200 Syno & Anto Vocabulary Part - 2 PDF

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1. ASTUTE : चतुर Example:Several soldiers fired back at the enemy line in

Meaning:having or showing a practical cleverness or retaliation for the initial shots discharged.
Synonyms:canny, smart 9. EXONERATE : हक़ बहाल करना
Antonyms:unwise, naive Meaning:to prove that someone is not guilty of a crime
Example:A police detective is known to be an astute or responsible for a problem, bad situation, etc.
judge of character. Synonyms:absolve, acquit
Antonyms: condone, excuse
2. INTRIGUING : िदलच Example:Unfortunately, the video footage does not
Meaning:holding the attention or provoking interest exonerate Hank of the robbery charges.
Synonyms: absorbing, consuming
Antonyms: boring, tedious 10.YEARN : खुद के िलए या आनंद लेने के िलए एक
Example:The movie looks intriguing so I’m definitely िदलकश इ ा
going to see it. Meaning:to have an earnest wish to own or enjoy
Synonyms: fancy, relish
3. PROFANE : अपिव Antonyms:abhor, despise
Meaning:vulgar and inappropriate Example:If you yearn to expand your taste buds, you
Synonyms: nonreligious, secular should try food from a different culture.
Antonyms: godly, prudish
Example:Our supervisor’s profane language has led 11. ABLUTION : ान
many employees to resign from their positions. Meaning:a cleansing with water or other liquid,
especially as a religious ritual.
4. CAPTIOUS : िछ ा ेषी Synonyms:purification, cleansing
Meaning:always looking for faults; hard to please Antonyms: impure
Synonyms: critical, rejective Example:While the bandaging no longer takes place, the
Antonyms: uncritical ritual ablutions are still performed.
Example:When my captious teacher grades my essays,
she always finds a minor error in my work. 12. PRAGMATIC : ावहा रक
Meaning: solving problems in a sensible way that suits
5. CONFOUND : उलझाना the conditions that really exist now, rather than obeying
Meaning:to mix up or confuse fixed theories, ideas, or rules
Synonyms: confuse, puzzle Synonyms:efficient, logical
Antonyms: confirm, verify Antonyms:irrational, inefficient
Example:Without instructions, this unusual game will Example:In business, the pragmatic approach to
confound anyone. problems is often more successful than an idealistic one.

6. ALLEVIATE : उपशमन करना 13. WHINE : कराहना

Meaning:to make something less painful, severe, or Meaning:to make a long, high, sad sound
serious Synonyms:gripe, moan
Synonyms: help, soothe Antonyms:happiness, pleasure
Antonyms: aggravate, exacerbate Example:Leon's dog was sitting by the door whining, so
Example:If you want to alleviate the situation, start by I thought I'd better take it for a walk.
apologizing for your mistake.
14. REDUNDANT : िनरथक
7. EQUANIMITY : संतुलन Meaning:(especially of a word, phrase, etc.)
Meaning:to stay calm, especially under stress; to unnecessary because it is more than is needed
maintain composure Synonyms:superfluous, diffuse
Synonyms: calmness, cool Antonyms:needed, concise
Antonyms: agitation, discomposure Example:My English teacher was strict with us if what
Example:During the horrible storm, it was hard for us to we wrote was abstract, sentimental, or redundant.
focus and maintain our equanimity.
15. LOATHE : घृणा करना
8. RETALIATION : ितशोध Meaning:to hate someone or something
Meaning:the action of harming someone in response to Synonyms:despise, detest
something equally hurtful Antonyms:admire, adore
Synonyms: payback, reprisal Example:From an early age the brothers have loathed
Antonyms: mercy, grace each other.


16. DAWDLE : सु ी म व गंवाना 23. PRISE (Verb) : बल से अलग करना
Meaning:to do something or go somewhere very slowly, Meaning: use force in order to move, move apart, or
taking more time than is necessary open (something).
Synonyms:loiter, laze Synonyms: force, wrench, twist
Antonyms:hurry, hasten Example: Joe was trying to prise the cap off a bottle of
Example:She told her daughter to quit dawdling and get painkillers
dressed or she’d be late for school.
24. PARAGON (Noun) :अ ु म मनु या व ु
17. IMPRACTICAL : अ वहा रक Meaning: a person or thing viewed as a model of
Meaning:not effective or reasonable, or (of people) not excellence.
able to provide effective or simple solutions Synonyms: epitome, standard, ideal, embodiment
Synonyms:absurd, illogical Example: As a paragon of purity, a nun would never
Antonyms:logical, reasonable dress inappropriately.
Example:It’s impractical to buy things just because
they’re on sale. 25. DENUDE (Verb) :िनरावृत करना
Meaning: strip (something) of its covering, possessions,
18. UNWARY : असावधान or assets.
Meaning:not conscious of or careful about possible risks Synonyms: divest, deprive, bare, uncover
and dangers Antonyms: cover
Synonyms:careless, credulous Example: He proceeded to denude the statue, fronting
Antonyms:cautious, mindful the church bishop's podium.
Example:Even today, the understanding of intellectual
property protection in different countries, or groups of 26. TORMENT (Noun) : यातना
countries, is a minefield for the unwary or uninformed. Meaning: severe physical or mental suffering.
Synonyms: suffering, torture, pain, anguish
19. ASTUTE : चतुर Antonyms: pleasure, joy
Meaning:able to understand a situation quickly and see Example: Every day when he got on the bus, the bully
how to take advantage of it began to torment the quiet child.
Synonyms:canny, crafty
Antonyms:foolish, inept 27. VENERATE (Verb) : आदर करना
Example:He was politically astute, and was soon Meaning: regard with great respect; revere.
appointed to a number of powerful committees in Synonyms: revere, adulate, haallow, exalt
Congress. Antonyms: despise
Example: Many people attend church services to
20. SHREWD : चालाक venerate God.
Meaning:having or based on a clear understanding and
good judgment of a situation, resulting in an advantage 28. COPIOUS (Adjective) : चुर
Synonyms:artful, prudent Meaning: abundant in supply or quantity.
Antonyms:idiotic, stupid Synonyms: abundant, superabundant, plentiful, ample,
Example:He was shrewd enough not to take the job profuse
when there was the possibility of getting a better one a Antonyms: sparse
few months later. Example: It takes a copious amount of food to suppress
my hungry appetite.
21. SUFFICE (Verb) : पया
Meaning: be enough or adequate.
29. SCUPPER (Verb) : तबाह करना
Synonyms: serve
Meaning: prevent from working or succeeding; thwart.
Example: Since I only have thirty dollars, this amount
Synonyms: ruin, wreck, devastate, destroy
must suffice for my weekly food purchases.
Antonyms: further, promote
Example: They worry it could be used to scupper merger
22. SAVVY (Noun) : ावहा रक ान रखना and acquisition deals.
Meaning: shrewdness and practical knowledge; the
ability to make good judgements.
30. RECUPERATE (Verb) : सुधार होना
Synonyms: shrewdness, acumen, acuity, sagacity
Meaning: recover from illness or exertion.
Antonyms: inexperience, ignorance
Synonyms: recover, convalesce, mend, revive
Example: When the savvy investor sold his stock before
Antonyms: deteriorate, worsen
its value dropped, he made a very profitable transaction.


