Build Your Own Gateway Firewall With FreeBSD

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step 4Installing FreeBSD and the Ports collection

Due to time constraints, I only have time to cover the required software and a brief overview
of the installation process.

Obtaining the OS
Grab the CD ISOs or purchase the actual CDs or DVD from You can use
either FreeBSD 5.4 or 6.0, either one works. Be sure you download the correct image for
your architecture (only x86 is covered here). When in doubt, just grab the x86 and try it. I've
never tried the AMD64 version of FreeBSD. The libraries were a pain to maintain with the
AMD64 version of FC2 though. If you've used this architecture build, let me know how it
works. If you have a 64-bit AMD processor, it is backwards compatible with the x86
architecture, so you have something to fallback to if you want to have an adventure in 64-bit

Preparing the installation media

If you've downloaded the ISOs, burn them to CDs. Make sure your BIOS is set to use the
CD/DVD drive as your primare boot device

The OS Installation Process

Follow FreeBSD's installation procedures. The default partition settings work fine for our
purpose, but if you don't plan on rotating your logs regularly, you might want to increase the
size of the /var partition.

As far as the ports collection is concerned, there are two methods to consider. If you don't
want to bother with manually installing only what you need, install the entire ports collection;
otherwise, perform a minimal install
» Update your ports collection. THIS IS IMPORTANT. If you do this PRIOR to building and
installing any software, you'll save time later by not having to upgrade.
» Make sure all of your hardware is recognized. You may want to install the nVidia or ATI
drivers if you're going to be using a desktop environment like KDE or Gnome
» Configure your ethernet interfaces
» Reboot and make sure that everything works and that you have internet access (by using
lynx to view a website, or a simple ping connectivity test)

Again, any collaboration would be appreciated. See the intro for contact details.
step 5Configuring your software
Here is a VERY brief overview of the configuration process.

» Install and configure OpenSSH for network terminal emulation. Pre-shared keys are
definately recommended, but not a requirement.
» Confirm SSH connectivity from another machine on the LAN using OpenSSH (*nix) or
PuTTY (Windows)
» Install and configure the ported version of OpenBSD's PF packet-filtering, stateful firewall.
You can take a look at pf.conf for an example of what your PF configuration file might look
like. Also, two great sources for information pertaining to PF are the PF User Guide and Peter
Hansteen's Firewalling with OpenBSD's PF packet filter . Thanks for the resource Peter!
» Install and configure any other software that you would like. I recommend the Squid
caching-proxy (installing as a reverse-proxy is nice too), Snort IDS (Intrusion Detection
System), ClamAV (antivirus) with vectoring through your firewall, Bruteforceblocker (SSH
bruteforce blocker), and Snarf (web interface for Snort logs).

Craig McLean was kind enough to let me integrate a how-to article on the same topic into
this one. We've agreed to post some of his article here. Please realize, he, like I, wrote this
article from memory. If you find any errors in it, please let us know. What follows is taken
directly from his howto.

Things to decide
You will need to decide what you want your internal network to look like when this is over,
and which machines should have access to what. This is not as complex as it sounds but it
benefits us to work it out in advance. In this guide I will use the following: ( to Will be the internal network. Will
be the firewall's internal IP address. ( to will be
assigned to a DHCP range.
Things to know
» You will need to know what your internal- and external-facing interfaces and IP addresses
» You will also need to know the IP address(es) of the DNS servers provided by your ISP.
» The FreeBSD device name for your internal/external interfaces. These are named like so:
The name of the driver used for the device followed by a number. This number is typically 0
(zero), but if you have multiple devices using the same drivers, each device will have a
unique number starting at zero and counting up. For example, two Realtek based NICs will
apear as rl0 and rl1. lo0 is your loopback device (IP If you've configured pflog to
monitor your firewall, you'll see pflog0 here also. (John)

In this guide, I'll use the following:

» "xl0" will be my internal interface.
» will be my internal IP address. Internal hosts will have to route packets
through this.
» "dc0" will be my external interface.
» will be my internet-facing IP address, used for machines in the outside world
to connect to me.

