Chapter - 4: Synchronous Motor Drives

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Chapter –4 : Synchronous Motor Drives.

4.1- Introduction
The speed of a synchronous motor can be controlled by varying frequency of its
source. Due to non-availability of economical variable frequency sources, this method of
speed control was not used in the past. Synchronous motors were mainly used in constant
speed applications. The development of semiconductor variable frequency sources such as
inverters and cyclo converters has allowed their use in variable speed applications such as high
power and high-speed compressors, pumps and stone crushers. Medium and large size
synchronous motors find application in paper and cement industry. Higher efficiency and
inherent ability to correct power factor can make synchronous motors economically attractive
in spite of higher capital cost.
4.2. Characteristics features of a synchronous motor.
 It runs either at synchronous speed or not at all i.e. while running it maintains a
constant speed. The only way to change its speed is to vary the supply
frequency because Ns = 120f/p.
 It is not inherently self-starting. It has to be run up to synchronous or near
synchronous speed by some means, before it can be synchronized to the supply.
 It is capable of being operated under a wide range of power factors, both
lagging and leading. Hence it can be used for correction purposes, in addition
to supplying torque to drive loads.

4.3 – Adjustable speed synchronous motor drive.

Speed of synchronous motors can be controlled by controlling the supply frequency.
This method of speed control is known as the variable frequency method (or) adjustable
frequency control.
Similar to induction motors constant flux operation below base speed is achieved by
operating the synchronous motor with constant (v/f) ratio. Once the rated voltage is reached at
base speed the machine is operated at rated terminal voltage and variable frequency for higher
speeds. The pull out torque is constant for constant flux operation, while it is found to
decrease with the increase in frequency for higher speed.

4.4. Speed control modes of synchronous motor

There are two control modes for synchronous machine drives.
i. Open- loop (or) True synchronous (or) separate controlled mode
ii. Self – Synchronous mode (or) self-controlled mode.

In open loop (or) True synchronous machine mode, the motor speed is
controlled by the independent frequency control of the converter. In self – control
mode, the variable frequency converter control pulses are derived from an absolute
rotor position encoder mounted on the motor shaft.
4.5. Open loop volts/ Hertz control

Fig 4.1 open loop volts/Hz speed control of multiple synchronous motors.

An independent frequency control is the open loop volts/Hz speed control. This
method of speed control is particularly popular in multiple synchronous reluctance or PM
machine drives, where close speed tracking is essential among a number of machines for
application such as fibre spinning mills, textile and paper mills.
In figure 4.1 all the machines are connected in parallel to the same inverter so that they
move in synchronism corresponding to the command frequency ωe* at the input.
The phase voltage command Vs* is generated through a function generator (FG), where
the voltage is essentially maintained proportional to the frequency so that the stator flux ψs
remains constant.
In this mode, the supply frequency is controlled from an independent oscillator. For a
given frequency setting,the machine runs at a fixed speed, independent of variations in load,
supply voltage and field current. Hence the speed can be controlled precisely in open-loop by
controlling the frequency.
When operating in steady state, a gradual increase in frequency causes the stator field
speed to become greater than the rotor speed and the torque angle to increase. The motor
accelerates to follow the changes (increase) in frequency. When the frequency reaches a new
value, the machine settles down at a new speed after hunting oscillations, which are damped by
the damper winding.
On the other hand, a gradual decrease in frequency causes the stator field speed to
become lower than the rotor speed. Consequently the torque angle becomes negative. The
motor decelerates under regenerative braking following the decrease in frequency. When the
frequency reaches a new setting, the machine settles at a new speed after oscillations which are
damped by the damper winding.
It should be ensure that the frequency must be changed gradually to allow the rotor to
track the changes in the revolving field speed, otherwise the motor may pull-out of step.
The motor can also be started by increasing the frequency slowly from zero value. It
draws much lower current and produce a much higher torque.
As in the case of an induction motor the common control strategy is to operate the
motor at a constant air-gap flux upto the base speed and at constant terminal voltage above the
base speed. The air-gap flux depends on the value of the magnetizing current I m. Hence
constant air gap flux operation below base speed is achieved by operating the motor with a
constant (v/f) ratio.
4.6. – Self control mode

