Brainwave Frequencies

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Brainwave frequencies

---- -------
0.1-3 Delta. Normally associated with a deep dreamless sleep, trance state, luci
d dreaming, increased immune functions, hypnosis; and non-REM type of sleep
0.1-1 Organ+muscle resonances. (40)
0.1-3 Monroe Focus 21.
0.16-10 Neuralgias. (02)
0.18-10 Mod. therapy (02)
0.20-0.26 Dental pain. (02)
0.20-10 Post-traumatic. (02)
0.28-2.15 Alcohol addiction. (02)
0.28-10 Arthritis. (02)
0.30-0.15 Depression. (02)
0.30-10 Cervobrachial syndrome. (02)
0.37-2.15 Drug addiction. (02)
0.40-10 Confusion. (02)
0.45-10 Muscle pain. (02)
0.5-1.5 Pain relief, endorphins, better hypnosis (40)
0.5-4 Delta. Conducive to miracle type healing, divine knowledge, inner being an
d personal growth, rebirth, trauma recovery, "one with the universe experiences
(samadhi), near death experience, characterized by "unknowing" merely a blissful
"being" state such as deep sleep or coma. (18)
0.5 Very relaxing, against headache. (16)
0.5 For lower back pain. (01)
0.5 Thyroid, reproductive, excretory stimulant, whole brain toner (40)
0.9 Euphoria (40)
0.95-10 Whiplash. (02)
1-3 Delta: deep, dreamless sleep, trance state, non-REM sleep.
1-3 The last main pattern is that of delta waves, pulsations that range between
3 to 1-Hz. In this range of profound relaxation, images and dreams have largely
subsided, as the person slides into a state of slow wave restorative sleep. Medi
ators who remain aware during this state of near unconsciousness report tranquil
lity and peace. (37)
1.0 Feeling of well-being, pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone; over
all view of inter-relationships; harmony and balance (16)
1.05 For growth hormone production where intriguing reports of gray hair returni
ng to its original color have been noted. (18)
1.45 Tri-thalamic entrainment format. According to Ronald de Strulle, creates en
trainment between hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal. May benefit dyslexicâ s and peo
ple with Alzheimer's. (20)
1.5 Abrams universal healing rate (40)
1.5 Less effect from symptoms. Those individuals whose ailments have manifested
into the fourth stage of Chronic Fatigue, where some form of disease is apparent
, experienced a release from the negative sensation of their symptoms when moved
into 1.5-Hz. (25) (38)
1.5-2.5 Sleep.
2.15 - 10 Tendovaginatis (02)
2.5 16th harmonic of 40-Hz
2.5 Pain relief, relaxation (16)
2.5 Production of endogenous opiates (11)
2.7 15th harmonic of 40-Hz
2.9 14th harmonic of 40-Hz
3-4 Influences physical vision (40)
3.0-5.5 Theta 1 - When I first started doing Decrease training, I began with Dec
rease Theta at 4 to 8-Hz. Results were admittedly quite good, at least in regard
to increasing SMR and Beta. When I read about Theta2, however, I realized that
there could possibly be some interference with cognitive processing by decreasin
g Theta above 5.5-Hz As a result, I changed my primary Theta band to 3 to 6-Hz,
calling it Thetal, and created a new secondary frequency band of 5.5 to 8-Hz, wh
ich became Theta2.
3.6 11th harmonic of 40-Hz
3-6 For eliciting unconscious childhood memories. (18)
3-6 Childhood awareness/vivid memories (40)
3-7 The Theta level is normally associated with recall, fantasy, imagery, creati
vity, inspiration, future planning, dreaming, switching thoughts, and drowsiness
3-8 Theta - deep relaxation, meditation, increased memory, focus, creativity, lu
cid dreaming, Hypnagogic state.
3.0 Increased reaction time. (40)
3.1 13th harmonic of 40-Hz
3.3 12th harmonic of 40-Hz
3.4 Sound sleep.
3.5 Oneness, language learning, earth resonance (40)
3.5 Feeling of unity with everything, accelerated language retention (24)
3.5 Enhancement of receptivity (16)
4.5 Premature baby response time (latency). (41)
4-6 attitude and behavior change (17)
4-6 Out-of-body experiences. (40)
4-7 THETA Near sleep brain waves that are conducive to profound inner peace, "my
stical truths", transforming unconsciously held limiting beliefs, physical and e
motional healing, purpose of life exploration, a "live in quality" ... character
ized by a "kind of knowing that feels like" inner wisdom, faith, meditation, som
e psychic abilities, and retrieving unconscious material (18)
4-7 Theta: recall, fantasy, imagery, creativity, planning, dreaming, switching t
houghts, Zen meditation, drowsiness.
4-7 Meditation, Intuitive Augmentation.
4-7 Theta waves are associated with bursts of inspiration, creativity, twilight-
sleep learning, deep relaxation, reverie, high levels of awareness, and vivid me
ntal Imagery. They are Hypnopompic, and Hypnagogic (just before and just after s
leep). Advanced Zen meditators can move from Alpha to Theta when in a trance as
can biofeedback experts. Brain wave synchronization allows the user to reach the
se states without any special training or aptitude. (23)
4-8 Theta Found in states of deep relaxation, theta activity is also associated
with bursts of creative insight, twilight ("sleep") learning and vivid mental im
agery. It is also found in more advanced meditators. (37)
4-8 While this range is rather small, a difference of 1 or 2-Hz in this zone is
very noticeable, as it is proportionately much larger than it would be in the be
ta or alpha range. This pattern is associated with deep unconscious imagery, and
thus creativity, as the person drops into a state of drowsiness and near-sleep.
