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Cybersecurity Space Operation Center:

Countering Cyber Threats in the Space


Salvador Llopis Sanchez, Robert Mazzolin, Ioannis Kechaoglou,

Douglas Wiemer, Wim Mees, and Jean Muylaert

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Description of the Cyber Threat Landscape Affecting Space-Based Information Systems . . . . 5
Electronic Warfare and Cyber Defense Convergence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Managed Cybersecurity of Space Systems Is Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Challenges and Recommended Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Functional Capabilities for Implementing a Space Operation Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Baseline Functions of a Cybersecurity Space Operations Center (CySOC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Concept of Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Additional Capabilities of a Cybersecurity Space Operation Center (CySOC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Importance of Collaborative Information Sharing and Incident Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
The Role of Education and Training for Developing a Skilled Space Workforce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Training Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Designing Training Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Evaluating Training Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

The contents reported in the paper reflect the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
the opinions of the respective agency/institutions.

S. Llopis Sanchez (*)

European Defence Agency, Brussels, Belgium
e-mail: [email protected]
R. Mazzolin · I. Kechaoglou · D. Wiemer · J. Muylaert
RHEA Group, Wavre, Belgium
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; J.
[email protected]
W. Mees
Royal Military Academy, Brussels, Belgium
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 1

K.-U. Schrogl (ed.), Handbook of Space Security,
2 S. Llopis Sanchez et al.

The focus of this article is to describe the rapid changing nature of space systems
where the electromagnetic spectrum and cybersecurity aspects coexist, leading to
a “change of course” to ensure secure space communications. Space systems must
be designed to achieve cyber resilience. Existing vulnerabilities must be mitigated
as resulted from a risk management methodology. To avoid compromises of
security, a security monitoring mechanism and incident response for space
systems have to be implemented. The authors provide an analysis of the func-
tional capabilities and services of a “cybersecurity space operations center.”
System monitoring is essential in view of obtaining a cyber situational awareness
and decision-making for space missions. Security operation center-related ser-
vices could be built up in a permanent or in an ad hoc mobile infrastructure. An
integrated cyber range capability to test, train, and exercise over modeled and
simulated space systems will improve space operators’ skills when confronted
with time-critical interventions.


National security is not restricted to securing the land, air, and maritime boundaries
and pursuing strategic interests but encompasses all aspects that have a bearing on
the nation’s well-being. Outer space and cyberspace have emerged as the new
enablers for nations, enhancing the speed and efficiency of national security and
socioeconomic efforts and also providing novel applications in these areas. In an
information-dominated world, they are instrumental in providing the competitive
edge among the global community, strategic and tactical superiority in conflict
situations, and projection of national power and influence. In addition to capability
enhancement towards national aspirations, investments are also necessary for secur-
ing these capabilities against deliberate or unintentional intrusions or attacks and in
ensuring safe and sustainable operations.
Assured access to cyberspace is a key enabler of national security. Two of the
defining characteristics of a strong, modern, industrial nation are economic prosper-
ity and a credible defense. The ability to use cyberspace has become indispensable to
achieving both of these objectives. Business and finance executives, as well as senior
defense leaders, rely on cyberspace for exactly the same thing – to get information,
move information, and use information to make better decisions faster than the
competition. The data- and information-rich environment of the modern battlespace
presents a key area of both strategic opportunities and, equally, vulnerability. Both
cyber and space technologies, in particular, are the new battleground for competing
great powers who seek to limit opponents’ access to information, analytics, and
complex surveillance and reconnaissance information with which to inform deci-
With growing participation, commercialization has become an integral part of
space operations and is receiving active governmental support. The peaceful use of
Cybersecurity Space Operation Center: Countering Cyber Threats in the Space. . . 3

space and the military significance of outer space continues to increase with some 60
countries currently utilizing it for peaceful purposes, for communications, banking,
monitoring environmental and climate change, disaster management, e-health, e-
learning and communications, and surveillance and guidance systems for military
purposes. Regarding vulnerabilities, while space operations have always been vul-
nerable to natural forms of interference, progressive developments in the domain
have also resulted in the emergence of unique novel challenges to space security and
the sustainability of the environment. Greater participation in the domain and
commercial prospects has more players vying for prime orbital slots, the radio
frequency spectrum, and a larger share of the market. Overcrowding and increasing
space debris are adversely affecting the survivability of satellites. The environment is
therefore becoming more contested, congested, and competitive with the consequent
increase in potential for disruption of operations. Space is being used extensively by
advanced spacefaring nations for supporting military operations, and most new
entrants would also leverage their access for these purposes. A corollary to this is
that all assets in space providing a strategic or military advantage can be designated
as valid targets in case of hostilities. Consequently, advanced nations are making
efforts to dominate and control the environment to protect their interests and assured
access to the realm, and the less capable ones would do the same to gain an
asymmetric advantage through degradation and destruction of systems. Both these
strategies demand development of counter-space threats and counter-cyber threats
capabilities that would include risk mitigation actions. Such capabilities in the hands
of rogue nations or non-state actors, who have limited interests in the space domain,
could be extremely dangerous, even up to the catastrophic level of cascading satellite
collisions. In recent years, national security challenges have necessitated a tacit
acceptance of the use of the space domain for meeting national security objectives.
The discussion about the creation of space forces in some countries – as a new
service branch within the armed forces – to have control over military space
operations is one example of the growing importance of the use of outer space.
Cyberspace is a man-made domain consisting of the interconnected networks of
computing and communication devices and the information contained on these
networks. Satellites and other space assets, just like other parts of the digitized
critical infrastructure, are vulnerable to cyberattacks. When considering our daily
lives, there is not an operation or activity conducted anywhere at any level that is not
somehow dependent on space and cyberspace. This interdependency could be used
to attack space assets from cyberspace. From a cyberspace perspective, it’s irrelevant
how high above the ground a computer is positioned. Cyber vulnerabilities associ-
ated with space-related assets therefore pose serious risks for ground-based critical
infrastructure, and insecurities in the space environment will hinder economic
development and increase the risks to society. Advancements in the cyber domain
have not required a protracted thrust by governments towards its development as the
transformational nature of the technology, its commercial potential and cheaper
access, has caused a self-sustaining expansion of capabilities and capacities. Soci-
eties’ increasing dependence on networks, however, has resulted in a surge in the
number and sophistication of cyberattacks that exploit the hardware or software
4 S. Llopis Sanchez et al.

