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TENDER NOTICE NO: 07/2012-13


For Construction of 33/11 KV Primary Sub-Station and

associated 33 & 11 KV Line at MKCG Medical College and
Hospital, BERHAMPUR.

The last date and time of receipt of tender: 19.10.2012 up to 1.00 P.M

Date and time of opening of tender: 19.10.2012 by 3.30 P.M

Superintending Engineer (Store & Proc)

SOUTHCO, Berhampur

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Ref No. Date-

Tender Notice No.-07/2012-13

For and on behalf of Southco sealed Tenders in duplicate on two part bidding system are
invited from bidders having valid HT Electrical License issued by ELBO and who comply
to the terms and conditions laid in the tender document of the following works on Turnkey
basis excluding the supply of power transformer & conductors under City Circle,Southco,
“Construction of (1x5) MVA,33/11 KV Primary Substation at MKCG Medical
College & Hospital, Berhampur, Construction of 33 KV Line with 232 mm²
AAAC & Up-rating of conductor from 80 mm² AAAC to 232 mm² AAAC with
DP Structure using RS Joist poles,Up-rating of conductor for 33KV lines,11KV
lines,Construction of 33 KV Line with XLPE Cable for Railway crossing at
Jagannathpur Junction, Berhampur with other related works for providing power
supply to MKCG Medical College & Hospital,Berhampur”.
Last Date for submission of tender : 19.10.2012 upto 1.00 PM
Date of opening of technical bid. 19.10.2012 upto 3.30 PM
For detail specification, terms and conditions , please logon to our website www.
SOUTHCO reserves the right to alter the tendered quantity and reject / accept any
or all tenders or split the tendered works among tenderers without assigning any reason

Superintending Engineer (Proc &Store )

SOUTHCO ,Berhampur

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Section – I
Tender Notification :07/2012-13

1.0 SOUTHCO invites sealed tenders from reputed Electrical Contractors with required
license, either in individual capacity or as part of a joint venture agreement
/consortium for carrying out various Electrical Installation works on „Turnkey‟ basis
in the jurisdiction of their respective licensed area. The bidder must fulfill all the
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qualification requirements as specified in clause 2.0 stated below. The sealed
envelopes shall be duly super scribed as “TENDER NOTICE No:--07/2012-13. Due
date of opening-19.10.2012

Brief Estimated Earnest Last Date and Non refundable

Description of Cost Money date/time time Cost of Bid
Works (Rupees Deposit for of opening Document
In Lacs) (Rs submission of (Incl. 5% VAT)
Lakhs) of bids bid (Rs)
1.Construction of (1x 5
)MVA,33/11 KV Primary
Substation at MKCG
Medical College &
Hospital, Berhampur,
2. Construction of 7.5 KM
33 KV Line with 232 mm²
3.Up-rating of conductor
from 80 mm² AAAC to
232 mm² AAAC,
4.Construction of 2 No. of
4-Pole structures with 6
No.33KV AB Switches,
19.10.2012 19.10.2012
5.Up-rating of conductor 153.2 1.532 10500.00
upto 1.00 at 3.30 PM
from 80 mm² AAAC to
100 mm² AAAC and
6.Construction of 0.5 KM
11 KV line with 55 mm²
7. Construction of 33 KV
Line with XLPE Cable for
Railway Crossing at
Jagannthpur junction,
(Excluding the supply of
power transformer, 55 mm²
and 232 mm² AAA

2.0 Bidders to be considered as eligible (to bid) should meet the following qualifications;

(a) Bidder must quote for the entire quantum of works specified above.

(b) Bidder should have installed and commissioned at least 100% of the quantum of
works as specified with the same voltage level or higher level for which the
bidder is submitting his bid during the last three financial years preceding to the year of
tender notification and should have successful operation of minimum period
of 1(one) year . Bidder must enclose copies of the relevant Works Orders along with
Client Certified copies of Final Invoices and/or Performance Certificates duly signed by
the competent authority of the client and/or Final Inspection Certificate issued by
Electrical Inspector in proof of having executed the desired quantum of works during the
last three financial years.

(c) The minimum Average Annual Turnover of the bidder in any three financial year out
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of the last five financial years should not be less than the estimated value of all the
packages quoted by the bidder(s).
(d) Bidder shall be financially sound and stable having liquid assets as stated in the
enclosed format and/or access to credit facility of not less than one fifth of estimated cost
of the package(s) for which he has submitted the bid.
(e) Two or more like minded contractor(s) and/or manufacturer(s) of electrical
items,which are under scope of supply of the contractor as per this tender specification,
may form a joint venture/ consortium agreement amongst themselves and apply against
this tender specification, provided they qualify the criteria. Sample format of Joint Venture
is enclosed herewith in Annexure-IV. However, if the bidder is quoting against the
packages in his individual capacity, he cannot be a part of joint venture / consortium
agreement to participate in package(s) as notified against this tender specification.
(f) If the bidder is a joint venture / consortium, they shall comply the qualifying criteria as
i) Both the partner shall have the stipulated previous works experience for similar
quantity of completed works as stated in the qualifying criteria.

ii) If the works experience of one partner is not meeting the entire qualifying criteria, the
item wise field experience of the other partner(s) specified in the scope of works shall be
added for qualifying the bid in total. However item wise fractional works experience shall
not be summed up for consideration for any single item of the scope.

iii) However, the annual turnover and liquidity figures of all partners shall be added
together to determine, if the joint venture / consortium is meeting the Annual Average
Turnover criteria as stated in the qualifying criteria.

(g) One of the partners shall be nominated as Lead Partner and the lead partner shall be
authorized to incur liabilities and receive instructions for and on behalf of all partners of
the joint venture / consortium and entire execution of the contract including receipt of
payments shall be done exclusively through the lead partner. This authorization shall be
evidenced by submitting by a Power of Attorney signed by legally authorized signatories
of all partners.

(h) All partners of joint venture / consortium shall be liable jointly and severally for the
execution of contract in accordance with the contract terms and a copy of the agreement
entered into by the joint venture / consortium partners having such a provision shall be
submitted with the Bid. A statement to this effect shall be included in the authorization
mentioned as above as well as in the Bid form and in Contract form (in case of a
successful bid).

(i) In addition to above the bidder should submit the following documents in Part-I bid as
qualifying terms.

i. Valid electrical (HT) license for electrical works.

ii. EPF registration
iii. ESI registration
iv. Service Tax registration
v. VAT Clearance Certificate
vi. PAN & TIN No.
vii. Existing Labour license
viii. Registration building other construction workers welfare Act.
ix. Last 3 years audited balance sheet and profit/loss A/c.
x. Letter from bank regarding credit facilities available.
(j) The bidders who have earlier failed to execute the works order(s) of the Owner shall
not be eligible to participate in this tender.

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(k) Owner reserves the right to waive minor deviation, if they do not materially affect the
capacity of the bidder to perform the contract.

3.0 Tender papers are to be downloaded from our websites and the
bidder has to enclose a demand draft payable at Berhampur covering the cost of bid documents as
stated above in a separate envelope with suitable superscription “Cost of Bid Documents : Tender
Notice No.: 07/2012-12 For Construction of 33/11 KV Primary Sub-Station and
associated 33 & 11 KV Line at BERHAMPUR”. This envelope should accompany the
Bid Documents.
4.0 Price shall be inclusive of VAT (For supply items), Insurance, and Service Tax (For
installation part). However detailed price break-up must be provided.
5.0 Project Completion Schedules:-

Description Date
Submission of Bids 19.10.2102 upto 1.00 PM
Opening of Bids(Technical Bid) 19.10.2012 at 3.30 PM
Completion period To be completed within
90 days from the date of
issue of LOA / Work

6.0 All correspondences with regard to the above shall be made to the following address:

Superintending Engineer (Store & Proc), SOUTHCO, Berhampur.

Superintending Engineer (Store & Proc)


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Section – II
Tender Notification :07/2012-13

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1.0 SOUTHCO, hereinafter referred to as the “Owner” is desirous of implementing the

various works at their respective licensed area in the state of Orissa. The Owner has now
floated this tender for construction of new 33 KV line,11KV line and 33/11KV S/S.


The scope shall include construction of new 33 KV and 11 KV lines and 33/11KV S/S with
requisite materials under SOUTHCO area, conforming to the REC Technical Specifications
and IS.


3.01 This Document includes statements, which reflect various assumptions, which may or may
not be correct. Each Bidder should conduct its own estimation and analysis and should
check the accuracy, reliability and completeness of the information in this Document and
obtain independent advice from appropriate sources in their own interest.

3.02 Neither the Owner nor its employees will have any liability whatsoever to any Bidder or
any other person under the law or contract, the principles of restitution or unjust
enrichment or otherwise for any loss, expense or damage whatsoever which may arise
from or be incurred or suffered in connection with anything contained in this Document,
any matter deemed to form part of this Document, provision of Services and any other
information supplied by or on behalf of Owner or its employees, or otherwise arising in
any way from the selection process for the Supply.

3.03 Though adequate care has been taken while issuing the Bid document, the Bidder should
satisfy itself that documents are complete in all respects. Intimation of any discrepancy
shall be given to this office immediately.

3.04 This Document and the information contained herein are strictly confidential and are
for the use of only the person(s) to whom it is issued. It may not be copied or
distributed by the recipient to third parties (other than in confidence to the
recipient’s professional advisors).


The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its Bid
and Owner will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs.



5.01 The Scope of Works, Bidding Procedures and Contract Terms are described in the Bidding
Documents. In addition to the covering letter accompanying Bidding Documents, the
Bidding Documents include:

(a) Instructions to Bidders (ITB)

(b) General Conditions of Contract (GCC)
(c) Bid Form
(d) BG Formats
(e) Price Bid format (BOQ)

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5.02 The Bidder is expected to examine the Bidding Documents, including all Instructions,
Forms, Terms and Specifications. Failure to furnish all information required by the
Bidding Documents or submission of a Bid not substantially responsive to the Bidding
Documents in every respect will may result in the rejection of the Bid.


6.01 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Bids, the Owner may, for any reasons,
whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective
Bidder, modify the Bidding Documents by Amendment.
6.02 The Amendment shall be part of the Bidding Documents, pursuant to Clause 5.01, and it
will be notified in writing by Fax/e-mail to all the Bidders who have received the Bidding
Documents and confirmed their participation to Bid, and will be binding on them.
6.03 In order to afford prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take the Amendment
into account in preparing their Bids, the Owner may, at its discretion, extend the deadline
for the submission of Bids.



The Bid prepared by the Bidder, and all correspondence and documents relating to the Bid
exchanged by the Bidder and the Owner, shall be written in the English Language. Any
printed literature furnished by the Bidder may be written in another Language, provided
that this literature is accompanied by an English translation, in which case, for purposes of
interpretation of the Bid, the English translation shall govern.


The Bid prepared and submitted by the Bidder shall comprise the following components:

(a) Bid Form, Price & other Schedules (STRICTLY AS PER FORMAT).

(b) All the Bids must be accompanied with the required bid security as mentioned in the
Section-I against each tender.

(c) Power of Attorney indicating that the person(s) signing the Bid have the authority to
sign the Bid and thus that the Bid is binding upon the Bidder during the full period of
its validity, in accordance with clause 12.0.


9.01 The Bidder shall complete an „Original‟ and another one „Copy‟ of the Bid Form and the
appropriate Price & Other Schedules.

9.02 Bid Security

The bidder shall furnish, as part of its bid, a bid security as already specified in the tender
document. The bid security is required to protect the Owner against the risk of Bidder‟s
conduct which would warrant the security‟s forfeiture.

The bid security shall be denominated in the currency of the bid, and shall be in the
following form:

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(a) Bank Draft in favor of Southern Electricity Supply Company of Orissa Ltd., payable
at Berhampur.

Unsuccessful bidders‟ bid security will be discharged or returned as promptly as possible

but not later than thirty (30) days after the expiration of the period of bid validity. The
successful bidder‟s bid security will be discharged upon furnishing the performance

The bid security may be forfeited:

(a) if the Bidder:

i) withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder in the
Bid Form; or

(b) in the case of a successful Bidder, if the Bidder fails:

(i) to sign & accept the Contract, or
(ii) to furnish the required Composite performance Bank Guarantee within the
stipulated period.


10.01 Bidders shall quote with a break-up of prices for individual items. The total Bid Price shall
also cover all the Supplier's obligations mentioned in or reasonably to be inferred from the
Bidding Documents in respect of design, Supply, Transportation to site, all in accordance
with the requirement of Bidding Documents. The Bidder shall complete the appropriate
Price Schedules included herein, stating the Unit Price for each item & total Price.

10.02 The prices offered shall be inclusive of all costs as well as Duties, Taxes and Levies paid
or payable during execution of the supply works, break up of price constituents, should be

10.03 Prices quoted by the Bidder shall be “Firm” and not subject to any price adjustment during
the performance of the Contract. A Bid submitted with an adjustable price quotation will
be treated as non-responsive and rejected.


Prices shall be quoted in Indian Rupees Only.


12.01 Bids shall remain valid for 180 days from the date of opening of the Bid.

12.02 Notwithstanding Clause 12.01 above, the Owner may solicit the Bidder‟s consent to an
extension of the Period of Bid Validity. The request and the responses thereto shall be
made in writing by Fax/e-mail.


Bidders shall submit Bids, which comply with the Bidding Documents. Alternative Bids
will not be considered. The attention of Bidders is drawn to the provisions of Clause 22.03
& 22.04 regarding the rejection of Bids, which are not substantially responsive to the
requirements of the Bidding Documents.


14.01 The original Bid Form and accompanying documents (as specified in Clause 9.0), clearly
marked "Original Bid", plus one copy must be received by the Owner at the date, time and

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place specified pursuant to Clauses 15.0 and 16.0. In the event of any discrepancy
between the original and the copies, the original shall govern.

14.02 The original and copy of the Bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be
signed by the Bidder or a person or persons duly authorized to sign on behalf of the
Bidder. Such authorization shall be indicated by written Power-of-Attorney accompanying
the Bid.

14.03 The Bid shall contain no interlineations, erasures or overwriting except as necessary to
correct errors made by the Bidder, in which case such corrections shall be initialed by the
person or persons signing the Bid.



15.01 Bid submission: One original & one Copy (hard copies) of all the Bid Documents shall be
sealed and submitted to the Owner before the closing time for submission of the bid.

15.02 The Technical Documents and the Bid Security shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope and
the said envelope shall be superscribed with “Technical Bid & Bid Security”. Envelope/s
containing the price bid shall be contained inside another sealed envelope with
superscription “Price Bid”. Both these envelopes shall be sealed inside another big
envelope. All the envelopes should bear the Name and Address of the Bidder and marking
for the Original and Copy. The envelopes should be super-scribed with “Tender Notice
No. & Due date of opening”.

15.03 The Bidders have the option of sending the Bids in person. Bids submitted by
Telex/Telegram/Fax will not be accepted. No request from any Bidder to the Owner to
collect the proposals from Airlines/Cargo Agents etc shall be entertained by the Owner.


16.01 The original Bid, together with the required copies, must be received by the Owner at the
address specified not later than 1.00 PM. on 19.10.2012.

16.02 The Owner may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of Bids by
amending the Bidding Documents in accordance with Clause 9.0, in which case all rights
and obligations of the Owner and Bidders previously subject to the deadline will thereafter
be subject to the deadline as extended.


Each Bidder shall submit only one Bid either by itself, or as a partner in a Joint Venture. A
Bidder who submits or participates in more than one Bid will cause all those Bids to be


Any Bid received by the Owner after the deadline for submission of Bids prescribed by the
Owner, pursuant to Clause 16.0, will be declared "Late" and rejected and returned
unopened to the Bidder.


19.01 The Bidder is not allowed to modify or withdraw its Bid after the Bid‟s submission.

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19.02 No Bid may be modified to the deadline for Bids.


Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison of Bids

and recommendations for the award of a contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or any
other persons not officially concerned with such process. Any effort by a Bidder to
influence the Owner's processing of Bids or award decisions may result in the rejection of
the Bidder's Bid.


To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of Bids, the Owner may, at its
discretion, ask the Bidder for a clarification of its Bid. All responses to requests for
clarification shall be in writing and no change in the price or substance of the Bid shall be
sought, offered or permitted.


22.01 Owner will examine the Bids to determine whether they are complete, whether any
computational errors have been made, whether required sureties have been furnished,
whether the documents have been properly signed, and whether the Bids are generally in

22.02 Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis. If there is a discrepancy
between the unit price and the total price per item that is obtained by multiplying the unit
price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total price per item will be corrected.
If there is a discrepancy between the Total Amount and the sum of the total price per item,
the sum of the total price per item shall prevail and the Total Amount will be corrected.

22.03 Prior to the detailed evaluation, Owner will determine the substantial responsiveness of
each Bid to the Bidding Documents including production capability and acceptable quality
of the Goods offered. A substantially responsive Bid is one, which conforms to all the
terms and conditions of the Bidding Documents without material deviation.

22.04 A Bid determined as not substantially responsive will be rejected by the Owner and / or
the Owner and may not subsequently be made responsive by the Bidder by correction of
the non-conformity.


23.01 The evaluation of Bids shall be done based on the delivered cost competitiveness basis.

23.02 The evaluation of the Bids shall be a stage-wise procedure. The following stages are
identified for evaluation purposes:

In the first stage, the Bids would be subjected to a responsiveness check. The Technical
Proposals and the Conditional ties of the Bidders would be evaluated.

Subsequently, the Financial Proposals along with Supplementary Financial Proposals, if

any, of Bidders with Techno-commercially Acceptable Bids shall be considered for final

23.03 The Owner's evaluation of a Bid will take into account, in addition to the Bid price, the
following factors, in the manner and to the extent indicated in this Clause:

(a) Supply schedule.

(b) Deviations from Bidding Documents
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Bidders shall base their Bid price on the terms and conditions specified in Bidding

The cost of all quantifiable deviations and omissions from the specification, terms and
conditions specified in Bidding Documents shall be evaluated. The Owner will make its
own assessment of the cost of any deviation for the purpose of ensuring fair comparison of

23.04 Any adjustments in price, which result from the above procedures, shall be added for the
purposes of comparative evaluation only to arrive at an "Evaluated Bid Price". Bid Prices
quoted by Bidders shall remain unaltered.


24.01 From the time of Bid opening to the time of contract award, if any Bidder wishes to
contact the Owner on any matter related to the Bid, it should do so in writing.

24.02 Any effort by a Bidder to influence the Owner and / or in the Owner‟s decisions in respect
of Bid evaluation, Bid comparison or Contract Award, will result in the rejection of the
Bidder‟s Bid.

The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid and to annul the Bidding process
and reject all Bids at any time prior to award of Contract, without thereby incurring any
liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected Bidder
or Bidders of the grounds for the Owner‟s action.
The Owner will award the Contract to the successful Bidder whose Bid has been
determined to be the lowest - evaluated responsive Bid, provided further that the Bidder
has been determined to be qualified to satisfactorily perform the Contract. Owner reserves
the right to award order other bidders in the tender, provided it is required for progress of
project & provided he agrees to come to the lowest rate.


The Owner reserves the right to vary the quantity i.e. increase or decrease the quantities
without any change in terms and conditions during the execution of the Order.


The letter of intent / Notification of Award shall be issued to the successful Bidder whose
bids have been considered responsive, techno-commercially acceptable and evaluated to
be the Lowest (L1). The successful Bidder shall be required to furnish a letter of
acceptance within 7 days of issue of the letter of intent /Notification of Award by Owner.


29.01 The Owner requires that the Bidders observe the highest standard of ethics during the
procurement and execution of the Project. In pursuance of this policy, the Owner:

(a) Defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth
below as follows:

i. "Corrupt practice" means behavior on the part of officials in the

public or private sectors by which they improperly and unlawfully enrich themselves
and/or those close to them, or induce others to do so, by misusing the position in which
they are placed, and it includes the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of anything of
value to influence the action of any such official in the procurement process or in contract
execution; and
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ii. "Fraudulent practice" means a misrepresentation of facts in order

to influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of the
Owner, and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid submission)
designed to establish Bid prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the
Owner of the benefits of free and open competition.

(b) Will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder
recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing
for the contract in question;

(c) Will declare a firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be
awarded an contract if it at any time determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt or
fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing, an contract.

29.02 Furthermore, Bidders shall be aware of the provision stated in the General Conditions of

Superintending Engineer(Proc &Store )

SOUTHCO, Berhampur

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Section – III
Tender Notification :07/20112-13

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1.0 GENERAL: -

SOUTHCO, hereinafter referred to as the “Owner” are desirous of construction of

various Works, on „turnkey‟ basis in its licensed area (Malkangiri) in the state of Odisha
as described below :


1.Construction of (1x 5 )MVA,33/11 KV Primary Substation at MKCG Medical College

& Hospital, Berhampur,
2. Construction of 7.5 KM 33 KV Line with 232 mm² AAAC
3.Up-rating of conductor from 80 mm² AAAC to 232 mm² AAAC,
4.Construction of 2 No. of 4-Pole structures with 6 No.33KV AB Switches,
5.Up-rating of conductor from 80 mm² AAAC to 100 mm² AAAC and
6.Construction of 0.5 KM 11 KV line with 55 mm² AAAC.
(Excluding the supply of power & station transformers, VCBs, 55 mm² ,100 mm² and 232
mm² AAA Conductor)
2.01 The scope shall include supply and installation of all materials & equipments to
complete the works except the following materials/ equipments which shall be supplied by
the Owner :-

a) Power Transformer
b) AAA Conductor ( 55 mm² ,100 mm2 and 232 mm²)

2.03 The detailed scope of the works shall include;

i. Detailed survey & Engineering of substation, lines and preparation of SLD / BOQ to be
done by the bidder.
ii. Complete manufacture, including shop testing & supply of materials from the vendor
(materials which are to be supplied by the bidder) on subsequent approval of the
iii. Providing Engineering drawing, data, operational manual, etc for the Owner‟s
iv. Packing and transportation from the manufacturer‟s works to the site.
v. Receipt, storage, preservation and conservation of equipment at the site.
vi. Pre-assembly, if any, erection testing and commissioning of all the equipment;
vii. Reliability tests and performance and guarantee tests on completion of commissioning;
viii. Loading, unloading and transportation as required.
ix. Erection of equipments in Sub-station including civil works.
x. Erection of lines of specified voltage.
xi. Testing, Commissioning of substations and lines / installations
xii. Storing before erection
xiii.Getting the substations & lines inspected by Electrical Inspector after completion of
works.(Inspection fee will be reimbursed by Southco on submission of Chalan)

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xiv.Transportation and transit insurance of all free issue materials to be supplied from
Owner‟s nearest stores to site and as well as all other required materials (under the
bidder‟s scope of supply) from supplier‟s premises to works site, construction of new
electrical / civil structures, etc.
(i) The „Contract ‟means the agreement entered into between the Owner and the
Contractor as per the Contract Agreement signed by the parties, including all attachments
and appendices there to and all documents incorporated by reference therein.
(ii) „Owner‟ shall mean SOUTHCO and shall include its legal representatives,
successors and assigns.
(iii) „Contractor‟ shall mean the Bidder whose bid will be accepted by the Owner for the
award of the Works and shall include such successful Bidder‟s legal representatives,
successors and permitted assigns.
(iv) „Sub-Contractor‟ shall mean the person named in the Contract for any part of the
works or any person to whom any part of the Contract has been sublet by the contractor
with the consent in writing of the Engineer and will include the legal representatives,
successors and permitted assigns of such person.
(v) „Engineer in Charge‟ shall mean the officer appointed in writing by the Owner to act
as Engineer from time to time for the purpose of the Contract.
(vi) „Specifications‟ shall mean the specifications and Bidding Document forming a part
of the Contract and such other schedules and drawings as may be mutually agreed upon.
(vii) „Site‟ shall mean and include the land and other places on, into or through which the
works and the related facilities are to be erected or installed and any adjacent land, paths,
street or reservoir which may be allocated or used by the Owner or Contractor in the
performance of the Contract.
(viii) „Inspector‟ shall mean the Owner or any person nominated by the Owner from time
to time, to inspect the equipment; stores or Works under the Contract and/or the duly
authorized representative of the Owner
(ix) „Notice of Award of Contract‟/ „Letter of Award‟ shall mean the official notice issued
by the Owner notifying the Contractor that his bid has been accepted.
(x) „Date of Contract‟ shall mean the date on which notice of Award of Contract/Letter of
Award has been issued.
(xi) „Performance and Guarantee Tests‟, shall mean all operational checks and tests
required to determine and demonstrate capacity, efficiency, and operating characteristics
as specified in the Contract Documents.
(xii) The term „Final Acceptance‟/ „Taking Over‟ shall mean the Owner‟s written
acceptance of the works performed under the Contract, after successful commissioning/

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completion of Performance and Guarantee Tests, as specified in the accompanying
Technical Specifications or otherwise agreed in the contract.
(xiii) „Commercial Operation‟ shall mean the condition of operation in which the complete
equipment covered under the Contract is officially declared by the Owner to be available
for continuous operation at different loads up to and including rated capacity. Such
declaration by the Owner, however, shall not relieve or prejudice the Contractor of any of
his obligations under the Contract.
(xiv) Words imparting „Person‟ shall include firms, companies, corporations and
associations or bodies of individuals, whether incorporated or not.
(xv) Terms and expressions not herein defined shall have the same meaning as are
assigned to them in the Indian Sale of goods Act (1930), failing that in the Indian Contract
Act (1872) and failing that in the General Clauses Act (1897) including amendments
thereof, if any.
(xvi) In addition to the above the following definition shall also apply
a) „All equipment and materials‟ to be supplied shall also mean „Goods‟
b) „Constructed‟ shall also mean erected and installed.
c) „Contract Performance Guarantee‟ shall also mean „Contract Performance Security‟.
4.01 Sealed tenders in Two parts each in duplicate, each complete in all respects in the
manner hereinafter specified are to be submitted in the office of the SOUTHCO, Address
on or before the date and time specified in the notice inviting the tenders. Each copy of the
bids (original and duplicate) shall be submitted in separate double sealed envelopes
superscripted on each of the covers the tender specification number and the due date of
opening of the bids on the right hand top side of the envelop. On the left top side original/
duplicate as is relevant shall be written.
4.02 The tenders are required to be submitted in Two Parts each in separate double sealed
 Part - I, : Superscribed as “Technical and commercial bid ” shall contain EMD,
Cost of Bid Documents and Techno commercial documents.
 Part - II, Superscribed as “ Price Bid”. The Part - II should contain only Price
4.03 Fax and Telegraphic tenders shall not be accepted.
4.04 Receipt of bids/ revised bids after the cut off time and date as specified in the Tender
specification shall not be permitted and such bids shall be rejected outright. The Owner
shall not be responsible for any delay in transit in post / courier etc. in this regard.
The offer shall be valid for a period not less than 180 days from the date of bid opening.
6.0 PRICE: -

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Bidders are required to quote firm price as per the prescribed format. The quoted price
shall be firm and inclusive of all taxes, duties, freight & insurance and other levies, if any.
Owner shall not be liable to pay anything extra over and above the quoted price.
7.01 Bids in duplicate as described under clause 4.0 shall be received in the office of the
Owner and shall be opened on the scheduled date and time. The Owner s authorized
representatives shall open bids in the presence of Bidders‟ representatives on the date and
time for opening of bids as specified in the Invitation to Bid or in case any extension has
been given thereto, on the extended bid opening date and time notified.
7.02 Maximum one representative for each bidder shall be allowed to witness the opening
of bids. The representative must produce suitable authorization in this regard to be eligible
to witness the bid opening on behalf of the bidder. Bidders‟ representatives who are
present shall sign in a register evidencing their attendance.
7.03 The Bidders‟ names, bid prices, modifications, bid withdrawals and the presence or
absence of the requisite bid guarantee and such other details as the Owner, at its
discretion, may consider appropriate will be announced at the opening. No electronic
recording devices will be permitted during bid opening.
7.04 Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation and comparison of
Bids and recommendations for the award of a contract shall not be disclosed to Bidders or
any other persons not officially concerned with such process. Any effort by a Bidder to
influence the Owner's processing of Bids or award decisions may result in the rejection of
the Bidder's Bid.
8.01 To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of Bids, the Owner may, at
its discretion, ask the Bidder for a clarification of its Bid. All responses to requests for
clarification shall be in writing and no change in the price or substance of the Bid shall be
sought, offered or permitted.
8.02 Owner will examine the Bids to determine whether they are complete, whether any
computational errors have been made, whether required sureties have been
furnished,whether the documents have been properly signed, and whether the Bids are
generally in order.
8.03 Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis. If there is a discrepancy
between the unit price and the total price per item that is obtained by multiplying the unit

price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total price per item will be corrected.
If there is a discrepancy between the Total Amount and the sum of the total price per item,
the sum of the total price per item shall prevail and the Total Amount will be corrected.

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8.04 Prior to the detailed evaluation, Owner will determine the substantial responsiveness
of each Bid to the Bidding Documents including production capability and acceptable
quality of the Goods offered. A substantially responsive Bid is one, which conforms to all
the terms and conditions of the Bidding Documents without material deviation.
8.05 The Owner 's evaluation of a Bid will take into account, in addition to the Bid price,
the following factors, in the manner and to the extent indicated in this Clause:
(a) Works Schedule
(b) Deviations from Bidding Documents
8.06 The Owner will award the Contract to the successful Bidder whose Bid has been
determined to be the lowest - evaluated responsive Bid,, when the lowest bidders is not
ready and/or capable to undertake the entire works envisaged, then the Owner may
explore the possibility of the execution of works through other bidders if they are willing
to execute at L1 rate. Such exploration shall be carried out in a sequential order starting
with L2 bidder then with L3 bidder and so on.
8.07 In case of omission of any item in the Price bid or the price for the item has not been
quoted by the firm, then zero cost shall be loaded to the bid and the contract shall be
awarded with zero cost that means the firm will have to bear the cost of that item entirely
as the item price shall be considered as inclusive any where in other items. The bidder
shall have to give an undertaking to the effect that prices for any item not quoted shall be
treated as free supply or to be done free of cost.
9.01 The Tender must be accompanied by Earnest Money Deposit in shape of Demand
Draft in favour of Southco and Payble at Berhampur. EMD shall be of Rs 1.58 Lakh/- .
Bids without EM deposit will be rejected out rightly.
9.02 No adjustment of any previous deposit or any amount payable from Owner shall be
entertained for EMD. The EMD amount so submitted shall not carry any interest payable
to the bidder.
9.03 The Earnest Money so deposited shall be forfeited:
(a) if the Bidder:
i) withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder in the Bid
Form; or
(b) in the case of a successful Bidder, if the Bidder fails:
(i) to sign the Contract, or
(ii) to furnish the required Contract Performance Bank Guarantee.
9.04 The EMD of unsuccessful bidders shall be returned within 30 days from the date of
finalisation of the order.


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While placing orders and / or during execution of contract, Owner reserve the right to
increase or decrease the quantity of goods and services specified in the Schedule of
Requirement upto 20% of the tender quantity without any change in price or other terms
and conditions.
A) All the materials shall be inspected by the Owner or any authorized representative of
the Owner with third party inspection, if required as per relevant IS at the contractor‟s or
it‟s sub-vendor‟s manufacturing works. The contractor shall give the Owner advance
notice in writing about the place of testing at least 15 days before the scheduled date on
which the materials will be ready for inspection. The dispatch clearance will be issued by
the Owner, if the materials satisfy the required quality as per IS.
B) Engineer-in-charge shall be entitled at all reasonable times during manufacture/
installation to inspect, examine and test the materials at the contractor‟s premises /
erection site about workmanship of the materials to be supplied under this contract. If the
said materials are being manufactured in other premises, the contractor shall provide
unhindered clearance, giving full rights to inspect, examine and test as if the materials
were being manufactured in his premises. Such inspection / examination and testing shall
not relieve the
contractor of his obligations to execute the contract by letter and spirit. The contractor
shall give the advance notice in writing of the Date and the Place at which the materials
will be ready for testing. The inspecting officer for the entire works shall be the
(Respective Authority) of the concerned site.
12.01 Time being the essence of the contract; the works shall be completed within 3
(Three) months from the date of issue of works order.
12.02 The works shall be treated as complete item wise when one item shall be complete
in all respects with all mountings, fixtures and standard accessories which are normally
supplied even though not specifically detailed in the specification. No extra payment shall
be payable for such mounting, fittings, fixtures and accessories which are needed for safe
operations of the equipment as required by applicable code of the country though this
might not have included in the contract.
12.03 All similar components and/or parts of similar equipment supplied shall be
interchangeable with one another. Various equipments supplied under this contract shall
be subject to Owner‟s approval.
12.04 Owner however reserves the right to re-schedule the completion period, if required.

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In the event of the materials supplied by the contractor and/or the installation works are
found to be defective in quality and the workmanship is poor or otherwise not in
conformity with the requirements of the contract specification (Technical Specification),
Owner shall reject such materials / services and ask the contractor in writing to replace /
rectify the defects. The contractor on receipt of such notification shall either rectify or
replace the defective materials and/or re-install the works already executed, free of cost to
the Owner. If the contactor fails to do so the Owner may at his option take the following
actions which could be on concurrent basis.
A) Replace or rectify such defective materials and recover the extra cost so involved plus
25% from the Contractor.
B) Terminate the contract for balance supply and erection with enforcement of penalty as
per contract.
C) Acquire the defective materials at reduced price considered acceptable under the
D) Forfeit the Contract Performance Bank Guarantee.
The bidders are required to furnish information regarding their experience on the
following aspects.
i. Description of similar type of works executed during the last three years with same or
higher voltage level with the name(s) of the party(s) to whom / where supplies / erection
were made.
ii. The list of testing equipments/ facilities available to execute the contract covering both
OSM & Supply by the contractor himself. Also the area of access of the contractor
through other agencies must be indicated.
iii. Purchase / works orders details (P.O / W.O No. and date only) executed (construction
works) during the last three years along with Electrical inspection report copies and copies
of user‟s performance certificates.Bids may not be considered if the past performance is
found to be un-satisfactory.
The bidders are requested to study the specification and the attached drawings thoroughly
before tendering so that if they make any deviations, the same are prominently brought on
a separate sheet under the headings “Deviations” . All such deviations to the technical &
commercial terms of the specification shall be indicated in a separate list as indicated
above. In absence of such deviation schedule, it will be presumed that the bidder has
accepted all the

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conditions stipulated in the tender specification, not withstanding any deviations
mentioned elsewhere in the Bid. However the acceptance of deviation is not binding on
the Owner.
The contractor shall examine the instructions, general conditions of the contract,
specifications and the schedule of quantity and delivery to satisfy himself as to all the
terms and conditions and circumstances affecting the contract price. He shall quote prices
according to his own judgment and shall understand that no additional cost except as
quoted shall only be considered.
The contractor shall indemnify the Owner against all claims, actions, suits and
proceedings for the alleged infringement any patent design or copy right protected either
in country of origin or in India by the use of any equipment supplied by the contractor but
such indemnity shall not cover any use of the equipment other than for the purpose
indicated by or reasonable to be informed from the specification.
18.01. For Materials (Supplied by Contractor):
18.01.01 The materials to be supplied by the contractor shall be guaranteed for satisfactory
operation against defects in design and workmanship for a period of 24 months from the
date of handing over the completed installations after commercial operation at required
voltage level.
18.01.02 The above guarantee certificate shall be furnished in triplicate to the Owner for
his approval. Any defects noticed during the above period should be rectified by the
free of cost to the Utility provided such defects are due to faulty design, bad workmanship
or bad materials used on receipt of written notice from the Owner.Any such defects as
notified by the Owner shall be rectified by the contractor within one month failing which
the Owner will set right the defects through other agencies and recover double the cost so
incurred either from any pending invoices or Bank Guarantee.
18.02. For Construction:

18.02.01 The bidder shall guarantee for the workmanship for a minimum period of 24
months from the date of completion of commissioning. The contractor shall guarantee to
repair to the satisfaction of the owner the defective parts at site free of cost within the
above period. However, if the bidder fails to do so within a reasonable time, the owner
reserves the right to effect repair and recover such charges from the contractor.

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18.02.02 If during the defect liability period any services performed found to be defective,
these shall be promptly rectified by contractor on its own cost (including the cost of
dismantling and reinstallation) on the instruction of Owner.
19.01 If the contractor fails to complete the works by the scheduled period or any
extension granted thereby, the contractor shall be liable for payment of penalty amounting
to 0.5% (half percent) of the contract price per week of un-finished works subject to the
maximum of 5% (five percent) of the total contract price and subject to force majeure
conditions. After receipt of the L.O.A., the contractor shall sign a Contract
Agreement with the Owner within fifteen days along with the detail works plan
through PERT chart/ BAR Chart. The Penalty/ Liquidated damage as written above
will be levied if any deviation to the schedule on any item of works due to the fault of
the contractor is observed.
19.02 Penalty amount can be realized from the proceeds of the Contract Performance
Bank Guarantee, if the situation so warrants.
19.03 Extension of delivery period could be with / without levy of penalty with the
discretion of Owner.
Right of way issues, if any, arising during execution of the works shall have no liability on
the Owner. These issues shall be settled at the sole discretion of the Contractor. The
Owner shall however extend all possible help to the Contractor including discussion with
the local authorities for early resolution of these issues.
21.01 If the Contractor neglects to execute the works with due diligence and expedition or
refuses or neglects to comply with any reasonable order given to him, in writing by the
Engineer in connection with the works or contravenes the provisions or the contract, the
Owner may give notice in writing to the Contractor to make good the failure, neglect or
contravention complained of. Should the Contractor fail to comply with the notice within
thirty (30) days from the date of serving the notice, the Owner shall be at liberty to
employ other worksmen and forthwith execute such part of the works as the contractor
may have neglected to do or if the Owner thinks fit, without prejudice to any other right,
he may have under the Contract to take the works wholly or in part out of the Contractor‟s
hands and re-contract with any other person or persons to complete the works or any part
thereof and in that event the Owner shall have free use of all Contractor‟s equipment that
may have been at the time on the Site in connection with the works without being
responsible to the Contractor for fair wear and tear thereof and to the exclusion of any
right of the Contractor over the same, and the Owner shall be entitled to retain and apply

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any balance which may otherwise be due on the Contract by him to the Contractor, or such
part thereof as may be necessary, to the payment of the cost of executing the said part of
works or of completing the works as the case may be. If the cost of completing of works or
executing part thereof as aforesaid shall
exceed the balance due to the Contractor, the Contractor shall pay such excess. Such
payment of excess amount shall be independent of the liquidated damages for delay which
the Contractor shall have to pay if the completion of works is delayed.
21.02 In addition, such action by the Owner as aforesaid shall not relieve the Contractor
of his liability to pay liquidated damages for delay in completion of works.
21.03 Such action by the Owner as aforesaid the termination of the Contract under this
clause shall not entitle the Contractor to reduce the value of the Contract Performance
Guarantee nor the time thereof. The Contract Performance Guarantee shall be valid for the
full value and for the full period of the Contract including guarantee.
22.01 Owner reserves the right to terminate the Contract either in part or in full due to
reasons other than those mentioned under clause entitled „Contractor‟s Default‟. The
Owner shall in such an event give fifteen (15) days notice in writing to the Contractor of
his decision to do so.
22.02 The Contractor upon receipt of such notice shall discontinue the works on the date
and to the extent specified in the notice, make all reasonable efforts to obtain cancellation
of all orders and Contracts to the extent they related to the works terminated and terms
satisfactory or the Owner, stop all further sub-contracting or purchasing activity related to
the works terminated, and assist Owner in maintenance, protection, and disposition of the
works acquired under the Contract by the Owner. In the event of such a termination the
shall be paid compensation, equitable and reasonable, dictated by the circumstance
prevalent at the time of termination to be determined by the Arbitrator without
stopping the works but to carry out the left over works through other agencies.
22.03 If the Contractor is an individual or a proprietary concern and the individual or the
proprietor dies and if the Contractor is a partnership concern and one of the partners dies
then unless the Owner is satisfied that the legal representatives of the individual
Contractor or of the proprietor of the propriety concern and in the case of partnership,the
surviving partners, are capable of carrying out and in the case of partnership, the surviving
partners, are capable of carrying out and completing the Contract the Owner shall be
entitled to cancel the Contract as to its in completed part without being in any way liable
to payment of any compensation to the estate of deceased Contractor and /or to the
surviving partners of the Contractor‟s firm on account of the cancellation of the contract.