4-8 THETA. Access to subconscious images, deep mediation, reduced Blood pressure
, said to cure addictions. Theta seems to trigger the sudden reliving or vivid r
emembering of long-forgotten childhood memories. One explanation for this link b
etween theta and childhood is that, while adults rarely produce theta, children
are in a theta state most of the time--up to the age of six or beyond, children
produce mostly theta waves, and then the amount of theta progressively decreases
as the child grows into adulthood. In other words, children spend most of their
time in what we adults would call a trance-like, altered state of consciousness
, and one that is extremely open and receptive, highly conducive to the learning
of new information and the creation of memories.
In recent years a large number of scientific studies have explored a phenomenon
called "state bound" or "state dependent" learning. In essence, they have found
that things experienced in one state (of consciousness) are far more easily reme
mbered later when we are once again in that same state. Things learned when we'r
e happy are remembered best when we're happy, what we learn when cold is remembe
red best when we're cold, and so on.
4-12 Skeletal muscle resonances. (40)
4.0 10th harmonic of 40-Hz
4.0 Associated with object naming, an important aspect of memory. (49)
4.0 Lowest frequency for brainwave entrainment. â However, when the stimulus is repea
ted continuously above 4-Hz, the brain begins to "resonate" with the stream of s
timuli and the resultant brainwave response is of the same frequency as the stim
uli.â (10)
4.0 According to Cavanagh (1972), Theta at 4-Hz corresponds to a full memory sea
rch. Theta, then, like Alpha, is a scanning frequency. Cavanagh began by compili
ng a number of studies dealing with different classes of stimuli (digits, colors
, letters, words, geometrical shapes, random forms, and nonsense symbols). Each
class of stimuli was found to have a characteristic reaction time. However, he f
ound a constant of 243.2 ms when multiplying the reaction time for a single item
by the maximum number of items in a given class. This indicated that each item
class was scanned at a different speed, but that scanning of the full memory is
always executed at a speed of 4-Hz.
4.0 Enkephalinâ s; Extrasensory perception; Encephalin production (16)
4.0 Reduction in levels of exhaustion. Those who suffer from Chronic Fatigue exh
aust very easily. When moved to 4-Hz these individuals showed marked improvement
in the length of time between the occurrence of exhaustion after certain exerci
ses were completed (25)(38)
4.5-6.5 Wakeful dreaming, vivid images (40)
4.4 9th harmonic of 40-Hz
4.5 Shamanic State of Consciousness.(39)
4.5 Tibetan Buddhist chants (39)
4.9 Theta brain wave.
4.9 Introspection. (40)
5-10 Relaxation.
5.0 8th harmonic of 40-Hz
5.0 Learning. (40)
5.0 Unusual problem solving (24)
5.0 In one study thirty patients experienced relaxation states of 80-100% after
five minutes as well as improved pain relief. Eight patients had blood tests bef
ore and after the sessions and showed improved beta-endorphin levels of 10-50%.
5.3 Babies born full term response time (latency). (41)
5.5-8.0 Theta 2 (See Theta 1 - 3.0-5.5)
5.5 Knowingness, inner guidance. (40)
5.5 Moves beyond knowledge to knowing, shows vision of growth needed.
5.7 7th harmonic of 40-Hz
6.0-9.6 Somatic responses, tingling, pressure, heat. (40)
6-10 Creative Visualization - about 6-Hz for a while, then up to 10-Hz.
6.0 Long term memory stimulation (16)
6.26-6.6 Hemispheric de-sync, confusion, anxiety, low Reaction time, depression
insomnia. (40)
6.2-6.7 Frontal Midline Theta (Fm Theta) is a specific EEG frequency seen in tho
se subjects actively engaged in cognitive activity, such as solving math problem
s and playing Tetris (43)
6.3 Mental and astral projection; accelerated learning and increased memory rete
6.5 Theta2 consists of trains (long runs) of rhythmic frontal activity centering
at 6.5-Hz with amplitudes reaching the 50-100 uV (micro-volt) range. Theta2 is
induced in some people by the performance of a mental task such as mental arithm
etic, tracing a maze, counting the number of cubes piled in a three-dimensional
representation, and imaging a scene. Because Theta2 is associated with mental ta
sks and its influence is seen in evoked potential latencies, Mizuki (1987) belie
ves that the appearance of Theta2 closely
relates to mechanisms of attention or arousal. Theta2 is more common in extrover
ts with low traits of neurosis and anxiety.
6.7 6th harmonic of 40-Hz
7-8 A fascinating possibility is the harmonic association of 40-Hz activity and
the Alpha/Theta Neurofeedback training for addictions. If the 40--Hz/sub-harmoni
cs theory is correct, the objective in addictive work is to teach the brain to o
pen the fifth sub-harmonic "gate" of 40-Hz (7-8-Hz). It may be that the addicted
person can open 40-Hz's fourth Harmonic gate (Alpha) with the alcohol or drugs.