vulnerabilities of the networks with diverse motivations and consequences. Cyber

intrusions could target government agencies and departments and private corpora-
tions or individuals, with diverse impacts on national security. These could be
undertaken for espionage, to commit cybercrime or for denying or disrupting critical
national infrastructure systems like power grids, telecommunication networks, trans-
portation systems, water services, or financial and banking operations. They could be
used for social engineering – spreading disinformation and molding public opinion
with the intention to destabilize the internal security environment of the country, as is
currently being seen as part of the current western electoral dialogue, and supporting
evolving hybrid warfare techniques that see aggressive state-based actors conduct
provocative activities that fall slightly below the threshold to provoke political
sanctions or military response. As network centricity becomes integral to military
operations, military equipment and operations could be attacked to gain strategic or
tactical advantage. These attacks could even be used to cause kinetic effects and acts
of sabotage or to hamper national response mechanisms, all of which would endan-
ger lives, thereby impacting the credibility of governments and the underlying
societal security frameworks. More widespread and systematic attacks could escalate
tensions among states.
The perpetrators of these attacks currently range from an individual to hacking
syndicates that work independently or are covertly supported by governments and
corporations. States as well as non-state actors could seek an asymmetric advantage
by employing such attacks to undermine an adversary’s security and stability. With
greater technological capability, the nature and scale of cyberattacks have continued
to evolve. They are now more targeted and decisive, with clear political, economic,
or military motivations and intentions. The traditional lines that would have earlier
helped distinguish between the types of attacks and the motivation of their perpe-
trators have blurred. While the state actor could resort to an attack to undermine
security or stability, a similar attack could now be undertaken by non-state actors for
extortion or for obtaining information that could be sold to third parties. In that
sense, a cyber threat intelligence capability is paramount to prevention and
Networks continue to expand and become more complex, and their interdepen-
dencies continue to grow, further enhancing the vulnerabilities and increasing the
difficulty in providing comprehensive protection. The environment is highly
dynamic, and preventive and defensive countermeasures and reactive strategies,
even with continuous efforts, are finding it difficult to keep pace with the rapidly
evolving threats. Cyber situational awareness and the ability to monitor the domain,
identify the vulnerabilities, and detect intrusions are still not sufficiently developed.
Attempts at enhancement are hampered by concerns for privacy, freedom of speech,
and the free flow of information. Even as detection rates have gone up through
concerted efforts, cyber forensics need to be developed for attribution, as the attacker
can easily hide his tracks in this intricate, borderless cyberspace domain. Interna-
tional legal regimes have failed to keep pace with the rapid technological advance-
ments in this discipline. Advanced nations, whose critical dependence on space and
cyberspace exposes them to asymmetric risks of disruption, are responding to these
Cybersecurity Space Operation Center: Countering Cyber Threats in the Space. . . 5

limitations by developing effective deterrence against misadventures, including

counterthreat capabilities. Growing economies are investing heavily in computer
networks and communication facilities to meet their aspirations and have received a
further boost with the smartphone revolution, increasing the density and diversity of
appliances used for access to the Internet. The diversity of machines makes it
difficult to put in place comprehensive protection measures. Computers and net-
works rely mostly on foreign software and hardware, exposing them to risks
associated with the global information technology supply chain. Most of the data
generated in any country is exported and stored in foreign data banks using cloud
computing infrastructure. Digital and smart city initiatives and the increasing
involvement of the private sector in nation-building endeavors are progressive
steps that are also increasing the scope and complexities of cybersecurity efforts
and are further complicated by the Internet of Things (IoT). All these makes securing
the domain an arduous task.
Clearly, it can be seen that most earth-based activities are touched in some manner
by space when one considers the wide array of applications associated with satellite
communications, precision navigation and timing, and earth and space observation.
The contemporary nature of international strategic competition has reached an
inflection point where national strategic security interests embrace a wide range of
activities and communities ranging from traditional military to daily commercial
interests. The integrity of the underlying technology base will be a central consid-
eration to ensuring societal security and stability.

