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Coe, Joseph T.; Brandenberg, Scott J.; Ahdi, Sean; Kordaji, Alireza
Temple University
1852 N. 10th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122 11. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBER


California Department of Transportation Final Technical Report

1727 30th Street 4/1/2013-3/31/2017
Sacramento, CA 95816-7005 14. SPONSORING AGENCY CODE


The purpose of this document is to summarize the in situ physical properties of soil and rock that can be measured by different geophysical
methods. These methods can provide crucial subsurface information for geotechnical design of transportation infrastructure on a more
comprehensive scale than typical subsurface investigation techniques. This broader scale often allows greater insight regarding highly variable
subsurface soil conditions and can result in reduced risk and uncertainty. This document attempts to fill in a gap in the literature by providing a
comprehensive reference for geotechnical engineers with an introductory knowledge of geophysics. The document emphasizes the
measurements obtained using common geophysical techniques (e.g., seismic methods, ground penetrating radar, electrical resistivity, etc.) and
the relationships between these measurements and soil and rock properties. Guidance is provided regarding selection of geophysical methods
for particular applications, physical scales involved in each method, limitations in measuring a particular physical property, and uncertainty in
the geophysical measurements. The reader is assumed to have familiarity with the geophysical principles, equipment, and data acquisition
procedures appropriate for each method. For those readers who desire background information on each of the techniques, an appendix is
provided as well as citations to several references that discuss this information in much greater detail. The ultimate goal of this document is to
help geotechnical engineers with an entry-level understanding of geophysics make better-informed decisions regarding the use of geophysical
methods for geotechnical engineering and transportation infrastructure projects.


Geophysics, Geophysical methods, Seismic, Ground penetrating radar, Unlimited
Electrical resistivity, Electromagnetics, Borehole geophysical logging,
Shear wave velocity, Shear strength, Unconfined compressive
strength, Density, Porosity, Permeability, Clay content, Water content,
Rippability, Earthwork factor, Grading factor, Rock mass rating

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California Department of Transportation

Report Number CA-17-2111
February 15, 2018

Contract No. 65A0482

Final Report

February 15, 2018

Prepared By:

Principal Investigator: Dr. Joseph T. Coe, Jr.

Assistant Professor, Temple University

Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Scott J. Brandenberg

Associate Professor, University of California Los Angeles

Sean K. Ahdi
Ph.D. Candidate, University of California, Los Angeles

Alireza Kordjazi
Ph.D. Candidate, Temple University

The purpose of this document is to summarize the in situ physical properties of soil and rock
that can be measured by different geophysical methods. These methods can provide crucial
subsurface information for geotechnical design of transportation infrastructure on a more
comprehensive scale than typical subsurface investigation techniques. This broader scale often
allows greater insight regarding highly variable subsurface soil conditions and can result in
reduced risk and uncertainty. Appreciation of this fact has led to growing interest in the value of
geophysical measurements within the geotechnical profession.

Despite growing interest in geophysical methods, these methods are underutilized for
transportation infrastructure. A major contributing factor is that literature on geophysical
methods tends to be concentrated at either end of the novice-expert spectrum. References are
either introductory in nature and intended for novice geophysical users or rather advanced and
intended for geophysical specialists in various fields. This document attempts to fill in this gap in
the literature by providing a comprehensive reference for geotechnical engineers with an
introductory knowledge of geophysics. The document emphasizes the measurements obtained
using common geophysical techniques (e.g., seismic methods, ground penetrating radar,
electrical resistivity, etc.) and the relationships between these measurements and soil and rock
properties. Guidance is provided regarding selection of geophysical methods for particular
applications, physical scales involved in each method, limitations in measuring a particular
physical property, and uncertainty in the geophysical measurements. The reader is assumed to
have familiarity with the geophysical principles, equipment, and data acquisition procedures
appropriate for each method. For those readers who desire background information on each of
the techniques, an appendix is provided as well as citations to several references that discuss
this information in much greater detail. The ultimate goal of this document is to help
geotechnical engineers with an entry-level understanding of geophysics make better-informed
decisions regarding the use of geophysical methods for geotechnical engineering and
transportation infrastructure projects.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................. II

LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................................................VI

LIST OF TABLES......................................................................................................................................XIV

1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 BACKGROUND ...........................................................................................................................................1

1.2 MOTIVATION FOR RESEARCH........................................................................................................................2
1.2.1 Engineering Application of Geophysical Methods .........................................................................2
1.2.2 Transportation Agencies Experiences With Geophysical Techniques ............................................5
1.2.3 Caltrans Experiences With Geophysical Methods..........................................................................9
1.3 SCOPE ....................................................................................................................................................12
1.4 ORGANIZATION ........................................................................................................................................12
1.5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..............................................................................................................................13

2. GEOPHYSICAL METHODS FOR TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS .............................................................. 15

2.1 SURFACE METHODS ..................................................................................................................................15

2.1.1 Seismic Methods ..........................................................................................................................15
2.1.2 Electromagnetic Methods............................................................................................................19
2.1.3 Electrical and Magnetic Methods ................................................................................................20
2.1.4 Gravity Methods ..........................................................................................................................21
2.1.5 Remote Sensing ...........................................................................................................................24
2.2 SUBSURFACE METHODS ............................................................................................................................27
2.2.1 Acoustic Methods ........................................................................................................................27
2.2.2 Televiewers ..................................................................................................................................28
2.2.3 Seismic Methods ..........................................................................................................................29
2.2.4 Borehole Radar ............................................................................................................................31
2.2.5 Electrical Methods .......................................................................................................................31
2.2.6 Nuclear Methods .........................................................................................................................32
2.3 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION CURRENT STATE OF PRACTICE..............................................................................33
2.3.1 Typical Geotechnical Subsurface Investigations ..........................................................................34 Subsurface Exploration Plan ................................................................................................................. 35 Subsurface Drilling and In Situ Testing ................................................................................................. 39 Sampling and Laboratory Testing ......................................................................................................... 48 Role of Geophysics ............................................................................................................................... 53

3. APPLICATIONS OF GEOPHYSICAL METHODS ....................................................................................... 55

3.1 APPLICATIONS RELATED TO GEOTECHNICAL PROPERTY MEASUREMENTS ............................................................55

3.1.1 Elastic Parameters .......................................................................................................................55
3.1.2 Strength Parameters....................................................................................................................57 Shear Strength of Soils.......................................................................................................................... 57 Unconfined Compressive Strength of Rock .......................................................................................... 64
3.1.3 Consolidation Parameters............................................................................................................69
3.1.4 Coefficient of Lateral Earth Pressure ...........................................................................................73
3.1.5 Rippability ....................................................................................................................................81
3.1.6 Earthwork/Grading Factor...........................................................................................................84
3.1.7 Rock Mass Classification ..............................................................................................................86 Rock Quality Designation (RQD) ........................................................................................................... 86 Tunneling Quality Index System (Q-system) Value ............................................................................... 94 Rock Mass Rating (RMR) Value............................................................................................................. 98
3.1.8 Mass Density..............................................................................................................................101 Seismic Methods................................................................................................................................. 101 Electromagnetic Methods .................................................................................................................. 105 Gravity Methods ................................................................................................................................. 111 Nuclear Methods ................................................................................................................................ 116
3.1.9 Porosity ......................................................................................................................................121 Seismic Methods................................................................................................................................. 121 Electromagnetic Methods .................................................................................................................. 132 Resistivity Methods ............................................................................................................................ 134 Gravity Methods ................................................................................................................................. 139 Nuclear Methods ................................................................................................................................ 141
3.1.10 Water Content .........................................................................................................................143 Electromagnetic Methods ................................................................................................................ 143 Resistivity Methods .......................................................................................................................... 148 Nuclear Methods .............................................................................................................................. 152
3.1.11 Permeability.............................................................................................................................153 Resistivity Methods .......................................................................................................................... 153 Gravity Methods............................................................................................................................... 160
3.1.12 Clay Content.............................................................................................................................163 Electromagnetic Methods ................................................................................................................ 163 Resistivity Methods .......................................................................................................................... 165
3.1.13 Atterberg Limits .......................................................................................................................169 Resistivity Methods .......................................................................................................................... 169

iv Electromagnetic Methods ................................................................................................................ 175
3.2 APPLICATIONS RELATED TO SHEAR WAVE VELOCITY MEASUREMENTS ..............................................................177
3.2.1 Differences in Scales and Resolution Among Geophysical Methods..........................................177
3.2.2 Uncertainty in Geophysical Methods and Various Proxies ........................................................180
3.2.3 Measurement of VS30 For Computing Site Amplification Factor ................................................181
3.2.4 Measurement of VS Profiles For Ground Response Analysis ......................................................185
3.2.5 Measurement of VS For Liquefaction Triggering Evaluation......................................................189 Correlations Between VS and CRR ...................................................................................................... 190 Andrus and Stokoe (2000) .......................................................................................................... 191 Kayen et al. (2013) ...................................................................................................................... 191 Influence of VS on CSR ........................................................................................................................ 192 Considerations for VS-based Liquefaction Triggering Evaluation........................................................ 193
3.3.1 Correlations between VS and Penetration Resistance................................................................195
3.3.2 Published Relations between VS and Penetration Resistance....................................................196
3.3.3 Proxies for VS30 ...........................................................................................................................199
3.4 ESTIMATING VS FROM LABORATORY TESTING ..............................................................................................200
3.4.1 Resonant Column Testing ..........................................................................................................200
3.4.2 Transducers and Bender Elements.............................................................................................203
3.4.3 Applicability of Laboratory Testing ............................................................................................208
3.5 APPLICATIONS RELATED TO NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING (NDT) .....................................................................209
3.5.1 Quality Assurance of Pavement Construction............................................................................210
3.5.2 Determination of Concrete Condition/Integrity.........................................................................215

4. CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................................. 222

4.1 FUTURE NEEDS AND DEVELOPMENTS .........................................................................................................223

4.1.1 Guidance Documentation and Training.....................................................................................223
4.1.2 Improvements in Analytical and Data Interpretation Methods.................................................224
4.1.3 Technological Improvements.....................................................................................................228
4.1.4 Efforts Related to Earth Material Properties .............................................................................229

REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................... 232

Figure 1.1: Agency response to survey question regarding use of geophysical methods for
subsurface investigations (Sirles 2006)............................................................................................ 7
Figure 1.2: Agency response to survey question regarding initial implementation of geophysical
methods (Sirles 2006). ..................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 1.3: Agency response to survey question regarding greatest deterrent to use of
geophysical methods (Sirles 2006). ................................................................................................. 8
Figure 1.4: Agency response to survey question regarding most common geophysical application
(Sirles 2006). .................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 1.5: Agency response to survey question regarding most common geophysical method
used (Sirles 2006)............................................................................................................................. 8
Figure 2.1: Flow chart for selecting appropriate engineering properties of soil and rock for use in
design (Sabatini et al. 2002)........................................................................................................... 38
Figure 2.2: Schematic of the seismic-while-drilling (SWD) technique (Rocca et al. 2005). ........... 48
Figure 3.1: Relationships between triaxial compression su and downhole VS for: (a) NC to LOC
intact clays; and (b) intact NC, LOC, to OC and HOC fissured clays (Agaiby and Mayne 2015)..... 59
Figure 3.2: Relationship between su and VS for intact post-glacial clays from eastern Canada and
the North Sea (Levesques et al. 2007)........................................................................................... 60
Figure 3.3: Relationships between su and VS for Norwegian clays: (a) CAUC triaxial tests; and (b)
CAUE triaxial tests (L’Heureux and Long 2017).............................................................................. 60
Figure 3.4: ϕ estimates using SPT and VS at one site in Korea (Cha and Cho 2007)...................... 61
Figure 3.5: Relationship between ϕʹ and VS developed using a probabilistic framework that
assigns a probability of non-exceedance (Uzielli et al. 2013)........................................................ 63
Figure 3.6: Relationship between UCS and seismic velocity developed through relationships of
low strain to high strain modulus derived from seismic velocities and static UCS testing. (Rucker
2008). ............................................................................................................................................. 66
Figure 3.7: Relationship between UCS, VP, and degree of weathering (Hiltunen et al. 2011)....... 66
Figure 3.8: Relationship between UCS and VP (adapted from Barton 2007)................................. 67
Figure 3.9: Comparison of a number of relationships for UCS as a function of VP (Yagiz 2011). .. 67
Figure 3.10: Empirical relationships between UCS and VP for 260 sandstones (adapted from
Chang et al. 2006). Note: Numbers within plot denote equations in Table 3.4............................ 68

Figure 3.11: Empirical relationships between UCS and VP for 100 shales (adapted from Chang et
al. 2006). Note: Numbers within plot denote equations in Table 3.5. .......................................... 68
Figure 3.12: Empirical relationships between UCS and VP for 140 limestones/dolomites (adapted
from Chang et al. 2006). Note: Numbers within plot denote equations in Table 3.6. .................. 68
Figure 3.13: VS for a marine clay as a function of vertical effective stress and loading conditions
during consolidation in an oedometer (Lee et al. 2008). .............................................................. 69
Figure 3.14: Comparison of σʹp estimates for 11 Korean clays: C = Casagrande, J = Janbu, B =
Becker, S = Sridharan, O = Onitsuka, and VS = Shear wave method (Yoon et al. 2011)................. 70
Figure 3.15: Example of approach used in Yoon et al. (2011) to estimate σʹp (pʹ in figure) from VS
measurements during consolidation in an oedometer. ................................................................ 70
Figure 3.16: Relationship between σʹp (pʹc in figure) and VS for Norwegian clays (adapted from
L’Heureux and Long 2007). ............................................................................................................ 71
Figure 3.17: Relationship between secondary compression and VS in Lok et al. (2015): (a) time
histories for all four samples; and (b) normalized time histories for all four samples.................. 72
Figure 3.18: Wave polarization in different forms of seismic testing (Ku and Mayne 2013). ....... 76
Figure 3.19: Comparison of estimated Ko values using Eqs. 3-20 and 3-21 [Eqs. (3) and (4) in
figure legend], Jaky (1944) relationship, and Kulhawy and Mayne (1990) relationship (Mayne in
figure legend) (Tong et al. 2013).................................................................................................... 78
Figure 3.20: Regression analysis between Ko and VS and corresponding sensitivity analysis of MF1
and MF2 on exponent n in Eq. 3-20: (a) Ko VS. VSHH/VSVH with MF1; (b) Ko VS. VSHH/VSHV with MF1; (a)
Ko VS. VSHH/VSVH with MF2; (b) Ko VS. VSHH/VSHV with MF2 (Ku and Mayne 2013). ............................ 79
Figure 3.21: Comparison of regression analysis on Ko as a function of: (a) VSHH/VSVH and soil age;
and VSHH/VSVH, soil age, and depth (Ku and Mayne 2013).............................................................. 80
Figure 3.22: Estimates for rippability based on VP and Caterpillar D10R equipment (Caterpillar
2008). ............................................................................................................................................. 82
Figure 3.23: Case history data used for regression analysis of productivity versus VP in
MacGregor et al. (1994)................................................................................................................. 82
Figure 3.24: Qualitative relationship between productivity and rippability (MacGregor et al.
1994). ............................................................................................................................................. 83
Figure 3.25: Earthwork Factor as a function of VP for various rock types based on Smith et al.
(1972) and Stephens (1978)........................................................................................................... 84
Figure 3.26: Example of geo-material γd as a function of VP (Rucker 2008). ................................. 85

Figure 3.27: Estimate of γ for rock as a function of VP and weathering (Hiltunen et al. 2011)..... 85
Figure 3.28: Procedure for determination of RQD from rock coring (after Deere 1989).............. 87
Figure 3.29: Relationship between VP and RQD for heavily fractured calcareous rock masses in
southern Italy (Budetta et al. 2001)............................................................................................... 89
Figure 3.30: Relationship between VP and RQD for limestones, mudstones, marls and shales
beneath a dam site in Jordan (El-Naqa 1996). Note: Dahsed lines represent 95% and 90%
confidence limits............................................................................................................................ 90
Figure 3.31: Relationship between RQD and VP based on laboratory testing on a calcarenite
block (Leucci and De Giorgi 2006). ................................................................................................ 91
Figure 3.32: Relationships between RQD and discontinuity frequency (λ) based on Sjogren et al.
(1979) VP measurements primarily in Norway (Barton 2002). ...................................................... 91
Figure 3.33: Relationships between RQD and VS: (a) Igneous rock site in South Carolina; and (b)
metamorphic rock site in Virginia (Biringen and Davie 2013). ...................................................... 92
Figure 3.34: Relationship between RQD and VS based on laboratory testing on a calcarenite block
(Leucci and De Giorgi 2006). .......................................................................................................... 92
Figure 3.35: Relationships between deformation modulus ratio and RQD (Ebisu et al. 1992)..... 93
Figure 3.36: Relationships between UCS ratio and RQD (Zhang 2016). ........................................ 94
Figure 3.37: Correlation between support pressure and Q-value (from Barton et al. 1974)........ 95
Figure 3.38: Rock support chart based on Q-value (NGI 2015). .................................................... 97
Figure 3.39: Integrated Q-VP relationship including depth and porosity (Barton 2002). .............. 97
Figure 3.40: Relationship between ρ and VS (Burns and Mayne 1996). ...................................... 102
Figure 3.41: Relationship between γt and VS and depth (Mayne 2007). ..................................... 103
Figure 3.42: Relationship for γt that incorporates the effects of depth based on σʹvo as
normalization parameter for VS (Mayne 2006). .......................................................................... 104
Figure 3.43: Relationship between γd and normalized VS1 for reconstituted sands (Mayne 2006).
..................................................................................................................................................... 104
Figure 3.44: Example of a typical TDR waveform (Lin et al. 2012). ............................................. 105
Figure 3.45: Examples of calibration between normalized apparent dielectric constant and w for
TDR testing (Lin et al. 2012)......................................................................................................... 108
Figure 3.46: Examples of calibration between normalized electrical conductivity and w for TDR
testing (Lin et al. 2012). ............................................................................................................... 108

Figure 3.47: Examples of calibration between electrical conductivity and apparent dielectric
constant for TDR testing (Lin et al. 2012). ................................................................................... 108
Figure 3.48: Comparison of w measured in the field using TDR and w obtained from oven drying
(Lin et al. 2012). ........................................................................................................................... 110
Figure 3.49: Comparison of γd measured in the field using TDR and sand cone tests (Lin et al.
2012). ........................................................................................................................................... 110
Figure 3.50: Example microgravity results: (a) Residual gravity measurements. Black dots
represent gravity stations and white lines represent potential cavities (solid = probable, dashed
= possible). (b) Resulting 3D map of cavity location/thickness (Styles et al. 2005)..................... 112
Figure 3.51: Delineation of soft alluvial sediments using microgravity measurements and
constrained inversion with an MASW VS profile (Hayashi et al. 2005)........................................ 112
Figure 3.52: 3D ρ contrast models estimated using microgravity measurements: (a) Two vertical
slices through model (with regions of interest numbered); and (b) Two horizontal slices through
model (with regions of interest lettered) (after Whitelaw et al. 2008)....................................... 113
Figure 3.53: Estimates of near surface bulk ρ across Border Ranges Fault System in Alaska.
Vertical lines represent uncertainty in estimated ρ and horizontal lines represent spatial extent
of gravity measurements for a given lettered zone (Mankhemthong et al. 2012). .................... 114
Figure 3.54: Estimates of waste ρ between initial survey and final survey in Harris et al. (2013)
study. ........................................................................................................................................... 115
Figure 3.55: Example density log from gamma-gamma testing (Yearsley et al. 1991). .............. 119
Figure 3.56: Example of comparisons between lab bulk ρ and those obtained using gamma-
gamma logging at two test sites in Alberta, Canada (Hoffman et al. 1991). ............................... 120
Figure 3.57: Example of comparisons between γ obtained using sand cone testing and surface
nuclear gauge testing at a test site in Schenectady County, New York (Mintzer 1961).............. 120
Figure 3.58: VP and η relationship based on Biot-Gassmann solution (adapted from Santamarina
et al. 2001). Note: Gs = 2.65, Bg >> Bsk (appropriate for soils with VS ≲ 400 m/s)....................... 122
Figure 3.59: Comparison of results using Foti et al. (2002) relationship between velocity andη:
(a) Sample field site in Florence, Italy; and (b) All data in Foti and Lancellotta (2004). .............. 123
Figure 3.60: Relationship between VP/VS ratio and porosity proposed by Salem (2000)............ 124
Figure 3.61: Velocity variations with porosity for Holocene and Pleistocene sediments in Hunter
(2003): (a) VP data; (b) VS data; (c) VP/VS data. ............................................................................ 125
Figure 3.62: Variation of VP with pressure and e for various soils (after Taylor Smith 1986). .... 126

Figure 3.63: Reciprocal of VP and VS as a function of porosity for sandstones (Domenico 1984).
..................................................................................................................................................... 130
Figure 3.64: Reciprocal of VP and VS as a function of porosity for limestones (Domenico 1984).
..................................................................................................................................................... 130
Figure 3.65: Strong correlation between electrical resistivity and η for a soil (Oh et al. 2014).. 135
Figure 3.66: Strong correlation between electrical resistivity and volumetric water content for
various soil types (Samouelian et al. 2005). ................................................................................ 135
Figure 3.67: Density and porosity profiles calculated from BHGM in Gebo Oil Field, Hot springs
County, Wyoming (Beyer and Clutsom 1978). Profile values are averaged by formation. Range of
average to maximum interval porosity is shown for five formations logged in detail................ 140
Figure 3.68: Calibration between the ratio of neutron count for a CNL tool and the porosity of
the formation (Alger et al. 1972). ................................................................................................ 142
Figure 3.69: Example output of porosity (in limestone equivalent units) based on calibration of a
neutron logging tool (Berendsen et al. 1988).............................................................................. 143
Figure 3.70: Strong correlation between soil permittivity and volumetric water content: (a)
Curtis (2001); and (b) Mukhlisin and Saputra (2013)................................................................... 144
Figure 3.71: Comparison of single parameter relationships between soil permittivity and
volumetric water content (Mukhlisin and Saputra 2013). Note: References for each equation in
the plot is provided in Table 3.21. ............................................................................................... 147
Figure 3.72: Comparison of multi-parameter relationships between soil permittivity and
volumetric water content (Mukhlisin and Saputra 2013). Note: References for each equation in
the plot is provided in Table 3.21. ............................................................................................... 148
Figure 3.73: Example of field calibration curve to estimate volumetric water content from
measured resisitivity (adapted from Michot et al. 2003)............................................................ 149
Figure 3.74: Example comparison of w obtained using a surface nuclear gauge with respect to
laboratory measured values using an oven (Berney et al. 2011). ............................................... 153
Figure 3.75: Relationship between resistivity and hydraulic conductivity (k) at sites tested in Kelly
(1977)........................................................................................................................................... 155
Figure 3.76: Relationship between resistivity and hydraulic conductivity (k) for four soils tested
in Abu-Hassanein et al. (1996). Note: The results for soils A and B are non-unique................... 155
Figure 3.77: Relationship between resistivity and hydraulic conductivity (k) for aquifer tested in
Niwas and Celik (2012)................................................................................................................. 156

Figure 3.78: Relationship between resistivity and hydraulic conductivity (k) for aquifer tested in
Heigold et al. (1979)..................................................................................................................... 156
Figure 3.79: Relationship between resistivity and saturated hydraulic conductivity (k) established
from direct-push permeameter and the USBR gravity method at two flood plain sites in Miller et
al. (2010). ..................................................................................................................................... 157
Figure 3.80: Relationship between resistivity and hydraulic conductivity (k) for aquifer tested in
Frohlich et al. (1996). ................................................................................................................... 157
Figure 3.81: Relationship between hydraulic conductivity (k) and formation factor (Urish 1981).
..................................................................................................................................................... 158
Figure 3.82: Various relationships between hydraulic conductivity (k) and formation factor
(Mazac et al. 1985)....................................................................................................................... 159
Figure 3.83: Relationship between hydraulic conductivity (k) and formation factor (Kwader
1985). ........................................................................................................................................... 160
Figure 3.84: Numerically simulated drawdown and gravitational response due to pumping
groundwater from an unconfined aquifer (Damiata and Lee 2006). .......................................... 162
Figure 3.85: Permeability recovered using inversion of simulated time-lapse gravity
measurements at 121 stations and a rate-controlled well with pressure injection data (Capriotti
and Li 2015).................................................................................................................................. 163
Figure 3.86: Shift in the peak of the frequency spectrum of radar signals based on soil clay
content in Tosti et al. (2013). Note: A1, A2, A3 refers to AASHTO classification of tested soil prior
to addition of bentonite clay. ...................................................................................................... 165
Figure 3.87: Map of clay content using GPR and EMI data (adapted from De Benedetto et al.
2012). ........................................................................................................................................... 165
Figure 3.88: Resistivity as a function of clay fraction for soils in Abu-Hassanein et al. (1996).... 166
Figure 3.89: Resistivity as a function of clay fraction for soils tested in Long et al. (2012)......... 167
Figure 3.90: Resistivity as a function of clay fraction and salinity (Shevnin et al. 2007). ............ 168
Figure 3.91: Resistivity as a function of Atterberg limits for soils in Abu-Hassanein et al. (1996).
..................................................................................................................................................... 172
Figure 3.92: Resistivity as a function of Atterberg limits for soils tested in Bery (2014)............. 173
Figure 3.93: Resistivity as a function of Atterberg limits for artificial soils tested in Kibria and
Hossain (2014): (a) samples prepared with Na-bentonite; and (b) samples prepared with Ca-
bentonite. .................................................................................................................................... 173

Figure 3.94: Resistivity as a function of PI for soils tested in Giao et al. (2003).......................... 174
Figure 3.95: Resistivity as a function of Atterberg Limits for soils tested in Kibria (2011).......... 175
Figure 3.96: Resistivity as a function of PI for marine soils tested in Long et al. (2012). ............ 175
Figure 3.97: LL as a function of pore fluid dielectric constant for different monomineralic clays
(adapted from Spagnoli et al. 2011). ........................................................................................... 177
Figure 3.98: Difference in scale and resolution among various geophysical methods for
measuring VS. ............................................................................................................................... 178
Figure 3.99: Three different VS profiles produce essentially the same first-mode Rayleigh wave
dispersion curve........................................................................................................................... 179
Figure 3.100: Site amplification models for various spectral periods and various VS30 values
(Seyhan and Stewart 2014). PGAr is the peak horizontal acceleration corresponding to a
reference site condition of VS30 = 760 m/s, and ln(F) is the natural logarithm of the amplification
factor............................................................................................................................................ 185
Figure 3.101: Comparison of Andrus and Stokoe (2000) and Kayen et al. (2013) relationships for
CSR as a function of VS1................................................................................................................ 192
Figure 3.102: Results of regression equations for VS as a function of N60 and σʹv for (a) sand, (b)
silt, and (c) clay, with trend lines corresponding to the mean and ±1σ for σv' and N60
(Brandenberg et al. 2010)............................................................................................................ 198
Figure 3.103: Schematic of a resonant column device (Drnevich et al. 2015). ........................... 201
Figure 3.104: Example of a soil specimen’s frequency response from resonant column testing
(Khan et al. 2008)......................................................................................................................... 201
Figure 3.105: Example of shear modulus and damping ratio results from resonant column testing
(Werden et al. 2013).................................................................................................................... 202
Figure 3.106: Sensors for estimating VS in the laboratory: (a) Transducers (www.olympus-; and (b) Bender elements ( .............................................................. 204
Figure 3.107: Schematic and associated electronics for through transmission ultrasonic pulse
testing with transducers/bender elements (Brignoli et al. 1996). .............................................. 204
Figure 3.108: Typical S-wave signal and potential interpretations for arrival time: (A) first
deflection; (B) first bump maximum; (C) zero after first bump; and (D) first major peak (Lee and
Santamarina 2005a)..................................................................................................................... 205
Figure 3.109: Near field effect on signal amplitude along the centerline of a typical P-wave
transducer (Lee and Santamarina 2005b). .................................................................................. 205

Figure 3.110: Schematic of typical ultrasonic transducer (Lee and Santamarina 2005b). .......... 206
Figure 3.111: Example of P-wave signal generated by S-wave transducers (Brignoli et al. 1996).
..................................................................................................................................................... 206
Figure 3.112: Schematic representation of bender elements: (a) Typical components; (b) Series
type wiring; and (c) Parallel type wiring (Brandenberg et al. 2006)............................................ 207
Figure 3.113: Example of correlations between concrete compressive strength and: (a) rebound
hammer index; and (b) seismic velocity (Mikulic et al. 1992). .................................................... 218

Continued on Next Page


Table 1.1: Selection of geophysical methods for engineering applications based on guidance
from ASTM D6429. Note: A represents primary method and B represents secondary/alternative
method as rated for average field conditions. ................................................................................ 4
Table 2.1: Potential engineering applications of various geophysical methods (Anderson 2006).
Note: M = Major Application, X = Minor Application .................................................................... 16
Table 2.1 (cont.): Potential engineering applications of various geophysical methods (Anderson
2006). Note: M = Major Application, X = Minor Application ......................................................... 17
Table 2.2: Potential engineering applications of various geophysical methods (Sirles 2006)....... 18
Table 2.3: Summary of typical transportation project requirements and necessary subsurface
information (adapted from Sabatini et al. 2002)........................................................................... 36
Table 2.4: Minimum recommendations for boring depths (Mayne et al. 2002)........................... 41
Table 2.5: Minimum recommendations for boring layout (Mayne et al. 2002)............................ 42
Table 2.6: Minimum recommendations for number and depths of borings (Sabatini et al. 2002).
....................................................................................................................................................... 43
Table 2.7: Relevant ASTM standards regarding subsurface drilling, sampling, and in situ testing.
....................................................................................................................................................... 44
Table 2.7 (cont.): Relevant ASTM standards regarding subsurface drilling, sampling, and in situ
testing. ........................................................................................................................................... 45
Table 2.8: Relevant ASTM standards regarding geophysical and non-destructive testing. .......... 46
Table 2.8 (cont.): Relevant ASTM standards regarding geophysical and non-destructive testing.
....................................................................................................................................................... 47
Table 2.9: Relevant ASTM standards regarding laboratory testing for earth materials................ 51
Table 2.9 (cont.): Relevant ASTM standards regarding laboratory testing for earth materials. ... 52
Table 2.9 (cont.): Relevant ASTM standards regarding laboratory testing for earth materials. ... 53
Table 3.1: Examples of available correlations between the su of clays and VS or Gmax (L’Heureux
and Long 2017). ............................................................................................................................. 58
Table 3.2: Summary of ratios between Gmax and maximum principal stress at failure for soils
tested in Guadalupe-Torres (2013)................................................................................................ 62
Table 3.3: Summary of published relationships between VP and UCS (Yagiz 2011)...................... 64

Table 3.4: Summary of published relationships between UCS and physical properties of
sandstone rocks (Chang et al. 2006). Note: Δt = 1/VP represents the interval transit time.......... 65
Table 3.5: Summary of published relationships between UCS and physical properties of shale
rocks (Chang et al. 2006). Note: Δt = 1/VP represents the interval transit time. .......................... 65
Table 3.6: Summary of published relationships between UCS and physical properties of
limestone/dolomite rocks (Chang et al. 2006). Note: Δt = 1/VP represents the interval transit
time................................................................................................................................................ 65
Table 3.7: n1 and n2 values for use in estimating Ko from VS measurements (Cai et al. 2011). ..... 77
Table 3.8: Proposed equations for productivity as a function of VP in MacGregor et al. (1994). . 83
Table 3.9: Caltrans rippability chart (adapted from Leeds 2002). Note: Limited to Caterpillar D9
series. ............................................................................................................................................. 83
Table 3.10: Classification of rock quality based on RQD (ASTM D6032). ...................................... 86
Table 3.11: Classification of rock quality based on Q-value (after Goel and Singh 2011). ............ 94
Table 3.12: Summary of Q-system parameters (ASTM D5878)..................................................... 96
Table 3.13: Summary of Rock Mass Rating (RMR) system parameters (after Bieniawski 1989)... 99
Table 3.14: Summary of RMR-Q relationships............................................................................. 100
Table 3.15: Variation of OCR exponent k with PI for Hardin and Black (1968) empirical
relationship between σʹ, e, and G (after Hardin and Drnevich 1972). ........................................ 127
Table 3.16: Reported mineral properties (as adapted from Castagna et al. 1993). Velocities are
averaged to represent zero-porosity isotropic aggregates. ........................................................ 129
Table 3.17: Summary of regression constants A and B for use in empirical relationships between
porosity and seismic velocity (Domenico 1984). ......................................................................... 131
Table 3.18: Summary of velocity-porosity relationships for sandstones (adapted from Batzle et
al. 2007). ...................................................................................................................................... 132
Table 3.19: Summary of published relationships between conductivity (i.e. inverse of resistivity)
and porosity (Shah and Singh 2005). ........................................................................................... 136
Table 3.20: Summary of published values for Archie’s Law cementation factor, m. (Lesmes and
Friedman 2005)............................................................................................................................ 137
Table 3.21: Summary of published relationships between permittivity and water content as
illustrated in Figs. 3.71 – 3.72 (Mukhlisin and Saputra 2013)...................................................... 146
Table 3.22: Summary of published relationships between resistivity and water content (Calamita
et al. 2012). .................................................................................................................................. 150

Table 3.23: Activities of various clay minerals (after Skempton 1953 and Mitchell and Soga
2005). ........................................................................................................................................... 170
Table 3.24: Coefficients of variation for measuring VS30 using various geophysical methods (Moss
2008). ........................................................................................................................................... 180
Table 3.25: NEHRP Site Classes (after Caltrans 2013).................................................................. 182
Table 3.26: Advantages and disadvantages of various field tests for assessment of CRR. ......... 190
Table 3.27: Regression parameters (Brandenberg et al. 2010). .................................................. 197
Table 3.28: SPT-stress-VS correlation equations (Wair et al. 2012)............................................. 197
Table 3.29: Summary of NDT methods used to evaluate pavement properties for quality control
(Von Quintus et al. 2009)............................................................................................................. 211
Table 3.30: Summary of NDT methods for pavement evaluation, including information regarding
costs, training needs, portability, etc. (Schmitt et al. 2013)........................................................ 212
Table 3.31: Summary of material properties used for design and acceptance of flexible
pavements and HMA overlays (Von Quintus et al. 2009)............................................................ 213
Table 3.32: Adjustments between moduli measured using laboratory methods and field NDT
methods for unbound layers (Von Quintus et al. 2009). ............................................................. 214
Table 3.33: Adjustments between moduli measured using laboratory methods and field NDT
methods for HMA layers (Von Quintus et al. 2009)..................................................................... 215
Table 3.34: List of principal testing methods to evaluate concrete properties (Bungey et al.
2006). ........................................................................................................................................... 217
Table 3.35: List of principal NDT testing methods to evaluate CIDH foundations and general
assessments of their capabilities (Winters 2014). ....................................................................... 220


This chapter describes the background regarding subsurface exploration in geotechnical

engineering and the role of geophysics in such explorations. This discussion provides the
rationale for the research performed in this study. The scope of this document is discussed
based on the goals of the research. Finally, a summary of the report is provided.


Efficient design of transportation projects requires a thorough understanding of the subsurface.

Unfortunately, the characterization of subsurface properties and geometry remains one of the
biggest issues in geotechnical engineering. The majority of subsurface investigations rely on
sampling subsurface soils for laboratory testing and on correlations from in situ testing
techniques such as the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and Cone Penetration Test (CPT), among
others. Such methods have proven capable of providing high-quality information regarding the
subsurface, though the extent of site characterization is often constrained by the associated
costs and the limited volume of material actually tested within the site of interest. Therefore,
the current state of practice for subsurface investigations can provide an inadequate amount of
information regarding the subsurface to develop reliable, efficient geotechnical designs.

Geologists have faced a similar issue of proper characterization of the subsurface, although
typically at a larger scale than in geotechnical engineering. Applications related to exploration
for natural resources (i.e., petroleum, gas, etc.) have spurred tremendous advances in
geophysical methods during the turn of the last century, especially as the use of computers has
proliferated (Telford et al. 1990). Geophysics involves the measurement of properties of earth
materials based on principles of physics (e.g., seismic wave propagation, electromagnetism,
etc.). Geophysical methods detect discontinuities in material properties and allow
determination of the nature and distribution of materials beneath the surface (Wightman et al.
2003). Geophysical methods are now routinely the initial mode of testing for the exploration of
petroleum. Successful implementation of geophysical methods provides the necessary
information to guide drilling operations for such exploration in the petroleum industry (Sirles
2006). Additionally, geophysics is routinely utilized in a wide range of geologic studies, including
the delineation of faults (Ivanov et al. 2006; Blakely et al. 2002; Bleibinhaus et al. 2007),

characterization of sub-bottom stratigraphy in streams and the ocean (Nielsen et al. 2005;
Rebescoa et al. 2011; Pinson et al. 2008), location of karst features (e.g., sink-holes) (Hackert
and Parra 2003; Nyquist et al. 2007; Legchenko et al. 2008), and evaluation of aquifers (Harry et
al. 2005; Francese et al. 2002; Bradford and Sawyer 2002), among others applications.
Geophysical methods have proven to be an effective tool for geologists to better understand the
inner workings of our planet.


In addition to geologic applications, geophysical methods can measure in situ properties of soil
and rock that are often valuable for geotechnical design of transportation infrastructure. This is
especially true for seismic design purposes where shear wave velocity/modulus and material
damping are input parameters for site class, estimation of ground response, and seismic hazard
analysis. Geophysical measurements are also distributed over a larger area than typical
geotechnical site investigations and can therefore provide a higher level of detail regarding site
conditions for a project. As such, the application of geophysical methods has demonstrated cost
savings through reduced design uncertainty and lower investigation costs. Routine use of
geophysical methods, however, remains limited due to the specialized nature of the work and
limited industry experience with its application to real-world projects. Literature on the topic
tends to either be qualitative and introductory, intended for readers with little knowledge of
geophysical methods, or rather advanced and complex, intended for geophysicists with a
thorough understanding of geophysical techniques and the measurements they provide.


As previously noted, geophysical methods have been routinely utilized to explore the subsurface
as part of geologic investigations. In many cases, there is significant overlap between
applications of these methods for geological purposes and for engineering purposes. This
document aims to explore this overlap in more detail and provide guidance regarding
measurements of earth material properties using geophysical techniques, particularly as
relevant for transportation infrastructure.

Geophysical methods are essentially measuring the same parameters when applied to
engineering investigations and geologic studies. Often, the main difference between these

applications is a question of scale. Engineers are often preoccupied with the near surface (i.e.,
upper tens of meters), which is the outermost part of the earth’s crust that interacts with our
built environment the most (Butler 2005). Moreover, the spatial scale with which engineers are
interested is often smaller given the modest size of sites associated with even the largest
engineering projects (at least in relation to regional or planetary spatial scales). Traditional
geological studies, particularly as related to oil exploration and understanding the inner
workings and history of our planet are often interested in deeper strata (e.g., hundreds of
meters and more) over a broader spatial coverage (e.g., across a geologic region such as an
entire city, state, country, etc.). Given these differences, there have been a number of unique
challenges associated with adoption of various geophysical methods for engineering purposes.
These challenges have spurred extensive research and the marriage of near surface geophysics
with engineering has allowed tremendous advances in both fields, including better
understanding of complicated site conditions and the development of specialized techniques
that focus on the near surface [e.g., Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW)].

There are a significant number of engineering and environmental applications where

geophysical methods have proven extremely beneficial both domestically and abroad. The
literature is filled with case studies where geophysical methods have been successfully applied
to map groundwater contamination/salinity (Fitterman and Deszcz-Pan 1998; Ackman 2003; Zelt
et al. 2006; Siemon et al. 2009; Metwaly et al. 2014), evaluate conditions on natural and
engineered structures such as dams, slopes, levees, and landfills (Nakazato and Konishi 2005;
Hodges et al. 2007; Amine et al. 2009; Pfaffhuber et al. 2010; Inazaki et al. 2011; Doll et al.
2012b, Suto 2013; Hayashi et al. 2014; Konstantaki et al. 2015), locate buried objects (Takata et
al. 2001; Hanafy and Gamal 2005; Porsani and Sauck 2007; Omolaiye and Ayolabi 2010; Doll et
al. 2012a), evaluate seismicity and seismic hazards (Hardesty et al. 2010; Cox et al. 2011;
Hayashi et al. 2013; Khan et al. 2013; Stephenson et al. 2013), and monitor karst bedrock
conditions such as sinkholes (Hackert and Parra 2003; Nyquist et al. 2007; Legchenko et al.
2008), among a wide range of other engineering and environmental applications. In each of
these cases, geophysics improved assessment of the desired features and allowed increased
confidence in design, construction, and/or remediation strategies. Given these potential
improvements, the prevalence of geophysics has increased in engineering and environmental
investigations. Table 1.1 as adapted from ASTM 6429 provides a general overview of various

engineering and environmental applications for a number of common geophysical methods.
Several of these applications are related to situations encountered during the design,
construction, and management of transportation infrastructure. For example, stratigraphic
identification of unconsolidated sediments, determination of depth to bedrock and water table,
and location of voids, sinkholes, and utilities are all likely necessary steps in typical
transportation projects. Other applications as listed in Table 1.1 are less applicable in those
regards (e.g., location of inorganic contaminants in landfills) but still very useful for other
engineering and environmental purposes.

Table 1.1: Selection of geophysical methods for engineering applications based on guidance
from ASTM D6429. Note: A represents primary method and B represents
secondary/alternative method as rated for average field conditions.

Due to the benefits offered by geophysical methods and the significant overlap between near
surface geophysics and engineering, representation of geophysical interests has increased in
professional organizations traditionally populated by engineers. For example, the American
Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Geo-Institute has a Geophysical Engineering technical
committee and ASTM’s Committee D18 on Soil and Rock has a subcommittee devoted to
Geophysics (D.18.01.02). There is also representation of geophysics in committee AFP20
Exploration and Classification of Earth Materials of the Transportation Research Board (TRB).
Additionally, there is increasing collaboration between engineers and the near surface

geophysics community through various professional organizations [e.g., Environmental and
Engineering Geophysical Society (EEGS), the Near Surface Geophysics Section (NSGS) of the
Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), the Near Surface Geophysics Focus Group (NSFG) of
the American Geophysical Union (AGU), and the Near Surface Geoscience Division (NSGD) of the
European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE)]. Together, these committees (and
affiliated professional and government organizations) are responsible for a significant amount of
literature regarding geophysical subsurface exploration for engineering purposes (e.g., ASTM
D4428, D5195, D5753, D5777, D6167, D6274, D6429, D6430, D6431, D6432, D6639, D6726,
D6727, D6820, D7046, D7128, G57; Ward 1990; USACE 1995; McCann et al. 1997; Wightman et
al. 2003; Butler 2005; Sirles 2006; Anderson et al. 2008; SEGJ 2014). This literature includes
standards as well as review documents that provide guidance to engineers about appropriate
deployment of various geophysical methods.

The purpose of this document is to expand on the overlap between near surface geophysics and
engineering, particularly as related to transportation infrastructure projects. Much like the
aforementioned case studies where geophysics have led to improvements in various
engineering and environmental applications, near surface geophysical techniques can improve
the current state of practice in transportation infrastructure design, construction, and
maintenance. As more engineers are exposed to these benefits of geophysics, the goal of this
document is to encourage responsible use of geophysics to supplement traditional engineering
subsurface investigations. This document will support such improvements by providing a
reference suitable for engineers with some experience in geophysics that summarizes the
pertinent earth material properties that can be measured using those techniques for
transportation projects.