You may not know your external IP yet, but once the install is complete you should use:
# ifconfig -ato find it out.
If the IP assigned by your ISP is dynamic, you may need to setup DHCP on your external
interface. Use dhclient for this. Also, while using DHCP on your internal network is more
user-friendly, static IP addressing works just fine too. It can also make security audits more
straightforward. (John)

Setting up the System

There is a really important file on your new FreeBSD machine. It's called /etc/rc.conf . In
here you will put information on a variety of things. The hostname of the system, IP
addresses, the services you want to be started when the system boots, and much more. You
should take the time to have a look at it before we move on, and while you are there - make a
backup copy!
Add a User
If you didn't do this during install, you should add a non-root user which you can use on a
day-to-day basis. This can be done with the command:
# adduserMake sure the user is in the group "wheel". This is a special group which contains
all users who can become "root". If you find 'su' rejecting you, it's probably because you are
not a member of the "wheel" group.

The pw command can also be used to add/modify/delete users and groups. (John)

Set up OpenSSH
OpenSSH (Open Secure SHell) should be your weapon of choice when connecting to your
new FreeBSD host. It's secure, included by default with the OS, and there are any number of
clients you can use to connect to it. Linux machines will have ssh by default, windows users
can get hold of PuTTY (

OpenSSH can be enabled on FreeBSD by editing /etc/rc.conf and making sure you have the
sshd_enable="YES"in there.
Your machine will be on the internet, and people will try and get in. One of the ways they
will do this is to try to guess usernames and passwords, which ssh uses by default. If you
don't absolutely need ssh from the internet, make sure you only listen for connections on the
internal interface. Do this by editing the ssh daemon configuration file which lives at
/etc/ssh/sshd_config and make sure you have
ListenAddress there, replacing with the internal IP address we
decided on earlier.

Now you can run

# /etc/rc.d/sshd startto start the service.

If you decide that you need ssh access from the outside world, you should disable password-
based access and instead use publik-key authentication. Google will tell you how!

Setting up Firewall and NAT

Primarily, we want this system to be protected from bad guys on the internet by using
firewalling, and share out our internet connection to other equipment on our network using
NAT (Network Address Translation).

The Firewall
While Craig covers using IP Filter here, I will append a tutorial for using PF when I get the
chance. For now, you can refer to the PF Guide ( and the sample
configuration file that i've attached (pf.conf). (John)

First, let me point you at another great URL, it's the renowned "ipf HOWTO": Keep it to hand as we go through these steps.
In a minute, "in" and "out" are going to have very specific meaning, but let's not worry about
that yet. Logically, we want to do the following:
» Allow internal IP traffic to the firewall machine.
» Redirect (where necessary) internal IP traffic to the internet.
» Redirect replies to internal traffic back to individual systems.
» Allow machines on the internet access to certain ports/services on the firewall.
» (maybe) Redirect access from machines on the internet to other machines on the local
» Block everything else.
First we need to enable ipfilter. That needs the following in /etc/rc.conf
This should be pretty self-explanatory, and the first thing to note is the location of the rules
file, /etc/ipf.conf . This is where all our rules will live.
From here onwards, "in" and "out" need to be used very carefully, as they refer to "in" and
"out" of a specific interface. Keep this in mind as we go on.
We decided earlier what logic we wanted, and can now translate that into rules:
# First, deny everything unless specified.block in on xl0 # Our internal interfaceblock out on
xl0block in on dc0 # Our external interfaceblock out on dc0# Allow our internal network to
come into the internal interfacepass in on xl0 from to any# Allow our internal
interface to talk to the internal networkpass out on xl0 from to any# Allow tcp
or udp from our external interface outwards to anywhere, keeping# a "state table" of
connections and assembling fragmented packetspass out on dc0 proto tcp/udp from any to
any keep state keep frags# Allow "ping" and its friends out from the external interfacepass
out on dc0 proto icmp from any to any## Services## We're going to be running a web server,
so we need port 80pass in on dc0 proto tcp from any to any port = 80 flags S keep frags keep
statepass in on dc0 proto tcp from any to any port = 443 flags S keep frags keep state#
Likewise sendmail, eventually. Leave it commented for now, though.# pass in on dc0 proto
tcp from any to any port = smtp flags S keep frags keep state# pass in on dc0 proto tcp from
any to any port = smtps flags S keep frags keep state
Those are the basics. You can start the firewall, using these rules, by issuing:
# /etc/rc.d/ipf startIf you change the rules, and want to reload the firewall tables, you can use:
# ipf -Fa -f /etc/ipf.confwhich translates as "Flush all, read new rules from file /etc/ipf.conf ".
If you want to clear out your firewall rules just use:
# ipf -FaTo view all rules for inbound packets:
# ipfstat -iand outbound:
# ipfstat -o
The 'ipf' functionality in FreeBSD is huge. This has only just scratched the surface of what is
possible, or desirable. There's more info in the manpages, and at the link at the beginning of
this section. I strongly suggest you take a look at both.

