Environmental Monitoring Report (URP-DNCC) EOC DNCC & DSCC

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Dhaka North City Corporation


(IDA Credit No. 5599 BD)
Environmental Monitoring Report
(January –June 2020)

Funded by:
The World Bank Group/ Government of the People’s Republic of


June 2020

Table of Contents
Quarterly Environmental Monitoring Report..........................................................................................1
Table of Contents..................................................................................................................................2
1. Introduction....................................................................................................................................4
2. Background of the Project...........................................................................................................4
2.1 Basic project information including a synopsis of the project organization...................4
2.2 Description of the physical components of project and the updated progress.............5
Figure 1-1: Overall Project Area of URP-DNCC (Dhaka & Sylhet)........................................6
2.3 Project Environmental key Personnel, Contact Names and Telephone Numbers..........6
Table 2.3-1: Name, Designation and Mobile Numbers of Environmental Key Personnel...6
2.4 Synopsis of work undertaken during the quarter....................................................................7
3.0 Environmental Requirement.........................................................................................................7
3.1 Summary of the environmental protection and pollution control/ mitigation measures
as per Environmental & Social Safeguard report and subproject specific EMP.......................7
4 Environmental Status.................................................................................................................11
4.1 Summary of the major activities undertaken by the different subprojects during the
quarter showing the inter-relationship with environmental protection/mitigation measures..11
4.2 Description of the monitoring methodology.....................................................................11
4.3 Quarterly assessment of construction impacts on water, air and noise quality as well
as the construction waste management, labor camp management and safety assurance at
the subproject site...........................................................................................................................11
4.4 Suggestion of appropriate mitigation measures if the quarterly assessment results
demonstrate that the environment is declining...........................................................................11
4.5 Summary description of the actions to be taken in the event of non-compliance those
were visited this quarter and any follow-up procedures related to earlier non-compliance. .12
4.6 Summary record of all complaints received (written or verbal) and subsequent
redress for each subproject during this quarter..........................................................................12
5 Preparation of Environmental screening Report.....................................................................12
5.1 Preparation of site- specific environment screening/assessment report during this
period 12
5.2 Weather conditions during the period...............................................................................13
5.3 Any other factors which might affect the monitoring results..........................................13

5.4 Regulatory compliance progress (environment clearance certificate/ renewal
certificate from department of environment), etc........................................................................13
6 Meeting and Discussion.............................................................................................................13
6.1 Summary of the meeting and the subsequent decision on the environment
management those have been taken this quarter......................................................................13
7 Conclusions and Recommendations........................................................................................13
8 Annexures....................................................................................................................................14
8.1 Photograph of the different Project sites..........................................................................14
Figure 8-1: Site Photographs....................................................................................................15

This Environmental Monitoring Report (Jan-Jun’2020) covers Environmental Safeguard
Compliance status of the construction works of Urban Resilience Project-DNCC Part (URP-
DNCC Part) of the Emergency Operation Center in Dhaka North City Corporation and Dhaka
South City Corporation. The Emergency Operation Centers (DNCC & DSCC) are built in the
existing head quarters renovating the existing spaces. As such during the construction of the
Emergency Operation Centers did not have significant external environmental impacts. During
the construction some precautionary measures have been followed based on Environmental
Management Plan (Table-3.1) set for the construction previous Emergency Operation Centers
(Command and Control Centers for FSCD Dhaka & Sylhet and the Emergency Operation
Center of SCC) constructed under this project. Environmental management & Monitoring
Instruction to the contractors (Annex-II) , Environmental Management & Monitoring Plan
(Annex-III) and Environmental safeguard cost (Annex-IV) and subsequent guidelines provided
by Department of Environment (DOE) during issuance of Environmental Clearance (Annex-I)
were monitored.