But, whether it is an anomalous gene, aberrant EEG frequencies, inappropriate n
eurochemistry a neurochemical "lock out," or some other reason, the alcoholic is
not able to open the fifth sub-harmonic 7 to 8-Hz gate. Instead of entering the
Alpha/Theta state, the person sinks into the high-amplitude slow waves of profo
undly lowered arousal (unconsciousness). Alpha/Theta Neurofeedback results in so
me 80% of those addicts properly trained becoming non-craving, having a mellow p
ersonality and significantly adjusted neurochemistry (Peninston & Kulkosky, 1990
). Alpha/Theta training may be a process by which the previously closed fifth su
b-harmonic gate (40-Hz divided by 5) can be opened and certain critical neuroche
mistry accessed.
7-13 The Alpha level is associated with a non-drowsy but relaxed, tranquil state
of consciousness, primarily with pleasant inward awareness; body/mind integrati
7.0 Treatment for sleep disturbances (46)
7.0 Mental and astral projection; bending objects; psychic surgery.
7.0 Spiritual healing, telekinesis, mind projection, increased reaction time. (4
7.5 Inter-awareness of self and purpose, guided meditation, creative thought for
art, invention, music, etc.; contact with spirit guides for direction; entry in
to meditation (16)
7.5 At 7.5-Hz subjects who before suffered from confused thinking reported an ea
se at finding solutions to troublesome problems after a re-evaluation was conduc
ted. (25)
7.5 Inter-awareness of self and purpose, guided meditation, creativity (16)
7.5 Solutions to problems. At 7.5 -Hz subjects who before suffered from confused
thinking reported an ease at finding solutions to troublesome problems after a
re-evaluation was conducted. (38)
7.5 Creativity, discovery of "purpose" in life, inward focus. (40)
7.7 Doyere's group (1993), found that short high frequency bursts at 7.7 Hz indu
ced LTP in prefrontal cortex, though only for one day. (56)
7.8-8.0 Stimulates ESP, paranormal. (40)
7.83 Earth Resonance (06)
7.83 Grounding (24)
7.83 Schumann earth-ionosphere resonance, grounding, integration anti-jetlag, an
ti-mind control, improved stress tolerance. (40)
7.83 (Earth resonance frequency) leaves you feeling revitalized like you've spen
t a day in the country. (18)
8-8.6 Reduced stress/anxiety. (40)
8-10 Alpha - Rapid Refreshment in 15 minutes.
8-10 learning new information (17)
8-12 ALPHA Slower brain waves that are conducive to creative problem solving, ac
celerated learning, mood elevation, stress reduction, etc., characterized by int
uitive insights, creative "juice", inspiration, motivation, daydreams etc. Relax
ed, yet alert (18)
8-12 light relaxation, "super learning", positive thinking.
8-12 Alpha waves are smooth, regular electrical oscillations in the human brain
that occur when a person is awake and relaxed or entering into the meditative st
ate. Associated with calm, relaxed, unfocused (not concentrating), lucid mental
states, dream sleep, and pleasant drifting feelings or emotions. Persons who ima
gine vivid visual Images have fewer Alpha waves, and Non-visualizers (those whos
preferences are tactile, aural, olfactoral, and simple visualizations) have stro
nger alpha waves. (23)
8-13 Alpha. Relaxation, tranquillity, feeling fine, receptivity, amplifies dowsi
ng, empty-mind states, detachment, daydreams, mind/body integration, epileptic s
eizures. (40)
8-13 Relaxed, tranquil and non-drowsy, inward awareness, body mind
8-14 Qi Gong and infrasonic Qi Gong machine (28)
8.0 5th harmonic of 40-Hz
8.0 Past life regression (24)
8.0 Past life regression, more lymphocytes, DNA repair (50)
8.3 Pick up visual images of mental objects
8.3 Mental imagery, clairvoyance (40)
8.3 Monroe Focus 12.
8.6-9.8 Induces sleep, tingling sensations. (40)
9,11,16 documented calcium ion migration (brain tissue). (40)
9-13 Alpha is relaxed, not thinking about anything in particular, sometimes a pl
easurable feeling of "floating". Often dominant in certain kinds of meditation,
alpha waves have for the past twenty years been associated with calm, lucid ment
al states (the "alpha state"). They are also often detected during dream sleep.
9-13 This pattern typically occurs in daydreaming, relaxed awareness, guided or
focused imagery and smoothly rhythmic athletic activity. There is often a euphor
ic, effortless feeling of "flow" as the doer is absorbed in activity, and subjec
t and object are felt to be united. (37)
9.0 Awareness of causes of body imbalance and means for balance (24)
9.41 Pyramid frequency (outside)
9.5-10 The peak frequency of Alpha in most people is in the 9.5 to 10-Hz range,
a fourth sub-harmonic of 40-Hz. Eccles and Walter (1950) both agree that Alpha i
s the brain's scanning mechanism. In light of logic and current neurophysiologic
al information, this makes sense. For example, when theeyes are closed and the v
isual centers in the occipital and parietal regions are deprived of visual stimu
li, Alpha amplitude in the posterior head regions usually increases dramatically
. Furthermore, Galin and Omstein (1972) found Alpha magnitude decreases over the
hemisphere of the brain that is under task. Alpha rhythm, then, appears to be o
nly indirectly involved in the brain's attentional mechanism. Alpha is the brain
's scanning (idling) frequency, denoting a brain "standing by," waiting to give
way to Beta should attention be required, or to be the bridge, the gate, to Thet
a and Delta for drowsiness, sleep, and certain cognitive challenges. Alpha is th
erefore an important cerebral rhythm, perhaps being mathematically a resonant pi
ece of the 40-Hz Grand Conductor's ensemble of frequencies.
