Problems Associated With Outdoor Education Leaning

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Problems associated with outdoor education leaning



Childhood in the twenty-first century is increasingly spent indoors. As a result, children today

can face increased physical and socio-emotional health concerns

( An approach to address these concerns is to support

opportunities for teachers to integrate outdoor learning into their daily curriculum. Research into

the challenges teachers face in taking students outside reveals two broad areas of concern:

practical and philosophical. To help combat these challenges, I designed a website whose aim is

to raise awareness of the benefits of learning outdoors, and to examine the barriers teachers face.

Finally, it offers resources to help overcome challenges and barriers to outdoor learning.

I would like to thank my personal adviser, Scott Priestman for providing excellent midwifery

skills, encouragement, and knowledge; Paige Fisher, Judy Halbert, Linda Kaser, and Neil Smith,

for their warmth and wisdom; Lee Chantrell, for suggesting we work together on some of the

world’s most pristine rivers; My parents, Joe and Joan Chantrell, for allowing me to run feral on

the beaches of Cornwall; And finally, my family: Laura, Maddy, and Eli, for providing me with

the motivation to see this through to the end.

In loving memory of David Henry Allardice:

For making it your life’s work to get everyone outdoors.

Table of Contents



Table of Contents.............................................................................................................................v

Chapter One – Introduction and Research Question.......................................................................1

Purpose of the Project......................................................................................................................1

Justification of the Project...............................................................................................................1

Research Question...........................................................................................................................5


Chapter Two – Literature Review...............................................................................................7


Children’s Health & Sedentary Lifestyles.......................................................................................8

Benefits of Being Outdoors.............................................................................................................9

Benefits of Learning Outdoors.......................................................................................................16

Challenges to Getting Students Outdoors......................................................................................20

Chapter Three: Discussion.............................................................................................................27

Chapter Four: Design Project.....................................................................................................35

Chapter Five: Summary and Conclusions 51


Suggestions for Further Development...........................................................................................52


Final Thoughts...............................................................................................................................55
Challenges To Learning Outdoors 1

Chapter One – Introduction and Research Question

Purpose of the Project

The purpose of this project was to provide an overview of the benefits of outdoor educational

settings and address common challenges facing teachers in getting students out of their

classrooms and into the outdoors. These barriers can be complex and include availability of

curriculum guides, availability of suitable outdoor areas, and teachers who do not value such

experiences for students. It is assumed that the descriptive information on the perceived barriers

would be used to inform teacher practice. Further research will need to be done to develop

specific strategies to support teachers in overcoming these perceived challenges. This design

project resulted in the development of, a blog for teachers in School District

68 in Nanaimo, British Columbia. Outdoors68 presents research-related information pertaining

to health concerns regarding the increasingly sedentary lifestyles of children today, along with

the benefits associated with learning outdoors. The blog has resource pages devoted to help

address the perceived barriers to taking students outside.

Justification of the Project

Not too long ago I would often end grey winter days supine in a hot tub, reflecting back on the

day whilst listening to the sounds of birds in the forest. Nowadays, more often than not, the day

ends with me supine before a small glowing screen, passively reading tweets from around the


Two recent tweets encapsulate the struggle to remain connected to nature in an increasingly

technologically dependent world. The Oxford University Press has announced plans to delete a

number of words associated with nature from the next edition of the Oxford Junior Dictionary.
Thirty species of plants and animals — such as acorn, blackberries and minnows are being

replaced with terms like analogue, broadband and cut-and-paste; this reflects a societal shift to a

more sedentary lifestyle that has left many children disconnected to the outdoors and vulnerable

to negative effects associated with physical inactivity.

The second tweet focused on how some educators are beginning to look at the cognitive,

affective, interpersonal/social, and physical/behavioural impacts of outdoor learning and the

connection between children and nature. The design and rebuilding of Sandy Hook Elementary

School, site of a tragic shooting in 2012, deliberately focuses on the school’s connection to

nature. The school will re-open in 2016 with a bioswale/rain garden at the front of the school

with three different spots where students cross waterways on bridges. New research from Dr.

Roger Ulrich, a Professor of Architecture at the Center for Healthcare Building Research at

Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, suggests that proximity to “blue” space – seas,

rivers, lakes, and urban water, reduces stress and improves well-being. As well, the school has

been set further back into the forest and the facade of the school is now a soft curve, with the

building’s wings reaching out like arms to embrace the children. Spokes come off the main

building to form “tree houses” or classrooms set in the woods. The school’s design intentionally

reflects an increasing awareness of nature’s benefits with regard to learning and well-being.

For today’s child, backyard tree forts and rope swings are increasingly left idle. A drive past a

neighbourhood park can often reveal a lack of children playing. Children’s free time for

exploring forests is increasingly replaced with highly structured activities or time in front of

screens. Many children have televisions in their bedrooms, alongside tablets, laptops or personal

computers, and handheld devices. According to the Canadian Journal of Public Health, a higher
number of screens in a child’s bedroom was associated with higher adiposity, more total screen

time and lower sleep efficiency (Chaput, Leduc, Boyer, Belanger, LeBlanc, Borghese, &

Tremblay, 2014).. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the average child

watches nearly three hours of television per day (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2001), and

children can spend roughly 7.5 hours a day consuming some form of electronic media

(McCurdy, Winterbottom, Mehta, & Roberts, 2010). A longitudinal sample of 1 to 3 year olds

linked daily television watching with developing attention problems by age 7 (Christakis,

Zimmerman, DiGuiseppe, & McCarty, 2004). As PlayStations replace playgrounds, concerns for

our children’s physical, emotional, and social health continue to grow.

We are seeing rising rates of childhood obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, type 2

diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, asthma, and vitamin D deficiency (McCurdy et al., 2010).

Increasingly, children and adolescents are being prescribed medication for depression and

anxiety. Individuals under twenty years of age have the highest rate of depression symptoms,

with onset beginning in early adolescence (Mood Disorders Society of Canada, 2009). This

increase in chronic health conditions disproportionately affects children of minority and low–

socioeconomic communities (McCurdy et al., 2010). Canadian classrooms also reflect this new

reality, with many students struggling to control emotions and behaviour and engage in learning.

For those born before the all encompassing tendrils of the digital age defined much of our

daily existence, childhood was different. Most of my childhood summers were spent on the

pristine beaches and cliffs of Cornwall, the southernmost county in England. My brother and I

spent our entire summer holidays there with our grandmother. We were close to feral; playing

outdoors from early morning until the sun went down. It left an indelible impression on both of
us, and until recently, we followed similar career paths working outdoors. Prior to becoming an

educator, I had the privilege of working in the outdoor industry with my brother and we lived in

pristine locations in the Madawaska and Ottawa valleys in Ontario, the Gorge de L’Ardeche in

France, and the remote foothills of the Himalayas in Nepal. Working long days guiding on rivers

and sleeping each night under the stars on remote sandy beaches has had a profound influence on

my growth as an individual. Interestingly, my most enduring friendships all grew out of that

period in my life.

I also saw the impact that experiential learning had on the children and adults under our care.

I worked as a guide taking school groups on three day canoe descents of the Ardeche Gorge in

Provence, France. One of the schools that came had been featured in a BBC documentary and

was described as the “worst school” in England. However, for the three days they were with us,

paddling rapids and roaming the beaches at the bottom of the gorge, these students were

fantastic. Indeed, despite the fact that they looted the guide’s base camp tents prior to boarding

the bus back to the UK, their trip was one of the season’s highlight for all staff involved. Being

outdoors transformed them.