Background of the Project

Basic project information including a synopsis of the project organization

The Government of Bangladesh has undertaken the Urban Resilience Project (URP) financed
by the International Development Association (IDA) to support the emergency response and
operation of disaster risk reduction. DNCC is working as executing agency of the project for four
organizations such as DNCC (Dhaka North City Corporation), DSCC (Dhaka South City
Corporation), Sylhet City Corporation (SCC) and Fire Service & Civil Defense (FSCD). Under
the project, Search & Rescue Equipment (SAR), Inter-operable Communication System
including the establishment of Command & Control Centers in Dhaka and Sylhet for FSCD and
Emergency Operation Center for Sylhet City Corporation, Dhaka North City Corporation &
Dhaka South City Corporation. The Emergency Operation Center (EOCs) in DNCC and DSCC
has been constructed in the 1st Floor and Ground Floor of the City Corporation Headquarters
(Nagar Bhaban) in Gulshan-2 and Gulistan in Dhaka. Both the EOCs are constructed in the
existing building by refurbishing the existing floors.
The Objective of the project is to increase the effectiveness in disaster preparedness and
response, while addressing existing and emergent risks in Dhaka and Sylhet. The project will
enhance the capacity of City Corporations and FSCD in Dhaka and Sylhet to effectively prepare
for, respond to and recover from small and large emergency events. Further, the project seeks
to create an enabling environment for coordinated, locally managed disaster risks management.
The project helps to strengthen emergency management through Search & Rescue (SAR)
Equipment and Interoperable communication system (ICT) etc.
At the beginning of the project, the Environmental and Social Assessment of Urban Resilience
Project –DNCC part has been done to ensure compliance with the World Bank's safeguard
policies as well as the GoB statutory requirements. An Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
of this construction phase has been prepared for environmental monitoring and safeguard
obligation of the construction works. The Environmental management & Safeguard issues have
been confirmed as part of the contract document to make the contractor obligated to compliance
issue during construction.

The construction sites are located in the existing buildings of the City Corporations and
therefore, no adverse impact on land of agriculture or fisheries or any other economic activity is
disturbed or damaged. Therefore, the environmental issues concerned with the URP are mainly
construction related and temporary in nature, such as, dust and noise pollution, solid waste
disposal, salvage material disposal issues etc.

Description of the physical components of project and the updated progress

Two construction packages, Package No. URP-DNCC/W2.3 Construction of Emergency
Operation Center at DNCC and Package No. URP-DNCC/W 2.2 Construction of Emergency
Operation Center at DSCC are reported during this period. The location of the construction
sites, types of construction, sizes and status of construction are summarized below:

Table 2.2 Emergency Operation Centers (EOCs) at DNCC & DSCC

S/N Location Type of Size & Location of Status of
Building the EOCs Construction
Package No. URP-DNCC W 2.3
1. City Center Point, Commercial cum Construction
Plot 23-26, Road Official 9800 sq.ft, 1st Floor completed on
-46, Nagar Bhaban , 30/06/2020
Package No.URP-DNCC/W2.2
2. Nagar Bhaban, Official 5165 sq.ft, Ground Construction
Fulbaria, Gulistan Floor completed on

Figure 1-1: Location of EOCs (DNCC & DSCC)

2.3 Project Environmental key Personnel, Contact Names and Telephone Numbers

The details of the Environmental Key Personnel are given below in a tabular form:

Table 2.3-1: Name, Designation and Mobile Numbers of Environmental Key Personnel

Sl. No. Name & Designation Mobile No.

01 Dr Tariq Bin Yousuf, Project Director 01817578326
02 Mohammad Abul Kashem, Deputy Project Director 01556628777
(Procurement and Contract Management)
03 Md. Sirajul Islam, Deputy Project Director ( Monitoring & 01715023000
Evaluation) (Focal Point of DSCC)
04 Md. Nuruzzaman Khan, Assistant Project Director 01711382843
05 Md. Abul Kashem, Team Leader, D&S Consultant 01711545087
06 Md. Jewel Rana, Site Engineer, URP-DNCC 01841213334
07 Md. Oliur Rahman, Site Supervisor, URP-DSCC 01758876961
08 Md. Rafiqul Islam, Site Engineer, D&S Consultant 01740066145

2.4 Synopsis of work undertaken during the period

Works undertaken during this period are the refurbishment of the existing spaces for the EOCs.
The EOC DNCC is constructed in the 1st Floor of the Gulshan Center Point building.
The items of the work of EOC DNCC:
(i) 5 inch partition brick wall (ii) 10 mm thick clear glass partition (iii) wall plaster (iv) floor tiles
(v) Board ceiling (vi) plastic emulsion paint (vii) Fire Detection & Protection system (viii) Fire
Exit door (ix) Air Condition system (x) Emergency Lighting (xi) Electrical switching & cabling
(xii) Lighting

The EOC DSCC is constructed in the space where the Sonali Bank was located. So the PABX,
Wireless control room etc. were removed from the place where the Bank is now relocated.
The items of the work of EOC DSCC:
(i) 5 inch partition brick wall (ii) 10 mm thick clear glass partition (iii) wall plaster (iv) floor
tiles (v) Board ceiling (vi) plastic emulsion paint (vii) Fire Detection & Protection
system (viii) Fire Exit door (ix) Air Condition system (x) Emergency Lighting (xi)
Electrical switching & cabling (xii) Lighting (xiii) PABX installation.