Description of the Cyber Threat Landscape Affecting Space-Based

Information Systems

Space activities have obtained an increased focus in recent years. Within the space
domain, space-based information systems (for the purpose of this publication, space-
based information systems – referred as space systems in the further text – can be
understood as the collection of devices and networks which permit the reception,
processing, exploitation, and transmission of the information having their origin or
destination in any type of space mission, e.g., navigation, telecommunication, earth
observation, weather monitoring, etc.) use a digital infrastructure which connects
primarily ground control stations with satellites. The architecture of satellite com-
munications is composed of a ground segment or control segment, a space segment,
and a user segment. Each segment has its own information exchange requirements
and protection measures. Satellites can retransmit information to other satellites
using relays without the intervention of ground assets. Ground control stations are
connected with other ground tracking stations to exchange information. Ground
stations can deliver commands through the uplink channel to the spacecraft and can
receive data via the spacecraft downlink channel.
In cyberspace – beyond the computer networks, their connections through phys-
ical cables or fiber optics – there are other communication means which are often
forgotten when a threat assessment is performed: the signals. Electromagnetic
6 S. Llopis Sanchez et al.

spectrum forms the invisible propagation medium through which the signals and
their information flow. Electromagnetic spectrum has a remarkable influence in the
space domain given the long distance between space assets and end users. The
convergence between cyber defense and electromagnetic activities for space systems
is even more significant. Reasons for that convergence reside in the need to keep
control over space assets at any time as well as to ensure confidentiality, integrity,
and availability of space operations. In the past, satellites were launched with an
estimated life span of decades. Recognizing that satellites cannot be fixed easily
when they are in orbit, the design of such satellites – expected to be fully operational
for many years – foresaw minor and major software configuration updates to
accommodate future enhancements. This contingency design might extend their
estimated life cycle. In case of performing technical corrections to a satellite,
stringent procedures must be put in place to prevent any disruption. The architectural
design and engineering discipline of space systems are of the utmost importance.
System engineering precepts for verification and validation testing (Byrne et al.
2014) expose security flaws which may not be previously identified by information
security standard practices. The adopted cyber defense posture of space assets is a
trade-off between a technological simplicity to permit defendable systems – which
means fewer entry points known as attack vectors – and robust system architectures.
Simplicity and robustness must go hand in hand, but it is not always feasible.
In this section, some cybersecurity topics relevant for space systems will be
described with an expression of cyber threats and associated risks. The results will
shed some light on challenges and recommended actions.

Electronic Warfare and Cyber Defense Convergence

It would be difficult to understand the digital battlefield as we know it today without

the information services provided by space assets, e.g., geolocation. Thanks to a
global coverage, space systems enable armed forces to operate in different scenarios
across the globe. Space domain is more and more a contested and congested
environment where armed forces aim to preserve freedom of operation. What is at
stake is the ability of a military commander to plan and conduct military operations
supported by a multi-domain command and control system (multi-domain command
and control system refers to an emerging doctrinal concept which proposes the use of
capabilities in concert across domains, e.g.. air, space, and cyber) which benefits
from an integration with space systems. The global defense C4ISR (C4ISR stands
for command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and
reconnaissance) architecture leverages on space, especially because military opera-
tions are expeditionary. The armed forces are experiencing a digital transformation
leading to a drastic modernization of command and control systems in all the
traditional operational domains at land, sea, and air. Space systems contribute to a
better integration and jointness of military operations.
The underlying physics of space communications could be altered by an adver-
sary causing undesired events into a space mission. Space assets are equipped with
Cybersecurity Space Operation Center: Countering Cyber Threats in the Space. . . 7

thousands of sensors transmitting signals of a different nature and informing about

parameters to a monitoring center. Signals may interfere with each other if they use
close radio frequencies of which harmful effects depend – among other features – on
the transmission power. To achieve a high level of cybersecurity in space, efforts
must be pursued in promoting cyber resilience by hardening electromagnetic fea-
tures of onboard space assets. Effects in cyberspace can be achieved by exploiting
vulnerabilities in the electromagnetic spectrum and vice versa. Sophisticated elec-
tromagnetic techniques could make satellites vulnerable including ground equip-
ment. Space systems must be protected against jamming or spoofing
(electromagnetic jamming (United States Department of the Army 2017) is the
deliberate radiation, reradiation, or reflection of electromagnetic energy, and
spoofing (United States Defense Intelligence Agency 2019) is a technique that
deceives a receiver by introducing a fake signal with erroneous information) and
must have a capability to operate under degraded circumstances – which means to
cope with limited communication capabilities.
Electronic warfare (EW) (electronic warfare (United States, Joint Publication
2012) refers to a military action involving the use of electromagnetic energy and
direct energy to control the electromagnetic spectrum or to attack the enemy. EW
consists of three divisions: electronic attack, electronic protection, and electronic
warfare support) and cyber defense technologies need to keep pace with a fast
technological development in space. Today the challenge is not to establish long-
range communications that are almost taken for granted. The challenge is to secure
such communications that the protocols that were born to ensure the information
distribution are also valid to ensure confidentiality and resilience. Experience in this
field is far from understood since the consequences of adversarial use are not
publicly known. Cyber defense and EW operations are closely intertwined in a
dynamic continuum like “two sides of the same coin.” Ground-based EW systems
considered as counter-space capabilities must be well taken into account when
assuring the survivability of space-based tactical communications. Engineering
design of space systems could advocate for a redundancy of key equipment in
order to maintain service continuity, notably when a cyber-electromagnetic attack
occurs or could enforce the use of radio waveforms less susceptible to external
interferences. An increase of cybersecurity capabilities in space will allow govern-
ments to ensure their freedom of use, despite asymmetric capabilities possessed by
an adversary. The duality cyber and EW and their effects cannot be neglected when
approaching security solutions for space systems.
Space is a pivotal element of defensive capabilities for the military. Intelligence,
surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) depend largely on space as well as position-
ing, navigation and timing (PNT). Situational awareness in space (SSA) helps to
track and collect data related to space debris which is an important matter of concern
for space operations. Reported cyberattacks on space systems including their lessons
learned could work backwards to structure a cyber defense posture.
8 S. Llopis Sanchez et al.