As I began the process of squeezing myself into the four walls of a classroom, I intuitively

sensed that something was missing for me. Looking back, I see it was the ability to somehow

connect with the outdoors. I now see that in every school I have taught in, I have consistently

tried to ease the separation between formal learning environment (classroom) and informal

learning environment (outdoors) - by getting students outside as often as possible, and utilizing

and exploring nearby green space. The more I reflected on the 'success' and enjoyment of my

teaching experiences, and the ways in which they were connected to the outdoors, I increasingly
became convinced there is a vital connection between education and students' experiences of the

outdoors. This realization has lead to the current project as one way to help address the lack of

outdoor learning opportunities in School District 68.

Research Question

The research question driving the present design project is: how can we overcome barriers,

as perceived by teachers, which influence the use of outdoor space as a learning


There is a growing body of evidence linking children’s health to being outdoors in natural

environments. Richard Louv’s bestselling book, Last Child in the Woods (Algonquin Books,

2008), kick- started a movement to promote increased time spent by children in natural settings.

Last Child in the Woods coined the term “nature deficit disorder”, and examines studies that link

exposure to nature as essential for a child's healthy physical and emotional development.

Rickinson, Dillon, Teamey, Morris, Choi , Sanders, and Benefield, (2004) looked at the

impact of outdoor learning activities in three different contexts: fieldwork and outdoor visits;

outdoor adventure education; and school grounds. In 2015 in British Columbia, education

funding faces increasing shortfalls and school budgets no longer accommodate regular visits to

outdoor “nature” centres. The financial responsibility for such field trips falls to the parents, and

schools in lower socio-economic neighbourhoods rarely see students visiting these centres.

Outdoor adventure education has more or less ceased to exist in public school systems in British

Columbia. Fear of litigation plays a large role in this and teachers are reluctant to take students

on any perceived risky activity field trips, when a typical parental permission form for a trip to a

local park beside a stream lists such possible dangers as bee stings, drowning, and death by

motor vehicle accident. This leaves the school yard and forests and parks within walking
distance from the school as the easiest option for outdoor learning as a means of strengthening

our students’ physical, emotional, and cognitive development.

What can we do in the parks once we take our students there? How should we make better use

of the green space within our own school grounds? In designing a web-site as a resource that

serves as a one-stop-shop in providing theory and practical guidelines on outdoor learning, it is

my hope that teachers will deepen their awareness and understanding of the importance of taking

students outside.


In this study I will discuss the benefits of exposure to learning outdoors. I will review the

current research on the health concerns facing children today, and examine the benefits and the

hurdles that teachers face to enable children to learn and play outside. As a result of my research

on these benefits and hurdles to outdoor play and learning I created a blog that highlights the

benefits of outdoor learning and addresses many of these hurdles. I have designed the blog to be

accessible to teachers who wish to bring their children outdoors but are challenged by their own

inexperience, or lack awareness of appropriate activities that meet the needs of the child while

also meeting the needs of the curriculum.

Chapter 2 – Review of Related Literature


In 1972, Bhutan’s fourth Dragon King, Jigme Singye Wangchuck, coined the term "gross

national happiness.” Initially offered as an offhand remark, the concept was taken seriously and

a sophisticated survey instrument was developed to measure the Bhutanese population's general

level of well-being ( If such an instrument were utilized to

survey the well-being of school-aged children in North America, the results would be

disconcerting. Is there a link between rising childhood health concerns and decreasing

opportunities for outdoor learning in recent years? (Barker, Slingsby, & Tilling, 2003; Fisher,

2001; Puk & Behm, 2003)

This chapter provides a review of literature related to the health concerns that arise for

children as a result of decreased time spent outdoors. It provides an overview of the benefits

associated with being and learning outdoors, and looks at the barriers that impact teachers from

taking students outdoors. The term “being outdoors” encompasses a range of activities, from

formal lessons to unstructured play time. The commonality here is that they take place outside of

the regular school classroom structure of four walls. As a result, they tend to include more

physical activity. Some of the benefits derive in part from this increased physical exertion, yet

such results should not be excluded, as they would not be present without the outdoor activity in

the first place.

Children’s Health & Sedentary Lifestyle:

It appears the well-being and health of our future generations are at risk. According to the

World Health Organization’s Global action plan for the prevention of noncommunicable

diseases 2013 - 2020, there is global concern over the progressive trend towards lifestyles that

are conducive to promoting non-communicable diseases. Childhood obesity and inactivity figure

prominently in this challenge. The prevalence of childhood obesity worldwide is at an all-time

high (Ng, Fleming, Robinson, Thomson, Graetz, Margono, Mullany, Biryukov, Abbafati, &

Abera, 2014), whilst the proportion of children around the world meeting physical activity

guidelines is very low, and likely declining (Hallal, Andersen, Bull, Guthold, Haskell, &

Ekelund, 2012). The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention has expressed concern

regarding preschool-age children, where obesity prevalence has increased from 5 to 12.4% in

recent years (Wadsworth, Robinson, Beckham, & Webster, 2011). Furthermore, a 2008 review

concluded that only 54% of pre-school children between the ages of 3 and 5 years engage daily

in 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (Tucker, 2008). Active Healthy Kids

Canada’s is Active Play Extinct? Report Card on the Physical Activity of Children and Youth

(2012) notes that substantive societal changes have occurred regarding where and how children

spend their discretionary time. There is empirical, observational, and intuitive evidence that

children today “play outside less than their parents did and that children’s play has become more

structured and occurs increasingly indoors.”

Increasingly, anxiety is found within classrooms regardless of a school’s socio-economic

status. The decline of play and the rise of psychopathology in children and adolescents (Gray,

2011) examines the direct link between generational increases in psychopathology and declines
in outdoor play time. Gray cites evidence indicating that play deprivation contributes to a

reduced sense of “personal control, reduced ability to control emotions, increased social

isolation, and reduced happiness” (Gray, 2011). Current generations of youth have 5-8 times

more clinically significant scores on standardized measures of anxiety and depression when

compared to youth in the 1950’s (Twenge, Gentile, Dewall, Ma, Lacefield, & Shurtz, 2010;

Seligman, Ernst, Gillham, Reivich, & Linkins, 2009). Several studies also suggest that the age of

first onset has decreased from adulthood to adolescence (Seligman et al., 2009). Interestingly,

depression rates in more traditional, less technologically dependent societies, such as the Old

Order Amish, are one-tenth the rate of mainstream societies’ rates (Egeland & Hofstetter, 1983).

Studies suggest that as many as 14-25% (over 800,000 individuals in Canada) of children and

youth experience significant mental health issues (Waddell, Shepherd, Chen, & Boyle, 2013;

Canadian Institute for Health Information, 2009). Most mental health problems can be detected

prior to the age of 24, and 50% of these difficulties surface before the age of 14 (Kessler,

Berglund, Demler, Jin, & Walters, 2005). Mental health difficulties contribute to problems with

achievement and relationships at school (Chan, Zadeh, Jhang, & Mak, 2009). According to

Canada’s Mental Health Commission, in severe cases, mental health difficulties prevent students

from regularly attending class, but more often students simply struggle with these problems on a

daily basis, leading to further social and academic functioning concerns.

Benefits of Being Outdoors

Historically, learning outside of a classroom setting is how most people in the world have

learned (Waite, 2010). Learning outdoors helps address areas of concern such as physical well-
being, and reaching deeper levels of engagement and learning. Experiential education or activity-

based learning is associated with increases in social-emotional learning, school engagement, and

academic achievement (White, 2012). Real-world, hands-on learning experiences provide

opportunities for students to engage in the process of their own education. As one seventh-grade

female student noted: “I have a learning disorder and I can’t read well. Now our classes are like

living books and I can learn much better without feeling bad about myself” (Falco, 2004).

