John The Odd

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The Oddity of John’s Gospel

John’s Gospel is the only 1st person description turned to wine is a type of Jesus grace. Have
of Jesus & unique in many points such as:
we asked Jesus help, as did Mary, to make our
• The baptism of Jesus is not directly presented
way in life? For God’s will is that we be guided
• No details on Jesus temptation in wilderness
to a better life by Christ salvation.

• Only Gospel to track all Passovers of Christ The Mikveh from Silom
ministry plus covers 1st 8 months of His work
Jewish authorities at time of John and Jesus
Christ return after The Temptation were concerned about John baptizing people in
This gospel, after presenting a unique view of the Jordan. As John was an alternative to the
Jesus as sovereign God, introduces St. John official mikvah (Hebrew: ‫ מקווה‬/ ‫ ִמקְו ֶה‬,) at base of
deBaptist, then picks up with the return of Temple Mount. The Mikvah-of-Silom was
Jesus after His wilderness temptation. The supplied from Gihon Spring that started in City
baptism of Jesus is presented as the reason of David. Thus Jesus asked the rulers, the
why John was able to identify Jesus upon His baptism of John was it of God or man? The
return after overcoming the devil during His Temple rulers did not accept John’s baptism at
wilderness fast.
Jordan & could not answer Jesus question.
Some have mistakenly taken the phrase, ‘Upon Since John’s baptism was for remission of sins,
whom you see the Spirit descending, and remaining & forgiveness of sin is from God, & so also was
on Him, this is He... 1v33” as placing the baptism John’s Baptism. This again placed The
of Jesus into the Book of John. The very next Kingdom in opposition to Temple rulers & ritual
verse, 34, places this event in the past tense, baths on temple mount.

with these words, “have seen and testified“.

Timing of Start Jesus Work
Meaning the event has passed. This is clear
The books of Mark and Matthew start by telling
from events described over 3 days in John
Jesus waited until after John was imprisoned to
chapters 1&2.

begin his ministry around Galilee. The book of

1. John’s status questioned by Pharisees on
day number one

Luke is not written sequentially. As shown by

2. Jesus returned (after the temptation) to John Jesus healing Peters’ mother-in-law before
at Bethabara beyond Jordan, gathers Peter’s calling. The book of Luke simply
disciples: John, Andrew, Peter, Philip, & mentions John was shut up in prison, and that,
Nathanael; day number two
even before Jesus baptism. Luke‘s next
3. Jesus & disciples called to the marriage in mention after John’s introduction is with John in
Cana of Galilee, by Mary the mother of jail.

Jesus. Where In Cana Jesus performs His On the other-hand, the book of John is difficult
1st miracle. That of the water to wine in 6 to reconcile with the account given in books of
earthen jars. This on day three.
Mark and Matthew. Specifically that Jesus work
Looking at these events by the Ramez, ‫רֶ מֶז‬, of started only after John was in prison. In John
PaRDeS methods one could see these 3 days 2:12-13, “After this he went down to Capernaum,
alluding to 3,000 Kingdom-of-God years from he, and his mother, and his brethren, and his
time of John unto the millennium. For the disciples: and they continued there not many days.
millennium starts with the marriage supper of And the Jews' passover was at hand, and Jesus
the Lamb. The 1st 1,000 years being start of went up to Jerusalem.” Bishop Usher solves this
kingdom of God by John. The second matter brilliantly. Usher (6312-14) places the
millennium being the expansion of Kingdom return from Galilee of Matthew, Mark, and Luke
upon the founding fathers as chosen by Jesus. as a second trip, the prior trip not being
Lastly, the great millennium ingathering of recorded by the synaptic Gospels. “He left
saints from all prior six-thousand civilized years, Judea after he had stayed there about eight months
could be seen in 6 earthen pots of water turned and went into Galilee.” It being implied that
to wine. For water, as type of the natural state, John’s gospel neglected to record the 1st trip
from Caperpnaum to Jerusalem.

July2020 OP Armstrong 1 of 2
The Oddity of John’s Gospel

Sometime before Jn5:35 this gospel indicates

John was dead, the details not given in John.

• He was a burning and a shining light: and ye were

willing for a season to rejoice in his light.

Usher: given here to save time

• 6302. Now we are come to the public ministry of

Christ, whose acts we do record according to the
four distinct passovers we can gather from the
harmony of the four gospels ... In this record it is
note worthy that only Matthew neglected the
order of time which is constantly observed by the
other three gospels (if you will exclude the
parenthesis when John was cast into prison by
Herod.) {Lu 3:19,20}

• 6312. Jesus heard that John was cast into prison

and that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus had
made and baptized many disciples (that is, by the
hand of his disciples.) He left Judea after he had
stayed there about eight months and went into
Galilee. {Joh 4:1-3 Mt 4:12}

• 6313. Jesus needed to go through Samaria where

he converted the Samaritan woman near the city
of Sychar and the citizens of Sychar. It was four
months before the harvest, (or the passover,
about the middle of the ninth month, called Ab.)
{Joh 4:4-42}

• 6314. After he had stayed two days in Sychar, he

continued on to Galilee. (This is his second return
from Judea to Galilee after his baptism.) {Joh

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