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The decision of the Owner that the legal representatives of the deceased Contractor or
surviving partners of the Contractor‟s firm cannot carry out and complete the contract
shall be final and binding on the parties. In the event of such cancellation the Owner shall
not hold the estate of the deceased contractor and/ or the surviving partners of the
Contractor‟s firm liable to damages for not completing the Contract.
The Contractor shall not be liable for any penalty for delay or for failure to perform the
contract for reasons of Force Majeure such as “acts of God, acts of the Public enemy, acts
of Govt., Fires, Flood, Epidemics, Quarantine restrictions, Strikes,Freight Embargos and
provided that the Contractor shall within ten (10) days from the beginning of such delay
notify the Owner in writing of the cause of delay. The Owner shall verify the facts and
grant extension as facts justify.
If the delivery of the equipments / materials is delayed due to reasons beyond the control
of the Contractor, the Contractor shall immediately within 3 days inform the Owner in
writing of his claim for an extension of time. The Owner on receipt of such notice may
agree to extend the contract period as may be reasonable but without prejudice to other
terms & conditions of the contract.
The agency shall observe all applicable regulations regarding safety at the Site. Any
compensation due on account of accident at site shall be to the contractor‟s account.
26.0 STORE :- Storing of materials from supply to erection shall be arranged by the
contractor at his own cost. No compensation shall be made by the Owner for any damage
or loss of materials during storing, transit transportation and at the time of erection.
Contractor shall arrange adequate Transit-cum-storage-cum-erection policy and shall
submit the copy of the same to the Owner. The policy shall initially remain valid for a
period of sixty days over & above of the contractual guarantee period and shall be
extended as required till handing over. Contractor shall be responsible for lodging of claim
with the insurer as well as for all required follow up with the insurer for settlement of
claim in case of loss/damage/theft of material during transit/storage/erection till the
completed works is handed over to the Owner and is accepted by the authorised
representative of the Owner in writing.Contractor shall also arrange adequate cover for his
employees / labourers engaged in the works as well as arrange third party insurance cover
to indemnify any possible damages to public at large not connected with the works
process. Any claim(s) pertaining to this shall

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be the responsibility of the Contractor. The contractor shall undertake free replacement of
the materials damaged or lost during transit, which will be intimated by the Consignee
within 30 days of receipt of the materials at Owner‟s stores.
Concerned Divisional Head / authorized engineer of the Owner shall be the Engineer in
charge for the Project.
29.01 Within 15 days of issue of the Works Order or Letter of Award, whichever is earlier,
the Contractor shall submit Contract Performance Bank Guarantee issued by a scheduled
Bank, in favour of the Owner, covering 10% of the total value of the works order.
29.02 The said Bank Guarantee shall be prepared in the prescribed Performa as attached in
Section V, Annexure - II. The Bank Guarantee furnished shall be executed on Non-judicial
Stamp paper worth of Rs 100/- (Rupees Hundred only), purchased in the name of the
issuing bank, as per the prevalent rules. The Bank Guarantee so provided shall be en-
cashable on the Malkangiri branch of the issuing Bank.
29.03 The Contract Performance Bank Guarantee shall remain valid for a period not less
than 90 days over and above the guarantee period, basing on stipulated completion period
in the W.O. towards security and acceptance there of, failing which the works orders
(W.O) will be liable for cancellation without any further notice with forfeiture of E.M.D.
29.04 No interest shall be allowed by the Owner on the above Performance Security
Deposit submitted by the Bidder except in case of demand draft or cash deposit.
30.02 70% (seventy percent) of contract price on pro-rata basis along with taxes and duties
shall be paid progressively for each completed items of works certified by the Junior
Manager & SDO concerned against each calendar month by 1st week of succeeding month
along with utilization certificate. No payment shall be released if the accounts for
utilization of materials follow with proper certification by the concerned J.M., A.M./ SDO
submitted within 30 days to Engineers In Charge on the basis of check points involved in
such items of works.
30.03 Balance 20% (twenty percent) of contract price shall be paid after completion of all
works, envisaged under this package including any additions and alterations, testing &
commissioning, return of dismantled materials/ un-used free supply material, taking over
certificate and entire stretch is fully ready for commercial operation. The payments shall
be subjected to clearance from electrical inspectorate.
Note : In case of joint venture/ consortium all BG.s shall be in the name of joint venture
consortium covering all the partners including the Lead Partner . The BG should be 10%
for lead partner and additional 1% by the other J.V. partner.

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Owner shall notify the paying officer for the project.
The Owner reserves the right to accept any bid or reject any or all bids or cancel
/withdraw invitation of bid or to vary the quantity for placement of order without
assigning any reason to such decision. Such decision by the Owner shall bear no liability.
All the equipments and materials required for the works shall have distinct mark of
Owner either by way of punching on metal part(s) and/or in built during casting and/or
painting as per common practice and/or as mutually agreed. This should be clearly visible
in day light in naked eye.
(i) Any dispute arising out of this contract shall be referred to the Managing Director who
shall decide the case as Sole Arbitrator.
(ii) All disputes shall be subjected to exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts at Berhampur and
the writ jurisdiction of Hon‟ble High Court of Odisha at Cuttack.
The Contractor shall not sublet, transfer, assign or otherwise part with the Contract or any
part thereof, either directly or indirectly, without prior written permission of the Owner.
36.01 Owner shall issue materials such as Transformers, VCBs, Conductor (55 mm2 ,

100 mm2 and 232 mm2 to the Contractor as per the works schedule agreed at the time of
award of works as stated in the scope of works. However, this shall be subject to the actual
progress of the works as certified by the Owner‟s Engineer.
36.02 Before issue of the free issue materials the Contractor at it‟s own cost shall arrange
suitable stores adjacent to the works site and shall offer the same for inspection to the
Owner‟s Engineer.
36.03 The contractor shall furnish Indemnity bond for an amount equivalent to the
estimated value of the free supply materials / dismantled materials returnable as certified
by Engineer in charge. The Contractor shall submit Indemnity Bond in the prescribed
36.04 Subject to compliance of above clauses, the Contractor shall be permitted to draw
the materials from the designated stores of the Owner. The Contractor shall duly
acknowledge the materials along with copies of the notification to the Insurer regarding
such transit of material from designated stores of the Owner to the stores of the

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36.05 After completion of the works all surplus materials shall be returned to the Owner‟s
stores. For any shortage with regard to materials supplied by the Owner, the Owner shall
be entitled to recover 125% of the purchase cost of such materials or present market cost,
whichever is higher, from the dues of the Contractor.
37.01 Within 30 days of the effective date of contract the contractor shall provide three
copies of an outline program of production, inspection, testing, delivery, survey, erection,
pre-commissioning and commissioning in chart form. Included in the program will be the
detailed schedule of drawing to be submitted.
37.04 The periodic progress report as required by the Owner shall be submitted by the
contractor as per the format prescribed by the Engineer in Charge.
Within 15 days of contract commencement the contractor shall submit, for approval by the
Engineer in Charge, a schedule of the drawings to be produced. The schedule shall also
provide a program of drawing submission, for approval by the Engineer in Charge. All
drawings and design should be submitted to Engineer-In-Charge within the period
specified above.
39.01 The contractor shall submit all drawings, documents and type test reports, Name of
the Manufacturer /Sub vendor, samples (as applicable) etc, to the engineer in charge
within 15 days of award of LOA for approval. If modifications to be made if such are
deemed necessary, the contractor has to resubmit them for approval without delaying the
initial deliveries or completion of the contract works.
39.02 Three copies of all drawings, GTP shall be submitted for approval and three copies
for any subsequent revision.
39.03 If the drawings will be as per the technical specifications, the competent authority of
the Owner will return the drawings & documents to the contractor marked with
“Approved” stamp.
40.1 Upon successful completion of all the tests to be performed at site on equipment
/materials supplied, and erected and commissioned by the contractor, the supply engineer
shall issue to the contractor a taking over certificate as a proof of the final acceptance of
the equipment / materials on a written request within 10 days of commercial operation.
Such certificate shall not be un-reasonably withheld nor will the engineer delay the
issuance thereof on account of minor omission or defects,which do not affect the
commercial operation and / or cause any serious to the equipment/material. The

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conditional Taking over Certificate can be issued if any minor omission or defects pointed
by the engineer-in-charge / Supervising Officer / Electrical Inspector. The contractor
should rectify those defects within a month failing which department will rectify those by
replacing those materials or engaging other agencies. The amount so involved will be fully
recovered from the contractor‟s bill. Such certificate shall, however, not relieve the
contractor of any of his obligations which otherwise survive by the terms & conditions of
the contract after issuance of such certificate.
40.2 For the satisfaction of Owner about quality, the Owner shall have unreserved right for
arrangement of testing of equipment/ materials and the complete system independently by
self or any other agency chosen by the Owner. The contractor is expected to agree and
extend necessary help during such test if necessary.
41.1 The all equipments and materials supplied /erected under the said Programme shall
bear distinct mark of “Name of the Owner, , Works Order No. & Date” by a way of
embossing / punching / casting / painting etc. This should be clearly visible to naked eye.

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Tender Notification :07 /2012

1.1 Scope of works:
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Construction of 33KV Express Feeder from 220/132/33KV Grid S/S,Narendrapur to
MKCG Medical College and Hospital,Berhampur and new (1X5)MVA 33/11KV S/S
at MKCG Medical College.
A. Supply
For the work materials have been classified as under.
i. Owner’s supply materials (OSM)
(a)Transformers( Power Transformer), 55 mm² , 100 mm² and 232 mm² AAAC .
ii. Contractor’s scope:
All other material except the items shown above such as RS Joist, Station transformer , 33
KV & 11KV VCBs, Insulators with Hardware, Battery with battery
charger,reinforcements bars, cements,different type of aggregates, bricks, isolators, AB
Switches (for 33 and 11 kV), HG fuses (for 33 and 11 kV), Control cables, Heat shrink
type end connector (for all level), Lightning Arresters, earthing materials, building
materials and other consumable required to complete the job.
B. Construction :
1.Construction of (1x 5 )MVA,33/11 KV Primary Substation at MKCG Medical College
& Hospital, Berhampur,
2. Construction of 7.5 KM 33 KV Line with 232 mm² AAAC from jagannthpur Jn to
Proposed 4-Pole structure at Gudshed Road.
3.Up-rating of conductor from 80 mm² AAAC to 232 mm² AAAC from 220/132/33KV
Grid S/S to Jagannthpur Jn.-1.0KM
4.Construction of 2 No. of 4-Pole structures with 6 No.33KV AB Switches at Gudshed
5.Up-rating of conductor from 80 mm² AAAC to 100 mm² AAAC and from Proposed 4-
pole structure to the New (1X5)MVA 33/11KV S/S at MKCG Medical College.-3.2KM
6.Construction of 0.5 KM 11 KV line with 55 mm² AAAC at New (1X5)MVA 33/11KV
S/S at MKCG Medical College.
7. Railway crossing with XLPE Cable at Jagannthpur Jn.
(Excluding the supply of power , 55 mm² ,100 mm² and 232 mm² AAA Conductor)
Prior to the commencement of the supply / works all relevant drawings,designs must
be got approved by SOUTHCO.For construction works the drawing to be approved
by The Electricel Inpector and Southco.
C. The scope of the proposal for the balance materials to be supplied by the bidder to
complete the job shall be on the basis of a single Bidder‟s responsibility , completely
covering supply and erection of all the equipment specified under the accompanying
Technical Specifications including other services. It will include the following
(i) Detailed investigation of sub station and preparation of BOQ to be done by the bidder.

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(ii) Complete manufacture, including shops testing & supply of materials from the
approved vendor(materials which are to be supplied by the bidder)
(iii) Providing Engineering drawings related to foundation details, structural details of
both line & Sub-station works, equipments data, operational manual, preparation of Cable
Schedule (in shape of a booklet) etc for the Owner‟s approval;
(iv) Packing and transportation from the manufacturer‟s works to the site.
(v) Receipt, storage, preservation and conservation of equipment at the site.
(vi) Pre-assembly, if any, erection testing and commissioning of all the equipments;
(vii) Reliability tests and performance and guarantee tests on completion of
(viii) Loading, unloading and transportation as required,
(ix) Erection of installations of specified voltages,
(x) Testing, Commissioning of installations of of the Sub-Station inclusive of all related
Civil works.
(xi) Storing before erection
(xii) Getting the Sub-Stations/lines inspected and certified by Electrical Inspection after
completion of works.
Transportation of all above required materials from Purchaser‟s nearest store to site and all
other required materials (to be supplied by bidder) from supplier‟s premises to works site,
construction of new electrical/ civil structures, dismantling of existing electrical structures
and return of these dismantled items at the purchaser‟s stores, safe custody of the items
and return of unused purchaser supplied materials to the purchaser‟s stores.
 Responsibility of the Contractor:
The Contractor shall be responsible for the complete design and engineering, overall co-
ordination with internal and external agencies, project management, training of
Employer‟s manpower, loading, unloading, storage at site, inventory management
including OSM materials at site during construction, dismantling, re-erection of
installations as per Engineer. in charge (Divisional Engineer.)‟s advice, handling, moving
to final destination, obtaining statutory clearances for successful erection, testing and
commissioning of the substation.
 Specific exclusions:
The following items of works are specifically excluded from the Contractors scope of
works unless otherwise specifically brought out.
a) Substation site selection
b) Land acquisition
 Limit of contract:

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The scope of works shall also include all works incidentals for successful operation and
commissioning and handing over of works whether specifically mentioned or not. In
general, works are to be carried out by the Contractor in accordance with the stipulations
in Conditions of Contract.
 Quantity variation:
The Employer reserves the right to order and delete such works which may be necessary
for him within the quantity variation option laid down in the conditions of the contract.
This shall include but not limited to the manufacture, supply, testing,and delivery to site,
erection and commissioning as may be required in accordance with the Conditions of
Contract at the prices stated in the Schedules.The Employer shall also be at liberty to
delete Any Items from the Contractor‟s scope of supply at any time before commencement
of supply of works under the detailed scope of works.
System description
The following are the general particulars governing the design and working of the
complete system of which the Contract Works will eventually form a part: The system is
three phase, 50 Hz and power is to be distributed to consumers under SOUTHCO at
appropriate voltage level via distribution sub-stations , which operate at 33/ 11kV, 33/ 0.4

Sl. No. Description of Technical Unit Data

Parameter 33 KV 11 KV
1 Nominal system voltage kVrms 33 kV 11 kV
Maximum system voltage kVrms 36.kV 12 kV
Power frequency with stand voltage kVrms 70kV 28 kV
Lightning impulse withstand voltage KV p 170kVp
a) Line to earth 195kVp 75 kVp
b) Across isolating gap 85 kVp
One minute power frequency withstand value kVrms
Dry kVrms 95
Wet 75 35
System frequency Hz 50
Variation in frequency % 2.5
Continuous current rating Amp 800 1250
Symmetrical short circuit current kA 25

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Duration of short circuit fault current Sec 3
Dynamic short circuit current rating kAp 62.5kA
Air clearances meters 0.480
Phase to ground meters 0.530
Phase to phase
Conductor spacing for AIS layouts meters 1.5
Phase to ground meters 1.5
Phase to phase
Design ambient temperatures ˚C 50

Pollution level as per IEC-815 and 71 III

Creepage distance mm 900
Maximum fault clearing time ms not exceeding 150 ms
Safety clearances
1. Section clearance Metres 4 3
2. Ground clearances( between
ground and bottom most part Metres 4 3
of energised object)
3. Horizontal clearance Metres As per I.E. As per I.E.
between the fence and Rules Rules
energised object
4. Horizontal clearance
between the road centre line metres As per I.E. As per I.E.
and energised part of the Rules Rules
nearby equipment

1.3 DATA

Description Data
Annual mean of maximum monthly 50
average temperature.
Annual mean of minimum monthly 5
temperature in ˚C
Average rain fall in mm 1500
Average thunder storms days per year 77days
Design ambient temperature in ˚C 50

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Maximum wind velocity in meter/sec. 50
Maximum relative humidity in % 100
Average relative humidity in % 85

1.3.2 Sub station Philosophy

SOUTHCO has adopted the philosophy of installing open terminal air insulated
substations. The bus bars may be of either rigid type or flexible train type depending upon
the choice of the designer considering the overall suitability and economy of the substation
to be installed.
a) Layout arrangement
The Contractor shall finalize the layout arrangements for new substations in line with this
Specification with the approval of the Engg- In-charge which shall be meeting at least the
basic minimum electrical clearances as specified in the schedules.
a) Location and site description
The details of the sub-substation locations, their approach, geography and topography etc
are to be collected from the concern division to the extent possible. The Bidder shall make
necessary visit to the substation sites and fully appraise himself before bidding. Deviations
on account of inadequate data for substation works shall not be acceptable and the Bid
shall not be considered for evaluation in such cases.
b) Soil data
Detailed soil investigations in respect of various substations have not been made. However
the general characteristics of the soil are of laterite, Sandy, Hard soil. The Contractor shall
investigate the properties of the soil of the substations and measure the soil resistivity as
part of the scope of works.
c) Completeness and accuracy of information
The Contractor shall note that the information provided above and in the relevant
schedules may not be complete or fully accurate at the time of bidding. For his own
interest the Contractor is advised to make site visits and fully satisfy himself regarding site
conditions in all respects, and shall be fully responsible for the complete design and
engineering of the substations.
The Contract Works shall comply with the guaranteed technical particulars specified or
quoted in the bid. All plant and apparatus supplied under this Contract shall be to the
approval of the Engg In-charge .All plant and equipment supplied under this contract must
have been type tested and have been on satisfactory service at identical ratings for at least
preceding three years. The bidder shall furnish in his bid the necessary supporting data in
this regard in specified formats for consideration during bid evaluation. If during

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evaluation non compliance is identified, the successful Contractor shall be bound to supply
the equipment from manufacturers complying with the stipulated requirements under
SOUTHCO”s approval .The Contractor shall be responsible for any discrepancies, errors
or omissions in the particulars and guarantees.The Bidder for his own interest, shall
establish the technical responsiveness of his bid, shall provide all data in appropriate
technical data sheets, general/ technical information, literature, and leaflets etc. along with
the bid.
All apparatus should comply with this Specification. Any departures from the
requirements of this Specification shall be stated with reasons in the relevant Bid Proposal
Schedules Bid will be considered for evaluation if reasons shown are apparently justified.
Unless brought out clearly in the technical schedules, it will be presumed that the
equipment is deemed to comply with the technical specification. In the event of there
being any inconsistency between the provisions of the conditions of contract and the
provisions of this Specification, in respect of commercial requirements, the provisions of
the conditions of contract shall take precedence for commercial matters and the provisions
of this Specification shall take precedence in respect of technical matters.In case of
inconsistency between technical specification (TS) quantities of various items as specified
in the bid proposal sheet shall be considered for quoting. However the works shall be
executed as specified in the technical specification. Only brief description is given in the
BPS & the works shall be executed in line with the requirement given in the TS.
The Contractor shall supply the type, quantity of test and maintenance equipment specified
in the Schedules as part of the contract works.
The Contractor shall provide the mandatory spares detailed in the Schedules and shall,
where considered necessary, provide a list of recommended spare parts (optional spares)
together with their individual prices. The Employer may order all or any of the spare parts
listed at the time of contract award and the spare parts so required by the Employer, shall
be supplied as part of the Works under this specification. Additional spares may be
ordered at any time during the contract at the rates stated in the Price Schedule.
a) Mandatory spares
The Employer has indicated the requirement of mandatory spares as a percentage of the
population of main equipment together with proposed storage locations. The quantities
shall be determined by the Contractor and indicated in the relevant Bid Price Schedules.
These quantities shall be considered for evaluation of the bids.
b) Optional spares

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The Contractor may recommend a list of optional spare parts together with the quantity
and usage rates for their equipment in the relevant Bid Proposal Schedule. The Engg In-
charge shall assess their requirement and place orders.
The spares shall include consumable items sufficient for a plant operational period of five
years after commissioning, as well as essential replacement parts to cover the event of a
break-down which would affect the availability or safety of the plant.Spares shall be
available during the life of the equipment and the Contractor shall give 12 months notice
of his, or any sub-contractor‟s, intention to cease manufacture of any component used in
the equipment.The Contractor shall ensure that sufficient spare parts and consumable
items are available for his own use during commissioning of the plant. Spares ordered by
the Employer shall not be used by the Contractor without the written consent of the Engg
In-charge and any spares so used by the Contractor during the commissioning of the plant
shall be replaced before the closure of contract by the Contractor at the Contractor‟s
expense. Any spare apparatus, parts and tools shall be subject to the same
specification,tests and conditions as similar material supplied under the Scope of Works of
the Contract. They shall be strictly interchangeable and suitable for use in place of the
corresponding parts supplied with the plant and must be suitably marked and numbered for
identification and prepared for storage by greasing or painting to prevent deterioration. All
spare apparatus or materials containing electrical insulation shall be packed and delivered
in cases suitable for storing such parts or material over a period of years without
deterioration. Such cases shall have affixed to both the underside and topside of the lid a
list detailing its contents. The case will remain the property of the Employer.
The Contractor will be required to provide suitable training for selected staff both on site
and at the Contractor's place of works free of cost. The size of the training groups will be
limited to 20. Details of the training considered appropriate shall be stated clearly, at the
bidding stage, based on the number of trainees specified. The cost of training including all
course fees shall be included.
The areas in which it is considered training should be provided, and duration of the
training courses, are given in this section. Alternative arrangements, where considered
appropriate, should be suggested.
Four categories of training are considered appropriate namely :
1.8.1 Hardware maintenance.
1.8.2 Installation and commissioning techniques.
1.9 Hardware maintenance
Courses for hardware maintenance shall identify techniques for preventative physical
maintenance and for identification, isolation and replacement of faulty components. This

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course shall take place before equipment is delivered to site.An essential part of the
hardware maintenance course shall include highlighting thephilosophy of computer based
preventive maintenance and identification of the various diagnostic/interrogation facilities
available. The Contractor shall supply adequate documented instructions to enable a
detailed interrogation and analysis process to be carried out using the diagnostic software
facilities. All items of hardware to be supplied shall be covered by the course.
1.10 Installation and commissioning techniques
The Employer's staff will be present during the installation and commissioning period and
it is essential that they are to be fully involved in any on-site corrections or modifications
to hardware and software equipment.It is envisaged that it will be necessary for the
Contractor to run installation and commissioning techniques courses each of
approximately one week in duration at site for the training of the Employer's staff.
The Contractor shall provide, at his own cost and expense, all labors, plant and material
necessary for unloading and erection at the Site and shall be entirely responsible for its
efficient and correct operation. The Contractor shall be responsible for arranging and
providing all living accommodation services and amenities required by his employees.
Use of electrical energy
The Contractor shall arrange at his own cost and expense, any site supplies of electrical
energy which he may require for supplying power for heavy erection plant, welding plant
or other tools, lighting and testing purposes.All wiring for such tackle and for lighting
from the point of supply shall be provided by the Contractor and all such installations
shall comply with all appropriate statutory regulations.
All works on site included in the contractor‟s scope of works shall be supervised by
sufficient number of qualified representatives of the Contractor.Before putting any plant or
apparatus into operation the Contractor shall satisfy himself as to the correctness of all
connections between the plant and apparatus supplied under this and other contracts. The
Contractor shall advise the Engg Incharge in writing, giving the period of notice as
specified in the General Conditions of Contract, when the plant or apparatus is ready for
inspection or energisation.
Until each Section of the Contract Works has been taken over or deemed to have been
taken over under the Conditions of Contract, the Contractor shall be entirely responsible
for the Contract Works, whether under construction, during tests, or in use for the
Employer‟s service.

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All apparatus and material supplied, and all works carried out shall comply in all respects
with such of the requirements of all Regulations and Acts in force in the country and state
in particular of the Employer as are applicable to the Contract Works and with any other
applicable regulations to which the Employer is subjected to oblige.
The placing of materials and plant near the erection site prior to their being erected and
installed shall be done in a neat, tidy and safe manner. The Contractor shall at his own
expense keep the site area allocated to him and also the erection area of the Contract
Works reasonably clean and shall remove all waste material as it accumulates and as
directed by the Engg In-charge from time to time.
1.16.1 General
In addition to the conditions covered under the Clause titled insurance in the Special
Conditions of Contract, the following provisions will also apply to the portion of works to
be done beyond the Suppliers own or his sub-Contractors manufacturing Works.
1.16.2 Worksmen's Compensation Insurance
This insurance shall protect the Contractor against all claims applicable under the
worksmen‟s Compensation Act, 1948 (Government of India). This policy shall also cover
the Contractor against the claims for injury, disability, disease or death of his or his sub-
contractor's employees, which for any reason are not covered under the Worksman‟s
Compensation Act, 1948. The liabilities shall not be less than;
a Worksmen‟s‟ Compensation- As per statutory provisions
b. Employee's liability-As per statutory provisions According to the Govt. rules.
c. Comprehensive automobile insurance
This insurance shall be in a such a form to protect the Contractor against all claims for
injuries, disability, disease and death to members of public including the Employer's men
and damage to the property of others arising from the use of motor vehicles during on or
off the Site operations, irrespective of the ownership of such vehicles and as per latest
prevailing Govt. rules.
d. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance
This insurance shall protect the Contractor against all claims arising from injuries,
disabilities, disease or death of members or public or damage to property of others, due to
any act or omission on the part of the Contractor, its agents, its employees, its
representatives and sub-contractors or from riots, strikes and civil commotion. The hazards
to be covered will pertain to all works and areas where the Contractor, its sub-contractors,
agents and employees have to perform works pursuant to the Contracts.

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The Contractor shall ensure safety of all the worksmen, plant and equipment belonging to
him or to others, working at the Site. The Contractor shall also provide for all safety
notices and safety equipment required by the relevant legislation and deemed necessary by
the Engg In-charge.
1.18.1 Submittals required with the bid
The following shall be required in duplicate :
• completed technical data schedule;
• descriptive literature giving full technical details of equipment offered;
• type test certificates, where available, and sample routine test reports;
• detailed reference list of customers already using equipment offered during the last 5
years with particular emphasis on units of similar design and rating;
• details of manufacturer's quality assurance standards and programme and ISO 9000
series or equivalent national certification;
• deviations from this specification. Only deviations approved in writing before award of
contract shall be accepted;
1.18.2 Submittals required after contract award Five copies of the programme for production and testing. Drawings
Within 30 days of contract commencement the Contractor shall submit, for approval by
the SOUTHCO, a schedule of the drawings to be produced detailing which are to be
submitted for "Approval" and which are to be submitted "For Information Only". The
schedule shall also provide a programme of drawing submission, for approval by the
Project Manager, that ensures that all drawings and calculations are submitted within the
period specified above. All detail drawings submitted for approval shall be to scale not
less than 1:20.Lettering sizes and thickness of lettering and lines shall be selected so that if
reduced by two stages to one quarter of their size, the alphanumeric characters and lines
are still perfectly legible so as to enable them to be microfilmed. For presentation of
design drawings and circuit documents IEC Publication 617 or equivalent standards for
graphical symbols are to be followed. APPROVAL PROCEDURE
The Contractor shall submit all drawings, documents and type test reports for approval in
sufficient time to permit modifications to be made if such are deemed necessary and re-
submit them for approval without delaying the initial deliveries or completion of the
contract works.

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The following provisions shall supplement all the detailed technical specifications and
requirements brought out in accompanying Technical Specifications. The Contractor‟s
proposal shall be based upon the use of equipment and materials complying fully with the
requirements specified herein. It is recognised that the Contractor may have standardised
on the use of certain components, materials, processes or procedures different to those
specified herein. Alternate proposals offering similar equipment based on the
manufacturers standard practice will also be considered, provided such proposals meet the
specified design standard and performance requirement and are acceptable to the Engg. In-
The Works covered by the specification shall be designed, manufactured, built,tested and
commissioned in accordance with the Act, Rules, Laws and Regulations of India. The
Equipment(s) shall also conform to the requirements detailed in the referred standards,
which shall form an integral part of the Specification, in addition to meeting the specific
requirements called for elsewhere in the Specification.The Contract works shall be
designed to facilitate inspection, cleaning and repairs,and for operation where continuity
of supply is the first consideration. Apparatus shall be designed to ensure satisfactory
operation in all atmospheric conditions prevailing at the Site(s) and during such sudden
variation of load and voltage as may be met with under working conditions on the system.
The design shall incorporate all reasonable precautions and provisions for the safety of
those concerned in the operation and maintenance of the Contract Works and of associated
works supplied under other contracts. Where the Specification does not contain
characteristics with reference to workmanship, equipment, materials and components of
the covered equipment, it is understood that the same must be new, of highest grade of the
best quality of their kind, conforming to best engineering practice and suitable for the
purpose for which they are intended. In case where the equipment, materials or
components are indicated in the specification as 'similar' to any special standard, the Engg.
Incharge shall decide upon the question of similarity. When required by the Specification
or when required by Engg. Incharge the Contractor shall submit, for approval, all the
information concerning materials or components to be used in manufacture. Machinery,
equipment, materials and components supplied, installed or used without such approval
shall run the risk of subsequent rejection, it being understood that the cost as well as the
time delay associated with the rejection shall be borne by the Contractor.The design of the
Works shall be such that installation, future expansions,

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replacements and general maintenance may be undertaken with a minimum of time and
expense. Each component shall be designed to be consistent with its duty and suitable
factors of safety, subject to mutual agreements and shall be used throughout the design.
All joints and fastenings shall be so devised, constructed and documented that the
component parts shall be accurately positioned and restrained to fulfil their required
function.All outdoor apparatus and fittings shall be designed so that water cannot
accumulate at any point. Grease lubricators shall be fitted with nipples and where
necessary for accessibility, the nipples shall be placed at the end of extension piping.All
water and oil pipe flanges shall be to IS 6392/BS 4504 or other equivalent standard, as
regards both dimensions and drilling, unless otherwise approved.Cast iron shall not be
used for chambers of oil filled apparatus or for any part of the equipment which is in
tension or subject to impact stresses. Kiosks, cubicles and similar enclosed compartments
shall be adequately ventilated to restrict condensation. All contactor or relay coils and
other parts shall be suitably protected against corrosion.All apparatus shall be designed to
obviate the risk of accidental short circuit due to animals, birds, insects, mites, rodents or
micro-organisms.Corresponding parts shall be interchangeable. Where required by the
Engg.Incharge the Contractor shall demonstrate this quality.
1.2.1 General
To ensure that the supply and services under the scope of this Contract, whether
manufactured or performed within the Contractor‟s works or at his Sub-
Contractor‟spremises or at Site or at any other place of works are in accordance with the
Specification, with the Regulations and with relevant Indian or otherwise Authorised
Standards the Contractor shall adopt suitable Quality Assurance Programmes and
Procedures to ensure that all activities are being controlled as necessary.The quality
assurance arrangements shall conform to the relevant requirements of ISO 9001 or ISO
9002 as appropriate.
1.2.2 Inspection and testing
i. Purchaser and its representative shall at all times be entitled to have access to the works
and to all places of manufacturer where materials are manufactured and the supplier shall
afford all facilities to them for unrestricted inspection of the works,inspection of materials,
inspection of manufacturing process of materials and for conducting necessary tests as
specified herein.
ii. The supplier shall keep the purchaser informed in advance of the time of starting and of
progress of manufacture of matreials in its various stages so that arrangements could be
made for inspection.

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iii. No material shall be dispatched from its point of manufacture unless the materials has
been satisfactorily inspected and tested.
iv. The acceptance of any quantity of materials shall in no way relieve the supplier of his
responsibility for meeting all the requirement of this specification and shall not prevent
subsequent rejection, if such materials are later found to be defective.
v. The prime responsibility for inspection and testing rests with the Contractor. The
inspection or its waiver by the Engg. Incharge does not relieve the Contractor of any
obligations or responsibilities to carry out the works in accordance with the Contract.The
inspection and testing shall be documented such that it is possible to verify that it was
performed. Records of inspection shall include as a minimum the contract identity,
operation/inspection, technique used, acceptance standard and acceptability, identity of
inspector/tester and date of inspection/test.
1.3 Non-conforming product
The Contractor shall retain responsibility for the disposition of non-conforming items.
Civil works includes the following items.
The scope shall generally cover sub- station structures, including gantries and equipment
support structures and their foundations, cable trenches along with covers, cable trench
crossings of road and rails, sump pits, marshalling box/control cubicle foundations,
switchyard dressing and leveling, site clearance, soil investigation, roads, drains, fencing,
gravel filling and, transformer foundations, firewalls, control room building, Any other
items, not specifically mentioned here but required for the commissioning of substation
shall be deemed to be included in the scope of this Specification. The scope shall further
cover design, engineering, erection, testing and commissioning of all civil works at each
substation. All civil works shall also satisfy the General Technical Clauses specified in
other sections of this specification and as detailed below.Excavation, dewatering, carriage
of excavated earth, plain cement concrete (PCC), casting of reinforced cement concrete
(RCC) foundations, superstructures for sub- station structures, equipment supports, their
control cubicles,bus post supports, lighting poles and panels, brick and stone masonry,
cable trenches, pipe trenches with necessary pre cast RCC removable covers, with lifting
facility(In every 5 th slab) and sump pits, cable supports and their embedment in cable
trenches and cable trench crossings road or rail track with backfilling complete as per
drawings approved by SOUTHCO, shall be carried out by the contractor. The cable
trenches inside the control room shall be provided with GI chequered plate with angle
stiffeners at the bottom for mechanical strength and painting there of as per the standard
practice.The Contractor shall furnish all designs, (unless otherwise specified)
drawings,labour, tools, equipment, materials, temporary works, constructional plant and

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machinery, fuel supply, transportation and all other incidental items not shown or
specified but as may be required for complete performance of the Works in accordance
with approved drawings, specifications and as per direction of the Engg In-charge
(Divisional Engr.).The works shall be carried out according to the design/drawings to be
developed by the Contractor, and approved by the SOUTHCO or supplied to the bidder by
the Engg In-charge (Divisional Engr.). For all buildings, structures, foundations etc.
necessary layout, levels and details shall be developed by the Contractor keeping in view
the functional requirement of the plant and facilities and providing enough space and
access for operation, use and maintenance based on the input provided by the Engg In-
charge (Divisional Engr.). Certain minimum requirements are indicated in this
specification for guidance purposes only. However, the Bidder shall quote according to the
complete requirements.
Excavation and backfill for foundations shall be in accordance with the relevant Code.
Back filled materials in the pit to be levelled maximum up to a height of 200-250 mm and
then to be compacted to 150mm after sprinkling of requiredquantity of water.Whenever
water table is met during the excavation, it shall be dewatered and water table shall be
maintained below the bottom of the excavation level during excavation, concreting and
1.4.02 Rock excavation
The rock to be excavated shall be classified under the following categories :
1. Ordinary rock
Rock which does not require blasting, wedging or similar means for excavation is
considered as ordinary rock.. This may be quarried or split with crowbars or pickaxes and
includes lime stone, sand stone, hard laterite, hard conglomerate and reinforced cement
concrete below ground level. It will also include rock which is normally hard requiring
blasting when dry but can be excavated without blasting, wedging or similar means when
wet. It may require light blasting for loosening materials, but this will not any way entitle
the material to be classified as hard rock.
2. Hard Rock (Blasting prohibited)
This shall cover any hard rock requiring blasting as described in above but where blasting
is prohibited for any reason and excavation has to be carried out by chiseling, wedging.
drilling or any other approved method.
1.4.03 Authority for classification
The classification of excavation shall be decided by the Engg-In-charge(Divisional Engr.)
and his decision shall be final and binding on the Contractor.
1.4.04 Excavations for foundations and other purposes

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Excavations shall be of the minimum sizes necessary for the proper construction of the
works, and excavations shall not be kept open for periods longer than that reasonably
required to construct the works. The Contractor shall take all precautions necessary to
ensure that the bottoms of excavations are protected from deterioration and that the
excavations are carried out in such a manner that adjacent foundations, pipes or such like
are not undermined, damaged or weakened in any way. Any excavation taken out below
the proper level without approval shall be made good at the expense of the Contractor
using concrete or other material as directed.
1.4.05 Support of excavations
The Contractor shall be responsible for the stability of the sides of the excavations.
Excavation surfaces shall be close timbered or sheeted, planked and strutted as and when
necessary during the course of the works and shall ensure the safety of personnel working
within them. If any slips occur, they shall,as soon as practicable, be made good in an
approved manner at the expense of the Contractor. Shoring shall not be removed until the
possibility of damaging the works by earth pressure has passed. No payment for shoring or
timber left in shall be made, unless agreed in writing by the Engg In-charge (Divisional
1.4.06 Works to be in dry
All excavations shall be kept free from water and the Contractor shall take whatever action
is necessary to achieve this. Pumping, hand dewatering and other means necessary to
maintain the excavations free from water shall be at the expense of the Contractor, and
carried out in an approved manner.
1.4.07 Backfill
As soon as possible after the permanent foundation works are sufficiently hard and have
been inspected and approved, backfill shall be placed where necessary and thoroughly
consolidated in layers not exceeding two hundred (200) millimeters in depth. On
completion of structures, the earth surrounding them shall be accurately finished to the
line and grade as shown on the drawings. Finished surfaces shall be free of irregularities
and depressions. The soil to be used for back filling purposes shall be from the excavated
earth or from borrowed pits, as directed by the Engg In-charge (Divisional Engr.).
1.4.08 Disposal of surplus
Surplus excavated material not required or not approved for backfilling shall be loaded
and deposited either on or off site as directed. The Contractor shall not delay disposal of
surplus material after receipt of instructions from the Engg-In-charge (Divisional Engr.).
1.4.09 Requirement for fill material under foundations
The thickness of fill material under the foundations shall be such that the maximum
pressure from the footing, transferred through the fill material and distributed onto the

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original undisturbed soil will not exceed the allowable soil bearing pressure of the original
undisturbed soil. Where compacted fill is required it shall consist of suitable sand, or other
selective inorganic material, RRHG mixed with sand subject to approval by the Engg In-
charge (Divisional Engr.). The filling shall be done with locally available sand. The filled
in sand shall be kept immersed in water for sufficient time to ensure compaction, if so
desired by the Engg In-charge (Divisional Engr.).
The contractor shall furnish all labour, equipment and materials required for complete
performance of the works in accordance with the drawings, specification and direction of
the Engg In-charge (Divisional Engr.).Contour survey of proposed sub-station area
including the control room area has to be done by taking levels at an interval of two meters
in both the ways in the presence of JE /SDO. The detail contour survey should be traced
over the tracing graph paper and after duly signed by JE and SDO has to be submitted to
concern Executive /Divisional engineer for approval. The concern EE/ DE will approve
the contour after taking decision of height of the ground level to be maintained by
considering the HFL, surrounded land scape, etc with minimum cutting and filling if any.
The material required for site surfacing/gravel filling shall be free from all types of
organic materials and shall be of standard approved quality, and as directed by the Engg
In-charge (Divisional Engr.).The Contractor shall furnish and install the site surfacing to
the lines and grades as shown in the drawing and in accordance with the requirements and
direction of the Engg In-charge (Divisional Engr.). The soil of the entire switchyard area
shall be leveled before placing the site surfacing/gravel fill material. After all the
structures and equipment have been erected and accepted the site shall be maintained to
the lines and grades indicated in the drawing and rolled or compacted with suitable water
sprinkling to form a smooth and compact surface condition, which shall be matching with
finished ground level of the switchyard area. After due compaction of the surface of the
entire switchyard area shall be provided with plain cement concrete of 75 mm thickness
(1:4:8) mix. after proper compaction. Care shall be taken for proper gradient for easy
discharge of storm water.After the PCC is applied and surface prepared to the required
slope and grade a base layer of uncrushed/crushed broken gravel of 20 mm nominal size
shall be spread, rolled and compacted to a thickness 100 mm. The 20 -40 mm. nominal
size (for both layers) shall pass 100% through IS sieve designation 37.5 mm and nothing
through 16.0 mm. IS sieve. Engg In-charge (Divisional Engr.) by no means shall relieve
the contractor of their contractual obligations as stipulated in General and Special
Conditions of

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Adequate site drainage system (By using 1st. class Brick masonary of 1:5 cement motar,
PCC 1:4:8 & 1:2:4 ratio, Cement plastering &punning)shall be provided by the
All the transformer foundations should be designed for 5 MVA power transformers &
shall be as per the indicative drawing enclosed. The station transformer has to be column
mounted with provision of LA , HG Fuse, AB Switch etc. has to be done by the
1.4.13 Oil Recovery System
An oil recovery system shall be provided for all transformers (containing insulating oil or
any flammable or polluting liquid) in order to avoid spread of fire by the oil, and for
environmental protection by providing suitable common sump pits which can
accommodate 125% oil of one 5 MVA Transformer.
The cable trenches should be primarily of Brick masonry `supported with RCC pillars and
RCC base and . The drawings showing the details of fixing of cable racks in concrete
cable trench walls, fixing of cable tray, no. of layers to be provided has to be
provided by the contractor and to be get approved by the SOUTHCO.
1.22.16 Other Foundations
All foundations shall be designed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant parts of
latest revisions of IS 2911 and IS 456. Type of foundation system i.e. isolated footing, raft
or piling shall be decided based on the load intensity and soil strata.Twin Pole foundations
shall be designed for an additional factor of safety of 1.1 for normal/ broken wire
conditions and for short circuit condition.Circuit breaker foundations shall be designed for
impact loading and shall be strictly in accordance with the Manufacturer„s
recommendations.Switchyard foundation plinths and building plinths shall be minimum
300 mm and 500 mm above finished ground level respectively or as per minimum
required safety electrical clearance stipulated in IE Rule.
1.4.17 Cement
The cement to be used shall be the best quality of its type and must not be more than 3
months old in stock. All cement shall be sampled and tested in accordance with Indian
Standards.The Portland cement used in concrete shall confirm to IS 269.Requirement of
sulphate resistant cement (SRC) for sub structural works shall be decided in accordance
with the Indian Standards based on the findings of the detailed soil investigation to be
carried out by the contractor. High Alumina cement shall NOT be used.
1.4. 18 Aggregate

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Coarse and fine aggregate shall conform to the requirements of IS 383-1970.Sampling and
testing of aggregates shall be in accordance with the relevant Indian Standard. Fine and
coarse aggregates shall be obtained from the same source and the Contractor shall ensure
that material from the source is known to have a good service record over a long period of
time. Aggregate shall be hard and dense and free from earth, clay, loam and soft, clay,
shale or decomposed stone, organic matter and other impurities.
1.4.19 Storage of aggregates
Coarse and fine aggregates shall be stored on site in bins or on clean, dry, hard surfaces,
and be kept free from all sources of contamination. Aggregates of different gradings shall
be stored separately, and no new aggregate shall be mixed with existing stocks until tested,
and approved by the Engg In-charge (Divisional Engr.).
1.22.20 Water
Water used for mixing concrete and mortar shall be clean, fresh water obtained from an
approved source and free from harmful chemicals, oils, organic matter and other
impurities. Normally potable water may be considered satisfactorily for mixing and curing
concrete and masonry works.
1.4.21 Steel bar reinforcement
Reinforcement shall comply with the appropriate Indian Standards. All bar reinforcement
shall be hot rolled steel except where the use of cold worksed steel is specified on the
drawings or otherwise approved. The bars shall be round and free from corrosion, cracks,
surface flaws, laminations, rough, jagged and imperfect edges and other defects. The bar
reinforcement shall be new, clean and of the lengths and diameters described on the
Drawings and Schedules. Bars shall be transported and stored so that they remain clean,
straight, undamaged and free from corrosion, rust or scale. Bars of different diameters
shall be separately bundled.
1.4.22 Welding of reinforcement
Spot or tack welding for positioning bars in heavily reinforced areas will only be allowed
with the express permission of the Engg In-charge (Divisional Engr.). Extension of lengths
of reinforcement by welding will not be permitted. Welding will be approved only in low
stress members, and lap welding will not be approved in any circumstances.
1.4.23 Fixing of reinforcement
Before fixing in the works bars shall be seen to be free from pitting, mud, oil, paint, loose
rust or scale or other adherents harmful to the bond or strength of the reinforcement. Bars
shall be fixed rigidly and accurately in position in accordance with the working drawings,
unless otherwise approved by the Engg In-charge (Divisional Engr.). Reinforcement at all
intersections shall be securely tied together with 1.5 mm soft annealed tying wire the ends
of which shall be cut and bent inwards. Cover to the reinforcement shall be in accordance

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permissible standard and sufficient spacers and chairs of precast concrete of approved
design shall be provided to maintain the specified cover and position. No insertion of bars
in previously placed concrete shall be permitted. Projecting bars shall be adequately
protected from displacement. The fixing of reinforcement in the works shall be approved
by the Engg In-charge (Divisional Engr.) before concrete is placed. Measurement will be
based on the calculated weights of steel actually used in tonnes corrected to second place
of decimal.
1.4.24 Grades of concrete
Concrete shall be either ordinary or controlled and in grades designated M10,M15, M20
and M25 as specified in IS: 456 (latest edition). In addition, nominal mixes of 1:3: 6 and
1: 4: 8 of nominal size 40 mm maximum, or as indicated on drawings, or any other mix
without any strength requirements as per mix design shall be used where specified.
1.4.25 Curing of Concrete
In order to achieve proper and complete strength of the concrete, the loss of water from
evaporation should be prevented. Eighty to eighty five per cent of the strength is attained
in the first 28 days and hence this 28-day strength is considered to be the criterion for the
design and is called characteristic strength.
1.4.28 EARTHING :
Earth Grid should not be more than TWO meters square. This should be done by using
75x10 mm GI flats. Earth risers should be 50x6 mm GI flats. All equipments & metal
parts of the Sub-Station should be connected with main earth grid by using 50x6 GI flats
at two different places. The main earth grid should be laid not less than 600 mm below the
finished ground level. The lap welding should not less than 100 mm. The welding of joints
should be done after removal of Zinc by using Blow lamps. Welding should be done in all
four sides and should be double layer continuous. Before taking up the second layer
welding the deposited flux should be removed. During welding the two flats should be
tightened properly by using „ C „ clamps. Immediately after welding two layers of anti-
corrosive paints should be painted over the welded portion along with two coats of Black
bituminous paints. Before back filling of earth trenches the welded portion should be
covered by wrapping with bituminous tape properly and also jointing portion should be
covered with PCC (1:2:4) mix. The backfilling of earth pits and trenches should be done
with powered loam soil mixed with Bentonate powder (10:1) mix.All equipments, steel
structures etc should be connected with Main earth mat at two rows separately. All LAs,
PTs , Columns having spikes should individually connected with individual Pipe
electrodes and again should be connected with main earth grid at two separate places. The
Neutral of Power Transformer should be connected with two separate pipe electrodes and
again connected with main earth electrodes at two separate places. The separation distance

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between each pipe electrodes should not be less than 2 mts. The back filling of pipe
electrodes should be done in layer of Charcoal, Salt & loam soil mixed with Bentonate
power. There should be a closely spaced earth grid ( 1.5 mts square having .5 mts spacing)
below the mechanism boxes of each Isolators & AB switches. In Substation the diameter
of pipe electrode should not be less than 50 mm. The Flange( 50x6) mm GI flat should be
welded in all sides with Pipe electrode. In each face of Flange there should be two nos
17.5 mm hole to accommodate 16 mm GI Bolt nut with 1 no spring washer.The fencing of
sub-station should not directly connected with main earth grid.There should be a separate
earth grid ( 75x10) mm GI flat 2 mts away from fence and should be connected rigidly
with the fence at an interval of 5 mts. There should be one 50x6 mm earth flat run over the
cable rack and should be connected with main earth grid at an interval of 5 mts The
jointing portion of earth flats over the ground should be painted with two coats of Anti-
corrosive paints and two coats of good quality of Aluminium paints (Berger/Asian
paints).The water hydrant system should be provided in the areas where earth resistivity
more and soil is hard in nature as per the direction of Engineer in charge. Each handles of
Isolators/AB switches etc should be connected with earth grid by using flexible Tinned
Copper earth bonds. In each earth switches TWO nos flexible earth bonds should be
provided. Each earth pits having pipe electrodes should be provided 250 mm Brick wall
chambers with RCC cover Slab.
1.Except where otherwise specified or implied, the Contract Works shall comply with the
latest edition of the relevant Indian Standards, International Electro-technical Commission
(IEC) standards and any other standards mentioned in this Specification. The Contractor
may submit for approval, equipment or materials conforming to technically equivalent
National Standards. In such cases copies of the relevant Standards or part thereof, in the
English language shall be submitted with the Tender. In case of conflict the order of
precedence shall be (1) IEC, (2) IS and (3) other alternative standard.
Reference to a particular standard or recommendation in this Specification does not relieve
the Contractor of the necessity of providing the Contract Works complying with other
relevant standards or recommendations.The list of standards provided in the schedules of
this Specification is not to be considered exhaustive and the Contractor shall ensure that
equipment supplied under this contract meets the requirements of the relevant standard
whether or not it is mentioned therein.

