CTI Technical Paper TP10-19
CTI Technical Paper TP10-19
CTI Technical Paper TP10-19
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p The user
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Presented at the
t 2010 Coolingg Technology Insstitute Annual Co
Houston, Texas - February 7-11, 2010
A systematic approach is applied to the inspection of field erected cooling towers. Procedures
for inspecting structural, mechanical and performance characteristics are investigated with an
emphasis on identifying common failures and deficiencies. The distinction between counter-flow
and cross-flow cooling tower inspections is examined. In conclusion, a method is outlined for
documenting inspection results and the reporting process.
The authors of this article and their respective employers provide this information as an aid to
purchasers of cooling tower inspection services. Efforts have been made by GEA Power
Cooling, Inc. to assure the accuracy and reliability of the information contained herein. However,
MERCHANTABILITY nor any other warranty expressed, implied or statutory. In no event shall
GEA Power Cooling, Inc. be liable or responsible for INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR
COMMERCIAL losses or damage of any kind resulting from this article’s use; or violation of any
federal, state, or municipal regulation with which this information may conflict.
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 0
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Off‐Site Pre‐Inspection Planning ................................................................................................................... 3
On‐Site Pre‐Inspection Preparation .............................................................................................................. 5
On‐Site Safety Orientation & Training .......................................................................................................... 5
Performing the Cooling Tower Inspection .................................................................................................... 6
Record Site Conditions ...................................................................................................................... 6
Initial Perimeter Walk ....................................................................................................................... 7
Exterior Components ...................................................................................................................... 10
Interior Structure ............................................................................................................................ 11
Access Stairs and Escape Ladders ................................................................................................... 13
Fan Deck .......................................................................................................................................... 14
Fan Stacks ........................................................................................................................................ 14
Hot Water Basin (Cross‐flow Towers) ............................................................................................. 15
Plenum Area .................................................................................................................................... 16
Cross‐ flow Plenum Area ................................................................................................................. 16
Counter‐flow Plenum Area ............................................................................................................. 17
Cross‐ flow/Counter‐flow Plenum Area .......................................................................................... 17
Distribution Area (Counter‐flow Towers) ....................................................................................... 18
Fill Area (Cross‐flow Towers) .......................................................................................................... 19
Mechanical Equipment ................................................................................................................... 19
Post‐Inspection Report ............................................................................................................................... 21
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 25
Works Cited ................................................................................................................................................. 26
The proper inspection of a field erected cooling tower should be one of the most important
maintenance items on an owner/operator schedule. The cumbersome work load associated with
performing a detailed inspection contributes to a large quantity of inadequate inspections every
year. Although even the best inspection can miss critical issues, the application of a well-
organized documentation program provides an effective method for minimizing failure and
efficiency losses. A proactive approach to cooling tower maintenance will extend the life of the
cooling tower and help limit equipment downtime. Regular inspections coupled with proper
preventative maintenance and a minor repair schedule can significantly minimize large capital
expenditures on cooling tower equipment. A proactive approach starts with a systematic
planning, inspection and reporting process.
In addition to outlining current inspection practices, this paper highlights important yet often
overlooked steps such as surveying plant operations, mapping of site conditions, safety and the
inspection reporting and recommendation process. Finally, this paper should be used as a
general reference only. Cooling towers are engineered structures with mechanical components
and should be evaluated as such during the inspection and repair stages. CTI standards should
be used for the engineering design of repairs just as they are applied to the design of new
OffSite PreInspection Planning
Before the inspection team arrives at the plant site there are several important planning steps
that should be followed to ensure full readiness upon arrival. Many owners require outside
contractors to obtain specific off-site training and testing. Thorough pre-planning with key
customer personnel is essential to ensure that all plant site requirements have been taken into
consideration prior to arrival on-site for inspection. It is important to note that this is not intended
to be an all inclusive list. Some items that should be investigated are:
Safety in the industrial workplace is paramount. Understanding owner policies and site-specific
requirements in addition to OSHA standards is critical. Today, many plants have a zero
tolerance safety policy that extends beyond OSHA standards. It is important that the inspection
team thoroughly identifies all safety training requirements before arriving onsite. Off-site
certifications through a regional safety council or one of the various OSHA training programs is
commonly required before contractor personnel will be allowed on site. The pre-inspection
schedule must allow sufficient lead time to accommodate all training prior to arrival.
