Book - 2005 - Dov Schwartz - Astral Magic in Medieval Jewish Thought PDF
Book - 2005 - Dov Schwartz - Astral Magic in Medieval Jewish Thought PDF
Book - 2005 - Dov Schwartz - Astral Magic in Medieval Jewish Thought PDF
Magic in Medieval
Jewish Thought
Dov Schwartz
Translated by
David Louvish and Batya Stein
contents v
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
introduction ix
medieval astral magic would strongly contest this definition, emphasizing that this
is a scientific field. But Aristotelian science, which was dominant during this period,
did not recognize astral magic as a science and we have accordingly opted for the
term magic that has no room in Aristotle’s scientific world. This distinction between
the Aristotelian scientific paradigm and the one stressing the phenomenon of magic
is discussed at length in the book.
2 For a concise summary, see, for instance, Richard Kieckhefer, Magic in the Middle
How does the magic action take place? The magician’s act
involves several stages:
1. A meticulous examination of the specific configuration of stars and
constellations that could yield the desired result. For instance, if
the aim is to heal sickness, magicians will consult astrological and
magical sources to find out what stellar configuration will summon
the emanation that will cure the illness. The configuration might
be a specific constellation rising on the horizon (“ascendant”)’, a
particular planet (mesharet) found within the sign’s area (“house”),
or the encounter of two planets within the sign’s house (“conjunc-
tion”). Often, the configuration intended by the magician is quite
elementary and includes only a single constellation or star.
2. Preparing an effigy or image that symbolizes the emanating celestial
3. Procuring the image at a time the stars and constellations are
arranged in an influential configuration. In the present example,
the magician places the effigy on the body part affected by the
illness, when the star or constellation is influential.
4. Using various auxiliary techniques, such as incense burning, pray-
ing to the stars, invocations, using magic names, and so forth.
Systematic formulations of astral magic appear in the Hermetic lit-
erature of the first three centuries CE referring to the revelation of
Hermes’ secrets, the god identified with Thoth, the Egyptian god
of wisdom. Both Greeks and Romans related to ancient Egyptian
religion as a kind of “ancient truth” and hence singularly significant.
Systematic formulations of astral magic, then, develop as the pagan
mythological religions in the ancient East and in the Hellenistic world
are waning. Hermetic literature includes a philosophical world view
that comprises Neoplatonic, Stoic, and Eastern elements, together
with astrological conceptions and detailed techniques of magic and
astral magic.3 These techniques were meant to assist in attaining the
literature and its surroundings. See, for instance, Hans Dieter Betz, ed., The Greek
Magical Papyri in Translation: Including the Demotic Spells (Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1986), 54-55; Andre-Jean Festugière, La révélation d’Hermés Trismegiste, vol. 1,
L’astrologie et les sciences occultees (Paris: J. Gabalda, 1949); Idem, Hermetisme et mystique
païenne (Paris: Aubier-montaigne, 1967); Frances Amelia Yates, Giordano Bruno and the
Hermetic Tradition (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1964), 44-61.
4 In the available Latin translation, qualitas, through which the writer refers to
magical forces.
5 In Latin, divinitatis naturalem vim. In Festugière’s reading, cited in p. 256 of
Copenhaver’s translation (see note 8 below), “hidden spiritual power.” Could also
be read as “hidden celestial power.”
6 Reflecting the Pythagorical tradition, whereby the moving spheres make
7 In Latin, caelestius. According to Nock’s reading, cited in p. 257. It could also
The Greek Corpus Hermeticum and the Latin Asclepius in a New English Translation, with Notes
and Introduction (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992), 90.
xii introduction
10 Joseph Shatzmiller, “In Search of the Book of Figures: Medicine and Astrology
in Montpellier at the Turn of the Fourteenth Century,” AJS Review 7/8 (1982/1983),
383-407; Joseph Shatzmiller, “The Forms of the Twelve Constellations: A Fourteenth
Century Controversy,” in Shlomo Pines Jubilee Volume: On the Occasion of His Eightieth
Birthday, ed. Moshe Idel, Warren Zeev Harvey and Eliezer Schweid (Jerusalem:
Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought, 1988), 397-408.
11 Per-Gunnar Ottoson, Scholastic Medicine and Philosophy: A Study of Commentaries on
1 Leo Strauss, “The Law of Reason in The Kuzari,” in Persecution and the Art of
Writing (Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1988), 95-141.
2 On the literary style of The Kuzari, see, for instance, Shlomo Pines, “Note sur la
3 See Dov Schwartz, Messianism in Medieval Jewish Thought [Hebrew] (Ramat Gan:
Bar-Ilan University Press, 1997), 63-69. On the anti-Christian controversy, see idem,
Astral Magic in Medieval Jewish Thought [Hebrew] (Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University
Press, 1999), 41-47, 58-61.
4 Shlomo Pines, “On the Term Råhaniyy§t and its Origin, and on Judah Halevi’s
Doctrine” [Hebrew], Tarbiz 57 (1988), especially 524-530. See also David H. Baneth,
“R. Judah Halevi and Al-Gh§zalÊ” [Hebrew], Knesset 7 (1942): 328; Yitzhak Heine-
mann, The Reasons for the Commandments in the Tradition [Hebrew] (Jerusalem: WZO,
1966); Moshe Idel, “Hermeticism and Judaism,” in Hermeticism and the Renaissance:
Intellectual History and the Occult in Early Modern Europe, ed. Ingrid Merkel and Allen
Debus (London and Toronto: Associated University Presses, 1988), 62.
judah halevi and abraham ibn ezra 3
ensuring any benefits resembling the efficiency and usefulness that Juda-
ism, as a theurgy, provides through its system of commandments.5
According to this passage, Judah Halevi presents a magic-astral per-
ception of Judaism, viewing the commandments’ mode of action as
a parallel (and effective) model of magic-astral activity. Idolaters and
image worshippers fail to bring down spirituality effectively, whereas
those who observe the commandments receive the divine (astral?) ema-
nation. The magic-astral model as a “true” key for the understanding
of the commandments, including their details and their timing, was
later endorsed in the doctrines of such thinkers as Abraham Ibn Ezra
and Nahmanides.6 In other contexts in the present volume, Judah
Halevi also emerges as the paramount source for the incorporation
of the astral magic model into the theological arguments of Jewish
As noted, Pines’ important discussion of The Kuzari’s magical char-
acter, like those of his predecessors, failed to take the book’s esoteric
style into account. This style emerges in a magic-astral context mainly
in Judah Halevi’s explanation of the sin of the golden calf (1:97). My
chief claim in the discussion below is that Judah Halevi suggests the
magic-astral explanation as the sole option for explaining this sin,
hence the presentation of Judaism as a kind of effective astral magic
5 Pines, “On the Term Råhaniyy§t and its Origin,” 529. Compare also The Kuzari
6 See below, 9-26 and 55-90.
7 In the original Arabic, “aw burÇ aw nisbah tal§sim.” The original is cited from
4 chapter one
Kit§b Al-Radd Wa-‘l-DalÊl FÊ’l-DÊn Al-DhalÊl (Al-Kit§b Al-KhazarÊ), ed. David H. Baneth
(Jerusalem: Magnes Press and the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1977),
30, ll. 2-3. The Hebrew translation of Shmuel Ibn Tibbon is incorrect here. Ibn
Tibbon, who may have wanted to play down the talismanic aspect, wrote here: “or
a star from among the stars or a constellation or other such things.”
8 The Kuzari 1:97.
9 Ibid.
10 Ibid.
judah halevi and abraham ibn ezra 5
11 In the original, “al-munjimÊn wal-mutalsimÊn” (Baneth, Kit§b Al-Radd, 31, ll. 7-8),
and this is also how Judah ibn Shmuel translates. Ibn Tibbon translated “seers and
astrologers,” insisting on concealing the talismanic aspect.
12 The Kuzari, 1:97.
6 chapter one
them survive in the desert. Their sin, then, or that of some of them,
is the initiative to create effigies to draw down the emanation instead
of waiting for God to guide them on how to do this. God did indeed
deliver such guidance in the shape of the commandments: “Making
the effigies was not itself foreign, since He commanded us to make
the cherubim.”13 Judah Halevi, then, holds that talismans (“effigies”)
of some kind were placed in the Tabernacle and the Temple in order
to bring down spirituality.
Ancient Wisdom
We can now surmise why Judah Halevi wished to cloak astral magic
in secrecy and conceal it behind hints meant for the wise. The eso-
teric status of astral magic reflected the status of astrology in general.
The Khazar king accurately discerns that the commandments’ mode
of action rests on “powers reigning over hours, days, and places, as
the astrologers do.”14 In his response, the Rabbi criticizes astrologers
Do we reject the idea that heavenly spheres influence terrestrial matters?
We do not! We recognize that matter, which generates and corrupts, is
subject to the Sphere, but the forms are given by Him who guides them,
sets them into action, and uses them as instruments to generate all the
beings He wishes should exist. We do not know the precise details of
this process whilst the astrologer pretends to know the particulars, but
we deny he has this knowledge and categorically declare that no mortal
possesses it. If we find in this knowledge any element that relies on the
authority of a revealed divine science, we accept it. We rest satisfied
with the mentions of astrology in the words of our sages because we
believe it to be transmitted by a divine power and hold it to be true.
Otherwise, this science is but conjecture, and our earthly lot has more
truth to it.15
This passage clarifies that the Rabbi agrees with the underlying
assumption of the Khazar king. The mechanism of the halakhic act
is indeed based on the changing influences of the stars, according to
the time and place. Furthermore, Jewish sources endorse astrologi-
cal theories, and this is the meaning of the minimalist statement in
the above passage: the astrological material that appears in rabbinic
13 Ibid.
14 Ibid., 4:8.
15 Ibid., 4:9.
judah halevi and abraham ibn ezra 7
of Israel with “heaven” have distinctive astrological meanings. For other meanings,
see Yohanan Silman, “The Earthliness of the Land of Israel in The Kuzari” [Hebrew],
in The Land of Israel in Medieval Jewish Thought, ed. Moshe Hallamish and Aviezer
Ravitzky (Jerusalem: Yad Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, 1991), 85-86.
19 Judah Halevi was particularly critical of The Book of Nabatean Agriculture (1:61).
In his commentary on The Kuzari, the Nazir (David Hacohen) notes Judah Halevi’s
equivocal attitude to Indian tradition. On the one hand, he describes the Indians
as a dissolute nation; on the other hand, his description of the Indian king in the
parable at the beginning of the book denotes great admiration. See Dov Schwartz,
ed, The Annotated Kuzari: The Kuzari of Rabbenu Judah Halevi with Summaries of the Lec-
tures by Our Teacher the Nazir [Hebrew] (Jerusalem: Nezer David, 1997), 1:68. This
attitude could suggest overt rebuke and covert esteem for the representatives of the
Hermetic tradition.
20 The Kuzari, 1:1. See also Idel, “Hermeticism and Judaism.”
8 chapter one
21 Cited from the Hebrew translation of Picatrix (Gh§yat al-hakÊm), Munich Ms.
214, 62b.
22 Gershom Scholem, “Sefer ha-Tamar by Abu Aflah al-Sarakosti” [Hebrew],
23 See Yves Marquet, “Sabéens et IÈw§n Al-‘afá,” Studia Islamica 25 (1966): 107.
Marquet points to three causes for the concealment strategy: (1) Fear of the zealots
and a desire to draw them closer to Hermetic traditions; (2) Avoiding harm to the
multitude; (3) Downplaying the prominent influence of Hermeticism, which only
those “who possess the knowledge” can understand and justify.
24 Commentary on Genesis 11:5, 141. The English translation of Ibn Ezra’s
Supreme Power
Supreme power is a crucial notion of Ibn Ezra’s astral magical outlook,
and magical hints are often formulated as a desire to receive or draw
down the supreme power. The terminology referring to the bring-
ing down of spiritual power recurs in Picatrix, the series of texts on
magic originally written in Arabic that were probably known to Ibn
Ezra. For instance, the group of prayers to the planets that appears
in Picatrix includes fixed formulae for requests from specific planets:
“May you send spirituality from your spirituality and power from your
power” (to Venus);26 “May you send power from your spirituality”
(to Mercury).27 In Sefer ha-Atsamim [The Book of Substances], a work
on magic erroneously ascribed to Ibn Ezra, we are told:
When the power that draws them down overcomes the spiritualities,
they will come down to act and comply with what is asked of them,
and those who bring them down will be killed if they lack the skills to
bring down the spirituality as is fitting, through the places, the incense
burning, the sacrifices, the clothes, the meals, and the sayings.28
Statements such as the one in the cited passage are quite common in Ibn
Ezra’s writings. For instance: “All decrees come down from heaven” (Exodus 3:8);
“Heaven—since all [divine] decrees are written and sealed there” (commentary on
Psalms 18:7); “because the book of life is heaven, and it is there that all the decrees
will be written on the day of their creation” (ibid. 69: 29). See also the commentary
on Proverbs 22:1, and on Job 38:33. On Ibn Ezra’s astrological approach, see the
excellent work by Shlomo Sela, Abraham Ibn Ezra and the Rise of Medieval Hebrew Science
(Leiden: Brill, 2003).
25 See David Rosin, “Die Religionsphilosophie Abraham ibn Ezra’s,” MGWJ 42
(1898): 251-252; Colette Sirat, A History of Jewish Philosophy in the Middle Ages (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1985), 104-112; Raphael Jospe, “Biblical Exegesis as a
Philosophic Literary Genre: Abraham ibn Ezra and Moses Mendelssohn,” in Jewish
Philosophy and the Academy, ed. Emil L. Fackenheim and Raphael Jospe (Madison:
Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 1996), 75-79.
26 Picatrix, Munich Ms., 69b.
27 Ibid., 70a. Ibn Ezra does not use the term “spirituality” or “spirituality of
the star.”
28 Sefer ha-Atsamim [Book of Substances], ed. Menasheh Grosberg (London:
Rabinovitch, 1901), 14. Passages in this style recur in this treatise (for instance, see
ibid., 17). Samuel ibn Zarza, Sefer Meqor Hayyim (Mantua: 1559), 98a. The author
of Sefer ha-Atsamim emphasizes that forces from the stars emanate according to the
preparations made toward them.
judah halevi and abraham ibn ezra 11
29 Raphael Jospe, “The Torah and Astrology According to Ibn Ezra” [Hebrew],
Da#at 32-33 (1994): 42-43.
30 The last argument states that observations demonstrate that the planets’ orbits
spheres traverse in their course, each in its own degree, apparently according to
TB Hagigah 12b (“seven heavens”) and small scientific midrashim such as Beraita
de-Shmuel ha-Katan, ch. 7: “What is the order of the two lights and the five stars? The
sages say this heaven is divided into seven degrees, one above the other, and these
are the seven orbits of these seven stars” (printed in Otsar ha-Midrashim, ed. Yehudah
David Eisenstein [New York: Resnik and Menshel, 1928]). Compare to Ibn Ezra’s
commentary on Psalms 8:4: “We know that there are seven orbits to the lights and
the five planets, the eighth orbit is for the hosts, and the ninth for the zodiac going
from east to west, and the tenth is the throne of glory.” See also the commentary
on Psalms 96:6. Rosin, “Die Religionsphilosophie,” 345, explains the expression as
referring to the houses and the squares.
32 The motif of the light mentioned in this passage indicates the stars’ mode of
12 chapter one
power is not perceived in its classic physical sense, as the act of a par-
ticular body in the propelling or development of another body (touch
or influence). Supreme power refers to such an act by stars affecting
the terrestrial world.33 The influence of stellar powers is visible in
natural processes bound by the laws of physics and in personal and
normative (“legal”) decisions dictated by experience.34 In the passage
above, the stars manifest their power by giving objects the potential
to develop in the material world and by shaping their structure and
characteristics,35 as Ibn Ezra also states in other writings: “Everything
in the lowest world receives power from the middle world, each thing
according to the constellation [of the stars].”36 The action of stellar
power changes from place to place, according to climatic conditions
and according to their configuration vis-à-vis the specific location:
“There is a place which is more receptive to God’s power, and His
might is seen there”;37 “Because some places receive more of the
action as emanation, but this is not necessarily Ibn Ezra’s outlook. He may have
used the light motif in a symbolic sense. He often uses the term power regarding the
activity of the celestial world. On the zodiac, for instance, Ibn Ezra writes: “Now
this important sphere encompasses all the forty eight bodies and their forms. God’s
power is there revealed to the eye” (Exodus 20:14).
33 On the meaning of power in physics, see Aristotle, Physica VII, 5, 250a 4-9. The
expression supreme power appears in Ibn Ezra’s astrological writings too. See Naphtali
Ben-Menahem, ed., Sefer ha-Te#amim (Jerusalem: Mosad Harav Kook, 1941), 11.
34 “Because their experience will enable astrologers to see great wonders and awe-
some deeds happening daily, according to the power of the stars and their position
vis-à-vis each other, and those who know the supreme wisdom will know that the
deeds of the glorious God are more and more wondrous” (Commentary on Psalms
89:7. Ibn Ezra presents experience as confirming astrological principles in his astro-
logical writings. See, for instance, Judah Leib Fleischer, ed. “Sefer ha-Olam,” Otsar
ha-Hayyim 13 (1937): 17-19; Ben-Menahem, Sefer ha-Te#amim, 22, 32, 36.
35 On power as a potential see Harry Austryn Wolfson, Crescas’ Critique of Aristotle:
Problems of Aristotle’s Physics in Jewish and Arabic Philosophy (Cambridge: Harvard Uni-
versity Press, 1929), 690-693.
36 Commentary on Exodus 6:3. Receiving power means absorbing the emanation
from the stars or their power, whether the star is placed in some aspect or conjunc-
tion with another star, or the influence is evident in the material world according
to the preparations made there. See Raphael Levy and Francisco Cantera, eds. Sefer
Reshit Hokhmah [The Beginning of Wisdom] (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,
1939), lxi; Ben Menahem, Sefer ha-Te#amim, 19, 22. On the term power, see also Sefer
Reshit Hokhmah, lxiv.
37 Commentary on Genesis 4:14. See also Rosin, “Die Religionsphilosophie,”
supreme power than others.”38 The location of the Temple was actu-
ally determined relying on such criteria, namely, by forces influenced
by the stars in specific places.39
The term power also appears in Ibn Ezra’s writings in the context of
the relationship between the intellectual dimension (which is specific
to human beings) and the animate dimension (which they share with
other living creatures), in the sense of a natural force: “The animate
soul [nefesh] lives by virtue of the human soul [neshamah].”40 Both senses
of the term—as a force of nature and as the force of the stars—are
mutually related in Ibn Ezra’s discussions about the soul, which ranks
with the Separate Intellects (“the holy angels that are neither bodies
nor in the bodies”), and he writes:
The human soul is of the same kind.41 It receives power from above in
accordance with the configuration of the planets, that is, the configura-
tion of each planet vis-à-vis the heavenly hosts at the time of a person’s
birth. If the human soul grows wise, it will share the mysteries of the
angels and will be able to receive great power from a supreme power
that received it from the light of the angels. The person will then be in
conjunction with the glorious God.42
73:4., and compare with the definition: “When the soul is strong, the heavenly power
known as nature, which preserves the body, grows in might” (Exodus 23:25). See
also Rosin, “Die Religionsphilosophie,” 449-450; Henry Malter, “Medieval Hebrew
Terms for Nature,” in Judaica: Festschrift zu Hermann Cohens siebzigstem Geburtstage, ed.
Ismar Elbogen et. al. (Berlin: Bruno Cassirer, 1912), 254; Uriel Simon, Abraham ibn
Ezra’s Two Commentaries on the Minor Prophets: An Annotated Critical Edition [Hebrew]
(Ramat-Gan: Bar Ilan University Press, 1989), 258-259.
41 As the Separate Intellects.
42 Exodus 3:15. Compare Moshe Idel, “Hitbodedut as Concentration in Jewish
Philosophy” [Hebrew], in Shlomo Pines Jubilee Volume: On the Occasion of His Eightieth
Birthday, ed. Moshe Idel, Warren Zeev Harvey and Eliezer Schweid (Jerusalem:
Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought, 1988).
14 chapter one
He who is in conjunction with the supreme power, his soul will rejoice
and, through the power of his conjunction with Him, he will be pre-
served from the afflictions of change in the future. His body will thus
dwell safely in this world.43
In the first passage, Ibn Ezra does not specify the wisdom (“if the
human soul grows wise”) to which he is referring.44 Clearly, however,
wisdom allows access to forces emanating from the stars. The sage’s
soul can thus rise and reach conjunction with God by exploiting forces
influenced by the stars. Ibn Ezra is careful to indicate that these forces
are used according to configuration of the planets (“vis-à-vis the heav-
enly hosts”). The soul’s reception of stellar powers is also mentioned
in Picatrix, the Arabic treatise on magic, which states: “Contemplate
your practice and strengthen your reason and your thought in your
act, so that you may thereby strengthen the human soul and prepare
it to receive the full power of the spheres, as you wish.”45
We can therefore state: the assumption that the stars exert influence
through their power (“supreme power”), which is received in different
places and climates, does not necessarily include a magical compo-
nent. The act becomes magical only when the forces are drawn down
through effigies and other objects (talismans). Receiving the supreme
power through sacrificial offerings, through one of the vessels at the
Tabernacle (cherubim or others), or through other means, is an act of
astral magic. Drawing down the supreme power through effigies means
exploiting the power emanating from the stars, and Ibn Ezra uses the
terminology of receiving power in a magical context as well.
46 Commentary on Exodus 20:3. See ibid. for the concept of “the craft of the
heavens” [melekhet shamayyim]. Ibn Ezra was not definite concerning this prohibition.
In his commentary on Deuteronomy 4:23 [“Take heed to yourselves… and make
you a carved idol, or the likeness of anything, which the Lord thy God has forbidden
thee”] he writes: “Some say that the reference is to the image of the stars, but this
seems far-fetched to me.” Does Ibn Ezra distinguish here between making effigies
for magic-astral purposes as opposed to making them in order to consider or study a
specific characteristic? The clues left by this enigmatic commentator seem insufficient
for unequivocal answers to this question. In most sources, however, he does point
to the resemblance between magic-astral acts and idolatry. On idolatry, see also his
commentary on Deuteronomy 7:13.
47 Commentary on Deuteronomy 4:16.
48 Picatrix, 51b. “One day when I was with him, he received greetings from his
home and was told that one of the boys there had been bitten by a scorpion. When
he heard about it, he ran to a box holding many seals smelling of frankincense and
sent one to the boy. He ordered it to be crushed and given to the boy to drink, and
when they did so the boy stopped screaming and all his pain ceased after he had
finished drinking. I looked at the seals and found the form of a scorpion imprinted on
all of them. When I asked him how the seals had been made, he took out a golden
16 chapter one
down stellar forces on images borders on (“is close to”) idolatry. A very
thin line separates the making of images prohibited as a “craft of the
heavens” and the holy craft of building the Tabernacle undertaken by
Bezalel, who “was gifted with every wisdom. He mastered mathemat-
ics, geometry, proportions, the craft of the heavens, biology, and the
mystery of the human soul.”49
Ibn Ezra also claims that drawing down stellar forces is forbidden
because it might be interpreted as assuming a mediating agent between
human beings and God:
Its meaning is: do not make images that receive supreme powers and
think that you make them for My glory, in that they will serve as an
intermediary between Me and you, like the golden calf which Israel
made… I have no need for mediators.50
Thou shalt not bow down unto them. As do the masters of images,
who think that they can bring down the supreme powers for a given
The reason for “thou shalt have no other gods beside me” is that one
should not believe those who say that He has placed the angel of glory
in charge of the world, and would not make images to draw down the
supreme powers.52
The last passage draws a parallel between the perception of the angel
as a mediator and the act of drawing down stellar forces, denoting
the theological meaning of the prohibition.
In his scientific writings, Ibn Ezra does not cast doubt, or at least
does not explicitly question, the actual effectiveness of these techniques.
He recurrently stresses in a scientific treatise that this wisdom “is for-
bidden in God’s Torah because it is as idolatry.”53 This declaration,
ring with a shining stone on which the form of a scorpion had been engraved. I asked
him what was the secret of the seal and how it worked, and he told me… it should be
stamped with ground frankincense while the moon was in Scorpio… and this helped
all those bitten by scorpions, alleviating their pain and healing them. Perhaps this is
what is mentioned in Ptolemy’s book “(Sefer ha-Peri, Paris Ms. 1055, 54a-b).
49 Commentary on Exodus 31:3.
50 These are God’s words. Commentary on Exodus 20:20. See Dov Schwartz and
that sages in India said that one fifth of an hour should be added to six full hours
judah halevi and abraham ibn ezra 17
however, does not prevent him from occasionally relating in this work
to the techniques used by “masters of images” or magicians, and from
pointing to sources of influence.54 In his biblical commentaries his state-
ments are more qualified, although astral magic is still contrasted with
“magic,” which is merely sleight of hand.55 The difference between
useless acts of trickery and drawing down the powers is evident in
another exegesis:
Idols [elilim] are graven images, and they are called elilim because they
are false, as in “you are all physicians of no value” [elil] (Job 13:4). It
is also plausible that the word comes from al, meaning something that
lacks reality. “Molten gods” to receive supreme powers, because no
other god is needed beside me.56
The idols are perceived as lacking reality, but making effigies to draw
down stellar forces is forbidden because it violates God’s unity. Con-
trary to the elilim, however, the concept of molten gods is not derived
from al, so that their reality is not explicitly denied. We may therefore
infer that astral magic is forbidden on theological grounds because it
denies God’s unity and not because its actual reality is challenged.
Why does Ibn Ezra hold that making images and drawing down
the supreme force resemble idolatrous acts? What is the line between
for every year, and this is only true for the images. Their sun is necessary only for
those involved in the wisdom of images, which is forbidden in God’s Torah because
it resembles idolatry” (Ben Menahem, Sefer ha-Te#amim, 40).
54 See, for instance, ibid., 6, 30, 31 (concerning the making of effigies from various
metals in order to receive the powers of Venus and the sun: “And brass is in its domain
[of Venus], as attempted by the makers of images”; “And on its domain [the sun’s]
silver rises, as attempted by the masters of images”). Compare Levy and Cantera, Sefer
Reshith Hokhmah, xv. The mention of magic-astral techniques in the scientific writings
while rejecting them on religious grounds in the biblical commentaries apparently
follows from the character of these scientific writings. These texts deal with astrology
and, in this context, refer to related techniques, such as astral magic.
55 Commentary on Exodus 7:11; commentary on Deuteronomy 19:10; commen-
tary on Daniel 2:2. See also Isadore Twersky, “Did R. Abraham Ibn Ezra Influence
Maimonides?” [Hebrew], in Rabbi Abraham Ibn Ezra: Studies in the Writings of a Twelfth-
Century Jewish Polymath (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1993), 33.
56 Commentary on Leviticus 19:4. Compare to Ibn Ezra on Leviticus 19:31:
“Certain empty-headed people have asserted that Scripture would not have for-
bidden charmers as a form of witchcraft if they were not true. I declare the exact
opposite of their words: Scripture has forbidden only that which is false, but has not
forbidden the truth. This is borne out by the prohibition against idols and graven
18 chapter one
tioned above, Ibn Ezra writes: “Should God give you wisdom, you will understand
judah halevi and abraham ibn ezra 19
the secret of the ark, the ark covering, and the cherubim that spread their wings, and
also the secret of the objects placed outside of the curtain—the candelabrum, the
incense altar, and the table—and outside the opening of the tabernacle—the altar
of the burnt offering and all its vessels, and the basin and its base. These objects are
the glory of God [Elohim]. I gave you these hints because there are many people in
our times who think themselves wise, and they will perhaps mock my words” (com-
mentary on Exodus 25:40. The term glory (“the glory of God [Elohim]”) has a clear
astrological context and God is therefore perceived here as “judgment,” hinting
at the wisdom of the “judgments of the stars,” a term used to describe astrology.
Compare Jac. Klatzkin, Thesaurus Philosophicus: Linguae Hebraicae et Veteris et Recentioris
(Berlin: Eschkol, 1928). The use of Elohim for judgment is also reflected in Ibn Ezra’s
explanation of the sin of the golden calf.
59 Compare Rosin, “Die Religionsphilosophie,” 356-358.
20 chapter one
60 Commentary on Genesis 31:19. On the terafim see Joseph Dan, “Terafim: From
perhaps the most efficient one of all. In his exegesis, Ibn Ezra interprets the cherubim
in the context of drawing down the supreme power and states: “Man is the most
important being upon the earth, hence the form of the cherubim” (commentary on
Exodus 33:21). Compare Shlomo Pines, “Le Sefer ha-Tamar et les Maggidim des Kab-
balistes,” in Hommage a Georges Vajda: Etudes d'histoire et de pensée juives, ed. Gerard Nahon
and Charles Touati (Louvain: Peeters, 1980), 336, 357; Moshe Idel, Golem: Jewish
Magical and Mystical Traditions on the Artificial Anthropoid [Hebrew] (Tel-Aviv: Schocken,
1996), 267 (appendix on astral magic that does not appear in the original English
version). The interpretation suggested here is already mentioned in Menahem ben-
Moshe Tamar’s supercommentary on Ibn Ezra.
judah halevi and abraham ibn ezra 21
64 Short commentary on Exodus 32:1. Ibn Ezra cites Saadia Gaon, who states,
“the reason for the form of an ox is that some people in India will think that the
image will receive supreme power, and they thought so about Moses.” He does not
reject this notion outright, and Yehudah Leib Fleischer’s rejection of the astrologi-
cal interpretation ad locum (Mishneh le-Ezra [Vienna: 1926]) is unjustified. The short
commentary was probably written before the long one, so that we have a choice of
two options: either Ibn Ezra retracted his view or he concealed his intention when
commenting on the golden calf.
65 David Herzog, ed., Tsafenat Pa#aneah (Cracow: Fischer, 1912), 295.
66 Commentary on Numbers 21:8.
67 Commentary on Exodus 25:18. In the commentary on Genesis 3:23, Ibn Ezra
explains cherubim as images, and mentions the sin of the golden calf (the form of
the ox).
judah halevi and abraham ibn ezra 23
68 Commentary on Exodus 25:40. See also Heinemann, The Reasons for the Com-
mandments in the Tradition, 1:69. On the development of this view in the thought of
Johanan Alemanno, see Moshe Idel, “The Magical and Neoplatonic Interpretations of
the Kabbalah in the Renaissance,” in Jewish Thought in the Sixteenth Century, ed. Bernard
Dov Cooperman (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1983), 202-203.
69 End of the short commentary on Exodus 25:7.
70 Commentary on Numbers 22:28.
24 chapter one
an encounter between the perfect number (seven) and the perfect human being, with
the addition of the astral element in the form of the seven planets.
72 Commentary on Deuteronomy 31:16. See also Sirat, A History of Jewish Phi-
the world to come will escape unharmed. Hence, he interpreted “to atone” [lekhaper,
from the root kh-p-r] as “to ransom” [to give kofer, from the same root]” (commen-
tary on Leviticus 1:1). See also Ibn Ezra, commentary on Leviticus 1:4; Langerman
“Some Astrological Themes,” 35-36. Several magic-astral associations are discussed
in depth in this article.
77 Commentary on Exodus 12:7. On ransom in general see Ron Barkai, Science, Magic,
and Mythology in the Middle Ages [Hebrew] (Jerusalem: Van Leer, 1987), 21-22.
26 chapter one
2. The Tabernacle and the Temple. As noted, Ibn Ezra intimates that
the Tabernacle and its vessels function as talismans to draw down
3. Sacrifices. The function of the sacrifice as a catalyst or a hindrance
to the action of stellar forces is already intimated concerning the
sacrifices before the giving of the Torah.79
4. Festivals. The time of the festivals is determined according to
astrological constellations, and we can hardly assume that Ibn
Ezra disregards the magical and theurgic significance of these
5. The Order of the Tribes’ March through the Desert. The correspondence
between the order of the tribes and a defined stellar order81 inti-
mates a link with the absorption of stellar influence.
Note that an entire group of fourteenth-century thinkers writing super-
commentaries on Ibn Ezra’s commentary on the Torah develop and
formulate at length the idea of drawing down spirituality, showing
knowledge of Hermetic sources. It remains questionable, however,
whether these thinkers indeed understood Ibn Ezra’s intention, at
least concerning his positive perception of an astral magic that is not
founded on the laws of the Torah. The present review indicates that
Ibn Ezra thinks it is possible to draw down spirituality on images (at
least by acquiring astrological knowledge, as evident from his reading
of Balaam’s technique), but he rejects such deeds on religious grounds.
By contrast, he holds that the Torah presents alternative modes for
drawing down spirituality, which are in fact commanded and have
proved effective. Ibn Ezra’s approach, then, is not fundamentally dif-
ferent from that of Judah Halevi. On one count, however, the two
thinkers who introduced the Hermetic tradition into Judaism do differ:
Judah Halevi holds that only the Torah offers a suitable and efficient
way of bringing down spirituality, while Ibn Ezra does not deny the
potential for an effective way of doing this outside Judaism. Although
he forbids it, he seldom entertains doubts about its effectiveness.
See above, pp. 22-24.
Commentary on Genesis 8:21.
80 See Ibn Ezra’s commentary on Leviticus 23:24. See also Langerman, “Some
Astrological Themes,” 38-39; Idel, Golem, 259. For hermeneutical texts from the
fourteenth century on Ibn Ezra’s configuration of the festivals see Dov Schwartz,
“R. Abraham Al-Tabib: The Man and His Oeuvre” [Hebrew], Kiryat Sefer 64 (1992-
1993): 1397-1400.