Fig. 4.2 self – controlled synchronous motors

A synchronous machine is said to be self-controlled if it gets its operating frequency
from an inverter whose thyristors are fired from a rotor position sensing unit. This unit
measures the rotor position with respect to a stator reference and sends pulses to the thyristors.
In this control, as the rotor speed changes, the stator supply frequency is also changed
proportionally, so the stator field always moves at the same speed as the rotor. This ensures
that the stator and rotor fields move in synchronism for all operating points. Consequently a
self-controlled synchronous motor does not pullout of step and does not suffer from hunting
oscillations and instability associated with a step change in torque or frequency when
controlled from an independent oscillator. The accurate tracking of speed by frequency is
realized with the help of a rotor position sensor.
Fig.4.2 illustrates a sinusoidal PM machine with self control. The stator
winding of the machine is fed by an inverter that generates a variable frequency variable
voltage sinusoidal supply. But in this case instead of controlling the inverter frequency
independently, the frequency and phase of the output wave are controlled by an absolute
position sensor mounted on machine shaft, giving it self-control characteristics. Of course, the
pulse train from the position sensor can be delayed by an external command.
A self-controlled synchronous machine can be considered analogues to a
dc motor except for the following differences.
i. Unlike a dc machine, the field is rotating and the armature is stationary (often
called an inside-out dc machine)
ii. Unlike a mechanical position – sensitive inverter, an electronic inverter that is
controlled by an absolute position encoder.
This dc machine analogy gives the self-controlled synchronous machine various
names such as electronically commutated motor (ECM), brushless dc motor (BLDM)
or commutator less – brushless motor. However, the commercial name of BLDM is
restricted to the trapezoidal PM machine drive.

 An electronic commutator replaced the mechanical commutators and brushes,

thus eliminating the disadvantages of the dc machine, such as maintenance and
reliability problems, sparking limitations in speed and power rating, difficulty to
operate in corrosive and explosive environments, EMI problem etc.
 Because of self-control, the machine does not show any stability or hunting
problem of the traditional synchronous Machine.
 The transient response can be similar to a dc machine.
 With a high-energy magnet the rotor inertia can be made smaller, which is an
advantage in a fast-response servo type drive.

Because of so many favorable characteristics, synchronous machine drives almost

exclusively use self-control.

4.7 – Comparison between self & separately controlled synchronous Motor drive.

Sl. No. Separately control Self control

1. Hunting oscillations are present Hunting is eliminated
2. Damper winding is required No need of a damper winding
3. Stator supply frequency is controlled No need of independent oscillator for
from an independent oscillator frequency adjustment.
4. Multiple no. Of machines can be Single machine is controlled.

4.8 - Power factor control

Definition :-
In linear loads, power factor (P.F.) is defined as
P.F. = cos ф
Where ф is the phase angle between phase voltage and phase current of the load.
Further for a three-phase load,
Apparent power = 3VI
Real power = 3 V I cosф
Reactive power = 3 VI sin ф
Where V = phase voltage and I = phase current of the load, respectively.
When a non-linear load is fed from a sinusoidal supply, current will consist of
fundamental and harmonics. The power factor for a nonlinear load is defined as:
PF = Real power/ Apparent power = 3 VI cos ф / 3.V. I rms
= (cos ф) x (I /I rms)
= Displacement factor x Distortion factor
Where V = fundamental component of source voltage and also rms value of source voltage as
source is sinusoidal. I = fundamental component of load current, I rms = rms value of the load
current and ф = phase angle between V and I.
Displacement factor (or fundamental power factor) = cos ф
Distortion factor = I/ I rms.
In a non-linear load, good power factor is achieved when both displacement and
distortion factors approach unity.
4.9 – Drives operation on low power factor
a. An induction motor direct on line
b. Ac – Dc diode rectifier and line commutated thyristor converter fed dc motor and
variable frequency ac motor drives.
c. Ac regulator fed induction motor drives.
d. Induction motor drive with slip power recovery.