Identify the personal protection equipment (PPE) required at the location. At a minimum safety
glasses, hardhat, gloves, steel toe boots and a task specific fall protection harness with 100%
tie off should always be used. OSHA requires fall protection for elevated working heights of 6’ or
more, but some plants have adopted a 5’ or even a 4’ policy. It is imperative to plan for these
requirements before arriving on-site. There may be additional requirements for PPE depending
on the site conditions such as hearing protection, goggles, gas monitors, high visibility safety
vests, long sleeves and fire retardant clothing. All required equipment should be fully
understood, acquired and fit tested prior to arrival on-site to perform the inspection.
Elevated security concerns coupled with strict insurance requirements have caused many
organizations to require substance abuse screening and background verification for contractor
personnel. Many organizations have adopted standardized certification programs that are
processed through government agencies. An example of this is the Transportation Security
Administration’s Transportation Worker Identification Credential or TWIC™ card for sites at Port
locations. Sufficient time is needed to allow for inspection personnel to acquire the necessary
identification and certification requirements. Off-site drug testing may be required, so it is
important to determine if a specific drug testing agency and location are specified. If not,
determine what constitutes an acceptable test for this plant site. If the inspection team has been
tested previously, determine whether their tests are valid to meet the plant’s test policy.
Depending on the physical location of the cooling towers to be inspected, interstate and even
international travel may be required. It is very important that the inspection team verifies the
local, state and national regulations and licensing requirements with respect to the work being
performed. Almost all of the fifty states require contractors to register their organization before
performing any type of work. Some states require individual licenses and permits specifically
designated for working on cooling towers.
A significant number of owner companies have a site specific training program that must be
completed before the inspection team will be allowed access to the controlled area. This training
includes topics such as whether the cooling tower is classified as a confined space and covers
the procedures that the plant enforces to access the space. Special permits, a log sheet, entry
attendant and pre-entry air quality tests are usually standard with some sites requiring
continuous air monitoring. Close attention should be paid to emergency procedures, emergency
contact numbers and evacuation routes.
Regardless of the tower size, and even if an attendant is not required, a tower should never be
inspected alone for both safety and efficiency reasons. When performing a detailed technical
inspection, with safety as a priority, a three man team is recommended as the most efficient way
to perform most inspections. Each person will have clearly defined roles and responsibilities.
Two will split the physical inspection tasks with the third person taking all of the notes,
overseeing equipment and performing the role of entry attendant. This method affords a safe
working approach and provides more than one inspector to evaluate observed damages and
OnSite PreInspection Preparation
The foundation of a good inspection is the initial commencement meeting with the owner’s
team. Each cooling tower application is unique and has a variety of characteristics that need to
be recorded at inspection. It is imperative that the inspection team develop a strong
understanding of the client’s needs and operational performance characteristics before
inspecting the cooling tower. Understanding the operator’s concerns with regard to the condition
of the cooling tower is the strongest tool the inspection team possesses when documenting the
status of the cooling tower. Topics to explore during this initial meeting include:
The following characteristics are also critical pieces of information for the diagnoses of the
problems found during the inspection of the cooling tower:
• Cooling tower manufacturer, model and serial number
• Initial performance specifications and design capacities
• Previous performance tests and results
• Mechanical equipment manufacturer, model and name plate information
• Plan, elevation and overall plot plan drawings
• Water chemistry analyses including the treatment and operating parameters
OnSite Safety Orientation & Training
During the on-site safety orientation specific hazards near the tower need to be identified. These
hazards may include features such as overhead electric wires, water treatment chemicals,
process chemicals, plant traffic and any other environmental hazards. After the safety
orientation it is time to acquire all permits and perform proper Lock-Out/Tag-Out (LOTO)
procedures on any energy sources associated with the operation of the cooling tower. Along
with fall protection LOTO is a critical safety procedure that must not be marginalized. After the
locks are applied the plant operations personnel should attempt to operate all of the energy
sources to verify that the unit is properly locked out. Incidents of injury have been caused by
improperly or mislabeled energy sources.
