Manaali Action Plan

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August - 2010


1.1 Area Details 1

1.2 Location 1
1.3 Digitized map with Demarcation of Geographical
Boundaries and Impact Zones
1.4 CEPI Score 2
1.5 Total Population and Sensitive Receptors 2
1.6 Eco-geological features 4
1.6.1 Major Water bodies 4
1.6.2 Ecological parks , Sanctuaries , flora and fauna or any 4
1.6.3 Buildings or Monuments of Historical / 4
archaeological / religious importance
1.7 Industry Classification 5
1.7.1 Highly Polluting Industries 5
1.7.2 Red category industries 6
1.7.3 Orange and Green category industries 6

1.7.4 Grossly Polluting Industries 6


2.1 Present status of water environment 7

2.1.1 Water bodies 7
2.1.2 Present level of pollutants 7
2.1.3 Predominant sources contributing to various 8
2.2 Source of Water Pollution 8
2.2.1 Industrial 9
2.2.2 Domestic 9
2.2.3 Others 11
2.2.4 Impact on surrounding area 11
2.3 Details of water polluting industries in the area 11
2.4 Effluent Disposal Methods- Recipient water bodies 14
2.5 Quantification of wastewater pollution load and 17
relative contribution by different sources viz
industrial/ domestic
2.6 Action Plan for compliance and control of Pollution 25
2.6.1 Existing infrastructure facilities 25
2.6.2 Pollution control measures installed by the units 26
2.6.3 Technological Intervention 36
2.6.4 Infrastructural Renewal 37
2.6.5 Managerial and financial aspects 37
2.6.6 Self monitoring system in industries 37
2.6.7 Data linkages to SPCB (of monitoring devices) 37


3.1 Present status of Air environment 39

3.1.1 Critical locations for air quality monitoring 39
3.1.2 Present level of pollutants in air 42
3.1.3 Predominant sources contributing to various pollutants 47
3.2 Sources of air Pollution: Industrial & Transportation 48
3.3 Air Polluting Industries in the Area 48
3.4 Impact of activities of near by area on the CEPI area 49
3.5 Quantification of air pollution load and relative 49
contribution by different sources
3.6 Action Plan for compliance and control of pollution 57
3.6.1 Existing infrastructure facilities – Ambient air quality 61
monitoring net work
3.6.2 Pollution control measures installed by the individual 61
sources of pollution
3.6.3 Technological Intervention 70
3.6.3. Inventorisation of prominent industries with 70
1 technological gaps
3.6.3. Identification of low cost and advanced cleaner 70
2 technology for air pollution control
3.6.3. Introduction and switchover to cleaner fuel 70
3.6.4 Need for infra structure renovation 70
3.6.4. Development of roads 70
3.6.5 Impact on CEPI score after installation / commissioning 71
of full fledged air pollution control system

3.6.6 Managerial and financial Aspects 71

3.6.7 Self Monitoring systems in Industries 71
3.6.8 Data Linkages to SPCB/CPCB ( of monitoring devices) 71

4.1 Soil contamination 73

4.1.1 Present status of Land Environment 73
4.1.2 Critical Location for land/soil pollution assessment and 75
ground water Monitoring
4.1.3 Present level of pollutants in Land /soil/ ground water 76
4.1.4 Predominant Source contributing to danger 76
4.1.5 Source of soil contamination 77
4.1.6 Type of existing pollutants 77
4.1.7 Remedies for abatement, treatment and restoration of 77
normal soil quality
4.2 Ground water contamination 78
4.2.1 Present status /quality of ground water 78
4.2.2 Source Identification (Existing source of ground water 82
4.2.3 Ground water quality monitoring programme 82
4.2.4 Action plan for control of pollution including cost / 82
time aspect
4.2.5 Treatment and management of contaminated ground 83
water bodies, etc.
4.3 Solid waste generation and Management 83
4.3.1 Waste Classification and quantification 83
4.3.1. Hazardous waste 83
4.3.1. Bio Medical Waste 90
4.3.1. Electronic waste 91
4.3.1. Municipal Solid waste 91
4.3.1. Plastic waste 93
4.3.1. Quantification of waste and relative contribution from 94
6 different sources

4.3.2 Identification of waste minimization and waste 94

exchange option
4.3.3 Reduction /reuse/Recovery/Recycle option in the co- 95
4.3.4 Infrastructural facilities 95
4.3.4. Existing TSDF/incineration facility including capacity 95
4.3.4. Present status /performance and need of up gradation 96
2 of existing facility
4.3.4. Treatment and management of contaminated waste 96
3 disposal site
4.3.4. Impact on CEPI score after proper management of solid 96
4 waste
5.1 Identification of project proposal for implementation
under the PPP mode under Action Plan


6.1 Green Belts 98
6.2 Development of industrial Estate 99

6.3 Development / Shifting of industries 99

7.1 Co- processing of wastes in cement industries 100
8 101
9 102
Overall Impact after installation / commissioning of
pollution control equipments / measures on the
CEPI score
10 104
Assessment of Techno – economical feasibility of
pollution control system in clusters of small /
medium scale industries

11 104
Efforts made to encourage the use of Bio Compost
and Bio Fertilizer along with chemical Fertilizer.


12.1 Short Term Action Points 105

12.2 Long Term Action Points 116





1.1.Area Details including brief history: Tamil Nadu, in general, and Chennai in
particular, has had a strong base for the chemical industry and Manali industrial
Complex, on the outskirts of Chennai, is one of the largest Petrochemical
Complexes in the Country. The focal point of this cluster is the mother refinery,
M/s Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited(CPCL) and the Petro Chemical-based
units, using refinery feedstocks, for producing a range of products, from fertilizers
to polyolefin’s.
1.2. Location: This Petrochemical Complexes Complex is located at 13˚10'4''
Northern latitude & 80˚15'43'' eastern longitude and is about 20 km north of
Chennai. This Industrial complex spreads over an area of 2000 hectares in the
revenue village of Manali, Chinnacekadu, Voiyakadu Sadayankuppam &
Amulavoyal Village of Ambattur Taluk Tiruvallur District of Tamilnadu. Manali
Industrial Complex is bounded by Buckingham canal & Tiruvottiyur on the east
and, south by Chennai city, north by Kossathaliyar River in Ponneri talk and west
by villages of Manjambakkam, Mathur and Madavaram of Tiruvallur District.

This industrial complex is connected by east with Ennore High Road, and west by
Chennai Kolkata NH-5A, north by Ponneri - Manali high road, and south by
Madhavaram – Manali road. The Ennore port is situated at a distance of 15km from
this industrial Complex and the nearest railway station is Tiruvottiyur at 3km.

The average rainfall is around 100-120 cm. The mean maximum temperature
during summer is 45⁰ C and the mean minimum temperature during winter is 20⁰
C. The relative humidity is around 70 – 80%.

1.3.Digitized Map with Demarcations of Geographical Boundaries and Impact

Zones: The map showing the Manali Industrial Complex, and the near by areas is
1.4. CEPI Score (Air, Water, Land and Total) : Out of the 88 industrial clusters
as identified by the Central Pollution Control Board, the Comprehensive
Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI) score for this Manali, Tamilnadu is 76.32.

No Industrial Cluster/ Area AIR WATER LAND CEPI

20 Manali (Tamilnadu) 64.00 59.00 58.00 76.32 Ac_Ws_Ls
Source: Comprehensive Environmental Assessment of Industrial Clusters by CPCB , December 2009

1.5.Total population and sensitive receptors.

The Manali town is the nearest residential and commercial area located at
the western side of the this industrial complex,and Tiruvottiyur town is at
the eastern side having residential colonies. The details of the towns,
villages, which are located around 2.0Km from the Industrial Complex is
stated Table-1.1. The list of hospitals, and Educational Institutions are
stated in Table 1.2 & 1.3.


Sr Village Name Location Direction Distance Population

No Latitude Longitude (km)

1. Manali 13⁰10’15” 80⁰ 15’ 47” West 0km 36,588


2 Tiruvottirur 13⁰10’29” 80⁰ 18’29” Northeast 0.20 2,11,436.

Municipality & East

3 Madavaram 13⁰ 9’ 19” 80⁰ 14’ 28” West 1.8 76,793

Municipal area

4. Chinnasekkadu 13⁰ 9’ 36” 80⁰ 15’ 30” South 1.0 9,744


List of hospitals

Sr Name of the Hospital Address

1 Kurinji Hospital 964, T.H Road
2 Sugam Hospital 349, Thiruvottiyur High Road
3 Vinu Nursing Home 21, Ramakrishna Nagar
4 G. S. Hosital.. 855, T. H. Road
5 Jagadeesh Nurshing Home 941A Thiruvottiyur High Road
6 Municipal Maternity Home Thiruvottiyur High Road
7 Grace Maternity Home 19, Sathangadu High Road
8 Shanmugam Surg & Med Centre 1030,Thiruvottiyur High Road
9 Lakshmi Ram Nurshing Home 59, Sannathi Street
10 Selva Clinic & Maternity Centre 72, Kamaraj Nagar
11 Annai Hospital 855, Thiruvottiyur High Road
12 Ramanathapuram Maternity Centre Wimco Nagar
13 S.S.S Hospital 924, T.H.Road
14 National Hospital 33, Manali Express Highway
15 Subramani Service Hospital 488, T.H.Road
16 S.S.Hospital & Scan Centre 11, Jeevanlal Nagar
17 Municipal Maternity Home Manali .

Table1.3. Educational Institution

Sr Name of the area Number of Educational

No Institution

1 Manali 10

2 Tiruvottirur Municipality 13

3 Madavaram Municipal area 15

4 Chinnasekkadu 2

1.6. Eco-geological features. The eco-geological features within 2Km radius

from the Manali Industrial Complex, are studied, and no such important
features were noticed generally.

1.6.1. Major Water Bodies: The Buckingham Canal is a salt water navigation
canal, running parallel to the Coromandel Coast of South India. The canal connects
most of the natural backwaters along the coast to the port of Chennai (Madras). It
has a total length of 420 km of which 163 km is in Tamil Nadu and the remaining
257 km in Andhra Pradesh. Araniar River, Korataliyur River, Otteri Nullah, Cooum
River, Adyar River and Palar River are connected with this canal.It was once used
for carrying goods such as fire wood, salt and lime shell through country boats. It
was constructed by the British Raj, and was an important waterway during the late
nineteenth and the twentieth century. The canal is the eastern boundary of this
Manali Industrial Complex.

1.6.2.Ecological parks,sanctuaries,flora and fauna or any eco sensitives Zones

No ecological parks, sanctuaries, flora and fauna or any eco sensitive zones are
present within 2Km radius from the Manali Industrial Complex.

1.6.3.Buildings,Monuments of Historical/archaeological/religious importance

No Buildings, Monuments of Historical/archaeological/religious importance are

present within 2Km radius from the Manali Industrial Complex.

1.7. Industry classification and distribution (no.of industries per 10

area or fraction)

There are fourteen highly polluting 17 category industries and eleven red
category industries and four orange category industries located in the
industrial complex.

1.7.1. Highly polluting industries (17 categories)

Sl. No Name of the Industry Type Category

1. Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Petroleum Refinery Ultra-Red

2. Madras Fertilizers Ltd Fertilizer Ultra-Red

3. Tamilndu Petro Products Ltd (LAB) Petrochemical Ultra-Red
4. Tamilnadu Petro Products Ltd-ECH Petrochemical Ultra-Red
5. Tamilnadu Petro Products Ltd-HCD Caustic Soda. Ultra-Red
6. Manali Petro Chemical Ltd-I Petrochemical Ultra-Red
7. Manali Petro Chemical Ltd-II Petrochemical Ultra-Red
8. Manali Petro Chemical Ltd-II (Captive Captive Power Ultra-Red
Power Plant) Plant
9-10 Balmer & Lawrie & Co. Ltd Leather chemical Ultra-Red
(Leather Chemical Division & Grease
11. Supreme Petrochemicals Ltd Petrochemical Ultra-Red
12. Kothari Petrochemicals Ltd. Petrochemical Ultra-Red
13. Indian Additives Ltd Additives Ultra-Red
14. Petro Araldite (P) Ltd Adhesives. Ultra-Red

15. NATCO Organics Ltd. Bulk Drug Ultra-Red

16. CETEX Petrochemicals Ltd Petrochemical Ultra-Red
17. Eveready Industries Ltd. Battery Ultra-Red

1.7.2. Red category industries.

Sl. No Name of the Industry Type Category

1 Futura Polyesters Ltd. (Fiber division) Manmade fiber Red
2 Futura Polyesters Ltd. (polymer division) Manmade fiber Red
3 SRF Ltd (IYB) Manmade fiber Red
4 SRF Ltd (EPB Plant) Manmade fiber Red
5 IOT Infrastructure & Energy Services Ltd LPG Storage Ultra-Red

1.7.3. Orange and Green category industries.

Sl. No Name of the Industry Type Category

1 Pure Industrial Gases Pvt. Ltd Industrial Gas Orange.
2 SICGIL India Ltd Industrial Gas Orange
3 Popular Carbonic Pvt. Ltd. Industrial Gas Orange
4 INOX Air Products Ltd Industrial Gas Orange

1.7.4. Grossly polluting industries: Nil


2.1.1 Present status of water environment: Buckingham canal is the surface
water source, flowing on the eastern boundary of the Manali Industrial Complex
and it receives flood discharge only during monsoon season and in the rest of the
year it acts as carriers of wastewater received from the other canals passing
across the Chennai city.
The surplus water from the Red hills lake is some times drained out through
Amullavoyal canal which is flowing on the northern side of the Manali Industrial
Complex and finally confluence in the sea.

2.1.2. Present Level of Pollution. Tamilnadu Pollution Control Board is

monitoring the Buckingham canal, under the Monitoring of Indian National
Aquatic Resources (MINARS) programme, and water samples are being collected
and analyzed periodically. The report of analyses of the water sample collected
from the Buckingham canal during the year 2009-10 are furnished in the Table
2.1. The report reveals that the canal is unsuitable for any designated use.



pH Conductivity TSS TDS Chloride Nitrogen BOD COD

MONTH Point of Collection mmhos/ cm mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L


APR-JUN 09 6.75 13470 150 9756 5190 22 107 330

JUL-SEP 09 7.39 6357 78 4713 2108 49 47 171

OCT-DEC 09 7.15 3433 61 2163 834 45 66 176

JAN-MAR 10 7.47 4613 105 3263 1187 26 51 165

AVERAGE 7.19 6968 99 4974 2330 36 68 211


APR-JUN 09 6.79 3240 114 2374 803 28 58 192

JUL-SEP 09 7.41 3033 91 2033 727 51 43 168

OCT-DEC 09 7.18 2950 84 1882 637 44 72 181

JAN-MAR 10 7.68 3420 91 2226 722 24 36 123

AVERAGE 7.26 3161 95 2129 722 37 52 166

BRIDGE 6.81 1686 84 971 282 24 61 165

APR-JUN 09 7.36 1729 595 1039 284 51 292 733

JUL-SEP 09 7.34 1550 197 879 232 39 72 187

OCT-DEC 09 7.34 1550 197 879 232 39 72 187

JAN-MAR 10 7.60 1633 332 845 262 21 40 181

AVERAGE 7.41 1616 330 911 252 38 119 322


APR-JUN 09 6.79 1714 111 965 312 20 80 216

JUL-SEP 09 7.36 1805 135 1029 315 39 75 203

OCT-DEC 09 7.37 1515 88 899 219 39 54 136

JAN-MAR 10 7.52 2393 515 1526 478 25 41 149

AVERAGE 7.26 1857 212 1105 331 31 63 176


APR-JUN 09 6.71 1642 59 941 285 21 54 163

JUL-SEP 09 7.17 1726 215 991 320 46 112 765

OCT-DEC 09 7.34 1502 63 867 207 46 54 133

JAN-MAR 10 7.62 1715 131 937 290 18 25 88

AVERAGE 7.21 1646 117 934 276 33 61 287

2.1.3. Predominant sources contributing to various Pollutants: The

discharge of domestic waste water from the local bodies, and the discharge
effluent form industries located in and around the Manali Industrial
Complex are the predominant sources of water pollution.

2.2. Source of Water Pollution: The refining process of crude oil is

responsible sources of water pollution as it requires huge volume of water
for heating and cooling. The oil bearing water, washed away from the oil
transferring, and storage area, pollutes the receiving water body by forming
a thin layer over the water surface and cutting down the sun light and
oxygen necessary for flora and fauna. Phenol, Hydrogen sulphide and other
sulphur compounds in the water emits obnoxious smell and can impart a
black colour to the receiving water body.

2.2.1. Industrial. There are 19 waste water generating industries located in the
Manali Industrial Complex. M/s Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd, M/s Madras
Fertilizers Ltd, and M/s Manali Petro Chemical Ltd, are the industries consuming
more quantity of water for their process.
The unit of M/s Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd, and M/s Madras Fertilizers
Ltd are utilizing about 133.18 MLD of sewage effluent, which is being let from the
Kodungaiyur Sewage Treatment plant, maintained by Chennai Metro Water supply
and sewerage Board, after made necessary treatment in their own Effluent
Treatment Plant with RO system.

M/s Chennal Ptroluem Corporation Limited is discharging 1280 KLD of effluent

in the Buckingham canal after treatment. The unit of M/s Madras Fertilizer Limited
is drained out 1400 KLD of effluent in the Amullavoyal canal after treatment . The
unit of M/s Manali Petrochemicals Ltd, M/s Manali Petrochemicals Ltd, and M/S
Kothori Petrochemicals are disposing the effluent in the sea through pipe line after

2.2.2 Domestic: The domestic waste water from the residential colonies,
and commercial areas of the near by local bodies, such as Tiruvottiyur
Municipality, Manali Municipality, and Madavaram Municipality are
discharged in the Buckingham canal with out any treatment. The quantity
of generation of sewage from the local bodies, is stated in Table-2.2. Further
generation of sewage from industries located in the Manali Industrial
Complex is summarized in Table: 2.3.