Experimental studies point to greater arousal in the reticular formation of the brain, and

increased secretion of neurotrophins, allowing for greater concentration (Trudeau, 2010).

Physical activity in natural environments may benefit physiological health, and it is highly likely

that being outdoors rather than sitting at a desk will increase physical activity on the part of


Research has shown that time spent outdoors is associated with increased physical activity.

One study among 10- to 12-year-old children found that for every additional hour spent

outdoors, physical activity increased by 27 minutes a week and prevalence of being overweight

dropped from 41% to 27% (Cleland, Crawford, Baur, Hume, Timperio, & Salmon, 2008). In the

US, the Centre for Disease Control (CDC), the American Association of Paediatricians (AAP),

and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) all recommend that children engage

in physical activity for a minimum of 60 minutes a day, and stress the important role that

families, schools, and communities play in promoting physical activity for youth. Whilst these

60 minutes a day could take place inside a gym, being outdoors provides opportunities for a

variety of ways of achieving this target.

Ideally, parks, schools, trails, and recreation facilities provide settings for physical activity.

However, due to increasing urbanization, many children live in residential areas lacking

vegetation, parks, and other natural environments. “Green” school grounds, which contain a

greater diversity of environmental features such as trees, gardens, and nature trails, can play a

vital role and stimulate physical activity in greater numbers. Schools are beginning to engage in

efforts that emphasize such features. An evaluation of these initiatives was conducted at 59

schools across Canada by surveying teachers, parents, and administrators. The survey evaluated

to what extent the “green” features in their school yards influenced physical activity of students.

Seventy percent of the respondents indicated that the initiative resulted in increased light to

physical moderate activity, and 50% also reported that their “green” school ground promoted

more vigorous activity. Respondents also reported that their school grounds appealed to a

greater breadth of student interests and support a wider variety of play activities (Dyment & Bell,


Another Canadian study examined the association between healthy weight status among

children and the availability of playgrounds within 1 km of their residences. Logistic regression

was used to analyse the relationship between the proximity of a particular playground to

childhood BMI, while controlling for neighbourhood residence, age, gender, and parental BMI.

Children who lived within a kilometer of a facility that contained playground equipment were

almost 5 times more likely to be classified at a healthier weight than children without accessible

playgrounds (Potwarka, Kaczynski, & Flack, 2008).

Time outdoors and exposure to a natural environment may have a beneficial effect on

psychological health. One study investigated the relationship between morbidity and the amount
of natural land around residential environments. The authors found 24 clusters of disease and

determined that the prevalence rates for 15 of these 24 clusters were lower in environments with

more nature. This relationship was apparent for all 7 disease categories, including

cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, mental, respiratory, neurological, digestive, and miscellaneous.

Depression and anxiety order showed the strongest association to the amount of nature in

people’s living environments, especially in children (Maas, Verheij, Vries, Spreeuwenberg,

Schellevis, & Groenewegan, 2009).

Childhood stress has become an increasing area of concern for pediatric health care providers.

The workload of school and extracurricular activities can create more stress on a child, thereby

influencing cognitive development. Being outside in a natural environment may moderate the

impact of stress. A 2003 study looked at the effect of nature on stressful life events such as

relocation, bullying, and peer pressure among 330 rural children in grades 3-5. In the study,

“nature” meant the amount of trees and vegetation in the window view, the number of live plants

indoors, and the outdoor landscape. The results indicated that higher exposure to natural

environments indicated lower stress levels in a child. The authors postulated that being nearby

nature restored children’s capacity for attention that helps them to better think through problems

(Wells, & Evans; 2003).

Eva Selhub is an Instructor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Alan Logan is a

naturopathic doctor and invited faculty in the mind-body medicine course at Harvard’s School of

Continuing Medical Education. Together they have co-authored, Your Brain on Nature (2012),

which examines scientific studies that show how natural environments can have remarkable

benefits for human health. Selhub and Logan explore the term biophilia; the biophilia hypothesis
suggests humanity’s historical contact with nature has left an indelible mark, giving us an

affinity for all things living - plants and animals alike. In the 1980s, Harvard biologist Edward O.

Wilson proposed that biophilia is an “innately emotional affiliation of human beings to other

living organisms.” Wilson saw this as a culturally universal phenomenon; scientists have

determined humans share common preferences for certain aspects of nature – “landscapes that

provide trees (but not too densely packed, views that afford a vista or some degree of predator

surveillance, the presence of fresh water, and a rich variety of plants and animals.” (Logan et al.,

2012) In these landscapes, we feel secure.

On the emotional plane, Wilson observed that nature uniquely influences the human mind in

terms of cognitions and behaviours. Healers within various medical systems –from ayurveda of

the Indian subcontinent to traditional Chinese medicine-- have long advocated exposure to nature

as a form of medicine. Records of early Roman philosophers and physicians show that “walking

in gardens, exposure to rooms filled with light, staying close to water” helped improve mental

health as humans began the transition from rural life to urban civilizations. (Logan et al., 2012)

In the 1800s, the writer Henry David Thoreau and the naturalist John Muir voiced concerns over

urban life; Thoreau noting that nature is a place where “my nerves are steadied, my senses and

my mind do their office”, and Muir advising that being outdoors would help “tired, nerve-

shaken, over-civilized people.” (Logan et al., 2012) One cannot help but wonder what Thoreau

and Muir would think of the daily schedules of our children?

Natural environments may also improve attention, especially for children with ADHD.

Studies show that nature can restore the mental fatigue associated with prolonged concentration;

fatigue characterised by difficulty focusing, feeling irritable and being easily distracted (Mole,
Marshall, Pietrowsky, & Lutzenberger; 1995; Coull, Frackowiak, & Frith; 1990; Glosser &

Goodglass; 1990). Nature engages the human mind away from the stressors, allowing for

reflection. A nationwide study in 2004 examined whether green settings reduce ADHD

symptoms in children. The authors surveyed parents of children diagnosed with ADHD on the

perceived effect of common after-school and weekend activities on their child’s symptoms.

Activities chosen represented a broad range of physical settings and parents were asked to note

whether each activity had an effect on their children. Natural out-door activities significantly

reduced ADHD symptoms significantly more than activities conducted in built outdoor settings

or indoor settings (Kuo & Taylor, 2004).

Outdoor activity in nature may also benefit children’s health by improving asthma, myopia,

chronic pain issues, and childhood development.

A 2008 ecological study conducted in New York City found that tree density was correlated

with a lower prevalence of childhood asthma (Lovasi, Quinn, Neckerman, Perzanowski, &

Rundle, 2008). As well, television viewing has been associated with asthma. In a prospective

longitudinal cohort study, authors investigated the association between duration of television

viewing and the development of asthma in young children. The study followed children with no

wheeze up to the age of 3.5 years and then gathered follow-up data for these children at 11.5

years, and children who watched television for more than two hours a day were almost twice as

likely to develop asthma compared with those who watched television for 1 to 2 hours a day

(Sheriff, Masitra, Ness, Mattocks, Riddoch, & Reilly, 2009).

The prevalence rate of myopia in the USA has substantially risen in the past thirty years, and

may in part be exacerbated by external factors such as increased illuminated screen viewing and
reading time. A recent cross-sectional study among 12-year old participants found that higher

levels of outdoor time were associated with less myopia (Rose, Morgan, Kifley, Huynh, &

Smith, 2008). Similarly, a 2009 cohort study of 1249 teenagers in Singapore revealed

significantly less myopia in adolescents who spent more time outdoors (Dirani, Tong, Zhang,

Chia, Young, & Rose, 2009).

