A Review On Cleaning Validation Sampling Techniques
A Review On Cleaning Validation Sampling Techniques
A Review On Cleaning Validation Sampling Techniques
Review Article
European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
www.ejpmr.com EJPMR
Pharmaceutical industries are vital segment of healthcare system. Manufactures of products which are life-saving,
life maintaining drugs. Not to fail its client by releasing substandard or adulterated drugs. Quality product should
be maintained throughout its product lifecycle. It is essential to validate and maintain all the critical process
parameters within the limit as per specification. So it is essential to establish adequate equipment cleaning
procedures to prevent cross contamination due to remnants of product residues. In Cleaning Validation, Sampling
is Very crucial thing for any sample. Mainly three types of techniques are there like Swab, Rinse & Visual.
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quality of the process through an internal control and procedures on how cleaning processes will be validated
compliance. Once the cleaning procedure for a particular and these procedures” should address issues such as
piece of equipment (for a particular product following a sampling procedures, analytical methods to be used,
specific manufacturing process) is validated, it should including the sensitivity of those methods.[12]
consistently produce the same results.
Validation of cleaning processes should be based on a
TYPES OF CLEANING PROCEDURE worst-case scenario including: challenge of the cleaning
Product Change over from one batch to next batch of process to show that the challenge soil can be recovered
same product/potency and of similar product with in sufficient quantity or demonstrate log removal to
ascending potency with same colour. Cleaning ensure that the cleaning process is indeed removing the
procedures involves removal of powder of previous soil to the required level and the use of reduced cleaning
product by dry cleaning procedure by using vacuum or parameters such as overloading of contaminants, over
lint free cloth.[6] drying of equipment surfaces, minimal concentration of
cleaning agents, and/or minimum contact time of
For changeover of products with different API / colour, detergents. At least three (3) consecutive applications of
descending potency, after maintenance equipment, after the cleaning procedure.
production of several batches of same product and when
next product batch is not known. Here the cleaning Should be performed and shown to be successful in order
procedure involves removal previous product residues by to prove that the method is validated. Equipment which
dry cleaning procedure and then with wet cleaning is similar in design and function may be grouped and a
procedure using water as cleaning solvent.[6] Cleaning is worst case can be established for validation.[13]
like any other critical process that requires validation.
However, it is generally not well understood or studied. SAMPLING TECHNIQUES
It is essential that adequate cleaning procedures should In developing the sampling plan for a validation study, it
be established and validated.[9] The selection of cleaning makes scientific sense to incorporate an understanding of
method is depends upon the solubility and difficulty of the acceptance criteria and the limitations of the
cleaning of active ingredient. The calculations of product sampling method relative to the surface to be sampled.
residue limit are based on potency, toxicity and stability The two methods of sampling generally employed are
of active ingredient. swab and / or rinse sampling. (If neither or these methods
are shown be a scientifically sound method for testing in
The selection of cleaning method is depends upon the a specific instance then an alternative is to consider
solubility and difficulty of cleaning of active ingredient. testing the next Product.) The selection of either of these
The calculations of product residue limit are based on techniques must be consistent with sound scientific
potency, toxicity and stability of active ingredient. The judgment and must support the objective of the study,
ability to successfully clean a piece of equipment is which is to demonstrate that the amount of residual
closely related to the solubility of materials being material in the equipment has been reduced to acceptable
removed in washes and stages of cleaning. Materials levels.[14]
which are soluble freely in water can be rapidly reduced
in concentration through repetitive dilution of the surface EACH METHOD IS DESCRIBED IN BRIEF
with additional washes. Materials which are poorly BELOW
soluble are most likelyremoved from the surfaces by the 1. SWAB
force of wash and rinse spray against the
equipmentsurface. The ability to remove the relatively
insoluble materials can be enhanced by the introduction
of surfactant, co-solvents etc to the cleaning process. The
basic mechanisms involved in the removing the residues
and contaminants from the equipment are mechanical
action, dissolution, detergency and chemical reaction, so
the cleaning procedure should be validated.[10, 11, 3]
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alcohol (IPA) and/or other chemicals, detergents and Swab sampling does not cover the entire equipment
sanitizing agents in order to remove residues from the surface area therefore sites must be chosen with care. It
previous batch run. The areas thus cleaned must now be is important that, as a minimum, the swab sites
sampled adequately and appropriately in order to validate represents worst case locations on the equipment and that
the cleaning protocol. the result is then extrapolated to account for the total
product contact surface area. This calculation makes it
While the FDA guidance indicates a preference for the possible to make a worst case determination of potential
more direct swabbing method, more recent carryover into subsequent product.