Managed Cybersecurity of Space Systems Is Key

It is impossible to fix a security vulnerability if neither monitoring nor detection

capabilities are implemented into corporate networks of a given organization. This is
a principle that should be obvious but pushes cybersecurity in space to become
mainstream throughout all phases of space operations from the initial design, to
launching and entry into service up to the final disposal phases. Like any other
critical infrastructures do, space systems need to be monitored to detect
malfunctioning or to correct deficiencies as they appear. But how big is this endeavor
in the face of growing cyber threats affecting space systems? Can we extract some
common ground to articulate a better readiness? The answers to these questions are
not simple. Some ideas will follow to illustrate the complexity of the space security
A few space-based cyberattacks can be found in the literature. A summary of
cases grouped by the categories of the space missions affected is as follows (Zatti

– Missions on observation and exploration experienced incidents such as targeted

interference and control take over.
– Missions on navigation experienced incidents such as a denial of service and
– Missions on telecommunications experienced incidents such as deliberate jam-
ming and unauthorized access.

Although, there are differences in the cyber threats affecting each category of
space missions, a general classification can establish two main groups: (a) those
focused on the information, e.g., infiltration in command and control networks, and
(b) those targeting the space infrastructure, e.g., onboard components, payload, etc.
The availability of cheap jamming devices has demonstrated the threat to global
positioning system (GPS) applications (Cuntz et al. 2012). These threats may fall
under the information category. GPS provides geolocation and timing information to
a plethora of ground satellite receivers. GPS devices assist naval ships and drones to
transit through international waters or to operate planned routes in the air, respec-
tively. GPS spoofing (Falco 2018) has been revealed as a serious threat that could
manipulate the GPS signal by injecting false data in the GPS receiver causing a
miscalculation of the position – once again a clear example of the interrelated
dependencies between electromagnetic signals and cyber defense. To reduce the
impact of such attacks and minimize the risks, e.g., collisions at sea and deception, a
backup to “classical” navigation systems could be an option besides demanding
regulators to establish urgent measures, e.g., anti-jamming or anti-spoofing compo-
nents or add-ons.
The commercial space sector is experiencing an explosion. The rapid emergence
of low-cost microsatellites is characterized by a wide spreading of commercial-off-
the-shelf (COTS) products (Falco 2018). New “CubeSat constellations” could
increase the satellite’s attack surface to potential hackers. Attention must be paid
Cybersecurity Space Operation Center: Countering Cyber Threats in the Space. . . 9

to ensure the adoption of minimum cybersecurity requirements before receiving an

authorization to deploy in space. Policy recommendations would be focused on
holding the owner of the satellite network liable for any damage that occurred and
imposing a culture of “duty of care” for the space assets that private companies own,
manage, operate, or develop. Another aspect of common concern which may fall
under the infrastructure category is the complex supply chains when developing a
satellite. Different suppliers may participate at various stages of the satellite’s
lifecycle. This situation introduces difficulties to manage accountability of the
cybersecurity measures needed to be put in place. Therefore, system integrators
must be empowered to certify a cybersecurity compliance – based on security
standards – of every piece of hardware and software ever installed.

Challenges and Recommended Actions

To meet and outpace cyber threats in the space domain, it is recommended to create a
cybersecurity space operations center (CySOC) as the focal point to handle cyber-
security incidents for space missions forming part of a wide area network with other
security operation centers (SOC), computer emergency response teams (CERT), and
security monitoring centers (SMC). CySOC is a threat-driven response with respon-
sibilities to detect and support the mitigation of cybersecurity incidents, train space
operators, and provide expertise about the convergence of cyber defense and elec-
tromagnetic activities to counter-cyber threats. An integral part of the CySOC would
be a full-fledged cyber range for space systems. A cyber range would provide
training, education, exercise, and testing functionalities including the promotion of
a system engineering discipline aiming to build cyber resilient architectural designs
of space systems avoiding architectural points of failure. Security certification and
accreditation of space systems shall be governed by and construed in accordance
with an overall cybersecurity certification framework.
A cyber range could simulate space scenarios including the environmental
conditions present in space. Combining intelligence with cyber operations as part
of the operational activity at CySOC could prevent the materialization of future
attacks. An information sharing network (ISN) would allow the exchange of infor-
mation of cyber threats to other space security centers. The CySOC must provide a
cyber situational awareness capability for space systems contributing to a SSA. A
digital forensic capability as part of an incident handling would permit to conduct
forensic investigations appropriate to support attribution. An interesting concept
would be the development of a mobile deployable CySOC which could complement
the work of a permanent center in situations where it is necessary to conduct on-site
activities, e.g., spaceports and military operations overseas.
10 S. Llopis Sanchez et al.