Example: Hopefully Jean will recuperate quickly and be 38. OBVIATE (Verb) : मु हो जाना
able to leave the hospital soon. Meaning: remove (a need or difficulty).
Synonym: avert, forestall,prevent, preclude
31. ABET (verb) : उकसाना Antonym: cultivate, encourage, forward, foster
Meaning: encourage or assist (someone) to do Example: Because he wanted to obviate the strain of
something wrong. climbing the stairs, Dr. Johnson ordered the patient to
Synonyms: ferment, incite, instigate, encourage. have his bedroom furniture moved to the room on the
Antonyms: constrain, curb, inhibit, tame. bottom floor.
Example: During the press conference, the president
vowed severe consequences for any person or group
39. NOTION (Noun) : धारणा
who chose to abet the terrorists
Meaning: a conception of or belief about something.
Synonyms: approach, perception, impression,
32. MEDDLE: (verb) : ह ेप करना conception.
Meaning: interfere in something that is not one’s Antonyms: concrete, reality, ignorance,
concern. misunderstanding.
Synonyms: interlope, intrude, poke, pry. Example: The boy’s classmates laughed at his notion of
Antonyms: shun, disregard, neglect, overlook. becoming a cheerleader.
Example: The government should never meddle with
religious affairs.
40. INCESSANT (Adjective) : िनरं तर
Meaning: (of something regarded as unpleasant)
33. BUCOLIC (adjective) : ा continuing without pause or interruption.
Meaning: relating to the pleasant aspects of the Synonyms: ceaseless, unceasing, constant, continual
countryside and country life. Antonyms: intermittent, occasional
Synonyms: rustic, rural, pastoral, country Example: With this incessant rainfall, we might get
Antonyms: urban flooded out.
Example: Even though I was born in the city, I still prefer
the quiet of a small bucolic village any day. 41. MOLLIFY (Verb) : अनुकूल करना
Meaning: appease the anger or anxiety of (someone).
34. BOLSTER (verb) : सहारा Synonyms: appease, placate, pacify, conciliate
Meaning: support or strengthen. Antonyms: aggravate, agitate, intensify
Synonyms: strengthen, support, reinforce, boost Example: She managed to mollify the angry customer.
Antonyms: undermine
Example: In order to bolster its profits, the computer 42. CULT (Noun) : स दाय
company is cutting its workforce. Meaning: a relatively small group of people having
religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as
35. ADDLE (Verb) : िमत strange or as imposing excessive control over members.
Meaning: make (someone) unable to think clearly; Synonyms: sect, denomination, faith, belief
confuse. Example: The movie was sure to become a cult classic, it
Synonyms: muddled, confused, fuddled had all the markings of a movie that people would mock
Antonyms: clarify, enlighten, explain for year to come.
Example: The disease will addle your grandmother’s
mental capacity and cause her to lose her memory. 43. OBFUSCATE (Verb) : अ
Meaning: make obscure, unclear, or unintelligible.
36. IRE (Noun) : गु ा Synonyms: obscure, confuse, blur, muddle
Meaning: anger. Antonyms: clarify
Synonyms: anger, rage, fury, wrath Example: Because I am a sympathetic teacher, I avoid
Antonyms: calmness, comfort, delight using language which will obfuscate my students.
Example: The doctor’s rude behavior triggered the
patient’s ire. 44. BANAL (Adjective) : तु या मामूली
Meaning: so lacking in originality as to be obvious and
37. STYMIE (Verb) : गितरोध boring.
Meaning: prevent or hinder the progress of. Synonyms: trite, hackneyed, conventional, stereotyped,
Synonyms: hamper, hinder, obstruct, inhibit, predictable,
Antonyms: assist, help Antonyms: new, original
Example: The famous pianist refused to let his blindness Example: Because the movie’s plot was banal, we knew
stymie his successful career. exactly how the film would end.


45. NOCTURNAL (Adjective) : िनशाचर Meaning: gather or collect (something, especially
Meaning: done, occurring, or active at night. information or approval).
Synonyms: nightly, nighttime Synonyms: gather, collect, accumulate, amass, assemble
Example: Because I sleep all night, I do not consider Antonyms: disperse, distribute
myself to be a nocturnal person. Example: he church members are trying to garner
enough funds to purchase the pastor a new house.
46. SANCTIMONIOUS (Adjective) : पाखंडी
Meaning: making a show of being morally superior to 53. SOBERING (Adjective)=बु म ा
other people. Meaning: creating a more serious, sensible, or solemn
Synonyms: churchy, pious, moralizing, unctuous, smug, mood.
Antonyms: sincere, forthright Synonyms: dangerous, severe, difficult, grievous
Example: My sanctimonious aunt tends to look down Antonyms: calm, facile
upon people who do not go to church every Sunday. Example: Once again he was in the sobering presence
of violent death.
47. EFFETE (Adjective) : अश , ीण
Meaning: affected, over-refined, and ineffectual. 54. POIGNANT (Adjective)= दयिवदारक
Synonyms: affected, ineffectual, artificial, studied, Meaning: evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret.
pretentious Synonyms: affecting, pitiful, piteous, pitiable, pathetic,
Antonyms: unpretentious Antonyms: cheerful, indifferent
Example: The effete man was scared of his own shadow Example: Because the poignant movie reminded me of
and hid in the closet during thunderstorms. my painful childhood, it made me cry.