Studies examining pain reduction and the restorative effects of nature for children are not

available. One study on adult plain management shows that patients with views of deciduous

trees took fewer doses of strong pain medication than a group viewing a brown brick wall, and

had shorter postoperative stays, and fewer postsurgical complications (Ulrich, 1984). Another

study examined a group of patients during flexible bronchoscopy; nature scene murals were

placed at patients’ bedsides, and they were provided with a tape of nature sounds to listen to

before, during, and after the procedure. Patients with views and sounds were more likely to

report better pain control during the procedure (Diette, Lechtzin, Haponik, Devrotes, & Rubin,


Teachers have no control over how many trees are outside a classroom or bedroom window,

or how many hours our students choose to spend in front of their phone, tablet, computer and

television screens each night. We do, however, have control over how often we take our students

outdoors. One can argue that there is a moral imperative that we do everything in our power to

lessen the physical and psychological toll of a childhood removed from nature.
Benefits of Learning Outdoors

Time spent outside of a classroom is not only better for our health, it is also better for our

ability to learn. For many, vivid childhood memories of field trips and time spent outside the

classroom continue to resonate far into adulthood. In the United Kingdom, the Learning Outside

the Classroom Manifesto (DfES, 2006) claims that the “use of places other than the classroom

for teaching and learning” contribute significantly to education because:

These, often the most memorable learning experiences, help us make

sense of the world around us by making links between feeling and
learning. They stay with us into adulthood and affect our behaviour,
lifestyle and work. They influence our values and the decisions we make.
They allow us to transfer learning experienced outside to the classroom
and vice versa.
(DfES, 2006)

Memory is a complex subject with distinct phases: perception, encoding, consolidation and

recall (Sharot & Phelps, 2004). What is it about learning outside the classroom that helps embed

such distinct memories? Research suggests that the experiential nature of outdoor learning offers

authenticity: opportunity for “exploration and play; autonomy; freedom; creativity; novelty;

incidental learning; enjoyment; and competency in social contexts” (Beard & Wilson, 2002;

Bixler, Floyd, & Roggenbuck, 2002). A case study of an exemplary third grade teacher’s use of

the outdoor classroom to teach both language arts and science reveals a similar mantra (Eick,


When I run into students that I’ve had a long time ago, that’s the one
thing they tell me. I remember when you took us to the woods. I
remember when you did science with us.

My grandmother was a big environmentalist. I lived in the woods

basically. I don’t remember a time when I wasn’t outside; in the summer,
every day of my life doing something. And she taught me the names of
the trees, wildflowers, plants, all that kind of thing...I played in a creek
every day in the summer time…..And so I mean it was just one of those
natural things that we absolutely loved science…. So, and you want to
bring that back to the kids.

Increasingly, children today have limited understanding of the elements of nature learned

through experience (Louv, 2005; Malone, 2007).

Time spent outdoors in parks, woodlands, and semi-natural areas has been shown to

contribute to a higher quality of life (Thompson, 2008). Regular physical exercise has been

linked to healthy lifestyles, and research demonstrates that levels of exercise correspond with

access to green space and being outdoors. Physical activity, along with physical education and

participation in sports, has been linked to increased academic performance in the form of

increased engagement, class behaviour, and levels of concentration (Trudeau, 2010).

Taking students outdoors can be seen as using the Environment as an Integrating Concept for

learning (EIC) (Lieberman & Hoody, 1998). It can involve learning about the environment or

developing environmental awareness, but mostly EIC is about using a school’s “surroundings

and community as a framework within which students can construct their own learning, guided

by teachers” (Lieberman et al., 1998). As such, it can be seen as a framework for

interdisciplinary, collaborative, student-centred, hands-on, engaged learning. In using the

environment – trees, parks, and fields that surround a school, studies also show an increase in

motor fitness (Fjortoft & Sageie, 2000).

Observed benefits also include reduced discipline and classroom management problems,

increased engagement and enthusiasm for learning, and greater pride and ownership on the part

of the students (Liebermen et al., 1998). These links in curriculum to the real world improves
students’ attendance, social skills, and ultimately grades (Falco, 2004; Simone, 2002). In

addition, research in outdoor programming shows enhanced self-esteem, self-efficacy, coping,

competence and decreased delinquency, suicidality, and violence (Ungar, Dumond, &

McDonald, 2005).

Whether it is an extended camping trip, a morning walk through local wetlands or time

playing on the back soccer field, taking students outside of their classrooms is validated by

socio-cultural theories and humanistic psychology. Specifically, this approach focuses on the

“humanistic concepts of agency, empowerment, the human potential for growth, and the

fostering of healthy relationships via mediated learning experiences” (White, 2012). Again, the

research into mediated learning reveals increased trust and social competence, which in turn

boosts social-emotional learning, increasing engagement and academic achievement (White,


A survey of 40 schools with EIC programs across the United States, as well as a comparison

of student achievement in EIC versus traditional classrooms, revealed that EIC students perform

better on standardized tests and have higher grade point averages (Strife, 2010). Additional

surveys of schools that implement an EIC approach were shown to increase engagement and

motivation for learning, improved GPA’s, and students stayed in school longer. “Green”

schoolyards (those with vegetation) are shown to benefit children’s cognitive skills and motor

coordination (Strife, 2010). Substantial evidence also supports the positive effects that nature and

green space has on cognitive functioning – especially increased concentration and attention

Indeed, the unpredictability of the natural world can be harnessed to rekindle excitement and

curiosity. One teacher describes instances where something unexpected caught her students’

attention as “squirrel moments” (Waite, 2009), and used them to develop the potential for

engagement to support their learning.

These ‘squirrel moments’ allow teachers who are committed to outdoor learning to note their

students’ differential responses to the new context for learning. Outdoors, teachers have the

opportunity to observe the whole child, in contrast to their more narrowly-focused role within the

classroom. As one teacher from the South West of England notes:

You see a different side to them. Assessment-wise as well, because you

get things out of them that perhaps if you were sat in the classroom,
saying well what can you see in the woods and you know, they kind of
switch off. (Waite, 2009)

Through observation in different contexts, teachers may become aware that certain children may

prefer the security of the classroom, while others relish the stimulus of experience. Teachers can

then adjust the range of experiences available, resulting in more personalised pedagogical

approaches to support learning. As well, the rigidity and norms of classroom behaviours appears

to recede in participatory pedagogy outdoors – characterized by more open relationships and

mutually constructed ways of thinking about, rather than delivering, knowledge. (Rogers &

Evans, 2008)

This experiential approach to learning builds in a level of authenticity often missing from

classroom lessons. In using outdoor settings to develop the link between what children do inside

and authentic opportunities to test out what they have been taught, learning becomes far more

real (Waite, 2010; Rea, 2008). These outside experiences amongst the sights, smells, tastes and

sounds of nature leave a powerful legacy:

At age of 8 my primary school class went on a nature walk on a piece of
common land and woods. We were allowed to roam and collect items.
The teacher named the items and gave details of the natural habitat etc. I
still remember the names of plants we looked at even though that was 59
years ago! (Waite, 2010)

Early childhood nature experiences seem to be related to adult attitudes and behaviours

relating to the environment: early experiences in nature have the potential to shape subsequent

environmental paths (Wells & Leckie, 2006). According to Phenice and Griffore (2003), regular

and positive interactions with nature are instrumental to helping children develop a respect for

the environment. Research suggests nature play experiences in childhood may foster pro-

environment attitudes and beliefs later in life (Ewert, Place, & Sibthorp, 2005). Further, as

curiosity about the natural environment starts early and because many lifelong attitudes and

values are developed early in life, it is critical that experiences in nature need to begin during the

early childhood years.