Performing the Cooling Tower Inspection
Record Site Conditions
Sketch a site map of the cooling tower unit and surroundings with attention to the directional
orientation (N, S, E, W). The sketch should be to scale or at least show approximate distances
to objects of interest. Obstructions near the cooling tower should be carefully documented as
they may impact the performance of the tower and limit the work area. Some typical
obstructions include water treatment equipment, tanks or structures. The tower access stairway
and safety access ladder should be located on the sketch. Often overlooked characteristics
such as riser size, material and location, pump/sump location, basin curb height, electrical
supply lines for mechanicals, overhead wires, roads, railroad tracks and material lay-down area
should be included as well. Developing a detailed site-map is instrumental in clearly
communicating the exact location of problem areas in the resulting inspection report as well as
in making clear recommendations for corrective action. An example of an inspection site map is
located in Figure one. An example inspection form and a glossary of cooling tower terms are
available in Chapter 13 of the CTI Manual and the CTI Website respectively.
Escape Ladder
Four 24” Supply Risers
Main Plant Access Road
1 2 3 4 Stair Tower
Circ. Water Pumps
Maintenance Building Water Treatment Tanks
Power House Access Road
Initial Perimeter Walk
The actual tower inspection process begins at the base perimeter of the tower. The first step is
an initial walk around the base of the cooling tower structure and auxiliary components.
Surveying the site allows the inspection team to develop a plan for the inspection tasks involved
and organize the documentation to allow for an efficient inspection process. It is at this time that
the tower’s structural design should be observed and recorded, with particular attention placed
on the types of connections used between structural members and the material of construction
used for components.
The initial walk down of the tower provides the perfect opportunity for the inspection team to
develop a set of field inspection sketches. The inspection sketches document the overall
dimension of the individual fan cells and complete cooling tower structure. The structural bay
size should be recorded along with the transverse bent line layout to provide visual support
when recording issues found during the inspection process. If engineering drawings are not
obtainable during the inspection commencement meeting, the inspection team should produce
plan, elevation and plot sketches during the initial site walk down. Examples of structural
inspection sketches are located in Figures two, three and four.
Figure 2: Elevation drawing.
Certain applications will allow the cold water basin to be drained during inspection. If available,
the cold water basin should be inspected at this time. Inspection of the cold water basin consists
of a visual inspection, looking for deficiencies in the basin material and base anchor
connections, attention should be placed on cracks in the concrete, leaching of calcium and
spalling of masonry material. Careful attention should be placed on recording the material and
condition of the sump screens, this also provides the inspection team the opportunity to observe
any debris that is passing through the tower. The presence of certain debris may provide
indications of specific deficiencies within the tower structure or overall process. A list of common
debris and associated issues is located in table one.
Exterior Components
The most often overlooked areas during inspection are the exterior casing, louvers and
distribution risers. The casing material, size and weight should be recorded; any leaks or loose
pieces should be identified and documented on the inspection sketches. In the case of
compressed asbestos board, the material should be checked by a qualified individual to verify
that the binder is in favorable condition.
The air intake louvers should be inspected thoroughly looking for signs of deterioration with the
louver blades and associated supports. The purpose of the air inlet louvers is to minimize the
amount of water lost while it descends through the cooling tower. The louvers should be
inspected thoroughly looking for signs of deterioration with the louver blades and associated
supports. Because of cyclic wetting and drying at the air intake louvers there is potential for
material deterioration. In the case of wood structures, cracks can occur when circulating water
evaporates leaving behind minerals which crystallize within the wood. This crystallization results
in internal pressure which cause wood fibers to rupture. Although this type of attack is not as
devastating as some biological and chemical attacks it is worth noting. In the case of cooling
towers that are operated in the winter months, particular attention should be placed on checking
for damage caused by falling ice. Common issues found with air inlet louvers are deteriorated
louver supports, broken louver arms and cracked or missing louver blades. The perimeter louver
posts are commonly found to be affected by wood rot and should be checked to make sure the
material has structural integrity.