3.0 Environmental Requirement

Summary of the environmental protection and pollution control/ mitigation measures as per
Environmental & Social Safeguard report and subproject specific EMP

During mobilization of the specific project, a briefing has been made to the contractors’ Site
Managers what environmental safeguard issues they will maintain during implementation of the
project. The contractors’ obligations for environmental safeguards are explained to the site
managers and the Project officials. Site-specific Environmental Assessment (EA) reports have
been copied from the contract document and provided to the contractors to keep them in the
site offices for ready reference. The items specifically mentioned in the Bill of Quantities like first
aid boxes, water filters, safety gears, toilets for male and female, campsite disposal facilities for
organic and inorganic wastes, dust suppression measures, noise pollution control, installation of

project and environmental signboards, health and safety warning signs, safe drinking water
facility and keeping necessary records, providing motivational training, site office and labor
sheds with adequate ventilation are the specific requirements.
The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) has been outlined in Table 3-1 below. The
mitigation measures as well as monitoring program of EMP have also been incorporated in the
Environmental Management Plan.

Table 3.1 Environmental Management Plan during Construction Phase

Potential Impacts Mitigation Measures Time frame Location Responsibility
Land & Surface water Land & Surface Water  No disposal of any wastewater directly onto the outside Throughout Project Site Environmental Monitoring
Pollution ground or into outside water bodies. Refueling, washing and Construction Phase Team of the Project
maintenance of the vehicles will be prohibited in the vicinity of Proponent
the site and water bodies.
Drinking Water Increase local demand  Arrange water without affecting local requirement Throughout Project Site Environmental Monitoring
Requirement Construction Phase Team of the Project
Wastewater from Pollute the ground and  Ensure proper sanitation and drainage. No direct discharge of Throughout Project Site Design consultant and
Workers’ camp surface water wastewater in the land. The construction workers at site will Construction Phase Project Proponent
be provided with proper sanitation arrangement.
Air and Noise
Dust Generation Increase dust in the air  Spraying of water wherever required. All stock pile materials Throughout Project Site Environmental Monitoring
which can blow to contribute to airborne dust will be covered Construction Phase Team of the Project
with canvas or plastic sheets during windy season. The Proponent
vehicle should be covered while transporting the materials.
Gaseous Emission Pollute the Air  Ensure checking of vehicular emission and obtaining fitness Throughout Project Site and Environmental Monitoring
from Construction work certificate Construction Phase surroundings Team of the Project
vehicles Proponent
Noise from machineries Increase Noise level  Ensure machineries meeting noise level standards. Noise Throughout Project Site Environmental Monitoring
and construction levels of machineries used shall conform to relevant Construction Phase Team of the Project
standards prescribed in Environment Conservation Rules, Proponent
1997. Silencers and mufflers of machineries will be regularly
inspected to control noise generation.
Disruption of Earth Become a hazard  Earth work should be kept minimum and adequate drainage Throughout Project Site Environmental Monitoring
Surface system should be developed Construction Phase Team of the Project
Proponent and DOE
Solid Waste from Deteriorate the  Ensure dumping at preselected location Throughout Project Site Project Proponent
construction work environment Construction Phase
Occupational Health & May create risk for the  All relevant rules for protection of health and safety of the Throughout Project Site Design consultant and
Safety workers workers will be rigorously followed. All contractors will be Construction Phase Environmental Monitoring
made aware of this responsibility. Proper restriction signs and Team of the Project
other methods should be applied to prevent unwanted entry Proponent
of people.
Labor Condition Increase labor scope  Bangladesh has ratified key International Labour Organization Throughout Project Site Project Proponent
(ILO) conventions to ensure the work conditions are Construction Phase
reasonable and safe, and employees are free from any types
of discrimination.