Seligman et al. note that when asked what they want for their children, most parents respond:

happiness, confidence, balance, health, and satisfaction; in short, most parents want well-being

for their kids. Research suggests that the experiential nature of outdoor learning offers

authenticity; opportunities for exploration and play; autonomy; freedom; creativity; novelty;

incidental learning; enjoyment; and competency in social contexts (Beard et al., 2002; Bixler et

al., 2002). If teachers were made aware of the benefits of taking students outside, would

playgrounds and green spaces still be empty except during recesses?

Challenges to Getting Students Outside

The factors that negatively influence teachers’ use of outside green space is varied, ranging

from practical issues such as lack of green space and fear of litigation, to more intangible issues
– not valuing the experience for children because they have never experienced such a thing

themselves. Despite Richard Louv’s growing nature deficit disorder movement, opportunities for

outdoor learning for school students have decreased in recent years (Barker et al., 2003). Puk et

al., (2003) point to the ‘diluted curriculum’ in Canada that has removed environmental science as

a teaching subject. As well, the classroom or indoor setting has become firmly regarded as the

usual place for learning. This section provides an overview of common rationales for not using

outdoor instructional activities.

Mirka’s research into factors which influence elementary teachers’ use of outdoor classrooms

reveals common barriers (Mirka, 2014):

 Availability of curriculum guides

 Knowledge of outdoor instructional activities

 Understanding of the application of classroom subject matter to outdoor

instruction activities

 Knowledge of natural sciences

 Availability of suitable outdoor areas

 Class size

 Fear and concern about young people’s health and safety

 Value of such experiences to children

As such, these barriers fall under two main groupings: pedagogical/lack of knowledge concerns

and practical concerns.

Research on outdoor learning conducted in the greater Cleveland area points to significant

barriers – as perceived by educators, citing a lack of curriculum guides and planning materials
along with a lack of resource people (Carrier, Thomson, Tugurian, & Stevenson, 2014). Many

teachers lack the confidence or skills about how to use the green school ground as an outdoor

classroom (Rickinson et al., 2004). As a result, many educators found it difficult to imagine

breaking out of their patterns and standard routines (Dyment, 2008), preferring traditional indoor

views of learning. As one Canadian parent noted, “When you get caught in your little square

boxes, you stay in your little square boxes” (Dyment, 2008). Simmons’s study of elementary

school teachers in the Chicago area (2010) showed that only 39% of the teachers agreed that they

were sufficiently trained to teach in outdoor settings.

Teachers can often be limited by conventional assumptions about education – about their need

to “master” the subject area, to have all the answers prepared in advance, and to address first and

foremost the “minds” of their students (Dyment, 2008). Such assumptions and preferences sit in

stark contrast to the realities of outdoor learning where the environment is less easy to control,

where learning outcomes are less predictable and not necessarily measurable. In fact, outdoor

experiences can disrupt the usual power relations in the classroom and norms for questions (by

the teacher) and answers (made by the students and judged to be correct or otherwise by the

teacher), allowing the discourse instead to become more open, exploratory, and playful (Waite &

Davis, 2007).

Clearly some training in outdoor learning on should be a requirement for pre-service teachers

(Scott & Gough, 2003). This would involve teacher training courses recognising that outdoor

learning is an important part of core competencies. Wilson (1994) suggests there is a need for

pre-service and in-service training focusing specifically on environmental education for pre-

school children, stating:

Early childhood educators need to develop a personal awareness of and

appreciation for their place in the natural environment and an enthusiasm
for sharing the beauty and mystery of the natural environment with
young children - in addition to learning how and why to incorporate
environmental education into their programs. (Wilson, 1994)

Training must also continue for in-service teachers as well. Professional development courses

leading to accreditation in outdoor learning teaching skills could enhance a teacher’s repertoire

(Fisher, 2001). Glenda Hanna’s 1992 study of barriers facing teachers attempting to implement

outdoor education notes that “limited training” has the biggest impact (Hanna, 1992). She

strongly advocates for teachers to take advantage of “a collaborative, synergistic take

advantage of team increase confidence and experience” (Hanna, 1992). Shuman and

Ham’s Model of Environmental Education Commitment (1997) suggests efforts to increase

commitment to use natural outdoor settings would increase the likelihood that pre-service

educators would overcome perceived barriers.

Based on this study, pre-service early childhood educators appear to primarily associate

outdoor settings with educational outcomes regarding learning about nature. This narrow focus

centres on structured learning about nature, with park, forest, and water environments being

most conducive to doing so. Other curriculum areas are limited to learning in the classroom.

Many educators acknowledged a lack of experience and knowledge in outdoor instructional

activities and their limited knowledge of natural sciences. This lack of scientifically literate

citizens is higher in the USA than in many European and Asian nations (Carrier et al., 2014).

This suggests there is an opportunity for pre-service instruction to better convey the importance

of unstructured learning and nature exploration, as well as reduce the perceived need for content

and information, such as field guides, prior knowledge, and naturalists to accompany them

whilst in nature.
Teachers’ beliefs have a significant impact on their attitudes and actions towards students and

curriculum (Carrier et al., 2014). These beliefs can be limiting. Many teachers see environmental

education as part of the science curriculum, and as a result follow a traditional science teaching

methodology of transmission/teacher centred lessons. Invariably, these are classroom based and

ignore the learning potential just outside the window. As one UK teacher describes, after seeing

the attraction of outdoor learning:

I realised how important it (outdoor learning) was, whereas before I

would have just gone into year 1 and thought, well it’s year 1, knuckle
down and lessons all the way. (Waite, 2010)

One Survey of 51 schools in England found that outside of PE classes, older children at primary

school did not experience any type of outdoor curriculum on a daily basis. This may be a result

of concentration on core subject areas creating pressure on the broader school curriculum. It also

reflects a distinction between “play” and “work” in school settings, so that playful learning is not

as valued as highly as more direct taught learning, despite the importance (and current lack) of

enjoyment in learning in the UK (Lord, 2006; Lumby, 2010).

The potential role of green school grounds to facilitate formal, informal, and non-formal

outdoor learning experiences is well-established (Dyment, 2005). In being outdoors, learning

easily comes alive; with the touching, smelling, and even tasting of the material being studied. In

addition, learning is enhanced because being outdoors can provide endless opportunities for

learning about interconnections. Rather than seeing subjects as discreet entities, students

experience firsthand the interconnections between subjects, like math, language arts, and science,

as skills are often required from many subject areas to complete a task. Students also get a deeper

sense of the interconnections between their education, their home lives, their environment, and

their future (Dyment, 2008). As well, researchers point to the informal learning that occurs
outdoors during unstructured time as being intrinsically motivating as it happens without teacher

intervention (Adams, 1993; Moore & Wong, 1997; Titman, 1994).

Another barrier to accessing the outdoors centres on safety concerns and specific

interpretations of risk. We see the stories in the media of students falling out of trees and their

families successfully suing the school board. In some school districts in North America, signs are

now posted discouraging running on playgrounds and the playing of tag it. This is very much a

result of a society’s values, beliefs, and legal system (Staempfli, 2009). European courts offer

little financial incentive to sue from injuries sustained on playgrounds. Unsurprisingly, European

countries are leaders in play-based and experiential education. In one 2010 survey, teachers

expressed concerns about the safety of their students when visiting rivers, ponds, and marshes.

