The Veterinary Journal: M. Gray, J. Meehan, C. Ward, S.P. Langdon, I.H. Kunkler, A. Murray, D. Argyle

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The Veterinary Journal 239 (2018) 21–29

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Implantable biosensors and their contribution to the future of precision

M. Graya,b,* , J. Meehanb,c , C. Warda,b , S.P. Langdonb , I.H. Kunklerb , A. Murrayd, D. Argylea
The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh, Easter Bush, Roslin, Midlothian, Edinburgh EH25 9RG, UK
Cancer Research UK Edinburgh Centre and Division of Pathology Laboratories, Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, University of Edinburgh, Crewe
Road South, Edinburgh EH4 2XU, UK
Institute of Sensors, Signals and Systems, School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK
School of Engineering, Faraday Building, The King’s Buildings, Mayfield Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JL, UK


Keywords: Precision medicine can be defined as the prevention, investigation and treatment of diseases taking
Cancer individual variability into account. There are multiple ways in which the field of precision medicine may
Foreign body response be advanced; however, recent innovations in the fields of electronics and microfabrication techniques
Implantable biosensors
have led to an increased interest in the use of implantable biosensors in precision medicine. Implantable
Precision medicine
biosensors are an important class of biosensors because of their ability to provide continuous data on the
levels of a target analyte; this enables trends and changes in analyte levels over time to be monitored
without any need for intervention from either the patient or clinician. As such, implantable biosensors
have great potential in the diagnosis, monitoring, management and treatment of a variety of disease
conditions. In this review, we describe precision medicine and the role implantable biosensors may have
in this field, along with challenges in their clinical implementation due to the host immune responses
they elicit within the body.
© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

Introduction likely to benefit from a specific treatment, thus improving clinical

outcomes whilst reducing side effects (Penet et al., 2014).
Precision and personalised medicine are interchangeable terms, Even though precision medicine is not a new concept, it has
with similar concepts. Due to concerns among clinicians and gained increased awareness and momentum in recent years, aided
scientists that the term “personalised” could be misunderstood, by world leaders such as the former President of the United States
leading patients to believe that unique treatments/drugs were Barack Obama, who announced the “Precision Medicine Initiative”
being developed specifically for each individual, the term at the beginning of 2015. This initiative aimed “to bring us closer to
personalised medicine has now predominately been replaced curing diseases like cancer and diabetes – and to give us all access
with precision medicine (Biesecker et al., 2011; Katsnelson, 2013). to the personalised information we need to keep ourselves and our
Precision medicine is defined as the prevention, investigation and families healthier” (Collins and Varmus 2015).
treatment of diseases taking individual variability into account. Although the role of precision medicine in everyday treatment
These factors include disease biomarkers, molecular signatures, is currently limited, dedicated centres, such as The Centre for
phenotype, environment and lifestyle (Ghasemi et al., 2016). This Personalised Medicine in the UK and The Personalised Medicine
approach allows individual patients to be classified into sub- Coalition in the USA, should make the integration of precision
populations that differ in their susceptibility to a particular medicine into everyday healthcare practices more widespread in
disease, prognosis and response to treatment (Bu et al., 2016). the coming years (Carrasco-Ramiro et al., 2017). However, cross
Precision medicine can therefore help to identify patients most disciplinary approaches involving engineering and chemistry may
be needed to make significant progress. While the application of
precision medicine is currently more focused on humans, its
concepts are equally applicable in the treatment of veterinary
* Corresponding author at: The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and patients.
Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh, Easter Bush, Roslin, Midlothian, Edinburgh
EH25 9RG, UK.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Gray).
1090-0233/© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
22 M. Gray et al. / The Veterinary Journal 239 (2018) 21–29

