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Nº 1001 I

ISO 9001

All steel disc


Lamidisc ®

Installation, alignment and

maintenance instructions.
Modificaciones Técnicas Reservadas
Technical modifications reserved

Installation of hubs . Machinery alignment.

Installation of disc packs and spacer.
1.- Installation of the hubs on the machine shafts.
a) Straight shafts with keyway.
Jaure supplies Lamidisc hubs machined machined with H7 (ISO-286) tolerances. Jaure recommends that the shaft should be machined for
an interference fit, using tolerance s6 (ISO-286).
Whenever the shafts are already machined with a different tolerance from s6, Jaure will customize the hub bores. The following tolerances
are recommended by Jaure.
Shaft tolerance Hub tolerance b) Clamping devices.
h6 T7 When clamping devices, such as tapered bushings, are used, Jaure recommends that the shafts
k6 R7 should be machined with g6 tolerances, for a standard Lamidisc bore.
m6 P7 For other type of connections, please consult our Technical Department.
n6 N7
p6 M7 2.- Machinery Alignment.
As long as the machines are aligned within the specifications from this catalog, the Lamidisc cou-
plings will operate for a long time. However, it should be understood that the useful life of any disc pack coupling is directly influenced by the
operating misalignment: the better the alignment, the longer the coupling life.
Although the Lamidisc couplings can operate satisfactorily at the misalignment listed in the catalog, both the coupling life and machine bear-
ing wear can be greatly improved if the machines are aligned better than the maximum that the coupling can accomodate. Jaure recommends
that the installation misalignment should not exceed 20 % of the catalog values. Therefore, the following formulas show Jaure´s recommen-
dations for maximum misalignment.
Three types of machine misalignment (offset, angular, and axial) should be checked. Jaure has the following recommendations:
• The maximum offset misalignment that the Lamidisc coupling can accomodate is a function of the distance between the disc packs. For the
configurations SX this distance is practically the same as the distance between the shaft ends. This statement is not valid for other configu-
rations, such as CC, DO, CX, DX.
If shafts have an offset misalignment with minimum angular misalignment, the following maximum values for the offset are applicable for
Lamidisc® with 6 bolts TIR = ( disc pack to disc pack distance ) / 150
Lamidisc® with 8 bolts TIR = ( disc pack to disc pack distance ) / 300
Lamidisc® with 10 bolts TIR = ( disc pack to disc pack distance ) / 350
(NOTE : TIR is the Total Indicator Reading, which is twice the shaft offset)
Ex.: For size 380-6, SX type: TIR < DBSE/150.

• The maximum angular misalignment at each disc pack during installation is listed in the tables. This angular misalignment can be verified by meas-
uring the flange-to-flange distance (see figure below) and substracting the smallest reading from the largest reading (Y-Z). The maximum value of (Y-
Z) depends on the flange diameter, therefore on the coupling size. Based on the data from the tables, the following maximum values for (Y-Z) are rec-
Lamidisc with 6 bolts (Y-Z) = Coupling size / 300
Lamidisc with 8 bolts (Y-Z) = Coupling size / 600
Lamidisc with 10 bolts (Y-Z) = Coupling size / 750
Example: For Lamidisc size 380-6 ( maximum angular
misalignment of 1º). (Y-Z) should not exceed
380/300 = 1.27 mm. during installation.
• The axial displacement allowable between shafts dur-
ing installation (∆x), should not exceed 20% of the allow-
able displacement given in the catalog (∆ka) (See table
1). This displacement is a function of the coupling size
and the number of bolts utilized. The larger the size the
larger axial displacement.
The axial displacement creates large stresses in the
discs. For a long life it is recommended that the discs
are as close as possible to being flat. Therefore, the
movements of the shafts as caused by thermal expan-
sion should be carefully considered. For instance, if the
distance between shaft ends changes by 5 mm (the
shafts are coming closer to each others) from cold to hot machines, the distance between shaft ends with cold machines should be intentionally be made
larger by 5 mm when the coupling is installed.
Table 1. Allowable installation axial displacement (20% of catalog valves, ∆x=0.2∆ka).
This value can be added or subtracted from the nominal DBSE. Values for 2 disc packs.

(±) ∆x installation (mm.)

6 Bolts OD/250
8 Bolts OD/375
10 Bolts OD/500
Coupling OD in (mm.)
Example: Size 228-6:±∆ka = 228/250 = ±0.9 mm, for 2 disc packs during installation.