Warning: Think very hard before changing firewall rules if you are connected over TCP/IP.
You may find if hard to recover if you get it wrong, and suddenly find yourself
disconnected :-)
Next we want to set up Network Address Translation for other devices on our internal
network. NAT allows many internal clients to share one internet address.
To do this, we need to add some more lines to /etc/rc.conf:
nat.rules"ipnat_flags=""Pretty much like the firewall stuff, but this time the rules are in
NAT is really easy to set up. We want to allow anything on to use the internet,
so our rule is:
map dc0 -> dc0/32 portmap tcp/udp automap dc0 -> dc0/32
proxy port ftp ftp/tcpThe first line maps internet access outbound on dc0 to appear from
"dc0/32", which is shorthand for "the IP address currently associated with the interface dc0".
The second line will proxy outbout ftp access. This is necessary if you don't want to have to
use passive ftp all the time because the ftp protocol sucks.

To get ipnat up and running, do:

# /etc/rc.d/routing start# /etc/rc.d/ipnat start
At this point, any client on the network which has a netmask of or
stricter and as its router should be able to access the internet, with its packets
being "mapped" by the NAT setup on the firewall machine.

DHCP Server Setup

The final step in the initial setup of your system will be to provide your clients with DHCP
information. This allows centralised management should things change, and automatically
assigns IP addresses (and more importantly, gateway information) to clients. We're going to
allocate from to for clients...
To do this, we will use ISC's DHCPD from the ports collection.

# cd /usr/ports/net/isc-dhcp3-server# make
From the menu, select whichever options you want (I'd recommend at least PARANOIA and
# make install# cd /usr/local/etc# mv dhcpd.conf.sample dhcpd.conf
Then edit the dhcpd.conf file, so it looks like this:
ddns-update-style none;log-facility local7;shared-network Dynamic-4-subnet {option routers;option domain-name-servers nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn;subnet netmask {range;}
You will need to substitute nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn with your ISP's domain name servers.
Then ensure /etc/rc.conf contains:
dhcpd_enable="YES"and start the dhcp server using
# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start
Thanks Craig, I appreciate the help. While my home network is a little different than Craigs,
the same still applies. Here is how mine is setup:
» Cisco uBR900 cable modem provides connectivity to the internet.
» The modem is connected to my firewall. The WAN IP on the firewall is assigned by DHCP
from the modem.
» The LAN network is and static (no DHCP)
» My firewall connects to a 24port switch. This is connected to a 108Mbps 802.11g D-link
WAP and an 8port gigabit switch. The WAP has a static IP, but provides wireless access
through DHCP.
» My firewall provides no internal protection. All internal traffic moves unprohibitted by the
firewall. This includes outbound traffic also. While this may not be the most secure, it is
definitely easier to manage. I don't have to add firewall rules everytime I want to access a
new service.

Your setup may be different also. It's all personal preference.

step 6Packet Prioritization
Packet Prioritization with ALTQ
If your WAN connection stays fairly saturated (with things like bittorrent), then I'm sure
you've experienced your fair share of timeouts, lag, or slow page loads. Packet prioritzation
offers a solution to this problem. Instead of spending $100+ on a router that has this feature,
you can instead use ALTQ with PF to accomplish the same thing.

