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ISA Security Compliance Institute –

Component Security Assurance –
ISASecure CSA chartered laboratory operations and accreditation

Version 4.2
August 2019

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Revision history
version date changes

1.2 2010.06.07 Initial version published to http://www.ISASecure.org

Table 3 changes for requirement numbers and modified
1.3 2010.09.21 requirements due to revisions to CRT specs EDSA -310 and 401
through 406
2.1 2011.10.13 Support CRT by organization separate from chartered laboratory
Change from Guide 65 to 17065, incorporate ASCI 2009
requirements directly, add VIT to EDSA, all requirements to be met
for provisional status except part of technical readiness
assessment based on sample device, add SDLPA acronym, no
3.3 2015.04.22
calibration required for CRT tool, update tool versions requirement
to include full software version, added GICSP and CSSL P
certification, more explanation about 3 vs. 4 levels for EDSA, add
EDSA.R38 statement about loss of SDLA cert
Alignment with approved ANSI/ISA-62443-4-1: update references,
terms, background section, 4.1 discussion of levels, replace
3.6 2018.01.30
section 5.3 with discussion of transition to EDSA 2.1.0; in corporate
errata from EDSA-102 v3.1
Update for ANSI/ISA-62443-4-2 alignment for EDSA 3.0.0: update
normative references for ISASecure-116, 62443-4-2, and CSA-311,
change text in 4.1 about permitting allocation to environment – to
3.9 2018.10.01
met by integration into system, in 4.1 change from three to four
levels and remove statement that VIT depends upon FSA -E,
modify 5.3 for transition to EDSA 3.0.0
Change title from EDSA-200 to CSA-200; clarify definition of term
certification level; add definition of security level; modifications to
cover all component types; remove CRT, CRT lab and CRT tools;
4.2 2019.08.03
update material related to maintenance of certification; update
version of 17025; 17025 scope includes FSA -C testing; add latest
version of 17011

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1 Scope 8
2 Normative references 8
2.1 General 8
2.2 Accreditation 9
2.3 ISASecure symbol and certificates 9
2.4 Technical specifications 9
2.5 External references 10
3 Definitions and abbreviations 11
3.1 Definitions 11
3.2 Abbreviations 14
4 Background 14
4.1 Technical ISASecure CSA certification elements 14
4.2 ISASecure CSA certification program implementation 15
5 Summary of operations and accreditation requirements 15
5.1 Overview 15
5.2 Accreditation process 16
5.3 Transition to CSA 1.0.0 16
6 Requirements on operations of chartered laboratories 17
6.1 Overview 17
6.2 General requirements 17
6.3 Structural requirements 20
6.4 Resource requirements 21
6.5 Process requirements 26
6.6 Management system requirements 32
7 Accreditation of chartered laboratories 35
7.1 Overview 35
7.2 Provisional chartered laboratory status 35
7.3 Technical readiness assessment 36

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List of requirements

Requirement CSA.R1 – Confidentiality for ASCI and ISCI 19

Requirement EDSA.R2 – Deleted 19
Requirement CSA.R3 – Internal distribution for assessment reports 19
Requirement CSA.R4 – Public availability of ISCI complaint escalation process 19
Requirement CSA.R5 – Time delay from provision of consultancy 19
Requirement CSA.R6 – Notification of changes to certification requirements 19
Requirement CSA.R7 – Organizational affiliations 20
Requirement CSA.R8 – Financial affiliations 20
Requirement CSA.R9 – Chartered laboratory sales and purchases 21
Requirement CSA.R10 – FSA-C and SDA-C auditor minimum qualifications 22
Requirement EDSA.R11 – Deleted 24
Requirement CSA.R12 – VIT-C lead evaluator minimum qualifications 24
Requirement CSA.R13 – Currency of skills and knowledge 25
Requirement CSA.R14 – Determining application of specifications 28
Requirement CSA.R15 – Determining applicant eligibility 29
Requirement CSA.R16 – Application steps procedure 29
Requirement CSA.R17 – Maintenance of procedure for application 29
Requirement CSA.R18 – Current ISASecure specifications 29
Requirement EDSA.R19 – Deleted 29
Requirement EDSA.R20 – Deleted 29
Requirement CSA.R21 – VIT-C report 29
Requirement CSA.R22 – Assessment report 29
Requirement EDSA.R23 – Deleted 30
Requirement EDSA.R24 – Deleted 30
Requirement EDSA.R25 – Deleted 30
Requirement EDSA.R26 – Deleted 30
Requirement EDSA.R27 – Deleted 30
Requirement CSA.R28 – Equipment calibration 30
Requirement CSA.R29 – Content of test or assessment methods or procedures 30
Requirement EDSA.R30 – Deleted 30
Requirement CSA.R31 – Content of test or assessment data sheet 30
Requirement CSA.R32 – Content of procedure maintenance procedures 30
Requirement CSA.R33 – Content of procedures for evaluating test or assessment data 30
Requirement CSA.R34 – Content of policy for evaluation of test or assessment data 30
Requirement CSA.R35 – Content of procedures for preparing technical reports 31
Requirement CSA.R36 – Input to scheme directory 31
Requirement CSA.R37 – Accuracy of certification status 31
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Requirement CSA.R38 – Withdrawal or termination of certification 31
Requirement CSA.R39 – Notification of withdrawal or termination of certification 32
Requirement CSA.R40 – Complaints regarding evaluations or certificatio ns 32
Requirement CSA.R41 – Escalation for complaints and appeals 32
Requirement CSA.R42 – Escalation for complaints and appeals related to application of specifications 32
Requirement CSA.R43 – Scope of procedures under management system 33
Requirement CSA.R44 – Responsibility for quality 33
Requirement CSA.R45 – Housekeeping 33
Requirement CSA.R46 – Item inventory 33
Requirement CSA.R47 – Facility security 34
Requirement CSA.R48 – Processing for revisions to normative specifications 34
Requirement CSA.R49 – Archival of superseded specifications 34
Requirement CSA.R50 – Maintenance of records 34
Requirement CSA.R51 – Management follow-up review for deficiencies 34
Requirement CSA.R52 – Basis for internal audits 34
Requirement CSA.R53 – Contents included in internal audit reports 34
Requirement CSA.R54 – Internal audits of satellite facilities 34
Requirement CSA.R55 – Implementation for permanent corrective actions 34
Requirement CSA.R56 – Supplier process for disclosure of complaints related to noncompliance 34
Requirement CSA.R57 – Supplier process for disclosure of complaints related to security of
ISASecure certified product 35
Requirement CSA.R58 – Disclosure to ISCI of complaints related to ISASecure certified product 35

List of tables

Table 1 – Scheme references for ISO/IEC 17065 clause 4 18

Table 2 – Scheme reference for ISO/IEC 17065 clause 5 20
Table 3 – Scheme references for ISO/IEC 17065 clause 6 22
Table 4 – FSA-C and SDA-C auditor qualifications 23
Table 5 – VIT-C lead evaluator qualifications 24
Table 6 – ISO/IEC 17020 requirements specified 25
Table 7 – Scheme reference for ISO/IEC 17065 clause 7 27
Table 8 – Evidence for technical readiness 36

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This is one of a series of documents that defines the ISASecure ® CSA (Component Security Assurance)
certification program for software applications, embedded devices, host devices and network devices. These
are the component types defined by the standard IEC 62443-4-2 that are used to build control systems.
ISASecure CSA is developed and managed by the industry consortium ISA Security Compliance Institute
(ISCI). The current list of all ISASecure certification programs and documents related to these programs can
be found on the web site http://www.ISASecure.org.

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1 Scope

The ISASecure ® certification programs have been developed by an industry consortium called the ISA
Security Compliance Institute (ISCI) with a goal to accelerate industry wide improvement of cyber security for
Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IACS). An organization that performs evaluations and grants
certifications under the ISASecure CSA (Component Security Assurance) program is referred to as a
ISASecure CSA chartered laboratory, or (more briefly) a chartered laboratory. This document specifies the
criteria and processes that define:

• Requirements on the operations of a chartered laboratory (Section 6); and

• How a chartered laboratory shall begin and continue ISASecure component certification operations
(Section 7).

ISCI has based its certification program approach on:

• International standards for conformity assessment programs

• IACS security standards IEC 62443-4-1 and IEC 62443-4-2 (also published as ANSI/ISA standards)

• Specifications developed for the ISASecure CSA program.