(a) Unless otherwise specified, all materials covered under this specification shall be
designed, manufactured, tested and installed in conformity with the latest Indian
Standard Specifications. In case such Indian Standard Specifications are not
published equivalent British Standard Specifications shall be followed. All
equipments shall confirm to latest Indian Electricity Rules, CEA Regulations,

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PWD and Local/State laws or byelaws as regards to safety, earthing and other
essential provisions specified therein.
(b) All equipments and materials selected shall also be supplied and installed taking
into consideration the Factories Act, Fire Regulations and Local laws or byelaws.
All light fittings and equipments selected shall be of well tied out design. All
materials used in the assembly of fittings and their accessories shall be of high
quality and manufactured in accordance with the best modern practice.
(c) All the materials supplied by the contractor according to the contract conditions
will be subject to inspection and approval by the Consultant or/and Engineer-in-
charge or their authorized representative from time to time. The contractor shall
extend all required facilities for such inspection free of cost. At the time of
inspection, the inspecting officer shall have full liberty to reject any such material,
which does not confirm to specifications or the requirements. The owner shall not
entertain any claim for the rejected materials. The contractor shall remove all
rejected materials from the site at his own cost.
(d) The owner shall not accept any surplus material procured by the contractor.
(e) The contractor will be responsible to get electrical installations inspected by the
Electrical Inspector of the State Government and to obtain the statutory clearance
for energisation. The owner will reimburse the necessary inspection fees on
production of documentary evidences.
(f) The contractor should possess valid electrical contract licence and labour licence
issued by the appropriate statutory authority of the State Government during the
execution of the contract.
(g) The contractor shall be registered with Provident Fund Department for engagement
of Labours/ Employees.



Survey & scope of works:

1.1 Survey & Engineering, preparation of BOQ shall be carried out by the contractor
for the lines.

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1.2 Aligning / erection of DP Structures in the route of line along with strengthening of its
foundation is in the scope of bidder.
1.3 Before undertaking the construction works in the given line the bidder shall make
assessment of quantity of the required materials in consultation /presence of Owner‟s
representative. Accordingly the BOQ of the works is to be prepared by the bidder and get it
approved from Engineer In charge.
1.4 Any other works not mentioned above exclusively but required for accomplishing
desired works will be in the scope of the bidder.
1.5 For all above activities shutdown shall be arranged by the subject to advanced notice in
writing by the bidder.
1.6 While placing the equipment, if any equipment gets damaged due to negligent handling of
the contractor, the same shall be back charged to the contractor at panel rate.
1.7 Due to heavy conductor being used for conductoring failure containment structures
(DP Structure) may be required along the entire length shall be provided for lines as
approved by Owner’s Engineer In charge.The DP structures with suspension type
insulators shall be used along the line and each 5th point shall be a Cut-point.
a. Span length of for 33 KV lines – 50 meter
b. The line will be constructed in DP Structures with 10 meter long,150x150 RS Joist
b. Each 5th location will be a cut-point
2.0 Crossings
2.0.1 Road Crossings:- At all road crossings, the poles shall be fitted with strain
type insulators. The ground clearance from the road surfaces under maximum
sag condition shall be as per IS 5613.
2.0.2 Power Line Crossings- Where the line is to cross over another line of the
same voltage or lower voltage, provisions to prevent the possibility of their coming
into contact with each shall be made in accordance with the Indian Electricity
Rules, 1956 as amended from time to time. All the works related to the above
proposal shall be deemed to be included in the scope of the contractor.
3.0 Details Enroute-After survey and finalization of route, the contractor shall submit
detailed route map for each line.
This would be including following details:
a) All poles on both sides of all the crossings shall be tension poles i.e. disc type
insulators shall be used on these poles. At all the crossing described above the
contractor shall use protective guarding as per REC Construction Standard A-1 to
fulfill statutory requirements for 11 kV trunks & main spur line. 11 kV branch spur
line, being in the village, protective guarding shall be used all along with line.
b) Clearance from Ground, Building, Trees etc. – Clearance from ground, buildings,
trees and telephone lines shall be provided in conformity with the Indian Electricity
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Rules,1956 as amended up to date. The vendor shall select the height (out of 8
mtr/ 9mtr / 10mtr / 11 mtr.) of the poles in order to achieve the prescribed
electrical clearances.
4.0 Final Schedule-The final schedule including Bill of quantity indicating location of
poles specifically marking locations of failure containment pole/structure, DTs 11
kV line sectionalizes, line tapping points;angle of deviation at various tension
pole locations, all type of crossings and other details shall be submitted for the
approval of the Owner.
5.0 Pole & Pole Erection
5.1 Type of Poles
Joist poles of various sizes as per enclosed BOQ shall be used.
5.2 Excavation of Pits
a) For excavation of the foundation pit, a hole should be drilled in the ground
preferably with the use of earth-augers. However, if earth-augers are not
available, a pit shall be made in the direction of the line for all the locations, except
the locations of failure containment structures. The minimum planting depth of
poles shall be governed by IS: 1678. However due to the ground conditions e.g.
water logged area etc. depth of planting of poles shall be suitably increased with
prior approval of the Engineer In charge.
b) Excavation cost for pits shall be included by the contractor in the bid for pole
erection for following type of soils inclusive of dewatering of pits and shorting and
shuttering wherever necessary.
i) All type of soils and soil conditions including hard rock.
ii) Hard rock No separate claim for dewatering during excavation, shoring and
shuttering shall be entertained. For hard rock, the excavation cost per location
shall remain same for all type of foundations.
c) In case of non-availability of earth-augers, the pits shall be excavated with pick
axes, crow bar and shovels. Controlled blasting shall be permitted only in case of
hard or rocky soil. The contractor shall be responsible for any damage or
accidents arising out of the process of blasting. Blasting is not permitted if the
area around location is inhabited. In such case, the contractor shall have to follow
other methods like drilling etc.
5.3 Foundation & Pole Erection:Size of foundation of each type of pole is given
at Annexure-A of this section. The type of foundation for individual poles shall be
decided during detailed engineering.
a) Erection of Poles: The poles are to be erected in alignment with utmost care. The
poles shall then be lifted to the pit with the help of wooden supports. The pole
shall then be kept in the vertical position with the help of 25 mm (min) manila
ropes which shall act as the temporary anchor. The verticality of the pole shall be
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checked by sprit level in both longitudinal & transverse directions. Once, this is
done, the back filling/concreting shall be done in the pit. The temporary anchor
shall be removed only when poles set properly in the foundation.
b) Earthing of Poles
In 33 KV & 11 kV line, each poles shall be earthed with coil earthing as per REC
construction standard J-1 and earthing for 33/11KV S/S shall be as per REC
7.0 Danger Boards
The vendor shall provide & install danger plates on all 33 KV & 11 kV DP structures.
The danger plates shall conform to REC specification No. 57/1993
8.0 Anti-climbing Devices
The vendor shall provide and install anti-climbing device on all 33 KV & 11 kV DP
structures.This shall be done with G.I. Barbed wire. The barbed wire shall conform to
IS-278 (Grade A1).The barbed wires shall be given chromating dip as per procedure
laid down in IS: 1340.
9.0 Insulators & Hardware Fittings.
9.1 For 11 kV Line
a) Cross Arm for 11 kV line: The contractor shall install “V” Shape cross arm GI/MS
as per REC Construction Standard
b) Back Clamp for “V” cross arm: The contractor shall install Back Clamp for “V” cross
arm as per REC Construction Standard.
c) Pole Top Bracket: The contractor shall install Pole top Brackets as per REC
Construction Standard
d) Insulators and Insulator Fittings: The contractor shall supply & install Disc & Pin
insulator REC Construction Standards
10.0 Fittings Common to all Line
a) Pin Insulator Binding: The contractor shall use AL. Binding wire for binding shall be
as per REC Construction Standards.
b) Mid Span Compression Joint & Repair Sleeves: The contractor shall supply &
install the Mid Span Compression Joint and Repair Sleeves as per IS: 2121 (Part II).
c) Guy/Stay wire Clamp: The contractor shall supply & install Guy/Stay wire Clamp as
per REC Construction Standard
11.0 Stay/Guy Sets
a) The Stay/Guys shall be used at the following pole locations;
i) At all the tapping points & dead end poles
ii) At all the points where DT is installed
iii) At all the points as per REC construction dwg. No. A-10 ( for the diversion angle of
10-60 degree)
iv) Both side poles at all the crossing for road, nallaha, railway crossings etc.
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b) The arrangement and number of stay sets to be installed on different pole
structures shall be as per REC Construction Standards no. A-23 to A-27, G-5 & G-8.
However, this shall be decided finally during erection, as per the advice of Engineer In
charge of SOUTHCO.Complete stay set shall be as per REC Construction Standards
no. G-1. The stay clamp is envisaged as GS structure along with other clamps
brackets etc.
12.0 Erection of stay sets
The contractor shall install the stay set complete in all respect. This includes
excavation of pit size 0.5 x0.5 x 1.6 meter in all kinds of soil including laterite/hard
rocks. Stay plate and anchor rod shall be pre cast with PCC in the ratio 1:2:4 (the
volume of PCC shall be 0.5 x0.5x0.8 meter) and shall be placed in the bottom of the
pit. The rest (upper half) of the pit shall be filled with excavated soil duly compacted
layer by layer. An angle between 30 to 45 degrees shall be maintained between stay
wire and the pole. The stay wire shall be used with a stay insulator at a height of 5
mts. above ground level with F.I. turn buckle.
13.1 Type of Conductors
a) For 11 kV Line: 55 mm² All Aluminum Alloy Conductor (AAAC) shall be used in 11
KV main & S/S associated lines.
b) For 33 kV Line: 232 mm² / 100 mm² All Aluminum Alloy Conductor (AAAC) shall be
used in 33 KV main & S/S associated lines
13.2 Running Out of the Conductors
a) The contractor shall be entirely responsible for any damage to the pole or
conductors during stringing. The conductors shall be run out of the drums from the
top in order to avoid damage to conductor
b) A suitable braking device shall be provided to avoid damaging, loose running out
and kinking of the conductors. Care shall be taken to ensure that the conductor does
not touch and rub against the ground or objects, which could scratch or damage the
c) The sequence of running out shall be from the top to down i.e. the top conductor
shall be run out first, followed in succession by the side conductors. Unbalanced
loads on poles shall be avoided as far as possible. Wherever applicable, inner phase
off-line conductors shall be strung before the stringing of the outer phases is taken
d) When lines being erected run parallel to existing energized power lines, the
Contractor shall take adequate safety precautions to protect personnel from the
potentially dangerous voltage build up due to electromagnetic and electrostatic
coupling in the pulling wire, conductors and earth wire during stringing operations.

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e) The Contractor shall also take adequate safety precautions to protect personnel
from potentially dangerous voltage build up due to distant electrical storms or any
other reason.
13.3 Repairs to Conductors
a) The conductor shall be continuously observed for loose or broken strands or any
other damage during the running out operations.
b) Repair to conductors, if necessary, shall be carried out with repair sleeves and not
more than one repair sleeve will be used in one span.
c) Repairing of the conductor surface shall be carried out only in case of minor
damage, scuff marks, etc. The final conductor surface shall be clean, smooth and free
from projections, sharp points, cuts, abrasions etc.
d) The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for any damage to the poles,
insulators etc during stringing.
13.4 Stringing of Conductor
a) The stringing of the conductor shall be done by the standard stringing method.
b) The Bidder shall submit complete details of the stringing method for owner’s
approval. Prior to stringing, the contractor shall submit the stringing charts for the
conductor showing the initial and final sags and tension at various temperatures and
spans, along with equivalent spans in the lines for the approval of the owner.
c) Conductors shall not be allowed to hang in the stringing blocks for more than 96
hours before being pulled to the specified sag.
d) Conductor creep are to be compensated by over tensioning the conductor at
temperature of 26ºC lower than the ambient temperature or by using the initial sag
and tensions indicated in the tables.
e) Derricks or other equivalent methods shall be used to ensure that normal services
are not interrupted and any property is not damaged during stringing operations for
roads, telecommunication lines, power lines and railway lines. However, shut-down
shall be obtained when working at crossings of overhead power lines. The contractor
shall make specific request for the same to the owner.
13.5 Jointing
a) When approaching the end of a drum length at least three coils shall be left in
place when the stringing operations are stopped. These coils are to be removed
carefully, and if another length is required to be run out, a joint shall be made as per
the recommendations of the accessories manufacturer.
b) Conductor splices shall not crack or otherwise be susceptible to damage during
stringing operation. The Contractor shall use only such equipment/methods during
conductor stringing which ensures complete compliance in this regard.
c) All the joints on the conductor shall be of compression type, in accordance with the
recommendations of the manufacturer, for which all necessary tools and equipment
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like compressors, dies etc., shall be arranged by the contractor. Each part of the joint
shall be cleaned by wire brush till it is free of rust or dirt, etc. This shall be properly
greased with anti-corrosive compound if recommended by the manufacturer, before
the final compression is carried out with the compressors.
d) All the joints or splices shall be made at least 30 metres away from the pole. No
joints or splices shall be made in spans crossing over main roads, railway line and
Small River spans. Not more than one joint per conductor per span shall be allowed.
The compression type fittings shall be of the self centering type or care shall be taken
to mark the conductors to indicate when the fitting is centered properly.
e) During compression or splicing operation, the conductor shall be handled in such a
manner as to prevent lateral or vertical bearing against the dies. After compressing
the joint, the aluminum sleeve shall have all corners rounded; burrs and sharp edges
removed and smoothened.
f) To avoid any damage to the joint, the contractor shall use a suitable protector for
mid span compression joints in case they are to be passed over pulley blocks/aerial
rollers.The pulley groove size shall be such that the joint along with protection can be
passed over it smoothly.
13.6 Tensioning and Sagging Operations:
a) The tensioning and sagging shall be done in accordance with the approved
stringing charts or sag tables.
b) The sag shall be checked in the first and the last section span for sections up to
eight spans and in one additional intermediate span for sections with more than eight
spans Tensioning and sagging operations shall be carried out in calm weather when
rapid changes in temperature are not likely to occur.
13.7 Clipping
a) Clipping of the conductors into position shall be done in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
b) Jumpers at section and angle towers shall be formed to parabolic shape to ensure
maximum clearance requirements. Pilot pin insulator shall be used, if found
necessary,to restrict jumper swing & to ensure proper clearance to design values.
c) Fasteners in all fittings and accessories shall be secured in position. The security
clip shall be properly opened and sprung into position.
13.8 Replacement:
If any replacements are to be effected after stringing and tensioning or during
maintenance e.g.replacement of cross arms, the conductor shall be suitably tied to
the pole at tension points or transferred to suitable roller pulleys at suspension points.
14.0 Final Checking, Testing and Commissioning

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a) After stringing have been done as approved by the engineer, to ensure that
everything is complete in all respects, the works shall be thoroughly inspected
keeping in view the following main points.
b) All the bolts and nuts should be of GI materials as per relevant IS.
c) The stringing of the cable has been done as per the approved sag and desired
clearances are achieved.
d) No damage, minor or major to the cable, messenger wire and accessories
e) The contractor shall submit a report to the above effect to the Engineer in Charge,
who shall inspect and verify the correctness of the report. In case it is noticed that
some or any of the above is not fulfilled, the engineer shall get such items rectified by
the contractor no extra cost to the owner.
f) After final checking, the line shall be tested for insulation resistance in accordance
with IS 1255:1983. All arrangements for such testing or any other test desired by the
Engineer-in-charge shall be done by the contractor and necessary labour, transport
and equipment shall be provided by him. Any defect found out as a result of such
tests shall be rectified by the contractor, forthwith at no extra cost to the owner.
g) Sufficient backfilled earth covers each foundation pit and is adequately compacted.
h) All poles are used strictly according to final approved drawing and are free of any
defect or damage whatsoever.
i) The stringing of the conductors and earth wire has been done as per the approved
sag and tension charts and desired clearances as clearly available.
j) All conductor and messenger wire accessories are properly installed.
k) All other requirements for completion of works such as fixing of danger plate and
anticlimbing device have been fulfilled.
l) Wherever required, the proper revetment (erosion protection) is provided
m) The insulation of the line as a whole is tested by the Contractor through provision
of his own equipment, labour etc., to the satisfaction of the Owner.
n) Proper earthing of the poles.
15.0 HT/LT/Road Crossing Guarding.
The contractor shall install protective guarding as per REC construction standard A-1
for 11 kV line & M6 for 33 KV lines, the guarding shall be provided at all the crossing
i.e. road,telecommunication & power lines, railway line, nallaha etc,
The contractor is required to follow local statutory regulations stipulated in Electricity
(Supply) Act 1948, Indian Electricity Rules 1956 as amended and other local rules
and regulations referred in these specifications.
Reference Standards
The codes and/or standards referred to in the specifications shall govern, in all cases
wherever such references are made. In case of a conflict between such codes and/or
standards and the specifications, latter shall govern. Such codes and/or standards,
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referred to shall mean the latest revisions, amendments/ changes adopted and
published by the relevant agencies unless otherwise indicated. Other internationally
accepted standards which ensure equal or better
performance than those specified shall also be accepted, subject to prior approval by
the Owner. In case no reference is given for any item in these specifications, latest
REC specification & Construction Standards shall be referred to.

Superintending Engineer(Store & Proc)

Southco, Berhampur



1. General:

The structure materials for DP structure and others shall be fabricated with specified
sections of mild steel materials as per the drawing and bill of quantity. These structure
materials and cross arms shall be fastened with clamps or other structure materials by
means of 5/8" diameter G.I. bolts of appropriate length only. After fabrication or erection
Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 60 of 126
the structure materials/ cross arms shall be painted with two coats each of red oxide primer
and aluminium paint.
2.Applicable Standard
Materials shall conform to the latest applicable Indian standards. In case bidders offer steel
section and supports conforming to any other international specifications which shall be
equivalent or better than IS, the same is also acceptable.

Sl.No. Standard No. Title

1 IS: 2062 Grade„A‟Quality Specification for M.S.Angles,
2 IS: 2062 Chemical and Physical
composition of material
3 IS: 1852 Rolling and Cutting Tolerances
for Hot Rolled Steel products

3) Raw material
The Steel Sections shall be re-rolled from the BILLETS/INGOTS of tested quality as per
latest version of IS: 2830 or to any equivalent International Standard and shall be arranged
by the bidder from their own sources. The Chemical composition and Physical properties
of the finished material shall be as per the equivalent standards.

The insulators shall be of porcelain. These shall be non-absorbent and vitreous

throughout. The exposed surface shall be glazed. Unless otherwise it is
specified,the glaze is of brown colour.The glaze shall cover all the porcelain parts
of the insulator except those areas which serve as supports during firing or are
left unglazed for the purpose of assembly.The insulators shall have adequate
mechanical strength, high degree of resistance to electrical puncture, resistance
to climatic & atmospheric conditions prevailing at site and made from one piece
of moulded porcelain.
Applicable standard:
Unless otherwise it is stipulated in this specification,the insulators shall comply
with Indian standard specification IS: 731-1971 and the insulator fittings with IS
2486(Part-I)-1971 and IS: 2486(Part-II)-1974 or the latest version thereof.
(i)Disc Insulator
Disc insulators made of glazed porcelain shall be used as insulators on dead
ends or on suspension type lines of 11 KV and above. Ball & Socket type (B&S)
disc insulators of mechanical strength not less than 70KN shall be used
confirming to IS: 731/1971. These shall be mounted on metallic cross-arms with
the help of suitable non-magnetic galvanised iron hardware fittings.Small fittings
like spring washers,nuts etc may be electro-galvanised.

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(ii)Pin Insulators
The minimum creep-age distance of 840 mm for 33000 volts. These shall be
mounted on metallic cross-arms with the help of non-magnetic threaded
galvanised iron pins.The pins shall be a single piece obtained preferably by the
process of forging.The threads of the nuts shall be cut after galvanising and shall
be well oiled and greased.
(iii)Stay Insulator
The stay insulators used for stay installation and guy wires shall confirm to IS:
(iv) Post type insulators
Post insulator shall conform in general to IS 2544, IEC 168 and IEC 815.

The wires shall be drawn from steel made by open hearth basic oxygen or electric arc
furnace process and of such quality that when drawn to the size of wires specified and
coated with Znic, the finished strand and the individual wires shall be of uniform quality
and have properties and characteristic as specified in this specification.

1.Applicable standards:

The GI stranded wire shall comply with the specific requirements of IS:2141-1979,IS:
4826-1979,IS:6594-1974 or the latest version thereof.
The wires shall be drawn from the wire rods conforming to IS:7887-1975 or the latest
version thereof.
1. Applicable standard:

The GI wire shall comply with the specific requirements of IS: 280-1978 and IS: 7887-
1975 or the latest version thereof.
The wires shall be galvanized with Heavy coating as per IS: 4826-1979 or the latest
version thereof.



This specification covers manufacturing testing and supply of 33 KV, 400 AMPS,50HZ Air
Break switches for out door installation in horizontal configuration. The switches are suitable
for operation under off load conditions only and are intended for use on Sub – stations and
tapping sectionalizing points of 33 KV lines.

2. Applicable Standards: -

The AB Switch Set shall conform to the following standards: -

a) IS-9920 (Part-I to V)
b) IS-2544/1973 (for porcelain post insulators)
c) IS-2633, (for galvanization of ferrous parts.) or its latest amendments if any.

3. Description of the materials: -

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The 33 KV A.B. Switch sets shall confirm to the following parameters: -
a) Number of poles 3
b) Number of Post insulator per pole 4 nos22/24 KV postinsulator.
c) Nominal system voltage 33 KV
d) Highest system voltage 36 KV
e) Rated frequency 50Hz
f) System earthling effectively earthed.
g) Rated nominal current 400 amps
h) Altitude of installation Not exceeding 1000M

The post insulators used in the A.B. Switches shall have the following ratings :-
a) Power frequency withstand voltage (dry) 95 KV (RMS)
b) Power frequency withstand voltage(wet) 75 KV (RMS)
c) Impulse withstand voltage(dry) 170 KV
d) Power frequency puncture withstand 1.3 times of actual dry flash over voltage.

4. Insulator make: -
22/24 KV post insulators complete with post and cap duly cemented to be used in the AB
Switch Set conforming to IS-2544/1973. The bidder shall furnish the type test certificate of the
post insulators from their manufacturer for reference and scrutiny. The bidder shall mention
make, type of insulation materials, metal fittings, Creepage distance, protected Creepage
distance, tensile Strength, compressing strength, torsion strength and cantilever strength.

5. Other technical details: -

5.1 General: - The 33 KV A.B. Switch Set shall be the gang operated rotating single air break
type having 4 no.s of post insulators per phase. The operating mechanism shall be suitable for
manual operation from the ground level and shall be so designed that all the three phases shall
open or close simultaneously. The Switches shall be robust in construction, easy in operation
and shall be protected against over travel or staining that might adversely affect any of its
parts. The required base M.S. Channel (hot dip galvanized) phase coupling rod, operation rod
with intermediate guide braided with flexible electrolytic copper, tail piece of required current
carrying capacity and operation mechanism with „ON‟ & „OFF‟positions shall be provided.
The operation rod shall be medium gage of 32 mm diameter nominal bore G.I. pipe single
length 6 meters. The phase coupling rod for gang operation shall be of medium gauge 25 mm
dia. nominal bore G.I pipe. The Rating post insulators shall be provide with suitable bearing
mounted on a base channel with 8mm dia thrust collar and 6mm split pin made out of
stainless steel. The operating down rod shall be coupled to the spindle (minimum) dia – 32mm
for gang operation through another suitable bearing by two numbers 10mm dia stainless
steel bolts with double nuts. All the bearings shall be provided with grease nipple. All metal
(ferrous) parts shall be galvanized an polished. The pipe shall be galvanized in accordance
with IS-4736/1968.The post insulators should be fixed with the base channel using Galvanized
Nuts and Bolts.

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5.2. Mounting:- The A.B. Switches shall be suitable for horizontal mounting in double pole
sub-station structures. MS Galvanized base Channel & base support channel should be of min.
size 75x40x6 mm.
5.3. Switching Blades: - It shall be made out of electrolytic copper with silver plated. The
approximate size shall be 250mm X 50X 8 mm. The Switch shall have such a spring
mechanism so as to ensure that the speed of the opening of contact is independent of speed of
manual operation.
5.4. Fixed Contracts: - The fixed Jaw type female contracts shall be made of electrolytic
copper (minimum 95% copper composition) of size (80X50X8)mm duly silver coated. Each
contact is riveted with 3 no.s copper rivets with bunch of copper foils of thickness of 0.25/0.5
mm of each foil and the thickness of copper foil per jaw is 6mm and controlled by stainless
steel high pressure spring housed in robust G.I. Cover. It is essential that provision shall be
made in fixed female contacts to take the shock arising from the closing of move contract
blade without the same being transmitted to the post insulator. The arrangement made in this
regard shall be specifically shown in the drawing.
5.5 Arcing Horn: - As the switches are generally meant for isolating transmission line and
power transformers, suitable arcing horns shall be provided for breaking the charging current.
The horn shall be made of 10mm dia G.I. Rod with spring assisted operation.
5.6 Terminal Connectors: - Terminal connectors shall be robust in design. The size of fixed
connector shall be (80 X 50 X 8 mm) and size of movable connector shall be of (80 X 50) X
(80 X 50) X 8 mm of copper casting with uniform machine finishing duly silver plated made
out of minimum 95% copper composition with 2 nos. 12mm dia holes provided with suitable
brass bolts and double nuts, flat washers & 2nos. bimetallic solder less sockets suitable upto
80 mm² /100 mm² conductor.
5.7 Spacing: - The phase clearance i.e. center-to-center distance between the insulators of
adjacent phases in the assembled position of the isolator shall be 1200 mm. The center-to-
center distance between the insulators of adjacent poles of the same phase in the assembled
position of the switch shall be 400 mm.
5.8 Sample, Drawing & Literatures: - Sample of each items 33 KV 400 amps. A.B. Switch
shall be furnished and three copies of drawings item similar to the sample shall be furnished
along with the tender.
6. The details of construction and materials of different parts of the A.B. Switch shall clearly
be indicate in the tender and illustrative pamphlet / literature for the same shall be submitted
along with the tender.
7.1 Type Test: - Certificate for the following type tests conducted (within five years
proceeding to the date of opening of the tender)on a prototype set of A.B. Switch in a NABL
approved test house/CPRI shall have to be submitted along with offer.
• Dielectric Test (impulse and one minute were power frequency withstand voltage test.)
Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 64 of 126
• Temperature rise test (for contracts and terminals)
• Shorts Time current and peak withstand current test.
• Mainly active load breaking capacity test.
• Transformer off-load breaking capacity test.
• Line charging breaking capacity test.
• Cable charging breaking test.
• Operation and mechanical endurance test.
• Mechanical strength test for post insulator, as per IS-2444/1937 shall be furnished.
• Test for galvanization of metal (ferrous) parts.
7.2 Routine /Acceptance Test: - The inspection may be carried out by the Purchaser at any
stage of manufacture. The successful bidder shall grant free access to the Purchaser‟s
representative at a reasonable time when the works is in progress. The following routine tests
shall have to be conducted on each set and results are to be furnished for consideration of
deputing inspecting officer for inspection and conduction testing of the materials at the works
of the manufacturer. the supplier shall give fifteen days advance intimation to the Purchaser to
enable him to depute his representative for witnessing the tests.
1. Power frequency voltage dry test.
2. Measurement of resistance of main circuit.
3. Tests to prove satisfactory operation.
4. Dimension Check
5. Galvanization test.
6. Operational test.
8.0 Guaranteed Technical Particulars: - The bidder shall furnish the guaranteed technical
particular duly filled in the format along with the tender.
9.0 Completeness of Equipment: -
All fittings, accessories of apparatus which may not have been specifically mentioned in this
specification but which are usual or necessary in equipment of similar plat shall be deemed to
be included in the specification and shall be supplied by the Tender without extra charge. All
plant and equipment shall be completed in all details whether such details are mentioned in the
specification or not.


SL Requirements Bidder's
No. 33KV,400Amps AB Switches Offer

1 Maker's name and address To be specified by bidder

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2 Suitable for mounting Horizontal only

3 Type of switch Rotating type only

No. of Post Insulators per 4nos. of 22KV/24 KV Post Insulators per
4 phase phase

5 Post Insulator
Maker‟s Name & Country of Reputed make . All the post insulators
A Manufacture of Post Insulator provided shall be of same make.

B Type of cementing Original Cementing only.

1 minute Power frequency
C withstand voltage (Dry) 95KV RMS
1 minute Power frequency
d withstand voltage (Wet) 75KV RMS

E Visible discharge voltage 27 KV (RMS)

F Dry flash over voltage 95 KV

Power frequency puncture
G withstand voltage 1.3 times of actual dry flash over voltage.
Impulse withstand voltage
H (Switch in position) 170KV (Peak)
430 mm(minimum). Actual creepage
distance for which type test has been
I Creapage distance conducted is to be supplied.
Impulse withstand voltage for
6 positive & negative polarity

A Across the isolating distance 195KV (Peak)

B To earth & between poles 170KV (Peak)

Rated one minute power
7 frequency withstand voltage

A Across the isolating distance 100KV(RMS)

B To earth & between poles 75KV(RMS)

Rated normal current and
8 rated frequency 400 Amps and 50 HZ

9 Rated short time current 16 KA (RMS)

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10 Rated peak withstand current 40 KA ( RMS)

Rated transformer off load
11 breaking capacity 6.3 A (RMS)
Rated line charging breaking
12 capacity 6.3 A (RMS)
Rtaed cable charging
13 breaking capacity 16 A (RMS)
Minimum clearance between
14 adjacent phase
Switch closed (center to
A center) 1200 mm
Switch opened (Center of
post insulator to the edge of
B the blade) 640 mm

15 Temperature rise:
The Temperature rise should
not exceed the maximum
limit as specified at an
ambient temperature not
a. exceeding 40oC 65 ˚C
Copper contacts silver faced
terminal of switch intended to
be conducted to external
conductor by bolts or screws
at an ambient temperature
B should not exceed. 50 ˚C
Vertical clearance from top of
insulator cap to mounting
16 channel 508 mm Minium
a. Self aligned high pressure jaw type
fixed contacts of electrolytic copper of
size 80x50x8 mm duly silver plated .Each
contact should be riveted with three nos.
copper rivets with a bunch (Minimum
3mm Thick) consisting of copper foils
amy vary from 0.15 mm to 0.25
mm(Total thickness of copper foil per
jaw shall be 6mm ). Jaw assembles are to
be bolted through brass bolts and nuts
17 Type of connect with brass flat and spring washer.
b.Solid rectangular blade type moving
contact of of electrolytic copper size
250X50X8 mm silver plated
c.Pressure springs are to be used in each
jaw contacts should be phosphorous
bronze having 8nos. of turns X28mm
heights X14.4mm diameter with 14 SWG
wire .(Minimum 6 no.s spring shall be
Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 67 of 126
Terminal connector for both movable and
fixed should be of copper casting (
minimum 95 % copper composition). The
fixed connector shall be of size
(80x50)x8 mm and the size of the
movable connector(80x50)x(80x50)x8
mm with machine finishing duly silver
plated with 2 nos. 12 mm dia. hole with
suitable brass bolts and double nuts with
brass flat washer and 2 nos. solderless
bimettalic sockets per each connector
suitable upto 80mm²/100mm² conductor.
The sockets shall be preferably of “Usha
18 Terminal connector Martin” make.
Movable contact is to be supported by G.I
Angle of size 50x50x5 mm on each phase
and the moving contact are to be bolted
Moving Contact supporting through 2 nos. stainless flat and spring
19 angle washers suitably.
a) Iron parts are hot dip Galvanized as per
IS.2629/1985(1st revision) (Latest
20 Galvanization Amendment)

b) The pipe is galvanized as per IS-

4736/1968(Latest Amendment)

21 Details of Phase:
25mm nominal bore G.I.Pipe medium
a) Coupling Rod gauge.
32mm nominal bore G.I.Pipe medium
b) Operating Rod gauge single length 6meters.
Diameter Wall
Nominal Max. Min. Thickness
34.2 33.33
25 mm mm mm 3.25 mm

32 mm mm 42 mm 3.25 mm
8 mm dia G.I.Rod with spring assisted
c) Arching Horn operation.
One bearing shall be provided near the
d) Bearing System base channel to assist in operation.
e) Force of fixed contact
spring 50-75 lb

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320mm long flexible electrolytic copper
tape or bradided chord with tin coated
having minimum weight 450 gm/mtr.And
both ends shall be cripped with copper
sockets through brass bolts and nuts with
brass flat washers.Two no.s of suitable
copper sockets shall be used at both ends.
The socket should be preferably of
'DOWEL' make or equivalent 'USHA
MARTIN' make. The minimum no. of
f) Copper braided flexible flexible wires should be 1536 of 36 SWG
tapes for each flexible chord.

g) Quick break device Lever Mechanism

4 nos self lubricating bearing is to be
provided with grease nipple including 4th
bearing being a thrust bearing
h)Bearings arrangement.
Pad Lock and key arrangement at both
i) Locking Arrangement “ON & OFF” position..

j) Earth terminal To be Provided at base channel .

The „T‟ connector provided on the
channel having „Moving Contact‟ shall be
of G.I Nut & Bolt at the bottom end to
facilitate replacement of this unit only
during requirement and avoid entire
k) „T‟ connector change of the arm.
The „I-Bolt” shall be longer with 75 mm
l) I-Bolt thread.
75mmx40mm M.S.Channel. (Hot dip
22 Supporting Channel galvanized)

23 Weight of each pole complete 50 Kg (Approximately)

i) Ferrous parts shall be duely galvanized as per IS :2629/1985(1st.
Revision), (Latest Amendment) and non-ferrous parts shall be silver
N.B plated.

ii) The G.I pipes and rods shall be galvanized as per IS:4736/1968(1st.
Revision), (Amendment-1) for hot-dipped zink coating on M.S. Tube.
iii) Certificate from a Government approved laboratory regarding
composition of copper in electrolytic copper casting of materials should
be submitted during inspection of materials at the cost of tenderer.
iv) Items not covered in the G.T.P, but relevant in Design, manufacturing,
quality control & testing of materials shall be governed by the relevant IS
with latest Amendment.
v) Type test report from CPRI or NABL accredited laboratory should be


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(This form is to be duly filled up by the bidder & submit along with the Tender)


1. Scope: -

This specification covers manufacturing testing and supply of 11KV, 400 AMPS 50HZ Air
Break switches for out door installation in horizontal configuration. The switches are suitable
for operation under off load conditions only and are intended for use on Distribution Sub –
stations and tapping sectionalizing points of 11 KV lines.

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 70 of 126


2. Description of the materials: -

The 11KV A.B. Switch sets shall confirm to the following parameters: -
a) Number of poles 3
b) Number of Post insulator per pole 2nos12KVpostinsulator.
c) Nominal system voltage 11KV
d) Highest system voltage 12KV
e) Rated frequency 50Hz
f) System earthling effectively earthed.
g) Rated nominal current 400 amps
h) Altitude of installation Not exceeding1000M

The post insulators used in the A.B. Switches shall have the following ratings :-
a) Power frequency withstand voltage (dry) 25KV (RMS)
b) Power frequency withstand voltage(wet) 35KV (RMS)
c) Impulse withstand voltage(dry) 75KV
d) Power frequency puncture withstand 1.3

3. Standards: -

The AB Switch Set shall conform to the following standards: -

a) IS-9920 (Part-I to V)
b) IS-2544/1973 (for porcelain post insulators)
c) IS-2633, (for galvanization of ferrous parts.) or its latest amendments if any.
4. Insulator make: -
12KV post insulators complete with post and cap duly cemented to be used in the AB Switch
Set conforming to IS-2544/1973. The bidder shall furnish the type test certificate of the post
insulators from their manufacturer for reference and scrutiny. The bidder shall mention make,
type of insulation materials, metal fittings, Creepage distance, protected Creepage distance,
tensile Strength, compressing strength, torsion strength and cantilever strength.

