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The magazine covers a wide range of topics related to electronics design including projects, new products, techniques and general discussions.

Topics covered include projects, new products, techniques, discussions on various electronics topics like ESP32, Raspberry Pi, sensors and more.

The author discusses how learning electronics involved interacting with others at electronics stores and discussing projects. He notes the lack of such social interaction nowadays.

Edition 2/2018 | March & April 2018



Design Contest 2018
Platino “Fits-All”
Serial Bus Tester
Debug serial comms issues
with ease

in prizes
* or equivalent in £ / US$

submit your application
from LED Lamps and win!
Fourteen examples compared
BASIC and the Embedded World • Chimes for the Elektor Sand Clock • A Cloud
in the Shape of a Raspberry • Current Transformer for Oscilloscopes • DCF77
Emulator with ESP8266 • Electromagnetic Interference from LED Lamps •
Elektor Store • Elektor Video Olympics • Engraving Machines under Test • Err-
lectronics • ESP32 Design Contest 2018 • ESP32 Low Power • From Russia with
Love • Hexadoku • Homelab Helicopter • Internet Censorship during the Catalan
Referendum • KiCAD • Measurement Data Acquisition via USB • Multi-Timer •
Platino “Fits-All” Serial Bus Tester • Powerbank Surprise • Q & A: Nixie tubes •
Remote Water Level Meter • Retronics: HP650A Test Oscillator (ca. 1948) • RF
RF Power Meter Power Meter • A Simple Digital Audio Amplifier • Soft Start for PSU • Supercaps
For measurements • Tektronix Readout System • Temperature Logger Hack • Timers for the Wi-Fi
up to 10 GHz Desktop Thermostat • Universal USB Charge Controller Chip • … and more
Elektor Magazine
Edition 2/2018
Volume 44, No. 488
March & April 2018

ISSN 1757-0875 (UK / US / ROW distribution)


Solid advice
Elektor Magazine, English edition
is published 6 times a year by

Elektor International Media

78 York Street Trade shows like embedded world and electronica are rare opportunities for me to have
London W1H 1DP
a chat with an Elektor reader. Provided the talk is technical, such conversations tend to
United Kingdom
Phone: (+44) (0)20 7692 8344 attract other participants and it is gratifying to see engineers at ease with exchanging
tech information as well as respecting mutual viewpoints and preferences. By contrast,
Head Office:
especially younger electronics enthusiasts appear to be in danger of becoming socially
Elektor International Media b.v.
isolated because so many things can be done they believe with just a laptop and a pizza
PO Box 11
NL-6114-ZG Susteren as companions in their quest for quick & cheap circuit design and YouTube glory.
The Netherlands
Now although the laptop is a great tool and an absolutely essential investment, in terms
Phone: (+31) 46 4389444
Fax: (+31) 46 4370161 of conversation it will only beep at you occasionally, or produce blue screens and arcane
error codes. Electronics is learned from manuals, publications, components trays and
people. Give it a try, with some exceptions you will find people friendlier, more forgiving
Please use London address and inspiring than the average laptop on WiFi and with an array of CAD tools installed.
E-mail: [email protected]
Another great place to learn about electronics in a very practical way seems to have dis-
appeared completely, at least in the Western world: the electronic parts retail shop, where
free classes were taught in compotalk, like trannies, O/P and I/P, duds, caps, HT (high
Advertising & Sponsoring: tension), DOA (dead on arrival), toasted, unobtanium, geranium, and the plans. Ironically
Margriet Debeij some of these terms still pop up in newsgroup messages where they add decorum to the
Phone: +49 170 5505 396
writer. In the past, in the local electronics store, it was not exceptional for shoppers wait-
E-mail: [email protected]
ing to be served to exchange tech advice or plain gossip like projects from a certain mag-
azine that were “never any good”, or “sure that’s a direct equivalent — just a bit larger”.
Advertising rates and terms available on Despite the much larger volume of tech talk on electronics going on these days in news-
groups and forums, from the tone of some of the messages there I get the impression that
the contributors lack the spirit of those that enabled electronics as a pastime to coexist
cheerfully with all things professional.
Copyright Notice
The circuits described in this magazine are for domes- Jan Buiting, Editor-in-Chief
tic and educational use only. All drawings, photographs,
printed circuit board layouts, programmed integrated
circuits, disks, CD-ROMs, DVDs, software carriers, and
article texts published in our books and magazines
(other than third-party advertisements) are copyright
Elektor International Media b.v. and may not be repro-
duced or transmitted in any form or by any means, The Circuit
including photocopying, scanning and recording, in
whole or in part without prior written permission from Editor-in-Chief: Jan Buiting
the Publisher. Such written permission must also be Deputy Editors: Thijs Beckers, Clemens Valens
obtained before any part of this publication is stored Translators: David Ashton, Jan Buiting, Martin Cooke,
in a retrieval system of any nature. Patent protection
Ken Cox, Arthur deBeun, Andrew Emmerson,
may exist in respect of circuits, devices, components
etc. described in this magazine. The Publisher does Tony Marsden, Mark Owen, Julian Rivers
not accept responsibility for failing to identify such Membership Manager: Raoul Morreau
patent(s) or other protection. The Publisher disclaims International Editorial Staff: Thijs Beckers, Mariline Thiebaut-Brodier
any responsibility for the safe and proper function
Denis Meyer, Jens Nickel
of reader-assembled projects based upon or from
schematics, descriptions or information published in or Laboratory Staff: Ton Giesberts, Luc Lemmens,
in relation with Elektor magazine. Clemens Valens, Jan Visser
Graphic Design & Prepress: Giel Dols
© Elektor International Media b.v. 2018
Publisher: Don Akkermans
Printed in the Netherlands

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 3

This Edition
A Cloud in the
Volume 44 – Edition 2/2018
No. 488 March & April 2018

Regulars Shape of a
21 Peculiar Parts, the series
Tektronix Readout System
48 Q & A
Everything (almost) you need to know
about Nixie tubes install a cloud
61 Homelab Helicopter
Remarkable items spotted for the home
electronics enthusiast
in your living room
80 Tips & Tricks
Temperature Logger hack
122 Err-lectronics
Corrections, Feedback and Updates on
Electromagnetic Interference
projects published from LED Lamps
123 Retronics:
HP650A Test Oscillator (ca. 1948)
Fourteen examples compared

From ‘boat anchor’ to pristine sine-wave For more than a hundred years
‘artificial light’ has almost
126 Elektor Ethics
exclusively meant incandescent
Internet Censorship
lamps. However, the relatively
during the Catalan Referendum
low output of incandescent
128 Elektor Store lamps has been criticized and
has ultimately led to their
130 Hexadoku
being banned in the EU. Low-
The original Elektorized Sudoku
energy fluorescent lamps are
certainly more efficient, but they
do not work well when turned on

Features and off frequently, and they contain

not exactly ecologically-friendly quantities
of mercury. As LED lamps become cheaper to buy
it seems that semiconductor-based lighting is the ideal
6 Elektor Video Olympics replacement. So that’s all good then. Or is it?
... and the winners are...
12 Electromagnetic Interference
from LED Lamps
Fourteen examples compared

30 STORE Highlight: From Russia with Love
400+ circuits on 400 pages
51 Engraving Machines under Test
Are low-cost laser engravers from China Projects
good value for money?
60 ESP32 Design Contest 2018 8 Universal USB Charge Controller Chip
Participate in the contest! No microcontroller, just 6 pins
64 KiCAD 22 DCF77 Emulator with ESP8266
Community-powered PCB design Replace over-air time by Internet time
94 Supercaps 26 Multi-Timer
Low voltage but lots of current… or not? Switches up to 16 channels

98 Powerbank Surprise 32 ESP32 Low Power
ri £ / US$
Is there a design fault?

in qp
Programming the ULP coprocessor

* or e

4 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com


86 Platino “Fits-All” Serial Bus Tester

Debug serial comms issues with ease

100 Timers for the Wi-Fi Desktop Thermostat
Seven channels with atomic accuracy
103 A Simple Digital Audio Amplifier
Using a CMOS IC in an analogue circuit
106 Measurement Data Acquisition via USB
For heating system optimization

112 BASIC and the Embedded World
Set to work with a PICAXE
RF Power Meter 116 Current Transformer for Oscilloscopes
Potential-free (floating) measurement
For measurements up to 10 GHz using current clamp techniques
Radio remote controls for model aircraft
and similar devices are rightly subject to
strict regulations. They govern not only
the transmit frequency, but also (and
primarily) the transmitter power
output. With the RF power meter
described here, you can easily Next Editions
check how much power
you are transmitting,
at frequencies up to Elektor Magazine 3/2018
10 GHz. Cross-Platform Basic-Compilers • LoRa Telemetry Pro-
jects • Floranium • Interference from LED Strings •
DAB/DAB+ Radio with RTL-SDR (RTL2832U) • Analogue
alternating linear LED Fader • Universal I2C Bus Isola-
tor and Level Adapter • Audio DAC Update • GPS-based
10MHz Reference • CPLD DIL Board • Remembering the

Elektor Magazine edition 3 / 2018 covering May and June is

published around 12 April 2018. Delivery of printed copies
to Elektor Gold Members is subject to transport.
Contents and article titles subject to change.

Design Elektor Business Edition 2/2018

Contest 2018
Elektor Business Edition issue 2 / 2018 has a focus on
39 Chimes for the Elektor Sand Clock Industry 4.0 and Automation. Among the contribu-
Shake, rattle and beep tors are companies and research institutions including
Microchip, Mathworks, Atollic, AEG Power Solutions, Uni-
42 RF Power Meter
tronic, LoRa Alliance, SecureRF, OSRAM, and Avnet Silica.
For measurements up to 10 GHz
Plus you’ll find fresh instalments of all the EBM regulars
56 Soft Start for PSU like Infographics, Operation Marketing, Our Business,
Be nice to your power supply — and its load and Business Store.
72 A Cloud in the Shape of a Raspberry

Elektor Business Edition issue 2 / 2018 is published on
Install a cloud in your living room
11 April 2018 to Elektor Gold members in print, and Elektor Green
82 Remote Water Level Meter members as a pdf download. The edition is also available for
For a precious commodity purchase at www.elektormagazine.com.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 5

Elektor Video Olympics
...and the

In the September & October 2017 issue of Elektor we announced, with high expectations, the Elektor Video
Olympics — and challenged all Elektorians to make a video about an Elektor project and send it in. To make it
especially attractive for participants we also organised a number of spectacular prizes...

Now, were we surprised! We received a total of, count them, award the first (and biggest) three from the available prizes
an unbelievable four (say, four!) entries, one of which we – it was originally the intention of the jury to make their
had to disqualify immediately (see below). Apparently Elek- selection from those fifteen entries that received the most
tor readers rather spend time with a soldering iron than ‘likes’. After considerable deliberation the Jury has decided
with a video camera. to award the prizes as follows:
Considering the low response rate it was decided to only

Grand prize
The entry ‘Direct Current Traction — Elektor Teslameter on Traction’ from Mark van Helvoort (Netherlands)
has been viewed more than 1000 times. In this video Mark demonstrates that the Dutch trains, which run
on direct current, can cause interference in other circuits and
devices. He used the Elektor Teslameter for this, which was
published in the January 1997 issue of Elektor. By the way,
the Grand Prize is a Dremel 3D Idea Builder 3D40, a fancy
3D-printer with a retail value of €1449.

Grand prize: https://youtu.be/ZWnuH0qdly0

6 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

First prize
The entry from Alexander Becker (Austria) about his Elektor Preamp
has been viewed more than 550 times. In this video Mark shows how
he built his high-end Elektor preamplifier (of which the first
instalment was published in the April 2012 issue of Elektor)
and provided it with a few useful additions. The Jury was
particularly impressed with the exemplary manner in which
the preamplifier was built. The first prize is a
Picoscope 2208B 100-MHz oscilloscope
with a retail value of €1099.

First prize: https://youtu.be/3TOsPorZKx4

Second prize
In his video ‘Elektor Scherzartikel’ Rainer Schuster (Germany) takes a
closer look at a few of the famous (or infamous) ‘joke circuits’ that the
Elektor editors used in the seventies and eighties of the previous
century to liven-up the annual Summer Circuits editions. The
entry from Rainer has been viewed more than 400 times.
Especially our Retronics editor Jan Buiting was enamoured by
this entry. And for
those that do not
recall: the second
prize is a LabNation
SmartScope Maker Kit
with a retail value of

Second prize: https://youtu.be/2f75lK12Wjo


Employees of Elektor and their families are obviously excluded

from participating. Nevertheless our lab guru Clemens Valens
made a video which was mainly intended as inspiration for
potential participants, and in which Darth Vader (of all people)
praises the virtues of the MicroTesla Music Synthesizer (from
the January/February 2018 issue) – complete with music and
titles à la Star Wars.

This (otherwise very good) Darth Vader impersonation

was disqualified — https://youtu.be/I2Lc8gIPMWk

All employees from Elektor wish the winners much enjoyment with their prizes!
No correspondence will be entered into about the outcome.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 7


Universal USB Charge

Controller Chip
No microcontroller, just 6 pins
By Tam Hanna (Slovakia)

When designing systems with microcontrollers, SoCs, LCDs and touch screens it’s often useful to incorporate
a cheap Tablet or smartphone. In this sort of setup you need to think about power provision to keep the
smart device charged up. Anyone starting out to make their own charger soon learns that it’s not so simple.
Just connecting the charger output to ground and +5 V pins of the USB socket isn’t enough. There are at
least half a dozen different charging specifications. When the charger doesn’t provide the necessary states on
the USB data lines the charging process fails. Help is at hand in the form of a tiny chip with 6 legs.

Building your own 5 V charger for mobile devices is not quite Specification chaos
as easy as you may think. Mobile devices are really fussy about When designing a charger it is not such a sensible approach
how the charger responds to them; they expect more than just to build one that only conforms to the appropriate charging
regulated power at 5 V. It’s a triumph of common sense that specification for the smart device you happen to be using at
today almost all mobile devices can be charged from a standard the moment. The device can quickly become obsolete; you
5 V USB charger (see the collection in Figure 1), but nowadays, replace it with a new device and find that the old charger is
in addition to power, the USB data lines must also be correctly incompatible. It’s much better when you can design an (almost)
terminated by the charger or the mobile device will refuse to universal charger, able to provide the correct electrical signa-
charge. As can be seen in Figure 2 some manufacturers have tures and charge any mobile device.
their own ideas about how the data lines must be terminated There are different ways in which such an intelligent USB char-
which is not especially helpful and just adds to the confusion. ger can be built without using a dedicated microcontroller.

3V6 5V0 5V0 5V0


300k 75k0 5k1 (min)

D+ ~ 0V22 D+ 2V D+ 3V3 D+


14k25 to 24k8 49k9 10k


3V6 5V0 5V0


300k 43k2 (for 1A) 5k1
75k0 (for 0A5)
D– ~ 0V22 D– 2V7 / 2V D– 3V3 D–


14k25 to 24k8 49k9 10k (min)

Figure 1. A collection of USB chargers. Clockwise from upper left: Apple Figure 2. Take your pick: Manufacturers have their own ideas how the
10-W iPad charger, Apple 5-W iPhone charger, Logitech 5-W charger, USB data lines should be terminated.
Noname 5-W charger.

8 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

Technical Data
• Charge current: 1 A (5 W) and 2 A (10 W)
• Voltage: 5 V
• Specification: DCP Version 1.2
• IC outline: SMD SOT23, 6-pin.

According to the DCP specification — here in the Dedicated

Charging Port 1.2 version — it is necessary to terminate the
two USB differential data lines in the dedicated charging port
according to Figure 3. This illustrates the interaction between
the mobile device on the left side and the DCP-standard com-
patible charger on the right.
What’s frustrating is not all manufacturers stick to this speci-
fication, some choose their own standard: Apple for example
use a special voltage divider network (Figure 2). Without the
specified voltage levels on the data lines the charging process
does not even begin. The official reason for Apple’s approach
is to protect the end user and their equipment from any dam-
age which may be caused by the use of uncertified chargers.

It only takes 6 pins

Texas Instruments already have an impressively wide range of
devices and chips useful for power supply control applications.
It shouldn’t have been a surprise to find that TI also has a Figure 3. A mobile device (left) hooked up to a DCP compliant charge port
solution to this particular problem: Tiny chips of the TPS251X (right). image: USB Implementers Forum [1].
series. These are specifically designed for USB applications and
connect to the two data lines. At power-up the chip uses an
auto-detect feature to monitor the USB data line voltage and
automatically provides the correct electrical signatures on the 5W USB Charger 10W USB Charger
data lines to charge compliant mobile devices.
5V0 5V0
From the technical point of view there really isn’t any design
work required to incorporate this chip into a USB charger design.
USB Connector

USB Connector
If you plan to use it in your own design it’s sufficient to know DM1 6
DM1 6

TPS2513, TPS2513,
that it supplies signals on the data lines to tell the mobile device TPS2514 D+ TPS2514 D+
DP1 1 DP1 1
whether the charger is capable of supplying 5 watts (standard GND GND
charge) or 10 watts (power charge) to the device (Figure 4).
The TPS251xx series of devices only connect to the USB data
lines so the data sheet does not go into any detail about
charging voltage or current limiting. TI also produces the Figure 4. Depending on the connection the IC indicates to the mobile
TPS2561A dual-channel power distribution switch which may device if the charger can supply 5 or 10 watts.
also be a device worth considering for any engineer working
on a USB charger design. This connects to the USB power pin
and switches the charging current. Further details of its appli-
cation are outside the scope of this article. In our case the
general rule is: The charger must be capable of supplying the
corresponding power level (as indicated by the TPS251x) to
charge the mobile device.

The chip has just 6 legs and is only available from TI in an
SMD SOT23 package. Its tiny size makes it difficult to work
with in a prototyping environment. The best solution is to fix
the chip to a small break-out board so you can plug it in and
out without worrying about re-soldering, solder splashes and
short circuits. The author used a standard adapter board from
Aries (Figure 5).
The next step is to mount the module onto perf board using
two 3-way female header strips then fit the USB socket. Note Figure 5. Break-out-board for the SOT23 SMD-package from Aries fitted
that most USB sockets have mounting tabs requiring larger with the IC from TI.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 9

holes so that they fit through the PCB. The tabs are usually
part of the connector shielding and can be soldered to a ground IC options
connection. Using these tabs makes the socket mounting more Texas Instruments offers four different ICs in its TPS251xx
secure and less likely to be pulled out; just for prototyping the family of devices. The TPS2513x version can support two
author decided not to bother with them. USB ports, while the TPS2514x version handles one port.
And so to the electronics: The use of a ceramic capacitor Versions with an A suffix or no suffix support different
between the ‘D+’ and ‘D–’ pins is recommended in the TI voltage divider options; some smartphones and tablets
data sheet for this device. This helps reduce any voltage spikes can accept a 12-watt charge which is supported by the A
that may occur when the charger is plugged into the device. series. A more detailed description of the chip’s properties
Now you need a good quality power supply; the author is using can be found in the corresponding data sheet [2].
an HP6624A here. The output voltage is set to 5.0 V with a
current limit of 3 A. In view of the levels of current the cables
will be carrying it is important not to use long lengths of thin
cable otherwise the losses generated in the cable will be too Volt Required Operating
Range for CDP Must Cross
big. When necessary you may need to up the voltage slightly
to 5.1 V but don’t go any higher! Now it’s time to try it out 5.0 Allowed
with some mobile devices.
First off the author plugged in a BlackBerry Q10: this device Must Not
4.0 Cross
has a reputation for being fussy about the charger. At plug-in
it displayed a message that the charging cable was unsuitable Allowed
for the BlackBerry Q10 and therefore it could only be slow- 3.0
charged. This message however disappeared after one or two turned
seconds and the current meter on the power supply registered
1 A. Despite the message, it had definitely switched to fast 2.0

charge mode.
Continuous Current
Next the author tried a Kindle Fire, the supply current read- 1.0 Regulation Allowed
ing between 1.6 and 1.8 A indicated that the Kindle was also VBUS
Current-Limit Trip
happy with the power offered by the charger. off Operation Allowed
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0.5
Troubleshooting Ampere
Circuits that include USB port connections can be a source
of trouble. Often the problem can be traced back to the rela- Figure 6. Template showing specified charging parameters for a USB
tively tight specification regarding USB voltage levels. Charging charger.
in power mode passes 2 A which can produce unacceptable
voltage drops through flaky connectors, thin PCB tracks and
skinny cables.
For his application it was important from the point-of-view of
Kick out the terminal blocks! system future-proofing and flexibility that the charger design
Use a terminal block in the USB wiring hookup and you will was compatible with the widest possible range of connected
introduce a voltage drop of a few hundred millivolts when the hardware. Incorporating a TI TRS-251xx series of charger port
charge current ramps up to fast charge mode. The device on controllers into a USB charger design ensures it will be com-
charge will recognize the voltage drop and switch to slow-charge patible with all the most important industry standards.
mode or stop charging altogether (see Figure 6).
Use good quality cables
Web Links
One of my niggles is the poor quality of many MicroUSB cables.
Long thin cables introduce too much voltage drop which causes [1] http://composter.com.ua/documents/BC1.2_FINAL.pdf
the device to switch to slow-charge mode. [2] http://goo.gl/wxSyJV

When designing a USB charger just for one specific piece of
equipment you may not consider it worthwhile to incorporate
a dedicated charging port controller such as the TI TPS251xx.
As was pointed out in the beginning, the extra work required
to incorporate the chip into the design is not too onerous and
these chips are priced at around €2, which is not excessive.
What you gain is greater flexibility and a charger with more
universal application. For the author it proved a worthwhile
from the store
investment in the system design he is currently developing. ªUSB breakout board for Experimenting with USB
The setup uses a process computer to transfer information to www.elektor.com/usb-breakout
a standard tablet via Wi-Fi.

10 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

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from LED Lamps
Fourteen examples compared
By Alfred Rosenkränzer (Germany)

12 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

For more than a hundred years ‘artificial light’ has almost exclusively meant
incandescent lamps. However, the relatively low output of incandescent lamps has been
criticized and has ultimately led to their being banned in the EU. Low-energy fluorescent
lamps are certainly more efficient, but they do not work well when turned on and off
frequently, and they contain not exactly ecologically-friendly quantities of mercury. As
LED lamps become cheaper to buy it seems that semiconductor-based lighting is the
ideal replacement. So that’s all good then. Or is it?

Well, it depends: there have been reports of LED

lamps causing electromagnetic interference. Rea-
son enough for Elektor to try to get to the bot-
tom of things.

As suggested above, low-energy fluorescent

lamps enjoyed only a few brief moments
of popularity. Their toxic chemical content
is indeed a problem; but so is the quality
of the light produced, and more particularly
their behaviour when turned on: it takes
some time after power is applied before
the bulb reaches full brightness.
It is also far from ideal that the
service life of the bulbs is con-
siderably reduced if they are
turned on and off frequently.
Low-energy fluorescents
have almost disappeared
from the market now, as
LED lamps have increased
in efficiency and light out-
put and fallen significantly
in price. LED lamps are also
available in a very wide range
of shapes, socket configura-
tions and colour tempera-
tures. They usually
reach full brightness
immediately they
are switched on,
they are hardly,
if at all, affected
by being turned
on and off fre-
q u e n t l y, a n d
(apart from a
few dodgy ultra-
low-cost exam-
ples) their service life
is pleasingly long. LED
lamps are thus both ecolog-
ically and economically sound. So
it would seem on the face of it that all our problems are
solved and we can turn our attention to other matters.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 13

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Table 1. List of lamps tested.

# Manufacturer Type Power Output (lm) Efficiency (lm/W) Weight Flicker f1 VHF SW
0 Osram Incandescent bulb 60.0 W 710 11.8 23 g yes      
1 Osram AB48940 9.5 W 806 84.8 43 g ―      
2 Blaupunkt ILUA70-16WB B P 16.0 W 1521 95.1 72 g ―      
3 Philips A60 7W12430 7.0 W 806 115.1 41 g slight      
4 Müller Licht 400006 5.5 W 470 85.5 34 g yes      
5 Müller Licht Retro LED 400223 4.0 W 470 117.5 17 g ―      
6 Osram LED Star Classic A60 7.0 W 806 115.1 29 g ―      
7 Toom G60 10.0 W 806 80.6 63 g ―      
8 Opple LED-EG50-E27 6.5 W 470 72.3 82 g ―      
9 Sygonix TLK-A60-806PM 9.5 W 806 84.8 94 g ―      
10 IKEA Ryet 1000 11.5 W 1000 87.0 72 g ―      
11 IKEA LEDARE 600 8.6 W 600 69.8 78 g yes      
12 IKEA Ryet 400 5.0 W 400 80.0 40 g ―      
13 IKEA LEDARE 1000 13.0 W 1000 76.9 122 g yes      
14 B1 LED lamp 8.8 W 806 91.6 52 g ―      

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Signs of trouble? German ‘Stiftung Warentest’ consumer 14 lamps provide a sample of the market,
At the beginning of September 2017 product testing organization also looked and include products from well-known
Elektor received a report from a mem- at LED lamps, but not with regard to companies, ‘no name’ brands and the DIY
ber of the German amateur radio club electromagnetic interference. And so it shed’s own-brand products. The sam-
DARC that suggested that significantly falls to Elektor to look at the question in ple is not fully representative but never-
increased levels of electromagnetic inter- more detail: in this article we will take a theless provides a good cross-section of
ference affecting broadcast radio, ama- closer look at 14 LED lamps, and give a what it is possible to buy today. Table 1
teur radio and WLAN signals could be brief guide to how you can find out for gives a list of the lamps we examined,
traced to LED lamps. We took up the yourself to what extent your own LED the main characteristics of each, and a
issue in an article online [1]. The Ger- lamps are polluting the ether, without qualitative indication of the results of our
man-language version of this article the use of large banks of test equipment. testing as a colour (green=good, yel-
alone attracted over 100 000 clicks. low=OK, orange=fair, red=poor).
At the end of 2016 the club published Procedure Of course there is still a lot more to be
on its website a list of various manufac- First we visited IKEA, our local DIY shed, said. Because anyone interested in elec-
turers’ LED lamps along with spectral and the Internet, purchasing a total of tronics will (rightly enough) be keen to
plots [2], and the October 2017 issue of 13 different LED lamps with E27 fittings. know more about the whys and where-
the club magazine ‘CQ DL’ included an To them we added a further lamp sup- fores of our testing, the following pages
article describing the measurements. The plied by an interested colleague. These give more background regarding the mea-

14 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

surement techniques we used, including strips sold for DIY applications generally
some sample oscilloscope traces. consist of groups of three LEDs plus one
protection resistor in series, the groups
Interference being wired in parallel across the 12-V
First we should look at how various kinds supply. These strips dissipate about 20 %
of interference can arise. The power net- of the power consumed as heat in the
works in Europe supply approximately resistors.
sinusoidal AC at a voltage of 230 Veff On the other hand it should be said that
and a frequency of 50 Hz: in other words, the direct operation on LEDs at constant
we should expect a low-frequency sig- voltage in this way, although subopti-
nal without any significant harmonics mally efficient, has impeccable creden-
to cause interference. In reality, how- tials from the viewpoint of electromag-
ever, there are dimmers, electric motors, netic interference. The arrangement
switching power supplies in PCs and other causes no distortions to current wave-
devices to contend with, which, in con- forms and therefore generates no RF.
Figure 1. Innards of a low-cost LED lamp:
junction with the resistive and inductive However, LED lamp manufacturers are
dropper capacitor, diode, filter capacitor and
components of the household wiring, keen to make the most efficient devices discharge resistor. The silk screen legend gives
conspire to distort the pure sinewave to possible, and to do this they have to it away: 7 W, not the claimed 10 W!
a greater or lesser extent. The result is a eschew the simple series resistor in favor
spectrum containing harmonics extend- of switching power supply techniques.
ing into the high-frequency RF bands. And that is where the problems start.
In turn this affects other devices that cies are in the range from 30 kHz to
depend on interference-free radio sig- AC line operation 100 kHz: the fundamental and second
nals to transmit and receive information. First we should mention an exception to harmonic thus have fairly low frequency
This includes broadcast radio receivers the discussion below. In the article ‘Let in RF terms. The signal driving the trans-
and amateur radio transceivers, to name There Be LED’ in the January & Febru- former, however, is far from a sinewave:
just two categories. ary 2016 issue of Elektor [3] Thomas it is more like a squarewave with very
In lower-tech days there were fewer Scherer looked at the LED shown in Fig- fast edges. The fast switching edges
sources of interference. The good ure 1, which was advertised as a 10-watt mean that the RF spectrum includes
old-fashioned incandescent bulb is basi- bulb. Had it not fallen to pieces inside many higher harmonics of the switch-
cally just an ohmic piece of resistance its box during shipping, he would not ing frequency at considerable power. Fast
wire, passing a sinusoidal current without have noticed what a strange product he switching is good for the efficiency of the
distorting it. The humble incandescent had acquired: not only had the switching circuit, and a higher switching frequency
bulb would also never be party to such power supply been dispensed with and is good for the mechanical design, as it
dirty tricks as phase shifting or the like replaced with a series capacitor, but it allows a smaller transformer to be used.
at any point in its brief existence. also became apparent that the lamp was Unfortunately both these pressures act
However, the situation with LED lamps in fact only a 7 W model. The advan- to increase the level of RF interference.
is completely different. It is well known tage of these economies was that the Filtering to try to attenuate the inter-
that LEDs should be operated at a con- lamp produced hardly any electromag- ference adds to circuit complexity and
stant current because, like all semicon- netic interference. The same approach hence cost, and negates the advantage
ductor diodes, they exhibit a rather low is used in modern imitation ‘filament’ of a physically smaller circuit design; for
differential resistance in the neighbour- lamps, which are in fact made from long this reason, many designs only feature
hood of the nominal forward operating rows of LEDs arranged to look like ret- limited filtering.
current, and their forward voltage has a ro-style incandescent bulbs.
negative temperature coefficient. In the Some 90 % of all LED lamps, however, Test and measurement
simplest designs both these effects can contain a full switching power supply that To make sure that we exercised the var-
be smoothed out by the use of a series delivers at its output a constant current ious lamps under identical conditions
resistor in conjunction with a higher sup- suitable for the series string of LEDs, we set up a test environment. The first
ply voltage than is strictly necessary. At typically either a small number of power stage, as is apparent from Figure 2, is to
its nominal operating current the for- LEDs or a large number of smaller LEDs. isolate the set-up from the mains supply
ward voltage of a white high-power LED The circuit works as follows. As in any using a transformer: this helps protect
is around 3.3 V. For example, it is pos- ordinary switching supply, the AC line both the test equipment and its opera-
sible to use a series resistor to operate input is first rectified and then smoothed tor. The four taps on the secondary side
such an LED simply and safely from a using a high-voltage electrolytic capac- of the transformer, at 15 V intervals,
5-V voltage source. However, in this sim- itor. The resulting DC voltage is then let us test whether the lamp brightness
ple configuration around one third of the electronically ‘chopped up’ and fed to a varies significantly with changes in the
power consumed by the circuit is dissi- small transformer. The current flowing supply voltage.
pated in the series resistor as heat, and from the output of the transformer is The ground of the circuit is connected to
so it is only suitable for driving smaller measured and used as feedback to the mains earth so that it can in turn be con-
LEDs, for example those used as indi- electronics that controls the switching nected to the ground of an oscilloscope.
cators. Beware, however, that the LED transistor. Typical switching frequen- The current through the LED lamp is mea-

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 15

draw of the lamp: we also want to exam-
ine its spectrum.
245V In order to clearly identify our 14 LED
230V lamps (plus the incandescent bulb we
are using as a reference) we have num-
50 Voltage
bered them as listed in Table 1 and these
transformer small LED numbers are used to label our figures and
transformer lamp
screenshots. The photos in the page bor-
ders show the sample lamps we tested.

0V Current waveforms
1 Magnetic
field As an experimental control we measured
the waveform of the current drawn by a
60 W incandescent bulb. We do not have

GND a photo of the lamp itself, but the plots
PE Current
show us what to expect from an inter-
ference-free lamp. Even when the mains
voltage waveform is slightly distorted,
we can see from the voltage (purple)
Figure 2. Test set-up for measuring LED lamps.
and current (yellow) traces in Figure 3
that there is no interference. The trace
sured using a 1 Ω shunt resistor, with a Our arrangement allows us to measure colour scheme is the same in the plots for
further 50 Ω resistor providing impedance current and voltage waveforms safely the LED lamps in Figure 4 to Figure 17.
matching to the connected BNC cable. A and accurately. But we want to go fur- The current waveforms immediately pro-
small mains transformer in parallel with ther than that: we add a suitable receiver vide us with our first surprise. The first
the LED lamp provides a stepped-down coil to measure the stray magnetic field lamp we tested (see Figure 4) exhibits
voltage on its secondary side proportional and an antenna for the electromagnetic sharp current spikes in its current wave-
to the supply voltage. This allows us to field. We will look at these latter two form near the extremes of the voltage
measure interference on the voltage sig- measurements in more detail below. waveform, rather than a smooth sinusoi-
nal, and in particular provides a conve- We are not just interested in the dal or trapezoidal shape. The needle-like
nient way to trigger the oscilloscope. time-domain behaviour of the current spikes correspond to the points in time

Figure 3. Current and voltage traces from the Figure 4. Current and voltage traces from Figure 5. Current and voltage traces from
incandescent bulb. lamp 1. lamp 2. Oh dear!

Figure 6. Current and voltage traces from Figure 7. Current and voltage traces from Figure 8. Current and voltage traces from
lamp 3. lamp 4. lamp 5.

16 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

where the smoothing capacitor is charged form for lamp 1 looks bad, you will find slight phase shift. The electronics in these
back to its peak value. The following rel- Figure 5 a sight for sore eyes. In addi- devices must be charging the smooth-
atively flat region of current consump- tion to the charging curve that we saw ing capacitor at a reasonably constant
tion, which looks like the seat of a chair, for lamp 1, there is also a large num- (and therefore low) current, beginning
corresponds to the current drawn by the ber of very sharp spikes with an ampli- when the supply voltage reaches just a
LEDs while the smoothed voltage is rela- tude easily double that of the charging few tens of volts and lasting for a corre-
tively constant. Once the supply voltage spikes. It doesn’t look great. And indeed, spondingly long fraction of the half-cy-
falls sufficiently the circuit is powered as Table 1 reveals, this is among the cle. The period where no current flows
only from the smoothing capacitor, and worst of the lamps we tested. is very brief. In RF terms the perfor-
no current flows from the mains until the The general shape of the current wave- mance of lamp 13 is excellent: practi-
mains voltage again exceeds the capac- form for lamp 1 is also seen in the cally no interference. Lamp 11 is nearly
itor voltage, during the next half-cycle. traces for lamps 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, as good, and IKEA could claim two top
A glance at Table 1 shows that this lamp 12 and 14. However, take a look at Fig- spots if the nasty little spikes visible in
does generate some interference in the ure 14 and Figure 16 (lamps 11 and 13 Figure 14 were eliminated. It would seem
VHF band, even though the current wave- respectively). The current waveform has that IKEA is purchases devices from more
form looks relatively smooth. no charging peak: it is just a relatively than one supplier.
However, if you think the current wave- smooth, roughly trapezoidal curve with a Figure 10 paints a more ambiguous pic-

Figure 9. Current and voltage traces from Figure 10. Current and voltage traces from Figure 11. Current and voltage traces from
lamp 6. lamp 7. lamp 8.

Figure 12. Current and voltage traces from Figure 13. Current and voltage traces from Figure 14. Current and voltage traces from
lamp 9. lamp 10. lamp 11.

Figure 15. Current and voltage traces from Figure 16. Current and voltage traces from Figure 17. Current and voltage traces from
lamp 12. lamp 13. lamp 14.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 17

lamps. Perhaps a good idea with a poor to rise, but it remains below –80 dBm.
implementation? The sharp edges to Spectral plots obtained from other lamps
the waveforms suggest that we should are similar in appearance and do not pro-
expect some RF interference, and indeed vide much in the way of further insight,
this lamp from IKEA receives an orange although lamp 12 distinguishes itself by
warning in Table 1, the second worst having a noise floor some 8 dBm higher
interferer in our tests. than its companions.
You may be wondering: what about the
Current with 8-s persistence spectrum from lamp 2? Figure 21 reveals
Because the spikes are understandably the awful truth: interference at powers of
responsible for the majority of the inter- up to –43 dBm. Even the internal switch-
ference, it is helpful to look at the cur- ing frequency is drowned out in the sea
Figure 18. Current trace with persistence rent waveform with persistence enabled of broadband RF noise. It’s hardly sur-
enabled: lamp 11. on the oscilloscope. This makes the nar- prising that a lamp like this makes radio
row spikes much bolder and so easier to reception nearby practically impossible.
see. The comparatively innocent-looking
spikes in Figure 14 are thus transformed Low-frequency magnetic fields
into the forest shown in Figure 18. It is Figure 22 shows the test set-up to mea-
now clearer why lamp 11 generates so sure magnetic fields at frequencies from
much interference. 10 kHz to 1 MHz. The magnetic field sen-
Just as dramatic an effect is seen with sor is an off-the-shelf 68-μH ferrite-core
lamp 2. Figure 19 shows an impressively coil mounted 5 cm from the lamp under
uniform series of spikes at all points test. As always lamp 1 behaves in an
along the current waveform. exemplary fashion, and Figure 23 shows
the clean magnetic spectrum measured
Current spectrum from lamp 10. The fundamental of the
Our next step was to measure the spec- switching frequency is hardly visible, and
Figure 19. Current trace with persistence trum of the current draw using a Sig- at higher frequencies the level of inter-
enabled: lamp 2. nal Hound type USB-SA44B analyzer. ference is pleasingly low. As before, the
A 220-nF capacitor was used to block green curve shows the measured back-
ture. It appears that the lamp charges the DC component of the signal, and in ground signal with the lamp switched off
its smoothing capacitor when the volt- combination with the 50 Ω termination as a reference.
age reaches about half its peak value, impedance forms a high-pass filter with Turning to the bad boys: the results
both starting and stopping suddenly; a cutoff frequency of around 15 kHz. This from lamp 12 shown in Figure 24 reveal
in between there is a further charging is a convenient way to achieve consider- an array of harmonics across the entire
spike as we saw in many of the other able attenuation of the 50 Hz and 100 Hz measured bandwidth. And, as might be
components, as well as their first few expected, lamp 2 (results in Figure 25)
harmonics. The addition of a Mini Cir- steals the show from a magnetic point
cuits FTB-1-6 balun, with an operating of view.
frequency range of 10 kHz to 125 MHz, Incidentally, lamps 5 and 6 show almost
galvanically isolates the instrument from no stray magnetic field, which is proba-
the test rig. bly because, as mentioned earlier, they
When making measurements with the do not contain switching power supplies.
analyzer it is always a good idea to drive
it from a laptop running off its battery. High-frequency magnetic fields
The power supply in a desktop PC that Our investigations into magnetic fields
we tried using created a large amount did not stop at 1 MHz: we also examined
of interference, both radiated and con- the spectrum from 1 MHz all the way
Figure 20. Current spectrum for lamp 1.
ducted, that upset the measurements. out to 110 MHz. For this experiment we
We examined the spectrum from 10 kHz replaced the ferrite-core coil with a more
to 1 MHz: at higher frequencies we did suitable air-core coil of five turns on a
not observe any significant power. 3-cm diameter. With the lamp turned
In the spectral plots the green curve off we observed a spike at 24 MHz: bear
shows for reference the background noise that in mind when looking at the spec-
measured by the test rig with the LED not tral plots.
supplied with power. The spectral plot for The results from lamp 10 (Figure 26)
lamp 1, shown in Figure 20, is interest- and lamp 13 (Figure 27) are particularly
ing: there is a clear peak at 44.76 kHz noteworthy. From Figure 26 we see that
(the lamp’s internal switching frequency) lamp 10 produces broadband magnetic
Figure 21. Current spectrum for lamp 2. No and its harmonics. Above the fourth har- interference but at a low enough level not
surprises there! monic the background noise level starts to disturb other equipment. More wor-

18 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

rying is lamp 13, which shows a con- to receive broadcast stations on a radio
siderable level of interference between placed near to this lamp.
14 MHz and 17 MHz. And, as ever, lamp 2
is pretty bad: even the background spike Miscellanea
at 24 MHz does not make it through the When changing lamps in the test rig it
noise it produces, as shown in Figure 28. became apparent that the lamps differed
considerably from one another in weight.
Electromagnetic interference Since the fitting and envelope presum-
It is also important to find out what we ably weigh much the same in each case,
can pick up in the way of electromag- and the electronics and LED (apart from
netic interference using an antenna. any heatsink) are fairly light, it must be
For these experiments we used a 50 cm the case that the difference is down to Figure 22. A small coil mounted 5 cm from the
whip antenna mounted 50 cm from the the transformers, coils and chokes used lamp is used as a magnetic field sensor.