Potential Impacts Mitigation Measures Time frame Location Responsibility
Traffic Increase traffic at the  There shall be a continuous vigil to see that the regular local Throughout Project Site and Project Proponent
locality traffic is not disturbed and the personnel to guide the Construction Phase surroundings
construction vehicles to the site without causing any traffic
Socio-economic Improve the condition  Various environment awareness programs shall be organized Throughout Project Environmental Monitoring
by management committee/ project team on regular basis to Construction surroundings Team of the Project
bring forth the beneficial aspects of the project at local level. Phase Proponent
 A management committee shall take keen interest in public
participation and expectations of the local people for
improving quality of life during planning of welfare activities
under CSR plan. The committee shall identify eligible people
for jobs in construction and lower level administrative jobs by
noting their literacy level, extent of need, availability of means
 Or the committee should confirm the employment of local
people by subcontractors.
Influx of workers Generation of sewage  Construction of sanitary latrines and septic tank system Throughout Project Site Environmental Monitoring
and solid waste Construction Phase Team of the Project
 Erecting “no litter” sign, provision of waste bins/cans, where
 Waste minimization, recycle and reuse (as required)
 Proper disposal of solid waste

Possible spread of  Good health is a condition for employment

disease from workers
 Regular medical/health monitoring of workers
Transportation of Deterioration of air  Keeping vehicles under good condition, with regular checking Throughout Project Site Environmental Monitoring
equipment, materials quality from increased of vehicle condition to ensure compliance with national Construction Phase Team of the Project
and personnel; storage vehicular movement, standards and EHS guidelines (where applicable) Proponent
of materials affecting people in the
surrounding areas

Wind-blown dust from  Spraying of water in the access road

material (e.g. fine
 Sprinkling and covering stock piles
aggregate) storage
areas  Covering top of trucks carrying materials to the site.

Noise from construction Noise could exceed the  Avoiding, as much as possible, construction equipment Throughout Project Site Design consultant and
equipment operations allowable limit and producing excessive noise Construction Phase Project Proponent
and maintenance result in hearing loss.
 Avoiding prolonged exposure to noise by workers

 Creating a buffer zone /barrier around the project site
 Follow construction scheduling to avoid evening and night
time disruption
Dust and exhaust Increased PM 2.5, PM  Try to avoid using equipment such as stone crushers at site Throughout Project Site Environmental Monitoring
gases from 10, NOx, SOx levels at by purchasing ready-mix construction mixture (sand, cement Construction Phase Team of the Project
construction machinery construction sites, and and gravel) Proponent
and vehicles surrounding areas.
 Immediate use of construction spoils as filling materials
 Immediate disposal/sale of excavated materials
 Continuous watering of bare areas
Fires, explosion and Risk of human health  Use of personal protective equipment during construction and Throughout Project Site and Environmental Monitoring
other accidents and property damage maintenance. Prepare and implement safety and emergency Construction Phase surroundings Team of the Project
manual Proponent
 Regular inspection of lines for faults prone to accidents
 Provision of fire protection equipment.
 Provision of lightening arrestors

Environmental Status
Summary of the major activities undertaken by the different subprojects during the quarter
showing the inter-relationship with environmental protection/mitigation measures

Table 2.2 & Para 2.4 above gives packages indicating major activities undertaken and
accomplished during this period. It is obvious that during the site mobilization, site acquisition,
and pre-construction, an initial field survey on the pre-conditioned social/ environmental issues
are identified such as positioning of the labor sheds, drinking water facility, toilet facilities,
material stake-yard, site office etc.

As the sites are located in the head quarter buildings of the DNCC and DSCC, so the drinking
water, toilet etc. of the said agencies are used by the staffs and labors. The works are mainly
renovation (brick work partition, glass partition, tiles placement etc.). Special signboard detailing
the specific requirements for Health and Safety are installed in the construction sites to enhance

