Calculus and Geometry: Keerti Vardhan Madahar

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Calculus and Geometry

Keerti Vardhan Madahar

In this article we compute volume and surface

area of the torus, volume of a slice of a 3-ball.
Besides this we discuss some interesting facts like
`derivative of the area of a circle with respect to
its radius is its perimeter, derivative of the vol-
The author earned his PhD ume of the sphere with respect to its radius is its
degree in mathematics surface area and derivative of the volume of the
(topology), in 2000, from
torus with respect to the radius of its meridian
Panjab University,
Chandigarh and since then
circle is its surface area'.
he has been teaching
1. Introduction
analysis, algebra, calculus
and discrete mathematics at In school one learns how to compute area, volume, sur-
DES-MDRC, Panjab
University. His areas of
face area and perimeter of various shapes like sphere,
interest are combinatorial cone, cylinder and circle. But an equally important geo-
topology, algebraic metric object `torus' { a shape like a scooter tube or a
topology, differential doughnut { is not discussed in school geometry. This is
topology, braid groups, knot
perhaps due to the non availability of this shape at the
theory and graph theory.
He also likes to play with
time when Archimedes (287 BC{212 BC) was computing
mathematica software. volumes and surface areas of sphere, cone and cylinder.
Had this shape been available at that time, Archimedes
would have computed its volume and surface area and
consequently today's school children might have been
using these formulas along with the formulas of sphere,
cone and cylinder. These days torus-like shapes are fre-
quently seen at many places, so one would be interested
to learn about their volumes and surface areas.
2. Derivatives of Areas and Volumes of Some
Geometric Shapes
The area, A(r ) = ¼r2 , of a circle of radius r is a poly-
Sphere–Cylinder Theorem, vol-
ume and surface area of the
nomial function of a single variable r and its derivative
torus, volume and surface area with respect to r is 2¼r, which is its perimeter. The
of a slice of a solid sphere. volume, V (r ) = 43 ¼r 3, of a sphere of radius r is a also a

654 RESONANCE ¨July 2013


polynomial function of a single variable r and its deriva-

tive 4¼r2 is its surface area. The volume, V (r; s) = ¼r 2s,
of a cylinder of radius r and height s is polynomial
function of two variables. Its derivative with respect
to r is its curved surface area and its derivative with
respect to s is its base or lid area. Finally the volume,
V (r; R) = 2¼2 r2 R, of a torus is a polynomial function
of two variables and its derivative with respect to r is
its surface area. The common reason for all these facts Figure 1.
is given below by considering the example of a circle
(Figure 1). By de¯nition of the derivative, we have
dA A(r + h) ¡ A(r)
= lim
dr h!0 h
(area of an annulus of width h)
= lim :
h!0 h
As h approaches zero, the outer boundary of the annulus
approaches its inner boundary. And for small values of
h, the area of the annulus is equal to the product of the
length of its inner boundary (which will be nearly the
same as the length of its outer boundary) and its width.
To see this, divide the annulus into a large number (say
n) of rectangular parts, of width h, by dissecting it with
n radii of the outer boundary. The area of each rectan-
gular part is the product of its length (which lies along
the inner circle) and height h. So the sum of the ar-
eas of all these rectangles is the sum of all the lengths
multiplied by their common height h. The sum of all
these lengths is the perimeter of the inner circle of the
annulus, so the last limit becomes
(Perimeter of the inner circle £ h)
h!0 h
= Perimeter of the inner circle:
Exactly in the same manner, we can show that the
derivative of the volume of a sphere of radius r with
respect to r is its surface area and derivative of the vol-
ume of a cylinder with respect to its radius is its curved
surface area etc.

RESONANCE ¨ July 2013 655


Remark . From this discussion one may conclude that

the derivative of the volume of any geometrical shape
with respect to a certain variable is its surface area and
derivative of the area is its perimeter. But it is not
always true as the surface area of an ellipsoid is not the
derivative of its volume and the perimeter of an ellipse
is not the derivative of its area.
3. Torus
We now compute volume and surface area of the torus
and observe that the derivative of its volume is its sur-
face area. We ¯rst de¯ne the torus precisely.
When a circle in the xz -plane, say (x ¡ R)2 + z 2 = r 2,
revolves about the z -axis and completes one revolution,
then the surface traced in R3 is called a torus (a portion
of the torus is shown in Figure 2). The circles drawn
on this torus, which are parallel to the z-axis are called
meridians and circles parallel to the xy-plane are called
longitudes of the torus.
In order to get the volume and surface area of the torus
we cut the torus into slices along the meridian circles. If
the number of slices is su±ciently large then each slice

D r
R x

R- A


Figure 2.

656 RESONANCE ¨July 2013


will look like a right circular cylinder. We know how Torus is a surface of
to compute the volume and surface area of the cylinder. revolution and for
By adding the volumes and curved surface areas of these such surfaces volume
slices we will get volume and surface area respectively and surface area can
of the torus. be computed by
Volume of the Torus. Suppose we divide the torus using a well-known
into k cylinders each of length l; then the volume of Theorem of Pappus,
each cylinder will be ¼r2 l. The volume of the torus which states that the
will be the sum of the volumes of these k cylinders, i.e., surface area (volume)
¼r 2lk. The product lk is the sum of the lengths of these of a surface of
k cylinders, so it must be equal to 2¼R, i.e., the length of revolution, generated
the middle longitudinal circle of the torus. Substituting by rotating a plane
this value of lk we get the volume of the torus to be curve C (plane
equal to 2¼2 r2 R: surface F) about an
external line, is equal
Surface Area of the Torus. Again consider the di-
to the product of the
vision of the torus into k cylinders each of length l. The
length of the curve C
curved surface area of each such cylinder will be 2¼rl;
(area of F) and the
consequently the surface area of the torus will be 2¼rlk,
distance traveled by
i.e., sum of the curved surface areas of these k cylin-
its centroid during one
ders. The product lk is the sum of the lengths of these k
cylinders, so it must be equal to 2¼R, i.e., the length of revolution. For
the middle longitudinal circle of the torus. Substituting example:-
this value of lk we get the surface area of the torus as Surface Area of the
4¼ 2rR. torus = (2S r).(2S R).