Figure 23. Low-frequency magnetic spectrum Figure 24. Low-frequency magnetic spectrum Figure 25. Low-frequency magnetic spectrum
from lamp 10: looks good. from lamp 12: a series of harmonics. from lamp 2: not exactly great.

Figure 26. High-frequency magnetic spectrum Figure 27. High-frequency magnetic spectrum Figure 28. High-frequency magnetic spectrum
from lamp 10: some noise at higher frequencies. from lamp 13: peaks at 14 MHz and 17 MHz. from lamp 2: it doesn’t look good.

lamp under test as a sensor, and we in the device, which in turn correlates
extended the frequency range we exam- with the effort put into the design. We
ined to 220 MHz. Although the experi- have listed the weight of each lamp in
ments were carried out in a basement Table 1: observe that lamp 5 is actually
room that provided good electromagnetic lighter than the incandescent equivalent.
attenuation, there were still background We used a photodiode to detect whether
signals at several frequencies, as shown the rectified mains frequency (100 Hz)
by the green reference line in our spec- or the switching frequency was present
tral plots. To get useful measurements in the light output of each device: the
for the better specimens among our test results are listed in the column headed Figure 29. Antenna signal near to lamp 11.
set we had to enable the preamplifier ‘Flicker’ in Table 1. Even the incandescent
on the spectrum analyzer. We then saw bulb exhibited a little flickering at 100 Hz.
some interference at 10 MHz from the The light output and power consump-
laptop’s mains power supply; unfortu- tion data in Table 1 are as given by the
nately by this point in the series of tests manufacturers, and from these we have
the machine’s battery was running low. calculated the efficiency in lm/W. The
Two of the lamps produced striking best performers here are lamp 3 and the
results. Figure 29 shows the result from two retro-style lamps, numbers 5 and 6.
lamp 11: a slightly increased level of In no case was the LED’s current wave-
interference above 100 MHz. Again, form sinusoidal. In order to verify that
lamp 2 (Figure 30) puts in the poorest the power figures correspond to reality, Figure 30. Antenna signal near to lamp 2: an
performance. It is practically impossible we tested lamp 1 with a power meter excellent generator of interference.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 19

EMI testing using a radio
In a room with modest VHF reception the story: with a shortwave receiver we
(the author’s basement) we placed a were able to repeat the test at 8 MHz.
radio about 20 cm from a LED lamp. The Here lamp 2 was the only offender; the
antenna was adjusted until the transmit- other lamps were fine. So, although this
ter could be heard without interference, test does detect the interference from
and then the LED was turned on (see lamp 2, the simple FM radio test is in fact
image). A short video of this procedure more sensitive.
can be seen on the Elektor web pages Modern times demand a modern
accompanying this article [4]. approach, and so for our third experi-
As expected, lamp 2 caused a great deal ment the author’s car radio, a DAB+
Figure 31. EMI testing using an FM radio.
of interference. Lamp 10 caused a small receiver, was pressed into service. The
amount of interference and lamps 1, 7 result of this test was that even lamp 2
and 11 very little. All the other devices mine whether an LED lamp is causing did not disturb reception, which illustrates
generated no interference at all. In order radio interference. If a portable radio is how robust the transmissions are. In FM
to hear the effect, it is necessary to listen not available, the FM radio present in mode, however, the car radio was not
close to the loudspeaker. many smartphones will do instead. An able to pick up a signal in the presence of
This simple test is surprisingly sensitive, ordinary table lamp or similar can be used lamp 2. The other lamps were not tested
and it is easy to explain to the man in the in place of the mounted socket shown. with this radio.
street how to carry it out and so deter- However, FM reception is not the end of

(a Voltcraft 4500 PRO DE). We mea- lent generator of interference and should and, if applicable, the results will appear
sured the power at 10 W rather than never have graced the supermarket shelf. in an update to this article covering a
the specified 9.5 W, which is accept- We cannot be sure, of course, whether wider range of manufacturers.
ably close. Direct calculations from the this is faulty design or whether our device (160610)
current and voltage waveforms that we is an outlier or defective. Things could
obtained, which should certainly be accu- be worse, however: see the ‘Electronic Web Links
rate enough, also indicate that there are transformers’ text box.
[1] www.elektormagazine.com/news/
no great deviations from the manufac- If you suspect that a LED lamp is caus-
turers’ claimed figures. ing radio interference, you can follow the
procedure outlined in the ‘EMI testing [2] www.darc.de/der-club/referate/emv/
Conclusion using a radio’ text box. If you discover konformitaetsmessungen/#c201092
Happily almost all the LED lamps we a rotten apple, please write to Elektor at (in German)
purchased for this test exhibit either no [email protected] with subject line ‘LED [3] www.elektormagazine.com/150577
interference or so little interference that lamp EMI’. If it is a device that has yet [4] www.elektormagazine.com/160610
it can hardly be detected. to be tested then we will pass the details
[5] www.elektormagazine.com/080691
Lamp number 2, however, is an excel- on to the author for further investigation,

Electronic transformers
Every DIY store should really put up a mal conditions for radiating interference.
sign saying ‘Beware of electronic trans- The lack of input smoothing also results
formers’. And no, we are not talking in an enormous 100 Hz component in the
about ‘robots in disguise’! No, we mean output signal: and so we have not just
the devices that are used to power 12-V interference, but an RF carrier modulated
lighting systems, using halogen spotlights six ways to Sunday by a 100-Hz tone.
and more recently spotlights and bulbs The result is a not-so-soothing hum at
employing LEDs. Considering their power the output of any nearby radio receiver.
output they are small, lightweight and Astonishingly there seems to be noth-
cheap. They contain a small switching ing illegal about this set-up, or at least
Figure 32. The spartan interior of a 12-V
power supply, but of a special design as nothing illegal about selling the compo-
electronic transformer.
you will see if you take a second look at nents: electricians will continue to blithely
the photo, which comes from an article install such systems while radio amateurs
by Thomas Scherer in the December 2008 output is a rather brutal squarewave at nearby pull their remaining hair out.
issue of Elektor [5]. 12 Veff (albeit at a frequency of 30 kHz). There is certainly scope for government
The circuit lacks a smoothing capacitor on Connect this output to some spotlights via intervention to prevent these systems
its input and a filter capacitor on its out- a few meters of unshielded cabling behind becoming more widespread.
put. The latter omission explains why the a suspended ceiling and you have opti-

20 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

Tektronix Readout System
Peculiar Parts, the series
By Neil Gruending (Canada)

Tektronix needed a
= 40% I E way to display data on
LEFT EDGE (0.5 , 0.5) the CRT for their 7000
(X = 0.1)
series analogue oscil-
loscopes but it was a
= 40% I E challenge because the
initial oscilloscopes
were analogue-only
DECIMAL BASE LINE designs. Originally they
POINT (Y = 0.1)
(0 , 0) had planned to use
fibre optics to create a
Figure 1. The readout is “drawn” using small display area next
CRT coordinates. to the CRT but then a
(Redrawn from Tekwiki [1]) Tektronix engineer
named Barrie Gilbert
had a better idea: how about drawing the characters directly
on the CRT? His prototype proved the idea so Barry went on
Tektronix 7904A readout board. The row and column decoders are on the
to design the readout system using several custom designed upper left, the timing ICs in the middle and the character generators are
integrated circuits. the right side column. (Image courtesy TekWiki)
Barrie’s solution allowed the oscilloscope plugins to use 2 resis-
tors to select the row and column of the characters to be dis-
played from an 11 × 10 matrix of available characters. Up to Please contribute your Peculiar Parts
10 characters could be arranged into a word which were then article, email [email protected]
displayed in the appropriate CRT area. Timing circuitry assigns
a timeslot to each character which is then decoded to select
the appropriate character generator IC to draw the character The triangle signal is important because it causes the CRT to
onto the CRT. The timing circuitry could also do things like pad draw lines between the points instead of them just appearing
words with zeros or skip words as well. as dots.
The character generator chips use a stroke font of sorts with The design of the character generator is also interesting because
7 strokes per character. A triangle-wave scan signal was used the emitter areas in the mask are the same for different vari-
to activate the CRT XY coordinates (Figure 1) [1] of each ations of the chip. Each area contains a number of emitters of
stroke which activates one of 8 groups of 3 transistors like in equal size that can be connected as needed by only changing
Figure 2, each biased with a constant current Ie. Two of the the metallization layers. That way the same silicon layout could
transistors provided the CRT’s X and Y current signals with be used for all of the variations.
the final transistor directing any unused current to the chip I’m impressed with what Barrie was able to implement with
substrate so that his design and fortunately there are online copies of Tektro-
nix’ excellent service manuals available for their 7000 series
Ie – Ix – Iy – Iz = 0 oscilloscopes with super detail about how the circuitry works
for your enjoyment. There’s also other excellent sources for
information like the TekWiki [2] or the TekScopes mailing list
[3]. Just remember that not all Tektronix 7000 series oscillos-
Ix copes use this design because Tektronix eventually transitioned
Iz to a digital readout circuit that was used on later models.

4 4 0 1 5 4 4 4 0 2 2 2 4 2 2 4 1 5 2 1 7 1 2 7

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Web Links

IE [1] w140.com/tekwiki/wiki/7000_series_readout_system
[2] w140.com/tekwiki/wiki/Main_Page

Figure 2. Example of a readout cell. (Redrawn from Tekwiki [1]) [3] https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/TekScopes/info

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 21


DCF77 Emulator
with ESP8266
Replace over-air time by Internet time

• Always the right time
• Internet connected
• Replaces DCF77 receiver modules
• ESP8266-based

By Massimo Fusari (Italy) & Luc Lemmens (Elektor Labs)

About twenty years ago I recycled and modernised a vintage clock with Nixie tubes built by my father in
the nineteen seventies. I replaced the digital logic by a microcontroller and used a DCF77 receiver module
instead of the original 50-Hz derived timebase.

22 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

Over many years the clock has worked works for you, or use an oscilloscope to
fine, but recently DCF77 reception in observe the output signal polarity from project information
my house has worsened due to electro- your original DCF77 receiver. DCF77
magnetic interference created by modern
ESP-01 ESP8266
switching power supplies, I suppose. So All the hard work is done by
emulator NTP Wi-Fi
I decided to replace the DCF77 receiver ReadAndDecodeTime
by some form of Network Time Protocol The program is in the shape of an Arduino entry level
(NTP) client. sketch. As is customary for these kinds
Æ intermediate level
An ESP-01 ESP8266-based module would of programs, they first execute a func-
expert level
be perfect for the job. It is cheap, pow- tion called setup and then continuously
erful, and can be easily programmed in repeat a function called loop.
Arduino style with all the benefits of open The function setup first sets up the ESP-
2 hours approx.
source libraries. The result is a DCF77 01’s inputs and outputs and it initializes
receiver emulated by an ESP-01 module some global variables. It also starts a
connected to my home Wi-Fi network. timer that fires every 100 milliseconds.
SMD soldering iron,
Only one output pin is required to drive This timer is used to produce the DCF77
the old Nixie clock. encoded bit stream (refer to the Internet
Arduino IDE
Although the idea behind this project is for the details about the DCF77 proto-
quite straightforward, the implementa- col). Finally, a connection to the Wi-Fi
tion may be a bit more elaborate. The network is established.
£14 / €15 / $16 approx.
software may need a few modifications The function loop is very simple and
to make it compatible with your DCF77 runs just once every minute. When it
clock, so Luc at Elektor Labs designed does, it either connects to the time server
a small printed circuit board (PCB) that to obtain the current time or it tries to
makes it very easy to (re)program the reconnect to the network because the
ESP-01 module if and when needed. connection was lost for some reason. values that make up a valid frame into
The circuit presented here therefore is The reason for the function loop to idle zeroes and ones at the right position in
a DCF77 emulator and ESP-01 program- is because it delegates all the hard work the frame.
mer rolled into one circuit. to the function ReadAndDecodeTime. This The 100-ms timer mentioned above calls
is the workhorse that really connects to the function DcfOut. This function reads
The hardware is simple the NTP server to request the time and the bit array filled by CalculateArray and
The schematic of the emulator (Fig- then converts it into something that can delivers the values in the shape of 100-
ure 1) isn’t particularly complex. The be easily encoded in the DCF77 format. ms (zeroes) and 200-ms (ones) pulses
ESP-01 module is represented here by The function CalculateArray is assigned on pin GPIO2.
MOD1, powered by a 3.3-V low-dropout with this task. It converts the different The conversion of NTP time to DCF77
(LDO) voltage regulator (IC1). Jumper
JP1 is available for putting the ESP-01
into programming mode.
LED1 indicates that the supply voltage is IC1
K2 LM3940 3V3 VCC
present, however since the ESP-01 has 3
its own power LED, LED1 (together with + 2
1 R1
R1) may be omitted. GND

K1, which is pin-compatible with an FTDI to DCF clock

C1 C2
cable, permits connecting a USB-to-serial LED1

converter of the 3.3 V type. 470n 100u 16V

Transistor T1 will make interfacing the
emulator to your clock slightly easier as it 100n

translates the 3.3-V level of the ESP-01’s R4 R3 R5

output to the logic voltage level of your MOD1




DCF77 clock. Collector resistor R4 may 6
be omitted if the clock at hand already T1
has a pull-up resistor at the input of the K1 47k GPIO2
6 3
DCF77 decoder. 5 BC547 TX 8
The DCF77 output signal gets inverted TX
4 RX 1
RX ESP8266
3 7
by T1, but the software fixes this. You JP1 2 GND
may need to check the documentation 1 FLASH
WiFi module

of the DCF77 receiver module in your RS232 TTL/ FDTI 1

clock to see if the output signal should 150713 - 11
be inverted or not. Of course, it is always
possible to use the good-old ‘trial and
error’ method to find out which polarity Figure 1. The intelligence of the DCF77 emulator resides in the ESP-01 Wi-Fi module.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 23

Although many parts are SMT (surface
mount technology) types, soldering and
assembling will not be too difficult.
Even though the BOM includes an 8-way
(2×4) socket strip for mounting the ESP-
01 module, to save space (height) and
improve mechanical stability it is pref-
erable to solder the ESP-01 directly on
the main PCB without this socket. You
can also temporarily mount a socket and
remove it once you are sure that every-
thing is working fine.

The sketch has to be adapted to

your setup
After assembling the board, it is time
to program the ESP-01 module with the
Arduino sketch ESP8266_NTPtoDCF avail-
able as a free download from [1]. If you
have never programmed an ESP8266-
based module before with the Arduino
Figure 2. The pulses produced by the emulator are timed perfectly. A logic one (left pulse) is
IDE, it is necessary to install the ESP8266
200 ms, a zero is 100 ms and the time between each pulse is one second.
Boards Pack age first. More on this sub-
ject can be found on [2] and many other
time might seem a trivial task but it’s minute (“At the third stroke, the time will websites, as well as in articles.
likely more complicated than you think. be…”), not the actual time. Finally, the Three things need to be set up to make
First of all, the time received from the NTP time received is probably not on a the sketch work with your DCF77 clock:
NTP server is the number of seconds minute boundary. To correct for this we
elapsed since 1900. Second, the library subtract two minutes from the received 1. the credentials for your Wi-Fi
used for time calculations uses Unix time time and send them to the clock, followed network;
— the number of seconds elapsed since by a third complete minute. This way we 2. the URI of the time server used for
1970 — so NTP time must first be con- ensure that the clock receives enough synchronization;
verted to Unix time. Third, the DCF77 data to be able to synchronize to it and 3. the polarity of the DCF77 emula-
protocol transmits the time of the next extract the correct time. tor’s output.

24 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

The ESP-01 needs to connect to your Module’ as board type and the correct
Wi-Fi network to enable it to collect time COM port number of your USB-to-serial
information from an NTP server. To make interface. Compile and upload the sketch. component list
this work the credentials for the Wi-Fi When the upload is completed open the
network must be entered at the top of ‘Serial Monitor’ in the Arduino IDE (again
the sketch: in the ‘Tools’ menu). The ESP module will
echo useful information to your computer
char ssid[] = “your_network_name”; screen to check if the DCF77 simulator is
// your network SSID (name) doing its job correctly. First it will show if
char pass[] = “network_password”; the ESP-01 is able to connect to your net-
// your network password work. If it isn’t, verify that you entered
the correct network SSID and password
The URI of the NTP time server must be in the sketch.
defined too: Once a connection has been established,
the time server is read and decoded time
const char* ntpServerName = “0.nl. information is displayed. Please note that
pool.ntp.org”; the time on your screen is two minutes
fast — this lead is needed to synchronize
In this case a server for the Dutch (NL) the DCF77 clock in time!
time zone is specified, but you may pre- If the connection to the time server is
fer another one. not made, you may have misspelled its
The polarity of the DCF77 emulator URI. Correct it in the sketch.
output signal is defined in the function Every time you make modifications to
DcfOut: the sketch it must be recompiled and
reprogrammed into the ESP-01 mod-
case 0: ule. Remember to power cycle the circuit
if (PulseArray[PulseCount]!=0) (unplug and plug K1) to put the module
digitalWrite(LedPin,0); back in programming mode.
Install the emulator in the clock
case 1:

Once the information in the Serial Mon- +
if (PulseArray[PulseCount]==1)
itor is correct, the circuit is ready to be


installed in your DCF77 clock.



Remove the programming cable from K1 T1

case 2: and open jumper JP1. Remove the old

digitalWrite(LedPin, 1); DCF77 receiver from your clock. In many

break; cases it will be a separate module with
three wires (power, 0 V and DCF77 sig-
Shown here is the active-high version nal). Connect K2 of our circuit to the now
(output normally logic low, pulses are unconnected input of the clock.
logic high). For an active-low output sig- If you want to be sure that the out-
nal (output normally logic high, pulses put of our DCF77 emulator produces a
logic low) invert the ‘0’ and the ‘1’s of valid DCF77 encoded signal, there are
the three digitalWrite commands. numerous Arduino-based (test) projects
on the Internet with DCF77 decoders.
Programming the ESP-01 We tested our prototype with the sketch
Before we continue, an important remark found at [3].
first: never connect power to K2 when (150713)
a USB-to-serial converter is powering
the circuit through K1 (or the other way
around). Disrespecting this No-No will Web Links
short two power supplies, and may dam- [1] www.elektormagazine.com/labs/
age your DCF77 clock, your computer or dcf77-emulator-with-esp8266-
both. Don’t come crying to us. elektor-labs-version-150713
Close jumper JP1 and connect a 3.3-V
FTDI-cable-compatible USB-to-serial
[2] https://github.com/esp8266/ from the store
converter between K1 and your com- ª150713-1
[3] https://arduino-hannover. bare DCF77 emulator PCB
puter. JP1 must be closed at power on to
de/2012/06/14/dcf77-empfanger- ª150445-91
switch the ESP-01 module to flash (pro-
mit-arduino-betreiben/ ESP-01 module
gramming) mode. In the Arduino IDE, on
‘Tools’ menu, select ‘Generic ESP8266 [4] www.elektormagazine.com/150713

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 25


Switches up to 16 channels
By Willem Tak (The Netherlands)

Timers — you can’t have

enough of them. Turn
on the aquarium lights,
simulate occupancy
while you’re away, heat
up a frozen pizza in time
for when you get home,
no matter what you come
up with, you can probably
do it with a timer.

A timer should be a piece of cake for the average electronics It is possible to connect a light sensor that influences the
hobbyist. But once you’ve built a few of them, you’ll be mak- behavior of the timer.
ing the same circuit over and over again for friends and fam-
ily. Not very enjoyable really, and it certainly isn’t much of a Hardware
challenge. The author therefore decided to design a timer “to The circuit for the eight-channel timer is shown in Figure 1.
end all timers” — with a predictable outcome: he is now busy This isn’t overly complex because most of the intelligence is
building the fifth or sixth one, and orders keep coming in. hidden inside the microcontroller. The author has chosen an
18F4685 for the microcontroller, mainly because of its large
To start with: eight channels RAM capacity. The microcontroller runs at 22.1184 MHz in
There are now two versions of the multi-timer: one with eight order to provide a straightforward interface to the GPS unit.
channels and one with sixteen channels. We begin with the This is an EM-408, which can be bought quite cheaply via the
first one. Each of the eight timers drives an output relay. They Internet; it is also possible to use a different receiver, such as the
can be configured independently to turn on within a 24-hour one from the Elektor Store [1]. In any case, the EM-408 requires a
period, with a minimum on-time of 1 minute and a maximum supply voltage of 3.3 V, which necessitates the use of a 74HCT00
of 23 hours and 59 minutes. level-shifter between the receiver and the microcontroller.
It is of course possible to turn on a load several times per day, The OLED display uses a standard interface, and there is no
simply by combining the outputs of several output relays. need to explain this in further detail. The brightness of the dis-
The timer always knows the correct time and date thanks to play can be adjusted using a potentiometer that is connected
the built-in GPS unit. Furthermore, each timer has a select- to the analog input of the microcontroller.
able mode whereby different switch times can be set up during A photocell (Sparkfun SEN-09088) is connected to another
the weekend. analog input; it is used to (amongst other things) turn on an
A combined rotary encoder/switch (Alps EC11B152442D) is LED when the ambient light exceeds a certain level, and turn
used for the operation and configuration of the timer. An OLED it off when it is dark. The light level at which it switches can
display completes the timer. be set using a potentiometer.

26 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

A status LED has been mounted on the board, which comes load it free of charge from the project page for this article [2].
to life when the circuit is turned on. It subsequently changes The time supplied by the GPS unit is used to ensure that the
state every time that a valid GPS string has been received. internal clock is set correctly; from then on, the timer uses its
For the actual switching of the loads we’ve used relays (Finder internal clock. The software has several routines that check that can switch a current of up to 6 A at that the internal clock doesn’t deviate (too much) from the
230 VAC. Since the outputs of the microcontroller cannot drive GPS time.
the relays directly, a ULN2803 (IC3) driver has been included. The eight timer blocks are controlled using a windowRAM of
And last, but not least, is the power supply. The timer uses a 1440 bytes in RAM. Each of these bytes corresponds to a spe-
12 V supply; this voltage is also used to power the relays. Two cific minute of the day. Each of the eight timers has one bit
three-pin switch-mode regulators turn the 12 V into a voltage reserved in this byte; a 0 in that position means that the relay
of 3.3 V for the GPS unit and a voltage of 5 V for the rest of will be turned off, a 1 ensures that it will be turned on. The
the electronics. software has a routine that converts the time into the actual
minute of the day, which is then used to access the correct
Firmware windowRAM address.
Because the author decided to put all functions into a single
microcontroller, the firmware has become quite complex — it’s The program has a large number of lookup tables — one exam-
certainly too large to print it in this magazine. If you’re inter- ple is a table that keeps track when Saturdays, Sundays and
ested in having a closer look at the firmware, you can down- holidays occur.

+12V IC6

+3V3 14
C1 GND C2 C3 7 LED1 +5V

47u 47u 47u

R11 R12


R7 R6 LCD1 17 18 19



11 32 3
1 15 4 VDD
7 16 5 OLED 12864L-SS03 GND
RA5 RC1 R/W 15
J1 P2 2 17 6 GND
+3V3 RA0 RC2 E
S1 24 16
+3V3 RC5 RES

4k7 18 IC1 19 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

23 20
1 5 21
ED VCC 9 12 22
4 IC2.C 8 IC2.D 11 26 RD3
TX 10 13 RC7 27
IC4 & & RD4
R10 4 1 29
EM408 3 6 IC2.B 3 IC2.A 25 RD6
RX 1k5 5 2 RC6 30
& & RD7
2 +12V OUT 1

10 10 RE1
RE2 +12V
+5V 9 33 1 CD+ 18
RE1 RB0 I1 O1
8 34 2 17 D1
RE0 RB1 I2 O2
R5 35 3 16
RB2 I3 O3
6 36 4 IC3 15
SEN-09088 37 5 14 8x DIODE
RB4 I5 O5
3 38 6 ULN2803 13
RA1 RB5 I6 O6
4 39 7 12 OUT 8
RA2 RB6 I7 O7
5 40 8 11
RA3 RB7 I8 O8
10k 9
12 13 14 31


X1 D2


18p 18p
150188 - 11

Figure 1. The complete hardware for the 8-channel timer.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 27

Operating instructions
This timer has so many features that we could fill a large number
of Elektor pages describing them. However, we decided against
this. Instead, a comprehensive instruction manual forms part
of the download [2].
An example of a timer completed by the author can be seen
in Figure 2.

The 16-channel version

If the eight-channel version was the timer to end all timers,
then we can safely call the sixteen-channel version the timer
to end the timer to end all timers...
But enough of the jokes — the circuit diagram for this version is
shown in Figure 3. The circuit is broadly similar to the smaller
version, although there are sufficient differences to warrant a
separate description.
As the name implies, this circuit has 16 timers that each drive
a relay. Each timer can be configured independently to turn
on within a 24-hour period, with a minimum on-time of 1 min-
ute and a maximum of 23 hours and 59 minutes. Again, we
can combine outputs so that we can program multiple switch
times for a load. The time and date are also taken from a GPS
unit. The time zone can now be configured. Each timer can be
Figure 2. A smart enclosure gives the 8-channel timer a polished look. configured so that it behaves differently during a weekend.

TSR2433 +3V3 +5V +5V
GND IC3 = 74HCT14 3
14 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4
R7 R14 VDD
C4 C5 IC3 8 a 7
+3V3 220R RX a a a a

7 6
b b b b b
47u 47u P2 18 5
2k DATA OUT c c c c c
d d d d d
K1 IC4 2
14 20 e e e e e
1 IC3.A IC3.B 1 h h h h
+5V R5 VUSB VDD f f f f f
2 15 11 1 2 3 4 10 20
D– 27R RC4/D– RC0 1 1 ENA g g
B h
B h
B h
B h
3 16
h 19
D+ 27R RC5/D+ IC1
GND R6 +5V +3V3 IC3.C IC3.D MC14489
9 R15

24 5 6 9 8 11 B1
USB R8 R9 RB3 1 1 CLK 13
R10 15


IC3.E IC3.F 16
SEN-09088 1 23 13 12 11 10 12 17
+3V3 2
RA0 PIC18F26J50 VSS OUT 16
22 +5V +5V
RB1 14 16
S1 13
P1 RC2 13 VDD 12 CHANNEL 16 RE1
J1 21 INT P7 +5V
R12 R13 RB0 14 11 CHANNEL 15
27 R16 R17 SCL P6
R11 RB6 15 10 CHANNEL 14 D1


2k7 IC5


3 P4 LED6 R18
+V 21 17 25 P3 330R
7 RC6/TX RB4/SCL 1 PCF8574 6 CHANNEL 11
IC2 20 18 26 A0 P2
GPS 4 A1 P1
1 Maestro 3
A2 P0
18 4
1650 RA2 +5V VSS
RA3 RA1 8
6 9 7

12 6 8


A0 SDA 16x LED

8 9 10 19 2 IC7 6 16 16x RESISTOR 330R

3 7 13 VDD 12 CHANNEL 8
24LC01 14
R1 R2 R3 R4 SDA P5
C1 C2 C3 4 IC6 9 CHANNEL 5
24MHz +5V P4




22p 22p 10u 1 PCF8574 6 CHANNEL 3 OUT 1
A0 P2
A1 P1
3 4 CHANNEL 1 RE16
A2 P0 +5V
8 D16

LED22 R34
150188 - 12 330R

Figure 3. The circuit for the 16-channel version looks more complex than the ‘smaller’ version, but appearances can be deceptive.

28 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

The timers are programmed using a PC or laptop via a USB circuit is powered. When a USB cable from a (running) PC or
connection. The timer has a 4-digit 7-segment LED display laptop is connected, the software will attempt to start the USB
that shows the time, as well as 16 individual LEDs that show enumeration process. When the timer has been recognized as
the status of the outputs. You can add a photocell to influence a HID, there will be an active connection to the PC/laptop. The
the behavior of (certain) timers. program Timer_16 (also part of the de download) should then
be started on the PC and you can then program the timer. The
Hardware programming interface is shown in Figure 4.
At the heart of the circuit is another microcontroller, but this
time it’s a PIC 18F26J50. As with the smaller version, it was
chosen for the large amount of RAM that it contains. The clock
frequency is 24 MHz (because of the USB connection). The GPS
unit is now a Maestro 2035, which requires a supply of 3.3 V.
It can therefore be connected directly to the RS232 lines of
the microcontroller. Regarding the RS232: a clock frequency of
24 MHz results in RS232 baud rates that deviate slightly from
their proper values, although the differences remain within the
permitted tolerances.
The photocell is connected to an analog input of the microcon-
troller; this is (also) used to drive a LED that turns on when
there is enough ambient light. The switch point can be adjusted
using a potentiometer.
A connector is provided for the USB connection to the PC/lap-
top. There is a separate connector for the 5 V power supply
for the timer. Please note that you must remove the external
5 V supply before connecting the timer to the PC/laptop when
you want to program it! The 3.3 V for the microcontroller and
Figure 4. Interface for configuring the 16-channel timer.
the GPS unit is derived from the 5 V supply by a TSR12433 (a
three-pin switch-mode converter).
The programming data for the timer (created on the PC) is
stored in an external EEPROM (a 24LC01). The PIC version used When the normal 5 V supply is connected, the enumeration
here doesn’t have an on-chip EEPROM — instead, Microchip process will obviously fail and the program will run in the mode
decided to use something called HEF (High Endurance Flash), that deals with the normal timer functions.
where part of the program memory is reserved for permanent It should be clear that the 5 V supply and the USB cable must
memory. This does result in a few disadvantages: a memory not be connected at the same time!
location needs to be wiped clear before new data can be written The rest of the firmware operates the same way as in the
to it, and this must be done in blocks of at least 1024 bytes. In 8-channel version, except that there are now two windowRAM
computer terms this process takes ages — it’s much too long blocks defined, each with 1440 bytes.
if you also need to keep a USB connection going.
Because the I2C lines of the microcontroller, which are con- Operating instructions
nected to the external EEPROM, are 5 V tolerant, they can be The 16-channel version also has more pages in its operating
connected without the need for any level converters. There are manual than we can publish in this magazine. The extensive
also two old favorites connected to the I2C bus: PCF8574 port manual is therefore part of the (free) download for this arti-
expanders. These are able to drive the relays directly (from the cle [2].
same series as those used in the 8-channel version). (150188)
The display, consisting of four standard 7-segment LED displays
with a common cathode, is driven by a MC144489 display driver
Web Links
IC. The brightness of the LED display can be adjusted using a
potentiometer that’s connected to the IC. The driver is con- [1] www.elektor.com/gps-board-eb056
trolled using three lines from the microcontroller. A 74HCT14 [2] www.elektormagazine.com/150188
level shifter is used to increase the 3.3 V level from the micro-
controller to the 5 V level required by the driver IC.

The software also turned out to be complex in this version,
since everything is taken care of by a single microcontroller.
This time the software has to perform two tasks: one part is
used for the USB connection (and hence the programming of
from the store
the timer); the other part is used to take care of all the nor- ª* 150192
GPS board
mal timer functions.
The operating mode of the timer is determined by how the

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 29

store highlight

From Russia with Love...

400+ circuits on 400 pages

By Eric Bogers (Elektor Netherlands Editor)

In the present-day, microcontroller-

driven age, it’s easy to forget
that there once was a time when
electronic circuits consisted of
discrete components that were easy
to handle and could be soldered
without specialised equipment...

therefore not much of a surprise that Elektor

published this (English-language) book for
the European market in 2017.

In 2016 father and son Shustov, during the
Fast Forward Award event at the electronica
trade show in Munich, received a prize for
their baristor (a contraction of barrier resistor),
a new component, comprising conventional parts, that beha-
Probably driven by nostalgic feelings, ves as an open-circuit below a certain voltage and as a normal
Michael Shustov and his son Andrej have put together the book resistor above that voltage (or the other way around) — see
Electronic Circuits for All, a collection of more than four hundred Figure 1. It will not be a surprise that this component recei-
small and simple circuits that use conventional (‘old-fashioned’) ves extensive coverage in the book; Figure 2 shows a typical
components — actually somewhat similar to the style of the example.
3xx Circuits series (where xx = 00 through 11) from Elektor
and with an equally varied contents: there is something for Minimalistic
everyone, including power supplies, test equipment, generators, The circuits in the book give a minimalistic impression.
filters, (tele)communications, amplifiers and security. And it is Decoupling capacitors, protection resistors or inputs of unu-

30 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

sed CMOS-gates that are connected to ground — these things
are absent. The authors have apparently sufficient confidence
in their readers that they will add these ‘automatically’. They
are therefore not real DIY schematics — after all, when we
quickly scribble something on a piece of paper we don’t always
meticulously include all these refinements...

Language use
When reading, there forms the impression that the English-lan-
guage version of the book was written or translated by some-
one who uses Russian, not English, as their native language.
Figure 1. The schematic symbol of the ‘baristor’.
Perhaps the authors have provided their own English-language
version or a translator, who goes unmentioned on the colophon
page, has worked on it — whatever the case may be, language
purists will be rubbed the wrong way from time to time, but
the mistakes (for example ‘capacity’ instead of ‘capacitance’)
and some awkward phrasings fortunately do not stand in the
way of an understanding of what has been written.

The return of the TUP and TUN

We have already mentioned that this book does remind us of
the 300-series from Elektor – and this is also true for the selec-
tion of the components. As an example, for the transistors, the
authors invariably choose the BC547 and BC557 (NPN and PNP
respectively). These were once the workhorses of electronic Figure 2. Transformer-less power supply using a baristor.
circuits, everyone used these for just about anything imagina-
ble. The use of these Transistor Universal PNP and Transistor
Universal NPN does, in any case, evoke nostalgic feelings, and
if you do not happen to have a box of these around, then you
can, in good conscience, substitute a modern version. The from the store
same is true for all the other components that have been used: ªElectronics Circuits for All
nothing exotic, only standard parts that everyone has on hand. M.A. Shustov and A.M. Shustov
This facilitates the building of the circuits in the book without Elektor International Media – ISBN 978-1-907920-65-3
first having to make a trip to the electronics store around the 400 pages, paperback – Order number 18333, price €39.95
corner — sorry, that was still true during the seventies of the
previous century; speaking of nostalgia — so: without first
having to order the correct parts from some Internet merchant.

In addition to a large number of extremely practical circuits, the
authors also devote some attention to more esoteric subjects:
Kirlian photography, thunderstorm prediction, electrotherapy,
aerion detection (whatever that may be) and “psycho-emotio-
nal correction” (Figure 3) — subjects from the flower-power
age that also used to grace the pages of Elektor once. The
utility of those contributions can be debated, but in any case
they are a good excuse for spending a rainy Sunday afternoon
with a soldering iron.

Despite a few minor criticisms, we may thank the authors
that they have made this collection of circuits ‘from the past’
available to 21st-century electronics enthusiasts, as proof that
a µC or an RPi is not always an absolute necessity. Ladies and
gentlemen soldering devotees: dig out the box with ‘old stuff’
and heat up that soldering iron!

Web Link
Figure 3. Circuit for psycho-emotional correction. Whoever knows how it
www.elektor.com/electronic-circuits-for-all works may speak up...

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 31

ESP32 Low Power
Programming the ULP coprocessor
By Tam Hanna (Slovakia)

Many developers who work with the

ESP8266 are unhappy with its high
current consumption. The ESP32 offers
a remedy for this — it is equipped with
a coprocessor designated ULP, which
has considerably less functional scope
but needs less power. However, the
ULP processor requires programming
in assembly language, and here we
show you how.
Figure 1. The ESP32 DevKitC is a handy development board.

In this article we use the ESP32 DevKitC development board As usual, you should bear in mind that the ESP toolchain is
(Figure 1), which comes with a micro USB connector and allergic to space characters. For example, the ‘Documents
is conveniently available in the Elektor Store [1]. and Settings’ folders repeatedly found in older versions of
In a previous Elektor article [2] we described how to get Windows always cause problems, and unfortunately the
started with the ESP32. In the present article we provide manufacturer’s forums do not show much appreciation of
an introduction to using the ULP processor. this.
For users of the SparkFun board discussed in the previous
Preparations article [2], there is a small change here: instead of the
Like it or not, the manufacturer Espressif regularly updates previously used FTDI converter, the DevKitC board employs
its programming framework, which goes by the name IDF. the CP210x, which is considerably cheaper and provides
As a lot of water has passed under the bridge since the comparable performance. The driver should be present
publication of the last ESP32 article in Elektor Magazine, already, but if for some reason your PC has never heard
we recommend that you get the current version of the of it, you can find archives at [4] where you can obtain
framework before proceeding further. More information the driver.
about this is available at [3]. When you connect the board to your computer through a
cable with a micro USB connector, the red LED will light
up immediately. Under Ubuntu you can see the path of
the virtual serial port in the system log. On the author’s
computer, the DevKitC logs in as /ttyUSB0, just like its
EXT_5V NCP1117 VDD33
3 2
R2 R25 (NC) tamhan@TAMHAN14:~$ dmesg
1% [19280.368821] usb 1-1.7: Product: CP2102 USB to UART

1% 1
C1 C2 Bridge Controller
LED1 R24
10u 22u
C23 (NC)
25V 25V
. . .