48. IMMINENT (Adjective) : िनकट थ 55. TRAMMEL (Noun)= कावट

Meaning: about to happen. Meaning: restrictions or impediments to freedom of
Synonyms: close, near, approaching, forthcoming action.
Antonyms: distant, remote Synonyms: restraint, constraint, curb, check,
Example: Some people thought it was funny when the impediment,
media predicted the imminent death of the drug- Antonyms: help, assistance
addicted celebrity. Example: Protesters refused to let anyone trammel their
first amendment rights and pushed for freedom and
49. INADVERTENT (Adjective) : असावधान equality for all.
Meaning: not resulting from or achieved through
deliberate planning. 56. SULK (Noun)=उदास होना
Synonyms: unintended, accidental, unpremeditated, Meaning: a state of resentful silence or irritability
unplanned, Synonyms: grouch, hump
Antonyms: deliberate, intentional Antonyms: cheerfulness, gaiety
Example: I wonder how many inadvertent inventions Example: A child sitting in a sulk over a minor
were developed in the process of trying to discover disagreement.
something totally different.
57. INVIGORATE (Verb)=बलवधन करना
50. ENSUE (Verb) : प रणाम िनकलना Meaning: give strength or energy to.
Meaning: happen or occur afterwards or as a result. Synonyms: revitalize, energize, refresh, revive, vivify
Synonyms: result, follow, arise, emerge Antonyms: discourage, dissuade
Antonyms: cease, disregard, repress, precede Example: As soon as the water hits the roots of the
Example: Once the defense attorney makes his final dehydrated plant, it will invigorate it.
statement, jury deliberations will ensu
58. MALADY (Noun)=अधमता
51. RESORT (Verb)= य Meaning: a disease or ailment.
Meaning: turn to and adopt (a course of action, Synonyms: affliction,disorder, illness, disability
especially an extreme or undesirable one) so as to Antonyms: comfort, health
resolve a difficult situation. Example: in the olden days people were always suffering
Synonyms: address, recur from some unknown malady.
Antonyms: abstain, halt
Example: She would never resort to the law courts to 59. DRUB (Verb)=पीटना
resolve her marital problems. Meaning: hit or beat (someone) repeatedly.
Synonyms: thrash, trounce, spank, beat
52. GARNER (Verb)=सं ह Antonyms: aid


Example: Continuing to drub the victim with his fist, the Meaning: lessen or moderate the impact of (something).
attacker didn’t stop until the police showed up. Synonyms: soften, lessen, diminish, moderate, mitigate,
Antonyms: intensify
60. MORIBUND (Adjective)=मृत ाय Example: The aromatherapy massage was helping to
Meaning: (of a person) at the point of death. buffer some of the strain.
Synonyms: dying
Antonyms: thriving 68. OBFUSCATE (Verb) : अंधेरा करना
Example: As the moribund man held his Bible and took Meaning: make obscure, unclear, or unintelligible.
his last breath, a bright light appeared in the corner of Synonyms: obscure, complicate
the room. Antonyms: clarify
Example: The arrogant doctor went out of his way to
61. WANE (Verb) : पतन obfuscate my condition.
Meaning: (of a state or feeling) decrease in vigour or
extent; become weaker. 69. CONFLATE (Verb) : स ि त
Synonyms: decrease, decline, diminish, dwindle, shrink Meaning: combine (two or more sets of information,
Antonyms: increase, grow texts, ideas, etc.) into one.
Example: When the investigators ran out of leads, the Synonyms: merge, amalgamate, consolidate, unify
intensity of the murder investigation started to wane. Antonyms: divide, separate
Example: To conflate art and science, teachers must
2. ACQUITTAL (Noun) : दोषमु design activities that blend the two.
Meaning: a judgement or verdict that a person is not
guilty of the crime with which they have been charged. 70. RESUSCITATE (Verb) : पुनज िवत करना
Synonyms: absolution, clearing, exoneration Meaning: make (something) active or vigorous again.
Antonyms: conviction Synonyms: revive, regenerate, restore, rejuvenate
Example: When there is not enough evidence, a criminal Antonyms: destroy
case will usually end with an acquittal.
71. Placate (Verb) : सां ना दे ना
Meaning: make (someone) less angry or hostile.
63. REDOUND (Verb) : सहायता दे ना Synonym: appease, assuage, conciliate,pacify
Meaning: come back upon; rebound on. Antonym: aggravate, annoy, antagonize, bother,provoke
Synonyms: react, recoil, resound, return Example: The police officer tried to placate the two
Example: After I was fired, I was hopeful that the job fair scared drivers at the scene of the accident.
would hopefully redound to good job opportunities.
72. Regale (Verb) : स करना
64. GLOAT (Verb) : आनंिदत होना Meaning: entertain or amuse (someone) with talk.
Meaning: dwell on one's own success or another's Synonym: entertain, amuse, divert, delight, fascinate
misfortune with smugness or malignant pleasure. Antonym: anger, annoy, bore, dull, tire, upset
Synonyms: exult, rejoice, relish Example: On the ghost tour, an experienced guide will
Antonyms: commiserate, sympathize regale you with scary stories of the house’s past
Example: If you are the winner of a contest, you should residents.
not gloat and make your competitors feel inferior.
73. Contrite (Adjective) : मनो िथत
65. SIDLE (Verb) : ितरछे चलना Meaning: feeling or expressing remorse at the
Meaning: walk in a furtive, unobtrusive, or timid recognition that one has done wrong.
manner, especially sideways or obliquely. Synonym: remorseful, repentant, penitent, regretful
Synonyms: creep, sneak, slink, slip, slide Antonym: unrepentant, defiant
Antonyms: march, stride Example: She must be humble and contrite.
Example: Because the cars were packed in the driveway,
I had to sidle between them in order to get to the house.
74. Wither (Verb) : कु लाना
Meaning: fall into decay or decline
66. VITIATE (Verb) : करना Synonym: diminish, dwindle, shrink, lessen, fade
Meaning: spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of. Antonym: grow
Synonyms: annihilate, negate, quash Example: Words to express her feelings seemed to
Antonyms: allow, permit wither and die inside her.
Example: You made a good decision, so don’t vitiate it
by boasting about your success.
75. Pernicious (Adjective) : हािनकारक
Meaning: having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual
67. BUFFER (Verb) : के भाव को कम या म म करना or subtle way.