Sl. No Name of the Industry Sewage

1. Tiruvottiyur Municipality. 28.0 MLD

2. Manali Municipality. 5.0MLD

3. Madavaram Municipality. 10.0MLD

4. Chinnasekkadu Town Panchayat. 1.20MLD

Sl. No Name of the Industry Source Sewage

1. Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Toilet & canteen 1257KLD

2. Madras Fertilizers Ltd Toilet & canteen 300KLD

3. Tamilndu Petro Products Ltd (LAB) Toilet & canteen 60KLD

4. Tamilnadu Petro Products Ltd-ECH Toilet & canteen 10KLD

5. Tamilnadu Petro Products Ltd-HCD Toilet & canteen 100KLD

6. Manali Petro Chemical Ltd-I Toilet & canteen 15KLD

7. Manali Petro Chemical Ltd-II Toilet & canteen 15KLD

8. Manali Petro Chemical Ltd-II (C P P) Toilet & canteen 2KLD

9-10 Balmer & Lawrie & Co. Ltd (Leather Toilet & canteen 10KLD
Chemical Division & Grease Division)
11. Supreme Petrochemicals Ltd Toilet & canteen 5KLD

12. Kothari Petrochemicals Ltd. Toilet & canteen 22KLD

13-14 Futura Polyesters Ltd. (Fiber division) Toilet & canteen 115KLD

14 Futura Polyesters Ltd. polymer division Toilet & canteen 20KLD

15 SRF Ltd (IYB) Toilet & canteen 137KLD

16 SRF Ltd (EPB Plant) Toilet & canteen 10KLD

17. Indian Additives Ltd Toilet & canteen 27 KLD

18. Petro Araldite (P) Ltd Toilet & canteen 5KLD

19. IOT Infrastructure & Energy Services Ltd Toilet & canteen 2.5KLD

20. NATCO Organics Ltd. Toilet & canteen 20KLD

21. CETEX Petrochemicals Ltd Toilet & canteen 5 KLD

22. Eveready Industries Ltd. Toilet & canteen 2KLD

23. Pure Industrial Gases Pvt. Ltd Toilet & canteen 0.24

24. SICGIL India Ltd Toilet & canteen 2.0

25. Popular Carbonic Pvt. Ltd. Toilet & canteen 0.2

26. NOX Air Products Ltd Toilet & canteen 1.5

Total 1940 KLD

2.2.3 Others: ( agricultural run off , leachate from MSW dump, illegal
dump site).
There is no any agricultural lands in the near by areas of the Manali Industrial
Complex and hence no possibility of agricultural runoff. There is no illegal dump
site in the Manali Industrial Complex. The Thiruvottiyur Municipality has dumped
the municipal solid waste in the bank of Buckingham canal, and there may be a
possibility of reaching the leachate generated during rainy season.

2.2.4. Impact on surrounding area: The wastewater generated from the industries
located in Manali Industrial Complex is being treated in the effluent treat plant
provided by individual industries. The treated effluent is either discharged in to
sea, or in the Buckingham Canal or Amullavoyal canal or reused in their process
by the industries. The units are treating the sewage and trade effluent to the
standards prescribed by the Board.

2.3. Details of the Water Polluting Industries. The list of waste water generating
units and the source and quantity of generation of trade effluent by the individual
industries are furnished in the Table:2.4

Table 2.4

Sl. Name of the Industry Source Quantity

1. Chennai Petroleum Boiler Blow down, 19118
Corporation Ltd. Cooling Tower blow KLD
down, RO Plant reject,
floor washings and
surface runoff.
2. Madras Fertilizers Ltd Boiler Blow down, 8400KLD
Cooling Tower blow
Regeneration from the
Water Treatment Plant
& Plant washings
3. Tamilndu Petro Products Ltd Process, Boiler Blow 1164KLD
(LAB) down, Cooling Tower
blow down, Water
Treatment Plant
Regeneration water and
Plant washings.
4. Tamilnadu Petro Products Process, Boiler Blow 1805KLD
Ltd-ECH down, Cooling Tower
blow down, Water
Treatment Plant
Regeneration water and
Plant washings.

5. Tamilnadu Petro Products Process, Boiler Blow 310KLD

Ltd-HCD down, Cooling Tower
blow down, Water
Treatment Plant
Regeneration water and
Plant washings.

6. Manali Petro Chemical Ltd-I Industrial process and 3400KLD


7. Manali Petro Chemical Ltd-II Industrial process and 4500KLD


8. Manali Petro Chemical Ltd-II Boiler Blow down, 1 KLD

(Captive Power Plant)

9- Balmer & Lawrie & Co. Ltd Process, Boiler Blow 50KLD
10 (Leather Chemical Division & down, Cooling Tower
Grease Division) blow down, Water
Treatment Plant
Regeneration water and
Plant washings

11. Supreme Petrochemicals Ltd Process 50KLD

12. Kothari Petrochemicals Ltd. Cooling Tower blow 180 KLD

Boiler blow down
Process effluents

13 Futura Polyesters Ltd. (Fiber Boiler Blow down, 1420KLD

division) Cooling Tower blow
down, Water
Treatment Plant
Regeneration water,
& Plant washings

14 Futura Polyesters Ltd. Cooling Tower blow 50 KLD

polymer division down, Water
Treatment Plant
Regeneration water,
& Plant washings

15 SRF Ltd (IYB) Boiler Blow down, 427KLD

Cooling Tower blow
down, Water
Treatment Plant
Regeneration water,
& Plant washings

16 SRF Ltd (EPB Plant) Boiler Blow down, 20KLD

Cooling Tower blow
down, Water
Treatment Plant
Regeneration water,
& Plant washings

17. Indian Additives Ltd 1.Effluent from process 120KLD

plants - 2.Cooling
tower blow down 3.Boiler
blow down
18. Petro Araldite (P) Ltd Process. 426KLD

19. IOT Infrastructure & Energy No effluent generation. 0

Services Ltd

20. NATCO Organics Ltd. Process, Boiler Blow 93.7 KLD

down, Cooling Tower
blow down.
21. CETEX Petrochemicals Ltd Boiler Blow down, 70KLD
Cooling Tower blow
down, Water Treatment
Plant Regeneration
water, and Plant

22. Eveready Industries Ltd. Scrubber bleed off 0.1KLD

23. Pure Industrial Gases Pvt. Ltd No effluent generation. 0

24. SICGIL India Ltd No effluent generation. 0

25. Popular Carbonic Pvt. Ltd. No effluent generation. 0

26. INOX Air Products Ltd From the process. 0.50

Total No effluent generation. 38357.10

2.4. Effluent Disposal Method – (Trade effluent) Recipient water bodies.

The effluent after treated by the industrial units is being disposed in the following
a. Reused in their process after treated in the effluent treatment system and by
adopting RO Plant.
b. Utilized by the other industries for their process.
c. Utilized for gardening.
d. Disposed through Solar Evaporation pan.
e. Discharged in the Buckingham canal after treatment.
f. Discharged in to the sea through pipe line.
g. Discharged in the Amullavoyal Canal after treatment.

The details of mode of disposal treated sewage & trade effluent by the individual
industries are stated in the Table-5
Sl. Name of the Effluent Reused Given Buckin Amulla Bay of Garde Solar
No Industry Quantity in their to other gham voyal Bengal ning evapor
process. industri canal canal ation
es for pan
KLD process. KLD KLD KLD

1. Chennai TE-19118 16118 720 1280 - - 1000 0

Petroleum SW-1257 1257. - - - - - -
Corporation Ltd.

2. Madras TE-5150 2270 980 - 1400 - - 500

Fertilizers Ltd SW-300 200 - - - - 100 -

3. Tamilndu Petro TE-1164 - 301.2 to - - - - -

Products Ltd SW-60 - TPL- - - - 24.6 -

4. Tamilnadu Petro TE-1805 - -- - - 1475 - -

Products Ltd- SW-10 - - - - - 5.5 -
5. Tamilnadu Petro TE-310 - 177.2 to - - - - -
Products Ltd- SW-100 TPL- 11.9 -

6. Manali Petro TE-3400 - - - - 2403 - -

Chemical Ltd-I SW-15 - - - - - - -

7. Manali Petro TE-4500 - - - - 2586 - -

Chemical Ltd-II SW-15 - - - - - - -

8-9 Balmer & Lawrie TE-50 - - - - - 15 15

& Co. Ltd SW-10 - - - - - 10 -
Division &
Grease Division)
10. Supreme TE-50 25 - - - - - 7
Petrochemicals SW-5 - - - - - 5 -

11. Kothari TE-180 150 - - - 30 - -

Petrochemicals SW-22 - - - - - 22 -
12 Futura TE-1420 450 376 to - - - - -
Polyesters Ltd. SW-115 - TPL - - - 100 -
(Fiber division)

13 Futura TE-50 50 - - - - - -
Polyesters Ltd. SW-20 - - - - - 20 -
polymer division

14 SRF Ltd (IYB) TE- 427 427 - - - - - -

SW-137 - - - - - 120 -

15 SRF Ltd (EPB TE-20 20 - - - - - -

Plant) SW-10 - - - - - 10 -

16. Indian Additives TE-120 - - - - - 120 -

Ltd SW-27 - - - - - 27 -

17. Petro Araldite TE-426 - 426 to - - - - -

(P) Ltd SW-5 - TPL-ETP - - - - -

18. NATCO Organics TE-97 35

Ltd. SW-20 20
19. CETEX TE-70 - - - - - 40 6
Petrochemicals SW-5 - - - - - 5 -

20 Eveready TE-0.1 SW-2 - - - - - - 0.1

Industries Ltd. - - - - -- 2 --

Total TE-38357.1

Quantity Trade effluent generation & disposal

The maximum quantity of total trade effluent generation from the Manali Industries
complex is - 38357.1 KLD (38.36 MLD). But the actual quantity of generation
at present is 31224.1 KLD (31.22MLD). The various mode of disposal treated
effluent with quantity are furnished below.

 Treated effluent reused by the industries for their process – 19545 KLD
or 19.55 MLD.

 Utilization treated effluent by the other industry - 802 KLD

or 0.802 MLD

 Treated effluent discharged into Buckingham canal (CPCL) - 1280 KLD

or 1.28 MLD

 Treated effluent discharged into Amullavoyal canal (MFL) - 1400 KLD

or 1.40 MLD

 Treated effluent discharged into sea(TPL,MPL& Kothari) - 6494 KLD

or 6.50 MLD

 Treated effluent utilized for gardening by the industries - 1175

KLD or 1.17 MLD

 Effluent disposed through solar pond -

528.1KLD or 0.52 MLD

Quantity Sewage generation & disposal

The maximum quantity of total swage generation from the Manali Industries
complex will be 2135 KLD (2.135 MLD). But the actual quantity of generation at
present is only 1940 KLD (1.94 MLD). The various mode of disposal treated
sewage with quantity are furnished given below.

 Treated sewage reused by the industries for their process –1477

KLD or 1.477MLD

 Treated sewage used for gardening – 463 KLD

or 0.463MLD

2.5. Quantification of waste water pollution load and relative contribution by

the sources viz industrial/domestic.

The pollution load contributed by the above two sources of industrial

outlets are quantified in respect of parameters on industries wise furnished

1. M/S Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited.

Pollutants Quantity of pollutants Annual average concentration % variation

discharged in treated effluents w.r.t
Mass in Kg / 1000 tons of crude Actual As per new MINAS
Kg /
Day * Actual As per new
S.S. - 2.36 8.0 26.91 20 Nil

Phenols - 0.00008 0.14 <0.01 0.35 Nil

Sulfides - 0.043 0.2 0.5 0.5 Nil

BOD - 1.38 6 15.82 15 Nil

Oil & Grease - 0.14 2 1.64 10 Nil

pH - - - 7.14 6.0- 8.5 Nil

COD - 13.05 50 148.73 125 Nil

Phosphate - 0.017 1.2 0.19 3 Nil

Zinc - 0.017 2 0.20 5 Nil

Cyanide - 0.0008 0.08 < 0.001 0.2 Nil

Hexavalent - 0.0008 0.04 <0.001 0.1 Nil

Total - 0.0008 0.8 <0.001 2.0 Nil


Ammonia - 1.69 6 19.32 15 Nil


TKN - 0.722 16 8.23 40 Nil

Lead - 0.06 1.2 0.7 0.1 Nil

Mercury - 0.00008 0.004 <0.001 0.01 Nil

Nickel - 0.00008 0.4 < 0.01 0.01 Nil

Copper - 0.0004 0.4 <0.002 1

Benzene - - 0.04 BDL 0.1

Benzopyrene - - 0.08 BDL 0.2

2.Madras Fertilizers Limited

Quantity Concentration
Per ActualMT Variation % Per Statute Actual Variation %
StatuteMT mgm/L mgm/L

TKN as N 234.97 5.31 97.74(F) 100 8.23 91.77(F)

Amm N as N 117.49 3.33 97.16(F) 50 5.13 89.74(F)

Nitrate as N 23.49 0.05 99.79(F) 10 0.08 99.20(F)

PO4 as P 11.75 0.08 99.32(F) 5 0.13 97.40(F)

Fluoride as F 4.69 0.02 99.57(F) 2 0.03 98.50(F)

TSS 234.97 12.77 94.58(F) 100 20.17 79.83(F)

BOD 70.48 5.91 91.61(F) 30 9.00 70.00(F)

COD 587.43 46.44 92.10(F) 250 70.67 71.73(F)

Oil & Grease 23.49 0.96 95.91(F) 10 1.44 85.60(F)

pH 6.5 – 8.0 6.8 - 7.8

3. Tamilnadu Petrol Products – LAB

Parameter Pollution Load, Kg/Day (2009 – 10)
Inlet Effluent Treated Effluent
pH 5.5 – 9.0 7.2
TDS 2444.4 249.37
TSS 116.4 5.67
Chlorides 1164 86.79
Sulphates 1164 48.76
BOD 34.92 3.01
COD 291 26.94
Oil & Grease 11.64 0.36
Phenolic Compound 1.16 0.003
Sulphide 1.16 0.30
Fluoride 2.33 0.015
Chromium 2.33 0.003

4. Tamilnadu Petrol Products – HCD

Parameter Pollution Load, Kg/Day (2009 – 10)

Inlet Effluent Treated Effluent

pH 5.5 – 9.0 7.3

TSS 31.0 3.76

Sulphates 310 32.7

BOD 31 4.84

COD 77.5 23.4

Oil & Grease 6.2 0.25

Phenolic Compound 1.55 0.002

Fluoride 6.2 0.01

Chromium 0.31 0.01

5.Tamilnadu Petrol Products – ECH

Parameter Pollution Load, Kg/Day (2009 – 10)
Inlet Effluent Treated Effluent
pH 5.5 – 9.0 7.2
TSS 180.5 61.93
Sulphates 1805 127.4
BOD 180.5 44.53
COD 451.25 217
Oil & Grease 36.1 2.06
Phenolic Compound 9.02 0.015
Fluoride 36.1 0.07
Chromium 1.81 0.15
6. Manali Petro Chemicals – I

Parameter Pollution Load, Kg/Day (2009 – 10)

Treated Effluent
7.43 ,

TSS 43.77
Sulphates 36.66
BOD 19.25
COD 206
Oil & Grease 1.13

7. Manali Petro Chemicals – II

Parameter Pollution Load, Kg/Day (2009 – 10)
Treated Effluent
7.01 ,

TSS 44
Sulphates 61.20
BOD 16.7
COD 172
Oil & Grease 1.3

8.Futura Polyesters Ltd

Parameter Pollution Load, Kg/Day (2009 – 10)

Inlet Effluent Treated Effluent

pH 5.5 – 9.0 7.2

TSS 180.5 61.93

Sulphates 1805 127.4

BOD 180.5 44.53

COD 451.25 217

Oil & Grease 36.1 2.06

Phenolic Compound 9.02 0.015

Fluoride 36.1 0.07

Chromium 1.81 0.15

9.Indian Additives Ltd.,

Parameters Inlet 2009-10 Outlet 2009-10
Sulphate 28-335 88-397
Chlorides 193-859 320-650
Hexavalent chromium 0.04-0.32 <0.01
Total chromium 0.06-0.57 <0.01
Fluoride 0.1-0.6 <0.05
Sulphides 0.07-0.99
Total PO4 0.8-18.3 0.07-0.38
BOD 53-1010 8-21
COD 265-1963 40-128
Oil and grease 10-17 1.2-2.8
PH 6.1-10.7 6.99-7.87
Phenol 0.1-0.5 <0.01
TDS 645-2000 788-1846
TSS 32-85 24-74


Parameter Pollution Load (kg/day/MT of
S. No product)
PH --
TDS 3.404
TSS 0.076
Chlorides 0.972
Sulphates 0.545
BOD 0.073
COD 0.542
Oil & Grease 0.010
Phenolic Compound BDL
Sulphide BDL
Fluoride BDL
Chromium BDL
13. Kothari Petrochemicals Ltd.,
Parameter Inlet, Kg/day Outlet Kg/day Remarks /
PH 7.25 7.74 Nil
TSS 12.75 0.5 Nil
TDS 273 105 Nil
Chlorides 60 54 Nil
Sulphates 8.8 5.4 Nil
Oil &
2 0.04 Nil
BOD 5 0.3 Nil
COD 13.2 2.6 Nil
Sodium % 31.4 3.2 Nil

14. SRF Ltd - TTBM

Remarks / Suggestions Remarks /
Parameter Inlet Suggestions
2009 - 2010 2009- 2010
Total Dissolved
Solids (Mg/lit) 850 114

Total Suspended
20 <1.0
Solids (Mg/lit)
PH at 25 deg
7 7.22
COD 125 8
BOD at 27deg.c/3
36 <1.0

2.6 Action Plan for Compliance and Control of Pollution.

2.6.1.Existing infrastructure facilities – Water quality monitoring net work,

ETPs. CETPs, Sewage Treatment plant of industry STPs, Surface drainage
system, effluent conveyance channels/Out falls,

 The sewage effluent generated by the industries is treated in the

sewage treatment system provided by the industries with in the unit
 All industries generating trade effluent are provided effluent
treatment system for the treatment of trade effluent.

 The unit of M/s Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd & M/s Madras
Fertilizers Ltd, have there own infrastructure facilities for the
transferring, and treatment of sewage with R .O Plant, for the utilization
of sewage effluent collected from Chennai Metropolitan area at the
Kodungaiyur Sewage Treatment plant maintained by Chennai Metro
Water supply and sewerage Board.

 The unit of M/s Manali Petro Chemicals Limited and M/s

Tamilnadu Petro chemicals Limited have provided infrastructure
facilities for transferring and utilization of waste water let out by the unit
of M/s Madras Fertilizers Ltd, and M/s. Futura Polyesters Limited from
the ETP respectively.

 Manali Petrochemical Limited having two independent pipelines for

disposing the treated effluents collected from MPL – 1, MPL – II, TPL,
Kothari Petro Chemicals into the sea

 The unit of M/s, Madras Fertilizers Ltd, M/s Manali Petro

Chemicals Limited, M/s Tamilnadu Petro chemicals Limited, and M/s
Kothari Petrochemicals Ltd, are having their infrastructure facilities to
receive the raw materials from the unit of M/s Chennai Petroleum
Corporation Ltd .