4.10. Benefits of improving PF

i. A high power factor decreases the copper loss in transformers, distribution

cables, transmissions line and other equipments, thus allowing considerable
saving in energy consumptions.
ii. It helps in stabilizing the system voltage.
iii. It reduces the load on transmission and distribution equipment and transformer.
Thus, it allows transmission of larger power and full utilization of substation
and generating unit capabilities.
iv. It avoids large penalty often imposed on low power factor consumers by the
4.11. Power factor control of synchronous motor drive.


A.C. rectifier Inverter

Phase Power factor

control calculator

Error detector -
- + Power factor

Fig. 4.3 Automatic closed loop adjustment of power factor

Fig.4.3 Shows the block diagram of automatic closed-loop adjustment of power

factor.The main aim of adjustment of power factor is the variation of the field current. This is
possible in a wound field machine. If the motor is operated at a power factor of unity, the
current drawn by it will have the lowest magnitude for a given power input and therefore the
lowest internal copper losses.
From this diagram, the motor voltage and current are sensed and fed to the power factor
calculator. The power factor calculator computes the phase angle between the two and thereby
the power factor. It is the actual power factor value.
The computed power factor value is compared against the power factor commanded
value by using error detector. The error is amplified by the error amplifier and its output varies
the field current until PF confirm to the commanded value.
4.12. Marginal angle control in synchronous motor drives

Rectifier (or source Inverter (or Machine

side converter) side converter)

Fig. 4.4 Current source inverter feeding a synchronous motor

Fig. 4.4. Shows a current source inverter feeding a synchronous motor. The dc supply
for the inverter is obtained from a 6-pulse fully controlled rectifier, which together with the
link inductor Ld can be considered to constitute a current source for the inverter. In addition
the link inductor Ld reduces the ripple in the link current Id and prevents the inverter and
rectifier from interfacing with each others operation.

Fig. 4.5. Motor terminal voltage of phase A

In a converter, if the commutation is done by line voltages, then it is called line

commutation. But if the voltage induced in the load are responsible for the commutation, it is
defined as load commutation.
The terminal voltage of phase A of the current source inverter fed synchronous motor is
shown in figure 4.5.
We Know,the commutation lead angle β is given by,
β = 180˚ - α __________(1)
The marginal angle γ is given by,
γ = β – μ ___________(2)
and for safe commutation of thyristors of load commutated CSI,
γ > ωtq ________(3)
where tq is the turn off time of thyristors.
The P.F. angle of the synchronous motor is given by,
Ф = β – 0.5 μ (leading) __________(4)
In a motoring operation, the power factor is maximum when β is minimum or α is
maximum. Consequently the power transferred from the dc link to the machine for a given
value of Id is maximized. This inturn maximizes the machine torque for a given Is.
A minimum value of β is obtained when the margin angle is chosen just sufficient
(γ min) to ensure safe commutation.
From (3), we can write
γmin = Kq ω tq _________(5)
Where kq is a safety factor.
Now the minimum value of β is
βmin = μ + γ min ____________(6)
and maximum power factor, from (4) & (6)
(PF)max = cos (βmin - 0.5μ)
= cos (γmin + 0.5μ) ________ (7)
we have,
cos (β - μ) – cos β = 2ωLc Id /√ 6v _________ (8)
from (8) and (4)
cos (μ + γmin) = cos γmin - 2ωLcId / √6v _________ (9)
In equation (9), ω depends on speed, and V depends on speed and Im. The current Im
inturn depends on Is and If.
Constant margin angle control
A number of approaches are possible for inverter control. Commonly used control
strategy is the constant margin angle control.
The operation of the inverter at a minimum safe value of the margin angle gives the
highest power factor and the maximum torque per ampere of the stator current, thus allowing
the most efficient use of both the inverter and motor. The exact implementation of this control
strategy is not possible because the minimum value of the commutation lead angle cannot be
accurately predicted. It is therefore implemented only approximately. Even then it requires
complex control.