9.6 Mean dominant frequency associated with the earth's magnetic field (11)
9.8-10.6 Alertness. (40)
10+18 Significant improvements in memory, reading and spelling are reported (30)
10 4th harmonic of 40-Hz.
10 A harmonic frequency of 10-Hz was found to suppress EEG theta. Comparisons wi
th control sounds of pink noise and pink noise with a sub-threshold 300-Hz tone
indicated that the 10-Hz harmonic sub-threshold blends suppressed EEG theta to a
considerably greater extent than did control sounds. Subthreshold tones have di
fferent windows of effectiveness for males and females (Swingle, 1992). Males ar
e more influenced by SPL in the range of -15dB© whereas females respond more to SPL
in the range of -25 dB©. With children this distinction is less clear and in pract
ice I recommend that the -25 dB© SPL side be used for both male and female children
. (46)
10 Treatment for Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder (47)
10 Treatment for closed head injury (48)
10 Dominant alpha frequency, clarity, normalcy, anti-convulsant circadian rhythm
resync, activate kidneys, raise body temp, more serotonin. (40)
10 Berger rhythm (07)
10 Enhanced release of serotonin and mood elevator, universally beneficial, use
to try effects of other mixes (16)
10 Acts as an analgesic, safest frequency, especially for hangover and jet lag.
10 Meg Patterson used for nicotine withdrawal (15)
10 For learning a foreign language fast, (18)
10 In a study using 20 minute sessions of 10-Hz photic stimulation, it was found
that the daytime level of melatonin decreased and increases in the levels of en
dorphin, serotonin and norepinephrine. Shealy's group suggested that an increase
in beta endorphins is associated with a sense of well being and decreased pain.
The increase in norepinephrine and serotonin and the decrease in melatonin sugg
est an increase in the level of alertness. (35)
10 increases in neurochemical levels: 11% increase in Norepinephrine levels, 21%
increase in Serotonin levels, 25% increase in Beta-Endorphin levels
10.2 Catecholamines
10.5 Relaxed alertness, contemplation, body healing, mind over matter. (40)
10.5 Healing of body, mind/body unity, fire walking (24)
10.5 Potent stabilizer and stimulating for the immunity, valuable in convalescen
ce. (16)
10.5 For specifically lowering blood pressure (18)
10.5 Baseline of Alpha production: Alpha production is defined as the ratio of t
he 10.5-Hz to the entire measured EEG spectrum. (03)
10.6 Relaxed and alert
<11 Stress Reduction (less than 11-Hz
11-14 Focused alertness. (40)
11.5-14.5 An implication for neurotherapy is that if increased intelligence and
mental efficiency is the objective, then a frequency band with a 13-Hz center sh
ould be used. A more desirable frequency band than 12 to 15-Hz is 11.5 to 14.5-H
11 To achieve "relaxed yet alert states," (18)
12-15 Beta (low) - relaxed focus, improved attentive abilities
12-15 Sensorimotor Rhythm (SMR) - Used in the treatment of mild autism (42)
12 Centering, mental stability, transitional point, time seems faster. (40)
12 Centering, doorway to all other frequencies (24)
12 Frequency of earth resonance (14)
13-27 Beta waves are associated with focused attention towards external stimuli,
alert mental activity, normal waking consciousness, and active thought processe
s. (23)
13-30 BETA Waking state, motivation, outer awareness, survival, problem solving,
arousal, dendrite growth, combats drowsiness. (40)
13-30 Normal wakefulness (24)
13-30 The Beta level is associated with outward awareness, the taking in and eva
luating of various forms of data received through the senses; it is present with
worry, anger, fear, hunger, and surprise.
13-40 BETA a high frequency pattern, conducive to stimulating energy and action;
most of our current institutionalized education is beta geared, characterized b
y logical, analytical, intellectual thinking, verbal communication, etc. (18)
13.3 3rd harmonic of 40-Hz.
14-15 Slows conditioned reflexes. (40)
14-16 Associated with sleep spindles on EEG during second stage of sleep" (11)
14-30 This pattern is optimal for intense mental activities such as calculations
, linear logical analyses, and other highly structured functions (37)
14 Awake and alert
14 Alert focusing, vitality, concentration on tasks. (40)
14.1 Earth resonance. (40)
15-18 Beta (mid) - increase mental ability, focus, alertness, IQ
15-24 Euphoria. (40)
15 Chronic pain (16)
16 Bottom limit of normal hearing (20)
16 Release oxygen and calcium into the cells (29)
18-22 Beta: outward awareness, sensory data
18+ Beta (high) - fully awake, normal state of alertness, stress and anxiety
18 To improve hyperactive behavior (18)
18+10 Significant improvements in memory, reading and spelling are reported (30)
19.6 For Beta to fit the 40--Hz/Subharmonics, theory, the frequency would have t
o be = 19.6 (= 39.5 divided by 2). Peak frequency evaluations of the 18 to 22-Hz
Beta band in a small number of subjects show that = 19.6-Hz is close to the ban
d's frequency peak. If the 40--Hz/subharmonics theory and early results are corr
ect, Beta should be trained, not at the 15 to 18-Hz frequency band as suggested
by Othmer (1991) or the 16 to 20-Hz range as proposed by Lubar (1991), but at 18
to 22-Hz. Lubar's 16 to 20-Hz band seems close to the theoretical Beta frequenc
y band, but his 16 to 20-Hz band is marginal. The ~19.5 frequency center is to t
he far limits of the filter, probably restricting full access to the desired fre
20-30 Phospene imagery, peak luminosity in visual field. (40)
20 2nd harmonic of 40-Hz.