Synonym: harmful, damaging, destructive, injurious
Antonym: beneficial, benign, favourable 83. ESOTERIC (Adjective): गु
Example: If you are going to behave in such a pernicious Meaning: mysterious, obscure
manner, I would prefer to not be around you. Synonyms: abstruse, mystical
Antonyms: common, familiar
76. Abdicate (Verb) : ागना Example: The medical research was so esoteric that only
Meaning: (of a monarch) renounce one's throne. a few physicians could actually understand the results.
Synonyms: resign, retire
Example: Because the mother chose to abdicate her role 84. UNABATED (Adjective): अ ीण
as a parent, her children have become the terrors of the Meaning: without any reduction in intensity or strength.
neighborhood. Synonyms: incessant, persistent
Antonyms: intermittent, relenting
77. Credulous (Adjective) : िव ास वणता Example: They danced all night with unabated energy.
Meaning: having or showing too great a readiness to
believe things. 85. BENIGN (Adjective) : सौ
Synonym: gullible, naive, impressionable, trusting, Meaning: pleasant and kind
Antonym: worldly, suspicious Synonyms: gentle, friendly
Example: When she was younger, my baby sister was Antonyms: harsh, bad
incredibly credulous and fell for all my tricks. Example: The policeman smiled benignly at the
78. Copious (Adjective) : चुर
Meaning: abundant in supply or quantity. 86. SHUNT (Verb) : अलग धकेलना
Synonym: abundant, ample, extensive Meaning: to push or shove something
Antonym: lacking, meager, rare Synonyms: avoid, deter
Example: The storm produced a copious amount of rain. Antonyms: aid, allow
Example: It’s unfortunate that our society tends to
79. Spurious (Adjective) : बनावटी shunt older workers to retirement before they are
Meaning: not being what it purports to be; false or fake. ready.
Synonym: specious, false, counterfeit, fraudulent
Antonym: authentic, genuine, real 87. TACIT (adjective) : सूिचत
Example: The con artist made a spurious claim about Meaning: understood or implied without being stated.
being a member of the royal family. Synonyms: implicit, inferred, insinuated, unspoken.
Antonyms: blatant, evident, manifest, explicit.
80. Usurp (Verb) : हड़पना Usage: In my business, all that is needed for a tacit
Meaning: take (a position of power or importance) understanding is a handshake between men.
illegally or by force.
Synonym: seize, take over, expropriate, wrest 88. PAUCITY (Noun): ूनता
Antonym: release, relinquish Meaning: the presence of something in only small or
Example: After the king dies, his brother will usurp the insufficient quantities or amounts.
throne from the prince.ample: Hopefully the water will Synonyms: scarcity, dearth, shortage, rarity
resuscitate the drooping plant. Antonyms: abundance
Example: Because of the paucity of our oil supply, we
81. EXALT (Verb): सराहना करना need to seek out other fuel resources.
Meaning: think or speak very highly of (someone or
89. IMPASSE (Noun) : गितरोध
Synonyms: dignify, glorify
Meaning: a situation in which no progress is possible,
Antonyms: blame, condemn
especially because of disagreement; a deadlock.
Example: For a fee, most celebrities will exalt a product
Synonyms: deadlock, dead end, stalemate, checkmate,
by pretending to like it.
stand-off; standstill
Antonyms: solution, boon
82. MOTE (Noun) : कण Example: Because of the impasse between workers and
Meaning: a tiny piece of a substance; a speck. management, the factory has been closed for two
Synonyms: bit, dribble, fleck, nugget. weeks.
Antonyms: lump, abundance, bushel, heaps.
Usage: Feeling anxious about the state of her home, the
90. OGLE (Verb) : घूरना
obsessive housewife scrubbed away every tiny mote of
Meaning: stare at in a lecherous manner.
Synonyms: stare, gawk


Antonyms: ignore, neglect
Example: Most women dislike being ogled . 98. ENCRUST (Verb) : ढकना
Meaning: cover or decorate (something) with a hard
91. OBFUSCATE (Verb) : अ करना surface layer.
Meaning: make obscure, unclear, or unintelligible. Synonyms: cover, fill, stuff
Synonyms: obscure, confuse, blur, muddle Antonyms: strip
Antonyms: clarify, enlighten, explicate, reveal Example: The mussels encrust navigation buoys.
Example: Because I am a sympathetic teacher, I avoid
using language which will obfuscate my students.
99. RESUSCITATE (Verb) : पुनज िवत
Meaning: make (something) active or vigorous again.
92. FRAGILE (Adjective) : नाजु क Synonyms: revive, resurrect, restore, regenerate,
Meaning: (of an object) easily broken or damaged. revitalize
Synonyms: breakable, brittle, frangible, frail, dainty Example: Although we tried, we could not resuscitate
Antonyms: robust, firm the puppy who got hit by the speeding car.
Example: The toys were so fragile my dog destroyed
them within minutes.
100. ASSERT (Verb) : दावा करना
Meaning: state a fact or belief confidently and
93. EVANGELICAL (Adjective) : ईसाई धम चारक forcefully.
Meaning: of or according to the teaching of the gospel Synonyms: declare, maintain, contend, argue, state,
or the Christian religion. claim
Synonyms: scriptural, biblical, Bible-believing, Antonyms: abandon, conceal, deny, hide
fundamentalist, orthodox Example: It was difficult for the shy young woman to
Example: He delivered his speech with evangelical assert herself in class
101. Accolade (Noun) - स ान
94. MIRACULOUS (Adjective) : चम ारपूण Meaning: an award or privilege granted as a special
Meaning: of the nature of a miracle or having the power honour or as an acknowledgment of merit.
to work miracles. Synonym: honour, recognition, privilege, award, gift,
Synonyms: supernatural, preternatural, superhuman, title
inexplicable, unaccountable Usage: Mrs. Smith is such a great teacher that she is
Antonyms: average, believable, credible, common always getting one accolade after another.
Example: It was a miraculous talk with a stranger that
stopped Jim from ending his life. 102. Vernacular (Noun) - जनभाषा
Meaning: the language or dialect spoken by the ordinary
95. SURREAL(Adjective) : असली people of a country or region.
Meaning: having the qualities of surrealism; bizarre. Synonym: everyday language, spoken language,
Synonyms: unreal, bizarre, unusual, weird, strange colloquial speech, slang
Antonyms: real Usage: To hold the interest of the community, the
Example: The program’s surreal story line was not playwright penned his play using only the local
popular at all with fans of reality television vernacular.