Implantable biosensors can be employed, including enzymes, nucleic acids, antibodies,

proteins and peptides. Electrochemical biosensors have electrodes
The physiology of disease tissue can be markedly different to as their transduction element (Thévenot et al., 2001).
that of healthy tissue, with diseases such as cancer or diabetes Clark is credited with developing the first biosensor in 1962;
mellitus leading to measurable changes within the body. this ‘enzyme electrode’ (Clark and Lyons, 1962) was a concept built
Methodology that could provide continuous data on the levels on his earlier invention the Clark oxygen electrode (Clark, 1959).
of a target analyte, enabling trends and changes in concentrations Having enzymes as the molecular recognition element depends on
over time to be analysed, without any need for intervention from the catalytic conversion of an enzymatic substrate to a product.
the patient or clinician, would be very valuable (Vaddiraju et al., Because enzymes have highly specific binding pockets, enzyme
2010). As such, implantable medical devices have great potential in electrodes have high selectivity against their chosen analyte (Zhu
the diagnosis, monitoring, management and treatment of a variety et al., 2015). Clark’s paper described the electrochemical detection
of disease conditions (Cavallini et al., 2015) (Fig. 1). of O2 or CO2 by immobilised enzymes. In one example, the enzyme
Advances in the fields of electronics and microfabrication glucose oxidase (GOx) was entrapped on a platinum O2 electrode
techniques have caused increased interest in the use of implant- over a semi-permeable dialysis membrane, with the amount of O2
able medical devices in precision medicine. Biosensors are consumed by the electrode acting as an indirect measure of glucose
analytical devices containing a biological sensing element that levels (Clark and Lyons, 1962).
transforms a biological response into electrical signals (Turner, Electrochemical biosensors have the potential to offer the
2013; Mehrotra, 2016). Biosensors have many different applica- sensitive and rapid detection of a wide range of biomarkers; their
tions, from environmental monitoring and food safety, to security relative fabrication simplicity, amenability to miniaturisation,
and defence; however, the use of biosensors for medical along with the reduced cost of instrumentation, has also furthered
diagnostics represents the largest driver for biosensor develop- interest in their development (Kokkinos et al., 2016).
ment and application today (Turner, 2013).
Biosensors and metabolic diseases
Implantable electrochemical biosensors
One of the first major successful applications of implantable
Biosensors are composed of two main parts; a bio-recognition biosensors was in the field of metabolic diseases, specifically
element and a transducer. The bio-recognition element of the diabetes mellitus. Despite advances in insulin therapy delivery and
sensor identifies a target analyte, while a transducer converts the the development of more physiological insulin preparations
output from the molecular recognition into an electrical signal (Home, 2012), the avoidance of hypoglycaemic episodes still
(Thévenot et al., 2001). Different molecular recognition elements remains a challenge (Cryer, 2015). Blood glucose measurements

Fig. 1. Diagram showing the criteria that an ideal implantable biosensor should possess. These requirements include: sensitivity and specificity (the biosensor must be able to
operate within the therapeutic range of the target substance whilst in the presence of complex solutions e.g. interstitial fluid or blood), biostability and biocompatibility
(negative immune reactions may cause the device to become non-functional), self-sufficiency (in terms of power supply and control from external devices) and transmission
(the signal output transmitted to an external communication device should be in a meaningful form for ease of use for the patient/clinician).
M. Gray et al. / The Veterinary Journal 239 (2018) 21–29 23