Despite the limited availability of intermediate-level literature focusing on quantitative aspects
of geophysics, the role of geophysics in characterizing the subsurface for transportation projects
has been increasingly recognized in recent years as more engineers are exposed to near surface
geophysical methods. In 2005 the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP)
sponsored a project in conjunction with the TRB to explore the experiences of various
transportation agencies with geophysical methods (Sirles 2006). As part of this project, a

questionnaire was sent to representatives from state DOT’s, various federal highway agencies,
and Canadian transportation agencies. The questionnaire was meant to clarify the role of
geophysics in geotechnical investigations for participants in the survey, including: familiarity and
level of comfort with geophysical methods; amount and type of investigations performed;
typical engineering applications of geophysical methods; annual budgeting and in-house
capabilities; common practices for solicitation and contracting of geophysical services; and
future research, educational, and training ideas. The response rate was 90%, which
corresponded to 67 completed questionnaires, including all 50 state DOT’s, the District of
Columbia, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, 8 Canadian agencies, and 3 federal

The vast majority of survey respondents (close to 90%) disclosed that they utilized geophysical
methods as part of their subsurface investigations (Fig. 1.1). However, as noted in Fig. 1.2, a
large percentage (45%) of these agencies has only started implementing geophysical methods
within the last 10 years. This statistic, along with corresponding increase in use of geophysical
methods – 21% of agencies noting an increase by more than 50% – points to a real need for
formal trainings and standards to be developed so that transportation agencies are increasingly
comfortable with the appropriate use and limitations associated with geophysical methods. In
fact, survey responses noted that the greatest deterrent to use of geophysical methods is
related to lack of understanding (Fig. 1.3). That being said, many transportation agencies did
recognize the benefits of geophysical methods, with the top responses related to speed of data
acquisition, cost-benefits to projects, and better subsurface characterizations. The most
common engineering application for geophysical methods was related to mapping subsurface
lithology (bedrock and soils), particularly as related to depth, topography, rippability, and other
engineering properties (Fig. 1.4). These common applications are to be expected given that the
two most common geophysical methods were seismic methods (i.e., refraction and
crosshole/downhole techniques) and GPR (Fig. 1.5). Electrical resistivity and borehole logging
methods were also fairly prevalent in survey responses. However, it appears that
electromagnetic methods were less favored by respondents. It should be noted that a significant
percentage of respondents (24%) reported that Nondestructive Testing (NDT) was their most
common geophysical application (Fig. 1.4). This highlights the ambiguity between geophysical
methods and NDT. Many of the geophysical exploration methods used in practice have been

adapted for use in NDT studies as the underlying theory is often identical. The typical distinction
is that geophysical methods apply principles of physics to explore underlying subsurface
conditions of the earth and NDT focuses on evaluation of engineered structures (e.g., concrete,
asphalt, steel, etc.) (Wightman et al. 2003). The focus of this report will be geophysical
applications and the distinction provided by Wightman et al. (2003) will serve as a criterion for
distinguishing between geophysics and NDT. However, this report does provide a brief
discussion of common NDT applications for transportation infrastructure, the geophysical
methods employed, and the properties evaluated.

Figure 1.1: Agency response to survey question regarding use of geophysical methods for
subsurface investigations (Sirles 2006).

Figure 1.2: Agency response to survey question regarding initial implementation of

geophysical methods (Sirles 2006).

Figure 1.3: Agency response to survey question regarding greatest deterrent to use of
geophysical methods (Sirles 2006).

Figure 1.4: Agency response to survey question regarding most common geophysical
application (Sirles 2006).

Figure 1.5: Agency response to survey question regarding most common geophysical method
used (Sirles 2006).

The results from Sirles (2006) illustrate the increasing role that geophysics plays in
transportation projects. More transportation agencies are aware of geophysical methods as

tools to augment current subsurface investigations efforts. However, transportation agencies
still rely heavily on subsurface drilling and in situ testing, even when geophysical methods can
potentially save money, time, and reduce the risk associated with unknown subsurface
conditions. For example, 68% of respondents in Sirles (2006) noted only “occasional” use of
geophysical methods. As such, engineers in these transportation agencies still have limited
familiarity with these methods. This leads to a lack of understanding and confidence in data
processing/interpretation, which further deters use of geophysical methods when appropriate.
The results from this study are meant to address this issue by synthesizing the current state of
practice of geophysical methods for quantitative measurements of geotechnical properties. This
report will address the existing gap in the literature for geotechnical engineers with an
introductory knowledge of geophysics and it will provide guidance regarding acquisition of
geotechnical design parameters. Examples are also provided with real subsurface data that
demonstrate the value of geophysical measurements for transportation infrastructure projects.


Caltrans is unique in comparison to other state DOT’s since it has a centralized branch in its
organizational structure devoted to geophysics. The Branch of Geophysics and Geology is part of
the Division of Engineering Services (Geotechnical Services Subdivision) and is responsible for
providing support on geo-related capital development projects throughout the state of
California. As of the writing of this report, the Branch of Geophysics and Geology is composed of
eight personnel led by Branch Chief William Owen based out of the main Caltrans offices in
Sacramento, California. The Branch of Geophysics and Geology essentially operates as an
internal consulting group to serve the geophysical needs of the rest of the Department. Their
work is typically performed under the auspices of the Chief Engineer, though sometimes the
branch does work directly with local districts to identify appropriate geophysical solutions,
deploy equipment, and analyze the resulting geophysical data. In limited cases, the internal
capabilities of the branch may be exceeded (e.g., workflow cannot keep up with demand,
specialized equipment is necessary for a particular application). In those cases, outside
geophysical consultants can be brought in on Caltrans projects. Otherwise, geophysical testing
on Caltrans projects is primarily performed by the Branch of Geophysics and Geology.

The Branch of Geophysics and Geology currently provides services with the following
geophysical methods: Seismic Refraction, Refraction Tomography, Magnetometry, Electrical
Resistivity, Electromagnetic Conductivity, Ground Penetrating Radar, Borehole Acoustic
Televiewer, Borehole Resistivity, Borehole PS Suspension Log, Borehole Conductivity, Borehole
Caliper, Borehole Natural Gamma, and Borehole Full Waveform Sonic Testing. The branch is
typically involved fairly early in the design process of a project (i.e., less than approximately 60%
complete). This corresponds to the 0- and 1- phase based on typical Caltrans terminology. In
some cases, branch efforts may take place in the 2-phase or later when issues arise as part of
construction. The primary application encountered by the branch is mapping stratigraphy and
bedrock for foundation design or for excavations (e.g., cut-slope design, landslide mitigation,
etc.). To that effect, seismic refraction/tomography is one of the most commonly employed
geophysical methods by the Branch of Geophysics and Geology. The goal of this work is often to
extrapolate information into the areas away from boreholes and to interpolate conditions
between boreholes. Also, geophysics is sometimes used to make decisions about where to
locate certain boreholes. For example, a key aspect of site subsurface investigations is locating
boreholes away from any existing infrastructure or utilities beneath the surface. GPR can prove
quite beneficial in such applications, which contributes to why GPR is another one of the most
commonly employed methods by the Branch of Geophysics and Geology. Velocity logging is also
performed by the branch to obtain the shear wave velocity profile and other relevant soil
material properties for seismic design of the foundation/structure. P-S suspension logging was
once commonly used in this context. However, the number of projects related to foundation
design (particularly deep foundations) has diminished, which has reduced demand for logging
velocity and the P-S logging tool. Other methods that are quite beneficial but have seen limited
usage include surface wave testing techniques such as MASW and ReMi to estimate shear wave
velocity. Finally, borehole imaging techniques such as acoustic televiewer and optical televiewer
have been underutilized despite their abilities to provide direct inspection and measurement of
in situ orientation of bedding planes and fractures. Whether the branch’s geophysical efforts are
utilized to guide the drilling program or to augment it once it is already taking place has often
been dependent on the client for the particular project. However, Caltrans continues to
recognize the importance of judicious use of geophysics to help guide the drilling program. To
that effect, recent revisions to Caltrans project delivery/development documents have
encouraged increased use of geophysics in the 0-phase. Geophysical work is rarely performed in

the project initiation phase (i.e., K-phase) since there is no budget approved for such work at
that stage of the process.

Generally, Caltrans seems to be shifting away from a construction focus to an operations and
maintenance focus. There is not a large amount of construction taking place of “new” bridges
and structures. Often, much of the present work centers on maintaining or replacing existing
facilities (e.g., bridges that have been deemed structural deficient). Given these trends, it is
unsurprising that some of the aforementioned geophysical techniques are falling out of favor
and that NDT applications are increasing. For example, through the Branch of Geophysics and
Geology, Caltrans has been involved in a number of National Cooperative Highway Research
Program (NCHRP) Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) initiatives that have been
exploring the role of NDT in maintaining highway related components. This involvement has
included a number of proof-of-concept applications of NDT for bridge deck investigations,
pavement delamination, subsurface utilities, and tunnel linings.

Moving forward, the Branch of Geophysics and Geology will continue to lead the way in
promoting and applying geophysical methods for highway related applications within the state
of California. It is anticipated that part of its role will be to encourage more consistent
application of geophysics for geotechnical projects. In that manner, early identification can
occur of those projects where geophysics is applicable so that equipment can be swiftly
mobilized on site early enough (i.e., 0-phase) to aid in the development of drilling plans. The
goal would be to exploit the reconnaissance capabilities of geophysics and reduce the number
of boreholes to the absolute minimum necessary in order to better manage subsurface
investigation budgets. Regarding Caltrans experience with NDT, utility locating will continue to
be vital for future projects. Many internal studies within Caltrans and others across the country
have demonstrated that the return on investment is high when using NDT early in a project to
locate utilities as part of construction efforts. A limited investment in NDT efforts up front leads
to fewer cost overruns related to change orders and construction claims for utility relocation,
protection in place or project redesign. It is anticipated that the Branch of Geophysics and
Geology will place a larger focus on NDT moving forward and will continue to engage in activities
such as the NCHRP SHRP2 initiatives that study the role of NDT in highway related construction
and asset management. Finally, a large contribution to limited use of geophysics is likely related

to lack of familiarity with these methods and their capabilities. To address this issue, the Branch
of Geophysics and Geology will continue to engage stakeholders and provide formal and
informal training opportunities regarding the work it performs and the importance of geophysics
in modern DOT practice.


Given the previous discussions regarding the increasing importance of geophysics in

transportation projects, the primary purpose of this report is to provide a review of the
quantitative measurements possible using geophysical techniques. It is intended to address the
existing gap in the literature regarding geophysical measurements for geotechnical purposes.
This review will focus on soil and rock parameters that are particularly useful for geotechnical
applications in transportation infrastructure projects. The majority of the information will be
obtained from a compilation of literature where geophysical methods have been utilized to
obtain various soil and rock properties. Such literature will include case histories and
comprehensive studies relating physical parameters to geophysical measurements. However,
certain sections of the report will highlight potential knowledge gaps in the literature and will
also address issues related to uncertainty in dynamic soil properties. Those discussions will
highlight the importance of geophysical measurements and the potential impacts on
geotechnical design. Recommendations will also be provided regarding use of geophysical
measurements for subsurface investigations for typical Caltrans project applications.


Chapter 2 introduces the typical geophysical techniques utilized in the field of geotechnical
engineering. The initial focus of this chapter is a qualitative description of the methods, though
it is not intended as a replacement for full texts on that subject (e.g., Telford et al. 1990,
Wightman et al. 2003, Anderson et al. 2008) and other recent guidance resources (e.g., ASTM
D6429, CFLHD website). This chapter also discusses typical subsurface investigation techniques
used to estimate parameters often obtained from geophysical measurements.

Chapter 3 discusses the applications of geophysical measurements in geotechnical design of

transportation projects. This chapter summarizes earth material properties and design

parameters that can be obtained from geophysical measurements. Included in this discussion
are properties that are broad in scope and usage (e.g., porosity of bedrock, clay content, etc.),
properties that are directly pertinent to seismic design (i.e., shear wave velocity), and non-
destructive testing (NDT) applications. Additionally, uncertainty in shear wave velocity
measurements is discussed and comparisons are made between results from geophysical
measurements and those from traditional geotechnical subsurface investigations.

Chapter 4 summarizes the overall findings of the study. Significant overlap exists between
geotechnical applications of geophysics and applications related to geological exploration and
NDT. For example, many geophysical methods are utilized to detect voids and delineate
subsurface features such as stratigraphic contacts, bedrock topography, fault traces, landslide
slip surfaces, and similar features. Likewise, many NDT methods are related to geophysical
methods and are similarly used to detect features (e.g., cracks, delamination, corrosion, voids,
etc.) in engineered materials such as concrete and pavements. Though these qualitative
evaluations for geological and NDT purposes are very useful and important applications, they
are outside the scope of this report. Instead, Chapter 4 focuses on providing recommendation
regarding appropriate use of geophysical measurements for geotechnical applications as related
to quantifying earth material properties. The scope of these recommendations primarily focuses
on shear wave velocity and related seismic design applications, though discussion is included for
a number of non-earthquake applications such as strength of rock, voids/porosity, presence of
water, and soil composition. Finally, Chapter 4 highlights any remaining knowledge gaps in the
current state of geophysical practice and research as related to geotechnical engineering.


The authors would like to express their appreciation to Mr. William P. Owen of the California
Department of Transportation for his guidance, direction, and valuable technical assistance
throughout development of this document. The authors would also like to thank Mr. John G.
Diehl, Dr. Robert L. Nigbor, and Mr. Antony J. Martin from GEOVision for serving as external
technical reviewers and providing important feedback. Their viewpoint as geophysical
practitioners in engineering proved vital in the development of this document.
Funding for this work was provided by Caltrans under contract number 65A0482. The contents
of this document reflect the views of the authors who are responsible for the facts and accuracy

of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or
policies of the State of California or the Federal Highway Administration. This report does not
constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.

Continued on Next Page


This chapter provides a brief summary of the various geophysical methods that are common in
geotechnical subsurface investigations. The focus is not on qualitatively describing each method,
but rather to provide a current state of geophysical practice within the context of transportation
infrastructure applications. More details on each method are available in a wide range of
references available in the literature (e.g., Steeples and Miller 1988; Sheriff and Geldart 1995;
USACE 1995; Ellis and Singer 2007; Jol 2008; Ashcroft 2011, etc.). An online resource based on
Wightman et al. (2003) is also maintained at the Central Federal Lands Highway Division website
(CFLHD 2013). A discussion is also provided in this chapter regarding the current state of
practice for estimating pertinent soil properties based on in situ and laboratory investigations.
Quantitative examples are developed and case histories are discussed where geophysical
measurements prove more suitable to acquire such properties.


The following sections provide a brief summary of common surface geophysical methods that
have been employed for geotechnical purposes. These methods rely on measurements obtained
using equipment and instrumentation at the ground surface. The focus is to provide context for
these methods as used in geotechnical engineering. The descriptions are qualitative in nature
and assume basic understanding of fundamental geophysical concepts and familiarity with the
methods described.


Several methods rely on interpreting the subsurface based on the propagation of seismic waves.
Seismic waves produce mechanical strains in the materials through which they propagate. The
velocities at which the waves propagate depend on material elastic moduli and density. The
resulting particle motions depend on seismic wave type, of which P-, S-, and surface (i.e.,
Rayleigh and Love) waves are the most commonly utilized. These motions can be measured
using sensors and can be used to determine information regarding the material through which
the wave propagates. These methods have been routinely used in the field of geophysics,
particularly for mapping lithology as related to exploration for hydrocarbons (e.g., see history of
seismic techniques in Sheriff and Geldart 1995).

Table 2.1: Potential engineering applications of various geophysical methods (Anderson 2006).
Note: M = Major Application, X = Minor Application

Table 2.1 (cont.): Potential engineering applications of various geophysical methods
(Anderson 2006). Note: M = Major Application, X = Minor Application

The most common seismic surface methods as employed for geotechnical purposes include
Seismic Reflection, Seismic Refraction, Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves (SASW), Multichannel
Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW), and passive methods such as passive MASW, Microtremor
Survey Method (MSM), Refraction Microtremor (ReMi), and the Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral
Ratio (HVSR). Active methods such as Seismic Reflection/Refraction, SASW, and MASW employ
waves that are actively generated by seismic sources at the site, including sledge hammers, air
guns, explosives, mass shakers, accelerated weight drops (AWD), and vibroseis vehicles, among
others. Passive methods such as passive MASW, MSM, ReMi, and HVSR measure ambient
seismic energy from various sources (e.g., traffic, ocean tidal activity, industrial and construction

noise, etc.). These methods are typically utilized to map and delineate geologic features (e.g.,
soil layer contacts, top of bedrock, faults/fractures, voids/tunnels, sub-bottom profiles, depth to
water table, etc.) and to measure elastic wave velocities, particularly the time-averaged shear
wave velocity in the upper 30 m of the site (i.e., VS30) to determine the National Earthquake
Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) site class (Tables 2.1 and 2.2). From velocity measurements
it is possible to obtain the corresponding elastic modulus and the density of the material, which
can be correlated to other earth material properties.

Table 2.2: Potential engineering applications of various geophysical methods (Sirles 2006).

Seismic methods are generally robust methods that can delineate density contrasts deep below
the surface. These methods are particularly well suited for obtaining properties of subsurface
materials that are very difficult to sample using traditional geotechnical investigations or
subsurface geophysical methods (e.g., glacial till, pavements, etc.). However, they do suffer from
a number of limitations, primarily related to data post-processing and interpretation. The
techniques rely on arrivals from waves that interact in a complex manner with the underlying
subsurface soils. At particularly challenging sites, it may be difficult or impossible to separate the
effects of different wave types (e.g., reflected/refracted body waves, first arrival surface waves,
etc.) from the recorded ground signals. There are also limitations related to vertical and lateral
resolution as well as signal-to-noise ratio. As a result, care must be exercised in designing field
testing parameters to prevent spatial aliasing, near-field effects, and excessive signal
attenuation. Optimal field testing parameters may be restricted by the logistics of the particular
field site. For example, it may be impossible to string a survey line to the length necessary or the
site may be subject to excessive background seismic noise. Non-unique solutions are possible
for the results from surface-wave testing because their analysis is based on performing an
inversion of the measured dispersion curve. Moreover, for passive methods, assumptions must
be made regarding the directionality of the background seismic energy. As a result of these
limitations, it is advisable to perform multiple seismic tests at a site to constrain results and
provide supplementary information. Fortunately, the similarity in equipment used for each of
the seismic methods encourages complementary testing.


Electromagnetic methods [i.e., Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Borehole Radar (BHR), and
Time-Domain Reflectometry (TDR)] are often utilized to explore the subsurface and differentiate
between materials with different electric properties. These methods are distinguished from
electrical/magnetic methods by the fact that they typically introduce combined electromagnetic
waves into the domain of interest, rather than a direct current (DC) or alternating current (AC)
electrical potential.

Regarding radar methods, much of the processing and interpretation of GPR reflection data is
similar to that used for seismic wave reflection testing. However, the propagating waves are
high-frequency (usually polarized) radar waves that are sensitive to the electromagnetic

properties of the soil instead of mechanical properties. The results from radar methods are
useful in determining stratigraphy (e.g., Jol et al. 2003), location of faults and fractures (e.g.,
Theune et al. 2006), presence of voids and tunnels (e.g., Di Prinzioa et al. 2010), location of
utilities (e.g., Al-Nuaimy et al. 2000), and non-destructive testing purposes for concrete and
pavements (e.g., Bungey 2004; Barrile and Paccinotti 2005; Chang et al. 2009; Chen and Wimsatt
2010; Willett et al. 2006). The primary measurement in radar methods is the propagation
velocity of electromagnetic waves in the medium (i.e., the electromagnetic analog to elastic
wave velocity as obtained in seismic reflection/refraction testing). The propagation velocity can
be estimated from reflected waves, critically refracted waves, and ground waves generated by
the transmitter and measured at the receiver. From this velocity it is possible to obtain the
corresponding dielectric permittivity of the materials.

In its simplest form, TDR relies on measurements of electromagnetic waveforms along a

waveguide (e.g., transmission line, cable) of known length and constant dielectric constant. A
pulse generator attached to the cable inputs the appropriate input voltage signal and any
reflections are recorded using an oscilloscope. In the case of applications related to soils, the
“cable” is actually a probe and the soil functions as the dielectric material between the “cable”
elements. During operation, reflections of the input pulse occur at the initial and final contact
locations between the probe and soil. Since the length of the “cable” is known, a travel time
analysis of the reflected signals can be performed to determine the velocity of the
electromagnetic wave and the corresponding dielectric constant. TDR has proven useful in
evaluating soil moisture and density, particularly in the context of compaction quality control
(Lin et al. 2000; Yu and Drnevich 2004; Fratta et al. 2005; Lin et al. 2012) and
agricultural/environmental applications (Dalton and Van Genuchten 1986; Inoue et al. 2001;
Wraith and Or 2001; Wraith et al. 2005; Oberdörster et al. 2010; Kallioras et al. 2016).


A number of surface methods employ measurements related to electrical and/or magnetic
potentials. Some methods utilize passive instrumentation to measure the intrinsic
electrical/magnetic properties of the subsurface and others utilize active sources of electrical
current. Examples of passive methods include magnetic surveys that measure local
perturbations in the Earth’s magnetic field using a magnetometer and self potential methods

that measure the voltage difference between two points on the ground caused by the small,
naturally produced currents that occur beneath the Earth's surface. Active methods include
Electrical Resistivity and Induced Polarization (IP), which determine the resistivity of soils by
measuring their response to applied current.

The most commonly employed electrical/magnetic geophysical methods include ER/IP and
magnetic surveys. These methods are typically used to measure the electrical properties of the
soil and to map the subsurface (e.g., delineate layer contacts between soils or to determine the
depth to the ground water table). The electrical characteristics of soil are inherently related to
other properties, including void ratio and porosity, water content, hydraulic conductivity, and
density. As such, these methods can be used to estimate these properties based on correlations
to electrical resistivity/conductivity and magnetic susceptibility.

Electrical and magnetic methods are well suited to sites where significant contrasts exist in the
electrical/magnetic response of the underlying subsurface materials. It is for that reason that
these methods are often used to locate and evaluate the condition of embedded man-made
materials (e.g., steel, pipelines, utilities, etc.). As such, a number of these methods have been
routinely utilized for nondestructive testing (NDT) purposes (e.g., Table 2.1). However, due to
the nature of the measured parameters in these studies, these methods suffer from poor
performance at sites where significant background electrical noise is prevalent (e.g., urban sites,
power lines, grounded metallic objects, etc.). Moreover, saturated clayey soils can present
challenges because their electrical properties cause severe attenuation in the input energy.
Similar to seismic methods, equipment layout can be negatively impacted by field logistics. For
example, very long lines are necessary to string out the large number of sensors necessary for
sufficient resolution in ER/IP surveys. Finally, data analysis and interpretation is not trivial for a
number of these methods (e.g., ER/IP) as appropriate inversion techniques and modeling of the
subsurface is necessary.


Methods that measure gravitational forces associated with an object have an extensive history
within the geophysical community and have been used over a wide range of scales and purposes
(for a good summary, see Nabighian et al. 2005). For example, at a global and interstellar scale,

measurements of gravity are vital to understand the complex workings of planetary bodies. For
geophysical exploration purposes, the gravity method has been widely used for mining and oil
exploration. In engineering and environmental applications the gravity method can be
performed at a much more localized scale (i.e., microgravity surveys) to locate subsurface
features (e.g., voids, changes in depth to bedrock, buried stream valleys, water table levels, etc.)
and to estimate fluctuations in mass density across a site. Generally, the gravity method relies
on gravimeters to measure small changes in the gravitational field at the Earth’s surface due to a
gravity anomaly. The magnitude of these changes can be attributed to lateral density changes in
the subsurface (e.g., a mass concentration or void) as well as terrain, tidal, equipment drift,
elevation, and motion-induced variations in the total Earth gravity field. Though they are not as
readily available as surface modules, borehole gravimeters have been produced as early as the
1950’s to perform similar gravity measurements within a borehole.

The measurements required in the gravity method are relatively simple to perform. However,
the challenge in the method results from minimizing the issues associated with sources of
“noise” (e.g., equipment drift, tidal variations in gravity measurements, etc.) and in accurately
determining station locations and elevations from a high precision site survey. For locating
features at the engineering scale of interest, high station density is necessary and the most
time-consuming aspect of a microgravity study is often surveying the area of interest. Moreover,
since the gravity measurements can vary with time due to tidal changes and equipment drift,
measurements must be repeated several times at each station. The gravity method is less
affected by issues found in electrical and magnetic methods, such as limitations in investigation
depth due to highly conductive clay-rich soils near the surface. However, one of the main
drawbacks is related to data interpretation. For example, a gravity anomaly from a distribution
of small masses at a shallow depth can produce the same effect as a large mass at depth.
Resolving this ambiguity can necessitate external information from other geophysical methods
or geotechnical subsurface investigations.

Gravity methods have been increasingly used for engineering purposes (e.g., evaluation of
sinkholes, soft surficial anomalies, etc.). This increase has been driven by improvements in
gravimetry equipment that have allowed more consistent and higher resolution measurements
of the gravitational field. Typical gravity anomalies for near-surface engineering applications

have magnitudes in the range of 10 - 1000 μGal (hence the use of the microgravity term), where
Gal is a unit of acceleration measurement equal to 1 cm/s2 (Butler 2007). This implies that
gravimeter sensitivity, accuracy, and precision must be on the order of 1 μGal (i.e., 1 part in 109
of the earth’s gravitational field) for engineering applications, an achievement not realized until
the 1960’s and 1970’s (Butler 1980; Nabighian et al. 2005). Since this equipment has been
available, there has been growing interest in performing high resolution microgravity surveys for
engineering issues ranging from the delineation of fracture zones to estimating aquifer porosity
and depth to bedrock, delineating substrata depth variations and fill thickness, and verifying
bedrock conditions (Hall and Hajnal 1962; Eaton et al. 1965; Domenico 1967; Wolters 1973; Arzi
1975; Carmichael and Henry 1977; Wang et al. 1986; Benson and Baer 1989; Roberts et al. 1990;
Tønnesen 1995; Benson and Floyd 2000; Hayashi et al. 2005; Davis et al. 2008; Mankhemthong
et al. 2012). The most common application of microgravity surveys is to evaluate the presence
of subsurface cavities such as sinkholes and other karst topography (Butler 1984; Wenjin and
Jiajian 1990; Camacho et al. 1994; Yule et al. 1998; Beres et al. 2001; Benson et al. 2003; Styles
et al. 2005; Mochales et al. 2008; Tuckwell et al. 2008; Whitelaw et al. 2008; Orfanos and
Apostolopoulos 2011; Paine et al. 2012).

The unifying earth material property in each of the aforementioned microgravity applications is
the density of the subsurface materials. Fluctuations in gravitational fields are directly
dependent on five factors: latitude, elevation, topography, tidal changes, and density variations
(Telford et al. 1990). In application of the gravity method for engineering and geological
purposes, the density variation is typically the relationship of interest. The variations in gravity
that result from differences in density are small in relation to fluctuations that result from the
other factors. Fortunately, post processing techniques exist to remove the effects of latitude,
elevation and topographical changes, and temporal (i.e., tidal) fluctuations, though utmost care
must be exercised during field operations to minimize the influence of these factors. Various
references provide relevant background information regarding the field procedures and
associated data post-processing steps involved in isolating the effects of density on gravimetric
measurements (e.g., Neumann 1977; Butler 1980; Hinze 1990; Telford et al. 1990; Mickus 2003).
The majority of microgravity surveys for engineering purposes are performed with relative
gravimeters, which determines the difference in gravity between measurement locations.
Absolute gravity instruments are more expensive, physically larger, require longer acquisition

times, and are generally less user-friendly compared to relative gravity instruments (Nabighian
et al. 2005). The raw data collected by a relative gravimeter is post-processed and corrected for
the aforementioned factors. Post-processing also typically includes the separation of the
anomaly of interest (residual) from the remaining background anomaly (regional) using manual
or polynomial surface fitting techniques (Hinze 1990), among other approaches. The end result
is a spatial distribution map of residual gravity measurements. This map can typically be used in
conjunction with other subsurface investigation techniques to provide a qualitative assessment
of subsurface conditions based on changes in gravity. For example, minima in the gravity
measurements (i.e., negative gravity anomalies) typically correspond to potential cavities (Styles
et al. 2005). Some of the earliest applications of microgravity surveys have relied on such spatial
distribution maps to evaluate subsurface conditions (e.g., Arzi 1975; Fountain et al. 1975;
Neumann 1977). More detailed analysis such as numerical modeling can be performed on
spatial measurements of gravity to quantify the nature (e.g., depth and geometry) of subsurface
features causing the gravity variations. Additionally, examining the vertical and horizontal
gradients (i.e., first derivatives) of the gravity measurements can be of considerable importance
and provide additional information regarding subsurface conditions, particularly for anomalies
caused by shallow subsurface structures (Evjen 1936; Heiland 1943; Butler 1980; Butler 1984). A
number of case histories have demonstrated the use of gravity gradient measurements to
evaluate the subsurface for engineering applications (e.g., Fajklewicz 1976; Butler 1984; Pan
1989; Pajot et al. 2008; Erkan et al. 2012).


Remote sensing refers to a broad range of techniques where information is obtained based on
measurements made at a distance without making physical contact with the object. This
definition is inherently broad [e.g., see summary in Campbell and Wynne (2011)] and includes
digital imagery methods, thermal radiometry, remote acoustics, radar-based technology
[synthetic aperture radar (SAR), in combination with interferometry (InSAR)], and LiDAR among
others. Remote sensing technologies typically rely on measurements of propagated signals (e.g.,
electromagnetic radiation) that are either actively emitted from a source or passively collected
from the object being measured. As such, there is overlap in the physics and fundamental
operating theory between remote sensing and many geophysical methods. This overlap is even
more readily apparent in airborne applications of geophysical surface techniques such as

electrical/magnetic and gravity methods. Additionally, there are growing opportunities in
remote sensing techniques (i.e., InSAR and LiDAR) for the evaluation of transportation
infrastructure and other civil engineering applications, either as standalone methods or to
provide complementary information to geotechnical investigations and/or geophysical studies.

The leading transportation application of remote sensing is for imaging purposes (e.g.,
deformation imaging, landslide and rockslide characterization, etc.). As such, in depth discussion
of these technologies and their transportation applications are outside the scope of this report,
which focuses on the measurement of earth material properties. However, a number of case
studies will be briefly mentioned below and readers are encouraged to review these studies and
Power et al. (2006), Kemeny and Turner (2008), and Morgan et al. (2011) for more thorough
discussions of these technologies, particularly as related to InSAR and LiDAR. Additionally,
Brown and Hodges (2005) provides a broad overview of application of airborne geophysical
methods for engineering purposes and Vaghefi et al. (2012) provides an overview of
commercially available remote sensing technology as applicable to evaluation of bridges.

Among the commonly applied remote sensing technologies for engineering purposes are
airborne surveys of surface geophysical methods. A number of studies have utilized aircraft-
based electrical/magnetic and gravity methods to develop subsurface maps for various
engineering purposes, including ground water quality studies (Fitterman and Deszcz-Pan 1998;
Ackman 2003; Siemon et al. 2009), tunnel and pipeline construction (Hodges et al. 2000; Okazaki
et al. 2011), location of buried metallic structures such as underground storage tanks (UST) and
unexploded ordnances (UXO) (Takata et al. 2001; Doll et al. 2012a), evaluation of levee
condition (Hodges et al. 2007; Amine et al. 2009; Doll et al. 2012b), and rockslide/landslide
investigations (Nakazato and Konishi 2005; Pfaffhuber et al. 2010). Among established remote
sensing techniques, InSAR (satellite and aerial) and LiDAR (aerial and terrestrial) are increasingly
observed in engineering studies. For example, recent CFLHD projects have explored the use of
InSAR to measure landslide movements (Anderson et al. 2004; Power et al. 2006; Sato et al.
2009; Morgan et al. 2011). These studies have demonstrated the ability to resolve movements
on the order of centimeters. Similar efforts have also been performed to monitor dams and
bridges (Tarchi et al. 1999; Pieraccini et al. 2006; Soergel et al. 2008; Zhang et al. 2010; Talich et
al. 2014), pavements (Suanpaga and Yoshikazu 2010), levees (Dabbiru et al. 2010; Bennett et al.

2014; Han et al. 2015), rock slopes (Bruckno et al. 2013), road subsidence (Yu et al. 2013;
Lazecký et al. 2014), and sinkholes (Vaccari et al. 2013). In the case of LiDAR, applications have
ranged from evaluating levee integrity (aerial: Bishop et al. 2003; Casas et al. 2012; terrestrial:
Kemeny and Turner 2008; Collins et al. 2009) to estimating ground deformations due to
underground construction (Hashash et al. 2005), characterizing landslides (Conte and Coffman
2013), estimating deformations due to expansive clays (Garner and Coffman 2014), and
mapping ground deformations and structural failures due to seismic events (Kayen et al. 2006).

Remote sensing and airborne geophysical studies provide some advantages over traditional
surface and subsurface geophysical methods. They often have higher production rates capable
of providing measurements over a larger area in a smaller amount of time. Moreover, these
methods can provide measurements in rugged terrains that are often difficult to traverse by
foot or ground vehicles (e.g., across rivers, marshes, mountains, etc.). However, remote sensing
techniques suffer from limitations associated with equipment costs, complex data
interpretation, limited temporal resolution for satellite-based measurements, and coarse spatial
resolution in comparison to surface/subsurface geophysical methods. Despite these limitations,
there is tremendous potential offered by remote sensing techniques in management and
evaluation of transportation infrastructure, as evidenced by a growing amount of interest at the
state and federal levels [e.g., the USDOT’s Commercial Remote Sensing & Spatial Information
(CRS&SI) program]. Application of remote sensing and aerial geophysical methods should only
continue to grow, particularly as the use of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) proliferates and
such systems are retrofitted to enable remote sensing measurements. One such example is the
Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s (JPL) Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAVSAR)
project that was funded in 2004 by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA)
Earth Science Technology Office (Fore et al. 2015). Since the system became operational in
2009, it has been utilized for a number of engineering applications, including visualization of
fault slip (Rymer et al. 2011; Donnellan et al. 2014), monitoring of sinkholes (Jones and Blom
2013), evaluation of levees (Aanstoos et al. 2011), and estimation of fault-induced landslide
movements (Scheingross et al. 2013). Similar efforts are underway to develop more
transportation-focused UAS technology with the support of FHWA and the USDOT CRS&SI


The following sections provide a brief summary of common subsurface geophysical methods
that have been employed for geotechnical purposes. These methods typically deploy sensors
within the subsurface either from boreholes or with the use of a cone penetration testing (CPT)
rig. The focus herein is to provide context for these methods as used in geotechnical
engineering. The descriptions are qualitative in nature and assume basic understanding of
fundamental geophysical concepts and familiarity with the methods described.


Acoustic subsurface methods utilize the travel time of mechanical stress waves (i.e.,
compressional) that are generated by transmitters within a borehole. This wave energy travels
through the fluid of the borehole (i.e., pressure or tube wave) and along the borehole walls,
often refracting and converting into other modes of wave propagation (i.e., shear waves). The
probes utilized for acoustic logging often contain a number of receivers to record the wave
arrivals (both compressional and shear). The travel time of the waves is related to the lithology
and porosity of the borehole wall materials.

A number of methods are included in this category of geophysical testing, including acoustic
velocity logging, full waveform sonic logging, and suspension logging. These methods primarily
differ in the analytical methods used, the frequency of the input signals, and the purpose of the
corresponding data. Typically, a plot of wave velocity (compressional and shear) is obtained with
depth that illustrates the stratigraphy at the borehole location. However, it is also possible to
obtain information regarding the location of factures and to correlate the measurements to
porosity, permeability, bulk density, and other elastic properties. Finally, the results from
acoustic borehole methods can be used to evaluate the condition of the borehole for quality
assurance purposes.

Borehole acoustic methods typically provide a higher level of resolution relative to surface
methods, and are therefore well suited to determine localized fluctuations in velocity. For
example, sonic logging tools can have a fixed receiver interval as low as 0.3 m (1.0 ft) and can
therefore resolve soil layers with thicknesses on the order of this value. Moreover, borehole
acoustic methods can reliably acquire data at this resolution at up to kilometers of depth

because the interval between source and receivers is fixed throughout testing (unlike surface
methods where deeper layers are significantly farther away from the source-receiver pair or
down-hole methods where the source and receiver are increasingly separated for deeper
measurements). However, there are some limitations to these methods. The velocity
measurements are much more localized than typical surface methods and only a limited amount
of material is sampled in the immediate vicinity of the borehole [i.e., within three times the
wavelength (Pirson 1963)]. As with other borehole geophysical logging techniques, disturbance
due to drilling (e.g., stress release, drilling mud infiltration, fracturing, etc.) can affect the
measurements (Hodges and Teasdale 1991). Care must be exercised during testing operations
that the probe is vertical and equidistant from the borehole wall and that borehole verticality is
consistent after construction. Finally, data interpretation can be problematic in certain profiles
because the nature of the transmitted/refracted waves can be complex. For example, based on
Snell’s Law a refracted shear wave may not be generated from the input compressional wave if
the soil shear wave velocity is slow enough. In this situation acoustic logging would be unable to
resolve the shear wave velocity of such a formation.

Televiewer methods involve the use of equipment to image the borehole wall. Measurements
are performed using specialized submersible charge coupled device (CCD) cameras [i.e., Optical
Televiewer (OTV)] that produce direct images of the borehole wall or with ultrasonic transducer
systems [i.e., Acoustic Televiewer (ATV)] that operate in a pulse-echo arrangement and generate
synthetic images of the borehole wall based on wave travel time and amplitude. In both cases,
the measurements are performed as the sensor is rotated within the borehole and the resulting
image captures a 360o scan of the borehole wall.

The primary use of OTV and ATV measurements is to identify stratigraphic layers, determine the
location and extent of fracturing/voids, and to evaluate borehole construction. Most
commercial systems operate using software that is capable of analyzing the corresponding
images and providing information regarding planar features, such as strike and dip, frequency,
and aperture size. Moreover, the images can be further examined for indications of water flow
and/or contamination and changes in borehole diameter and wall roughness (either due to
drilling or lithology). Therefore these techniques focus less on direct measurement of soil

properties and more on locating specific features such as fractures. However, such information
can often allow evaluation of other pertinent information such as the orientation of stress fields
(Wolff et al. 1974; Keys et al. 1979).

ATV is capable of resolving very small features on the order of 1 mm under ideal conditions
(Wightman et al. 2003) and OTV resolution is restricted essentially by the quality of the camera.
However, there are a number of limitations to these methods. Both methods examine only a
limited area in the vicinity of the borehole wall, which may not be representative of the entire
formation. Aberrations in the magnetic field (e.g., significant presence of metallic objects such
as a steel casing) render inaccurate the magnetometer readings that orient the televiewers
during data acquisition. OTV is affected by the clarity of the drilling fluid in the hole and ATV can
only be performed in a fluid-filled borehole.


A number of seismic methods have been developed that utilize the travel time of mechanical
stress waves as measured by geophones and/or hydrophones within a borehole or set of
boreholes. These stress waves (typically shear waves) are often generated either at the surface
[e.g., Down-hole survey and Seismic Cone Penetration Test (SCPT)] or within a borehole (e.g.,
Cross-hole survey). A wide array of seismic sources is possible, including sledgehammers,
sparker sources, and air guns. These methods are similar in approach to the acoustic methods
discussed in 2.2.1. However, the fundamental difference is that the seismic source and the
corresponding receiver are not collocated in the same borehole. The source is either at the
surface or in another borehole away from the receiver(s).

The most commonly used seismic subsurface methods in geotechnical engineering include
Down-hole surveys, Cross-hole surveys, and SCPT. Typically, the underlying goal of seismic
subsurface methods is the development of an accurate profile of shear wave velocity.
Compressional wave velocity – and, by extension, Poisson’s ratio – and attenuation can
sometimes be estimated, particularly in cross-hole tomographic studies. SCPT has an added time
efficiency benefit that testing can take place concurrently with the acquisition of detailed
penetration resistance information. However, SCPT is limited to testing in materials and over
depths applicable to typical cone penetrometer rigs. For example, SCPT may be ineffective in

glacial tills as cone refusals may prevent the acquisition of data over an appropriate range of
depths. Down-hole surveys and Cross-hole surveys are typically performed with one
measurement at each depth. For example, in down-hole surveys the source at the surface will
be activated each time the receiver in the borehole is lowered to a new location and the travel
time with depth will be utilized to develop the velocity profile. Similarly, the source and receiver
will each be moved to occupy the same depth in different boreholes as part of cross-hole data
acquisition. However, as previously noted, data acquisition in cross-hole surveys can also be
performed in such a way as to allow seismic tomography to be performed. Seismic tomography
refers to the development of two- or three-dimensional (2D and 3D) velocity images between
boreholes by performing an inversion algorithm on the acquired waveforms. During data
acquisition, the source and receivers are relocated to occupy a number of stations in their
respective boreholes. For example, a string of receivers may be placed in one borehole and the
source moved within its borehole from bottom to top at a specific interval. Once the data has
been acquired, algorithms are utilized to solve the system of thousands of nonlinear equations
to reconstruct the velocity field between the boreholes. These algorithms are often based on ray
tracing or some form of the wave equation that models the manner in which waves propagate
between source and receivers. As with other methods where seismic wave velocities are
measured, the results from borehole seismic methods can be correlated to other elastic
material properties.

The resolution of seismic subsurface methods lies somewhere between borehole acoustic
methods as described in 2.2.1 and surface seismic methods such as SASW and MASW as
described in 2.1.1. Additionally, data interpretation for Down-hole, SCPT, and non-tomographic
Cross-hole surveys can be simplified relative to SASW/MASW because the receiver is located
within the soil column at a specific depth for a given seismic input wave. In these cases,
velocities can be estimated by distinguishing first arrivals in the wave record. The layout of these
methods also allows a larger volume of material to be sampled in relation to acoustic methods.
However, the amplitude of the source input wave attenuates in the Down-hole and SCPT
methods when the receiver is lowered, which makes interpretation of first arrivals increasingly
difficult as the test progresses. Cross-hole surveys address this issue and also allow information
regarding anisotropy of the soils, however at additional costs and complexities with field setup.
Finally, the quality of borehole construction can significantly affect the results. It is particularly

important to ensure adequate coupling for any borehole casings that may be installed and also
to maintain borehole verticality during construction (or otherwise measure the borehole
alignment during testing). This is also true for SCPT, where care must be exercised to ensure the
cone tip does not excessively wander as it is pushed into the ground.


Borehole radar (BHR) as a subsurface method essentially mimics the functionality of GPR within
a borehole. A transmitter and receiver antenna is lowered into the borehole, where
electromagnetic pulses (often in the MHz range) are radiated and reflected energy is recorded
with depth. The reflections occur at boundaries between materials with different electrical
characteristics (i.e., dielectric constant). Antennas have been developed at different central
operating frequencies to allow tailoring the resolution and penetration depth of the system to
particular site needs and conditions. Generally, BHR is run within a single borehole as a
reflection survey. However, it is possible with certain systems to perform surface to borehole
measurements and/or cross-hole measurements as well.

As with GPR, BHR finds preliminary use as a tool to delineate geological features, particularly in
cases where the depth of coverage for GPR is inadequate. For example, BHR can be used to map
fractures, voids and cavities, and contacts between layers, up to kilometers in depth below the
surface. Additionally, the electrical characteristics of the soil that are measured by BHR can be
correlated to other soil properties.

As the fundamental mechanisms are nearly identical, BHR shares a number of limitations with
GPR. For example, saturated clayey soils still drastically attenuate the radar signals in BHR and
affect its ability to transmit signals a significant distance away from the borehole. Background
interference from electrical transmission sources (e.g., cellular towers, radio transmitters, etc.)
can negatively impact BHR signals. However, since the antenna is lowered into a borehole, BHR
is able to resolve deeper profiles than possible using GPR.


As is the case for surface methods, a number of methods have been developed for use in
borehole geophysical investigations that gather information regarding the response of

subsurface materials to electrical currents and potentials. Data acquisition is typically
accomplished using electrodes or coil probes that transmit and/or measure either direct current
(DC) or alternating current (AC) signals. Some of the methods are passive and measure the
telluric currents present in the soils and formations [e.g., Spontaneous Potential (SP) logging],
while others actively induce currents into the surrounding materials and measure the
corresponding response (e.g., Resistivity and/or Induction logging).

Most of the electrical methods trace their origins to geophysical borehole logging in the
petroleum industry. As such, the most common applications of these methods include mapping
lithology of underlying soils and rocks, determining layer thicknesses, and determining salinity of
groundwater (Wightman et al. 2003). The most common of the subsurface electrical methods as
utilized for geotechnical engineering purposes include SP logging, resistivity techniques, and
induction logging. As with other electrical geophysical methods, the electrical characteristics of
the soil can be correlated to other soil properties, including clay content and porosity.

Borehole electrical methods typically allow a greater depth of coverage than surface based
electrical methods as transmitter and receiver are often collocated at approximately the same
location within the borehole. However, they suffer from similar limitations given that the
fundamental theory behind their operation is practically identical. Added complications include
the effects of borehole construction on the measurements as well as the additional borehole
fluid interface that can alter the electrical characteristics of the surrounding formations.


Nuclear methods include a number of techniques that rely on detecting the presence of
unstable isotopes in the vicinity of the borehole. Measurements can be made in a passive
manner that sample the background levels of radiation (e.g., gamma logging) or in an active
manner that introduces small levels of radiation and measures backscatter (e.g., gamma-gamma
logging). Different isotopes are utilized depending on the test performed (e.g., gamma logging
versus neutron logging).

