choke lines & valves
5. Equalizing valves & lines
HWO / Snubbing Pressure Test
Connections Connections
Valves Valves
Rams Rams