2.6.2. Pollution Control Measures Installed by the Industries.

The trade effluent generated by the industries are treated in the effluent
treatment system and the methodology of treatment is based on the
characteristic and of the effluent. The treatment components of the effluent
treatment plant provided by the industrial unit s are stated for each
industrial units separately.
1. Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited.


1 API SEPARATOR 1X 600 65 300
2 API EFFLUENT PUMP 3X175 250 4X100
3 SURGE POND 10000 250 2X2400
- 2x10000 -
4 SURGE POND EFF PUMP 3X175 2X90 3X100
- 2X100 -
5 DAF 2X125 2 x 70 + 90 200
6 TPI - 70 200
- - 216
8 TRICKLING FILTER 250 220 400
9 AERATION TANK 250 220 200
10 FINAL CLARIFIER 250 2X220 180
11 GUARD POND - 10000 8034
13 ACF - - 3X100

2. Madras Fertilizers Limited

a. Efluent Treatment System for Ammonia / Urea Plant’s Effluent/

Hydrolyser Stripper

1 Urea Sump 17 Cu M Capacity

2 Ammonia Sump 50 Cu M Capacity
3 Equalisation tank 100 Cu M Capacity
4 Stripper 58 No.of trays with 28 bubble caps in
each tray
5 Flow monitors Available
6 Type of Record DCS

b. Effluent Treatment System for NPK Plant’s Effluent.

1 Effluent Holding Tank 125 Cu M Capacity

2 Clarifies (2 sets) Flow rate 7.5 Cu.M/Hr. each

(two streams of two Dia 8.0 M
nos each)
3 Clear water tank 125 Cu M Capacity
4 Sludge Sump 5 Cu M Capacity

5 Blender 2 T/Hr
6 Centrifuge 6 Cu.M/Hr. Capacity
7 Flow monitors Available
8 Type of Record Manual

C.Canteen Waste Water and septic tank over flow Treatment plant.
1. Equalisation Tank 60 Cu M Capacity
2. Aeration Tank 245 Cu.M Capacity Retention time 16.3 Hr
3. Clarifier SM (dia) x 2.5 M height Retention time 3.27
4. Sludge drying beds 4.75 x 4.0 M
5. Treated Effluent Sump 60 Cu. M Capacity
6. Dual Media Filter Flow 15 Cu.M/Hr
7. Flow monitors Available
8. Type of Record Manual

D. Reverse Osmosis Plant.

1. Roughing Filters (6 No.) Filtration area 13 Sq.M

2. Filtered water storage tank 3000 Cu. M capacity

3. Chlorine retention tank 325 Cu M

4. Dual Media Filters (6 No) Filtration area 13 Sq.M
5. Rejects Sump 1000 Cu.M Capacity
6. Flow Monitor Available
7. Type of record DCS

3. Tamilnadu Petrol Products - LAB

a. ETP for Oily Stream

1. Collection Tank : 15m * 14m * 4.25m 892.5 cu.m
2. Tilted Plate Separator : 3.2 m * 0.6 m * 5.65 m 112.5 cu.m
3. API Separator :
4. Recycle sump : 2.6 m * 2.6 m * 1.8 m 12.1 cu.m
5. Bio Filter : 7 m dia * 3.4 m ht
6. Settling Tank : 3.15 m dia * 2.5 m swd
7. Sludge drying bed : 6m*4m
8. V- Notch Chamber : 3 m * 2.8 m * 1.2 m 10.0 cu.m
9. Final mixing chamber : 2m*2m*2m 8 cu.m
b. ETP for Non- Oily Stream
1. Primary Neutralisation Tank : 2.6m * 2.6m* 5.65 m 38.2 cu.m
2. Secondary Neutralisation Tank : 2.6m * 2.6m* 5.65 m 38.2 cu.m
3. Clarifier : 6.77 m dia * 2.5 m swd
4. Polishing Tank : 2.83 m * 2.83 m * 2.15 m 17.3 cu.m
5. V- Notch Chamber : 3 m * 2.8 m * 1.2 m 10.0 cu.m
4. Tamilnadu Petrol Products – ECH ETP components

1. Primary Clarifier
2. Equalization Tank
3. Acid dozing Tank
4. Caustic Dosing Pump
5. Mass Culture Tank
6. Bio Reactors (10 nos)
7. DAP Preparation Tank
8 Urea Tank
9. Flocculation Tank (2 nos)
10 Poly electrolyte Tanks
11. Secondary Clarifier
12. Secondary Thickner
13. Treated Effluent Tank (2 nos)
5. Manali Petro Chemicals – I

S. No. Equipment Name Details

1 Clariflaculator 14 m dia. x 3.5 m depth. RCC
2 Thickener 10 m dia x 3.5 m depth. RCC
3 Cooling Tower 8.05 m l x 6.5 w x 3.35 h. RCC

46.38 m x 30.92 m. RCC No. of Compartments: 6

4 Bio-reactor
Dimension of Each : 15 m x 15 m x 5.2 m

Treated Effluent Storage 50 m x 15 m x 3.20.RCC -No. of Compartments : 2

Tank Dimension of Each : 25 m x 15 m x 3.2 m
6 Nutrient Tank 2mx2m
7 Mass Culture Tank 6.4 m x 6.4 m x 3.2 m. RCC
8 Rotary Vacuum Drum Filter 2.44 m x 3.05 length (2 Nos.)
6. Manali Petrol Chemical – II

S. No. Equipment Name Details

9 m dia. x 3.4 m depth. RCC (Old)
1 High Rate Thickener 13 m dia. x 4.5 m depth. RCC (New)
2 Cooling Tower 5.5 m x 4.5 m
Equalization Tank 1 15 m x 40 m x 1.5 m (RCC)
3 Equalization Tank 2 7 m x 6 m x 2 m (RCC)
Equalization Tank 3 10 m x 25 m x 2.5 m (RCC)
4 Neutralization Tank 3 m x 3 m x 3 m (RCC)
5 Aeration Tank 21 m x 40 m x 3.5 m (RCC)
6 Secondary Clarifier 14 m x 3.5 m (RCC)
7 Treated Effluent Sump 12 m x 15 m x 2 m (RCC)
8 Rotary Vacuum Drum Filter 2.44 m x 3.05 length (2 Nos.)
7. Balmer & Lawrie & Co Ltd.,

ETP system (components)

Leather Chemicals: Low TDS
1)Collection Sump
2)Flash Mixer
3)Settling Tank-Primary &Secondary
4)Aeration Tank
5)Sludge Drying Bed -2Nos

High TDS
1)Settling Tank
2)Solar Evaporation Pond-2Nos
3)Forced Accelerated Evaporation System 1KL/Hr

Barrel Division
1)Collection Tank
2)Dosing Tank
3)Aeration Tank
4)Settling Tank
5)treated water Storage Tank

8. Supreme Petrochemicals Ltd.,

Effluent Treatment Plant details

S. Equipment Name size
1 Bar screen 0.6×0.6×0.6m
2 Raw sewage collection tank 3×3×2.1m
3 Bio aeration tank 2.5×3×2m
4 Settling tank 2.5×2×2m
5 Filter feed tank 2.5×2×2m
6 Pressure sand tank 0.6m dia ×2m
7 Activated carbon filter 0.6m dia ×2m
8 Sludge drying beds 1.8×1.8×0.8m
1 Bar screen 1.5×1.56×1.5m
2 Raw effluent collection tank 5×4×3.2m
3 Flash mixer 1×1×.05m
4 Flocculation Tank 1×1×1m
5 Primary clarifier 4m dia ×2.5m
6 Bio aeration tank 6×6×3.5m
7 Secondary clarifier 4m dia ×2.5m
8 Dual media filter 0.8m dia ×1.5m
9 Ultra filter 0.2m dia ×1m
10 Filter press 2.5 cu. m hr
11 Treated effluent collection tank 6×6×6m
9. Kothari Petrochemicals Ltd.,
Effluent Treatment Plant Details
DETAILS (all dimensions
are in mts.)
10 (L) x 2.10 (W) x1.80M
1 Process Effluent Water Collection Pit
5M (L) x 2.5M (W) x 2.8M
2 Primary Polymer Separator
3 Secondary Polymer Separator 0.35M (D) & 3.50M (H)
10M (L) x 5M (W) x 1.0M
4 Equalisation Tank
1M (L) x 1M (W) x 1.25M
5 Flash mixer
6 On line pH meter
10M (L) x 10M (W) x 1.0M
7 Treated Eff.Collection pit
8 Flash mixer 1M (L) X 1M (W) X 1M (D)

2.5M(L) X 2.6M(W) X3.3M

9 Flocculation tank
10 Clear water tank 6.2M(L) X2.35M (D)
2.4M(L) X2.4M (W) X2.0M
11 UF water collection tank
10. Futura Polyesters Ltd


A. Oil Sump 3.5 x 3.5 x 3

B. Equalization Tank 10.57 x 10.57 x 3.5

C. High Rate Bio Filter 8.054 x 4.2

Ultrasonic flow sensor and counter.
D. Recycle Sump 4.5 x 2.5 x 3.5

E. Aeration Tank 24.5 x 12.25 x 3.7

F. Clarifier 11.28 x 2.75

G. Sludge Drying Beds 2 x 5 x 10

h. Settling tank

11. SRF Limited – TTBM

Components of ETP Nos.

1. Collection Tank Oil Trap. 1

2. Second Collection Tank. 1

3. Lime Dosing Tank 1

4. Floculator Tank 1

5. Primary Clarifier 1

6. Aeration Tank20HP -1 1

7. Aeration Tank 5HP -1 1

8. Secondary Clarifier -2 4

9.Final Pond 1

10. Sludge Pit 1

11. RO (Capacity 412M3/Day) 1

12. Mechanical Evaporator (Capacity 48M3/Day) 1

12. Indian Additives Ltd.,

S.No. Tag No. Equipment name L X B X H + FB

1. Chemical House 16750 x 8250

2. X-801 Screen Chamber 2500 x 150 x 150

3. T-802 chemical sump 6400 x 6400 x 1250

4. T-811 utility sump 5250 x 5250 x 1350

5. T-812 Sanitary sump 5250 x 950 x 1300

6. T-803 Cross flow separator 2000 x 1000 x 2500 + 250

7. T-823 Oily sump 2000 x 1000 x 2500 + 250

8. T- 824 Oil collection tank 1500 (Dia) x 1500 LD

9. T-827 Primary sludge sump 2000 x 1000 x 2500 + 250

10. T-804 Surge pond 21250 x 21250 x 2500 x + 250

11. Surge pond outlet sump 3500 x 3500 x 2400 + 350

12. Fire hydrant sump 2000 x 2000 x 2400 + 350

13. T-805 DAF unit 3500 x 2000 x 2500 + 250

14. T-809 Float Separator 500 x 250 x 1500 + 250

15. T-810 Slop oil sump 1000 x 1000 x 1500 + 250

16. T-813 Equalization basin 6400 x 6400 x 2500 +300

8000 x 8000 x 2750 + 500
17. T-814 Aeration Tank

18. T- 817 Intermediate settlingtank 8000 x 1500 x 2000 + 600

Intermediate sludge
19. T-818 750 x 750 x 2000 + 600
20. T- 820 Final clarifier 51200 (Dia) x 2250 + 250

21. T-821 Final effluent sump 2100 x 2100 x 1500 + 450

18000 x 8000 x 1350 + 500
22. T- 819 Oxidation Ditch
Hypo chlorite
23. - 2000 x 2000
preparation area
T- 825
24. Recovered oil tanks 4800 (Dia) x 3000 LD
5600 x 5600 x 2750 LD + 500
25. T-828 Aerobic Digester

26. T- 829 Thickener 2000 (Dia) x 2250 + 250

27. T-830 Thickened sludge sump 1000 x 750 x 2250 +250

28. T-831 Centrifuge shed 4000 x 3000

Sludge drying bed (3
29. 2000 x 2000 x 1250 + 250

2.6.3. Technological Intervention & Action plan.

SR Name of the unit Action plan


1 M/s Tamilnadu Petro Products To improve colour and reduce

the level of COD


1 M/s Indian Additives Ltd., Installation and running of

vacuum pump and installation
of additional aspirator in the


1 M/s Chennai Petroluem Installation of additional oil

Corporation Ltd.
skimmer in the ETP

Marine Discharge.

1 M/s Manali Petro Chemicals Ltd Laying of new pipe line for
marine disposal of effluent
2 M/s Manali Petro Chemicals Ltd Laying of new pipe line for
marine disposal of effluent
3 M/s Chennai Petroluem Laying of new pipe line for
Corporation Ltd.
marine disposal of R.O Reject.
ETP Improvement

1 M/s Balmer Lawrie & Co Ltd., To upgrade the ETP

2 M/s Chennai Petroluem Revamping of ETP-2
Corporation Ltd.
3 M/s Indian Additives Ltd., Installation of RO Plant & RMS
4 M/s Petro Araldite Private Limited., To upgrade the ETP
2.6.4 Infrastructural Renewal:
 Adequate storm water drains to be provided with in the Manali
Complex with proper disposal facility.
 The road facility connecting the Manali Industrial Complex has to be
strengthened and widened to by considering the present traffic
 The road connecting Manali service road to be repaired and
 The lighting all along the roads of Manali Industrial Complex .
 The ponds located in the surrounding area of the industrial complex
has to be de silted in order to preserve the water sources.
 The Buckingham canal has to be preserved.

2.6.5 Managerial and Financial aspect: The existing infrastructure

facilities provided by the industrial units for their own use has to be
maintained by the concern industries and hence the cost involving for the
monitoring, and revamping of the same has to be beard by them. The cost
required to up grade the common existing infrastructure such as lighting of
roads, strengthening of roads , desilting of ponds, and other water
resources has to be provided by the concern authority of the State

2.6.6. Self monitoring system in industries:

The industries also have the facility of self monitoring mechanism. The
effluent treatment system is being monitored by the industries. The
performances of the effluent treatment system is monitored by the
industries by collecting and analyzing the simples periodically in their own
lab. Some of the industries are engaged some external agencies for the
operation and monitoring of effluent treatment plant and for the sewage
treatment plant. The industries also have the monitoring mechanism to
check the parameters incidentally.
2.6.7 Data linkages to SPCB (of monitoring devices):
At present no industries have installed data linking facility with the
Tamilnadu Pollution Control Board to monitor the level of parameters in the
water environment. Tamilnadu pollution Control Board have only facility to
monitor level of air pollutant let out by the industries through their stacks.
However the Tamilnadu Pollution Control Board is planning to monitor the
level of parameters in the treated effluent and the rate of flow of treated
effluent to the water bodies.
2.6.8 – Impact on CEPI score after installation /commissioning of full
fledged Water pollution control system
Detail A1 A2 A B1 B2 B3 B C1 C2 C3 C D Score

As per CPCB 3 5 15 8 3 3 14 3 5 5 20 10 59
During 2009-
10 3 5 15 8 3 0 11 3 5 5 20 10 56

Shorterm & 3 5 15 1 0 0 1 3 1 5 8 10 34

3.1. Present Status of Air environment: Petroleum products,
petrochemicals, are primarily derived from crude oil,and the primary
petrochemicals are further converted to petrochemical intermediates, which
are all the complex derivative products. Hence the air pollutants comes out
in the form smoke, particulate matter, hydrocarbons, oxides of sulphur and
nitrogen,carbon monoxide and VOC.

3.1.1 Critical Locations for Air Quality monitoring: The industries

identified the critical location of monitoring the air pollutant with respect to
the process adopted by them and based on the quantum of pollutant let out
from the process stack. But the Ambient air quality monitoring stations has
to be fixed based on the maximum ground level concentration of the
The western boundary and southern side of the Manali Industrial complex
are completely occupied by the habitations of Manali municipality and
Madavaram Municipality. Particularly the residential colony of
Harikrishanpuram is located adjacent to the west and south west compound
wall of M/s. Madras Fertilizer Limited. Though the unit M/s. Madras
Fertilizer Limited, has installed air pollution control measures, the level of
ammonia in the ambient air may rise, in the event of any de-pressuring
operation carried out by the unit during any plant upset. However there is
one continuous Air quality monitoring is under functioning at the Govt
Higher Secondary School, Manali.
Critical Location in Industries.

Company Name Critical Location

1. Stack attached to the Boiler.

2. To monitor NH3 at the prill tower
1 Madras Fertilizers 3. Ammonia vent stack and urea vent stack
Limited 4. South and western side compound wall both
in side and out side the unit.
1 Stack attached to the Boilers.
2 To monitor the level VOC in the vulnerable
point in the processing section.
Chennai 3 To monitor the level hydrocarbon in the
Petroleum processing section.
2 Corporation 4 To
Limited monitor the level of PM, SO2, NOx, in the
stack attached to the captive power plant.
5 The
tank forming areas
6 Flare stack.
1. To monitor the level of PM, CO, SO2, NOx
Tamilnadu Petrol stack attached to the oil heater, captive
Products power plants of 3.2MW, 6.6MW and 6.8MW.,
3. 2. Flare stack.

1. To
monitor the level of SPM, SO2, NOx, for the
stack attached to the Fusion plant,
Tamilnadu Petrol
Hydrochloric acid plant.
2. To
monitor the level Ammonia in the stack
attached to the NH4CL2 plant of 2 Nos.

1. To
monitor the level of PM, SO2, NOx, in the
stack attached to the propylene furnace, 8
T/hr capacity boiler, captive power plant.
Tamilnadu Petrol
5. 2. To
monitor the level VOC in the vulnerable
point of the processing area.

1. To monitor the level VOC in the

vulnerable point in the processing

Manali Petro
Chemicals – I
2. To monitor the Flame stack.

1. To monitor the stack attached to the PO

Manali Petro
Chemicals – II
2. To monitor the 2 VOC vulnerable point
in the processing section.
1. Chlorine and SO2 emissions in the
process stack.
Balmer & Lawrie &
Co Ltd.,

1. To monitor VOC in the processing area.

9. Petrochemicals
Ltd., .

10 Futura Polyesters 1. To monitor the level of SPM in the stack

Ltd., attached to the Biomass Boiler 24 T/hr.

IOT Infrastructure 1. Gas detectors at bottling area, LPG

11. Energy Services storage area

1. To monitor the level of SPM, NOX, and SO2

for the stack attached to the captive power
plant, and SPM monitor for the stack
SRF Limited –
12. attached to the Bio mass boiler of 12 T/hr

1. To monitor the level of SPM in the stack

attached to the pibsa reactor.