The most commonly used nuclear methods for geotechnical purposes include gamma logging,
gamma-gamma logging, and neutron logging. These methods are primarily used to map

subsurface stratigraphy as the amount of radioactivity is a function of bulk density, porosity, and
moisture content. As a result, nuclear methods also find applications related to quality control
of compaction (i.e., nuclear gauge test) and for non-destructive testing (NDT) of drilled shafts to
ensure integrity of concrete. Moreover, the sensitivity of the results to moisture changes allows
these methods to be used to monitor groundwater movement (e.g., between waste
containment facilities and underlying aquifers). It should be noted that though nuclear methods
are presented in the subsurface section of this chapter, surface methods that rely on the same
concepts do exist in practice and do see routine use (e.g., nuclear gauge test, neutron moisture
probe, etc.). However, these surface nuclear methods will be limited to very shallow
investigations because measurements only occur in their immediate vicinity (i.e., 4 – 6 in) (Timm
et al. 2005).

If calibrated appropriately and interpreted relative to other background information at a site,

nuclear methods can provide accurate information regarding density, moisture content, and
identification of geological units and rock types. However, there are a number of unique aspects
of nuclear methods that must be appreciated in order to ensure successful testing. To start, any
contamination of the surrounding materials by artificial radioisotopes will alter the readings and
can be difficult to isolate. Measurement accuracy of the probe is increased as the counting rate
and length of data acquisition at a given point is increased due to the decaying nature of
radioactive isotopes. This must be balanced against the logging speed and vertical resolution
requirements for a given project site. Additionally, the use and transportation radioactive
materials are regulated by both Federal and State agencies. Care must be exercised when
handling equipment to ensure the radioactive sources are not subject to excessive wear and
tear. Therefore nuclear methods are subject to extra logistical concerns relative to other
geophysical methods.


As previously discussed, all transportation projects are built on or with earthen materials and it
is important to understand their behavior and properties to ensure adequate long-term
function. The role of the geotechnical engineer can vary by project, but commonly entails the
development of suitable subsurface investigation operations to characterize the site conditions.
The data derived from subsurface investigations are evaluated to define stratification and

groundwater conditions and to develop appropriate soil/rock parameters for use in design. As
previously noted, several methods are available to successfully perform suitable subsurface
investigations, including geophysical methods. The following sections discuss the current state
of practice for subsurface investigations as related to transportation projects. Included in the
discussion are typical geotechnical investigation techniques, in situ methods to determine
geophysical parameters when geophysical techniques are unavailable or cannot be reasonably
obtained, and laboratory methods to determine geophysical parameters (e.g., shear wave
velocity) from soil samples. These sections do not provide detailed information on all available
subsurface methods; rather the focus is on providing an overview of typical subsurface
investigations and how geophysics can fit into this process. The reader is encouraged to review
other references that specifically focus on site investigations, including Mayne et al. (2002) and
Sabatini et al. (2002), for detailed information on the various subsurface investigation methods.


The design and execution of a geotechnical subsurface investigation is a multi-step process that
involves appropriate communication often among several parties, including the geo-
professional, the client, other engineers (e.g., structural engineer, project engineer, etc.), field
staff (e.g., maintenance, environmental, traffic coordinators, etc.), subsurface drillers,
permitting agencies, and other outside consultants (e.g., specialty drilling operators, geophysical
services, etc.). The type of investigation performed will vary depending on the nature of the
project (e.g., size, scope, new construction versus rehabilitation, etc.) and the site conditions
(e.g., topography, environmental constraints, etc.). Generally, geo-professionals are approached
to provide recommendations regarding subsurface conditions for new construction projects
(initial planning purposes or geotechnical design), for rehabilitation projects, and/or for
geoenvironmental concerns (e.g., contaminated sites) (Mayne et al. 2002). The most common
type of subsurface investigation project is performed for new construction (e.g., new
foundation). In these projects, the main purpose of the subsurface investigation is to obtain the
stratigraphy and engineering properties of the soil or rock at the site that could affect the design
of the project, while minimizing exploration costs (Caltrans 2015, ASTM D420). A typical
subsurface investigation for new construction involves multiple stages, progressing from
preliminary office/field reconnaissance to designing/planning an appropriate subsurface
investigation plan, and finally to executing the investigation, interpreting the results, and

developing a corresponding geotechnical report summarizing the findings. A number of
documents address the general development and execution of subsurface exploration plans
(NAVFAC 1986; AASHTO 1988, currently being revised under NCHRP Project 21-10; USACE 2001;
Mayne et al. 2002; Sabatini et al. 2002; ASTM D420). Moreover, the Caltrans Geotechnical
Manual has a section devoted to geotechnical investigations that documents the Department’s
standards of practice for characterizing subsurface conditions (Caltrans 2015). The following
sections are not meant to replace these references and the reader is encouraged to review
them as appropriate. Instead, the following sections synthesize these references and briefly
discuss major highlights within the investigation phases and the role of geophysical methods in
the process. Subsurface Exploration Plan

Prior to the initiation of field subsurface investigations, it is imperative that a well-defined
exploration plan is established to ensure that the engineer is able to obtain all the necessary
data to perform engineering analyses and design. The required subsurface data and
corresponding exploration plan will depend on the nature of the proposed project (e.g., Table
2.3). Therefore, it is vital to review the proposed project request and plans with the client so
that any questions regarding the scope of the work are clarified. For projects in the planning
phase (i.e., K and 0 phase in Caltrans terminology), the purpose of the field investigation is to
gather existing site information, evaluate if the proposed work is appropriate, and to support
preliminary recommendations (Caltrans 2015). Design-phase (i.e., 1 phase in Caltrans
terminology) subsurface exploration must adequately define stratigraphy and engineering
properties of the soils and rocks that can impact the proposed project (Caltrans 2015). This
subsurface exploration plan should consider all available investigation techniques, including
hand augers and/or test pits, subsurface drilling (with disturbed and undisturbed sampling), in
situ testing, geophysical investigations, and remote sensing. Generally, the subsurface
exploration plan should stipulate that remote sensing and geophysical techniques (if necessary)
be conducted prior to subsurface drilling as these methods are faster, less invasive, and can
provide supplementary information to guide subsurface drilling (Mayne et al. 2002).

Table 2.3: Summary of typical transportation project requirements and necessary subsurface
information (adapted from Sabatini et al. 2002).

No matter the intended purpose of the subsurface investigations (i.e., planning versus design
phase project), the development of a thorough subsurface exploration plan begins with office
reconnaissance performed to identify any existing information regarding the project site (Mayne
et al. 2002; ASTM D420; Caltrans 2015). The results from such an investigation can provide a
wealth of geologic and historic information that will benefit subsequent planning of subsurface
investigations and minimize surprises in the field (Mayne et al. 2002). For example, Sabatini et
al. (2002) provides a useful flow chart to aid engineers in selecting appropriate properties for
earth materials and includes a review of existing documents as the first step in that process (Fig.
2.1). Existing information regarding site conditions can be found within a number of potential
data sources, many of which are publically accessible or available at a modest cost (Mayne et al.
• Prior subsurface investigations (historical data) from areas nearby the project site. Caltrans
maintains an internal website for archiving geotechnical reports, laboratory tests, and
boring logs [Digital Archive of Geotechnical Services (GeoDOG)].
• Construction records from prior projects at or nearby the site.
• Geologic and topographic maps, reports, and publications [available from the United States
Geological Survey (USGS) and California Geological Survey, geological societies, university
libraries and geology departments, Library of Congress, DOT libraries, public libraries, etc.]
• Flood zone maps [available from USGS, California Geological Survey, and/or the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)].
• Soil survey maps [e.g., Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Soil Maps]
• Aerial photographs (USGS, SCS, Earth Resource Observation System, Google Earth).
• Remote sensing images (LANDSAT, Skylab, and NASA).
• Environmental studies and ground water information [e.g., USGS, United States
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), California Department of Water Resources (DWR),
• Earthquake data, seismic hazard maps, and fault information (available from various
agencies, including USGS, California Geological Survey, Earthquake Engineering Research
Center (EERC), Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI), National Earthquake
Engineering Research Program (NEERP), Multidisciplinary Center of Earthquake Engineering
Research (MCEER), Advanced Technology Council (ATC), Mid-America Earthquake Center
(MAEC), and the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Center (PEER)]

In addition to the aforementioned sources, consultations with other geo-professionals who may
have some experience with the site or nearby locations can prove very useful.

Figure 2.1: Flow chart for selecting appropriate engineering properties of soil and rock for use
in design (Sabatini et al. 2002).

Once existing data has been reviewed, a reconnaissance site visit should be performed to better
understand the geotechnical, topographic, and geological features of the site and to become
knowledgeable of access and working conditions (e.g., traffic control requirements, proximity to
nearby structures and utilities, presence of environmentally sensitive areas, etc.) (Mayne et al.

2002; Caltrans 2015). It may be necessary to perform multiple visits for more complicated site
conditions. The goal is to develop a working preliminary model of the site that can guide the
development of an appropriate subsurface investigation plan and the selection of potential
design options (Sabatini et al. 2002). For example, a preliminary site model may note the
presence of significant alluvial soils that may provide inaccurate “top of rock” estimates with
traditional drilling procedures, prevent the use of certain in situ test methods, and potentially
preclude the use of driven pile foundation designs (Sabatini et al. 2002). Or the preliminary site
model could identify significantly heterogeneous strata across the site that must be better
characterized by in situ testing or geophysical methods. Therefore, depending on the nature of
the site and the project, it may be necessary to incorporate geophysical methods as part of the
initial reconnaissance to better understand site subsurface conditions for subsequent
explorations. Finally, the reconnaissance visit(s) can also be used to mark the site for utility
clearance and to establish a benchmark for any future potential borings.

Following the review of existing data and the field reconnaissance of the site, a subsurface
exploration plan can then be established that is best suited based on the project design
requirements, previously available subsurface information, current site conditions, availability of
equipment, and local practice. The types of subsurface investigation methods and spatial
frequency with which they are performed will be tailored to the specific project needs. The
subsurface investigation plan should also take into account anticipated needs for laboratory
testing so that appropriate sampling of soils is performed. The subsurface exploration plan
should be flexible to ensure it can be modified to suit unanticipated subsurface conditions once
the field investigations are initiated. Given the wide range in drilling, sampling, in situ testing,
and geophysical testing techniques combined with the uniqueness of each site and project, a
prescriptive approach is not advisable nor provided in this document (and other documents
regarding subsurface investigations). Instead, the following sections provide a summary of items
to consider when developing the subsurface exploration plan and the role of geophysical
methods within that framework. Subsurface Drilling and In Situ Testing

For a significant percentage of projects, subsurface exploration entails the drilling of boreholes
to obtain information about the on-site earth materials. Borings can be used to obtain high

quality “undisturbed” and lower quality “disturbed” samples for laboratory testing. To avoid
issues related to sample disturbance, in situ testing may be performed within borings or as
standalone tests to evaluate the earth materials properties. The focus of this section is to briefly
summarize general topics related to subsurface drilling and in situ testing. Sampling techniques
and the use of laboratory tests to determine engineering properties is presented in It is
assumed that the reader is familiar with typical subsurface drilling techniques such as auger
borings and rotary wash techniques and in situ testing methods such as the standard
penetration test (SPT), cone penetration test (CPT), flat plate dilatometer (DMT), and other
similar techniques. For review, the reader is encouraged to review the various references
available that discuss subsurface drilling techniques and in situ test methods in more detail (e.g.,
ASTM D4700; AASHTO 1988; Schmertmann 1988; Briaud 1989; USACE 2001; Briaud and Miran
2002; Mayne et al. 2002; Sabatini et al. 2002).

The use of subsurface drilling and in situ testing should not take a “one size fits all” approach, as
many factors will influence decisions regarding drilling method, boring locations and depths, and
number/types of in situ tests to perform. These factors include the proposed structure, geologic
constraints, expected stratigraphy and heterogeneity, and access issues for drilling equipment,
among others. Additionally, augmenting site explorations with geophysical methods can help
fine tune the location, amount, and depths of drilling operations and in situ tests. In some cases,
subsurface stratigraphy and material properties can be developed by supplementing limited
laboratory testing (and associated drilling for samples) with rapid in situ test methods such as
CPT and DMT. Therefore, drilling frequency and depth will be limited. General guidelines exist
regarding minimum number of borings as well as depth to extend borings depending on project
type (Tables 2.4 – 2.6). However, these guidelines are by no means definitive and they should be
considered as initial recommendations because actual boring spacing and depth will be highly
project- and site-dependent. In addition to general guidelines provided in Tables 2.4 – 2.6, ASTM
standards exist regarding subsurface drilling and various in situ testing techniques. Relevant
ASTM standards are summarized in Table 2.7.

Table 2.4: Minimum recommendations for boring depths (Mayne et al. 2002).

Table 2.5: Minimum recommendations for boring layout (Mayne et al. 2002).

Table 2.6: Minimum recommendations for number and depths of borings (Sabatini et al.

Standard Title
D420 Standard Guide to Site Characterization for Engineering Design and Construction Purposes
D653 Standard Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained Fluids
D1452 Standard Practice for Soil Exploration and Sampling by Auger Borings
D1586 Standard Test Method for Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils
D1587 Standard Practice for Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of Soils for Geotechnical Purposes
D2113 Standard Practice for Rock Core Drilling and Sampling of Rock for Site Exploration
D2487 Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil
Classification System)
D2488 Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure)
D2573 Standard Test Method for Field Vane Shear Test in Saturated Fine-Grained Soils
D2944 Standard Practice of Sampling Processed Peat Materials
D3213 Standard Practices for Handling, Storing, and Preparing Soft Intact Marine Soil
D3282 Standard Practice for Classification of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures for Highway
Construction Purposes
D3441 Standard Test Method for Mechanical Cone Penetration Tests of Soil
D3550 Standard Practice for Thick Wall, Ring-Lined, Split Barrel, Drive Sampling of Soils
D4083 Standard Practice for Description of Frozen Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure)
D4220 Standard Practices for Preserving and Transporting Soil Samples
D4394 Standard Test Method for Determining In Situ Modulus of Deformation of Rock Mass Using
Rigid Plate Loading Method
D4395 Standard Test Method for Determining In Situ Modulus of Deformation of Rock Mass Using
Flexible Plate Loading Method
D4429 Standard Test Method for CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of Soils in Place
D4544 Standard Practice for Estimating Peat Deposit Thickness
D4553 Standard Test Method for Determining In Situ Creep Characteristics of Rock
D4554 Standard Test Method for In Situ Determination of Direct Shear Strength of Rock
D4555 Standard Test Method for Determining Deformability and Strength of Weak Rock by an In
Situ Uniaxial Compressive Test
D4623 Standard Test Method for Determination of In Situ Stress in Rock Mass by Overcoring
Method—USBM Borehole Deformation Gauge
D4630 Standard Test Method for Determining Transmissivity and Storage Coefficient of Low-
Permeability Rocks by In Situ Measurements Using the Constant Head Injection Test
D4631 Standard Test Method for Determining Transmissivity and Storativity of Low Permeability
Rocks by In Situ Measurements Using Pressure Pulse Technique
D4633 Standard Test Method for Energy Measurement for Dynamic Penetrometers
D4700 Standard Guide for Soil Sampling from the Vadose Zone
D4719 Standard Test Methods for Prebored Pressuremeter Testing in Soils
D4729 Standard Test Method for In Situ Stress and Modulus of Deformation Using Flatjack Method
D4750 Standard Test Method for Determining Subsurface Liquid Levels in a Borehole or Monitoring
Well (Observation Well)

Table 2.7: Relevant ASTM standards regarding subsurface drilling, sampling, and in situ

Standard Title
D4879 Standard Guide for Geotechnical Mapping of Large Underground Openings in Rock
D4971 Standard Test Method for Determining In Situ Modulus of Deformation of Rock Using
Diametrically Loaded 76-mm (3-in.) Borehole Jack
D5079 Standard Practices for Preserving and Transporting Rock Core Samples
D5092 Standard Practice for Design and Installation of Groundwater Monitoring Wells
D5195 Standard Test Method for Density of Soil and Rock In-Place at Depths Below Surface by
Nuclear Methods
D5220 Standard Test Method for Water Mass per Unit Volume of Soil and Rock In-Place by the
Neutron Depth Probe Method
D5434 Standard Guide for Field Logging of Subsurface Explorations of Soil and Rock
D5730 Standard Guide for Site Characterization for Environmental Purposes With Emphasis on Soil,
Rock, the Vadose Zone and Groundwater
D5778 Standard Test Method for Electronic Friction Cone and Piezocone Penetration Testing of Soils
D5878 Standard Guides for Using Rock-Mass Classification Systems for Engineering Purposes
D5911 Standard Practice for Minimum Set of Data Elements to Identify a Soil Sampling Site
D6032 Standard Test Method for Determining Rock Quality Designation (RQD) of Rock Core
D6066 Standard Practice for Determining the Normalized Penetration Resistance of Sands for
Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential
D6067 Standard Practice for Using the Electronic Piezocone Penetrometer Tests for Environmental
Site Characterization
D6151 Standard Practice for Using Hollow-Stem Augers for Geotechnical Exploration and Soil
D6168 Standard Guide for Selection of Minimum Set of Data Elements Required to Identify
Locations Chosen for Field Collection of Information to Describe Soil, Rock, and Their
Contained Fluids
D6169 Standard Guide for Selection of Soil and Rock Sampling Devices Used With Drill Rigs for
Environmental Investigations
D6282 Standard Guide for Direct Push Soil Sampling for Environmental Site Characterizations
D6286 Standard Guide for Selection of Drilling Methods for Environmental Site Characterization
D6517 Standard Guide for Field Preservation of Groundwater Samples
D6519 Standard Practice for Sampling of Soil Using the Hydraulically Operated Stationary Piston
D6635 Standard Test Method for Performing the Flat Plate Dilatometer
D6911 Standard Guide for Packaging and Shipping Environmental Samples for Laboratory Analysis
D6914 Standard Practice for Sonic Drilling for Site Characterization and the Installation of
Subsurface Monitoring Devices
D6938 Standard Test Method for In-Place Density and Water Content of Soil and Soil-Aggregate by
Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth)
D7015 Standard Practices for Obtaining Intact Block (Cubical and Cylindrical) Samples of Soils
D7380 Standard Test Method for Soil Compaction Determination at Shallow Depths Using 5-lb (2.3
kg) Dynamic Cone Penetrometer

Table 2.7 (cont.): Relevant ASTM standards regarding subsurface drilling, sampling, and in situ

In addition to sampling and in situ testing, borings performed as part of subsurface drilling
operations can potentially be used for borehole geophysical methods (e.g., down-hole seismic,
cross-hole seismic, televiewer, borehole radar, etc.). However, special care must be taken when
constructing these boreholes as the requirements for high quality data may necessitate different
techniques and extra precautions during drilling. For example, in cases of soft soils and running
sands, the borehole will need to be stabilized prior to borehole geophysical tests, otherwise the
user runs the risk of losing equipment due to caving of the borehole. Often, this entails the
installation of a rigid casing such as PVC or steel piping to line the borehole walls. In such cases,
the quality of the geophysical test results is highly dependent on the coupling between the
borehole wall and casing. Any gaps between the borehole wall and casing must be filled with a
suitable grout mixture to ensure adequate coupling. ASTM standards exist for a number of
borehole geophysical methods that provide directions regarding borehole construction
specifically for these geophysical operations (e.g., ASTM D4428). A list of relevant ASTM
standards for borehole and surface geophysical methods typically used in geotechnical
subsurface exploration operations is provided in Table 2.8.

Standard Title
C1383 Standard Test Method for Measuring the P-Wave Speed and the Thickness of Concrete Plates
Using the Impact-Echo Method
D4428 Standard Test Methods for Crosshole Seismic Testing
D4695 Standard Guide for General Pavement Deflection Measurements
D4748 Standard Test Method for Determining the Thickness of Bound Pavement Layers Using Short-
Pulse Radar
D4788 Standard Test Method for Detecting Delaminations in Bridge Decks Using Infrared
D5518 Standard Guide for Acquisition of File Aerial Photography and Imagery for Establishing
Historic Site-Use and Surficial Conditions
D5753 Standard Guide for Planning and Conducting Borehole Geophysical Logging
D5777 Standard Guide for Using the Seismic Refraction Method for Subsurface Investigation
D5882 Standard Test Method for Low Strain Impact Integrity Testing of Deep Foundations
D6167 Standard Guide for Conducting Borehole Geophysical Logging: Mechanical Caliper
D6274 Standard Guide for Conducting Borehole Geophysical Logging – Gamma
D6429 Standard Guide for Selecting Surface Geophysical Methods
D6430 Standard Guide for Using the Gravity Method for Subsurface Investigation

Table 2.8: Relevant ASTM standards regarding geophysical and non-destructive testing.

Standard Title
D6431 Standard Guide for Using the Direct Current Resistivity Method for Subsurface Investigation
D6432 Standard Guide for Using the Surface Ground Penetrating Radar Method for Subsurface
D6639 Standard Guide for Using the Frequency Domain Electromagnetic Method for Subsurface
D6726 Standard Guide for Conducting Borehole Geophysical Logging - Electromagnetic Induction
D6727 Standard Guide for Conducting Borehole Geophysical Logging – Neutron
D6758 Standard Test Method for Measuring Stiffness and Apparent Modulus of Soil and Soil-
Aggregate In-Place by Electro-Mechanical Method
D6760 Standard Test Method for Integrity Testing of Concrete Deep Foundations by Ultrasonic
Crosshole Testing
D6780 Standard Test Method for Water Content and Density of Soil In situ by Time Domain
Reflectometry (TDR)
D6820 Standard Guide for Use of the Time Domain Electromagnetic Method for Subsurface
D7046 Standard Guide for Use of the Metal Detection Method for Subsurface Exploration
D7128 Standard Guide for Using the Seismic-Reflection Method for Shallow Subsurface Investigation
D7383 Standard Test Methods for Axial Compressive Force Pulse (Rapid) Testing of Deep
D7400 Standard Test Methods for Downhole Seismic Testing
D7698 Standard Test Method for In-Place Estimation of Density and Water Content of Soil and
Aggregate by Correlation with Complex Impedance Method
D7759 Standard Guide for Nuclear Surface Moisture and Density Gauge Calibration
D7830 Standard Test Method for In-Place Density (Unit Weight) and Water Content of Soil Using an
Electromagnetic Soil Density Gauge
E1543 Standard Practice for Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference of Thermal Imaging Systems
E2583 Standard Test Method for Measuring Deflections with a Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD)
G 57 Standard Test Method for Field Measurement of Soil Resistivity Using the Wenner Four-
Electrode Method

Table 2.8 (cont.): Relevant ASTM standards regarding geophysical and non-destructive testing.

Finally, on site drilling operations can potentially be used as a seismic source for geophysical
testing (Fig. 2.2). Such seismic-while-drilling (SWD) techniques were originally developed in the
1980’s by the petroleum engineering industry for application to oil and gas exploration (e.g.,
Angeleri et al. 1990). SWD typically consists of using surficial sensors to record the waveforms
caused by a rotary-cone bit as each tooth impacts and chisels the rock during drilling operations.
A reference sensor at the top of the drill string is also used to record the source signature. The
reference sensor response is cross-correlated to the surface sensor response to compute a
travel time. Data analysis essentially proceeds in a similar manner to vertical seismic profiling
(Gal’perin 1974; Hardage 1985), a form of downhole seismic testing, since SWD reverses the
source and receiver positions (Rector and Marion 1991). Literature on SWD is plentiful within

the exploratory geophysics and petroleum engineering community (e.g.,
Rector et al. 1989; Rector and Marion 1991; Asanuma and Niitsuma 1992; Haldorsen et al. 1995;
Petronio et al. 1999; Malusa et al. 2002; Rocca et al. 2005; Anchliya 2006; Reppert 2013) and
Poletto and Miranda (2004) contains a thorough discussion of the technique and history of SWD.
However, its usage has declined as drilling operations for petroleum sources have increasingly
utilized poly-diamond-composite (PDC) bits. PDC bits scrape through the rock, which proves to
be a less effective seismic source for SWD compared to the impact and chiseling action of
rotary-cone bits (Poletto and Miranda 2004). Additionally, the technique has seen little usage
for geotechnical purposes, likely due to expense and the differences in drilling operations
through softer earth materials encountered near the surface.

Figure 2.2: Schematic of the seismic-while-drilling (SWD) technique (Rocca et al. 2005). Sampling and Laboratory Testing

As previously noted, borings are routinely used in geotechnical subsurface exploration to sample
the on-site earth materials and evaluate their engineering properties via laboratory testing. The
focus of this section is to briefly summarize general topics related to subsurface sampling and
laboratory testing, particularly as relevant to geophysical methods. As before, it is assumed that
the reader is familiar with typical subsurface drilling and sampling techniques and is encouraged

to review the various references available that discuss them in more detail (e.g., NAVFAC 1986;
AASHTO 1988; USACE 2001; Mayne et al. 2002; Sabatini et al. 2002).

When designing and performing a subsurface exploration plan involving subsurface sampling,
special care must be exercised when prescribing the sampling method to ensure enough
appropriate samples are available for laboratory testing. The quality of the sample is highly
dependent on sampling technique, which also dictates the suitability of different laboratory
tests for a given sample. For example, highly disturbed sampling techniques [e.g., augering
(ASTM D1452), split-spoon sampling via SPT (ASTM D1586, D3550), etc.] can completely destroy
the in situ soil structure/fabric. Such samples are only suitable for index type laboratory tests
such as sieve analysis, plasticity testing, compaction, and similar tests. Undisturbed soil samples
are required for performing laboratory strength and consolidation testing. Since it is impossible
to collect truly undisturbed samples, the goal of high-quality undisturbed sampling in
geotechnical practice is to minimize changes in soil structure, moisture content, void ratio, and
chemical composition during sampling. This is typically accomplished with thin-walled (Shelby)
tube sampling (ASTM D1587), though alternative methods exist such as piston (ASTM D6519)
and pitcher samplers and block sampling techniques (ASTM D7015). Selection of sampling
technique is a function of geologic conditions, depth and spacing of boreholes, and project
needs. For example, undisturbed sampling may not be necessary for all boreholes in cases when
they are closely spaced and when the subsurface stratigraphy is relatively uniform. For planning
phase projects, sampling may not be necessary at all, particularly if geophysical methods can be
used to provide enough level of detail regarding site conditions to perform preliminary design
assessments. Finally, certain soils are particularly difficult to sample (e.g., alluvial soils with
significant gravel and/or stone content, highly cemented granular soils, etc.) and may require
alternative sampling techniques outside of typical split-barrel or Shelby tube sampling.
Geophysical techniques may prove useful in such circumstances where alternative sampling
techniques are required and cost-prohibitive. Sampling of rock is typically accomplished using a
number of rock coring techniques/equipment (as summarized in ASTM D2113), with double-
tube core barrels commonly employed and wireline techniques preferred for their efficiency.

In terms of frequency of sampling, many factors will affect selection of appropriate sampling
depths and intervals, including site conditions, nature of the project, and required design

parameters. Common practice typically involves sampling continuously or with a very small (i.e.,
0.75 m) interval in the upper 3 m of a site, sampling at 1.5 m intervals up to 30 m, and increasing
sampling interval to every 3 m at depths greater than 30 m (Mayne et al. 2002; Sabatini et al.
2002). However, this selection of sampling intervals is by no means definitive given the wide
ranges in site geologic conditions and project requirements. Generally speaking, site subsurface
conditions that are more homogeneous will require fewer samples for testing. For sites with
soils that may prove difficult to sample, increasing the sampling frequency should be considered
to offset the number of samples that may be unusable in the laboratory. As a general guideline,
a minimum of one undisturbed sample should be taken for each fine-grained stratum (Sabatini
et al. 2002). Therefore, in profiles where the strata are relatively thin and change frequently
with depth, sampling intervals may need to increase. However, this must be balanced against
design requirements. For example, frequent sampling may not be necessary in granular soils for
designs where settlement is of particular concern. Geophysical methods can be used to rapidly
provide information regarding site stratigraphy as part of the development of an initial site
subsurface model and can therefore help to fine tune the selection of sampling frequency. For
example, seismic methods such as seismic refraction can identify areas of significant
heterogeneity and electrical methods such as resistivity imaging can identify thin lenses of fine-
grained cohesive soils. These observations can be used to select an appropriate sampling
frequency to ensure the necessary strata are sampled.

Once sampled, laboratory testing can be used to evaluate earth material properties as
appropriate for design purposes. This includes a number of index tests (e.g., plasticity indices,
unit weight, water content, etc.) as well as strength and consolidation tests. This document
assumes the reader is familiar with these typical laboratory tests as used to evaluate soil and
rock properties, and Table 2.9 provides a list of relevant ASTM standards. Any number of
introductory soil and rock mechanics texts and/or relevant subsurface investigation literature
(e.g., NAVFAC 1986; AASHTO 1988; USACE 2001; Mayne et al. 2002; Sabatini et al. 2002) can
provide additional background information as necessary. A laboratory testing program must be
developed in collaboration with the subsurface exploration plan to ensure drilling operations
provide adequate samples of the appropriate type for laboratory testing. Table 2.3 highlights
typical laboratory testing requirements for a range of transportation-related design projects. In
situ testing and geophysical methods can be used to provide complementary information and

avoid sampling disturbance effects. As previously noted, sampling disturbance is a major
concern regarding selection of appropriate samples. Once sampling has been performed, care
must also be exercised to ensure the samples are handled appropriately to prevent any
additional disturbances (e.g., ASTM D3213, D4220, and D6911). Finally, it should be noted that
laboratory testing can be performed to evaluate geophysical parameters of earth materials in
lieu of performing geophysical methods in the field. For example, ultrasonic testing (ASTM
D2845) can be performed using bender element on intact soil and rock samples to evaluate
shear wave and/or primary wave velocity (as a proxy for elastic moduli parameters). Specialized
laboratory equipment such as the resonant column test (ASTM D4015) can also be used to
establish modulus and damping parameters. Depending on the geophysical method considered
for field testing, resolution may be limited for deep thin strata. Sampling and application of the
aforementioned laboratory tests may therefore provide more thorough information for the
purposes of design, though the issue of sampling disturbance must be considered. Section 3.5 of
this document provides more detailed discussion of laboratory approaches to evaluate
geophysical parameters.

Standard Title
D421 Standard Practice for Dry Preparation of Soil Samples for Particle-Size Analysis and
Determination of Soil Constants
D422 Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils
D698 Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard
Effort (12 400 ft-lbf/ft3 (600 kN-m/m3))
D854 Standard Test Methods for Specific Gravity of Soil Solids by Water Pycnometer
D1140 Standard Test Methods for Determining the Amount of Material Finer than 75-µm (No. 200)
Sieve in Soils by Washing
D1557 Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified
Effort (56,000 ft-lbf/ft3 (2,700 kN-m/m3))
D1997 Standard Test Method for Laboratory Determination of the Fiber Content of Peat Samples by
Dry Mass
D2166 Standard Test Method for Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cohesive Soil
D2216 Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil
and Rock by Mass
D2435 Standard Test Methods for One-Dimensional Consolidation Properties of Soils Using
Incremental Loading
D2845 Standard Test Method for Laboratory Determination of Pulse Velocities and Ultrasonic Elastic
Constants of Rock

Table 2.9: Relevant ASTM standards regarding laboratory testing for earth materials.

Standard Title
D2850 Standard Test Method for Unconsolidated-Undrained Triaxial Compression Test on Cohesive
D2936 Standard Test Method for Direct Tensile Strength of Intact Rock Core Specimens
D3080 Standard Test Method for Direct Shear Test of Soils Under Consolidated Drained Conditions
D3967 Standard Test Method for Splitting Tensile Strength of Intact Rock Core Specimens
D3999 Standard Test Methods for the Determination of the Modulus and Damping Properties of
Soils Using the Cyclic Triaxial Apparatus
D4015 Standard Test Methods for Modulus and Damping of Soils by Fixed-Base Resonant Column
D4186 Standard Test Method for One-Dimensional Consolidation Properties of Saturated Cohesive
Soils Using Controlled-Strain Loading
D4221 Standard Test Method for Dispersive Characteristics of Clay Soil by Double Hydrometer
D4253 Standard Test Methods for Maximum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils Using a
Vibratory Table
D4254 Standard Test Methods for Minimum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils and Calculation
of Relative Density
D4318 Standard Test Methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils
D4373 Standard Test Method for Rapid Determination of Carbonate Content of Soils
D4427 Standard Classification of Peat Samples by Laboratory Testing
D4543 Standard Practices for Preparing Rock Core as Cylindrical Test Specimens and Verifying
Conformance to Dimensional and Shape Tolerances
D4546 Standard Test Methods for One-Dimensional Swell or Collapse of Soils
D4643 Standard Test Method for Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil by Microwave
Oven Heating
D4648 Standard Test Method for Laboratory Miniature Vane Shear Test for Saturated Fine-Grained
Clayey Soil
D4767 Standard Test Method for Consolidated Undrained Triaxial Compression Test for Cohesive
D4829 Standard Test Method for Expansion Index of Soils
D4943 Standard Test Method for Shrinkage Factors of Soils by the Wax Method
D4959 Standard Test Method for Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil By Direct
D5084 Standard Test Methods for Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity of Saturated Porous
Materials Using a Flexible Wall Permeameter
D5311 Standard Test Method for Load Controlled Cyclic Triaxial Strength of Soil
D5550 Standard Test Method for Specific Gravity of Soil Solids by Gas Pycnometer
D5607 Standard Test Method for Performing Laboratory Direct Shear Strength Tests of Rock
Specimens Under Constant Normal Force
D5856 Standard Test Method for Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity of Porous Material Using a
Rigid-Wall, Compaction-Mold Permeameter
D6467 Standard Test Method for Torsional Ring Shear Test to Determine Drained Residual Shear
Strength of Cohesive Soils

Table 2.9 (cont.): Relevant ASTM standards regarding laboratory testing for earth materials.

Standard Title
D6528 Standard Test Method for Consolidated Undrained Direct Simple Shear Testing of Cohesive
D6913 Standard Test Methods for Particle-Size Distribution (Gradation) of Soils Using Sieve Analysis
D7012 Standard Test Methods for Compressive Strength and Elastic Moduli of Intact Rock Core
Specimens under Varying States of Stress and Temperatures
D7070 Standard Test Methods for Creep of Rock Core Under Constant Stress and Temperature
D7181 Method for Consolidated Drained Triaxial Compression Test for Soils
D7263 Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Determination of Density (Unit Weight) of Soil
D7608 Standard Test Method for Torsional Ring Shear Test to Determine Drained Fully Softened
Shear Strength and Nonlinear Strength Envelope of Cohesive Soils (Using Normally
Consolidated Specimen) for Slopes with No Preexisting Shear Surfaces

Table 2.9 (cont.): Relevant ASTM standards regarding laboratory testing for earth materials. Role of Geophysics

As has been previously noted, geophysical methods can play an integral role at various junctures
in the subsurface investigation process because of their ability to quickly provide information
over a much larger area than subsurface drilling, in situ testing, and laboratory testing of
acquired samples. For planning phase projects (i.e., K and 0 phase), subsurface investigations
involving drilling, in situ testing, and geophysics are not typically performed (Caltrans 2015).
However, should some form of subsurface investigation prove necessary or highly beneficial,
geophysics may potentially provide all the information necessary for planning phase projects. In
the initial stages of design phase projects (i.e., 1 phase) during which the subsurface exploration
plan is being developed, geophysical methods can aid in tailoring any drilling operations and in
situ tests based on site subsurface conditions. For example, during initial review of existing
sources of data, previous geophysical reports can serve to highlight various aspects of
subsurface conditions in and around the project site. Additionally, depending on the nature of
the site and project, the initial site reconnaissance can also serve as an opportunity to perform
some rapid geophysical tests (e.g., seismic refraction) to establish baseline subsurface
conditions. In this context, often the role of geophysics is more qualitative, whereby engineering
properties of soil and rock are not necessarily estimated using geophysical measurements.
Instead, geophysical methods provide a means of rapid and thorough visualization of site
subsurface conditions, including the location of utilities and other embedded objects that could
affect drilling operations, depth to water table, and general stratigraphy.

In the latter stages of subsurface exploration plans during which field operations have been
initiated, geophysical methods serve a more quantitative role where they can be used to
estimate engineering properties of subsurface materials. The main focus of this document is to
provide feedback regarding the various relationships that exist where geophysical
measurements can be correlated to such engineering properties for soil and rock. Depending on
the nature of the project and availability of existing subsurface data, geophysical methods can
be combined with the relationships summarized in this document to potentially replace typical
drilling, sampling, and in situ testing procedures. In other cases, geophysical methods in
isolation may not sufficiently provide conclusive information to adequately constrain designs.
The uncertainty and scatter inherent in the relationships between geophysical measurements
and engineering properties of soil and rock may prove too high for sensitive projects or the
results from geophysical methods may be too ambiguous. In such cases, geophysical methods
can be used to augment typical drilling, sampling, and in situ testing procedures. For example,
borehole geophysical techniques can be used selectively at certain borings to provide
complementary information regarding different stratigraphic units. Surface geophysical
methods can also augment drilling operations by providing a means to bridge the gap between
successive boring locations (sometimes in near real-time as in SWD). Geophysical methods can
also be combined with the results from other subsurface investigation techniques to allow for
the development of site-specific correlations from which to assign soil and rock properties.
These site-specific correlations will suffer from less uncertainty and scatter in relationship to
those presented in this document. Moreover, the broad area of coverage and rapid nature of
data acquisition can provide a much larger amount of information about the site for a modest
cost, particularly when geophysical methods are correlated to site borings and the costs
associated with surface wave methods are compared to the implementation of additional
borings. As with drilling, sampling, and laboratory operations, ASTM standards have been
developed that provide guidance regarding appropriate implementation of various geophysical
methods. A summary of relevant ASTM geophysical standards is provided in Table 2.8.


This chapter discusses the various earth material properties that are obtained from several of
the methods introduced in Chapter 2. The material presented includes a summary of various
case histories from the literature where these geophysical methods were utilized as well as the
results from comprehensive projects to relate various parameters to geophysical
measurements. The initial focus of the chapter is on earth material properties that are broad in
scope and applicable across a number of geotechnical applications (e.g., void ratio, grading
factor, etc.). The latter sections focus specifically on the use of geophysical measurements to
obtain shear wave velocity for seismic design purposes.


As discussed in Chapter 2, traditional subsurface exploration operations often rely on drilling to

sample the subsurface and estimate geotechnical earth properties necessary for geotechnical
design (e.g., unit weight, void ratio, water content, strength, compressibility, etc.). Geophysical
methods, if utilized, are deployed to augment drilling operations and to provide qualitative
assessments of subsurface conditions by delineating boundaries between strata (e.g., locate
voids, top of rock, etc.). However, geophysical methods do allow for the determination of earth
material properties in addition to evaluating subsurface geometry. These measurements can
occur rapidly over a significant area of investigation and can reduce dependency on traditional
drilling and sampling approaches for site subsurface exploration. The following sections describe
the earth material properties that can be determined based on the corresponding geophysical
measurements. Care should be exercised with these relationships as many are highly empirical.
Citations are provided to allow the reader to locate the databases used when developing the
empirical expressions provided in this study. Should the site conditions significantly differ from
the conditions established in the databases, it is recommended that site-specific correlations be
established using the provided relationships as motivation for an appropriate functional form.


More than a quarter of DOT use of geophysical methods implements methods based on seismic
wave propagation (Sirles 2006) (Fig. 1.5). This is unsurprising since wave velocity (P-wave
and/or S-wave) is the primary measurement from seismic methods, and it is possible to obtain

the corresponding elastic parameters of the earth material from these measurements. The
velocities of these waves are directly linked to the stiffness and density of the material by the
following relationships in solid mechanics:



where VP is the P-wave velocity of the material, VS is the S-wave velocity, ρ is the density of the
material, M is the constrained modulus, B the bulk modulus, and G the shear modulus. Young’s
modulus (E) can be derived from knowledge of the bulk/constrained modulus and shear
modulus (and/or Poisson’ ratio, ν):


𝐸𝐸 = = = 2𝐺𝐺(1 + 𝜈𝜈) (3-3)
𝑀𝑀 − 𝐺𝐺 3𝐵𝐵 + 𝐺𝐺

Poisson’s ratio can be derived based on the ratio of VP to VS:


Given Eqs. 3-1 to 3-4, elastic parameters of earth materials can therefore be estimated based on
velocities measured using seismic methods (with assumptions regarding mass density of the
soil/rock). There are a number of situations where these moduli and Poisson’s ratio are
important for geotechnical purposes (e.g., estimating immediate settlements due to foundation
loads, estimating small-strain stiffness of soils for dynamic analysis, numerical modeling, etc.).
Moreover, the moduli themselves can often be related to a number of important engineering

parameters including soil strength (e.g., undrained shear strength of a clay). Discussion of the
specific relationships that have been developed to relate soil moduli and other soil parameters
is outside the scope of this reference document, and readers are encouraged to review
textbooks related to soil mechanics (e.g., Lambe and Whitman 1979; Holtz and Kovacs 1981) as
well as various manuals that have compiled such relationships (e.g., EPRI EL-6800 manual,
Kulhawy and Mayne 1990). Seismic methods provide an approach to directly estimate elastic
moduli in situ rather than rely on laboratory testing on potentially disturbed samples (highly
likely for sands unless freezing techniques are used) or on empirical relationships.


Strength parameters of earth materials are arguably one of the most important parameters
affecting geotechnical design. Knowledge of soil and/or rock strength is vital to many
geotechnical projects, including the design of foundations, retaining systems, and slopes. As
noted in 3.1.1, geophysical methods that generate mechanical waves inherently measure small-
strain (e.g., γ ≤ 10-3 %) parameters such as shear modulus. Typically, shear strength of earth
materials is a large strain phenomenon (e.g., γ ≈ 1 – 30%). However, many of the factors that
affect small strain stiffness share a physical link with large strain phenomena. For example,
shear strength of a sand is largely governed by void ratio and confining stress (e.g., Rowe 1962;
Lambe and Whitman 1979), which also affect VS. This forms the basis of a number of
relationships between elastic moduli and soil strength (as noted in 3.1.1). However, a handful of
studies have developed direct relationships between wave velocities and the strength of earth
materials that have exploited the link between small strain and large strain phenomena. The
following sections describe the results and proposed relationships from such studies for both
soil and rock. Shear Strength of Soils

A significant amount of research has been performed to develop relationships between
geophysical measurements of small strain stiffness (i.e., wave velocities) and strength
parameters of sands and clays. Much of the work has exploited the fact that both small strain
stiffness and strength are affected by void ratio, effective stress, stress history, soil fabric, age,
and degree of cementation among other factors (Guadalupe et al. 2013). Much of the research

has focused on establishing relationships between VS and undrained shear strength (su) of clays,
particularly in marine and/or offshore applications (Table 3.1).

Table 3.1: Examples of available correlations between the su of clays and VS or Gmax (L’Heureux
and Long 2017).

In many cases, the relationship between su and VS (or Gmax) is expressed using an exponential
functional form:

𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠 = a𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑢𝑏𝑏 (3-5)

where a and b are coefficients that result from the regression analysis. In establishing these
relationships (Table 3.1), multiple approaches have been used to measure both the VS (e.g., in
situ geophysical methods such as downhole seismic, laboratory bender element testing, etc.)
and the corresponding su (e.g., triaxial, simple shear, Fall cone test, etc.). An example of the
relative amount of scatter in these relationships is provided in Figs. 3.1 – 3.3. Fig. 3.1 plots the
Agaiby and Mayne (2015) VS-su variation for normally consolidated and/or lightly
overconsolidated clays derived from a database of 31 sites across the world (360 total
measurements). Fig. 3.2 plots the Levesques et al. (2007) VS-su variation for intact post-glacial
clays from eastern Canada and the North Sea. It should be noted that most of the proposed
relationships relate VS to su directly in an empirical manner. However, a handful of empirical

relationships also attempt to include the effects of other clay parameters that affect su,
including Plasticity Index (PI), OCR, and/or void ratio (e.g., Andersen 2015; Agaiby and Mayne


Figure 3.1: Relationships between triaxial compression su and downhole VS for: (a) NC to LOC
intact clays; and (b) intact NC, LOC, to OC and HOC fissured clays (Agaiby and Mayne 2015).

Figure 3.2: Relationship between su and VS for intact post-glacial clays from eastern Canada
and the North Sea (Levesques et al. 2007).

Figure 3.3: Relationships between su and VS for Norwegian clays: (a) CAUC triaxial tests; and
(b) CAUE triaxial tests (L’Heureux and Long 2017).