81 Commentary on Numbers 1:19.
magic, experiential science, and scientific method 27
1 See, for instance, Lynn Thorndike, A History of Magic and Experimental Science, vol. 2
(New York: Columbia University Press, 1964), 205-213; Harry S. Lewis, “Maimonides
on Superstition,” Jewish Quarterly Review, o. s., 17 (1905): 474-488; Leon Nemoy,
“Maimonides’ Opposition to Magic in Light of the Writings of Jacob al-Qirqisani”
[Hebrew], Ha-Rofe ha-Ivri 27, 1-2 (1954): 102-109. See also Yitzhak Heinemann, The
Reasons for the Commandments in the Tradition [Hebrew] (Jerusalem: WZO, 1966), 91-92;
Isadore Twersky, Introduction to the Code of Maimonides (New Haven: Yale University
Press, 1980) 479-484; idem, “Halakhah and Science: Perspectives on the Epistemology
of Maimonides” [Hebrew], Annual of Jewish Law 14-15 (1988-89): 135-140; Bezalel
Safran, “Maimonides’ Attitude to Magic and to Related Types of Thinking,” in
Porat Yosef: Studies Presented to Rabbi Dr. Joseph Safran, ed. Bezalel Safran and Eliyahu
Safran (Hoboken, N.J.: Ktav, 1992), 93-110. On Maimonides’ attitude to astrology,
see Yitzhak Tzvi Langermann, “Maimonides’ Repudiation of Astrology,” Maimonidean
Studies 2 (1991): 123-158; Hayyim Kreisel, “Maimonides’ Approach to Astrology”
[Hebrew], Proceedings of the Eleventh World Congress of Judaic Studies, Division 2, section
C (Jerusalem: World Union of Jewish Studies: 1994), 25-32.
28 chapter two
2 In his epistle on astrology, Maimonides writes as follows: “And I also read all
the matters of idolatry; it seems to me that there is not a single work in the world
concerning this matter translated into the Arabic language from other languages
whose subject matter I have not read and understood and penetrated completely”
(quoted in Alexander Marx, “The Correspondence Between the Rabbis of Southern
France and Maimonides About Astrology,” HUCA 3 [1926]: 351). In the second
section of this chapter we will see that, at the end of Guide of the Perplexed, 3.29, Mai-
monides mentions these sources in greater detail, referring particularly to writings on
Hermetic talismanic magic. See Thorndike, A History of Magic, vol. 2, 211, 214-228.
Maimonides’ frankness is extremely interesting in light of his explicit remarks in the
Code, Laws of Idolatry 2:2: “Many books have been written by the pagans concern-
ing their worship, the essence of their worship and its acts and laws, and the Holy
One blessed be He commanded us not to read any of these books at all.” This issue
magic, experiential science, and scientific method 29
brackets) are from the English translation, The Guide of the Perplexed, trans. Shlomo
Pines (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1963). When Maimonides describes the
customs of the “Sabians” in regard to “one who practices divination, a soothsayer,
or an augur, or a sorcerer, or a charmer, or a medium, or a wizard, or a necroman-
cer” (Deuteronomy 18:11), he first places all of them in an astrological context: “In
conformity with these opinions, the Sabians set up statues for the planets, golden
statues for the sun and silver ones for the moon, and distributed the minerals and
the climes between the planets, saying that one particular planet was the deity of
one particular clime” (Guide 3.29 [516]). In The Book of the Commandments, Maimonides
compares magic to astrology: “This is where the masses of men are in error. When
some of the predictions come true, they think that these practices really reveal the
future; and they persist in this error, until they come to believe that some of these
practices are the cause of the events which follow, just as astrologers are wont to
think. The art of astrology is, indeed, akin to this [practice of divination] in that
both are means of stimulating the faculty of imagination.” The Commandments: Sefer
ha-Mitzvoth of Maimonides, trans. Charles B. Chavel (London and New York: Soncino
Press, 1967), Negative Commandment 31, 2:30 (with modifications). Maimonides’
consistent opposition to magic was thus an outcome of his attitude to astrology.
4 See Valerie I. J. Flint, The Rise of Magic in Early Medieval Europe (Princeton, N.J.:
5 “With regard to most of these magical practices, they pose the condition that
those who perform them should necessarily be women… And they recount many
such fables and ravings. And you will never find them posing some condition other
than that they should be performed by women” (Guide, 3:37 [541-42]). The examples
given by Maimonides illustrate one characteristic only, namely, the star (sun), and
not determination of the time. It is clear from this why Maimonides, explaining in
this chapter the cult of passing one’s son and daughter through fire, emphasizes
that women have “feeble intellects.” Maimonides uses the term #aql (D§ladt al-h§’irÊn,
ed. Solomon Munk and Isachar Yoel [Jerusalem: Azriel, 1931], 400, l. 14), which
indicates cognition in its fullest sense, through the abstraction of form. See Abraham
Nuriel, “Remarks on Maimonides’ Epistemology,” in Maimonides and Philosophy, ed.
Shlomo Pines and Yirmiyahu Yovel (Dordrecht: Martin Nijhoff Publishers, 1986),
38-40. If we apply the rule formulated by Maimonides, that magical actions are
rooted in astral phenomena, the ritual of passing children through fire serves the
function of appeasing the stars’ wrath by offering a “ransom,” but it lacks the specific
characteristics of bringing down spirituality, which requires intellectual knowledge,
as will be noted below. Incidentally, the systematic association of magic with women
appears in Sefer ha-Tamar, attributed to Abu Aflah. In a special chapter devoted to the
issue, he explains that since women are lacking in intellect, their material disposition
(that is, presumably, their imagination) is affected by the actions of magic; in males,
however, the intellect and its powers do not allow for such a disposition. The reason
for women’s success in magic is described as follows: “And all this is due to their
inferior discrimination in the science of being [mezi’ut, meaning nature] and their
inclination toward weakness of the intellect [evidently, in the missing source: ‘aql]
and the weakness of the arguments” (Gershom Scholem, Sefer HaTamar: Das Buch von
der Palme des Abu Aflah aus Syracus [Hannover: Heinz Lafaire, 1927], 29; idem, “Sefer
ha-Tamar by Abu Aflah,” 200, ll. 4-5. See also 197, l. 13; 198, l. 19, and so forth
See also Pines, “Le Sefer Ha-Tamar et les Maggidim des Kabbalistes,” 337.
magic, experiential science, and scientific method 31
For instance they [the magicians] say: This or that quantity of the leaves
of a certain plant shall be taken while the moon is under a certain sign
of the Zodiac in the East or in one of the other cardinal points; also a
definite quantity shall be taken from the horns or the excrement or the
hair or the blood of a certain animal while the sun is, for example, in
the middle of the sky or at some other determined place; furthermore,
a certain mineral or several minerals shall be taken and cast while a
certain sign is in the ascendant and the stars in a certain position; then
you shall speak and say these and these things and shall fumigate the cast-metal
form with these leaves and similar things—whereupon a certain thing
will come about.6
The words tatakallamu wataqålu kadha,7 translated here in the second
person masculine, “you shall speak and say these and these things,”
seem to refer to the magician. It seems more likely, however, that
they should be understood in the third person feminine, thus refer-
ring to the astral form itself, which breaks into speech and reveals
various secrets. Given this reading, the emphasis upon the second
person at the beginning of the subordinate clause (wa’anta tubakhkhiru
bitilka al‘awr§q) is readily understood as describing the action of the
magician while the form is speaking. In other words: the magical
practice consists in preparing some kind of image or form at the
time of a specific astral configuration. Induced by incense, the astral
form answers questions (mas§’il), suggests a suitable time for action
(‘ikhtiy§r§t), predicts the future, and even helps to bring about the
realization of its own predictions.
Such efforts to bring down spirituality (ruh§niyy§t) emerge not as
quotation from SuhrawardÊ in “Le Sefer Ha-Tamar,” 358, concerning the hearing of
a voice. The literature of astral magic frequently describes ceremonies in which an
image is formed of a person, to whom the magician addresses questions and requests,
actually speaking to the image. See, for instance, Picatrix, Ms. München 214, 85a,
86a, and so forth. It was in light of these traditions that fourteenth century literature
interpreted the terafim.
32 chapter two
basis of professional astrology—as follows from his epistle on astrology. See Leo
Strauss, “Note on Maimonides’ Letter on Astrology,” in Studies in Platonic Political
Philosophy (Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1983), 206. Moreover: Maimonides
conceded that astrologers, magicians, and stargazers possessed a certain knowledge
of the future, in a limited, statistical manner. This view is implied by his comparison
of them to prophets, whose knowledge of the future is not cumulative, but absolute
and perfect. Hence, the more learned the astrologer, the greater the probability
that he will foresee a considerable part of the events of the future. See Maimonides,
Commentary to the Mishnah, Introduction, and Code, Laws of the Foundations of the
Torah 10:3. Note, however, that in Sefer ha-Mitzvoth Maimonides attributes the use of
amulets to women: “You must know that this practice… men bedecking themselves
with women’s adornments—…is sometimes [adopted] for purposes of idol-worship,
as is explained in the books devoted to that subject. It is also a common practice to
stipulate, in connection with the making of certain talismans, that if the maker is a
man, he should wear woman’s apparel and adorn himself with gold, pearls, and the
like, and if the maker is a woman, she should wear armour and gird on weapons.
This is well known to those who are expert in this matter.” The Commandments: Sefer
ha-Mitzvoth. Negative commandment 40, 2:39. But this kind of magical practice
lacks the condition of the precise astral configuration. In addition, the woman here
is not necessarily the initiator of the magical act but rather its instrument or basis.
Talismanic magic is hardly mentioned at all in The Book of the Commandments, with the
exception of the above passage. We might also mention that women (especially older
women) were perceived in magic literature too as the bearers of distorted magical-
astral traditions; see, e.g., Pines, “Le Sefer Ha-Tamar,” 337, 338.
magic, experiential science, and scientific method 33
how they were made or for what purpose they were made, except for the
stories of their sages alone— and such are the majority of idolaters.9
While the first type involves bringing down the spiritual powers of
the stars at a time determined by the astral configuration, the second
is restricted to worship of the image without any astrological motiva-
tion, as is typical of the unlearned masses. Indeed, only the first type
is at all related to the intellect, which is therefore contaminated by
involvement with it. The second type has no intellectual aspect. Hence,
Maimonides states further on that this type is not true idolatry, for
those who practice it “are [merely] maintaining the custom of their
ancestors”; the intellectual and halakhic challenge is thus primarily
to discount the former type. It follows that Maimonides’ distinction
between the two types of magic is deliberate and reasoned. In other
words, there are good grounds for the thesis that Maimonides drew a
distinction between magic based upon detailed, meticulous astrological
calculations, on the one hand, and the popular magic of the igno-
rant masses, on the other; between “learned” magic and “primitive
magic.”10 While he was undoubtedly concerned to reject and refute
both types, which the masses held in considerable respect, he saw
his major intellectual and polemical challenge in contending with the
former category of astral magic, which is based upon knowledge.
What were the sources of Maimonides’ information about the bring-
ing down of spirituality? This question is highly relevant in regard to
Maimonides, who, in contrast to his predecessors, took the trouble (in
Guide 3.29) to disclose his sources at some length. These include Eastern
sources,11 Hermetic sources,12 and Sabian sources from Mesopotamia,
9 Maimonides, Commentary to the Mishnah, Hullin 1:1. See Yosef ha-Levi Faur,
Studies on Maimonides’ Code (The Book of Knowledge) [Hebrew] (Jerusalem, Mosad Harav
Kook, 1978), 228-229. On ruh§niyy§t (spirituality) in Muslim and Jewish magic, see
Shlomo Pines, “On the Term Ruhanyiut and Its Source, and on the Teaching of
Judah Halevi” [Hebrew], Tarbiz 57 (1988): 511-534. Moshe Idel, “Perceptions of the
Kabbalah in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century,” Journal of Jewish Thought
and Philosophy 1 (1991): 83-104.
10 In this respect, Maimonides differs from Nahmanides, who, for example, includes
the various kinds of magic in one group. See Nahmanides, Commentary on the Torah,
trans. Charles B. Chavell (New York: Shiloh Publishing House, 1973), Leviticus 16:
8; Deuteronomy 18:9. See Jose Faur, In the Shadow of History (Albany: SUNY Press,
1992), 1314; idem, “Two Forms of Jewish Spirituality,” Shofar 3 (1992): 5-46; Yitzhak
Tzvi Langermann, “Acceptance and Devaluation: Nahmanides’ Attitude towards
Science,” Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 1 (1992): 223-245.
11 Maimonides mentions, for instance, “the book of Tumtum,” which also includes
34 chapter two
matters of talismanic magic. This is a work of Hermetic character, and the following
tradition concerning the reason of the sacrifices is cited in its name in Guide 3:46
[582]: “Not as is the case in the cults of the idolaters who sacrifice lions, bears, and
other wild animals, as is mentioned in the book of Tumtum.” A similar tradition is
mentioned regarding the reason for the red heifer, which was taken in substitution
for the red lion as related in the books of the “idolaters,” in order to avert the danger
involved in hunting lions. This tradition appears at the beginning of the fourteenth
century in the writings of David Ibn Bilia (see Dov Schwartz, “Epigrams (Siyyurin) of
R. David Ibn Bilia” [Hebrew], Kiryat Sefer 63 (1990-1991): 641. Likewise, it appears
in the teachings of the rationalists of Provence in the fourteenth and early fifteenth
centuries, and in the following sources: (1) a letter of Kalonymus b. Kalonymus to
Joseph Ibn Kaspi (Kalonymos ben Kalonymos Sendscrhreiben an Joseph Kaspi, ed. Joseph
Perles [München: T. Ackermann, 1879], 6). (2) Jacob Farissol’s commentary to The
Kuzari: “And this is the very reason for the divine commandment concerning the
red heifer, even if R. Moses [Maimonides] did not explain it thus in the reasons for
the commandments in the Guide of the Perplexed. And the reason is the following, as is
found in the books of India: that at a certain time of year they would take a red lion,
which they would burn, and whoever was involved with it would become unclean,
and with its ashes they would purify the impure and the menstruant women, which
is the gravest impurity for them” (Bet Ya‘akov, MS. Berlin 124 [Ms. Or. Qu. 653],
52a). This passage also appears in another work from the circle of Farissol, Hesheq
Shlomo by Shlomo b. Judah of Lunel, Ms. Oxford-Bodleian 2383, 65a, and the inter-
pretation is described there as “the true reason”. The text of Ibn Bilia, Kalonymus
ben Kalonymus, Farissol, and Shlomo ben Judah is parallel to a well-known text
concerning the primordial Enoch, or Hermes. See Moshe Idel, “The Magical and
Neoplatonic Interpretation of the Kabbalah in the Renaissance,” in Jewish Thought
in the Sixteenth Century, ed. Bernard Dov Cooperman (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, 1983), 203-205. Maimonides, then, was familiar with the “book of
Tumtum,” which shows clear Hermetic tendencies. The work is also mentioned in
the Muqaddima of Ibn Khaldūn as a work by “Timtim the Indian” concerning “the
figures of the Zodiac and the stars” (Muqaddima, VI.27). This work, to the best of my
knowledge, has not yet been translated into Hebrew. For a bibliography of this book,
see Moritz Steinschneider, Zur Pseudepigraphischen Literatur des Mittelalters insbesondere der
geheimen Wissenschaften aus hebraischen und arabischen Quellen (Amsterdam: Philo Press,
1965) 83; Franz Rosenthal, trans. and ed. The Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History,
vol. 3 (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1967), 156, n. 748.
12 For example, Maimonides mentions, without elaborating further, “a book
Agriculture, see Daniil Avraamovich Khvolson, Über die Überreste der altbabylonischen Literatur
in arabischen Übersetzungen (St. Petersburg: Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften,
1859, rep. Amsterdam 1968) viii, 2, 505. For a description of the contents of the
book, see 440-446. A facsimile edition of the work was published by F. Sezgin in
Frankfort am Mein, 1984.
14 On talismanic magic, see Khvolson, Über die Überreste, 442-443. On these concepts
in Nabatean literature in general, see Daniil Avraamovitch Khvolson, Die Ssabier und
der Ssabismus, vol. 2 (St. Petersburg: Buchdruckerei der Kaiserlichen Akademie der
Wissenschaften, 1856), 30 et passim; Jan Hjaerpe, Analyse critique des traditions arabes
sur les sabéens harraniens (Uppsala: Skriv Service, 1972); Michel Tardieu, “Sabiens
Coraniques et ‘Sabiens’ de Harran,” Journal Asiatique 274 (1986): 1-44.
15 See Khvolson, Über die Überreste, 732-734. See al-Shahrastani, Kit§b al-Milal
1968), 17-18.
18 See Kristen Lippincott and David Pingree, “Ibn Al-H§tim on the Talismans of
the Lunar Mansion,” Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 50 (1987): 57-81.
19 See Henry Corbin, “Rituel sabéen et exégèse ismaelienne du rituel,” Eranos
Jahrbuch 19 (1950): 181-246; Yves Marquet, “Sabéens et Ihwan Al-Safa,” Studia Islamica
24 (1966): 35-80; 25 (1967): 35-80; Pines, “On the Term Råhanyyi§t,” 515-518.
36 chapter two
must wait and direct himself [to the time that] the star that is the object
of his action enters the Zodiac, and that it be directly [in his line of
vision] and not blocked by the line of any other star opposite to it in
nature. Thereafter he must know what minerals are under the sign of
that star, and then he shall make a latticed brazier, whose lower part
should be hollow and its upper part open to the atmosphere, and its
lower part is divided [so that] it stands upon two legs. Then you shall
mount it upon two legs and arouse what is desired of spirituality, as
much as you desire… And when you wish to bring down any creature
you wish, you must know which star rules it and its day of birth, and
make its image in stone under the sign of that same star and at its time,
and take care lest there be parallel to it a star opposite in nature from
that star or with it in the same constellation.20
According to Khvolson’s studies of the Book of Nabatean Agriculture,
Ibn Wahshiyya did not distinguish between different kinds of magic
on the basis of their intellectual value. The same holds true for the
other classic and Muslim magic sources that Maimonides might have
used. For instance, a careful examination of the fifty-second epistle of
the “Brethren of Purity,” which deals with sorcery, reveals no clear
distinction between bringing down spirituality in a definite astral
configuration and other, non-astral, forms of magic. Maimonides,
however, did postulate such a distinction between precise, calculated
astral magic, such as the bringing down of spirituality, and “ordinary”
sorcery. In this respect, his view corresponds to that of such works
as Picatrix..
Can Maimonides’ explicit distinction between these two types of
magic be traced in later medieval Jewish thought as well? In the late
thirteenth century, when almost all Jewish philosophical activity in
Spain took place in a Christian environment, several Jewish rationalist
thinkers rejected popular forms of magic, such as practical Kabbalah,
while also accepting astral magic as a real science.21 This development
may be exemplified by a description—in positive terms—of magic
20 Picatrix, Ms. München 214, 61a. On traditions from Ibn Wahshiyya, Book of
Frimer and Dov Schwartz, The Life and Thought of Shem Tov ibn Shaprut [Hebrew](Jerusalem:
Yad Yitzhak Ben Zvi and the Hebrew University, 1992), 56-166. Ibn Shaprut’s atti-
tude toward the popular belief in demons is characteristic: while completely rejecting
this belief in itself, he is prepared to recognize it within an astrological framework,
according to which the demons are spiritual powers drawn down from the stars.
See also ch. 4 below.
magic, experiential science, and scientific method 37
A Hidden Polemic?
Maimonides’ critique of astrology is aimed at a number of targets.23
In addition, his descriptions of talismanic magic seem basically to fit
Abraham ibn Ezra’s astral-magical exegesis of the concept of terafim.
According to this exegesis, terafim are images intended to bring down
22 Cited in Samuel Ibn Zarza, Meqor Hayyim (Mantua, 559), 121b-c. See Nehemiah
Aloni, “David Ibn Bilia and His Works” [Hebrew], Areshet (1944): 382. For a similar
description from a text that evidently belongs to the same circle, see Moshe Idel,
“An Astral-Magical Pneumatic Anthropoid,” Incognita 2 (1991): 12-14. Incidentally,
the burning of incense does not figure in this text. Burning incense was a common
technique in early and later works of astrology and magic, both Muslim and Christian.
Following are several examples: Sefer ha-Razim, ed. Mordechai Margalyot (Jerusalem:
American Academy of Jewish Sciences, 1967) 97; Mafteah Shlomo (facsimile), ed. Her-
mann Gollancz (Jerusalem: n.p., 1970) 15a-b; Sefer ha-Levanah, cited in Nahmanides,
Commentary to the Torah, Deuteronomy 18:9, ed. H. D. Chavel, vol. 2 (Jerusalem:
Mosad Harav Kook, 1960), 427, and in Rabbenu Bahya, Commentary to the Torah, ad
loc.. Selected passages appear in Fabrizio Lelli, “Le Version Ebraiche di un Testo
Ermetico: Il Sefer Ha-Levanah,” Henoch 12 (1990): 159-161. The full text of Sefer
ha-Levanah was first published by Albert W. Greenup (London, 1912).
23 Such as, for instance, the responsum of Abraham bar Hiyya regarding “inquiries
of the Chaldean [oracles].” See the discussion by Marx, “Correspondence between the
Rabbis of Southern France and Maimonides.” See also Israel Efros, Medieval Jewish
Philosophy: Terms and Concepts [Hebrew] (Tel-Aviv: Dvir, 1969) 153, and Schwartz,
Astral Magic, 24-25.
38 chapter two
62-64. On magical exegesis in the school influenced by Ibn Ezra’s writings, which
developed during the second half of the fourteenth century, see Dov Schwartz, “Various
Forms of Magic in Fourteenth Century Spanish Jewish Thought” [Hebrew], PAAJR
57 (1991): 17-47, esp. 24-25; and see idem, Astral Magic, 62-91.
25 Maimonides, Commentary to the Mishnah, Avodah Zarah 4.7.
26 Langermann, “Maimonides’ Repudiation,” 132-133, 140-141, points out that
magic, experiential science, and scientific method 39
uses the terms ’ittif§q as well as ‘arad to describe the element of chance in the sublunar
world. On these terms in Maimonides’ thought, see Abraham Nuriel, “Maimonides
on Chance in the World of Generation and Passing Away” [Hebrew], Jerusalem Stud-
ies in Jewish Thought 2 (1983): 41. On the doctrine of nature in Maimonides, see also
Arthur Hyman, “Some Aspects of Maimonides’ Philosophy of Nature,” La filosofia
della natura nel Medioevo (Milan: Vita e pensiero, 1966), 209-218.
29 Guide 3.37 [546]; ed. Munk-Joel, 400, l. 7.
30 This is indeed the magician’s basic assumption: magic is subject to constant
laws, and the desired results will therefore always follow from the magical act.
40 chapter two
31Willam Eamon, Science and the Secret of Nature (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Uni-
versity Press, 1994), 56.
magic, experiential science, and scientific method 41
called “the third powers,” such as the laxative power of laxative remedies,
or [remedies] that induce vomiting, or the property of a drug to kill or
save the person who drinks it or is stung by some poisonous creature.
All these actions derive from form, not from matter.32
The action of the segullot cannot be attributed exclusively to the pri-
mary opposites (dry, wet, hot, cold) and their combinations; it may be
discovered only through experience. Thus, their efficacy stems from
their forma specifica [their form as species], that is, from the essence of
the objects concerned and from their powers. As a physician, Mai-
monides could only acknowledge that certain medicinal herbs were
efficacious by virtue of such special properties, although he could not
explain the phenomenon in the framework of the Aristotelian scien-
tific paradigm to which he subscribed. He devoted a special section
in Aphorisms (Chapter 22) to various segullot, quoting extensively from
Muslim medical literature on the subject. For example, concerning a
remedy for healing epilepsy, he writes: “and this has already been tried
and tested.”33 In other words, he acknowledges the pharmacological
efficacy of such remedies although it cannot be derived in any logical
way from the material structure of the object.
As to the possible connection between segullot and magic, particularly
in the context of the halakhic concept of “the ways of the Amorite,”
Maimonides writes in the Guide of the Perplexed:
In order to keep people away from all magical practices, it has been
prohibited to observe any of their [the idolaters’] usages… I mean all
that is said to be useful, but is not required by speculation concerning
nature, and takes its course, in their opinion, in accordance with occult
properties.34 This is the meaning of its dictum: “And ye shall not walk
in the customs [huqqot] of the nation” [Lev. 20:23], these being those
Moses Ibn Tibbon, ed. Sussman Muntner (Jerusalem, Mosad Harav Kook, 1961)
13. See J. O. Leibowitz and S. Marcus, “Sefer Hanisyonot”: The Book of Medical Experi-
ences Attributed to Abraham Ibn Ezra (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1984) 18; Yitzhak Tzvi
Langermann, “Gersonides on the Magnet and the Heat of the Sun,” in Studies on
Gersonides: A Fourteenth-Century Jewish Philosopher-Scientist, ed. Gad Freudenthal (Leiden:
Brill, 1992), 269-275; Schwartz, Astral Magic, 53-54, 59-60. The distinction between
effects due to quality and effects due to form was common in the Middle Ages. See,
for example, Abravanel, Commentary on the Torah, Deuteronomy 18:9 (Jerusalem,
1964) 175.
33 Pirqei Moshe (Aphorisms of Moses), trans. Nathan ha-Me’ati, ed. Sussman Muntner
(Jerusalem: Mosad Harav Kook, 1961), 270 (18); see 272 (35). This example is also
adduced in Guide 3:37.
34 In the source: al-khaw§ß (Munk-Joel, 398, l. 10), meaning “special property.” The
42 chapter two
that are called by [the sages], may their memory be blessed, ways of
the Amorite. For they are branches of magical practices, inasmuch as
they are things not required by reasoning concerning nature and lead to
magical practices that of necessity seek support in astrological notions.
Accordingly the matter is turned into a glorification and a worship of
the stars. They say explicitly: “All that pertains to medicine does not
pertain to the ways of the Amorite” [TB Shabbat 67a]. They mean by
this that all that is required by speculation concerning nature is permit-
ted, whereas other practices are forbidden... For it is allowed to use all
remedies similar to these that experience has shown to be valid even if
reasoning (qiy§s) does not require them.35
In this passage, Maimonides presents two clear criteria for distinguishing
the action of magic from that of segullot. A magical act must have two
characteristics: (1) it may be associated with astrology (“seek support in
astrological notions”); (2) it cannot be included within the framework
of the laws of nature, whether theoretical or experiential. The action
of a segullah, on the other hand, has nothing to do with astrology, and
is moreover confirmed by experience. Hence, Maimonides classifies
the action of segullot as processes that take place in the material world
but are not subject to logical reasoning and do not derive from the
qualities of the object. This classification should be understood in light
of Maimonides’ well-known statement: “All that Aristotle states about
that which is beneath the sphere of the moon is in accordance with
[logical] reasoning.”36 And Maimonides goes on to stipulate three
conditions by virtue of which a physical process becomes a logical
inference: (1) “things that have a known cause,” (2) “that follow one
word is derived from khaß, that is, “special” or “unique.” Ibn Tibbon in his translation
therefore added the synonymous term ha-kohot ha-meyuhadot, as the term equivalent
to segullah would be kohot (meaning hidden in the forms of matter). Moreover, we
have already explicitly stated that segullot are designated kohot, meaning “forces” (see
above). This being so, it would appear that Qafih’s sharp comment in his translation
(Moreh Nevukhim, vol. 3 [Jerusalem: Mosad Harav Kook, 1972] 594, n. 32) is totally
inappropriate. Note that Al-Harizi translated al-khaw§ß simply as kohot.
35 Guide 3.37 [543, 544]. On the permission to use medicinal remedies, see
Maimonides’ ruling in Code, Laws of Sabbath, 19:13. See Entsiqlopedya Talmudit, vol.
7, 706-712.
36 Guide 2.24 [326]. See W. M. Feldman, “Maimonides as Physician and Scientist,”
in Moses Maimonides, ed. Isidore Epstein (London: Soncino Press, 1935) 130-132. See
also the extensive study by Joel Kraemer, “Maimonides on Aristotle and the Scientific
Method” [Hebrew], Shlomo Pines Jubilee Volume: On the Occasion of His Eightieth Birthday,
ed. Moshe Idel, Warren Zeev Harvey and Eliezer Schweid (Jerusalem: Jerusalem
Studies in Jewish Thought, 1990), 193-224, esp. 215-216.
magic, experiential science, and scientific method 43
Logic (New York: American Academy for Jewish Research, 1938), 40, ll. 16-17. See
also ch. 14, 61, l. 9. The example given there by Maimonides is the beneficial action
of the drug scammonia (mentioned in Aphorisms of Moses, ch. 20. See Pirqei Moshe, 229
[13] for the processes of digestion and excretion).
44 chapter two
38In the above quotation: “that of necessity seek support in astrological notions.”
On the profound philosophical and scientific motives for Maimonides’ condemnation
of astrology as idolatrous see Langermann, “Maimonides’ Repudiation,” 146-151.
Thorndike, while realizing Maimonides’ “retreat” from a total rejection of magic
in medical matters, overlooked the fact that he removed segullot from the realm of
astrology; see Thorndike, A History of Magic and Experimental Science, vol. 2, 209.
39 Fourteenth century exegetes of Ibn Ezra’s circle interpreted biblical passages in
light of the possibility of hastening the ripening of fruits. See Dov Schwartz, “Worship
of God or of Star? The Controversy of R. Abraham al-Tabib and R. Solomon Franco”
[Hebrew], Kabbalah: Journal for the Study of Jewish Mystical Texts 1 (1996): 219.
magic, experiential science, and scientific method 45
40 Rashba was only one of many critics who attacked Maimonides for failing
to adhere to rabbinic views. See, for example, Nissim Girondi, Derashot ha-Ran, ed.
Aryeh L. Feldman (Jerusalem: Shalem Institute, 1977) 205, 220; Yosef b. David of
Saragosa, Commentary on the Torah, ed. Aryeh L. Feldman (Jerusalem: Shalem Institute,
1970) 121. For examples of magical material in the Talmud ignored by Maimonides,
see Lewis, “Maimonides on Superstition,” 584-684. See Dov Schwartz, “The Debate
on Astral Magic in Provence in the Fourteenth Century” [Hebrew], Zion 58 (1993):
46 chapter two
41 The responsum was printed in Abba Mari of Lunel’s book Minhat Qena’ot, ch.
21, and in Rashba, Responsa, 1: 414. The quotations are from Rashba, Responsa, ed.
Hayyim Z. Dimitrovsky, Part I, vol. 1 (Jerusalem: Mosad Harav Kook, 1990) 285-
287, ll. 56-59, 72-73.
42 Ibid., 287-288, ll. 85-87. See Twersky, “Halakhah and Science,” 137, n. 54.
43 Ibid., 309, ll. 348-349.
44 Ibid., 309, l. 356.
45 On the connection between this polemic and magical teachings, see Shatz-
magic, experiential science, and scientific method 47
miller, “The Form of the Twelve Constellations,” 397-398, and the bibliography cited
there. In addition, Nahmanides’ influence on Rashba in this connection should not
be ignored. Compare David Margalit, Jewish Sages as Physicians [Hebrew] (Jerusalem:
Mosad Harav Kook, 1962), 131-133. For a comprehensive discussion see Schwartz,
Astral Magic, 219-261.
48 chapter two
priests of high places and Baalim and Ashtarot, and those who make
images and talismans, that is to say, they [sacrifices] help in various
things through their pleasant odors, for the odor of burning flesh and
fats are a marvelous segullah for this.46
Returning now to Maimonides’ distinction between astral magic and
the doctrine of segullot, let us refine that distinction, noting that his
position in relation to experientially discovered remedies is rooted
in his scientific methodology. As Kraemer has already observed,47
Maimonides does not reject findings that have not been obtained by
demonstrative methods, that is, by logical reasoning. He requires such
findings, however, to be treated within the framework of other modes
of inference, namely, by dialectical reasoning, which is influenced to
some degree by human subjectivity. Dialectical reasoning is an integral
part of science, though considered inferior in validity to demonstrative
methods. The study of segullot does indeed belong to natural science,
but its findings are discovered by experience and hence not derivable
by logical inference. In addition, there is a significant affinity between
the medicinal benefits of segullot and Aristotle’s biological teaching,
which employs different methods of research than physics and closer
to those of experimental science,48 as Maimonides was apparently well
aware. Similarly, Galen’s medical works are also partly based upon
experience.49 This being so, the study of those segullot that meet the
requirements of science may be considered a scientific discipline. Yet,
any association of such studies with astrology pulls the “scientific”
ground from beneath them and takes matters into a halakhically
He-Halutz 7 (1865): 130. On further references related to magic in Ma‘aseh Nissim, see
Schorr’s comments, 111-112. The magical link between the sacrificial rite and the
prediction of the future appears in other sources. See, for instance, the paraphrase to
a commentary on Sefer Yetsirah by Judah ibn Malkah, Kit§b Uns wa-TafsÊr, ed. Georges
Vajda (Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University, 1974) 26 (the abridger notes the Hermetic
source of the material). See also the responsum of Profiat Duran to Meir Crescas,
which relies upon Ibn Ezra’s commentary to Leviticus 1:1 (“There are also in the
burnt offerings secrets concerning the future.” See Idel, “Magical and Neoplatonic
Interpretation,” 81-82.
47 Kraemer, “On Aristotle and the Scientific Method,” 220.
48 See, for example, G. E. R. Lloyd, “Experiment in Early Greek Philosophy
and Medicine,” Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society 190 (1964): 50-72; Robert
Bolton, “Definition and Scientific Method in Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics and Generation
of Animals,” in Philosophical Issues in Aristotle’s Biology, ed. Allan Gotthelf and James G.
Lennox (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987), 120-166.
49 See Thorndike, A History of Magic, vol. 2, 139-165.
magic, experiential science, and scientific method 49
50 One of the earliest thinkers to deal at length with astral magic was Judah b.
Nissim ibn Malkah, as shown by the studies of Georges Vajda. On the period of his
activity, see Moshe Idel, “The Beginning of North African Kabbalah?” [Hebrew],
Pe#amim 43 (1990): 6-7.