They also worried about poisonous plants, getting lost, the class size being too big, other people

causing trouble, and the threat of animals (Simmons, 2010). These are valid concerns, and many

can be mitigated by initially using the school grounds, where appropriate, as the staging ground

for outdoor learning. As teacher confidence and student familiarity with being outdoors grows,

other options become available. A risk averse culture (Furedi, 2002; Humberstone & Stan, 2009)

can impinge upon the freedom teachers feel to offer activities that they may nevertheless believe

are beneficial for children. As one teacher pointed out (Waite, 2010):

Risk assessment is naturally a consideration but can be restrictive if

overdone. Child to adult ratios can reduce the natural risk and allow
children to enjoy the environment and learn to take risks as part of their
development. In addition, problem solving is developed in the greater
freedom offered by the outside.

The right to play in certain settings is also being squeezed out by an increasing focus on

academic preparation at earlier childhood levels than previously. The requirements of school

curricula are unavoidable. Kindergarten is the new grade one, and seat work often replaces multi-
sensory, child-directed and open-ended play. Going outdoors is associated with physical

learning, thereby missing the range of developmental benefits (Ernst, 2013).

Many of the perceived barriers to taking students outside can be easily managed. Practical

concerns such as class size are easily addressed with forethought and an open and flexible

approach. Curriculum guides are increasingly available on-line, an excellent example being,

Natural Curiosity: Building Children’s Understanding of the World through Environmental

Inquiry (OISE, 2011). This teacher based resource is available as a free down-load and focuses

on using environmental inquiry, with examples of units from elementary teachers in Ontario


A much more complex barrier to getting students outside is the teacher’s own values.

Teachers’ explicit and implicit beliefs guide their actions and teachers who did not spend time in

nature in their own childhood do not seem to value taking their students outside. This is perhaps

the most significant barrier to overcome. I recently served as the co-chair of my school’s

Professional Development Committee. In the fall, teachers were given a list of potential areas of

focus for professional development for the coming year, and were asked to rank their

importance. Increased access to, and use of, technology consistently ranked high for teachers,

and exploring the importance of taking our students outside was consistently ranked near the

bottom of the list.

If teachers had access to a resource that outlined the benefits of outdoor learning, would the

value they attach to leaving the classroom for the woods or school ground change? In turn,

would this affect their teaching practise?

Chapter Three - Discussion

“The woods were my Ritalin. Nature calmed me, focused me, and yet excited my senses.”

 Richard Louv, Last Child in the Woods

The main objective of this Design Project was to provide an opportunity for teachers to pause

for thought and reflect on their practice around taking students outdoors. I believe that all

teachers have the best interests of their students at the heart of their teaching. If presented with a

website with reliable and pertinent information regarding health concerns facing children in the

21st century, along with the health benefits resulting from taking students outdoors, would

teachers place more value on learning outdoors? Would it be possible for such a website to help

teachers overcome perceived barriers and respond to the needs of their students?

The research presented in my review of related literature strongly suggested that children are

spending too much time indoors on a digital device of some kind. I certainly saw this

phenomenon in the inner-city children that I taught. I had always struggled with the idea of

anyone, not just a child, spending close to 8 hours each day in front of a screen – it seemed

impossible to do, and yet of an evening, students routinely spend a couple of hours on Facebook,

watch a movie or two, settle in with Minecraft; before you know it, midnight is knocking on the

door. For me, being a digital immigrant, rather than a digital native (Prensky, 2001), I was also

surprised to hear my students describe how their parents were also in front of their own screens

for much of the evening. This was different than sitting in the living room together and watching

a family movie. This was now two generations of a family getting a tremendous amount of their

daily stimulus from the blue light of a glowing screen, often apart in separate rooms in their

One can only imagine the difficulties of connecting their children to nature that face some

socio-economically challenged parents. How to foster that connection whilst working two jobs

or shift work, living in an apartment complex with no outdoor space, miles from any natural

setting? I knew there was a role for schools to play here. Would teachers taking students

outdoors on a daily basis be one of many steps towards increased enjoyment of school, increased

self-regulation, environmental literacy, and ultimately, crossing that stage with “dignity,

purpose, and options” (Halbert & Kaser, 2013).

My research strongly suggests that time outdoors benefits both the physical and socio-

emotional health of students. For me, the challenge focused on how to get other teachers to

embrace this philosophy. I have received a tremendous amount of enjoyment from taking

students outdoors during the past several years. I wanted to convey that sense of enjoyment and

enthusiasm to other educators. Richard Louv posits that an “environment-based education

movement--at all levels of education--will help students realize that school isn't supposed to be a

polite form of incarceration, but a portal to the wider world” (2005). Could I design a resource

for teachers that would help them lead students to that portal?

The Seven Core Principles for Learning Environments (Innovative Learning Environments,

OECD Publications, 2012) were instrumental in shaping my approach. For me, the two

principles that stood out were the social and emotional nature of learning. To shift someone’s

teaching practice, I would have to give them reasons to connect on an emotional level: as

teachers we will see the faces of some of our students in the list of potential health concerns

facing our children today. My resource would also have to appeal to the social nature of

learning: could it inspire teachers to collaborate with other colleagues? Would it be relevant

enough to stimulate conversation in the staff room or merit discussion at a staff meeting?
The journey to designing this blog was interesting. I did some research on nature schools and

discovered Davis Bay Elementary School on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia.

( Davis Bay Elementary has traditional mainstream classes alongside

the Nature Education for Sustainable Todays and Tomorrows (NEST) Program. One phone call

and two ferry rides later and I was standing in the middle of an outdoor classroom situated in a

forest beside a river. The day was inspirational, and seeing the children in the forest reaffirmed

my commitment to explore outdoor learning.

I hatched a plan to share the benefits of outdoor learning through facilitating a District

Professional Development Day session in February, 2015. I called my session, The Rise of

Indoor Childhoods: Getting Students Outdoors Everyday, and I intended to present on the

benefits and challenges of outdoor learning. Unfortunately, my session was cancelled due to a

lack of participants signing up. Still keen to share my insights, I then thought about developing a

resource guide booklet for local educators in the Nanaimo-Ladysmith public schools but kept

coming back to the same concerns:

 How would I gain maximum distribution/exposure?

 Would my guide end up sitting on bookshelves with other under-used resources?

The idea of a website or blog appeared to meet these concerns head on. Digital resources are

easier to keep current, thereby maximising their relevance, and giving teachers a reason to visit

the website. As well, the site could be accessed from anywhere – a coffee shop, a ferry, a tablet

sitting on the bedside table; anywhere you go this resource could be right there with you. Some

of the resources, projects, and articles could also be shared with students on screens in

classrooms, increasing their awareness and engagement with outdoor learning.

A case study commissioned by Scottish National Heritage confirmed this belief. Allison’s

research in 2009 found that teachers were keen to have access to support materials to enable

them to take students outside. The study suggested that the development of a web-page to allow

teachers to access:

... information, risk assessment templates, curriculum linking

materials, names of local contacts and other relevant information would
be merited. This type of initiative...creates a far greater capacity for
pedagogical interventions to become deeply embedded in school practice
in the longer term. (Allison, 2009)

Often, resources promoting pedagogical change skip across our surface, leaving barely a

ripple behind. In choosing to design and build a digital resource, it was important that the online

content draw the viewer in and allow them to build connections with their own practice or the

circumstances facing them. My site has already done much of the heavy lifting for the visiting

teacher in terms of researching outdoor learning. Following the structure presented here in

Chapter 2, the blog concisely lists the health concerns facing our children. It is a disturbing

inventory, made more so as we each have likely witnessed these phenomena in our own classes.