Functional Capabilities for Implementing a Space Operation


Baseline Functions of a Cybersecurity Space Operations Center


The need for a cyber defense situation awareness capability (CDSA) is well
documented in cybersecurity-related literature and results from extensive studies in
the domain. CDSA itself is rooted in the application of foundational situation
awareness (SA) concepts as applied to the cyber domain. Although there may be
variants, the work of Mica Endsley (Endsley 1995a) and her decision-making model
is still widely accepted as the foundation, including three levels of situation aware-
ness (SA): perception, comprehension, and projection. Fundamental to development
of any level of cyber operator SA is implementation of an appropriate means to
monitor the cyber environment through collection of cybersecurity-relevant data and
transforming this into information useful for the operator understanding. A CySOC
provides a focal point for this essential capability of data collection and information
The CySOC focuses on the early detection of an event that may reveal an
incident. It provides the necessary tools to help the analyst not only to timely classify
the event but also to identify effective mitigation measures. In an effort to enhance its
proactive capabilities, it will utilize any available input including a direct user input,
through a call center. In addition, various threat intelligence feeds are a valuable asset
to identify threats and develop mitigation measures.
Since the security analysts are not normally in control of the operational systems,
the CySOC team works closely with the monitored system’s administrators who
implement the resulting mitigation measures. This close collaboration is also essen-
tial for continuous security protection optimization and sensor tuning to enhance the
cybersecurity resilience.
As a baseline, the functional role of the CySOC is a derivation of cyber situation
awareness, providing:

(a) Knowledge and understanding of the current state of the monitored systems
(b) Timely and accurate assessment of potential threats

Moreover, the CySOC provides incident management support and post-incident

analysis capabilities to support forensic investigation of incidents. The scope of the
investigation will focus on the:

(a) Circumstances (how and why) that allowed this incident to occur
(b) Identification of affected assets
(c) Evaluation of the extend of the compromise
(d) Identification of indicators of compromise (IOC)
Cybersecurity Space Operation Center: Countering Cyber Threats in the Space. . . 11

Finally, the CySOC can produce meaningful reports containing situational aware-
ness data, system statistics, and regulatory compliance status as deemed necessary
per network/mission.
As already introduced above, the application of resulting mitigation measures is
out of the scope of the cybersecurity operations. The role of the CySOC is strictly
advisory to the monitored system’s administrators who are responsible for the final
decision and application of a mitigation strategy.
Commonly, cybersecurity operations center services are divided into the follow-
ing three service packages to cover different needs of the monitored entities based on
their internal cybersecurity capabilities and risk assessment:

1. Managed Threat Detection: The service is limited to detection and report of

probable incidents,
2. Managed Detection and Response Support: Building upon detection and report,
the service expands to incident response support in collaboration with the mon-
itored entity.
3. Specialized Services: It contains additional supporting services that may be
utilized on demand based on specific needs.

Managed Threat Detection (MTD)

Managed threat detection service is limited to monitoring and triage of events
informing the monitored entity for probable incidents that require attention. Nor-
mally it includes the following functions:

• Call center: In the form of a call center, utilizing telephone, email, and ticketing
system, the CySOC is receiving input from the users of the monitored system as
an extension to the deployed sensor. The user reports aim to enhance the capa-
bility of early incident detection covering advanced threats able to evade the
monitoring infrastructure.
• Proactive real-time monitoring and prioritization: Aggregating and analyzing all
security events from IT and operation technology (OT) systems, as well as any
necessary preprocessing and visualization to provide an overview of the current
situation. This encompasses immediate analysis of real-time events and data feeds
such as alerts from various intrusion detection systems or other system logs. The
objective is to spot probable immediate threats or incidents that require the
attention of the monitored entity.
• Reporting: Production of meaningful reports containing system statistics and
regulatory compliances status as deemed necessary per network/mission.

Managed Detection and Response Support (MDRS)

The service aims to support the monitored system’s incident investigation and
response capabilities. The involvement of the CySOC does not stop on the reporting
of a probable incident (like in MTD service) but continues with the comprehensive
investigation of the event, in collaboration with the monitored entity providing
mitigation strategy advices monitoring the effectiveness of the applied measures.
12 S. Llopis Sanchez et al.

Managed detection and response support will normally include the following

• Incident and threat analysis: Involving the in-depth analysis of events that are
categorized as an alert indicating a probable incident. This capability usually
involves detailed analysis of various data artifacts from different sensors and
• Situational awareness: Providing knowledge and understanding of the current
state of the IT/OT systems, which can provide timely and accurate assessment of
the effectiveness of the mitigation strategy.
• Incident response support and collaboration: A key capability providing the tools
(both technical and administrative) to support an effective response by the
monitored entity to a successful cyberattack. The CySOC will collaborate with
the monitored entity in order to identify in a timely manner the most effective
mitigation measures to contain and minimize the impact of a cyberattack. This
involves working with affected system owners to gather further information about
an incident, understand its significance, and assess the potential mission impact.
• Reporting: Expands on the MTD service reports to include development of
targeted threat intelligence data for the space sector.