20 fatigue, energize. Causes distress during labor. (11)
20 Human hearing threshold. (40)
20.3 Earth resonance. (40)
22+40 Out-of-the-body travel (44)
22+40 Psychic Healing (45)
25 Tested clinically with patients who complain of anxiety (46)
26.4 Earth resonance. (40)
27.5 lowest note an a piano (20)
30 Meg Patterson used for marijuana. (15)
30-190 Lumbago (02)
30-500 High Beta: a few people able to replicate at will
30-500 The High Beta level is not associated currently with any state of mind. S
ome effects have been observed, but currently not enough research has been done
in this area, to prove, or disprove, anything
32 Desensitizer; enhanced vigor and alertness (16)
33 Christ consciousness, hypersensitivity, Pyramid frequency (inside)
35-150 Fractures (02)
35-193 Arthralgia (02)
35 Awakening of mid-chakras, balance of chakras
36-44 Frequencies of the olfactory bulb, prepiriform cortex & amygdala (10)
38 Endorphin release (36)
40-60 Anxiolytic effects and stimulates release of beta-endorphin (16)
40 40--Hz activity varies from 38.8 to 40.1-Hz, regardless of the electrode site
. The average frequency is in the ~39.5-Hz range. In summary, when the body is p
rofoundly relaxed and the mind is in a state of high focus and concentration, 20
and 40-Hz brain activity can be seen in the raw and quantitative EEG of some su
bjects. It is possible that 18 to 22-Hz Beta and possibly 40-Hz neurofeedback tr
aining may help create a "relaxed body/focused mind" state of consciousness.
40 Activity in the ectosylvian and lateral cortex, medial geniculate, reticular
formation, center median thalamus, and hippocampus (33)
40 Dominant when problem solving in fearful situations. (11)
40 Gamma - associated with information-rich task processing and high-level infor
mation processing
40 "A New Theory of Consciousness" For scientists who study the human brain, eve
n its simplest act of perception is an event of astonishing intricacy. 40-Hz bra
in activity may be a kind of binding mechanism, said Dr. Rodolfo Llinas a profes
sor of neuroscience at New York University. Llinas believes that the 40-Hz wave
serves to connect structures in the cortex where advanced information processing
occurs, and the thalamus, a lower brain region where complex relay and integrat
ive functions are carried out (22)
40 Confirming Sheer et al.'s work,compared the EEG of middle- and high-I.Q. subj
ects during mental multiplication activity. A 40-Hz rhythm occurred just prior t
o the subject's answering the question. Forty--Hz pulses are thought to lead to
synchronization and coordination of neurons assigned to the processing of incomi
ng sensory stimulation. Put in "computerese," 40-Hz may be the brain's "operatin
g system" frequency (12)
40 "Auditory evoked potentials are usually divided into three categories: brains
tem potentials, less than 10 msec latency; late cortical potentials, probably 10
0 msec and up, something like that, I don't exactly remember; and the "middle la
tency potentials", with a latency in the range of about 20 to 40 msec or so, and
a duration of about 25 msec. In other words, the later the potential, the more
it resembles EEG, in several respects, especially sensitivity to anesthesia and
levels of consciousness. A potential with a duration of 25 msec can be elicited
using a 40-Hz stimulus (40 times a second that is; the stimuli can be tone burst
s at various frequencies), thus producing a 40-Hz steady-state potential. In, sa
y, the Seventies and Eighties, there was a lot of interest in using middle laten
cy auditory EPs for hearing assessment in difficult-to-test subjects, particular
ly with the 40-Hz paradigm. The late cortical potentials are too closely linked
to state of consciousness for that. Since the middle latency potentials are link
ed to state of consciousness, it makes sense to try to use them to assess levels
of anesthesia. but I don't see that it has anything to do with the brain having
a "resonance" at 40-Hz. In fact, since the highest amplitude EEG waves are at f
requencies below 8-Hz (delta, theta), alpha waves (8-13) are in the middle, and
beta (14 and up) are the smallest amplitudes, I would suspect that the resonant
frequencies of cortical tissues are in the 10-Hz and under range. Notice, too, t
hat the resonant frequencies, if that's indeed what they are, seem to change wit
h levels of consciousness and activation -- in normal adults, you don't get freq
uencies under 7-Hz except in sleep, and you get occipital alpha activity only in
an alert, relaxed state with eyes closed. Also, if it really has to do with a r
esonant frequency characteristic of the brain, why are there not 40-Hz visual an
d somatosensory potentials?" (27)
43-193 Carcinomatosis (02)
50-60 Documented negative effects too numerous to mention There is no correlatio
n given with signal strength or modality used, i.e. audio-visual, EMF, magnetic,
electrostatic, gravitic. Also, most ELF research is now Govt classified, partic
ularly since the mid-1960's when Hamer discovered behavioral effects as the resu
lt of applied sinusoidal field gradients as low as 4 volts. (40)
50 Dominant frequency of polyphasic muscle activity, mains electrical in U.K. (1
50 Slower cerebral rhythms
55 Tantric yoga; stimulates the kundalini (24)
60 Electric power lines
63 Astral projection (24)
70-9,000 Voice spectrum (19)
70 Mental and astral projection
72 Emotional spectrum
80 Awareness and control of right direction. Appears to be involved in stimulati
ng 5-hydroxytryptamine production, with 160-Hz. Combine with 2.5-Hz. (11)
