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Marketing Research Analytics in India-Cases from Corporate


JAMUHAR, Bihar-821305


Submitted To : Submitted By :
Assistant Professor Roll No-18MBA073
FMS, Name Session-2018-20
Gopal Narayan Singh University
Jamuhar, Rohtas, Bihar


This is to certify that Mr. Abhishek Kumar of Master of Business

Administration (2018-20) has successfully completed the project on "Marketing
Research Analytics in India-Cases from Corporate "Marketing Research

Analytics in India-Cases from Corporate" Under the guidance of MR.


Project Guide


I, Mr. Abhishek Kumar the student of Master of Business Administration-

Semester-II (2018-20) hereby declare that I have completed this project on
"Marketing Research Analytics in India-Cases from Corporate"
The Information submitted is true & original to the best of my knowledge.

Student Signature

Project Guide


At the very outset, I fail to find adequate words, with limited vocabulary at my
command, to express my emotions to 'Dear God', whose eternal blessing divine
presence and masterly guidance helped me to fulfill all my goals.
I am thankful to the authority of Narnolia Securities Ltd. For providing me

an opportunity to with them. I am specially thankful to MR. SASHIKANT

DIKSHIT. for providing me opportunity, knowledge and all the vital information
on which this project report stands. The support provided to me during my project
was overwhelming and the work environment was conductive to work.
Sometimes it is not easy to express to emotions in words especially when
you have to say thanks to your parents for their constant undemanding love,
dedication, sacrifice, inspiring guidance, affectionate encouragement and never-
ending enthusiams; with this project would not have been completed successfully.
I would like to thanks many others who have been associated with work
directly or indirectly.

Abhishek Kumar

Chapter-1 8-23
 Introduction
 Objective of the Study
 Case Study
 What is Case Study Research Method?
 What is Brand Positioning?
 Types of Positioning Strategies?
 How to Develop a Brand?
 Brand Positioning Statement
 How to Reposition Positioning
Chapter-2 Review of Literature 24-29
Chapter-3 Research Methodology 30-35
Chapter-4 Data Analysis & Interpretation 36-50
Chapter-5 Finding & Conclusion 51-53