The condition and size of the distribution risers and valves should be recorded during
inspection, this information is valuable to the owner should the inspection find opportunities for
an upgrade of the tower components.
Interior Structure
A variety of materials have been used over the years to erect cooling tower structures. It is
important to note that it is the responsibility of the cooling tower inspection team to record any
and every deficiency discovered with the structure during the inspection process. The purpose
of the inspection report is to give an accurate account of the structural condition that is found
during the inspection. Although recommendations and suggestions can be made it is ultimately
the responsibility of the owner to decide how much degradation their structure can endure
before taking action to repair.
The outcome of the inspection is directly related to the competency of the individuals performing
the work. It is imperative that the inspection team be well versed in identifying issues with the
four most common types of structural materials used which are wood, fiberglass reinforced
plastic (FRP), concrete and steel. Each material is uniquely different and has advantages in
certain applications.
Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) − In today’s marketplace FRP components are prevalent
in both the construction of new towers and repairs to existing towers due to their superior decay
resistance when compared to wood. It is for this reason that there is a tendency to overlook
FRP structure during the inspection process, however, due diligence must be given to the
inspection of FRP members. The prevailing FRP deficiency is not caused by the manufacturing
process nor by the structural design, it is member cracking localized at connection points
caused by over tightened bolts. FRP members must be inspected for cracks and deformations
such as bolt hole elongation or general deflection. Ultraviolet radiation degradation or UV
damage can range from fading and chalking of the member surface to more advanced
instances of fiber blooming which can be described as exposed glass fibers. FRP components
such as handrails and stair structures are expected to endure some level of fading and chalking.
Refer to the FRP manufacturer as to the severity of degradation and whether the member(s)
should be removed from service.
Concrete − The mechanisms that cause concrete degradation are numerous, however, the
results can be grouped into four key categories; erosion, leaching, spalling and cracking.
• Erosion is damage done to the surface of concrete and is created by chemical attack or
by fluid velocity.
• Leaching is a process by which chemicals are removed from the concrete. One of the
most notable instances is calcium leaching which typically produces a white powder on
the surface of the concrete. Minor amounts of leaching may be beneficial to concrete as
it is seen as a process of self healing in areas of minor surface cracks.
• Spalling is the loss of larger volumes of concrete. Many factors can lead to spalling,
including improper batch preparation, porosity and corrosion of internal reinforcing steel.
• Cracks are caused by many of the same factors that cause concrete to spall which is
why they are typically found in conjunction with spalling. Inspectors must be alert of
cracks formed by overstressed members.
Due to the brittleness of concrete, inspectors are not afforded the same visible deformation
signs of impending failure as compared with wood, FRP and steel members. Concrete basins
and structures should be inspected for these deficiencies, some degradation is tolerable and to
be expected. If a question of whether an unacceptable tolerance is reached or a problem is
perceived, personnel trained in concrete inspection techniques should be contracted.
Steel − Steel is similar to concrete in that there are many causative factors for deficiencies yet
the effects are the same; corrosion, cracking and deformation.
• Corrosion is an electrochemical process in that electrons are transferred from one
compound to another. This transfer forms two new compounds that are more stable
within the environment in which they reside. Steel corrosion is typically thought of as
rust, the oxidation of iron in water containing dissolved oxygen. Galvanic corrosion is
sometimes found in cooling towers driven by the joining of two dissimilar metals such as
the joining of a 304ss pipe flange using galvanized carbon steel bolts. Regardless of the
causative factors the net result is a loss of structural integrity of the steel member.
• Cracking and deformation are concerns in areas of high stress such as mechanical
supports. Cracking is occasionally found in weld areas at the interface of the weld metal
and the steel member due to changes in the microstructure of the steel by the weld heat.
The perimeter of the interior structure should be investigated first, visually inspecting the
columns, girts (tie lines) and braces for deficiencies and deteriorated material. Structural areas
of concern should be checked with either a hammer or penetration tool to verify that the
structural material is of satisfactory condition. Emphasis should be placed on discovering loose
or missing hardware, split or broken components and any signs of biological or chemical attack.