[19280.399519] cp210x 1-1.7:1.0: cp210x converter

[19280.399840] usb 1-1.7: cp210x converter now
Figure 2. Part of the power supply circuit. attached to ttyUSB0

32 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

As the user name and other details vary from one PC to the
next, the ESP programming environment expects to see EXT_5V
environment variables. If you work under Unix, you can
define the two variables as follows: D3

tamhan@TAMHAN14:~/esp$ export IDF_PATH=~/esp/esp-idf 1N5819

tamhan@TAMHAN14:~/esp$ export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/esp/ 2 D– USB_DN
xtensa-esp32-elf/bin" D+
ID D4 D5
These two commands must be entered manually in a (newly GND

opened) terminal window, unless you want to change the

overall settings of your PC. Micro USB 2x

Demo program without ULP

For our next task, let’s see if we can measure the current
Figure 3. You can block the supply voltage from the USB port by applying
consumption. The Hello World demo program, which is a higher voltage to diode D3.
kindly provided by Espressif as part of the development
environment package and copied to your computer, is
suitable for this. Under Unix you can access it by entering
the following pair of commands. The first command changes
void app_main()
to the home directory, and the second command copies the
project code from the examples folder to the folder of the
ESP32 programming environment: printf("Hello world!\n");
esp_chip_info_t chip_info;
tamhan@TAMHAN14:~$ cd ~/esp esp_chip_info(&chip_info);
tamhan@TAMHAN14:~/esp$ cp -r $IDF_PATH/examples/get- printf("This is ESP32 chip with %d CPU cores,
started/hello_world . WiFi%s%s, ",
. . .
Please note that the dot at the end the copy command line is
not a mistake by the Elektor layout department. In Unix an You can group the output with an existing USB connection
isolated dot stands for the current directory, which means by entering “make monitor". To exit the work environment,
that this command tells the operating system to copy the press the key combination Ctrl+].
examples folder to the current working folder.
Current consumption
Next you have to define some settings so the compiler Now we’re ready to measure the current consumption.
will be able to do its job properly. To make the necessary The schematic diagram of the DevKitC can be viewed at
settings, you can use the menuconfig command, which you [5]. The portion of the diagram in Figure 2 shows that
invoke as follows: the required 3.3-V supply voltage is generated by an LDO
voltage regulator.
tamhan@TAMHAN14:~/esp$ cd hello_world/ In theory you should disconnect the USB cable from the
tamhan@TAMHAN14:~/esp/hello_world$ make menuconfig computer at this point to break the supply connection,
but then you would also lose the debugger connection.
After the automatic compilation of several auxiliary files, Fortunately, there’s an alternative. Figure 3 shows how
you should navigate to Serial flasher config Ž Default serial the USB connector is wired on the board. If you do not need
port to specify the port to be used. Under Unix the default an especially accurate measurement, you can use D3 to
setting is often correct. block the supply voltage from the PC. Connect a lab power
Then save your settings and close menuconfig. Next, use supply and an ammeter to the board as shown in Figure 4.
the make command to compile the ESP32 firmware. A nice
aspect of this for developers is that make is generally very
good at parallel processing: Kaboom!
If (like the author) you use an HP 6624A lab power
tamhan@TAMHAN14:~/esp/hello_world$ make flash -j8
supply in your test setup, you must remember to
physically switch off the power supply. When you press
The parameter -j8 passed with the command here tells
the Output Disable button, a significant displacement
the tool to use eight threads. With the author’s eight-core
current (which can be as high as 5 A) flows from the
workstation, this results in virtually ideal system utilisation.
USB port to the power supply — which is more than a
The make flash command automatically downloads the
lot of instruments can handle. The Solartron 7150 has
compiled code to the ESP32.
a 2-A fuse, which is usually more than adequate, but
if you are using a small multimeter with a maximum
If you look at the code of the Hello World demo program,
range of 200 mA, you will be looking for a new fuse.
you will see a lot of instances of the printf command:

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 33

If you want to learn more about the RTC module, you
won’t get much help from the data sheet. In Espressif’s
A view, the detailed technical description belongs in the
Solartron 7150
reference manual, which (at the time of printing of this
article) is available for download at [7]. You can also find
CH1 USB more information about the structure at [8], and you can
100mA ESP32 use that document as a skeleton for your own projects.
There you can also learn that the ULP processor is a finite
state machine equipped with one full-width working register
GND and three half-width working registers. It also has a very
unusual instruction set, so it can only be programmed in
assembly language (C programming is not possible).
Now let’s create a small demo program that shows the
Figure 4. This arrangement can be used to measure the current
interaction between the ULP processor and the main
processor. For this we use a shared counter variable that
is used similarly by both parts of the ESP32.
To do this, we extend the Hello World demo program in
five steps. In the first step we create a subdirectory ulp in
the directory main, which is initially left empty. Then we
open the file main/component.mk and adjust its content
as follows:

# . . .
# (Uses default behaviour of compiling all source
Figure 5. WLAN is not especially low-power (source: Espressif ESP32 data
sheet [6]). files in directory, adding 'include' to include
With the right setup, the author’s Solartron 7150 ammeter
measures a current consumption of about 48 mA. As the
DevKitC board has an LED and some other bells and whistles,
if you design your own board you should be able to manage include $(IDF_PATH)/components/ulp/component_ulp_
with less. According to the data sheet, the board draws common.mk
between 30 and 50 mA in this state, which is designated
“Modem Sleep”. If you reduce the CPU clock to 80 MHz, If you are working with a ULP program, you can simply copy
you only need 20 to 25 mA, and at 2 MHz the current the make snippet provided by Espressif to your own project.
consumption drops to 2–4 mA. It uses the file ulp_source_file.S located in the subfolder /
Of course, these figures are only true as long as the WLAN ulp and includes it in the compilation process.
transmitter is disabled. When the radio module is active, After generating the assembly language file, you have
the current consumption depends on the operating mode to include the header. That’s because the assembler in
of the ESP32. Measurement is difficult in that situation, so the Espressif toolchain uses a preprocessor, which would
Figure 5 shows some information from the datasheet [6]. otherwise spit out various error messages:

ULP joins the fray

#include "soc/rtc_cntl_reg.h"
The Arduino Yun popularised the idea of combinatorial
#include "soc/rtc_io_reg.h"
process computers. This idea is both simple and clever:
the microcontroller consists of various modules that are #include "soc/soc_ulp.h"
activated as necessary.
In the case of the ESP32, along with the main CPU The rest of the first assembly language file looks like this:
(designated Xtensa) there is an auxiliary module designated
RTC that contains a special processor called ULP, which .bss
stands for “ultra low power”. That is a sort of lower-tier
device equipped with its own SRAM working memory, which .global acti_count
can operate independently of the main processor and can acti_count:
even access peripheral functions. The underlying idea is that
.long 0
developers can shut down the main processor if necessary
and delegate monitoring to the very low-power RTC module. Here there are two significant passages. The first is the .bss
If it determines that something has happened that needs passage (here empty). If it is missing, the ULP processor
attention, it starts up the high-performance processor. will find the file but will simply refuse to execute it, without
Thanks to the segmented memory space, it is also possible telling you why. That is followed by a sequence that creates
to share data between the RTC and Xtensa sides. a global variable, which means a variable shared between

34 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

the Xtensa processor and the ULP processor. Now you can memory, and it takes a lot of power to keep it alive. In
turn your attention to the actual code: the interest of maximum energy savings, Espressif cuts
off power to the working memory in sleep mode, with the
/* Code goes into .text section */ result that its content is lost. The first official action of our
program is therefore to check the wakeup cause:
.global entry
void app_main() {
//Init check
move r3, acti_count
esp_sleep_wakeup_cause_t cause =
ld r0, r3, 0
add r0, r0, 1
if (cause != ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_ULP) {
st r0, r3, 0
printf("Clean boot\n");
The ULP processor is a sixteen-bit device. For our purposes
} else {
that is only relevant when part of a register is ignored when
it is read. In the first step we push the address of acti_count printf("Start caused by ULP\n");
onto the half-width working register R3 and then use it to printf("Counter %u \n", ulp_acti_count &
load the value. That is incremented by add and then written UINT16_MAX);
back to acti_count. }
Finally, we wake up the Xtensa processor. This confronts us
with a small problem: wake commands can only be accepted
after the core processor has been shut down. Our code Here it is important to mask the value contained in ulp_
therefore issues wake only if the SOC has confirmed via the acti_count. This register, like all registers of the Xtensa,
appropriate register that it is in sleep mode. is 32 bits wide. As the ULP processor can only write the
first sixteen of these bits, the ‘undefined’ remainder must
/* Check if the SoC has said INRI already */ be masked.
READ_RTC_REG(RTC_CNTL_DIAG0_REG, 19, 1) Entering sleep mode is a two-step process. In the first step
and r0, r0, 1 we instruct the power management logic to accept start
jump exit, eq
Too complex?
halt If you want to avoid working at the make level or you are
working with ancient demo code, an alternative is to use
the macro function (which has since been discontinued by
Espressif). In that case the ULP program consists of an
array of instructions:

const ulp_insn_t program[] = {

On the C side
I_MOVI(R3, 16),
Now we go back to hello_world_main.c, where a number
of headers are included: I_LD(R0, R3, 0),
I_LD(R1, R3, 1),
#include "esp_sleep.h" I_ADDR(R2, R0, R1),
#include "nvs.h" I_ST(R2, R3, 2),
#include "nvs_flash.h" I_HALT()
#include "soc/rtc_cntl_reg.h" };
#include "soc/rtc_io_reg.h"
That is followed by a block of more or less standard C
#include "soc/sens_reg.h"
code, which calculates the number of instructions in the
#include "soc/soc.h"
program and then releases it for execution. Make sure
#include "driver/gpio.h"
you always perform the size calculation as shown here,
#include "driver/rtc_io.h"
because some macros are expanded to two separate
#include "esp32/ulp.h" instructions:
#include "ulp_main.h"
size_t load_addr = 0;
ulp_main is generated by the make file. That file provides size_t size = sizeof(program)/sizeof(ulp_insn_t);
content that is necessary for execution of the ULP program ulp_process_macros_and_load(load_addr, program,
or for calling it from the C side.
A number of basic considerations are necessary here. The
Xtensa part of the microcontroller has extensive working

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 35

If you try to compile the program in its present state, you
will receive the error message shown in Figure 6 because
the normally downloaded components do not include the
modules required by the ULP (at least not when this article
was printed).

You have to go to the portal at [9] and download the file

corresponding to your platform. Then extract the archive
Figure 6. A module is missing here.
to /esp and add it to the path as follows:

tamhan@TAMHAN14:~/esp$ ls
esp32ulp-elf-binutils esp-idf hello_world
tamhan@TAMHAN14:~/esp$ export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/esp/

After this, go back to make menuconfig and activate the

option Component Config-Y ESP32-Specific Ž Enable Ultra
Low Power (ULP) Coprocessor. In response, menuconfig will
include (512) RTC slow memory reserved for coprocessor,
and this memory allocation will survive sleep mode.

Stop and go
If you run the program as it is at this point, you will notice
that the counter is incremented by 3 each time. That is
because the timer starts after ulp_run is called, and it takes
Figure 7. This table lists the pins that can be accessed from the ULP
a while for the main processor to shut down. Any wakeup
processor (source: Espressif, [7]).
calls received earlier will not wake it up; the ULP processor
spends its time in a sort of endless loop that performs three
increment operations.
To clear up this problem, all you have to do is to wait
commands from the ULP processor. Then we start the ULP ‘actively’ by jumping back to the start if the main processor
program and put the main processor to sleep: is still awake.

//Good night exit:

ESP_ERROR_CHECK( esp_sleep_enable_ulp_wakeup() ); /* Check if the SoC has said INRI already */
ESP_ERROR_CHECK( ulp_run((&ulp_entry - RTC_SLOW_ READ_RTC_REG(RTC_CNTL_DIAG0_REG, 19, 1)
MEM) / sizeof(uint32_t))); and r0, r0, 1
esp_deep_sleep_start(); jump exit, eq
} wake
Initialising the ULP program also involves several steps.
We start by including two constants that are generated halt
by the make file. Then we call ulp_load_binary to load the
The author could not resist the temptation to see how long
extern const uint8_t ulp_main_bin_start[] it takes for the main processor to shut down. Some of the
asm("_binary_ulp_main_bin_start"); GPIO pins of the ESP32 are implemented as multiplexed,
extern const uint8_t ulp_main_bin_end[] which means they can be accessed by both the RTC module
asm("_binary_ulp_main_bin_end"); and the main CPU. The relevant pins are listed in the table
shown in Figure 7.
void init_ulp_program()
These pins are initialised through a specific API designated
by the prefix “RTC”. Note that the pin IDs transferred here
esp_err_t err = ulp_load_binary(0, ulp_main_bin_
(on the ESP32 side) refer to ESP32 GPIO pins:
start, (ulp_main_bin_end - ulp_main_bin_start) /
void init_ulp_program() { . . .
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(err); ulp_acti_count=0;
. . . rtc_gpio_set_direction(cpu_num,

36 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

Figure 8. The elapsed time from the end of toggling on the Xtensa side Figure 9. The three activations of the ULP routine are clearly visible on
(Ch. 1) to the start of program execution on the ULP side is about 100 µs. this screenshot.

RTC_GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_ONLY); Espressif equips the GPIO pins with a function called “Hold”.
rtc_gpio_set_level(cpu_num, 1); By setting the corresponding flag, you instruct the GPIO
engine to hold the state of the pin concerned during the
rtc_gpio_init(ulp_num); transition between ULP and ESP32.
Next we have to make the ULP part of the ESP32 visible
on the oscilloscope. For this purpose, in ulp_source_file.S
rtc_gpio_set_level(ulp_num, 1);
we replace the incrementation code by the following code
block that performs the startup and shutdown operations:

Now we place code between the Init check and Good night WRITE_RTC_REG(RTC_IO_TOUCH_PAD0_REG,RTC_IO_TOUCH_
blocks that generates a characteristic waveform, which can PAD0_HOLD_S,1,0)
easily be viewed on an oscilloscope: WRITE_RTC_REG(RTC_GPIO_OUT_W1TS_REG,RTC_GPIO_OUT_
rtc_gpio_hold_dis(cpu_num); DATA_W1TC_S+10,1,1)
while(bctr<4){ DATA_W1TS_S+10,1,1)
rtc_gpio_set_level(cpu_num, 0);
rtc_gpio_set_level(cpu_num, 1);
After this program is downloaded to the ESP32, you can see
on the oscilloscope how much time elapses between the
} sleep command and activation of the ULP routine (Figure 8).
rtc_gpio_hold_en(cpu_num); Figure 9 shows this situation with an expanded time base.

Web Links
[1] www.elektor.com/esp32-devkitc
[2] www.elektormagazine.com/160454
[3] http://esp-idf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/get-started/index.html#get-started-connect
[4] www.silabs.com/products/development-tools/software/usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers
[5] https://dl.espressif.com/dl/schematics/ESP32-Core-Board-V2_sch.pdf
[6] http://espressif.com/sites/default/files/documentation/esp32_datasheet_en.pdf
[7] http://espressif.com/sites/default/files/documentation/esp32_technical_reference_manual_en.pdf
[8] https://github.com/krzychb/ulp-loop/blob/master/main/ulp/loop_blink.S
[9] https://github.com/espressif/binutils-esp32ulp/wiki#downloads
[10] www.elektor.tv

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 37




8Ω GND1, 2, 3

CH3 GND*... LC9354AM
avg (CH3)

Figure 10. With this arrangement you can clearly see that the current Figure 11. Shutdown of the Xtensa core can be recognised from trace 3
consumption is lower when the Xtensa core is in sleep mode. Be careful: heading toward the baseline.
the grounds of the oscilloscope inputs are connected together.

Here you can see that the ULP routine is activated three to feel at home with the ULP processor. For those (including
times in total, which explains the incrementing of the counter the author) who think that assembly language programming
by 3 between the calls. on eight-bit processors is good preparation for working with
high-level languages on MCUs, this is a sort of (belated)
Now let’s see whether all this actually reduces power confirmation.
consumption. For this, we connect an 8-ohm resistor in (160549-I)
series with the GND lead and set up the measuring circuit
shown in Figure 10.
On the oscilloscope screen, the transition of the Xtensa
core to sleep mode is indicated by trace 3 heading toward
the baseline (Figure 11).

Espressif has learned from the problems with
the ESP8266. If you utilise the low-
power processor properly, you
can definitely reduce the
power consumption of
the ESP32. However,
the very large scope
of functions naturally
means that it is no match
for a true low-power
microcontroller — WLAN
is simply not a low-power
interface. If you have acquired
experience in assembly language
programming for PIC microcontrollers
and the like, it shouldn’t take you long

A video
If you find dealing with make a bit overwhelming, at
from the store
[10] you can find a small video provided by the author ªESP32 DevKitC
that explains this in more detail.

38 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com


Chimes for
the Elektor Sand Clock
Shake, rattle and beep

By Christopher R. Lee (France)

I bought the Elektor Sand Clock as soon as it was announced. It made an unusually daft Christmas novelty,
though the noise it produces renders it fairly useless in home or office environments. In this article we will
make it even noisier by adding chimes.

Having assembled the Sand Clock [1], Selecting a sound system these but you can set up your own. The
my first inclination was, as with any An old-fashioned mechanical clock chi- clockwork ‘knows’ when to start the chi-
worthwhile gadget, to add some bells, mes every quarter-hour, the melody get- mes just before of each quarter hour, and
whistles or — more obvious in this case ting longer as the full hour is approached. first boing of the hour bell (or cuckoo)
— chimes! Because one should not be Readers familiar with Big Ben (currently is supposed to be exactly on the hour.
overambitious when launching a well-di- silent) will know the sequence of four- I thought of programming the panto-
rected project, the present chimes are note motifs known as the Westminster graph to strike a set of gongs (or play a
disappointingly… digital. quarters or Westminster chimes; I chose xylophone or pluck some strings) at the

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 39

I didn’t find a through-hole model in the
catalogues and I’m getting too old to
fiddle with surface-mount. Rather than
pay €20 for a ready-to-go PCB like the
one described at Elektor Labs [3], I deci-
Shield of
ded to risk giving it a miss. An alternative
Sand Clock AREF
would have been to use the SoftwareSe-
rial library (the interrupt-driven hardware
~ 11 ~ 11
~ 10
~ 10 serial port is in use) as I already make
5V 5V
~9 ~9
my own optically-isolated interfaces for
3 R1 C3

8 2 8 10k

MIDI applications. But Serial isn’t con-
~6 ~6
4 LS
venient and it may be ill advised in any

~3 ~3
case to add code involving precise timing
A2 A2 C1 1
A3 2 A3 2 2
A4/SDA TX 1 A4/SDA TX 1 100n
A5/SCL RX 0 A5/SCL RX 0 to the Sand Clock program.
active LS
(impedance usually ≥10k)
The audio output from pin 8 is connec-
160411 - 11
ted to an active loudspeaker. A low-pass
filter makes the sound less, erm, ugly.
Figure 4 shows my prototype.
Figure 1. Here is how I connected a “slave” Arduino to the Sand Clock.

The sketches
The software for this project can be
appropriate times. It could be done using However, with the arrangement shown downloaded from [4]. The sketch sand-
the commands provided but I abandoned (Figure 1) it must be a 5-V model. clockBigBen.ino is a version of the origi-
that idea for now, because you’d need Transmission is through the I2C bus as it nal Sand Clock software with a few lines
some kind of escapement mechanism is already ‘declared’ for communications of added code that simply send the four
and sadly I don’t have the revered skills between the hardware clock on the shield bytes of the hours and minutes digits
of ancient clockmakers, or harpsichord, and the Arduino. To be able to trans- via the Wire library to the Arduino that
piano makers for that matter. mit the hours and minutes, I soldered a executes the chimes with BigBenI2C.ino.
While software will never replace genuine 6-way ribbon connector (Figure 2) with For development and testing, I used
musical instruments, one feeble attempt a female header directly to the SCL, SDA sketch wire_master_clockV2.ino to send
is to make the Arduino family generate and power pins of the shield, which had four bytes via I2C from another Arduino
“acceptable” sounds using the Mozzi already been assembled. If you haven’t whenever a character is received from
sound synthesis library [2]. For a preli- started assembly there may be enough the terminal. There’s also a test receiver
minary tryout I decided instead to use headroom for angled headers which pro- sketch slave_receiver_clockV2.ino. I
Arduino’s built-in Tone function. vide a more adaptable plug-and-socket ran the two instances of Arduino on the
breakout; the usual Arduino stackable same computer, without an I2C isolator
Interfacing to the Sand Clock headers are too tall. The ribbon (and (see above).
Following best practice I made the fewest connectors I added to make the sand The I 2 C master is the Sand Clock’s
possible adaptations to the Sand Clock’s tray detachable) come out through a slot Arduino, so it doesn’t need an address.
hardware and software and sent the rele- I cut in the back plate (Figure 3). The chime-Arduino is set a Slave at
vant data to a separate Arduino Uno. Any address 0x08, the first available one.
other Arduino should work with this sim- Good practice when This address doesn’t matter unless you
ple application, and I’d suggest using the interconnecting connect any extra modules (weather sta-
cheapest version for a permanent fixture. microcontrollers is always to tion…) with fixed addresses. The real-
use an isolator time clock (RTC) built into the Sand Clock
I made direct connections between the shield has the fixed address 0x51. Inci-
I2C’s SCL and SDA pins of the two Ardui- dentally, though this module is tempera-
nos, with the Ground return on the same ture-compensated and highly accurate,
ribbon cable. Pull-up resistors are already you could place a clock with an external
provided on the Sand Clock shield. Cau- reference on the same bus, most likely
tion: this direct connection is possible via an additional inexpensive Arduino.
only between Arduinos of the same ope-
rating voltage (5 V here); a 3.3-V model The 15-minute interval mod
is likely to be damaged. In fact, the As supplied, the Sand Clock is program-
arrangement should be deprecated in any med to write the time in the sand every
case, because the USB cables used for minute. In response to complaints about
testing and control create a Ground loop (acoustic) noise, sketch sandclockBig-
with the 0-V power connections. Good Ben15min.ino vibrates and writes in the
practice when interconnecting microcon- sand every 15 minutes (or whatever
Figure 2. Clearly labelling connectors helps to trollers is to use an isolator invariably. you want to program). The sand bed is
avoid wiring mistakes. The components are cheap enough, but shaken just before the final minute arri-

40 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

Figure 3. Even though I am not the best acrylic sheet (PlexiglasTM) worker Figure 4. Exploded view of my prototype.
in the world, I did manage to pass the wires through without breaking
the lot.

ves. (I kept the default of five seconds corresponding arrays melodyx[] and apparatus, we need a more predictable
but should probably have made that a noteDurationsx[], and then recompile. solution. I propose that the pantograph
variable read from the Sand Clock.) We There’s space for longer melodies and be fitted with an additional tool that
assume that the chimes will be short that can be arranged by modifying arrays neatly rakes the sand, as in an Olym-
enough to start during each 14th, 29th, noteOnx[] and noteLenx[] . The pic long-jump sand pit. Alternatively,
44th and 59th minute and finish in time durations and timings are calculated someone has surely already designed an
for the shaking of the sand bed. automatically (I found that difficult and independent little robot that could drive
the code may be unduly clumsy). Each up to the tray when called upon. If you
Create your own melodies Tone command needs to be followed by did, please let us know.
The Arduino Tone function generates a a delay at least equal to the calculated Finally, the Sand Clock’s RTC, the
square wave at the frequency of the spe- duration. I added an extra 2 ms to make PCF2129A, is a pretty accurate com-
cified note and for the specified dura- sure. ponent that has several features (like
tion. The frequency of each note is read Alarm and Timestamp) that have not
from library file pitches.h, which you More Sand Clock enhancements been exploited yet. It might be interes-
can modify to obtain harmonically pure According to the designers of the Sand ting to make these options available to
intervals in lieu of the default equal-tem- Clock, the most difficult mechanical prob- external hardware too.
pered ones, or perhaps generate comi- lem to be cracked was smoothing out the (160411)
cally wrong notes. My software is musi- sand. Positioning the vibrator motors is
cian-friendly, the note durations being an empirical process, and with my kit the
calculated from note values (4 = quar- sand occasionally migrates to one end
ter note or crotchet, etc.). Since chime of the tray. The reasons for that, as well
melodies are short, I didn’t think it worth as for a tendency to segregate ungraded
providing an interface for you to input sand by particle size, have been elucida-
your own. If you want to do this anyway, ted by Nobel Prize winner Pierre-Gilles
you will have to modify the values in the de Gennes. For a mission-critical piece of

Web Links from the store

[1] Sand Clock article: www.elektormagazine.com/160065 ª160065-71
Sand Clock
[2] Mozzi sound synthesis library: sensorium.github.io/Mozzi/
[3] I2C Isolator: www.elektormagazine.com/labs/ I2C Bus Isolator and Level Adapter
[4] This article: www.elektormagazine.com/160411 Arduino Uno R3

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 41


RF Power Meter
For measurements up to 10 GHz

By Joost Breed (Netherlands) and Ton Giesberts (Elektor Labs)

Radio remote controls for model aircraft and similar devices are rightly subject to strict
regulations. They govern not only the transmit frequency, but also (and primarily) the transmitter
power output. With the RF power meter described here, you can easily check how much power you
are transmitting, at frequencies up to 10 GHz.

and live video link. The maximum Of course, there’s nothing to stop you
Features permissible transmit power of the from buying a ready-made RF power
• RF power meter radio remote control for this model, meter, but they can easily set you back
• Bandwidth 1 MHz to 10 GHz which operates in the 5.8-GHz band, several hundred euros. That makes DIY
• Dynamic range 55 dB is 25 mW. That is more than enough construction an attractive alternative.
• Compact: approx. 95 × 36 × 30 mm because the models are not allowed to
fly higher than 300 feet (100 m) and The approach
must remain within sight at all times. To avoid any misunderstanding, we
The home base of FMS Spaarnwoude should point out that this is not a
The author is an enthusiastic member is near Schiphol Airport, the largest simple DIY project. To keep the design
of the FMS Spaarnwoude model aircraft airport in the Netherlands, so it is of the RF power meter within the range
club and the proud owner of an especially important to avoid exceeding of advanced solder artists, we opted
octocopter with a wingspread of over 3 the maximum transmit power — if only for an approach with two (actually,
feet (1 metre), equipped with a camera to avoid hassles with the authorities. three) small circuit boards: a main

42 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

The main board
The remarkably simple schematic project information
diagram of the main board is shown RF
in Figure 1. It is built around
Arduino Nano
the Arduino Nano (MOD2).
A standard LCD module
with two lines of sixteen entry level
characters is connected
intermediate level
to pins D2 through D8,
and the brightness can Æ expert level
be adjusted with P1. We
added resistor R5 to enable
4 hours approx.
more precise adjustment.
Pushbuttons S1–S3 (with pull-
down resistors R1–R3) are the SMD soldering equipment
control elements of the operator Hot-air soldering station or
interface, as described further on. reflow oven
Programming adapter
Power is provided
by an external
7–12 V DC
€50 / £45 / $60 approx.
power supply
connected to K1. From
this a clean 5 V supply


2 x 16


+5V 330R C3

P1 100n

1 8


3 7
-20E/SN R4 MOD2
C2 Arduino Nano



board for the control elements and an




LC display, plus a front end in the form

of a breakout board (BoB) mounted on +5V
the main board. And what about the +5V D1
third board? That is the microcontroller
1 1N4007
in the form of an Arduino Nano module, 100n 6 +3-5V
which is also mounted on the main 7
8 R1 R2 R3 S1 S2 S3 3
board. We choose the Nano because it GND 160193-1 3
9 TADJ 1

is small and inexpensive, fast enough, 0 GND 2

and has enough processing power for +7..12V
this application. This approach also
allows the front end module to be used +5V
for other applications and/or be located
closer to the signal source. Figure 1. The schematic diagram of the main board, basically consisting of three modules.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 43

Testing 1, 2
We carried out several measurements on a prototype of the breakout board without the main board. For that we used the tracking
generator of a vintage Tektronix 2710 spectrum analyser. It has a maximum frequency of 1.8 GHz. The amplitude ranged from
–48 dBm to 0 dBm. We measured the output voltage of the module at 100 MHz, 1 GHz and 1.8 GHz.
For the first series of measurements (Table 1), we connected the RF module as follows: N/BNC adapter on the analyser, 50 cm
RG058 cable with BNC connectors, BNC/SMA adapter on the module.

Table 1
100 MHz (21.3 mV/dB) 1 GHz (22.1 mV/dB) 1.8 GHz (22 mV/dB)
Vin [dBm] Vout [V] mV/dB Vout [V] mV/dB Vout [V] mV/dB
0 0.423 0.417 0.391
–10 0.610 18.7 0.624 20.7 0.601 21
–20 0.834 22.4 0.832 20.8 0.786 18.5
–30 1.052 21.8 1.067 23.5 1.044 25.8
–40 1.274 22.2 1.292 22.5 1.244 20.0
–48 1.447 21.6 1.480 23.5 1.445 25.1

The second series of measurements (Table 2) was made without a cable: N/BNC adapter on the analyser, BNC/BNC adapter
(female/female), BNC/SMA adapter on the module.

Table 2
100 MHz (21.3 mV/dB) 1 GHz (22.1 mV/dB) 1.8 GHz (22 mV/dB)
Vin [dBm] Vout [V] mV/dB Vout [V] mV/dB Vout [V] mV/dB
0 0.421 0.409 0.380
–10 0.608 18.7 0.614 20.5 0.583 20.3
–20 0.832 22.4 0.821 20.7 0.770 18.7
–30 1.050 21.8 1.057 23.6 1.027 25.7
–40 1.272 22.2 1.283 22.6 1.233 20.6
–48 1.445 21.6 1.471 23.5 1.434 25.1

We also tried two other coax cables. The first (35 cm RGU400, BNC to SMA) proved to contribute an additional attenuation of
about 0.2 dB at 1.8 GHz, while the second (1 m RG223, BNC to SMA) yielded an additional attenuation of slightly less than 0.6 dB.

Table 3 provides some more measurement results:

Table 3
Vout max. 1.718 V (without input signal)
Vout min. 0.359 V (measured at +10 dBm and 15 MHz)
Max. input power +12 dBm (according to data sheet)
Vin min. (K1) 6.6 V (at lower voltages the output of the 5 V regulator collapses)
Current consumption 85 mA

voltage for powering the various capacitor, which is already present on detectors — that convert the measured
modules is generated on the Arduino the Arduino Nano. power into an analogue output voltage.
Nano board. Diode D1 provides reverse- Finally, the schematic shows the RF A major part of the design process
polarity protection. front end in the form of MOD1. It is therefore consisted of finding a suitable
The internal reference voltage of the connected to the main board by just log detector IC. In the end we opted
Nano is not sufficiently accurate for three leads: power, ground, and the for the Analog Devices AD8317 [2]. It
our purposes, so we added a separate analog output voltage proportional to has a more than adequate bandwidth
2.048-V reference voltage source in the the RF power level. of 1 MHz to 10 GHz, along with a
form of IC1, an MCP1501-20E/SN [1]. dynamic range of 55 dB. The schematic
This Microchip IC provides an excellent The BoB diagram (see Figure 2) follows the
precision of 0.1%. For stable operation The design of the RF front end turned recommendations in the data sheet.
it needs a resistive load, provided here out to be easier than we originally The signal enters on connector K1.
by resistor R4. The AREF input of the expected or feared. That’s because The maximum input signal level is
Nano board is decoupled by a 100-nF there are ICs available — called log approximately 0 dBm, so an attenuator

44 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

must be used for power levels above
+3-5V +3-5V
1 mW. Resistor R1 in combination
with the input impedance of the K3 K4
C4 C5
AD8317 provides a wideband input K2
100n 100p
impedance of 50 Ω. Capacitors C1 +3..5V
7 0
and C2 block any DC component and K1 C1 VPOS TADJ
1 1 5
at the same time form a high-pass INHI VOUT 1k VOUT
R1 R5
filter in combination with the input 2 47n


impedance, with a corner frequency C2
8 4
of about 68 kHz. INLO VSET
Resistor R2 provides temperature 2 9 3 6
compensation. The value shown on C3 R2 R4
the schematic is recommended for


measurements at 5.8 GHz. See the
data sheet for other values. TADJ
is also fed out to connector K2, but
that feature is not used in the present
Figure 2. The RF module consists of a single IC and a handful of small components.
application. Capacitor C3 is for the
low-pass demodulation filter of the
output signal Vout. Since we are not
interested in demodulation in this
application, we chose the standard Wide bandwidth and large dynamic range
value of 8.2 pF here.
The output signal Vout is fed to the VSET
input via the voltage divider R4/R5. For
R5 the value shown on the schematic
is 0 Ω, while R4 is not mounted (NM).
This voltage divider can be used if
necessary to make the slope of the
output voltage characteristic steeper
than the minimum value of 22 mV/dB.
Here again, for more details you should
consult the data sheet of the IC.

Figure 3 gives an impression of the
fully assembled RF power meter. But
we aren’t that far yet — there’s still
some finicky work ahead of us (or four-layer board, which is absolutely the ground planes provides additional
actually, you). essential for a circuit intended to decoupling of the supply voltage.
Let’s start with the most difficult part: operate up to 10 GHz. One of the Another word of warning: don’t try
the RF front end. For this we designed hidden layers is dedicated to the to make this or something similar
a small (20 × 27 mm) PCB layout, positive supply voltage. The parasitic yourself, as otherwise the circuit is
shown in Figure 4. Note that this is a capacitance between that layer and guaranteed to not work properly.

Figure 3. The fully assembled module is nice and compact.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 45

component list

Figure 4. The four-layer PCB for the RF module.

Due to the high frequencies, all Figure 5 shows the PCB layout we index is calculated. Then the results
resistors and capacitors are in 0402 designed for this purpose, which is are sent to the display, and the next
packages except C4, which is in an about the same size as the display measurement cycle starts.
0603 package. module. Mount the normal components Before the correct values can be read,
Now we come to the only drawback first, but wait a bit with the two the attenuation and the frequency must
of the AD8317 used here: the CP-8-1 modules and the display. be selected. For this we implemented a
SMD package. The eight contacts are simple menu structure, which uses the
barely visible, and on the bottom of Assembly Up and Down pushbuttons as well as
the package there is an exposed pad On our first prototype we fitted bus strips the Enter button for confirmation of the
that must be bonded to GND. That is for the two modules and the display. selected entry. The frequency options
simply not possible with an ordinary However, that manner of assembly is not are 900 MHz, 1.8 GHz, 2.2 GHz,
soldering iron, no matter how fine the recommended, even though the circuit 3.6 GHz, 5.8 GHz, and 8 GHz. The
tip may be. The only way to solder this works properly, because the overall unit characteristic curve for conversion of
IC is to use a hot-air soldering station is nearly 4.5 cm high as measured from the input voltage of the A/D converter
or a reflow oven. And don’t use too the display to the ICSP header of the and calculation of the actual power in
much solder paste! Nano board. dBm is a straight line with a slope of
After the BoB, the main board is a If the modules and the display are –22 dB/V, but the origin of the line is
piece of cake. Only ordinary SMD instead soldered directly on the main different for each frequency (see the
components are mounted on it. board, the overall assembly is only data sheet).
28 mm high. Proceed as follows: The software issues a warning when
First mount the two modules (see the input power is too high or too
Figure 3 again), plug the header for the low. According to the data sheet, a
display into the right holes, and then low input power level leads to a large
from the store secure the display in place with four measurement error.
ª160193-1 5-mm standoffs (male/female) and
PCB RF module matching screws. After this you can Attenuators
solder the pinheader for the display The author uses two attenuators from
PCB main board module. Mini-Circuits: the VAT-20W2+ (20 dB)
[3] and the VAT-30W2+ (30 dB) [4].
Arduino Nano Firmware and use They are supplied complete with
The software of the RF power meter is datasheets. The characteristics of these
Franzis Nano Board
fairly straightforward. In the main loop two attenuators are incorporated in the
of the program, 500 samples are taken firmware. By the way, the firmware
and then the average power, the peak also has a built-in calibration function,
LCD 2×16 white on blue
power, the minimum power during the so it is possible to use attenuators
last ten seconds, and the maximum other that the two previously
LCD 2×16 standard
power during the last ten seconds mentioned types preprogrammed in
are determined and the modulation the firmware.

46 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

Final remarks
Web Links
We have only briefly touched on the
use of the RF power meter. However, [1] ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/20005474D.pdf
a very detailed and richly illustrated
[2] www.analog.com/media/en/technical-documentation/data-sheets/AD8317.
User Guide (seven pages in A4 format,
PDF) is included the free download for
this article [5]. Of course, the firmware [3] www.minicircuits.com/pdfs/VAT-20W2+.pdf
is also included in the download, as [4] www.minicircuits.com/pdfs/VAT-30W2+.pdf
well as all datasheets, likewise in PDF
format. [5] www.elektormagazine.com/160193

component list

Figure 5. The main board of the RF power meter.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 47

(almost) everything
Q you wanted to know about...
Nixie Tubes
By Ilse Joostens

With their softly

glowing digits
staggered from
front to rear,
Nixie tubes are
totally back in
fashion now,
when a retro
or steampunk
look is

Q Where does the name ‘Nixie’ come from? the drawings of the display tube. The abbreviation stood for
‘Numerical Indicator eXperimental no. 1’, and it quickly became

A The answer has historical roots [1]. As a result of indus-

trialisation and the emergence of electronics in the first
half of the twentieth century, especially shortly after the Sec-
‘Nixie’ in common speech. Production started in 1956, and as
the saying goes, the rest is history.

ond World War, there was more and more demand for elec-
tronic displays. The first patent for a display resembling the Q Are Nixie tubes still being made?

Nixie tube was applied for on 9 May, 1934, by Hans G. Boswau

from Galion (Ohio). However, it took until around 1954 before
the GI-10 was commercially launched by National Union under
A Nixie tubes are no longer made commercially, which
means in large quantities. As far as we know, they
remained in production in the former Soviet Union (Russia
the name Inditron [2]. At roughly the same time, the broth- and the Ukraine) until early 1992. However, they are now being
ers George and Zoltan Haydu, originally from Hungary, were produced in small volume by the Czech firm Dalibor Farny [3].
also working on the development of various types of tubes. Other parties are also experimenting with production. How-
When their company was acquired by Burroughs in 1954, a ever, you should expect very stiff prices if you are considering
draftsman with nothing else in mind put the title ‘NIX-I’ on the use of Nixie tubes.

48 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

Q Where are Nixie tubes still available?

A The largest number of Nixie tubes (primarily Russian)

can be found on eBay, from sellers in the former East
Bloc. European and US webshops and eBay sellers also offer
Nixie tubes (primarily Russian), but they are often consider-
ably more expensive. However, stocks are gradually becoming
exhausted, so the supply is decreasing and prices are gradually
rising. Many non-Russian Nixie tubes are increasingly hard to
find and are becoming true collector’s items.

Q How do Nixie tubes operate?

A Nixie tubes are usually powered from a DC voltage of

about 170 V, with the current through the tube limited
by an anode resistor. The Russian K155ID1 driver IC, which
is still being produced by Integral, is often used to drive the
cathodes (Figure 1). That IC is derived from the legacy 74141
BCD/decimal decoder and Nixie driver.
Of course, discrete transistors can also be used, such as the
well-known MPSA42, or a high-voltage shift register / driver
IC such as the HV5812 from Microchip.
When Nixie tubes are multiplexed (see the next ques-
tion), discrete transistor pairs consisting of an MPA42
Figuur 1. Hier zijn de ‘gestapelde’ kathodes van een Nixie-buis duidelijk
and an MPSA92 are often used as anode drivers. Another te zien.
option is to use high-voltage optocouplers, such as the
In the ‘with due care & consideration’ category, transistors such
as the BC547 or the BC550 may be used as cathode drivers for toward an anode coated with a phosphor. When they strike
relatively small Nixie tubes in static (non-multiplexed) oper- the phosphor, it emits light. VFD tubes work at lower voltages
ation. As long as the sum of the ignition voltage of the Nixie – about 20 to 60 V for the anodes and control grids, and 1 to
tube and the real reverse breakdown voltage of the transis- 3 V for the cathode heaters. With VFD tubes the anodes and
tor is much less than the anode voltage, the 547 and 550 can grids are controlled by the electronics, instead of the cathodes
function as Nixie drivers. If transistor breakdown does occur, as with Nixie tubes.
that usually does not have dramatic consequences because
the current is only a few milliamps, so the power dissipated Numitrons consist of several incandescent filaments enclosed in
by the transistor remains within limits [4]. a glass envelope and arranged in the form of a seven-segment
Even stranger options are possible — if the anode voltage is display. They operate at even lower voltages – around 5 V for
carefully regulated, the cathodes of Nixie tubes can be driven the smaller types – and they are controlled in the same way as
directly by standard CMOS logic ICs (HEF4xxx or CD4xxx) if incandescent lamps. Relatively small Numitrons can be driven
they are powered from 15 V. That is possible due to the small
difference between the ignition voltage and the discharge sus-
tain voltage of many (but not all) types of Nixie tubes [5]. Nice
to know, but not really recommended.