Specialized Services
The specialized services utilize the advanced capabilities of the CySOC to support
specific needs of the monitored entity. Those services can be provided on demand
and may be totally independent from the other services or build upon those:

• Forensic investigation/analysis: Providing tools, means, and forensic investiga-

tion capabilities to analyze cybersecurity incidents in detail and to provide
intelligence on cyberattacks in support of MDRS service or as part of post-
incident analysis investigation. This encompasses analysis of digital artifacts
(including various storage media, network traffic, memory analysis, etc.) to
determine affected assets, identify the attack vector, produce IOCs, and establish
a timeline of events.
• Threat intelligence: Ingesting institutional, governmental, or commercial threat
indicators to provide timely intelligence to use against cyberattacks relevant to the
monitored entity in the form of security feeds.
• Security protection optimization recommendations and system tuning: Including
analysis of the monitored system’s capabilities to identify required improvements,
updates, upgrades, or tuning in support of the monitoring operation. This applies
only to security-related devices utilized by the CySOC including, but not limited
to, intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS), firewalls, log servers,
and endpoint protection solutions. The security operation team passes recommen-
dations to the systems’ owners leaving to them the implementation responsibility.
The service does not provide system vulnerability assessment.
Cybersecurity Space Operation Center: Countering Cyber Threats in the Space. . . 13

Concept of Operations

The cybersecurity operations team is organized into three teams, called Tiers, Tier-1,
Tier-2, and Tier-3, organized under a technical leader and managed by a service
Tier-1 and Tier-2 analysts compose the proactive detection and analysis team.
The team is responsible for identifying threats having the Tier-1 analyst to perform
continuous monitoring of the alert queue (system generated or by the call center) and
triaging security alerts escalating them to Tier-2 analyst for further investigation and
deep-dive incident analysis. The team is also responsible for identifying mitigation
measures under the supervision of the technical leader supported, when required, by
the advisory team. They coordinate with the asset owners under threat for a timely
and effective response providing recommendations only (no actions upon the mon-
itored system) and situational awareness reports. In the case of MTD service, the
team is limited to triage of alerts leaving the further investigation and response to the
asset owners.
Real-time monitoring is dependent on the necessary presence of cybersecurity-
related sensors, log collection and aggregation, event correlation, and operation of
security information and event management (SIEM) tools.
Tier-3 analysts form the security advisory team. The team is composed by
specialists that possess in-depth knowledge in one or more of the following fields,
network security, endpoint security, threat intelligence, forensics, and malware
reverse engineering, as well as the functioning of specific applications or underlying
IT/OT infrastructure, acting as an incident “hunter,” not waiting for escalated
incidents and closely involved in developing, tuning, and implementing threat
detection analytics. Their functions include:

• Forensic investigation/analysis: In support to the forensic investigation/analysis

• Space threat intelligence feed production: Leveraging commercial and open threat
intelligence feeds, as well as internal findings, the team produces space-specific
threat intelligence. The threat intelligence results are used to improve CySOC
operations (e.g., feeding the system with IOCs) and are reported to the monitored
entity as part of the reporting function of MDRS service.
• Reporting: In addition to the required reports for the monitored entity, the team
produces reports related to the CySOC itself. The reports include metrics on the
effectiveness and efficiency of the operations, mean response time, etc.
• Monitoring system optimization: In support of the security protection, optimiza-
tion recommendations, and system tuning service including also the CySOC
system itself. The identified improvements for the CySOC system are
implemented directly in contrast to the monitored systems in which the imple-
mentation falls under the responsibility of the system owners.
• Tool improvement and engineering (to improve effectiveness and efficiency):
Encompassing improvements of existing supporting tools and engineering of new
to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the CySOC operations.
14 S. Llopis Sanchez et al.

• Proactive detection and analysis team support: As subject matter experts, they
support in incident response operations.

The above functions of Tier-3 analysts are aided by cyber simulation technolo-
gies. A fully functioning cyber range provides the means to analyze current and
potential threats evaluating security feeds and hunting potential threats. The cyber
range having the capacity to represent the monitored systems at high fidelity offers
the optimal means to conduct the Tier-3 functions.
The service manager has a complete view and responsibility for the state of the
service leading the daily operations. The technical leader is the senior security
analyst of the proactive detection and analysis team. He has the full view of the
service and the service operations status and is responsible for the coordination of
CySOC operations.

Additional Capabilities of a Cybersecurity Space Operation Center


The previous section described the baseline functions of a cybersecurity operation

center. However, as previously described in this article, the realities of threats to
space missions go beyond the traditional monitoring and analysis of IT/OT systems
and comprise other threats including (a) those focused on the information, e.g.,
infiltration in command and control networks, and (b) those targeting the space
infrastructure, e.g., onboard components, payload, etc. As has been described,
threats against the command and control networks may include specialized threats
in the electromagnetic spectrum, while threats against the onboard components may
take the form of kinetic threats from other space objects.
Therefore, it is recommended that the concept of CySOC should encompass not
only traditional cybersecurity operations capacity but be augmented as an all-hazards
threat assessment and mitigation service as a supplemental capacity to existing space
operations. While the existing roles for space operations, including signal interfer-
ence detection and response or SSA, should remain as the primary operational
capacity for ensuring space operations against natural or random occurrences,
these operations are not designed nor equipped to assess the potential of these effects
being part of a larger, intentional, threat campaign. Meanwhile, a properly equipped
CySOC, having access also to signal interference analysis capabilities and SSA
information, could develop a larger threat and risk-based view of SA also involving
indicators of compromise (IOC) from terrestrial networks, social engineering
attacks, and others.
As an added perspective, to augment the role of the CySOC towards a more
complete space mission assurance capability, it is recommended that the CySOC
should also analyze information from ground-based physical security surveillance
systems, enabling a more complete all-hazards risk assessment capability. Certainly,
in all cases, CySOC operations would remain limited to the role of analysis and
response assessment, offering advisory services to space operations, network and
Cybersecurity Space Operation Center: Countering Cyber Threats in the Space. . . 15

system operations or physical security operations, with each having their respective
roles as final decision authority for implementation of the recommended mitigation