Less research is available in the literature that discusses the estimation of shear strength of
sands. A handful of studies have done so for grouted or lightly cemented sands (Sharma et al.
2011; Lee et al. 2014) where the strength parameter of interest is often the uniaxial
compressive strength for undrained loading. The functional form for estimating uniaxial
compressive strength is typically an exponential or power function similar to those proposed for
use with concrete and/or bedrock and similar to relationships proposed between su and VS for
clays (Eq. 3-5):

UCS = a𝑒𝑒 𝑏𝑏𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝 (3-6)

UCS = a𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝𝑏𝑏 (3-7)

where UCS is the uniaxial compressive strength of the cemented sand, a and b are regression
coefficients, and VP is the compression wave velocity of the cemented sand. However, a handful
of studies have examined drained strength of sands. For example Cha and Cho (2007) developed
a methodology that estimates the drained friction angle (φ) of a sandy soil using VS as measured
using field seismic methods (suspension PS logging in their study). The method utilized the
inherent link between φ and void ratio at a given stress. This relationship was established for the
four sandy soils tested in their study using oedometer and direct shear testing. A correlation was
then developed for the variation of VS with vertical effective stress at the maximum and
minimum possible void ratios (emax and emin) for each of the sandy soils. This correlation was
obtained using bender element testing (3.4.2) in the oedometer as the sandy soils were
reconstituted to specific e values. A linear variation for VS was assumed between emax and emin at
a given stress so that VS could be computed for any given e for that stress. Combining these
relationships together, an estimate for φ in the field proceeded as follows: (1) estimate vertical
effective stress profile with depth; (2) measure field VS using PS logging; (3) estimate e using the
field VS value; (4) estimate φ based on the known vertical effective stress at a given depth and
from the e computed using VS. Cha and Cho (2007) found reasonable agreement between the
estimated φ profile with depth and the profile estimating using in situ testing results (i.e.,
corrected blowcounts) (Fig. 3.4).

Figure 3.4: ϕ estimates using SPT and VS at one site in Korea (Cha and Cho 2007).

Other researchers have proposed empirical relationships between Gmax (as related to VS from Eq.
3-2) and the maximum principal stress at failure (σ’1f) based on transducer or bender element
testing and triaxial strength testing in the laboratory. Such relationships have been proposed for
clays (e.g., Baxter et al. 2015), lightly cemented sand (e.g., Sharma et al. 2011), calcareous sands
(Guadalupe-Torres 2013), non-plastic silts (Guadalupe-Torres 2013), and quartz sand
(Guadalupe-Torres 2013). In these studies, the ratio of Gmax/σ’1f has been shown to be have a
relatively small range in values (i.e., typically between 100 and 200) (Table 3.2). Based on these
results, the Gmax/σ’1f can serve as a parameter analogous to the Su/σ’v ratio in cohesive soils. In
this manner, field measurements of in situ VS using geophysical methods can be used to
estimate the variation of σ’1f with depth at a site. Such a profile can be combined with estimated
or measured values of σ’h to estimate shear strength parameters of soils for which undisturbed
sampling is difficult.

Table 3.2: Summary of ratios between Gmax and maximum principal stress at failure for soils
tested in Guadalupe-Torres (2013).

Finally, there are a limited number of relationships in the literature that directly relate the peak
drained friction angle φʹp to VS. One such example was proposed by Uzielli et al. (2013) for
quartz-silica sands having trace to little fines content (FC < 10%):

φ′𝑝𝑝 = 3.9(𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠1 )0.44 (3-8)


where VS is input in m/s and φʹp is given in degrees. One particular aspect of the Uzielli et al.
(2013) relationship is that it was developed using a probabilistic framework so that a target
probability (pt) of non-exceedance can be assigned (Fig. 3.5). Eq. 3-8 is a best fit deterministic
line through the data.

Figure 3.5: Relationship between ϕʹ and VS developed using a probabilistic framework that
assigns a probability of non-exceedance (Uzielli et al. 2013).

Care should be exercised when applying the relationships highlighted in this section.
Determination of soil shear strength is a vital aspect of many geotechnical projects and
misidentification of strength can lead to failures. The empirical relationships in this section
contain anywhere from a reasonable amount to a large amount of scatter. Additionally, some of
the correlations are not derived from robust databases representing a wide range of conditions.
However, the general approach utilized to develop some of these relationships can be
performed at a smaller scale (e.g., across a single site, within a general metropolitan region, etc.)
to develop relationships that are better calibrated for site-specific analyses beyond the
preliminary design phase. Given the efficiency and broad spatial coverage offered by

geophysical methods, such relationships can prove highly beneficial for design, particularly at
sites where undisturbed soil sampling is difficult. Unconfined Compressive Strength of Rock

The unconfined compressive strength (UCS) (also referred to as uniaxial compressive strength)
of rock plays an important role in geotechnical design, particularly as related to estimating the
capacity of deep foundations socketed into bedrock. Moreover, bedrock properties may change
drastically throughout a site based on weathering and fracturing patterns. As a result, a number
of studies have attempted to correlate the UCS of rock to seismic velocities since the velocities
can be established on a broader scale throughout a site using seismic reflection/refraction.
Tables 3.3 – 3.6 and Figs. 3.6 – 3.12 highlight a number of such correlations as available in the
literature. Rucker (2008) argues that UCS values estimated from seismic velocities are likely
conservative as the seismic waves propagate through the entire rock mass and are slower due
to fracturing whereas UCS laboratory testing is often performed on intact specimens of the rock.
However, such correlations between UCS and seismic velocities may be inappropriate for shales
as noted in Barton (2007). Finally, as has been the case with many of the earth material
properties correlated to seismic velocities, there is appreciable scatter in the UCS-velocity data
and the selected UCS values should be purposefully selected to be conservative.

Table 3.3: Summary of published relationships between VP and UCS (Yagiz 2011).

Table 3.4: Summary of published relationships between UCS and physical properties of
sandstone rocks (Chang et al. 2006). Note: Δt = 1/VP represents the interval transit time.

Table 3.5: Summary of published relationships between UCS and physical properties of shale
rocks (Chang et al. 2006). Note: Δt = 1/VP represents the interval transit time.

Table 3.6: Summary of published relationships between UCS and physical properties of
limestone/dolomite rocks (Chang et al. 2006). Note: Δt = 1/VP represents the interval transit

Figure 3.6: Relationship between UCS and seismic velocity developed through relationships of
low strain to high strain modulus derived from seismic velocities and static UCS testing.
(Rucker 2008).

Figure 3.7: Relationship between UCS, VP, and degree of weathering (Hiltunen et al. 2011).

Figure 3.8: Relationship between UCS and VP (adapted from Barton 2007).

Figure 3.9: Comparison of a number of relationships for UCS as a function of VP (Yagiz 2011).

Figure 3.10: Empirical relationships between UCS and VP for 260 sandstones (adapted from
Chang et al. 2006). Note: Numbers within plot denote equations in Table 3.4.

Figure 3.11: Empirical relationships between UCS and VP for 100 shales (adapted from Chang
et al. 2006). Note: Numbers within plot denote equations in Table 3.5.

Figure 3.12: Empirical relationships between UCS and VP for 140 limestones/dolomites
(adapted from Chang et al. 2006). Note: Numbers within plot denote equations in Table 3.6.

The volumetric response of soils is an important aspect of geotechnical design. Consolidation
reflects changes in stress state and the corresponding transfer of loading from pore pressure to
skeletal stresses. Secondary compression reflects the effects of long term rearrangement of soil
fabric (i.e., creep). The resulting changes in effective stress and/or void ratio can impact small
strain stiffness (and thereby seismic velocity). Based on this mechanical link, a number of
researchers have explored the relationship between consolidation parameters and geophysical
measurements of seismic velocity.

Figure 3.13: VS for a marine clay as a function of vertical effective stress and loading conditions
during consolidation in an oedometer (Lee et al. 2008).

Typically, these studies have attempted to examine the VS at the end of primary consolidation to
develop relationships between VS, void ratio, and/or effective stress (e.g., Viggiani and Atkinson
1995; Rampello et al. 1997). Some, such as Lee et al. (2008), examined this relationship as a
function of effective stress, load stage, and time of consolidation (Fig. 3.13). In both approaches,
the link between VS and consolidation behavior of a soil was quite evident given the similarity in
the resulting trends when plotted against effective stress. Moreover, Yoon et al. (2011)
demonstrated that predictions of preconsolidation pressure (σpʹ) from geophysical
measurements at Korean sites agreed favorably with many of the existing approaches that
estimate from the void ratio-pressure (e-σʹ) plot (Fig. 3.14). This approach was simply based on
examining the inflection point of the VS-σʹ trendlines as the soil transitioned from
recompression to virgin compression (Fig. 3.15).

Figure 3.14: Comparison of σʹp estimates for 11 Korean clays: C = Casagrande, J = Janbu, B =
Becker, S = Sridharan, O = Onitsuka, and VS = Shear wave method (Yoon et al. 2011).

Figure 3.15: Example of approach used in Yoon et al. (2011) to estimate σʹp (pʹ in figure) from
VS measurements during consolidation in an oedometer.

In a similar manner, L’Heureux and Long (2017) presents a best fit trendline between VS and σpʹ
[determined using the Janbu (1963) procedure] for data from 14 sites in Norway (Fig. 3.16):

𝜎𝜎𝑝𝑝′ = 0.00769𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠2.009 (3-10)

Figure 3.16: Relationship between σʹp (pʹc in figure) and VS for Norwegian clays (adapted from
L’Heureux and Long 2007).

Mayne et al. (1998) developed a similar relationship based on 262 pairings of VS-σpʹ data at
various clay sites:


where VS is express in m/s and σpʹ in kPa. Finally, Lok et al. (2015) developed an empirical
relationship that allowed the secondary compression index to be estimated from VS
measurements, assuming information is known about the end of consolidation parameters (i.e.,
tp and ep):


where VS is the measured shear wave velocity (measured using bender elements in this study),
VS,p is the shear wave velocity at the end of primary consolidation, Cα is the secondary
compression index, ep is the void ratio at the end of primary consolidation, and tp is the time at
the end of primary consolidation. This relationship was based on comparing the time rate of

deformations to the changes in VS with time and normalizing based on the conditions present at
the end of consolidation for two undisturbed and two reconstituted Macau clay samples (Fig.
3.17). Given the limited database, this relationship is highly site/soil specific and is not
recommended for general usage. However, this approach demonstrates tremendous potential
as a field monitoring tool. A site specific correlation similar to Eq. 3-12 could be developed
based on a relatively small amount of laboratory consolidation testing in an oedometer fitted
with bender elements. It would then be possible to use field-based seismic methods to monitor
long term secondary compression effects after construction to ensure compatibility with
analytical results during design.



Figure 3.17: Relationship between secondary compression and VS in Lok et al. (2015): (a) time
histories for all four samples; and (b) normalized time histories for all four samples.

The coefficient of lateral earth pressure for at rest conditions (Ko) represents the ratio of the in
situ horizontal effective stress (σ’ho) to the in situ vertical effective stress (σ’vo). Since this
parameter relates to the in situ stress state in soil, it is routinely found in a number of
geotechnical applications, including the interpretation of laboratory and in situ tests, the design
of retaining and excavation support systems, and the evaluation of the shaft friction in deep
foundations (Simpson 1992; Fioravante et al. 1998). Given the many applications, Ko is an
important parameter in the design of geotechnical transportation projects. However, it can be
quite difficult to reliably measure Ko due to the many factors that affect the stress state in soils.
For example Ko in clays is highly influenced by the many mechanisms that affect its structure,
including mechanical overconsolidation, ageing, cementation, and physico-chemical changes
(Jamiolkowski et al. 1985; Fioravante et al. 1998; Puppala et al. 2006). The current state of
practice typically estimates Ko from the Jaky (1944) empirical relationships for normally
consolidated (NC) clays with modifications that include the effects of overconsolidation ratio
typically estimate from laboratory testing on high quality undisturbed samples (e.g., Sivakumar
et al. 2001):

𝐾𝐾𝑣𝑣 = (1 − sin 𝜑𝜑)𝑂𝑂𝐶𝐶𝑂𝑂𝑎𝑎 (3-13)

where φ is the friction angle, OCR is the overconsolidation ratio, and m is often computed as m =
sinφ and typically varies between 0.4 and 0.7 depending on clay mineralogy (Mayne and
Kulhawy 1982; Lunne and Christophersen 1983). In situ testing methods have been developed
that allow for rapid estimates of Ko profiles under field conditions. These methods include direct
tests [e.g., self-boring pressuremeter test (SBPMT)], semi-direct tests (e.g., total stress cells,
Iowa stepped blade, and Marchetti’s flat dilatometer test), and empirical correlations to large
strain penetration tests (e.g., SPT, CPT, etc.) (Robertson 1986). For example, Ko can be estimated
based on measurements of CPT trip resistance (Kulhawy and Mayne 1990):


where qt is the corrected cone tip resistance, σvo is the in situ total vertical stress, and σ’vo is the
in situ effective vertical stress. In situ approaches are quite popular in practice as they allow
rapid determination of Ko. However, it should be noted that the testing process necessary for
many in situ methods can still appreciably alter the stress state and introduce uncertainty in the

There has been growing interest in using seismic-based geophysical methods to evaluate Ko
because of the aforementioned limitations in the current state of practice. It has long been
recognized that the velocity of body waves in soil are fundamentally dependent on the existing
effective stress state (e.g., Roesler 1979). For example, VS is fundamentally related to small
strain shear stiffness (Gmax), which itself is primarily a function of stress state and soil fabric
(Hardin 1978; Stokoe et al. 1985). Therefore, independent measurements of body wave
propagation with different polarizations should relate to Ko. Two methods have utilized this
concept to develop relationships between measurements of VS and Ko. The first was proposed
by Sully and Campanella (1995) using seismic CPT and crosshole testing at multiple test sites in
Vancouver, Canada. In this methodology, VS can be related to stress state based on the following

𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠 = 𝐶𝐶𝑠𝑠 (𝜎𝜎′)𝑛𝑛 (3-15)

where VS is the measured shear wave velocity, Cs is a constant that is dependent on soil
state/anisotropy, σʹ is the effective confining stress, and n is a stress exponent. There are two
possible ways to define the σʹ term, either as the average effective stress (σʹm) or as the mean
octahedral normal stress (σʹo) (Knox et al. 1982):

𝜎𝜎1′ + 𝜎𝜎3′

𝜎𝜎𝑎𝑎 = (3-16)

𝜎𝜎1′ + 𝜎𝜎2′ + 𝜎𝜎3′

𝜎𝜎𝑣𝑣′ = (3-17)

where σʹ1, σʹ2, and σʹ3 are the principal stresses in the vertical and horizontal directions,
respectively. Input of each of these confining stresses into Eq. 3-15 yields two potential
configurations for the relationship between VS and confinement:

′ )𝑛𝑛𝑡𝑡 (3-18)
𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠 = 𝐶𝐶𝑠𝑠 (𝜎𝜎𝑎𝑎

𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠 = 𝐶𝐶𝑠𝑠 (𝜎𝜎𝑣𝑣′ )𝑛𝑛𝑚𝑚 (3-19)

where the modified n terms represent different stress exponents based on their respective
confining stress definitions. Based on assuming that the stresses in the horizontal plane are
isotropic (i.e., σʹ2 = σʹ3 = σʹh) and by applying the individual stress components into Eqs. 3-18 and
3-19 on two polarizations of the shear wave, the following expression can be derived:


= (𝐾𝐾 )−𝑛𝑛1 (3-20)
𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠 (𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻) 𝐶𝐶𝑠𝑠 (𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻) 𝑣𝑣

where VS(HV) represents the velocity of a shear wave propagating in the horizontal direction
with vertical particle motion (Fig. 3.18), VS(HH) represents the velocity of a shear wave
propagating in the horizontal direction with horizontal particle motion (Fig. 3.18), Cs(HV) is the
anisotropic shear wave velocity constant, Cs(HH) is the isotropic shear wave velocity constant, Ko
is the coefficient of lateral earth pressure at rest, and n1 is a stress exponent that is dependent
on the vertical effective stress (σʹ1 = σʹv). A complete derivation of Eq. 3-20 can be found in Cai
et al. (2011). The ratio of Cs(HV)/Cs(HH) is directly related to the inherent structural anisotropy
of the soil and is independent of the stress conditions (and any corresponding anisotropic
stresses). Recent studies have demonstrated that electrical resistivity measurements can be
used to determine this ratio (Tong et al. 2013). Though this ratio can be as large as 1 to 1.1 (e.g.,
Lee and Stokoe 1985; Yan and Byrne 1990), a value of 0.93 is recommended for granular soils
(Fioravante et al. 1998) and 0.85 for clays (Jamiolkowski et al. 1995). As an alternative to Eq. 3-
20, the derivation can proceed using the average effective stress (σʹm) instead of the individual
stress components:


where n1 and n2 represent the exponential stress components related to the principal stresses
acting in the direction of wave propagation and particle motion, respectively. Fioravante et al.
(1998) noted that the uncertainty in the n exponent terms is less significant than the uncertainty
in Cs(HV)/Cs(HH). Additionally, as noted from a summary of n1 and n2 values in Table 3.7, n1 can
be assumed to be equal to n2. By assuming perfectly isotropic conditions, Ko can be estimated
from measurements using only a single polarization of shear waves from any of the
downhole/cross-hole seismic tests (Hatanaka and Uchida 1995):


where A is a material constant that can be obtained from laboratory tests on undisturbed
samples. Given the dependence on isotropic conditions for Eq. 3-22, it is expected that
estimates of Ko would be less reliable than those determined using Eqs. 3-20 and 3-21.

Figure 3.18: Wave polarization in different forms of seismic testing (Ku and Mayne 2013).

Table 3.7: n1 and n2 values for use in estimating Ko from VS measurements (Cai et al. 2011).

Recent studies by Cai et al. (2011) and Tong et al. (2013) at two test sites in China demonstrated
generally good agreement between Ko values from Eqs. 3-20 and 3-21 and those obtained from
the Jaky (1944) relationship using laboratory-derived soil properties and those obtained from
the Kulhawy and Mayne (1990) relationship to CPT tip resistance. The Ko predicted from the
seismic measurements matched the Jaky (1944) and Kulhawy and Mayne (1990) values better
for normally consolidated clays located at larger depths. There was more discrepancy for
overconsolidated soils at the near surface (less than 15.0 m) (Fig. 3.19). Based on these results,
Cai et al. (2011) and Tong et al. (2013) concluded that an OCR-based correction factor may
improve the formulations, though more research is necessary to establish a robust functional
form for this correction factor. Past studies have also demonstrated similarly effective
performance of Eqs. 3-20 and 3-21 when estimating Ko values (e.g., Fioravante et al. 1998).
However, another recent study by Ku and Mayne (2013) explored the relationship between Ko
and VS at 16 well-documented test sites with different soil types and found that modification
factors may be necessary for the exponent in Eq. 3-20 (Fig. 3.20). Additionally, Ku and Mayne
(2013) found that the predictions from Eq. 3-20 were improved by including terms that
accounted for age and depth of the formation (Fig. 3.21).

Figure 3.19: Comparison of estimated Ko values using Eqs. 3-20 and 3-21 [Eqs. (3) and (4) in
figure legend], Jaky (1944) relationship, and Kulhawy and Mayne (1990) relationship (Mayne
in figure legend) (Tong et al. 2013).

Figure 3.20: Regression analysis between Ko and VS and corresponding sensitivity analysis of
MF1 and MF2 on exponent n in Eq. 3-20: (a) Ko VS. VSHH/VSVH with MF1; (b) Ko VS. VSHH/VSHV with
MF1; (a) Ko VS. VSHH/VSVH with MF2; (b) Ko VS. VSHH/VSHV with MF2 (Ku and Mayne 2013).

Figure 3.21: Comparison of regression analysis on Ko as a function of: (a) VSHH/VSVH and soil
age; and VSHH/VSVH, soil age, and depth (Ku and Mayne 2013).

Rippability is defined as the ease with which soil or rock can be mechanically excavated
(Wightman et al. 2003). Excavation of rocks, in particular, is inherently related to several
influential factors, including the extent and location of weathering, unconfined compressive
strength of the intact rock, and the equipment used for excavation. It is extremely beneficial to
ensure estimates are made regarding rippability during the planning stages of excavations, so
that appropriate equipment is selected and the use of explosives is considered to fragment the
rock as necessary. Assessment of rocks has been a concern for as long as excavations have taken
place for construction purposes, and several researchers have proposed rock mass classification
schemes (e.g., Wickham et al. 1972; Bieniawski 1973, 1976, 1989; and Barton et al. 1974).
However, these methods often rely on parameters derived from laboratory testing and other
localized measurements of rock properties. Atkinson (1971) was one of several researchers to
propose relationships for rippability of rock based on P-wave velocity as a proxy for strength and
weathering characteristics. This allows a fast assessment of overall rippability since seismic
reflection and/or refraction can be utilized to determine the P-wave velocity on a larger scale.
Several of these relationships are summarized in Church (1981), and Caterpillar Inc. publishes a
performance handbook for use with their equipment that includes estimates of rippability based
on P-wave velocity (Fig. 3.22). MacGregor et al. (1994) developed regression relationships for
the productivity of rock excavation operations based on P-wave velocity among other factors
(Fig. 3.23). Productivity was defined as the volume of intact material excavated in a given time
frame. The proposed relationships for productivity are provided in Table 3.8. Productivity was
compared to qualitative assessments of the ease of rippability, based on operator feedback (Fig.
3.24), which ultimately allows a direct comparison between P-wave velocity and rippability.
Caltrans has developed their own correlations for rippability from P-wave velocity based on
their experiences, which has proven to be more conservative and reliable across a wider range
of materials compared to commonly used correlations such as Caterpillar (2008) (see Table 3.9
and Leeds 2002). As noted previously, equipment plays a role in rippability and the applicability
of the Caltrans correlations in Table 3.9 are limited to the Caterpillar D-9 series. The primary
function of Table 3.9 is to serve as a contract specification whereby risks associated with
blasting are delineated. The blasting specifications included in bid documents for a project
maintain that Caltrans assumes cost risk for blasting when the material velocity is unrippable
based on the classification in Table 3.9 (i.e., material velocity above 2000 m/s). If desired,

contractors can place more competitive bids by proposing different equipment (e.g., Caterpillar
D10, D11, etc.) but project cost risks are transferred to the contractor in those situations. This
demonstrates how the relationships discussed in this document can form the basis for
contractual exchanges, in addition to estimation of material properties.

Figure 3.22: Estimates for rippability based on VP and Caterpillar D10R equipment (Caterpillar

Figure 3.23: Case history data used for regression analysis of productivity versus VP in
MacGregor et al. (1994).

Figure 3.24: Qualitative relationship between productivity and rippability (MacGregor et al.

Table 3.8: Proposed equations for productivity as a function of VP in MacGregor et al. (1994).

Velocity (m/s) Rippability

< 1050 Easily Ripped
1050 – 1500 Moderately Difficult
1500 – 2000 Difficult Ripping
> 2000 Unrippable

Table 3.9: Caltrans rippability chart (adapted from Leeds 2002). Note: Limited to Caterpillar D9

Earthwork operations are typically required for transportation projects. In most cases,
earthwork operations will consist of excavating in situ soils and bringing the site back to design
grade by compacting the excavated soil as fill material. In doing so, volumetric changes can
occur in the excavated materials during excavation and placement, which can alter the amount
of material necessary to complete construction. Earthwork factors quantify the volumetric
changes so that they can be accounted for during design and construction. The Shrink Factor is a
ratio of the unit weight of in situ soils at the site to the unit weight of the soils after compaction.
The Swell (or Load) Factor is a ratio of the unit weight of the soils at the site after excavation to
the soils at the site in their natural state. The Earthwork Factor simplifies this into a single step
by comparing the volumetric amount of compacted fill that results from a given volume of
excavated material. Shrinkage would be signified by an Earthwork Factor less than 1 and
swelling would be signified by a value larger than 1.

Figure 3.25: Earthwork Factor as a function of VP for various rock types based on Smith et al.
(1972) and Stephens (1978).

Attempts have been made to develop relationships between earthwork factors and P-wave
velocities so that volumetric calculations can be performed and quantifies of fill can be
estimated based on geophysical measurements of site materials. Accurate estimates of
earthwork materials prior to construction reduce construction costs associated with shortages
and/or excesses in fill material. Smith et al. (1972) and Stephens (1978) summarize a number of
studies performed by Caltrans to estimate earthwork factors based on the seismic P-wave
velocities of different rock types (Fig. 3.25). These curves were generated empirically based on

data acquired at a number of project sites (10+) across the state of California. Rucker (2008) and
Rucker (2000) suggest that earthwork factors can be estimated for site materials by computing
in situ dry unit weights as correlated to P-wave velocity (e.g., Fig. 3.26) and comparing these
values to anticipated fill unit weights, laboratory Proctor tests on sampled materials, or to dry
unit weights estimated using seismic refraction for existing fill areas. Hiltunen et al. (2011)
provides another such relationship between unit weight and P-wave velocity (Fig. 3.27).

Figure 3.26: Example of geo-material γd as a function of VP (Rucker 2008).

Figure 3.27: Estimate of γ for rock as a function of VP and weathering (Hiltunen et al. 2011).

Rock masses differ quite significantly from other earth materials as they contain a number of
structural discontinuities (e.g., joints, shear zones, bedding planes, faults, folds, etc.) that
ultimately govern their engineering behavior (Bieniawski 1989). Often it is more important to
evaluate the type and frequency of these discontinuities than it is to determine the types of
rocks involved or the strength of the intact rock itself (Palmström et al. 2002). Analytical
techniques highly depend on the relative scale between the problem domain and the size of the
intact rock blocks formed by the discontinuities (Zhang 2016). It is for this reason that
classification of rocks often involves a quantitative and/or qualitative assessment of rock
discontinuities. Over the last 50+ years, various rock classification systems have been proposed
that attempt to account for the effects of discontinuities [e.g., Rock Quality Designation (RQD)
(Deere et al. 1967); Rock Mass Rating (RMR) (Bieniawski 1978); Q-System (Barton et al. 1974);
Geological Strength Index (GSI) (Hoek and Brown 1997); etc.]. Often, these systems allow for an
estimate of rock strength, stiffness, and/or compressibility, in addition to providing information
regarding the nature of jointing. Small strain stiffness (and, by extension, seismic wave velocity)
is also significantly influenced by the nature of jointing in a rock mass. Therefore, it is not
surprising that a number of investigators have proposed empirical relationships between seismic
velocity (typically VP) and various parameters associated with different rock mass classification
systems. The following sections describe these relationships.

Rock Quality Designation (RQD) Classification of Rock Quality

0 – 25% Very Poor
25% – 50% Poor
50% – 75% Fair
75% – 90% Good
90% – 100% Excellent

Table 3.10: Classification of rock quality based on RQD (ASTM D6032). Rock Quality Designation (RQD)

RQD was first developed by Deere (1964) and Deere et al. (1967) as a way to quantify the quality
of borehole core samples of rock (Table 3.10). There are a few established methods by which to
define RQD. The direct method is based on quantifying the length of intact core samples. In this

manner, RQD is defined as the ratio (in percentage) of the total length of sound core pieces that
are 0.1 m (4 inch) or longer to the total length of the core run (Fig. 3.28).

Figure 3.28: Procedure for determination of RQD from rock coring (after Deere 1989).

RQD provides an index value that represents rock quality since poor rock recovery indicates
excessive weathering, jointing, fracturing, and similar issues. A core size of at least NX (size 54.7
mm) or NQ-size (47.5 mm [1.87 in.]) is recommended with drilling taking place using a double-
tube core barrel with a diamond bit (ASTM D6032). RQD can also be determined based on the
frequency of discontinuities observed during scanline surveying (i.e., tape measure along an
outcropped rock surface). Various correlations between RQD and linear discontinuity frequency
have been developed based on different assumptions regarding the spatial distribution of
jointing (Priest and Hudson 1976; Sen and Kazi 1984; Sen 1993). For example, the Priest and
Hudson (1976) relationship specifies an exponential decay function for the discontinuity spacing,
resulting in the following expression for RQD:

𝑂𝑂𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 = 100𝑒𝑒 −𝜆𝜆𝑎𝑎 (𝜆𝜆𝑡𝑡 + 1) (3-23)

where λ is the frequency of discontinuities per unit length and t represents the length threshold
used to define RQD (i.e., typically t = 0.1 m as previously discussed in original RQD definition). In
terms of geophysical measurements, the seismic compressional velocity is highly affected by the
presence of jointing in rock. Correspondingly, comparison of the seismic velocity of intact rock
samples to an in situ rock mass with jointing can provide a reliable method by which to estimate
RQD. The following functional form has been proposed for this approach:


where VP,f is an in situ measurement of seismic compressional wave velocity and VP,o is a
measurement of seismic compressional wave velocity for the intact rock (Deere et al. 1967). VP,o
can be measured directly in the laboratory using an ultrasonic pulse approach on sound rock
core samples or can be indirectly estimated based on lithology of the rock. Similar expressions
have been established by other researchers (e.g., El-Naqa 1996; Bery and Saad 2012):



where the variables are as defined previously in Eq. 3-24. Other functional forms have also been
proposed, including a hyperbolic relationship (Sjogren et al. 1979 and Palmström 1995):

𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝,𝑞𝑞 − 𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝,𝑓𝑓
𝑂𝑂𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 = × 100% (3-27)
𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝,𝑞𝑞 𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝,𝑓𝑓 𝑘𝑘𝑞𝑞

where VP,q is the seismic compressional wave velocity for a rock mass with RQD = 0, VP,f is an in
situ measurement of VP as described in previous equations, and kq is a fitting parameter that

accounts for in situ rock conditions. This functional form can be used by performing a regression
to determine VP,q and kq from data acquired from a single rock core at the site. Eq. 3-27 can then
be applied to other parts of a site to estimate RQD from seismic surveys assuming the rock
shares similar lithological characteristics. For example, Budetta et al. (2001) performed such an
analysis and determined that VP,q = 1.22 km/s and kq = -0.69 in Eq. 3-27 for a heavily fractured
calcareous rock in southern Italy (Fig. 3.29).

Figure 3.29: Relationship between VP and RQD for heavily fractured calcareous rock masses in
southern Italy (Budetta et al. 2001).

In some cases, other researchers have developed direct relationships between RQD and
measured VP from a seismic survey (e.g., Sjogren et al. 1979; El-Naqa 1996; Leucci and De Giorgi
2006). Eq. 3-28 below and Figs. 3.30 – 3.32 provide examples of such empirical relationships:

𝑂𝑂𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 = 36.7𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝0.52 (3-28)

where VP is input in km/s (El-Naqa 1996). It should be emphasized that such relationships are
highly site-specific and should not be extrapolated outside their intended scope.

Figure 3.30: Relationship between VP and RQD for limestones, mudstones, marls and shales
beneath a dam site in Jordan (El-Naqa 1996). Note: Dahsed lines represent 95% and 90%
confidence limits.

Figure 3.31: Relationship between RQD and VP based on laboratory testing on a calcarenite
block (Leucci and De Giorgi 2006).

Figure 3.32: Relationships between RQD and discontinuity frequency (λ) based on Sjogren et
al. (1979) VP measurements primarily in Norway (Barton 2002).

A limited number of studies have attempted to develop similar empirical relationships between
VS and RQD (Leucci and De Giorgi 2006; Biringen and Davie 2013). However, as noted in Figs.
3.33 – 3.34, the level of fit for these relationships is quite variable depending on the dataset

(a) (b)
Figure 3.33: Relationships between RQD and VS: (a) Igneous rock site in South Carolina; and (b)
metamorphic rock site in Virginia (Biringen and Davie 2013).

Figure 3.34: Relationship between RQD and VS based on laboratory testing on a calcarenite
block (Leucci and De Giorgi 2006).

Finally, it is worth noting that correlations exist between RQD and other rock mass parameters
of interest. Based on these correlations and the aforementioned relationships proposed
between seismic velocity and RQD, geophysical measurements can be used to estimate these

rock mass properties. For example, RQD can be related to volumetric joint count (Jv), which
measures the number of joints within a unit volume of rock mass (Palmström 2005):

𝑂𝑂𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅 = 110 − 2.5𝐽𝐽𝑣𝑣 (3-29)

Based on similar relationships, it may be possible to estimate joint related parameters (e.g., joint
density, spacing, etc.) indirectly from estimates of RQD using geophysical measurements of
seismic velocity. Fig. 3.32 provides one such graphical form for the relationship between VP,
RQD, and λ proposed in Sjogren et al. (1979). RQD can also be correlated to deformation
modulus and UCS (Figs. 3.35 – 3.36). However, relationships to RQD can be quite crude because
of the one-dimensional nature of the RQD calculation (Palmström 2005). In any case,
geophysical measurements using seismic methods can still provide useful information regarding
rock characteristics on a broad scale across a site since the seismic velocities can be directly
correlated to RQD and indirectly to jointing parameters, UCS, and deformation modulus.

Figure 3.35: Relationships between deformation modulus ratio and RQD (Ebisu et al. 1992).

Figure 3.36: Relationships between UCS ratio and RQD (Zhang 2016). Tunneling Quality Index System (Q-system) Value

The Tunneling Quality Index System (Q-system) was developed by Barton et al. (1974) as a way
to designate rock quality for design and support recommendations in underground excavations
(Table 3.11).

Q Classification of Rock Quality

0.001 – 0.01 Exceptionally Poor
0.01 – 0.1 Extremely Poor
0.1 – 1 Very Poor
1–4 Poor
4 – 10 Fair
10 – 40 Good
40 – 100 Very Good
100 – 400 Extremely Good
400 – 1000 Exceptionally Good

Table 3.11: Classification of rock quality based on Q-value (after Goel and Singh 2011).

In this approach, a Q-value is obtained by using the following relationship:


𝑅𝑅 = × × (3-30)

where RQD is the rock quality designation, Jn is the joint set number, Jr is the joint roughness
number, Ja is the joint alteration number (related to friction angle), Jw is the joint water
reduction number, and SRF represents the stress reduction factor. Table 3.12 provides a
discussion of these inputs into the Q-system. The first term in Eq. 3-30 relates to the size of the
intact rock blocks in the rock mass. The second term represents the shear strength along the
discontinuity planes between rock blocks. The third term is related to the stress environment
around the underground excavation. The Q-system is essentially a classification system for rock
masses with respect to stability of underground openings. The Q-value obtained from Eq. 3-30
can be used to estimate the ultimate support pressure and recommendations regarding
appropriate support design for an underground excavation (Figs. 3.37 – 3.38).

Figure 3.37: Correlation between support pressure and Q-value (from Barton et al. 1974).

Table 3.12: Summary of Q-system parameters (ASTM D5878).

Figure 3.38: Rock support chart based on Q-value (NGI 2015).

Barton (1991) first proposed a relationship between the Q-value and VP based on data from over
2000 core samples:

𝑉𝑉𝑃𝑃 = 3.5 + log10 𝑅𝑅 (3-31)

where VP is expressed in km/s (Fig. 3.39).

Figure 3.39: Integrated Q-VP relationship including depth and porosity (Barton 2002).

This relationship was based on data from hard rock tunneling projects in several countries
(including Sjogren et al. 1979) where VP was measured using a number of seismic methods,
including seismic tomography. However, given the database, Eq. 3-31 is not well suited for rock
conditions outside those used in its formulation, particularly for “weaker” rock conditions. To
extend this relationship, a modification was proposed by Barton (1995) that normalized the Q-
value to a nominal hard rock compressive strength value of 100 MPa:

𝑅𝑅𝑐𝑐 = 𝑅𝑅 (3-32)

where σc is the uniaxial compressive strength expressed in MPa. The normalized Q-value (Qc) is
then input for Q in Eq. 3-31 to improve the correlation. Additional studies with a wide range of
rock conditions (e.g., marls, chalks, sandstones, shales, granites, gneiss, etc.) were used to
develop an integrated VP-Q (and modulus) seismic correlation chart, which uses the Qc from Eq.
3-32 (Fig. 3.39). This seismic correlation chart allows an approximate Q-value to be selected for
preliminary assessment of rock support needs based on a measurement of VP at a depth H with
estimated porosity and uniaxial compressive strength. Rock mass deformation modulus could
also be estimated using the same chart. All of this could be accomplished in a rapid manner
using geophysical measurements prior to in situ measurements using coring. Rock Mass Rating (RMR) Value

The Geomechanics Classification or the Rock Mass Rating (RMR) system traces its origins to the
work of Bieniawski (1973) with shallow tunnels in sedimentary rocks. Since that time, the
database used to develop the rock mass classifications with RMR has increased in size and the
system has been successively refined until its most recent iteration in Bieniawski (1989). In some
cases, the refinements were quite significant [e.g., use of ISRM (1978) rock mass descriptions
(Bieniawski 1979)], and it is advisable to note which version of the system is used to provide a
classification when communicating with other engineers. Generally, the RMR value allows an
estimate of rock strength parameters. A total of six parameters are used to classify a rock mass
using the RMR system: (1) UCS of intact rock material; (2) RQD; (3) joint or discontinuity spacing;
(4) joint condition; (5) groundwater condition; and (6) Joint orientation (Bieniawski 1989). Table
3.13 presents the RMR system based on Bieniawski (1989). RMR classification can help estimate

many aspects related to underground excavations, including unsupported span, stand-up time,
bridge action period, support pressure, strength parameters (i.e., cohesion and friction angle),
modulus of deformation, and allowable bearing pressure. This information is extremely useful in
selecting the method of excavation and the permanent support system.

Table 3.13: Summary of Rock Mass Rating (RMR) system parameters (after Bieniawski 1989).

The inputs necessary to determine a RMR value overlap significantly with those necessary to
determine the Q-value. Given this link, it is unsurprising that RMR and Q values are statistically
correlated and that they provide similar tunnel support recommendations (Pariseau 2011). For
example, one the first correlations between these two parameters is discussed in Bieniawski

𝑂𝑂𝑀𝑀𝑂𝑂 = 9 ln 𝑅𝑅 + 44 (3-33)

Equation 3-33 was developed based on a large database of RMR and Q measurements [117 total
case histories (68 in Scandinavia, 28 in South Africa, and 21 in USA)]. Since the classic Bieniawski
(1976) relationship, multiple RMR-Q correlations using the same functional form as Eq. 3-33
have been developed based on different sets of case histories (Table 3.14). It is unsurprising that
multiple correlations can be developed given that the two ratings systems take into account
different rock mass parameters (e.g., uniaxial compressive strength of the intact rock and
orientation of the rock fractures in the RMR system and stress influence in the Q system).

RMR Reference
9 ln 𝑅𝑅 + 44 Bieniawski (1976)
5.9 ln 𝑅𝑅 + 43 Rutledge and Preston (1978)
5.4 ln 𝑅𝑅 + 55.2 Moreno Tallon (1980)
5 ln 𝑅𝑅 + 60.8 Cameron-Clarke and Budavari (1981)
10.5 ln 𝑅𝑅 + 41.8 Abad et al. (1984)
15 log 𝑅𝑅 + 50 Barton (1995)

Table 3.14: Summary of RMR-Q relationships.

Since the Q-value can be related empirically to VP, it follows that RMR can also be estimated in a
similar manner, as demonstrated below in a relationship proposed by Sunwoo and Hwang
(2001) based on data acquired across multiple sites with different geological conditions in

𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝 −3.5
𝑂𝑂𝑀𝑀𝑂𝑂 = 6 × 10 3.96 + 47 (3-34)

where VP is input in km/s. Moreover, RMR can be estimated directly using Eq. 3-33 (among
other similar proposed relationships) once Q has been estimated using VP.


The mass density (and, by extension, unit weight) of earth material plays a significant role in
estimating stresses. The calculation of stresses proves to be a fundamental step in practically
any project involving geotechnical engineering. Mass density is itself affected by the distribution
of grains, pore space, and mineralogy. Many of these factors also affect various geophysical
measurements. The following sections describe various correlations that exploit this relationship
between mass density and geophysical measurements. Seismic Methods

As previously discussed, mass density is inextricably linked to soil moduli. Independent
knowledge of the appropriate soil modulus and the corresponding seismic velocity can allow an
estimate of ρ. However, it is rare to have these two parameters independently measured when
using field-based geophysical approaches. Therefore, a number of researchers have compiled
databases where velocities were estimated in the field as part of site subsurface investigation
efforts or in the laboratory and ρ values were obtained for the soil profile based on in-situ
testing or laboratory testing on undisturbed samples. From these databases, statistical
regressions could be performed to empirically relate measured VS (and/or VP) with ρ (or γ).
Examples of these relationships for rocks were presented previously in the discussion regarding
earthwork/grading factor (Figs. 3.26 – 3.27). An example of a general correlation is provided in
Fig. 3.40, where the regression is performed with 438 data points from a wide variety of
geomaterials including intact rocks, gravels, sands, silts, and clays. The resulting relationship
could be expressed as follows:

𝜌𝜌 = 0.277 + 0.648 log 𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠 (3-35)

where VS is input in m/s and the resulting ρ is in g/cc (Burns and Mayne 1996). Mayne (2007)
proposed a similar relationship for the total unit weight that also incorporated the effects of

𝛾𝛾𝑎𝑎 = 8.32 log 𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠 − 1.61 log 𝑧𝑧 (3-36)

where VS is input in m/s, depth (z) is input in meters, and the resulting γt has units of kN/m3.

Figure 3.40: Relationship between ρ and VS (Burns and Mayne 1996).

The database for development of Eq. 3-36 is based on 727 samples of different saturated soils,
including soft to stiff clays and silts, loose to dense sands and gravels, and mixed geomaterials
(Fig. 3.41). Figure 3.41 also includes data points from intact rocks for comparative purposes (i.e.,
data not included in the regression for Eq. 3-36). Based on this data, limiting values can be
placed on the maximum unit weight (26 kN/m3) and shear wave velocity (VS = 3300 m/s) of rock
for correlating between the two properties.

Figure 3.41: Relationship between γt and VS and depth (Mayne 2007).

The relationship from Eq. 3-36 can also be expressed so that the effects of depth are
incorporated into vertical effective stress as a normalization parameter for VS:

𝛾𝛾𝑎𝑎 = 4.17 ln 𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠1 − 4.03 (3-37)


where γt is the total unit weight in kN/m3, VS1 is the stress-normalized shear wave velocity in m/s
(Eq. 3-38), VS is the measured shear wave velocity in m/s, σʹvo is the in situ vertical effective
stress in kPa, and σatm is a reference pressure of 1 atm (i.e., 101.3 kPa) (Mayne 2006). Figure
3.42 demonstrates that Eq. 3-37 should allow estimates of γt within ± 1 kN/m3. The use of Eq. 3-
37 to determine γt throughout a soil profile should proceed downward from the ground surface
in a stepwise fashion since VS1 is itself a function of σʹvo (i.e., depth). Mayne (2006) notes that Eq.
3-37 is for “well-behaved” soils, meaning that there is no observed cementation or unusual
structure associated with the soil. Cemented soils and carbonate sands would likely plot to the
right of the mean relationships in Fig. 3.42 since the bonding would yield a fast velocity through
the soil matrix despite the more open porous structure (and low unit weight).

Figure 3.42: Relationship for γt that incorporates the effects of depth based on σʹvo as
normalization parameter for VS (Mayne 2006).

From resonant column testing, Mayne (2006) highlighted a similar relationship for dry unit
weight from a much smaller database of reconstituted quartz sands (Fig. 3.43):

𝛾𝛾𝑎𝑎 = 0.06𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠1 + 2 (3-39)

where γt is the dry unit weight in kN/m3 and, as before, VS1 is the stress-normalized shear wave
velocity in m/s (Eq. 3-38).

Figure 3.43: Relationship between γd and normalized VS1 for reconstituted sands (Mayne

Care should be exercised when applying any of these equations on partially saturated soils. The
capillary forces resulting from partial saturation can drastically change the small strain stiffness
(and VS by extension) depending on the gradation of the soil (Cho and Santamarina 2001). Since
Eqs. 3-35 – 3-39 were not calibrated based on partially saturated soils, it is advisable to adjust
any field measured VS to account for differences in interparticle forces from partial saturation. In
doing so, field estimates of VP from seismic geophysical methods can be used to estimate the
saturation (e.g., Yang 2005) and the concepts introduced in Cho and Santamarina (2001) can be
used to revise the predicted VS. Electromagnetic Methods

Electromagnetic methods provide a measurement of the relative permittivity (i.e., dielectric
constant) of the propagating medium. Since soil and rock are multi-phase materials, the
measured dielectric constant represents a composite value affected by each of the phases.
Therefore, electromagnetic methods can allow for insight into the relative composition of the
tested earth material. In this manner, electromagnetic methods have been used to correlate to
bulk mass density, often in conjunction with estimates of water content. The most commonly
applied approach has been the TDR method. This method has seen significant development in
the recent past primarily related to its use as a quality control tool for verifying compaction in
the field (Siddiqui and Drnevich 1995; Lin et al. 2000; Siddiqui et al. 2000; Drnevich et al. 2003;
Yu and Drnevich 2004; Sallam et al. 2004; Rathje et al. 2006; Lin et al. 2012). This work has led to
the development of ASTM D6780 for this particular purpose.

Figure 3.44: Example of a typical TDR waveform (Lin et al. 2012).