After the mobilization of the contractor, joint meetings were held with the agencies (DNCC &
DSCC) to make them aware on the issues such as working arrangements of the contractor,
grievance redress mechanism, health and safety issues and the labor influx etc. During the site
supervision, special attention and instruction were provided on health and safety issues. The
workers always wear safety gears while working on site and safety signs & barriers are provided
at all sites to avoid injury and accident. Signage was strategically installed to identify the work
sites. Suitable arrangements to cater for emergencies including First Aid equipment and to
ensure workers’ safety from accidents and injuries use of personal protective equipments
(PPEs) such as earplugs, safety shoes, hard hats, masks, goggles, gloves etc. as applicable
were made mandatory in the sites. In Covid-19 pandemic, special instructions (raising
awareness and training of workers in mitigating the spread of COVID-19) and precautionary
measures such as social/physical distancing, wearing all times masks, cleaning (Hand washing
with soaps/sanitizer, temperature testing by non-contact Electronic infrared thermometer were
undertaken. Motivation of the workers, monitoring and reporting during this period was given
special attention.
Description of the monitoring methodology

The environmental Issues arise from the EOC construction sites from the construction materials
dumping; stacking, vehicular movement etc. are monitored. The contractors were instructed to
do insurance of the work at the beginning of work. EMPs were discussed with the contractors
and site supervising engineers of PIUs and the consultant. They were provided a format how to
check the environmental and safety measures during the construction during the site visits.
They were also instructed to keep photographs for preparing monitoring report as well as for
necessary follow-up. During the COVID-19, instructions were provided to the contractors to take
measure preventing proliferation of virus. The contractors were instructed to submit weekly site
operation plan (SOP), what measures were undertaken to address the risks (health and safety
requirements), hygiene facilities & practices and behavioral change.

Quarterly assessment of construction impacts on water, air and noise quality as well as the
construction waste management, labor camp management and safety assurance at the subproject

During this Quarter, no Environmental adverse impacts on water, air and noise as well as the
construction waste management, labor camp management and occupational health & safety
assurance at the project sites had been occurred. As the works were carried out in the
headquarters of DNCC and DSCC, special attention were taken on noise pollution. Covering of
the construction materials to prevent dust pollution was given priority as well. Safety signage
and precautionary measures for the workers and visitors were addressed.
Suggestion of appropriate mitigation measures if the quarterly assessment results demonstrate
that the environment is declining

As no Environmental adverse impacts on water, air and noise quality as well as the waste
management from construction work, labor camp management and occupational health & safety
assurance at the project sites were occurred and as such, no specific measures were taken.
Periodic briefing to the contractors regarding dust control (water spray), noise control from
construction and machineries (no unloading of material at night), wearing safety gears, safety
signage, fencing the working sites were undertaken. GRM (Grievance Readdress Mechanism)
committees in all sites were formed in two tiers to address the complaint of the aggrieved
persons. No grievance or complaint was lodged.

The PIU officials, consultants and the officials from the City Corporations quite often visited the
sites and gave their opinions in site order books. Overall observation was that the safeguard
issues had been implemented satisfactorily. However, limitation in wearing safety gears by the
workers was found because of their ignorance and negligence. They were advised the benefits
of wearing safety gears for protecting them from accidents and injuries.
Summary description of the actions to be taken in the event of non-compliance those were visited
this period and any follow-up procedures related to earlier non-compliance

Negligence of wearing safety gears by the construction workers was noticed. Warning signs
were not placed in proper locations. Instructions were provided to the contractors in verbal and
written. Special counseling to the workers was done in the sites on the importance of wearing
safety gears. The visitors are also requested to wear safety gears.
Summary record of all complaints received (written or verbal) and subsequent redress for each
subproject during this quarter

During this period, no complaints of any sort and on any environmental issue were lodged by
any stakeholder or community member. The only complaint was raised of the noise pollution
during the office hour in DSCC. Those works such as dismantling of existing partition walls, floor
and tiles cutting etc. were done after the office hour to redressing the issue.

Preparation of Environmental screening Report

Preparation of site- specific environment screening/assessment report during this period

Site-specific environmental screening/assessment was carried out in each of the sites on

regular basis. A format was provided to the site engineers of the consultant for daily recording.
In the Bill of Quantity (BOQ) environmental safeguard items such as safety signage, first aid
boxes were included. An amount of BDT 31,800 was kept as pay item for this safeguard
measure. The arrangement of water filters, safety gears, conducting motivational training,

arrangement for sanitary latrine/portable toilet, campsite waste disposal facility, dust
suppression measures, workers camp etc. were mandatory for the construction site.