This document provides a complete reference to these sources, and details ISASecure CSA program-specific
requirements for compliance with applicable general specifications and standards.

ISASecure CSA is a product certification program for IACS components. An IACS component is an entity that
is used to build control systems and that exhibits the characteristics of one or more of a software application,
embedded device, host device, or network device. These component types are defined in [IEC 62443-4-2]
and in 3.1 of the present document. ISCI also has developed product certification and process certification
programs for:

• Control system products, the ISASecure SSA program (System Security Assurance)

• Supplier's secure product development lifecycle process, the ISASecure SDLA program (Security
Development Lifecycle Assurance).

The separate documents SSA-200 ISASecure SSA chartered laboratory operations and accreditation and
SDLA-200 ISASecure SDLA chartered laboratory operations and accreditation address these same topics as
they relate to chartered laboratories that perform ISASecure SSA and SDLA certifications, respectively.

ISASecure programs support and align with the standards ANSI/ISA/IEC 62443 for IACS security. [CSA-100]
discusses the relationship between ISASecure CSA and the ANSI/ISA/IEC 62443 effort.

2 Normative references
2.1 General
NOTE The following is the highest level document that describes the ISASecure CSA certification program.

[CSA-100] ISCI Component Security Assurance – ISASecure Certification Scheme, as specified at


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2.2 Accreditation

2.2.1 Chartered laboratory operations and accreditation

[ISASecure-115] ISCI ISASecure Certification Programs - Policy for transition to SDLA 2.0.0, EDSA 2.1.0 and
SSA 2.1.0, as specified at http://www.ISASecure.org

[ISASecure-116] ISCI ISASecure Certification Programs - Policy for transition to EDSA 3.0.0 and SSA 3.0.0,
as specified at http://www.ISASecure.org

[ISASecure-117] ISCI ISASecure Certification Programs - Policy for transition to CSA 1.0.0 and SSA 4.0.0 as
specified at http://www.ISASecure.org
NOTE The following document can be tailored for chartered laboratories performing CSA, SSA or SDLA certifications, or any
combination of these.

[ISASecure-202] ISCI ISASecure Certification Programs – Application and Contract for Chartered
Laboratories, internal ISCI document

2.2.2 Deleted

2.2.3 Deleted

2.3 ISASecure symbol and certificates

NOTE The following document describes the ISASecure symbol and certificates and how they are used within the ISASecure CSA

[CSA-204] ISCI Component Security Assurance – Instructions and Policies for Use of the ISASecure Symbol
and Certificates, as specified at http://www.ISASecure.org

[CSA-205] ISCI Component Security Assurance – Certificate Document Format, as specified at


2.4 Technical specifications

2.4.1 General technical specifications

NOTE The following document is the overarching technical specification for ISASecure CSA certification.

[CSA-300] ISCI Component Security Assurance – ISASecure certification requirements, as specified at


[CSA-301] ISCI Component Security Assurance – Maintenance of ISASecure certification, as specified at


[CSA-303] ISASecure CSA Sample Report, available on request to ISCI

2.4.2 Specifications for certification elements

NOTE 1 The following document provides the technical evaluation criteria for the Vulnerability Identification Testing (VIT-C) element
of a CSA evaluation.

[SSA-420] ISCI System Security Assurance – Vulnerability Identification Test Specification, as specified at
NOTE 2 The following document provides the technical evaluation criteria for the Functional Security Assessment element (FSA-C)
of a CSA evaluation.

[CSA-311] ISCI Component Security Assurance – Functional security assessment for components, as
specified at http://www.ISASecure.org

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NOTE 3 The following documents provide the overall technical evaluation criteria for the Security Development Artifacts element
(SDA-C) of a CSA product evaluation. [SDLA-312] also provides the technical evaluation criteria for an ISASecure assessment of
supplier secure product development lifecycle process performed for an ISASecure SDLA certification.

[CSA-312] ISCI Component Security Assurance – Security development artifacts for components, as
specified at http://www.ISASecure.org

[SDLA-312] ISCI Security Development Lifecycle Assurance – Security development lifecycle assessment, as
specified at http://www.ISASecure.org
NOTE 4 The following is the highest level document that describes the related ISASecure SDLA certification program for supplier
secure product development lifecycle processes.

[SDLA-100] ISCI Security Development Lifecycle Assurance – ISASecure Certification Scheme, as specified
at http://www.ISASecure.org

[SDLA-200] ISCI Security Development Lifecycle Assurance – ISASecure SDLA chartered laboratory
operations and accreditation

2.5 External references

External references are documents that are maintained outside of the ISASecure CSA program and are used
by the program.

2.5.1 IACS security standards

NOTE 1 [CSA-100] describes the relationship of ISASecure CSA to these standards.
NOTE 2 The following pairs of references that have the same document number 62443-m-n, provide the same technical standard, as
published by the organizations ANSI/ISA and IEC.

[ANSI/ISA-62443-1-1] ANSI/ISA-62443-1-1 (99.01.01)-2007 Security for industrial automation and control

systems Part 1-1: Terminology, concepts and models

[IEC 62443-1-1] IEC TS 62443-1-1:2009 Industrial communication networks – Network and system security -
Part 1-1: Terminology, concepts and models

[ANSI/ISA-62443-4-1] ANSI/ISA-62443-4-1-2018 Security for industrial automation and control systems Part 4-1:
Secure product development lifecycle requirements

[IEC 62443-4-1] IEC 62443-4-1:2018 Security for industrial automation and control systems Part 4-1: Secure product
development lifecycle requirements

[ANSI/ISA-62443-4-2] ANSI/ISA-62443-4-2-2018 Security for industrial automation and control systems Part
4-2: Technical security requirements for IACS components
[IEC 62443-4-2] IEC 62443-4-2:2019 Security for industrial automation and control systems Part 4 -2:
Technical security requirements for IACS components

2.5.2 International standards for certification programs

NOTE 1 The following international standards apply to the ISASecure CSA certification and testing processes.

[ISO/IEC 17065] ISO/IEC 17065, “Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies certifying products,
processes, and services”, September 15, 2012

NOTE 2 The transition timeline to the later 2017 version of ISO/IEC 17025 below is defined by ISO/ILAC policy.

[ISO/IEC 17025 2005] ISO/IEC 17025, “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration
laboratories”, 15 May 2005

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[ISO/IEC 17025] ISO/IEC 17025, “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration
laboratories”, November 2017

2.5.3 International standards for accreditation programs

NOTE The following international standard applies to the ISASecure CSA chartered laboratory accreditation process. The transition
timeline to the later 2017 version of ISO/IEC 17011 below is defined by ISO/ILAC policy.

[ISO/IEC 17011 2004] ISO/IEC 17011, “Conformity assessment – General requirements for accreditation
bodies accrediting conformity assessment bodies ”, 01 September 2004

[ISO/IEC 17011] ISO/IEC 17011, “Conformity assessment – General requirements for accreditation bodies
accrediting conformity assessment bodies”, November 2017

3 Definitions and abbreviations

3.1 Definitions

third party attestation related to a conformity assessment body conveying formal demonstration of its
competence to carry out specific conformity assessment tasks
NOTE For the ISASecure CSA certification programs, accreditation is an assessment and recognition process via which an
organization is granted chartered CSA laboratory status.

accreditation body
third party that performs attestation, related to a conformity assessment body, conveying a formal
demonstration of its competence to carry out specific conformity assessment

organization that has submitted a product or process to a chartered laboratory for evaluation for ISASecure

auditable product
hardware and/or software product such that the product or its associated development process is subject to
audit, in the course of a specific chartered laboratory's planned certification activities

capability security level
level that indicates capability of meeting a security level natively without additional compensating
countermeasures when properly configured and integrated

certification level
capability security level for which conformance is demonstrated by a cert ification
NOTE It is intended that a product that achieves certification to CSA capability security level n will meet requirements for capability
security level n as defined in [IEC 62443-4-2].
entity belonging to an IACS that exhibits the characteristics of one or more of a host device, network device,
software application, or embedded device

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conformity assessment body
body that performs conformity assessment services and that can be the object of accreditation
NOTE Examples are a laboratory, inspection body, product certification body, management system certification body and personnel
certification body. This is an ISO/IEC term and concept.

chartered laboratory
organization chartered by ASCI to evaluate products and/or processes under one or more ISASecure
certification programs and to grant certifications under one or more of these programs
NOTE A chartered laboratory is the conformity assessment body for the ISASecure certification programs.