51 See Yitzhak Folker, Ezer ha-Dat, ed. Jacob Levinger (Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv Uni-
53See Beth ha-Behirah le-Masekhet Shabbat, ed. Yitzhak Shimson Lange (Jerusalem:
n.p. 1976) 249-250. In this source, Menahem ha-Meiri attributes simple magical
belief to “nursing women and those who raise their children in the study of these
vain things” (250). On Meiri’s attitude to astral magic, see Dov Schwartz, “La Magie
Astrale dans la pensée juive rationaliste en Provence au XIVe siècle,” AHDLMA 61
(1994): 35-37; idem, Astral Magic, 219-261.
54 Sefer Behinat ha-Dat, ed. Jacob Joshua Ross (Tel-Aviv: Tel-Avi University, 1984),
55 Ketav Hitnazzelut, printed in Teshuvot ha-Rashba (Bologna, 1539), 79b. Note that
Jedaiah indeed rejects the reality of astral magic. One of the benefits gained by
studying the secular sciences, he believes, is their use in proving the inefficacy of
such magic. See ibid., 81a, and Schwartz, Astral Magic, 219-261.
56 Rashba, Responsa, 79c. Incidentally, Gersonides follows a similar line, interpreting
the terafim as a means of bringing astral influence down to images, adding that they
were “a thing that arouses the power of the imagination” (Commentary to 1 Samuel
15:23), and see Schwartz, Astral Magic, 237-243.
52 chapter two
Ibn Zarza for the sacrificial rite as negating the harm caused by the stars, see Dov
Schwartz, The Religious Philosophy of R. Samuel ibn Zarza [Hebrew] (Ph. D. diss., Bar
Ilan University, 1989), 1: 180.
magic, experiential science, and scientific method 53
60 Samuel ibn Zarza, Mikhlol Yofi, Ms. Paris Heb. 729-730, Coll. 1, 217a. Solomon
Alconstantin likewise claims that Maimonides certainly did not ignore the magical-
astral rationale for sacrifices. See Dov Schwartz, “Astrology and Astral Magic in the
Writings of R. Salomon Alconstantin” [Hebrew], Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Folklore 15
(1993): 56; idem, Astral Magic, 118.
61 On a similar phenomenon in the teaching of Ibn Shaprut, see Schwartz,
“Various Forms of Magic,” 44, n. 73; Frimer and Schwartz, The Life and Thought of
Shem Tov ibn Shaprut, 162. Note also two formulas in the realm of alchemy that were
attributed to Maimonides in Ms. Manchester-Gaster 1435. See: Iggerot ha-Rambam,
ed. Yitzhak Shailat, vol. 2 (Jerusalem: Ma#lyiot, 1988) 693-694. Shailat remarks that
it is questionable “the author did not know Maimonides’ attitude to alchemy.” More
probably, the copyist wished to appropriate the authoritative figure of Maimonides
to legitimize alchemical activities close to his own heart.
62 Ibn Khaldån, Muqaddima, 258-267.
54 chapter two
thinkers. For example, the circle of Provençal exegetes of The Kuzari at the beginning
of the fifteenth century consistently attributed this work to him. See, for instance,
Nathaniel Kaspi, Edut le-Yisra’el (Commentary toThe Kuzari), Ms. Paris 677, 21b, 158a,
181a; Jacob Farissol, Beth Ya‘akov, Ms. Berlin 124, 18b, 122b, 123a, 139b; Solomon
ben Judah of Lunel, Hesheq Shelomo, Ms. Oxford-Bodleian 2383, 20b, 139b. A special
chapter in Moznei ha-‘Iyyunim discusses the spiritual powers of the stars and techniques
for bringing them down. On this work, see Binyamin Abrahamov, “The Sources of
Moznei ha-‘Iyyunim” [Hebrew], Da#at 34 (1995): 83-86.
64 See Moshe Idel, “Maimonides and Kabbalah,” Studies in Maimonides, ed. Isadore
and Kabbalah,” 79. A similar phenomenon may be observed in our own times. A
group of yeshivah students engaged in the study of Jewish astrological writings has
already published two books in a series entitled “Astrology from a Torah Perspective”
(Ha-Itztagninut be-Aspaqlaryah shel Torah): Shelomo Peniel, Or Einayim (Jerusalem: A.
Fischer, 1983); and a selection of writings by Moses Sofer (Hatam Sofer) on astrology
(Jerusalem, 1984). Both books open with a publisher’s introduction citing various
passages from Maimonides’ writings on the value of knowledge about the universe
as a motto for the entire book, as if Maimonides had never written anything in
condemnation of astrology!
from theurgy to magic 55
1On the evidence of Rashba as collected in Minhat Qena’ot. See David Margalit,
Jewish Sages as Physicians [Hebrew] (Jerusalem: Mosad Harav Kook, 1962), 131-133; Isaiah
from theurgy to magic 57
Shachar, “The Seal of Nahmanides” [Hebrew], in Jerusalem in the Middle Ages: Selected
Papers, ed. Benjamin Z. Kedar and Zvi Baras (Jerusalem: Yad Yitzhak Ben Zvi,
1979), 146-147.
2 Nahmanides, Commentary on the Torah, 5 vols. trans. Charles B. Chavel (New
York: Shilo Publishing House, 1971-76) Genesis 4:3 [88]; Exodus 22:19 [392]. All
further quotations from Nahmanides’ Torah commentary are from this translation,
with occasional modifications. Number in square brackets refers to page in the cor-
responding volume.
3 Exodus 27:8 (the expression).
4 Nahmanides cites rabbinic sources (Sifri, Pinehas, 143; TB Menahot 110a)
according to which the only Divine Name occurring in the texts relating to sacrifice
is the Tetragrammaton. He quotes several passages dealing with sacrifices, however,
in which names derived from the name Elohim are used. His explanation is that a
sacrifice, by its very nature, involves a sacrifice to esh, “fire,” which represents the
attribute of din (justice). In this sense, the sacrifice is a ransom, as it were, intended
to allay divine wrath. The celebrant’s intentions, however, should be directed toward
the attribute of hesed (love). See Chayim Henoch, Nahmanides Philosopher and Mystic
(Jerusalem: The Harry Fischel Institute for Research in Jewish Law, 1978), 404-407.
In Henoch’s interpretation, the divine influence descends to the sefirot in a fixed order,
one after the other. See Elliot R. Wolfson, “By Way of Truth: Aspects of Nahmanides’
Kabbalistic Hermeneutic,” AJS Review 14 (1989), 131-133.
5 The association of the Tetragrammaton (represented here by “the Lord”) with
58 chapter three
this being the meaning of the expression “it is a burnt offering… a fire-
offering” (olah hu… isheh hu) [Exodus 29:25]… That is why the verse
says, “for the fire-offerings (ishei) of the Lord, the bread of their God,
they offer and they shall be holy,” for the offering of their God is unto
the ishei of the Lord; and therefore the Rabbis have said that in [the
section of the Torah that presents] the commands for the offerings, it
does not mention El or Elohim (God), but “a fire-offering to the Lord,
a pleasing odor to the Lord,” for the intention must be to the Lord
alone, and he who performs the acts of offering it up should have no
other intention save only to the proper Name [the Tetragrammaton].
It is with reference to this too that it is said, [speaking of the offer-
ings,] “They shall come up with acceptance on My altar, and I will
add glory to My glorious house” [Isaiah 60:7]—meaning to say that the
offerings shall be accepted upon His altar, and He will then add glory
to His glorious house when they go up for a pleasing odor, the word
“pleasing” (nihoah) being derived from the expression “there rests” (nahah)
the spirit of Elijah on Elisha”; “and there rested (va-tanah) the spirit upon
them” [Numbers 11:26]. Likewise all terms of qorban (offering) [from the
root qrb, near] are expressions of approaching and unity.6
This kabbalistic interpretation is given after an exposition of the
psychological explanation, according to which the actions involved
in offering the sacrifice shape the celebrant’s thoughts.7 This passage,
the attribute of mercy or compassion (tif’eret, lit.: “splendor”) first appears in the com-
mentary to Genesis 7:1 [114-115]: “[But] now with the attribute of mercy He hinted
to him concerning the sacrifice, to inform him that He will have regard for his offering
and that by the merit of his offering, the world will exist, never again to be cut off by
the waters of the flood. This is why the Tetragrammaton is mentioned here.”
6 Commentary to Leviticus 1:9 [23-25]. The last sentence derives from Sefer
ha-Bahir: “Why is [a sacrifice] called a qorban? Because it brings near [meqarev] the
forms of the holy powers… And nihoah is nothing but descent, as it is said, “and he
descended” [Leviticus 9:22], translated [into Aramaic] ve-nahit, meaning that the
spirit descends and becomes one with those holy forms and is brought near by the
sacrifice, and therefore it is called qorban” (Margalyot ed., para. 109). See Gershom
Scholem, The Kabbalah in Gerona [Hebrew] (Jerusalem: Mif#al Hashikhpul, 1976), 334;
Henoch, Nahmanides Philosopher and Mystic, 401.
7 “Since man’s deeds are accomplished through thought, speech and action,
therefore God commanded that when man sins and brings an offering, he should
lay his hands upon it in contrast to the [evil] deed [committed]. He should confess
his sin verbally in contrast to his [evil] speech, and he should burn the inwards and
the kidneys [of the offering] in fire because they are the instruments of thought and
desire in the human being. He should burn the legs [of the offering] since they cor-
respond to the hands and feet of a person, which do all his work. He should sprinkle
the blood upon the altar, which is analogous to the blood in his body. All these acts
are performed in order that when they are done, a person should realize that he has
sinned against his God with his body and his soul, and that his blood should really
from theurgy to magic 59
be spilled and his body burned, were it not for the loving-kindness of the Creator,
who took from him a substitute and a ransom, namely, this offering, so that its blood
should be in place of his blood, its life in place of his life, and that the chief limbs
of the offering should be in place of the chief parts of his body. The portions [of the
sin-offering given to the priests] are in order to support the teachers of the Torah,
so that they pray on his behalf. The reason for the daily public offering is that it is
impossible for the public [as a whole] to continually avoid sin. Now these are words
which are worthy to be accepted, appealing to the heart as do words of Aggadah”
(Commentary on Leviticus 1:9 [21]).
8 See below, note 34.
9 See Isaac of Acre on sacrifice: “For many of the things R. Azriel associates with
hesed and pahad [fear (din), the master (Nahmanides), may he rest in peace, associates
them with tif’eret and atarah [malkhut]” (Amos Goldreich, Sefer Me’irat Eynayim le-R. Yit-
zhak de-min Akko (Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 1984), 146 ll. 16-17. R. Isaac tries to
resolve the contradiction between the two. See Moshe Idel, “R. Moshe ben Nahman:
Kabbalah, Halakhah, and Spiritual Leadership” [Hebrew], Tarbiz 64 (1995): 541.
10 See Elliot Wolfson, “The Secret of the Garment in Nahmanides” [Hebrew],
(the crown)] an object of tif’eret (splendor), alluded to in the Ineffable Name, and
this splendor is known as hokhmah [wisdom].” Gershom Scholem, “The Genuine
Commentary of Nahmanides to the Book of Creation and other Kabbalistic Writings
Attributed to Him” [Hebrew], in Studies in Kabbalah (I), ed. Yosef Ben-Shlomo and
Moshe Idel (Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv: Am Oved, 1998), 89. Nahmanides, in his com-
mentary to Exodus 3:13 [39], identifies Yah with both hokhmah and tif’eret: “It is for
this reason that God commands Moses yet further, ‘The Lord… has sent me to you’
(Exodus 3:15), for this Name [the Tetragrammaton] indicates the attribute of mercy,
and thus they will know that He ‘made His glorious arm [zeroa tif’arto] march at the
right hand of Moses’ [Isaiah 63:12] and He will make new signs and wonders in the
world… For the two final letters of the first name [Ehyeh, the letters being yod and he]
constitute the first ones in this one [the Tetragrammaton]; for in the first they indicate
the wisdom of Solomon… and in this one they indicate the wisdom of God. And the
letter alef in the first [name] indicates eternity and unity, and the yod—the ten sefirot
of bli mah.” At the beginning of this passage, Nahmanides identifies Yah (the first two
letters of the Tetragrammaton) with tif’eret, which performs miracles when nourished
by din. Further, he discusses the structure of the name Ehyeh: The alef represents the
crown and yod-he wisdom. It seems plausible, therefore, that Nahmanides explains
60 chapter three
13 See Moshe Idel, Kabbalah: New Perspectives (New Haven: Yale University Press,
1988), 167. See also Michal Kushnir-Oron’s comment in her edition of Sha’ar ha-Razim
by Todros b. Joseph Abulafia (Jerusalem: Bialik Institute, 1989), 145.
from theurgy to magic 61
to Egypt, which were aimed at bringing the sefirot nearer but were
at the same time a technique of ransom. “When Jacob was about to
go down to Egypt, he saw that the exile was beginning for him and
his children, and he feared it, so he offered many sacrifices to ‘the
fear of his father Isaac’ in order that divine judgment not be aimed
against him14… But on account of his fear of the Lord, Jacob offered
peace-offerings in order to bring all divine attributes into accord
towards him.”15 The concept of ransom is even more far-reaching
in Nahmanides’ interpretation of the goat dispatched to Azazel (the
scapegoat) on the Day of Atonement. According to him, the object of
this precept is to channel the destructive influence of Mars to the goat,
thereby averting its application to Israel. Thus, the goat is offered to
Mars by explicit divine command:
Now the Torah has absolutely forbidden to accept them [the angels, the
source of the power of the spheres] as deities, or to worship them in any
manner. However, the Holy One, blessed be He, commanded us that on
the Day of Atonement we should let loose a goat in the wilderness, to
that “lord” [power] which rules over wastelands, and this [goat] is fitting
for it because he is its master, and destruction and waste emanate from
that power, which in turn is the cause of the stars of the sword, wars,
quarrels, wounds, plagues, division and destruction.16 In short, it is the
spirit of the sphere of Mars,17 and its part among the nations is Esau
14 Later in the commentary, Nahmanides states: “Thus, by the merit of the sac-
rifices, the God of his father Isaac appeared to him in the visions of the night with
an ameliorated Divine attribute of Justice” (commentary on Genesis 46:1[543]).
15 Ibid. [542].
16 Compare Ibn Ezra: “Mars is hot, dry, burning, harmful and destructive, it
signifies destruction and drought and fires and rebellion and blood and slaying and
war and disputes and division” (Raphael Levy and Francisco Cantera, eds. Sefer
Reshit Hokhmah [The Beginning of Wisdom] [Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,
1939], xlvi).
17 Elsewhere, the sources of the heavenly powers are “lords who abide in the
atmosphere as the angels do in the heavens” and “the Separate Intelligences, which
are the soul of the constellations” (commentary on Exodus 20:3 [294-296]). The term
“soul of the constellations” is probably unrelated to the term “soul of the sphere,”
as the Peripatetics, for example, call the psychological motive power that moves the
spheres. More probably, the concept includes the functions of both the Separate
Intelligences and the spirituality of the stars. I discuss this subject at length in Astral
Magic. Nahmanides’ disciple Rashba notes that “the lords on high” are “the spirit
of the spheres, like the guardian angel of Esau and the other nations” (Hiddushei
Rashba: Perushei ha-Haggadot, ed. Aryeh L. Feldman [Jerusalem: Mosad Harav Kook,
1991], 11). Rashba uses the expression “spiritual form” for the forces moving the
spheres; see below.
62 chapter three
[Rome], the people that inherited the sword and the wars, and among
the animals [its portion consists of] the se#irim (demons) and the goats.
Also in its portion are the devils called “destroyers” in the language of
our Rabbis,18 and in the language of Scripture: se#irim (satyrs, demons),
for thus he [Esau] and his nation were called se#ir. Now the intention in
sending away the goat to the desert was not that it should be an offering
from us to it—Heaven forbid! Rather, our intention should be to fulfill
the wish of our Creator, Who commanded us to do so.19
Nahmanides was aware that the ritual of the scapegoat could be
construed as idolatry. We see, however, from the end of this passage
that he was quite content with the fact that the ritual was a result
of divine command. The difference between idolatry and such an
act is a question of intention only.20 In this connection, Nahmanides
clearly delineates the two possible ways of explaining the precept—the
magic-astral and the kabbalistic:
Thus the matter is explained, unless you pursue a further investigation
from this subject to that of the Separate Intelligences and how the spirits
[are affected by] the offerings—[the influence upon the spirits] being
known through the study of necromancy, while that of the [Separate]
Intelligences is known by means of certain allusions of the Torah to
those who understand their secrets. I cannot explain more, for I would
have to shut the mouths of those who claim to be wise in the study of
nature, following after that Greek [philosopher Aristotle] who denied
18 See TB Berakhot 3b, 8a, and so forth In the magical literature, demons are com-
monly considered to be the natural denizens of the desert, which in turn is associated
with the scapegoat. See, for instance, Edina Bozoky, “Mythic Mediation in Healing
Incantations,” in Health, Disease, and Healing in Medieval Culture, ed. Sheila Campbell,
Bert Hall and David Klausner (London: St Martin’s Press, 1992), 85-86.
19 Commentary on Leviticus 16:8 [219-220]. Nahmanides states of the red heifer:
“The purport thereof is analogous to that of the goat sent away [to Azazel], which
is to remove the spirit of impurity” (ibid., 221). For the relevant interpretation of the
fourteenth century kabbalistic supercommentators, see Henoch, Nahmanides Philosopher
and Mystic, 414-427. On the phenomenon of the goat and its association with demons
see James G. Frazer, The Golden Bough (abridged edn.), vol. 2 (New York: Avenel
Books, 1981), 182 ff.
20 This is the meaning of the parable in which a person, in the course of a ban-
quet he has made for his master, obeys the master’s command to give his servant a
share of the food, out of respect for the master. See Josef Stern, ‘The Fall and Rise
of Myth in Ritual: Maimonides versus Nahmanides on the Huqqim, Astrology, and
the War against Idolatry,” Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 6 (1997): 247-249.
On the place of this idea of Nahmanides in the fourteenth century controversy see
Dov Schwartz, “Worship of God or of a Star?: The Controversy of R. Abraham
al-Tabib and R. Solomon Franco” [Hebrew], Kabbalah: Journal for the Study of Jewish
Mystical Texts 1 (1996):” 248-249.
from theurgy to magic 63
commentary on Exodus 20:3 [295]: “The third kind of idolatry appeared afterwards
when people began worshiping the demons which are spirits, as I will explain with
God’s help. Some of them too are appointed over the peoples to be masters in their
lands and to harm their beleaguered ones and those who have stumbled, as is known
of their activity through the art of necromancy, as well as through the words of our
Rabbis. It is with reference to this [third kind of idolatry] that Scripture says, ‘They
sacrificed to demons, no-gods, gods they had never known, new gods, who came but
lately, whom your fathers dreaded not’ [Deuteronomy 32:17]. Scripture ridicules
them [the Israelites], saying that they sacrifice also to the demons who are no gods
at all. That is to say, they are not like the angels who are called eloah. Instead, they
are gods that they had never known, meaning that they found in them no trace of
might or power of rulership. Furthermore, they are new to them, having learned only
lately to worship them from the Egyptian sorcerers, and even their wicked forefathers
such as Terah and Nimrod did not dread them at all. Of this [kind of idolatry]
Scripture warns, ‘They shall offer their sacrifices no more to the demons after whom
they stray’ [Leviticus 17:7].” In Nahmanides’ view, demons are inferior to stars. He
seems to have adopted the conception of Sefer ha-Atsamim, misattributed to Ibn Ezra,
in which the demons represent a negative, inferior type of astral spirituality. The goal
of necromancy is to bring these spirits down to earth. See Sefer ha-Atsamim [Book of
Substances], ed. Menasheh Grosberg (London: Rabinovitch, 1901), 16. According to
Nahmanides, Egyptian religion also involved astrology. See, for instance, his quotation
from The Guide of the Perplexed in his commentary on Genesis 11:28. On the association
of the Separate Intelligences with the sefirot see Assi Farber, “On the Sources of R.
Moses de Leon’s Early Kabbalistic System” [Hebrew], in Studies in Jewish Mysticism,
Philosophy and Ethical Literature, Presented to Isaiah Tishbi on His Seventy-Fifth Birthday, ed.
Yosef Dan and Yosef Hacker (Jerusalem: Magnes, 1986), 84-87.
22 Genesis Rabba 16:4 (ed. Theodor-Albeck, 149).
23 In his commentary on Genesis 3:22 [86], Nahmanides again discusses this
homily, referring to “the fruit of the tree of knowledge below and on high” as “a
64 chapter three
form of “rain of goodwill and blessing,” through which they grow. This
conforms to what the Rabbis have said: “The Trees of the Lord drink
their fill, the cedars of Lebanon, His own planting’ [Psalms 104:16]. R.
Hanina said: Their life shall have its fill; their waters shall have their
fill; their plantings shall have their fill. “Their life” refers to their higher
foundations; “their wastes” refer to His good treasure which brings down
the rain; and “their plantings” refer to their force in heaven, just as the
Rabbis have said: There is not a single blade of grass below that does
not have a constellation in heaven that smites it and says to it, “Grow.”
It is this which Scripture says, “Do you know the laws of heaven or
impose its authority (mishtarah) on earth?” [Job 38:33]—[mishtarah being
derived from the same root as] shoter (executive officer).24
The sacrificial rite, then, has an active influence on attracting (“exten-
sion”) the emanation to the sefirot (“higher foundations”) and to the
stars (“their force in heaven”) at the same time. This theurgic and
magic influence has immensely beneficial results in the material world,
for Nahmanides holds that the Garden of Eden is a material, geo-
graphic location.25 Thus, offering a sacrifice produces abundant rain,
nourishing trees and other vegetation. Elsewhere, I have shown that
Nahmanides’ portrayal of the emanation that can be drawn down
and used has two aspects: a supernal one, as the divine emanation
originating in the world of sefirot, and an inferior one, as the astral
emanation flowing from the stars. Clearly, what we have here is exactly
the same emanation, which is essentially two-dimensional.26 Theurgic
technique is therefore also magic-astral, as indicated by discussion of
the reasons for the sacrifices.
The magic-astral model in Nahmanides’ Kabbalah is further con-
solidated by the fact that he was influenced, terminologically and
otherwise, by Abraham ibn Ezra’s conception of sacrifice. In his
high and lofty” secret. That is, the earthly tree of knowledge has a counterpart in
the world of the sefirot (malkhut). Nevertheless, the heavenly status of the Garden of
Eden does not detract from its earthly-geographical meaning, which is Nahmanides’
concern in this passage. See below.
24 Commentary on Genesis 2:8 [70-71]. The homily quoted at the end of this
passage is from Genesis Rabba 10:6 (ed. Theodor-Albeck, 79). See Daniel C. Matt,
“The Mystic and the Mitsvot,” in Jewish Spirituality, vol. 1, ed. Arthur Green (London:
Crossroad, 1986), 381. Matt does not discuss the astral aspect of emanation.
25 See Havivah Pedayah, “The Spirit vs. the Concrete Land of Israel in the
Geronese School of Kabbalah” [Hebrew], inThe Land of Israel in Medieval Jewish Thought,
ed. Moshe Hallamish and Aviezer Ravitzky (Jerusalem: Yad Yitzhak Ben Zvi, 1991),
278-279; Schwartz, Messianism in Medieval Jewish Thought, 106.
26 Schwartz, Astral Magic, 134-140.
from theurgy to magic 65
Chavel (Jerusalem: Mosad Harav Kook, 1963), 163. See above, note 7.
28 Ibid., 164 (my emphasis).
29 Ibid. Ibn Ezra’s influence in Nahmanides’ concept of talismanic magic reaches
its peak in the latter’s commentary on the ritual of the scapegoat. See above, note
19; and see Schwartz, Astral Magic, ch. 4.
30 See Gershom Scholem, Origins of the Kabbalah (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication
Society, 1987), 387, 411. See Bernard Septimus, ‘“Open Rebuke and Concealed Love’:
Nahmanides and the Andalusian Tradition,” in Rabbi Moses Nahmanides (Ramban):
66 chapter three
Explorations in his Religious and Literary Virtuosity,” ed. Isadore Twersky (Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University Center for Jewish Studies, 1983), 11-34.
31 Shmuel Yerushalmi, Sermons and Commentaries of R. Jonah Gerondi on the Pentateuch
[Hebrew] (Jerusalem: H. Vagshal, 1988), 172. On the author of these sermons see
Israel Ta-Shma, “Ashkenazi Hasidism in Spain: R. Jonah Gerondi, The Man and His
Work” [Hebrew], in Exile and Diaspora: Studies in the History of the Jewish People Presented
to Professor Haim Beinart, ed. Aharon Mirsky et. al. (Jerusalem: Ben Zvi Institute, 1988),
188-191; idem, Ha-Nigle she-Banistar—The Halakhic Residue in the Zohar: A Contribution to
the Study of the Zohar [Hebrew] (Tel-Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuhad, 1995), 99-100.
from theurgy to magic 67
32 Sefer ha-Hinnukh, ed. Charles D. Chavel (Jerusalem; Mosad Harav Kook, 1974),
153, ll. 5-6. On the author’s identity see Israel Ta-Shma, “The Real Author of Sefer
ha-Hinnukh” [Hebrew], Kiryat Sefer 55 (1980): 787-790. Whatever his identity, he was
clearly a member of Aaron Halevi’s circle.
33 Yom Tov b. Abraham Ashbili (Ritba), Sefer ha-Zikkaron, ed. Kalman Kahana
the Rabbi [Maimonides] did not set his heart in certain matters, expounded in his
book, in accord with the path of the scholars of truth, whose words are strong and
firm, and those matters are ancient. Nevertheless, he did much to innovate truthful
sayings with much wisdom and logic, for there are seventy aspects to the Torah; and
his reward will be commensurate with his intention…” (ibid., 46); “All this have I
written to excuse the Rabbi and Teacher…, while I know that the tradition of our
Master Nahmanides… in the matter of sin is a true tradition, and should not be
challenged, nevertheless, there are seventy aspects to the Torah and all [different
views] are the words of the living God” (ibid., 84). Ritba admits that Nahmanides’
tradition was superior to Maimonides’ teaching (“In truth, the words of our last Rabbi
are essentially superior” (ibid., 49). On the background of these ideas among Rashba
and his disciples see Dov Schwartz, “Conservatism vs. Rationality (The Philosophi-
cal Thought of Rashba’s Circle)”[Hebrew], Da#at 33-34 (1994): 143-182. On Ritba’s
rational approach, see ibid., 149-150, 175.
from theurgy to magic 69
tigation. See Wolfson, “The Secret of the Garment”; Moshe Idel, “An Unknown
Commentary to the Secrets of Nahmanides” [Hebrew], Da#at 2-3 (1978): 121-126. For
an account of the exegetical characteristics of this circle see Daniel Abrams, “Oral-
ity in the Kabbalistic School of Nahmanides: Preserving and Interpreting Esoteric
Traditions and Texts,” Jewish Studies Quarterly 3 (1996): 85-102; for a penetrating study
of the teachings of one of the most important interpreters of Nahmanides’ esoteric
teachings, see Moshe Idel, R. Menahem Recanati the Kabbalist [Hebrew](Jerusalem and
Tel-Aviv: Schocken, 1998).
70 chapter three
word isheh, Bahya states that the emanation flows from din: “The glory [tif’eret] absorbs
from fear and both are called burnt-offerings [ishim]” (R. Bahya, Be’ur al ha-Torah, vol.
2, ed. Charles D. Chavel [Jerusalem: Mosad Harav Kook, 1981), 401). See Ephraim
Gottlieb, The Kabbalah in the Writings of R. Bahya ben Asher ibn Halawa (Jerusalem: Kiryat
Sefer, 1970), 221. In his writings, however, Bahya considers emanation from a wide
variety of sources. In his commentary on Genesis 8:20, Bahya describes sacrifices as
promoting the ascent and descent of divine influence. The celebrant brings about
a gradual unification “from below to above” and the influence descends: “Noah in
his offerings arranged the structure from below to above, the altar [malkhut] first
and thence to rahamim [mercy], that is the meaning of the phrase ‘to the Lord,’ and
from rahamim everything ascends and attaches itself to the supreme level, which is
the Prime Mover, blessed be He [Ensof]… And then the influence returns from the
Mover to rahamim, and from rahamim to the altar, which is called ‘Heart,’ and from
that to the upper and lower worlds’’ (Bahya, Be’ur al ha-Torah, 1:117). See Gottlieb,
The Kabbalah in the Writings of R. Bahya, 230-232. It follows that the sacrifice is directed
at Ensof, in such a way that the appeal to Ensof becomes to some extent personal.
Finally, in his commentary on Numbers 6:27 Bahyei writes: “The main intent in
the sacrifice is to attract will from pure thought [hokhmah] to His Supreme Names”
(Be’ur al ha-Torah, 3:33).
38 Sacrifice as “bringing near,” in the style of Sefer ha-Bahir, is a common motif in
Bahya’s writings. See his commentary on Numbers 7:10 (Be’ur al ha-Torah 2:38); Kad
ha-Qemah, s.v. atseret (Kitvei Rabbenu Bahyei, ed. Charles D. Chavel [Jerusalem: Mosad
Harav Kook, 1960], 292).
39 Commentary on Leviticus 1:9 (Be’ur al ha-Torah 2:401).
from theurgy to magic 71
40 Ibid., 402.
41 See Gottlieb, The Kabbalah in the Writings of R. Bahya, 77-79. On the theurgic
thrust of the “secret of sacrifice” in Geronese Kabbalah see Yeshayahu Tishbi, ed., The
Wisdom of the Zohar [Hebrew], vol. 2 (Jerusalem: Bialik Institute, 1975), 196-198.
42 Goldreich, Sefer Me’irat Eynayim, 137, ll. 23-26. These comments refer to the
goat sacrificed on the New Moon in particular, but also to sacrifices in general.
Isaac cites an otherwise anonymous authority “‘R.Sh.N.R.” as transmitting a tradi-
tion “according to the way of Nahmanides’ Kabbalah/tradition.” On the identity of
“R.Sh.N.R.” see ibid., 389-390. On the astrological interpretive tradition concerning
the goat see Ibn Ezra, Sefer ha-Ibbur (Lyck, 1874), 5b.
43 For example: “The Rabbi’s whole intention is to hint that the essence of
sacrifice is to bring the #atarah near to tif’eret’ (Goldreich, Sefer Me’irat Eynayim, 149 ll.
26-27); “Know that the rabbi said so to allude to the secret of the action of sacrifice
in general, because after explaining its secret he alluded to its utility, for through the
sacrifice rahamim comes to the atarah” (ibid., p. 150 ll. 6-7).
72 chapter three
44Genesis Rabba 10:6 (ed. Theodor-Albeck, 79); the original version is cited several
times in Nahmanides’ commentary: on Genesis 1:11; on Genesis 2:8 (cited above,
n. 24), and on Leviticus 19:19. Sikili briefly quotes Nahmanides’ explanation of the
scapegoat ritual, referring there to Mars as the source of the influence and as parallel
to “the lords on high” (Jacob Sikili, Torat ha-Minhah, ed. Barukh Avigdor Hefetz, vol.
2 [Safed: n. p., 1991], 2:719).
45 Ibid., 2:506.
46 Ibid., 2:507. See also 1: 270.
from theurgy to magic 73
47As stated above in notes 17 and 44, the “lords on high” are the sefirot. See
Nahmanides’ commentary on Numbers 11:16. See further, Zohar 2:18b.
48 Ibid., 2:507.
49 Ibid., 2:506-507.
74 chapter three
50Goldreich, Sefer Me’irat Eynayim, 143, ll. 20-21. On the identity of “M.R.D.C.Y.”
see ibid., 361-364; Idel, “Kabbalah, Halakhah, and Spiritual Leadership,” 572. For a
few preliminary remarks on Isaac of Acre’s attitude to magic in general see Moshe Idel,
“Judaism, Jewish Mysticism and Magic” [Hebrew], Jewish Studies 36 (1996): 34-37.
51 Keter Shem Tov, printed in Judah Koriat, Ma’or va-Shemesh (Leghorn: E. M.
special emphasis on the conjoining of tif’eret and malkhut, which he calls du parzufin,
following TB Berakhot 61a. See also Nahmanides’ commentary on Genesis 2:18. See,
for instance, Ma’or va-Shemesh, 30a, 32b, 45a. See Goldreich, Me’irat Eynayim, 26, l. 8;
Idel, Kabbalah: New Perspectives, 128-136; Wolfson, “The Secret of the Garment,” xl.
53 Ma’or va-Shemesh, 41b; Ms. Paris, 98a.
from theurgy to magic 75
on Genesis 18:1 [231]: “But where Scripture mentions the angels as men, as is the
case in this portion, and the portion concerning Lot—likewise, ‘And a man wrestled
with him’ [Genesis 32:25] and ‘a man came upon him’ [ibid. 37:15], in the opinion
of our rabbis—in all these cases there was a special glory created in the angels, called
among those who know the mysteries of the Torah ‘a garment,’ perceptible to the
human vision of such pure persons as the pious and the disciples of the prophets,
and I cannot explain any further.” On the secret of the garment in the writings of
Nahmanides and his interpreters, see Gershom Scholem, “The Garment of the Souls
and ‘the Tunic of the Rabbis”’ [Hebrew], Tarbiz 24 (1955): 291-297; Moshe Idel,
“The World of the Angels in Human Form” [Hebrew], in Studies in Jewish Mysticism,
Philosophy and Ethical Literature, Presented to Isaiah Tishbi on His Seventy-Fifth Birthday,
ed. Yosef Dan and Yosef Hacker (Jerusalem: Magnes, 1986), 46-47; Wolfson, “The
Secret of the Garment.”
56 On Isaac Todros see Ephraim Gottlieb, Studies in the Kabbalah Literature, ed.
Joseph Hacker (Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv University Press, 1976), 290; Idel, “Kabbalah,
Halakhah and Spiritual Leadership,” 572. The text in Ms. Paris reads only “my
pious teacher, may God protect him,” without specifying any name.
