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Flow Star

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Directional control

Series Flowstar
VDMA 24563

Catalogue 9127007212GB-ul
Directional control valves Flowstar

This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product and/or system options for further investigation by users having technical
expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application and review the information concerning the product or system in the current product catalog. Due to the variety of operating conditions
and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all performance,
safety and warning requirements of the application are met. The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing, are subject to change
by Parker Hannifin Corporation and its subsidiaries at any time without notice.

The items described in this document are available for sale by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries or its authorized distributors. Any sale contract entered into by Parker will be governed by
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Directional control valves Flowstar

Summary Page

General information ..................................................................................... 4-6

Multiple mounting with bottom connection ....................................................... 7
Multiple manifold with side connection ............................................................ 8
Technical data ................................................................................................ 9
Order key ................................................................................................ 10-11
Main data, pneumatically actuated ........................................................... 12-13
Main data, electrically actuated ................................................................ 14-17
Accessories, subbase and multiple manifolds ......................................... 18-24
Complete valves ...................................................................................... 24-25
Solenoid valves ....................................................................................... 26-30
Valvetronic 110 ............................................................................................. 31
Pre-wired solenoid connector ........................................................................ 32
Ready-to-use cable ...................................................................................... 32
Plug assembly instruction ............................................................................. 35

Important !
Before carrying out any service work, ensure that
the valve and manifold have been vented. Re- = Products specially suitable for the
move the primary supply air hose to ensure total food industry.
disconnection of the air supply before disman-
tling valves or blind connection blocks.

NB !
NB !
The air quality is decisive for the valve life:
All technical data in this catalogue is typical only.
see ISO 8573.

Directional control valves Flowstar

All screws in
stainless steel.

Body and endcovers

in corrosion-resitant

Few moving parts and

short travel distance
for long life.

Special seal prevents

Rounded edges and cor- entry of dirt between the
ners and open recesses valve and manifold.
simplify cleaning.
Locating pin for correct

The P2V-A/B valve range

P2V-A, G1/8, 18 mm wide and P2V-B, G1/4, 26 mm wide,VDMA 24563
The P2V-A/B range of valves are 5-port directional control The pilot valve used for electrical control will shortly comply with
valves, complying with the 18 and 26 mm wide VDMA 24563 a CNOMO standard. It has three ports in the connection plane:
specification. The objective behind the development of this one for supply air, one for signal air and one for venting.
standard was to produce a valve concept in which the manifold Manifolds are available for single mounting with side connec-
was considerably narrower than that of ISO 5599/1, Size 1, suit- tions, as well as for multiple valves with bottom/ side connec-
ing the needs of modern machines for more compact equip- tions.
ment. The range includes a large number of pneumatically or
electrically operated 5/2 and 5/3 valves.

A standard to rely on Extremely high flow capacity

The P2V-A/B range provides full interchangeability with the Ger-
man VDMA 24563 standard (18 mm and 26 mm). The pilot
valves of the electrically activated valves comply with a new
French CNOMO standard for the hole pattern of the connecting
block which is being drafted. Connections for the cable connec-
tor comply with Form C of DIN 43650.
Flow rates through P2V-B valves are about 10% higher than for
Substantially smaller than ISO1 valves
the majority of ISO 1 valves (P2V-B C = 4.4 Nl/s, bar). Flows
through the valve itself are so high that it is the standardised
hole connection pattern that prevents higher flow rates being

Corrosion-resistant design

The width of the manifold of P2V-A valves is about 60% less The materials in the valves and manifolds have been selected
than that of normal ISO1 valves, while that of the P2V-B valves is for extremely high performance in respect of corrosion resist-
about 40% less, which means that more valves can be accom- ance. Valve bodies and manifolds are anodised aluminium, end
modated in the same space. covers are thermoplastic and the use of stainless steel for all
screws result in excellent durability.

Directional control valves Flowstar
High reliability Insensitive to dirty air

The valves easily meet the requirements for component reliabili-

The use of high cross-sectional areas in the air channels, to-
ty in the EN 292-2 and EN 983 EU Machinery Directive.
gether with a 1.0 mm orifice in the pilot valves, means that P2V-
Few moving parts and short travel distance for the valve spool
A/B valves can be used in normal industrial environments with-
result in high reliability and long life. Valves in the P2V-A/B range
out problems of blocking. However, the cleaner the air, the long-
have also been designed to work with compressed air without
er the life.
additional lubrication. The valves operate on well-proven princi-
ples and have shown themselves to fulfil exceptionally high
standards in respect of reliability and long life. Seals between the valve and manifold

Clean lines suitable for food industry applications

The P2V-A/B range has been designed in conjunction with sev- A specially designed seal between the valve and manifold, with
eral machine manufacturers and organisations in the food in- a positive seal around the outer edge, prevents dirt from finding
dustry, with corrosion-resistant materials and smooth lines being its way into the gap between the valve and manifold. The fully
important starting points. The valves and manifolds have been ‘convex‘ contour guarantees a perfectly clean joint, with no pos-
designed so that there are no gaps or crevices in which dirt sibility of dirt or bacteria build-up.
could collect. The valves can therefore be installed in the splash
area. Seals between multiple manifolds

Cleanliness and low noise

The exhaust air from the pilot valves is led down through the
valve and out via the manifold, so that all exhausts can be made
common. This is particularly important for applications requiring
Seals with the same positive sealing principle as described
clean working conditions and low noise level. Collection of the
above are also standard between multiple manifolds, ensuring
exhaust air for silencing and cleaning fulfils sections 1.5.8
that no dirt can penetrate there either.
(Noise) and 1.5.14 (Emission of dust, gases etc.) of the EU Ma-
chine Directive.
Very low changeover pressure
High electric protection class

Special models are available with double actuation pistons to

The pilot valves are in protection class IP65, with a standard ca- reduce changeover pressure as much as possible (to about 2.0
ble head. Cable heads with higher protection class raise the bar for spring-return valves.
overall protection class to IP67.
Spares: simply replace the valve
Several different types of cable head The valves‘ long life and low price mean that there is no need to
Cable heads are available with or without spark arrestors, LEDs hold stocks of special spare parts.
and rectifiers, for connecting your own cable or using incapsu-
lated cable. A large range of variants ensures all requirements
to be met.