Importance of Collaborative Information Sharing and Incident


It is already understood that effective cybersecurity operations have a high depen-

dency on collaborative information sharing of cyber-relevant information. Advisory
services providing reference information related to vulnerability of systems, avail-
ability of malware exploits and resulting IOCs, and threat awareness information are
essential aspects of cybersecurity analysis and response assessment. However,
creation of effective information sharing communities for the purpose of coordinat-
ing cyber incident response remains an elusive goal. While communities of cyber
adversaries will actively collaborate to develop comprehensive attack campaigns
through coordination of social engineering attack specialists, information reconnais-
sance and data collection, and the development of target-specific malware to pene-
trate systems, defenders are hampered by ineffective collaboration tools to allow
secure information sharing of cyber incident information across organizational
Fortunately, changing regulations regarding responsible disclosure, improved
attitudes towards information sharing, and improved technologies to support secure
and selective information sharing of cyber incident information are increasing the
potential for developing a coordinated incident response capability. For example,
within Europe, four pilot projects, sponsored by the European Commission, have
been established to develop an EU network of cybersecurity competence centers.
This initiative represents the largest ever investment into creation of a collaborative
cybersecurity information sharing capacity. The current initiative includes various
studies and system development activities to create secure means for partners to
share information among a wide scope of trusted relationships. Instances of the
proposed CySOC services should participate and collaborate among such a network
of cybersecurity competence both to leverage on the derived knowledge and to
contribute to improvements in cybersecurity competence. In this way, the CySOC
can take advantage of knowledge coming from dependent sectors and thereby
improve the effectiveness of mitigation response to threats posed to space systems.
16 S. Llopis Sanchez et al.

The Role of Education and Training for Developing a Skilled

Space Workforce


Space agencies are facing the challenge to educate and train a workforce that will be
required to operate in an increasingly contested and complex space environment that
may be affected by deliberate adversary cyber operations (Martin and Inspector
General 2012). Space operations are moreover increasingly reliant on information
system technology, and even though increasingly efforts are being dedicated to
better securing networks and systems, no system of systems will ever be entirely
cybersecure. Therefore, a paradigm shift is needed from information assurance to
mission assurance, which has to be considered in the context of complex systems
that comprise not only physical and information assets but also cognitive and social
domains. Subsequently solutions need to be designed for cyber resilience with the
human operator as an integral part of the solution to ensure mission control in a
degraded information environment.
At this time few opportunities exist for space operators to develop a clear
understanding of how cyberattacks impact the systems they manage or a space
mission as a whole. When cyber events are considered in a training exercise, they
are typically developed in an isolated storyline out of fear that the potential cascad-
ing effects might interfere with the other training objectives. Given the principle that
you “fight like you train,” it is however essential to incorporate realistic cyber
scenarios into a significant part of the education and training exercises, in order to
produce a workforce that is capable of mitigating the effect of cyber incidents in an
operational space system environment.
The design of cyber injects for training non-cyber operators can be performed in
two possible ways (McArdle 2019). The “systems engineering approach” consists in
first identifying an attack vector (weaponized file, social engineering, hardware of
software supply chain, etc.) and subsequently the target of the attack (organization,
mission, network, system, etc.). Next the specific effects of the identified attack
opportunity are estimated, such as induced system failures, denial of service, and
data exfiltration, and this effect is then simulated to the trainees.
The second approach is an “information assurance approach,” which is based on
the confidentiality, integrity, and assurance (CIA) triad. By applying the loss of one
or more of the CIA attributes to a specific system, the result on the broader
encompassing systems of systems, on the mission or on the organization, is esti-
mated and presented to the trainee during the training. Certain observable effects of
cyberattacks may be difficult to be distinguished from more innocent technical
failures; however, both situations require a different response. Therefore, it is
important that trainees learn to recognize a cyberattack in order to trigger the
appropriate response and recovery. This is therefore also a training objective.
Cybersecurity Space Operation Center: Countering Cyber Threats in the Space. . . 17