embedded device
special purpose device running embedded software designed to directly monitor, control or actuate an
industrial process
NOTE Attributes of an embedded device are: no rotating media, limited number of exposed services, programmed through an
external interface, embedded OS or firmware equivalent, real -time scheduler, may have an attached control panel, may have a
communications interface. Examples are: PLC, field sensor devices, SIS controller, DCS controller .

host device
general purpose device running an operating system (for example Microsoft Windows OS or Linux) capable
of hosting one or more software applications, data stores or functions from one or more suppliers
NOTE Typical attributes include filesystem(s), programmable services, no real time scheduler and full HMI (keyboard, mouse, etc.) .
industrial automation and control system
collection of personnel, hardware, software and policies involved in the operation of the industrial process
and that can affect or influence its safe, secure and reliable operation

major owner
owner of more than two percent (2%) of a business entity
NOTE This percentage is intended to exclude individuals who are owners via portfolio vehicles, and identify owners that may
influence the activities of the business entity.

major user
organization that has or plans purchase of products whose related costs and/or usage is material to the
overall operations of that organization

network device
device that facilitates data flow between devices, or restricts the flow of data, but may not directly interact
with a control process
NOTE Typical attributes include embedded OS or firmware, no HMI, no real -time scheduler and configured through an exter nal

3.1.16 security level

measure of confidence that the IACS is free from vulnerabilities and functions in the intended manner
NOTE Vulnerabilities can either be designed into the IACS, inserted at any time during its lifecycle or result from chan ging threats.
Designed-in vulnerabilities may be discovered long after the initial deployment of the IACS, for example an encryption technique has
been broken or an improper policy for account management such as not removing old user accounts. Inserted vul nerabilities may be
the result of a patch or a change in policy that opens up a new vulnerability.

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significant financing
financing that is material to the operations of the recipient

significant financial interest
financial interest where the value of this interest is material to the financial position of the entity that has the

significant sales
sales that are material to the operations of the seller

software application
one or more software programs and their dependencies that are used to interface with the process or the
control system itself (for example, configuration software and historian)
NOTE 1 Software applications typically execute on host devices or embedded devices.
NOTE 2 Dependencies are any software programs that are necessary for the software application to function such as database
packages, reporting tools, or any third party or open source software.

graphic or text affixed or displayed to designate that ISASecure certification has been achieved
NOTE An earlier term for symbol is “mark.”

withdrawal of certification, initiated by the entity that holds the certification

incremental hardware or software change in order to address security vulnerabilit ies, bugs, reliability, or
operability issues

incremental hardware or software change in order to add new feature s

cancellation of the statement of conformity

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3.2 Abbreviations

The following abbreviations are used in this document .

ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASCI Automation Standards Compliance Institute
BS Bachelor of Science
CACE Certified Automation Cyber Security Expert
CACS Certified Automation Cyber Security Specialist
CE computer engineering
CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor
CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional
CSSLP Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional
CS computer science
CSA component security assurance
EDSA embedded device security assurance
FSA-C functional security assessment for components
GICSP Global Industrial Cyber Security Professional
IACS industrial automation and control system(s)
IAF International Accreditation Forum
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
ILAC International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation
ISA International Society of Automation
ISCI ISA Security Compliance Institute
ISO International Organization for Standardization
SDA-C security development artifacts for components
SDLA security development lifecycle assurance
SDLPA-C security development lifecycle process assessment for components
VIT-C vulnerability identification testing for components

4 Background
4.1 Technical ISASecure CSA certification elements

ISASecure CSA is a certification program for IACS components. An IACS component is an entity that is used
to build control systems and that exhibits the characteristics of one or more of a software application,
embedded device, host device, or network device. These component types are defined in the standard [IEC
62443-4-2] and in 3.1 of the present document. CSA certification has the following elements:

• Security Development Lifecycle Process Assessment for components (SDLPA-C);

• Security Development Artifacts for components (SDA-C);

• Functional Security Assessment for components (FSA-C); and

• Vulnerability Identification Testing for components (VIT-C).

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SDLPA-C and SDA-C both assess development process. SDLPA-C is an evaluation of the component
supplier's secure product development lifecycle process. SDA-C examines the artifacts that are the outputs
of the supplier’s secure product development lifecycle process for the component to be certified.

FSA-C examines the security capabilities of the component, while recognizing in accordance with [IEC
62443-4-2] that requirements for security functionality differ by component type. The certifier determines all
component types applicable to a product; FSA-C then incorporates requirements for all component types
applicable to the product. VIT-C scans the component for the presence of known vulnerabilities.

The CSA program defines four certification levels for a component, offering increasing levels of security
assurance. Levels offered are capability security levels 1, 2, 3, and 4. The corresponding certifications are
called ISASecure CSA Capability Security Level 1, ISASecure CSA Capability Security Level 2, ISASecure
CSA Capability Security Level 3, and ISASecure CSA Capability Security Level 4.

All levels of certification include the certification elements defined in Section 1. SDLPA-C does not have an
associated level. SDA-C and VIT-C assessments are the same for all certification levels with the exception of
allowable residual risk for known security issues. FSA-C incorporates more requirements at higher levels,
aligned with the requirements assigned to each capability security level in [IEC 62443 -4-2].
NOTE In SDLA-312 v5.5, the treatment of residual risk related to known security issues is found in SDLA requirement SDLA -DM-4.

4.2 ISASecure CSA certification program implementation

ISCI is organized as an interest area within ASCI (Automation Standards Compliance Institute) , a not-for-
profit 503 (c) (6) corporation owned by ISA. Descriptions of the governance and organizational structure for
ASCI are found on the ISASecure website: http://www.ISASecure.org.

ASCI CSA chartered laboratories are organizations that are accredited to evaluate components under the
ISASecure CSA programs. ASCI grants accredited laboratories the right to process ISASecure CSA
certifications for components on its behalf. A chartered laboratory will issue an ISASecure CSA certificate for
a component that meets the CSA certification requirements for its applicable component type(s), as
determined by the chartered laboratory. Compliance with component certification requirements is determined
based upon process audits, functional audits, and tests, which measure adherence to the ISASecure CSA
requirements for SDLPA-C, SDA-C, FSA-C, and VIT-C.

A supplier meets the SDLPA-C criteria by holding the ISASecure SDLA process certification described in
[SDLA-100]. This prerequisite for a CSA product certification is further detailed in [CSA-300].

All evaluations defined by the CSA specifications are conducted directly by a chartered laboratory or its

The list of ASCI CSA chartered laboratories is posted on the ISCI website at http://www.ISASecure.org. At
the request of a component supplier, components that are issued certifications are registered on this same
ISCI website.

[SSA-420] requires a specific tool to be used by a chartered laboratory to perform VIT-C.

5 Summary of operations and accreditation requirements

5.1 Overview

ISASecure CSA will operate as an internationally recognized certification program. To meet this standard, the
chartered laboratory operations and accreditation requirements are designed to comply with accepted
international standards applicable to product certification and testing.

The operations of ISASecure CSA chartered laboratories shall be in compliance with the applicable
requirements in:

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• [ISO/IEC 17065], the international standard that applies to bodies that certify products, processes or
services, and

• [ISO/IEC 17025 2005], the international standard that applies to test organizations, and which is
updated to [ISO/IEC 17025] in a timeframe determined by ILAC/ISO policy.

The present document is organized using the outline of [ISO/IEC 17065]. Where required, it interprets
requirements in that document for ISASecure CSA and adds additional requirements. Of particular note are
requirements for:

• Organizational and financial affiliations of chartered laboratories ( 6.3.3);

• Qualifications for chartered laboratory personnel (;

• Content of chartered laboratory application and evaluation procedures ( and

• Directory listing of certified products (;

• Appeals for client complaints (; and

• Managing complaints to suppliers regarding certified products (

5.2 Accreditation process

Accreditation of a chartered laboratory consists of an assessment of the organization against the general
requirements in ISO/IEC 17025, 17065 and the specific requirements in Section 6 of this document, together
with an assessment of technical readiness for performing ISASecure CSA evaluations. Technical readiness
assessment is based upon review of laboratory processes and procedures as well as review of artifacts from
SDA-C, FSA-C and VIT-C evaluations carried out by the laboratory on a component. To be recognized as a
chartered laboratory for the ISASecure CSA program, a laboratory shall attain the following accreditations,
performed by an IAF/ILAC accreditation body:

• Accredited to ISO/IEC 17065, with technology scope of accreditation covering ISASecure CSA
certification; and

• Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025, with technology scope of accreditation covering testing to ISASecure FSA-C
and VIT-C specifications.