Directional control valves Flowstar
Separate air feeds to pilot valves Versatile multiple manifolds
Other models are available with a separate supply of com-
pressed air to the pilot valves where the valves are handling ex-
tremely low pressure or vacuum.

Common separate feed of compressed air to pilot valves

The same multiple manifold can be used for all variants of P2V-
A/B valves, whether pneumatically operated or electrically oper-
ated and with internal or separate air supply to the pilot valves.
Block connections and applications can be modified to suit
specific requirements by fitting or removal of plugs (supplied
with the blocks).

Multiple manifolds have common through channels for separate Sealing groove in multiple manifolds
supply of compressed air to the pilot valves and exhaust from
them. Connections can be made to these channels at any con-
nection block. The pilot valves can also be supplied and/or
vented individually.

Rational multiple mounting

The underside of the multiple manifolds contains a groove for an

O-ring-type seal, enabling it to be fitted inside a valve cubicle so
that only a single rectangular opening is required for all connec-
Each multiple manifold is designed with two valve positions to tions through the cubicle wall, while the seal maintains integrity
save time and cost when mounting. Only two manifolds are re- of the cubicle enclosure in respect of external dust and mois-
quired, for example, to mount four valves, as against four tradi- ture.
tional manifolds. This halves the mounting time, while reducing
the risk of leakage between manifolds as a result of fewer joints. Compatibility with control systems


Flexible connections

1. Output signals from the control system

2. Input signals to the control system
3. Sensor signals to the Valvetronic unit
Several variants of connecting blocks are available, allowing 4. Valvetronic 110
connection from the top. bottom or side. Plugs can be fitted to
interrupt connections between multiple manifolds, allowing (for Used with the Valvetronic, the P2V-A/B valves provide a simple
example) the two sides of the manifold to be supplied at differ- and easily-monitored electrical installation with high physical
ent pressures. protection class.

Directional control valves Flowstar
Multiple mounting with bottom connection
This system is suitable for use in applications with demanding
requirements in respect of protection against dirt and ease of
Suitable for food industry and similar applications.

Plug for sealing supply and/or

exhaust ducts between multiple H0 End cover
Specially designed seal
prevents the entry of dirt HS Connection block
between multiple manifolds.
HT Connection block

HB Connection block

Multiple manifold with

space for two valves.
G0 End cover
O-Ring strip for sealing between
base and manifold.
GS Connection block

GT Connection block
These plugs allow the pilot valves to
have a common separate air supply
GB Connection block (Port 14) and/or exhaust (Port 12).

Directional control valves Flowstar
Multiple manifold with side connections (P2V-A only)
This system is intended for use in applications requiring side
connection of the manifold with as low a height as possible The
manifolds allow air to the working unit from ports 2 and 4 to be
connected to either or both sides. The manifolds are also suita-
ble for fitting to a DIN mounting bar for speed and simlicity of
installation. However, as there are no seals to prevent the entry
of dirt between the manifolds, they should be installed in cabi-
nets for food industry applications.

Connection block, PS2965F


12 4

Sealing plugs, PS2919F

Multiple manifold, PS2961F

Directional control valves Flowstar
Flow characteristics P2V-A Flow characteristics P2V-B
Flow capacities in accordance with ISO6358. Flow capacities in accordance with ISO6358.
All pressures = effective pressure All pressures = effective pressure
The curves in the diagram below are typical only. The curves in the diagram below are typical only.

Outlet pressure P 2 [bar] Outlet pressure P 2 [bar]

10 10
Inlet pressure Inlet pressure
P1 = 10 bar P1 = 10 bar
P1 = 8 bar P1 = 8 bar
8 8

P1 = 6 bar P1 = 6 bar
6 6

P1 = 4 bar P1 = 4 bar
4 4

2 2

Flow Flow
5 10 15 20 25 [l/s] 10 20 30 40 50 [l/s]
300 600 900 1200 1500 [l/min] 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 [l/min]

Technical data Materials

P2V-A Valve
Dimension G1/8,VDMA 24563 18 mm wide Valve body Anodised aluminium
Operating pressure, max 10 bar End covers Thermoplastic
Operating temperature range –10 to +70 °C, pneum. actuated End screws Stainless steel
–10 to +60 °C, electr. actuated Spool Aluminium and nitrile rubber
Flow (Acc. to ISO 6358) C=2,1 Nl/s x bar Piston Thermoplastic
(Valve flow measured on the b=0,25 U-rings, seals Nitrile rubber
valve including manifold) Qn=8,6 l/s Springs Dacromet® - processed steel
Qmax=14,7 l/s Mounting screws Stainless steel
Single manifold
P2V-B Manifolds Anodised aluminium
Dimension G1/4,VDMA 24563 26 mm wide
Operating pressure, max 10 bar Multiple mounting with bottom connection
Operating temperature range –20 to +70 °C, pneum. actuated Manifolds Anodised aluminium
–15 to +60 °C, electr. actuated Connection blocks and
Flow (Acc. to ISO 6358) C=4,4 Nl/s x bar end covers Anodised aluminium
(Valve flow measured on the b=0,25 Blind plate Anodised aluminium
valve including manifold) Qn=18,1 l/s Plugs on multiple manifilds Red thermoplastic and stainless steel
Qmax=30,8 l/s Mounting screws Stainless steel
Multiple mounting with side connection
Multiple manifold, P2V-A-1 Reinforced thermoplastic
Threaded inserts Brass
Tie rods Surface-treated steel
O-rings Nitrile rubber
Connection sets Anodised aluminium

Directional control valves Flowstar
Order key, basic valves

P 2V - A V 5 00 EE 6 C S

Valve family Actuation/Return Type of current

D Differential piston Without solenoid
P2V VDMA-valves
(air spring return
only.) 1 AC 50 Hz

E Electrically 2 DC
actuated/ 3 AC 60 Hz
A 18 mm wide returned
B 26 mm wide J Electrically
returned double
piston area
Valve type/Function
P Pneumatically Without solenoid
Pneumatically and electrically actuated/
actuated with internal supply to returned C 24 V
solenoid valve(s) Q Pneumatically F 115 V
5 4 2
5/2 valve actuated/
J 230 V
returned double
piston area