3.- Installation of disc packs and spacer.

The installation of the coupling components depends of the type Lamidisc coupling: the only tool needed are regular wrenches or sockets, and
a torque wrench. Tightening the bolts of a coupling to specification is very important.
a) Standard configuration. SX and SXR types.
The only bolts to be installed and tightened are the ones that attach the disc packs to the hubs and spacer. Place the spacer and install the
bolts with their heads at the flange and not at the disc pack. The nuts shall be turned with the torque wrench, while the heads of the bolts are
held stationary.

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Table 2. Bolt tightening torque values. Values for spacer (type CX) and flange (type DX) bolt non
In case an specific exists, refer to the values mentioned in it if they differ lubricated tigthening torque in Nm.
from the values below.
Values for Disc bolt tightening torque:
Size Disc bolt Size Disc bolt Size Disc bolt Size CX and Size CX and
non-lubricated non-lubricated non-lubricated DX types DX types
tightening tightening tightening 132-6/10 8 302-8/40 230
torque (Nm) torque (Nm) torque (Nm) 158-6/15 20 325-8/45 230
110 30 302 600 540 4100 185-6/20 68 345-8/50 325
132 30 325 600 570 5100 202-6/25 108 380-8/55 325
158 60 345 780 605 6200 255-6/30 108 410-8/60 325
185 100 380 1100 635 7900 278-8/35 230 540-8/70 565
202 150 410 1500 675 9900
228 230 440 2000 700 12200
255 450 475 2600 730 12200
278 450 505 3300 760 14800
NOTE: For lubricated threads reduce the given values by 20%.
For stainless-steel bolts refer to our technical Dep.

Values for dry tightening torque in Nm for flange connecting bolts. Table 3. l1, l2 and s catalog valves for CC, CCR
Types DO-6 and DO-8. types.
Size Bolt Size Bolt Size Bolt Size Bolt Size l1 - l2 s Size l1 - l2 s
tigthening tigthening tigthening tigthening 110 50 8.4 302 135 24.4
torque (Nm) torque (Nm) torque (Nm) torque (Nm) 132 60 8.4 325 145 26
110-6 35 302-6 780 278-8 108 475-8 660 158 70 11.2 345 155 28.2
132-6 35 325-6 780 302-8 108 505-8 660 185 80 14.0 380 170 32
158-6 69 345-6 580 325-8 325 540-8 760 202 90 15.5 410 185 33.2
185-6 120 380-6 780 345-8 325 570-8 760 228 100 17.5 440 195 36.4
202-6 190 410-6 1000 380-8 325 605-8 760 255 115 20.5 475 210 38.2
228-6 295 440-6 1500 410-8 565 278 125 21.2 505 230 42
255-6 580 475-6 2000
278-6 580 505-6 2000
NOTE: For lubricated threads reduce the given values by 20%.
For stainless-steel bolts refer to our technical Dep.

b) Close coupled configuration. CC and CCR types.