Executive Summary
This paper presents a systematic review of marketing research on the burgeoning new area of
“marketing analytics” and considers the importance of marketing analytics for marketing
research and practice. This project contributes to the marketing literature with a systematic
review of studies and findings on marketing analytics, which allow for further recommendations.
We identify the central themes and concepts related to marketing analytics present in marketing
research and provide a comparison between the focus of marketing research, practice, and
academics regarding this topic. The study also provides practitioners with a summary of the
current findings and a more natural way to translate and apply theoretical findings in practice.
Academics can also use these results in the classroom to promote and demonstrate the
importance and benefits of marketing analytics.
Marketing researchers have noted that marketing science and practice are going through
an analytics disruption, considering the explosion of data, the emergence of digital marketing,
social media, and marketing analytics. A crossroads is also underlined in efect measurement, big
data, and online/ofine integration, as scholars have pointed to challenging in integrating big and
small data and marketing analytics into marketing decision While big data, marketing analytics,
and data mining seem to be here to stay in marketing (Jobs et al. 2016), businesses consider data
analysis a particularly critical challenge (Verhoef et al. 2016). Marketing analytics play a central
role under these circumstances, considering the needs for adequate metrics and analytical
methods to improve datadriven marketing operations and decision making (Wedel and Kannan
2016). As studies have concluded, businesses can achieve favorable and sustainable performance
outcomes through the higher use of marketing analytics (Germann et al. 2013).
The purpose of this research is to analyze the current state of research in marketing
analytics and assess the central study themes, topics of interest, fndings, as well as methods of
analysis employed. We also have as objective to evaluate the use of marketing analytics in
marketing research practice and compare the real-world interests with those of academics in
published studies, as well as in university courses. This article contributes to the marketing
literature with a systematic review of studies and fndings on marketing analytics, which allow
for further recommendations. We begin by describing the historical setting, and then we present
the results of a comprehensive literature review of marketing journals, comparing co-occurrences
of words found in academic research with those inclusive of marketing research frms to represent
the practitioner point of view, as well as to business schools to refect the current status of
education and MBA training. We then conclude with recommendations for acade
Objective of the Study
Case Study
What is Case Study Research Method?
What is Brand Positioning?
Types of Positioning Strategies?
How to Develop a Brand?
Brand Positioning Statement
How to Reposition Positioning
The aim of this thesis is to study in detail about Brand Positioning, its
types, various positioning strategies and its effect on the success of
the companies. We aim to study the various case studies done on
brand positioning strategies done in service industry and to further
evaluate the success achieved or the change in the brands image on
application of the strategies.
 To find out how big brands have positioned themselves.
 To study different case studies done on brand positioning of
service industry.
 To find out does brand positioning has really helped the
companies to gain attention of their customers.
Case Study:
A rigorous investigation of an individual unit like a person, group, or
event which are important developmental factors in relative to
context is a case study. A published report regarding a person, group,
or situation that has been considered over time; it can also be a
circumstance in real life that can be studied or looked at to learn
about something. Thomas proffers the subsequent description of case
study: "Case studies are analyses of events, persons, periods,
decisions, projects, institutions, policies, or other systems that are
studied as a whole by one or more methods. The case that is the
subject of the investigation will be an instance of a class of
phenomenon that provides an analytical frame — an object — within
which the study is carried out and which the case illuminates and
Case Study-History:
In the year 1829 Frederic Le Play 1 st introduced case-study method
into social science as a maiden hand to information within the
researches of the budgets of family. Further the sociologists Barney
Glaser and Anselm Strauss developed the usage of case researches
and studies for the formation of innovative social sciences theories
and they presented their case study method which was theory of
Grounded year was 1967.
The repute of case study method in the hypotheses and its testing has
gained importance merely in latest years. Case studies method has
been gaining attractiveness in education and in meticulous
educational evaluation.
Case studies are being utilized as a teaching method,
especially in business and legal education and as part of professional
development. Example: the problem-based learning (PBL)
movement. When used in professional development and education,
case research studies are frequently acknowledged to as significant
Ethnography is explanation, understanding, and analysis of a
culture or social group, through field research in the normal
environment of the group being studied. In ethnographic research the
main method of research is through surveillance where the researcher
observes the participants over a comprehensive period of time within
the participants own environment. Ethnography is an example of a
type of case study, usually found in communication case studies.
The faculties right away understood that textbooks were not
there which were appropriate to the graduate business program this
was initially when first the school started i.e. Harvard Business
School. Cases are normally developed in the classroom prior to its
publication and are written by the faculty of business school those
have in their mind precise objectives of learning. Their first
interviewed most important business men and then wrote
comprehensive accounts of the intentions of these managers which
they were planning to take this was their way out to the problem.
Additional relevant documentation (such as time-lines, financial
statements, and short biographies, often passed on to in the case as
"exhibits"), multimedia supplements (such as video-recordings of
interviews with the case central character), and a carefully expertise
teaching note often go along with cases.
What is Case Study Research Method?
According to researcher Robert K. Yin the case study research
method is an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary
phenomenon within its real-life context; when the boundaries stuck
between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident; and in
which manifold sources of evidence are used. [11]
For numerous years transversely researchers have been using
the research method known as case study method of research in an
array of areas. Case studies research method of research stands out at
carrying us to an thoughtful knowledge of a difficult situation or
object and which can enlarge knowledge or include power to known
what was previously known during preceding study or research. Case
study highlights thorough background investigation of a restricted
figure of actions or circumstances and the associations. Social
scientists, specifically, have prepared broad application of this
method of research which is qualitative to examine existing original
situations and give the basics for the execution of ideas and
additional room of methods.
Many renowned researchers of case study such as Robert E.
Stake, Helen Simons, and Robert K. Yin have written about case
study research and recommended techniques for organizing and
carrying out the research successfully. This introduction to case study
research suggests six steps that should be used and portrays upon
their work: [
First Establish and then define the research questions
First Select the cases and then decide data gathering and then analysis
 Then Organize to collect the data
 Later Gather data in the field and
 Then Calculate and then examine the data and
 Make the report
A case study rather than giving merely statistical survey gives more
practical responses is often debated.
What is Brand Positioning:
Well Brand positioning refers to “target consumer’s” reason to
buy your brand in preference to others. It makes sure that all brand
activity has a universal aim; is guided, directed, and delivered by the
brand’s benefits/reasons to buy; and it emphasises at all points of
contact with the customer.
Any Brand positioning must make sure these points:
 It is the proposition validated with original products, unique
and appropriate.
 It is unique and distinctive in comparison to competitors.
 It is appropriate to all major geographic markets and
 It is able to maintain and increase the organization.
 It is sustainable - can it be delivered continuously across all
points of contact with the customer.
 It is important and encouraging to the niche market.
 It is helpful for organization to achieve its financial
Positioning desires that customers judge and do analysis of products
in the open market, which should be supported by features of the
merchandise itself like manifold uses, quality, etc., and others like
price also packaging and also image this is a significant concept in
positioning. What everyone should and will concur on is that in the
minds of the target market the perception which takes place is called
Positioning. In the nutshell it is the altogether perception in the minds
of the market has of a specific corporation, product or service which
is in comparison to their mindset of the opponents in the same field.
Usually, the brand positioning process involves:
Recognizing the business's direct competition that could include
players that offer your service amongst a larger collection of
Generating a positioning statement with key messages, and customer
value propositions to be used for communications growth across the
Thoughtful of how each competitor is positioning their business in
the present day, e.g. asserting to be the cheapest, most fast, very large
and the no. 1 supplier, etc.
Noting down as of today’s positioning of the supplier's exists that
might not remain if business is started up.
To recognize feasible areas for discrimination the company evaluates
its position with its competitors'
This can be done by making a distinguishing, making a distinction
and value-based positioning ideas.
Types of Positioning Strategies:
1. By Product Attributes and Benefits: It consists of associating an
object with a service characteristic or customer benefit.
2. By Price and Quality: There are certain service categories where
high price is automatically associated with high quality, or where
low price is often considered to be equal with inferior quality.
3. By Use and Application: Associating the service with a specific
4. By Service Class: Some brands need to compete against services
of similar class.
5. By Service user: Strategy of associating the service with a
particular type or class of user.
6. By Competitor: It is a Positioning strategy which consists of
making customers think that your brand is better than, or as good
as the competitors.
7. By Cultural Symbols: This Positioning strategy consist of
identifying something that is very meaningful to people.
Types of Positioning Errors:
Over Positioning – In this situation in which the consumers have too
limited an awareness of the brand. That is, giving customers too
slender a picture of the company. Thus a customer might think that
the Steuben glass company manufactures only fine art glasses costing
800 and up, when it also manufacture affordable fine glasses starting
at around 40.
Under Positioning – In this situation in which the consumer’s have a
blurred and unclear idea of the brand. That is, failing to position the
company at all another entry levels in the market for example Vanilla
Coke, Diet Pepsi.
Doubtful Positioning: Consumers find hard to believe the brand
claims in view of service features, price, and manufacturers like
VLCC’s slimming services.
Confused Positioning: Leaving customers with a confused image of
the company.
Company making too many claims, for example Next Computers.
How to Develop a Brand?
Understand parameters of significance – What your brand is all about
and what it is not (limits to which you can broaden your brand further
than its core meaning without compromising its credibility)
Clear vision – Why are you in business? Where are you going? (3M:
to give solution to unsolved problems innovatively)
Brief meaning – What your brand stands for to the marketplace
Some Examples – Disney have a clear vision – to make people
happy; Microsoft have a clear vision – a computer on every desk in
each home.
Brand Positioning: Brand positioning comprises of Brand domain,
values, reflection, personality, assets, and heritage. Fig [1]
Brand Positioning Statement
A one or two sentence announcement that converses your brand’s
exclusive value to your consumers in relation to your main
competitors is a positioning statement.
In Crossing the Chasm, Geoffrey Moore offers one way of creating a
positioning statement: For a target consumer who has a statement of
the necessity or chance, the name of the service is a category of
service that is statement of most important benefits; also called
forceful grounds to believe. Unlike, the key distinctive alternative
of our service which will be the statement of key difference.
However, there is a more simplified structure for formulating a Brand
Positioning Statement in the following section.
Now let us learn how to make a Brand Positioning Statement
Four important elements of an exclusive positioning statement are:
Brand guarantee: What is the most convincing (emotional/rational)
advantage to your target consumers that your brand can own
comparative to your competition?
Market description: What group is your brand competing in and in
what framework does your brand have significance to your
Target consumer: What is a brief summary of the demographic and
attitudinal explanation of the target group of consumers your brand is
emphasizing to appeal to and pull towards you?
Reason to trust: What is the most convincing evidence that your
brand conveys on its brand assurance?
After considerately answering these four questions, you can create
your positioning statement:
For [target consumers], [corporation name] is the [market
description] that delivers [brand pledge] because only [corporation
name] is [reason to trust].
Two Examples of Positioning Statements
The positioning statement used by Amazon.com in 2001 as a result of
which it almost exclusively sold books:
For World Wide Web clients who enjoy books, Amazon.com is a
retail bookseller that provides immediate admittance to over 1.1
million books. Unlike conventional book retailers, Amazon.com
grants a mixture of extraordinary handiness, low prices, and wide-
ranging selection.
When it started its business in 2000 Zipcar.com used the subsequent
positioning statement:
You save money while dropping your carbon footprint. To urban-
dwelling, knowledgeable techno-savvy customers, when you make
use of Zip car car-sharing service as an alternative of owning a car.
Thus we can conclude that positioning statement is perhaps the most
significant sentence in a marketing plan. It brings spotlight to the
making of a marketing strategy and the marketing plan and
procedures supporting that strategy. While a positioning statement
can come out quite simple, the making of a positioning statement
requires significant thought and effort. That effort is compensated
when the strategy and plan seem to surge effortlessly from that one
important sentence.
Pictorial display of brand to brand positioning:


Positioning Statement

How to Evaluate Your Brand Positioning Strategy

An intellectual and well-created positioning statement is an
influential tool for bring focus and clearness to your marketing
strategies, promotional tactics and advertising campaigns. If used
correctly, the statement can help you make efficient decisions to help
distinguish your brand, attract your target consumers, and succeed in
gaining market share from your competition.
Here are 15 criteria for examining your brand positioning:
1. To distinguish your brand.
2. Make it go with consumer perceptions of your brand.
3. Can it facilitate growth?
4. Can it recognize your brand’s exclusive value to your
5. Can it create a clear portrait in your mind that’s unusual from
your competitors?
6. Does your brand possess it?
7. To make it focused on your main consumers.
8. Will it help you make more efficient marketing and branding
9. Is it steady in all fields of your business?
10. Is your brand promise realistic and trustworthy?
11. Is it simple to understand?
12. Is it hard to copy?
13. Is it unforgettable and inspiring?
14. Is it positioned for long-standing success?
15. Will it survive retaliations from your competitors?
How to Reposition Positioning
Brand Positioning is not somewhat you do, but rather, is the outcome
of your consumer’s perception of what you do. Positioning is not
somewhat we can craft in a vacuum—the work of positioning is a co-
authored understanding with the consumers.
Untoward reality is that no marketer has the authority to position
anything in the customer’s mind, which is the mainstay promise of
positioning. The idea that positions are formed by marketers has to
pass away. Each consumer has their own concept of what you are.
By examining the spirit of what you are and comparing it with what
your consumers want, the doors unlock to structure a business with a
tough positioning in the mind of the consumer. Why? Great brands
combine their fervour with their positioning into one statement that
confines the soul of both.
At the back of your positioning statement or tagline is your objective
—how you wish your business to be characterized to consumers.
Once the genuine role of positioning is implicit, having a tagline or a
positioning statement can be helpful by expounding your brand’s
spirit within your business.
In Your Customer’s Mind how to put together you’re Brand
To place your brand in your consumer’s mind, you must begin from
within your business. Each member of your business that touches the
consumer has to be the ideal expression of your place. And, since
everybody touches the consumer in some way, everybody should be
the greatest expression of your position.
The most difficult part is to put up the whole thing that stands for
your brand on a wall. Register all your brand’s stroke points—every
point of communication with your consumer. Ask with a crucial, yet
discerning eye:
Does every stroke point look, say, and sense like the brand I desire
my consumers to perceive?
How can I more gracefully converse my brand’s preferred position?
The Clearness and Sincerity of following from beginning to end on
their words many dealers don’t have. Without assurance, you evade
to the status quo. Turn all you do into a phrase of your looked-for
positioning and you can craft something special. This takes audacity;
to enthusiastically position your brand tells you have to stand for
something. Then only are you truly on your approach to owning your
very individual position in the mind of your consumer.
In opposition to Taglines the Positioning Statements
Positioning statements are for inner use, Brand positioning statements
are often befuddled with company taglines or slogans. These
statements direct the marketing and operating decisions of your
company. A positioning statement helps you make important
decisions that have an effect on your consumer’s perception of your
Where as a tag line is a peripheral statement used in your
marketing hard work. Just round the corner from your positioning
statement can be twisted into a tagline, but it is significant to
differentiate between the two.
How is Service Sector Branding done?
The success of the brand Disney comes from the company’s
determination that the employees be aware that they are for all time
on stage whenver they are in community, cheering the public to
believe about employees as performers who not only have understood
their roles but are also causative to the presentation and the
delight and pleasure of their guests. Any brand without adequate
attention to the role of their employees in delivering and generating
services can struggle. Inspite of service company creating a well
planned and conceived positioning strategy and a very effective
communication programme it can fail.
Many a times the only waqy to get in contact with the customer is
onlu the service personnel and a brand acn become successful by
training their staff and by making sure that they are dedicated to the
brand. In the eyes of the customer the brand is symbolized by the
The perception of the customers about the service quality of
the company can definitely increase if the staff is having the below
mentioned qualities:
To be Responsive- to take an initiative to make the family members
sit together when their seats are split up in their flight by any cabin.
To be Reliable- struggle by the pilots to make sure that the brand is
considered for its promptness.
To give Assurance- if the fight is getting delayed the pilot
gives the information of the same and why it is getting delayed and
gives assurance to the passenger about the length of the delay and
that they will try to reduce the delay.
To be Empathetic- if a child is there in the fight and he or she
is flying for the very first time then the cabin team can help clam the
crying baby.
Appearance- appearance plays a very important role in setting
an image of a brand like one can make out the dress of the brands like
spice jet, kingfisher and Jet airways.
The perceived value of the service can have a detrimental
impact if the company falls to pay attention to these factors.
The self-esteem of staff persuade customer contentment with
a service brand practical examination has shown that the work of
staff necessary to deliver the best and a high-quality service. In1995,
the staff of the airlines remunerated $60,000 to express thanks to
Herb Kelleher, the CEO to an advertisement in USA in Today which
for the victory of the corporation. Link between happy and satisfied
employees and happy and satisfied customers is shown very nicely by
Southwest Airlines. Highest levels of growth and customer loyalty
with the least employee turnover and least number of absentees can
be seen in the example of British Bank branches.
The focus should permeate on a customer-centred
organization so that the promise to consumers becomes subsequent
character for every staff. The expansion of an authentic service
customs is not at all easy and neither it is quick, nevertheless
organizations have been appropriately remunerated that have conquer
this confront. At SAS, the growth of a service culture, for e.g., added
to success of the firm from a loss making company. By looking into
the matter of employment, supervision and maintain services firms
can design a more customer-centric service custom, which is
considered obvious for delivering time and again high-quality
services to the customers and for making winning service brands.
It is quite significant that customers not only comprehend but
also appreciate their roles, they are accepting and carry out their
responsibilities effectively; or else the brand will deteriorate because
of their obvious dissatisfaction and this happens when the service
presentation requires a high level of consumer participation.
Customers at IKEA store are taken for granted to take measurements
of the chosen piece of furniture and then they have to assemble these
pieces and all this is mentioned at the entrance with simple to read
large signs.
The role staff plays while delivery of service plays a very
important part in building the image of the brand this has been shown
in the previous, whereas this part focuses on the expansion of the
service brand by the customers themselves. The customers
contribution in the delivery of the service this is how a customer
assess a service brand.
In insurance and banking sectors for instance, customers’
participation is quite high and they make input in the service creation
which is through giving information about their belongings. The level
of consumer involvement varies across services. In service segments
such as airlines and fast-food restaurants, the level of customer
involvement is low, as all that is necessary is the customer’s physical
being there and the staffs of the organization carries out the whole
service. When customers are extremely involved in the service, for
example contributing in Weight Watchers, they require being fully
dedicated and vigorously participating.
The customers are satisfied particularly when the problem is rectified
by the service provider. This happens because when the service
provided is not good enough the customer feels responsible as he was
actively-involved. The customer not only uses the service but also
creates it and for this they are enthusiastically involved too, this is the