2. To monitor the level of H2Sinthe phenate

Indian Additives
13. reactor.

3. To monitor the level VOC at the vulnerable

point of the processing area.

1. To monitor the level of SPM in the stack

attached Bio mass Boiler 8T/hr.
14. Petrochemicals
Limited 2 To monitor the level VOC at the vulnerable
point of the processing area.
15. Petrochemicals
1. To monitor the level VOC at the
vulnerable point of the processing area

1. To monitor the level SPM, SO2 & NOx in the

stack attached to the Absorption column
and Biphenol aspiration blower.
Petro Araldite
Private Limited
2. To monitor the level VOC at the vulnerable
point of the processing area.

1. To monitor the level VOC at the vulnerable

point of the processing area.
NATCO Organics 2. To monitor the hazardous waste incinerator
Ltd., stack, SO2 scrubber, HCI scrubber.

3.1.2. Present level of pollutant in the air. The Tamilnadu Pollution

Control Board is monitoring the level of pollutants present in the ambient
air and pollutants let out through the process stack provided by the
industry periodically. Further the level of pollutant in ambient air around
the Manali Industrial area is being monitored by the Continuous Ambient
Air Quality monitoring station situated at Manali, Kattivakkam, and
Tiruvottiyur by the Tamilnadu Pollution Control Board under the National
Ambient Air Quality monitoring Project.

The consolidated report of analysis of the ambient air quality survey, and
stack monitoring survey carried out by the Board in the industries located in
Manali is summarized in Table-3.1.& Table-3.2.

Table-3.1. Ambient Air Quality survey 2009-10

Sl.No Name of the Industry AMBIENT ug/m3

Min Max Min Max Min Max

1 CPCL 123 380 20 76 18 69

2 TPL (LAB) 133 170 15 22 18 25

3 131 340 33 68 24 41

4 TPL (ECH) 35 118 19 60 24 45

5 MPL -I 230 485 20 31 23 34

6 MPL -II 207 468 39 41 50

Cetex Petrochemical
7 206 316 24 64 30 50

8 Kothari Petrochemicals 186 310 24 44 15 31

Petro Araldite
9 157 227 18 25 19 32

10 186 344 18 37 20 42

11 Balmer &Lawrie 230 413 30 53 26 58

12 Futura polyesters 189 323 31 61 36 68

13 SRF 106 334 10 22 14 34

14 MFL 137 163 24 38 20 32

Table-3.2. Stack survey 2009-10
Sl. Name of the STACK mg/m3
No Industry


Mi ma
Min Max Min Max Min Max
n x

1 CPCL 13 79 31 523 1 88

2 TPL (LAB) 21 72 40 211 7 92

3 TPL HCD) 30 76 119 221 81 152

4 TPL(ECH) 14 50 190 306 36 84

5 MPL - I 57 108 24 211 49 169

6 MPL - II 58 124 13 16 170 102

7 Cetex Petrochemical 98 98 71 71 59 59

8 79 99 16 169 20 52

9 Petro Araldite 10 60 21 35 11 98

10 IAL Ltd 23 138 18 214 3 125

11 Balmer&Lawrie 892 892 127 127 29 29

12 Futura polyesters 55 79 37 449 130 27

13 SRF 39 84 13 34 81 102

14 MFL 3 181 31 470 26 49 42 380 42

Industries (Sl.No. Wise)

Industries (Sl.No. Wise)

Industries (Sl.No. Wise)

3.1.3. Predominant Sources Contributing to various pollutants.

The pollutants such as hydrocarbons, oxides of sulphur & nitrogen, carbon
monoxide VOC, and Ammonia, let out through the emission sources of the
industries located in this Industrial Complex are the predominant sources of
air pollution

S.No Pollutant Sources

1 Chlorine  Poly Iso Butyl Succinimide Reactor vent (IAL).
 HCD Plant (TPL)

2 VOC  The progressing area of the

petroleum products and petro chemicals
 Storage area the petro

3 SO2  The progressing area of the
petroleum products and desulphurization plant,
and from the captive power plan.

4 NOx  Boilers using coal, Bio mass, and Husk as fuel.
 Refining Process of petroleum.

5 SPM  Boilers using coal, Bio mass, and Husk as fuel.

6 Hydro Carbon  Unburned hydro carbon from the refinery.

7 Ammonia.  NPK Plant, Ammonia vent stack

, Ammonia storage area.(MFL)
 Ammonium chloride plant (TPL)

8 Hydrogen  The progressing area of the

Sulphide. petroleum products and petro chemicals
industry and from the storage area(IAL)

9 Carbon  Boilers

3.2 Sources of Air Pollution. The sources of air pollution from the industry has
been briefed in the item 3.1. Two municipal solid waste dumping site is located
adjacent to the boundary of this Industrial Complex. The municipal solid waste
dumped in the dumping site is got fired and caused air emission in this locality.

The road connecting Chennai port with National High Way (Chennai Kolkata NH-5)
and Ennore port is passing through this industrial complex. Further most of the
containers fright stations are located in the surrounding area of the Industrial
Complex. Hence the heavy vehicles carrying containers, and other goods are using
the road and contribute significant amount of air pollutants.

3.3 Air Polluting Industries in the area.

Sl. No Name of the Industry Type

1. Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd. Petroleum Refinery
2. Madras Fertilizers Ltd Fertilizer
3. Tamilndu Petro Products Ltd (LAB) Petrochemical
4. Tamilnadu Petro Products Ltd-ECH Petrochemical
5. Tamilnadu Petro Products Ltd-HCD Caustic Soda
6. Manali Petro Chemical Ltd-I Petrochemical
7. Manali Petro Chemical Ltd-II Petrochemical
8. Manali Petro Chemical Ltd-II (Captive Power plant
Power Plant)
9-10 Balmer & Lawrie & Co. Ltd Leather Chemical

11. Supreme Petrochemicals Ltd Petrochemical

12. Kothari Petrochemicals Ltd. Petrochemical
13-14 Futura Polyesters Ltd. (Fiber division & Manmade fiber
polymer division)
15-16 SRF Ltd (IYB & EPB Plant) Manmade fiber
17. Indian Additives Ltd Additives
18. Petro Araldite (P) Ltd Adhesives
19. IOT Infrastructure & Energy Services Ltd LPG Storage
20. NATCO Organics Ltd. Bulk Drugs
21. CETEX Petrochemicals Ltd Petrochemical
22. Eveready Industries Ltd. Battery Components

3.4. Impact of the activity of near by area on the CEPI area. The west and
southern side of the CEPI area is generally occupied by the habitations of Manali &
Madavaram Municipality and hence the public residing Manali Municipality only
have some impact due to this industrial Complex. But the east and northern sides
of the CEPI area is covered by Tiruvottiyur Municipality which spread over an
extent of 21.42 Sqkms. The unit of M/s Ennore Thermal Power Plant, M/s Ashok Lay
lend, M/s Eveready Industries, M/s Royal Enfield, and M/s, MRF Limited are the
important industries located in this Municipality and which may cause impact on the
Manali complex, CEPI Area.

3.5. Quantification of the air pollution load and relative contribution by

different sources.

1.M/s Madras Fertilizers Limited. Urea stack

Parameter Year
mg/m3 2007 2008 2009
SPM 32.5-48 30-42 35-44
NH3 47-82 64-82 69-78
Boiler 1 &2 common stack
Parameter Year
mg/m3 2007 2008 2009
SPM 107-121 130-134 128-132
SO2 348-391 169-201 166-209
NOx 17.5-32 65-134 59-89
110 ata & Process condensate boiler common stack
Parameter Year
mg/m3 2007 2008 2009
SPM 113-124 132-148 125-143
SO2 372-446 322-391 364-428
NOx 31-35 28-46 25-35
3. M/s Tamilnadu Petro Chemicals Limited.(ECH)

Boiler Propylene HCl CPP Chlorine gas

furnace production scrubber
PM, T/day 0.0096 0.0009 ---- 0.026 ----
SO2, T/day 1.34 0.04 ---- 1.2 ----
NOx, T/day 0.055 0.005 ---- 0.445 ----
CO, T/day 0.021 0.002 ---- 0.055 ----
HCl Vapour, ---- ---- 0.00006 ---- ----
Chorine, ---- ---- ---- ---- 0.0000015
4. M/s Tamilnadu Petro Chemicals Limited.(HCD)

Parameter Stack attached to

CPP WAD Boiler HCl Unit Fusion NH4Cl Plant
PM, T/day 0.15 ---- 0.005 ---- 0.0017 ----
SO2, T/day 5.62 ---- 0.430 ---- 0.430 ----
NOx, T/day 2.53 ---- 0.014 ---- 0.005 ----
CO, T/day 0.32 ---- 0.011 ---- 0.0012 ----
HCl vapour, ---- ---- ---- 0.000001 ---- ----
Chlorine, ---- 0.00011 ---- ---- ---- ----
NH3. T/day ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0.000025

5. M/s Tamilnadu Petro Chemicals Limited.(LAB)

Load T/day Hot oil PACOL Hydrobon Boiler CPP

heater heater
PM, T/day 0.084 0.0144 0.0043 0.0104 0.119
SO2 7.2 1.54 0.05 0.92 4.72
NOx 0.48 0.082 0.010 0.06 2.038
CO 0.18 0.0308 0.0092 0.022 0.119

6. M/s.MPL - PLANT I.

YEAR DATE OF Stack attached Diesel Stack attached to Boiler

SURVEY Generator 1450 mg/Nm3


2009-10 08.07.09 57 24 169 108 211 49

7. M/s. MPL - PLANT II.

YEAR DATE OF Stack attached Diesel Stack attached to CPP mg/Nm3

SURVEY Generator 1450


2009-10 08.07.09 124 13 170 58 16 102

8. M/s Petro araldite.

2007-08 2009-10
Absorbtion DG Incinerator Absorbtion DG Incinerator
column Stack column Stack
SO2 2.79 14.8 11.8 3.46 15.22 10.1
NOx 4.17 19.1 16.8 5.06 19.8 15.5
SPM 31.58 179.9 122 26.67 49.6 47.7

9. M/s Kothari Petro Chemicals Ltd.

Discharger Pollutants(mg/Nm3)
Stack Stack Temp Velocity rate in
attached to C in(m/Sec) (Nm3/day) SPM SO2 NOX
Boiler 1210
426 5.09 201518 15.9 34 4

DG-1000 548 17.23 40917 0.94 0.45 1.5

10. M/s SRF Limited.

S.No. Stack attached Stack Velocity Discharge SPM SO2 NOx

to Temp in rate in
Deg K (m/sec) (N/m3/day)
708 21.75 641741 46 13 47
1 CPP – I
349 9.77 13158 80 18 32
2 Husk Boiler
11. M/s CETEX Limited

Source emission (Wood fired Boiler)

S.No. Parameters Year Remarks /
2007 2008 2009 Suggestion
1 SPM 20.0 92 98
2 SO2 24.0 74 71
3 NOx 16.0 61 59

12. Supreme Petrochem Limited

Para Year
2007 2008 2009
Fume Wet Boiler DG Fume Wet Boiler DG Fume Wet Boile DG
Scrub Scrubb Scrubbe Scrub Scrubbe Scrubbe r
ber er r ber r r
SPM 39.0 37.0 40.02 40.5 36.12 35.1 39.46 40.28 35.0 34.15 38.5 40.18
to to to to to to to to to to to to
41.0 39.00 42.02 42.5 38.12 37.1 41.16 42.28 37.0 36.15 40.5 42.18

SOx 13.5 14.5 16.00 12.5 12.34 13.5 15.64 12.32 12.0 14.00 15.2 12.12
to to to to to 8 to to to to to 5 to to
13.7 14.70 16.22 12.7 12.55 13.8 15.05 12.52 12.2 14.20 15.4 12.32

NOx 19.2 23.8 24.05 25.5 19.38 22.1 23.58 24.64 18.35 22.10 23.0 23.84
5 to to to to to 4 to to to to to 5 to to
19.5 24.0 24.30 25.8 19.63 22.4 23.85 24.90 18.6 22.35 23.3 24.1

CO .075 .031 .058 0.06 .072 .032 .056 .054 .073 .035 .052 .054

3.6. Action Plan for compliance and control of pollution. The action plan
proposed to minimize the level SO2, SPM, VOC, NOx, H2S, Chlorine, by
or upgrading the air pollution control measures and the monitoring system
stated below
Parameter : SO2
CPCL Use of Natural gas in place of Low sulfur Liquid fuel

TPL LAB Upgradation of process control to reduce SO2


MPL- I Providing scrubber

Kothari petro Process modification to reduce SOx and SPM level

from existing level.
MFL LNG Conversion from Naphtha feed stock

Parameter : SPM
TPL LAB Installation of Online sensors for monitoring PM2.5

MPL- I Retrofit burner in the packaged oil fired boiler.

Installation of suitable containment system in Plant

MPL-II Installation of suitable containment system in Plant
Futura Installation of online SPM monitor in biomass boiler


1. Replacing with new MDC & Bag filter

2. To extend the shed flooring, Ash yard Fabrication,

Dumping Fly Ash in new Storage Yard.

3. Dispose the ash from new ash storage yard

Petro Araldite Changing the filter in the gas line from 10 micron to
Private Ltd., 2.5 micron to trap all particles in transportation

SRF LTD., (EPB) To stop thermic fluid boiler and utilize husk boiler
from sister concern
Indian Additives Install continuous ambient air quality monitoring
Ltd. station

Eveready Industries Separate enclosure for Zinc ash screening & bagging
India Ltd.

Parameter : VOC
CPCL Fugitive Emission inventorisation & LDAR

Conversion of Open Surge ponds to closed tanks

Vapor absorption system in ETPs
In-situ Mechanical treatment of oil sludge

SUPREME Petro Connect the existing TVOC analyser to TNPCB server

Indian Additives Connect online VOC analyser and install additional

Ltd. VOC sensor
Petro Araldite Install online realtime connectivity from VOC analyzer
Private Ltd., to state PCB
CETEX Petro Providing on line air monitoring System with data
Chemicals Ltd., connectivity

Parameter : NOX
CPCL Shift to Low- NOx Burners

MPL- I Replacement of old DG set - 2 nos

MPL-II Replacement of old DG set - 2 nos

Petro Araldite Major overhaul of DG set

Private Ltd.,
Parameter : H2S

Indian Additives Online real time connectivity from H2S sensor to state
Ltd. PCB

Parameter : Chlorine
TPL HCD Modification in chlorine cylinder filling system.
Online sensor for monitoring chlorine and data
uploading to TNPCB server

Online monitoring

TPL (LAB) Online sensors for monitoring Benzene

TPL (ECH) Online sensors for monitoring chlorin

MPL-I Online SPM sensor provided

2 Nos. VOC sensors installed

MPL-II Online SPM sensor provided

2 Nos. VOC sensors installed.

MPL POWER Online SPM sensor provided

SUPREME Petro Online sensors for monitoring RSPM

Kothari petro Data uploading from existing Stack to TNPCB office

SRF TTBM On line stack monitoring in Husk Boiler

Petro Araldite Installation of online sensors for stack gas and SPM
Private Ltd., analysers of DG Sets

NATCO Organics Continuous Ambient Air Monitoring System


On-line VOC Monitoring System - 3 nos

On-line Stack Monitoring System for Incinerator

MFL Continuous Toxic gas (Ammonia) Monitoring System


Continuous Toxic gas (Ammonia) Monitoring System


Stack monitoring system for 110 ATA / PC Boiler

Stack (One)

Ambient Air Continuous Monitoring Station (One)

CPCL Ambient Air Continuous Monitoring and

procurement of mobile van for AAQM
Linking 8 AAQM/CSM with TNPCB. One AAQM
station already linked thro’ internet

TPL(LAB) Installation of continuous monitoring system with

data uploading for 3 stacks attached to Captive Power

TPL(HCD) Installation of continuous monitoring system for the

parameters chlorine, HCl vapor, PM, SO2, NOx, and

SRF TTBM To provide on line stack monitoring of SPM in boiler

and heater chimney

Parameter : NH3

MFL Restart of Cooling water blow down treatment plant

to increase the use of treated effluents

3.6.1 Existing Infrastructure Facilities – (Ambient Air Quality Net work)

National Air Quality Monitoring Programme.: The level of pollutant in

ambient air around the Manali Industrial area is being monitored by the
Continuous Ambient Air Quality monitoring station situated at Manali, and
in the near vicinity of Kattivakkam, and Tiruvottiyur by the Tamilnadu
Pollution Control Board under the National Ambient Air Quality monitoring
Central Pollution Control Board station at Manali: The Central Pollution
Control Board has installed one Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
Station at Manali. This monitoring station gives the real time ambient air
quality date. The monitoring station has linked with the CPCB to down load
the data from their station. (Bangalore etc)
District Environmetal Lab of Tamilnadu Pollution Control Board: The
Tamilnadu Pollution Control Board have their net work for periodical
monitoring the level of pollutants present in the ambient air and pollutants
let out through the process stack of the industry periodically.
Ambient Air Quality monitoring Station Provided by the industry: Some
of the industrial units in the Manali Industrial Complex have also installed
Ambient Air Quality monitoring Station in their premises so as to measure
the level of pollutants in the ambient air

3.6.2. Pollution Control Measures installed for the emission sources.

1. Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited

 Air pollution control facilities have been provided to ensure protection of

environment from the potentiallY harmful effects of refining activity.
 These facilities have been provided for minimizing the impact of pollutants
on the environment by

 8 nos. of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring stations including one

Weather Monitoring Station.