The CC coupling type was created for use with machines that have the shafts too close for the use of the standard SX coupling. The outside
diameter of the hubs was reduced to be inserted in the inside of the hole of the disc pack.
To install the hubs on their shafts, the shafts must be spaced apart at least the length of one hub (see dimension l1 and l2 in table 3). To install
the coupling, the disc packs can be first attached with their bolts to the spacer, and then slid over one of the hubs, and attached to it. Next, the
machines must be brought in position so that the second disc pack can be attached to its hub.
The machine alignment can now be performed. Because the spacer covers the shaft ends, the axial spacing must be checked by measuring
the flange to flange distance (dimension “S” in the table 3). The offset and angular misalignments can be checked as previously described.
The bolts that attach the disc packs to the hubs and spacer must be tighten to specification, using a torque wrench at the nuts, while the bolts
heads are held stationary.
c) Drop-out configuratio . DO type. (See table 4 in page 4).
The drop-out configuration allows the installation and removal of the coupling assembly , without the need to remove the hubs from their
shafts. The coupling is received from Jaure fully assembled, with the bolts tightened to specifications. If, however, there is a need to disas-
semble the coupling assembly in case the disc packs need to be replaced ) the nuts should be tightened to Jaure’s specification (valves not
shown in these instructions) using a torque wrench, while the bolt heads are held stationary.
The coupling assembly will not fit between the hubs, as long as the shaft-to-shaft distance was correctly set. The coupling ends should be
brought together, by compressing the disc packs using the flange screws in the shipping holes, so that the assembly will fit between the male
Once in position, the coupling will snap in place, and the bolts that attach the assembly to the shaft hubs must be tightened to Jaure specifi-
cations (see table 2) using a torque wrench. This operation must be carefully performed, as these bolts transmit the full coupling torque.
Machine alignment should be done before the coupling assembly is in place.
To remove the coupling assembly first remove all the bolts that retain it to the shaft hubs. Then compress the assembly by introducing the
existing flange bolts in the shipping holes, and press the coupling assembly away from the male rabbets.
d) Reduced moment coupling with spacer according to AGMA 516, CX type.
The reduced moment configuration is used whenever the shaft stresses require that the center of gravity of the coupling is very close to the
machine bearings. This configuration also allows either machine to be removed by dropping the spacer, without the need to disturb the disc-
pack assemblies.
The installation of this coupling requires the following steps:
- Install the hubs on their shafts.
- Measure and adjust the shaft to shaft (DBSE) distance.
- Align the machine shafts as previously described.
- Attach one disc pack and a short sleeve at each hub, by tightening the nuts to specifications, while holding the bolt heads stationary.
- Place the spacer between the two sleeves. It should fit without interference, or without a gap remaining between the flanges. Correct the
machine spacing if necessary, as any axial displacement can adversely affect coupling´s long term performance.
- Insert the flange bolts and tighten the nuts to specifications using a torque wrench and adaptor, while holding the bolt heads stationary.
- Recheck the alignment, and correct if necessary.
e) Drop-out coupling with floating assembly, flanges according to AGMA 516, DX type.
The drop-out configuration allows the installation and removal of the coupling assembly, without the need to remove the hubs from their
shafts. The coupling is received from Jaure fully assembled, with the bolts tightened to specifications. If, however, there is a need to disas-
semble the coupling assembly (in case the disc packs need to be replaced) the nuts should be tightened to specification using a torque wrench,
while the bolt heads are held stationary.
The coupling assembly will fit between the hubs, as long as the shaft-to-shaft distance was correctly set. Once in position, the nuts that attach
the assembly to the shaft hubs must be tightened to specifications using a torque wrench and adaptor, while the bolt heads are held station-
ary. This operation must be carefully performed, as these bolts transmit the full coupling torque.
Machine alignment should be done before the coupling assembly is in place.

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Coupling Lamidisc®
Table 4, DO type.


Mounting and dismounting instructions.
Mounting Dismounting

1 - Shipping position. 2 - Remove the flange bolts.

2 IMPORTANT: Remove shipping bushings for instalation.
(when supply, only big couplings).
1 - Work position. 2 - Remove flange bolts.

3 - Introduce the flange bolts in the shipping holes in order to compress the central element and
save the guiding rabbets.

3 - Introduce the flange bolts in the shipping holes in

order to compress the central element.
- Shipping bolts.

4 - Bolt up with the recomended tightening torque. 5 - Work position.

DO Type with JUMBO HUB

Mounting and dismounting instructions.
Mounting Dismounting
- Shipping position. - Remove the long and short flange
2 bolts.

1 2 IMPORTANT: Remove shipping bushings for instalation.

(when supply, only big couplings). 1 - Work position. 2 - Remove flange bolts (long bolts) and
shipping-dismounting bolts (short bolts).

3 - Introduce the shipping-dismounting bolts (short bolts) in the - After remove shipping bolts and store in screw
shipping holes in order to compress the central element and bores of the hubs.
save the guiding rabbets.

3 - Introduce the shipping-dismounting bolts (short

OTZARRETA (Zarautz) - Mod.: JAU0117586 - Dep. Leg.: SS-30/2000

bolts) in the shipping holes in order to compress

the central element.
- Work bolts (long bolts).

4 - Bolt up the long bolts with the recomended tightening torque. 5 - Work position.

ISO 9001

Ernio bidea, s/n - 20150 ZIZURKIL (Guipúzcoa) SPAIN

Tel./Phone: +34 943 69.00.54 - Fax: +34 943 69.02.95
Código Postal/Post address: 47 - 20150 VILLABONA (Guipúzcoa) SPAIN
e-mail:[email protected] - ACCREDITED BY


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