philosophy of The IKEA. It is considered that customers are more
satisfied when they feel that they have also played an important part
in receiving service. Customers not only give time and attempt but
also erstwhile contribution for the workout of the service plus they
can be considered as a creative resource and even can be taken as half
employees of the service firm. The evaluation of the service brand is
influenced by the significance and quality provided by the customer
and this is how he creates an image of the brand.
Organizations can put into practice diverse strategies to
involve customers in the delivering of the service, which be able to
categorised into three factors:
 Defining the part played by consumers;
 Consumers Recruitment, rewarding and educating them;
 How to Manage the customer mix;
For example, major airlines are very concious about the
importance to diverse segments. The benefita that the consumers can
get from their contribution are very well communicated by the brands
such as First Direct. With the efficient mixture of management and
the consumers those experience concurrently the facility, the service
brands can be made stronger. A process of recruitment, reward and
education should be gone through the customer just like a new
company employee for effective customer participation. Before the
customer get remunerated with the easy right to make use of financial
services the customer is first recruited, given information about the
services and also given official training.
Strong service brands can be made through precisely defined
actions and also through harmonized offerings and in these cases, the
role of the customers are tremendously limited and they are austerely
involved in the delivery process of service. Companies like business
schools and health clubs, have more customized offerings and can
develop a higher levels of customer participation. As customers
hardly see the service giver’s amenities and have very very concise
telephone get in touch with its
workforce so some well-built companies like DHL and Federal
Express are made on small customer participation. By understanding
the customer’s ‘work’ the organization requires to decide the
consumer involvement intensity.
A well-protected and well-managed brand rapidly becomes the most
precious intellectual property asset in a company and can add
radically to the commercial worth of the business when you sell or
seek additional investment in it.
Taking a company's current position as an opening point, we
can investigate the market-space where they plan to do selling and
recognize a position and advance to company that will stand out from
the rivalry now and into the future.
Our role is to direct the proprietor/management panel in their
choice of position; their role is to direct the brand, handle business
expansion and defend this invaluable positive feature by taking
actions that carefully counterpart their position and offer with what
their consumers desire and need.
There are characteristically five key initial features that should be
1. Investigate the business's present market, competitors,
fashions and NPD opportunities
2. Build up the brand outline, model and position
3. Build up the communications strategy
4. Build up the brand identity
5. Build up the suitable brand marketing collateral (packaging,
website, print collateral, advertising, online and offline
promotional campaigns, etc.)
Conclusion of the process proprietors or management should have a
much understandable position of where they stand up in their markets
and what works greatest for their brand, chiefly in terms of how to
describe, expand and produce their market and in the end generate a
profitable return again and again while maintaining a competitive
Service Sector:
Service sector, also known as tertiary sector, is the third one
out of the three economic sectors. The rest of the two are the primary
sectors, which wraps up areas such as mining, farming and fishing;
and the secondary sector which wraps up manufacturing
and producing things. The service sector makes available a service,
not a tangible product that you can hold in your hand. Service sector
comprise of retail, hotels, banks, real estate, health, social work,
education, recreation, media, communications, computer services,
gas, electricity and water supply.
Services Marketing:
A part of marketing is Services’ marketing, which can be
divided into the two major areas of goods marketing (which
comprises the marketing of fast moving consumer goods (FMCG)
and durables) and services marketing. Business to business (B2B)
service, and consist of marketing of services like financial services,
all types of hospitality services, air travel, car rental services,
telecommunications services, professional services and health care
services and Services’ marketing characteristically refers to both
business to consumer (B2C).
Consumers anticipate value from right to use to goods, labour,
facilities, professional skills, systems, and networks in replace for
money, time, and effort, service; but they do not usually take
possession of any of the physical essentials involved. Services are
(generally) intangible economic activities presented by one person to
other person. Again and again time-based, services carried out bring
about required results to receivers, objects, or other assets for which
buyers have liability.
Brand Positioning Questions:
Brand Focus:
Case Studies:
Case Study on idea cellular
The case study method of research is an experiential inquiry that
examines a modern occurrence contained by its original context; and
when the margins between these phenomenons and their background
are not precisely obvious; and in this manifold source of proofs are
used. This is defined by researcher Robert K. Yin
Social scientists, specifically, have prepared wide application
to examine this qualitative research method with existing original
incidences and given the basis for the execution of inspirations and
expansion of methods. Case study as a research stands out at making
us to knowledge of a difficult situation or issues and can expand
knowledge or insert power to know what was previously known
during preceding study. Case studies highlight comprehensive
appropriate investigation of a less number of actions or circumstances
and their associations. Many researchers have been using this case
study method of research for numerous years from corner to corner
an array of regulations.
Brand: scholars like Cutler in the year 2007 defined what is a
brand as: “a name, term or phrase, logo, sign, symbol, design or
combination of them intended to introduce the products or services
which one vendor or a group of vendors offer and distinguish them
from other competing companies”. Aaker in the year 2004 considered
brand “a symbol which is conjoined with various mental assets and
commitments and aims at presenting and distinguishing a product”.
Kapferer in the year 1997 stated: “One word or a symbol summarizes
an idea, a sentence and a long list of attributes, values and ethics of a
product or service. Brand is an abstract of identity, authenticity,
features and differences.”
Brand Positioning Questions:
Start by asking yourself few questions to recognize what are your
goals for your brand. You may learn afterward through your market
investigate that your primary
goals are completely off track. This gives you the chance to revise
your goals so they’re practical and achievable. Following are some of
the questions to get you started:
What do you desire your brand to be recognized for among your
target customers? If you can own a precise word or advantage in
customers’ minds, you’ve strike the brand positioning bonanza.
What can you give that competitors cannot do as well as you can?
This is your forte and the basis of a well-built brand position.
Does your preferred brand position counterpart your overall
business goals and vision? Perplexity is a brand’s most horrible
Are your brand goals practical? For example, targeting the market
leader without adequate funds to back up the attempt is a recipe for
Do you have the essential funds to dedicate to growing your
brand position? Brand positions cannot be owned immediately. It
acquires time and money to own a position in customers’ minds,
predominantly if you’re entering a well settled market. You also need
to think about the money required to continue your brand’s position
once you profitably establish it.
Are you thinking of long-term goals? Short-term goal setting is too
temporary for brand positioning growth. You can hold up your brand
position with temporary tactics, but an influential brand position must
be able to raise, get bigger, and enlarge well into the future.
Brand Focus:
It’s significant to comprehend that alert brands are powerful brands.
Your brand situation needs to be highly alert for best results. For
example, if we look at the AXE brand position focused or common?
There is no hesitation what the AXE brand stands for in customers’
Customers’ minds are flooded with messages every day, making
brains very muddled places. There is no time to arrange through weak
messages or find one’s way out of an untidy heap of confusing
messages. Focus is most important to brand success. [24]
With this in mind, focus on the 10 subsequent areas as you build up
your brand position:

Your position should distinguish your brand.

Your position should influence and in the end consumer
perceptions should match your brand.
Your position should recognize your brand’s exclusive value to
Your brand position must be credible.
Your brand position should be steady in all areas of your
Your brand position should be simple to understand.
Your brand position should be sturdy enough to hold up
competitor counter-attacks.
Your position should match your brand pledge, brand character,
and brand picture.
Your brand position should be hard to copy.
Your brand should be positioned for long-standing success,
changes, expansions, and growth.
Case Studies:
Let us go through number of case studies to strengthen and achieve
our objectives for the study. We have studied around 50 cases to
support our study and to come to the conclusion.
Airtel Branding
In the beginning due to far above the ground tariff rates cellular
players had to enforce high call charges on their consumers and the
handsets were expensive. Naturally, they targeted the cream of the
crop, up market professionals and entrepreneurs as consumers. Airtel
was placed as an inspirational and lifestyle brand.
It was inclined not merely as a mobile service, but also as something
that gave customer a badge worth. The Brand was developed to bring
leadership in network, novelties, offerings and services. The taglines
like “Airtel celebrates the spirit of leadership”; and “The first choice
of the corporate leaders”; highlighted that attitude. The ‘Leadership’
campaign was reportedly unbeaten and resulted in a trivial
improvement in Airtel performance.

It was pragmatic through market surveys that the idea of leadership

was undergoing an alteration resulting in it being a reasonable
success. Hence Bharti Company decided to ‘humanize’ the brand
‘Airtel’ to increase competitive advantage. In august 2000 Bharti
company launched its new ‘Touch Tomorrow’ campaign which
intended at strengthening its association with its consumers and make
the brand ‘softer’ to provide service to a wide variety of people from
corner to corner of the society. The Company implemented three-tier
brand architecture to get bigger its ‘Touch Point’ network.
The focus now was on the never-ending possibilities of technology to
make life good quality and advertising turned out to be two-pronged:
a product-driven message that showcased new contributions like the
Magic prepaid card, and an emotional communication that
demonstrated younger people. Airtel logo is a tough, modern, a
positive symbol of a brand that is always in front of the rest, always
‘In-touch’ and on consumer’s side. The title case lettering with its
capital ‘A’ strengthens our leadership position. The red dot prompts
in our focus on modernization.
Airtel signed music composer A R Rahman in 2002 and changed its
tune to; “Live every moment”: But that was just a part of the ongoing
communication process.
The following year Airtel accepted the; “Express yourself”; positioning,
which is also its present tagline. Now, the emotional angle was major -
and stark, black and white imagery to position out in what was
becoming a highly commoditized, packed market.
Youth icons like Shahrukh khan and Sachin were taken in as brand
ambassadors to draw youngsters. To validate taglines, TV ad
campaigns were launched. [26]
Case Study on idea cellular:
The case looks at the advertising strategies of Idea Cellular, one of
the leading telecom service providers in India. It tells how Idea
promoted its services from several innovative ads through variety of
media similar to TV, print, out-of-home, and radio. Idea had not
endorsed any celebrity to support its services till late 2007, in
comparison to its competitors.
Although, when Idea extended its geographical presence to wrap
several telecom circles in India, it asked film star Abhishek Bachchan
to support its brand in October 2007. Idea's emphasis in its
advertisements also changed from highlighting its tariff plans and
network coverage to use mobile telephony to resolve social issues.
Idea also introduced several websites to hold up its ads based on
social issues.
Idea also engaged with cricket team Indian Premier League and
renowned players were also taken to endorse the brand. Idea chose to
support its brand where as its competitors emphasized on supporting
their value added services and tariff plans.
NDTV Tech Life Awards2, in May 2009 gave Idea advertisement
featured by Abhishek Bachchan, ‘Best celebrity endorsement award’.
On getting the award, Abhishek Bachchan said," The IDEA
campaign bears a socially applicable message in today's commercial
atmosphere and the luminous concept of encouraging mutual
communication between the government and public has connected
with millions of people across India."
Idea had chosen Abhishek Bachchan as its brand ambassador in
October 2007. Advertising agency Lowe Lintas (Lowe), which
designed ad campaigns for Idea since the late 1990s, made new
campaigns after Abishek Bachchan was hired.
These campaigns were based on social issues that people of India
could solve using mobile telephony which were highly praised for
their creativity. Idea's advertisements
had emphasized on its network coverage and promotional packages
before Abhishek Bachchan was hired as its brand ambassador. The
company made use of its brand name 'Idea' in its advertisement.
According to advertising specialists, Idea benefited very little from
brand recall in the initial years after its initiation. It had increased on
that front by using its brand name in innovative and meaningful
slogans that finished off in its ads, making perfect sense.
Experts felt that using Abhishek Bachchan, was one of the reasons
for the noteworthy progress in Idea's brand recall.