Building on this connection, the blog also explains the wide-ranging benefits of outdoor learning

for children. Many of the current resources online are geared towards nature preschools or forest

kindergarten programs. This resource is designed for teachers of students ranging from

kindergarten through to grade 7.

I chose WordPress over Weebly as the blogging option seemed more interactive than the

more static option of a website. A blog is a simple, easy-to-use platform for connecting with and

sharing timely and relevant information; it’s a direct communication channel. Writing a

blog shares your insight and passion. A blog also creates a two-way conversation with peers. It
encourages interaction, comments and feedback. The interaction is very appealing to me and I

look forward to hearing the insights of other educators who are passionate or curious about

outdoor learning.

In building this site it was important to avoid overwhelming users with disheartening

information about the state of twenty-first century childhoods in Canada; health concerns are

noted and addressed in a concise manner. Similarly, barriers are addressed succinctly. Resources

for outdoor learning are the heart of the blog. Outdoors68 ( is intended to

celebrate the wonderful opportunities available to educators. The blog has been designed with

ease of access in mind. As such, it is an invitation to come in and browse, with the hope that you

will find reason to return again and again.

Outdoors68’s home page has its raison d’etre front and centre:

We believe that every young person should experience the world

beyond the classroom as an essential part of learning and personal
development, whatever their age, ability or circumstances.

The other prominent feature on the home page is the blog button, as it is intended that the site is

very much about communicating new ideas. The home page has a navigation bar with the

following tabs:

 About Outdoors68 provides a brief background and statement of intent.

 Healthy Students? links to two sub-headings: Physical Concerns, and Socio-
Emotional Concerns
 Why Outdoors? links to two sun-headings: Physical Benefits, and Socio-Emotional
 What’ Stopping Us? links to two sub-headings: Practical Concerns, and Pedagogical
 Resources links to three sub-headings: Hands-On, Our Reading List, Like-Minded
 Contact Information: links to email address and instructions on submitting articles,
reflections, etc., to the blog

As previously noted, the “Healthy Students?” and “Why Outdoors?” pages will list salient

points with two to three sentences of relevant information taken from my review of related

literature. The “Resources” page has three sub-headings:

 Hands-On links to practical applications and examples of outdoor learning

 Like-Minded Souls links to organisations and websites that promote outdoor
 Our Reading List lists exactly that, as we wade through the extensive literature

For me, it was important that Outdoors68 avoid being associated with the smell of wet

Birkenstocks and patchouli oil. Equally important was the desire for it to not look like a design

project cobbled together to fulfill a partial requirement of a Master’s of Education degree. If it

did either of the above, I knew that it would give some teachers a reason to generalise, make

assumptions, and discount where the blog is coming from. Though steeped in research, it needed

to stand alone in the digital world, and appeal to as wide a range of educators as possible.

To meet these criteria, I ensured that the Resources pages of offer a wide

selection, starting with practical, try-this-in-your-class-tomorrow suggestions, and ranging to

more philosophical, curl-up-with-on the sofa-for-the-weekend treatises. Our Reading List has

articles from Salon and The Huffington Post designed to appeal to the novice and the seasoned

outdoor educator, and can be read over a cup of coffee. David Sobel’s and Richard Louv’s

writings require more commitment and promise significant payback. The Hands-On tab lists
organizations that provide training and workshops, as well as guides on how to stimulate writing

through creative play outdoors, garden with kids, and play adventure games. Organisations that

provide funding and resources are found in the Like-Minded Souls tab. If you are wondering

how to teach your students to use a global positioning system (GPS), are looking for outdoor

math games, want a current article on the benefits of outdoor learning for a concerned parent, or

are unsure of the legal check-list for that sky diving field trip, Outdoors68 has you covered.

Outdoors68 has been designed to act as a support, offering articles, exemplars, and experts

within the community. It addresses the barriers to getting students outside and is an agent of

change. A Master’s in Education Leadership has, at its heart, the notion of change, and many in

my cohort struggle with how to bring change into the institutions we teach in. Any significant

change in one’s pedagogy will only succeed if one’s values align with the proposed change

and one receives the necessary support. As Nundy, Dillon, and Dowd (2008) noted with one

British teacher:

When we first went to the woods, and I have been in the school for 22
years and I never thought of using the woods, it is pathetic and sad, but I
hadn’t, until I started Trailblazer (a supporting program)...

British Columbia is in the process of rolling out new curriculum across all grade levels, and

change is in the air. In hanging out on the web for interested souls to

peruse and ruminate over, it is my hope that the site reaffirms or challenges deeply held beliefs

and values, or piques someone’s curiosity and helps guide them towards embracing a new

value: the importance of taking our students outside every day, wherever possible.

My belief in the value of outdoor learning was recently re-affirmed at the Grade 7 Leaving

Ceremony. I had taught many of these students for both grade 6 and 7. For many students, their
favourite memory from eight years at Fairview Community School was either sea-kayaking

around Newcastle Island in grade 6 or spending the day on the water slides at Splashdown Water

Park in grade 7. Those were some of my favourite moments too.

Chapter 4 – Design Project

Please refer to to see the completed design project. The following

screen captures illustrate the content of the sixteen webpages I created for my design project.

Explanations of these webpages and their contents can be found in chapter three of this thesis

(p35-37). I intentionally use the term “we” here as it is my hope that the blog will be communal.

Its design and creation was undertaken solely by me up to this point.

The Healthy Students webpage frames the context for our concerns regarding the health of children
The Physical Concerns webpage provides an overview of the physical health challenges

associated with childhood today.

The Socio-Emotional Concerns webpage provides an overview of the social-emotional

concerns associated with childhood today.

The Why Outdoors? webpage presents an overview of benefits associated with outdoor

The Physical Benefits webpage details the benefits to physical health associated with learning

The Social-Emotional Benefits webpage details the benefits to social and emotional health

associated with learning outdoors.

The What’s Stopping Us webpage presents an overview of the challenges teachers perceive

they face in taking students outdoors.

The Practical Concerns webpage lists the areas of practical concern that teachers feel prevent

them from taking students outside.

The Pedagogical Concerns webpage lists the areas of pedagogical concern that teachers feel

prevent them from taking students outside.

The Resources webapge provides an overview of the different resources available.
The Hands-On webpage offers practical guides, and organisations that offer training.
The Like-Minded Souls webpage lists resources/organisations that support outdoor learning.
The Reading List webpage offers a comprehensive overview of the tangents of outdoor learning.
The Blog webpage will be used to post blog entries.
The Contact webpage is for viewers to email their comments and questions.
Chapter Five - Summary and Conclusions


The documentary, PLAY AGAIN (2010), examines the question: What are the consequences

of a childhood removed from nature?

The average American child now spends over eight hours in front of a
screen each day. She emails, texts, and updates her status incessantly. He
can name hundreds of corporate logos, but less than ten native plants.
She aspires to have hundreds of online friends, most she may never meet
in person. He masters complicated situations presented in game after
game, but often avoids simple person-to-person conversation. They are
almost entirely out of contact with the world that, over millions of years
of evolution, shaped human beings — the natural world. One generation
from now most people in the U.S. will have spent more time in the
virtual world than in nature.