The laboratory accreditation process consists of two steps. In the first step, an IEC assessor who is qualified
with respect to the above two accreditations will complete an evaluation of all accreditation requirements .
Provisional chartered status is granted if ISCI's analysis of the assessor’s report following this evaluation,
shows that the laboratory meets the requirements for formal accreditation and technical readiness
assessment defined in 7.2 of the present document. At this point the accreditation body has not yet formally
granted accreditation, which requires a review and approval process internal to the accreditation body.

Once a laboratory has attained provisional chartered status, ASCI grants that laboratory the right to perform
component evaluations and grant ISASecure CSA certifications. These rights continue as long as the
laboratory receives formal accreditation from a CSA accreditation body in a timely manner (the second step)
and maintains this status.

5.3 Transition to CSA 1.0.0

The approved standard [IEC 62443-4-2] defines technical security requirements for the four IACS component
types: software applications, embedded devices, host devices, and network devices. Previously, the
ISASecure EDSA 3.0.0 certification program certified one of these component types, embedded devices, to
that standard. The release of ISASecure CSA 1.0.0 subsumes the former EDSA program, and defines
certification criteria for the remaining three component types in [IEC 62443-4-2]. Accordingly, ISCI has
defined a policy for chartered laboratories to follow in transitioning certification activities from EDSA 3.0.0 to
CSA-200-4.2 16/37
CSA 1.0.0. This policy is defined in the document [ISASecure-117]. [ISASecure-117] also defines the
transition policy for related changes to the separate ISASecure SSA certification program for control

CSA 1.0.0 also incorporates by reference an update to the ISASecure [SDLA-312] specification, however that
update does not change the SDLA certification version. SDLA v2.0.0 remains the most current version of that
certification, so no transition policy for that program is needed or described in [ISASecure-117]. This is
because the update to [SDLA-312] required for the CSA program, modifies material in [SDLA-312] that
defines certifier validations for the element Security Development Artifacts for components (S DA-C) of CSA
1.0.0, but does not modify the material that defines certifier validations toward SDLA certification.

6 Requirements on operations of chartered laboratories

6.1 Overview

Section 6 of the present document specifies all requirements on the operation of CSA chartered laboratories.
It provides specific interpretations for ISO/IEC 17065 requirements, and defines further requirements that are
specific to the ISASecure CSA program.

Section 6 is organized as follows:

• The sub sections at numbering level 2 (6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6) each correspond to a clause in
[ISO/IEC 17065], covering in turn clauses 4-8 in that document.

• Each of these sub sections in the present document has three further sub sections as follows:

o Overview - provides a list of the topics covered in the corresponding clause of [ISO/IEC

o Scheme references for standard requirements - A number of ISO/IEC 17065 requirements

refer in turn to compliance with requirements specified by a certification scheme. T his sub
section in the present document provides a table that lists each such ISO/IEC 17065
requirement and provides a reference to the documentation in the ISASecure CSA scheme
where the relevant scheme requirements are found. These references may refer to ISASecure
CSA scheme documents that are listed in section 2 of the present document, or may refer to
the present document itself, in particular to requirements in the s ub sections in the present
document described next.

o ISASecure CSA specific requirements - This sub section lists additional scheme specific
requirements, beyond those derived directly from [ISO/IEC 17065] together with the other
documents of the ISASecure CSA certification scheme.

6.2 General requirements

6.2.1 Overview

Clause 4 General requirements in [ISO/IEC 17065] covers the following topics in associated sub clauses of
that document:

• Legal and contractual matters (4.1)

• Management of impartiality (4.2)

• Liability and financing (4.3)

• Non-discriminatory conditions (4.4)

• Confidentiality (4.5)
CSA-200-4.2 17/37
• Publicly available information (4.6).

6.2.2 Scheme references for standard requirements

The following table provides scheme references, for [ISO/IEC 17065] requirements in cl ause 4 of that
document that refer to certification scheme requirements.

Table 1 – Scheme references for ISO/IEC 17065 clause 4

ISO/IEC 17065 sub ISO/IEC 17065 Scheme topic ISASecure CSA

clause requirement reference referenced reference

4.1.2 Certification h Certification scheme [CSA-300] 5.1

agreement requirements regarding requirement C.R3, and
client references to their [CSA-204]

4.1.2 Certification f, g Certification scheme No unique requirements

agreement requirements on actions specified by scheme
taken by a client upon
loss of certification, and
on reproduction of
certification documents

4.1.2 Certification j Certification scheme [CSA-200]

agreement requirements on
certification body to
verify tracking of
complaints received by

4.1.3 Use of license, Control by the Requirements on

certificates and marks of certification body, as mechanisms are in [CSA-
conformity specified by the 204], which include
certification scheme, of updating CSA certificates
mechanisms for after supplier SDLA
indicating a device is recertification (see
certified CSA.R38)

4.2 Management of 4.2.10 Period of time between [CSA-200] Requirement

impartiality performing consultancy CSA.R5
and certification services

4.6 Publicly available 4.6c) Certification scheme [CSA-300] 5.1

information requirements regarding requirement C.R3, and
client references to their [CSA-204]
product certification

CSA-200-4.2 18/37
ISO/IEC 17065 sub ISO/IEC 17065 Scheme topic ISASecure CSA
clause requirement reference referenced reference

4.6 Publicly available 4.6a) Certification scheme [CSA-300]

information requirements related to
granting certification

6.2.3 ISASecure CSA specific requirements

This sub section lists additional scheme specific requirements related to Clause 4 General requirements in
[ISO/IEC 17065], beyond those derived from [ISO/IEC 17065] together with the other documents of the
ISASecure CSA certification scheme.

Requirement CSA.R1 – Confidentiality for ASCI and ISCI

The general confidentiality requirement in [ISO/IEC 17065] 4.5.1 SHALL be interpreted to include the
requirement that neither ASCI nor ISCI shall have access to information generated during ISASecure
evaluations, except by permission of the applicant, or a s required to fulfill ISCI's oversight role as scheme

Requirement EDSA.R2 – Deleted

Requirement CSA.R3 – Internal distribution for assessment reports

Procedures for report distribution internal to the chartered laboratory SHALL limit copies of test and
assessment reports only to those that the chartered laboratory determines need the information to fulfill their
work responsibilities.

Requirement CSA.R4 – Public availability of ISCI complaint escalation process

The [ISO/IEC 17065] requirement 4.6d) in the sub clause 4.6 Publicly available information refers to
procedures for handling complaints and appeals. This information SHALL include the information about
complaints to ASCI/ISCI in of this document.

Requirement CSA.R5 – Time delay from provision of consultancy

The [ISO/IEC 17065] requirement 4.2.10 refers to the period of time between personnel having provided
consultancy for a product and reviewing or making a certification decision. The minimum time period SHALL
be two years.

Requirement CSA.R6 – Notification of changes to certification requirements

The chartered laboratory SHALL have processes to keep interested parties informed of changes to
certification requirements (such as changes to legal agreements associated with the certification process).
Since the supplier must maintain an SDLA certification in order to maintain an existing CSA certification over
time, the certification body SHALL inform the holder of a CSA certification regarding changes to the SDLA
certification criteria, as also required by the SDLA scheme in [SDLA-200]. The certification body SHALL also
inform the supplier of changes to other CSA certification criteria, as these changes will af fect certification of
upgrades (as defined in 3.1.24) of a certified component in accordance with [CSA-301], so will be required by
the supplier for planning purposes.

CSA-200-4.2 19/37
6.3 Structural requirements

6.3.1 Overview

Clause 5 Structural requirements in [ISO/IEC 17065] covers the following topics in associated sub clauses of
that document:

• Organizational structure and top management (5.1)

• Mechanism for safeguarding impartiality (5.2).