are traditionally performed with the blood from pin-prick samples that the biosensor was able to continuously and simultaneously
and amperometric home-use glucose sensors. Regular blood monitor these three metabolism-related biomarkers in a specific
sampling can be painful and time consuming, causing psychologi- brain region with temporal and spatial accuracy (Cordeiro et al.,
cal distress and poor patient compliance (Rubin and Peyrot, 2001); 2015).
non-compliance among diabetic patients has been estimated in
the range of 50–80% (Chatterjee, 2006). Similar issues are Biotelemetry
encountered in veterinary patients. Commonly used monitoring
methods to manage diabetic dogs and cats are classified as direct or Biotelemetry (the remote measurement of an activity, function
indirect. Indirect monitoring includes the assessment of water or condition) utilises implantable technology as a means of
intake, quantification of glycosuria and ketonuria, and measure- obtaining data in an experimental setting in conscious, unre-
ment of glycosylated protein concentrations, whereas direct strained animals. Electromyogram (EMG), electroencephalogram
monitoring includes serial or continuous blood glucose measure- (EEG), electrocardiogram (ECG), heart rate, blood pressure, body
ments (Cook, 2012). Although serial blood glucose measurements temperature, activity and circadian rhythm data can be collected
are the mainstay monitoring method used in clinical practice, this using biotelemetry techniques (Bertram and Lothman, 1991;
can be problematic due to large day-to-day variations in blood Kramer et al., 2001; Güler and Übeyli, 2002; Kramer and Kinter,
glucose levels in dogs (Fleeman and Rand, 2003) and stress 2003; Bastlund et al., 2004; Weiergräber et al., 2005; Bassett
hyperglycaemia in cats (Rand et al., 2002). Owners predominately et al., 2014; Lundt et al., 2016). It is thought that information
rely on home-use urine tests to monitor glucose levels; however, obtained from conscious, unrestrained animals is likely to be
these urine tests only reflect the glucose levels over a large time more comparable to that seen in humans, in contrast to classically
frame, and transient hypoglycaemia may be masked by hyper- derived data from anaesthetised or restrained animals (Kramer
glycaemic periods. Even animals whose diabetes is under control and Kinter, 2003). Wireless radiotelemetry has been used in a
and experience several hours of euglycaemia will likely be variety of laboratory animals, including mice as small as 20 g and
glycosuric for several hours a day (Cook, 2012). The Somogyi fish, with transmitters commonly implanted either intraperito-
effect is also seen in both dogs and cats, whereby sustained neally, subcutaneously or between abdominal muscle layers
rebound hyperglycaemia occurs after an acute decrease in blood (Snelderwaard et al., 2006; Bassett et al., 2014; Lundt et al., 2016).
glucose levels; insulin levels therefore should not be increased Biotelemetry has been shown to be of value in the characterisa-
based on persistent hyperglycaemia. To overcome some of the tion of various animal models of human diseases, including
issues outlined with blood glucose measurements in dogs and cats, epilepsy, sleep disorders, neurodegenerative and neuropsychiat-
glycosylated proteins such as glycosylated haemoglobin and ric disorders (Güler and Übeyli, 2002; Bastlund et al., 2004;
fructosamine concentrations can be measured to give a quantita- Williams et al., 2006). This technique also has a role in the
tive indirect assessment of diabetes diagnosis and management investigation of the pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and
(Thoresen and Bredal, 1996; Loste and Marca, 2001; Cook, 2012). toxicological properties of drugs, helping to determine their
The development of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) over safety margins and efficacy. For example, EEG recordings can be
the last 15 years aims to provide real-time interstitial glucose used to assess a drugs effect on the central nervous system,
readings, alerting patients to impending hypo- and hyperglycae- including the detection of seizure activity (Bassett et al., 2014),
mic episodes. Although CGM systems for veterinary patients are whereas ECG, heart rate and blood pressure can be used to
not in mainstream use, they have been successfully used in clinics investigate the effects of cardiac drugs (Anderson et al., 1999).
(Davison et al., 2003; Wiedmeyer et al., 2003; Wiedmeyer and One study, using radiotelemetry combined with an automatic
DeClue, 2008). CGM systems can be connected with subcutaneous blood sampler and urine analysis, demonstrated the feasibility of
insulin infusion systems, creating sensor augmented pumps with recording multiple telemetric and non-telemetric physiological
the automated administration of insulin, acting as an artificial parameters simultaneously (Kamendi et al., 2010).
pancreas (Cengiz et al., 2011; Kropff and Devries, 2016; Bally et al.,
2017). Biosensors and drug delivery
Continuous glucose-monitoring systems using long-term (> 90
days) fully implantable sensors have now been brought to the Different types of biosensors featuring drug delivery systems
market (Eversense, Senseonics Inc.) (Dehennis et al., 2015). This have been developed with the ability to deliver drugs in response
system uses an implanted glucose sensor, a removable wearable to biosensor readings. Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS)-
smart transmitter and a mobile app to display real-time glucose based drug delivery devices are one example, with BioMEMS
measurements. Long-term implantable CGM systems are benefi- defined as a class of MEMS which incorporate biological entities or
cial to patients as the number of times the sensor needs to be have a biological application (Menon et al., 2013). The use of
replaced is decreased, thus reducing warm-up procedures and the techniques created for the electronics industry has enabled the
risk of sensor damage from each implantation (Kropff and Devries, production of the micro-reservoirs, micropumps, valves and
2016). sensors (Staples et al., 2006; Ngoepe et al., 2013) needed to make
These types of amperometric enzyme-based biosensors have miniaturised devices. These devices have the ability to sense,
also been utilised in the field of experimental neuroscience. monitor, mix, pump and control the flow of small amounts of fluid
Regulatory disturbances in brain energy metabolism (particularly (Nisar et al., 2008), some of which are commercially available
in respect to glucose, lactate and pyruvate levels) can have a (Ngoepe et al., 2013). Smart polymers, which have been produced
negative impact on cognitive learning and memory (Hertz and to go through structural alterations when subjected to changes to
Gibbs, 2009), and is thought to be involved in multiple neurological external stimuli such as temperature or pH (Ngoepe et al., 2013)
diseases/disorders (Moretti et al., 2003; Cloix and Hevor, 2009; can also be used as biosensors. They have the ability to deliver
Kapogiannis and Mattson, 2011). An amperometric enzyme-based drugs when needed. One such example is the attachment of both
multiplex biosensor device (MBD) for the monitoring of brain glucose oxidase and insulin within a hydrogel that is responsive to
glucose, lactate and pyruvate, has been developed using glucose changes in pH, enabling this smart polymer to act both as a sensor
oxidase, lactate oxidase and pyruvate oxidase respectively at the of glucose concentration and as a drug delivery vehicle for insulin
electrode surface. This biosensor was implanted into the medial (Traitel et al., 2000). These types of biosensor-drug delivery
prefrontal cortex of anaesthetised rats, where researchers showed systems can reduce the risk of overdosing/underdosing a patient
24 M. Gray et al. / The Veterinary Journal 239 (2018) 21–29