5. Other technical details: -

5.1 General: - The 11KV A.B. Switch Set shall be the gang operated rotating single air break
type having 2 post insulators per phase. The operating mechanism shall be suitable for manual
operation from the ground level and shall be so designed that all the three phases shall open or
close simultaneously. The Switches shall be robust in construction, easy in operation and shall
be protected against over travel or staining that might adversely affect any of its parts. The
required base M.S. Channel (hot dip galvanized) phase coupling rod, operation rod with
intermediate guide braided with flexible electrolytic copper, tail piece of required current
carrying capacity and operation mechanism with „ON‟ & „OFF‟positions shall be provided.
The operation rod shall be medium gage of 32mm diameter nominal bore G.I. pipe single
length 6 meters. The phase coupling rod for gang operation shall be of mediumgauge 25 mm
dia. nominal bore G.I pipe . The Rating post insulators shall be provide with suitable bearing
mounted on a base channel with 8mm dia thrust collar and 6mm split pin made out of stainless
steel. The operating down rod shall be coupled to the spindle (minimum) dia – 32mm for gang
operation through another suitable bearing by two numbers 10mm dia stainless steel bolts with
double nuts. All the bearings shall be provided with grease nipple. All metal (ferrous) parts
shall be galvanized an polished. The pipe shall be galvanized in accordance with IS-

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 71 of 126

4736/1968.The post insulators should be fixed with the base channel using Galvanized Nuts
and Bolts.
5.2. Mounting:- The A.B. Switches shall be suitable for horizontal mounting in double pole
sub-station structures. MS Galvanized base Channel & base support channel should be of min.
size 75x40x6 mm.
5.3. Switching Blades: - It shall be made out of electrolytic copper with silver plated. The
approximate size shall be 220mm X 50X 6 mm. The Switch shall have such a spring
mechanism so as to ensure that the speed of the opening of contact is independent of speed of
manual operation.
5.4. Fixed Contracts: - The fixed Jaw type female contracts shall be made of electrolytic
copper (minimum 95% copper composition) duly silver coated controlled by stainless steel
high pressure spring housed in robust G.I. Cover. It is essential that provision shall be made in
fixed female contracts to take the shock arising from the closing of move contract blade
without the same being transmitted to the post insulator. The arrangement made in this regard
shall be specifically shown in the drawing.
5.5 Arcing Horn: - As the switches are generally meant for isolating transmission line and
distribution transformers, suitable arcing horns shall be provided for breaking the charging
current horn shall be made of 10mm dia G.I. Rod with spring assisted operation.
6.6 Terminal Connectors: - Terminal connectors shall be robust in design. The size of fixed
connector shall be (80 X 50 X 6 mm) and size of movable connector shall be of (80 X 50) X
(80 X 50) X 6 mm of copper casting with uniform machine finishing duly silver plated made
out of minimum 95% copper composition with 2 nos. 12mm dia holes provided with suitable
brass bolts and double nuts, flat washers & 2nos. bimetallic solder less sockets suitable upto
80 mm2 conductor.
6.7 Spacing: - The minimum clearance between phases to the switch shall be 760mm. The
operation down rod shall be at a transverse distance of 300mm from the outer limb of the
switch. The centre spacing between two post insulator sof the same phase shall be 380mm. In
the open position of the A.B. switches the moving blade shall rotate through 90 o. This shall be
exhibited in the drawing.

6.8 Sample, Drawing & Literatures: - Sample of each items 11KV 200 amps. A.B. Switch
shall be furnished and three copies of drawings item similar to the sample shall be furnished
along with the tender.

6.9 The details of construction and materials of different parts of the A.B. Switch shall clearly
be indicate in the tender and illustrative pamphlet / literature for the same shall be submitted
along with the tender.


7.1 Type Test: - Certificate for the following type tests conducted (within five years
proceeding to the date of opening of the tender)on a prototype set of A.B. Switch in a NABL
approved test house/CPRI shall have to be submitted along with offer. Dielectric Test (impulse
and one minute were power frequency withstand voltage test.)

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 72 of 126

• Temperature rise test (for contracts and terminals)
• Shorts Time current and peak withstand current test.
• Mainly active load breaking capacity test.
• Transformer off-load breaking capacity test.
• Line charging breaking capacity test.
• Cable charging breaking test.
• Operation and mechanical endurance test.
• Mechanical strength test for post insulator, as per IS-2444/1937 shall be furnished.
• Test for galvanization of metal (ferrous) parts.

7.2 Routine /Acceptance Test: - The inspection may be carried out by the Purchaser at any
stage of manufacture. The successful bidder shall grant free access to the Purchaser‟s
representative at a reasonable time when the works is in progress. The following routine tests
shall have to be conducted on each set and results are to be furnished for consideration of
deputing inspecting officer for inspection and conduction testing of the materials at the works
of the manufacturer. the supplier shall give fifteen days advance intimation to the Purchaser to
enable him to depute his representative for witnessing the tests.
1. Power frequency voltage dry test.
2. Measurement of resistance of main circuit.
3. Tests to prove satisfactory operation.
4. Dimension Check
5. Galvanization test.
6. Operational test.
8.0 Guaranteed Technical Particulars: - The bidder shall furnish the guaranteed technical
particular duly filled in the format along with the tender.
9.0 Completeness of Equipment: -
All fittings, accessories of apparatus which may not have been specifically mentioned in this
specification but which are usual or necessary in equipment of similar plat shall be deemed to
be included in the specification and shall be supplied by the Tender without extra charge. All
plant and equipment shall be completed in all details whether such details are mentioned in the
specification or not.


I. Qualification Criteria of Manufacturer:-

The prospective bidder may source Earthing Coil from manufacturers who must qualify all
the following requirements :
a) The manufacturer must have successfully carried out Type Test of similar item from
any NABL Accredited Laboratory within the last 5 years, prior to the date of submission
of the bid.

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b) The manufacturer should have supplied at least 1000 nos. to electricity supply utilities /
PSUs. The bidder should enclose Performance Certificates from the above users issued in
the name of the manufacturer as proof of successful operation in field.

The specification covers design, manufacture, testing for use in earthing of the HT poles.


Earthing coils shall be fabricated from soft GI Wire Hot Dip Galvanized. The Hot Dip
galvanized wire shall have clean surface and shall be free from paint enamel or any other
poor conducting material. The coil shall be made as per REC constructions standard.

The Hot Dip galvanizing shall conform to IS: 2629/1966, 2633/1972 and 4826/1969 with
latest amendments.


Galvanizing Tests

Minimum Mass of Zinc

On GI Wire used 280 cm/m²
After Coiling-266 gm/m².The certificate from recognized laboratory shall be submitted
towards mass of zinc.
Dip Test
Dip test shall stand 3 dips of 1 minute and one dip of ½ minute before coiling and 4 dips
of 1 minute after coiling as per IS: 4826/1979.

Adhesion Test
As per ISS 4826 – 1979.
Nominal dia of GI Wire -4 mm (Tolerance±2.5%)
Minimum no. of turns – 115 Nos.
External dia of Coil (Min) – 50 mm
Length of Coil (Min) – 460 mm
Free length of GI Wire at one end coil (Min.) – 2500 mm
Minimum length of wire to be grounded during installation -1000 mm.
The turns should be closely bound. Weight of one finished Earthing Coils (min.) –1.850

(To be submitted along with Offer)



1 Nominal diameter of wire

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2 No. of turns

3 External dia of Coil

4 Length of Coil

5 Mass of Zinc

6 Total weight of Coil

7 Whether drawing enclosed (yes)


(This form is to be duly filled up by the bidder & submit along with the Tender)


I.Qualification Criteria of Manufacturer:-

The prospective bidder may source Stay Sets from manufacturers only must qualify all the
following requirements :

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 75 of 126

a) Manufacturer must have successfully carried out Type Test of similar item from any
NABL Accredited Laboratory within the last 5 years, prior to the date of submission of the

b) The manufacturer should have supplied at least 1000 sets (both HT & LT taken
together) to electricity supply utilities / PSUs. The bidder should enclose Performance
Certificates from the above users issued in the name of the manufacturer as proof of
successful operation in field.

This specification covers design, manufacture, testing and dispatch of HT stay sets 20 mm


20 mm Dia Stays Sets for 33 KV Lines (Galvanized) HT Stay Set:

The Stay Set (Line Guy Set) will consist of the following components:

Anchor Rod with one Washer and Nut:

Overall length of Rod should be 1800mm to be made out of 20 mm dia GI rod one end
threaded up to 40 mm length with a pitch of threads per cm. And provided with one square
G.I Washer of Size 50x50x1.6mm and one GIHexagonal nut conforming to IS:1363:1967
& IS:1367:1967. Both washer and nut to suit the threaded rod of 20mm.The other end of
the rod to be made into a round eye having an inner dia of 40mm with best quality of
welding. Dimensional and other details are indicated and submitted by bidders for owner„s
approval before start of manufacturing.
Anchor Plate Size 300 x 300 x 8 mm
To be made out of G.S. Plate of 8 mm thickness. The anchor plate to have at its centre
22mm dia hole.
Turn Buckle, Eye Bolt with 2 Nuts.
To be made of 20 mm dia G.I Rod having an overall length of 450 mm. One end of the rod
to be threaded up to 300 mm length with a pitch of 4 threads per cm. The 20 mm dia bolt
so made shall be provided with two G.I Hexagonal nuts of suitable size conforming to IS:
1363:1967 & IS: 1367:1967.The other end of the rod shall be rounded into a circular eye
of 40mm inner dia with proper and good quality of welding. Welding details are to be
indicated by the bidder separately for approval.

Bow with Welded Channel:

To be made out of 16mm dia G.I Rod. The finished bow shall have and overall length of
995 mm ad height of 450 mm. The apex or top of the bow shall be bent at an angle of 10R.
he other end shall be welded with proper and good quality welding to a G.I Channel 200
mm long having a dimension of 100x50x4.7 mm. The Channel shall have 2 holes of 18
mm dia and 22 dia hole at its centre as per drawing No.3 enclosed herewith.

Thimble 2 Nos.
To be made of 1.5 mm thick G.Isheet into a size of 75x22x40mm and shape as per
The complete assembly shall be hot dip galvanized.
The minimum strength of welding provided on various components of 16mm and 20 mm
dia stay sets shall be 3100 kg & 4900 kg respectively. Minimum 6mm filet weld or its
equivalent weld area should be deposited in all positions of the job i.e. at any point of the

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 76 of 126

weld length. The welding shall be conforming to relevant IS:823/1964 or its latest
The threads on the Anchor Rods, Eye Bolts and Nuts shall be as per specification IS;
4218: 1967 (ISO Metric Screw Threads). The Nuts shall be conforming to the
requirements of IS: 1367:1967 and have dimension as per IS 1363:1967. The mechanical
property requirement of fasteners shall confirm to the properly clause 4.6 each for anchor
rods and Eye bolt and property clause 4 for nuts as per IS: 1367:1967.Average weight of
finished 20 mm Stays Set: 14.523 Kg.(Min) (Excluding Nuts Thimble & Washer) :15.569
The contractor shall be required to conduct testing of materials at Govt./Recognized
testing laboratory during pre-dispatch inspection for Tensile Load of 3100
Kg/4900Kg.applied for one minute on the welding and maintained for one minute for 16
mm and 20mm dia stay sets respectively.


All stay sets should carry the identification mark of the Purchaser
(SOUTHCO)applicable.This should be engraved on the body of stay rods to ensure proper
identification of the materials. The nuts should be of a size compatible with threaded
portion of rods and there should be not play or slippage of nuts.Welding wherever required
should be perfect and should not give way after erection.

The tolerances for various components of the stay sets are indicated below subject to the
condition that the average weight of finished stay sets of 16mm dia excluding
nuts,thimbles and washers shall not be less than the weight specified above.


Specified parameters
Sl. Bidder’s
Item Description Section Fabrication Material
No. offer
Tolerances Tolerances
1 Anchor Plate 8mm 300x300mm+ GI Plate 8 mm

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 77 of 126

thick+2.5% - 1% thick
2 Anchor Rod 20mm dia Length GI Round
+3% - 2% 1800mm 20mm dai
+0.5% Round GI Round
Eye 20mm dia
40mm inside
dia +
3%. Threading
3 Bow 16 mm dia Length 995mm 16mm dia.
+5%- +1% GI Angle
3% 16mm dia G I Channel
Length180mm 100x50x4.7m
+1% m
Channel length
200mm + 1%
4 Eye Bolt 20mm dia + Length450mm GI Round
Rod 3% - +1% 20mm dia.
2% Threading
+1% Round
Eye 40
mm inside dia
5 Galvanisation
6 Anchor Plate
7 Anchor Rod
8 Turn Buckle
9 Eye Bolt Rod
10 Weight of
complete set
11 Whether drawing


(This form is to be duly filled up by the bidder & submit along with the Tender)


I. Qualification Criteria of Manufacturer:-

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 78 of 126

The prospective bidder may source Stay Wire from manufacturers only who must qualify
all the following requirements :
a) The manufacturer must have successfully carried out Type Test of similar item from
any NABL Accredited Laboratory within the last 5 years, prior to the date of submission
of the bid.
b) The manufacturer should have supplied at least 1000 Kg (all sizes taken together) to
electricity supply utilities / PSUs. The bidder should enclose Performance Certificates
from the above users issued in the name of the manufacturer as proof of successful
operation in field.

II. Application Standards

Except when they conflict with the specific requirements of this specification, the G.I Stay
Stranded Wires shall comply with the specific requirements of IS: 2141-1979. IS:4826-
1979 & IS: 6594-1974 or the latest versions thereof.

III. Application and Sizes

The G.I. stranded wires covered in this Specification are intended for use on the overhead
power line poles, distribution transformer structures etc.The G.I stranded wires shall be of
7/8 SWG mm for 33 kv lines standard sizes.

IV. Materials

The wires shall be drawn from steel made by the open hearth basic oxygen or electric
furnace process and of such quality that when drawn to the size of wire specified and
coated with zinc, the finished strand and the individual wires shall be of uniform quality
and have the properties and characteristics as specified in this specification.The wires shall
not contain sulphur and phosphorus exceeding 0.060% each.

Tensile Grade
The wires shall be of tensile grade 4, having minimum tensile strength of 700 N/mm²
conforming to 1S:2141.

General Requirements

The outer wire of strands shall have a right-hand lay.

The lay length of wire strands shall be 12 to 18 times the strand diameter.

Minimum Breaking Load

The minimum breaking load of the wires before and after stranding shall be as follows:
No. of wires & constant Wire Dia Min. breaking load Min. breaking load
(mm) of the Single wire of the standard wire
before stranding (KN)
7 (6/1) 4.0 8.80 54.9

V. Construction

The galvanized stay wire shall be of 7-wire construction. The wires shall be so stranded
together that when an evenly distributed pull is applied at the ends of completed strand,
each wire shall take an equal share of the pull. Joints are permitted in the individual wires
during stranding but such joints shall not be less than 15 metres apart in the finished
strands.The wire shall be circular and free from scale, irregularities, imperfection, flaws,
splits and other defects.

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 79 of 126

VI. Tolerances
A tolerance of (+) 2.5% on the diameter of wires before stranding shall be permitted.

VII. Sampling Criteria

The sampling criteria shall be in accordance with IS :2141.
VIII. Tests on Wires before Manufacture
The wires shall be subjected to the following tests in accordance with IS :2141.Ductility
Test Tolerance on Wire Diameter
Tests on Completed Strand
The completed strand shall be tested for the following tests in accordance with IS:2141.
Tensile and Elongation Test: The percentage elongation of the stranded wire shall not be
less than 6%.
Chemical analysis Galvanizing Test
The Zinc Coating shall conform to "Heavy Coating" as laid down in 1S:4826.
IX. Marking
Each coil shall carry a metallic tag, securely attached to the inner part of the coil bearing
the following information:

a) Manufacturers name or trade mark

b) Lot number and coil number
c) Size
d) Construction
e) Tensile Designation
f) Lay
g) Coating
h) Length
i) Mass
j) ISI certification mark, if any

X. Packing
The wires shall be supplied in 75-100 Kg. coils. The packing should be done in
accordance with the provisions of IS:6594
XI. Other Items:
For remaining items of stay sets mentioned in the enclosed drawing, relevant applicable
Indian standards shall be applicable.



Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 80 of 126

1 Nominal diameter of wire

2 Tolerance in diameter

3 Sectional Area (In Sq. mm.)

4 Tensile strength

A Min. N/mm²

B Max. N/mm²

5 Minimum breaking load (KN)

6 Type of coating Heavy/Medium/Light

7 Variety Hard/Soft

8 Weight of Zinc coating (Gms/Sq. Mtr.) Min.

9 No. of dips the coating is able to withstand as

18 ± 20ºC
10 Adhesion Test (Wrap Test at 1 turn per second
coiling while stress not exceeding % nominal
tensile strength)
A Min. complete turn of wrap

B Dia of mandrel on which wrapped

11 Bend Test

A Angle

B Dia round a format to be bent

12 Freedom from defect

13 Chemical composition the MS Wire used shall

not exceed
A Sulphur 0.060%

B Phosphorous 0.065%


(This form is to be duly filled up by the bidder & submit along with the Tender)


Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 81 of 126
Scope covers manufacture, testing and supply of 3.53 mm dia Aluminium Binding Wire as
per IS 398.


The material comprising the wire shall have the following chemical composition:
Aluminium 99.5% minimum Copper, silicon and iron 0.5% maximum The surface of the
wire shall be smooth and free from all irregularities and imperfections. Its cross sections
shall closely approximate that of true circle.

Diameter of wire Cross sectional area Weight of Breaking

Minimum Nominal Maximum of nominal dia. Wires wire Load
(mm²) kg/km (kN)
3.15 3.53 3.55 9.787 26.45 1.57

Inspection and Tests

The following routine checks and tests shall be carried out on 10% of the coils of
aluminium binding wire. If any one sample fails to pass any one of the test nominated for
that wire, then samples shall be taken from every coil in the consignment and any coil
from which a sample proves defective shall be rejected. On no account shall any rejected
material be presented for test again unless with the written approval of, and under
conditions determined by the Purchaser.

Physical properties
The surface of the finished wires shall be checked to ensure that it is smooth , free from all
irregularities, imperfections and inclusions and that its cross section approximates closely
that of true circle.The wire shall be checked to ensure that its diameter and weight are
within the values given in the table above for characteristic of a aluminium binding wire.
Ultimate tensile strength
When tested on a standard tensile testing machine, the value obtained for the ultimate
tensile stress shall not be less than 1.57kN
Wrapping test
The wire shall withstand one cycle of a wrapping test as follows: The wire shall be closely
wrapped round a wire of its own diameter form a close helix of eight turns. Six turns shall
then be unwrapped and again closely rewrapped in the same direction as the first
wrapping. The wire shall not break or crack when subjected to this test.
Packing & Delivery
The aluminium binding wire shall be delivered in 30m coils, with a permitted tolerance of
+5%.Random or non standard lengths shall not be permitted.Each coil shall be adequately
guarded against damage due to transportation and handling and shall have an outer layer
of tightly wound polythene tape or be contained in a suitable, transparent plastic bag.The
internal diameter of the wound coil shall not be such as to result in a permanent set in the
The coils shall be contained in non returnable wooden cases, with a gross weight not in
excess of 300 kg. The number of coils contained shall be marked on the outside of each


Sl.No. Description Bidder’s offer

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 82 of 126

1 Manufacturer Address

2 Indian Standard No. IS 398 (Part-4) 1994

3 Material of Binding Wire

4 Dia. Of Wire

5 Maximum D.C. resistance at 20 degree centigrade

6 Individual Aluminium Alloy Strands

A Tensile breaking stress

B Elongation on 200 mm length in breaking

7 Particulars of Raw Materials

7.1 Aluminium

a) Minimum Purity of aluminimum

7.2 Aluminium Alloy

a) Aluminium redraw rod conforming to element

(a) Si

(b) Cu

( c) Other Element (If any)

8 Linear mass of Wire

9 Modulus of Elasticity

10 Coefficent of Linear Expansion (per deg. Cent.)


(This form is to be duly filled up by the bidder & submit along with the Tender)



Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 83 of 126

Qualification Criteria of Manufacturer:-

The prospective bidder may source the above items from manufacturers who must qualify
the following requirements:
The manufacturer should have supplied at least 1000 no.s (of each item) to electricity
supply utilities / PSUs.
The bidder should enclose Performance Certificates from the above users issued in the
name of the manufacturer as proof of successful operation in field.

(a) Cross arms and Pole Top Brackets for 33 KV construction at intermediate and light
angle pole shall be fabricated from grade 43A mild steel of channel section and for heavy
angle poles, end poles and section poles fabricated from grade 43A mild steel of angle
section. The grades of structural steel shall conform to IS – 226: 1975.

(b) The 33 KV - V „ Cross arm shall be made out of 100x 50x5.6. mm MS Channel of (
9.56 kg/mtr weight) .

The Back Clamp for 33 KV shall be made out of 75 x 10 MS Flat and shall be suitably
designed to fit RS Joist Pole 9 Mtr long (150X150).

c)The Pole Top Bracket (F Clamp) shall be made out of 75 x 10 MS Flat suitably
designed to fit RS Joist Pole 9 Mtr long (150X150) for 33 KV.

Except where otherwise indicated all dimensions are subject to the following tolerances:
Dimensions up to and including 50mm:+1mm: and dimensions greater than 50mm:+2%

All steel members and other parts of fabricated material as delivered shall be free of
warps, local deformation, unauthorized splices, or unauthorized bends. Bending of flat
strap shall be carried out cold. Straightening shall be carried out by pressure and not by

Straightness is of particular importance if the alignment of bolt holes along a member is

referred to its edges.

Holes and other provisions for field assembly shall be properly marked and cross
referenced. Where required, either by notations on the drawing or by the necessity of
proper identification and fittings for field assembly, the connection shall be match marked.
A tolerance of not more than 1mm shall be permitted in the distance between the center
lines of bolt holes.

The holes may be either drilled or punched and, unless otherwise stated, shall be not more
than 2mm greater in diameter than the bolts. When assembling the components force may
be used to bring the bolt holes together (provided neither members nor holes are thereby
distorted) but all force must be removed before the bolt is inserted. Otherwise strain shall
be deemed to be present and the structure may be rejected even though it may be, in all
other respects, in conformity with the specification.

The back of the inner angle irons of lap joints shall be chamfered and the ends of the
members cut where necessary and such other measures taken as will ensure that all
members can be bolted together without strain or distortion. In particular, steps shall be
taken to relieve stress in cold worksed steel so as to prevent the onset of embitterment
during galvanizing.Similar parts shall be interchangeable.

Shapes and plates shall be fabricated and assembled in the shop to the greatest extent
practicable. Shearing flame cutting and chipping shall be done carefully, neatly and

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 84 of 126

accurately. Holes shall be cut, drilled or punched at right angles to the surface and shall
not be made or enlarged by burning. Holes shall be clean-cut without torn or ragged edges,
and burrs resulting from drilling or reaming operations shall be removed with the proper

Shapes and plates shall be fabricated to the tolerance that will permit field erection within
tolerance, except as otherwise specified. All fabrication shall be carried out in a neat and
worksmanlike manner so as to facilitate cleaning, painting, galvanizing and inspection and
to avoid areas in which water and other matter can lodge. Contact surfaces at all
connections shall be free of loose scale, dirt, burrs, oil and other foreign materials that
might prevent solid seating of the parts.

Fixing of Cross Arms

After the erection of supports and providing guys, the cross-arms are to be mounted on the
support with necessary clamps, bolts and nuts. The practice of fixing the cross arms before
the pole erection should be followed.


Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 85 of 126


Sl.No. Description Unit Bidder’s offer

1 Type of cross arm
2 Grade of steel
3 Steel standard
4 Dimensions
5 Working load(Kg)
6 Steel tensile strength (N/m²)
7 Weight of cross arm
8 Whether drawing has been submitted
with the bid



Sl.No. Description Unit Bidder’s offer

1 Type of cross arm
2 Grade of steel
3 Steel standard
4 Dimensions
5 Working load(Kg)
6 Steel tensile strength (N/m²)
7 Weight of cross arm
8 Whether drawing has been submitted
with the bid


(This form is to be duly filled up by the bidder & submit along with the Tender)

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 86 of 126



This specification covers design, manufacture, assembly, testing at manufacturer‟s works,

supply and delivery at site of all terminal connectors of 33KV equipments (mainly
breaker, isolator, CT,PT,CVT,BPI and LA) and all other clamps and dropper connectors
required for the switch yard as per approved lay out and system design.
The terminal connectors under this specification shall conform strictly to the requirements
of the latest version of the following standards as amended up-to date,except where
specified otherwise.
i) IS: 556- Power Connectors.
ii) IS:617- Aluminium & Aluminium Alloy
iii) IS: 2629- Recommended Practice for hot dip galvanizing of iron and steel.
iv) IS: 2633 -Method of testing uniformity of coating of zinc coated articles.



This Specification provides for the design, manufacture, inspection and testing before
dispatch, packing and delivery F.O.R. (destination) of metal oxide (gapless) Surge
Arresters with discharge counters, insulating base, terminal connectors and other
accessories as specified here in.

Except to the extent modified in the Specification, the Surge Arrester shall conform to the
latest editions and amendments of the standards listed hereunder.

Sl. Ref Standard Title

1 IEC-99-4 Specification for Surge Arresters without gap for AC
2 IS:2147 Degree of protection, provided by enclosures for low
voltage switchgear and control.
3 IS:2629 Recommended practice for hot dip galvanization of iron
and steel.
4 IS:2633 Method for testing uniformity of coating on zinc coated
5 IS:3070 Specification for surge arresters for alternating current
6 IS:5621 Specification for large hollow porcelain for use in
& IEC- electrical installation.

7 IEC-60-1 High-Voltage Test technique.

8 IEC-270 Partial discharge measurements.
9 IEC-99-1 Non-linear resistor type gapped arresters for a.c.
10 Indian Electricity Rules, 1956.
11 IEC-60815 Shed profile of hollow porcelain Insulator.

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 87 of 126

Surge Arresters with the requirement of other authoritative standards, which ensure equal
or better quality than the standards, mentioned above shall also be acceptable. Where the
quipment offered by the supplier conforms to other standards, salient points of difference
between the standards adopted and the specified standards shall be clearly brought out in
the offer. 4 (Four) copies of the reference standards in English language shall be furnished
along with the offer.


The Surge Arrester shall confirm the technical requirements. The energy handling
capability of each rating of Arrester offered, supported by calculations, shall be furnished
with the offer.
The Surge Arresters shall be fitted with pressure relief devices and arc diverting paths and
shall be tested as per the requirements of IEC for minimum prospective symmetrical fault
current.A grading ring shall be provided if required, (for attaining all the relevant technical
parameters) on each complete Surge Arrester.
1. Power Transformers.
2 Instrument Transformers.
3 Reactors
4 Circuit Breakers/Isolators

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 88 of 126


1.0 Rolled Steel Joists

The Rolled Steel joist (RSJ) support structures shall be fabricated from mild steel, grade A
and in lengths dictated by design parameters . The joists, may include, but shall not be
limited to the following (150 X 150) mm.
2. Standards :
The RS JOISTS shall comply with the requirements of latest issue of IS – 2062 Gr – A
except where specified otherwise.

3.1 Dimensions and Properties

Sl.No. RSJ DESIGNATION 150 x 150 mm

1 Length of Joist in Mtr with +100mm/- 10 mtr
0% Tolerance
2 Weight kg/m with±2.5% Tolerance 34.6
3 Depth(D) of Section (mm) with 150.00
+3.0mm/ -2.0mm Tolerance as per IS
4 Width (B)of Flange (mm) with 150.00
& ±4.0mm Tolerance for 150 x 150 mm IS 1852-
5 Thickness of Flange (Tf) (mm) 9.00
with±1.5mm Tolerance
6 Thickness of Web(Tw) (mm) 8.40
with±1.0mm Tolerance
7 Corner Radius of fillet or root (R1) 8.00
8 Corner Radius of Tow (R2) (mm) 4.00

9 Moment of Inertia
Ixx (cm4) 1540.00
Iyy (cm4) 460.00
10 Radius of Gyration (cm)
Rxx 6.29
Ryy 3.44
11 Modulus of Section
Zxx(cm3) 205
Zyy(cm3) 60.2
12 Flange Slope(α) in Degree 94.0
13 Tolerance in Dimension As per IS:1852


Tensile Test : Requirement as per IS:2062/

Yeild Stress(MPa) 1999
Tensile Strength(MPa) Min410
Lo=(5.65√So)Elongation% Min23
Bend Test Shall not Crack

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 89 of 126


Chemical Composition Requirement as per Permissible variation over

IS:2062/ the
1999 Grade-A Specified Limit,Percent,Max

Grade A -
Chemical Name Fe-410W A -
Carbon(%Max.) 0.23 0.02
Manganese(%Max.) 1.5 0.05
Sulphur(%Max.) 0.050 0.005
Phosphorous(%Max.) 0.050 0.03
Silicon(%Max.) 0.40 -
Carbon 0.42 -
Deoxidation Mode Semi-killed or killed -
Supply condition As rolled -

3.4. However, In case of any discrepancy between the above data & the relevant ISS, the
values indicated in the IS shall prevail.

3.5. The Acceptance Tests shall be Carried out as per Relevant ISS.

4. 150x150mm RS Joists:

RS Joists of Specific Weight 30.6kg/mtr with length of each type of pole being 11mtr &
13mtrs long and each pole weighing 336.6Kg & 397.8 Kg respectively for specified
number of poles with 33 specified weight in MT as given in the NIT table given above
shall have to be supplied as per IS:2062;2006 Grade‟A‟ , IS:808;1989/2001, IS1608:1995
& IS:12779-1989 and their latest amendment if any complying the required Dimension,
Weight, Chemical & Mechanical properties confirming to the relevant IS, as per the
Tolerances given Below.


i. Length of each pole = + 100mm / - 0 % As per relevant IS: 12779-1989 (with

proportionate change in no of Poles)

ii. Specific Weight of RS Joists = ±2.5% As per relevant IS: 1852/1985

iii. Weight for whole lot of supply for all categories = ±3.0% As per relevant IS: 12779-
1989 for both type of RS Joists.


Following distinct non-erasable embossing is to be made on each R.S Joists to be

supplied to SOUTHCO under this Tender.

a) Name & Logo of the Manufacturer.

b) B.I.S Logo(ISI Mark) if applicable.
c) Size of the R.S Joist.

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 90 of 126


1.1. Dimensions and Properties :

Sl.No. RSJ DESIGNATION 150 x 150 mm Manufacturer’s

1 Length of Joist in Mtr with +100mm/- 10 mtr
0% Tolerance
2 Weight kg/m with±2.5% Tolerance 34.6
3 Depth(D) of Section (mm) with 150.00
+3.0mm/ -2.0mm Tolerance as per IS
4 Width (B)of Flange (mm) with 150.00
& ±4.0mm Tolerance for 150 x 150 mm IS
5 Thickness of Flange (Tf) (mm) 9.00
with±1.5mm Tolerance
6 Thickness of Web(Tw) (mm) 8.40
with±1.0mm Tolerance
7 Corner Radius of fillet or root (R1) 8.00
8 Corner Radius of Tow (R2) (mm) 4.00

9 Moment of Inertia
Ixx (cm4) 1540.00
Iyy (cm4) 460.00
10 Radius of Gyration (cm)
Rxx 6.29
Ryy 3.44
11 Modulus of Section
Zxx(cm3) 205
Zyy(cm3) 60.2
12 Flange Slope(α) in Degree 94.0
13 Tolerance in Dimension As per IS:1852

Tensile Test : Requirement as per IS:2062/

Yeild Stress(MPa) 1999 Grade-A
Min 250
Tensile Strength(MPa) Min 410
Lo=(5.65√So)Elongation% Min 23
Bend Test Shall not Crack

Chemical Requirement as Permissible Manufacturer’s

Composition per IS:2062/ variation over the Data
1999 Grade-A Specified Limit,
Grade A Percent , -Max
Chemical Name Fe-410W A -
Carbon(%Max.) 0.23 0.02
Manganese(%Max.) 1.5 0.05

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 91 of 126

Sulphur(%Max.) 0.050 0.005
Phosphorous(%Max.) 0.050 0.03
Silicon(%Max.) 0.40 -
Carbon 0.42 -
Deoxidation Mode Semi-skilled or -
Supply condition As rolled -

However, In case of any discrepancy between the above data & the relevant IS, the values
indicated in the IS shall prevail. The Acceptance Tests shall be Carried out as per Relevant
The RS Joists shall be manufactured confirming to the relevant IS with Manufacturer‟s
name/logo & B.I.S Logo if applicable embossed on it.

(This form is to be duly filled up by the bidder & submit along with the Tender)

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF 100 KVA, 33/0.4KV Distribution Transformer

1.0 SCOPE -
Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 92 of 126
This specification covers design, manufacturing, testing and delivery of the 63 & 100 KVA,
33/0.433KV,3-Ø, double wound oil immersed, Oil Natural (ON), outdoor type distribution
transformers(conventional type) suitable for out door use as auxiliary transformer in 33/1 1 KV
primary substation.
1.1 The equipment offered shall be complete with all parts necessary for their effective and
trouble-free operation. Such parts will be deemed to be within the scope of the supply irrespective
of whether they are specifically indicated in the commercial order or not.
1.2 It is not the intent to specify herein complete details of design and construction. The
equipment offered shall conform to the relevant standards and be of high quality, sturdy, robust
and of good design and workmanship complete in all respects and capable to perform continuous
and satisfactory operations in the actual service conditions at site and shall have sufficiently
long life in service as per statutory requirements
1.3 The design and constructional aspects of materials shall not withstanding any anomalies,
discrepancies,omissions, in-completeness, etc. in these specifications and will be subject to good
engineering practice in conformity with the required quality of the product, and to such
tolerances, allowances and requirements for clearances etc. as are necessary by virtue of
various stipulations in that respect in the relevant Indian Standards, IEC standards, I.E. Rules, I.E.
Act and other statutory provisions.
1.4 The Bidder / supplier shall bind him to abide by these considerations to the entire
satisfaction of the purchaser and will be required to adjust such details at no extra cost to the
purchaser over and above the tendered rates and prices.
1.5 Tolerance:
The tolerance of guaranteed performance figures shall be as specified in the (Part-1) table 7 of
latest issue of IS 2026 or relevant International Standard except wherever specified
otherwise in this specification.
2.0 System Particulars:-
The transformers shall be suitable for outdoor installation with following system particulars
and they should be suitable for service under fluctuations in supply voltage as permissible under
Indian Electricity Rules.

System Particulars
Nominal System Voltage 33 KV

Corresponding Highest System Voltage 36 KV

Frequency 50HZ± 5%
Neutral earthing Solidly earthed

Number of phase 3

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 93 of 126

Nominal short circuit levels for 33KV 25 KA

Insulation levels-1.2/50 micro sec impulses 170 KV

withstand for 33KV

Power frequency one minute withstand

33 KV System 36 KV
LV Syatem 2KV


Description Data
Annual mean of maximum monthly
average mean of minimum monthly
temperature. 5
temperature in ˚C

Average rain fall in mm 1500

Average thunder storms days per year 77days

Design ambient temperature in ˚C 50

Maximum wind velocity in meter/sec. 50

Maximum relative humidity in % 100

Average relative humidity in % 85

Reference Ambient Temperature for 50˚C

Temperature rise

3.1 The climatic conditions are prone to wide variations in ambient conditions and hence the
equipment shall be of suitable design to work satisfactorily under these conditions.


4.1 The design, manufacture and performance of the equipment shall comply with all currently
applicable statutes, regulations and safety codes.
4.2 The Distribution Transformers shall conform to IS 2026 as amended up to date or other
International Standards for equal or better performance.
4.3 Unless otherwise specified, the equipment offered shall conform to latest applicable Indian, IEC,
British or U.S.A. Standards and in particular, to the following -
a. IS 2026 (part 1,11,IV)/1997, (Part- Power & Distribution Transformer
b. (Part-V)/1994
IS 1180/1989(part-1) Outdoor type, Three phase
distribution transformers up to and
including 100 KVA,
1 1 KV.
Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 94 of 126
C. IS 335/1993 New insulating oil -Specification
(fourth revision)
d IS:2099/ 1986, IS:74211 - 1988, Bushing
IS:3347 (Part-I/Sec-2)-1979,
IS:3347 (part-I/Sec-1) - 1982
Amended up to date
e. IS5 Colours for ready mixed paints and
f. IS 13730 (part - 27) 1996 Specification for particular types of
winding wires.
g IS 3073 / 1974, IS 3070 (Part - 11) Specifications for Lighting Arrestor

h. CBIP Publication No. 295:2006 Manual on transformers

4.4 In case of conflict arising out due to variations between the applicable standard and the
standards specified herein the provisions of this specification should prevail.
5.0 Specific Technical Requirement
5.1 Standard KVA Ratings:.
The standard ratings for transformer shall be 100 KVA.
5.2 Nominal Voltage Ratings
I. Pri mary voltage, 33KV
II. Secondary voltage: 0.433 KV
5.3 Winding connections -
I. H.V. Winding- Delta
II. LV Winding – Star
The neutral of the L.V. winding shall be brought out to a separate insulated terminal. The voltage
shall be Dyn -11.
5.4 Temperature Rise:
I. The temperature rise for top oil over an ambient temperature of 50˚C should be 40˚ C
maximum(measured by thermometer in accordance with IS 2026 or relevant International
Standard). i.e Max. Temp. of top oil shal I not exceed 90˚C.
II. Temperature rise for winding over an ambient temperature of 50˚C should be 45˚C maximum
(measured by resistance method in accordance with IS 2026 or relevant International Standard).i..e.
Max. Temp. of winding shall not exceed 95˚C.

5.5 No Load Voltage Ratio :-

The no load voltage ratio shall be 33000/433 Volts
6.0 Design & Construction -
I. Core:-The core shall be stacked type

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a) For Stack core - The core shall be of high grade cold rolled grain oriented (C.R.G.0)
annealed steel lamination having low loss and good grain properties, coated with hot oil
proof insulation,bolted together to the frames firmly to prevent vibration or noise. All core
clamping bolts shall be effectively insulated. The complete design of core must ensure
permanency of the core losses with continuous working or the transformers.
b) The top yoke shall be one and no cut core shall be accepted in any case.
II. The grade of core laminations shall be M4 or better.
The grade of core laminations shall be required to submit the manufacturer's test report
showing the waft Loss per kg and the thickness of the core lamination, to ascertain
the quality of Core materials. The purchaser reserves the right to get sample of the
core material tested at any Government recognized laboratory.
III. The transformer core shall not be saturated for any value of V/f ratio to the extent of
112.5% of the rated value of V/f ration (i.e. 33000/50 ) (due to combined effect of
voltage and frequency) up to 12.5% without injurious heating at full load conditions
and will not get saturated. The bidder shall furnish necessary design data in support of
this situation.
IV. Flux density :-
Flux density should not be more than 1.60 Tesla at the rated voltage and frequency.
The value of the flux density allowed in the design shall be clearly stated in the offer
along with graph.
V. The No load current at rated voltage shall not exceed the percentage given bellow-
At rated voltage -2% for 100 KVA of the full load current in LT winding
At 112.5% Rated Voltage 4% for 100 KVA of the full load current.
VI. Number of steps of core shall be minimum of 7(seven) Standard steps

6.2 Winding:-
i. Materials Double paper covered electrolytic Copper conductor shall be used HV and
winding for 33kv class.
ii. Current Density: Current density for HV and LV winding should not be more than
2.5A/ for
Copper conductor.
iii. L.V. Neutral formation shall be at top.
iv. The stacks of windings are to receive adequate shrinkage treatment.
6.3 Tap Changer (for I 00 KVA only)
i) Tap changing shall be carried out with the transformer off circuit.
ii) Tap positions shall be numbered as follows:

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Tap 1 +2.5%
Tap 2 0%
Tap 3 -2.5%
Tap 4 – 5%
iii) Provision shall be made for locking of tap switch handle using a padlock.

The Total Losses (No load losses + Load Losses) 100 KVA, 11/0.433 KV and rated voltage
shall not
exceed the values indicated as below:

KVA NO LOAD LOSS (W)(Max) LOAD LOSSES (W) at 75˚C (max)

100 260 1760

No positive tolerance for losses of 33/0.433 kv. Distribution transformers as per IS 1180
(Part 1)
amended upto date. In case the actual loss values exceed the above guaranteed values, the
shall be rejected at the risk, cost and responsibility of the supplier.The values guaranteed in G.T.P.
for flux density, no load current at rated voltage, no load current at 112.5% of rated voltage and
no load loss at rated voltage shall be individually met.
6.5 Insulation material & clearances:
i. Materials - Makes of Electrical grade insulating craft paper, precompress Board, Perma
wood insulation shall be declared in GTP by the bidder. The test reports for all
properties as per relevant I.S. amended up to date shall be submitted during inspection.
ii. The electrical clearance between the winding and body of the tank (between inside
surface of the tank and outside edge of the windings) should not be less than 60 mm for
33 KV class
Minimum external clearances of bushing terminals

HV Ph to Ph 350 mm
Ph to E 210 mm
LV Ph -to-Ph 75mm.
Ph to E 40mm

6.6 Impedance Value -

The percentage impedance at 750 C. shall be 4.5% for 100 KVA transformers with positive
tolerance of

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 97 of 126

10%. No negative tolerance on percentage impedance is allowed.
7.0 Tank:-
7.1 The transformer tank shall be made up of prime quality M.S. sheets of rectangular shape. No
other shape will be accepted. The transformer tank shall be of robust construction. All joints of tank
and fittings should be oil tight and no bulging shall occur during service. The tank design shall be
such that the core and windings can be lifted freely. The tank plates shall be of such strength
that the complete transformer when filled with oil may be lifted bodily means of the lifting lugs
provided. Tank inside shall be painted by varnish. Top cover plate shall be slightly sloping;
approximately 5 to 10 deg. Towards HV bushing and edges of cover plate should be bent
downwards so as to avoid entry of water through the cover plate gasket. The width of bend plate
shall be 25 mm min. the top cover shall have no cut at point of lifting lug.The rectangular tank shall
be fabricated by welding at corners.
7.2 Two V' shaped sheet shall be jointed at corner only to provide rectangular shape. Horizontal
or vertical joints in tank side walls and its bottom or top cover will be not allowed. In addition the
cover of the main tank shall be provided with an air release plug.