6.3.2 Scheme references for standard requirements

The following table provides scheme references, for [ISO/IEC 17065] requirements in clause 5 of that
document that refer to certification scheme requirements.
Table 2 – Scheme reference for ISO/IEC 17065 clause 5

ISO/IEC 17065 sub ISO/IEC 17065 Scheme topic ISASecure CSA

clause requirement reference referenced reference

5.2 Mechanism for 5.2.1 (Notes 2 and 3) Certification scheme No unique requirements
safeguarding impartiality owner participation in specified by scheme
mechanism for

5.2 Mechanism for 5.2.4 (Note 2) Certification scheme No unique requirements

safeguarding impartiality requirements on interests specified by scheme
represented by
mechanism for
safeguarding impartiality

6.3.3 ISASecure CSA specific requirements

This sub section lists additional scheme specific requirements related to clause 5 Structural requirements in
[ISO/IEC 17065], beyond those derived from [ISO/IEC 17065] together with the other documents of the
ISASecure CSA certification scheme.

Additional requirements on financial and other organizational affiliations of chartered laboratories are defined
as follows, to further safeguard impartiality.

Requirement CSA.R7 – Organizational affiliations

When the separate legal entity as in [ISO/IEC 17065] 4.2.7 is a major user of certified products, the
personnel of the separate legal entity shall not be involved in the management of the certification body, the
review, or the certification decision.

Requirement CSA.R8 – Financial affiliations

The following requirements apply to a chartered laboratory regarding its financial affiliations with suppliers
and users of auditable products. The term "auditable product" is defined in 3.1.4. A supplier of auditable

CSA-200-4.2 20/37
products is typically a certification client of the chartered laboratory. However, other organizations could also
sell these products, and these cases are covered in this requirement as well.

• A chartered laboratory or a major owner of the chartered laboratory SHALL NOT:

o provide significant financing to a supplier or to a major user of auditable products;

o be a major owner of a supplier or of a major user of auditable products;

• A chartered laboratory SHALL NOT:

o receive significant financing from a supplier or from a major user of auditable products, or
their major owners;

o have as a major owner, an organization that is a supplier or a major user of auditable

products, or a major owner of such an organization;

• A person involved in the management of the certification body, the review, or the certification decision
for the chartered laboratory SHALL NOT have a significant financial interest in a supplier or major
user of auditable products.

Requirement CSA.R9 – Chartered laboratory sales and purchases

The following requirements apply to a chartered laboratory regarding its sales and purchase activities:

• A chartered laboratory SHALL NOT have significant sales of any products or services to suppliers of
auditable products, other than certification services;

• A chartered laboratory SHALL NOT sell auditable products;

• Prices and agreements related to any products or services that a chartered laboratory purchases from
a supplier of auditable products SHALL NOT have dependencies on related certification activity.

6.4 Resource requirements

6.4.1 Overview

Clause 6 Resource requirements in [ISO/IEC 17065] covers the following topics in associated sub clause s of
that document:

• Certification body personnel (6.1)

• Resources for evaluation (6.2)

6.4.2 Scheme references for standard requirements

The following table provides scheme references, for [ISO/IEC 17065] requirements in clause 6 of that
document that refer to certification scheme requirements.

CSA-200-4.2 21/37
Table 3 – Scheme references for ISO/IEC 17065 clause 6

ISO/IEC 17065 sub ISO/IEC 17065 Scheme topic ISASecure CSA

clause requirement reference referenced reference

6.1 Personnel Certification scheme [CSA-200] Requirement

requirements to release CSA.R1
information created
during an evaluation
Management of a Certification scheme [CSA-200]
competence for requirements for
personnel involved in the competency of personnel
certification process involved in certification

Management of b Certification scheme [CSA-200]
competence for requirements for training
personnel involved in the of personnel involved in
certification process certification

6.2.1 Internal resources

6.2.2 External resources 6.2.1, Applicable requirements [CSA-200]
from other standards

6.4.3 ISASecure CSA specific requirements

This sub section lists additional scheme specific requirements related to clause 6 Resource requirements in
[ISO/IEC 17065], beyond those derived from [ISO/IEC 17065] together with the other documents of the
ISASecure CSA certification scheme. Personnel qualifications

Requirement CSA.R10 – FSA-C and SDA-C auditor minimum qualifications

The [ISO/IEC 17065] requirement in the sub clause 6.1.1 Management of competence for personnel
involved in the certification process refers to competencies of personnel involved in the certification process.
The minimum qualifications for personnel that are responsible for evaluation to FSA-C and SDA-C
requirements SHALL include those specified in Table 4.

The level of knowledge required for IEC 62443 as indicated in the last row of Tables 4-5, SHALL at a
minimum be sufficient for the individual to prepare and present a one hour overview o n the scope of
application and contents of the standard, and be capable of quickly finding the answers to questions about
what the standard requires on a particular topic, if given access to the text of the standard. For the other
security standards and practices listed in the table, the level of knowledge required SHALL at a minimum be
equivalent to 8 hours of training on the standard or practice.

CSA-200-4.2 22/37
Table 4 – FSA-C and SDA-C auditor qualifications

Category of FSA-C auditor SDA-C auditor

qualification /
Formal education • BS Electrical Engineering OR • BS Electrical Engineering
• BS Computer Engineering (CE) OR OR
• BS Computer Science (CS) OR • BS Computer Engineering
• BS Chemical Engineering with CE or CS minor OR
OR • BS Computer Science OR
• Equivalent science or engineering degree OR • BS Chemical Engineering
• Bachelors or equivalent level degree in other with CE or CS minor OR
subject, if individual has sufficient experience • Equivalent science or
in computer technology field as specified engineering degree OR
below Bachelors or equivalent
level degree in other
subject, if individual has
sufficient experience in
computer technology field
as specified below


certification equivalent CSSLP, CACE, CACS, or
Work experience in • Minimum four years of post-degree experience • Minimum four years of post-
field in computer technology field, if individual has degree experience in
degree in one of the specific subjects identified computer technology field, if
above, or has an equivalent science or individual has degree in one
engineering degree of the specific subjects
• Minimum eight years of post-degree identified above, or has an
experience in computer technology field, if equivalent science or
individual has a bachelors or equivalent level engineering degree
degree in other subject • Minimum eight years of
post-degree experience in
computer technology field, if
individual has a bachelors
or equivalent level degree in
other subject
Relevant • Min 4 year detailed system level product • Min 4 year software
development work development involvement for IACS OR development experience for
experience • Min 4 years of systems integration experience IACS AND
for IACS OR • Min 2 year involvement with
• Min 6 years system level product test of IACS software process
• Experience includes 2 years with software improvement activities
security-related responsibilities • Experience includes 2 years
with software security-
related responsibilities
• Experience includes 2 years
with technical management

CSA-200-4.2 23/37
Category of FSA-C auditor SDA-C auditor
qualification /
Relevant auditing • Min 1 year experience performing technical • Min 1 year experience
work experience product audit OR 2 years in position in which performing software process
has been audited on 3 or more products audit OR 2 years in position
in which software process
has been audited on 3 or
more products
Relevant industry • General knowledge of at least two different • General knowledge of end-
specific knowledge IACS AND end software development
• General knowledge of application of IACS and life cycle AND
roles and duties of employees at sites using • General knowledge of IACS
IACS AND architectures
• Moderate level knowledge of networking and
communication protocols AND
• Able to independently read and interpret
requirement specifications for IACS products
• Able to independently read and understand
user installation and configuration documents
for IACS products AND
• Knowledge of methods used to protect
communications and detect / prevent
communication attacks
Knowledge of IEC 62443 Standard plus at least one of: IEC 62443 Standard plus at least
security standards • Common Criteria one of:
• ISO/IEC 27001 • Common Criteria
• IEC 61508 • ISO/IEC 27001
• IEC 61508

Requirement EDSA.R11 – Deleted

Requirement CSA.R12 – VIT-C lead evaluator minimum qualifications

The [ISO/IEC 17065] requirement in the sub clause 6.1.1 Management of competence for personnel
involved in the certification process refers to competencies of personnel involved in the certification process.
The minimum qualifications for personnel that that are responsible for the technical aspects of VIT testing
and interpretation of results shall include those specified in Table 5.
Table 5 – VIT-C lead evaluator qualifications

Category of VIT-C lead evaluator

qualification /
Formal education • BS Electrical Engineering OR
• BS Computer Engineering OR
• BS Computer Science OR
• BS Chemical Engineering with CE or CS minor OR
• Equivalent science or engineering degree OR
• 4 years work experience in testing of IACS may be substituted for degree