Digital photos should be taken to document any issues for the inspection report to clearly
illustrate the findings.
Access Stairs and Escape Ladders
Once the base of the cooling tower and exterior components are inspected, the access points
for the fan deck should be examined. The access ladders should be visually checked and, if
deemed to be safe, climbed by a member of the inspection team. If unsafe situations are
apparent they should be immediately reported to plant personnel and should not be climbed by
the inspection team.
Attention should be given to checking the ladder supports, connection points, stringers and
rungs. Common issues found while inspecting the escape ladder are loose or missing hardware,
broken or damaged stringer/rungs and OSHA violations regarding landings, handrails and
safety barricades. Any critical issues found during the inspection should be brought to the
immediate attention of plant personnel.
The access stair tower can be checked while climbing to the cooling tower fan deck. The
inspection team should be diligent in checking the stairway hardware, tower tie-ins and
structural material. Common issues found on stairways are splitting of the vertical stringers,
bowing of stair treads and loose or broken handrails. Because of the exposure to exterior
elements, wooden stair towers are susceptible to the expansion and contraction of lumber. It is
important that the stairway structure is checked and verified to be properly secured.
Documentation of the stairways condition should be recorded and included in the final report.
Fan Deck
The fan deck of a cooling tower is located above the plenum section of the tower and is the
surface that supports the fan exhaust stacks. On most cooling towers the fan deck is used by
the operations staff during their daily checks to verify the tower is operating properly. Inspection
of the fan deck should start with the recording of the construction material, size and support
structure. The fan deck is exposed to a wide variety of environmental extremes. Due to
exposure to sunlight, ice and rain that are present on the fan deck over the seasons,
deterioration of the deck material is commonly found during inspection. Table three notes the
different types of material used for decking and includes common deficiencies typically found
during an inspection.
The perimeter of the fan deck is commonly enclosed with a safety handrail system. The handrail
system should be inspected with the rest of the top deck. Common problems found during
inspection are deteriorated handrail posts, missing or loose hardware and damaged toe boards.
OSHA guidelines should be consulted to verify that the handrail conforms to industry safety
Fan Stacks
When fan stacks are inspected details should be noted regarding the type of stack (straight
side, parabolic, velocity recovery, etc.). Document the diameter and height of the stack as well
as the materials of construction; metal, wood, fiberglass or concrete. The type and condition of
hardware that join the individual sections together and the fan deck hold down hardware must
be identified. Care needs to be given in checking for loose hardware and damaged fan stack
panels which may be cracked, have soft spots or voids that may be saturated with moisture.
Inspect the shaft guard at the interface of the motor, driveshaft and fan stack. This guard should
be tight and not in danger of contacting the drive shaft where it could damage the shaft or cause
a fire. Verify that the flashing for the driveshaft cutout in the fan stack is showing no more than a
2” clearance around the drive line assembly. A gap greater than 2” could significantly reduce the
performance of the tower by allowing air to bypass the fill.
Hot Water Basin (Crossflow Towers)
Hot water basins on cross-flow cooling towers play a large role in the performance of the unit.
The components of the hot water basin are designed to work together to evenly distribute water
across the fill. A properly maintained and balanced hot water basin will allow the cooling tower
to achieve its maximum cooling potential, assuming that the fill is properly installed and the
tower is operating to optimum design specifications.
When inspecting the distribution header note the size of the pipe and materials of construction.
The pipe should not show signs of leaks at the joints and should not have any weak or soft
spots. Pay careful attention to the condition and frequency of pipe supports. The pipe must be
well supported along the entire length of the tower.
Note the size, number per cell and the manufacturer’s information on the flow control valves.
Mark the initial setting on the flow control valves and check to make sure that they are operating
properly. Return the valves to their original position once checked. Signs of leaks, missing or
damaged hardware and deteriorated gasket material should all be investigated with respective
conditions recorded in the inspection notes.
Distribution boxes should be rigid and capable of evenly distributing the water across the hot
water basin. The hot water basin floor material and support joists should be inspected
thoroughly and verified to be free of any deterioration or missing hardware. All joints should be
located over hot water basin joists and should be sealed. The hot water basin floor should be
free of debris and fouling particulates. Nozzles should be free of any obstructions. The
manufacturer, serial number, orifice size, bore size and spacing of the nozzles should be
recorded in the inspection notes.
