Bootstrap Framework

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The Bootstrap grid system works across multiple devices.

- true
The Bootstrap grid system is based on how many columns? - 12
Which of the following is correct about Bootstrap? - all
Which of the following bootstrap style of button makes the button size extra small?
- .btn-xs
Which of the following is true about bootstrap help text? - both
Which of the following class styles a table as a nice basic table with stripes on
rows? - .table-striped
Which is default for a form? - Vertical Form
A standard navigation bar is created with: - <nav class="navbar navbar-default">
Which plugin is used to create a modal window? - Modal Plugin
Which of the following bootstrap style of button indicates that caution should be
taken with this action? -.btn-warning
Which class shapes an image to a circle? - .img-circle

Which of the following is the default layout of a bootstrap form? - not

Which of the following is correct about data-placement Data attribute of Popover
Plugin? - Specifies how to position the popover (i.e., top|bottom|left|right|auto).
Which of the following class can be used to add a footer to a panel? - .panel-
Which of the following is correct about data-animation Data attribute of
tooltipPlugin? - Applies a CSS fade transition to the popover.
Which plugin is used to cycle through elements, like a slideshow? - Carousel Plugin
Which of the following is correct about dropdown Plugin? - both
Which of the following is correct about data-delay Data attribute of Tooltip
Plugin? - Delays showing and hiding the tooltip in milli seconds.
Which of the following bootstrap styles are used to create a justified tabs
navigation? - .nav, .nav-tabs, .nav-justified
Which class creates pagination? - pagination
Bootstrap is developed by _ - Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton
Bootstrap's global default font-size is - 14px
Which of the following is correct about Transition Plugin? - both
Which class should be use to indicate a button group? - btn-group
What is the default size of H4 bootstrap heading? - 18

Which of the following bootstrap styles are used to create a vertical pills
navigation? - not correct .nav, .nav-pills**********

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