Effect of Corrosion On Hydrocarbon Pipelines: Madjid Meriem-Benziane, and Hamou Zahloul

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 75 2013

Effect of Corrosion on Hydrocarbon Pipelines

Madjid Meriem-Benziane, and Hamou Zahloul

Abstract—The demand of hydrocarbons has increased the
construction of pipelines and the protection of the physical and
A. Pipeline Configuration
mechanical integrity of the already existing infrastructure. Corrosion The pipeline configuration used in this study is shown in
is the main reason of failures in the pipeline and it is mostly produced Fig. 1, the Pipeline and restriction geometry are made of steel.
by acid (HCOOCH3). In this basis, a CFD code was used, in order to The crude oil flow is generated using a pressure from a pump,
study the corrosion of internal wall of hydrocarbons pipeline. In this which is connected to the pipeline inlet via a Station.
situation, the corrosion phenomenon shows a growing deposit, which
causes defect damages (welding or fabrication) at diverse positions
along the pipeline. The solution of the pipeline corrosion is based on
the diminution of the Naphthenic acid.

Keywords—Pipeline, corrosion, Naphthenic acid (NA), CFD.


T HE universal demand of energy has increased the

hydrocarbon production in the world. Consequently, it is
essential to construct new infrastructure. Corrosion is B. Naphthenic Acid
Fig. 1 The pipeline

generally the common reason of damages in the hydrocarbon The naphthenic acid corrosion involves the presence of
industry [1]. In the industry, the use of pipelines to transport hydrogen sulfide as follows [3, 4],
hydrocarbon exceeding long distances has been extensive.
Many of the difficulties are related to the paraffin crystals and Fe + 2RCOOH Fe(RCOO)2+H2 (1)
construction gel corresponding to the structure of the crude oil
rheological features [2]. Pipeline corrosion is a more difficult Fe + H2S FeS + H2 (2)
phenomenon that happens due to the instantaneous actions of
some rheogical behavior of the crude oil. Some of these Reaction (1) produces the oil-dissolved iron; reaction (2)
mechanisms occurring in exchangers of crude distillation units inhibits dissolved iron production. Since the dissolved iron
are deposition of FeCOOH, and corrosion products, chemical quantity will be affected by all three reactions, the Iron
reaction fouling and sedimentation [3]. The complex Powder Test can be used to verify this mechanism.
rheological models are hypothetical more perfect in predicting According to the sulfur compound functionality, they may:
the behavior of drilling fluids than the two factor models that (1) inhibit, (2) assist, the naphthenic acid corrosion. In the first
are infinitely accepted [4]. The difficulty of corrosion based to case, the amount of oil-dissolved iron will diminish with
naphthenic acids is motionless a demand mark in the material respect to the control experiment. The amount of sulfur in a
science program. The corrosion by the naphthenic acid occurs crude oil (total sulfur) says nothing about its reactivity. For
by the chemical reaction with sulfur limits corrosion done example, H2S is very reactive toward iron, producing a FeS
formation of a surface film [5]. Crude oil is best of the protective layer.
important raw sources for the production of energy and crude
oil tankers play a strategic role in its transportation with III. NUMERICAL MODELING
pipeline. In this work, the naphthenic and Sulfur acids The Hydrocarbon was supposed to be composed of oil and
corrosion mechanism present in the oil production pipelines Naphthenic Acids. Globally, chemical and thermo-physical
was studied. properties of different crude oils vary vastly. Moreover, their
The results of this study provide insight how to temperature reliance and chemical reaction, determined by
control the corrosion of naphthenic acid and sulfur for oil their composition, can vary remarkably.
refinery enterprises [6]. Rheological parameters, viscosity, Density and thermal
conductivity of the other constituents have a secondary role in
crude oil impurity behavior. Consequently, they were
Madjid Meriem-Benziane is with the Department of Mechanical considered as typical values for impurity precursors and
Engineering, Faculty of technology, University Hassiba Benbouali of Chlef, reaction products. Though, as a part of the developed CFD
Algeria (phone: 213-791835640; fax: 213-27721794; e-mail :
[email protected]).
code, the viscosity values of Naphthenic acids were given to
Hamou Zahloul is with Laboratory of Rheology and Mechanics, University be varied in a vast variety [7].
of Chlef, BP 151, Chlef 02000, Algeria (phone : 213-791835640; fax : 213-
27721794; e-mail : [email protected]).