Q Is it possible to multiplex Nixie tubes?

A Nixie tubes can easily be multiplexed, and their brightness

can be regulated using pulse width modulation. That is
possible thanks to the operating principle (based on gas dis-
charge) and the short ignition time. In some cases, mechan-
ical resonance of the cathodes or the anode grid can occur,
resulting in a whistling sound from the Nixie tubes. That occurs
most often with relatively large Nixie tubes. This problem can
be solved by adjusting the multiplex frequency and/or timing.

Q What is the difference between a Nixie tube and a VFD

or Numitron?

A A Nixie tube is a gas discharge tube with a cold cathode.

A VFD (vacuum fluorescent display) tube, by contrast,
has a heated cathode. At the cathode, the potential differ-
ence causes thermal electrons to be emitted and accelerated Figuur 2. Van links naar rechts: een Nixie-buis, een VFD en een Numitron.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 49

directly by logic ICs or microcontrollers. The various types of
display tubes are shown side by side in Figure 2.

Q How can you test a Nixie tube to see if it is still in good


A For a quick test, you can hold the tube next to a ‘plasma
ball’. If the neon gas inside the tube lights up, you at
least know that air has not leaked into the tube. For a better
test, you need a Nixie power supply with an output voltage
of 160 to 190 V. These are available at reasonably low prices,
either as kits or ready-made. You can also build your own on
a piece of perfboard [6].
Connect the positive lead of the power supply to the anode
though a resistor with a value of 33 kΩ to 47 kΩ; that can be
a bit less with relatively large tubes. Now carefully touch the
ground lead of the power supply to the cathode pins one by
one; the associated numeral should light up each time. If that
does not work, you can try reducing the anode resistance a bit.
If that does not help, the tube is probably defective.

Q Are Nixie tubes without a type number or marking still

A You can test the tube as described in the previous answer.
Figuur 3. Bargraph-Nixies.
First you have to identify the anode pin. That can usually
be done visually: it is the pin that is connected to the metal
grid inside the tube. Then you can test the other pins. Nixie
tubes are fairly robust, so there’s not much that can go Links
wrong. If you see a strange effect, you probably have the
[1] www.decodesystems.com/nixie-history.html
positive lead connected to one of the cathodes instead of
the anode. [2] www.decadecounter.com/vta/articleview.php?item=423
[3] www.daliborfarny.com/

Q How long do Nixie tubes last? [4] www.dos4ever.com/TiT/TiT.html

[5] www.dos4ever.com/ring/ring.html#HEF

A Nixie tubes can last for a very long time. Forty years of
continuous operation is by no means exceptional. How-
ever, they can also suddenly stop working. The most common
[6] https://threeneurons.wordpress.com/nixie-power-supply/
[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nixie_tube
causes are a crack in the glass envelope, air leakage into the
tube, cathode poisoning, an internal short circuit, or an inter-
nal open circuit due to mechanical effects [7].

Q Are there other types of Nixie tubes beside numerical?

A Along with the well-known tubes with only digits, there

are also Nixie tubes with letters and/or symbols, and
there are 7-segment, 13-segment and 15-segment Nixie tubes.
In addition to the traditional round tubes, Nixie tubes were
available in the form of flat Panaplex displays.
The Russian IN-28 tube displays a single bright orange dot; it
was used as a pixel in dot-matrix displays.

There are also bargraph Nixie tubes, such as the IN-9 (Fig-
ure 3). They have a long, cylindrical nickel-plated anode grid
and a molybdenum cathode wire. This wire displays a light
column whose length depends on the amount of current. The
combination of molybdenum and neon results in a low ignition from the store
voltage. The lower end of the cathode is coated with zirco- ª150189-71
nium, which has an even lower ignition voltage. This ensures Six Digit Nixie Clock (complete kit)
that the light column starts at that end. An improved version ª150189-72
(IN-13) has an auxiliary electrode to initiate the light column Acrylic glass case for Six Digit Nixie Clock
at the lower end.

50 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

Engraving Machines
Under Test
Are low-cost laser engravers from China good value for money?

By Peter Krengel, DG4EK (Germany)

The price of a European-made laser engraving machine puts it out of the reach of most private users. The
Internet, however, is full of low-cost alternatives in kit form from China, though it is tempting to believe that
the components might not be of the best quality. So what do you actually get for your money? A piece of
junk or a usable item of equipment?

After some research I was able to find tant to torsion. The EleksLaser version The heatsink on the EleksLaser engrav-
a relatively low-cost (around US$450, has been designed to look rather pret- ing head is also anodized, in a beau-
including a 5.5-watt laser) CNC engrav- tier than the other machine, for exam- tiful shade of blue, but unfortunately
ing machine kit from China on the Inter- ple through the use of anodized screws the result of this is that ambient light
net [1]. The kit has a similar basic con- and washers. is reflected in a distracting way when
struction to another machine called Elek-
sLaser, also produced in China, which is
around US$100 more expensive [2]. I
have tested both machines, and in this
article I am wording both my positive and
his negative experiences from putting the
kits together, from using the machines
in practice, and from experimenting with
the software and hardware.

Mechanical quality
As can be seen from the lead photo-
graph, both machines are built on the
well-known ‘gantry’ principle. The solid
aluminum extrusions mean that this
construction is very stable and resis- Figure 1. The two pairs of guide rollers above and below the rail and the stepper motor.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 51

use the acrylic pieces as supports: rub-
ber feet are provided that screw into the
frame extrusions. External screws are
also supplied, whereas the cheaper kit
requires some DIY at this point to drill
the four 5-mm holes.
And there is further devil in the detail:
the M5 nuts that slide into the extrusions
cannot be thicker than 3.2 mm or they
will not fit. Or course the nuts supplied
are of the right size, but if you want to
add the external screws you will need
to tediously file down some standard
4.0-mm thick (DIN 934 or equivalent)
Figure 2. Corner of the frame in the EleksLaser design and in the cheaper version (with third screw
nuts or try to find a source of suitable
added by the author).
ISO 4035/4036 low-profile nuts.
The external stabilization mentioned
above is essential to get the machine to
work with the correct acceleration and
braking parameters, which are important
to obtain clean results from the engraver.
In both cases it is also necessary to bolt
the frame down to an additional wooden
base plate or to the benchtop, as oth-
erwise the machine will leap about in
operation like a pronking gazelle.
Another criticism of the cheaper kit is
that it does not include any protection
for the cables that run to the engraving
head or to the x-axis stepper motor. A
suitably stiff piece of electrical conduit
can be used to help prevent damage to
the wires. If you try to mount a 5.5 W
Figure 3. These green glasses supplied with both machines afford practically no protection! You
must obtain glasses with a CE mark rated OD 4 as a minimum. laser head you may discover that the slot
in the mounting plate supplied with the
cheaper kit is not long enough: again you
will be forced to resort to using a file to
the machine is in operation. Black ano- axis. After engraving a few items it is a lengthen the slot sufficiently to allow the
dising, as in the cheaper model, would good idea to go back and check whether laser head to be mounted.
have been a better choice. The innova- a further adjustment to the tensioning
tive use of three toothed belts ensures is needed. Safety glasses
that the motion of the two axes is almost However, all is not sweetness and light. Both kits include apparently the same
entirely free of play (assuming that the The cheaper machine does not include type of safety glasses (see Figure 3),
belts are correctly tensioned) and the a single washer in the kit, nor a single but they are hardly worthy of the name.
claimed accuracy of 0.1 mm is easily spare screw or nut. An economy too far Their optical density, measured at OD 2,
reached in practice (see Figure 1). in the opinion of the author (who spent is nowhere near adequate protection for
There are three ball-bearing guide roll- an entire Sunday putting his machine the eyes when working with a class-IV
ers that are mounted in slots to allow together) is that the screws do not come laser; they are barely adequate for use
for some adjustment. The simplicity of sorted by size as they do in the Eleks- when positioning the laser with it running
the adjustment procedure is astonish- Laser kit: that would have saved a lot at minimum power. Also, it is not conve-
ing: just insert the two pairs of rollers, of time. nient to wear them over ordinary glasses.
mount the plate on the extrusion and A further negative aspect is that the lack In a kit costing several hundred dollars
loosely tighten up the nuts on the three of a third screw (and corresponding hole a better quality would be expected, for
guide rollers. Then manually run the in the plastic plate) at each corner of the example safety glasses rated at OD 4
carriage assembly back and forth along frame (see Figure 2) to help to stabilize or OD 5 at 450 nm, along with some
the extrusion a couple of times, and the structure and make it more rigid. kind of certification. After all, you only
finally, while pressing them against the Also, rubber feet attached under each have one pair of eyes! If you place any
extrusion, fully tighten the three nuts corner would help prevent the frame slid- value on your eyesight you must make
holding the guide rollers. And that’s ing around on smooth surfaces during the effort to find a proper pair of safety
all there is to it! The whole adjustment operation, but these also are not sup- goggles with appropriate approvals and
procedure takes less than a minute per plied. The EleksLaser kit does not mis- certification.

52 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

The laser
The laser (see Figure 4) is the main
component responsible for the quality of
the engraving results. The most import-
ant factor in this is accurate focusing.
Here both kits leave something to be
desired, as the focusing thread is coarse
and has considerable backlash. As a
result it takes some practice to focus
the laser accurately.
The cheaper kit drives the laser diode
using a high-quality variable DC sup-
ply with a constant current feature. The
circuitry also protects the diode against
Figure 4. The blue anodised EleksLaser and the black laser in the cheaper model.
damaging voltage transients produced
when the unit is turned on and off or
originating from the mains supply. The
EleksMaker laser head, in contrast, uses
a PWM controller (also called a TTL con-
troller), which minimizes the amount of
heat dissipated in the diode when oper-
ated at reduced power. However, PWM
operation does not necessarily increase
the efficiency of the laser: on the con-
trary, using the poorly-filtered output of
a buck regulator can lead to a loss of a
few percent in efficiency when compared
to pure DC operation. When the laser is
operated at full power the lower heat
dissipation advantage is lost, as 100 %
mark-space ratio PWM operation is the
same as the pure DC operation offered
by the cheaper version. The PWM driver
Figure 5. The electronics, based around an Arduino Nano, are practically the same in the two
used by EleksMaker therefore has some machines.
disadvantages in practice and, for a
continuous wave laser diode, is overkill.
However, if you wish, you can always
modify the laser head of the cheaper kit noticeably hot in operation. The supplied the freely-available GRBL G-code inter-
for PWM operation. mini-heatsink does not really help as the preter firmware, they come with different
The light output of the 5.5-watt laser metal pad of the IC that requires cooling PC software (Figure 6). Since the sys-
head is not sufficient for true metal is mounted directly to the printed cir- tem has no concept of a machine zero,
engraving. However, even operating at cuit board. The solution is to splash out you will look in vain for limit switches:
a power as low as 2 watts it is capable of another couple of dollars for another con- these are not required as they would be
making clear marks on a dark anodized troller board so that each y-axis motor in a metal-cutting machine, as the refer-
aluminum surface or exposing printed cir- has its own driver chip. ence point for each ‘light plot’ is simply
cuit boards coated with a photosensitive The current for each motor is set using a the point in the working area where the
lacquer. The author cannot recommend trimmer potentiometer. This seems sim- laser is positioned before the engraving
the more powerful laser heads with a ple enough, but there are traps for the operation commences. The PC software
(claimed) power of 15 watts as even this unwary: most of the information that allows the laser to be moved manually
is not enough for true metal engraving. you can find on the Internet is based using four buttons so that this point can
The 7-watt diode used in these heads is on incorrect formulae. For initial exper- be set as desired.
severely overdriven, which will lead to a iments it is sufficient to set all the trim- The cheaper machine is shipped with
considerably curtailed service life. mers to their mid-position; the correct the Benbox PC software; the EleksLa-
settings for current and voltage can be ser comes with EleksCam. Both pieces
The stepper motor controller calculated using the simple formula given of software fulfill all the basic require-
Both kits employ an Arduino Nano con- in the motor controller datasheet. ments a user might have. The EleksCam
nected to two A4988 motor controllers. software can be operated in full-screen
For reasons of cost the two y-axis motors GRBL firmware for the Arduino mode, whereas Benbox confines its pres-
are connected in parallel with opposite and the PC software ence to a fixed window. A word of warn-
phases. As a result the y-axis driver chip Although the two machines use an ing to purchasers of the cheaper product:
is significantly overloaded and it becomes Arduino Nano clone (Figure 5) running do not experiment with flashing new code

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 53

Figure 6. The modern-looking EleksMaker software does not really have any advantages over the simple Benbox software.

into the supplied Arduino Nano clone. is freely available. This software includes not already done so) install the neces-
The manufacturer has configured Ben- a simulator, a function to allow the vec- sary driver. Download the most recent
box in such a way that it will verify that torization of a range of pixel-based GRBL firmware as a .HEX file and copy
the original Nano clone is present before image formats, the ability to engrave it to the Arduino Nano using program-
it will allow you work with variable laser drawings and photographs, and a unique ming software such as XLoader [5]. Once
power. If the contents of the device are capability to automatically smooth the you have successfully flashed the device
changed then Benbox will irrevocably edges of, for example, freehand draw- and set up the COM port correctly you
switch to a mode where controlling the ings. A range of demonstration videos should be able to explore virtually all of
laser power is not possible. If you wish can be found on YouTube [4]. the available functions even though no
to experiment with alternative software, In the future it should be possible to engraving hardware is attached. If you
which normally will involve flashing the load an additional module, written by the connect an LED to port 11 of the Nano
controller with new code, then you will author of this article, into LaserGRBL, to you will be able to observe the PWM con-
need to use a second, blank, Arduino allow the machine to find and track laser trol of the imaginary laser as the G-code
Nano: in both cases the controllers are focus automatically with the help of a simulation runs.
fitted in sockets. webcam and a z-axis drive. It will also
As well as the rudimentary PC-based then be possible to make clean cuts in Conclusion
software supplied, it is possible to use thicker materials without having to adjust Mechanically speaking the two machines
both engraving machines with com- the focus point manually. are practically identical, even if the Elek-
mercial software such as T2Laser (Fig- Finally one last tip, in case you want to sLaser version is more slickly presented.
ure 7). There is also a free alternative in try out LaserGRBL without the engrav- The only differences are in the frame fix-
the form of LaserGRBL [3], which is of a ing hardware: connect a spare Arduino ings, the feet and the fitting for the laser
very high quality and whose source code Nano to the PC over USB and (if you have head. Is that worth the US$100 or so

Figure 7. The commercial T2Laser software and the free (as in beer and as in speech) LaserGRBL.

54 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

difference in price? The smart Elektor reader who is handy
with screws and wood can certainly save a penny or two.
You will have to be prepared to supply a few small compo-
nents yourself, and, most importantly, you must make an
investment in high-quality certified safety glasses.
In summary, both laser engravers are useful machines offer-
ing a good price-performance ratio. They are ideal both for
creative artistic and for purely technically-oriented applica-
tions, but they can only really be recommended to tinkerers
and hobbyists. The available laser power of 5.5 W and the
positional accuracy of the machine are more than adequate
to allow high-quality engraving of organic materials, plastics
and dark anodized aluminum at a reasonably high speed.
With a little care in set-up and use, devotees of grayscale
engraving in wood and model builders will also find the
machine good value for money. It is even possible to use
the machine to expose printed circuit boards without the
usual problems of uneven outlines.

A final remark on construction: the cheaper kit comes

with a small CD containing the assembly instructions (and
they are also available online). Much of the information is
only relevant to other versions of the machine, and fur-
thermore the instructions are in Chinese. The non-sino-
logues amongst us can nevertheless take advantage of the
many photographs provided: with a little imagination and
thought it is straightforward enough to put the machine
together. C

(160448) M





Web Links
[1] www.ebay.com/itm/122760898329
[2] http://store.eleksmaker.com/
[3] http://lasergrbl.com/en/
[4] www.youtube.com/watch?v=conZiopJF3k
[5] http://russemotto.com/xloader/

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 55


Soft Start for PSU

Be nice to your power supply – and its load
By Fons Janssen, Maxim Integrated (Netherlands)

One of the most important tools

(or piece of test equipment, if
you will) in an electronics lab
is the lab power supply. What’s
more, it is certainly the most
popular item of test equipment
for DIY construction, and Elektor
has published quite a few power
supply designs over the course of
time. The circuit presented here
is a general-purpose soft-start
accessory for both homemade and
commercial power supplies.

• Allows the output voltage of a lab
power supply to rise gradually
• Voltage rate of rise approximately
800 V/s
• Suitable for installation in many
power supplies
• Maximum voltage 30 V, maximum
current approx. 5 A
• Perfectly suited to capacitive loads

The simplest lab power supplies have However, most lab power supplies found Switch
an adjustable output voltage and (ide- in the enthusiasts’ domain (professional Of course, you could simply place a
ally) short-circuit protection. That’s types are generally too expensive for the robust switch — which means a switch
fairly basic, but for a budding electron- home lab and are therefore not consid- able to withstand heavy currents and
ics enthusiast it’s an excellent way to ered here) lack a button for enabling or high voltages — between the output of
start their career. The better models disabling the output without switching the power supply and the connected load,
also have adjustable output current the power supply on or off. The power but that option has a significant draw-
limiting, and precise indication of the switch of the power supply is often used back: mechanical switches bounce a lot,
output voltage and current is a feature for this purpose, but if you do that very and that is not what you really want.
that should be present in any respect- often it tends to shorten the lifetime of Furthermore, a switch does not solve
able lab power supply. the electronics in the power supply. another issue: the high inrush current

56 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

when a very capacitive load is connected. of a single FET: with this arrangement
The circuit presented here solves both the body diodes of the two FETs are fac- project information
issues at the same time. After you press ing in opposite directions. That prevents Lab power supply
the button, the output voltage rises at a any current from flowing from the load
Soft start
constant rate (dV/dt); when you press it back into the power supply.
again, the voltage is switched off almost
immediately. Since the soft-start circuit Charge pump entry level
is located between the existing lab power The task of IC2, a MAX16126 from Maxim
Æ intermediate level
supply and the connected load, the power [1], is to raise the gate-source voltage
expert level
supply does not have to be switched on of T1 and T2 above the threshold volt-
and off all the time. age, so that they start conducting. This
is done with the aid of a charge pump
2 hours approx.
Schematic diagram that raises the gate-source voltage to
Figure 1 shows the full schematic dia- approximately 9 V, which is more than
gram. The output voltage from the lab enough to drive the FETs fully on with
Hot-air soldering station or
power supply enters on connector K1 minimum on-state resistance.
reflow oven,
and is switched through to the load (con-
soldering iron with fine tip
nected to K2A or K2B) by the two FETs T1 The circuit here is a source follower
and T2. These FETs are type NVD6824NL, (comparable to an emitter follower), in
which was chosen due to its extremely which the output follows the gate volt-
€50 / £45 / $60 approx.
low on resistance (RDS(on)) of 21 mΩ and age minus the threshold voltage of the
its maximum rated current of approxi- FETs. If the gate voltage rises linearly,
mately 40 A under ideal conditions, which the output voltage will also rise linearly
means with adequate cooling. at exactly the same rate, until the output
In the present application without cool- voltage is equal to the input voltage. The
ing, the maximum realistic current is charge pump acts as a current source of rise of the gate voltage:
about 5 A. There is a very good reason with a current of about 180 µA, so the
for using two FETs in series here instead value of capacitor C4 determines the rate I = C × dV / dt

Vin NVD6824NL NVD6824NL
T1 T2

2 K2A

R4 R1 R5
K2 D2 C5
1 8


EN 2x 1N4148 1n
C1 4 5 C4
MAX5024 C2 C3
100n 7 220n 11 10 9
GND EP 22u 1u 50V 12 2
IC2 R6
1 SHDN 8 T3 K2B

MAX16126 3 1
4 5
R2 R7
IC GND EP 2N7002


6 7 6
IN MAX16054 +5V
160383 - 11

2 3


Figure 1. The complete schematic of the soft-start circuit, which is built around three Maxim ICs.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 57

easy to drive a bicolour LED (LED1) that
indicates the status of the output: green
component list = output enabled; red = output disabled.
However, if you think that green should
stand for ‘no output voltage’ so that you
can safely work on the circuit being fed
from the power supply, you can simply
reverse the LED connections.
Transistor T3 is driven into conduction
when the output voltage of the soft-start
circuit is switched off. Then the output is
immediate connected to ground through
R5, so that any charge left in capacitors
in the load circuit is safely discharged to
ground. With a maximum output voltage
of 30 V (see below), the maximum power
dissipation in R5 is:

302 / 3.600 = 0.25 [W]

A 125-mW resistor (see the component

list) is sufficient here because R5 only
Figure 2. A double-sided PCB has been designed has to handle this maximum power for a
for the soft-start circuit. Note: mounting IC2 is a short time. However, if you want to be on
bit tricky, please review the text. the safe side you can always fit a resistor
with a higher power rating.

Power supply
IC1 (again a Maxim IC, in this case a
MAX5024 [3]) is an ordinary linear reg-
ulator that generates a 5 V supply volt-
age from a fixed input voltage that must
be obtained from somewhere in the lab
power supply. This IC has a maximum
input voltage of 65 V, which should be
more than enough to allow a suitable
voltage to be connected to K2 for this
purpose. The MAX5024 has reverse volt-
age protection for the input voltage, so
This yields voltage (with in certain limits) by adjust- you don’t have to worry about it going
ing the value of C4. up in smoke if you make a mistake.
dV / dt = 180 µA / 220 nF = 818 V/s The 5 V supply voltage is necessary for
Switching on and off powering IC3. It is also used to power
If we assume that the circuit to be pow- IC3 (a MAX16054, also from Maxim [2]) IC2 when the output voltage of the lab
ered forms a capacitive load with a value looks after switching the output voltage power supply is less than 5 V, because IC2
of 1000 µF, then the peak input current on and off (which effectively means con- requires a minimum supply voltage of 3 V.
is limited to necting or disconnecting the load). This The voltage from the lab power supply
IC generates a logic signal whose level is logic-ORed with the output voltage of
818 × 1000 ≈ 800 [mA] switches back and forth when the button IC1 via D1 and D2, ensuring that IC2
(S1) is pressed. This signal drives the always has an adequate supply voltage.
That is a value that most lab power sup- SHDN pin of IC2. If your lab power supply has a fixed 5 V
plies can easily handle. If necessary, you As the IC generates complementary out- output or a fixed 5-V internal voltage,
can alter the rate of rise of the output put signals (OUT and OUT), it is very it can be connected to connector K4. In
that case IC1 can be omitted. Note that
K4 does not have any reverse polarity
protection, so mistakes here can have
Web Links fatal consequences.
[1] https://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/MAX16126-MAX16127.pdf The minimum input voltage for IC2 is 5 V
[2] https://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/MAX16054.pdf minus the forward voltage of D1 and D2,
which means about 4.4 V. In that case
[3] https://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/MAX5023-MAX5024.pdf
the gate-source voltage for T1 and T2

58 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

will be slightly higher than 9 V, namely
Practical results
4.4 + 9 – Vlab_supply [V] The author tested his prototype of the
soft-start circuit to see whether the
However, that is not a problem because practical results matched the theory.
the FETs used here can tolerate gate- Figure 3 shows a pair of oscillograms.
source voltages as high as 20 V. In both of them you can see (from
top to bottom) the switch signal (the
Maximum voltage voltage on the SHDN input of IC2; blue
Although IC2 can tolerate input voltages trace); the gate voltage of T1 and T2
up to 90 V, the maximum allowable output (red trace), the output voltage (yellow
voltage is limited to 30 V. To avoid dam- trace), and the input current (green Figure 3A. Soft start circuit behaviour with
age, IC2 monitors the input voltage via trace). a load consisting of a 1000-µF electrolytic
You can clearly see that after the capacitor...
voltage divider R6/R7. If the input voltage
rises above 30 V, IC2 switches off the FETs button is pressed, the SHDN input goes
T1 and T2. This means that the soft-start high, following which IC2 allows the
circuit is only suitable for power supplies gate voltage of the two transistors to
with a maximum output voltage of 30 V. rise nicely at a linear rate. Once the
gate voltage exceeds the threshold
Construction value, the two FETs start conducting
For the soft-start circuit we have designed and the output voltage also rises
a compact double-sided PCB (Figure 2), linearly (it follows the gate voltage).
which with a bit of luck can be fitted in The output voltage continues rising
an existing lab power supply. The output until it is equal to the input voltage.
voltage is routed to two connectors (K2A The gate voltage continues rising a Figure 3B. ... and with a 500-mA load.
and K2B) in parallel. K2A consists of two bit more until it reaches a level about
4-mm mounting holes with a centreline 9 V above the source voltage. At that
spacing of exactly 3/4”. These standard point both FETs are driven fully into
dimensions allow the PCB to be mounted conduction.
directly on the terminal posts of the power Figure 3A shows the behaviour of the circuit with a capacitive load (a 1000-
supply. If there is not enough room for µF electrolytic capacitor); Figure 3B shows what happens with a 500-mA load
the board inside the power supply, than (electronic load).
you can use a PCB-mount screw terminal In both cases the output voltage reaches its final value within 25 ms. The
strip (K2B) instead. rate of rise (dV / dt) of the output voltage is approximately 600 V/s (12 V
The auxiliary voltage for IC1 (K2) and / 20 ms), a bit less than the theoretical value of 818 V/s. This is probably
the fixed 5 V supply voltage (K4) have due to the tolerance of C4 and because the current provided by the charge
already been discussed. pump is not exactly equal to the specified value of 180 µA. In any case, the
Assembling the circuit board can be deviations from the theoretical values are of no consequence for practical use
tricky. IC1 and in particular IC2 are dif- of the circuit.
ficult. We recommend using a hot-air sol-
dering station for them — or even better,
a reflow oven if you have one. Always
mount IC2 first and then check the result tools, IC2 is premounted on the PCB
of your soldering work with a magni- available in the Elektor Store. from the store
fying glass or microscope (by the way, After you have successfully mounted IC1
and excellent USB digital microscope is and IC2, the other components are easy. PCB with IC2 premounted
available in the Elektor Store). For the resistors (with the exception of
For the sake of clarity, in the schematic R5) and the capacitors for which a type V160 USB digital microscope
diagram you can see a pair of termi- 0805 package is specified in the Compo-
nals for IC1 and IC2 marked with dashed nent List, you can also use components
lines and labelled ‘EP’. That abbreviation in a type 0603 package if you so wish.
stands for ‘Exposed Pad’, which is an Lab power supplies come in all shapes
exposed metal surface on the bottom of and sizes, so we cannot give a standard
the IC package that must be bonded to recipe for fitting the board in the power
GND. The only way to do that is to use supply. However, it’s not a bad idea to
a hot-air soldering station or a reflow consult the schematic of the power supply
oven. The purpose of this is to ensure when you start the fitting process. And
that the ICs always have adequate cool- remember that opening the enclosure of
ing, even though that is probably not a a commercial lab power supply will render
critical issue in this application. As some the warranty null and void.
people do not have the required SMD (160383-I)

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 59

ESP32 Design Contest 2018
Two 32-bit CPUs, a 2.4-GHz radio
plus Wi-Fi & Bluetooth
The ESP32 Design Contest 2018 revolves about the new
ESP32 flagship product from Espressif Systems. The ESP32
combines up to two Xtensa LX6 32-bit microcontrollers with
a 2.4-GHz radio system, plus Wi-Fi and Bluetooth protocol
stacks all in a single package. Easy-to-use modules like the
ESP32-PICO-KIT, a free software development toolchain with
extensive libraries and documentation make the ESP32’s
power available to anyone.

Participate in the contest

Get yourself an ESP32-based module, do a project with it and
post your work on the Elektor Labs website. Make sure to set
the project’s contest field to ‘ESP32 Design Contest 2018’
(Figure 1). Applications are not restricted to IoT or low energy;
just surprise us with creative ideas and solutions.

Figure 1. Please make sure to set the project’s ‘contest’ field to:
ESP32 Design Contest 2018.

Deadline: March 31, 2018 @ 0:00 hours CET Improve your chan
ces to win
• Be creative
• Document, docum
ent, document2
• Include photograph
s and drawings
• Provide complete
schematics and
full source code files
• Add a video showin
g your project

0 0 w o r t h o f prizes!

For the latest information about the contest visit


60 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

HomeLab Helicopter
Compiled by Clemens Valens (Elektor Labs)

Forgotten Problems
Following the item “The incandescent lightbulb fights back” in HH installment 6/2017
I received a message from a German reader. It contained a link to a discussion on a
German radio amateur forum about the very same lightbulbs as the ones mentioned
in the piece. Someone had observed that these lightbulbs produce electromagnetic
interference, measured at around 60 MHz and up (depending on the lamp’s wattage)
and an investigation was started to find the reason for this. Finally, Barkhausen-
Kurz or Gill-Morell oscillations, a phenomenon discovered somewhere in 1920, were
proposed as the most probable cause of the interference. It appears that at the time
of their discovery it was a common problem encountered in radio valves.
What this message showed me besides the fact me that my retro-lighting subject was
not as “avant-garde” as I had hoped — the discussion dates back to in 2008 — is that
by reintroducing forgotten technologies we may also reintroduce forgotten problems.
Many of these problems have forgotten solutions that in the end have brought
technology to where it is today. Kick out the chair from underneath it, and we will be in
“another fine mess” (to cite a forgotten movie).
P.S. I tried to measure the interference of a vintage bulb with a small RF spectrum
analyser but didn’t see any.


The Art of Electronics

When you happen to be in
Prague you can visit the Apple
Museum and look at vintage
Apple computers. Those who
do not want to pay the €9 fee
for the exhibition may want to
enter the building anyway as
just behind the door hangs this
portrait of Steve Jobs. It is a
mosaic completely made from
computer parts (Apple, I hope)
similar to the huge mosaic at Mumbai airport representing the Maharashtra
Province (see “Welcome to the Design Section” 5/2015). If you know of other
electronics mosaics or art forms do not hesitate to share them.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 61

Artificial Intelligence —
the Genuine Fake Factory
When people think about artificial intelligence (AI) they tend to think of super-intelligent computers trying to take over the world
and destroy mankind. (Funny, actually, when you come to think of it. Some of the world leaders seem to seek total destruction, yet
we tend to think of them as absolute idiots, another meaning of AI. Anyway.)

In the real world AI development and research is more oriented to helping humans dig through large amounts of data, classify
images and photographs, translate texts from one language to another or
patiently answer customer support requests over and over again. Of course, a
sizeable amount of money is spent on AI research for military applications, but
that is not where it stops.

Wikipedia insert: The Turing test, developed by Alan Turing in 1950, is a

test of a machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent behaviour equivalent to,
or indistinguishable from, that of a human.

Did you know that AI systems are being used to write weather forecasts and
other data presentations in a human friendly way instead of spitting them
out as a list of numbers? Since readers of such forecasts will suppose it was
written by a human, the AI that composed it can be considered as having
passed the Turing test.

Bogus or not? Difficult to say as the author, E. Labs, is cited several times in the
article’s reference section (and apparently even co-authored an article with Stephen
Hawking). (Download the complete article from www.elektormagazine.com/160622.)

The papers generated by SCIgen include graphs and a long list

Wikipedia insert: SCIgen is a computer program that uses of references, all fake, of course. According to the program’s
context-free grammar to randomly generate nonsense in website, some of the SCIgen written articles have been accepted
the form of computer science research papers. for publication by serious computer science organizations. SCIgen
therefore has passed the Turing test on several occasions.

Homelab Tool
To add to your collection of cameras, here is the
USB Endoscope (sometimes also called Antscope).
They come in several lengths, up to 20 metres, with
and without Wi-Fi connectivity. Pieces of hooked wire
can be clipped or screwed on the camera head, allowing its
user to recover the car keys that accidentally fell into the sewer. A ring of
dimmable white LEDs around the lens provides light in the darkness.

62 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

Wikipedia insert: DeepDream is a computer vision program created by Google engineer Alexander Mordvintsev which uses a
convolutional neural network to find and enhance patterns in images via algorithmic pareidolia.

Pareidolia is the tendency to perceive a specific, often meaningful image in a random or ambiguous visual pattern, for instance
recognizing a human or animal form in a cloud or the famous face on the moon. DeepDream can apply the “style” of one image to
another. By combining a painting from Vincent Van Gogh and a selfie, DeepDream can come up with a selfie that looks as if it was
painted by Van Gogh.

The few examples given in this article illustrate how artificial

intelligence is getting better and better at imitating the world
around us. Augmented Reality and AI-generated context can
easily manipulate and deceive human beings. AI is a great tool
for malicious people, organizations and governments. But AI
can create art too, beautifying our world with paintings and
literature. Someday AI might replace television. Imagine an AI
movie generator. Every night a new movie, just for you. Maybe
someday AI will become a new form of amusement.
AI can write poetry too. The poem below, an acrostic entitled
‘Elektor’ (the first letter of each sentence together form the
word ‘Elektor’), was written by a computer program running in
A boring photograph of a rather surrealistic office together with
a cloud somewhere: DeepDream’s much nicer impressionist version of it.

Electronic gadgets love

Like flames engulf.
Electrodes lead,
Keen enthusiasts reflow.
Tight coils laugh,
Optoelectronics shout
Revolutionary ambitions desire.

The program even provides auto praise: “’Optoelectronics’,

‘Tight coils’ — all I can say is this is emotive stuff.” AI humour?

George Orwell
was an Optimist
Did you ever count the number of cameras you have in your home? I did and
quickly lost count. Smartphone cams, tablet cams, laptop cams, webcams, IP
cams, baby cams, dash cams, wildlife cams, drone cams, robot cams, rear-view
cams, spy cams, camcorder cams, you-name-it cams. Not only is every object
around us being connected to the Internet, they are getting ears and eyes too.

Want to participate? Please send your comments, suggestions, tips and tricks to [email protected]

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 63

KiCad Community-powered
PCB design

By Alexandre Perier-Muzet (France)

When building a professional or home electronics project, you need good CAD software to obtain a good-
quality PCB that will meet the needs of the project. Is KiCAD, open source software developed by a
community, capable of rivalling the electronic CAD software in an ultra-competitive and lucrative market?

A bit of history lar. Today, Eagle has an interface that is easier to get to grips
KiCAD will not be unknown to regular Elektor readers — it has with, but KiCAD lets you do more sophisticated things, as the
already been covered in the November 2015 issue about elec- free version of Eagle is very limited: only two circuit sheets,
tronic CAD and in an article back in February 2007. More than two copper layers, and a circuit area limited to 80 cm2. This is
ten years have gone by, the electronic CAD software market why KiCAD remains the only open source electronic CAD soft-
has seen a great many developments and changes. So it’s ware that is without limitations, facing giants in the industry
time to talk again about KiCAD, which in my humble opinion like Altium [3], SolidWork PCB [4], PADS [5], OrCAD PCB [6],
is still the solution that is able to satisfy the greatest number and Pulsonix [7].
of users, whether amateur or professional. It’s important to remember that the first version of KiCAD,
in 2017, we saw Eagle [2] bought out by Autodesk. Eagle used created by Jean-Pierre Charras, was published in 1992. Today,
to be the major competitor for KiCAD, since in terms of cost, more than five hundred people around the world are working to
they were affordable for everyone. improve this software. At the time of writing, the current ver-
Certainly, even just a year ago, it was difficult to choose sion is 4.0.7. Version 5 was announced at FOSDEM 2017 (Free
between KiCAD and Eagle, as they were technically very simi- and Open-source Software Developers’ European Meeting).

64 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

So it’s a fair bet that KiCAD is still going to be around ten years Getting help learning to use KiCAD
from now. Whether you’re a beginner or a professional looking You might think that KiCAD is a bit short on documentation
for stability, you can regard KiCAD as a viable long-term option! compared to its competitors, but not at all — once again the
community that is developing KiCAD has done a fantastic job.
Advantages & drawbacks Under the ‘Help’ tab on the official site, you have access to
KiCAD is distributed under a GPL V3 licence, so it is open all the resources needed, translated into no less than nine
source, which means that all the code making it up may not languages: from the simple description of the broad steps for
be subjected to copyright. It is distributed free and without using it to the manual that contains the description of every
limitations on the official website [1]. Since KiCAD is the result menu and every icon in HTML, PDF, or EPUB format.
of collaboration by people all round the world, it is translated If by some chance you don’t find what you’re looking for in the
into something like 20 languages, making it accessible to vir- official resources, KiCAD forum [10] is teeming with information
tually anyone with a computer. and people ready to help you. If you’re still stuck, the #kicad
KiCAD is constantly being developed for different platforms IRC channel on Freenode will be a good option – make sure
(see which below), which is why there are always one or two you’re polite if you want an answer! And lastly, by searching
little bugs that may be hanging around. However, you won’t on the ‘Net, you’ll be able to unearth help and useful advice. If
have to keep rebooting KiCAD every 15 minutes, even on “old” you need circuit symbols for a component or other resources,
machines (5–7 years), nor worry about the size of your proj- SnapEDA [11] can prove very handy.
ect… This software is pleasant to use and even more stable Finally, if you become a fan of KiCAD, try to contribute or
than most of the applications (sometimes paid) that we use make a donation [12]. An incredible, royalty-free tool like this
every day. always needs support!
Nevertheless, it takes a bit of time to master KiCAD; it will
obviously be quicker if you have already designed a PCB, and How to install KiCAD
take longer if you are just starting. However, don’t let this The ‘Download’ tab on the official site offers links to obtain
discourage you — designing a PCB is a hard, precise job that KiCAD, together with the installation instructions for each oper-
leaves no room for mistakes, regardless of the electronic CAD ating system. No-one needs to be jealous! KiCAD operates
software used and the level of the designer. under: Windows, Mac, and Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora,
There is a great deal of information and a great many con- Arch, Mint, openSUSE, etc.). Of course the installation file
straints to be taken into account: the circuit diagram, the com- comprises a large number of circuit symbols together with the
ponents used, the choice of the number of copper layers, the footprints for the corresponding components.
size of the PCB, the positioning and orientation of the compo- Once KiCAD is installed, you’ll in fact have access to several
nents, the footprints of the components used, the connectors programs:
used, the tracks to be routed, etc.
The KiCAD interface may not be the most modern, which makes • KiCAD: the project manager. Also gives access to the cir-
this software a little less intuitive and a little less easy to get to cuit library editor and component footprint editor.
grips with than its competitors, but only superficially... As this • eeschema: the circuit diagram editor. This also lets you
drawback is also an advantage: the tools don’t move around assign component footprints and create the netlist.
with every update! This simplicity of the interface also means • Pcbnew: lets you design the PCB, route the copper
the program stands up to any test: the community surround- tracks, and gives access to the 3D viewer.
ing KiCAD accepts the fact of having a functional, royalty-free • gerberview: lets you view Gerber files from KiCAD or
tool with a Spartan interface. another electronic CAD program.
Whichever CAD software is used, all of them these days meet • pl-editor: lets you customize the template for the pages
the industry standards that will then make it possible for a used to draw out the circuits.
pick-and-place machine to place SMD components using its • pcb-calculator: lets you calculate lots of things that are
robotic arm at very high speed. Europlacer [8] for example is useful while you’re designing a circuit: track widths, elec-
a French manufacturer of this type of machine. trical spacing, etc.
Even though KiCAD is open source software, there’s nothing • bitmap2component: lets you convert a bitmap image
to stop you scaling up production of your board. One day, you into a component that can be used for the silk-screening in
may be designing and building a prototype for fun at home eeschema and Pcbnew.
with a cheap soldering iron; the next day, you’re designing a
PCB to be incorporated into a product that will be sold by the You’ll spend most of your time navigating between eeschema
thousand. At that point, you’ll need a service provider like and Pcbnew. In concrete terms, you’ll move on from the sche-
Technalp [9] who will carry out the construction and integra- matic representation to the physical design of the tracks and
tion of your boards for you. the PCB. Enough talking! Let’s take a simple, quick example.
So to answer the question raised at the start of the article:
KiCAD has no cause to be jealous of its competitors, it really From the idea to the board using KiCAD
is not the least equipped of electronic CAD software products. Designing a PCB (whether it’s your first or not) is always stressful.
Quite the reverse: it offers an incredible richness thanks to its You must go about it logically and thoroughly check everything
distribution licence. As a result, these slight shortcomings are you do. In this example, for implementing a little microcontrol-
totally overshadowed by the creative freedom it offers. Using it ler, there’s no voltage converter, nor protective diode in case
myself since version 3, I’ve always been satisfied with KiCAD, the supply polarity is reversed, nor a hard-to-solder micro-USB
which I use regularly for private and professional projects alike. connector. We’re going to content ourselves with the minimum

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 65

Figure 1. Essential tools in eeschema. Figure 2. Placing the ATtiny85 microcontroller in eeschema.

for a really simple PCB, even if it means taking a few risks:

• A 10-µF, 16-V capacitor, in a CMS 0805 package, for

decoupling the microcontroller supply.
• Positions for 0.1-inch (2.54 mm) pitch pinheaders, to
make it easier to connect cables for prototyping.
• An ATtiny85 8-bit microcontroller from AVR (recently
bought out by Microchip [13]).