ALTQ is very easy to setup. The most complicated thing you have to do is recompile your
kernel. Don't worry, it's much easier than you think. Just follow my instructions, and you
should be fine. A new kernel is required, because ALTQ support is disabled by default in

Adding ALTQ support to your kernel

To begin, read Building and Installing a Custom Kernel thorougly. After you read that, read
Enabling ALTQ .

I'll be using the "new" method. After duplicating the GENERIC kernel configuration file, edit
it with your favorite editor (pico is great for beginners). Now, add the folowing lines to the
end of the file:
BUILDNow save the file (I called mine FIREWALLKERNEL), then follow these steps
(from the handbook) to compile it:

1. Change to the /usr/src directory.

# cd /usr/src 2. Compile the kernel.
# make buildkernel KERNCONF=FIREWALLKERNEL 3. Install the new kernel.
# make installkernel KERNCONF=FIREWALLKERNELIf everything works, your new
kernel is ready to use. FreeBSD is even kind enough to place the new kernel in your boot
path. All you have to do is reboot your system (`shutdown -r now`). Now, you should have
ALTQ support compiled into your kernel. Our next step is actually configuring ALTQ

Configuring ALTQ
ALTQ supports two kinds of packet prioritization: class-based (CBQ) and priority-based

Class-based queueing divides trafic into "classes". A specific portion of your overall
bandwidth is then allocated to each one of these classes.

Priority-based queueing, like it's name suggests, assigns priorities to packets. The packets
with the highest priority are processed first.

There are also a few additional features that you have at your disposal: random early
detection and explicit congestion notification (ECN).

Random early detection, or RED, calculates the average queue size, then drops or forwards
packets depending on the level of congestion. If the average queue size is above a maximum
threshold, all packets will be dropped. If the queue size is below a minimum threshold, no
packets will be dropped. Anywhere between these thresholds, and packets will be dropped
depending on how close the queue size is to the upper and lower thresholds.

Explicit congestion notification, or ECN, sets a flag in packets to notifiy hosts of network
congestion. When a host that supports ECN receives a packet marked with this flag, it
responds by throttling back it's activity.

I chose priority-queueing, because my network sees a large variety of different types of

traffic. Priority-queuing uses numbers 1 through 15 to prioritize traffic, number 1 being
highest priority. In my PF configuration file (pf.conf), I assigned a default priority to number
10. This means that any traffic that matches my firewall rules and is NOT given a priority
will default to priority level 10. I then gave bittorrent a priority level of 15. By doing this, I
am able to have bittorrent running non-stop on my network, without any noticeable increase
in latency or throughput. I also gave SSH a high priority of 1, because of its time-critical
nature. Here is what my PRIQ configurations look like ($int_if is my internal interface,
device rl0; and $ext_if is my external interface, device dc0):
altq on $int_if priq bandwidth 100% queue {std, ssh, bt, http, p2p}altq on $ext_if priq
bandwidth 5Mb queue {std, ssh, bt, http, p2p}queue ssh priority 1 priqqueue http priority 2
priqqueue std priority 10 priq (default)queue p2p priority 13 priq (red, ecn)queue bt priority
15 priq (red, ecn)Notice my "bandwidth" options on the first and second lines. I set the
ALTQ queue size on my external interface to 5Mb. Although my external interface may be
connected at 10Mbps, I am only allotted 5Mbps by my ISP. This is important, because packet
prioritization relies on the level of saturation on an interface to determine when to start
queuing packets. You'll notice I also assigned 100% of the bandwidth on my internal
interface to ALTQ. This means that all traffic flowing through my internal interface will have
100% of its 100Mbps bandwidth.

Now that I've determined my priority levels, it's time to actually assign them to my firewall
rules. This is very easy. Simply add "queue <queue_name>" to the end of any rules that you
would like to assign to the priority level identified by <queue_name>.

And that's it. Packet prioritization is that simple. Leave me a comment to let me know if this
helps anyone. It has definately helped me.