 Continuous Stack Monitoring Stations in major heaters

 Low NOX burners and DeNOX facilities for reduction of NOX emission
 Portable gas detection made for measuring volatile organic compounds and
other toxic gases in the refinery premises

2.M/s MADRAS Fretilizers Limited.,

Sl Source Stack Fuel Remarks
No Height Used
1. Utility Boilers 70 Furnace Stack height Provided as per
(Two Nos.-50 MT/Hr each) Oil MINAS standards

2 Solar Gas Turbine 15 High Each set is provided with a

(Two Nos.) Speed separate stack as per MINAS
Diesel standards
3 DG sets (8 Nos.) 12 High Each DG set is provided with
( Each with 0.8 MW capacity) Speed 2 stacks as per MINAS
Diesel standards

4 Ammonia Plant Boilers: 117 Furnace Both the boilers are provided
(i)110 ATA Boiler Oil with a common stack as per
(100 MT/ Hr) MINAS standards
(ii) Process Condensate
Boiler (70 MT/ Hr)

2. Process Gas Emissions

Sl Source Stack Height Fuel Used Remarks
No (Meters)
1 Ammonia Plant 30 Naphtha The generation is only for a short
Process Vent Stack period during plant start-ups and
shutdowns. This vent is provided
with adequate steam quenching to
prevent formation of explosive
3. Process Vent Stack Emissions

Sl Source Stack Height Pollutants

No Remarks
1 Ammonia Plant 30 Ammonia
2 Urea Plant 75 Ammonia
4.Urea Plant Prill Tower Emissions
Sl Source Stack Height Pollutants Remarks
1 Urea Prill Tower 72 Fine Urea
Demister Outlet dust and
(2 Nos.) Ammonia

NPK Plant Stack Emissions

Sl Source Stack Height (Meters) Pollutants Remarks
1 NPK Plants (3 42 NPK dust and
Trains) Process Ammonia
Stack (3 Nos)

3.Futura Polyesters Ltd

S.No Stack attached to equipment Height. Remarks
(1) Liquid Dowtherm Heater-2 Nos. (30
Common Stack & 15 lacs Kcal/ hr.) 750 30.5
Steam Boiler 8T/hr-1 No.
800 30.0 Stand-by
(3) Steam Boiler
Common Stack 32 T/hr. – 2 Nos. 1450 25.0 Stand-by
Liquid Dowtherm Heater (31 lacs
(4) Stand-by
Kcal/ hr.) 600 35.9

(5) DG Sets – 3 Nos. Operated only

Common Stack (1100 KVA each) 1270 16.9 during power
Gas Turbine Boiler
(6) 1200 30.0
-10 T/ hr.
Gas Turbine
(7) 1200 10.0
4750 KVA
(8) Burnout Furnace 1500 19.0

Both the units

will be online
(9) Common Steam Boiler – 1No. 24T/hr Liquid 2100 33 simultaneousl
Stack Dowtherm Heater- 60 Lakh Kcal y

Futura Polymer and Preforms Division:

Stack attached to Stack Dia-
S.No Height. Remarks
equipment mm
Thermax Oil Heater Stand-by
500 30.5
Thermax Oil Heater Stand-by
1000 35
(3) Electrically operated
Burnout Furnace
100 17 negligible emission.
(4) Diesel Generators Operated only during
Common Stack (1500KVA)-3 Nos. 900 20 power failures
(5) Liquid Dowtherm Heater – 1300 33
APC - Bagfilters
70 Lakh KCal/hr

4.Tamil Nadu Petrochemicals – LAB

Stack attached to Control measures.

Boiler Automatic Built in Air / Fuel Ratio
Hot oil heater Online sensors available (PM, SO2, Nox,
PACOL heater Online sensors available (PM, SO2, Nox,
Hydrobon heater Automatic Built in Air / Fuel Ratio
Startup heater Automatic Built in Air / Fuel Ratio
CPP Scrubber, Automatic Built in Air / Fuel
Ratio control
Flare Temperature indication

5.Tamil Nadu Petrochemicals – ECH

Stack attched to Control measures

Boiler Automatic Air / Fuel Ratio control
Prpylene furnace Low sulphur fuel (off-gas) is burnt
Hydrochloric acid unit Automatic pH
control and On-line sensor for HCl
vapour is provided.
Vent gas scrubber Automatic pH control and On-line
sensor for Cl2 is provided.
Captive Power Plant Automatic Air / Fuel Ratio

6.Tamil Nadu Petrochemicals – HCD

Stack attached to Control measures

WAD Plant Scrubber and on-line sensor for chlorine is
Hydrochloric acid plant Scrubber and On-line sensor for HCl vapour
is provided
Ammonium chloride plant Scrubber
Caustic Fusion plant Automatic Built in Air / Fuel Ratio control
Captive Power Plant Automatic Built in Air / Fuel Ratio
control and
On-line sensor provided for SPM< NOx, SO2,
Boiler Automatic Built in Air / Fuel Ratio control


1. All the hydrocarbon safety valve discharge are connected to

flar system.

2. All the process and product tanks blanketed with Nitrogen.

3. In the MOL Plant a dust scrubber / heat absorption system

has been installed.

4. Dust recovery plant for lime loading is being designed. Within

a year it will be implemented.

5. Boiler burner up gradation or scrubber will be installed in the

FO fired boiler to control SO2, SPM levels, within a year.


1. All the hydrocarbon safety valve discharge are connected to flare system.

2. All the process and product tanks blanketed with Nitrogen.

3. In the MOL Plant a dust scrubber / heat absorption

system has been installed.

4. Dust recovery plant for lime loading is being designed.

Within a year it will be implemented.

5. Boiler burner up gradation or scrubber will be installed in

the FO fired boiler to control SO2, SPM levels, within a


8. Balmer & Larwrie Co Ltd.,

1. Stack for Thermic Fluid heater in Grease Plant

2. Stack for LDO-Boiler in LCD

9.Kothari Petrochemicals Ltd.,

1) Common Stack with height 35 mts. Is provided for Boiler & two Thermic
fluid heaters. Control of Pollution by operational control.

2) Off gas from atmospheric flash column receiver is being used as

secondary fuel in Boiler through an off gas recovery system.
10. SRF Ltd., - TTBM

Source of Emission Control Measure Stack Height
1 Melter Scrubber 1.12

2 Spinning Section Scrubber 10

3 Chip Treatment Section (VS Silo) Cyclone Separator 23

4 Boiler 6.0 T/hr Air Pre Heater 24

5 Boiler 3.5 T/hr Air Pre Heater 24

6 Fuel oil Boiler Air Pre Heater 28

7 Diesel Generator set 2000 KVA Air Pre Heater 6.5

8 - 11 Spinning Extruder - 10

12 Spain draw Closed Circuit 10

13 - 15 Burn out Furnace Filter Media 7.2

16 Depoly Cracker Not in Use 10

17 Captive power plant 6.3 MW Waste Heat Recovery Boiler 60

18 Captive power plant 6.3 MW Waste Heat Recovery Boiler 60

19-20 Dryer 1A Filter Media 36

21-22 Dryer 1B Filter Media 36

23-26 Dryer 1,2,3,4 Filter Media 23 (each)

27 Fuel oil Boiler Air Pre Heater 35

28 Lactam Charging Hopper Scrubber 10

29 Spinning Machines Scrubber 13

30 Salt Bath Packed column Exhaust Blower 13

Air Pre Heater, Spark Arrestor,
31 Biomass Boiler 12.0 T / hr 30.5
Bag Filter and MDC

10. SRF Ltd., - EPB

Area / 16M2
S.NO Details Under EP Scr. FOB Dryer
1. Stack Number 1 2 3 4 5

2. Material of construction of
Stack SS M.S M.S M.S M.S

3. Stack attached to Exhaust Scrubber Vent Exhaust Exhaust

Blower Blower Chimney Pipe

4. Stack Height ( in Meters)

(a) Above the roof --- --- -- --- ---
(b) Above the ground level 12.5 16 16 31 14

5. Stack Top
(a) Round or Circular R R R R R

Inside dimension of the stack 80 mm

150 mm 450 mm 300 mm 100 mm
at top

6. Gas quantity – M3/hr 72,474 410386 165268 7704.0 10805

7. Flue Gas temperature – 0C 60.0` 82.0 156.0 40.0 44.0

8. Exit Velocity of the gas 10.4 8.4 11.8 4.4 4.0


9. Sample Point High 12.5 mtr 12mtr 16 mtr 10 mtr 5 mtr

3.6.3 Technological Intervention: Inventorisation of prominent industries with technological gaps

 Reduction of SO2 by introducing advanced process control of optimizing the

use of raw materials of petroleum feed stock by M/s Tamilnadu Petro
products Limited ( LAB Project) .

 Reduction of SO2 and RSPM in furnace oil emission by mixing the by

products light polymer with furnace oil as it contain nil sulphur and as
content proposed by M/s Kothori Petrochemicals Limited. Identification of low cost and advanced cleaner technology for
air pollution control. Introduction and switch over to cleaner fuel.

 Furnace oil is replaced by husk as boiler in M/s SRF Limited & M/s
Futura Polyesters Ltd.

 Use of natural gas in place of liquid fuel by M/s Chennai Petroleum

Corporation Limited.

 LNG Conversion from Naphtha feed stock is proposed by M/s Madras

Fertilizers Limited.

3.6.4 Need for infrastructure renovation Development of roads: The special purpose vehicle Board formed

with comprising of NHAI, Chennai Port Trust, Ennore Port and Govt. of
TamilNadu for implementation of Chennai- Ennore Port connectivity Road
project. The Scope of the work are as follows

a. Short term project for overlaying top layer in the existing road for the
Madras Oil Refinery Road and Inner ring road at the cost of Rs.8Crores.
Duration of work is 6 months starting from May2010 and is under progress

b. Strengthening the following four stretches of road at the cost of Rs 269

Crores, Duration of project is 2 years.
i. Ennore Express Highway 7.537 Kms
ii. Madras Oil Refinery 5.600 Kms
iii. iii. Tirvottiyur Ponneri Road 9 Kms
iv. iv. Inner ring road 7.5 kms.

3.6.5 Impact on CEPI score after installation / commissioning of full

fledged air pollution control system
Detail A1 A2 A B1 B2 B3 B C1 C2 C3 C D Score
As per CPCB
Notification 5 5 25 6 3 3 12 3 4 0 12 15 64

2009-10 3 5 15 7.5 3 0 10.75 3 4 5 17 15 57.75

Shorterm & 5 5 25 1 0 0 1 3 1 5 8 10 44
3.6.6 Managerial and Financial aspects – cost and time estimate, Cost and Time Schedule.
 Industrial association and Local body will effect green belt development with
the annual budgeting provision of Rs 25 lakes.

3.6.7 Self monitoring system in Industries (Stacks & APCDs)

 High volume samplers are installed by major units to monitor ambient
air quality.
 VOC monitors are provided by the following units in the ambient air.

 Online stack monitoring by the industrial units as listed in table -

 Continuous ambient air quality monitoring by M/s Chennai Petroleum

Corporation Limited in eight stations

3.6.8. Data Linking to SPCB/CPCB.

The TNPCB has established and commissioned a CARE AIR Centre with
project cost of 10 lakes (Centre for Assessing Real Time Air (Quality)
Information Reports) at its Head Office at Guindy, Chennai on 21.06.2010.
This CARE AIR Centre is the first of its kind in the country. The online data
of the source emissions and ambient air quality data has been linked to a
data acquisition system and routed through a static Broad Band connection
to IP address of the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board. This in turn is
connected to a workstation through a server, which saves the data
generated from the industry. The data is then validated by software and
represented to the Management for decision-making and to take up
mitigation work. All instances of Exceedance of norms will trigger off an
alarm in the system. A provision for immediate SMS alerts to the nodal
officer and to the CEO of the unit concerned has been made.
The following industries have linked their online data of the source
emissions and ambient air quality to a data accusation system at the CARE

Sl. No Name of the Industry

1. Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd.

2. Tamilndu Petro Products Ltd (LAB).

3. Tamilnadu Petro Products Ltd-ECH.

4. Tamilnadu Petro Products Ltd-HCD.

5. Manali Petro Chemical Ltd-I.

6. Manali Petro Chemical Ltd-II.

7 Supreme Petrochemicals Ltd.

8 Kothari Petrochemicals Ltd.

9 Indian Additives Ltd.

10 Petro Araldite (P) Ltd.

11 SRF Ltd.
Corporation Limited
Air Pollution Stack Stack Temp. Stack
Sl. PL Name of Stack attached Stack Dia., FLUE GAS Fluegas Sox Nox SPM
Control Height, (Exist Gas), Velocity, NoX SPM
No. NO Stack to m CONC m3/day kg/day kg/day kg/day
measures m C m/s
Low NOx
1 1 1F1A ADU burner 2.60 63.4 180 18.37 103 6 7 1907388 118 7 13.35
Low NOx
2 1F1B ADU burner 1.46 60 216 9.44 380 84 25 865195 184 41 21.63
Low NOx
3 1F2 VDU burner 1.20 55.58 260 29.57 164 8 75 1722860 145 7 129.21
Low NOx
4 1F3 VDU burner 1.20 55.58 226 29.57 444 71 43 2888000 702 112 124.18

5 2 3F1 Unifiner 0.80 15.85 588 7.23 16 36 10 111537 1 1 1.12

6 3F3/4/5 Platfomer 1.04 15.2 450 10.48 190 2 41 331763 24 0 13.60

7 3 4F1 Kero ATF 1.26 37.8 430 6.53 116 29 11 307058 14 3 3.38
Lube extraction Low NOx
8 5 8F1 unit burner 0.90 22.17 381 5.87 124 30 6 325356 17 4 1.95
Lube Extraction Low NOx
9 8F2 unit burner 1.66 41.01 423 2.45 554 4 29 457895 100 1 13.28
Low NOx
10 6 9F201 DWO mix burner 1.48 47.93 220 8.65 172 59 38 813262 77 27 30.90
Low NOx
11 9F301 Slack wax mix burner 1.02 36.4 240 6.84 82 23 18 482658 21 6 8.69

Lube Hydro- Low NOx

12 7 10F101 finishing burner 1.19 42.7 218 6.74 433 18 20 405567 98 4 8.11

13 9 13F1 Vac. Distillate 0.84 23.01 650 12.97 380 36 37 209142 24 2 7.74
Low NOx
14 10 14F1 Foots oil mix burner 1.24 32.38 220 6.70 55 77 34 440773 13 19 14.99

15 14 F 101 1.24 36 590 7.24 792 78 52 272091 68 7 14.15

Low NOx
16 11 15F1A ADU burner 2.60 63.41 270 20.71 124 6 24 5350961 334 16 128.42
Low NOx
17 15F1B ADU burner 1.70 60 210 8.56 111 88 13 1076886 68 54 14.00

Low NOx
18 15F2 A VDU burner 1.45 32 246 22.11 158 2 15 1858926 154 2 27.88
Low NOx
19 12 16F1 FCCU burner 1.80 35 299 13.18 77 35 42 1574738 58 26 66.14

Low NOx
20 16F3 FCC CO boiler burner 1.78 56.22 270 19.05 16 0.9 18 2306960 19 1 41.53

21 13 71 F1 PDA Feed 1.78 58.22 270 10.00 523 87 30 1321868 348 58 39.66
Low NOx
22 14 73F101 NMP 1 burner 1.62 53.38 220 2.50 29 72 13 1153509 19 46 15.00

23 73 F102 NMP 2 1.66 48.85 240 2.70 37 45 26 1495537 29 36 38.88

24 NMP Low NOx
15 76F1 Fractionator burner 0.81 30.9 233 1.20 24 50 22 214808 3 6 4.73
Naphtha Low NOx
25 76F11 Refomer burner 1.50 30 178 14.50 11 15 5 849937 6 8 4.25

26 16 77 F1 DHDS 0.50 60 647 8.00 470 65 18 135648 19 3 2.44

27 17 78F1 Furnace burner 0.50 60 455 31.40 341 51 10 116101 15 2 1.16
Low NOx
burner &
28 18 201F1/F2 ADU/VDU technology 3.45 70 212 2.60 55 1.07 27 2098915 65 1 56.67
Low NOx
burner &
29 19 204F1 VBU technology 3.45 70 166 5.00 29 90 7 4036376 73 226 28.25
Low NOx
burner &
30 20 205 F1 HGU technology 1.78 70 443 5.00 8 3 31 1074468 3 1 33.31
Low NOx
burner &
31 205 F2 HGU technology 1.78 70 155 11.00 31 4 72 1656773 33 4 119.29
Low NOx
burner &
32 21 206 F1 CRU Feed technology 1.80 100 497 6.00 8 64 2 1318499 4 30 2.64
Low NOx
burner &
33 206 F2 CRU technology 1.80 100 483 6.00 108 37 6 1318499 51 18 7.91

Low NOx
OHCU burner &
34 207 F2 Fractionator DeNOx 1.72 70 210 4.10 77 0.77 59 822667 36 0 48.54

Low Nox
35 23 210 F1 SRU Burner 1.96 70 300 7.38 16 0.44 17 1922879 15 0 32.69

Gas Low Nox

36 24 Turbine HRSG 1 Burner 1.80 100 179 5.21 210 55 3 779548 99 26 2.34

Gas Low Nox

37 Turbine HRSG 2 Burner 1.80 100 186 8.00 18 61 3 1757998 19 64 5.27
Old Power
38 Boiler-3 House 3.00 30 207 4.00 137 96 48 1541970 120 84 74.01
Old power
39 Boiler-5 house 3.00 30 190 6.39 140 66 49 2143257 177 83 105.02

Cogeneration Low Nox

40 Boiler-1 plant Burner 1.80 100 171 18.00 319 57 88 2675735 525 94 235.46

Cogeneration Low Nox

41 Boiler-2 plant Burner 1.80 100 180 19.80 335 67 106 4351045 878 176 461.21
Low NOx
burner &
Cogeneration DeNOx
42 Boiler-3 plant technology 1.80 100 179 11.00 234 3.51 156 2417247 342 5 377.09


(Soil and Ground Water)

4. LAND ENVIRONMENT (Soil and Ground Water)
4.1. Soil Contamination
4.1.1.Present status of land environment supported with minimum one
year analytical data: Nearly about 80% of the land area of the Manali
Industrial Complex, is is occupied by industrial establishment and the
remaining area is occupied by the infrastructure facilities such as road
etc. The Soil sampling data collected during 2008 presented in EIA
study for CPCL by NEERI is presented in table 4.1. The physical
properties, water holding capacity, chemical characteristic, sodium
adsorption ratio, are summarized in table 4.2 to 4.5.
Table :4.1 Sampling Location.
S.NO Village Name Location Direction Distance
Latitude Longitude (km)
1 Chinnasekkadu 13⁰ 9’ 36” 80⁰ 15’ 30” 284⁰ 2.67
2 Manali 13⁰ 10’ 15” 80⁰ 15’ 47” 313⁰ 2.8
3 Madhavaram 13⁰ 9’ 19” 80⁰ 14’ 28” 274⁰ 4.4

4 Ammullavoyal 13⁰ 10’ 36” 80⁰ 15’ 36” 218⁰ 9.55

5 Kadapakkam 13⁰ 11’ 30” 80⁰ 15’ 15” 334⁰ 4.1
6 Vichur 13⁰ 12’ 52” 80⁰ 14’ 43” 327⁰ 8.2
7 Edayanchavadi 13⁰ 12’ 45” 80⁰ 16’ 38” 354⁰ 6.4
8 Puzhal 13⁰ 9’ 43” 80⁰ 12’ 8” 277⁰ 8.5