Although the 8-pin microcontroller operates at 3.3 V or 5 V

and is available in a through-hole package we will be using
the SMD version. It can be programmed using an Arduino Uno
board and the Arduino IDE; it is ideal for projects that don’t
need much power and not many input/output pins. Note that
the ATtiny85 datasheet [14] tells us that it can be clocked at
16 MHz using an external crystal, but we’re going to content
ourselves with the 8 MHz from the internal crystal.

Circuit step by step

Open KiCAD and create a new project (File/New project)
named attiny85. KiCAD will propose automatically creating a
Figure 3. Component properties window in eeschema. folder with the same name, in which it will store all the files.

Figure 4. Selecting the capacitor in eeschema. Figure 5. Choosing the capacitor footprint in eeschema.

66 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

Figure 6. Partial circuit in eeschema. Figure 7. Final circuit with numbering in eeschema.

By default, there are three:

• attiny85.pro: all the project details

• attiny85.sch: circuit
• attiny85.kicad_pcb: design for the electronics board

Double-click on attiny85.sch in the left-hand column, eeschema

will then open (Figure 1). Using File/Page setting, you can
customize the red title block at the bottom right. Then add your
first component using the Place component tool (Figure 4,
pos. 1). The cursor changes to a pencil. Left-clicking on the
page opens the component selection window. In the Filter
field, enter attiny85-20su. Confirm using OK then place the
microcontroller by left-clicking again on the page (Figure 2).
Right-click on this one component, then select Edit Compo-
nent/Edit; the Component Properties window will appear
(Figure 3). This lets you, for example, adjust the orientation
of the component and assign it a footprint.
The Reference field contains a unique letter+number combi-
nation for each component, it will be populated automatically
later; you must never modify it manually.
Figure 8. Annotating the circuit: option in eeschema.
As the ATtiny85 is by definition a microcontroller, the footprint
is already assigned. The component reference and value are
shown in blue-green at the bottom of the screen, while the
footprint is written in purple. It is possible to hide or show
these fields in the component properties.
Proceed in the same way to add the capacitor (Filter Ž C,
Figure 4). You can see in its properties that the Footprint
field is empty. So you need to Assign Footprint: click on the
button with the same name. In the window that opens, double
left-click to select the desired package or ‘housing’ in KiCAD
terminology (Figure 5).

Also add the VCC and GND components, without assigning them
footprints. Then use the Place wire tool (Figure 4, pos. 2) to
create the first connections between the capacitor, VCC, GND,
and the ATtiny85: left-click to start a wire and double-click to
end it. Note the labels (global label, Figure 4, pos. 3) on
the left-hand pins of the ATtiny85: these let you create an
invisible wire between two pins on components that have the Figure 9. Final circuit after numbering in eeschema.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 67

Figure 10. Organization of the Pcbnew interface. Figure 11. Good and bad layouts in Edge.Cut.

same global label. In this way, the circuit is easier to read and Table: Pcbnew tools
it limits the number of wires to be drawn in eeschema. But
these tracks will still have to be drawn in Pcbnew.
Now place two 3-pin connectors (Filter Ž conn_01x03) for
the GND and VCC signals, then two 4-pin connectors (Fil- Add Add Add Add
ter Ž conn_01x04) for the eight pins of the ATtiny85. graphic line dimension zones text
The connector footprints are free, let’s start with easy-to-sol-
der types (Figure 7):
Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x03_Pitch2.54mm and
Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x04_Pitch2.54mm is just a quick tour to help you find your way around. We’re
We still have to add a component reference number so as to not going to cover designing footprints, as the ones for the
get rid of the “?” (Figure 4, pos. 4). In the window that opens, components in our example are already present in KiCAD.
set the options as in Figure 8 and click on Annotate. Attention: Thanks to its many options, Pcbnew is very com-
We then get the final circuit (Figure 9). As it is rudimentary, prehensive, and hence sometimes complex; we can’t detail
we’ll dispense with the electrical rules test (Figure 4, pos. 5). everything here. However, the documentation will be able to
In eeschema, all that remains to be done is to create the list answer all your questions.
of interconnections, the netlist (Figure 4, pos. 6) which will In Figure 10, the tools on the left (blue surround) let you mod-
convey the essential routing information to Pcbnew. When ify the options for displaying the lands, tracks, or net. In the top
the window opens, click on Generate. Now let’s move onto to strip (yellow surround), we find the track widths and hole sizes,
designing our board in Pcbnew (Figure 4, pos. 7). along with the grid pitch. The right-hand column (red surround)
groups together the tools needed for designing the circuit board.
PCB layout And lastly, right over on the right, the green frame lets you select
While eeschema is easy enough to grasp, it’s going to take a the working layers. Just as in eeschema, right-clicking with the
little longer to get used to Pcbnew. So what I’m offering here mouse is useful when it comes to using the various tools.

Figure 12. Copper area properties in Pcbnew. Figure 13. Edges, dimensions, and copper area in Pcbnew.

68 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

It’s wise to start by setting up the layers: select Design Rules/
Layers Setup in the menu bar. In our case, Two layers,
parts on front and back will suit us perfectly. Set the PCB
thickness here (1.6 mm is a standard value). Confirm with OK.
The Design Rule/Design Rules menu lets you assign a spe-
cific track width to each type of interconnection (net).
Now click on the Edge.Cuts layer (in the green surround) which
is used to define the edges of the PCB. A little blue arrow will
appear to the left of the name, indicating that this layer is active.
Select the Add graphic line tool just alongside (see table).
The Add graphic line tool in Pcbnew is used just like the
one in eeschema. Watch out! You must be very precise if you
don’t want to see errors appearing in the 3D viewer (View/3D
Viewer) (Figure 11).
It is possible to add dimensions so as to have a better idea of
the size of the PCB. Position yourself on the Cmts.user layer Figure 14. Reading the netlist in Pcbnew.
and use the Add dimension tool (see table), which works in
exactly the same way as the Add graphic line tool.

Now we’re going to add the PCB’s copper areas. Position your-
self on the F.Cu layer and select the Add filled zones tool
(see table). Select F.Cu and GND then confirm with OK. In this
way, the whole copper layer F.Cu will be connected to ground
(Figure 12). We’ll pass over the other options available, as
they are not needed in this example and can lead to some quite
weird results if they are incorrectly defined. Draw a square that
follows the edges on Edge.Cut. Do the same for B.Cu. You
ought to get a result similar to the one in Figure 13.

It’s time now to reveal the component footprints and position

them on the PCB by reading the netlist. At the top of the screen,
you should find the same NET button as in eeschema (Figure 4,
pos. 6). Don’t forget that the information is passed in one
direction only: from eeschema to Pcbnew, never the reverse.

A window opens (Figure 14); as this is the first reading of

the netlist in this example, the default options must be left.
Attention: if you make any changes to your circuit in eeschema,
the netlist must be created again. At that point, depending on
the changes made, you must modify the read options in the
netlist in Pcbnew in order for the modifications to be shown.
Confirm using the Read Current Netlist button. A group of
footprints is then shown (Figure 15). Figure 15. Appearance of footprints in Pcbnew.

The white lines representing the net indicate the tracks to

be created in order to adhere to the circuit diagram; you can
update this using the shortcut B, which at the same time
verifies the electrical design rules and updates the ground
planes. Move the footprints using your keyboard’s M key (move)
or a right-click in order to distribute them within the out-
lines already drawn. If Pcbnew can’t determine automatically
which footprint you want to move, it asks you to clarify your
selection. It’s also possible to orient the footprints using the
shortcut R (rotate). The shortcut E (edit) lets you modify the
footprint properties.

Let’s add some text (see table) to describe the connectors.

Position yourself on the F.SilkS layer which corresponds to the
silk-screening, then use the Add text tool to write, for exam-
ple. RST, PB0, etc. You obtain the result shown in Figure 16.
It’s time to create the tracks. Two solutions are available to you: Figure 16. Components positioned prior to routing in Pcbnew.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 69

In either case, we won’t need to route the GND net, as both
our copper layers are of the GND type. In this way, Pcbnew on
its own connects together lands with the same name; it also
interprets the global labels added in eeschema and transforms
them into tracks to be drawn.
However, the autorouter sometimes produces rather convo-
luted tracks that do not necessarily abide by the fundamental
principles of design, namely: to avoid right-angles in the track
layout as far as possible, or to keep as far away as possible
from the board edges.
But to be honest, it’s an easy choice to make between retouch-
ing a few tracks – or drawing them all by hand! For this example,
these questions aren’t very important, but on more complex
boards, they can create irreparable errors, for example, due
to electrostatic phenomena.
Figure 17. Launching automatic routing in Pcbnew. To start automatic routing, change the track mode to autorout-
ing: right-click on the ATtiny and choose Autoroute / Auto-
matically Route All Footprints (Figure 17). You will then
see Pcbnew creating all the tracks between the components
for you (Figure 18).
• manual routing, which is time-consuming With a little bit of manual retouching, it is possible to obtain
• automatic routing: Pcbnew draws the tracks for you, more pleasing layouts as in Figure 19. Lastly, you must create
according to the design in eeschema. the Gerber files required for the board to be manufactured by

Figure 18. Autorouted board in Pcbnew. Figure 19. Autorouted and optimized board in Pcbnew.

Figure 20. Window for creating Gerber files in Pcbnew. Figure 21. Window for creating drill files in Pcbnew.

70 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

your chosen professional (SeeedStudio [15], EasyEDA [16],
Eurocircuits [17], etc.). Click on File/Plot (Figure 20). Make
sure you also Generate drill file (Figure 21). And lastly,
combine all the files in the project’s Gerber folder into a single
ZIP file. Of course, you must ensure that all the details are cor-
rectly interpreted by the service provider, using the site’s built-in
Gerber reader. After placing your order, receiving your parcel,
and fitting the components, the completed board ought to look
like the one shown in Pcbnew’s built-in 3D viewer (Figure 22).
You’ll soon spot that in the photo of the actual board, there
are no capacitors, the VCC and GND connectors are reversed,
and the track layout is different. This board was my first PCB
design, over three years ago, and I made some mistakes,
whence these differences… But in electronics, we always learn
from our mistakes and do better next time...

A Github repository [18] gives you access to the source files for

the new version and explains how to send code to the ATtiny85
using an Arduino UNO board and the Arduino IDE.
You now know the main steps for designing a board using

Author’s biography

Alexandre Perier-Muzet trained as a chemist, and became

an electronics engineer through his passion. He’s an ardent
supporter of royalty-free software solutions. He shares his
creations and projects on his blog: anderson69s.com.
Figure 22. Comparison of the 3D preview and the actual board.

Web Links
[1] KiCAD: http://kicad-pcb.org
[2] Eagle: www.autodesk.com/products/eagle/overview
[3] Altium: www.altium.com
[4] SolidWorks PCB: www.cadvision.fr/logiciel-cao/logiciel-ecad-solidworks-pcb
[5] PADS: www.pads.com
[6] OrCAD PCB: www.orcad.com/products/orcad-pcb-designer/overview
[7] Pulsonix: www.pulsonix.com
[8] Europlacer: www.europlacer.fr
[9] Technalp: http://technalp-electronique.fr
[10] Official KiCAD forum: https://forum.kicad.info
[11] SnapEDA: www.snapeda.com/home/
[12] Donations towards the development of KiCAD via CERN: https://giving.web.cern.ch/civicrm/contribute/transact?id=6
[13] MicroChip: www.microchip.com
[14] Datasheet for ATtiny85 from MicroChip: www.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/Atmel-2586-AVR-8-bit-
[15] SeeedStudio: www.seeedstudio.com
[16] EasyEDA: https://easyeda.com
[17] Eurocircuits: www.eurocircuits.com
[18] Github repository for the project: github.com/Anderson69s/attiny85

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 71


A Cloud in
the Shape of
a Raspberry

install a cloud in your living room

By Sébastien Guerreiro de Brito (France)

72 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com


project information
Raspberry Pi
Cloud ownCloud
Apache2 HTTPS RPi

entry level
intermediate level
Æ expert level

4 hours approx.

Today the cloud is a popular solution to save and share files as well as SMD soldering iron
allow access to your files from any computer anywhere in the world.
Because many people are wary of the reliability and security of cloud
€150 / £135 /$185
storage, this article shows you how to create your personal cloud and its
power supply board.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 73

How do you create a Cloud? free software to create file storage and
Characteristics A cloud is made partly of hardware and distribution service platforms. It offers
• Accessible from anywhere in the partly of software. On the hardware the following characteristics:
world side, I chose the Raspberry Pi platform
• Share your files, photos and equipped with a hard disk to be able to • it’s free, with open source code and
applications store a large number of files. Because no limitations;
• Use the cloud hard disks consume a lot of power, I • administration is done via a web
decided to design a power supply capa‑ page;
ble of correctly powering the Raspberry • the administrator can manage the
Pi – hard disk assembly (see the inset users by their names or their group;
and Figures 1 and 2). • sending an internet link is sufficient
For the software part, I chose the solution to allow sharing;
‘ownCloud’. Offered as an alternative to • files are encrypted during transfer;
services like DropBox, ownCloud is a • there is a client to synchronise
selected local files under Windows or
• ...

It’s really pretty good and doesn’t seem

to differ that much from other well‑known
free systems. On the other hand, it has
numerous advantages:

• you know exactly where your files

are stored;
• the amount of storage may be sub‑
stantial, even bigger than existing
• you may shut down the system
whenever you wish.
• Etc.

Preparing the Raspberry Pi

To start, download the Raspbian image
on the official Raspberry Pi site [1] and
then install it. For this article, we used
Figure 1. Here’s how to connect a SATA hard disk powered only by USB.
2017-11-29-raspbian-stretch-lite. The
‘Lite’ version of the image is sufficient
as we are not using a screen with
graphical interface. Follow the installation
instructions from the official site, or refer
to any of the numerous tutorials available
on the internet.
Once the image is burned to the microSD
card (which is easy with ‘Etcher’, https://
etcher.io/), place it in the reader slot of
the Raspberry Pi. Connect a screen and
keyboard, then the power.
Log in to the Raspberry Pi. I should
remind you that the default login is ’pi”
and the default password is ‘raspberry’.
The start the configuration of the board
by typing the command:

sudo raspi-config

From the configuration menu, set the

keyboard according to your language
(localisation). I would advise to activate
the SSH service. This will be useful for
Figure 2. An IDE hard disk for which the USB Converter has its own power can be connected as well. remote interventions on the board. For

74 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

security reasons, take this opportunity
to change the password. The power supply board
It’s also a good idea to give a fixed IP The circuit diagram of the power supply is based on an LM22678 switching
address to the Raspberry Pi: regulator. It is capable of supplying a current of 5 A maximum. The more hungry
SATA hard disks can consume up to 2 A at 5 V. If you consider that the Raspberry
sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces Pi nano‑computer consumes a maximum of 1 A at 5 V, our regulator has definitely
got what it takes.
Next, add the lines:
Rasp-USB HD Rasp-Power

K4 K3 K2
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
address 192.168.yyy.xxx <= +5V
4 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1
Desired IP address








gateway 192.168.yyy.zzz <= IP
address of your router
Press Ctrl-O then enter to save the 1k 2k87

file, Ctrl-X to quit the editor. You could K1 5 6

instead, if preferred, configure your 3 2 1
router to always provide the same 1
6TQ045 LM22678 C8
7 3
address to the IP au Raspberry Pi. ON/OFF BOOST

EXP 10n
C1 C2 C6 D2 C7 C3 C4 C5 LED1

Configuration of the storage 220u 220u 220u 220u 220u

100n 100n
hard disk 50V 50V 50V 50V 35V 35V 35V

Let’s start by creating the folder on which 160494 - 11

the hard disk will be mounted:

To power our cloud, the idea is to use an old ‘brick’
sudo mkdir /mnt/usb laptop computer power supply. These blocks
generally deliver a voltage of around
Then change the rights of this folder and 19 V and can supply around 5 A,
mount the disk which, in our case, is which makes them perfect for our
called sda1. Its file system is ext4: application. Our regulator can
support input voltages up to
sudo chmod -R a+w /mnt/usb 42 V, so this is ideal.
sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb/ To be compatible with
the maximum number
Now we pass to the automatic mounting of laptop power supply
of the external hard disk on startup of blocks, our power supply
the Raspberry Pi. For this we have to find card is equipped with a
out the PARTUUID of the disk: 2.1-mm DC connector socket
(barrel jack). For some blocks,
sudo blkid it may be necessary to cut off the
original plug and fit a male 2.1-mm
Look for your hard disk in the list and DC connector. But always check that you
note its PARTUUID, then open the file choose a laptop supply capable of supplying a
fstab: current of 5 A.
Diode D1 protects the supply against wrong polarity of
sudo nano /etc/fstab the input voltage.
Regulator IC1 exists in two versions of output voltage: adjustable or fixed at 5 V.
Add this line to the end of the file: I used the adjustable version, because that’s what I had on hand :-). The output
voltage is set by the ratio of the values of the resistors R2 and R3.
PARTUUID=6f20736b-01 /mnt/usb ext4
defaults 0 2 Vout=1.285 × (R2/R3 + 1)

Here ‘6f20736b-01’ corresponds to my With R2 = 2.87 kΩ and R1 = 1 kΩ, the value of Vout is 4.97 V. If a fixed 5-V
hard disk, replace this value with the regulator is used, don’t fit R3 and make R2 = 0 Ω (or a link).
identifier of your hard disk. Press Ctrl-O The two large electrolytic capacitors at the input serve to provide the extra current
then Enter to save the file, Ctrl-X to needed by the SATA hard disk at startup.
quit the editor. Take care not to make

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 75

apt install -y apache2 mariadb-
server libapache2-mod-php7.0 \
php7.0-gd php7.0-json php7.0-
mysql php7.0-curl \
php7.0-intl php7.0-mcrypt php-
imagick \
php7.0-zip php7.0-xml

Next we download the ownCloud

package, we unpack it and copy it into
our directory. Note, the version number
of the package may be different from
that used here (10.0.4), change it if

wget https://download.owncloud.
Figure 3. Preparation of the data base for user ‘root’ with password ’user_passwd’.
tar -xjf owncloud-10.0.4.tar.bz2
any typos, because the results can be
sudo cp -r owncloud /mnt/usb
disastrous, you would be obliged to
reinstall the image on the SD card, etc.
Restart the Raspberry Pi with the Create a database
command: For ownCloud to function, it is necessary
to create a database:
sudo reboot
mysql -u root
If all goes well, you can read (after create database owncloud;
connection, of course) the contents of grant all privileges on
/mnt/usb with the command: owncloud.* to <user>@localhost
identified by ‘<user_passwd>’;
ls /mnt/usb

Install ownCloud The name <user> is the name we will give

The ownCloud application needs PHP to the database user and <user_passwd>
version 5.6 or more recent and the will be the password (fig. 3).
web server Apache2. So we install
Apache2, MySQL, PHP 7.0 plus a host
of supplementary modules: Configure the web server
Apache2 needs to know some details on
sudo –i the location of ownCloud. We place this
information in a configuration file:
Now we are in ‘Super User’ mode which
relieves us of the obligation to precede nano /etc/apache2/conf-available/
every command with ‘sudo’. owncloud.conf

apt-get update To continue we enter:

The lines below constitute a single Alias /owncloud “/mnt/usb/

command: owncloud/”
<Directory /mnt/usb/owncloud/>
Options +FollowSymlinks
AllowOverride All
<IfModule mod_dav.c>
Dav off
<IfVersion < 2.3>
Figure 4. Successful installation, you now have
access to your cloud. order allow,deny

76 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

allow from all user and group for Apache2 are ‘www- which you can download from ownCloud’s
</IfVersion> data’. So we execute the commands: website.
<IfVersion >= 2.3>
Require all granted chown www-data:www-data -R /mnt/ Connect via HTTPS
</IfVersion> usb/owncloud When you first connect, you will notice
SetEnv HOME /mnt/usb/owncloud chmod 770 -R /mnt/usb/owncloud that ownCloud recommends a secure
connection using HTTPS. To reconfigure
SetEnv HTTP_HOME /mnt/usb/owncloud
Using your preferred browser, go to this our system, enter the following
address (replace « yyy.xxx » with the commands:
corresponding values for your network):
Press Ctrl-O then Enter to save the file, sudo -i
Ctrl-X to quit the editor. We finish the http://192.168.yyy.xxx/owncloud a2enmod ssl
configuration with some supplementary service apache2 restart
commands: You will then be invited to create an a2ensite default-ssl.conf
administrator account to manage the
service apache2 restart
ln -s /etc/apache2/conf-available/ application (Figure 4). Enter the path
owncloud.conf /etc/apache2/ where the data are stored (/mnt/usb/
conf-enabled/owncloud.conf owncloud/data in our example) then The SSL module needs some keys, let’s
a2enmod rewrite select the type of database installed create them:
(mysql). To finish, enter the username
a2enmod headers
that you have chosen (<user>), the cd /etc/apache2
service apache2 restart
password (<user_passwd>), the name mkdir certOC
chmod a+w /mnt/usb/owncloud/config
of the database (‘owncloud’ in our cd certOC
case) and finally, for the address of the openssl genrsa -out owncloud.key
First connection to ownCloud database, use ’localhost’.
To grant the Raspberry Pi web server And there you go! You can now use your
openssl req -new -key owncloud.key
(Apache2) access to the cloud files, we own cloud (Figure 5), either from your
-out owncloud.csr
have to modify the rights. The default browser, or using an ownCloud client

Worldwide access?
To access your cloud from the computer in your office — sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/noip
or from anywhere on the planet — you will ideally need a sudo update-rc.d noip defaults
dynamic DNS address. For this I advise you to use the service sudo service noip configure
‘NO-IP’ [3]. Get onto the site and register your desired domain
name. It’s free but the only downside is that every month you Start the service manually:
receive a message to continue to use your account.
Installation is simple enough. From your Raspberry Pi, sudo service noip start
execute the commands below in a working directory of your
choice: You can verify the status of the service with the command:

sudo wget https://www.noip.com/client/linux/noip- sudo service noip status

tar xf noip-duc-linux.tar.gz Finally, to be able to use OwnCloud from the outside, you
need to modify a parameter in the file /mnt/usb/owncloud/
Verify the version of noip (2.1.9-1 in our case) and modify config/config.php:
the following command if necessary:
‘trusted_domains’ =>
cd noip-2.1.9-1 array (
0 => ‘192.168.yyy.xxx’,
Before starting installation, make sure you know your
1 => ‘votre_nom_domaine’,
login and password for NO‑IP:

sudo make install

On your local network, you should use your internal address
(for example:
Now we need a script to launch the service at startup.
Download the script ‘noip’ at [4] and then copy it into /etc/
to set up your synchronisation client.
init.d/. To get the ‘noip’ to launch at startup you must
After having configured your box (see [3]), you can now
type the following lines:
share your files with the whole world!

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 77

You will have to respond to a certain
number of questions to complete the cer‑
tificate — be sure to note your responses
somewhere just in case (or accept the
default values).

openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in

owncloud.csr -signkey owncloud.
key -out owncloud.crt

We copy the keys:

cp owncloud.crt /etc/ssl/certs
cp owncloud.key /etc/ssl/private

A second ownCloud configuration is


nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/
Figure 5. That’s it, here we are with the dashboard of our cloud.
Now it’s up to you to manage your cloud. owncloud.conf

with contents as follows:

<VirtualHost *:443>
DocumentRoot /var/www
SSLEngine On
SSLOptions +FakeBasicAuth
+ExportCertData +StrictRequire
SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/
Figure 6. Don’t panic! You can have confidence </VirtualHost>
in yourself and your own systems, right?

component list

78 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

a potential danger (Figure 6) because
the signature that we’ve just created is
not certified. You can ignore this error
(or add an exception) and carry on. This
will not in any case affect the function
of your cloud.

What now?
a2ensite owncloud.conf You are now in possession of your very
apachectl configtest own cloud, of a good size, over which
service apache2 restart you have total control. You can choose
Press Ctrl-O then Enter to save the file, to switch it on or off whenever you want,
Ctrl-X to quit the editor. You can now connect to your cloud launch an automatic backup of your
using the address https://192.168. cloud, etc. It’s you who is in command,
Finally, we activate the new configuration yyy.xxx/owncloud (with an ‘s’ on the it’s you who is piloting the cloud.
and restart the Apache2 web server: HTTP). Your browser will warn you of (160494)

Web Links
[1] Raspbian: www.raspberrypi.org
from the store
[2] ownCloud: owncloud.org Power supply printed circuit
[3] Service NO-IP: www.noip.com board, bare

[4] Page for this article: www.elektormagazine.com/160494


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www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 79

Tips and Tricks
From readers for readers
Another neat solution to a tricky problem.

Temperature Logger hack

years is not uncommon compared to 5 to 7 years for a standard

By Dr. Thomas Scherer (Germany)
lead-acid battery. Maybe I hadn’t closed all the doors properly;
Which is the most reliable brand of car? Experts and lay- Maybe an interloper has been coming in at night and reading
men all over the world will have an opinion on which make of books by the interior light or maybe all those reviews I’d read
car they swear by. By all accounts Toyota is up there in the praising its reliability were, after all just ‘fake news’. I ordered
top three or four most reliable brands of car. A recent expe- a new battery (from Varta) and installed it. The old one was
rience has led me to question if their reputation is justified. now definitely dead, although it really shouldn’t have been.
One morning my Prius (Figure 1), which is barely five years All went well until barely a month later when, guess what?
old, just refused to start. Press the start button… nothing,
the dash lights just flicker dimly. Any electronics engineer Diagnostics
will of course, always have a backup power source at hand I can’t blame the age of the battery this time. To get to the bot-
to quickly breathe life into a failing battery and get things tom of this strange problem, it wasn’t going to be enough to
going, now I just needed find the battery location in the car. measure the battery current with the car switched off. I tried
It’s a bit surprising that a hybrid car like the Prius still needs a that at first but my current clamp which goes down to 20 mA full
standard 12 V battery to get going just like any conventional scale range didn’t even register a single milliamp with everything
car. It supplies power for lighting and the on-board electronics. turned off so I can’t point the finger at excessive standby current.
Despite the 1.3 kWh HV powertrain batter-
ies stashed under the seats nothing works
without this 12 V battery, as I found out! The
12 V battery is situated in the corner of the
trunk, now the kicker… without 12 V I can’t
get the tailgate latch open!

A solution?
Feeling rising frustration, I take a deep breath
and sit down in front of the PC hoping that
Google will help me out here. Solution:
in the fuse box at the front of the engine
compartment, there’s a copper strip with a
‘direct line’ to the positive pole of the bat-
tery; seems like Toyota has already antici-
pated my predicament. I hooked up a small
12-V 4.5-Ah AGM battery and the car was
1 2
ready to go — the energy needed to crank
the starter actually comes from the HV bat-
tery, the 12-V battery doesn’t need to supply the hundreds of It looked like I needed to monitor the battery over a longer
ampères starter current, it only supplies a short 15-A burst of period to detect any ‘transient event’ draining the battery.
energy. This is used to pressurize the braking system and then What I needed was a voltage data logger; I turned to eBay
briefly a few amps are taken by the hybrid control unit before it hoping to find something not too expensive. Oddly I didn’t
switches over to HV battery power via a switched-mode power find any cheap voltage logging devices listed, even from the
supply and from where the 12-V battery is charged. With the Far East. The only users of voltage loggers are obviously pro-
car running sweetly I took the small 12-V AGM battery and a fessionals using top-spec loggers so there isn’t a market for a
couple of leads along for the ride… you can never be too sure. cheap and cheerful version. For my purposes, I couldn’t really
The story didn’t end there, one week later the Prius did the justify the expense for what is likely to be just a one-off use.
same thing again. This was starting to get annoying, the 12-V The only cheap data logging devices available were tempera-
battery in a Prius really doesn’t undergo much stress in its ture data loggers... Hmm “Maybe this is a good opportunity
life, also it’s an AGM type which should last much longer — 12 for a little bit of tinkering?” was my first thought. I went ahead

80 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

and ordered a ‘Elitech
Digital RC-5 USB Water-
proof Temperature Data
Datalogger’ (Figure 2)
for just over a tenner.
This unit is powered by
a button cell, has mem-
ory to store 215 mea-
surements (at program-
mable time intervals),
an LCD and a USB port
to read the data. That
should do the trick.
3 4
Hack attack
When the Temp log-
ger eventually turned up I tried it out (it worked) and then set preted curve is not only ‘upside down’ but also quite nonlinear.
about taking it apart. Figure 3 shows the before-and-after. In In order to obtain the ‘true’ values of voltage, I simply entered
the left half of the picture you can see the temperature sen- the corresponding temperatures in a table with voltage values​​
sor which is the small red glass bead at the top right of the in 1-V increments. You can calculate reasonably accurate volt-
picture. It connects to the 3-V supply voltage via the 100-kΩ age values by just using a calculator or Excel to automatically
resistor to its right. The mod is fairly simple; remove the sen- interpolate the values.
sor and the resistor, then solder the resistor into the position
where the sensor was. A series resistor is soldered to the pad Conclusion
where the sensor was connected, this resistor’s value now deter- In Figure 4, the minimum value is 10.9 ° C, which equates to
mines the voltage measuring range (see right half of the picture). about 15 V. The maximum value of 21.9 ° C corresponds to 13 V.
According to its datasheet, the logger offers a measuring range The curve plateaus slightly above 18 °C ≈ 13.8 V. Apart from the
of –30 to +80 ° C. Using a series resistor of 680 kΩ I worked out occasional voltage spike (which may be a flaky connection some-
by trial and error a ‘temperature’ of 87.1 ° at 2.0 V and –28.0 where) there really isn’t much to see, at least it hasn’t captured
° at 23.0 V. This is a good match to the 12-V (nominal) battery any dramatic voltage drop that I was hoping for. I’ll just have to
and with 18-mV resolution around the centre of the range it wait and see… maybe it’s figured out I’m watching… I’ve seen
should be good enough. The measuring resistance of 780 kΩ is films about cars with supernatural powers. Fingers crossed, so
high impedance enough not to put too much strain on the bat- far the battery is holding up and no sign of the gremlin yet.
tery. Two holes are then drilled in the case for the leads. Figure 4 (160291)
shows the finished mod, with flying leads terminated in croc clips.

The sleuthing begins

I connected up my modded voltage logger to the freshly
charged 12-V battery in the car, wrapped it all in a plastic bag
and initialized it with a measuring interval of 1/min, which
should be good for 22 days before the memory is full. After
five days, I really couldn’t wait any longer; I ‘recovered’ the
logger and looked at the readings. The bundled software (for
Windows PCs) can for example, export the measured values
to Excel to be shown as a graph against elapsed time. Figue
5 shows the voltage readings as a pseudo-temperature curve.
A number of factors need to be taken into account when inter-
preting the curve. From the previously stated measuring range
it follows that temperature and voltage correlate negatively: a
falling temperature corresponds to increasing voltage. In addition,
the temperature/resistance characteristic of the sensor (an NTC
thermistor) is not linear. This nonlinearity is normally corrected
in the microcontroller firmware; as a result this voltage-inter-

Have you come up with an inspired way of solving a really tricky problem? Perhaps you’ve discovered an ingenious but
unconventional way of using a component or tool? Maybe you’ve invented a better or simpler way of tackling a task?
You deserve a reward, write in — for every tip we publish you win £40 (or local equivalent)!

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 81


Remote Water Level Meter

For a precious commodity

Did you know that

about 71% of the surface of
the earth is covered with water? Almost
97.5% of this water is saline, mainly held in
the oceans and seas. The remaining 2.5% is fresh
water, most of which is frozen in glaciers, ice caps,
permafrost, ground ice and snow, as well as stored as
fresh groundwater, soil moisture and in the atmosphere.
Living organisms stock water too. Less than 0.01% of
the earth’s water supply is available as fresh surface
water in lakes, swamps and rivers.

project information
Arduino Water
Sonar Wireless
433 MHz or equivalent By Somnath Bera (India) Although I make no claim to being a
water-management specialist, I believe
Æ entry level I have identified some problem areas that
intermediate level Drinkable water is a costly commod- might be improved with cheap technology
expert level ity or ‘resource’ if you like, and due to and a bit of ingenuity. Water level indi-
the ever-increasing world population cators for instance often create issues.
it will be even more so in the coming Many of these are mechanical and have
4 hours approx. years. Already in many large cities in wires and pulleys that get jammed easily.
South Asia (21% of the world popula- The resulting false indications will derail
tion lives in the so-called SAARC coun- the management system of the water
Soldering iron, tries) water can be very scarce at times. tanks that use them.
computer with Arduino IDE, Major Indian cities like Chennai, Mumbai In the light of the above I present in
USB/Serial converter or Colombo which rely on the monsoon this article a sonar-based contact- and
for their year’s water supply face acute wireless water level indicator which can
water shortage when the rain season is be slapped up over a weekend for less
£25 / €30 / $35 approx. shorter than usual. Good, efficient water than €20 (£18 / $24). With two sepa-
management therefore is primordial in rate power supply units the price of a
these places. complete set comprising a water level

82 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

transmitter and receiver will be under user to imagine a suitable communication
€30 (£26 / $35). This may sound impos- protocol for his/her application. There- Features
sible, yet it is true. fore, in order to segregate the desired • Contactless measurement
The proposed water level indicator can signal from the undesired a special code • Wireless connection
precisely monitor levels up to four metres word is transmitted with every water • Low cost
(12 ft.) with an accuracy better than level reading. On detecting a signal, the • Only common parts needed
5 mm, and without any wiring between
the tank and the display unit at your
drawing room.
The indicator is based on the popular +5V
ultrasonic ranging module SR04 capable K1 K2
2 1
of measuring distances from 0.20 m to VIN
1 2
5 m (0.6 to 15 ft.). The ranging accuracy 3
12VDC max VCC
is 3 mm and its aperture angle is 15°. TX voltage
But since we will be measuring levels MOD1
in integer centimetres our accuracy is a
mere 5 mm. Every second eight readings



are taken and averaged, allowing 1-cm TX0 RAW
level changes to be detected very clearly.
Besides the ultrasonic ranging mod- T GND VCC
4 A5
ule the transmitter requires an Arduino 5V
(Pro) Mini compatible board (an Arduino ECHO
D4 A1 ANT1

Uno will work equally well but is bigger GND

D5 A0 +5V
and more costly) and a 433-MHz ISM R D6
transmitter module. For the receiver D8 D11 GND
an Arduino (Pro) Mini compatible board D9 D10

(again, an Arduino Uno will work equally RF-LINK TX

Arduino Pro Mini
well) is needed together with a 433-MHz
receiver module and a standard alpha-
numeric liquid crystal display. All these Figure 1. The sensor side of the water level meter.
parts can be found online at very low
prices. Together with two antennas, and
two 5-V / 2-A power supplies I paid about
€22 (£19 / $26), shipping included. This LCD1
leaves a good €8 (£7 / $9.50) for the
remaining discrete components and some
prototyping board. LC DISPLAY 2 x 16


Principles of operation

16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
The water level sensor is built on the
R1 +5V
Arduino platform to which I added an 47R
P1 K1
SR04 ultrasonic sensor and a 433-MHz 2 VIN
transmitter module equipped with a
long-distance spiral antenna (Figure 1). 10k 12VDC max

The sensor is to be fitted at a strate- MOD1

gic location of the tank such that it can
always receive the reflected signal from



the water surface. The best point is at MOD2 TX0 RAW


the centre of the tank for circular tanks +5V RST RST
or at the intersection of the diagonals for ANT GND VCC
rectangular shaped tanks. DATA D2
A3 +5V
The 433-MHz band part of the open D4 A1
ISM spectrum where anyone is allowed RF-LINK RX D5 A0
to send as long as the signal strength D6
D7 D12
remains below a certain level and type D8 D11
approved equipment is being used. Note D9 D10

that the 433-MHz ISM frequency alloca-

Arduino Pro Mini
tion differs between countries, so you
may have to find your local equivalent.
There are no protocols defined such as Figure 2. The remote water level display: an Arduino board, a receiver module and a display
Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, and it is up to the module.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 83

library takes care of all the dirty work and
can output a measured distance in cen-
timetres. After creating a sonar object,
all that is needed is a call to ping_cm. In
this sketch this function is called eight
times in a row at 100-millisecond inter-
vals, and the results are averaged. The
obtained value is put in a buffer together
with the timestamp and the special code
(transmitter ID).
The VirtualWire library takes care of
sending the data with the 433-MHz FSK
transmitter module, which is connected
to Arduino pin 12. After configuring the
library, sending data is simply a matter
of calling vw_send and waiting for the
transmission to finish with vw_wait_tx.
The above procedure is repeated every

The receiver sketch

On the receiving side things are equally
simple. Again the VirtualWire library
is used but now in receive mode. The
Figure 3. Badminton rackets are great for quickly building a test setup. library is configured for listening to a
receiver module connected to Arduino
pin 2. The function vw_rx_start must be
receiver tries to extract the code word Since there is no connection between the called to put the library and module in
to verify it against a known value. If it transmitter and the receiver, the latter listening mode. Once in this mode, call-
matches, it prints the received water has no way of knowing if the transmitter ing vw_get_message is all that is needed.
level on its LCD (Figure 2). has stopped transmitting, for instance When data is available, it will be read
due to a power supply failure. To circum- and copied into the receive buffer; when
vent this problem a timestamp (contin- there is no data, it will do nothing.
uously counting from 0 to 59 seconds) Supposing that a message has been
is included in the transmitted message; received, it is checked for validity:
component list its value is shown on the right side of the
display. An non-changing timestamp is • Does it have the right number of
an indication that the incoming signal has bytes?
transmitter stalled. The LED connected to Arduino • Does it contain the code word men-
pin 13 will stop blinking too. tioned above?
Together with the small coil antennas • Is the value equal or larger than
which I used and a 5-volt supply the zero?
transmitter is capable of transmitting the
signal up to 400 metres (1200 ft.) effort- When all these criteria are met, the value
lessly. To increase the range the VCC pin is printed on the LCD. The timestamp
of the TX unit may be connected to 12 V contained in the message is extracted
as most of these FSK transmitters can and printed too.
operate from 4 to 12 V. As has become standard in the Arduino
world, the LiquidCrystal library takes care
Some words about the software of writing on the LCD. The LED is on while

receiver The software for this project comprises

two Arduino sketches, one for the trans-
the display is being updated, providing
“long-distance” feedback that new data
mitter and the other for the receiver. has been received.
Both make extensive use of open-source
libraries to accomplish their respective Where to put the sketches?
tasks, with the result that the sketches The software (including the libraries) is
have remained pretty simple. packed in a folder labelled ‘portable’.
Simply add this folder and its contents
The transmitter sketch to the folder where the Arduino.exe file
The transmitter requires the NewPing is located. If your installation already has
library to drive the ultrasonic sensor. This a ‘portable’ folder, put the files in there.