I've attached a revised version of my pf.conf that includes ALTQ configurations.

step 7Conclusion and where to find help
You are not limitted to these utilities. FreeBSD has a vast collection of battle-proven security
packages. Have a look at for the list.

If you experience frequent power surges, power outages, or even if you don't a UPS
(Uninteruptable Power Supply) can save you many headaches. FreeBSD doesn't like being
shutdown instantaneously. Often times, this leads to corrupted data. While most of the time
(in my experience atleast) this can be fixed by running `fsck` in single-user mode with your
disks unmounted, a UPS will eliminate this problem alltogether. Unless your power goes out
for a prolonged amount of time, a UPS will provide reliable power to your firewall to keep it
running smoothly. There are two different types of UPS's: offline (or standby) and online.
Offline UPS's provide power from the outlet until they sense a power outtage, in which case
they switch over to battery power. Online powersupplies have a zero switchover time (the
amount of time it takes between loss of mains power and when stable power is supplied by
the UPS) because they use inverters. Online UPS's are a little more expensive than offline
UPS's, but more reliable. Offline UPS's will work fine though, so long as they have a low
switchover time.

Bastion hosts and bastard systems

Keep in mind that the less software that you install, the more inherent security your firewall
will enjoy. More software means more places for hackers to find vulnerabilities. By installing
JUST a firewall, we would have a bastion host. Because it is more cost-effective to combine
the firewall with the IDS, IPS, and auditing software, we are not creating a true bastion host
-- more like a bastardized version of one.

Who's knocking down the door?

Don't be suprised to see attacks within minutes of placing the firewall on the internet. This
does not mean that someone is intentionally trying to hack into your network. There are
literally THOUSANDS of zombie computers out there that mindlessly probe the internet
looking for a system to call their own, or worse, destroy. Aren't you glad you have a firewall?

My record for intrusion attempts after placing a firewall online is 3 minutes. In my

experience, the most disturbing attempts are SSH bruteforces. A zombie computer
portscanned you and found that you're running the SSH service (should you decide to allow
WAN access). If someone were to gain access through SSH, the effects could be devastating.
This is why your most important security measures should be placed here. If you're not using
RSA/DSA pre-shared keys (why aren't you?), then at the very least, make sure your login
password is extra-long, and contains an overzealouz combination of letters, numbers, AND
symbols. Perhaps the dumbest thing you can do is allow root access to SSH. This would be
like spamming the planet with your social security number. If need be, you can login as a
normal user, then `su` your way to root.

Do I have a false sense of security?

If you don't trust your firewall, you can perform a quick and easy portscan on yourself by
pointing a browser protected by your firewall to There you should find
ShieldsUp!, a popular (and basic) security assessment tool. If you listen to the Security Now
podcast with Leo Laport, you may have heard ShieldsUp! mentioned.
The best form of security auditing is by using a tool like Nessus. Nessus can be used to
perform a MASSIVE assortment of security probes. You'll find Nessus in your ports
collection, and at

The FreeBSD Handbook is the single-most important resource when working with FreeBSD.
Just point your browser to and click on "Handbook". Google is
also another valuable resource. The best (and most enjoyable IMO) way to learn how to use
FreeBSD, or any flavor of Linux or Unix, is by doing the research yourself and diving right
in. You'll screw your system up, curse everyone and their mother, and possibly become an
alcoholic because of it, but you'll be that much more elite once you figure it out. As a last
resort, try some the IRC channels on Dalnet or Freenode. When resorting to chatrooms, be
expecting insulting comments and a few "RTFM"s.

Other uses
I also build a NAS (Network Accessible/attached Storage) device using a more modern AMD
K8, 512MB of PC3200 DDR-RAM, and a few gigabit ethernet NICs. This system is more
than enough to provide reliable streaming media, file serving capabilities, and SVN
repositories to anyone with wired, wireless, or VPN access to our LAN. We've even setup
dynamic DNS services to provide internet access to our media through a custom web
interface. Eventually, we will release the MyNAS project to provide a user-friendly interface
to the NAS and an out-of-the-box file-sharing community.

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