CSA-200-4.2 24/37
Category of VIT-C lead evaluator
qualification /
Professional • CISA, CISSP, GICSP, CACE, CACS, or equivalent
Work experience • Min 5 years experience
post BS degree
Relevant • Min 4 year detailed system level product development involvement for IACS OR
development work • Min 4 years of Systems Integration experience for IACS OR
experience • Min 3 years System Level Product Test for IACS
• Experience includes 1 year with software security-related responsibilities
• Experience includes 2 years involvement with networking technologies
Relevant test work • Min 1 year experience performing testing on IACS

Relevant industry • Successful completion of training class or 1 year experience in job demonstrating
specific knowledge proficiency with VIT tool to be used AND
• General knowledge of at least two different IACS OR detailed knowledge of one
• Moderate level knowledge of networking and communication protocols AND
• Able to independently read and understand user installation and configuration
documents for IACS Products
Knowledge of IEC 62443 Standard plus at least one of:
security standards • Common Criteria
• ISO/IEC 27001
• IEC 61508

Requirement CSA.R13 – Currency of skills and knowledge

Staff training SHALL BE kept up-to-date and staff SHALL keep up-to-date of current normative specification
issues (includes participation in technical groups or committees). Other standards

The [ISO/IEC 17065] requirements 6.2.1 Internal resources and 6.2.1 External resources in the sub clause
6.2 Resources for evaluation refer to compliance with applicable requirements in ISO/IEC 17025, 17020, and
17021. Accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025 is required for a CSA chartered laboratory. Requirements from
ISO/IEC 17020 which apply to inspection activities, have been adapted and incorporated in this document as
follows and hence are noted but not repeated here:

Table 6 – ISO/IEC 17020 requirements specified

ISO/IEC 17020 Topic CSA-200 requirement


6.1 6c Continuing training CSA.R13

7.4.2 Test and assessment CSA.R31

CSA-200-4.2 25/37
ISO/IEC 17020 Topic CSA-200 requirement

("Inspection records" in

6.5 Process requirements

6.5.1 Overview

Clause 7 Process requirements in [ISO/IEC 17065] covers the following topics in associated sub clauses of
that document:

• General (7.1)

• Application (7.2)

• Application review (7.3)

• Evaluation (7.4)

• Review (7.5)

• Certification decision (7.6)

• Certification documentation (7.7)

• Directory of certified products (7.8)

• Surveillance (7.9)

• Changes affecting certification (7.10)

• Termination, reduction, suspension or withdrawal of a certification (7.11)

• Records (7.12)

• Complaints and appeals (7.13)

6.5.2 Scheme reference for standard requirements

The following table provides scheme references, for [ISO/IEC 17065] requirements in clause 7 of that
document that refer to certification scheme requirements.

CSA-200-4.2 26/37
Table 7 – Scheme reference for ISO/IEC 17065 clause 7

ISO/IEC 17065 sub ISO/IEC 17065 Scheme topic ISASecure CSA

clause requirement reference referenced reference

7.1 General 7.1.1 Certification scheme Defined in [CSA-100]

used by a CSA chartered

7.1 General 7.1.2 Refers to normative For initial certifications,

documents against which documents are [CSA-
a component is evaluated 300] and its normative
references; for products
with a version previously
certified, documents are
[CSA-301] and its
normative references;
[CSA-200] CSA.R18
specifies current versions
of these documents

7.1 General 7.1.3 Person or committee to ISCI Technical Steering

provide explanations per Committee, as stated in
application of normative [CSA-200] requirement
documents CSA.R14

7.2 Application 7.2 Information that scheme [CSA-300] 5.1 and 5.2
requires for client requirements C.R1, R2
application and R4 in for initial
requirements for
products with a version
previously certified are in

7.4 Evaluation 7.4.4 Evaluation of device to Certification

scope of certification and requirements for initial
requirements specified in certification are listed in
scheme [CSA-300] requirement
C.R5; certification
requirements for
products with a version
previously certified are in

7.4.9 Note 2 Whether certification Yes, per [CSA-300] 5.2

scheme requires
7.4 Evaluation certification body to
perform evaluation under
its responsibility after

CSA-200-4.2 27/37
ISO/IEC 17065 sub ISO/IEC 17065 Scheme topic ISASecure CSA
clause requirement reference referenced reference

7.7.1 f Information scheme Certificate format and

7.7 Certification requires on the document content specified in
documentation signifying certification [CSA-204] and [CSA-

7.8 Directory of certified 7.8 last paragraph Information about [CSA-200]
products certified products made
available to a directory

7.9 Surveillance Not applicable, see


7.10.1 Actions required by [CSA-200] Inform

7.10 Changes affecting scheme for changes to clients per CSA.R6,
certification certification criteria update processes per

7.11.3 Actions required when a For withdrawal and

7.11 Termination, certification is termination, see [CSA-
reduction, suspension or terminated, suspended or 200] Other
withdrawal of certification withdrawn actions are not defined
for CSA certification

7.11 Termination, 7.11.4, 7.11.5 Scheme requirements Not applicable.

reduction, suspension or related to suspension Suspension is not
withdrawal of certification defined for CSA

7.12.3 Whether scheme No, as explained in

7.12 Records requires complete re- [CSA-200]
evaluation of product on
a predetermined cycle

6.5.3 ISASecure CSA specific requirements

This sub section lists additional scheme specific requirements related to clause 7 Process requirements in
[ISO/IEC 17065], beyond those derived from [ISO/IEC 17065] together with the other documents of the
ISASecure CSA certification scheme. Application Process requirements

Requirement CSA.R14 – Determining application of specifications

The [ISO/IEC 17065] requirement 7.1.3 in clause 7 Process requirements refers to persons or committees
who provide the chartered laboratory with explanations as to the application of the ISASecure specifications.
This role SHALL be fulfilled by the ISCI Technical Steering Committee.

CSA-200-4.2 28/37
Requirement CSA.R15 – Determining applicant eligibility
The chartered laboratory SHALL be responsible for determining whether a product presented by a potential
client meets the scope for a CSA certification, and which component type(s) apply to the product (software
application, embedded device, host device, network device) . The chartered laboratory MAY request guidance
from ISCI in this matter. If the client does not concur with the decision of the chartered laboratory, they MAY
use the compliant escalation process described in Requirements CSA.R41 and CSA.R42. Content of procedures

Requirement CSA.R16 – Application steps procedure

Procedures for processing a certification application SHALL identify the steps for the application,
administrative/technical processing of the investigation in chronological order, personnel responsible for each
stage of the process, and records maintained at various steps of the process.

Requirement CSA.R17 – Maintenance of procedure for application

Procedures for developing and maintaining certification application processing procedures SHALL identify
personnel responsible for developing, reviewing and maintaining the procedures, the frequency for review,
and personnel responsible for verifying that the procedures are being followed. Evaluation General Process requirements

Requirement CSA.R18 – Current ISASecure specifications

[ISO/IEC 17025] on selection of test methods, specifies using the latest valid version of the standards
upon which tests are based, where appropriate. The appropriate versions of ISASecure specifications to use
for a certification SHALL be identified in accordance with transition policies and specification listings found
on the ISASecure web site at http://www.ISASecure.org.

Requirement EDSA.R19 – Deleted

Requirement EDSA.R20 – Deleted

Requirement CSA.R21 – VIT-C report

Detailed reporting on VIT-C results for a component SHALL be carried out in accordance with the
requirements on VIT-C reporting in the technical specification for VIT-C, which is listed in the normative
references for [CSA-300].

Requirement CSA.R22 – Assessment report

The [ISO/IEC 17065] requirement 7.4.9 in sub clause 7.4 Evaluation, refers to documentation of evaluation
results prior to review. This documentation SHALL at a minimum include an assessment report following the
content and format of [CSA-303], the CSA assessment report sample. A report following this template SHALL
also be provided to the client.

CSA-200-4.2 29/37 Deleted

Requirement EDSA.R23 – Deleted

Requirement EDSA.R24 – Deleted

Requirement EDSA.R25 – Deleted

Requirement EDSA.R26 – Deleted

Requirement EDSA.R27 – Deleted Content of procedures

Requirement CSA.R28 – Equipment calibration

Persons responsible for the calibration of equipment (where applicable) and authorized to perform each type
of calibration SHALL be identified. Records for each calibration SHALL contain sufficient information to
permit their repetition.