4.13. Classification of synchronous motor

Commonly used synchronous motors are,
i. Wound field motor.
a. Cylindrical rotor wound field motor
b. Salient pole rotor wound field motor
ii. Permanent magnet motor
iii. Synchronous reluctance motor
iv. Hysteresis motor

All the motor have a stator with a 3-phase winding, which is connected to an ac source.
Here power synchronous reluctance and hysteresis motor employ a 1-phase stator.

4.14. Permanent magnet synchronous motor

In this kind of motors, field excitation is obtained by mounting permanent magnets on

the rotor. This eliminates dc source, losses associated with the field winding and frequent
maintenance associated with slip rings and brushes in a wound field motor. But the power
factor cannot be controlled because the field excitation cannot be changed.
Permanent magnet motors are usually designed to operate at unity power factor at full
The power developed by the motor is,
Pm = 3VE / XS sin δ
Torque, T = Pm / ωms = 3VE/ XS ωms sin δ
4.15 – Types of permanent magnet synchronous motors.

i. Surface mounted
– Projecting type
– Inset type
ii. Interior or buried

Fig. 4.6 Different types of permanent magnet synchronous motors.

Surface mounted PM motors are of two types : (1) projecting type, in which magnets
project from the surface of rotor (Fig. 4.6 (a)), and (2) inset type, in which magnets are inserted
into the rotor, providing a smooth rotor surface (Fig. 4.6 (b). These motors are easy to
construct and are less expensive, they are less robust compared to interior type rotors and are
not suitable for high-speed applications. In interior type PM motors, magnets are imbedded in
the interior of the rotor (fig 4.6 (c))

Permanent magnet ac motors (PMAC) is the notational for permanent magnet

synchronous motors. They are classified based on nature of voltage induced in the stator as,
i. Sinusoidally excited
ii. Trapezoidally excited.
In the former, induced voltage has a sinusoidal waveform and in the later induced
voltage has trapezoidal waveform. These PMAC motors are commonly known as sinusoidal
PMAC and trapezoidal PMAC motors.
The speed of PM AC motors is controlled by feeding them from variable frequency
voltage /current. They are operated in self-controlled mode. Rotor position sensors are
employed for operation in self-control mode. Alternatively induced voltage can be used to
achieve self-control.
Different inverter/converter circuits for PMAC motors are drawn using power
transistor. The current trend is to use MOSFET for low voltage and low power applications
and IGBT for others.
In the earlier days, self-controlled variable frequency drives employing a sinusoidal
PMAC motor were also called brush less dc motor drives (BDCM). They are now simply
called PMAC motor drives.
The self-controlled variable frequency drives employing a trapezoidal PMAC motor are
now called brush less dc motor drives or trapezoidal PMAC motor drives.

4.16 Brush less dc motor drives or Trapezoidal PMAC drives.

Fig. 4.7 cross section of a trapezoidal PMAC motor

Fig 4.7 shows the cross section of a 3-phase, 2 pole trapezoidal PM AC motor. It has a
permanent magnet rotor with wide pole arc. The stator has 3- concentrated phase windings,
which are displaced by 120˚ and each phase winding spans 60˚ on each sided.
When revolving in the counter clockwise direction, upto 120˚ rotation from the position
shown in figure, all top conductors of phase A will be linking the south pole and all bottom
conductors of phase A will be linking the north pole. Hence the voltage induced in phase A
will be the same during 120˚ rotation. Beyond 120˚, some conductors in the top link North
Pole and others the South Pole. Same happens with the bottom conductors. Hence, the voltage
induced in phase A linearly reverses in next 60˚ rotation.
4.17 – Speed control of brushless dc motor using Inverter.