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 75 2013

A. Model Development
A 2D calculation area was used for numerical simulation.
The symmetric flow domain composed with the boundary
conditions is shown in Fig. 1. The pipeline length and
diameter are considered 80cm, 25cm respectively. However,
the geometry was discretized using 8010 to 40058
quadrilateral cells. The selection of a very thin mesh grid in
the whole radial direction was aimed at considering the
capacity to predict a very thick impurity layers occurring in
the very long industrial procedure times. [7] The CFD has
been used for the simulation. Finite volume technique is used
to discretize the controlling equations with convenient
discretization structures for the case. In this one, a 3D CFD
model using volume of fluid (VOF) approach to study the
development of non-Newtonian fluid modeling [8].
B. Numerical Simulation
1. Meshing of the Model
The discretization of the model has been done by a Fig. 2 Speed profile for different areas of the pipeline
GAMBIT. Density mesh is taken near nozzle inlet area, exit
and near the wall of pipeline. Fig. 2 shows the meshed shape.
The mesh based of 8010 to 40058 elements quadrilateral. To
ensure, the result dependence on the density of the mesh, grid
independence has been performed. It has been shown that the
results are independent of the grids for the present set of
2. Initial Conditions
Fig. 3 distribution of velocity vectors at the entrance
In all the simulations, the flow has been initiated from oil
inlet and the pipe is initially filled with oil.
3. Inlet Boundary Condition
The oil velocity is specified at the nozzle. Thus considering
uniform velocity distribution, the initial conditions are:
Length (L)= 8m, radius (r) = 0.25m, velocity (U):Ur = 0
and Uz = Uoil=0.6m/s
4. Computational fluid Dynamics Fig. 4 Distribution of velocity vectors in the middle to (r = 0)
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solves the partial
differential equations of fluidic flow, e.g., the Navier–Stokes
equation which, only in special cases, has exact solutions.
Numerical methods are applied such as Finite Elements
Method (FEM). At the first step of the pre-processing, the
geometry boundaries of the system are defined. The CFD
simulations for this work were performed using the Ansys
Fluent in assumption of laminar flow conditions and an
incompressible liquid [7].
C. Velocity Profile Fig. 5 Distribution of velocity vectors at the output
The velocity profile of the crude oil flow in the pipeline is
The simulation results exposed that decreasing feed velocity
shown in Figs. 3, 4 and 5. As it can be seen from Fig. 2, the
and increasing solvent velocity increase solute removal.
velocity profile is almost parabolic with a mean velocity which
increases with the pipeline length because of continuous fluid D. Deposit Solid of FeCH3COO
saturation. After a short distance from the inlet, the velocity Fig. 6 shows FeCH3COO deposit in core as a function of
profile is fully developed (Fig. 2). [8] We observe the position. The deposition rate slows considerably at a later
maximum velocity at the center-point is 7.5 at end of the stage. However, the generally solid deposit continues to
pipeline. reduction monotonously of FeCH3COO by several meshes at

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 75 2013

lower wall defect pipeline. Solid deposits are measured in the [7] Franz Dalitz, Michael Maiwald, Gisela Guthausen, Considerations on
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Fig. 6 Variation of the deposition rate on the surface of FeCH3COO

by several meshes at lower wall

The adherence of chemical reaction products to the wall

was taken into account by applying a high viscosity (Non
Newtonian fluid) for the products in corrosion with the deposit
solid of FeCOOCH3 on the wall. The CFD model could be
used to novel effective situations to examine the corrosion of
the pipeline.

The CFD model has been developed to predict crude oil
corrosion behavior. Constituents of the crude oil were
assumed to be oil and acid naphthenic characterized by their
chemical and physical properties. The influence of
compositing factor was considered to determine the
probability of adhesion of reaction products to the tube wall.
This factor includes the deposit metal on the wall. Simulation
results indicated that the CFD model is capable of predicting
corrosion in the pipeline. Hence, the developed CFD model is
expected to be advantageous for evaluating crude oil corrosion
under new functioning conditions.

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