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People Vs Laog

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CONRADO LAOG y RAMIN, Accused-Appellant
G.R. No. 178321 October 5, 2011

PONENTE: J. Villarama

Review of CA Decision which convicted Conrado Laog (appellant) for murder of Jennifer Rosal and rape of one we
shall call AAA (refused to be named).

The prosecution presented as its principal witness AAA,19 years old at the time of the incident. Her testimony was
corroborated by her grandfather BBB, Dr. Ivan Richard Viray, and her neighbor CCC.

Testimony of AAA:
 June 6, 2000, she and Jennifer Rosal were walking on their way to apply for work at a canteen. Suddenly,
appellant, who was holding an ice pick and a lead pipe, ambushed them and forcibly brought them to a
grassy area.
 Without warning, appellant struck AAA in the head with the lead pipe causing her to feel dizzy and to fall
 When Jennifer saw this, she cried out for help but appellant also hit her on the head with the lead pipe,
knocking her down.
 Appellant stabbed Jennifer several times with the ice pick and thereafter covered her body with thick grass.
 Appellant then turned to AAA. He hit AAA in the head several times more with the lead pipe and stabbed
her on the face.
 While AAA was in such defenseless position, appellant raped her.
 After raping AAA, appellant also covered her with grass. At that point, AAA passed out.
 When AAA regained consciousness, she crawled until she reached her uncle’s farm at daybreak.
 When she saw him, she waved at him for help.
 Her uncle, BBB, and a certain Nano then brought her to Hospital. She later learned that Jennifer had died.

Testimony of Appellant Laog:

 Of course, he denied the charges against him.
 AAA and Jennifer frequently went to his nipa hut whenever they would ask for rice or money.
 He claimed that in the evening of June 5, 2000, AAA and Jennifer slept in his nipa hut but they left the
following morning at around seven o’clock.
 At the time the crimes were being committed:
o He said he was at home cooking dinner around the
o With him were his children, Ronnie, Jay, Oliver and Conrado, Jr. and his nephew, Rey Laog.
o At around seven o’clock, he was arrested by the police after his wife had reported him after he
"went wild" that same night and struck with a lead pipe a man whom he saw talking to his wife
inside their house.
o When he was already incarcerated, he learned that he was being charged with murder and rape.

Case Trail:
 The RTC found appellant guilty beyond reasonable doubt of both crimes rape and murder.
 The CA affirmed with modification for damages.
 Now, on appeal.
Whether the accused-appellant is guilty of the crimes charged --- YES

 Appellant asserts that the prosecution failed to prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt
o He assails AAA’s credibility pointing out alleged inconsistencies in her testimony.
 That there’s no premeditation cause the rice paddies where the girls were allegedly
ambushed is not their usual route so he would not have known they were to pass there.
 Her testimony lacked some details on how, after she was raped and stabbed by appellant,
she was still able to put on her clothes and crawl to her grandfather’s farm.
o CA erred in appreciating the qualifying circumstance of abuse of superior strength.
 That for abuse of superior strength to be appreciated in the killing of Jennifer, the
physical attributes of the victim should be substantially weak and unable to put up a

 Jurisprudence has decreed that the issue of credibility of witnesses is "a question best addressed to the
province of the trial court because of its unique position of having observed that elusive and
incommunicable evidence of the witnesses’ deportment on the stand while testifying which opportunity is
denied to the appellate courts"
o Absent any substantial reason which would justify the reversal of the trial court’s assessments and
conclusions, the reviewing court is generally bound by the former’s findings

 Here, both the trial and appellate courts gave credence and full probative weight to the testimony of AAA,
the lone eyewitness to Jennifer’s killing and was herself brutally attacked by appellant who also raped her.
Appellant had not shown any sufficiently weighty reasons for us to disturb the trial court’s evaluation of the
prosecution eyewitness’ credibility.
o “From the moment [AAA] took the stand, this Court has come to discern in her the trepidations of
a woman outraged who is about to recount the ordeal she had gone through. She took her oath
with trembling hands, her voice low and soft, hardly audible. Face down, her eyes were constantly
fixed on the floor as if avoiding an eye contact with the man she was about to testify against. After
a few questions in direct, the emotion building up inside her came to the fore and she burst into
tears, badly shaken, unfit to continue any further with her testimony. Thus, in deference to her
agitated situation, this Court has to defer her direct-examination. When she came back, however,
to continue with her aborted questioning, this time, composed and collected, direct and
straightforward in her narration, all vestiges of doubt on her credibility vanished.”