During the construction environmental parameters were monitored at the sites. The items were
monitored as mentioned in the EMP are water contamination, generation of waste materials, air
& dust pollution/ environmental pollution; health of workers (occupational health and safety),
traffic congestion, noise from construction and machineries, gaseous emissions from
construction vehicles, stockpiling of construction materials; creating dust/ air pollution, not
cleaning of construction materials storage areas after completion of construction; drainage
congestion, water logging and flooding, accidents, improper stockpiling of construction materials
and disposal of construction wastes & debris; water, sanitation, health & safety problems of
workers etc.
Weather conditions during the period

Some severe rainy days were recorded during this period; however, the progress of project
activities was not hindered in any way as the work was done inside the buildings.
Any other factors which might affect the monitoring results

As from March due to COVID-19 pandemic shutdown of the government offices, restriction of
the movement of the people and vehicle was imposed , the work progress and monitoring was
hampered to some extent.
Regulatory compliance progress (environment clearance certificate/ renewal certificate from
department of environment), etc.

The Environmental Monitoring and Compliance Report (half yearly) have to be submitted to DoE
as mentioned in clearance certificate. No renewal of the clearance certificate is needed for DOE
to submit.

Photographs of the construction activities were taken for keeping records of the environmental
and safety measures of the sites.

Meeting and Discussion

Summary of the meeting and the subsequent decision on the environment management those
have been taken this period

During this period, in the monthly progress meetings discussions were held among the PIU
officials, concerned stakeholders, contactors and D & S Consultant representatives particularly
relating to probable causes of creating Environmental problems during construction period, if
any, how to mitigate them amicably with the help from each of the concerned stakeholders, so
that the construction works continue and finish unhindered. During the progress review meeting
with the Contractors, Environmental Safeguard Requirements/Procedure–Roles/
Responsibilities with a view to enhancing their knowledge and awareness in implementing
environmental and social issues in the project implementation were given importance. In the
meeting minutes, environmental safeguard issues were recorded.

Conclusions and Recommendations

Implementation of the site specific EMPs was found satisfactory as a whole during the
construction period. Actions were taken to exercise close monitoring with the inputs from all
stakeholders to improve the compliance. Arrangements to improve communication with
stakeholders by displaying the details of the contact persons on the sign boards were being

implemented in the project sites. Also, additional signboard detailing the Health and Safety
requirements were installed for addressing the issue. Without safety gears workers were not
allowed to work in the sites. Safety signs were installed with visibility at the sites. Precautions
were taken for COVID-19 pandemic by maintaining social/safe distancing, wearing masks all
time, hand washing by soap/sanitizer, body temperature testing of the workers etc.

8.1 Photograph of the Project sites

First Aid Box of DNCC EOC Water Filter for Drinking water DNCC EOC

Civil works of DSCC EOC Electrical cabling work of DSCC EOC

Completed work of DSCC EOC Completed work of DSCC EOC

Fire detection & Protection system in DSCC EOC Dismantling of existing floor surface DNCC EOC

Dismantling work at DNCC EOC Civil works at DNCC EOC

Safety measure (COVID-19) during site Brick partition work at DNCC EOC
inspection of DNCC EOC

Work at night time DNCC URP False Ceiling and AC installation in DNCC EOC

Fire Safety DNCC EOC Completed work of DNCC EOC

Figure 8-1: Site Photographs

DOE Environmental Clearance for warehouse construction (Annexure-I)

Environmental management and monitoring instructions to the Contractors

Environmental Management & Monitoring Plan (Annexure-III)
Sl. Issues Potential Impact Mitigation measures Mitigation measures
No. suggested undertaken at sites
1. Surface and Contamination of 1. Wastes should be 1. Wastes materials from
ground water surface water and disposed of properly the sites are collected
pollution ground water and away from site to a and disposed of in the
safe location.
disposal site by
2. Septic tanks and
soak-pits should be of contractor at his own
proper design expenses. Waste water
3. Runoff water is to be (muddy water) during
collected in the pond pile boring are
and discharged after discharged in a safe
appropriate treatment. location for not creating
mess in the site.
2. Septic tanks and soak
wells are constructed in
every facility.
3. Proper drainage of
runoff water is ensured
in every site.
2. Air/Dust Health hazard to 1. Watering of dusty 1. Water is sprayed in
pollution labors and residents area; sprinkling water & sites for dust control; the
covering stockpiles; construction materials
water will be sprayed to
such as sand are
suppress dust as on
required basis in the covered in windy
construction phase; weather.
2. Gas emission 2. No open burning of
waste materials is
- Periodic maintenance
and management of all allowed in the sites.
the construction 3. Good machineries are
machinery and vehicles
brought in sites.
3. Waste management
- Prohibit open burning
3. Noise/ Hearing hazards to 1. Scheduling of 1. Temporary fencing by
vibration labors and residents transportation not to tins along the
pollution disturb the community construction site.
2. Speed reduction
provision in the critical 2. While vibrators or
areas. generators are used in
3. The machineries sites, the contractors are
should have silencing careful of controling
sound pollution. Special
4. Ear muffs will be
supplied for workers to check or instruction is
wear when working provided by the
close to machinery to monitoring team.
protect noise.
5. Vibrator insulator/