Training Environments

When training a space workforce, the option of training cyber incidents with live
systems is not an option. This can be circumvented through the use of a high-fidelity
synthetic training environment, where the operators interact with a virtual environ-
ment that runs as much as possible the real software systems combined with models
and simulations of the physical phenomena the systems normally interact with.
Synthetic systems exist for specific simulations or trainings. However, they are
often tailored to a specific task and siloed, which makes it hard to integrate them
into a complete synthetic training environment. It is therefore necessary to encourage
simulation system developers to open up their systems and to develop federation
technologies to interconnect them. It is essential to be able to run multi-domain
simulations, covering all ground segment systems and radio links, as well as all
aspects of the space segment ranging from the power management subsystem,
attitude determination and control, communications, computing and data handling,
to all possible payloads (Cayirci et al. 2017). This will make it possible to design
realistic scenarios that confront the trainees with their day-to-day user interfaces and
with a realistic baseline system behavior.
The goal of the non-cyber workforce is not just to train them for identifying cyber
incidents but also for training the interaction with the cyber workforce, so they know
the procedures, the contact points, the information to provide, how not to destroy
valuable forensic information, etc. Finally, the ultimate goal is to create a digital twin
of the systems that the trainees are being trained for. A digital twin is a virtual
representation of a system that has been loaded with the real-world inputs and
environmental parameters that were acquired on the real-world system so that it
can be used to accurately simulate the real-world system’s behavior.

Designing Training Scenarios

Attackers have an interest in being unpredictable. Indeed, high-threat potential actors

will deliberately misrepresent their capabilities, having a stockpile of zero-day
exploits at hand. They are typically capable of deploying varying tactics, techniques,
and procedures (TTPs), for instance, by relying on different hacker groups. Finally,
any up-to-date detailed threat intelligence covering adversaries’ capabilities will
likely be classified and therefore difficult to include in training scenarios. Therefore,
it is impossible to design training scenarios that cover the exact incidents the trainees
will face during normal operation. Nevertheless, using the available doctrinal doc-
uments from potential adversaries and drawing inspiration from documented past
attacks, it will still be possible to develop relevant scenarios.
As a baseline reference for designing adversarial cyber operations, the following
aspects should be considered. Adversaries will be especially interested in high-value
targets, such as ground stations, communication satellites, etc. They will furthermore
try to undermine trust in the information that is produced, for instance, by manip-
ulating sensor data that is acquired by a payload or telecontrol information from the
18 S. Llopis Sanchez et al.

satellite itself in order to mislead the operators. Finally, they can also resort to
blended strategies, where they combine kinetic attacks, like jamming or sabotage,
with non-kinetic cyberattacks that reinforce and prolong the effect of the physical

Evaluating Training Results

The education and training processes will have to be periodically evaluated and
improved in order to ensure that they achieve the objective of a cyber-skilled
workforce. Alongside the typical evaluation approaches for more scholarly educa-
tion as well as for operational training activities, it will be necessary to ensure that
the cyber-related objectives for the training have been achieved. More in particular
the question that needs to be answered is whether the staff members, both in cyber
and in non-cyber positions, are able to take the appropriate decisions with respect to
cyber incidents and events.
A valuable approach for measuring in an objective way whether the trainees have
observed and appropriately processed the necessary information to support their
decisions is the situation awareness global assessment technique (SAGAT) (Endsley
1995b) that was developed by Mica Endsley and is based on her decision-making
model with three levels of situation awareness (SA): perception, comprehension, and
projection. SAGAT is an on-line approach for real-time, human-in-the-loop trainings
that freeze the simulation at specific moments during the training and query the
subjects on specific information elements situated at the three levels of SA. Unfor-
tunately, the fact of freezing a complex training scenario does have an effect on
trainee performance (Matthews et al. 2000); therefore, it may be more appropriate to
use real-time probing by sending SA questions to the trainees as a part of the normal
exercise communication (Jones and Endsley 2000). Since the probing should not
disturb the normal operation of the trainee too much and therefore the sampling rate
and size shall be limited, it may be useful to complement it with nonintrusive expert
behavior observations, for instance, based on the situation awareness behaviorally
anchored rating scale (SABARS) approach (Strater et al. 2001).
It must finally also be noted that cyber range-based trainings could be used for
selecting operators or for verifying the required skills for candidate operators before
they start a long and expensive training, in a similar way as Liu et al. did to select
astronauts to be trained into qualified robotic operators (Liu et al. 2013).


Space is changing from a selective preserve of wealthy states or well-resourced

academia, into one in which market forces dominate. Current technologies bring
space capability into the reach of states, international organizations, corporations,
and individuals that a decade ago had no realistic ambition in this regard; and
Cybersecurity Space Operation Center: Countering Cyber Threats in the Space. . . 19

capabilities possessed a few years ago only by government security agencies are now
in the commercial domain.
Space and cyber, both technologically intensive domains, need to be harnessed
optimally for national security. Formulation and articulation of an all-encompassing
national security policy would help define domain-specific strategies and roadmaps.
There is a global trend towards increased instability in these domains as nations
develop counter-space threats and counter-cyber threat capabilities. Consequently,
space has been labeled as the fourth, and cyber the fifth, dimension of warfare.
The threat manifests itself in a variety of forms on a daily basis. Lacking a
coherent way forward, the collective accumulation of the variety of impacts from
the myriad of cyberattacks across the breadth of critical systems could serve to drain
western innovation, economy, and commerce without reaching the threshold of
triggering meaningful government and military and commercial engagement and
response. There has never been a more important time or imperative for us to act
upon this issue given the increasing potential existential threats posed to our
societies and make this a more central element of our public agenda. The potential
exists for a revolution to drive space-based security.

Disclaimer This article is a product of the authors. It does not represent the opinions or policies of
the European Defence Agency or the European Union and is designed to provide an independent

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