Side wall thickness – 3.15 mm (Min)

Top and bottom plate thickness -5mm (Min)
7.3 Reinforced by welded angle 40 x 40 x 6 MM on all the outside walls on the edge of tank to form two
equal compartments. The permanent deflection is not more than 5 mm up to 750 mm length and 6mm
up to 1250 mm length when transformer tank without oil is subject to air pressure of 35 Kpa above
atmospheric pressure for 30 min. Pressure test shall be performed carefully at the time of 1st stage
inspection only to confirm the adequacy of reinforcement angle and gauge of the tank and certified by
7.4 All welding operations to be carried out by MIG process.
7.5 Lifting lugs: 4 nos. welded heavy duty lifting lugs of MS plate of 8mm thickness suitably
reinforced by vertical supporting flat of same thickness as of lug welded edgewise below the lug on the side
wall, up to reinforcing angle. They shall be so extended that cutting of bend plate is not required.
7.6 Pulling lugs: 4 nos. of welded heavy duty pulling lugs of MS plate of 8mm thickness shall be provided
to pull the transformer horizontally
7.7 Top cover fixing bolts: GI nut bolts of 3/8'' dia, with one plain washer shall be used for top cover
fixing, spaced at 3'' apart. 6mm neoprene bonded cork oil resistance gaskets conforming to type B/C IS
4253 Part-11 amended up to date will be placed between tank and cover plate.
7.8 Vertical clearance - The height of the tank shall be such that minimum vertical clearance up to the
top cover plate of 120 mm is achieved from top of tap changer.

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8.1 All paints shall be applied in accordance with the paint manufacturers recommendations.
Particular attention shall be paid to the following:
a) Proper storage to avoid exposure as well as extremes of temperature.
b) Surface preparation prior to painting.
c) Mixing and thinning
d) Application of paints and the recommended limit on time intervals between coats.

e) Shelf life for storage.

8.2 All paints, when applied in normal full coat, shall be free from runs, sags, wrinkles, patchiness,
brush marks or other defects.
8.3 All primers shall be well marked into the surface, particularly in areas where painting is evident, and
the first priming coat shall be applied as soon as possible after cleaning. The paint shall be applied by
airless spray according to the manufacturers recommendations. However, wherever airless spray is
not possible, conventional spray be used with prior approval of purchaser.
8.4 The supplier shall, prior to painting protect nameplates, lettering gauges, sight glasses, light'' fittings
and similar such items.
8.5 Cleaning and Surface Preparation :After all machining, forming and welding has been completed, all
steel work surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned of rust, scale, welding slag or spatter and other
contamination prior to any painting.
8.6 Steel surfaces shall be prepared by Sand/Shot blast cleaning or Chemical cleaning by Seven
tank process including Phosphating to the appropriate quality.
8.7 The pressure and Volume of the compressed air supply for the blast cleaning shall meet
the work requirements and shall be sufficiently free from all water contamination prior to any
8.8 Chipping, scraping and steel wire brushing using manual or power driven tools cannot
remove firmly adherent mill-scale and shall only be used where blast cleaning is impractical.
8.9 Protective Coating As soon as all items have been cleaned and within four hours of the
subsequent drying they shall be given suitable anticorrosion protection.
8.10 Paint Material Followings are the type of paints that may be suitably used for the items to be
painted at
shop and supply of matching paint to site.
i) Heat resistant paint (Hot oil proof) for inside surface.
ii) For external surfaces one coat of Thermo Setting Paint or 2 coats of Zinc chromate followed by 2 coats
of Epoxy paint. The colour of the finishing coats shall be dark admiral Gray (or approved shade)
conforming to No.632 or IS 5- 1961.
8.11 Painting Procedure Al painting shall be carried out in conformity with both specifications and with
the paint manufacture's recommendations. All paints in anyone particular system. Whether shop or site
applied, shall originate from one paint manufacturer.
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8.12 Particular attention shall be paid to the manufacture's instructions on storage, mixing, thinning and
pot life. The paint shall only be applied in the manner detailed by the manufacturer e.g. brush,
conventional or airless spray and shall be applied under the manufacturers recommended conditions.
Minimum and maximum time intervals between coats shall be closely followed.
8.13 All prepared steel surfaces should be primed before visible re-rusting occurs or within 4 hours
is sooner. Chemical treated steel surfaces shall be primed as soon as the surface is dry and while the
surface is warm.
8.14 Where the quality of film is impaired by excess film thickness,(wrinkling, mud cracking or
softness) the supplier shall remove the unsatisfactory paint coatings and apply another. As a general rule,
dry film thickness should not exceed the specified minimum dry film thickness by more than 25%. In all
instances, where two or more coats of the same paints are specifies, such coatings mayor may not be of
contrasting colors.
8.15 Paint applied to items that are not be painted, shall be removed at suppliers expense, avail the
clean, un-stained and undamaged.
8.16 Damages to Paints Work Any damage occurring to any part of the painting scheme shall be made
to the same standard of corrosion protection and appearance as that originally employed.
8.17 Any damaged paint work shall be made as follows:
a) The damaged area, together with an area extending 25mm around its boundary, shall b cleaned down to
bare metal.
b) A priming coat shall immediately applied, followed by a full paint finish equal to the originally applied
and extending 50mm around the perimeter of the originally damaged.
The repainted surface shall present a smooth surface. This shall be obtained by carefully chamfering the
paint edges before & after priming.
8.18 Dry Film Thickness To the maximum extent practicable, the coats shall be applied as a continuous
of uniform thickness and free of pores. Over-spray, skips, runs, sags and drips should be avoided. The
different coats mayor may not be same color.Each coat of paint shall allowed to hardened before the
next is applied as per manufacture's recommendations.
Particular attention must be paid to full film thickness at edges.

9.0 Heat Dissipation (Radiator)

a. Heat dissipation by tank walls excluding top and bottom should be 50OW / sq,mtr.
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b. Heat dissipation by fin type (pressed steel) radiator 1.25 mm thick will be worked out on
the basis of
manufacturers date sheet. The tendered shall submit the calculation sheet with the offer or
the offer shall
stand rejected.
c. Radiators shall be provided only on HV side and shall be of fin type. They should be
fixed at right angle to the sides and not diagonally. The size of the radiator shall be such
that it covers at least 50 % of the bottom yoke, full core and complete top yoke.

10.0 Conservator:
a) The total volume of conservator shall be such as to contain 10% of total quantity of oil.
Normally 3% quantity of the total oi8l will be contained in the conservator. Dimension of the
conservator shall be indicated on the General Arrangement Drawing.
b) Oil level indicator shall be provided on the side which will be with fully covered detachable
flange with single gasket and tightened with MS nut-bolt.
c) The inside diameter of the pipe connecting the conservator to the main tank shall be within
20 to 50mm and it should be project into the conservator in such way that its end is approximately
20mm above the totem of the conservator so as to create a sump for collection of impurities. The
minimum oil level (corresponding to (-) 5 deg.) should be above the sump level.
d) The pipe from conservator tank connecting to main tank shall be mimum 25mm (min.) dia and
shall have a slopping flap so that the oil falling from the pipe shall not fall directly on the active
job and shall fall on the side walls only.
e) The conservator shall be provided with the drain plug and a filling hole (30 mm dia) with cover.

Breather joints will be screwed type. It shall have die-cast aluminum body or of Poly propylene
and inside container for silica gel shall be of tin sheet, in case of aluminum die cast breather.
Makes of
the breather shall be subject to purchaser's approval. Volume of breathers shall be suitable for 250
Of silica gel. The make and design of breather shall be subject to approval of purchaser.

Brass rods 12mm diameter for HT with necessary nuts, check-nuts and plain thick tinned washer.
13. Bushings & Connections:

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13.1 For 11 KV class 12KV bushing, shall be used and for 433 volts 1.1 KV bushing shall be used.
Bushings of the same voltage class shall be interchangeable. Bushings with plain shed shall be as
per relevant IS:
3347 amended up to date. HV bushings shall not be mounted on the top of the transformer tank
& LV
bushings shall be mounted onside of the transformer tank.
13.2 Only continuous sheet metal pocket shall be provided for mounting all HV/LV bushing
and the same shall not be fixed on pipes. Sheet metal pockets shall be designed in such a way that
all H.V. Bushings shall remain parallel and at equal-distance throughout. Bushings having type
tested, as per relevant IS amended up to date shall only be acceptable. Bushings on top cover shall
not be acceptable.
13.3 HV bushings shall be mounted on curvature shaped embossed plate, in such a way that
all H.V.Bushings shall remain parallel and at equal-distance throughout. Bushings having type
tested, as per relevant IS amended up to date shall only be acceptable.
13.4 The minimum creep age distance for both HV & LV Bushings shall not be less than 25mm per
14.0 Internal connections:
i. In case of HV winding all jumpers from winding to bushing shall have cross section larger than
winding conductor.
ii. . Inter coil connection shall be by crimping and brazing.
iii. Lead from delta joint shall be connected to bushing rod by brazing only.
14.2 L.V. Winding
i. L.T. Star point shall be formed of Aluminum/Copper flat of sufficient length & size. Lead from
winding shall be connected to the flat by crimping and brazing
ii. Firm connections of L.T. winding to bushing shall be made of adequate size of 'L''
shaped flat.
Connection of L.T. Coil lead to U shape flat shall be by crimping and brazing. Alternatively'L'
shape lug of adequate capacity effectively crimped shall be acceptable.
iii. iii. U shape flat/lug shall be clamped to L.V. Bushing metal part by using nut, lock-nut and
iv. For Aluminum windings, L&T Alkapee aluminum brazing rods with suitable flux shall be
used. For copper winding crimping and silver brazing alloy shall be used.

15.0 Tank base channel:

It should be of two numbers of 75mm x 40mm channel for 100 KVA transformers.
16.0 Terminal Marking Plates and Rating Plates:

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Terminals shall be provided with terminal marketing plates. The transformer shall be provided with
riveted rating plate of minimum 8 SWG aluminum anodized material sheet in a visible position. The
entries of the rating plate shall be in indelibly marked (i.e. by etching, engraving or
stamping).Marking as SOUTHCO and 'Sr.No.' of transformer shall be engraved on transformer
main tank below L.T. bushings.The name of the company, order No., capacity, month and year of
manufacturing shall be engraved on separate plate which shall be firmly welded to main tank and
shall form integral part of the tank. The detail drawings are to submitted by the bidder for approval.

17.0 Fittings:

The fittings on the transformers shall be as under.

1 Rating and diagram plate 1 no.

2. Earthing terminals with lugs 2 no.
3. Lifting lugs 4 no.
4. Oil filling hole with cap (on 1 no.
5. conservator)
Drain valve - 20mm for all T/Fs 1 no.
6. Conservator with drain plug. 1 no.
7. Thermometer pocket 1 no.
8. Explosion vent 1 no.
9. Silica gel breather 1 no.
10. Platform mounting channel 2 no.
11. Oil level gauge indicating 3 positions 1 no.
of oil
Minimum (-) marked
5˚C as below:
Normal 30˚C
Maximum 98 ˚C
12 HV & LV Bushing 3 nos. of HT bushing with Bi-
connector and 4 nos. of LT bushing
shall be provided
Each bushing (HV & LV)
should be
provided with 3 nos. of brass nuts
13 Radiators As
and per
2 Cl. No. 8 (B,C)
plain brass washers
14 Arcing Horns for HT bushings HV bushings to be fitted with
adjustable duplex arcing horns.

15 Pulling lugs 4 nos.

16 Metallic cover spot welded to tank for

drain valve shall be provided.

17 Off load tap changer 1 no (for 1 00 KVA Only)

18.0 Transformer oil:

Transformer oil to be used in all the Distribution transformers shall comply with the requirements
of latest IS 335/1983 amended up to date thereof. In addition the oil should conform to 'Ageing

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Characteristics' specified below for New Oil and Oil in Transformers. Type test certificates of
oil being used shall be
produced to at the time of stage inspection.New Oil-Ageing characteristics after accelerated ageing
test 96 hrs. at 115 oC (open beaker method with copper catalyst):
i. Specific Resistance (Resistivity).
a) at 20˚C - 2.5x1012 Ohm-Cm (Min)
b) at 90˚C:- 0.2 x 1012 Ohm-Cm (Min)
ii. Dielectric dissipation factor - 0.20 (Max. tandelta) 1 t 90˚C
iii. Total acidity mg/KOH/gm-0.05 (Max.)
iv. Total sludge value(%) by weight- 0.05 (Max.)
v. The method of testing these aging characteristics is given in Appendix - C of IS 335 amended
up to date.
vi. Oil filled in Transformers The important characteristics of the transformer oil after it is
filled in the ransformer (within 3 months of filling) shall be as follows:-

Sr. Characteristics Specifications

1. Electric Strength (Breakdown voltage) 30 kV (Min)
2. Dielectric dissipation factor (Tan Delta) at 90˚C) 0.01 (Max)

3. Specific Resistance (Resistivity) at 27 deg. C 1O X 1O12

4. Flash Point, P.M. (Closed) 140˚ C (Min)
5. Inter facial tension at 270C 0.03 N/M (Min)
6. Neutralization value (total acidity) 0.05 Mg. KOH/gm
7 Water content PPM 35 (Max.)

19.0 Test and Inspection

19.1 Testing facility
19.1.1 The bidder should have adequate testing facility for all routine and acceptance
tests and also
arrangement for measurement of losses, resistance, etc. details of which will be enumerated in
the tender.
19-1.2 The inspector of the purchaser will witness routine & type tests. In order to
facilitate this, the manufacturer shall give a 15 days notice that the material is ready for
inspection & testing. The material shall be dispatched only after approval of such test reports
and issue of Dispatch clearances by the purchaser .However the purchaser reserves the right to
retest the transformers after delivery at any National Accredited Testing Laboratory in case of
any disputes regarding guaranteed specifications of supplied transformers at a later date during
guarantee period. The cost of such retesting shall be borne by the supplier.
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Routine Tests: -
i.The transformer shall be subjected to the following routine tests at the manufacturer's works.
The tests
are to be carded out in accordance with the details specified in IS 2026 or as agreed upon between
purchaser and the manufacturer.
a) Measurement of winding resistance.
b) Ratio, polarity and phase relationship.
c) Impedance voltage.
d) Load losses.
e) No-load losses and No-load current
g) Induced over voltage withstand.
h) Separate source voltages withstand
ii. All the routine tests shall be conducted in the suppliers' laboratory at their cost.
iii. Heat run test shall be arranged free of cost on the unit selected from the 1st lot by
Authorized representative.
iv. The calculations to confirm the thermal ability as per Clause no. 9.1 of latest IS: 2026 Part-I or
equivalent International Standard shall be submitted to our representative.
The bidder should submit the report of following tests carded out in a NABL accredited laboratory :
a) Temperature Rise Test
b) Short Circuit Test containing the measured no load loss and load loss.
c) Impulse Test
The balance type tests as stated below, should be carried at the manufacturer's works invariably
in the presence of representative of the purchaser at the time of inspection
i. Temperature Rise Test.
ii. Air pressure test as per clause no.22.5 of IS:1 180 (Part-l)/1989.
iii. Unbalanced current test.
. In respect of the successful bidder, the purchaser reserves the right to demand repetition of some
or all the above tests in presence of the purchaser's representative. In case the unit fails in the
type tests or routine tests, the transformer offered shall be rejected.
19.4 Submission Routine Test Certificate:
The successful bidder shall submit the routine test certificates.
19.5 Stage Inspection
Supplier shall give 15 days' advance intimation to the purchase dept. to organize stage
inspection in which assembly of core, windings and other core materials etc. would be
inspected. In respect of raw materials such as core stamping, winding conductor, oil etc.
Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 105 of 126
successful bidder shall use these materials manufactured/supplied by the standard manufacturers
and furnish the manufacturer's test certificates, as well as, proof of purchase from those
manufacturers documentary evidence for having paid the excise duty for the information of the
department. Purchaser will depute his representative at the time of stage inspection.
19.5.1 Testing of transformer oil:
The bidder shall make arrangements for testing of transformer oil to be used in the transformers
testing will be done in presence of purchaser's representative. To ascertain quality of transformer
oil, original manufacturer's test report should be furnished to (Testing)at the time of factory
inspection for acceptance of the lot
19.6 Rejection:
Apart from rejection due to failure of the transformer to meet the specified test
requirements the
transformer shall be liable for rejection on any one of the following reasons.
i.Losses exceed the specified values mentioned in specification.
ii. Impedance voltage value exceeds the guaranteed value plus tolerances as per
iii.Type test are not carried out as per the specification.
iv.Drawings are not submitted as per the specification.
v.GTP not submitted as per the specification
vi. Heat dissipation calculation sheet are not submitted as per the specification.
A set of following drawings with all dimensions shall be submitted by the Bidder along with the
a) General Dimensional drawing.
b) Core Assembly drawing.
c) Internal Construction Drawing
d) Rating & Diagram Plate Drawing
e) HV/LV Bushings indicating measurement of creep age distances.
f) Operation and Maintenance Manual.
The drawings shall be of A-3 (42Ox297mm) size only. The bidder should also supply along with his
offer the
pamplete/ literatures etc. for fittings/accessories.
21.0 Type Test Certificates Schedule
21.1 On this schedule a list of the test certificates included with the bid shall be provided. Each
certificate listed shall be referred to the relevant specification clause and item of equipment to which
the test applies.

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S1.No. Particular of Test Type Test Certificate Ref Year of Test

21.2 In case of any doubt in the Type test reports submitted by the bidder, the Purchaser reserves
the right to verify the original Type Test Reports, as well as to refer to the concerned
laboratory directly without recourse to be bidder
Transformer with lower losses shall be preferred. The bidder shall indicate the values of load and no
losses of the transformer in his bid.
For total cost evaluation, the capitalized cost of losses will be taken into account as per the following
Capitalized Cost of Transformer = Cost of Transformer (as per Bid) + A x WI + B x We
a. Where Wi No Load losses in KW & A = Rs. 1,52,847.00 for no load losses.
b. We = Load losses in KW & B = Rs. 20,175.00 for load losses
The no load loss in KW at rated voltage & frequency and the load loss in KW at rated current,
rated frequency, rated output and at 75˚C shall be quoted and these figures shall be guaranteed.
Liquidated damages for non-performance of transformers shall be recovered from the supplier in
case he is unable to achieve the quoted guaranteed loss figures at the rate equivalent to the double
of the rate considered for evaluation i.e. at the following rates:
a) For each KW of excess in no load losses: Rs. 3,05,694.00
b) For each KW of excess in load losses: Rs. 40,350.00
However, the Purchaser reserves the right to reject the transformer out rightly, if any of the losses,
i.e. no
load loss or load loss or both exceed(s) the specified maximum permissible loss as mentioned
in the
technical specification.

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(To be furnished by the BIDDER)

Sl.No. Description 100 KVA, 33/0.433KV

1 Make & Manufacturer
2. Place of Manufacturer
3. Voltage Ratio
4. Rating in KVA
5. Full load current
6. Core Material used and grade
a) Flux density
b) Over fluxing without saturation (Curve
to be furnished by the manufacturer in
support of his claim)
7. Maximum temperature rise of
a) Windings by resistance method
b) Oil by Thermometer
8. Magnetizing (No load) Current at
a) Normal Voltage
b) Maximum Voltage
9. Losses (should be in line with the Type
Test report to be submitted along with the
technical bid) in wafts at 750 C
a) No Load loss at rated voltage &
b) Full load loss at rated current and
principal tap
10. Resistance of Windings at 20 Deg. C
(With 5% tolerance)
a) HV Winding (Ohms)
b) LV Winding (ohms)
11. Total losses in watts at 750 C
12. Current density used for
a) HV Winding
b) LV Winding
13. Clearances (in mm)
a) Core& LV
b) LV & HV
c) HV Phase to Phase
d) End insulation clearance to Earth
e) Any Point of winding to tank
f) Between HV Coils
14. % Impedance at 75˚C
15. Radiation
a) Heat dissipation by tank walls

b)exclusive top & bottom

Heat dissipation by cooling tube

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c) Dia & thickness of cooling tube
d) Whether calculation sheet for
selecting cooling area to ensure that the
transformer is capable of giving
continuous rated output without
exceeding temperature rise is enclosed
Inter layer insulation provided in design for

1) Top & bottom layer

2) In between all layer

3) Details of end insulation

4) Whether wedges are provided at 50% turns of the
HV coil
5) No of wedges provided

17. Insulation materials provided

a) For Conductors (1) HV (2) LV

b) For Core
18. Whether the offer conforms to the limits of impedance
mentioned in the specification
Whether the offer conforms to the limits of
temperature rise mentioned in the specification.
Whether the losses of the transformer offered are
offered are within the limits specified
Whether the transformer offered is already type tested
for the rating and test reports enclosed.
Whether the HV Bushings and LV Bushings offered are
already type tested and test reports (Manufacture's test
reports if it is a bought out item) enclosed.

Sl.No. Description 100KVA,33/0.433KV

1 Voltage Ratio
2 Rating in KVA
3. Full load current
4. Efficiency at 75 ˚C
a) Unity P.F. &
b) 0.8 P. F.
1) 125% load
2) 100% load
3) 75% load
4) 50% load
5) 25% load
b) Max. efficiency
5. Regulation at

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 109 of 126

a) Unity P.F.
b) 0.8 P.F.

6. Flash Test
HV 70KV / 50 Hz for 1 minute
LV 3 KV / 50 Hz for 1 minute
7. Over potential Test Double Voltage &
Double frequency for 1 minute
8. Impulse Test
9. Weight Content of
a) Core lamination (min.)
b) Windings (min.)
c) Tank & Fittings
d) Oil
e) Oil Qty. (min.)
f) Total Weight
10. Oil Data
1. Qty. for first filling (min.)
2. Grade of oil used
I Maker's name

4. BDV at the time of filling

11. Transformer
1) Overall length x breadth x height
2) Tank length x breadth x height
3) Thickness of plates for
a) Side Plate (min)
b) Top & Bottom Plate (min.)
12. Size of the wire used
1) HV a) SWG /min
b) Dia
c) Area (Sq. mm)
2) LV a) Strip Size
b) No. of Conductors in parallel
c) Total area of cross section (
13. Is the name plate gives all particulars

14. are required

Particulars in TenderHV / LV
of Bushings
1) Maker's Name
2) Type IS - 3347/IS-1 180
3) Rating as per I.S.
4) Dry Flash over voltage KV at 50 C/s.

5) Wet Flash over voltage KV at 50 C/S

15. Details of tapping provided on HV side

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 110 of 126


Sl.No. Description Unit 100KVA,33/0.433KV
1 Core Grade
2 Core diameter mm
3 Gross Core area cm
4 Net Core area Cm
5 Flux density Tesla
6 Wt. Core kg.
7 Loss per Kg. Of core at the specified Flux Watts
8 Core window height Mm
9 Centre to center distance of the core mm

10 No. of LV Turns mm
11 No. of HV Turns Mm
12 Size of LV Conductor bare /covered mm
13 Size of HV Conductor bare /covered mm
14 No. of Parallels
15 Current density of LV winding amps/sq.
16 Current density of HV winding mm
17 Wt. of the LV winding for Transformers mm
18 Wt. of the HV winding for Transformers kg.
19 No. of LV coils / phase
20 No. of HV coils / phase
21 Height of LV winding mm
Height of HV Winding mm
22 ID / OD of LV winding Mm
23 ID / OD of LV winding mm
24 Size of the duct in LV winding mm
25 Size of the duct in HV winding mm
26 Size of the duct between HV & LV mm
27 HV winding of LV clearance mm
28 LV winding to tank clearance mm
29 Calculated impedance mm
30 Calculated impedance %
31 HV to earth creepage distance mm

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32 LV to earth creepage distance mm
33 LV to earth creepage distance mm
34 Winding Material
35 HV
36 LV


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Tender Notification :07 /2012-13

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The Superintending Engineer (Elect.)
Southco,City Circle,Berhampur, Orissa
Tel No. -------------------------, Fax No. -------------------------------
1. We understand that SOUTHCO is desirous for construction of
i.Construction of (1x 5 )MVA,33/11 KV Primary Substation at MKCG Medical College &
Hospital, Berhampur, ii. Construction of 7.5 KM 33 KV Line with 232 mm² AAAC,
iii.Up-rating of conductor from 80 mm² AAAC to 232 mm² AAAC,iv.Construction of 2
No. of 4-Pole structures with 6 No.33KV AB Switches,v.Up-rating of conductor from 80
mm² AAAC to 100 mm² AAAC and vi.Construction of 0.5 KM 11 KV line with 55 mm²
AAAC.line in the sate of Orissa
2. Having examined the Bidding Documents for the above named works, we the undersigned,
offer to deliver the goods in full conformity with the Drawings, Conditions of Contract and
specifications for the sum of......................................... (figures .....................
...................................................) or such other sums as may be determined in accordance
with the terms and conditions of the contract. The above amounts are in accordance with the
Price Schedules attached herewith and are made part of this bid.
3. If our Bid is accepted, we undertake to complete the entire works within 90 days (3 months)
from the date of award of purchase order/letter of intent.
4. If our Bid is accepted, we will furnish a Contract Performance Bank Guarantee for an
amount of 10% (Ten) percent of the total contract value for due performance of the Contract
as well as covering the Guarantee & warrantee obligations of the products, in accordance with
the General Conditions of Contract.
5. We agree to abide by this Bid for a period of 180 days from the date fixed for bid opening,
and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of
that period.
6. We declare that we have studied the provision of Indian Income Tax Law and other Indian
Laws for supply of equipments/materials and the prices have been quoted accordingly.
7. Unless and until Letter of Intent is issued, this Bid, together with your written acceptance
thereof, shall constitute a binding contract between us.
8. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest, or any bid you may receive.
9. There is provision for Resolution of Disputes under this Contract, in accordance with the
Laws and Jurisdiction of Contract.
Dated this............................... day of................................................. 20 ...............
Signature.............................................. In the capacity of ………………………………
..................................................................duly authorized to sign for and on behalf of
(IN BLOCK CAPITALS) ...............................................................................

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 115 of 126




This Guarantee Bond is executed this ____ day of ___________________________ by us the

_____________________________________________________ Bank at ___________________
P.O.__________ P.S. ____________Dist ________________ State __________
(Indicate designation of Owner)

Whereas Southern Electricity Supply Company of Orissa Ltd.(SOUTHCO) , Corporate Office:

Courtpeta, Berhampur, Ganjam - 760004 registered under the Company Act 1956 (here in after
called “the Owner”) has placed works Order No._________ Dt.___________ (hereinafter called
“the Agreement”) with M/s_________________ _________________________ (hereinafter
called “the Contractor”) and whereas SOUTHCO (as the case may be) has agreed (1) to exempt
the Contractor from making payment of security deposit, (2) to release 100% payment of the cost
of works as per the said agreement and (3) to exempt from performance guarantee on furnishing by
the Contractor to the SOUTHCO a composite Bank Guarantee of the value of 10% (ten percent)
of the Contract price of the said Agreement.
1. Now, therefore, in consideration of SOUTHCO having agreed (1) to exempt the
Contractor for making payment of security deposit, (2) to release 100% payment to the Contractor
and (3) to exempt from furnishing performance guarantee in terms of the said Agreement as
aforesaid, we the ____________________ Bank, Address ____________________________
(code No. ________) (hereinafter referred to as “the Bank”) do hereby undertake to pay to the
SOUTHCO an amount not exceeding Rs._____________ (Rupees
_______________________________ ) only against any loss or damage caused to or suffered by
SOUTHCO by reason of any breach by the said Contractor(s) of any of the terms or conditions
contained in the said Agreement.
2. We, the ______________________ Bank do hereby undertake to pay the amounts due and
payable under the guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand SOUTHCO stating that the
amount claimed is due by way of loss or damage caused to or suffered by SOUTHCO by reason of
any breach by the said Contractor(s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said
Agreement or by the reason of any breach by the said Contractor‟s failure to perform the said
Agreement. Any such demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due
and payable by the Bank under this Guarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be
restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs.___________ (Rupees
_________________________________________ ) only.
3. We, the ________________________ Bank also undertake to pay to SOUTHCO any
money so demanded not withstanding any dispute or dispute raised by the Contractor(s) in any suit
or proceeding instituted/ pending before any court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under
this Agreement being absolute and un revocable. The payment so made by us under this bond shall

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 116 of 126

be valid discharge of our liability for payment there under and the Contractor(s) shall have no
claim against us for making such payment.
4. We, the _________________________ Bank further agree that the guarantee herein
contain shall remain in full force and affect during the period that would be taken for the
performance of the

said Agreement and it shall continue to remain in force endorsable till all the dues of SOUTHCO
under by virtue of the said Agreement have been fully paid and its claim satisfied or discharged or
till SOUTHCO certifies that the terms and conditions of the said Agreement have been fully and
properly carried out by the said Contractor(s) and accordingly discharge this guarantee and will not
be revoked by us during the validity of the guarantee period.

Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us or with_____________

____________________________________ (Local Bank Name, address and code No.)
_________________________________________________, Malkangiri in writing on or before
__________________ (date) we shall be discharged from all liability under this guarantee

5. We, the _________________________ Bank further agree that SOUTHCO shall have the
fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder
to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said Agreement or to extend time of performance by
the said Contractor(s) and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such
variation or extension being granted to the said Contractor(s) or for any forbearance act or
omission on part of SOUTHCO or any indulgence by SOUTHCO to the said Contractor(s) or by
any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would but for this
provisions have effect of so relieving us.
6. The Guarantee will not be discharged due to change in the name, style and constitution of
the Bank and or Contractor(s).
7. We, the _________________________ Bank lastly undertake not to revoke this Guarantee
during its currency except with the previous consent of SOUTHCO in writing.

Dated ___________ the __________ day of Two thousand _________ .

Not withstanding anything contained herein above.

Our liability under this Bank Guarantee shall not exceed Rs.______________ (Rupees _______
____________________________________________________________________ ) only.

The Bank Guarantee shall be valid up to _____________________ only.

We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount depending on the filing of claim and any part thereof
under this Bank Guarantee only and only if you serve upon us a written claim or demand and
Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 117 of 126
received by us on or before Dt.__________ otherwise bank shall be discharged of all liabilities
under this guarantee thereafter.

(Indicate the name of the Bank)

(1) Name of the Contractor:
(2) No. & date of the Works order / agreement:
(3) Amount of Works Order.:
(4) Name of Works:
(5) Name of the Bank:
(6) Amount of the Bank Guarantee:
(7) Validity period or date up to which the agreement is valid:
(8) Signature of the Constituent Authority of the Bank with seal:
(9) Name & addresses of the Witnesses with signature:
(10) The Bank Guarantee shall be accepted only after getting confirmation from the respective

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 118 of 126


Annexure - III

1. Whether the bidder is a Contractor & furnished relevant documents: Yes / No

2. Required Cost of Tender Furnished Yes / No

3. Required Earnest Money Furnished in Demand Draft Yes / No

4. Whether valid HT electrical license enclosed with the bid: Yes / No

5. Whether valid labour license enclosed with the bid Yes / No

6. Contractor‟s past experience

including Owner‟s certificate furnished or not: - Yes / No

7. Audited annual reports for the last 3 years furnished or not: Yes / No

8. Deviation to the specification , if any

(List enclosed or not):- Yes / No

9. Whether agreed to Owner‟s completion schedule: Yes / No

10. Whether agreed to Owner‟s Guarantee clause:- Yes / No

11. Whether agreed for 180 days‟ validity period of Prices Yes / No

12. Whether the Prices are FIRM? Yes / No

13. Whether agreed to furnish security deposit in shape of

B.G. encashable at Malkangiri in case his tender is successful: - Yes / No

14. Whether agreed to penalty for delayed completion: - Yes / No

15. Whether agreed to Owner‟s standard terms of payment or not: Yes / No

16. Valid ITCC & STCC furnished or not: Yes / No

Signature of the bidder

With seal of the Bidder

This form is to be duly filled up & signed by the Bidder along with seal & submitted along with
the Part-I of tender.

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 119 of 126




(To be executed on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value to be purchased in

the name of joint venture)


………………………………………… AND ………………………………………….
FOR TENDER NOTIFICATION NO. ……………………………………OF( Owner).
THIS Joint Venture Agreement executed on this ……….. day of …………… Two
thousand and …………………… between M/s. …………….…………….a company
incorporated under the laws of …………….……………. and having its Registered Office
at ……………. …………….……………. ……………. (here in after called the "Lead
Partner" which expression shall include its successors, executors and permitted assigns),
M/s. …………….…………….……………. a company incorporated under the laws of
…………….…………….……………. and having its Registered Office at
…………….……………. ……………. (hereinafter called the "Partner" which expression
shall include its successors, executors and permitted assigns) and M/s.
…………….…………….……………. a company incorporated under the laws of
………………………………………….and having its Registered Office at (hereinafter
called the "Partner" which expression shall include its successors, executors and permitted
assigns) for the purpose of making a bid and entering into a contract (in case of award)
against the Specification No.:…………….…………….……………. for Construction of
…………….……………. of (Owner)., a company incorporated under the …………….
having its. Registered Office at ……………………………………. (hereinafter called the
" Owner). '
WHEREAS the Owner invited bids as per the above mentioned Specification for the
design manufacture, supply and erection, testing and commissioning of Equipment
Materials stipulated in the bidding documents for
AND WHEREAS GCC, forming part of the bidding documents, stipulates that a Joint
Venture of two or more qualified firms as partners, meeting the requirement of GCC as
applicable may bid, provided the Joint Venture fulfills all other requirements of GCC and
in such a case, the BID shall be signed by all the partners so as to legally
bind all the Partners of the Joint Venture, who will be jointly and severally liable to
perform the Contract and all obligations hereunder.

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 120 of 126

The above clause further states that the Joint Venture agreement shall be attached to the
bid and the contract performance guarantee will be as per the format enclosed with the
bidding document without any restriction or liability for either party.
AND WHEREAS the bid has been submitted to the Owner vide proposal No dated by
Lead Partner based on the Joint Venture agreement between all the Partners under these
presents and the bid in accordance with the requirements of GCC has been signed by all
the partners.
In consideration of the above premises and agreements all the Partners to this Joint
Venture do hereby now agree as follows:
1. In consideration of the award of the Contract by the Owner to the Joint Venture
partners, we, the Partners to the Joint Venture agreement do hereby agree that M/s
…………….…………….……………. shall act as Lead Partner and further declare and
confirm that we shall jointly and severally be bound unto the Owner for the successful
performance of the Contract and shall be fully responsible for the design,
manufacture,supply, and successful performance of the equipment in accordance with the
2. In case of any breach of the said Contract by the Lead Partner or other Partner(s) of
the Joint Venture agreement, the Partner(s) do hereby agree to be fully responsible for the
successful performance of the Contract .and to carry out all the obligations and
responsibilities under the Contract in accordance with the requirements of the Contract.
3. Further, if the Owner suffers any loss or damage on account of any breach in the
Contract or any shortfall in the performance of the equipment in meeting the performance
guaranteed as per the specification in terms of the Contract, the Partner(s) of these presents
undertake to promptly make good such loss or damages caused to the Owner, on its
demand without any demur. It. shall not be necessary or obligatory for the Owner to
proceed against Lead Partner to these presents before proceeding against or dealing with
the other Partner(s).
4. The financial liability of the Partners of this Joint Venture agreement to the Owner,
with respect to any of the claims arising out of the performance of non- performance of the
obligations set forth in the said Joint Venture agreement, read in conjunction with the
relevant conditions of the Contract shall, however, not be limited in any way so as to
restrict or limit the liabilities of any of the Partners of the Joint Venture agreement.
5. It is expressly understood and agreed between the Partners to this Joint Venture
agreement that the responsibilities and obligations of each of the Partners shall be as
delineated in Appendix-I (*To be incorporated suitably by the Partners) to this agreement.
It is further agreed by the Partners that the above sharing of responsibilities and

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 121 of 126

obligations shall not in any way be a limitation of joint and several responsibilities of the
Partners under this Contract.
6. This Joint Venture agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the
laws of India and the courts of Delhi shall have the exclusive jurisdiction in all matters
arising there under.

7. In case of an award of a Contract, We the Partners to the Joint Venture agreement do

hereby agree that we shall be jointly and severally responsible for furnishing a contract
performance security from a bank in favour of the Owner in the forms acceptable to
Owner for value of 10% of the Contract Price in the currency/currencies of the Contract.
8. It is further agreed that the Joint Venture agreement shall be irrevocable and shall form
an integral part of the Contract, and shall continue to be enforceable till the Owner
discharges the same. It shall be effective from the date first mentioned above for all
purposes and intents.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Partners to the Joint Venture agreement have through their
authorised representatives executed these presents and affixed Common Seals of their
companies, on the day, month and year first mentioned above.
1. Common Seal …………….……………. of For Lead Partner
has been affixed in my/ our presence
pursuant to the Board of Director's (Signature of authorized resolution
dated …………………….. representative)
Name... …………….…………….
Signature.. ………….……………. Designation
Name …………….…………….…………… Common Seal of the company
Designation…………….…………….…. …………….…………….…………….
2. Common Seal of …………….…………….………… For other Partners
has been affixed in my/our presence
pursuant to the Board of Director's (Signature of authorised
resolution dated representative)
Name... …………….…………….
Signature.. ………….……………. Designation
Name …………….…………….…………… Common Seal of the company
Designation…………….…………….… …………….…………….………….


Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 122 of 126

1.…………….…………….…………. 2.…………….…………….………….
(Signature) (Signature)
Name …………..………….………… Name …………….…………….…
…………….…………….…………. …………….…………….………….
(official address) (Official address)

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 123 of 126



Tender Notification :-----------/2012-13

Southco Tender Notice No :07 / 2012-13 Page 124 of 126


Sl.No. Name of the works Amount for supply Amount for Total Amount
of materials (In s) Erection (In Rs) (1+2) (In Rs)
(1) (2)
1 Uprating of the conductor from 80 to 232 AAAC -1KM
2 Construction of 33KV line with
XLPE Cable
3 Earth work etc for Railway crossing
4 Construction of 7.5 KM 33KV line
with 232 AAAC
5 Construction of 2 No. 4-pole structure
for AB Switch
6 Construction of 1X5 MVA, 33/11KV
7 Construction of 11KV line 0.5 KM
8 Uprating of conductor from 80
to 100
9 Miscellaneous work
10 Total
Total Rupees in words………………………………………………………………………..

Please refer the Attachments available in MS Excel Format for the work. Bidders are
required to enter their item wise rates in each sheet of the respective works. Bidders will
be permitted to only enter the item wise rates. No other modification shall be permitted.
Bidders are required to sign each and every page and enclose the same in the Price Bid in
Sealed Condition. One soft copy in CD shall also be submitted in the Price Bid.

(Signature of the Bidder)

Note :
i. Unit rate is inclusive of all taxes and duties.
ii. Any discrepancy in unit rate and amount, unit rate stands.
iii. Any column left bank shall be treated as nil/inclusive of.
iv.Transportation from Southco store means Store at Khajuria Road, Berhampur

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This specification covers design, engineering, manufacture, testing, inspection before
dispatch packing, forwarding, transportation, insurance during transit, delivery to site/
stores of 33KV Outdoor Vacuum Circuit Breakers for use the 33/11KV primary
substations under the distribution networks of NESCO/WECO/SOUTHCO.

1.2 Al vacuum circuit breakers must be manufactured by ISO 9000 certified Organization
and shal have been type tested at CPRI or any Govt. approval laboratory within five
years as on the date of bid opening and in satisfactory operation for a period not less
than three years. The Bidder shal demonstrate compliance with this requirement by
supplying with the bid, copies of the type test certificates together with performance
certificates from purchasers/ users.

1.3 The scope of supply includes the provision of type tests wherever required. Rates for
type tests shal be given in the appropriate price schedule of the bid document and will
be considered for evaluation. The purchaser reserves the right to waive type tests.

1.4 The scope also includes the circuit breaker and current and potential transformers,
supporting structures, operating mechanism, local/ remote control cabinet, relay control
panel, foundation bolts, all the accessories and auxiliary equipment mandatory spares
and special tools for satisfactory installation and operation.

1.5 The circuit breakers shal conform in all respects to the highest standards of
engineering, design, workmanship, this specification and the latest revisions of relevant
standards at the time of offer and the purchaser shal have the power to reject any work
or materials, which, in his judgement, is not in full accordance therewith.


Expect where modified by this specification, the circuit breakers and the accessories
shal be designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with latest editions of the
following standards.

Southco Tender Notice No :------ / 2012-13



IEC: 56 IS : 13118 High voltage alternating current circuit breakers general


IEC: 694 IS : 12729 Common clauses of high voltage switch-gear and control
gear standards (for voltage exceeding 1000 V).
IEC: 60 IS : 9135

IEC: 427 IS:13516

IEC: 1233

IEC: 17A/CD: 474

IEC: 529 IS: 13947

IEC:137 IS: 2099

IEC:233 IS : 5621

IEC:273 IS: 5350

IEC:815 IS: 13134

IEC: 34 IS : 996

ISO:1460 BS:729 IS:2629


IS: 5

IS: 6005

IEC: 227 IS:1554

IEC:269 IS:13703

ISO:800 IS:1300

Southco Tender Notice No :------ / 2012-13


in electrical
High Voltage testing A.C motors
equipment &
testing. Hot dip galvanizing
Method of synthetic
Characteristi Method of testing uniformity of zinc coated articles.
testing of HV .A.C circuit
cs of indoor
and outdoor Colour for ready missed paints and enamels
HV. AC. Circuit breakers- post
Code of practice for phosphating or iron and steel.
inductive load switching. insulators for
systems with
nominal P.V.C Insulated cables for voltages up to and including
HV. AC. Circuit breakers-
voltages 1100 Volt.
capacitive switching. greater than
1000V. Low voltage fuses for voltages not exceeding 1000volt.
Degree of protection
provided by enclosure. Guide for Phenolic moulding materials.
selection of
Insulating bushing for A.C. insulators in Guide for uniform marking and identification of conductors
voltages above 1000V and apparatus terminals.
respect of
Hollow insulators for use pol uted

Southco Tender Notice No :------ / 2012-13


IEC: 185 IS: 2705 Current transformers.

IEC: 296 IS: 335 Specification for unused insulating oil for transformer and

IEC:186 IS: 3156 Potential transformers.