6 4 2
5/3 valve S Spring returned
Closed centre
position Cable head
7 4 2
5/3 valve Without solenoid
513 S Spring returned
centre position
with LED + VDR
8 4 2
5/3 valve
Vented centre

Electrically actuated with external

supply to solenoid valve(s)
N 4 2
5/2 valve
14 513 12

P 4 2
5/3 valve
14 513 12
Closed centre
Q 4 2 5/3 valve
14 513 12
centre position
R 4 2
5/3 valve
14 513 12
Vented centre

Possible combinations
See pages 12, 14 and 16

Directional control valves Flowstar
Order key, manifolds and accessories

P 2V - A M 5 1 2 S 0 03

Valve family
Port type Type of manifold and end cover
P2V VDMA valve
0 Without thread S Single manifold

Size 1 G thread N Multiple manifold with two valve

A 18 mm wide
P Multiple manifold N, but with the plugs
B 26 mm wide Port size fitted to suit use with internal supply to
0 Without thread the solenoid valves

Version 1 G1/8 B Intermediate manifold

S Single manifold 2 G1/4 G End cover, G-side

M Multiple manifold 3 G3/8 H End cover, H-side

A Blanking plate

K Other accessories

Function and 0 Without connection

configuration E For connecting VDMA 18 to 26 mm
0 Blank S Side connection With Valvetronic 110
T Top connection 03 With 3 m Cable
5 Connection surface
for 5/2 and 5/3 valves B Bottom connection 10 With 10 m Cable

Possible combinations
See pages 18 and 19
Accessories on page 23 do not follow this order key!

Pneumatically actuated Flowstar
Main data directional control valves
Symbol VDMA Actuation Return Signal pressure Changeover Weight Order code
size min. (bar) time (ms) (kg)
(mm) at 6 bar at 6 bar
actua./return actua./return

Pneumatically actuated 5/2 and 5/3 valves

18 Air signal Air signal 1,5/1,5 10/10 0,07 P2V-AV500PP

26 0,15 P2V-BV500PP

18 Air signal Air signal 1,2/1,5 10/14 0,08 P2V-AV500QP

26 Double piston 0,18 P2V-BV500QP

18 Air signal Spring 3,5/- 13/28 0,07 P2V-AV500PS

26 0,15 P2V-BV500PS

18 Air signal Spring 2,0/- 13/39 0,08 P2V-AV500QS

26 Double piston 0,18 P2V-BV500QS

18 Air signal Air signal 3,5/3,5 19/40 0,10 P2V-AV600PP

4 2
26 Closed centre Self 0,15 P2V-BV600PP
14 513 12 position centring

Air signal Air signal

4 2
26 Double piston Double piston 2,0/2,0 19/55 0,21 P2V-BV600QQ
14 513 12
Closed centre Self
position centring
18 Air signal Air signal 3,5/3,5 19/40 0,10 P2V-AV800PP
4 2
26 Vented centre Self 0,15 P2V-BV800PP
14 513 12
position centring

Air signal Air signal

4 2
26 Double piston Double piston 2,0/2,0 19/55 0,21 P2V-BV800QQ
14 513 12
Vented centre Self
position centring
18 Air signal Air signal 3,5/3,5 19/40 0,10 P2V-AV700PP
4 2
26 Pressurised Self 0,15 P2V-BV700PP
14 513 12
centre position centring

Air signal Air signal

4 2
26 Double piston Double piston 2,0/2,0 19/55 0,21 P2V-BV700QQ
14 513 12
Pressurised Self
centre position centring

Q in the valve type number (e.g. P2V-AV500QS) indicates

a double piston with lower changeover pressure. Manifolds and multiple mounting
See pages 18 to 24.

Pneumatically actuated Flowstar
Pneumatically actuated 5/2 and 5/3 valves

*P2V-AV500PP **P2V-BV500PP
*P2V-AV500PS **P2V-BV500PS

*P2V-AV500QP **P2V-BV500QP
*P2V-AV500QS **P2V-BV500QS


Electrically actuated Flowstar
Main data directional control valves
Symbol VDMA Actuation Return Signal pressure Changeover Weight Order code
size min. (bar) time (ms) (kg)
(mm) at 6 bar at 6 bar
actua./return actua./return

Electically actuated 5/2 valves

Internal supply to solenoid valve(s) via port 1
4 2 18 Electric Electric 1,5/1,5 20/20 0,08 P2V-AV500EE
14 5 1 3 12 26 signal signal 0,16 P2V-BV500EE

4 2 18 Electric Spring 3,5/- 20/30 0,08 P2V-AV500ES

14 5 1 3 12
26 signal 0,15 P2V-BV500ES

4 2 18 Electric Air spring 3,5/- 15/30 0,08 P2V-AV500JD

14 5 1 3 12
26 signal 0,15 P2V-BV500JD
Double piston

4 2 18 Electric Spring 2,0/- 22/42 0,09 P2V-AV500JS

14 5 1 3 12
26 signal 0,18 P2V-BV500JS
Double piston

Electically actuated 5/2 valves

External supply to solenoid valve(s) via port 14 *

4 2 18 Electric Electric 1,5/1,5 20/20 0,08 P2V-AVN00EE

14 513 12 26 signal signal 0,16 P2V-BVN00EE

4 2
18 Electric Spring 3,5/- 20/30 0,08 P2V-AVN00ES
26 signal 0,16 P2V-BVN00ES
14 5 1 3 12

4 2
18 Electric Air spring 3,5/- 15/30 0,08 P2V-AVN00JD
26 signal 0,16 P2V-BVN00JD
14 5 1 3 12
Double piston

4 2
18 Electric Spring 2,0/- 19/55 0,09 P2V-AVN00JS
26 signal 0,19 P2V-BVN00JS
14 5 1 3 12
Double piston

*Or through a common air channel in the manifold (14) for separate supply.
The solenoid valves are vented through a common channel (12) in the manifold. Complete valves
J in the valve order code 500JS and N00JS indicates a double piston See pages 24 and 25
with lower changeover pressure.
Manifolds and multiple mounting
Solenoid valves See pages 18 to 24
Solenoid valves and cable heads must be ordered separately.
Use P2E-•V as pilot valves in the above valves. A pilot valve is Solenoid valves
required for each E or J in the valve order code. See page 26