57 The printed edition adds: “That is: an effigy of wax directions [?] and not
an angel.” It is interesting that Shem Tov is writing at the time of the astral magic
controversy. Abba Mari, who led the opponents of astral magic, cites a rumor about a
work describing the burning of “myrrh or wax.” See Joseph Shatzmiller, “In Search
of the Book of Figures: Medicine and Astrology in Montpellier at the Turn of the
Fourteenth Century,” AJS Review 7/8 (1982/1983), 394. See further in the next
section below.
58 Comment on Nahmanides’ observation: “The matter of [the angel’s] ‘disap-
76 chapter three
give [me] permission [to hint]; but know that the fire that came down
upon it was extinguished on its own. And the allusion in the matter of
Manoah when the second angel ascended in the flame of the altar, and
if you understand the secret of the altar, you will understand the angel.
And if you understand the flame of the altar that came down you will
understand kol and its fire, and the merit of the angel therein.59
The tradition cited here by Shem Tov in the name of Isaac Todros
describes spirituality being brought down to a wax effigy. The spiri-
tuality, whose source is in the sefirot, is revealed as an angel; that is to
say, one can draw down the influence of the sefirot of din and malkhut,
which, according to the above passage, is alluded to by the word
“angel.” The association with Manoah indicates that the secret of
sacrifice involves bringing down emanation or ameliorating the influ-
ence of negative emanation by offering a sacrifice. Judah Koriat, who
published Shem Tov’s work, understood Shem Tov’s teaching as based
on the assumption that the stars’ power derives from the sefirot. Com-
menting on Shem Tov’s statement “when peace [tif’eret] is conjoined
with the earth [malkhut], there will be a truly perfect dominion, so that
the juncture will be perfect,” Koriat writes that malkhut “can give the
sun power to promote growth in hot and dry things.”60 Accordingly,
it seems natural to explain peace offerings as causing the celebrants
to be deriving “benefit from their constellation.”61
We now consider Rashba’s disciples. Isaac of Acre cites a tradition
that he had heard from an anonymous kabbalist concerning a Gentile
“great scholar,” who considered the action of sacrifice proof of the
profundity and truth of the commandments of the Torah.
Said the Gentile to the Jew: I see indeed that your God is a God of
truth and your Torah a teaching of truth and the actions of your ances-
tors the prophets of truth and your priests in the rite of your temple,
that is, the sacrificial rite, truth. For… the supreme powers (kohot elyon),
although everything is in His hands, need something to draw them down
to nourish the lower worlds, with sacrifices and with prayer and with
pleasant song and with pure, chaste intention of the heart, conjoined
pearance’ you will understand from the account about Manoah, if you will be worthy
to attain it” (on Genesis 18:1[231]).
59 Ma’or va-Shemesh, 30b. This passage is discussed by Wolfson, who does not,
78b. Shem Tov is referring to the unification of the sefirot of yesod and malkhut.
61 Ibid., 32b.
from theurgy to magic 77
with the supernal worlds, for the Lord, blessed be He, gave man power
to do as he pleases, and according to his actions so does he attract
supreme power (koah elyon) to himself; if by good deeds, he will attract
the power of good, and if the contrary—the contrary; everything is in
man’s hand…62
In both style and content, the statement of the anonymous kabbalist
presents unmistakable traits of the magic-astral explanation of sacrifice.
The purpose of the sacrifice is to “attract supreme power.” Similarly,
the act of offering sacrifice is not a purely defensive act (“ransom”) but
also an expression of the magician’s unlimited power (“everything is in
man’s hand”). The terminology “attraction of supreme power” occurs
in an astrological and theosophical context elsewhere, in a commentary
attributed to Meir ibn Sahula, but most probably written by Joshua
ibn Shu#eib.63 One principle enunciated in this commentary is that
“with regard to any medication of which a person knows nothing,
its power and merit become known when its benefit is seen. So too
with regard to sacrifices, the benefit is apparent in several places; for
example, only through the sacrificial rite did the Shekhinah dwell in
the Tabernacle.”64 That is why Balaam made efforts “to be conjoined
say about the cherubim: “The reason that the cherubim in the Tabernacle and in the
Temple have their wings spread out above is to receive the emanation’ (ibid., 18d).
Compare Ibn Shu#eib in his sermons: “The Shekhinah did not dwell in the Tabernacle
and in the Temple, but on the sacrifice”; “the power of the deity is brought down
through sacrifice and removes itself through the secret of sacrifice” (Derashot R. Y. ibn
Shu#eib, ed. Zeev Metzger [Jerusalem: Lev Sameah Institute, 1992], 1:193 and 195).
78 chapter three
with the will, that is, the altar, and perhaps [the Lord] would come
to meet him through these offerings.”65
Finally, other kabbalists who gave Nahmanides’ esoteric teachings
an essential place in their writings, though they did not write super-
commentaries on him, also alluded to the magic-astral explanation of
the sacrificial rite. Menahem Recanati interprets a certain midrashic
passage concerning the descent of the Shekhinah as a framework for
explaining sacrifice,66 while the author of Ma#arekhet ha-Elohut uses the
term “form” (tzurah) as both a symbol and an image with the capac-
ity to draw down supreme powers.67 Clearly, then, certain authentic
traditions of Nahmanides’ disciples based the secret of sacrifices on the
magic-astral nature of their action, and these traditions were preserved
among his kabbalistic interpreters. As noted, such authentic traditions
coexisted with the “overt” theurgic exegesis, which considered the
These statements appear after Ibn Shu#eib’s account of Ibn Ezra’s notion of ransom,
following Nahmanides’ Torat ha-Shem Temimah sermon; he then refers to Judah Halevi’s
comparison of the action of sacrifice to the soul’s descent into the body (The Kuzari 2:
26). The fact that Ibn Shu#eib follows Nahmanides’ text and opens his sermon with
the ransom technique indicates that he was concerned not with unaided descent of
the influence (theosophy) but with descent brought about by human action (magic).
See Carmi Horowitz, The Jewish Sermon in 14th Century Spain: The Derashot of R. Joshua
ibn Shu#eib (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Center for Jewish Studies, 1989),
101 n. 62. In his sermons, Ibn Shu#eib avoids an in-depth discussion of the kabbalistic
significance of sacrifice.
65 Be’ur le-Ferush Ramban, 30c. According to this explanation, Balaam attempted
to draw the influence of the sefirot of hokhmah and malkhut down to the sacrifice, by
offering sacrifices “commensurate with the whole building.” The utilitarian interest
is also expressed in the statement that “the supernal and lower worlds and the souls
of those offering the sacrifice derive benefit” from it (ibid., 13c).
66 “In the text, ‘Noah built an altar to the Lord’ (Genesis 8:20), there is an allusion
to a weighty matter alluded to by our sages, that because of Adam’s sin the Shekhinah
departed from the lower worlds; then came Seth and restored it, then came Enosh
and removed it, and so forth, and now there came Noah and brought it down and
prepared a place for it below” (Genesis Rabba 19:7; Songs Rabba 5:1; Tanhuma Pequddei 6
[using the verb “to attract” rather than “bring down”]; Pesiqta de-R. Kahana 1:1; Perush
Recanati al ha-Torah, 19c-d). See Gershom Scholem, On the Kabbalah and its Symbolism,
trans. Ralph Manheim (New York: Schocken Books, 1965), 269-271; Idel, Kabbalah:
New Perspectives, 166-167. Recanati hints at the magical nature of the sacrifice in his
commentary, 48, s.v. va-yishlah. See Idel, R. Menahem Recanati, 139.
67 Ma#arekhet ha-Elohut (Mantua: 1548), 95b. See Abraham Elkayyam, “‘Refer-
68 “And I permitted it, for I said that I do not see any prohibition in fashioning
an effigy for medical purposes… At any rate, I do not see fit to impose an absolute
prohibition on all effigies and all seasons and all deeds and all utterances in any
way” (Minhat Qena’ot, printed in Rashba’s Responsa, I/1, ed. Hayyim Z. Dimitrovsky
[Jerusalem: Mosad Harav Kook, 1990], 282, ll. 10-11, 283, ll. 26-28). Rashba agreed
to prohibit only the burning of incense that accompanied the bringing down of
spirituality (ibid., ll. 34-35).
69 Ibid., 296, l. 196; 297, l. 195.
70 Ibid., 297, l. 205; 298, l. 214. Compare the following passage: “This permission
covers everything that has been said to be for medical purposes, whether through the
action of an object or the action of speech and influence’ (ibid., 302, ll. 268-269).
71 “It is possible that [the permission] extends even to [fixing an appointed] time
and hours, as long as one makes the effigy for medical purposes and directs’ one’s
intent toward heaven, unlike those who direct their intent to the lord who is ruling
that day, for that is as if one were worshiping him” (ibid., 302, l. 270; 203, l. 272).
See also ibid., 304, l. 286 (“diverting one’s attention from heaven”).
72 Ibid., 319, l. 118. Abba Mari was also referring to R. Isaac b. Judah de Lattes,
who made such an effigy. Although Lattes agreed that this was, strictly speaking,
from theurgy to magic 81
fools, did not contest the knowledge of the Creator, blessed be He, that He is the
Ultimate Cause and everything flows from Him…, they only thought to exalt Him by
denying the fact of Divine Providence… They thought that He… gave His world to
rulers who would lead the world and He made them owners of the world, and they
are the spheres and their constellations and their spiritual form, as it is written, ‘those
who made offerings to Baal, to the sun and moon and constellations—all the host
of heaven’ [2 Kings 23:5],” 8. If this responsum was indeed written by Rashba, he
has concealed his authentic view of the legitimacy of astral worship outside the Holy
Land. In any case, nowhere does Rashba doubt the efficacy of the use of effigies.
75 Perushei ha-Haggadot, 145. I have compared the text to that of Joseph Perles, R.
Solomon b. Abraham b. Adereth: sein Leben und seine Schriften (Breslau: Schletter, 1863). This
responsum also appears in Dimitrovsky’s edition of the Responsa, I/1, 216, ll. 59-60.
82 chapter three
On the antinomian conception of the Land of Israel see Schwartz, “The Land of
Israel in the Fourteenth Century Neoplatonic School,” 146-149.
76 See, for instance, Rashba, Responsa, ed. Dimitrovsky, I/1, 134, l. 88.
77 Like Nahmanides, Rashba has a rich terminology for astral spirituality (“Intel-
ligences,” “soul of the stars,” “lords on high,” and so forth). For example: “For all
the powers, although they have dominion over the earth and the Lord assigned them
to all the nations, they are subject to chance and events in the alteration of their
movement, and the lowly may overcome and the strong may fall low, depending on
the conjunctions and their aspect, as is known to the astronomers… It follows from
this that a nation or climate subject to the dominion of the lords on high who rule,
whenever chance overtakes the ruler, it will automatically overtake those who are
ruled thereby” (Perushei ha-Haggadot, 10). Rashba also declares that “Because Solomon
was the wisest of all men, so much so that he also made use of the spiritual entities”
(ibid, 84). On the term “spiritual entity” [ruhani] in reference to the powers that move
the spheres, see ibid., 12, 45, and so forth Rashba in fact laid the foundations for
the identification of “lords on high” with the sefirot.
from theurgy to magic 83
Israel receives [lit.: drinks] surveillance from Him, blessed be He, without
the need for any agent among the celestial constellations, it follows that
the rain that descends there is the principle of rain, rain of goodwill and
blessing, which brings forth abundant fruit… But the other lands, which
are subject to the dominions of the heavens, it is as if they were drink-
ing, for example, the distillation of that rain. The saying “The Land of
Israel is watered first” [TB Ta#anit 10a] has precisely this meaning, for
[the Land of Israel] receives the supreme blessing, while all the world
[receives] the influence emanated upon all receivers from that blessing,
for they are agents sent to rule the world and water it.78
According to this interpretation, the influence radiated upon all lands
other than Israel is a combination of theosophical and astral influence.
Rashba hints that beneficial rain is an outcome of the influence of
“the supreme blessing” (hokhmah and malkhut), while the “dominions
of the other lands” receive this influence and radiate it to the mate-
rial world. It follows that astral influence is one link in the chain of
emanation beginning in the world of the sefirot; outside the Land
of Israel, at least, the influence actually received is a combination
of both categories, namely, sefirot and stars. This passage, therefore,
interweaves the theosophical and magic-astral aspects. Nevertheless,
note that Rashba never explicitly recognizes astral magic as a theologi-
cal factor. His acceptance of the idea that spirituality can be drawn
down to earth comes to light in his halakhic responsa only, and even
there it is limited to medical needs.
Ritba makes constant use of astral arguments in his commentary on
the Passover Haggadah, and appeals to it once or twice in his Talmud
commentary.79 In order to prove that “Israel is not under the control
of any constellation” [TB Shabbat 156a], he uses Augustine’s “twins”
argument, in which he attempts to reject astrology by pointing out
the different fates of twins, who possess identical horoscopes. Jacob’s
life was thus quite different from that of Esau. Ritba, however, unlike
Augustine, recognizes astrology as a general law applicable to every-
on the first mishnah in Tractate Ta#anit (“for the whole intention of the hasadim in the
benediction [the second of the Shemoneh-Esreh] is to nullify the astral system”). The
commentary on the Haggadah is discussed below.
84 chapter three
80 “…that Israel is not subject to any constellation. Know, truly, that for that
reason the wicked Esau was present as a twin with the righteous Jacob in the same
womb, so that the whole world should understand that the righteousness of the
righteous Jacob was of himself, not consequent upon an arrangement of constel-
lations or from the nature of his mother and father or from any other necessary
cause, for he and Esau were born in the same womb, and Esau became corrupted,
while Jacob took the path of the good” (Haggadah shel Pesah im Perushei ha-Rishonim,
ed. Mordechai Leib Katznelenbogen [Jerusalem: Mosad Harav Kook, 1998], 74).
For Augustine’s argument, see Laura Ackerman-Smaller, History, Prophecy, and the
Stars: The Christian Astrology of Pierre d’Ailly, 1350-1420 (Princeton, N. J.: Princeton
University Press, 1994), 26-27.
81 See, for instance, Haggadah shel Pesah, 51, 73, 108.
82 Ibid., 118-119. As noted, it may be assumed that Ritba was using the terms
din and rahamim in their theosophical sense, since he calls his commentary “by way
of truth” (ibid.). See also ibid., 130. If so, we see that Ritba, too, established a link
between the theosophical and astrological aspects (“their guardian angel”).
83 Ritba presents a magical interpretation of Moses’ rod, saying that it had written
on it “the combination of letters of the Names with which Heaven and Earth had been
created” (ibid., 116). The magic of the Name also underlies Ritba’s interpretation of
the Urim and Thummim (Novellae on TB Yoma 73b), thus approaching Nahmanides’
view in his Torah commentary (Exodus 28:30), which argues against Ibn Ezra’s
astrological interpretation. See also Sikili, Torat ha-Minhah, 1: 309.
84 “‘I have given the hill country of Se#ir as a possession to Esau’ [Deuteronomy
2:5], for he is a hairy man [sa#ir], and his place is the hill country of Se#ir, and his
portion is goats [se#irim]” (Haggadah shel Pesah, 75). Note that Ritba supported Mai-
monides’ view of the demons as imaginary, contrary to the view that they are “solid
bodies” (Sefer ha-Zikkaron, 79).
from theurgy to magic 85
85 In Canpanton’s terminology, the verb mashakh per se, meaning attract or draw,
does not necessarily have a magical meaning. Thus, he writes that “the Creator…
granted strength to man’s mind to attract things to itself” (Sefer Arba#ah Qinyanim le-
R. Yehuda b. Shlomo Canpanton me-Ir Molina, ed. M. Y. Blau, [New York: M. Y. Blau,
1997], 54). Nevertheless, we have already seen that the term was associated with
magic in Rashba’s circle.
86 See Yitzhak Tzvi Langermann, “Gersonides on the Magnet and the Heat of
attributed to Ibn Ezra, of a work by Mash#allah: “All the stars have a power, together
with the seven servants, in their actions and their consequences and the action of
the stars in the world. It resembles the stone known as ‘magnet,’ which attracts iron
from nearby. Thus all the plants and trees on earth are created from the strength
and motion of the stars” (Sefer le-Mash#allah be-Qadrut ha-Levanah ve-ha-Shemesh ve-hibbur
ha-Kokhavim u-Tequfot ha-Shanim, [Jerusalem, 1971], 2-3). The idea of attracting light
does not appear in Ibn Ezra’s writings in relation to the reflection of the sun’s light
by the moon.
86 chapter three
88 Arba#ah Qinyanim, 57. Compare Ritba in his Novellae to TB Mo#ed Qatan 28a.
See further Zohar, Naso, 3:134a. Canpanton expresses the extreme view that God
does not watch over the regions reserved for the stars: “The Holy One, blessed be
He, does not extend His providence over any man in these matters [dependent on
the constellation]” (Arba#ah Qinyanim, 85).
89 Ibid., 125. Canpanton agrees with Maimonides’ view of the sacrificial rite
izzim], the word gedi is of the same root as the expression gad gaddi [TB Shabbat 67b],
meaning ‘my constellation is good.’ The allusion is to the constellation of Jupiter,
which signifies everything that is good. Moreover, Samson was of the mighty ones
[azzim], and he therefore fought the wars of the Lord and succeeded in all he set
out to do, and therefore he was a Nazirite to God from the womb on. For wine
is justice, that is, ‘Do not look at wine when it is red’ [Proverbs 23:13]; read not
‘when it is red’ (yit’addam) but rather ‘it desires blood’ (yit’av dam)” (ibid., 132). Wine
is already associated with fear or justice in Sefer ha-Bahir (ed. Margalyot, §137). The
from theurgy to magic 87
would see “the shape of a lion of fire <descending> from the heav-
ens and consuming the offering.”91 On the basis of the astrological
contexts that Canpanton discusses at length, we may assume that in
his view the sacrifice attracts the fiery shape from the stars.
In light of the material surveyed up to this point, it may be argued
that Canpanton considers religious precepts and prohibitions as means
for bringing down emanation and, in fact, he defines the attraction of
emanation as the reception of “Supreme Power”:
And now I will reveal to you a certain great, good secret. It is known
that the name Elohim is derived from the same root as eyalut [strength,
power].92 And all the foods that Jews eat are pure on the right-hand
side, and whoever partakes of forbidden foods demonstrates that he is
not content with the Supreme Power and therefore desires to take one
of the other powers.93
Canpanton is saying that the consumption of a permitted food brings
down influence from the sefirah of hesed. On the other hand, on the
basis of this quotation, the reason for the prohibition of certain foods
and the meaning of the expression “one of the other powers” may be
interpreted in three different ways: (a) While permitted eating brings
about theosophical emanation, forbidden eating is seen to attract astral
emanation; (b) permitted eating brings down emanation from the sefirah
of hesed, while forbidden foods bring down emanation from din; (c)
permitted eating brings down positive emanation, but forbidden foods
bring down forces of impurity.94 All three interpretations explain the
action of the precepts according to the magic-astral model.
intent of this passage is that a sacrifice may bring down influence from hesed, which
is identified with Jupiter.
91 Ibid., 126. Elsewhere, Canpanton adds: “The essence of sacrifice is prayer.
Accordingly, after he [Elijah on Mount Carmel] had made the altar and cut up the bull,
as Scripture explains, the fire did not descend until he had prayed” (ibid., 130).
92 The source for this statement is probably in The Kuzari 4:3: “But the word el
[god] is derived from eyalut [strength; Psalms 22:20], from which all the powers issued.”
The influence of The Kuzari in this context is also evident elsewhere in Canpanton’s
work (ibid., 76). Elsewhere, he points out that the name Elohim refers to the angels,
since “they are appointed over human beings… For He, blessed be He, granted
one power to each and every angel” (ibid., 87). Such statements are clarified by the
combination of astral and theosophical influence.
93 Ibid., 66.
94 See Moshe Idel, “Ta#amei ha-#Ofot ha-Teme’im by Rabbi David ben Yehuda
He-Hasid” [Hebrew], in Alei Shefer: Studies in the Literature of Jewish Thought Presented
to Rabbi Dr. Alexandre Safran, ed. Moshe Hallamish (Ramat-Gan: Bar Ilan University
Press, 1990), 13, 21, and so forth.
88 chapter three
presence should not be ignored, particularly as black magic. See Dorit Cohen-Alloro,
The Secret of the Garment in the Zohar [Hebrew] (Jerusalem: Institute of Jewish Studies,
1987), 82-88; idem, Magic and Sorcery in the Zohar [Hebrew] (Ph. D. dissertation:
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1989), 100-104, 170-172.
from theurgy to magic 89
96 The fact that these thinkers did consider astral magic in the context of the
“secret of sacrifice” is indicated by their disciples’ interest in the subject. The topic
was suppressed, in all probability, under the influence of Nahmanides’ opinion that
astral magic was an area to be concealed and taught to a select few only. See below,
and see Schwartz, Astral Magic, ch. 4.
90 chapter three
1 I discuss the philosophical outlook of the thinkers in this circle in my book, The
that appears in Schwartz, The Philosophy of a Fourteenth Century Jewish Neoplatonic Circle,
281. A paraphrase of this passage appears in Samuel ibn Zarza, Mikhlol Yofi, Paris
Ms. 729-730, 1: 227b. Concerning the attitude to idolatry, consider Alconstantin’s
commentary in Megalleh Amuqqoth, 60a on the midrash in Exodus Rabba 3:6: “I always
was, I am now, and I always will be”: “This means that God told Moses that all
three times—past, present, and future—are one and the same for Him, may He be
blessed, since He is not bound by time… This was for them a great wonder, since
they were idolaters and could see that the idols they worshipped did not operate in
all these three times, but at a distinct time according to their value and extent on
earth. When you show them that there is a First Being that activated time they will
believe it, because His power is equally effective in all three times, unlike the deities
they worship, whose action is bound by time, and you should understand this.” God’s
omnipotence, then, is evident in his action at all times, contrary to the magicians
who are bound by time and place according to the rules of astral magic, which is
the sign of paganism’s inferiority vis-à-vis monotheism.
6 Compare Julian Morgenstern, Rites of Birth, Marriage, Death and Kindred Occa-
sions among the Semites (New York: Ktav, 1973), 146-147. The pillar is a stone that
served various purposes in the biblical period, including as a site for the offering of
institutionalization 93
the Torah of Israel and about Moses, and all the verses in the Torah will
attest to this truth, further confirmed by what I will show you from the
truth of reason. All your doubts will be dismissed, and you will believe
in God and in his holy Torah with incontrovertible faith rather than
because of tradition, as the masses do, and especially the less worthy
ones [haserim] among them. As this smoke goes up, the incense fragrance
reaches the planet. According to the planet’s desire for this smoke, it
[the smoke] will come down and [man will]draw it to himself, and when
the nether is in conjunction with the supreme, the supreme must be in
conjunction with the nether…
Whoever wishes to know about other ways of drawing down spiritu-
ality from the stars, can learn about it in the Book of Nabatean Agriculture,
in the book of Aristotle, and in the Book of Techne.9 All is told in
these books, and it is pointless to repeat it. I did specifically mention
the drawing down of spirituality from Saturn because this is the planet
that rules the people of Israel, both in general and in particular and,
since it is the general ruler, it will also necessarily affect the parts, and
God, may He be blessed, is the path to truth.10
Ibn Zarza opens and closes the above passage with a series of decla-
rations pointing both to the importance of drawing down spirituality
from the stars and to the secret nature of this act. These declarations
unequivocally show that he views pagan traditions as an important
source for understanding the Torah. Ibn Zarza opens by saying: “You
must understand this wondrous and hidden matter, and do not reveal
what you understand from it except to the likes of yourself.” He con-
cludes with the words “you will still see wondrous and hidden matters
that he [Ibn Ezra, to whom the Sefer ha-Atsamim was attributed] has
written on this…on matters of prophecy.”
Bonfils, with unusual candor, admits to his at least theoretical inter-
est in the rules for drawing down spirituality:
… This is the way of the sages of India who, at given times, make
metal effigies to draw down the power of the stars, and this is a great
wisdom on which there are many books, and I know Ishmaelites who
9Ibn Zarza read this name as the Hebrew spelling of Galen’s book Techne. See, for
instance, Moritz Steinschneider, Die hebräischen Übersetzungen des Mittelalters und die Juden
als Dolmetscher: ein Beitrag zur Literaturgeschichte des Mittelalters, meist nach handschriftlichen
Quellen (Berlin: Kommissionsverlag des Bibliographischen Bureaus, 1893). Ibn Zarza
may be referring to an abridged version of the Book of Nabatean Agriculture.
10 Sefer ha-Atsamim, 17-21. The importance of this source is evident in its extensive
citation in both of Ibn Zarza’s works, Meqor Hayyim—93a, 97d, 114c, 117c—and
Mikhlol Yofi—2:147.
institutionalization 95
possess this wisdom. I myself know a little about it, theoretically and
not practically for, in truth, this is idolatry.11
The expression great wisdom [hokhmah] conclusively attests to its value
in Bonfils’ eyes, although he defines it as idolatry. Ibn Zarza also
relates to magic-astral effigies as “wisdom,” and conveys this respect-
ful attitude in several places. For instance, Ibn Ezra suggests that
Korah and his company, who had offered sacrifices in fire-pans, were
burned because of “your prayers or the wisdom that you knew.”12
The intimation of a magical deed is eminently clear, and Ibn Zarza
adds: “And consider these words of the Master, for he has hinted at
a great matter.”13 Generally: “There is a power in man that knows
the judgments of the stars, and he will know to make an image at
the time the sign grows on its image at certain hours.”14
Recognizing astral magic as wisdom required the adoption of
techniques characteristic of this realm. Let us return to Bonfils, who
introduces a technique for drawing the star’s power and emana-
tion—prayer. The text relates that Moses went out of the city and
entreated the Lord to cease the plague of hail (Exodus 9:29). And
why did he go out? “Because while Moses was in the city, which
was ruled by that sign, he could not receive the supreme power as
he would have outside, hence he did not pray there.”15 The star’s
emanation, then, can be drawn by praying to it, and commentators did not
hesitate to ascribe such a technique, which is widespread in magical
and Hermetic literature, to Moses. Note also that, as is true of most
magical activities, astral magic also poses the danger of the magician
erring in some process, and the potential harm borders on disaster.
Franco interprets the punishment of Nadav and Avihu according to
this principle, citing a tradition concerning one of Aristotle’s disciples
“who was in the process of preparing an image—a matter unfit for
Magic-Astral Interpretation
We will now consider other exegetic applications of astral magic. Astral
magic is shown to be effective in drawing down spirituality in several
biblical affairs, such as the terafim, the golden calf, and the brass ser-
pent. The common denominator of all the exegetes is that Ibn Ezra’s
cryptic language can be fully explained in astral magic terms.
Regarding the terafim, we found that Ibn Ezra had cloaked his views
in a mist of uncertainty by citing a number of views.17 By contrast, by
the fourteenth century, no doubts prevailed concerning this enigmatic
commentator’s true views. The terafim are unequivocally presented as
vessels for drawing down stellar spirituality. Consider Franco’s reading
of Ibn Ezra’s commentary:
The wisdom of images supplies the ways and the foundations for the
making of specific forms from specific metals at specific times to bring
down the supreme power on he who makes them, so that he may know
the future through them and succeed.18
Ibn Zarza quotes the two views that appear in Ibn Ezra’s commen-
tary on the meaning of the terafim. One identifies the terafim with an
astronomical instrument, “a copper instrument made to know parts
of hours,” and the other, with “a form at a given time.” As noted,
Ibn Ezra ostensibly rejects both views, but Ibn Zarza ignores this
mysteries of Ibn Ezra written by Ezra Gatigno, a thinker deeply influenced by Franco.
See Ezra Gatigno, Sod Adonai le-Yere’av, Munich Ms. 15, 257a, and see also p. 37
above, the commentary by David ibn Bilia in note 22.
institutionalization 97
19 Pirqei de-Rabbi Eliezer, ch. 36, with changes; Ibn Zarza, Meqor Hayyim 21b.
20 Ibn Ezra’s treatise Kli Nehoshet (Koenigsberg: Hartung, 1845) is devoted to the
astrolabe, and is crucial to the understanding of Ibn Ezra’s mysteries. See also Solomon
Gandz, “The Astrolabe in Jewish Literature,” HUCA 4 (1929): 469-486.
21 Bonfils, Tsafenat Pa#aneah, 1:135.
22 Ibn Shaprut also considered the terafim a form of talismanic magic (Bonfils,
Ms. 4, 54, 258b; also appears as a verbatim quotation in Ibn Mayor, ha-Ma’or ha-
Gadol, 158a.
24 See Schwartz, Astral Magic, 204.
25 Franco, supercommentary on Ibn Ezra’s commentary on the Torah, 73b.
26 “Because they were not seeking to worship him, and they only wanted to receive
the emanation of its benefit [of the house of Venus, the sign of Taurus], which it had
received from God, may He be blessed…” (Bonfils, Tsafenat Pa#aneah, 1: 295).
27 See above, ch. 1.
28 Commentary on Numbers 21:8.
29 Franco, supercommentary on Ibn Ezra’s commentary on the Torah, 82a. I showed
above (ch. 1) that Franco’s commentary can find support in Ibn Ezra’s text.
30 Gatigno, Sod Adonai le-Yere’av, Munich Ms. 15, 281b.
institutionalization 99
by Moses Narboni.31 Ibn Mayor writes “this serpent was made with
supreme wisdom at specific times for the sake of the victims’ lives.
Hence, this was done by God’s command and will, since Moses knew
this wisdom.”32 Hesitation turns into certainty here as well, and the
brass serpent is perceived as an effigy made for the purpose of draw-
ing down supreme forces.
Finally, note that Bonfils used the same magic-astral technique to
explain Moses’ rod, which serves in many traditions as an archetype
of magical exegesis. According to Bonfils, the effectiveness of this cult
must be played down, lest Divine Providence is affronted.33 On God’s
command to Moses, “Stretch out thy hand over the land of Egypt for
the locusts,” Ibn Ezra quotes Moses ibn Gikatilla who says, “the reason
for the locust is that he placed a locust on the rod,”34 and rejects this
exegesis. Bonfils, therefore, writes as follows:
Moses Ha-Cohen [Gikatilla] explained that Moses placed images of
locusts on the rod in order to draw the supreme power to bring locusts
upon Egypt. In his view, this should be done at a specific time, known
from the wisdom of the signs. R. Abraham [Ibn Ezra] therefore said that,
if this is the true explanation, it is not proper to reveal it, lest onlookers
should think that this happened through the power of the sign rather
than through God’s command.35
Ya#akov Goldenthal [Vienna: 1852], 28b: “His [Maimonides’] saying ‘for the ancients
called the stars forms’ hints at the faces of the animals [in the chariot], and this is
a great mystery at which he hinted, intimating a great ancient dogma concerning
the images on which these crafts are based, namely, the nether forms resemble the
supernal ones and receive the supreme emanation, ‘surely man walks as a mere
image’ [Psalms 39:7], as Ptolemy says in … Sefer ha-Peri [Centilloquium].” I corrected
this version, which is extremely inaccurate, according to Ibn Zarza, Meqor Hayyim,
102d-103a. Several corrections of the passage in Sefer ha-Peri appear in the notes of
Joshuah Heschel Shor [Hebrew], He-Halutz 11 (1880), 80. For the quotation from Sefer
ha-Peri see above, p. 15, n. 48. Ibn Zarza thus relied on Moses Narboni to explain
how the serpent operates according to astral magic. See also below, ch. 5.
32 Ibn Mayor, ha-Ma’or ha-Gadol, Oxford Bdl. Ms. 228, 55b.
33 In another source, Bonfils expresses fears lest faith in Providence be affected
In other words: in order to bring the locust plague upon Egypt, Moses
engraved the image of a locust upon the rod, according to the sympa-
thetic principle of placing a symbol of the request upon the instrument.
It is revealing that Bonfils too, like other thinkers of this circle who
had preceded him, did not accept Ibn Ezra’s explicit rejection of this
interpretation. Although his phrasing is somewhat hesitant (“if this is
the true explanation”…), it is certainly incompatible with Ibn Ezra’s
explicit rejection. Bonfils too, then, thinks of Ibn Ezra’s exegesis of
astral magic as a classic instance of esoteric writing.
To some extent, this explanation fits Alconstantin’s approach. In his
view, although the plagues were an inevitable consequence of a specific
celestial constellation, an “intervention of forces” as a disposition from
below was necessary in order to influence the supernal “forces.”36
Alconstantin offers a daring explanation that ascribes the cause of the
plagues, or at least some of them, to astral magic, and turns Moses
into a magician. When discussing the plagues, Alconstantin points to
the principle of sympathy between terrestrial and celestial forces to
explain the magic-astral phenomenon. He also sees fit to awaken the
educated reader to the importance of the theory he is suggesting for
the understanding of the plagues.37
An explicit magic-astral exegesis of the sources has thus emerged.
Although many fourteenth-century thinkers view astral magic as a realm
that is not intended for the wide public, they do not bother to hide the
emergence of this realm as an open and undisguised hermeneutical
and theological factor.
The magic-astral element thus becomes an essential element in the
writings of many rationalists. As noted, thinkers in this circle are
indeed aware of the similarities between astral magic and idolatry,
but draw a sharp distinction between a magic without astrological
links and astral magic. The distinction is twofold: (1) magic is sleight
of hand, whereas astral magic is real; therefore (2) magic is forbid-
den, whereas astral magic is legitimate and even important in the
religious world view.