83 Third eye opening for some people
90 Good feelings, security, well-being, balancing.
95-125 Acoustical Resonances of Assorted Ancient Structures (58)
105 Overall view of complete situation
108 Total knowing
110 Stomach- Musical Note A (05)
111 Beta endorphin (21)
111 Cell regeneration
117.3 Pancreas- Musical Note C# (05)
120-500 PSI, transmutation, psychokinesis, P.S.I.; moving of objects, changing m
atter; transmutation.
125 Graham potentializer; Stimulation (17)
126.22 Sun, 32nd octave of Earth year (13)
136.1 Sun: light, warmth, joy, animus (32)
140.25 Pluto: power, crisis & changes
141.27 Mercury: intellectuality, mobility
144.72 Mars: activity, energy, freedom, humor
147.85 Saturn: separation, sorrow, death
160 Appears to be involved in stimulating 5-hydroxytryptamine production, with 8
0-Hz. (11)
164.3 Gall Bladder- Musical Note E (04)
176 Colon- Musical Note F# (05)
183.58 Jupiter: growth, success, justice, spirituality
194.71 Earth: stability, grounding
198 Liver- Musical Note Ab (05)
207.36 Uranus: spontaneity, independence, originality
211.44 Neptune: the unconscious, secrets, imagination, spiritual love
220 Lungs- Musical Note A (05)
221.23 Venus: beauty, love, sexuality, sensuality, harmony
250 Elevate and revitalize
256 Root Chakra- Musical Note c (04)
264 Personality- Musical Note C+ (05)
272 33rd octave of Earth year (13)
273 Transpersonal Chakra- Musical Note c# (04)
281 Intestines- Musical Note C# (04)
281.6 Small Intestine- Musical Note C# (05)
288 Polarity Chakra- Musical Note d (04)
295.8 Fat Cells- Musical Note C# (04)
315 Diaphragm Chakra- Musical Note d# (04)
315.8 Brain- Musical Note Eb (04)
317.83 Liver- Musical Note Eb (04)
319.88 Kidney- Musical Note Eb (04)
320 Solar Plexus Chakra- Musical Note Eb (04)
321.9 Blood- Musical Note E (04)
324 Muscles- Musical Note E (04)
330 Kidney- Musical Note E (05)
330 Gall Bladder- Musical Note E (05)
341 Heart Chakra- Musical Note f (04)
352 Bladder- Musical Note F# (05)
352 Thymus Chakra- Musical Note f# (04)
384 "Gurdjieff vibration associated with root Chakra. Sixth harmonic of six, cen
ter of the brainwave spectrum." (31)
384 Throat Chakra- Musical Note g (04)
396 Musical Note G (musical note) (26)
405 Violet (26)
416 Psychic Center Chakra- Musical Note ab (04)
418.3 Bone- Musical Note ab (04)
420.82 Moon: love, sensitivity, creativity, femininity, anima
438 Indigo
440 Musical Note A (musical note)
448 Third Eye Chakra- Musical Note a (04)
473 Blue
480 Crown Chakra- Musical Note b (04)
492 Adrenalâ s, Thyroid & Parathyroid- Musical Note B (05)
492 Spleen- Musical Note B (05)
495 Musical Note B (musical note) Activates niacin (34)
495 The B, F, F# combo in BioAcoustics nourishes normal structure and function f
or kidneys, mineral distribution, high blood pressure and the system of fluid di
stribution through the body. (34)
527 Green
528 Musical Note C (musical note)
580 Yellow
586 Circulation, Sex- Musical Note C# (05)
594 Musical Note D (musical note)
597 Orange
660 Musical Note E (musical note)
700 Red
704 Musical Note F (musical note)
704 The B, F, F# combo in BioAcoustics nourishes normal structure and function f
or kidneys, mineral distribution, high blood pressure and the system of fluid di
stribution through the body. (34)
1000 Cerebral neurons
4,186 highest note on a piano (20)
16,000 to 20,000 Upper range for normal hearing (20)
Energy/Chakra Reference Charts (57)
7th - Crown/Sahasrara, Violet/white, Pineal, Upper brain/right eye, Integration
of personality and Spirituality, 15 Hz/musical series of B
6th - Brow/Ajna, Indigo/violet, Pituitary, Lower brain/left eye/ears/ nose/nervo
us system, Visualization/conceptualization, 13 Hz/ musical series of A
5th - Throat/Vishuddha, Blue, Thyroid, Lungs/vocal chords, Expression/self in so
ciety, 12 Hz/musical series of G
4th - Heart/Anahata, Green, Thymus, Heart/blood/circulatory system, Love of Life
/love of self and others, 10.5 Hz/musical series of F
3rd - Solar Plexus/Manipura, Yellow, Pancreas, Stomach/liver/ gall bladder/nervo
us system, Spiritual wisdom/self-healing, 10 Hz/musical series of E
2nd - Sacral/Svadhisthana, Orange, Gonads, Reproductive system, Relationships/se
xuality, 9 Hz/musical series of D
1st - Base/Muladhara, Red, Adrenals, Spinal column/kidneys, Physical energy/will
to live, 8 Hz/musical series of C>
Transcendental Meditation. Another interesting mathematical correlation with 40-
Hz is the EEG during meditation. Banquet (1973) found 20- and 40--Hz EEG changes
in advanced Transcendental Meditators during the third stage of meditation (con
sidered to be deep meditation or "transcendence"). The EEG was characterized by
a dominant Beta rhythm at 20-Hz. In summary, when the body is profoundly relaxed
and the mind is in a state of high focus and concentration, 20- and 40--Hz brai
n activity can be seen in the raw and quantitative EEG of some subjects. It is p
ossible that 18-22-Hz Beta and possibly 40--Hz neurofeedback training may help c
reate a "relaxed body/focused mind" state of consciousness.