Electrically actuated Flowstar
Electrically actuated 5/2 valve

*P2V-AV500ES **P2V-BV500ES
*P2V-AV500JD **P2V-BV500JD

*P2V-AV500JS **P2V-BV500JS

*P2V-AV500EE **P2V-BV500EE

Electrically actuated Flowstar
Main data directional control valves
Symbol VDMA Actuation Return Signal pressure Changeover Weight Order code
size min. (bar) time (ms) (kg)
(mm) at 6 bar at 6 bar
actua./return actua./return

Electically actuated 5/3 valves

Internal supply to solenoid valve(s) via port 1

4 2
18 Electric signal Electric signal 3,5/- 37/40 0,10 P2V-AV600EE
26 Closed centre Spring 0,16 P2V-BV600EE
14 513 12
position Self
4 2 Electric signal Electric signal
14 513 12 26 Double piston Double piston 2,0/- 37/55 0,21 P2V-BV600JJ
Closed centre Self
position centring
4 2 18 Electric signal Electric signal 3,5/- 37/40 0,10 P2V-AV800EE
14 513 12
26 Vented centre Self 0,16 P2V-BV800EE
position centring

4 2
Electric signal Electric signal
14 513 12 26 Double piston Double piston 2,0/- 37/55 0,21 P2V-BV800JJ
Vented centre Self
position centring
4 2 18 Electric signal Electric signal 3,5/- 37/40 0,10 P2V-AV700EE
14 513 12
26 Pressurised Self 0,16 P2V-BV700EE
centre position centring

4 2
Electric signal Electric signal
14 513 12 26 Double piston Double piston 2,0/- 37/55 0,21 P2V-BV700JJ
Pressurised Self
centre position centring
Electically actuated 5/3 valves
External supply to solenoid valve(s) via port 14 *

18 Electric signal Electric signal 3,5/- 37/40 0,10 P2V-AVP00EE

4 2
26 Closed centre Self 0,16 P2V-BVP00EE
14 513 12 position centring

Electric signal Electric signal

4 2
26 Double piston Double piston 2,0/- 37/55 0,21 P2V-BVP00JJ
14 513 12
Closed centre Self
position centring
18 Electric signal Electric signal 3,5/- 37/40 0,10 P2V-AVR00EE
4 2
26 Vented centre Self 0,16 P2V-BVR00EE
14 513 12
position centring

4 2
Electric signal Electric signal
26 Double piston Double piston 2,0/- 37/55 0,21 P2V-BVR00JJ
14 513 12
Vented centre Self
position centring
18 Electric signal Electric signal 3,5/- 37/40 0,10 P2V-AVQ00EE
4 2
26 Pressurised Self 0,16 P2V-BVQ00EE
14 513 12
centre position centring

4 2 Electric signal Electric signal

14 513 12 26 Double piston Double piston 2,0/- 37/55 0,21 P2V-BVQ00JJ
Pressurised Self
centre position centring

*Or through a common air channel in the manifold (14) for separate Solenoid valves
supply. The solenoid valves are vented through a common channel Solenoid valves and cable heads must be ordered separately.
(12) in the manifold. J in the valve order code P2V-BV600JJ for ex- Use P2E-•V as pilot valves in the above valves. A pilot valve is
ample indicates a double piston with lower changeover pressure. required for each E or J in the valve order code.

Electrically actuated Flowstar
Electrically actuated 5/3 valve



Complete valves
See pages 24 and 25

Manifolds and multiple mounting

See pages 18 to 24

Solenoid valves
See page 26

Accessories Flowstar
Accessories Designation Weight Order code Weight Order code
(kg) (P2V-A, 18 mm) (kg) (P2V-B, 26 mm)

Manifold 0,07 P2V-AS511SS 0,12 P2V-BS512SS

with side connections

Multiple manifold 0,20 P2V-AM511NB 0,40 P2V-BM512NB

Including seal, fitting screws and plugs. Ports 2, 4,
and 14 are bottom-connected. Fit plugs as required
to provide common supply of operating air and
common exhausts for solenoid valves.
Plug assembly instruction, see page 35.
Multiple manifold 0,20 P2V-AM511PB 0,40 P2V-BM512PB
Multiple manifold as above, but with the plugs fitted
to suit use with valves with internal supply to solenoid.

Intermediate manifold, 18 to 26 mm 0,33 P2V-AM500BE 0,33 P2V-AM500BE

Including seals and fitting screws.
For connecting P2V-AM511NB/PB multiple manifolds
to P2V-BM511NB/PB multiple manifolds.

Connection block 0,18 P2V-AM512GS 0,21 P2V-BM513GS

G-side, including seal and fitting screws.
For side connection.

Connection block 0,18 P2V-AM512HS 0,21 P2V-BM513HS

H-side. For side connection.

Connection block with Valvetronic 110

H-side. For side connection.
with 3 m cable 0,50 P2V-AM512HS03 0,53 P2V-BM513HS03
with 10 m cable 1,33 P2V-AM512HS10 1,36 P2V-BM513HS10

Connection block 0,18 P2V-AM512GT 0,21 P2V-BM513GT

G-side, including seal and fitting screws.
For top connection.

Connection block 0,18 P2V-AM512HT 0,21 P2V-BM513HT

H-side. For top connection.

Connection block 0,18 P2V-AM512GB 0,22 P2V-BM513GB

G-side, including seal and fitting screws.
For bottom connection.

Connection block 0,18 P2V-AM512HB 0,22 P2V-BM513HB

H-side. For bottom connection.

Connection block with Valvetronic 110

H-side. For bottom connection.
with 3 m cable 0,50 P2V-AM512HB03 0,53 P2V-BM513HB03
with 10 m cable 1,33 P2V-AM512HB10 1,36 P2V-BM513HB10

Accessories Flowstar
Accessories Designation Weight Order code Weight Order code
(kg) (P2V-A, 18 mm) (kg) (P2V-B, 26 mm)

End cover 0,19 P2V-AM500G0 0,24 P2V-BM500G0

G-side, including seal and fitting screws.