Defining Research Objective
Developing Research Plan
Research Approach
Research Instrument:
Questionnaires Are Of Two Types
Research Methodology
Research Methodology is way to systematically solve the research
problem. In it we study the various steps that are generally
adopted by a researcher in studying his research problem along
with logic behind them .We also need to understand the
assumption underlying various techniques and procedures will be
applicable to certain problems and other will not. So it is
necessary for us to design methodology for the problem as it
differs from problem. So research methodology is not only
method research but also logic behind the methods we use in
context of our research study and explain why we are using a
particular method or technique and why we are not using others
so that research results are capable of being evaluated.
Marketing research is the systematic design, collection,
analysis and reporting of data and findings relevant to specific
marketing situation facing the company. An effective marketing
research involves following five steps in a sequential manner.
 Defining the research objective
 Developing research plan
 Collecting the information
 Analyze the information
 Present the findings
Objective is the main theme of in which is my job is based.
Research is a good planning of facilities and welfare measure of
procedure to Telecommunication Sector compete in the
market. The objective of the project should be very precise; it
should neither be very broad nor be very narrow.

For this research I defined the following objective:-

 To study the satisfaction level of employees with respect to
their Telecommunication Sector compete in the market
in Patna Plant and to suggest measures to strengthen this
 What are things still to be satisfy facilities to the employees
of Telecommunication Sector compete in the market
The research plan is the main body or you can call the blue print
in which we carry the research. The research plans consist of data
sources, research approaches, research instruments, sampling plan
and contact methods.
Primary Data:-
Primary data are the data gathered for the specific research project
and are directly taken from the very source of information.
i. Personal Interview with the Employees of
Telecommunication Sector compete in the market.
ii. Responses of Employees through Questionnaire.
Secondary Data:-
Secondary data are the data, which already exists and were
collected for some other purpose or for similar previous studies.
Secondary data were proved to be instrumental in structuring the
questions to be asked for collecting primary data.
I. Various books on human Resources
II. Website of Telecommunication Sector compete in the
market, fed.co.in
III. Telecommunication Sector compete in the market documents
and magazines.
IV. Journals

Primary data can be collected in several different ways these
methods of collecting primary data are called research
approaches. Research approaches are of following types:-
 Observational research
 Focus group research
 Survey research
 Experimental research
 Behavioral data research
For this project the survey research method was adopted, and a
survey was conducted in which employees were interviewed to
know how far employees are satisfied of Telecommunication
Sector compete in the market.
The two main research instruments in collecting primary data are:
A. Personnel Interview
B. Questionnaire
Personnel Interview:
It is one of the important sources to collect primary data.
Through personnel interview interviewer can ask question
according to Telecommunication Sector compete in the market
research requirement. Data which is collect by personnel
interview is more reliable than other sources.
Questionnaires consist of a set of questions presented to the
respondent for their answer. Because of its flexibility the
questionnaire is by far the most common instrument used to
gather primary data. Questionnaire needs to be carefully
developed and tested before they are actually used on a large


a) Open ended questionnaire
It consists of open ended questions that allow the
respondent to
answer in their own words. Such questionnaires revel more
they do not constraint respondent's answers.
b) Closed ended questionnaire
This questionnaire consists of questions that pre-specified
all the
Possible answers, tabulation and interpretation of such
Questionnaires are easier as compare to open ended
Scale: 5- point scale.
Simple random sampling is the one which ensures elimination of
bias & estimation of sampling errors. Here we have used
summated (or likert- type scale) which consists of a number of
statements that expresses either a favorable or an unfavorable
attitude towards the given object to which the respondent is asked
to react. The respondent indicates his agreement or disagreement
with each statement in the instrument. Each response is given a
numerical score, indicating its favorableness or unfavourableness,
and the score is totaled to measure the respondent’s attitude. In
other words, the overall score represents the respondent’s position
on the continuum of favorable-unfavourableness towards an issue.
After deciding on research and research instrument the researcher
must design a sampling plan. This plan calls for three decisions.
Sample population
It is segment to Executive class and Non-executive class
employees of Telecommunication Sector compete in the
a) Sampling frame
Since the manpower of Telecommunication Sector compete in
the market in Patna Plant is 1600(approx) of different grades, so
the sample frame is obtained accordingly.
b) Sampling unit
The sample unit consists of all Executives and Non Executives of
Telecommunication Sector compete in the market Patna Plant.
c) Sample size
Large sample gives more reliable results than small samples.
However it is not necessary to sample the entire population or
even asubstantial portion to achieve reliable result. After
considering time constraint and cost effectiveness for the project
total 60 peoples are surveyed.
Place of Information:- Telecommunication Sector compete in
the market Patna Plant