84 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

If there is not yet a ‘portable’ folder,
creating it will disconnect the Arduino
IDE from your current set-up. In this
case, to revert to your current set-up,
simply delete the ‘portable’ folder you
created and its contents when you’re
done. It is of course also possible to put
the sketches and libraries in the normal

Extending the system

The presented system offers many possi-
bilities for extensions. For instance, add-
ing a second sensor only requires that it
gets a unique ID (the special code word
can be used for this). The receiver unit
must know this ID too and update its
display accordingly. In theory the system
described above has room for 65,536
sensors (determined by the size of the
special code word); in reality it will of
course be limited by the available data
bandwidth and the receiver’s process-
ing power.
Another interesting possibility is to add Figure 4. Most of the world’s fresh water supply is frozen enabling penguins to sit on it.
a serial connection to a computer where
the water level values can be logged in a
database. Use a spreadsheet to calculate When the display unit receives the signal
statistics and create nice-looking graphs. from the transmitter, its LED will start
Since most of the pins of the ATmega328 blinking at a rate of about 1 Hz, syn-
are free, various relays and/or contac- chronously with the transmitter unit. The
tors can be connected to these pins to display will show a value in centimetres
control for instance pumps and alarms. and a two-digit counter will start running.
Put the sensor in front of a large object
Building and testing or wall at a known distance, e.g. one
Assemble the transmitter and the metre, and verify that the value displayed
receiver units on for instance prototyp- is correct. The author used a bucket, a
ing board. This should not pose prob- plastic ruler and a badminton racket to
lems since the circuits are not compli- verify the operation of the sensor in a
cated. Note that the ultrasonic trans- test system (Figure 3).
ducer comes in several flavours and That’s about it; all that is left to do is
most can be used. The 5-pin types like installing the units. For best transmission
the HY-SRF05 are fine too, simply shift range mount both antennas vertically.
pins 2 to 4 one pin up and leave pin 2 (160626) from the store
unconnected. ª160044-71
When done, program the right sketch in Ultrasonic distance sensor
the right unit. If you used Arduino (Pro) HY-SRF05
Mini boards, you will need a USB/Serial ª080213-71
converter cable for this. USB/TTL serial cable
Power both units. The transmitter LED ªSKU17001
should start flashing at a rate of about Arduino Mini
1 Hz. The receiver should show some text
ªBooks on Arduino
on its display. If it doesn’t, try adjusting www.elektor.com/books/
the contrast trimmer first before looking arduino-books/
for wiring problems.

Web Links
[1] Article support page: www.elektormagazine.com/160626
[2] Elektor Labs: www.elektormagazine.com/labs/remote-water-level-meter-a-need-of-the-hour

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 85


Platino “Fits-All”
Serial Bus Tester
serial comms issues
with ease

By Sunil Malekar & Clemens Valens (Elektor Labs)

Here’s a microcontroller that’s supposed to talk

to a device over a SPI bus. You’ve set up the
MCU’s SPI peripheral and wrote
a test program but the device
does not respond. The SPI
bus connections got checked
several times and were found
to be correct so the problem
must lurk in the data format.
Sounds familiar? Then you
need an intelligent tool to
visualize what’s going on
those wires or pins. Enter the
Platino Serial Bus Tester.

Even though the more expensive oscil- ter. In this article we therefore present A word about vocabulary
loscopes on the market can interpret a Platino-based system that speaks and Let’s start by defining some context. A
certain digital signals formatted in a understands various serial protocols, and ‘bus’ is a group of signals. A ‘commu-
known way, like SPI, I2C or plain serial, is intended as a debugging tool for serial nication protocol’ is a set of rules that
a microcontroller can do this much bet- communication busses. dictates the way data gets conveyed

86 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

• Full control over
serial communication busses
• 100% Arduino compatible
• User extendable
• 4 types of hardware interface
• Supports 1.2-V to 5-V digital swing

project information
Platino Arduino 1-Wire
Serial Communications SPI

between computers. A ‘standard’ is a Multi-protocol (one at a time): entry level

convention against which something • plain-vanilla serial; Æ intermediate level
similar can be measured or compared. • I2C / SMBus / PMBus; expert level
‘Serial’ means one bit at a time. ‘Syn- • SPI;
chronous’ serial signals comprise sepa- • any others, like 1-Wire?
rate data and clock signals; ‘asynchro- 4 hours approx.
nous’ serial signals by contrast have data Multi-standard:
signals only. • RS-232;
In this article we will use the term ‘proto- • RS-485; (SMD) Soldering iron, AVR
col’ to indicate how bits are supposed to • MIDI; programmer, serial-to-USB
be ordered on the line (e.g. one start bit, • 5 V; converter, computer
eight data bits, no parity, and one stop • 3.3 V.
bit). ’Standard’ will refer to the physi-
cal expression of the data (like voltage With these standards we cover a vast €75 / £70 / $80 approx.
swings and signal polarities on the line). range of possible protocols. The popular
protocols are present by default, while
Specifications more exotic ones can be added later.
With the above vocabulary read & From an operational perspective we spec-
absorbed we can write down the fol- ify flexibility. ample memory (128 KB program mem-
lowing requirements for our test tool: ory plus 16 KB of RAM) for serial proto-
Multi-standard hardware cols and nifty features. To that we added
• multi-protocol; As mentioned above we chose the Elektor an extension board with the required
• multi-standard. Platino platform [1] fitted with a backlit interfaces for our serial standards (Fig-
alphanumerical display with four 20-char- ure 1). If we load a suitable bootloader
That’s not much of a “list” whereas our acter lines, a rotary encoder, a push- into the MCU the whole system becomes
project is an excellent object for featuritis button, a buzzer, and a tricolour LED as Arduino compatible and we can profit
or list-o-mania — let’s add some more the basis for our project. Equipped with from the large number of Arduino librar-
detail. an ATmega1284P microcontroller it has ies available online.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 87

K1 K4 K5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8




2 4 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 K7
K3 K6 1 2 3 4 5 6


K1, K3 ... K7 to PLATINO

1 3 5

+5V GND D2
+5V K11
+5V 2
C6 C12 VIN
R11 +3V3 +5V 100n 100u 1


220R D3
K12 1 6 5
2 D1 T3 1N4148
1 R14
1N4148 4k7
RX MIDI 2 4N35 4 2N7002
+5V +5V
14 R4
IC6 = 7400 IC6 C4 +EVCC

7 T1

K13 4k7

1 IC6.D IC6.A 14 K10

R13 12 1
2 11 3 TX_MIDI VCC 1
220R & 13 & 2 TSM2307CX IC1 VCC IN
3 PB5 13 2 2
PB4 12 3 3
4 4
PB7 10 5 5


JP2 6
C3 R8 MAX3378
PA5 2 1 6
4k7 VL NC
JP1 R3 R1 8 9 SPI/I 2C/1-Wire


8 1 GND
VCC R6 7
K9 1 RX_485 C5 C11 C13

1 7 2
100n 1u 100n
2 6 3 PA0
A DE 50V
R2 LT1785 4 TX_485


C7 +5V C1

1u 100n
2 50V
1 VS+
C8 C1+ 16 VDD
VCC RX_232 1
1u C1– 2Y1
K8 50V 8 9 RX_485 2
1 14 11 TX_232 4 13 PD1
2 13 12 RX_232
R1IN R1OUT 74HC4052
3 7 10 TX_232 12 3 PD0
T2OUT T2IN C2 1Y0 2Z
4 TX_MIDI 14
C9 C2+ 1Y1
RS-232 MAX232 100n
TX_485 15
1Y2 S0
10 PA2
5 GND 11 9 PA3
1u C2– 1Y3 S1
50V VS-
6 C10
1u 6 8 7
130409 - 11


Figure 1. The Platino multi-standard serial interface board has interfaces for RS-232 (K8/IC4), RS-485 (K9/IC3), MIDI (input on K12/IC5, output on K13/
IC6) multiplexed by IC2. K10/IC1 provide the interface for I2C, SPI and other 5-volt (T1) or 3.3-volt (T2) level signals where IC1 ensures the required
level shifting. Other signal levels are possible through EVCC (1.2 V to 5 V) and by mounting JP2. T3 is intended to act as the 1-Wire output.

88 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

Multi-protocol software (and corrected a few bugs in the pro-
Because our space is limited we will not cess), so please use the download from
waste it on such futile details as hard- [4] to make it all work.
ware descriptions. Please refer to [1] if LiquidMenu provides a menu system
you want to know more about the Pla- built, unsurprisingly, out of one or more
tino platform. menus. A menu consists of one or more
Even though the ATmega1284P has hard- screens and a screen comprises one or Figure 2. The Serial Bus Tester’s main screen
ware peripherals for the main serial pro- more entries. shows on the top line the serial protocol and
tocols “UART”, I2C and SPI, its fixed pin- standard being used, the data display format
out prevents us from profiting from all of Menu entries (ASCII or hexadecimal), the number of bytes to
them together with Platino’s user inter- An entry can be placed anywhere on the be transmitted (up to 7), the number of times
face elements. For this reason we decided display and it can be linked to up to five to do a transmission (0 to 99, or forever), and
the time between transmissions in milliseconds
to handle the relatively low-speed I2C variables (by default — this is configu-
(9,999 ms max). The second line holds the data
protocol (400 kHz max.) in software, rable). Variables can be of any type, from
to be transmitted. Lines three and four are
giving the SPI bus the opportunity to floating-point values to text strings, and reserved for incoming data.
fully express itself up to 8 MHz. This also are automatically converted to readable
implies that only one of the two hard- text when printed. Each entry can also
ware UARTs is available, as PD2 (RXD1) link to up to eight functions (again, con-
and PD3 (TXD1) are needed to control figurable) that can be used to activate
part of the LCD instead of the SPI lines things or modify related variables. Entries
LiquidMenu 1 LiquidMenu 2
PB6 (MISO) and PB7 (SCK). For TTL-level that do not have any functions linked to
LiquidScreen 11 LiquidScreen 21
serial data a software UART is required them cannot get focus, and as such are
LiquidLine 111 LiquidLine 211
using some of the pins of the SPI bus. mere text objects. LiquidLine 112 LiquidLine 212
In case it wasn’t clear already, our tes- Note that inside the library the menu : :
LiquidScreen 12 LiquidScreen 22 ..
ter will “do” only one serial protocol at entries are called menu lines (Liquid-
a time. Line), which is a bit confusing as they LiquidLine 121 LiquidLine 221
LiquidLine 122 LiquidLine 222
have nothing to do with lines on the : :
Ergonomics come first display. : :
Because the tester’s usefulness depends
for a large part on its ergonomics, we Screens
have spent quite some time on fine-tun- Menu entries, up to 12 by default, are
Figure 3. The LiquidMenu library offers a menu
ing the user interface (UI). The objective combined into screens (LiquidScreen).
system organized not unlike matryoshka dolls.
was to make using the device as easy An entry can be a member of several
and comfortable as possible whilst the screens, like the Back (“<<”) entry in our
display has limited space and cannot do system. A screen “knows” which entry
colourful graphics. All the parameters has focus, and calls the linked functions.
are accessible by rotating and pushing project. About 80% of the firmware, and
the rotary encoder, and without going Menus maybe even more, revolves about ergo-
through many layers of menu. The result One or more screens form a menu (Liq- nomics. Because this part of the software
is, paradoxically, a rather cryptic main uidMenu). Up to 14 screens can be added is so big, it is important to understand
screen. However, as you will quickly dis- to a menu. In our system, however, we how it works in order to make changes
cover, it’s easy to master (Figure 2). needed only one screen per menu. The to it to add for instance other communi-
Spinning the encoder will move the little menu keeps track of the active screen. cation protocols or test options.
arrow to the next parameter; pushing Multiple screens allow for long menus
the encoder will change the parameter’s (12 × 14 = 168 entries). The main screen
value or enter Edit mode for parameters Implemented in the file ui_main.cpp,
with a wide range (like serial baud rate). System the main screen features all the dif-
Finally, menus (up to 8) can be added to ferent menu techniques that have been
A suitable menu system a menu system (LiquidSystem), but this employed:
The menu system that made this UI is not necessary. Figure 3 summarises • entering a submenu: Protocol;
possible was created using the open the system. We used one system that we • iterate through values: ASCII or HEX
source Arduino library LiquidMenu [2] called ‘ui’ to which we also added other data display;
that relies on the presence of the Liquid- UI functions like beeps and flashes. • spinning to a value: TX data size and
Crystal library (available in every stan- number of times to transmit;
dard Arduino installation). It requires What the …? • editing a number: delay between
the C++11 standard (or more recent), If at this point you are wondering why an transmissions;
meaning that the Arduino toolchain (AVR- article about a serial port tester discusses • editing a string: TX data.
GCC) must be recent as well. Installing menu structures, please be patient and
the latest Platino Boards Package [3] read on. As will become clear, the com- For the description that follows it is
will make sure this is the case. We have munication and test functionalities actu- assumed that the serial tester is not in
extended and modified the library a bit ally make up only a small part of this test mode, but in menu navigation mode.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 89

attached to the menu entry, which in
A quick word on Platino the case of the data format menu entry
Platino is a universal circuit board for AVR microcontrollers in DIP28 or DIP40 pack- is ui_main_data_format. It will update
ages. It can be equipped with user interface objects like pushbuttons, LEDs, buzzer, the value and reprint the TX data in the
and displays. Everything, and we mean everything, about Platino can be found on new format.
the Elektor Labs website (see below) and on the GitHub repository of Elektor Labs.
Experience has shown us that Platino users find it hard to configure its solder jump- Spinning a value
ers. This is understandable, as there are many. The table below shows the settings On the main screen, positioning the cur-
for this project. The Position column corresponds to the labels printed on Platino sor to the left of either the TX data size
PCB version 150555-1 v1.4. Note that we recommend placing solder jumpers before or transmit count fields and then press-
mounting any parts. ing the encoder’s pushbutton will acti-
And while we’re on the subject of parts: for this project we need a fully assembled vate parameter edit mode. Rotating the
Platino with a 40-pin MCU (ATmega1284P-PU) — so no need for a 28-pin socket —, a encoder will increment or decrement the
4x20 alphanumerical LCD with backlight, a rotary encoder with integrated pushbutton field’s value (0…7 or -1…99). Press the
on position S5A or S5C (depending on your preference) and a pushbutton on posi- rotary encoder again to leave parame-
tion S4A or S4C (again, as you like). The Platino bill of materials can be found here: ter-edit mode.
www.elektormagazine.com/labs/ Here we start in menu navigation mode,
platino-versatile-board-for-avr-microcontrollers-100892-150555 hence pressing the encoder will call the
first function attached to the menu entry,
which in the case of the TX data size
Jumper Position Function
menu entry is ui_main_tx_data_size.
JP1 C Buzzer on PC4
This function activates edit mode and
JP2 - Non existent commands the rotary encoder to use the
JP3 C LCD backlight on PC5 function ui_main_tx_data_size_incre-
JP4 B Rotary encoder A on PB0 ment to modify the field’s value.
JP5 B Rotary encoder B on PB1 In edit mode the encoder’s pushbutton
acts differently. Pressing it will advance
JP6 B Rotary encoder pushbutton on PB2
to the next digit or character. When there
JP7 B Pushbutton on PB3
is no next character to edit, it will switch
JP8 DIP40 Allow PC6
back to menu navigation mode. The TX
JP9 PB7 Allow PB7 data size field has only one digit. The
JP10 PB6 Allow PB6 transmit count field has two digits, but
JP11 DIP40 ISP SCK on PB7 since it can be negative which seriously
JP12 DIP40 ISP MISO on PB6 complicates digit-by-digit editing, it is
treated the same way as a single digit
JP14 C LED1 blue on PC7
JP15 D LCD RS on PD2 Editing a number
JP16 D LCD E on PD3 On the main screen, positioning the cur-
sor to the left of the repetition rate field
and then pressing the encoder’s push-
button will again activate parameter edit
mode. Because this field can have up to
Also a note about naming conventions: entry. In the case of the protocol menu four digits (‘0000’ to ‘9999’), rotating the
the beginning of function and variable entry this is ui_bus_enter. This will load encoder will increment or decrement the
names indicates the file where they are the screen for the submenu and then first digit. Pressing the rotary encoder
implemented or declared. As an example, activate and display the submenu. again will move the cursor to the next
the function ui_bus_type_refresh lives digit. When there are no more digits to
in the file ui_bus.cpp. (See Figure 4) Iterating through values edit, the system will switch back to menu
On the main screen, positioning the cur- navigation mode.
Entering a submenu sor to the left of the data display for- This type of editing is almost identical
On the main screen, positioning the cur- mat field (‘A’ or ‘H’) and then pressing to spinning a value, except that there
sor (i.e. the arrow) to the left of the pro- the encoder’s pushbutton will change is more than one digit. Also some cur-
tocol name by rotating the encoder and the field’s value. This field has only two sor fiddling is required to work around
then pressing its pushbutton will bring values, but entries of this type in other LiquidMenu’s display handling. Instead
up the protocol’s submenu where you menus have more. Pressing the rotary of adding application-specific functions
can set the parameters specific to the encoder repeatedly will iterate through to the library, we preferred to work our
protocol. all the possible values. way around it.
Since we are in navigation mode when As before, because we are in naviga-
doing this, pressing the encoder will call tion mode when doing this, pressing Editing a string
the first function attached to the menu the encoder will call the first function On the main screen, positioning the cur-

90 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com



Figure 4. The source code “tree” has the Figure 5. The Platino Serial Port Tester all stacked up. Platino is in the middle, the LCD is at the
Arduino INO file at its root, all other files are bottom, the interface board sits at the top.
C++ files. The header files are not shown for
clarity. Most of the files are concerned with the
user interface (UI).

sor to the left of the ‘TX’ field (at the

beginning of the second line) and then The tool you always wanted to have
pressing the encoder’s pushbutton will
but never got round to building
activate the most complicated edit mode:
string editing. It is complicated because
it can work in ASCII as well as in hexa-
decimal mode. However, in hexadecimal of data- and stop bits (5 to 8, resp. clock phase (CPOL) and polarity (CPHA).
mode a string is twice as long as in ASCII 1 or 2), and the parity (odd, even or The serial port tester supports all four
mode. Furthermore, in ASCII mode char- none); of them. Furthermore, the signals can
acters are edited as bytes, whereas in • SPI: Master/Slave, MSB/LSB first, have 3.3-V or 5-V levels.
HEX mode they are edited nibble by nib- clock phase and polarity, speed and The MCU’s hardware peripheral is used
ble. For the rest, string editing works in signal level; for SPI which offers eight clock speeds
the same way as number editing. • I2C: Master/Slave, address, number in Master mode: 125 kHz, 250 kHz,
Note that TX data can be up to seven of bytes to write and to read, speed 500 kHz, 1 MHz, 2 MHz, 4 MHz and 8 MHz
bytes long. This upper limit is imposed and signal level; (when the MCU is clocked at 16 MHz). In
by the available space on the second • MIDI: channel, status, two data Slave mode the clock speed is, of course,
line. When the data display format is bytes. determined by the Master.
hexadecimal there is just enough space
to print seven hexadecimal values. The At the time of writing these were the I2C
third and fourth lines are reserved for RX implemented protocols, but there may Like SPI, the I2C signals can have 3.3-V
data and we did not want to eat into that. be more when you download the latest or 5-V levels. Unlike SPI, I2C is imple-
version of the software. mented as a software peripheral and
More about protocols and their From a user interface perspective there as such does not support every feature
submenus is one detail that should be mentioned. defined by the maintainers of this com-
After entering the protocol submenu you When a protocol like SPI or I2C is in Mas- munication standard. The maximum
can iterate through the supported pro- ter mode, its name is written in capitals speed is 400 kHz, which is feasible with
tocols by selecting the protocol field and (i.e. ‘SPI’ or ‘I2C’); when it is in Slave careful programming.
pressing the encoder. To go back to the mode, it is written in lower case (i.e. In Master mode the specified address
main screen, select ‘Back’ (“<<”). ‘spi’ or ‘i2c’). is considered to be the Slave address.
For every protocol the most important Only 7-bit I2C addresses are supported.
parameters can be set: SPI (Sometimes device datasheets specify
This protocol has four well-defined sig- 8-bit addresses, one for reading and one
• RS-232 and RS-485: baud rate nal polarity standards, usually num- for writing. If they do, shift the addresses
(from 1 to 2,000,000 baud), number bered from 0 to 3, and related to the one bit to the right to obtain the 7-bit

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 91

address. They will be identical.) The serial together with the read/write bit and does serial tester’s own address.
tester inserts the Slave address automat- not show it in the TX data on the main Read, write and write-read transactions
ically into the data at the right moments screen. In Slave mode the address is the are supported by setting the number of

component list

92 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

bytes to write and to read. will switch to the main screen. I2C
SMBus and PMBus are a kind of low- While in Test mode, it is possible to Similar to SPI, an I2C Master can only
speed simplified variants of I2C that can change the setup of the tester. In some receive data when it generates a clock
append a so-called Packet Error Checking cases this will result in test mode being signal. Furthermore, the Slave must have
(PEC) byte to the end of a message. The switched off. A few parameters can be been put in read mode. These condi-
serial tester calculates it automatically changed on the fly, but not all, and to be tions will be satisfied when the number of
and does not display it as TX data. sure that a parameter change is taken bytes to read in the I2C submenu is non-
into account it is best to restart test zero. In Slave mode the tester will send
MIDI mode. the requested number of TX data bytes.
This is a fixed-speed (31.25 kHz) variant In case more than TX data size bytes are
of the standard serial protocol. However, LED requested, the TX data will loop.
because MIDI messages usually contain The tricolour LED will light up red when
only three well-defined bytes they can test mode is activated, it will be green We bit the bullet for you
be easily configured on the MIDI proto- otherwise (it is orange in parameter edit The Platino Serial Bus Tester is one of
col page. The channel and status (the mode, mainly just because it is possible). those tools that you always wanted to
text string after the channel field) are Blue is currently not used. have whenever you ran into a serial com-
combined into one byte, and the two munications problem, but never got built
data bytes are appended. The resulting RX data because when you needed it you didn’t
3-byte message is shown as hexadeci- Any incoming data is displayed on lines have the time to build it. This is why we,
mal TX data on the main screen where three and four of the display. Data right after thirty years of hesitating, finally bit
it can be edited. Here it is also possible under the TX field is oldest; data in the the bullet and built it for you (Figure 5).
to compose shorter or longer messages lower-right corner is newest. There are The design is open and clear, making it
(up to seven bytes), useful for e.g. sys- no separators between bytes. easy to understand, extend and/or mod-
tem exclusive messages. The RX data field is cleared at the start ify. The software is written in a modu-
of each test. lar way and is fully Arduino-compatible,
Beeps allowing the quick addition of new pro-
The UI uses three types of beeps to pro- Repeated transmissions tocols. Less than 20% of the program
vide audible feedback on user actions: It is possible to not transmit anything memory and 10% of RAM has been used.
high: enter submenu, test-, or parame- either by setting the TX data size to zero The presented menu system is perfect
ter-edit mode; or by making the transmit count equal for use in other (Platino) projects.
mid: advance to next editable digit or to 0. Setting the transmit count to –1 All considered we believe that our Serial
character; will result in repeating forever. The delay Port Tester is a nice and useful reference
low: leave submenu, test-, or parame- between two transmissions is set by the design to build larger (Platino) projects
ter-edit mode. repetition rate, in milliseconds. on.
Selecting menu entries that iterate SPI
through values produce low-frequency Inherent to the operation of SPI, when
beeps because the action corresponds in SPI Master mode, data can only be
to the sequence of entering edit mode, received when the Master is sending. A
changing the value and then leaving edit trick to limit to receiving is to continuously
mode again. Since the last action takes send either the value 0 or the value 0xff.
the user back to the beginning, a low In SPI Slave mode the tester will send
beep sound is appropriate. the TX data when the SPI Master gen-
erates a clock signal. TX data will loop
And then, finally, Test mode if more than TX data size bytes are
The serial tester has a dedicated push- requested.
button (Platino pushbutton S4) for enter- Note that the first byte received usually
ing and leaving Test mode. It may be is junk left behind in the receive data
pressed at any time. If pressed while a register. This again is due to the way
submenu is being displayed, the system SPI works.

Web Links from the store

[1] Platino: www.elektormagazine.com/150555 ª130409-1
Serial Tester Interface board,
[2] LiquidMenu: https://github.com/VaSe7u/LiquidMenu bare PCB
[3] Platino Boards package for Arduino: https://github.com/ElektorLabs/Arduino ª150555-1
[4] Article support page: www.elektormagazine.com/130409 Platino bare PCB

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 93

Low voltage but lots of current… or not?
By Tam Hanna (Slovakia)

The falling price of supercapacitors means that they

can now be considered for homebrew designs and
small production runs. We take a closer look at the
different types of supercap and consider some of the
theoretical aspects of their use. Last but not least we
use a new IC designed for supercap charging.

Figure 1. Supercaps from AVX (Photo: AVX).

In the third edition of that well-known electronics bible The Art Two types of supercap?
of Electronics by Horowitz and Hill there is a so-called ‘Ragone When choosing a supercap for an application you quickly real-
chart’ on page 690 which compares the energy density of super- ize that there are in fact two basic types which distributors like
caps with capacitors and batteries. It shows that supercaps are to class as ‘Supercaps’ or ‘Ultracaps’:
moving into the category of the classic rechargeable battery.
This prompted the author to delve a little deeper. • The first type of supercap has very low internal impedance
The first thing to be aware of is that the chart has a logarithmic and is the type we will be looking at here (Figure 1).
scale, in reality supercaps still have a long way to go before
they get close to rechargeables when it comes to energy den- • The second type, mainly used for applications such as
sity. However that doesn’t mean that they should be just dis- keep-alive memory power, is called a Goldcap. Although
counted. Supercaps differentiate themselves from batteries these cannot supply high levels of current they have very
in that they can deliver enormous levels of current per unit low self-discharge (Figure 2).
weight. Supercaps also boast an almost unlimited number
of charge/discharge cycles provided they are not thermally The most important data for a Supercap or Goldcap capacitor
stressed in the process. are shown in Table 1. Notice that the relatively high inter-
nal impedance of the Goldcap has a big effect on the rate of
voltage rise.
To provide the charge current for the supercaps here we used
a simple linear voltage regulator such as the LM317. Most
regulators will limit the output current to the maximum speci-
fied value — this isn’t the most efficient way of doing it but in
practice it works without problem.

On the limits of measurability

The AVX SCCR12B105SRB supercap used for this test (the sig-
nificantly cheaper Nichicon JUWT1105MCD was out of stock at
the time of testing) was according to an LCR meter an ‘Unac-
ceptable DUT’, the HP 4262A identified it as a short circuit!
Figure 2. Some Panasonic Goldcaps (Photo: Panasonic). So to get an approximate value of capacitance it will be neces-

94 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

Table 1. Supercap and Goldcap key features
Capacitor SuperCap, AVX SCCR12B105SRB GoldCap, Panasonic NF Series EECF5R5U105
Specification 2.7 V, 1 F 5.0 V, 1 F
Weight 0.94 g, Long wires (!) 7.92 g

Charge waveform
Imax =1 A

sary to make use of an old trick. The voltage across a capacitor Table 2. Results of five Supercaps from the same
discharging through a known value of resistance will describe supplier (in an RC network).
a curve with a time constant t = R × C; after one time con- RC time, 63.2% of Vin
stant RC the capacitor voltage falls to 63.2% of its start value
Sample 1 27.6 s
Vin. To plug a few values in, the capacitor is first charged to
Sample 2 29.9 s
2.7 V and discharged through a 21-Ω resistor. The resulting
discharge curve can be easily captured using a digital oscillo- Sample 3 28.4 s
scope but we first need to think about calibration. To estab- Sample 4 29.5 s
lish a zero reference the capacitor terminals must be shorted Sample 5 29.6 s
together for some time.

Using this setup and with a little patience it was possible to Why is it so important to have an exact value of capacitance?
make measurements of the five supercaps under test (all from In practice supercaps are rarely used singularly, almost always
the same supplier) and the results are given in Table 2. Inter- several are connected in series. This is because of their low
estingly it is fairly obvious from the results that we don’t need maximum voltage rating: the type used here has a maximum
to look much further; just by using the formula t = R × C it’s rating of 2.7 V. When several are connected in series it forms
clear that the values of capacitance are subject to quite a wide a capacitive voltage divider. Capacitors with different values of
tolerance. capacitance will produce different values of final charge volt-
age across each capacitor when they are charged in series.
Next we take a look at the issue of measuring short-circuit If you find this difficult to believe try measuring the voltage
current. We are dealing with fairly low voltage levels and quite across two different value electrolytics in series plugged into
high levels of current so things like connections to the load a bench power supply.
must be carefully considered otherwise they could introduce
an unacceptable voltage drop. For example, standard screw
terminal strips have a resistance of around 1 ohm; at 2.7 V
the maximum current will then be limited to less than 3 A.

A good candidate for switching the current is a relay by the

Chinese manufacturer Songle. In its data sheet a maximum
contact resistance is specified of around 0.1 Ω. This resistance
is not particularly constant and sputtering can occur when high
current are switched which increases contact resistance. We
will also require a sensing element in the circuit and for this a
power resistor (0.22 Ω; 10 W) will be used in series. Now with
the capacitor charged we retire to a safe distance and activate
the relay. The resulting curve can be seen in Figure 3.

Problems with series connections

Capacitors with precise values of capacitance are expensive.
While the tolerance of a capacitor used as a charge reservoir
in a mains adapter unit is not at all important, for supercaps Figure 3. The discharge current waveform has a peak value of 7.9 A,
it is extremely important. displayed on a LeCroy scope.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 95








0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

Figure 4. Energy stored and voltage has a quadratic relationship. Figure 5. Two resistors tame as well as protect the supercaps.

Table 3. The ALD8100XX series from Unlike conventional electrolytic capacitors, the internal struc-
Advanced Linear Devices. ture of Supercaps makes them extremely sensitive to over-
Threshold Threshold
voltage: with a difference of ten percent you have a choice of
Part No Part No reducing the cell voltage and accepting a lower energy storage
Voltage Voltage
capability or risking damage to the supercaps. Reducing the
ALD810016 1.6 V ALD810023 2.3 V
supercap maximum voltage has a dramatic reduction on the
ALD810017 1.7 V ALD810024 2.4 V
energy stored (Figure 4).
ALD810018 1.8 V ALD810025 2.5 V In practice overvoltage stress in a series-connected supercap
ALD810019 1.9 V ALD810026 2.6 V leads to a progressive decay which is difficult to characterize
ALD810020 2.0 V ALD810027 2.7 V without more detailed lab tests; usually the capacitor either
ALD810021 2.1 V ALD810028 2.8 V functions or Ka-Boom! The researchers Linzen, Buller, Karden
ALD810022 2.2 V and De Doncker have devised a formula [1], relating capacitor
operating voltage to lifetime and although it shows an expo-
nential relationship the units used are in years.
Balancing circuits can be used to compensate for the difference
in capacitance between supercaps connected in series. The
circuit can be made up of one or more components which in
one way or another equal out the voltage across each capac-
itor and prevent over charging any individual capacitor. The
most basic form of protection is provided by two equal-value
resistors (ideally, matched) arranged as shown in Figure 5
connected in parallel across each supercap.

The role of the resistors is simple; the junctions of the resistors

form constant voltage points so that the supercaps will all have
the same voltage across them (assuming the resistors are well
matched). The disadvantage of this simple solution is that the
resistors are permanently connected even when the capacitors
are charged and therefore dissipate energy. Depending on the
resistor values this will be sometimes more, sometimes less
important but nevertheless it is not a very elegant solution.
Diab, Venet und Rojat describe in [2] various active balanc-
ing methods including one using a series of Zener diodes to
dissipate excess voltage developed across any supercap. The
zeners will not draw current when the supercaps are charged,
others configurations disconnect the capacitors from the charge
current to save energy.

Let’s add some components!

The American company Advanced Linear Devices caused a
Figure 6. These supercaps are balanced. sensation in the supercap world when it introduced the ALD

96 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

series of devices a few months ago. These are ICs containing
two or four FETs which become conductive above a certain volt-
age threshold (in the same way the zener diodes work above) 10000

and limit the voltage across each supercap to a certain level. 1000

The required maximum voltage level is defined by the type 100

number of the IC. Table 3 lists the family of ALD8100XX series 10
devices (see [3] for datasheet) and their characteristics (valid

at the time of going to press).

It would seem these ALD series of ICs offer the ideal solu-
tion; we just need to wire them in parallel to the capacitors as 0.001

shown in Figure 6 and bingo, a perfectly balanced network 0.0001

of capacitors. On reading the data sheet however there are 0.00001

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
some extreme situations that deserve further consideration. Voltage
Beginning with a series-network of supercaps seriously out of
balance because of manufacturing tolerances. We could take
the more extreme case where one supercap is completely
discharged and the second is fully charged – in this case the Figure 7. The maximum current flowing through the IC (here an
ALD810027) is dependent on the voltage.
first supercap will be charged with a very high level of current
in excess of the maximum power rating of the chip (500 mW)
which would quickly result in its destruction.

As we said this is extreme situation and according to the data tive chips for use with supercaps. Linear Technologies are the
sheet from Advanced Linear Devices this operating condition is market leader but Table 4 shows some interesting candidates.
forbidden. Their recommendation is that the supercaps are all
from the same manufacturing batch so that their characteristics Conclusion
are closely matched — the diagram in Figure 7 shows why this Supercaps are not the average sort of component you are
is necessary. Due to the chip’s limited maximum current (the likely to use for general purpose applications. Measuring their
Y axis is logarithmic), in the case of massively out of balance properties is an interesting exercise in itself when you find that
supercaps, the IC will quickly give up the ghost and the elec- the component can’t be characterized by standard test equip-
trolyte will get zapped before a sufficiently high voltage can ment. For some specific applications such as military equip-
be achieved to allow the charging current to decrease (expo- ment design, metalworking and robotics, there is sometimes
nentially) to a safe level. By the end of the charging process little alternative, in this case you could say that supercaps are
both capacitors will be at same potential and consequently the in fact the Gold standard.
balancing currents will be smallest. (160098)

In addition to the Linear Technologies chips the semiconductor

industry has in the meantime also come up with some alterna-

Table 4. Alternative Supercap balancer ICs.

IC Manufacturer Package Description
XRP6840 Exar TQFN Charge pump for LED flash unit
bq25505 Texas Instruments VQFN Energy Harvesting-IC charger
bq24640 Texas Instruments VQFN Charge controller, switches between CC and CV.
LTC3225 Linear Technologies DFN Low-noise 2-cell charger programmable charge current up to 150 mA.
LTC3350 Linear Technologies QFN Step-down 1 to 4 cell plus reverse step-up backup supply.
LTC4425 Linear Technologies MSOP Linear 2-cell charger with current limited ideal diode and V/I monitor.

Web Links
[1] Dirk Linzen, Stephan Buller, Eckhard Karden, Rik W. De Doncker, Analysis and evaluation of charge-balancing circuits on
performance, reliability, and lifetime of supercapacitor systems, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, 2005,
41(5), 1135-1141, www2.isea.rwth-aachen.de/dataint/alumni/buller
[2] Comparison of the Different Circuits Used for Balancing the Voltage of Supercapacitors: Studying Performance and Lifetime
of Supercapacitors, https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00411482/document
[3] Datasheet ALD8100XX-Serie from Advanced Linear Devices, www.aldinc.com/pdf/ALD8100xxFamily.pdf

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 97


By Luc Lemmens (Elektor Labs) them. But here I recognised these immediately as great power
supplies and mounting bases for those USB lamps. “A small,
wireless desk/read/bed lamp will certainly come in handy one
I spotted them for the first time during the Peltier lamp project day”, was the thought. And for those few euros it’s a bargain…
(‘Candle2light’, September & October 2017, [1]): these cute With the packaging promising a capacity of 2000 mAh, such
little USB LED spotlights from a certain Swedish retailer that a power LED with a measured current consumption of 65 mA,
we don’t need to name. Not that I knew of an immediate appli- should run a good 30 hours.
cation for these, but it is one of those things that continue to
stick around in my head. Some time later, in one of the local I unpacked the powerbank immediately when I got home and
discount stores, I came across a Li-ion powerbank that had connected a lamp to it, and as expected, it worked perfectly
modest dimensions. These are actually intended for an emer- right away. Despite the fact that such powerbanks are not
gency charge infusion of your tablet or mobile phone when fully charged when bought from the shop, the light remained
you’re away from home or when you have forgotten to charge on for several hours. The experiment was a success, nothing

LED1 7
LED1 IC1 L1 C3

LED2 6 3uH3 R3
LED2 10u 4 IC2 5
1 TD VCC 100R

K2 Battery
2 Protection 6 100n
4 8 1 CS GND
D– R2
K1 R1 3 3 1
TP4303 D+ C6
1 3 4



2 GND IC3 10u

4 C1 C2.A C2.B
GND 8205A

USB_IN 2u2 10u 10u

160472 - 11

Figure 1. The supposed schematic for the electronics in the powerbank.

98 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

particularly startling or anything to brag about, but pleasing
nevertheless. The powerbank was subsequently completely
charged using the supplied USB cable, to test how long the
Don’t try this at home
light would last on a fully charged powerbank. The answer to
that question was both surprising and disappointing: about
ten seconds!