End cover 0,19 P2V-AM500H0 0,24 P2V-BM500H0


End cover with Valvetronic 110

with 3 m cable 0,51 P2V-AM500H003 0,54 P2V-BM500H003
with10 m cable 1,34 P2V-AM500H010 1,37 P2V-BM500H010

Blanking plate 0,02 PS2973F 0,05 P2V-BA5B

Including seal and fitting screws.

Plug 0,004 P2V-AK0P 0,01 P2V-BK0P

For sealing supply and exhaust air ducts between
multiple manifolds with different primary supply

Angle mounting set 0,14 P2V-AK0M 0,14 P2V-AK0M

For raising multiple manifolds so that angle connections
can be fitted to the underside. The parts are designed
so that the entire manifold can be angled to simplify
connection of the pipes. The set consists of four mounts,
complete with all necessary screws and nuts.

O-ring strip seal 0,07 9304331543 0,07 9304331543

For sealing between bases and multiple manifolds.
3.53 mm diameter, Supplied in 5 m lengths.



Accessories Flowstar
Multiple manifold

*P2V-AM511NB, P2V-AM511PB
**P2V-BM512NB, P2V-BM512PB

*16/**21 M5

*19/**27 *11/**16,5 14 12

*19/**27 4 2

14 12

4 2 Ø5,4 (2x)


*38/**54 *74/**90


Intermediate manifold 18 to 26 mm

P2V-B Intermediate P2V-A


H-side G-side

Accessories Flowstar
Connection blocks and end covers
The schematic diagram (right) shows how the connections are GT HT

positioed on GS, GT, GB, HS, HT and HB connection blocks.

Blanking end pieces G0 and H0 (below) have no connection
Se also overwiew page 22.

End cover GB HB



Ø5,4 (2x)



*28/**27 *74/**90




Connection block
*30/**37 *30/**37
G1/8 HS
5 3 3 5

14 12 12 14
1 1

*17,5 *17,5

**21,5 **21,5 **G3/8


*17/**21,5 *17/**21,5

1 1
14 12 12 14
5 3 3 5

*29/**37 *29/**37

*29/**37 *29/**37


5 3 3 5

14 12
12 14
1 1
*17 *17
**21,5 **21,5

Accessories Flowstar
Multiple mounting
**P2V-B *71 + X x 38
**69 + X x 54
*17,5/**21 *37/**40,5
*38/**54 Ø5,4


*MAX 74,6/**MAX 90,6

Hole template for valve cubicle to


provide access to all connections

and allow sealing between the


valve manifold and the cabinet



*MAX 59,6 + X x 38
**Max 57,6 + X x 54


Seal between the manifold

block and the valve cabinet.


14 12




Angle mounting set

Accessories Flowstar
Multiple manifolds with side connection

As there are no seals to prevent the en- Connection pieces, PS2965F

try of dirt between the manifolds, they Two end blocks with O-rings,
should be installed in cabinets for food plugs and fitting screws.
industry applications
Suitable for DIN rail mounting.


12 4

Sealing kit, PS2919F

Multiple manifold PS2961F For sealing supply and/or
Port 2 and 4 can be connected exhaust ducts between
from either side (G1/8 connection) manifolds.

Accessories Designation Weight Order code

(kg) (kg)

Multiple manifold 0,10 PS2961F

Including O-rings and tie rods.
Ports 2, 4, 12 and 14 are brought out to the sides

Connection pieces 0,31 PS2965F

Two end blocks with O-rings, plugs
and fitting screws.

DIN mounting set 0,01 PS2970F

For direct mounting.

Sealing set 0,02 PS2919F

Three plugs with O-rings, for sealing
supply and exhaust air ducts between
multiple manifolds with different primary
supply pressures.

Blanking plate 0,02 PS2973F

Including seal and fitting screws.

Accessories Flowstar
Multiple manifolds with side connection

Ports 2 and 4,
both sides

*Per manifold

Complete valves
with solenoids without base
4 2 4 2
18 mm wide 14 5 1 3 12 26 mm wide 14 5 1 3 12

Voltage Order code Voltage Order code


Consisting of: Consisting of:
1 Valve P2V-AV500ES 1 Valve P2V-BV500ES
1 Solenoid P2E-QV32C3 1 Solenoid P2E-QV32C3
1 Connector P8C-H36C, 1 Connector P8C-H36C,
110-120 V AC P2V-AV500ES1FS 110-120 V AC P2V-BV500ES1FS
Consisting of: Consisting of:
1 Valve P2V-AV500ES 1 Valve P2V-BV500ES
1 Solenoid P2E-QV31F3 1 Solenoid P2E-QV31F3
1 Connector P8C-H21E, 1 Connector P8C-H21E,
220-240 V AC P2V-AV500ES1JS 220-240 V AC P2V-BV500ES1JS
Consisting of: Consisting of:
1 Valve P2V-AV500ES 1 Valve P2V-BV500ES
1 Solenoid P2E-QV32C3 1 Solenoid P2E-QV32C3
1 Connector P8C-H21G, 1 Connector P8C-H21G,

Komplettventile Flowstar
Complete valves
with solenoids without base

4 2 4 2
8 mm wide 14 5 1 3 12 26 mm wide 14 5 1 3 12

Voltage Order code Voltage Order code


Consisting of: Consisting of:
1 Valve P2V-AV500EE 1 Valve P2V-BV500EE
2 Solenoids P2E-QV32C3 2 Solenoids P2E-QV32C3
2 Connectors P8C-H36C, 2 Connectors P8C-H36C,
110-120 V AC P2V-AV500EE1FS 110-120 V AC P2V-BV500EE1FS
Consisting of: Consisting of:
1 Valve P2V-AV500EE 1 Valve P2V-BV500EE
2 Solenoids P2E-QV31F3 2 Solenoids P2E-QV31F3
2 Connectors P8C-H21E, 2 Connectors P8C-H21E,
220-240 V AC P2V-AV500EE1JS 220-240 V AC P2V-BV500EE1JS
Consisting of: Consisting of:
1 Valve P2V-AV500EE 1 Valve P2V-BV500EE
2 Solenoids P2E-QV32C3 2 Solenoids P2E-QV32C3
2 Connectors P8C-H21G, 2 Connectors P8C-H21G,