96. CONFLATE (Verb) : िमलाना 103. Valedictory (Noun) - िवदाई

Meaning: combine (two or more sets of information, Meaning: a farewell address.
texts, ideas, etc.) into one. Synonym: farewell, goodbye, leaving, parting, departing,
Synonyms: amalgamate, consolidate, converge, fuse, going away, last, final
unify Usage: On the last day of school, seniors wrote a
Antonyms: divide, part, separate, cleave valedictory stating what they would miss about high
Example: To conflate art and science, teachers must school and read it in front of the class for their final
design activities that blend the two. grade.

97. FEUD (Noun) : झगड़ा 104. Interdict (Noun) - पाबंदी

Meaning: a prolonged and bitter quarrel or dispute. Meaning: an authoritative prohibition, in particular
Synonyms: altercation, conflict, discord, dispute Synonym: prohibition, ban, bar, veto, proscription,
Antonyms: accord, agreement, calm, concord Antonym: corroborate, support
Example: There is a long standing feud between mine Usage: Because I failed most of my classes last term, my
and my cousin’s families, which is why neither of us will parents will probably interdict me from working this
attend the other family’s weddings. semester.


Antonyms: dependent, subservient
105. Vitiate (Verb) - दू िषत करना Example:The company's divisions, which have been
Meaning: spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of. largely autonomous up to now, will be centralized under
Synonym: poison, spoil, stain, tarnish, touch, taint the newly appointed CEO.
Antonym: Clean, honor, purify
Usage: When peers and bullies apply pressure, it can 112.CULMINATE-समापन
vitiate the moral character of young people and lead Meaning:to have as a result or be the final result of
them down the wrong path. a process
Synonyms: conclude, climax
106. Perjury (Noun) - झूठा सा Antonyms: begin, commence
Meaning: the offence of wilfully telling an untruth or Example:My arguments with the boss got worse and
making a misrepresentation under oath. worse, and finally culminated in my resignation.
Synonym: violation of an oath, giving false
evidence/testimony, bearing false witness/testimony, 113.AFFILIATE-संब
forswearing oneself, making false statements, wilful Meaning:to cause a group to become part of or form a
falsehood close relationship with another, usually larger, group,
Usage: The mother who lied about her son's or organization
whereabouts will soon face trial for perjury. Synonyms: partner, associate
Antonyms: enemy
107. Plagiarize (Verb) - सािह क चोरी करना Example:The school is affiliated with a national
Meaning: take (the work or an idea of someone else) association of driving schools.
and pass it off as one's own.
Synonym: infringe the copyright of, pirate, steal, poach, 114.MALICE- े ष
borrow, Meaning:the wish to harm or upset other people
Usage: Professional writers who plagiarize can be taken Synonyms: animosity, bitterness
to court and ordered to pay damages. Antonyms: love, liking
Example:An employee would have to prove an employer
108. Chronic (Adjective) - थायी acted out of malice in order to sue.
Meaning: continuing or occurring again and again for a
long time, happening or existing frequently or most of 115.SCRUNCH-कुचलना
the time, always or often doing something specified Meaning:to make something or yourself smaller to fit
Synonym: natural; persistent, regular, into a small space
Antonym: unaccustomed, unused; intermittent, Synonyms: compress, crunch
occasional Antonyms: expand, uncompress
Usage: He suffers from chronic arthritis. Example:The cat was hiding, scrunched up under the
109. Adjudicate (Verb) - िनणय करना
Meaning: to make an official decision about who is right 116.REPULSE-खदे ड़ना
in a dispute Meaning:to push someone or something back or away,
Synonym: adjudge, judge, arbitrate, decide, determine esp. to successfully stop an attack
Usage: You should never adjudicate a major decision Synonyms: check, defeat
when you are under the influence of alcohol. Antonyms: attraction, success
Example:The attacks were repulsed by means of tear
110. Punctilious (Adjective) - समयिन (पाबंद) smoke.
Meaning: showing great attention to detail or correct
behaviour. 117.ASTOUND-घबराना
Synonym: meticulous, conscientious, careful, diligent, Meaning:to surprise or shock someone very much
attentive, Synonyms: astonish, bewilder
Antonym: careless, easy-going, slapdash Antonyms: explain, clarify
Example:Considering how badly they’re paid and what
Usage: While I enjoy cleanliness, I am not so punctilious little support they get, the dedication of these teachers
that I get upset about a little dust on my furniture. astounds me.

111.AUTONOMOUS- ाय शासी 118. RATIONAL-यु संगत

Meaning:independent and having the power to make Meaning:based on clear thought and reason
your own decisions Synonyms: intelligent, judicious
Synonyms: self- governing, sovereign Antonyms: careless, foolish


Example:Bayesian analysis provides a rational basis for 126. MATERIALISTIC : भौितकवादी
the qualitative form of set-theoretic models of similarity. Meaning: superficial; focus on material possessions
Synonyms: greedy, profane
119. DODGE-चकमा Antonyms: ungreedy, spiritual
Meaning:a trick to deceive someone or to avoid doing Example: Many people accuse Americans of being
something that you do not want to do materialistic.
Synonyms: device, method
Antonyms: face, confront 127. PARAMOUNT : ऊंचे दज का
Example:When measured in yen, trade went up by only Meaning: predominant, superior, most important
2%, but measuring trade in yen is a dodge, because Synonyms: outstanding, predominant
almost all of it is conducted in dollars. Antonyms: unimportant, last
Example: Our paramount concern is the safety of our
120. DEDUCE-प रणाम िनकालना employees.
Meaning: to reach an answer or a decision by
thinking carefully about the known facts 128. READILY : सहज म
Synonyms: derive, surmise Meaning: right away and without difficulty
Antonyms: destroy, disperse Synonyms: easily, promptly
Example:The police have deduced that he must have Antonyms: difficultly, unwillingly
left his apartment yesterday evening. Example: Water was readily available at different points
in the race.
121. COMMISSION : दलाली
Meaning:the use of payment to request something
129. SCRUTINIZE : जाँचना
Synonyms:obligation, errand
Meaning: to examine carefully and critically
Antonyms: deposition
Synonyms: analyze, check
Example:This painting was commissioned by a rich
Antonyms: forget, ignore
merchant in 1589.
Example: The teacher scrutinized her student's essays.