Data Analysis &

Method of data analysis:

1. Graphical technique - perpetual mapping
2. Study which has been considered has used - Binomial test and
Mann - Whitney test
In this study we have gone through 50 case studies and we the results
that we got have been presented in the form of different graphs,
tables and maps, etc.
We begin with case wise analysis that we have gathered from various
secondary resources (Case Studies).
Airtel believes in one should always think in brand new and novel
ways about the requirements of our consumers and how the company
wants them to feel. Airtel delivers what they promise and go out of
their way to give enjoyment the consumer with a little bit more.
Results of Airtel successful branding are as follows:
Fig [3]
Fig [4]
Idea Cellular’s Growth:

India's third biggest mobile operator is none other than Idea Cellular. Due to its unique
positioning and distinguished branding campaigns, Idea is one of the most renowned
brands in its category. [72] Fig [5]

Sobhit Khare, one of the telecom analyst said, "Idea Cellular maintains to have one of the
finest balance sheets in the industry and is the only corporation that is making free cash
flows after regulating for expenses on capex". He features this to the Idea's top
management, financial conservatism.
"The corporation never went to the extremes’ in capex in new circles and was
conventional while bidding for 3G spectrum in 2010. It left out Delhi and Mumbai,
focusing in its place on cheaper circles. So its influence never went to alarming levels,"
says Khare.

Idea's whole investment in 3G spectrum was Rs 5,800 crore, which is less than half that of
Bharti Airtel (Rs 12,300 crore) and Vodafone (Rs 11,600 crore). But Idea got hit for its jump.
Data revenues currently account for 9 per cent of its sum of mobile revenues - the
same as Bharti Airtel. Beginning as a regional operator, Idea extended gradually and
captured market share from competitors. It is currently the third largest operator with its
Revenue Market Share (RMS) of 16.2 per cent, in comparison to 9 per cent at the time of
its preliminary public offer in 2007. Idea is also the largest beneficiary of mobile number
portability (MNP), with almost a quarter of most subscribers adopting MNP having
selected Idea over others. [72]
Vodafone’s Growth:

Financial Data On this graph we can see a positive growth of a revenue percentage for
four quarters of the year. [73] Fig [6]
Reliance Communications Growth:
The total Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Subscriber Base reached 73.37
million during in the month of Feb09 as in opposition to 67.39 million at the end of
March 2008. The yearly growth of 8.39% was seen during the period March 08 to Feb
09. Reliance remains the largest Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) mobile
operator with 57% market share and is followed by Tata Teleservices with 33% market
share and BSNL with subscriber base of 6% market share. BSNL in Kolkata & Punjab
reported negative growth. [75] Fig [8]
Aircel Company’s Standing: [76] Fig [9]
Fig [10]

HDFC’s Growth:

With its plans of repeated growth of digital channel services and the corporeal channel
network, and its contribution of all products in all branches, the bank is making sure that
it is capable to optimize its sharing network. And with technology incorporation at the
backend coupled with digital enablement of processes, the bank expects to achieve
noteworthy consumer centricity to uphold its competitive edge even with the rising new
players in the industry.

“HDFC Bank will carry on being at the forefront of the curve in using technology in the
Indian market. We mean to use technology as a distinguished for consumer experience
and to substantially decrease costs,” said Zaveri. [44]

Comparative Return on Assets of Indian Banks, 2013–2015: Fig [11]

Development of the bank’s distribution network and the resulting consumer acquisition
has helped the bank to observe a stable growth in income. The bank at present has only
12% of its dealings in branches evaluated to 21% through ATMs and 63% via the internet
and mobile phones, representing its success in shifting transactions from costly brick and
mortar to digital. A strong augmentation in retail business was seen in the previous
financial year with retail deposits rising by 23% and retail advances rising by 17%. Fig
ICICI Bank Positioning: [45] Fig [13]
Axis Bank
Axis Bank is one of the very few clean (in terms of asset book), fast growing, profitable,
and competitive private-sector banks in India; therefore it will be a main beneficiary of
the favorable banking environment. The Indian banking sector is in a sugary spot:
customer and corporate lending is strong, asset quality is getting better and fee-income
chances are growing. We expect these favorable surroundings to continue in the medium
term but distinguish that a key challenge for banks will be funding expansion. Looking at
its profile, we believe Axis Bank stands to gain excessively from existing opportunities in
the sector. The bank has strong expertise in technology & products, an increasing
distribution franchise, sufficient scale, a strong service environment and management
enterprise, features that should help it continue ahead of the leading government banks to
win market share. Private players such as Axis Bank that give a multitude of delivery
channels and have an incorporated technology platform which could potentially achieve
similar distribution reach in the top 200 cities in comparison to government banks with
substantially fewer branches. With an existence in the top 150 cities, I think Axis Bank is
nicely positioned to rapidly harvest the benefits of the extended reach by scaling up its
retail venture. [46]
Net Income [77]
Hotel Industry

Taj Group of Hotels: Fig [16]

Positioning Strategy of Oberoi Hotels:

POSITIONING STRATEGY: The Oberoi Hotels are positioned as

more than five star hotels, business traveler's hotel, strategically
located and presenting a high level of personal service. Their
emphasis is on offering their guests added value and differentiating
themselves in their levels of personal service. They provide an
excellent hotel experience where guests are valued, respected and
their corporate is truly appreciated. [78]