Immediate Relaxation and Stress Relief. Choose between 5 to 10-Hz for different
levels of relaxation. (51)
Meditation. Choose between 4 to 7-Hz, either cycle between a few, or stay at a p
articular frequency for different results. (51)
Induce Sleep. Choose between 4 to 6-Hz for starters, then go into frequencies be
low 3.5-Hz, settling on about 1.5 to 2.5-Hz for sleep. (51)
Improved Sleeping Patterns. Any of the Alpha and Theta frequencies (8 to 4-Hz) f
or 30-45 minute sessions. (51)
Treatment of Insomnia. Choose between 4 to 6-Hz for starters (1/2 hour), then go
into frequencies below 3.5-Hz (½ hour), settling on about 1.5 to 2.5-Hz for sleep.
Improved and Lasting Sense of Well Being. Try Theta (4 to 7-Hz) for 45 minutes,
daily. (51)
Creative Visualization. About 6-Hz for a while, then up to 10-Hz works well. (51
Stress Reduction. Any use of frequencies below 11-Hz will reduce stress. (51)
Alleviation of Migraines and Headaches. Experiment with Alpha and Theta combinat
ions. (51)
Reduction of Depression Symptoms. Again, Alpha and Theta combinations, mostly th
eta. (51)
Self Hypnosis. Choose about 8 to 10-Hz while playing any self-hypnosis tape, or
guided meditation. (51)
Super Learning. Choose about 7 to 9-Hz while playing any learning tapes, like fo
reign language tapes, etc. to increase comprehension. Listen during study of wri
tten material. (51)
Subliminal Programming. Choose 5 to 7-Hz while playing your favorite subliminal
tapes, or make your own by recording some affirmations, and mix paste them from
the clipboard at barely audible volumes. (51)
Improve ESP / Intuition. Theta frequencies help in this area, 4 to 7-Hz. (51)
Reaching Higher States of Consciousness. Theta again, with daily half hour sessi
ons. (51)
Quick Refresher on long days. Low Alpha 8 to 10-Hz for about 15 minutes works we
ll. (51)
Increased Immune System. Relaxing to Alpha and Theta combinations daily. Using A
lpha Synchronization (8 to 12-Hz), expect similar increases in neurochemical lev
els: 11% increase in Norepinephrine levels, 21% increase in Serotonin levels, 25
% increase in Beta-Endorphin levels. (51)
I.Q. increases. In a controlled study, (Dr. Siegried) Othmer has found that beta
training (13 to 40 Hz) produces average IQ increases of 23 percent. In cases wh
ere the starting IQ value was lower than 100, the average IQ increase was 33 poi
nts. Othmer has also found dramatic improvements in visual retention and auditor
y memory, and the subjects showed major gains in reading and arithmetic. In a on
e-year follow-up study, the trainees showed major improvements in self-esteem an
d concentration and significant improvements in such areas as handwriting, schoo
l grades, sleep, irritability, organization, hyperactivity, verbal expression, a
nd headaches...Amazingly the improvements seem to be permanent. (52)
Food Supplement. To my joy, I found a combination of dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE)
, a nutrient found in seafood, and binaural-beat signals worked well to offset m
y learning disabilities.
Biochemical processes linked by frequencies. All of the biochemical processes of
the body are linked by frequency relationships as elucidated by Ms. Edwards. On
e elegant example is the frequency relationship between two of the minerals that
are primary constituents of bone: if you combine the frequencies for each, the
combined frequency is the frequency of the amino acid with binds the two into bo
Effect of latency on aging. Also in 1959, Robert Ellingson, PhD, of the Nebraska
Psychiatric Institute, examined the effects of photic stimulation on 700 babies
. In his study, he placed a strobe light ten inches from the babies' faces. He n
oted that premature babies had response times (latencies) as long as 220 millise
conds (msec). Babies born at term had latencies of about 190 msec. These fell to
nearly 100 msec by 15 weeks of age with very little change into adulthood. The
amplitude of the evoked response in the babies was best when their eyes were clo
sed and probably sleeping.