whilst allowing the patient to receive the drug at a specific time

point (Smolensky and Peppas, 2007).
Implantable drug delivery systems have also great potential for
use in diseases in which treatment regimens are difficult to
implement. Osteoporosis affects bone density leading to weak-
ened/fragile bones. One treatment option for this condition is the
daily injection of human parathyroid hormone fragment (1-34)
[hPTH(1-34)] as an anabolic therapy, stimulating osteoblastic bone
formation (Cosman, 2006). This therapy can last up to 2 years,
which makes patient compliance problematic (Papaioannou et al.,
2007). The first-in-human testing of a wirelessly controlled drug
delivery microchip was used in the treatment of osteoporosis
(Farra et al., 2012); the device consisted of silicon chips with
multiple individual reservoirs filled with concentrated hPTH(1-34)
solution. Pharmacokinetic evaluation showed that the microchip
produced similar results to multiple daily injections, with bone
marker evaluation indicating that bone formation increased even
though a fibrous capsule developed around the implanted device.
This study is an excellent example of where implantable devices
can be utilised to overcome difficult treatment regimens and poor
patient compliance.

Implantable technology and cancer monitoring/treatment

Tumour physiology differs markedly from normal tissue

physiology. Tumours are characterised by areas of O2 depletion
(hypoxia and anoxia), glucose and energy deprivation, extracellu-
lar acidosis, high lactate levels and interstitial hypertension. This
unique tumour microenvironment (TME) is largely determined by
an abnormal tumour vasculature and its heterogeneous microcir-
culation (Vaupel, 2004).