Most teachers are already seeing these consequences. In documenting the health concerns facing

children with increasingly sedentary lifestyles, and researching the benefits of outdoor learning,

the focus of this design project has been to develop a website and blog that addresses the

commonly perceived barriers to outdoor learning. The lack of curriculum support for outdoor

learning is directly addressed in the Resources pages of The lack of value

attached to outdoor learning by some teachers can be challenged with the extensive research on

the state of our children’s health today, and the direct affect that getting kids outside has on their


Many, if not all, parents love to see their children outside – playing on a beach, climbing a

tree in the park, having a picnic in the backyard. As a fairly seasoned traveller, I was a late

convert to the attraction of Hawaii as a destination. Having now been there twice, I see what

draws me back is the opportunity for my children to be outdoors all day surrounded by pristine
natural settings. Anyone who has travelled to Hawaii has likely spent time in an ABC store.

They are ubiquitous and despite their relatively small square footage, somehow sell everything

from ambre solaire, groceries and liquor, to hula dancer emblazoned nail clippers and bobble

head Obama figures. ABC stores are the pinnacle in one stop shopping. The aim of this design

project was to provide a similar one stop experience for teachers in Nanaimo-Ladysmith who are

interested in outdoor learning – a place to browse for new ideas, or get valuable information, for

example: how to apply for a grant to “green” one’s school grounds, or develop curriculum

related to outdoor learning. This research design focuses on the development of a blog for

teachers that is informed by theory and research. As such, Outdoors68 has a rich foundation of

information concerning why we should be taking our students outside, and presents evidence of

the consequences of not doing so. In his book, Childhood and Nature: Design Principles for

Educators (2008), David Sobel argues that before we ask our children to save the environment,

we need to give them compelling reasons to love the environment. We must do the same for

teachers. Meaningful connections with the natural world do not begin in the rainforest or arctic,

but in our own backyards, schoolyards and communities. The blog, Outdoors68 is intended to

help provide teachers with resources that may help overcome any perceived barriers and

challenges to taking their students outside into schoolyards, parks, and communities.

Suggestions for Further Development

The blog dovetails with a growing re-emergence of place and community-based education; an

approach to teaching and learning that offers a way to extend young people’s attention beyond

the classroom to the world as it actually is, and to engage them in the process of devising

solutions to the social and environmental problems they will confront as adults. This approach

can increase students’ engagement with learning and help enhance their academic achievement.
The Resources page of Outdoors68 could link directly to organisations involved with place and

community-based education.

The blog has the potential to serve as a bridge between teachers and community members

who are interested in partnering to achieve similar goals. As such, it could also showcase

examples of outdoor learning partnerships within the district. Having the 68 in the domain was

intentional, referring to School District 68, Nanaimo-Ladysmith, British Columbia, rather than

one particular individual or school. Schools featured in the OECD’s Innovative Learning

Environment Project (2010) stress the benefit of cooperating with community members. Model

Vihti, based in the village of Vihti, Finland, expands the learning environment outside the

classroom, and seeks to build links between children and nature. This ILE is a partnership

between facilitators, schools, municipal officials (youth and leisure, culture, environment, and

pre-primary education), and local NGO’s. Nanaimo-Ladysmith Public Schools currently have

one eco-school that hopes to develop partnerships with a variety of community groups.

Outdoors68 could be used to promote such partnerships.

This fall (2015) I begin teaching in an intermediate classroom at the Departure Bay

Elementary Eco-School in Nanaimo, British Columbia. In this capacity, I will also be working

with eight Year 5 Bachelor of Education students from Vancouver Island University, who are

embedded into the school for one day per week for their Principles of Teaching and Learning

Course. It is my hope that they, being digital natives, will embrace the blog and further its

appeal to pre-service teachers, through their own contributions to, and sharing the

blog as a resource for other pre-service teachers.

Unfortunately, a new generation of teachers is growing up indoors lacking a basic

understanding of the natural world either from personal experience or formal education

(Stevermer, Geary, Hoffman, & Barstow, 2007). Undergraduate courses in science are content

based rather than process based, and fail to address the need to cultivate children’s natural

tendency to ask, “why?”

Visit any second grade classroom and you will generally find a
class bursting with energy and excitement, where children are eager to
make new observations and try to figure things out. What a contrast with
many eighth-grade classes, where the students so often seem bored and
disengaged from learning and from school! (NRC, 2000)

This is true of pre-service teacher training courses all over. Scotland has extensive coverage of

outdoor learning within its curriculum, yet has not, despite considerable effort over the past

twenty years, developed a formal teaching qualification in outdoor education (Higgins & Nicol,

2008). Having pre-service teacher training programs develop awareness of outdoor learning as a

pedagogy that could raise student achievement (Rickinson et al., 2004) and address issues of

student health and well-being would be a positive development. Such training would address one

of the biggest barriers to teacher confidence in outdoor learning, the impact of ‘limited training’

(Hanna, 1992, O’Donnell, Morris, & Wilson, 2006).


The primary goal of this design project is to address barriers to outdoor learning as perceived

by teachers. In my opinion, the most significant challenge lies with teachers who, for a variety of

reasons, do not “value such experiences to children” (Mirka, 2014). Currently, many teachers

are enthralled with the potential for iPads and Chromebooks to increase student engagement. I
understand this, and I have gladly used grant funds to purchase Chromebooks for students who

would benefit greatly from accessing speech to text apps on a daily basis. Absolutely, there is a

place for technology within our teaching. In all things, however, we need a sense of balance, and

I would argue that the balance has swung far from outdoor learning and place based instruction.

Will a blog help correct this for the students of the Nanaimo-Ladysmith public schools? Will

Outdoors68 help shift values? The blog will only be effective if it is being viewed. For those

individuals that do not value outdoor learning, one wonders if they would take the time to peruse

a blog devoted to outdoor learning.

Final Thoughts

The First Peoples Principles of Learning states: Learning is holistic, reflexive, reflective,

experiential, and relational (focused on connectedness, on reciprocal relationships, and a sense of

place)( ( Unsurprisingly, vital elements of

outdoor learning correlate with much of the First Peoples Principles of Learning. This particular

principle resonates with me for its emphasis on connectedness and a sense of place. I have long

advocated that the curriculum we teach our students must be connected to the world outside of

the classroom; otherwise we are wasting our students’ time. Outdoor learning builds in genuine

connections through its holistic and experiential approach.

The sense of place is more personal. In looking at why I value taking students outdoors, I now

see the tremendous effect a sense of place has had on my own journey from childhood to

adulthood. I have had the good fortune and privilege of growing up, and living and working, in

some of the most sublime locations the world has to offer. Time outdoors is woven throughout

these experiences. Even my years spent teaching in Taipei, a city of five million people, twice as
many two cylinder scooter engines, and endless concrete, are ear-marked by weekend escapes

through the mountains, to laze and surf on the black volcanic sand beaches of the South China

Sea. Being outdoors centres me and keeps me sane; and the research shows that this is the same

for our students.

On a deeper level, as the son of two working-class parents in England in the 1970’s, the

education system was politely grooming me for a career stocking cans of baked beans at the

local supermarket. Moving to Canada introduced me to schools and teachers that expected

students to go onto post-secondary education. There is nothing wrong with a career spent

working at a supermarket, but there is something wrong with an education system that fails to

build connections to its learners and offer them meaningful choices for their futures. In designing

Outdoors68, my hope is that it will encourage teachers to explore, with their students, the world

beyond the textbook and the classroom window, and that this will help students build a deeper

connection to their education, develop their sense of place for themselves, and impart an

enduring appreciation of and love for nature and being outdoors.

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