Fig. 4.8 Speed control of brush less D.C Motor using inverter

An inverter fed trapezoidal PMAC motor drive operating in self-controlled mode is

called as brush less dc motor. A full wave brush less dc motor is fed from a 3-phase inverter
(VSI) with feedback diodes is shown in figure 4.8.
When the transistor is off, the winding current flows through feedback diodes and the
energy stored in the winding inductance is returned to the source.
Three Hall effect sensors (located at 120˚ electrical apart) and a magnet ring form a
rotor position sensor.
Magnet ring is mounted on the rotor shaft and therefore revolves with the rotor.
Due to the movement of the magnet ring, Hall sensors generate 3-phase ac voltages
shifted by 120˚ which is used to turn ON the transistors in the sequence of their numbers with a
phase difference of 60˚ and each transistor is ON for 120˚. Each phase conducts twice in a
Speed control
i. The speed can be controlled by varying the dc input voltage, by connecting a
chopper between the dc source and the inverter.
ii. The speed can also be controlled by varying the input voltage or current of the
motor by a suitable PWM technique, keeping the inverter dc input voltage

Fig. 4.9 Induced voltage waveforms of a brushless dc motor.


1. Require no maintenance (absence of commutators and brushes)

2. Long life, high reliability
3. Low inertia, thereby faster acceleration (run up to 30,000 rpm and higher are common)
4. Low friction
5. Armature windings are on the stator, so cooling is better

1. Higher cost
2. Low starting torque
3. Size is nearly the same as of a conventional dc motor.


Turntable drives is record players, tape drive for video recorders, spindle drives
in hard disk drives for computers and low cost and low power drives in computer
peripherals, instruments and control systems.

4.18 Points to ponder:

 Open loop or separate or true synchronous mode and self-controlled mode are the two
different modes employed to achieve variable frequency control in a synchronous
 Commonly used synchronous motors are wound field, permanent magnet, synchronous
reluctance and hysteresis motor.
 Based on nature of voltage induced in the stator permanent magnet synchronous motor
are classified as sinusoidally excited and Trapezoidally excited.
 Elimination of field copper loss, higher power density, lower rotor inertia and more
robust construction of the rotor are the advantages of permanent magnet synchronous
 In self-control mode, the machine can be looked upon as a dc motor having its
commutator replaced by a converter connected to stator. The self controlled motor run
has properties of a dc motor both under steady state and dynamic conditions and
therefore, is called commutator less motor (CLM.)

4.19.(i) Solved Problems

The synchronous motor of a self-controlled drive, fed from a load-commutated current

source inverter, has the following name plate data..
5MW,3-phase, 6600 V, 6-pole, 50Hz, Y- connected, unity power factor. The
parameters are Xs = 10Ω, sub transient reactance = 1.8Ω, and negligible Rs, core loss, friction,
and windage. The field is controlled to maintain a constant flux below base speed and the
rated terminal voltage above base speed. The machine is operated at a constant commutation
lead angle of 50˚.
1. Calculate the margin angle, power factor, developed power, and
torque for machine operation at the rated armature current (rms) and
2. Repeat 1, for a speed of 1600 rpm.
3. Calculate δo for 1.
4. Calculate the dc link voltage for 1.