As previously noted, the TDR method relies on evaluations of the reflections from
electromagnetic signals traveling along a multi-conductor probe placed in the ground. The initial
step pulse generated into the probe is reflected at the soil surface and at the end of the probe.
Typically, multiple reflections of the waveform also result within the probe after which a steady
state voltage is reached (Fig. 3.44). The difference in time between the reflection at the soil
surface and at the probe end allows for a round trip travel time to be determined for the
electromagnetic wave. From this information the dielectric constant of the soil can be


where Ka is the dielectric constant, Vc is the speed of light in air, Δt is the round trip travel time
determined from testing, and L is the probe length (Topp et al. 1980). Since small dielectric
losses are always present, the TDR-measured relative dielectric permittivity in Eq. 3-40 is
referred to as the “apparent” dielectric constant (Topp et al. 1980). The steady state voltage can
also be used to measure the electrical conductivity of the soil:


where EC represents the electrical conductivity, Kp is a constant related to probe geometry and
source impedance (Ball 2002; Dallinger 2006) and can be determined experimentally with
measurements on electrolytic solutions with known EC, Vo is the magnitude of the step input
voltage used to generate the electromagnetic wave in the probe, and V∞ is the steady state
voltage recorded by the TDR sensor (Giese and Tiemann 1975). This equation is derived based
on two assumptions: (1) cable resistance is neglected; and (2) the characteristic impedance of
the TRD sensor and of the transmission line perfectly match. Modifications to account for these
two assumptions have been proposed by Lin et al. (2008) to improve measurements of EC. The
Ka and EC measurements from Eqs. 3-40 and 3-41 can then be used to estimate soil phase
properties (including mass density) using the following expressions:


= 𝑐𝑐 + 𝑑𝑑𝑏𝑏 (3-43)

where w is the gravimetric water content, ρw is the mass density of water, ρd is the dry density
of the tested soil, and a,b,c, and d are constants to be calibrated using a laboratory standard
Proctor compaction test as exemplified in Figs. 3.45 – 3.46 (Yu and Drnevich 2004). Parameters a
and c are primarily related to the tested soil type, b does not vary significantly, and d represents
the effects of the pore fluid EC (Lin et al. 2012).

Assuming both Ka and EC are known from TDR field measurements, Eqs. 3-42 and 3-43 represent
two equations with two unknowns, which means they can be solved simultaneously to obtain w
and ρd. This method is commonly referred to as the One-Step Method and “Procedure B” in
ASTM D6780. In this case, calibration constant d may differ in the field from the laboratory-
derived value because there may be differences in pore fluid conductivity between the two
settings. Yu and Drnevich (2004) proposed a methodology to adjust the field measurements to
allow laboratory calibrations to remain applicable. This method relies on the fact that Ka is
relatively insensitive to the EC of the pore fluid. In this approach, Eqs. 3-42 and 3-43 are
combined to form a relationship between EC and Ka:


where f and g are new calibration constants related to the previously defined calibration
constants. These f and g calibration constants are derived based on laboratory measurements
(e.g., Fig. 3.47) and then applied to Eq. 3-44 so that an adjusted field EC can be estimated from
the Ka measured in the field using Eq. 3-40. This adjusted EC represents the field EC as if the
pore fluid in the field was replaced by the pore fluid used in the laboratory for calibration.

Figure 3.45: Examples of calibration between normalized apparent dielectric constant and w
for TDR testing (Lin et al. 2012).

Figure 3.46: Examples of calibration between normalized electrical conductivity and w for TDR
testing (Lin et al. 2012).

Figure 3.47: Examples of calibration between electrical conductivity and apparent dielectric
constant for TDR testing (Lin et al. 2012).

If only measurements of Ka are made in the field, then Eq. 3-42 represents a single equation
with two unknowns. This method is commonly referred to as the Two-Step Method and
“Procedure A” in ASTM D6780. This highlights the fact that an extra step must be taken in the
field to determine gravimetric water content and mass density information. A portion of the soil
from where the original TDR measurements were made must be removed, placed in a
compaction mold, and weighed so that total mass density (ρt) can be estimated. A second Ka
measurement is also made on the compaction mold sample with the TDR sensor and probe.
Since ρt [= ρd (1+w)] and Ka in the mold are both known, the field w can be estimated based on
assuming it is the same as in the mold:


Once the w is obtained, the field ρd can then be determined from the two measurements of Ka
as follows:


In this manner, field compaction specifications can be checked rapidly in the field as in Lin et al.

Measurements of w and ρd from TDR have shown reasonable agreement (e.g., w measurements
within 1%, ρd within 5%) with those estimated from sand cone testing (Fig. 3.48 and 3.49),
particularly when a soil-specific calibration is performed rather than reliance on a general
calibration from all soils. However, there are a number of limitations with the method in its
current form. First, high clay content soils can cause dispersion in electromagnetic waves (e.g.,
West et al. 2003), which can lead to higher apparent dielectric constants than coarse grained
soils (Lin et al. 2012). This means the assumption that dielectric-based TDR measurements of w

and ρd are independent of soil type may lead to discrepancies in the results, particularly when
general calibration is performed.

Figure 3.48: Comparison of w measured in the field using TDR and w obtained from oven
drying (Lin et al. 2012).

Figure 3.49: Comparison of γd measured in the field using TDR and sand cone tests (Lin et al.

Full scale laboratory evaluations have demonstrated that the One-Step method and the Two-
Step method both perform similarly (e.g., Lin et al. 2012). However, the One-Step method is
affected by issues with the empirical adjustment process to account for pore fluid conductivity.
This leads to a systematic error proportional to the difference between field dry density and
mold dry density during calibration (Lin et al. 2012). Both methods can be negatively affected by
the penetration disturbance caused by the field TDR probe (Lin et al. 2006a,b; Lin et al. 2012).
The amount of error introduced by penetration disturbance can be reduced by using a smaller

diameter probe or by predrilling the hole for probe insertion. Finally, it is not possible to
measure w and ρd solely with TDR without some sort of physical soil sample for calibration.
However, recent studies have explored combining TDR with other measurements such as
thermal conductivity to remove the need for calibration with a physical sample (e.g., Zhang et al.
2015). It should be noted that though this approach has overwhelmingly focused on compaction
quality assurance, it can be used in any situation where estimates of the w and ρ of the surficial
soils are desired. Gravity Methods

Use of the microgravity technique to establish quantitative measurements of mass density
necessitates significant data post-processing (e.g., Sissons 1981). An inversion process must be
used to deduce the subsurface model that best represents the surficial gravity observations
after corrections for elevation, topography, tidal fluctuations, and regional anomalies. The
inversion must be constrained by a priori information regarding the density of subsurface earth
materials, either through direct measurements (e.g., sampling and laboratory testing, in situ
testing, other geophysical methods, etc.) or indirect assessments (e.g., average values based on
anticipated subsurface geologic units). Unfortunately, the inherent non-uniqueness of inversion
algorithms and the need for a priori information signifies that empirical relationships between
microgravity measurements and density are not practical. However, a significant number of
studies have been performed that have evaluated the subsurface spatial distribution of density
based on surficial gravity measurements, which demonstrates the method’s effectiveness for
this application. For example, Rim et al. (2005) discusses the use of microgravity to determine
the density variation within the interior of a rock fill dam and Styles et al. (2005) discusses its use
for mapping cavity locations based on density (Fig. 3.50).

Hayashi et al. (2005) discusses a case history where microgravity and MASW surveys were
performed to delineate a buried channel filled with soft alluvium sediments. In this study,
inversion of the gravity data was constrained by using estimated density values derived from
empirical relationships between density and the shear wave velocity obtained from the surface
wave measurements. The resulting density distribution (Fig. 3.51) was used with the shear wave
velocity model to estimate spatial distribution of shear modulus and map the soft alluvial
sediments. The Hayashi et al. (2005) study demonstrates how other geophysical methods could

be used to supplement microgravity surveys and provide useful a priori information to constrain
the inversion of microgravity data. A similar concept was proposed by Lines et al. (1988) using
the results from sonic logging and borehole gravity measurements. Other similar approaches
have been reported by Pilkington (2006), Mochales et al. (2008), Orfanos and Apostolopoulos
(2011), and Paine et al. (2012), typically in combination with electrical or magnetic methods
(e.g., resistivity, GPR, etc.).

(a) (b)
Figure 3.50: Example microgravity results: (a) Residual gravity measurements. Black dots
represent gravity stations and white lines represent potential cavities (solid = probable,
dashed = possible). (b) Resulting 3D map of cavity location/thickness (Styles et al. 2005).

Figure 3.51: Delineation of soft alluvial sediments using microgravity measurements and
constrained inversion with an MASW VS profile (Hayashi et al. 2005).

In addition to information from other geophysical methods, drilling information (e.g., in situ
testing) and laboratory measurements of density can be used to supplement microgravity
studies. For example, Whitelaw et al. (2008) demonstrates the use of drilling information as an
inversion constraint. Whitelaw et al. (2008) used microgravity results to estimate density
variation and image a sinkhole basin at the Gray Fossil Site in Washington County, Tennessee. In

this study, the gravity inversion was constrained by laboratory measurements from borehole
samples drilled in the area by the Tennessee Department of Transportation. The resulting
density contrast images demonstrated the presence of 11 individual sinkholes within the basin
(Fig. 3.52).

(a) (b)

Figure 3.52: 3D ρ contrast models estimated using microgravity measurements: (a) Two
vertical slices through model (with regions of interest numbered); and (b) Two horizontal
slices through model (with regions of interest lettered) (after Whitelaw et al. 2008).

Another study that used existing drilling data was performed by Mankhemthong et al. (2012),
where the spatial distribution of density was being studied to map an existing fault zone
separating two distinct geological settings. Mankhemthong et al. (2012) used existing well
logging data and density measurements from rock samples to serve as constraints for inversion
of gravity measurements. The resulting estimates of density highlighted the two distinct
geological terrains on either side of the known fault zone in the study (Fig. 3.53).

Figure 3.53: Estimates of near surface bulk ρ across Border Ranges Fault System in Alaska.
Vertical lines represent uncertainty in estimated ρ and horizontal lines represent spatial
extent of gravity measurements for a given lettered zone (Mankhemthong et al. 2012).

The determination of density from microgravity surveys is more straightforward in cases where
the measurements are performed directly on top of each other. In such cases, it is possible to
develop a direct expression relating density to the measurements of gravity. For example, if a
gravity measurement can be made at the surface and at a depth immediately below that
location, the density can be estimated using the following relationships:

11.93(∆𝑔𝑔 − 𝜀𝜀𝑇𝑇 )
𝜌𝜌 (𝑔𝑔/𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐3 ) = 3.68 − (3-47)

39.06(∆𝑔𝑔 − 𝜀𝜀𝑇𝑇 )
𝜌𝜌 (𝑔𝑔/𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐3 ) = 3.68 − (3-48)

where ρ is the mass density expressed in units of g/cm3, Δg is the difference in the gravity
measurements, Δz is the elevation difference in meters (Δz’ is the elevation difference in feet),
and εT is the difference in terrain corrections expressed in units of mGal (Telford et al. 1990).
However, despite being direct expressions between gravity and density, application of Eqs. 3-47
and 3-48 still involves successive approximations because the εT term depends on ρ. Gravity
measurements at locations directly on top of each other can be accomplished in a number of

ways. In some cases, the unique circumstances of the site conditions allow for repeated
measurements at different depths over the same location. For example, Harris et al. (2013)
estimated the density of waste material at a bioreactor landfill using existing settlement gauge
information in combination with multiple microgravity surveys performed over several years. As
development of each landfill cell progressed, the microgravity surveys could be repeated over
the same locations as the height of the waste material increased. Harris et al. (2013) was able to
use this approach to estimate the spatial distribution of density for placement of different
landfill waste cells (Fig. 3.54).

Figure 3.54: Estimates of waste ρ between initial survey and final survey in Harris et al. (2013)

In other cases, measurements at different elevations at the same location are accomplished
using a tripod or tower structure (e.g., Butler 1984). The most direct approach for taking gravity
measurements directly on top of each other is with a borehole gravimeter (BHGM). In these
cases, a terrain correction is unnecessary since the gravity measurements are made below the
surface (Telford et al. 1990). A generalized form can then be developed for the relationship
expressed in Eqs. 3-47 and 3-48:

𝑆𝑆 ∆𝑔𝑔/∆𝑧𝑧
𝜌𝜌 = − (3-49)
4𝜋𝜋𝐺𝐺 4𝜋𝜋𝐺𝐺

where ρ is the mass density, Δg is the difference in the gravity measurements, Δz is the
elevation difference, F is the free-air gradient (typically 0.3086 mGal/m or 0.09406 mGal/ft), and
G is the universal gravitational constant (6.674 x 10-11 m3/kg s2) (Smith 1950; Hammer 1950;
LaFehr 1983). Eq. 3-49 assumes that the BHGM passes through uniformly thick and laterally
homogeneous strata of constant density (LaFehr 1983). The radius of investigation for borehole
gravity measurements is directly dependent on the different in elevation levels where the
measurements were recorded. Telford et al. (1990) notes that half of the effect on borehole
gravity measurements is produced by an area within 0.7 Δz of the borehole, 80% from 2.45 Δz,
and 90% from within 5 Δz, where Δz as before represents the difference in elevation between
the corresponding gravity measurements. Thus, compared to other borehole density logging
methods, borehole gravity measurements can be made with less influence from borehole fluids,
rugosity, casings, and drilling operations (Beyer and Clutsom 1978). More accurate density
measurements as a function of depth offers tremendous benefits to applications related to
exploration for petroleum. Therefore, it is not surprising that the first BHGMs were developed in
the late 1950s for oil exploration (e.g., Howell et al. 1966) and that the borehole gravity
technique enjoyed a surge of popularity upon its development. A large number of case histories
exist in the literature where borehole gravity measurements were made on rock for petroleum
engineering purposes, particularly in the time frame immediately following development of the
first BHGM (Hammer 1950; Hammer 1965; McCulloh 1965; Jageler 1976; Beyer and Clutsom
1978; Schultz 1989; Popta et al. 1990; MacQueen 2007, Brady et al. 2013). Robbins (1989)
provides an annotated bibliography of pertinent literature and documented borehole gravity
case histories through the 1980s. Application of borehole gravity for traditional geotechnical
engineering purposes has been less prevalent (e.g., Healey et al. 1984), but as equipment costs
decrease with time it is expected that borehole gravity measurements can offer a highly useful
and accurate approach to estimate in situ mass density without the errors present in traditional
geotechnical sampling and borehole density logging techniques. Nuclear Methods

As previously noted in this document, a number of surface and subsurface methods have been
developed that detect the presence of radiation in the surrounding soil, including background
levels of radiation (e.g., gamma logging) and induced backscatter from active sources of
radioactive isotopes (e.g., gamma-gamma logging). One of the most common applications of

nuclear methods is to estimate the bulk density of the surrounding material in diverse
applications ranging from wireline formation logging in petroleum engineering to quality control
of compacted soils, cast in drilled hole (CIDH) foundations, and asphalt pavements (Faul and
Tittle 1951; Stroup-Gardiner and Newcomb 1988; McCook and Shanklin 2000; Liebich 2004;
Sanders et al. 1994). Typically, a gamma-gamma logging tool is used in these applications. The
flux of gamma rays that reaches a detector decays exponentially with distance from the source
and with the number of electron scatterers in the travel path assuming Compton scattering is
the primary mechanism (Tittman and Wahl 1965; Keys 1989; Schlumbeger 1991):

𝐺𝐺 = 𝐺𝐺𝑣𝑣 𝑒𝑒 −𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑒 𝐶𝐶𝑠𝑠 𝑚𝑚 (3-50)

where G is the gamma ray flux measured at the detector in counts per second (cps)/cm2, Go is
the initial gamma ray flux emitted from the source in cps/cm2, ne is the number density of
electrons in electrons/cm3, Cs is the cross section of each scatter center in cm2, and x is the
distance from source to detector in cm. The density of electrons in the material is in turn directly
related to bulk density:

𝑛𝑛𝑓𝑓 = 𝜌𝜌 (3-51)
𝐴𝐴 𝑏𝑏

where N is the Avogadro constant (6.02 x 1023 electrons/mole) of the material, Z is the atomic
number of the material (no units), A is the atomic weight of the material in g/mole, and ρb is the
bulk density of the material in g/cm3. Based on Eqs. 3-50 and 3-51, materials with a smaller
electron number density (i.e., smaller bulk density) will result in less attenuation of the gamma
rays and a higher gamma ray count. A useful parameter related to the electron density can be
defined as follows:

2 𝑛𝑛𝑓𝑓
𝜌𝜌𝑓𝑓 = (3-52)

where ρe is the effective electron number density in units of mole/cm3. Eq. 3-51 can then be
modified based on this new parameter:

2 𝑍𝑍
𝜌𝜌𝑓𝑓 = 𝜌𝜌 (3-53)
𝐴𝐴 𝑏𝑏

This transformation allows the measured electron density from the gamma-gamma log to
transform directly to bulk density because the ratio of Z/A is typically very close to 0.5 for most
common elements that make up earth materials (Bertozzi et al. 1981). However, hydrogen
(present in water) has a ratio of Z/A closer to 1. This signifies that electron density index of
water is 11% larger than its bulk density would imply based on these equations. To account for
this, Gaymard and Poupon (1968) proposed that the density inferred from gamma ray scattering
be modified as follows:

𝜌𝜌𝑎𝑎 = 1.0704𝜌𝜌𝑓𝑓 − 0.188 (3-54)

where ρe is the “apparent” number density. In modern gamma-gamma logging tools, two
detectors are used to measure the gamma ray flux at different distances from the source. The
readings taken at the detector farthest from the source is used to estimate the density of the
surrounding material by combining Eqs. 3-50 – 3-54 (Fig. 3.55). The difference between the
readings at the farthest detector and from the closer detector can be analyzed to correct for the
rugosity of the borehole walls and the effects of any drilling fluid caked onto the walls (Tittman
1986; Ellis 1987; Gearhart 1989). A key aspect of gamma-gamma logging is also ensuring proper
calibration of the equipment on material of known bulk densities. Calibration can be performed
in test pits like the American Petroleum Institute neutron pit in Houston, TX or in commercially
available pits across the country. For on-site calibration, test blocks of material with
predetermined densities can be employed.

Figure 3.55: Example density log from gamma-gamma testing (Yearsley et al. 1991).

A few items are worthy of discussion regarding operation of a gamma-gamma log. First, the
equations presented are necessary in estimating bulk density from older instruments that
display gamma measurements in counts per second. Most modern equipment displays its
measurements in the standard American Petroleum Institute (API) unit, which is based on a
reference standard of an artificially radioactive concrete block at the University of Houston, TX
that is defined to have a radioactivity of 200 American Petroleum Institute (API) units. Based on
the calibration, the equipment provides an automatic output of the density measurement along
with the measured API of the material. It should also be noted that an estimate of porosity is
often included with the output based on assumptions regarding the pore fluid and the specific
gravity of the minerals present in the tested material. Surface-based gamma-gamma logging
equipment (i.e., surface nuclear gauge) relies on the same concepts of the borehole method,
but also typically includes instrumentation to perform neutron logging to estimate moisture
content. Great care is placed in nuclear gauge documentation to highlight the calibration
process (e.g., Rawitz et al. 1982; Ellis et al. 1985; Ward and van Deventer 1993; ASTM

D7759/D7759M – 14). When properly calibrated, the measured densities from both borehole-
and surface-based tools agree well with other measurements (Figs. 3.56 – 3.57).

Figure 3.56: Example of comparisons between lab bulk ρ and those obtained using gamma-
gamma logging at two test sites in Alberta, Canada (Hoffman et al. 1991).

Figure 3.57: Example of comparisons between γ obtained using sand cone testing and surface
nuclear gauge testing at a test site in Schenectady County, New York (Mintzer 1961).

The amount of pore space in a soil is a useful parameter for a number of engineering
applications as it is directly related to several aspects of soil behavior, including relative density,
permeability, and strength. The following sections describe the relationships that exist between
geophysical measurements and porosity of soils and/or rock. Typically, these relationships have
been established for porosity since many are derived from research in the geophysics area
(particularly as related to rock porosity). However, porosity can easily be converted to the void
ratio parameter more commonly discussed within the context of geotechnical engineering. Seismic Methods

As previously noted, travel times obtained from seismic methods allow an estimate of the
elastic wave velocities of earth materials (and therefore their moduli). These moduli are affected
by the different phases in a multi-phase material such as soil/rock. For example, the bulk
modulus of a saturated soil is a combination of the bulk modulus of the soil skeleton, the fluid in
the pore space (typically water), and the bulk modulus of the minerals that make up the soil
grains. As a result, the relative amount of void space can affect the measured velocities of
porous media, as demonstrated in the Biot-Gassmann low frequency asymptotic solution for P-
wave velocity of a saturated porous solid material (Biot 1956a, Biot 1956b):


where Bsk is the bulk modulus of the soil skeleton, Bw is the bulk modulus of water, Bg is the bulk
modulus of the minerals that make up the soil grains, Gsk is the shear modulus of the soil
skeleton (same as the saturated soil since the presence of fluids does not affect shear modulus),
η is the porosity of the soil, ρg is the mass density of the minerals that make up the soil grains,
and ρw is the mass density of water. Note that both η (geotechnical) and ϕ (geology/petroleum
engineering) will be used interchangeably in this document to represent porosity and recall that
porosity is directly related to void ratio [i.e., η = e/(1+e)]. Fig. 3.58 presents the effect of porosity
on P-wave velocity based on the Biot-Gassmann solution in Eq. 3-55 for a saturated soil with VS

less than approximately 400 m/s. Relationships such as these allow the estimation of porosity
based on measured velocities from geophysical measurements.

Figure 3.58: VP and η relationship based on Biot-Gassmann solution (adapted from

Santamarina et al. 2001). Note: Gs = 2.65, Bg >> Bsk (appropriate for soils with VS ≲ 400 m/s).

Other researchers have utilized the theories developed by Biot to explore the variation of P-
wave velocity with porosity. For example, Foti et al. (2002) and Foti and Lancellotta (2004) used
Biot theory to develop a direct expression to determine porosity based on measured P-wave
and S-wave velocities:


Eq. 3-56 assumes that the soil grains are incompressible and that no relative motion occurs
between the solid and fluid phases in the soils (valid at low frequencies). The only term in Eq. 3-
56 that does not have associated standard values is the Possion’s ratio (ν) of the soil, which
typically varies between 0.1 to 0.4 in most soils depending on stiffness and drainage conditions.
However, Foti et al. (2002) demonstrated that the results were relatively insensitive to ν. Foti et
al. (2002) and Foti and Lancellotta (2004) verified Eq. 3-56 based on laboratory porosity
measurements of high quality undisturbed samples and VP and VS results using bender elements.

Eq. 3-56 was then applied to crosshole and downhole field measurements at a number of field
sites in Italy and Canada and compared to laboratory measurements of porosity on high quality
undisturbed samples. Foti and Lancellotta (2004) generally found good agreement (typically
within an average of 10% difference) between estimates of porosity using Eq. 3-56 and those
obtained independently via sampling and laboratory testing (Fig. 3.59).



Figure 3.59: Comparison of results using Foti et al. (2002) relationship between velocity andη:
(a) Sample field site in Florence, Italy; and (b) All data in Foti and Lancellotta (2004).

In general, the wave velocities of earth material are dependent on multiple factors not directly
highlighted in Eqs. 3-55 and 3-56, including overburden stress, grain size and distribution,

structure, and degree of saturation (Zimmer et al. 2006). Therefore, empirical relationships have
been developed from data that incorporate some of these effects directly. Some of these
relationships explicitly relate VP or VS (or their ratio) directly to porosity (or void ratio). For
example, Salem (2000) developed an empirical relationship based on in situ seismic refraction
measurements of glacial deposits in northern Germany:

= 4.0665 − 0.042617𝜙𝜙 (3-57)

where ϕ represents the porosity expressed as a percentage (Fig. 3.60 presents the raw data and
statistical information regarding Eq. 3-57).

Figure 3.60: Relationship between VP/VS ratio and porosity proposed by Salem (2000).

Hunter (2003) compiled velocity and porosity data from boreholes logged by the Geological
Survey of Canada (GSC) and proposed a series of empirical relationships:

𝜙𝜙 = 0.2714 + 4.192e−𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝⁄542.4 (3-58)

𝜙𝜙 = 1.396 − 0.1600 ln 𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠 (3-59)


Hunter (2003) found that the VS data was better constrained than VP data. Care should be
exercised with these relationships as there is significant scatter in the data (Fig. 3.61).

(a) (b)


Figure 3.61: Velocity variations with porosity for Holocene and Pleistocene sediments in
Hunter (2003): (a) VP data; (b) VS data; (c) VP/VS data.

Other studies have incorporated a number of other parameters into the velocity-porosity
relationship and can be used to estimate porosity/void ratio assuming information about the
other parameters is known or inferred [e.g., Taylor Smith (1986) as demonstrated in Fig. 3.62].

Figure 3.62: Variation of VP with pressure and e for various soils (after Taylor Smith 1986).

One of the simplest approaches has been to relate velocity to both porosity/void ratio and
stress. For example, Robertson et al. (1995) proposed an empirical relationship based on fitting
VS data for reconstituted samples of Ottawa sand:


where A, B, and n are empirical coefficients (A = 381, B = 259, and n = 0.52), e is the void ratio, σ’
is the effective stress, and pa is atmospheric pressure. Robertson et al. (1995) cautioned that the
empirical coefficients determined in their study were limited to clean, uncemented, freshly
deposited Ottawa sand and should be established for other sediments through additional
laboratory testing (for example see Zimmer 2003). Jarvis and Knight (2002) proposed a similar
relationship for sands based on seismic reflection measurements and comparisons to laboratory
void ratio measurements on frozen undisturbed samples from an aquifer in British Columbia:

𝑒𝑒 = 2.6 − 1 (3-62)
37𝜎𝜎 4

where σ is the confining pressure. Jarvis and Knight (2002) found excellent agreement using this
relationship and were able to evaluate the spatial distribution of hydraulic properties of the
aquifer in their study.

Plasticity Index (PI) k

0 0.00
20 0.18
40 0.30
60 0.41
80 0.48
≥ 100 0.5

Table 3.15: Variation of OCR exponent k with PI for Hardin and Black (1968) empirical
relationship between σʹ, e, and G (after Hardin and Drnevich 1972).

Other relationships have included a number of other factors that characterize soil structure. In
such cases, knowledge of various parameters related to soil structure (e.g., OCR, stress state,
etc.) in addition to velocity estimates would allow determination of void ratio and porosity
information. For example, Hardin and Black (1968) introduced an empirical relationship
between effective pressure, porosity, and shear modulus of soil for low pressures (<0.7 MPa)
based on resonant column testing:


where Gei,j is the shear modulus on a plane with principal stresses of σi' (direction of
propagation) and σj' (direction of particle motion), ν is the Poisson’s ratio, Sij is a multiplier that
accounts for textural factors and structural anisotropy (can vary from as low as 700 for cohesive
soils to larger than 1400 for uniform granular or cemented soils), n accounts for the effects of
stress and is typically close to 0.5 for many soils, pa is the atmospheric pressure, k is a function of
plasticity index (PI) and is generally close to 0 for sands and increases as PI increases (Table
3.15), OCR is the overconsolidation ratio, and F(e) is a function that accounts for the effects of
voids on the shear modulus (Hardin and Black 1968; Hardin and Black 1969; Hardin and Drnevich

1972; Yu and Richart 1984; Hardin and Blandford 1989; Hryciw and Thomann 1993; Zimmer
2003). A number of relationships have been proposed for the functional form of F(e), including
F(e) = (1+e)/(2.97 – e)2 (Hardin and Drnevich 1972), F(e) = 0.3 + 0.7e2 (Hardin and Blandford
1989), and F(e) = e1.3 (Jamiolkowski et al. 1991). Kramer (1996) suggested based on the
laboratory data that Sij/2(1+ ν) ≈ 625 was a good estimate for most applications of Eq. 3-63.
Determination of VS from seismic reflection/refraction measurements and knowledge of the
effective stress (i.e., depth) and stress history of the soil would allow an estimate of void ratio
using Eq. 3-63 and 3-2.

The mechanical behavior of rocks can differ significantly from soils. For example, cementation at
grain contacts and the presence of fractures play a major role in rock mechanics. Owing to these
differences, a number of researchers have attempted to develop rock-specific relationships
between velocity and porosity. These studies were driven by the increasing need to evaluate
lithology and rock formations during continuous well logging for petroleum exploration.
Therefore the velocities in these studies were often obtained by downhole geophysics (e.g.,
sonic logging) or using pulse techniques with instrumentation such as transducers on laboratory
samples subjected to in situ effective stresses. However, the proposed relationships can be
applied to the P- and S-wave velocities obtained from other seismic methods to determine
porosity variation for bedrock at a site (at a reduced resolution in depth interval relative to sonic
logging). Domenico (1984) provides a review of empirical relationships proposed between rock
porosity and velocities. One of the earliest was the “time-average” equation proposed by Wyllie
et al. (1956, 1958) based on ultrasonic testing of natural and synthetically-created laboratory

1 𝜙𝜙 1 − 𝜙𝜙
= + (3-64)
𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝 𝑉𝑉𝑓𝑓 𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝,𝑎𝑎

where VP is the measured P-wave velocity, Vf is the P-wave velocity of the fluid in the pore
space, VP,m is the P-wave velocity of the solid rock matrix (i.e., velocity of the mineral grains),
and ϕ represents porosity. Wyllie et al. (1956, 1958) cautioned that Eq. 3-64 was developed for
“clean” water-saturated sandstones and is not suitable for carbonate rocks subject to fractures
and large cavities. Additionally, the relationship is less suitable at low confining pressures and

when the rock is poorly consolidated (Castagna et al. 1993). Therefore, Eq. 3-64 should not be
applied to estimate porosity of soils. Application of Eq. 3-64 assumes a-priori knowledge of the
P-wave velocity of the rock matrix (i.e., mineral grains), which is non-trivial, particularly in cases
of mixed lithologies. For relatively “pure” rocks of a single mineralogy, Table 3.16 can be utilized
to approximate Vm. Eq. 3-64 can be rearranged into a more general expression:

1 (3-65)
= 𝐴𝐴 + 𝐵𝐵𝜙𝜙

where constants A and B are determined empirically. The A constant represents the dependency
of porosity on the solid rock matrix, while B captures a number of other contributing factors
such as consolidation, pore geometry, and effective overburden stress (Domenico 1984).

Mineral ρ (g/cc) VP (km/s) VS (km/s)

2.71 6.53 3.36
2.71 6.26 3.24
Dolomite 2.87 7.05 4.16
Halite 2.16 4.50 2.59
Muscovite 2.79 5.78 3.33
2.65 6.06 4.15
2.65 6.05 4.09
Anhydrite 2.96 6.01 3.37

Table 3.16: Reported mineral properties (as adapted from Castagna et al. 1993). Velocities are
averaged to represent zero-porosity isotropic aggregates.

The functional form of Eq. 3-65 has been shown to apply to either compressional or shear wave
velocity (e.g., King and Fatt 1962; Gregory 1963; Pickett 1963; Domenico 1984; Castagna et al.
1985). Based on the data from Pickett (1963), Domenico (1984) performed regression analysis
on velocities of sandstone and limestone and estimated the A and B parameters for VP as 163
and 365, respectively, and for VS as 224 and 889, respectively, where the velocities are
expressed in m/s (see Figs. 3.63 – 3.64 and Table 3.17).

Figure 3.63: Reciprocal of VP and VS as a function of porosity for sandstones (Domenico 1984).

Figure 3.64: Reciprocal of VP and VS as a function of porosity for limestones (Domenico 1984).

Table 3.17: Summary of regression constants A and B for use in empirical relationships
between porosity and seismic velocity (Domenico 1984).

A number of additional relationships between velocity and porosity have been proposed over
the years to improve or expand on the Wyllie et al. (1956) time-average equation. Some of these
expressions maintained the functional form in Eq. 3-65, but expanded the database into other
rock types (e.g., Rafavich et al. 1984; Wang et al. 1991). Other researchers established new
functional forms for the velocity-porosity relationship (e.g., Watkins et al. 1972; Raymer et al.
1980; Tosaya 1982; Castagna 1985) (Table 3.18). Additionally, a number of studies increased the
complexity of the empirical models to account for other factors that can affect the relationship
between velocity and porosity, including clay content (Tosaya 1982; Han et al. 1986; Castagna et
al. 1993) and effective overburden stress (Eberhart-Phillips et al. 1989). This area of research is
ongoing with studies continuing to explore the effects of porosity on rock structure and velocity
(e.g., Freund 1992; Jones 1995; Khaksar et al. 1999; Khaksar and Griffiths 2000; Berryman et al.
2002; Fabricius et al. 2007; Fournier and Borgomano 2009; Gomez et al. 2010). Given the many
factors that affect the velocities of rocks (e.g., mineralogy, clay content, depositional
environment, particle size/shape/packing, degree of cementation, stress state/history, presence
of fluids, etc.) there is a significant amount of uncertainty in applying any general porosity-

velocity relationship to field data. Calibration of the models presented in this section with direct
measurements is highly recommended.

Reference Compression Shear

1 𝜙𝜙 1 − 𝜙𝜙
Wyllie et al. (1956) = + -
𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝 𝑉𝑉𝑓𝑓 𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝,𝑎𝑎

Raymer et al. (1980) 𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝 = 𝜙𝜙𝑉𝑉𝑓𝑓 + (1 − 𝜙𝜙)2 𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝,𝑎𝑎 -

Castagna (1985) - 𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠 = (1 − 𝜙𝜙)2 𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠,𝑎𝑎

Tosaya (1982) 𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝 = 𝜙𝜙𝑉𝑉𝑓𝑓 + (1 − 𝜙𝜙)2 𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝,𝑎𝑎 𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠 = 3.7 − 6.3𝜙𝜙 − 2.1𝐶𝐶

1 1
Domenico (1984) = 0.163 + 0.365𝜙𝜙 = 0.224 + 0.889𝜙𝜙
𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝 𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠
Watkins et al. (1972) 𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝 = 𝑒𝑒 0.175 -

Castagna et al. (1993) 𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝 = 5.81 − 9.42𝜙𝜙 − 2.21𝐶𝐶 𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠 = 3.89 − 7.07𝜙𝜙 − 2.04𝐶𝐶

Han et al. (1986) 𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝 = 5.59 − 6.93𝜙𝜙 − 2.18𝐶𝐶 𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠 = 3.52 − 7.07𝜙𝜙 − 1.89𝐶𝐶
1 1
Eberhart-Phillips et 𝑉𝑉𝑝𝑝 = 5.77 − 6.94𝜙𝜙 − 1.73𝐶𝐶 2 + 𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠 = 3.70 − 4.94𝜙𝜙 − 1.57𝐶𝐶 2 +
al. (1989) 0.446(𝑃𝑃𝑓𝑓 − 𝑒𝑒 −16.7𝑃𝑃𝑒𝑒 ) 0.361(𝑃𝑃𝑓𝑓 − 𝑒𝑒 −16.7𝑃𝑃𝑒𝑒 )
Note: VP,m = P-wave velocity of solid mineral (km/s), VS,m = S-wave velocity of solid mineral
(km/s), C = fractional clay content, Pe = effective pressure (MPa)

Table 3.18: Summary of velocity-porosity relationships for sandstones (adapted from Batzle et
al. 2007). Electromagnetic Methods

Given the three phases (solids, water, and air) present in earth materials, measurements of
relative permittivity (i.e., dielectric constant) using electromagnetic methods represent a
composite value affected by each of the phases. This interdependence between permittivity and
material phases helps to account for the wide range of factors that can affect the permittivity.
For example, dielectric properties of geologic materials have been shown to be sensitive to
frequency and temperature (e.g., Chung et al. 1970; Saint-Amant and Strangway 1970),
presence of water (Topp et al. 1980; Malicki et al. 1996; Roberts and Lin 1997; Mukhlisin and
Saputra 2013), mineralogy (e.g., Hansen et al. 1973), fabric (e.g., Tuck and Stacey 1978; Hawton

and Borradaile 1989), and bulk density (e.g., Olhoeft and Strangway 1975). Therefore, a number
of correlations have been developed for earth material properties based on successful
acquisition of dielectric permittivity. This section specifically discusses geophysical
measurements acquired using electromagnetic methods and their relationship to porosity.

To account for the composite nature of earth materials, dielectric models have been developed
to predict permittivity based on assumptions regarding the interdependence and properties of
its constituents (e.g., see Alharthi and Lange 1987; Knoll 1996; Sihvola 1999; Martinez and
Byrnes 2001). One of the most commonly referenced models is a volumetric mixing model
known as the Complex Refractive Index Method (CRIM), which can be used to estimate porosity
of the material:

𝜀𝜀 𝛼𝛼 = 𝑆𝑆𝑤𝑤 𝜂𝜂(𝜀𝜀𝑤𝑤 )𝛼𝛼 + (1 − 𝑆𝑆𝑤𝑤 )𝜂𝜂(𝜀𝜀𝑎𝑎 )𝛼𝛼 + (1 − 𝜂𝜂)(𝜀𝜀𝑠𝑠 )𝛼𝛼 (3-66)

In Eq. 3-66, ε represents the relative composite permittivity of the soil-water-air mixture, εw
represents the water (i.e., equal to 81 at 100 MHz), εa represents air (i.e., equal to 1), εs
represents the solids, Sw is the degree of saturation of the mixture, η is the porosity, and α is an
experimental fitting parameter that accounts for the orientation of the electrical field relative to
the soil layering (i.e., often assumed to be equal to 0.5 but varies between -1 for perpendicular
and +1 for parallel orientation) (Birchak et al. 1974; Roth et al. 1990; Knoll 1996; West et al.
2003). As presented, Eq. 3-66 is actually often referred to the power-law (Sihvola 1999) and the
CRIM equation is a special case where a value of 0.5 is input for α. A few complications arise in
application of the CRIM equation. First of all, a key input is the permittivity of the solids phase.
This can be measured under ideal conditions using laboratory samples. However, access to such
testing is not always feasible and appropriate values must be selected from ranges provided in
the literature (e.g., Cassidy 2009; Reynolds 2011). Additionally, the water table must be
accounted for since the saturation is a necessary input in Eq. 3-66. If the variation of saturation
is not well established at all depths, then at a minimum the depth to the water table is
necessary. Using that information, the travel time corresponding to unsaturated zones near the
surface must be subtracted from the total travel time using the average direct ground wave

velocity to only account for fully saturated conditions. In that manner, Sw can be set equal to 1
and the measured EM velocity can then be used to estimate a value to input for ε in Eq. 3-66.

A number of studies have demonstrated applicability of the CRIM equation to estimate porosity.
For example, Lai et al. (2006) performed laboratory measurements using GPR to estimate
porosity of pavements and soils using the CRIM equation. Bradford et al. (2009) used GPR
measurements to estimate porosity at the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site and
demonstrate the advantages of 3D tomographic velocity inversions. Recently, Mount et al.
(2014) utilized GPR data from the Everglades National Park in south Florida and the CRIM
equation to estimate spatial variability in the porosity of the limestone that forms the upper
portion of the Biscayne Aquifer.

There is inherent overlap between equations developed for porosity (e.g., CRIM) and those
developed for water content (e.g., Malicki et al. 1996). Essentially, these equations can be used
interchangeably in situations where the soil is fully saturated since volumetric water content
would be equal to the porosity. So the development and application of these relationships was
driven by a subtle difference in the motivation of the researchers (i.e., water content versus
porosity). For example, two of the applications described in this section for CRIM were focused
on aquifers. In these cases porosity measurements represent the volumetric capabilities of the
system, a key aspect in understanding the hydrogeological conditions of the aquifer. Resistivity Methods

Electrical resistivity (ER) testing estimates the electrical properties of the subsurface by utilizing
electrodes to inject current into the ground surface and to take measurements of the
corresponding voltage potentials. From this information, the subsurface spatial distribution of
material resistivity (i.e., how strongly the material opposes flow of electric current) is obtained
after an inversion process is performed on the collected field data. The results from ER are
useful in a number of applications, including the determination of stratigraphy and geologic
structures (e.g., Colella et al. 2004; Slater and Reeve 2002), locating karst features (e.g.,
Ramakrishna 2011), water salinity studies (e.g., Amidu and Dunbar 2008; Toran et al. 2010), and
non-destructive testing purposes for pavements and concrete structures (e.g., Forough et al.
2013; Tucker et al. 2015). As previously mentioned, the primary measurement from ER testing is

the resistivity of the subsurface materials. Multiple factors influence the resistivity of earthen
materials, including presence/salinity of water, soil mineralogy, and properties related to soil
structure (e.g., porosity) (Abu-Hassanein et al. 1996). Therefore, correlations have been
developed for a number of these earth material properties based on successful acquisition of
resistivity. This section focuses specifically on the relationship between resistivity and porosity.

Figure 3.65: Strong correlation between electrical resistivity and η for a soil (Oh et al. 2014).

Figure 3.66: Strong correlation between electrical resistivity and volumetric water content for
various soil types (Samouelian et al. 2005).

In granular soils, the individual grains tend to behave as electrical insulators and current is
conducted primarily through movement of ions within the electrolytic pore water in the void
spaces. As a result, the distribution of voids and water present in that pore space each have a
large impact on the measured resistivity of a soil (e.g., Figs. 3.65 – 3.66). A number of
researchers have therefore explored the link between these parameters and have proposed
equations that relate resistivity and porosity of a soil (Table 3.19).

Table 3.19: Summary of published relationships between conductivity (i.e. inverse of
resistivity) and porosity (Shah and Singh 2005).

One of the most well-known of these relationships was proposed by Archie (1942). This
empirical relationship was developed using borehole resistivity logs and estimated the bulk
resistivity for a single conducting phase (i.e., water) distributed within a non-conducting phase
(i.e., soil/rock skeleton). A general form of Archie’s Law can be expressed as follows:

𝜌𝜌 = 𝑎𝑎𝜌𝜌𝑓𝑓 𝜂𝜂 −𝑎𝑎 𝑆𝑆 −𝑛𝑛 (3-67)

where ρ represents the bulk resistivity, ρf the resistivity of the pore fluid, η the porosity, S the
saturation, m is an empirical fitting parameter related to cementation and grain shape, n is an
empirical fitting parameter related to saturation, and a is a fitting parameter related to the
tortuosity of the pore space. Some formulations (such as Archie’s original presentation) omit the
parameter a altogether as it can often take on values close to 1. Typically, the cementation
exponent increases with a decrease in the connectivity of the pore fluid (Kwader 1985; Glover et
al. 2000), and the presence of clay causes higher m values (Jackson et al. 1978). As noted in
Table 3.20, various researchers have proposed values for m depending on soil/rock type,
including 1.8 for kaolinite, 2.11 for illite, 3.0 for sodium montmorillonite, 1.6 – 1.7 for silty-
sandy-clay mixtures, 1.3 – 1.6 for clean sand, 1.6 – 2.0 for sandstone, 1.09 for porous dolomite,
1.2 – 1.3 for fractured limestone, and 1.5 – 2.3 for irregularly shaped particles (Atkins and Smith

1961; Timur et al. 1972; Jackson et al. 1978; Campanella and Weemees 1990; Salem and
Chilingarian 1999; Kim et al. 2011). The saturation parameter n typically varies from 1 to 2.5 and
is usually assigned a value close to 2. The original formulation for Archie’s Law was developed
for saturated conditions, indicating that the porosity term (η) in Eq. 3-67 can be replaced with
volumetric water content (θ). Eq. 3-67 was originally developed based on measurements in
sandstone, but has proven applicable as long as the pore fluid resistivity is low and there are
relatively small quantities of conducting clay minerals present in the soil (i.e., clean sands and
gravels) (Bryson 2005).

Table 3.20: Summary of published values for Archie’s Law cementation factor, m. (Lesmes and
Friedman 2005).

In cohesive soils, current flow also involves surface conduction in the diffuse double layer of ions
surrounding the clay (Santamarina et al. 2001). Given this knowledge, there is some
disagreement in the literature regarding the most appropriate relationship from which to

determine porosity of clayey soils. A number of researchers have proposed use of Archie’s Law
in its original form or with minimal modifications (Atkins and Smith 1961; Jackson et al. 1978;
Campanella and Weemees 1990; Salem and Chilingarian 1999; Shah and Singh 2005). Shah and
Singh (2005) specifically note that the effects of surface conduction are inherently built into the
cementation fitting parameter m in Eq. 3-67. However, others have suggested that Archie’s
formulation oversimplifies resistivity in clays and have proposed electrical mixing models that
specifically contain a term to account for surface conductivity (e.g., Sen et al. 1988; Johnson et
al. 1986; Waxman and Smits 1968; Sen and Goode 1992). The Waxman and Smits (1968)
relationship, for example, accounts for the additional surface conduction based on modeling the
pore-fluid and pore-skeleton system as two electrical resistors in parallel:

𝑎𝑎𝜌𝜌𝑓𝑓 𝜂𝜂 −𝑎𝑎 𝑆𝑆 −𝑛𝑛

𝜌𝜌 = (3-68)
𝑆𝑆 + 𝜌𝜌𝑓𝑓 𝐵𝐵𝑅𝑅

The new term B accounts for the conductance of opposite charge ions to the surface charge of
the diffuse double layer and can be obtained empirically (e.g., Waxman and Thomas 1974). Q is
the cation exchange capacity per unit pore volume of the clay. The BQ terms together describe
the surface conductivity along the double layer and the units are Siemens per meter. Efforts
have been made to relate the surface conductivity to Atterberg limits of clays to allow an
estimate of the BQ terms [e.g., Abu-Hassanein et al. (1996) and Bryson (2005)].