The hot water basin curb panels and coupled sealer strips should be solid, securely attached
and properly sealed. The fan deck short wall and air seals should be checked for material
integrity, adequate connection and sufficient seals. Missing material from the short wall will
allow air leakage which will bypass the heat transfer fill media and hinder the tower’s
The water level in the basin should be checked during operation. Excess water in the basin can
overflow creating two issues. Excess water that is allowed to overflow the inside curb wall into
the plenum side of the drift eliminators will result in excessive drift. Conditions where the water
is allowed to overflow the curb wall at the louver side can result in damage to the louvers and
contribute to the restriction of airflow. Too little water in the hot water basin may affect the
distribution spray pattern as the nozzles will not have the appropriate head pressure to function
properly. Basin level depth should be maintained at +/- ½” of the optimum operating depth.
The hot water basin handrails and access ladders should be thoroughly inspected and verified
to be in acceptable condition, securely attached to the tower and conforming to OSHA
Cross flow Plenum Area
The plenum area of a cross-flow cooling tower is one of the most dangerous sections of the
cooling tower to inspect. The inspection team should exercise diligence with regard to safety
when inspecting the plenum area. Proper fall protection equipment and ladders should be used
to aid the team in checking the bay elevations of the tower.
The inspection team should enter the plenum section at the short wall access door directly
below the fan deck. If a short wall access point is not available a section of the fan stack should
be removed to allow access to the plenum area. After securing fall protection equipment to a
proper tie off point and verifying that LOTO protocol has been followed, the team can enter at
the fan deck elevation. The inspection team should work their way down the structure checking
for deteriorated braces, girts and columns. The location of deficiencies and failed components
should be recorded on the inspection sketches and marking paint or flagging material should be
used to identify hazardous members for future inspection/repair.
Counterflow Plenum Area
Counter-flow cooling towers are often perceived to have less safety risks than that of cross-flow
towers. Due to the difference in plenum arrangement, inspection teams can become careless
during the inspection of counter-flow cooling towers. Regardless of the height differences
between the two plenum styles, the same safety precautions should be followed to eliminate the
risk of injury.
The inspection team should enter the plenum area through the fan deck hatch inspecting the
access ladder as they descend. After securing fall protection equipment to a proper tie off point
and verifying that LOTO protocol has been followed, the team can work their way across the tie
line directly above the drift eliminators. Special attention must be given to make sure that the
drift eliminators are not damaged when exploring the plenum area. The inspection team should
work their way across the structure, checking for deteriorated braces, girts and columns. The
location of deficiencies and failed components should be recorded on the inspection sketches
and marking paint or flagging material should be used to identify hazardous members for future
inspection or repair.
Cross flow/Counterflow Plenum Area
The inspection of the plenum area allows for the inspection team to gain access to verify the
structural condition of the fan deck. The fan deck joists should be tested for deteriorated
members and the connecting hardware for secure unions. All of the connecting hardware for the
fan stacks should be visually inspected and the presence of adequate hurricane bolted
connections on the fan stack documented. The fan cut radius in the top deck should be
observed and a close cut verified. An improperly cut fan radius can create unnecessary
turbulence in the fan section and affect the performance of the cooling tower fan assembly.
The partition walls should be inspected for missing sections or air seals to ensure that efficiency
is not lost when individual cells are operated independently. In the case of cross-flow cooling
towers the transverse partition doors should be checked for proper operation and sealing
capability, these doors should remain closed during operation. The drift eliminator section
should be inspected thoroughly; the type and installation arrangement should be noted for the
inspection report. A section of drift eliminators should be removed and photographed to
document the condition and cleanliness of the material, this section should be temporarily left
out to allow the inspection team access to the fill section.
Distribution Area (Counterflow Towers)
When descending from the plenum to the distribution area complete the inspection of the ladder
stringer and rung material. Before ascending onto the fill section particular attention should be
placed on the condition of the fill supports and the viability of the fill section to support live loads.