rubber pad will be
placed under electric
pump/ motor as well as
diesel generator to
protect / minimize the
6. Canopy built stone /
brick crasher or
generator should be
construction work
during daytime,
especially piling work, if
8. Adequate enclosure
of equipment to be
used to reduce noise
4. Waste Contamination of 1. Wastes and debris 1. Construction
disposal biotic environment should be disposed of debris are piled
management properly. in a safe place
2. Construction debris
for disposal in
must be stockpiled and
removed to a safe site. proper location.
3. Do not drop or The contractor in
expose any debris his own
while transporting. arrangement
4. Solid waste clear the debris
produced from project from sites in
will be transferred into
covered truck.
composting pit/
chamber to make bio-
fertilizer for forest/
agricultural/forest land
or transfer into other
area which might be
utilized for people and
other liquid waste will
be transferred into
septic tank with soak
well treating by
5. Soil erosion Land slide/ battered 1. Ensuring layer by 1. Refilling and proper
slope and rain-cut layer compaction. compaction is done to
might be occurred due 2. Re-vegetate and re- avoid soil erosion.
to in absence of store disturbed soil
vegetation 3. Proper designing of
slopes to prevent
slumping/ land slide,
slippage, erosion and
4. Shrubs/ herbs and
trees might be
transplanted to reduce
the soil erosion.
6. Trees and Deforestation and 1.Enhance good 1. Plantation will be

vegetation desertification environment by tree done at the end of the
plantation in proper work where possible.
location of the
camp/office premises
and both sides of the
link road.
2. Re-vegetation of
barren land surfaces
should be encouraged.
7. Additional Stress on water 1. Ensure adequate 1. Temporary utility
burden supply, provisions for facilities connections
on utilities energy, sewerage and with concerned (water/electricity) are
services communication organizations if
taken by contractors
system required.
2. Proper O&M for from the agencies and
sustenance of the paying the bills.
structures and access
8. Water supply Incidence of 1. Ensure adequate 1. Water filters are used
and waterborne diseases supply of safe drinking in the sites.
Sanitation water.
2. Ensure safe 2. The existing sanitation
sanitation facilities for facilities of the agencies
male and female are allowed to use.
workers separately. Proper cleaning of the
facilities is ensured.
9. Health and Health hazards and 1. Ensure adequate 1. Safety education and
safety unsafety of workers safety gears for instructions are
workers. provided.
2. Prepare a manual for
labor accident 2. Safety gears are
prevention including ensured while working to
safety education and safeguard them from
training accidents.
3. Install fire
extinguishers in fire 3. Fire extinguishers are
handling places kept in all sites and
4. Keep lifting devices necessary trainings are
well maintained and
provided for using if fire
perform maintenance
checks with a check occurs.
lists as appropriate
during the construction
5. Use equipment that
protects from electric

Environmental Safeguard cost included in BOQ (Annexure IV)

8.2 Environmental Monitoring at sites
The following Table 8-1 gives the information about Environmental Measures undertaken at the sites.

Table 8.1 Environmental Monitoring Status in different sites

Sl. Name of the Drinking Sanitary Labor First Safety Safety Material Waste Noise Drainage Tree Tree
No. sites water latrine shed Aid fence/sign gears stock disposal mitigation & /waste cuttin plantation
facility box board/safety piling facility Dust water g
warning at site suppression disposal
signs measure

Emergency Operation Center at DNCC

1. Gulshan-2 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ N/A N/A

Emergency Operation Center at DSCC

2. Fulbaria, ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ N/A N/A


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