Let us consider several statements that present ordinary magic as
1. Ibn Ya#ish: “But the scholars hold that the rod turned into a ser-
pent through sleight of hand… and no objection can be raised
against this.”38 In other words, Ibn Ya#ish finds this interpretation
2. Ibn Zarza: “Since God has given man greater intellect than to
other creatures, he must flee from transgressions even without
fear of punishment, because they are all abominable and repel-
lent, a bad and false faith. Even if the Torah had not warned
against them, an intellectual will escape from them, from idolatry
and its uses, and from all that resembles it, including the things
known as “the ways of the Amorite,” a charmer, a necromancer,
a soothsayer, an enchanter, and a sorcerer—all are useless and
unreal. Those who are drawn after them imagining they are real
are deceived, since they are only imagining it and they suffer the
punishment that befalls them for having taken the course of this
sin….”39 “And know that sorcery and divination are vanity and
delusion, and they do not matter, but they can harm the one in
whom they have been imprinted through his faculty of imagination,
which imagined it [the sorcery]… but he who places his desire,
passion, intention, and faith in God, may He be blessed, will not
be hurt by them… Hence, our holy Torah has commanded that
this faith be uprooted from the world, and he who trusts God,
God will be his cover and protection on the day of wrath.”40
3. Bonfils: “The image (tselem) is called ‘anam,41 because it is empty
and useless.”42
4. Ibn Mayor: “Sorcery is entirely false, new gods who came but
lately, deceptions in people’s imagination… I met a sorceress from
Tarragona and asked her to perform a specific act. She did what
I said, but was unsuccessful. She swore to me that she had used
stronger means than required and wondered about her failure until
she told me that, since I do not believe in magic, I would never
attain anything through it. Take this as proof of the fact that all
these are merely empty thoughts.43
5. Ibn Shaprut: “This is what you will find among those who act in
this way: they take a young boy lacking any wisdom, who agrees
to anything he is told and does it. They tell him: ‘Look into this
nail and into this utensil and you will see in them everything I will
ask you…’ It once happened to me with many of these sorcerers
that, after they were finished, I took the boy and, without any
other trappings, read swiftly to him ‘And Parshandatha, and Dal-
phon’ [Esther 9:7] and other names that frightened him, and he
thus reported seeing tenfold what he had said after their lies and
deception. So I said to them, ‘I am as clever as you.’ And they
said, ‘Yes, but this boy had received the spirituality through us.’
I then took another boy, who did the same. They then tried to
establish a difference between their acts and mine, and the truth
is that they are nimbler at this because this is their craft. I then
said, ‘I beg you, show me one demon, and demand a high price
from me for this, which I will pay, or perform some unnatural feat
for me.’ They tried to do this through their swindling and failed.
Then they said to me, ‘Indeed, your sign wins because you do
not believe, since the demons will only reveal themselves to the
believer and will only perform their acts for those who worship
them.’ So I told them, ‘I do believe that any reasonable person
will understand your falseness, and they bring neither good nor
Note that Ibn Zarza understood that philosophers questioned the
reality of idolatrous acts: “Philosophers are divided. Some believe that
idolatry is real, and some believe it is not.”45 He himself, however,
ha-Teshuvah ascribed to Yitzhak ibn Latif, published in Qovets al-Yad 1 (1885), 61.
44 Ibn Shaprut, Pardes Rimmonim (Savionetta: Tuvyiah Foa, 1554), 13b-14a. This
Amuqqot, 106b.
institutionalization 103
Ibn Zarza states elsewhere: “In my view, magician is a general name for necromancer,
diviner and sorcerer” (Meqor Hayyim, 117d).
47 Numbers 23:21; Ibn Zarza, Meqor Hayyim, 105a.
48 Ibn Mayor, ha-Ma’or ha-Gadol, 197a.
104 chapter four
49 See Yitzhak Heinemann, The Reasons for the Commandments in the Tradition
[Hebrew], vol. 1 (Jerusalem: WZO, 1966), 68-69. Shabtai Donolo was the thinker
who set the foundations for an astrological explanation of the commandments. See
Ronald C. Kiener, “The Status of Astrology in the Early Kabbalah: From the Sefer
Yetzirah to the Zohar,” in The Beginnings of Jewish Mysticism in Medieval Europe ed. Yosef
Dan (Jerusalem: Defense Ministry, 1987), 1-42.
50 The Hebrew word Tsedek denotes both justice and Jupiter. Alconstantin means
51 Alconstantin, Megalleh Amuqqot, 77b-78a.
institutionalization 105
52 Ibid., 70a.
53 Ibn Ezra, Commentary on Exodus 6:3.
54 Franco, supercommentary on Ibn Ezra’s commentary on the Torah, 65a. I
discuss in the next section the use of sacrifices for drawing down spirituality.
55 Alconstantin, Megalleh Amuqqot, 22a, cited in Ibn Zarza, Mikhlol ha-Yofi, 2:126
was considered a magical technique in this circle. For instance, Ibn Zarza noted
that the two words mah zeh (what is) are combined into one in God’s question to
Moses in the verse in Exodus 4:2: “What is [mazeh] that in thy hand?” Ibn Zarza
holds this hints to a known magical technique (mazeh equalling haza’ah], though he
has reservations about it:
“I have seen an extremely strange interpretation of this verse, as follows … and
you must know that magic was then widespread in all the lands, and particularly in
Egypt, and mainly through sprinkling. Whoever wishes to understand the truth of
the miracle must first understand, above all, the essence of magic, and that is the
reason for the question “what is [mazeh] in thy hand” in one word” (Ibn Zarza, Meqor
Hayyim 32b). The sprinkling of the blood was thus one of the rod’s characteristics and
of its power to work miracles. On the magical features attributed to the sprinkling
of blood, see W. Robertson-Smith, Lectures on the Religion of the Semites—First Series:
The Fundamental Institutions (Edinburgh: A. and C. Black, 1889), 233, 369, and index,
s.v. “blood.”
institutionalization 107
others. Compare to Ibn Mayor, ha-Ma’or ha-Gadol, 149a: “If they preserve God’s
worship [in the Tabernacle] their sign will retain the power, as it did when building
the Tabernacle.”
62 Up to this point, cited also in Ibn Mayor, ha-Ma’or ha-Gadol, 149a, without
mention of the author. Ibn Mayor concludes: “And in all these matters we should
not try to find out why this was necessary, because God’s thoughts are deep and
beyond human grasp.”
63 Franco, supercommentary on Ibn Ezra’s commentary on the Torah, Oxford
Bdl. Ms. 1258, 72a. For further discussion see Dov Schwartz, “More on ‘Greek Sci-
ence’ in Fourteenth Century Jewish Thought” [Hebrew] Sinai 105 (1990), 94-95.
64 Gatigno, Sod Adonai le-Yere’av, 265b. The foundations of Gatigno’s magic-astral
system are presented at length in Dov Schwartz, Amulets, Properties, and Rationalism in
108 chapter four
Medieval Jewish Thought [Hebrew] (Ramat Gan: Bar Ilan University Press, 2004), 80-93.
On the uses of sacrifice for forecasting the future, as stated in Ibn Ezra, see below.
65 Ibn Ezra, Commentary on Leviticus 1:1. Ibn Ezra appears to have endorsed
the view that stellar forces enable knowledge of the future through the appropriate
technique. The approach stating that spirituality reveals knowledge in general and
the future in particular, appears in such tracts as Picatrix, whereas in Sefer ha-Tamar,
knowledge is confined to the future. See Pines, “Le Sefer ha-Tamar et les Maggidim
des Kabbalistes,” 355-356.
66 Alconstantin, Megalleh Amuqqot 41b-42a
67 According to Leviticus 26:6.
68 In his supercommentary on Ki Tisa (Exodus 30-34), 73a, Franco states that
doves, each according to his concern, and so it is with the things being
sacrificed—the fat and the blood—because they are the essence of the
body. Since the spiritual part of the body is in the blood, it will help
to draw down the spirituality and will ransom the person offering the
sacrifice serving one further purpose—the sin-offerings and the [food]
portions to be given to the teachers of Torah, who are the priests.70
The sacrifices, then, are brought in order “to preserve the disposition
of the earth.”71 Franco cites a series of benefits, and bases Ibn Ezra’s
commentary on a distinctive magic-astral denotation. Franco interprets
the influence of the Shekhinah (“the Shekhinah will return to its place”)
as stellar emanation. In his view, all the details of the sacrifices and
their different kinds reflect various technical needs concerning the
drawing down of spirituality. While referring to the positive sides
of the sacrifice, Franco also refers to its role as “ransom,” a topic
discussed below.
Following Ibn Ezra and his exegetes, Franco and Gatigno, Ibn
Mayor also explains prediction through astral magic: “Because the act
of sacrifice is meant for its own sake and is extremely useful, since it
brings the Shekhinah to dwell among those who know how to attract
the supreme power through the pleasant odor, and they know what is
to come.”72 The ephod, the breastplate, and the Urim and the Thummim
also contribute to the foretelling of the future.73 Ibn Shaprut emphasizes
the theurgic consequence of drawing down the spirituality from the
Temple, so that the activity performed in the Temple intensifies the
positive astral forces unique to the people of Israel (Saturn), thereby
enhancing the emanation upon them.74
lectual generic form and the concrete actual form to that between the celestial form
and the recipient of its influence: “They imitate God in this matter, as He spreads
his emanation through the celestial bodies and through the forms upon all terrestrial
orders, and this is how [knowledge] of the future is attained through prophecy”
(ibid.). The magical explanation is given in the context of other interpretations of
Ibn Mayor, although he often cites the commentary of Gersonides, whose focus is
psychological. See below, ch. 5.
74 This is Ibn Shaprut’s commentary on the rabbinic legend “God will not enter
the heavenly Jerusalem until the earthly Jerusalem is built” (TB Ta#anit 5a; see also
Tanhuma Pequddei 1; Midrash on Psalms, ed. Solomon Buber, 122d): “The author of the
110 chapter four
As noted, the Temple activity exerts its influence not only in the
positive constructive sense of drawing down spirituality, but also as a
preventive force able to neutralize, for instance, the destructive and
negative spirituality emanating from a particular star. This statement is
prominent in the exegeses of Ibn Ezra’s commentators on the sacrifice
that Noah offered after leaving the ark, “…or to attract the supreme
power.”75 Following are some of these commentaries:
[Noah] attracted the supreme power that may rescue him from
his misfortune (Franco).76
To bring down the power of the supreme stars that rule over him
in order to help himself (Bonfils).77
Saturn and Jupiter are the cause behind [the power of] the exist-
ing planets and now, when they are at their zenith, a sacrifice
was required to their rulers [Saturn and Mars] (Ibn Mayor under
the name “Ba#al ha-Sodot”).78
Ibn Zarza presents Ibn Ezra’s magic-astral option as an absolute
exegetical truth. He even formulates the general principle: “Know
that the star’s wrath is its harm, and the sacrifice assuages it.”79 In
the terms coined by anthropologist Raymond Firth, the drawing down
of spirituality through sacrifices fits the categories of both productive
and defensive magic. The most obvious magic-astral mechanism of
sacrifice is in its capacity as “ransom,” namely, the sacrifice directs
midrash means that, in specific places, God’s miracles, his glory and his honor, will
appear according to the power of the supreme servant. The planet of the Temple
is Saturn, which is the planet of the people of Israel, as astrologists have agreed
and as Ibn Ezra, of blessed memory writes on Terumah [Exodus 25-27:19). Hence,
when the people of Israel worship at the Temple, the power of celestial Jerusalem is
enhanced, but in their absence, it wanes. And it is called Jerusalem because of the
verse ‘for out of Zion shall come Torah, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem’
(according to Isaiah 2:3; Micha 4:2) and Saturn influences the power of speech, and
of knowledge, and of insight, and knowledge of the mysteries, and of asceticism, and
of God’s worship” (Pardes Rimmonim 33a).
75 Ibn Ezra, Commentary on Genesis 9:21.
76 Franco’s supercommentary on Ibn Ezra’s commentary on the Torah, 55a.
77 Bonfils, Tsafenat Pa#aneah, 1:83.
78 Ibn Mayor, ha-Ma’or ha-Gadol, 29a. Solomon Ibn Ya#ish adds a dimension
from nature to Ibn Ezra’s comment: “When the air is good, the spheres and their
movement spoil it, all the more so when they find it [the air] spoilt, but the sacrifice
brings down its power and then they will not lose it” (supercommentary on Ibn Ezra’s
commentary on the Torah, Vatican Ms. 4, 54, 242a).
79 Ibn Zarza, Meqor Hayyim, 11a. On the technique of “ransom,” see above, ch.
institutionalization 111
the negative astral influence from the subject offering the sacrifice
to the sacrificed object, as evident regarding scapegoats. The com-
mentators, however, emphasize that predicting the future attained in
magical ways through the sacrifice is also included in the term ransom.
As Ibn Mayor notes:
The reason for the commandment of sacrifices such as the burnt offering,
the sin offering, the guilt offering, the freewill offering, and the peace
offering, is that they are ransom [kofer] for the people bringing them.
These people seek shield and cover, because ransom means cover, from
the root kaporet [the cover of the holy ark]. Cover is attained by predict-
ing the future, enabling one to escape the injuries of plague and sword
by using counsel, shield, and ransom to avoid them.80
Finally, note an exegesis explaining the Tabernacle’s magic activity
as the neutralization of astrological influence. According to Bonfils,
the people of Israel were commanded to build the Tabernacle
to release them from the dominion of the stars, so that they would
have no rulers except the prince of the world, Michael, the prince of
the interior, the Active Intellect… And he did all this for them so that
they would resemble the chariot and receive power from God without
mediators, as the world receives it from Him, may He be blessed. At
the beginning, therefore, when God created the patriarchs, he created
them to so as resemble the supreme chariot.81
Bonfils preserves the magic-astral construct by stating that the pur-
pose of the Tabernacle had been to draw power from the supreme
world. He replaces magic-astral emanation, however, with direct divine
emanation. The Tabernacle, then, reflects the celestial realm so as
to circumvent its influence and receive the emanation at the highest
level. Acceptance of the magic-astral construct while exchanging it
for another kind of emanation was widespread in kabbalistic circles,
which discuss the drawing down of emanation from the sefirot, as
light is from God it is linked to the number seven [it has seven branches] to point
to the seven planets receiving His emanation” (Hasdai Crescas, Or Adonai, 2:6, ch.
2; cited from Ferrara print, 1555, which is not paginated).
85 Ibid.: “In the various types of magic, which is a form of idolatry, they resort
Balaam was wise and he built seven altars, one for each of the seven
supreme servants [the planets], in order to find which one ruled Israel.
Through the sacrifice, he meant to obtain the emanation that would
enable him to do with them as he wished. When he saw that the Lord
was with them, he said that the people of Israel did not need a serpent
and magic to draw down the emanation whenever they wished.88
Crescas and his circle, then, acknowledge the reality of astral magic
and turn it into a theological element, which has a place in Divine
Providence and in the sacrifices. The difference between Crescas’ and
the Neoplatonic circles, however, is patently evident. Whereas the
latter view astral magic as a crucial consideration in their discourse
and a prominent element often guiding their reflections, Crescas
focuses his philosophical interests on other issues, such as his critique
of Aristotelianism and his personal notion of conjunction with God,
as presented in his treatise Or Adonai.
In the broad range of hermeneutical approaches that developed in
the fourteenth century, then, the Tabernacle is perceived as a talis-
manic source, offering numerous options for implementing magic-astral
techniques in various ways.
In the ninth path of his tract Shevilei Emunah [Paths of Faith], which
deals with reward and punishment, Meir Aldabi devotes a few lines
to the definition of demons and their characteristics. The passage is
taken verbatim from Nahmanides’ commentary on the Torah, without
mentioning Nahmanides’ name.89 At the end, Aldabi explains why he
[Hebrew], in The Land of Israel in Medieval Jewish Thought, ed. Moshe Hallamish and
Aviezer Ravitzky (Jerusalem: Yad Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, 1991), 157-158. On the magical
powers of the divine name in Crescas doctrine see idem, “Kabbalistic Elements in
Crescas’ Or Adonai” [Hebrew], Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought 2 (1983), 85-88.
88 Joshua Heschel Schor, “R. Zarhyiah’s Commentary,” He-Halutz 7 (1865),
89 See Nahmanides, Commentary on the Torah, on Leviticus 17:7, which suggests
the following definition of demons: “Know that just as the formation of the original
Creation of man’s body as well as that of all living creatures, vegetation and minerals
was from the four elements, which were combined by Divine power to form mate-
rial bodies which as a result of their thickness and coarseness could be perceived by
the five senses, even so there was a creation from only two elements, fire and air,
114 chapter four
resulting in a body which cannot be felt, nor perceived by any of the senses, just as
the soul of an animal cannot be perceived by human senses because of its delicacy.
The body [of these creatures of two elements] is of a spiritual nature; on account of
its delicacy and lightness it can fly through fire and air…” (as cited in Shevilei Emunah
[Warsaw, 1887, 91d]). Aldabi thus suggests, following Nahmanides, that demons are
real entities made up from the light elements (fire and water) and active in the world.
Nahmanides’ view of demons was widely accepted among Spanish halakhists, and
also greatly influenced magical conceptions in Ashkenaz. See, for instance, Yitzhak
bar Sheshet, Responsa, ed. David Metzger (Jerusalem: Machon Or ha-Mizrah, 1993),
1: 82, #92. Compare Abraham Hershman, Rabbi Isaac bar Sheshet Perfet and His Times
(New York: Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1943), 89-91; Joshua Trachten-
berg, Jewish Magic and Superstition (New York: Atheneum, 1979), 30-34; Israel Jacob
Yuval, Scholars in Their Time: The Religious Leadership of German Jewry in the Late Middle
Ages [Hebrew] (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1989), 290-291; Israel Ta-Shma, Ha-Nigle
she-Banistar—The Halakhic Residue in the Zohar: A Contribution to the Study of the Zohar
[Hebrew] (Tel-Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuhad, 1995), 31.
90 Aldabi, Shevilei Emunah, 92a.
91 Shem Tov ben Shem Tov, Sefer ha-Emunot (Ferrara: Abraham Oshki, 1556),
47b. According to Shem Tov ben Shem Tov, this realm deserves a chapter of its
own because of the theory of the left emanation, and because he adopted the demo-
nological doctrine of the Zohar.
92 Shevilei Emunah was written in 1360.
institutionalization 115
discussions to the standing of angels, to their sin and fall, which influ-
ence Jewish sages and also lead them to react.93 The various polemical
texts address this issue in the context of the problem of evil and sin.
Thus, for instance, Crescas and Ibn Shaprut devote a special chapter
to demons in their anti-Christian writings.94 The issue of demons also
evokes interest in the philosophical circle that presents astral magic
as a central theological concern, and the responses of these thinkers
are analyzed below.
93 See, for instance, the attitude of Hillel ben Samuel of Verona on this issue in
Joseph B. Sermonetta, “The Defeat of the Angels” [Hebrew], in Memorial Book for
Jacob Friedman, ed. Shlomo Pines and David Rosenthal (Jerusalem: Hebrew Univer-
sity, 1974), 155-203.
94 Hasdai Crescas, Sefer Bittul Iqqarei ha-Notsrim, trans. Joseph ben Shem Tov, ed.
Daniel J. Lasker (Ramat Gan: Bar Ilan University, 1990), 90-93 (see also Joseph ben
Shem Tov’s comments, 93-95); Shem Tov ibn Shaprut, Even Bohan, Florence Ms.,
Laurenziana 17, Plut II, 63a-64a.
95 Ibn Zarza, Meqor Hayyim 11c.
116 chapter four
(without mentioning the author) from Jacob Anatoli, Malmad Talmidim (Lyck, Poland:
M#qize Nirdamim, 1866), 183b-184a.
100 Bonfils, Tsafenat Pa#aneah, 2: 18.
101 Ibn Zarza is certainly referring here to a periphrastic version of Aristotle’s
Parva Naturalia, or to a citation relying on it. See, for instance, Gersonides’ commen-
tary on Averroes’ abridged version of Parva Naturalia: “It may happen that someone,
when afraid or ill, will have a reverie, seeing or feeling with their senses things that
are not truly anywhere except inside himself.” See Alexander Altman, “Gersonides’
Commentary on Averroes’ Epitome of Parva Naturalia II: 3: Annotated Critical Edi-
tion,” PAAJR 46-47 (1980), 11-12, ll. 59-64. According to Gersonides, the masses
believe in demons, which “do not exist, all the more so demons that can foretell the
future” (10, ll. 35-36).
institutionalization 117
so he may come to see the terrifying thing with his own eyes. Hence,
the frightened and dispirited will see horrifying forms. This is also the
cause of the voices that sorcerers and necromancers hear.102
These forms, then, are not real, and their appearance is explained as
due to the imagination’s function. In passing, we learn that biblical
descriptions of magic do not reflect reality in any way. Ibn Zarza thus
returns to the Maimonidean perception of magic when interpreting
these passages, and the distinction between ordinary magic and astral
magic, which Ibn Zarza had acknowledged, is highlighted anew. In
the treatise Mikhlol Yofi, Ibn Zarza devotes long discussions to an
explanation that takes out many rabbinic sayings on demons from
their literal context. He opens these discussions as follows: “Many
mistakenly think there are satans and demons, and the reason for this
mistake is that they see deeds in the Talmud from which it appears
that there are satans and demons in the world that could bring harm,
and I will explain this at length.”103
Ibn Zarza ponders why believers in demons make this mistake,
and accepts Isaac Albalag’s explanation. Albalag offers an explanation
from physics, claiming phenomena in the nether world originate in
the action of celestial bodies. Heat and cold stem from the atmosphere
and the celestial realm, and people ascribe them to magical forces,
namely, to demons:
Since these forces originate in and are influenced by the spheres, ancient
sages used to refer to them as “angels falling [noflim] from the sky,” and
the Torah called them “Nefilim” [Numbers 13:33]. Since they sustain
the animal soul that leads man astray [mesatenet] from the path of the
intellect, they would call them satans and demons. This was the origin
of the popular belief in demons, and their sages would worship them
and bring offerings to them, seeing how they rule this world.104
In the course of dealing with the issue of demons, Ibn Zarza attacks
interpretations presenting the use of magic names as effective. In his
view, rabbinic statements dealing with the creation of a golem through
Academy of Sciences, 1973), 49, ll. 15-20. Albalag presented this view in his com-
mentary on the creation and the stories on paradise. Compare with the translation
and discussion in Georges Vajda, Isaac Albalag, Averroiste Juif: Traducteur et Annotateur
D’al-Ghazali (Paris: J. Vrin, 1960), 163-164. This passage is cited in Ibn Zarza, Mikhlol
Yofi, 2: 131a, and see also 133b.
118 chapter four
magical names should not be read literally.105 Clearly, then, Ibn Zarza
does not acknowledge the reality of intermediate creatures such as
demons and spirits who, at most, symbolize “bad thoughts and spu-
rious fantasies.”106 Adjuring demons becomes futile. More precisely:
the extensive discussion refuting the reality of demons appears in the
seventh chapter of Mikhlol Yofi, which is entirely devoted to ethos and
to moral and practical conduct, to show that demons are the passions
and hindrances that prevent the attainment of ethical and intellectual perfection.
According to this criterion, the series of legends on Asmadeus and
King Solomon is explained as the struggle between passions and desires
as opposed to the human intellect.107 These allegorical explanations
reflect the general trend of Ibn Zarza’s doctrine, which dismisses the
reality of demons.
Ibn Mayor follows in Ibn Zarza’s footsteps. He includes in his
explanation the central motif suggested and elaborated by Ibn Zarza,
namely, that demons are products of a wild and sick imagination.
Before this explanation, however, Ibn Mayor grants magical and
astrological meaning to this phenomenon, by presenting it as the
worship of the planet:
…as they would do in Egypt, which is ruled by Mars, where they wor-
shipped in the fields and with swords according to the power it has in
these places. “Into the open field” [Leviticus 14: 7] and “And they shall
no more offer their sacrifices to the se#irim,” refers to the demons108 of
which the sages speak relating to harmful stellar forces, and particularly
those of Mars, which is hot and dry.109
105 See Ibn Zarza, Mikhlol Yofi, 2: 134b-135a, commenting on TB Sanhedrin 65b:
“Some sages hold that the human being can create a creature through magic… and
some say that the calf was created ex nihilo, by combining the letters of His Name
through which the universe was created, and this is not an act of magic since this is
an act of God through his holiness. One must question this interpretation, however,
because Abaye said that these are the laws of magic and hence not an act of God.
Also, far be it from God to create through names or do deeds by actually combining
letters, as many believe.” See Moshe Idel, Golem: Jewish Magical and Mystical Traditions
on the Artificial Anthropoid (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1990), 27-30.
Ibn Zarza then cites a list of sources that do accept the notion of making a golem,
among them Shem Tov ibn Falaquera. Ibn Zarza, however, obviously denies magic
through names, unless within a magic-astral context.
106 Ibn Zarza, Mikhlol Yofi, 2:160b.
107 Ibid, 138a.
108 See Ibn Ezra’s Commentary on the Torah, Leviticus 17:7, 16 (Shachter, 87, 90).
109 Ibn Mayor, ha-Ma’or ha-Gadol, 188b-189a.
institutionalization 119
110 The term k§hin in Arabic means diviner or necromancer. Particularly after
the rise of Islam, the term came to mean priest or religious man. The meaning of
the root k-h-n is to tell the future. See Nahmanides, Commentary on the Torah, Deuter-
onomy 13:2; Raphael Jospe, “Ramban (Nahmanides) and Arabic” [Hebrew], Tarbiz
57 (1988), 89.
111 “…taking their falseness as far as bringing sacrifices to what appears as a deity
in their deceptive imagination when, in truth, these are demons.” Gersonides, Com-
mentary on the Bible (Venice: Bombirghi, 1547), 158b.
112 Ibn Mayor, ha-Ma’or ha-Gadol, 189a.
120 chapter four
113 Frimer and Schwartz, The Life and Thought of Shem Tov ibn Shaprut, 157-160.
114 The translation was the work of Yaakov ibn Alfandri, apparently following Ibn
Zarza’s request, as the latter notes. Plausibly, then, the ascription of this text to Ibn
Ezra also originates in this circle. See Schwartz, The Religious Philosophy of R. Shemuel
ibn Zarza, 1:6, 28; 2:3, note 15, and see also Moshe Idel, “The Study Program of R.
Johanan Alemanno” [Hebrew], Tarbiz 48 (1979), 312, note 76.
115 Sefer ha-Atsamim, 16. I have introduced changes according to the version in
Ibn Zarza, Meqor Hayyim, 98b. An identical version to the original one by Ibn Zarza
appears also in the commentary of Shemuel Motot, Megillat Setarim, 25c.
116 Ibn Zarza, Mikhlol Yofi, 1:131b.
institutionalization 121
117 Ibid., 2:139b. The meaning of the “pairs” is that the performance of a specific
Motot too who, as noted, quotes from Sefer ha-Atsamim, unequivocally states: “And you
already know that the se#irim are the demons, and the demons are the spirits created
in the air through the power of the holy spiritualities, as the shadow is created from
the body” (Megilat Setarim, 36d).
120 Ibn Mayor, ha-Ma’or ha-Gadol, 189a.
121 “…and he killed them in the thousands and the tens of thousands, and they
are called demons, and mazikim, and angels of destruction, and they cause sickness
and death. That is why the burning of the herbs that eliminate the spirit of impurity is
helpful, because the powers of the stones and the herbs are spiritual powers emanating
from the supremes. And wise Empedocles convened them upon earth, and adjured
them, and found seven kinds of them” (Naomi Goldfeld, “Judah ben Shemaryah:
The Commentary on the Torah from a Genizah Manuscript,” Qovetz al-Yad, 10 NS
[20]1982, 155. See also ibid., 154.
122 chapter four
like. Hence, Aldabi’s and Shem Tov ibn Shem Tov’s critique remains
valid even after thinkers in this circle had reversed their views, and
perhaps because of it.
122 On astrological material in the Talmud, see, e.g., Jacob Neusner, A History of
the Jews in Babylonia, vol. 5 (Leiden: Brill, 1970).
the controversy in provence 123
whose astrological theories I discuss in my book. See Dov Schwartz, Astral Magic in
Medieval Jewish Thought (Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 1999), chs. 5 and 6.
These thinkers frequently discussed the writings of the Tibbonids, R. David Kimhi,
and Gersonides (including his commentaries on Averroes’ works), and so forth.
124 chapter five
External Influences
With the exception of a minority, both Provençal and Spanish Jews
believed that astrology was a real, effective discipline. Several Jews
became professional astrologers and mastered the science of astronomy
in order to draw up astrological calculations. Some served as astro-
logical consultants in rulers’ courts. Since astrology was recognized as
a science, many thinkers and physicians also believed in the validity
of astral magic (as a technical discipline) and used it frequently in
everyday life. While some Spanish Jews expressed reservations about
the use of astral magic for both religious and philosophical reasons,4
such reactions did not, apparently, reach the dimensions of an out-
and-out public debate, as they did at the turn of the thirteenth and
3 See, for example, the use made by contemporary Spanish scholars of explicit
references to the words of the Tibbonids (Samuel and Moses b. Samuel ibn Tibbon),
Jacob Anatoli (known for his work Malmad ha-Talmidim), Gersonides, and Moses Narboni.
Anonymous quotations are sometimes found. See, for instance, note 86 below.
4 See ch. 6 below.
the controversy in provence 125
5 See Sefer Minhat Qena"ot, in Rashba, Responsa, ed. Hayyim Z. Dimitrovsky, Part 1,
vol. 1, 270 ff. See Louis Jacobs, Theology in the Responsa (London and Boston: Routledge
and Kegan Paul, 1975), 76–79. On the role of astral magic in the anti-Maimonidean
controversy see Joseph Shatzmiller, “In Search of the Book of Figures: Medicine
and Astrology in Montpellier at the Turn of the Fourteenth Century,” AJS Review 7/8
(1982/1983): 383-407; idem, “The Forms of the Twelve Constellations: A Fourteenth
Century Controversy” [Hebrew], in Shlomo Pines Jubilee Volume: On the Occasion of His
Eightieth Birthday, ed. Moshe Idel, Warren Zeev Harvey and Eliezer Schweid (Jerusalem:
Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought, 1988), 397-408. On the relationship between
Abba Mari and Rashba and the history of the ban in general see Joseph Sarachek,
Faith and Reason: The Conflict over the Rationalism of Maimonides (Williamsport, Pa.: Bayard
Press, 1935), 195–264; Joseph Shatzmiller, “The Negotiations between Abba Mari and
the Rashba which Preceded the Herem in Barcelona” [Hebrew], Studies in the History
of the Jewish People and the Land of Israel, vol. 3 (Haifa: Haifa University Press, 1975),
121–137; Marc Saperstein, “The Conflict over the Rashba’s Herem on Philosophical
Study: A Political Perspective,” Jewish History 1 (1986): 27–38.
6 Shatzmiller, “Forms of the Twelve Constellations,” 399.
126 chapter five
Four Positions
Given the popularity of astral magic both in the non-Jewish environ-
ment and in the Jewish world, Jewish physicians and astrologers, on
the one hand, and their outspoken opponents, on the other, had to
consider two basic questions. First, was the practice of astral magic
real and effective, or mere nonsense? Second, was it halakhically
permissible, or should it be condemned as idolatry?
Thinkers concerned with these questions had to take into account
those talmudic sources that deal with magic and consider it to be real
(such as TB Rosh ha-Shanah 24b). Maimonides ignored most of these
sources and discussed primarily the passages relating to medicine;
other thinkers, however, could not follow suit. Similarly, they had
to grapple with Maimonides’ weighty strictures against astral magic,
which had shaped the attitudes to this area among earlier Provençal
Provençal thought in the fourteenth century knew of four answers
to the two questions just posed and, accordingly, four major positions
toward astral magic can be delineated:
1. False and forbidden: Moderate rationalists rejected astral magic out
of hand, and therefore considered it halakhically forbidden. These
thinkers adopted Maimonides’ uncompromising stance, accord-
ing to which astral magic lacked all reality and was prohibited.
They accepted the content, style, and language of Maimonides’
approach (Menahem Meiri, David Kokhavi). Some rationalists
saw fit to ignore the issue almost entirely, probably because they
denied the reality of astral magic (Joseph Ibn Kaspi).
2. Dubious and forbidden: This was the opinion of the traditionalists,
who consistently opposed the radical rationalists, in fact accus-
ing the latter among other things of engaging in astral magic for
7 See Lynn Thorndike, A History of Magic and Experimental Science, vol. 3 (New
York: Columbia University Press, 1964), 32–33, 519. On the currency of magical
concepts in scholastic thought, see also Bert Hansen, “Science and Magic,” in Sci-
ence in the Middle Ages, ed. David C. Lindberg (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
1978), 483-506.
the controversy in provence 127
8 See Aviezer Ravitzky, “Samuel ibn Tibbon and the Esoteric Character of the
Guide of the Perplexed,” AJS Review 6 (1981): 87–123; idem, “The Secrets of the Guide of
the Perplexed Between the Thirteenth and Twentieth Centuries,” in Isadore Twersky, ed.,
Studies in Maimonides (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1990), 159–207.
9 See, for instance, Menahem ha-Meiri, Beit ha-Behirah, Tractate Shabbat, ed.
Yitzhak Shimshon Lange (Jerusalem: n.p. 1976), 67a, 250, and see further below.
Meiri was influenced by his teacher, Reuben b. Hayyim, also essentially a charac-
teristic rationalist supporter of Maimonides, as reflected in his Sefer ha-Tamid (ed.
Yaakov Moshe Toledano, Otsar ha-Hayyim 7-8 [1931–1932]). For Meiri’s attitude to
Maimonides as a halakhic authority and philosopher see Benedikt, The Torah Center in
Provence, 184–191; J. David Bleich, “Divine Unity in Maimonides, the Tosafists, and
Me"iri,” in Lenn E. Goodman, ed., Neoplatonism and Jewish Thought (Albany: SUNY
Press, 1992), 242–251; Gregg Stern, Menahem ha-Meiri and the Second Controversy over
Philosophy (Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University, 1995).
10 David b. Samuel Kokhavi, Sefer ha-Batim, vol. 2; Sefer ha-Mitsvah, Azharot
salem: Hermon, 1965), on Sanhedrin 68a, 251. Meiri’s teacher, Reuben b. Hayyim,
also recognized the validity of the elements of astrology; see Sefer ha-Tamid, 21, 24.
However, he never mentions astral magic in the extant sources.