 Appellant merely interposed the defense of denial and alibi.

 His defense, however, cannot prevail over the straightforward and credible testimony of AAA who
positively identified him as the perpetrator of the murder and rape.
 Positive identification of the accused, when categorical and consistent and without any showing of ill
motive on the part of the eyewitness testifying, should prevail over the alibi and denial of the appellant
whose testimony is not substantiated by clear and convincing evidence.

 People v. Nieto
o It is an established jurisprudential rule that a mere denial, without any strong evidence to support
it, can scarcely overcome the positive declaration by the victim of the identity and involvement of
appellant in the crimes attributed to him.

 As to the fact that the physician who examined AAA at the hospital did not testify during the trial
o This is not fatal to the prosecution’s case.
o The foremost consideration in the prosecution of rape is the victim’s testimony. A medical
examination of the victim, as well as the medical certificate, is merely corroborative in character
and is not an indispensable element for conviction in rape. What is important is that the testimony
of private complainant about the incident is clear, unequivocal and credible.

 People v. Larrañaga, this Court explained the concept of a special complex crime, as follows:
o When the victim is killed or dies as a consequence of the detention, or is raped, or is subjected to
torture or dehumanizing acts, the maximum penalty shall be imposed; giving rise to a special
complex crime.
o In the cases at bar, victim Marijoy was raped “on the occasion and in connection” with her
detention and was killed “subsequent thereto and on the occasion thereof.”
o Appellants should be convicted of the special complex crime of kidnapping and serious illegal
detention with homicide and rape.

 Article 266-B RPC, as amended, provides only a single penalty for the composite acts of rape and the
killing committed by reason or on the occasion of the rape.

 Considering that the prosecution in this case was able to prove both the rape of AAA and the killing of
Jennifer both perpetrated by appellant, he is liable for rape with homicide under the above provision.

 The facts established showed that the constitutive elements of rape with homicide were consummated, and
it is immaterial that the person killed in this case is someone other than the woman victim of the rape.

 An analogy may be drawn from cases of robbery with homicide, where the component acts of homicide,
physical injuries and other offenses have been committed by reason or on the occasion of robbery.

 In the special complex crime of rape with homicide, the term “homicide” is to be understood in its generic
sense, and includes murder and slight physical injuries committed by reason or on occasion of the rape.
o Hence, even if any or all of the circumstances (treachery, abuse of superior strength and evident
premeditation) alleged in the information have been duly established by the prosecution, the same
would not qualify the killing to murder and the crime committed by appellant is still rape with

 In this case, as personally witnessed by AAA, appellant struck Jennifer in the head with a lead pipe then
stabbed her repeatedly until she was dead. Clearly, the manner by which appellant had brutally slain
Jennifer with a lethal weapon showed that appellant intentionally used excessive force out of proportion to
the means of defense available to his unarmed victim.
 It has long been established that an attack made by a man with a deadly weapon upon an unarmed and
defenseless woman constitutes the circumstance of abuse of that superiority which his sex and the weapon
used in the act afforded him, and from which the woman was unable to defend herself.
 Abuse of superiority is determined by the excess of the aggressor’s natural strength over that of the victim,
considering the momentary position of both and the employment of means weakening the defense, although
not annulling it.
 By deliberately employing deadly weapons, an ice pick and a lead pipe, accused-appellant clearly took
advantage of the superiority which his strength, sex and weapon gave him over his unarmed victim.

WHEREFORE, the appeal is DISMISSED for lack of merit. Accused-appellant Conrado Laog y Ramin is hereby
found GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of Rape With Homicide under Article 266-B of the Revised Penal Code,
as amended by R.A. No. 8353, and is accordingly sentenced to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua without
eligibility for parole.

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