Biosensors and the clinical monitoring of cancer progression

The TME strongly influences a tumours response to radiother-

apy (RT) and chemotherapy; therefore, monitoring the TME for
Fig. 2. Diagram outlining the mechanisms of hypoxia development in solid
certain biomarkers, pH, O2, cancer metabolites or chemothera-
tumours. Hypoxia is defined as a state of reduced O2 availability. Most mammalian
peutic drug concentrations could allow observation of the tissues function in O2 concentrations ranging from 2 to 9%, with O2 concentrations
treatment response, and improve the detection of recurrence or <2% defined as hypoxic. It is estimated that up to 60% of locally advanced solid
metastasis. An implantable diagnostic device placed within the tumours have heterogeneously distributed hypoxic tissue areas. Perfusion-limited
tumour, or the surrounding tissue, following surgery or at the time hypoxia is brought about by structural and functional abnormalities of the tumour
microvessels, leading to disturbances in blood flow and causing acute/transient
of biopsy would be one potential method to achieve this kind of
hypoxia. Diffusion-limited hypoxia results from the viable aerobic tumour cells
precision monitoring (Sedlaczek et al., 2002; Daniel et al., 2009). around the blood vessels utilising the available O2, giving rise to chronic hypoxia in
This would be especially useful in areas where imaging (e.g. MRI/ areas beyond the diffusion distance of O2 (150–180 mm). Anaemic hypoxia is caused
CT) makes it difficult to distinguish between the tumour by tumour-associated and/or therapy-induced anaemia, leading to a reduced blood
O2 transport capacity.
recurrence, fibrosis, necrosis or benign lesions from previous
surgery and/or chemoradiotherapy treatment (e.g. gliomas)
(Verma et al., 2013). The first in vivo description of such a device can tolerate a dose 2–3 times higher than aerobic cells. This O2
was used to detect soluble cancer biomarkers (the β subunit of enhancement effect was highlighted in a large international study
human chorionic gonadotrophin) in mice, using nanoparticle which demonstrated that the pre-treatment tumour O2 status for
magnetic relaxation switches (MRSw) enclosed within an im- patients with head and neck cancer was a prognostic factor for
plantable device by a semipermeable membrane (Daniel et al., survival after RT (+/ surgery, chemotherapy, or radiosensitizer)
2009). (Nordsmark et al., 2005).

Tumour microenvironment and hypoxia Tumour functional imaging and implantable technology

Tissue oxygenation is an important component of many cancers To target hypoxic tumour areas, clinicians need to be able to
(Vaupel, 2004; Bertout et al., 2008). The mechanisms involved in detect them. There are several approaches used for detection
the development of hypoxia in solid tumours include perfusion- which can be divided into indirect and direct methods. Molecular
limited, diffusion-limited and anaemic hypoxia (Secomb et al., reporters of O2, which form adducts with intracellular macro-
2012; Vaupel and Mayer, 2014) (Fig. 2). Hypoxia was one of the first molecules at low O2 levels, can be detected through immunohis-
recognised modifiers of treatment outcomes, with a multitude of tochemistry and represent an indirect method of hypoxic
studies published from 1909 onwards suggesting that O2 levels had detection, as does the assessment of genes and proteins whose
an influence on the radiosensitivity of cells (Bertout et al., 2008). levels are regulated by O2 levels (such as HIF-1 and CAIX) (Le and
Papers published in the early 1950s confirmed this (Gray et al., Courter, 2008; Meehan et al., 2017). However, indirect methods
1953). At a given dose of radiation, cancer cells in low O2 conditions only allow the analysis of small portions of a tumour at any one
M. Gray et al. / The Veterinary Journal 239 (2018) 21–29 25