Remark. Although we have obtained correct values of

the volume and surface area of the torus, we verify it
by using calculus because in the proof given here, some
approximations have been made that may lead to wrong
4. Computations Using Calculus
Since a torus is a surface of revolution and for such sur-
faces there are well-de¯ned techniques in calculus, to
compute volume and surface area, we use these tech-
niques as follows.

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Volume of the Torus. Notice that volume of the

torus is the di®erence of the volumes of the surfaces
of revolution obtained by revolving the arcs ABC and
ADC (see Figure 2), of the circle (x ¡ R)2 + z 2 = r 2,
about the z-axis. Since any horizontal line in the xz-
plane, for ¡r < z <pr, cuts the arcs ADC and p ABC
at points x1 = R ¡ r ¡ z and x2 = R + r 2 ¡ z 2
2 2

respectively, so by using formula for the volume of the

surface of revolution, we have
Z r ³ ´2
V = ¼ ¢ R + r 2 ¡ z 2 dz
Z r ³ p ´2
¡ ¼ ¢ R ¡ r2 ¡ z 2 dz
Z r ½³ p ´2 ¾
= ¼¢ R + r2 ¡ z 2 ¡
½³ ´2 ¾
R¡ r ¡z 2 2 dz
Z r p
= 4¼R ¢ r2 ¡ z 2 dz
2 2
= 2¼ r R :

Surface Area of the Torus. This can be obtained

by adding the surface areas of the surfaces of revolution
obtained by revolving the arcs ABC and ADC about the
z-axis (see Figure 2). We know that if a curve x = g(z)
is rotated about the z-axis, then the surface area of the
surface of revolution thus obtained, can be computed
from the following formula:
Z b h p i
2¼ ¢ g(z) ¢ 1 + fg 0(z)g2 dz :

By applying this formula on the curves ABC and ADC

we get

658 RESONANCE ¨July 2013


Surface area
" #
Z r n p o r z2
= 2¼ ¢ R + r2 ¡ z 2 ¢ 1 + +
¡r r2 ¡ z 2
" #
n p o r z 2
R ¡ r2 ¡ z 2 ¢ 1 + 2 dz
r ¡ z2
Z r ¸
= 2¼ ¢ p 2 ¢ 2R dz
¡r r ¡ z2
Z r
= 4¼rR ¢ p dz
¡r r2 ¡ z 2
= 4¼2 rR:

5. A Deduction from the Archimedes' Sphere{

Cylinder Theorem
Archimedes showed that the surface area of a sphere of
radius r is equal to the curved surface area of a circum-
scribing cylinder of radius r and height 2r. In fact he
proved the following more general result: `If a cylinder
{ circumscribing a sphere { is cut by a plane parallel to
its base then the slice of the cylinder and the sphere un-
derneath this plane will have same surface areas'. The
result is known as Archimedes' Sphere{Cylinder The-
orem. Archimedes considered this result as his most
beautiful and important achievement. He desired that
his favourite picture of sphere and cylinder be carved on
his grave after his death and his desire was ful¯lled.
By using Archimedes' result we shall compute the vol- Figure 3.
ume of the slice of the sphere cut out by a plane at a
height h from the ground as shown in Figure 3.
Assume that the boundary circle of the slice of the sphere
of radius r, has radius a and also assume that m trian-
gles (m is su±ciently large) have been drawn on this
slice. If we join the vertices of these triangles with the
center of the sphere, we get m cones, each having a tri-
angular base and height r. Notice that the sum of the

RESONANCE ¨ July 2013 659


Figure 4.

volumes of these m cones minus the volume of a cone

with base radius a and height r ¡ h gives the volume of
the required slice (see Figure 4).
Required volume =
1 1
( area of ith triangle £ r) ¡ ¼a2 (r ¡ h)
3 3

= f(surface area of the sphere's slice)£r¡¼a2(r¡h)g
= f(surface area of the cylinder's slice)£r¡¼a2 (r¡h)g
(by using Sphere{Cylinder Theorem)
= f(2¼rh) £ r ¡ ¼a2 (r ¡ h)g
= f2¼r 2h ¡ ¼a2 (r ¡ h)g: (1)
From Figure 4, it follows that a2 + (r ¡ h)2 = r2

) a2 = r 2 ¡ (r ¡ h)2 = h(2r ¡ h): (2)

From (1) and (2) we get

660 RESONANCE ¨July 2013


Volume of the sphere's slice

= f2¼r2 h ¡ ¼h(2r ¡ h)(r ¡ h)g
3 Address for Correspondence
1 Keerti Vardhan Madahar
= ¼f2r2 h + 2rh2 ¡ h3 ¡ 2r2 h + rh2 )g Assistant Professor in
1 2 Mathematics (DES)
= ¼h (3r ¡ h) (3) Panjab University
3 Chandigarh, India
Corollary. Substituting h = 2r in equation (3) proves [email protected]
that the volume of the sphere is 43 ¼r 3.

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