Given the wide range of resistivity values and the many parameters that affect these values, it is
advisable to calibrate the relationships provided in Eqs. 3-67 and 3-68 for site conditions. This is
especially the case if the goal is direct evaluation of porosity. Another approach is to utilize
these relationships to track changes in porosity (and/or water content if the soil is assumed
saturated) across a site over a specified period of time (e.g., Chambers et al. 2014). In these
cases, it is likely that the parameters in Eqs. 3-67 and 3-68 will remain constant over the area of
interest throughout testing and any changes in resistivity will be directly a result of changes in

138 Gravity Methods
The primary application of gravity measurements is to evaluate the density of the underlying
earth materials. However, by making inferences regarding the distribution of fluids in the pore
space as well as the pore fluid and grain densities, gravity measurements can be used to
evaluate porosity for the soil or rock based on the application of basic soil mechanics phase

𝜌𝜌 = 𝐺𝐺𝑠𝑠 𝜌𝜌𝑓𝑓 (1 − 𝜂𝜂) + 𝜂𝜂𝑆𝑆𝜌𝜌𝑓𝑓 (3-69)

where ρ is the density estimated from gravity measurements, Gs is the specific gravity of the
minerals, ρf is the density of the pore fluid, η is the porosity of the strata, and S is the saturation
within the pore space of the strata. Assuming the pore space is completely saturated with fluid,
a simplified expression can be developed:

𝜌𝜌𝑠𝑠 − 𝜌𝜌
𝜂𝜂 = 100 (3-70)
𝜌𝜌𝑠𝑠 − 𝜌𝜌𝑓𝑓

where ρs is the density of the minerals and the other factors are as described for Eq. 3-69. Given
the robustness of gravity measurements and the wide scale of appreciable gravity
measurements, this approach has seen applications ranging from estimating formation
porosities for petroleum engineering purposes [e.g., Beyer and Clutsom (1978), Fig. 3.67], to
estimating the porosity of crustal rocks for oceanic investigations (e.g., Johnson et al. 2000), and
investigating the diagenetic processes associated with changes in carbonate rock porosity
(Halley and Schmoker 1983).

Figure 3.67: Density and porosity profiles calculated from BHGM in Gebo Oil Field, Hot springs
County, Wyoming (Beyer and Clutsom 1978). Profile values are averaged by formation. Range
of average to maximum interval porosity is shown for five formations logged in detail.

140 Nuclear Methods
Of the different nuclear methods previously discussed in this document, neutron logging is the
method most closely associated with determination of porosity (and water content). Neutron
logging has a long history in the petroleum industry as a wireline tool to characterize rock
formations in the search for hydrocarbons (e.g., Dewan and Allaud 1953; Stick et al. 1962). Much
of the proceeding discussion on the theoretical basis of neutron logging as related to
measurements of porosity has been adapted from numerous sources with similar discussions
(Goldberg et al. 1955; Tittle 1961; Tittman et al. 1966). The reader is encouraged to review these
sources of information for additional details that are beyond the scope of this document,
including the effects of various correction factors.

Neutron logs contain a source of high energy (i.e., fast) neutrons in a probe and two detectors
that record the interactions that occur at two distances away from the source. The emitted high
energy neutrons (typically americium-beryllium) begin to slow down as they collide with the
nuclei of elements composing the propagating medium. Once these fast neutrons have
undergone enough collisions, their kinetic energy approaches the average kinetic energy of the
atoms in the propagating medium based on the ambient temperature. At this point, the fast
neutron is in equilibrium with the surrounding material atoms and is considered a slow (or
thermal) neutron. The straight-line distance necessary for a fast neutron to reach this
equilibrium state is a characteristic of the propagating medium and is referred to as the slowing-
down length. Fast neutrons that have not reached the slowing-down length are also referred to
as epithermal neutrons since their temperature is still greater than the average thermal
conditions of the other atoms in the medium. Hydrogen most effectively slows down the
neutrons since its mass is very similar to the neutrons. Therefore, neutron logging is most
sensitive to the amount of hydrogen in the material. Since the hydrogen in most earth material
is primarily contained in water in the pore space or bonded to clay minerals, neutron logging can
be readily used to estimate porosity (and, by extension, water content). However, other
elements do interact with neutrons to a lesser degree (e.g., boron, lithium, cadmium, chlorine
and iron), so mineral composition ideally should be estimated when interpreting test results.
Additionally, earth materials with high organic content may cause issues with the measurements
because the hydrogen content of the organic matter will contribute to the total count rate.

The manners in which measurements from neutron logging are used to estimate porosity
depend significantly on the type of tool employed in the study. Most modern equipment such
as the compensated neutron log (CNL) contains two neutron detectors that respond to thermal
neutrons. The hydrogen content (and porosity, by extension) is estimated based on a correlation
to the ratio of the count rate recorded by the near and far detectors in the CNL tool (Fig. 3.68).

Figure 3.68: Calibration between the ratio of neutron count for a CNL tool and the porosity of
the formation (Alger et al. 1972).

Wireline CNL tools for logging well bores in the petroleum industry are typically calibrated at the
API test pit in Houston, TX or in other commercially available test pits. Additionally, calibration
can be performed based on reconciliation with cored samples from the same well. Most modern
neutron logging tools allow the calibration to be automatically applied so that the output in
from field efforts is already in estimates of porosity (Fig. 3.69). Surface-based neutron
measuring tools also exist in practice, often for the purpose of estimating water content. For
example, the surface nuclear gauge has a long history in geotechnical engineering to measure
moisture content for compaction quality control based on neutron logging (Mintzer 1961).
Calibration for these tools is discussed in ASTM D7759/D7759M – 14 and is typically performed
under controlled settings in the laboratory with a set of reference soils whose water contents
are well-determined by other methods (e.g., oven drying). Additional information is provided in
the discussions on mass density and water content estimates from nuclear methods.

Figure 3.69: Example output of porosity (in limestone equivalent units) based on calibration of
a neutron logging tool (Berendsen et al. 1988).


The amount of water present in earth materials affects several aspects of behavior, particularly
in clayey soils whose mineralogy makes them particularly susceptible to hydration, flocculation,
and/or dispersion. Therefore, the measurement of water content is fundamental to a wide-
range of engineering applications, including compaction. Geophysical methods may be
particularly useful as they can provide estimates of water content in an efficient nondestructive
manner, which can allow for rapid measurements of the temporal and/or spatial variations in
water content across a site. The following sections describe the relationships that exist between
geophysical measurements and water content. Electromagnetic Methods

In general, permittivity is a measure of polarizability of a medium when subjected to a time-
varying electric field. Water molecules in soils possess dipoles that impart this polarizability

property to soil (Curtis 2001). As a result, there is a strong correlation between the amount of
water in a soil and its dielectric properties (Fig. 3.70).



Figure 3.70: Strong correlation between soil permittivity and volumetric water content: (a)
Curtis (2001); and (b) Mukhlisin and Saputra (2013).

A previous discussion was provided in the mass density section of this document regarding the
use of TDR to estimate water content (and mass density). The methodology and calibration
procedures presented in that section can certainly be applied in a more general context, but is
typically relegated to its original intended purpose of compaction quality control since the TDR
probe is limited in depth of penetration. For more general applications, a number of

relationships have been proposed to correlate the measured permittivity of a soil to its
volumetric water content (θ). The volumetric water content (θ) is related to the gravimetric
water content (w) as typically used for geotechnical purposes by Eq. 3-71:

𝜃𝜃 = 𝑏𝑏 = 𝜂𝜂𝑆𝑆 (3-71)

where ρd is the dry density (i.e., bulk density, as computed from dry mass of solids divided by
total volume), ρw is the density of water, η is the porosity, and S is the saturation. Note that it is
possible to evaluate saturation levels based on determination of volumetric water content,
assuming information regarding porosity (or void ratio) is known. Huisman et al. (2003) provides
an excellent review that provides significant background on the use of electromagnetic methods
for determining water content. One of the relationships most commonly used for geotechnical
purposes was proposed by Topp et al. (1980):

𝜃𝜃 = (−530 + 292𝜀𝜀 − 5.5𝜀𝜀 2 + 0.043𝜀𝜀 3 ) × 10−4 (3-72)

𝜃𝜃 = (−252 + 415𝜀𝜀 − 14.4𝜀𝜀 2 + 0.22𝜀𝜀 3 ) × 10−4 (3-73)

where θ is the volumetric water content and ε is the apparent permittivity (i.e., dielectric
constant) of the soil as measured using electromagnetic propagation velocity estimates. Eq. 3-72
is intended for sands and Eq. 3-73 is formulated for organic soils. These empirical equations fit
the variability of water content using a direct relationship between θ-ε. Other relationships exist
that include other parameters such as porosity and/or density in the statistical regression. Such
relationships obviously necessitate additional information relative to the Topp et al. (1980)
equations above, but can offer superior performance in estimating water content. A useful
example of such a relationship was proposed by Malicki et al. (1996), which can be expressed as
both a function of bulk density or porosity:

√𝜀𝜀 − 0.819 − 0.168𝜌𝜌𝑏𝑏 − 0.159𝜌𝜌𝑏𝑏2

𝜃𝜃 = (3-74)
7.17 + 1.18𝜌𝜌𝑏𝑏

√𝜀𝜀 − 3.47 + 6.22𝜂𝜂 − 3.82𝜂𝜂 2 (3-75)
𝜃𝜃 =
7.01 + 6.89𝜂𝜂 − 7.83𝜂𝜂 2

Eqs. 3-74 and 3-75 are preferred for clayey soils over the relationships proposed by Topp et al.
(1980). Mukhlisin and Saputra (2013) and Robinson et al. (2003) provide a thorough summary of
the proposed relationships between permittivity and water content (for both single parameter
and multiple parameter equations) (Table 3.21).

Table 3.21: Summary of published relationships between permittivity and water content as
illustrated in Figs. 3.71 – 3.72 (Mukhlisin and Saputra 2013).

Figs. 3.71 – 3.72 illustrate the analysis Mukhlisin and Saputra (2013) performed to evaluate the
various θ-ε relationships using a common data set. Mukhlisin and Saputra (2013) found that no

single relationship could model the θ-ε behavior across all data ranges. However, at relatively
small values of water content, many of the relationships agreed favorably with the data set and
provided similar estimates. Of the proposed relationships that take porosity into account, the
Malicki et al. (1996) formulation proved superior at capturing water content dependence on
permittivity and porosity across multiple ranges. The majority of these relationships between
water content and permittivity were calibrated using Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR), which
operates at a high frequency range (e.g., 500 MHz – 1000 MHz). Additional discussion regarding
water content measurements with TDR was discussed previously with regards to estimates of
mass density. As mentioned in that discussion, high clay content soils can cause dispersion in
electromagnetic waves (e.g., West et al. 2003). This dispersion leads to frequency variations in
permittivity, particularly at the low range of electromagnetic wave frequency (e.g., 100 Hz and
lower). Therefore, care must be exercised in applying the θ-ε relationships developed using TDR
when the permittivity is obtained using lower frequency GPR antennas for soils with significant
clay content. Site-specific calibrations of the proposed θ-ε relationships should be considered to
improve accuracy of water content predictions in those situations.

Figure 3.71: Comparison of single parameter relationships between soil permittivity and
volumetric water content (Mukhlisin and Saputra 2013). Note: References for each equation
in the plot is provided in Table 3.21.

Figure 3.72: Comparison of multi-parameter relationships between soil permittivity and
volumetric water content (Mukhlisin and Saputra 2013). Note: References for each equation
in the plot is provided in Table 3.21. Resistivity Methods

As previously noted, the resistivity of a soil is drastically affected by the amount of water
present in the pore space because water acts as an electrical conductor. Implicit in a number of
the relationships proposed between resistivity and porosity is that water tends to be present in
that pore space. In fact, the original formulation for Archie’s Law (Eq. 3-67) was developed
assuming saturated conditions, which means that the porosity term could have also been
substituted by the volumetric water content. Given the inherent link between porosity and

water content as well as their combined effects on resistivity, many of the studies in this section
are similar to those presented where resistivity was used to estimate porosity. Often, the
differences between studies of water content and resistivity result from a subtle difference in
application of the results. This is not unlike the case of radar methods where a similar link exists
between porosity and water content for permittivity.

A number of relationships have been proposed by various researches over the years to quantify
the effects of water content on resistivity. Gupta and Hanks (1972) developed a simple linear
empirical relationship between water content and resistivity based on laboratory

𝜌𝜌 = 𝑎𝑎 + 𝑏𝑏𝜃𝜃 (3-76)

where a and b are empirical constants that can be established by fitting temporal data of water
content and resistivity. Goyal et al. (1996) suggested values of 50 and -0.1 for a and b,

Figure 3.73: Example of field calibration curve to estimate volumetric water content from
measured resisitivity (adapted from Michot et al. 2003).

A number of researchers have utilized a linear form as in Eq. 3-76 or developed their own field
or lab calibrated empirical relationships (e.g., Fig. 3.73) to estimate water content from
resistivity and examine temporal fluctuations in water content (e.g., McCarter 1984; Kalinski and

Kelly 1993; Goyal et al. 1996; Fukue et al. 1999; Hymer et al. 2000; Zhou et al. 2001; Binley et al.
2002; Walker and Houser 2002; Michot et al. 2003; Cosenza et al. 2006; Al Hagrey et al. 2004;
Shah and Singh 2005; Zhu et al. 2007; Wenninger et al. 2008; Brunet et al. 2009; Kibria and
Hossain 2012; Oh et al. 2014). Table 3.22 summarizes the results from many of these studies
and catalogs the recommended empirical constants.

Table 3.22: Summary of published relationships between resistivity and water content
(Calamita et al. 2012).

Based on these results, various alternative functions in addition to the linear function in Eq. 3-76
have been proposed for the form of the resistivity-water content relationship, including multi-
order polynomials, exponential, and power law relationships. As an example, Cosenza et al.
(2006) found that a power law relationship best fit their data when water content
measurements from field samples were compared with inverted resistivity results:

𝜌𝜌 = 1.187𝑏𝑏 −2.444 (3-77)

where w represents the gravimetric (mass) water content as typically utilized in geotechnical
practice. Rhoades et al. (1976) added an additional term to the linearized relationship presented
in Eq. 3-76 to account for the electrical current conducted by adsorbed water on the surfaces of
clay particles:

1 1 1
= (𝑎𝑎𝜃𝜃 2 + 𝑏𝑏𝜃𝜃) + (3-78)
𝜌𝜌 𝜌𝜌𝑤𝑤 𝜌𝜌𝑠𝑠

where ρs represents the resistivity of the solid matrix, ρw represents the resistivity of the pore-
water, and a and b are coefficients that depend on texture and mineralogy of the solid phase of
the soil. Using Eq. 3-78, Kalinski and Kelley (1993) were able to accurately predict volumetric
water content ranging from 0.2 to 0.5 for a soil with a clay fraction of 20%. Finally, Archie’s Law
has been recently reexamined as applied to the determination of volumetric water content (e.g.,
Shah and Singh 2005; Grellier et al. 2007). In Shah and Singh (2005) a relationship was proposed
specifically for fine-grained soils that did not directly incorporate a soil matrix conductivity term
as in Eq. 3-68 because the effects of surface conductivity were included into the Archie’s Law
cementation factor:

𝜎𝜎𝑏𝑏 = 𝑐𝑐𝜎𝜎𝑤𝑤 𝜃𝜃 𝑎𝑎 (3-79)

where σb is the bulk conductivity of the soil, σw is the pore-water conductivity, and c and m
represent the fitting factor and cementation factor, respectively. Shah and Singh (2005)
observed values of c and m equal to 1.45 and 1.25, respectively, for the soil in their study with
clay fraction less than 5%. For soils with larger amounts of clay, c and m could be estimated as
function of the clay fraction.

𝑐𝑐 = 0.6𝐶𝐶𝐿𝐿0.55 (3-80)

𝑐𝑐 = 0.92𝐶𝐶𝐿𝐿0.2 (3-81)

where CL is the percentage of clay fraction in the soil. Shah and Singh (2005) found that the
generalized form of Archie’s Law fit their data better than the relationship proposed by Rhoades
et al. (1976).

Based on the previous discussion, it is clear that resistivity is a useful parameter to evaluate the
presence of moisture in the pore space of soils. This area continues to receive significant
attention with recently published studies continuing to add to the database (e.g., Kibria and
Hossain 2012; Oh et al. 2014). However, care should be exercised in relying on a general
relationship to estimate water content, particularly when the relationship is an empirical
formulation. Site specific calibration of such relationships is recommended for practical use as
many factors related to soil conditions can affect ρ-θ behavior in addition to water content. Nuclear Methods

Much of the previous discussion in this document regarding the neutron logging method and
estimation of porosity is directly applicable to estimates of water content. The neutron logging
method responds to hydrogen contained in the pore-fluid of the material. Estimates of porosity
in the recorded logs are actually derived from assumptions regarding the mineralogy of the
tested material in relationship to the hydrogen content/ratio obtained during neutron testing.
Calcite is commonly chosen as a default mineral, such that limestone is the reference rock in use
for typical neutron porosity logs. In material with different mineralogy, the limestone calibrated
neutron log is no longer accurate and it must be rescaled based on an appropriate mass density
of the minerals making up the tested material. For surface testing, the surface nuclear gauge
test uses the neutron method to estimate the water content and the gamma-gamma method to
estimate mass density. An appropriate calibration performed on reference materials of known
water content (e.g., ASTM D7759/D7759M – 14) ensures that the surface nuclear gauge
provides a usable estimate for water content. When used in this manner, previous studies have
demonstrated good agreement between the water contents estimated from laboratory or field
drying methods and those estimated from the nuclear gauge using the neutron approach (e.g.,
Fig. 3.74).

Figure 3.74: Example comparison of w obtained using a surface nuclear gauge with respect to
laboratory measured values using an oven (Berney et al. 2011).

Hydraulic conductivity (i.e., permeability) is an important parameter that reflects the ability of a
soil to transmit water. It is a key input into a number of geotechnical and transportation
applications, including estimates of infiltration, evaluation of soil drainage conditions, and site
dewatering, among others. A number of geophysical measurements are sensitive to the same
factors that affect how water flows through the pore spaces in earth materials. The following
sections describe relationships that have been developed that exploit this link and allow
estimation of permeability using various geophysical measurements. Resistivity Methods

Many of the factors that affect hydraulic conductivity (e.g., saturation/water content, pore
continuity, shape, and tortuosity, etc.) also affect resistivity of the soil. Therefore, a logical
extension is that a relationship exists between permeability and resistivity, whereby
measurements of resistivity can be used to estimate this parameter. Given the substantial range
in permeability and the relative uncertainty and issues regarding in situ and laboratory
measurements, ERI and other methods that can measure resistivity would present a useful
approach to quickly estimate permeability across a site if a unique relationship can be
established to resistivity. A number of researchers have investigated such an approach,
particularly as related to the quality control of compacted clays and the evaluation of aquifer

hydrogeological properties (Worthington 1977; Kelly 1977; Heigold et al. 1979; Mazac et al.
1985; Huntley 1986; Mazac et al. 1990; Sadek 1993; Abu-Hassanein et al. 1996; Rinaldi and
Cuestas 2002; Bryson 2005; Miller et al. 2010). In terms of general trends, Mazac et al. (1990)
concluded that an inverse relationship exists between permeability and resistivity for clean
sandy soils. For example, a dense saturated clean sand will exhibit a lower value for permeability
and larger resistivity than the same clean sand in a loose configuration. However, for clayey soils
a direct relationship is expected between permeability and resistivity due to the changes in
surface conductance with grain size (Abu-Hassanein et al. 1996). An increase in clay content
decreases permeability and increases surface conductivity effects, which in turn decreases

Unfortunately, given the discrepancies described so far, it has been difficult to develop a general
direct relationship between resistivity and hydraulic conductivity that is applicable across
multiple soil types and conditions. Sadek (1993) argues that such a relationship is inherently
non-unique because the same electrical resistivity can be measured for soil specimens with
completely different structures (and therefore hydraulic conductivities). However, a number of
sources over the years have highlighted the ability to develop site-specific empirical
relationships. For example, Kelly (1977), Abu-Hassanein et al. (1996), and Niwas and Celik (2012)
each found that a unique relationship could be established in their studies (only for a small
subset of the soils in Abu-Hassanein et al. 1996) (Figs. 3.75 – 3.77). The functional form of similar
site-specific empirical relationships has often been expressed as a power-law expression:

𝑘𝑘 = 𝑎𝑎𝜌𝜌𝑐𝑐 (3-82)

where k is the permeability and the a and c parameters are regression coefficients based on
specific site and soil conditions (Cassiani and Medina 1997 ). Figure 3.78 presents an example of
such a correlation based on data presented in Heigold et al. (1979). The exponent c is typically
less than 1 for sandy soils and larger than 1 for clayey soils.

Figure 3.75: Relationship between resistivity and hydraulic conductivity (k) at sites tested in
Kelly (1977).

Figure 3.76: Relationship between resistivity and hydraulic conductivity (k) for four soils
tested in Abu-Hassanein et al. (1996). Note: The results for soils A and B are non-unique.

Figure 3.77: Relationship between resistivity and hydraulic conductivity (k) for aquifer tested
in Niwas and Celik (2012).

Figure 3.78: Relationship between resistivity and hydraulic conductivity (k) for aquifer tested
in Heigold et al. (1979).

Other expressions have been used in addition to a power law functional form. For example,
Miller et al. (2010) established an exponential relationship between saturated hydraulic
conductivity and resistivity based on field measurements at two flood plain sites using a direct-
push permeameter and the United States Bureau of Reclamation gravity permeability method
(USBR 1985):

𝑘𝑘 = 0.114𝑒𝑒 0.024𝜌𝜌 (3-83)

where k is the saturated permeability in m/day and ρ is the resistivity expressed in Ω–m (Fig.
3.79). Others have linearized the expression by presenting the permeability-resistivity

correlation and performing regressions on a log-log plot (Frohlich et al. 1996; Niwas and Celik
2012) (Figs. 3.80 and 3.81). No matter the functional form, in each of the preceding cases the
empirical constants for the regression were not universal as they were developed for site-
specific conditions.

Figure 3.79: Relationship between resistivity and saturated hydraulic conductivity (k)
established from direct-push permeameter and the USBR gravity method at two flood plain
sites in Miller et al. (2010).

Figure 3.80: Relationship between resistivity and hydraulic conductivity (k) for aquifer tested
in Frohlich et al. (1996).

Figure 3.81: Relationship between hydraulic conductivity (k) and formation factor (Urish

Other researchers have noted that the relationship between permeability and resistivity is
indirect, meaning that there is a stronger correlation between resistivity and another property
that ultimately also impacts permeability. For example, Rinaldi and Cuestas (2002) explored the
relationship in the laboratory between various geotechnical parameters and conductivity (i.e.,
inverse of resistivity) for a silty clay soil sampled in Cordoba, Argentina. Rinaldi and Cuestas
(2002) noted a stronger correlation between hydraulic conductivity and porosity. The best fit
function for the porosity-permeability relationship was then incorporated into Archie’s Law to
obtain a relationship between resistivity and permeability:


where a and m represent the tortuosity and cementation factors, respectively, b and g are
empirical fitting constants, and F is the formation factor (ratio of bulk formation/soil resistivity
to the electrolyte/fluid resistivity). Based on the laboratory test results, Rinaldi and Cuestas
(2002) obtained the following values for the empirical constants: a = 0.66, m = 2.49, b = 2.0 x
106, and g = 28.22, where k was expressed in cm/s. Notable is the fact that Eq. 3-84 was derived
indirectly after incorporating a more distinct porosity-permeability relationship present in the

Rinaldi and Cuestas (2002) experimental data. Additionally, Eq. 3-84 highlights the fact that
permeability is a function of the formation factor and not solely the resistivity of the bulk soil
sample. As highlighted in Figs. 3.81 – 3.83, several studies over the years have supported this
finding (e.g., Shockley and Garber 1953; Croft 1971; Plotnikov 1972; Worthington 1975; Heigold
et al. 1979; Mazac and Landa 1979; Kosinski and Kelly 1981; Urish 1981; Allessandrello and
Lemoine 1983; Kwader 1985). Therefore, it is possible for a soil compacted to the same unit
weight to have different resistivity values but similar k and F values (i.e., the relationship is non-
unique based solely on soil resistivity). Rinaldi and Cuestas (2002) found that a direct
relationship is possible only for samples saturated with an electrolytic at medium to large

Figure 3.82: Various relationships between hydraulic conductivity (k) and formation factor
(Mazac et al. 1985).

Figure 3.83: Relationship between hydraulic conductivity (k) and formation factor (Kwader

In view of the preceding discussions, broad use of any of the highlighted relationships between
permeability and resistivity is not recommended until additional research provides greater
insight and a robust generalized expression that reduces uncertainty in predicting permeability.
There is evidence to support that such an expression may not be feasible given the inherent
non-uniqueness of the relationship (e.g., Sadek 1993). Therefore, in situations where ERI will be
implemented as a rapid, non-invasive evaluation method to estimate permeability,
laboratory/field calibration for a given soil is necessary to establish a working functional form
and ensure that the empirical relationship is unique based on specific site conditions. Such site-
specific correlations can provide useful estimates within the typical ranges of uncertainty
associated with permeability. Moreover, once such a correlation is established, the lower costs
associated with surface electrical resistivity methods in relation to additional boreholes can be
exploited to allow larger spatial coverage when estimating permeability across a site. Gravity Methods

The gravity method has been increasingly used to monitor aquifers, oil and gas reservoirs,
geothermal reservoirs, and carbon sequestration activities over a wide range of sizes and

conditions. In these applications, the focus is typically on using repeated time-lapse gravity
measurements to examine reservoir dynamics, including the spatial distribution of migrating
fluid, based on density changes (e.g., Allis and Hunt 1986; Pool and Eychaner 1995; Pool and
Schmidt 1997; Hare et al. 1999, 2008; Ferguson et al. 2007, 2008; Alnes et al. 2008; Davis et al.
2008; Gasperikova and Hoversten 2008; Vevatne et al. 2012; Dodds et al. 2014). The growing
utilization of “four-dimensional” (4D) gravity monitoring (i.e., time-lapse measurements) has
sparked increased coverage of the technique with a workshop taking place at the 77th SEG
Annual International Meeting in 2007 and a special section of within a recent volume of
Geophysics (Biegert et al. 2008). The permeability of the underlying earth materials plays an
important role in these applications since the ability of porous earth materials to allow fluid flow
is controlled by this property. In the context of reservoir dynamics, the term permeability is not
used interchangeably with hydraulic conductivity as is routinely the case for geotechnical
purposes. Instead, permeability is related to hydraulic conductivity based on the following

𝜅𝜅 = 𝐾𝐾 (3-85)

where κ is the permeability (in units of length squared), K is the hydraulic conductivity familiar
from geotechnical applications (i.e., units of velocity), μ is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid, ρ is
the mass density of the fluid, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. Permeability is a complex
parameter that can depend on factors outside of those that tend to affect gravity
measurements as well. As a result, estimating permeability using gravity measurements is a
complicated process that often requires assumptions to be made or complementary information
regarding the measured zone (e.g., reservoir, aquifer, etc.). For example, Damiata and Lee
(2006) used numerical modeling to simulate drawdown of a shallow unconfined aquifer and
examine the gravitational attraction of a drawdown cone (Fig. 3.84). Damiata and Lee (2006)
found that high-resolution gravity surveying can augment hydraulic testing by spatially
monitoring the development of the drawdown cone in lieu of an extensive system of monitoring
wells or piezometers. Therefore, gravity measurements have enough resolution to allow the
improvement of permeability estimates in conjunction with drawdown tests.

Figure 3.84: Numerically simulated drawdown and gravitational response due to pumping
groundwater from an unconfined aquifer (Damiata and Lee 2006).

Blainey et al. (2007) demonstrated synthetically that, although time-lapse gravity measurements
have sufficient signal-to-noise ratio to detect changes in hydrologic conditions, they are
incapable of adequately constraining estimates of permeability on their own. Chapman et al.
(2008) used repeated high precision gravity measurements to monitor infiltration events for
aquifer recharge at a site in Utah. As part of the study, reductions in gravity measurements were
simulated by analytical solutions for the decay of a groundwater mound through a saturated
porous media. The results from these simulations allowed a relatively accurate prediction of
hydraulic conductivity for the alluvial materials that formed the aquifer. Glegola et al. (2012a,
2012b) used a stochastic approach to simulate reservoir behavior and study the feasibility of
integrating 4D gravity data to estimate reservoir parameters such as permeability (among
others). Again, it was found that gravity measurements perform better in estimating
permeability when other information is incorporated regarding the reservoir (e.g., pressure
data). Finally, Capriotti and Li (2015) developed a method to directly invert time-lapse gravity
data to estimate permeability in conjunction with injection-production data. In their approach,
the time-lapse gravity data serves as the input into the inverse problem, the reservoir spatial

distribution of permeability serves as the desired output, and the injection-production data
provides boundary conditions for fluid-flow modeling in combination with assumptions
regarding the saturation of the reservoir materials. The inversion constructs the permeability
distribution so that the gravity and production data are satisfied simultaneously (Fig. 3.85).
Despite the efforts in the aforementioned studies, much work remains to reliably utilize gravity
measurements to estimate permeability of earth materials. However, given the resolution and
potential spatial coverage of gravity measurements, gravity techniques show tremendous
promise as a robust and cost effective field technique to characterize the in situ hydrological
properties of subsurface earth materials, particularly when compared with more elaborate field
methodologies such as drawdown tests.

Figure 3.85: Permeability recovered using inversion of simulated time-lapse gravity

measurements at 121 stations and a rate-controlled well with pressure injection data
(Capriotti and Li 2015).


The amount of clay present in a soil can have a large impact in a number of engineering
applications. For example, significant clay content in a sand reduces its susceptibility to
liquefaction during dynamic loading. Therefore, clay content is an important parameter for use
in transportation applications. Electromagnetic Methods

In the case of electromagnetic methods, the clay fraction of a soil can significantly alter the
propagation of electromagnetic signals. Electrical conductivity increases as the cation-exchange

capacity (CEC) of a clay increases (Saarenketo 1998). As electrical conductivity increases, more
of the energy in the electromagnetic field of a radar signal is consumed during propagation
through the medium. Therefore, electromagnetic signals attenuate more rapidly and travel
slower in soils with significant clay content, particularly those dominated by high CEC minerals
(e.g., montmorillonite). The large effect of clay on electromagnetic signals signifies that
electromagnetic methods (GPR in particular) have significant potential as a rapid, non-invasive
technique to estimate clay content over a broader scale across a site than point measurements
from traditional subsurface investigation techniques. For example, evaluation of sub-asphalt
compacted soil layers may be a suitable application of such investigations based on the broader
range of coverage GPR offers and the limitations that would exist on the depths of investigation
due to significant attenuation of electromagnetic signals in clays.

Despite the widespread awareness that clays affect GPR signals and the potential advantages of
using GPR for estimating clay content in roadway applications, only a limited number of studies
have attempted to systematically quantify clay content using GPR. Tosti et al. (2013) examined
multiple approaches to estimate clay content based on an evaluation of acquired GPR signals in
clayey soils. In that study, three soils were mixed with various percentages of bentonite clay
(varied from 2 to 25% by weight) and compacted into test boxes. Radar signals were propagated
into the soils using two different GPR instruments at 500 MHz and 1–3 GHz frequency range.
Tosti et al. (2013) utilized shifts in the peak of the radar signal frequency spectrum and
estimates of permittivity using full-waveform inversion and time-domain signal picking
techniques to estimate the clay content of the soils. Figure 3.86 demonstrates the results based
on analysis of the shifts in the peak of the signal frequency spectrum. Similar results were also
noted in Benedetto and Tosti (2013). De Benedetto et al. (2012) statistically estimated clay
content across a site based on a hybrid kriging interpolation technique applied to
electromagnetic induction (EMI) data and GPR instantaneous amplitude (i.e., envelope) data
(Fig. 3.87). In comparison to 36 soil cores taken at the site, De Benedetto et al. (2012) found
generally good spatial agreement between measured and predicted clay content. Based on
these studies, it is evident that GPR shows promise as a tool to estimate clay content in near-
surface soils. Further development is necessary in order to ensure robustness of the technique
for application in practice.

Figure 3.86: Shift in the peak of the frequency spectrum of radar signals based on soil clay
content in Tosti et al. (2013). Note: A1, A2, A3 refers to AASHTO classification of tested soil
prior to addition of bentonite clay.

Figure 3.87: Map of clay content using GPR and EMI data (adapted from De Benedetto et al.
2012). Resistivity Methods

As previously noted, clay content of a soil is an important parameter for transportation
applications as clayey soils tend to present particular challenges in geotechnical design (e.g.,
settlement, swelling, etc.). Much like the case for radar methods, the presence of clays can
significantly impact the electrical properties of soils. Generally, the presence of clay tends to
decrease resistivity as the high specific surface area of clays improves surface conductance

(Kwader 1985). In fact, various modifications have been proposed that include terms to model
the increased surface conductance in clayey soils in the original porosity-resistivity and water
content-resistivity relationships referenced in this document.

Given the effects of clay content on resistivity, it is evident that ERI can be used to delineate
clayey soils during site investigations. However, a few studies have gone further and have
investigated the ability to directly estimate clay content based on measured resistivity values.
For example, Abu-Hassanein et al. (1996) explored the ability of ERI to evaluate compacted clay
liners for landfill applications. As part of the study, ten clayey soils were tested for various
geotechnical index properties, mineralogy, and compaction characteristics. The soils were then
compacted in the lab and their resistivity values were measured using a custom built apparatus
that essentially doubled as a compaction mold. Abu-Hassanein et al. (1996) found a general
trend of decreasing resistivity as the clay fraction of the tested soils increased (Fig. 3.88). For the
soils tested in their study, resistivity was relatively insensitive to changes in clay fraction above
approximately 35%. Additionally, one of the soils did not follow the observed trend due to the
significant presence of coarse particles (i.e., gravels). Once the coarse particles were removed
and only the percent passing the #200 sieve was tested, the soil no longer proved to be an
exception to the observed trend in Fig. 3.88. These results demonstrate the importance of
calibrating resistivity measurements to specific soil conditions.

Figure 3.88: Resistivity as a function of clay fraction for soils in Abu-Hassanein et al. (1996).

More recently, Long et al. (2012) explored the relationship between resistivity and several
geotechnical parameters (including clay content) for Norwegian quick clays. The resulting trends
in this study complemented the results from Abu-Hassanein et al. (1996) (Fig. 3.89). Long et al.
(2012) found that clay contents larger than 50% typically resulted in extremely low resistivity
values (e.g., ≈ 5 Ω-m). However, there was larger scatter in their data, particularly at larger clay
contents, and the proposed polynomial trend line exhibited a relatively low coefficient of
determination (Fig. 3.89). Neither Abu-Hassanein et al. (1996) nor Long et al. (2012) provided
the functional form used for their trend lines. In either case, the results were empirical and
specific to the site conditions in their studies.

Figure 3.89: Resistivity as a function of clay fraction for soils tested in Long et al. (2012).

Another study where clay content was examined and compared to measured resistivity values
was presented in Shevnin et al. (2007). In this case, as part of this research a generalized
theoretical resistivity model was developed for sandy-clay soils based on a binary mixing model
(for details, see Shevnin et al. 2007). The model depends on inputs of soil porosity, CEC of clay,
and estimates of the geometrical structure of the soil. The predicted resistivity-clay content
relationship was compared with laboratory samples of sand-clay mixtures that were prepared
with various percentages of bentonite and saturated with water of various salinity

concentration levels (Fig. 3.90). Shevnin et al. (2007) found very good agreement between their
model and the results obtained in the laboratory. Generally, the clay content was overestimated
when it varied between 10% and 40% and underestimated above 60% (Fig. 3.90). The average
error in their estimates of clay content was approximately 19%. Moreover, they applied their
proposed resistivity model to fit data from real field samples from the Mexican Petroleum
Institute and a number of oil-contaminated sites. Based on the quality of the fit, Shevnin et al.
(2007) found that practical application of the proposed technique could determine a limiting
resistivity that differentiated between contaminated and clean soils. However, the proposed
model necessitates knowledge or inference of soil parameters that are not always available or
easy to measure (e.g., CEC), which can decrease its accuracy and limit its applicability.

Figure 3.90: Resistivity as a function of clay fraction and salinity (Shevnin et al. 2007).

Based on the aforementioned discussion, it is clear that clay content can have a large effect on
measured resistivity. All studies demonstrated that resistivity decreases as the clay content
increases (Abu-Hassanein et al. 1996; Shevnin et al. 2007; Long et al. 2012). However, there is
difficulty in developed a generalized expression that directly relates clay content to resistivity.
The recommendation is that a functional form be established for this expression based on site-

specific empirical correlations using the combined results of laboratory testing for clay content
and measured field resistivity using ERI.


Atterberg Limits provide a wealth of information regarding a soil and help distinguish between
non-plastic silts and plastic clays. Establishing these index properties is often among the initial
steps in a subsurface investigation since many aspects of geotechnical behavior demonstrate
some dependence on liquid limit (LL) and plastic limit (PL) (e.g., swell potential, strength,
compressibility, etc.). These limits are essentially special values of water content that signify
transitions in soil behavior. Since relationships exist between water content and other
geophysical measurements (particularly electrical/electromagnetic), it is unsurprising that
research has been performed to investigate the relationship between geophysical
measurements and Atterberg Limits. Resistivity Methods

Many of the factors that affect resistivity are also associated with variations in LL and PL [and
therefore plasticity index (PI)]. For example, resistivity is affected by a soil’s capability to
conduct electrical current on water adsorbed on the particle surfaces (e.g., Waxman and Smits
1968; Rhoades et al. 1976; Johnson et al. 1986; Sen et al. 1988; Sen and Goode 1992). As a
result, clayey soils tend to exhibit smaller resistivity values relative to sands and gravels. The
combined BQ terms in Eq. 3-68 provide an estimate of this surface conductivity and efforts have
been made to relate the terms to Atterberg Limits (Abu-Hassanein et al. 1996; Bryson 2005):

𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿 = 𝛼𝛼1 (𝐵𝐵𝑅𝑅)𝛽𝛽1 (3-86)

𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃 = 𝛼𝛼2 (𝐵𝐵𝑅𝑅)𝛽𝛽1 (3-87)

where LL and PI are expressed as a decimal, BQ is in units of Siemens/m, and the α and β terms
each represent empirical regression constants. Based on the data from Abu-Hassanein et al.
(1996), Bryson (2005) found that α1 = 3.33, β1 = 1.59, α2 = 13.93, β2 = 3.08. Eqs. 3-86 and 3-87
imply an inverse proportionality between resistivity and Atterberg limits, one in which increases
in LL and PI lead to decreases in resistivity as a result of the corresponding increases in surface

conductivity. The activity (A) of a soil also relates to the relative amount of surface conductivity
and is directly proportional to PI based on the formulation proposed by Skempton (1953):

𝐴𝐴 = (3-88)

where A is the activity, PI is the plasticity index, and CF is the clay fraction (percentage by weight
of soil less than 2 μm). Highly active soils (primarily clays of the smectite group) will exhibit
values of A larger than 1.25 and are generally more chemically reactive and susceptible to
volume changes (Holtz and Kovacs 1981). Table 3.23 provides estimates of the activities of
various clay minerals. Again, an inverse relationship is established whereby increases in PI will
decrease resistivity due to the increased activity levels and greater surface conductance (Abu-
Hassanein et al. 1996).

Mineral Activity
Na-montmorillonite 4–7
Ca- montmorillonite 1.5
Illite 0.5 – 3
Kaolinite 0.3 – 0.5
Halloysite (dehydrated) 0.5
Halloysite (hydrated) 0.1
Attapulgite 0.5 – 1.2
Allophane 0.5 – 1.2
Mica (muscovite) 0.2
Calcite 0.2
Quartz 0

Table 3.23: Activities of various clay minerals (after Skempton 1953 and Mitchell and Soga

Ultimately, both A and BQ (and therefore surface conductance) are related to the specific
surface area (SSA) of a soil. The SSA represents the ratio of the total surface area of a particle
relative to its mass. The liquid limit (LL) and plastic limit (PL) reflect the SSA of the soil, the

thickness of the diffuse double layer of water, and the fabric that tends to form under the
prevailing pore fluid conditions (Mitchell 1993; Muhunthan 1991). Therefore it is anticipated
that equations exist that directly relate SSA to the LL of a soil (Farrar and Coleman 1967):

𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿 = 19 + 0.56𝐴𝐴𝑠𝑠 (3-89)

where As is the SSA of a soil expressed in m2/g. Generally, larger specific surface areas (SSA)
improves surface conductance and decreases resistivity (Kwader 1985). Given the direct
relationship between SSA and LL as expressed in Eq. 3-89, again an inverse correlation in noted
between an Atterberg limit and resistivity.

Considering the preceding discussion regarding the interrelatedness of Atterberg limits and
various factors that affect conductance/resistivity (i.e., clay activity, surface conductance, SSA),
various researchers have explored the development of direct relationships to estimate LL and PL
(and/or PI) from resistivity measurements. However, a generalized relationship has not been
established in the literature and efforts to develop empirical relationships have had mixed
results despite the strong theoretical basis pointing to an inverse resistivity-plasticity
relationship. Abu-Hassanein et al. (1996), Bery (2014), and Kibria and Hossain (2014) each found
a distinct relationship for the soils in their study (Figs 3.91 – 3.93).

In the case of Abu-Hassanein (1996), the resistivity values decreased for increasing values of LL
and PI. However, the tested soils were less sensitive to increases in LL and PI at higher values of
LL and PI (i.e., 35 for LL and 20 for PI) (Fig. 3.91). As was the case with clay content, one of the
soils significantly deviated from the measured LL and PI until the coarse fraction was removed.

Figure 3.91: Resistivity as a function of Atterberg limits for soils in Abu-Hassanein et al. (1996).

Bery (2014) compared time-lapse resistivity measurements to geotechnical subsurface testing

results for a slope monitoring project in Penang Island, Malaysia. Based on the results of 32 soil
samples, an inverse relationship was noted and a linear function was fitted for each of the
trends for Atterberg limits:

𝑏𝑏𝐼𝐼 = 𝑎𝑎𝜌𝜌 + 𝑏𝑏 (3-90)

where wI represented the Atterberg limit (i.e., either LL, PL, or PI), ρ is the measured resistivity,
and a and b were empirical regression constants (Fig. 3.92). Bery (2014) established values of a
and b for each Atterberg limit: a = -0.06 and b = 91.84 for LL, a = -0.018 and b = 45.89 for PL, a =
-0.041 and b = 45.95 for PI. However, there was significant scatter in the data and relatively
mediocre fit as a result.

Figure 3.92: Resistivity as a function of Atterberg limits for soils tested in Bery (2014).

Finally, Kibria and Hossain (2014) explored the relationship between resistivity and PI for various
artificial soil samples created by mixing two types of commercially available bentonite (i.e.,
Volclay Na-bentonite and Panther Creek Ca-bentonite) with fine sand at various percentages
(from 20% to 100% bentonite by weight). For a given saturation level, the resistivity decreased
as PI increased (i.e., as more bentonite was added to the sample) (Fig. 3.93). Kibria and Hossain
(2014) also noted differences in the PI-resistivity relationship based on mineral content (i.e., Na
versus Ca in the bentonite). In the case of Na-bentonite, resistivity decreased by as much as 64%
as PI increased from 40 to 226 (at 40% saturation). For Ca-bentonite, the change was more
drastic over a smaller increase in PI at the same saturation level (i.e., 190% reduction in
resistivity for PI increase from 7 to 55). These results demonstrate that the development of
resistivity-plasticity empirical relationships may have to account for more factors in addition to
LL and PI.