122. COMPETENT : स म
130. SENTIMENT : भावुकता
Meaning: sufficiently qualified
Meaning: a tender or moving gesture
Synonyms: capable, skilled
Synonyms: feeling, passion
Antonyms: inefficient, inept
Antonyms: antipathy, dislike
Example:We need to hire a competent web developer
Example: Even though I’m not a big fan of porcelain
to create a good website for our company.
dolls, I appreciated the sentiment.

123. DESOLATE : उजाड़ 131. FLIPPANT : ु

Meaning: bare, barren, empty Meaning: showing or having a rude attitude of not being
Synonyms: bleak, lonesome serious esp. by trying to be amusing when most people
Antonyms: bright, inhabited expect you to be serious
Synonyms: rude, archness
Example: When her son left for a year abroad, she felt
Antonyms: respect, regard
Example:We had lost thousands of dollars, so we did not
appreciate his flippant remark about "better luck next
124. DREARY : सुनसान, उदास
Meaning: sad, gloomy, dull 132. REPREHEND : िन ा करना
Synonyms: boring, depressing Meaning: to express your strong official disapproval of
Antonyms: cheerful, exciting someone or something
Example: The gray clouds in the sky made the day feel Synonyms: reject, disapprove
dreary. Antonyms: accept, approve
Example:The agency was reprehended for taking on
125. INDIFFERENCE : उदासीनता average two years to deal with complaints.
Meaning: apathy, emotional detachment
Synonyms: disdain, disregard 133. REPRIMAND : फटकार
Antonyms: esteem, respect Meaning:to tell someone, esp. officially, that his or her
Example: The girl’s indifference toward her brother behavior is wrong and not acceptable
upset their parents. Synonyms: admonish, censure
Antonyms: approve, commend


Example:The committee reprimanded and censured him grief of others and do all sorts of things to obtrude on
for his uncooperative attitude. privacy.

134. GENEROUS : उदार 141. DOCILE : िवन

Meaning:willing to give money, help, kindness, etc., Meaning: quiet and easy to influence, persuade, or
especially more than is usual or expected control
Synonyms: giving, kind Synonyms: gentle, meek
Antonyms: unkind, greedy Antonyms: headstrong, inflexible
Example:The charity will go under unless a generous Example: The once docile population has finally risen up
donor can be found within the next few months. against the ruthless regime.

135. COURTEOUS : िवन 142. HUMOROUS : हा कर

Meaning: polite and showing respect Meaning: funny, or making you laugh
Synonyms: respectful, polite Synonyms: amusing, comic
Antonyms: impolite, arrogant Antonyms: boring, serious
Example:Although she often disagreed with me, she Example: I suppose the play is quite humorous, but it is
was always courteous. let down by the actors' weak performances.

136. RETICENT : अ भाषी 143. METICULOUS : अितसावधान

Meaning:unwilling to speak about your thoughts or Meaning: very careful and with great attention to every
feelings detail
Synonyms: hesistant, reserved Synonyms: accurate, exact
Antonyms: extrovert, outgoing Antonyms: careless, false
Example: Most of the students were reticent about Example: Many hours of meticulous preparation have
answering questions. gone into writing the book.

137. CAJOLE : फुसलाना 144. LUCID : अथ का

Meaning: to persuade someone to do something they Meaning: clearly expressed and easy to understand, or
might not want to (of a person) thinking or speaking clearly
do, by pleasant talk and (sometimes false) promises Synonyms: luminous, unambiguous
Synonyms: deceive, influence Antonyms: clouded, confused
Antonyms: repulse, dissuade Example: She gave a clear and lucid account of her plans
Example: He really knows how to cajole people into for the company's future.
doing what he wants.
145. STEER : रा े पर लाना
138. DIFFIDENT : संकोची Meaning: to take someone or something or make
Meaning:shy and not confident of your abilities someone or something go in the direction in which you
Synonyms: demure, meek want him, her, or it
Antonyms: bold, brave Synonyms: escort, drive
Example:Merciless to small absurdities, he was often Antonyms: abandon
oblique and diffident on the big issues. Example: The main task of the new government will be
to steer the country towards democracy.
139. MODEST : िवनयपूण
Meaning: not usually talking about or making obvious 146. PERSUASIVE : ेरक
your own abilities and achievements Meaning: making you want to do or believe a particular
Synonyms: humble, prudent thing
Antonyms: conceited, immodest Synonyms: alluring, compelling
Example:Although an outstanding scientist, he’s a Antonyms: implausible. incredible
modest man. Example: Some studies suggest that low mood can
improve skill in persuasive argument and sharpen
140. OBTRUDE : ह ेप करना
Meaning:to make something or to become too
noticeable, especially by interrupting 147. DISSEMINATE : सा रत करना
Synonyms: intervene, interfere Meaning: to spread or give out something, especially
Antonyms: ignore, leave news, information, ideas, etc., to a lot of people
Example:We know how the newspapers obtrude on the Synonyms: advertise, disperse
Antonyms: conceal, hide