time, meaning that the hypoxic heterogeneity of the entire tumour This DVS has undergone clinical testing and received FDA approval
is not represented. Also, the extent of hypoxia, and its changing for use in breast and prostate cancer and could allow radiation
distribution throughout the tumour at the time of treatment, are oncologists to optimise radiation treatment on an individual basis.
not given by these methods. Direct measurements of O2 can be
made using polarographic electrodes, such as the Eppendorf O2 Biocompatibility and the foreign body response
electrode (Vaupel et al., 1991), but because of their invasive nature
these are not used clinically. Non-invasive imaging of tumour For implantable sensors to be used clinically, they must be
hypoxia, through PET and MRI, allows clinicians to analyse tumour characterised in terms of their biocompatibility; this should
hypoxia across the whole tumour volume (Hammond et al., 2014). incorporate both bio-functionality (does the sensor perform
However, the images produced are static measurements that only correctly) and biosafety (the extent of local and systemic tissue
provide a snapshot of hypoxia at the time of analysis. responses and the absence of carcinogenesis, mutagenesis and
Therefore, despite advances, approaches that give an accurate cytotoxicity) (Arshady, 2003; Schoen and Anderson, 2004; Morais
3D map of hypoxic areas within the entire tumour volume are not et al., 2010). Unfortunately, following implantation biosensors
available. As a result, there is an unmet clinical need for an typically lose functionality over time; this detrimental effect is
implantable biosensor that gives readings of the hypoxic areas/ largely due to biofouling (non-specific cell/protein absorption) that
levels in a tumour at the time of treatment, along with the spatial occurs locally around the biosensor and results in a tissue reaction
and temporal changes that can occur. The Implantable Micro- known as the foreign body response (FBR) (Anderson, 2000;
systems for Personalised Anti-Cancer Therapy (IMPACT) project Gretzer et al., 2006; Luttikhuizen et al., 2006; Anderson et al.,
aims to produce such a device.1 The purpose of the project is to 2008) (Fig. 3).
manufacture implantable wireless sensors for the real-time Following implantation of any foreign substance, components
monitoring of tumour O2 levels, thus allowing RT to be delivered of both the acute as well as chronic inflammatory reactions may be
at the most effective location and time (Marland et al., 2018). elicited (Anderson, 2001). Proteins associated with the acute
Studies testing the manufactured sensors from the IMPACT project inflammatory response such as albumin, fibrinogen, complement,
are currently underway in animal models; should these produce and others can readily attach to biomaterial surfaces after
positive results, validation of the biosensors will be required in implantation (Jenny and Anderson, 2000; Keselowsky et al.,
clinical trials. If the IMPACT project is successful, it may lead to the 2007; Anderson et al., 2008; McNally et al., 2008). The surface
production of a biosensor that could prove to be a formidable tool characteristics of biomaterials can affect which of the inflamma-
in realising biologically adapted RT. tion-associated proteins bind to the surface of a biosensor, and
thereby represents a mechanism for potential modulation of the
Cancer treatment and implantable technology ongoing inflammatory response to the device (Broughton et al.,
2006). Chronic inflammatory responses may also develop in
Short-term implantable devices have been developed for high- response to the biomaterial at the implantation site. Macrophages
throughput drug sensitivity testing within solid tumours. A device are a key cell mediator of the chronic response to implanted
containing multiple reservoirs capable of releasing drugs into biomaterials, through their roles in foreign body giant cell
spatially distinct tumour regions at concentrations that could be formation (FBGC), and the production of degradative enzymes
achieved systemically has been described (Jonas et al., 2015). and inflammatory mediators such as reactive O2 species (Henson,
Removal of tumour tissue surrounding the device 24 h after 1971a; Henson, 1971b; Anderson, 2000; Broughton et al., 2006;
implantation allowed assessment of each drugs anti-neoplastic Castro et al., 2014); it is these reactions that can lead to biomaterial
effect through immunohistochemical analysis (Jonas et al., 2015). degradation and device failure (Haas, 2007; Anderson et al., 2008).
These types of devices could be employed to release drugs directly Macrophages also elaborate numerous pro-fibrotic factors, which
within the TME, negating potential toxic systemic side effects, lead to formation of a fibrous capsule surrounding the biosensor
while also aiding the identification of a patient's optimal drug (Song et al., 2000). The fibrous wall, combined with the FBGC,
treatment before definitive systemic treatment commences. creates a barrier surrounding the implant which can lead to
Implantable technology could play an important role in the impaired function of the biosensor.
treatment of brain tumours. The presence of the blood-brain The majority of the literature related to the FBR focuses on
barrier is a significant limitation to the development of more materials that are implanted into normal tissue. However, one
effective brain tumour therapies as it prevents the transfer of non- paper investigated the FBR using cotton thread implanted within
lipid soluble molecules and particles larger than 500 Da in size into rodent tumours compared to that seen in normal tissues (Mahoney
the brain (Groothuis et al., 2000). Systemic toxicity for commonly and Leighton, 1962). They concluded that the response within the
used chemotherapeutic agents is often reached before obtaining a tumour was minimal compared to that seen in the normal tissues.
therapeutically effective concentration in the brain. MEMs-based Although more research is required on the effects of implanting
drug delivery systems have been used experimentally to deliver devices directly into tumours, the results published in this paper
drugs directly to the brain, thus overcoming the issues associated indicated that the FBR may be decreased within tumours. This has
with the blood brain barrier to achieve therapeutic doses of drugs important implications for the future use of implantable devices in
within primary brain tumours such as gliomas (Masi et al., 2012). cancer therapy.
Radiotherapy plays a major role in the treatment of many
cancers. However, the clinical success of RT depends on the Regulations governing implantable medical devices and
accuracy of delivering the calculated dose to the desired area, with challenges in bringing implantable biosensors to the clinic
tumour radiosensitivity also having an influence on treatment
response. Implantable dosimeters, such as the dose verification In 1992 the International Standards Agency (ISO) was set up as a
system (DVS), can verify the radiation dose received by the target joint project between Canada, Great Britain and the USA. This
volume for each treatment session/fraction (Beyer et al., 2008). organisation developed and published international standards on
the Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices: ISO 10933, with
implantable biosensors being classified as devices in contact with
See: Implantable Microsystems for Personalised Anti-Cancer Therapy. www. tissues for more than 30 days. The document describes methods (accessed 22 July 2018). for biocompatability testing prior to clinical trials and includes
26 M. Gray et al. / The Veterinary Journal 239 (2018) 21–29