(a) (b)

Figure 3.93: Resistivity as a function of Atterberg limits for artificial soils tested in Kibria and
Hossain (2014): (a) samples prepared with Na-bentonite; and (b) samples prepared with Ca-

Not all studies highlighted strong correlations between Atterberg limits and resistivity. Several
factors can impact measured soil resistivity levels, including porosity, water content, and
conductivity of fluid within the pore space as discussed in previous sections. Changes in some of
these parameters do not necessarily reflect changes in LL, PL, or PI. For example, Giao et al.
(2003) explored the relationships between various geotechnical parameters (i.e., organic
content, water content, PI, unit weight, etc.) and resistivity for clays in the Nakdong River plain
in South Korea. In this study, the PI results exhibited significant scatter and no conclusive trend
with the measured resistivity levels (Fig. 3.94).

Figure 3.94: Resistivity as a function of PI for soils tested in Giao et al. (2003).

Kibria (2011) was able to establish a consistent inverse trend for the soils tested in that study,
but this trend only predicted very small differences in resistivity for changes in LL and PI (i.e., the
results were relatively insensitive to resistivity) (Fig. 3.95). Long et al. (2012) noted a fairly
conclusive inverse relationship between resistivity and PI. Low PI marine clays tended to exhibit
much smaller resistivity than corresponding high PI marine clays (Fig. 3.96). However, again
there was significant scatter in the data and a clear trend line could not be established. These
results demonstrate the difficulty in establishing consistent empirical relationships between
Atterberg limits and resistivity. Though the results from Abu-Hassanein et al. (1996), Bery
(2014), and Kibria and Hossain (2014), and even Long et al. (2012) support the basic theory that
increases in LL and PI will decrease resistivity, other factors can influence the results and
increase the amount of scatter in the data. More studies are necessary that are similar to Kibria
and Hossain (2014) where soil plasticity is manipulated in the laboratory on controlled samples.

Such an approach would allow more control of the variables affecting resistivity in addition to LL
and PI and would better elucidate the sensitivity of the results to these index parameters. The
results from laboratory studies could then allow the development of more robust empirical
models for the field. In the meanwhile, care must be exercised when utilizing field calibrated
resistivity-plasticity relationships due to the relatively large scatter in the results.

Figure 3.95: Resistivity as a function of Atterberg Limits for soils tested in Kibria (2011).

Figure 3.96: Resistivity as a function of PI for marine soils tested in Long et al. (2012). Electromagnetic Methods

Much of the preceding discussion related to the factors affecting resistivity measurements is
directly relevant to soil electromagnetic properties as well. For example, the propagation of
electromagnetic waves in soils is also influenced by clay activity, surface conductance, and the

SSA of a soil. A number of studies have explored the use of electromagnetic methods
(particularly GPR) to delineate soils with different material properties, including Atterberg Limits
(e.g., Carreon-Feyre et al. 2003; Rogers et al. 2009). Additionally, some researchers have
indirectly explored the effects of Atterberg Limits on electromagnetic measurements. For
example, Thomas et al. (2010a,b) studied the electromagnetic properties of fine grained soils
using TDR to examine how electromagnetic dispersion (i.e., changes in apparent permittivity
with frequency) was influenced by differences in Liquid Limit and shrink/swell potential. Thomas
et al. (2010a,b) found that electromagnetic dispersion was greater in soils with larger LL.
Additionally, electromagnetic dispersion for soils at water contents equal to their LL appear to
depend on both LL and linear shrinkage. LL related to the high-frequency values in the
electromagnetic dispersion curve and the linear shrinkage affected how much increase occurred
in the high-frequency values as the signal frequency was reduced. Other studies have examined
the effects of the dielectric constant of the pore fluid on the measured properties of different
clay soils, including LL and PI (e.g., Fernandez and Quigley 1985; Fernandez and Quigley 1988;
Acar and Olivieri 1989; Kaya and Fang 1997). In many cases, these studies were performed
within the context of examining contamination in soils and the permeability of clay
liners/barriers. However, despite these studies and the strong link between electromagnetic
properties and Atterberg Limits, a direct relationship between the Atterberg Limits of a soil and
relative permittivity from geophysical measurements has not proven feasible so far due to the
many factors that influence both properties. For example, Spagnoli et al. (2011) found that the
effects of the pore fluid dielectric constant on LL were inconsistent depending on mineralogy of
the clay (Fig. 3.97). Additional research efforts will be necessary to isolate the effects of
Atterberg Limits on electromagnetic properties of soils. Such efforts will improve our capabilities
to predict LL and PL from electromagnetic geophysical methods.

Figure 3.97: LL as a function of pore fluid dielectric constant for different monomineralic clays
(adapted from Spagnoli et al. 2011).


This section discusses applications that utilize shear wave velocity (VS) and the time-averaged
shear-wave velocity in the upper 30 meters of the Earth’s crust (VS30). These applications include
site response analysis using site terms in conjunction with a ground motion model, one-
dimensional ground response analysis, and liquefaction triggering evaluation. The scale and
resolution of various geophysical methods is an important aspect, particularly when
measurements of VS are concerned. Therefore, this section starts with a discussion on how scale
and resolution affect wave velocity measurements and then discusses specific applications
related to VS.


Different geophysical methods provide a significant range in resolution that must be considered
for a particular application. Different methods mobilize different volumes of soil, and measure
the average wave velocity within the mobilized volume. The mobilized volume is a function of
wavelength and sensor spacing, as shown in Fig. 3.98. Suspension logging provides an average
vertical wave speed of the soil adjacent to the borehole wall over a sensor spacing of about 1m.
Cross-hole testing measures the average horizontal shear wave and/or p-wave velocity between
adjacent boreholes typically spaced meters apart. Downhole testing measures the vertical shear

wave and/or p-wave velocity between the ground surface and the receiver. Enhanced insights
into stratigraphy may be achieved by computing differences in travel time between multiple
recordings as the receiver is lowered down the borehole. Surface wave methods utilize varying
resolution, with short wavelengths and close receiver spacing used to measure the Rayleigh
wave velocity of shallow layers, and long wavelengths and sensor spacing used to measure
deeper layers.

Downhole Crosshole Suspension Logging

Source Receiver
Receivers Receiver

Surface Wave

Receiver Receiver


Figure 3.98: Difference in scale and resolution among various geophysical methods for
measuring VS.

Selection of a particular method depends on the application. Borehole methods are well-suited
to identifying stratigraphic details. For example, the suspension logging profile would identify
the gray shaded layers in the profile in Fig. 3.98. The cross-hole method would accurately
identify the horizontally continuous gray shaded layer, but would provide an average wave
speed shallower in the profile where a layer intersects only two of the three boreholes. When
using these high resolution methods, multiple measurements may be required to characterize

sites with significant horizontal variability. For example, thin gray shaded layers would be missed
using a single suspension log, downhole, or cross-hole measurement.

Surface wave measurements, by contrast, average a larger volume of soil, providing an overall
picture of the site. However, due to this averaging, surface wave methods may be unable to
accurately measure the velocity of a layer whose thickness is small relative to its depth. For
example, Fig. 3.99 shows three VS profiles with a constant VP profile, along with dispersion
curves for the first four modes of Rayleigh wave propagation. The VS profiles generally exhibit
the same trend of increasing velocity with depth, but Profile 1 exhibits significant variation
about this trend whereas Profile 3 is smooth, and Profile 2 is intermediate. At a depth of 8m, the
VS value for Profile 1 is only about 100m/s, whereas it is about 200m/s for Profile 3. Surface
wave methods are therefore poorly suited to identifying the presence of thin soft layers. For
example, the layer at 8m depth might be considered liquefiable for Profile 3, and non-liquefiable
for Profile 1. The presence of this layer would be detected using a borehole method. For this
reason, surface wave measurements should not be used when high resolution stratigraphic
detail is desired. Surface wave methods utilize frequencies that are similar to earthquake ground
motions. By averaging a similar volume of soil, surface wave methods provide a better indication
of the velocity structure that will be mobilized by earthquake waves compared with borehole

Figure 3.99: Three different VS profiles produce essentially the same first-mode Rayleigh wave
dispersion curve.

Considering that different methods provide different resolutions, the best practice is to combine
geophysical measurements with geotechnical site investigation information to obtain a more
comprehensive understanding of the site. Thin problematic layers are less likely to be missed
using this approach.


Uncertainty in geophysical measurements can be conceptualized as arising from intramethod
variability, meaning variability among measurements of a single method at the same site, and
inter-method variability, meaning uncertainty between or among different geophysical
measurements at the same site. As defined by Moss (2008), intramethod uncertainty is caused
by inversion of surface wave dispersion curves, curve-fitting procedures, sensor errors, travel
time picks, etc. Inter-method variability is attributed to differences in the scale of the different
measurement techniques, difficulties in measuring shallow sediments using invasive methods,
and soil-disturbance effects associated with invasive methods.

Method Coefficient of Variation

Downhole, suspension logging, and seismic 1% to 3%

cone penetration testing

Spectral analysis of surface waves 5% to 6%

Correlation with geologic unit 20% to 35%

Table 3.24: Coefficients of variation for measuring VS30 using various geophysical methods
(Moss 2008).

Moss (2008) quantified intramethod uncertainty in VS30 for both non-invasive and invasive
geophysical methods, as well as for correlations with surface geology, using the coefficient of
variation (COV), i.e., the standard deviation divided by the mean of dataset. Table 3.24 provides
a list of COV values of different methods. Invasive methods such as suspension logging or
downhole measurements are associated with the least amount of uncertainty, with COV values
on the order of 1-3%, while for surface-wave methods (SASW, MASW) COV was found to be on
the order of 5-6%. Furthermore, Moss (2008) found that the ratio of VS30 measured by a non-
invasive method to that measured by an invasive method tends to be higher than 1 at soft sites,

and lower than 1 at stiff sites. Moss (2008) postulated that this trend may be caused by soil
disturbance during invasive methods, with strain softening of softer soils causing a decrease in
VS30, and strain-hardening in stiffer soils causing an increase in VS30. It was shown that near-
surface effects (such as low confining pressure in the upper few meters of soil) did not
contribute much to intra-method variability (Moss 2008).

Moss (2008) also studied VS30 relations based on surface-geology correlations, and found that
the COV is generally about 20-35%, with COV increasing with mean VS30. The reason for such
high uncertainty is attributed to the combined errors in measurement, modeling, and spatial
variability of VS. One should be wary of using such correlations, and it is stressed that the shear
wave velocity at a site should be directly measured, rather than correlated via proxy, whenever


The primary factors that influence earthquake ground motions are source, path, and site effects.
Site effects refer to the characteristics of the near-surface soil and rock that can significantly
alter the amplitude and frequency content of seismic waves. Anderson et al. (1996) note that
the upper 30 m of a site can significantly alter earthquake ground motion despite the fact that
the upper 30 m generally accounts for less than 1% of the distance to the earthquake source.
This underscores the importance of the time-averaged shear-wave velocity in the upper 30
meters of soil (VS30), which is computed as:

30 𝑐𝑐
𝑉𝑉𝑆𝑆30 =
ℎ (3-91)
∑𝑛𝑛𝑓𝑓 𝑓𝑓

where hi and VSi are the thickness and shear wave velocity of layer i, respectively, in a profile
with n layers in the upper 30 m. Note that while VS30 may be computed with British units (by
replacing the denominator with 100 ft), SI units are used in several applications related to site
amplification based on input of VS30. Therefore, the authors advise consistent use of the SI
system when applying methods described within this section. Note that VS30 is not defined as the

arithmetic mean of the VS profile in the upper 30 m, but rather is equal to 30 m divided by the
travel time of a vertically propagating shear wave through the upper 30 m.

The seismic provisions in building codes are periodically updated based on recommendations
within the NEHRP Provisions and Commentary (BSSC 2009). One important aspect of the NEHRP
Provisions and Commentary is the specification of design-basis ground motions. These ground
motions are derived for rock site conditions at 0.2 sec and 1.0 sec period from probabilistic
seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) and then modified by site amplification factors. These site
amplification factors are based in large part on the seminal studies of Borcherdt (1994) using a
reference shear wave velocity of 1050 m/s for a uniform site condition. Borcherdt (1994)
originally showed consistent correlations between site amplification and VS30, leading to its
adoption in the NEHRP Provisions and Commentary. The NEHRP Provisions originally outline site
classes defined by binned ranges of VS30, which are available in the Caltrans Seismic Design
Criteria (SDC) (Caltrans 2013) and reproduced in Table 3.25. It is important to note that these
site classes are also used in both the current ASCE 7-10 Standard Minimum Design Loads For
Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE 2013) and the California Building Code (CBSC 2013).

Soil Profile
Soil Profile Description*
A Hard rock with measured shear wave velocity VS30 > 1,500 m/s (5000 ft/s)
B Rock with shear wave velocity 760 m/s < VS30 < 1,500 m/s (2,500 < VS30 < 5000 ft/s)
Very dense soil and soft rock with shear wave velocity 360 m/s < VS30 < 760 m/s (1,200 < VS30 < 2,500
C ft/s) or with either standard penetration resistance N > 50 or undrained shear strength su ≥ 100 kPa
(2,000 psf)
Stiff soil with shear wave velocity 180 m/s < VS30 < 360 m/s (600 < VS30 < 1,200 ft/s) or with either
D standard penetration resistance 15 ≤ N ≤ 50 or undrained shear strength 50 < su < 100 kPa (1,000 < su
< 2,000 psf)
A soil profile with shear wave velocity VS30 < 180 m/s (600 ft/s) or any profile with more than 3 m (10
E ft) of soft clay, defined as soil with plasticity index PI > 20, water content w ≥ 40 percent, and
undrained shear strength su < 25 kPa (500 psf)
Soil requiring site-specific evaluation:
1. Soils vulnerable to potential failure or collapse under seismic loading; i.e. liquefiable soils, quick
and highly sensitive clays, collapsible weakly cemented soils
2. Peat and/or highly organic clay layers more than 3 m (10 ft) thick
3. Very high-plasticity clay (PI > 75) layers more than 8 m (25 ft) thick
4. Soft-to-medium clay layers more than 36 m (120 ft) thick
*Note: The soil profile types shall be established through properly substantiated geotechnical data.
Key: VS30 = time-averaged shear wave velocity through upper 30 m; su = undrained strength; PI = plasticity index; N =
SPT blowcount.
Table 3.25: NEHRP Site Classes (after Caltrans 2013).

Ground motion models (GMMs, formerly called “Ground Motion Prediction Equations” [GMPEs]
and “attenuation relations”) are empirical models that consider the effects of seismic source,
travel path, and local site conditions on ground motion intensity measures (GMIMs), such as
peak ground acceleration, PGA, peak ground velocity, PGV, or pseudo-spectral acceleration, PSa,
at a specified oscillator period, among other GMIMs, at a given site. Generally, GMMs output
the geometric mean of the two horizontal components of motion (see Bozorgnia et al. 2014 for
a list of GMM model developer teams), but some newer models also give the vertical motion
(e.g., PEER 2013). The development of GMMs has its origins in the 1980s and 1990s based on
seminal works by Campbell (1981), Youngs et al. (1988), Joyner and Boore (1988), Idriss (1991),
Boore et al. (1993), Sadigh et al. (1993), Campbell and Bozorgnia (1994), Abrahamson and Silva
(1997), Boore et al. (1997), Campbell (1997), and Sadigh et al. (1997). These models have since
undergone revisions as part of the “Next Generation of Ground-Motion Attenuation Models”
(NGA) phase 1 project concluded in 2008 (see Power et al. 2008 for an overview) and NGA-
West2, NGA-East, and NGA-Subduction projects (see Bozorgnia et al. 2014 for an overview).
Douglas (2015) provides a holistic review of published GMM models from around the world,
including their functional forms, what data are used to derive coefficients used in the model
regression, and explanations of various source-, path-, and site-related input parameters.
Caltrans’ ARS Online software makes use of the average of two NGA GMM models, Campbell
and Bozorgnia (2008) and Chiou and Youngs (2008), to compute seismic hazard and response
spectra for any location California, based on user-specified latitude/longitude coordinates and
the VS30 at that location (Caltrans 2013). It is important to note that as part of the NGA-West2
project, the Campell and Bozorgnia and Chiou and Youngs GMMs were updated to apply to a
broader database of earthquake ground motion recordings at various magnitudes and distances
(Bozorgnia et al. 2014; Campbell & Bozorgnia 2014; and Chiou and Youngs 2014).

Early GMMs (e.g., Abrahamson and Silva 1997) used various qualitative site classes, ranging
from as simple as “rock” versus “soil”, to including potentially vague descriptors such as “stiff”
or “soft”, to including geologic ages (such as Holocene, Pleistocene, Quaternary, etc.), as the
GMM developer is at liberty to select any site classification scheme desired. However, an effort
was made in developing the NGA project to use VS30 for computing GMM site terms, which is
considered to be more diagnostic in determining site amplification than the broad and
ambiguous soil and rock categories previously used (Power et al. 2008). The decision to use VS30

for development of site amplification factors in GMMs stems from a movement towards use of a
single representative parameter that captures the signature of a given site. This ideology was
upheld in the development of the NGA-West2 site database, which retained VS30 as the primary
site parameter, as it effectively describes first-order site effects, both linear and nonlinear, and
is arguably the most easily-determinable site parameter, when compared with site period or
basin depth. Seyhan et al. (2014) provides further justification of use of VS30.

It is evident that the continuous nature of a numeric value such as VS30 will eliminate confusion
associated with selecting a qualitative descriptor for a given site. It also alleviates issues that
potentially arise when the VS30 of a given site falls close to one of the NEHRP site class
boundaries. For example, Wills et al. (2000) created intermediate site classes for development
of a site condition map of California based on surface geology and VS30, because mean values of
common types of geology fall near site class borders (e.g., the Franciscan Complex has a
distribution of VS30 values that cross the B/C site class border [760 m/s]). It has also been shown
that site amplification factors from the current NEHRP provisions have discrepancies compared
to those used in NGA GMMs (Seyhan and Stewart 2012).

In some cases, a VS measurement is made to a depth less than 30 m, and must be extrapolated
to 30 m to compute VS30. Kwak et al. (2017) summarized five such methods, and assessed their
accuracy using a world-wide data set in which VS was measured to at least 30 m. These profiles
were extrapolated to 30 m based on shallow portions of the profile measured to a depth Z. The
methods generally produced unbiased estimates of VS30, meaning that the average of the error
in the extrapolation was close to zero. However, the standard deviation of the error term
increased as the depth of the VS profile decreased. Hence, when VS30 is needed for a particular
application, the VS profile should be measured to 30 m to avoid introducing unnecessary
uncertainty into the prediction. However, these extrapolation methods are useful when existing
VS profile data is available, and new measurements are impractical or impossible to obtain.

Site amplification factors describe both linear (e.g., Boore et al. 1997, Walling et al. 2008) and
nonlinear (e.g., Choi and Stewart 2005, Walling et al. 2008, Seyhan and Stewart 2014) ground
response to earthquake shaking. Nonlinearity in site response occurs because strong ground
shaking softens the soil and increases its damping, thereby altering the characteristics of

earthquake waves that propagate through the soil to the surface. Nonlinearity is most
pronounced for soft sites shaken by strong ground motions, as shown in Fig. 3.100 from Seyhan
and Stewart (2014). The strong ground motion database contains very few recordings from soft
sites shaken with strong ground motion. Therefore, nonlinear site amplification functions are
commonly constrained by one-dimensional ground response analysis.

Figure 3.100: Site amplification models for various spectral periods and various VS30 values
(Seyhan and Stewart 2014). PGAr is the peak horizontal acceleration corresponding to a
reference site condition of VS30 = 760 m/s, and ln(F) is the natural logarithm of the
amplification factor.


One-dimensional ground response analysis (1D GRA) models the vertical propagation of shear
waves through a horizontally layered soil profile. A key input parameter to these models is the
distribution of shear wave velocity with depth; knowledge of VS30 alone is inadequate for
running a 1D GRA. The simulations may be performed using equivalent-linear or nonlinear
methods, and involve input of modulus reduction and damping behavior for each soil layer.

Details of the theory and application of 1D GRA is beyond the scope of this report. Rather, this
report focuses on use of geophysical methods to obtain a shear wave velocity profile for input
into a 1D GRA.

The Caltrans (SDC) calls for site-specific response analysis (e.g., 1D GRA) for sites characterized
as NEHRP soil class types E and F (Table 3.25) for final design. Also, site-specific analysis is
required for type F sites for preliminary design; with recommendations provided to extend use
of these procedures to type E sites as well (Caltrans 2013). Generally, the Type E preliminary
design spectra will exceed spectra developed using a 1D GRA, which is the reason why the
Caltrans SDC recommends performing a 1D GRA for preliminary spectrum development.

GMMs (conditioned on VS30) provide predictions of site response based on global averages
(referred to as ergodic), which can be biased for a particular site (Stewart et al. 2014). The
ergodic assumption may be a poor predictor of site response at sites with a strong impedance
contrast (e.g., a soil profile resting on shallow rock), or at soft sites that are not well-represented
in the empirical ground motion database. A 1D GRA can therefore reduce uncertainty (but not
eliminate uncertainty, as discussed later) compared with an ergodic site term. A comprehensive
study which navigated the literature and sought to provide guidelines for performing 1D GRA is
presented by Stewart et al. (2014).

A key input to a 1D GRA is a VS profile that defines VS from the surface to a depth deemed
adequate for the analysis. In general, 1D GRA models permit specification of an elastic bedrock
condition at the base of the profile. Hence, the depth of exploration should extend into stiff
material that will mobilize small strains in response to imposed earthquake ground motions
such that the elastic bedrock assumption is reasonable. At sites with shallow rock, this depth is
easy to determine. In deep basins, the bottom of a 1D GRA is often determined as the depth
where VS exceeds a threshold value, ideally as 760 m/s, though often lower due to practical
considerations. For these reasons, a VS profile for a 1D GRA may need to extend deeper than 30
m, depending on site geology.

Borehole methods tend to provide a vertical profile of VS at a point within a site. The degree to
which the profile is representative of the site depends on geologic conditions, and the

associated scale of fluctuation. In some cases, scales of fluctuation within a particular geologic
unit are available in the literature (e.g., Thompson et al. 2007 for San Francisco Bay area
sediments). When such studies are not available, knowledge of site geology can aid the
interpretation of the horizontal scale of fluctuation and guide the horizontal sampling interval.
Note that the horizontal scale of fluctuation is generally much larger than the vertical scale of
fluctuation due to the manner in which soils are deposited. To account for variability within a
site, ideally multiple profiles should be measured and analyzed to gain insights into the influence
of spatial variability on the resulting ground surface motions. If multiple measurements are
impractical or unavailable, there are methods for randomizing a measured VS profile to account
for spatial variability. For example, Toro (1995) presented a method for developing probabilistic
models of the site velocity profiles for site response studies in which the depth to the layer
contacts and the VS values are treated as random variables. Values of VS among the layers are
spatially correlated.

Surface wave measurements average a larger volume of soil than borehole methods, and utilize
wavelengths that are similar to those mobilized during earthquake shaking. Fewer surface wave
measurements may therefore be required to characterize a site because each measurement
averages a large volume of soil. However, surface wave inversions are non-unique, meaning that
many shear wave velocity profiles may be consistent with a measured dispersion curve. Many
computer programs for inverting surface wave dispersion data are capable of providing many
profiles that are consistent with the dispersion curve. Griffiths et al. (2016) performed a study in
which many profiles were selected to be consistent with a measured surface wave dispersion
curve. The dispersion curve was termed the "site signature" and they found that selecting VS
profiles consistent with the site signature produced significantly less variability in surface motion
than other methods for randomizing VS profiles (e.g., Toro 1995). They conclude that the site
signature provides important information that should be incorporated into selection of random
profiles for ground response analysis.

One-dimensional ground response analysis does not capture all of the physical process that
affect site response. Ground motion at a site is affected by a complex interaction of 2D and 3D
effects, including basin-edge effects, topographic effects, inclined body waves, surface-waves,
and complex geologic conditions that differ significantly from horizontally layered stratification.

Furthermore, low frequency waves mobilize wavelengths that are often significantly longer than
the thickness of profile used in a 1D GRA study, and are influenced by deep soil and rock
structures that cannot be captured in 1D GRA models. Thompson et al. (2012) utilized multiple
earthquake records from 100 KiK-net sites in Japan to study the degree to which site response
was one-dimensional at the strong motion sites. They computed transfer functions from the
measured ground motions, and also developed theoretical transfer functions consistent with
the site velocity profiles. They found that of the 100 sites, 69 sites exhibited low inter-event
variability thereby providing a suitable means for separating site effects from source and path
effects. Of these 69 sites, only 16 exhibited site response that was consistent with one-
dimensional wave propagation. Furthermore, they found that surface wave dispersion curves
were spatially variable within sites that exhibited non-1D wave propagation, and spatially
consistent within sites that were consistent with 1-D wave propagation. Therefore, making
multiple surface wave measurements within a site may provide insights into the extent to which
ground motions can be accurately modeled by 1D GRA. Afshari and Stewart (2016) performed a
similar study for vertical arrays in California, and found that only 4 of the 12 sites examined to
date exhibit a reasonably good fit between measured and theoretical amplification functions.
They found that 1D GRA was able to reduce uncertainty in the site term compared with ergodic
site factors, but only at spectral periods shorter than about 1.0s. At longer periods, the
uncertainty reverted to the ergodic values.

Considering the complex processes that influence site response, it is not surprising that 1D GRA
often produces biased predictions, particularly at sites with complex geologic conditions.
Nevertheless, 1D GRA can improve upon the ergodic predictions provided by empirical site
amplification functions, particularly at soft sites and at sites with a strong impedance contrast.
Many different geophysical methods can be used to provide the VS profile required as an input
to 1D GRA codes, and engineers are urged to consider analyzing multiple profiles that are
consistent with the anticipated scale of horizontal variation.

Small strain damping is an important consideration for input to 1D GRA, and can be directly
measured using geophysical methods (e.g., Press and Healy 1957; Mok et al. 1988; Stewart and
Campanella 1993; Rix et al. 2000; Wang et al. 2006; Yang et al. 2011). Most commonly, small-
strain damping is inferred from the amplitude of the measured waveforms at various distances

from the seismic source. Amplitude decreases with distance from the source due to geometric
attenuation, and due to material damping. Separating out the contribution from material
damping therefore requires independent knowledge of geometric damping. Wave amplitude
attenuates more rapidly with distance in soft soils than in stiff soils. Therefore, geometric
damping is a function of the velocity profile, which complicates the estimation of material
damping (Foti et al. 2015).


Recent notable earthquakes such as the 2010 Mw 7.0 Darfield (Canterbury), 2011 Mw 6.2
Christchurch, and 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha (Nepal) earthquakes have continued to remind us of the
devastating effects of liquefaction of saturated, loose, granular soils. A significant amount of
ongoing research has been devoted to the study of various aspects of liquefaction, especially
given the continued influx of data from recent seismic events (e.g., Boulanger and Idriss 2014;
Maurer et al. 2014; Robertson 2015).

Liquefaction hazard assessment must address three specific concerns: (1) susceptibility of the
soil to liquefaction; (2) initiation or triggering of liquefaction; and (3) effects and damage caused
by soil liquefaction. Susceptibility of a soil to liquefaction depends on soil type, with
cohesionless "sand-like" soils generally considered susceptible to liquefaction and cohesive
"clay-like" soils considered susceptible to cyclic softening (Idriss and Boulanger 2008). An
assessment of susceptibility can only be made based on direct observation of a soil sample,
either by visual manual classification, or by laboratory testing. Borehole geophysical methods
facilitate assessment of liquefaction susceptibility based either on trimmings retrieved as the
borehole is advanced, or based on SPT samples taken during drilling. Downhole methods that
utilize the cone penetrometer (e.g., SCPT) provide a soil behavior type index that may be used to
assess liquefaction susceptibility. Non-invasive methods generally do not provide a means of
assessing liquefaction susceptibility, and independent knowledge of the soil type is therefore
required to utilize VS to perform a liquefaction triggering evaluation using non-invasive
techniques. Independent knowledge may be obtained by supplemental site investigations,
including drilling and sampling, or by knowledge of site geology.

For soils that are deemed susceptible to liquefaction, the factor of safety against liquefaction
triggering is computed as the ratio of the cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) to the cyclic stress ratio
(CSR). Alternatively, the probability of liquefaction may also be computed from the CRR and CSR.
Shear wave velocity is utilized in a number of different methods for computing CRR, and also
influences CSR due to its role in site response. Correlations Between VS and CRR

Although CRR is most commonly correlated with penetration resistance measurements,
correlation with VS provides some fundamental benefits (Table 3.26). Development of excess
pore pressure during undrained loading is fundamentally a strain-driven phenomenon (Dobry et
al. 1982). When cyclic shear strains exceed a threshold, pore pressures develop and eventually
may lead to liquefaction. Mobilized shear strains are fundamentally related to the shaking
intensity and to the soil stiffness. In fact, the shear strain amplitude for shear waves propagating
through an unbounded elastic medium is equal to PGV / VS, where PGV is the particle velocity
amplitude. The presence of the free surface, where shear strain must be zero even when PGV is
non-zero, alters this relationship for application to liquefaction problems, but the relation
between shear strain and shear wave velocity is nevertheless fundamental. It is not surprising,
therefore, that VS correlates with CRR.

Table 3.26: Advantages and disadvantages of various field tests for assessment of CRR.

Models directly relating VS to CRR initiated in the 1990's (e.g., Robertson et al. 1992, Kayen et al.
1992, Lodge 1994), though these efforts were preceded by relations between VS and the
threshold acceleration required to develop pore pressure (Dobry et al. 1982), and based on SPT-
VS correlations (Seed et al. 1983). The database of VS profiles at liquefaction sites has continued
to grow with time, resulting in more recent correlations by Andrus and Stokoe (2000) and Kayen
et al. (2013). These two more recent relationships are discussed in more detail herein.

190 Andrus and Stokoe (2000)
The relationship by Andrus and Stokoe (2000) is provided by Eq. 3-92:

  K cVS1  2  1 1 
CRR = a   + b * − *   MSF (3-92)
  100   VS1 − K cVS1 VS1 

Where VS1 = VS(Pa/σv')0.25 is the overburden-corrected shear wave velocity, VS*1 is the limiting

upper value of VS1 for cyclic liquefaction occurrence, a and b are curve-fitting parameters, MSF is
the magnitude scaling factor, and Kc is a correction factor caused by cementation and ageing.

Based on evaluation of case history data, the values of VS*1 were found to be dependent on fines

content, FC, as illustrated in Eqs. 3-93 below:

VS*1 =215 m/s, for sands with FC ≤ 5% (3-93a)

VS*1 = 215 – 0.5(FC – 5) m/s, for sands with 5% < FC < 35% (3-93b)

VS1* = 200 m/s, for sands and silts with FC ≥ 35% (3-93c)

Furthermore, Andrus and Stokoe found that a = 0.022 and b = 2.8 provided reasonable bounds
for the case history data. Furthermore, Andrus and Stokoe suggest using MSF = (Mw/7.5)-2.56,
where Mw is moment magnitude. The value assigned to Kc should be 1.0 for Holocene soils, and
average estimates of Kc are 0.6 to 0.8 for Pleistocene-age soils. Andrus and Stokoe suggest
caution and use of engineering judgment in assigning a Kc value lower than 1.0. Kayen et al. (2013)

Kayen et al. (2013) defined the cyclic resistance ratio as a function of probability of liquefaction
using Eq. 3-94:

 ( 0.073⋅VS1 )2.8011 − 2.6168⋅ ln ( M w ) − 0.0099 ⋅ ln (σ vo' ) + 0.0028⋅ FC − 0.4809 ⋅ Φ −1 ( PL ) 

CRR = exp   (3-94)
 

Where VS1 = VS(Pa/σv')0.25 is the overburden corrected shear wave velocity, σvo' is the in-situ
vertical effective stress, FC is fines content, and PL is the probability of liquefaction. For
deterministic application, Kayen et al. suggest using PL = 15%. The Kayen et al. relationship for PL
= 15% and various Mw values is compared with the Andrus and Stokoe relationship for Mw = 7.5
in Fig. 3.101. The Andrus and Stokoe relationship tends to ascend more abruptly as VS1 increases
above about 200 m/s, and is lower than the Kayen et al. Mw = 7.5 relationship at VS1 values less
than about 210 m/s.

Figure 3.101: Comparison of Andrus and Stokoe (2000) and Kayen et al. (2013) relationships
for CSR as a function of VS1. Influence of VS on CSR

Seed and Idriss (1971) expressed the CSR as follows:


where PGA is the peak horizontal ground acceleration, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and rd
is a shear stress reduction factor due to the deformable dynamic response of the soil column
(Idriss and Boulanger 2008). Shear wave velocity influences the PGA term because a VS30 value

must be selected to define an ergodic site term when using a GMM, or because a VS profile is
needed when running a 1D GRA. These site response issues were discussed in the previous
section and are not repeated here. The rd term also depends on VS because it is related to the
dynamic response of the soil column. The degree to which VS factors in to rd expressions varies
by method. Cetin et al. (2004) explicitly include VS ,12m (i.e., the average shear wave velocity in

the upper 12m) as given in Eq. 3-96:

 −23.013 − 2.949 ⋅ amax + 0.999 ⋅ M w + 0.0525⋅VS*,12m 

1+ 0.341⋅( − d +0.0785⋅VS*,12 m +7.586 )
rd  16.258 + 0.201⋅ e  ±ε
rd (3-96)
 −23.013 − 2.949 ⋅ amax + 0.999 ⋅ M w + 0.0525⋅VS ,12m  *

1+ 0.341⋅( 0.0785⋅VS*,12 m +7.586 )

 16.258 + 0.201⋅ e 

Where amax is the peak horizontal acceleration in units of g, Mw is moment magnitude, d is

depth, and εrd is a normally distributed random variable with zero mean and standard deviation
defined by Eq. 3-97. The Cetin et al. (2004) relationship for rd was adopted in the VS triggering
procedure by Kayen et al. (2013).

= εrd
d 0.850 ⋅ 0.0198 for d < 12.2 m
σ ε rd 12.2
= 0.850
⋅ 0.0198 for d ≥ 12.2m

Idriss (1999) formulated an rd expression in terms of depth and moment magnitude, but not
shear wave velocity. This expression forms the basis of the Idriss and Boulanger (2008) SPT- and
CPT-based liquefaction triggering procedures, and was based on suites of 1D GRA performed on
various soil profiles using a variety of ground motions. Considerations for VS-based Liquefaction Triggering Evaluation

A key benefit of using VS field techniques for assessment of liquefaction triggering potential is
that it is related to the small-strain shear modulus, Gmax. VS may therefore be useful for other
engineering evaluation procedures, in addition to liquefaction triggering evaluation, such as
settlement analysis, soil structure interaction applications, and others. A second benefit of VS-
based liquefaction triggering procedures is that VS measurements are less sensitive to fines

content than penetration resistance measurements. The presence of fines within a matrix of
coarser-grained soil particles has little effect on VS because the shear waves are carried by
interparticle contacts and the fines do not significantly participate in the wave propagation
mechanism (the effect, of course, becomes large as the fines content increases and the coarse
grained particles are floating in a matrix of fine particles). The fines, however, more significantly
influence penetration resistance measurements because the soil becomes more compressible,
and excess pore pressures dissipate more slowly. The fines corrections commonly applied in
liquefaction triggering evaluation procedures generally reflect two distinct phenomena: (1) the
influence of fines on penetration resistance or VS, and (2) the influence of fines on liquefaction
resistance. Because the influence of fines on VS is small, the fines correction more directly
corresponds to the influence of fines on liquefaction resistance.

Andrus and Stokoe (2000) outline potential disadvantages in using VS methods for liquefaction
evaluation. First, the fact that small-strain shear waves fail to induce liquefaction-inducing
excess pore-water pressure buildup (unlike the more destructive penetration tests) renders
them more sensitive to weakly-cemented soils or silty soils above the water table (in which
negative pore-water pressures can increase effective stresses and thus increase VS). Second, as
physical samples cannot be obtained directly from geophysical methods, potentially-non-
liquefiable layers with clays or higher non-plastic FC may be missed. Finally, the likelihood of
overlooking thin, potentially liquefiable strata increases when using test intervals that are too
large. These concerns should be considered when planning a site investigation for purposes of
liquefaction resistance analysis, and in such cases having supplementary data from penetration
resistance tests is recommended.


Shear wave velocity (VS) occasionally must be estimated at a site where a geophysical
measurement is unavailable and cannot reasonably be obtained. In such circumstances, VS can
be estimated based on correlations with penetration resistance, or with various proxies such as
surface geology, ground slope, or elevation. This chapter discusses correlations between VS and
penetration resistance, followed by a discussion of proxy-based methods. These methods are
shown to provide highly uncertain estimates of VS, which may significantly influence ground
motion predictions. We therefore provide an example in which uncertainty in VS30 is propagated

through a GMM to obtain distribution functions representing surface motion for various
methods for estimating VS30. The primary conclusion from this section is that VS should be
measured whenever possible, and correlations with penetration resistance or proxy-based
methods should only be used when direct measurements cannot reasonably be obtained.


Compared with penetration resistance, VS is more sensitive to cementation, in situ stresses, and
age, and less sensitive to fines content. It is therefore no surprise that the correlation between
VS and penetration resistance tends to be poor. Nevertheless, correlation with penetration
resistance does provide an incremental improvement in estimating VS30 compared with
correlations with surface geology or geomorphology, and can be quite good when calibrated
within a particular site, and is therefore valuable in some contexts. This section focuses first on
explaining appropriate and inappropriate uses of correlation between VS and penetration
resistance, then presents a number of correlations that have been formulated including one that
is specific for Caltrans bridge sites, and finally presents the ground motion uncertainty that
arises from prediction errors in various methods of obtaining VS30.

An example of appropriate use of correlations between VS and penetration resistance is

screening a large number of bridges to identify a manageable subset for seismic hazard
evaluation. Caltrans owns approximately 13,000 bridges, most of which were constructed
before 1970. Traditional geotechnical site investigations including measurements of penetration
resistance (SPT blow count and/or CPT tip resistance) were performed at these bridge sites,
results of which are available in logs of test borings. However, shear wave velocity profiles were
not measured at most of these sites. Measuring VS30 at the thousands of bridge sites where
geophysical measurements were not made is not reasonable for seismic hazard screening. In
this case, utilizing the correlation between VS and penetration resistance would be more
accurate than proxy-based correlations, and could therefore be utilized to improve the
screening procedure.

An example of inappropriate use of correlations between VS and penetration resistance is design

of a new bridge or detailed retrofit evaluation of an existing bridge. In these cases, a direct
geophysical measurement is generally feasible, and should be performed to significantly reduce

the error in the resulting VS30 value. Correlation with penetration resistance should never be
used when a direct geophysical measurement is feasible.


Many studies have been performed to derive relations between VS and blow count (N) from
various regions around the world. Brandenberg et al. (2010) and Wair et al. (2012) summarized
many of these studies, and equations are not reproduced in this report for brevity. Most
published relations utilize the functional form VS = β0·Nβ1, where the constants β 0 and β1 were
determined by statistical regression of a data set. Significant differences among these relations
indicate regional variability. Therefore, relations formulated for a specific region should be
utilized when available.

Although the functional form VS = β 0·Nβ1 is common, it ignores the fact that VS and penetration
resistance scale differently with overburden pressure. Note that (N1)60 = N60(σv'/pa)m, and VS1 =
VS(σv'/pa)n, where m ≠ n in general. Therefore a "uniform" soil profile with constant (N1)60 and
VS1 will exhibit a relation between VS and N60 that depends on overburden stress, and directly
correlating VS with N60 is problematic. Acknowledging the overburden scaling problem, a
number of relations have explored using various combinations of overburden-corrected values.
Sykora and Koester (1988) evaluated a relation between VS and (N1)60, and found the correlation
to be poorer than the relation directly between VS and N60 because both VS and N60 vary with
overburden stress, whereas (N1)60 does not. Andrus et al. (2004) correlated the overburden-
corrected shear wave velocity with overburden-corrected blow count values using a functional
form VS1 = β0·(N1)60β1 for Holocene clean sands. This functional form is superior because it
removes the effect of overburden since both VS1 and (N1)60 are independent of overburden
stress, provided that the exponents m and n are known.

Brandenberg et al. (2010) utilized SPT blow counts and suspension logs at Caltrans bridge sites
to develop a relation defining VS as a function of N60 and σv' because independent knowledge of
the m and n was not available. The functional form adopted by Brandenberg et al. (2010) is re-
arranged here as shown in Eq. 3-98:

𝛽𝛽 ′𝛽𝛽2
𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠 = 𝛽𝛽0 𝑁𝑁601 𝜎𝜎𝑣𝑣 (3-98)

where β0, β1, and β2 are regression constants that depend on soil type (Table 3.27). The
regression also included an inter-boring random effect term, η, with zero mean and standard
deviation τ, and an intra-boring variation term, ε, with zero mean and standard deviation σ.

β0 β1 β2 σ τ
0.57-0.07·ln(σv') if σv'≤200kPa
Sand 57.1 0.096 0.236 0.217
0.20 if σv'>200kPa
0.31-0.03·ln(σv') if σv'≤200kPa
Silt 43.9 0.178 0.231 0.227
0.15 if σv'>200kPa
0.21-0.01·ln(σv') if σv'≤200kPa
Clay 54.3 0.230 0.164 0.227
0.16 if σv'>200kPa

Table 3.27: Regression parameters (Brandenberg et al. 2010).

Figure 3.102 shows the relations among VS, N60, and σv' from Brandenberg et al. (2010). These
figures show clearly that the relation between VS and N60 is not very strong, as reflected by the
standard deviations in Table 3.27. This observation supports the conclusion that such
correlations should not be used when a geophysical measurement can be reasonably obtained.

Soil Type β0 β1 β2

Sands 30 0.23 0.23

Clays & Silts 26 0.17 0.32

Gravels - Holocene 53 0.19 0.18

Gravels - Pleistocene 115 0.17 0.12

Table 3.28: SPT-stress-VS correlation equations (Wair et al. 2012).

Wair et al. (2012) summarized various relations for relating VS to SPT blow count and CPT tip
resistance. Their recommendations for SPT blow count utilize the same functional form as
Brandenberg et al. (2010), and the constants are provided in Table 3.28. These relations produce

different predictions of VS relative to those by Brandenberg et al. (2010), which is a reflection of
the inherent uncertainty in the correlations. Wair et al. (2012) did not quantify prediction errors
in the same manner as Brandenberg et al. (2010).

Figure 3.102: Results of regression equations for VS as a function of N60 and σʹv for (a) sand, (b)
silt, and (c) clay, with trend lines corresponding to the mean and ±1σ for σv' and N60
(Brandenberg et al. 2010).

In addition to the SPT-based relations, Wair et al. (2010) also provided relations between VS and
CPT tip resistance, qt or qc, and sleeve friction, fs, and overburden stress, σv'. They recommend
computing VS as the average value of equations provided by Mayne (2006), Andrus (2007), and

Robertson (2009). Details of these methods are not reproduced in this report for brevity, but are
summarized by Wair et al. (2010).

Wair et al. (2012) suggest that site-specific relations between VS and CPT data may be developed
according to the functional form in Eq. 3-99, in which the constants β0, β1, β2, and β 3 must be
obtained by regression of a known dataset containing both geophysical measurements and CPT

𝛽𝛽 𝛽𝛽 ′𝛽𝛽2
𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠 = 𝛽𝛽0 𝑞𝑞𝑎𝑎 1 𝑓𝑓𝑠𝑠 3 𝜎𝜎𝑣𝑣 (3-99)

Benefits of this procedure are that (i) much of the uncertainty in the correlation between VS and
penetration resistance is eliminated due to the site-specific calibration of the regression
constants, and (ii) CPT soundings can be obtained rather quickly at many locations, permitting VS
to be estimated at multiple locations within a geological unit without having to make multiple
geophysical measurements. Although this procedure may be reasonable at short separation
distances within a single geological stratum, errors may arise at larger distances, or when
geological conditions change within a site. More research is required to quantify these errors.


In many cases, geophysical measurements and penetration resistance measurements are not
available at a site where VS30 must be estimated. This is common for mapping applications, and
is also the case at many strong ground motion recording stations. In these cases, VS30 may be
approximated from proxies that include geologic mapping, topographic slope, and/or terrain
classes. These methods involve significant uncertainty, and should only be used when
geophysical measurements and cannot reasonably be obtained at a particular site. Recent
examples of proxy-based methods for estimating VS30 are Yong (2016) for California, Seyhan et
al. (2014) for the NGA-West 2 project, Parker et al. (2017) for Central and Eastern North
America, and Ahdi et al. (2017) for the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. This report focuses on
application of geophysical measurements to geotechnical problems. Therefore details of the
proxy-based methods are omitted from the report, and readers are referred to other sources of
literature for details of these models.