Example: One of the organization's aims is to
disseminate information about the disease. 155. FRAILTY : दोष
Meaning: moral weakness
148. JUGGLERY : इं जाल Synonyms: defect, failing
Meaning: any trickery or deception. Antonyms: advantage, perfection
Synonyms: conjuration, dirty tricks Example: Tolerant of human frailty in whatever form,
Antonyms: honesty, fair play she almost never judged people.
Example: No party could survive such a record of
political trickery and financial jugglery. 156. DEPRIVE : वंिचत करना
Meaning: to take something, especially something
149. VIABLE : जीव म necessary or pleasant, away from someone
Meaning: able to work as intended or able to succeed Synonyms: withhold, take
Synonyms: applicable, feasible Antonyms: bestow, give
Antonyms: impossible, unlikely Example: You can't function properly when you're
Example: In order to make the company viable, it will deprived of sleep.
unfortunately be necessary to reduce staffing levels.
157. REPINE : िवलाप करना
150. CONCISION : संि Meaning: to feel sad or complain about something,
Meaning: the quality of being short and clear, and especially a bad situation
expressing what needs to be said without unnecessary Synonyms: moan, mourn
words Antonyms: hate, dislike
Synonyms: brevity, curtness Example: She was alone and unloved, but she did not
Antonyms: lengthiness, longevity repine.
Example: The author is not known for brevity or
conciseness 158. SECLUSION : तनहाई
Meaning: the state of being alone, away from other
151. DIVISIVE : िवभाजना क people
Meaning: used to describe something that causes great Synonyms: remoteness, aloneness
and sometimes unfriendly disagreement within a group Antonyms: open, public
of people Example: In some societies women are kept in seclusion,
Synonyms: disruptive, discordant so that they are hardly ever seen in public.
Antonyms: accordance, uniting
Example: The Vietnam war was an extremely divisive
159. BEGGARLY : ब त कम और स ा
issue in the US.
Meaning: small in amount and not at all generous
Synonyms: abject, broke
152. BEDRAGGLE : गंदा करना Antonyms: rich, wealthy
Meaning: wet, dirty, and untidy Example: The council voted to give the new project a
Synonyms: dishevel, crumple beggarly amount of money.
Antonyms: straighten, flatten
Example: The lieutenant mopped his face on a
160. INVIGORATE : सबल बनाना
bedraggled handkerchief.
Meaning: to make someone feel fresher, healthier, and
more energetic
153. ENERVATED : कमज़ोर करना Synonyms: energize, rejuvenate
Meaning: to make someone feel weak and without Antonyms: bore, dull
energy Example: His overarching argument, forcefully and
Synonyms: fatigued, enfeebled uncompromisingly presented, is original, challenging,
Antonyms: active, refreshed invigorating.
Example: The shock of the king's death had enervated
the royalist cause. 161. GENTRIFIED=नवीनीकरण
Meaning:to make something or someone more refined
154. SLEAZY : तु or polished
Meaning: dirty, cheap, or not socially acceptable, Synonyms: modernize, polish
especially relating to moral or sexual matters Antonyms: break, damage
Synonyms: trashy, sordid Example:The gentrified metropolitan area was filled
Antonyms: good, nice with posh restaurants and polished museums only
Example: This part of town is full of sleazy bars and suitable for those of a certain income bracket.


162. VENTUROUS=साहसी workers' loyalty to the company.
Meaning:tending to take risks or daring experiences
Synonyms: adventureous, daring 169. FACTUAL=यथाथ
Antonyms: bore, timid, cowardly Meaning:using or consisting of facts
Example:A venturous daredevil, Emily loved doing thrill- Synonyms: accurate, credible
seeking activities on vacation including swimming with Antonyms: inaccurate, invalid
sharks. Example:She gave a clear, factual account of the attack
to the police.
163. SADIST=परपीड़क
Meaning:a person who causes or imposes bodily pain on 170. RIGHTEOUS=सदाचारी
someone or something in order to feel gratified Meaning:morally correct
Synonyms: beast, animal Synonyms: ethical, honorable
Antonyms: angel, humanitarian Antonyms: corrupt, dishonest
Example:Every serial killer is a sadist since they kill for Example:Since envy is shameful, it is attractive to
fun and feel absolutely no remorse in inflicting injury. misrepresent one's envy as righteous anger to others.


Meaning:arousing or intended to arouse angry or 171. ADHERE : पालन करना
violent feelings. Meaning:believe in and follow the practices of.
Synonyms: provoking, incendiary Synonyms: comply, heed
Antonyms: soothing, calming Antonyms: overlook, condemn
Example: The men were using inflammatory Example:These data suggest that even the earliest
language/making inflammatory remarks about the other multi-word utterances adhere to syntactic constraints.
team's supporters.
172. CONFER : िवचार-िवमश करना
165. PROBITY=ईमानदारी Meaning:to exchange ideas on a particular subject,
Meaning:the quality of a person who is completely often in order to reach a decision on what action to take
honest Synonyms: advise, consult
Synonyms: integrity, virtue Antonyms: refuse, be quiet
Antonyms: dishonor, dishonesty Example:They were in constant contact, conferring
Example:The criminal knew he could not buy the judge about every aspect of the construction project.
who was known for his probity.
173. CONFRONT : सामना करना
166. VICARIOUS= ितिनिधक Meaning:to face, meet, or deal with a difficult situation
Meaning:experienced or felt by watching, hearing or person
about, or reading about someone else rather than by Synonyms: accost, encounter
doing something yourself Antonyms: avoid, dodge
Synonyms: commissioned, delegated Example:It's an issue we'll have to confront at some
Antonyms: direct, primary point, no matter how unpleasant it is.
Example:My paralyzed uncle takes vicarious pride in his
son’s running achievements.
174. OBFUSCATION : अंधकार ा
Meaning:the action of making something less clear and
167. INTRUDER=अित मी less easy to understand, especially intentionally
Meaning:someone who enters a place or situation Synonyms: bafflement, confusion
without permission Antonyms: clarity
Synonyms: squatter, trespasser Example:She criticised the company's deliberate
Antonyms: member, companion obfuscation of its finances.
Example:The intruder broke a window to enter the
house, but quickly ran away when he heard the alarm
175. FORGERY : अस करण
Meaning:an illegal copy of a document, painting, etc. or
the crime of making such illegal copies
168. ASSURE=आ करना Synonyms: falsification, copy
Meaning:to tell someone confidently that something is Antonyms: original, honesty
true, especially so that they do not worry Example:As recommended, he called the bank to
Synonyms: encourage, persuade confirm that the bankers' draft was not a forgery.
Antonyms: discourage, distress
Example:The unions assured the new owners of the


176. EMINENT : ात Meaning:the outer or less important part of an area,
Meaning:famous, respected, or important group, or activity
Synonyms: respectable, prominent Synonyms: edge, hem
Antonyms: common, inferior Antonyms: middle, inside
Example:The commission consisted of fifteen eminent Example:He attended several of the fringe meetings at
political figures. the conference.