Fig. 3. Diagram outlining the stages of inflammation that occur following the implantation of a medical device/biosensor. These inflammatory phases include: tissue injury,
blood–biomaterial interactions with provisional matrix formation, acute and chronic inflammation and the formation of granulation tissue with fibrosis/fibrous capsule
development. Mast cells and PMNs are the predominant cell types present in the acute inflammatory phase, while macrophages drive the later inflammatory responses. The
provisional matrix, formed by biomaterial adherent proteins, contributes to ongoing inflammation through cytokine, chemoattractant and growth factor release. These
substances include: transforming growth factor beta, platelet-derived growth factor, CXCL4, leukotriene and interleukin-1. Within 2 days following implantation, PMN
numbers decrease as they undergo apoptosis and are engulfed by macrophages. Macrophages enhance the propagation of the chemoattractive signals through the production
of: platelet derived growth factor, tumour necrosis factor, IL-6, granulocyte-colony stimulating factor, chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 and granulocyte macrophage colony
stimulating factor. The cytokines IL-4 and IL-13 are important factors in FBGC formation, enhancing monocyte adhesion, macrophage differentiation and fusion. The end
result of the FBR is the production of granulation tissue with subsequent fibrous capsule formation. This reaction causes a ‘walling-off’ of the biosensor from its immediate
surrounding area; this, combined with the degradative chemicals released from the FBGC, can lead to a loss of biosensor function.