Under certain circumstances, field-based geophysical methods may provide less than ideal
coverage or may suffer from limitations that prevent adequate estimates of VS. For example, in
surface wave methods such as MASW and SASW, the amount of uncertainty in VS increases and
the resolution capabilities decrease as the depth of investigation increases. Seismic refraction is
incapable of resolving the VS of a layer where a stiffness inversion exists (i.e., stiff over soft
strata). Finally, the recorded wavefields from seismic reflection may be complex due to
overlapping reflections from multiple soil layers and/or may suffer from poor signal to noise
ratio. Borehole-based geophysical methods may be useful in such circumstances. However, as
described in previous sections, borehole methods are not without their own limitations,
particularly related to costs, coupling between the borehole wall and casing, and logistical
constraints. Therefore, in a number of cases, laboratory testing may prove quite useful in
overcoming these issues and estimating VS and/or VP. In the case of material damping,
laboratory methods are well-suited as they allow testing in a controlled environment that better
address the inherent difficulties in measuring damping in dry, saturated, or cemented soils (e.g.,
Toksoz et al. 1979). For example, laboratory conditions can reduce uncertainty in the effects of
geometric attenuation and reflections/scattering due to heterogeneities present in the wave


Resonant column testing (ASTM D4015) has been used for over 50 years to determine the
relationship between shear modulus, material damping, and shear strain in soils. Richart et al.
(1970) provides a good discussion of the early history regarding development of resonant
column testing. It is the most commonly used laboratory apparatus for measuring the small-
strain properties of soils (Kramer 1996). Much of the current ASTM standard for this test
method is derived from the seminal work of Drnevich et al. (1978). In this test, a solid or hollow
cylindrical soil sample is placed into what is typically a fixed-free apparatus (Fig. 3.103). The
bottom of the specimen is affixed to a rigidly fixed base and the top of the specimen is affixed to
a driving plate that applies a torsional input excitation. A sinusoidal torque with a range of
excitation frequencies is typically applied to the specimen, though random noise (Amini et al.
1988) and impulse loading (Tawfiq et al. 1988) have also been employed previously. By
measuring the response of the specimen to this input excitation in the time and frequency

domain, the resonant (i.e., fundamental) frequency is obtained (Fig. 3.104). The VS of the
specimen can then be estimated by solving the equation of wave motion in a prismatic rod (see
Richart et al. 1970 or Kramer 1996 for details):

𝑃𝑃 𝜔𝜔𝑛𝑛 ℎ 𝜔𝜔𝑛𝑛 ℎ
= 𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑎𝑛𝑛 (3-100)
𝑃𝑃𝑣𝑣 𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠 𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠

where I is the mass polar moment of inertia of the specimen, Io the mass polar moment of
inertia of the torsional loading system attached to the top of the specimen, h the height of the
specimen, ωn the fundamental angular frequency (ωn = 2πfn), and VS the shear wave velocity.

Figure 3.103: Schematic of a resonant column device (Drnevich et al. 2015).

Figure 3.104: Example of a soil specimen’s frequency response from resonant column testing
(Khan et al. 2008).

Assuming that testing is performed at very small strains, the VS as computed from Eq. 3-100 can
be used to represent the in-situ VS and is related to the small strain shear modulus (Gmax) based
on Eq. 3-2. Damping is estimated from the frequency response curve using a half-power
bandwidth approach or from a logarithmic decrement approach after subjecting the sample to
free vibration (see Kramer 1996 for details on these methods). Once resonant response has
been obtain at one value of torque, the torque is then adjusted (which changes the level of
applied shear strain) and the specimen is again excited through a range sinusoidal excitations
with different frequencies. Testing in this manner continues and allows estimates of shear
modulus and damping at different shear strain levels (Fig. 3.105).

Figure 3.105: Example of shear modulus and damping ratio results from resonant column
testing (Werden et al. 2013).

The resonant column test is capable of exciting the specimen at strain levels ranging from 10-5%
to 0.5%, which allows it to develop modulus reduction and damping curves for use in soil
dynamics applications (e.g., earthquake engineering, traffic vibrations, machine foundations,
etc.). It should also be noted that the apparatus can apply axial loading in a similar manner as
the torsional loading, which yields estimates of the constrained modulus. However, resonant
column testing is used so rarely in this manner that ASTM D4015 removed this discussion in the
latest revision to the standard. The apparatus is often housed in a pressure chamber that allows
testing to be performed at a range of confining stresses representative of various depths within
a soil profile. A significant amount of literature exists regarding resonant column testing,
including references related to developments in the methodology and/or available testing
systems (e.g., Drnevich et al. 1978; Drnevich 1985; Avramidis and Saxena 1990; Cascante et al.
2003; Kumar and Clayton 2007), interpretation of results (e.g., Amini et al. 1988; Tawfiq et al.
1988; Cascante and Santamarina 1997; Ashlock et al. 2013; Werden et al. 2013), and different
applications of the method (e.g., Prange 1981; Acar and El-Thahir 1986; Macari and Hoyos 1996;
Kramer 2000; Hardin and Kalinski 2005; Senetakis et al. 2012; Castelli and Lentini 2017). Despite
the strong history of this test method, its use is largely confined to academic settings where
researchers explore the fundamental behavior of soils or to large critical projects (e.g., nuclear
power plant project). Much of this can be attributed to the large costs and highly specialized
nature of the equipment. Other, even more specialized testing equipment exists to measure
shear modulus and damping [e.g., the Dual Specimen Direct Simple Shear (DSDSS) device as
discussed in Doroudian and Vucetic (1995)]. However, the availability and costs of such
equipment even further limit their applications to academic settings.


In addition to resonant column testing, wave velocity has also been measured in the laboratory
using transducers and/or bender elements (Fig. 3.106) in a through transmission setup (typically
referred to ultrasonic pulse testing) (Fig. 3.107). In such cases, an incident wave is input into one
side of a specimen with known geometry and the arrival time is recorded on the other side of
the specimen. Care must be exercised regarding data interpretation as there is some ambiguity
in which part of the received signal best represents the arrival time of the wave, particularly for
shear waves (e.g., see Lee and Santamarina 2005a for discussion) (Fig. 3.108). The use of
multiple reflections can aid this determination and allow for consistency in how travel time is

defined (Lee and Santamarina 2005a). Additionally, transducers and bender elements both
exhibit a near field response, where the waves are not fully developed and signal amplitudes
fluctuate spatially instead of decaying from geometric spreading (e.g., Lee and Santamarina
2005a; Lee and Santamarina 2005b) (Fig. 3.109).

(a) (b)

Figure 3.106: Sensors for estimating VS in the laboratory: (a) Transducers (www.olympus-; and (b) Bender elements (

Figure 3.107: Schematic and associated electronics for through transmission ultrasonic pulse
testing with transducers/bender elements (Brignoli et al. 1996).

Figure 3.108: Typical S-wave signal and potential interpretations for arrival time: (A) first
deflection; (B) first bump maximum; (C) zero after first bump; and (D) first major peak (Lee
and Santamarina 2005a).

Figure 3.109: Near field effect on signal amplitude along the centerline of a typical P-wave
transducer (Lee and Santamarina 2005b).

Once the arrival time is determined, the wave velocity (VP or VS) is then estimated by simply
dividing the length of the specimen by the arrival time of the corresponding wave. Estimates of
velocity using transducers and/or bender elements can be as much as 3% - 10% larger than
those obtained in resonant column testing due to the different frequencies used during testing
(Stokoe et al. 1994). Transducers and bender elements both rely on the phenomenon of
piezoelectricity to accomplish these measurements. Piezoelectricity was first observed by Curie
and Curie (1880) and refers to the voltage potential that occurs in certain ceramic materials due
to an applied mechanical stress. It results from lack of symmetry in the crystalline structure of
the ceramic or from the electrically polar nature of crystals (Lee and Santamarina 2005a). As the
amount of crystal asymmetry increases, the piezoelectric effect increases as well, which leads to
increasingly larger voltage output for a given applied mechanical stress. Moreover, this process
works in the inverse direction, whereby an application of a voltage potential across the
crystalline structure of the ceramic causes it to distort. The polarization direction of the crystal

changes the sign of the voltage output and, by extension, the direction of mechanical

Figure 3.110: Schematic of typical ultrasonic transducer (Lee and Santamarina 2005b).

Figure 3.111: Example of P-wave signal generated by S-wave transducers (Brignoli et al. 1996).

Transducers are composed of a piezoelectric element [e.g., lead zirconate titanate (PZT)], a
backing block that controls the extent with which the piezoelectric element vibrates after
excitation, and a matching layer that optimizes the energy transferred from the piezoelectric
element to the medium (Fig. 3.110). Both VS and VP can be measured for the soil by employing
transducers that generate shear waves and compression waves, respectively. Care must be
exercised when interpreting the first time of arrival because spurious motions can be present,
particularly for shear wave transducers where it is practically impossible to prevent some
amount of compressive wave energy from being generated (Brignoli et al. 1996) (Fig. 3.111).

Additionally, the source and receiver transducers should be separated by at least two
wavelengths to reduce near-field effects, particularly in VS measurements (Sanchez-Salinero et
al. 1986).

Some of the earliest instances of measuring VS using an ultrasonic pulse arrangement with shear
wave transducers occurred in the 1960s (e.g., Lawrence 1963; Nacci and Taylor 1967; Sheeran et
al. 1967). Since that time, its usage has been more widely adopted (e.g., Stephenson 1978;
Cockaerts and De Cooman 1994; Brignoli et al. 1996; Nakagawa et al. 1996; Fioravante 2000; Inci
et al. 2003). In many cases, suppliers of geotechnical testing equipment can provide modules for
their equipment that contain transducer-based systems, including sensors, automated data
acquisition systems, and other peripheral hardware for operation. However, based on recent
publications, it appears that bender elements have become more popular than transducers for
estimating VS in soils.




Figure 3.112: Schematic representation of bender elements: (a) Typical components; (b) Series
type wiring; and (c) Parallel type wiring (Brandenberg et al. 2006).

Bender elements consist of two conductive outer electrodes, two piezoceramic sheets between
the electrodes, and a conductive metal shim at the center (Fig. 3.112). Depending on how the
bender elements are wired, they can behave in “parallel” or “series” operational modes. For
series type bender elements, the two piezoelectric layers are connected at the outer electrodes,
which results in their poling directions being opposite to one another (Fig. 3.112b) Parallel type

bender elements have the voltage wire connected to the conductive metal shim and the outer
electrodes share a common ground (Fig. 3.112c). This wiring results in the piezoelectric sheets
sharing the same poling direction and twice the level of displacement for the same applied
voltage. Given this behavior, parallel type bender elements are well suited to behave as a source
of shear waves and series type bender elements as the receiver. Bender element testing to
estimate wave velocity of laboratory samples was first introduced in the 1970s (Shirley and
Anderson 1975; Shirley and Hampton 1978; Shirley 1978). In some ways, bender elements are
preferable for this application as they tend to be smaller, operate at lower frequencies, and can
more readily be adapted to interface with a typical triaxial, direct shear, and/or oedometer
testing apparatus. Bender elements also develop larger deformations (and stronger input
signals) for a given voltage excitation when compared to shear wave transducers (Brignoli et al.
1996). Moreover, shear wave transducers can suffer from limitations related to poor coupling,
weak directivity, high operating frequency [typically in the ultrasonic range (>20 kHz)], and/or
impedance mismatch (Lee and Santamarina 2005a). However, bender elements must be
installed so that they penetrate the sample being tested, which may cause issues with stiffer
soils and soils with large particles/aggregates (Brignoli et al. 1996). Since its inception in the
1970s, bender element testing has experienced increased rates of usage for estimating VS in
small-scale (e.g., triaxial, oedometer) and/or large-scale (e.g., centrifuge model) laboratory
samples (e.g., Dyvik and Madshus 1985; Fam and Santamarina 1995; Jovičić et al. 1996;
Pennington et al. 1997; Lee and Santamarina 2005a; Brandenberg et al. 2006; DeJong et al.
2006; Zhou and Chen 2007; Montoya et al. 2012; El-Sekelly et al. 2014). As with transducers,
many geotechnical testing equipment suppliers offer bender element systems as add-on
modules for testing equipment [typically for their strength testing equipment (e.g., triaxial


Laboratory measurements of VS, VP, and/or damping may be desirable under certain
circumstances related to the feasibility of field geophysical measurements. Generally speaking,
measuring the in situ geophysical properties of a soil is preferable with field-based methods that
are non-destructive since testing occurs at the same stress and drainage conditions. These
approaches are more efficient and they avoid the limitations of sample disturbance that are
inevitably present whenever drilling and sampling occur to procure laboratory specimens. In

fact, in many cases, laboratory samples may be reconstituted or subjected to remolding in an
attempt to better replicate field density conditions at the expense of maintaining soil
fabric/structure (Kramer 1996). Moreover, laboratory samples only represent a distinct depth
and/or location within the site. This implies that laboratory measurements of geophysical
parameters are likely to provide less overall information regarding general site conditions as the
samples may only cover a limited area of the site. There is also always concern as to whether a
given sample is truly representative of the strata of interest. Field based geophysical methods
sample a much larger area and are likely to “average” local variations in geophysical properties
that may highly affect a particular sample. Additionally, laboratory testing systems must be
appropriately assembled. In the case of resonant column testing, this means that the apparatus
must be appropriately calibrated and the specimen must be placed in a membrane while
minimizing disturbance. For bender element or transducer testing, adequate coupling must be
ensured between sensor and specimen and electrical coupling issues must be addressed with
adequate shielding. Despite these issues, laboratory measurements do provide some
advantages. For instance, conditions in the laboratory are much more controlled and data
interpretation is often more straight forward. The desired dimensions for laboratory
investigations are drastically reduced in scale to centimeters from the tens of meters necessary
in the field, which leads to a corresponding increase in resolution. These effects often
considerably reduce the amount of uncertainty present in geophysical laboratory
measurements. However, this must always be balanced against the limitations related to sample
disturbance and limited spatial coverage of the measurements as previously described.


As previously noted in this document, there is significant overlap between geophysical methods
as applied to earth materials and for non-destructive testing (NDT) purposes. Transportation
agencies acknowledge the similarities between geophysical methods and NDT in practice (e.g.,
Fig. 1.4). In many cases, there is no formal distinction between geophysics and NDT. For the
purposes of this document, geophysical methods measure the properties of natural earth
materials and NDT evaluate properties of engineered materials (e.g., pavement, concrete,
structural fills, etc.) as suggested by Wightman et al. (2003). The following sections briefly
describe important applications of NDT for transportation infrastructure and their
corresponding geophysical methods. A comprehensive discussion regarding NDT is beyond the

scope of this document and the reader is encouraged to review the references described in each
section and other extensive literature on the topic (e.g., Wightman et al. 2003; Von Quintus et
al. 2009).


Nearly all state DOTs perform quality assurance on pavement construction by measuring density
with coring samples and smoothness with profilographs (Cominsky et al. 1998; Von Quintus et
al. 2009). NDT methods have seen increased usage for assessing the quality of hot mix asphalt
(HMA) overlays and flexible pavement construction due to their ability to evaluate pavement
material properties in a time-efficient manner with limited disruptions to traffic operations.
Additionally, NDT methods can potentially address some of the challenges associated with
properly evaluating the influx of new technologies in asphalt pavements (e.g., recycled products,
binder additives, stone matrix asphalts, warm mix asphalts, etc.). Finally, NDT methods can be
used to monitor long-term condition of existing pavements as a form of early stage
deterioration detection (Wightman et al. 2003). In this manner, NDT can serve as a component
of network-level pavement management efforts.

Typical NDT technologies for evaluation of pavement include deflectometers, GPR, impact echo,
ultrasonic pulse velocity, infrared thermography, intelligent compactors, lasers, non-nuclear and
nuclear density gauges, permeameters, and ultrasonic seismic devices (Tables 3.29 – 3.30). A
detailed discussion of the operation of all these NDT technologies is outside the scope of this
study on geophysics and earth material properties and the reader is encouraged to refer to
multiple references available regarding NDT in pavements (e.g., Wightman et al. 2003; Von
Quintus et al. 2009). However, one particular item of note is that many of the NDT methods
share similar characteristics with geophysical testing methods previously highlighted in this
document. For example, GPR as used for pavement assessment relies on higher frequency
antenna to focus on the immediate near surface, but is otherwise identical in practice to GPR as
used in geophysical studies. Many of the seismic wave systems (e.g., ultrasonic pulse velocity)
rely on testing techniques that share many of its fundamental features with seismic
reflection/refraction approaches. In fact, the overlap between the two areas has continuously
increased as many of the recent development in seismic geophysical methods (e.g., SASW,
MASW, etc.) have been simultaneously studied within the context of earth materials and

pavements. For example, since its inception in the 1990’s, there has been growing interest in
using MASW to evaluate the stiffness of pavements and underlying subgrades as an
investigative quality assurance tool (e.g., Park et al. 2001; Ryden and Lowe 2004; Alzate-Diaz and
Popovics 2009; Lin and Ashlock 2015). Given these links, it is expected that future new
developments in geophysical methods will continue to improve the current state of practice for
quality assurance of pavement materials.

Table 3.29: Summary of NDT methods used to evaluate pavement properties for quality
control (Von Quintus et al. 2009).

Table 3.30: Summary of NDT methods for pavement evaluation, including information
regarding costs, training needs, portability, etc. (Schmitt et al. 2013).

In addition to density and smoothness, critical field construction-related characteristics that

influence flexible pavement quality, stability, and durability include mix segregation, in-place
compaction, layer thickness, temperature segregation, layer interface bonding, and layer moduli
(Schmitt et al. 2013) (Table 3.31). As previously noted, many state DOTs rely on laboratory tests
on coring samples or on field tests that provide information regarding volumetric properties
(e.g., density, presence of voids, thickness, etc.) and smoothness of the asphalt layer. The
current Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) uses layer modulus as a key
material property for structural design of flexible pavements. Layer modulus has also been
demonstrated to be more objective for characterization of asphalt layers because it
incorporates the effects of temperature and loading frequency on pavement performance
(Nazarian et al. 2005). Therefore, there has been increasing interest in procedures to measure

the modulus of each pavement layer shortly after placement during construction (Celaya and
Nazarian 2006). This shift from an empirical to a performance-based mechanistic design has
partially driven the increased interest in NDT technologies as many can be used to estimate
modulus (Table 3.29). However, it should be noted that Von Quintus et al. (2009) demonstrated
significant differences in the field values of moduli measured using NDT when compared to
results from laboratory tests on coring samples (Tables 3.32 – 3.33). However, the results
generally correlated well with increases in laboratory measured moduli exhibiting similar
increases in NDT measured moduli. It is expected that efforts will continue in the future to
address the challenges in applying NDT methods and corresponding moduli measurements for
quality assurance of asphalt pavements.

Table 3.31: Summary of material properties used for design and acceptance of flexible
pavements and HMA overlays (Von Quintus et al. 2009).

Table 3.32: Adjustments between moduli measured using laboratory methods and field NDT
methods for unbound layers (Von Quintus et al. 2009).

Table 3.33: Adjustments between moduli measured using laboratory methods and field NDT
methods for HMA layers (Von Quintus et al. 2009).


The use of reinforced concrete is ubiquitous on transportation projects across a wide range of
scales and applications (e.g., bridge decks, retaining walls, concrete pavements, foundations,
etc.). This signifies that measuring the properties of concrete is an important aspect of quality
assurance for many transportation related projects. The compressive strength of concrete is
typically the property of interest when evaluating concrete structures, though other concrete
properties such as air void content, surface roughness, density, and chloride content among
others may be relevant depending on application. For new structures, a common approach for
quality assurance is to simultaneously cast samples of the concrete used in the structure for
future evaluation of compressive, flexural, and tensile strengths. There are a number of
disadvantages to this approach, including the delay in availability of results (i.e., at least 28
days), differences in the concrete samples relative to the actual structure, and dependence of

concrete strength properties on sample size and shape (Bungey et al. 2006). In a similar manner
to asphalt pavements, many DOTs also employ coring methods to retrieve samples of concrete
as a quality assurance method during construction and as an investigative method on potentially
problematic in-service concrete structures. However, this approach suffers from similar
limitations related to inefficiency and the point source nature of such a measurement.

Given the aforementioned limitations, NDT methods have long been utilized to evaluate
concrete properties. Though somewhat dated, Carino (1994) thoroughly reviews the historical
development of NDT methods for evaluating concrete. The relationship between NDT results
and the desired concrete property is typically indirect and a reliable correlation must be
established. Discussion on all the available correlations between NDT measurements and
concrete properties is outside the scope of this document, but the reader is referred to existing
references that highlight these relationships (e.g., Malhotra and Carino 2004; Bungey et al.
2006). Since NDT methods only indirectly evaluate concrete properties, it has typically been
advised that multiple NDT methods be used so that secondary measurements can mitigate the
influence of uncertainty in a primary measurement (Breysse 2012; Sbartai et al. 2012).
Additionally, NDT methods have often been combined with “semi-destructive” tests that may
cause localized surface zone damage or require the removal of surface finishes (Bungey et al.
2006). Table 3.34 provides a list of various testing methods (including NDT, partially destructive,
and destructive methods) available to evaluate concrete properties for quality assurance
purposes. Generally, this list includes penetration tests, rebound tests, pull out tests, dynamic
tests, and radioactive methods.

Table 3.34: List of principal testing methods to evaluate concrete properties (Bungey et al.

(a) (b)
Figure 3.113: Example of correlations between concrete compressive strength and: (a)
rebound hammer index; and (b) seismic velocity (Mikulic et al. 1992).

Many of the NDT methods highlighted as useful for pavement testing purposes in the previous
section are either directly applicable to concrete or share many similarities with comparable
concrete evaluation methods (e.g., GPR, impact echo, infrared thermography, etc.). Similar to
previous discussions related to earth materials, electromagnetic and electrical NDT methods in
concrete (e.g., GPR, ERI, etc.) are often used to evaluate the presence of anomalous features.
They can establish the presence of voids, cracks, and delamination of steel for damage detection
(Hugenschmidt and Mastrangelo 2006; Barnes et al. 2008) or determine water or chloride
content for corrosion evaluation (Saleem et al. 1996; Sbartai et al. 2006; Sbartai et al. 2007).
Radiation-based methods have been in use since at least the 1960s to assess density as either a
proxy for strength or to locate the presence of voids and defects in concrete construction (Preiss
1965; Preiss and Caiserman 1975; Rucker 1990; Liebich 2004; Winters 2014). Given that the
unconfined compressive strength of weaker rocks fall within range of typical concrete
compressive strength, it is unsurprising that there is significant overlap between
NDT/geophysical methods to measure these properties. The most common methods to evaluate
concrete compressive strength include seismic NDT methods such as the ultrasonic pulse
velocity (UPV) or pulse-echo techniques or partially destructive methods such as the Schmidt
hammer (i.e., rebound hammer) (Breysse 2012) (Fig. 3.113). The results from these methods

(i.e., seismic velocity and rebound hammer index) correlate very well with concrete compressive
strength. The correlations between seismic velocity and compressive strength of concrete use
similar functional forms to those presented for UCS of rock. Breysse (2012) provides a good
summary of these relationships, including a useful discussion on variability and uncertainty of
the velocity measurements in typical seismic-based NDT methods for concrete integrity testing.

From a geotechnical perspective, the most likely encounter with concrete integrity testing using
NDT is in quality assurance of cast-in-drilled-hole (CIDH) shaft foundations. Given the “blind”
process and potential for construction defects, many state DOTs specify nondestructive testing
of newly constructed CIDH foundations, particularly for shafts drilled and placed under wet
construction conditions. A key step in acceptance of NDT techniques can be traced back to the
Baker et al. (1993) FHWA report on cast in place foundations. Since that time, the field of NDT
for foundation integrity has undergone tremendous technological advances. Many of the
aforementioned NDT techniques from Table 3.34 can be used to evaluate the integrity of drilled
shaft foundations. Generally, NDT for this application can be applied either at the ground
surface or within inspection tubes installed with the rebar cage during shaft construction.
Surface techniques such as the sonic echo (SE) test (i.e., impact echo test, pile integrity test) or
impulse response (IR) test rely on inputs of stress waves applied to the top of the shaft and
measurements of reflected wave energy in the time or frequency domain. However, these
techniques can suffer from limitations related to uncertainty in size and location of any
anomalies, particularly any toe defects since excessive attenuation of the stress wave may
prevent reflections from the toe of long shafts (Iskander et al. 2001; Hertlein and Davis 2007).
Down-hole methods such as cross-hole sonic logging (CSL), single-hole sonic logging (SSL), cross-
hole tomography (CT), gamma density logging (GDL) [also known as gamma-gamma logging
(GGL)], sonic caliper, parallel seismic integrity testing (PSIT), and thermal integrity profiling (TIP)
can address these limitations. CSL, SSL, and CT are essentially seismic-based tests with origins in
geophysical borehole logging that have been repurposed for NDT applications. The PSIT method
is similar to CSL except it relies on signals received in a borehole adjacent to the constructed
shaft. Testing equipment and instrumentation for these methods can be slightly different than
the geophysics counterparts to account for the testing conditions within a drilled shaft, but the
methodologies are essentially unchanged. The sonic caliper approach uses acoustic waves
generated within the excavation to estimate the shape of the excavation, assess verticality, and

estimate concrete volume prior to concrete placement. As previously highlighted, GDL measures
the backscatter of gamma rays a set distance away from the emitter and the gamma counts are
calibrated to material density. Significant reductions in density can then be used to identify
anomalies from shaft construction. Caltrans specifies GDL as the primary NDT approach used in
quality assurance of drilled shafts. The most recent addition to the suite of available NDT test is
the TIP method, which relies on measuring the heat developed by the shaft during the concrete
hydration period. Differences in the temperature profile relate to the shape of the shaft and
alignment of the rebar cage (Mullins 2010). When combined with construction logs, the thermal
results can be converted into effective radius measurements to detect anomalies across the
entire cross section and evaluate alignment of the rebar cage (Winters and Mullins 2012). This is
a consistent issue with both CSL and GDL as these methods cannot provide as extensive spatial
coverage with their measurements of anomalous features. CSL can only really acquire
information regarding the concrete in between the two access tubes and GDL only investigates a
limited zone in the immediate vicinity of the access tube (Olson et al. 1998; Hertlein and Davis

Table 3.35: List of principal NDT testing methods to evaluate CIDH foundations and general
assessments of their capabilities (Winters 2014).

As with pavement evaluation, each of these NDT method offer different advantages and
limitations, which may affect selection of the appropriate technology based on anticipated shaft
concerns (Table 3.35). The use of multiple methods is advised, particularly since uncertainty in
the NDT measurements can lead to “false positives” where anomalous areas are detected in a
well-constructed drilled shaft (Iskander et al. 2001; Hertlein and Davis 2007). Moreover, a single

NDT method may not perform well enough to adequately determine the extent of any
anomalous features and additional testing may be necessary to evaluate whether the anomaly
will have a negative effect on shaft capacity.

Continued on Next Page


The current state of geophysical practice allows a large amount of information to be determined
regarding conditions at a site, including stratigraphy, ground water conditions, and the presence
of subsurface anomalies. The preceding sections of this document also demonstrated the wide
range of capabilities to estimate earth material properties using geophysical methods. As such,
geophysical methods can provide a wealth of information to guide efforts in transportation
projects, including foundation design, construction of earth retaining systems, and placement of
embankments. In the case of seismic design and site characterization, seismic geophysical
methods such as seismic refraction, SASW, MASW, and borehole methods provide higher quality
information regarding VS when compared to correlations with blowcounts. Additionally, many of
the concepts central to various geophysical methods form the basis for a number of NDT
techniques that are applicable to a number of highway related issues.

Though geophysical methods offer tremendous value for estimating earth material properties in
transportation projects, they are by no means a magic bullet that can address all problems
encountered in practice. Moreover, they are not meant to entirely replace standard drilling,
sampling, and laboratory testing efforts on geo-related projects. The goal of any geo-
professional involved with subsurface characterization should be judicious application of
geophysics as a cost effective approach to augment other exploration efforts. With that in mind,
the purpose of this document was not to dwell on any one particular methodology and its
limitations, but instead present in a concise manner the different relationships that exist in the
literature between geophysical measurements and earth material properties. The reader is
encouraged to seek further documentation on particular methods in appropriate general
reference documents as previously described in this document (e.g., Sharma 1997; Wightman et
al. 2003; Butler 2005; Dal Moro 2014). Without focusing on one particular method, however, it
is important to discuss future needs and developments to address current limitations in various
geophysical methods. The following sections provide this discussion. The goal is to provide the
reader with general ideas regarding how the current state of practice can stand to improve and
what research avenues are likely to be pursued to the benefit of the geophysical and
transportation community.


Though earth material properties can be measured using geophysical methods, the preceding
sections also demonstrated that there are a number of limitations in all geophysical methods
and that care must be exercised in their use. In many cases, these limitations present an area of
need for academic research as well as the development of appropriate guidance documents.
The incorporation of new technologies can also potentially address areas of weakness in the
current state of geophysical practice. A detailed discussion of all potential research avenues is
outside the scope of this document. However, the following sections discuss general trends
related to geophysical research and developments as well as the role of guidance documents in
increasing the prevalence of geophysical measurements for transportation projects. In addition
to this discussion, it is interesting to review previous assessments in the literature regarding the
state of practice in near surface geophysical measurements. The reader is encouraged to review
such sources (e.g., Dobecki and Romig 1985; Steeples 2001) to highlight the rapid pace in
advancements over the last several decades.


Putting aside the limitations of various geophysical methods, one of the key areas of need
regarding the use of geophysics to benefit transportation projects is additional guidance
documentation and training. In many cases, there is a general disconnect between geophysics
and geotechnical engineering since geophysical methods are not routinely addressed in typical
civil engineering curricula or in professional development opportunities. This means that those
responsible for making engineering decisions regarding geotechnical aspects of transportation
projects have not developed an appropriate level of comfort with geophysical methods. As
previously highlighted in the rationale for this document, very little exists in the literature that is
explicitly written for an audience with a cursory understanding of most geophysical methods but
a particular need for guidance regarding their measurements. Most sources of information are
either too introductory in nature or aimed at experienced geophysical practitioners looking to
explore special topics not routinely incorporated into typical engineering problems. Guidance
documents such as ASTM standards provide general information regarding best practices.
However, information about different geophysical methods are scattered across multiple
references and they often do not provide the level of detail necessary to understand how the
measurements are applied in engineering practice. This document is intended to provide a

snapshot of this current state of practice. It is anticipated that future efforts will need to update
or develop similar reference documents as new technologies develop and/or new capabilities
are acquired. There is also no universal approach that works for all applications of geophysics in
transportation projects because each deployment of a geophysical technique and each site
condition are unique. This highlights the need for reliable sources that document case histories
and discuss successful implementation of geophysics under a wide range of conditions in
transportation projects. However, is also important that researchers and practitioners
document unsuccessful applications of geophysical methods in the literature. Those who work
with geophysical methods must understand not only the circumstances that favor their use but
also those that may hinder their use. Unsuccessful case studies can often prove to be just as
valuable in that context because they help to establish limits on the various geophysical
techniques. Finally, continued efforts must be made to ensure that the aforementioned
products reach the practicing community via the development of webinars and in-person
seminars/trainings/professional development opportunities.


Future efforts should also focus on research to address current limitations in many geophysical
methods. This will likely require new developments in both analytical and interpretation
capabilities as well as advances in technology. In many cases, the uncertainty in geophysical
measurements can stem from issues related to how the data is analyzed or interpreted. For
example, measurements in seismic refraction tomography, SASW, MASW, and ERI (and even
GPR in some cases) are subjected to inversion algorithms that attempt to match theoretical
models of the subsurface to the measured signals. These inversion procedures are often
inherently ill-posed, nonlinear, and mix-determined, which means that a unique solution is not
possible with the acquired data. A-priori information can help constrain the inversion and
improve the potential for a unique accurate solution. However, a-priori information is not
always available. Issues with non-uniqueness of the inversion are also possible even when more
complex approaches are used to match the data, such as the full waveform inversion technique
for MASW, SASW, and GPR (e.g., Virieux and Operto 2009; Busch et al. 2012). The inversion is
typically performed using an optimization algorithm (often a linearized least-squares approach)
to locate the best fit between theoretical and experimental data. The initial starting model
heavily influences the results In the case of linearized local approaches (e.g., Socco et al. 2010).

As a result recent research efforts have concentrated on global search methods such as uniform
Monte-Carlo, genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, and neighborhood algorithms (e.g., Foti et
al. 2009; Godio 2016; Jiang et al. 2016) that search a broad parameter space and avoid the
problem of getting stuck in local minima. These algorithms must still search for models within a
predetermined inversion parameter space. This means that the search parameters and the
entire space of possible solution profiles must be defined in advance. This task is not trivial
because the parameters cannot be overly broad or else the inversion will pursue entirely
unrealistic models. However, too many constraints on the global inversion will neglect
potentially viable solutions. Therefore, appropriately defining the parameter space for global
inversion algorithms represents an area of need related to data analysis that warrants future
research efforts. Some work in this area has been initiated within the context of surface wave
inversions (e.g., Cox and Teague 2016). Other studies have explored the use of novel inversion
techniques with other geophysical data such as electrical resistivity and seismic data (e.g., Zhou
et al. 2014; Sabeti et al. 2017). Since so many geophysical methods inherently rely on the
solution of an inversion problem, it is expected and necessary that future continual refinements
occur in this broad area.

Other topics with similar research needs related to data analysis and interpretation include the

• Combining multiple datasets:

One manner to counteract the issues of non-uniqueness during inversion is to
simultaneously invert multiple datasets [e.g., simultaneous inversion of P- and Rayleigh
wave data (Boiero and Socco 2014), P-wave and microgravity measurements (Coutant et al.
2012); P-wave and GPR data (Al-Shuhail and Adetunji 2016); P-wave and resistivity data
(Gallardo and Meju 2003); resistivity and radar data (Linde et al. 2006); etc.]. The purpose of
joint inversion is to develop one objective function for optimization based on the individual
objective functions representing each of the data sets. In this manner, joint inversion can
reduce the number of acceptable models and can produce mutually consistent estimates of
the various unknown parameters because the results must explain all data simultaneously
(Julia et al. 2000). Different measurements have different capabilities (e.g., resolution,
sensitivity, etc.) and the incompatibilities for one type of data can often be resolved by

another (Julia et al. 2000). Additionally, noise sources and their impacts on data quality
often differ between methods so that adding another method can improve the results more
than adding more data of the same method. However, additional research is needed to aid
in identifying the most appropriate coupling strategies for joint inversion of various
geophysical data types (e.g., direct parameter relationship, cross-gradient approach, etc.). In
addition to using multiple geophysical datasets in joint inversion, geotechnical site
investigation information (i.e., stratigraphy, penetration resistance) can also be
incorporated into inversions of surface measurements. Penetration resistance
measurements do not suffer a reduction in resolution with depth, and therefore present an
interesting possibility for enhancing the resolution of joint inversions.

• Use of higher dimensional studies:

As computational power has increased and instrumentation/deployment costs have
decreased, there has been a growing shift towards implementing higher dimensional
geophysical surveys, including fully 3D surveys (e.g., Friedel et al. 2006; Radzevicius 2008;
Loke et al. 2014; Wang et al. 2015) and/or incorporating time as a fourth dimension (e.g.,
Abdelwahab et al. 2011; Chambers et al. 2014). Future studies will likely continue to exploit
the additional information offered about site conditions from these surveys. However, the
analytical techniques currently employed for simpler surveys must be revised to account for
the multi-dimensionality of the problem. This is a non-trivial task as the extra dimension(s)
can introduce another layer of uncertainty in data processing and considerably increase the
computation time. Additional efforts are necessary to continue optimizing analytical efforts
when geophysical testing is extended into higher dimensions.

• Geospatial representation:
Geophysical studies can generate a large amount of spatially variable data. This is actually
an important advantage of geophysics over the standard laboratory/drilling approach to
subsurface characterization. Even though geophysical measurements may contain more
uncertainty and are less direct than other measurement types, the bulk amount of data
obtained allows better quantification regarding the level of uncertainty. Statistically, there is
also increased likelihood that the quantity of measurements from geophysics may allow
estimates of earth material properties to regress towards their means. However, accurate

interpretation of this data is affected by the manner in which it is represented and any
statistical analyses employed for that purpose. Given this link, interest in geospatial
representation and analysis of geophysical data has increased. In more instances,
geophysical measurements are processed within a geospatial analytical framework using
computer-based geographic information system (GIS) tools either in isolation (e.g., Chik and
Taohidul Islam 2013) or in combination with other sources of information [e.g., remote
sensing data (Rashid et al. 2012), geotechnical data (Ball et al. 2015), geochemical data
(Moura et al. 2012), etc.]. Additional work is required in this area to explore the most
effective geospatial analysis techniques for processing geophysical data and to develop
documentation regarding best practices. This is particularly the case when attempting to
account for uncertainty and variability in site conditions as reflected in the geophysical

• Automation efforts to aid in data interpretation:

Geophysical data must of course be interpreted to provide information regarding site
conditions and earth material properties. Similar to geotechnical boring data, this step is not
trivial as there is significant subjectivity involved at multiple stages. Decisions must be made
regarding intermediate steps in the data post-processing that can highly influence the
corresponding results from the analysis. For example, the acquired dispersion image in
MASW must be interpreted to determine what constitutes the fundamental mode and what
represents higher mode partitioning in order to identify appropriate phase velocities and
obtain accurate VS profiles in MASW method. This may be quite complicated in situations
where “mode-kissing” can occur due to interference of different modes near certain
frequency points (Gao et al. 2016). Similar discrepancies can occur in the analytical
procedures for other geophysical methods (e.g., picking first arrivals in seismic refraction
and borehole seismic/radar methods). Additionally, once the final results from data
processing have been derived, there can be ambiguity with what conclusions are supported
by these results. As computational power has improved, additional support from
approaches using intelligent systems has been pursued to potentially improve data
interpretation and remove some of the subjectivity. For example, a number of studies have
explored the use of machine learning, artificial neural networks, and genetic algorithms to
classify objects in results from GPR, seismic methods, and well logging methods (e.g., Pasolli

et al. 2008; Pasolli et al. 2009; Ayala-Cabrera et al. 2011; Singh 2011; Braeuer and Bauer
2015; Sabeti et al. 2017). These methods and similar concepts may see further refinements
and be applied to other geophysical techniques in future studies. Of course, care must be
exercised with these automation efforts to ensure they are used to complement and not
eliminate the role of user experience.


Many limitations in geophysical results arise from issues related to data analysis and
interpretation as previously described. These often hinder the motivation to use geophysical
methods for situations in which they may prove useful. However, even if all analytical issues
related to geophysical methods were to be addressed in the future, there are always limitations
related to hardware, testing methodology, and deployment capabilities that can be addressed.
Technological advances in these areas have the potential to improve the capabilities of various
geophysical methods and increase their appropriate usage in transportation projects. For
example, improvements in speed of data acquisition, equipment and deployment costs, and
sophistication of sensors can all remove impediments to successful usage of geophysics for
engineering purposes.

One area that has seen constant technological improvements has been in the area of hardware,
equipment, and instrumentation. Breakthroughs in instrumentation and computer-processing
techniques have greatly improved the capabilities of various geophysical methods. For example,
the increase in computational power for computers has driven the rise in the more complex
analytical approaches previously described. Additionally, sensors are now capable of much
higher resolution as analog-to-digital converters have improved. New sensor technologies have
been developed, including non-planted sensors for different geophysical testing methods [e.g.,
seismic methods (Pugin et al. 2004); electrical resistivity (Kuras et al. 2006)] and fiber optic
sensors (e.g., Daley et al. 2013; Munn et al. 2017). Multicomponent instrumentation has
become more cost effective and readily available. Data acquisition systems have
correspondingly enjoyed the benefits of greater number of channels, storing larger amounts of
data, and/or wirelessly streaming data. It is anticipated that instrumentation technology will
continue experiencing breakthroughs in computational capabilities, sensor miniaturization,
reductions in power requirements, improvements in battery technologies, data telemetry

capabilities, and developments of novel sensor technologies. The effects of these efforts are
very likely to include improvements in data quality, increased productivity, and reductions in
costs, which should continue to make geophysics an attractive approach for transportation
projects. Technological hardware improvements in the future may also allow geophysics to
provide useful information in previously uncharted transportation applications.

Another technological area that is currently receiving research interest in the field of geophysics
and will likely continue to do so in the future is the application of robotics such as unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAV) (i.e., drones), unmanned ground vehicles (UGV), and remotely operated
underwater vehicles (ROV). For example, a recent SAGEEP conference included an entire session
devoted to the use of UAVs in geophysics given their rise in prominence (Zamudio et al. 2016).
Generally, geophysical applications with robotics have focused on integrating instrumentation
such as magnetic, electromagnetic, and radar sensors (e.g., Arcone et al. 2016; Gavazzi et al.
2016; Eröss et al. 2017). However, there is has been recent interest in also automating the
acquisition of seismic data using UAVs in particular (e.g., Sudarshan et al. 2016). Finally, it should
be noted that remote sensing techniques as described in this document and the use of
unmanned robotics are complementary and a number of studies have begun to merge these
two technologies together (e.g., Watts et al. 2012; Colomina and Molina 2014; Lee et al. 2016).
The use of unmanned robotics presents a number of advantages over traditional survey
methods. For example, the need for manual labor in acquiring data is reduced, which can
potentially reduce safety issues and costs, particularly for remote and difficult to access sites.
Moreover, the automation capabilities allow for temporal consistency in repeated
measurements at the same site. In some engineering applications, such temporal measurements
are necessary to evaluate how earth material properties change with time. Given these
advantages, the use of robotics presents a potentially viable alternative to address future needs
in geophysical data acquisition for engineering purposes.


Previous sections in this document highlighted several relationships between the measurements
from various geophysical methods and earth material properties. However, in a number of
cases, these correlations were highly empirical and suffered from a large amount of scatter.
Additionally, there are some earth material properties relevant to transportation projects that

should affect geophysical measurements for which relationships have not been directly
proposed. Future research efforts should explore refinements in existing relationships and the
development of new correlations to earth material properties. In that manner, future
geophysical testing may be able to contribute to transportation projects in an even more
effective manner.

In terms of existing relationships discussed in this document, improvements may be realized by

continued development of case histories and/or laboratory studies where the corresponding
earth properties are correlated to their respective geophysical measurement. For example, the
effects of clay content/mineralogy on electrical and electromagnetic geophysical measurements
were previously noted in this document (e.g., Abu-Hassanein et al. 1996; Shevnin et al. 2007; De
Benedetto et al. 2012; Long et al. 2012; Tosti et al. 2013). This link was also exploited to explore
the use of these methods to predict Atterberg Limits of soils (Abu-Hassanein et al. 1996; Giao et
al. 2003; Bryson 2005; Kibria 2011; Long et al. 2012; Bery 2014). However, in many cases, a
distinct functional form for these relationships was either elusive or significantly affected by
scatter in the data. Some of this can be partly explained by the emphasis on field geophysical
measurements and the general lack of comprehensive testing under highly controlled laboratory
environments. Alternatively, improvements may be realized by technological advancements that
fundamentally enhance measurement capabilities in electrical and electromagnetic geophysical
measurements. These efforts may lead to more effective correlations between clay content
information and electrical/electromagnetic measurements, as well as other relationships
between geophysical measurements and earth material properties. However, even with
technological improvements and additional case studies, some scatter will always exist in the
data because geophysical measurements are influenced by multiple factors related to the earth
materials. Therefore, future research efforts should consider the natural variability in earth
material properties and provide some information regarding confidence in the proposed
relationships. An example of such an approach was previously noted in Uzielli et al. (2013)
where the proposed ϕp-VS relationship was examined within a probabilistic framework, allowing
for the development of probabilities of non-exceedance when applying the relationship.

It is also expected that future efforts may explore the development of new relationships
between earth material properties and geophysical measurements. Generally speaking,

geophysical measurements will respond to factors related to the manner in which individual
particles are in contact (i.e., soil/rock structure). Some of these factors have either been
explicitly discussed in this document (e.g., porosity) or implicitly incorporated in some
relationships (e.g., texture). However, in a number of cases, relationships that are reasonably
expected to exist between geophysical measurements and earth material properties have not
been developed. For example, links between various geophysical measurements and the
following earth material properties have not been formally developed: soil type; gradation;
angularity; relative density; stress history (i.e., OCR); sensitivity; swell/shrink potential; and
undrained shear strength ratio (i.e., Su/σ’vo). As before, refinements may be necessary in either
the available technologies or in data analysis/interpretation to improve confidence in the
geophysical measurements necessary to develop such relationships. For example, given the
current state of practice, there may just be too much uncertainty in seismic measurements to
develop a link between seismic velocity and stress history as articulated in the OCR of a soil. In
some cases, the appropriate datasets may be available but have yet to be analyzed to
specifically isolate the effects of some of the aforementioned soil/rock properties. Finally, the
difficulty in isolating the effects of particular soil/rock properties may necessitate the
development of dedicated datasets from field case studies or specialized laboratory testing.


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