If forecaster has it correct, as well as all the rest, then good

positioning is only one aspect--although an important one--of
establishing a brand. A position is a psychological space that can be
engaged with an idea--a convincing and exclusive benefit--that
actually matters to the target audience. With some hard work, time
and money, you can assert a position by time and again
communicating an idea that has significance to the target audience.
In today’s highly cut-throat business atmosphere corporate function
in markets that are disjointed and over loaded with offerings.
Creating a noteworthy degree of difference over a competitor is a
task that every strong brands face. But how does one attain such an
advantage? Marketing managers and advertisers aim to attain such an
advantage for their brand and do so by putting into practice a solid
brand positioning strategy.
Brand positioning looks for to make an exclusive place in the minds
of the target market by suitably designing the company’s offerings
and picture. In general, properly positioning a brand would lead to
the conception of a value proposition that would in tune to the needs
of the target market. It motivates customers to buy the product or use
the services offered by the brand.
To better comprehend brand positioning, it is necessary to make a
difference between intended, actual and perceived positioning. As the
name tells, intended positioning is how a corporation intends to be
perceived by the target audience. Actual positioning is the positioning
details actually offered to the target market. It refers to how the
intended positioning is put into action and is done through a variety
of marketing communication tools, but mainly through advertising.
Finally, customers may make their own readings about the brand
based on their perceptions of the real positioning and this is called
perceived positioning.
A business may choose to position its brand based on diverse
positional bases. These bases can be listed as concrete brand
positioning bases and abstract brand positioning bases. Concrete
brand positioning bases are more connected to the product itself,
whereas abstract positioning bases are connected to the indirect
benefits to the customers and their values. Most company’s brands
fall under one main positional base, however, it is likely for the brand
positioning strategy to include of a set of positional bases.
Branding is about generating a message, making sure you
viewers perceive it the manner you want to and remaining steady
with a voice or quality of communication - the brand manual is your
rule book for the task in front of you.
Consumers’ predilections are expected to be created by brand
positioning and itis important to build consumer loyalty. Developing
a great brand requires an immense amount of work and brand
positioning is a very important task for marketers. The rationale
being, it has consumers’ perceptions and selection as its central
feature. However, exercising carefulness in its implementation should
be the most significant rule, because if it is not done precisely, it also
has the probability to be the downfall of a brand.
Annexure - I

This survey is conducted as a part of the MBA Project. I am completing at

provided by you in the survey will be used for academic purpose only.
Information will be strictly confidential.
Please complete the following questions to reflect your opinions as
accurately as possible and to answer factual questions to the best of your
knowledge. You can provide your comments wherever necessary Please be
as kind as to answer all questions.
In advance I sincerely thank you for your time.

 Please mention your gender (male/female)?

Male Female

Please mention
Your annual income range?
No Income Up to 50000
50 to 1 lakh 1 to 3 lakh
3 to 6 lakh 6 to 9 lakh
Above 9 lakh

1. Companies have to necessarily focus their internet Marketing based

on the gender difference so as to increase the turnover.
Strongly agree Agree
Agree to some extent Undecided
Disagree to some extent Disagree
Strongly disagree

2. Consumers have to pay import duty directly or indirectly in their

respective countries and this prevents them from indulging in internet
Strongly agree Agree
Agree to some extent Undecided
Disagree to some extent Disagree
Strongly disagree

3. 3 party internet marketing service is more suitable than company
running internet marketing campaign on its own.
Strongly agree Agree
Agree to some extent Undecided
Disagree to some extent Disagree
Strongly disagree
4. Irrespective of product / service internet marketing is useful
Strongly agree Agree
Agree to some extent Undecided
Disagree to some extent Disagree
Strongly disagree

5. Only for selected products and services internet marketing

will be successful.
Strongly agree Agree
Agree to some extent Undecided
Disagree to some extent Disagree
Strongly disagree

6. Companies use internet marketing for one or more of the

following reasons mentioned below
1. Wider reach
2. Additional revenue
3. To counter Market pressure
4. Management policy

Rank them according to order of preference, if you think none

of them are the reasons please mention other reasons:

7. Internet marketing will surely grow

Strongly agree Agree
Agree to some extent Undecided
Disagree to some extent Disagree
Strongly disagree

8. Internet marketing will grow due to one or more of the

following reasons
1. Internet and mobile users are growing
2. Television will also be internet based
3. Everything going the personalized marketing way
4. Traditional marketing costs are growing
5. Ease of tracking success of failure
6. Easy accessibility to products from any part of the world

Rank them according to order of preference, if you think

none of them are the reasons please mentioning other

9. It is immaterial whether it is industrial products /

consumer products, internet marketing can be used
Strongly agree Agree
Agree to some extent Undecided
Disagree to some extent Disagree
Strongly disagree
10. Virtual world internet advertising campaigns such as Second Life
are the future trend for internet marketing
Strongly agree Agree
Agree to some extent Undecided
Disagree to some extent Disagree
Strongly disagree

11. Internet marketing is not a revenue earner

Strongly agree Agree
Agree to some extent Undecided
Disagree to some extent Disagree
Strongly disagree

12. Payment frauds are unavoidable in internet marketing, in Spite of this

internet marketing will grow.
Strongly agree Agree
Agree to some extent Undecided
Disagree to some extent Disagree
Strongly disagree

13. Traditional marketing is more reliable than internet marketing

Strongly agree Agree
Agree to some extent Undecided
Disagree to some extent Disagree
Strongly disagree

14. Reliability of the country is very important for success of

internet marketing
Strongly agree Agree
Agree to some extent Undecided
Disagree to some extent Disagree
Strongly disagree

15. Companies have to use the following internet marketing schemes to

be successful today
1. Search engine marketing
2. Viral marketing
3. Blog marketing
4. Video advertising
5. Email marketing
6. Affiliate marketing
Rank them according to order of preference, if you think none
of them are successful approaches please mention Other that
you prefer:
16. From now on companies will spend more on internet marketing than
on traditional marketing.
Strongly agree Agree
Agree to some extent Undecided
Disagree to some extent Disagree
Strongly disagree

17. Internet marketing focused on geographical regions only can

generate more revenue.
Strongly agree Agree
Agree to some extent Undecided
Disagree to some extent Disagree
Strongly disagree

18. 3 party internet marketing agencies are more suitable than direct
marketing done by the company itself.
Strongly agree Agree
Agree to some extent Undecided
Disagree to some extent Disagree
Strongly disagree

19. Many of 3 party internet marketing provide only junk traffic which
has a negative impact on the growth of internet marketing
Strongly agree Agree
Agree to some extent Undecided
Disagree to some extent Disagree
Strongly disagree
20. 3 party agency will only generate better revenue than the direct
internet marketing by company.
Strongly agree Agree
Agree to some extent Undecided
Disagree to some extent Disagree
Strongly disagree

21. Online support is an important factor to make internet

marketing a success?
Strongly agree Agree
Agree to some extent Undecided
Disagree to some extent Disagree
Strongly disagree

22. More one friendly, better key word matches will drive the future of
search engine marketing
Strongly agree Agree
Agree to some extent Undecided
Disagree to some extent Disagree
Strongly disagree


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