Naturally, I first checked whether the powerbank was actually

charged up, and when that turned out to be so, I realised that
in that small enclosure there had to be a little more than just
a battery and some electronics that ensures that it is prop-
erly (and safely?) charged. The very succinct manual — yes,
sometimes you will resort to reading those — reports that the
powerbank turns off automatically after a few seconds “as
soon as the smartphone has been completely charged”. From
this it would be fair to conclude that the powerbank turns off
when the output current drops below some threshold. Appar-
ently the lamp does not draw enough current and therefore
the powerbank calls it quits. And indeed, when two lamps are
connected to the same powerbank via a USB splitter cable,
the lights remain on. This all sounds logical and convincing.
Although… why did it work the first time when it came new
from the packaging? It appears to be related to a (too?) fully
charged battery, because after discharging for a while it does
continue to operate with only one lamp, that is, just like it did
in the beginning.
discharge current is too low, but unfortunately it does not spec-
Of course I wanted to find out what was going on here and ify the current level of this threshold. Strangely enough, the
decided to open the enclosure to see what was inside. This was TP4303 also offers several protection mechanisms, including
actually quite a risky job: the metal lid was solidly glued to the excessive current, deep discharging and battery overvoltage,
Li-ion battery and it can be dangerous if this is damaged or but the datasheet also mentions that additional protection
shorted (“Don’t try this at home!”). Fortunately the operation with a DW01 — as in this powerbank — is also possible. To be
succeeded without accidents. In addition to the battery, there honest, this sounds like TPower themselves have reason to
was a small circuit board that contained more electronics than doubt the protection that the TP4303 has to offer. And maybe
I expected: two LEDs, a number of resistors, capacitors and that is where the problem lies: multiple protections that get
even a small coil and three small ICs with the markings TP4303, in each other’s way? It appears that the electronics, after fully
DW01 and 8205A. A brief search on the internet for these charging and with a small load, detects battery overvoltage and
part numbers resulted in a schematic that is almost certainly that a larger discharge current is just sufficient to reduce the
the correct one ([2], Figure 1). Not that I put much effort in battery voltage below this safety threshold. Once the battery
checking whether all connections and component values are has discharged a little the powerbank does remain on when
in fact correct, but I don’t expect that much time and money only one light is connected.
is spent on special electronics for these mass-produced items.
I have to admit that by now my enthusiasm to dig further had
The part around the DW01A and 8205A is clear. This circuit dissipated. The explanation for this phenomenon is plausible,
protect the battery from over-charging and deep discharging but I didn’t continue to measure or check to make sure that
and offers protection against (too) high currents. The data- I have, in fact, got it right. It can’t be called a design fault. If
sheets are easily obtained from the internet ([3] and [4]), and you use the powerbank for charging a phone or tablet it will
offer sufficient information to show that these are not used for work as intended. But I was surprised when my LED lamp
switching-off when the output current is too low. In addition turned off so quickly.
there is no functionality to be found that only operates after (160472)
a few seconds. So therefore this has to happen in the third
IC, the TP4303.
Web Links

The standard application schematic that is shown in the data- [1] www.elektormagazine.com/160441
sheet for the TP4303 makes it clear what this IC does: it is a [2] www.alexanderb.tk/index.php/2017/02/06/
step-down regulator for charging of the battery, and at the same hacking-a-powerbank-to-use-as-a-pi-ups
time a step-up converter for the output of the powerbank. The [3] www.haoyuelectronics.com/Attachment/TP4056-modules/
Chinese text from the datasheet ([5], I have been unable to DW01-P_DataSheet_V10.pdf
find an English version) comes out surprisingly readable from
[4] www.maritex.com.pl/product/attachment/91261/8205A.pdf
Google Translate. This indeed states that the IC switches off
after 16 seconds when the load is disconnected or when the [5] www.datasheetspdf.com/pdf/949049/TPOWER/TP4303/1

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 99


Timers for the

Wi-Fi Desktop Thermostat
Seven channels with atomic accuracy

Although the Wi-Fi

Desktop Thermostat
published in edition
1/2018 is a flexible device
by all standards, there is
always room for improvement.
By adding timers it becomes
even more flexible.

By Clemens Valens (Elektor Labs)

Features Indeed, why limit the Wi-Fi Desktop controlling the temperature in your home.
Thermostat [1] to the desktop? As Besides adding timers we will also add
• New firmware adds seven timers
it is, the device is already capable of the possibility to disable the temperature
• Workday & Weekend mode
controlling the heating system in your sensor to allow the thermostat to act as
• Up to seven single-shot events
home but if we add some features to a pure timer with Internet connectivity.
anytime in the future
it, it will be even better suited for this
• Up to seven daily events
task. For instance, a timer, and especially Get the time from the Internet
• Temperature sensor can be
one that can be programmed for every Barring egg timers and stopwatches,
day of the week, is a great extension for a timer needs to know the time.

100 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

However, looking at the schematic of for the working week and one for the
the thermostat you will not find a real- weekend, then you only have to set up project information
time clock or any other time-keeping two timers: one as ‘Working Week’ (or Wi-Fi thermostat
device. Of course, it is possible to add workweek) and the other as ‘Weekend’.
ESP8266 timer
one, but in this era of Internet-connected For cases where the thermostat has to
devices it’s no longer necessary to equip repeat the same thing every day, a timer
them with clocks since the exact time is can be set to ‘Every day’. Finally, by entry level
freely available on the net. All we need setting the start and stop date and time
Æ intermediate level
to do is add Network Time Protocol with a calendar control (mode ‘Once’,
expert level
(NTP) support to the software. A few Table 1) timers can be programmed to
years ago this was a lot of work, but activate sometime in the future with a
since our thermostat software is built in programmable duration.
1 hour approx.
the Arduino environment, adding NTP Up to seven timers can be programmed
support (Figure 1) is nothing more than and as they run in parallel, they may
copy-pasting an Arduino example into overlap. Setting several timers to activate
our code and adapt it a little. on the same day is an option too, as is Arduino IDE,
programming up to seven future events. serial-to-USB converter
Seven timers All in all, the timers are pretty flexible.
Once the application knows the time,
it can compare it to a preset time and More than a thermostat
€0 / £0 / $0
activate (or deactivate) the thermostat’s Being a thermostat its output will only
output. However, considering that the be switched on when the measured
user interface (UI) of the thermostat is temperature satisfies certain criteria as
a webpage, and because our ESP-12F
module has lots of memory left, there is
no reason to limit ourselves to just one
preset. Like adding NTP support, creating
multiple presets is just a little more work
than copying and pasting the code for a
single preset. For practical reasons we
have limited the number of presets to

Timer modes
Each timer can be assigned to a day of
the week, and for each timer the start
and stop time can be set (Figure 2).
For a week this means setting up seven
timers. However, if your working week
is from Monday through Friday and your
weekends are Saturday and Sunday, Figure 1. The new user interface section ‘Time’ is required to set up the NTP server. Note that
and if you can live with one preset daylight saving time (DST) must be set manually as it is not easily available from the Internet.

Table 1. Eleven modes make the

timers flexible.
Nr Mode
0 Once
1 Monday
2 Tuesday
3 Wednesday
4 Thursday
5 Friday
6 Saturday
7 Sunday
8 Every day
(Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu & Fri)
Figure 2. Three timers marked as active and programmed for workday-weekend use together with
10 Weekend (Sat & Sun)
a one-month single-shot.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 101

A note on Internet browsers
The HTML code presented has
been verified with the W3C Markup
Validation Service [3] and was found
free of errors and warnings, except
for the date/time pickers that are not
supported by every Internet browser
on the market. It worked fine on our
test computer with Google Chrome
(version 63.0.3239.84) and Microsoft
Edge (version 41.16299.15.0). I failed
to get the UI to work in Internet Explorer
11 (11.125.16299.0), even after trying
all sorts of solutions found on the net.
I therefore do not recommend this
browser. If you have a suggestion to fix
this problem, please let me know.
Keep in mind that the thermostat’s UI
uses JavaScript and might conflict with
your browser’s security settings.

Web Links
Figure 3. Selecting ‘Timer’ as ‘Switch on’ mode will deactivate thermostat mode and turn the
device into a pure timer. [1] Wi-Fi Desktop Thermostat:
[2] Article support page:

defined by the value in the ‘Switch on’ code for it is generated and inserted [3] W3C HTML validator:
field of the ‘Thermostat’ section of the UI. into the page where it behaves like if it https://validator.w3.org/
By adding the value ‘Timer’ (Figure 3), had always been there. Consequently,
the thermostat can be told to ignore the timer customization has to be done
temperature sensor and let its output in the JavaScript file, while adding or
control by the timers only. This is a great removing timers is done in the HTML
mode for switching lights and window file. This also implies that modifications
blinds while you are on holidays or to affect all timers in the same way.
control Christmas decorations. Surely you The JavaScript code — at the end of the
can come up with other applications too. file script.js — is not very involved as
it mainly produces HTML code (see
Don’t repeat yourself the function timerBuild) adapted
Let’s have a closer look at the way for each timer so that every timer
the timers are implemented. As you uses unique variable names. This,
may recall from [1] the UI is written in of course, is necessary for the C++
HTML, JavaScript, and CSS (and talks to application to keep them apart. The
an application written in C++). Adding only complication in the code is the
seven timers to it in a naïve way would way the start and stop time boxes are
mean adding almost identical code seven changed according to the selected type of
times. In software engineering this is the timer. A future event (‘Once’) needs
something that is to be avoided at all date and time whereas daily, ‘Workday’
times as it is a great way to introduce and ‘Weekend’ events only need the
bugs and create hard-to-maintain code. time. The function timerChange takes
This programming principle, known as care of this. Inserting the HTML code into from the store
“don’t repeat yourself” or DRY, is difficult the UI is done by the function timerShow. ª160631-1
to respect when it comes to HTML, which Wi-Fi Desktop Thermostat bare
is why all sorts of wrappers and add-ons Updating the thermostat PCB
have been invented for it like JavaScript Compiling the new software and ª160100-92
and stylesheets. We have therefore programming the ESP-12F is described ESP-12F ESP8266-based Wi-Fi
defined our timer in JavaScript and put in detail in [1]. The only thing not to module
seven placeholders in the HTML page. overlook is to replace the old thermostat ª080213-71
Only when a timer is marked for use files by the new files you can download USB/TTL Serial converter, 5 V
(its checkbox is checked) the HTML from [2].

102 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com


A Simple
Digital Audio Amplifier
Using a CMOS IC in an analog circuit
By Hans-Norbert Gerbig (Germany) (based on an idea from the Elektor book 301 Circuits)

Analog circuits have had their day; everything is digital now. Here we present a simple digital amplifier
built with standard CMOS logic gates, which digitizes the analog audio signal and then converts it back to
analog for output to the loudspeaker. Along with being interesting, this project can be used as the basis for
countless experiments.

The core element of the circuit is a

Digital Mini Audio Amplifier square-wave oscillator consisting of
• Single supply voltage +4.5 – 6 V an inverting logic gate N1 and an RC
• Output power <1 W network (see Figure 1). When power
• Gain ≤45, continuously adjustable is switched on, capacitor C3 is not yet
• PWM generator with 4049 or 4069 IC charged, so the input of the amplifier is
• Complementary output stage with BS170/BS250 in the Low state and the output is there-
fore in the High state. The output voltage
charges the capacitor through resistor R3
until the upper switching threshold of the
gate is reached, at which point the out-
VI put switches to Low. Now the capacitor
is discharged through the resistor until
the voltage reaches the lower switching
VIL threshold, causing the gate to change
back to its original state and start the
VO next cycle.
VOH The voltage waveforms at the input and
output are also shown in Figure 1. From
VOL them you can see that the input signal is
virtually triangular because the charge/
P1 discharge characteristic of the capacitor
100k is nearly linear in the region concerned.
N2...N6 No matter which IC technology or logic
BS170, BS250 L = 47uH
C = 1uF family you choose, the output power of
A N1 B C
R2 a simple inverter is far too little to drive
2k2 1
a low-impedance loudspeaker, so the
oscillator output is boosted by a buffer.
AF 100k It consists of the remaining inverters
4/8 in the IC package wired in parallel, fol-
330p lowed by an power stage formed by a
pair of complementary discrete MOSFETs.
In this way the signal from the oscilla-
tor is amplified twice, but it still has the
same waveform at the output of the buf-
Figure 1. A digital switch-mode amplifier built around logic gates. fer. As you can see from Figure 2, this

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 103

eter more or less in parallel with resistor
R3 and raises the oscillator frequency to
4049UB VDD 4050B VDD
30 kHz when the resistance of the poten-
tiometer is 100 kΩ. It rises even higher
when the resistance of the potentiome-
ter is reduced.

P P P In the analog world

So far we have not considered how the
VI VO VI VO audio signal enters the circuit, what
it does in the circuit, and how we can
recover an analog signal at the output of
the circuit. As can be seen in Figure 3,
the audio signal is to the input of the oscil-
lator gate N1 through a potentiometer and
coupling capacitor C4, which blocks any
DC voltage on the input signal.
The instantaneous level of the audio signal
Figure 2. The combination of the inverter gates of the 4049 IC and the buffer stage corresponds affects the charge and discharge rates of
to the internal circuitry of a non-inverting buffered 4050 IC (source: National Semiconductor data capacitor C3. When the level is relatively
high, the voltage on the capacitor reaches
the upper switching threshold faster and
the High portion of the pulse waveform is
arrangement is equivalent to the internal the familiar formula f = 1/(2RC). The correspondingly longer. At the same time,
circuit of a non-inverting buffered gate. frequency with the indicated component the audio signal level slows the discharge
Although the BS170/BS250 transistors values is a bit more than 15 kHz, which rate of the capacitor. As a result, the
chosen here have only modest power is obviously not high enough for audio voltage takes longer to reach the lower
ratings, they can still source 0.5 A and reproduction because it would be audible switching threshold and the Low portion of
sink 0.18 A, which is in a totally different from the loudspeaker output for people the pulse waveform is shorter. However,
ballpark from the output capacity of a with good ears. However, the signal at the fundamental frequency remains the
logic gate. the output of the MOSFET buffer is fed same. In this way the audio signal modu-
The frequency of the oscillator is deter- back to the oscillator input through a lates the pulse waveform to create a form
mined by the RC network according to potentiometer. This puts the potentiom- of pulse duration modulation (PDM) or
pulse width modulation (PWM).
Just as the audio signal in an FM trans-
mitter modulates the frequency of the
sinusoidal waveform while maintaining
P1 constant amplitude, here the audio signal
100k D1 UB = 4V5
modulates the duty cycle with constant
frequency and constant amplitude (10%
1N4001 and 90% of the supply voltage) of the
14 (16)

C1 pulse waveform.
11 10 In an FM transmitter modulation stage,
N1...N6 = IC1 = 4069U, (4049U) 1 100u
(5) (4)
noise spikes on the signal amplitude can
N3 easily be eliminated by clipping them
13 12
with a limiter. The pulse waveform gen-
BS250 erated here is essentially the same as a
N1 N4
9 8 1 2
L1 C2 PWM signal. The advantage of frequency
AF 2k2 1 1
(3) (4) (9) (10) 47uH
modulation and demodulation is that it
N5 enables noise-free audio transmission,
C4 R3 T1
4 as we all know from FM radio broadcasts.
(11) (12)
1u With amplitude modulation and demod-
P2 N6 BS170 ulation (as used for broadcasting in the
C3 C5 LS1
5 6
10k 1 long-wave, medium-wave and short-
lin (14) (15) 8
330p 1u
wave bands), noise cannot be eliminated
7 (8)
this way, only attenuated. Noise voltages
(for example, from atmospheric noise)
can easily alter the amplitude of the sig-
nal, and they cannot eliminated by simple
clipping because that would adversely
Figure 3. Circuit diagram of the simple digital audio amplifier. affect the demodulation process.

104 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

On the other side 1 W with a supply voltage of 6 V, and the Web Links
Loudspeakers cannot work directly quiescent current is remarkably low at [1] www.elektormagazine.com/160339
with digital signals. The digital signal is less than 4 mA. The volume can be set
[2] www.ti.com/lit/an/scha004/
therefore converted back to analog at to any desired level with potentiometer
the output of the circuit. This is done by P2. Potentiometer P1 should be adjusted
an integrating network (low-pass filter) for the lowest supply current level with
consisting of L1 (47 µH) and C5 (1 µF), undistorted sound from the loudspeaker
which effectively averages the value of This digital audio amplifier can replace
the pulse waveform. The output elec- analog amplifier ICs such as the TBA820,
trolytic capacitor C2 (470 µF) blocks the LM386(L), TDA7052 or TDA7233.
DC voltage at the amplifier output, so
the loudspeaker is only driven by the The author has designed different PCB
amplified input signal. To be on the safe layouts for the 4049U and 4069UB ICs,
side — which means to avoid high volt- using Lochmaster for a stripboard layout
ages at the output when no loudspeaker and Sprint Layout for a conventional PCB.
is connected — it is advisable to add a The files are included in the free down-
33 Ω resistor in parallel with the speaker load for this project [1].
terminals. (160339-I)
The maximum output power is less than

Why unbuffered?
You may have noticed that the circuit
calls for a particular sort of CMOS IC
with a “U” in its type designation. 2 mV to 3 mV of Noise
This “U” stands for “unbuffered” and
refers to the configuration of the output
stage of this logic IC. The input signal Input
to N1 (leaving the audio signal out of Transition begins
the picture for now) does not have
the nice steep edges you are used to
seeing with digital signals. Instead, Output
it rises or falls gradually according to
the charge/discharge characteristic
of the RC network. As a result, the
two MOSFETS at the output of the IC
remain conducting at the same time
(in a sort of short-circuit condition) for amplification factors, while buffered ICs More information about this subject is
longer than with steep signal edges. should be used in noisy environments available in an application report from
This causes periodic current spikes as well as in low-speed systems and Texas Instruments [2].
which create noise in the output signal systems with high gain. Buffered
and significantly increase the current logic is also preferable in applications
consumption of the circuit, which where constant output impedance is
is clearly undesirable with battery important, such as R-2R networks for
powered operation. digital to analog conversion.
There is also a second effect. If the
input signal has a slight amount of
noise superimposed on slow edges, Parameter Buffered Unbuffered
buffered ICs produce short oscillations Propagation delay Slow Fast
on the output signal in the transition Noise sensitivity Very high High
Output impedance and
Both effects occur with buffered as well High and constant Low and variable
output transition time
as unbuffered CMOS ICs, but to a much
AC gain High Low
smaller degree with unbuffered types.
AC bandwidth Low High
Generally speaking, unbuffered CMOS
logic ICs should be used in applications Output oscillation with slow
Yes No
with very fast signals as well as inputs
systems with very low frequencies (and Input capacitance Low High
associated slow signals) and moderate

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 105


Measurement Data
Acquisition via USB
For heating system optimization

By Mattias Ulmann, Texas Instruments

If you want to optimize a heating system, you first have to record a wide variety of parameters continuously
and precisely. Once you have this data, you can quickly assess the impact of even relatively small changes.
The data logger described here acquires a large number of analog and digital parameters and outputs them
— electrically isolated for safety — over a PC interface.

Modern heating systems have a large number of configuration system, there is no substitute for continuously recording a
options for a bewildering array of parameters. In many cases wide variety of parameters, such as the water temperatures
it is not clear or not easy to determine how these parameters in the supply and return lines and the boiler and the operating
affect the behavior of the system. Another complicating fac- states of the pumps, valves and possibly the burner. Armed
tor is the slow response of the system, which means it takes with this data, you can quickly see the effects of even rela-
a fairly long time to determine the optimal configuration by tively small changes.
adjusting the various settings. In order to truly optimize the Although many heating system controllers (including older

106 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

types) have a bus interface for diagnostic and configuration
purposes, the bus protocol is usually proprietary and suitable Features
software is not available to consumers. Most heating system • Up to 64 digital inputs
controllers also lack a PC-compatible interface port. • 12 analog inputs
The author therefore came up with the idea of directly acquiring • Electrically isolated sensor inputs
the raw data from analog temperature sensors in the heating • Electrically isolated supply voltage
system and the states of the connected loads in the heating • Data processing with a low-cost LaunchPad board
system. A variety of instrumentation modules and plug-in cards • USB link to PC
are commercially available for this purpose, but they have only • Graphic display of measurement data on PC
a few channels and/or are very expensive. The author there-
fore decided to develop a measuring system which can read
in analog and digital signals, process them, and send them to
a PC over a USB link. VIN
Even if you think your heating system is already working as R1 R2 R3
100k 100k 100k
well as it can or you do not have a complicated heating system, U1
J1 1 6 5
you may find this article useful because the basic concept is
1 D1
versatile. It shows how a large number of digital and analog L
signals of any desired type can be acquired at low cost and 1N4148
sent via an electrically isolated interface to a microcontroller 230V AC 2 4 HV_DIG
F1 R4 -3
system and/or a PC for processing. For that reason, this article 100k
1mA LED Current
does not describe the system as a whole, but instead focuses

50mA, Littelfuse
on the details of its modular components.

The concept
The measuring system needs two or three different interfaces
between the input parameters and the PC. Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the digital inputs for 230 VAC line voltage.

• Several standard types of analog temperature sensor can

be used (KVT20, KTY10-6, Ni1000). They are linearized both cases galvanic isolation is provided by optocouplers (type
and supplied with 5 V power by a series resistor. These CNY17F-3), which provide safe voltage isolation. Each sort
sensors require analog instrumentation inputs with an has eight digital inputs, which are connected through an I/O
input voltage range of 0 to 5 V. expander to an I2C Bus.
• On the digital side the requirement is to acquire the states To avoid additional components or conversions, for example
of the burner, the circulation pump and the solar heat- with transformers, the inputs for AC line voltage are designed
ing pump, which can only have two states (on or off). To for simple connection in parallel with the load concerned. As
determine whether any of these devices is operating, its you can see from Figure 1, four 100-kΩ resistors in package
supply voltage (AC line voltage) can be measured at the size 1206 limit the current through the optocoupler to about
corresponding terminals. Of course, suitable safety mea- 1 mA. Using four resistors in series divides the voltage drop
sures must be taken for this. over each component accordingly, ensuring that the voltage
• There should also be additional spare channels available on each resistor does not exceed its maximum rated break-
with an input voltage range of 5 to 24 V (DC) for future down voltage.
applications. To avoid potential confusion, these channels The reverse-polarity diode in parallel with the optocoupler LED
are not intended for the acquisition of analog measure- provides a current path for the negative half-cycles of the AC
ment data — the objective is only to be able to acquire line voltage. This eliminates the need for a diode with a high
digital signals in this voltage range. reverse voltage rating in series with the optocoupler LED to pro-
tect it against negative half-cycles. The input is additionally pro-
All channels must be read cyclically by a microcontroller, and tected by a self-resetting fuse with a rating of 50 mA at 250 V.
the analog voltage readings and digital states sent to a PC via On the output side, the optocoupler passes the voltage on its
USB. Conversion and display of the measured data are to be VIN pin (+5 V) when a signal is present on the input. Since the
performed on the PC. optocoupler output is only active during positive half-cycles, a
This concept has several advantages compared to other solu- 10-µF capacitor is provided as a buffer to maintain a sufficient
tions. The acquisition process is universal, and no firmware output voltage level during negative half-cycles. When a signal
changes are necessary for other applications or using other is no longer present on the input, the capacitor is discharged
sensors. The circuit design should focus on robustness and by the 100-kΩ resistor. This arrangement results in a delay
reliability, since the measuring system will be installed for of several tens of milliseconds for switch-on and several hun-
a prolonged period and must operate smoothly and reliably dred milliseconds for switch-off, which is not significant for the
over this period. intended application with its slow response. The optocoupler
ensures reliable isolation (5000 Vrms) between the input and
Digital inputs output. However, the layout must be designed to ensure com-
There are two sorts of digital channels: one for AC line volt- pliance with the necessary and prescribed clearance and creep
age (230 VAC), the other for low voltage DC (5–24 VDC). In distances. This also applies between the individual channels.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 107

the actual input voltage. As shown in the schematic diagram
1mA Current Source VIN of one channel in Figure 2, the input instead has a current
D2 D3 R6 source which supplies a constant 1 mA current for the LED in
1N4148 2V7 U2 the optocoupler, independent of the actual input voltage. For
J2 T1 1 6 5
R7 input protection there is a reverse-polarity protection diode
VIN 2k00
2 D4
and a suppressor diode to limit voltage peaks. The output
structure is similar to the 230 VAC version, but with significantly
5 ... 24V DC 2 4 LV_DIG
36V CNY17F less delay. Since these inputs are not intended for AC voltages,
C2 there is no need for a large buffer capacitor at the output to
1mA LED Current

bridge over negative half-cycles.
The PCA9539 I/O expander connects the 16 digital channels
to the I2C bus (see Figure 3). The I/O expander can be set to
four different addresses with pins A0 and A1, enabling a max-
imum of 64 digital inputs for data acquisition. That should be
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the digital inputs for DC voltages from
enough for even the most elaborate heating systems.
5 V to 24 V.

Analog inputs
The circuitry of the channels for the input voltage range of The analog inputs share a common ground and have the same
5–24 VDC is a bit more complicated. Due to the extent of the structure. The 12-bit A/D converter ADS1015 with I2C interface
input voltage range, limiting the LED current with a series has an input voltage range of 0 to 4.096 V and can measure
resistor is not appropriate because it would vary depending on four single-ended voltages sequentially. At the input of each
channel there is an opamp to amplify the measured signal if
necessary (see Figure 4).
The analog signal first passes through an RC low-pass filter
PCA9539 (R9/C4) to suppress any high-frequency noise. The dual diode
CNY17F-3 I/O Expander
D1 after the filter clamps the input signal to the supply voltage
230VAC (+5 V) or ground to protect the opamp against out-of-range
input voltages. It is important that this clamping occurs after
the low-pass filter or the input resistor, in order to limit the
current through the diode. If the clamp diodes were located
P10 SDA directly at the input, the current would not be limited and the
CNY17F-3 diodes could be damaged by overheating.
A type OPA335 CMOS opamp is used here. The high imped-
5 ... 24VAC/DC
P17 ance of its CMOS inputs minimizes the load on the sensor. The
opamp only needs a single supply voltage, and its extremely
low and long-term stable temperature drift of 0.05 µV/K makes
8x it especially suitable for all forms of precision temperature
VIN The circuit and the PCB layout are designed so that the opa-
R14 ... R18: see table 2 mps can be used either as buffers or as non-inverting gain
C4 stages. In the former case you simply omit resistor R11 and fit
R19 R13 R14 R15
a wire bridge (or a zero-ohm resistor) in place of R10, and in


the latter case you choose the values of R10 and R11 for the
HV DIG BUS1 4 VCC desired gain, which is equal to 1 + (R10/R11). Resistor R6 is
P0.1 INT
1 not fitted in either case.
If neither gain nor buffering is necessary, you can omit the
HV DIG BUS5 8 opamp and route the input signal directly to the A/D converter
P0.5 A0
21 through a wire bridge (or zero-ohm resistor) in place of R6.
HV DIG BUS7 10 2
P0.6 A1
HV DIG BUS8 11 3
Circuit boards
PCA9539 R16 R17 R18
P1.0 There are basically three different types of input to be han-

P1.1 dled here, each with multiple channels, which the author has
LV DIG BUS5 16 grouped onto two PCBs.
P1.4 Three addressable A/D converters are located on the analog
LV DIG BUS3 18 22
P1.5 SCL
SCL board. The ADS1015 A/D converter can be set to four different
LV DIG BUS1 20 addresses (see Figure 5). However, a closer look at the sche-
GND matic diagram reveals an interesting detail: The ADS1015 has
only one address pin. How can you set four different addresses
with that? The answer is that the address pin can be tied to
GND or VDD as usual, but it can also be tied to the SCL or
Figure 3. Grouping of the digital inputs and connection to the I2C bus. SDA lines to set two additional addresses. However, tying the

108 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com


1 2
Analog Input
J1 U2
R9 5
1 3
VSNS 10k0 R8 AN_CH
2 1
GND OPA335 10k0
4 R10
0 ... 5V DC 2

C4 C3

100n 100n


Figure 4. Schematic diagram of the protected analog inputs with optional

buffering or amplification.

address pin to SDA requires a bit of extra effort in the soft-

ware, which we don’t really need. Consequently, only GND,
VDD and the SCL line are used here for address coding. Overall
that yields twelve possible analog inputs with three different
addresses (see Table 1), which should be more than enough.
Along with the analog input section, the analog board houses
the microcontroller at a neighborly distance (see Figure 6).
We have more to say about that in the two following sections.
Unlike the analog board, the digital board (Figure 7) holds
only one of the four addressable I/O expanders. The eight AC
line voltage inputs are at the top, and the eight low-voltage
Figure 6. The analog board with the isolated microcontroller section.
inputs are at the bottom. The component and track spacings
conform to all necessary and prescribed distances. The chan-

nels are routed to the I/O expander located on the right side
of the board. The resistors (R14–R18) which determine the
12-Bit ADC address of the expander (see Table 2) are located to the right
AIN0 of the IC. Four of these boards are necessary to achieve the
0 ... 4.096V maximum possible number of digital inputs (64).

4x Table 1. Address coding of the ADS1015 A/D converter

3x (–: open; ●: 10 kΩ).
VCC Hex address
ADDR (pin 1) R2 R3 R4 R5
R1 (decimal)
C1 GND 0x48 (72) – – – ●

VDD 0x49 (73) ● – – –

8 R2 ... R5: see table 1 SDA 0x4A (74) – ● – –

SCL 0x4B (75) – – ● –
AN CH BUS1 4 9
AN CH BUS2 5 U1 R3 R4
AN CH BUS3 6 2
AN CH BUS4 7 ADS1015 Table 2. Address coding of the I/O expander (–: open;
IDGSR 1 ●: 0 kΩ).
3 A1 A0 Hex address
R14 R15 R17 R18
(pin 2) (pin 21) (decimal)
L L 0x74 (116) – – ● ●
L H 0x75 (117) – ● ● –
H L 0x76 (118) ● – – ●
Figure 5. Twelve analog inputs (4 × 3) can be read out over the I2C bus.
H H 0x77 (119) ● ● – –

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 109

All this provides safe isolation between all inputs and the USB
interface, so the user and the user’s PC are reliably protected
against any errors on the input side.

The microcontroller and its firmware

As can clearly be seen from the board layout, the isolated
microcontroller module is located on the left side of the ana-
log board. This module consists of a ready-made, very low-
cost LaunchPad development board (MSP-EXP430G2 [1]) from
Texas Instruments, which is simply plugged into the analog
board. This board is intended for developing projects based on
the low-power, low-cost microcontrollers in the MSP430G2x
series (in old-fashioned DIP packages). There are also some
components located around the LaunchPad connector for over-
voltage protection, decoupling and indication, which do not
need further mention here. The corresponding parts of the
circuit are shown in the schematic diagrams included in the
download package [2].
The LaunchPad development kit (Figure 10) comes with two
MSP430 microcontrollers with up to 16 kB flash, 512 bytes RAM,
16 MHz CPU clock rate and integrated peripherals, including an
eight-channel 10-bit ADC, timers, and serial interfaces (UART,
I²C, SPI). On the board there is a 14/20-pin DIP socket, but-
tons, LEDs and connectors for a wide variety of modules with
additional functionality, such as wireless links or display, as
well as a USB programming cable. This means that when you
aren’t using the heating system data logger for its original pur-
pose, you can develop all sorts of projects with the LaunchPad.
The firmware was generated using Energia [3], a rapid proto-
typing platform for the TI LaunchPads based on the Arduino
IDE. It comes with pre-integrated libraries, making software
development a lot faster. The C source code [2] is straight-
forward and can easily be modified or extended for other pur-
Figure 7. The digital board in Eurocard format.
poses, such as outputting or formatting the measurement
data for visualization programs other than the one used by
the author. The download folder contains two firmware ver-
All boards are in Eurocard format with dimensions of sions – one for Energia 16, in which the project was originally
100 × 160 mm. The mounting holes at the corners of the developed, and the other for the current Energia 18 platform
boards are in the same place on all of the boards, so they can version. The C code for Energia 18 is current, but some mod-
easily be stacked with threaded standoffs to form a sturdy pack- ifications to the platform are necessary to enable it to recog-
age which can be fitted in a distribution enclosure, as shown nize the MSP430G2553 microcontrollers. They are described
in the lead picture for this article. That also provides suitable in the program comments.
protection against accidental contact. The software structure is extremely simple. For definition and
initialization of the I/O ports, the I2C buses and the USB inter-
Analog isolation face, the microcontroller reads the jumpers on port 2, which
On the digital side, optocouplers provide galvanic isolation for is located on the bottom of the LaunchPad board and there-
the USB interface and the microcontroller, but on the analog fore not visible in the picture. These jumpers set the interval
side things are a bit more complicated. As you can see from between two successive data sets, since with slow systems
Figure 8, isolation is necessary for both the I2C bus (green) such as a heating system it is more than sufficient to make
and the supply voltages (red) of the A/D converters and the measurements every five or ten seconds.
microcontroller. I2C bus isolation is provided by the ISO1541 Then the main loop of the microcontroller firmware sequen-
bidirectional I2C isolator, and the isolated supply voltage for tially reads the raw data from the A/D converters and the I/O
the input side is provided by the combination of an SN6501 expanders. The variable channel is used in switch-case struc-
push-pull driver and a transformer. As shown in the detailed tures to differentiate between the various I2C addresses and
circuit diagram in Figure 9, there the supply voltage for the I2C registers. The software is designed to handle all three A/D
analog inputs is stabilized at 5.0 V by an LP2985-5.0 fixed converters, but only one I/O expander at the address 0x74. If
voltage regulator. The rest of the circuitry (on the other side you want to address additional I/O expanders, you can sim-
of the isolation barrier) is powered by +5 V from the USB port. ply duplicate the relevant code segment and enter the corre-
No external power supply is necessary, and the connection sponding addresses.
between the PC and the instrumentation boards is limited to The measured values are then converted and output over the
a single USB cable. serial interface, which appears as a COM port on the PC. Ana-

110 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

log values are represented as integral millivolts, while digital
inputs are shown as either 1 or 0. The twelve analog values
are sent first, followed by the sixteen digital values. The val-
ues are separated by slashes, with a line feed at the end of
the output string.
The author uses the RealView curve plotting program from
Abacom [4] to display the data on the PC. This program is
fairly flexible and very user friendly with regard to integra-
tion of user-defined hardware. Formulas stored in RealView
are also used to convert millivolt values into corresponding
temperature values.

The data acquisition system described here has been working
faultlessly for several months and has made a decisive contri-

Figure 10. A simple, low-cost LaunchPad microcontroller from Texas

Instruments handles the firmware tasks.
ADS1015 SN6501

bution to the optimization of the heating system settings, and
thereby to the efficiency and lifetime of the system. Thanks to
MSP430G2553 visualization of the relevant quantities, such as temperatures
ISO1541 and operating states, it can be seen relatively quickly whether
SCL SCL changes to the parameters of the heating system controller
have the desired effect and whether they are effective in the
longer term under different conditions.
As previously mentioned, the project described in this article is
SCL not limited to heating systems. We have shown how to route
any desired analog and digital input signals to a microcontrol-
ler and connect them to a PC for evaluation. This knowledge
can be applied to a wide variety of instrumentation tasks.

Figure 8. How the microcontroller and its USB interface are isolated from Web Links
the instrumentation inputs.
[1] www.ti.com/tool/MSP-EXP430G2#0
[2] www.elektormagazine.de/160358
[3] http://energia.nu/
Isolated Power Supply
VIN [4] www.abacom-online.de/uk/html/realview.html

TR1 5.0V
10u D4
3 1 1 : 1.3 6 1 5
GND BAT54 LP2985-5.0
U4 2 2 5
5 SN6501
GND D5 2
1 3 4
D1 C7 C9 C10
10u 10n 2u2

VIN Isolated I2C VCC

What’s in the download package

C11 C12

100n 100n
The download package [2] for this homelab project
R21 R22
U5 R23 R24 contains:
3 A/D-Converters




8 • The firmware for Energia 16 and Energia 18
2 7
SDA-S • Component lists
5 • A complete set of schematics in PDF format
• The PCB layout with component overlay in PDF format
• The PCB layout as an Altium project (which can be
imported into Eagle)
• Drilling files (Gerber)
Figure 9. Isolating the I2C bus and the supply voltage.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 111

Basic and the Embedded World
Set to work with a PICAXE
By Dr. Veikko Krypczyk (Germany)

Getting started with microcontrollers can be daunting for the complete beginner. It’s not just writing the
programs but also getting to grips with some basic electronic principles at the same time. PICAXE is a solution to
the problem. It is a complete, simple to use learning platform which offers quite sophisticated capabilities. You
can later expand the basic system and transition to professional programming. We took a closer look...

controller discovery. As well as an overview of the hardware

and software we use the system to work through an example.

PICAXE — an overview
So what is PICAXE? It is in fact a complete and extensive
modular microcontroller teaching platform comprising of both
hardware and software. The system is based on the popular
PIC family of microcontrollers. The complete system has been
designed to ensure a problem-free introduction to the tech-
nology. Several boards, offering various levels of sophistica-
tion are available but for a simple, minimal introduction the
Figure 1. Parts kit for the PICAXE 08 prototype board
starter kit includes a preprogrammed controller together with
(photo: www.picaxe.com).
a few passive components, a data transfer cable and battery
holder and is available for around 30 euros. The software can
The press and media are keen to point out that the shortage of be downloaded for free from the PICAXE home page. It con-
engineers and technologists is hampering the growth of indus- sists of all the important components such as the drivers for
try and the situation is likely to get worse if the young fail to the boards and the complete IDE.
engage with technology. The ubiquity of computing and elec-
tronics in the 21st century is undeniable and unlikely to diminish The Starter Pack
but most of us remain passive ‘users’. With all the technology Whenever you start something new it’s a golden rule that ever-
hidden behind a shiny exterior it seems almost impossible to ything’s got to go smoother with a starter pack! The PICAXE
hope you could ever understand how it’s all put together. system has a number of boards which offer various classes
Anyone starting out on the quest to learn more can be sure of power. Basically any one of these boards will be suitable to
that any introduction to the world of microcontrollers will not be run the first example. The boards differ in their input/output,
restricted to software alone but must also touch on the hard- interfacing and prototyping capabilities. The type of controller
ware aspects of a design application. Don’t ever doubt that any supported also varies depending on which board you choose.
time invested in the pursuit of knowledge will be wasted, as we The simplest is the PICAXE-08 prototyping board. In kit form
move to an ‘always connected’ future more and more devices you can order it at a cost of around 5 Euro. By selecting the
will need to communicate as the ‘Internet of Things’ takes off. corresponding starter pack (less than 30 euros) you have all the
Where do you start? Whenever you begin to explore any new hardware you need to begin. What’s include is the PICAXE-08
field of knowledge it’s important to use a tried and tested project board (Figure 1), a battery holder to power the sys-
approach which guarantees some early success. Unnecessary tem, a PICAXE microcontroller type PICAXE-08M2 and a pro-
complexity and frustration and can cause the student to throw gramming cable which connects to a USB port. Software is
in the towel too soon. PICAXE is a teaching platform with the downloadable from the project home page free of charge. At
aim to introduce the student to the secrets of microcontroller first you can use the battery holder as a power source so you
programming in a convenient and structured way. The system won’t need an external mains adapter. The system operates
has resources in the form of documentation, worked examples, at a maximum of 6 V so don’t be tempted to connect a 9 V
projects and the support of an active community to ensure that battery to the battery clip, it will damage the chip.
anyone starting out with the system will not feel out on their Choosing a kit means that some soldering will be necessary to fit
own. This article gives a brief introduction and overview of the the components. If this doesn’t appeal then you can order a fully
PICAXE development platform. By the end you should be able assembled board with the starter pack. For the more ambitious
to make up your mind whether PICAXE is the right system for there is the large AXE091U development board which supports
you (or for a third party) to start out on the path of micro- all versions of the PICAXE controller and has features to allow

112 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

Feature 08M2 14M2 18M2 20M2 20X2 28X2 40X2
Memory Capacity
2048 2048 x2 2048 x2 2048 x2 4096 4096 x4 4096 x4
RAM (bytes) 128 512 512 512 256 1280 1280
Byte variables
28 28 28 28 56 56 56
Input/Output Pins 6 12 16 18 18 22 33
ADC/Touch Pins 3 7 10 11 11 16 27
Max. Freq. (MHz) 32 32 32 32 64 64 64
Serial In/Out Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Infrared In/Out Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
I2C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tune (ring tones) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Parallel Tasks 4 8 8 8 1 1 1
Program Slots 1 2 2 2 1 4 4

Figure 2. The PICAXE IDE Editor running in Microsoft Windows. Figure 3. Overview of the PICAXE microcontrollers [1].

more sophisticated circuit experimentation and development. ware. For the first test we will just be satisfied to blink an
Together with all the other accessories this works out at just LED on the board. The LED connects to the controller via a
over 80 Euros. Altogether not an unreasonable expense for your series resistor. For complete beginners it will be necessary to
first foray into the world of microcontroller programming. The get familiar with the pin configurations of the controllers and
larger starter kit has much more potential for experimenting their capabilities. The range of microcontrollers offer different
thanks to all the additional components and devices on board. levels of processing power and control capabilities but they
In detail, amongst other features it includes: are all based on the original PIC design. Figure 3 gives an
overview (memory size, I/O pins, clock frequency etc.) of the
• Support for all the PICAXE range of microcontrollers. different models available. The chip’s pin layout will depend
• Power supply from batteries or mains adapter. on which model you choose. The three smallest versions use
• Socket for program download plus cable. the pinout shown in Figure 4. The input/output pins are mar-
• Integrated prototyping plug board. ked with capital letters (B or C) indicating the port and then a
• Power-on status LED and three control LEDs. number representing the port pin number. Circuits don’t get
• Three miniature push buttons, photoresistor, pot to simu- much simpler than Figure 5. Depending on the board you are
late analog signals, temperature sensor, IR LED and TSOP using, this can either be wired up on the prototyping area or
for testing IR remote control, 7-segment display, socket alternatively with short lengths of wire.
for PS/2 keyboard, socket for DS1307 real-time clock and The program code (Listing 1) for this first program is written
MAX202 interface chips for serial communication. in Basic and is about as complex as the hardware. The PIC
microprocessor supplied in the kit is preprogrammed with the
Let’s go! bootstrap code for program download. Some common routines
Before we get down to any serious play we need to make sure or language macros are also implemented in the code to reduce
everything is set up properly. Its always best to be working the size of the transferred code. For example to set port C pin
with the latest software version, even though the starter pack
includes a CD with all the necessary development environment
software there is likely to be a newer version available from
the home page [1] so check this out first, it also good for soft-
ware support. In addition to Microsoft Windows there are also
tools for Linux and the Mac OS. We will use Microsoft Windows.
So to begin we install the latest version of the development
environment PICAXE Editor (Figure 2). It runs on Windows 10
and versions all the way back to XP. The system library .NET
3.5.1 is required here; if you are using Windows XP or Vista
this must be installed later. Connect the download cable bet-
ween the PC USB port and the development board. The Device
manager in the System option of the Control Panel installs the
driver. A serial COM port is emulated using the USB port. In
our case COM3 is automatically chosen. This information will
be required later on during use and setup of the IDE.