In cooling towers utilizing film fill material caution should be exercised not to damage the fill
flutes creating “dead spots” in the media. Inspect the header and laterals noting the
construction materials, sizes and spacing of the laterals. Verify that the header supports are in
good condition and that the header and laterals are secured to the tower structure. Confirm that
the nozzles are free of any obstructions and note the manufacturer, serial number, orifice size,
thread type, thread size and nozzle spacing. Inspect the structure for material integrity.
Although this area is typically referred to as the “wetted section”, not all of the structure in this
section is water washed so conditions exist to find both internal and surface degradation.
Inspect the fill recording any areas that show signs of damage or deterioration. This is also a
good time to verify the fill depth. Where film fill is used, remove several layers of fill at random
locations to determine the condition of the fill with regard to fouling, plugging and frailty. The top
layer of fill can be deceiving when assessing deposits. It is very common for the top layers of
the fill to appear clean while the lower layers have substantial fouling and/or plugging. As water
travels through the fill it tends to lose velocity thus causing deposits to form at the lower fill
Be vigilant inspecting places where air may bypass fill such as at the casing interface, partition
walls or around structural columns. Air circumvention of fill material has an adverse affect on the
efficiency of the unit and tends to exacerbate with operation and degradation of the cooling
tower components.
Fill Area (Crossflow Towers)
Inspect the fill in the lower levels through the louvers noting the type, condition, the depth of the
fill, spacing, hangers and hanger supports. Inspect the upper levels of the fill system with the
use of scaffolding, ladders, man lift or man basket. Most towers allow adequate room for fill
inspection between the fill and drift eliminators as well. This can be easily accomplished by
carefully removing one elevation of drift eliminators which must be repositioned when finished.
The wetted section structure should be inspected in conjunction with the fill. Serious signs of
deterioration and damage may warrant removal of fill for a more detailed inspection.
Mechanical Equipment
Regular preventative maintenance will increase the reliability of the tower, decrease lost
operating hours and extend the life of the equipment all adding to the profitability of the plant. A
good preventative maintenance plan must include a thorough inspection of the mechanical
There are a variety of mechanical supports used in cooling towers, the two most common types
are ladder and torque tube style supports. The inspection process for all mechanical supports is
universal. Mechanical supports should be inspected for corrosion, loose or missing hardware,
proper attachment to the tower structure and cracks in the weld joints or the support members.
The motor should be free of major corrosion. Turn the motor shaft to evaluate whether
movement is smooth and without the presence of any tight spots or noticeable binding. Vibration
switches should be mounted on the mechanical support in an area that accurately reflects the
characteristics of the rotating equipment. The wire connection should be inspected and checked
for abrasions to the insulation. The switch should be properly adjusted per the manufacturer’s
recommendations and should be equipped with a local reset.
Drive shafts should have adequate clearance around the coupling guards, fan stack and the
shaft arrestors. Inspect the drive shafts for signs of wear or deterioration. Proper alignment will
increase the service life of the drive shaft and flex elements. The gap setting, run out, angular
and axial alignment should be checked and referenced against the manufacturer’s
specifications. While checking for proper alignment verify that the coupling hardware torque is
per the manufacturer’s specifications and that the orientation of the hardware is correct. Flex
elements should not be overlooked and special attention placed on verifying the integrity of the
element material. Two drive shaft arrestors should be located on the mechanical support, one
just inside the fan stack and the other near the gear reducer. They should be robust, free of
corrosion and capable of containing a broken drive shaft.
The input and output shaft bearings on the gear reducers should be checked along with the
respective seals. Gear reducer oil level should be verified and visual inspection of the oil
appearance recorded. In some cases a sample of gear oil should be collected and submitted
for analysis. The oil line should be free of leaks and securely attached to the mechanical
support. The oil line gearbox interface should consist of a flexible connection to prevent damage
caused by vibration. The gear reducer vent line should also be securely attached to the
mechanical support and extend through the fan stack so that it is located out of the air stream. It
is important that the vent line slopes downward to eliminate the possibility of condensed water
collecting in the line.