V = 6600/√3 = 3810.5 V
At the rated frequency, ω = 2л x 50 = 314 rad/sec.
Rated speed = 120f/P rpm = 120 x 50 /6 = 1000 rpm = 104.7 rad/sec.
Rated armature current = 5 x 106 / √3 x 6600 = 437.4A
When fed from an inverter, for an rms motor current of 437.4 A, from equations,
Id = √3/2 Irms = √3/2 x 437.4 = 536 A
Is = 6/ л Id = √6/л x 536 = 418 A
1. Since the machine is operating at a constant flux, at rated speed the terminal voltage
will have the rated value.
From equations, we have
Cosγ - cos (50˚) = 2 x 1.8 /√6 x 3810.5 x 536
Which gives γ = 32˚.
Now μ = β – γ = 50˚ - 32˚ = 18˚
Ф = β – 0.5 μ = 50˚ - 9˚ = 41˚
Power factor = cos 41˚ = 0.75
Developed power = 3VIs cosф
= 3 x 3810.5 x 418 x 0.75 = 3.58 MW
Torque = 3.58 x 106 / 104.7 = 3.4 x 104 N-m
2. Above the rated speed, the machine operates at the rated terminal voltages; hence
V = 3810.5 V, ωLc = 1.6 x 1.8 = 2.88Ω, Id = 536 A
From equations, we have,
cos γ – cos 50˚ = 2 x 2.88 / √6 x 3810.5 = 536
Which gives γ = 13˚
μ = β- γ= 50˚- 13˚= 37˚
ф= β- 0.5μ= 50˚- 18.5˚ = 31.5˚
power factor = cos 31.5˚ = 0.85
Pm = 3VIs cos Ф = 3 x 3810.5 x 418 x 0.85 = 4.06 MW
T = 4.06 x 106 / 104.7 x 1.6 = 2.43 x 104 N-m
3. Im = V/Xs = 3810. 5 / 10 = 381 A
We have,
If2 = Im2 + Is2 – 2I mIs cos (90 + Φ)
= 3812 + 4182 + 2 x 381 x 418 sin 41˚
If = 727A
Sinδ / Is = sin (90 + Φ) / I1
Or δ= 25.7˚
now δ1= δ+ 90˚ + Φ=25.7˚ + 90˚ + 41˚ = 156.7˚ and from equation
δ1o = δ1 + 0.5μ= 156.7˚ + 9˚ = 165.7˚
4. α = 180˚ - β = 180˚ - 50˚ = 130˚
From equation, Vd = 3√6V/ л cos α - 3/л (ωLcId)
Vd = 3 √ 6/ л x 3810.5 cos 130˚ - 3/л (1.8 x 536)
= - 6650 V.
4.19.(ii) Solved Problems
A 6 MW, 3-phase, 11 kV, Y- connected, 6-pole, 50 Hz, 0.9 (leading) power factor
synchronous motor has Xs = 9 Ω and Rs = 0, Rated field current is 50 A.
Machine is controlled by variable frequency control at constant (V/f) ratio up to the
base speed and at constant V above base speed. Determine
i. Torque and field current for the rated armature current, 750 rpm and 0.8 leading
power factor.
ii. Armature current and power factor for half the rated motor torque, 1500 rpm
and rated field current.
iii. Armature current and power factor for regenerative braking power output of 4.2
MVA at 750 rpm and rated field current.
iv. Torque and field current for regenerative braking operation at rated armature
current, 1500 rpm and unity power factor.
At rated operation
3VIs cos Φ = Pm
or 3 x 11000 / √3 Is x 0.9 = 6 x 106 or Is = 349.9A
E = V – Is ( jXs) = 6350.85 – 9 ∟90˚ x 349.9 ∟cos –1 o.9
= 7723.4 – j2834.2 = 8227 ∟-20.15˚
For operation at 750 rpm
Frequency = 750 / 1000 x 50 = 37.5 Hz
V = 11x1000/√3 x 37.5 /50 = 4763 v
Xs = 0.75 x 9 = 6.75
E = V – Is (jXs) = 4763 – 349.9 ∟cos-1 0.8 x 6.75 ∟90˚
= 6180 – j1889.2 = 6462.3 ∟-17˚
At rated field current and 750 rpm E = 8227 x 750/1000 = 6170.25 V.
Field current = 6462.3 /6170.25 x 50 = 52.37A
Power input = 3VIs cos Φ
or Pm = 3 x 4763 x 349.9 cos 36.87˚ = 3999.6 kW
Motor speed = 750/60 x 2π = 78.54 rad/sec
Torque = 3999.6 x 103 / 78.54 = 50924.4 N-m
(ii) At 1500 rpm
Frequency = 1500/1000 x 50 = 75Hz
Xs = 75/50 x 9 = 13.5 Ω
E at rated field current = 8227 x 75/50 = 12340. 5V
V = rated voltage = 6350.85 V
If ωms and ω'ms denote synchronous speeds at 1000 rpm and 1500 rpm respectively, power
developed at 1500 rpm
P'm = 0.5 Trated x ω'ms
= 0.5 Trated x 1.5 ωms = 0.5 x 1.5 Pm
where Pm is the rated power of the machine. Substituting its value
P'm = 0.5 x 1.5 x 6 = 4.5 MW
Since Pm = 3VE /X sin δ
4.5 x 106 = 3 x 6350.85x12340.5/13.5 sinδ
or sin δ = 0.258 or δ= 14.98˚
Is = V-E/jXs = 6350.85 – 12340.5 ∟-14.98/13.5∟90˚
= 475.5 ∟60.2
Is = 475.5A, power factor = cos60.2˚ = 0.5(leading)
iii. At 750 rpm and rated field current (from part (i))
V = 4763 V,Xs = 6.75Ω, E = 6170.25V
Pm = 3VE/Xs sin δ
or -4.2x106 = 3x4763 x 6170.25 / 6.75 sinδ
or sin δ = -0.32 or δ = 18.757˚
Now Is = E-V/jXs = 6170.25 ∟18.757˚ - 4763∟0˚ / 6.75 ∟90˚
=293.98 –j159.92 = 334.66 ∟-28.55˚
Thus Is = 334.66 A
Power factor = cos (-28.55˚) = 0.878 (lagging)