First test…
The PICAXE projects emphasize the interplay between soft-
ware and hardware. First you need to connect the hardware
up according to the schematic then program the system soft- Figure 4. PICAXE microcontroller pin assignment [1].

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 113

1 to a logic high we use the command high C.1 and to set it a
Listing 1.
logic with low C.1. The other commands (pause, do-loop for Pin 1
The LED blinks!
example) are very easy to understand. Even complete novices

with no previous experience of programming will soon pick it
high C.1
up and in no time will be writing their first program. The pro-
LED1 pause 1000
gram implements a continuous loop which switches the LED low C.1
on for 1 second and off for 0.5 second. pause 500
In this way you can use Basic dialect to create software and loop
program the PICAXE controller. Only PIC controllers supplied
by PICAXE with the preloaded bootstrap code will work with the Figure 5. The LED circuit connects to the PICAXE microcontroller.
system. This code is not available for programming into blank
controllers. All other essential information (language command
set, board specifications and uses, pinouts etc) and a whole
host of application ideas are available on the company web your own ideas and learning. It’s easy to lose track of time and
page [1]. The PICAXE environment has some unique features that’s always a good sign you are engaging with the system
that make it an ideal learning tool and we will briefly take a and actually learning something. As for the question — what
look at what’s on offer. comes next? — the PICAXE system lends itself to expansion
and already offers a wide range of expansion boards. There
From graphics to source code are for example other microcontrollers in the series which
Graphics tools such as flow charts are an effective aid for new- can offer more power and extension boards to expand capa-
comers to the dark art of coding. The PICAXE development bilities with LED displays, sensors etc for the development of
environment supports their use and also has other options. control systems for real world events. More importantly the
The entire program or parts of the program can be generated system gives a good grounding and familiarity with the PIC
using flow charts (Figure 6). The resulting code can then be range of microcontrollers. Even though in the future you may
transferred directly to the microcontroller (referred to here as a be developing commercial systems with PIC processors using
Download). More often however you will want to edit the source languages such as C or Pascal the underlying processor will
code. For this you have the possibility to convert the complete be identical and you will have a good knowledge of its capa-
flow chart into Basic. This approach allows you to graphically bilities. The PICAXE learning environment is therefore a good
define the program’s structure quickly using loops and branches solid entry-level platform with lots of potential.
etc. and then to zone in on the detail and expand the code with (150762)
individual commands and variables. It’s not possible to convert
Web Link
back in the other direction i.e. from Basic to a flowchart. Ano-
ther option is the graphical representation of the code using [1] www.picaxe.com
Blockly. This is reminiscent of the program language Scratch.
The program is broken down into a series of interlinked blocks
(For example, the body of a loop). Each block can be configu-
red individually and other constructs added such as inner or
nested blocks. Whether you choose Blockly or the classic flow
diagram is really just a matter of taste. The representation in
Blockly is a variant of a Nassi-Shneiderman diagram but both
methods are good for implementing algorithms.
Another feature of the PICAXE IDE is its ability to simulate
the program on a PC before downloading it to the chip. The
simulator is built in to the IDE and shows things such as level
changes at the microcontroller pins.

Conclusions and outlook

Approaching the system from the point of view of a complete
PIC controller newbie I must say I found the system really
easy to get on with. Working with the starter pack made pro-
gram loading a cinch and the free software made sure there
were no unseen additional costs. Even when using the smal-
lest board you get the chance to try out all the features of
the PICAXE IDE. Using the PICAXE environment you quickly
establish a sequence of copying examples, experimenting with Figure 6. Flow chart programming.

Made in England

PICAXE products are developed and marketed by Revolution Education Ltd in the UK. Components can ordered from their online
store at http://picaxestore.com.

114 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

the startup platform

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November 13-16. 2018

electronica Fast Forward is brought to you by

For more information:

Current Transformer
for Oscilloscopes
Potential-free (floating) measurement
using current clamp techniques
By Karsten Böhme (Germany) and Ton Giesberts (Elektor Labs)

Electric current can be measured in differing ways and processes. Frequently

we make use of a shunt resistor, across which we can measure the voltage
drop caused by current flow. Actually many oscilloscopes have a galvanic
(electrical) connection between signal ground and the protective earth
(ground) wire of the 230 VAC line supply and for this reason the shunt
method is often inappropriate. Commercial current clamp devices
certainly are able to measure current by potential-free means but
they are not suitable for capturing rapid alterations in current
over time. In addition many low-cost examples of these do not
provide an output for connecting to an oscilloscope. If you’re
looking to measure floating current with an oscilloscope, there
is no avoiding the use of an expensive current clamp designed
for use with oscilloscopes, which besides can cost you more than
the ’scope it’s hooked up to. One benefit of these high prices: they make homebrew
particularly worthwhile!

Making your own floating current trans-

Technical Data former for ’scope use is not only reward-
• Measurement range: ±25 A nominal effective current ing but also amazingly simple. In fact
(±80 A max. pulse, output voltage clamped) special components exist for this purpose
• Accuracy: 0.2% typical, 0.7% max. that do the main work for you. We’re
• Bandwidth: 200 kHz (–0.5 to +1 dB) talking about a sort of ‘current clamp for
• Current consumption: 50 mA (at 19.5 VDC on K1) PCB mounting’. This converts the current
44 mA (at 9.2 VDC on K1) flowing in the object under test into a
• Power supply (K1): ≥9.2 VDC (below this MOD2 switches off) magnetic field and then turns this into
≤19.5 VDC (max. 18 V on MOD2 input) a proportionate voltage suitable for any
9 to 12 VAC (mains transformer secondary voltage, ’scope. All in all, this setup functions just
see text) like a ‘real’ handheld current clamp. The
• Transducer factor: 100 mV/A at K4 (gain = 4) following is a brief explanation of this
250 mV/A at K4 (gain = 10) double conversion of physical quantities.
25 mV/A at K5 and K6
• Output voltage: max. ±2.5 V at K4 (gain = 4)
Current clamp principles
max. ±5 V at K4 (gain = 10, limited to ±20 A)
As explained above, we have here a
max. 3.125 V and min. 1.875 V at K5
current that is first turned into a mag-
max. 625 mVAC effective with 25 A sinewave
netic field and from that into a voltage.

116 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

A Hall sensor then converts the magnetic
field of the air gap into a proportional volt- project information
age. The amplifier that follows takes care
of level and impedance matching. Quite
measurement current
simple really. A major advantage of this
method is that the shunt-free measure- floating
ment is extremely low-resistance. Using entry level
a Hall sensor enables you to measure
Æ intermediate level
DC currents as well, which would not be
expert level
possible if you used the toroidal core as
a transformer, whilst not measuring the
magnetic field with a Hall sensor would
3 hours approx.
involve the need for a secondary winding.
To avoid having to first disconnect the
wire and thread it through the core,
Soldering instruments
handheld devices are arranged to be
Drill and drill bits
Figure 1 shows the three essential ele- hinged. With an instrument transformer
Lab power supply
ments in functional form. At the input for oscilloscope use this is less import-
(left) we have a ferrite toroidal core with ant, since ’scopes are not normally used
an air gap. Passing through this, like a out and about. The key requirements
€100 / £90 / $120 approx.
coil winding, is a wire whose current is in this situation are the ability to take
to be measured. The core is insulated floating measurements, the bandwidth
with a plastic coating, which guarantees and the accuracy.
potential-free operation even when using
a bare wire. The current flowing through
the wire induces, (mainly) in the core,
Toroidal Core
a magnetic field that is concentrated in
the air gap.

Current A

Figure 1. This block diagram shows the Sensor
functional principles of a current clamp.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 117

that integrates all three of the functions range. This is because when the wind-
seen in Figure 1 into a single ready-to- ings are in series, the lion’s share of the
use module. The LTS 25-NP ‘current resistance occurs in the tracks (traces) of
transducer’ can be seen in Figure 2. the PCB. Finally remember you are pro-
Its input side is already provided with a ducing an estimate that is dependent on
‘wire’ in which the current flow can be physical circumstances. For this project
measured without worrying about hinges. we use the 25 A range of measurement,
To be more precise, we can recognise which means you don’t need to waste a
three wires here. You can connect these moment’s thought on such subtleties.
in parallel for large current for smaller The integrated electronics have only
ones in series, enabling you to use the three connection pins. Two of the pins
same module for different ranges of carry ground and +5 V from the power
measurement. supply, with the output voltage available
With three parallel ‘windings’ you have on the third pin. At ‘rest’, i.e. with 0 A
Figure 2. The current transducer module
a measurement range of 25 A with a current, half the supply voltage (2.5 V)
NTS 25-NP from LEM has three ‘windings’ that
can be connected in parallel or series. precision resistance of just 180 µΩ. Two will be produced here. When current
windings in series produce the higher flows, the output voltage will vary by a
sensitivity of 12 A for a resistance of factor of 25 mV/A. If nothing else, the
810 µΩ. If all three windings are con- technical data should not be ignored:
Current transducer module nected in series, you can record con- the accuracy of typically 0.2 % and
For several decades the Swiss company stant currents up to a maximum of 8 A bandwidth of 200 kHz (between –0.5 to
LEM has been involved with everything at a resistance of 1.62 mΩ. As you can +1 dB) are pretty good for a magnetic
to do with heavy currents. Their product see, the effective resistance is not lin- transducer. Further technical data can
line even includes a current transformer early proportional to the measurement be found in the datasheet [1].


R12 4uH7 2 +VIN 4

C13 C15 C8 C9 C10

TMR 1-1211

10n 10n C12 C11 4u7 1 –VIN 6 100n 100n

T1 50V –VOUT
B1 L2
K1 C14 C16
470u 4u7
50V 50V HZ0603B102R-10
10...19VDC 10n 10n FZT751 +5V
9...12VAC 2 –5V
1 6
3 R14
+5V DNC IC3 C7

8 LT1021 5 4u7
50V LED2
+5V GND 10k
8 C3 8 C5 4
IC1 IC2 S2
4 470n 4 470n R8
7k5 GAIN

R9 4 10
R5 R6 30k
P1 7
–5V 100R IC1.B 10k 20k
R2 R11 K4
IC1 = AD8552ARZ 6 1 1
C2 R7 IC2.A 0R
IC2 = OPA2197IDR

7 3 2
IC2.B 6k8
1u 5
+5V C4

R4 1u
1 2 3 9

+5V R3 2
IC1.A 10k Filter On
25A MOD1 7 3 AC+DC
LTS 25-NP C1
K3 1
4 5 6 8

150170 - 11 AC

Figure 3. Schematic for a current clamp with toroidal core, Hall sensor and output amplifier.

118 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

Circuit 25 A. Using IC2.B, gain can now be set the IC OPA2197 [5] offers a low offset
All the important stuff for potential-free to a factor of 4 (S2 = closed) or 10 (S2 and rail-to-rail outputs.
conversion of current into a voltage mea- = open). Fourfold amplification results The feasible voltage range at K1 is deter-
surable on a ’scope is already included in in the intuitively plausible relationship of mined by the requirements of MOD2.
the NTS 25-NP module, which at a price 100 mV/A. At ± 25 A, output K4 is then ± The minimum value arises from the
of around €15 / £13 / $18 is definitely 2.5 V. With tenfold amplification we have minimum voltage at the MOD2 input
not over-priced. In fact all that’s miss- a more sensitive conversion ratio of 250 plus the voltage drop at B1. The maxi-
ing is the power supply and perhaps an mV/A. However, for an op-amp to deliver mum value is determined by the highest
op-amp for signal conditioning. But life negative voltages, it must be supplied voltage permissible on the MOD2 input
is never that simple. with a negative voltage. This task is per- minus the voltage drop at B1. You are
If you were to power the current trans- formed by MOD2 [3], a small DC-to-DC in the safe area if between 10 and 19
former simply by using the 5 V from a converter. It supplies –5 V because its V DC are applied to K1. A 12 V plug-in
USB connector, as provided as standard positive output is connected to ground. power supply is consequently well suited.
on many digital oscilloscopes, then you Last but not least, R7 and C4 create a However, direct connection to the sec-
would also contaminate the analogue lowpass filter selectable by S1 with a cut- ondary winding of a 9 V mains trans-
section with all the undesirable noise off frequency of 24 Hz. This mode serves former also works. However, a small 12-V
products and ‘shash’ of a PSU intended primarily to measure the DC component transformer can deliver too much volt-
for digital electronics — quite apart from more accurately. age because it is lightly loaded. So do
hum loops and other nasties that occur your measurement before connecting to
as soon as signal ground and supply Finer details the project!
ground become linked. For this reason Another word on the op-amps employed:
a separate PSU is recommended and if the two op-amps in IC1 [4] act purely Construction
you have got to this stage, you might as as buffers. Here minimum drift is more Ton Giesberts (Elektor Labs) found a
well go the whole hog. essential than everything else. With IC2 project published by Karsten Böhme on
the degree of amplification is separated: the Elektor Labs section of the Elektor
Power supply IC2.B amplifies twofold and IC2.A there- website [6] so impressive that he took it
In the circuit of Figure 3 this role is fore has a maximum amplification factor under his wing and ‘Elektorised’ it. Along
performed by a precision reference IC of of 5. For a gain bandwidth of 10 MHz we with some revision, a PCB was developed
the LTC1021-5 type [2]. Its output volt- still have 2 MHz bandwidth left — around that fitted directly into an extruded alu-
age has particularly low noise, low drift ten times that of MOD1. Apart from that, minium housing already equipped with
and long-term stability and even in its
untrimmed 1% version is almost more
accurate than necessary. A small prob-
lem arises from the fact that the output
of the IC has a maximum load capacity
of 10 mA. The current converter module
alone already takes 28 mA, however; add
to this a few more mA for the remaining
electronics. The solution is an amplifier
circuit using T1. Above 2 mA, which of
course has to flow through R13, T1 is
activated and the PNP transistor takes
over the remainder of the current. But
that’s not everything.
Because the voltage on the output of
MOD1 at 0 A is unfortunately not 0 V
but a full 2.5 V, a problem arises if you
advance the sensitivity of the oscillo-
scope, because then the base line (zero
line) cannot be shifted properly. For this
reason besides the direct output K5 and
the output K6 DC-decoupled via C6 we
have an additional amplified output K4,
where with 0 A produces close to 0 V. The
differential amplifier IC2.B subtracts the
value of 2.5 V from the useful signal at
pin 7 of MOD1 that has been set exactly
to half the operating voltage with P1.
The result is now symmetrical around
0 V. The voltage swing without amplifi-
cation would amount to ± 625 mV at ± Figure 4. Component side of the PCB of the Elektor Labs prototype of the project.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 119

slots for retaining PCBs. For this reason
the board turned out a little larger than
otherwise necessary. As always, PCB data
for DIY etchers is available to download
free from the Elektor web page for
this project [7]. Figure 4 shows
an ‘aerial view’ of the completed
PCB of the prototype.
As you can see, it uses quite a
few SMD components, but they
are all consistently in soldering
iron-friendly formats of at least
0805 or larger. If you take a little
care, fitting them should not be a
problem. As normal, you start with
the lowest-profile components and
only then apply yourself to the ‘high-
rise’ components such as the potenti-
ometer, switches, screw terminal block,
pin headers, MOD2, the electrolytic C12
and MOD1. Last of all K2 and K3 are
bolted on. For improved contact you can
fix them with some solder on their pads
— after the bolting operation.
Next some mechanical work is called for
but fortunately not much. The recom-
mended and exactly matching Hammond
aluminium profile enclosure requires four
holes for M3 mounting screws drilled
in the bottom of the case. In addition,
there are two elongated openings for the
two slide switches and one end piece
needs a hole for a BNC connector, which
is screwed directly onto the aluminium
housing. This ensures that the screened
Figure 5. Prototype constructed at Elektor Labs. metal case is at the same ground poten-
tial of the ’scope input when connected
using a coaxial cable with BNC connec-
tors. Anyone who uses an insulated BNC
connector will need to provide an extra
connection from the output ground to
the body of the metal case. The other
end panel needs two openings for a pair
of banana sockets plus one hole for the
coaxial DC power supply connector. It
goes without saying that these three con-
nectors need to be insulated from the
housing, otherwise your measurements
will be ‘somewhat’ less accurate...

A first test with no connection to the
input should produce a few mV at K4
and more or less exactly 2.5 V at K5. If
this is the case, your soldering efforts
must have been successful. Now come
the adjustments: P1 is set to exactly
0.000 V at K4. A moment’s humour here:
Figure 6. Screenshot (taken by author Karsten Böhme) of current measurement of an electric don’t short-circuit K2 to K3 for this — the
motor. The sluggish curve 1 illustrates the brush contacts being displaced by the commutator. The input is sufficiently low-resistance ;-).
speedier component 2 shows the PWM frequency of the motor driver (7.8 kHz). With this dealt with, a test using ‘real

120 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

current’ is recommended. A lab power
supply with adjustable current-limit-
ing will handle for this task well. With component list
4 A on the input you should have pre-
cisely 1.0V at K4 with S2 in the Gain
= 4 setting. Now switch S2 to Gain =
10; 2.50 V should be observed. If you
allow the current to flow in the oppo-
site direction, ­­­­­–1.0  V and respectively
–2.50 V should be indicated at K4. At K5
you should be reading 2.60 V or 2.40 V
independent of how S2 is set. If no neg-
ative voltages are triggered at K4, first
check whether MOD2 is producing 5 V
(measured straightforwardly across C9).
If this was not the problem, make the
usual search for short circuits, imperfect
solder joints and components connected
back to front.
If everything is in order so far, the PCB
can be placed inside the housing and
fixed to the base with the four 10mm
standoff pillars so as to provide good
access for operating the knobs of the
two slide switches from outside. After
this the wiring can be carried out as in
the prototype seen in Figure 5. One
final test, with the cover in place and
fully complete. To give you an idea of
how well the current transducer works
in practice, Figure 6 shows a screen-
shot of the current flow in a DC motor,
which Karsten Böhme produced with his
prototype. You can see clearly how even
rapid alterations in current can be indi-
cated accurately.

Web Links
[1] http://goo.gl/HDB7kb
[2] www.linear.com/product/LT1021
[3] http://goo.gl/uqW1vw
[4] http://goo.gl/FSiAoX
[5] www.ti.com/product/OPA2197
[6] http://goo.gl/JziUKZ
[7] www.elektormagazine.

from the store

150170-1 v1.1

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 121

Corrections, Updates and Feedback to
published articles
Jammer Alarm
Elektor Magazine 5/2017, p. 18 (160453)
UPDATE. In order to improve the jammer alarm sensitivity increase the distance between the transmitter and
receiver section. I mounted the transmitter module along with its pulse generator in a separate enclosure and
powered it from a separate 9-V mains adapter (9 V is adequate for the module). Now you can experiment to find
the optimum distance so that the receiver still reliably receives the transmitted pulses. The greater the distance,
the more sensitive the circuit will be to detect weaker jamming signals. I also increased the transmitter pulse
repetition rate to around 7 s.
Walter Meyer (Author of the article)

The I²C Bus

Elektor Magazine 4/2017, p. 42 (160095) – Elektor Magazine 5/2017, p. 38 (160418)
I recently noticed, the Raspberry Pi (or Raspbian) has a default maximum “clock stretching” duration of around
640 μs (http://raspihats.com/i2c-clock-stretching-timeout-on-the-raspberry-pi/).



S B1 B2 BN P

I programmed an ATmega (with a DHT22 sensor attached) as an I²C slave and thought that I could just read the data
from the DHT22 as required in my own time. The I²C controller in the ATmega keeps the clock line low until the TWINT-
bit is reset but it takes too long! This can be accommodated by changing the timeout-register value in the BCM2835 (see
URL above), but this is not a general solution. Instead I split access into two parts: Firstly a write transaction (the data
value is ignored) triggers a read out operation and the five bytes are stored in a buffer in the ATmega. About a second
later, I can then retrieve the data without any delay.
Josef Möllers (Author of the article)

Dimmable Outdoor Lighting

Elektor Magazine 4/2017, p. 74 (140574)
FEEDBACK. I tried to recreate the project using an Arduino to provide the control signal. In principle it works
but the lamps are not dimmed progressively. I think the problem may be that some modern LED spotlights,
along with a built-in rectifier also include a reservoir capacitor. This stops the lamp from flickering but the capacitor
means the LEDs remain at the same brightness level when the lamps are dimmed in range from 20 to 100%, only
when the duty cycle drops to less than about 10% do they start to dim noticeably. It also makes the transformer whistle!
Which type of spotlights did the author use?
My LED lamps (three different types, all described as dimmable) exhibit the same behaviour.
Peter Richter

The author replies:

Not all LED lamps will be suitable for this form of control, as described in the article, I first tested the lamps to see if
they could be progressively dimmed using a PWM signal.
The lamps I use in the article are: 21 LED LARA ROUND brushed chrome 2.8 W, part no: LED55019WW.
Andreas Meyer

122 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com


HP650A Test Oscillator

(ca. 1948)
From ‘boat anchor’ to pristine sine-wave

By Dr Martin Beusekamp, MSc. (Netherlands)

My collection of test equipment includes a Hewlett-

Packard HP650A Test Oscillator. That model was
launched in 1948, but the relatively high serial
number in this case (5793) means it’s an open
question who’s older: the device or its owner (model
year 1954). Here I would like to tell you about how I
acquired the device and how I brought it back to life
and even updated it.

Figure 1. Front view of my HP650 test oscillator in actual operation.

I bought the oscillator back in 1979 in Switch it on 0A3 neon-filled cold-cathode glow dis-
defective condition for five Dutch guldens and see what happens charge tube. The power dissipation of the
from a company where I was on a work My first measurements — nearly 40 years anode voltage regulator alone was a tidy
placement stint. The original new price ago — quickly revealed that the power
was US$475 in 1948, rising to US$550 transformer had given up the ghost. And (450 – 180)  × 0.1 = 276 watts
a number of years later (with fairly suc- it was not a garden-variety example, with
cessful sales figures). Unfortunately my two 435 V secondaries for the anode volt- augmented by more than 28 W of fil-
unit came without documentation, so I age and four filament voltage windings ament power for the previously men-
wrote to the company to ask for help. I — three separate 6.3-V windings rated tioned tubes.
simply sat down and typed a letter, put it at 2.5 A, 2.5 A and 1 A, plus a winding Finding a replacement for such a specific
in an envelope with a stamp, and dropped for 5 V @ 3 A. The latter winding was power transformer is anyhow difficult, let
it in the post box. Nowadays you need dedicated to a 5U4G dual rectifier, whose alone rewinding it yourself, and particu-
an old dictionary to find out what those task (in combination with an electrolytic larly considering the high power dissipa-
words mean. I was more than willing to capacitor) was to convert the full-wave tion of the power supply I went looking
pay a reasonable price for a good service high voltage from the transformer to a for a different solution. By chance I had
manual, but clearly HP liked the idea that supply voltage of 450 VDC. This unregu- two identical power transformers from
someone wanted to breathe new life into lated anode voltage then passed through salvaged tube radios, which in combina-
an old device from their stable and kindly a 6 H choke to a second hefty electro- tion could provide the desired voltages
sent me an original manual free of charge. lytic capacitor. After that the voltage was and the necessary power. However, I
Nowadays hobbyists can simply search regulated down to 180 VDC, at a current switched to BY127 silicon diodes to rec-
the web for a suitable manual. of over 100 mA, by two 6L6GB tubes tify the secondary high voltage. The hefty
The photo in Figure 1 shows the test (similar to the European EL34) wired in 6-H choke remained, but anode voltage
oscillator in its present state. Read on parallel. They were driven by a 6SQ7 that regulation is now provided by an LM723
to learn how it got there. took its reference voltage from a type IC (an old stalwart) and four BU426A

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 123

Figure 2. Top view of the HP650A signal generator in its original state. Figure 3. Top view of the signal generator after some modifications.
The power transformer, which in my case was defective, can be seen at At the top left are the two power transformers salvaged from radios.
the upper left. To its right is the 6-H choke (that’s right, six henries). The The original 6-H choke is still there, but the row of six tubes visible in
six tubes in the back row are all part of the regulated power supply. Note: Figure 2 has been removed and replaced by power supply circuits using
This photo was taken a long time before there was any thought of writing transistors and an IC. The famous 10-W incandescent lamp for amplitude
an article for Elektor. stabilisation (see the inset ‘HP’s roots’) is located to the immediate right
of the smallest circuit board.

transistors wired in parallel. supply, the test oscillator worked nicely specifications over a range of six decades
In the original circuit, the filaments of five right away, so I could turn my attention (10 Hz to 10 MHz), which is nearly twenty
5654 tubes (similar to 6AK5/EF95) were to the rest of the circuit. octaves. A Wien bridge oscillator is used for
powered from a sort of regulated filament the lower four decades (10 Hz to 100 kHz),
voltage obtained from a 12.6 VAC source Two oscillators while an oscillator with three RC phase-
(two of the three 6.3-V windings in series) The HP650A is a pure sine-wave gen- shift stages (see the inset ‘3 × 3 × 3 and
in series with a type 12-4 ballast tube, erator, which means it is not a function a bit’) handles the upper two decades
which has a characteristic similar to a PTC generator that derives a sine-wave signal (100 kHz to 10 MHz). The frequency range
resistor. If the filament current rises, the (or something that looks like one) from selector switch also switches the supply
resistance of the ballast tube also rises; a triangle wave or square wave signal. voltage for the two oscillators.
the result is a regulated filament current. More precisely, the generator comprises For frequency adjustment in a modern
I solved this issue by powering the fila- two completely separate oscillators. The signal generator, we would use a (multi-
ments of the five tubes concerned from state of the art and the available compo- turn) potentiometer to set the frequency
a regulated 6.3-VDC supply, which also nents at the end of the 1940s were not up within each decade range, and capaci-
enhances the hum characteristics of these to the task of building a signal generator tors with values a factor of 10 smaller
tubes. After this overhaul of the power that could work properly and within tight for each increasing decade. The approach
used in the HP650A is exactly the oppo-
site. The frequency decade switch selects
3 × 3 × 3 and a bit fixed resistors, and tuning is performed
using rotary variable capacitors (visi-
The oscillator for the two upper
A ble in the foreground in Figure 2 and
frequency decades (100 kHz to 10 MHz)
Figure 3). Here it should be mentioned
of the HP650A is a conventional phase-
that Figure 2 shows the test oscillator
shift oscillator, which consists of an
before the start of the renovation, and
inverting amplifier and three RC phase
this photo was made a long time before
stages, each contributing a phase shift
Jan Buiting asked me to write this article.
of 60 degrees, see image A.
The resolution of this photo is accordingly
However, the amplifier in this sort of
much lower than the current standard
oscillator needs to have a gain of -29,
for publication in a magazine.
in this case all the way to 10 MHz, and
The three capacitor sections on the left
that was not really feasible at the end
in the photos — with 603 pF per sec-
of the 1940s.
B tion according to the manual — form the
HP therefore opted for three amplifier + 180V
capacitive part of the phase-shift stages
stages, each with a gain of slightly
R3 R4 R6
C4 C6 C9
V1 V2 V3
of the high-frequency oscillator (see the
more than 3, see image B.
inset). The four capacitor sections on the
An additional benefit of this circuit is + 140V

right are connected in parallel as two


that the load on the output of each

pairs. With 535 pF per section, that cre-
stage of the circuit is minimal.
ates two 1.07-nF variable capacitors for

124 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

HP’s roots
company would be known as ‘Packard- but that wasn’t due to the HP sine-
Hewlett’ or ‘Hewlett-Packard’. wave oscillators. Overabundant use of
The key innovation in their very first classical music, loss of the European
model, the HP200A, was the use of an market due to the Second World War,
incandescent lamp as a temperature- and the requirement for cinemas
dependent (and therefore voltage- to have a surround-sound audio
dependent) resistance for amplitude installation for proper appreciation of
stabilisation of the generated signal. As the sound effects all hampered the
a result, the HP200A with a selling price popularity of the film.
of less than US$90 was more stable
than significantly more expensive
competitive instruments. The HP650A
also uses an incandescent lamp for
amplitude stabilisation, as do most
more recent oscillators. By the way, the
first model number (200) was chosen
arbitrarily, but it was intentionally
The ‘HP garage’ in Palo Alto is commonly
not a low number. Otherwise it would
known as the birthplace of Silicon Valley.
have been apparent that Hewlett
Photo: Jan Buiting.
and Packard were newcomers in the
industry. For more information about
A sine-wave oscillator for the audio the HP200A, see the Retronics article in
frequency range was the first product the April 2014 issue [2].
made by William (“Bill”) Hewlett and Several minor improvements led to the
David (“Dave”) Packard in 1939, HP200B model, which was good enough
working in a rented garage in the for Walt Disney’s studio to buy eight
village of Palo Alto, California. They of them for sound effects in the film
tossed a coin to decide whether the Fantasia. The film was no blockbuster,

the lower four frequency decades. from the AC line (in the original version) for 38 years
The two oscillators feed their signals to an serves to keep the vicinity of the device now I have the privilege of using a
output amplifier composed of three tubes, pleasantly warm. sine-wave generator that was designed,
which produces the maximum output sig- developed and manufactured in the tube
nal amplitude of 3 Vrms at the output termi- Voltmeter included era, but now operates with a combina-
nals. Even now, building an amplifier with Naturally, the user wants to know the tion of tubes (there are still eleven left
a perfectly flat frequency response from amplitude of the output signal from after getting rid of the tubes in the orig-
10 Hz to 10 MHz (within 1 dB according the sine-wave oscillator. The HP650A is inal power supply), a handful of transis-
to the specifications) is not easy, and a bit therefore equipped with a true vacuum tors and a single IC. They cooperate in
less than seventy years ago it was virtu- tube voltmeter (VTVM) with scales in mV, perfect harmony and produce sine-wave
ally impossible. Nevertheless, the para- V and dB. Due to the structure of the signals up to 10 MHz with significantly
sitic impedances of the tubes in the output output attenuator, the voltmeter read- less distortion than many function gen-
stage are compensated as well as possible ings are only accurate when the oscillator erators.
over the frequency range by implement- is connected to a load that matches its (160621-I)
ing all anode and cathode impedances as characteristic impedance of 600 Ω. For
Web links
networks of resistors, inductors with a that reason, I normally have a pair of
value of several microhenries and small resistors (330 Ω and 270 Ω) connected [1] www.hparchive.com/Manuals/
capacitors, in some cases in the form of in series over the output terminals. HP-650A-Manual.pdf
trimmers. With a maximum output power [2] www.elektormagazine.com/130423
of 15 mW (3 V into 600 Ω), it’s apparent Let’s see you do this with DDS
that most of the 165 watts of power drawn Following the revision described above,

from the store

Retronics is a regular section covering vintage electronics
ªSKU 15780
including legendary Elektor designs.
Retronics, 80 tales of
Contributions, suggestions and requests are welcome; electronics bygones
www.elektor.tv please telegraph [email protected]

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 125

elektor ethics
Internet Censorship during
the Catalan Referendum
And how it was circumvented

Demonstration in Barcelona during the general strike on 3 October 2017. (Photo: Ernerst CS. CC BY-SA 4.0 licence)

On the day before the independence referendum in Catalonia, the ICT centre of the Catalan government
was raided and occupied by the Spanish police. With the shutdown of the IT centre, the official Internet
infrastructure intended to facilitate the referendum was largely rendered ineffective. Nevertheless, voting
was possible on 1 October 2017 thanks to an alternative system set up and maintained by volunteers with
technical expertise, along with the wireless Internet connections of thousands of citizens.

By Tessel Renzenbrink (Netherlands) cat, on 13 September. The site content was no longer visible;
visitors only saw a message saying that the domain name
had been taken over by the Spanish authorities. In the fol-
In the weeks leading up to the referendum in Catalonia, the lowing days, other .cat sites related to the referendum were
Spanish federal government engaged in large-scale Internet also seized, including www.ref1oct.cat. (The Internet domain
censorship. With this censorship the government restricted .cat is not dedicated to cat pictures, but instead to the Catalan
free access to information by limiting what could be published language and culture.)
and viewed on the Internet. The various censorship methods, The .cat domain is administered by the foundation Fundació
and how they were circumvented by citizens and the Catalan puntCAT. The foundation received three court orders in suc-
government, have been charted by a social activist and Linux cession, with increasingly longer lists of websites they were
programmer named Matthias (surname unknown). He pre- supposed to take down. Along with specific websites, the foun-
sented his findings at the 34th Chaos Communication Congress dation was ordered to block ‘all domains that contained any
(CCC), the annual convention of German hackers, on 27–30 information about the referendum’, which meant that Fundació
December 2017 in Leipzig [1]. puntCAT was tasked with active monitoring of all .cat web-
sites. That is an extraordinary and probably unlawful demand
.cat domains removed from the Web because the foundation, as a top-level domain operator, only
According to Matthias, the censorship started with the seizure handles registration of .cat domain names. It is like holding
of the official website for the referendum, www.referendum. Verisign, which administers the .com domains, responsible for

126 March & April 2018 www.elektormagazine.com

the content of every .com website on
the Internet.
On 20 September the online fight was
extended to the physical domain. The
police raided the offices of Fundació
puntCAT. They seized computers, and
the Technical Director was arrested.
Among other things, he was charged
with perverting the course of justice Message on seized websites
(public domain).
and disobedience.

Let a hundred sites bloom

In response to the seizure of referendum.cat, mirror sites sprang
up everywhere on the Web (mirror sites are sites that display Demonstration during the national ‘Yes Day’, Barcelona,
the same content but have different IP addresses), according 11 September 2017. (Photo: Medol. CC BY-SA 4.0 licence)
to Matthias’s presentation. The Spanish government also tried
to block them on the Web, and several .cat sites were seized.
That was more difficult for mirrors with domain extensions such
as .eu or .org, because they are often administered outside To make a universal census possible, there must be a system
of Spanish jurisdiction. They were blocked by large Internet in place that prevents individuals from voting more than once.
service providers (ISPs), such as Telefónica, Vodafone and That system consisted of a simple database with the names of
Orange. (Some small independent ISPs did not cooperate with everyone who had voted. The universal census was a well-kept
the blockade.) Sites were blocked by means of DNS tampering, secret that had been in preparation for some time. Hackers
which prevents the domain name system (DNS) server from had been working for weeks already to build the digital infra-
translating domain names into correct numerical IP addresses. structure necessary for the census.
Telefónica also employed deep packet inspection, a surveillance In an interview with the Catalan news site Vilaweb, one of the
method in which data packets are analysed and filtered out if hackers (who wished to remain anonymous) described how
they meet specific criteria. that was done: “Writing a voting program is normally relatively
These blockades could be bypassed relatively easily. Using easy. But avoiding the censorship and repression of the Spanish
social media, Catalan citizens and politicians explained how government made it much more difficult. However, we were
information could be accessed via the Web despite the block- able to disrupt the efforts of that formidable opponent thanks
ades. For example, DNS tampering can be avoided by using a to Tor, Signal, anonymous phones, Linux, Bitcoin, and open-
public DNS server instead of the ISP’s server. source software. Not to mention the efforts and creativity of
a large number of hackers who did everything they could to
Airplane mode! Airplane mode! make this possible.”
With the raid on the regional IT centre on 30 September, cen- At 8 a.m. the system went live at registremeses.com. “The
sorship was also imposed on the physical Internet infrastructure. domain was blocked within 15 minutes”, said the anonymous
The Centre for Telecommunication and Information Technology hacker. “They even blocked all the IP addresses — every one of
(CTTI) is tasked with providing Internet connections in public them — of a well-known European provider. That affected thou-
buildings such as schools and town halls, which are buildings sands of services that had nothing to do with the referendum.
where polling stations are typically located. On the day of the That is arbitrary censorship in its purest form. But each time
referendum, many polling stations reported problems with their they did something, we came up with a response. For every IP
Internet connections. Some of them had no connection at all, address they blocked, my colleagues launched two new ones.”
while others reported that their Wi-Fi or cable connections did Despite the opposition, the census system remained intact
not work. There were also stations where some parts of the during the day. Ultimately 2.2 million of the 5.5 million eligi-
Internet were not available. ble voters actually voted. Over 90% voted in favour of inde-
Here again, citizens joined forces to enable voting. Neighbours pendence. “The most important thing”, as Matthias said in the
opened their WLANs so that the stations could access the online conclusion of his presentation at the Chaos Communication
voting system. Hundreds of citizens stood in front of the doors Congress, “is that the Internet censorship and the repression
of polling stations to prevent the police from shutting them were not able to stop the referendum.”
down. They repeatedly shouted “Airplane mode!”. That was a (160623-I)
call to avoid using the 4G networks of mobile phones, so that
Web Links
all available bandwidth could be used for voting.
[1] A video of Matthias’ presentation is available at
Underground digital infrastructure https://media.ccc.de/v/34c3-9028-internet_censorship_in_
A few hours before the start of the referendum on 1 October, the_catalan_referendum
the Catalan government announced a ‘universal census’, which [2] https://www.vilaweb.cat/noticies/the-hack-
meant that eligible voters could vote at any polling station ers-who-made-possible-a-universal-electoral-regis-
instead of being limited to the station in their neighbourhood. ter-for-the-referendum/
It also proved to be necessary, because the Spanish police
forcefully closed a number of polling stations.

www.elektormagazine.com March & April 2018 127

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