9 MRC, near lagoon 13⁰ 9’ 19” 80⁰ 16’ 55” 135⁰ 0.5
10 MRC, Bioremeditation 13⁰ 9’ 23” 80⁰ 16’ 59” 135⁰ 1
site Physical properties of soil in study area

Table :4.2
Natural Particle size
S. Name of the Moisture distribution Soil
Colour Compaction density
No Village content Sand Silt Clay Texture
(%) (%) (%) (%)
1 Chinnasekkadu Dark Low 1.31 18.17 27.70 68.2 4.1 Silty
brown Loam
2 Manali Brown Low 1.33 15.32 29.70 67.0 3.3 Silty
3 Madhavaram Light Low 1.32 10.48 36.70 60.5 2.8 Silty
grey Loam
4 Ammullavoyal Brown Low 1.34 14.72 48.40 48.6 3.0 Sandy
5 Kadapakkam Dark High 1.36 22.30 15.30 67.7 17.0 Silty
brown Loam
6 Vichur Dark High 1.38 16.57 18.70 66.4 14.9 Silty
brown Loam
7 Edayanchavadi Light Low 1.30 14.80 47.20 50.4 2.4 Sandy
grey Loam
8 Puzhal Dark Low 1.33 16.94 28.10 66.6 5.3 Silty
brown Loam
9 MRC, near lagoon Light Medium 1.36 10.76 27.10 64.9 8.0 Silty
brown Loam
10 MRC, Brown Medium 1.35 13.33 22.20 69.2 8.6 Silty
Bioremeditation Loam

51 Water holding capacity (WHC) of soils in the study area:
Table :4.3
S.No Sampling Locations WHC (%)
1 Chinnasekkadu 24.7
2 Manali 20.5
3 Madhavaram 18.0
4 Ammullavoyal 18.5
5 Kadapakkam 26.8
6 Vichur 28.4
7 Edayanchavadi 19.2
8 Puzhal 18.4
9 MRC, near lagoon 21.9
10 MRC, Bioremeditation site 20.7 Chemical Characteristics of soil in the study area:

Table :4.4
Parameters, meq/100g
S.No Sampling Locations

pH EC dS/m Na Ca Mg CO3 Cl SO4

1 Chinnasekkadu 7.54 1.68 7.83 4.99 10.69 25.9 6.77 2.29
2 Manali 7.88 1.41 5.65 3.99 9.87 18.33 7.05 2.91
3 Ammullavoyal 7.67 1.56 7.83 5.49 8.23 25.99 4.79 1.87
4 MRC, near lagoon 7.90 1.38 5.65 6.986 6.58 20.66 5.64 2.29
5 MRC, Bioremeditation 8.10 1.37 6.09 4.49 7.40 17.99 6.21 3.12
site 3 Sodium Adsorption Radio (SAR) of Soils in the Study Area

S.No Sampling Locations SAR
1 Chinnasekkadu 2.78
2 Manali 2.14
3 Ammullavoyal 2.98
4 MRC, near lagoon 2.16
5 MRC, Bioremeditation site 2.48 Heavy metal analysis and Soil sampling in the study area:
Soil texture is silty loam, the water holding capacity of the soil ranges of
18% to 28.4% chemical properties of soil. The pH in the range of 7.54 to
8%. EC are in the range of 1.38 to 1.68 ds/m and sodium absorption radio
of soil indicates the soils are generally saline. The data on the
concentration levels of heavy metal in the soil indicates that heavy metal
concentrations are in acceptable levels as per NEERI study report for M/s
CPCL during 2008.
4.1.2 Critical location for land / soil pollution assessment and ground
water monitoring Suggested:

S.No Company Name /Village Critical Location
Hazardous waste storage
1. Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited area
ETP Area
Treated Effluent storage
2. Madras Fertilizers Limited lagoon as Hazardous waste
storage area, Fertilizers
storage shed area.
Hazardous Waste Storage
3. Tamil Nadu Petro Products – LAB Plant pits.
ETP area

Mercury bearing sludge

4. Tamil Nadu Petro Products – HCD Plant storage pits.
Brine sludge storage area.
ETP area
Lime sludge temporary
5. Tamil Nadu Petro Products – ECH Plant storage area.
ETP area.
6. Manali Petrochemicals Limited – Plant I Lime Sludge storage area.
ETP area
7. Manali Petrochemicals Limited – Plant Lime Sludge storage area

8. Balmer & Lawrie Co. Ltd., ETP – Solar Evaporation

9. Supreme Petrochemicals Ltd., ETP Area

10. Futura Polyesters Ltd., ETP Area

11. SRF Limited – TTBM ETP Area

Hazardous Waste Storage
ETP Area
12. Indian Additives Ltd., Hazardous Waste Storage
13. Cetex Petrochemicals Ltd ETP Area

14. Kothari Petrochemicals Ltd. ETP Area

ETP Area
15. Petro Araldite Private Ltd Hazardous Waste Storage
16. NATCO Organics Ltd., ETP Area
Hazardous Waste Storage
Manali, Amulavoyal and
17. Residential Area Chinnasekkadu Village

4.1.3 Present Level of Pollutants: Soil texture is silty loam, the water
holding capacity of the soil ranges of 18% to 28.4% chemical properties of
soil. The pH in the range of 7.54 to 8%. EC are in the range of 1.38 to 1.68
ds/m and sodium absorption radio of soil indicates the soils are generally
saline. The data on the concentration levels of heavy metal in the soil
indicates that heavy metal concentrations are in acceptable levels as per
NEERI study report for M/s CPCL during 2008.

4.1.4. Predominant Sources:

S.No. Industry Name Predominant Source
1. TPL – ECH Plant Solid waste temporary Storage area
2. TPL – HCD Plant Hazardous Waste Storage Area
3. TPL – LAB Plant Hazardous Waste Storage Area
4. CPCL Hazardous Waste Storage Area
Hazardous waste oil reclaimation area
5. Indian Additives Ltd Hazardous Waste Storage Area
6. Madras Fertilizers Ltd Hazardous Waste Storage Area
7. SRF Ltd Hazardous waste Storage Area

4.1.5. Sources of Soil Contamination: The following industries listed

below may be the sources of soil pollution.
S.No. Industry Name Source
1. TPL – ECH Plant ETP lime Sludge
2. TPL – HCD Plant Mercury bearing sludge in
Hazardous waste storage pit

3. TPL – LAB Plant Hazardous Waste Storage

4. Chennai Petroleum Corp Ltd Oil Spillage and Hazardous Waste
5. Indian Additives Ltd Hazardous Waste Storage
6. Manali Petrochemicals Ltd – I Lime Sludge Handling
7. Manali Petrochemicals Ltd – II Lime Sludge Handling
8. Petro Araldite P Ltd Hazardous Waste storage and
9. NATCO Organics Hazardous Waste storage and
10. Balmer & Lawrie Co., Effluent Storage in Solar Evaporation

4.1.6. Types of existing Pollution :

Non Hazardous waste of high volume lime sludge from unit of
MPL,TPL are utilized for beneficial purpose such as road
embankment formation/brick industries, taking steps to control
spillage into ground, no adverse impact of pollution noticed. In MPL
– II, lime sludge stored previously is stored in huge dump. Adequate
storage for hazardous solid waste are installed in Manali Industrial
4.1.7. Remedies for abatement, treatment and restoration of normal
Revamping of non hazardous waste storage sites are proposed by TPL
/ MPL so as to avoid any leakages of lime sludge. Proposed
transportation is planned in covered vehicle to avoid dust emission
spreading sink own land. TPL is revamping of existing mercury
bearing sludge storage pit is proposed to avoid any leakages from the
storage pit. TPL is planned to store the sludge in a container storage

4.2. Ground Water Contamination

4.2.1 Present Status /quality of ground water. NEERI has carried out ground water
study for M/s CPCL during 2008 and in different locations as in Table 4.9. The parameters
of ground water analyzed such as Physical parameter, Inorganic parameter, nutrient and
organic parameter, heavy metals and Bacteriological quality in their location is given in
Table 4.10 to 4.15.
Bore well water analysis report 2009-10 avg values
R&D Admin hazardous bio rem
ETP-3 ETP-3 RO storm
Parameters Bore Open waste fill remediation edia
EAST WEST Reject water
Well Well area 1 tion
pH 7.87 7.00 6.24 6.55 6.68 6.49
Oil 3.51 1.73 1.30 2.43 1.57 1.37
Sulfides 0.50 0.21 0.69 1.41 0.65 0.16
solids 58.91 50.75 150.25 139.50 112.75 50.14
BOD 362.90 570.55 11.17 14.17 9.43 11.25
COD 208.08 356.42 115.88 157.50 161.25 135.88
No sample

No sample

No sample

Chlorides 1787.50 29032.50 21337.50 7440.00 69382.50 13750.00

M.Alkalinity 410.83 357.50 215.00 522.50 532.50 375.00

Total Hardness 805.00 5957.50 6075.00 4318.75 10465.00 5610.00

Ca. Hardness 1040.00 3219.67 8286.25 6110.00 5665.00 6798.75

Mg. Hardness 1868.00 7438.36 12388.75 10193.75 11865.00 11536.25

All values are in PPM except pH
Table :4.9 Sampling Locations for Monitoring Ground Water Quality
S.No Sampling Locations
1 Thiruvottiyur
2 Mathur

3 Manali Panchayat

4 ETP III – Manali Refinery

5 R & D- Manali Refinery

6 Chinnasekkadu

7 Manali
8 Administration block – Manali Refinery

Table :4.10 (A) - Ground Water Quality – Physical Parameters

S. Sampling Location pH Tempe Turbidity Total Total Conductivit
N rature (NTU) Suspended Dissolved y (µS/cm)
o (º C) Solids (mg/l) Solids (mg/l)

1 Thiruvottiyur 7.4 29 2 20 4376 6470

2 Mathur 7.5 28 3 17 954 1450

3 Manali Panchayat 6.9 31 3 17 820 1230

4 ETP III–Manali Refinery 7.1 30 2 337 68279 135500

5 R & D- Manali Refinery 7 30 2 263 19623 67500

6 Chinnasekkadu 7.5 30 11 16 1450 2210

7 Manali 7.1 30 15 35 990 1580

8 Administration block – 8.3 29 8 82 3412 5930

Manali Refinery

Table :4.10(B) -Ground Water Quality – Inorganic Parameters

S. Sampling Total Total Calcium Chloride Sulphate Sodium Potassiu
No Locations alkalinity Hardnes hardness (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) m (mg/l)
(mg/l as s (mg/l (mg/l as
CaCO3) as CaCO3)

1 Thiruvottiyur 130 460 288 510 750 800 64

2 Mathur 48 82 64 110 150 113 160

3 Manali 22 186 123 230 120 150 19

4 ETP III – 58 9450 438 10981 5400 6560 32
Manali Refinery

5 R & D- Manali 58 3350 352 7332 2400 2800 28

6 Chinnasekkad 80 242 169 310 260 350 74
7 Manali 66 236 164 240 150 140 27
8 Admin block – 52 390 122 424 200 1040 12
Manali Refinery

Table :4.11
Ground Water Quality – Nutrient, Demand and Organic Parameters
S. Sampling Location Total Total Dissolved Chemical Oil & Hydro
No Nitrate Phosphate Oxygen Oxygen Grease Carbons
as N as P Demand

(mg/l) (µg/l)
1 Thiruvottiyur 14.8 0.06 3.0 8 3.2 2.2

2 Mathur 17.6 0.32 2.2 5 BDL BDL

3 Manali Panchayat 10.8 0.07 3.0 8 4.5 17.1

4 ETP III – Manali Refinery 1.0 0.2 Nil 22 BDL 25

5 R & D- Manali Refinery 2.0 0.8 Nil 16 BDL 16

6 Chinnasekkadu 36 0.16 1.1 25 BDL BDL

7 Manali 28 BDL 0.8 10 4 24.1

8 Administration block – 1.2 0.2 7.9 8.0 BDL 43

Manali Refinery

Table :4.12 Ground Water Quality – Heavy Metals

S. Sampling Al As Cd Co Cr Cu Fe Mn Ni Pb Zn
No Locations (mg/l)
1 Thiruvottiyur BDL BD 0.00 0.00 BDL 0.05 0.05 0.503 BDL BDL 8.739
L 5 9 3 8
2 Mathur BDL BD BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.14 0.002 BDL BDL 0.080
L 4
3 Manali 0.08 BD BDL BDL BDL 0.03 0.05 0.143 BDL BDL 0.433
Panchayat 7 L 1 7
4 ETP III – 0.05 BD 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.23 1.390 BDL BDL 0.033
Manali Refinery 8 L 0 1 6 0 7
5 R & D- Manali 2.12 BD 0.00 BDL 0.00 0.04 2.10 0.489 BDL BDL 0.026
Refinery 6 L 6 7 7 8
6 Chinnasekkadu BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.00 0.055 0.01 BDL BDL 0.369
6 6
7 Manali BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.041 0.03 BDL BDL 0.082
8 Admin block – 0.53 BDL BDL BDL 0.03 BDL 0.231 0.14 BDL BDL 0.018
Manali Refinery 4 2 1
BDL-Below Detection Limit

Table :4.13 Bacteriological Quality of Ground Water

S.No Sampling Location MPN/100 ml

HPC Fecal Coliforms E.Coli


1 Thiruvottiyur 8.9 x 105 2.1 x 103 390

2 Mathur TNTC 3.18 x 105 19.6 x 103

3 Manali Panchayat 1.9 x 104 4.2 x 102 260


4 Chinnasekkadu TNTC 8.9 x 105 2.4 x 103

5 Manali TNTC 4.3 x 106 8.3 x 103

4.2.2. Source identification (Existing Sources of Ground Water

Handling of Non Hazardous /hazardous solid waste from ETP during
collection, storage, transportation and disposal system may get spills Which
are the sources. Manali Industrial Area is located in the coastal region, sea
water intrusion is the predominant source of ground water contamination.
Handling of chemical raw material spillage on ground will leach during rains
also the cause for ground water pollution.
4.2.3. Ground Water Quality monitoring:
Industries those who are having test Bore Well such as TPL, MPL, CPCL,
SRF, MFL are self monitoring ground water quality periodically in their
4.2.4. Action Plan for control of pollution including cost/time
Name of Critical Action Point cost in Target
the unit Pollutants lakhs

CPCL Oily sludge In-situ Mechanical treatment 25 Dec’10

Co-processing of Hazardous 200 Dec’10
waste in cement Kilns
Provision of additional sludge 200 Aug-10
Sludge treatment 100 Sep-10
TPL LAB Calcium Fluoride Advance process control to 11 Mar-11
Sludge generation reduce CaF2 sludge

Accumulated Transport of HW 10 Mar-11

hazardous waste

TPL ECH ETP Sludge Modification of ETP to reduce 2 Sep-10

sludge generation
TPL HCD Mercury compound Construct containment wall 84 Mar-11
bearing storage pit below ground level
To provide protective LDPE top
layer with drain facility

SRF Ltd., Hazardous Increasing the capacity of 20 Sep’2010
(EPB) Waste Storage Hazardous waste storage
Yard shed

Petro HW Co incinerating the solid 8 Oct’2010

Araldite hazardous wastes in the
Private cement kiln

4.2.5.Treatment and management of contaminated ground water

Rain water harvests and recharging the rain water into ground water may
dilute the presence of any unwanted pollutants and reduce the sea water
4.3. Solid Waste Generation and Management
4.3.1 Waste classification and Quantification
All the industries in Manali generating hazardous and non hazardous waste
and the details of generation of hazardous waste are stated in Tables below. Hazardous Waste


Hazardous Waste (2009 – 2010)

Name Authorised Waste generation Treatment & Accumulated Qty

Quantity Tons/year 2009- disposal As on 31.03.10
MT/Annum 10 mechanism (Tons)

Used Oil 2.0 0.0 Sold to SPCB 0.0

authorised vendor

Waste Oil 140 53.2 Used as fuel in 0.0

TPL heater
ETP Sludge 300 93.0 Disposed to TSDF 93.0


Name Authorised Waste Treatment & Accumulated Qty

Quantity generation disposal As on 31.03.10
MT/Annu Tons/year mechanism (Tons)
m 2009-10

Used Oil 30.0 17.01 Sold to SPCB 0.0

authorised vendor
Waste Oil 300 173.4 Used as fuel in TPL 42.0
ETP Sludge 1.0 0.0 Disposed to TSDF 0.0

Brine sludge ----- No generation Stored in LDPE 6908.627 MT till

containing after lined impervious 20.05.1998
mercury 20.05.1998 pits with in factory

Hazardous Waste (2009 – 2010)
Name Authorised Waste Treatment & Accumulated Qty
Quantity generation disposal As on 31.03.10
MT/Annum Tons/year mechanism (Tons)
Used Oil 10.0 1.228 Sold to SPCB 5.634
authorised vendor

Sent to UK for
Spent Catalyst 20.0 14.387 recovery of 3.681
precious metal.