iv. From part (ii) at 1500 rpm
Xs = 13.5 Ω, V = 6350.85
E at rated field current = 12340.85V
From part (i) rated armature current = 349.9 A
E = V +jXs Is = 6350.85 ∟0˚ + j13.5 x 349.9∟0˚
= 6350.85 + j4723.65 = 7915 ∟36.64˚
Field current = 7915/12340.85 x 50 = 32.07A
Pm = 3VE/Xs sinδ = 3x6350.85x7915/13.5 sin 36.64˚=6666353 Watts
Motor speed =1500 rpm = 50π rad/sec
T = 6666353/50π = 42439 N-m
4.20. Review questions – Part A with answers.
1. What are the modes of operation in variable frequency control method?
i. True synchronous mode (or) separate controlled mode.
ii. open loop (or) self-synchronous mode (or) Self – controlled mode.
2. What is the main advantage of using closed loop control in drives?
The closed loop control has very steady state error and hence the output is very close to
the desired value and can be controlled.
3. What are the major applications of cyclo-converter fed synchronous motor?
The cyclo converter drive is attractive for low speed operation and frequently employed
in large low speed reversing mills requiring rapid accleration and deceleration. Also used
for a gearless driver in mines, hoists, high power pump and blower type motor.
4. What are the two controllers employed in the closed loop control of synchronous motor
The speed controller and current controller are the two major controllers used in the
closed loop control of drives.
5. What are the advantages of cyclo-converter drive?
i. A cyclo-converter drive, in above base speed range gives high quality
sinusoidal output voltage. The current is also nearly sinusoidal, hence harmonic
content less, their effects such as losses, additional heating and torque pulsation
are much reduced.
ii. The line power factor is better as the machine power factor can be made unity.
6. Why self – controlled synchronous motor is free from hunting oscillatons?
The rotor runs at synchronous speed for all operating points, as the stator supply
frequency is changed so that the synchronous speed is same as rotor speed.
7. Define ‘current controlled operation’ in synchronous motor.
The motor torque becomes independent of the stator leakage inductance and resistance
T = k φ Ia sin δt
Thus the torque is dependent on the field flux, the armature current and the torque
angle. The field flux, Φ is constant for a permanent magnet machine, it is adjustable
by means of the field current in a wound rotor machine.
8. What is a commutator less dc motor?
A synchronous motor with converter in the load side is known as a commutator less dc
motor. The converter in the load side performs the function of a commutator. The
synchronous motor fed with dc supply through the converter, acts like a dc machine, with
the stator and rotor fields remaining stationary with respect to each other at all speeds.
9. How is the direction of rotation reversed in a brushless dc motor?
The direction of rotation of a brushless dc motor can be reversed by shifting the
control pulses to the power devices in the circuit by 180˚.
10. Give two salient features of cycloconverters used to control the synchronous motor speed.
i. Cycloconverters are inherently capable of power transfer in both directions.
ii. The harmonic content of the current is small.
iii. The line power factor is somewhat better because the machine power factor can
be made unity.
11. What happens to the stator current of a synchronous motor when v/f is kept constant?
Since the flux is constant, the current also remain in constant magnitude.
12. Give the application of CSI fed synchronous motor.
Gas turbine starting pumped hydro turbine starting, pump and blower driver, etc.
13. What are the disadvantages of cyclo-converter fed synchronous motor drive?
A cyclo converter requires a large number of thyristor and its control circuitry is
14. Give some application of load-commutated inverter fed synchronous motor drive.
High speed and high power drives for compressors, blowers, conveyors, steel rolling
mills, main-line traction and air craft test facilities.