13 TB Shabbat 156a, 129b. This question was of considerable concern to Pro-
vençal scholars. See Binyamin Zeev Benedikt, “Food Depends on the Constellation”
[Hebrew], in his The Torah Center in Provence, 243–267. On Meiri, see 252–253. Vari-
ous scholars have discussed Meiri’s views on idolatry and his approach in the issue
of attitudes to non-Jews. See Jacob Katz, “Religious Tolerance in the Halakhic and
Philosophical System of Rabbi Menahem ha-Meiri” [Hebrew], Zion 18 (1953): 15–30;
Israel Ta-Shma, “Judeo-Christian Commerce on Sundays in Medieval Germany and
Provence” [Hebrew], Tarbiz 47 (1978): 197–210; Ephraim E. Urbach, “Rabbi Mena-
hem ha-Meiri’s Theory of Tolerance: Its Origin and Limits” [Hebrew], in Studies in
the History of Jewish Society in the Middle Ages and in the Modern Period Presented to Professor
Jacob Katz, ed. E. Etkes and Y. Salmon (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1980), 34–44. For
further reactions see Israel Ta-Shma, “Additional Remarks Concerning Moslems as
Intermediaries in Judeo-Christian Commerce” [Hebrew], Tarbiz 49 (1980): 218–219;
Yaakov Katz, “Religious Tolerance in the Halakhic System of R. Menahem ha-Meiri: A
Reply” [Hebrew], Zion 46 (1981): 243–246; Gerald Blidstein, “Maimonides and Me"iri
on the Legitimacy of Non-Judaic Religion,” in Scholars and Scholarship: The Interaction
130 chapter five
between Judaism and Other Cultures, ed. Leo Landman (New York: Yeshiva University
Press, 1990), 27–35. These scholars, however, did not consider the role of astrology
and astral magic in the context of the prohibition of idolatry. For a brief survey of
the issue see Abraham Geiger, “A Study of R. Levi b. Abraham b. Hayyim and Some
of his Contemporaries” [Hebrew], He-Halutz 2 (1853): 15–16.
14 Meiri, Beit ha-Behirah, Sanhedrin, 253.
15 Ibid., 252.
16 Ibid., 251.
17 Ibid., 252.
18 See, for instance, Arukh Completum, ed. Hanokh Judah Kohut, vol. 4, 232, s.v.
“Kalda"i”; Franz Cumont, Astrology and Religion among the Greeks and Romans (New York:
Dover, 1960). See also Ephraim E. Urbach, The Sages. Their Concepts and Beliefs, trans.
Israel Abrahams (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1979), 276–277.
the controversy in provence 131
pretation of the magical material in the Talmud and on the term “mazzikin” (demons,
evil spirits), see Moshe Halbertal, “Menahem ha-Me"iri: Talmudist and Philosopher”
[Hebrew], Tarbiz 63 (1994), 80–81; Gerald J. Blidstein, “R. Menahem Ha-Me"iri: Aspects
of an Intellectual Profile,” Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 5 (1995): 65.
22 Ibid., 254; see also 243, on Sanhedrin 65b.
23 See above, n. 18.
132 chapter five
Book of the Commandments in Negative Commandment 32. Ibn Tibbon translated the
phrase as “actions by choice from the laws of stars.” See also The Commandments: Sefer
ha-Mitzvoth of Maimonides, trans. Charles B. Chavel (London and New York: Soncino
Press, 1967), 2:31-32, negative commandment 32.
27 Sefer ha-Batim, 2:115. See also ibid., 1: Sefer ha-Emunah, 160.
28 As in Sefer ha-Batim, 2:116, on the basis of Guide of the Perplexed 3:37. The quota-
tion from Maimonides, in a passage directly concerned with the capture of spirituality
as part of the definition of sorcery, indicates that Kokhavi forbade the manufacture
of images for medical purposes and considered it as a form of sorcery. There are
several sources in which Maimonides forbids bringing down spirituality onto images
as sorcery, as in The Book of the Commandments, Negative Commandment 10.
134 chapter five
A Threefold Prohibition
Abba Mari’s position differed from that of Meiri only in its program-
matic aspect and in the severity of his prohibition on the use of images
for medical purposes.31 Taking an extreme traditionalist approach,
30 Abba Mari, Minhat Qena"ot, ed. Moses Bisliches(Pressburg: Anton Edlen von
Schmid, 1838) Iggeret 58; Sefer Minhat Qena"ot, ed. Dimitrovsky, ch. 77.
31 The philosophical, historical, and social significance of Astruc’s position in the
Abba Mari was not content to brand the practice of astral magic as
a transgression of two precepts. While relying on the same sources
in the Talmud and in Maimonides’ writings as Meiri and Kokhavi,
he categorized astral magic as a violation of three negative precepts:
me#onen (soothsayer), menahesh (diviner) and mekhashef (sorcerer). Where
the others had hesitated, he had no doubts, as he wrote in a letter
to Rashba:
Indeed, it seems that anyone who makes one of the images in a special
season, when the sun or one of the planets is in certain degrees, must
still be considered a soothsayer and a diviner... And I think it very likely
that such a person is also a sorcerer, for the terms “soothsayer” and
“diviner” refer only to people who plan their labor or their conduct
on a certain day or in a certain season, and they believe that they will
succeed in their business on those days. But in the case before us, that
of a person who makes a special image of metal on a certain day, when
the star is in such-and-such a degree, and believes that it thus causes
good or bad, that surely seems to be an act of sorcery.32
In contrast to Rashba’s doubts as to whether to permit or prohibit
making images for medical purposes, Abba Mari laid down the law
Since that is so, how can one permit making an image for medicine,
for the maker violates [the three precepts] of soothsayer, diviner, and
sorcerer; and even if the image has been made and exists, it is forbid-
den to use it to heal, and it is not considered among things that may be
used for medical purposes, because [doing so] is like attributing power
to the star and thanking it by making that image.33
32 Minhat Qena"ot, ch. 23, 320, line 125; 321, line 139; see also 322, lines 161–164.
Incidentally, R. David Messer Leon refers to this book as Minhat Qetatot (literally
meaning “offering of controversy” rather than the original “offering of zeal”), as
he writes: “…For a young boy remembers perfectly what he learned in his infancy,
and for that reason Rashba decreed in the districts of Provence that they should
not study philosophy in their youth and childhood, as you may see from the book
Minhat Qetatot, against which the Epistle of Apology was written” (Ein ha-Kore, Ms.
Oxford-Bodl. 1263 [Reggio 41], 3a). On Jedaiah ha-Penini’s Epistle of Apology (Ketav
ha-Hitnazlut) see below, text at nn. 59–61.
33 Minhat Qena"ot, 323, l. 176-324, l. 180. Astruc classifies medicines in the Talmud
under three headings: (1) Healing by medications whose mode of operation is known
and amenable to study. (2) Healing by a charm or a magic spell. (3) Healing by segullot,
that is, medications whose modes of operation and causes are unknown. In other
words, Astruc was willing to recognize the reality of non-astral magic (amulets, and so
forth), but firmly prohibited making images for medical purposes. He attributed such
healing to the philosophers, as we shall see below, thus making a factual contribution
the controversy in provence 137
35 The reference to Averroes should probably be associated with the group formed
around that time in Provence, which called itself “Kehal Me#ayyenim” and devoted itself
to studying the works of the great Aristotelian commentator. See Lawrence V. Berman,
“Greek into Hebrew: Samuel ben Judah of Marseilles,” in Alexander Altmann, ed.,
Jewish Medieval and Renaissance Studies (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,
1967), 238-320; idem, “A Manuscript Entitled ‘Shoshan Limudim’ and the Group of
“Me#ayyenim” in Provence” [Hebrew], Kiryat Sefer 53 (1978): 368–372.
36 See Georges Vajda, “On the Conflict between Philosophy and Religion”
37 Kehillat Yaakov, Ms. Paris 733, 49b. See also the excerpts published by Vajda at
to Ptolemy in the work Centiloquium, ch. 9, Ms. Paris 1055, 54a. On the translation
of this work see below, n. 77. For a French translation of the quotation see Le Centi-
loque de Ptolomée ou la seconde partie de l’Uranie (Paris, 1993), 19, and Jacques Halbronn’s
introduction, xl–xli, xxxiii.
39 Kehillat Yaakov, 50a. The basis for the technique of magical letters is explained
by Levi b. Abraham in his discussion of astral magic: “Every planet has special
letters, and therefore one born [under that sign of the Zodiac] is disposed to be
proficient in reading some letters more than other letters, as appointed to him, and
that is the reason for different languages spoken by different nations” (Livyat Hen, Ms.
Paris 1066/1, 7b). That is to say, there are certain types of letters corresponding to
each planet, and amulets based on astrology were fashioned on the basis of this cor-
respondence. The technique is mentioned in the work Picatrix, Book 3, ch, 4, among
others. See Hansen, “Science and Magic,” 487-488.
40 Kehillat Yaakov, 49b–50a.
140 chapter five
Psychological Utility
Ranged against the post-Maimonidean thinkers who denied the reality
of astral magic was a long and distinguished series of thinkers who
believed it efficacious. Given the decisive influence of the teachings of
Abraham ibn Ezra on fourteenth-century thinkers,43 the task facing
the adversaries of astral magic emerges as rather formidable. One
common approach was to argue that astral magic grants a psycho-
Shi"ur Qoma,” Studies in Religious Philosophy and Mysticism (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell Uni-
versity Press, 1969), 196–197; Dov Schwartz, The Philosophy of a Fourteenth Century
Jewish Neoplatonic Circle [Hebrew] (Jerusalem: Bialik Institute 1996); idem, Astral Magic,
chs. 5-6 and 9.
the controversy in provence 141
44 A similar explanation appears in the writings of Shem Tov ibn Maior. See Dov
on the Torah, on which see Robert Eisen, Gersonides on Providence, Covenant, and the
Chosen People: A Study in Medieval Jewish Philosophy and Biblical Commentary (Albany: SUNY
Press, 1995); Eli Freyman, “Le Commentaire de Gersonide sur le Pentateuque,” in
Gilbert Dahan, ed., Gersonide en son temps: science et philosophie medievales (Louvain: E.
Peeters, 1991), 117-132; Amos Funkenstein, “Gersonides’ Biblical Commentary: Sci-
ence, History and Providence,” in Gad Freudenthal, ed., Studies on Gersonides (Leiden:
Brill, 1992), 305–315.
46 For Gersonides’ treatment of this subject, see below.
47 Gersonides, Commentary on the Torah (Venice, 1547), 38d. The two most recent
Yaakov Leib Levi (Jerusalem: Mosad Harav Kook, 1992), 189; Rabbinic Pentateuch
with Commentary on the Torah by R. Levi b. Gershon (Gersonides, 1288–1344)[Hebrew], ed.
Baruch Braner and Eli Freyman (Maaleh Adummim: Ma#alyot, 1993), 388 (variants
in this edition are cited below in square brackets). In his “Explanation of Words,”
Gersonides adds that the “image” was made of metal (ed. Braner and Freyman,
377). Finally, it should be noted that Gersonides’ interpretation is cited in a slight
variant by Abravanel. See Abravanel’s Commentary on the Torah [Hebrew], vol. 1 (Jeru-
salem, 1979), 331.
48 Gersonides, on 1 Samuel 19:13.
49 In this connection see Charles Touati, La pensée philosophique et théologique de Gersonides
mental faculties. The effigy helps the diviner focus his imaginative
faculty at regular times and propose a detailed forecast of the future.
The terafim thus help to reveal “a few correct things [in the future]...
but many false things will be imagined together with them.”50 In other
words, the use of terafim did not guarantee a more accurate, complete
prediction of the future than divination or dreaming.
Moreover, judging from this passage, Gersonides believed that
making an image or an effigy was useful as a means of psychological
concentration (the imaginative faculty would be “isolated from the
other mental faculties”), and the diviner used images and effigies in
order to isolate the imaginative faculty and focus on it. Gersonides
contrasted the use of effigies for divination, which he considered
religiously illegitimate and representative of negative values, with
a symmetric, positive application: the use of sacrifices as an aid to
prophecy. Sacrifices play the role of the effigy or the image in the
prophetic process. The prophet, therefore, uses a sacrifice in order to
isolate his intellect from his other mental faculties and concentrate on
it, thus achieving prophetic inspiration. Discussing Noah’s sacrifices
after the Flood, Gersonides writes:
We will see that the matter of sacrifice is a preparation for prophecy to
emerge, as I shall explain, and that is... that in the matter of prophecy it
is necessary to isolate the intellect from the other mental faculties, and
therefore that may be achieved only when the other faculties cease their
activities, and to that end the prophet who wishes to prophesy must
awaken his intellectual faculty and put his other faculties to sleep... So
you find in the matter of sacrifices that they awaken the intellect and
put the sensory faculties to sleep, and that is because, when the animal
is slaughtered and cut in pieces and burnt by fire, the sensible soul is
suppressed, as cannot be ignored...51
Even in this description of the positive mode of foretelling the
future—prophecy—Gersonides employs magical terminology. Later,
he refers to the process whereby the prophet receives prophecy from
the Active Intellect by means of a typical magic-astral term, “reception
of a supreme power” (koah elyon): “It was clear to our Sages... that the
Temple is the place that is best prepared to receive supreme power;
they reached this conclusion because the altars that the ancients had
built to the Lord, may He be exalted, were in that place, that is,
on Mount Moriah.”52 So the supreme power is the emanation that
causes prophecy. Clearly, then, Gersonides seems to have shifted the
magical principle once more to the psychological level: When the
supreme power is brought down, the prophet’s intellect is fertilized by
emanation from the Active Intellect. This principle is reiterated in his
interpretation of the priestly vestments. The high priest’s breastplate, he
writes, is used to “decide future events of which he may be asked.”53
That is why the Urim and Thummim were placed in the breastplate:
“And the Urim and Thummim were the reason that prophecy came to
him, by way of his contemplation of the essence of the First Cause,
and accordingly his intellect is isolated from among the other mental
faculties, and that is the reason for the arrival of prophecy concern-
ing the matter with which his thought was occupied.”54 Clearly, the
Urim and Thummim were intended to isolate the prophet’s power of
intellect and, through this psychological concentration, the priest
could predict the future.
Let us return now to the manufacture of images or effigies as a
means to capture spirituality. Gersonides’ consideration of the prac-
tice as an aid to the diviner’s art also shaped his halakhic ruling on
that question—he forbade the manufacture of images as a violation
of the prohibition of divination. Here is his comment on “one who
practices divination” [kosem kesamim] (Deuteronomy 18:10):
This is a person who performs certain actions so that his thought should
be isolated and he should foretell the future by divination; and this
includes many varieties, some more execrable than others, but all are
forbidden as negative precepts. The Torah forbade such practices because
origins of reality (the former to matter or primeval natural heat, the latter to the
primeval form), so that concentration upon them brought about contemplation of
“the essence of the First Cause.” See also Moshe Idel, “Hitbodedut as Concentration
in Jewish Philosophy” [Hebrew], in Moshe Idel, Zeev Harvey, and Eliezer Schweid,
eds., Shlomo Pines Jubilee Volume: On the Occasion of His Eightieth Birthday, vol. 1 (Jerusa-
lem: Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought, 1988), 50–51; Funkenstein, “Gersonides’
Biblical Commentary,” 314.
the controversy in provence 145
60 As follows from his midrashic interpretations. See, for instance, Jedaiah ha-
Penini, Be"urim cal ma"amarei hazal be-midrash Tehillim, ed. Solomon Buber (Cracow,
1891), 19-20.
61 Ketav ha-Hitnazzelut, in Rashba, Responsa (Bologna, 1539), 81a. By “hidden
“incense burning and the like” to arouse the magician’s imaginative faculty (Livyat
Hen, Ms. Munich 58, 15a). Gersonides and Jedaiah, however, argued that there is
nothing more to such acts, while Levi considered them as applicable to medicine
(see next section).
63 On Levi as an astronomer see Gad Freudenthal, “Sur la partie astronomique
du Liwyat Hen de Levi ben Abraham ben Hayyim,” REJ 148 (1989): 103-112, which
includes a detailed table of contents of the astronomical section of Livyat Hen. On
Levi’s part in the controversy over philosophy see Abraham S. Halkin, “The Ban on
the Study of Philosophy” [Hebrew], Perakim 1 (1967–1968): 35–55; idem, “Why was
Levi ben Abraham Hounded?,” PAAJR 34(1966): 65–76; idem, “Yedaiah Bedersi’s
Apology,” in Alexander Altmann, ed., Jewish Medieval and Renaissance Studies (Cambridge
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1967), 165–184; Charles Touati, “La controverse de
1303–1306 autour des études philosophiques et scientifiques,” REJ 117 (1968): 21–37;
Dov Schwartz, “Changing Fronts in the Controversies over Philosophy in Medieval
Spain and Provence,” Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 7 (1997): 75–79; idem,
“‘Greek Wisdom’: A Reexamination in the Period of the Controversy over the Study
of Philosophy” [Hebrew], Sinai 104 (1989): 148-153.
the controversy in provence 149
64 Livyat Hen, “Fortieth Gate: On the Powers of the Stars,” Ms. Paris 1066/1,
7b. In the following discussion, several of the various surviving versions of this work
will be used. See Colette Sirat, “Les différentes versions du Livyat Hen de Levi b.
Abraham,” REJ 122 (1963), 167-177.
65 Livyat Hen, 1066/1, 7b.
66 Ibid., 7b–8a. Levi denied the truth of popular, non-astral magic, including it in
the category of forbidden science (“Greek wisdom”). See Schwartz, “‘Greek Wisdom:
A Reexamination,” 150. It is an interesting point that, during the fourteenth century,
“Greek wisdom” was identified with the capture of spirituality. See Dov Schwartz,
“More on the Issue of Greek Wisdom in Jewish Thought in the Fourteenth Century”
[Hebrew], Sinai 105 (1990): 94–95.
150 chapter five
of the images by virtue of what they have captured from the powers of
the stars and the segullot.67
The passage attributed to Galen presents a Hermetic tradition con-
cerning the antiquity of the magical secrets to which the Jews are
privy; the source of these secrets is “Enoch,” a name for Hermes.68
Levi himself proposed an interpretation of the passage quoted from
When he said “the spirituality lifted him up,” he apparently meant that
because of [Enoch] secluding himself with wisdom and contemplating
the upper worlds, he ascended to God, as it is said, “then he was no
more, for God took him” [Genesis 5:24]. And they have also said that
certain images can be made at appropriate times that will heal some
sicknesses. Perhaps, that is why the Philistines once made golden images
of hemorrhoids in order to ward off the sickness of hemorrhoids that
was a common sickness in their land, and the Lord, Who can change
everything, nullified the powers of those images and afflicted them with
hemorrhoids because of the Ark.69 And they returned together with
[the Ark], as a gift, those gold images that had misled them, for they
had made them long before. Hence Israel, the wise, should trust only
in the worship of God and his love, for He is our physician, our shield,
and our shelter.70
Clearly, then, Levi b. Abraham believed in the real efficacy of making
an image for medical purposes, and considered it legitimate (“certain
images can be made at appropriate times”); this will be discussed
in further detail below. Proof of his belief in the reality of magical
67 Livyat Hen, Ms. Vatican 192, 120b–121a (Gate of Aggadah). The use of the term
“spirituality” for the influence of the stars and the dissemination of their “power”
over the earth recurs in the writings of Levi b. Abraham. In “Gate of Haggadah” he
indeed cites such a conceptual usage from the work Moznei ha-Iyyunim, misatribbuted
to Averroes (134a). On this work see Alexander Altmann, “The Ladder of Ascension,”
Studies in Religious Philosophy and Mysticism (London : Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1969),
48, note 28; Binyamin Abrahamov, “The Sources of Mozené ha-Iyyunim” [Hebrew],
Da#at 34 (1995): 83–86. See Schwartz, Astral Magic, 120.
68 The identification of Enoch and Hermes, as well as quotations from Hermetic
literature attributed to Enoch, appear in the writings of the Neoplatonic circle dis-
cussed above. See, for instance, Solomon Alconstantin, Megalleh Amuqqot, Ms. Vatican
59, 10a; Solomon Franco, Supercommentary on Ibn Ezra’s Torah Commentary, Ms. Oxford-
Bodl. 1258 (Hunt. 559), 61a, 72a; Joseph Bonfils, Tsafenat Pacaneah, vol. 1, ed. David
Herzog (Cracow, 1912), 222.
69 The words “and the Lord... the Ark” are erroneously repeated in the manu-
71 Livyat Hen, Ms. Munich 58, 56a. On Ibn Ezra’s exegesis see Schwartz, Astral
Magic, ch. 2.
72 Quoted from Colette Sirat, “Moses Narbonni’s Pirqey Moshe” [Hebrew], Tarbiz
The idea that astral magic was an “ancient wisdom” harking back
to the time of the ancient Hebrews was common in Provence, and
Provençal scholars therefore used fictitious names, attributed to various
eponyms. In quoting Galen’s reference to Enoch, Levi was not the only
scholar to cite Hermetic traditions. One work written in the second
half of the fourteenth century, probably by a Provençal scholar, was
Ma#yan Gannim.73 Quoted in that work is an exegetical tradition about
the stones in shoulder-pieces of the high priest’s ephod, attributed to
The Book of Governance by one “Alexander”:
Aristotle ordered seals to be made and the names of certain planets
engraved on certain precious stones that are under the influence of those
planets, at certain times, to perpetuate [Alexander’s] dominance and
rule, and Scripture therefore said of them, “stones for the remembrance
of the Israelite people” (Exodus 28:12; 39:7).74
This tradition holds that astral magic yields certain advantages in
the political realm. It describes the priest as endowed with leadership
abilities that rely on stellar emanation and, as such, an aid to royalty.
The author of Ma#yan Gannim considered Hermetic tradition to be an
“ancient wisdom,” writing that “the wisdom of these matters has been
lost, and this concerns all those matters written in this chapter [the
chapter of the Torah dealing with the priestly vestments] although
their explanations are unknown to us.”75
Around the beginning of the fourteenth century, Kalonymus b.
Kalonymus translated the Centiloquium, attributed to Ptolemy, with
the commentary of Abu Ja#far Ahmed b. Yusuf b. Ibrahim. That
work, too, features Hermetic-magical concepts, as has already been
shown here.76
Since Levi b. Abraham (like the anonymous author of Ma#yan Gannim
and perhaps also Kalonymus b. Kalonymus) recognized astral magic
as a legitimate realm of “ancient science,” he was clearly opposed
to those who considered bringing down spirituality on effigies to be
halakhically forbidden. Indeed, he seems to have feverishly sought
some way of halakhically legitimizing the manufacture of effigies for
medical purposes. His important account, in his work Sha#ar ha-Hag-
gadah, deserves quoting in full:
Therefore there are some who permit the making of some images
at certain times depending on the powers of the stars to heal certain
sicknesses, commanding that the image of a lion be made during the
rule of the sun; of gold, for sickness of the kidneys; and the image of a
scorpion for [its] bite; and for epilepsy [?]77 one makes the image of a
75 Ma#yan Gannim.
76 As noted, Jacob b. Solomon ha-Zarfati also quotes from the Centiloquium. The
book is also mentioned by Hasdai Crescas; see Renan, Les écrivains juifs français, 85,
431; Steinschneider, Hebräischen Übersetzungen, 529–530; Harvey, “Uniqueness of the
Land of Israel,” 158; Nathan Ophir, “Rabbi Hasdai Crescas as a Philosophical
Commentator on Rabbinic Sayings” [Hebrew] (Ph.D. dissertation: Hebrew Univer-
sity, 1993), 174. On Kalonymus b. Kalonymus as translator and his position in the
translation tradition see Alexander Marx, “The Scientific Work of Some Outstanding
Mediaeval Jewish Scholars,” in Israel Davidson, ed., Essays and Studies in Memory of
Linda R. Miller (New York: Jewish Theological Seminary of America,1938), 150–153;
Alfred Lyon Ivry, “Philosophical Translations from the Arabic in Hebrew during the
Middle Ages,” in Jacqueline Hamesse and Marta Fattori, eds., Rencontres de culture dans
la philosophie médiévale (Louvain-la-Neuve : Universite catholique de Louvain, Institut
d’etudes medievales, 1990), 171. It should further be noted that Kalonymus b. Kal-
onymus translated astrological letters by al-Kindi, who was known for his writing on
astrology and astral magic (his translations have been preserved in a large number
of manuscripts; for example: Berlin 219.6; Munich 356.2; Paris 1055; Cambridge
343.16). See also Steinschneider, Hebräischen Übersetzungen, 563–565.
77 Heb. bi-nfol. Perhaps the correct reading is nofel, in the sense here translated.
Talmudic medicine considers flies the cause of a dermatological disease called ra"atan
(TB Ketubbot 77b). There are various interpretations of the nature of this disease,
including that of a disease consistent with epilepsy. Of course, it should be remembered
154 chapter five
fly of copper, to drive away any fly that might come there; and this is
no doubt in the category of segullah.78 Similarly, any image that is not
one of the forbidden images, such as the human face if made in relief
[three-dimensionally], or the image of a dragon, or the sun, or the moon,
or the signs [of the Zodiac], even if not in relief. Perhaps that is permit-
ted if done for medical purposes, for every educated person knows that
God granted powers to the stars and to his other creatures. However,
it is not appropriate to instruct the masses to do so, and it was in that
context that [the rabbis] said, “[Hezekiah] hid away the Book of Cures,
and [the rabbis] approved of it” [TB Berakhot 10b], for at that time
people were attracted to the worship of images; and this is indicated by
the parallel text of the Jerusalem Talmud in Tractate Nedarim, which
states that he hid [the Book of Cures] in a tablet,79 recalling the text,
“R. Gamliel used to have a diagram of phases of the moon on a tablet
[hung] on the wall, and so forth”80 But the prohibition is not explicit
in the text of Maimonides in Chapter 3 of the Laws of Idolatry, for
there the author is speaking of images made for ornamentation, and
there too he permits making images of animals, even in relief. Hence,
it is permitted to make some signs [of the Zodiac], provided he does
not intend the forms of the signs and show them in their configuration
in the heavens. And as he explained in the Guide about the Book of
Cures that Hezekiah hid away, that concerned [cures] accomplished
with incense and magic spells, and that is almost sorcery, as we have
noted previously.81
Levi’s argument here is somewhat hesitant. The legitimization of
making images is formulated as “there are some who permit.” He
similarly hedges his statements with such phrases as “perhaps that is
permitted” or “but the prohibition is not explicit.” Nevertheless, the
final conclusion is quite radical: astral magic is entirely permissible
from a halakhic point of view. Levi argues that making an image at a
time that has been determined by astrological calculations is equivalent
to segullah, that is, to a certain set of supposedly factual data attested
by experience. Thus, making an image is subject to the same law as
that talmudic medicine was not generally used in the Middle Ages; see Julius Preuss,
Biblical and Talmudic Medicine, trans. Fred Rosner (New York : Sanhedrin Press, 1978),
347–350. I am indebted to Professor Shmuel Kotek for his comments.
78 This term denotes findings that can be corroborated by “examination and
experience” (ibid.). Levi is referring here to the pharmacological meaning of the term
segullah, that is, he is stating that images are efficacious as medicines; see below.
79 The manuscript has a lacuna here. The source in the Jerusalem Talmud is
found in the commentary Toledot Yitzhak to the Creation story. Another example is
Lattes’ use of a phrase commonly used by Joseph ibn Caspi, when he writes that
“the multitude may be likened to animals” (ibid., 143a).
84 On his circle of disciples see my articles: “A Study of the Philosophical Variety
in Spain and Provence before the Expulsion” [Hebrew], Pe#amim 49 (1992): 12-15;
“Contacts Between Jewish Philosophy and Mysticism in the Rise of the Fifteenth
Century” [Hebrew], Da#at 29 (1992): 41-67; “Asceticism and Self-Mortification in
Attitudes Held by a Provençal Circle of Commentators of the Kuzari” [Hebrew],
Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought 11 (1993): 79-91; “The Theology of the Provençal
Kuzari Commentators’ Circle” [Hebrew], Tarbiz 64 (1995): 401-421.
85 Ibn Ezra, Commentary on the Torah, Deuteronomy 34:6.
86 The Hebrew word for star or planet, kokhav, is also one of the names of the
planet Mercury.
the controversy in provence 157
in addition to the intellect and perfection that were in Moses our leader,
may he rest in peace.87
Thus, Frat Maimon believed that the spirituality of the planet Mercury
was a source of religious and intellectual merits, including prophecy.
The emanation could not be received without the proper substrate
(“preparation”), including a special place “the mountain of Abarim”)
and an image of the planet Mercury. Clearly, then, Frat Maimon
believed in the reality of capturing celestial spirituality, even in refer-
ence to such areas as religious and intellectual perfection. His inter-
pretation is a perfect example of astral magical exegesis of a biblical
episode—the death and burial of Moses. It provides incontrovertible
evidence that Levi b. Abraham’s ideas had struck roots among Pro-
vençal rationalists, including his astral magical world view.
Frat Maimon’s disciples, nevertheless, did not fully concur with
his radical position on this issue, as evidenced by Solomon b. Judah’s
explicit reservations about such uses of magic.88 In other words, around
the beginning of the fifteenth century, attitudes to astral magic were
again subjected to a reappraisal, resulting in a moderation of views.
In the fourteenth century, however, and even before that, Levi b.
Abraham and the members of his circle overtly and boldly upheld the
use of astral-magical practices, both per se and from a strictly halakhic
87 Jacob Farissol, Beit Yaakov, Ms. Berlin 124, 18b; Netanel Caspi, Commentary on
The Kuzari (erroneously identified as Edut le-Yisrael, the lost commentary of Frat him-
self), Ms. Paris 677/1, 21b (neither of the latter mention Frat by name); Solomon b.
Judah, Heshek Shelomo, Ms. Oxford 2383, 20b. This commentary is cited anonymously
(“It is said...” [yesh omer]) in Meqor Hayyim by Samuel ibn Zarza, active in Spain at
the same time as Frat (Meqor Hayyim, Mantua 1559, 129c). Moses is portrayed in
the above passage as a magician, and in that respect Frat is actually invoking an
age-old tradition. The portrayal was also reinforced by the comparison of Moses
and Balaam. See Moshe Idel, “The Magical and Neoplatonic Interpretations of the
Kabbalah in the Renaissance,” in Bernard D. Cooperman, ed., Jewish Thought in the
Sixteenth Century (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1983), 202-203; Dorit
Cohen-Alloro, Magic and Sorcery in the Book of the Zohar [Hebrew] (Ph.D. dissertation:
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1989), 141-178.
88 See above, pp. 133-135. Further examples of this reserved attitude will be
the odor of the burning inner parts of the animal was a real aid to
knowledge of the future, after the manner of “diviners, priests of high
places, Baal, Astarte, and those who make images and talismans.”90
The magical object of the sacrifice was thus prediction of the future
and, as such, it was used mainly by the prophet. Sacrificial rites, then,
have political and communal significance, reflected in their contribu-
tion to the prediction of the future.
Moses Narboni, who was born in Provence but emigrated to Spain,
viewed sacrifices as means for the capture of spirituality, but endowed
magical practices with a much broader object: to maintain the proper
order of social and religious life in the Land of Israel. His point of
departure was the astrological theory of climate, according to which
the world is divided into seven climates, each affected by one of the
seven planets. The sacrificial rites were designed to capture the spirituality of the
planet, particularly influencing the Land of Israel. As he writes:
As you already know, the scholars apportioned each climate to a par-
ticular guardian angel, and so it is with respect to all climates. And the
true scholars said that the earthly Temple was in correspondence with
the heavenly Temple,91 and therefore the Torah commanded all those
things that are remnants of the heavenly Temple, and rejected things
that are repulsive to it.92
Clearly, then, Narboni saw in sacrifices a means for capturing spiri-
tuality, and considered such astral-magical practices absolutely nec-
essary for the welfare of the Jews in the Land of Israel: “For since
the matter of the sacrifices is a great secret, to be divulged only to a
90 Ma#aseh Nissim, ch. 14, in Joshua Heschel Schorr, He-Halutz 7 (1865): 130. Part
of the passage is cited by Sirat, “Moses Narbonni’s Pirqei Moshe,” 300–301.
91 See TB Ta#anit 5a. Narboni gives the well-known idea of a heavenly Jerusalem
(or Temple) analogous to the earthly city (or Temple)—an expression of the Platonic
doctrine of ideas—a magical interpretation. See Victor Aptowitzer, “The Heavenly
Temple in the Agada” [Hebrew], Tarbiz 2 (1931): 137–153, 257–287; Ephraim E.
Urbach, “Earthly and Heavenly Jerusalem” [Hebrew], in The World of the Sages (Jeru-
salem: Magnes Press, 1988), 376–391.
92 Pirqei Moshe, ch. 3, in Sirat, “Moses Narbonni’s Pirqei Moshe,” 305. This climatic
select few, it was given to the priests, and it is therefore quite clear
that the spirituality to which we are referring is received through the
burning [of the sacrifice], and it maintains the land and its people,
illuminating them.”93
This concept of the Temple as a talisman capable of absorbing
heavenly emanation was also adopted by Frat Maimon’s disciple
Nethanel Caspi in his commentary on The Kuzari. Judah Halevi had
stated in his work (4:3) that the word “adonay” as a divine name could
also be assigned to certain objects, such as the light of the glory.
Caspi explained that this name also applied to celestial spirituality.