Complete valves
with solenoids without base

P2V-AV600EE/700EE/ 800EE P2V-BV600EE/700EE/ 800EE

8 mm wide 26 mm wide

Voltage Order code Voltage Order code

24 V AC/DC P2V-AV600EE6CS 24 V AC/DC P2V-BV600EE66CS

4 2
Consisting of: 4 2 Consisting of:
1 Valve P2V-AV600EE 1 Valve P2V-BV600EE
14 513 12
14 513 12 2 Solenoids P2E-QV32C3 2 Solenoids P2E-QV32C3
2 Connectors P8C-H36C, 2 Connectors P8C-H36C,
4 2 Consisting of: 4 2 Consisting of:
1 Valve P2V-AV800EE 1 Valve P2V-BV800EE
14 513 12
14 513 12 2 Solenoids P2E-QV32C3 2 Solenoids P2E-QV32C3
2 Connectors P8C-H36C, 2 Connectors P8C-H36C,
4 2
Consisting of: 4 2 Consisting of:
1 Valve P2V-AV700EE 1 Valve P2V-BV700EE
14 513 12
14 513 12 2 Solenoids P2E-QV32C3 2 Solenoids P2E-QV32C3
2 Connectors P8C-H36C, 2 Connectors P8C-H36C,

Solenoid valves Flowstar

Cable heads and con- High electric enclosure

nectors are available in class: IP65 or IP67.
several variants.

Smooth casing, suitable

for food industry appli-
cations. Terminal layout to
DIN 43650, form C.

High flow rate,

long life.

Manual override
with arm.

The P2E-•V solenoid valve range

The P2E-QV range of valves are normally closed (NC) 3/2 sole-
noid valves, with exceedingly compact dimensions in relation to
their capacity.

International standard High reliability

The port connection pattern complies with a new French Few moving parts result in high reliability, rapid changeover and
CNOMO standard (in process of drafting), with cable head con- very long life.
nections in accordance with DIN 43650, Form C.
Low power demand
Compact design The valves have a power demand of 1.2 W at 24 V DC and
Overall dimensions of the P2E-•V valve are substantially less 1.6 VA at 24 V AC, 115 V AC and 230 V AC.
than those of earlier generations of solenoid valves.
High enclosure class
High flow capacity The enclosure class is IP 67 when connected using the cable
High flow capacity relative to the electrical operating power as a head with a moulded cable. Enclosure class is IP 65 when using
result of optimised internal flow paths. the standard cable head for fitting by the user, while the bare
valve, with Fast on connectors, has an enclosure class of IP 20.
Corrosion-resistant design
The valve is made of thermoplastic material and stainless steel, Insensitive to dirty air
with Viton™ and nitrile rubber seals for excellent corrosion re- The use of generously sized flow paths (1.0 mm diameter)
sistance. means that the valve can be used in normal industrial environ-
ments without problems of blocking.
Clean lines suitable for food industry applications
The valve has been designed in conjunction with several ma- Manual changeover as standard
chine manufacturers and organisations in the food industry, with The valves incorporate a manual override function, operated by
corrosion-resistant materials and smooth lines being important a spring-return or lockable arm.
starting points. The valve and its accessories have been de-
signed so that there are no gaps or crevices in which dirt could

No external exhaust from the valve

The exhaust air from the pilot valves is led down through the
valve and out via the manifold, so that all exhausts can be made
common. This is particularly important for applications requiring
clean working conditions and low noise level.

Solenoid valves Flowstar
Order key, solenoid valves

P2E - Q V 3 2 C 3

Valve family Type of current Voltage

P2E Solenoid valves 1 AC 50 Hz B 12 V
0 Without
2 DC C 24 V
1 Non locking (blue)
Subfamily 4 AC 50/60 Hz D 48 V
2 Locking (yellow)
Solenoid valve, 15 mm wide F 115 V
Electric connection acc. to 3 Extended non
DIN 43650, form C J 230 V locking (blue)
El/supply connection on 4 Extended
opposite side locking (yellow)
K Standard version Valvetype/Function
M Mobile version 3 3/2 valve (NC)

Q Food industy version

Possible combinations
See page 28

Technical data
NC, Standard NC, Food* NC, Mobile
Working pressure 0 to10 bar 0 to10 bar 0 to10 bar
Working temperature -15 °C to +60 °C -15 °C to +60 °C -15 °C to +60 °C
Orifice 1,0 mm 1,0 mm 1,0 mm
FlowQmax 33 Nl/min 33 Nl/min 22 Nl/min
Power, hold DC 1,2 W / AC 1,6 VA DC 1,2 W / AC 1,6 VA DC 1 W
Power, inrush DC 1,2 W / AC 3,5 VA DC 1,2 W / AC 3,5 VA DC 1 W
Connection time 100% 100% 100%
Voltage tolerance +10%/–15% +10%/–15% +25%/–30%
Electric connection: DIN 43650 form C
Port pattern: To future CNOMO standard
Protection: IP 65 - IP 67, depending on type of cable head
Approval: Some valves are UL-approved and marked with the following symbol
Working media: All neutral media, such as compressed air, water, hydraulic oil and many gases.
* Design: Completely smooth exterior, suitable for food industry.

Transients Materials
Interrupting the current through the solenoid coil produces momentary Valve
voltage peaks which, under unfavourable conditions, can amount to Body, coil casing Thermoplastic
several hundred times the rated operating voltage. Normally, these Internal metal parts Steel
transients do not cause problems, but to achieve the maximum life of Screws Stainless steel
relays in the circuit (and particularly of transistors, thyristors and inte- Bottom plug Thermoplastic
grated circuits) it is desirable to provide protection by means of volt- Sealing materials FPM (Viton™) and nitrile rubber
age-dependent resistors (VDR). All cable heads having a yellow LED Cable head
also incorporate such protection. Sheath Thermoplastic
Retaining screw Stainless steel
With compressed air at 6 bar, 20 °C and complying with the require-
ments for compressed air quality as set out in the EU Machine Direc-
tive, the valves should have a life of at least 50 million operations.

Solenoid valves Flowstar
Solenoids 15 mm NC, standard (Note! mounting screws included in basic valve P2V-A/B...)