15. Give the application of self controlled synchronous motor?
A self controlled synchronous motor is a substitute for a dc motor drive and finds
application where a dc motor is objectionable due to its mechanical commutator, which
limits the speed range and power output.
16. What are the disadvantages of load commutation in the CSI fed synchronous motor drive?
i. Limitation on the speed range
ii. The machine size is large and due to over excitation.
It is under utilized.
17.What are the characteristics of self controlled mode operated synchronous motor?
i. It operated like dc motor also called commutator less motor
ii. These machines have better stability behaviour.
iii. Do not have oscillatory behaviour.
18. What are the characteristic of true synchronous mode operated synchronous motor?
i. The motor behaves like conventional synchronous motor i.e hunting oscillations
exists. The changes in frequency is slow enough for rotor to track the changes.
ii. Multi motor operation is possible here
19. When can the synchronous motor be load commutated?
When the synchronous motor operates at a leading power factor thyristors of the load
side converter can be commutated by the motor induced voltages same way as the
thyristors of a line commutated converter are commutated by line voltages.
20. What are the disadvantages of the VSI fed synchronous motor?
The stator current drawn by the motor when inverter fed has sharp peaks and rich in
harmonic content, that cause additional losses and heating of the motor. They also
producing pulsating torque that are objectionable at low speeds.
21. What is meant by brushless excitation?
The synchronous motor can be operated at any desired power factor by varying dc
excitation. The traditional methods consists of phase controlled rectifiers that supply the
field through sliprings and brushes. The disadvantages of sliprings and brushes can be
avoided by using brushless excitation.
22. What are the important features of brushless dc motor scheme.
i. They require practically no maintenance, having long life.
ii. High reliability
iii. Low inertia and low friction
iv. Low radio frequency interference and noise.
v. Due to low inertia and friction they have faster acceleration and can be run at
much higher speeds.
vi. Cooling is much better.
vii. Higher efficiency.
23. What are the types of permanent magnet motors based on induced voltage?
i. Sinusoidally excited PM motor ii. Trapezoidally excited PM motor.
4.21. Review questions – Part B
1. i. Describe the brushless d.c. motor with reference to synchronous drive. List few
of its applications.
ii. What is the basic difference between the true synchronous mode and self control
mode for variable frequency control of synchronous motor. Explain the operations.
2. i. Explain how power factor control is achieved in synchronous motor drives.
ii. A 1000 kW, 3-phase, 6.6 kV, 50 Hz, 6 pole delta connected, unity power factor,
synchronous motor has the following parameters. XS = 40 ohm,
RS = 0, rated field current = 5A, machine is controlled by variable frequency control at a
constant (v/f) ratio. Calculate torque and field current for rated armature current, 500
rpm and the unity power factor.
3. i. Describe the self control of synchronous motor fed from VSI. Discuss about the
separately controlled synchronous motor fed from VSI.
ii. Compare the above two schemes.
4. i. Write a brief note on Commutator less dc motor.
ii. Explain the types of permanent magnet synchronous motor.
5. Explain how three phase synchronous motor fed by a three phase inverter can be made to
behave like a simple DC motor. Hence is it proper to call them as a commutator less DC
6. Write short notes on the following.
i. Marginal angle control of synchronous motor drive.
ii. True synchronous mode of operation.
7 .i. Describe using a schematic how the speed of an inverter fed brushless DC motor can be
ii. Bring out its advantages and disadvantages.

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