United States Patent: Gaydos Et Al

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,527,309 B1

Gaydos et al. (45) Date of Patent: Mar. 4, 2003

(54) LATCH APPARATUS 4,522,312 A 6/1985 Rathgeber et al.

4,635,454. A 1/1987 Brown ........................ 70/139
(75) Inventors: Mark Gaydos, Greenfield, MA (US); 4,739,896. A 4/1988 Moss
James Hardigg, Conway, MA (US) 4,901.882 A 2/1990 Goncalves
4,979,384 A 12/1990 Malesko ...................... 70/241
(73) ASSignee: Hardigg Industries, Inc., South 5,067,271 A 11/1991 Henning
5,100,015 A 3/1992 Vanderstuyf
Deerfield, MA (US) 5,158,329 A 10/1992 Schlack
5,388,901. A 2/1995 Asano ........................ 312/222
Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 5,785,398 A 7/1998 Park
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 5.988,711 A * 11/1999 Toma .................... 292/341.16
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. 6,010,167 A 1/2000 Tanimoto ................. 292/336.3
6,102,455 A 8/2000 Schurman
(21) Appl. No.: 09/957,431 * cited by examiner
(22) Filed: Sep. 19, 2001 Primary Examiner-Gary Estremsky
(51) Int. Cl." .....................
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - E05C 19/10
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm McCormick, Paulding &
Huber LLP
(52) ... 292/128; 292/DIG. 22
(58) Field of Search ........ -- - -- -- - - -- - -- -- -- - 292/DIG. 22, 95, (57) ABSTRACT
292/121, 122, 128, 102, 103
A latch apparatus includes a release mechanism having a
(56) References Cited depending locking arm for Selectively arresting the release
mechanism in a locking position. The release mechanism
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS further includes a center of gravity and an axis of rotation
1595,511 A 8/1926 Geisel about which the release mechanism pivots between a release
2,541,890 A 2/1951 Schaperkotter et al. position and the locking position. The center of gravity of
2,569,647 A 10/1951 Alexander the release mechanism is located along the axis of rotation.
3,719.248 A * 3/1973 Breitschwerdt ............. 180/112
4,298.223 A * 11/1981 Raffelsiefer ................. 292/216 11 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Mar. 4, 2003 Sheet 1 of 4 US 6,527,309 B1