communication from the International Conference on
Harmonisation (ICH) ICH Q7A5 states that sampling Due to the nature of this method which employs
methods need to be comprehensive enough to quantitate physical forces as well as chemical forces it may be
both soluble and insoluble residues that are left behind necessary to perform sampling technique evaluation.
on the surfaces after cleaning. The exact protocols Swabbing efficiency (% recovery) for the swabbing
prescribed will necessarily vary depending on the nature method must be determined.
of the products, residues and surfaces. These protocols It is necessary to ensure that extractible of the swab
must be tailored to the needs of each environment. do not interfere with the sampling method.
Using this technique it is possible to sample
THE SWABBING PROCEDURE – insoluble residues due to the physical action
CONSIDERATIONS[14] associated it.
The swab to be used for sampling is typically pre-wetted Swabbing technique involves the use of a swabbing
with water or another appropriate solvent in order to material, often saturated with solvent, to physically
remove residues from the surface. Squeezing the sides of sample the surfaces.[3]
the swab against the inside of the vial upon pre-wetting
prior to sampling removes excess solvent. This is Advantages
important because excess solvent can itself serve as a · Dissolves and physically removes sample
source of residues leading to variable results. There is a · Adaptable to a wide variety of surfaces
direct, physical interaction between the swab, the solvent · Economical and widely available
and the residues to be removed; therefore, the choice of · May allow sampling of a defined area
swab is critical to the effectiveness of the sampling · Applicable to active, microbial and cleaning agent
process. The swab used must offer ultra-low particulates residues[16, 3]
and fibers, high absorbency and minimal extractable
interferences. Polyester swabs are specially processed to 2. RINSE
meet the stringent requirements associated with cleaning Rinse samples allow sampling of a large surface area. In
validation protocols. addition, inaccessible areas of equipment that cannot be
routinely disassembled can be evaluated. However,
The physical nature of the swabbing process implies that consideration should be given to the solubility of the
significant levels of operator training be conducted prior contaminant.[18]
to implementation of cleaning validation protocols. This
training should serve to minimize the subjectivity that is Rinse Sampling involves passing a known volume of
inherent to such sampling activity. The recommended solution over a large area and analyzing the recovery
directions and motions used in actual swabbing of an solution.
area as and should be detailed in the training to ensure The solvent rinse occurs after cleaning has been
the highest levels of consistency. Alternate swab completed
sampling patterns may certainly be used if they would
This method is not as direct as swabbing but will
help maximize percent recovery.
cover the entire surface area (and parts inaccessible
to swabs)
The swabbing pattern used is critical to ensure an
It is important to ensure chosen solvent has
accurate and reproducible collection of residues. A
appropriate recovery for residues being quantified
typical sampling pattern employing two swabs.
This method allows much greater ease of sampling
1. The first side of the first swab is swiped horizontally
than swabbing
ten times.
2. The swab head is flipped over and the second side is A reduced no of samples are required to generate a
swiped vertically ten timesover the same surface. carryover figure.[16,3]
3. The swab is deposited in the vial. Sampling and testing of rinse samples for residual
4. The first side of the second swab is swiped diagonally active ingredient is a commonly adopted method to
upwards ten times. evaluate cleanliness. This is a fairly convenient
5. The swab is flipped over and the second side is swiped method in many cases and requires control over the
diagonally downward ten times. solvent used for rinsing, the contact time and mixing
6. The second swab head is deposited in the vial.[15] involved. The solvent used should be selected based
on the solubility of the active ingredients and should
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