177. ROBUST : मजबूत 184. HAZARDOUS - खतरनाक

Meaning:of a person or animal) strong and healthy, or Meaning:dangerous and involving risk, especially to
(of an object or system) strong and unlikely to break or someone's health
fail Synonyms: dangerous, disasterous
Synonyms: strong, healthy Antonyms: favourable, healthy
Antonyms: weak, unhealthy Example:The overwhelming majority of studies reported
Example:We should be able to generate stronger sales significantly better results with active intervention
with robust profit margins. against hazardous alcohol consumption.

178. AMATEUR : अनुभवहीन 185. ACCELERATE - रत करना

Meaning: a person who takes part in an activity for Meaning:to happen or make something happen sooner
pleasure, not as a job or faster
Synonyms: dabbler, beginner Synonyms: advance, expedite
Antonyms: professional, expert Antonyms: bloack, cease
Example:He was an amateur singer until the age of 40, Example:Inflation is likely to accelerate this year, adding
when he turned professional. further upward pressure on interest rates.

179. LUCID : अथ का 186. ENVISAGE - प रक ना करना

Meaning:clearly expressed and easy to understand, or Meaning: to imagine or expect something in the future,
(of a person) thinking or speaking clearly especially something good
Synonyms: clear, distinct Synonyms: confront, consider
Antonyms: unclear, gloomy Antonyms: disregard, ignore
Example:The drugs she's taking make her drowsy and Example: It's envisaged that building will start at the end
confused, but there are times when she's quite lucid. of this year.

180. ENTICE : फुसलाना 187. WANTON - चंड

Meaning:to persuade someone to do something by Meaning: (of something bad, such as damage, cruelty,
offering them something pleasant waste) extreme and showing no care at all
Synonyms: beguile, attract Synonyms: lewd, outrageous
Antonyms: repel, repulse Antonyms: decent, good
Example:The adverts entice the customer into buying Example:He displayed a wanton disregard for the facts.
things they don't really want.
188. RAMBUNCTIOUS - झगड़ालू
181. INCITE - उ ेिजत Meaning: full of energy and difficult to control
Meaning:to encourage someone to do or feel something Synonyms: boisterous, noisy
unpleasant or violent Antonyms: calm, quiet
Synonyms: abet, agitate Example: Driving a long distance with four rambunctious
Antonyms: dampen, dissuade children is not exactly fun.
Example:She was expelled for inciting her classmates to
rebel against their teachers. 189. PIQUE - मनमुटाव
Meaning:a feeling of anger, especially caused by
182. SPECULATE - क ना करना someone damaging your feeling of being proud of
Meaning:to guess possible answers to a question when yourself
you do not have enough information to be certain Synonyms: annoyance, displeasure
Synonyms: contemplate, figure out Antonyms: delight, happiness
Antonyms: abstain, forget Example:He stormed from the room in a fit of pique,
Example:Journalists are speculating about whether shouting that he had been misunderstood.
interest rates will be cut.
190. OXYMORON - िवरोधाभास
183. FRINGE - सीमांत Meaning:two words used together that have, or seem


to have, opposite meanings Synonyms: festival, carnival, fest, fete.
Antonyms: lamentation, dirge, dumps, despondence.
Synonyms: adumbration, allegory
Usage: To prepare for the fiesta, food was bought for the
Antonyms: truth, honesty feast, balloons and streamers for the decorations and
Example:The term 'constitutional democracy' can be sunglasses to watch the parade.
interpreted as either an oxymoron or a tautology.
200. REVERE (verb) स ान
Definition: feel deep respect or admiration for (something)
191.INVEIGLE (verb) लोभन दे ना
Synonyms: respect, admire, cherish, appreciate.
Meaning: persuade (someone) to do something by means of
Antonyms: blaspheme, desecrate, profane, violate.
deception or flattery.
Usage: Environmentalists say that everyone should revere
Synonyms: cajole, wheedle, coax, persuade.
Mother Nature and take better care of our natural resources.
Antonyms: dissuade, discourage, deter, disenchant.
Usage: During the trial, the witnesses described how the
defendant used deception to inveigle his clients into investing
in his scam.

192. APROPOS (adjective) उिचत

Meaning: very appropriate to a particular situation.
Synonyms: appropriate, pertinent, relevant, apt.
Antonyms: impertinent, inapposite, irrelative, irrelevant.
Usage: While the words may seem a bit strange, they are
apropos and relate to the topic we are discussing.

193.REFRACTORY (adjective) दु रा ाही

Meaning: stubborn or unmanageable.
Synonyms: recalcitrant, obstreperous, insubordinate,
Antonyms: obedient, manageable, amenable, compliant.
Usage: Most teenagers go through a refractory phase where
they don’t want to listen to authority figures.

194.ACCRETION (noun) संवृ

Meaning: growth or increase by the gradual accumulation of
additional layers or matter.
Synonyms: addendum, addition, increment, proliferation.
Antonyms: abatement, decline, depletion, diminishment.
Usage: Sophia was convinced that the accretion of ice on her
car’s windshield was preventing her wipers from operating

195.INURE (verb) सहनशील बनाना

Meaning: accustom (someone) to something, especially
something unpleasant.
Synonyms: accustom, habituate, acclimatize, adapt.
Antonyms: enervate, enfeeble, debilitate, incapacitate.
Usage: The hardship of army training inured her to the rigors
of desert warfare.

196. PARIAH (noun) प र

Meaning: an outcast.
Synonyms: outcast, exile, derelict, deportee.
Antonyms: fellow, insider, comrade, attender.
Usage: The informant testified under anonymity rather than
risk becoming a pariah in his community.

197. REPROBATE (noun) नीच

Meaning: an unprincipled person.
Synonyms: rogue, scoundrel, villain, wretch.
Antonyms: upright, virtuous, principled, righteous
Usage: Although the old man pretended to be a reprobate in
public, in private he did a lot of good deeds for the homeless.

198. BELEAGUER (verb) अवरोध करना

Definition: lay siege to.
Synonyms: besiege, beset, pester, badger.
Antonyms: aid, amend, alleviate, encourage.
Usage: The troops plan to beleaguer the enemy’s city walls
until the white flag is raised.

199. FIESTA (noun) उत् सव

Definition: an event marked by festivities or celebration.


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