F.G. 1
U.S. Patent Mar. 4, 2003 Sheet 3 of 4 US 6,527,309 B1

FG. 4
US 6,527,309 B1
1 2
LATCH APPARATUS otherwise Sufficient force of the biasing Spring and precipi
tate the disengagement of the locking ridge 12 from the
container's arresting boSS, as discussed previously. The
FIELD OF THE INVENTION greater the offset O, the greater the torque that the release
mechanism 10 may experience upon being dropped.
This invention relates in general to a latch apparatus, and Structural modification of the release mechanism may be
deals more particularly with a latch apparatus having a accomplished in order to attempt to limit the incidence of
release button which is configured to resist unintentional catastrophic failure of the latch apparatus itself, Such as by
disengagement from its arresting position.
increasing the biasing force which keeps the release mecha
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION nism in its closed position. Although arguably effective,
Such a modification would not be desirable as increasing the
Latches are utilized in many diverse fields, most com biasing force of the release mechanism, that is, increasing
monly in container manufacturing and the like, where it is the size of the unillustrated biasing spring in FIG. 1, would
necessary to Selectively Secure a lid to a container body inherently increase the force required to Selectively rotate
during shipping or other transportation. Although differing 15 the release mechanism open, thus making any latch appa
in Specific size, Shape and operation, most latch designs ratus So modified more difficult to intentionally operate.
include an integrated release mechanism which may be Moreover, the manufacture of larger constituent parts of the
Selectively operated to disengage the release mechanism latch apparatus is more costly and adds to the weight and
from its arresting position. Volume of the latch apparatus and container as a whole.
One known configuration of a release mechanism is a It is thusly apparent that existing latch apparatuses may
release button which is functionally integrated with the latch Suffer from the unintentional disengagement between their
body. When actuated by an operator, the release button will release mechanism and the arresting boSS of the container
typically rotate about an axis to disengage a locking ridge of when the container is dropped or otherwise jarred.
the release button from its arresting boss, thus causing the 25
With the forgoing problems and concerns in mind, it is the
latch as a whole to open. It is obviously a primary design general object of the present invention to provide a latch
parameter of latches that they reliably open when desired, apparatus which overcomes the above-described concerns
while Staying shut at all other times. Unfortunately, this and drawbacks, without compromising economic viability
operational characteristic may be compromised in certain and operational effectiveness.
AS mentioned previously, the use of latches are wide
Spread in the container field and, as Such, typically experi It is an object of the present invention to provide a latch
ence a myriad of Stresses, including fluctuations in ambient apparatus for a container.
temperature and pressure, as well as having to endure the It is another object of the present invention to provide a
forces generated during handling. In particular, latched 35 latch apparatus for a container which is configured to resist
containers are frequently Subjected to Sudden and jolting unintentional disengagement from its arresting position.
drops which impart damage not only to the container body, It is another object of the present invention to provide a
but also affect the operation of the latch itself. latch apparatus for a container that includes a rotatable
By way of example, when a container is dropped or release mechanism.
otherwise experiences a sharp blow, a torque may be 40 It is another object of the present invention to provide a
imparted on the rotational release mechanism of the latch latch apparatus for a container that includes a rotatable
apparatus. The torque may in fact be So great that the release release mechanism which Substantially inhibits the genera
mechanism involuntarily rotates out of engagement with the tion of torque to the release mechanism when the container
container's arresting boSS causing the container to Suddenly is dropped.
open, Sometimes with disastrous results. 45 It is another object of the present invention to provide a
FIG. 1 depicts a cross-sectional view of a release mecha latch apparatus for a container which includes a release
nism 10 which may be subject to the detrimental torque mechanism having a center of gravity located on the rota
forces noted above. As shown in FIG. 1, the release mecha tional axis of the release mechanism.
nism 10 includes a locking ridge 12 which Selectively mates According to one embodiment of the present invention a
with an unillustrated arresting boSS of a container. The 50 latch apparatus includes a release mechanism having a
release mechanism 10 further includes an integrated rod 14 depending locking arm for Selectively arresting the release
which enables the release mechanism 10 to rotate about a mechanism in a locking position. The release mechanism
rotational axis R when pressure is applied to a release button further includes a center of gravity and an axis of rotation
16, thereby disengaging the locking ridge 12 from the about which the release mechanism pivots between a release
container's arresting boSS. It will be readily appreciated that 55 position and the locking position. The center of gravity of
an unillustrated biasing Spring, or the like, is utilized to the release mechanism is located along the axis of rotation.
normally bias the locking ridge 12 into contact with the These and other objectives of the present invention, and
container's arresting boSS. their preferred embodiments, shall become clear by consid
As depicted in FIG. 1, the release mechanism 10 has a eration of the Specification, claims and drawings taken as a
center of gravity which is disposed on an axis CG, the center 60 whole.
of gravity axis CG being offset from the rotational axis R by BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
a predetermined amount O. AS will be appreciated, by
having the center of gravity of the release mechanism 10 FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional view of a known rotational
offset from the rotational axis R, the weight of the release release mechanism of a latch apparatus.
mechanism 10 will cause a torque to be generated when the 65 FIG. 2 is a perspective view of a container incorporating
container to which the release mechanism 10 is connected is a latch apparatus according to one embodiment of the
dropped. This generated torque may thereby overcome the present invention.