Commenting on Judah Halevi’s statement, “When one is referring to a
divine thing, one says, adonay, [the name written] with alef, dalet, nun,
yod... alluding to what exists facing him in the place,”94 he explains:
“What he means is that when we say adonay, this alludes to what is
facing the speaking prophet, that is, to the force that comes from the
ruler in accordance with its presence in the place where the prophet
is standing, for the emanation will flow and be received in accordance
with the preparation of the place.”95 Prophecy, then, is achieved as
a consequence of the star’s spirituality. Caspi relies on the theory of
special places, according to which there exist places that are particularly
disposed to capture celestial emanation. The prophet secludes himself
in such places and is granted his prophecy. The special places are also
considered appropriate for sacrifices. A few lines later, Judah Halevi
writes, “There are many attributes for a single essence, because of
the changing of the receptive place.” Caspi’s explanation invokes the
93 Pirqei Moshe. The meaning of the last two words in this passage, translated
here as “illuminating them,” is not clear. The phrase may also be understood as
“giving rest.” The whole topic is treated by Gitit Holtzman, “The Reasons for the
Commandments according to Rabbi Moses Narboni” [Hebrew], Assufot: Annual for
Jewish Studies 9 (1995): 281–283.
94 Hebrew “mah she-ke-negdo ba-makom.” This is the reading in the manuscript
batim in Beit Yaakov, Jacob Farissol’s commentary on The Kuzari, 94a–b. This implies
that both Caspi and Farissol were quoting their teacher Frat Maimon.
the controversy in provence 161
version of Livyat Hen, 45a: “Those fools used to sacrifice and burn incense to them
besides other rites, because they thought that this would be pleasant and proper for
those powers.”
162 chapter five
101 See above, n. 33. On popular magic in Provence see, for instance, Joshua
Trachtenberg, Jewish Magic and Superstition (New York: Atheneum, 1979), 68.
102 Schwartz, Astral Magic, ch. 3.
103 See, for instance, Halkin, “The Ban on the Study of Philosophy”; Yithzak
Baer, A History of the Jews in Christian Spain, trans. Louis Schoffman (Philadelphia:
Jewish Publications Society, 1961), 292, 294; Frank Talmage, “Apples of God: The
Inner Meaning of Sacred Texts in Medieval Judaism,” in Arthur Green, ed., Jewish
Spirituality (London: Crossroad, 1986), 341. Talmage cites examples of allegoristic
interpretation of the commandments even by more moderate rationalists, such as
Hasdai Crescas. In relation to the radical nature of allegorism, however, two important
factors should not be ignored: (1) The context of the interpretation. The radicals
164 chapter five
proposed allegories that relied on rational principles, such as the Aristotelian world
picture or the ideal of intellectualism; this was contrary to more general interpretations,
which deal with such issues as spirit and matter, or body and soul in general. (2) The
frequency and consistency of such interpretations and their public dissemination. A
distinction is required between allegorical exegesis addressed to a limited intellectual
elite, on the one hand, as opposed to consistent allegorical exegeses openly available
to any reader or preacher. An example of a radical allegorical interpretation of the
commandments that is both contextually rational and continuous appears in a circle
of contemporary Spanish thinkers. See Dov Schwartz, “The Spiritual Decline of the
Jewish Community in Spain at the End of the Fourteenth Century” [Hebrew], Pe#amim
46–47 (1991): 92-114.
104 See Dov Schwartz, Messianism in Medieval Jewish Thought [Hebrew] (Ramat-Gan:
Bar-Ilan University Press, 1997), index, s.v. “Levi b. Abraham.” Nevertheless, the
dimensions of the controversy prior to the ban were sometimes violently irrational;
in that respect, this controversy was no different from many others. See, for instance,
Moshe Idel, “On the History of the Interdiction against the Study of Kabbalah
before the Age of Forty” [Hebrew], AJS Review 5 (1980): 4–6.
105 See my forthcoming edition of Solomon b. Judah’s commentary on The
the controversy in provence 165
106 See Schwartz, Philosophy of a 14th Century Jewish Neoplatonic Circle, 23–27.
the controversy in spanish jewry 167
on the Writings of Abraham Ibn Ezra, vol. 4 (London: Trubner, 1877), 242-243; Judah Leib
Fleischer, “Commentaries on R. Abraham Ibn Ezra’s Commentary on the Torah”
[Hebrew], Otsar ha-Hayyim 11, no. 3 (1934): 80–84; Yitzhak Tzvi Langermann, “From the
Collections of the Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts of the Jewish National
and University Library in Jerusalem” [Hebrew], Kiryat Sefer 59 (1984), 637–638; Dov
Schwartz, “The Neoplatonic Movement in Fourteenth Century Jewish Literature: Its
Relation to Medicine” [Hebrew], Qorot 9 (1990): 274–275.
168 chapter six
3 See Dov Schwartz, “R. Abraham Al-Tabib: The Man and His Oeuvre” [Hebrew],
emerge from the numerous details. Here are Altabib’s two complaints
and Franco’s responses:4
Accusation 1
Franco’s ideas in his supercommentary contradict the teachings of the
Torah and rabbinic tradition.
These ideas are Ibn Ezra’s views; he (Franco) himself believes in the
literal meaning of the text.
Accusation 2
Franco dares to attribute his perverse views to Ibn Ezra.
These views are well entrenched in Ibn Ezra’s text that, although brief
and allusive at times, is more expansive elsewhere, so that his “secrets”
may be deciphered.
It is interesting that Franco does not deny Altabib’s first complaint
outright; he was fully aware that the ideas he was propounding were
rational and radical, even somewhat antinomian. All he could say was
that “the way of the Torah is one thing and the way of philosophy
another; for myself, I have chosen the way of faith” (90a). This asser-
tion, considered in the perspective of Franco’s writings as a whole,
raise doubts as to the soundness of the supposed barrier between his
views and those of Ibn Ezra.5
Most of Altabib’s objections that were founded on scientific assump-
tions lacked proper support in the actual text of Ibn Ezra; rather,
they betray the attacker’s conservative theology. Altabib’s frequent
6 On this exegetical and philosophical trend in the fourteenth century see Dov
Schwartz, “The Land of Israel in the Fourteenth Century Jewish Neoplatonic School”
[Hebrew], in Moshe Hallamish and Aviezer Ravitzky, The Land of Israel in Medieval
Jewish Thought (Jerusalem: Yad Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, 1991), 146–147; idem, “Varieties
of Magic in Jewish Thought in Fourteenth Century Spain” [Hebrew], PAAJR 57
(1990–1991): 17–47; idem, “Astrology and Astral Magic in the Writings of R. Solomon
Alconstantin” [Hebrew], Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Folklore 15 (1993): 37-82. The number-
ing of the objections [hassagot] follows the complete edition of the objections and answers
published in Dov Schwartz, Amulets, Properties, and Rationalism in Medieval Jewish Thought
[Hebrew] (Ramat Gan: Bar Ilan University Press, 2004), 317-380.
the controversy in spanish jewry 171
The Scapegoat
Franco bases the ritual of the scapegoat on the worship of Saturn and
Mars. Since, as he states, these two planets are influential on the Day
of Atonement, the ritual of the two goats is designed to nullify their
evil, aggressive influence. As he writes in his commentary:
It seems to me that the view of this sage [Ibn Ezra] is that, since on
the tenth day of the seventh month the moon is in Capricorn, which
is the abode of Mars, and also since it is always in one of the abodes
of Saturn on that day, that is why they would perform the rite of the
he-goats [avodat ha-se#irim], one for the Lord and the other for Azazel,
who is the guardian angel of Mars, so that they should not cause harm
as is in their nature.7
According to Franco, then, the goat set aside “for the Lord” is meant
for Saturn, while the other, “for Azazel,” is for Mars. Moreover,
Altabib takes sharp exception to the expression “the rite of the he-
goats” (hassagah 24), on the grounds of the apparent self-contradiction
in another passage of Franco. On the one hand, Franco explains the
text as prescribing such a rite. On the other, concerning the text “and
that they may offer their sacrifices no more to the goat-demons...”
(Leviticus 17:7), he comments that worship of evil heavenly bodies is
forbidden. Altabib, therefore, urges a return to the classical conception
of kofer [ransom, expiation by proxy]: in this passage, he claims, the
Torah is teaching us a technique for nullifying evil influence; there is
no question of direct astral worship. Franco, however, does not see
any contradiction in his exegesis: astral worship is forbidden, except
in situations where it is explicitly permitted, and even necessary, as
in the rite of the he-goats:
And therefrom you may understand and explain away your difficul-
ties with this text. For as to your objection, that if indeed the Lord
commanded us to offer a sacrifice to Samael, what was the intention
[of the verse] “and that they may offer their sacrifices no more to the
goat-demons”? There is no real contradiction between the first text and
the second, for the first deals with [a rite] prescribed by the Creator,
blessed be He, on this particular day, and not at any other time. And
that is the [meaning of the] text, “and that they may offer their sacrifices
no more to the goat-demons....” Hence, there was no reason for you
to force yourself to say, in your own name, the explanation that was
stated by others (103a).
Offering sacrifices to the planets of wrath was thus an explicit divine
commandment. Franco held fast to his opinion that the ritual of
the he-goats on the Day of Atonement was indeed actual worship
of heavenly bodies, by no means a question of expiation by proxy.
Thus, the dispute only served to reinforce Franco’s views, clarifying
that this was no ritual of mere atonement but direct worship of an
evil planet.8
Franco’s outspoken views as to the importance of astral worship in
the ritual of the Day of Atonement stunned and embarrassed even his
admirers. Ezra Gatigno quotes the above explanation verbatim and,
after the praise, goes on to criticize it:
Thus far the words of Franco in his explanation of the matter of Azazel
according to Ibn Ezra’s view. And it is very plausible, and his words of
Abraham ibn Ezra,” in Rabbi Abraham Ibn Ezra: The Writings of a Twelfth-Century Poly-
math, ed. Isadore Twersky and Jay Michael Harris (Cambridge: Harvard University
Center for Jewish Studies, 1993), 40–42.
the controversy in spanish jewry 173
9 Sod Ha-Shem li-Yre"av, Ms. München 15, 273b. Gatigno also criticized another
point in the commentary: “Moreover, what was said of Ibn Ezra’s statement, ‘When
you reach thirty-three you will understand it,’ saying that this was meant metaphori-
cally—that is nonsense, for Ibn Ezra would not speak metaphorically in this matter,
and he did not intend now at this point to speak metaphorically, for that is not the
proper place, for Ibn Ezra never took that approach.” Incidentally, this comment of
Franco is also quoted anonymously (“some say...”) by Samuel Ibn Zarza, Meqor Hayyim
(Mantua, 1550), 70d.
10 In hassagah 25, it is obvious that Altabib, too, disapproved of applying God’s
Name to Saturn.
11 Incidentally, Altabib attacked Franco on this very point in Hassagah 33. Franco
explained Aram’s words, “Their God is a God of mountains” (I Kings 20:23), ostensibly
referring to God, as actually referring to Saturn. It is interesting that here Gatigno quoted
Franco’s interpretation without any objections (Sod Ha-Shem li-Yre"av, fol. 282a).
174 chapter six
12 On the question of the he-goats in Franco’s circle, see also Schwartz, “Varieties
of Magic,” 31-35.
13 See “Epistle on Astrology,” in Maimonides, Epistles [Hebrew], ed. Yitzhak Shei-
lat, vol. 2 (Jerusalem, Ma#alyot: 1988), 483. The various theological implications of
Maimonides’ position on astrology have been discussed by Langermann and Kreisel.
See Yitzhak Tzvi Langermann, “Maimonides’ Repudiation of Astrology,” Maimonidean
Studies 2 (1991): 123-158; Hayyim Kreisel, “Maimonides’ Approach to Astrology”
[Hebrew], Proceedings of the Eleventh World Congress of Judaic Studies, Division 2, section
C (Jerusalem: World Union of Jewish Studies: 1994), 25-32.
14 Shem Tov ibn Mayor, Ha-Ma"or ha-Gadol, Ms. Oxford, Bodl. 228 (Poc. 207),
15 See, for instance, the natural explanation of the earth opening to swallow up
Magic,” 32-33.
the controversy in spanish jewry 175
Dietary Laws
The major bone of contention between Altabib and Franco was the
status of Saturn and its influence on the Jews and their religious life. As
noted in the context of the scapegoat and the festivals, Altabib vehe-
mently objects to Franco’s thesis that Saturn exerts a major influence on
the fate of the nation and on the explanation of the commandments.18
Similar objections come to light in connection with the dietary laws
and the laws of incestuous relationships. Against Franco’s consistent
magic-astral motivation, Altabib offered the rational reasons most
commonly encountered in medieval philosophical literature.
To explain the dietary laws, Franco asserts that the forbidden foods
are subject to the constant influence of Saturn. On various occasions,
he insists that the use of materials, places, or animals subject to Saturn’s
influence, for any purpose other than the worship of that planet, is
liable to have destructive results. The forbidden animals, he says,
belong to Saturn’s portion and should therefore not be eaten: “And
the reason for their prohibition is because they are of the portion of
Saturn, as the astrologers say. Just as the Egyptians used to do, for they
abhorred the consumption of sheep because they are under the sign
17 See, for instance, his supercommentary on Ibn Ezra, Ms. München, 278b.
18 Originally, the controversy centered on Ibn Ezra’s exegesis, but the polemic
concerning the role of Saturn and its effect on the Jewish people became a dominant
motif in the arguments between Altabib and Franco. See Ron Barkai, Science, Magic,
and Mythology in the Middle Ages [Hebrew] (Jerusalem: Van Leer, 1987), 30-31.
19 Franco’s commentary on Ibn Ezra, fol. 77a.
176 chapter six
20 See Yitzhak Heinemann, The Reasons for the Commandments in the Tradition [Hebrew],
according to Ms. Oxford, Bodl. 231. Maimonides frequently discusses the merits of
athletics in his medical works. See, for instance, Maimonides, Regimen Sanitatis: Letters
on the Hygiene of the Body and of the Soul, trans. Moshe Ibn Tibbon, ed. Suessmann
Muntner (Jerusalem: Mosad Harav Kook, 1957), 32–33.
23 Sod Ha-Shem li-Yre’av, Ms. München 15, 276b. For Maimonides on this question
see Guide of the Perplexed 3:48 [598]; Pirqei Moshe (Aphorisms of Moses), trans. Nathan
ha-Me’ati, ed. Sussman Muntner (Jerusalem: Mosad Harav Kook, 1961, 230. See
also Yaakov Levinger, Maimonides as Philosopher and Codifier [Hebrew] (Jerusalem: Bialik
Institute, 1990), 114. I have been unable to locate the first quotation (“although Galen
wrote...”) in any of Maimonides’ surviving works.
the controversy in spanish jewry 177
The issues on which Altabib and Franco crossed swords indicate that
the point at stake was not the essence of astral magic as a reality.
Altabib indeed disapproved of the considerable extent of astral-magic
interpretations in Franco’s supercommentary, and he was convinced
that they were by no means always necessary. After all, even Franco’s
supporters were sometimes dismayed by the intensity and bluntness of
his exegesis. In this respect, Altabib was no different from other think-
ers of his time who objected to massive astral-magic interpretations,
such as Judah b. Moses Halawa.25 But as is clear from the episode of
the scapegoat and others, Altabib was not among those who rejected
astral magic outright, like Judah, son of the great codifier Asher b.
Jehiel (the Rosh), and Menahem b. Zerah. What, then, was the real
bone of contention?
The difference between Altabib and Franco was rooted, first and
foremost, in the theological significance of astral magic. Franco was
not afraid to name the rituals explicitly: considerations of planetary
influence, worship of stars and planets, and the like. In his view, for
example, the precepts of the Torah had a direct bearing on the system
of links between human beings and the heavenly bodies, which he
viewed as a basically autonomous system. The ritual is aimed directly
at the star or planet, and as far as the Jews are concerned, the planet
involved was Saturn. Franco’s rather insincere protestations, “I have
24 Meqor Hayyim, 76a; Mikhlol Yofi, II, 110b. See Dov Schwartz, The Religious Philosophy of
Samuel ibn Zarza [Hebrew], vol. 1 (Ph.D. dissertation, Bar-Ilan University, 1989), 175.
25 Judah b. Moses Halawa, Imrei Shefer, ed. Hayyim Herschler (Jerusalem: Rav
1 Yoreh De#ah by “Avishai,” Ms. Oxford Bodl. 267 (Opp. 212), 3b. On the views of
“Avishai” see Dov Schwartz, “R. Kalonymus’ Mesharet Moshe” [Hebrew], Qovets al-Yad
14 (1998): 343-347. No biographical information is so far available on this scholar.
180 chapter seven
2 See Andre Grabar, Christian Iconography: A Study of its Origins (Princeton, N. J.:
Princeton University Press, 1969). There is a vast literature on Byzantine art. See also
Ezra Fleischer, “Early Hebrew Liturgical Poetry in its Cultural Setting (Compara-
tive Experiments)” [Hebrew], in Moises Starosta Memorial Lectures, ed. Joseph Geiger
(Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 1993), 82-90; M. C. Lyons, ed., The Arabic Version of
Themistius’ “‘De Anima”(Oxford: Cassirer, 1973), xiii.
jewish rationalism in late medieval byzantium 181
6 Gerson D. Cohen, ed., A Critical Edition with a Translation and Notes of the Book
eagle, to pursue and acquire divine science without divine help, and they
find no way and no entrance in this hurried ascent, to achieve which
they are running and flying and laboring; but they remain wrathful
because of its being hurried and borrowed, therefore not blessed, and
they cannot acquire the abundance of blessing poured down from the
supernal pool.12
Kalkish compares those who wander in search of Torah, wisdom,
and metaphysics (“the science of divinity”) to the seekers after the
gold of Tarshish.13 While they imagine the west or even Italy as a
mine full of treasure, they are fleeing from the real abode of God’s
word, that is, Byzantium. Kalkish denounces those who go “to a far-
off land,” implicitly associating their peregrinations to the lack of
“divine help.” What scholars could have been the target or model
of Kalkish’s attack?
One Byzantine scholar who wandered from Greece to Majorca was
Judah Moskoni, a figure who has attracted the attention of various
scholars, not least among them Steinschneider. Even ha-Ezer, his super-
commentary on Ibn Ezra’s Commentary on the Torah, includes many
lengthy passages replete with scientific or philosophical traditions and
terms, partly evidence of his desire to internalize Spanish rationalist
12 Even Sappir, Ms. Paris 727, 91a. This work was written in 1367. An earlier
version, in Ms. Vatican 284, was published by Raphael Cohen in 1998 (on Kalkish’s
time and location see Ephraim Kupfer, “Identification of Manuscripts in the Institute
of Microfilms of Hebrew Manuscripts,” Fifth World Congress of Jewish Studies [1969],
137-138, and in Cohen’s introduction, ibid., i–ii). Kalkish has already been discussed
in several studies by Israel Ta-Shma and Moshe Idel. See, for instance, Israel M. Ta-
Shma, “Rabbi Isaiah di Trani the Elder and His Connections with Byzantium and
Palestine” [Hebrew], Shalem 4 (1984): 411-416; Moshe Idel, The Mystical Experience in
Abraham Abulafia (albany Jerusalem: Magnes, 1988), 77, and in the index, s.v. Kalk-
ish. See also Paul B. Fenton, “Arugat ha-Bosem in the Writings of the Early Kabbalists
of the Spanish School,” in Studies in Medieval Jewish History and Literature, vol. 3, ed.
Isadore Twersky and Jay M. Harris (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,
2000), 66-68. The end of the passage quoted here is rich in allusions. The expression
“supernal pool” [berekhah elyonah] as a designation for the source of abundance prob-
ably reflects the sefirah of wisdom or intelligence. See Hayyim Z. Dimitrovsky, “The
Supernal Pool” [Hebrew], in Saul Lieberman Memorial Volume, ed. Shamma Friedmann
(New York and Jerusalem: The Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1993),
277-290. The eagle is one of the beasts in the Merkavah, and flying is a characteristic
of the Separate Intelligences (see, for instance, Guide of the Perplexed 1:43).
13 See, for instance, 1 Kings 10:22; 2 Chronicles 9:21. The expression is probably
intentionally ambiguous: the wanderers are ostensibly looking for Tarshish, which
was one of the stones in the High Priest’s breastplate, but they are actually “fleeing”
like Jonah.
184 chapter seven
14 Based on his own testimony in the introduction to The Book of Josippon, published
in Otsar Tov (1867–1868), 20, l. 6. On Judah Moskoni see Moritz Steinschneider,
Gesammelte Schriften, ed. Heinrich Malter and Alexander Marx (Berlin: M. Poppelauer,
1925), 536-570; Uriel Simon, “Interpreting the Interpreter: Supercommentaries on
Ibn Ezra’s Commentaries from 1275 to 1400” [Hebrew], in The Bible in the Light of
its Interpreters, ed. Sarah Japhet (Jerusalem: Magnes, 1994), 373-396; Schwartz, Astral
Magic, 205-213. Excerpts from his commentaries appear in an appendix, 293-350.
15 Ms. Leiden, Warner 29, 1b. The end the quotation is a critique of Moskoni’s
excessive verbosity. On Menahem Tamar, see Salomon A. Rosanes, History of the Jews
in Turkey [Hebrew], vol. 1 (Tel Aviv: n. p., 1930), 33. Tamar was related to the Kalk-
ish family, and he quotes “our teacher Elisha Kalkish, our kin, of blessed memory”
(Ms. Leiden, Warner 29, 63a). In ibid., 260b, Menahem Tamar cites “my master and
forebear, my mother’s father, our teacher, R. Zekharia Cohen Tsedek. Another bitter
controversy over Ibn Ezra’s commentary erupted between Shabtai Malkiel Hacohen
and Mordecai Comtino. See Rosanes, History of the Jews in Turkey, 31-32.
16 Ibid., 4a.
jewish rationalism in late medieval byzantium 185
Moskoni was not the only traveler to western lands. Among other
wandering rationalists from Byzantium is Shemariah b. Elijah Ikriti,
philosopher and biblical and talmudic commentator from Negroponte,
active mainly in the first half of the fourteenth century, who probably
wandered to Italy and Spain. Moskoni is known to have studied under
Shemariah. Abraham b. Judah Leon of Candia, author of the philo-
sophical work Arba#ah Turim, also went to Spain (after 1375), joining
the circle of Hasdai Crescas in the last quarter of the century.17 Other
peripatetic scholars include Shabbetai Hacohen [Balbo?], a devoted
rationalist active in the second half of the fourteenth century, who
went east in search of wisdom.18 In any event, Shemariah Ikriti, Abra-
ham b. Judah, and Judah Moskoni are surely models of philosophers
who wandered from Byzantium to the homelands of Spanish culture.
Kalkish’s critique, then, written around the time these scholars were
active, was probably expressive of concern and protest at this westward
drift of young scholars. These wanderings in search of wisdom are
added to the general “exile” forced upon many Jews due to historical
events, such as the fall of Constantinople.
17 See Shalom Rosenberg, “The Arba#ah Turim of Rabbi Abraham bar Judah,
Disciple of Don Hasdai Crescas” [Hebrew], Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought 3 (1984):
18 See Shalom Rosenberg, “A Philosophical Meeting in Jerusalem at the End of
20 See Colette Sirat, “A Letter on the Creation by Shemarya ben Eliah Ikriti”
[Hebrew], Eshel Beer Sheva 2 (1980): 199-227; Aaron Ahrend, “A Philosophical Com-
mentary on the Kaddish by R. Shemariah b. Elia Ikriti” [Hebrew], Da#at 43 (1999):
43-51; idem, “A Commentary on the Scroll of Esther by R. Shemariah b. Elijah Ikriti”
[Hebrew], in Studies in Bible and Education Presented to Prof. Moshe Arend, ed. Dov Rapel
(Jerusalem: Touro College, 1996), 33–52; idem, “On Byzantine Aggadic Exegesis:
The Introduction and Conclusion of the Book Amaziyahu by R. Shemarya b. Eliah
Ikriti” [Hebrew], Pe#amim 91 (2002): 169-175.
21 “Let the accursed philosophers be shamed for saying that the world had existed
together with the Lord, may He be exalted, as a rider on his horse, rather than one
preceding the other,” in Leah Naomi Goldfeld, “Commentary on the Torah by Judah
b. Shemariah, in a Genizah Manuscript” [Hebrew], Qovets al-Yad 10 (1982): 147,
ll.12–14. Judah even took exception to Maimonides, whom he accused of inclining
“toward the words of the philosophers who believe in the eternity [of the universe]”
(ibid., l. 7). The only surviving remnants of Judah’s works are a few Genizah frag-
ments, and we know nothing of his life. There is no connection between him and
the Shemariah Ikriti noted above.
22 See Ephraim Gottlieb, Studies in Kabbalah Literature [Hebrew] (Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv
University, 1976), 370-396; Aviezer Ravitzky, Al Da#at ha-Makom: Studies in the History
of Jewish Philosophy [Hebrew] (Jerusalem: Keter, 1991), 182-211. On Balbo’s literary
activity, see also Joseph Hacker, “The Ottoman System of Sürgün and its Influence
on the Jewish Society in the Ottoman Empire in the Fifteenth-Seventeenth Centuries”
[Hebrew], Zion 55 (1990): 45-48. The combination of Halakhah and Kabbalah in
the rationalism of Greek lands was pointed out at length by Israel Ta-Shma, “On
Greek-Byzantine Rabbinic Literature of the Fourteenth Century” [Hebrew], Tarbiz
62 (1993): 102; idem, Ha-Nigle she-ba-Nistar: The Halakhic Residue in the Zohar [Hebrew]
(Tel Aviv-Hakibbutz Hameuhad, 1995), 78.
23 Ephraim Kupfer, “Concerning the Cultural Image of Ashkenazi Jewry and
Its Sages in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries” [Hebrew], Tarbiz 42 (1972-73):
jewish rationalism in late medieval byzantium 187
and armor for educated people, to save them from the pit of commotion and raise
them from the morass, that is, Aristotle and Plato” (Even Sappir, 25b).
188 chapter seven
and the Kanah: Their Kabbalistic Elements, Their Religious-Social Position, and Their Literary
Formulation [Hebrew] (Ph. D. diss., Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1980), 321–332.
In contrast to Even Sappir, these works contain no philosophical discussions, and even
typically philosophical terms are extremely rare. See, e.g., Sefer ha-Kanah (Cracow,
1894), 53b (“intelligent soul” in a kabbalistic context).
jewish rationalism in late medieval byzantium 189
35 Even Sappir, 16a. On the admiration for Ibn Ezra, see Israel Zinberg, A History
of Jewish Literature, vol. 5 (Cleveland : Press of Case Western Reserve University, 1974)
ch. 1; Bowman, The Jews in Byzantium, 134. On Ibn Ezra as viewed in fourteenth
century Spain, see Dov Schwartz, The Philosophy of a Fourteenth-Century Jewish Neoplatonic
Circle [Hebrew] (Jerusalem: Bialik Institute 1996).
36 See Michael Katz’s introduction to Meyuhas’ commentary on Deuteronomy
(Jerusalem: Mosad Harav Kook, 1968), 11; Shlomo Spitzer, “Information about
Rabbi Dosa the Greek from His Work on the Torah” [Hebrew], in Meir Benayahu,
ed., Studies in Memory of the Rishon le-Zion R. Yitzhak Nissim, vol. 4, Lurianic Kabbalah
and Documents [Hebrew] (Jerusalem, 1985), 183. Meyuhas’ dates were determined by
Ta-Shma, “On Greek-Byzantine Rabbinic Literature,” 112. Meyuhas’ commentary
does not stray from the plain meaning of the text and from halakhic matters (ibid.,
113). The philosophical references all relate to elementary midrashic ideas, such as
the importance and merits of the Land of Israel.
37 Ephraim b. Gershon, Homilies, London Ms., British Museum 379, 288b-289a.
38 Mordechai Comtino, Perush al ha-Torah, Ms. Paris 265, 13a, 25b–26a, and so
Bashyazi the Karaite” [Hebrew], Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought 3 (1984): 405-425.
On Bashyazi see Zvi Ankori, “Elijah Bashyachi: An Inquiry into His Traditions
concerning the Beginnings of Karaism in Byzantium” [Hebrew], Tarbiz 25 (1956):
44-65, 183-201, and particularly 196-198.
jewish rationalism in late medieval byzantium 191
41 Even Sappir, Ms. Paris 727, 19b. Kalkish quoted from the introduction to
Anatoli’s book (Lyck, 1866), 2.
42 On references to Moses Narboni in Comtino’s works, see Attias, Le commentaire
biblique Mordekhai Komtino, 36. Menahem Tamar’s comments appear in his supercom-
mentary on Ibn Ezra’s commentary on the Torah, Ms. Leiden, Warner 29, 14b, in
connection with a particularly enigmatic passage in Ibn Ezra’s commentary on Genesis
3:24. Tamar refers to Comtino’s commentary on Ibn Ezra’s Yesod Mora.
43 Ta-Shma, “On Greek-Byzantine Rabbinic Literature,” 110; and see above,
n. 21.
44 Comtino, Torah commentary, Ms. Paris 265, 78b.
192 chapter seven
mons: A Description and Selections about Prayer and the Synagogue” [Hebrew],
Pe#amim 78 (1999): 171.
46 According to Genesis 41:38.
47 Ephraim ben Gershon, Homilies, London Ms., British Museum 379, 312a.
jewish rationalism in late medieval byzantium 193
speak at length of Kabbalah and philosophy, and will deal with simple
matters.”48 He could not hold back, however, and did include kabbalis-
tic material adding a weak apology: “Do not blame me, although I did
say at the outset that I would not speak at length about Kabbalah.”49
Despite his deep attachment to Kabbalah and its diffusion, however,
Ephraim did not hesitate to endorse a radical rationalistic-allegorical
interpretation. He opens a long rationalistic-allegorical exegesis of the
kings’ war in Abraham’s time as follows: “Because these four kings
represent a an extremely deep matter at the esoteric level, hinting at
the four elements, and the five hint at the five senses.”50
This exegesis fits the interpretation of Levi ben Abraham (four
humors and five senses), which evoked the wrath of Abba Mari and
his group in a late thirteenth century controversy.51 Another extreme
rationalist of the early fourteenth century, David ibn Bilia, formulated
an interpretation resembling the one Ephraim would suggest (four
elements and five senses).52 Ephraim, as noted, saw no contradiction
between the public dissemination of esoteric teachings and the radi-
cal rationalist doctrine then inflaming areas of Provence and Spain,
combining them in ways rather improbable for any Spanish or Pro-
vençal rationalist.
Finally, note that even the anti-philosophical polemics of the Karaite
Aaron b. Elijah were not an indication of anti-Aristotelianism. On
the contrary, his teachings constituted “a stage in the development of
Karaite philosophy in its transition from Kalam to Aristotelianism,”53
48 Ibid., 245a.
49 Ibid., 247b.
50 Ibid., 171a.
51 See also A. S. Halkin, “The Ban on the Study of Philosophy” [Hebrew],
Perakim 1 (1967-1968): 38, 40; idem, “Yedaiah Bedersi’s Apology,” in Jewish Medieval
and Renaissance Studies, ed. Alexander Altman (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University
Press, 1967), 170.
52 See Dov Schwartz, “Epigrams (Siyyurin) of R. David Ibn Bilia” [Hebrew],
Karaite” [Hebrew], Da#at 17 (1986): 42. For a survey of the philosophical teachings
of Aaron b. Elijah (d. 1369) see Isaac Husik, A History of Medieval Philosophy (New
York: Harper and Row, 1966, 362-387. Note that Kalkish saw a hankering after
philosophy as a special characteristics of the Karaites: “For they all inclined to the
opinions of Aristotle, Galen, Plato and their associates, and they seem humble but
are hypocritical, and hallucinating fools, like dumb dogs that cannot bark; thus they
are Zadok and Boethus, and the cloud (anan!) removed itself from them, and the
word to the wise will suffice” (Even Sappir, 26a).
194 chapter seven
walk in the ways of the Gentiles, nor resemble them whether in dress, in hair or the
like, as Scripture says, ‘You shall not follow the practices of the nation…’ [Leviticus
20:23], and it is said, ‘nor shall you follow their laws’ [Leviticus 18:3], and it is said,
‘Beware of being lured into their ways’ [Deuteronomy 12:30]; all these have one
meaning, admonishing one not to resemble them. Rather, the Jew should be distinct
from them and recognized by his dress and his other actions, as he is distinct from
them in his knowledge and his opinions. As Scripture says, ‘I have set you apart from
other peoples’ [Leviticus 20:26].”
56 Even Sappir, Ms. Paris 727, 39b.
jewish rationalism in late medieval byzantium 195
Commentary on Genesis 1–3: Creation and Paradise. First Critical Edition with Introduction,
Explanation and Notes [Hebrew] (London: n. p. 1989), 6-7.
60 Based on Proverbs 11:13. Quoted from Tamar’s supercommentary on Ibn
ate rationalism and its Byzantine version? Regarding its times and its
contents, moderate rationalism resembles the traditionalists’ stance in
the late thirteenth century controversy, when Rashba and his court
issued a ban on the study of sciences for the young. Yet, the writings
of Rashba, Abba Mari, and their faction reveal they are not as com-
mitted to Aristotle and to the Guide as is Kalkish, for instance, who
cites them and refers to them directly and consistently. They were
not involved in a systematic philosophical endeavor resembling that
of Balbo, who was nevertheless a passionate advocate of Kabbalah.
They certainly did not deliver philosophical-allegorical homilies in
public, as did Ephraim b. Gershon, who was fundamentally a kabbal-
ist and applied himself to the spread of Kabbalah in many Byzantine
communities. Byzantine Jews in the late Middle Ages, then, tried to
imitate Spanish-Provençal culture while lacking a stable foundation
that would have compelled them to identify with a particular camp.
This Byzantine character, as noted, lacks originality, but is not identi-
cal to the prevalent Spanish-Provençal style.
things, as you see in all generations. So, he who keeps apart from them
will become holy, by virtue of “You shall be holy” (Leviticus 19:2).62
The distinction between the educated and the ignorant is a given
existential situation. Following Maimonides in the introduction to
his Mishnah commentary, Kalkish declared that the purpose of the
“multitude” was to be of benefit to the elect, who realize themselves.
“But the wisdom of God, may He be exalted, decreed that the edu-
cated are few and the ignorant many, to serve them and minister to
them, so that they might conduct their learning without hindrance.