CBIP Technical Report No. 88 Specification for AC Static Electrical Energy Meter.
revised July, 1996 read with
amendment issued (April, 99,
September, 99 and also any
other amendment thereafter)

This list is not to be considered exhaustive and reference to a particular standard or

recommendation in this specification does not relieve the Supplier of the necessity of
providing the goods and services complying with other relevant standards or


The circuit breakers to be supplied against this specification shal be required to control
the primary side of 33/11 KV power transformers in the primary sub-stations (incoming
33KV feeders) or Bus coupler or the outgoing feeders in these sub-stations. The circuit
breakers shal be suitable for 3 phase 50Hz solidly grounded neutral system and shal
have normal current carrying capacity and symmetrical short circuit current breaking
capability as mentioned hereunder.

The required 33KV Vacuum Circuit Breakers suitable for outdoor installations are to be
quoted by Manufacturers only with a valid ISO 9000 certification.


The vacuum circuit breakers are required to meet the following basic technical
requirements. (Reference standards IEC:56, IS:13118 and associated standards listed
in this specification.
Basic Technical Requirements Nominal
system voltage
Sl. 4
No Particulars Highest system
Service type
No. of Poles

Southco Tender Notice No :------ / 2012-13



Requirements 36KV


Southco Tender Notice No :------ / 2012-13


Rated normal current at 50 C 0

i) 1250A
For Bus-bar of Circuit Breaker
ii) 2000A
For Interrupter
iii) -
For Outgoing Feeders
6 25KA
Rated short circuit breaking current (rms)
7 63KA
Rated short circuit making current (peak)
Rated short time current withstand capability for 1 sec.
9. The service conditions shal be as
Rated insulation level:
One minute power frequency withstand voltage to earth
Maximum a altitude above
ii) and dry) rms sea level

Impulse withstand voltage to earth with 1.2/50 sec, wave

+ve and –ve polarity (Peak)
First – pole – to clear factor
Rated operating sequence (for auto reclosing)
Maximum break time
Rated out of phase breaking current
Maximum pole scatter
Rated Auxiliary supply for spring charge motor, lamp &
heater circuit.
Rated supply voltage for trip/close coil
Minimum creepage distance (mm)

Minimum protected creepage distance (mm)


Southco Tender Notice No :------ / 2012-13


/ 25KA O-0.3 Sec- CO-3 min- 900mm
(Interrupt CO
er) 3 cycles 580mm

25% of the symmetrical

70KV short circuit breaking
10 mili seconds
230V A.C
24V D.C

Southco Tender Notice No :------ / 2012-13


Maximum ambient air temperature 50 C 0

Maximum daily average ambient air temperature 35 C 0

Minimum ambient air temperature 5C


Maximum temperature attainable by an object exposed to the sun 60 C 0

Maximum yearly weight average ambient temperature 32 C 0

Maximum relative humidity 100%

Average number of thunderstorm days per annum 70

Average number of rainy days per annum
Average annual rainfall
260Kg/m 2

Maximum wind pressure


5.1 General

The circuit breakers shal be structure mounted open type with vacuum as interrupting
media incorporating separate interrupters of 2000 A rating for each phase mounted on
single frame. There shal be a common drive mechanism actuating the interrupters,
which must work in synchronism. These breakers shal be provided with suitable local
control while provision shal be made for remote control.

The circuit breakers shal be fitted with spring mechanism. The inherent design of these
circuit breakers shal be such that they shal satisfactorily perform all test duties and
interrupt out-of-phase current and produce very low over voltage (<2.0p.u.) on all
switching circuits, capacitive and inductive to IEC:56, IS:13118 and other associated
standards mentioned in the clause of this specification.

The terminal pads shal have silver-plating of at least 50 micron thickness. The design
of the circuit breakers shall be such that inspection and replacement of contracts, coils,
vacuum bottles and any worn or damaged components can be carried out quickly and
this ease. The contract gaps shall be adjustable to allow for wear.

The mechanism and the connected interrupters shal satisfy the mechanical endurance
requirements of IEC:56, IS:13118 and all additional requirements specified herein.

Southco Tender Notice No :------ / 2012-13


Porcelain Insulator

Southco Tender Notice No :------ / 2012-13


External parts of the circuit breakers, which are under continuous electrical stress, shall
be of hol ow porcelain. The creepage and flashover distance of the insulators shal be
dimensioned and the type and profile designed in accordance with IEC:815 or IS:
13134 and shal be suitable for the worst environmental conditions specified in this
specification. The creepage distance across the interrupting chambers shal suite the
outdoor service conditions mentioned in the relevant standards for heavily pol uted
atmosphere and shal be not less than 900 mm with protected creepage distance 50
percent of the total. Internal surfaces of hol ow insulators shal also be glazed. The
insulators shal comply with IS:5621 and tested in accordance with IEC:233.

Al porcelain whether, used on the interrupting chamber or on the support insulator shal
have the following properties:

Higher strength, homogeneity, uniform glaze, free from cavities and other flaws and
high quality uniform finish porcelain components and shal withstand the maximum
expected static and dynamic loads to which the circuit breakers may be subjected
during their service life.

5.3 Interrupting media

5.3.1 Vacuum:

In vacuum circuit breakers, facilities shal be provided for monitoring the contract
erosion and any change in contact gap. The vacuum bottles shal be easily replaceable
on site and the mechanism shal be conveniently adjustable to permit resetting the
contact gap.

The vacuum circuit breaker poles shal be sealed to prevent contamination of the
spaces surrounding the interrupters. The Bidder shal demonstrate how this is achieved
by supplying technical details with the bid.

5.4 Auxiliary contracts

12 auxiliary contacts (6N.O.+ 6N.C.) of 24 Volt D.C grade and 10 amps DC rating shal
be provided in each circuit breaker.

5.5 Indication

A mechanically operated circuit breaker position indicator of non corroding material

shal be provided in a location visible from the operating side of the breaker without the
necessity to open the mechanism door. The word „OFF‟ in white letter on green
background shal be used to indicate that the breaker is in the opening position and the
word „ON‟ in white letters on a red background to indicate that the breaker is in the
closed position. The drive for the device shal be positive in both directions and
provision shal be made for local and remote electrical indication.

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Indication of condition shal be provided as mentioned in this

spring specification. Mechanical counters to record the number of closing operations shal be
provided for each circuit breaker mechanism.

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5.7 Operation and controls

The breaker shal normally be operated by remote electrical control with electrical
tripping by shunt trip coil. Provision shal be made for local electrical operation and
mechanical operation.

The following facilities shall be provided in the circuit breaker local control cabinet:

LOCAL/ REMOTE selector switch of stay put type. The selection of „local‟
operation shal inhibit the operation of the breaker from any remote source.

ON/NEUTRAL/ OFF control switch or ON and OFF push buttons. The push
buttons shal be momentary contract type with rear terminal connections. The
close push button shal be of green colour and the open push button red colour.

MECHANICAL EMERGENCY TRIP DEVICE: suitable for manual operation in

the event of failure of electrical supplies. The device shal be accessible without
opening any access doors and distinctly labeled. It shal be shrouded and
protected against inadvertent operation.

Means shal be provided for manual operation of these circuit breakers during
failure of auxiliary power in addition to electrical operation.

Means shal be provided to prevent the mechanism from responding to a close

signal when the trip coil is energized or to reclosing from a sustained close
signal either opening due to a trip signal or failure to hold in the closed position.

The circuit breaker shal be able to perform 10,000 operating cycles at no load in
accordance with IEC:17A/474/CD for circuit breakers for auto reclosing duties.


Current transformers, three per circuit breaker, shal be of outdoor, single phase oil
immersed dead tank type and shal comply with IEC:185 and IS:2705, suitable for
operation in hot and humid atmospheric conditions described in service condition. They
shal be mounted on the bracket. The CT tank should be Hot Dip galvanized as per
relevant ISS to prevent corrosion of all exposed metal parts.

6.1 Core

High grade non- ageing cold rolled grain oriented (CRGO M4 or better grade) silicon
steel of low hysteresis loss and permeability shal be used for the core so as to ensure
specified accuracy at both normal and over currents. The flux density shall be limited to
ensure that there is no saturation during normal service.

The instrument security factor of the core shal be low enough so as not to cause
damage to the instruments in the event of maximum short circuit current.

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6.2 Windings

The secondary windings shal be made of electrolytic copper with suitable insulation.
The conductor shal be of adequate cross- section so as to limit the temperature rise
even during short circuit conditions. The insulation of windings and connections shal be
free from composition liable to soften, coze, shrink or collapse during service.

Polarity shal be indelibly marked on each current transformer and at the lead and
termination at associated terminal blocks. CTs with multi ratio winding shal be clearly
tabulated to show the connections required for different ratios. Similar numbers shal be
marked on terminal block arrangement and wiring diagram. Apart from the above
marking and those to be provided as per IEC 185 or IS 2705, other markings shal be
provided in consultation with owner.

The continuous current rating of the primary winding shal be one hundred and fifty
percent of the normal rated current. Secondary windings of current transformers shal
be used for metering, instrumentation and protection and shal be rated for continuous
current of one hundred and fifty percent of normal rated current of primary winding.

6.3 Construction

The current transformer enclosures shal be made of high quality steel and shal be hot
dip galvanized and shal be able to withstand and stresses occurring during
transportation and the terminal and mechanical stresses resulting from maximum short
circuit current in service. The primary winding and terminals shal be in a tank and
supported by a hollow porcelain insulator. The secondary connection shal be conduited
through the hol ow insulator and terminated in a terminal box mounted on the base

6.4 Hermetic sealing

Each current transformer shal be supplied fil ed with insulating oil complying with
IEC:296 or IS:335 and shal be hermetical y sealed to prevent atmosphere coming in
contact with oil, avoiding frequent filtration and change of oil. Nitrogen or any oil inert
gas above the oil level shal be provided to permit expansion and contraction of oil
without any contract with the atmosphere.

The current transformers shal have provision for draining and re-fil ing insulation oil
after drying.

6.5 Insulating oil

The current transformer shal be complete with new insulating oil. The quantity of
insulating oil for first fil ing of the equipment and complete specification of oil proposed
to be used shal be stated in the bid. The oil shal conform to the requirements of latest
issue of IEC:296 or IS:335.

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6.6 Fittings and accessories

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Fittings and accessories listed below shal be supplied with each current transformer:

Oil level gauge;

Oil fil ing hole and cap;

Pressure relief device;

HV terminal connectors;

Two earthing terminals and strips with necessary nut, bolts and washers;

Name and rating plate;

Terminal box with LV terminal connections;

Mounting nuts, bolts and washers;

Any other fittings deemed essential by the Supplier shal also be supplied with each
current transformer.

The oil level gauge shal be mounted in such a way that the oil level can be clearly seen
from ground level.

A dust, vermin and weather proof terminal box shall be provided at the lower end of the
current transformer for terminating the secondary windings. The box shal have a bolted
cover plate complete with gaskets. The terminal box shall have terminal blocks, cable
gland plate and cable glands with shrouds suitable for different sizes of PVC insulated
control cables 650/1100V grade as per IEC:227 or IS:1554. The terminal blocks shal
have covering of moulded insulation materials complete with brass studs, washers, nuts
and lock nuts suitable for termination of 2X2.5 sqmm wires. The termination shal be
made by crimping lugs or bare wire with insulating sleeves at ends.

The terminal box enclosure shal have protection as per class IP 55 as defined in
IEC:529 or IS:13947.

6.7 CT Junction Box/Console Box

Each set of 3 current transformers for three phase shal be provided with a common
junction box mounted on the circuit breaker supporting structure at a convenient
position to accommodate the secondary wire of CT and other control cables of
Purchaser. Separate terminals for testing the relays and instruments and short
circuiting of each current transformer secondary wires shal be provided in it. The
junction box enclosure shal have the same protection features as for the terminal box.
It shal be provided with terminal blocks, gland plates and glands suitable for different
sizes of cables. Facilities shal be provided for earthing the CT secondary wires in the

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junction box.

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6.8 Hollow porcelain insulators

The insulators of the current transformers shal conform to latest edition of IS:5621 and
shal be subjected to and successfully pass the tests listed in this standard and in
IEC:233. The hol ow porcelain insulators shal be brown glazed and shal meet the
requirements indicated in this specification. The insulators shal be cemented with
Portland cement to the flanges resulting in high mechanical, tensile and breaking

6.9 Insulation level

The current transformers shal be designed to withstand impulse test voltages and
power frequency test voltages as specified in this specification.

6.10 Terminal connections

The CTs shal be provided with bi-metallic solderless clamp and rigid type terminal
connectors on the top tank for connection to the HV terminals. The other requirements
shal be same as for the terminal connectors of the circuit breaker described in this
specification. They shal be universal type suitable for both horizontal and vertical

Two earthing terminals complete with necessary hardware shal be provided on each
CT for connecting to earth continuity conductor to be provided. The earthing terminals
shal be identified by means of appropriate symbol marked in a legible and indelible
manner adjacent to the terminals. The terminals shal be adequately sized to meet the
full earth fault current envisaged.

6.11 Basic technical requirement

Ratings: The CTs shal conform to the following ratings and other particulars of the
circuit breakers:

Technical Requirements – For 3 Core CT

Sl. Requirement
No Particulars

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transformers of ratings between 1.6MVA and 10MVA in

Requirements primary substations.
Core-1:Instrumentation and Metering
Core-2:Combined over current and earth fault protection
To control the Primary side of 33/11 KV Core-3:Differential Protection

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3 200-100-50/1-1-1 A
Transformation Ratio
4 Core:1:15
Rated Burden (VA) Core:2:15
5 Core- 1:0.5
Class of Accuracy Core- 2:5P
Core-3: PS
6 Core- 1 < 5
Instrument Security Factor
7 Core-2 : 20
Accuracy Limit Factor Core-3 : 20
8 36KV
Rated Voltage
9 31KA rms for 3 seconds
Short Time Rating
10 900mm minimum
Creepage distance 450mm minimum
Protected creepage
Insulation Level: 170KV
-Impulse Voltage1.2/50 s
wave withstand level 70KV
-Power frequency 1 min
voltage withstand level

Technical Requirements – For 2 Core CT

Sl. Requirements
No Particulars
8 Function
Transformation Ratio
Rated Burden (VA)
Class of Accuracy
Instrument Security Factor

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Accuracy Limit For 33 KV Feeder control

Factor in 33/11 KV primary
Rated Voltage Core-1:Instrumentation and
Core-2:Combined over
current and earth fault
400-200-100 /1-1 A

Core- 1:0.5
Core- 2:5P
Core-1 < 5

Core-2 : 20


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9 31KA rms for 3 seconds
Short Time Rating
10 900mm minimum
Creepage distance 450mm minimum
Protected creepage
Insulation Level: 170KV
-Impulse Voltage1.2/50 s
wave withstand level 70KV
-Power frequency 1 min
voltage withstand level

6.12 Tests and inspection

The CTs shal be tested in accordance with the requirements of the type tests and
routine tests as per the latest issues IEC:185 or IS:2705.

The tests to be conducted shall include:

6.12.1 Type Tests:

Lightning impulse voltage:

Power frequency wet withstand voltage;

Temperature rise;

Short time current;

Composite error;

Accuracy test (for measuring core);

Instrument security current (for measuring core);

Current error and phase displacement (for protection core)

6.12.2 Routine tests

Verification of terminal marking and polarity;

Power frequency dry withstand test on primary windings;

Power frequency dry withstand test on secondary windings;

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Power frequency dry withstand test between sections;

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Over voltage inter-turn test;

Composite error;

Turn ratio;

Accuracy test (for measuring core);

Current error and phase displacement (for protection core);

Knee point voltage and magnetizing current test (for PS class);

Secondary winding resistance (for PS class).

Insulation Resistance Test.


The 33KV outdoor voltage transformers are required to meet the following basic
technical requirements (Reference standards: IEC:186, IS:3156 and associated
standards listed in the specification):

Sl. Requirements
No Particulars (Phase to earth)
1 i)
Type One minute power frequency
2 withstand
Nominal system voltage, phase to phase voltage to earth (wet and dry) rms
Number of secondary windings
Rated normal burden*
Rated primary voltage
Rated secondary voltage
Class of accuracy
Rated insulation level: (Primary winding)

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33KV/ 3
Single phase
110V/ 3
Instrumentation, Metering and Protection

200VA 70KV

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ii) 170KV
Impulse withstand voltage to earth with
1.2/50 sec wave of +ve and –ve polarity
One minute power frequency withstand
voltage of secondary winding (rms)
i) 3KV
Between phase to earth
ii) 3KV
Between sections
Rated voltage factor
i) 1.2
ii) 1.5
For 30 seconds
12 25
Creepage distance to earth in mm per KV of
highest phase to phase system voltage

* The burden indicated is the minimum acceptable to the Employer. The

Contractor shall ensure that the rated output of the voltage transformers
are adequate to meet at least 120 percent of the connected load


The voltage transformers to be supplied under this specification shal be of outdoor,

single phase dead tank double wound, oil immersed type, complying with IEC:185 and
IS:3156 suitable for operation in hot and humid atmospheric conditions described in
this document. To prevent corrosion of the exposed surfaces, the tank should be not
dip galvanized. They shal have separate HV and LV windings and shal be suitable for
use as bus VTs in 33/11KV primary substations.

7.3 Duty requirement

33KV Voltage transformer for all the indicating instruments and measuring meters in
the primary substation on 33KV side.

7.4 Porcelain Insulator

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External parts of the voltage transformers which are under continuous electrical stress
shal be of hol ow porcelain insulators complying with latest edition of IS:6521 tested as
per IEC:233. The creepage and flashover distance of the insulators shal be
dimensioned and the type and profile designed in accordance with IEC:815 or
IS:13134 and shal be suitable for the worst environmental conditions for heavily
pol uted atmosphere and shal be not less than 25mm per KV of highest phase to
phase system voltage with protected creepage distance minimum 50 percent of the
total. Internal surfaces of hol ow insulators shal also be glazed.

The insulators shal be cemented with Portland cement to the flanges resulting in high
mechanical, tensile and breaking strength.

Al porcelain used on the voltage transformers shal have the following properties high
strength, homogeneity, uniform glaze, free from cavities and other flaws and a high
quality uniform finish porcelain components shal withstand the maximum expected
static and dynamic loads to which the voltage transformers may be subjected during
their service life.

The insulation of the hol ow porcelain insulators shal be coordinated with that of the
voltage transformers to ensure that any flash over occurs only externally.

7.5 Core

High grade non-ageing cold rolled grain oriented silicone steel of low hysteresis loss
and permeability shal be used for core so as to ensure accuracy at both normal and or
over Voltages. The flux density shal be limited to 1.6 Tesla at normal voltage and
frequency. There shal be no saturation at any stage during operation.

The instrument security factor of the core shall be low enough so as not to cause
damage to the instruments in the event of maximum short circuit current or over

7.6 Windings

The primary and secondary windings shal be electrolytic copper of high purity and
conductivity and covered with double paper insulation. The conductor shal be of
adequate cross-section so as to limit the temperature rise even during maximum over

The insulation of windings and connections shal be free from composition liable to
soften, ooze, shrink or collapse during service.

The current rating of the primary winding shal be one hundred and fifty percent of the
normal rated burden and the windings shal be suitable to withstand continuously the
maximum system voltage.

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windings of
the voltage
shal also be
suitable for
over voltage
to the
system voltage
at the primary
winding. The
supports shal
be suitably
reinforced to
handling and
the thermal
and dynamic
stresses during

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The voltage transformer secondary circuits wil be taken out to form the star point and
earthed at one point outside the voltage transformers.

Both primary and secondary winding terminals shall be clearly and

indelibly marked to show polarity in accordance with IEC:186. The
connections required for different secondary windings in case of multi-
winding voltage transformers shall be clearly indicated in terminal blocks
and the wiring diagrams.

7.7 Tank

Both expansion chamber and tank of the voltage transformers shall be

made of high quality steel and shall be hot dip galvanized and shall be
able to withstand the stress occurring during transit and all thermal and
mechanical stresses resulting from maximum short circuit current during

7.8 Insulating Oil

The voltage transformers shal be supplied fil ed with new insulating oil. The oil shal
conform to the requirements of latest issue of IEC:296 of IS:335. The quantity of
insulating oil for first fil ing of the equipment and complete specification of oil proposed
to be used shal be stated in the bid.

7.9 Hermetic Sealing

The voltage transformers shal be supplied fil ed with insulating oil and shal be
hermetically sealed to prevent atmosphere coming in contact with oil, avoiding filtration
and change of oil. Nitrogen or other inert gas shal be provided above the oil surface to
permit expansion and contraction of oil. Provision shal be made for draining and re-
fil ing the insulating oil.

7.10 Fitting and Accessories

Fittings and accessories listed below shal be supplied with each voltage transformer:

Oil level gauge.

Oil drain, sampling and fil ing hole with cap;

Pressure relief device;

HV terminals;

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Two earthing terminals with necessary nuts, bolts and washers;

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Name and rating plate;

Secondary terminal box with LV terminal connections;

Mounting nuts, bolts and washers;

L.V HRC cartridge fuses for the protection of secondary winding;

Any other fitting deemed essential by the contractor shall also be

supplied along with each voltage transformer:

The oil level gauge shal be mounted in such a way that the oil level can be clearly
seen from the ground level.

The name and rating plate shal contain all the particulars as provided in IEC:186 and
also the name of the employer and year of manufacture. They shal comply with the
clause termed label in this specification.


A dust, vermin and weather proof terminal box shal be provided at the lower end of
each voltage transformer for terminating the secondary windings. The box shal have a
bolted removable cover plate complete with gaskets. The terminal box shal have cable
gland plate and cable glands with shrouds suitable for entry of 4 core x2.5mm PVC 2

insulated control cables as per IEC:227 or IS:1554.

For 33KV Voltage Transformer one 4 core 2.5mm 2

The terminal box enclosure shal have protection of class IP 55 as defined in IEC:529
or IS:13947 and shal be painted or galvanized in accordance with specification of
Surface Treatment.

7.12 Terminal blocks

Terminal blocks of brass studs rated for 10 Amps continuous current, 650 Volt grade
enclosed in moulded insulating materials shal be provided with adequate electrical
clearance for terminating the secondary wiring and outgoing connections. The terminal
blocks shal be suitable for termination of 2.5mm wires. The termination shal be made

by crimping Jugs or bare wire with insulating sleeves at ends. Al terminals must be
marked with numbers and wire termination provided with numbered ferrules for

7.13 Fuse protection

The secondary windings shal be protected by HRC cartridge fuses in fuse holder
consisting of carriers and bases. The carriers and bases shal be of high grade flame

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retarding and non hygroscopic moulded insulating materials with hard glass surface.
Each fuse shal be identified with engraved plastic label.

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7.14 Circuit diagram

A durable copy of the circuit wiring diagram shall be affixed to the inner side of the
terminal box cover. Labels shal be provided inside the cover to describe the functions
of various items of equipments.


The equipment shal be supplied with HV electrical connection terminals of a size and
rating appropriate for all the duties, including overload duty specified for the equipment.
The terminals shal be of the bi-metallic type, suitable for connection of al aluminium
alloy conductor (AAAC) or aluminium conductor steel reinforced (ACSR). In general
connections using palm type solderless sockets shal be preferred. The proposed
method of connections shal be stated in the offer and shal be subject to approval by
the DGM (Tech.), CSO. Where the terminals are of the clamp type, they shal be
suitable for taking a range of conductors appropriate to the rating of the equipment.

Al nuts, bolts, washers and spring washers required to complete the connection shal
be supplied with the equipment.


Two earthing terminals complete with necessary hardware shal be provided on each
voltage transformer for connecting to earth continuity conductors of the Employer.
They shal be of electroplated brass and of adequate size to carry the earth fault

The earthing terminals shal be identified by means of appropriate symbol marked in a

legible and indelible manner adjacent to the terminals.


The voltage transformers shal be tested in accordance with the requirements of the
type tests and routine tests as provided in the latest issues of IEC:186 or IS:3516.

The tests to be conducted shall include;

7.17.1 Type tests:

Lightning impulse voltage test;

High voltage power frequency wet withstand voltage;

Temperature rise test;

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Short circuit withstand capability test;

Determination of limits of voltage error and phase displacement.

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7.17.2 Routine tests:

Verification of terminal marking and polarity;

Power frequency withstand tests on primary winding;

Power frequency dry withstand tests on secondary winding;

Power frequency withstand tests between sections;

Determination of limits of voltage errors and phase displacement;

Partial discharge measurement.

Insulating Resistance measurement.


The temperature rise of any part of the voltage transformer under continuous operating
and exposed in the direct rays of the sun shal not exceed the permissible limits as
provided in IEC publication 186 or IS:3156. These shal not be exceeded when
corrected for the difference between the ambinent temperature at site and the ambient
temperature specified in the standard. The correction proposed shal be stated in the


Outdoor control panels with protective relay and meter shal be provided by the
supplier suitable for above breakers. The equipment shal have protection scheme with
the following relays:

(i) Triple pole IDMTL type combined over current (2Nos) & Earth fault (1No) relay
(Draw out type) preferably Non-communicable numerical relay.

Plug setting range of the over current and earth fault relays shal be 5% to 250%.

(i ) 3 elements auxiliary relay for transformer fault, trip for Buchholz, winding
temperature & oil temperature.

(i i) Master trip relay for inter tripping.

(iv) Differential relay.

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(v) One alarm bel scheme with bell (24V DC).

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N.B:- The relays should be Areva, Easun Rerolle, ABB or of any reputed make (subject
to approval)


The following meters shal be provided.

i) Ammeter:- 1 No. , 0-100-200 A/ 1 Amp Preferable Make- IMP/ AE or any reputed

make (Dial type or Digital).

i ) Volt meter:- 1 No., 0- 40 KV (size :144mm x 144mm), make IMP/AE or any reputed
make (Dial type or Digital).

i i) Ammeter selector switch- 1 No. Make – Kaycee or any other reputed make.

iv) Volt meter selector switch- 1No. Make- Kaycee or any other reputed make.

v) 40 watt lamp with switch- 1 No.

vi) Plug & Socket- 1 No.

vii) Fuses & Links- 1 No.

vii ) Test terminal Blocks- Test terminal Block need be provided for testing relays &

ix) Indication Lamp- Red- Breaker „ON‟

(24V DC LED type) Green Breaker „OFF‟

Amber- Breaker ‟AUTO TRIP‟

Blue- Spring charge indication.

White-Healthy Trip il uminated push bottom



10.1 Out Door Control- Relay Panel

10.1.1 1. General

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OUTDOOR CONTROL PANEL :-The Control and Relay Panel Boards shal consist of
panel, vertical independent, structure mounted with equipment mounted & wiring
access on front and having double door protection ( Inside door to be glass covered) to
prevent water entry inside the panel. Doors shall have handles with built-in locking

It may please be noted that Outdoor control relay panel with suitable 24 V DC power
pack arrangement is to be provided in CRP
2.1 Panels shal be completely 3 mm sheet metal clad and shal be dust, moisture
and vermin proof. The enclosure shal provide a degree of protection not less
than IP – 55 ( For out door CRP) in accordance with IS; 13947 & 2147.
2.2 Panels shal be free standing, floor mounting type and shal comprise structural
frames completely enclosed with specially selected smooth finished, cold rolled
sheet steel of thickness not less than 3 mm. There shal be sufficient
reinforcement to provide level transportation and installation.
2.3 Al doors, removable covers and panels shal be gasketed all around with
neoprene gaskets. Ventilating louvers to be if provided shall have screens and
filters. The screens shal be made of either brass or GI wire mesh.
2.4 Design, materials selection and workmanship shal be such as to result in neat
appearance, inside and outside with no welds, rivets or bolt head apparent from
outside, with all exterior surfaces tune and smooth
2.5 Panels shall have base frame with smooth bearing surface, which shall
be fixed on the embedded foundation channels/insert plates.

2.6 Cable entries to the panels shal be from the bottom. Double Compression
cable gland plate fitted on the bottom of the panel shal be connected to
earthing of the panel/station through a flexible braided copper conductor rigidly.
The gland shall confirm to IS 12943.


3.1 Al equipment on and in panels shal be mounted and completely wired to the
terminal blocks ready for external connections. The equipment on front of panel
shal be mounted flush. No equipment shal be mounted on the doors.

3.2 Equipment shal be mounted such that removal and replacement can be
accomplished individually without interruption of service to adjacent devices
and are readily accessible without use of special tools. Terminal marking on the
equipment shal be clearly visible.

3.3 The centre lines of switches, push buttons and indicating lamps shal be not
less than 750mm from the bottom of the panel. The centre lines of relays,
meters and recorders shal be not less than 450mm from the bottom of their

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3.4 The center lines of switches, push buttons and indicating lamps shall be matched
to give a neat and uniform appearance. Like wise the top lines of all meters,
relays and recorders etc. shall be matched.

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10.1.2 Panel wiring and accessories.

10.1.3 Wiring

Each panel shal be supplied with all internal wiring complete.

Panel wiring shal be suitably bunched and clamped for neat appearance. The
conductors used for wiring puspose shal be PVE insulated 650/1100 volt grade semi-
flexible heat resistant, flame retardant and vermin proof electrolytic copper cable
conforming to IEC:227, 502 or IS:1554. The wiring shal be securely supported and
taken though PVC through PVC troughs. Each wire shal be continuous from end to
end without any joint in between. Al panel wiring shal be capable of withstanding a
voltage of 2KV AC 50Hz for one minute.

Cable and wire for connections within the switchgear and between the switchgear and
terminal blocks shal have a minimum temperature rating of 90 degree Celsius. The
size of the conductors for panel wiring shal be not less than 2.5mm . For CT 2

secondary wiring, two such wires shall be used in parallel.

10.1.4 Panel wiring protection

The panels shal be equipped with links and HRC cartridge fuses conforming to
IEC:269 or IS:13703 in 650 Volt grade phenolic moulded fuse holder consisting of fuse
carrier and base or miniature circuit breakers conforming to IEC:947-2 or IS:13947-2 at
appropriate locations. The carriers and bases shal be made of high grade flame
retardant and non hygroscopic phenolic moulded material with hard glass surface.
Each fuse or MCB shal be identified with engraved plastic label.

In general, fuses and MCBs shall be limited to the minimum required for
safety. The protection scheme shall include fuses for VT secondary
circuits and DC supply to each panel and fuses for MCB for spring
charging motor and incoming AC supply.

10.1.5 Terminal blocks

Terminal blocks of brass studs rated for 10 amps continuous current, 650 volt DC
grade covered by moulded insulating materials with adequate electrical clearances
shal be provided for terminating the panel wiring and outgoing connections. The
termination shal be made by crimping lugs or bare conductor with insulating sleeves
at ends. The arrangement can be horizontal or vertical as per standard practice
adopted by the manufacturer. Al terminals must be numbered and wire termination
provided with numbered ferrules for identification. Al numbering and marking including
those in wiring diagram shal follow the guidelines provided in IS:11353. Al circuit
breaker auxiliary contracts including spare contacts shal be wired to the terminal
blocks. Ten percent spare terminals shal be provided.

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10.1.6 Colour and numbering

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The wiring used for 230V AC supply for il umination lamp, panel heater and other
devices shall be coloured red for phase wire and black for the neutral. The colour of
wires connecting directly to Earth shal be black. Al other panel wires shall be of one
colour to be approved.

Engraved core identification plastic ferrules marked to correspond with the panel wiring
diagram shal be fixed at both ends of each wire. Ferrules shal fit tightly on the wire
and shal not fall off when the wire is disconnected from the terminal block. Numbers 6
and 9, if used shal be under scored to enable differentiation.

10.1.7 Circuit diagram

A durable copy of the circuit wiring diagram shal be affixed to the inner side of the door
of the switchgear compartment. Labels shal be provided inside the compartment to
describe the functions of the various items of equipment.

The scope of the supply shal include the panel mounting base plate and all special
equipment, bolts, nuts and washers necessary for making the supporting.

10.2 Supporting Structure

The supply of the material shal be complete with mounting structures of mild steel
sections conforming to IS:226 or equivalent ISO. The supporting structure shal be
designed and constructed to withstand the maximum combined effects of the circuit
breaker dead weight, its maximum dynamic load and maximum effect of wind loading.
The supporting structure shal be hot dip galvanized as per clause on surface
treatment of this specification.

10.3 CT and PT mounting bracket

The supporting structure shal be fitted with a bracket for supporting the three oil fil ed
33KV single phase current transformers and 3 nos. 33KV(1 Phase)PTs. The support
bracket shal be provided opposite the circuit breaker poles and shal ensure adequate
clearance between the breaker poles and the CTs as well as between the CTs and
PTs. The CTs & PTs shall be supplied by the Supplier as per specification above and
is included in the scope. The drawings of the structure with bracket shal be subject to
Purchaser‟s approval before fabrication.

The CT and PT mounting bracket shal be hot dip galvanized as per clause on surface
treatment of this specification.

10.4 Local control cabinet of VCB

The operating mechanism, local controls and monitoring shal be provided in a metal
clad control cabinet fitted to the same structure supporting the breaker and mounted at
a convenient height for safe operation from ground level or from platform to be

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supplied under the contract.

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The cabinet shal be made of minimum 3 mm sheet steel and shall be constructed as a
dust, weather and vermin proof outdoor housing with protection of IP-54 class as
defined in IEC:529 or IS:13947. It shal have single door and transparent windows for
reading the circuit breaker ON or OFF position and spring charge position without
opening the door. The door and any removable covers shal be gasketed all round with
neoprene bonded gaskets. A ventilating louver shal be provided with fine wire non-
ferrous metal or stainless steel screen and filter. A 230V AC heather with auto
temperature control shal be provided in the cabinet to prevent moisture condensation
and also a 230 volt lamp for internal il umination with door operated switch.

The local control cabinet shal be subjected to surface treatment and painting as per
clause on surface treatment of this specification.

10.5 Panel wiring and accessories

Panel wiring shal be suitably bunched and clamped for neat appearance. The
conductor used for wiring purpose shal be PVC insulated 650 volt/ 1100V grade semi-
flexible copper cable conforming to IEC:227 or IS:1554, heat resistant, flame, vermin
and rodent proof. The wiring shal be securely supported and taken through PVC
troughs. Al panel wiring shal be capable of withstanding a voltage of 2KV AC 50Hz for
1 minute. Each wire shall be continuous from end to end without any joint in between.

The sizes of the control cable for wiring in the cabinet shal be not less than 2.5mm . 2

CT secondary wiring shal be though two such wires in parallel.

10.5.1 Fuse protection

The cabinet shal be equipped with links and HRC cartridge fuses in 650 volt grade
fuse holders consisting of fuse carrier and base. The holders shal be made of high
grade, flame retardant and non hygroscopic phenolic moulded material of dark brown
colour with hard glass surface. Each fuse shal be identified with engragved plastic

10.5.2 Terminal blocks

Terminal blocks rated for 10 amps continuous current, 650 volt grade covered by
moulded insulating materials with adequate electrical clearances shal be provided for
terminating the panel wiring and outgoing connections. The termination shall be made
by crimping lugs or bare wire with insulating sleeves at ends. The arrangement can be
horizontal or vertical as per standard practice adopted by the manufacturer. Al
terminals must be numbered and wire termination provided with numbered ferrule for
identification. Al numbering and marking include those in wiring diagram shal follow
the guidelines provided in IS:11353. Ten percent spare terminals shal be provided.

10.5.3 Colours

The wiring used for AC supply for il umination lamp and heater shal be differently

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coloured from control wiring so that these can be distinguished from each other. The
colour of all earth wire shall be black.

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10.6 Circuit diagram

A durable copy of the circuit wiring diagram shall be affixed to the inner side of the
control cabinet. Labels shal be provided inside the cabinet to describe the functions of
the various items of equipment.
Cable Entry
A removable gland plate shal be provided at the bottom of the cabinet for entry of
Purchaser‟s control and auxiliary power cables in the cabinet. Required number of
electroplated brass cable glands of appropriate sizes with shrouds shal be provided in
consultation with the Purchaser in the gland plate for the control and power cables.
Provision shal be make for earthing of the cable armours in the gland.


11.1 General

The operating mechanism of the circuit breaker shal be motor wound spring charged
type. It shal be electrically and mechanically trip free with anti pumping device (as per
IEC:694 definition). Al working parts in the mechanism shal be of corrosion resistant
material. Self lubricating, wearing resistant bearings shal be provided in the

The mechanism shal fully close the circuit breaker and sustain it in the closed position
against the forces of the rated making current and shal fully open the circuit breaker
without undue contact bounce at a speed commensurate with that shown by tests to be
necessary to achieve the rated breaking capacity in accordance with IEC:56 or
IS:13118. The mechanism shal be capable of being locked in either the open or closed
position. The mechanism shal be capable of fully closing and opening again after the
auto-reclose time interval specified as 0.3 second in this specification.

11.2 Spring mechanism

The spring operating mechanism shal be with spring charging motor, opening and
closing springs with limit switches and all accessories necessary for automatic
charging. In normal operation, recharging of the operating springs shal commence
immediately and automatical y upon completion of the closing operation so that a
complete sequence of closing and opening operation should be possible.

It shal be possible to hand charge the operating spring with the circuit breaker in either
the open or closed position conveniently from the ground level. Closure whilst a spring
charging operation is in progress shal be prevented and release of the springs shal
not be possible until they are fully charged.

The state of charge of the operating springs shal be indicated by a mechanical device
showing ‘SPRING CHARGED’ when closing spring is fully charged and operation is

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permissible and ‘SPRING FREE’ when closing spring is not fully charged and the
operation is not possible. Provision shal be made for remote electrical indication of
„Spring Charged‟ and „Spring Free‟ conditions.

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The operating mechanism shal be such that the failure of any auxiliary spring shal not
cause tripping or closing the circuit breaker but shal not prevent tripping against trip

Closing action of the circuit breaker shal charge the opening spring ready for tripping.
From the close position with spring charged, one open-close-open operation shal be
possible without recharging the spring.

11.3 Motor

The motor for spring charging shal be single phase 230 Volt A. C motor. Continuous
motor rating shal be at least ten percent above the maximum load demand of the
driven equipment. It shal remain within its rated capacity at all operating points that will
arise in service. It shal be protected by H.R.C cartridge fuses or MCB. The motor shal
comply with IEC:34 or IS:996.


The operating mechanism shal be suitable to operate with the following auxiliary
power supplies.

a) 230V,50Hz Single For spring charging motor

phase A.C-

b) DC supply 24 Volts- For close and open coils, indication &


(Power pack input supply:230V & 110V AC and Output:24V DC)

The DC supply shall be from a Power Pack. The Input to Power Pack is 110V from PT
and 230V from main supply. The power pack should be capable for minimum 3
Trippings even if input to power pack is failed.

The mechanism shal be designed to operate satisfactorily despite fluctuations of

auxiliary power supplies as under:
AC supply:

DC supply:

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Voltage From 115% to 85% of

normal voltage
From 105% to 95% of
normal frequency
voltage and
variation From 115% to 85% of

From 120% to 70% of

normal voltage

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The circuit breaker shal be capable of being mechanically and electrically interlocked
with the associated line isolator so that the isolator cannot be operated with the
breaker in the closed position.

Al doors or shutters which give access to live parts shal be interlocked in such a way
that these cannot be opened unless the circuit breaker is in the open position.

Other interlocks shal be provided as deemed necessary for safety.


Protective relays and metering will be provided in a control panel by separate agency
in Purchaser‟s control room. The circuit breaker shal be particularly suitable for the
following protection schemes:

Inter-tripping for simultaneous tripping other circuit breaker.


Suitable terminal connectors of bi-metallic type suitable for both horizontal and vertical
connection shal be provided on the terminal pad both on the incoming and the
outgoing side for connection of jumpers of ACSR or AAAC conductor. The size of the
conductor may vary between 50mm and 232mm depending upon the location of the
2 2

circuit breaker. The terminal connection drawing and details are to be approved by the
Purchaser before fabrication. The terminal connectors shal be bi-metallic type to avoid
bi-metallic corrosion.


a) The insulation to ground, the insulation between open contacts and insulation
between phases of the circuit breaker shal be capable of satisfactorily withstanding
dielectric test voltages.

b) The minimum clearance in open air shal be as follows:

Between poles - 460mm

Phase to earth - 400mm

Ground clearance for live part - 3700mm


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The temperature rise and the maximum temperature of any part of the circuit breaker
under continuous load condition and exposed in the direct rays of the sun shal not
exceed the permissible limits as provided in Table V of IEC publication 694 or table 4
of IS:12729. These limits shal not be exceeded when corrected for the difference
between the ambient temperature at site and the ambient temperature specified in the
standard. The correction proposed shall be stated in the tender.


18.1 Type and routine tests

The circuit breakers shal be subjected to routine and type tests in accordance with the
standards listed in this specification including the following IEC and IS standards with
the latest amendments:

Circuit breaker IEC:56 and IS:13118 and relevant other standards

Porcelain insulator IEC:233 and IS:5621 and relevant other standards

The tests shal include but not limited to the following:

18.2 Short circuit tests

The circuit breaker shal satisfactorily perform the out of phase and short circuit duties
specified in IEC:56, IEC:17A(Sectt.) and IEC:17A/CD/474, IS-13118 and IS:13516.

The circuit breaker shal be capable of performing at least twenty five (25) open
operations at the rated short circuit current before maintenance or inspection is

18.3 Capacitive current switching

Capacitive switching tests shal be performed in accordance with IEC:56 or IS:13118

and IEC:17A/CD/474 at 1.3U preferably by direct test method or alternatively using
synthetic method to IEC:427 or IS:13516. The test circuits shal simulate the most
onerous site conditions.

18.4 Reactor Switching

In addition to the capacitive current switching tests to IEC:56 or IS:13118 and

IEC:17A/CD/474, the circuit breakers shal be tested for shunt reactor switching in
accordance with IEC:1233, Examination of the interrupter after the tests shal not show
any evidence of surface tracking or erosion of contracts.

18.5 Dielectric tests

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At zero gauge loss of vacuum inside the interrupter chamber, the open contracts shal
withstand continuously, the rated phase to ground voltage and it shal be possible to
break normal current in these conditions. During the dielectric type tests, no flashover
external or internal shal be acceptable.

The circuit breakers shal be subjected to a power frequency AC voltage test for one
minute in dry and wet conditions and there shal be no external flash over to earth.