Molecular Sieve 154.75 MT 135.38 Disposed to TSDF 0.0

/ 10 Year
Spent Catalyst 17.72 Disposed to TSDF 0.0
from Hydrobon
Slop Oil 1100 369.44 Used as fuel in TPL 0.0
ETP Sludge 5.0 1.3 Disposed to TSDF 11.80

CaF2 Sludge 43.0 5.86 / Disposed to TSDF 456.265

Oil skimming 1.0 0.0 Used as fuel in TPL 0.0
residue heater


Hazardous (2009 – 2010)
Name Authorised Waste Treatment & Accumulated
Quantity generation disposal Qty
MT/Annum Tons/year mechanism As on 31.03.10
2009-10 (Tons)

Spent Disposed to the

lubricating oil 800 Lts// year 1060 Lts. TNPCB authorized 310 Lts.
Spent catalyst 500 Kg/ 5 Nil Disposed to
Years common hazardous
238 Kg.
waste management
Salts from Solar 1000 Kg/ Year 760 kg Disposed to
evaporation common hazardous 3,470 Kg
Ponds waste management


Name Waste Treatment & disposal mechanism

Recovered oil 5000 Reprocessed within the premises and converted to

Petroleum products

Oily sludge 1000 Chemical Mechanical/Bio remediation and land fill

Spent 100 Partly sent to Authorized recyclers & partly sent to

catalyst TNWML

Used 10 Disposed in TNWML

Chemical 10 TNWML, incineration
sludge, Date (Facility to be commissioned)

M/S.CPCL -Item wise hazardous waste as of


No Name Quantity disposal Methodolgy material
M3 kept at
4.1 1 oily sludge 10250 Mech treatment at CPCL Haz Pit
Meachanically treated
2 sediment 50 Bio remediation pit
under bio remediation
Total sludge +sediments
Quantity disposal Methodolgy material
4.2 3 Spent catalyst MT kept at

a spent Activated Carbon 10 TNWML incineration R&D
b Rock salt 4.9 TNWML landfill
c Chloriguard Plt 205 2.8 TNWML
d Spent Catalyst Plt 205 28 TNWML
f FCCU E catatalyst 60 being despatched to Haldia Refinery
Sub total 130
not ready at
4.5 Chemical sludge 10 TNWML incineration ETP 3 TNWML site
33 Discarded containers
FeCl3 carbuyos 200 nos process near ETP 3 Being sold after cleaning



Name Authorize Waste generation Treatment & disposal

d quantity (Tons/year) mechanism
Jan’09 to Dec’09

20.3 Distillation residue 800 306.453 Sent to disposal through

PCB authorized agency

5.1 Used/ Spent oil 100 64.0 Sent for recycling through
PCB authorized agency.

5.2 Wastes/ residues Sent to disposal through

containing oil 7.0 5.325 PCB authorized agency

4.5 Chemical sludge 10 8.4 Collected & stored. Applied

from waste water for disposal authorization.

34.2 Toxic metal

containing Residue from 0.5 0.5 Collected & stored. Applied
used ion exchange for disposal authorization.
material in water

33.3 Discarded 2500 Nos 1909 Sent for recycling through

Containers PCB authorized agency.


Waste generation Waste generation Treatment &
Name (Tons / Year) (Tons / Year) disposal
JAN-08—DEC-08 JAN-09—DEC-09 mechanism
Not Collection,
Applicable Storage &
Used / Spent disposal to
0.573 1.11



Name Waste Treatment & disposal mechanism

Spent catalyst(18.1) 100 MT Stored in ear marked location in steel drums

(actual stock as on 119.6 MT with lid in impervious ground without
31.03.2010) 40 MT causing pollution to Air, Water and soil and
Spent oil ( 5.1) NIL Sold to vendors authorised by CPCB thru’
(actual stock as on MSTC
31.03.2010) 1.5 MT As per HW act.
Oil soaked cotton(5.2) NIL
Stock 100 barrel
(actual stock as on NIL

HW empty drums(33.3)
(actual stock as on


Spent oil – 5.1 , Maximum 4000 Liters /annum. Collected from various drives from
Industrial activity

Waste Accumulat
Generation Treatment & Disposal ed Qty.
Name (Tons/year) Mechanism (MT) as on
2009 – 2010 30.06.2010
Only given to TNPCB
5.1 Used / Spent Oil 2770 Liters 1821 Liters
approved re-claimers


Spent oil – 5.1 , Maximum 2000 Liters /annum. Collected from various drives from
Industrial activity

Waste Accumulat
Generation Treatment & Disposal ed Qty.
Name (Tons/year) Mechanism (MT) as on
2009 – 2010 30.06.2010
Only given to TNPCB
5.1 Used / Spent Oil 1610 Liters 330 Liters
approved re-claimers


Non-Hazardous Hazardous

Not Applicable Name Waste Treatment & disposal Accumulated
generation mechanism qty (MT) as
(Tons/year) on 30.04.2010
Apr – 09 to
Mar - 10
5.1 Used/spent oil 5.000 Sent to Authorized lube 1.508
oil recyclers like M/s
Quality lube products Ltd,
20.2. Spent solvents 20.000 Sent to Authorized 14.403
recycler for spent solvents
like M/s East coast
organics, Chennai
23.1. Wastes/residues 60.000 Authorized by Board to 34.947
(not made with dispose in cement kilns.
vegetable or animal
35.1. Filter and filter 70.000 Authorized by Board to 26.292
material with organic dispose in cement kilns.
33.3. Discarded 11000 Nos. 205 Sent to Authorized 8407 Nos. 205
containers / barrels / Ltrs barrels. recycler for discarded Ltrs barrels.
liners used for 3000 Nos. 25 / barrels and containers like 1500 Nos. 25 /
hazardous waste / 35 ltrs container M/s Muthu trading 35 ltrs
chemicals per year company, Chennai. container
36.1. Ash from 1.881 Disposal to TNWML, 1.881
incineration of Gummidipoondi
hazardous waste,flue
gas cleaning residue
15.1. Asbestos 1.460 Disposal to TNWML, 1.460
containing residue Gummidipoondi


Name Waste Treatment & disposal mechanism

Spent Oil Disposed to authorized recyclers

Wasted residue containing oil Disposed to authorized recyclers
Tarry Residue Depoly Cracker Stored

Waste residue from Dipping Stored

plant 60

Chemical Sludge from ETP Disposed to TSDF

including RO Reject

64 Biomedical Waste
The details of Bio Medical waste generation from the industry are stated in the table.
Sr Name of the Industry. Quantity of bio Disposal
No Medical waste
1 Chennai Petroleum 19.7 Kg/M Segregated at sources and given
Corporation Limited. to authorized BMW disposal
2 Indian Additives Ltd., 10-12 Kg/A Sent to near by tie-up hospital.
3 Petro Aradite. 6-7 KG/A Sent to near by tie-up hospital.
4 TPL – ECH PLANT 1.0 Kg / month Segregated at sources and given
to authorized BMW disposal
5 TPL – HCD PLANT 1.0 Kg / month Segregated at sources and given
to authorized BMW disposal
6 TPL – LAB PLANT 1.0 Kg / month Segregated at sources and given
to authorized BMW disposal
facility Electronic Waste:
Electronic waste such as components 100 Nos/ year are collected by CPCL & sent to
authorized recycler. Madras Fertilizers Ltd, Petro Araldite Pvt Ltd, India Additives Ltd are
also sent the e-waste to authorized recycler. Municipal solid waste/Domestic Waste/Sludges from ETPs /CETPs / STPs
and other industrial sources.
ETP sludge is disposed to Brick Manufacturers and STP bio sludge is used as manure.
Non Hazardous (2008-09)
Name Waste generation (Tons/year) Treatment & disposal mechanism
Lime sludge 3135 MT Taken by brick manufacturer.


ETP sludge is disposed stored in pits.
Non Hazardous
Name Waste generation (Tons/year) Treatment & disposal mechanism
in 2008 -09
Brine sludge 1500 MT Stored in pits and landfill


Non Hazardous

Name Waste generation Treatment & disposal mechanism

Paper waste 10 Collected in warehouse bin & Disposed
by tendering
Dust Bin collections 10 Disposed to Manali Municipal yard
Scrap iron etc 100 Disposed by tendering
Used containers of 10 Disposed by Tendering
Domestic waste from Canteen are buried in composting pits and after sufficient period for
composting these materials are used as manure for our gardens.

Lime Softner Sludge from TTP of about 2000 MT /Annum – Disposed through land filling
inside the premises. Bio Sludge of about 5 T/annum from sewage clarifiers are dried & used
as Manure.
Non Hazardous

Name Waste generation (Tons/year) Treatment & disposal mechanism

Wood scrap - By auction

Spent lime Total quantity Dumped in ear marked impervious land
area inside factory
Metal scrap May be around 4 MT/day By auction

Wet garbage All put together By composting in pits

Stationery Shredding & selling


Non hazardous Waste collected from

A. Milk of Lime plant rejects. 846 MT/Annum
B. Sludge collected from PO Plant waste water prior to waste water treatment plant
1406.86 MT/Annum

Above rejects and sludge used for Brick manufacturing, Low-lying area land filling for green

Generation Treatment & Disposal
Name Qty. (MT) as
(Tons/year) Mechanism
on 30.06.2010
2009 – 2010

Given to brick manufacturers,

Milk of Lime Plant
994 filling low lying areas for 9 Tons
Rejects (Dry Basis)
green belt development.

PO Plant Sludge form Given to brick manufacturers,

Solid separation unit 1586 filling low lying areas for 50 Tons.
(RVDF Dry Basis) green belt development.

Non hazardous Waste collected from

a) Milk of Lime plant rejects. 1744MT/Annum
b) Sludge collected from PO Plant waste water prior to waste water treatment plant
748 MT/Annum
Above rejects and sludge used for Brick manufacturing, Low-lying area land filling
for green development


Generation Treatment & Disposal
Name Qty. (MT) as on
(Tons/year) Mechanism
2009 – 2010
Given to brick manufacturers,
Milk of Lime Plant
7785 filling low lying areas for green 6 Tons
Rejects (Dry Basis)
belt development.

PO Plant Sludge form Given to brick manufacturers,

Solid separation unit 765 filling low lying areas for green 40 Tons.
(RVDF Dry Basis) belt development.

SRF LIMITED ; The waste is recycled in their unit itself

Non Hazardous

Name Waste generation Treatment & disposal

(Tons/year) mechanism
Polymer 12 Recycled in Depoly

Yarn Waste 90 Recycled in Depoly

Cord Waste 110 Recycled in Depoly Plastic Waste:

No plastic waste generation from Industries since all the industries are banned the use of
plastic inside the industrial complex. Quantification of wastes and relative contribution from different sources.

S. Quantity / year
Type of Waste
1. Hazardous Waste
1. Reprocessable (Fuel) 6000 MT/Annum
2. Incinerable /co-processable in cement 1634 MT/Annum
3. Landfillable. 3875 MT/Annum
4. Recyclable 812 MT/Annum
2. Bio Medical Waste
3. Electronic Waste 1.2 T/Y

4. Plastic Waste Nil

4.3.2. Identification of waste minimization and waste exchange options.

A trial run is being done by using an environment friendly coagulant in place of Ferric
chloride in the Flocculation tank of ETP to improve colour and reduce COD level. Based on
the trial run being carried out in ETP, the generation of ETP sludge will also get reduced.
Advance process control’ up gradation ensures more stable operation resulting in
minimization of CaF2 sludge generation


Adoption of new Technology for sludge minimization
 Usage of High Reactive Poly Iso Butylene in place of conventional Poly Iso Butylene as
raw material has resulted in more yield of product and less solid waste generation.

 Usage of high purity lime reduced solid waste generation and better yield of product.

 Process technology up gradation reduces process sediment which in turn improves

filtration yield per run. This has resulted in reduction of solid wastes generation by
around 30%.


By optimizing operational parameters the life of Catalyst has been increased thus
increasing the life of Catalyst which in turn reduced the Hazardous Waste spent Catalyst
The spent Catalyst generated are sold to co – processors for recycle.


Identified and implemented / Indigenous lime having purity of 60 to 65%. We are using
imported lime with high purity of 90%.In this way waste minimization and waste reduction
done in MPL


Identified and implemented/ Indigenous lime having purity of 60 to 65%. We are using
imported lime with high purity of 90%.In this way waste minimization and waste reduction
done in MPL

4.3.3 Reduction/Reuse/Recovery/Recycle options in the co-

processing of wastes.
TPL – ECH PLANT: Waste oil is used as fuel in heaters at LAB plant.
TPL – HCD PLANT: Waste oil is used as fuel in heaters
TPL – LAB PLANT :Waste oil is used as fuel in heaters ,Slop oil is used as fuel in heaters &
Spent catalyst is sent for recovery of precious metal.
CETEX PETROCHEMICALS LTD:By products are sold as value added products & Spent
catalyst is sent for recovery of precious metal.
CHENNAI PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD:Use of sludge in cement kiln is proposed
INDIAN ADDITIVES LTD: Trial plans made for co-incinerating incinerable hazardous wastes
in cement industries for recovering energy and mass.
KOTHARI PETROCHEMICALS LTD:STP sludge is being reused as manure.

4.3.4. Infrastructure facilities;- Existing TSDF / Incineration facilities

About 25 kms from Manali complex a common Hazardous waste Treatment Storage and

disposal Facility (CHWTSDF) has been established at the site identified in SIPCOT

Industrial complex, Gummidipoondi , Thiruvallur District in 26 acres extent of land at the

cost of Rs.45 crores as per CPCB Guidelines. The landfill facility of one Lakh ton per year

capacity is under operation from January 2008. The Incineration facility of 1 ton per hour

capacity has just been installed and it is under Trial Run.

68 Status / Performance and Need of upgaradation of existing facility

including enhancement of facility

The cell 1 of the Phase-I of the existing Landfill facility at CHWTSDF, Gummidipoondi has

been exhausted its capacity of 50 thousand tons in last April 2010 and capping of the cell

1 is to be undertaken. The cell 2 of phase-I has been established and is in operation now.

Commercial operation of Incineration facility is to be carried out. and Management of contamination of waste disposal site

No contaminated waste disposal site is identified and required decontamination in Manali

Industrial Complex. – Impact on CEPI score after proper management of Solid Wastes.

Detail A1 A2 A B1 B2 B3 B C1 C2 C3 C D Score
As per
CPCB 2 5 10 7.75 3 3 13.75 3 4.75 5 19.25 15 58
2009-10 2 5 10 2 3 0 5 3 1 5 8 15 38

Shorterm & 3 5 15 1 0 0 1 3 1 5 8 10 34



5. PPP Model

5.1 Identification of project proposals (for both the options i.e.,

technology intervention and infrastructure renewal) for
implementation under the PPP mode under the Action Plan.
 Adequate storm water drains to be provided with in the Manali
Complex with proper disposal facility.
 The road facility connecting the Manali Industrial Complex has to be
strengthened and widened to by considering the present traffic
 The road connecting Manali service road to be repaired and
 The lighting all along the roads of Manali Industrial Complex .
 The ponds located in the surrounding area of the industrial complex
has to be de silted in order to preserve the water sources.
 The Buckingham canal has to be preserved.
 Reduction of SO2 by introducing advanced process control of optimizing the
use of raw materials of petroleum feed stock by M/s Tamilnadu Petro
products Limited ( LAB Project) .
 Reduction of SO2 and RSPM in furnace oil emission by mixing the by
products light polymer with furnace oil as it contain nil sulphur and as
content proposed by M/s Kothori Petrochemicals Limited.

5.2 Identification of stakeholders / agencies to be involved and to
evolve financial and managerial mechanisms for implementation of PPP

The existing infrastructure facilities provided by the industrial units for

their own use has to be maintained by the concern industries and hence the
cost involving for the monitoring, and revamping of the same has to be
beard by them. The cost required to up grade the common existing
infrastructure such as lighting of roads, strengthening of roads , desilting of
ponds, and other water resources has to be provided by the concern
authority of the State Government.




6. Other Infrastructural Renewal measures:

6.1 Green belt: Statement showing the details of green belt developed, and proposed
to be developed in Manali Industrial Complex is given below.

S. No of green belt
Name of the Industry
No. developed, total area

Cetex Petrochemicals Ltd Existing - 45 acres


6000 trees are existing. Proposed to

2. Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd
develop additional trees.

3. Futura Polyesters Ltd 100 acres

10 acres. Continuous focus is being

Indian Additives Ltd made on green belt development.
2.5 hectares, further development is
5. Kothari Petrochemicals Ltd under progress.

30 acres, 7000 trees are available at

6. Madras Fertilizers Ltd present and 310 saplings will be
planted during Sep-Oct,2010.
Total saplings planted inside and
outside the premises is 2280 up to
7. Manali Petrochemicals Ltd-Plant I

Total saplings planted inside and

outside the premises is 1765 up to
8. Manali Petrochemicals Ltd-Plant II

Proposed to develop additional green

9. Petro Araldite Ltd belt in and around the factory
Proposed to develop additional green
belt in and around the factory
SRF Ltd premises.

Proposed to develop additional green
belt in and around the factory
11. Tamilnadu Petrochemicals Ltd-ECH

Proposed to develop additional green

belt in and around the factory
12. Tamilnadu Petrochemicals Ltd-HCD

Proposed to develop additional green

belt in and around the factory
13. Tamilnadu Petrochemicals Ltd-LAB

6.2 . Development of Industrial Estate: This is an existing industrial complex, new

industries and expansion activities are planned in undeveloped areas systematically.

6.3 . Shifting of Industries: Manali Industrial area is classified as Industrial Estate

developing petro chemical industries, with CEPI rank 76.32.



7. Specific Schemes
7.1 GIS-GPS system for pollution sources monitoring:

GIS – GPS system for pollution source monitoring has not been implemented. But
CPCL is planned to introduce GPS monitoring for AAQM station TNPCB is also planned
to introduce GPS system for hazardous waste vehicle moments.

7.2 Hydro-geological fracturing for water bodies rejuvenation

CPCL discharging 100 KLD of RO reject into Buckingham canal runs adjacent to the
manali industrial area running parallel to the Coromandel Coast of South India for 420
km. The first segment of the canal was constructed in 1806, from Chennai north to
Ennore. The canal was formerly used to convey goods up and down the coast to

Within the city of Chennai the Buckingham Canal is badly polluted from sewage and
industrial effluent, and the silting up of the canal has left the water stagnant.
Five industries are discharging their treated effluent to the Bay of Bengal at two
location Kathivagam & Thiruvottiur respectively through two individual pipelines laid
by manali petrochemicals. After conducting a detailed EIA studies, MPL is planned to
renew the existing pipelines and to discharge the treated effluent in single point at bay
of Bengal near Thiruvottiur.

7.3 In-site remediation of sewage: Sewage effluent of 1940 KLD generated from
industries is treated in their In-site treatment plant and the treated sewage is reused in
green belt and in process.

7.4 Utilization of MSW inert by gas based brick kilns: There is no specific
scheme in this regard.

7.5 Co-processing of wastes in cement industries

M/S.CPCL, M/S.IAL, M/S.Petro Araldite Private Limited, M/S.SRF Limited are

generating incinerable hazardous solid waste. All industries are proposed to send
their waste for co-process in cement kilns as fuel/ raw mix for which trial runs are be
carried out.




8. Public Awareness and training program

In Manali Industrial complex, public awareness and training program are

conducted regularly by various industries. Training is imparted to the

employees of industries. Further off site, on site emergency preparedness

plans and mock drills are regularly conducted in Manali Town periodically.

Awareness on environment protection has also educated to the school


Environment Training Institute of the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board

is conducting various training programme in the field of environmental

issues, such as Hazardous waste management, Air quality monitoring,

Water quality monitoring, Bio Medical Waste, Municipal solid waste

Management, etc. The employees in Manali industries are regularly

participated in such training programme.