suggested in vitro tests for cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, carcinogenic- implantable medical devices must provide evidence of product
ity, reproductive and developmental toxicity, biofunctionality safety and performance. However, clinical evidence is not always
(adhesion, spreading, biosynthetic function), hemocompatibility required; using ‘equivalence data’/published clinical work of
and degradation assessment. In vivo assessment includes tests for similar devices can decrease the time in getting a product to
local tissue effects after implantation, ethylene oxide residues, market, but could potentially lead to safety concerns as each device
degradation of materials, irritation and sensitisation, along with is not fully evaluated. Once implants have gained market approval,
systemic toxicity (ISO, 1992). The Food and Drug Administration post-market surveillance is required to pick up limitations/adverse
has also been involved in the production of regulations specifically incidents by patients, clinicians and manufacturers.
for the use of implantable biomaterials with drug release systems. Human factor studies, which focus on the interactions between
Although these in vitro tests are excellent for initial screening devices and people, are also applicable to veterinary patients.
processes, animal models are required to evaluate tissue reactions. However, the opinions of patients or pet owners themselves can
Various methods of in vivo biocompatability testing have been often be overlooked by researchers and clinicians, which has led to
developed, such as the cage implant system (Koschwanez and difficulties in the development of new technologies. For example, a
Reichert, 2007), a chamber system (Papenfuss et al., 1979; Ertefai lack of prior consultation with members of the deaf community
and Gough, 1989) and an avian chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) with respect to cochlear implants meant that the development and
system of a developing chick embryo (Valdes et al., 2002; Valdes use of this technology was met with patient resistance (Blume,
et al., 2003). These methods allow harvesting of tissue or fluid in 1999; Ramsden, 2013). Similar studies for implantable cardiac
the region of the implanted biomaterial, which can be analysed to defibrillators have shown that device implantation can lead to
assess the collagen capsule, inflammatory response and presence significant psychological distress in patients (Duru et al., 2001; Ooi
of capillaries. et al., 2016).
Implantable medical devices must conform to regulatory bodies Veterinary-orientated human factor studies should help ensure
to ensure patient safety, with implantable biosensors coming that pet owners can use implanted devices (such as continuous
under The Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive 90/385/ glucose monitoring systems) safely and effectively, making
ECC, developed by the Medicines and Healthcare products informed treatment decisions based on sensor readings. The use
regulatory Agency. EU regulatory frameworks are undergoing of social scientists in the development of implantable medical
revision after shortcomings identified within the system, which devices is also important as they can be involved in the
were highlighted by cases such as metal-on-metal hip implants investigation of patient groups/pet owners to see if they would
and Poly Implant Prosthese (PIP) breast implants. Manufacturers of accept having devices implanted into their bodies/pets as part of
M. Gray et al. / The Veterinary Journal 239 (2018) 21–29 27

the treatment regime, while also evaluating the ethical implica- Bassett, L., Troncy, E., Pouliot, M., Paquette, D., Ascah, A., Authier, S., 2014. Telemetry
tions of using these technologies (Ikegwuonu et al., 2015). The video-electroencephalography (EEG) in rats, dogs and non-human primates:
methods in follow-up safety pharmacology seizure liability assessments.
integration of these types of studies at the very beginning of any Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods 70, 230–240.
future projects would aid in a greater understanding of the disease Bastlund, J.F., Jennum, P., Mohapel, P., Vogel, V., Watson, W.P., 2004. Measurement of
process, and foster ways in which implantable sensor technology cortical and hippocampal epileptiform activity in freely moving rats by means
of implantable radiotelemetry. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 138, 65–72.
can be best developed to enhance patient treatment. Bertout, J.A., Patel, S.A., Simon, M.C., 2008. The impact of oxygen availability on
human cancer. Nature Reviews Cancer 8, 967–975.
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