US 6,527,309 B1
3 4
FIG. 3 is a perspective view of the underside of the latch apparatus 102 for accommodating the Second distal end 121
apparatus shown in FIG. 2 and the arresting boSS disposed of the spring 118 in order to securely locate the spring 118
on the container. during repeated operation. It will, however, be readily
FIG. 4 is a plan view of the top Side of the latch apparatus, appreciated that the cavity 123 may be alternatively formed
according to one embodiment of the present invention. in the release button 108, or in both the housing and the
FIG. 5 is a plan view of the underside of the latch release button 108, without departing from the broader
apparatus, according to one embodiment of the present aspects of the present invention.
invention. Turning now to FIG. 6, a partially exploded view of the
FIG. 6 is a partially exploded, perspective view of the latch apparatus 100 is depicted. AS was discussed
latch apparatus, according to one embodiment of the present previously, it is a important aspect of the present invention
invention. to effectively inhibit the inadvertent and momentary pivot
FIG. 7 is a cross-sectional view of a rotational release ing of the release button 108 about its rotational axis R when
mechanism of the latch apparatus, according to one embodi the release button is Subjected to drop-induced torquing
ment of the present invention. forces and the like. The present invention accomplishes this
15 goal by forming the release button 108 so that the center of
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE gravity of the release button 108 lies along the rotational axis
FIG. 2 is a perspective view of a container 100 which That is, as shown in FIG. 6, the bar 120 includes a pair of
incorporates a latch apparatus 102 according to one embodi distal ends 125 which will extend through a matching pair of
ment of the present invention. As illustrated in FIG. 2, the apertures 124 formed in the release button 108. The distal
container 100 includes a first half 104 and a second half 106 ends 125 are themselves anchored within corresponding
which are releasably mated to one another via the operation apertures 126 formed in the housing of the latch apparatus
of the latch apparatus 102. It will be readily appreciated that 102. With the distal ends 130 of the spring 118 being
the container 100 is shown for illustrative purposes only, and 25
disposed against the cantilevered Section 132 of the release
that the latch apparatus 102 of the present invention may be button 108 and the lip portion 136 of the latch apparatus,
employed on containers having a wide range of Structural respectively, the release button 108 is capable of selectively
configurations, without departing from the broader aspects pivoting from a locking position to a release position, as
of the present invention. discussed previously.
Operation of the latch apparatus 102 is effectuated pri In accordance with a primary aspect of the present
marily through the Selective depression of a release button invention, the apertures 124 of the release button 108 are
108 defined on the top side, or exterior surface, of the latch formed to ensure that the center of gravity for the release
apparatus 102. FIG. 3 illustrates an arresting boss 110 button 108 lies along the rotational axis R, preferably
formed on the container 100 which, when the latch apparatus mid-way between the apertures 124, thus eliminating the
102 is rotated downwardly towards a locking position, 35
offset O discussed in association with FIG. 1.
Serves to momentarily pivot a locking arm 112 of the release FIG. 7 is a partial, cross-sectional side view of the release
button 108 over the arresting boss 110 to subsequently lock button 108 which shows the relationship between the rota
thereon. tional axis R of the bar 120 and the center of gravity CG of
FIG. 4 more clearly illustrates the exterior surface of the the release button 108. A comparison of the release mecha
latch apparatus 102. As shown in FIG. 4, the latch apparatus 40 nism 10 of FIG. 1 and the release button 108 of FIG. 7
102 defines a housing having a rectangular opening 114 in illustrates the lack of any offset O between the rotational axis
its exterior Surface for Supporting the Substantially flush R and the center of gravity CG of the release button 108, in
mounted release button 108 therein. A finger depression 116, accordance with a primary aspect of the present invention.
or the like, may be formed on the planar actuation area 117 AS previously mentioned, the inadvertent pivoting of the
of the release button 108 to assist in securely locating an 45 release button 108 due to torquing forces could also be
operator's finger thereon for Subsequent operation of the addressed by increasing the Size and rigidity of the Spring
release button 108. As will be appreciated, the latch appa 118 to Such an extent that the release button 108 would not
ratuS 102 will rotate between an open and a closed position pivot under a predetermined Set of design parameters and
about a latch rotational axis L. The latch apparatus 102 may applied forces. Such a Solution, however, is not desirable as
be secured to the container 100 via a rod or the like which 50 one of ordinary skill in the art will appreciate that oversizing
is oriented along the rotational axis L and rotationally the spring 118 may lead to operational problems with the
integrated with the body of the container 100. release button 108 when a pivoting action of the release
FIG. 5 more clearly illustrates the underside of the latch button 108 is, in fact, desired by an operator. Moreover, the
apparatus 102. As shown in FIG. 5, the latch button 108 size, weight and manufacturing cost of the release button
rotates about a rotational axis R and is urged towards a 55 108 would be correspondingly increased should a larger
locking position under the biasing force of a Spring 118. The biasing Spring be employed.
Spring 118, which may be a torsion Spring or the like, is It will be readily appreciated that the present invention
mounted upon a metallic or other resilient or Semi-resilient effectively eliminates the inadvertent pivoting of the release
bar 120 which itself is anchored to the housing of the latch button 108 when the release button 108 experiences torquing
apparatus 102. A Stop 122 may be formed or integrally 60 forces as a result of the container 100 be dropped or
molded on the latch apparatus 102 for limiting the rotational otherwise jarred. The present invention accomplishes this
movement of the release button 108 as the release button 108 goal by designing the release button 108 Such that the mass
is pressed during operation. AS is further depicted in FIG. 5, of the release button 108 is substantially evenly distributed
the spring 118 includes first and second distal ends, 119 and in a direction Substantially perpendicular to the axis of