Fans should be inspected for damage, cracks, wear to the leading and trailing edges. Any weep
holes near the tip of each blade should be open to allow for water to drain thus avoiding an
imbalance situation. Fan pitch, tracking and tip clearance should be recorded and compared to
the design and the manufacturer’s specifications. Fan hub and hardware should be free of
heavy corrosion and torque verified to be per the manufacturer’s specifications.
Mechanical Component Common Issues Found
Drive shaft Misalignment, missing hardware, deformed driveshaft,
improperly installed hardware, broken flex elements,
missing/damaged arrestors, hardware torque, missing
set screws, improper key length.
Fan assembly Inconsistent tracking, blade pitch inconsistencies,
deteriorated fan blades (leading edge), spacer
obstructions in blade clams, missing air seals, hardware
torque, blocked weep holes.
Gear drive Leaking input/output seals, input/output bearing wear,
excessive backlash, missing/improper vent line, leaking
oil line, loose hardware, extreme corrosion, hardware
Mechanical support Cracked/ damaged support material (especially around
gearbox mounts), extreme corrosion, broken welds,
missing hardware, deteriorated supports, hardware
Table 5: Common issues found with mechanical equipment
PostInspection Report
The objective of the inspection report is to provide a detailed recommended scope of repairs to
bring the tower into favorable condition. The report should be produced following standard
technical writing guidelines and written to provide sufficient documentation to secure funding for
repairs or upgrades.
It is imperative that the inspection report is provided to the owner in a timely manner, is well
organized and provides an accurate reflection of the condition of each component of the cooling
tower. It is equally important to cite areas where no damage or deterioration is found as it is to
cite those areas that do need attention. It is highly recommended that all repairs cited are
prioritized based on the potential of safety concerns, damage to the tower and performance
Sketches that were produced should be inserted as illustrations in the final report. Detailed
sketches displaying the tower structure and location of deficiencies are essential for procuring
appropriate services to repair the deficiencies identified. Photographs taken during the
inspection should also be inserted into the report, labeled with the appropriate nomenclature,
and any deficiencies highlighted in the description or photo caption.
A diagram of the tower is key to directing the owner’s attention to the specific areas relevant to
the observations documented in the report. Examples of tower diagrams and inspection
photographs are located in Figures five, six and seven respectively.
Figure 6: Example counter-flow cooling tower schematic
Figure 7: Example page of inspection report with inserted pictures and captions
A well managed systematic inspection program will provide the owner all of the pertinent
information required to plan, budget and schedule the needed repairs and upgrades necessary
to keep their cooling towers at optimal performance.
A systematic approach to the inspection of cooling towers provides added value to the
maintenance schedule of any plant. The implementation of a regular inspection and reporting
process provides proper documentation that can be referenced in the case of failure or damage
to operating equipment. Consistent monitoring of cooling tower components provides a
proactive approach that minimizes large capital expenditures by resisting the “domino effect”
associated with material failure. A detailed cooling tower inspection is critical for extending the
life of the equipment and decreasing the possibility of costly lost operating hours for critical
Works Cited
Herro, Harvey M. and Port, Robert D. “The Nalco Guide to Cooling Water System Failure
Analyses.” New York, New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., (1993)
Song, P. and Trulear, M. G. “Identification of Cooling Tower Wood Attack and Methods of
Control.” Cooling Tower Institute Annual Conference. TP-86-10 (1986).
Willa, James L. “How to Inspect Industrial Water Cooling Towers.” IWC-89-8 International
Water Conference. IWC-89-8 (1989).
Willa, James L. “Iron Rot – The New Nemesis.” Cooling Tower Institute Annual Conference. TP-
95-14 (1995).
Moran, Dennis. “Analyzing the Mechanical Equipment in a Cooling Tower for Improved Thermal
Performance.” Cooling Technology Institute Annual Conference. Educational Seminar (2009).
Puckorius, Paul. “Cooling Tower Wood Decay Identification, Current Incidence and Control
Methods.” Cooling Tower Institute Annual Conference. TP-84-10 (1984).
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. “Engineering and Design – Evaluation and Repair of Concrete
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Callister Jr., William D. “Material Science and Engineering an Introduction.” New York, New
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