Voltage Weight Order code Weight Order code Weight Order code
Kg Without manual Kg Override, blue, Kg Override, yellow,
override non locking flush locking flush
12 VDC 0,038 P2E-KV32B0 0,038 P2E-KV32B1 0,038 P2E-KV32B2
24 VDC 0,038 P2E-KV32C0 0,038 P2E-KV32C1 0,038 P2E-KV32C2
48 VDC 0,038 P2E-KV32D0 0,038 P2E-KV32D1 0,038 P2E-KV32D2
24 VAC 50Hz 0,038 P2E-KV31C0 0,038 P2E-KV31C1 0,038 P2E-KV31C2
48 VAC 50/60Hz 0,038 P2E-KV34D0 0,038 P2E-KV34D1 0,038 P2E-KV34D2
115 VAC 50Hz/ 0,038 P2E-KV31F0 0,038 P2E-KV31F1 0,038 P2E-KV31F2
120 VAC 60Hz
230 VAC 50Hz/ 0,038 P2E-KV31J0 0,038 P2E-KV31J1 0,038 P2E-KV31J2
240 VAC 60Hz

Voltage Weight Order code Weight Order code

Kg Override, extended Kg Override, extended
non locking flush, blue locking flush, yellow
24 VDC 0,038 P2E-KV32C3 0,038 P2E-KV32C4
24 VAC 50Hz 0,038 P2E-KV31C3 0,038 P2E-KV31C4

Solenoid 15 mm NC, mobile (Note! mounting screws included in basic valve P2V-A/B...)

Voltage Weight Order code Weight Order code

Kg Without manual Kg Override, blue,
override non locking flush
12 VDC 0,038 P2E-MV32B0 0,038 P2E-MV32B1
24 VDC 0,038 P2E-MV32C0 0,038 P2E-MV32C1

Solenoid 15 mm NC, food industry version (Note! mounting screws included in basic valve P2V-A/B...)

Voltage Weight Order code Weight Order code Weight Order code
Kg Without manual Kg Override, blue, Kg Override, yellow,
override non locking flush locking flush
24 VDC 0,038 P2E-QV32C0 0,038 P2E-QV32C1 0,038 P2E-QV32C2
24 VAC 50Hz 0,038 P2E-QV31C0 0,038 P2E-QV31C1 0,038 P2E-QV31C2
48 VDC 0,038 P2E-QV32D0 0,038 P2E-QV32D1 0,038 P2E-QV32D2
48 VAC 50/60Hz 0,038 P2E-QV34D0 0,038 P2E-QV34D1 0,038 P2E-QV34D2
115 V 50Hz/ 0,038 P2E-QV31F0 0,038 P2E-QV31F1 0,038 P2E-QV31F2
120 V 60Hz
230 VAC 50Hz/ 0,038 P2E-QV31J0 0,038 P2E-QV31J1 0,038 P2E-QV31J2
240 VAC 60Hz

Voltage Weight Order code Weight Order code

Kg Override, extended Kg Override, extended
non locking flush, blue locking flush, yellow
24 VDC 0,038 P2E-QV32C3 0,038 P2E-QV32C4
24 VAC 50Hz 0,038 P2E-QV31C3 0,038 P2E-QV31C4
115 VAC 50 Hz 0,038 P2E-QV31F3 0,038 P2E-QV31F4
230 VAC 50 Hz 0,038 P2E-QV31J3 0,038 P2E-QV31J4

In accordance with the EU Machine Directive,

EN 983, solenoid valves with manual override
should have spring-return operating arms for safety.
= UL-approved

Solenoid valves Flowstar
Cable plugs DIN 43650, form C (Cable plug with cable and round connector see page 32)
Description Weight Order code
Electrical connection through top cover Standard IP 65 0.02 P8C-H
Stainless steel screw
24 VAC/DC 0.02 P8C-H36C
24 VAC/DC 0.02 P8C-H26C
110-120 VAC/DC 0.02 P8C-H21E
220-240 VAC/DC 0.02 P8C-H21G
With cable and stainless steel screw 24 VAC/DC 0.13 P8L-H236C
VDR + LED + REC, 2 m cable PVC IP67*
24 VAC/DC 0.58 P8L-HA36C
VDR + LED + REC, 10 m cable PVC IP67*

With large headed screw suitable for Standard IP 65 0,02 P8C-C

mounting in inaccessible or
recess position 24 VDC 0,02 P8C-C26C
110 VAC 0,02 P8C-C21E

With standard screw Standard IP 65 0,02 P8C-D

24 VDC 0,02 P8C-D26C

110 VAC 0,02 P8C-D21E
With cable Standard with 2 m cable IP 65 0,13 P8L-C2

Standard with 5 m cable IP 65 0,30 P8L-C5

24 VAC/DC, 2 m cable 0,13 P8L-C226C

24 VAC/DC, 5 m cable 0,30 P8L-C526C
24 VAC/DC, 10 m cable 0,58 P8L-CA26C
110 VAC/DC, 2 m cable 0,13 P8L-C221E
110 VAC/DC, 5 m cable 0,30 P8L-C521E

* NB!
The cable plug with integral recti-
fier (REC) can be used for both AC
and DC supplies to valves inten-
P8C-H P8C-H36C* P8C-H26C P8C-C26C P8L-C226C ded for DC operation.
P8C-C P8L-H236C* P8C-H21E P8C-C21E P8L-C526C
P8C-D P8L-HA36C* P8C-H21G P8C-D26C P8L-CA26C
P8L-C2 P8C-D21E P8L-C221E
P8L-C5 P8L-C521E

Spare mounting screws (package of 10)

Type Material Ø mm Length Weight Order code
mm Kg

Self tapping Stainless steel 3 26 0,04 P2E-KD027SS3

Solenoid valves Flowstar

Solenoid valves P2E-•V...