Requirement CSA.R29 – Content of test or assessment methods or procedures

Each test or assessment method or procedure SHALL have sufficient detail instructions that assure
reasonable repeatability of the test or assessment and include or address the: title, effective date,
assessment or test data to be obtained and recorded, objective accept ance criteria for results, test or
assessment techniques, where additional information to that required by the CSA technical specifications is
required to meet these goals. In addition, test procedures SHALL include or address: specific test equipment
to use and instructions for handling the equipment .

Requirement EDSA.R30 – Deleted

Requirement CSA.R31 – Content of test or assessment data sheet

Each test or assessment data sheet or similar document SHALL include the test or assessment procedure
and specification used, date of the test or assessment, test or assessment report number, signature of the
personnel performing the test or assessment, and test or assessment results. In addition, test data sheets
shall include the product or component tested and test equipment used.

Requirement CSA.R32 – Content of procedure maintenance procedures

Procedures for developing and maintaining test or assessment methods and procedures SHALL identify the
personnel responsible for developing, reviewing and maintaining the procedures, specify frequency of review
by management, ensure consistency with recognized specifications, ensure that deviations still assure the
product, component or process conforms with the specification, and ensure modifications are reviewed by
personnel who are familiar with the specification.

Requirement CSA.R33 – Content of procedures for evaluating test or assessment data

Procedures for evaluating test or assessment data SHALL require the investigator to: verify and use a latest
appropriate specification edition (per CSA.R18), provide written justification of how a product, component or
process complies with each section of the specification (including a reference to a test or assessment
procedure), and address components not listed by the supplier .

Requirement CSA.R34 – Content of policy for evaluation of test or assessment data

Policies on evaluation of test or assessment data SHALL identify personnel responsible for technical
decisions on the specification, how to decide which section of a specification applies, how to handle newly
developed technologies when the specification does not apply; require that inter pretations of the
specifications are documented and made readily available for the appropriate investigators; and require the
CSA-200-4.2 30/37
resolution of product, component or process discrepancies without the laboratory engaging in the redesign,
except to explain the failures in regard to the ISASecure specification.

Requirement CSA.R35 – Content of procedures for preparing technical reports

Procedures for preparing technical reports SHALL BE written and SHALL:

• Identify personnel responsible for preparation, review of technical content, and initial or revision

• Require the appropriate test and evaluation procedures ; and

• Ensure that technical corrections involve qualified personnel. Directory of certified products

The [ISO/IEC 17065] requirement 7.8 refers to certification information to be published in a directory of
certifications granted by the certification body.

Requirement CSA.R36 – Input to scheme directory

With permission of the certification client, the chartered laboratory SHALL inform ISCI of each certification
granted and provide a copy of the certificate, to support ISCI's central directory of ISASecure certifications.

Requirement CSA.R37 – Accuracy of certification status

Proper controls SHALL be in place to assure accuracy of information on the certificate and in chartered
laboratory records of certified entities. Surveillance

The ISASecure CSA certification scheme does not require surveillance, where that term refers to inspection
of samples of actual shipped product for compliance with certification requirements . ISCI does not require a
chartered laboratory to verify periodically that components shipped by the supplier that are labeled with a
version number that has been certified, are i n fact that version. However, ISO/IEC 17065 requires that the
chartered laboratory monitor the use of the ISASecure symbol. This includes proper symbol use as it relates
to product version. Certification of updated and upgraded product versions (as defined in 3.1.23 and 3.1.24),
and certification to updated ISASecure versions, are covered in [CSA-301]. As required by CSA.R38 and
described in [CSA-301], maintaining CSA certification for updates of a certified product requires maintenance
by the supplier of a SDLA process certification, which in turn requires periodic recertification audits under the
SDLA scheme, as described in [SDLA-300]. Deleted Termination, reduction, suspension or withdrawal of certification

The [ISO/IEC 17065] sub clause 7.11 refers to termination, reduction, suspension , or withdrawal of
certification. Reduction and suspension are not defined for CSA certification. The following requirements
apply to withdrawal and termination.

Requirement CSA.R38 – Withdrawal or termination of certification

An ISASecure product certification SHALL be withdrawn if any of the following conditions for validity of the
certificate are NOT met:

• The product remains in a support status such that a n SDLA certified SDL process still applies to the

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• The supplier retains their SDLA certification, or if their SDLA certification is lost, reinstates it within a
year grace period; AND

• The supplier participated in good faith in the certification process.

The certification body SHALL terminate the certification if the supplier reports to them that the product has
left support status under the certified SDL process, or if the supplier otherwise requests termination of the
certification for any reason.

The following requirement defines actions as referenced in [ISO/IEC 17065] sub clause 7.11.3, that are
required by the scheme upon termination, reduction, suspension or withdrawal.

Requirement CSA.R39 – Notification of withdrawal or termination of certification

The chartered laboratory SHALL inform ISCI of any withdrawal or termination of an ISASecure product
certification at the time it occurs. Complaints and appeals

The [ISO/IEC 17065] requirement 7.13.1 under 7.13 Complaints and appeals, refers to the certification body
process related to complaints and appeals.

Requirement CSA.R40 – Complaints regarding evaluations or certifications

A chartered laboratory SHALL be responsible for managing the resolution of complaints related to any aspect
of compliance for a product it evaluated or certified.

Requirement CSA.R41 – Escalation for complaints and appeals

The published chartered laboratory process for handling complaints SHALL include the provision that
complaints may be appealed to ISCI by the party bringing the complaint, if the internal chartered laboratory
resolution procedure does not offer a resolutio n satisfactory to them. Appealed complaints SHALL first go to
the ISCI Technical Steering Committee. They MAY be further appealed to the ISCI governing board, then to
the ASCI board of directors.

Requirement CSA.R42 – Escalation for complaints and appeals related to application of specifications
An appealed complaint MAY request a ruling on whether the ISASecure specifications were correctly applied
in a specific instance. Such a complaint SHALL NOT be escalated to the ASCI b oard of directors, but is
resolved within ISCI. This ruling could impact:

• Whether the certification process is applicable to a particular product that has applied for certification ;

• Whether or not a certification was granted; or

• Adequacy of the product evaluation process by the chartered laboratory.

NOTE Neither ISCI nor ASCI accept certification applications, nor process, grant, or revoke certifications. This is the role of a
chartered laboratory. ISCI can assist in interpretation of the ISASecu re specifications.

6.6 Management system requirements

6.6.1 Overview

Clause 8 Management system requirements in [ISO/IEC 17065] covers the following topics in associated sub
clauses. Sub clause 8.1 describes two options open to certification bodies to meet the ISO/IEC 17065
management system requirements. Option A is the option for a certification body to comply with the
management system requirements listed in sub clauses 8.2 -8.8 of [ISO/IEC 17065]. Option B is the option for

CSA-200-4.2 32/37
a certification body to comply with ISO 9001 requirements. Option B does not require that the certification
body be certified to ISO 9001.

• Options (8.1)

• General management system documentation (Option A) (8.2)

• Control of documents (Option A) (8.3)

• Control of records (Option A) (8.4)

• Management review (Option A) (8.5)

• Internal audits (Option A) (8.6)

• Corrective actions (Option A) (8.7)

• Preventative actions (Option A) (8.8)

6.6.2 Scheme references for standard requirements

No requirements in [ISO/IEC 17065] Section 8 refer to scheme specific requirements.

6.6.3 ISASecure CSA specific requirements

This sub section lists additional scheme specific requirements related to clause 8 Management system
requirements in [ISO/IEC 17065], beyond those derived from [ISO/IEC 17065] together with the other
documents of the ISASecure CSA certification scheme. They apply whether the chartered laboratory elects
Option A or Option B to fulfill the management system requirements. General management system documentation

Requirement CSA.R43 – Scope of procedures under management system

Chartered laboratory procedures SHALL cover the entire "quality loop" from application for services to final
assessment or listing of certification status, including follow -up services.

Requirement CSA.R44 – Responsibility for quality

The chartered laboratory SHALL:

• Identify the personnel responsible for quality, other general and the specific responsibilities for
quality, and the authority delegated to each activity;

• Specify the coordination necessary between different activities ; and

• Identify the control over activities that aff ect quality.

Requirement CSA.R45 – Housekeeping

Adequate measures SHALL be taken to ensure good housekeeping at the chartered laboratory facilities
where evaluation activities are performed.

Requirement CSA.R46 – Item inventory

Laboratory procedures for handling of artifacts, or customer or laboratory equipment to be tested or used in
tests, SHALL address item inventory.