18.6 Mechanical endurance

In addition to the requirements of IEC:56, an extended mechanical endurance test is

required to show that the circuit breaker is capable of at least 10,000 operations at no
load in accordance with IEC:17A/474/CD. Between the specified test series in
IEC:17A/474/CD, some maintenance such as lubrication and mechanical adjustment is
allowed and shal be performed in accordance with manufacturer‟s instructions.
Change of contracts is not permitted.

18.7 Low current switching

The circuit breakers shall produce very low over voltage (<2.0 pu) on all switching
circuits inductive current including reactor switching to IEC-1233 and capacitive current
switching to IEC:17A (Secretariat) 438 and IEC 17A/CD/474 the circuit breaker shal be
re-ignition or re-strike free for all duties.

18.8 Duty requirement tests

Apart from auto-reclosing and the other duties mentioned above, the breakers shal be
able to perform the following duties for which type tests are to be conducted as per
IEC:56 or IS:13118.

1. Breaking the steady and the transient magnetising current of the transformer.

2. Breaking 25% of rated fault current at twice the rated voltage as per IEC/IS.

3. Cable charging breaking current.

4. Back-to-back capacitor bank breaking current.

5. Single capacitor bank breaking current.

6. Capacitor bank in rush making current.

Test for the resistance of the main circuit shal also be conducted.

18.9 Temperature rise test

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Temperature rise test is to be conducted on the circuit breaker and the accessories in
accordance with IEC:56 or IS:13118. The temperature rise shal be limited as per this

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The supplier shal declare the circuit breaker opening and closing times at 120 percent,
100 percent and 70 per cent of the rated voltage of the opening and closing devices
when measured at the terminals of the trip and closing coils. The minimum make break
time at rated voltage and total break time of the CB shal be stated. The total break
time must not exceed 60m. sec.


Al metal parts not intended for carrying current or not alive shal be connected to
duplicate earthing system and suitable electroplated brass earthing terminals shal be
provided on each circuit breaker in conformity with IEC:56 or IS:13118. Suitable
identification mark for the earth terminals shal be provided adjacent to the terminal.

Earth continuity conductors shal be provided down to the ground level for earth
connection to purchaser‟s earthing grid. It shal have sufficient cross sectional area to
afford a low resistance path for the full fault current envisaged. Such conductor shal
also be provided for the CTs up to the ground level.

The size of the earth continuity conductor shal be large enough to reduce the potential
rise of the metal frame of the breaker in the even of fault to minimum but in any case
not more than 10V. The size of the conductor shal also be adequate to restrict the
temperature rise without causing any damage to the earth connection in the case of
fault. No riveted joints in the earth conducting path shal be permissible and only bolted
joints of adequate size shal be provided with nuts, bolts and plain and spring washers.
The surfaces to be jointed shall be perfectly flat without any unevenness to ensure that
there is no contact resistance.

21. Mandatory Spare Parts for 33KV VCB

The supplier shal provide the mandatory spares as follows for each company NESCO/

Sl. No Qty. required

Description (Nos.)
1 Complete pole assembly of the circuit breaker 9 Upper
2 Vacuum interrupter bottle (for vacuum type only) Housing
3 Tripping coils assembly
4 Closing coils 10 Lower
5 Insulated drive rod Housing
6 Spring charging motor assembly
7 Set of spring charging limit switches
8 Set for gaskets complete for one circuit breaker

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2 2
2 2

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Durat 25
SL ion As Per 3 Seconds
NO DESCRIPTION Specification
- Name of manufacture
- Manufacturer’s type
- Governing standards IS : 13118 & IEC :

- No. of poles of circuit 56

- No. of breaks per phase 3
- Total length of break per 1
Type – Vacuum
- Rated voltage
Maximum(continuous)service 33
rated voltage
- Under normal condition
- Under site condition 1250
- Rated short circuit breaking
Symmetrical, rms
Asymmetrical including DC 25
- Rated short circuit making 31.25
current; peak
- Short time current withstand

Peak value
Rms value 62.5

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g Specification
5. device

- At normal continuous
- After performing the
operating sequence
- At 10% rupturing capacity milli-sec
6 Make & Break Times
Total break times
At 10% rupturing capacity 60 milli-sec
At rated rupturing capacity 60 milli-sec
Arcing time at rated
60 milli-sec
breaking current
Make time form giving
60 milli-sec
close command
- Minimum reclose time at
full rated interrupting
Capacity from trip coil
- Minimum dead time for 3
phase reclosing
- Circuit breaker opening
at 125% of rated voltage of 60 milli-sec
opening device
at 100% of rated voltage of
60 milli-sec
opening device
at 70% of rated voltage of 60 milli-sec
opening device
- Circuit breaker closing
at 125% of rated voltage of
60 milli-sec
closing device
at 100% of rated voltage of
60 milli-sec
closing device
at 70% of rated voltage of 60 milli-sec

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- Amplitude factor KV
- Phase factor KV
- Natural bank KHz
frequency breaki
- Rate of rise of ng
curren 0.57 kv/µs
recovery voltage
- Dry and wet power
frequency withstand test
voltage (rms) for 1 minute
Between live terminals and
70 KV
grounded objects
Between terminals with
70 KV
breaker contacts open

- 1.2/50 µsec full wave

impulse withstand voltage
+ve and - ve polarity (peak)

Between live terminals and 170 KV

grounded object
Between terminals with 170 KV
breaker contacts open

One mimute power frequency 2 KV

voltage of auxiliary wiring
- Rated transient
0.57 KV/µs
recovery voltage
Rated cable charging
50 Amps.
breaking current

Rated single capacitor bank

400 Amps.
breaking current

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Rated capacitor bank in-rush
making current KA

Rated small inductive
25 KA
breaking current
First pole-to-clear factor 1.5

Rated operating sequence O-0.3 Sec-CO-3 Min-CO

Rated out-of-phase breaking

current 25
Re-ignition and Re-strike De Yes
free pt
at full rated interrupting in
> 100
current gs
at 50% of rated interrupting
m > 100
at 100% of full load current 10,000
at no load pr
- Between phases 460
- Live parts to earth 400
- Live parts to ground 3700
Total weight of one complete
breaker, including mounting
Mounting structure weight
Control cabinet weight
Dimensions: Height

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KAmp no kg
Yes/ No kg
mm mm
mm mm



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Type and make of insulators.
Power frequency withstand
test voltage for one minute:
- Dry 70 KV

NO Specification OFFER
- Wet 70 KV
Flash over value
- Dry 135 KV
- Wet 95 KV
1.2/50 impulse voltage
withstand capability
- positive polarity 170 KV
- negative polarity 170 KV
Creepage distance total 900 mm
Creepage distance protected 450 mm

Weight of assembled housing kg

Corona shield provided or
not Yes


Type and make of insulators ge
Power frequency withstand dist
test voltage for one minute:
- Dry pro 70
- Wet tect 70
Flash over value ed
- Dry 135

- Wet 95
1.2/50 impulse voltage
withstand capability
- positive polarity 170
- negative polarity 170
Creepage distance, total 900

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Weight of assembled housing kg

Corona shield provided or Yes


Type of main contacts Butt

Type of auxiliary
Material of auxiliary Silver Plated Brass
NO Specification OFFER
Type of plating, if any Silver

Thickness of plating 20 micron

Contact pressure gm/

No of auxiliary contacts
6 NO + 6 NC
Those closed when breaker 6 no
is closed
Those open when breaker is 6 no
Those adjustable no
16 OPERATING Whether
Opening type Shunt Trip
are Motor / Manual spring
Closing type charge,Shunt/Magnetic
provided actuator operation
Force applied by charged
spring for closing
Time taken by motor for
charging the spring form <30
fully discharged to fully
charged position
Full sequence of operation O-0.3sec-CO-3min-CO

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Whether spring limit
switches start & stop the Yes yes/no

Type and material of spring

Whether trip free Yes
Whether anti pumping device
Normal auxiliary A.C 230 Volts
supply voltage
Voltage limits for proper
Maximum 115% Volts
Minimum 85% Volts
Frequency limits for
proper operation
Maximum +5% Hz
Minimum -5% Hz
for circuit breakers : Volts
Normal DC control 24 Volts
circuit voltage
Voltage limits for
proper operation
Maximum 120% Volts
Minimum 70% Volts
Power required for trip
300 Watts
Power required for
300 Watts
closing coil
pr - Weather proof
- Material o
vi provision
- Degree of
protection o
- Vermin proof ns

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Yes Yes/no

Yes Yes/no

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- Dust proof
provision Yes Yes/no
- Ventilation
Yes Yes/no
- Thickness of
3 mm
sheet materials used
- Overall
- Total weight kg
- Mounting
- Material
- Bi-metallic or not Yes
- Weight kg


- Dimensions mm

- Size and type of

conductor it can 100 sq mm
- Terminal pads
silver plated or not

- Thickness of microns
silver plating
20 CORROSION faste
- Surface
- Rust inhibition
- Zinc
thickness/paint thickness
- Treatment of

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FOR SUPPORT Hot Dip Galvanised
Surface preparation
Rust inhibition
Zinc thickness microns
Treatment of fasteners.
BREAKER SEALING Hermetically Sealed
Degree of protection of
circuit breaker pole
enclosure. (IEC 529, IS

Method of sealing the circuit

breaker pole enclosure.

Make of Manufacturer
for transformer protection

- Make and type of

Outdoor, Oil-Cooled

- Ratio 200-100-50/ 1-
(i) 1–1A
Core 2. VA
Core1. VA Burden 15
Accuracy class burden 0.5
Saturation factor NA
Instrument security
factor Accuracy class <5

Accuracy limit factor NA

Knee point voltage factor 5
Magnetizing current
at V /2 k

Secondary resistance
R ct

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Milli amps.



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Instrument security
Accuracy limit factor r 20

Core 3. VA burden
Accuracy class PS
Saturation factor y
Accuracy limit factor limit
Instrument security r
Knee point voltage 375
Magnetizing current
< 30 mA at 0.5 Vk
at V /2 k

Secondary resistance
<= 2
R ct

(ii) - Ratio 400-200-100/ 1- 1 A

Core1. VA Burden 15

Accuracy class 0.5

Saturation factor NA

Instrument security <5

Accuracy limit factor NA

Knee point voltage 5

Magnetizing current
at V /2 k

Secondary resistance
R ct

Core 2. VA burden 15

Accuracy class 5P

Saturation factor

Instrument security

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Milli amps.



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Short time current rating : 31 KA
time 3 Sec.
Impulse voltage withstand 170 KV
Power frequency voltage
withstand level
Primary winding 70 KV
Secondary winding 3 KV
Specification of oil IS : 335
Quantity of oil Liters
Creepage distance 900 mm

Protected creepage distance 450 mm

Weight of CT complete with kg
24 Corrosion Prevention
System for CTs Hot Dip Galvanised
Surface preparation -
Rust in inhibition
Paint thickness
Treatment of fasteners
Oil resistance varnish
Single-Phase Outdoor,
Type of transformer n Oil-Cooled, Dead
Tank, Double Wound
Rated normal voltage 33 / √3
Rated maximum voltage a 36 / √3
Rated primary voltage ct 33 / √3
Rated secondary voltage 110 / √3
V A burden 200
Accuracy class 0.5
Ratio error
Phase displacement
positive or negative

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micron Volts
KV Minute

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- Instrument
security factor
- Short time
current rating
Rms value Power
Period frequenc
Peak value y
- Impulse voltage withstand 170
withstand level level
One minute power frequency
voltage withstand level of 70
primary winding
- Specification of
IS : 335
- Weight of oil
Weight of core and
- Total weight

Overall dimensions

Rated voltage factor

Continuous 1.2
For 30 seconds 1.5
- Temperature rise
above the ambient of 50 C 0

- Correction factor
- Partial discharge
- Composition of Hot Dip Galvanised
- Thickness 3
Material composition CRGO
Flux density at normal < 1.2
voltage and frequency
Lamination thickness 0.27
Purity of copper used Electrolytic copper
Type of insulation DPC

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KA Mm mm


0C mm


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Secondary winding to 3 KV
Between sections 3 KV
Degree of protection
Vermin proof provision Yes/no
Weather proof provision Yes/no
Dust proof provision Yes/no
Thickness of metal used mm
Overall dimensions mm
Mounting arrangement
- Material
- Bi-metallic or not Bi-Metallic Yes/no
- Dimensions, mm
Size and type of conductor
Sq. mm
it can accommodate
(To be furnished as per
clause on Surface Treatment)
Surface preparation
Rust in inhibition
Treatment of fasteners
Oil resistance varnish
A. INSTRUMENTS & 7. short time overload
METERS (Ammeter & rating
8. V A Burden:
1. Type & make of
instruments & meter
2. Size
3. Whether magnetically
shielded or not
4. Limits or error in the
effective range
5. Scale length

6. Whether Tropicalised

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144 X 144 mm 90 KV

Yes Yes
Analogue, AE
make ±2% 200%

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Current coil
Potential coil
9. Power consumption
of current & potential coil

2 O/C + 1 E/F, Self

actuated , 1 Amp,
1. Type of relay aux. Volt-24 V
DC/Numerical &
Communicable Type

2. Current coil rating 1 Amp
3. Tap range 5% - 250%
4. VA Burden Highest VA
tap & lowest tap
5. Power consumption
highest tap & lowest tap
6. Time of operation at
maximum time dial seting at 1.6-1.9 Second
i) 5 times tap setting
current 1.3 Second
ii) 10 times tap setting
current IDMTL
7. Type of
characteristic Yes
8. Whether draw out
type or not.
9. Trip contact ratings
Amps. 5 Amp-Continuos Amp
10. Whether seal In
contacts provided or not
11. No. of contacts 2 NO+2 NC
12. Flag Required
D. Three element voltage
operated Aux. Relay
Type & make of the AREVA, ER,ABB
Relay make

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Voltage coil rating 24 V DC Volts

pole No. of elements 3 No.
Mounting Flush
Aux. Contact on each 1 NO + 1 NC

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Flag Required
Purpose Trf protection
E. High speed Tripping Relay

Type & make of the AREVA, ER,ABB

Relay make

Voltage coil rating 24 V DC

Contact(Hand reset) 3 NO +1 NC
Flag Required
F. High speed Harmonic
Restraint Differential Relay
Type & make of the Relay AREVA, ER,ABB

Voltage coil rating 24 V DC

Aux. Contacts(Hand reset) 2 NO
Mounting Flush
CT secondary 1 Amp.
Differential current 15%
Bias setting 15-30-40 %
Flag Required

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SL As Per

inbuilt Battery)

1. Rated AC voltage. (Input 230 V/110 V AC Volt

230 V & 110 V AC)
2. Single phase or three Single phase
3. Capacity(VA)
4. Power factor
5. Type of transformer
used, if any, to supply input
to the rectifier
6. Transformation ratio
7. Type of rectification
employed, full wave or half Full wave
8. Type of rectifier
9. Ripple factor
10. Type of filter employed
11. Ratings of capacitor
12. Time of retention of
charge by capacitor
13. Value of DC constant.
14. Out put voltage(DC) 24 + 15% Volt
15. Capacity (Watt-sec)
16. No of closing & tripping
taken by this pack.

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1.1 This specification covers design, engineering, manufacture, testing, inspection before
dispatch packing, forwarding, transportation, insurance during transit, delivery to site/
stores of 11 KV Outdoor Vacuum Circuit Breakers for use the 33/11KV primary
substations under the distribution networks of NESCO / WESCO / SOUTHCO.

1.2 Al vacuum circuit breakers must be manufactured by ISO 9000 certified Organization
and shal have been type tested at CPRI or any Govt. approval laboratory within five
years as on the date of bid opening and in satisfactory operation for a period not less
than three years. The Bidder shal demonstrate compliance with this requirement by
supplying with the bid, copies of the type test certificates together with performance
certificates from purchasers/ users.

1.3 The scope of supply includes the provision of type tests wherever required. Rates for
type tests shal be given in the appropriate price schedule of the bid document and wil
be considered for evaluation. The purchaser reserves the right to waive type tests.

1.4 The scope also includes the circuit breaker and current and potential transformers,
supporting structures, operating mechanism, local/ remote control cabinet, relay control
panel, foundation bolts, all the accessories and auxiliary equipment mandatory spares
and special tools for satisfactory installation and operation.

1.5 The circuit breakers shal conform in all respects to the highest standards of
engineering, design, workmanship, this specification and the latest revisions of relevant
standards at the time of offer and the purchaser shal have the power to reject any work
or materials, which, in his judgment, is not in full accordance therewith.


Expect where modified by this specification, the circuit breakers and the accessories
shal be designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with latest editions of the
following standards.

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IEC:56 IS : 13118 High voltage alternating current circuit breakers general


IEC:694 IS : 12729 Common clauses of high voltage switch-gear and control

gear standards (for voltage exceeding 1000 V).

IEC:60 IS : 9135 High Voltage testing techniques.

IEC:427 IS:13516 Method of synthetic testing of HV .A.C circuit breakers.

IEC: 1233 HV. AC. Circuit breakers- inductive load switching.

IEC: 17A/CD:474 HV. AC. Circuit breakers- capacitive switching.

IEC:529 IS: 13947 Degree of protection provided by enclosure.

IEC:137 IS: 2099 Insulating bushing for A.C. voltages above 1000V

IEC:233 IS : 5621 Hollow insulators for use in electrical equipment & testing.

IEC:273 IS: 5350 Characteristics of indoor and outdoor post insulators for
systems with nominal voltages greater than 1000V.

IEC:815 IS: 13134 Guide for selection of insulators in respect of pol uted

IEC: 34 IS : 996 A.C motors

ISO:1460 BS:729 IS:2629 Hot dip galvanizing

IS:2633 Method of testing uniformity of zinc coated articles.

IS: 5 Colour for ready missed paints and enamels

IS: 6005 Code of practice for phosphating or iron and steel.

IEC: 227 IS:1554

IEC:269 IS:13703

ISO:800 IS:1300

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Low voltage
P.V.C Insulated cables for Phenolic moulding materials.
fuses for
voltages up to and
voltages not Guide for uniform marking and identification of conductors
including 1100
exceeding and apparatus terminals.

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IEC: 185 IS: 2705 Current transformers.

IEC: 296 IS: 335 Specification for unused insulating oil for transformer and

IEC:186 IS: 3156 Potential transformers.

CBIP Technical Report No. 88 Specification for AC Static Electrical Energy Meter.
revised July, 1996 read with
amendment issued (April, 99,
September, 99 and also any
other amendment thereafter)

This list is not to be considered exhaustive and reference to a particular standard or

recommendation in this specification does not relieve the Supplier of the necessity of
providing the goods and services complying with other relevant standards or


The circuit breakers to be supplied against this specification shal be required to control
the secondary side of 33/11 KV power transformers in the primary sub-stations or Bus
coupler or the outgoing feeders in these sub-stations. The circuit breakers shall be
suitable for 3 phase 50Hz solidly grounded neutral system and shal have normal
current carrying capacity and symmetrical short circuit current breaking capability as
mentioned hereunder.

The required 11 KV Vacuum Circuit Breakers suitable for outdoor installations are to be
quoted by Manufacturers only with a valid ISO 9000 certification.


The vacuum circuit breakers are required to meet the following basic technical
requirements. (Reference standards IEC:56, IS:13118 and associated standards listed
in this specification.
Basic Technical Requirements system voltage
Sl. Highest system
No Particulars voltage
Service type
No. of Poles

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11 KV

Requirements 12 KV


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Rated normal current at 50 C 0

i) 800 A
For Bus-bar of Circuit Breaker
For Interrupter
iii) The service conditions shal be as
For Outgoing Feeders
Rated short circuit breaking current (rms)
Maximum a altitude above
Rated short circuit making current (peak) sea level
Rated short time current withstand capability for 3 sec.
Rated insulation level:
One minute power frequency withstand voltage to earth
ii) and dry) rms

Impulse withstand voltage to earth with 1.2/50 sec, wave

+ve and –ve polarity (Peak)
First – pole – to clear factor
Rated operating sequence (for auto reclosing)
Maximum break time
Rated out of phase breaking current
Maximum pole scatter
Rated Auxiliary supply for spring charge motor, lamp &
heater circuit.
Rated supply voltage for trip/close coil
Minimum creepage distance (mm)
Minimum protected creepage distance (mm)

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2000 A 75 KV

630 A 24V D.C

25KA 350 mm
O-0.3 Sec- CO-3 min-
63KA CO 280 mm
3 cycles
25% of the symmetrical
short circuit breaking
28 KV 10 mili seconds

230V A.C 1,000m

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Maximum ambient air temperature 50 C 0

Maximum daily average ambient air temperature 35 C 0

Minimum ambient air temperature 5C


Maximum temperature attainable by an object exposed to the 60 C 0

32 C 0

Maximum yearly weight average ambient temperature

Maximum relative humidity
Average number of thunderstorm days per annum
(isokeraunic 120
Average number of rainy days per annum
260Kg/m 2

Average annual rainfall

Maximum wind pressure



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a common drive mechanism actuating the interrupters,

The circuit which must work in synchronism. These breakers shal be provided with suitable local
breakers shal control while provision shal be made for remote control.
be structure The circuit breakers shal be fitted with spring mechanism. The inherent design of these
mounted open circuit breakers shal be such that they shal satisfactorily perform all test duties and
type with interrupt out-of-phase current and produce very low over voltage (<2.0p.u.) on all
switching circuits, capacitive and inductive to IEC:56, IS:13118 and other associated
vacuum as
standards mentioned in the clause of this specification.
media The terminal pads shal have silver-plating of at least 50 micron thickness. The design of
incorporating the circuit breakers shal be such that inspection and replacement of contracts, coils,
separate vacuum bottles and any worn or damaged components can be carried out quickly and
interrupters of this ease. The contract gaps shall be adjustable to allow for wear.
2000 A rating
for each phase
The mechanism and the connected interrupters shal satisfy the mechanical endurance
mounted on
requirements of IEC:56, IS:13118 and all additional requirements specified herein.
single frame.
There shall be
Porcelain Insulator

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External parts of the circuit breakers, which are under continuous electrical stress, shal
be of hol ow porcelain. The creepage and flashover distance of the insulators shal be
dimensioned and the type and profile designed in accordance with IEC:815 or IS:
13134 and shal be suitable for the worst environmental conditions specified in this
specification. The creepage distance across the interrupting chambers shal suite the
outdoor service conditions mentioned in the relevant standards for heavily polluted
atmosphere and shal be not less than 350 mm with minimum protected creepage
distance 280 mm. Internal surfaces of hol ow insulators shal also be glazed. The
insulators shal comply with IS:5621 and tested in accordance with IEC:233.

Al porcelain whether, used on the interrupting chamber or on the support insulator shal
have the following properties:

Higher strength, homogeneity, uniform glaze, free from cavities and other flaws and
high quality uniform finish porcelain components and shal withstand the maximum
expected static and dynamic loads to which the circuit breakers may be subjected
during their service life.

5.3 Interrupting media

5.3.1 Vacuum:

In vacuum circuit breakers, facilities shal be provided for monitoring the contract
erosion and any change in contact gap. The vacuum bottles shal be easily replaceable
on site and the mechanism shal be conveniently adjustable to permit resetting the
contact gap.

The vacuum circuit breaker poles shal be sealed to prevent contamination of the
spaces surrounding the interrupters. The Bidder shal demonstrate how this is achieved
by supplying technical details with the bid.



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Auxiliary Indication
A mechanically operated circuit breaker position indicator of non corroding material
12 auxiliary shal be provided in a location visible from the operating side of the breaker without the
necessity to open the mechanism door. The word „OFF‟ in white letter on green
contacts background shal be used to indicate that the breaker is in the opening position and the
(6N.O.+6N.C.) word „ON‟ in white letters on a red background to indicate that the breaker is in the
of 24 Volt D.C closed position. The drive for the device shal be positive in both directions and
provision shal be made for local and remote electrical indication.
grade and 10
amps DC Indication of spring charging condition shal be provided as mentioned in this
rating shal specification. Mechanical counters to record the number of closing operations shal be
be provided in provided for each circuit breaker mechanism.
each circuit
breaker. Operation and controls

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from any remote source.

The breaker ON/NEUTRAL/ OFF control switch or ON and OFF push buttons. The push
shal normally buttons shal be momentary contract type with rear terminal connections. The
be operated close push button shal be of green colour and the open push button red colour.
by remote
electrical MECHANICAL EMERGENCY TRIP DEVICE: suitable for manual operation in
control with the event of failure of electrical supplies. The device shal be accessible without
electrical opening any access doors and distinctly labeled. It shal be shrouded and
tripping by shunt protected against inadvertent operation.
trip coil.
Provision shal Means shal be provided for manual operation of these circuit breakers during
be made for failure of auxiliary power in addition to electrical operation.
local electrical
operation and Means shal be provided to prevent the mechanism from responding to a close
mechanical signal when the trip coil is energized or to reclosing from a sustained close
operation. signal either opening due to a trip signal or failure to hold in the closed position.

The following The circuit breaker shal be able to perform 10,000 operating cycles at no load in
facilities shall accordance with IEC:17A/474/CD for circuit breakers for auto reclosing duties.
be provided in
the circuit
breaker local

of stay
n of
n shal
n of the

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Current transformers, three per circuit breaker, shal be of outdoor, single phase oil
immersed dead tank type and shal comply with IEC:185 and IS:2705, suitable for
operation in hot and humid atmospheric conditions described in service condition. They
shal be mounted on the bracket. The CT tank should be Hot Dip galvanized as per
relevant ISS to prevent corrosion of all exposed metal parts.

6.1 Core

High grade non- ageing cold rolled grain oriented (CRGO M4 or better grade) silicon
steel of low hysteresis loss and permeability shal be used for the core so as to ensure
specified accuracy at both normal and over currents. The flux density shall be limited to
ensure that there is no saturation during normal service.

The instrument security factor of the core shal be low enough so as not to cause
damage to the instruments in the event of maximum short circuit current.

6.2 Windings

The secondary windings shal be made of electrolytic copper with suitable insulation.
The conductor shal be of adequate cross- section so as to limit the temperature rise
even during short circuit conditions. The insulation of windings and connections shal be
free from composition liable to soften coze, shrink or collapse during service.

Polarity shall be indelibly marked on each current transformer and at the lead and
termination at associated terminal blocks. CTs with multi ratio winding shal be clearly
tabulated to show the connections required for different ratios. Similar numbers shal be
marked on terminal block arrangement and wiring diagram. Apart from the above
marking and those to be provided as per IEC 185 or IS 2705, other markings shal be
provided in consultation with owner.

The continuous current rating of the primary winding shal be one hundred and fifty
percent of the normal rated current. Secondary windings of current transformers shal
be used for metering, instrumentation and protection and shal be rated for continuous
current of one hundred and fifty percent of normal rated current of primary winding.

6.3 Construction

The current transformer enclosures shal be made of high quality steel and shal be hot
dip galvanized and shal be able to withstand and stresses occurring during
transportation and the terminal and mechanical stresses resulting from maximum short
circuit current in service. The primary winding and terminals shal be in a tank and
supported by a hollow porcelain insulator. The secondary connection shal be conduited
through the hol ow insulator and terminated in a terminal box mounted on the base

6.4 Hermetic sealing

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Each current transformer shal be supplied fil ed with insulating oil complying with
IEC:296 or IS:335 and shal be hermetical y sealed to prevent atmosphere coming in
contact with oil, avoiding frequent filtration and change of oil. Nitrogen or any oil inert
gas above the oil level shal be provided to permit expansion and contraction of oil
without any contract with the atmosphere.

The current transformers shal have provision for draining and re-fil ing insulation oil
after drying.

6.5 Insulating oil

The current transformer shal be complete with new insulating oil. The quantity of
insulating oil for first fil ing of the equipment and complete specification of oil proposed
to be used shal be stated in the bid. The oil shal conform to the requirements of latest
issue of IEC:296 or IS:335.

6.6 Fittings and accessories

Fittings and accessories listed below shal be supplied with each current transformer:

Oil level gauge;

Oil fil ing hole and cap;

Pressure relief device;

HV terminal connectors;

Two earthing terminals and strips with necessary nut, bolts and washers;

Name and rating plate;

Terminal box with LV terminal connections;

Mounting nuts, bolts and washers;

Any other fittings deemed essential by the Supplier shal also be supplied with each
current transformer.

The oil level gauge shall be mounted in such a way that the oil level can be clearly seen
from ground level.

A dust, vermin and weather proof terminal box shall be provided at the lower end of the
current transformer for terminating the secondary windings. The box shal have a bolted
cover plate complete with gaskets. The terminal box shall have terminal blocks, cable
gland plate and cable glands with shrouds suitable for different sizes of PVC insulated

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control cables
grade as per
IEC:227 or
IS:1554. The
blocks shal
have covering
of moulded
complete with
brass studs,
washers, nuts
and lock nuts
suitable for
termination of
2X2.5 sqmm
wires. The
shal be
made by
crimping lugs
or bare wire
with insulating
sleeves at

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The terminal box enclosure shal have protection as per class IP 55 as defined in
IEC:529 or IS:13947.

6.7 CT Junction Box/Console Box

Each set of 3 current transformers for three phase shal be provided with a common
junction box mounted on the circuit breaker supporting structure at a convenient
position to accommodate the secondary wire of CT and other control cables of
Purchaser. Separate terminals for testing the relays and instruments and short
circuiting of each current transformer secondary wires shal be provided in it. The
junction box enclosure shal have the same protection features as for the terminal box.
It shal be provided with terminal blocks, gland plates and glands suitable for different
sizes of cables. Facilities shal be provided for earthing the CT secondary wires in the
junction box.

6.8 Hollow porcelain insulators

The insulators of the current transformers shal conform to latest edition of IS:5621 and
shal be subjected to and successfully pass the tests listed in this standard and in
IEC:233. The hol ow porcelain insulators shal be brown glazed and shal meet the
requirements indicated in this specification. The insulators shal be cemented with
Portland cement to the flanges resulting in high mechanical, tensile and breaking

6.9 Insulation level

The current transformers shal be designed to withstand impulse test voltages and
power frequency test voltages as specified in this specification.

6.10 Terminal connections

The CTs shal be provided with bi-metallic solderless clamp and rigid type terminal
connectors on the top tank for connection to the HV terminals. The other requirements
shal be same as for the terminal connectors of the circuit breaker described in this
specification. They shal be universal type suitable for both horizontal and vertical

Two earthing terminals complete with necessary hardware shal be provided on each
CT for connecting to earth continuity conductor to be provided. The earthing terminals
shal be identified by means of appropriate symbol marked in a legible and indelible
manner adjacent to the terminals. The terminals shal be adequately sized to meet the
full earth fault current envisaged.

6.11 Basic technical requirement

Ratings: The CTs shal conform to the following ratings and other particulars of the
circuit breakers:

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Technical Requirements

Sl. b) Description

1 Rated voltage

2 Insulation level

a) Impulse withstand voltage

b) One minute power frequency with voltage


i) Primary winding

ii) Secondary winding

3 Frequency

4 Rated continuous thermal current

5 Short time thermal rating and its duration

6 Transformation ratio of CTs

i) Category- A: 600-300-150-1-1-1A

a) Rated output

b) Class of accuracy

c) Accuracy limit factor

d) Purpose

e) Maximum exciting current at V /2 k

f) Max. Instrument Security Factor

ii) Category- B 400-200-100/1-1 A

a) Rated output

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Class of Requirements
: 12 KV

: 75 KVP

: 28KV rms

: 3KV rms

: 50Hz

: 120% of rated primary current

: 25KA for 3 sec.

Core-I Core-II Core-III

15VA 15VA -

0.5 5P PS

- 20

Metering Protection


10 - -

: Core-I Core-II

15VA 15VA

5P 0.5

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c) Accuracy limit factor 20

d) Purpose Protection Metering

e) Max. of Instrument security factor : - 10

7 Type : Single phase, outdoor, Dead tank, oil

fil ed & hermetical y sealed

6.12 Tests and inspection

The CTs shal be tested in accordance with the requirements of the type tests and
routine tests as per the latest issues IEC:185 or IS:2705.

The tests to be conducted shall include:

6.12.1 Type Tests:

Lightning impulse voltage:
Power frequency wet withstand voltage;
Temperature rise;
Short time current;
Composite error;
Accuracy test (for measuring core);
Instrument security current (for measuring core);
Current error and phase displacement (for protection core)

6.12.2 Routine tests

Verification of terminal marking and polarity;
Power frequency dry withstand test on primary windings;
Power frequency dry withstand test on secondary windings;
Power frequency dry withstand test between sections;
Over voltage inter-turn test;
Composite error;
Turn ratio;
Accuracy test (for measuring core);
Current error and phase displacement (for protection core);
Knee point voltage and magnetizing current test (for PS class);
Secondary winding resistance (for PS class).
Insulation Resistance Test.

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Section – (C )



The 11 KV outdoor voltage transformers are required to meet the following basic
technical requirements (Reference standards: IEC:186, IS:3156 and associated
standards listed in the specification):

Sl. Requirements
No Particulars
1 Type Single phase, outdoor, oil fil ed &
hermetically sealed
2 Nominal system voltage, phase to phase 11 KV
3 Application Instrumentation, Metering and Protection
4 Number of secondary windings 1
5 Rated normal burden* 100VA
6 Rated primary voltage 12 KV
7 Rated secondary voltage 110V
8 Class of accuracy 0.5
9 One min. power frequency withstand 70 KV (rms)
voltage for primary
10 One minute power frequency withstand 3 KV (rms)
voltage of secondary winding (rms)
11 Rated voltage factor
i) Continuous 1.2
ii) For 30 seconds 1.5
12 Creepage distance to earth in mm per KV 25
highest phase to phase system voltage




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* The burden GENERAL

indicated is the The voltage transformers to be supplied under this specification shal be of outdoor,
minimum single phase dead tank double wound, oil immersed type, complying with IEC:185 and
acceptable to IS:3156 suitable for operation in hot and humid atmospheric conditions described in
the Employer. this document. To prevent corrosion of the exposed surfaces, the tank should be not
The supplier dip galvanized. They shal have separate HV and LV windings and shal be suitable for
shal use as bus VTs in 33/11KV primary substations.
ensure that the
rated output of
the voltage Duty requirement
transformers is 11 KV Voltage transformer for all the indicating instruments and measuring meters in
adequate to
meet at least the primary substation on 11 KV side.
120 percent of Porcelain Insulator
the connected
load (burden).

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External parts of the voltage transformers which are under continuous electrical stress
shal be of hol ow porcelain insulators complying with latest edition of IS:6521 tested as
per IEC:233. The creepage and flashover distance of the insulators shal be
dimensioned and the type and profile designed in accordance with IEC:815 or
IS:13134 and shal be suitable for the worst environmental conditions for heavily
pol uted atmosphere and shal be not less than 25mm per KV of highest phase to
phase system voltage.. Internal surfaces of hol ow insulators shal also be glazed.
The insulators shal be cemented with Portland cement to the flanges resulting in high
mechanical, tensile and breaking strength.

Al porcelain used on the voltage transformers shal have the following properties high
strength, homogeneity, uniform glaze, free from cavities and other flaws and a high
quality uniform finish porcelain components shal withstand the maximum expected
static and dynamic loads to which the voltage transformers may be subjected during
their service life.

The insulation of the hol ow porcelain insulators shal be coordinated with that of the
voltage transformers to ensure that any flash over occurs only externally.

7.5 Core

High grade non-ageing cold rolled grain oriented silicone steel of low hysteresis loss
and permeability shal be used for core so as to ensure accuracy at both normal and or
over Voltages. The flux density shal be limited to 1.6 Tesla at normal voltage and
frequency. There shal be no saturation at any stage during operation.

The instrument security factor of the core shal be low enough so as not to cause
damage to the instruments in the event of maximum short circuit current or over

7.6 Windings

The primary and secondary windings shal be electrolytic copper of high purity and
conductivity and covered with double paper insulation. The conductor shal be of
adequate cross-section so as to limit the temperature rise even during maximum over

The insulation of windings and connections shal be free from composition liable to
soften, ooze, shrink or collapse during service.

The current rating of the primary winding shal be one hundred and fifty percent of the
normal rated burden and the windings shal be suitable to withstand continuously the
maximum system voltage.

The secondary windings of the voltage transformers shal also be suitable for
continuous over voltage corresponding to the maximum system voltage at the primary
winding. The winding supports shal be suitably reinforced to withstand normal handling

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and the
thermal and
stresses during

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The voltage transformer secondary circuits wil be taken out to form the star point and
earthed at one point outside the voltage transformers.

Both primary and secondary winding terminals shal be clearly and indelibly marked to
show polarity in accordance with IEC:186. The connections required for different
secondary windings in case of multi-winding voltage transformers shal be clearly
indicated in terminal blocks and the wiring diagrams.

7.7 Tank

Both expansion chamber and tank of the voltage transformers shal be made of high
quality steel and shal be hot dip galvanized and shal be able to withstand the stress
occurring during transit and all thermal and mechanical stresses resulting from
maximum short circuit current during operation.

7.8 Insulating Oil

The voltage transformers shal be supplied fil ed with new insulating oil. The oil shal
conform to the requirements of latest issue of IEC:296 of IS:335. The quantity of
insulating oil for first fil ing of the equipment and complete specification of oil proposed
to be used shal be stated in the bid.

7.9 Hermetic Sealing

The voltage transformers shall be supplied fil ed with insulating oil and shal be
hermetically sealed to prevent atmosphere coming in contact with oil, avoiding filtration
and change of oil. Nitrogen or other inert gas shal be provided above the oil surface to
permit expansion and contraction of oil. Provision shal be made for draining and re-
fil ing the insulating oil.

7.10 Fitting and Accessories

Fittings and accessories listed below shal be supplied with each voltage transformer:

Oil level gauge.

Oil drain, sampling and fil ing hole with cap;

Pressure relief device;

HV terminals;

Two earthing terminals with necessary nuts, bolts and washers;

Name and rating plate;

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Secondary terminal box with LV terminal connections;

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Mounting nuts, bolts and washers;

L.V HRC cartridge fuses for the protection of secondary winding;

Any other fitting deemed essential by the contractor shal also be supplied along with
each voltage transformer:

The oil level gauge shal be mounted in such a way that the oil level can be clearly
seen from the ground level.

The name and rating plate shal contain all the particulars as provided in IEC:186 and
also the name of the employer and year of manufacture. They shal comply with the
clause termed label in this specification.


A dust, vermin and weather proof terminal box shal be provided at the lower end of
each voltage transformer for terminating the secondary windings. The box shal have a
bolted removable cover plate complete with gaskets. The terminal box shal have cable
gland plate and cable glands with shrouds suitable for entry of 4 core x2.5mm PVC

insulated control cables as per IEC:227 or IS:1554.

The terminal box enclosure shal have protection of class IP 55 as defined in IEC:529
or IS:13947 and shal be painted or galvanized in accordance with specification of
Surface Treatment.

7.12 Terminal blocks

Terminal blocks of brass studs rated for 10 Amps continuous current, 650 Volt grade
enclosed in moulded insulating materials shal be provided with adequate electrical
clearance for terminating the secondary wiring and outgoing connections. The terminal
blocks shal be suitable for termination of 2.5mm wires. The termination shal be made

by crimping Jugs or bare wire with insulating sleeves at ends. Al terminals must be
marked with numbers and wire termination provided with numbered ferrules for

7.13 Fuse protection

The secondary windings shal be protected by HRC cartridge fuses in fuse holder
consisting of carriers and bases. The carriers and bases shal be of high grade flame
retarding and non hygroscopic molded insulating materials with hard glass surface.
Each fuse shal be identified with engraved plastic label.

7.14 Circuit diagram

A durable copy of the circuit wiring diagram shall be affixed to the inner side of the

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terminal box cover. Labels shal be provided inside the cover to describe the functions
of various items of equipments.

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The equipment shal be supplied with HV electrical connection terminals of a size and
rating appropriate for all the duties, including overload duty specified for the equipment.
The terminals shal be of the bi-metallic type, suitable for connection of al aluminium
alloy conductor (AAAC) or aluminium conductor steel reinforced (ACSR). In general
connections using palm type solder less sockets shal be preferred. The proposed
method of connections shal be stated in the offer and shal be subject to approval by
the Purchaser. Where the terminals are of the clamp type, they shal be suitable for
taking a range of conductors appropriate to the rating of the equipment.

Al nuts, bolts, washers and spring washers required to complete the connection shal
be supplied with the equipment.


Two earthing terminals complete with necessary hardware shall be provided on each
voltage transformer for connecting to earth continuity conductors of the Employer.
They shal be of electroplated brass and of adequate size to carry the earth fault

The earthing terminals shal be identified by means of appropriate symbol marked in a

legible and indelible manner adjacent to the terminals.


The voltage transformers shal be tested in accordance with the requirements of the
type tests and routine tests as provided in the latest issues of IEC: 186 or IS: 3516.

The tests to be conducted shall include;

7.17.1 Type tests:

Lightning impulse voltage test;

High voltage power frequency wet withstand voltage;

Temperature rise test;

Short circuit withstand capability test;

Determination of limits of voltage error and phase displacement.

7.17.2 Routine tests:

Verification of terminal marking and polarity;

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Power frequency withstand tests on primary winding;

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Power frequency dry withstand tests on secondary winding;

Power frequency withstand tests between sections;

Determination of limits of voltage errors and phase displacement;

Partial discharge measurement.

Insulating Resistance measurement.


The temperature rise of any part of the voltage transformer under continuous operating
and exposed in the direct rays of the sun shal not exceed the permissible limits as
provided in IEC publication 186 or IS: 3156. These shal not be exceeded when
corrected for the difference between the ambient temperature at site and the ambient
temperature specified in the standard. The correction proposed shal be stated in the

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Section - D


Outdoor control panels with protective relay and meter shal be provided by the
supplier suitable for above breakers. The equipment shal have protection scheme with
the following relays:

(i) Triple pole IDMTL type combined over current (2Nos) & Earth fault (1No) relay
(Draw out type) preferably Non-communicable numerical relay.

Plug setting range of the over current and earth fault relays shal be 5% to 250%.

(i ) 3 elements auxiliary relay for transformer fault, trip for Buchholz, winding
temperature & oil temperature.