25.8 15





Cable heads Cable heads

P8C-H P8L-H236C
P8C-H36C P8L-HA36C

P8C-H26C 33.4 2m




16 16

Cable heads Cable heads


P8C-C P8C-C2
P8C-C26C P8C-C5
P8C-C21E P8C-C226C
P8C-D 1 2 P8C-C526C

P8C-D26C P8C-CA26C
P8C-D21E P8C-C221E




Other accessories Flowstar
Technical data, Valvetronic 110
Ten 3-pole numbered 8 mm round snap-in female contacts
Input block
2 Pin 1 Common, +24 VDC Note!
3 1 Pin 2 Input signal When using reed
Pin 3 Common, 0V contact, a special
adapter cable has
2 Output block
Pin 1 Common, GND to be used. Order
3 1
Pin 2 Output signal code 9121717030.
Pin 3 Common, 0V

Mechanical data
Enclosure IP 67, DIN 40050 with fitted contacts and/or
blanking plugs.
Temperature –20 to +70 °C

The Valvetronic 110 connection block Material

The Valvetronic 110 is a connection block that can be used for collect- Body PA 6,6 VD according to UL 94
ing signals from sensors at various points on a machine and connecting Contact holder PBTP
Snap-in ring LDPE
them to the control system via a multicore cable. It can also be used as
Moulding mass Epoxy
a central point for connecting a multicore cable to the outputs of a con- Seal NBR
trol system, to provide a common point from where the output signals Screws Plated steel
can be connected. The block has ten 8 mm snap-in round contacts and
a 3 or 10 m multicore cable. The connections on the block are num- Cable:
bered from 1 to 10. Blanking plugs are available for unused connec- Length 3 m or 10 m
tions, as labels for marking the connections of each block. Type of cable LifYY11Y
Conductor 12
Area 0.34 mm2
Colour marking According to DIN 47 100
Electrical data:
Voltage 24 VDC (max. 60 V AC/75 V DC)
Insulation group according to DIN 0110 class C
Load max. 1 A per connection
total max. 3 A
Valvetronic 110
Industrial durability
Designation Order code Weight Good chemical and oil resistance. Tests should be performed in
kg aggressive environments.

Valvetronic 110 with 3 m cable 9121719001 0,32 Use blanking plugs to close
Valvetronic 110 with 10 m cable 9121719002 0,95 unused connections.
Blanking plugs (pack of 10) 9121719003 0,02
Labels (pack of 10) 9121719004 0,02
White labels to insert in grooves
on the side of the connection
Dimensions and wiring diagrams

6 7 8 9 10
3 3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2 2
4 2 6 8 10 B

1 1 1 1 1
5 31 7 9

3 3 3 3 3

2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1
1 2 3 4 5

Conductor Colour Input Output


1 Pink Signal 1 Signal 1


2 Grey Signal 2 Signal 2

M3 3 Yellow Signal 3 Signal 3
85 4 Green Signal 4 Signal 4
75 5 White Signal 5 Signal 5
6 Red Signal 6 Signal 6
7 Black Signal 7 Signal 7

8 Violet Signal 8 Signal 8

9 Grey-Pink Signal 9 Signal 9
9,2 20,5 10 Red-Blue Signal 10 Signal 10
A Blue 0V 0V
B Brown +24 V PE

Other accessories Flowstar
Technical data
Voltage 24 VDC
Indication LED, yellow
Transient protection VDR
Load, max. 4A
Enclosure IP65

Pre-wired solenoid connector

Cable head with a moulded cable and 8 mm snap-in round contact for
connection of conventional solenoid valves to the Valvetronic system.
The cable head incorporates an LED for status indication and a surge 2 1
suppressor. When need for longer cables arise, use extension cables R1
below. V1
Cable head according to DIN 43650 3 2
Designation Order code Weight
Form C
Length of cable 0,3 m 9121719035 0,07
Length of cable 0,6 m 9121719036 0,09 1 3

Technical data
Mould-fitted 8 mm snap-in male/female contacts.
Enclosure IP67

Conductor 3x0,25 mm2 (32x0,10 mm2)
Sheath PVC/PUR
Colour Black

Ready-to-use cables
Cables with mould-fitted 8 mm snap-in round contacts in both ends,
The cables are available in two types, one with a straight male and fe-
male connectors respectively., and one with a straight 3-pole male con-
nector in one end and an angled 3-pole female connector in the other
Cables with mould-fitted 8 mm snap-in round contacts in both ends, Cables with a straight 3-pole male connector in one end and an angled
straight male and female connectors respectively. 3-pole female connector in the other end.

Designation Order code Weight Designation Order code Weight

kg kg
Cable with straight contacts, 0,2 m 9121717014 0,02 Cable with:
Cable with straight contacts, 0,3 m 9121717015 0,02 straight and angled connectors, 0,2 m 9121717022 0,02
Cable with straight contacts, 0,5 m 9121717016 0,03 straight and angled connectors, 0,3 m 9121717023 0,02
Cable with straight contacts, 1,0 m 9121717017 0,03 straight and angled connectors, 0,5 m 9121717024 0,03
Cable with straight contacts, 2,0 m 9121717018 0,05 straight and angled connectors, 1,0 m 9121717025 0,03
Cable with straight contacts, 3,0 m 9121717019 0,07 straight and angled connectors, 2,0 m 9121717026 0,05
Cable with straight contacts, 5,0 m 9121717020 0,12 straight and angled connectors, 3,0 m 9121717027 0,07
Cable with straight contacts, 10 m 9121717021 0,23 straight and angled connectors, 5,0 m 9121717028 0,12
straight and angled connectors, 10 m 9121717029 0,23

Plug assembly instruction Flowstar
Plug assembly instruction
The multiple manifolds can be programmed for different func-
tions with help of the plugs

Electrical actuated valves with external

air supply to the solenoid(s).

P2V-AV•00P• P2V-BV•00P• P2V-AVR00E• P2V-BVR00E•
P2V-AV•00Q• P2V-BV•00Q• P2V-AVN00J• P2V-BVN00J•

14 12

14 12
Air actuated 14 12



P2V-AV500E• P2V-BV500E•
P2V-AV600E• P2V-BV600E• 14 12
P2V-AV700E• P2V-BV700E• Electrical actuated valves with
P2V-AV800E• P2V-BV800E• individual external air supply to the
P2V-AV500J• P2V-BV500J• solenoid(s).


Blanking plate
14 12
Electrical actuated valves with internal
9127007114-ul Rev. 99.04
air supply to the solenoid(s).

Directional control valves Flowstar

Directional control valves Flowstar
Pneumatic Division
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Parker Hannifin plc

Pneumatic Division
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Cannock, Staffs. WS11 0LR. U.K.
We reserve the right to make
alterations without prior notification.
Edition 07.04

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