121 respectively, which are correspondingly urged against 65 rotation R of the release button 108. That is, the present
the release button 108 and the housing of the latch apparatus invention ensures that there is no unequal, cantilevered
102. A cavity 123 may be formed in the housing of the latch weight with respect to the center of gravity CG, at least in
US 6,527,309 B1
S 6
a direction Substantially perpendicular to the rotational axis Said release mechanism includes a planar actuation area
R of the release button 108, which may precipitate a torque which is substantially flush with said exterior Surface;
about the rotational axis R during times of applied force. and
Moreover, by aligning the center of gravity CG of the release Said planar actuation Surface defines a depression thereon.
button 108 with the rotational axis R of the release button 5. A latch apparatus, comprising:
108, the present invention advantageously avoids increasing a release mechanism pivotable about a bar between a
the size, weight and manufacturing costs of the latch appa locking position and a release position, Said bar being
ratus 102 as a whole. coaxially aligned with a rotational axis of Said release
It will also be readily appreciated that the latch apparatus mechanism;
102 and the release button 108 of the present invention may 1O a center of gravity of Said release mechanism and a
be formed as a Single, integrally molded device, or housing which rotatably Supports Said release mecha
alternatively, be comprised of a plurality of Separately nism;
molded or formed elements capable of functional integration a torsion Spring for biasing Said release mechanism into
with one another, without departing from the broader aspects Said locking position;
of the present invention. Moreover, the latch apparatus 102 15 a stop member integrally formed with Said housing, Said
and the release button 108 of the present invention are Stop member being oriented below a planar actuation
preferably formed from a plastic or polymer material, how area of Said release mechanism for limiting a pivoting
ever alternative resilient, metallic and non-metallic materials action of Said release mechanism;
are also contemplated by the present invention. Said planar actuation area being mounted in an opening
While the present invention has been described in con defined in an exterior Surface of Said housing;
junction with FIGS. 1-7, the specific structural configuration a finger depression formed in Said planar actuation area,
of the constituent elements of the latch apparatus 102 are not Said planar actuation are being Substantially flush
limited to those configurations as disclosed herein. In mounted with Said exterior Surface of Said housing, and
particular, the release button 108 need not be rectangular in wherein Said bar extends through Said center of gravity.
shape, nor be integrated in the latch apparatus 102 in a 25 6. The latch apparatus according to claim 5, further
predetermined manner, provided that the center of gravity of comprising:
the release button lies Substantially along the rotational axis a depending locking arm integrally formed with Said
of the release button, the greatest benefit resulting from release mechanism for Selectively arresting Said latch
aligning the center of gravity precisely along the rotational apparatus in Said locking position.
While the invention had been described with reference to 7. The latch apparatus according to claim 5, wherein:
the preferred embodiments, it will be understood by those Said bar extends through Said torsion Spring.
skilled in the art that various obvious changes may be made, 8. The latch apparatus according to claim 7, wherein:
and equivalents may be Substituted for elements thereof, Said torsion Spring includes a first distal end and a Second
without departing from the essential Scope of the present distal end; and
invention. Therefore, it is intended that the invention not be 35 Said first distal end is urged against Said release mecha
limited to the particular embodiments disclosed, but that the nism and Said Second distal end is urged against Said
invention includes all embodiments falling within the Scope housing.
of the appended claims. 9. The latch apparatus according to claim 8, further
What is claimed is: comprising:
1. A latch apparatus, comprising: 40
a cavity formed in Said housing for removably receiving
a release mechanism including a depending locking arm Said Second distal end of Said torsion Spring.
for Selectively arresting Said release mechanism in a 10. The latch apparatus according to claim 5, wherein:
locking position; Said housing and Said release mechanism are comprised of
an axis of rotation of Said release mechanism about which injection molded plastic, and
Said release mechanism pivots between a release posi Said bar is a metallic bar.
tion and Said locking position; 11. A latch apparatus, comprising:
a bar which is concentrically aligned with Said rotational a release mechanism including a depending locking arm
axis, Said bar being integrally mated with Said release for Selectively arresting Said release mechanism in a
mechanism and includes a pair of distal ends which are locking position;
disposed in a matching pair of apertures formed in Said 50
an axis of rotation of Said release mechanism about which
release mechanism; Said release mechanism pivots between a release posi
a housing which defines an opening in the exterior Surface tion and Said locking position;
thereof, Said release apparatus being mounted within a bar which is concentrically aligned with Said rotational
Said opening, wherein Said distal ends of Said bar axis, Said bar being integrally mated with Said release
extend through Said matching pair of apertures and into 55
mechanism and includes a pair of distal ends which are
receptacles formed in Said housing, and disposed in a matching pair of apertures formed in Said
a center of gravity of Said release mechanism, wherein release mechanism;
Said center of gravity is located along Said axis of a housing which defines an opening in the exterior Surface
rotation. thereof, Said release mechanism being mounted within
2. The latch apparatus according to claim 1, further Said opening;
comprising: 60 Said release mechanism further including a planar actua
a biasing element for biasing Said release mechanism into tion area, defining a depression thereon, which is
Said locking position. Substantially flush with Said exterior Surface; and
3. The latch apparatus according to claim 2, wherein: a center of gravity of Said release mechanism, wherein
Said biasing element comprises a Spring oriented about Said center of gravity is located along Said axis of
Said bar. 65 rotation.
4. The latch apparatus according to claim 1, further

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