But in messianic times, if we merit them, many will walk about and
wisdom will multiply.”63 While Kalkish’s censure related, as this pas-
sage shows, to keeping company with the ignorant because of their
dissolute behavior, he was equally critical of those who approached
philosophical secrets without prior preparation. After all, such persons
are eager to understand divinity, which is beyond human understand-
ing. Kalkish lamented that his contemporaries, devoid of knowledge,
study the writings of the Christian scholastics:
And the fools who arise in these generations, who have eyes but cannot
see,64 have drunk from the waters of the Christians and reveal their
nakedness in their dress, and proclaim their folly, their rashness, and
their stupidity and know their Creator, for in their hurriedly acquired
and borrowed knowledge, they believe they are potentially perfect, but
they lack knowledge and are blind to the sight of wisdom, and ask how
and what, acting as if they possessed real divinity. They are the foxes
that spoil the vineyard of the world.65
We find an interesting elitist point of view in the writings of Shemariah
Ikriti. He argued, in general, that “the prophets sent to the multitude
to educate them should not speak to them of spiritual matters, for
they are not fit for them.”66 In the introduction to his commentary
on the Song of Songs, he did not hesitate to voice sharp criticism
of King Solomon for his carnal desires. Shemariah proposed an
67 Based on his commentary on Song of Songs, published in The Five Scrolls with
Ancient Commentaries [Hebrew], ed. Yosef David Qafih (Jerusalem, 1962), 22-23. See
Dov Schwartz, “Notes on Shemaria Ikriti’s Commentaries on the Song of Songs”
[Hebrew], in Joseph b. David Qafih Memorial Volume, ed. Zohar Amar and Hananel Seri
(Ramat-Gan: The Bar-Ilan University Campus Rabbi’s Office, 2001), 319-332.
68 London Ms., British Museum 379, 48a.
69 Ibid., 181b.
jewish rationalism in late medieval byzantium 199
70 Cited (in the name of “Moses the Greek”) in Comtino’s commentary on the
Torah, Ms. Paris 265, 25a; also cited by Israel Zinberg, History of Jewish Literature
[Hebrew], vol. 3 (Tel Aviv: Sherberk, 1958), 18 [not included in the English transla-
tion]. See also Rosanes, History of the Jews in Turkey, 33; Attias, Le commentaire biblique
Mordekhai Komtino, 34.
200 chapter seven
Christians were explaining reality not on its own merits but as dictated by prior assump-
tions: “They allow reality to be influenced by their opinions and are themselves not
influenced by reality, as has happened to Christian truth today. They have accepted
belief in the Trinity and established it, and reality had to be reformed in accordance
with their views and verify their views in false ways, and they had to believe those
ways and verify them with false premises, and think them true. This brought them
to their belief in the Trinity, which they founded upon falsehood, and it was a snare
that removed them from truthfulness. That is the reason for ‘You shall not worship
their gods, for that would be a snare to you’” (Comtino, commentary on the Torah,
89a). See Daniel J. Lasker, Jewish Philosophical Polemics against Christianity in the Middle
Ages (New York: Ktav, 1977), 45-104.
72 See Jaroslav Jan Pelikan, The Christian Tradition, vol. 2, The Spirit of Eastern
what will you do with its secret with regard to the perfect ones, for they
will say to you: What is the secret of its ritual for all such whose souls are
not affected, unless as absolute proof and adequate demonstration?75
Perfect people, then, know that only magic-astral reasons provide
a complete explanation for the details of the scapegoat ritual. The
proper disposition for the act of astral magic, which involves many
details, is the profound secret contained in Scripture; and Ibn Ezra’s
enigmatic words allude precisely to that secret. In addition, Moskoni
stated that various Byzantine scholars had studied Ibn Ezra’s most
abstruse secrets; he may, in fact, have been hinting at the existence
of a Byzantine esoteric-exegetical tradition concerning Ibn Ezra’s
enigmatic writing.
Alongside the moderate image of Byzantine rationalism, therefore,
we find other traditions involving the transmission of philosophical
secrets and elitist ideas, disdainful of the multitude and the common
man. According to the available material, it would appear that the
radical-esoteric traditions did not produce structured rationalist circles
of thinkers, as happened in far-off Spain and Provence, although a
considerable amount of manuscript material is still awaiting study.
16:8. See Schwartz, Astral Magic, 343. Note that, according to Maimonides himself,
there is no reason for the largely arbitrary details of the commandments. Believers in
astral magic, however, could not possibly accept such an argument.
76 A manuscript of this work was discovered in Candia in 1469 (Ms. Vatican
257). See Joseph Hacker, “The Sephardi Sermon in the Sixteenth Century: Between
Literature and Historical Source” [Hebrew], Pe#amim 26 (1986): 108-127.
202 chapter seven
works of this genre, some on quite a large scale, were written in various
major Byzantine communities, such as Istanbul and Salonica. While
some homiletical works (such as those of Ephraim b. Gershon and the
anonymous preacher whose sermons are preserved in Ms. Cambridge
Add. 1022) were written before the expulsion, the literature became
much richer in its wake.77
The unique characteristics of Byzantine-Jewish rationalism may be
attributed to the special cultural climate of the area that, although
remote from the centers of Spanish culture, strove to prove its prow-
ess in the relevant fields of activity. After the expulsion, with the
subsequent massive influx of Spanish culture, a change took place.
The synthetic model, which combined denunciation of radical phi-
losophy with sympathy for its more moderate trends, gave way to
more extreme models, including an all-out attack on philosophizing
in general.78 Nevertheless, the limits of knowledge were broadened,
and the refugees brought with them to Byzantium an extensive corpus
of Arabic and scholastic literature.
In addition, consideration should be given to other phenomena, such
as the struggle against Karaism, still active in the fifteenth century.79
Echoes of the Karaite threat and its influence may have spread as
far as Spain, since we find anti-Karaite polemics in Spain even in
the fourteenth century, although Karaism in Spain was already in
decline by then.80 Moreover, the impoverished Jewish communities
of Byzantium found themselves embroiled in the conflicts between the
the 16th and 17th Centuries” [Hebrew], Tarbiz 53 (1984): 569-570. In this article,
Hacker describes the arrival of the refugees, bringing their writings and their culture
with them. He points out that “among the Romaniots in the Empire, and especially
in Istanbul, there were great, renowned scholars by no means inferior to the Span-
ish scholars in their intellectual capacity and knowledge” (602-603). On Ephraim b.
Gershon and the anonymous preacher see Ta-Shma, Ha-Nigle she-Banistar, 80-81;
Hacker, “The Ottoman System,” 41-45, 49-50; Saperstein and Kanarfogel, “A
Byzantine Manuscript of Sermons.”
78 See, for instance, Joseph Hacker, “R. Jacob b. Solomon ibn Habib: An Analy-
Ilan, “Pursuit of Truth” and “A Path for the Many”: Studies of the Teachings of R. Israel Israeli
of Toledo [Hebrew] (Ph.D. diss: Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1999).
jewish rationalism in late medieval byzantium 203
81 See Zvi Graetz, History of the Jews, vol. 4 (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication
Society, 1956), 271–274; Hacker, Jewish Society in Salonica and Environs, appendix 1;
idem, “The Ottoman System.”
82 Even Sappir, Ms. Paris 727, 26b.
83 Balbo, for instance, was active in the Candia center. A considerable amount
of material survives in manuscript. See, for instance, Ms. Vatican 225, copied in
Candia in 1458, which includes both philosophical and kabbalistic works written
in a philosophical style. Similarly, Ms. Vatican 345 was copied there in 1451, with
commentaries on Averroes and Avicenna’s canon. See also above.
magic, astrology, and theology 205
Unique Features
An Unknown Science
The scarce material available to Byzantine thinkers in the fourteenth
and early fifteenth centuries left its mark in all three fields of astronomy,
astrology, and astral magic, as attested by the the following statement
by Elnathan b. Moses Kalkish:
The great scholars of medicine wished to know the reason for limiting
the day of sickness to the seventh, the seventeenth and the twenty-first,
and could not find a resting-place for their feet,2 for this science depends
on the median conjunction, on correct knowledge. And who is there
today, whether gentile or Jew, who knows the secret of astronomy, with
proper knowledge, to know and recognize immediately when a sickness
occurs and under what sign one should erect a building and perform an
action in accordance with the celestial configuration, to allay the reason
of the sickness and its height and strength.3
Lack of astronomical knowledge necessarily implies inability to heal and
to apply magic-astral measures. Moreover, Kalkish’s main complaint
refers to ignorance of astrology and magic. As noted, Spanish thought
viewed astral magic as an ancient wisdom that had disappeared without
a trace.4 The traces, however, relate to the theological interpretation
that had founded ritual on the principles of astral magic, whereas
Kalkish was speaking of practices of astral magic in medicine. Healing
with amulets was then a discipline taught at western universities and,
in some ways, an integral part of the medical curriculum.
Kalkish considered a knowledge of astronomy necessary for astral
magic. Together with other Byzantine thinkers he tried, as it were, to
“reconstruct” astronomical and astrological knowledge by extensively
recording the stars’ influences.5 The fact that evidence of a lack of
magic-astral sources is no longer common by the fifteenth century
provides some indication of the dynamics of Byzantine Jewish thought
at the turn of the fourteenth-fifteenth centuries.
magic, astrology, and theology 207
Science or Craft?
Idel, The Mystical Experience in Abraham Abulafia, trans. Jonathan Chipman (Albany:
SUNY, 1988).
208 chapter eight
Even ha-Ezer, London-Montefiori Ms. 49, 204b; Schwartz, Astral Magic, 209–210.
This passage is cited in p. 302.
10 Even ha-cEzer, 373 a–b.
11 Comtino, Commentary on the Torah, 15a.
magic, astrology, and theology 209
12 Ibid., 36b; Ibn Ezra offers his explanation in his commentary on Genesis 31:
astral magic, his use of the term “science” merely reflecting an existing
tradition on a realm of knowledge that he himself rejected.
The perception that astral magic was a “science” persisted even after
the cultural switch of the mid-fifteenth century in Byzantium. This
is illustrated by the attitude of Menahem Tamar, who also described
astral magic in those terms when explaining Ibn Ezra’s statement that
“it is known that [Laban] changed [Jacob’s] wages, that he should
take the speckled [sheep] only”:
It would seem that this changing is known to us by logical deduction,
although not explicitly mentioned in the Torah when it took place, but
since Jacob related it to his wives we know it is true. Perhaps he had
in this connection another science concerning the constellations or the
separation of the sheep, or it was by Divine Providence, which seems
the most probable; therefore Scripture says thereafter, “God has taken
away [your father’s livestock…].”15
Tamar presents three alternative explanations of Jacob’s action: (1)
astral magic; (2) deception, or perhaps use of natural means; (3)
Divine Providence. Tamar prefers the third alternative, but all the
same presents the first as a “science.” Elsewhere, Tamar presents
Maimonides’ view on the purpose of the commandments, including
magic-astral elements. In his view:
Observing the commandments has two objectives. One is to amend
the political collective, which is the welfare of the body. The other is
to contemplate the reason for the commandment, so that the educated
person who grasps it might receive the abundance of the commandment,
which is the welfare of the soul.16
According to Maimonides, the welfare of the soul means contemplating
the true opinions. By contrast, the welfare of the soul for Tamar means
knowledge of the commandment’s utilitarian dimension—receiving
the abundance. The commandments, then, are perceived as recipients
for lowering abundance.
In sum: Comtino’s wavering between defining astral magic as
a “science” or as a “craft” is interesting and worthy of attention. A
thinker’s definition of a concept reflects his general attitude to that
concept. True, one frequently finds Moskoni using the expression “craft
and the ‘Folly of Amulet Writers’” [Hebrew], in Jewish Culture in the Eye of the Storm:
Jubilee Book in Honor of Yosef Ahituv, ed. Avi Sagi and Nahem Ilan (Tel Aviv and Ein
Tsurim: Hakibbutz Hameuhad and the Yaakov Herzog Institute, 2002), 431-458.
The combination of astral magic and magic of the name in the fourteenth century
appears, for instance, in Megillat Setarim. See Iggrot ha-Rambam (Lipsia, 1859), 35c-d.
See Gershom Scholem, “From Philosopher to Kabbalist: A Legend of the Kabbal-
ists on Maimonides” [Hebrew], Tarbiz: The Maimonides Book 6 (1935): 94-95; Moshe
Idel, “Maimonides and Kabbalah,” in Studies in Maimonides, ed. Isadore Twersky
(Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1990), 79.
18 See Midrash on Psalms (Buber edn.), 8:7.
19 Even Sappir, 97a.
20 Homilies, London Ms., British Museum 379, 5b.
212 chapter eight
21 Ibid., 21b. The review of the letters’ characteristics and their punctuation begins
at 20b. See, for instance, Yair Zoran, “Magic, Theurgy, and the Knowledge of Let-
ters in Islam and their Parallels in Jewish Literature” [Hebrew], Jerusalem Studies in
Jewish Folklore 18 (1997): 19-62. On the magic of the divine name and its punctuation
in Jewish mysticism see, for instance, Moshe Idel, “On Devotion in the Shmoneh
Esreh Prayer of Isaac the Blind” [Hebrew], in Massu"ot: Studies in Kabbalistic Literature
and Jewish Philosophy in memory of Prof. Ephraim Gottlieb, ed. Michal Oron and Amos
Goldreich (Jerusalem: Bialik Institute, 1994), 25-52. In the same volume, see Ithamar
Greenwald, “The Writing, the Letter, and the Tetragrammaton: Magic, Spirituality,
and Mysticism” [Hebrew], 75-98.
22 “Since prayer has the power to change nature” (Homilies 139a). See, for instance,
what he was blessed with are a hundred wells around the gates of justice, from which
the blessing, the abundance, and the emanation flow to all creatures, through Israel’s
praying of the one hundred blessings. Hence, you will find in the Tabernacle one
hundred sockets for one hundred pillars, a socket for each pillar (Exodus 38:27),
and you will not find one socket that had no recipient for pillars. The mystery of
the pillars is known to be in the hooks, and the evidence is: the hooks of the pillars
(Exodus 38:11, 17), and the mystery of the middle line and the God of Jacob, since
this is how each one in Israel will be blessed in one hundred kinds of blessings, and
abundance, and emanation. Each one in Israel should recite one hundred blessings
every day (TB Menahot 43b); in other words, every blessing has a wellspring and
a place from which it flows and emanates” (Homilies 142b). Ephraim ben Gershon
described the order of the emanation as an abundance that the blessings draw from
the sefirah of tiferet (“the middle line,” “the God of Jacob”) to the sefirah of malkhut
(“the gates of justice”) and from there to the person pronouncing the blessing. He does
magic, astrology, and theology 213
An Intermediate Position
Two main camps crossed swords over the question of astral magic in
late thirteenth-century Provence. Conservatives recognized popular
magic in its various forms, but rejected astral magic. Rationalists
rejected the forms of popular magic but ascribed great importance to
magic-astral practices. While most rationalists rejected popular magic,
many kabbalists dabbled in it and legitimated it, at least theoretically.
Kalkish was a Byzantine kabbalist, but he nevertheless took an emphati-
cally rationalist position. We have already seen that, despite the fierce
attacks on philosophers, Kalkish was appreciative of real metaphys-
ics such as that of Aristotle in his writings. The following attack on
believers in popular magic is phrased in philosophical terms:
I have heard, and it has also been brought to my ears concerning the
sorcerers of this generation, inferior upstarts, that they have chosen a
[divine or magical] name by themselves and that they write amulets to
cure people frightened by spirits. These people imagine that they will
thereby call off demons and be healed from their sickness and their
imagination, as in the prophecy of the renowned prophets upon whom
rests the spirit of the Lord and in whom is the supernal spirit, who loudly
proclaim that these things have appeared to them in visions. But these
people are foolish and mad, full of delusions, with filthy brains… For
the supernal powers are prevented from bestowing prophetic abundance
upon us. Where is the wisdom of the ignorant fools, who roar like rash
The argument against popular magic proceeds as follows: Those who
write charms and pose as prophets hinder the authentic attraction
of prophetic abundance (“the supernal powers are prevented…”). In
other words, popular magic supersedes “intellectual” magic, that is,
the bringing down of spirituality. This style does not prevail among
Spanish and Provençal kabbalists. On the contrary, there were tradi-
not renounce the theurgic effects of sacrifices and prayer—keruv ha-sefirot [bringing
the sefirot closer], and makes explicit statements to that effect in 147b.
24 Even Sappir, 2b.
214 chapter eight
Common Features
25 Ibid., 97a. See Schwartz, Astral Magic, 155–157. Kalkish ascribed exceptional
knowledge of astral magic to Saadiah Gaon. Compare Dov Schwartz and Eliezer
Schlossberg, “Studies on Saadyah” [Hebrew], in Kiryat Sefer: Collected Essays, ed.
Yehoshua Rosenberg (Jerusalem: Jewish National and University Library, 1998),
Supplement to Vol. 68: 187-188.
magic, astrology, and theology 215
26 Aviezer Ravitzky, Crescas’ Sermon on the Passover and Studies in his Philosophy [Hebrew]
beginning one of them with the words “and now hear the mystery of this matter and
its action” (ibid., 128a). Nevertheless, he stated that reliance on kabbalistic doctrines
and on the magic of the divine name was necessary for success in this activity.
33 Supercommentary on Ibn Ezra’s commentary on the Torah (Numbers 17:1),
and on why “the pleasant odor assuages God’s wrath or will attract
a supreme power,”34 Tamar writes:
The pleasant odor assuages the wrath, the wrath that brought the flood, because
the incense removes the mould and assuages the wrath and shines the
air, as Moses said to Aaron, “take the censer… and put on incense…
for wrath is gone…” (Numbers 17:11). Or it will attract a supreme power—it
will bring down the supreme power from the place of the supreme soul,
namely, abundance and communion.35
The source of the odor that will assuage God’s wrath is in the sac-
rifice offered by Noah. According to Tamar’s interpretation, God is
appeased either by the incense or by the active drawing down of the
emanation. Both options relate to the odor reaching God, namely,
to the incense. Following Ibn Ezra, Tamar adds the magic-astral
exegesis to the one relying on remedies, as two options explaining
the action of incense.
34 Ibn Ezra’s commentary on Genesis 8:21. Ibn Ezra comments on two denota-
tions of the Hebrew verb heniah, meaning both to assuage and to attract.
35 Supercommentary on Ibn Ezra’s commentary on the Torah, 19b. See Schwartz,
interpretation of the terafim see Schwartz, Astral Magic, 214. Yet, note that Tamar’s
exegesis suggests no familiarity with theological and magic-astral traditions prevalent in
Spain. For instance, he interprets Ibn Ezra’s magic term lishmor koah ha-kibbul [preserve
the receptivity] in terms that are not at all magical (see ibid., 309b).
magic, astrology, and theology 219
the scholarly literature, and we need not comment on it further. See Simon, “Peshat
Exegesis of Biblical Historiography,” 197-198; Schwartz, “Did the Sun Stand Still
for Joshua? On the Doctrine of Miracles, as Mirrored in Jewish Medieval Thought”
[Hebrew], Da#at 42 (1999), 30.
43 David Kimchi’s commentary on 1 Samuel 28:24.
44 David Kimchi, supercommentary on Ibn Ezra’s commentary on the Torah,
Negation: Comtino
We have already pointed out Comtino’s rejection of astral magic
as idolatry, on which I would now like to elaborate, presenting the
exegetical bases of his approach. According to Comtino, “bringing
down spirituality” was rejected not only in the second commandment,
which prohibits idolatry, but also in the first:
And as the configuration [of the heavens] will decree what it will, in
accordance with nature, as the Creator of All allowed it, and it has no
power to add or to detract anything, it is therefore useless to address
any request to it, for it has no power to change. To that end [people]
devised ruses, to fashion images at certain times in order to bring super-
nal force down to earth, by which means they will lessen the evil [that
befalls them] or increase the good [that befalls them], as they believe.
Therefore did the Lord begin with the very first commandment, “I the
Lord am your God,” meaning that your welfare depends upon me, not
upon the heavenly configuration.51
50 Ibid., 306b.
51 Comtino, Commentary on the Torah, 78b. Further on, Comtino wrote, “And
the verse, ‘You shall not make for yourself a sculptured image’ (Exodus 20:3) [means]
for your purposes, to bring down supernal power upon yourself” (ibid., 81a).
52 Tamar, supercommentary on Ibn Ezra’s commentary on the Torah, 123b.
magic, astrology, and theology 223
53 Ibid., 100a.
54 Ibid., 88b. See also Ram Ben-Shalom, “Myth and Classical Mythology in
the Historical Consciousness of Medieval Spanish Jewry” [Hebrew], Zion 66 (2001),
456ff. Various scholars have discussed the links between the gods of mythology and
the signs during the Renaissance. See, for instance, Yates, Giordano Bruno and the
Hermetic Tradition, 238.
55 One example relates to the story of Balaam: “[Balaam said to Balak, ‘Build me
seven altars here’ (Numbers 23:1)—because the Lord… created seven servants in the
supernal world, each having several spheres, and their common feature is that they
have different paths and are eccentric, inclined to the north and the south—except
for the sun. Moreover, they stand still twice and change direction—except for the two
luminaries. Hence, they have different influences in the lower world, and since the
224 chapter eight
human soul is supernal and is supported by one of the powers of the animative soul,
though not mingled with it, they determine its affairs. And since in the mystery of the
calculation the third is like the seventh, he commanded [to prepare] three heptads,
and when he finished giving each one its due, a spirit of knowledge rested upon him.
And the erudite will understand” (ibid., 147b). According to this interpretation, the
astral influx can be channeled in such a way as to receive prophecy.
56 Homilies, London Ms., British Museum 379, 173a.
magic, astrology, and theology 225
the mystery of the union of all the sefirot.”57 He describes the vari-
ous stages or hypostases of abundance through the term ma#arekhet
[configuration], whose kabbalistic use (Sefer Ma#arekhet ha-Elohut) [The
Book of the Divine Configuration] originates apparently in astrology.
Does this hint to the celestial configuration? In a homily to a groom,
Ephraim dealt at length with the action of thought, when relating to
the implications of thought during the sexual act. In this context, his
description exceeds the bounds of theurgy and fits the magic-astral
model of drawing down abundance to the terrestrial world:
Know that, while the spring of water extends from a high to a low
place, a power exists that can bring this water up to a high place, as
against the water’s wellspring. Thus do kabbalists know that thoughts
originate in the rational soul, which emanates from the supreme. And
thought has the power to strip off and rise and reach its source, and
when reaching its source it attains communion with the supernal light
from which it came, and both become one. When thought once again
stretches down from on high, all becomes one line in the imagination,
and the supernal light comes down through the power of thought that
draws it down, and the Shekhinah is found down below. The clear light
then spreads to the thinker’s location. So did early pietists [hasidim rishonim]
reach communion with the supremes through thought in order to draw
down the supreme light, and all beings would thus grow and multiply
and be blessed in accordance with the power of thought.58
Drawing down the light through a communion of thought during the
sexual act will, for instance, affect the semen and the embryo. This
model of drawing down abundance to the terrestrial realm explains
why the people of Israel are holy seed. Bringing down the abundance,
then, has a utilitarian dimension as well. Yet, Ephraim is not return-
ing to the classic model of lowering the abundance, but creating an
integrated theurgic-magic model. In fact, what the passage describes
is the drawing of emanation from tiferet (“line,” “supreme light”) to
malkhut (Shekhinah). Communion of thought brings malkhut down to the
level of the person striving for communion, so that the abundance
that emanates from tiferet also “comes down.” The person striving for
communion is thus fertilized by the divine emanation, following the
bringing down of the intra-divine realm. The principle of lowering
abundance through communion grants the perfects far-reaching forces
57 Ibid., 162b, describing the lowering of abundance onto the sefirah of malkhut,
for good and for bad. Ephraim Ben Gershon went on to explain at
length Balaam’s magic figure and the techniques he used:
Know that, since the holy pietists reached communion through thought
with the supremes, anything they think and intend at that time will come
to pass, whether good or bad. It was on this the sages said that “he cast
his eyes upon him and he became a heap of bones.”59 And it was on this
matter that the sages said in Ta#anit that “she should return to the dust.”60
And so the rabbis, of blessed memory, said that “whenever the sages
set their eye against one, the result was either death or poverty.”61 This
is the origin of the mystery in prayer and sacrifices, which is the secret
of communion with the supremes, and from here comes the accursed
power of wicked Balaam, about whom they would say “he whom thou
blessest is blessed, and he whom thou cursest is cursed” (Numbers 22:
6). Hence, he [Balaam] contemplated Israel with deep consideration,
so that his thought might reach communion with the supremes and
made his wicked wish on Israel. For this reason, he had to be precise,
“Come, I pray thee, I will bring thee to another place” (Numbers 23:27)
“thou shalt see but the utmost part of them” (Numbers 23:13), because
the villain had to consider for whom he intended good and for whom
evil. He would then bring his thought to commune with the above
and draw down the supreme power on whoever he had intended and
considered, as in “the vision of the Almighty, falling down but having
his eyes open” (Numbers 24:4) because he truly needed his eyes open.
Hence, the villain planned to make seven altars, a bullock and a ram
upon each, to bring together all the powers and sacrifice them to this
thought, so as to sustain his evil thought wherever he might wish. And
on this it was said about him, “And he brought him into a field of
vantage” (Numbers 23:14), from which the villain could observe them
to draw his evil thought upon.62
Ephraim builds Balaam’s deeds on the communion of thought, stressing
the dimension of observation. Balaam’s observations have two mean-
ings, as it were: a metaphorical meaning of study and contemplation
of the object of his deed, and another resembling an evil eye.63 Hence,
Balaam’s sacrifices serve both as a technique of concentration and
ways. See, for instance, Gersonides, Commentaries on the Torah [Hebrew], ed. Yaakov
Leib Levy, vol. 4 (Jerusalem: Mosad Harav Kook., 1996), 127; Frimer and Schwartz,
The Life and Thought of Shem Tov ibn Shaprut, 156-157, n. 97.
magic, astrology, and theology 227
64According to Ephraim ben Gershon, the explanation of the terafim story is the
impure spirit (Homilies, London Ms., British Museum 379, 95b)
astral magic and the philosophy of science 229
This book considered two scientific traditions that coexisted in the late
Middle Ages: the physical-Aristotelian and the tradition acknowledg-
ing phenomena such as segullot, magic, astrology, and alchemy. The
medieval scientific mind still awaits historical research, given that many
thinkers upheld both these traditions simultaneously. This phenomenon
could perhaps be understood in light of the esoteric style prevalent in
medieval Jewish thought,1 which presented non-Aristotelian tradition
as an esoteric layer of ideas and Aristotelian tradition as reflecting
adherence to scientific conventions. According to this view, thinkers
concealed their openness to scientific traditions that differed from
conventional approaches because these traditions were spurned by
contemporary intellectuals. I wish to deal with this issue and some
of its implications at the closure of the book.
1 Strauss, Persecution and the Art of Writing; Dov Schwartz, Contradiction and Concealment
tion (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1964); idem, The Rosicrucian Enlightenment
(London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1972); idem, The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan
Age (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1983).
230 epilogue
4 Brian Vickers, “Frances Yates and the Writing of History,” Journal of Modern
History 51 (1979), 315-316. See also idem, “On the Goal of the Occult Sciences
in the Renaissance,” in Georg Kauffmann, ed., Die Renaissance im Blick der Nationen
Europas (Wiesbaden: O. Harrassowitz, 1991), 51-93; idem, “Critical Reactions to the
Occult Sciences during the Renaissance,” in Edna Ullman-Margalit, ed., The Scientific
Enterprise (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992), 43-92.
5 Since his critique focuses on Yates’ The Rosicrucian Enlightenment, Vickers relates
to the Rosicrucian movement in particular. His comments, however, are valid for
Renaissance occultism in general, as intimated at the end of his critique. See also
Brian Vickers, “Francis Bacon and the Progress of Knowledge,” Journal of the History
of Ideas 95 (1992), 495-518.
6 Vickers, “Frances Yates and the Writing of History,” 311.
astral magic and the philosophy of science 231
7 Ibid., 308-310.
8 Ibid., 313.
9 Ibid., 308-309.
232 epilogue
Concealment and Revelation: The Secret and its Boundaries in Medieval Jewish Tradition [Hebrew]
(Jerusalem: Orna Hass, 2001), 36-40.
astral magic and the philosophy of science 233
15 Various texts from the Middle Ages relating to alchemy appeared in Raphael
Patai, Jewish Alchemists (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1994), 95ff.
234 epilogue
view and were still not deterred from using methods belonging to the
magical realm.
Many rationalists tried to dispel the tension by claiming that
astrology has a bearing on the material-utilitarian realm but has no
essential link with true knowledge of the universe. It is precisely such
knowledge, however, that leads to the immortality of the soul. Yet,
the rationalists we discussed above presented astral magic as crucial
to their explanation of the biblical canon.16 The forefather of late
medieval Jewish-Aristotelian rationalism, Maimonides, had argued that
the Torah teaches not only the way to the constitution of a safe and
just society but also the eternal truths. Circles of fourteenth century
rationalists then proceeded to base the Torah’s innermost mysteries
on astral magic. Nevertheless, no conflict emerged between these
two world views. In most of the Jewish world, these two traditions
developed side by side, and this is how they reached the threshold of
the Renaissance.
The most important conclusion emerging from this book, then, is
that the history of Jewish intellectual creativity from the twelfth century
until the early modern period can be written not only from an Aristo-
telian perspective, as has been done so far in books on the history of
Jewish thought. Magic, astrology, and segullot are legitimate criteria for
rearranging the conceptual material and its pertinent interpretation.17
An essential difference, however, characterizes the rationalists’ atti-
tude to the two views. The Aristotelian world view was perceived as
inherently linked to human perfection. Knowledge of certain fields
(physics, metaphysics, and so forth) enables individuals to reach the
heights of the vita contemplativa, and in many systems also grants them
immortality. Religious rationalism in the medieval world integrated this
knowledge into theological perfection. By contrast, rationalists related
to a world view pretending to rely on experience as an efficacious tool,
and even as a model essential to the understanding of religion’s ritual
aspect, but generally without any direct bearing on the individual’s
philosophical perfection.
At various times during the Middle Ages, a form of rationalism
emerged that could be called “open.” Did a rationalism that adopted
“experiential” and magical traditions help in the internalization of
science among Jews in the modern period? Let us not forget that
Jewish philosophy in the sixteenth century—in the Ottoman empire,
in Ashkenaz, and to some extent even in Italy—relied largely on a
medieval world view.18 This interesting question demands a compre-
hensive study of its own.
The analysis of the experiential tradition in magic, alchemy, and
astrology enables a new and refreshing interpretation of religious
thought among the Jewish intellectual elites in the Middle Ages. The
cultural-historical reality is thus built layer upon layer, each one expos-
ing a rich spectrum of options for interpreting the various periods in
their light. Not only is this a broadening of horizons, but perhaps an
alternative way of writing the history of Jewish philosophy.
18 See above, ch. 7, for extensive clarification of this assumption.
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index 247
62, 63 (n. 21), 72-73, 183 (n. 12) 129, 181, 182, 183, 186, 189, 191,
Septimus, Bernard 65 202
Sermonetta, Joseph 115 Taub, Liba Chaia x
Serpent 22, 23, 24, 96, 98-99, 101, Temple 6, 13, 18 (n. 58), 23, 26,
107, 113, 209 50, 76, 77 (nn. 63, 64), 81, 85, 105,
Shatzmiller, Joseph xiii, 46-47, 75, 106, 107 (n. 60), 108, 109, 110,
81, 125, 135, 138, 145, 181 112, 144, 159, 160, 161, 162, 170
Shekhinah 65, 75, 77, 78, 108, 109, Terafim 19-21, 24, 31 (n. 7), 37-38,
112, 222, 224, 225 51 (n. 56), 96-97, 141-142, 143,
Silman, Yochanan 1, 7 151, 208, 218
Simon, Uriel 13, 25, 167, 184, 219 Thorndike, Lynn 27, 28, 44, 48,
Sinai 4 126, 152
Sirat, Colette 10, 24, 149, 151, 152, Tishbi, Yeshayahu 63, 71, 75
159, 186 Todd, Robert x
Sperber, Daniel 20 Touati, Charles 20, 142, 148
Steinschneider, Moritz 34, 94, 152, Trachtenberg, Joshua 114, 163
153, 184 Tsedek 104, 106
Stern, Josef 62 Twersky, Isadore 12, 17, 46, 54, 66,
Strauss, Leo 1, 32, 229 68, 123, 128, 135, 167, 172, 183,
Sun xii, 16-17 (nn. 53, 54), 29 (n. 211
31), 30 (n. 5), 31, 44, 76, 81 (n. 74),
85, 86, 92, 130, 136, 137, 153, 154, Urim and Thummim 84 (n. 83), 109,
155, 223 (n. 55). 144, 208
Supreme power 9-14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
20, 22-23, 25, 77, 78, 87, 95, 96, Vajda, Georges 26, 48, 49, 117,
97, 98, 99, 100 (n. 37), 103, 107, 138, 139
109, 110, 142, 144, 217, 226, 227 Venus 10, 17 (n. 54), 22, 98 (n. 26),
149, 211
Talisman, talismanic 2, 3, 4 (n. 7), Vita contemplativa 234
5, 6, 7, 14, 18, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28
(n. 2), 31 (n. 6), 32, 34, 35, 37, 38, Wolfson, Elliot 57, 69, 74, 75, 76
39, 44, 47-48, 65 (n. 29), 97 (n. 22), Wolfson, Harry Austryn 12
99, 108, 113, 139, 147, 152 (n. 74),
159, 160, 161, 162, 170, 208, 209, Yates, Frances Amelia xi, 223, 229,
218, 224, 227 (n. 64) 230, 231.
Talmage, Frank 95, 138, 163 Yesod (sefirah) 76 (n. 60)
Tardieu, Michel 35 Yuval, Israel Jacob 114
Ta-Shma, Israel 66, 67, 114, 123,
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