Alcohol or drug addiction and the Alpha/Theta border. If the 40-Hz / subharmonic
s theory is correct, the objective in addictive work, is to teach the brain to o
pen the fifth subharmonic "gate" of 40-Hz (7 to 8-Hz). It appears that the addic
ted person can open 40-Hz's fourth Harmonic gate (Alpha) with the alcohol or dru
gs, but, for some reason the alcoholic is not able to open the fifth subharmonic
7 to 8-Hz gate and sinks into the high-amplitude slow waves of profoundly lower
ed arousal (unconsciousness.) Alpha/Theta training may be a process by which the
previously closed fifth subharmonic gate (40-Hz divided by 5) can be opened and
certain critical neurochemistry accessed and results in some 80% of those addic
ts properly trained becoming non-craving, having a mellow personality and signif
icantly adjusted neurochemistry (Peninston & Kulkosky, 1990).
Meditation. Another interesting mathematical correlation with 40-Hz is the EEG d
uring meditation. Banquet (1973) found 20 and 40-Hz EEG changes in advanced Tran
scendental Meditators during the third stage of meditation (considered to be dee
p meditation or "transcendence").
Das and Gastaut (1955), recording from seven trained Yogis, reported high amplit
ude levels of 40-Hz activity during the Samadi state, which is the final, most i
ntense concentration state in this form of meditation. Pollini and Peper (1976)
reported Beta activity at 18 To 20-Hz in subjects during meditation. In summary,
when the body is profoundly relaxed and the mind is in a state of high focus an
d concentration, 20 and 40-Hz brain activity can be seen in the raw and quantita
tive EEG of some subjects. It is possible that 18 to 22-Hz Beta and possibly 40-
Hz Neurofeedback training may help create a "relaxed body/focused mind" state of
Sleep disturbances. The sound was a single sinusoidal tone that modulated betwee
n 285-Hz and 315-Hz at about 7 cycles per minute. We have found that a sublimina
l recording of this tone is clinically useful for some patients with sleep distu
Male and female Sound Pressure Levels. Two equal amplitude sinusoidal tones with
frequency differences of 2 -Hz, 5 -Hz, 8 -Hz, 10 -Hz, 15 -Hz, and 25 -Hz were e
mbedded in pink noise at Sound Pressure Levels (SPL) of -17 dB© and -25 dB©; which cor
respond to the effective subliminal ranges for males and females, respectively (
Swingle, 1992).
Out-of-the-body experience. It was interesting to note the highest amplitude bet
a was at 40 and 22-Hz. These numbers resonate with some of the unpublished work
done by Dr. Edgar Wilson and students of the Monroe Institute who were attemptin
g to have an out-of-the-body experience. He found that as the students moved out
-of-the-body, their beta activity increased dramatically at T3 and/or T4 with th
e highest amplitudes appearing at 22 and 40-Hz. Dr . Steven Fahrion presented a
paper a couple of years ago concerning his work with healers and reported much t
he same results. Perhaps these papers will be published at some future date. (44
PMS. An EEG study of six women with PMS demonstrated that, when they were premen
strual, their EEGâ s showed more slow (delta) activity and slower P300 evoked respons
e than when they were mid-cycle. It is concluded that PMS belongs to a group of
disorders characterized by excessive slow brainwave activity. In a treatment for
PMS, seventeen women with PMS treated themselves with a take-home flashing ligh
t device for 15 to 20 minutes per day throughout their cycle, using frequencies
of 18-Hz and 10-Hz alternating for two minute periods. Thirteen of the seventeen
experienced a greater than 50% reduction in their symptoms. It is concluded tha
t photic stimulation is an effective treatment for PMS. (53)
Treatment of Chronic Anxiety Disorder with Neurotherapy. In November, 1991 we in
troduced the patient to EEG feedback training, to relax and remove tension. The
original protocol was to increase alpha (8 to 12-Hz) and decrease beta (16 to 20
-Hz). Initial baseline readings showed that the patient's dominant brain wave f
requency was already alpha (amplitude greater than 35-Hz). Following 15 sessions
of slow wave inhibit/fast wave increase EEG feedback training, the patient repo
rted a significant reduction in anxiety-related symptoms. At a three-year follow
-up, results of an MMPI-2 showed all clinical scales within normal range. In add
ition, self-reports confirmed that the patient was symptom free. (54)
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). This study revealed CFS EEG microvolt levels wer
e significantly higher in the 5 to 7-Hz range in both conditions and were signif
icantly lower in the 9 to 11-Hz range. This display of excess theta is assumed t
o reflect the cognitive difficulties associated with CFS. The increased microvol
t levels found in the lower frequencies in CFS subjects may be indicative of def
icits in information processing speed, psychomotor activity, attention, retrieva
l of information from semantic memory, and logical reasoning, and the metabolism
of the cerebral cortex found in earlier studies between CFS patients and other
disorders (DeLuca et al., 1995; Johnson et al., 1994; Krupp et al., 1994; Ray et
al., 1993; Schwartz et al., 1994; Smith et al., 1993). (55)
Autism. Frankie has received 31 sessions of training in which he has been reward
ed for raising his SMR (12 to 15-Hz) and decreasing theta (4 to 8-Hz) activity a
t various brain loci on the sensory-motor strip and parietal lobe. The behaviora
l changes and the brain wave changes in this 8-year-old autistic boy are viewed
as a positive outcome of Neurotherapy. These results are suggestive that Neuroth
erapy can be an effective treatment for some of the symptoms of mild autism. (42

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