(i i) Master trip relay for inter tripping.

(iv) Differential relay.

(v) One alarm bel scheme with bell (24V DC).

N.B:- The relays should be Areva, Easun Rerolle, ABB or of any reputed make (subject
to approval)


The following meters shal be provided.

i) Ammeter:- 1 No. , 0-300-600 A/ 1 Amp Preferable Make- IMP/ AE or any reputed

make (Dial type or Digital).

i ) Volt meter:- 1 No., 0- 15 KV (size :144mm x 144mm), make IMP/AE or any reputed
make (Dial type or Digital).

i i) Ammeter selector switch- 1 No. Make – Kaycee or any other reputed make.

iv) Volt meter selector switch- 1No. Make- Kaycee or any other reputed make.

v) 40 watt lamp with switch- 1 No.

vi) Plug & Socket- 1 No.

vii) Fuses & Links- 1 No.

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vii ) Test
Blocks- Test
terminal Block
need be
provided for
testing relays

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ix) Indication Lamp- Red- Breaker „ON‟

(24V DC LED type) Green Breaker „OFF‟

Amber- Breaker ‟AUTO TRIP‟

Blue- Spring charge indication.

White-Healthy Trip illuminated push bottom switch


10.1 Out Door Control- Relay Panel

10.1.1 1. General
OUTDOOR CONTROL PANEL :-The Control and Relay Panel Boards shall
consist of panel, vertical independent, structure mounted with equipment
mounted & wiring access on front and having double door protection ( Inside
door to be glass covered) to prevent water entry inside the panel. Doors shall
have handles with built-in locking facility

It may please be noted that Outdoor control relay panel with suitable 24 V
DC power pack arrangement is to be provided in CRP


2.1. Panels shal be completely 3 mm sheet metal clad and shal be dust, moisture
and vermin proof. The enclosure shal provide a degree of protection not less
than IP – 55 ( For out door CRP) in accordance with IS; 13947 & 2147.

2.2 Panels shal be free standing, floor mounting type and shal comprise structural
frames completely enclosed with specially selected smooth finished, cold rolled
sheet steel of thickness not less than 3 mm. There shal be sufficient
reinforcement to provide level transportation and installation.

2.3 Al doors, removable covers and panels shal be gasketed all around with
neoprene gaskets. Ventilating louvers to be if provided shall have screens and
filters. The screens shal be made of either brass or GI wire mesh.

2.4 Design, materials selection and workmanship shal be such as to result in neat
appearance, inside and outside with no welds, rivets or bolt head apparent from
outside, with all exterior surfaces tune and smooth
2.5 Panels shall have base frame with smooth bearing surface, which shall
be fixed on the embedded foundation channels/insert plates.

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2.6 Cable entries to the panels shal be from the bottom. Double Compression
cable gland plate fitted on the bottom of the panel shal be connected to
earthing of the panel/station through a flexible braided copper conductor rigidly.
The gland shall confirm to IS 12943.
3.1 Al equipment on and in panels shal be mounted and completely wired to the
terminal blocks ready for external connections. The equipment on front of panel
shal be mounted flush. No equipment shal be mounted on the doors.
3.2 Equipment shal be mounted such that removal and replacement can be
accomplished individually without interruption of service to adjacent devices
and are readily accessible without use of special tools. Terminal marking on the
equipment shal be clearly visible.
3.3 The centre lines of switches, push buttons and indicating lamps shal be not
less than 750mm from the bottom of the panel. The centre lines of relays,
meters and recorders shal be not less than 450mm from the bottom of their

3.4 The center lines of switches, push buttons and indicating lamps shall be
matched to give a neat and uniform appearance. Like wise the top lines of all
meters, relays and recorders etc. shal be matched

10.1.2 Panel wiring and accessories.

10.1.3 Wiring

Each panel shal be supplied with all internal wiring complete.

Panel wiring shal be suitably bunched and clamped for neat appearance. The
conductors used for wiring purpose shal be PVC insulated 650/1100 volt grade semi-
flexible heat resistant, flame retardant and vermin proof electrolytic copper cable
conforming to IEC:227, 502 or IS:1554. The wiring shal be securely supported and
taken though PVC through PVC troughs. Each wire shal be continuous from end to
end without any joint in between. Al panel wiring shal be capable of withstanding a
voltage of 2KV AC 50Hz for one minute.

Cable and wire for connections within the switchgear and between the switchgear and
terminal blocks shal have a minimum temperature rating of 90 degree Celsius. The
size of the conductors for panel wiring shal be not less than 2.5mm . For CT 2

secondary wiring, two such wires shall be used in parallel.

10.1.4 Panel wiring protection

The panels shal be equipped with links and HRC cartridge fuses conforming to
IEC:269 or IS:13703 in 650 Volt grade phenolic moulded fuse holder consisting of fuse
carrier and base or miniature circuit breakers conforming to IEC:947-2 or IS:13947-2 at
appropriate locations. The carriers and bases shal be made of high grade flame
retardant and non hygroscopic phenolic moulded material with hard glass surface.
Each fuse or MCB shal be identified with engraved plastic label.

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In general, fuses and MCBs shal be limited to the minimum required for safety. The
protection scheme shal include fuses for VT secondary circuits and DC supply to each
panel and fuses for MCB for spring charging motor and incoming AC supply.

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10.1.5 Terminal blocks

Terminal blocks of brass studs rated for 10 amps continuous current, 650 volt DC
grade covered by moulded insulating materials with adequate electrical clearances
shal be provided for terminating the panel wiring and outgoing connections. The
termination shal be made by crimping lugs or bare conductor with insulating sleeves at
ends. The arrangement can be horizontal or vertical as per standard practice adopted
by the manufacturer. Al terminals must be numbered and wire termination provided
with numbered ferrules for identification. Al numbering and marking including those in
wiring diagram shal follow the guidelines provided in IS: 11353. Al circuit breaker
auxiliary contracts including spare contacts shal be wired to the terminal blocks. Ten
percent spare terminals shal be provided.

10.1.6 Colour and numbering

The wiring used for 230V AC supply for il umination lamp, panel heater and other
devices shall be coloured red for phase wire and black for the neutral. The colour of
wires connecting directly to Earth shal be black. Al other panel wires shall be of one
colour to be approved.

Engraved core identification plastic ferrules marked to correspond with the panel wiring
diagram shal be fixed at both ends of each wire. Ferrules shal fit tightly on the wire
and shal not fall off when the wire is disconnected from the terminal block. Numbers 6
and 9, if used shal be under scored to enable differentiation.

10.1.7 Circuit diagram

A durable copy of the circuit wiring diagram shal be affixed to the inner side of the door
of the switchgear compartment. Labels shal be provided inside the compartment to
describe the functions of the various items of equipment.

The scope of the supply shal include the panel mounting base plate and all special
equipment, bolts, nuts and washers necessary for making the supporting.

10.2 Supporting Structure

The supply of the material shal be complete with mounting structures of mild steel
sections conforming to IS:226 or equivalent ISO. The supporting structure shal be
designed and constructed to withstand the maximum combined effects of the circuit
breaker dead weight, its maximum dynamic load and maximum effect of wind loading.
The supporting structure shal be hot dip galvanized as per clause on surface
treatment of this specification.

10.3 CT and PT mounting bracket

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The supporting structure shal be fitted with a bracket for supporting the three oil fil ed
11 KV single phase current transformers and 3 nos. 11 KV(1 Phase)PTs. The support
bracket shal be provided opposite the circuit breaker poles and shal ensure adequate
clearance between the breaker poles and the CTs as well as between the CTs and
PTs. The CTs & PTs shall be supplied by the Supplier as per specification above and
is included in the scope. The drawings of the structure with bracket shal be subject to
Purchaser‟s approval before fabrication.

The CT and PT mounting bracket shal be hot dip galvanized as per clause on surface
treatment of this specification.

10.4 Local control cabinet

The operating mechanism, local controls and monitoring shal be provided in a metal
clad control cabinet fitted to the same structure supporting the breaker and mounted at
a convenient height for safe operation from ground level or from platform to be
supplied under the contract.

The cabinet shal be made of minimum 2.00mm sheet steel and shal be constructed
as a dust, weather and vermin proof outdoor housing with protection of IP-54 class as
defined in IEC:529 or IS:13947. It shal have single door and transparent windows for
reading the circuit breaker ON or OFF position and spring charge position without
opening the door. The door and any removable covers shal be gasketed all round with
neoprene bonded gaskets. A ventilating louver shal be provided with fine wire non-
ferrous metal or stainless steel screen and filter. A 230V AC heather with auto
temperature control shal be provided in the cabinet to prevent moisture condensation
and also a 230 volt lamp for internal il umination with door operated switch.

The local control cabinet shal be subjected to surface treatment and painting as per
clause on surface treatment of this specification.

10.5 Panel wiring and accessories

Panel wiring shal be suitably bunched and clamped for neat appearance. The
conductor used for wiring purpose shal be PVC insulated 650 volt/ 1100V grade semi-
flexible copper cable conforming to IEC: 227 or IS:1554, heat resistant, flame, vermin
and rodent proof. The wiring shal be securely supported and taken through PVC
troughs. Al panel wiring shal be capable of withstanding a voltage of 2KV AC 50Hz for
1 minute. Each wire shall be continuous from end to end without any joint in between.

The sizes of the control cable for wiring in the cabinet shal be not less than 2.5mm . 2

CT secondary wiring shal be though two such wires in parallel.

10.5.1 Fuse protection

The cabinet shal be equipped with links and HRC cartridge fuses in 650 volt grade
fuse holders consisting of fuse carrier and base. The holders shal be made of high

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grade, flame retardant and non hygroscopic phenolic moulded material of dark brown
colour with hard glass surface. Each fuse shal be identified with engraved plastic

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10.5.2 Terminal blocks

Terminal blocks rated for 10 amps continuous current, 650 volt grade covered by
moulded insulating materials with adequate electrical clearances shal be provided for
terminating the panel wiring and outgoing connections. The termination shall be made
by crimping lugs or bare wire with insulating sleeves at ends. The arrangement can be
horizontal or vertical as per standard practice adopted by the manufacturer. Al
terminals must be numbered and wire termination provided with numbered ferrule for
identification. Al numbering and marking include those in wiring diagram shal follow
the guidelines provided in IS:11353. Ten percent spare terminals shal be provided.

10.5.3 Colours

The wiring used for AC supply for il umination lamp and heater shal be differently
coloured from control wiring so that these can be distinguished from each other. The
colour of all earth wire shall be black.

10.6 Circuit diagram

A durable copy of the circuit wiring diagram shall be affixed to the inner side of the
control cabinet. Labels shal be provided inside the cabinet to describe the functions of
the various items of equipment.

10.7 Cable Entry

A removable gland plate shal be provided at the bottom of the cabinet for entry of
Purchaser‟s control and auxiliary power cables in the cabinet. Required number of
electroplated brass cable glands of appropriate sizes with shrouds shal be provided in
consultation with the Purchaser in the gland plate for the control and power cables.
Provision shal be make for earthing of the cable armours in the gland.


11.1 General

The operating mechanism of the circuit breaker shal be motor wound spring charged
type. It shal be electrically and mechanically trip free with anti pumping device (as per
IEC:694 definition). All working parts in the mechanism shal be of corrosion resistant
material. Self lubricating, wearing resistant bearings shal be provided in the

The mechanism shal fully close the circuit breaker and sustain it in the closed position
against the forces of the rated making current and shal fully open the circuit breaker
without undue contact bounce at a speed commensurate with that shown by tests to be
necessary to achieve the rated breaking capacity in accordance with IEC:56 or
IS:13118. The mechanism shal be capable of being locked in either the open or closed
position. The mechanism shal be capable of fully closing and opening again after the

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auto-reclose time interval specified as 0.3 second in this specification.

11.2 Spring mechanism

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The spring operating mechanism shal be with spring charging motor, opening and
closing springs with limit switches and all accessories necessary for automatic
charging. In normal operation, recharging of the operating springs shal commence
immediately and automatical y upon completion of the closing operation so that a
complete sequence of closing and opening operation should be possible.

It shal be possible to hand charge the operating spring with the circuit breaker in either
the open or closed position conveniently from the ground level. Closure whilst a spring
charging operation is in progress shal be prevented and release of the springs shal
not be possible until they are fully charged.

The state of charge of the operating springs shal be indicated by a mechanical device
showing ‘SPRING CHARGED’ when closing spring is fully charged and operation is
permissible and ‘SPRING FREE’ when closing spring is not fully charged and the
operation is not possible. Provision shal be made for remote electrical indication of
„Spring Charged‟ and „Spring Free‟ conditions.

The operating mechanism shal be such that the failure of any auxiliary spring shal not
cause tripping or closing the circuit breaker but shal not prevent tripping against trip

Closing action of the circuit breaker shal charge the opening spring ready for tripping.
From the close position with spring charged, one open-close-open operation shal be
possible without recharging the spring.

11.3 Motor

The motor for spring charging shal be single phase 230 Volt A. C motor. Continuous
motor rating shal be at least ten percent above the maximum load demand of the
driven equipment. It shal remain within its rated capacity at all operating points that will
arise in service. It shal be protected by H.R.C cartridge fuses or MCB. The motor shal
comply with IEC:34 or IS:996.


The operating mechanism shal be suitable to operate with the following auxiliary
power supplies.

a) 230V,50Hz Single phase A.C- For spring charging motor

b) DC supply 24 Volts- For close and open coils, indication & Alarm

(Power pack input supply:230V & 110V AC and Output:24V DC)

The DC supply shall be from a Power Pack. The Input to Power Pack is 110V from PT
and 230V from main supply. The power pack should be capable for minimum 3

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Trippings even
if input to The mechanism shal be designed to operate satisfactorily despite fluctuations of
power pack is auxiliary power supplies as under:

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AC supply: Voltage From 115% to 85% of normal voltage

Frequency From 105% to 95% of normal frequency

Combined voltage and From 115% to 85% of normal

frequency variation

DC supply: Voltage From 120% to 70% of normal voltage





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The circuit Other interlocks shal be provided as deemed necessary for safety.
breaker shal
be capable of
and electrically Suitable terminal connectors of bi-metallic type suitable for both horizontal and vertical
interlocked connection shal be provided on the terminal pad both on the incoming and the
outgoing side for connection of jumpers of ACSR or AAAC conductor. The size of the
with the
associated line conductor may vary between 50mm and 232mm depending upon the location of the
2 2

isolator so that
circuit breaker. The terminal connection drawing and details are to be approved by the
Purchaser before fabrication. The terminal connectors shal be bi-metallic type to avoid
the isolator
bi-metallic corrosion.
cannot be
operated with
breaker in the
closed a) The insulation to ground, the insulation between open contacts and insulation
position. between phases of the circuit breaker shal be capable of satisfactorily withstanding
dielectric test voltages.
Al doors or
shutters which
b) The minimum clearance in open air shal be as follows:
give access to Phase to phase spacing in - 320 mm
live parts shal switchyard i.e. interpole
be interlocked in spacing for Breaker (min)
such a way
that these Ground clearance from the - 2700mm
cannot be lowest line terminal if both the
opened unless terminals are not in same
the circuit horizontal plane (min)
breaker is in

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The temperature rise and the maximum temperature of any part of the circuit breaker
under continuous load condition and exposed in the direct rays of the sun shal not
exceed the permissible limits as provided in Table V of IEC publication 694 or table 4
of IS:12729. These limits shal not be exceeded when corrected for the difference
between the ambient temperature at site and the ambient temperature specified in the
standard. The correction proposed shall be stated in the tender.


18.1 Type and routine tests

The circuit breakers shal be subjected to routine and type tests in accordance with the
standards listed in this specification including the following IEC and IS standards with
the latest amendments:

Circuit breaker IEC:56 and IS:13118 and relevant other standards

Porcelain insulator IEC:233 and IS:5621 and relevant other standards

The tests shal include but not limited to the following:

18.2 Short circuit tests

The circuit breaker shal satisfactorily perform the out of phase and short circuit duties
specified in IEC:56, IEC:17A(Sectt.) and IEC:17A/CD/474, IS-13118 and IS:13516.

The circuit breaker shal be capable of performing at least twenty five (25) open
operations at the rated short circuit current before maintenance or inspection is

18.3 Capacitive current switching

Capacitive switching tests shal be performed in accordance with IEC:56 or IS:13118

and IEC:17A/CD/474 at 1.3U preferably by direct test method or alternatively using
synthetic method to IEC:427 or IS:13516. The test circuits shal simulate the most
onerous site conditions.

18.4 Reactor Switching

In addition to the capacitive current switching tests to IEC:56 or IS:13118 and

IEC:17A/CD/474, the circuit breakers shal be tested for shunt reactor switching in
accordance with IEC:1233, Examination of the interrupter after the tests shal not show
any evidence of surface tracking or erosion of contracts.

18.5 Dielectric tests

At zero gauge loss of vacuum inside the interrupter chamber, the open contracts shal

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the rated
phase to
ground voltage
and it shal be
possible to
break normal
current in
During the
dielectric type
tests, no
external or
internal shal
be acceptable.

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adjustment is
allowed and shal be performed in accordance with manufacturer‟s instructions.
The circuit Change of contracts is not permitted.
breakers shal
be subjected to
a power Low current switching
frequency AC
voltage test for The circuit breakers shall produce very low over voltage (<2.0 pu) on all switching
one circuits inductive current including reactor switching to IEC-1233 and capacitive current
minute in dry switching to IEC:17A (Secretariat) 438 and IEC 17A/CD/474 the circuit breaker shal be
and wet re-ignition or re-strike free for all duties.
conditions and
there shal be Duty requirement tests
no external
flash over to Apart from auto-reclosing and the other duties mentioned above, the breakers shal be
earth. able to perform the following duties for which type tests are to be conducted as per
IEC:56 or IS:13118.
1. Breaking the steady and the transient magnetising current of the transformer.
2. Breaking 25% of rated fault current at twice the rated voltage as per IEC/IS.
In addition to
the 3. Cable charging breaking current.
of IEC:56, an 4. Back-to-back capacitor bank breaking current.
5. Single capacitor bank breaking current.
endurance test 6. Capacitor bank in rush making current.
required to Test for the resistance of the main circuit shal also be conducted.
show that the
circuit breaker
is capable of at Temperature rise test
least 10,000
operations at Temperature rise test is to be conducted on the circuit breaker and the accessories in
accordance with IEC:56 or IS:13118. The temperature rise shal be limited as per this
load in
D. Between
the specified
test series in
D, some
such as
lubrication and

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The supplier shal declare the circuit breaker opening and closing times at 120 percent,
100 percent and 70 per cent of the rated voltage of the opening and closing devices
when measured at the terminals of the trip and closing coils. The minimum make break
time at rated voltage and total break time of the CB shal be stated. The total break
time must not exceed 60m. sec.


Al metal parts not intended for carrying current or not alive shal be connected to
duplicate earthing system and suitable electroplated brass earthing terminals shal be
provided on each circuit breaker in conformity with IEC:56 or IS:13118. Suitable
identification mark for the earth terminals shal be provided adjacent to the terminal.

Earth continuity conductors shall be provided down to the ground level for earth
connection to purchaser‟s earthing grid. It shal have sufficient cross sectional area to
afford a low resistance path for the full fault current envisaged. Such conductor shal
also be provided for the CTs up to the ground level.

The size of the earth continuity conductor shal be large enough to reduce the potential
rise of the metal frame of the breaker in the even of fault to minimum but in any case
not more than 10V. The size of the conductor shal also be adequate to restrict the
temperature rise without causing any damage to the earth connection in the case of
fault. No riveted joints in the earth conducting path shal be permissible and only bolted
joints of adequate size shal be provided with nuts, bolts and plain and spring washers.
The surfaces to be jointed shal be perfectly flat without any unevenness to ensure that
there is no contact resistance.

An earth busbar of copper strip shal be provided inside the local control cabinet to
which all earthing connections must be made. The earth busbar shal be terminated
into two electroplated brass earthing terminals of adequate size with nuts, bolts and
washers for connecting to earth continuity conductor mentioned above.

21. Mandatory Spare Parts for 11 KV VCB

The supplier shal provide the mandatory spares as follows for each company NESCO/

Sl. No Description Qty. required

1 9 Complete pole
2 10 assembly of the
3 circuit breaker
4 Vacuum interrupter
5 bottle (for vacuum
6 type only)
7 Tripping coils
8 Closing coils

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Insulated drive 2
rod 2
Spring charging 3
motor 3
Set of spring 3
charging limit 2
switches 2
Set for gaskets 2
complete for one 2
circuit breaker 2
Upper Housing
Lower Housing

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NO Specifications
- Name of manufacture break
- Manufacturer’s type designation times Out-Door type
- At
- Governing standards 10% IS : 13118, IEC-
ruptur 62271-100
- No. of poles of circuit breaker ing 3
- No. of breaks per phase capac 1
Type – Vacuum ity Vacuum
- Rated voltage 11
- Maximum(continuous)service 12
rated voltage
- Under normal condition 800
- Under site condition 800
- Rated short circuit breaking
- Symmetrical, rms 25
- Asymmetrical including DC 30
- Rated short circuit making 62.5
current; peak
- Short time current withstand
Peak value 62.5
Rms value 25
Duration 3

- At normal continuous current As Per IS

- After performing the operating

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< 60










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NO Specifications BIDDER'S OFFER
- At rated rupturing capacity < 60
- Arcing time at rated breaking milli-
15 (Max) sec
- Make time from giving close milli-
< 60
command sec
- Minimum re-closing time at full 300 milli-
rated interrupting Capacity from sec
trip coil energisation
- Minimum dead time for 3 phase milli-
reclosing sec
- Circuit breaker opening time:
at 125% of rated voltage of milli-
opening device < 60 sec
at 100% of rated voltage of milli-
< 60 sec
opening device
at 70% of rated voltage of milli-
< 60 sec
opening device
7 RESTRIKING VOLTAGES c ower frequency
FOR 100% RATED o voltage of auxiliary wiring
- Amplitude factor t
- Phase factor c
- Natural frequency t
- Rate of rise of recovery s
voltage o
- Dry and wet power frequency e
withstand test voltage for one n
minute, rms: -
- Between live terminals and O
grounded objects n
- Between terminals with breaker e
contacts open m
- 1.2/50 µs full wave impulse i
withstand voltage +ve and – ve
polarity, peak m

- Between live terminals and u

grounded object te
- Between terminals with breaker p

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62 KV

28 KV

28 KV

75 KVp

75 KVp

2 KV

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NO Contro Specific >120
9 OPERATING l ations
- Rated transient recovery cabinet
voltage weight
- Rated cable charging Dimen
breaking current sions: 25
- Rated single capacitor bank Height
breaking current 400
- Rated back-to-back capacitor Width
bank breaking current , 400
- Rated capacitor bank in-rush
making current 20
- Rated small inductive
breaking current 25
- First pole-to-clear factor
- Rated operating sequence 1.5
- Rated out-of-phase breaking CO-3min-
current CO
- Re-ignition and Re-strike
- at full rated interrupting
- at 50% of rated interrupting
- at 100% of full load current >10
- at no load 0
- Between phases
- Live parts to earth >100
- Live parts to ground level
Total weight of one complete
breaker, including mounting
structure >15
Mounting structure weight

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Depth mm
Drawings must be provided Yes / No


NO Specifications BIDDER'S OFFER
Type and make of insulators. - auxiliary
Power frequency withstand test
voltage for one minute: T
- Dry y
- Wet p
Flash over value e
- Dry
- Wet o
1.2/50 impulse voltage withstand f
- positive polarity a
- negative polarity u
Creepage distance total x
Creepage distance protected i
Weight of assembled housing l
Type and make of insulators a
Power frequency withstand test r
voltage for one minute: y
- Dry
- Wet nta
Flash over value cts
- Dry -
- Wet
1.2/50 impulse voltage withstand M
capability a
- positive polarity e
- negative polarity r
Creepage distance, total i
Creepage distance, protected a
Weight of assembled housing l
Corona shield provided or not
- Type of main contacts

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28 KV
28 KV

75 KVp
75 KVp

75 KVp
75 KVp
>300 mm
>280 mm

28 KV
28 KV

75 KV
75 KV

75 KVp
75 KVp
>300 mm
>280 mm
Yes / No


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- Type of plating, if any Silver
- Thickness of plating 20 Micron


NO Specifications BIDDER'S OFFER
- Contact pressure gm/
No of auxiliary contacts provided: 6 NO + 6 NC
Those closed when breaker is 6 no
Those open when breaker is 6 no
Those adjustable no
Opening type Fre Shunt Trip
Closing type quency Motor / Manual spring
limits for charge,Shunt/Magnetic
actuator operation
Force applied by charged spring
for closing
Time taken by motor for charging Maxim <30
the spring form fully Discharged um
to fully charged position Minimu
Full sequence of operation 0-0.3sec-CO-3min-
m CO
Whether limit switches are Yes/No
provided with spring
Whether spring limit switches Yes/No
start stop the motor
Type and material of spring
Whether trip free Yes/No
Whether anti pumping device Yes
- Normal auxiliary A.C supply
- Voltage limits for proper
operation 115%
Maximum 85%

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Kg / N





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- Normal control circuit 24
- DC Voltage limits for proper
Maximum 120% Volts
Maximum 70% Volts
- Power required for trip coil 300 Watts
- Power required for closing 300 Watts


NO Specifications BIDDER'S OFFER
- Material CORROSI
- Degree of protection ON
- Vermin proof provisions PREVENT Yes/No
- Weather proof provision ION Yes/No
- Dust proof provision SYST Yes/No
- Ventilation provision EM FOR
- Thickness of sheet CTUR 3
materials used E
- Overall dimensions
- Total weight
- Mounting arrangement
- Material
- Bi-metallic or not Yes/No
- Weight
- Dimensions
- Size and type of 100
conductor it can accommodate
- Terminal pads silver Yes/No
plated or not
- Thickness of silver
- Surface preparation
- Rust inhibition
- Zinc thickness/paint
- Treatment of fasteners

Southco Tender Notice No :------ / 2012-13


Hot Dip Galvanized



sq mm



Southco Tender Notice No :------ / 2012-13


Surface preparation
Rust inhibition
Zinc thickness
Treatment of fasteners. Microns
Degree of protection of circuit
breaker pole enclosure (IEC 529,
IS 13947).
Method of sealing the circuit
breaker pole enclosure.


NO Specifications BIDDER'S OFFER
1 Category A; 600-300-150 / 1-1-
Make and type of transformer Out type, 1 ph, Oil
cooled, Dead Tank
Ratio 600-300-150/
1-1-1 A
Core1. VA burden Knee point voltage (Vk)
Accuracy Magnetizing current at
2 class Vk/2
Saturation Secondary resistance R ct

factor Short time current rating, time

security factor Impulse voltage withstand level
Accuracy Power frequency voltage
limit factor withstand level
Core 2. VA burden Primary winding
Accuracy Secondary winding
class Weight of CT complete
Saturation Category B: 400-200-100/1-1A
limit factor
Core 3. Accuracy
limit factor

Southco Tender Notice No :------ / 2012-13


15 VA


15 VA


> = 150 Volts

< 30 mA at 0.5 Vk
25 KA for 3 KA /
sec Sec.
28 KV
3 Kg

Southco Tender Notice No :------ / 2012-13


Make and type of Transformer Out type, Oil cooled,
1 ph, Dead Tank
Core 1. VA burden 15 VA
Accuracy class 0.5
Saturation factor
Instrument security 10
Accuracy limit factor
Core 2. VA burden 15 VA
Accuracy class 5P
Saturation factor
Accuracy limit factor 20
Short time current rating: 25 KA for 3 sec KA,
Current time Sec


NO Specifications
Impulse voltage withstand level 75 KV
Power frequency voltage
withstand level
Primary winding 28 KV
Secondary winding 3 KV
Weight of CT complete Kg
- Make i Out type, Oil cooled,
o 1 ph, Dead Tank
- Rated normal voltage d 11 / √3
- Rated maximum voltage P 12 / √3
- Rated primary voltage e 11 / √3
- Rated secondary voltage a 110 / √3
- V A burden k 100
- Accuracy class v 0.5
- Ratio error a
- Phase displacement l
positive or negative u
- Saturation factor e
- Instrument security
- Short time current rating
Rms value

Southco Tender Notice No :------ / 2012-13



Southco Tender Notice No :------ / 2012-13


- Impulse voltage 75 KVp
withstand level
- One minute power 28 KV
frequency voltage withstand level
of primary winding
- Weight of core and Kg
- Total weight Kg
- Overall dimensions Mm
- Rated voltage factor
Continuous 1.2
For 30 seconds 1.5
- Temperature rise above 40 0C

the ambient of 50 C0

- Correction factor
- Partial discharge level pC


NO Specifications BIDDER'S OFFER
- Material composition
(CRGO-M4 or better)
- Flux density at normal <1.2 Telsa
voltage and frequency
- Lamination thickness 0.27 mm
c. WINDINGS - etallic or not
- Purity of copper used - Dimensions,
- Type of insulation M
- Power frequency a
withstand level t
Secondary winding to e
earth r
Primary winding to earth i
- Degree of protection
- Vermin proof provision
- Weather proof provision
- Dust proof provision
- Thickness of metal used
- Overall dimensions
- Mounting arrangement

Southco Tender Notice No :------ / 2012-13


Electrolytic Percent

3 KV

28 KV

3 mm


Southco Tender Notice No :------ / 2012-13


- Size and type of 100 Sq. mm
conductor it can accommodate
(Ammeter , Volt Meter &
Energy Meter)
A. 1. Type & make of Analogue type ,AE
Ammeter & voltmeter make
2. Size 144x144
3. Whether Yes
magnetically shielded or not
4. Limits or error in the
effective range ±2%
5. Scale length 90 Deg.
6. Whether
7. Short time overload 200%


NO Specifications BIDDER'S OFFER
8. V A Burden.
i) Current coil VA
ii) Potential coil VA
9. Power consumption Watt
current & potential coil
B. Energy Meter (3 Ph ,4 wire with
Type: Alpha numerical
Make Secure meter/ L &
1 Type of relay 2 O/C +1 E/F, self
Time of actuated ,1 Amp,
operation at Aux. Volt-24 V DC/
maxim Numerical & Non
Communicable Type
dial ER,Megawin make
2 Current coil rating setting 1
3 Tap range at 5% to 250 %
4 V A Burden Highest tap 3
& lowest tap
5 Power consumption
Highest tap & lowest tap

Southco Tender Notice No :------ / 2012-13



7 5 times tap setting current 1.6-1.9 Sec

Southco Tender Notice No :------ / 2012-13


8 10 times tap setting 1.3 Sec

9 Type of characteristic IDMTL
10 Whether draw out type or Yes
11 Trip contact ratings 5 A continious Amp
12 Whether seal in contacts Yes/No
provided or not
13 No. of contacts 2 NO+2 NC
14 Flag/LED Required
D. Three element voltage operated
Aux. Relay
Type & make of the Relay AREVA, ER,ABB
Voltage coil rating 24 V DC Volts
No. of elements 3 No.

NO Specifications
Mounting Flush
Aux. Contact on each pole 1 NO + 1 NC
Flag Required
Purpose Trf protection
E. High speed Tripping Relay
Type & make of the Relay AREVA, ER,ABB
Voltage coil rating 24 V DC Volts
Contact(Hand reset) 3 NO +1 NC
Flag Required
F. High speed Harmonic Restraint
Differential Relay
Type & make of the Relay AREVA, ER,ABB
Voltage coil rating in 24 V DC
Aux. Contacts(Hand reset) bu 2 NO
Mounting ilt Flush
CT secondary tte 1 Amp.
Differential current setting ry 15%
Bias setting ) 15-30-40 %
Flag Required

Southco Tender Notice No :------ / 2012-13


1. Rated AC voltage.(Input 230 /110 Volt AC Volt
230 V AC or 110 V. AC ).

Southco Tender Notice No :------ / 2012-13


2. Single phase or three Single phase
3. Capacity(VA) 300
4. Power factor
5. Type of transformer
used, if any, to supply input to the
6. Transformation ratio
7. Type of rectification Full wave
employed, full wave or half wave
8. Type of rectifier Bridge
9. Ripple factor
10. Type of filter employed
11. Ratings of capacitor
12. Time of retention of
charge by capacitor
13. Value of DC constant.
14. Out put voltage(DC) 24 + 15% Volt
15. Capacity (Watt-sec)
16. No of closing & tripping >10
taken by this pack.

Bidder‟s Signature with Seal.

Southco Tender Notice No :------ / 2012-13

BOQ for construction of 1x5 MVA 33/11 KV Sub-station at Medical.

Sl No Description of Materials Unit Qty. Supply Errection

Total Amount for
supply & Erection
Rate(Rs) Amoun t (Rs) Rate(Rs) Amount (Rs)

1 2 3=(1X2) 4 5=(1X4) 6=(3+5)

1 33/0.4KV 100KVA station transformer No 1

33 KV VCB(3-pole, 1250 A, 50Hz, 25 KA ,
2 No 2
CT, CRP & Power Pack)
3 11 KV VCB with CT & CRPs with Power Pack No 2
4 33KV Post type insulator No 9
5 33KV LA 10 KA No 3
6 33KV 400A 3Pole AB Switch Set 1
7 33KV HG Fuse Set 1
Transportation from Southco store and
8 Km 0.3
Errection of 232 mm² AAA Conductor Will be supplied by Southco
9 11KV AB Switch 400 A 3-pole Set 5
10 11KV HG Fuse 400 A 3-pole Set 2
11 11KV LA (12 KV, 10 KA) No 6
12 11 KV Post type Insulator No 12
13 11 KV 45 KN Disc Insulator (T & C) No 84
14 Hard ware fitting (T & C) Set 42
Transportation from Southco store and
15 Km 0.5
Errection of100mm² AAA Conductor Will be supplied by Southco
16 Earthing Device No 27
17 50x6 mm GI flat Mtr. 100
18 25x6 GI flat Mtr. 130
19 Flexible earth Cu Band No 6
20 Pad Clamp suitable for 100mm² AAAC No 30
21 Pad Clamp suitable for 232mm² AAAC No 18
22 T Clamp suitable for 232/232 mm² AAAC No 12
23 33KV Danger Board No 5
24 11KV Danger Board No 10
25 LT Distribution Box No 1
26 250w Lamp fitting LS 6
27 95mm² 3 1/2 core cable Mtr. 50
200x100 mm RS Joist ( 9 mtr.-6 nos. &
28 Kg 3570
6.5mtr.-10 nos.)
29 100x50x6 mm MS Chanel Kg 708.4
30 75x40x6 mm MS Channel Kg 571.2
31 50x50x6mm MS Angle Kg 105.3
32 Fire Bucket LS 4
33 First Aid Box LS 1
34 Discharge Rod No 4
35 7core, 2.5mm², 1.1 KV Control cable Mtr. 60
36 4core, 2.5mm², 1.1 KV Control cable Mtr. 60
37 2core, 2.5mm², 1.1 KV Control cable Mtr. 250
38 Red Oxide Paint Ltr. 15
39 Al. Paint Ltr. 10
40 Black Paint Ltr. 2
41 Nut,Bolts and Washer(Different Size) Kg 100
Padding & concreting of poles
42 LS 16
43 Total

PART-8-Misc. works(FOR CIVIL WORKS FOR 33/11 KVS/S)

1 Metal spreading LS
Construction of 11 KV VCB foundation with
2 mounting No. 2
Construction of 33 KV VCB foundation with
3 mounting No. 2
Construction of plinth for 5MVA,33/11KV
4 Power Transformer with mounting No. 1
5 Earth pit with cover plate No. 27
6 Total
Sl .No Description of Materials Unit Quantity Total Amount
Supply Errection
for Supply &
Rate(Rs) Amount (Rs) Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Errection
1 2 3=(1x2) 4 5=(1X4) 6=(3+5)
1 10 mtr long 150x150 mm RS Joist. No 300
100x50x6 mm MS Channel (9.2
2 Kg 9660

75x40x6 mm MS Channel (6.8

3 Kg 7140

50x50x6 mm Bracing Angle (4.5

4 Kg 6750

5 33 KV Pin Insulator No 45
6 33 KV G.I Pin No 45
7 33 KV Disc Insulator B/S No 1485
33 KV HW Fitting (B & S Type) -
8 Set 405
Suspension Type
33 KV HW Fitting (B & S Type) -
9 Set 90
Tension Type
10 Earthing Coil Each 300
11 MS Nut ,Bolt & Washer Kg 480
Transportation from Southco Store
12 and errection of 232 sqmm AAA Km 23.50
Conductor Will be supplied by Southco.
PG Clamp for 232 Sq. mm AAA
13 No 78.75
14 HT Stay Set Set 114
15 7/10 SWG stay wire Kg 1140
16 Stay insulator No 114
17 Stay clamp Pair 114
18 Cement Concreting of Stay Pit 114
19 Cement Concreting of Pole Each 300
20 Painting of MS Materials Ltr 100
BOQ of 11KV line 3ph with 55mm2 AAAC=0.5 KM
Sl. Description of Materials Unit
Quantity Total Amount
No Supply Errection
for Supply &
Rate(Rs) Amount (Rs) Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Errection
1 2 3=(1x2) 4 5=(1X4) 6=(3+5)
1 9mtr. Long 300kg. PSC Pole No 7
2 RCC Base plate No. 7
3 Padding and concreting material for
support No. 7
4 Earthing Support( Coil Type) No 7
5 11KV 'V' Cross Arm No. 6
6 Back Clamp No. 6
7 F-Clamp No. 6
8 11KV Pin Insulator No. 19
9 11KV G.I Pin No. 19
10 Disk Insulator (T&C type) No. 9
11 Hardware for Disk Insulator No. 9
12 HT Stay Set Set 2
13 Stay Wire (7/10 SWG) Kg 20
14 Stay Insulator No. 2
15 Stay Clamp Pair 2
Concrete material for stay anchor plate No. 2
17 Danger Plate No. 7
18 MS Channel (100x50x6)mm 9.2kg/mtr 33
for tapping point Kg
19 Transportation from Southco store & 1.50
errection of 1.5KM,55sqmm AAA Will be Supplied by
conductor km Southco
20 Paint Ltr 4
21 M.S. Bolts, Nuts & Washers of different Kg 13
BOQ for 2 Nos of 4 Pole Structure with 6 Nos AB Switch)( At Point F & G)

Sl. No Description of Materials Unit Qty

Supply Errection Total Amount
for Supply &
Rate(Rs) Amount (Rs) Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Errection

1 2 4 5=(1X4) 6=(3+5)

1 11 mtr long 350 K.G psc Pole No 8

2 33KV Disc Insulator B&S type No 126

3 33KV H/W fitting B&S type No 42

4 Earthing Of Support (Coil Type) No 8

Padding and concering material for

5 pair 8

6 M.S Bolts, Nuts & Washers kg 25

Transportation from Southco store

7 KM 0.2
and errection of 232 sqmm AAA Will be supplied by Southco
8 Base plate for support No 8

100X50X6mm. MS Channel (2.8m

9 112
X32 pcs) (9.2Kg/mtr.
Angle for cross brasing of DP
10 50X50X6mm 5mtr long each, No 72

11 400A 33 KV 3 pole AB Switch Set 6

G.I Pipe Earthing 40mm Dia medium

12 No 4
gauge 2.5mtr long

13 No.6 G.I wire for earthing Kg 40

100 SQMM (F-G).
Sl .No Description of Materials Unit Quantity Supply Errection Total Amount
for Supply &
Rate(Rs) Amount (Rs) Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Errection
1 2 3=(1x2) 4 5=(1X4) 6=(3+5)
10 mtr long 150x150 mm RS Joist.
1 No 12
With required painting
2 Earthing Coil Each 12
3 MS Nut ,Bolt & Washer Kg 25
Transportation from Southco store
4 and errection cost of 100 sqmm Km 9.89
AAA Conductor of 9.89KM

5 33 KV V-Cross Arm No. 12.00

6 Back Clamp for V-Cross Arm No. 12.00

7 Cement Concreting of Pole Each 12

8 Painting of MS Materials Ltr 10

9 Danger Plate Each 12

10 RCC Base Plate Each 12

Sl .No Description of Materials Unit Quantity Total Amount for
Supply Errection
Supply &
Rate(Rs) Amount (Rs) Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Errection
1 2 3=(1x2) 4 5=(1X4) 6=(3+5)

1 11 mtr long 150x150 mm RS Joist. No 4

2 100 X 50X6 mm MS Channel Mtr 24

3 75x40x6 mm MS Channel Mtr 24
4 50x50x6 mm MS Angle Mtr 10
5 HT Stay Set Set 4
6 7/10 SWG stay wire Kg 40
7 Stay insulator No 4
8 Stay clamp Pair 4
9 1X300 MMSQ 33 KV XLPE Cable Mtr 600
10 Cable jointing kit outdoor type Each 6
11 Cable Marker No 12
12 PVC 300 mmsq ' O ' Clamp Each 12
300 mm O PVC Pipe for supporting
13 of XLPE Cable in middle of D.P Mtr 30
14 MS Nut ,Bolt & Washer Kg 50

15 33 KV Lightening arrestor No. 6

16 Earthing devicPit Each 4

GI Pipe Earthing 40mm dia
17 No. 10
medium gauge
18 GI flat 25X 6mm for earthing Kg 24
19 Coal & Salt Each 16

20 Cement Concreting of Stay 4


21 Cement Concreting of Pole Each 4

22 Painting of MS Materials Ltr 100

23 Caution Plate Each 4
24 Barbed wire Kg 30
Sl .No Description of Materials Unit Quantity Supply Errection
Total Amount for
Rate(Rs) Amount (Rs) Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) Supply & Errection
1 2 3=(1x2) 4 5=(1X4) 6=(3+5)
Booring of H type of 33 mm dia
1 with digging og 300 mm dia MS Mtr 43
Encasing pipe single ckt.
Cable looping chamber with Brick
2 wall including cement concreting LS 2
RCC Cover

3 300 mm Dia RCC Pipe Mtr 43

Earthing cutting, digging and filling
4 LS 1
from earth pit to DP structure
Extra works of Brick wall and sand
5 filling with arrangement of cable LS 1
from Earth pit to DP Structure

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