9. Overall Impact of installation/commissioning of pollution control
equipment Measures on the CEPI Score.
The consolidated report arriving the CEPI Score for the Water Environment,
Air Environment, and for the solid waste management are stated below.

Impact on CEPI score after installation /commissioning of full fledged

air pollution control system
Detail A1 A2 A B1 B2 B3 B C1 C2 C3 C D Score

As per CPCB 5 5 25 6 3 3 12 3 4 0 12 15 64

During 3 5 15 7.5 3 0 10.75 3 4 5 17 15 57.75


Short-term 5 5 25 1 0 0 1 3 1 5 8 10 44
& Long -

Impact on CEPI score after installation /commissioning of full fledged

Water pollution control system
Detail A1 A2 A B1 B2 B3 B C1 C2 C3 C D Score

As per CPCB 3 5 15 8 3 3 14 3 5 5 20 10 59

During 3 5 15 8 3 0 11 3 5 5 20 10 56
Short-term & 3 5 15 1 0 0 1 3 1 5 8 10 34
Long -term

Impact on CEPI score after proper management of Solid Wastes.

Detail A1 A2 A B1 B2 B3 B C1 C2 C3 C D Score

As per CPCB 2 5 10 7.75 3 3 13.75 3 4.75 5 19.25 15 58


During 2 5 10 2 3 0 5 3 1 5 8 15 38

Short-term 3 5 15 1 0 0 1 3 1 5 8 10 34
& Long-term

Overall Impact of Installation / commissioning of pollution control equipment /

measures on the CEPI Scores
Sl. Details Air Water Land CEPI Score
1 As per CPCB
Notification 64 59 58 76.32
2 During 2009-10
57.75 56 38 66.74
3 After Shor term &
Long term Measures 44 34 34 50.74

As per the analyses made, it is inferred that, on implementation and

commissioning of full fledged air pollution control system , Water pollution
control system, proper solid waste management, and improving &
revamping the exiting infrastructural system the CEPI score will be
reduced to 50.74.

CHAPTER – 10&11




10. Assessment of Techno- economical feasibility of pollution control
system in the clusters of small/medium scale industries.

The manufacturing activities of petroleum and petrochemical products, are

complex process and such activities can not be carried in small scale.
Further no small scale industry is located in the Manali Industrial Complex.




11. Efforts shall be made to encourage use of Bio Compost and bio
fertilizer along with the chemical fertilizer in the state to minimize the
unutilized chemical fertilizer run-off in to the natural water resources
from the agriculture fields (through Govt Policy)

There is no agricultural activity carried out even in the impact zone around
the Manali Industrial Complex. Further no such steps mentioned have been
taken to minimize the unutilized chemical fertilizer run-off in to the natural
water resources from the agriculture fields.




12.1 Short Term Action Points. The detailed action points in all three
matrices are elaborated industries wise in table 12.1
Table 12.1

1. Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited(CPCL)

S.No Action Points (including source & Responsible Time limit Cost Rs
mitigation measures) Stack Crore

1 Zero discharge of Effluent to CPCL Aug 2011 2

Buckingham canal
2 Consistency in Effluent quality CPCL Dec’10 15
as per New MINAS Revamp of
DAF unit in ETP-2
3 Conversion of open surge pond CPCL Sept’ 11 15
in ETP-1 and ETP-2 to closed
tanks conversion ETP-2 surge
pond to closed tanks
4 In-situ sludge treatment in CPCL Dec’ 10 1
crude tanks
5 Mobile Ambient Air Quality CPCL Dec’10 10
monitoring station
AAQ monitoring & Control as
per new schedule
6 Linking AAQM/CSM with CPCL Dec’ 11 0.5
TNPCB one AAQM station
already linked thro’ internet
7 Provision ACF for VOC CPCL Sept’ 11 2
adsorption ETP-2 and 3
8 Fugitive emission inventory CPCL Nov’ 10 0.25
9 Oil Sewage system CPCL Dec’ 10 1
identification & rectification
10 Provision of additional sludge CPCL Sep’ 10 3
11 Use of GPS / GIS for air quality CPCL Dec’ 10 1

2. Madras Fertilizers Limited

Sl. Action Points (including source & Responsibl Time limit Cost
No. mitigation measures) e Stake Rs in
Holders lacs
1 Installation of Ammonia sensors MFL One sensor 80
with uploading facility to TNPCB before Oct
2010. Eleven
server sensors
before Dec
2 Installation of one Stack Monitor MFL Before March 100
with uploading facility to TNPCB 2011.

3.Tamilnadu Petrol Products – ECH

S.No Action points (including source & Responsible Time Cost
mitigation measure) stake holder limit

1 Online sensors for monitoring TPL – ECH Complet 4.0 Lakhs

chlorine is provided and Plant ed.
monitoring data has been
uploaded to TNPCB server
from 15.07.2010

2 Decided to conduct AAQ TPL – ECH Sep 1.0 lakhs

survey as per the new AAQS Plant 2010
for the parameters specific to
the unit
3 Apart from the unit’s internal TPL – ECH 2010-11 2.5 Lakhs
periodic monitoring, Plant
environmental monitoring
frequency will be enhanced
through accredited laboratory

4 As advised by TNPCB, the TPL – ECH Dec-

marine impact study will be Plant 2010. 5.0 Lakhs
conducted either jointly with
M/s. MPL or stand-alone.

5 A trial run is being done by TPL – ECH Sep- 2.0 Lakhs

using an environment friendly Plant 2010
coagulant in place of Ferric
chloride in the Flocculation
tank of ETP to improve colour
and reduce COD level.

6 Based on the trial run being TPL – ECH Sep- 2.0 Lakhs
carried out in ETP, the Plant 2010 / annum
generation of ETP sludge will
also get reduced.

7 Proposed to develop additional TPL – ECH March 2.5 Lakhs

Green belt in and around the Plant 2011.
factory premises

4. Tamilnadu Petrol Products – HCD

S.No Action points (including source Responsible Time limit Cost
& mitigation measure) stake holder
1 By effecting a modification in TPL – HCD March 30.0
chlorine cylinder filling system. 2011. lakhs

2 Continuous monitoring system TPL - HCD Sep 2010 5.5

for the parameters chlorine in lakhs
WAD stack, HCl vapor in HCl
production Unit and, PM, SO2,
NOx, and CO in CPP will be
provided and data will be
uploaded to TNPCB server.

3 Decided to conduct AAQ survey TPL - HCD Sep 2010 1.0

as per the new AAQS for the lakhs
parameters specific to the unit
and based on the report further
action will be taken.

4 Apart from our periodic TPL -HCD March 2.5

monitoring, environmental 2011 Lakhs/Y
monitoring will be carried out r
through accredited laboratory

5 Entire quantity of treated TPL -HCD Continuou ----

effluent is used in TPL – ECH s
plant process, thus by
achieving zero discharge.

6 As per SCMC observations and TPL -HCD March 84.0
subsequent directive from 2011 Lakhs
TNPCB, integrity assessment
study of Mercury bearing
sludge storage pit has been
conducted by Prof. Dr.S.Mohan
of M/s. NITTTR, Chennai & has
advised the following measures
to strengthen the sludge
storage pit:
1) To construct the
containment wall below
ground level on the
western side to evade
ground water flow.

2) Brick retaining wall to be

constructed at the suggested

3) Protective LDPE top layer

with drain facility to be
provided to prevent water
The recommendations specified
in the report, will be
implemented during the
financial year 2010-11.
7 To confirm classification under Sep 2010 Financia
‘Non-Hazardous’ category, l
Brine sludge generated from investm
the existing Membrane cell ent 1.5
process has been sent to Lakhs
Centre for Environmental
Management, NITTTR, Chennai
for analysis, the report of
which will be submitted upon

5.Tamilnadu Petrol Products – LAB

S.N Action points (including source & Responsible Time Cost
o mitigation measure) stake holder limit
1 Online sensors for monitoring TPL – LAB Sep 2010 6.0
PM2.5 will be provided and Plant Lakhs
monitoring data will be uploaded
to TNPCB server.

2 Online sensors for monitoring TPL – LAB Sep 2010 12 lakhs
Benzene will be provided and Plant
monitoring data will be uploaded
to TNPCB server.
3 ‘Advance process control’ up TPL – LAB 2010 – 11.0
gradation ensures reduction in Plant 2011 lakhs
fuel oil consumption and
consequent reduction in SO2
4 Continuous monitoring system TPL – LAB Sep 2010 25 lakhs
along with data uploading facility Plant
for 3 stacks attached to Captive
Power Plant will be provided and
data will be connected to TNPCB
5 Decided to conduct AAQ survey TPL – LAB July 1.0 lakhs
as per the new AAQS for the Plant 2010
parameters specific to the unit
and based on the report further
action will be taken.

Apart from the unit’s internal TPL – LAB March 2.5

periodic monitoring, Plant 2011 Lakhs /
6 environmental monitoring annum
frequency will be enhanced
through accredited laboratory.
7 Entire quantity of treated TPL – LAB Continuo
effluent is used in TPL – ECH Plant us
plant process, thus achieving
zero discharge.
8 ‘Advance process control’ up TPL – LAB March 11.0
gradation ensures more stable Plant 2011 lakhs
operation resulting in reduction
in CaF2 sludge generation.

9 Hazardous waste is being TPL – LAB March 10.0

transported to the authorized Plant 2011 Lakhs
Landfill facility for permanent

10 Proposed to develop additional TPL – LAB March 2.5

Green belt in and around the Plant 2011. Lakhs
factory premises

6. Manali Petro Chemicals – I
S. Action Points (including source Responsibl Time Cost
No & mitigation measures) e stake limit

1 To reduce SPM level in the MPL Within a Rs 25

boiler stack Retrofit burner year lakhs
To reduce SO2 level in the boiler Rs 20
stack. With in a lakhs
- Discuss with oil companies year Rs 25
- Provide scrubber lakhs
With in a
4 Ambient Air quality SPM levels Rs 1.0
MPL year
Renewal of DG sets crore
With in a
5. Rs 6.0 to
MPL six
6. Treated effluent Disposal line to 8.0
sea crores
With in a
Rain Water collection system at year Rs 3.0
7. Solid waste collection area and With in a lakhs
route the rain water to Bio – year
reactor system.
Rs 10.
Installation of Ambient Chlorine With in a lakhs
, SPM, Two VOC monitoring year
system and data uploading to

7. Manali Petro Chemicals – II

S. Action Points (including source Responsible Time Cost
No & mitigation measures) stake limit

1 Ambient Air quality SPM levels MPL With in a Rs 25
year lakhs
Renewal of DG sets
2 MPL Rs 1.0
Treated effluent Disposal line Installed crore
3 to sea MPL
Rain Water collection system at With in a Rs 6.0 to
4 Solid waste collection area and MPL year 8.0
route the rain water to Bio – With in a crores
reactor system. six Rs 3.0
5 Installation of Ambient MPL months lakhs
Chlorine , SPM, Two VOC
6 monitoring system and data MPL With in a Rs 10.
uploading to TNPCB year Lakhs
Provision of landscape green
belt on accumulated sludge
With in a Rs 10.
year Lakhs

8.Balmer & Lawrie & Co Ltd.,

S. No Action Points (including source & Responsible Time limit Cost
mitigation measures) stake Holders

Effluent Treatment Plant: B&L One year Rs 6

We are taking action for Lacs
refurbishing of Sewage
treatment plant to the tune.

B&L June June

Stack monitoring station 2010 2010
2 We would be installing one No
of stack emission monitoring
station by end of June 2010

We have got the authorization B&L within

from TNPCB for disposal. We one year.
3 will be disposing the
accumulated ETP Sludge of
22000 Kgs

9. Supreme Petrochemicals Ltd.,

Action Plan Category Target date

1 Connect the existing TVOC SPL July 10 Financial

analyser to TNPCB investment –
Rs 6 Lakhs
2 Connect the existing SPL July 10 Financial
analyser to TNPCB investment –
Rs 14 lakhs
3 Existing practice - Trade SPL Completed Financial
effluent of 250 KLD Dec 10 investment –
recycled as per enclosed Rs 50 lakhs
H2O balance
Study for further
improvements is under
4 Separate space is provide SPL completed Financial
to store hazardous waste investment –
Study for further reduction Dec 10 Rs 5 lakhs
in hazardous waste Technology
generation is under intervention
5 Rain water harvesting is SPL completed Financial
being done in the plant to investment –
collect rain water and Rs 2 lakhs
recharge it in to the
6 Planted 600 trees and the SPL Continuous Financial
company is proposing to investment –
increase greenery coverage Rs 20 lakhs
by planting 300 more trees
on the road side along
near highway

10. Kothari Petrochemicals Ltd.,

S. No stakeholder Time limit Cost Remarks
source mitigation s
For further reduction
of SOx and SPM from
1 Unit head Nov-2010 0.5 Lakhs
boiler stack from
existing level

11. Futura Polyesters Ltd.,

Action points(Including Responsible
S. No Time limit Cost
source mitigation measures) stakeholders

Install online SPM monitor Polyesters
in biomass boiler and linking
Jul-10 Investment -
1 with PCB. Rs.4 lakhs
Bag filters cleaning
frequency will be increased

Make sure all effluents to Futura

ETP goes only through Polyesters
2 Sep-10 -
separate pipes to avoid land
Energy audit will be Futura
conducted to bring down the Polyesters May-11
3 -
power and other utility
To provide closed sheds for Futura
4 all wood chippers to bring Polyesters Oct-10
own the ambient noise level

12. SRF Limited – TTBM

S. No Action Plan Time limit Cost
1. To shift the MDC before
bag filter in boiler
2. To extend the shed Rs 1.3 Lacs
flooring, Ash yard SRF
Fabrication, Dumping Fly
Ash In new Storage Yard. Rs. 9.5
1 Jul-2010
3. Dispose the ash from
new ash storage yard,
make the agreement with
ash disposal vendor, Shed Rs. 5 Lacs
to cover the entire Husk
Storage area.
To provide on line stack SRF
monitoring of SPM in Jul-2010 Rs. 3.5 Lacs
boiler and heater chimney

To dispose cracker Jun' 2010
3 -
Residue and Latex.

Revamping of ETP sludge SRF Rs. 1.24

4 Dec'2010
pit Lacs

13.Indian Additives Ltd.,

S.No Action Points (including source Responsible Time limit Cost
& mitigation measures) Stake Holders
1 Implementing dry cleaning Industry Continuous Nil
methods in plant area for
minimizing oil & grease levels in
2 Installation and running of Industry Aug’10 Rs.50 lakhs
vacuum pump instead of
ejectors for minimizing high
COD effluent generation from
3 Installation of additional oil Industry Nov’10 Rs.5 lakhs
skimmer in effluent treatment
plant for minimizing the oil
content in effluent

4 Installation of additional Industry Oct’10 Rs.6 lakhs

aspirator in ETP for improving
outlet water BOD
5 Provide online connectivity of Industry Jul’10 Rs.10 lakhs
H2S sensor and ambient VOC
analyser to TNPCB

6 Install continuous ambient air Industry Nov’10 Rs.80 lakhs

quality monitoring station for
effective monitoring and control
of ambient air quality levels as
per new standards

Provide analyzers for continuous Industry Nov’10 Rs.20 lakhs

7 monitoring of SO2 & NOx in
thermic fluid heater and boiler
stacks and connect it online to

8 Installation of ground water Industry Nov’10 Rs.1 lakh

monitoring piezometers at
specified depth within the
factory area.

9 Increase covered hazardous Industry Dec’10 Rs.10 lakhs
wastes storage space area within

12.2 Long Term Action Points (more than 1 year) The detailed
action points in all three matrices are elaborated industries wise in table
Table 12.2
1. Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited.
S.No. Action Points (including Responsible Time limit Cost
source & mitigation Stake Rs. crore
measures) Holders

1 Provision of disposing RORR CPCL 2012 3

reject in sea
2 Linking CSM to TNPCB 2011 2

3 Use on Natural gas in place 2012 5

of Low sulfur fuel oil
4 Co-processing of Haz waste 2012 2
in cement plant

2. Madras Fertilizers Limited

Sl. Action Points (including source Responsi-ble Time limit Cost
No & mitigation measures) Stake
1 Installation of one AAQMS MFL Oct 2011 Rs 100
with uploading facility to lacs
TNPCB server
2 Installation of Four AAQMS MFL Two in 2012 Rs
with uploading facility to & Two in 400lacs
TNPCB server 2013.

3 Installation of TWO Stack MFL One in 2012 Rs 200

Monitors with uploading & One in lacs
facility to TNPCB server 2013.

4 Installation of TWO Flare MFL One in 2011 Rs 200
Monitors with uploading & One in lacs
facility to TNPCB server 2012.

S.No Action Points (including Responsible Time limit Cost

source & mitigation Stake Holders

1 Installation of RO cum Industry Sep’11 Rs.150

evaporation system for lakhs
treating effluent water and
reusing it for process

2 Additional Greenery Industry Mar’12 Rs. 2

development in and around lakhs
factory area

5 Conversion to LNG from MFL Before 2012 Rs 300

Naptha feed stock lacs.

3.Indian Additives Ltd.,

Cost Estimate for the Action Plan:

The cost estimate for action plan(short-term / long-term ) prepared by the
industrial units located in the Manali Industrial Complex is stated below.
Cost Estimate

Sl Industry Name Short-term Plan Long-term Plan Total

(Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores) ( Crores)


Chennai Petroleum Corpn.

1 Ltd 50.75 12.0 62.75

2 Madras Fertilizers Limited 1.8 11.0 12.80

3 TPL – ECH 0.19 - 0.19

4 TPL - HCD 1.25 - 1.25

5 TPL – LAB 0.81 - 0.81

6 MPL- I 9.83 - 9.83

7 MPL – II 9.48 - 9.48

8 Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd., 0.06 - 0.06

Supreme Petrochemicals

9 Ltd., 0.97 - 0.97

10 Kothari Petrochemicals Ltd., 0.005 - 0.005

11 Futura Polyesters Ltd., 0.004 - 0.006

12 SRF Limited 0.20 - 0.20

13 Indian Additives Ltd 1.82 1.52 3.34

Total Cost 77.17 24.52 101.69

Photograph of Ambient Air Quality Station - Manali, Chennai

Pollution parameters
1. NH3
2. NOx
3. SO2
4. CO
5. H2S
6. CH4
7. Chlorine
8. TS
9. Wind Speed
10. Wind Direction
11. Temperature
12. Humidity




Stack Emission Monitoring online at M/s SRF Polymers


High Rate Bio Filter - M/s Futura Ltd.,




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