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Requirement CSA.R47 – Facility security
Chartered laboratory measures and procedures related to security SHALL include provisions for: controlling
access, off hours security, and fire protection for the facility; informing all personnel securi ty policies; limiting
distribution of confidential information; limiting access to and safe storage of records (including certificates
and reports); back-up or off-site storage; and designate personnel responsible for monitoring security. Control of documents

Requirement CSA.R48 – Processing for revisions to normative specifications

Policies and procedures for distribution & control of normative specifications SHALL identify the personnel
responsible for maintaining and distributing revised specifications, and a method to notify all relevant
locations, including clients and agents, about modifications or amendments.

Requirement CSA.R49 – Archival of superseded specifications

Superseded normative specifications SHALL be archived. Control of records

Requirement CSA.R50 – Maintenance of records

Records maintained for evaluation and certification SHALL identify the personnel responsible for maintaining
records and how to correct or modify information on a record. Management review

Requirement CSA.R51 – Management follow-up review for deficiencies

Internal quality audit policies and procedures SHALL specify the management review of reasons for
deficiencies, conclusions, recommendations on corrective actions, and the effectiveness of corrective
actions. Internal audits

Requirement CSA.R52 – Basis for internal audits

Internal quality audit policies and procedures SHALL specify the bas is for conducting audits.

Requirement CSA.R53 – Contents included in internal audit reports

Audit reports SHALL include the name(s) of the auditor(s), the areas audited, the dates of the audit and the
signature of the auditor(s), the discrepancies encountered, corrective action plan (including time for
completion and evidence of implementation), and review by upper management.

Requirement CSA.R54 – Internal audits of satellite facilities

QA oversight of company owned satellite facilities SHALL include routine and documented internal audits of
satellite facility personnel, regular headquarters review and audit of the quality assurance program and audits
conducted by satellite personnel, and consistency of technical records and interpretations among all

Requirement CSA.R55 – Implementation for permanent corrective actions

Internal quality audit policies and procedures SHALL specify how permanent changes resulting from
corrective actions are recorded in standard operating procedures, instructions, manuals a nd specifications. Complaints to suppliers of CSA certified products

Requirement CSA.R56 – Supplier process for disclosure of complaints related to noncompliance

A chartered laboratory SHALL include the following in its signed agreement with the client organization: that
the client organization has a documented process for meeting the requirements regarding complaints they
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receive related to compliance with ISASecure product certification requirements, that are found per [ISO/IEC
17065] These requirements address handling and disclosure to the chartered laboratory of such
complaints known to the certified organization, to the chartered laboratory.

The intent of the following broader provision is to improve the ISASecure product certification programs.

Requirement CSA.R57 – Supplier process for disclosure of complaints related to security of

ISASecure certified product
The signed agreement between the chartered laboratory and the client SHALL include the following
provision. Any complaint regarding its certified product that is known to the supplier organization and that is
determined to affect product security shall be brought to the attention of the chartered laboratory that granted
the product certification. The laboratory shall evaluate the impact on the product conformance to the
ISASecure CSA requirements.

Requirement CSA.R58 – Disclosure to ISCI of complaints related to ISASecure certified product

The chartered laboratory process for handling a report under Requirement CSA.R57 SHALL include a
process to advise ISCI if a modification to the ISASecure specifications should be considered based upon
this event. This process SHALL be contingent upon approval from the client making the report, to disclose to
ISCI any information concerning their product, whether or not it is attributed to their product.

7 Accreditation of chartered laboratories

7.1 Overview

Accreditation of a chartered laboratory involves an assessment of the organization against the requirements
in the following documents:

• ISO/IEC 17065 [ISO/IEC 17065]

• ISO/IEC 17025 [ISO/IEC 17025 2005], updated to [ISO/IEC 17025]

• Section 6 this document, all ISASecure specific requirements subsections

• Section 7 of this document, which describes technical readiness assessment.

Technical readiness assessment is based upon review of documented laboratory processes and procedures
as well as review of artifacts from sample audits ca rried out by the laboratory on a component, as described
in Section 7.3. To be recognized as a chartered laboratory for the ISASecure CSA program, a laboratory
shall attain the following accreditations, performed by an IAF/ILAC recognized accreditation body:

• Accredited to IAF ISO/IEC 17065, with technology scope of accreditation covering ISASecure CSA
certification; and

• Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025, with technology scope of accreditation covering ISASecure CSA FSA-C
and VIT-C specifications.

This internationally recognized accreditation shall be obtained by a laboratory within 18 months of obtaining
a provisional chartered laboratory status, as described in Section 5. The following section discusses
requirements for attaining provisional chartered laboratory status.

7.2 Provisional chartered laboratory status

Provisional chartered laboratory status allows an organization to begin certification activities befo re
accreditation has been formally granted by a CSA accreditation body. Formal granting of the accreditation
can occur several months after the evaluation of the laboratory has taken place and results submitted by the
evaluators to the board within the CSA accreditation body that makes the final accreditation decision.

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ASCI will grant a laboratory provisional chartered status based on the results of an evaluation of the
laboratory by qualified assessors for ISO/IEC 17065 and ISO/IEC 17025. Provisional chartered status is
granted if the evaluation shows that the organization complies with:

• All ISO/IEC 17065 and ISO/IEC 17025 requirements;

• All numbered ISASecure specific requirements in the present document ; and

• Those technical readiness criteria in Table 8 that may be verified based upon process and procedure
documentation evidence. These criteria are in rows 1-3 Table 8.

The accreditation body will assess the remaining technical readiness criteria once the chartered lab oratory is
operating and has examples of product evaluation results available.

The evaluation for a candidate chartered laboratory is performed by an assessor that has been qualified by
an IAF/ILAC recognized accreditation body. A candidate organization shall apply for accreditation as required
by the accreditation body. A candidate chartered laboratory also applies to ASCI using the form [ISASecure-
202]. “Provisional” chartered laboratory status is a term applied by ASCI/ISCI within the ISASecure program
and is not recognized or managed by the accreditation body.

During the period when a chartered laboratory is operating in provisional status, ASCI shall be made aware
of the laboratory’s expectations for receipt of formal internationally recognized accreditation by an IAF/ILAC
organization. ASCI shall have the option to perform an interim review and update its evaluation for
provisional status of the chartered laboratory 6 months after it is received. Once a chartered laboratory has
achieved accreditation by an IEC 17011 accreditation body, that accreditation body d etermines the
requirements and frequency for maintenance audits to maintain accredited status.

7.3 Technical readiness assessment

The technical readiness assessment for CSA accreditation focuses on SDA-C, FSA-C, and VIT-C. The
evaluation consists of assessment of evidence supplied by the candidate laboratory per the evaluation
criteria in Table 8. The requirements numbered VIT-C.Rnn or VIT.Rnn are from [SSA-420].

Table 8 – Evidence for technical readiness

ID Evidence supplied by candidate Evaluation criteria


1 Organization statement of test • ISCI-specified tool is in place as specified for VIT per VIT-
tool and version in use for VIT-C C.R1

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ID Evidence supplied by candidate Evaluation criteria

2 VIT-C processes/procedures • Comply with VIT-C.R2 and on VIT testing configuration

• Comply with VIT-C.R3 regarding the Nessus policy to be

used and modes of the product to be tested

• Comply with VIT-C.R4 on interfaces to test under VIT-C

• Comply with VIT-C.R5 on criteria for VIT-C pass

• Instructions for VIT evaluation report creation comply with


3 Application form and instructions • Application requests all items required per [CSA-300]
to be given to suppliers Requirement ISASecure_C.R4
submitting components

4 Intermediate artifacts, paperwork • SDA-C artifacts were obtained as required by specifications

and final evaluation report for a
sample component covering SDA- • Results of FSA-C indicate compliance with procedures and
C, FSA-C, and VIT-C. specifications

• Report from VIT-C evaluation indicates use of tool version

and set of known vulnerabilities specified by [SSA -420]

• Report from VIT-C evaluation indicates compliance with

pass/fail criteria in VIT-C.R5

• Evaluation report and detailed VIT-C report meet

requirements CSA.R21 - R22 in this document

• Evidence meets CSA.R31 in this document

5 Evidence demonstrating that the • Verify that steps for creation of reproduced result required
vulnerability identification test only information in the evaluation report; and that results are
result can be reproduced based same as initial results
on information in evaluation
report; document steps used to
reproduce these

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